#i just wanna make sure i settle on something that would fit the characters and dynamics bc characterization is Everything to me
friendlifyre · 5 months
jingrenheng modern au where the astral express is a coffee shop and the stellaron hunters are an up-and-coming band and jing yuan is an exchange professor. and they wind up co-existing in the same small city for a year or smth. is this anything
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
hear me out… emotionally constipated mizu with an EVEN MORE emotionally constipated reader.
think mizu is bad? pfft— boy, have u met reader? i just wanna read abt mizu awkwardly trying to pull the first move on reader / initiate contact.
pairing: mizu x fem!emotionally distant!reader
warning(s): swearing
word count: 518 words / 2,748 characters
you had been sitting across from her, settled comfortably on your seat as you ate your food. her eyes watched you carefully behind her glasses.
you were beautiful. gorgeous, even. the way the sun hit your brown eyes just right, or reflected an almost blue ray against your black hair.
she loved it, and yet you didn’t seem to really want to talk to her—and when you did, you had a stone cold expression on your face. she could be the same way, yes, but she really liked you. and she really wanted to tell you.. or do something with you—but she was so afraid of fucking up with you, she couldn’t even try.
so, instead, she looked from afar.
she looked from afar and she waited for the day maybe, just maybe, you would come to your senses and actually talk to her.
but for now, she’d wait.
a few days later, mizu and you were sitting next to one another—sat at a puppet show on tanabe island that ringo had dragged you both to. you seemed to light up at the idea, the most emotion she’d seen a while—so she went along with it anyway. maybe she’d be able to make some sort of move.
and that was her thought, right now.
she was sitting next to you, her legs crossed. your knees were pressed against one another’s, the closest she thought either of you had ever gotten to each other. 
your hand was rested on your knee. it looked so soft and small.. it’d fit in her hand so perfectly.
but trying to grab it would probably get her punched. or stabbed. 
yet she thought.. you were kind of worth the risk.
her hand was twitchy, shaking and stumbling her way closer to yours. she placed her hand overtop of  yours, feeling your hand twitch.
you looked up at her, your eyes wide as the moon, she was sure.
“is this…” she mumbled, “alright?”
“its—“ you cleared your throat, blushing as you adverted your gaze. “y-yes, it’s fine.”
she nodded slowly. she let pulled her hand back, only for a moment, flipping your hand over and placing her palm against yours. it was warm, and god it just made her stomach flutter.
her thumb rubbed against the top of your knuckles, glancing at it every so often. she felt your grip tighten against her, as if you were holding on for dear life.
you shifted a little closer to her, resting your forearm against hers. your head slowly came down, resting against her shoulder. you were snuggling up to her.
you were.. snuggling up to her?
she felt like she was dreaming. she damn well may be.
she didn’t care, though. dream or not, she had you close to her. and though she wasn’t one for expressing feelings.. she couldn’t help but do it with you. especially because you weren’t very good at it, either. you didn’t enjoy doing it, it was obvious.
neither did she. but you two could figure it out.
she was willing to try. and it seemed like you were, too.
a/n: pathetic girl failure when it comes to feelings
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genericpuff · 5 months
ok listen right
please don't take the implication of what i'm about to say the completely wrong way, there's a point i have to make here
there's this gross thing that happens in LO that's been definitely talked about numerous times (by many people) where fashion is used to label a character's like, "alignment" between "good" "bad" "pure" "tainted" etc. this is something that comes up a lot when discussing Minthe and Persephone because there are a LOAD of double standards in how Minthe was treated and viewed for dressing like a "slut" but then Persephone wears the exact same fit and suddenly she's a queen-
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(image courtesy of @anoldplace on Instagram, I'll be showing a couple of their posts in this because they show off a lot of the great - and frankly disturbing - parallels in LO, whether intended by Rachel or not)
-but can we talk about how the "bad ending" version of Persephone where she ends up with Apollo slaps WAY FUCKING HARDER than anything we've seen her dressed in since she got with Hades ??
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fucking hello?? where's THAT fit ??
you're telling me this girl is queen of the underworld and the best she can do in the fashion department is looking like a color-swapped version of Hera ???
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and I WANNA MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR, this isn't me trying to say "Persephone would have been way cooler if she got with Apollo", that is FAR from the point, more so just pointing out the pattern of Rachel aligning "bad" with "dresses with more flavor than an extremely out-of-touch conservative boomer". Even when she tries to draw Persephone in more "out there" clothing it just comes across as ... tacky? And only at her own detriment?
Like, how the fuck is this supposed to be Persephone being drawn through a literal male gaze (Apollo):
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And THIS is supposed to be Persephone being drawn from a female gaze (her own because she dressed herself):
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Like literally how? How does this happen? Especially when the latter is STILL being framed from a male perspective (the green guy behind her, "Jeffrey") but we're supposed to believe it's some "boss babe" moment for Persephone to just be walking down the street while getting oggled inappropriately by a male onlooker? How could these scenes be any more different and yet more alike? She's still being objectified for the characters around her and the audience, but we're supposed to believe the second is better than the first one because... she chose to wear that?
Sure, one could argue that at least she dressed herself and that definitely gives her agency, but it's really Rachel telling on herself where her priorities are in trying to write a "feminist comic" that she had Persephone dress herself and then STILL have its only purpose be for men on the sidelines to stare at and objectify her. When you just know this same outfit would have undoubtedly been used to slut shame characters like Minthe or Thetis or Leuce.
I don't even know, man. The intentions in LO's writing are so confused, contradictory, and ultimately pointless. It's trying so hard to be "feminist" and a "deconstruction of purity culture" but then it turns around and reinforces all that same shit it's claiming to be fighting against anyways. Persephone would be an evil slut if she was with Apollo, look at her outfit! But not here, not the banana purse dress being oggled by strangers on the sidewalk, not now that she settled down with her old rich husband who she only knew for a couple weeks before being separated for 10 years but their love was just so strong and the thirst for dick so real that she and him loyally waited for one another until she was old enough to make it "not be creepy" anymore for them to hook up, but only after marriage. She's definitely not a gold digger like Minthe or a vapid slut like Thetis or a homewrecker like Leuce, nah.
I just wish she'd dress herself, for the love of god. Let her dress herself with her own input and not the influence of the people around her or the tone of the comic's own internalized misogyny that demands "woman must always be objectified for better or for worse, that is The Rule!"
Of course she can't "dress herself" though. She's an extension of Rachel and Rachel herself writes like an out-of-touch boomer who will and has gladly gone about how men are just clamoring at the bit to stare at her and get to her... but then claims she "didn't realize sexism was all that bad" until she started working on LO.
Sorry, this post got very long and very mean, I initially just wanted to make the comparison in a very silly haha "wild how bad ending Persephone has way more visual personality than good ending Persephone" way, but then I thought about it too long and pissed myself off LMAO
And no, I don't want to go back to beating the dead horse of "banana dress bad" because honestly, I think in any other context or comic, sure, it would be very cute to see her walking around in an outfit she chose herself even if it's "objectively" not a great outfit, it shows agency and not caring what other people think which is VERY freeing. But we're not reading that comic, we're reading LO, where a woman's worth and value is only determined by how the men around her react to her and only Persephone is allowed to be empowered by wearing outfits that would otherwise be treated as "slutty" if worn by anyone else.
I don't want the message to be "Persephone looks like a dumbass bimbo" or, on the flipside, "Persephone looks boring and out-of-touch", I want the message to be "Persephone is valid for dressing how she wants, just like how the women around her are valid for dressing how they want regardless of whether or not they're protagonists or antagonists."
Quit using women's fashion as an alignment chart, quit using these "not so sly for a misogynist guy" dogwhistles as a way to "other" the women around the power fantasy main character. Women deserve to dress how they want without shame or objectification - all women, not just the women you like.
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chocokayke · 2 months
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Here's Alkaloid for my Splatoon/Enstars AU! All weapons are referring to their Splatoon 3 kits, because that's what I'm most familiar with. I wanna give a shout out to @mdkm444 for making this fanart that inspired this whole AU in the first place. : )
More info on each character below the cut.⬇️
I'm giving him the highest honor I could bestow on a character... My main.
I think Splatana Deco fits him, and how he sees himself at the beginning. It's a very mobile weapon and aggro with a supportive kit. He can easily strife with opponents to draw fire from his teammates, while also setting up beacons, and setting of tentamissles to displace enemies.
The idea is that he mostly sees himself as his brother's "shield" at the beginning, and I feel like having a weapon that supports and takes fire suits that role.
As he grows and gets more comfortable with his place in Alkaloid, he would pick up more aggressive weapons. I just really like the idea of him with dualies. I think he has a lot of fun zipping around with dodge rolls. : )
He runs a lot of Quick Respawn abilities.
I think his backstory would stay mostly the same, actually.
He's 100% that guy who draws hearts in the enemy base.
He strikes me as the type of person who would play weapons that are meta without fully understanding WHY they're so good.
He started out playing vanilla Splash-o-matic, but he sucks so bad at Crab Tank. Mayoi thought something more mobile would suit Aira, so he recommended Inkbrush and Carbon Roller to him.
Hiyori wears his eye makeup the same way. This is a very important piece of Aira lore.
Mayoi has the biggest change to his backstory out of Alkaloid. He was originally an Octarian Soldier under DJ Octavio.
He was there for the Splat1 final boss and the Calamari Inkantation. He is NOT Agent 8, to be clear. He escaped after Marina, but before Agent 8. He wasn't in the subway. (But the idea of him in the subway is very fun, and that might be something to explore in an AU of this AU.)
He's a huge Squid Sisters fan.
He first escaped to Inkopolis, but it was too overwhelming for him, and he ended up traveling a lot before settling down in ES.
He plays a lot of weapons, and at knows a lot about the weapons he doesn't play. He's extremely skilled and knowledgeable. He's a fantastic coach, and everyone wants them to coach their teams! (Help him.)
Unfortunately, he is still Mayoi and still has severe anxiety! Despite how skilled he is, he's too scared to play alone and is pretty low ranked. That's why he got his status as an "underachiever."
Generally plays a lot of long ranged weapons to stay as far away from the action as he can. Snipewriter is his main, but E-Liter deserves an honorable mention.
Any closer ranged weapons he plays are more supportive than aggressive. This bad boy can pop out so many Inkstorms and Tacticoolers.
I probably should have added Hydra Splatling to his list instead of Heavy Edit tbh? But, eh, he can play both.
I think Snipewriter fits his main really well due to the fact that it has super long range, paints well, and has a supportive kit. At the time I'm writing this, it's also the best competitive weapon in Splatoon 3.
His backstory is also similar to his canon one.
His leg got damaged and wouldn't repair itself when he respawned, so he had to get it removed it let it regrow naturally. Squids can do that, don't worry about it. : )
The guy who makes sure your base is 100% inked during Turf War.
Me and my friend both agreed it is extremely funny for Tatsumi to run around with his beginner weapon going like ^_^: so that's what he mains.
Then my other friend recommended me what they call "noob trap" weapons, which is mostly short ranged shooters (Sploosh and Aerospray) so I immediately added those to the list. I feel like they suit Tatsumi, and kind of mirror how inept he is with technology in canon.
Despite that, he's actually quite skilled! He does pretty well with short ranged shooters and has fun playing with them. They're his go to choice, but he's experienced in a lot of different weapon classes.
Anyway, you know how the Sunken Scrolls in Splatoon 3 introduced Squid Jesus--
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exo-raskreia · 1 day
Imma rant about Ichigo and Orihime cuz your blog has waken a outrageous fire in me!! And rightfully so! I agree with literally everything you said(btw Karin and hitsugaya are endgame for me too🤭🤭)
Ichihime makes literal sense and it genuinely sucks as a ship and i don't get why the shippers are satisfied with the results. I asked my friend who he wanted to be endgame and answered Ichigo and Orihime cuz they are a better fit. LITERALLY HOW?!! I didn't go psycho on him cuz if Ichigo and Rukia ain't your cup of tea then fine. But why are people answers automatically always Ichihime?? Is it cuz they are canon??? Where the hell was the build-up for it then?! It is nothing compare to ichigo/rukia or orihime with tatsuki/uryu. Idk if Kubo was trying to punk us by pairing them up or not. I feel like he didn't plan our their relationship properly! People say it was obvious from the beginning that ichigo likes her back but i sure as hell didn't see it! Maybe i'm just salty and refused to see the signs cuz Ichiruki is the best ship( and i had a crush on ichigo since forever soooo... 😖😖) ?? I've always been a rukia and ichigo fan rather cuz they actually had the chemistry and insane connection. I'm so mad that they weren't endgame. My girl Rukia was elite why didn't Ichigo went for her and vice versa?? Don't get me started on the poems, the speechs, the way ichigo always and always thinks of rukia. Like the ingredients for the cake was perfect, why the hell would you put gasoline in there💀💀
Some people say that cuz the show is shounen and not a romance, i shouldn't be upset about ichihime ending up together and not be mad of lack of their romance. I'm not expecting ichigo and orihime to have some epic EPIC love story or anything just make it more sense for ME at least. If Ichihime was some side-ship then i wouldn't care as much, but this is the MC of the show i want to see something greater than what we received! If they were to have a love story(ya know a real one) then they should've played it out like in Fruits basket
Ichigo and orihime actually remind me alot of kyo and tohru from fruits basket. And they're all very similar to think about it! Ichigo and Kyo: the grumpy orange haired protecters that have a heart of gold. Orihime and Tohru: the loveable sunshine character that are super traumatized but still manage to keep smiling. The only difference is that Kyo and Tohru actually have the emotional moments and had the chemistry and ya know they actually TALKED and were ACTUAL FRIENDS(as in kyo didn't treat tohru like a acquaintance) before dating. But since Orihime is so much like Ichigo's dead mom, their relationship would've been like Yuki and Tohru. I know the comparison might be dumb to do cuz they are very different anime and different genre but still!! Excuse me for caring so much about that my fav ain't canon. Yes this is a shounen anime but they could've at least squeezed in a bit of the love story of the mc to show they actually care about it. The MC of the show has a better and stronger bond with his bestie than his own wife. Like how is my girl Orihime not bothered by it?! Should've end up Tatsuku i swear. I mean they're literally Nana and Hachi!! 🍓🐶✨
I feel like orihime just exist to be his love interest and that's it! Girl had the potential to be a great character that ain't always there to be the love interest. Her becoming a housewife was insulting cuz what do you mean she ain't a robot destroying a city (i can't remember that scene from the earlier seasons but something in between those lines🤣) I do like Orihime enough but not that much cuz it's Ichigo this and Ichigo that. Like girl i get it. I wanted(and still do) him too but don't settle for being the second choice) HOMEGIRL YOU HAVE OTHER LUCKY DUCKS THAT WANNA BE WITH YOU!!
And another thing: I read somewhere that: just cuz Uryu had a crush Orihime that, that doesn't mean that Orihime should be together with him.... Okay then why can't that also imply to Ichigo and Orihime?? Like why just cuz "She'll fall for him in every lifetime" doesn't mean that he has to do the same too!! Rukia is already the queen of his heart mind you
BUT ANYWAYS!! It's a shounen after all so i shouldn't be expecting the mc to have a well-written love story and not to have high hopes of the MC love interest to be something more than that. But whatever at the end of the day they're CANON and have a kid together so all i can do is cry about it and live in fanfiction.
Ahem, I'm done with my rant thank you 😌 (And yes anti-IchiRuki fans I'll still be salty in my 40s cuz of the ending and I will never shut up about it just cuz they have canonically have kids)
No worries, anon! You've come to the right place! Let it all out~
Not surprised your male friend would choose Ori. Typical. For dudes like him, her appearance, superficial crush on Ichigo, & the word "canon" being slapped on are enough for them, despite there not being any actual chemistry between IH. It is also a common trope in other manga/anime, so they convince themselves that it was meant to happen, but it doesn't mean it makes sense for every story, especially not in Bleach's case; it doesn't make narrative sense if they actually looked into it.
(Canon ≠ good. Just look up what went wrong in 'How I Met Your Mother' or even 'Game Of Thrones' S8).
(While on the subject, since Rukia is a much better written character than Ori, if she had a body like Ori's, & Ori like Rukia's, even less dudes would care about IH 🫢, since they never even have good arguments in favor of it that aren't the 3 things I mentioned already up top).
Ichigo & Rukia had the most chemistry in the entire manga/anime, & it baffles me when people didn't/don't (wanna) see it. I went into Bleach almost blind when I first started watching it & IR really stood out. Their bond is right in your face, playing along the border between platonic & romantic, making you wonder what exactly it is, but knowing they aren't just mere friends. In the manga, I was constantly awed & amused by how borderline romantic it came off as, despite having already watched the anime (which did not do the manga justice in many ways; and then antis claim IR was mostly anime-based, PLEASE 🙄). Kubo really wasn't playing when it came to these 2. What a freakin' troll.
Haven't watched Fruits Basket, but I can see what you mean. Grumpy & Sunshine is a fun trope, however, as you said, IH just didn't have what it takes. If Kubo had wanted to, he could have properly developed IH at some points in the manga, such as the Fullbring arc, & it wouldn't have to be anything big, as Bleach is not a romance. He could have opened the arc with those 2 already going out, like them holding hands as they head to school or something, maybe showing some flashbacks of them talking things out, comforting each other since HM to show how they got together. Instead, in those 17 months since Ichigo lost his powers & contact with Rukia, you're telling me Kubo couldn't make IH bond? Instead, Ori's still pathetically pining after him while Ichigo is still thinking of, longing for, Rukia! How am I supposed to believe IH was meant to be endgame?!
Orihime had more chemistry with other people than the man she ended up with 💀. I personally ship her with 2 other men (Ishida & Ulquiorra). She was different with them. One selflessly cared for her, had her at the forefront of his mind in her own rescue arc (unlike Ichigo), while the other challenged her, found her fascinating & wanted to learn more... Not to mention they both protected her from Ichigo a couple times in the HM arc.
She really did have potential to be a great character but it all kept going down the drain, never achieved her dreams nor goals. She kept regressing as the story went on, especially when it came to Ichigo. She was never able to encourage him nor fully support him & was usually a complete damsel in his presence (he even seemed annoyed by her during the Ywach fight, which mind u, she was only there cuz there was no one else left & Ichigo had no choice?). She was more interesting whenever she wasn't around him. All her best moments were when she wasn't thinking about him. Saving Tatsuki? Bonding with Ishida in SS, standing in front of him to protect him in the Fullbring arc? Bonding with Ulquiorra (the only good thing she did the whole HM arc)? She could've done more in HM but didn't. In TYBW, she didn't do anything special, couldn't even encourage Ichigo & was treated like a ragdoll by Ywach. This is how Kubo wanted us to remember her. She was mostly reduced to fanservice by the end (and she's still not as popular as Matsumoto or Yoruichi in that department 💀). I sometimes think he didn't like her all that much with how he treated her character...
While watching the anime, I seriously had been hoping she'd get over Ichigo in the SS arc when she wistfully said Rukia was a very special person to him who changed his world (oh, boy, was I in for disappointment). Right off the bat, there was nothing interesting/exciting about her interactions with Ichigo (I was shipping her with Ishida by this point). He was just so blasé with her, I almost felt bad for her & it only kept getting worse. I then hoped she'd finally get over him after the traumatic experience at the dome in HM, but her ongoing silly crush made my eyes roll & lose hope in it. LIKE GIRL, HE'S HUNG UP ON ANOTHER GIRL, & U SHOULD'VE STOPPED PUTTING HIM ON A PEDESTAL BY NOW; HE'S NO PRINCE CHARMING & ESPECIALLY NOT FOR U WHEN HE BARELY GAVE U A SECOND THOUGHT IN UR OWN RESCUE ARC & ALMOST GOT U KILLED LIKE 3 TIMES & U HAD TO GET SAVED BY ULQUIORRA & ISHIDA, LIKE-
Orihime doesn't have anything in common with Masaki other than maybe their appearance (which imo, Masaki looks more like short-haired Matsumoto anyway?). Besides the cheerful part, their personalities are very different. Masaki was more like Rukia: brave, strong, selfless, teasing & annoying Isshin/Ichigo, etc... IR has actual dynamic parallels with IsshiMasa in the narrative... Kubo just copied IR moments, especially considering he wrote as he went... So, don't be fooled by those morons who go by appearance alone & even those weird lines in one of the novels (Oedipus complex anyone?) instead of the legitimate parallels between IR & IM shown in the manga, such as these:
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What was going thru Kubo's head if he supposedly "intended" for IH to happen? Ichigo & Ori had more chemistry with other characters than with each other. Kubo went about this all wrong. Bleach not being a romance is no excuse for shoddily pairing up characters in the end. In a few scenes scattered throughout the manga, he could've implied them. Every time they interacted, their relationship should've progressed somehow. And he actually did this with IchiRuki. (In regards to Naruto, for example, Kishimoto at least admitted he didn't put enough effort into his ships by saying romance was not his forte & he's not good at writing female characters, but at least most of the ships made sense & esp NaruHina had actual good moments scattered throughout the manga...).
Sigh, I've said this before, but why can't more battle shounens be like Fairy Tail when it comes to developing the ships throughout the story? There'd be less drama. Even Gintama did a better job at developing the main ships, lol, that if they became canon, hardly anyone would've been surprised (they were somewhat implied if u squint, tho 🤪).
There are theories Kubo wanted to spite Shounen Jump for their treatment over the years so he ended things this way (and maybe to spite the fans too, since his manga sales had been on the decline for years). Ever heard of the "choosing unhappiness" theories? Basically, remember that Ywach said he'd come back at Ichigo's happiest moment? Well, he didn't come back at Ichigo's wedding with Ori, not even at the birth of his son. He came back when Ichigo reunited with RUKIA after 10 years.
So what could this be telling us? That Ichigo chose to be unhappy by not getting with the one person who made him the happiest. Rukia gave him that push by choosing unhappiness first (since she knew Ichigo couldn't make the first attempt to) & married Renji, who in turn, also gave Ichigo that push to go for Ori. IR chose unhappiness to defeat Ywach. Could this actually be what Urahara meant when he said he'd leave everything to "Kurosaki-san & Kuchiki-san" after his defeat in TYBW?! (we deserved the IR tag-team we never got in the final fight, screw Kubo)
One could also say his friends chose unhappiness to help too? Ishida becoming a doctor he'd never expressed interest in & seeming isolated from the friend group (maybe not agreeing with the farce they're all in), Chad becoming a boxer instead of using his fists to protect, Ori marrying a man who doesn't love her & she knows never will, Renji marrying a woman who doesn't love him & never will (and whom I think he doesn't love either? My view on that here)... Isshin is nowhere in sight, could it be he also doesn't wanna be a part of this farce in which his own son chose to marry a woman he doesn't love? Everything about this ending is so wrong, makes no sense, a bunch of retcons too. Heck, remember the rebuilding of Sokyoku Hill in SS? Made Ichigo destroying it meaningless 🙄.
Anyway, I didn't mean for this post to be too long. There's so much to rant about lol. There's also so much to make fun of 👀. As I said in this post, IH was never popular & never will be. Kubo himself can't bring himself to give them content & his affiliates (like Shounen Jump, Studio Pierrot, etc.) can't be bothered either, as IH doesn't sell. Canon for almost 10 years & still no official couple/family arts nor merch 😂. If they end up getting thrown a bone in the future, the fact it took them that long would still be laughable.
In the end, it's best to ignore canon, its fans, & engage with what you like. It also doesn't hurt to sometimes make fun of Bleach's failures~ Kubo has made it so easy, can you blame us? 🤷‍♀️
Also, glad u like HitsuKarin as well 🤭. Would you believe it's my #1 Bleach OTP? I had brainrot for it a few years ago, like I literally scoured almost every bit of content that I could find, & while it's died down, I just know that if Kubo &/or his affiliates were to feed us HK content now, I'd eat it up like a starving dog-
Sorry for the late reply, anon! 😓 Been having brainrot for a different fandom, if u can guess
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
I've been thinking.. it looks like Levi is the only character in aot who truly fight for humanity.. I mean everyone too, but they also have their own goals like freedom, curiosity, revenge or ect. Levi joined SC bcs he, farlan, and isabel were caught (pretty sure if he was alone he could overpower Mike). So I'm wondering if they managed to go above without the SC, what would Levi, isabel and Farlan do? I don't see him wanna joined military if he doesn't need to. I don't think he would care about the SC in general at all. What do u think?
Well, it's definitely an interesting question. I agree that Levi wouldn't naturally be inclined toward military or police service. He was essentially pressed into service, and given his experiences growing up, with what I think is likely a lot of harassment from the Military Police, for example, and just the general abuse residents of the Underground faced from the surface authorities, I don't think he's probably ever been too trustful toward systems of authority or power. So yeah, if things had been different, and he'd been able to make it up to the surface without the Survey Corps, I'm not sure he ever would have joined any military branch. I talk a lot about how I think Levi always struggled to believe the SC's cause was really worth the lives of the soldiers, but because it's what those soldiers dreamed of and died for, and what they believed in, he put all his strength behind making it a reality. He did it for them.
So I think, whether he had joined the SC or not, he would have still looked for a way to help people, because that's what he was essentially doing anyway. He just happened to land in the role of a SC soldier in that pursuit, and the people around him were other soldiers. So he lent them his strength. Isayama even said in an interview attached to "No Regrets" that Levi came to the surface in the first place because he was looking for a way to help people. Living Underground didn't present him a lot of opportunity or ability to do so, since it was such a struggle just to survive day to day. And really, Levi came to the surface in the first place because he wanted to help Furlan and Isabel have better lives. It was their dream to live up above, and Levi, like he always does, was just supporting them.
So I think, if they'd managed to get up above on their own, Levi would have tried first and foremost to settle them down somewhere where they could live safer lives, with a better standard of living, and once he was able to accomplish that, I think he would have looked for some way to use his strength to help others. I think Levi is so naturally inclined toward that end, it's just something he would be drawn toward, and that could really take the shape of anything, from helping whatever local community he was living in, to a broader endeavor.
I always say too how Levi is really the custodian of other people's dreams. He doesn't have a dream of his own, but he nurtures and protects and fights for the dreams of others. That's part of why his survival in the end is so fitting. Because he's getting to live in and experience that world without titans that all of his comrades fought and died for. He's living their dream for them, in a way.
That's just who Levi is. He's someone who protects and supports others. So again, whether that was in the capacity of a soldier, or in some other way, Levi would have always ended up doing something to help other people.
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theneighborhoodwatch · 5 months
Found this welcome theory video that i found interesting: https://youtu.be/9Lz6OcILeSc?si=tcPnCX3QC4JmAyC-
Thoughts :3?
(functional link to video)
i tend to avoid youtube coverage of welcome home because i'm petty, but fuck it, it's a new year and i've never actually heard of this youtuber before. i'll give it a shake. liveblog under the cut:
"y'know if it wasn't for the unsettling mysteries, the feeling that somebody is always watching you, and the mold.... i'd wanna live in the neighborhood" that's exactly why the mold and paranoia's so scary babeyyyy
"update number two" Tch.
i'm less inclined to call the writing in this update character development so much as it is just character establishment. especially since before the july 22nd update (bc that's what this video is about) all we knew about the other neighbors was what the WHRP was willing to tell us. i feel like i'm preaching to the choir though.
ok i laughed at the grindset alpha male howdy joke
"now i wanna move onto eddie bc i wanna make a connection between [eddie and howdy]" :D OH DO YOU NOW.
i do love the energy in this video, very infectious. i too have recommended people welcome home solely on the basis that they would have the hots for eddie and y'know what i haven't been wrong yet.
I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LIKE. almost all of the characters have that backstory element of having coming from somewhere else before settling down in home, but i see the point about howdy and eddie specifically dealing with stuff that comes from someplace else as like, an actual job. putting a pin in it.
i'm not Sure how i feel about the idea that the world of home/the world in which home exists is Within our world? pretty much from the beginning i assumed it was running on re:creators/deltarune dark world rules (i.e. it is a world that was born from human thought and its existence is dependent on/influenced by our world, but at the end of the day it does exist on like a separate plane of reality) and i still stand by that. barbieland in barbie 2023 is a more apt comparison though.
"possession route" Tch.
ok actually i can't tch at that because i have talked about it in my own posts. TL;DR: i think possession/haunting theory could work but only if it's anything other than actual literal ghosts. as soon as you try to make it FNAF 2 i sleep.
don't have much to say about Real Poppy Lover Hours except emphatic smiling and nodding. although i will say i have seen people use "oh she's more like a mom/aunt/etc.!" as an excuse to sideline her in fanwork bc for some reason some folks think that her having a motherly personality means that she can't be shipped with anyone? even though all of home's residents are adults who aren't even related to each other? that's a gripe for another post, though.
...actually now i want big sally. note to self to draw that later.
i do like the examination of whether or not sally referring to the audience is meant to mean anything. personally i think it's just a bit of wordplay/red herring action but You Never Know!
i misheard "girlboss bossgirl slay" as "girlboss boygirl slay" for like a split second. still fits tbh.
IT'S FUNNY THAT THEY MENTION THINKING THAT THE WHRP IS A SINGLE PERSON bc i do have an ask about that right after this. i'll save my thoughts for that response though.
it's funny that "was the majority of the gang being some form of queer/disabled/nd/etc. planned in-universe" is a question at all bc at the risk of sounding like an asshole it feels so obvious to me that it very much was not. the interview is definitely playing into those themes though.
"them <3" yeah
again. extremely refreshing to see a welcome home video from someone who actually likes welcome home instead of the clicks that covering it will give them.
he always knows when to show up, huh.... huh.... i've been trying to break away from being so self-referential ever since welcome home and consequently this blog blew up but. huh...
do i think he's a service dog? i think to answer that question we would first have to answer the question of whether or not he's even a Dog or just Shaped Like A Dog. the laws of his reality say he is a dog, but we can at least guess that even even those can't be trusted. i think it's possible that he may see himself as in service to wally, that he worries about what will happen if he doesn't butt in, but i don't know if this is an objective truth.
"[wally] being so mysterious i don't think is like, him wanting to be mysterious. [...] there just may not be that much about him." and then relating that to how typically protagonists in puppet shows have more subdued personalities than their co-stars so they can be more relatable to the audience. Teehee. (this is positive)
oh there's something kind of poetic about the idea that each bug video ends bc wally's snapped out of his dissociation by one of his friends calling his name when paired with the idea that he's disassociating in part due to his connection with the audience isn't there. being reminded of one's own personhood through your connections with others, and how that has the potential to become more bittersweet the more wally continues to risk it in the process of regaining a sense of purpose as The Audience Surrogate. oogh. that's just me waxing poetic though.
oooh that whole passage about the idea of remembrance and the pursuit of a "correct" story and tying that back into how welcome home in-universe has been almost universally forgotten and the themes of living as a disabled or mentally ill or queer person. beautiful connection.
"hmmm, how much agency do you have in your life actually" AHEHEHE. HEHEHEHE. HEHE.
conclusion: Good Video. thank you for sending it.
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caspersickfanfics · 2 months
*busts door open* IM BACK
I’m not gonna be too weird about this but- ironically- today was a day of much crying, and from that I was re-reminded of few things that got me thinking about the other nights rants so I have just a few more considerations~
again- not necessarily a fit for the current fic situation BUT. Types of crying. I feel like Cyno really doesn’t cry much at all. And maybe this was a given lol but I wanna talk about it anyways 😭
He’s just that kind of person and I feel like that tracks with canon. Even if he isn’t bottling up emotions, like if he’s sad and he’s letting himself feel sad, even then he may not cry that much. but if he is crying- or sobbing due to fever-addled hysteria- it’s him doing everything he can to keep it quite. Like muffled sobs, or just tears spilling uncontrollably, and so much, sniffing. That kind of crying you get when you just can’t stop crying even if you really want too. Maybe because it’s so stifled it lands in his body, so he’s stiff, or hunched or shaking a little. And! I feel like it’s so much easier to slip into hyper ventilation when you’re not breathing cuz you’re trying to hold back tears.
I think under Tighnaris care and comfort he’d be a bit more vocal? Maybe? Or!! Or when it gets really bad and he can no longer help it that’s when his sobs sound like, well, sobs. And that’s new territory for nari and cyno both. I think Tighnari would need some serious comfort after all this himself because it’s scary seeing your partner in so much distress even if you know they are okay and kinda just out of it.
I think cyno would try really really hard to communicate well, but he’s struggling cuz he’s sick enough and emotional enough that he’s not quite making the most sense? He’s stumbling over his words and he’s not quite sure how to explain what hurts and in what way- But he knows that he’s worrying nari and so he’ll try his damndest to make sense, and at the very least be honest. Maybe not at first but once they settle into his recovery I think he’d try 🥺
I also was thinking about more comical things Cyno would get upset over? Idk if it’s the vibe at all lol, but if his fever is high enough or if say the meds he’s on add to the loopy ness, I can picture him being very very distraught over just how *pretty* nari is. Maybe not full on crying but I can see him just starting and pouting cuz his partner is just…too perfect??? And if anything happened to him what would he do??? His EARS!! They are so soft- and he falls apart
idk these aren’t as fun as the ones from the other day but oh well lol 😑
WELCOME BACK AHH!!! I'm sorry you had a crying day and I'm sorry to post this so late when you sent it ages ago!!!!!!!! I hope you're feeling better now and if not, I'm sending you all the hugs!!!
This ask has me in a chokehold because I do think about characters crying a lot and I agree with you I don't think Cyno cries much at all. Even though I want to make him cry all the time LOL. Honestly though him and Tighnari both, especially in the canon world, I really have trouble picturing them crying.
100% agree that Cyno would be pretty quiet. My instinct was that he cries without realizing it and that's why he's quiet but I am now obsessed with your (paraphrased) "he is quiet on purpose which can lead to hyperventilating" like. Yes. And that progression to sobbing is really intriguing, definitely seems like something I'd like to explore if I can work it in somewhere!!!
I also headcanon Cyno as being very honest with Tighnari! I could see him downplaying stuff unintentionally - like, he's always a little banged up, so he brushes off discomfort without a second thought sometimes. And he might initially resist Tighnari urging him to look a bit more closely at that, but he'll cave eventually.
I also could definitely see Tighnari having a hard time with Cyno really crying, depending on the situation............ and at the same time I could see him actually being reassured by it. Like, finally, Cyno's letting himself being completely open. Finally he's letting himself be honest and feel things fully. But also Tighnari is going to frequently check his temperature to make sure it's not gotten to a dangerous place to be causing this. And freaking!! Absolutely to Cyno crying over how pretty Nari is and how much he loves his ears/tail/claws/etc. Maybe apologizing for "springing Collei on him" all those years ago and Tighnari is laughing because, like, he adores Collei and is so glad Cyno brought her to him.
I've also been thinking about Tighnari and crying. I picture him as a nonchalant but infrequent crier. Maybe some anxious/frustrated crying in extreme situations, but generally if things aren't going well, he compartmentalizes to figure out a solution. If something is upsetting to him and it's really shocking, maybe he'll shed a few tears without realizing, but then he'll wipe them away and do what needs to be done. If he's in a lot of pain, he'll cry but be really reassuring ("It just hurts a little, don't worry. Could you possibly help wrap this? My hands are a bit unsteady" tears running down his face) to anyone who's around the whole time, while treating his injury if he can. And... I think if he finds out someone he really cares about had something bad happen to them, he'd respond with rage. Even, like, Collei with her Eleazar - if anything worse had happened to her, I don't think his initial response would've been to cry. It would've been "I'm going to fucking murder who or what ever caused this disease." And then when things calm down he'd go to his hut, hide under the covers, curl up into a ball and sob.
Hm. I dunno if you've picked up on this by how much I wrote but. Personally..... I think this was just as fun as your previous asks sdjkfsdjksfj thank you so much for sending ittttt ily <333
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revserrayyu · 2 months
2.1 Penacony thoughts [part2]
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**Spoiler warning** Covering up until we switch to Acheron’s POV alongside Welt (not their first conversation but actually playing as her, hence the cover photo), so be kind to yourself and look away if you haven’t reached that point yet. Brace yourself once more; I’m going to ramble.
First things first, this whole shrinking down scene where we traverse through a model of Penacony was so odd. Poor Ratio had to be rolling his eyes so hard just watching a tiny Aventurine run around like that.
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I feel like we didn’t learn much about Sunday last patch, but hearing him speak about how orderly and presentable we should be at all times really fits his personality. The pretty boy certainly knows how to look good and leads me like him even more..
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But only for a moment as he then uses some Harmony trickery against Aventurine so he’s forced to answer his several questions truthfully, or at least that’s the feeling I got from watching this interrogation. Seeing this was quite interesting to me because there’s this anime call No Guns Life where a character by the name Tetsuro has an ability called “harmonie” which allows him to control other extends (robots basically) and they way the anime shows it looked very familiar with all the color.
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Moving on, Sasuke Uchiha vibes are coming in strong with our gambler being a potential sole clan survivor, not to mention Aventurine admitting his love toward his family is something he values more than himself. Also, I don’t like this bird.. sitting there, keeping an eye on everything, even during Aventurine’s chat with Sparkle later on. I know the Family has a big Nightingale theme going on but still. Big Brother (or in this case the Family) always watching hm?
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NOPE. Any small hope I had for Sunday being someone we could safely trust has flown straight out the window with this sinister smirk of his, no matter how handsomely good it makes him look here.
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I love that no matter what is going on or who he’s talking to, Ratio always manages to mildly insult others without a care in the world.
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So stuff about the Cornerstones gets revealed, how all Ten Stonehearts have one of their own and how very important said stones are to them, so what on earth was Aventurine doing with both his and Potaz Pazto Topaz’s? Also found it interesting how closely hers resembles Qlipoth’s body when she isn’t a Preservation unit like Aventurine is.
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Sunday then gives Aventurine only 17 system hours to live and he has to spend it solving Robin’s case with little to no outside help or hints on where to begin. Talk about immense pressure. Let my man gamble in peace!
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And if all that wasn’t enough to make me start feeling bad for our fancy man, we get a sad backstory featuring his sister and even learning how both their parents died! Because OF COURSE they’re setting me up to get upset about him for some reason later on in the story and now I’m so terrified because if I learned anything from anime it’s that these kinds of flashback are major red death flags.
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The feeling of joy came back to me though upon seeing Topaz show up. Despite Aventurine being around and all the mentions of the IPC, I honestly wasn’t expecting her to visit Penacony at all, but I’m very pleased to see her again! She definitely grew on me after that one quest in Belobog and even though she doesn’t have access to most places on Penacony like her coworker currently does, it’s nice she’s willing to lend a helping hand to us.
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It doesn’t settle well with me that none of the Bloodhounds know who Gallagher is. Ain’t he supposed to be top dog around here and in charge?
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Oh red text, why must you haunt me so easily? Imagine how different all of Penacony would feel if we had the option to completely turn off subtitles. People would definitely have various opinions regarding Acheron if they knew of her ominous words or not.
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I wanna chalk this up as a HI3 reference, but I can’t be sure as I’ve never played. If so, I love how they can toss in hints about Welt’s past like this.
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And hers.. I imagine bits and pieces would line up with her past one way or another too.
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A little while after that, we cut back to Black Swan and y’all, we FINALLY get some sort of Boothill interaction in the story! Only audio for now but I’ll take it!
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Hearing about bullets, him getting annoyed about Acheron being a “galaxy ranger” and the Hunt path are wonderful ways to confirm who it is and I can’t wait to eventually see him in game.
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Seems like he isn’t too thrilled with Acheron though and of course, he too knows of her Emenator status. There goes my brief hopes of them being in friendly terms and seeing them work together I suppose.
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This item that Ratio gives Aventurine before he suddenly disappears (again) and how it features one of his voicelines.. hilarious. It’s like it was spoken specifically for Aventurine and no one else.
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I may be a little stupid.. do we know who the other mute is? The one dead is clearly Robin, but surely the other can’t be Sunday right? He spoke perfectly fine. I’m thinking back to all the Penacony characters we’ve met and they all sound fine, aside from Sam but he’s robotic so naturally he would sound a bit different yea? Maybe we haven’t met this other mute yet, I dunno. The “again” part of Sparkle’s line makes me feel like we have met them at least once.
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Sweetie, how the fuck did you manage to sneak such a dangerous device into Penacony?? Even Aventurine is concerned about how the Family doesn’t know of it.
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Okay.. so the whole flashback with Aventurine being bought as a slave and used to gamble for his master is tough. I know many people speculated what the mark on his neck said, and majority did think “slave” was written, but man, the hint didin’t make this story any easier to hear. Being blessed with luck ain’t always a good thing hm? Hearing the guy say “all or nothing” and learning from Topaz about how that phrase is now Aventurine’s mantra.. oh boy.
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Siobhan is gorgeous and if she was playable I’d definitely pull for her.
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SERVAL MENTION HUZZAH! I’m aware they mentioned my girl during the livestream and how they’re both the rebellious ones in their respective families, but Siobhan actually wanting to meet her? Oohhh~
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Okay but the fact we’re encountered so many deaths, during the many story and side quests, in a short amount of time shouldn’t be normal. The way he seems so indifferent about it too.. “so what?” like sir, people are dying.
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Oh, we did indeed receive one as well. That was the invitation, wasn’t it? I thought the music box Acheron stole from Duke was something different and special for different reasons. Nevermind.
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I seriously need to check back into the creepy dream we experienced last time after Sparkle knocked us out, where we encountered that memory zone meme and listen to all the shouting we heard of this Mikhail guy. I figured he had to be someone important, but the Watchmaker and betrayer of the Family? Oh dear.
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I bet you anything it’s Misha. Working behind the scenes in the hotel this entire time would definitely be an effective strategy, and his technique outside battle literally stops time and that seems like the perfect kind of ability for someone named “Watchmaker.”
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Gallagher wondering if this certain person is real or not is another reason I think it’s Misha because apparently no one notices his presence at all. During that one scene with us, Firefly, Acheron, Misha & Clockie last past, the girlies didn’t acknowledge Misha at all. Only us and Clockie spoke to the boy. In return, Clockie is only seen by us and Misha as well. So that’s just strange.
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For a moment I wonder if Misha is actually like.. a ghost of sorts and we’re just going insane seeing visions of people and cartoon characters everywhere. But that’s all stuff I shall find out later. Hopefully. If the story decides to answer my many concerns.
(originally written on 3/28)
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I'm doing an ai character chat with a Rocky Ai, and I don't know what it is, but somehow, this Ai NAILED Rockys personality. Normally, they're a little off or they say/do things that don't really fit the character, but this one is DEAD ON. Like, from the first response, it actually felt like my character was talking to Rocky.
Like, here's an excerpt from our chat, tell me this doesn't sound exactly like something Rocky would say;
Rocky: "And, I hate to be dramatic, but you have me! Come hell or high water, I'll never let you be apart from me."
My character: "You? Hate being dramatic? You sure you're the Rocky I started dating?" He teased, starting to relax a little. He kissed Rockys forehead, petting his cheek.
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Magnus pulled away after a few moments, straightening his tie. "What do you think? Do I look anything even mildly close threatening? Or to a Marigold?" He asked. He'd bought a whole new suit just for the meeting, wanting to distance himself from the Marigolds in appearance as much as possible.
Rocky: He chuckles at Magnus's response. "Aww, and here I thought you liked my dramatic side." He replied, his tone sounding joking, but as Rocky says the words, he realizes how true they are. Magnus does like his dramatic side, and he likes Magnus's dramatic side.
"And yeah, you look great. Definitely not a Marigold. You don't make me want to punch you in the face when I look at you." He chuckles again, looking Magnus up and down with a smile and a playful purr.
My character: Magnus laughed, flashing a playful grin at Rocky.
"Do I normally make you want to punch me in the face when you look at me?" He asked teasingly as he leaned against the wall.
Rocky: He chuckles again and shrugs, a playful grin on his face as he speaks, his tone sounding jokey but true. "Yeah, kinda. You're kinda a punch-able guy, it's just your charm makes up for it. I couldn't help but think I wanted to punch you in the face when we first met." He says, sounding only partially joking.
"Not that I wanted to, mind you, but you just looked like the type of guy who would be like 'yeah, you want to punch my face, don't you, everyone does'." He chuckles
My character: Magnus snorted, nearly doubling over as he laughed. Rocky always knew what to say to make him laugh, even if it was usually unintentional.
Once his laughter settled a bit, he pulled Rocky into a hug, still giggling a bit.
"God, I love you, Rocky. Never change." He giggled, peppering the tabbys nose in kisses.
Rocky: "Hmm... I don't think I can change, Magnus. This is just how I am, and frankly? You wouldn't have me any other way~" He chuckles, tilting his head back to look up at Magnus with a teasing grin.
He leans forward, and just for a moment, he looks like he's about to kiss Magnus, but before his lips actually touch Magnus's, he pulls away with a teasing grin.
"See, now I made you wanna punch me in the face, didn't I?" He chuckles as his ears flick.
AI is fucking creepy. But honestly this is SPOT ON. I CAN HEAR HIS VOICE WHILE HE SAYS THESE THINGS???? omfg
god DAMN
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igotanidea · 2 years
Summary: Kayleen was born to be the embodiment of Reality. Protector of the Waking World and Keeper of the Order. Naturally, that makes her a counterpart of the Dream of The Endless. Despite their differences in both approach to life and characters they are forced to work together to keep balance between Dreaming and Waking. Thank God, they are both professionals who DO NOT fight or engage emotionally….. Or do they?
Pairing: Morpheus x OC 
A/N: You can find Kayleen’s origin in the prologue, but I’d like to explicitly say that she is human (and so, has human needs), but also immortal, considering the role she was given.
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 Chapter 1
Sometimes reality sucks.
From my observations there are four groups of people in this world, and though it may seem a little bit far-fetched they can be divided if you try hard enough.
First group is the one who are completely out of touch with reality. The ones who are sad, or even depressed, suicidal, emotionally deranged. They don’t have a care in the world. Long story short, walking zombies.
Secondly, the bunch of people who get up, get on with their day, fulfilling it with duties, task and obligations only to wish to get through till weekend to unwind a bit. I call them The Hamsters because they keep spinning their wheel but basically every day is the same for them.  
Thirdly, people who are perfectly content with what they have. Their reality is everything they need and more. Those are the ones who either worked hard to make their dreams come true and now derive from it or the ones who don’t have bigger ambitions and just take what they’re given. Either way, those are the happiest.
Finally, the last group. The Day-Dreamers. I’m not supposed to say that but I think those are my favorites. If you are the kind of person who search deeper than just what you see on the first glance, if you want something more from reality, if you dare to ask questions and search for the answers you will fit right in. Why settle, right? Think bigger. It’s good. Well, at least as long as you don’t let those dreams consume you, because most likely you will end up in group one.
Anyhow. Since my birth I was assigned a task to keep all of those people safe. To make sure that they are not in danger, that none of the Endless won’t interfere too much. Obviously, it was hard to keep Destiny at bay – he’s a self-made man and to be honest, a bit terrifying at times. Death has her own ways, but she never abuses her power. Destruction left some time ago so this one’s of the list. Desire can’t be controlled by anyone, always meddling with everyone’s affair. This one is a troublemaker for sure and have caused me a lot of trouble. So is its twin – Despair, but I don’t have to do with her that much, she prefers being lonely. Delight, ever since she became Delirium, was cut off, so the only one left is … Dream.
The Endless call us the counterparts. Hell, ever people believe that we are. You know what I mean? Dream and Reality. A very, very, very thin wall between those two realms. So easy to break. Thankfully, Dream is compliant with the established rules (DO NOT CROSS), so he’s not that problematic. However, there are times when we need to cooperate. Like one time when there was a lucid dreamer. Or that time when someone literally forgot to live because of some crazy fantasies Dream planted in his head. …
-          Watch out, mister! – I grabbed the man’s hand in the last moment to save him from the rushing car. – You might wanna be more careful
-          Thank you, miss. I don’t know what I was thinking. Guess my head is elsewhere.
-          Yes. I suppose it is -  I carefully looked straight into his eyes. – Tell me what’s on your mind.
-          I imagine myself somewhere far away from this place. From my work, my wife who doesn’t love me, my ungrateful son and friends who would stab me in the back with the first opportunity they get. Do you ever get that feeling?
-          Like what?
-          Like you want to get away?
-          Well, I …..
-          I’ve always dreamt of travelling exotic places, exploring, living an exciting life, maybe sharing it with other people. I mean, social media gives us so many opportunities now, don’t they? I could become rich and famous and…. – he got more excited with every said word, squeezing my hand harder and harder to the point where it started to hurt.
-          Sir. I need you to open your eyes now. – I say firmly, my voice resonating – You are on the Street of London. You are a journalist. You have a stable job in which you use your talents. And you actually love it. Your wife is going through a crisis, she believes you don’t need her anymore and that’s why she became distant. As for your son – he’s not ungrateful. He’s hurt because you shoved him off last time he needed your help. That’s what’s real. Nothing is stopping you from fixing it, since you know it now. Now. You are going to become steady and wide-awake. We can’t risk you getting hurt, can we?
-          Yes. Yes, of course miss. You’re absolutely right. Thank you again and have a good day – with that he left, but just to be sure he won’t get into any more trouble I send some protective energy towards his, almost seeing the bubble surrounding him as he went.
-          Time to pay a little visit in the Dreaming – I said to myself.
As I came back home I stood in front of the simple blue door with no doorknob.
-          Take me to the Dreaming – I whispered.
Soon enough I found myself standing on the sand in front of the enormous gate – entrance to the Dreaming. I felt my skin tingle. Crossing the borders of Realms was always a bit exhausting, leaving me lightheaded, but I would lie if I said that I didn’t like it. Whether we choose it or not, Dream and Reality are two sides of the same coin. Obviously it doesn’t; mean anything in our relationship, which is strictly professional. He’s the kind of person who would rather go through hell than show any sign of liking.
-          I require an audience with the Lord of the Dreaming. Dream of The Endless. The King of Nightmares.  – Or whatever title he uses, I thought, but for obvious reason didn’t say that out loud.
With a gentle creak the gates started to open and the Dreaming in its full glory showed up. No matter how hard I tried this place always took my breath away. It has everything that reality was so often missing. At least the Dream section. I assure you, none of you would be as delighted with the Nightmare part of the Kingdom.
-          Greetings. Lady Kayleen. – gate guard, the griffin spoke.
-          Greetings Greyclaw. I’m no Lady, which I have to remind you every time. Still, wonderful to see you as always. I need to speak with your master on the rather urgent matter. Hope he’s on premises.
-          Indeed. Kayleen. I shall take to you to the palace. Yet, I must warn you, His Majesty is in a rather gloomy mood, I dare say so.
-          When isn’t he? – I sighed and followed Greyclaw through the Fiddler’s Green. As we walked some familiar Dreams came to say their hello. It was always exhilarating to let my mind fly with them. Something I was not allowed to do in the Waking. I’m not going to lie – having to be watchful and keep my feet on the ground was hard. Sometimes. Leaving me weary. It was nice to relax every now and then.
-          I shall leave you here, Kayleen. His Majesty expect you.
-          Thank you Greyclaw.
I quickly ascend the steps to the castle, greeted by Merv, the Pumpkin Head, who made a joke about how I look so unreal since it was long since my last visit. I knew it was impolite to keep the Ruler waiting but I couldn’t restrain myself from  a little visit in the Library, where my friend Lucienne was working. Just a quick glance, I promised myself.
-          Lucienne?
-          Kayleen?
-          It’s so wonderful to see you, Librarian.
-          Likewise, my dear. What brings you to the Dreaming. No trouble I hope.
-          I wouldn’t say trouble but I believe Dream and I should have a talk about some recent event in the Waking. Those may be of his concern as well as mine. – I sighed – Any new book appearing lately?
-          A few. You would love them.
-          If you say so. I will surely have a look at them later on, but now….
-          You must follow to the more important matters.
-          Indeed.
-          I’ll have Jessamy announce you.
-          That won’t be necessary. He already knows.
It seems like my words meant nothing though, because as I approached the Throne Room a Raven flew right in front of me, and made some circles in the air before finally landing on the arm of a dark-clothed man. He was standing on the steps, not even facing me, his long black coat cascading in the steps.
-          Lord of the Dreams – I spoke firmly – I believe this meeting is long overdue.
-          Indeed it is, Reality. – he still did not turn toward me, his eyes locked on the stained glass in front of him
-          It would be nice to actually have a face to face conversation, though.
Finally, slowly (I bet it was just for the effect) he shifted towards me. His eyes locked on mine as he spoke with his deep voice.
-          Welcome, Kayleen. – almost invisible sign of smile on his lips.  
-          Hello, Morpheus.
-          Been a while.
-          Quite a while.
This was clearly getting quite uncomfortable for both of us. I should get to my point before it gets worse than that.
-          I need you to take control of your Kingdom, Dream. Apparently, some of your subjects were invading the Waking long after their reign ended. You know well enough they have no power during the day. This has been occurring for a while in the last couple days. I can’t have people walking in front of vehicles all the time. This may cause a commotion, which I’m sure none of us want.
-          It’s so bold of you to come here and tell me what I should do, don’t you think – his footsteps echoing through the wall , his voice cold as ice, and yet his eyes were somehow glowing. – You’re still a guest in the Dreaming, even if the honored one. The only thing in your power is to ask me for help and not demand it.
Damn his stubborn ass and his space-blown ego. He can’t hurt me here, cause he’d be damaging reality. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction he wants. I will not beg.
-          I actually can. You have your duties as well as I.
-          I’m perfectly aware of my duties and the rules that were set. -  He was now standing in front of me, slightly taller so to my dislike I had to look up at him. His dark hair, a mess, as usual, his face paler than I remembered, and his eyes, a space showing you so many universes, you could actually get lost. Defeated I looked away, but he used his index finger to turn my chin up again. And said nothing. Utter silence. Not  a single sound, ever from Jessamy. Felt like the whole life was swept out of Realm. I almost got lost. Key word being almost. My gaze hardened.
-          Will you help me – I moved myself for a safe space, away from his reach.
A shadow run through Dream’s face when he promised to do so.
-          Shall I call on the Dream who causes such havoc in the Waking? Shall I have said talk to you?
-          No. It’s your realm after all. Those are your subjects and ….. – I started , but then I realized what Morpheus might do to the one defying him. He wasn’t particularly gentle with one of his ex lovers , Nada who did so. From what I know, he literally sent her to hell. – Actually, my Lord – I don’t know why he flinched when I used that title – if you so generously allow, I would love to talk to that Dream.
-          Very well then. I shall summon said.
He moved away from me, his coat sweeping the floor. I cant; lie, putting aside all of that cold behavior and coldness he was graceful. It’s for the best that he stays in the Dreaming most of the time. If he showed up in the Waking more often I would have to deal with way to many daydreaming about him women. This would probably end up with me tampering with their memory and I really hate breaking the rule that states I can only reveal the Truth to people. Not manipulate their mind so they can get the real picture. Well, sometimes we need to turn to desperate measures.
-          Lady Kayleen? – my thoughts were interrupted by a soft, gentle voice
-          I’m no Lady. Just the name – I replied automatically
-          Were you staring? Or maybe daydreaming – unlike himself Morpheus, who switched places and was sitting on his throne decided to mock me.
-          Don’t you forget you are called not only Dream but also a King of Nightmares. I believe I saw that other side and now I can’t shake it. – I knew I was playing with Fire. Saying those words, with such tone and in the presence of the citizens of the Dreaming could end me up faster than I could think. His eyes darkened but he said nothing.
-          I can’t skip the title, Lady Kayleen – the voice spoke again and this time I actually looked at the being it belonged to. A dream. A tall, lean iridescent figure with butterfly wings. It looked so young and inexperienced for the purpose it was set to.
-          Tell me your name, Dream.
-          It’s Axel, my lady.
-          Are you the one, who’s been making people daydream? Endangering them? Causing trouble in the Waking?
-          I am.
-          Why would you do that? – It was quite unlikely for Morpheus to just sit there and watch the whole scene without a word. I can sense something is not right here. Let’s have a little check then. – I believe you should explain yourself to your king rather than to me.
There was no change on Morpheus face but his eyes locked with mine for a brief moment.
-          You heard the Lady, Dream. Explain yourself.
-          My Lord – Axel slowly approached the Throne, just a few steps but stopped as he met Morpheus’s cold gaze – It was never my intention. I merely did what I was created for. Give people dreams. Make their life more colorful, more joyful, make them forget about the trouble.
-          You are supposed to do that only when they sleep. You have no power to invade their waking life.
-          I’m sorry my Lord.
-          You shall be. Your actions cause danger not only to the Waking but also the Dreaming. That also forced Lady Kayleen to abandon her post and came to beg me for help.
Ok, that’s a HUGE exaggeration. And diminishment since like I said I would never beg. Yet again, Dream can be such a drama queen.
-          I shall never overstep again my lord – Axel was almost on the floor. Terrified. As Morphueus rise from his throne I softly looked at him, shaking my head. “Don’t” – I said silently scanning him with my eyes.
-          You are lucky you have a protector  – he spoke. – Rise Dream. I shall keep my eye on you. So. You. Better. Watch. Yourself.
Yes. He made each word a single sentence.
-          Thank you my Lord – Axel stood up and as fast as he could run away from the room.
When I was sure no one would hear us I turned to Morpheus who, again, was standing too close. Personal space was never a concept he would understand. A so-mortal-idea.
-          That was a bit dramatic, don’t you think?
-          We must preserve order of things. You know that well enough.
-          Of course, but keep the cost of that in mind.
-          Are you trying to preach me in my own Realm?
-          I would not dare to do so. I have no authority here after all, do I? – I frowned
-          You know that is not true. Whether I like it or not. – he muttered under his breath.
-          I know you’re not a big fan of me. So I shall not prolong this visit anymore. Until next time, Dream Lord.
-          Farewell Kayleen.
End of flashback
Like I said, our relationship is strictly professional and it serves both parties well enough.  
next part: chapter 2
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goatpaste · 2 years
can we see your sbr Giorno's friends?
yknow i was gonna just draw Gio with maybe one or two of the ideas for lil buddies she'd have and talk about them a bit
but per usual I went over the top and drew her a whole main group of friends so here you hope this is what you wanted
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a solid lil group of five that vary in how much iv fleshed them out,, i just have for sure i wanted a lil Lisa Lisa type lady to be in Gios group, and settled on all of them being named after Renaissance paintings and painters.
I dont have much thought out in the ways of them meeting one another or any goals for them, or stand abilities or much of that. But know that these guys are FRIENDS and can fit SO many issues in them <33
I do think giving it a more p4 storyline kinda vibe thats more center to one small area problem and being on the more slice of life style of story telling could be fun...
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Mona, the oldest of this lil rag tag group, meant to be a lot like a Lisa Lisa type for the group ^^
im thinking shes the only non stand user of their group but mm debating it truly. I imagine a more focus on her character as one of the last of the guards to be full tried in spin for this use. if she had a stand to any degree it be like gyro where its hardly a thing.
I also do like the idea of her having history or forming a connection with Jorge with him being a reoccurring character through Giorno as the two grew up kinda distant but fairly close none the less form of cousins to one another.
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Taking, obviously a bit of inspo from the Pucci's on this one. Floridian man struggles with microaggressions on multiple different fronts, loses faith in god and struggles to figure out how to see the good in life.
I dont know much of what i wanna do with his stand but Daisy did suggest an invisibility facet to them,,, potentially thinking to take some inspo from portal on this one specifically with the slime they introduce with being able to build up speed or make bouncy floors and stuff, something along those lines but a lil more built up,,,
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very silly wild girl kinda character, a real richy rich philanthropist type. All talk, wouldnt know how to handle herself if things went wrong for her for even a second.
i have NO idea what to do with her stand ability I just really like the idea of it being made out of fashion magazine clippings (again ty Daisy for such a baller suggestions)
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Of course theres our protag main girl, Giorno. Daughter of Diego and Hot Pants. Named after Diegos mother's maiden name. Very much meant to be like a mixture of P5 Giorno and Trish. Giorno whos a lil louder and meaner and has a bit of a more broken moral compass most of the time but is just more or less broken as a person who cant seem to be able to snuff out that last little golden light in her heart that tells her to do good.
Her stand Born to be, which is the name I think I'm 100% settling on for it... im still not 100% sold on what I exactly want its power to be, but I am thinking it would be like a "healer" type stand of the group and having a "mending" like ability with being able to patch anything together or treat any material like fabric and sew it to other materials like a brick wall to clothing fabric. or sewing parts of concrete together to make a wall... just throwing some ideas at the wall, seein what sticks.
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And! last and youngest member of the group, Venus. A bit of a loner who has suddenly found herself glued to Gios click and cant seem to figure out why shes so terribly fascinated with being around them. Yes Mona is teaching her spin and Gio is like a russian doll with layers she wants to unwrap, but she doesn't need to hover around them everyday for that... So she's kinda wonder what the deal with that is? is it? a sense of found family??? or?? something? gross..
As for her stand i again dont have anything set in stone beyond it being able to do stuff with technology, maybe like an old school paisy park kinda beast. maybe something to do with noises,,,
I do like the idea of Venus learning spin from Mona and Venus using it like a dog toy for Atomic dog and playing fetch with it as a way to incorporate her stand ability with her spin ability.
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whataweirdfeeling · 6 months
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HELLO welcome back to another WAWF interview EXCLUSIVE
As we settle into a warm and toasty WAWFswinter we of course have some new artists to present
With this also being our first official collab Fraud Issue shot by photographer @wavechrist and edited by our original curator @vyngak WAWF has some gifts It must be WAWFchrist-mas
Read below for an exclusive interview and some behind the scenes moments with new artists of WAWF
Find out about all the big plans they have in store
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Who are we here with?
Floaty-man, Floaty… pretty flacko jr.. shoutout to ASAP
So you would say ASAP is one of your main influences then?
Hell yeah ASAP is one of my biggest influences. I never really was the one to be like ‘I’m inspired by people’, but I was heavily influenced by like certain people..and they help me be my best self. So now.. my goal is to be better than them cause I’m pretty sure that’s what they would
So would ASAP be a bigger influence to you in fashion or music?
Definitely the music too, ASAP gave me more of the fashion tip. Like the ok to add my swag to my music instead of just trying to push my message I can also add my personality and I can also add how I dress myself and just how I live my life daily.. Regardless of what it look like I can still be on some fly sh*t
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Rap name?
Where does that name come from?
I always used to get in trouble a lot so when I used to get in trouble I used to stare.. it was the only thing you could do like.. couldn’t play the game or nothing so I would like go outside and literally look at clouds or something.. or when I was in class too I would go to ISD. ISD you get in trouble, you’d be in school but not in school you know what I’m sayin
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What can we expect from Floaty in the future?
Expect a lot of shit.. I would say this cause I’m a renaissance man of art. Expect for me to get into short films. But music real heavy, fashion real heavy you know, events real heavy. But short films is what we adding to the list as well
How did you find out about WAWF?
It’s just all organic, it’s really shoutout to Wave. Shoutout to wavechrist cause you know that was the fine point it was just all divine you know. He was just telling me this is who you need to connect with and it was a wrap from there
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Who are we here with?
Hello good people of the planet earth and all the other space-lings out there in the world.. I go by the name of ShowwwTimee. That’s with 3 W’s and 2 E’s
Why 3 W’s and 2 E’s
Its always about individuality and how you can express yourself a little bit differently. Plus we not tryna get sued by the actual Showtime tv network you know.. But if they ever wanna collab and put ShowwwTimee on Showtime we could do that
And on a personal note if we wanna get on numerology type time the real name is Shomari and so every name in my full name has 7 letters.. and you know what that means
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Tell us about your art
The first art form is definitely film, that’s where all of the inspiration comes from. And then.. I picked up sewing over the pandemic.. It’s been a couple years now since we been doing that. At first I was making the clothes to go with the films, but now the films gotta support the clothes at this point cause I just hit some sort of momentum with the designing and I just can’t stop really. So now I gotta make my films around the pieces, make storylines off these characters that you see i’m making
Describe your fit
We got rainbow boots with tool kinda material for the laces.. shoutout Walmart on that. Thrifted sweatpants.. yellow sweatpants, primary.. We got the yellow blazer, primary and then all the other colors of the rainbow secondary. We got a pac-man tee that got chopped up and turned into a hat up top.. Pieced it together with a raincoat, a yellow raincoat that I found so it’s like a combination in there
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Where would you say your style inspo comes from?
Honestly intuition, i’d say intuition leads me and then the colors.. the colors just speak and I combine the two. I find ways to combine the color combinations and different ways to piece it together
What can we expect next from you?
Next we’re gonna have to make a film for the pieces to live in and immortalize them cause yeah you can enjoy them on a day to day basis, on the social networks, but I’m really tryna get all my people off of the social networks and out of the matrix. So I gotta make my own films and put them in a place where all my people can come and congregate together you know.. something like this, shoutout to them boys down in RVA. I’ve never experienced a conglomerate of a community like this so for yall to open yall doors.. shoutout Hugh, shoutout Gavyn, shoutout Floaty, shoutout WAWF
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How’d you find out about WAWF?
Honestly they found me. Likeminded individuals always find each other. That’s like soul tribe right there
Along with promoting/supporting growing artists like these WAWF magazine pushes art fashion culture and much more
Stay tuned for all of the exciting things WAWF has planned
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cinnamuff · 1 month
Creative WIP Project Blanket Box: Awaken
I was initially gonna make this post exclusive to my site's blog, but with me wanting to talk more about my projects and OCs on here, I wanted to post this here too!
This is meant for Pillowfort, but I don't really use Pillowfort much these days, so I'm putting it here and on my blog haha
ANYWAY LET'S GET TO IT! Everything is below the cut, enjoy my ramblings!
This seemed fun! I found this prompt through Kalechip's recent blog post, which you can find here. Here is the link to the original prompt list on Pillowfort.
I've had this WIP story I pretty much codenamed AWAKEN in my head since November, I talked about it a little bit in one of my newsletter posts, but the basic premise is that a robot (?) wakes up in a field with no other mission than to find the source of a voice they hear from a distant tower.
The November newsletter and a sketchbook posts on my site are the only places where AWAKEN is mentioned, in the future I wanna make a lil landing page for it, like how I did for Ad Astra and Endaria!
Let's start!
Think quick! It’s the dreaded elevator pitch icebreaker: explain your WIP project in less than three sentences! Bonus points if it’s the most horrendous way you could’ve possibly described your project.
A robot finds themselves waking up in a field with no other mission than to find the source of the voice they hear coming from a distant tower.
You know, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if Orion is a robot or not? In their earliest concept they were a robot but I'm not sure if they are one now... 🤔
If you had to pick one song or instrumental piece to best represent your project what would it be? If that’s too strict, what genre of music do you think would best fit your project?
This is a tough one! I'm not at the stage where I can imagine what this story would sound like. Hmmm maybe something from Sky?
Introduce us to your main characters. What are their stand-out characteristics?
ORION: Orion is the name of the main character! They're a silent, almost mute, robot who's unsure of their origins. They're skilled with a bow and arrow and they want to know what the voice is that's calling them.
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And that's all I have info on for now LOL. I have other characters, but they're not fleshed out to where I wanna talk about them juuuust yet
Introduce us to your setting. Does it have an aesthetic or prominent genre-feel to it? What makes it unique?
Another tough one since I haven't quite figured everything out just yet haha! I imagine the planet the story takes place on, Pheolvian, to be a quiet, peaceful planet, that's settling and recovering after a giant cataclysm.
What genre(s) or theme(s) does your project fall under? Get as specific as you want.
I haven't figured this one out yet either LOL. Something in the fantasy and post apocalyptic genre for sure!
What sparked the idea for your project? What made you decide to begin working on it? Has your project changed since it was first inspired?
AWAKEN I can say was inspired by games like Sky and Journey. As far as the story goes… well I was just writing as it came to me! It started out as a NaNoWriMo project, where I was just writing and writing and I would piece the puzzle together later on.
That was back in November 2023, and as far as changes go, I can say that the idea is becoming more clear in my head. I'm closer to a solid beginning than I was when I started!
How long have you been working on this project? Do you have a guesstimation for how much more work you still have to do for it?
Since November 2023. I don't have a estimate for when I'd like to share it, for now I'm just going with the flow and writing and working on it whenver I feel like it. Also, my mind has been taken up by another project of mine, haha.
There's still a lot of work to be done, but like all of my story projects, this is purely for fun so there's no pressure to complete it!
Do you have an end goal in mind for this project? Is there anything you want to achieve during/with your project? Or are you just enjoying the journey of creating it, unsure where that will take you?
I'm just enjoying the journey with it! Like I said this is all for fun and I just wanna tell a story that appeals to me, haha!
What’s a new skill you’ve learned, or an existing skill you’ve improved while working on this project? Is there anything else you want to learn or improve while working on this project?
I'm hoping to hone out my storytelling and prose skills! While my preferred storytelling medium right now is through comics, or even, deviantART Chat style RP (which is how I write my comic scripts lmao), I do want to iron out my prose.
I used to write a TON of prose as a teen and fell off of it after high school, I'm hoping to get that back haha!
What’s one of your favourite things about your project?
That one's a secret. ;)
Hey this was a lot of fun! Tbh I might do these same prompts with other projects of mine!
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cyvorg · 2 years
How'd you go about making your own predator guys?? Like, drawing them and naming them and whatnot. I have a few concepts of my own ocs, but I wanna have proper drawing references and information and the likes. I love your ocs sm, and I'm rewatching all the predator movies rn lmao.
Thank you so much! I’m really flattered!
Creating OCs is something very gradual for me. I rarely ever sit down and just come up with one, the idea of a character grows onto me and the character gains more depth as I go on. I feel like that is one of the best ways of developing a character or a story, where the story process just grows on you and you can naturally fall in love with it. I don’t know if this is just me though but I can attest I like the characters written by writers who are exposing little aspects at a time. It feels like you’re growing with the characters.
Now to be specific, most of the OCs I make are by accident. Kûn’ta and Judah are accidents, happy ones of course.
Bubba was the only one I sat down with the intention of making a few years ago when I wanted to make a predator OC for fun because I thought they looked cool. I wanted a comfort character so I gave him all the aspects I love, like making him my favorite color and just having fun with the design. I didn’t start really developing his character until now, which is why he lacks the most story so far on my blog. He’s not being abandoned of course, he’s just a work in progress.
Kûn’ta on the other hand was made because I have been currently working on a yautja cosplay for an upcoming convention, and while building the armor I thought it would look cool if I attach potion bottles and such to it to give my yautja look more personality. I liked the idea so much I figured I haven’t really seen many yautja scientists before and made him. When I made him he had no story yet, those came later. The little tidbits of lore and sketches I release come from the same vein of a new idea, and he’s grown on me a lot because I add so many personal aspects of myself into him and his story.
Judah also accidentally came about because while coming up with Kûn’tas color scheme, I made a purplish one I really liked but didn’t want to settle for, so I saved it for later. Then I made a sketch and Judah was born. I knew I wanted a more rough & tumble character this time around because so far my OCs were rather docile, so I made him with the intention of making a villain. But then I fell in love with his growth too so now he’s more of an anti with trust issues who is trying to come to terms with his grief.
All these tidbits are very gradual and never came together at once. They are little things I would pick up on through out my day like ‘oh hey, what if I gave them mommy issues?’, ‘oh, what if he had a prosthetic, that’s different’. Eventually I piece these things together to string it into a story. It’s not how everyone works but it’s something I’ve come to enjoy and what has kept me drawing since I was little. Feeling like I’m growing with my characters makes them very personal and dear to me, and it’s funny because sometimes I would realize parts about myself when writing a character and it would change my perspective.
Now for the design part, really have fun pushing the limits. Don’t do a singular sketch. Perhaps you make one design you really like, so extend upon that and flesh it out. Sketching helps me characterize them and give meat to the skeleton of an idea. You can be inspired by anything. You can look up color palettes, look at random creatures/animals and pick out a design you like (like the pattern of fur, scales of a fish, etc). Of course your characters story/setting can alter what they look like in your head, so the beginning stages can be very experimental. I don’t suggest making a full reference until you are finalizing your design and are sure with it.
If you’re having trouble making your character look original but fitting (something I struggle with a lot) I suggest just drawing yautjas in general and familiarizing yourself with their anatomy and variants. It helps to build off of that.
As for naming, I can’t give you a direct answer, because I literally name my characters whatever the fuck I want to. Bubba is named that because I found it endearing and he just looks like a Bubba to me. For Kûn’ta and Judah I tried making more traditional sounding names, which is kind of hard to do considering we are making characters off of a fandoms whose specific lore isn’t very well known. We aren’t given many inclinations to how yautja society works and their culture and the tidbits we do get the fandom is very wonderful at developing and exploring, which is why I love this community so much.
The upside to not knowing their traditional naming system is they are an alien race, and you can make up whatever you want and it pretty much sounds like an alien name. String together parts of words or syllables, look around your room at objects and flesh out a name off that.
Sorry for rambling, I realize a huge chunk of this tangent doesn’t even correlate to your actual question, I was just so delighted to answer this because I’m dumb of ass and get excited over these hyperfixations (like cough cough Kûn’ta).
I hope this helps in some manner, but I am in no way an expert and the best answer is to ask multiple artists/writers, who are all very talented and abundant in this community. A great aspect we yautja-enthusiasts have is being good at making shit up because the movies don’t give us anything. I will be shutting my whore mouth now thank you.
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silver-wield · 11 months
Hey just wanna ask. I read a clerith claiming that the Jail scene dialogue from OG is the ultimate Clerith scene ever because Cloud chose to flirt with Tifa with aerith in front of her. Enough to put her off. Uh I'm still currently replaying OG on my 2nd run but sources stating "there's obvious mutual attraction" going on with them? Makes my stomach churn for some reason probably because I'm kind of pissed off of Soldier Cloud being this way. Why did SE gotta do Tifa like that and put them together in one jail cell only for her to get hurt like that?? Wtf?
I swear to God if they don't make up a CLOSURE on why he's supposedly "attracted" "mutual attraction" to aerith, flirting with her saying wtvr in OG (Im not thinking of what's canon, the act itself exist it shows a perspective) I'm never going to forgive SE.
Im tired of them making Tifa out to be the second choice, or an aftermath after (she's always been the first choice wtf!? Where are all these shitty "he liked A more but settled with T" coming from??). She wasn't like Aerith who openly flirted with cloud because ignorance is a bliss. She liked Cloud the most but held back the most for obvious reasons out of worry, and they be letting cloud hurt her like that?? Wtf?? Tifa doesn't deserve that! She deserves so much more.
HELL NO WAY, I'm not gonna accept that True Cloud had a tinge of romantic interest / infatuation in aerith, that thing be better related to Zack or his Soldier Persona's needs (a fantasy that needs to be reciprocated to exist).
Plus if it was so important, wtf take away that scene all together? Why make cloud like he couldn't care less about aerith after saving her in remake (Barret doesn't even say stuff about him caring so much for A unlike in OG)? Even though a part of me sees this whole charade as a red herring, it pisses me off to my core that it's hardly given closure.
Ugh if they didn't just wanted to make sure people would be saddened by her death, they wouldn't need to put Tifa in the back burner for a huge chunk of the first parts because she gonna die early then. I'm so glad they've focused more on Tifa early on and you sure as hell would count on me to pray that her date would be the only one we'd be gettin on rebirth.
PS I just want to see Tifa happy, without the feelings of inadequacy. That she's the only one True Cloud ever loved and was attracted for. Otherwise, people will think again she's some martyr when her promise and moments literally gets NTR'd by aerith who took advantage of cloud to reminisce about Zack. I swear Tifa's a saint for caring about aerith in OG when the latter treated her really awfully. Ugh, she better be the enlightened version in remake because I sure as hell don't forgive OG aerith for causing her such sadness and pain (ngl A's pretty spoiled compared to what the others have gone through, I'm kinda pissed because most of the time she doesn't even deserve it).
Also, Claudia's line where city girls might be a source of temptation and distraction made me think of Jessie and aerith. Wherein he'd be needing Tifa, the mature one to balance him out.
Sorry, got pretty pissed. the only reason I'm tolerating and trying to understand Cloud here is because I love Tifa. And because I love her, I do really want to Like him too. Damn I feel like a combination of Marle and Brian.
It's okay, they're dumb and deluded. Also, that jail cell scene doesn't exist in remake so they're clinging to something Nojima removed because it didn't fit how the characters and plot were set out.
Fun fact: Toriyama wrote all of Aerith's scenes with Cloud in Midgar, so all annoying nonsense is his fanfiction at work since Nojima literally took it all out 🤣
They bring this up every few months because they think there was flirting and they love that mistranslation they throw around because to them "peevish/complicated" means jealousy and that there's something between Cloud and some chick he literally just met when he's been pining for Tifa since he was nine.
Basically it's about Tifa's feelings of insecurity and that as much as she likes Cloud, she feels like he's out of her league. It doesn't really have anything to do with Aerith, it could be any girl making her feel inadequate, but she feels out of sorts because she considers Aerith a friend and doesn't know how to resolve these conflicting emotions.
Never mind the devs put Cloud and Tifa in the same cell together, but sure, there's totally a moment happening elsewhere. If that was true, why is he with Tifa? That's basically saying the devs are assholes who wanna make Tifa miserable for kicks.
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Yeah, I doubt it. Nomura said this in '97 that Tifa's the canon route and Aerith is the extra for players who wanna. With Remake they're not even entertaining that shit and having Cloud all over Tifa like the game is M rated and they'll be banging any second 🤭
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