#i have lore..... but i feel like i can only share it with family/ppl who knew me at that time
cranberrylane · 7 months
not to be emo and whiny again on main but i suddenly started questioning the universe, fell down a rabbit hole of history reddit and somehow went back to the topic of missing a particular 4 years of my childhood (the last time i felt genuine joy btw!)
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drawnaghht · 5 months
Yuichi Usagi is [SURNAME] [given name]
lol I've written abt it before going into more specifics & making theories, but this post is just to clear it up again as a general ref for newer fans reading old or new posts abt it and finding themself confused... edit3(15.1): rightfully so! if you've ever watched more than 5 anime or just read some manga, you might recognize that Yuichi is most commonly a given name in Japan. Even viewers familiar with japanese would have made the same assumption. But the show itself uses it as a first name, so it becomes confusing. After jan 6th we found the behind-the-scenes lore for that too.
- clearest tell in the show itself that Usagi is his first name - his auntie calls him Usagi. What auntie calls their sole nephew or close family member by their family name? ... which would have to be her own family name then too...???
Secondly. He introduces himself as Usagi the more he's in the city. First as Yuichi Usagi, but then after a few chases, he gives up and introduces himself to Kitsune as "Usagi"in the 1st episode. boy wants to be known as Usagi haha.
edit 2 (8.1.2024): as of 6.01 we have official confirmation that this is fact + a little backstory! Yuichi is the boy's surname
the whole show, all the other characters use japanese naming convention - e.g. Gen introduces himself as Murakami Gennosuke to the Bat Squadron. it seems the other younger characters call each other by given name basis because they're either all around the same age or don't feel like using family names for each other. Often characters don't have family names because they're orphans (Chizu, Kitsune, Hana). Or it's the only name they go by in general (Tetsujin, Lady Fuwa).
it's that simple! you can headcanon whatever but at least know the show itself has named him this way.
I've already written about this b4 too but Yuichi can very rarely be a family name (apparently). there might be other reasons the show crew gave him Yuichi as a family name, but if that doesn't cut it, you can always adopt my theory that he has a rare two given names.
But yeah, the show makes it clear that Usagi is his first name. It's a spinoff based on Usagi Yojimbo and some of its stories and ideas, and made by fans of the comic and Stan's work. They decided to give him this name, for whatever reasons, and it's his name used in the show. There's too much much work in the show itself for them to give him a random name either, "just because they're ignorant" or even just bc they didn't research. They clearly did or the show wouldn't have some surprising elements to it as a spinoff or as a past+future combo of japanese aesthetics.
Him and the comics' original Usagi, Miyamoto Usagi can share a first name. I know it looks confusing coming from other shows where evryone has specific names. I know it's just generally confusing as a tmnt fan... but their names and tags can co-exist as-is. maybe i don't get out enough into other shows but I've never seen a fanbase stretch themselves so into a pretzel over characters sharing their first name. also Miyamoto Usagi is based on a famous historical samurai, more precisely - Miyamoto Musashi. His movie depiction was what inspired Stan Sakai in the 80s... ppl in real life share first and last names very often so it just doesn't bother me personally that they share one name, but not their family name. So I don't get anymore why ppl are upset that his name is a combo of two first names... I believe there's also a irl children's book author named Usagi Yuichi (maybe pseudonyms being animal names is more common in japan?idk) so I wonder if the crew knew about that 🤔
clearing this up again bc every time I see someone say smth about this show and it's some misunderstanding on top of a misconception, I just wanna make a simple chart to explain things lol. but i don't know if ppl would care even. I know ppl sorta dislike this show or don't care abt it anyways. but then... why talk about it? why share info like a fan who knows or cares about it... and then it's false info... so idk, if they're not a fan, don't take them at face value, but even if they're a fan, it's easy to share info without a source and have others think it's real. Be ready for info to change or your first impressions to break. I've mostly only theorised or drawn from the show itself so far, but even things I say might change if other evidence is provided. So... lol lets all just read into this show calmly I guess.
edit (7.1.2024): lol another thing to add that I didn't think about: there's a 1000 years between the generations of Miyamoto Usagi and Yuichi Usagi. so them not having the same surname would be considered quite normal (and so far, no evidence to conclusively say that M! Usagi is a grandpa... the scene between Usagi and his auntie in the evening in ep 1 also seems to allude that there are many generations between the og era and the future era and that Usagi's auntie is speaking of her own direct great grandfather and Miyamoto Usagi separately...
Anyway. That's all! Hope this is helpful to newer fans.
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driedupeyeballs · 3 months
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OH MY GOD???? I already love them sm
I literally edited a new profile for them for this cuz the old one was outdated BUT YEAH IDK IF THIS WAS AN INVITE TO INFODUMP ABT MY JAMIAZU FANKID BUT IM USING IT AS ONE
Btw I can only wish to achieve your level of snake knowledge I thought my reptile hyperfixation went deep but yours is deeper I wanna know your ways
But that isn’t relavent YEAH HERES MY JAMIAZU FANKID HI TUMBLR *lets them out like you would a spider under a cup*
So I have a shit ton of Twst fankids btw! They kinda swim around in my brain but only a few ppl I know have gotten the info dumps lmao
Skye was the first one I made I think (actually it might’ve been Rico (florid) but eh oh well who’s counting)
But yes this is Skye Ashengrotto!
They’re my older Jamiazu kid, I do have two. The younger one is my octo boy Akram :) he’s funny I wanna pinch his cheeks but he’s not the point here
So Skye! It feels weird publically infodumping abt my OCs like wtf am I even supposed to put here
They’re a half mer, which do work a lil different than normal mers in my lore. Half mers can transform without a potion but it’s still a long and generally painful process, esp going from mer to human. I kind of switch between calling them a snake mer and a naga but there’s lore there- Nagas exist in my lore outside of sea snake mers, there are also fully terrestrial Nagas. So the terrestrial nagas wouldn’t be considered snake mers but the sea snake nagas would be a type of mer while also still being a naga ITS CONFUSING DONT ASK (actually do. Ask everything so I can roll more of my fankids out like marbles)
Skye was created by a spell, I haven’t quite worked the details out 😔 but Jamil is part gorgon in my lore which is why they have the hair snakes which isn’t a typical naga trait. And to elaborate on the hair snakes: they are alive, the one w the bigger stripes is Flora and the smaller stripes is Jett. Skye can communicate w them telepathically and their eyes glow which is kinda neat. They’re kind of Skye’s version of floatsam and jetsam (unless u count Rico (florid) and Lilac (treyjade) which is like their ver of the twins- IDK ITS COMPLICATED)
idk what else to put here so LETS THROW SOME FHARACTER DYNAMICS YEAH and also mentioning some of my other fankids! They all have profiles (except my Malleus kid I’m sorry Aihan I can’t think of a design for you) but I’m probably gonna save those for another post-
So jamiazu in my lore live in the Shaftlands in a beachfront place and also live pretty close to Treyjade, however Florid live in the Queendom. The octatrio and their spouses is a close group so they’re essentially a big family. My treyjade kids are Maren (older) and Lilac, then my Florid kids are Rico (older) and the twins Mary and Eliza.
Skye saw Lilac more as a kid cuz they lived so close together but also saw Rico a lot when flrd would visit or they’d go to visit them. Rico is an agent of chaos and Lilac is Skye’s 2nd in command so their dynamic on a surface level is pretty similar to the octatrio, but there’s still a lot of differences once u get into the meat of it. Tho Lilac and Rico are Skye’s best friends and basically like siblings to them.
Outside of jamiazu Skye is particularly close with Jade, they share a love of tea :) he’s their cool but also slightly unsettling uncle
THEN THERES SHENZI- Shenzi is my younger kaliruggie kid and I am not gonna get into her here bcuz she rlly needs her own post w all her trauma but good lord these two do not like each other. Shenzi’s really nice but she’s not quite as nice as Kalim so after about 5 months of trying and failing to befriend Skye in their freshman year she just gave up and now their relationship is nothing but hostile (which was not helped when Shenzi and lilac started dating)
Speaking of that tho- so my idikei kids :) Ember (named after the pokemon attack) is the older one and he’s basically that “Jock idia can’t hurt you he’s not real Jock idia:” thing as a person he has the Fire hair n shit but he plays basketball and is heavily extroverted but no one gives a shit abt Ember this is NOT ABT HIM this is abt his sister! Her name is Zelda because you know Idia would name his daughter Zelda- she got all of Idia’s social anxiety lmao. She’s extremely shy and there’s a total of like 4 people in the school she can actually talk to without melting into a small stain on the floor. She’s an Skye are both in board games club and sometime in early freshman year she falls on her ass and knocks over a bunch of stuff which Skye happens to witness and cue the most awkward interaction known to man bcuz Skye can’t talk to pretty girls and Zelda can’t talk to ANYONE but they end up walking to the mirror hall together afterwards which becomes a routine. Except they’re both awkward as fuck take like almost two fucking years to get together bcuz neither of them are gonna do anything abt it BUT THEYRE VERY CUTE!! I love them
Also my ashengrotto siblings are very wholesome I need to write some stuff w them- Akram is a little shit and he loves pissing Skye off but at the end of the day he admires them and Skye loves their brother a lot :)
Anyway good lord I’ve yapped too much okay OH YEAH Skye has a Russian blue cat named Mariana who they just fucking found on the side of the road and thought it was a mouse so for like 2 years Azul thought Skye was gonna eat the cat
OK HERES RHE ACTUAL PROFILE these aren’t as chaotic as the other ones all the other ones are more meme than profile ALSO RHEIR UNIQUE MAGIC DOESNR HAVE A NAME AT THE MOMENT IF ANHONE HAS AN IDEA FOR ONE PLS SHARE I HABE NO THOUGHTS
(If you recognize my art style from instagram no you don’t also THEY DO HABE EYES I JUST DONT DRAW THEM CUZ MY STYLES WEIRD)
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But yeah I love them I hope they explode (affectionate)
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forffax · 4 months
returning the favor with oc asks since i always wanna hear about yours !! if you had to pick like your top 5 favorite characters who would they be and why 👀 bonus if you want to pick your favorite like settings/worlds/universes youve made for ocs too!
OOOUH thank u chase!!!
I'm gonna list out my favs then talk abt my main oc universe a bit ^_^
This got ridiculously long so it's going under a readmore <3
1. Tos Family (sorry this is going to be. the whole family bc I cannot possibly choose between them)
i. Lux Tos (he/him)
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(realizing now i haven't drawn him in a hot fuckin minute)
MY DAD. guy of all time ever. everyone's favorite half-human time traveling alien war vet. it always feels weird referring 2 him as part alien even if it's technically true sdjfgs. fun lore fact: he was the Dead Older Brother in original iteration Zephyr's Sad Backstory but I liked him too much so I decided he got to live <3
Lux is one of my older ocs that I still actively draw and think abt (late middle school...) and he's changed a LOT over the years but he's so so so dear to me. my guy who has Seen the Horrors and is now happily gay married with a kid :') sdfkjsk most things abt his story is just me being So Incredibly Self Indulgent (cool powers, complicated sibling relationships, gay) but it makes me happy and I love sharing it with ppl! Someday Voided 2 will be real and ready to share with the world...
ii. Ferdinand Tos (he/him)
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Dad....2!!!!!! I don't remember when exactly I thought him up but it was probably around when Lux's backstory was getting a major overhaul... He's a man out of time he's training to be a doctor and his will to live is so strong he spent the better part of nearly two decades building himself a new body! Guys who died but got better <3. I think I literally got brain blasted one day and decided he's a non-op trans man and it was the best thing ever for him actually. He's a southern californian stuck in the cold northwest (probably. either that or the northeast im not settled on that aspect yet skdjfs). He's been super fun to write from a worldbuilding perspective too bc his main goal is to pioneer a new branch of medicine using his powers! His relationship with Lux and the rest of the family (and his reconciliation with his sister) is sooooo important 2 me :]
iii. Athanasius Tos (she/her)
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THANAAAAA most normal sibling (lie). She was adopted formally right after Lux "died" and had a bit of a complex about just being a "replacement" for a good while, and she THOUGHT she had worked through that when Lux suddenly re-appeared... they're on great terms now but it was Tense. She's a biochemist and probably makes the most out of the household (she shares an apartment with Zeph!) It's very important 2 me that she can let herself be vulnerable with her family and close friends after years of bottling everything up... Epic nerdy autistic butches in your area <3 Fun fact she is the only full human of the main cast!
iv. Zephyr Tos (she/him)
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My fuckign auncle. Within the story she only recently realized he was bigender and is much happier for it, even if you couldn't tell by her permanent scowl skjdfgs. Zeph was the original protag (along with Thana) of the short story I wrote in middle school that turned into Voided 2! In-universe he was very clearly supposed to be the protag but missed/ignored the "call to action" phase and just got a shitton of Issues and Traumas instead <3 She's so everything 2 me he's a freelance writer/artist she's kinda cringe and he is trying only as hard as she absolutely needs to in order to get by. While his relationship with Lux is MUCH better than it was when Lux first came back, she's completely inseparable from Thana and would do anything for her (I feel like they spent equal times protecting each other from bullies as kids...) He's changed so much from her original incarnation but developing him has been SO much fun <3 Since Voided 2 runs on real-world time (in that I have specific real-world dates for most major events) she turned 50 fairly recently and that's fucked but also funny. old.
v. Alan Tos (any)
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Alan! Love this kiddo. He's Lux and Ferdinand's adoptive kid! Xe doesn't learn about it for a while but she was a government secret experiment test-tube baby (they were trying to artificially fuse souls together, distantly related to the later Child Soldier School ze was placed into) (kid cannot catch a break). He's a good kid, if not a little clueless and naive... someone who would hold no ill-will if you had to cut their leg off (this is not a hypothetical GJSKDS). Somehow, despite all this, she is by far the most Normal out of xer family <3 His fashion sense is some kind of spectrum between 60s businesswoman and scene and tbh? Very fun to draw! Her friends and family are very very dear to them and at the moment xe's just kind of letting life take zem wherever.
2. Vague (it/they)
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unauthorized fucking thing kill it with hammers NOW!!!!!
Vague started as I think just a proxy for myself in vent art I drew in like early high school sdhjfgds they have since become. something. my mascot I guess? (I still end up using it for vent art sometimes bc it's functionally unkillable and it's fun 2 get narsty sometimes.)
originally it was just the weird cat-shaped angel thing but a couple years ago I gave them a human design that I really love too <3 vague technically has a place in Niko and my other cat furry ocs' story but their human form exists in the real world and is just Like That i think. vague is just a little guy okay? they're sorry about crying and bleeding all over the place (not bc it sees any issue with this they just noticed you looked upsetskjdfhs)
3. Niko (he/they)
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Baby's first fursona! Niko was always mostly his own character but now that I have new This is Just Me sona(s), they've been officially retired from that front <3 Niko's story is mostly planned out, I just desperately need to write it somewhere skjdbfs but the gist is that Niko works a shitty minimum wage call center job and finds meaning and love through forming a band with people he happens to meet... also there's some whistleblowing and betrayal and vague slams down out of the sky at some point <3 Niko's band doesn't have a name but they're the lead vocalist! (Niko 🤝 Blue (is blue and sings in their band)) This is a universe where everyone is cat furries simply bc I wanted to design lots of cat furries but also I haven't drawn like half of his bandmates/friends.... orz
Fun fact I found my original doodles of him in an old math notebook and apparently I seriously considered the name "chandler" for them. Help,
4. Larkspur (they/them)
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Laaark my friend lark :] they're my player character for a friend's tabletop campaign! *hands you a bug* *hands you a bug* *hands-
Their design was super fun to come up with and they're fun to play as :] They were raised on a farm and have a deep love for animals (insects in particular), but they have a hard time connecting with others and understanding why people act the way they do.. They wear an eyepatch to cover their multiple other eyes bc it gives them bad sensory overload to see with them! They also spent quite a bit of time as a bounty hunter before they were blacklisted from further work bc they let a target escape on purpose... Lark is a ranger/bard and they play the hurdy-gurdy! They're dear to me and I really need to draw them more sjdfhgs
5. Chungy Fresh (she/he/they)
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Chungy my belungy.... she's a mimic who spent most of his life being a chest in the temple of a forgotten goddess until they gained sentience and saw a fursuit from far away and decided yep! I'm gonna look like that Now <3 She didn't get all the details right but he's never been happier! I think Chungy spawned from me drawing a weird fox thing and simultaneously thinking "hey wouldn't it be funny if a character had a verbal text/forum signature and it was also their name" skdjfgjskdfls. Chungy is def up there with "most fun ocs of mine to draw" bc she's so Noodly and Malleable... I started playing as him in a friend group's tabletop oneshot thingy (where multiple ppl write different unrelated oneshots but we use the same characters for each session) and it has been a lot of fun!
OKAY OC UNIVERSE TIME. I call my main oc story "Voided 2" bc it takes place in the same universe as my v personal self insert oc story "Voided" that I have been working on/writing/thinking abt since late middle school... It's kinda vaguely modern fantasy/sci-fi? Main things are that there are beings born at the beginning of the universe made of pure energy called Lunoirs. There are countless universes, and each universe has Lunoirs in some capacity. They mainly exist to "keep the balance," but if you ask any specific Lunoir what that means you'll get a million different answers. Mainly they gravitate towards any life within their universe and integrate with them, observing them and protecting them from Shadows and Vacares. Shadows are the unliving souls that will eventually be reborn and reformed into a living soul inside any given universe-- they exist in the space between universes, called the Void. the Void looks different to any being that crosses into it, and it's hard to say what its "true" nature is. Vacares are Lunoirs that have had their souls corrupted and eaten, usually by other Vacares. While Shadows, being amalgamations of soul energy, are strictly neutral, Vacares seek to cause chaos and eat more Lunoir souls, increasing their numbers in a vain attempt to satisfy their endless hunger.
The Lunoir population on Earth is fairly numerous, and since Lunoirs can take on whatever form they choose, many of them live and love and have children with humans, making partial-lunoir children (physically they are nearly indistinguishable from full humans, save for longer lifespans, odd hair and eye colors, and sharper teeth. also they have semi-physical wings, but these have to be manually brought out and often ppl don't even know they have them (*cough* zephyr *cough*)
Lunoirs aren't fully immortal, but they have a different life cycle to most other forms of life. When a non-lunoir dies, their soul disintegrates and is amalgamated with the souls of others in the Void to become Shadows. When a Lunoir dies (outside of having their soul completely corrupted/destroyed), they instead go into a sort of stasis and are reborn later; they have no memories of their previous life (the ones on Earth don't, at least) and they can take on wildly different appearances.
Lunoirs and partial Lunoirs have powers in the form of energy manipulation, particularly when it comes to the energy of their own souls... They can use their souls to form weapons, mainly to fight against Vacares that tend to be immune to physical weapons. Most people have one weapon that they specialize in, but in a pinch nearly everyone can form a knife. Humans can manipulate their own soul energy in this way too, but this ability must be taught/"unlocked" by a Lunoir or a partial Lunoir first (Zephyr, at some point, did this for Thana without either of them realizing it). Lunoirs can also manipulate the energy of the very universe to create Rifts in time and space, sometimes leading between separate universes... These rifts also open of their own accord from time to time, and there's a good number of people who have been displaced from their time or even their universe by unwittingly falling into one.
Every living being has a "soul" (a collection of their life energy), and through a kind of "reaching out," one can feel/taste/smell/hear/see another's soul... every soul is a bit different, so this is an easy way to identify people even from a distance!
The Earth Lunoirs once had a country where they congregated called Saluria, which was the site of a brutal multi-year war against an army of Vacares that wanted reign over Earth... Many Lunoirs and partial Lunoirs across all of Earth's history felt drawn to Saluria, often willingly or unwillingly being rifted to the time of the war to go fight in it... Some partial Lunoirs especially believed it was their sacred duty, while others believed it was a curse leading them to inevitable death... there's even whispers that Saluria itself is alive, luring in young partial and full Lunoirs out of self-preservation.. who's to say. Ultimately, the Salurian War was a victory, but not an easy one.
Lux and Zephyr are half Lunoirs (their mom being full), and Ferdinand is 3/4ths Lunoir! Alan is a bit of a weird case but functionally he's also half Lunoir :]
This is v much simplifying Years of worldbuilding ssjhdfgjks and I can FEEL I missed a bunch of stuff but it's all very very dear 2 me :]
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austronauts · 2 years
1634 and 1691 can try but they will NEVER have what matt martin and Mitch had like they were truly insane- why was he wearing Mitch's number on a gold chain ON HIS WEDDING DAY?? Martin really just joined the leafs, took one look at Mitch and was like oh yeah. I want this twink in my custody.
Like I'm pretty sure Freddie and Auston had a similar age gap and were also really close but in a bro way while Marty and Mitch had like five different levels of feral protectiveness and daddy issues and god knows what else going on there
GOD I - *gently grabs your hands in distress*
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there...are simply SO many details of the mitch/matt lore that................are just so...................insane.....that if you told me these things.....i would simply assume you were talking about fic????? but no....they all happened....in real life...unfolded before us in agonizingly real ways and i ....we just have to live...with the knowledge that it...happened??? LIKE THAT?????
UGH matt wearing MITCH'S #16 CHAIN on his WEDDING DAY is absolutely BONKERS but just to recite off the top of my head the details that made me go "wat in the world GOES ON OVER THERE IN TORONTO"
Matt watching some sports game (i think it was football?) in Mitch's #93 London Knights jersey? like MARTY be fr
Matt saying "noone touches my mitchy"
Matt wearing a toronto maple leafs #16 hat and telling the media ppl that it's his hat not Mitch's while flushing all the way to his ears?
Matt defending Mitch to Babcock after the "rank your teammates by work ethic" debacle happened
Matt checking in on Mitch when he was alone in his condo to make sure he didn't feel lonely or isolated
all their little repeated instagram chirps and calling each other "SNACKS"
them napping together with mitch as the big spoon???
Mitch earnestly sharing that his time with Matt genuinely inspired him to be more proactively caring and kind with his teammates and others (which i feel like mitch has very much lived up to!) what sweethearts, the both of them.
To your point - the fact that matt was brought into protect all the rookies but then saw little mitch and said "oop this one needs me a little more than the others" (even though, if you think about it, mitch was the only "local boy" who had his entire family aka "support system" nearby) and just lived up to that promise everyday
the genuine emotional bond between those two and how much rookie mitch seemed to depend on matt, trust in matt, thrive under matt's care?? it makes me want to legally change my name to fuckin icarus and buy some party city wings and fly into the sun! TBH!
and to your point about freddie and auston - yes! freddie and auston make me laugh bc they're clearly VERY close but seem like friends who see each other as peers. whereas freddie i think also babied mitch a little (freddie-mitch moments kill me bc freddie seems utterly baFFLED by everything mitch chooses to be), and well. matt and mitch were in their own little world, deeply mired in the most intense and undefinable codependent relationship.
anyway, tl;dr i truly hope they still stay in touch and are close because it would make me a bit sad if they lost each other entirely.
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sayakxmi · 5 months
[Magi rewatch] Episode 5: Dungeon Capturer [Part 2]
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Back to these two. I hope they'll use that screentime wisely, because they sure af won't be getting much in the future.
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I recognize the OST, but don't remember the name, F.
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That looks damn cool.
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Lovely in general. It makes sense outside of the universe, as they wanted to show off the funky magic system and the power of a djinn better etc, but, in universe, it makes Hakuei look incredibly bad at the whole "having a djinn" thing. Like I've said, Ryosai ends up beating her very fast, and while in the manga, too, she was a bit of show-offy, at least we could've easily blame it on her conquering the dungeon recently, and just not fully understanding how to use it. She overuses her magoi, because she doesn't know yet how to manage it. Here, though? She comes off as having the experience and skill, and still losing. This is the Full-Body Djinn Equip! It's supposed to be insanely powerful! How do you lose so easily? Where's your Extreme Magic? You can still go with her being that new to this, but it's much easier to assume she's just weak. F.
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(They were being attacked by arrows). I will give the credit where it's due, though. Clearly she isn't using Extreme Magic, because she has no intention of actually harming her people. It's all for show. If nothing else, this does show that Hakuei is a person that really means well. Not to mention, it kinda gives the perspective to WHY they manage to stall her & her Djinn Equip - she has no intention to actually fight.
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Like. It's smart, but also ASDFGHJKL HakuRocket.
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Stil ended up using some spell, though it's not the same as her Extreme Magic, unless she has, like, two. But, again, how the fuck these people actually survive that?
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Aaand there goes the magoi.
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How the fuck did Ryosai even get so many people on board with his 'murder the first imperial princess' plan.
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Magi has so many weird animation/style moments, but here it actually looks damn good.
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The fact that she freed herself & even took away that sword on the way when that guy threatened her brother is still damn cool. Wrong family to mess with, Ryosai.
Also, I still fucking need Ryosai meeting Fallen!Hakuryuu.
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Aladdin's just casually committing murder, apparently.
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I need a herooo~
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Get wrecked, bitch.
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Gdi, anime!Aladdin. You're weirdly murderous.
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Face of a child that's just committed a mass murder.
"Boy, who are you?" He's a murderer.
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"I'm a Magi." You're a murderer. Like, I'm still kinda processing that. Like, one murder here and there I can sorta see, but gdi, he went and annihilated all these guys. You can still see the destruction behind him.
On a different note, it's also cool as shit. Aladdin going a bit more Sinbad-like, a shining person leaving trails of blood in their wake. HM.
Because, seriously, this shot of him smiling with all that destruction behind him is actually pretty darn ominous. And cool. As if saying that there's some darkness deep within him, and foreshadowing that we'll get to see it at some point. We won't, ofc, but still damn cool concept.
I feel like the scariest thing is that he doesn't seem to realize what he'd done. To him it just didn't matter. He saved Hakuei, because Hakuei is nice and a good person, and he likes her.
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This is still so fucking funny. And for the love of god, Ugo, why can't you wear some goddamn clothes. Imagine later Ugo meeting ppl in the Final Arc & half of the cast saw him in his goddamn underwear.
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Hakuei/Paimon is one of the most sensible femslash in Magi, next to Morgiana/Toto. Like, fr, Paimon just went "I'll only help Hakuei, Candidate for a King, whom I fell in love with."
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Look at him.
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Lmao. Judar, the fuck are you doing, seriously. Hakuryuu's probably planning your funeral in his head rn.
Man, I was like, Paimon's voice sounds really familiar, and FUCKING KNEW IT. SHE SHARES JAP VA WITH NIGGUANG FROM GENSHIN IMPACT XDDDD
Some lore drop that happened in the manga, too, and a small note I can add is that whenever Aladdin thinks about Alibaba by the end, Rukh start to fly. Nice.
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
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after a million years plus an addition million years post the show ending i am finally just now scribbling out my takes and stuff on fethry's immediate family a la how they would fit into dt17 canon
the breakdown in my mind is that all 3 of eider and lulubelle's children are Strange and Ambiguously Disordered (fethry taking the most after his mother) and also to some degree have inherited eider's legendary strength (abner being basically on par with his father and fethry as the baby and the runt of the three being much more close to just having normal person strength, though still a bit surprising for how noodly he is)
more specific points abt the family under the cut bc i dont want the post to be too long @_@
definitely autistic (as 3 and also lulu are) but its like in that. i dont have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with how alienated from ppl i feel so im just gonna fish and carve wood and if anyone enters my space i will burn it down with both of us still inside it. way
that being said abner’s still plenty capable of being a compassionate guy deep down. he cares a lot about his family and takes whatever responsibility u entrust him with extremely seriously
comes off as emotionally stunted bc he doesnt really show affection in the “normal” way, including and especially physical affection and also. saying shit  out loud. he has his own love language its called * noncommittal groan of acceptance as you enter his house *
in my brain i know he should have a job but all i can think about is him fucking off in the woods so he doesnt have to talk with people. maybe one of those people who sit in towers all day to make sure forests dont burn down. i dunno
loves acting and wants to be a professional stage/screen actor so bad but is unfortunately terrible at acting. probably been in like a few commercials or something
very very dramatic, im talking full comedy sketch of a julliard actor levels of melodrama and stage fainting, whether onstage or not. this makes it hard to tell if her reactions to things are genuine or not unless u are her brothers or parents who have been dealing with this forever
since the acting career is not really taking off Yet she has maybe ripped off 1 or 2 or 20 or so people maybe more just to keep the lights on. ironically when shes conning people she can actually act convincingly (my leverage fans out there. you know)
some of you will probably ask about dugan and while i do absolutely love dugan personally in my mind marys not ready nor interested in motherhood. so. maybe some day i will reveal my own dt17 dugan origin concept idk
something of a local folk hero due to both his truly legendary strength and his equally strong inclination to lend his neighbors a hand, or really anyone else who may need a little help for that matter
as exceptionally goofy and loving as you could want any dad to be, though he can also be a bit stern when he needs to be, and a little prideful
in my mind i think it would be very cool if he had moved his family into granny elvira’s farm to give her a hand bc while shes a tough old woman everyone still needs a hand from time to time but i dont know if this contradicts any serious duck lore so forgive me
full loon baby ! none of this “looks like every other member of clan mcduck” shit !!! yes this includes the blood red eyes #epicloonwin
many make the mistake to count her as an absent minded spooky insane woman but this could not be further from the truth. she is very sharp-witted, observant, and is only spooky simply because its pretty near impossible to creep or gross her out, and even harder to full-on scare. and also because she makes long uninterrupted eye contact all the time
fethry definitely inherited a lot from her, but one of the main things they share is the tendency to cycle through all kinds of seemingly unrelated hobbies and interests; but much like fethry’s chief passion seems to be marine biology, lulu greatly enjoys botany and all it’s practical applications, as well as music
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pyuffxiv · 1 year
Hi, I've been scrolling through your blog and I really like your style, it's so dynamic!! I was wondering: Is there any Randi lore you'd be willing to share? Her family tree has me curious, and I love hearing about other ppl's WoLs :D But no worries if not! Hope you have a great day ^^
Gosh reading this makes me so happy ;w; I love when people take an interest on my OCs, it's no problem at all!! Also, thank you for enjoying my artstyle, it means a lot!! ;w;/
There is SO MUCH Randi lore i've talked about on my ffxiv twitter and not mentioned here, so i'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet!
Here's some info on her bio and in the "others" tab you can find a chronology of her life up to A Realm Reborn! More under the cut.
As for her family tree, it's pretty convoluted but long story short, her dad was an Ishgardian noble and Randi's parents were expecting him to be the heir to his family, noble grandparents decided against it due to his poor financial handling, mom and dad stole what they could get their hands on from his treasury, changed their surnames, and ran off with it to the Cieldalaes. They procceeded to make every single bad financial decision, which led to Randi growing up poor. They became fishermen and their bad treatment to their eldest daughter + forcing her to work for them/not attend school during her childhood made her run from home with her little brother Alm, and the rest is detailed on her chronology on the link i provided above. Randi's mother, Ivanne, had an older brother, Brunaux, who had also ran from home to become a sky pirate a few years before the whole stealing ordeal went down. He came back after she had already gone, and was able to make up with their parents before their passing. He's part of the Redbills, and he and Randi were able to figure out they're family by pure coincidence! He's the one who gifted her his redbill scarf, and she considers him her only family.
About Randi! She's loud and rowdy, surprisingly charismatic and a warm presence in any room. Not particularly careful or refined, has an awful stealth and believes in fate to an extent. Enjoys the company of others and more often than not you'll find her the loudest voice in a bar, surronded by ordinary people and drinking alongside them, but she also takes her time to be alone and can be found at the top of the Agrius whenever she needs some silence. She's not as honest as she presents herself to be, and more willing to lend an ear than to voice her own troubles. But most of all, she's incapable of staying in a single place for long; at the end of the journey, when all is well, the road calls and she will follow.
Also! She did get to learn a bit when traveling with Alm, but her reading and writing skills are ATROCIOUS and she feels self-conscious everytime she has to peruse books for scion purposes; even more so around Alphinaud and Alisaie, so young and yet miles ahead of her. She's a slow, finger under the line you're reading, mouthing the letters as you read kind of reader. As a last fun fact, she did learn some dragonspeak from Midgarsormr! She used to take the moments she'd go up the Agrius to practice some with him, before the Omega raids happened. Knows enough to even speak a very broken, human adapted version of it, which started a widespread belief in Ishgard that she's part dragon and commands them :)c
Anyways if you got this far! Thank you for taking an interest on my babygirl and props to you for reading all that! More to come in the future 🫡
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
WHAT IS ALL OF THAT!!! that sure is a lot of lore !!!! I am not well versed in it !!!!!!! what do u think. i am willing to hear any and all ideas you feel like sharing, i love hearing ppl ramble. who knows if i like it a lot perhaps i shall draw .
plus i also just like the idea of techno being this kinda legendary hero guy and Oh Dear he found these two brothers oh Dear Oh What the Fuck he's sucked into the family he can't escape Oh No
Okay... I'm gonna try to.. envelop the main cores of loz lore over all the timelines but oh my god it's such a tall order, at the end of this I'm gonna link some videos you can watch if you wanna learn more about loz lore!! It's genuinely a ton of fun if you're a fan of expansive video game universes it's so so much fun <- totally hasn't been in loz hell for years now
The main idea of the loz universe is that it's a, curse dressed as a blessing sort of deal. There's three main goddesses: power, wisdom, and courage. All three of these guys are sort of trapped in a never ending cycle of sorts that's spurred on by Demise cursing the literal entire universe and dooming everyone to be endlessly reborn and forced into roles that they must obey less the entire world is destroyed/enslaved ^-^
That's the main core of all the games, they're all trapped in some way and they can't escape the cycle. Courage is destined to be the legendary hero that's hopelessly out of any sort of control or autonomy, wisdom who's doomed to never be listened to or considered at the end of the world, and power who even with the world in their hands- will never accomplish what they truly desire.
If you're wanting to do a dsmp au you could definitely do something along those lines!! It also helps that it's sorta royalty inspired and there's species and kingdoms! You probably already know them but I'll list them just to make sure: the rito, zora, gerudo, hylian, zonai, gorons, and kokori! There's monster species and other species that show up randomly in single games but these are the KEYSTONE kingdoms or species of all the games! (the minish and the twili for example, they're extremely interesting but only really show up for a single game)
Royalty is also a really important thing in the loz universe! Lots of divinity, magic, and funky tech is everywhere! But onto the actual dsmp stuff, if you want Techno to be the hero of courage I feel like you most definitely could!! Or you could have something where like, Wilbur is Wisdom and Tommy is Power, or you could do something totally different! You can be fluffy and humorous about it, or angsty, or even dark if you'd like! The beauty of the loz lore is that it gives you a ton of creative freedom that you can really do whatever you want tbh.
here's a good overview of themes in alot of the loz games
here's some worldbuilding and more about hyrule
this is SPECIFICALLY about ocarina of time but it helps to get more of a feel of the various tensions between the kingdoms
loz time crash course!!!
I still need to watch this but it's extremely chill, chill loz lore time
If you more of an explanation of the links instead of the greater world, WELL
To be perfectly honest, there's so much loz lore that you could do near anything with Techno and I guarantee you it would work. Shit! Make Phil part rito! Make Wilbur part zora! Do neither! Make Kristin a goddess of the depths itself! You can literally do anything I promise you!! Fuck it! Make Techno a gerudo!!! The loz world is open to you and you can do literally anything forever. I'm just having difficulty explaining everything cause there's so fucking much but I hope this is at least a decent intro to the greater loz lore
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blacky-nikki-art · 1 year
For Iberis 👀:
4, 7, 13, 38, 43
That's a lot of questions but let's go!
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Not really. Iberis-3 was a random OC and Young Wolf so it was 'prepared' for me as the gamer. I didn't expect Iberis to slap THAT MUCH. I didn't really care whether he fits or not. My style of storytelling is much different than the canonic one from Destiny 2. More comedy with a lot of sad stuff in life. (The black comedy, I guess). I just keep going, If I disliked something, I just get rid of this but I want to be sure it fits the main story of the game.
I didn't know what I did but it worked. Just some trust in myself in this rare moment.
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Yes, a lot. Usually, the Young Wolf is a character who looks like they forget how to speak but exactly knows how to punch someone's face. Silent OP character.
In the begging Iberis was supposed to have a much different character. More moody, mean shit without reason, who doesn't care about anyone. Boring Edge Lord. Luckily he changes to the current version.
My art style is not really similar to the canon one. I prefer cartoonish/comic style with too expressive faces and body language. Exos in the game are not really expressive (except Cayde cuz he was the only one Exo with eyebrows, srl. But y'know, It was Cayde, the very very special one).
I gave more human behavior to exo - crying, able to be drunk what is said in the lore-books they can't do. Even able to blush. Full realism and being 100% accurate to the canon is not my jam but looks like ppl don't blame and mock me for this so why not use this?
Also, my fake tooths, in my version, Exos have fake teeth 'cause It works better for me than the black whatever is it. So much stylization.
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4) How easy is it to earn their trust?
It's a hard question. Usually, Iberis doesn't give his trust easily to anyone. His trauma in blueberry years, working with the Vanguards, and being the Famous Young Wolf learn him to not be open to others. But it doesn't mean Ibi cannot give trust someone.
Iberis-3 opens up when he has to deal with too strong emotions for him or he feels really bad and/or overwhelmed. He's very emotional but also he's a master at hiding this.
Also, he's able to give some trust if someone shares the same passion as him. Especially plants but painting and drawing too.
7) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Definitely his early years on the farm. I don't mean the farm from EDZ but one in the Last City. Iberis-3 in his blueberry years left the tower and he refused to be a guardian but it's a story for another time. The farm was his workplace but also his 1st home. Eddy, his friend let him live here when Iberis was homeless but later Ibi become a part of this family.
In this place, Iberis finally starts to feel accepted and comfortable with himself, that he's something more than an undead warrior where only his combat skills mean something.
This farm was ruined during Red War. Eddy and his family survived this hard time, unlucky except for Eddy's dad who died at the begging attack on the city.
After/During Red War Iberis become the new Young Wolf so it was meant back to his role of guardian. He wasn't able back to Eddy's family. He still misses them but he knows it never be the same now.
13) What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Iberis usually like to wear black, grey, or white t-shirts with prints. He doesn't say no to colorful ones but he can be picky about this. He doesn't like main bright colors.
Did he look good? In my humble opinion yes, but everyone has their own sense of fashion so...
Tricky question.
38) What memory do they revisit the most often? 
Actually, there are two.
The 1st one is the death of Cayde. Iberis can't forgive himself because he wasn't able to save Cayde. The consequences are still with him until now (I mean especially Crow, the story for a different time too). Sometimes Iberis is wonder how it would be if Forsaken never happened. Maybe everything would be easier? We never knew the answer.
The 2nd one is related to Forsaken but that's more my story. Iberis after this broke up with Shiro. Both of them had personal problems after what happened in the Prison of Elders. Shiro has pissed off cuz Iberis goes alone to kill all barons and Uldren. Shiro was the last one of the hunter trio and lost many friends so losing the loved one was too much for him. Shiro chooses to be alone than lost another person in his life. He regrets this later.
On the other side, Iberis had to do this. We all know why so I don't think it's necessary to explain. Iberis is still back to these memories if he wanted or not.
Spoiler, not a spoiler. Ibi and Shiro are back to themself in the Season of Splicer. Both idiots had to grow up.
43) If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
One of the biggest enemies in his life. Iberis is not a person who shows his feeling around people, romantic too. You'll almost never see how Iberis and Shiro show their feelings around others.
Iberis is unable to explain why he's gay. It's natural to him if we can use 'natural' when we talk about Exo. It's just the way he is. He likes other men and... That's it.
In his personal opinion asking him why he is gay is rude and nosy. Why do you even care? Usually, when someone asks him about this he just says he's gay and the end of the theme. Thank you, goodbye.
I hope I answer everything correctly. Thx for your questions!
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anime-grimmy-art · 3 years
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What do you do when there’s not much to an AU? You make up your own stuff, ofc. And as is per usual when I make Character Designs, I make up a shit ton of lore too.
The ramblings under the cut, but what I’m really interested in, is what you guys think. Do you guys have any headcanons/ideas for this AU? Let me hear them! Also, if you don’t wanna read on tumblr, here’s the Google Docs link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/151yshHxnb_--P6eMKkwkI2dee9xC_Llb/view?usp=sharing
Before I get into the characters’ roles, here’s some general facts and backstory of their town:
- Basically, it’s Undertale meets Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley. Well, kinda. I at least used that approach for coming up for the jobs for the characters. You know, how there’s always a general store, a doctor, a smithy, etc.
- The usual story of a HM game is that you come to a town that’s way past its glory days and you, as the player/farmer, help them get back to that. The “backstory” of the town is that that already kinda happened. I’ll get into it more in the character description, but basically when Asgore was still mayor, the town got really popular. Then yadda yadda, a certain tragedy happened, two kids died, and the town suddenly got very bad publicity. There was a lot of stuff going on back then, bad reputation being spread and also a lot of law stuff, cos, you know, supposed child murder ‘n all, so Asgore made the decision to shut off the town to ppl from outside. This was in the interest of most monsters living there, because as fun as it is to have a lot of people coming there, most just wanted to live a quiet life. Not everyone was happy with that though, so many moved away from town and some others are trying to get the town back on its feet. But more on that later.
On to the characters:
I’m just gonna start with the skelebros, cos it’s their fault in the first place I got so invested.
Basically, they are what the player is in hm/sdv. They just showed up one day, took over the abandoned farmhouse and began their life there. The two came to town way after it was “closed” and since then a new mayor has opened the possibility for new residents to move in. Their farm helps the economy of the town a lot and the mayor, like usually in hm games, is trying to use that to make the town more known again. The skelebros aren’t really working towards that goal however.
So, now a bit more detail on them individually.
- The design is mostly based on what’s “canon” in this au.
- He works mostly on the fields and is in charge of the crops. Their fields aren’t spectacularly big, but still big enough to plant a few dozen rows of veggies. 
- Paps also helps out a lot in town when he has the time. He helps Asgore with his plants, he goes fishing with Undyne, helps Toriel carry crates around and so on. This is inspired by the part-time job mechanic in HM ToT.
- Unbelievably, in this AU Pap is not an absolutely awful cook. Since he helps out at Muffet’s and Grillby’s a lot, they tend to show him some tricks to cooking. Even though Pap’s not a big fan of the greasy or overly sweet cooking those two do, he picks up a lot.
- Again, design mostly based on the “canon” look. Maybe a bit more baggy.
- This is finally an AU this dude gets to rest. Since there are no resets and he doesn’t have to see his bro die again and again, for once in his life, he’s not a sad ball of depression. He’s just a chill and lazy dude that loves to make puns. Though, since he’s not too experienced with the feelings of loss, helplessness or grieving, he still tends to hide behind puns and fakes smiles if he does feel bad.
- Sans is in charge of the animals on the farm. Papyrus begrudgingly gave him that role since Pap’s loud demeanour and hectic movements usually scare the animals. Sans’ relaxed attitude draws the animals to him naturally and even if Pap mostly finds him sleep against a tree, in a stack of hay or on one of the sheep, the animals are always fed, healthy and relaxed, so Sans seems to be doing his job.
- Sans always has a small chic sit inside his hoodie or hat. Is it always the same one? Who knows, maybe.
- Sans also, somehow, can produce eggs out of thin air. Grab into his hoodie pocket, in his pants pocket, in his hat, in his slipper, there’s suddenly always an egg there. On good days he can even make butter or cheese appear. 
- He’s literally just a scarecrow in this. Though, if you ask any of the bros why they designed their scarecrow that way, they won’t have an answer.
- Frisk is mostly based on what I wore myself as a kid in summer. Just a loose shirt with a cappy. Toriel basically has her ut gown, just with an apron on top.
- Frisk just appeared outside the “magical” forest one day. Napstablook and his cousin found them and brought them to Toriel, who has been taking care of them since.
- Toriel runs the general store in town, but also often takes care of the few kids that still live there.
- Frisk usually helps out in Toriels store, plays with the other kids or sits around at Asgore’s. They’re notorious for nabbing small snacks, mostly from Asgore’s plants. You’ll always find them munching on something. 
- Frisk was in town before the skelebros. Since they’d moved in, Frisk often went to spy on their farm. After a small incident with angry chicken, Frisk got to know the two better and now they see them as something between brothers and uncles.
- But Frisk honestly gets along with everyone. Just like in UT, they’ve not only been adopted by Toriel but literally everyone.
- Toriel and Asgore’s relationship is not as bad as in the main game, since, you know, Asgore didn’t kill literal children, but there’s still tension between them. Back when Asriel and Chara died and the whole thing with the bad rep for the town began, Toriel felt betrayed by Asgore focusing more on the town than giving their deceased kids the grieving they deserved. They’re not divorced, but Toriel still moved out and said needed space to think. Now that Frisk is in the picture though, the both of them are slowly coming to even ground and may even be able to talk things out and clear up the uncertainty of their decisions.
-Asgore has his UT Ending / Deltarune clothes, just with a gardener’s belt.
- He’s the previous mayor of the town, but after all the crap that happened, he stepped down from the position. Now he has his own little shop and sells seeds, saplings, homegrown veggies and fertilizer. So, basically what e.g. the Marimba Farm is in HM AP
- His main customer is Papyrus and they’re on friendly terms. Asgore is worried about how much and how hard Pap works, so he often gives him a discount. 
- Since his family’s past tragedy, Asgore is kind of nervous around kids. So, when he first met Frisk, he hoped they’d not visit him too often. But to his chagrin, Frisk took an instant liking to him and spends a lot of time at his shop (and steals eats the fresh grown veggies). Now, he’s really grateful for that, because for one, he loves Frisk as dearly as he had his own children, and also because now the tension and mistrust between him and Toriel seem to grow smaller day by day.
- I gave Undyne a pretty basic fisher’s outfit. Alphys basically has Elli from HM’s outfit, just a bit more doctory stuff added. She still has her canon lab coat too.
- In essence, Undyne and Alphys have 2 completely different jobs. Alphys is the resident doctor and Undyne runs the fish market.
Two things. Yes, I know Alphys is more a mechanic than a doctor, she fits the aesthetic though, so she’s the doc now. And no, Undyne being a fisherwoman is not cannibalism, think of it more as a shark hunting smaller fish.
- The reason I lump them together is because they act as the local “smithy”. Alphys is still really tech savvy in this (I mean, Mettaton is still part of this AU), so she takes on most problems with electronics and stuff. For Undyne, I didn’t want to lose her Royal Guard’s Captain image, so she’s really good at handling tools (and weapons, but Al doesn’t let her make them anymore). So basically, if there’s a broken tool, you can be sure that either Undyne or Alphys can fix it.
- As for relationships, those two are still an item. Alphys is still really shy and a shut-off, but since Undyne and Pap become best friends, she gets to know the skelebros better. She and Sans especially get along well, since most of the time Undyne and Papyrus are let loose, they sit back and talk about science-y stuff. (no, Sans doesn’t have a background in science but he’s still into sci-fi)
- Alphys has a bit of a strained relationship with both Asgore and Mettaton.
Back when Chara and Asriel died, it was because of “illness” (maybe poisoning?). Alphys feels awful because with her back then limited knowledge on medicine she couldn’t help the two. Asgore doesn’t hold anything against her but Alphys can’t help but feel guilty.
Alphys still built Mettaton’s body in this one. The two had a really big disagreement, because Mettaton hated the fact the town was going to close, and he couldn’t understand how Alphys could feel otherwise, even more so endorse the idea.
Mettaton, Napstablook, Mad Dummy/Mew Mew:
- Napsta and Dummy are pretty self-explanatory, they got straw hats. Mettaton’s outfit is a bit of a joke cos it’s a play on “work at the top and party at the bottom”. The tie has two different sides, one with the yellow red pattern, the other completely red. His “top part” is the business part, because when he’s on tv or in the mayors’ office, you don’t usually see his feet. The bottom is his party/dance part, cos his dancing/entertainment channels mostly feature his legs. 
- Mettaton, still a robot, Napstablook and Mad Dummy are all still cousins in this AU.
- Originally, they all lived and worked at the Blook Farm, the Animal Farm of this AU. Mettaton, however, despised that simple live and after befriending Alphys and her building him a body, he left the Farm to pursue bigger things. 
- Mettaton runs the local tv network. From weather to game shows, he does it all. He also runs the tailor shop in town that sells his designer clothes and merchandise. After Asgore stepped down, Mettaton also took over the role of town’s mayor and now works towards making the place more known again. Not everybody is happy with him doing that though.
- One of those people is the Mad Dummy. He can’t stand people anyways and he always claims that history would just repeat itself.
- Since the whole family is made of ghosts, they have different dummies and scarecrows they can use to take care of the animals. To mock Mettaton and kinda get back at Alphys for giving MTT such an opportunity, Mad Dummy found the blueprints for the Mew Mew robot and now modelled one of their scarecrows after it. 
- Napstablook isn’t fond of taking over obejcts like his cousins do, so he mostly takes care of the snails. Somehow, he can interact with them even when incorporeal. 
- The two of them run the Inn together. Muffet cooks in the daytime and makes desserts, Grillby manages the bar in the evening. 
- The two still can’t really stand each other but working together like this benefits them both because their rivalry just spurs them on more.
- Even though Grillby is a patient person, somehow Muffet is the only person who riles him up enough to retaliate. (Well, maybe except for Sans, he’s a strong second).
So, basically everything between those two is a challenge in some way. Even if Papyrus doesn’t notice, even his cooking lessons are a challenge for them. 
- Even though they’re constantly bickering, after working together for so many years, there’s a strange level of respect and trust between them. Even if back when they first started this business, they’d pour salt into an already open wound, nowadays they’d know better and just take a step back from the other or even comfort the other (on very rare occasions only). 
- They be dead. Kinda.
Some Characters that’d live in that town too but that I haven’t made designs for:
- Gerson is the original smithy of the town. He’d grown up in a family of smiths, but he’d always had an appreciation for the sea. That’s why, when the town became more deserted and Undyne had a good enough skill level as smith, he took up the Captains hat and now mostly spends his days out on sea. He also ferries people to places if they need him to. Oh, and just like in canon, Undyne learned most of her skills from him.
- Burgerpants is a poor dude Mettaton basically kidnapped when he was trying to get fame in the city. Now Burgerpants works wherever MTT needs him to, be that as cameraman for the tv shows, cashier in his tailor shop or his slave secretary in the mayor’s office.
- MK is Frisk’s best kid friend. MK’s parents are in charge of shipping the goods out of town and paying the individual people. MK’s the one that usually collects the goods at the end of the day.
- Other than that, there are only a few people in town. I’d imagine the older folks or the really young families stayed in town after it was closed. I think the librarby dude would still run the library. Some Snowdin residents like the stone family or the dogs also might still live there. 
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balaroo · 3 years
Still thinking about my quirkless YouTuber bkdk au... In this au they still all went to the same high school and became friends but without all the near death experiences and it's set a few years after they finished school so I thought up some ideas of what kind of YouTubers they'd be:
Izuku - Goes by Deku on his channel. Started off doing a few small videos in middle school, product reviews and short vlogs etc, he got into gaming in high school as his channel started growing. His subscribers are really loyal and love how upbeat and snarky he can be in his videos and he likes to post loads content of he and his friends doing stupid shit as well. He mainly plays long series of RPG games where he can get really into the lore of them as well as online multiplayer games with his friends and he'll also livestream a lot of the time to answer questions and just chat to his watchers! He tends to avoid horror games, he can usually only manage a little bit at a time, or gets Bakugou to play them with him which his subscribers love. As far as equipment goes he started off very basic and gradually afforded better computers/cameras thanks to his subscribers who he loves very dearly.
Bakugou - He works with his father in fashion design and as a personal trainer on the side. He and Izuku started living together not that long after high school and have been dating for just over a year though they were pretty much inseparable for most of their school years. He doesn't have his own channel but he features a lot in Izuku's videos and livestreams whether he's willing to or not. He prefers the more action orientated first person games but he'll join in on whatever multiplayer game they're all playing when he has the time. Even though he doesn't have much experience with gaming in general he's infuriatingly good at puzzle games to the point where Izuku will make him solve the difficult parts for him. Though he doesn't have his own channel, Izuku's subscribers love seeing him in Izuku's videos, especially the multiplayer games where he loses his shit a lot with everyone else and he's also the one who deals with any hate comments Izuku may get on his channel.
This got way longer than I intended so the others are below the line!
Todoroki - He was initially resigned to becoming the next CEO of his dad’s company which he had been groomed for pretty much his entire life until he met Izuku and the others in high school. After that he started trying to make his own name and ended up joining Izuku by playing games and managed to grow his channel really quickly with Izuku’s help. This boy always has the most up-to-date tech and somehow manages to get every big name game on beta or pre-release which gets him a lot of attention. He’ll play any kind of games but his favourite are relaxing immersive games like Abzu, they don’t get as much attention though so he doesn’t film that many of them, and though he mostly does silent commentary he has so many fan-made compilations of him saying the most hilarious stuff unintentionally with a dead-pan expression that it’s mainly what he’s known for now. He joins in with multiplayer games and likes to rile up Bakugou by targeting him on any that involve killing each other. He doesn’t interact with his subscribers as much as the others but he makes sure to tell them how much he appreciates them and hosts a lot of giveaways which make him pretty popular. Has the annoying ability to play horror games without being spooked.
Uraraka - This girl played one game with Izuku in high school when she went over to his and then was hooked. She’s still studying in University to get into a career in astronomy and help her parents so she doesn’t have as much time to manage a channel as the others but like Izuku, she has a lot of very loyal subscribers because of her personality. Todoroki was actually the one who helped her get a proper gaming computer (by giving it to her and saying the store had been told not to accept returns) and her subscribers also help her get access to big games which she gets very flustered and so grateful for. She likes quite violent games and often gets underestimated online when she tries to play co-op shooter games etc, but she enjoys proving them wrong. She’s quite well known for trying out independent indie games and rating them but she enjoys being online with her friends the most and plays a lot of co-op games. She’ll also post videos of all of them hanging out, she loves making highlight reels when they do something big together! She’ll interact with lots of people online as well and does Q&A’s with her family when she can which they always get embarrassed about because she likes to hype them up.
Kirishima - Like Izuku, he was already making videos in middle school. His channel is mainly vlogs/stupid prank videos (ft Kaminari) and he likes to share his workout routines as well! His channel also features a lot of Bakugou when he manages to convince him to do videos with him about exercise tips etc. He works full time as a personal trainer and motivator and he’s actually taken a few courses in basic counselling/therapy so he can do his job and help people to the best of his ability. He’s not into gaming as much as they others so will usually only join for their multiplayer sessions but he’s also tried a few popular games when his subscribers asked him to. Out of all of them, he probably pays the most attention to his subscribers- he gives out advice and chats to them on livestreams often so they’re all very loyal watchers. Kaminari, Mina, and Sero get featured on his channel a lot because they still hang out so often and some of his most popular videos are series of pranks they all play on each other that Bakugou is usually dragged into.
Momo - She is the queen of product reviews and recommendations. Seriously, she will buy something to try even if she’s not remotely interested in it because some of her subscribers asked her to and then do a giveaway competition for it. She is always being sponsored by big companies which she’ll quite happily advertise but never in a way that feels pushy which is why she’s so popular as a content creator. She manages to keep to a pretty regular upload schedule and posts a whole range of things from book recommendations to videos featuring big name celebrities which get her a lot of attention. When she first started her channel, it was just a way to document her learning progress during school and she was very nervous, but now she’s a pretty big name and is a lot more confident with public speaking etc. She’s not interested in games but she’ll occasionally feature in the others videos and loves to hype up her friends’ channels in her own videos.
Iida - He made himself a channel with the others in high school but barely ever uses it. He’ll usually post rants about the randomest topics and most of his subscribers can’t tell if he’s joking or not. While he will join the others in their multiplayer games he doesn’t know a thing about gaming and tries to apply real life logic to their situations which never works but is very funny to watch.
Kaminari - “Watch me try and fit a whole apple in my mouth!” That’s it, that’s his channel. Usually followed by “Had to go to the emergency room :/” His subscribers love him and he takes running his channel very seriously, referring to all of them as his fans and always tries to keep them up to date on everything via livestreams and tweets. He spends a lot of time making videos that feature everyone else because he loves keeping all their channels connected to each other even if they’re not in high school anymore. He couldn’t get Jirou to make her own channel to feature her music on so he’ll post a lot of their jamming sessions (he, Jirou, Bakugou, Tokoyami, and Momo will still meet up to play  songs together even though Jirou is a solo performer now) so he likes to show off all his friends talents as much as he can. In terms of gaming, he, Kirishima, Mina, and Sero are very much their own gaming team and play so many online team games together though they very enthusiastically join in with the others as well!
These are all just things I thought up pretty quickly so I might add to it later but I’d love to hear other ppl’s ideas about it !!
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saintsofvoid · 3 years
Not saying you have no reason to feel "bleh", sometimes the brain just insists, but there is so much character in the little snippets and commentary and photos you do. Even if they are similar to other people's (which is really hard not to do), they are so unique to themselves it's absolutely worth it.
Hopefully you're feeling better soon, and can find joy in creating and talking about your boys again ❤
Its late so I'm gonna kinda reply to this with what has been going on on my end and where this funk is coming from. Putting it under a read more to spare everyone, but first and foremost I do appreciate all of you beyond belief for reaching out and having such kind words to say. I know its just a me thing but sometimes it all does just get to me. With that being said, feel free to ignore the whole next bit.
I 100% understand and accept its never going to be completely possible to make completely original characters, especially given the restricted format we have for CP2077. I wish we had more power to craft our characters, more like Fallout 4's character creator (which despite the game's flaws I still go back to just to make characters lol). The problem is I see Valor in game and these screenshots of him and while I do like how he looks... its not him. Not completely. His scars are wrong, he doesn't have his tattoos, hair isn't right, he's missing the ports on his body, and overall things just aren't 100% with him. But despite all that, 3rd time around I think he looks pretty good. Again though am limited to what the game allows so a part of me does get a bit offed when I see other ppls Vs that look a bit too similar. I know its just me, I don't take it to heart, its just upsetting reminder I can't make him look how he's supposed to. Same with Umbra, he looks nothing like how he looks in our TTRPG and it really hurts because I spent a long time making him with our GM and I can't show that. Its not possible in game and my art doesn't do him any justice. So it gets frustrating because I look at some of these guys and they're not my characters, just similar figures to them, but not them.
Which is really hard especially when it comes to Val because long ago he was a self insert that I used to project how I wanted to look. I Have never done well with identifying as trans, I don't like to glamorize it or be recognized for it. I'm saving up for chest surgery but I'm fucking terrified of having the scars. I just don't want to be associated and recognized with it after my transition just because it's been really rough to go through in general. I haven't enjoyed this journey at all really, and really wish I didn't have to go through it. Valor in the RPG was my way of coping and going through stuff. Instead of gender though it was his association with cyberware and having parts of his body and "humanity" removed, replaced with machine and wires. I don't project onto him as much as I once did but he still will and forever hold pieces of that history because that's how I made him.
With all that, all I really do have is my words. Part of the problem with that is there's literally years worth of lore. I've been playing the same campaign with the same group of friends since my freshman year of college. So like 6/7 years now? There's a lot. The issue is these are people I'm really good friends with. This game has become a kind of safe zone for us. We're all a bunch of artist that mainly specialized in horror content. We were part of a movie club that mainly watched horror movies. We're the bitches that watched the Saw series during our free hour in the school library, like we are chill. That also just kinda means there's a lot of dark and twisted subject matter that ends up in our games. Characters having experienced some fucked up shit, witnessed some fucked up shit, and have done some fucked up shit. Feel kinda weird posting or sharing some of the more dark things in detail. So end up watering them down and they don't always feel right.
Top of all that, I just don't have the time to do things I wanna do. I feel so goddamn pressured at home and like I should be doing more. I honestly don't know how half these people have the time to learn and do the amount of mods and edits they do. I'm not gonna lie, I'm envious of it. I get 8-10 hours of being yelled at by customers, and then I may or may not have an hour long drive to take my brother to work or pick him up some days, and then whatever my parents have going on. I want to get back into art, I want to learn 3D modeling, I want to learn how to properly mod but I'm usually so stressed out or just exhausted nothing sticks so I don't even bother really. It sucks, because I want to learn, I want to do things, but I can't. I feel like because I have so little private and personal time now if I can't get things quick enough its not worth the effort. Its frustrating but again that's all on me.
And in other news, lotta people around me are dying or have had family die do to COVID and other things. Earlier this year a close friend of mine lost her dad to COVID and she's still struggling with that. A family friend of ours died earlier this week at the age of 35 from unknown causes. I have another friend who is in the psych ward because he is once again dealing with mental stuff and wellness check did not turn up well. Round it all off, my grandpa has basically given up on his life as well, flat out saying there's nothing worth living for anymore. Given his health issues I know its only a matter of time until I'm saying my final goodbye to him as well. So its rough, and fucking sucks. Not much I can do about it, but it makes me feel fucking worse with my own depression and suicidal thoughts. I know I'd never act on the thoughts, but seeing how death effects those around me makes me feel fucking worse for even thinking about it.
The part that sucks the most about it all, and even something I've expressed to my therapist is I'm completely self aware that its all in my head. I know I can't control these situations, and that skills take time to be acquired and grow. I am so grateful for all friends and support I do have, here, on disco, irl, I see the kind words and love and it really means a lot. I feel like a horrible friend because I don't know what to do really. I know its in my head, and I know what I can and can't control. I know what I need to do, yet I don't feel any better. I feel worse, I feel like I'm distant, and dismissive. I feel like what content I am putting out is stale and boring. I just feel lost and I'm not sure what piece I'm missing to really get things going again. I love my characters, I love making stuff with them. I love the story arch I have for Val and Ker and I want to share all of that with you all. I just feel really weird.
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I send you a Thing over on Ao3 comment section on Heart of Thunder. Feel free to answer it here and delete it there afterwards! I hope you like my little idea on reversal of the selkie!au 😁💗
Delete it? Maybe. But here it is, so that people know what I’m answering to:
How about a reversal of the selkie!au? Galahd has legends of selkie. But those on the islands are like Fae. You have to be very careful to cook me out of meeting them more or less intact. So Galahkari treat them with due caution and keep the hell away.
On the other hand, in Lucis skin changers have a moderately benevolent history. Helpful, if you treat them well but break a contract or harm an innocent around them and YOU. ARE. DONE. There are many stories of a queen or two shedding feathers of a Swan (one black and one white, guess who was more beloved) to settle down with her beloved. Countless more romanticised versions among the literature - all of which the refugees from Galahd scoff at with derision. But most of Insomnia treats those like fairy tales or sth, believing it even less than the takes of the Astrals and their Messengers.
Wider Lucis is a different story. Ppl there still have the Shifters appear from time to time. Tales of ppl with slightly wilder look around them are common. They all try to exercise their hospitality and manners especially well around those individuals.
And if that annoying herd that keeps destroying crops suddenly moves away or the Thunderocs that try to nest on the antidemon lights disappear they keep it to themselves and just smile extra warmly at the stranger should he appear again. Cor is a skin changer. Not many (beyond the Retinue) are aware of that. Mors certainly was not despite using the feral child as a soldier/guard. He feels like a wolf or a bird of prey of some type.
Regis knows the lore, some of the skin changer blood flows through his veins, he understands the urges. (Hmm, maybe Ardyn's mother's ancestor had phoenix blood in their veins? Maybe Somnus was just his half brother?) and knows that Cor's instincts are much sharper. Trusts that whenever Cor deals away with a member of his court, there is something wrong. Hell, even his suspicions are usually enough to start an investigation.
(That's why Titus irks him so much. He has trouble finding evidence between being run ragged by the war, something just /itches/at him in that man's presence. Drautos on the other hand just does not believe in folk tales) And then come the Galahdians.
And Nyx Ulric.
And Cor's every instinct just screams at him to get close to the man. That he is Important. (Doesn't help that he smells nice beneath all the spices, Cor can smell the fragrance even hours after the Glaive finished Guard duty in Citadel. Regis just laughs at him and starts mercilessly teasing his friend. It's only because Cor considers him family that the King does not end up with his throat torn out.)
Unfortunately, the moment Cor gathers enough courage to actually try talking to the man, he stumbles upon a convo disparaging the Lucian naivete re. selkie and decides to stay away and pine from the distance.
Hi, I just wanted to clarify in case tumblr ate my reply to your question: you can absolutely feel free to post this on tumblr with your reply.
Have some more tiny pieces
Galahdians being a bit like the Irish, wary as hell about the fair folk but not selkie, still human.
On the other hand, Cor being able to put on feathers or fur and being *very specific* about how he goes about helping ppl (and only certain ppl) or solving problems Imagine them ranting about naive Lucians having romantic tales about selkie and having the image of bloodthirsty Eldrich sea creatures in mind.  While Lucians think about their Swan queens and maybe some furry Messenger like helpful creatures (as long as you don't offend them) Complete culture shock😜
Okay, first off: This is wonderful. And I love it very much. Also for everybody’s sanity I’ll put my answer under the cut.
Let’s say the term fae is used in Lucis to describe all magical beings that aren’t humans, animals, daemons, the Astrals or their messengers. When they say “A fae must have done it”, it means something very strange is afoot that shouldn’t bee too closely looked into.
Because benevolent or not, the fae like their privacy. Old children’s tales say that you should never tell anybody you saw a fae or that one helped you. Otherwise they will play cruel tricks and after they’ve had their fun you’ll never see them again.
Lucian tales go along the lines of helpful sprites that protect homes when milk and food are set out, of the Titan’s folk (read dwarves) that first taught humans how to mine, of the lindwurm that was blessed by Bahamut and gave the person who solved his tasks secret knowledge.
But the most popular tales are the ones about shape-shifters. Animal-walkers. It is said you can recognize them at the glint in their eyes, the sharpness of their teeth, the something that is different from what a human face should be. Their stories are most popular with hunters and people outside of Insomnia.
I really love how you describe them :D
On the swan queens: Maybe the white swan could actually be a human that got cursed, and the Lucian King (then prince) broke the curse. The black swan was a shape-shifter, and only shed her feathers permanently after her man who wanted her, solved three unsolveable tasks.
Let’s say the white swan queen was considered very imperious and hysteric and inconsiderate, while the black swan queen was very beloved for her generosity and benevolence.
Which is around the time romanticised tales about shape-shifters and humans crop up like weeds. And they keep being popular into the modern times.
Now for the Galahkari.
Their word for magical beings like that is fihrie. But they are far less benevolent. For them fae/fihrie are beings that dance in the twilight when sun and moon share the sky and their music and laughter drives people mad. They are the beings that twist trees into wrong forms and trap freshly departed souls in their dead bodies. They are the ones that ride on the winds of winter and steal the unwary. It’s also said that they steal the first breath of a newborn baby because that is the most precious thing to them, and if the child survives despite that, it stands with one leg in the fihrie world.
Their stories aren’t about beings that are nice.
But then there are the selkie. Stories tell that they once belonged to the fihrie until one of them once stole not the first breath of a newborn, but the second. And that changed them into something that was just tiny bit more human and less fihrie.
So when the Galahkari come to Insomnia and see all those romanticized tales of swan queens and the lindwurm and sprites and tiny people with butterfly wings?
They think they have lost their minds. And wonder why these people are still alive. Because those Insomnian stories would insult any fihrie down to their bone. Which literally means the offending party will die a slow and gruesome death.
A theory says that the Lucians are loosing the war because the fihrie are so unbelievably furious.
Which leads to a lot of strange behaviour from the Insomnian point of view, when sigils appear everwhere along with salt lines and talismans and flower/grain/grass wreaths.
There is more than one loud discussion of how none of the Lucians seem to realize just how dangerous the Other Folk is. How you give offerings when having to walk through their territory, and while there you don’t eat or drink anything that comes from there. How you make sure a newborn’s first breath is takes as close to a fire as possible, because in their mind it is better to belong to the fires (to Ifrit) than to the Others.
And Cor stumbles into one of those discussions without anyone noticing. Let’s say Nyx isn’t there for one reason or other.
What would Cor think about this?
He would obviously know from Nyx’ aura alone that Nyx is a fae. (Just like Nyx knows Cor is not human. But Nyx keeps his distance because this is not his territory and he has not been invited to Cor’s hearth. Normally Nyx would have to make the fist move and he tried to, but this is not Galahd and things are done differently.)
Now he also knows what the Galahkari think of fae. This would make Cor’s protective instinct go into overdrive. Because Nyx is fae - obviously the only one that came from Galahd - and he’s younger then Cor. Which makes him one of Cor’s now.
And this is how not only human cultures clash, but also fae/fihrie culture.
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Actually, anti parabatai plot as a criticism of the oppressive regime would have been super interesting. Like they literally perform some magical ritual on minors. Moreover, it’s seen as prestigious and is highly encouraged. Moreover, if children have doubts they can’t even properly discuss them. Notice how in 2x03 Alec is left so alone he only has his baby sister to share his misgivings about the ritual. Moreover, he isn’t even happy about the upcoming ceremony. It really feels like he only ->
-> out of obligation (reminds me of ‘are you happy’, ‘yes, I’m following my duty’). Idk maybe it was indoctrinated that cancelling the ceremony once you gave your word is unthinkable, dishonourable, shameful or some other shit. Anyway, Alec didn’t look enthusiastic AT ALL. We don’t see what role Maryse and Robert played in this but they were probably their toxic selves. Besides, it’s strange to make a team out of two people so different both personality and career wise. And speaking of indoctrination, you can see children getting ingrained with this shit from the very young age. Like little Izzy may not have wanted a parabatai herself but you can see she was still affected. Jace legit said that they were gonna be REAL brothers as if something stopped him seeing Alec as such without a magical tattoo which is major yikes
EXACTLY!!! you get it!!!!!! not only that but the whole "the biggest pain a shadowhunter could ever know is losing a parabatai", "parabatai are the most important people to each other", "parabatai are in perfect tune" etc like so much shit that was straight up NOT SHOWN TO BE TRUE throughout the plot. valentine and luke were parabatai and he betrayed him, jace basically never gave a fuck about alec's wellbeing, he couldn't even tell when alec was literally dying lol also the bond isn't even that strong, like if ur away for a while or try to TRACK THEM it breaks??? and in the books robert and michael were parabatai as well and then they never talked again and robert legit straight up couldnt tell when michael DIED AND WAS REPLACED BY VALENTINE WITH A GLAMOUR like My God
my hc for this whole thing is that the parabatai thing was invented to increase sh loyalty to each other as well as their teamwork, and they made up this bunch of bullshit about it being like family and super important and their pain is your pain and blah blah blah to seem more desirable. kinda like how spartans encouraged relationships between soldiers to make them stronger? or how compulsory monogamy teaches you that the way to achieve happiness is through One Single Person who will be perfect for you always oops
actually o shit there are plenty of parallels between parabataiship and compulsory monogamy and i think i'm gonna go into that now. so mandatory disclaimer that compulsory monogamy =/= your monogamous relationship, just like heteronormativity =/= your heterosexual relationship. okay? okay. if yall come for me screaming that Monogamous People Aren't All Toxic i will ignore you because that's not what i'm saying and i just explicitly stated that. okay? okay
so i’m gonna skip the historical part because compulsory monogamy is very intimately related with the invention of capitalism, private property and etc., and that doesn’t work quite as well in the context of sh since it’s more of a military society than anything, and again, i do believe that it’s more of a “making them more likely to be loyal”/less likely to question missions and stuff thing. but the effects of parabataiship as it is constructed in sh lore are very similar to those of compulsory monogamy in real life:
the whole loyalty thing that can be very easily turned into toxicity/co-dependency/straight up abusive and unequal dynamics. again, i’m talking about monogamy as a system, not saying that all monogamous relationships are toxic, okay? if i sound insistent here, it’s because you wouldn’t believe the amount of times i put 4981749318 disclaimers like that and ppl still got offended on behalf of their monogamous relationships i wasn’t talking about
i’ll go further into that. monogamy ideology, like parabatai ideology, tells us that there’s a kind of relationship that is superior to all others and should be prioritized above all others (romantic relationships for monogamy ideology, parabataiship for parabatai ideology. compulsory monogamy and amatonormativity are more than just intimately related, they are a part of the other). this means that not putting the person you have this kind of relationship with above all others is seen as a crime and betrayal. and i’m not talking about cheating here, i’m talking about stuff such as “would you let your partner go to parties without you?”, seeing you at a place without your partner and asking where they are and why they didn’t come with you/assuming that you must have fought or broken up, considering that a relationship is doomed or not very close if its parts are not literally inseparable, turning the two parts of a relationship into some kind of almost symbiotic creature, where you stop being “A and B” and become “A-and-B” (this exact wording is even a trope in romantic fiction, esp fanfic), “would your missus let you come with us?”, having huge fights because one party wants to go somewhere and the other doesn’t and they can’t come to an agreement on that, etc., i think you get it by now
this mindset that the person you have this particular kind of relationship with should be prioritized above all others, that a part of your sense of self should be merged with theirs, that you essentially have to become a unit, and that it’s hard, but you have to fight to make it work (”love hurts”, “love is tough, it’s like that”, “if you love someone you have to make sacrifices for them”, etc) makes people feel guilty whenever they don’t put that person and their wishes above all else, or even when they want to do something without them, because that is seen as not loving them enough. not only that, but monogamy ideology promises you that once you find The One™ you will achieve a kind of happiness and perfection in your life that you couldn’t get any other way. this means that people are effectively scared of breaking up or of not having/wanting a relationship like that, because it means that they are broken and will never be truly happy (see what i meant when i said that amatonormativity and monogamy ideology are a part of each other?). that’s why you see people saying shit like “my greatest fear is to waste many years on a relationship and break up in the end”, “if you aren’t dating to get married you’re dating to get your heart broken”, etc. 
so you see people trying their damn hardest to stay loyal to the relationship even when it obviously doesn’t make them happy, feeling guilty for not being happy, and accepting toxic mindsets and abuse because they feel like they owe it to them. especially the weakest link in the relationship - notably women in monogamy ideology, as monogamy is also inherently linked with the patriarchy and in monogamy ideology specifically a woman in a het relationship is seen as more than just a part of the man she is in a relationship with, she’s seen as his property, but that dynamic can also be inverted or ruled by other factors such as race, sexuality, gender identity, class, etc. - are way more likely to be seen as owing their partners loyalty. not just that, but in particular with people who are otherwise oppressed, being loved is seen as almost a favor, because again, being in a romantic relationship is supposed to be your exclusive golden ticket to heavenly happiness and whatnot, and oppressed people (esp queer ppl and poc) as seen as undeserving of that, and effectively denied that in many ways, so they are more likely to want to stay in a toxic relationship out of fear that they won’t ever find anything better (it’s not a coincidence that “no one will ever love you like i do” is such a common phrase to hear from abusers). also, let’s not forget that even the right to break up in itself is something that had to be fought for. the feminist movement spent years trying to make divorce legal (in the places where it is) and still fights to make it be seen as acceptable. if it weren’t for other pressures trying to change the rules of monogamy, a “breakup” would quite literally not even be allowed, and this always benefits the strongest link
so now that that’s been explained, back to parabataiship. i think the parallels here are very clear - i mean, for one, you can’t really break it up, unless you purposefully use soul tracking or stay away for a long time, so it’s like, old fashioned monogamy. but more than that, breaking your parabatai bond is seen as terrifying. there is a lot of purposeful rethoric that directly says that the pain of the parabatai bond being severed (whether by will or by one of the parts dying) is unmatchable, and that plants a horrible fear into people, to the point where villains use that against parabatai shadowhunters (for example, the owl possessing jace and telling him that it’ll kill alec so he knows what the pain of losing a parabatai is like). this means that loyalty is owed, because even if you just want to be away from your parabatai, this might break the bond and put you through unspeakable pain (in theory. as i’ve been saying, it’s basically been proved that that’s not true, because when jace died that was far from being the worst pain that alec’s ever felt) 
moreover: the whole thing about how this kind of relationship is sacred, above all else, and will bring you a kind of happiness that is impossible to achieve otherwise. this is said many times - like you said, parabataiship is seen as something desirable and that brings honor. the vows are very similar to marriage (the highest pillar of monogamy) vows (“your family will be my family, your people will be my people”, “entreat me not to leave thee”), clary is constantly told that she could never understand the relationship jace and alec have because they’re parabatai and being parabatai is special and basically uncomparable to anything else, even by izzy, who never wanted to have a parabatai (and in the end she ends up wanting to, which reminds me of the whole “oh, you’ll want it once you grow up” trope with heterosexual romantic relationships. like, basically, you’ll want it once you find the right person. that is something aro, gay, and non-monog ppl hear all the damn time). the whole thing about how obviously jace is supposed to be the one alec loves the most, they’re parabatai, the whole thing about how “alec would die for me, we’re parabatai” like that is unquestionable; the souls becoming one, the being able to feel each other’s feelings and blah blah blah. in short: sacred, above all else, and, unless you do something very wrong, able to bring you a kind of connection and happiness you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise no matter how strong your feelings or your compatibility is; and once you get it, you can’t get out
and then there’s the imbalance it brings. like i said, notably in monogamy as a pillar of heteronormativity the imbalance lays on women, altho other factors can change that balance or be more prominent. with parabataiship, there’s an obvious trope of queer people getting heterosexual parabatai and being very obviously the weakest link (alec with jace, michael with robert, there are others but i don’t remember. the exception to this is luke, who is written as equally heterosexual and, in the books, equally white, to valentine, but who’s still the weakest link anyway because valentine gains power and prestige luke doesn’t have). again, the whole “alec would die for me” thing tells a lot. he didn’t say “we would die for each other”. he said “alec would die for me”. despite the rethoric being that both parts should be endlessly devoted, the expectation that one should fulfill that obviously falls harder on one than on the other. with monogamy, there’s even a kind of rethoric that you have to work for the reciprocation to be there (for example, victims of domestic abuse being told that if they dedicate themselves to their partners enough, the abuse would stop, like they owe their partners dedication and love and comprehension, and then their partners will give it back only once they get enough of it) that we haven’t really seen with parabatai (at least i don’t remember it) but that i wouldn’t be surprised to see present there. after all, alec can feel it when jace gets a papercut and jace can’t tell when alec is literally dying, and none of that is ever questioned in canon
and then the imbalance is kept because, again, breaking up parabataiship is unthinkable and shameful, not to mention kind of impossible/not allowed to do officially. so the weakest link is basically stuck in this situation of imbalance and, in many cases, toxicity and abuse, but can’t break out of it and effectively feel guilty because according to everything they’ve ever been told, they should be elated that they’ve found their one and they should be happy. if they aren’t happy, then they’re broken, or not trying hard enough, and it’s taboo to even talk about that
again, i’m not saying that all monogamous relationships or all parabataiships are toxic, okay? i’m saying that, as a structurer of our society (and sh’s fictional society) they favor this kind of dynamic, allow it, and justify it through their ideologies. in the same way that heteronormativity allied with misoginy makes it more likely for women to be abuse or r-word victims than men. is every het relationship toxic? no. is heteronormativity toxic? yes. monogamy works the same way
in short, parabataiship is not a relationship model. or rather, it is, but way before and more than that, parabataiship is an ideology that is specifically structured to subjugate shadowhunters, notably queer shadowhunters, and keep their loyalty to each other and to the clave, and most of its rethoric (nothing can ever be stronger than the love for a parabatai, nothing can match the pain of losing a parabatai, parabatai are one and the same and they share a soul) is absolute bullshit built to make it more desirable and make sure that structure is left unquestioned. a plotline that questions the buildings of parabataiship and shows how the whole myth that’s around parabataiship is that, a myth, built to subjugate and control people, would have been amazing, but of course we couldn’t get that so crumbles of meta it is
me: i’m tired of discourse in my blog i’m going to chill for now. me the very same day: what if i went on my first more detailed anti-monogamy rant when that is 100% guaranteed to attract aggressive people who can’t read and also criticized sh fandom’s beloved parabataiship all in one post?
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obeymematches · 3 years
Hello! May I request for a matchup?
I am a bisexual, Demigirl ENFP-T personality type.
I'd say I'm somewhat independent but would love to have someone by my side to happily live with, I find trust as something that is very important and due to past reasons it can be difficult to earn my full trust. I try to always be a reasonable and mature person, but I can get irritated at a few things (like LGBTQ+ discrimination, racism or plain asshole stupidity) that can tick off a temper, but usually I'm a person of patience, though if I do get really angry then I'm gonna also end up having a mental breakdown later -. I'm fine with waiting and am usually very forgiving. Religiously I'm an atheist, technically ex-christian due to family reasons. I come from Estonia, so I'm bilingual with English and Estonian but am also learning Russian and German. (Thinking of learning Japanese one day too)
I'm a rather fidgety person, fingers always have to be doing something, I can also have rather terrible memory sometimes with things and can forget.
I have low self confidence and self worth, usually struggle to be optimistic and can be rather emotional, also often an absolute empath when it comes to fictional characters for example.
I can be a workaholic and can be terrible at taking care of myself, I easily lose track of time and can forget to eat at times, also have a fuzzy appetite so sometimes I might not want to eat anything at all. I care alot about other people's well being though, for me appearance doesn't matter, I care for the personality and think everyone is beautiful in their own way. I am a short chubby brunette with a boy haircut and brown eyes, my hair is often thick and poofy and sometimes hell to take care of, due to some health reasons I have an itchy scalp and have to often scratch my head. My fashion depends on just if the clothes are comfortable to wear in the moment, that's it. I wear glasses due to a bit of a negative in my sight.
I sometimes struggle to have a balanced sleep schedule and am often stressed.
I hold a strong love for animals and the nature around us. I especially love cats and reptiles and own a cat and a leopard gecko who I would die for.
Fiction is an important part of my life, the moment I get interested in in some show or franchise you can expect me to become an absolute nerd for it, (good example is Pokemon.) I am the type to analyze characters and really care about everything. Books, shows, movies, theatre, anything goes. I really also love music, 60% of the time you can find me listening to music somewhere, maybe even singing, I multitask alot too. My music taste depends on what connections I make to fictional media, especially that of my own, aka stories and characters I've created. My mind is always going like a 1000km/h with all types of thoughts, my own fictional universe only keeps expanding which I wish to share with the world. My dream is to become a writer one day, which I'm very passionate about, and another thing I really want to do one day is travel the world. I also do some art and animation, but intend to keep it as a hobby on the side.
I'm an ambivert, shy and hesitant around new people especially those of higher authority and importance, but incredibly outgoing with the people I'm familiar and comfortable with, never getting tired from them. Affection starved, expect lots of hugs, not that much into PDA tho. For me first impression matter, on my part, I am quick to think that people hate me or are annoyed with me.
Even with my fuzzy appetite I do like food, especially of strong flavour, I tend to seem to like asian or Italian food alot. I'd say I'm decent and cooking but not very good at baking.
Minimalistic, not very demanding when it comes to anything, it's basically like "Better than nothing." would be the type to live in a rather small house one day. Somewhat organized in my own way, sometimes I can act a little OCD though when something is out of place in a manner that it's just - no.
I can be rather talkative, when getting in a conversation with me expect to talk for hours about all types of things, wherever the conversation goes. Even better when it's over a cup of tea or a long walk somewhere outside.
I usually try to be as polite and kind as possible, though I sometimes struggle, I always try to have hope for the world, despite my incredibly pessimistic mindset.
For a partner, I look for someone I can geniuenly be happy and comfortable with, someone I can be open with and not worry about being lied to. I would be incredibly loyal to them and I'd hope them to be as well, of course, I don't get jealous or worked up if they're hanging out with friends. I want them to also be happy, someone I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with. Someone who'd be okay with traveling and seeing the world with, someone I can just have a moment to relax with, sometimes just talk and listen to eachother. Like stated before the appearance for me doesn't matter, it's the personality- what's inside that does. I shall note, the harmless teasing can get to me. Someone who's a geniuenly good person despite whatever flaws they might have.
I hope this is long enough ^^
Hi my dear patient anon! 
guess what time it is!✨
i put a read more because it’s one long post! 
OK so as I read through your request I had Levi, Belphie, Beel and Satan on my mind. Though Belphie is out of the picture fast since you have low self-esteem and if anyone then he probably would take advantage of that. Satan too I think. (I know in general he is viewed as an overall good boy but i feel like he might scare someone with low confidence levels when he is at his worst. also he can be manipulative too if there is a situation)
wait- damn- Simeon also exists (also Mammon? though with him and you it’d be a very rough start)
so after some elimination and comparison between dynamics including Simeon, Levi and Beel I decided to match you with Levi but I highly encourage befriending the other two!  ✨ Simeon because of the similar interests + excellent cooking and Beel because he is a mom-friend + you’d always have something to eat too if he is your friend! 
phew it wasn’t an easy decision but here it is! 
Okay so let’s see Levi
Okay first things first I think we need to change your level of confidence my friend. Which means starting off this relationship as friendship - honestly he is on the same page as you regarding this for similar reasons so you two can relate to the other. But once you gain a healthy amount of sense of self-worth + confidence I think this friendship could develop into a very loving and healthy relationship! 
Just because he is a demon I don’t think he would use you, lie to you, manipulate you or anything similar to that. I mean you have similar interests and in canon Levi shows just the bare minimum of interest to someone whose lifestyle + likes aren’t similar to his. Also you’re his only friend besides Henry so why would he treat you bad I mean come on!!! he’s not stupid!! 
Since your relationship is based on being friends trust will come in time, do not worry! Levi is also picky when it comes to ppl so again as you are in the same boat you understand the other deeply. 
I mean Levi can be serious when the situation calls for it but in general you being with him would give you a nice balance with your maturity. He’s not childish but he has different approaches! Meaning he could learn from you but you could also learn from him! 
Tbh i highly doubt he would ever tick you off either or purpose or not. He is mostly annoyed by stupid ppl (like Mammon) and normies but since you are also into anime you’re safe!  
You having an interest in languages is something he will find fun! if i recall in the devildom there’s only one language? (they speak human for you though) so finding out about human world lore like that through you is going to be fun! also pls learn Japanese with him! (pretty sure he already knows so he could help you practice)
Okay so he can also spiral down due to lack of self-worth + self-love but as his friend you’re not supposed to let that happen!! 
well he also tends to forget about himself but on a side note he is very caring about you and your health so he is faster at taking care of you than himself. That’s why you have to look after the other especially at first when both of your self-worth levels are so low. 
pls tell him he is beautiful he will be flustered for the rest of the day but it’s worth it trust me
he absolutely finds glasses cute af he just has to look at you and !!!  
He’s not big into fashion either, though he would love to cosplay with you so hopefully you are ok with wearing cosplay sometimes!
Also your workaholic tendencies might get to him sometimes? like i’m not saying he is lazy but for sure he could do better. Thanks to your influence he will do better! 
the two of you gushing over fictional characters is just so cute;; think about that!! 
ok he is your #1 supporter of becoming a writer!! pls let him be your beta reader aaaaa
well both of you are passionate so the emount of encouragement happening in this relationship is to die for
him being a shut-in means he’s not very big on traveling, but if he could go with you he’s quick to change his mind! 
he also has trouble balancing a healthy sleep schedule but that just means you two can spend more time together so it’s a win-win situation
pls leave your cat with Satan when you visit Levi’s room because of Henry :( your gecko is more than welcome though!!! 
okay he is also affection starved af but he would never initiate to save his life so here you being an ambivert is helpful!! also it leaves you space to tease him which is always fun! 
regarding food you have a nice balance going on, he is more of a baker and you are the opposite! though cooking/baking with the other is always fun!! when he notices your lack of eating he will make sure to order/bake delicious food from the human world for you! 
well he isn’t the messiest so hopefully your OCd wouldn’t kick in when you spend time in his room. I like to HC that he is actually very clean. If anything is out of place in his room it is because it was meant to be there. Or he was in a hurry. 
about long walks outside you’d probably have to nag him a bit but soon he will realize that it’s actually not so bad.
bby is one of the most loyal demons out there so no worries you’re safe!! however he can be jealous easily so it’s nice that you are also loyal! just make sure to clear boundaries before establishing a relationship! 
he’s not one to tease you but he is very into you teasing him, so that’s that
overall i don’t think this relationship would have huge conflicts - sure, you have to nag him about going out but he is not going to protest once he learns that it’s actually. fun. to go out sometimes. i’m more concerned about the two of you’s self-worth and confidence levels, but again it’s about what you do for growth and it’s not something that can’t be changed if you want to change it. besides these i think it’s a very healthy relationship and you both can be yourselves!  
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