#i may have gone overboard w the lore on this blog 🤡
wonderloste · 2 years
snippets of lore i need to flesh out more in my own head before i meta abt them, but are extremely important to character backgrounds / stories / “routes” include
the original alice changed wonderland when she came there : the ruins of the steampunk city buried beneath the overgrowth and current flora are a result of wonderland being affected by liddell’s fantastical wonder when she came to the realm. the steampunk era was the jabberwocky’s version of wonderland, but alice “saved” wonderland from his dark & dreary rule, giving birth to wonderland as they know it now.
darcy was the one who led the original alice to wonderland knowing that she would save it : the og alice is the only alice to have ever been led there SOLELY by the white rabbit and NOT by the jabberwocky’s nightmares, meaning that she had been able to escape without harm coming to her.
the jabberwocky & the modern day alices (the outsiders) cannot exist in wonderland at the same time. if alice stays, his power withers along with his life & wonderland once again is affected. at the same time, outsiders are needed in wonderland to keep the current state of it alive for reasons that would take a whole post but basically wandering dreamers keep the wonderland alice liddell created alive bc disney cutesy shit KJNMEKRJNHM it’s smth smth to do with going against the red queen’s corrupted magic but that’s a long, long blurb
so the jabberwocky is faced with the choice of kill alice or kill himself, to which he chooses to continuously lure in & kill alice bc he’s immortal and. can’t die. so like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s alice’s fate to die for wonderland and he can’t change that srry perish
darcy is at the opposite end of that and dearly loves alice so at the point of this blog’s story he’s like “no fuck u i’m going to save alice and kill u instead” which leads to him interfering when aleister tries to lure in a new alice this time around. his goal is rlly deadass to either find a way to kill aleister, safely lead alice out of wonderland, or die in alice’s stead
the white rabbit rlly said “i’m gonna kill god to save the one i love and if i can’t do that, i’ll die so alice can stay instead 🤪”
there’s more to that bc the jabberwocky and darcy are the closest linked to alice’s actual psyche and why they fall into wonderland to begin with so theoretically darcy dying would balance it out if jabberwocky and alice both lived, that’s a whole lot more lore
n all of this is just the central conflict b/t why jabberwocky wants alice dead so badly, not even touching on the other like 14 characters i’m 🤡 i’m in too deep
this is obvsly super central to like. ALL of the characters interactions w outsiders tho bc darcy vs aleister is the heart of the entire conflict, very very closely followed by wonderland vs beatrice / the queen of hearts lol cuz u can’t stop the kingdom of hearts from killing wonderland if the mcfucking jabberwocky kills alice first
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