#i just feel very strongly about how companies treat their people and this is a big one bc of how miserable my last job made me
tvrningout-a · 7 months
i don’t wanna go to work tomorrow oooof
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futurebird · 4 months
The more I learn about light pollution harms insects, the more I want to try to help... do something about it. But I live in NYC. It feels like an impossible ask. A whole city devoted to making the most light pollution possible.
I strongly suspect that we'd see a greater variety of wildlife if we could dim the light a little.
Just using colors like red light can help. So can dark hours and motion sensors. What if one day, as a treat, every New Yorker got to see the milky way?
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Most people doing light pollution activism are working in places like national parks & deep in the country, places that are almost dark, where the lights are encroaching especially as the cost of very bright LEDs keeps falling: companies and municipalities say "why not? what's the harm?"
The harm is vast. So many creatures need the night to live. Maybe humans need it too. We do, at least, need those creatures.
I care about insects most. But if you don't consider: no bugs, no song birds.
Is reducing light pollution in a big city a hopeless cause? Is it better to focus on those once perfectly dark places being lit up?
One positive of making light pollution an issue in a big city is how it would raise awareness. Imagine if, in the small hours of the night the lights slowly shifted red. Lights with motion sensors that slowly gutter out. You can see NYC on the horizon glowing like a bomb went off for miles, that glow could dim a bit, give the stars a chance to shine.
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navajja · 4 months
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Personally I have a lot of options about Stoliz relationships, and I don't enjoy how they treat eachother, so here are some Stolas and Stoliz redesign and facts just to make myself happy, completely self indulgent.
Cracgking fingers* WElLL
In this idea Stolas is slightly older than Blitzø because of some magic thing he did to learn ages worth of information, they meet at the same age but when they see eachothers again Stolas is slightly older, maybe around ten years.
Stolas marriage with Stela is very complicated (i blame my friend for this idea) it is common behavior in the Goetia family to marry for convenience and HATE their spouses, they all talk shit about each other and laugh at their spouses expenses, it is what is normal for them and it is the way they have fun, everyone is used to this marriage social construct, but Stolas is the weird one of the bunch.
He tried really hard to have a happy marriage and he never truly understood why Stela humiliated him in family gatherings, and it only made it worse when he felt genuinely offended by his words because he was taking the fun out of their marriage. Stolas has a hard time understanding this. Goetia family DOES NOT GET DIVORCES that are considered a failure, u can hate ur spouse all u want but Divorce is a big NO.
Octavia, is actually 20 years old and she wants to be independent, but Stolas is an overprotective parent, he thinks he is staying married for her sake, but it is actually because he is afraid of what people would say. Octavia moved out of the palace but she is actually living in the garden in a smaller part of the castle (just a nepo baby thinking she is independent) Stolas actually cried for that. He is an overprotective parent, but his kid is not a kid anymore and she doesn't need them, he should be looking for his own happiness and all of this is driving him to a mid life crisis (he is 40 and Goetia lives to +250 years, but he feels old)
One night Blitzo shows up with the intention of stealing Stolas book. They end up getting drunk in stolas room talking about everything, it is the first night they enjoy in a long time. All of the alcohol and happiness ends up in the having great sex, and it is not part of the deal they made for the book, the deal is about Blitzo visiting Stolas when he needs his book, he is free to leave right away if he wants but hey genuinely enjoy eachothers company and the fuckin is just a fun little extra. They don't label their relationship, they got issues.
Stella never finds out about Stolas actively cheating on her, she knows something is wrong but can't figure out what, especially because she doesn't believe Stolas is capable of cheating on her with the lower class.
Blitzo is the same idiot we know, but he doesn't act like he hates stolas, but words are hard for him so they never truly talk or say that there feelings are very real. He has low self-esteem, he believes strongly that he doesn't deserve been liked by Stolas and he feels like he is taking advantage every time they are together, he keeps himself for saying those things because he is in love and he takes what he can until Stolas gets tired of him
Blitzo's business idea came up because he needed something substantial he could leave for Loona. If someone ever happens to him he knows Mox and Millie would keep her company but he needs to be sure she will have a future of he is not around.
He adopted her at age 13, she was on high alert all the time but soon enough she was Blitzo precious little girl, but she is 15 now and she is a menace to the world, the teenager rebellion hit her hard, and Blitzo doesn't have anyone to ask for parenting advices, his only ideas are for trying to do the contrary his father did to him, so Loona is spoiled considering Blitzø financial reality.
All i have so far, sorry about it, muak.
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
[𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝] 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
In this reading, I will tell you all the details about your first meeting/date with your Future Spouse/Partner. How to choose a pile: Close your eyes, meditate on the piles if you feel like and pick the one your intuition guides you to. As always take what resonates and let the rest fly! Hope you enjoy this reading :)
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1 -> 2 -> 3
Pile 1
An unexpected meeting with your FS/FP is the first message I got! It feels like this will be very spontaneous or it might not exactly be a date but the vibes will very much be date-worthy. I feel those who chose this group, your FS/FP is a very unpredictable person (in a good way), they have a unique approach to life in general and you will definitely catch that when you meet them for the first time. You may also be embodying rebellious energy or just breaking away from the norms. For some, you might be in a mentally drained state before you meet. Anyways, there seem to be other people definitely involved in either setting you both up or maybe they invite you to a party or ask you to hang out with their friends. You both might go to a bar/club or some sort of place with music, people, and drinks. You may feel a bit nervous or anxious initially and may think that they might judge you. But those feelings will pretty much vanish when you start talking to them. They will make you feel very comfortable and from the entire experience, they will come across as a very emotionally mature person. They are your soulmate and you might get some weird inkling about that when you both meet. The energies on the date feel very calm and zen. Even if you are with a group of people, I see you both moving aside and having your own conversation and enjoying each other's company. Additionally, for some of you, I see that you and your person decide to go somewhere else. It's very spontaneous and I think it correlates to the energy of your FS/FP. Overall, the meeting leaves you both feeling very satisfied and emotionally content.
Extra messages: Ferris Wheel, Ice-cream from a cone, concerts, July, December, 7, 22, 15, angel number 777
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Pile 2
This date is all about you embodying your own power and trying out new things. You are challenging yourself to step out of your comfort zone. For some of you, I see that you actually might meet your FS/FP through a one-night stand situation or your ‘date’ is just a causal hook up. While for the rest, you might find yourself with a lot of options and people. So you go on this date as a something temporary and just for the experience. I feel like some of you or your FS/FP are not planning to date or get into a relationship. Some of you might get dinner with them before doing anything spontaneous. I see some expensive wine and a fancy restaurant. Your FS/FP really treat you properly, might even go shopping or just spending money on you. I don’t feel like they have to put that much effort. They are a real charmer and they know how to treat someone on a date. They have a lot of experience when it comes to dating. While on the date you both could bond over your childhood memories or your life as a teenager. I feel like you will realize how similar your life is to theirs, like many common themes and experiences. I also see that for some you might be reconciling or reconnecting with someone from your past or childhood. Maybe friends or neighbors who grew apart and reconnect later sort of trope (but this is for some people not everyone). You both will love to indulge in finer things and appreciate art and other luxurious stuff in the same way. Also, I am strongly picking up on financial abundance from your FS/FP. They could be financially well off or come from a wealthy family.
Extra messages: lion symbolism, red wine, October, November, 21, 4, angel number 222
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Pile 3
Alright so right off the bat, those who chose this group, your first meeting happens after a either an ending of a relationship platonic or romantic. Some sort of heartbreak and emotional pain. I am also picking up on financial instability or job loss for some of you. You will embody a different energy, where you reinvent yourself and undergo and massive spiritual and emotional purging. You will start focusing on yourself and filling your own cup. Once you reach this level of self-satisfaction and being content with who you are will you meet your FS/FP. This is a very fated person and you will feel it once you start making these changes. You will feel more aligned to your destiny. The date itself will be very much written in the stars. You and your FS/FP are very giving people and when you attain a balanced state of your energies together. I feel like the date will be something out of your regular routine. Most likely out of boredom and to seek some excitement you end up going to this random place which you never frequent or you randomly decide to go hangout with some people and thats when you meet your FS/FP. There is also a high possibility that you may have already heard of or seen this person but not really gotten to know them.
Extra messages: birthday cake, spring season, cherry blossoms, March, September, 25, 27, 8, angel number 444
©️Saturnianprincess 2023 | home
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dearweirdme · 9 months
I feel strongly that jikookers must be really young or adults who are really lacking in the common sense and observational department because there's no way there's no way 😭
Imagine fighting tooth and nails and even going as far as visiting cc's anonymously of ppl who don't think the same as you to try to convince them ( more like convince yourself ) that two dudes in the kpop industry who have content after content of very common and usual fanservice, I mean almost kisses with cameras on every angel and on their faces, lots of narratives that come straight out of a company, they even be expecting eagerly their annual compilation of fanservice, the memories ( any rational adult with any idea of how the world works knows that that isn't the way a closeted gay couple would be treated when there's millions of investment in a group), also the body language (jikookers really can't read the most basic body language or they are pretending), the honest clear attraction between two other members etc, are in a relationship
They also be acting like reality is dependant on what ppl's opinion a private relationship is.....it doesn't matter what any of us think, who you try to convince or how much you try to convince yourself, reality won't change, facts won't change, our opinions don't have any influence in these people's feelings and lives, I need ppl to stop thinking with their desires and wishes and really start using their brains.....and I'm not saying this for the need to win any ship war, but bc i see how these delusions serve to harm real queer people and make their lives harder ( kpop and in this case their company has everything to do with this)
Hi @def-sowl!
Yes, absolutely! Going to rant a bit on your ask here.
What I have learned from the Jkkrs visiting my blog and from what I encounter when I look through tags... Jkkrs have a very strong focus on the 'romantic' parts of life. They allow for very little aside that. Everything Jk and Jimin do has a double meaning or they do it with the other in mind. You could so clearly see that when Jk released Seven... his clothes, his pictures, his jewelry, his lives... everything was connected to Jimin. That is not how real lives work. Jkkrs rarely think about reasons for Jk and Jimin's behavior outside the realm of romance. Jimin was unsure about his appearance so he sent Jk a selfie to show why... Jkkrs make it a naked selfie. JImin went to NY... Jkk date. Jimin doesn't talk about Jk on his lives... Jimin isn't ready/holds the ropes/whatever it was. The way they see Jk and Jimin is entirely built around the idea of them together. You can even see huge discrepansies in that, because at the moment they dont know whether to stick with the "Jkk is bold" or the "Jkk is laying low".
When thinking about the members, there's so much to take into account. They do not live normal lives for instance. I had this Jkk go on about Tae not knowing Jk's hotelroom number and how that meant they couldn't possibly be boyfriends. They do not take into account that those guys go from hotelroom to hotelroom at times, with only time to sleep at some days. It's nothing like schoolcamp or going on holiday. We as fans, cannot compare their situation to ours in the practical way. They have jobs that none of us experience, they have more money than us, they always have to be aware of 'image', they are 'being lived' at times... it's just.. we cannot relate. That doesn't mean we cannot incorporate those things when we think about how their lives might be though, and I feel Jkkrs absolutely lack in that regard.
That anon came back and showed me many tiktoks and tweets about how I am wrong and how Jkk is real (though stating they do not mean to try and convince me, they just like pointing out that I am wrong). But those vids, where all either fanservice or plain friendship. And you are right, they do not understand the subtlety of reading bodylanguage at all.
and I'm not saying this for the need to win any ship war, but bc i see how these delusions serve to harm real queer people and make their lives harder ( kpop and in this case their company has everything to do with this)
That is a very strong point you made, and yes I agree.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Honor & Logic, Surak & Kahless: Klingon & Vulcan Culture Parallels
I honestly find Vulcan and Klingon culture remarkably, hilariously similar and I’m surprised Trek has never once fully touched on it!
If Surak had been a fighter, and Kahless a scientist, their cultures would have turned out opposite! Kahless united his people under the principles of a noble warrior, Surak united his people under the principles of a noble pacifist. Think about it!
Same cultural rigidity, different word! Honor is used by Klingons the same way Logic is used by Vulcans. They use those buzz words to justify their actions, regardless of how logical or honorable their actions really are.
They both have strong gentry systems (it’s just Vulcans pretend that they don’t but you can just look at how the S’chn T’gai family is treated to disprove that).
They ferociously reject those among them who deviate from their rigid cultures. The men on which they base their cultures were a lot wiser and more nuanced than the cultures their ideals have bore.
Kahless’s wisdom and good name has been used to justify power hungry Klingons unending desire for bloodshed and domineering over others. Even though stories of Kahless are often about defending one’s own and standing your ground against oppressors. Something some Klingons deeply understand (see, Worf) and others very much do NOT (see, Chancellor Gowron).
Surak’s wisdom has been twisted into disdain and social flagellation for all displays of emotion. So much so that some Vulcans are consumed with shame for feeling, something all living things experience. Even though the goal of things like Kolinahr is to process the emotions until they are so abstracted and distant they no longer affect you, not bottling things up for eternity *cough cough* Sarek *cough*.
They both strongly reject those who question the current order of things and each harbor extremist groups. Whether you’re Dishonored or V’Tosh Ka’Tur, the reason behind the alienation is the same. Logic extremists and fanatics like Gowron exist in all corners. Their culture rigidity is a pressure cooker for both results.
I think the key reason people haven’t noticed is that Vulcans are much better at hiding their flaws than Klingons are. To be more precise, while neither the majority Klingons or Vulcans see the problem, Vulcans pretend they don’t have those problems.
While Klingons (especially before they made peace with the Federation) embrace the things that damage their culture loudly and proudly, they boast of their nationalism and the superiority of the Great Houses over Klingon peasantry. The average Klingon has no political bearing in the squabbling of the Great Houses unless they’ve shed blood to get there, which reinforces the issue.
Whereas Vulcans are like “it would be illogical to employ nepotism and ethnic purity into our education system” while telling Sarek, a relation of a very powerful member of their spiritual community (T’Pau), that they can only allow one of his freakish deviant children into the VSA. But they’re not xenophobic right? That’s illogical.
Could you imagine the amazing content that could arise from an on-screen Vulcan & Klingon relationship in pretty much any capacity, friends, rivals, lovers, any kind! Vulcans and Klingons are, by FAR, the most fleshed out alien cultures in all of Star Trek, and their cultures rhyme beautifully!
I think it’s high time that a Star Trek show that let those two cultures interact more directly. It would be refreshing for two alien cultures to engage with, even embrace each other’s company without Human/Starfleet interference.
It would be a wonderfully refreshing break from that egotistically human-centric view Star Trek often falls prey to. Seriously, it would be such good content and I hope we see it more and more often as the franchise evolves!
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winterswhite · 1 year
I've been meaning to talk about this since I first saw the posts people were making about yesterday's troupe blog post, but the more time passes the more this bothers me, so I think we need to talk about the way some of you have been talking about Misumi and the fact that he can drive. I'm going to apologize in advance for the wall of text I'm about to throw out though www
The immediate thing that comes to mind is people being shocked that he can drive, even though the fact that he has a license has been known since the Actor's Circuit event from July 2020, making it almost three-year-old knowledge now. I do understand that not everyone has kept up with events and stories past the shutdown of A3!EN and that little factoids like this sometimes slip the collective fandom consciousness, but it's the reactions to it that I find really weird (or if they're jokes that I'm taking too seriously, I just don't get them).
Three main types of posts I've been seeing are (1) people talking about Misumi "finally" getting his license and reacting to it in various ways, (2) people implying Misumi is driving without a license, and (3) people implying Misumi would be a bad driver because of triangular road signs, triangles in the outside world, etc.
On the topic of him "finally" getting his license, I'm going to bring up again that we've known this for close to three years, but that aside, people's reactions to that are really weirding me out. Every time I see someone (especially a younger member of the fandom) say they're proud of him, calling him their baby, and saying they feel like a proud parent, it really weird me out. It's understandable to feel proud, but at this point in the story Misumi is 21 years old (technically 22, since his birthday would've passed in June and we know that in the story it's past autumn since Banri and Juza are of legal drinking age now), and to an older member of the fandom it's understandable to see him as a baby, but with anyone else, I'm going to raise an eyebrow. I'll say more on that with the other two post types, though, because they all boil down to the same thing.
Both the implication that Misumi is driving without a license and that he'd be a bad driver speak volumes, too. Doing something like driving illegally or without enough practice is extremely dangerous and no one in the company would allow him to do that, much less post about it on the company's public blog (reminder that these blog posts are read by countless Mankai fans in-universe!). The main thing that bothers me, though, is people saying (joking about? I can't tell) he'd be a bad driver because he'd be distracted by triangular road signs and other objects. To me, this comes off as incredibly ableist.
Misumi is one of the easiest characters to read as autistic (if not the easiest), and a good amount of the fandom agrees on that. His character, whether this was the intention or not, comes off very strongly as being autistic or at the very least having some sort of neurodivergence in the way he acts, reacts, and feels about things. And whether or not you personally acknowledge this, treating him the way people have been reeks of ableism. Being shocked that he can drive, babying him (when, again, he is a whole 22 years old), and joking about him being distracted by triangles all speak volumes about how you view and treat neurodivergent people.
If you do acknowledge that he's neurodivergent and still treat him like this, I don't think I need to explain how blatantly ableist that is. If you don't or it didn't occur to you (which is understandable and I can't exactly fault you for that, because what's obvious to one person may not be to another), it still doesn't change his entire character and the fact that you see those traits of his and proceed to infantilize him like this is telling. Just because you don't see something or it hasn't been explicitly told to you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Autistic people have suffered for centuries due to people treating them like overgrown children undeserving of autonomy, babying them and denying them rights and privileges granted to others their age because of their perceived immaturity. Painting your words in a positive light and saying you love him for it doesn't change that you're essentially treating him the exact same way. It doesn't change that you're treating this character, a grown man, like a child taking his first steps.
In the same way, implying he would get distracted by triangles and put other people in danger as a result (be it passengers or bystanders) is...again, I don't think I need to explain why that's bad. Neurodivergent people are so often labeled unsafe or a danger to society and face endless trouble because of it, from being denied healthcare to employment and many other things, even being institutionalized against their will. In most cases, that "danger" just isn't real. In this one, you're just reducing Misumi to a single trait (liking triangles) and completely dismissing the fact that he's a complete, fleshed-out character and capable of functioning like the adult he is. If he's driving, he clearly has a license. If he was able to obtain it, he clearly has a certain amount of skill behind the wheel. There's a lot more to his character than just triangles. He has thoughts and feelings and a whole range of skills, just like any other character. People just seem to forget that about him because he's vocal about a special interest and happens to be a cheerful character (and we all know how much happy little guys get reduced to just that).
I understand wanting to joke around and all, but please be mindful of who and what you're joking about. This has happened before with Guy and android jokes, and now it's happening again with Misumi. Too many fandom "jokes" lean very heavily into ableism and it's very unfunny and uncomfortable to see.
In conclusion:
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
LMAO BPP All the PJM and JJK pages are obsessed with Tae's collaboration with Min Heejin. The theories I've seen just today??? 🤣🤣😭 You're so right on how you said the fandom implosion will go. The maknae line debuts will break all the pretenses open for the fandom to implode like you said. It's hilarious to see most people in Army fandom showing their asses.
Ask 2:
Hi BPP, Tae is working on his album under the production and creative fdirection of Ador´s CEO Min Heejin. I must confess that I dont know anything about her. Do you have any insights or opinions on why would Tea seek out her in particular. Also there were some controversies with this lady, if I am not mistaken, but I dont know the details. Would you please share your opinions with us if you have any?
thanks and have a nice day
Ask 3:
BPP!!! So apparently Min Heejin worked with Tae on his album!!! What I know of her is just basically her work with New Jeans so I have no idea what to expect about Tae’s solo debut now 😭
Hi Anon(s),
Chapter 2 is such a wonderful time, isn't it? It's lovely seeing the members flex their wings and influence a little bit, to see more of the colours and shadows of themselves they've been showing fans for the last 10 years. It's also been amusing to see all the people who were not paying attention, start to wake up. I've seen various posts about how some people feel this member changed or that member now looks different to them because of this/that interview, and I chuckle not even gonna lie.
The boys were always this competitive, always this ambitious, always this arrogant with a strong sense of pride, and all with massive egos swinging between the seven of them. Like, do people actually forget BTS are Korean men? They tone it down every now and then, and some members are more subtle about it than others, but they've always been like this, and if you believed otherwise then good morning. How would you like your coffee?
Of course it doesn't mean they don't highly value the team and fans, it's never meant that, but the love for their team (which I think is mostly genuine and pragmatically still very useful to them) is impressive to me when you remember the sort of partnership they have with each other in BTS is unnatural. We all know that. There's a reason there's no other group that has had their trajectory before, it's why there's no group like them - then and now, because many things about BTS as a group is frankly unnatural and go against every conventional thought of how a band should evolve. And everybody knows that, especially BTS themselves, which is why I strongly respect their aim to balance their very palpable ambitions and potential, with that of the team. However they choose to do that is their business, in my opinion. The company has its own agenda possibly, but they're all grown men more aware of the options at their disposal for their unique situations than anyone this side of the internet. It's bizarre for me to open my jikook Tumblr and see fans treat the people I consider to be the most intelligent in the group, as the most helpless in their situations within the company.
Anyway, hopefully anybody previously stuck under a false impression of the members, now that we're finally getting to Tae in the release schedule, I hope everyone is now well and fully aware of who the men in BTS are, and what the group as a whole represents. Like I've said before, nearly everything about them is directly up my alley so I'm a fan. Please be honest with yourself on if it's not, and if not, it's very okay to stop keeping up with BTS. In fact I strongly suggest you try out other groups that could be more to your liking, or take a tolerance break from everything k-pop altogether. That would be for the best.
The only way this implosion will actually be helpful for the group and fandom, is if all the people grumbling and hating the members now actually left the fandom. If all the apparently 'disillusioned' fans actually left, we'd be in much better shape by 2025. But because this is k-pop, they won't. And that is precisely what makes this implosion feel so messy.
About Min Heejin working with Tae, I'm excited!
Until that announcement, I didn't care one way or the other about Tae's solo debut. I mean, I was curious, but my taste in music is more the rapline and jikook to some degree. Tae and Jin for me are sometimes a hit but more of a miss usually, so I was prepared to support but only the baseline I typically do. Hearing that Min Heejin is involved however, makes me actually look forward to his album.
I won't rehash what I've said about Min Heejin before, Anons. You can read my previous posts on her by searching her name or 'NewJeans' on my blog. Personally, I don't care about the allegations against her just as I don't care about the allegations for all the Big3 CEOs/producers, and because if one actually cares to dig into the meat of the allegations against MHJ, many of them don't hold up under any scrutiny.
Anyway, reports say Tae reached out to Min Heejin in late 2022 to help with his solo debut project. That was really smart of Tae to do because Min Heejin is a brilliant artist. I'd say she's a couple of years ahead of an artist like Cho Gi-Seok, another brilliant Korean creative and the mind behind XG's latest concept execution and MVs along with Simon. If she works with Shin Woo-seok for Tae's MVs - the award-winning director she's worked with on many of NewJeans' MVs - then I expect nothing short of excellence.
In terms of music compatibility, Min Heejin has a good feel for descending microtonal music. The sort of music most people associate with jazz chords and R&B. So given Tae's music tastes, I'm very curious to see the direction his album will take under her supervision. I honestly have no idea how it's going to sound.
On promotions, like I've said before, unless Tae does a full English release like JK, he likely won't be getting the same toolbox, but he should see more support than previous releases. If Ador solely handles his promotions, then I can expect to see Tae have similar promotions to NewJeans. Which would be fantastic!
Tae has very interesting taste in music. He seems to like a lot of classic pop, contemporary pop, and hiphop. His voice and range allows him to excel in any of these genres, and despite how it seems online most people are fine with how he enunciates words in Korean. But I do hope he sticks to Korean or at least that there's dramatic improvement in his English pronunciations if there's a lot of English tracks.
We'll see.
Besides Tae though, I'm nearly desperate for new music from Namjoon and Jimin. I need it. Even my assistant at work (who I've somehow turned into a Jimin bias from streaming Serendipity, Alone, and Like Crazy-centered playlists at the office), asked me if Jimin has any new music out, as recently as last Wednesday. The people want more music. So, as excited as I am for Tae, I hope we get something minimoni before long as well.
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mbti-notes · 1 month
Anon wrote: What can I do in these situations? I realized I feel very fearful, even phobic about the internet now, by seeing how is talked about the way big companies manage private data, the thing of devices being vulnerable to any cyber attack and the way AI is being used to harass people and scam.
I feel… very terrified by all of this, I don't feel at ease even at my own home by living with smart devices. Is there a way I can make this more tolerable? I know we all need technology in our lifes now, but I don't want to feel spied on and vulnerable by it. It feels… very apocalyptic to me, and has made me fall in a pit of existential despair.
Then I started to think about my forgotten accounts, which made me VERY panicked. What if something happened to them and I didn't know? What if they're used for terrible things?
This worry has become so magnified in my mind, that I fear crumbling down when facing daily life things, and then even become bed ridden by the immense anxiety. I was bed ridden through many years by anxiety before so, this has become a huge concern.
I'm INFJ btw. Thank you very much!
Your anxiety sounds serious enough that I would strongly recommend getting professional help for it.
Phobias are considered irrational because they are based on faulty reasoning, distorted beliefs, or circular overthinking. For example:
1) Phobics exaggerate negative possibilities because they treat mere "probability" as near "certainty". This is often a problem of being bad at math or logic.
For example, the odds of dying by drowning are about 1 in 1000. What does that really mean, though? Does it mean that if you go swimming 999 times, you'll certainly die by the 1000th? No. What if you rarely go swimming? What if you are an Olympic-level swimmer? What if you only swim in recreational pools with other people and never alone in the sea? There are so many contextual factors that could affect the odds of drowning that trying to calculate the odds is basically meaningless when it comes to making life decisions.
2) Phobics envision mainly negative possibilities and overlook positive ones. This is a problem of distorted perception that then leads to distorted beliefs.
Let's say you read a statistic that car accidents are one of the leading causes of death. Because of this, you developed a fear of driving and thus always have to rely on others to transport you everywhere. Unfortunately, you don't live in a very walkable city, so this dependence on others causes you to lose a lot. You lose time because you often have to take indirect or slower routes. You lose energy because you always have to plan your outings very carefully. You lose opportunities because you can't always get to every place you need to go on time. You may even lose relationships because of being too dependent on people to come to your rescue when stranded.
If you were to objectively compare what you lose by not driving against what you could gain by being able to drive yourself, being able to drive is the better option. Furthermore, the fact of the matter is that you still need to be in a car on the road, but not driving yourself means that you have far less control over the outcome. Generally speaking, feeling less in control only exacerbates fear.
From these examples, it becomes more obvious why the best way to overcome phobia is to confront it and learn to master it, rather than give in to it. Just as not driving doesn't keep you out of vehicles and off the road, in 2024, there's no way to live life properly without accessing the internet. If you must do something you fear doing, the answer isn't to look for ways to avoid doing it but to learn how to do it to the best of your ability.
E.g. You can learn effective ways to protect your privacy. You can learn how to avoid getting scammed. You can learn how to use social media constructively. You can improve your judgment and be less naive or gullible.
You believe your fear is an indication of a dangerous world out there but, actually, your fear is an indication of your own low self-confidence. People lack self-confidence when they lack the knowledge and skill necessary to meet challenges and solve problems. The world is constantly changing and life will keep throwing challenges at you. The best way to cope is by being a good learner and adapting to change with new knowledge and skills.
Since phobias are irrational, an important aspect of overcoming them is becoming a more rational person, which means it's necessary for you to improve your critical thinking skills. For example, which option is more rational: 1) Avoiding the internet and living in a state of ignorance and anxiety, which basically means your life comes to a standstill? or 2) Learning how to use the internet more wisely, which means you can live your life confidently and fully?
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lollytea · 2 years
PLEASE talk about their silly little relationship for hours!
They LIKE eachother and thats the thing. Everything about their respective moral alignments and their strongly held beliefs of the opposite side perfectly sets up for their relationship to be this mutual understanding but wrought with so much tension and antagonism. Like it has this tragic potential of "they could have been best friends in another life" and like. LIKE LIKE. These shots in Hunting Palismen really seems like this is the direction their dynamic is going in. Look at them!!!
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So you'd think I'd be disappointed that this is not remotely the direction their relationship wound up in but I can't even be mad. Because whatever the FUCK they got going on now is just way funnier and way sweeter and says so much about them as people that I just love it too much.
They hang out for one night and that's literally all it took. They like and respect each other now and it doesn't MATTER if they're on opposite sides. Deep down, they really don't care.
They're too kind to be each others' enemies. They're too goofy for it. They're too comfortable with each other to even hold serious grudges about all the threats and murder attempts. They TRUST each other, which they shouldn't but they do.
Like Hunter TRIES to create some distance between them. He calls her "Human (derogatory)" to reinforce that she's below him and he doesn't see her as a friend. But then he calls her Luz the one time he's not thinking about it. Its a deliberate effort on his part to refer to her as Human, but apparently all this time he's been calling her Luz in his head. He sees her as an equal and he has ever since they officially met.
But like literally he's so fucking bad at not being friendly with her. He tries to be cold with her over text but then sends her a pic by mistake and apologizes for it. Tried to be angry with her about getting them stuck in Belos's mind but then she said something funny that gave him a good giggle so he was like "aight it's cool." And then proceeded to excitedly infodump on her when he saw stuff he thought was cool. Like he's never been to an art gallery with a buddy before and by god if he's gonna be stuck in this situation, he's not milk what he can out of it.
Meanwhile Luz trusts him wholeheartedly, even before Hunter's "redemption." She's like "I've read enough YA novels to know where this little bitch's character arc is going" so she doesn't bother waiting until they get to that point and treats him like a friend early on. But the funniest part is she doesn't bother to COMMUNICATE that they're friends now. She just expects him to get with the program.
She very confidently decides that Hunter is her man on the inside, without bothering to tell him. So when she tries to get info from him, he's just like "fuck off???"
And she's not even upset when he laughs in her face at the notion that she actually believed he was ever on her side. She just kinda rolls her eyes and gets snippy because he's being obnoxious. Like I feel like this kind of reaction would hurt her feelings??? But since it's Hunter she just shrugs it off. It's cool, Hunter's just annoying like that.
I'm mostly just talking about what makes their relationship funny so I'm not even gonna delve into how much they take care of each other, both physically and emotionally but it is worth mentioning that I love that too. They're out here saving each others lives like constantly. But anyway.
The way Gus and Willow were people Hunter needed a spend a little time with to get comfortable with touching them. But with Luz he's just ALWAYS been chill with it. For some reason. They just have this dynamic where everything clicked together perfectly when they first met, something that is rare but does exist. It's like "Yes we have only spent two days in eachothers company. Yes we have known each other our whole lives. These sorts of relationships exist. Open your mind."
Whatever they got is so funky. My favourite pair of freaks
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somedreamlove · 2 months
My very controversial opinions on all the Quackity drama:
As far as I’m concerned, Quackity can have any sort of business practices he wants, that’s literally on him, but nobody is obligated to accept working conditions that don’t treat them well. Like I’m seeing so much ‘Quackity didn’t treat his employees well’… but why did the employees let themselves be treated in such a way then? Why did they stay? Why did they continue to work?? And don’t tell me they stayed for the money (which is also a form of consent, by the way, if you’re treating yourself badly for money, that’s on you), because they weren’t even getting paid!
So I’m sorry, I’m not really sympathetic to someone who accuses another person for not upholding their own self-worth. Why did you work full time for months for free? Like genuine question.
I’ve also seen people apparently criticising Quackity for having his brother in the company, which is just so unserious I don’t even know what to say. Of course people are going to involve their family members in their business, that’s literally just that. Frankly I’m glad some familial relationships are stronger than twitter opinions.
And about Quackity’s merch company—once again, what do I care? Quackity can have any sort of merch company he wants. I’m not obligated to buy anything from it, and it really doesn’t matter to me if it exists over there somewhere where I’m not, because I’m not interacting with it. So again, what does it have to do with me? If someone wants to buy something from there, that’s their choice. Am I supposed to be the knight in shining armour protecting someone from their own decisions? You have to be responsible for your own life experiences. Seriously guys I cannot overestimate how important for your inner peace it is to realise that people can do whatever they want, and the only way it can affect you is if you consent to it and accept their product.
It’s like the analogy of a kitchen—a kitchen that is fully stocked and has every ingredient imaginable. Say you want to make some pumpkin pie—you aren’t going to get mad that the ingredients for a salad are there, because they’re not something you’re going to put into your pie. It’s fine for them to exist! But you don’t have to put them in your pie.
So, Quackity is making a sunday roast somewhere over there, but you don’t want to eat the sunday roast, and nobody can make you eat the sunday roast, so what does it matter?
(I say this as someone who is deeply neutral about Quackity as I am about most people. If you feel strongly negative about another person, you’re actually only seeing a projection of yourself. Try replacing all the mentions of him with yourself in all your sentences and self-reflect until you understand what you’re projecting.)
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starwrittenfates · 4 months
 ❣ For Ominis, Anne, and Harmony :)
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Affectionate: This boy doesn't care about things like blood status. If you find a way into his heart, he will treat you with such warmth and softness. He's honestly a pure cinnamon roll that's too good for this world. He's the type to shower his love with gifts and affection. He especially loves physical touch because of being blind.
Protective: He isn't afraid to fight for those he cares about. Don't underestimate him.
Emotional: Despite having a habit of hiding his emotions and being icy with others he doesn't know too well at first, Ominis is actually very emotional and caring and empathetic. He's for sure the type to be known talking about his love or caught kissing them in the hallways.
His Family: Ominis would state this right off the bat (it's honestly the biggest one). Despite caring for his family, he knows how much of a problem they can be. After all, things have been tense between him and them since. And they are terrible about following tradition. It's not that they will stop him from being with someone else (especially if they aren't pure-blood), it's just the fact that things will not be easy being part of the Gaunt family. And he wouldn't want to bring any harm or danger.
Can be Jealous: I can see him getting jealous depending on certain circumstances. After all, it's perfectly human.
Repress Emotions sometimes: Despite being an emotional person, sometimes Ominis has that ability to hide his emotions away, not wanting to come off as a burden or worry someone.
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Affectionate: Just like Ominis, Anne doesn't care about blood status. She only cares about the person and would be that person going on dates and giving someone homemade gifts.
Playful: I can see Anne being especially playful. After all, she is the twin sister of Sebastian. She has a small little mischievous streak in her, but it's tame and mild compared to her brother. Her's mostly involve's playful wit and banter.
Will take care of you if you get sick: Knowing what it's like to have health problems and feel sick, Anne is assured with having knowledge of how to take care of her loves ones.
Her brother (?): Depending on if Sebastian ends up in Azkaban or not, it's clear her brother is obviously a sensitive and painful topic for her. There's also that fact of Sebastian just being protective and I can honestly see him being that brother that carefully makes sure whoever is after his sister knows he will come after them if they hurt her. Oof...don't test it.
Her condition with the curse: Depending on if she's able to find a cure for it or not, this is an obvious one and it's sad. It just makes everything difficult, but grief is worse...
Can't think of a third one...
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HARMONY GOODWATER (I haven't made a banner for her yet ^^'''):
Loyal: As a Hufflepuff (and just the kind of person she is), Harmony is assured to be loyal to those who earn it. Once you earn her affections and friendship, she is determined to stick by your side. She will never be caught cheating and is very devoted.
Affectionate: With her naturally bubbly personality, Harmony isn't afraid of PDA. In fact, she often forgets that sometimes it's not welcomed by others. She's the type to hug a friend everytime she sees them and if she ends up dating someone, expect that to also involve kisses. She also holds hands and just enjoys being in their company.
Empathetic: She's a people person, but she's also very understanding and feels her (and others) emotions strongly. If you're hurting, she's hurting. If you're happy, she's also happy. It can be both a blessing and a curse.
Stubborn: She can be very stubborn and reckless. Despite being a Hufflepuff, if it comes to protecting those she cares about, Harmony will do whatever it takes to keep them safe and stop whoever is causing harm. Even if it involves risking her own life. And when she is like this, it's hard for her to listen to others.
Overly Empathetic: Like I said, it's both a blessing and a curse.
Intense: She can come off this way to some at times mostly because of how passionate and devoted she is, but she proudly wears her heart of her sleeve and cares for others.
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heheheee i am excited now, can i please get a BoB ship please
i am also totally that person that copy and pastes my description of myself because i can only think about what i do for so long before my brain feels like it's going to explode, for someone who has a big ego, i cannot for the life of me remember what makes me me sometimes
anywayyy I'm 5'4 with long dark brown hair and brown/hazelish eyes. I'm extremely extroverted and love socialising and talking to people and flirting hehe. I can come off as a little cocky sometimes but i am just highly confident in myself and what i do (even if sometimes i am bluffing for the sake of bluffing it till i make it hehe). I'm currently studying psychology and am going to be an officer in the army one day (i'm already an infantry reservist so already starting a little). I spend a lot of time at the gym and focusing on eating well as i strongly believe in keeping fit and treating myself right so naturally, i am on the muscular and not super skinny side. I am the mum/dad of my friend group cause for some reason i give those vibes off, maybe it's just cause i'm good at herding all of my mates together and telling them to sit down and shut up. Probably also because i'm extremely empathetic, like to the point where i kinda unconsciously take on other peoples emotions. In past relationships i've been pretty chill and independent but most of them haven't worked out because i need a man who shows me he want to be with me and if i don't get that then i kinda lose interest. I am also extremely chaotic, like just 24/7 even when i feel like shit you will catch me being spontaneous as hell or laughing my ass off at my own jokes and just always gotta be using my brain for something. I have been described by a lot of people as intimidating or a 'spitfire' cause i'm small but very outspoken and prepared to fight a bitch if they try me or especially my friends. I've also been told i'm scary by a lot of my guy mates cause if you try talk shit i'll put you in your place pretty quickly. Just generally like first glance and chat i'm an angel but later on you realise i'm the devils spawn idk
hello dearest I am soooo sorry this has taken me so long to get to, life's been chaos for the last while but I'm enjoying writing today and I'm on a roll! Anyway enough rambling
I ship you with Ron Speirs
Somehow the two of you trademarked sarcastic flirting and made it your thing. Like you actively search each other out just to do it
He loves getting into psychology talk with you because he finds it so fascinating and loves debating things and ideas with you.
Literal parents of the company. When everyone's acting the idiot there's no duo better than the two of you to gather the troops and whip them into shape.
His favourite thing about you is how kind and understanding you are. Like he'll see you having a deep conversation with someone who's clearly upset and it melts his heart.
He doesn't mind that you're a bit chaotic and always have to be doing something, in fact he thinks it's great cause you usually drag him off to do something fun.
But he somehow always knows if you're putting on a brave front and are actually having a down day.
Everyone knows that if they piss off one of you, they've actually inadvertently pissed off both of you and they're in big trouble cause nobody does a double death glare like you and Ron Speirs. Luz swears he saw someone actually collapse from the weight of those glares.
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Life Talk
Hi babes, so this life update is a downer, which is why I’ve been sitting on it for a while- I didn’t wanna rain on digi celebrations.  Before I go on, though: I am more or less fine.
Content warnings: discussion of dementia/hospitalization/nonspecific abuse/crappy American healthcare system/mental health stuff/all around bad sad times.
So I know I tend to be upfront with these life posts, but...  I feel like I can’t be for this one.  I’m going to be a bit vague.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that my father is abusive, and I went no contact with him at the earliest opportunity for my safety/mental health.  He’s been having health emergencies since I was a kid, and he never does what the doctors recommend after the hospitalizations.  I’ve been telling my mother for years that the hospitalizations will only become more frequent and dire as he ages, both because he is aging, and because the past problems will compound. 
Well, he had a dementia episode- my mother called it in, and emergency responders sent several professionals to intercede.  Again, it’s not really my story, so I won’t get into details, but it was frightening.  He’s been in the hospital for a bit, and they want to release him to my mother’s home- but they say he needs 24/7 care.  
In order for my mother to provide 24/7 care, she would have to never leave the house- ie, she can’t work or shop for groceries or go... anywhere.  And, again, the last dementia episode was frightening enough that they sent several people to help (and I’ve been afraid/tense around him my whole life, regardless).  Unfortunately, the healthcare system in my country is unequipped to deal with the sheer number of people who need this kind of care (and lack the funds to afford it).  I asked around, and folks said that they had to report about 6-9 instances of “dementia patient does something extreme enough that their caretaker has to call emergency services for help” before the patient was admitted to a care facility.  
In past similar situations, my therapist said that I need to hold onto my boundaries and refrain from emotionally responding/sympathizing to the point where my life and health are impacted.  This, of course, is no easy thing.  Anyone would worry about their parents- that’s true for me, too, even with the childhood I had.  But, she would say, I need to remember that they have been adults for over 50 years, and they are in charge of themselves. 
The trouble is that I was raised to be emotionally available and helpful to my parents.  Girls are commonly treated as the family caretakers in my country, even without the abusive stuff going on, but the “you exist to fulfill our expectations” vibe is common in abusive situations.  These health emergencies and the ensuing chaos tend to drag up so many awful memories, learned behaviors, and resentments.  I’m strongly considering contacting my therapist for a few check up appointments to address this.
There’s a lot going on in my life, too- disruptive work on my house and the company I work for running out of funding.  The mental/spiritual toll is becoming physical, which is a clear sign that I need to take some kind of action.  I guess that’s a few therapy sessions????  IDK???  I’m still figuring the action part out.
I went back and forth on bringing this up at all- like, isn’t it just a pile of downerness?  But...  Well, I can tell that I’ve been vulnerable/emotional/distracted/just not my normal self in all areas of my life, including with you guys on DM and in the camp digimonth discord.  So, if my behavior has come off as a little off or just overwhelmed...  I’m not saying you owe me a pass, but I am saying that I wasn’t, like, upset with you.  It was definitely me and my questionable emotional state x_x
Again, I’m trying to take care of myself now- but I’m also really struggling to figure out what that looks like, or how I can fit that into the crevices between work and basic stuff like...  You know, eating and sleeping.  
I’m wishing all of you the very best of everything, as always.  Take care!
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criticalbennifer · 5 months
Why Ben Affleck and his film editor rough cut scenes on set for the ‘Air’ actors
By Jordan Lee
January 8, 2024
There’s an ensemble scene late in Ben Affleck’s shoe-centric saga, “Air,” in which principal cast members, including Affleck as Nike founder Phil Knight, are seated at a boardroom table as rookie Michael Jordan decides whether to sign with the underdog shoe company.
“They already know the story, they already know Michael Jordan, they already know how it ends,” Affleck tells The Envelope about building drama in a scene that everyone already knows the outcome to. “They better be learning information that’s new and kind of interesting or has to be genuinely funny. And it all has to be rooted in reality.”
The tipping point comes when Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro, played by Matt Damon, addresses Jordan directly. “A shoe is just a shoe until somebody steps into it, and then it has meaning. The rest of us just want a chance to touch that greatness. We need you in these shoes not so you have meaning in your life, so we have meaning in ours. Everyone at this table will be forgotten as soon as our time here is up, except for you. You’re going to be remembered forever, because some things are eternal. You’re Michael Jordan, and your story is going to make us want to fly.”
The monologue, made all the more famous after Donald Trump used it without permission in an ad for his 2024 presidential bid, was by screenwriter Alex Convery but rewritten by Affleck and Damon to reflect the price of fame. It’s part of the process for Affleck, a two-time Oscar winner, who welcomes dialogue input from all his cast members, who include Viola Davis, Chris Tucker and Jason Bateman.
“Writing is creating the word, but it really is a process of acting, especially with great actors. The way I earned trust on this movie was by having editorial on the set,” offers Affleck, who invited his editor, William Goldenberg, to rough-cut scenes for actors to observe before moving on. “I think they all found a great place to be, and I think that’s because they were able to see the movie as they were filming it.”
An Oscar winner for “Argo” and veteran editor of such movies as “Zero Dark Thirty,” “Heat” and “The Imitation Game,” Goldenberg had no compunction about letting so many cooks into the kitchen. “I don’t usually get to meet the actors, so on that level it was fun,” he says. “Ben and I have worked together for a long time. I know his sensibility, he knows mine, so we’ve developed a shorthand together.”
As lifelong friends, Affleck and Damon last appeared together in Ridley Scott’s “The Last Duel.” But “Air” represents a creative collaboration between them not seen since the beginning of their careers on their breakout hit, “Good Will Hunting.”
“The person who ends up with the stronger opinion tends to win out,” Affleck says about any on-set differences between himself and Damon. “I have respect for him, and I think there’s a reason why he feels so strongly about it. The fights are about who cares more about this. What’s interesting with Matt is I have to earn his respect like I would with any other actor. He doesn’t want to be in a bad movie. He’s not doing me any favors. And I wouldn’t expect him to treat this any differently.”
Their most significant collaboration to date is Artists Equity, a new production company formed with Gerry Cardinale of RedBird Capital. Employing an innovative business model, they aim to streamline the production process and partner with creators who will share in the commercial success of projects. “Air” is the company’s first production, with a couple future projects in the works — “The Instigators,” starring Damon, Casey Affleck and directed by Doug Liman, and “Small Things Like These,” directed by Tim Mielants and produced by Cillian Murphy, who leads a cast starring Ciarán Hinds and Emily Watson.
“It’s very director-based, it’s very rooted in treating people fairly and reflecting what people bring to the project,” Affleck says of Artists Equity, mentioning another project — “Unstoppable,” Goldenberg’s directorial debut, currently in production.
“It happens there’s a phenomenal part for Jennifer in it,” Goldenberg notes, mentioning Affleck’s wife, Jennifer Lopez, who plays mother to Anthony Robles, a three-time All-American wrestler born with just one leg. “She’s extraordinary to work with. She’s a consummate professional and so helpful to me as a first-time director, whether it’s blocking or little script changes or ideas for her character.”
Affleck has been burned in the past, working with Lopez on “Gigli,” a 2003 rom-com that got scorched by critics and was a box office flop. But that didn’t keep him from producing “Unstoppable,” although he won’t be appearing in the movie.
“With Jen, it was more like she would come home and talk about her day and how it’s going. And I’m secretly trying to find out about dailies,” he says. “I work with my wife the same way I work with Matt or any of the other actors in a movie. The whole thing is geared around respecting the contribution of these incredible artists and what they bring, and giving them the environment and the space to do their best stuff.”
Reflecting on his Oscar wins — in 1998 for the “Good Will Hunting” screenplay, which he co-wrote with Damon, and in 2013 for best picture winner “Argo,” which he produced and directed — Affleck notes that such honors can change your work life but not your inner life.
“I won the Oscar as a very young guy,” he says. “I did appreciate how meaningful it was, and it really changed my career. My life changed overnight. Before that show and after, my life has never been the same. And the second time, I’d been through a lot and had sort of managed to be all over the place in terms of ups and downs, and it was nice for me to be affirmed as a director. But one of the things it told me was it doesn’t make you feel any better or any different. A lot of people go through a depression, because they get the thing they thought their whole life was supposed to be a meaningful thing, and they find ‘This doesn’t change anything about how I feel.’ ”
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gryficowa · 8 months
I'm currently listening to old (Already forgotten) Circus-P songs
I recently found out that "Circus Monster" was a series and something makes me sad that even the author prefers to hide it, because oh no! He was using a pirated vocaloid! Tia… Big loss for the corporation and Yamaha, no matter what
People used to have a crazy love for corporations and treated piracy as the biggest crime, so what if the company exploited its employees and paid them less, you should feel guilty for pirating programs, because according to logic it will lose a lot while earning millions at the same time
Yes, I'm taking it out on corporations because we, as customers, are being attacked, regardless of whether we buy something legally or pirate it, in both cases we will get what we deserve (Capitalism is a tragedy and let's be honest about it)
Shall we buy something? We support a corporation that exploits workers
Are we pirates? We break the law because we don't support corporations that exploit workers and people think it's wrong
So regardless of whether Circus-P bought vocaloid or pirated it, in both cases someone could accuse him of something
Although ironically you'll get hit more for pirating because you don't support corporations that exploit workers, so yes, as a society we have fucked up moral principles
We have to remember that some people pirate because they can't afford it, or to test the program, because the demo versions are a sick joke and they don't encourage people to buy them due to fucked up restrictions, should we seriously attack them for that? Because in the first case it is classism, and in the second case I tried it myself, because let's face it, the demo is a drama and the limited time does not help, when you don't have time and the entire trial version will be wasted, because you won't try shit, I checked the pirated vocaloid myself, for my own use, because openutau wasn't an option yet (Because I didn't know, or it wasn't available yet), and utau doesn't work very well, to learn how it all works
Okay, back to the topic of Circus-P, because now it's targeting corporations (Correct, but that's off topic)
I have the impression that the current works of this artist are often bland, there are gems, but compared to the beginning of the creator himself and this type, the new works do not have the power they had years ago, because on the one hand there is a lot of progress, but something is missing, I can't define what I mean it just doesn't have the same power in the lyrics and it doesn't stand out much, they're not bad songs but I just don't like them as much as I should
Unfortunately, I have the impression that lately the situation with vocaloids is not very good, or rather with songs, because larger creators do not create as good things as they used to, and many of them have not created for years (For various reasons), while smaller ones can hardly break out because the bigger creators who have been around for years have been preventing them from doing so, and some new creators have given up (Creep-p)
Because the power of the singing synthesizer songs was that they were something different than what other songs were used to, seriously, I go back to the old ones more often than I find new ones, because they described my condition (Even today), especially the songs sung by Hatsune Miku are for me much closer (And unfortunately many of them were attacked because Miku is weak… Seriously? For you, scapegoats are weak? Are you totally crazy?)
Many old artists have stopped creating or their songs have become bland, and new ones can't stand out as strongly as they did back then and it's sad
Among the new creators I found: Zoofles
But as you can guess, he is not a great creator on the level of many bigger ones, because he has been creating for a relatively short time and since he hasn't been around since the heyday of vocaloids, he doesn't make a name for himself that quickly
So I have the impression that vocaloids are no longer at the same peak as they used to be, and it's not just about other vocal synthesizers that were created, but the creators simply messed up a bit, yes, those who broke out years ago during the vocaloid renaissance, because seriously, there is a visible difference between what they used to create and what today seems to be an advantage, when you don't see the problem, it's losing what made vocaloids a big deal
I miss that something, that thing that made synthesizers something great in newer songs, the history and emotion, those trivial things that seem like nothing special, but were just something that made them stand out from the regular songs you hear on the radio
And this is exactly the case with Circus-P, the old songs had this fire, but in the new ones it rarely happens
Unfortunately, I will probably come off as a whiner and piss off the capitalists for this angry attitude towards corporations, but you understand, this is something that has been bothering me for a while now, and hardly anyone has paid attention to this fact
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