#i feel like i should have a fanfic tag
lostfieldranboo · 2 years
hi there. would anyone like a dsmp tma au.
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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pizzaqueen · 6 months
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The Pizza Box Pact / Act One: An old promise and a new pledge
Written for @steddiebang
Art by @goingsteddi3 and @cousin-itt
Rated T / part one of three / 7.1k (total ~24k)
Eddie and Steve have been living together, working together, and raising their cat together for a few years, now, but they’re not together together. They’re friends—the best of—nothing more, and they’re happy.
At least, Eddie is, and he thought Steve was too. But then he finds a pact they made, one drunken night ten years ago, where they pledged to ‘marry’ each other if they were still single by the time they’re thirty, and everything changes.
Steve isn’t amused by the reappearance of the pledge, in fact he seems almost upset by it, and Eddie figures it’s because he’s going to be thirty soon and doesn’t have a girlfriend. So, he does what any best friend would do: promises to find Steve his perfect woman, setting him up on a series of unsuccessful blind dates.
But somewhere along the way, Eddie rediscovers feelings that he thought he’d put aside years ago. He just hopes he hasn’t discovered them too late.
Read part one at AO3
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
The thing about being an adult and living alone is I can do LITERALLY WHATEVER I WANT with my space so yes I am going to print out AO3 comments and put them up on my fridge
I'm like a 2nd grader with an art project lol
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taonpest · 1 year
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Yeah it's them again whatever
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quaranmine · 2 years
i know tumblr gives us a feeling of safety but it IS a public platform and as such there is literally no reason for CCs not to be able to use it just like we do. they're members of the public. we're members of the public. you see this right?
so i'd like to introduce you to a concept that i've been holding myself to since i made this blog: if you aren't prepared for a CC to potentially see something, don't post it at all!
now, realistically, i still post stuff i would cringe if a CC saw. it's a calculated risk i take, then, when i maintag these, because i count on the statistically low chance they'd see it. i accept that they might see something, and if they do see it or comment on it and i get embarassed then, well, i knew i could never eliminate the possibility completely and still chose to post it.
however, to further break it down--if you reallly don't want a CC to see it, don't main tag it. if you're even more serious about it, block the CC's blog (if it's known) and make sure to do it in blog settings if you use a sideblog. and if you still really, really, really want to be safe from a CC ever seeing it, then don't post it publically at all. dm your friends about it or whatever
idk, man. just control your own online experience. that doesn't only mean filtering/avoiding things you don't like, it also means being conscious of the things you put out into the world as well
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cadmusfly · 4 months
Funny thing about previously being into Napoleonic Royal Navy fiction and stuff and then switching sides to obsess over the Napoleonic Marshals is returning to things I read and then spotting Mentions Of Marshals that I disregarded before
Like “hey, the boys were here all along, I just didn’t care about them back then!”
oops tag rambled about dragons
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hannah-heartstrings · 1 month
Local Rule
Some of the Cheydinhal Guards explain an unusual rule to a new recruit.
@druidx @babyblueetbaemonster @inkysqueed
            Stepping out of the barracks and into the dim morning light, Fairwyn crossed the courtyard where Garrus was already talking to a young redguard.
            “You’ll be joining my second in command to patrol the town, to help you get to know Cheydinhal.” Hearing steps, he glanced back. “Ah, here she is now. Fairwyn, this is the new recruit, Atticus.”
            With a wide smile, he saluted her. “I’m at your command, ma’am.”
            “Sir,” Garrus corrected.
            “Sorry, sir,” he looked nervous.
            She remained stoic. “At ease.”
            He dropped his hand.
            “I can take it from here,” she looked to Garrus.
            His voice softened. “Just go easy on him?”
            “I only whip into shape when necessary, sir.”
            “Thank you.”
            She gave a quick smile before he walked away.
            “So,” Atticus looked eager, “where to first?”
            She held up a finger as she watched Garrus disappear down the path.
            He looked confused.
            Marcus slid up beside Fairwyn. “Is he gone?”
            “He’s gone,��� she turned back to the recruit who was now scared. “There’s something you’re going to need to know, that they wouldn’t have told you in the Imperial City, a… local rule. It’s important that you know it but also that you don’t tell the captain about it.”
            He raised a brow.
            “There’s a girl who comes around every so often, Lecrinn.”
            “A Hero of Kvatch,” Marcus added.
            “We’ll point her out to you when we see her, but whenever we do see her we have to make sure the captain is off duty.”
            “Wha-” his lips pursed in confusion, “why?”
            Marcus smirked. “Well, she’ll make sure he is either way, it’s easiest if you’re on her side, like how you don’t sail against a storm.”
            “And if we do, he’s less stressed and she closes more Oblivion gates,” she said plainly, Marcus adding, “But mostly we’ve just all gotten attached to the two of them.”
            His gaze shifted from one to the other. “Are you two hazing me?”
            He narrowed his eyes, annoyed. “She won’t let me haze you.”
            “I assure you we are being completely serious; it’ll make sense when you meet her.”
            Atticus looked uneasy at that.
            “I’ll brief you on the procedures later but I wanted you to know about it in case she shows up before I get to.”
            “There…” his worried confusion grew, “are procedures?”
            “Well of course, you can’t just rearrange shifts at random,” she flicked a glance at Marcus, “that’s chaos.”
            “Hey, I had to get him to stop working somehow, and she was right there offering, so.”
            She turned to him with a flat glare. “It was a security risk.”
            “So was he! I thought the man was going to spontaneously combust!”
            “You left the castle gate unguarded for thirty minutes.”
            “Nothing happened.”
            “How would you know?” Her shoulders rose as she leaned towards him. “No one was guarding it!”
            Atticus slowly raised a hand. “Um…”
            They looked at him.
            He waved the hand nervously. “Aren’t we not guarding right now?”
            Straightening, Fairwyn quickly regained her composure. “Technically our shift doesn’t start till the bell rings, which I’d say is in another…” squinting, she glanced up, “7 minutes.”
            Marcus lowered his brows, tone flattening. “She has it all figured out, trust me, you can’t get away with anything with her around.”
            Her lips curled slightly in subtle pride.
            Atticus gave a slow nod, still nervous. “May I ask a question?”
            “Of course,” she said, “I appreciate questions from new recruits.”
            “How has the captain not noticed you’re all doing this?”
            Marcus smirked. “For that he’d have to be able to see anything else when she was around.”
            Fairwyn’s serious demeanor finally broke with a barely held laugh.
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lostfieldranboo · 2 years
i've entirely forgotten how i usually post fics on tumblr. here have like 8k words of ranboo after being brought back to life
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kn11ves · 4 months
bsd fic masterpost
"parallels" (LINK) ship: kunikida/dazai ch. 1: Kunikida gets shot in front of Dazai, then dies ch. 2: Dazai bleeds out on Kunikida's back after being shot
"god sent it to me, and told me to love" (LINK) ship: fyodor/ivan ch. 1: Ivan gets baptised (water-boarded) by Fyodor ch 2: Ivan slowly bleeds out, recollects how he met Fyodor
"a dog who bites every owner its ever had" (LINK) ship: fyodor/ivan, nikolai/ivan ch. 1: Ivan's life and crimes before Fyodor ch. 2: Fyodor introduces him to Nikolai, Ivan is deeply disturbed & obsessed ch. 3: Ivan tries to come to terms with his affection towards Nikolai after attempting to kill him
"you will have treasure in heaven" (LINK) ship: nathaniel/ivan ch. 1: nathaniel and ivan are forgotten together in a locked cellar, where they rot and speak to each other about life
"aftermath of a wildlife attack" (LINK) ship: fyodor/ivan ch. 1: fyodor deals with his ivan's death after meursault
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
So I am ostensibly doing Fic Research by rewatching an episode of telly and re that post about Depressing Sylvie Headcanons I think it is probably correct and Sylvie no longer speaks Asgardian, for I def got the vibe that she has no idea what the words to that song are.
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Meanwhile, look at the stance, look at the swagger:
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This 'serenading the lady (or gentleman, or whoever) to win them over' technique has worked before and is expected to work again. That's confidence. Misplaced confidence, but it's still confidence.
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Oh no, the lad is smitten. Caught in your own spell, you idiot. You fool. You protagonist who will be heartbroken a few episodes from now.
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A Collection of Names
Sometimes, Papa calls me the wrong name.
It used to bother me (How hard is it to remember "Cosette"?), but Papa never seemed to notice.  
“Here Jean, try holding it like this.”
“You’re going to be very cross if you get your trainers muddy, Claude.”
“Joséphine, come down for dinner!”
Once, I asked him about it.
He blinked at me a couple of times, like he couldn’t believe his ears.  “Whom?”
“François,” I’d repeated.  There were fresh scrapes on my hands where I’d caught myself when I tripped, but I'd forgotten all about them.  “That’s what you said, just now.”
Sometimes, Papa goes very deep into himself.  He doesn’t say anything (not that he normally does), but it makes me think of how I feel when I remember Mrs. Thénardier reaching for the leather belt or loud men who smell like beer or dark, dark woods that rustle and growl in every direction.
I don’t want Papa to feel like that.
“Just kidding,” I’d laughed.  “He's my imaginary friend.”
Papa had stayed frozen, and I was afraid that I had broken him, like the movies Ponine and Zelma used to watch on their parents’ computer, but then his breath caught, and his head shook a little, and he smiled at me.  “Well, you'll have to let me know when we will be introduced, Cosette.”
He picked me up after that and took me back home.  That night, after I went to bed, I heard Papa sneak out of the apartment.  Sometimes he does that when he thinks I’m asleep.  
That night, he didn’t come back for a very long time.
So sometimes Papa calls me the wrong name, but it’s okay.  I like having a collection of names.
There’s Claude for when I’m messy and François when I’m clumsy and Joséphine for when I forget the time; Pierre is for when I drop things, and Jean is when I’m par-tic-u-lar-ly artistic, and Jacques is when I’m trying to do my schoolwork. When we’re both laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt, I’m Phillipe.  
(I like Phillipe the best.)
I think Papa must like them all, though, so I’ll just have to keep being all of them.
Maybe, when I’m older, he'll introduce us, too
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bittersweetresilience · 4 months
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i'm not really one to post snippets but... you know, since i'm unlikely to publish any of this anyway... i was going back through my fics and i am thoroughly charmed by how much i forgot i wrote. in about two minutes i'm going to forget i'm a fine writer and i enjoy my work again but for now i'm riding the high... such is life
#i'm particularly pleased with the second one because i remember writing the entire fic in a twenty minute sprint and assuming it sucked and#never looking at it again. but it's fine surprisingly. third one is the same i got a lot done that day#having a lot of writing experience is really just accumulating a bunch of similes and metaphors you can whip out easily and knowing how to#balance action narration internal external observation feeling without thinking. maybe writing poetry helps. i really like rhythm and flow#and making sentences end in a way where if you read them aloud it's almost like they're rhyming#i'm not trying to praise myself i'm just thinking#but you know what? i should praise myself. good job sunny#you did it. you're happy with your work again. you stopped having the crazy unhealthy social media feelings#you are comfortable with yourself even with everything that's happened and everything you're still afraid of a little bit#and you never stopped writing about murder and insane unshowable things 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏#everything is going to be okay i love ME and AUTUMN and MOONIE#wow i'm really just rambling to myself in the tags of a post where i feel good about myself 🤣 how cringe. how silly#but i will be cringe forever and weird and shedding the skin of my shame 😌#i'm also listening to kurzgesagt soundtracks right now and thinking about the vastness of the universe#and how small i am and how none of this really matters and yet it's so beautiful and that just has me feeling some kind of way#🌃#miraculous ladybug#ml fanfic
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
Just popping in to say I read the new chapter of The Hedgehog’s dilemma and WOOH. WOOOOOOOOH. WOOOH BOY, I thought Roy was gonna kill Ted. Like woahh my god. That was so cathartically satisfying to have Roy completely read what was happening in the room and put his foot down like that. I am so very excited for the next chapter—even though my heart is just BREAKING for Jamie, gosh
Anyways- LOVING IT!
Thank you!! The difference between how Roy and Ted respond to Jamie's situation with his dad is so interesting to me and up until around mid-season 3, I was convinced it would be part of Ted's character arc — the idea that hurt people hurt people, and sometimes that hurt takes the form of giving well-meaning but ultimately deeply harmful advice because you're too mired in your own trauma to actually understand the reality of the other person's situation. So when I watched season 2, I interpreted Roy's complete lack of patience for Phoebe's dad ("he's a piece of shit") and him subsequently being the one to comfort Jamie at Wembley as the writers essentially signalling to the audience that he's able to approach the situation from a much more functional angle than Ted, and that Ted would eventually process his trauma enough to develop a more nuanced view of when his whole forgiveness and second chances thing is and is not useful. But then that didn't happen, so I figured if canon doesn't give you the character arc you want, homemade is fine.
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
The Fight
Trying to pick up the pace a little bit, but I'm not very good at writing action so this might be a bit clunky. Please excuse me.
Mountain's Peak (Part 1)
Nepal Sanctum (Part 2)
Talk it out (Part 3)
In which we let it all out
Ramattra found his brother exactly where he expected to; Tucked away on the highest roof top of the Monastery's temples, an old withered place few monks visited simply for the egregious amount of single wide stairs clearly poorly placed by the original builders.
"Brother Mondatta is looking for you," Ramattra spoke with no worry of startling his brother, positive Zenyatta had already sensed his approach at least three levels down. The fact that he hadn't run was a good sign.
"He can look a while longer.." Zenyatta replied, relaxing from his curled up position to allow his legs to dangle over the edge of the building.
Ramattra sat himself down beside his brother, taking a moment to appreciate the view. The sun was setting, stars had started to dot the soft pink sky. From this high up, one could truly see on into forever if they desired to.
"You hit the human..." Ramattra finally pressed, giving a glance to Zenyatta, who curled back in on himself slightly.
"I did."
"You said you would only use what I taught you in self defense."
"I did not use what you taught me, dear brother. I used my fist."
Ramattra couldn't help the slight chuckle hearing his elder defend himself so sharply released. If he could still shoot back, then he couldn't be all that tore up about what he'd done.
"Mondatta will expect an apology when we finally return."
"I did nothing to him." Zenyatta once again uncurled himself, his legs once more dangling over the building's edge as he relaxed into the flow of conversation with Ramattra.
"To the human, Brother."
Zenyatta released a loud, dramatic sigh noise, clunking his head into Ramattra's shoulder. "I would rather be placed on cattle clean up for the next 7 years."
Ramattra chuckled once again, "And I would love to assist you with such chores, but that is not Mondatta's way."
"No... I suppose not..." Zenyatta's voice softened as he once more pulled his knee to his chest, placing a hand on the ground next to Ramattra for balance.
Ramattra found his hand placed gently over his brother's, keeping his sensors locked to the stars as he leaned his head atop Zenyatta's.
With the sunrise the brothers would make their way back down to the village, they'd catch Master Mondatta on his way back from his morning meditation, when the monastery is silent and the human is still asleep. Zenyatta would give his apology, and be given laundry duty in return, with Ramattra would happily assist with despite Mondatta's preaching on how one must face their misdoings on their own.
That would all come tomorrow. For tonight, the two sat peacefully on the temple roof top, hands intertwined in a painfully human way, counting stars until the sun arose the next morning.
That stare made everyone in the monastery uncomfortable. Bright red eyes that only ever saw the monks as who they were, what they had been made for, how they'd failed or succeeded at a task that had been forced upon them.
It was sickening.
Across from Zenyatta stood the human, shouldering off thick layers of cloth and robes and scarves until only one remained, tied tightly off at his waist by a cream orange cincture belt. He then removed the thick, straw woven snow boots Mondatta had made for him, stepping bare foot into the chalk drawn circle of the training area, holding his hands up in a ready pose.
He'd kept his eyes locked on Zenyatta, not in a glare of malice, or even his usual annoying fascination, but a neutral look that challenged him without words.
Ramattra's hand grabbed tightly to the back on Zenyatta's upper robe. He was shaking. He was going to stop this.
Zenyatta shoulder off his brother's grasp and the robe along with it, leaving him in only his pants and the red cloth he'd kept tied around his waist.
Stepping into the ring, Zenyatta stood wide and placed his palm against the human's, keeping their gaze locked.
"If you win, I'll leave. Permanently. And I'll tell every human I meet they're not welcome here." Emile spoke evenly, despite the rapid pulse Zenyatta could feel coming from their freezing fleshy hand.
He tilted his head in amusement, "And what will you get if you happen to win?"
This was the sort of confrontation that would usually draw this particular human to tears, so it was quiet the shock to see him hold together while speaking. "You can decide that when it happens."
'When' Zenyatta thought on, wrapping his fingers around the human's small hand. It was cold, and soft, and easily crushable in even the flimsiest of Omnic hands.
"Usually a match is called when one is forced from the ring, but that feels a touch too easy, wouldn't you agree?" The human nodded along with Zenyatta's proposal, "So we keep going until one of us taps, agreed?"
Zenyatta watch the human give a small nod once more
And then kicked them as hard as he could right in the stomach
Emile flew out of the ring, scratching to a stop along the stone flooring. He hacked and coughed, gripping onto his stomach. If he'd eaten anything for the past few days he surly would have hurled it up.
"Get up." Zenyatta spoke from the ring. The human did as commanded, pulling himself up on shaky legs. He did not glare at Zenyatta for landing the first blow, he did not look on in fear for how much stronger his opponent was, he did not bask in awe at how mighty a kick it was. He kept his neutral expression.
And that pissed Zenyatta off worse than anything else.
Blow after blow, the human continued to get back up. Even after he'd started spitting up blood. Even after his glasses were shattered on the stone ground, rendering him near blind. Even after he'd stopped being able to feet his fingers in toes in the cold and after his arm stopped moving and after his ankle had made such a horrible crack and swollen to the size of an orange.
And even after Zenyatta still stood perfectly pristine.
Emile hadn't landed a blow on his opponent. Zenyatta was starting to doubt he was even trying to. Had he even raised his hand once to the monk? Had all he done was stand there and take Zenyatta's blows?
Zenyatta clenched his fists, "Get Up." He demanded, as he had over and over again, to the human laying still on the stone before him. "Get Up and Hit Me."
Emile's form shook as he pushed himself up with only one arm, his white hair dangling before his face, tips red from his own blood. As commanded he got up on shaky legs once more and looked to Zenyatta with those red eyes that pierced into his history, a history he'd been trying so hard to ignore, to hide and run away from.
"Get up." Zenyatta demanded again after landing a hard hit right into the human's nose. It was broken for sure.
Emile did as commanded.
"Brother, that is enough-" Ramattra reached to grab Zenyatta, to put an end to this, but stopped inches away.
"It's not enough..."
The human's voice was ragged, breathless and broken and shaking. He sounded on the brink of death.. He very well might have been.
"It's not... enough...."
Blood mixed with tears down Emile's face, big wet eyes stared at Zenyatta, making the Omnic hesitate.
Ramattra wouldn't dare touch a human, but he made a motion like he was going to either way, "Human you cannot take much more, please just call it-"
"I CAN'T." Emile's voice cracked, he coughed, and took a step just to keep himself from collapsing, "I can't... it's not... enough... yet...."
The human but his hand on his wrist, and Zenyatta found himself mimicking the motion. His finger tips touched delicately at his exposed arm wire, one of many fragile pieces of himself he'd been forced to show to the world after nearly loosing his life before coming here.
He could still feel the human's cold finger tips on it...
"it's not... enough... to... ma...ke up.. for what... i..."
His body was too heavy, everything hurt, and the world was spinning.. In his last few moments of consciousness Emile braced himself for one more cold embrace from the stone steps of the battle field..
And instead found warmth...
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tincanton · 6 months
ok i finished binge watching tlok (except for season 2 listen im not getting into that mess again) and like. its literally not that bad????
like excluding the relationship shit (and most of season 2 I hate season 2) its literally not that bad. like I would rewatch that again it was so fun.
i just wish they developed the Friendships between the krew more. i will reiterate this again, the moment even a slight Concept of a found family has entered my mind I will NOT stop thinking about it. (the most memorable part to me was literally the krew just fucking around in a hotel room with a pai sho board while spying on aiwei. i want more of the four of them just doing really random shit together come on. please. please. ple
also the love triangle ruined All of their characters. like it was just not a great time for any of them. can we all agree to collectively forgive all of that shit because clearly they've all mostly moved on from that mess.
ALSO ALSO mako is literally not a bad character what. literally what. he's literally just zuko 2.0 but everyone hates him for some reason huh. all he did was fuck up two romantic relationships huh. wuh. why does the fandom hate him whuh. explain. the math is not mathing. like what. hes literally full of angst and everyone just ignores that in favor of "but he was a bad bf" what. if we can forgive(forgive?? idk if that's the right wording whatevr) zuko for the shit hes done can we also forgive mako for like. handling his relationships in a questionable manner.
he was like 18/19 at that point yall (and he also seems extremely emotionally constipated jesus) I think we can let this one go. or if you still arent happy with that lets forget about all the drama and have them in a polycule LMAO
anyways tlok very fun. very enjoyable like i could rewatch the fight scenes over and over again they're so cool. and also I love the characters sososo much. the fandom is so focused on the ships can we just like. look at the besties. they're best friends fr.
(korra is so pretty in season 4 actually she is everything to me)
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