#i dont think i could ever explain it properly u have gotta read it to really feel it
palaeotriakis · 1 year
omniscient reader’s viewpoint is one of the most heartbreaking novels ive ever read genuinely the only book ive cried over i would highly recommend if u can get through 551 chapters
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thatadhdmood · 4 years
Hi! I saw your addition to "Discord server for thyself" post and I noticed you had a Chinese tab. I recently wanted to start learning Chinese and I was wondering if you could recommend some free online sources to start with?
I have no idea!
Ive been taking chinese since i was in kindergarten and have kinda just always been taking it
My chinese teacher talks about ponddy reader a lot but thats for reading texts and ur a beginner
My only advice is make vocab lists and practice writing
Just have a paper and practice writing each character 20 times or until u reach the bottom of the page
And then quiz urself with the english and write it
Or at least do read the chinese and write the english and pin yin
Oh yeah and flash cards are good for learning chinese too!
Oh and make sure u write words in the correct stroke order when u write because it helps with muscle memory to write it in the same order
As well as look correct visually. A 口(kou) done with 1 line like a box is NOT THE SAME a 口(kou) done with 3 lines lmao
Oh yeah and make sure to learn ur sentence structures THEYRE DIFFERENT TO ENGLISH!!!
And connector words!!! In writing for chinese sprinkle in as many connector words as possible for fanciness baby!
Im now just explaining how to learn chinese rip u asked for online resources
The answer is i dont have any because ive always learned chinese on paper and books
Well i know how to type in chinese but like thats just for writing essays and stuff lmao
Oh yeah and make sure to learn how to the spell pin yin of words properly because otherwise you can type using a chinese keyboard
Also there is no v in chinese pin yin isnt that funny
Oh and learn tones correctly thats a big thing otherwise no one will ever know what ur saying
Uhhh i think i am done rambling about chinese lmao
If u ever use duolingo pls remember u need to practice writing too
Lmao writing is the only thing im okay at in chinese i suck at speaking and i just know all the cheats for how to read chinese and answer questions without knowing what im reading
Well as u can see.,.,,. Chinese is hard and theres so much stuff u gotta learn :(
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theaspers · 4 years
I HAVE RISEN! MUHAHA Hai ish me again! R u okay bb? Here my virtual tissues and a hug to u 💞💖💝 u can vent to me if u want to. I can come off of anon if that would help. Hopefully I've scrolled thru everything so I'm up to date. Also I think I don't have a word limit anymore wowwwwww. I moved from iPhone to android (but like barely... I haven't properly transfered anything except my sim card 😂). Wow it's a whole new world here.
For periods u can lay on ur back and prop ur legs up against a wall or door (so u make an L shape) that's a lifesaver I got from another Tumblr user. A blanket over ur upper body when u lay like that is always noice too. Can try period yoga. I do yoga with Adriene videos but I haven't tried that specific one out. Also if u don't eat a lot of red meat n chilli u can probably have ginger tea with brown sugar. That one always helps me out. So long as ur body isn't naturally considered hot then it should work well.
ALSO I read ur new fic!!!!! Congrats on getting it out (and am happily waiting for anything Zhongli even tho I know literally nothing about the man haha). I'm usually not a huge fan of Dia and luci in a romantic way but for u Zara I WILL READ THE GREAT WORKS PROCURED BY OH MAGNIFICENT ONE! It made me so soft. Silly luci trying to put up a fight with the relationship. He's such a Lil doof hahaha. And the touches n lap sitting ughhhhhh I wanna be there man 😭 that would feel so divine~~ The demon language but was a v appreciated touch (I never really thought about something like that lol mind u I still don't play the game!). It was v well written! I totally think u have maintained ur touch! Please give credit to ur self!
I've been really busy. Had to suddenly get gifts for peeps and then now doing birthday stuff for two of my besties (cuz covid cockblocked us before) n jobs man. Had a few breakdowns about it but I expected it tbh. Proud of myself tho n Im planning to get back to driving! Sorry I'm like dumping my life on u cuz I haven't interacted in soooo longgggg! I promise I'll check out the Achilles song after I wake up (cuz I should be sleeping rn) but in the meantime I Hope Luci Comes Home For You! Have fun tag teaming with ur siblings (I think?) in genshin and a HUGE ✨CONGRATULATIONS✨for making it thru uni! I'm proud of u hehe. Much love until next time 😊 - lurker anon
under the cut bc i dont wanna clog ppl’s dash 🥺🙏🏻
HI! i have to thank you for taking ur time to write this ask, especially since you mentioned you’ve been busy!! i’m so glad you could drop by and we could catch up a little!! this made me very happy, if you could believe it. kinda like we’re friends and we’re catching up 😭 so thank you so much for this message!! very thoughtful of you, and i really appreciate it!! you don’t need to come off anon if you’re more comfortable on anon, okay? 🥺😭💖
i’m fine, actually! it’s nothing terrible!! just one of those random bouts of sadness, yknow? ones you can’t really explain so you just gotta ride it out. but i think i’ll be okay. and even if not, well, that’s okay too hehe and thank you so much for the advice! i’ll definitely have to try those out.
AAAAA you definitely did not have to scroll through my blog. i post so much crap, why would you put yourself through that 😭 still, i’m very happy that you enjoyed the dia/reader/luci fic! i really am attached to that au tbh, have lots of feelings and thoughts about those three shdjd i think they mentioned briefly that the demons have a different language? and that’s been living in my brain rent free for the longest time bc i love it SO MUCH.
and ZHONGLI aaaaa i have so many thoughts and feelings for him too and i really wanna try writing a full fic for him. hopefully i’ll be able to do that soon 😭
it seems like your life has been a little tough and a little hectic~ i can’t offer much but pls remember to take breaks, and drink some water! i’m proud of you too for getting through everything!!! hope you enjoy achilles come down, honestly i’m obsessed with it. i hope lucifer comes home too bc i will be Upset if he doesn’t 😤 also i don’t mind the long messages tbh they really make my day tbh shdjs i’ll be here if you ever need to talk! aaa much love, and thanks again!! 💖💖💖
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spartalabouche · 4 years
adhd brain hyperfixated on albino cant stop wont stop gonna go crazy
love love love love albino dave, its one of my favourite strider headcanons. especially as an albino myself!! my dads black, but im paler than my mom, and shes irish. it just fills me with so much joy when i see albino dave and i cant explain why, especially when people include lesser details about it i dont remember how i ended the last ask, i got distracted by reading again, oops. but anyways!! albino dave! i love it, and i recently read a fic that included the *eye problems* that come with it!! it wasnt obvious yknow but for me it was and i honestly think i cried a little cuz i dont see that a lot. despite having it, im not *extremely* well read up on albinism, so im sorry if i ever get anything wrong :( if i remember correctly from what i read, there are 2 major types of albinism, oculocutaneous albinism (OCA), which affects the skin, hair, and eyes, and ocular albinism, which affects just the eyes. so you can be dark skinned and have albinism too, itll just be in your eyes. i think i remember there being different types of OCA, but i haven’t read too much on that, and its not that important right now. i just want to ramble about the visual aspects of albinism! so anyways, visual aspects, due to there being not enough pigment in our eyes, which is essential for them to work properly, we have a bunch of eye problems to deal with. someone with albinism is going to be visually impaired, and will probably have troubles with their eyes judging depth perception properly, but there are other things they can have too, like nystagmus, strabismus, and photophobia! nystagmus is uncontrollable rapid eye movement, like the eyes are constantly shaking. my mom says it gets more noticeable when im tired, but ive hardly noticed it. strabismus is when your eyes look in different directions, but my glasses correct that. photophobia is just an extreme sensitivity to light, and my glasses tint when im outside to help with that. (had to rewrite this cuz i hit the ask limit, idk if the others sending so sorry if you get two of the same thing.) scared to hit the ask limit again oh boy. anyways, eye stuff!! my vision is 20/200, meaning what someone with 20/20 vision can see 200 metres away, i have to be 20 metres away from it to see it. of course im assuming it varies for everyone but thats just me to use as a reference. back to dave being albino... dave would definitely have some eye problems, but his shades could totally be prescription shades!! of course, that means nobody else can wear them unless they want to hurt their eyes or get a headache, but still! or maybe he could have contacts, i dunno. ive heard theres some kind of laser eye surgery, but i thiiink it only corrects the nystagmus and strabismus, not the bad vision itself. uh, hmm... i think that concludes my infodump. sorry for bombarding your inbox with asks, i really really needed to ramble about this. if you have any questions just let me know and ill try to answer them the best i can!
WOW anon this a lot @__@ NOT REALLY SURE WHAT PROMPTED THIS? but its very cool ive read up a little on albinism before just for interest and also for getting details right in a thing that nobody else is ever gonna even read but why not make it accurate u know but its very interesting! i pasted it all in case anyone is interested i guess?! and side note i also really like albino dave as a headcanon i really gotta draw it more cuz i think its so fun. i feel like i know a fanfic with albino dave in it as well but i cant remember what it was but if i do ill tack it onto this post 
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pinkykitten · 5 years
The time in Summervale: 1
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Warning: none
Specifics: y/n=your name, oc, oc fic, comedy
People: athela (your mother), edward (your father), huxley (cook), ruthy (maid)
Words: 1,438
Summary: In the fictional land of Summervale, 1700, you, the Duchess are made into an arranged marriage.This is the dream of your parents but certainty not the dream of a longing inventor like yourself. You are taught to be a lady but who wants to be a  primp and proper lady when you can have fun and be yourself. You need to try to convince your parents this is not what you want or is it? How will it be seeing the Prince of Linwyn? Will you finally change your mind and side with your parents? 
Authors Note: this is something newwwwww. ive been wanting to do kinda my own thing for a while so this is not on any fandom this is a story i will be updating with chapters about my characters but in a x reader way if that makes sense so its still gonna use you and such just this is my own story. i got inspiration off of this story “the austrian suitor” by @headoverhiddles​, granted i dont know the character or the fandom i just read it cuz another blog reblogged it yet i rlly enjoyed it even tho it is smut and im not usually a smut reader just kinda skip that or whatever either way it was extremely well written and gave me such inspiration like wowowowowow. so i made this piece inspired by that and i hope you guys like it. this is just kinda an opening to the whole thing and to kinda see how it works out so there is not any romance in this but trust me there will be but like i said i want to see how this goes if yall like if u do pls tell me tell me what u think ur thoughts everything i worked rlly hard on this so pls share like reblog do what you gotta do it would me a lot to me. thnx guys <3
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“Maybe this piece goes here,” you mumbled to yourself. An action you always did but it was something your mother hated. Sitting atop your bed you concentrated your efforts in inventing a mixer that did its job on its own. Call it a hobby or a dream but inventing was your world. You loved the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands especially if it helped people. Unfortunately, your parents the Prince and Princess of Summervale did not approve. They called it very unladylike. Your mother, Athela, would scold you about getting messy and dirty and then throw you in the tub like a little child. Your father, Edward, was always forcing you to learn how to seam. His mother used to do it and he wanted to pass it down to you. Those things didn’t excite you, didn’t make you complete. Inventing was something you loved and was always thinking about. As you would look at an apple tree during your morning stroll you would wonder about what inventions would be good for peeling apples whilst your parents bored you with duties as a Duchess. 
“Almost done,” you screwed on the last screw to your creation. You had dirt under your nails and they were short and barely ever polished, only for special occasions. Your hair was almost every time how it was meant to be. None of those gels, ties, bows, again only for special occasions. Your mother, Athela, would buy you all these face creams, soaps, masks, but you were content with your scars and bumps, naming them every so often after royals, saying your “face was a castle and there should definitely be Queens and Kings roaming on it.” You were odd and different to others but to yourself you were this boring, normal, royal girl that everyone hated because you were granted everything you could ever want. Life was not that simple though. Sometimes when you have everything handed to you - all the money in the world - it still doesn’t fill up that hollow feeling inside or take away the sadness. It was something to help people cope but it was never the antidote. 
“Alright...finished. What do you think Karim?” You hastily got out of bed and sat on the floor presenting your mixer to your pug. One very lovely vacation you took with your family you had learn a bit of Arabic. It was a beautiful language and you had made many friends there. You named your dog Karim meaning generous. Karim was generous, he was the only one who would look at your inventions. “Do you think it will work?” You gave a toothy grin, excited. 
Karim grunted as he licked his nose, panting. 
“I knew you would like it,” patting his head you jump up ready to show not just your parents but also the cooks. You had a very good feeling about this one. Every time you made an invention you had hope that maybe your parents would change their minds about your future but every occurrence was the same. 
“Mother, father! Come look!” You yelled as you sprinted down the stairs not caring if your nightgown would get dirty sweeping across the floors of the castle. “Come quick!”
“What in the heavens is the matter my dear child?” Edward, your father, grumbled seeing you in such a hurry. 
“See, father, in the kitchen.”
“In the kitchen?”
You passed by your mother, she tried to catch you but you slipped from her grip. “Young Lady why are you not dressed and groomed properly? You look like a mess.”
“Doesn’t matter, mother in this moment time is of the essence!” You arrived at the kitchen and grabbed a blue glass bowl, plopping it with a loud clank on the counter top. 
“What are you doing y/n?” The cook asked. “You almost broke me bowl!” He was a plump older man, very short. His hair was salt and pepper and his face was as white as flour yet his cheeks were always red.
“Forgive me Huxley I just need to know. Need to see and dive deep into the unknown.” You opened up a recipe card that Huxley wrote down for your favorite cake. Vanilla cake, you were a simple girl. “Alright I need eggs and flour and oh yes milk! Almost forgot about the milk!” You were talking to yourself again as you ran around the kitchen like a mad woman. 
“Is this another one of your inventions?” Huxley crossed his arms knowing about your obsession. 
“Yes but my dear good old Huxley-”
“Old?” He lifted his brow. 
“No time to explain, I have a tingling within me. This one is going to be it, I know it. Mother and father will finally see and believe in me.” You poured all the ingredients in the bowl. Your parents walked in, perplexed. 
“Hello everyone. Today I show you something I have been working on the for the past week. I am very proud of myself but any who let me show you my newest invention-”
“Oh here we go again?” Athela rolled her eyes.
“The mixer!” You lifted it high in the air. “This mixer will not only mix greatly and fine it will mix to your acquired speed. Please watch.” You pulled the lever three times and then pushed the big button. The mixer turned on automatically with it squeaking from the gears. “As you can see the mixer is mixing all the ingredients together. No more of the hassle of blistered hands or tired arms, this does it for you! You can even look away and do other chores in the midst.” You turned around and your creation you thought so high about was creating smoke and making an odd sound. 
“Um y/n,” Edward said, “is it supposed to do that?”
“Huh,” you turned to it again and all of a sudden the mixer started to go faster in speed. “Oh no.” The mixer then flew high in the air and starting to spin around like a mini airplane. 
“Get down!” Huxley shouted and everyone in the room screamed in fear or bent down hiding under tables and items. 
“Its alright everyone! Just a little mistake!” You climbed onto the tables trying to fetch the item. “Blasted thing.” You jumped onto the counter and caught it making it stop. Until it started to mix again and it caught a piece of your hair. You screamed loud and tried running away but hit the bowl of cake mix making it hurl in the air on top of your head making you slip from the batter onto your back. The mixer finally stopped. You groaned knowing you were about to hear it from your parents. 
Athela stood up with a scowl on her face. “To your room. Now!”
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You sat at your vanity disappointed with yourself. You had worked so hard on the mixer and had embarrassed yourself. Athela was standing next to you, glaring. Karim was laying in his bed munching on a treat and your maid Ruthy tended to your hair. 
“I cannot believe you chose to do this on a day like today. Of all days!” Your mother was furious. Her gloved hands were held into fists. “You were supposed to be ready!”
“I know. I’m sorry mother.” In the end you always apologized even though you really hadn’t meant it. You hated when your mother was right especially about inventing. You always wanted to prove her wrong but it ended in outright disappointment. 
“Look at this hair now.” Athela lifted the piece of hair that was wrapped around the mixer. “Can you save it Ruthy?”
Ruthy bit her lip as she heaved a sigh, “I’m sorry your Royal Highness it is very tangled I must cut it off.”
“Oh my! Are you sure?”
Ruthy nodded.
“Today of all days,” Athela repeated herself. “How will your future husband think of you now?”
“What?” You asked and then all was heard was a snip as Ruthy cut that one lock of hair.
“Make sure you take that disgusting batter out of her hair.” Athela pointed to your scalp.
“Mother what are you talking about?” You stood up throwing your precious now broken mixer onto your desk.
“My dear didn’t you not fall just mere minutes ago in that vanilla goop?”
“Thats not what I meant and you know it. I am asking about what you said about a future husband. What did you mean by that?”
Athela rubbed your shoulders up and down and broke into a huge smile. “My dear you are getting married!”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​, @reginalinettis​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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