#mama riley au
the-raindeer-king · 28 days
Imagine Simon's mom doesn't die with Tommy and Beth. Maybe she was out of town, or at a friend's house, and Roba's men were sloppy and missed her. Anyway, so it's just Simon and her now, and because he blames himself for what happened, he's pulled away from her.
He pays her rent, even if he wanted her to live in a nicer apartment complex. And he visits during her birthday and Mother's Day, and sometimes just randomly stops by. But he never stays very long, and he doesn't tell her a lot about his new life. It's a very one sided relationship, but she tries to make the best of it.
And then you move in next door, during one of Simon's deployments. You feel bad for the sweet lady that lives next to you. She never seems to have much company, and you take it upon yourself to befriend her, spending more time in her apartment than your own.
You learn about her ex husband, her sons, the tragedy, and most importantly, you learn about Simon. And you hate him. Mrs. Riley (she insists you call her Sarah) is such a lovely woman, and it's clear how much she cares about her living son, how hard she's trying to keep their relationship alive.
It's the second Mother's Day after you move in when you finally meet Simon. Your relationship with your own mother is complicated, so you've opted to spend the day with Mrs. Riley. You'd gotten her a small present, and had planned to spend the day drinking wine and watching historical romance movies.
You're thoroughly shocked when you knock on her door, and a man answers. Six feet, built like a brick house, but under his scowl, you recognize Sarah's eyes.
“You must be Simon.”
His scowl deepens, but before he can say anything, Mama Riley is pushing past him, pulling you into her apartment to fuss over you.
She apologizes for not telling you sooner, but your plans will have to be rescheduled. Simon's back early, and she can't waste a precious second.
You're understanding. You've listened to her worried rants, given her space to cry over how things have turned out. You know she loves spending time with her son, even if the visits are short and he doesn't talk much.
Simon doesn't miss the way you glare at him. There's a fury in your eyes, even as you cheerily wish his mother a happy mother's day. For a moment, he wonders if you're a spy. But that thought is quickly diminished, when you verbally eviscerate him at the door.
You're quiet, not wanting to upset his mom, but your anger is clear. It may not be your business, but Mama Riley is your friend, and you adore the older woman. And you cannot stand by while he treats her like this. She loves her son so much, and he needs to step up and try harder.
As you're chewing him out, Simon's already head over heels, planning your wedding as the seconds tick by.
(A/N: You can read this as a stand alone piece, but I did write 3 more drabbles (four in total!) for this! They're all on my blog under the tag mama riley au. Thank you for reading!)
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forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
Cw: mention of suicide (not graphic), (vague) mentions of torture
Vamp!ghost in a pure silver muzzle so he can't prey on anyone.
He got turned and muzzled by human!Roba because the torture got so bad that he killed himself, and Roba couldn't have that, so he had him bit. By vernon.
The sadistic bastard was stoked to be able to keep Ghost around a little longer as his "play thing"
The muzzle, little more than a cage for his face, was five horizontal bars with one bisecting the center vertically. At the base of the mask where it sat on his mandable was a hinge, so it could expand and contract because Roba still wanted him able to talk and scream, like the sick fuck he is.
It burned and bubbled and hissed as it seared onto his face, melting the skin so it would cling to the metal when it "healed"
With Ghost's newfound immortality Roba was able to have so much more "fun" with him. He kept him for years, cutting him open whenever he felt like it, just "to see what's going on in there". Branding him with silver to "see what it does" (like he didn't already fucking know). Starving him for months on end. And the muzzle never once came off. When he did get it was through a straw that he was graciously given a single pint of blood.
Then he got bored. And he threw him away. And still the muzzle wasn't removed.
No not thrown away. Buried. In a load of shit. In the desert. One last experiment. To see what Ghost could withstand. He was doomed to burn to death, and even then it was to starve for eternity, or drink through a straw for the rest of his life. He sure as hell wouldn't be getting the muzzle off himself.
One good thing he learned through all this. How far he could break before he truely broke.
Roba locked him in Vernon's reinforced casket, and threw away the key. It took two days of nonstop beating at the wood before he got out, even with the help of the deceased vampire's jaw.
It took 3 days of hiding, and 4 nights of running at inhuman speeds to find the nearest army base.
He also found out that to say he was "starved" wasn't exactly accurate, but there was no other way to describe it. How else you do describe a lack of a need to eat, and yet feeling your body weaken just the same. How else do you explain the feeling of his body using up the blood in him. The way his heart never beats so he needs new blood to replace what has been absorbed or turned into waste, later to be released as venom. What word do you use to describe that othern than "starved", but it's an inhuman kind of starvation, so completely NOT human.
When price found him he was sucking his fifth stolen blood bag dry. He truely was "starved" after so long of not feeding.
The man said he was putting together a task force with the help and authority of a CIA agent. The man, Captain Price introduced him to a dryad, a nature spirit.
It's unusual for a spirits and sprites, especially ones so close to nature, to be in such a violent line of work. But here he was, nonetheless.
Price himself was a normal human, it's the only way the force was allowed to come into fruition.
Ghost was taken to a medic, to see if they could remove the constant burning silver from his face. But it was no use, the doctors said their tools were too soft to ceable to cut into his skin to remove the muzzle. And so there was nothing they could do, short of ripping the thing off, which would only cause more damage, and they didn't have the manpower to do so anyway.
So he stayed in the muzzle, donned a mask to avoid sun exposure, and price made sure to keep a constant stock of blood packs for him, even if sometimes he was reduced to dumping dehydrated pigs' blood into a glass of water, price made sure he was never "hungry" again.
Then price found soap. A natural born werewolf, he said. And he was all rambunctious and happy-go-lucky energy, or that's what it seemed like on the outside. Then Ghost learned that he was a sniper and demolitions specialist, with a wicked memory, and a background intense anti-interrogation training, and he has to wonder how much is for show.
It's only after they defeat hassan that soap asks about it. The muzzle. He knows he saw it when he removed him mask in Las Almas, but he said nothing about it, not did Ghost offer anything.
Soap says he thinks he can get the muzzle off, but they'll need to take leave, head back to his home. Ghost isn't sure how he likes the sound of that. He does want the burning silver off, but he's pretty sure he's heard that wolves and blood suckers weren't exactly friends. And while he's already dead, he can still be killed, and he definitely can't survive an entire pack of wolves (sans one)
Soap says it'll be fine, he'll vouch and/or protect(?) Him. Price encourages him to go, says he can finally get the stupid cage off. And gaz is laughing his ass off at his predicament, and just generally being unhelpful.
A phone call home to Mama Mactavish, explaining the situation had Ghost reluctantly agreeing to go, if only to appeasethe frantic woman. Soap requested 3 months medical leave for both of them, and price easily signed off on it, practically pushing them out the door.
Soap's home was nice, a fair bit or farmland with a large home that just seemed to radiate comfort.
Mama Mactavish was first to meet them at the door with a fresh batch of homemade danishes, she pulled them both into a bone crushing hug and ushered them inside. She didn't even flinch at the sight of the muzzle or the horribly "scarred" skin underneath or his fangs.
Simon wasn't so sure what to think about that, he'd never had this kind of kindness before. He didn't hate it. Everyone else was almost as friendly, and he couldn't tell if it was a pack of anomalies, or if the rumors were false. They even had fresh lambs' blood for him, warmed to perfection.
He and Johnny were given a day to rest and settle in, then they were being woken at the crack of dawn, to start collecting herbs and begin preparations. Mama explained that it was a family secret, so she swore him to secrecy.
He supposed it only made sense for a family of werewolves to know how to treat silver burns.
She put Johnny to work making so sort of... salve (us that what you call it? He wasn't sure), then mama had donned a pair of gloves and had him lay down with his head in her lap, she started massaging the salve into his skin around the muzzle.
It was slow work, and took hours to make even a small bit of progress, but progress it was. As more and more of the silver lifted, Johnny helped slide gauze underneath to prevent it from burning back on.
It took all day and most of the night to finally be able to lift the muzzle off, but Mama never once complained.
Simon thanked her profusely, and would be forever indebted to her, but she just waived him off.
A week later the wounds were still trying to heal over, and he knew by the end of their leave there would be little more than a faint scar over near-perfect skin.
There was one night that Johnny had joined him sitting out on the porch. One unable to sleep, and one who would never sleep again.
"Why did you help me?" It'd been running through his head since they arrived. "You hardly knew me."
"I know you enough." Johnny chuckled, knocking their shoulders together.
"But why?" He still didn't understand.
"You know what it's like to have the words 'echoic memory' on your file? I do. It's why I took all that extra training, put it to use a few times too. But nothing could have prepared me for being force-fed silver." Johnny shivered with a faraway look in his eyes. "The pain lasted months. I couldn't be active for nine months. I can only imagine what it must've been like to live with that on your face for years."
"Thank you."
Johnny nodded.
They spent the rest of the night there on the porch, at some point Johnny fell asleep on Simon, and Mama found them early in the morning.
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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Some toddler au drawings because I couldn't stop myself
Featuring :
Kyle "the outside world is scary don't you dare put me down or worse, give me to the weird moustache man" Garrick,
Nik- "ahah I'm now both our children's favourite dad" -olai (do we even know his last name?)
Jonathan "😭😭😭" Price
Simon "side foot walking autism representation instead of toe-walking bc I very very rarely see it and it's what I do, also he's just a baby and he breaks my heart and I want to hug him really badly" Riley
John "nice frog, anyway, I think I'm about to jump into this puddle, and I'm not gonna do anything to stop it, even while knowing perfectly well that I am gonna cry about my socks being wet right after" MacTavish
and finally, Gary "do I show the weird moustache man my frog or do I put it in my mouth?" Sanderson.
And none of them have shoes because they all hate them and get rid of them as soon as the adults try to put them on. (Simon didn't, but he started crying silently as soon as they were on so they took them off immediately)
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luxeslore · 1 month
cannot stop thinking about 141 in a bridgerton-esque / courting!au like… i’m begging someone to listen.
earl price who’s been unmarried for too long but the diamond of the season catches his eye and he’s determined to have her despite being out of the game.
viscount riley who comes from a family that’s always been shunned but still maintains it’s status thanks to his efforts, never has thought about marriage but is forced into one with a sweet debutante.
duke garrick who EVERYONE’S mamas are trying to set their daughters up with at balls and important events in the city, but he finds himself being taken with the ton’s seamstress and doesn’t even hide it.
baron mactavish who some suspect is a rake due to his flirtatious and scandalous nature but he’s truly so eager to find the perfect wife for him that he can sweep away to the countryside.
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soapybutt17 · 11 months
Work Mom Masterlist
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Summary: Task Force 141 was an unofficial official family with their Papa Captain and their Mama Lieutenant. The two being married was also something that made things a little more officials in their dynamic. Characters: John Price x F!Wife!Reader. Simon "Ghost" Riley. Kyle "Gaz" Garrick. John "Soap" MacTavish. Kate Laswell. Warnings: AU. Mostly Crack! Fics. Smut. Canon Typical Violence. Mostly Fluff. Some Angst. Mention of Pregnancy and Children.
How I Met Your Mother
Too Sweet For Me
Day One
Night Showers
Then There Was Three
How It Began
Baby Mama
Lost in IKEA
Labour pt.1, pt.2
Big Soldier, Little Soldier
Do I Wanna Know?
Non-Canon Oneshots / Requests:
The Coldest Nights
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pandenewie · 1 year
Dress Coded Masterlist
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Dress codes are dumb. And everyone in school agrees. So why is the dear student council president Yang Jungwon so insistent on upholding such a stupid rule? And why is Y/n so insistent on changing his mind?
Y/n finds a new way to break the dress code each day, purely to spite the student council president and make him change the stupid rule. But what started as a simple act of rebellion soon takes a turn as more is found out about the goody-two-shoes president. 
PAIRING: jungwon x gn!reader
GENRE: nonidol!au, highschool!au, socialmedia!au, sorta fake dating (you'll see), mild enemies to lovers, fluff, suggestive, angst (light), cursing, attempted humour. Ft. Enhypen Ni-ki + Jay + Jake, P1Harmony Soul + Jongseob, Kep1er Bahiyyih + Hikaru (+ Youngeun mention), Le Sserafim Eunchae, IVE Wonyoung, ZB1 Ricky, Seventeen Wonwoo
**any pictures used of "yn" are for outfit descriptions only and do not represent yn's gender/race/physical appearance in any way :))**
STARTED: 08/04/23
FINISHED: 02/10/23
STATUS: completed
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Sk8ter Bois | H2hoes
00 - The Dress Code | 0.3k words
01 - White Privilege
02 - Pu$$y Gang
03 - A Little Manipulation
04 - Manifesting
05 - when bae gets you in trouble | 1.9k words
06 - Shota's Minecraft Girlfriend
07 - It's my turn to use the braincell
08 - It's Giving Control Freak | 1.7k words
09 - Enemies 👹 to Enemies 😊
10 - Damage Control
11 - I have the mind of a mastermind
12 - Potato Chips | 1.8k words
13 - DRUGS?? 😱😱
14 - Real Men Clean Bathrooms | 2.4k words
15 - Dr Dilf
16 - L + Ratio + Y/n will never love you
17 - Stuco Rizz | 2.1k words
18 - From homies to nomies
19 - De-yassified
20 - Mama I'm in love with a criminal | 1.6k words
21 - Prison Wife Era
22 - Family Vacation | 2.9k words
23 - Please No Feelings | 2.5k words
24 - Trauma Bonded ❤ | 1.9k words
26 - This wasn't part of the plan | 1.9k words
27 - Gold Star
28 - Good Boy Gone Bad ❌ Good Boy Gone Sad ✔
29 - If it isn't the consequences of my own actions
30 - No More Hobocore
31 - Somebody that you used to know | 1.2k words
32 - Jongseob Marriage Counsellor
33 - Cute, platonically
34 - Where we went wrong | 3.2k words
35 - Ronald McDonald if he slayed
36 - No More Mr Nice Guy
37 - It's Giving Grease | 3.0k words
38 - The Updated Dress Code | 0.5k words
39 - Do-over Date | 2.6k words
FINALE - #savejungwonfromyn
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @latriii @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong @lani-heart @jayujus @str4wb3rizz @yunwonie @danielleismyname @spilled-coffee-cup @jaylans-stuff @oceanmsxoxo @j-wyoung @mrowwww @lazy-miya @shinsou-rii @minkyungseokie @s7noo @beatr2x @thatoneembarrasingmoment @soobawrz
@miumiuoi @lucyinthesky-00 @wrapmeinatortilla
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daisies-daydreams · 5 months
Daisies Call of Duty Masterlist 。・:*˚:✧。 
⛓️☁️By Your Side (König x GN!Reader) ☁️🔥Nachtisch (König x F!Reader) 🔥Meine (Jealous!König x F!Reader) 🔥Caught (Husband!König x Wife!Reader) ⛓️🔥Something About Us (König x F!KorTac!Reader) 🔥Next Round's On Me (König x Jealous!F!Reader) 🔥☁️ Your Special Day (König x F!Wife!Reader) 🔥Kirsche (König x F!Virgin!Reader) ⛓️☁️One Step at a Time (Deadbeat!König x F!Reader) Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 🔥☁️It Won't Fit (Gentle!König x F!Reader) 🔥Focus (König x F!Reader) ⛓️☁️Always (König x F!Reader)
🔥Keeping Him Warm (Ghost x GN!Reader) ☁️🔥Closer (Ghost x F!Virgin!Reader) 🔥Simon Says (Daddy!Ghost x F!Brat!Reader) 🔥Sweet Girl (Daddy!Ghost x F!Brat!Reader) ☁️🔥Here and Now (Husband!Ghost x Wife!Reader) ⛓️☁️🔥The First Step (Ghost x F!Reader) Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3 (Completed) ⛓️☁️🔥Try (CollegeAU!Simon Riley x F!Reader) Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6 (Completed) 🔥Next Round's On Me (Ghost x Jealous!F!Reader)
⛓️☁️ Lovely (Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Doctor!Reader)
🔥Laundry Day (Soap x F!Reader) ☁️🔥Mama Hen (Husband!Soap x Wife!Reader) Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 (Completed) 🔥Sweeter than Honey (Soap x F!Reader)
☁️If It Ain't Broke (Soap x F!Reader)
🔥Tease Me, Please Me (Gaz x F!Reader)
☁️⛓️Everything's Alright (Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x F!Reader)
☁️⛓️Who Can I Turn To? (Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x M!Reader)
☁️⛓️Sopapillas (Alejandro x F!Reader) ☁️⛓️Mi Cariño (Alejandro x Pregnant!Wife!Reader)
Keegan P. Russ
☁️Doctor's Orders (Keegan P. Russ x F!Doctor!Reader)
🔥Warm Up (Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x F!Reader x Simon “Ghost” Riley) 🔥I Wanna Be Yours (Jealous!Ghost/Jealous!König x F!Reader) Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3 🔥Through the Wrong Door (141 + König x F!Reader) ☁️⛓️When She Smiles (141 x F!Reader - Platonic) ☁️⛓️ Overload (Task Force 141 x Autistic!F!Reader)
☁️🔥Ghost Breeding Kink Headcanons (PapaGhost!AU) ☁️Husband/Papa Ghost Headcanons (PapaGhost!AU) 🔥Reader Walking in on 141 + König Pleasuring Themselves ☁️⛓️141 Reacting to Civilian!Reader Getting Hospitalized While They're Deployed ☁️141 + König Defending Your Child When You Scold Them ☁️⛓️141 + König x Deaf!/Mute!F!Reader ☁️ TF141 + König x F!Reader (When you dress up and act like them) ☁️⛓️TF141/Vaqueros/König/Keegan (When you have a fight) 🔥TF141/Vaqueros/König/Keegan (Having sex while you're on the phone) ☁️ TF141 + König (When they see you changing) ☁️How They Flirt (141/Konig x F!Reader)
Back to Main Masterlist
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tessa-liam · 3 months
Turning the Page  
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A Step Back in Time, chapter 11
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belongs to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M🔞 - Warnings - Series will contain crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 3268
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A Step Back in Time, Chapter 11
Chapter Summary: Liam, Riley and William arrive for a weeklong retreat in Lythikos. Olivia takes Riley ‘under her wing’ to mentor and to offer advice for her return to court. Olivia was determined to get her friend into the right frame of mind and to ultimately get the sparkle back in her eyes. 
Music Inspiration: What Was I Made for? Billie Eilish ; Lose Control, Teddy Swims 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
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‘Cause I, ‘cause I 
I don’t know how to feel 
But I wanna try 
I don’t know how to feel 
But someday I might 
Someday I might 
Think I forgot how to be happy 
Something I’m not, but something I can be 
Something I wait for 
Something I’m made for 
Something I’m made for’ 
Cordonian Royal Palace, Capital 
If you told Riley Brooks that she would be living in Cordonia, in the Royal palace, with the King of Cordonia just last summer ... she would not believe you. She would tell you that ‘once upon a time’, she fell in love with that King and competed for his hand in marriage in his social season. By reason of the cruelty of fate, and the callousness of the Royal court, that dream would be ripped away from her by a world that was foreign to her. Where outsiders, or commoners, were frowned upon and/or deemed lesser than the noble class. She would be relegated to be the other woman, the mistress to that immensely powerful man whose duty to his country dictated that he must marry a ‘chosen’ woman, even though he did not love her. 
...and she had to watch that man she loved, marry another. 
...because she loved him, she remained. Confiding to him, ‘I’ve made my decision ... I want to be with you. I don’t care what it looks like.’ 
...and it broke her. 
In the Royal east wing, inside William’s bedroom, Riley meticulously packed his clothing into a large suitcase. Carefully selecting each item with love and care for their winter vacation in the Alps of Lythikos, she folded his small woolen sweaters with matching pants and jeans. Soft mittens and a woolen cap were nestled next to his favorite plushie, Scooby; ready to go with him on his snowy adventures. 
"Li Li, sweetheart, come here please," Riley called out, her voice echoing through the spacious room. William bounded towards her; his eyes wide as he watched his mother pack his belongings. 
"We go away, Mama?" William asked, his voice filled with wonder. 
"Yes, my sweet boy," Riley replied with a smile, scooping him up into her arms and placing him down on his bed. "We're going to the mountains with your father to visit a good friend of ours. It's going to be so much fun." 
William's eyes sparkled with delight at the mention of his father. In the five short months since he met his father for the first time, the bond between father and son had grown stronger exponentially. William adored Liam, who always had time for his son's playful antics in New York and now, here in Cordonia, as well. Despite his Royal duties, Liam made the point to spend as much time with William as possible. Riley was not surprised. Liam often spoke about what kind of father he wanted himself to be. The exact opposite of his own father. She could tell that Liam was trying his best to make up for all the time they had lost. And she could not be happier. 
Riley continued to pack, tucking away William's favorite books and toys to keep him entertained during their trip in Lythikos. She had already arranged for snacks with the kitchens, ensuring they would have everything they needed for the long drive to the northern chateau.  
Riley looked up, catching Liam's gaze.  
Liam stood and silently watched, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded. A gentle smile played on his lips as he watched Riley packing their son's belongings for their trip, while William happily tried to help his mother. 
"Come, my King," Riley softly spoke and smiled with a playful glint in her eyes. "Help me double-check if we have everything for our little adventurer." 
Liam pushed himself away from the doorframe and strolled over to Riley; he crouched down beside William, who was wide-eyed with anticipation. 
“Daddy, look.” William pointed to the large suitcase, smiling happily at his father. 
"Hello, my little prince," Liam greeted, ruffling William's hair. "Are you ready for an adventure?" 
William giggled and nodded his head vigorously, his eyes reflecting the admiration and adoration he held for his father. Liam chuckled, “I see you have lots of toys packed.” 
William climbed over to the suitcase and plucked his favorite plush to show his father. 
“Ah, I see you packed your little dog. Is he your special friend?”  
“Yes, Daddy. I love puppies.” William grinned, squeezing his toy. 
“You do? That is good to know,” Liam winked at Riley as William returned his toy to be packed. 
“I will meet you two in an hour. All right, love?” Liam asked Riley. 
“Okay, Daddy,” William answered as Liam and Riley chuckled together at his response. 
As Liam left to go to his study, Damien entered, bowing to Liam, “Your Majesty”. 
Liam smiled and nodded 'hello' in response as he walked towards his assistant waiting in the hall followed by his security detail. 
Nevrakis Chateau, Lythikos, Cordonia 
Driving through the majestic mountains, Riley stared at the vista overlooking the Nevrakis chateau. Memories flooded her mind as they passed the frozen lake below. The lake where she, along with the other suitors skated on, with Liam during his social season years ago.  
Riley shivered. Was it from seeing the beautiful winter landscape or from those memories of past competitions for the man she loved? Riley’s thoughts were interrupted by the happy sound of her son’s voice. 
William giggled; totally enthralled by Liam’s storytelling of his past adventures in the snow. The sight of father and son was precious to Riley, as she softly smiled at the two of them. William was sitting on Liam’s lap as he pointed to the large chateau coming into view ahead. 
The escalade stopped at the grand entrance of the Nevrakis chateau as members of the royal guard went into formation and opened the vehicle doors. 
As they made their way toward the entrance, a flurry of snowflakes fell from the sky, adding a layer of white powder to the ground. 
"Wow, this is beautiful.” Riley raised her arms to the sky. “I remember my first visit here during your social season.”  
"It is. If I remember correctly, it was just as cold." Liam quipped adjusting William’s scarf. 
Members of Olivia’s waitstaff greeted the party as they entered the lavish and grand estate. Standing at the base of the grand staircase, Olivia grinned as William squealed at the pair of Alaskan malamutes sitting inside the foyer. 
“King Liam, Lady Riley and Prince William ... welcome to my quaint northern lodge. I am delighted to host the three of you.”  
Liam approached Olivia and kissed her cheek, then gestured to Riley and William to join them. 
"Olivia, it's been far too long since I last visited. The grounds are magnificent.” 
"Indeed, thank you, Liam.” Olivia beamed with pride. 
"Thank you for hosting us. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated.” Riley added. 
"Anything for my dear friends." 
Olivia's attention was drawn to William, who was petting the dogs and giggling. 
"Well, hello again, prince William." Olivia walked over and knelt beside and offered treats to her two canine companions. 
William looked up at her and smiled. 
"He's even cuter than I remember," Olivia grinned. “This one,” she motioned to the brown tipped dog, is ‘Mischa’. And this big guy is ‘Zeus’, "she cooed. 
"Now, Riley." Olivia stood and walked forward slowly, looping her arm through Riley's arm and leading her inside. "We have lots to catch up on. Liam, make yourself at home. Your Royal suite is ready for you. Gustav will be your personal attendant for your stay." 
"Thank you, Liv. That is much appreciated." 
"You are quite welcome. Now, Riley, let us get started on our girl time.” Liam winked at Riley, his shoulders shaking as he chuckled at Riley’s faux scared expression. 
"Okay, sounds good." Riley shook her head grinning as she walked by Liam. 
Olivia and Riley climbed the grand staircase and disappeared around a corner while William sat on the floor playing with the dogs. 
"William, let's get you changed and settled." Liam extended his hand down for his son to take. 
"Okay, Daddy." 
“Bye bye puppies.” William exuberantly spoke to the large dogs. 
 Riley and Olivia sat on a plush sofa in front of a large window overlooking the mountains. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the snowy landscape. 
"It's so beautiful here." Riley marveled at the picturesque view. 
"I'm glad you like it.” Olivia proudly acknowledged as she handed a large glass filled with chardonnay to Riley. 
Olivia sat back and watched Riley; her expression turning serious. 
"Riley, I know that things have been difficult for you since you've come back, but you have to remember, you're a force of nature. You are stronger than you think.” Olivia was continuing the conversation of their last visit at the palace.
Riley looked down at her hands, which held onto the wine glass with a death grip. She knew the invitation to spend the week in Olivia's duchy was not just a holiday for her, Liam and William. Her once adversarial friend, and now, her good friend, wanted to assist her with reuniting with Liam.
"I can see the pain and sadness in your eyes." Olivia continued. 
"Oh... "  
"How is it really going? Riley, how is everything between you and Liam?" 
Riley sighed and set her wine glass on the table. 
"I'm...I'm not sure." 
"Do you still love him?" 
"Yes, of course. I have never stopped loving him.” 
"Do you think he loves you?" 
"Yes.” There was a small smile followed by biting her top lip. 
"Then what's the problem?" 
"I'm not sure."
Olivia shook her head and sighed. 
"You have to trust him, Riley. He loves you. And I can see how happy William makes him.” 
"I know that.” 
"But there's something else, isn't there?" Olivia eyed her friend for clues.
"It's just that... we've spent so much time apart. And now that we are back together, things feel different.” 
"I think I understand. That is quite normal, all things considered." 
"And I'm worried that he'll eventually resent me for leaving him while I was pregnant with William." 
"He could never resent you, Riley. You are the mother of his child. It'# not in his DNA.” 
“I keep thinking that that there will be another scandal around the corner. That something or someone will tear us apart.” 
"What happened to that confident and free spirited American girl? The one who turned the court on its' head. Where did she go?"
"I know what you are asking. I feel scared; waiting for the other shoe to drop.” 
"Scared of what? And why?" 
"That he won't forgive me." 
"Riley, listen to me. That is your guilt talking.” 
Olivia reached over and grabbed Riley's hands, looking her in the eye. 
"Liam loves you. He will always love you. You and William are his world. And I know that he wants nothing more than to make you happy.” 
"But, nothing. There is no 'but'.” 
"Okay." Riley was not convinced. "But, Madeleine ..."
"Is out of the picture; where Liam is concerned. You have the power of position now, make Madeleine feel it." 
Riley looked at her friend and took a staggered breath.
"Most importantly, you hold the King’s heart...show the world, show Cordonia, show Madeleine what that means...you will bring her to her knees." Olivia sneered. 
"This is why I wanted you to come for a visit. To remind you of who you are and what you are capable of.” 
“Olivia ...” Riley sighed, shaking her head, ‘no’. 
"Now. Come with me." 
Olivia stood and motioned for Riley to follow. 
Olivia took her down to an armory in the bowels of the chateau. 
"Here we are." Olivia turned and motioned to a wall of weapons. 
"What are we doing down here?" Riley asked, eyeing the collection of weapons displayed on the wall.
"We're going to do some training.” 
"Training? For what?" Riley questioned, perplexed. 
"For the press." 
"Why do I need training for the press? With weapons?" 
"Because they're vultures. They will try to get a rise out of you. They will ask rude and invasive questions. They will try to trip you up.” 
"But why do you think I need training? I know you haven’t forgotten that I was subjected to them during Liam’s social season." 
"Because they're relentless idiots.” Olivia sneered. 
"Okay, but ...” 
“Now that you are back in Cordonia, the mother of the crown prince, no less ...they want to find out your intentions with their king.” 
Riley took a deep breath, closing her eyes. 
"Don't worry. I'm going to teach you how to handle them.” Olivia confidently proclaimed with a smirk. 
"Thank you, Olivia.” Riley sighed as she eyed the collection of pointy weaponry again. 
"Of course. Now, let us get started.” 
Riley was grateful for Olivia's help and advice. She knew that she was right about the press, having dealt with them through the engagement tour, after the scandal was brought to light. 
Riley didn't have to know that. At least, not yet. 
And she knew that she needed to be prepared. Riley understood the extent to which the press would dig and manipulate information to get a juicy soundbite. But she was not aware that Madeleine would have her own agenda to discredit and sabotage her at every chance she got, all the way from Morocco. However, Olivia was well aware of Madeleine’s spite and her bitterness over losing the crown. 
"First off. I want you to choose a weapon." Olivia pointed to her collection of weaponry mounted on the wall. 
"A weapon?" Riley’s eyes were wide looking at the selection before her.
"Yes. You cannot fight the press with words alone.” 
"Um...okay." Riley answered sceptically. 
Riley looked at each weapon closely. There were swords, halberds, axes and daggers, among others. 
She picked up a sword. 
"Hmm...a sword? Interesting choice." 
"It's light and I can move fast.” 
"Good. Particularly good.” Olivia nodded approvingly. “That would be a weapon that Liam would choose.” 
“Really?” Riley admonished. 
"Now, we'll practice some moves.” 
"Yes. Maneuvers. Stances. Blocking and parrying.” 
"Wow. This is serious.” 
"Indeed. I'll start slow, but don't let your guard down.” 
"I won't.” Riley responded warily. 
"Good. Now, attack me." 
"What?" Riley looked aghast.
"Attack me." 
"Oh, um ... okay." 
Riley raised the sword and ran at Olivia, who easily dodged the blow. 
"Is that the best you've got?" 
Riley lunged at her again, and again, Olivia sidestepped each attack. 
"You're leaving yourself open.” Olivia challenged.
"I am?" 
"Yes. If this was a real fight, I would have cut you down by now." Olivia chirped. 
"Oh.” Riley let out a large breath, wondering to herself how this lesson was going to end. 
"Here. Let me show you." 
Olivia demonstrated a series of moves, her sword flashing and swooshing in the air. 
"Now, you try.” 
Riley imitated the movements, her sword swishing through the air. 
"Better.” Olivia critiqued. 
"Thanks." Riley answered questionably. 
"Again.” Olivia commanded with Riley going on the defensive. 
They continued to spar, their swords clashing together. Riley was impressed with Olivia's skills and ability to read her opponent and react accordingly. 
As they continued to fight, Riley became more comfortable with the sword, her moves becoming more fluid and graceful. Liam slipped into the back of the room, quietly watching the sparring.
"Excellent.” Olivia praised.
"Thanks.” Riley smiled at the compliment, picking up a bottle of water.
"Now we need a target." Olivia led her to a stuffed, practice dummy.  
Riley chuckled as she watched her friend attach a large face photo of Madeleine onto the head with a dagger.  
"Here, let me help you." Olivia handed her an assortment of knives, before she expertly threw her dagger.
Riley's first few throws landed wide, but she quickly found her mark, sinking several blades into the center of the picture. 
"Nicely done.” 
"Feel better?" Olivia snickered as Riley laughed. 
“Yes! Yes, actually I do. But I don't understand. How is this going to help me?” 
 "When the press asks you questions, you need to stay calm and confident. If they try to rattle you, throw them off balance. Focus on your target.” Olivia pointed to the picture. 
"Let's practice."
"All right."
"Imagine I'm a member of the press. And I ask you, 'Lady Riley, where have you been all these years?'"
Riley cleared her throat and straightened her posture. 
"I've been raising my son in New York. It's where he was born and raised.” 
"Why did you leave Cordonia?"
"I left to protect my child. And because I knew that King Liam had an obligation to the Queen.” 
"What are your intentions now that you've returned?” 
"I'm here to support my son and to be a part of his life.” 
"Do you still love the King?” 
"Yes, of course." 
“No! STOP!!!” 
Olivia moved assertively towards Riley. "This is where you say, 'that's all the questions for today’ and then you walk away from the microphones. Show confidence. Show determination. Show stoicism. Control the narrative.” 
Riley raised her eyebrow. "How did you get so good at this, Olivia?" 
Olivia shrugged, her shoulders rising slightly. "I'm the duchess of Lythikos. People talk. And sometimes they don't realize I'm listening." 
Riley nodded, a new respect for Olivia blossoming in her heart with a renewed sense of determination in her step. 
Feeling his arms, Riley giggled and leaned back against him with a content smile. 
Liam sauntered up to Riley from behind, wrapping his arms around Riley’s waist. 
Riley turned around to look at Liam, her eyes filled with love. 
“The Royal guard will then lead you away from the gathering,” Liam interjected. “You will never be left without protection.” 
"Thank you, Liam.” Riley tearfully smiled.
"I want you to know that while I am alive, you will always have a home in Cordonia. And I will never let anyone threaten that ... or you ... ever again.” 
Riley felt a warm feeling in her chest and a sense of calm.
Maybe everything was going to be all right, after all. As long as she had Liam and William, she knew she could face anything.
"Liam, I love you."
"I love you, too, Riley."
Liam pressed his lips to hers, and Riley melted into his embrace. They kissed for a long moment, savoring the feel of each other's bodies.
"Come, let's go get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."
"I'm ready.*
"Pleasant dreams you two. Good night."
"Olivia, thank you for your expertise. It is much appreciated.
"Your welcome, Liam. It's my pleasure."
Good night." Riley called out.
Riley followed Liam out of the room, her hand firmly grasped in his.
And for the first time since she had come back to Cordonia, she truly felt like she was home.
"Thank you, Olivia," she whispered as she lay in Liam's arms, his steady heartbeat lulling her to sleep.
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
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raisedbythetv89 · 3 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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the-raindeer-king · 24 days
(A/N: prt 4 and the finale of the Mama Riley au! Thanks for all the support and nice comments. It means the world to me! No content warnings. Enjoy!!)
If the ground would swallow him whole, Simon would consider that a blessing. God, he never should've asked his mom about you. Of course she'd clock him. Who knows the man better than his own mom?
He stares blankly at you for far too long. Long enough that you're wondering if there was a chance Mama Riley had it all wrong. You open your mouth, ready to backtrack the statement, when Simon settles a hand on your thigh.
“I… yeah. It's true,” he answers you. He tells you it's fine if you don't feel the same. You were his mom's friend first, and he can see how deeply you care about her and vice versa. He wants his mom to be happy.
“What about what you want?” You ask, curious.
Simon's quiet for a moment, thinking. He wants to marry you, but that might be a bit much to admit right out the gate. So he gathers his nerves, and quietly admits, “I want to kiss you.”
You can't help but smile in response. You lean in a little closer to him, your eyes already half lidded. “I want you to kiss me,” you reply softly.
The kiss is a little awkward. It takes Simon a second to get comfortable in the kiss, but it's good once he does. (You find out later on that it's his second kiss.) His hands come to cradle your face, tipping your head back to deepen the kiss. That's when the kiss becomes perfect, the kind that makes your head spin.
You break away at the sound of the door opening. Simon's hands linger in your face for a moment longer, before he drops them back down to his sides. But you're quick to lace your fingers with his, more than eager to start displaying affection. You've been holding back for far too long.
Mama Riley smiles at the both of you, a coffee in hand. “You kids get your feelings worked out?” She teases.
You and Simon share a look, before responding simultaneously.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Yeah, Mum.”
Going to sleep that night is incredibly bittersweet. You two finally made progress, just barely started your relationship, and he's leaving in the morning. Simon has never hated his job more than now. He's waited, since the day y'all met, for this, and he doesn't feel like he even has a chance to enjoy it.
But it makes returning, two months later, all the more worth it. This isn't the first time you've gone with Mama Riley to pick him up, but this time is different. There's no fanfare, no balloons or signs, although you and Mama Riley had joked about it. But there is a new energy in the air, excitement to see your boyfriend.
He's easy to spot amongst the crowd, tall and imposing. But you see the way his shoulders sag with relief, when he spots you two. He greets his mom first, crushing her in a hug. There's some whispered words between the two of them, before Simon turns his attention to you.
He hesitates, before tugging his face mask down. “Can I kiss you?”
You can't help but giggle a little, nodding your head. His hands move to cradle your face, so gentle despite the horrors he's witnessed. And when your lips meet his, Simon decides there's no better way to welcome him home.
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ghostedcas · 1 year
hello :3
i saw that you really loved fluff fics AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ASWELL! so i was wondering if you could write something for dad!simon riley x mom!reader and they have somewhat of a big family like two teen kids and two younger kids and all of them go on a much needed vacation together🥹 like it could be anywhere you want it to be maybe a road trip to the mountains, beach, or just going out of state!
i would love to see what you do with this :3 im a sucker for fluff
have an amazing day/night :DD
gods absolutely yes, dad!simon 💳💥💳💥💥💳🥺 
i'm the biggest sucker for  family fics y’all you don't understand!!
i apologize if this is a lil shitty, i'm stoned writing this lmao
simon "ghost" riley x reader
warnings: none, lots and lots of tooth rotting fluff. reader is afab and referred to as mrs. riley once mom, mother, and with other fem terms but no specific pronouns are used and identifying gender isn't specified :)
word count: 655
a/n: simon and reader have 4 kids, twin son and daughter (4), a nonbinary teen (15) and a son (17), none of them are referred to with actual names except for the nonbinary child whose name is 'bug' (there is lore behind this i came up with while writing this if anyone wants a little fic extending on how bug chose their name), simon and the reader have been together for 18 years. i actually have no idea how old ghost is even supposed to be, i just headcanon him in his mid 30's but for this specific au he'll be 40 on the dot, reader is meant to be 38-40.
"are we there yet?" you hear the whine of your four year old son come from his car seat behind you. it wasn't hard to tell the poor guy was getting restless and impatient,
"just 20 more minutes bud, keep watching bluey with your sister." your husband, simon responds to the squirrely child before you can speak up. you flash him a sweet smile and look over your shoulder to glimpse back at your children.
you were currently on a roadtrip up to scotland to visit one of simon's military friends and vacation at the beach with your family. you found it a little funny that on his break from work simon was so happy and eager about going to see one of his coworkers, but it warmed your heart to know he had such close friends especially in people he had to work with, people who he literally trusted with his life.
"how're you all holding up?" you ask the four with a sweet smile.
"good." your eldest son mumbles, not moving his attention from his phone, texting his friends.
"how about you my little bug?" you turn your attention to your 15 year old.
"i'm good mama, just playing a word search game." they replied, turning their phone to show you the progress of their game.
"nice, you're doing great. i didn't even realize that fritz was a real word."
it was just under another 20 minutes when you pulled into the driveway of simon's friend's, johnny, house. it was s beautiful, quaint thing, the ocean a few hundred feet away behind the home. as you unbuckled your seatbelt you saw the man appear from his home, holding his arms out with a loud chuckle for simon as your husband stepped out of the vehicle.
you smiled to yourself as you got out of the car, watching your husband embrace his friend gruffly as you removed your four year old daughter from her car seat. "hello darling, we're here now." you say gently to the child, who is just awakening from the nap she decided to take in the car.
bug removed your four your old son from his seat for you, holding the boy in their arms as you thank them and give their head a pat with your free hand.
you and the four children approach your husband and his friend, offering the scott a sweet smile. "it's good to see you again johnny."
"you to mrs. riley, kiddos."
"hi uncle johnny." the kids replied.
"why don't the four of you go and play on the beach? it's a private beach and there's not too many others out on it today." soap suggests to the kids with a smile, thumbing over his shoulder to point towards the beach.
it was a couple hours later, you were sat on a beach chair under an umbrella watching simon in the water with your daughter, hearing the four year old's loud and excited giggling made your heart swell. your eldest son and 15 year old playing water volleyball against johnny as your youngest son rested in your arms, tired of playing in the water and just wanting to be cuddled by his mother.
your heart felt full as you watched the scene in front of you, this vacation was well needed for everyone, your two older kids having worked incredibly hard on their schooling and grades, simon having worked hard at work as he always does. and being four is harder than it may seem, the twins needed this break just as much as everyone else.
and of course yourself, you had worked hard at home, taking care of the kids, the housework, and so much more. with and without simon, you worked hard and deserved the break too. it was nice to finally get the time to do something fun like this together as a family. you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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gazs-blue-hat · 7 months
Simon Riley Reblog Masterlist
Here's everything I have ever rebloged about Simon Riley. Be it art, blurbs, whatever, you'll find it here.
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Art Masterlist
Scary Dog Privilege- X Reader Art
Going Dark
Dad!Simon pt.2
Soap's Simp Folder
I Don't Know Why I Bite
Big Guy
Working Hard (or Hardly Working)
At the Gym
Smoke Break
You Fucked Up
Dad!Simon pt.1
Riley and Riley
Gone Fishin’
Fluff Masterlist
Ghost as a partner
Dead Disco- Chapter 9
A Good Father- (Wife!Reader)
Welder!Ghost Imagine
Firefighter AU
Great Kisser
Secret Wife pt.2
Oversized T-shirt
Nightmare- (Hurt/Comfort)
Pornstar!Ghost- Safeword
Mama's Boy- (Hurt/Comfort)
Secret Lovers
Pornstar!Ghost- Matching Set
Girl Dad
Dog Dad
Pornstar!Ghost- Aftercare
Worried About you
Wash it Away
Dark Vision- (Hurt/Comfort)
A Proper Name
Like A Horror Movie- (Hurt/Comfort)
Actions More Than Words
Just Like You
Face Shielding
Lazarus- (Hurt/Comfort) (NOT X READER)
Not in a Long Time
Street lamps and Stories
Angst Masterlist
Sand in His Pockets
Zombie!Ghost- Roommate
Hold on
Humming- (Dead Disco Zombie Au)
Shadows Of The Past
The Experiments
How Many Fingers?
Smut Masterlist (Anything Sexy Really)
Need It- (Sub!Ghost x GN!Reader)
Overstim- (Husband!Simon)
Period Sex Symbiote AU
Something to Break the Tension- (Car Sex)
Body Worship
Mirror Sex
Black Metal and Bourbon pt.2
On a Slow Night
Pornstar!Ghost- Solace
Symbiote AU
Pornstar!Ghost- Accidentally On Purpose
And On The Seventh Day
Pornstar!Ghost- Make It Personal
Something to Make It Worse
Love Language
The Sun- Epilogue
Feeling you
King and Knight Ghoap
Pillow princess!Simon
Just Practice
Crack Masterlist
Dad Jokes
Everything Else
Snowblind- (Series Masterlist)
Ghosts and Mirages- (Series Masterlist)
Ghost Masterlist by @charnelhouse
Light On- (Series Masterlist)
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dragonwritersblog · 2 months
She Was Like A Sunflower
Read on AO3
Yeah, I just finished this so there may be some spelling mistakes. I just didn't want to delay the second chapter any further so I'll fix them when I wake up. Also, WHO PUT DOOMED YURI IN MY FUNNYBUNNY FIC?!?! Also, come support me and Pandora's new au on our shared tumblr called 'The Amazing Digital Redacted AU'. If you love indie horror like Bendy and the Ink machine, Poppy Playtime, FNAF then you'll love this AU. Here's the link Don't forget to check out twitter as well All that said, enjoy chapter 2! (and dont kill me pls)
2. Marjorie
What died didn't stay dead
You're alive, so alive
And if I didn't know better
I'd think you were singing to me now – Marjorie by Taylor Swift
Cloudy skies, not a hint of light coming through. It was going to be that type of day today, and that type of mood by the way Winter observed Riley’s behaviour this morning. The redhead was at the table, drinking coffee and bouncing Percy on her knee. Winter could tell whenever a smile was pretend, and the way her wife smiled right now was no exception.
Could she blame her? Winter was a wreck when Jack went missing and knowing how close Penny and Riley were, it made sense for her wife to behave the way she did. But the thing is, Riley didn’t, or scream, or get angry. The passionate, loud, amazing women she married wasn’t the one holding their son at the table. There was only a shell. And after that visit she had with David, Riley’s shell had only gotten tougher.
If Riley said anything that related to Penny, it would be to trying to find her. She never spoke about how it made her feel, never saw a tear, or the grieved anger that one would expect. Riley was always so loving towards anything about her sister, it unnerved Winter seeing her wife like this.
“Look at him,” Riley cooed at the little baby on her lap. “We have the cutest kid in the world, look at him.”
Percy giggled as his mother held him up under the arms, thrashing his legs about as he peered at his mama over the kitchen island. “He is the cutest baby in the world,” Winter agreed. “Um, I know Captain Rae is okay with you working on this case. But are you sure-”
“We should get him a new mobile,” Riley cut her off, focusing her attention on Percy. “I think the other one isn’t working to well, he never pays attention to it.”
Winter pursed her lips, tapping her fingers on the kitchen counter. She wanted to at least say something about Penny before Riley had to leave to drop Percy off at Laura’s. “Listen, Riley,” she spoke, making her wife turn to her. “You have been nothing but patient when I found out Jack went missing, I know this type of this is so fucking far from easy. Whatever you’re feeling, I’ve felt it too. You…you know that right?”
“I know,” Riley smiled warmly. “You know, you can say if you’re missing Jack again. You don’t have to be light about it to make me feel better, okay Hun?”
“No, no, that’s not what I’m trying to say,” Winter pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’ve heard you in the night, waking up crying. I understand what you’re feeling, you can talk about Penny-”
“-Okay Percy,” Riley turned back to her son. “Are you ready to see Grandma?” She immediately stood up, holding him by her hip as she grabbed her own bag, Percy’s baby bag and car keys from the table.
It was as if a switch was flipped, a wall was put up and the shell was hardening. “Riley, wait!” Winter went round the kitchen island as she chased her wife to the door, “Riley.”
Riley froze as she opened the door, facing the outside, her face hidden. Winter heard her take a sharp intake of breath before facing her with the same faux smile that she had been wearing ever since she came back from David’s “Yeah?”
“I…It’s just,” Winter tried to find the words, to say something that didn’t involve her life leaving without at least finishing a conversation. But she knew that no matter how hard she tried, Riley would find an opening in order not to face it, and it would only make Winter’s efforts even harder. The dark-haired woman sighed, “I’ll see you at work later. I…love you.”
A glimpse of a real smile appeared on Riley’s face, “I love you too carrot cake.” The redhead pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah,” Winter nodded solemnly, “See you soon.”
With that, Riley turned her focus back on Percy and shut the door behind her. Winter let her soldiers sag, a painful ache forming in her heart. She knew Riley was hurting, she saw it flicker in her eyes every time a dead end came up for Penny’s case, she heard it when Riley awoke crying from nightmares – yet Winter pretended she was asleep in order for Riley to not feel ashamed – and she felt every single anger and grief that she knew Riley was having because she had felt it when Jack went missing.
So why wouldn’t Riley talk to her?!
Winter took a deep breath, trying to cancel out the negative energy. Everyone copes differently with these types of things. Besides, she and Riley were as strong as cement, they could work through this despite how bleak everything seemed.
Riley would come to her eventually…maybe…hopefully.
So why did Winter feel so lonely?
“Okay, let me understand this as best as I can,” Ragatha started. Pomni and Jax had set up some bean bags for everyone while they sat on the bed, just finishing up their rundown of everything that happened in the last day. “You two have your memories back?”
“Yup,” Jax nodded.
“And you two were engaged before you got sucked in here?” Zooble questioned.
“That would be correct,” Pomni agreed.
“And now you guys might know a way to escape this place?” Gangle asked.
“That is a plausibility,” Jax replied.
Ragatha pressed her hands together and held them near her face, taking a long, deep, exhausted breath, “This is a lot to take in.”
Pomni bit her lip nervously, “I know this is the last thing you were all expecting, but you’re all handling this well all things considered.”
“I’m just confused on how you managed to fall in love with Jax of all people,” Zooble muttered, glaring at the rabbit.
Jax rolled his eyes, “Thanks Zooble.”
Pomni frowned, taking his hand into hers and squeezing it tight, “Because he loved me despite everything, saw me at my worst yet stayed because he knew I could thrive into my best. And right now, he helped me find a possible way to get everyone out of here. Do I excuse what he’s done to all of you? No. And I’m still not happy with how he treated me and Ragatha on my first day. So don’t think I’m taking sides, I’m simply observing.”
Zooble sighed, almost feeling guilty…almost. But they trusted Pomni’s word, not Jax’s (they didn’t know if they ever would) but definitely Pomni’s. “Fine” she muttered.
Kinger looked more lost than he usually did. The usual quiet brainstorm he would have in the middle of the room increased like wildfire. “Memories…returning,” he mumbled. “This…I don’t…I haven’t seen anything like it.”
Jax turned to the chess piece. He didn’t like this reaction, not one bit. It brought up too many painful flashbacks of someone similar to Kinger going through the same thing a long time ago, “Kinger, buddy, stay with us.”
It was like going in one ear and out the either for the royal character, still shaking like a leaf, “How…what is…something is…a trip?”
Trip? Jax didn’t want to see how far this would go, how far Kinger would go unless he’d – no, he wasn’t going to finish that thought and he wouldn’t let this continue. “Kinger!” Jax clapped his hands, the sound ringing through the room and snapping the chess piece out of his mumblings.
Kinger blinked. Once, twice, “Oh Jax.” And once again, he was back to himself, “Apologies, I must have been lost in a dream. But it’s so nice to know you and Pomni were together, young love finds a way.”
Despite the chess piece giving them all a scare, that statement alone made the rabbit and jester blush. Would it be rude if he kicked everyone out and smother his fiancé with attention? Yes, yes it would. And while it was tempting, Jax couldn’t afford to indulge. Not when the giant elephant in the room was still being addressed.
“It is really sweet,” Gangle whispered. It sounded like a genuine compliment from the masked woman – and it was don’t get her wrong – but there was something else lacing her tone. Something else that suggested the bodied ribbons couldn’t be as happy as she wanted to be. But she didn’t say, it wasn’t her place. No one could even tell from that slight lilt in her voice that she felt this way.
But Zooble noticed.
“Okay, still a little confused but I think I’m getting there,” Ragatha finally spoke up again. “Listen, Pomni. You know I trust you whole heartedly, but we’ve been here for years and no one has seen an exit until now, are you sure that what you’ve seen is accurate?”
Pomni’s face fell. Despite the door in front of Ragatha, despite everything she told her, why did the ragdoll still doubt her? “But we told you. The exit door is right there,” Pomni pointed to the door on the wall, desperation filling her eyes. “I know it seems impossible but I really think we can get out of here!”
Ragatha gasped, covering her mouth with guilt at what she said, “Sorry, sorry Pomni I phrased that wrong. It’s just…we’ve all tried looking for a way out and it always backfired, even when we think we’ve gotten so close. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.”
Pomni opened her mouth, about to speak when-
“Ragatha,” Jax spoke. Everyone’s eyes widened, he never said Ragatha’s actual name, and so seriously either. “We saw her mother. She saw us send out a message to her. She knows we’re alive.” He paused, watching the ragdoll process everything with shock written all over her face. “Someone knows we’re here now. I know you’re scared, but this is a real chance of finally leaving.”
Ragatha’s mouth opened and closed, cutting off words before they even arrived at her lips. She thought she knew everything about the circus, had accepted that no matter how much they tried they could never escape. It was a horrible thing to accept, but she had to if she wanted to stay sane and not end up like…she could still feel herself almost crumbling away when Kaufmo’s abstracted form attacked her. No, no! She can’t lose herself now. She should be grateful that Pomni and Jax managed to find a way to be free, so why did it feel so hard to grasp onto that hope? “Okay,” she sighed. “I trust you, Pomni. But what about Caine, do you think you’ll tell him-”
“NO!” Pomni cut her off, fear swimming in her red and blue eyes. Even everyone seemed shocked by her sudden volume. Jax held her close, hugging her trembling form as the jester took a few breaths to calm herself down. “No, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea. He already had a weird way of trying to make things ‘fun’ here, I don’t know how he’ll feel when we say we’ve found a legitimate exit. What if he tries to take that away?”
The rest of the group nodded slowly. Even before Pomni arrived, Caine had always shut down the possibility of an exit being possible. And every time it was shown to him, he would twist it and prove to them that it was just another part of the circus. It was like he feared an exit even existing.
“It’s just your imagination!” he always said, leaving them to doubt if what they saw was actually there. And if you lost yourself in those thoughts, then it was a one-way trip into the cellar. And nobody wanted that.
“Well in that case…” Ragatha trailed off, closing her eyes for a moment. When they opened, they were fierce and determined. “Keep doing what you’re doing. This actually seems like a true way to finally get out of here. But do not let Caine find out. Keep pretending that everything is the same, you two are just friends, you don’t remember your past and that there is no way an exit is even here.”
“Got it,” Pomni and Jax said in unison.
“Which means that you two should stop acting like a couple whenever you’re in public,” Ragatha stated.
“Oh we know,” Pomni smiled innocently.
“Yeah, it’s not as hard as it seems,” Jax replied cooly.
Ragatha raised a coy brow at the two of them, “Pomni, darling, you’re sitting on Jax’s lap.”
Oh, right, the two of them forgot about that. They were both quick to slip back in to how they used to be before the circus, which meant a lot of trusting physical contact that the two were proud to have developed over the years. But then again, Ragatha was right. Something like that would be extremely obvious to Caine that something was up.
Pomni slid of the rabbit’s lap, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly while Jax coughed nervously behind his fist. “Right, sorry,” Pomni laughed sheepishly, while Jax pouted at the lack of contact.
Ragatha pinched the bridge of her nose again, this is gonna be a disaster.
Riley paced back and forth in her mother’s living room, her phone held to her ear as she chewed on her fingernail. “Oh god I fucked up, I really fucked up,” she mumbled as the dial buzzed in her ear.
“Riley, sweetie, it’s gonna be okay,” Amber put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders, ceasing her pacing. “If this Samual boy is as nice as you say he is I’m sure he’ll listen to you.”
“I was really awful the last time I saw him, Mom,” Riley winced as she remembered his cries, ignoring him as the elevator doors shut behind her. “And the worst part was, I genuinely believed he was telling the truth. You always told me to trust my gut and I did! With him! But then Jason Wood said stuff that sounded plausible, and I feel so fucking stupid because even my head was screaming at me not to believe him. I didn’t know whether to trust the facts because both of them were laid out to me and I-”
“Hey, hey,” Amber’s voice was soft yet firm.  “This isn’t like anything you’ve ever worked on before. We are dealing with something that we didn’t even know existed, and its personal since both Jack and Penny are involved in this. In a normal case, maybe someone like Jason is right about this. But this isn’t a normal case, and we have proof that this Jason guy isn’t to be trusted.”
Riley nodded, “I have to let him know how sorry I am. This kid, he’s been through so much, all I did was make his situation worse. If Jason really treated him like that them…oh god…oh god Mom we really need to help him!”
Amber nodded feverishly. When Riley told her what Samual went through, with his parents going missing and how Jason was like to him whenever they were brought up, all the mother saw was nothing but red. The only time Amber looked like she was ready to kill was with David after the car crash all those years ago, and again when he showed up at both of her daughters’ homes unannounced.
Riley was about to speak when-
“Hello?” Samual’s voice answered through the phone.
“Ah, Samual!” Riley gasped, keeping the phone tight to her ear. “Samual you were right about everything! We couldn’t trust Jason!”
“M-miss Riley?!” His tone was small and frightened, almost trading on eggshells at the sound of her. “What are you talking about?”
Riley only wanted that type of fear from the voices of those who wronged her, not from innocent kids trying to help. She wanted to slap herself in the face for making that mistake, “Samual, you know the emails you showed me? Of the mystery person? The same thing happened to my Mom, my sister, I think she’s trying to get into contact with us.”
There was a small pause on the other line, before the boy spoke meekly, “You…you believe me?”
“Yeah, yeah kid I do,” Riley was nothing short of breathless. The last twenty-four hours have been nothing but a blur. But the way she spoke to him, at the height of her anger. Even if this situation wasn’t real, she shouldn’t have spoke to a hurting kid like that. “Samual, I owe you an apology.”
“Oh no, you don’t need to-”
“Samual, please,” she gently cut him off. “The way I spoke to you was nothing short of cold and rude. I was in a bad place and me and my family have gone through so much pain, but that’s no excuse and I should never have taken my anger out on you. I’m so sorry Samual.”
There was a pause, Riley waited with bated breath. Mere seconds felt agonisingly long until Samual finally answered, “I forgive you.”
Riley felt her lungs fill with air, finally letting herself breathe, “Really?”
“Yeah, I get it. Jason has a history of getting people to believe his stories,” Samual said. “I don’t blame you. And now I’m guessing we have more proof that he’s lying?”
“That’s right,” Riley confirmed, “Are you free to come check it out?”
“I’ll be there as quick as I can,” Samual’s excited and curious tone returned. “I can’t wait to get started on our secret FBI work!”
The line cut off before Riley could say another word. She grinned, shaking her head.
He forgave her.
“I’m guessing it went well?” Amber asked, her own smile gracing her lips.
Riley nodded, relief washing over her again and again, “We might actually be getting somewhere.”
Amber faltered a little. For a while, she was starting to lose hope that she would ever truly hear those words. But somehow, mercy was gifted to her and her family. “We’re gonna find her,” she stated firmly to her eldest daughter “We’re gonna get Penny back.”
“We will Mom,” Riley agreed, “We will.”
Yes the option to not go on Caine’s adventure was always available, but it didn’t mean that the ringmaster was too happy whenever someone decided to stay behind. Right now, Zooble was idly walking down one of the hallways on the tent, kicking their foot against the carpet a few times. Ironically enough, Zooble wasn’t the first and only one who volunteered to stay behind for the day. Nope, it was Gangle who asked first.
Normally the ribboned lady wouldn’t mind tagging along on an adventure with everyone else, but today she turned away at the offer trudging back into the circus. Zooble had instantly recognised that it wasn’t Gangle’s usual behaviour and decided to stay back too. He would deal with Caine’s shenanigans once the pair of dentures came back with the rest of the crew.
Zooble paced up and down the hallway, the day was nearly up but she hadn’t actually worked up the courage to see if Gangle was okay. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but Gangle was one of the sweetest and sensitive people here. Zooble cherished the fact that someone like her wanted to be friends with someone like him, to the point that they even got a bit nervous when talking with her one on one. But right now, there was something obviously wrong with Gangle and Zooble made the choice to stay behind to make sure that she didn’t feel less alone. Yet here she was, keeping a distance from the masked lady because he was nothing but afraid.
But then they stopped. When he was in the gloink hole, Gangle was the only one to realise he was missing, even being brave enough to try and bring her back. It would be selfish of Zooble to not at least try to comfort the girl and see if she was okay. Swallowing both his fears and pride, Zooble marched themselves down the hall to find Gangle.
He found her sitting on the stage, her silk legs drawn up to her chest as she sighed to herself, her comedy mask was once again broken and she had to rely on her secondary, sombre one instead. Under Zooble’s stoic expression, she was absolutely terrified. They didn’t know why, Gangle was their friend. Why did they feel afraid to start a conversation alone with a friend. Their sweet…kind…pretty friend. Ah! Pull yourself together! Gangle needs you!
Zooble took a deep breath, he could do this. And so, he walked up to the stage, slipping into their usual and calm posture, “Hey Gangle. No adventure today?”
She jumped a bit at the sound of her name, relaxing when they saw who it was, “No, not today. I wasn’t in the mood.”
“Oh,” Zooble nodded awkwardly. They weren’t really good at the emotional fluffy stuff, every time they tried she somehow always reached a dead end. But he didn’t want Gangle feeling this lonely, he had to at least try and help her out, “Any reason why?”
Gangle rubbed her arm, giving Zooble a sad smile, “It’s okay Zooble. If you have somewhere to be then you can go, you don’t need to stay and talk to me if you don’t want to.”
“No I do!” Zooble said a bit too quickly, making Gangle squeak. “Gah, sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like that. It’s…ugh how does Ragatha do this so easily?” They closed their eyes for a moment, breathing deeply before opening them again. “I’m here because I want to be. And I’m always willing to lend an ear if you need to talk. Gangle, if there���s anything you wanna say or do, I’m here.”
The ribboned woman seemed to be taken aback by that, not fully expecting that level of support from the usual reclusive assortment of parts. But she wasn’t complaining, she liked seeing this side of Zooble. “Well, it’s just…” she started, fiddling with the ends of her ribbons for a moment. “I’m happy that Pomni and Jax have their memories back, really I am. And it really is sweet that they used to be together, but…”
“But?” Zooble asked.
“…Jax has done nothing but torment us, prank us and make our lives miserable,” Gangle spoke. “Every day, he’s done nothing but go out of his way to annoy us just because he likes seeing funny things happen to people. And now he has his memories back and we’re suddenly happy for him?! After all he put us through. As if it erases everything he did to us! With Pomni, I’m glad that she remembers who she was. She was so scared when she got here and Caine has done nothing to help her, so it’s good finally seeing her smile. But with Jax? It might be wrong for me to say but it doesn’t seem fair! We’ve been trying everything to remember who we were, all the while he laughed at us for doing so! Like he hadn’t tried doing so in the first place as well yet he still made fun of us! And now he gets them back just like that! I wanna remember! I tried so hard to! Yet he berated me for trying and he-”
She covered her mouth, ashamed. She said too much. “Oh gosh, that’s horrible what I just said!” her eyes darted round the area. “I need to find my comedy mask, that why I’ll stop talking like this and be happy! Where is it? I swore I had it here somewhere, it’s not broken. Oh god, what if it is?! No, no, no! I need my comedy mask! I need it! I wanna stop feeling like this!”
“Gangle! You’re okay!” Zooble quickly caught Gangle’s flailing hands in theirs, holding them firmly yet gently. “You’re not a horrible person for saying that and I get what you’re trying to say. I know you don’t mean anything bad by it and I understand your frustration. Am I glad that bozo has his memories back, sure. But it doesn’t mean that I forgave and forgot all that he put us through, and you don’t need to either. If someone as weird as Jax can get his memories back, then someone as amazing as you can get yours back too.”
Gangle lips parted for a moment, speechless at the honesty in Zooble’s tone. “Y-you think I’m amazing?” she whispered.
Zooble’s voice got caught in her throat, her entire face flustering up as she removed his hands from Gangle’s. “Well, yeah,” they replied nonchalantly. “You don’t overwhelm me like Caine or annoy me like Jax. Plus I like your acts you put on.”
Gangle practically beamed at that, “You like my acts?”
“Hehe, of course,” Zooble’s eyes gleamed. “You got a real talent for that.”
The masked lady giggled, “You know, for someone who doesn’t think they’re good at soft stuff, I think you did a pretty great job with talking to me.”
“Oh,” Zooble blushed, clearing their throat before mumbling, “Thank you. And your comedy mask, you wanna leave it or…”
“No I can’t leave it,” Gangle quickly told her. “Everything just gets too much in here, I need my mask to make it easier, to make me happier. That way I won’t bring everyone down and I’ll be as happy as I need to be.”
Zooble furrowed his brows at Gangle’s statement, “But you don’t bring-”
“Oh, I think I know where it is!” Gangle grinned. “I’ll be back soon! Thank you Zooble!” She then tore off down the hall, all the way back to the bedroom quarters.
“Wait but…” Zooble reached out an arm to her, but Gangle was already gone. “But you don’t need your mask to be happy.”
They sighed. They had seen Gangle smile without the mask, a real genuine smile that wasn’t forced by some code from the character model forced onto her. If anything, Zooble swore that the mask only made things worse for Gangle, making her rely on it more and more. Zooble wished to see that real smile again.
Their train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a group of voices, tired and groaning. She turned, looks like the adventure was over for today. “Jeez, what happened to you guys?” they asked.
“Football stadium adventure,” Ragatha mumbled, rubbing her lower back. “Turns out when you put four inexperienced players against a group of NPC’s coded with tons of knowledge about it, you tend to face a lot of back pain.”
Zooble hissed through his teeth, “Yikes.”
“But it’s all a part of the adventure!” Caine boomed, making them all jump. “After all! How boring would it be if you didn’t learn at all!”
“You couldn’t at least give us a tutorial?” Jax grumbled. “Was that really too hard for you to do dentures?” He wasn’t really angry for himself. Well, he was. But Pomni had a really hard time on her feet during the whole game, easily being outnumbered and beaten by the NPC’s.
At one point, one of them kicked her in the leg instead of the ball, sending her to the ground. For a moment, Jax had forgotten all about the pretending, tackling the NPC to the ground before checking on his secret fiancé. Thankfully, Caine saw it as Jax thinking they were playing soccer (despite him literally kicking the ball for hours on end) and being a good teammate. Jax had never been more thankful for the AI’s naivety, especially when it gave him a chance to take Pomni to a nursing room and dressing her wound (he wouldn’t forget about how her cheeks turned red when he kissed the side of her bandaged knee).
“Anyhow!” Caine fiddled with his cane before tossing it away, a cartoonish sound effect resonating from where it landed. “I suggest you all rest up! We’ve gotten even more adventures planned for tomorrow and you’ll all need a good feast and rest before that!”
“Oh great, its not as if we heard that line before,” Jax muttered. Pomni crossed her arms over her chest, raising a brow at the rabbit. Jax only grinned, rolling his eyes at the pair of dentures before circling his finger at the temple of his head, clearing stating his opinion of the ringmaster. Pomni scoffed, failing to hide a smile at her fiancé. Jax’s face softened, he’ll never get tired of making her smile.
 “I’ll leave everyone to themselves before dinner!” Caine boomed with his usual, yet unsettling, toothy grin. “Take care my superstars!”
Like the same song and dance he had done many times before, the pair of dentures vanished in a puff of smoke. Jax waited a few seconds, making sure that the ringmaster was gone before rushing over to Pomni. “How’s your knee? Does it still hurt?” he asked, brushing his hand over the bandage.
“Yeah Hun I’m okay,” Pomni reassured him, petting behind his ears. “I’m sure it’s just a bruise now with the way things work here.”
His brows furrowed worriedly, “You sure? No more aches?”
“No more aches,” Pomni repeated.
“Good, good,” Jax let his thumb brush over the bandaged skin one more time before standing up. “So, you ready to get back to business.”
Pomni took in a sharp breath, both excitement yet a hint of nerves washing through her, “Yeah, let’s go see my Mom.”
Jax nodded, the two of them going down the hall again, unable to feel the gaze of everyone else’s eyes on them.
“Still having doubts Rags?” Zooble turned to the ragdoll.
“A little bit,” Ragatha nodded, a bit of shame shown on her face. “It’s not that I don’t trust them. I guess I’m just…scared. We never had anything like this. It could go either really well or…” She didn’t want to finish that sentence. She didn’t want to finish that thought! Never before had they tittered on a tight rope so close to collapsing. If this went wrong, then all of them could suffer a fate worse than abstraction. No, no she wasn’t going to think about that. It she was brought down, then so would everyone else. And she wasn’t going to allow herself to act so selfishly, “Never mind, how about I go see if Bubble would like help making dessert?”
Zooble frowned at Ragatha’s shift in mood, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Ragatha questioned innocently.
“You always do that, act like you’re not sad when you are,” Zooble told her. “You’re allowed to not have good days, you know that right?”
“Oh Zooble, you worry too much,” Ragatha patted his arm. “I’m absolutely fine, no bad thoughts in my head whatsoever. Now, I think a pie would do well for dessert for tonight, don’t you think?”
With that, the ragdoll turned on her heel and headed to the kitchen. That was two people in a row that pretended to be happy to Zooble. He hated when that happened, when they forced down any type of negativity in the fear of being abstracted. It wasn’t fair that this threat kept hovering over everyone’s head, and Zooble hated it that Caine didn’t do anything to sooth their worries, instead leaving them to wallow with shallow adventures that they all hated. It was another reason why Zooble felt bitter with Jax, he kept pushing them on the brink every single time while knowing how much they all feared the fate of the cellar, yet he never stopped. Zooble felt frustrated tears at the corners of her eyes, allowing them to fall. The others might be too scared to cry, but they didn’t want to (part of them was glad that Pomni felt the same way as well).
He felt a hand cover her shoulder, rubbing it carefully like a parent would do with their child. Zooble turned his hand, it was Kinger. His eyes didn’t meet theirs, still lost in his own worlds of chaos and insects. Yet his hands moved on their own, as though another part of his mind wanted to reach out and sooth them. Zooble sniffed, if they could smile then he would be smiling at Kinger right there and now. As crazy as it sounded in her head, Kinger somehow seemed to be the sanest of them all.
Knock, knock
Riley rushed to the door, opening it wide as it revealed the startled face of one Samual Abel. “Samual,” she gasped. “Thank you so much for coming! I’m so, so sorry!”
“Miss Riley, it’s okay,” he smiled softly. “I already told you I forgive you.”
“I know, I know,” Riley brushed back some of her red hair. “But you didn’t need to. You could have just accepted my apology and moved on, but you forgave me. Why? The way I spoke to you was awful.”   
Samual shrugged, “When I was a kid, my Dad always taught me that forgiveness is a heavy thing. Many people will feign an apology just so they can unburden themselves with forgiveness without actually being sorry. I don’t forgive a lot of people, I don’t think I can forgive some of the people at C&A for lying to me and letting Jason control me, I know that if they said sorry it wouldn’t erase all that happened over the years. But you, you didn’t know. You were tricked and I know that you meant how sorry you were. That’s the difference that my Dad taught me about, I’ll know the right people to forgive and not to bring myself down with the people I don’t choose to give that right to.”
This kid was just too kind, speaking with a wisdom many people who lived longer on this earth lacked, “Your father sounds like a good man.” Not many people have that luck.  
“Both he and my mother were great people,” Samual’s eyes were warm, lost in a memory of love and comfort from so many years ago. He blinked them away, his face simple yet determined. “Anyways, you got something to show me?”
Riley nodded, slipping back into business, “Yeah, let me introduce you to my Mom. She’s the one who got the messages.”
She led Samual into the house, shutting the door behind him. Amber came into the room, her hands clasped together and a cardigan wrapped around her shoulders. “Oh, hello,” she blinked in surprise at the sight of the boy. She turned to Riley, “Is this Samual?”
“Yeah, this is him,” Riley confirmed.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you,” Amber walked over, wrapping her arms around him, his eyes widening in surprise. “Riley told me what happened, I’m so sorry all this happened to you.”
He stood frozen for a moment, as though he wasn’t used to someone wanting to hug him back. But his arms wrapped tight around Amber like Riley expected, burying his face into her shoulder. He was shaking a bit, she couldn’t hear any sobs but Riley was certain that the kid hadn’t received this level in security in a while. Hopefully with how things were going so far, that would change soon enough. Soon, Samual pulled away, trying to still his shaking hands. “Right, so,” he took a step back, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Ready to get to work?”
Amber nodded, grinning, “This way.” She guided him to the sofa, letting him sit down as the computer switched on next to him. “It was so bizarre. I’m not sure what your experience was like, all I know from Riley was that you only received messages.”
Samual lifted a brow, “I guess yours had more to it.”
“Yes,” Amber confirmed. “Before I got the messages, all my lights were flickering, like something or…someone was controlling it. That’s when I got these.” Once the computer was up and functioning, Amber clicked onto the documents that held the words from her daughter.
Samual shifted closer, “Yeah, this is certainly…different. I only got emails, but it looks like someone wrote this if it’s on a document.”
“That’s the thing,” Amber turned to him. “I don’t know how but Penny was in this room. I couldn’t see or feel how but she was there, controlling the lights and writing to me.”
Samual’s eyes widened, no disbelief was seen but rather surprise at this new revelation, “Your daughter is trying to communicate with you. She even managed to be here with you somehow.”
“Yes, yes!” Amber exclaimed, grinning. “She was right here in this room.”
“But you said not physically?” Riley asked, her tone curious rather than accusatory.  “She managed to speak to you but her body wasn’t here?”
“Unfortunately,” Amber’s face fell slightly.
“So wherever she is, she’s still trapped,” Riley sighed.
Samual got up, facing the two women, “But it doesn’t seem impossible to find her. If she managed to get here the first time than its possible that she could come back.”
Riley bit her lip, “But how would we know?”
“Riley’s right,” Amber agreed. “I might have spoken to her then but I don’t know how to get in contact with her again-”
The lamp flickered, the trio’s attention focused in on it. “I’m guessing that wasn’t my eyes playing tricks on me?” Riley observed, her toes curling at the thought of who she hoped it was.
“Nope,” Amber’s grin returned, whipping back round to the computer. “Penny, is that you baby?”
Hey Mom
I’m back
Riley’s hands covered her mouth, her knees dropping to the ground, “Penny? Is that really you?”
Unbeknownst to Riley, Pomni had done the same thing. Matching her sister as she tried to stifle a sob, “Hey Jax, do you mind?”
The rabbit chuckled behind her, watching the exchange go down. There were no memory-like pathways this time, just a simple walk through the door and they arrived right back in the living room, “Yeah babe, I got it.”
She’s here, she just got a little overwhelmed seeing you all again
Hi Mrs Reed
It’s good to see you again
Amber brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before realisation struck. There was only one other person that she knew who disappeared the way her youngest daughter did, “Jack?”
Yup, that’s me
Hope you’re not too disappointed
The older woman let out a breathless laugh, about to reply with how happy she was to see him…until she was interrupted by another voice, “YOU SON OF A BITCH!”
Jax’s ears pressed flat against his head as Riley stood from the ground, fury written all over her face. Pomni, Amber and Samual had to take a few steps away from the raging woman.
Jax gulped, he should have known this was coming. After all he heard from Winter how Riley slammed someone’s head against a table just because they looked at Penny funny, if he wasn’t in the circus he would be on a missing poster by now. He took a deep breath, typing away on the keyboard.
You’re allowed to be angry
What I did was unforgivable and I understand if you won’t forgive me
But please understand then when I say sorry, I mean it
I’m so sorry Riley
For hurting your sister the way I did
For everything
Riley crossed her arms as she scowled, letting herself think long and hard about it, emphasise on long (she wanted to make him suffer at least a little bit). Jack was an asshole for what he did, but she knew what he went through as a kid and how hard he tried to make things right both for himself and for everyone else. She looked to Samual, the boy giving her a smile and a thumbs up before she turned back with a sigh, “Thank you for your apology.”
Jax’s stomach did a flip. There was a thank you, but no forgiveness. It was expected, a bit disappointing, but also a good start.
You’re welcome
Riley’s face turned soft again, shifting her feet on the rug below her, “Penny, are you…can you speak to me?”
Pomni clenched her hands, grinning and trembling with excitement as she rushed over to the computer.
Hey Riles
Please don’t kill Jack when we get back
Riley sniffed, wiping a stray tear from her cheek, “I’ll try not to, but I’ll do it for you Pen. Oh my god I missed you so much.”
Pomni bit back her sob, if she missed her mother so much already, then the weight of missing Riley hit like a bag of bricks.
I missed you too
You’re making me cry Riles
“I can’t help it,” Riley laughed. “You’ve been gone for three months.”
I know
You have no idea how much I wanna hug you all – Penny (did that so you can tell who you’re talking to)
Jax hummed, amused by her quick choice, “Smart.”
She gave the rabbit a quick grin before she turned her gaze to the boy in the living room, tilting her head curiously.
Who’s that guy?
Jax followed her gaze, letting out a small gasp of realisation at who it was, “Samual Abel?!”
“Wait, you mean-?” she realised now who he was talking about.
“Penny, Jack,” Riley walked over to the boy. “This is Samual Abel, son of Kaleb and Quinn Abel. He’s gonna be helping us get you home.”
“Uh, yeah,” Samual replied nervously. “Hi again Mister Jack, nice to meet you Miss Penny. Um, I’m really sorry I couldn’t do more for you when Jason came up to you that day Jack.”
Jax frowned as his fingers reach for the keyboard again.
It was nobody’s fault but my own kid
I was the one who took up Jason’s offer
Don’t beat yourself up about it – Jack
“Copycat,” Pomni stuck her tongue out at him.
Jax chuckled, “Couldn’t help it little lady,”
“But I should have done something!” Samual stood so fast it nearly gave him whiplash. “Jason always does this! He knows it’s dangerous when people touch that stupid game! The moment he said where he was sending you I knew what job he was talking about! I could have stopped all this!”
Riley faced the boy, confused, “Game? What game?”
“That fucking game!” he cursed. “It’s been the root of all of our problems yet he never got rid of it! It started small with people disappearing in the company with headsets left behind, but then it started spreading somehow to the public! And now we lost the file! It keeps jumping from place to place and we can never catch it! All because Jason was too stubborn to get rid of it!”
“Sam, Sam, hey,” Riley clicked her fingers in front of his face, his attention solely focused on her. “What game are you talking about.”
Samual’s buried his face into his hands, a stressed groan leaving his mouth, “It was supposed to be a VR remake of the first game my dad made, but Jason kept making too many shaky choices with it. Then my parents disappeared. I hate that game… ‘The Amazing Digital Circus’.”
Pomni gasped, “That was the game I saw when I tried to find you!” She turned to Jax, “We’re stuck inside the game!”
“I-I remember!” Jax clenched his hands. “When I disappeared! That was the file I saw!”
It fell on deaf ears. “The reason why Jason wanted to send Jack away was because that was where the last person went missing, the last time we saw the file,” Samual told them. “He wanted to send Jack there as a way to retrieve the file and get back to working on the game again, even if he knew it wasn’t safe. Unfortunately the file routed its way back to this city and took Jack with him.”
“And then it took Penny,” Amber whispered.
“Okay,” Riley gathered herself, her mind settling back into business. “Jason sent Jack away and lied to everyone for all these years. That wasn’t your fault Samual.”
“But I-” he tried to speak.
“You told me that whenever you tried to speak up to talk to someone then Jason would get in the way and scare you into stopping,” she stated firmly. “Don’t blame yourself because a grown man was enough of a coward to bully a child.”
He looked like he was about to retort, but a stern glare from Riley was all that he needed to heed what she said, “Ok Miss Riley.”
“Next,” she moved on. “What should be our second course of action.”
Pomni quickly moved back to the computer.
No one else in the circus has their memories
Is there a way we can try and help them get them back? – Penny
“Oh, oh wait!” Samual piped up, an idea bright in his mind. “I overheard Jason talking about this. He has USB files of each person that went missing, including their past leading up to this point.”
“You overhear a lot of stuff kid,” Riley crossed her arms. “I didn’t mean that as a criticism, just observing.”
“Hehe, well, when you’ve been isolated from everyone and everything all your life you tend to get a bit bored,” Samual replied with a wry smile. “Case in point, eavesdropping on the guy you’re suspicious off in order to gather information.”
“So if we get the USB files and hook them into this computer,” Amber started to catch on.
“It could help get their memories back,” Samual finished. “I’ll get to see if my parents are there!”
“This is amazing!” Amber cheered. “Well, not fully amazing because their all still stuck but we’re getting somewhere. Oh wait till Winter hears about Jack being alive!”
A wide grin appeared on Jax’s face. Winter, his sister, he could finally see her again! Reassure her that he was alive-
“-Wait! No, no!” Riley quickly interjected, making everyone become quickly confused at her sudden outburst. “We can’t tell Winter, not yet at least.”
Amber blinked in surprise, “Honey, she’s your wife. She’s been missing Jack for so long, she needs to know the truth.”
Pomni watched as Jax’s ear twitch, a slight scowl was on his face. He didn’t like this one bit.
 “I know that,” Riley said. “But you weren’t there when Jack was gone. She went nearly catatonic, unable to move, speak or eat. The devastation of losing him for so long nearly broke her. We nearly lost Percy in birth because of the impact. I…I can’t risk that happening again.”
A slow, angered breath released through Jax’s nose as he started to type again.
This is a mistake Riley
Winter deserves to know
You can’t keep this from her – Jack
Riley shook her head, “I’m doing this to protect her. It’s for her own good Jack.”
He wasn’t convinced, turning away from her. Riley shouldn’t have to make that choice for Winter, it wasn’t fair! She needed to know, not be kept in the dark!
Pomni patted his hand softly as she went to the keyboard.
But he’s right Riley – Penny
“I’ll tell her eventually,” Riley reassured everyone. “J-just not now, until I know for sure that everything will be fine.”
Pomni sighed. Riley was as stubborn as they came, there was no changing her mind with this.
Both rabbit and jester jumped when they heard the dinner bell ringing from outside the exit door. It was time to go.
We have to leave
You better know what you’re doing Riley – Penny
“What? But you just came back!” Riley cried.
Amber put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder, “Don’t worry. If this interaction has proved anything, they’ll be back.”
Riley was unconvinced, but if there was anyone she trusted more than anything, it was her mother. “Ok,” she nodded, “Just…please be safe Penny.”
I will
And like that, both rabbit and jester rushed out the door. They were able to make it on dinner on time, and Caine was none the wiser about what happened. But despite the feast laid out in front of him, everything that Riley said left a bitter taste in Jax’s mouth. After Penny, Winter was the one he was closest to out of anyone in his life. He might not have been the greatest person, but Winter was the furthest thing from bad. She was the reason that he started to believe that good things could happen in his life, and now Riley was refusing to tell her that he was here and alive.
It felt so wrong.
Pomni’s hand was on his leg, still yet reassuring. It was a silent confirmation that she was on his side about this. He laid his hand atop hers, making sure it was out of Caine’s sight. He squeezed it, hopefully things would be okay…they had to be.
Black, everything was black.
It was like she was stuck in inky tar, unable to move her feet, stuck in the black substance.
She looked up, the redhead gasped as she saw one very familiar, visible figure.
“Penny?” Riley’s voice sounded louder in her ears.
The brunette was wearing the same outfit Riley had last seen her in, a plain white T-shirt and grey leggings. Though it looked dirtier than she last remembered, and why were her eyes shut?
“Why did you leave me?” Penny’s voice echoed.
Riley was startled by the sudden statement, “What?”
“You’re my big sister,” Penny mumbled. “You’re supposed to protect me…yet you didn’t.”
“No, Penny I didn’t mean for you to get trapped!” Riley yelled out for her. “I’m doing everything I can to bring you home!”
“You said you would always be there for me,” Penny whispered back. “You said that no matter what happens I would be safe if you were there…but you weren’t…you didn’t save me…you’re a liar.”
“I’m so sorry Penny,” Riley sobbed, hands on her leg as she tried to pull them out, but to no avail. “I’m really sorry!”
“Liar,” Penny repeated.
Riley gasped, trying to run but she was frozen solid in the ink. Suddenly, the darkness was replaced by thousands of multicoloured eyes staring at her as Penny drew closer.
The brunette grabbed Riley by the collar of her shirt. It was nothing but silence.
Then her eyes opened.
Riley screamed when she saw that they were as hollow and black as the ink.
Penny opened her mouth again, the same ink leaking out from her lips as she screeched one more time.
Riley awoke with a scream tearing from her throat, her hands fisting the bed sheets beneath her. She failed her, she failed Penny, she couldn’t save her, she was nothing but a failure-
“Riley, Riley!” Winter reached out, taking her wife’s hands in hers. “It’s okay, see, everything is ok.”
Riley was still trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Breathe with me babe,” Winter told her, taking deep breaths in and out again. Riley gulped down a sob, repeating her wife’s pattern. Eventually, she breath was even again and she was calm enough to see her surroundings. There was no ink, no eyes. She was in her bedroom with Winter as the other woman turned the lamp on beside the bed. “It’s okay, it was just a nightmare.”
She was about to bring Riley back into her arms, before the redhead pulled away and stood up, “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll go sleep in the guest room, to let you rest before work.”
“No, wait, Riley!” Winter shouted as her partner gathered up her pillow and a spare blanket. “I just wanna talk, you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to get some sleep before work, alright? Conversation over,” Riley stated, gathering what she needed in her arms before marching to the door.
“Riley enough!” Winter yelled, making Riley freeze in her tracks still facing the door. “We can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?” she retorted bitterly.
“You avoiding me,” Winter told her. “Especially when you’re hurting. You can’t keep pretending that I don’t exist just because you’re too scared to talk about Penny.”
Riley bit her tongue, nearly drawing blood, “I’m not scared Winter. Stop it.”
“Where were you last night?” Winter questioned, unrelenting. “Yesterday you wouldn’t answer your phone after I tried calling you for hours. Where were you?”
Riley couldn’t say, she couldn’t. If Winter was told about Jack, she feared about what could happen. She still remembered Winter’s pale face, nearly slipping in and out of consciousness during Percy’s C-section. She nearly lost both her wife and her son that day. She couldn’t tell her, it’s for her own good.
“My mom’s house, my phone was on silent,” she said, her voice void of emotion. “I’m tired.”
She slammed the door behind her, leaving Winter all alone. The black-haired woman brought her knees to her chest, too exhausted to cry. Too tired to keep having these moments with Riley. She would give anything just to have her wife back.
“Well good morning little lady,” Jax bowed as he walked out of his room the next morning. “And how was your sleep last night?”
“Aren’t we supposed to be subtle?” Pomni placed her hands on her hips. “Cause as far as I can’t tell, I don’t think this is what it’s supposed to be.”
“But it made you smile, right?” he smirked.
Pomni blushed, he was right, she was smiling, “Shut up.”
He chuckled, nudging his head to the direction down the hallway, “Hungry?”
“Yeah, I could eat,” Pomni nodded. She was about to walk beside him when she noticed something in the corner of a door from one of the past circus members. She cocked her head to the side as she inspected it further.
Jax paused in his tracks when he noticed that his fiancé wasn’t next to him, “Pen?” He saw her staring at the door of an old string-worm character, coming up behind her carefully so he wouldn’t spook her. “What is it?”
“Do you see that?” she inquired.
“See what?” he asked.
She pointed to the corner, “That.”
Jax’s eyes squinted as he followed her fingers, they widened when they finally noticed what Pomni was talking about. The corner was glitching, similar to how Ragatha was when Kaufmo attacked her on the jester’s first day. “How is this possible?” Pomni observed.
“I…I don’t know,” Jax replied honestly. “I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this.”
Suddenly, the glitch sparked wildly and loudly, making them jump back in surprise. It started to spread across the door, erasing the face of the string worm with its flashing colours. Jax held Pomni protectively, guiding her away from the door as they stepped away slowly. They watched as little by little, it swallowed up the door, before disappearing entirely.
Both of them panted in surprise, this wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all. “I think we need to hurry with our escape plan,” Pomni told the rabbit holding her.
“Agreed,” Jax nodded. “We’re on a timer Pomni.”
“The question is how long do we have?” her voice shook slightly, gripping onto him.
“Long enough for us to get out of here,” he told her, reassurance in his voice. “That much I know.”
“O-okay,” Pomni hated that she was stuttering, but the sudden fright of what happened didn’t seem to be letting go of her anytime soon.
“Come on, let’s get downstairs before Caine tries to find us,” Jax stood, holding out his hand and helping up the jester.
While the two walked down the hallway, they couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling of what just happened. Did they really not have enough time? Was it just another strange part of this world?
Those questions rung through their mind as they walked down the hall, unaware of a second little glitch behind them in another little corner of the hall.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 3 months
Call of Duty Drabbles:
Laswell Helping Little!Price
Hybrid!Petre Ghost & Price
Sleepy Little Price
Sick Little Si
Little!Roach & Carer!Graves
Riley Family Classification AU Fix It (sorta)
Abandoned :( Kyle n Price
Ghost Forced Reg From Fear
Little!Alejandro & Carer!Rudy
GravesRoach Agere&Petre
Forced PetRe!Graves
Agere!Trans!Ghost and Johnny w/ baby
Mama Price w/ little Graves
Little!Kyle & Mama!Price Breakfast 
Wind Down Time
Ghost - Fighting Ring AU
SoapGaz - Fighting Ring AU
Their Fights - Fighting Ring AU
Their Ghosts - 141
GravesRoach Touch
He's A Dog With A Bone - Fighting Ring AU
Fighting Ring AU HCs/Mini Drabbles
Roach Being A Little Shit
The Phantom to his Ghost
Ghoap Baseball AU
Graves Was In The Tank
PriceGhost Heart
More will be added over time
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steeb-stn · 1 year
As much as i love joelandellie against the world i do kinda pine for the au where Tess lives. Ellie having a Mama. Maybe she tells Tess about her first kiss and thus everything about Riley and they cry about it. Tess and Ellie bullying Joel together. Tess getting to see this new side of Joel shes never seen before as loving this little girl heals him. Tess curbstomping David the moment he so much as looks at Ellie. Just mother-daughter things.
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sc0tters · 7 months
Maybe when the entire Hughes family is at the lake house Belle is playing with Jacks daughter and Bree wants to play with them so they try to play with her but Bree doesn’t like what their playing and demands they play something else Bree and cousin say no so Bree runs to Trevor and says they are being mean to her. Trevor yells at them and Belle runs to her mom crying saying daddy yelled at her and Daisy goes into full Mama Bear mode. And Jack is not happy because Trevor made his daughter cry.
I held off on this on because I wanted to wait for the Jack au to be up! Now that it is I can finally write this.
It wasn’t often that they were able to get all of the kids at the lake house but when they did it they all made sure to enjoy it.
So Daisy and Riley were in the kitchen catching up as they soaked up some much needed female adult conversation. Jack and Trevor were doing the same thing as they were the first two couples to arrive when out of nowhere Bree comes running through the kitchen with tears in her eyes as she goes to Trevor.
Of course neither Daisy or Riley understood what was going on but when Ivy smiled and waddled over to her mom Riley forgot about the previous events hi princess.” She smiled picking her up so that Daisy could see her too.
Yet the peace in that house truly didn’t last long when Jack came back in as Belle and Isabelle (wait I’ve seen seen this name match now 🥺) in tears “uncle z yelled at me.” Isa sobbed causing Jack to pick his daughter up so he could rub her back in an attempt to calm her down “momma!” Belle’s look mirrored Isa’s.
It made Daisy send Trevor a glare as he walked in with a calmer Bree in his arms “you wanna tell me what happened?” Daisy sighed letting Belle sit on her lap “they didn’t let Bree play with them and their barbies.” Trevor cut his middle child off.
Jack honestly hadn’t gotten that irritated in a while “you yelled at my child because yours doesn’t know how to play by herself?” Jack literally laughed as Trevor stayed silent “Ri get the kids so we can leave.” Riley didn’t think he was serious as she frowned staying in her seat.
The Hughes boy turned to his sister “Dais I love you but until your husband realises that he can’t just yell at my kid without talking to me I’m not staying here.” Jack kissed his sisters head and made sure to do the same to Belle’s before he walked off making sure that Riley was hot on his tail.
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