#i have so many thoughts about the terrible way this has turned and how upsetting it is to see it
septembersghost · 1 year
As a WOC I get some of the critiques for Taylor but based on the timing of all this, it does feel sometimes like I’m being used as an excuse to say every filthy thing possible about Taylor. It’s okay to give her a little grace. And the other thing I’ve noticed is even pre that guy people were already being terrible about Taylor the minute Joe was gone. So it kind of makes me feel terrible for her that she really needs a relationship for people to treat her a bit better.
i hear you, you do not deserve to be used as a shield or a prop for people whose central intent is to bash her just because they hate her in general. that's not uplifting or amplifying you, nor anyone.
it's related to why i've been so upset that people are calling m*tty a n*zi - criticize him, criticize his gross and bigoted actions, but the moment they start to misuse very heavy terms like that, terms that have significant meaning, then any rational argument and criticism loses all its weight, and they're making the situation worse. (i wrote a long post about this a couple of weeks ago and then made it private because i was afraid of being attacked on here, which in and of itself speaks to how toxic the conversation had gotten, where we couldn't even speak up and explain why certain parts of it had become harmful).
anyway, the people doing this, talking over woc or other marginalized fans, using inflammatory rhetoric, they don't actually care that any of us were hurt or concerned, they only want the excuse to hate her. it's not fair that anybody should be used to further that toxicity rather than being centered as a person, and it's wrong to see our identities fractured and wielded to tear her apart when that's so far away from what we were trying to talk about when this started. it's very clear to me now how much of this was driven by people who were anxiously awaiting the day they could attack again, to swarm at blood in the water. the vile things being brought back up and said with no hesitation about her, the people openly hoping for her to come to harm, i wouldn't trust a single one of them to truly care if we needed them, you know? because they have done nothing but exhibit a complete dearth of empathy, and vicious enjoyment at ripping a woman to shreds. the impact that all the old accusations have had, all the cruel and sexist press we thought we'd moved past, was just lingering beneath the surface waiting to be pulled up again. i find it very disturbing and unpleasant.
it also makes legitimate criticism difficult because everything always reaches this tipping point, where it goes from rational and thoughtful discussion to unfiltered vitriol. how do we find a balance where we can fairly say, this is why this is upsetting and needs to be taken into account, when everyone ends up turning it into hyperbolic rage like, this person is a disgusting evil narcissist untalented slut and i hope she dies. those are nowhere near the same universe of a conversation!
"it kind of makes me feel terrible for her that she really needs a relationship for people to treat her a bit better." and have you noticed how people define her completely by the man she's with? i said this to a friend, but anyone who believes that sleeping with a dirtbag has ruined her forever is outright perpetuating the most old-fashioned kind of puritanical shaming, where women are judged and seen as tainted because of men. it's awful, it's a really awful mentality to see still happening!
and yeah, it started brewing the moment she and joe broke up. that is not to say she has handled all of this well, there have been a lot of missteps, bad choices, and bad optics, and some of that is probably directly because of the fact that she's struggling with a destabilizing change in her life. we can understand that while not excusing all of it. people are rarely black and white, and this situation has been complicated. disappointment doesn't mean not showing someone any compassion at all. "It’s okay to give her a little grace." i completely agree, and thank you for saying that, you are obviously a kind and thoughtful person. <3 i hope you've been doing okay.
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hundredandsix · 1 year
loser!ellie headcanons
✩ I haven't been able to get loser!ellie out of my head so...here we go. I love that this is basically the same thing as canon!ellie. Slutty thoughts at the end so mdni (18+) ✩
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✩ I don't think she would be the first to make a move. She would do little, very subtle things like hold the door open for you and then panic because oh no that was too much! You're going to know!
✩ She would think she's being obvious, and she is, but not for the reasons she believes. Let's just say her brushing her hand against yours is not nearly as obvious as the way she follows you around and the way your smile makes her face turn red all the way to her ears.
✩ Speaking of her following your around, she is so unintentionally clingy, even before you get together. You would get up to go to the bathroom and when she realizes where you're going, she tries to play it off like she wasn't about to trail after you. When you bring it up to her, she's genuinely confused because no, she is not following you around on purpose. She would never do that.
✩ It would take her forever to realize you're into her, but when she finally picks up on it, that confirmation gives her confidence. She wouldn't be as afraid to make her feelings more apparent.
✩ Has such terrible rizz that it somehow comes full circle and makes her even more charming.
✩ She LOVES bossy, confident women. Ellie is not afraid to ask for what she wants, and she is definitely not the type of girl that would have you ask the waitress questions for her. But there's something about a woman that could put her in her place that she loves.
✩ At first, Ellie is always rubbing the back of her neck or playing with her fingers when she talks to you. She doesn't want to look like a dork, but she can't help it because you make her so nervous.
✩ She's literally the definition of a golden retriever masc. She's got the beat-up truck (that's actually Joel’s, but you don't have to know that), an outrageous amount of flannels, and carabiners to provide it.
✩ When she gets really excited about something, her brain moves faster than her mouth. She'll fumble her words and stutter. She gets really annoyed when this happens and has to take a deep breath and start over.
✩ She loves to rant about her interests to you. Don't you dare seem like you're not listening because she'll get really quiet and upset.
✩ I could see her having issues with being treated like "the man" in past relationships. It confuses her at first because she wants to protect her partner and care for them, but she also wants to feel that same love and desire toward her. She would be so drawn to you if you don't treat her any differently because of the way she dresses or presents herself. Obviously, she presents as more masculine, but she still wants to be treated like a woman.
✩ She has sooo many playlists. There are some about you of course but she also has some that are so highly specific. When you go on your first date, she has a playlist for picking you up and two different ones for dropping your off, depending on how it went. She definitely has the classic "depressed gay longing" playlist.
✩ She has exactly two pictures on her Instagram. One is her and Joel on his birthday and the other is a selfie she uses as her profile pic for everything.
✩ When you follow her back on Instagram, she loses her shit and starts fantasizing about what it would be like to be with you. She's screenshotting every selfie you put on your story and thinking about them in ways that are not very appropriate.
✩ She's the queen of "this reminded me of you" and will bring you literal rocks because "it looks like the whale from the aquarium we saw last week." Whether it's modern!ellie buying you little trinkets or jackson!ellie bringing you things from her patrols, she loves seeing you in all parts of her life. Even if you're not physically there with her.
✩ I love the pages of her journal we get to see in the game because they show us peeks at her internal monologue. They show us she is still very much the eccentric, starry-eyed girl we see in the first game. She's learned to hide it. Maybe to fit in or maybe because she's learned that wearing your heart on your sleeve can hurt. It's literally canon that she writes about her romantic feelings in her journal, so I think she would have little drawings and blurbs about you. She for sure has a stupid grin on her freckled face as she draws the highlights of your eyes and maybe even the dip of your hips. It's the only way she can think of to get you out of her head.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✩ She's an ass girl. She loves every part of you and will literally kiss your eyelashes if you let her, but she has to physically hold herself back when you bend over.
✩ I can't think of who posted it, but I remember reading something about Ellie fake fucking you when you're bent over and she would totally do that at the absolute worst times. You'd swat her away and look at her with a raised eyebrow, but there's no stopping her because she thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
✩ The first time you kiss is an out-of-body experience for her. She's panicking because she didn't think she'd ever get this far. She wants to touch you but she doesn't know where or what you would like, so her arms are stuck at her sides. She's 🧍until you grab her hands and move them to your waist.
✩ Has a huge obsession with your neck. Loves to leave marks if you'll let her. Will come up behind you and wrap her arms around your waist while leaving wet kisses all down your neck.
✩ I could see her wanting to be both the big and little spoon. It depends on the day and the context. When she's the big spoon she'll jokingly hug you so tight you can barely breathe and wrap all of her limbs around you like she's trying to suffocate you. When she's the little spoon, she likes it when you play with her hair.
✩ Is an absolute slut for you playing with her hair. She's an insomniac and it helps her fall asleep. When you're arm gets tired and you want to stop, she'll whine and pull your hands back to her head.
✩ She would be more comfortable topping and doesn't want to admit that she likes to bottom just as much. She's a service top that would do anything to make you feel good.
✩ Girly is so shy when she bottoms. She'll get all blushy and tries to cover her face with her hands/arms. She loves it, but it feels so foreign to her to have someone's sole focus be on her.
✩ Loves eye contact, especially when your mouth is on her. If you look up at her from between her legs while giving her head, she has trouble thinking straight.
✩ Likes it when you pull her hair during sex and will groan for you to pull harder. Just move her wherever you want her because she thinks it's the hottest thing ever.
✩ I think she'd use a strap if you wanted her to, but it's not her instinct to grab for that. She rather you come apart on her fingers or mouth.
✩ If you wanted to use a strap on her, I think she would let you, but again, it's not something she would ask for. To Ellie, It would be more about pleasing you than her.
✩ Absolutely passes tf out after sex. She always tries to stay awake, but as soon as both of you are cleaned up, she's dozing off and letting out cute little snores.
✩ In summary, Ellie is the switchiest switch to ever exist and I will be taking no criticism on this
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frannyzooey · 11 months
Short Days,Long Nights: 10
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Mature (anxiety, pregnancy, grim mentions of childbirth)
Series Masterlist
A/N: thank you endlessly to @the-ginger-hedge-witch for reassuring me that this isn’t a terrible, no good, very bad piece of writing ❤️ and also, I wanna reassure you that despite the emotions in this chapter, my intention has always been a happy ending for these two. Don’t fret. ❤️
Something is off. 
He treads carefully down the path he’s followed for months, his boots leaving pressed imprints in the soft dirt and his eyes scan for signs of life. His mind is back in the cabin where he left you sleeping, your body curled into a tight ball along the edge of his form left on the sheets, and he tried hard not to wake you, though he didn’t have to be too careful given how tired you’ve been lately. 
Sleeping late, turning in early, naps in the middle of the day. You blame the heat, or the boredom, or the way reading makes you drowsy, but even he knows that’s not all it is. 
You’ve been distracted, quiet. Drawing into yourself more often these last couple weeks, he tries to recall if he’s said or done anything, to remember if he himself is the cause. It’s been a long time since he cared about what anyone else thought – definitely since he cared enough to want to atone for anything he’s done – but for you, he sifts through his words and actions.
He knows you so well by now. Knows every tell, every minute shift in your mood. More molecular than reading your body language, the air between you shifts and changes when you’re upset, your face betraying nothing to someone who doesn’t know you as well as he does. You’ve been hiding your face more from him lately, because he knows you must know it’s open for him like his is now open for you. 
The back of your head facing him in the garden, the peek of your forehead over the top of your book, the way you look at him like you’re about to say something, but when he gives you the space, you look away. 
Even at night, you hide your face into the soft crook of his neck to sleep.
He kneels to inspect deer tracks, his fingers brushing aside growth to follow their lead and heading deeper into the forest, the air around him cools under the canopy of trees. The woods are alive with sounds: bird calls, soft chittering, the rustle and slide of leaves, the crunch of his boots as they snap small twigs underfoot. 
Amidst it all, he tries to work out the puzzle of you; his bow held loose in his grip. 
Your hands shaking with nerves as you watch him disappear beyond the treeline, you pull your bottom lip into your mouth with a bite and scold yourself for not telling him about your suspicions this morning. 
Or yesterday.
Or the day before that.
You know you could probably keep your secret for at least a couple more months, but there was no point. Everything about surviving here depended on preparing; the sooner, the better, making all the difference between life and death. 
Your palms turn clammy, another rush of bile creeping up your sternum as you run out the cabin door before it comes pouring out into the grass and feeling shaky after, you walk over to the rocking chair on the porch and take a seat, letting your head fall forward into your hands. 
Being forced to confront the concept of your life ending more times than you would have ever imagined over the last ten years, you’d thought you’d be desensitized to it now… but this was a wholly different type of fear. Not so much the idea that you might actually die while going through with this, (which, over the course of the last few weeks has become a much more terrible, terrifying thought) but more the fear of doing it alone.  
Nothing to guide you, no one to help in case something went wrong. You knew that women had been birthing children in their homes for centuries now, many of them in the same exact position you were in – but they had midwives and neighbors who came from afar to help. Other women around them who had gone through it before, advice handed down from generation to generation. Reassurance in the form of knowledge. 
You would have someone, you reasoned with yourself, if you told him. Joel has always been there to take care of you, and you know this time wouldn’t be any different, but how much did he know about this? Even if he knew a little, that information was almost three decades old. 
Another small part of you felt, even though you know he would never mean to make you feel this way, that you let him down. As if you could stop the science of your body and it betrayed you, or that you compromised this entire setup by foolishly ignoring the consequences of your actions. The last couple weeks a brutal reminder that you have been somewhat romanticizing this possibility, that alone carried its own humiliation.
Now faced with the confirmation of it, you were ashamed. And scared. 
This odd mixture of feelings, just like the odd mix of sensations in your body, kept you from saying anything every time you had a chance. He wouldn’t be mad, you knew that, but your hormone addled brain kept conjuring images of his disappointed face and that was almost worse. 
You press your fingers into your eyes, liquid warmth seeping through the digits as you think and you let the tears fall, taking deep, shaky inhales. 
More than anything, you worried about fracturing the bridge that had been built between the two of you, especially given his past. He already lost one child, what if something happened to this one? His perceived failure almost ruined him the first time; a gaping, ten year wound that tore him apart and ravaged his mind and morals. Only now just beginning to heal, what will this do to him?
The thoughts are circular, never ending. 
Will he even want this? Are you unknowingly forcing him into something he’s dreaded? You know he knew the far away consequences of your shared actions, but will he hate you? Will he resent the burden you are? The one you’re carrying, for the rest of his life?
How will you care for it? How will you feed it? Is there enough food prepared for something like this? How will you do this alone? What if it gets sick?
The worries expand and grow, filling your head with a relentless noise that makes you queasy. You think about telling him as soon as he gets back, and a cold sweat breaks along your hairline, running over your limbs. 
Getting up, you lean over the railing and purge your nerves onto the ground below. 
Standing in the kitchen, his back is to you and you take a moment to study the broad width of his shoulders. The dark curls that edge around the nape of his neck, the strength held in his solid frame. Cleaning his gun, he’s recounting his day in the woods to you and you are trying so hard to focus on his words, but you can’t. Not while the worries from this afternoon run rampant in your head, clouding everything. 
Still, it’s the image of his back that convinces you to tell him: sturdy, solid, familiar. Those curls are the same you’ve felt in your hands for months: sliding between your fingers as you run through them at night, coiled tightly on the ground before they lifted into the air when you gave him a haircut last week, slicked smooth along his head after a swim. 
You hand wash the clothes on that back, massage the tired, thick muscles of it, stroke the tanned, freckled skin in the sunlight. Dig your fingers into the meat of those shoulders, curl your legs around that torso, feel its broadness underneath you when you straddle him. 
It’s guided you, carried you, the formidable strength in it has made this place a home, and the reassuring reminder of those things forces you to open your mouth. 
“Joel, I –” you start, and he stops talking, turning his ear in your direction. 
“Yea?” His attention is still on his task but he slows, and your gut churns with nerves and anxiety and new life. You take a deep breath and focus on his back; the one that you’ve been following for months, before you even knew who he was. 
“I’m pregnant.”
He immediately stills, his frame locking up as his hands stop what he’s doing. 
When he doesn’t move, you take a hesitant step closer, pushing through the urge to run into your bedroom and hide under the blankets. The air in the room is charged, your heart thundering in your chest and when you take another tiny step closer, he finally speaks. 
“You’re sure?” he asks, resting his hands carefully on the edge of the counter. 
“Yea,” you reply, letting out a breath and trying to ease the tension. “I mean, no test, obviously, but…”
He nods slowly, absorbing the information. 
You stare at the back of his neck, willing him to turn around, but when he doesn’t, shame and embarrassment begin to bloom. Starting in your chest, the emotions take root and your fingers find the bottom of your sleeves and twist into the fabric, the familiar tingle of heat growing behind your eyes. 
Even though you know that both of you had a hand in this, you find yourself apologizing.
“I’m sorry —“
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he turns quickly. 
“Hey — stop. No, don’t say that. Come ‘ere.”
Shortening the distance between your bodies, his face is a worried expression so thoroughly earnest that you step right into his arms, tucking your face into his chest. He gathers you into his hold, his familiar scent of sweat and cotton and woods soothing your nerves, and you lean into him, holding tight. 
“I told you, you don’t gotta say sorry. Not to me.” His arms squeeze tighter, his chin coming to rest on the top of your head. “I was just – I didn’t expect that. I was just thinkin’.”
“That’s all I’ve been doing these last couple weeks,” you admit. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. It’s just that I didn’t know for sure, and then I thought maybe I knew, and then I did know but I was so scared –”
“Shhh,” he soothes. “Hey, it’s okay. S’okay.”
Those words, said in his voice, bring fresh tears to your eyes, not realizing how much you needed to hear them until they were spoken out loud. Only by him, the only person you would accept them from because if he says it’s going to be okay, you know it to be true. He hasn’t failed you yet. 
As if it only just occurs to him to check, he suddenly cups your face tenderly in his hands and makes you look up at him.
“You okay? You sick? How do you feel?”
“I’m….okay. I can’t tell if I’m more sick from the –” you stop short, unable to say the word out loud. Saying it makes it real and you aren’t ready for that yet. “I was pretty nervous to tell you.”
He says nothing, frowning. Searching your face for a moment, he nods as if he understands and brings you back to your place in his arms. 
“I’m not mad at you, honey,” he murmurs. “If anything, you should be mad at me. I’m just as much at fault as you are. More, even.”
Your cheek staying pressed to the hollow of his shoulder, you frown. “How so?”
“I’m older than you are. I know better. I —“
“I know how sex works, Joel. I asked you for it, and I’m just as guilty —“
“I’m responsible for you.” His hand tilts your face up, so he can look you directly in the eyes and the statement is said with a finality that closes your mouth. “I gotta keep you safe — and there ain’t nothin’ safe about this.”
You feel your face start to crumple, your chest heavy with the shared knowledge. 
“No,” you swallow, the edges of your mouth turning into something solemn. “No, there isn’t.”
His expression softens, his thumb stroking the fine hair at your temple and his voice softens too. 
“It’ll be okay, honey. I’m right here.” His hold on your face firms, his eyes silently willing you to understand. “I would never, never let anything bad happen to you. Not ever.”
You both know that’s not a promise that he can make, but the words are like a raft in a storm; you cling to them, holding on with every fiber of your being. 
“You understand?” he asks and you nod, the constant weight on your chest these last few weeks temporarily dissolving. 
Your nod reassuring him, he guides your face back to his chest and with the weight of his broad hand sliding soothingly down your spine, you loosen under his touch. 
Each lost in your own thoughts, the two of you stand there, wound tightly together. 
It’s been hours, and he still can’t sleep.
A light breeze catches the curtain and the fabric waves lazily, your body still beside him in the dark room. You took some soothing to come down from the confession earlier, and he stayed by you until you went to sleep: tucked you into his side on the couch, wound himself around you in bed, took you apart only after he got your okay. 
He lays naked, nothing but a thin sheet covering his form but it might as well be a weighted blanket with how his chest feels. It tightens and burns, a crushing pressure settling on top of it. Every breath becomes a pained struggle for air as he tries to stay still so you don’t wake up. 
He doesn’t know anything about this. 
Hazy memories: partial pieces of advice, parenting books and pediatrician visits and the day Sarah was born. Everything blends together in rapid succession: her sharp, bright wail, the team of doctors, her impossibly tiny body, featherlight in his hold. 
He pictures the same thing in this room, but instead of bright lights and beeping machines, all he can picture is blood. So much blood. 
Your face, twisted in pain. 
Your face, crying. 
Your pretty face, pleading for him to help you. 
He tries to pull in air, his hand coming to push against the plane of his chest as the anxiety floods and gathers under his sternum, catching on and coating the muscles there until he’s locked in place. A cold sweat breaks out over his skin and he can barely hear the rapid, shallow pants of his own breathing under the rush of blood through his ears. 
His vision tunnels, the walls of the room disappearing and self loathing creeps into his mind, as dark as the night outside. 
He did this to you. You wanted it, but he knew better. He was supposed to protect you. 
He closes his eyes tight and swallows hard, willing the panic away. 
If something happens to you, it’s going to be his fault. He’s going to fail you, like he failed her. Fail the both of you. 
Reaching out to grasp the sheet at his side as a means to anchor himself, he brushes the back of his hand against your hip and he opens his eyes, turning to face your back. Faced away from him, the soothingly slow rise and fall of your breathing catches his gaze and focusing on the pattern of it, he forces himself to match it. 
In and out. In and out. 
His hand splays over the slope of your waist, curving around your side and the warm give of your flesh reassures him. His vision clears, the softened edges of your shadowed form bringing him back to the room and the white noise filling his head fades, the tension in his chest slowly easing. He flexes his hold on you, his thumb sliding across your bare skin. 
You turn in your sleep, rolling over to face him and lifting his hand just enough to let you move, he rests it back on your side. His thumb drags across your petal soft skin, his eyes dropping down to watch and before he can stop himself, the back of his knuckles brush delicately against the natural swell of your stomach. 
He remembers the fear, but looking down at his hand, something blooms deep within that pit beneath his sternum. Something else, something that’s been lying dormant for years, but when he sees his hand against your bare stomach, it takes root and pierces through the surface of the panic.
Hesitantly, he lets himself feel those things, in the safety of the dark room. 
Anticipation. Joy. Happiness, contentment. Love, that he’d never imagined he’d feel again. 
He feels a version of it when he looks at you right now — a deeper version of it, a calmer one. A steady, anchoring emotion, one that he fought in the beginning but now has given in and gotten used to it. 
The love that he has for you planted within your body, taking root. 
His thumb drags over your belly button, and you shift in your sleep. 
“There’s nothing there yet,” you mumble, the words a soft slur in the darkness. “Go to sleep, baby.”
He hums lowly, his hand splaying to cover your stomach. Fingertip to thumb, it spans from hip to hip, but when you shift again next to him, he reluctantly pulls it away. 
Gathering you as gently as he can in his arms, he tilts his chin down to catch your mouth with his. Sleep warm and soft, you kiss him back and his arm winds around your waist, tugging you close. 
With your belly cradled between the two of you, he falls asleep. 
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slutforsnow · 5 months
Skin Don't Matter To Me
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Quick a/n before the fic gets started; I am SO SO SORRY to those who were upset/uncomfortable/angry that I made the original billy x black!reader a former slave!reader. I didn't think. I shouldn't have been up at 1am writing. It was horrid and a terrible decision on my end. Forgive me or not, is entirely up to you. Ty to the anons who called me out for it and made me realize it was wrong to do that, biracial or not. I hope you can forgive me 🫂
Tw/CW: insecurities, anxiety, racism is brought up (not comments, just behavior).
Summary: Reader gets insecure about her relationship with Billy after seeing some girls flirt with him.
It was a chill Saturday evening in the saloon as patrons drank, played poker, and chatted absent-mindly. It was an easy night, for sure, aside from a few drunken snide comments made towards reader, but she shrugged them off. After all, she wasn't getting paid to fight the customers.
As she hummed and wiped down the bar, which was currently empty, she stopped midway to wipe some sweat off her face—reader loves her afro, and has no problems pulling it back so she didn't sweat to death while she worked, but some nights it was just too hot and having so many people out and about the saloon was making it harder to deal with.
Her dark skin shone in sweat as she worked but didn't complain. She had to make a livin' somehow, and she wasn't gonna do that by moanin' and groanin'.
As she resumed her work, she flashed a smile towards her boyfriend as he played poker. He was in his favorite seat, watching her work as he placed his bets and ignored the other girls hitting on him and trying to get his attention. He was technically working as well—he and his boys were security for the saloon because some of the customers were still quite horrid to the folks of color who worked, especially the women. They'd try to threaten y/n but were often silenced or kicked out by Billy and his men.
Y/n and Billy had been dating for 2 years, despite the ups and downs of him being a cowboy and the racism she'd face for being a black woman.
As she worked, still humming, she caught sight of some white girls being all touchy and whispering things in his ear. She bit her tongue as to not cause a scene and focused on continuing to grab glasses and wipe down tables.
'He'd never leave me. He's said that,' She thought to herself as a reminder that Billy would never leave her for some white girl. She was his, and he was hers. Yet, despite the constant love and affection he would give her, she still got that nagging fear that he would leave her.
A few hours later, Y/n's shift had ended and the couple were headed back home to the ranch that they bought with their savings over the course of their relationship. Y/n was silent the whole way home, which made Billy worry that he did something wrong.
"Darlin' did I do somethin' wrong?" He asked, setting his hat on a hook by the door as he shut the door behind him.
A lump formed in her throat and she sighed, knowing he'd keep asking if she said nothing.
"It wasn't you, Billy it... it's just my fears," She answered, trying to dismiss her fears.
"Well, what's wrong? It won't go away unless you talk to me."
Damn his smooth and relaxing tone- she didn't want to talk about it, afraid it would turn into an argument about his loyalties but he was so understanding that she knew she she couldn't hide it from him.
"Those... those damn whores that keep touchin' on you like you're not taken," She told him, sighing. "I know it's probably stupid or somethin-"
"Oh thank the Lord, I was hoping you'd bring this up," He breathed out, letting out a relaxed laugh and earning a perplexed look from y/n.
"I've been wanting to tell you about that. I never wanted to stress you out, but I hate, and I mean absolutely fuckin' hate when they do that. It gets so annoyin', I tell them I'm taken and to back off, but do they listen? No." As Billy continued to ramble about how he hated the other women touching and talking to him like he wasn't a taken man, she smiled.
He was so vocal about how much he hated it when they touched and flirted with him that it eased her worried soul and she hugged him tightly.
Fucking hell, she loves this man so much.
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
Hello again, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you are still open for requests. If so, may I please request for Yandere Nanami wherein his precious captive darling is sick and refuses to be nursed by him
I am 4ever open for requests. I am grateful for the meal. It shall be digested properly.
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Let Me Take Care of You.
note: You guys ever been so sick you started crying???
You both knew that this shouldn't go on for any longer. You knew you should've given in a long, long time ago. You've never felt so....terrible from a sickness before. You've never felt this helpless. Weak. But you showing weakness wasn't what destroyed you. You could care less if you looked helpless because the pain and struggle was just that great. You couldn't eat. You could only down liquids and, fuck, you really couldn't speak either. Your lower back hurt. Your arms hurt. Your sides hurt. Your neck hurt. You couldn't rest properly because of the pain. And on top of that, you were extremely fatigued, and dizzy.
During the daytime, you would overheat and even the thinnest shirts with wide-open windows could cool you. But at night, the slightest crack in the window with the millions of blankets you had on top of you couldn't warm you up. It was hell on Earth. And Kento couldn't bare to sit back and watch you struggle any longer. You were his sweetheart. His baby. His everything. And you wouldn't let him help you. It was driving him insane. In the morning, he would watch you move at a snails pace into the kitchen to refill your glass with water. You would avoid eye contact. If he told you good morning, you would reply. But your voice trembled when you spoke, as if it was a task to even make noise. It made him put his newspapers down in extreme concern. But still, you wouldn't let him help you. Take care of you.
It was when he came back for work that he decided he had enough. He thought about it the entire time he was on the clock. He took you in for a reason. He vowed to himself that he would never neglect you and would always take care of you. Yes, he wanted you to be comfortable around him, and yes, he allowed you to set some barriers between the two of you, but you were so sick.
When he walked in the door, all of the lights were off and it was slightly stuffy. The windows were all closed and you obviously didn't eat, seeing the empty kitchen sink with no dirty dishes. He sighs and makes his way to the bathroom. He goes to turn on the light when he hears the soft sound of sobbing from the bedroom. He freezes and turns towards the bedroom door, walking over to sneakily place his ear on it. You're crying. Kento knocks on the door. "Y/n?" Immediately, the sound stops. "Can I come in, please?" You sigh shakily underneath the covers. How the fuck did he hear you? You tell him no. The door creaks open and he softly closes the door behind him.
He walks around to your side of the bed and kneels down to see your puffy face, wet with tears. It breaks his heart knowing he was gone and couldn't comfort you when you were crying like this. "Hey, what's wrong?" He rubs your arm above the blankets and you sniffle. "It's nothing. Please leave me alone." God, you sounded like you were in pain. You could almost see a vein popping out of his neck. You were beginning to stress him out. "Y/n." You shook your head. "No."
His eye twitched and he got into a more comfortable sitting position on the floor. "Sweetie, you know I told you not to keep secrets. Can you please tell me what has you so upset?" It was so painfully obvious what was wrong. There were used tissues scattered on the ground, you had so many blankets, and he could see your sunken in face.
"You're sick."
You used the energy you didn't have to try and turn the other way. You only managed to get yourself onto your back. It was silent between the two of you. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on not crying again, but it was just too much. You didn't want his help. He ruined your life. Kidnapped you, erased your public image, got rid of your phone number. You had nothing but him. You didn't want him. You ignored him. You tried to ignore him. He's right here for you and you just can't help but realize he's quite literally all that you have. It's so humiliating how you have to depend on the only person who you hate that is willingly giving himself to you like this.
A terrible sob rips itself out of your chest and you cover your face with your hands, a migraine reappearing at the strain you place on yourself once more. "I know I'm sick. I fucking know!" You couldn't even properly yell at him, too tired to even try. He frowns, and kneels on the floor, closer to the edge of the bed. "Then why don't you let me take care of you?" He wants to wipe your face of the tears, wipe the sweat off of your forehead. Feel you again. But he's scared he'll stress you out even more.
His hand almost hovers over your face as you cry. Your sad sigh of pain gives him the courage he needs to gently bring the back of his index finger over your face. He wipes a tear that falls down your cheek before bringing his other hand to wipe the other side completely. You let him. His touch was so very gentle. As if he didn't want to scare you away. "I can take care of you...." I am capable, he wanted to add that on. He loved you so much. He would rather fight a thousand curses before seeing you in this state again. He will do almost anything for you. Anything to see you happy. See you smile. He wanted to be fully yours. And he will do anything to prove that to you. Your eyes flutter open when he's done and you look over at him sadly.
Your eyes, so beautiful and beguiling, give him the softest look he's ever gotten from you. It makes his heart skip a beat and he sits up straighter. He would smile at you, but now is obviously not the time for that. "How do you feel? Do you want me to bring you medicine? Are you still in pain?" You look away before making eye contact with him again and nodding. He nods back and responds, "Okay. I will bring you some medicine and more water to drink." He wipes stray hairs off of your face, realizing how much you had to neglect yourself to rest. "I will make you beef stew, as well. You might be hungry, and your body needs energy to survive. I won't let you drink just water. Hopefully you will finish it all, and by then, maybe I could get you cleaned up, if you allow me to." You stare at him silently. He was offering to help you get better. You honestly don't remember the last time anyone has done that for you. But even then, he was still your kidnapper. Still, though, what were you going to do, say no? You hesitate before nodding to him. His face finally softens and he caresses your cheek one more time before forcing himself to stop.
"I love you." A weight is lifted off of his chest when he says those words. He wanted to say it to you in a better moment, but any moment is a good moment rather than when it's too late. He doesn't let you respond and gets up to leave and make you stew, a new fervor in his stride.
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mostmouse · 4 months
Professor Min
You bring dinner to your husband, knowing he hasn’t eaten all day, buried in his class’s midterm papers. What you thought would’ve been a cute little makeshift office date turns into something a bit more intense.
The only question on Yoongi’s mind… what are you willing to do to pass his class?
Yoongi x f!Reader (8,000 words, explicit, professor AU, student-teacher role play)
Parking in the lot next to the administration building, you hopped out of the car, hearing it beep as it locked. Cupping the insulated bag that held tupperware full of dinner, you walked up to the door, swiping the spare key card Yoongi kept at home. Hitting the automatic button, you slipped in as the doors opened.
Making your way down the hallway, you hummed a small tune, looking at all the closed doors and huffing. Of course your husband was the only soul in the building. Rolling your eyes, you smiled slightly as you made your way to the corner office, tapping your shoe against it and knocking.
You could hear vague complaining, Yoongi grunting as he no doubt stood up for the first time in hours. With a huff, you could hear him before he opened the door, “The building is closed, if you’d like to stop for office hours, please make an app- oh.” He looked pleasantly surprised as his gaze fell on you, a soft smile curling his lips.
Holding up your hands, you giggled softly, “I know I didn’t make an appointment, Professor, but I was hoping you could make time for me.” Your husband shook his head, laughing as he stood aside, letting you come in. “I made dinner! I know you’re working through midterm papers and all but... I got lonely, so I thought I’d bring it to you.” Your smile diminished slightly, wondering if he would be upset with you.
Yoongi liked to keep his professional life and home life separate, and you respected that. You didn’t pry into his classes unless he offered the information to you, and you never came during proper work hours. It was only because you knew the building would be closed and deserted that you even came tonight.
Yoongi sat on the couch in his office, dragging the coffee table over and motioning for you to sit down. With a delighted hum, you took a spot next to him, thighs pressed together. Unfolding the insulated bag, you laid it out and moved the containers so that both of you could eat from them. Nuzzling up close to him, you felt him sigh before he leaned over and kissed the crown of your head, “Thank you. I don’t remember when I last ate.”
You shook your head, admonishing him lightly as you grabbed a bowl, bringing it closer and feeding him a bite. You watched as he blushed, smiling as he chewed. Leaning back a bit more to rest against the couch, he wrapped one arm around your waist, looking up at you with puppy eyes. Grinning, you continued to feed him, taking a few bites yourself as he chewed thoughtfully. “How has grading been going?” Slipping him another bite, you quickly leaned down and kissed him, feeling him smile against you before you pulled away, letting him finish his mouthful.
Heaving a loud and heavy sigh, he whined as he looked up at the ceiling, “Remind me to discuss with the dean about shrinking my class size back to what it used to be a few years ago. There’s too many kids this semester. There were a few that requested special admission, so there’s even more than usual.” Sniffing, he pouted at you, opening his mouth again. You cooed softly at him, feeding him another bite and watching as his cheeks flushed as he chewed happily.
“Aw, sweetness, that's terrible. I’m sorry there’s so much work to be done. I’ll help however I can, even if it’s just to help decompress you, honey.” You grabbed the bottle of water from the table, opening it and holding it to his mouth. Trying to focus on his precious expression, and not how his throat moved with each drink, you pulled it away when he was done. “You have soju in your drawers, right? Want me to get you a glass?”
As you moved to stand, you squeaked as he grabbed your belt loop, tugging you back down and even closer to him than you were before. “No. Not right now. I just want you. And more food.” You giggled, looking at him as he stared dreamily up at you, a small smile on his kissable lips. Bending towards the table, you felt him rub your back as you grabbed the other bowl, bringing it up close and feeding him from that one, hearing him groan in satisfaction.
He was in bliss, having you for an extra visit and being pampered. He loved when you fed him, when he got to just lay back and relax. It was honestly the best way to be surprised in his office. As you fed him, he found his mind wandering further and further away, worrying less about work and more about how he wanted to go home with you. It had been a while since he got a full night’s rest.
Hearing your chopsticks scrape the bottom of the bowl, he opened his mouth, waiting for his next bite. As you gently laid it on his tongue, he hummed as he chewed softly. “I love you.” He heard you squeak softly, knowing you were blushing with a dopey smile on your face. “Thank you for coming tonight. I know I’ve been busy, you deserve more attention.” He accepted the next bite as well, not bothering to open his eyes.
You knew how he expressed his love, knowing his love language was acts of service and gift giving. Sometimes he felt guilty, knowing your love language didn’t exactly align with his, but countless times you had reassured him. You knew he loved you and that was that. Though it didn’t hurt to hear it every now and again.
Letting his legs fall open, he groaned loudly, feeling the stress and stiffness leave him slowly. He heard you set the bowl down, your body curling up next to his. Grabbing for your legs, he dragged them over his thigh, feeling your nails drift through his scalp, scratching softly and combing his hair. “You’ve really let your mane grow out, Professor. Do any of your students or colleagues think it’s too much?” He could hear the smile in your voice.
Huffing in laughter, he squeezed your thigh appreciatively. Tilting his head to be more pressed into your palms, he smiled, “Some of the students have mentioned it. Not to my face, but I hear them talk.” He snickered, hearing you huff. “None of the staff have said anything, so I’m guessing I can keep it.” Opening his eyes just a sliver, he looked at you, watching your expression.
You were trying to hold back your smile, shaking your head, “Good, I love it long. It’s so nice and soft and poofy. I love it so much.” You leaned forward, nuzzling him and sighing happily.
Yoongi smirked, licking his lips, “Plus, it’s nice for you to have something to hold onto while I’m eating you.” Laughing as you gasped loudly, he felt you slap his chest, quickly dissolving into laughter with him. “What? It’s true. Try to deny it.” Catching your wrist, he pulled you close, eyes darting to your lips with a smirk still on his own.
You felt your breath stutter in your throat, shuddering as his darkened gaze finally found yours, his smug smirk making your heart melt. Swallowing thickly, your voice was a husky whisper, “I- You said we couldn’t do anything in your office. Should we go home?” You watched, entranced as he leaned forward, biting your lip and dragging it between his teeth.
Letting go, he decided to shoot his shot at a fantasy he had been fighting down for months. Looking back into your eyes, he let his hand come up behind you, pulling your hair gently, just enough to excite you. “Ah, you can’t come home with me, that would be inappropriate. Office hours are just fine. Now tell me, do you want to pass this class?”
He felt you shiver in his grip, a soft breath hissed through your teeth. Giving you a moment, he worried that perhaps you hadn’t had the same fantasy. But sure enough, your voice was as husky as his, your lustful gaze on his, “Please, Professor Min. I really need to pass this class. I’ll do anything.” Your thighs rubbed together slightly, still propped up over his thigh.
Grinning, he used his foot to push away the table, dinner finished and just needed cleaning up. Once it was far enough away he didn’t need to worry about any spillage, he grabbed your leg, dragging you to sit on his lap, straddling him. Leaning back against the couch, he rested his hands behind his head, smirking, “Then show me how bad you need this grade.”
You swallowed thickly, licking your lips as you looked up at him. Leaning forward towards him, you dragged your fingers through his hair, tilting his head back and hovering your lips just over his, “Is this okay? Can I touch you, Professor?” He bit his lip to keep from grinning, instead just nodding and trying to look casual.
You made quick work of the space between you, crowding him and pressing your body against his, kissing him softly. His hands stayed behind his head, letting you do the work. You pulled back slightly, panting softly, “I’ve never done this with one of my professors before. Are you sure this is allowed?” Groaning at your innocent tone, he felt his cock get hard in his dress pants.
Letting one hand come up to your head again, he pulled your hair harder, hearing you whimper, “Do you want this grade or not?” Listening as you panted, he nodded your head for you, “Use your words, otherwise I’ll have to give that mouth something else to do.” He felt your thighs squeeze his hips, unable to keep the smirk off his face, knowing you were just as into the fantasy as he was. Of course he’d never do something with a student - he was far too obsessed and possessive of you - but having you in his office calling him Professor and bending to his will? He would gladly take it.
Panting, you tugged against his hand, whimpering when he didn’t let go, “Yoongi~” Crying out, you felt him pull harder, “P-Professor Min! Please, please can I kiss you? I promise I’ll make you feel good.” He groaned at your voice, head falling back against the couch. Letting go of your hair, he rested his palms on your thighs, giving you a sultry look and licking his lips slowly.
You bit your cheek to keep from grinning and jumping on him, trying to remember your role as a desperate student, but nervous to be with her teacher. Slowly, you leaned down, brushing a fingertip over one of his lips, biting your lip and smiling as he bit it softly, running his tongue over it. You could see the delight dancing in his eyes, both of you struggling to remain in character.
Swallowing, you puffed air over his face, falling back into your role and ghosting your lips over his. Feeling his grip on your thighs tighten, you pulled back, “Professor, please tell me what you want.” You pressed your forehead on his, your face flushed, “I’ve never done this before... I’m sorry I’m not experienced, but I promise I can satisfy you, anything for this grade, please Professor Min.”
He groaned loudly, dragging you almost imperceptibly closer to his body, “Such a bold little student I have. A cute little virgin willing to please her Professor for a passing grade?” He leaned forward a bit, biting your lip, “Then let me show you how to please a real man. I’m sure whatever guy you date will be happy you had such an experienced man teach you everything you need to know.” You grinned against his lips before he pressed his to yours, tongue swiping over your lip eagerly.
You fought the urge to let him in immediately, instead keeping your mouth closed and pulling back a bit, “What? I don’t get it, what do you want me to do?” You felt him growl against you, hands tightening in your hair and on your thigh, grip bruising as he shoved his mouth against yours and pressing his tongue into your mouth.
Unable to help yourself, you moaned hotly, legs falling wider apart in his lap as he ravaged your mouth. It was nearly intoxicating, feeling him kiss you so intensely after almost a week long dry spell. He was nothing if not devoted to his work, but right now, in this fantasy, you were his work. And you knew you’d get the same treatment as the papers on his desk.
His tongue licked all over your mouth, petting your own, tracing your teeth, and licking your cheeks. Pulling away, both of you panted, his eyes dark as they raked over your face. You couldn’t help but touch your lips with your fingertips with a dazed expression. Yoongi grinned, leaning forward and brushing his lips over the shell of your ear, “Never thought I’d get to break in a virgin again.” Licking you slightly, he felt your legs squeeze him.
The two of you were high school sweethearts, learning everything about pleasure together. He had been your first and you had been his. Him using the term ‘break in’ almost had you in a giggling fit, knowing all your first times had been bashful and blushy, and most certainly steeped in love. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you dragged your fingers through his hair, “Please be gentle, Professor.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but grin, leaning back and biting your bottom lip, eyes a bit wild. It seemed as if the nearly week long dry spell had him overly excited, plus the fantasy in his office so late at night. Letting go of your lip, he heard you whimper, “Gentle? You said you’d do anything to please me. Gentle isn’t something that pleases me, so I hope you don’t have some delusion that you’re walking out of here tonight after some lovey dovey touching. I’m going to break you.”
He watched as you whimpered, wiggling in his lap. He knew you wouldn’t be able to feel much relief through your jeans, but part of him loved it. He still felt good guiding your hips against his hard cock, moaning at the feeling. Your hands gripped his shoulders, your flushed cheeks making his heart beat just a bit faster. Licking his lips, he nudged your nose with his, coaxing you into another kiss, shoving his tongue back into your mouth.
You moaned against him, pulling him tighter against you and sighing. Playing with his tongue, yours pet his as he pressed against you. His hands drifted down, cupping your ass and squeezing, listening as you moaned into his mouth. Dragging your hands through his hair, you bucked your hips against his, desperate to feel his touch.
He pulled away from you, immediately nibbling and sucking your throat where he could reach. Your brows pinched up, sighing and gasping as you bit you. You knew you’d have fresh marks to hide at work, but you loved it. You loved getting up in the morning and seeing all the new bites, marks, and bruises he left on your body.
Grinding against him, you keened as he bit your throat, “P-Professor, please let me touch you.” He pulled away, his lips resting against your tender skin as he hummed thoughtfully.
Dragging his hands around to rest on your thighs, he slapped you playfully then squeezed tight. “Strip.” He sat back, pushing your knees and closing his legs so you could stand easier. Resting his hands behind his head again he licked his lips languidly. “And do it slowly. Give me a show, won’t you?” You bit your lip, whining in the back of your throat.
Stepping back a bit, you tossed up a finger, silently telling him to wait a moment. He watched you curiously as you packed up the bowls quickly, securing them back into the bag and placing it on the floor next to the door, which you then locked. Scampering back to stand in front of him, you slapped his knee as he giggled at you. Taking a deep breath you slapped your cheeks, trying to get back into character. Pouting, you pursed your lips at him, “Tell me to strip again, now I’m just excited!” You laughed together, Yoongi shaking his head.
Sitting up, he ruffled his hair, pulling it back into a ponytail before letting it cascade down his shoulders again. Looking up at you, he smirked as your eyes followed his hair. Settling back into the couch, he cleared his throat, getting your attention again, but snapping his fingers for good measure, watching as you blushed, knowing he only did it when he wanted you to get on your knees for him. “Eyes on me. Now strip down before I do it for you. And I won’t be nice about it.”
You whimpered, falling back into character and feeling your panties get wetter at his almost disinterested expression, yet his dark eyes stayed fixated on you. Playing with the hem of your sweater, you slowly tugged it up and over your head. Tossing it towards the door, you bit your lip, tracing the cups of your bra and shifting from foot to foot. “I said strip. Take it all off.” Moaning at his authoritative tone, you reached behind you, unclasping your bra and slowly dragging it down.
Looking away, you tried to look bashful as you covered your chest, one arm across them as you tossed your bra away. Yoongi groaned lowly, “Don’t hide yourself from me. If I have to get up, it’ll be a lot rougher for you tonight.” He pawed at his trousers lightly, trying to give himself any sort of friction. He saw you smile faintly, knowing you were hoping he would get up. Rolling his eyes he smiled, winking, “I’ll be rough no matter what. Now finish.”
Swallowing thickly, you let your arms fall to your side, heavy breasts exposed to Yoongi’s hungry gaze. Dragging his eyes over you, he felt drool pool in his mouth. Groaning, he adjusted his hips, eager to have you touch him once you were nude before him.
Watching you unbutton your jeans, you wiggled out of them slowly, dragging them over your thick thighs. Snapping his fingers again, you blushed as you looked up from where you were bent slightly. “Turn around. I wanna see that cute, tight ass as you bend over for me.” Standing back up, you blushed hotly, turning around and slapping your cheeks slightly, feeling yourself blush hotly.
Swallowing, you resumed your actions, thankful you wore cute panties. Once you got your jeans down to your ankles, you tugged them fully off, staying bent at the waist. Looking at Yoongi from down by your knees, your hair falling around you, you whimpered, “Do you want me to take my panties off, too, Professor Min?” He growled, eyes raking over your body that he could see.
“Yes. Good girl for asking.” You turned away from him, stomping your feet excitedly from his gravelly praise. Clearing your throat slightly, you slowly dragged your panties down. Stepping out of them slowly, you couldn’t help but blush, feeling bashful all of a sudden. Just as you tossed them away, you heard a camera shutter.
Gasping, you stood and whipped around, blushing as you saw Yoongi biting his lip and zooming in on his screen. “Yoongi-yah!” You couldn’t help but squeal as you covered your cheeks, stomping your feet and laughing. He laughed with you, tucking his phone away and shaking his head. Winking at you, he licked his lips, crooking his finger and enticing you closer.
Once you were in front of him, he sighed and tucked his hands behind his head. Nodding down towards his pants, he looked back up at you, quirking a brow as if to ask why you hadn’t already stripped him. Lowering yourself to your knees, you whispered for him to hold on as you crawled away to grab your sweater. Folding it and placing it under your knees, you looked back up at him, blushing at his love struck look.
Coughing to cover your smile, you kissed his knee softly, “Can I take your clothes off too, Professor Min?” Making your eyes big and round, you looked up at him from under your lashes, humming quietly.
Yoongi smirked, dragging a hand through his hair as he lifted his hips slightly, “No. All you need is my cock. Afterall, I’m not the one who needs to pass, am I?” You whimpered at his tone, hands sliding up his thighs to undo his trousers and dragging them down, along with his boxer briefs.
Groaning loudly as his cock was finally freed, he sat back down on the couch. Licking his lips, he watched as you tugged his pants to his knees and down a bit, letting you get a bit closer between his legs. Though he noticed you didn’t look directly at him, smirking as he remembered you were playing a virginal student.
He brought his hand down, dragging it through your hair before he grabbed it and made you look at his thick shaft, hearing you whimper, “What’s the matter? Never seen such a big cock before?” He pulled harder, hearing you gasp and moan loudly, your nails biting into his bare thighs where your hands rested on them. “Don’t worry about looking so much, I guess. I’ll be inside your mouth in just a moment anyways.”
Swallowing thickly, you panted slightly, “Professor Min, I’ve never- please-” He watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath.
Pulling you closer, he used his other hand to hold his cock to your mouth, coating your lips in his pre-cum before slapping them with it, “Please what? A girl like you hasn’t ever sucked a guy off before?” He scoffed, slapping your cheek next with his shaft, groaning tightly, “Want me to be gentle? Is that what you want? Too bad, baby. I’m not in the mood to pamper such a pure princess tonight.”
You moaned, licking your lips and opening your mouth, too excited to banter with him. You looked up at him, admiring his handsome face as he smirked down at you. Sighing, you felt his cock on your tongue, his hand loosening up in your hair as you slowly started to suck the tip. Looking up at him, you sighed as your hands drifted closer to your mouth, petting his strong thighs.
Swirling your tongue around him, you hummed softly. Yoongi’s head was tilted back, sighing and moaning as you pleasured him, mind in a haze after not feeling your touch in days. Smiling slightly, you took him deeper, feeling his hand in your hair go limp and rest there. Swallowing thickly, you took a deep breath before sinking as far as you could, petting his hard shaft with your delicate tongue.
Moaning around him, you heard him gasp, hips bucking up into your mouth. Scrunching your nose slightly, you slowly pulled back up, lavishing his tip and sucking him tightly. Becoming aware of his surroundings once more, he tipped his head back up, hand petting your hair and pulling it back into a ponytail before wrapping it around his fist, “P-Pretty talented for a virgin. You sure this is your first time with a cock in your mouth, baby?”
You hummed, smiling around him and not bothering to answer him, just looking up at him with flushed cheeks and slipping deeper. He moaned tightly as he felt himself hit the back of your throat, sighing as you dragged your head back up. Popping off him, you used your hand to stroke him as you kissed and licked his package.
“It’s my first time, but my friends have told me all about when they do it... Is it good? I just wanna make you feel good, Professor Min.” You tried to pitch your voice, sounding desperate as you licked back up his shaft from base to tip. As you flicked your tongue over his slit, he shivered, pulling your hair slightly. “Am I doing a good job, Professor? Please tell me what you want me to do.”
Gritting his teeth, he pushed your head down on him, “Be a good girl and take it all, want you to swallow my cock and take every load I give you.” You moaned around him, rubbing your wet thighs together. He gave you a second to catch your breath before taking a deep one. Once you squeezed his thigh lightly, he shoved you the rest of the way down his shaft, feeling himself inside your hot, tight throat.
Moaning loudly, his voice was rough as he slowly fucked your mouth. Dragging you by your hair, he bucked his hips as well, moaning as your tongue pressed against him, feeling you swallow around him. Tugging you up, you popped off him, panting and catching your breath. “Fuck... Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum too fast.” He panted, hazy eyes looking down at you between his legs, your lips shining.
You bit your lip, smile threatening to break your cheeks. You felt his words stroke your ego, knowing you could make one of the most severe professors in the entire department fall apart with just your mouth. Sighing, you tapped his thigh looking back up at him through your lashes, “It’s okay, Professor Min. I want you to- to finish in my mouth. Please.”
He smirked, guiding you back to his cock, sighing as your hand held and massaged his heavy package. “Aw, can’t say ‘cum’, baby girl?” He pulled your hair, stopping you just as you kissed the tip of his shaft, “Beg me for it, baby. Be a good girl and beg me to blow my load down your throat. Tell me how bad you wanna swallow my cum.”
You whined, pulling against his hand slightly just for him to pull harder. “Please, Y- Professor Min! Please cum in my mouth, I wanna taste you, please!” Groaning as you keened, he shoved you down halfway, growling as he felt your breath puff across his bush. Once you had a deep enough breath, you tapped his thigh softly. Roughly, he shoved you down the rest of his shaft, your nose against his coarse, dark curls.
Gagging slightly, you relaxed your throat, taking a few calming breaths and swallowing around him. Looking up, you felt tears gather on your lash line, tapping his thigh softly again. Clenching his other hand into a fist, he tightened his hold in your hair and resumed fucking your mouth. Panting, he bucked his hips, moaning as your tongue dragged against him.
Arching his back, his head fell against the couch, chest heaving with every breath, “Fuck, fuck! Baby, fuck! Gonna cum, be a good girl and swallow it, it’s all for you, fuck!” Arching, he held your face down, cock throbbing and pulsing in your throat as you felt him blow his load, filling your belly. Swallowing around him, you wiggled your face, causing him to keen as his hips stuttered, emptying himself into your tummy.
Panting for breath, he loosened his hand, letting you press your palms against his thighs as you slowly lifted yourself off of him. With a wet pop, you gasped for air, coughing slightly as his messy cock fell against his lower belly, happy trail getting covered in your drool and his cum.
Wiping at your lips, you licked any stray amounts of his cum from your fingertips, smiling happily to yourself and leaning forward, licking him softly and swallowing any that you missed on him. Finishing your clean up, you wiggled up next to him on the couch, holding him to your bare chest.
Feeling him pant against you, you brushed his sweaty hair from his forehead, kissing the crown of his head softly and whispering sweet nothings. Nuzzling against him, you hummed happily. Slowly, he could feel himself again, fingers twitching and brows furrowing. “It’s been too long obviously... Even just a few days and you suck me off once and I’m like a spent teenager again.”
You giggled, kissing his forehead and cheeks. Slowly, his eyes focused on you again, hands coming up and squishing your cheeks. Kissing his nose, you sighed happily, “Are you done for the night? I can pack up your papers and drive us home. I’ll bring you back Monday morning.” It didn’t pass him by how you were basically saying he would spend the weekend at home, but he loved it. Loved when you took charge and directed him exactly where you wanted him to be, knowing he was a bit of a workaholic.
Licking his lips, he leaned down, kissing the swell of your breasts, “Later. I’m not done with you yet.” He felt you shudder, smiling against him. He knew you were far from satisfied, especially since it had been so long. “You haven’t done enough to earn that grade. You think swallowing my cock is it? My class is much too difficult to equate to such a miniscule one time thing.” He looked up at you through his lashes, smirking as he saw your blush.
Moving to straddle him, you set your hands on his shoulders, looking at him intently, “Yes, sir. Whatever else you want, I’ll do it. I’ll keep your cock in my mouth for the rest of the semester if it’ll help keep you generous with my scores.” His head fell back, eyes closing and groaning loudly. You couldn’t help but giggle, covering your mouth and trying to stay in character.
His hands rested atop your thighs, squeezing. “Whatever else I want?” He hummed thoughtfully, slowly pushing you off his lap. Leaning over to his coat rack, he heard you giggle behind him, shaking his head as his trousers were around his ankles. Finally just kicking off one of his shoes, he stepped out of one leg, waddling to grab his sweater and waddling back, cock semi hard and slapping against his thighs softly.
Shaking his head, he stuck his tongue out at you before bending and grabbing the sweater you had been kneeling on. Spreading both of them out on his couch, he held your hands as he gently spread you out over them, making sure your bare body and face weren’t touching the cushions. He shuddered to even consider how many people had sat on this couch over the years.
Making sure his sweater came up just under your ass, to catch any stray spillage afterwards, he knelt between your legs, spreading them wide on either side of him. Groaning as he saw your perfectly wet cunt, he nipped the inside of your calf, which was resting against his still clothed chest.
You couldn’t help but giggle, covering your face. Quickly fanning yourself, you cleared your throat, looking up at him with a timid expression, “Professor?” Your breathless tone had him groaning low and gravelly. Stroking his cock, he slapped it against your lower belly, resting it on you so you can feel how thick and big he was.
Shivering, you felt yourself clench, desperately wanting him inside you. His rough voice pulled you from your thoughts, making you wetter. “Think you can take me? Look how big my cock is, baby. A sweet virgin like you? I’ll break you in half.” You couldn’t help but think back to the first time the two of you had gone all the way, even if he hadn’t completely finished growing up, it had been a tight fit.
Blushing, you bit your lip, hand tentatively reaching down and stroking him, biting back your moan. “I can take it, Professor Min. Please, just give me a chance.” You couldn’t help the excitement in your voice, hips wiggling subtly in Yoongi’s grip. You knew he noticed, but he was able to stay in character, looking down at you with a vaguely cold look, not quite able to pull it off when it was his gorgeous wife splayed out under him.
Licking his lips slowly, he smirked as you watched the action closely. Settling your legs against his chest, he groaned as he dragged his cock along your soaked slit, watching you shiver with anticipation. “Gonna take you hard and rough. Think you can handle it, princess?” He watched as you covered your mouth, watching your eyes crinkle and knowing you were smiling.
Taking a deep breath, you dropped your hands, nodding with an apprehensive expression, “Yes, I can take it, please, Professor, just take me.” Groaning harshly, he made sure the tip of his cock slipped inside before anchoring both palms on either side of your head. With a cocky smirk and dark eyes looking down at you, you couldn’t help but bite your lip, squealing as he shoved himself fully inside you.
Your hands wrapped around his wrists above you, legs shaking as he sat fully sheathed inside your tight cunt. Moaning loudly, you squeezed him tightly, hearing him moan roughly, “Fuck, you’re so tight. You really are a virgin, aren’t you, princess? Fuck, taking my cock so well, don’t think I’ll be able to hold back from breaking this pretty cunt of yours.” He grinned down at you, watching as you smiled dazedly.
Pulling himself back, he bucked back into you, starting up a rough pace. Each time he pounded back into you had you gasping, moaning his name and keening sharply. Soon, you had your hands clasped over your mouth, watching as Yoongi bit his lip, trying to keep himself quiet as well, just in case anyone was in the building for whatever reason.
Gasping behind your palms, you arched your back, “Yoongi! Please! I- ahh! P-Professor, I can’t! Please, please touch me~” Your brows knit up, moaning lasciviously, watching as he licked his lips and grinned. Moving his weight to one hand, he brought his other down, playing with your clit. Immediately curling forward, you cried out behind both hands, voice reaching your husband as easily as if you were screaming.
Sitting back on his heels, he dragged your hips up and closer, fingers playing expertly with your clit as you matched his pace easily, knowing all his moves. You arched against the couch, head falling to the side as you lost yourself in his pleasure. His cock stroked you perfectly, and in this angle made easy work of your gspot. Gasping against your palms, you felt your eyes water, your climax rushing down your spine.
Yoongi could feel your thighs quaking where they rested on his arms, having slipped from his shoulders. Maintaining his pace, he kept his hips bucking into you, readjusting his hand that was playing with your clit to also press down on your lower belly, making sure his cock was pounding your sweet spot over and over.
He heard you scream behind your hands, nails biting into your cheeks as you writhed under him. He couldn’t help but grin, teeth shining in the light as he panted, “That’s it baby, cum for me. Wanna feel you cum on my cock, pretty girl, I know you can. C’mon, good girl, just like that.” He watched as your chest darkened, body flushing as you keened under your palms.
Shuddering as he felt your cunt squeeze him, he imagined if anyone else were in the building, how they’d know how good he fucked you. He was sure none of them would be able to look him in the eye after. Not that many did anyways, he was aware of his effect on other people, after all you made sure to remind him every moment how ethereal he was.
Licking his lips, eased his hand up, gently circling your clit with feather light touches. Soon, your body quit trembling, your husband cooing softly to you as your eyes fluttered open again. Looking at him, you pulled your hands away to speak before crying out loudly, feeling him buck against you. “Y-You didn’t finish, baby?” You whimpered as he took his spot back above you, anchoring his palms on either side of your head, grin on his lips.
Leaning down, he caught you in a kiss, shoving his tongue into your mouth as he began pounding you fast and hard. You reached up, grabbing his hair and crying out loudly. Trying to pull away, he followed you down, body flush to your sweaty one as he fucked you fast. The way he pet your mouth with his tongue was a sharp contrast to how he pounded you, cock making you feel dumb and dazed.
You moaned hotly against him, hands pulling his hair as you keened, drooling on his tongue. His hands moved from your shoulders to hold your legs up and wider open, bruising his hips against yours. With a gasp, he pulled away from you, panting heavily as he watched you drool under him, breasts bouncing and expression blissed out.
Grinning, he leaned down, biting your chest and leaving marks all over you. Feeling your thighs shake against his palms, he bit you harder, feeling his own climax approaching. “Yoongi~” His name was hoarse as you whispered it, eyes fluttering. You whimpered as he fucked you, pulling his face flush to your bouncing chest, heart pounding.
He groaned your name, drooling onto your bruised breasts, hips stuttering, “Fuck, fuck- cum for me, baby, one more time, fuck-! I know you can- ahh!” His breath stuttered in his lungs, shoving one hand down and grinding his fingers roughly against your clit, feeling you immediately squeeze around him.
Gasping, he shouted, cursing as he finished inside, listening as you moaned loudly as his fingers got you off after. Growling in his chest, he couldn’t help but glare down at you, lustful gaze intense as you whimpered. Pulling himself free, you cried out at the loss, feeling his cum spill from you.
However, he easily slipped his digits inside you, panting heavily as he pushed his cum back inside. Not stopping there, he felt for your gspot and quickly began pounding it just as hard as he was fucking you, determined to make you squirt on him. Crying out, you covered your mouth again, tears slipping past your lashes.
Trying to close your legs, you keened as he kept them forced open, spreading his own legs and keeping yours pried open. Licking his lips, he leaned down, pressing his forehead to yours, watching your dazed expression, “C’mon, squirt for me. Be a good girl and squirt all over my hands.” Screaming behind your palms, you whipped your head to the side, body quaking with effort and pleasure.
He felt your cunt squeeze him, your mixed cum covering his hands and wrist and he pounded you hard. It didn’t take much more until you were arching, gushing all over his hands and making him moan, the filthy sound echoing in your otherwise empty head. Collapsing against the couch, you gasped for air, swallowing your mouthfuls of drool.
Feeling boneless, you let Yoongi move about his office as you blinked owlishly at the ceiling, unaware of mostly everything around you. Soon, you felt something soft between your thighs, petting your sensitive skin gingerly. You then saw Yoongi in your line of vision, blinking up at him as he smiled gently. Closing your eyes, you felt him kiss you softly, scattering them over your face, neck, and chest.
You tried to lift your arms up to hold him against you, but he slipped through your fingers relatively easily, not as though you were moving very fast. You heard rustling as you slowly came back into your body, wiggling your toes and fingers.
Before you could sit up, you felt Yoongi sit above your head, slowly dragging you across the sweaters on the couch to rest you on his lap. Kissing your forehead, he leaned back, letting you rest on his chest. Licking your lips, you coughed slightly before smiling, “So, do I get that passing grade, Professor Min?”
You felt his chest rattle with laughter, kisses being peppered all atop your head. Shaking his head, he pet you softly, “You do. You did a great job. Maybe I should have you stop by more often outside of office hours... You wouldn’t believe what a stress reliever this has been.” You laughed softly along with him, gently being lulled to sleep by the soft sounds in his chest.
Holding you for a bit longer, Yoongi basked in the afterglow of your intimacy. He felt especially relaxed, chalking it up to the fact he was incredibly pent up, not to mention how hot the little roleplaying act had been for him. Once he got all the feeling back in his legs, he wiggled you off his lap, sitting you back across the couch so you were sitting on his sweater.
It wasn’t so cold outside that he’d freeze without it, knowing all you had to wear really was your sweater. Gathering up your clothes, he stuffed your panties into his pocket. Wiggling your jeans up your legs, he left them unbuttoned. Shoving your bra into his briefcase, he also just tossed your sweater on.
Gathering all his papers, he stared at them before leaving them on his desk, instead just grabbing his over the shoulder bag, transferring your bra and panties to it, tying the dinner bag to it with his tie, and then shuffled you to the side of the couch, shoving his very soiled sweater into his bag as well, shuddering at the heady scent of it.
Fishing out your keys from your purse, he then sat between your legs, hefting you up onto his back. Carrying you carefully out of his office, he locked his door and made his way back down the deserted hallways, motion sensored lights turning on as he passed by them. Shivering as he stepped out into the evening, he quickly found himself missing the warmth of your body around his.
Clicking the unlock button on the fob, he tossed your purse in the back seat before laying you down. Weaseling a seatbelt around your waist without cutting you in half, he dumped his other two bags on the floor, closing the door softly behind you.
Sitting in the front, he adjusted the seat and mirrors before turning the car on, immediately turning the music off where he knew it would be loud. Sighing contentedly, he began driving the two of you home - not living that far from the university. Winding down university streets out onto the main roads, then down some residential streets, it wasn’t long until he was hitting the button for the garage. Parking the car, he grabbed the bags first, tossing them on the table inside before carefully extracting you.
Carrying you into the house and to the bedroom, he laid you down onto the bed, tugging off your clothes easily and tossing a stray blanket over you. Heading into the bathroom, he lit a few candles and started to fill up the tub, sprinkling relaxing bath salts into the water and stirring them around.
Once he was sure everything was alright, he went back into your shared bedroom, the lights off. Giggling, he saw where you had wrapped yourself up into the blanket. Crawling in behind you, he hugged you to his chest, forgetting to strip himself down. Sighing heavily, he kissed the back of your neck, “Are you awake? I have a bath running for us.”
That seemed to wake you up as you grumbled next to him. Soon, you were eagerly crawling out from under the blanket, eyes half open as you tugged at his hand, “Bath~ Yoongi-yah, c’mon~” He laughed as he let you tug him up, stripping himself down as you walked him to the bathroom. Kicking off his pants, he almost tripped, grabbing you around the waist and listening as you shouted and braced the two of you against the counter.
Laughing softly together, you felt him gather you up into his arms, smiling down at you. You sighed contentedly, leaning up and kissing him softly, whispering your love to him. Noticing the bathtub was full enough. You bent over to turn it off, shouting as Yoongi smacked your ass lightly.
Shaking your head, you stuck your tongue out and stepped into the bath. He wasn’t far behind you, slipping in and scooting to sit directly behind you. Wrapping his arms around you, he rested his face in your neck, yawning. “So tired...” You laughed, bringing a wet hand up to pet his hair, shouting as he shook it out like a dog.
Coaxing him into laying back, you rested against his chest. “Let’s relax for a bit, then I’ll clean us up so we can go to sleep, okay?” He nodded lethargically behind you, already drifting off in a nap. You couldn’t help but laugh softly, cooing back to him and calling him your kitty cat.
Letting him drift off to sleep, you slowly began to wash your body off. Turning in Yoongi’s lap, you gently washed his body as well. Biting your lip, you couldn’t help but smile as you gently cleaned him below the belt, giggling quietly as his soft delicate skin filled your hands. You heard him huff, looking up at him and finding him staring at you.
Looking away, you hummed innocently, continuing to clean him as he shook his head, laughing silently and easily falling back to sleep as you moved and massaged his thighs. Nudging him delicately, you slipped behind him, taking time to massage his neck and shoulders, hearing him groan and moan loudly at your firm but gentle touches.
Once you finished lavishing your husband in loving touches, you leaned around, emptying the tub. Grabbing the cup you kept by the bath, you turned the faucet on, filling it up and dumping the water over the newly exposed parts of your bodies, not wanting to bother with getting into the shower.
Humming softly, you rinsed Yoongi off, cooing softly to him and whispering sweet nothings. Soon enough, the tub was drained and the two of you had been rinsed off. You made sure he wouldn’t slip over the tub as you got out and grabbed your towels. Ruffling his hair, you whispered softly to him, “Baby, it’s time to get up. Bedtime~” He groaned at your words, but moved nonetheless.
He held his arms and legs out and up as you asked him, kneeling down and drying him off. Kissing his belly, you heard him giggle softly, covering where you had kissed with his hand and blushing.
Padding quietly back into the bedroom, you turned down his covers, helping him in bed and watching him sink into the pillow and sheets. Giggling, you pulled the comforter back up, tucking him in with a kiss to his forehead, cheeks, then soft lips. Scampering to your side of the bed, you slipped in as well, quickly wiggling to your husband and laying softly against him.
Kissing his shoulder, you smiled contentedly, “I love you, Yoongi.” He hummed in response, half asleep, and wrapped himself around you. Holding his head to your chest, you sighed happily, feeling yourself fall asleep completely for the night, knowing you had all weekend to spend with your beloved.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 years
Could u do a head shot for everytime rooster and reader found out they were pregnant?
Aww this is such a cute ask, thank you, anon! Hope you like it :D
The Making of Rooster's Brood
Summary: Rooster and his wife are having all the babies.
CW: So many pregnancies and children, foster care and adoption, swearing, possibly an illegal amount of fluff
A/N: Just a quick warm-up drabble, nothing special! But now I need to go write some angst because I might be in danger of melting entirely after this piece.
Rooster's Brood Pt1 | Rooster's Brood Pt2 | Masterlist
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The first time is planned. You follow every recommendation to a tee. You and Rooster can't wait to be parents so, the moment the two of you have your own place, you start trying.
You buy a pregnancy test the day after. You know it's way too early but you can't wait. Of course, it's negative, which bums you out. Rooster sits with you on the couch, consoling you and reminding you that nothing will show up on a home pregnancy test for weeks, even if you are, in fact, pregnant.
Nonetheless, you purchase another test the next day. You wait to take it until a week has passed - an excruciatingly long week. The test is negative again, and you are so discouraged that Rooster decides to take you to the movies to get your mind off things.
The two of you continue to try for another week and, meanwhile, you pay attention to every weird thing your body is doing. First, it's a stuffed nose. A cold, perhaps. Then, the frequent peeing - three times in one night? Finally, when your lower back starts hurting, you ask Rooster to go out and get you a test. It's ten o'clock in the evening and you half-expect him to say no, but Rooster is out the door before you could finish your sentence.
You take the test and step out of the bathroom after setting your timer. Rooster is holding his arms out to give you a hug. You stay in his embrace for the entire three minutes and, when the timer goes off, the two of you enter the bathroom anxiously. Rooster doesn't notice at first, but you see the faint pink of the second line right away and scream.
When Rooster catches on, he grabs you and pulls you into his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around your body. “Is it true? Are you sure?” He asks.
After you nod and he kisses your head several times, he lets go and goes over to the counter to inspect the test.
The second time is definitely an accident. You find out several days after your baby turns one and you start to freak out. How in the world are you going to keep two babies alive? You barely have enough energy to get out of bed in the morning - your first baby is a terrible sleeper.
Rooster assures you that it’ll all be alright. He cuddles you in bed while you try to determine whether you are filled with more terror or excitement at the prospect of a second child. Rooster chuckles when you voice your thoughts aloud and says, “I’m so fucking happy right now. Does that ease your mind at all?”
It does.
“Maybe we should try for a girl,” Rooster says one day as your little family of four finds a spot to have a picnic by the water.
You give him a pointed look. You’re not thrilled at the idea of raising an entire litter of Rooster babies while he’s on deployment four months out of the year.
“Always wanted a girl,” Rooster says musingly and the sheepish grin on his face as he pulls you in for a hug nearly convinces you.
A few minutes later, when you hear your kids’ jubilant screams as Rooster plays with them in the water, you look up with a resigned sigh. You smile because you’re extremely proud that your husband is such a wonderful father. And, of course, by the time you’ve set out the crackers and cheese, you’ve decided that having another baby might not be so bad.
The fourth time is a surprise once again. Only, this time, you’re not as upset about it. With three kids, you’ve already gotten into the swing of things as parents. Your kids play together, which means you don’t have to constantly entertain them (just break up their fights once in a while). You and Rooster are really hoping the fourth one will be a girl but, when you find out that it will be twins, Rooster is so excited that he starts whooping right in the doctor’s office.
After Rooster returns from deployment, the two of you decide that you make the most amazing kids and it would be a disservice to the world if you didn’t go ahead and make another one. You don’t even take a pregnancy test this time because you know the signs like the back of your hand.
Rooster does an amazing job of taking care of the kids and you while you’re pregnant because, this time, you’re nauseated for the entire nine months! He cooks, he cleans, he does bath time and reads the bedtime stories. He gets all the night calls and gets up at the crack of dawn every morning. “I’m a rooster, after all,” he says.
You decide, after your latest pregnancy, that it’ll be your last one. Being sick for nine months is absolutely no fun.
But, when Rooster brings home a foster child for temporary placement, you tell him right away that the two of you are adopting him without question. He tells you that he was hoping you’d say that.
Fast forward another year and you and Rooster are sitting on the couch, watching your children play. Rooster has his arm around you and you’re snuggled into his side while he strokes your shoulder gently.
“Look at this amazing family you made,” he says quietly.
“We made,” you respond.
Rooster chuckles. “My part was so easy.”
You laugh. “You’ve pulled your weight since.”
“Ever think about having another one?”
You look up at him sharply and he gives you a mischievous grin. “You’re joking,” you say.
He purses his lips to contain his widening smile and glances at the room full of children. “Historically speaking, chances are that I’m not joking.”
“You still want a girl,” you say.
He looks back at you. “Well, I already have a queen,” he says, kissing you tenderly on the forehead. “Wouldn’t mind a princess though. To keep these hooligans in check,” he nods at the boys roughhousing in the living room.
You consider his statement as he pecks your cheek. The softer his kisses become, the more sway he seems to have over your rational mind. You’ve already got seven kids, what’s one more?
Rooster nuzzles his head against yours. “Forget I said anything, baby,” he whispers. “You have given me everything I've ever wanted and more. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”
"What if it'll be another boy?" you say quietly.
You feel Rooster's body stiffen. He lowers his head to catch your gaze. "Could be a dinosaur for all I care," he replies. You laugh but he sits up straighter and gives you a serious look. "Baby," he says, running a hand down the side of your face. "Girl, boy, a bit of both or maybe neither, it makes no difference to me. You know that, right? I was only kidding."
You nod. "I know."
"I am so happy we have seven boys, baby," he continues. "They're the most amazing humans on the planet. Because they're ours. Mine and yours."
You smile at him, overwhelmed by all the little things that make up the Rooster you love: the earnestness in his eyes, the sweet rasp of his voice, his arms when they're wrapped around you, keeping you warm and safe, and his enormous heart. You think back to how adorable he looks while rocking your newborn babies to sleep, insisting that you need your rest.
"Look how tiny he is," he would say, admiring the small bundle in his giant arms. "I could hold him forever."
You love watching Rooster raise your children. You love seeing him change diapers and pack lunches and do a head count at the park. You love him. And you love all of the amazing humans the two of you are rearing. You sigh, thinking that you might, as it turns out, want another one just because it means it would be with Rooster. "Maybe one more," you say tentatively.
Rooster blinks at you with a hint of a smile. "Are you serious?"
You glance around the room, watching your children line up to take turns jumping off the couch. "Historically speaking, chances are I'm serious."
He laughs then cranes his neck to check the clock in the kitchen. "Is it bedtime yet?"
Rooster Tag List:
Please feel free to let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Rooster fics
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joons · 3 months
This may be a prickly subject, and I'm sorry if so. But I'm trying to learn more about Elvis, and every time I bring him up to people I know, they try to tell me he was this terrible person, and point me toward Priscilla's book, the movie made on it, and the discourse. Idk if you've talked about it on here (I tried searching your blog but couldn't find anything on it). If you're willing, I'd love to hear your take on it so I can see a more nuanced view.
The film Priscilla was greenlit roughly a month after Priscilla herself was informed that she was close to becoming financially insolvent in 2022. With a business partner, Brigitte Kruse, who allegedly helped broker the film deal, she established a limited liability company called Priscilla Presley Partners that was supposed to use her image and likeness to create several lines of merchandise to coincide with the film's release. That business partner is now suing Priscilla because she did not have the rights to her image or likeness, or any ability to use the Presley name, because she had already sold all of those rights and was no longer considered in good standing with Graceland or Elvis Presley Enterprises. The entire business deal, then, according to the lawsuit, was built on her misrepresentation of how much her image was worth.
The deal between the two of them fell apart after Riley Keough, Lisa Marie's daughter and Priscilla's granddaughter, settled with Priscilla to give her a lump sum of $1 million from Lisa Marie's estate and yearly amounts of $100,000. Priscilla sued very shortly after Lisa Marie's death because she thought Lisa Marie's signature on a will had been forged because Priscilla was not included in it. All of the assets were supposed to go directly to Lisa Marie's son, Benjamin Keough, who died in 2020, and her three daughters, two of whom are still teenagers. Now, part of those assets have been claimed by Priscilla and her other son, Navarone, who has no connection to the Presley family and has stated he is glad Lisa died.
Four months before Lisa's death, Lisa wrote to Sofia Coppola and made it clear she had strong concerns about the Priscilla film and was suspicious of the intentions behind it:
"As his daughter, I don’t read this and see any of my father in this character. I don’t read this and see my mother’s perspective of my father. ... I will be forced to be in a position where I will have to openly say how I feel about the film and go against you, my mother and this film publicly."
Lisa was enormously grateful for efforts put into 2022's Elvis to find her father's soul and to restore his dignity in a world that often turns him and his family into a joke:
"You can feel and witness Baz’s pure love, care, and respect for my father throughout this beautiful film, and it is finally something that myself and my children and their children can be proud of forever."
It is such a strong and powerful statement, to see how much Lisa valued family, not just her father but her own children and their legacy, and how willing she was to speak up no matter what was going on in her personal life to say what was right. On this and many other things, Lisa and Priscilla's values have rarely been in alignment. A friend and EPE business associate, Joel Weinshanker, said of her, "Lisa couldn't be bought, she couldn't be pushed. If she felt that something wasn't in Elvis' best interest, it was never about money. And she really is the only Presley that you could say that about."
Priscilla, though, has adjusted her stories about her time with Elvis almost every time she discusses it. For a quick example, she said in her book, which was released in 1985, that Elvis insisted she do her hair and makeup a certain way, that he had control over her look and would get upset if she didn't dress how he wanted. But in an interview with Ladies' Home Journal in 1973, she said that she made a deliberate choice to attend makeup school so that she could learn how to style herself, and that it was her idea to wear big, black hair and big, black eyeliner. She said she was embarrassed for going overboard. She said, "I wish that Elvis had said something, but he must have liked it because he never commented." This lines up with recollections from Patti Parry, a platonic friend of Elvis' and a hairstylist, who said Priscilla always wanted Patti to do her hair in a "big boombah," but that Priscilla would then get upset when Elvis didn't notice or didn't like it.
These changes are impossible not to notice if you follow her for any length of time. At the film premiere, she said it felt just like watching her life and said she was consulted on everything, since she was an executive producer. After the film came out, she said she couldn't understand why Coppola had changed so much about the story and misrepresented events. In the '70s, she said she and Elvis lived almost totally separate lives, that she came and went as she pleased, and that she loved this freedom. Later, she said she felt completely stifled and trapped and never left the house, even though she had friends she went out with all the time. In 2019, she tweeted a forceful denial about a National Enquirer story: "This is the Enquirer folks... please don't believe everything you read. ... Never planned on being buried next to Elvis. What will they come up with next?" But part of her settlement demands in her lawsuit against Riley in 2023 asked "to be buried next to Elvis." This year, she said in two separate interviews that Lisa was with her when Elvis died and that Priscilla had to break the news to her, despite the fact that Lisa was at Graceland when it happened. She has said she gave Elvis the idea to wear belts on his jumpsuits, to have a lightning bolt as his logo, to sing "An American Trilogy," though none of that is true. She retells the story about forcing Elvis to burn all of his spiritual books to prove he loved her as an almost funny anecdote about debrainwashing him, while Elvis later said it was the worst thing he ever agreed to, a desperate attempt to make her happy by giving up the things he valued the most. (For the record, this is my opinion about their relationship on both sides: thinking they could change themselves and each other to make it work. It never did.)
Every secondhand Elvis account has to be treated lightly and only valued for its consistency with known facts and other witnesses. I try to give enormous benefit of the doubt to anyone in the Elvis world because they often only have partial knowledge of what Elvis may have been thinking at any given time, and there are numerous examples of people who were taken advantage of by unscrupulous journalists who changed the story they wanted to tell. But Priscilla's stories sometimes are not even consistent with her own statements, which makes them very poor options indeed to base anything on. However careful we are about noting potential biases and inaccuracies in other memoirs, we have to be triply, quadruply careful with anything in which Priscilla involves herself because she has a vested interest in generating discourse today in order to make money. Unfortunately, Priscilla has a habit of stifling other accounts or making sensationalized statements each time there is a possibility that she will lose some of the cachet that comes with being an Elvis Source—after Elvis' death, when she believed she was going to inherit his airplane and disinvited everyone that Vernon said could fly in it to his funeral; when she sued the parents of one of Elvis' ex-girlfriends after he died because he had allowed them to live rent-free in a house he bought for them; when she claimed that Elvis wanted to reunite with her before his death, despite the fact that he was engaged to someone else and told many people he couldn't see a reunion ever happening with her; before Vernon's death, when she convinced him to make her an executor of the Presley estate until Lisa came of age; after Lisa came of age, when she convinced Lisa to let her stay on as partner; when Lisa accused Priscilla of misspending Lisa's money, during which time anonymous sources cropped up to say Lisa was in debt and drug-addled; when Priscilla was removed from her position as an EPE spokesperson but kept collecting $900,000 a year from the company; when Lisa died, and Priscilla sued once she learned she wasn't in the will; when Priscilla was no longer associated with EPE and decided to do another adaptation of a book that she has since recanted parts of and has contradicted before and after its release.
When Priscilla thinks there is a threat to her image and position, she does new interviews and projects to muddy the waters and stir public interest, whether it is true or false, positive or negative, laudatory or defamatory. She gets corrected by Elvis' surviving family members, girlfriends, friends, and fans, but these stories do not get the same reach no matter how much they are backed by contemporaneous documents and witnesses, or how many resources there are to educate the public on how Elvis' and Priscilla's attitudes about marriage and relationships changed—along with the rest of society—between 1960 and 1970.
I think almost any single-source project is not going to advance our understanding of Elvis in any way because no one individual can speak for him, and we are kind of obligated to include all the context we can in order to appreciate his character, his successes and failures, flaws and virtues—and to treat both himself and those around him as fully three-dimensional people who have their own blind spots. Priscilla is far too aware of her own image, and far too willing to change it to suit the audience, to be particularly valuable here.
She is next scheduled to appear at the Lexington (Kentucky) Comic & Toy Con.
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sugurufic · 3 months
What are your thoughts on the reader and teen nanami attending an improv comedy show…
Oh this is so interesting! I am not funny, like at all, so please don't judge my terrible jokes T^T as always, its not proofread
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Nanami, Haibara and you had a lot of fun planned for the weekend, but Haibara had to return home to his family. His sister had gotten a bad fever and he was worried sick about her.
So you and Nanami still went about the plans, going to the mall for some shopping and to the city center to eat, and then return to your respective dorms. The two of you hadn't hung out much without Haibara, his absence weighing you down. With Haibara it was easy to ignore how Nanami's presence made you feel, but now it was practically impossible, with him walking beside you in the mall, dressed in normie clothes.
"Hey ma'am, hey sir!" an attendant at the mall greeted you cheerfully. "We have a free of cost improv comedy session going on, would you care to join us?"
You have always loved improv comedy, watching videos on the internet, but you've never seen one in person. Besides, how bad could it get? It's not like you were wasting any money this way.
"Nanami, can we go, please?" you plead, batting your eyelashes at the blond man, who doesn't even argue.
"Thank you for joining us!" the attendant yells behind you.
"I really hope that it doesn't turn out to be a waste of time," Nanami says as you sit beside him. The room still has some empty seats, but it's a great news that there are people to see a new comedian.
"I don't think it will be," you say, scooting a little closer to him as the air conditioning sent a shiver under your skin.
The empty seats fill up quickly, and the lights are dimmed, waiting for the comedian to take the stage. You are unfamiliar with the man who comes on the stage, viewing his audience with a smile on his face. "Hey everyone! Thank you for being here. You really are helping me convince my parents that maybe I can pull this comedy thing off," He starts of with a jolly voice. "You know, after I wasted four years of my life on an engineering degree."
You chuckle, having heard something similar from plenty of comedians. the man looks over his audience, eyes flickering to a stop to someone on the other end of the room. "Oh, I have a young crowd with me. I really hope you don't get influenced by me. it's not my fault if your mum slaps you with a slipper for not wanting to go to college."
"How old even are you?" he asks the same person. "That young! Now I will feel guilty about making the jokes I had planned." The man shakes his head. "Anyways, you know I am not entirely upset that i did college. I now have more things to make jokes about. Anyone who did CS and now everyone is suddenly asking them to fix computers?"
A surprising number of people raise their hands, and you chuckle once again. Nanami fixes his bangs beside you, trying to hide his rolling eyes. But you know him too well to know what he's doing.
"My parents forbade from speaking to the opposite gender all throughout school. And now that I'm an engineer by degree, they want me to get married." He sighs. "You are too young to understand this. How many of you have partners?" a good number of people raised their hands. "And how many of parent's know?" most hands went down.
The comedian's eyes fall on the pair of you and he asks Nanami, "Hey, blond guy! Is that pretty lady your girlfriend?"
Your face heats up and you can barely look at Nanami, who has gone pink. "N-No," he manages to say.
"Your face tells me otherwise," the comedian laughs. "For those of you who cannot see, Mr. Blond Guy has turned red. The lady seems flustered too. You two did come together, right? Or did I just embarrass two strangers sitting next to each other."
"We go to the same school," You manage to say, despite your flustered state. "And we're friends."
"Miss, maybe you should ask blond guy. He seems very shy." the comedian chuckles.
"I don't think I'm her type," Nanami mumbles in a small voice, and you give him the biggest side eye you have ever given to anyone.
"Judging by the lady's reaction, I'd say you are wrong, buddy." the man laughs. "See people, please tell your friends I helped set up a relationship. If any of your friends need a wingman, please join me on my next shows."
When you leave the mall, you walk together in silence, not even getting the courage to look at him. But you bite down your fears and say, "What gave you the impression that you aren't my type?" You still don't look at him, but your hands are in front of you, trying to grasp the air. "Because then I'd have to fix that. You are exactly my type."
Oh no, you think. You may have spoken to much. "Please ignore what I just said if you don't like me back."
"I do," Nanami softy says, and you whip you head towards him, seeing a rare smile on his face. His cheeks are still dusted a light shade of pink and he looks so cute you could kiss him. "I never thought you could like me like that."
"OH you blind man," you sigh, intertwining your fingers when his hand reaches for yours. "Let's just do this again later, okay?"
"Okay," Nanami says, the smile not leaving his face.
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short-honey-badger · 5 months
Peppermint Tea 18
Alright. I hope you're ready for Mihawk! Here is the next part, like promised!
BTW anything that's labeled with Lavender will be more of a Shanks pov! Thanks!
Warnings! None really? Kissing? Mihawk is a jelly boy.
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Mihawk arrives at your island three weeks after Shanks has departed. He notices something off the moment he comes within sight of the white sands, observational haki sending shivers down his spine. An awful feeling curdles his stomach, and Dracule curses how slowly his ship reaches the shores of his home.
The warlord flashes to the island, leaving behind the books that he had brought along for your overstuffed bookshelves. Mihawk picks up his pace, arriving at your door far quicker than usual, and barges inside. He stalks through the house, frowning when he does not find you anywhere inside. What he does find however, is an ornate ceramic sake bottle in the shape of a gourd, that Dracule knows he did not gift to you, and it was in far too good of condition for you to have found it on the shore. The bad feeling in his stomach grows to the point that he feels sick, something that he has never felt before.
Mihawk stalks out the backdoor, shoulders slumping in relief when he spies you sitting at the cliffside in the back.
You turn around at his approach, the devil cat glaring at him and hopping off his human’s lap to strut past Mihawk and back inside the house to hide away. Hank greets him like usual, and Mihawk gladly slides his hands into the shaggy grey hair to ground himself. There is tension in the air, and he knows that you are about to say something he isn’t going to like before you can even open your mouth.
“Welcome home, Dracule,” You greet him and go to stand, but your warlord motions you to stay there. He comes and sits beside you on the cliff, thigh pressed against yours, and you easily lean into him, pressing a kiss to his bare chest, “How was your trip?”
Dracule hates all this lead up, but he has missed you terribly and curls his arms around your waist, and buries his face in your hair.
“Uneventful. Too long,” he grumbles quietly, and you snicker and reach up to pet his hair. Mihawk shifts enough that he can turn and bring you in for a sweet kiss. He takes his time, lips a gentle press against your own until he pulls away to kiss your brow, lingering there as you relax against his chest. Mihawk wonders if you can heart how loudly his heart is beating.
“I had visitors while you were away,” You begin and Dracule feels like his heart is about to explode out of his chest, nerves eating at him in a way he's not experienced before, and he does not like it. Mihawk can't help the way his grip around you tightens, teeth clenched when he speaks next.
“I know. I could tell before I even made landfall.”
You nod, not minding the way he tightens his hold. You can tell that your admission has upset him because you know how careful the other man has been to keep you safe.
“It was one of the men you told me to be careful about. Red-Haired Shanks,” You finish, and your words are the final nail in the coffin. Mihawk sees nothing but red, furious that the bastard has found the one soft, good thing that Mihawk wanted to keep all to himself. Especially Shanks, the man was a womanizer through and through, and he hated the thought of you spending any time around him. You are speaking before Dracule can get a word in, and he forces himself to listen to your stuttered words.
“Shanks asked if he and his crew could stay on the island for a few days. I said yes, even though I was terrified, but you and Perona are always pushing me to try new things, so I thought that you wouldn't be that upset, but obviously that isn't true. And I'm really sorry, Mihawk,” you are rambling, but you can't help it. You've pulled away to look him in the face, wincing when you see the downturn of his lips and the fierce scowl between his eyes.
“They were all really nice, and he and his crew had so many interesting stories! I promise I didn't drink, I didn't feel comfortable with it because you weren't there, but they were funny and Shanks seemed so kind, so I told them that I wouldn't mind if they came back around.”
Mihawk goes through a lot of different emotions as he listens to you gush to him. It infuriates him that Shanks had wiggled his way so quickly into your good graces, but he felt pride in knowing that He, Dracule, was the first person you thought of when Shanks had shown up. However, he can't help but feel hurt at the knowledge that you invited the redhead back to your island. This was his home, and you knew that.
“I don't like the thought of that beach bum being here when I'm not around. I don't like that he stayed for a week and you didn't phone me at all. Shanks is nothing but a womanizing menace who plans to take you away from me,” Dracule snarls lowly and extracts himself from your grip. He needs to move before he does something he regrets, “I hate the thought of him even looking at you, _.”
Guilt crushes him when he catches sight of the hurt look on his own face when he turns to pace the cliff. He can't be angry at you, not when Dracule knows how kind and humble you are. There wasn't a deceptive bone in your body, and you were a terrible liar. He shouldn't be surprised that you allowed Shanks to stay so long.
Take you away? There was no one in this whole world that would be able to take you away from this gloomy, handsome man.
“I- I'm sorry, Mihawk. I just get so lonely when you and Perona don't come around, and it was so nice to have someone to talk to. It was exciting to have so many people around,” you say, throat thick with emotion and unshed tears. You hated this. Hated that Dracule was so upset that he couldn't even touch you right now.
“I tried to tell Shanks that I didn't think it would be a good idea to be friends with him, but he said that you wouldn't get too upset, and I believed him because he's known you so much longer than I have. I shouldn't have taken his word,” You are crying now, snow gathering around your sitting form and piling up around your legs.
“No you shouldn't have,” Mihawk snaps at you, and you flinch away from his anger. He deflates as soon as he sees the pile of snow that has gathered around you. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose and then goes to your side, sitting back beside his angel and pulling her close despite the snow.
“I am not angry with you, Dear one,” Dracule begins and takes both of your hands in his own, “But you make me a jealous man, and Shanks doesn't know how to quit.”
He kisses your knuckles, rubbing your hands together between his own to warm up your freezing flesh, “I do not trust him, but I do trust you, and I can't be upset with you for seeking out companionship from someone other than myself and Perona.”
You slump forward, relief coursing through you when Dracule takes your hands, happy that he is finally touching you, “You and Perona have spoiled me with attention. I shouldn't need any more than that.”
Mihawk swears silently to himself and gathers you close, “No, _,” He grasps you by the jaw, turning you up so that he can catch your eyes with his own gaze, “You deserve so much more than what we can give you. If you want the redhead to come back around, I'm not going to stop you from making friends with him. I just don't like it.”
He licks his lips when a thought comes to mind. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea for Shanks to have found you. Mihawk would bet his hat that the redhead figured out your past the moment you mentioned your name, Shanks had always been knowledgeable about what goes on in the world after all. Having Shanks in your corner if something were to ever happen would be a boon, not that Dracule wants anything to occur, of course. He'd much rather the redhead just stay away from his Angel, but he knows that he isn’t that lucky.
“If it makes you feel any better, Shanks and his crew swore not to tell anyone about this place. Told me that treasures needed to stay hidden,” You inform him, and while it lessens his worries a little, Dracule doesn't trust the drunk not to slip up, and he really dislikes the thought that Shanks called you his treasure. That term belonged to him.
“Promise to call me next time he shows up. I don't care what time it is,”Mihawk orders softly and then leans in to capture your lips, “I want to know when that bastard comes around.”
You can help but giggle at his miffed tone. Shanks had mentioned that Mihawk could be possessive, but seeing it in action was something else. You hadn't expected such a calm, cool, and collected man to get so upset. You yelp when Dracule pinches your side and finds the man glaring at you for poking fun at him.
You grin, and the tension in the air melts away, “I promise to call you. I should have when he showed up, I didn't think about it.”
Dracule hums and kisses your brow, “Just do it next time, Dear one.”
He pulls you close again, tucking you against his chest, and you snuggle into the possessive hold he has on you. This definitely wasn't the outcome that you had foreseen, but you weren't about to complain. Not when Dracule has reluctantly given you his blessing to stay friends with Shanks. Though you weren't naive enough to know that you weren't out of hot water yet.
@writingmysanity @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer @myradiaz @fluffybunnyu @bookandstar @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @anastasiyax
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I am humbly requesting the gayest headcannon you can come up with about natasha realizing the new girl at the avengers compound isn’t shy around her bc she’s an assassin but bc she’s got a huge crush on her
thank you I adore you mwah ♥️
Summary: Natasha is super fucking oblivious when it comes to the new girl at the compound having a massive crush on her.
Pairing: Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff x New Girl!Reader
Warnings: mild angst kinda, guns, murder, knife, swearing, uhm that's it?
Word count: 740
Masterlist M's PMC Masterlist
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~Firstly I am super fucking excited to write this. 
~Secondly I adore you as well Darling <3.
~Alrighty let's get going.
~The new girl is the girl behind the computer for the avengers.
~She’s the one back at the compound doing all the logistics, diagnostics and evacuations. 
~Basically coordinates everything for them. 
~She works for all of the avengers when they go on missions. 
~Solo or group ones.
~She gets along well with all of them and has become really fast friends with Thor when he comes to midgard. 
~Also super close to Sam because they have the same sense of humor.
~But for some reason every time she's around Natasha she clams up and blubbers about. 
~She has tripped over chairs, walked into walls and almost sliced a finger off while making something because she had suddenly noticed Natasha hanging around. 
~Sometimes she will completely stop talking mid sentence and get up and go to her room whenever Natasha enters the room.
~Natasha came to the hasty conclusion that the new girl was terrified of her. 
~Which made sense, she did have the most blood on her hands.
~For some reason though it upset her.
~She didn’t normally care what other people thought of her but the new girl was different. 
~She had become completely infatuated by her since the first time she saw her. 
~So as the weeks turned into months she figured she would avoid her to save her from the fear.
~Little did she know how much this upset the new girl.
~She figured Natasha had enough of her clumsy awkardness.
~The new girl confided in Sam about her worries.
~He boldly decided to confront the red headed assassin. 
~Because “ain’t no way someone was gonna hurt his new found bestie for the restie.”
~He cornered the woman at the firing range.
~Which yes was kinda stupid on his part but he’s kind of a dumbass.
~She gave him a confused look as he sauntered up to her with a scowl on his face.
~ “What the fuck is your problem with NG?” He asked her, pointing a finger at her.
~ “I’m not the one with a problem, she's the one scared of me.” Natasha told him as she smacked his hand away.
~The look on Sam’s face had her pausing in her cleaning of the gun in her hand. 
~ “What is that look for?” she asked him hesitantly. 
~He bent over laughing at her question.
~She rolled her eyes and went to move past him, deciding to leave the gun for another time.
~But Sam stopped with a hand on her arm.
~ “For a trained assassin that is supposed to be so skilled at observing people you sure are terrible. She is head over heels for you Nat.” he told her as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
~She stared at him for a long moment before everything started clicking into place.
~The pride flag pin on NG’s backpack.
~The girls love girls shirt she had seen the new girl in on many early mornings in the kitchen.  
~The constant girl in red coming from her room as she screamed the lyrics dancing around with a hairbrush in hand.
~She thought back to all the times a blush had bloomed across the girl's face when Nat tried to talk to her.
~The way she squirmed in her seat as Nat came back from training with Steve and had been covered head to toe in sweat. 
~The new girl did have a crush on her.
~Nat didn’t know how she’d been so stupid and oblivious to the fact. 
~It had been right in front of her face for months now. 
~ “She’s in her office.” Sam told her as he saw everything click into place in the redhead's eyes. 
~She nodded her head swiftly and was heading towards the girl’s office. 
~The new girl jumped as Nat shoved her office door open.
~ “Uh… Can I help you with anything Agent Romanoff?” she asked her nervously. 
~Nat then proceeded to jump forward and land a kiss onto her lips. 
~New girl sank into the kiss and when they pulled away she stared open mouthed at the woman standing in front of her.
~ “Let’s go on a date tonight.” Natasha nicely ordered her.
~ “Yeah…. That-Uh. That sounds good.” New girl said and then Natasha was leaving the room with a shit eating grin on her face.
A/N: I love writing gay shit. I also still have 4 days of headcanons left so if anyone wants to request anything feel free to send something in. My character list is in my pinned post on my blog.
Tags(open): @wkndwlff @sylviebell @theeleggymeggy
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the-crimson · 9 months
I have so many thoughts on the vote today because there are so many layers. All talk about the characters not the creators obviously :D
First off, I’m wanna say that Forever is literally doing his best XD he is trying to give the islanders say in the mods/rules etc and wanted this to be a silly test run just to wet everyone’s feet with the concept. There is no way he could have prepared or predicted how it would turn out.
Now, from Bad’s pov, it is very important that he started criticizing the way the vote was set up before people started voting. The only reason he got so angry is because no one was taking him seriously and so many people chose to punish him specifically for something harmless ie stealing furniture instead of removing an item that is a danger to the eggs and is 10x more destructive towards peoples builds. Yea replacing furniture is annoying but not nearly as annoying as having to replace roads constantly or rebuilding parts of ur base. The school was literally just destroyed due to mines and yet everyone is complaining about their furniture.
Then, on top of all these people - who Bad has given items to without question and dropped everything for to help in the past - dog piling on him, Roier gets to vote three times. This is what pushed Bad over the edge because at that point, this wasn’t a democracy anymore. Roier was literally rigging the votes in his favor.
The reason Forever’s current system is flawed is because you give the voters 5 options to give them the illusion of choice but if all the options are bad and they can’t choose to vote for these things to not happen, then they don’t actually have a choice. They are being complicit in their own oppression. Bad’s example was extreme but it gets the point across.
Does Bad blow up Cellbit’s base or Forever’s base? He’s giving you a choice so it’s democratic. It’s an extreme example but this is a method of slowly poisoning the people so they are complicit. If you give them four options that are obviously bad so everyone votes for the fifth then that wasn’t democracy. That was the illusion of choice.
That is a terrible system! I trust forever not to abuse it but Forever is a puppet for the federation! Do you know how easily they could manipulate this voting system? Very. Very easily.
So, going into Bad and Forever’s conversation, Bad was already flabbergasted at how bad this voting system was in addition to blatant voter fraud and the pain of a bunch of his friends betraying him. Bad is a powder keg ready to explode.
Forever comes over and they try to talk it out at first but it quickly becomes evident that neither of them are listening. Forever thinks Bad is upset because of the furniture thing and that’s why he’s against the voting system but that’s not the case! These two have completely different methods of approaching a council/democratic system and neither is willing to listen. Once Forever brought up meta reasons for shooting down Bad’s ideas, the conversation was effectively over.
And what I think people forget is that Bad has been an anarchist since day one. The only reason he ran for President was so he could dismantle the office aka so there wouldn’t be a President. He is willing to work with forever to try and make it work but Bad is constantly fighting his desire to dismantle it entirely - and that has nothing to do with Forever.
I see a lot of people taking it personally and acting like Bad has a grudge against Forever but that isn’t the case. He doesn’t want a president. The fact Bad hasn’t demolished the fed presidential office is a testament to his and Forever’s relationship. Bad knows and is trusting Forever that he is doing his genuine best for the people… the problem is is that Forever is a federation puppet whether he likes it or not.
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The QSMP made the no stealing furniture law an actual law against Forever’s wishes and behind his back. My guess is they wanted to drive a wedge between Forever and Bad, a known anarchist and #1 federation hater. That’s why they made it law even though Forever thinks it’s still a joke.
Bad was the only one taking this vote seriously and actually thinking about the consequences because - on one hand - he was literally the only person who would be directly negatively impacted by this vote - and on the other hand - he wants what is best for the island as well and he immediately saw how this voting system could very easily be turned into a method of oppression by the federation. Unfortunately, no one else approached it with the same level of seriousness and when Forever talked with Bad, Forever was primed to assume Bad’s grievances were because he was being punished. They were set up to fail and the feds took advantage of that by making the law a Law.
Tomorrow(or whenever they meet next), after they both have time to cool off and gather their thoughts, they might be able to talk it out. This is communication smp after all. But there is no right answer here. This is politics and in politics, you will never make everyone happy.
People in the fandom are always gonna hate but if both Forever and Bad decide to go on opposed villain arcs, I will be sitting on the side lines munching popcorn and having a blast. They both deserve to go ape shit and I, for one, am looking forwards to the drama ;D
Just stay off Twitter maybe cuz everyone over there is insane…
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
☁️🥺🥶Moon Signs💕🌙🧚🏼‍♀️
Here I will describe the bad and good things I have noticed about the moons signs. This is meant only for moons and not for placements in houses.
🤠🤔🍔Taurus moon- stable people, their emotions are always in place and rarely get upset by anything. They are always loyal. When you hang out with them, you will always be their first priority and they will invest a lot in their relationship with you. They will always but really always appreciate your feelings. If any moon knows how to appreciate the feelings of others and the relationship, it is this one. A lot of times they give you a comfortable vibe & are always by your side, you feel safe with them. However, they can be too stubborn and sometimes their stubbornness makes them not react emotionally at all. They take a long time to give up in when they argue with you. Resentments can be long-lasting, even eternal.
💘🥲☁️Cancer moon -this is one of my fav. I like how caring they are and how you can feel safe with them. They always radiate warmth and a sense of home. Cute vibes. They love cartoons and always have a childish energy and I like that about them. They are also always open and understanding emotionally. They always remember everything and never forget about you. They give me a relaxing and loving energy. They always know how to find the right words. You never feel alone next to them. But they can be introverted and don't like going to parties full of strangers or meeting a lot of people. They prefer to stay at home and do things that make them happy. Many times they are committed to one person and want to do everything with them. But experiencing feelings and memories is one of the things that Cancers experience even after they no longer hang out with you for many years. The memory of you will always be with them.
❤️‍🔥🤘🏽Aries moon- can be very independent and focused on themselves. They do their own thing and don't care about others. But they are some of the most positive people I know. If anyone can put you in a good mood, it will be them. They really have that focus on the positive side when things go wrong. Many times they encourage you to make good decisions and are really happy for you when you achieve something. I think they are very selfless when it comes to other people, they always allow everyone to succeed. However, they can often have problems with getting angry too quickly, many times because of unimportant things (such as crowds or people walking slowly). They don't like it when people are slow.
😶‍🌫️🍬🦄Pisces moon- I like their compassion, the emotions they show outwardly and with them you never have to feel weird when you cry. They understand when someone is depressed, sad. It seems to me that they present it in such a way that you feel that these feelings are normal and everyday. I also like that you don't feel like you're daydreaming or imagining too much with them. Together with them you can dream everything you want. They love cartoons and cartoon characters make me feel like I'm in a fairy tale with them. They never forget the past and are always emotionally attached to people who are no longer in their lives. But they can start manipulating you or making a victim out of themselves. Sometimes it seems to me that they are imagining and inventing a lot of things. They know how to always find someone else to blame. And they run away from their emotions too much.
🦋🧐💔Scorpio moon- for a very long time I thought they were evil (I think it depends on what other signs the person has) but usually it turns out that they are just very private about their feelings and careful about who they trust. But they can be very sympathetic and understand many things. They know how to look into the soul of a person and I like how they can show another not so beautiful emotional side. They make you feel like it's okay if you're feeling down or if you've had an absolutely terrible day. They feel a lot but don't show it outwardly.
🥳🤍🪂Sagittarius moon- are always ready for action no matter when or where (it can be at 3 in the morning). Very spontaneous people and many times emotionally independent. If anyone is going to remember crazy things it will be them I swear. Sometimes I have the feeling that they have no sense of time, because they will call and write at really crazy hours. You can literally expect the unexpected from them. But they have that dark side where they just shut off their emotions and just don't care about you. Sometimes you can feel like they have no compassion.
🥶🪐Capricorn moon-many times they come forward too emotionally distant and closed. Or are too cold, responsible and disciplined. Sometimes you feel like they are your parents that always controlling you. With them, I always get the feeling that something I'm doing is wrong or inappropriate haha. They are good for deep, difficult conversations, but again, you have to be very close to them for them to open up to you. And they can also be lyrical when things go wrong. But they know how to be calm in tense situations. I also have the feeling that they cut you out of their lives quickly. And they really don't like to waste their time.
😎📖Gemini moon- very eloquent and intelligent, they know a lot. They talk a lot about their feelings and things You can't be bored with them, because they will always find something to do. You also have many topics to debate with them. If you can debate with any moon sign for hours and hours or even late into the night, it's them. They literally never get tired haha. Especially if there is a topic that is really interesting to them. But what i don’t like about them is that they can be very secretive about their lives and always leave you in doubt or guessing.
🍰🛍️Libra moon- I love how they are always there for you when you need them and focus on the relationship they have with you. They will always find time with people they love, no matter how busy they are. Because relationships are really important to them. They always want to understand others emotionally. The problem arises when they want to be available to everyone because sometimes you just need someone who will be here only for you and not for many others. You don't feel that deep connection.
🤪🔭Aquarius moon- goofy as fuck! I swear you can do the weirdest and craziest things with them. Everything you do is not strange to them. They will always start acting weird with you. They are very non-judgmental people. And compared to others aquarius placements this one is completely different. More compassionate and attentive and often think about other people too. What I also notice is that they will never leave you alone. They put a lot on their friends.
✨🛁Virgo moon- similar to Capricorn, only they emit a more friendly energy. But they are judgmental on the inside. They will notice your every little thing, even if you don't see it, virgos watch and analyze most of the time. And they really like to be clean. But can also sometimes be overly critical to themselves. Many times they can also be too nervous, things quickly tire them out. Everyday things confuse them and make them nervous. And they like everything to go according to plan. So you can quickly become paranoid around them. And they are very concerned about the health of others and themselves. So they will always give you advice on what is healthy.
🦁🧢Leo moon- they like to put themselves and their needs first, sometimes you can feel as if only they are always in the foreground. They can also be selfish. Many times I feel too exposed with them. Their personality is often bold, playful. They can be dramatic over little things and love drama (but only if it revolves around them). So you never feel like you're being too dramatic next to them. They have a lot of childlike energy in them. They always encourage you to do things and to be as daring as possible. They don't invest in every relationship, but when they invest everything. I think if you like them then u can vibe with them.
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akunya · 1 year
utapri anon (again)
i don't have much this time i'd just like to ask your opinion on the baby my strawberry duo ... i have so many thoughts ab them
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“good kitty!”
pairings: camus x m!reader x ren
summary: hitting the jackpot with two lovely boys to call your own!
tw: fluff, overstimulation, cuddling, dubcon. hate sex, petplay, cum eating, jealousy, bdsm, etc. dom/sub undertones.
notes: they’re actually my favorites, so here’s some little thoughts on them. probably terribly ooc but i don’t care.
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ren is the most doting, caring boyfriend a guy like you could ask for. while camus has his own ways in taking care of you, ren is the perfect mix of physical and spoken affection.
chaste little kisses on your skin before you have to leave for the day. ren whispers sweet nothings into your ear as he wraps his arms around you, and while sometimes his affection can be overbearing, he can’t help it! he loves the way you become so flustered when he comments on how cute you are, the array of petnames making camus cringe.
however, camus will try his best to step up to the title of being your partner. while he can’t serenade you in tangents about his undying love like ren, he most definitely tries to make your day easier by acts of service. taking you where you need to go, cleaning, errands — if he notices youre especially burnt out, let the prince take care of you for a bit.
ren cant help but smile when he sees you in camus’s arms, sleeping soundly. his hold on you is a bit firm, but not uncomfortable. a gentle reminder that he’s there, rubbing little circles into your skin and watching you rest. it’s hard for him to admit it, but you make his heart flutter a bit more than he would like.
of course, i am desperate for these two, so onto the nsfw portion.
considering that in this situation you’re getting them as a duo, be prepared for LOTS of overstimulation. ive seen some people write ren as more vanilla and turned off by anything dubious, but i have to disagree. once he sees how ethereal you look completely fucked out and sobbing in pleasure, ren isn’t going to stop pounding into you anytime soon — neither is camus.
i cant see camus ever letting you on top, but ren doesnt mind- just know he's going to tease you the entire time you try and move your hips. at some point, it feels embarassing, sniffling in rens neck and whining about how good it feels. "aw, do you need some help, baby?" you cant find it in yourself to be upset when he makes fun of how you cum too fast inside of him, instead begging for him to take control. the closest you're getting to camus bottoming is him letting you eat his ass, and that's already a long conversation before he hesitantly agrees..
camus introduces you and ren both to some new bdsm elements whenever you all get frisky with eachother. the blonde loves to have his ego stroked, and when he puts a thick collar on your neck attached to a heavy leash, his cock is throbbing from the power trip it gives him. he doesn’t have to worry about being too mean, something he’s secretly insecure about ever since you three became a couple, so scenes like this are a perfect outlet.
camus is indifferent to petplay, but ren is all over the idea. “who’s a good kitty, hm? that’s right, you are. such a pretty boy.” he practically purrs in your ear, nails scratching at your scalp. camus scoffs in response, yanking your leash closer to your bowl — you’re a cat, aren’t you? “go on, lick up your reward, y/n. there’s more where that came from.”
god, ill pray for you if you ever managed to tick them off. camus is already a bit scary on his own, so if he’s having a bad day or you two get into a nasty argument, his solution is to just fuck the apologies out of you. nothing sounds more sincere then you constantly screaming you’re “sorry” as he makes your poor little dick cum over and over. there’s always a safeword, but most of the time your brain is too dizzy to try and get him to stop.
while ren wouldn’t normally take his anger out on you, i like to think he’s a jealous man. go ahead, flirt with another member of starish or any unit in front of him and see where it gets you. you’ll regret your choices when you see him slip a nice, tight cock ring onto your dick before he breeds you like a bitch in heat. brats don’t deserve to cum, and you havent been on your best behavior today, have you?
all in all, a very nice duo to have. if you can handle the whiplash of an overly flirty boyfriend to a stoic borderline asshole, then they’re perfect for you.
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johnslittlespoon · 1 month
(tiny headcanon that rly won't have a big effect on plot or anything, but i feel like it just fits very well with john/his character in leaving– dude's got madddd undiagnosed adhd. he's written off as a loud mouth/troublemaker in his childhood, but he wants to be a good kid, his mind is just always going too fast and sitting still is torture and his parents get frustrated and don't look into the root of the problem, trying to discipline it out of him instead. i will heal my inner child by healing him alright)
OMG THIS THIS THIS. because now i’m thinking about gale healing bucky’s inner child in this au :( like i have soooo many thoughts. bucky opening up to him about his parents harsh and strict approach to dealing with his ADHD. the fact that they thought they could discipline it out of him :( ugh that kills me. orrrr imagine gale or one of his friends makes an offhand comment one day about bucky being unable to focus or sit still and it’s a joke but it just sends bucky back to his childhood and he and gale have a long talk it’s fine i’m fine
referenced post | yes!!! in healing john's inner child gale would also be healing his as well because he gets to give john the stability he never had (and in turn finds stability through john <3)
i imagine john's parents would not even register it as adhd and would just blame it all on bad behaviour, it's such a common thing when kids go undiagnosed, especially with neglectful parents. that, or they'd suspect something is up but just not care/have the resources to deal with it, so instead they get frustrated with him and try to discipline it out or bury it.
i think john would genuinely grow up thinking he is a bad kid and being so confused because he doesn't want to be reactive and scattered, he wants to be good and to be liked (also would tie into him being into praise and all that with gale lol). it's not until he's older that maybe he starts to look into it, or maybe he meets someone who points things out to him and is like hey you should get this checked out, or maybe gale's even the one to sit down and do some research and help john make some appointments after john breaks down in tears in front of him one day because he's so frustrated with himself and his brain.
maybe before that outburst john has mentioned little things about how his parents would deal with the behaviours they didn't like, or gale would just pick up on it with the way john apologizes for certain things or gets touchy at certain jokes, etc, and he'd connect the rest of the dots on his own since he knows by that point what john's relationship with his parents is like.
and yowch that scenario :( </3 it would be something so lighthearted that john would feel silly for being affected by it; maybe gale's had a long day and wants to sit down and watch tv together, and john's feeling keyed up but he wants to help gale relax and he's missed him, so of course he joins him. but his leg won't stop going and he's absentmindedly fidgeting and gale puts a hand on his knee and says "do you ever stop moving?"
and gale means it as a light tease, because it's not bothering him; it's more so him opening a conversation for john to tell him "oh, i'm just restless" or "this show is boring" or whatever reason he might be antsy for. but word for word the question is all too familiar to john (even if his dad would say it with a lot more malice) and he abruptly stops moving and gale feels him go rigid under his hand and turns to look at john in confusion when he hears him apologize quietly and finds his face flushed in embarrassment/nervousness.
obviously the tv gets paused and gale asks what's wrong and assures john he's not upset in the slightest, that he was just joking, he's genuinely baffled at what set john off. and so john opens up a little and gale feels terrible, both for unknowingly making john feel for even a second that he was mad, and for john having to walk on eggshells at home over something he can't control (something gale is starting to have a sneaking suspicion he might know the name for.)
i'm not sure i'll go into detail on this in the fic or not, depends on whether it flows because sometimes mental health talk in fics can feel forced if it doesn't fit in naturally yk, but as someone who had these behaviours shrugged off until i got older and got diagnosed and realized it wasn't just a me thing lol, i see so many emotional habits/behaviours with john in this au that could stem from being undiagnosed (among the familial issues).
it would be interesting to pick it apart and see how he and gale would tackle it, especially because adhd is still so commonly viewed as some # quirky silly thing and i don't often see the heavier consequences/affects of it on the person dealing with it/on their relationships written about in the same way say anxiety or depression might be written about. either way, thx for giving me an excuse to delve into it a little here! i feel strongly ab it clearly LOL <33
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waterless-witch · 8 months
Of knights and Demons
Chapter 3
TW: Rape/Non-con, Dark themes, forced marriages, threatening behavior violence and swearing. MINORS DNI OR I WILL BLOCK YOU
This is my first ever fic so please be nice to me, I’ve also got it posted on A03 under the same name in case anybody would like to read it there.
EDIT: this chapter contains non-con smut and I’ve never written either of those so if it’s terrible I’m sorry
Previous Chapter
You are the sole daughter of Byakuya Kuchiki, the sole heir to a noble family. Your father has broken from tradition with his refusal to marry you off against your wishes, instead wishing for you to find a husband of your own choosing. After years of arguing with not only your own family, but the other lords of your court all seems well. That is until a once thought dead knight returns with an army to take your home.
Souske Aizen, a man you once found kindness in has demanded that the two of you are to be wed, with your father still missing along with most of the guards you’re left with few options but to comply and hope that aid comes before anything can be set. How will you stop a man like Aizen from destroying your home and the people you care about? And who are these strange people with bone masks on their face?
You’d been taken back to the manor with your new husband to partake in your wedding celebration. For hours now you watched people laugh and dance, feast and drink without a care in the world. It made you sick. Aizen, for his part, played the doting husband well. He kept his arm draped casually over your hip, thumb rubbing what were supposed to be soothing circles into your skin. In the small breaks you’d get in between people coming to congratulate you two he would ask if you needed anything, you’d politely decline each time. You couldn’t even count how many times he’d bent down to give your forehead a small kiss. From the outside you were certain you’d looked just like a happy couple.
Eventually Aizen’s associate, Gin, came up to congratulate the two of you. You thanked him politely trying your best not to let your hatred for the whole affair show. After a few more minutes of small talk with the silver haired man he asked if he could borrow your husband to address a private matter. You obliged, happy to have his hands off you, even if it’d just be a few short minutes. Almost immediately after he’d walked away someone approached from the other side of you. You turned to greet them in the same facetious way you had everyone else but stopped.
Before you stood your friend Momo, she wore a fine pastel blue dress with her hair done up in its standard bun. Her family was one of the smaller, lesser known ones of your court but the two of you had been close friends since childhood. Your mother would often invite her to various occasions with you, she came from a large family and was mostly ignored so no one ever seemed to mind. She didn’t smile at you, instead her eyes looked misted like she might cry, “Hi.” She said simply with a touch of sadness to her.
You smiled at her, a genuine one, even though you felt like you might too cry just from looking at her. “Hi.” You answered back, you were so relieved that she didn’t seem to be happy for you, she understood what was happening, pitied you even.
“I’d offer to give you a hug but I don’t think you want to draw that kind of attention.” She joked, giving you a sad smile back. You nodded back to her, “For what it's worth, I’m sorry.” She said in all but a whisper, eyes darting back and forth to make sure no one had heard her. Your eyes misted a bit more as she’d said it and you tried your hardest to hold it all back not wanting to cry here. You’d been numb for so long but something about seeing your friend upset for you brought it all back and made it much more real for you.
You went to answer back but another lord was approaching, she gave you a slight nod before excusing herself. You whipped your eyes quickly hoping that the lord hadn’t noticed. You recognized him, though you couldn’t quite recall his name. He was from one of the smaller families and had all but begged your father to marry you off to his son when you were thirteen. Of course your father had refused. You gave him a sweet smile as he approached and grabbed your hands. “May I just start by saying-“
“Get lost.” Grimmjow interrupted from behind you causing you to whirl around sharply. He didn’t look at you, instead his venomous gaze was fixated on the smaller of the two men. If looks could kill the man would be dead ten times over with how Grimmjow looked at him.
The lord stuttered for a minute, face heating in embarrassment and anger, “Excuse you, I am-“ he started to say. A few people looked but turned away quickly to keep Grimmjow’s attention away from them.
“I said get lost,” Grimmjow growled out, “I won’t ask a third time.” He said taking an intimidating step towards the man. The man's eyes shot between the two of you before he scoft and left, grumbling under his breath the whole way. You turned to face him fully and raised a single brow in question. He shrugged, “Brought you a drink.” He said dryly, nodding to an overly full glass of wine. “For your special day.” He sneered like he was mad at you, you didn’t care if he was, you were already mad at the world why not add him to the list as well.
You crossed your arms in front of you, “I don’t drink.” You bit back just as dry. Lots of people drank at weddings and if you had been in a happier situation perhaps you would have too but today you didn’t feel like it. You were not a drinker under normal circumstances and certainly didn’t want to take anything from the strange man in front of you.
“Congrats, you do today.” He answered back to you with irritation heavy in his tone. You had no idea why he wanted you to drink so bad but it made you trust him all the less. You looked at him with a sideways gaze.
You shook your head, “Why is it so important to you? Or is it just another game to you? See what you can get me to do by being pushy? Make some entertainment for yourself?” You said getting annoyed with him.
“No games, I’m trying to be nice to you.” He said before reaching out and grabbing your elbow harshly. He pulled you a bit closer and kept his grip on your arm tight even as you tried to pull away, “Take the wine and get drunk, I’ll bring you more when you're out.” He whispered harshly in your ear, his body bent over yours, “I can guarantee you're not gonna want to be sober when your dear sweet husband holds you down and shoves his cock in you.” He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes. He was right, as much as you hated to admit it and as vulgar as he’d said it he was right. Your eyes again watered, not wanting to have to go through with it, you knew you’d have to but that didn’t stop you from feeling sorry for yourself. “Don’t cry here,” he said as he straightened back out. “Don’t give them all the chance to see you break. Cry tonight as he fucks you, or alone in the morning or anywhere else but do not give all these bastards a chance to see it, they don’t deserve it.” He said angrily. You nodded, you didn’t know why he was doing what he was but you were thankful for it still.
You willed your tears back and he offered you the wine again. You took it from him gingerly, fingers brushing over his own as you did.”Thank you.” You said to him more earnestly than you’d ever spoken to him. He could be an ass but at that moment he was showing you something close to kindness.
He kept his gaze fixated on you in what almost looked like confusion for what felt like an eternity before he scoffed, “Don’t thank me princess.” He stood there until you took a drink and nodded his approval before he walked away. True to his word, once you'd finished your glass he quietly brought you another as you talked to the various people who’d come to speak with you. You weren’t too invested in any conversation, too busy thinking over what Grimmjow had said. Of course you’d known that Aizen would have you tonight but now that it’d been said out loud you couldn’t help but worry about it. You’d never been with a man, not even to fool around. Some of the married women had talked about their own wedding nights, and while some of them had pleasant stories, most of them only talked about how much the first time hurt and how rough their husbands had been, the thought alone brought a shiver down your spine.
Grimmjow had brought you a third glass before Aizen returned, looping his arm back around your waist. “Sorry to be away for so long love,” he called you, you didn’t say anything but you despised that pet name more than any other that you’d been called, you were not his love and he was not yours. “Have you been enjoying yourself?” He asked, beginning to rub those damned circles into your hip again. You hummed your agreement and he tsked his tongue, “No you haven’t, you hide it well enough but you're miserable.” You stared up at him not knowing what to say or what he wanted you to say. “Take a walk with me?” He asked, letting that smile that you were growing to hate grace his face again. You agreed not really having a choice in the matter.
He led you through the crowd, you hadn’t realized how much the alcohol had affected you until you began walking, you moved considerably slower with your eyes more focused on where you were going rather than ahead of you. If Aizen noticed your uncordnation he didn’t say anything about it. You found yourself in the gardens as the cold air bit at your skin, not that you cared all that much, feeling a bit of relief compared to the stuffy hall you’d been in for hours. “Would you like to know what I’ve been talking about with the other lords?” He asked.
You thought about your answer for a long moment, he didn’t like it when you lied to him and wanted you to be honest with him but the truth of it was no. You didn’t want to know. He would tell you anyway and maybe his asking was just a taunt. So that’s what you answered with, “Not particularly but I have a feeling you're going to tell me no matter how I answer.” You said with more spitefulness than you intended.
Aizen chuckled, “Well, don’t you just have me figured out?” He joked, you didn’t laugh. “We’ve been talking about you all evening. Most have congratulated me kindly, but more than a few have also expressed that they’d do the same.” He said, you knew he was taunting you, maybe trying to get a rise out of you but you still held his breath as he talked. “One young man in particular, told me that he was impressed by my restraint.” Your brows knit together and he gave another small chuckle, “He said if it had been him he wouldn’t have been able to hold off on taking you,” Your face drained of color and your eyes felt like they would bulge out of your head as he went on. “He informed me that he’d tried desperately for your hand but your father had denied him and you didn’t notice him at all. The poor boy.” He mocked in fake sympathy, “You should see how they all stare at you, where their eyes focus in on when your not looking, if only you knew what dark things they thought of-“
“Why tell me all this?” You cut him off before he could continue, you knew they were all traitors but you didn’t want to think about how many men in there would do the same or worse to you given the chance. You didn’t want to think about a man that was so upset that you’d not wanted to wed him as a child of thirteen that he thought you deserved this.
“I want you to think of it when you despair about your position, when you start to think I’ve been cruel to you.” The two of you stopped walking and he pulled your chin up to look at him, bringing his face close to yours, “Anyone of them would have done the same if not worse.” He whispered so close that you could feel his lips caress your own as he spoke, you were certain that he was about to kiss you again but he never did. Instead he pulled back, “We should get you inside before you freeze out here.” He said letting that sickly sweet smile frame his face again.
Back inside you noticed that a number of people must have left during your stroll, a noticeable number. You could feel your anxiety starting to pick up, he hadn’t mentioned anything about a bedding ceremony but now it was all you could think about and you had no way of being certain. You thought about asking him but decided against it, fearing that he might just do it if he thought you were afraid of it. As you gazed around the room you noticed Grimmjow sitting alone near the back of the tables, his eyes stared into yours for a moment before you were distracted by yet another person coming to talk to the two of you about what a lovely couple you made. The whole time you could all but feel Grimmjow's eyes staring at you which didn’t help settle any of your anxiety. You kept catching his gaze in between chats. He barley moved and you couldn’t help but feel like you were being hunted.
As time stretched on more and more people began to leave, everytime they did that uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach only grew. Eventually Aizen bent down to whisper, “I think its time we take our leave my dear.” Your breath caught and you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything as he gently led you to the hall. Your heart felt like it might beat straight out of your chest with each step you took. He kept his hold on you the whole time. At least, no one followed you out, meaning that there would be no bedding ceremony. At least no one would get to observe the humiliation you’d no doubt receive. “You look relived?” He said voice trailing in question. Your legs felt like they were made of lead and every step you took was a considerable effort.
“I thought that perhaps you’d have opted for a bedding ceremony but…” you let yourself trail off, he just hummed in understanding. You were at the door to your room far faster than you’d have liked. He held the door open for you and you stepped inside making your way to the center of the room, you stopped not knowing what to do with yourself. The door swung shut and you couldn’t help but flinch. You were terrified of the man you’d be sharing a life with, while you’d once thought him kind you’d come to find out he was anything but. He’d killed a whole family to get here plus countless others, he sent people to hunt you down specifically and he’d threaten to take another life if you didn’t do as he said.
A set of arms snaked around your waist causing you to gasp, “Are you nervous sweet girl?” Aizen rasped into your ear. You nodded yes but he just hummed as if he didn’t understand you, “I’m sorry love, I didn’t quite catch that, you’ll have to speak up.” You closed your eyes and you were sure your whole body must be beat red.
He knew you were and he was just trying to get under your skin. “Y-yes.” You said barely audible but he’d heard it nonetheless. He gently pushed the hair from your shoulder and began trailing small kisses from the exposed skin of your shoulder to the base of your neck. You flinched but he held you firmly in place with a hand on your hip, “Have you ever been touched like this?” He asked, his voice had dropped by at least an octave and was laced thick with arousal.
“No.” You gasped out as he nibbled at the space where your neck and shoulder met. Aizen hummed in satisfaction as one of his arms rose to just below your sternum, forcing you back into his own broad chest. He had you trapped up against himself in a hold that you had no way of escaping.
You swallowed thickly as his lips trailed up your neck to your ear, “Never?” He asked, warm breath fanning your ear. “Not even with that fetching young knight with the tattoos that was so keen on escaping with you? He seemed very intent on keeping you away from me.” You squeezed your eyes shut tighter and shook your head lightly. You realized he was talking about Renji, and while he’d help you escape you doubted he felt anything of the sort for you, he’d only helped you because he’d always felt indebted to your father. You could explain all that to him though, not while his mouth was still working against your neck and he held you so close to himself. “Words my sweet girl, I want to hear you.” He rasped intent on flustering you further.
You opened your mouth to say something only to be cut off by a sharp gasp as he pulled your head back to suck a mark into your neck. You tried to escape it but his free hand shot to your hip pulling you back against him tighter than before, stopping you from moving any distance. “No, never!” You all but whined out as his mouth kept working over your skin. You hated whatever game he was playing and you hated how you couldn’t help but react to it.
Aizen pulled back a few inches to admire the mark he’d left before chuckling darkly, “Aren’t you just a dream dear?” He asked before spinning you to face him. He pulled you close and captured your lips as your hands came up to try to put some distance between your bodies yet again. He kissed you with much more force than the previous times, his hand came up to tangle in your hair and pull you closer, his other hand snaked behind your back. He pulled back for you but kept your head firmly in place with his hand, “Open your mouth.” He ordered in a husked voice. You went to question him on what he’d meant but before you could his lips were again pressed to yours. His tongue pushed its way into your mouth and began tangling with your own. You couldn’t stop the whimper that left you, he pressed you closer, seeming to enjoy that he’d pulled any kind of noise from you at all.
The hand pressed to you back slid lower, reaching for the clasp of your metal belt and fumbling with it until it noisily clattered to the floor. You dress hung loosely around you now and bunched up under his hand as me moved it back to your hip. His tongue was still mapping out your mouth, making you feel lightheaded. He pulled away from you and looked you up and down as you panted. His hands moved to your shoulders aiming no doubt to fully remove your dress. Your hands caught his wrists not wanting him to continue, you realized your mistake instantly but couldn’t stop yourself.
Aizen's deep brown eyes shot to yours, he softened his gaze and tsked his tongue, you averted your gaze and let your hands slip off his wrists. “Sweet girl,” He called to you softly, “If you move to stop me again I’ll bring you your little knight's head.” You couldn’t stop the little cry of surprise that left you as tears sprang to your eyes. You looked back up to him as your tears collected in your waterline. “You poor thing,” he said bringing his hand to brush along your cheek, “You really don’t want this do you?” He asked, whipping at a tear as it fell down your face.
You knew he was just taunting you, you knew he wasn’t going to stop but you still shook your head in denial. Surprisingly he didn’t make you say it out loud, he just hummed sympathetically, looking at you with a tilted head. “How unfortunate.” He said before moving his hands back to your dress. He carefully pulled the fabric from you, letting it fall to the floor in a heap and leaving you in just your heels and undergarments. You turned your head to the side, unable to look at him any longer as his eyes raked over you, he hummed in appreciation taking in your lace strapless bralette and matching underwear that you’d been made to wear. The lace hid nothing from him, thin and see through with the same flowers and vines that had adorned your dress. A few more tears slipped from your eyes as he began walking you backwards towards the bed. Once the backs of your legs hit the bed he gently pushed you so the you were sitting on the edge of it, he tilted your head up to look at him.
He bent over you fully and kissed you again, this time as he ravaged your mouth it tasted of salt from your tear streaked face. His hand ghosted down your body to your thigh, he gave your thigh a light squeeze before sliding his hand further down to push your shoe off before repeating the motion with the other leg. He let his hand run lazily up and down your leg as he continued kissing you, everytime his hand would work up your thighs your muscles would flutter and heat began pooling in your lower stomach much to your displeasure. You hated that your body was reacting to him wanting desperately for it to stop.
Aizen released your mouth, straightening up to his full height, “Move to the center of the bed.” He nodded watching you move all the while. Once centered in the bed you pulled your legs together keeping them pressed firmly against one another. Aizen began removing his shirt button by button revealing his well muscled arms and chiseled chest. He removed his belt next, placing the sword attached to it gently on the dresser before stalking back to you. You couldn’t help but think that perhaps if he’d never left, if he’d never done any of the atrocious things he’d done, that you might have ended up here anyways. You couldn’t deny that he was handsome and even though you now knew his attention went much deeper he’d always made time for you before. He’d seemed sweet and caring. But now that you knew everything, what he was capable of, there would be no looking back, you couldn’t look past it. You would never forgive him for all that he’d done to the high lord's family and the common people, they had been innocent and he’d slain them for his own selfish interest. You thought of the girl you’d seen the first night, she’d bear that scar forever for simply doing her duties that day.
Aizen crawled over you, pulling you from you from your thoughts and pushing your back into the mattress as leaned into you. He pulled your legs straight and you kept them firmly pressed together as he again mouthed at your neck. You closed your eyes as he sucked more marks into your skin, his mouth trailed down your neck and to your collarbone where he nibbled at the bone. You gasped, causing him to chuckle as he let his hand run across your stomach, his fingers thumbed at the bottom of your bralette. You tried to focus on your breathing as he let his hand glide over your breast, you let out a breathy sigh and turned your head away from his as his thumb circled your clothed nipple. Aizen rose up on his elbow as he continued his ministrations, “You look absolutely sinful like this.” He stated. You fisted your hand in the blankets beneath you. He switched his attention to your other breast making you swallow a cut off moan which caused him to chuckle again. “I want to hear you, love.” He breathed into your ear, you bit down on the inside of your cheek not wanting to give him the satisfaction. You might not be able to stop him from doing what he wanted with you but you could try to at least control the noises you made. Or so you thought.
After a minute or so of you refusing to make any noise he dropped his head back to your neck and sunk his teeth into your pulse point. You shrieked, eyes shooting open and tears following in earnest as your back arched off the bed trying to get him to let go, his hand moved from your chest to your arched back and unclasped your bralette, throwing it behind him. He released your neck and soothed over the wound with his tongue as he settled you back on the mattress. Your neck throbbed and you felt a drop of blood run down your neck before he leaned back over to licked it up and place a quick peck to your throbbing skin. Aizen’s mouth trailed from your pulse point down to your breast, he looked up to you as you panted breathlessly trying to pull yourself together before flicking your nipple with his tongue, you couldn’t stifle the moan that slipped out of you which only spurred him on. He took your nipple into his mouth fully, lavishing his tongue over the sensitive nub and occasionally nipping gently with his teeth to watch your reactions. He pulled off with a pop before switching his attention to your other nipple and teasing the one he’d had in his mouth between his fingers. Catching your breath was an impossible task, your heartbeat was so fast you thought it might burst and your core ached between your locked thighs.
He again let you go with a pop, “You’re so much more reactive than I could have hoped for, I can’t wait to see what more you’ll show me sweet girl.” He rasped, rising to his knees and running his hands up your legs. “I understand you’ve never been touched by another man, but tell me love, have you at least touched yourself? Brought yourself to release on your fingers perhaps?” You gawked at his question, truthfully you had tried a few times but never could bring yourself anywhere near pleasurable, but you certainly didn’t want him to know that. “Well, love?” He asked again when you didn’t answer.
You knew he wasn’t going to let you get away with not answering and you were sure you didn’t want him to bite you again or something else equally as painful. You took in a shaky breath before saying, “I’ve tried but never been able to…” you trailed off not wanting to finish your sentence in embarrassment.
His hands made their way back up your legs before hooking in the sides of your underwear, “You poor sweet thing, I’ll have to remedy that.” He gently pulled them down, they caught on your knees for a second but you separated your legs just enough for him to toss them behind him to join the rest of your clothing. You were now completely nude for him, “Spread your legs for me love.” He didn’t give you a chance to comply as his large hands pulled your knees apart. He looked at you with lidded eyes causing you to look away before he brought his hand to ghost over your folds, he groaned at the wetness he found between your legs. “For a girl that insists she doesn't want this, you certainly are wet my dear.” His thumb begins rubbing tight circles against your clit causing your toes to curl and small breathy gasps to find their way out of your mouth.
It feels like there’s a knot being pulled tighter and tighter in your lower abdomen, your sounds rise in volume and Aizen moves the hand not occupied to grab your face and force you to look at him, “Look at me while you cum.” He growled lowly, thumb increasing in speed and pressure. It feels like you're going to snap apart and you look up at him through glassy eyes. His gaze is intense as your end draws closer and you can’t help but buck your hips against his hand. All at once the knot inside you snaps and you coming with a whiny moan as your back arches and stars dot your vision. You’ve never felt anything like it and you can’t help but shutter through the aftershocks.
His hand doesn’t stop moving, instead slowing to a lazy pace that has you trying to escape from overstimulation, his hand grabs your hip and pins you back down. “Please! It’s too much, I can’t take it!” You cry out, body on fire. After a few more strokes his hand stops and he swoops down to dominate you with another kiss. You're so overwhelmed by your previous orgasm that you just let him do as he pleases.
The two of you separate and he watches your face for a moment before pulling back fully, “Now that was a sight, perhaps I should have had a bedding ceremony, show all those stuck up lordlings what they’ve missed out on.” He mocks as he rises from the bed to kick his pants and underwear off. You’ve never seen a nude man before but you're sure that his cock is bigger than most. It’s long and thick with a few veins jutting up it and you can’t help but stare with wide eyes. There’s no way you’re ever going to get it inside of you, at least not without pain.
You don’t even notice that he’s watching you until he laughs, making your eyes shoot to his face as your own face heats more in embarrassment. “Don’t worry sweet girl, I’ll have you well prepared.” He said as he makes his way back to you. You don’t quite believe him but there’s not much you can do as he climbs back on top of you, he spreads your legs on either side of his own. You swallow thickly as he again mouths at your neck and his hand returns to your slick folds. His middle finger circles you opening and you feel your anxiety pick up, his hand is a lot bigger than your own and even then you’d never done much with your own fingers. He gets his finger nice and wet before he starts to push it inside you.
Instantly your gummy walls clamp down on it, the stretch isn’t pleasant and it stings a bit. Your breathing picks up and his thumb resumes its slow circles on your clit in an attempt to force you to relax. He gets the digit into the last knuckle and stills its movement as his thumb continues. He licks up your neck to nibble on your ear, “That’s it sweet girl, just like that. Relax and take it.” He rasps as he gently pulls his finger back and forth within you. You whine at the strange feeling and he latches back onto your neck. After letting you adjust to his first finger he pushes in a second one. You try to pull away and groan because it burns, his thumb and fingers move at a steady pace and you can’t help but clench around them trying to get him to stop for a moment.
He groans in your ear, “Fuck,” he curses, “You’re so tight love.” More tears slip from your eyes as he continues his movements. You wish he’d stop talking but of course he doesn’t. “You have to relax for me love.” He breathes into your neck. “How can you ever hope to take my cock if you can’t take two fingers?” He laughs. You want to scream at him that you don’t want to take his cock and you want to push him and beg him to stop but you know it won’t do you any good. You try to focus on your breathing again but he starts hooking his fingers and they brush against something inside you that has you letting out another high pitched whine. He smiles at you and continues thrusting his fingers into you, taking care to hit that spot inside you with every stroke. You’re withering underneath him as he adds a third, it still hurts but he keeps hitting that spot over and over again causing you to lose yourself.
Your walls tighten again as that knot builds back up. Aizen speeds up his moments, “Again?” He asks, “Already that close? Just from my fingers?” He rumbles. Your fists are so tangled in the blankets you fear they might tear apart. Between his fingers hitting that sweet spot inside of you and his thumb rubbing those circles into your clit you're coming within seconds of him whispering. You whimper as he pulls his fingers from you, you watch as he brings them to his mouth before licking them clean. “What a delicacy.” He says eyes meeting your tired ones, “Maybe if you’re a good girl for me I’ll feast on you next time.” He offers as he aligns himself with you.
He pulls you further down the bed, hair fanning out behind you and legs coming to rest across his knees. He moves his hips, grinding his cock to you, using your slick to get himself ready to enter you. Once he deems himself lubricated enough he lines his cock up with your hole. You feel the tip begin to push into you and you expect him to go slow like he had with his fingers but he doesn’t instead he snaps his hips to yours and fills you in one fluid motion. You scream, pain filling you immediately as you try to scoot away. He pulls you back down refusing to let you escape.
He wastes no time before picking up a punishing pace that makes you sob underneath him. You feel like you can’t breathe and you move to try and push him away, clawing at him with your nails but he just grabs your wrist and pins it to the bed above your head. He folds over you and uses his free hand to push one of your legs up near your head, folding you in half. “Gods!” He moans, “You’re such a tight fit!” He smiles darkly at you before picking up speed. You can’t think straight but you know that you're begging him to stop in broken cries which only seems to turn him on more. “You’re taking me beautifully love, like you were made for it.” He groans. The only sounds filling the room are the sound of skin hitting skin, your cries and his groans.
His thrusts eventually start loosing rhythm and he grunts a few times, “Fuck, I’m close,” he moans out still rapidly snapping his hips into yours. He releases his hold on your wrist and leg and brings both of his hands to your hips to pull you back into him as he thrusts into you, he’s gripping you so hard you're sure to have bruises. He moans your name before trusting as deep as he can and stilling, you feel his seed fill you up and he gives a few shallow thrusts before pulling out completely. Your breathing is shaky and you're still crying as he watches his cum drip out of you. He collects what’s leaked from you before fucking it back into you with his finger. You gasp and close your legs which makes him chuckle as he pulls away from you. “Just making sure nothing goes to waste love.” He says looking down at you.
All you can think is that you hate him. You hate him for what he’s done to your people but as you lay there broken, used and crying all you can think of is how you hate him for what he’s done to you. How he turned your body completely against you. How he’d threatened you. How he’d used you. You look at him through glassy eyes and say, “You’re a bastard.” Not caring about the consequences, what more could he take from you now?
He just laughs, watching your chest heave, “Yeah, I am, sweet girl.” He says before pulling you to him, he pulls you and himself up to lay against the pillows and settling the two of you beneath the covers. “Now sleep my love, before I change my mind and decide to take you again.” He says stroking your hair. You’re too tired to put up a fight and wouldn’t want to chance him anyways.
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