#i have so many thoughts sorryy
pwdd1 · 6 months
I'm a bit confused with the new chapter, tbh. It's perfectly written, everything is fine, it's just I don't understand some things.
Why would Simon give in to submission so easily again after all the progress he's made? Wille has done some bare minimum, he hasn't proved anything yet (and Simon doesn't even know how he tried to cook for him, or how he 'resisted' Fredrika in his office building), he's forgotten about something important for them (seeing the house) and he still tried to use his dominance on Simon a couple days ago while being equals... I'm not disappointed, rather underwhelmed...
And I'm still mad at Wille about the whole collar issue. I don't understand why Simon didn't reject the 2nd collar for the time-out period...He hates it because of the downgrade and Frederika's involvement and he called out Wille on it. Isn't it the symbol of Wille's bullshit for him now?
Just my rambling. Ignore it if it makes you uncomfortable
these are great and important questions! honestly, i’m so glad you asked (and rambled) because these are similar to the things i wrestled with while writing.
i am constantly asking why, as the characters do what they want nowadays. so, lets dive in, im so excited!
Simon lives by feeling and in that moment of submission, he is very empowered. Wilhelm has been proud of him, left work and to be with him, shown how wanted he is etc. Simon knows that Fredrika is soon out of the picture because Wilhelm chose so.
The collar is a symbol of their dynamics and by rejecting it, Simon rejects the dynamics (=future with Wilhelm). He agreed to the downgrade and lives up to his words. However, the collar doesnt bring him similar safety and neither of them really touches it any longer. It might be a symbol of the bullshit too and Simon knows he has to earn his promotion, the training collar back.
I don’t want to say Simon submittes to get that collar and get done with the bullshit. Its not how it should be but Simon wants to get back to normal and feel special. He submits as soon as he has healed enough, whenever it is smart or not. Again, Simon doesn’t think if its a smart move - he goes by heart.
Thank you for the kind words and great questions! 💜
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computerboyboobs · 11 months
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bylrlover · 2 years
i have another thought. so you probably saw how people make parallel with mike that can't say i love you to el and nancy that couldn't say i love you to steve. and they present it like they can't say 'i love you' because their parents don't love each other. BUT there's very big but. did they forget or missed that nancy didn't say i love you to steve in season two BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T LOVE HIM? like was it not obvious???? she couldn't say it because she didn't love steve and that's why they broke up and then she got together with jonathan bc nancy liked him. so i don't really understand why people make this parallel unless they want to say that mike doesn't love el.
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caseylicious · 2 years
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Summary: How does Leo react to a reader who's constantly tired?
Character: Leo
Reader: GENDER NEUTRAL (not specified)
Relationship: Romantic! (not specified)
Warnings: none!
Tags: @poisonsprinkles27
A/N: Personally, I'm somebody who's usually always tired. So I placed some of my own experiences within this request!
Also, I literally with all my heart could not think of anything else for the other brothers. So take Leo- 💙
As always! Please, Enjoy 💐
[ If you have any constructive criticism or corrections for any of my English do let me know! :) ]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
You never really understood it. Most of your classmates seemed to go through the day without any struggle. Having enough energy to just memorize that scientific formula needed for the exam, why couldn't you? That was the fault of not getting enough sleep and vitamins.
Your body wasn't like most people. You just didn't seem to have enough energy to go through the whole day. While others may have completed notes and clear understanding of the lesson, you slept. Sleeping in class felt like bliss, it was so calming. The way the sound of the teacher talking just became muffled, was just so mesmerizing. How the classroom suddenly became your own land of imagination. There wasn't a clear way to explain it... but it just felt nice. At first you just slept in class not being able to pay attention. Then it escalated to your own time of doing simple tasks. Finally, it got so bad to where you didn't have the energy to do anything.
And having a boyfriend which valued your health. Noticed your lack of energy soon becoming concerned.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 💐
💙 Leo
He noticed you struggled a bit in class, but never commented on it. Since you didn't seem to be bothered by it.
You were just a bit... Sluggish. He loved you, of course! Just you weren't as energetic as him.
Then you suddenly began to sleep around him whenever you came over. Which he found adorable. He enjoyed how you felt safe enough to stay with him, it's the reason however he has many photos of you both together on his bed.
But you were always tired.
He wanted to do something else than just lay around in bed! You both could be skateboarding or at least talking about each other's day.
And he began to refuse to let you take a random nap, ranting about Jupiter Jim with you. Noticing how you looked always looked tired.
At first he thought you were just bored of him ranting. So he tried limiting himself from talking, but coming over to your place. He brought food that Mikey made.
Offering you some, it took you longer than needed for one bite. He immediately became worried.
Leo went off to his disaster-like twin to ask about your lack of energy. Donnie explained to Leo that you just didn't have the same amount of energy like other people, because of how you lacked a regular sleep schedule.
With this information, he went off to send random texts of encouragement. While he always had text you "goodnight" he's made sure, he made it really clear.
Maybe with him sleeping you'd feel encouraged to do the same? And it worked, not immediately though.
You seem more energized to certain tasks and didn't always sleep! Your grades seemed to increase too, so Leo kept that to his heart.
But even though he enjoyed your sleep schedule regulating, he'll always let you sleep around him in his room.
A loud cackle could be heard in the lair. In your boyfriend's room, his arm was around your shoulder. "W- what did they even try doing in that video??" You giggled, "They tried doing a backflip babe." You felt him push his cheek onto yours. Your giggles becoming louder. "Well obviously I know that! I meant why!! You silly-" You raised your hands up towards him, "Mercy!! I'm sorryy!!"
Leo smirked holding you close. It was warm day, and you felt a little tired. He noticed you were staring into space due to the sudden silence. He smiled gently adjusting his position for you to lay on top of his plastron. You looked into his eyes; confused. "..Hm? Leo what are you planning now..." You yawned.
"Nothing, nothing. If I were to plan something I would've done it by now wouldn't I?" You shrugged, too tired to answer. He felt comfortable and you didn't want to waste an opportunity like this...
Your boyfriend only stared as you dissociated with the world. Watching as you closed your eyes, he placed his hand on top of your head. Patting your head gently with a smile. While he worried for your amount of energy through the day... he loved moments like this. "I love you."
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pairing: 90s!liam gallagher x fem!tennis player!oc
summary: in which they probably shouldn't have ever been a thing, but liam and lottie don't really care that much
word count: 2.19k
warnings: swearing, allusions to sexual content, fade to black smut bc it makes me uncomfy sorryy ++ links to the 'fern and noel' saga
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he didn't know how it ended up the way it did, but fuck was he happy about it.
when they were younger he would stand on the side of the court behind a net at the tennis centre twenty minutes away from burnage on the train for her county matches. now he sat in guest boxes and spent time not rehearsing and recording plane hopping from open to open, tournament to tournament watching the way her agile feet jumped along the clay staining the soles of her white tennis shoes red.
she acted in turn thought and for that liam was thankful. watching her launch the ball from serve to return over the net was exhausting, but he knew the training and flying to catch the occasional gig was worse and he didn't know how she did it: give a blinder of a performance at the wimbledon grand slam finals and then land in lisbon to see him perform after her hours of press campaigns.
in liam's eyes, lottie could do no wrong; she was perfect in every sense of the word back when they'd started dating in secondary school. she'd offered to help him to pass his ppe's at the pleasure of his mam, she didn't smoke or do drugs at house parties, wouldn't touch a drop of alcohol until she was of legal age and even still it was rare enough to see her do it.
training took up every week night as well as all day saturday, she worked at the bar at the boardwalk in the evening (ironically she was a dab hand at making a blinder of a cocktail) and dedicated sunday to her homework followed by perfecting her serve stance and follow through.
lottie had everything going for her, something that she made clear she wished he had too. many a time she'd be sat with liam late at night, after her shift at the boardwalk, in the middle of the grassy patch in the children's play ground. "someone'll notice you eventually, i know they will. everyone who's seen you loves you."
liam pulled a handful of grass up with his hands out of frustration, a half burnt out cigarette hung between his lips that she couldn't keep her eyes off. "dicks aren't writing about us, though. no-one south of hale or north of oldham knows who we are."
three weeks later, liam had interrupted her training session. he cut off her backhanded serve and pulled her shoulders to him to kiss her soundly as lottie's tennis instructor yelled at him to leave. liam pulled away, grinning brighter than she'd ever seen him, "we've got a record deal, lotts. creation want to work with us, they've signed us!"
a grin split her cheeks right in two. lottie flung her arms around his neck, stood right on the tips of her toes to keep a balance her instructor would have been proud of had he seen it out into action in another other given situation. he blew sharply on the brass whistle hanging on a loop around his neck, hands on his hips as he glared lottie down. she withdrew and whispered a select congratulations in his ear and pushed liam away towards the gate he'd bulldozed through, with a kiss to the pulse point on his neck
lottie was training for the french open when she was called over to the reception desk, hot and sweaty with her hair stuck to the back of her neck, to take a phone call. "hello?" she questioned down the line, rolling her ankles so she could jog back to the clay courts and hit the ground running. she nearly lost her grip on her racquet, slipping through her fingers to collide with her trainers, when liam laughed down the line. "hey lotts, you wouldn't mind paying out my bail would ya love?"
"i thought you were going to belgium," she managed to splutter out, "what did you do to get arrested on a ferry?"
"bit of a long story, babe, but can you pay it?"
she sighed and pinched her nose. "fine, yes. but seriously, liam, this is the last time i'm going to do it. if i find out this has anything to do with you snorting one before boarding you'll be out of my flat and onto your arse faster than you can blink."
on the other end of the line, standing against a pay-phone in a belgian police station, liam adjusted has stance against the pillar. he sat down on one of the wooden slated benches lining the concrete walls and tried to cover his crotch. he chewed his lip in thought, laughing fakely at something bonehead shouted, and his voice turned sombre. "it's not. promise. just had too much to drink an' all that, having a bit of fun before r'kid turns into commander and fuckin' chief."
he heard her heavy sigh and his heart sank. liam had no doubt in his mind that he would be out on the end of astrid's boot in a second if he didn't clean up his act. "i mean it, li. one whiff of cocaine being found in my house and the confederation won't let me compete. i'll phone alan and tell him i'm paying out your bail. you can call me when you get back." lottie hung up on him and handed the receiver back to honey, who was sat behind the desk and messing with the crucifix around her neck pretending like she hadn't overheard any of the conversation.
out on the courts and with little under two months until her first match of the french open, lottie bounced from service to base line, firing fuzzy balls back to over the net while the red clay stained the hem of her whites. she scratched her racquet more times than was necessary to lunge for the ball, while shooting up and zipping around the boxes as she worked harder against the machine.
sometimes during their rigorous training jamie, her coach of seven years, would start loud shouting conversations while lottie was working her arms and thighs. he argued it helped her maintain good breathing regulation and improved concentration, because viewers in the stands could be distracting at the best of times. "so what's new with the rock star, then?"
she grunted as she sent another ball flying over the net and into the wire fence surrounding the court, skidding on her toes in pursuit of the next only an arm's stretch away, "nothing. the twat's only gone and got himself arrested because he got pissed on an over night ferry. 'this is the last time, babe, i promise'", she mimicked in a high pitched voice, "like hell it is."
"ah." jamie ran a finger over the hair he was trying to grow out on top of his lip, "has the brother been in touch yet?" a cold wind shot through the air and he pulled up the zip of his tracksuit closer to his neck. lottie's back flared up in goosebumps but she kept moving, running around the court and rounding up the balls to pour them back into the funnel of the dispensing machine. "no, but i'm expecting a call soon. when one phones the other usually follows suit."
astrid pounded at the treadmill in the gym of her hotel in paris, five minutes away from the large clay court stadium she'd thrashed each of her opponents on. she'd played her way to the final three days and came away relatively unscathed, apart from a strain in her serving wrist that a quick round of physio patched back up. lindsay, an american who was in the running for the doubles championship, was using a bike next to her.
between the two of them they shared an earbud each, stemming from a cassette player settled on the window sill and balancing in the middle of their sponsored water bottles. all of a sudden liam's voice crackled through her ear, and lottie shook her head as she cranked up the incline under foot. lindsay looked at her out of the corner of her eye, cycling as if her life depended on it. "not a fan?" she inquired, bringing down the gears to loosen the tension burning in her calves.
"it's not that," she panted, pushing through the blister forming on her heel, "i just can't believe you are. they're bastards, all of them."
lindsay gradually brought her legs to a stop, taking a moment to bring down her breathing before swinging over the seat to stand up, "i thought you were going out with one of the brothers."
"oh, i am," the incline increased again, "but it doesn't mean i can't call them that." lottie brought the treadmill down until she was walking on a flat line, and took a large sip of water. she looked at her watch and checked the pedometer hooked over her shorts by her hip and started to gather her things. lindsay moved to grab a skipping rope and stretched out her arms behind her back.
"and speaking of whom, i'm off. they should be here by now, good luck for tomorrow if i don't see you."
"and you, lotts. i've heard martínez is training hard, she won't give you an easy run."
lottie zipped her fitted jacket halfway up and tucked her thumbs into the loops around her wrists. "i know. see you on the podium." she left the gym with the two plaits her hair had been tied in laying over her shoulders. in the lift, lottie brushed her eyebrows back into place and checked her watch again, sidestepping a confederation official on the way out into the lobby.
she rocked back and forth on her heels near enough away from the reception desk so as not to look like she was loitering, but close enough to be saved if there were any photographers crouched in a bush with a long-range lens.
as lottie was attempting to push back a cuticle on her nail, she heard liam first rather than seeing him. his loud voice disrupted the peace of the hotel, earning him a disapproving glance from the bellboys and an even dirtier look from noel who was sulking behind, face like thunder.
liam sauntered into the lobby with his sports bag slung lazily over his shoulder, and his eyes were drawn to the dip of lottie's tits first before her smile. she wrapped her arms around him and sighed heavily in content, taking his congratulations on her progress in the open to heart. then she drew away and went to hug noel, who visibly recoiled.
"what's up with you?"
"nowt." he grumbled, shuffling around with room keys.
liam scoffed. "like fuck it's nowt. you're just in a mard because fern broke up with ye'." noel looked like he was ready to hit his brother square on the nose, but was restraining greatly. lottie tried not to sound too sympathetic when she consoled him.
"look i don' want to fuckin' hear it from you either, lotts, no offence. now is there an offie 'round here, i'm dying for a cig and i haven't got nowt."
lottie furrowed her brow in thought and tried to ignore liam looking at her out of the corner of her eye as if he wanted to jump on her right there and then in the glossy lobby.
she crossed her arms under her chest to push up her tits more, just to wind him up. liam discreetly adjusted the way he was standing. "err, yeah. i think there's one just down the road."
noel had sped away before he could even ask someone to take his bag up to his room. liam grumbled out 'lazy cunt' as he made a show of hauling it over his other shoulder, herding lottie into the lift with a hand over her chest.
as soon as the mirrored doors slid shut and they felt movement, liam was attacking lottie with a kiss so searing she felt breathless within seconds.
"missed you so fuckin' much," he mumbled, moving to ravage her neck.
when the lift doors slid open again she dragged him back to her room with her hands on the back of his neck, pushing noel's bag off is shoulder and leaving it abandoned outside his room. liam's hands were roaming over her arse and he withdrew the room key from her back pocket, scanning it before shoving her inside.
"all that time away from you was fuckin' torture," he groaned as her nails dragged down his stomach and traced the low-hanging waistline of his jeans, "need you now, babe." he sighed against her chest as lottie slowly unbuckled his belt, his hand weakly climbing her torso to palm at her tits through her tight jacket.
lottie smirked, "if being this far away from me turns you into this much of a mess, liam," at this she walked him over to her bed to sink down between his legs, following the seam of his jeans up his thighs and to his exposed boxers, "i'm going to have to get competing more often."
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graysnetwork · 1 year
REQUEST: @axotheaxolotlknight Maybe Luis and the reader go to an amusement park for a date.
Notes— sorry this took a while, I wrote this and then I stopped and wrote smut and started working on another smut imagine with Leon so I’m really sorry about not getting to this one 😭 ALSO I WROTE IT AS A FAIR AND DIDNT REALIZE IT SAID AMUSEMENT PARK ILL RE WRITE IT PROBABLY (so sorryy)
Warnings: vague mentions of height (if your scared of heights)
Extra info: some of the dialogue is in spanish!
Summary: Luis takes you out on a date to the fair and he quickly realizes he’s a bit scared of heights.
Luis hadn’t exactly told you where you two were headed for your date, but he did tell you to wear comfortable shoes, so you figured you were going to be walking a lot.
Finally Luis came back home, with flowers, and he asked you if you were ready to leave, you were still unsure if you were over-dressed or under-dressed, but he told you “te mira’s perfecta mi cariño, now let’s go, or else we’ll have to wait in a long line”
You two got in the car, it wasn’t a very long drive but it was still quite the wait, but it was probably just because you had no idea where you two were going. “Cuándo me vas a dicer dónde vamos?” You asked Luis, “quiero que es sorpresa pa ti” he explained, you hummed, you were getting a bit irritated, just because you were getting impatient.
Finally you two arrived, and you saw the big Ferris wheel, and all the stands, you smiled at Luis, he knew you hadn’t been able to go to a fair in a while, and you loved them, so it was very sweet that he took you here.
“This is so amazing Luis” you said and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “just for you mi amor” he said sweetly.
You two got out the car and went to the entrance to get in, you two walked around and played a bunch of games and got on a bunch of rides.
It was so fun and Luis was surprisingly, very good at a lot of the games and won you so many things, but he insisted on carrying it all for you.
Finally it felt like you guys had been on all the rides, but you still hadn’t gotten on the Ferris wheel. You weren’t particularly scared of heights, the Ferris wheel was tall but it didn’t scare you, Luis on the other hand he was a bit hesitant to get on, but, how could he reject you.
You two got on, and the ride began to move again so it could get the other people on, Luis wasn’t anxious at all anymore, he was just mesmerized by you, while you stared at the stars, he couldn’t get over how angelic you looked in the moonlight.
You guys reached the top and had to stay stuck there while people were still getting in their seats. That’s when Luis realized how high you guys actually were, he wasn’t scared just… anxious.
“What, are you scared Luis?” You asked him teasingly and he was taken out of his thoughts. “No- just, I’m not scared” he said and chuckled, you nodded your head but still stared at him not believing him.
“I’m not lying! I’m not scared, what kind of man would I be that can’t stand a little height!” He said, you giggled and kissed his cheek “you’d still be my man if you couldn’t stand a little height” you told him and kissed him again.
He smiled, okay maybe he was a little scared, but he was not going to tell you that.
Sorry about this not being in the amusement park, hopefully this is fine🙏🏼
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multievelyn · 6 months
i know you want this
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Friday. Your friend invited you to a party that you dont even know the location of or whos coming. You're just going to make her happy. She picks you up around 8pm. You're wearing a seductive black silk dress. "Woah Y/n you look so good, who you trying to impress?'. You laugh it off knowing you literally dont know whose coming. You open you're phone and you see that the man you have been eyeing is coming to the party. Matt Sturniolo. Everything about him turns you on. You finally feel a bit better about going.Once you arrive you and your friend go in. She greets so many people you dont know and you shyly go "Hi". You're heart drops when you see Matt and Nick walking over. "Hey guys how are you?", They both respond "good" in sync. You make eye contact with Matt and feel your face get hot and red, While he just smirks at you. The night goes on and you go ahead and start talking to new people making friends all while trying to get closer to him. Its now later and the party is coming to an end. Nick: "Hey, do you think it would be fine if you gave us a ride? My friend that took us kinda left already". Sure, you say going to inform your friend. You all walk to the car and when you're about to get front seat nick goes "sorryy" winking at matt. That means you and Matt will have to sit together, in the backseat. You smile at the thought. Matt opens the door for you and you give him a soft "thank you". While your friend drives she starts playing music and nick falls asleep. All of a sudden you feel a hand on your thigh. You dont say nothing but you're getting wet at the feeling. Matt then whispers in your ear " ive seen how youve looked at me, i know how bad you want this" He then slowly starts moving his long skinny fingers down your thigh. He then starts moving his fingers along your wet spot and you moan at the feeling. He all of a sudden gets his other arm and puts it around your mouth. He quickly puts his hand in your panties and starts rubbing on your clit. You moan loudly into his hand and he puts more pressure into your face. He says in your ear " quiet princess, you dont want anyone to hear" He then quickly puts his middle finger in you curling it fast. You start moaning and grinding onto his hand. He then inserts another finger and starts going twice as fast. Your neck veins start popping out as you're trying your best not to moan. He removes his hand from your face and you say "i-im g-gonna c-cum". "not yet princess, hold it a bit longer" He says. "Beg for it. Beg for me to let you cum baby" You try your best to whisper as you go "please let me cum daddy i-im so close". 'Fine", he goes curling his finger hitting you g-spot as you squirt all over his hand. You moan loudly but lucky your friend didn't hear. He then takes his fingers and licks them clean. You couldn't resist so you pull him into a sweaty sloppy wet kiss. You moan at the taste of you in his mouth.As soon as you drop him and nick off at their house you open your phone to a "Hey Baby" from a random number.
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battysnickers · 23 days
Gettin’ a bit silly with it
★✩﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒(ˊ^ω^ˋ) ๑
charas : ler!kasper (infected) + lee!lampert
prompt : 12 (“come on, let me see that smile!”) (from this list!)
a/n : dis is supa self indulgent, pre-infection/virus so ‘infected’ goes by kasper here ^__^! wonky pacing btw…
★✩﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒﹒(ˊ^ω^ˋ) ๑
The victory screen popped up on the monitor after finally defeating the enemy team, Kasper couldn’t resist shouting out excitedly, who knows how long they have been playing for.
“Jeez— weren’t we on easy mode for this?..” Lampert commented, placing the controller he was given back on the desk..he never cared for video games or anything, only ever bothering with them for Kasper.
“We were, but..these battles are tough!”
“…They are..?”
Kasper didn’t respond, just blinked at Lampert silently for a couple of seconds before speaking up again. “…You didn’t look very happy dude, did you not like it?”
“I was kind of just following what you did, wasn’t feel much.” He shrugged
“Like always…” Kasper sighed, standing up to look through his absurd collection “There’s gotta be something here that you’ll like!”
Lampert watched him for a bit before fidgeting with the bracelet he wore to match with him, he did feel bit bad seeing how badly Kasper wanted him to have fun with the games but he was always so…straight faced during them.
Kasper muttered as he flipped through, “Thiiss? Might be too quick paced..this one is just like the one we just played..” He didn’t want Lampert to be bored or keep him waiting..so he ended up giving up and just going back to sit by him, empty handed.
“Couldn’t find anything..sorryy..”
“You know we can just play whatever you want-“
“Just want to see you smile during them you know?”
“I got it..” Lampert sighed, looking to the side, leaving the two in a bit of awkward silence, giving Kasper enough time to brainstorm.
There was too many games to go through again..he wasn’t as good as a jokester as Split so his jokes would definitely fall flat..there was oneee thing he hoped would work though..
Lampert was distracted by his own thoughts..wondering if he should leave a bit earlier than he normally does, Kasper seemed out of ideas so-
He suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso, Lampert turning his head spotting Kasper grinning.
“..Kasper, what’s the deeeHEHE-“
He felt his best friends fingers squeeze at his sides, earning a squeal, Lampert quickly turned away out of embarrassment.
“Dawww c’mon..let me see that smile!!” Kasper swapped to actually scribbling over his sides, receiving a bunch of giggles out of him. “Ohhohh my gahhaah KAHAHASS-“
Kasper continued spidering and occasionally pinching Lamperts sides, “You know I should’ve done this in the first placee..this is a lot more fun even for me!”
“I’m just playing with you!”
Lampert yelped as Kasper suddenly squeezed his sides again, moving his fingers to scribble at his stomach, despite the protests, the charger tail he had was swishing behind as the antics went on..and Kasper just had to notice.
“Orrr maybe I’m not! I had no idea you’d have so much fun either!
“You don’t gotta be so embarrassed about it..” He spoke, squeezing under his arms causing Lampert to jump. “I don’t judge man!”
He said nothing to respond to that, only thing Kasper heard was even more laughter and squeaking..
Kasper didn’t want to go overboard and overwhelm Lampert..so he slowly slowed down on the playful attack, before holding onto Lampert, listening to the leftover giggling.
“Youuu good there?”
“…II-I’m alright…”
“…You wanna do that again soon?”
Lamper huffed underneath him, but wrapped his arms back around, mumbling..
“I wouldn’t mind.”
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lovedazai · 5 months
hey maii, this is the first time i ask anything, so i feel a little nervous kqksj (also, my first language isn't english so i'm sorry if i make any mistakes!)
i just wanted to tell you that i love your blog so much😞❤‍🩹 dazai is my favourite character ever but everytime i search for fics ppl mischaracterize him so bad.. they talk about him like he's so cold and heartless and doesn't care about anyone and, i mean yeah he has his issues, and love can be hard for him, but he isn't toxic or abusive or incapable of love. buttt i never felt weird while reading your fics or posts abt him because You get him!! you write him so well actually, anytime you post something about him i get all excited like (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)!!!
lqkdlqkw i made this so long i'm sorryy😭 but there's one more thing, if you don't mind answering, i wanted to ask you: what do you think dazai would be like with aftercare? i've been thinking about that all day and thought, hmm maybe i could ask mai ! soo yeah that's it, ilyy and i'm sending you lots of kisses (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠) byebye
nonnie <3 !! ur english is absolutely perfect, pls dont apologize !! oh my gosh ur so so sweet, thank u so much <3 <3 !! im so happy u love the little version of dazai i have in my head (∩ ⸝⸝ ∩) blowing u so many kisses back !!
oo i think aftercare w dazai is reserved for when hes in a relationship only !! hes v sweet & sleepy, kisses wherever he can reach & rubs u wherever ur sore. hes only a little cocky if ur particularly worn out. if u insist on getting up & taking a bath or a shower he’ll complain a little but ofc joins u anyway….just watch out for his hands…(⸝⸝•̀ ᴖ •́⸝⸝)
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amberizedcasey · 7 months
okay guys this is bagi and cellbit discussion one hundred percent
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i know that in achilles come down the person singing is patroclus so you may think of roier first but he is also down with the murder so it won’t work (although i can see some other parallels in the song with spiderbit and also them as achilles and patroclus in general but that's for another time)
now let me tell you how this would go
mention of intrusive thoughts btw, i have them myself so this may be a little biased sorryy
cellbit has a martyr complex, he thinks he is better off dead, he is putting himself out there, he wants the feds to know it's him killing the workers, he nows that this is not ending well, but he is doing either way because he knows (at least he thinks so) that this is the only way to save the people he loves, he is willing to die so they can have a chance to leave the island and be free, and he won't stop
bagi on the other side is little codependent, she spent her whole life trying to find her brother, trying to save him, and she blames herself for no finding him soner, she thinks it's her fault that he is the way he is, she thinks that she wasn't enough and that maybe if she was, he wouldn't have end up the way he did, so she wants to help him, she really does, even thought the brother she once knew is not really there (also something i want to dive more in because we do see that brother sometimes, when he is with the eggs for example), but she can't let him go this path, because she nows that there will be consequences, and that he may lose himself, or worse he may die
so she is trying get him to come down of the roof, or in their case, stop the killing
the voice in his head is himself, not in a double personality way but as intrusive thoughts cause like he said, there isn't a f!cell and a q!cell, he is cellbit and he is a little fucked up (as someone with intrusive thoughts myself i found that funny, let me cope the way i want)
cellbit is looking for a way to help people, he doesn't want them to go through the same pain that he went, so he puts himself in the position of a martyr, someone that is willing to die for his cause, but he is also tired, tired of trying, tired of containing, tired of not felling anything, so he let go, he let's his intrusive thoughts win (THOSE ARE REAL INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS GUYS, NOT WANTING TO DYE YOUR HAIR AT THREE AM)
cellbit has said before that he doesn't like the person he used to be, he said once to richas that he was something way worse than a hero, so a rat isn't that far from it, he deserves nothing but death
the thoughts tell him as much, he must die, and he must take as many workers with him, if he can't infiltrate, if playing their game is not enough, if he is not enough, so let's be the monster they made him to be, if people don't trust him, let's give them a reason not to
but bagi won’t let him do this, so she tries to talk him out of this
now for a more ilustrated way (my brain only thinks through animatics even thought i have no strength to take this images and put them in paper) i think he sees the intrusive thoughts as himself, he is what he is most afraid of after all, and bagi is talking to him, but he doesn't see her as she is, she see a child talking to him, he sees the sister he could have had, he sees the sister he didn't have
at the end of the song, when there is only bagi talking he finaly see her as she is, as a woman, a woman who lost her childhood trying to find her brother, a woman who fought hell and back to get to his brother, a woman who loves him, a woman who doesn’t want to lose him, a woman who could be his sister again, if he would just come down of that roof
AAAAND we end it here cause that's all i got
also, if you have intrusive thoughts too i just want to tell that they DO NOT define you, you are not them, you are not a bad person, if one thing you are really strong for keeping up
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vivi-scera · 8 months
ohhhh i have so many questions to ask now that i apologize beforehand for throwing you questions instead of actually giving a response-reply to your ask 😭
1) “i like thinking about jason-robin's relationship with bruce the most but i like tim as robin best” plss if u could pls elaborate on this? this is so interesting bcs for a second i thought it would be jason robin or even dick robin since hes the first one!
2) ”i think i was mostly thinking bruce/jason since i was talking about johndean” this is interesting too bcs i was hyperfocused on comparing dean’s devotion to dick’s, hence my ask & why i bring dick robin specifically, and now im curious abt your comparison :D
3) “i'm going to be actively problematic and say that bruce sees dick as something less than his partner and something more than his son” is it like what i think it is is it more in line with smth smth owning smth smth *eyes emoji*
4) your tags!! thats interesting too that you prefer jaytim as batcest, instead of like timdick whos more like brothers or jaydick with jason’s “envy” (to simplify it) at dick’s golden boy ness (also to simplify it) which could be a source of conflict between jason & bruce
haha no worries, i did totally set you up.
1.yeah so tim is my favorite robin <3 relatively unpopular opinion to have in my immediate circle apparently. though probably not as unpopular as saying damian is your favorite. but like, tim's the underdog! the odd one out!! he understands the meta-narrative role that robin plays in batman's life and tries to fulfill it. he's such a deeply interesting character not only in how he views himself as the weakest robin/the robin batman didn't choose, but also in how the other robins, canonically, view tim as the best out of them (because he's the most like daddy). i don't mind as much when fanon obfuscates his characterization because he really can be such a blank slate, more or less. as in, meta-narratively, tim decides to be whatever/whoever is best for batman, erasing the part of himself that is tim drake in favor of coalescing with "robin". he's the only robin who really is robin. which is really very tragic if you think about it. but also makes for fantastic bruce/tim fodder :) i would expand more on my love for tim but this ask would get WAY too long. read Liminal Space by Calamityjim on ao3 if you've watched young justice and have read the red robin 2009 run (an EXCELLENT read btw) if you want the gist of the angst.
as for the others, i think jason has had the best character evolution —not just in the batman storyline but as a comic character in general. i really think his death, and to a much lesser extent his rebirth, is the best/most impactful development in all of superhero comic history. superheroes as we know them today would largely not exist without his character. dick is fine, i like him third best. just because he was the first doesn't make him special to me lmao. the fact that others came after him is what makes him interesting to me, in addition to his relationship with batman— which is currently the most interesting batman-robin romantic relationship to me rn. i've seen some insane meta about him around but mostly based on somewhat outdated runs, which really doesn't mean anything when it comes to comics i guess. i don't think he's been in anything interesting/good in over a decade. i also wish i could mail tom taylor anthrax <3 damian is... my least favorite (skipping steph, sorryy i do love her but there's not enough canon for me to have an actual opinion). i think damian's interesting but only as a source of conflict (and ofc his dynamic with dick-batman). he doesn't really stand on his own and he's annoying.
2. i don't necessarily think that bruce/jason is closer to johndean than bruce/dick is (i actually think bruce/tim is closer relatively, but there's not a comparable pairing imo. i also just don't think dick is necessarily "devoted" to batman as much as tim is. his goals, like mentioned, align more with being able to call himself bruce's equal, which could be conflated with desire i.e. in bruce/dick). but there are a lot of functional aspects of the jason-robin & batman dynamic that is parallel to the relationship between dean and john as hunters imo— mostly having to do with consensual practices. is dean/jason-robin in control of his narrative purpose as a hunter/sidekick or are they doing what is necessary to survive? what does it mean for either of them when duty and pleasure are conflated? etc. i really love the headcanon that jason was a child-prostitute, which would be a functional role that carried over in being robin for another older man, so that was mostly where i was coming from. child soldiers... can't get enough of em.
3. haha i don't really know what the "something" is that i was referring to, just some vague middle ground that's gonna go undefined because where's the fun in defining the relationship that a man shares with the preteen ward in his possession who he may or may not want to be his son but who he treats like a spouse because mentally & emotionally he hasn't moved on from the day he was 9 years old and his parents died. maybe dick grows up but bruce never will :'). well, maybe he grows up a little when each robin leaves him
4. and yaaaa jaytim, favorite pairing of all time. they can be enemies to lovers. the ghost and the haunted. rebecca and the narrator. brother-rivals trying to become their father but who are held back by the lack of a quality that the other possesses (see nearmello death note). i'm gonna go the fanon route and say jason was tim's robin (even though, timeline wise, it could totally have been dick). so there is that adoration-envy (that tim would have for jason) that jason would have for dick in jaydick (which is a pairing i also like, don't get me wrong! i just maybe like it as a one-sided thing. or we could have the worst love triangle in the world with damian->tim->jason->dick->bruce all unrequited lmao). but in jaytim there's the addition of the danger element— jason at one point or another did want to kill tim. and not only was jason tim's robin, he was also his ghost story! an example of what would happen to tim if something went wrong. so adoration-envy-fear which transmutes to sexual interest. very sadomasochistic route we could take there. and for jason, tim is the kid who replaced him! who's evidently better at being daddy's favorite! he can die psychosexually mad about it. neither timdick or jaydick have that enemies/lovers edge that i really like (see kurokura hunter x hunter). they also just have some interesting canon history that writers never get into— like batman-jason trying to conscript tim as his robin during battle for the cowl. i am TRYING to write a jaytim fic but i keep getting distracted by other pairings. i thought i was gonna get to it after finishing the one i'm working on but i might just do brudick next so we'll see. send more questions/responses if you have them <3
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The Hindi songs guy again (salaamat recommendation, if "Hindi songs guy" is too vague)! Firstly, thanks for telling the name of the song, I listened to it and *sighs* it was them!
Secondly, i didn't know you were from India too! Got to know some days ago from your posts, and then just read your post when you were drunk and telling about India. And I fully agree, it was accurate (and as a North Indian, I'm sorry for the racism🙊). And I'm also sorry about the transphobia and every other awfulness you might've experienced. I love youuuu (sorry if this is too weird🙆🏻‍♂️). Also, the career prospects thing was 100% true: I was 'supposed' to become a doctor, but I had taken science just coz i liked it, and then there was a three years long tragic battle against doctor as a career, and then finally after a failed suicide attempt, I was able to choose English Literature, and things are only now (5 years after the fact) looking better....sooooo I guess your fears about college are totally valid but it will be better, you'll meet great people and learn so much beautiful stuff and create sooo many brilliant thingss! Again, I love youuu (and again, sorry if all of it is too much info, too weird, I'm just...weirdly emotional, idk why)
Thirdly, I really like your name! Asmi is a beautifullll nameee!
Fourthly, sorryy for the long and weird ask, just... I'm glad to know someone else from India here, who's also a Good Omens fan and evidently a lovely person. Sooo lots of long tight hugss!
Lastly, sorry for all the sorrys, and you can totally ignore this if it's uncomfortable or anything (if you couldn't tell by the sorrys, I'm super self-conscious, so thanks for the anonymous option)
Love and hugss, and best of luck for college, for your art, and life in general!❤️
Hey anon maggot! I'm so happy you listened to the song and loved it.
And thank you so much for sharing this with me. It's awful that you had to go through all of that, and I'm so proud of you for surviving. I spent three years preparing for medicine too (11th and 12th year, which caused me to fall sick and miss the NEET test, so I took a gap year etc) and I really did want it. Well, I thought I did. It was more that I didn't think I had any other choice.
TW: explicit mentions of transphobia and disregard and discrimination on the basis of mental health below. Skip the below paragraph if you need to.
I'm glad you're doing better. Yeah, I am not looking forward to college. I know there will be fun parts and all. But I had a go at college for three months back in August, and despite it being very liberal and open and stuff in theory, I had to drop out because the entire student body was isolating me because of my mental health and things my ex-roommate had said about me, and a lot of transphobia from the admin too. When I went to the dean and told her I felt unsafe and the environment was horrible, she told me to stop being so self-absorbed (and then denied she said that the next day to my parents). Luckily after the whole medical ordeal my parents had learned to listen to me and they helped me leave.
I will try again. It's just that it's... disheartening. That was design school, too, just like my next college will be. And I really did try my best. It's weird thinking about all that stuff because Tumblr and you maggots have kind of, well, healed it in a way, and given me such a safe space here that it feels unbelievable that the real world could be so, so fucking shite. Apologies for the vent here, but I do want to be honest, and I want everyone who's faced the same thing to know that they're not alone. Because I know so many people, too many, who've been there.
Thank god for Good Omens and you all. For the ridiculous amount of support and love and joy I've got here. It's easier to forget about all of it for a while when I focus on Crowley's pouts and Aziraphale smiling and making you all laugh.
And hey, you have nothing to feel sorry for. I'm so grateful to you for taking the time to write this. I love you too, anon maggot, so very much. Take all the tight hugs right back. I'm so proud of you for fighting for the future you wanted and deserved. I know it's not easy, both to fight with your internalised doubt and the others.
I'm so proud.
Good luck.
All the love, Asmi
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yellowvixen · 4 months
Hi, hello! Binturong anon with a lot of word vomit here, so be warned. I just read your reply to my ask and I'm so happy right now! I was slightly worried for a bit that you didn't like my silly little story, but hearing that you put off posting it because you liked reading it made me feel warm inside. And you want to draw it someday??? 😳 I can't believe this I'm hdhdjgk
As for my Sol OCs, I do have a few that are specifically parallels, but I'm never quite happy with them. There's always so many good ideas and I sometimes end up finding other people's takes on them that are SO cool (like Rime!) or that have ideas I was thinking of and I'm suddenly paranoid that I'm ripping off somebody else's character...
I absolutely get the struggle of deciding things like species, there's so many cool animals to use and I freaking struggled deciding on ones for mine. The Knuckles one is probably one of the most complete actually, but unfortunately I cannot show you her or any others because I'm not an artist. 😞 So I just rotate them all in my head until I think "Nice" and put it down on a digital notepad. I'm always interested to see others create their takes on them though! I'm certainly interested in all of yours!
I never considered Team Dark, apart from my Sol Shadow, who's definitely the least thought out. There's so many other cool ones out there, so I never really bothered. The few I have, if you're curious, are supposed to be Knuckles and Amy, to round out Blaze and Marine's Classic Quartet basically. And also a different Sol Eggman, because Blaze's nemesis being Eggman in G-major feels like a kick in the face to both Blaze and the actual Eggman 😒. (I also have a Sol Big but she's technically a joke character. She's also really small. I gave her a dinosaur though, as all women deserve.)
Anyway, basically just wanted to let you know that Rime is cool and I'm going to be thinking about that reply for the foreseeable future. Have a good week!
SORRYY I LEFT THIS SO LONG stuff kept happening and then I got ill and then more stuff happened 😩
But! Yeah!! I think it's cool seeing other people's ideas for stuff like this, like I know for sure there are other versions of Sol Shadow out there that are ice powered cats like Rime!! I don't rlly think it's the end of the world if people independently come up with the same ideas as long as you don't purposefully copy anyone.
God you're so right about there being so many cool animals to choose from... Sol Rouge was easy for me but everyone else is being a pain skfjfhdgd. Eventually I'll figure them out though. (One day I promise...) Also! It seems like you have the descriptions of characters down even if you can't draw them, so you could always commission someone!!
I love the idea of Sol Amy too, I personally have 0 ideas for them so might not design my own version tbh. But having a Sol Classic 4 is super cute! You could have a lot of fun with their designs too, the way classic Amy looks pretty different from modern Amy. Sol Eggman too... I've just kinda retconned Nega and made him actually be from the Sol dimension idc about canon LOL I haven't thought about it too much.
Also TINY SOL BIG??? I'm in love that's so cute and such a fun alt version. With a dinosaur too FUCK yes.
I really love how imaginative people are when it comes to the Sol dimension, actually giving it more characters and lore! If sega won't give it love then at least we will 😤
Thank you sm for enjoying Rime, and once again sorry this took so long for me to answer 🥲🩵 I hope you have a nice week too!!!
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soliloquy-dawn · 4 months
Heyy! I was blessed and stumbled upon your cheating fics and it was so beautifully raw and messy and painfully human. I honestly adore your writing it’s so engaging and it just makes me as a reader ✨ feel ✨ so much.
Reg’s train of thoughts is so realistic, like so many people do cheat despite having the “perfect” partner because they’re just addicted to the high of living on the edge and sometimes of the power that they have, the power of knowing that they’re hurting this completely oblivious person and can easily destroy their partners life. Yet the way you write it, it is so humanly that I can’t hate him, I sympathise with him in a way even though at the same time I wish karma would just get him.
The Christmas cheating fic was also very interesting, because I feel like most of the time on the jegulus dynamic, James seems to always been the one hurt instead of hurting. It was really interesting the way you portray Reg’s reaction to James infidelity which is more desperate in an angry, gnawing and broken way, contrary to James’s usual ones which is more desperate in a sad, begging way (?) idk if I’m making sense sorryy.
Anyways english is not my first language so I don’t know if everything I said made sense but I just want you to know I love your writings. If I may ask do you have an idea of when LoY, the Christmas cheating fic or Soul would be updated
Also so sorry if this is too long :)
Thank you so much for the lovely lovely message, and don't apologise for length, it was a treat to read! ❣️
Regulus in Soul... Damn. I must say, you're a bigger person that I am, 'cause I'd struggle to feel any kind of sympathy for him. I am actually so flattered that you feel he's realistically portrayed, considering he's meant to be verging on psychopathy, not to mention his complete lack of remorse. You're totally right, he is getting off on the cheating and the lies, and on the power he has over James and his ability to control him to the point of forgiveness.
I do love writing him! It makes me feel like I'm truly stepping into a brain of someone who's so drastically different (cause I'm pretty chill, lol, definitely not a psycho).
The Christmas fic! I've done a bunch of cheating fics, but never one where it's James cheating on Reg. The fic is a collaboration with @mlupin97, so we're taking out time drafting it. Life's been kicking my butt lately, and I've not had as much time to write, but I promise, next instalment is coming!
When it comes to Soul, I hope to have it updated soon! But I will let you in on a secret - next chapter is Barty's POV (hehe).
Lost on You will be updated in the next couple of months, hopefully. This upcoming chapter will be heavy, so I'm taking my time.
Again, thank you for the lovely comment! Have a great day.
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leaffy-ut · 6 months
—Last update: 3/17/24—
Hey, I’m not active on here a ton anymore, but I thought I’d at least come on to say I’m not really going to be an undertale blog anymore. I kinda lost interest after I thought about the fandom and it’s history. I still like the original game and underverse, but I’m just not going to be posting utau or utmv related stuff, sorry.
about me
*pronouns page (names, timezone, and prns)
*adhd lolollol
*tries to draw my ocs but I have way too many
*also yes you can go thru blog and spam like 😎 (some people don't like it so I thought I'd clarify lol)
*I swear on my blog so twwww!!!
*MHA/bnha (I refuse to post anything related to this because the fandom scares me😭)
*tadc (I’ll be posting more of this)
*undertale (but I won’t be posting abt it anymore, sorryy 😬)
arty art art
*HOI!! i tek request and I hope that people like my art
*here are the links to my ocs, Sapphire, Vixoré, Vivi, Ane, and Oliver are the only ones I have so far 🥲
*btw text posts/random talking = #leaffy rambling
DNIs below the cut
-proshipper (ex. Dreamxnm)
-18+ blogs
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honeyphobia · 8 months
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder review (so SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!)
I guess this part isn’t really a review but is my reaction towards some parts throughout the story(also I tried to label which chapter but I got lazy, sorryy)
andie’s dad using past tense??
pippa impersonating Chloe 💀 lowkey would’ve done the same if I had to
“that’s why her hair is so big it’s full of secrets” that’s literally andie
naomi is a little sus
I thought andie didn’t have a connection w mr ward why would she be calling him an asshole? maybe dress coded her or smth?
what if Elliot Ward is the secret older guy 😨😨
The note nat put in andie’s locker??? she’s def a new suspect
why are adults messing around w Highschooler andie 🤨😨
noo sals Interview kinda makes him look sus 🙁
hippo pippo 💀
jason bell is so ew
yooo are are andie and max so close? 🤨
drink spiking? hmm suspicious
not andie cheating on Sal 😔
why does max have that photo of andie 😨
Ravi staring howie down and lowkey funny and cute at the same time
Pip and Ravi breaking and entering 💀
nevermjnd false alarm
ANDIE WRITING DOWN NAOMI’S SPARE SIM PHONE NUMBER?! It’s a clue but also kind of useless
the beginning of chapter 39 was a literal jump scare 💀
Cara did it, it was her she likes Butterfinger that’s all the evidence you need
pip you’re so smart i aspire to be you
Omg if andie is still alive that would be so much worse
pips going to the house rn so anxious
mr ward finally got arrested
but the girl upstairs didn’t andie so what happened to andie? did she go back home and die there or smth? fucking max I knew he was suspicious
aint no way she drugged pip
well obviously not because the series has 2 more books 😭💀
why is page 377 so beautifully written
“And don’t tell them the only reason you started this project was because you fancied me. You know, think of a more noble reason.” omg ravi 😭😭
”I’m ravishing. Get it? Ravi-shing. Ravi singh.” that was lowkey kinda smooth though
okay review time
Once I got this book in my hands and started reading it I swear, it was one of the best wild roller coaster experiences I've ever had. Still unsteady, blubbering without nails, baffled, and lightheaded, but yet smiling and thrilled!
While reading, I had too many questions rushing through my mind.
Who actually murdered Andie? Or is Andie truly dead? Did she earn her fate? For the reason that as soon as we find out more about her, we realize that she is a bully, drama queen, drug dealer, and blackmailer! I wanted to punch her for all of her wonderful traits(sarcasm if you couldn’t tell).
Who allocated Sal the blame? Or did Sal actually do it? He is a picture of a kind, modest, and heavenly man. We think he has been hiding something, though. His friends refused to serve as his alibis and changed their testimonies regarding his whereabouts and when he left from their location. Where hence was he when the murder happened?
Who was threatening Pippa with texts to prevent her digging?
Well, I read the book quickly, and my spider senses didnt work properly until the last few pages, I was unable to identify the murderer or murderers. always being five steps behind the author
It was moving, enjoyable, nail biter, mind bending, surprisingly exciting, satisfying read. I enjoyed every page, every clue, every thrilling moments of this book. I highly recommend it!
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