#i could talk about Red for foreverrrrr
sillyangstyimp · 1 month
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I'm so normal about him
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dating the batboys... and their Taylor Swift songs | (1.5/2)
pairings: Jason Todd x GN!Reader
warnings: angst, mention of death, arguing
requested?: kind of! @igotanidea asked to be tagged for a part for Jason so here you go!
a/n: THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON THE FIRST PART!! it truly means a lot to me! I’m also sorry it took SO long, I’ve been testing. I decided to split this into parts just so I could get something out for y’all. It also is a bit longer than others so I hope y’all like it!
its so hard only choosing two songs but if I didn’t this post would be going on foreverrrrr.
Jason Todd
i'd like to establish this by saying Jason Todd is NOT the angry Robin
but like with all of the boys, he is traumatized
like extremely traumatized
if he was to get with you, he'd have to know you for a long time
even then it's iffy
he has a lot of trust issues
and abandonment issues
issues in general
if he knew you before his death, I feel like you’d have a higher chance of him trusting you
(the angst potential here…)
but don't get me wrong
he’s the type who once he loves someone, he loves them with every ounce of fiber he has in his body
I’d like to think of him as a secret hopeless romantic
just has a hard time showing it
he would be the type of boyfriend to tease you about you wanting something badly and then go behind your back and buy it for you
this man would die (again) for you
you ask him to jump and he’ll say how high
in the beginning he would be anxious about doing mundane things with you (not that he would ever admit)
but once he gets used to it, it’s his favorite thing
do not fold laundry with this man because he’ll definitely make into a war and start throwing clothes at you
favorite pass time would be to cook with you
being lazy on the couch together, reading books and enjoying each others presence
as much as Jason loves touch, I feel like he would love spending quality time with you more
especially given his busy life style with being Red Hood
would keep you away from that life
he’s like Bruce in that aspect and will not risk getting you involved
especially because being Red Hood is more dangerous and he has a LOOOT of enemies
encouraging him to open up about his emotions
he’s better than Bruce about talking about his feelings, but he still has issues with it
comforting him through nightmares
also comforting him through panic attacks and whatnot
understanding his complicated relationship with his family and trying not push him about it
still developing some what of a relationship with his brothers
if you knew him before his death, definitely having that fear of losing him again
you never recovered from the loss of him and even to this day, it haunts you
having arguments about it because Jason insists he’s careful and you won’t lose him
having arguments in general because he struggles with trusting people and is paranoid
those arguments do not last long because as much as he is stubborn
he doesn’t want to lose you
longest it will last is a couple of days
staying up late waiting for him to get home
I would also like to argue that Jason lives for playful wrestling
he loves making you smile as it’s his favorite feature on you
late night motorcycle rides
he is such a mother hen when it comes to you
“did you eat today? have you had any water? what time did you go to bed?” “okay mom,”
teaching you how to use specific weapons and self defense because duh, it’s Gotham (part two)
at the end of the day, Jason Todd is a traumatized man trying to love you the best he can.
Me being me, I’m going to have to say Afterglow (from Lover) would be my number one choice for Jason. It actually inspired me to even start this! I think Treacherous (from Red (Taylor’s Version)) would be so Jason too.
Bonus: Sparks Fly (from Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)) is also a very Jason Todd song. No I will not elaborate.
���Tell me that you're still mine
Tell me that we'll be just fine
Even when I lose my mind
I need to say
Tell me that it's not my fault
Tell me that I'm all you want
Even when I break your heart”
It didn’t take a genius to realize Jason Todd had messed up. He knew it as soon as the words that had tasted like poison left his mouth. All of the melting hot rage he had felt reached it’s boiling point, and it finally blew up.
“What do you know, you don’t even have a family!”
It seemed to echo throughout your shared apartment. The deafening silence that slowly poured in after made him feel incredibly nauseous. Your face slowly contorted from one of shock to one of a statue. Stoic and cold. The only sound to be heard was the incessant rain pounding against the windows.
You had slowly made your way over to the couch. For fifteen minutes you sat on the soft leather couch. Fifteen fucking agonizing minutes of nothing but Jason trying to somehow make it right. He apologized many times. He tried comforting you. But you just sat there, eyes closed and ignoring everything he had done. His side of the couch seemed to grow heavier and heavier with every attempt.
It made him feel like a child again. When his mother would get upset with him, she would give him the silent treatment. It would go on for days on end, and he would beg and apologize for forgiveness.
He never told you that though.
What you guys were arguing about seemed so small now. Jason was always one to blow things out of proportion. At one point in time, it had been about you going out with Dick and Tim for the third day in a row. He was a bit envious of your relationship with the aforementioned. He just didn’t know if it was Dick and Tim he was jealous of or you.
Instead of trying to talk to you about staying home and spending time with him or hell, even inviting him out with you, he took out his irritation you. It had been a long day, and this had been the cherry on top. He made a snarky comment to try and start a fight. Unfortunately, you were one to try to talk it out. It only added fuel to the fire. It escalated to the current situation. He hadn’t meant for it to end up like this.
Why’d he have to break what he loved so much?
Finally, you made a noise. You took a deep breath in and bore into his eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from them any second. It felt he had been burned, and he had no one to blame but himself.
“Before you say anything, I am incredibly sorry. It was all just me in my head. I should have never said those things, and I don’t want to lose you over this. Please, please, please let me make it up to you.” He has never sounded so desperate before. But then again, he’s never cut you this deep. Your eyes had travelled down away from him. The lump in your throat was hard to swallow.
“Jason. You’re not going to lose me over this. You’re still all I want,” The tears had started to roll down your cheeks by now. Seeing you cry made his heart crush, and he couldn’t stop himself from scooting closer to you.
“But what you said had really hurt my feelings. And if you ever say something like that to me again, I’m going to leave and take some time for myself.” You warned through the tears. Seeing your lip quiver as you spoke was enough for him to engulf you in his arms.
“I promise if I ever say that again, you could smack me as hard as you can. I deserve it.” You let out a tearful laugh and shook your head. However, he was being dead serious. You buried yourself in his embrace.
“I forgive you this time. Just next time communicate with me. We’re partners. It’s me and you against the problem.” Hearing how sincere you were made his heart swell. It made him feel even more guilty for starting the argument with you. But if you could forgive him, then maybe he can forgive himself too.
“You’re right. I’m sorry for everything. I just…” He paused. It was difficult for him to talk about his feelings, but he trusted you. You were his whole world after all. “I just wanted to spend time with you alone. I had a hard today today, and you always manage to make me feel better.” He murmured. His cheeks were a soft pink color. No matter how long you guys had been together for, it was awkward for him to tell you about how he felt.
You pulled away from the embrace to look him in the eyes. A small smile was on your face and your cheeks were tear stained. Your eyes had never had more of a soft look in them as one of your hands cupped the side of his face. Your thumb had slowly grazing his cheek.
“Why didn’t you say so? I don’t mind canceling my plans for you.” The smile on your lips grew, and you leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. The rain had seemed to turn into a soft sprinkle. You got up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen. His eyes followed you, clearly confused on what you were doing.
“Come on, let’s just cook and watch something.” You called. A bright smile spread across his face as he followed your voice. It was simple idea but it meant the world that you had decided to forgive him. He wouldn’t say that arguing with you will never happen again, but he knew that no matter how frustrating the situation was, he’d never utter an insult to you again.
He loved you too much, after all.
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Oh gosh, I’m so excited to request <3.
may I request a GN!human Reader x G1!Starscream, maybe he tried to capture the reader while they were out with Jazz or any other autobot and failed and now he’s stranded with them?
Hiiii friend!!!!! I'm sorry this took foreverrrrr! I lost my writing spark :( but dont worry i've been trying my best to revive it! Hopefully it will be soon!!! I hope this is what you were looking for and I once again and so sorry this took forever! ENJOY :)
Pairing: G1!Starscream x GN!Human!Reader
Warnings: NONE,
Your mission turned south far too quickly, with you and Jazz now being stuck with this forsaken Decepticon. The Con thought it’d be a smart idea to capture you, a “lonesome” human. The simple thought that if Jazz just looks away for one singular second he can snatch you up, and run like hell back to the Decepticon base. 
Now here you sit, stranded in a cave, on this floating rock with the con who just tried kidnapping you and Jazz. They were at each other necks, Jazz bring up great points about just not doing the shit he just tried, while Starscream refuses to accept the fact that he, himself, fucked up one of his mastermind plans. 
“How is it MY fault that you messed up your own plan Screamer.” 
Jazz’s servos were gesturing towards his chassis, he had a frown plastered under his visor. While Starscream stood a good distance from Jazz with his arms crossed over his chassis. 
“Well, if you had just kept looking towards the right AND didn’t keep asking that pesky human questions every single second, I could have captured them.” 
Starscream pointed his helm upwards, he looked like he was pouting. Wait, did he say pesky, How is he going to call you pesky when he’s always being pesky. You pointed at him, catching the attention of both mech in the process. 
“You, Starscream, have no room to call anyone pesky. Just look at yourself, constantly being a problem for everyone.” 
They both stared at you, blue and red optics staying on you as if you just spoke of primus. You thought you took it too far, but the seeker just scoffed. Moving away from you and the bot before taking a seat. 
“Keep talking all you want Organic. My plan was perfect until Jazz ruined it.” 
He still sat with that pout on his face plating, thinking he, like always, is correct in this situation. Starscream just never changes, no matter how much time goes by. He will always put himself on a pedestal 
You don’t know how long had passed since you three had been down there, all you knew was Jazz has tried his comms in several different locations and only one has picked something up, or at least had some static on the other side. Starscream still sat in his corner, nothing changed with him. Sitting there blaming this entire ordeal on Jazz and you. You sighed, eyes scanning the large cavern for anything, until they landed on Jazz. His optics looked in the dark, before he started moving in that direction. You followed, trying your best to keep up with the mech but his large size and longer legs carried him faster than you were expecting. You tried to keep an eye on him, watching as he walked off while trying to find a spot where his comms came through. 
Your voice echoed off the walls of the cavern, but the mech didn’t stop. You sighed, coming to a stop as you attempted to catch your breath before returning to Starscream. 
“Where’d you go?” 
You didn’t even look at him, just released a sigh as you sat across from him. You were now stuck with him. Your hands came up to rub your eyes, today was starting to get worse and worse. Almost caught by the cons, stuck in a cave with jazz and that same con who attempted to kidnap you, and now it was just you and him. 
“I went running after Jazz. Not a clue where he’s going.” 
You fell backwards, back meeting the cold and bumpy rocks of the floor, your eyes closed to keep dust from getting in them. Your only hope was that maybe Jazz would come back with another way out of here, or some great life changing news that someone was coming to get you. Your head was hurting, and you were readying to just take a nap, anything would be better than just being stuck in this moment. 
You heard beeping coming from Starscream. Starscream, out of all the times you’ve come in contact with him, this has to be the only time you’ve been able to be around him. He’s not trying to hurt you, call you names, or take you back to Megatron for interrogation, you actually didn’t know the Con as well as you thought you did. 
“Do you actually think humans are pesky?” 
Your questions came out far quicker than you liked. There was a long pause, you didn’t move or breathe. Hoping that maybe he’d just ignore your questions and act like he didn’t hear you, but he didn’t. 
“You're all like insects,” 
He paused, you lifted your head to see him, he was squirting at you, helm raised a bit. He looked funny, you quietly giggled to yourself. Insects, he really likes to use that to describe humans. 
“Is that the only word you use? I feel like there's opportunities for better or more unique words. I mean it makes sense, to you guys were like ants. Interesting, why don’t you call us ants? Does Cybertron have ants?? Bugs????”
You opened your mouth to ask another question but stopped, letting out a light laugh. He didn’t even attempt to answer your question, just sticking to the first one he heard. 
“There's other words, but ‘insect' describes what you are best at. A pesky insect.” 
“If I'm a pesky insect then what are you??” 
He thought, red optics staring at your form laying on the ground, starfished, unbothered by his words and presence. He’s tried kidnapping you multiple times and here you are still holding a normal conversation with him, as if he hasn’t put your life at risk many times. Are all humans like this or is it just you? Have you been so desensitized to Cybertronians that not even him, Starscream the one con who put you in danger multiple times, can put you off or scare you. 
He spent far too much time thinking, because when he remembered where he was and who he was with, you were already taking that npa you had thought about. You were comfortable enough to be asleep near him, he just stared at you. Watching as your chest was rising and falling in an even pattern, and you occasionally rolled over on your side or moved your head. He let out a small sigh, picking up his arm and messing with some of those coms links he had, maybe he’ll get something, his digits pressing strings of buttons before he let his arm fall, optics landing on your form once again. 
“I guess you're not as pesky as the other humans.” 
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avintagekiss24 · 3 years
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—belated; bucky barnes
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x black!reader
word count: 4738
warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, sex, rough sex, anal sex, biting kink, choking kink, spanking, pain kink, vaginal fingering, mean bucky (my fave), ring kink cuz i love it when boys wear rings
squares filled: @buckybarnesbingo Y3: Birthdays ; @badthingshappenbingo Biting ; @star-spangled-bingo N1: Taking Charge
request: bucky barnes + "pay attention to me or i'll make you" + anal + choking + spanking + biting + pain
author note: it's been foreverrrrr! i'm so sorry! i had to work myself through a little slump! hopefully this makes up for the almost two months we've gone without a fic! this is story #2 for my 5k celebration, all fics will be tagged #5k...holy god. this was formatted in the beta text post editor on desktop, if anything looks weird, that's why :)
gif by @pedropcl ; line divider by @firefly-graphics
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James Buchanan Barnes is possessive.
One of those massive hands around the back of your neck as you walk casually through the streets. Fingers wrapped around your wrist, or shoulder, or hip in a tight grip. He pulls you in close— right into his side as shopping bags hang from the tips of his metal fingers.
Bucky Barnes wants every man on the streets of Greece to know that you are his.
Not that you mind; quite the contrary. You just smile and giggle when he throws his heavy arm around your shoulders and hooks the crease of his arm right underneath your chin. Slip your hand into the back pocket of his loose dark jeans (giving that little tush of his a squeeze). Slink your arm around his little waist and breathe in his scent— heavy and woodsy— as the two of you stroll.
After all, he’s just as much yours as you are his.
All of his friends, Sam, Steve, Clint, all see the change in him. The little soft spot for you that blinds him entirely— turns him in a mushy puddle of emotions and puppies and rainbows. Very different from the Bucky they grew up with, but a Bucky that the three of them have come to enjoy. It’s a change of pace from the enforcer they know.
The two of you don’t talk about his work— in fact, it’s the reason why you’re in Greece to begin with. A late birthday present to make up for the fact that his “work” just happened to be the waiter at the restaurant he chose to take you to for your thirty second birthday. Come on babe, he chuckled as you scowled back at him over the rim of your wine glass, watching as he stained his white napkin red with his bloody knuckles, you know what they say, kill two birds with one stone… not funny?
Two weeks, two nonrefundable, open ended tickets, and five grand in bikinis, shorts, and shoes later, you’re getting some much needed Greek sun on your deep brown skin.
He’s even letting you call the shots for a change. Letting you wake him up at the ass crack of dawn to have breakfast— a spread of breads, cheeses and fruits on the balcony of your room as the sun rises. He doesn’t say a word as you drag him through the city, stopping at each little boutique and shoe store. Sits patiently as you try on every dress, every skirt, and every silk top in the entire country it seems.
Bucky even bit his lip as you gazed at engagement rings— hinting that princess cut is your favorite as you held your hand up into the natural sunlight as one adored your finger. Smiling over at him and wiggling your eyebrows all the while as he narrowed his eyes and plastered a fake smile on his face.
Today has been like all the others, a lazy day spent on the beach, a quick nap underneath an umbrella, a concoction of too much sun and too many margaritas going straight to your head. Now, you’re kinda sleepy and kinda drunk, but most importantly hungry— and Mykonos sounds like a great place for dinner. Despite Bucky’s objections (you’re too tired and too drunk to handle a ferry), you’re dressed in a cute little flowery sundress, him in an out-of-character white tank top, open pale blue and green striped button down and khaki chinos— you forbade him from bringing anything black— and you’re flip flops are slapping against the cobblestone street towards the ferry.
“Drop your attitude,” You say, glancing over your shoulder as he pays for your tickets, “You owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah, that excuse is wearing thin, girl.” You stumble a little with the motion of the ferry as you step onto it, having to grab onto the railing to steady yourself before Bucky grabs hold of your wrist, “Water only for the rest of the night.”
His voice is low and borderline threatening as he presses his lips right against your ear, and you know not to press him any further. You like to stick your toes right up against his line and that’s what irritates him most about you (always what he loves most), but you and he both know you’d never dare cross it.
Bucky pulls you behind him, hand around your wrist, that possessive trait rearing its head as male eyes fall on you as the two of you pass by. He finds an empty spot, away from the crowd, and plops down on the bench as you step up on the lower rung of the railing and stare out over the sea.
Within twenty or thirty minutes, the ferry pulls away from the dock and you can’t wipe the smile from your face. The sun sets off in the distance, the bright lights of the city turning into little pinpoints. Small droplets of the cool, salty water splashes up in your face as the wind and the ferry whips it up. You keep glancing down at the phone in your hand as you broadcast your current view to your instagram, laughing softly as hearts and emojis explode on your screen.
You lean forward, tilting your phone and smiling wide, waving into the camera before you shout out how much you love it here. The words are barely out of your mouth before an arm wraps around your middle, a wide, hard chest pressed into your back, “That’s enough,” he reaches with his metal arm, grabbing your phone, ending your live feed, “You’re too drunk to be hanging off the side like that.”
“I am not,” you struggle against him lightly as he sets you on your feet, “What is your problem?”
“I’m annoyed.”
“Well, duh. Why?”
He slips your phone into his pocket and crosses his arms over his chest, sharp blue eyes piercing into yours, “Pay attention to me,” he says low, eyes dropping down your body real slow as he drags his bottom lip between his teeth, “Or I’ll make you.”
So that’s what it’s about. Bucky Barnes feels neglected between all the shopping and beach days and margaritas. Jealousy is cute on him.
The words though, they strike you right to your core— feel them down to your bones. A hard swallow pushes through your throat as your lips part, big brown eyes softening as your breath starts to rush a little harder. You hate to admit— not really— you love this Bucky. This is work Bucky, a man you rarely get to see. Slightly scary, anger brimming just below the surface. Jaw tight, eyes hard, head tilted just a bit. He’s menacing, and it makes your lips twitch into a small smile.
Shrugging defiantly, you cross your arms over your chest, “You didn’t pay much attention to me on my birthday.”
“Not true.”
“Not true?” you nearly shout, eyes going wide, “I ate alone while you beat the hell outta our waiter behind the building! I had to wait two hours for my slice of cake!”
“How is that my fault?”
You scoff, “Oh, I dunno, maybe because our waiter was spitting out his teeth in the alley out back— all thanks to you.”
“I have to work. You know that.”
“Not,” you hiss, “On my fucking birthday.”
He knows he’s wrong for that shit, so he stands there, huffing quick before he cocks his head again and just blinks back at you— unamused. He won’t apologize, it’s just not in his nature, but his usual attempts to make you happy after he’s fucked up aren’t working; so he’s at a loss.
And you’re enjoying that. A little too much if you ask him.
But alas, it’s not fun to fight on vacation, and you have taken far too many liberties when it comes to his tolerance for attitude. It’s been fun— and you’re just drunk enough to push him one last time.
You move slow, walking right up to him, so close that each inhale pushes your tits into his body. The smirk quirked up on your lips grows as you peer up at him, eyes bouncing between his as you place your hands on his forearms still crossed over his chest.
Bucky lifts his eyebrow as you push up on your tiptoes and push your chin forward to bring your lips close to his, “And just how are you gonna make me pay attention to you, James?”
He inhales deep, pushes it out real slow as he tilts his head even further. A smile spreads on his face and you just know that this is the last thing his work sees before he rearranges the bones of their face. This is exactly why his clients pay him as well as they do.
Thick fingers are wrapped around your wrist again, nails digging into your skin as he starts to pull you behind him. He weaves you through bodies, you nearly having to jog to keep up with his strides. Laughter bubbles up in your chest, a little shriek escaping as he pulls you down some stairs to the lower level of the ferry. Once your feet hit the last step, Bucky whips you around his body, sending you spinning and laughing until you bounce into an old, rusty metal barrel.
The smell of salt fills your nose and lungs as you inhale, covering your face with your hands. Your skin is hot, lips slightly numb as you dissolve into laughter again. He’s right, you’re a little too drunk for this.
“I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here.” You mumble, brushing your wild hair out of your face.
“I could give a fuck,” he answers, stepping up to you, grabbing your face in his hands, “You’ve been testing me the entire time we’ve been here all over some stupid shit.”
Another giggle pushes through your lips as you bat your eyes, “I wouldn’t dare, Mr. Barnes.”
Bucky sucks his teeth as he drops his metal hand around your throat and squeezes gently, the rings on his fingers cool against your skin, “I was stupid, okay? But don’t put on that little innocent act, girl. You’re trying me, and I’ve had enough.”
A smile cracks onto your face, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. You wrap both hands around his one wrist and slip them up his arm, feeling the soft metal as you continue to goad him, “You got some proof, big man?”
The tip of his black and gold thumb prods at your lip, pushes just inside. You wrap your tongue around it and suck gently, keeping your eyes on his all the while.
Bucky laughs, deep and earnestly, “Proof, she says. She needs proof.” He glances around before he spins you quick, facing you away from him as he lifts your dress to reveal your pink satin thong.
You squeal loud, pushing and slapping at his hand as he grabs a handful of your ass, “Bucky! There’s people!” you laugh, “Oh my god!”
“Keep your voice down,” he warns, wrapping his metal fingers around your throat again, “Understand?”
A jolt of electricity flashes through you as you wiggle in his grasp. He tightens his grip around your neck as you wrap your fingers around the edge of the barrel, swallowing hard.
“That requires an answer, honey.”
The chill in his voice, added with the slow circles and soft tickles of fingertips against the back of your naked thigh sends a pang through your belly, “I understand.”
He chuckles soft and with a quick peck on the cheek whispers, “Good girl.”
Bucky curls his left arm around your chest, hooking your chin in the crease of his arm as he grips your right shoulder. You grab on to it with both hands, out of instinct, eyes wide and skirting around for any signs of other human presence down here. Bucky turns, moving you with him to eye the steps quickly again before that flesh hand sweeps around to the front.
The soft material of your dress falls over his hand as he rubs your stomach— his rings catching and snagging your skin. That hand pushes downward, over your thighs, gripping and kneading the soft flesh before he grabs the hem of your dress and pulls it upward, exposing those expensive panties again.
“Bucky,” you hum, his name trembling on your lips with the vibrations of your excitement, “Baby.”
He rucks your dress right up— right up around your waist and pulls the slack behind you, pressing his body into yours to keep it in place. The dark stubble adorning his cheeks and chin cuts into the side of your face as he nuzzles in, humming to himself soft before he kisses the corner of your mouth.
Those fingertips start to trace the hem of your thong— slowly. Back and forth, back and forth. From hip to hip. Your eyes flutter. Fingers grip the soft black metal of his arm a little harder. Legs go to jelly as another hard swallow passes through your throat.
“Ain’t got all that mouth now, do you?” He whispers, fingers slipping just inside the silk of your panties to tease the delicate skin underneath.
When he slips his hand in— all the way in— cupping hot skin, fingers dancing between folds and teasing a wet slit, an influx of air fills your lungs. A gasp, small and clipped sounds in the back of your throat as his fingers start a rhythm. You melt into him, head resting on his shoulder as your hips push forward to meet greedy fingers.
A naughty finger pushes in quick, and then a second— all the way to the black and silver rings dressed on them. His arm tightens around your neck as he presses his lips right against your ear, “You need to apologize.”
He fucks his fingers into you, withdrawing slow, and then pushing back in— each time the edges of his rings stopping him from going deeper. You can’t help but purr as you continue to grip his arm with both of your hands.
“I don’t think—“
“All I want to hear,” his words clip yours, each one slow and drawn and deep, “Is I’m sorry for testing your patience. I won’t do it again.” He curls his fingers, the pads stroking that sweet little spongey spot, making you clamp your legs closed around his hand, “Let me hear you.”
You can’t. You won’t. Too stubborn and too drunk to give in to him, wanting to win just this once.
If there’s one thing James Buchanan Barnes does not like, it’s hesitation. It’s dangerous, he always says. You think too long, you get hurt. Predators don’t hesitate.
Well, you like being his prey.
Only a few seconds pass before Bucky tuts in your ear, seemingly disappointed in your obstinate behavior, but you both know it’s just the opposite. His cock pressing into your ass tells you so.
The fingers disappear. The arm choking you just right pulls away and your dress falls back around the middle of your thighs. You huff, wiping quick at your forehead and pushing your wild, curly hair out of your face again.
Your hands find your hips in irritation but he slaps them away quick as he sucks his teeth, “You must really want this spanking, girl. Keep it up.”
That you do— keep it up. Huffing again. Crossing your arms over your chest like a petulant child. Brown eyes cut back at him over your shoulder to find sharp blues already on you. A smirk on his face.
Metal fingers curl around the back of your neck, pushing you forward gently until your thighs press against the old metal barrel again.
“Lean forward, kitten.”
Voice as smooth as silk while you do so, gripping the rusted edges for balance. Your dress is yanked up again— rough this time— and twisted around his Vibranium hand. Then there’s warm, the warmth of skin against yours. Gentle brushes of fingers and a palm rubbing slow circles, then pinching and grabbing soft— prepping your skin for what’s to come.
He pauses for just a second, no doubt to scan your surroundings and then pulls his hand away. You lung forward with the slap he levels to your behind within a fraction of a second— the sound sharp and heavy.
There’s another, and then a third in quick succession before he’s massaging your skin again. Real soft and sweet. Tears burn at the back of your eyes at the sting that radiates through, all the way to your bones but the molten heat deep in your belly spreads like a fire. Each breath is hard and shaky, heart thumping against your chest but it’s so good.
Bucky switches to the other cheek, skilled fingers sweeping over your canvas of skin before he cracks you— one, two, three.
You squeal with each one. The thud of those heavy rings around his fingers send a quick, new shockwave every time, building on the one before it. The tips of your fingers go red from holding on to the rusty old barrel as tight as you are, but your brain? She’s fuzzy and warm, and drifting up into the clouds with each swift slap.
Bucky is a methodical man. Three for the right cheek, three for the left, three right in the middle. His hand sneaks around your hip, giving it a squeeze before it comes back around and drops to the inside of your thigh. Grabs the meat of it— digs his fingernails in just to hear you yelp. Cups your cunt in his palm, feeling the heat and the wet— makes him groan all low and dirty.
He bunches your hair in his hand, tugs you up by it. Spins you around to face him before hoisting you up and settling you on top of the barrel.
“You want me to fuck you so bad, don’t you?” He growls, ripping at the button and zipper of his jeans.
You just hum in response, wrapping your legs around his waist and throwing your arms over his shoulders.
Bucky grabs your chin, forcing it up before he squeezes your cheeks, “Huh? Answer me.”
Damp eyelashes flutter as hot air escapes from parted, hot lips. He leans in real close, cock pushing right at your slit and kisses you hard as he slips his arm around your waist. He breaks away quick, sloppy and loud before pecking your lips once, twice, three times again.
“You want me to fuck you, girl?”
The weight of his words are felt right down to your core, a shiver passing between the two of you. You let your heavy head fall back and your eyes close as Bucky nuzzles into the side of your face, his pretty white teeth skipping along your neck, nipping and nibbling.
“I want you to fuck me,” you whisper after mere seconds, finally submitting in this cat and mouse game, “Bucky, please.”
That’s all he needs— all he wants. For you to submit, after letting you have the reins for one day too long. He sinks into you slow, spreading you open with each inch, biting down into the side of your neck as he bottoms out. His teeth dig in a little deeper, a little harder as he starts to move, rocking back and forth almost succinct with the waves of the water.
You’re moving with him too, meeting each of his thrusts with your hips. You keep your legs tight around his waist, feet dangling and bouncing against the back of his thighs. A trail of hot kisses are pressed along your neck and down your shoulder before traipsing back up— teeth grazing along your jaw.
Long fingers skip up your side and between your bouncing tits to only wrap around your neck again. They squeeze, gently, as his pace starts to pick up, hips shoving harder and faster— that old barrel starting to scrape against the wood floor.
The force makes you louder, moaning with abandon as if the two of you are all alone on this little ferry. Bucky makes quick work of you, shoving metal fingers into your mouth— giving you something to suck on to keep you quiet.
“That’s a good girl.” he growls, voice gritty and low.
He’s punishing after that. Each snap of his hips thrusting you backward, the barrel you’re on top of tipping back and then slapping down on the floor. You yelp with each one, your mouth going slack around his digits as your hands fall to the edges of the barrel for some semblance of balance.
It’s obscene, the way you can hear your fuck. The wet of your cunt. The squeak of his cock plunging into tight, slick muscles. The heavy thud of his hips pounding into yours. The slap of your flip flops falling to the wood floor as he’s quite literally fucked them right off of your feet. It’s filthy— crude— and so very Bucky.
You’re back on your feet before you know it— before you realize it. Spun back around, Bucky’s hard chest and stomach pressed into your back. He grabs both of your hands and places them back on the barrel, his metal hand staying on top of yours, fingers gripping fingers.
Eager hips wiggle back into his as you hiss and sink your teeth into your bottom lip, groaning low. Your head drops when you feel his cock push through your ass cheeks— wet cockhead pressing against your hot rim.
He starts to fumble around behind you, each passing second making you more and more impatient. There’s a soft click, and then a light suction sound— something squeezing.
“Bucky,” you hiss, pushing back into him again, “Hur—”
The word breaks off right in the middle as he levels a quick smack against your hip— a warning. Then your ass cheeks are pulled apart, wet, slimy fingers sliding and prodding at your quivering rim. He brushes slow strokes, circling, pressing his fingers gently as he preps your little hole for what’s to come.
“What kind of freak brings lube to dinner?” you smile, gasping as he pinches the inside of your thigh.
You lurch forward when he grabs the back of your neck and yanks you back into him, lips right against your cheek, “The kinda freak that was gonna fuck you in an alley after dinner. Now shut that mouth.”
He’s pressing again, this time harder, his cockhead popping into you with force. You grunt with the initial intrusion, Bucky stopping his assault to allow you time to adjust to him— but that doesn’t last long. Your mouth goes slack again. Eyes slam shut, head falls forward as he slips in, deeper and deeper and deeper until his stomach is flush with your ass.
He wiggles— so you can feel him, feel him tickling the deepest part of you. Slaps at your ass again, quick, fingers glancing off your skin and leaving behind a hell of a sting. Then he’s fucking you again, slower this time, savoring the tight, glove-like hold your body provides.
Metal fingers grab at the hem of your dress again, tugging it up before they push back into your panties, finding a swollen, hot nub. Pinching and rubbing smooth circles against it, flicking and thrashing at the bundle of nerves before he shoves his fingers back into your cunt. They curl, those fingers, and pet your insides with surgical precision— only James Buchanan Barnes knows how to fuck you like this.
The heel of his palm slams against your clit as he fingers you rough and fucks your ass with gusto. Sleazy sounds gurgle up in your throat, the slapping of skin and the waves crashing against the side of the ferry, the rush of the wind filling your ears. Bucky pulls you flush against him and slithers his tongue just beneath your ear before his teeth grab a hold, tugging soft.
Teeth keep nipping— along your jaw, your cheeks, ears, neck. He fucks into you hard as he shoves his flesh hand into the neckline of your dress, gripping your tits. Pinching and kneading hard, thick nipples, mumbling sweet nothings all the while.
Your stomach churns, muscles tensing and flexing as synapses start to fire off in quick succession. Quick goosebumps pop up along your skin as your stomach tightens and you can taste it it’s so close. Bucky knows it, feels it as your walls constrict around his fingers, your asshole tightening around him. Vibranium fingers keep rubbing, keep fucking into your pussy hard, palm slapping against your clit, adding more and more pressure until the coil snaps.
It’s hard, and sudden— your body freezing as your orgasm consumes you. Bucky clamps a wet hand over your mouth as you mewl and bite into his palm, your hips thrusting forward with each wave of your release. He pulls his fingers from you to slap at your jumping clit, pressing the pads into it before he rubs quick little circles and then slaps at it again.
He drops his hand to your chin, yanking it up as you nearly cry, mewling and trembling with your release to kiss you hard and sloppy as you come. He kneads your tits with his mammoth hand as aftershocks flash through you, your used body jerking at random. Within seconds, there's a cloud of warmth in your ass. Rough grunts in your ear, growing louder with each spurt of his cock, your hot muscles milking him.
You let him use you, let him fill you up full of his silk. Grab his hands and lace your fingers with his as he empties long ribbons in you. Pull his arms around your waist and hold them there as he rides it out, his head falling to your shoulder. The two of you stand there, resting against that old barrel, breathing hard, skin sticky and balmy. Salt from the ocean in your nose.
Bucky’s the first to pull away, glancing back at the stairs before he pulls himself gingerly from you, leaving your body empty, a dribble of his come slipping out with him. He catches it with his fingers, drags them up the back of your thigh and between your ass cheeks before he shrugs out of his collared shirt and white tank top.
He cleans you up sweet with the tank top. Keeps his arm around your waist to steady you as he wipes at your thighs and your hot, sticky, puffy cunt, shushing you soft when you jump and whimper at the contact. He flings the messy tank top over the side of the ferry and rubs your hips and stomach real slow, murmuring into your ear all the while.
Diligent fingers then rearrange your thong— and cop a little feel, cupping your sensitive, swollen sex, giving it a little pinch so he can laugh when you shiver and squeak. Bucky pulls your dress, tugging lightly to get it back straight around your waist before smoothing it over your ass and thighs— even pulls at the top, making sure your tits are sitting pretty.
You can’t even open your eyes, overcome by alcohol and sleepiness and a post sex high. He fumbles with your fingers as your head lulls on his shoulder, a soft hum vibrating in your throat in your murky haze. Bucky lifts your arm by the elbow, sliding his hand up your forearm until he’s cupping your hand in his.
“Open your eyes, baby.” You groan in protest, causing a chuckle to rumble through his chest, “Come on.”
So you do. You always do whatever this man wants you to do— and there, right on your finger sits that big princess cut engagement ring you teased him with days before.
“How about we skip dinner and find a church, huh?” he whispers, kissing your cheek soft and sweet.
You glance at him over your shoulder, eyes wet as a smirk tugs at the corners of your mouth, “And if I say no?”
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” He laughs as you adjust in his arms, pushing up on your tiptoes to cup his handsome face and kiss him on those pretty pink lips, “Then I guess I’ll have to fuck some sense into that pretty mouth of yours, won’t I birthday girl?”
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stuckylibrary · 2 years
Group Ask 189
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Please reply to this post if you know one of the fics mentioned in this ask. Thank you so much in advance!
Anonymous 1 asked:
hey!! looking for a fic where bucky almost freezes to death. steve finds him and helps him defrost and it gets smutty lol
Anonymous 2 asked:
Hello darlings! A while ago I read a fic from your library and now I’m not able to find it. Steve keeps searching for Bucky post WS I think? And Bucky keeps leaving flyers of Steve with the caption ‘Answers to: idiot’ or something like that. Hope y’all understood and thank you!
jesseofthenorth asked:
I am trying to find a post apocoliptic AU , no powers. I cant remeber a lot of the plot exceptt that it was well written, long and there was a motor home that they travelled in for a while. Not a lot to go on , I know, but i am hoping someone knows this fic. Thanks!
Anonymous 3 asked:
I've been trying to find a shrunkyclunk fic where Steve meets and dates Bucky and Bucky has no idea (for some reason) The Avengers keep asking Steve about his secret boyfriend and then another attack happens and Bucky got caught in the subway and he's holding a girl's hand and The Avengers helped him and he realizes steve is captain america.
Anonymous 4 asked:
hiiii do u know that fic where bucky wrote a letter that says "to my sweetheart" or something? i remember tony giving steve buckys belongings from the war and natasha helping steve bust bucky out of hydra. thank you!
Anonymous 5 asked:
i have been looking for a certain fic foreverrrrr and i just can’t seem to find it. the fic is where steve goes back in time post endgame and talks to bucky (??? i think, might be pre serum steve) and talks to him about the future and mentions that they get married. thanks for the help!!
veronicafercard asked:
Hi, I'm looking for a fic by I only vaguelly remember some details, wonder if you guys could help me. I remember that before the serum Steve was colorblind and his favorite painting was a vase of red flowers and after he got the serum he got emotional seeing the red in the painting and I think he later compares the color to the color of Bucky's lips. I think the painting was called something like "ornelas" or "orleans". Thanks!
Anonymous 6 asked:
Helllo, first and foremost I appreciate your blog so much! Second I forgot the name of the fic, where it’s during the war and Steve gets shot in the head with his helmet on and Bucky has to take him a hospital and doesn’t leave his side the whole time? Thank you so much!
Anonymous 7 asked:
Hi! I need help finding this fic i once read. steve and bucky and some other avengers are on some mission on a ship in the ocean and they’re like trying to catch this guy i think. bucky finds the dude and jumps off the ship with him and then the ship explodes but steve still thinks bucky is in the ship and gets real upset for a second. does anyone know what it’s called?
Anonymous 8 asked:
i’m looking for a fic where steve and bucky went on a mission and there’s some giant octopus monster fighting them. it’s from sams POV kinda and sam sees steve fall off the ship theyre on and bucky dives after him and then after steve’s all shaken up cuz the water was really cold. do you know what i’m asking about?
sanctimoniavincent asked:
I'm looking for a fic that I worry was deleted where it's like a decade after canon and Bucky breaks up with Steve because he realizes they haven't been aging. Bucky feels like he should give Steve an out because when they first got together and made promises to each other, they didn't know they'd be immortal. Steve thinks Bucky has fallen out of love with him. It wasn't a super long fic. I remember Steve goes to brood in the gym and seeing Bucky as his phone screen snaps him out of it.
Anonymous 9 asked:
Im looking for a fic but all i can remember is one of the last scenes. Post aou (i think) avengers are hunting tws until he shows up at the avengers compound one day and the avengers walk in on stucky making out
Anonymous 10 asked: dubcon/noncon
Hello there I've been looking for this fic forever. Bucky thinks sex with Steve is a bartering system to get his basic wants eg going out to a cafe. Steve doesn't realize it until the end of the fic and is horrified by the dubcon implications. Would really appreciate any help I can get. Thank you!
Anonymous 11 asked:
Hi I’m looking for a fic but I don’t remember a lot of what happened. I remember that Steve and Bucky went to go see one of Bucky’s sisters that was still alive and he met her husband too. I also remember that Bucky was scared to see her. I think that Bucky had some memory loss. Sorry if this isn’t enough! Thank you!!
Anonymous 12 asked:
Hi! Thanks for all you do!! I’m looking for a fic where Bucky is part of the mob I think and Natasha is in it with him. Steve is a prostitute and he starts staying with Bucky until they realize that they both like each other and Steve leaves. But Natasha helps him come back and I think Steve is an artist as well. I remember that at the end of the fic they adopt a baby they found on the straight and live together in a house. Thank you!!
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
| ROMEO, ROMEO, WHY ARE YOU ROMEO? | A Rowen One-shot | Fairy Tail |
Ships: Wendy Marvel x Romeo Conbolt
Tag list: @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs Excuse my horrible writing, I'm super drowsy coz of meds😅
Fairy Hills was the prettiest apartment ever (but maybe she was biased because she lived there) Wendy was currently out on her balcony, legs propped on the arms of her chaise and admiring the lovely hedge walls she'd help trim (Erza-nee got a little too excited with the hedge-scissors)
"I still can't believe you did that," Chelia guffawed.
Wendy replayed last week's events in her mind, wincing yet again.
Working at Fairy Tail was like a dream come true. Wendy had come upon it by chance when her old Academy shut down without any warning. She blamed herself for what'd happened and was this close to giving up on theatre and dancing when Erza-nee decided to intervene.
"Work on that spin ONE MORE TIME! MORE PASSION!" Erza yelled, wielding the script as if it were a sword. (She might be scary at times, but Onee-san meant well.)
Chelia harrumphed through the call. "This is taking foreverrrrr."
"Chelia, you've been playing Among us for 2 hours." Wendy sighed, "You're one to talk about taking long."
"Half an hour moreee." The bluenette groaned. "Plus I still can't get this spin right!"
"Ah, that's why you've been working so hard," Wendy did not like how smug her friend sounded. "Isn't this the part where you meet the Soldier?"
Of course! Chelia, as her 'Official best-friend and Matchmaker!' would never rest until she found "love".
Unfortunately for her, Wendy, as a rule, was usually unbothered by romance of any sort.
It wasn't like she hated the idea; she found it quite adoreable that her friends growing up found 'their lobsters'. Some had their heart broken but they still tried with all they had, a fact that made it really hard to hate romance. (She was saying 'romance' way too much, wasn't she?)
The point was, she just didn't think she? was? a? well-suited? romantic? partner? In pre-school, the idea of a prince riding on a white horse and carrying her away made her:
A: Nauseous, because well, motion-sickness.
B: Wary, because "Porly-san said that if a stranger was to ever talk to her, she had to use the pepper spray in the left corner pocket of her backpack and if that didn't work, Erza-nee's pocket-knife would do just fine!" (Her teacher almost fainted that day.)
Well that and she'd never had a relationship to begin with, ever.
Crushes, sure. She'd had a few over the years. But considering her lack of courage? Or maybe it was the combined elder brother influence of Natsu-nii, Gajeel-nii and Erza-nee that scared away most boys. (Her last crush was scarred for his life....)
And it wasn't like she had time for it too, considering her full-time job at Fairy Tail.
She was daydreaming again. Moving on....
She deadpanned, "Yes. That's the only reason I need to get this right. Not because the entirety of Magnolia will watch it."
"Glad to know!" Chelia clapped her hands gleefully. "Now, as Ooba san says, 'SPIN MY LOVELIES!!" And she cut the call.
The bluenette was a little worried about her new partner. Practice for the new play had begun 3 weeks ago and there was no sight of him (or her, Erza refused to divulge any details...) Apparently they were from another Academy and were joining practice tomorrow. And despite herself, Wendy really really wanted to prove herself to them.
Being the youngest didn't mean she was any less talented than the others, and she'd be damned if she gave anyone any reason to prove otherwise.
Wendy spun back and forth on her feet and as the beat began playing, she twirled and reached her hand out in a grabbing motion-
Anndddd she just punched a guy in his face.
Her new partner, Romeo (Romeo from theatre, lol) insisted he was fine and that it was his fault for interrupting her routine. He also complimented her punch (Who does that?!!)
Or maybe he really wanted her to stop crying. (He had a nose-bleed!! She caused it!!! Was that not reason enough to cry?!)
Romeo broke into a fit of laughter, making her blush (His laughter sounded like chiming bells. Was she even supposed to get attracted to partner's voices that way?)
Once his laughter subsided, a boyish smirk stretched lazily across his face at her pout.(Dear Mavis, he looked so pretty....)
"Romeo, at your service, ma'am!" He kissed the back of her hand. (Did she accidentally punch herself too? Was this all a hallucination?)
She spluttered, "U-uh Hi Wendy! SHIT," she dragged a hand across her face, making him chortle again, "I'm Wendy!"
The bluenette grumbled, "It's been 2 days, get over it."
"Nahhhh. I think I'll just let you drown in embarrassment for a few weeks," Her best friend swung her legs from where she was seated on the window ledge. "Ohhhh Ohhhh cute boy alert!"
"Uh-huh, sure," Wendy was too busy petting her kitten to pay her friend any attention.
"Anywho, how's the practice coming along? Is it awkward now between you two?" Chelia teased. Wendy gave a deadpan look and stroking Carla's fur, she mumbled, "We went out for lunch yesterday."
"Sorry," Chelia blushed. "Why the heck didn't you tell me this GODDANGIT?!!"
"Well uh." It was now Wendy's turn to blush. "I-"
"Cute guy keeps cycling past us. I think he's looking at you." Chelia commented with a raised eyebrow.
"Wait what?" Wendy tilted her head toward the wall separating Fairy Hills and the garden. Which is when her eyes met his own.
And Romeo, fair Romeo, crashed into the hedges.
Both girls flinched. Wendy jumped off her seat and rushed downstairs, ignoring Chelia's surprised yelling.
"What are you doing here?!" She squeaked.
"We have got to stop meeting like this," Romeo groaned from where he was sprawled on the ground, "It's really not good for my lifespan and my ego."
Despite herself, she let out a giggle. "Get up, you...." Helping him up and dusting the weeds off his shoulders, she sighed. "You live nearby?"
"Do I even wanna know what you were doing cycling around here?" She rested her hand on her hip and raised a brow at his now perplexed expression. "Go on, I have all day."
"I was visiting a friend and uh, saw you at your balcony and wanted to say hi?" He scratched his neck, now colored pink. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
She huffed, "What am I going to do with you?" He looked at her with his little puppy dog-eyes (Drat. Foiled again!) and she gave in and smiled. "Let's get you cleaned up."
Seven minutes later, Romeo was sitting on her bed petting Carla, who'd taken a liking to him and ganging up on Wendy with Chelia.
"And the next second, she marches up to him and goes 'Excuse me, sir. But my friend wants a picture of your face. S-wait, WITH your face. FUCK, I MEAN WITH YOU!!' " Both were smacking the bed and laughing like there was no tomorrow.
Wendy groaned, her face buried in her hands, "Getting you two together was a bad idea."
"Aww, look at the widdle bluebug." Romeo teased.
"Cute, ain't she?" Chelia cheered. "So, when's the wedding?"
Chelia had a smug look on her face that Wendy did not like. "Well duh. You're his Juliet and he's your Peter Pan. Perfect, ain't it?!" She clapped her hands in delight.
Wendy felt like she was in a sauna with the way her face was heating up. One look at Romeo and she knew he felt the same.
Chelia rushed to the window and turned to look at both with a pale face. "Uh oh, Titania's angry."
Romeo was visibly confused and scared for his life. Wendy felt faint.
"Haha, gotta go now guys! Bye Wen!" Chelia escaped through the door before Wendy could register her words.
"The kind that doesn't want to die!" Her voice echoed from where she was downstairs. Damn it.
She locked gazes with Romeo. "I'll go assess the damage. You stay right there."
Romeo nodded.
She tiptoes into the garden, only to find Erza wielding a katana and looking deadly as ever.
The red-head turned to look at her with a menacing aura. Wendy gulped.
"What-what happened?" She dared ask.
"My precious strawberries are ruined." (Sure enough, the bush was uprooted. Oh dear.) Erza pointed at Romeo's bike with her katana. "The culprit will return for their bike and when they do, I WILL END THEM!!"
Well, there went any chance of negotiations. O-okay Erza-nee. I'll be upstairs if you need me."
Romeo had an eager look on his face when she returned. "So? What's the status?"
"Romeo," she stated calmly, "I mean this in the nicest way possible. You're dead."
He blanked. "Shit."
"Operation: Run Romeo Run begins now, what's your status Little Boy Blue?" Wendy whispered through her earpiece. (Warren had given her a set for emergency situations.)
"In position, Tinker bell," Romeo's voice echoed through the other end. "You may begin!"
Sure enough, Erza rushed into the kitchen like her life depended on it, "Which kind?!!"
"Operation Stage 2 is a go, Boy Blue!" She whispered.
"This is DELICIOUS, Wendy!!" Erza nodded proudly. "I'll take it with me!'"
Erza narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Why?"
"Be-because," Wendy stuttered, "I want to practice that spin once again!"
"Wendy," Erza grabbed her by her shoulders, "Dance hours are over. As a young girl, you must try socialising with your peers instead of practicing day and night. You'll tire yourself."
"I've reached the garden," Romeo said. "Is stage 3 a go?"
She hummed. Of course, both didn't anticipate-
"INTRUDER!! KILL MODE!!!" A siren rang in the distance and Wendy gulped.
She faintly registered a yelp from her earpiece.
Erza let out a war-cry and stalked outside.(Poor, poor Romeo) "THE INTRUDER IS HERE!! GET HIM!!"
Wendy shuddered, "RUN ROMEO RUN!!"
She leaned towards the window and watched as Erza chased Romeo (He was riding a bicycle and yet Erza was gaining in on him.)
"If I ever get out of this alive," Romeo groaned, "Would you go out with me?"
Wendy was grinning when she said, "Someone's gotta keep an eye on you, anyway."
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thecindy · 4 years
Scaredy Cat
by TheCindy
Other heroes make rescuing a cat from a tree look so easy! But that's not quite the case for Hawks.
I imagine cats don’t like Hawks very much. The predatory birds or The Winged Hero.
Rating:    General Audiences
Archive Warning:    No Archive Warnings Apply
Category:    Gen
Fandom:    僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Character:    Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags:    there's a cat! And a tree! and some kids! Short One Shot, just hawks doing hero stuff, No Spoilers
Language:    English
Words:    1446    
on AO3
“Look over there! Is that Hawks!?”
“Over there. He’s walking this way!” the taller of the two young boys pointed to a lone figure in the distance, distinguishable by the large scarlet wings protruding from his back, outlining the figure of a man leisurely strolling down the deserted sidewalk.
“No way! That’s him! Let’s ask him for help!” the smaller boy jumped up in his excitement, shaking the tree branch they were resting on, sending a cascade of yellow and orange leaves falling to the ground.
“Careful Shu, you’ll make us fall!” scolded the older boy as he grabbed his brother by the wrist pulling him back down into a sitting position “and we don’t need his help we can do this ourselves! Besides, he’s a hero! He’s probably busy anyway.”
“Haruuuuuu,” the younger boy whined, stretching out his older brother's name to emphasize his frustration “we’ve been here foreverrrrr and she won’t come down!”
“She’s just scared is all.” explained Haru, “We just have to be patient and she’ll come down when she’s ready.”
“We’ve been patient for 100 years!” Shu exaggerated, dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes and leaning against the sturdy trunk of the tree. “Maybe I can try to hover up there again and grab her!”
“We tried that already Shuhei, and you nearly broke your arm. I don’t want Mom to kill me!” the older brother pressed his hands into his little brother's shoulders as if to hold him down “Besides, you can’t hover more than a few inches and she’s way near the top!”
Shuhei furiously crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his older brother, sticking his tongue out. “Whatever, Haruto.”
Haruto stuck his tongue out at his little brother in response.
Noticing that the winged man was much closer now Shuhei jumped up again suddenly, catching Haruto by surprise causing him to sway and cling to the branch in fright. “Hey! Mr. Hawks!”
“Hey, there.” Hawks grinned up at the boys occupying the tree branch hanging over the sidewalk. He stopped and rested his arms on the low concrete wall below the tree. “Whatcha doin’ up there?”
“Hime’s up there and we can’t get her to come down!” Shuhei explained, eyes wide in excitement at talking with the Number Two hero.
“Hime?” Hawks asked.
“Our kitten.” Haruto explained, “She ran up there earlier but now she’s scared to come down and we can’t climb any higher.”
“I tried to hover up to her but I couldn’t reach! Then she climbed even higher!” the younger of the two boys exclaimed.
“He only got his quirk a couple weeks ago so he’s not very good yet and he fell out of the tree.” added the older one.
Hawks peered higher into the tree, after a few moments of scanning he found two frightened green orbs gazing down at him. A trembling orange kitten blending in with the autumn foliage was frozen in place on a thin branch several yards above.
“Let me see what I can do.” Hawks grinned brightly at the two brothers, swiftly sending half a dozen crimson feathers high into the tree.
Shuhei and Haruto followed the feathers with their eyes, mouths agape in wonder at seeing The Winged Hero in action. “So cool…” Shuhei gasped.
Hawks winked at him before turning his attention back to the kitten above.
Overhead they heard a sharp hissing sound. Hime was swatting angrily at the red feathers attempting to surround her small kitten body. Protracted claws swiped through the air expertly keeping the feathers from getting too close.
Hawks' smile turned into a thoughtful pout. He knew he could forcefully snatch the kitten out of the tree with his Fierce Wings but he didn’t want to traumatize the poor terrified cat any more than necessary, or the little boys watching for that matter. “Looks like I’m going to have to do this the old fashioned way.” he sighed but smiled again as he recalled his fathers to plant themselves neatly back into his magnificent plumage.
Taking a step back Hawks extended his wings and slowly began to rise into the air, flying gracefully toward the top of the tree, Haruto and Shuhei drinking in his every move.
“Hey there, kitty cat.” Hawks landed lightly on a spindly branch about a foot below the quivering cat. “It’s okay little Hime, I’ve got you.” he said, slowly extending his gloved hands toward the orange ball of fur.
Hime screeched and hissed and sputtered as she scrambled even higher into the tree, desperately trying to get away from the large winged creature before her.
Hawks sighed, “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” he willed his wings to slowly carry him upwards toward the still sputtering kitten.
Gingerly he extended his hand toward her again in an attempt to soothe the anxious kitten, but was met with a swipe of razor sharp claws followed immediately by a painful sting, sharp pointed teeth biting clean through his thick gloves. “Fu--” Hawks hissed, biting his bottom lip quickly censoring himself, acutely aware of the watching eyes and listening ears in the branches below.
With her back arched and hair standing on end, still spitting, Hawks could tell she was trying to make herself look larger and more intimidating than she was. He would have found it funny if he wasn’t so annoyed with the cat. He knew she was scared, but why was she so afraid of him?
Then it hit him. “Ohhh.” he said in realization. “You’re afraid of big birdies, aren’t ya kitty cat?” He watched as her large jade eyes focused on his unfurled wings.
“Fine then.” He groaned. Although the branches at this part of the tree were very slim he managed to pick out a few within arms reach of Hime that looked strong enough to support his weight. Hooking one arm around the trunk of the tree, he planted his feet near the base of those branches slowly transferring his weight from being suspended by his wings to being supported by his legs. With narrow eyes he looked up at the cat “don’t you dare tell anyone about this, alright?” And suddenly-
In a flash of red hundreds of feathers dropped to the ground propelled by force, landing with a satisfying thud upon the pavement below.
“Happy now?” Hawks peered at the kitten. Slowly her claws began to retract and her pupils returned to a normal diameter. Her fur now flat against her skin, she sat down on her branch and studied Hawks curiously. Once again he warily extended a hand toward her, keeping a close watch for claws and teeth, but was met with no resistance. Instead, Hime nuzzled her head into his open palm. “Alright kitty, come here.” Gently he scooped her from per perch and situated her against his chest inside his fur lined jacket. “Hang tight.”
With one hand he carefully picked his way down the tree. A branch snapped beneath him and he fell a few feet before catching himself, irritated, and continuing his descent. He sat on a branch adjacent to where the two young brothers were still perched. They watched him in awe, eyes wide and sparkling. Gently he pulled the (now purring contentedly) kitten from his coat and handed her over to the older boy.
“Wow! That was so cool!” Shuhei cheered, throwing a fist in the air. In his excitement he began to hover unsteadily over the branch where he was seated.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Hawks!” Haruto cradled the kitten in one arm and pulled his younger brother back down with his free hand. “I’m sorry she bit you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Hawks shrugged and flashed his cheesiest grin “All in a day's work. Maybe keep that little one a way from trees from now on, though.”
“Yes sir!” Shuhei saluted clumsily with his small hand, grinning wide.
Hawks laughed. “Just call me Hawks.” Cautiously watching the kitten, who had seemingly fallen asleep, he gradually summoned his feathers back into arrangement on his back.
“I’m going to be a hero too, one day!” Shuhei buzzed with excitement.
“Oh yeah?” Still smiling at the young boys, wings intact, Hawks jumped gracefully down to the sidewalk below. “I can’t wait to see that. I bet you’re going to be awesome!”
Shuhei smiled and punched the air again “Yeah!”
“Thanks again Mr. Hawks!” Haruto called to the hero below.
“It’s just ‘Hawks’!” The Winged Hero corrected as he waved back at the boys. He continued on his way, mumbling something about cats and birds and hoping no one nearby had a camera pointed at him.
This idea popped into my head and It wouldn’t leave until I wrote it down. I haven’t written anything in ages so my apologies if you can tell I’m out of practice! This was meant to be cute and funny, but I don’t know how to write funny so I hope it’s cute at least!! Also I have no idea who to write endings!?!?! I can see it clearly in my head but how to words?
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(key word: fleur. part 1/3) thank you for describing what to put! i'll be as patient as you need me to be :). i'm roughly 5'2 and i'm not super skinny. i'm not big, but i do have some fluff, ya know? anyways, i'm not super insecure about my body, but i do need reassurance sometimes. i have short hair with bangs, glasses, and my style changes a lot (although it tends to be very clean-cut).
(key word: fleur. part 2/3) i’m very friendly, very emotional, and am always kind no matter what (even if i’m assertive, which i can be bc i know what i want). i LOVE LOVE LOVE to sing, i sing all the time, and i know i’m a good singer (i’d greatly appreciate someone who appreciates my voice lol). i tend to be afraid of anger outbursts (daddy issues oof) so i honestly think satan is out of the question.             
(key word: fleur. part 3/3) i hope i’m not asking too much, but if i could also get an arcana and mystic messenger match-up (you don’t need to add any details AT ALL if you don’t want to), i’d love you foreverrrrr. thank you so so soooo much
3 parts and 3 fandoms! Here we go!
For your Obey Me! Matchup, I’d pair you with… Leviathan!
He totally gets needing reassurance now and then, so as long as you’re willing to return the favour, all is well! I personally think that it’s ridiculous that Leviathan has a goddamn six pack, so I personally hc that he’s either scrawny or a bit soft, so there’s absolutely no body shaming in this house!
Levi appreciates your assertiveness, there’s less room for his personal demons (pardon the expression lol) to run wild if you’re upfront about what you want and like.
The first time he heard you sing he had BIG HEART EYES - you sound just as good (if not better!) than his favourite bands wtf?!!! If you learn songs from his favourite jpop groups and sing along with him or put on a little show he’ll be Delighted. He’ll also definitely ask if you want to do fan covers with him on Deviltube.
For your Arcana Matchup, I’d pair you with… Muriel!
You have moved this Mountain Man and touched him very deeply. You’re so kind? And encouraging? But you also take no shit? And you’re so tiny!!
Muriel’s got his fair share of body image issues and would definitely be able to sympathize with sometimes feeling like you’re not the right size (which is bullshit! No such thing as right or wrong size!). He’s not very talkative by nature, so his reassurance would come in the form of gentle touches or awkward short praise. Tbh you having some fluff would make him feel just a liiiiitle less scared of hurting you because of his own size. He’d probably never admit that tho rip
Muriel finds your singing very soothing, he’ll always find an excuse to be nearby when he catches you doing it. If you have some melodies that you’re particularly fond of, you may hear him humming them under his breath as he carves something. He’ll turn beet red if you point this out or join in but he loves it dw~
For your Mystic Messenger Matchup, I’d pair you with… Zen!
MUSICAL BUDDIES!! Zen’s a bit of a narcissist, but that doesn’t mean he can’t see talent in others! High key loves that y’all can just burst into song together at the drop of a hat.
Anyone dating Zen will have a hard time feeling insecure since this man is The Reigning Champ of Body worship ;) Positivity. It’s canon that Zen doesn’t care for looks, but he knows how terrible it feels to not think you’re attractive, and no one he’s with is gonna feel that, not on his watch!
He also appreciates a partner who’s not afraid to show their emotions, since he can be quite emotional too. Speaking of, Zen can be hotheaded at times, but all it would take was one conversation and y’all would find all sorts of ways to manage that, from always talking through any issues before they reached a tipping point, to Zen saying when he needed to step out and blow off some steam.
The last thing he’d want would be to hurt you with an outburst.
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tumblunni · 6 years
oh man and im just remembering how dumb the damn unversed are they look like heartless and act like heartless and ARE EXACTLY HEARTLESS ‘theyre beings of pure unrestrained emotion who lash out angrily at everything around them’ ok but thats EXACTLY THE DESCRIPTION OF HEARTLESS except the bit on the end thats like ‘because they want your heart’ theyre just fuckin heartless but slightly blue tinted and with red instead of yellow eyes and they go out of their way to mimic all the archetypes that every game has to ahve, like the Large Bodies and the Nocturnes and etc and THEY LOOK REALLY SIMILAR EXCEPT FOR MORE COMPLICATED EYES and then the super shitty excusey way they FINALLY explain them in the last five minutes of the game as ‘fragments of vanitas’s heart’ like seriously it was already fuckin complicated enough to suddenly drop on us that roxas wasnt simply sora’s nobody but also a reflection of a real other guy who really existed years ago and somehow met sora in the spirit realm when he died and they fused or something and then also somehow this guy’s dark side looks exactly like sora BEFORE SORA and that part is never actually explained but also somehow mr dark side isnt actually a heartless but a something entirely else than can somehow vomit up mini heartless armies and like.. somehow never fuckin uses them to actually fight?? like seriously?? do we even ever see him in the same room as an unversed let alone controlling or creating them? it really feels like they wrote his entire character without this trait and then slapped it on in the last five minutes to have some sort of Shocking Twist or else just a goddamn excuse to have enemies cos seriously i bet they just wrote themselves into a corner and were like ‘damn we cant be fuckin logical and just have the heroes fighting Actual Bad Humans in the time before heartless’ or like.. fighting.. actual heartless.. seriously until they fuckin said ‘hey we made these new guys cos we got no heartless’, i literally never thought that heartless didnt exist back then! it would make absolutely no sense that xehanort/ansem made the first heartless in those experiments, i mean the whole Lore talks about how the worlds became separate long before any of these people were alive, and it was becuase of ‘darkness in people’s hearts’ so... yeah??? why not just say heartless are a primordial old evil that has had various outbreaks over history whenever some dood is super corrupt? and xehanort just released the latest ones + also did all those experiments to make the emblem variants so theyre even more dangerous than before, blablabla. Coulda just used all the same unversed designs and said theyre the non-emblem variants of Large Body, Nocturne, etc. Coulda even kept the different eyes idea and said they take on different evolutions each time they reoccur throughout history cos of the shape of the darkness in the heart of whoever called them. or whatever just anything except ‘dude somehow is able to create fifty billion minions from his butt yet somehow isnt overpowered and never uses this ever when he needs to’ seriously i shoulda had to fight another 1000 heartless battle just to get to this guy! if he has enough friggin MP to make EVERY SINGLE ENEMY WE FOUGHT IN THE ENTIRE GAME, then why did he ever stop???
*grump grump* im mad cos the designs are really cute and they’ll never get to come back ever again cos of the dumb vanitas backstory... also cos KH2/COM/Days/Coded already confused me and BBS was the absolute height of plot nonsense that made me quit the whole series for like 8 years im glad to be back but tbh i wish i could just ignore alllllllll of this plot shit and just get back to ‘fight the darkness, visit some cute disneys, cry over some soft protagonists who deserve a good hug’ but i cant cos that’d mean leaving behind all the scattered good bits in those million interquel games, like my beloved org 13 doofuses :/ why are my feelings so everywhere and nowhere at once and why am I googling lists of KH monster concept art at 4am and crying THEYRE SO FUCKIN CUTE AND IM SO SICK AND THEY HEAL ME why cant i hug the heartless aaa u can have my heart u were the primo cuteys of my childhood foreverrrrr god i need to go cook some mac n cheese 4am mac and cheese and heartless auuuuuauuuuuu
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hoe-imaginess · 7 years
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YESSS I AM. She wanted a new anime to watch and I suggested Bleach. We’re on like episode 40 after just two days lmaoo. Her favorite character so far is Kisuke I’m so proud of her. (Bruh when they showed the scene where Aizen was “murdered” my mom gasped like “What?! I liked him. He was a good guy.”)
Soon mother. You will see. 
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Well when a specific gender isn’t stated in the request, I usually try to use “they” or “them”. Some people just prefer it that way, and even someone who can get pregnant might want to be addressed as “they” or “them” too! I know it can be a little confusing but it’s just always safer to stay gender neutral 
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I always exclude Zetsu from Akatsuki questions mostly because it’s really difficult for me to see Zetsu in a relationship, even if it’s platonic. And those are most of the sort of questions I receive. Affection probably doesn’t come easy to him and it’s personally just a little out of my comfort zone trying to think of anything nsfw for him. I suppose it’s foreseeable that he would keep feelings to himself if he ever developed any, but given he was created for the purpose of really serving Kaguya (at least Black Zetsu was) I don’t think he’d have time for any of that stuff. Really, I guess it depends on whether we’re talking about Black or White Zetsu. But generally, I don’t think affection or relationships is a main focus of theirs
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Ahhhhh I actually really want to! I’m just afraid no one would come lmaooo and I’m awful at moderating those things I feel like I’d be a terrible organizer lol
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omg hello I am glad to be back <3
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Last I heard she was doing okay, just spending some time away from Tumblr! Everyone needs a little break now and then
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I could go on foreverrrrr. I honestly liked Tobirama because 1. he’s hot 2. he’s an asshole lmao. And I fall for hot assholes. I tend to like darker, colder characters who are far from being perfect. Flaws just get to me idk why. I like it when you have to dig deeper to really find a good side of a character. Though Tobirama and Madara aren’t completely awful characters, they obviously have their flaws, and I think that makes for an interesting, complex character. My fav thing about Tobirama is probably his pragmatism. Madara, maybe the fact that him being an Uchiha means that love really pushes him to do intense, sometimes rash things. Does that count?
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AHHHH okay I will. Also just for the record Mojito is actually a boy! I only point it out bc look I love these birds ok I gotta be a bird nerd for a second but Mojito is an Eclectus, and their species is one of the only to have sexual dimorphism, which means different sexes are completely different colors. The females are red and blue, males are green. I LOVE THEM THEY’RE SO CUTE AHHH LOOK ok that is all. thank u I will def post more of him (((((:
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