#i had 2 cups of tea with honey lol
zerodaryls · 7 months
@desertthorn wanted to hear me sing and i was home alone for most of the day so i decided to destroy my vocal chords lmaooo. here's some unlisted youtube videos that i just uploaded for anyone interested in hearing my voice:
smoke gets in your eyes (the platters cover - featuring actual video of me singing so you can see all the embarrassing faces i make whilst wailing)
young & beautiful (lana del rey cover - partial bc my voice got tired after the first chorus lmao)
home (michael buble cover - full song)
jealous (nick jonas partial cover - #fail on the high note lmao i can never do the chorus well,, but i also put a pitch-shifted 'chipmunk version' after the regular version so if you want to cringe/laugh at me, have at it)
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berryblu-soda · 2 years
Guess who just got confirmed COVID kekw *insert emoji lip bite here*
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Peach Pie and Cream
Jack Reacher x F! Southern Waitress Reader (Amazon TV show, Alan Ritchson)
Warning: Some fighting, suggestive descriptions, cutesy
Summary: Our giant man Reacher meets a charming young waitress :) and takes care of people ;)
Word Count: ~2,115 words
A/N: There will be a part 2 eventually lol
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“What can I get you, sugar?”
God, the way she called him “Sugar” practically dripped from her lip-gloss covered lips like hot honey. Her breasts threatening to spill out of her lacy unpadded bra - it’s dark color barely showing through her low-cut white top.
He knew not to look, he shouldn’t, he couldn’t.
But one peek wouldn’t hurt.
It wasn’t even seven-thirty in the morning when she’d walked over to him with a pen and a little notepad.
Reacher sat up, his body erect as she spoke so sweetly to him. His eyes quickly glanced at her bosom, then made eye contact with her, showing a crooked smile, “Good morning, what are your specials?”
Y/N gave him a small smile as she caught the flicker in his eyes as he lifted them to meet yours. “Our breakfast specials include the garlic biscuit sliders with chicken, sausage, or ham…” She leaned over slightly and pointed on the menu on the table at the various specials.
Y/N’s perfume smelled so sweet. Hints of peaches and vanilla.
No. He can’t be distracted. He had to meet Neagly later. 
He smiled as he looked back up at her, he didn’t hear half of what Y/N just said about the menu, just glancing at the worn out name tag that said her name. Her cheeks blushed slightly as he looked at her, the two of them were rather close.
Smiling at her, he asked, “I’ll have the garlic biscuit with the sausage special. Can I get extra bacon and a slice of your peach pie?”
“Yes, sir, you can. You want ice tea or coffee to drink?”
“Coffee is fine. Just black.”
She quickly glanced down at his large and firm chest and then back up at his eyes. He smirked even more.
Y/N bit her lower lip and then stood upright, writing his order down, “Sure thing, honey. I’ll be right back in a few.”
And those few minutes took an eternity. Reacher’s thighs began to itch as he watched her walk back to the back counter, leaning over so she could give the chef his order through the heating lamps, blushing in playful annoyance, with the cook winking and pursed lips, making kissing noises at her until she rolled her eyes and sighed, shaking her head.
He barely knew her but the sight of the cook irritated him. That’s no way to treat you - even if it was banter between coworkers. He’d been in town for merely a few hours.
He tried to look away. He really did. But the way her hips swayed and her chest moved, her apron tight and snug around her waist, her soft body spilling out from the sides of the apron and the top of her jeans. Every time she stood by a table to take an order, she always shifted her weight to her left, her left hip pushing out of the top of her jeans.
He always liked a full woman.
Chuckling to himself, he turned slightly to keep himself from boring holes on her ass. He glanced out the window but was thankfully disturbed by the smell of her and the food he ordered.
“Here we got today’s special with extra bacon and a cup o’joe, hot and ready just for you, honey. I’m all out of peach pie but I got one coming out of the oven any secon’ now. You want some ice cream with that pie?” She laid his food down gently, he gave you a grin and thanked you, “Careful, plate’s hot, honey.”
“Ice cream would hurt my teeth but I’ll take it since you suggested it.” Reacher caught her blush. 
“I’ll make a note of it. Enjoy your food and let me know if ya need anything, ok?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled and picked up his utensils.
She winked at him and walked away, picking up a pot of coffee to replenish cups of other patrons and swatting away advances from men in their sixties on her way back to the back counter.
After a while, Y/N walked back with a plate of peach pie covered in a large scoop of vanilla ice cream and placed it in front of him.
“One large piece of fresh peach pie with a heaping scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream for the gentleman,” She said cheerfully and replenished his coffee.
He couldn’t help but smile at her, “Why on earth would you work here?” He asked bluntly, but with a soft chuckle at the end.
“Well, I got bills to pay. Just like everyone else.” She chuckled. “You ain’t got no bills?”
God, he’d do anything to hear Y/N laugh again.
“No, I don’t.”
“No bills at all?” She shook your head slightly, smiling still, thinking he’s joking.
“I have no reason to lie.”
She stared at him, not quite sure if she actually believed him or not. Most of her customers told her a few wild things here and there. But no one around these parts looked quite like him.
He was a behemoth of a man standing taller than the green giant on a can of peas, bigger and more muscular than those lumberjacks on those Brawny paper towels. His one arm was probably the size of one of her soft and plush thighs that seemed to be restricted on those skinny jeans she’s wearing.
“Aight.” She chuckled again. Her name was called, and she glanced at a group of young men about your age who dog-whistled and hollered at her. Y/N turned back around to Reacher and forced a smile, “You enjoy your pie, sir, I’ll be back in a bit with your bill. Just holler if you need anything, yeah?”
“You know them?” Reacher suddenly turned serious. His attention was on those young men who banged on the table, demanding that she serve them.
“I-I’m sorry about them, I’ll tell them to quiet down in a minute. They’re just a little rowdy-“
“That’s not what I asked. Do you know them?” He asked again, looking up at her. Her demeanor changed. Embarrassment. She could pick out that pleather jacket out from a crowd. 
Blushing slightly in embarrassment, she answered, “I know one of them… that one in the sport’s jacket. The rest are his little friends. But I’ll tell them to-“
Before she could finish, Reacher stood up from his seat, his mere size making you gasp. She hadn’t realized how large he actually was until he stood up, she hadn’t seen him when he first walked in.
“Sir- please you don’t have to talk to them, what are you doin-“
“Your name is Y/N?”
“Y-Yes…” she clutched the handle of the coffee pot to make sure she didn’t drop it. He glanced down at her and gave her a half-smirk, “Just go stay behind the counter and put the coffee back on the machine so it doesn’t get cold.”
Not knowing what to think, Y/N did what he asked, the other waitresses following suit, other customers either staying in their seats or moving away as they watched Reacher walk up to the group of rowdy young men who still tried to get your attention.
He grabbed a chair and sat it by the edge of the table and sat down. Even sitting down, his large body frame towered over them. He didn’t say anything at first but looked at them smugly for a moment as they all stared at him. 
The main culprit looked like he had a vein about to pop out of his forehead, “Can I help you?”
“Any reason you need Y/N to help you?”
“She’s a waitress, and I’ve been trying to get her number for a hot minute - she works here, of course she’s going to serve us.” He scoffed.
“I don’t appreciate you calling her over like she’s a dog, Pleather.”
“This will just sting a little-“
“Y/N, I’m fine-“
“No you ain’t, Reacher. Your brow and your lip is all busted up and that one guy had a knife.” Y/N shook her head as she cleaned up his brow with some alcohol and then put a small bandage on his forehead.
Reacher smiled at her the whole time as he let her patch him up. She’d taken him off to the side. Moaning in the distance outside, incoherent cursing could be heard from the parking lot as the group of young men eventually stood up from the ground and made it back to their car. The main culprit was hanging out in the parking lot, looking through the window at Y/N and Reacher. He spit on the ground before finally going back to his car.
“But I’m serious, Reacher… you ain’t have to do that…” Once she finished, Y/N put the extra bandages back in the First Aid kit and looked at him with concern.
“Well, I did it anyway. And last I checked, you’re not a dog.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile and then patted his shoulder. “You’re sweet. Sorry about your pie, the ice cream is all melted. I’ll get you a new one.”
“You eat that new one, I’ll eat mine.” Reacher was not one to waste food if he could help it - especially when trouble seemed to follow him. Smiling softly, she nodded and patted his shoulder before going back behind the counter and cutting her own slice of pie as Reacher walked back to his seat, waiting and watching as Y/N walked back and sat opposite of him.
Like teenagers, they couldn’t keep eye contact while trying to eat their peach pie.
“That was some military fightin’ back there, Reacher? Is it ok if I call you Reacher?” Y/N managed to muster out, clearing his throat and looking up at him.
Chuckling softly, Reacher nodded, “Yeah, I was in for a while.” He paused for a moment, watching her eat. The stories she must’ve heard from people. The restaurant was quiet again. She looked up at him, giving him a small smile. “Jack is fine too.”
“Jack? That’s your first name?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Jack Reacher.” She said. She was quiet for a second as she examined him. Taking in his appearance. Committing him to memory. She sucked the inside of her cheek as she tilted her head. Savoring his name, as if she took a bite of him like she did that pie. The sweetness in her voice dripping from her lips as she said his whole name. Sweeter than the half-eaten peach pies sitting before them.
“I like it. Hard to forget a name like that. It’s different. You stayin’ here long, Jack?” She scooped the last bit of pie and placed the spoon face down on her tongue, sucking off whatever peach pie remnants were left on the spoon before placing the spoon on her plate.
Very few people’s opinions mattered to Reacher, he barely knew Y/N but it made him smile when she said his name and that she liked his name. It gave him an unusual feeling. Couldn’t help but wonder what peach pie would taste like when it’s on her tongue. 
“Just passing through.” He leaned back once he finished his slice of pie, admiring the woman in front of him. Her lipgloss still glistened. Her eyes sparkled. Her breasts barely contained in her bra.
“That’s unfortunate. I would’ve loved to see you again, Jack.” She smiled when she took notice of him admiring her. It was a different type of admiration. “Can I call you?”
“Don’t have a phone.”
“Can I send you a letter?”
“Don’t have an address.”
“Well, damn, how will I talk to you and get to know you when you leave? Will this be the last I see of Jack Reacher, the man who saved my life?”
“I’ll come back tonight.” Reacher chuckled, smirking at her.
Y/N chuckled and then leaned forward slightly, resting her forearms on the table, making the softness in her breasts very obvious as they pressed up. “Is that so? Well, would you like me to tell you the dinner specials now or later?”
“What time to do you get off?”
“After dinner tonight. Would you like to join me for dinner?” 
“I should be asking you that.” Reacher mirrored her actions, leaning forward, his massive arms made of military grade steel rested on the table. Their faces were mere inches apart.
“Well, I asked first.”
Reacher wasn’t one to pursue women. But Y/N? From the little time he got to interact with her, he might hang around this little country town a little while longer.
@redpool @mykneeshurt
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mncxbe · 11 months
Taking a bath with them♡ part 2
𝑱ō𝒏𝒐, 𝑲𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒂, 𝒀𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒐, 𝑷𝒐𝒆 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Genre: fluff/ slight nsfw
I saw that y'all really liked the first one so here's part 2 of this little series♡
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I feel like Jōno prefers not to take baths because hot water is a sensory overload for him; like his skin feels weird
but he will do it for you if you ask nicely
he knows that it's something important to you so he'll make the experience as enjoyable as possible
he's kinda chill and doesn't move around too much
prefers to have you pressed against his chest so he can run his fingers through your hair
Jōno heard the splashing sound of water accumulating in the tub long before he stepped foot in your apartment. He had a vague idea of what your plans for tonight were, but he decided not to spoil your surprise.
"Hey there darling" you beamed "How was work?"
"Quite alright my dear. Nothing special."
You made your way to your boyfriend, arms snaking around his neck as you planted a kiss on his cheek. "How about we do something special tonight?" you asked.
Jono didn't miss the hint of mischief in your voice nor the sudden shift of your heartbeat. "Like what, taking a bath together?". He didn't need to see you (lol sorry) to know that your lips were now pushed forward in an adorable pout.
"You're so done I swear~ but yes, I was planning for us to take a bath"
Your boyfriend considered your proposal for a second before nodding. "Alright, but I can't stay for too long, you know that."
"Yes, yes don't worry" you said reassuringly, flashing him a smile. "Now go get ready I'll make us a cup of tea. Or would you prefer wine?"
"No, tea is fine"
"Ok, be right back". With that you tiptoed to the kitched. Jono took off his uniform and headed to the bathroom; the moment he entered the room a wave of heat made his skin prickle. He wasn't a big fan of bathing since the steam and hot water made his skin feel strange, but then again, what wouldn't he do for his lovely girlfriend.
He carefully sank in the tub, taking a few seconds to adjust to its temperature.
"Is the water hot enough?" you asked as you stepped in the bathroom carrying two cups of tea, its herbal, slightly woody scent filling his lungs.
"Yes, it's quite alright." He motioned you to join him and you quickly placed the cups on the tiled floor before sinking in the water.
You made yourself comfortable in his embrace, nestling your head on his chest as one of his arms wrapped around your frame. The first few minutes in the bath were spent in silence, the two of you simply enjoying each other's presence, but soon you became aware of his body pressed against yours, his hands caressing your plump skin. A light, rosy blush tinted your cheeks and your heart skipped a beat.
Of course, Jono noticed the slight change in your body temperature and heart rhythm. A low chuckle escaped his lips.
"Oh my, you alright darling?" he teased, his lips lightly touching the shell of your ear.
"Of course. It's just very hot in here" you shrugged playfully. His fingers ghosted over your thighs, causing you to squeeze them together.
"I can tell when you lie to me, dear. Your breath hitches. Plus, based on your reaction I~"
"Shh ok I got it" you laughed, covering his mouth with your hand. "You're right. You made me a bit nervous."
Jono gently removed your hand, a warm smile stretching his lips. He pulled you closer and kissed your temple, a sign of his unshakeable love for you.
"You make my heart beat faster too, my love" he whispered before letting his head fall back, the smell of honeyed tea easing his senses.
she's a big fan of flower petals in the tub
skincare queen
most of the times she's the one who initiates the baths
she always has a glass of some alcoholic beverage nearby
you know y'all gossip; she wants to know all the juicy details of your day
uses baths as a form of aftercare or simply to relax
"Girl I swear to god." you half screamed as you entered your flat, slamming the door shut. "You won't believe what happened today."
Yosano, who was sharpening the knives in the kitchen, abandoned the steel cutters and made her way to the hallway with a grin on her face.
"Was it that colleague of yours again?"
"You know it! He's so annoying I cannot even".
Your girlfriend smiled understandingly and opened her arms. Dragging your feet on the carpet, you closed the distance between you and pulled her into a tight hug.
"There, there" she said, caressing your head. "How about we take a bath together, hm? I'll go get it ready while you eat something. We have some gyoza and rice in the fridge."
You quickled pecked her cheek and tiptoed to the kitchen."Thanks dear. I'll be right there"
While your girfriend was getting the bath ready you niddbled the pork dumplings; when you finished eating you grabbed two glasses and a bottle of wine from the storage room and made your way to the bathroom. Yosano was already there.
"You surely took your time, dear." she teased, her crimson eyes darting around your features.
"Oh shush. I got us wine" you said as you began pouring the merlot liquid in the two glasses. After that you discarded your clothes on the ground next to Yosano's butterfly clip and joined her in the tub. Drink in hand, you began rambling on.
"As I was saying, that guy is insufferable. He's mad that I was the one who got the promotion and now he's acting all petty. I mean, what even! Today he put salt in my coffee"
Yosano laughed at your words "No way he did that"
"I'm telling you he did" you whined, taking a sip of wine. "What I'm more mad about is that he took credit for one of my ideas and got all the praise."
You were visibly irritated, eyes glimmering with anger. "It's so unfair"
Yosano leaned in and cupped your cheek, her thumb gently tracing over your lower lip. "My pretty girl, don't worry about that asshole."
Her words were tender, but they carried a certain venom. "Plus, if he keeps bothering you I'll deal with him"
A small chuckle escaped your lips "Oh don't bother. He's not worth our time"
Yosano's gaze moved to your lips for a brief second and you took the hint. You could taste the sweetness of the wine on her lips when you kissed and you closed your eyes, allowing the stress to dissipate.
"Well now, dear." your girlfriend said in a honeyed voice as she pulled away "How about we go to bed now? I'll help you relax"
"That doesn't sound bad at all" you cooed, beaming with anticipation.
You both finished your routine for the night and hid beneath the silky sheets, in a world of your own. It's safe to say that you were in for a long night.
his face turns a pretty shade of pink when he hears your proposal
at first he tries to protest, claiming that it wouldn't align with his ideals but he can barely hide his excitement
this man has a fern next to his tub idc
Kunikida tries his best to make this experience most enjoyable for you: he asks you in advance if you prefer bubbles, bath bombs or just plain water, what temperature would be best for you, he massages your back and brings little snacks for the two of you
at first he won't let you wash his hair but after a few times he accepts
"Come on dear just this once" you desperately pleaded.
"I said no, Y/N."
"But it's for my birthday"
This little argument between you and your boyfriend started a few days ago when he asked you what you'd like for your anniversary.
"Well" you said coyly, twirling a strand of your coffee-coloured hair around your index finger "I'd like a romantic bath with you. With candles and all that."
The tips of Kunikida's ears turned red at your proposal "But darling, this is... it's against my ideals"
"I know but that's the only thing I want. If you accept I promise I won't try anything" you replied with a smirk.
You've been dating Kunikida for around two to three months now and although you were sleeping in the same bed you never actually saw eachother naked. Your boyfriend had a detailed plan of how the relationship was going to evolve and you didn't really minded it. Of course, you sometimes teased him or tried to push his limits a bit but nothing too extreme, so your proposal came as a surprise to him.
The evening before your birthday he finally agreed to take a bath with you and you spent the whole night answering his questions: what scented candles did you prefer? or did you like the regular ones better?, what snacks and drinks should he bring?
The next evening when you came home from work the whole apartment smelled like vanilla. You walked into the kitchen where you found your boyfriend pouring your favourite white wine in a glass.
"Ah there you are, my dear. Go get yourself ready for the bath, I'll join you in a minute" he said, motioning you to enter the bathroom.
You quickly took off your makeup and undressed, placing the folded clothes next to the sink and got in the tub. The water temperature was perfect, coils of vanilla scented steam hovering above its surface. You gazed around the bathroom, admiring your boyfriend's work; he had decorated the room to your liking: a few tall, beige candles were placed on the windowsill and the floor was adorned with red rose petals. The window had a view over the town and was slightly foggy so the lights of the city appeared elongated and haloed.
Just then, Kunukida entered the bathroom carrying a plate of nuts and cheese and your glass of wine. He gently placed them on the table next to the tub, where his pet fern resided, before joining you.
"Is everything to your liking, my dear?" he asked anxiously.
"Of course! It's perfect I love it so much. Thank you" you beamed, reaching for a piece of camembert. You placed it in your mouth and chewed slowly, savouring its tangy flavour.
Your boyfriend relaxed a little when he saw how thrilled you were and he took a sip of wine.
You talked about your day and the gifts you received from colleagues at work and when you eventually finished eating, you shifted, moving closer to him. The tub was large enough to comfortably fit both of you, but you wanted to be closer to him.
He let you lay your head on his chest, face turned to face the window and you wrapped your arms around him.
"I'm so happy Kunikida thank you" you whispered, placing a soft kiss on his jaw. This made your boyfriend tense a little; you were so close and your body so warm. He really tried his best to avoid looking at your curves but his gaze kept lingering on them. Naturally, you noticed the change in his demeanour and decided to take advantage of the situation.
Your hand slid up his thigh as you began leaving fleeting kisses along his neck. "Tell me, love. How could I possibly repay you?" you purred, your voice laced with honey. Your other hand was placed on his chest right abover his heart so you could feel the sudden change in rhythm.
Your lips curled in a smirk, ghosting over his. "Do I make you nervous, darling?"
Kunikida swiftly seized your wrists and pushed you away from him. For a good couple of seconds he refused to look at you, opting to gaze out of the window.
'Oh no, I fucked up' you said to yourself, trying to set your hands free. "I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to~"
You were suddenly silenced by your boyfriend's lips pressed against yours; his nails grazing the skin of your neck as his fingers entangled in your hair. The kiss was passionate and rough but didn't last long and when he pulled away you could see the desire burning in his eyes. You held his gaze for a while, trying to catch your breath. Neither of you said anything in this time and the tension was growing by the second.
"Do you want to move this to the bedroom?" you finally asked.
He eagerly nodded and got out of the tub, picking you up with ease; you shrieked, arms snaking around his neck to help find your balance. He placed you on top of the soft mattress and leaned in, lips hovering over yours.
"Happy birthday darling" was all he said before kissing your lips again.
remember when I said that Kunikida would blush? he blushes ten times harder.
"Uh I mean, yes... I mean if you want to. I'd like that"
just don't tease him, he'll blush so much
loves to update you on his latest novels and he'll surely recite you poems if you ask him
this man adores candles; I feel like he'd have some black ones for the vibes
mentiones Ranpo at least one time
"Edgar my dear can you come here for a second?"
Your words sounded more like an order than a request, which made your boyfriend tense in anticipation. You had gone on a business trip for a few days and returned to Yokohama only about an hour ago, time that you spent unpacking your luggage. During this time Poe worked on his latest novel. He was so absorbed in his writing that he didn't even notice you propped against the doorframe. Your words however snapped him out of his trance.
"Yes my love. What is it?" he spoke shily.
Your eyes narrowed as you scanned his body "When was the last time you took a shower? Or had a proper meal?"
Your question took his by surprise and he fumbled for words. "Well uh I mean... maybe it was yesterday or?"
"Darling, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Every time I'm away you neglect yourself and it's really unhealthy". As you spoke your lips formed a tight line but your gaze was still soft. "Come on, let's take a bath together. I need a shower too."
Poe blushed. He'd never blushed so hard in his entire life; he felt like his whole body was on fire. But he knew he wasn't in any position to refuse you so he simply nodded.
"Good." you chimed "I'll go get the bath ready."
Twenty minutes later you were both submerged; the shifting flames of the tall black candles made the tiny bubbles of soap shimmer in technicolour. You were leaning against your boyfriend's chest and could feel his rapid heartbeat. He was silent and his muscles were so tense that not even your gentle touch was able to ease them.
"Would you like to tell me about your most recent work?" you eventually asked "I'd love to hear about it"
"Of course. Y/N I'm telling you this will sure be a challenge for Ranpo. It's about this man who [...]"
Poe started telling you all the details of his novel. His passion has always been something you admired so much so that you couldn't contain your smile when you heard him talk. Once again, your heart was swelling with love and care for the man in front of you.
"I love you, Edgar" you suddenly blurted out.
He immediately fell silent and you spun to face him. Cupping his cheeks with your soapy hands you pulled him into a tender kiss.
All this time Poe was a blushing mess. His hands sqeezed the plush of your hips as he tried to ground himself.
When you eventually pulled away with a loving smile on your face, he rested his forehead against yours.
"I love you too, my little raven" he hummed softly.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
that funny feeling (locklyle)
a/n: this is my first locklyle fic please by kind lmfao. convinced to write this by the amazing @neewtmas and @waitingforthesunrise, so i hope you all enjoy this - it was inspired by the locklyle angst playlist a bunch of us have going so be warned :) this also brings holly munro into the story, but don't worry if you haven't read the books because i don't mention her too much. it isn't too long since i'm just testing the waters for my locklyle stuff lol
warnings: big sad taglist: @wellgoslowly @galactidiot
part 2
The days were beginning to melt together.
How long had he been lying here, hoping, praying, for Lucy to come back? For her to walk through the front door, bags in hand, declaring that she was coming back? That she never meant to leave? A few weeks, maybe. Or was it months? He had lost track of time.
Her absence was a tangible thing, something that he could reach out and feel so acutely that its sharp, jagged edges sliced his fingertips and cut deep into his heart. But, even still, sometimes he'd forget. He'd make her a cup of tea in the morning, just how she liked it - more milk than he or George would take, sometimes with a spoonful of honey if she wanted a little sweetness - only for it to sit atop the counter, growing cold. Neither he nor George had the heart to empty it into the sink. Holly would arrive, expecting it, and dump it out, but Lockwood knew that it pained her to do so too.
Waiting was useless. There were things that needed to get done. Cases for Lockwood and Co were piling up after the antics of last November, and they were steadily gaining a reputation. He needed to focus on that. On the thing he had always wanted.
But what was it worth when the one person he wanted most wasn't there, right by his side?
Part of him hoped that Lucy would see his pictures in the newspaper. Maybe she'd miss him as much as he did her, maybe it would be the thing that made her realise that she didn't need to leave. That she could come back.
He still couldn't make sense of her sudden resignation. She was worried that she couldn't control her Talents well enough, that she'd put them all in danger. But how could she? When she was the very thing that had saved Lockwood time and time again?
So, there he lay, sprawled on the attic's bed. The bed she once lay in night after night for years now. It still smelled like her; of lavender and some nice soap he couldn't distinguish. His excuse? This room was once his, and he was feeling reminiscent. He missed looking out of the window onto the street behind Portland Row, down into the back garden where the apple trees stood tall. He missed the warmth that flooded the room during the day, and the calm, soothing cool at night.
Everyone knew better, and he knew that, too.
Sometimes he'd just lie there, thoughtless and quiet. Other times, he would talk as if Lucy was there in the room with him. He'd practice his speech, the one he'd use to finally get her back, gazing at the picture he kept on her nightstand - one of the two of them and George she'd taken on an old camera she'd found stuffed in the wardrobe. She'd run down the stairs excitedly, demanding a picture, and George was forced into it, which his half-smiling expression showed. If Lockwood looked close enough, he could see the faint green glow on the lower right side of all of their faces from Skull, who had been pulling horrid faces at them.
He loved that picture with his whole heart. Her smile, so radiant, was completely and entirely entrancing, and she just seemed so, so happy with her face pressed up against his. So what went wrong?
Heaving a sigh, he released the pillow he so often clung to desperately like a child, and sat up. There were things that needed to be done. Research for a case. Make some new salt bombs. Have a shower. Had he already had one? He couldn't very well remember.
He could hear George clattering around downstairs doing God knows what - he wasn't too fond of the idea of finding out, petrified at the thought of finding his best friend half-naked doing some sort of yoga again - and there was Holly just down the stairs, muttering something or other. She did that often now. He could never tell what it was she was saying, but he recognised the lost look in her eyes. She and Lucy may not have been on the best of terms, but she missed her. Badly.
This was always the worst part. Starting the day.
Without Lucy, the whole routine felt empty. Where was her smile, or her snarky comments directed at Skull, the same ones he often worried were actually for him? Where were those bright eyes that would look at him with such happiness when he paid her a - supposedly - mindless compliment? Or the moments where she'd put him in his place with just a few words? Oh, how he missed those dearly.
It always left a funny feeling in his chest, thinking about those times. A mixture of a strange grief, a mourning for someone who had not died but rather had left of their own volition, and of horrible loss, almost like losing a limb. Like losing a crucial part of himself. Because, really, that's what Lucy was to him. She was everything.
Even still, he dragged himself from her bed, lingering for a moment in the doorway of the bedroom like he always did, before trudging down, down, down to the kitchen.
Relieved to find George not in the midst of a horrific yoga demonstration, but rather shoving pots and pans into the cupboards, he brewed himself some tea.
He tried to ignore the way his hand hovered in front of Lucy's mug, which was stained from the tea they never seemed to be able to fully scrub away, and sat at the table, staring into the murky brown of his brew. Lucy always made it look so much more appealing.
No matter how hard he tried to disregard the little things, she seemed to be everywhere he looked. There was a sketch on the thinking cloth of Inspector Barnes as an elephant, tooting his trunk. And, there, the vase of flowers she'd set during their last meal together, a bundle of long-since-wilted lilacs she'd picked from the back garden. Over on the counter, there was a large circular ring where Skull would often reside, covered by a teatowel, and it was as if his evil had seeped from the silverglass and into the countertop, never to be removed.
Lockwood wondered if Skull, as crude as he was, was at least keeping Lucy company. He'd hate for her to be on her own.
"I don't know how Holly does this," George grumbled. He shoved another pan into the cupboard haphazardly. "It's impossible."
As if on cue, the pans toppled, crashing down around George and onto the floor. Holly appeared seconds later, scolding him as she easily slotted them in and shut the door.
Like every other day, there was a certain tension in the air that none of them seemed to be able to shake, no matter how hard they tried. Holly could bring all the almond-iced doughnuts she could carry; George could make the most absurd comments to ever have graced this earth to make them laugh; hell, Lockwood could smile and charm all he wanted, but it never amounted to anything. Not without Lucy.
He had been searching for a reason to get her back since the day he'd left her at that café, too frustrated and dejected to even try and continue the conversation. Were there any cases he could hire her for now that she was an independent agent? That seemed like the only logically sound way to get her to be with them again. To be with him. He couldn't just turn up to her new flat, so far away from Portland Row, and beg her to come home. No matter how badly he wished he could.
So, he picked up his newspaper and flicked through it, hoping to forget about her for just a moment.
But it was impossible. How could one simply forget about Lucy Carlyle? Lucy Carlyle and her jibes; Lucy Carlyle and her beautiful smile and eyes; Lucy Carlyle and the warmth she provided Lockwood with. Especially when her adverts were in the paper.
Lockwood could not forget about her for even a moment, something he had come to realise every single day since she'd left. Not after she'd allowed him to feel. To feel pure joy and humour and wonderful frustration and love.
That's perhaps what hurt the most about it all. Not her reasoning. Not the suddenness of it. Rather, the things she'd arisen inside of him, feelings he hadn't truly allowed since the deaths of his family. Letting people in was far too real, and he didn't want to permit them to the same fates as the other people he had loved and lost. But Lucy, oh, Lucy. She was supposed to be different. She was supposed to stay.
But she left, and he missed her more than should ever be possible. He knew he should've expected it, but he had allowed himself to hope. Lucy had sparked that hope inside of him, and even now it still lingered, waiting for her to return.
He was stupid for it, he knew. It was the only thing that kept him going - the notion that she may decide that she was wrong and come back to him. But it was unlikely to happen. So he had to come to terms with it, as would Holly and George.
And, so, her seat would stay vacant. Her mug would remain stained. Lockwood would creep into her room at night, falling asleep under the watchful eye of her photograph. All the while, she would sleep beneath a different roof, under the same sky, so, so far from him.
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stopthatfool · 11 months
More headcanons! yahoo! (specifically icemav)
1. Ice drinks both coffee and tea, but actually prefers tea. He forced himself to drink coffee for the caffeine to help him stay awake and alert, so now he likes it because of how often he drinks it. (i don’t know that much about the military but i don’t know how many staff rooms are gonna have kettles next to their coffee machines and if military men are gonna openly admit to drinking tea lol)
2. I think a woman in his life, either his mom or grandmother, used to make him a cup of tea every night and it was a part of his nightly ritual. Whenever he gets the chance he tries to keep up that tradition and make himself a cup of tea whenever navy life allows. 
3. Maybe I’m biased but i think Ice would drink any tea (as long as it’s good quality) but i think he would slightly prefer black teas. His mom or grandmother would always put honey and milk in it and he tended to drink green teas when he was sick so he associates them with an upset stomach, stuffy nose or a sleepless night. (or this could just be projecting onto fictional characters)
2. Mav on the other hand always hated tea. like hated it and he only ever drinks coffee. He never understood the appeal of it, if it’s not that caffeinated then what’s the point? And I think he probably only had tea like... made in the microwave, where someone puts the milk in first. No wonder he hates tea.
4. Mav hates tea until Ice makes him tea one night and makes him tea the right way. With an actual kettle and the milk added after the water and tea bags. And at first, Mav feels too bad to tell Ice the truth and say that he hates tea after he went through all the trouble to make him a cup. But Ice’s tea rocks Maverick’s world. he finishes the whole cup. Ice makes him a classic cup of english breakfast or earl grey with a little bit of honey and a dash of milk.
5. Mav will only drink tea when Ice makes it. It doesn’t matter if someone makes Mav the exact same brand of tea, with the same type of honey and milk, Mav only likes Ice’s tea. 
6. I think after the DADT repeal it allowed them to actually finalize and re-establish the tradition that Ice’s family started. Ice makes them both a cup of tea each night while Mav puts on a record. 
7. I feel it deep in my soul that Mav’s mom loved country music, like Tammy Wynette, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, Glen Campbell, Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton etc etc. Mav would never tell anyone willingly that he knows all the words to Stand By Your Man or the entirety of Dolly Parton’s album Just Because I’m a Woman. (he definitely thinks he should not be listening to them cuz its not “manly” or something) 
8. But after the DADT repeal those are the records and artists Mav puts on as Ice makes the tea, just like Mav’s mom used to do when his dad was around. Mav used to watch his parents slow dance and sing along to Crazy by Patsy Cline. He just wants to share the thing his family used to do, just like Ice is doing as he makes them tea, regardless of how “unmanly” it may seem to himself and other men. 
god im sick of these old men in love, they’re so stupid and controlled by gender stereotypes and expectations forced upon them. “Maverick is a rebel” my ass, bro can’t even listen to Dolly Parton without feeling guilty and ashamed. im SICK of them. 
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rongzhi · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @extraordinarilyextreme 🕺🏻
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 86… wow! 61 of them are from the past 3 years (2020-2023) and then the other 25 span from (2011-2019) (would not recommend)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 827,446!
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now I’m writing mainly for Oz and 成化十四年 (if you count a very slooooow moving WIP). Other fandoms: X-Men comics, Hamlet, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, HxH, Need for Speed, Avengers, 狂飙, TWD, and Nikita (lol). I have also written for a couple fandoms that I left behind in my ffnet days/orphaned works for on ao3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
We Who Have The Souls (part 3 of a series) - HxH - Hisoka/Illumi Zoldyck (681 kudos)
The Horror Not To Be Surveyed (part 1 of a series) - HxH - Hisoka/Illumi Zoldyck (660 kudos)
Amethyst Remembrance (part 2 of a series) - HxH - Illumi Zoldyck & Killua Zoldyck (483 kudos)
Suppositions - The Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon/Glenn (444 kudos)
Ash is Purest White - 成化十四年 - Ding Rong/Wang Zhi (179 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Once I actually started participating in fandom, I realised that this was something people strive to do, so I try to respond more now as well. Previously I did not respond to comments because I didn’t like how Ao3 counts author comments in the number of comments/reviews a fic had. I used to want to know exactly how many other people commented on my fic, probably because I got so few comments lol, and then it was just a habit not to reply. I try harder to reply now because I also like it when authors reply to my comments :)
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? LOL major character death fic, When Tomorrow Comes, EASILY. I legit cried while cooking when I was making dinner during the time that I was writing this. The masochism was real but the sadism was realer (making the group chat reap what they sowed lol)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hm! I have a couple that are rather fluffy but I would say the harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun (yeah yeah... hozier lyric title. sue me). They get married~
8. Do you get hate on fics? I tend to write small ships and rarepairs, so I think that’s sort of impossible tbh. I did get flamed a couple of times on ffnet back in those days, but... the joke was on the ppl flaming me, probably. You were expecting greatness from a 12 year old.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I write really cringe explicit scenes (not on purpose... that’s just how they turn out imo) but I've nver written pwp or anything.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? We shan’t speak of it and you’ll never find it, either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of… again, I don’t really write stuff that gets on anyone’s radar, I don’t think.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I have had 5 fics translated into Russian and one translated into Chinese! <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? The crossover that shall not be named.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I know my url is literally rongzhi but believe me when I say I don't have one lol
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? (puts head in my hands) I don’t want to way I won’t finish things but I have multiple rongzhi wips still on the back burner (I’m committed to finishing at least ONE of them for sure)… Ugh, but of the fics I've already started posting, I doubt I’ll ever finish The Nineteenth Year of Chenghua or after the autumn breeze. Sadly, I was a little too ambitious about starting both multi-chapter fics. I’m more broken up about the former though, because it is EXACTLY my cup of tea… as a reader! Lol. I don't know... Maybe... I have bits and pieces written but 🙄
16. What are your writing strengths? I wanna say uhhhh dialogue?? According to trusted sources (much screaming and cursing), I have also been known to write some pretty devastating angst!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Description for sure… Plot… sometimes, if there is one… Probably not the best…
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'll write other languages into the dialogue of a fic if it's in character/appropriate. I don't see any issue in that—only issue is for ME... if I don't speak the language, I have to research how to make it not sound too machine translated, because I know how silly that will come across to native/fluent speakers if they read it. Even for my cfandom fics, there are some words like honorifics that I just romanise because I don't like to translate them to whatever the eng subs say.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I wrote Harry Potter fanfic in third grade before I knew what fanfic was, I guess. And then I wrote Harry Potter x Twilight fanfic in middle school once I did ... No, I do not come from noble beginnings... No, the HPxTwi crossovers are not the one that shall not be named. I also wrote a lot of X-men (comics) fanfic before I knew what fic was!
20. Favorite fic you've written? HMMM… Kind of partial to Bolt From The Blue (Is it bc Susu has gassed me up about it so much? Who can say?) (jk, I am very proud of that one and I did enjoy write it a lot!). More recently, I really like writing In the Blink of an Eye, just because it was in 2nd person which I haven’t written since my Homestuck days (you’ll never find those fics either). It was just fun to write!
tagging: @eatprayworm @annadream @merelyafigment @tocadoguara @qinzai @catholicjigglypuff @inrainprose and anyone else who wants to do this! Consider yourself tagged!
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tisorridalamor · 3 months
I almost forgot to ask: do you want to tell us about your overnight oats?
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Boy do I ever!!! Please continue under the cut if you want to hear me talk about breakfast for way too long
I've posted my overnight oats recipe before but generally speaking:
1/3 cup steel cut oats*
1/3 cup milk of choice**
1/3 cup yogurt of choice***
An Amount of peanut/almond/whatever butter, honey, maple syrup, granola, nuts, fruit, jam, seeds, etc. Go crazy go stupid
*Generally the rule should be 1 part oats to 2 parts liquid, so if you want all yogurt or all milk that's fine, and increasing to 1/2 cup oats would mean 1 cup liquid, etc. Also you can play fast and loose with this rule, it doesn't have to be exact
**my favorite milk rn is oat milk! It has kind of a natural sweetness that is nice, I don't really like milk in general so I have kind of just been buying stuff at random but I think this is what I'll stick with going forward
***I'm also obsessed with plain greek yogurt (this post is making me sound like a health nut??) so I add that but any kind works. I genuinely love the taste of plain greek yogurt but getting a good vanilla or other flavored greek / non-greek yogurt is a good way to add flavor without a ton of effort or adding other things :)
Add-ins I'm fond of:
BANANAS❗ super mild so they go good with anything
sesame seeds
replacing part of the yogurt or milk with spiced apple sauce is REALLY good
cookie butter is so so so good in it if you have that. I assume any sweet spread like nutella would be great too. I got my dad these fancy peanut butters for xmas and used some in my overnight oats and they were fantastic
chocolate chips, cocoa powder
Vanilla Extract...
Dried fruit like cranberries, raisins, mango, etc.
There's also lots of ideas out there, I tried to keep the above pretty straightforward but if you web search it people are making brownie overnight oats, tiramisu overnight oats, creamsicle, carrot cake, pina colada, the list is endless. At work, my old boss had learned about my obsession and gave me a ton of these packets from an overnight oats subscription service (??? they'll make anything these days) that his wife had gotten and didn't like. I'm not interested in buying it but it gave me some fun flavor ideas that you can see on their site if you click the link!
When I get some time I want to make bubble tea overnight oats by making some good milk tea for the liquid and topping it with tapioca pearls and brown sugar syrup :) I like that if you want to make something complicated out of oats you can but it's also very easy to just mix some oats and yogurt and be done with it. I've tried multiple times to make oats on the stove top and I'm gonna be real with you I think they're better cold, idk I've gotten in friendly arguments about this irl
I'm a big breakfast person and I know it's a meal a lot of people skip or substitute with caffeine but I do think getting some real calories in your system helps as much as good sleep does. It's unfortunate that we all have to work a ton and something as simple as "making breakfast in the morning" feels like a luxury on a workday. I like that I can prep something like this a few days in advance and enjoy it at work at my leisure <3 I'm lucky I work an office job that allows me to do that lol!
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littlebrotherteam · 1 year
kyokao agenda part 573 (rough estimate) : we were robbed
just to share thoughts on random stuff that came to my attention.
This exchange here -
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Is super important to the development of Kyouya’s personality - yet today as I was checking the original manga in Japanese I realized some of the nuances may have been lost in translation. It felt at least to me a tad more ambiguous. 
Disclaimer: Not a native Japanese or English speaker myself and not sure if this is the official English translation or not because lol the printed edition I had wasn’t English but regardless this version is spread on the web so I will be comparing the original text to this one. Please do correct me if there is anything wrong and if you so wish I will love to point out the corrections and link back :)   
( !! Also forgive me for having only the text for the second page of JP ver !! )
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Original text  
���ょーち��んはさあ ... ほんとにこれで よ かった?
は ... ?  
僕はねえ ... ちょっと思ってたんだ ー  
[ 寝耳に水 ]  ... 俺 が ... ? あの豆 ダヌキ を ... ?
う... うん ...  
... 人間的には認めますが趣味じゃないですね  
  Rough translation  
y’know Kyo-chan ... is this really alright?  
Huh ... ?
you see... I was just thinking  
What happened to Kao-chan was rather unexpected [ * ]  
I wonder if Kyo-chan isn’t actually the most unaware of all  
(surprised) Me ... ? That mamedanuki ... ? [ * ]
Y yeah ...
... as a person I concede, but it’s not my cup of tea [ * ]
I will only choose a partner who will bring merit to the Ootori family    
first and foremost-
because I earned (gained) a more invaluable (irreplaceable) thing [ * ]
(and) I have no intention of destroying it.
  A few comments on the sentences marked with an * in my rough trans ver.
1. the original text mentions Kaoru which, in fact I was so used to that English scans version that I spent a while going “Kao ... what is Kao .. AHH” LOL . This translation keeps the ambiguity in the original I feel - as from the “de” particle (which could work as a “, de(and),” as in “de wa...” or could refer to a previous sentence) but since originally Haruhi is not mentioned feels to me like Honey could be talking about what happened to Kaoru in regards to Haruhi .. or not. Just something that happened to Kaoru yknow . whatevers .
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(not saying that it was Honey who said the above sentence but I’m just saying) (this sentence, by the way, has the same energy as “the best thing is that they still like Haruhi despite her being a girl” .. wonderful )  
2. okay but the 寝耳に水 bit is just an expression and it’s really not as violent as this English translation (no, Kyouya didn’t threaten Honey like THAT in such a heartfelt moment .. ) first things first.  
Next .. so Kyouya says they are a “mamedanuki” ; this was originally my reason for checking the original text actually, since the translation says “pint-sized tanuki” and I felt that wouldn’t be the original, and was aware that the tanuki chapter (whats it, 50?) draws parallels between Haruhi and a tanuki but also Tamaki and the tanuki in question even more strongly. There are a few reasons - although the twins keep saying that Haruhi and the tanuki are comrades (since Haruhi shapeshifts) in a more serious moment Tamaki draws the comparision to himself and later Haruhi acknowledges it out loud and the twins agree in another emotional moment. There is the recurrent choice of katakana for the word tanuki which resembles Tamaki in katakana (Honey calls Tamaki “Tama-chan” in katakana .. ) and pretty sure there is also a 金玉 / 周防玉樹 pun at some point in .. the manga? fandom? uncertain. Anyways, even when the twins call the tanuki a Haruhi-like creature, Kyouya does his thing “actually it’s a tanuki” u kno the Kyouya thing when he is the last sane man in the room and cool for just that. “grass *pushes glasses* is green”  anyways I was thinking it might refer to something more abstract and in fact it does. Although the mamedanuki IS apparently a pint-sized tanuki specialized in enchantments so everyone took it to mean Haruhi and I can see why now. But it could just as well mean Tamaki himself in a way, if you take other characteristics from this creature ...  
.. however, since our thing in this blog is to take the small bits and crumbs canon barely spent time developing and running absolutely hogwild I can not forget to mention that Kyouya specifically uses mamedanuki - a less known creature than the bakedanuki for instance and not a name that comes up in the tanuki chapter. Yes the mamedanuki is known for being pint-sized, but what else is it known for? Well, actually if you google 豆狸 what shows up is Animal Crossing’s Timmy LOL who is called “mamekichi” in Japanese - yeah, he is mame and also tanuki I guess, and Timmy and Tommy are said to be based in mamedanuki apparently .. and Timmy has a twin who dresses the same as him, and are mischievous as tanuki often are, and they play “who is who?” with Tom Nook well u know I am not saying this stuff is intentional because Animal Crossing is popular and Timmy is all that shows up if u google 豆狸 because tanuki lore is so ancient nobody cares anymore but I am just saying oh by the way just after the tanuki chapter Bisco Hatori sensei casually mentions GOOD OLD NDS which in fact is how I know about Timmy and Tommy. Don’t ask me to translate that, though. 
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The small blurb on the left says something to the effect of “the next game I will play is the famous/rumoured Animal Crossing ..” and whatever else honestly PAIN to read that calligraphy so we can safely affirm that, since this happened around chapter 50, by chapter 83 Bisco Hatori was probably already fully aware of Tommy and Timmy’s existence (either because she played the game or because the readers must have talked about them lol .. ) and KNEW what she was going for with that “mamedanuki” u know. a lil easter egg to us, KyoKao enthusiasts who are also gaming enthusiasts (and old by now) (and Japanese speaking I guess) soo a lil “if u kno u kno” . yeppp       
Where were we?! Tanuki lore. Anyways ...
3. the translation as “it’s not my cup of tea” works (and is in fact the recommended one in the website I linked !! ) because shuumi is literally hobby so it’s like he could be lowkey saying “lol I am not into skirt chasing” or kissing kissing falling in love or whatever (?? ACEARO KYOUYA HEADCANONERS ??) - seems like he is literally saying “I like [the mamedanuki] as a person. But it’s not my thing.” to me personally. The idea is supported by the bed scene I guess since Haruhi always sees what is in others hearts and she isn’t bothered AT ALL like “lol I KNOW u, u wouldn’t do shit” . But also Bisco Hatori says “who knows what the future holds ~ ” so there is that. Bisco Hatori acephobic (no please I am ace I am just kidding don’t take this seriously lmaooooo :( ) 
4. a small one I guess but the words he chose here draw a parallel to his profit discourse and everything Tamaki has always said about him not being *literally* interested in profitting at all times. For nuance something like earned / invaluable works though I can see why it might cause misunderstandings.
Anyways as always feel free to correct ♥ and stay tuned for more nitpicking of translations and running absolutely hogwild with this kyokao crap and all
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parker-likes-tea · 1 year
you know those “don’t talk to me until ive had my coffee” shirts? i want them but with really specific teas.
“no questions until ive had 2 cups of darjeeling with a tablespoon of milk each”
“im dead on my feet until i have organic ceylon with local honey and oat milk. lol”
“pass the decaf cream earl grey. now.”
“i drink oolong.”
“no visitors unless they have a tea tray and my morning pot of earl grey and scones”
“im not always mean, but if you talk to me before my morning cuppa lapsang souchong i certainly will be!”
thank you for your time
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wherefore-whinnies · 1 year
Top five teas 🫖
YAY THANK YOU FOR ASKING ME ABOUT TEA!!! everything after 2 is in no particular order:
my number one favourite tea is second cup's holiday blend! oh yo it's still in stock?! usually it's completely sold out for the season by December... anyway unfortunately I think they only ship to Canada but this tea is excellent. I don't know how to describe the flavour but it has a nice hint of cherry taste on top. unfortunately the caffeine content is quite high so if I don't eat enough (or even sometimes if I do) it gives me the jitters.
matcha!! I think the best matcha I've had is davidstea's grand cru matcha which I use my free rewards on because I would never pay that full price lol. it's nice and sweet but unfortunately it's VERY clumpy. I used to spend ages carefully sifting it to break it up but it would still have clumps and wasn't really worth it so now I just deal with the clumps.
tea drops rose earl grey - it's too expensive to regularly buy since they force it into those pre-measured drops and it's a huge pain to chop them up but it's a very nice taste that reminds me of my favourite blossoming rose tea latte from the now-cancelled starbucks.
davidstea matcha ice cream which they don't carry currently I guess but love me some tea-flavoured-ice-cream-flavoured tea.
davidstea blueberry jam which tastes a bit like blueberry pie filling!
tbh 3-5 were kind of a random selection of my favourite teas lol I have so many.
also honourable shout-out to the recipe for second cup's honey vanilla tea latte that my friend who worked there once taught me. which is an english breakfast tea latte with 2 tablespoons of torani vanilla syrup and 2 tablespoons of honey. (I do not use this many tablespoons.)
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seokjinsonlyone · 11 months
Idk if you’ve been asked this before but what is your favorite song from each members solo projects so far? Lol the astronaut is the exception 😂
omg!!! we must have some sort of connection bc i was just thinking about this earlier and i'm gonna assume this is in our hiatus era bc the rapline just has so much history it'd be impossible to pick just one LOL so imma go in chronological order of when it was released!!
for hobi it's safety zone like that song just really hold a special place in my heart like the sound of it is soooooo i can't even describe arson is a close second tho
for joonie it's closer hands down when i first heard that track i literally started vibrating on the frequency of bees
for mini it's it's actually hard to pick but his lil ep hit so freaking hard and was so unexpected for me and listen i am not really a lyric girly like i will listen to a song in english mind you could know all the words and sing it but not really pay attention to what it's saying at all like there's this one song i love and i swore by that song listened to it on repeat for hours wanted it played at my wedding that's never gonna happen and everything and like a year later i realized it was a breakup song all this to say that the english version of like crazy makes me soooo insane specifically the line "emotions on ice" like that one line right there changed the trajectory of my life BUT THEN there's alone and like i said NOT really a lyric girly so the way that this song sounds and just the composition is SOOO clever like in the chorus part where he's like "day and night fall" and when he says fall there's that voice effect that literally drops and the overlapping "mayday, get me out of here" that's literally a cry for help like that is so freaking genius and caught me from the beginning and it's just so it's a song i really like to listen to even tho it's really sad LOL BUT THEN there's set me free pt 2 which i realize now i could've just led with bc it really does have both those elements like it has that sound that makes me vibrate and the lyrics that alter my brain chemistry (especially when he's like raise your hands for the past me i'm just head in hands about that line AMONGST MANY OTHER PARTS) AND THE PERFORMANCE MY GOD i don't even know where to start talking about that one so i won't so let's just say set me free pt 2 is king for me
for yoongi i literally decided on my way into the house after getting off from work that dday was my favorite from the album like i was going back and forth between dday and sdl and decided that what takes sdl to the top for me is adora's adlibs like she really snapped but if i was picking my fav from yoongi bc of yoongi it's dday like y'all don't understand the way i be blasting that song everyday on my way to work it be like 5am and i'm in the car volume turned all the way up talm bout time for some paycheck and i'm riding downtown 😭 it's become my ultimate hype song me thinks
and i know my seokjinnie only has the astronaut but it's SO good like "when i'm with you there is no one else and i get heaven to myself" is such a wonderful and lovely line and when he starts belting about how much he loves me god my heart is so full i am at peak military wife whenever it comes on
and the babies haven't released anything yet but i will use this opportunity to say that i am forever changed by taehyung's jazz covers like that festa video that dropped had me listening to jazz for the rest of the week and like you can tell how much he has improved as a singer his voice is just like honey and i gulped it down with a cup of tea fr like i've probably watched it five times by now i love it so much and for jk can i just say that i miss when he was in his silk sonic phase like i was literally screen recording that one live when he covered leave the door open for the first time honestly i have most of that concert screen recorded LOL like baepsae hip thrusts and all but i think of all the songs jk has covered and my god there has been plenty his cover of leave the door open is my favorite and i'd like to hear more of him with that sound there's also this one other song he covered once it was during one of his morning lives it was a korean song and he was imitating the singer but i have no idea of the artist or the song but just know that there's a section in my brain that holds that one specific cover dearly
i have no idea how this got to be so long i didn't expect to have this much to say on this topic BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii Tea! I hope you are having great year! I'd like to participate in your tarot reading giveaway. It's the first time I'm participate in your giveaway 😚 hope this questions is fine. My question is: how will relationship dynamics with my future spouse and How the moment they fall in love with me. Thank youuuuu 🫶
(Also I saw the avatar in your blog that is Sailor mars, I love that, that is my favourite character 🤘🤘🤘🤩🤩🤩)
hello juwaegi! welcome! thank you for participating for the first time! i love seeing a new face! and so far my year has been great! i hope yours is too! thank you!
for you #1, i got the 9 of cups, page of wands & the empress.
your relationship dynamic with your future spouse is a dynamic of a happy home. we are talking about two people who are happy to arrive home after a day out. why? because it is your guy's safe space! i see you two taking very good care of this house and in turn, it becomes a place of happiness and love for you two! the dynamic of your relationship is a duo that supports and holds each other up. i see you both have a few hobbies and i see you two encouraging one another further because your love is about fueling each other's fires and not about dampening one another! you two truly believe they got the best in each other but rather than being greedy with this love, i see you two sharing it and growing it! i wouldn't be surprised if you had a lot of plants in your house! lol i see here that they also treat you like a goddess! you are taken care of and loved in ways you never thought were possible. they are so gentle and sweet with you. they are happy to bring you hot drinks to bed or even a surprise meal! very loving!
for you #2, i got the chariot, the lovers & knight of coins.
your future spouse falls in love with you quickly! i believe you are in their car. you two are driving around. literally you two have no particular place in mind! not a single one! why? because this moment is about you two being together and having fun in a car. it's a pure moment of bliss and laughter and in that moment, they realize that this is it! that everything was going to be alright! omg i'm tearing up a little! okay! more than a little but like they feel in their very bones at that moment, that you are two are meant to be and they feel so alive with you! they just can't get over it and they try to hide the tears and brush them off as laughing too hard but they will never forget this moment where everything just clicked and you clicked into their side! aww! honey! i'm so happy for you! everything is going to be alright!
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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anglepanda · 1 year
Leo x reader you first met pt.2
Narrator: It was 3:56 in the morning and you decided to get ready and make breakfast for everyone. You decided you were going to make pancakes with sausage and eggs so after you get dressed for school you start cooking breakfast. After you make breakfast you made some coffee for yourself and the others as well but for Mikey…you just made a nice hot cup of tea for him cause you didn’t think he was old enough to drink coffee. Then you look up to see splinter you said good morning to him as he was grabbing one of the cups of coffee he says good morning and asked…
splinter: did you make theses for us reader(your name)?
Reader: um yes I-l did…I just thought since you guys were so nice and aloud me to stay the night here I just think it’s nice to return the favor by making you guys breakfast and hot coffee’s and tea if that’s okay with you.
splinter: of course it’s ok with me my dear I just want you to be comfortable around me and my sons since you’ve never met anyone like us before.
Narrator: you sighed and told him that you were comfortable around him and his sons and gave him a hug he signed in relief and hug you back after the small hug you guys both started to hear the others waking up and coming to eat after breakfast April gotten dressed and you guys left the lair and started walking off to school as you were walking to school April taped your shoulder and said.
April: um reader(your name)…you do know that you have Leo’s sweater on still…right?
Reader: oh i didn’t even realize I still had it on…leo won’t mind if I used it for the rest of the day right…?
April:yeah he probably won’t I mean he hasn’t asked for it back so…I guess that means he doesn’t mind you wearing it for the rest of the day lol.
Reader: yeah I guess so…ok off to school then.
Narrator: as yesterday you and April headed of to y’all separate classes and after school you decided to head back to your apartment this time. When you got inside your apartment your mom and dad greeted you with warm hugs.
Mom: so…how was sleeping over at your friend April house honey.
Reader: oh uh it was fun mom I forgotten to pack some clothes but April had some spare clothes for me to wear.
Dad: is that why you have that blue hoodie on you?
Reader: yes dad…she let me use it for the rest of the day. But anywho I’m gonna wash up for dinner and then go to bed.
Narrator: after you finish washing up you gotten out of of the shower and gotten dressed you went to go eat dinner you had a chat with your parents and you then headed of to your room your parents were fast asleep and you were just laying down in bed watching movies on your phone then you hear a gentle knock at your window. It was Leonardo you were wondering why he was at your apartment window this late at night.
Reader: l-leo w-what are you doing here…and at this time of night my parents will probably hear you…and how did you get my address.?
Leo: oh hi reader(your name) April gave me your address cause I wanted to know if you still had my hoodie sorry if I woke you up…darling~.
Narrator: you blushed at the nickname darling but of course you should have known Leonardo would be the flirty one in his family. You handed him his hoodie and told him that he had to leave cause you didn’t want your parents waking up and finding out about him but before he left he had one question to ask you.
Leo: um reader(your name)before I leave I wanted to-…well we wanted to know when you’re coming back to the lair I-…I mean we really miss having you around we even made an area for when you decide to sleep over in the lair.
Reader: oh that’s very sweet that you guys miss having me their and that you made an area for me to sleep in I’ll probably come over tomorrow and if not I’ll come over this weekend ok…
Leo: oh ok well will see you then ok…have a good night reader(your name).
Reader: good night leo…
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2, 12, 20, 24, 48, 64, 66, 76, 84, 97, 114, 116, 117, 120, 123, 155 for the ask game (ik it’s a lot, no pressure for any of them)
omggg this is so fun there’s so many!! alrighty I went through and picked my faves (warning it’s a long post lmao):
12: Coffee, tea or cocoa? It depends tbh. If it’s that stupid Vanilla Cold brew from Tim Hortons, coffee all the way. Besides that, I love a good cup of tea. Chamomile and honey is so delicious and soothing. mmm
20: Do you like space or the ocean more?
Talk about a hard one. The idea of living underwater, like in subnautica, is something that makes me all happy tingly when I think about it. It’s something I’m obsessed with in game sometimes lmao, I love it. But space? I don’t think anything can beat space for me. Since I was little, we’ll really my whole life, I’ve been raised with sci-fi. It’s ingrained in my childhood nostalgia, my comfort characters and media, hell it’s in the video games I love (shout out to No Man’s Sky fr). The big empty black filled with stars and silence, but so full of people and other worlds. The ability to be in flush and full environments or simply…the silence. Nothing beats the atmosphere and intrigue of space. It’s like…the good kind of lonely, I guess. 48: A sound you really love? Okay okay I have two for this one. Rain (both soft and FUCKING THUNDERING) and soft, deep static. Or brown noise, whatever you call it. They’re both incredibly comforting and atmospheric, and as someone who lives in Washington state I miss it when it doesn’t rain. Which, these past summers especially, is getting less and less frequent. And hearing the rain reminds me that things can be good for a while. (I hate climate change. I can’t take these heat waves man, they’re not natural around here) 66: Favorite emoticon? 🫂 is the top, followed closely by 🫡 lmao and 👁👁. The first one because as soon as I discovered it I used it all the time to greet or comfort my friends and tbh I just love it for that. The second because the deadpan expression and the salute looks like you’re sending off your friend to their grave after some stupid shit they did it’s a beautiful emoji. And the last one because it coveys “gazing disrespectfully” like no other emoticon ever has. Wait are emoticons like the :) things I’m just not realizing they might be uhm. :] is top tier because it looks like a cute little smiley robot! 97: How long can you hold your breath for? Lets see! … 47.37 secs but I’m sure I could push for longer
155: Do you like to play with others hair? I think it’s nice ngl. What I reaally need is a friend with super fluffy hair that lets me give them headpats and muss it up affectionately and run my hands through it…sigh. I have my own hair tho which I mess with all the fuckin time lmao so yeah. 10/10 messing with hair is good times. Yknow, this reminds of a friend of mine. She loves messing with peoples hair but hates it when people touch hers. Back when I had longer hair, I would let her mess with it whenever she asked. She would play with it or style it or braid it, just with her hands or whatever she had ON hand haha. Usually just while we were talking, I would sit down and she would sit above me and it would just kind of be like that as we all talked with the rest of our friends. She uh, she moved recently. Out of state. And it’s gonna be weird not seeing her again. I really idolized her a lot when I was younger, and we had the nickname of Twins because our teachers used to mix up our names all the time. I never got to be as close to her as I wanted, mostly because of myself, and I’ll miss her. But I like seeing things that remind me of her, especially the hair thing. She really hated it when people touched hers lol, so we never did. She braided a lot of my friends and I’d hair at one point or another. She’s great.
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mattohonbung · 11 months
who seek
🍨 dessert cafe (korean)
📍 chantilly, virginia
📅 mid-afternoon; July 2023. 2nd time.
🙂 overall: their bingsoo is good, I wouldn't get their ades. the place seems kinda sanitised in a boring way now. I would still return, but always with friends (to help me finish the bingsoo lol)
food pix + detailed review under the cut!
🍹 not pictured is their peach-ade which i didnt take a pic of cos it literally looked like sprite in a cup 😐 the artificial peach flavor was barely there (is it cos i chose "less sweet - 1 syrup"?). I also chose "no ice" but you def need to drink it cold. lesson learned.
would NOT get it again even if you get it on their Tuesday $2-off Ades discount man I paid $3.50 for some sprite with peach syrup... could you believe they normally charge $5.50 for that?? bffr
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🍨 black sesame bingsoo - it sure does look like they dumped black pepper on your meal 😭 anyway I love black sesame so I don't have many complaints! i guess they could've made it less sweet but like its a dessert so I'm not pressed about it lol. but I know the snow was made of cow milk cos I got so gassy afterwards 🫥
I'd get this again but only if i pop a lactaid. NON-DAIRY OPTION WHEN??
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🍨 green tea red bean bingsoo - green tea flavor was weak af. the green tea mochi was cut too big. this did feel slightly less sweet than the black sesame one but I got tired of the flavor more quickly.
I wouldn't get this again :^/ I'd prob avoid all their green tea items. no bitter notes at all to counteract the sweetness smh
💲 price - $11-12/bingsoo. i feel like this is slightly more expensive than other places, considering that all the possible additions would have racked up the price
🗒️ overall notes - kinda wondered if their honey toast is any good, but their options looked so uninspired 😅 nothing else on their menu looks worth getting here
also they got rid of the 'hidden room' part of their store and just opened it up ☹ L for them, it takes away from how cool their store seemed. I think they could benefit from some board games or something. they just had boring books (including encyclopedias for some inexplicable reason)
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