#i had a lot fun writing this and im blown away by all the positive feedback!! you guys are so nice ❤
the-raindeer-king · 20 days
(A/N: prt 4 and the finale of the Mama Riley au! Thanks for all the support and nice comments. It means the world to me! No content warnings. Enjoy!!)
If the ground would swallow him whole, Simon would consider that a blessing. God, he never should've asked his mom about you. Of course she'd clock him. Who knows the man better than his own mom?
He stares blankly at you for far too long. Long enough that you're wondering if there was a chance Mama Riley had it all wrong. You open your mouth, ready to backtrack the statement, when Simon settles a hand on your thigh.
“I… yeah. It's true,” he answers you. He tells you it's fine if you don't feel the same. You were his mom's friend first, and he can see how deeply you care about her and vice versa. He wants his mom to be happy.
“What about what you want?” You ask, curious.
Simon's quiet for a moment, thinking. He wants to marry you, but that might be a bit much to admit right out the gate. So he gathers his nerves, and quietly admits, “I want to kiss you.”
You can't help but smile in response. You lean in a little closer to him, your eyes already half lidded. “I want you to kiss me,” you reply softly.
The kiss is a little awkward. It takes Simon a second to get comfortable in the kiss, but it's good once he does. (You find out later on that it's his second kiss.) His hands come to cradle your face, tipping your head back to deepen the kiss. That's when the kiss becomes perfect, the kind that makes your head spin.
You break away at the sound of the door opening. Simon's hands linger in your face for a moment longer, before he drops them back down to his sides. But you're quick to lace your fingers with his, more than eager to start displaying affection. You've been holding back for far too long.
Mama Riley smiles at the both of you, a coffee in hand. “You kids get your feelings worked out?” She teases.
You and Simon share a look, before responding simultaneously.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Yeah, Mum.”
Going to sleep that night is incredibly bittersweet. You two finally made progress, just barely started your relationship, and he's leaving in the morning. Simon has never hated his job more than now. He's waited, since the day y'all met, for this, and he doesn't feel like he even has a chance to enjoy it.
But it makes returning, two months later, all the more worth it. This isn't the first time you've gone with Mama Riley to pick him up, but this time is different. There's no fanfare, no balloons or signs, although you and Mama Riley had joked about it. But there is a new energy in the air, excitement to see your boyfriend.
He's easy to spot amongst the crowd, tall and imposing. But you see the way his shoulders sag with relief, when he spots you two. He greets his mom first, crushing her in a hug. There's some whispered words between the two of them, before Simon turns his attention to you.
He hesitates, before tugging his face mask down. “Can I kiss you?”
You can't help but giggle a little, nodding your head. His hands move to cradle your face, so gentle despite the horrors he's witnessed. And when your lips meet his, Simon decides there's no better way to welcome him home.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
heyy love, i love your fics so muchhh!! if ur requests are open, i was wondering if you could write this fun lil oneshot i thought of<3
(didn't really think much of the details but i imagined something like the episode with the pierce family, or u could change to what feels nice to u)
reader is like super hot/crazy attractive and the siblings are instantly interested. kendall and roman, being their idiot selves, start competing for her attention and trying to get her to accept going out etc. turns out, at the end of the day, shiv gets the girl, as she was the one reader wanted all along (gagged them)
Girls Get Girls
Siobhan Roy x fem!Reader
not gonna lie anon I feel like I didn’t do this too well so I’m so so sorry :( I still hope you enjoy even though I don’t really deliver x
btw I literally love you anon keep requesting
im so gay
Word Count: 2.893k
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Mergers, acquisitions, stock, trade, liquidation. You couldn’t give a shit about any of it.
You’re not in the financial field at all, much to your parents’ disappointment. It’d brought you out of favor with them, brought your siblings closer to each other.
You usually don’t come to these things, but tonight it talk of selling the entire company. Leaving it all behind, cashing in the lotto, and fucking off. Your family had convinced you to come- despite your clear dislike for everything finance and business, you still hold stock and stake in the company. You were also going to get a pretty penny from your inheritance, so it would be wise to judge your potential buyer alongside your family.
You’re getting ready in your childhood bedroom, pacing the carpet as you put the finishing touches on your outfit. Your father had made it very clear: your job was to root out intention, then act accordingly. Regardless of whether you thought the Roys were worthy of the company or not is irrelevant at this moment. You need to be intimidating.
Intimidating, but also hot. Just for yourself.
A soft knock sounds at your door. “It’s me,” your cousin calls from the hall.
“Come in,” you call back.
She waltzes in, her blouse billowing behind her as she deposits herself on your bed. “Dad’s going to have an aneurysm.”
Even though you already know the answer, you ask, “Why?” You lean against your desk, facing her.
She snorts, knowing you’re trying to push her buttons. “He wants the company, dipshit. I still think all if this is to get on our nerves.”
“A chimp would do better as CEO than any of you,” you say, scoffing. What had started out as what you thought was joking was turning into something else.
“So why won’t you do it, then?” she asks, bitterly. “I don’t see why it has to be either you or someone out of the family entirely.”
“I’m not doing it because I don’t want to. My siblings also just… have no interest. We’re all off to bigger, better things.”
The two of you stare at each other until your father’s yelling draws you both from your trance.
“Up and at ’em,” he’s saying, pretty much to himself, once you’re downstairs. You brush imaginary dust from your sleeves as you make the awkward walk to the helipad. You and your brother share an exasperated look. Despite the fact that you’d been wedged apart over the years, you and your siblings share a lot of the same views and opinions.
“All this peacocking is fucking insane,” he mutters to you once you’re stopped a safe distance away from the pad.
“Just wait until you see them,” you mutter back.
Even though you weren’t involved in the business side of the company, you’d still been involved. You’d gone to dinners, conferences, galas. You were a bit of an outside source, as you held no real position in the company, but you knew you were vital.
At almost every event where someone with your last name was required to attend, there was also a Roy. You’d only ever seen them, never spoken to them
You hear the helicopter before you see it. Sunglasses perched on your nose, you look up. As it descends, your hair and jacket are blown vigorously back, and your hand goes to your scalp. The generated wind is aggressive, slicing over your skin, your clothing. The sound is now deafening, and you notice your sister clamping her hands over her ears. Your father gives her a look, something along the lines of don’t look weak, and your sister rolls her eyes in response, mouthing fuck you.
You have to suppress your smile. The helicopter’s landed, and people are starting to pile out.
“Logan, old friend,” your dad bellows jovially. While the two families had never met, never been close, you know your father and Logan Roy were actually the best of friends. You don’t know how they met. Your father spoke of Logan from as far back as undergrad university.
Your father steps forward, meeting Logan halfway as he leads the rest of his family towards yours. They envelope each other in a hug, and your brother snorts. He’s the only one who’s ever interacted with the Roys.
“It’s like he has a multiple personality disorder,” he’d told you the other day, talking about the enigma that was the head of the other family. “One second he’s laughing, then the minute Dad’s out the room, the guy’s raging over his kids or the people not doing enough work or whatever the fuck else is wrong with that stupid fucking company.”
He turns from your father to your mother, murmuring a warm greeting, then to the row of you, your sister, and your brother.
“Oh, look at the three of you! All grown and radiant,” he says heartily. So far, he doesn’t seem like the demon your younger brother had described him to be. But you know well enough that looks can be deceiving. He opens his arms out to you first, since you’re the eldest of the three. You give him an awkward hug, his hand clapping over your back in a friendly manner. “If only any of my children had the sense to get with you,” he mutters conspiratorially, earning a chuckle from you. He pats your shoulder, before moving on to your brother.
Logan’s wife is next. “Marcia,” she murmurs softly to you, taking you by the shoulders and air-kissing both your cheeks. You return the gesture as she does it, making sure to stay smiling. It’s all a flurry of names you’re sure you’re going to forget the second you need them. Connor, Gerri, Willa, Frank, Rhea. It’s really all just a bunch of letters bouncing around in your head.
Who you’re sure you will remember, though, are the siblings. The younger three. The important ones, your dad liked to call them.
As all of the ‘adults’ convened to chat amongst themselves, like they did when you were children, you and your sister are having a quiet conversation about your work. She’s in the middle of asking you to come out to her office to help you with something when you feel a hand settle on your shoulder. You turn, coming eye to eye with Kendall Roy.
“Hi,” he says carefully, small smile playing on his lips. “I don’t think we’ve met?”
“No, we haven’t,” you say back. “Y/N.” You offer him your hand to shake, like your father expects you to do with everyone.
“Yeah, I know,” you say awkwardly. He manages a laugh, withdrawing his hand, his eyes flitting over your face.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me this long, then, to, uh, put your name to your face.”
You’re not really sure what he means, but you don’t think you care that much.
“Move over, Kendall, you’re boring the shit out of her.” His brother comes over, bumping him with his hip. You have to stifle a laugh. “Roman.” You shake hands, offering him a polite smile. “He’s right, though. You’re a bit of a mystery to everyone.”
“Am I?” you ask, laughter seeping into your voice.
“Not to me.” Her voice is firm, clear. “I’m Shiv. I was at the conference you gave the Ethics presentation to. I know your work. My brothers are just stupid.”
You laugh for real this time. “Nice to meet you, Shiv. I’m familiar with your work, too. I’m just not so deep into the political sphere like you are.”
“I can help with that, you know,” she says, expression surprisingly soft. “I’ve been looking for someone that shares my opinions and… moral compass to work with. You need your rock, you know?”
The conglomerate of people slowly transitions inside. Roman and Kendall get roped into other conversations, your sister disappearing off to who knows where. You mill about in the dimly lit sitting room, watching everyone interact. Shiv’s still by your side.
“No offense, but I hate these things,” she says quietly, coming closer to you so you can hear.
You laugh lightly. “None taken.” You glance over at her to find that her eyes are already glued to you. You feel your face heat, her gaze flickering down your body before coming back up to your face. She has a sly smile on, but it’s quickly melting into one of real, soft emotion. You open your mouth to offer her something you’ll probably regret later, but are interrupted by your father clapping his hands together and waving everyone into the dining room. Instead, you give her an exasperated smile and follow the crowd.
Your father eyes you and your siblings as you all slip into your strategically chosen seats, making it so you’d all be surrounded by Roys. Your brother makes a face at you from the other side of the table. You ignore him, instead looking up at Shiv, who hovers by the chair at your left hand.
Almost shyly, she asks, “May I?”
A giddy smile spreads across her face as she sits, and you can’t help but mirror her expression. You look down into your plate, catching your sister’s gaze on you. Kendall takes the seat on your other side, Logan sitting directly across from you, right by your dad.
Roman and your brother are laughing over something as you get served the appetizer, your sister staring off into space while Connor talks at her rather than to her. Your mother speaks quietly with Marcia, and of course, your father and Logan are the loudest at the table, laughing and gesturing around.
Your cousin is on Kendall’s other side, overly-focused on her food. The conversation suddenly involves the entire table, Logan leaving forward. “What is it you do again, Y/N?”
You shrug lightly. “I work in media and risk analysis. Dabble a bit in economics.”
“So like Shiv?”
“Not really,” you and her say at the same time. You gesture with your fork, letting her continue.
“Our work certainly overlaps, and I’m glad it does,” she says, “but I’m more… political, she’s more… corporate.”
“If you dabbled in economics,” your cousin manages through gritted teeth, “we wouldn’t be here.”
“Neither would we if you did,” you retort calmly.
She scoffs. “I still don’t see why all of this is happening,” she says back, barely loud enough for everyone to hear. You look to your father, praying he’ll deal with it himself before she goes on some tirade, scaring off the buyer, but he makes no move. He simply glances at you, his gaze loaded.
Do it yourself.
You wait for a few moments, letting the tension strain the room. Maybe she’ll back off.
She doesn’t.
“The company is leaving family hands because of you, Y/N. It’s going to crash and burn because you refuse to fucking see what’s sitting in front of you.”
Logan’s lips press together into a thin line, and you know you have to recover. “I don’t want the company. Neither of my siblings want it. Don’t you think it’s a little telling you’re the only one lusting after it so loudly?”
“I don’t see what that has to say about me.”
“You want it, and you’re not getting it,” you say firmly. “You’re incompetent. The Roy name is not.”
Dinner is only silent for so much longer. Your brother, at his breaking point, asks loudly, “Why are you even here? You blew the Pierce deal. Fuck off.” Your father hisses something into your brother’s ear. He scoffs in response. “I’m sick of it, Dad. The three of us bust our asses to get this to go well for you and she gets to waltz in, do whatever the fuck she wants whenever the fuck she wants.” He quickly pushes back his chair from the table and makes his way out of the dining room.
Clearly, this is deeper than one stupid comment made at the dinner table. You throw a questioning glance at your sister. She gives a minute shake of her head. She doesn’t know.
Dramatically, your cousin follows your brother out. Roman is trying not to laugh, and all of a sudden, your father and Logan aren’t in the mood they were before.
You turn to Shiv, exasperated. She’s also stuffing a laugh down, and it’s contagious. “Is my juvenile family drama amusing to you?” you murmur to her questioningly, the soft clink of silverware and terse chatter filling the room.
“Yeah,” she says, nearly choking on a laugh. “This is so fucking stupid. How do you deal with it?”
“I never stay home.” You down the rest of the water in your glass.
“Hey, uh, Y/N,” Kendall begins, leaning towards you as you turn to face him. “I just wanted to say, I get how it feels.” He gestures vaguely around. “So if you want to, um, get some air after, I’d love to join you.”
You thank him sincerely, giving him a soft smile. Dessert finally comes out. You’re almost there. You turn back to Shiv, but she’s conversing with whoever’s on her other side, to your disappointment. You eat your cheesecake in silence, Roman catching your eye and giving you a wink. You didn’t know people actually did that, but he pulled it off nicely, you think.
When your father finally gets up, ushering everyone into the sitting room for drinks and chatter, you heave a sigh of relief. You trail behind the crowd, hoping to be able to slip away on your own.
You succeed. You sigh up at the high vaulted ceiling, padding towards the grand staircase up to your room.
“Hey, where’re you going?” comes a soft voice. You turn, Shiv, hurrying after you.
“Escaping,” you say jokingly, pausing on the stairs, letting her catch up to you.
“Can I come?”
“Yeah. You can.”
The sight of her sitting cross-legged on your bed does something to you. It sucks all the air from your body. But maybe that was just the sight of her.
"Your brother okay?" she asks, looking up at you.
"He'll be fine. Everyone's just a bit tense."
"Just so you know, your cousin's temper tantrum doesn't change anything."
"I'd hope it didn't."
"What would change things though," she tells you, "is whether you want to come on once we buy the company."
"Yes, you. I was serious when I was talking about how I need someone in my corner."
"What do you mean?"
"It's me. The company gets handed to me."
"Congratulations, Shiv. But really, I want nothing to do with it."
"I'd be running things. You'd just be my right hand woman. The very attractive right hand woman that I see every day."
You laugh, unable to suppress the grin splitting your face.
“My cousin’ll murder me,” you manage to say.
“So? Let her try. Not like you’ll go down or anything.” She smiles up at you. “I think that’s hot. You’re hot.”
Silence stretches between the two of you, both of you grinning at each other.
“You’re really pretty,” you breathe, believing she followed you for a reason.
“I’m glad you think so.” Her hands come to cup your jaw in the few instances it takes you to cross the room, slide onto your bed, and kiss her. “God, you’re so… so fucking gorgeous.”
“Yeah?” you ask against her lips, peppering gentle kisses onto them. “Stay the night.”
“I told everyone I went home,” she says, giggling.
Your hand flits to her hip, rubbing soothingly. Your kisses are slow, tender. You’re both enjoying yourselves. It feels so real. It feels like something more.
You slide off of her, off the bed, eliciting a whine from her pretty mouth. “Just locking the door, baby.”
You wake up, head buried in her chest. She’d borrowed some pajamas of yours, the shirt a soft cotton. Her breathing is light and airy, and it’s music to your ears. Her fingers are threaded in the hair at your scalp, her arm thrown over your back.
You drift in and out of consciousness until she wakes up, pressing kisses along your forehead. Shiv sits up, letting you stay settled in her lap. You press a hot kiss to her bare thigh, shorts hiked up her legs.
“You know,” she says, after a short while of silence, “Ken and Roman were drooling over you all night.”
You snort. “Were they?”
“I know them. They were. And here I am,” she says, satisfied with herself.
You let out an airy laugh. “Here you are.”
“I was drooling, too,” she admits.
“Can we stop talking about saliva?”
She pinches your ass, to which you don’t dignify with a reaction, instead smiling into her thigh. “I wanna keep seeing you.”
“I have to fly out to Italy for some work. Maybe I want you to come with me.”
“God, I love women.” Her hand cards through your hair. “Mind if I take a picture? I want to send it to my brothers.”
“Perv,” you mutter, but nod anyway. You smile at the camera from her thigh, pressing a searing kiss to the place where her leg meets her hip the moment she hits the button.
It captures her beautiful face in an ecstatic smile, yours in soft affection as you look up at her, not the camera.
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
you know. as i am playing Stray and writing some things, i was working on an article about gameplay VS art- basically how many games dont seem to regard gameplay as specifically when they are so... driven on being a spectacle. gameplay is important for games, but so many dont think of it as an art itself. there are SO many games that are like oooo look at how realistic it looks. look at this linear story in a world with hyper realistic humans and its like watching a movie. and the gameplay is the most basic goddamn thing of just using weapons, scripted movements, one stage after the next.
its not to say those game are bad but they just tell great stories. and i love great stories. but i also like playing games that arent just... that formula over and over. how are we exploring? unique weapons? abilities to progressing? can the protag themself make gameplay different due to advantages or disadvantages? what genre would fit the story while bring new gameplay elements to the table?
this thought was had after playing Disco Elysium because i was so blown away by the format, and how fitting it was, and how it makde the story even more unique. im tired of god of war, assassins creed, cyberpunk 2077, the witcher, last of us, far cry, whatever rockstar keeps doing etc linear story game bullshit with no gameplay worth mentioning.
and as i play Stray (which i have run into a game breaking bug now so i cant play more) i realize that too is what is missing for me. Animal games as a whole are getting directed into this specific category of linear story games where the Animal part doesnt really matter bc the gameplay itself literally does nothing special in regards to it. it looks lovely. the world is interesting. sure. but the gameplay itself really isnt cat specific. lets be real, you could be lots of things in a game that is just asking you to jump and talk to npcs. as much as Stray may be wanting to be a 'tame' game with little stakes, it doesnt mean it couldnt have offered more on the actual gameplay.
and this is a problem. people giving such positive reviews only really have to say... the cat is cute, the graphics are nice, and the story is good. i have seen fleeting comments about people wondering if the game is fun to play or if the restricted jumping is good, or if anything actually regarding gameplay is interesting and more than just "jump and do stuff". and i see people defend the game claiming its worth it, because everything else is great! and i dont disagree its all very good, but why are we so often disregarding the gameplay of video games? not every one of them needs to do something wildly specific to their setting but like. this is what so many games are turning into. linear story with pretty graphics, gains infinite praise for being so realistic and like a movie.... idk about yall but im tired of it. i wanna be hooked by the gameplay. i wanna see how the subject and the gameplay intertwine in ways that i have never seen before. i want gameplay to be the art itself.
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sirenascales · 3 years
Hiya! I should definitely start this by saying that I love, LOVE your works ahh. <33 I’m so glad you opened the anon bc I’m shy af when it comes to requesting🥺
I don’t know if you write for him but if you do, I’d like to request a fully NSFW dom!Kunikida x fem!Reader fic with the prompts “You want me to give you your notebook back? You’ll have to make me.” coming from the reader and “You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.” from Kunikida, I thought it could be fun 😈👀 dominant Kunikida who angry-fucks makes me go weak at the knees
You can include any kinks you want, I’m OK with anything, I’m even more OK with choking and degrading kinks so yeah😇
Thank you so much if you ever decide to write it, if you’re uncomfortable feel free to ignore <3
note: so... this turned out... a bit different? lmfao im sorry, i hope this is still okay. I really just couldn't make him super aggressive or like super kinky? I really don't see him being like that... definitely a bit soft dom-y but thats about it 😩 still, i liked how this turned out and i hope you do too!
warnings: nsfw, smut, smallest bit of angst,
-> Taking Kunikida's notebook hostage. 18+
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You could tell by the twitch in Kunikida's eye that he was livid. Beyond pissed off. He was already four minutes behind for his commute to work, yet he couldn't leave. Why? You were basically holding his precious notebook hostage, holding it tightly to your chest as you stared at him defiantly.
Kunikida took a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes briefly in an attempt to calm himself. "Please, give me my notebook."
His teeth clenched. "Give me my notebook."
"You want me to give you your notebook back? You’ll have to make me," were the words you spoke next, your lips curling up when Kunikida's face goes completely blank, his green eyes just boring into you.
"I'm going to ask you one more time," his tone is even, though still with the bit of edge that had a chill going up your spine. "Please, give me the notebook. I am already late for work."
That struck a very deep nerve inside of you, your chest blooming with anger as you snarled at him. "Work, work, work! It's all about your fucking job! Well, you're not getting your notebook back, so suck it!"
As you turned on your heel and stormed away from Kunikida, he watched you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly opened as he is hit with a suddenly realization. He saw the hurt which flashed in your eyes before you walked away, and that made him surge forward to follow you, right into your bedroom.
He knew exactly what you were doing by acting like a brat and talking back to him. You were purposely trying to instigate a reaction from him, to make him act, and he was more than inclined to do so.
"What are you still doing here?" you asked, a bite to your voice as you glared at him. Kunikida closed the bedroom door and you watched as he slipped his glasses off his face, setting them down carefully on their rightful place on the nightstand. "Don't you have a job to do? I'm sure Dazai is waiting."
Kunikida is silent as you continued to huff and puff, keeping his eye on his notebook still held against your chest. He slipped off his vest, hanging it on its hanger and putting it away. He he started to looses up the red ribbon around his collar and you just furrowed your eyebrows at him, taking a few steps back as he finally approached you.
"You- What are you-" His large hand is then suddenly clamping over your mouth, successfully shutting you up as he leaned down to stare straight into your wide eyes.
"You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll."
Another chill goes down your spine, your grip on the notebook finally loosening up and it begins to fall. Kunikida skillfully catches it, quickly holding it up high as you suddenly leap forward in an attempt to grab it.
"No! Give it back!" you yelled almost desperately, and the look that Kunikida fixes you with makes you freeze in place.
"You are in no position to make orders here, doll," he says to you, setting down his notebook on the dresser before turning back to you. "You wanted my attention, right? Now you got it. Take off your clothes and get on the bed."
You couldn't contain your glee, a huge megawatt smile growing on your face as you did as told. You couldn't ever defy him, not when he was like this. It made your heart race, skin tingling with anticipation.
It felt so good to finally feel Kunikida's warm skin on yours, to feel his strong hands hold you, claim you, as his. He wasn't rough with you, no, but as always, you were pliant under him. Always so reactive to his touch, his fingers expertly pinching your nipples, making you moan deeply against his lips as he kisses you deeply.
You missed him so much.
You clung onto him tightly, taking his kisses in earnest, and soon his cock as he finally, finally pushes himself inside of you, moaning deeply together with you.
"Shit," he curses while you whine, your head tilted back against the pillow as he slowly started thrusting in and out of you. He took your hands from his shoulders, his fingers lacing with yours as he held them down against the bed. As he continued to slap his hips against yours, fucking you hard and deep like you deserve, the sun shining from the window reflected off the rings you each had on your respective ring fingers.
"D-Doppo..." you moaned his name deeply, whimpering which each thrust he made into your heat, the pleasure he never fails to bring you making your mind go hazy. All you could feel was him, after what seemed to be so long.
You've been so lonely, your husband so caught up with work. He would come home late, and too tired to do much with you. You will always love him for how dedicated he is but... you were a priority too. You had to do something to finally have his attention back on you. What better way was there than to take his notebook? It obviously worked.
He was holding you so close to him, making love to you, his wife. It's what you deserved, and he knew that, and he knew that he has been neglecting you, taking your love for granted. It was shameful of him, really, but he planned to make it up to you.
But first...
"Come on," he grunted, sitting upright before he pulled you up, making you straddle his lap. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, his hands finding purchase on your hips as you started to ride him. You matched your thrusts with his, tossing your head back when he presses a thumb to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles. "Come on, need you to cum..."
"I love you," you cried out, looking at him with blown out, teary eyes, your lips swollen and plump. Kunikida couldn't resist kissing you again.
It didn't take much longer for your orgasm to finally wash over your body, your mouth wide open in a silent scream as your body tensed up, toes curling and your mind going blank for a second. Kunikida continued to fuck you through your orgasm, soon coming to his own release. He didn't think twice before cumming deep inside of you, his face pressed against your chest as he cursed and grunted repeatedly.
You fell back on the bed after Kunikida pulled out of you, heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Kunikida fell on his back beside you, equally tuckered out, his face sheening with sweat.
"Wow..." you whispered before covering your mouth, giggling softly.
Kunikida just sighed beside you, turning his head to look at you fondly, and apologetically. "I've been a terrible husband."
Your mouth fell open. You didn't want him to think that! "Wait... no-"
"I've been neglecting you. For that, I am terribly sorry." Kunikida just continued on and you just shook your head quickly, moving your hands to cover his mouth.
"You are not a terrible husband," you told him firmly before pulling your hands. You both frowned. "I just... I missed you a lot. I know you are dedicated to your work and I love you so much for that but... I don't know, it just made me feel like I wasn't... a priority..."
Kunikida's entire body stiffened, his mouth falling open. "H-how does that not make me a terrible husband?"
"Because!" you exclaimed, waving your hands a bit wildly. "You aren't! Every day I wake up so proud to be your wife! I just... had a moment of insecurity..." You chewed on your bottom lip, knowing that you probably weren't making sense. But it was how you truly felt, and you wanted to be honest with him.
He seemed to understand it, Kunikida nodding his head before he sat up, looking around the room. "I need my phone..."
You blinked. "For what?"
"I'm taking time off," Kunikida answered and your jaw dropped. "My wife needs her husband now," he continues, glancing at you with a small smile. "Plus, we need to have a conversation about this, so something like this won't happen again."
You smiled back at him. "So your notebook won't be held hostage?" you teased, giggling when his eyebrow twitched.
"Yes. Exactly."
You giggled again, leaning forward and pressing a sweet kiss on his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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garrothromeave · 3 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
In A Week
Part 4/4 - This Feeling
(Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: With the wedding day finally here will your true feeling be revealed or will you leave the way you started? As nothing more than strangers.
Authors Notes: THE FINALE (for now??), this story was so nice to write and all y’all r angels for just reading it let alone liking/sharing it (really i could cry💕🌻💕) so thank you🥺🥺
Song used in Story: This feeling - Alabama Shakes (highly rec u listen!!)
Tw: swearing, drinking, allusions to sex and past toxic relationships.
Tagged: @agingerindenial @icanbeyourjedi
Words: 2.0k
Day 5
A thunk followed by the unmistakable beeping of the snowplows working hard at clearing away the snow from the roads and parking lots wake you. You let out a disappointed sigh when you notice the distinct lack of Frankie beneath you. Almost as if on cue he walks in with a bottle of champagne, orange juice and two glasses.
“Are you ready to get wasted?” he says, as you shift up in bed.
“On one condition.” you offer smacking your lips mouth tasting like morning.
“Which is?” He asks, tilting his head.
“We get fully dressed up for this wedding. I didn't spend hours contemplating outfits to not put one on.” you barter, prepared to fight with him to get what you wanted.
“Absolutely,” he agrees, much to your surprise “that tux was not cheap, and it was supposed to be back two days ago, so not getting that deposit back. Should we call the brides to be before we start drinking?”
“Probably a good call,” After multiple phone calls and various congratulations you found out they were going to be live streaming the ceremony for all the people stranded by the storm. You and Frankie have a lazy morning before it's finally time to get ready, you stand up swaying slightly from the few drinks you'd already downed. Frankie takes the suit into the bathroom giving you the room to change and to do your hair and makeup. You go to pull out your dress and as you do the lingerie you’d packed falls out onto the floor. Your heart drops for a moment before deciding to put it on, not for Jonathan, or even Frankie, but for yourself. You pull on the light pink velvet mini dress you’d settled on, and sling on the black open toe heels. Walking into the kitchen you pour yourself a glass of wine. You hear him clear his throat and you turn around. You're taken aback by how well Frankie cleaned up, no hat, hair styled and a perfectly fitted suit.
When Frankie enters the room, he stops in his tracks, continuing to stare when you turn to face him. If this had been at the wedding, he’s sure he’d have picked you out of the crowd instantly. He’d probably have spent the whole night hoping you'd talk to him only getting upset when you didn't even give him a second glance.
“Cat got your tongue?” he asks, breaking the silence first, beyond pleased at how he’d managed to impress you.
“Something like that” you offer, handing him a beer
“Well, we’re in luck because I was specifically told to provide drinking games for the reception, so” he says pulling out some red solo cups and ping pong balls from his bag.
“Who's bad with their hands now” he asks as he sinks another cup, winning 4 consecutive games.
“No fair! You’re cheating.” you say with a humph.
“I'm not, your technique’s just sloppy and lacking strategy” He mocks.
“I have a strategy” You state defensively, mouth open in faux anger.
“Flashing yourself in an attempt to distract me, isn't a strategy” he says licking his lips as his smile turns into a full blown smirk
“Excuse me.” you say, crossing your arms over your chest shifting your stance and arching an eyebrow, challenging him.
“Oh I'm sorry, is that not what you're doing?” he chides, smirk still prominent.
“Well it use to work” you mutter, embarrassed at having been called out
“Ya on idiots who can't control themselves come here, I'll show you to sink it everytime,” you walk over and he positions himself behind you, he's close enough that you can feel his chest heaving slowly behind you.
“Relax your arms” he says, shaking them out for you. “Okay this arm, drop it, keep it relaxed, only use it for balance if needed. This arm..” he says grabbing your wrist “ this is where the action is, alright keep your elbow locked, none of that wobbly shit I saw earlier. It's all about the flick and the follow through, keep it strong.” He watches as you repeat the motions without his hand guiding you and it goes in. You turn around and lift your arms up victoriously, they quickly find their way around Frankies neck and he lifts you up off the ground, faces dangerously close when he puts you back down on the ground.
“We should order a pizza, I think some places are open” you say quickly turning to your phone and ordering something from wherever it was open.
After watching the ceremony, you're sitting on the counter laughing as Frankie proves to you he can in fact eat an entire piece of pizza in three bites.
“Told you” he says
“Well consider me out witted” your phone beeps, you turn it over assuming its Stella or Santi or Gen but it's not. It's John the second you see his name pop up on your phone your stomach drops. Frankie sees the change in your demeanour, everything about you suddenly appearing small. Frankie grabs the phone from your hands “I swore an oath to prevent shitty guys from ruining the party tonight”
“How did you…? Whose orders? Did Santi tell you?”
“Maybe. Holy ….” Frankie says eyes wide when he accidentally sees the message that has been sent to you.
“What?” you ask, afraid at what he’d just seen.
“Nothing!” he lies, shaking his head blinking hard to get the image out of his head.
“Now you have to tell me!” you say hopping off from the counter and making your way towards him. Reaching for the phone which he's holding over his head. Your place you hand on his shoulder trying to balance yourself as you make another grab for it, but you're not even close. You plant a kiss on his cheek causing his arm to drop immediately allowing you to grab the phone.
“Ha!” you say, failing to notice the dejected look on Frankie's face.
You’re walking towards the counter to reply when something comes over you, maybe it was the way Frankie had made you feel these last few days, maybe it was finally coming to your senses, but you turn back to face him. You stare up at Frankie whose eyes are on the ceiling.
“Can you delete him, from all my shit, and block the number” you ask, offering him your phone.
“Really?” Frankie says
“Ya I can't do it but I want it done,” you say, pushing the phone towards him, more vigorously this time.
“Well it'd be my pleasure, guy sounds like a dick,” he says, taking the phone from you and scrolling through wiping away any remnants of the dude.
“Thanks” you say as he hands the phone back to you.
“What did you see in him? Well actually based on the photo he sent maybe I understand,” he murmurs.
“Francisco Morales” you say, mouth agape.
“I'm not the one who sent it!” he says lifting his hands up in defense.
“You wanna dance?’ he asks “I got the playlist from Pope, may as well have some fun, really forget about Jackson.”
“Jo.. you know it doesn't matter and you’re right,” the both of you dance like idiots for a while, twirling around the room in an embarrassingly cliche way that would be better suited to a John Hughes movie than a makeshift wedding reception. As the next song begins, the slow pacing shifts the tone.
I just kept hoping, I just kept hoping
The way would become clear
You stop your dancing, as does Frankie and a dread akin to that of being at your first middle school dance wondering if you'll be asked to dance or not comes over you. You both stare at each other for a second before Frankie offers you his hand, if he was waiting for a moment, this was it.
I spent all this time
Tryna play nice and fight my way here
See, I've been having me a real hard time
But it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
He pulls you into him and you sway in time to the music. One hand on your lower back, the other one holding your hand as you rest your head against his shoulder. His thumb gently rubs over yours. The sensation comforts you causing a wave of relief which causes your eyes to water.
So, I just kept dreaming, yeah, I just kept dreamin'
It wasn't very hard
I spent all this time
Tryna figure out why
Nobody on my side
“You okay?” he asks, hearing you sniffle, you nod looking up at him and he briefly untangles his hand from yours to wipe away the tear that had fallen
“I'm sorry, if I...” he starts softly, thumb tracing gently over your cheekbone.
“No, it's not you, well it is, but it's not bad” you offer, satisfied with the response he takes your hand in his again and continues swaying.
See, I've been having me a real good time
And it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
So please, don't take my feelings
I have found at last
So please, don't take my feelings
I have found at last
Yeah, if I wanted to, I'd be alright
“why'd you decide to delete him” Frankie whispers, barely audible
“Moment of clarity I suppose” you say into his shoulder.
“Which was?” he presses, not looking down to you.
“Just realized how I could have been being treated in a relationship.”
“Should have been being treated,” Frankie corrects.
“I can't believe I let him do that to me for so long, im so stupid” you mutter
“Blames not on you, blames on him for not realizing what he had, seriously if I had you id….” he stops himself not wanting to take advantage of a vulnerable situation.
So I just kept going, I just kept going
And hoping I'm growing near
Well this good and fine, I spent all this time
Tryna find my way here
And I've been having me a real fun time
And it feels so nice to know I'm gonna be alright
“You’d what” you ask, having mustered up enough courage to finally find out if what you were feeling was reciprocated.
“Id never let you go, at least i'd do everything in my power to make sure you’d want to stay with me”
Please, don't take this feeling
I have found at last
You reach your hands up to his face and pull it down to meet yours, lips colliding for the first time, but the sensation washing over you felt familiar. It felt like you’d finally come home.
Please, don't take my feeling
I have found at last
He slowly moves the two of you back towards the bed never departing from your lips for more than a moment.
“You uh..you sure you want to do this,” he asks, as you run your hands up and down his back.
“Ya, you?” you question looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yes, absolutely.”
If I wanted to, I'd be alright
Yeah, if I wanted to, I'd be alright
The sun from the blinds that had been accidentally left open seeps into the room. The warmth hitting your naked shoulder. You smile when you look down to see Frankies arm wrapped loosely around your waist.
“Well my long con worked, I finally got the side of the bed I wanted,” you tease.
“Mmm” he says as you shift round to come face to face with him kissing his nose. His eyes flutter awake and he smiles, kissing you on the forehead as you snuggle into his chest for a moment before moving to get ready for the day. His arms tighten around you trapping you against him.
“Frankie, we have to get moving” you giggle.
“Nope, I was serious last night. I'm not planning on letting you go”
“So I’m trapped here forever?” you laugh
“Would that be so bad?” he wonders, and you settle back into him knowing that nothing would be better than spending the rest of your days here with him.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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dr-stone-things · 5 years
Hello! Welcome to the fandom!! Im also obsessed with Dr. Stone and I really appreciate this blog because almost no one writes for dr stone but here you are! Im very happy and i hope to see your writing alot 💖 If I may, can i request kissing headcanons for Gen and Senku, thank you in advance😊
Oh my God, you have no idea how happy I was when I saw this!! Thank you so much for the compliments also I see you with that Narancia pfp I love him too jojo is actually my fav anime then dr stone whoops)
Kissing HCS For Gen and Senku
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So we all know that Gen loves to tease his (s/o) and call them cute names. So, of course, his kisses would tease his (s/o) too! 
Sometimes Gen would woo his (s/o) with sweet words, cupping their cheek and caressing their hair. Now, this can go two different ways. Gen swoops in and gives his (s/o) a loving kiss. Or, if he wants to poke fun at (s/o), as soon as his (s/o) closes their eyes and is prepared to receive the kiss, he abruptly moves away and leaves them hanging. He loves to see their frustrated, blushing, pouting face as they scold him for leading them on. Of course, he’ll make up for this by giving them a real kiss and lots of cuddles! 
Gen’s go-to kissing place is on his (s/o)’s face. It’s the best because as soon as he’s done he can see the adorable blushing face of his (s/o.)
Gen’s first kiss with his (s/o) would be really adorable and endearing. He’ll be slightly nervous, but he realizes, he had the courage to ask (s/o) out and they said yes. So why should he be nervous about a kiss? He shouldn’t, right? 
You know how he always puts his hands in that position where his purple haori thing hangs down so you can’t see his hands? He’ll be doing that a lot, fiddling with his sleeves in anticipation. (s/o) questions why he’s doing that, but Gen just smiles and says it’s nothing.
Here’s the kicker. It’s a cold night, and in the stone world there’s no radiator or heaters, so the only way to keep warm is to  (cuddle the hell out of Gen) wearing thicker clothes, right? Haha, of course not. 
“Gen,” his (s/o) calls in a soft, loving voice. He turns to face them and boom. His (s/o) takes hold on his sleeve and goes inside it, cupping his hand and brings it outside. (S/o) gently squeezes it and asks him what’s wrong, saying it’s their duty to make sure he’s ok. 
For once in his life, he’s pretty shocked. He’s moved by your words. His eyes gaze at your beautiful face, noticing how the moonlight perfectly blends in with your features. He notices how soft and supple your lips look. He wonders how’ll they feel on his. 
He leans in, barely noticing his (s/o)’s questioning look. He can feel (s/o)’s warm breath, and soon, his lips connect with theirs. His heart is beating, go thump, thump, thump.He squeezes (s/o’s) hand, and they squeeze back. (S/o) gently kisses back, using their other hand to comb their fingers Gen’s hair. It’s eternal bliss.
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Senku isn’t the biggest on physical intimacy. He more appreciates the fact that you’ve always been there for him, and will always be there while he rebuilds civilization from scratch. 
But Senku isn’t dumb. Relationships, physical and sexual attraction are all part of science. He knows being a romantic relationship means there will most likely be kissing and hand-holding. After all, its human nature. 
So whenever Senku drops a kiss, (s/o) knows he is in a good mood. Senku being in a good mood means more kisses, and (s/o) will 100% exploit use this to get more kisses. Senku’s kisses will more be on the cheek or forehead, and usually a quick peck. He’s a busy man, after all. 
Senku’s kisses are quite soft and gentle, contrary to what most people might think. Senku knows that he is quite obsessed with science, and it takes up most of his time. So he thanks his (s/o) for being able to love someone like him, and shows it with his gentle kisses. 
When Senku first kissed you, everyone was mind-blown. How could a demon, as Kohaku would say, managed to get a cutie like (s/o)? Ginro complains about how someone like Senku can get a girl but he can’t. Everyone in Ishigami Village ships you. 
When Senku kisses (s/o) on the lips, it’s usually after a dire situation. Perhaps when his (s/o) was taken hostage by Tsukasa, or when he was revived from the “dead,” that would definitely call for a kiss on the lips. (S/o) would stare into his red jewels for eyes and sob about how worried they were, while Senku would give you a genuine smile and let out his signature statement. 
“Kukuku, (s/o), I am 10 billion percent sure that I am never going to leave you.”
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marvel-mega · 5 years
Sinister (Bucky x reader)
The arrangement part 2
authors note: hey guys thank you so much ! for the amazing feedback on my fic! I appreciate it so much so here you guys go I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
word count: 2.1
warnings: abuse not to detailed though
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Y/N and James had been hanging out in the safety of the Stark’s resident more often, Y/N father was kinda paranoid as to what his enemies could do. Y/N had convinced him one weekend to sleepover while your dad was doing ‘business’ and watched Harry Potter with James. You were completely lost in one of the scenes you didn’t even notice James watching you with so much admiration in his eyes. “James are you watching this is when Dumbledore thinks Harry put his name in the Goblet of Fir-” you stopped mid-sentence because he was just smiling at you. “What? Oh my gosh I probably sound like such a geek to you don’t I?” James just chuckled, “No, not a geek at all. Im getting super nerdy vibes though.” Y/N gasped at James and hit him lightly on the arm before resting it there. “Wow James I had no idea you were so strong.” You gripped his arm and sat on his lap. Because of the oversized t-shirt you had on, your warmth was right above James cock but there was a pair of sweatpants in between the two of you. Bucky’s eyes got darker as you slowly moved back and forth on top of him. “Princess if you keep moving I won’t last very long.” James said, his voice deeper than normal. “What if I don’t want you to stop?” Y/N said knowing very well she was winning at this game. “Let’s get married.” Y/N was taken aback for a second, “James were already engaged, I didn’t think I made you so horny you forgot things.” Y/N winked. “I know that, honey. What I’m saying is let’s go to Vegas. I want to take your last name.” Y/N laughed. “Okay then let’s go.” 
Y/N hoped into James dark suv. And as the two of you just got on the highway you were getting frantic texts from your father. “Ugh James,” James turned to you quickly before turning his eyes back onto the road “What, sugar?” “My dad is tracking me.” James laughed out loud, “I get where he’s coming from youre a diamond. Just call him and tell him were going on a weekend vacation in Vegas it’s not a complete lie.” Y/N shrugged and told her father just that and he belived it and told her ‘Not to come home knocked up. Because what happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas it’ll turn two in March.’ Y/N gasped, “Hey I was born in March!” Your father just laughed and hung up. When you arrived at the hotel with Bucky you could sense something weird, something that was off. James noticed “Whats wrong?”. Y/N looked up at him, “Nothing” she smiled. ‘Yea it’s nothing’ she told herself. 
James’ Pov
That night the two of you got dressed to go to the chapel and be married by Elvis Presley. James wanted to surprise his fiancé with some of her favorite flowers. So when he got a call from the lobby asking if someone could come down and sign for the flowers, he was just heading into the shower so he asked you to go, saying it was postmates or something. 
Y/N’s pov 
Y/N didn’t question it and went down to the lobby. As she signed for the flowers the delivery guy kept flirting with her. “So what’s a pretty little dime like you doing alone in Vegas?” “I’m not alone.” Is all that Y/N wanted to tell this sleeze, but he kept persisting. “Im here to get married okay weirdo.” Y/N started to walk away when the guy told her to come outside to pick up the flowers she reluctantly followed him. ‘It’s a crowded Vegas hotel what’s gonna happen’ she thought. As she bent down to get the flowers, a spray went into her face, “Hey wh-” Y/N tried saying before she fainted into the delivery guys’ arms. She was placed in the back of an SUV before blacking out completely. 
James’ pov
“Y/N? Y/N did you like the flowers?” James said as he stepped out of the shower. He looked around the room for you but couldn’t find just then the phone rang. “Hello?” “Ah James. Funny of you to think I’d give up my ‘babysitter’ so easily. Y/N is a real gem. I’m not letting her get married to you.” James panicked, ‘babysitter?’. Then it clicked. “Rogers. You sick bastard. You let my fiancé go right now.” “Oh please fiancé she’s just a little business ploy to you.” James was fuming but he had to keep Rogers talking knowing how much of an idiot he was he’d have to spill where he was taken you at some point. “Oh yea Rogers? What is she to you? Something to mark as yours? Last time I checked you were married.” Rogera laughed at that, “Natasha? Oh please she’s my nanny at best. I was waiting for Y/N to be at least 21 before I threw her into our lifestyle Barnes. But you just couldn’t wait could you nasty fuck.” James was gripping the phone so hard his knuckles turned white. “If you touch her-” “I’ll decide what I want to do with her alright? Maybe I’ll just tell her about all the disgusting things you did to get to your position, pal.” Rogers’ voice was dripping with venom. He knew what Barnes was capable of and was using that against him. “Let me keep her and no one gets hurt alright? But if you try to find me, then that future you wanted with a big family might be taken away from you m’kay?” James slammed the phone against the wall. He immediately called your father not knowing what else to do, Stark started to track your phone. Barnes was thanking what god was up there because you being such a millennial of course you had your phone with you everywhere you went. "Stark find her." Barnes growled into the phone. "Yea yea barnes you don't think i'm freaking out? she's my only daughter my only child at that! i can't lose her. you should've never left the house what is your problem, huh? you think i keep her locked away at home for fun?" Barnes was fuming. "You don't think i know this is my fault! You don't think i'm running through everything that could be happening to her right now Stark! You don't think i wish i was in her shoes right now!! i don't care what you think i love your daughter she's taught me that there's more to life than this mob bullshit. she's more than just a business deal to me she's my sun." Stark was silent, "Barnes we got a hit he's at the Mandalay Bay hotel. Don't go al-" Barnes hung up the phone. 'God you think i'm gonna wait for you goons? so you guys can talk it out or what?' Barnes thought himself as he opened the safe he had in the bank and pulled out a medium sized handgun. 'I guess this'll have to fucking do.' he said under his breath. "I'm coming princess and i'm hurting anyone who stands in my way." 
Y/N pov
     "He's gonna find you. You'd think you would at least leave the Vegas strip dumbfucks. You're only a few miles from our hotel." 'Keep stalling Y/N' you thought to yourself, 'give dad sometime to track you' Rogers walked in with a sinister smile, "Oh princess you think he's gonna come get you don't you? Daddy dearest can try all he wants i've got you. And that's all i've wanted do you think your father would risk a full-blown war just for Barnes to keep you? No way. You mean nothing to barnes, you're just a fucking plea deal." Rogers said as he slapped you when you started to protest. "Oh yea and what do you want me for? because this seems like a bit much just for a goddamn babysitter Rogers." Rogers chuckled darkly, "Oh you think this is still about just being my babysitter princess?" You spat in his face, "Stop fucking calling m-" You got cut off because rogers punched you, he really punched you and hard because you thought you die right there because of the pain you felt in your stomach. As you were crouching over your knees or as much as you could because you were tied to a chair, wheezing. He laughed at your despair, "Sweetheart even if Barnes tried to come and 'save you' he won't make it in time. ill ruin you so you know who you really belong to." You felt sick from the blow to the stomach and from him words. "Why? This seems more like a revenge plot than two rivaling gangs." Rogers stared at you emotionless. "Well since were gonna be together for a while let me tell you baby. Me and Barnes both grew up in New York. We were the closet of friends all until Barnes had to work his charm on MY girl Peggy. That bastard made her scared of me because he mentioned the gang i was apart of. all to get my sweet Peggy out of my arms to just steal her virginity and leave her on the curb." You couldn't believe what he was saying but it seem really because of how much it hurt Steve to talk about it. You really don't know much about Barnes to begin with. 'I know nothing about his past so i can't even defend him' you thought. You were beat and bruised all for a guy you didn't even know anything about. "Whatever he's told you it's a lie. He wants to get in your pants then you won't even be a wife to him you'll just be a play toy to show off to his friends." His words and beatings were really getting you, what if he's right i mean he already did it to one girl that you knew of. "What about Natasha?" You finally said. "Natasha agreed to trade with you. She gets barnes and you get me. Natasha's infatuated with barnes she would love to play house with him. And you're already so great with becca it works, my love. We work together." His words were starting to make a lot of sense. "Um okay. Ill do it just don't let Barnes see me. I don't want to see him." "Let's seal this contract with something my dove. Come give me a kiss." And you did and when you kissed him he untied you. And he lifted you up and deepened the kiss and that's when you heard gunshots and the door open in front of you. You hide in Rogers neck. "Get out barnes can't you seem me and my love are having a moment?" 
Barnes POV
"Get out barnes can't you seem me and my love are having a moment?" His whole world stopped. A moment? My love? That was his love that was his girl. But she didn't want to see him as she cried into Rogers' arms. "Come on can't you see she doesn't want to be apart of your game anymore?" Barnes tried all he could to steady his voice he couldn't lose you, "Y/N?" his voice shook. Slowly his angel lifted her head to look and him and that's when he knew he had to kill Rogers. Her beautiful beautiful face was broken, bruised and bleeding as she looked at him with pleading eyes. Then the unimaginable happened Y/N pulled out a small pocket knife and stabbed Rogers in the leg and went he dropped her Y/N came running to Barnes or so he thought. She ran right past him out the door. And Barnes was not able to be on the receiving end of Rogers anger so of course left too. But on the way out Y/N ran to Barnes' car ? Of course i'm not gonna question it Barnes thought to himself, I've got my girl back that's all that matter he thought as he drove his little diamond home. "Baby can you talk to me?" Barnes said. He reached over to touch his love before he heard her say, "Who is Peggy, James?" And Barnes almost stooped the car. How did she know about Peggy? Fucking Rogers what a bastard. Barnes was just silent as Y/N went to sleep after all her pains had settled. 
tag list: @white-wolf-buckaroo @queen-of-elves
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toplesstaylor · 5 years
Sweet Like Honey ~ Part 2 (Roger Taylor x OC)
A/N: Ok im sorry this took so long!!! Im like sort of happy with this? Not that much but kinda?? At least the dialogue is nice i suppose um yeah!! Ok so I’ve been listening to Billie Eilish’s new album for a good two weeks now and thats probably why there’s a whole paragraph comparing Honey to the devil? Anyways, enjoy!! (Thanks to @angrylizardjacket for inspiring me to actually write)
Words: around 2000.
Warnings: cursing, alcohol (but not heavily), literally one mention of the word threesome and that’s it. Also devil things.
Tag list: I moved it to the bottom.
He couldn’t lie, she was at least somewhat pretty. But those goddamn little words bugged him enough to not even notice it.
Roger didn’t get it at first, but seeing Freddie and John’s mischievous grins, he could guess there was some sort of bet going on. And those words, “he’ll do.”, what the hell was that supposed to mean? He was sure he didn’t know the pretty brunette girl behind the bar, though if she didn’t have that amused glint in her eyes he might have wanted to. She was leaning on her arms, taking in every inch of him. Roger didn’t like it at all, he was used to it, at least sort of, but the way she did it was just… strange.
The Red Rover seemed like a good place for a gig, though the band didn’t get paid enough to really call it a gig. It was more of a publicity stunt for them at this point, they liked performing at the college hall Brian arranged for them much more. But you need to get a crowd from somewhere, and bars never hurt. Especially if any girl in a five foot ratio throws themselves at you like you’re some kind of god.
Roger suddenly realised he was holding those girls, who now were trying to guide him towards their booth in the back of the bar. He really, really wanted to go, but that damn girl was too intriguing to let go.
So he shooed the girls away to their not-so-lucky friends, promising he��d be back in a bit. He didn’t know if that was going to be the case, but it was the easiest and certainly the quickest way to get rid of girls. He should know, the boys had sadly told him to leave them quite often, because apparently band bussiness was more important than ‘’your stupid little shag-fests.’’, Brian’s words, not Roger’s. But this was a personal matter, seeing the way the woman’s annoying grin seemed to be directed at him. Fred and Deaky were still watching the two of them, Roger wasn’t sure if there were sides involved, but if there were they were obviously for her. He looked around subtly, kind of hoping this was all meant for someone else so he could get back to the desperate girls gazing at him admirably from the back of The Red Rover. But that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, miss demon, or at least she looked just as evil, behind the bar there was most certainly looking at him. She wasn’t really a demon though, she had far too pretty eyes for that. Long wavy brown hair and slightly tanned skin, even perfectly olive eyes. She was more like a fallen angel than devilish, but the way she looked at him betrayed her. That wasn’t heavenly at all, the cunning and dangerous fire in it was all too diabolical. He could already see her making a plan, a game for him. Roger was never one to turn down a game.
So he walked over to the bar, positioning himself between the boys, and ordered a beer.
“Where’s Brian?” He asked, it was directed at Fred and John, but the girl, who stood with her back to him before placing the glasses on the bartop, answered instead.
“He’s… busy.”
“And how would you know?” He didn’t mean for it to sound so rude, he didn’t know that girl, why even bother? And yet.
“He’s trying to get that girl over there in his bed, and since I know that girl, I thought it be best to investigate a little.”
“Is that why you were so nice to us?” Freddie faux-gasped, to which she responded with a wink.
“No darling, you were actually quite good, but you gotta look out for your girls, right?” The woman said, sliding a beer over the counter to Roger.
“I guess… so we’re coming back, huh?” He said.
“If Destiny favours you, sure.”
“Jack’s wife. He owns the place, but I’m pretty sure she actually runs it.”
“Who are you? I’ve been here before, and I’ve never seen you.”
“I’m Honey, that’s all you need to know.”
“I’d like to know more, Honey.”
“Maybe if you tip me well, i can tell you a little more.” another wink.
And that was the end of the conversation, since she turned her back to them and walked towards the other end of the bar.
The rest of the night went somewhat similar, more banter and winks and the occasional eye roll, it wasn’t very different from the other nights Honey’d had in the Red Rover.
She did like the company better, however. And so did Lane, who had stepped out of the back alley with her shirt half buttoned up and hair messy, with Brian right behind her. The other boys of the band had interrupted into a cheer, and the other bartenders followed suit.
Even the guy, Roger, wasn’t so bad. Though his ego didn't need to hear that. So she wasn’t going to tell him. Honey had seen him talking to the girls he was holding before, though it wasn’t a surprise when she saw the women leaving the building with two men that certainly weren’t Roger.
It was 2 am now, and Honey’s “this is a shift but not by the english law” was over.
‘’What are you doing here?’’ a familiar voice said. It sounded a little raspy, perhaps because of the sigaret the owner of the voice was smoking. That owner turned out to be roger, sitting defeatedly on the bench in the alley next to The Red Rover.
‘’’Figuring out how to get back home.’’ Honey said, a little smirk playing on her lips. She sat down next to him, arm on the back of the bench behind him. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but he guessed that was her intent.
‘’maybe you could bring me?’’ She started, though she was cut off by Rogers snort.
‘’’Sorry, darling, i came by foot.’’ It was meant to dim that little smirk of hers, but it only fueled it more.
‘’Ah, foot fetish, i see?” Honey chuckled, taking a pack of cigarettes out of her coat.
It left him speechless. She seemed to have that effect on him.
‘’Alright, come on, i’m pretty sure you didn’t pay for that last beer.’’ Protest, but honey raised her finger to shush him. ‘’let me finish, you can make it up to me by walking me home.’’
After a full minute of grunts from roger, he finally gave in. Though he did have to say he wasn’t carrying her if she passed out, which ended up evoking a laugh from Honey.
“Boy, I don’t care what you say, I’m pretty sure I can take alcohol better than you.”
“Really? I think you’d be surprised. Maybe we should compete.” Roger said, lighting his second smoke of the evening. He was even nice enough to light honey’s.
“We’ll see.” She smirked.
““Do you work here every night? Or just the weekends?” Roger asked, he was a lot more genuine now, without the egoboost he got from being around so many willing girls. She wasn’t surprised he walked after her, she knew how to play her cards right, and he fell right for it. He wasn’t dumb or anything, just a bit… young. She hadn’t acted young in a long time.
“just the friday’s. I work at Harrison’s during the week.”
“Oh, Harrison’s! I know that place, god awful owner, but they got good burgers.” He half-laughed. Correct, Mister Harrison certainly wasn’t a delight. And yeah, they did have good burgers. But it wasn’t really fun, working there. Honey had begged Jack for a full time job for weeks, but he didn't need anymore staff, despite his fondness for the 19-year-old girl.
There fell a somewhat awkward silence between them, walking towards Honey’s apartment. It wasn’t horrible, the both of them were smoking and though she couldn’t say the same for him, she didn’t know of course, Honey always liked the peaceful quiet after a night out. She figured by the way he closed his eyes when he took a drag of his cigarette, Roger did too. He was pretty, sure. But not godly handsome, like the girls in the Rover seemed to think. He had nice eyes at the least.
After walking along the same lane of boring row houses for a few minutes, Roger suddenly turned his head towards her, looking her up and down. “Why me?”
“Why you?” She chuckled,
“Come on, there were at least three men more attractive than me in that bar, you knew I had a good shot at a threesome, and you still went after me. So yeah, why me?”
“Doubting yourself, golden boy?” Honey laughed, showing a little glint in her eyes that told him she was loving every second of this. It only made him more exasperated.
“Is it all some bloody game to you? Is it fun? You could’ve taken any guy back to your bed, sleep with them or fucking murder them, I wouldn’t be surprised, but you chose me.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Then why the hell am I here!” He was practically begging her, the grin on her face only growing bigger and bigger.
“Let me tell you one tiny thing, Roger , you didn’t have to say one single word to me all night, and yet, here you are. Now tell me, why me?”
She just stood there, waiting for his answer. But he didn't give her one, still baffled by her… just her, actually. So Honey turned on her heel and walked into the direction of her apartment.
The way to her apartment was getting more and more familiar to Roger, though he didn't think much of it. Maybe she lived in the area, Maybe she was staying at a friends’ house, he couldn’t care less. He was only figuring out how to get the last word in.
After finally catching up with her and more slightly tipsy arguing, Honey stopped in front of an old, dated flat.
“You live here?” Roger asked, trying to hide his smile.
“Yes, I do, actually. I live in a tiny attic that is way too expensive, I’m pretty sure the landlord hates me, and the heater just completely shuts off at night. Not day, Fucking night. But yes, I live here.” She glared at him, but he just broke into a full blown smug smile she had gotten to know oh so well in the last few hours.
“Mister Thompson never told me we had an attic. Or that it houses an insanely annoying girl with pretty eyes and a stupid name.”
He grinned at her, seeing her eyes widen a little with shock. But, of course, she had to have the last laugh.
“You think I have a pretty eyes?” She mocked, putting her hands above her heart and batting her eyelashes at him. Roger only sighed, this was going to be a very long game.
Honey was already holding the door open for him, looking at him
expectantly while he was reavalueting his life choices.
“If you actually live here, wouldn't you want to come in?” She chuckled, and she rolled her eyes at him when he finally awoke from his thoughts. He just stared at her with “why do you do this to me.” eyes, but followed anyways.
They walked up the stairway in amused annoyance of the other, until they stopped at apartment 2C. Honey was already on the first step towards her own apartment when she saw him hesitate to open his door.
“You think we'll see eachother again?” Roger asked, smiling just a little bit.
“Do you want to?” Honey grinned, it was only natural. “I think so, same bar, same friends, same fucking building too, there's no getting out of it now.”
“I never said i wanted to.”
Tag list: I actually don’t have one but uhm yeah sorry.
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oakmd · 7 years
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Congratulations ! You received 1,000+ followers !
Continue? ▶YES ▷NO
 Well, I can’t really express anything but amazement at such an accomplishment, and to be honest I’m pretty blown away that so many of you have stuck with me since the beginning of this blog, and that so many of you enjoy Professor Oak enough to stay. I’ll forever stand by the fact that this blog was the best 'joke’ I ever made, and probably one of the most fulfilling things I’ve actively kept at. 
As much as I hope this blog has helped you find comfort and laughter, RPing Professor Oak has definitely changed me for the better, as well. It has given me an outlet to heal parts of myself and provide help to others, and also pushed me to practice positivity even when I know I get so low sometimes that I don’t even want to try. Another bonus is that I have met wonderful people here, most of you just strictly friends on the dash, but I’ve also gained relationships with people that have extended into discord and I’m sure it has made all the difference this past year and a half. 
As usual, I’m not really a fan of long-winded gushes of emotion, so I’ll keep it short, but I would really like to have it be known that my love for Professor Oak has grown tremendously, in ways I would have never reached without taking the time to thoughtfully craft his backstory and work to develop him further. I know he’s a very nostalgic character that so many of us know and respect that I’m always very careful of how I choose to build on the image without ruining what’s already there.  Out of all my many muses here, this one has seemingly ( and surprisingly ) all at once snuck its way as my primary blog; the blog I always look forward to logging into the most, where I enjoy following your activity whether it be IC or OOC, and just generally enjoy being in the presence of people so passionate about a fandom associated with my childhood. I love this little corner of a community that has welcomed me and engaged with me and unknowingly kept me going, and to look back at my experience and see that I’ve had no trouble at all makes me feel really lucky.
There will never be a way to fully and accurately express my thanks, but I will say it anyway: thank you so much, and I hope that no matter where you go, and no matter what you do, you are trying to be your best, and that you’re happy. Professor Oak will always be there to congratulate you when you reach your dreams.
IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ( because my mind is so scattered - ) special shout outs to special people: 
@timecapscle - wasn’t it you that said i’d one day get 1,000 followers? : ) you’ve literally supported me since the beginning and i just wanna say that i appreciate your enthusiasm for professor oak as much as i appreciate your enthusiasm for bill. its wonderful to see someone represent an otherwise under represented character and you do it well. i care for you so much, and wish nothing but good things for your future even if you want to do bad things in the name of science
@diligentseeker / @evolutionexpert  - someone i consider a cherished friend, despite how sporadic our interaction seems, i appreciate all our random long talks on discord, and i’ll never forget our very first conversation. it meant a lot to me, and i want to thank you. i dont meet a lot of ppl that i feel ‘get’ me on some unspoken level, so when it happens, its a nice surprise. anyway i won’t ramble because i take it you’re not one for praise, but im glad people like you exist. with that being said please stop making professor elm stress me out.
@undinaes - the moment you’ve been waiting for. SIKE! just kidding; its no surprise that you’re always filling my dash with testimonials from people that see you for what you are. you’re a beam of sunshine with all the qualities to match; warm, bright, and a natural source of energy that brings people together. your passion for writing is astounding and even when ppl dont deserve your kindness, you’re unbiased in giving it out. truly a mom through and through. but most importantly, ur my girlie and im glad we met :v
@ofpalletown - in my mind, you are practically ash, and ill be here to support you even during all your moments of Extra™ ... but aside from that you’re very loyal to your friends and full of something sunny that i can’t describe. ur gonna be okay, kid. so pls stop stressing out ur dear prof oak 
@03redd - i probably mentioned not long ago that your blog is really good, but ill say it again in case you weren’t listening. i love your blog? its very fun to follow, and i think you’re one of my favorite reds. even with me not being game verse, its so easy to just immerse myself in whatever nonsense you have red drag professor oak into. i dig your creative energy. 
@normaliium - and ofc i cant leave out my cousin. the one to be admired, the ever-successful, brilliant human being that loves me even when i take off ten years of your life each night. my life would lack such substance without you, and i will never forget all you’ve done to help me when i would otherwise be left to myself. you make me really proud to know you, you really do, and everyone i ever talk to you about can attest to that. #YOLO
@bossgiovanni - you haven’t been active in forever, but you remain one of my friends and that’s all that matters. from skype to discord, im glad we could stick together even with our blatant differences in opinion. you are always so nice to me and say the kindest things, and i just wanna say thanks. hope youve been doing well! you are capable of so much, and i believe in you, so don’t forget that. 
@agentmansley - can i jsut say thank you for staying true to your muse and throwing even the purest of characters into your mess? i have loved your blog long before i made professor oak, and you’re seriously one of the funnest people i’ve rp’d with here. everything i’ve written with you is refreshing and new, and never fails to make me laugh. thank you for your love for kent, and also for writing with me. i know you’ve been MIA for a while, but you’re definitely a memorable person. 
@tcssaiga - i dont have a lot of cross-fandom interactions so when they happen im usually pleased. you’ve got great characterization, and have perfect dialogue. i never watched a whole lot of inuyasha but i’ve atched enough to know that you’re pretty close to canon. thanks for the interactions even if you’re mean to prof oak on archer ; (
@askgarymfoak - MY LITTLE ACORN!!!! the dedication you have for gary honestly gives me so much life, and i love rping with you on discord and just yelling about sam / gary hcs. its always a highlight of my day and i can tell you’ve thought about gary and his life long and hard, and its so cool to see someone interested in all that makes him the Headache we all recognize and love. please never stop sharing with me the personal hcs you have for the boy, i always want to hear them. 
@futureheld - we don’t even rp with each other on this muse BUT youre one of my longest tumblr rp friends that i still talk to and you’re really important to me. we have history, we go back!!!! okay? #FRIENDSHIP n all that. but tbh id follow you on any muse because your writing is just great? id write any weird crossover with you because you have a talent for making it work seamlessly anyway. thanks 4 the memories, loser. 
@seviiserver - CELIO!!! we dont talk as much as we used to, or rather, we talk in bursts every now and then but i consider you one of my good friends! not only are u really talented in all things artistic, but i love your writing and it’s always enjoyable to read, even if its not one of our threads together. you made me have so much adoration for celio and like all the other ppl ive met who bring life to underrated / under-rp’d muses, i enjoy seeing everything you pour into him... AND ALSO I LOVE OUR OAK / ROWAN INTERACTIONS? i love them so much it hurts okay. even if its just silliness in discord it brightens my day. anyway perhaps one day we will cross paths in this sleepless city and i will finally teach u how to ride a bike.
@rottenrhythms - i know i dont have much to say or comment with whenever you message me on discord, but i admire how much detail you put into your characters and meta. im always impressed with all the work and thought you put into your world-building; i wish i had that much drive. also, you’ve made a lot of improvement with yourself from the time i first started talking to you on skype. be proud of your progress, and keep working at it, it’s worth it in the long run!
@lack--two NATE youre definitely a very sweet person, and perhaps a little more devious ooc than i’d imagined you would be ( at least to me, why must you poke me for reactions? ; ( u wound me ) but you’re a soothing presence to be around and im glad you were finally able to make discord work. bonus points for letting me yell about yugioh all the time. never stop being wonderful. im here for you whenever you might need a listening ear, okay? 
@loyalpika / @palletbloomer - #PRIKA!!! ever since i first followed you i remembered being blown away by your extensive headcanons on pikachu and i genuinely enjoy every blog you make! we dont talk OOC but from all your ooc posts you seem like a very caring older sister and thats nice to see; with you running around all the time, i hope you do get some rest every now and then! i hope our camaraderie never falters, take care friend! 
@thepkmnnurse - i cant forget all the love and support both you and your muse have for professor oak, and im happy you try to spread positivity on the dash whenever you can! we don’t talk much OOC but from what i can tell you’re just as kind and nurturing as nurse joy herself. i hope you’ve been taking it easy wherever you are, and i hope your days are bright!
@rebelracket - will there ever be a day that i dont enjoy seeing your delinquent muse causing havoc on the dash? your creativity is wonderful to witness and i enjoy clarissa so much, thank you for interacting with a pure ol’ muse like mine. i hope we can continue to keep writing together, im excited at where we might end up. p.s. your art is delightful.
@porttownprince - you’re a gentle presence on my dash but im glad that youre here and that you’ve stuck around despite all the bad things that followed you. i hope you can overcome all the trauma you’ve been through. thank you for being kind with me!
@nikkouki - i know i dont say much but i enjoy your random check ins with me on discord, and i think youre a sweet young girl. you’re gonna go far in life, just make sure you keep going! continue being a precious kiddo and don’t forget to study your japanese ; (
@viciousvainglory & @midoriyamight - i cant think of one without the other so accept this double-tag lol. you’ve both supported this blog since the beginning and i wont forget how welcome you made me feel! no matter what blogs you’re on im glad we can still be friends! you deserve the big toblerone! 
@fateandfury - my long time writing parter without knowing we were long time writing partners! the work you put into professor juniper is something to behold! we haven’t seemed to interact much despite rping professor muses, but that doesn’t mean i don’t appreciate your take on such a muse!
OTHER BLOGS TO BE ADMIRED ( also in no particular oder) : @sterlingsilverchampion @starmarkcd @pxgtails @satanstories @champofpallet @golden-oak @spriggaens @nurturen @florenselite @craniumaniac @ask-guzma @tenderpoison @gocatchem @faemoria @hikaup@writtenbykaichu @executiveariana @honoxtokage @simikami @bigcalavera @rotorotom @thehopcful @and-they-succeeded @metalprincess13 @keep-those-memories-away @hisvanity @attitxde @asmayflies @sesshcmaru @theagentlooker @ambcrly @kantocowboy @dauphindekalos @beareroftheblueorb @blastingxff @aquaelegance @bugeyesboutique @make-it-trouble  @thunderstonereject  @theagentlooker @soultattered @scvedbylove  @diluviumx @inevitabilis-sors @pokedouche @fightiniumz @firespun
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avengeultrons · 7 years
Title: How to Say Goodbye (Part 9 Back to the Future(Reader x Peter Parker)
Summary: The reader’s cover has been blown. It’s time to head back to a post-war era of Frank Sinatra songs and Disney classics.
Word Count: 1731
AN: Take a drink every time I have written “goodbye” NOT REALLY and also contrary to popular belief it’s not the end? Hope you enjoy :) 
Your cover had been blown. All of your new friends and family members were in jeopardy. It wasn't safe anymore and your loved ones’ safety was the most important to you, you knew what you had to do.
Goodbyes are never easy.
It's much easier to look the other way. To pretend you're asleep until your parents leave the room, to wave quickly while you pretend you're on the phone. You can't really say that you'll see your friends “later”. Not those three words, not those words when you're traveling back seventy years. Especially when you know that you'll most like never see them again.
You stood in your bedroom, well, the space youwere able to make your own for the short time that you were staying with Tony. You'd never had your own space before, so it was fun to tape pictures from your stay, newspaper clippings, and little mementos to the bare walls. They were easy to peel off and slide into your jacket pockets, at least photos wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb. A ticket stub for the latest horror movie might, though. You would just have to try your best to hide it.
“Knock knock,” Natasha’s voice was nearly a whisper as she stepped into your room and tiptoed towards you, “Wow, you really made this place your own, huh?” she helped you take down the rest of your pictures and posters, even stopping to admire a photograph of herself that you had taken while out at dinner one night.
You sighed loudly and managed a small smile, “I never got to have my own bedroom so I guess I just had to take advantage of the space,” you said. Both of you found yourself sitting on opposite ends of the mattress stripped of sheets and all signs of life, “I'm sorry that I caused such a mess for all of you.”
“What? No, Y/N. You didn't. I just wish...I just wish I would've known. We could've helped somehow, we could've had longer,” you could see tears pooling in her eyes, even when she looked away and up at the ceiling to try and rid herself of them.
You grabbed your saddle shoes and stuffed one photo into each of soles before tying them, trying your best to ignore the uncomfortable photo paper sticking to your heel, “I wish I could've told you, Nat. I had to keep all of you safe. Well, I had to try.  I'm sorry,” you sniffled and focused on your laces to keep from totally breaking down, but it was no use.
“Oh Jesus, Y/N,” Natasha sighed and threw her arms around you, causing the tears in your eyes to multiply and you broke into sobs, “Tony’s even more upset than me, and I can barely breathe. I'm so sorry, if we could've just protected you better. I’ll give you a minute to pack your things, I...sorry I’m not holding it together for you,” she sniffled and jumped up, giving your shoulder a quick squeeze.
The only way you'd be able to hold it together while saying goodbye was to not say goodbye, so you decided to write notes. With the limited amount of time you had left, you wrote each team member a short note thanking them for being so welcoming and accommodating of someone from 1946. You couldn't help but write both Tony and Peter extra long letters, though.
You found Tony sitting in one of the bar stools, drinking a beer in the dark kitchen. Trying not to spook him, you sighed loudly, joining him at the bar, “You spooked me,” he said, to no avail. He sniffled quickly and rubbed his eyes, “Sorry, these allergies are kicking in with Fall approaching and all.”
“I’m sorry for everything. Thank you for taking me in, you could've sent me back to where I came from, after all,” you said, propping your chin up in your hand.
Tony shook his head profusely, “Don't be sorry, Y/N. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I just wish I could've kept you safe,” he was beating himself up over it, tears in his eyes that he played off as allergies and you knew better than to point them out, “I could've kept you safe.” You didn't know what to say. Your stomach was twisting into knots as you looked at him, feeling sad and guilty and hurt and angry for having to leave everyone behind. Especially Tony, who had taught you so much in your short time with him.
“I have to find Peter,” you told him, sliding his letter across the bar until it lay next to his beer bottle. He looked up at you with a puzzled expression as you walked off, tearing into the letter as soon as you were out of earshot.
Dear Mr. Stark,
You told me not to call you ‘Mr. Stark’ so that's why I addressed you as so in your greeting. I wanted to start off my letter by thanking you, for everything. I truly mean everything, too. You really were the father I never had.
If one could slam letters shut, that's exactly what he did. Tony folded it quickly, feeling his head spin and eyes burn. You sounded just like him, even in letter form. He sighed loudly and rubbed at his eyes, sliding your letter into his back pocket to read later.
“Y/N! I've been looking for you,” Peter was trying to stay positive, even if it wasn't working. He was just hoping you wouldn't be sad heading home, “How long do we, I mean, how long do you have?”
You sighed, managing a sour laugh, “Well, I’m not dying, Peter. But you're actually the last person I have to say goodbye to.”
“It's not goodbye, it’s see you later. Right? Just ‘see you later’ because we will see each other again, you know,” Peter took your hand and smiled lightly, a smile that you would flash at someone that you felt bad for.
The two of you walked up to the lab hand in hand and, might I add, as slowly as humanly possible, “I'm going back in time seventy years, not across the street,” you didn't want to sugarcoat things. It would be easier for everyone to move on if there was a sense of closure, no matter how painful, “I have something for you. Please, don't read it yet,” you were pulled away from Peter after passing him his envelope, Steve pulling you in for a hug.
“We’ve learned a lot from you, kiddo. Sad to see you go,” he told you, a sincere smile on his face. You nodded, glancing behind at Peter as you were pulled into a sugar coated, somewhat depressing goodbye circle.
Wanda was sniffling loudly next to Tony, trying to avoid your gaze with her red and raw eyes, “I can't believe you have to go,” she said, pulling you into a hug, “I love you, little sister.”
“I love you too,” you couldn't keep the tears away, so it seemed. Your eyes burned as hot tears spilled over, no matter how much you tried to keep them away.
Bruce cleared his throat and smiled weakly at you, “Your, um, chariot awaits, Y/N,” he said quietly. The dreaded time machine had required some repairs and updates, which were all completed now thanks to Bruce. You gave a nod and sniffled, laughing at yourself to try and lighten to mood of the heavy room.
“I, I’m sorry. Gosh,” you looked up at the ceiling and wiped your eyes with the heel of your hand, “Well, I guess this is it.”
You were suddenly engulfed in a group hug, sniffles and quiet pity laughter surrounding you. Everyone was hugging you except for Peter, who looked down at the floor, a puppy dog pout on his face.
Once the odd group hug had broken up, you stepped back over to where Peter was standing, “See you soon, Peter,” it wasn’t the truth. You were going back in time seventy years. It seemed to help though. He even seemed to think so, throwing his arms around you in a tight hug, “I didn't think it would be this hard to see you go. What will I do without you?”
“You’ll be okay,” you told him with a small smile, your heart in your throat. Of course Peter would be okay, he was Peter. He had friends and a wonderful support system and a great, supporting environment. Would you be, though?
Peter nodded, pushing his hair back swiftly, “And so will you,” you smiled at his own reassuring smile, trying to keep tears from sparkling in your eyes once again. Just after you'd managed to get it together!
You laughed and quickly kissed him, only the second kiss you've ever managed which you were definitely kicking yourself over. If only you'd had more time.
“I guess it's goodbye, then,” you said with a sigh. You turned on your heel and hopped into the obnoxious time traveling machine swallowing hard. You could see everyone in the tiny glass window and there didn't seem to be a dry eye in the place.
Dear Peter,
This is even weirder for me to write, the fact that I now have to travel back in time in a clunky time machine and leave all of you behind. To leave you behind.
I know that goodbyes are hard, which is why I wrote you a letter. Maybe a goodbye will be unnecessary and we will be able to see each other again someday. Or maybe some day in another life. Hopefully.
You were the first person I'd ever liked, the first person I've ever been able to truly be myself with. And you didn't even know that I was from a different time.
Thank you for everything Peter, I'll never forget about you.
You gave a quick wave like some sort of courageous hero leaving on a brave mission. You couldn't stop thinking about your newfound family, even as the world seemed to spin around you. The impact of time travel surprised you yet again and you braced yourself, your eyes filling with multi-colored stars. Everything happened so fast and then everything went silent.
You weren't in the twenty first century anymore. You were in 1946.
TAGGED: @marvelgoateecollection, @fangeekkk, @multifandom-hoellander, @whimsicaldreamings, @im-an-eclectic-mess, @sleepy-rad, @theb-tchyidol, @1022bridgetp, @fireflyloki28, @imaginingadifferentlife, @flopmalum, @curlycals, @-episkey-, @annerbananers2, @criticallyconcealedchaos, @jojos-blog-13, @theincredibleultron
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poklina · 7 years
so because you're a legend and i love your writing soso much i have another jimon prompt?? so i was thinking abt how jimon is actually such a power couple? (like in 2x09) and like ... i really like the idea of jace training simon and then they go on their first mission together?
hey guess what i i love you???? this has been in my inboxx for a month im So Sorry but its pretty fucking gross so i hope you like it
cocky - 2k
Simon is appallingly bad at hand-to-hand combat. He's so amazingly bad, Jace is pretty confident that if a 6th grade girl with a grudge challenged him to a fight, Simon would be eating dust under her bright pink high tops. Not that that's ever happened, of course.
(Jace is never going to let him forget that day.)
More to the point, with Simon's enhanced speed, strength, hearing, and everything else, he should be able to at least get away from a pack of rogue middle schoolers. But, it always seems to end up with him laying flat on his face while Jace hauls him up like a sack of flour. And sure, they can laugh about little Monica back at the Institute while Simon shoots them glares completely negated by the dazzling grin on his face, but when it comes to trying to fight their way out of a pack of Shax demons?
Not quite as funny then.
So, after the 5th time in a week Simon gets his ass handed to him by a rogue vampire trying steal his Daylighter ability, Jace decides he's had quite enough of rescuing his gentlemen-in-distress.
"I'm training you tomorrow." Jace huffs out shortly as he extends a hand to Simon, who is, once again, laying on his back in some alley in who knows where, New York. He grabs it roughly and Jace almost falls over with the amount of strength that Simon uses to pull himself up, but he manages to catch himself before he can.
"What? I mean, I'm flattered, but I really don't think that I'm someone that you should be focusing on -" Simon starts before Jace cuts him off.
"Simon, not even Clary gets knocked on her ass as much as you do. And while I do love you, if I have to save you one more time, I'm breaking up with you." He says flatly, but with just a hint of a grin on his face, which in turn makes a smile break over Simon's face.
"Aw, babe, I love it when you save me though." Simon fake-pouts, which results in him getting a hard punch to his shoulder, and honestly? He didn't expect anything less. "Ow!"
"Case in point. You're not getting out of this one, Si." Jace chuckles as he swings an arm around Simon and leads him out of the alleyway into the bright New York afternoon. "Man, I'm gonna have so much fun kicking your ass tomorrow."
The training room is empty, thanks to some small miracle. Simon would absolutely hate having someone to watch his ass get knocked down approximately 15 times and counting.
A bolt of pain lances up his spine as he hits the ground hard. Vaguely, he thinks there's 16, before Jace is swimming into his vision, a cocky smile plastered on his face.
"You know, for someone with super speed, you'd think that you could at least run away." He says smugly, extending an arm to Simon, who grabs it and hauls himself to his feet with a groan. "It's almost like you like getting punched."
"Damn, you found me out." Simon says back, stretching his neck out in an attempt to try and wring out some of the pain that's settled in his muscles and refuses to leave. He screws his eyes shut for a moment before opening them to Jace's smug face, arms crossed over his chest, making him look more like a disappointed teacher than anything else.
"Alright, well, we can be kinky with that later. For now, I need to teach you how to use a sword without cutting your own hand off."
"Easier said than done, my friend." Simon retorts, grinning lazily as Jace smirks and turns towards the weapons cabinet, pulling out a short seraph blade and what seems to be - an axe? Jace turns around and tosses the sword at Simon, who just barely catches it by the handle. He can feel a blush crawling up his cheeks, and as he looks up at Jace, he can see him trying to stifle a laugh.
"Not a fucking word, Wayland." Simon growls out, swinging the sword up in front of him casually, relishing in the singing noise it makes as it cuts through the air in front of him. "And really, an axe? Isn't that a tad overkill, even for you?"
"Overkill is my middle name." Jace smirks back, twirling the blade in the air before him, eyes tracking its movement around and around and around. "And besides, it takes a real fighter to know how to handle these weapons."
"Well then, why don't you come and show me what a 'real fighter' looks like?" Simon says back, eyes glittering with a combination of mirth and dark enjoyment. He watches as Jace's eyes do almost the same thing, before he advances on him, axe swinging up in the air as it comes crashing down on Simon's raised sword.
There's a maniac sort of excitement in Jace's eyes, wild and breathtaking with every swing that comes at Simon. They aren't talking, but the way Jace smiles with a morbid gleam in his eyes says volumes. The blades crash into one another in a perfect harmony of metal and sparks, the polished steel shining almost as brightly as Jace's half-crazed smile. Even though Simon feels like he should be scared, he's not. The intensity that Jace brings to every movement and strike makes him feel weak in the knees instead. Because he's seen that sort of madness, but instead of focused on hurting him -
Let's just say that it's a lot less painful when he's seen it before.
Simon brings his blade down roughly, the metal clanging against Jace's axe just before it reaches his shoulder. Jace pushes the sword away just as easily, twisting his hands at the same time to swing it around to Simon's other side, trying to land a blow. Simon reacts just as quickly, bringing his sword in between the axe and his ribcage just before it hits. He looks up, spurred on by his success and meets Jace's eyes. They're flashing wildly, and Simon can see his arms straining to keep his lock on the blade out of the corner of his eye.
In the next instant, Simon pulls his sword away from Jace's axe and brings it flat against his side. Jace looks at it in shock, before looking up at Simon again with a mixture of pride and amusement. Without letting the blade drop, Simon steps closer to Jace, close enough to where he can feel his breaths against the skin on his neck. Slowly, he tilts his head up, nosing up the line of Jace's jaw and relishing in the small noises that he's pulling from the back of Jace's throat. He grins wickedly at the sharp intake of breath when his lips brush against Jace's earlobe, and Simon lets his head fall just a bit closer -
"Gotcha." he says in a breathy voice. He can feel the tremor go through Jace underneath him, and it almost makes him lose his cool completely.
Simon pulls his head back slowly, letting his teeth drag along Jace's jaw line ever so carefully, and the moan that it brings out echoes through the training room before burrowing deep into his stomach. It takes every single ounce of strength in Simon's body to pull back, but he manages. Jace's eyes are blown wide open, almost black with his pupils. His face is flushed a bright, bright red, and his chest is heaving up and down as his throat works at swallowing hard. Simon's sword is still on his side, but before he pulls it away for good, he manages to catch some of the fabric and tear it open, leaving a nice hole on the side of his black tank top.
With that, Simon steps back, admiring his work. His eyes flick up and down Jace's body, gray sweats riding low around his hips, tank top ripped at the side and just barely managing to hide the flush that's crawling down Jace's collarbones at the same time. Simon doesn't think he's ever look more gorgeous.
Swallowing hard, Simon speaks again. "You should take that off." he says roughly, eyes darting to where a large swath of fabric is hanging by Jace's hips. "Wouldn't want you getting it caught...on...something."
Jace eyes him slowly, considering. Simon wants to wither under the gaze, but he stands proudly, defiant and tall and just begging Jace to come and try him. He clears his throat, and that seems to snap Jace out of whatever trance he was in.
"You know, if you wanted to see me shirtless, you could've just asked." Jace says as he steps closer to Simon again, mirroring their earlier position. His forehead is barely brushing against Simon's, and yet it feels like that part of him electrified. Simon is hyper aware of every movement Jace makes; every breath that puffs out across his collarbones, every tiny shift closer to Simon. He watches carefully as Jace pulls his shirt off over his head and tosses it somewhere in the room; he doesn't know even which direction it went in because Jace is right there and he is shirtless. Simon's eyes track quickly up and down his broad chest, taking in all of the thick black runes that are starting to look like targets on his chest -
"So are we still sparring? Or are we just going to stand here until somebody kisses someone." Jace says quietly, jerking Simon out of his reverie and forcing his eyes back to Jace's. The maniac look is back, but less wild this time. Now, it's more controlled, a thunderstorm rolling thick and heavy, lightning dancing down each time Jace's eyes flash. Simon likes looking at Jace's eyes; they're hypnotic. Quite possibly one of the best things about him.
"Jesus, Lewis,for a vampire, you're too fucking slow." Jace grits out right before clapping his hands around Simon's neck and pulling forward, crashing them together like waves against the break. It's messy and uncontrolled as Simon digs his hands into Jace's lower back, leaving ten finger-shaped bruise marks right on his waist. The pressure forces Jace to drag Simon even closer, mouth opening to swipe his tongue over the seam of Simon's lips. With a gasp, Simon parts, and quickly does the same.
It's breathless and fast and so fucking good, Simon forgets where he is for a brief moment, his whole world narrowing down to the feeling of how amazing Jace feels underneath him, as his hands claw down his back, pulling rough noises from the very base of his throat.
They break apart much too soon for Simon's liking, who chases the kiss insistently, even as Jace pulls back, panting and trying to take in as much air as possible. Immediately, Simon latches on to Jace's neck, sucking bruise after bruise into the pale skin just above his runes.
"Simon - fuck - stop, stop." Jace breathes out, and Simon pulls away, disappointed. It must show on his face, because as soon as he makes eye contact with Jace, he's breaking in to a wide grin, unable to stop himself. "C'mon. Let's - let's not do this here."
Simon whines from the back of his throat, and Jace's smile grows even wider, even more endearing. Simon wants to hate it. Really, he does. But, he just can't. Instead, he does the same, smile breaking wide over his mouth with just how nice it is to just be able to kiss his boyfriend without anyone around.
"Fine. Whatever. Okay." Simon says, trying to play it off as annoyed but failing miserably before lacing his hand through Jace's. Jace snags his shirt from wherever it landed, and they start to walk out of the room before a thought hits Simon.
"So, am I all trained up and badass now?" he says smugly, hazarding a glance over at Jace, who just rolls his eyes and looks at him disbelievingly.
"Simon, you couldn't be badass if you wore all leather and drove a motorcycle."
"I try."
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promtography · 7 years
a little promptis
some sad promptis for the soul bc i live for angst apparently (major spoilers)
also feedback would be great, since i'm not sure exactly how coherent my writing style is, if it's too confusing or whatever since i write the same way i think, which would obviously make sense to me cause it's my own brain but idk about other people lmao
a tiny bit taken from this earlier writing bc im lazy
Their first kiss, last kiss, and all the kisses in between
The first time they kissed had been during their last year in high school. Two teenage boys who happened to be very close and well into the throes of puberty, both wondering whether their feelings were platonic or romantic, and both thinking the other was extraordinarily attractive.
It had been shy, awkward, and clumsy, neither of them having even an inkling of romantic experience outside of movies and dreams.
Noctis had been the one to instigate it, during a perfectly average day involving Prompto hanging out at his apartment, having practically moved in considering how often he was over. He wasn't sure why he chose that moment, only that he he knew suddenly- watching Prompto sitting so comfortably on his couch, fiddling with his camera and smiling gently to himself- knew that he wanted to kiss him.
Scooching across to Prompto's side of the couch, he leaned against his friend's shoulder, acted like he was interested in the photos flicking across the small screen while he attempted to quiet his nerves enough for him to speak.
A quick breath, and then, “Hey.”
Prompto glanced at him sideways before facing him fully, and Noctis felt his mind blank when that beautifully soft smile turned to him, “Yeah, Noct?”
Noctis opened his mouth, found that no words came to him, and closed it. Instead, he placed a hesitant hand over Prompto's and hoped he would read the mood, looking at his face for only a moment before he had to look away, hating that he could feel himself blushing.
Prompto, to his credit, seemed to understand yet didn't quite believe that this was actually happening. His heart was fluttering and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off the hand covering his own. He chuckled nervously, “You uh, good there, Noct?” His free hand moved to place the camera off to the side, the other clenched tight under Noctis’.
Noctis, realizing he shouldn't have counted on Prompto to take initiative, sighed with a strange mix of fondness and exasperation and tightened his hand around Prompto's before bringing it ever so slowly to his lips.
He stopped suddenly, his breath puffing against trembling fingers. He forced himself to look at Prompto's face and jolted at the intensity of the blue eyes trained on him.
Cursing, he let go of Prompto's hand and turned to hide how red he knew his face was becoming.
“Wh- hey, wait!”
Before he knew it, Noctis was sprawled across the couch, Prompto having tackled him before he could flee and now hovered tensely above him.
They stayed in this position for an awkwardly long amount of time, neither of them meeting each other's eyes before Noctis eventually snapped.
Prompto flinched slightly and when he spoke, his voice was fragile, “Well, what?”
Noctis cleared his throat so he could speak around the lump forming there, “Are you gonna kiss me or what?”
Prompto gulped and then laughed suddenly, loudly, and nervously. And because doing anything else at this point would have been blasphemous, he closed his eyes, leaned down and pressed his lips against Noctis’.
Well, tried to. He ended up missing, catching Noct's chin instead and screaming internally for the void to just take him now.
Noctis doesn't seem phased however, slowly reaching up to take Prompto's face in his hands, guiding him into trying again.
This time, their lips actually meet, but now neither of them are sure what to do from here. They dryly mush their mouths together a little bit before Prompto rears back, seemingly on the verge of tears.
They kiss a lot after that, thankfully getting better as they go, as they learn both what they themselves like and what the other likes. Prompto discovers that Noct's tummy is particularly sensitive, which leads to an unfortunate number of raspberries blown into the pale skin. Noctis takes his revenge by making Prompto all but melt with gentle licks and nips to his neck, careful that he doesn't leave marks because Prompto isn't fond of pain.
When his dad died, Noctis was not okay. It was the very thing he had been dreading, and he wasn't even in the city when it happened, couldn't return for a funeral, never gave him a proper goodbye.
Noctis couldn't sleep that night. How could he. He sat in one of the cheap plastic chairs outside the caravan, while the others mingled quietly inside, giving himthe room they know he needs. Eyes closed and head tipped back, he lets the night air soothe his lungs, tired after the harsh heaving that comes with crying.
The caravan door squeaks open, and Noctis can tell by the footsteps that it's Prompto. He doesn't move.
Prompto sits in a chair next to him, carefully quiet, as if he was afraid that if he moved too quickly, Noctis would startle and bolt like a frighten animal. He would've snorted at the thought if only he had the energy.
They don't speak. Prompto knows that nothing he says would make the situation any better, and Noctis doesn't blame him. They sit for a while, Prompto's presence dragging Noct's attention away from his own thoughts until he straightens up and focuses on the blond watching him worriedly.
When Noctis looks at him, Prompto offers a gentle smile and holds out his hand. Noctis stares at it a while before he takes it and when he does, Prompto stands, pulling Noctis up with him and into a tight hug.
Noctis can't stop himself from crying again, sobbing loudly into Prompto's shoulder, and Prompto lets him, rubbing a hand up and down his back and pressing kisses into his messy hair.
They stay like that until Noctis is all cried out, and Prompto takes his wet face in his hands and places one more kiss to his forehead before leading him back into the caravan for some cold dinner.
Noctis feels better after that, and soon realizes that he's actually enjoying himself, might even say he's having fun, if only they weren't constantly pacing in front of death’s door.
Between the hunts and the imperial ambushes, they find time for some fishing, and Noctis lights up each time.
They meet a man named Navyth who, after a series of tests and trials, eventually leads them to the home of the Devil of the Cygillian.
It takes several days as well as a good portion of Noct's lure stash, but the pure, almost childish joy in Noct's face when he finally lands the thing makes Prompto think the hours of waiting and the secondhand stress were all worth it.
After their necessary group shot, Prompto sloshes excitedly through the crystal water and sweeps Noct into a kiss that has Gladio wolf-whistling and Ignis pinching the bridge of his nose. When they pause to catch their breath, Prompto grins and murmurers “good catch” against wind-chapped lips. Noctis smiles and kisses him again.
When they part, Prompto doesn't think he's ever seen Noct look happier.
When they arrive in Altissia, all four of them are left breathless. Sure, they had heard stories, tourists bragging, but seeing it in person is an indescribable experience.
Prompto would have whipped out his camera if he wasn't already busy taking photos.
They're eager to see everything at once, but it's already  getting late and they need to find lodgings before anything else.
Ignis goes on ahead to book their rooms. Gladio goes with him because he has more tact than people would expect.
And so Prompto and Noctis are left to their own devices. They set off, Prompto bouncing ahead like an excited puppy, and immediately get lost.
It's not their fault all the canals and bridges and alleyways are some kind of maze disguised as a city.
Oh well, they'll just ask around. For now, they wander and wonder at all the sights, Prompto snapping away and occasionally pulling Noct in for a goofy selfie.
They stop at a gelato cart and order for each other, taking a seat on a bench at the waterside. They chatter and watch the sunset glimmer off the waves and waterfalls, stealing bites from each other's spoons. At one point, Prompto misses and ends up smearing Noct's strawberry gelato across his lips. He thinks his heart nearly stops when Noct giggles, and even the prince himself seems surprised he made such an unbecoming noise. But then he looks at Prompto and just laughs, leans in and licks the gelato off his lips, and stays for a sweet, lingering kiss.
Luna is dead, Ignis is blind, Noctis is in mourning, and they're all exhausted both physically and emotionally. None of them are sure how things got so bad so quickly. Sure they had expected some trouble- one cannot expect dealings with gods to be so easy- but this…
The Oracle is gone, and so goes her healing. Ignis, he who detests ambiguity, must now live without sight. And Noctis refuses to leave his bed.
Gladio acts pissed, and maybe he is. They're certainly all frustrated.
Prompto feels like he should've done more, feels like at least some of this could have been prevented if only he had been more attentive, had reacted a bit faster. He tries to make up for it. Knows that he can't. Ignis insists that he's fine, Prompto knows that he's not.
None of them are.
When they finally set out again, Noctis doesn't look at them, hardly speaks. When Prompto puts a hand on his shoulder, Noctis shrugs him off and walks away.
To say things are tense would be an understatement. Prompto thinks he would rather be crawling through some dark dungeon, ass-deep in daemons. At least then they could all trust each other to have their backs.
But this, this coldness, might be the hardest thing they've dealt with yet. Maybe cause they're used to dealing with things they can stab, maybe cause they're used to dealing with things together. All Prompto knows is that right now, everything sucks.
Ignis, despite being in the most unfortunate circumstance out of the four of them, is the one who manages to snap them all out of it. Prompto wishes he were that amazing.
Prompto is scared. Terrified. Heartbroken.
Noctis chases him down the train, lashing out wildly despite the dozens of civilians around them, and Prompto thinks they could at least do this where no one else would get hurt. But then Noctis has him pinned against the wall, his eyes tinged red with hatred and Prompto wants to scream, but his breath isn't working right, and Noctis snarls in his face.
“It's all your fault!”
Prompto shatters. His vision whites out and it takes everything in him just to speak.
“Do you really mean that, Noct?”
Of course he realizes now, as he blearily watches the train hurtle down the tracks, losing consciousness and unable to move, both from the shrieking pain and the despair of his best friend nearly ending his life, that the words were not meant for him.
The realization does not make him hurt less.
He's not sure where he is, if he's even anywhere close to where he blacked out. He's not sure how long he's been here, can't tell whether his scant meals of bread and broth are on a schedule or not. He's not sure why they're even keeping him alive. The only thing he's sure of is that Noct will come.
And of course he did, Prompto never doubted he would, only doubted if he was worth rescuing.
He collapses as soon as he's released, and Noctis falls with him, and they're both trembling on the floor and Noctis clings to him as if he can't bear to be separated ever again.
They stay like that for a while, Gladio and Ignis giving them privacy they don't deserve when they should be looking for the Crystal, but none of them care at the moment.
Finally, Prompto whispers, “were you worried about me?” and Noctis stares at him before letting out a breathless laugh.
“What kind of question is that?” and Noct kisses him, smoothes back his filthy hair and kisses him again, then kisses his cheek, his forehead, moves over to his ear and down his neck. And Prompto melts.
Prompto holds his wrist up to the machine and the soft resulting beep feels like a Mesmenir kick to the chest. He doesn't want to turn around, but he does because they at least deserve an explanation as to how someone they thought of as a friend was suddenly one of the things they hate the most.
“Turns out, I'm one of them.”
Noctis steps up to him and Prompto feels the world blur until the only distinct things were his pulse thudding in his ears and Noctis’ boots in front of him.
But Noctis’ merely takes his hand and brings it to his mouth, and presses his lips so gently against the barcode printed on his skin. He coaxes Prompto's hand to relax from the fist it had been clenched into and kisses his palm, then flips his hand over and kisses each one of his knuckles, then his barcode again for good measure.
Prompto watches him in shock, and when Noctis looks at him with his soft blue eyes, Prompto feels his lip tremble. He bites it to stop from sobbing, and Noctis brings his free hand up to cup his face, using his thumb to brush away stray tears.
“Since when did where you come from matter to you?”
Prompto can't do much more than give a sheepish, watery grin. Noctis wraps his arms around Prompto's neck and knocks their foreheads together, and Prompto holds onto him as if he were the most precious thing in the world.
He's gone.
None of them know where he went, or if he's safe. They don't know what else to do, only know that Noctis will return, of course he will, so they wait. They wait for ten years.
Ten years where nothing felt real and everything felt like a nightmare. Ten years of darkness and daemons and an ever-loosening grip on sanity. Nothing but endless fighting and fear and death. Prompto finds it hard to believe there was a time he didn't know what dog tags were.
The only things keeping him sane were Gladio and Ignis, and even they weren't around all the time, spreading out to help individual clusters of survivors who were fleeing from one outpost to the next, hoping to get to Lestallum before the daemons got to them.
Other than those two, he had his photos, reminders of a time when the sun still shone and he could smile without forcing it.
When Noctis was here to play along with his selfies and ridiculous poses and photo ops. Here to spend lazy mornings with him in the tent, Ignis preparing breakfast and Gladio out for his morning jog while the two of them exchanged sleepy kisses. Here to be the only one to snort at his puns and then try to pass it off as a cough, the tiny smile on his face an indicator otherwise. Here to stay up with him when he had trouble sleeping, the cramped caverns and close calls weighing heavy on his mind.
Here to give his life meaning.
His hair is longer and his face more mature, but they all recognize him the moment he steps out of the truck. He smiles fondly at Gladio and Ignis, but when he locks eyes with Prompto, they both crumble. They stumble into each other's arms, Prompto grabbing desperately onto him as if he might disappear again. They pay the world no mind, simply holding each other, breathing each other in, and hardly believing this was real.
When they finally move for a kiss, their lips fit together as if ten years had never passed.
It's unfair, Prompto thinks, how cruelly Noctis was being taken from them.
He disappears in the middle of battle with no warning, no goodbye, and when he finally comes back, it's to tell them that he has to die.
It's unfair, he thinks, but it's even more unfair to keep the world in darkness just to keep himself happy.
Their last kiss is on the stairs leading up to the Citadel.
He stands above them and suddenly he's not Noctis the bratty prince. He's Noctis, the King of Light. He gazes down at them with so much trust and love in his face, and they bow solemnly back.
When Prompto looks back up, he doesn't even realize that he's climbing the steps toward him, barely registers the daemons that have begun spawning behind them and the others readying their weapons.
He takes Noct's face in his hands and kisses him hard, and Noct kisses him back just as hard. When they part, they're both crying and Noctis takes his coded wrist and presses it to his mouth, his lips moving against the banded skin as if in prayer, and then he leans in again, this time much more gently, and the kiss is soft and sweet and not enough and will never be enough.
They stop when Prompto chokes on a sob, and Noctis cups his face, brushes away his tears and looks directly into his cloudy blue eyes.
“Walk tall, my love.”
And then he is gone, ascending the stairs without ever looking back.
The sounds of Ignis and Gladio fighting behind him echoes across the courtyard, but Prompto can't bring himself to move.
He stands there, numb, staring at the doorway Noctis disappeared through. He stands, and stares, until a shock wave blasts out from the Citadel and suddenly the sounds of fighting stop.
When the sky begins to lighten, only then does he turn around, to watch the dawn bloom across the horizon.
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I fall asleep on my computer: six people on their relationship with the web
New Post has been published on https://computerguideto.com/must-see/i-fall-asleep-on-my-computer-six-people-on-their-relationship-with-the-web/
I fall asleep on my computer: six people on their relationship with the web
As a study shows many people feel unable to switch off from the internet, we ask our readers how much time a week they spend online
Do you spend too much time online? Its a question that may unearth some uncomfortable truths, and if you are worried about how much you use Facebook/Google et al, youre not alone.
The annual communications market report from media and telecoms regulator Ofcom looks at how people cope with spending so much time connected, and this year it found that more than a third of UK internet users are taking digital detox breaks from the web. It found an increasing amount of time we spend online is leading to lost sleep and less time spent with friends and family.
Six people talk about their relationship with the web, and whether they have the balance right. Share your thoughts below the line.
Cary, 61: My friendships have fallen apart and I am gaining weight by being in all the time
Time spent online: 10 to 12 hours a day
At first I used the internet just for responding to emails. Then for reading news online, shopping and chats. Forums were a totally new experience for me I remember finding it amazing that you could talk to someone through a computer. I have tried various discussion forums, even met with few people out of curiosity. I thought the web was so great because of such vast opportunities for meeting people from beyond my immediate circle, of learning from each other, and doing stuff together.
But that hasnt really happened. My friendships have fallen apart and I am gaining weight by being in all the time. The internet affects my ability to sleep too. My day is turned upside down I go to bed very late because I often get carried away reading something. Time flies when I am doing that! I imposed a regime on myself to do things at home but I drag my feet when it comes to going out.
Whatever I need is now on the web: I can do online banking, shop online and find recipes there too. Information is much easier to get, but I do miss that personal contact with people.
Jenny, 27, Kent: I use the internet at work and go straight online when I get home
Time spent online: 10 hours a day I grew up with the internet I remember the whirling beep-boop of dial-up. I use the internet at work, and go straight online when I get home. Im always logging into apps to play games or check my Facebook messages. I have mostly used the internet to stay connected, though, with friends from across the world. In my teens I used MSN to talk to people these days I go on Facebook and join online chats. Having said this, I can happily spend hours away from the net playing with friends, but the habit of checking for updates online is always there.
The internet has always been a way to stay connected for me. I have made amazing friends in the US and elsewhere. It has helped me feel connected, and talk to people about a variety of topics. Seeing a US perspective of the current elections online, for example, has been refreshing.
I dont feel like there are any drawbacks to the internet. I can go without it, but I dont ever feel the need to switch off. I often go camping and never think of my phone because Im with the friends. I suppose you might need some sort of balance but I dont feel like it negatively affects my life at all.
In the early 2000s, MSN was widely used for chatting online, via messages or webcams. Photograph: Alamy
Mel, 24, London: The internet has made my anxiety worse
Time spent online: one to five hours a day
Some days I trawl through the internet looking for inspiration or to help with my work, but over the long summer months this happens less. I started my BA just last year and a lot of my friends have already graduated, have exciting jobs and are generally having more fun (or so Instagram tells me).
Although I feel Im right where Im supposed to be, seeing their carefully curated lives as they appear on social media exacerbates my anxiety. The web is also very addictive. Ive now deleted social media apps and use the sites on my browser for a fraction of the time I used to, but I often feel rubbish after using them.
Ive battled with mental health issues for a long time. Even though at times of deep depression I actually found sites like Reddit strangely helpful, overall I think the internet has definitely made my anxiety worse.
Reddit was particularly helpful after coming out theres a huge queer community on Reddit and the kind of stories and advice there is really helpful.
But even though its made it easier to connect with others, the internet can also turn feelings my of unsettlement into a full-blown meltdown (whether its a post making me think a friend is avoiding me or Ive Googled my symptoms and think Im dying).
Having said that my partner and I wouldnt have met if it wasnt for the ultimate nerve-racking experience of online dating. I guess being shy and anxious and having no clue how to navigate life as a queer woman, it has allowed me to meet new people that I wouldnt have approached in real life.
Ive had to put a ban on phones when my partner and I spend quality time together because although Ive made an effort to use mine a lot less, she will be fiddling around online. I avoid looking at her Instagram and Facebook feeds sometimes. I get Fomo [fear of missing out] and read too much into things, I guess.
Mike, 67, Brittany: The internet lets us keep in touch with family and friends
Time spent online: two to five hours a day
Its made our relocation to France much easier and smoother. The internet lets us keep in touch with family and friends, even while theyre travelling and/or very busy. It also allows us to keep better informed and pursue personal interests and research.
Its a massive help in solving practical quotidian problems (DIY, health, transport, holidays etc). Im more positive about the net and spend more time online than my partner, but it rarely causes tension. We still talk to each other as much as we always did.
Im more positive about the net, and spend more time online than my partner, but it rarely causes tension. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian
I dont think it affects my ability to get jobs done either; if anything researching online helps me tackle jobs I might have been daunted by in the past.
JP, 65, Bristol: I am online during my first cup of coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner
Time spent online: eight to 10 hours a day
Before the arrival of internet I used to spend a lot of hours a week researching in the library, reading the news and also writing letters to friends and family so it was easy for me to migrate online. Actually, the internet made everything I enjoy much easier to do. I do, however, consider myself dependent on it, as I am online during my first cup of coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner (except when I go out to see friends). I usually fall asleep on my computer.
I doubt that it has benefited my life, as all the hours spent online could have been better spent outdoors. The web does, however, satisfy lots of my curiosities, and I can read an endless number of articles from around the world.
Dining al desko: do you eat your lunch by your computer? Photograph: Alamy
It would be hard to see the world without the internet, but I do think we all waste far too much time online. If the internet didnt exist, I would have spent the same amount of time reading, so I dont believe it really affects my relationships. Sometimes it can be a huge distraction, however. I often think, just 15 more minutes, 10 more minutes, and so on, as the hours go by.
Matthew, 30, Northamptonshire: I deleted my Facebook a few years ago and life has been better since
Time spent online: 12 hours a day
I have to use the internet as part of my job in IT support and obviously the web contributes to me earning a decent living so I cant be too negative about it.
Being online all day can get a little tiring at times, however, and about six years ago I deleted my Facebook and my life has been better without it. I have tried Twitter and Instagram too but have since deleted the accounts because I dont feel I need the gratification of a like or a retweet in my life. Sometimes I feel like Im missing out but then again some of the things online are really not beneficial to me or worth keeping up with.
From an educational perspective the internet has allowed me to expand my knowledge across a broad range of subjects. At the end of the day we all have a choice about what we consume online and its all about being sensible.
Due to my thirst for knowledge the internet sometimes does affect my sleep: I have been known to be on my phone until the early hours reading Wikipedia or watching YouTube videos. It could be worse I guess, I could be on Facebook trying to promote my perfect existence like the rest of them.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
0 notes
madigabz · 7 years
8-02 Hey baby, I was doing some reading yesterday & earlier today. Wanted to share some stuff just so you can read about some interesting things. Like chanting. It's pretty intriguing to me but idk if you'll like it. I was going to journal before work but I didn't give myself enough time. I slept in bc I didn't sleep the other night lol. My life is a mess but at least I have fun with it. Well I try to anyway. I wish I could have you here to relax and calm me down before work. I get so anxious sometimes about things. Never realized how much shit gets me going..worked up I guess you could say? Not really but I'm just OCD af and always on tip. I took a quarter of an addy bc I wanna study a lot tn. But it gets my heart racing still lol. I can definitely concentrate and focus more bc I truly do have adhd but I think it fucks w that heart murmur i have. Idk I like taking it & smoking too. I was emotional & soooo horny the last couple of days and I started my period i think? It might just be light but that's good! I hate how periods fuck up your hormones and make you so emotional lol. A little hope to not be negative & thinking I can't have kids. Even tho you said you can't bc you've blown in a lot of girls and nothing's happened -.- you're the only bf I've ever felt protective over. I think it's bc you're promiscuous:p. It'd be nice to have a conversation about life and share a bowl w you. Get fucked before work and be in a better mood ;) ughhh I can't wait! Do you remember sending me a pic back in like November I think? It was on our fb mssgs & it makes me wet just thinking about you bending me over the bed D: I was sad this am just in pain from yoga yesterday and I just want to be fit and healthy. Hate that one workout takes a week to not be in excruciating pain. Makes me stick to my diet more tho. Yoga and meditating with you:) Alan you're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't wait to be the mother of your babies one day<3 I reread your last letter again. Makes me have a piece of you in the day. Woke up and read it, it gets me through a lot of days. I feel like I can't be as positive as can be if I don't smoke. You've been sober since before New Years... and I'm just so fucking proud of you, dealing with everything the way you have been. I mean it when I say that it has proven to me that you really have grown up and became a man. I know you aren't the person you were 5 yrs ago, a yr ago or even since January... You are still my rock & strength even though you're locked up. Still my reason for my effort in life. Thank you for making me feel like everything is okay. Even if you don't say it all the time, I know you're a hard headed, strong mother fucking person and I'm in love with you. I think I make you a better person and you do the same for me. You're my motivation babe and I thought about that while I was bummin' out earlier. It's why I read your letter :) but when I had that thought "Fast Car" came on and it was like a sign :b not trying to sound gullible and silly but it was like a "relax your shoulders, breathe, you're going to get what you deserve. Everything is going to be okay." It was like I had you pulling me in and reassuring me I'm not kidding. I remember standing in front of the mirror or cooking in the kitchen and you'd wrap your hands around me from behind. God I love you... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Please don't fuck me over. I gotta get to work:( but it's my ticket to come see you!!! I'll link everything later to this letter... I take pics through out the day and wanna just check in like you're apart of my everyday life. Love you so fucking much!! 4:20 & I think I might play with myself before work(; write later babes:* 8-07 so it's been a couple of days now and I'm sorry I haven't wrote to you. Im doing a bunch of interviews and what not through out the day still. I just got hired at bdubs & it's the closest restaurant to campus so I know I'll make good $!!!! I have a couple interviews this week for nannying & massaging. Things are finally coming together!! We have both weathered the storm and I truly believe we are going to get rewarded for being so positive and understanding our circumstances. I'm at my first day of training at bdubs..I was doing paperwork and I saw that sammi requested to follow me on instagram, I seriously got tears in my eyes. I didn't know if she hated me or not. I told her to call me sometime when she is able to, it has made my whole day! I'm hoping you call tonight but idk what your sanctioned days were. I'm guessing fri-sun but idk..so many meetings and stuff rn I'm trying to stay on top of everything. Irdk how moms do their daily stuff, their husbands stuff, housework, providing/ working, bills, baby, drs, everything! I need to learn how to manage my time better. I wish i could teleport to you & spoon you in your bed tn. Please stay positive about October Alan, it's the only thing I'm holding onto. I hope you like all of the stuff I'm going to share w you. I thought it might make you think a little more hopeful. I've been talking to your mom quite a bit lately, would you want me to ask her to come when I visit the weekend of the 24th? We are about to start touring & what not but I wanted to check in w you. I love you so much Alan<3 -Chanting protects us from negative energies: In the state of meditation the mind is thoughtless. In this state, some negative energy can trouble us. On the other hand, a protective sheath that wards off negative energies is formed around us when we chant.-Nowadays many people practice meditation as a psychological self-improvement technique rather than a tool for spiritual growth. the benefits derived from such meditation are also at a psychological level. Based on the above comparison, for spiritual growth in today’s era, chanting is of greater value. If you already meditate with the intention of achieving spiritual growth, we recommend you complement it with the spiritual practice of chanting.-Om Mani Padme Hum:The two syllables, "padme", meaninglotus, symbolize wisdom. ... Thus the six syllables, "om mani padme hum", mean that in dependence on the practice of a path which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom, you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha"-Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu mantra: "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” *(I used to "pray" or ask the universe everyday to for 'the world get happier and safer each day. & whatever happens to me, I'm able to walk away with a smile on my face' I have said the same thing since I was like around 10 yo.) -You should reach the large bead (or tassel) after 108 repetitions. When you do so, it is traditional to turn the beads around and continue in the opposite direction. Now repeat your mantra silently 108 times, moving one bead at a time, as before. Meditate for a few minutes. Do this by sitting quietly and envisioning your chosen form of the divine within your heart or at the point on your forehead between your eyes. If thoughts come, let them come, but realize that you are not your thoughts, and gently dismiss them.!!!!!!!!*(THIS IS THE BEST SENTENCE I HAVE READ) -Increase the number of mantra repetitions and amount of time in meditation as you have the time and inclination to do so, and are able to do with concentration.You may also repeat your mantra silently throughout the day as often as possible!- Mantra recitation, which is called japa (“muttering”) in Sanskrit, has been an important aspect of Yoga practice since Vedic times. It consists of the repetition of the same mantra, which can be composed of a single syllable (e.g., om) or a string of mantric sounds (e.g., om namah shivaya). As Patanjali reminds us, the yogic path is propelled by practice and dispassion, and significantly, the Sanskrit term for practice—abhyasa—means “repetition.” Through repetition we create either positive or negative habit patterns. Mantra japa produces positive mental tracks, helping us to gradually overcome spiritual darkness. It is a powerful technique for focusing the mind and for harnessing the body/mind’s subtle energies in completing the yogic path of self-transformation. As stated in the concluding chapter of the Kularnava Tantra: “Japa is so-called because it removes the sin accumulated in thousands of lives and because it reveals the Supreme Deity.” The greatest “sin,” of course, is ignorance of our own true nature.-I will put the Law of Least Effort into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps: " 1. I will practice Acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were. 2. Having accepted things as they are, I will take Responsibility for my situation and for all those events I see as problems. I know that taking responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for my situation (and this includes myself). I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit. 3. Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view, and I will feel no need to persuade others to accept my point of view. I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them."- Least effort is expended when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held together by the energy of love. When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego, you spend energy chasing the illusion of happiness instead of enjoying happiness in the moment. When you seek money for personal gain only, you cut off the flow of energy to yourself, and interfere with the expression of nature's intelligence. But when your actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy. When your actions are motivated by love, your energy multiplies and accumulates , and the surplus energy you gather and enjoy can be channeled to create anything that you want, including unlimited wealth.-This leads us to the second component of the Law of Least Effort: responsibility. What does responsibility mean? Responsibility means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation, including yourself. Having accepted this circumstance, this event, this problem, responsibility then means the ability to have a creative response to the situation as it is now. All problems contain the seeds of opportunity, and this awareness allows you to take the moment and transform it to a better situation or thing. Once you do this, every so-called upsetting situation will become an opportunity for the creation of something new and beautiful, and every so-called tormentor or tyrant will become your teacher. Reality is an interpretation. And if you choose to interpret reality in this way, you will have many teachers around you, and many opportunities to evolve. Whenever confronted by a tyrant, tormentor, teacher, friend, or foe (they all mean the same thing) remind yourself, "This moment is as it should be." Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.-There are three components to the Law of Least Effort: three things you can do to put this principle of "do less and accomplish more" into action. Acceptance simply means that you make a commitment: "Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur." This means I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. This moment -- the one you're experiencing right now -- is the culmination of all the moments you have experienced in the past. This moment is as it is because the entire universe is as it is.- If the karma is complete, this will be part of what you release. If it is not, patterns can be reset this month to reflect a higher vibration so that unfinished business and karma can be completed or continued in a way that comes from a place of more love, compassion and forgiveness. This includes self-karma, those deep hard lessons we all came in with this lifetime whether they are physical conditions, emotional or intellectual challenges, or just simply difficult personality traits. Whatever has been anchored through your childhood wounds and imprinting has become part of your patterning. That energetic patterning is your belief system that informs the quantum field around you to manifest certain aspects of your life. Much of this becomes automatic and unconscious until you have an opportunity like we do this month to go within, dig it up, re-evaluate its relevance, and make a change. So, the bottom line is that this is a great month to reset and recreate who you are, what you want to manifest, and how you want to show up in the world. It is going to take work, commitment, discipline and a true willingness to change.- You may also find yourself resurrecting old hobbies or projects or even collaborations with others especially around the arts and music. That garden that you dreamed of planting a few years ago may suddenly manifest because it is the right time. Or that business deal you gave up on will come around again with fresh energy and new insight. Be inspired by the possibilities and be creative in your problem solving and reconfiguring of what runs your physical life. It may be time to retire some aspects and rekindle others. Take a risk and take advantage of what comes your way, always willing for reevaluation and reset.- *(there's a total solar eclipse where the moon blocks the whole sun aug 21st) And speaking of eclipses, even if you are not in an area where they are visible, it would be very very wise to honor them in some way as powerful allies for reset. Try to take time around the eclipses, especially the solar one on the 21st, without interference from your schedule. “We will not actually see the results of what these eclipses have offered us until later in the fall. But you can be sure that if you put the intention into what you want reset, you will get their support.”-When you become defensive, blame others, and do not accept and surrender to the moment, your life meets resistance. Any time you encounter resistance, recognize that if you force the situation, the resistance will only increase. You don't want to stand rigid like a tall oak that cracks and collapses in the storm. Instead, you want to be flexible, like a reed that bends with the storm and survives. Completely desist from defending your point of view. When you have no point to defend, you do not allow the birth of an argument. If you do this consistently -- if you stop fighting and resisting -- you will fully experience the present, which is a gift. Someone once told me, "The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift. That is why this moment is called 'the present'." If you embrace the present and become one with it, and merge with it, you will experience a fire, a glow, a sparkle of ecstasy throbbing in every living sentient being. As you begin to experience this exultation of spirit in everything that is alive, as you become intimate with it, joy will be born within you, and you will drop the terrible burdens and encumbrances of defensiveness, resentment, and hurtfulness. Only then will you become lighthearted, carefree, joyous, and free. In this joyful, simple freedom, you will know without any doubt in your heart that what you want is available to you whenever you want it, because your want will be from the level of happiness, not from the level of anxiety or fear. You do not need to justify; simply declare your intent to yourself, and you will experience fulfillment, delight, joy, freedom, and autonomy in every moment of your life. *Literally, I believe I got you back into my life bc I wanted it so bad. You are proof that you can "get whatever you want bc you want it from the level of your happiness" I knew I would have you back one day honestly, I just had doubt. I knew it even before last April when you told me I couldn't let you go bc you were the one for me. You just had to grow up. I moved to Colorado to let you do that. -research tells us that every thought and emotion creates a chemcial reaction because it immediately changes our neurochemicals that affect our mental, physical and spiritual health,Your mantra should be your own; something that resonates with you and helps you recenter in the moment. Keep in mind that what de-stresses one person may not be calming for another. So stick with what works, even if it’s something as silly as “Hakuna Matata.” How could this 90s mantra not make you smile? Plus — it means no worries ... for the rest of your days.:) “This Too Shall Pass.” While it’s important to live in the present moment, it’s also comforting to remind yourself the stress you’re enduring now is temporary — clear skies are on the horizon.“Make It Work.” Tim Gunn’s power phrase is poignant: Take a deep breath and remember that you’re in control and there’s always a solution. Don't worry be happy(: & ofcourse from bob Marleys song "3 little birds" Don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin: don't worry about a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right! It's gonna be be alright man. Rise up this mornin, Smiled with the risin sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:) Singin: don't worry bout a thing, Cause every little thing gonna be all right.Singin: don't worry (dont worry) bout a thing,Cause every little thing gonna be all right! * hope you sang that with a Jamaican accent too :) alright who knows how many stamps this will be but this was the best way for me to show you that I'm thinking about you and doing everything I can to help you be positive & assured. I'm by your side baby. No matter what I'm going to wait for you. 8-08 i love you
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