#i could go on and on with games for Bela tbh
ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Could we see how the Re8 ladies would comfort their s/o after a bad day/when they're feeling down please?
Yeah! We all need some time with the ladies to comfort us tbh. Let’s get into it!
Alcina knows immediately when you’ve had a bad day. The exuberance in your eyes turns dull and listless.
She gently asks you what happened and listens to what you have to say.
She doesn’t tell you what to do, she just offers agreements and validation.
She holds you on her lap and whispers gentle reassurances.
Sometimes you fall asleep from this, but other times… Just being near Alcina makes you want to release your pent up frustration. In the bedroom. (Hehe).
Alcina is the perfect person to offer comfort. She only gives advice when you ask for it and is always on your side.
Donna is so sweet. When you’ve had a bad day, she quietly offers you tea and snacks.
She doesn’t want to overwhelm you, so she asks if you need some time alone to process or if you would like to chat with her.
You always want her to stay, though. Donna is a great listener. She understands what you need a bit better than you do sometimes.
She is an empath. She can instantly feel when you are upset.
She gives you lots of snuggles and talking with her makes you feel a lot better.
Donna is your biggest supporter. It’s nice to know how much she loves you after you’ve had a hard day.
Miranda knows how frustrating a bad day can be. She’s had a lot of experience with them.
Miranda sits you down and wraps you in her warm wings. The softness makes you feel so safe.
She runs her fingers through your hair as you tell her what happened and gently presses kisses to the side of your face.
Sometimes, Miranda makes a comment (Which wasn’t meant to be funny) that makes you burst out laughing. Miranda at least takes satisfaction in knowing that she was able to bring a smile to your face.
Miranda cooks you whatever you want and does an activity with you like putting a puzzle together, going for a walk… Kissing. Well, you get the idea ;)
Bela has become very skilled at learning how to relax after a hard day.
She teaches you how to use coping skills and gives you insight into how they work for her.
Honestly though, a good hug from Bela usually helps get the job done.
Bela is so intuitive. Often, she knows how you’re feeling before you tell her.
Listening to Bela read is one of your favorite things. Your frustration melts away at the sound of her voice.
Bela loves you and takes the time to talk with you and let you get out your anger and frustration. She’s so patient.
Cass has a few different ways of helping you after a hard day.
She gives the best cuddles. Feeling her warm body lie on top of you soothes your frazzled nerves. Much like a weighted blanket does.
Her other ideas revolve around getting you moving. Sometimes, she’ll let you pick out a weapon from her collection and teach you how to use it (Outside, of course. Alcina’s rules.)
If none of those help, Cass’s Hail Mary is sex. It’s how she expresses herself best. She loves when you get feral and release your frustration. It’s basically a win for the both of you.
Dani likes to talk through her negative emotions. To her, it’s the best form of expression. She’s happy when you trust her and let her listen to what’s going on.
Dani also cheers you up by letting you pick a movie to watch, playing a game with you, or even cooking you something. She just wants you to forget your troubles for a while.
You and Dani like to do adult coloring books. It’s good for you both.
I think Dani is neurodivergent and mindful activities help calm her brain. You two also like to play with fidgets.
Dani is so caring. You’ve never felt more understood and loved.
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team-avia · 4 months
hope you don't mind me asking about the old versions of the game but the idea of cassandra being the one in the cult is so good i can't help but think about it and be curious.
did you have any specific ideas how would her route go? how would it affect her romance with mc because i doubt she'd want to put mc in danger but straight up pushing them away like bela doesn't exactly seem like cass either. would cult be somehow involved with theatre instead of council?
i dont have my notes with me anymore, so i might've forgotten some things but:
Cass wasn't necessarily the one in the cult, she was just the only one of the daughters to know about it. This version of Cass was the "silly unserious flirt but actually really cunning" kind of character.
V1 Cass was a lot more observant than she let on. She noticed how odd the relationship between Alcina and Miranda was, how often her mother would disappear in the middle of the night only to come back frustrated. She stayed up late at night hearing the muffled voice of her mother arguing with the person on the other end of the phone line, and when she was finally curious enough to listen to the conversations she realized something was incredibly wrong with this town.
V1 Cass loved her family more than anything in the world, and though her mother was far too deep into this, she figured she could still keep the cult business away from her sisters. She could still save them.
In my head, V1 Cass would be a recurring character throughout her sister's routes. There'd be an air of suspicion around her, almost as if she wasn't being entirely honest with you.
The cult wouldn't have been the focus of her route though, or anyone's for that matter. The energy I wanted for V1 was "silly goofy goobers with a smidge of dark, culty, undertones!" but tbh I like the current version a lot better! There's a lot more depth in the current iteration of Resident Lover, and I wouldn't have it any other way!
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serenofroses · 1 year
Some swtor companions that Seren thinks they should had been romanceable in vanilla base game:
Jedi Knight:
if it wasn't for the Master/Student thing that puts me off, I would had considered Kira for wlw option without forcing the PC to be Kira's teacher (when she already has Bela as her Jedi Master).
Lord Praven. Just replace Scourge with Praven bc he has more potential to the story.
Jedi Consular:
Attros Finn. And should had been a companion instead of Tharan.
Felix Iresso as bi option for female and male consular. People are seriously missing out on him and Felix's a sweetheart.
Akaavi Spar for wlw option only. Absolute crime to make a butch woman restricted to hetero option 👿. let my lady smuggler climb her like a mountain asdfghjkl.
Republic Trooper:
Elara Dorne as bi option for male and female Troopers. Elara's a sweetheart.
Sith Warrior:
Vette for wlw option. Because I like Vette and she should had been romanceable by both male and female Warrior.
Darth Vowrawn for bi option.
Light Sided Jaesa for many reasons but Master/Student thing still icky to me.
Sith Inquisitor:
Andronikos Revel as bi option for male and female Inquisitors. Enough said.
Bounty Hunter:
I don't romance anyone on Bounty Hunter but I could suggest Mako and Torian as polyamory option for both male and female Bounty Hunter tbh.
Imperial Agent:
Darth Jadus.
I'm not going to explain about this unless you have followed me and saw my Jadus contents, you can see why.
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mcrmadness · 4 months
001 About Richy and Igor
002 About Igor specifically (wanna hear your thoughts about him in depth :D)
003 about Monty Python characters? if it's even possible?
(I would gladly hear you on 001 about FuB, but as I'm being absolutely too much, I can understand that you don't do it. It's extra content :D)
((Also, you are free to answer to this ask for only one ask and do the others on separate posts for more clarity !))
I reblogged this ask game before reading any of the questions, and after receiving your ask, I read them and now I have to say that my questions are probably gonna be very, VERY underwhelming ::D So don't get too excited, cos I don't think I'm able to give you the type of answers you might be interested in reading :D But I'll try anyway, but know that you're been warned: boredom alert!!!
001 | Richy & Igor
when I started shipping it if I did: Must have been in 2009 when I found out about die ärzte for the first time. I watched every video I could find, including Richy Guitar. At first I didn't really care about the film, and I wasn't exactly shipping R/I but more of obsessing with the clips because of my new Bela/Farin obsession. I got way more into the ship only during the past 2 or 3 years, when I also started writing fanfiction about them, and then it evolved into drawing doodles and comics too.
my thoughts: Uh, what can I say? Head empty, no thoughts. My brain keeps hyperfixating on this ship for no good reason.
What makes me happy about them: Nothing.
What makes me sad about them: Nothing.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Anything that doesn't align with my own headcanons or is too far away from the actual canon.
things I look for in fanfic: Nothing. Because it doesn't exist, so I have already given up.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: No one else.
My happily ever after for them: Idk.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Idk.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Canon? Music. My headcanons? Fast food.
002 | Igor
How I feel about this character: Idk.
All the people I ship romantically with this character & My non-romantic OTP for this character: I honestly don't know if it's romantic or queerplatonic or just platonic, but I only ship him with Richard.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I have none. I don't think there are even popular opinions about this character out there.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish to know where does he live. I keep thinking about that caravan inside the abandoned factory, and I keep headcanoning it as Igor's residence but I wish I knew whose place that actually was (the other option is Hans, but yeah, it's never revealed in the film).
my OTP: Richy/Igor lol
my cross over ship: None.
a headcanon fact: He's head over heels for Richard whether that be platonic or not.
003 | send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
You asked about Monty Python characters. I guess it is possible, but just very very difficult because there are not that many reoccuring characters, and the Flying Circus show ran for 4 seasons and there are several films, so the character count could be in hundreds tbh. Often the skits are also more about the joke and topic and less about characters, even when they're often given names. But as I'm writing this, I can feel a potential list cooking inside my head so, here we go!
The Gumbys. My favourite quote comes from these skits: "My brain hurts!" I can't find that as a gif now, but they are these extremely, extremely stupid characters who shout every line of theirs cos they are so dumb. Here's the Brain Specialist skit where that quote is from too :D
2. The Hell's Grannies. This is just the funniest shit ever and I absolutely love the graffiti they paint as a graffiti and which goes: "Make tea, not love." Here's a link to a video on youtube.
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3. Anne Elk (Miss). I just keep rewatching this skit over and over again cos it's so stupid, and the characters just interact with each other in such a funny way, and Graham's character's reactions to Anne Elk are so funny :D
4. Pontius Pilate in Life of Brian. Ok this movie is full of extremely funny characters, and I would like to mention a handful of others, such as the deaf and stupid character and his companion who's stuttering the whole time; and also that man in the pit who hadn't talked at all until Brian accidentally jumped on his foot. But I still have to give this place for Michael Palin's Pontius Pilate just for that Biggus Dickus scene cos it's probably the funniest movie scene I have ever seen. Palin often had the funniest characters, and it's even funnier when you know that the extras and other actors didn't know about his lines so if I'm correct, all of those laughters were genuine reactions to Palin's acting, and he also was so close to losing it at one point :D
5. And you know what? I just HAVE TO link here the French Taunting scene from Monty Python & the Holy Grail, just for you XD "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" kills me every time.
+ And you get an extra just because you're French, this skit and their accents in this sometimes live rent free in my head :D
THANK YOU so much for the ask btw! I decided to skip the 001 about FUB cos my answers would have not been much different from the RG one, apart from real people not having a canon, and me not really having any headcanons for them for that same reason. So, it would have not really added anything, or would have been even less than what I now got for the answers for R/I.
Funnily enough, I got way more out of Monty Python. It just shows how I don't get attached to characters really, but live for and from humour, and anything that's funny af to me, I like and makes me happy.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
In honor of buying way too many video games on sale - who in the fam/ocs plays games? What kind?
Daniela strikes me as a Visual Novel/rpgs with romances type, Bela as the angsty story types (bonus if happy ending tho), and Cassandra as the shooters. Mia likes any game that lets her cause utter chaos in the world, like Saints Row or Just Cause. Or Far Cry - can't beat chucking sticky bombs at cultists in 5, might even be therapeutic for her lol
Daniela is definitely a Romance Visual Novel person, like Dream Daddy type games, and she'd also 100% be into things like Cookie Clicker or stuff like Huniepop (which I guess counts as a Visual Novel?).
I feel like Bela likes Visual Novel or Point and Click type games but specifically horror based ones. Stuff like Doki Doki, Case 00,The Uncle Who Works For Nintendo, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, basically anything with a dark and spooky vibe. I think she'd also enjoy stuff like Nevermind, The Suicide of Rachel Foster, What Remains of Edith Finch, Draugen, ect.
Cassandra would play Call of Duty, but only the single player campaigns. She actively avoids online because she can't stand hearing children yell slurs every five seconds. She'd also play GTA but never do any of the missions. She just likes to run around and beat up people. (Explicitly plays on Xbox, too)
Mia fucking adores Saints Row, it's her all-time favorite game. Shaundi and Kinzie are her favourite characters and she's played all of the games. Probably also plays RPGs like Elder Scrolls considering she likes DnD, but really any game she can cause chaos in is a win for her.
Zoe likes horror games like Until Dawn. Definitely played through the Dark Picture Anthology with Mia. Probably would love Resident Evil if she wasn't, y'know, part of that universe. Loves Silent Hill and probably played P.T. Also an RPG nerd.
Elena doesn't play a lot of games but she likes FMV/Point and Clicks. Stuff like The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker, Dark Nights With Poe and Munro, ect. She plays through a lot of them with Bela.
Max likes Indie Horror and/or Survival games. We Happy Few, Fran Bow, Darkwood, any FNAF game, Layers of Fear, Visage, The Forest, the scarier the better. Also enjoys Outlast, Bioshock, and Amnesia. Probably also played P.T.
Melony plays Minecraft, Mario, Kirby, and probably Pokemon. She also enjoys stuff like Stranded Deep, Raft, Subnautica, and House Flipper. Just fun games she can chill out with. (Probably also plays Freddy Fish and Pajama Sam but won't admit it)
Elizabeta and Donna play Minecraft together but don't play anything else. Neither of them are really big on video games.
Alcina exclusively plays virtual Solitaire.
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transfenris-truther · 2 years
Okay, so everyone talks about how it's out of character for Anders to approve when Hawke essentially sells Fenris back to Danarius. But I don't think we talk enough about how every companion is out of character in that scene.
Isabela and Varric react with disgust (Varric's expressed via sarcasm), as if Hawke is being very rude and not LITERALLY SELLING THEIR CLOSE FRIEND. Considering a part of Isabela’s backstory is nearly dying to free a group of slaves, and Fenris could literally be her boyfriend at this stage in the game, it's astonishing to me that you don't lose her as a companion altogether over this.
Aveline just says "unbelievable" as if Hawke isn't breaking a major law in her full view. She says more critical things about Hawke's mercenary work than she does him literally selling a person. Even if you're not a fan of Aveline, this is demonstrably the type of thing she'd throw hands over.
Anders, as previously discussed in a thousand other posts would not react like this. Even if you're an Anders hater, you have to acknowledge that this is a situation where Justice would become involved. This has been discussed to death, but as much conflict as he and Fenris have, this is a level of betrayal and underhandedness that's not demonstrated anywhere else.
Merrill and Sebastian react somewhat like you'd expect. Merrill is extremely distressed and upset, she literally shouts "No!" But tbh, knowing her character and the way that she has been entirely comfortable going against the grain in the past, it's remarkable she doesn't actually step in. Perhaps if you play a REALLY aggressive Hawke who bullies Merrill, I could understand this being the extent of her reaction. But with any other characterization, her objection is so much less than what you'd expect of her.
Same for Sebastian. He says "We can't abandon our friend in his hour of need," and then proceeds to do literally nothing while a close friend of his is betrayed and sold. Sebastian is NOT the kind of guy who would just stand there and watch while this happens in front of him. He and Fenris are close, and unless you're romancing him, he has very little reason to stay with the Kirkwall Crew if Fenris is gone and the group doesn't represent his values.
I think Bioware wanted to have this option in the game for whatever reason, but they didn't realize they had written characters for whom this was a major deal breaker. They wrote scenes with the same moral gravitas as the ones from Origins, but they refused to give you scenes of confrontation with those you'd hurt, or give companions a trigger to leave your party if your choices were too abhorrent to them.
The scene sucks. It's not that Anders is written out of character (which he is). It's that everyone but Fenris and Hawke HAVE to act out of character in order to maintain the game's balance and keep characters in your party when they should be leaving it. As a result, you get a scene where you can sell Bela's boyfriend and Sebastian's best friend into slavery and they still come to your parties and never say anything about it again.
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redoqs · 2 years
Hello hope your day is going well! I was wondering if you do Dimitrescu family headcannons by any chance? If not I totally understand especially since you’re a busy person I just wanted to ask, thank you so much for sharing your writing sketch is one pf my fav fics in this fandom!!
Sup! My day’s going pretty well and I really hope yours is too. Sketch is one of your favorites? Stop holy shit that’s so cool! I’m honored!!! Thank you so much for reading it! Aight, you said do I have head canons? I do. Do they match how I have the girls portrayed in Sketch? Nah💀 All of these head canons are based on how they act in the game.
Bela is the most dangerous daughter, idc what anyone says, and I’m saying this literally because of how she moves in the game. The way she calmly walks up to you in the dungeons like she has all the time in the world, that girl is calm and collected, she knows she can handle everything thrown her way. I don’t think she necessarily does well in breaks in protocol and I’m basing that on how she acts completely feral during her boss fight, her slashing and lunging, which had me shook because she really just lunged at me okay Kangaroo Jack. If something doesn’t go Bela’s way, she tries to account by thinking quickly and not necessarily considering all of her options and going into attack mode. I imagine Alcina being Bela’s role model and inspiration because of her voice lines and wants to be like her in nearly every sense of the word. I can see her having a slight dependence on her. She’s also the most patient of the daughters but it quickly runs out if things don’t go the way she wants them too.
Cassandra is definitely stab first, ask questions never. This girl is just as feral as Bela, only she exhibits this behavior a lot more often and sometimes even when unprovoked. She’s the only daughter that harasses you in different areas of the castle so I’m thinking she’s definitely Alcina’s go to person for when she wants to get stuff done, whether it be kill an unfortunate servant or simply go get something for her. I imagine that this “Bela wanting to emulate her mother and Cassandra being the one Alcina depends on” causes feuds between the two and they get into often because of it. Cassandra reminds me of a hitman, only she doesn’t get paid for her kills she merely does it because it’s fun for her. This girl probably hasn’t cried in decades and her tear ducts are probably out of order tbh and if Capcom had kept the voice lines of the family and actually made the daughters aware of their sister’s deaths, maybe we would see a more emotional side to Cass. Speaking of, she’s the most emotional idc, she just has a habit of suppressing it because her family makes it seem like they don’t really care and she refuses to be thought of as weak
Daniela is said to be the most delusional and based on how she talks to Ethan I believe that. She does directly attack you once she’s cold, she just runs around the room and hides so I think that’s a clear indication that she’s not a strong fighter and to compensate for that, I think Daniela is someone who is very good at mind games and really could put you under her spell if she tried. I think she believes everyone loves her because she was able to successfully lure past maids into a trap, I really do think she’s a good manipulator. She’s one of those manipulators who switch up their tactics in the middle of her “courting” for lack of a better word in order to get what they want from their victim. Thing is tho, she’s impatient with it too, or she can be depending on her mood, so if someone doesn’t react in the way she wants, she’s killing them immediately. She has multiple victims at one time and if you give her any reason, no matter how small, to make her doubt your “love” for her, she’ll kill you.
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homoo-wan-kenobi · 2 years
I know ur post was a joke but ive seen ppl in the fandom say she's an awful mother for letting her children die and like... I think her pride definitely got in the way when she told miranda Ethan was there, not that miranda would've cared but I think Alcina should've mentioned bela... but the daughters also lock themselves with Ethan in the most dangerous rooms with windows... Like sometimes when chasing cass calls for Alcina she comes and Cass runs away.. but them they got them cornered and dont call her? Idk im rambling... But I think what kills them (and later their mom) is their hubris.... Cuz they're 70 yrs old killers who didn't imagine some human dude besting them... Idk i just see the daughters being kinda infantilized in the fandom but like, until a few hours before Ethan got them, they were the top of the food chain. I dont blame them for believing they could take him out alone. Anyway sorry for rambling
I was actually getting ready to go to sleep, but I saw this in my email and scurried on over to reply! I appreciate you sending this to me, I really do! and do not apologise for rambling, it's perfectly okay and I don't mind it so ramble any time you'd like!
I have to say, I don't believe I was joking with that post. I know I joke a lot, and I like to push buttons, but I was pretty serious with that one. And I do get what you're saying, the daughters always chose to seek him out (more so cassandra and bela, not daniela} and taunt him as he went through the castle. I do agree, I realise that while he was proving difficult for the daughters to handle, alcina should've mentioned bela to miranda. but I feel that she didn't because miranda would've just reprimanded her for it and she was already upset with whatever miranda said to her, I doubt she'd want to further annoy herself by getting told off for allowing her daughter to fail at such a trivial task during a time like this.
maybe a reason why they didn't call on alcina when they got cornered is because she did entrust them with this task at catching and killing ethan, so they wanted to show that they could do it and that they didn't need their mother there to help with something like that. and you can clearly hear how anguished alcina was when all three of them died when she confronted ethan, even before the boss fight. and the worst part is that ethan's not even human, he's made of mold. he's a moldy man-thing. disgusting.
anyway. they do get infantilised, which is fine, there's nothing wrong with it. I do it, tbh. I mean, the fandom just has a soft spot for them as fandoms do with the characters of their franchise. but game wise, I do have to hold them accountable for their actions, so I can't fully blame alcina for sending them off to their deaths. and she mourned them in her own way and even tried to avenge her girls against ethan so they all get an a for effort because at least they tried.
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Adopting E-001 (Eveline Adoption Au)
Ok I know like Eveline’s dead but just imagine Eveline getting adopted by the four lords (And Mother Miranda) . She always wanted a family in RE7 and I think the four lords are exactly the family her little crazy ass needs
Donna Beneviento: Eveline would love all her dolls no doubt, she’d probably spend most of her time there since Despite how shy Donna is she’s probably the most well equipped to deal with a child. I like to think she even gifts Eveline with a little doll so she could have a little playmate, they probably both mess with any poor soul who ends up in there with Eveline being the little girl in the hallway and angie popping up five seconds later to game end some dude.  They’d be the deadliest duo possibly and trust me there’s nothing more creepy than a little girl and a haunted ass doll, plus tbh they do kinda look like sisters!
Alcina Dimitrescu: She’s definitely never the type to be prepared for a child? If I recall correctly all of her daughters were teenagers when they were adopted so chances are having a little girl would be a hectic change of pace, she’d probably leave her with Bela, Daniela and Cassandra who would be more than happy to show their little sister how to tear a man thing limb from limb properly and then give her a little piggyback ride around Castle Dimitrescu with Alcina watching with a smile in the  background. She occasionally finds little Eveline walking around and pats her on the head, saying that she’s going to do her very proud Karl Heisenberg: OH BOY. This one is gonna be fun. Karl would no doubt be the fun uncle, making Eveline a little metal figure and just taking her on a joyride on his custom motorcycle around the factory (Don’t ask how that works but trust me.) He’d pretty much be chill about it, if he’s unable to watch her then he has one of his zombie automatons take care of her and Eveline is happy just to have yet another playmate. She nicknames the zombie “Jesse” based off a name or two of victims she heard at the baker house (Plus Jesse and Heisenberg? I had to make a breaking bad reference where I could.) and like over time i think she invests enough in said zombie to try and teach him a little bit of words much to her frustration. She still appreciates seeing him skewer molded she makes for fun though. Karl finds it kind of odd that she invests so much into a zombie but he’s not going to kill her fun especially since it’s honestly kind of both morbid and cute that they always come back covered in some poor molded or lycans blood. Hell he even joins in a good majority of the time when he’s not on lord business, helping them mow through a couple lycans/molded as some sort of bonding time. I think he also calls her something like “Scamp” or “Evie”  Salvatore Moreau: Uncle Sal!! Others might find him gross but Eveline is honestly quite used to swampy areas given that she literally spent 3 years at the baker house. She knows what its like to feel disliked by the others and as such I think she tends to spend most of her time with him and trying to make him laugh, playing hide and seek in the mines or riding on his back while he’s in fish form. She loves him to death and she will literally skewer anyone who so much as makes him feel bad about himself. Salvatore himself is just so happy to have someone who doesn’t judge him at all and accepts him as he is, she might creep him out a little but she has the best of intentions (When it comes to him and the other lords. Humans and the grunt molded/lycans not so much) I think Moreau knows a few sea shanties and songs about fishing that he teaches Eveline, Eveline learns them happily and can recant them by memory which makes Salvatore’s Warm and Slimy heart even happier. I like to think of their relationship like the Big Daddies and Little sisters from Bioshock basically, meaning sal is very affectionate towards her and will literally go apeshit at anyone who tries to harm his sister. Mother Miranda: I think she likely sees Evie as like the perfect person to reincarnate her little daughter Eva with but the four lords catch onto her shit and basically force her to accept little Evie as is since they all would put aside their differences and send Miranda burning and screaming to her dead daughter if they hurt her. Miranda accepts this eventually, just happy to have another little shit in her house again. I think she is really affectionate once she gets used to evie? Like she didn’t get to spend much time with her daughter and here is this little ten year old girl, not a day older than Her Eva and she looks exactly like her too. She gives her a little teddy bear and puts her to bed, whispering a little lullaby she probably sung to Eva long ago and smiles. I don’t think there’s honestly much to say with her, she’d just be happy and a lot less salty Sure their family is imperfect, they still need to have a constant influx of prey but they’re a screwed up ass family no need to dodge that. What they do have in common though is that they have Eveline
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tbh I wouldn't be surprised if da4 ends up not playing in 9:52 lol, but it's still fun to think about what the protags are up to at that time >:3
I don't have a lot of specifics in mind so i can adjust depending on what's gonna happen in that timespan, but this is roughly what i have i imagine (put it unter a cut cos it got long lol)
Idk if Neira will have found the cure for the Calling by that time or not, but if not she'd start getting more restless since she is starting to run out of time. There is trouble brewing and Alistair doesn't have an heir, so if he got his calling now that would be.. suboptimal. If it's a thing that is possible i could see Neira trying to delay her own calling in some way because she feels she is this close to finding a cure, but in any case she'd start noting down her progress in as much detail as possible in case someone else will have to continue the search
Kalagna is out and about Grey Wardening with Alistair. And while I'm still not sure if she'd bother searching for a cure for the calling Neira still exists, just not as HoF, so maybe she'd be searching for a cure? Would probably be harder since Avernus and the Architect are both dead in this timeline, and even if there was a cure idk if Kala would want it
Liam is either, well, dead, or in Kirkwall.. maybe? Staying in Kirkwall was only meant to be a temporary plan to kinda. sort things out and calm down and focus on Adriel while she was young, but she'd be about 14 now so they've had more than enough time. So either they're still in Kirkwall, found some other place to settle (unlikely tho), or are off on the road. Maybe in Tevinter? Would depend on if they'd have reason to go there. Also unrelated but if ya wanna throw some angst in there maybe Fen's lyrium brands start acting up
I wanna think Lilian's living the best pirate life with Bela~ It's something they'd both enjoy, and I can see them assisting Merrill a lot too. Whether that's searching for ancient elvhen artifacts or acting as scouts/spies in the game against Solas (assuming Merrill repairs her Eluvian and uses it to counter Solas)
June's still involved in the Inquisition, but not on the main front. She kinda does all sorts of things but her main focus is research and experiments regarding magic and the veil, which is exactly what she wants to do so she's content. Aside from that she's a Jenny and gets "hired" by Bull for merc jobs whenever they are in the area. Wouldn't be surprised if side effects of the anchor started showing up though
Ari is putting all his focus and efforts into trying to stop Solas, gathering information and agents and resources for counter measures and whatnot. Under different circumstances he'd try his best to give the knowledge he's gained from the Well back to the Dalish, but as it stands he is wary of them because of the risk of them being spies for Solas. He's also hella concerned about being bound to Mythal so that's another area he invests a lot of research into. And again anchor might start getting bad again cos you can't tell me that thing got solved by cutting off the arm.
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elishamanning · 3 years
Now I've listened to the whole podcast (not that long this time) and OMG, Christoph Kramer please marry me!!! I completely understand Manu's heart eyes, and Leon's, if he's always like that (and he sounds completely authentic). First of all he's a few minutes late because he was playing cards with a player from the U21. They're talking about the Bayern game, obviously, and how important was knowing Yann Sommer was behind them, outdoing himself? Suddenly Chris is gushing about "beautiful Yann in his hot navy-blue jersey, everything about him perfect, everything on point that evening, not a hair out of place, you could tell it would be a great night for him". (you can practically hear the twinkle in his eyes) At another point in the podcast talking about how Flo Neuhaus is so photogenic and usually looks great in photos, but how the wizards from the media department even made himself look good on the autograph cards, him, who's the opposite of photogenic! "There are photos of me... you can't imagine!" and always getting nervous when a photo's about to be taken, "because you want to do something, and I always fail" Like, he went to the Supercup with some friends and they wanted to take a selfie to send to another friend and "...well, let's say we sent it anyway" hahaha. Knippi says he gets Chris' problem there, ChriKra "Oh, but you have such a lovely profile!" (Flo N meanly keeps confirming how bad ChriKra is on/with having his picture taken) They talk about the Bayern game, obviously, and in detail, the game itself, blablabla. Anyway, Chris loved - and Flo agrees - Knippi introducing them while they were out on the pitch "hearing the fans shout your name, the best feeling ever. Was that your idea?" Knippi says, no, that was only because of the whole entertainment programme they had to get through for the season opener. They're disappointed. Chris: "But can't you keep it like that? Like draw the whole stuff out to do the lineup when we're already out? While we're still in you could tell jokes or something!" Knippi says "Sat1 (TV channel) is back in the football business (they used to have the BuLi rights in the 90s and then not for a long time), how did you like that? Do you even care?" C "Not really, but it's all too much, I think! I wanted to watch Bundesliga on the weekend so turned on Sky and waited and wondered why it didn't start, turns out DAZN has the rights now for the Sunday matches. The next tournament will be on RTL or something? It's too much!" "So you don't care who does the post-match interviews?" "Not really, no. They're all... well of course when you get Ecki Heuser and you think 'now please don't ask me the mentality question on the first matchday of the season!'" HAHAHAHA "I think it should all be on ZDF!" Flo and Knippi laugh. C: "Yes, well. I do." Gushing about Bela Réthy. "I don't usually agree with him, but just his voice! I just associate it with football, and with great tournaments and excitement! If he wanted to read me a bedtime story every night, I wouldn't mind." The anniversary of Chris' first BuLi goal. "Oh yes I saw that on our social media." Flo "Yes, what did they caption it as? 'Not beautiful but important'?" Chris: "'Not beautiful but rare'" Flo "HAHA, EVEN better!" (He is so mean to him and Chris is so nice to *him*) Anyway. Chris reminisces about that moment and says he was sooo happy, he nearly cried. Like, he really had to swallow thickly, but then Flaco jumped on his back and everybody was roaring and he roared along with them, but he was... sooo happy. Then Flo remembers his first goal. (Chris also remembers it in detail, the opponent and the game itself. "First you assisted Papi (=Raffael), then you scored yourself.") Knippi: "Did you also nearly cry?" Flo: "No, of course not, I was more happy." Chris "I was happy, too!" Flo: "But you talked about crying!" "Yeah, crying from happiness? Don't you know that feeling, when you're so happy the tears start coming?" Flo "No." HAHAHAHA
Okay. I have to go to bed and this has already gotten too long. But anyway. Christoph Kramer, I love you. He's amazing. And the other two are great, too.
omg thank you so much for this he’s so wonderfulllll
"beautiful Yann in his hot navy-blue jersey, everything about him perfect, everything on point that evening, not a hair out of place, you could tell it would be a great night for him"
lmaooo chrikra obsessing over how beautiful yann is is literally all of us (as it should be tbh)
the opposite of photogenic
chrikra if you aren’t photogenic i’m almost afraid of how pretty you must be in person
'now please don't ask me the mentality question on the first matchday of the season!'
god i hope he wasn’t stuck doing any post match interviews today lol
Chris "I was happy, too!" Flo: "But you talked about crying!" "Yeah, crying from happiness? Don't you know that feeling, when you're so happy the tears start coming?" Flo "No." HAHAHAHA
lmaoooo i relate chrikra i cry with basically every extreme emotion haha
they’re really just both so wonderful i love them a lot
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prince-of-elsinore · 3 years
29. What are your views about the racism, sexism and homophobia on supernatural?
Oo you gotta come in with the contentious question, huh, anon? 😂 Tbh this feels like a three-part question, because they're all separate issues. But in general, I take the show for what it is. I don't go in expecting it to be super woke (especially in early seasons--the culture has changed a lot since 2005, thank goodness). So I sort of turn off part of my brain to enjoy the show. There are aspects I get vaguely annoyed at, but when it comes to seeing the show as regressive or progressive, liberal or conservative, I actually don't think it fits neatly into either category. That said:
--racism: I think the show fails most on this front. There have been some great recurring characters of color (have I mentioned how much I love Rufus? And Kevin?) but they are astonishingly few and far between for 15 seasons. I don't get mad that the core characters (Sam, Dean, Crowley, Cass) are all white dudes considering it was accidental on the part of Crowley and Cass, who were supposed to be short-lived (though there's also something to be said about fandom attachment to white male characters they can slash and woobify. Excellent article: https://stitchmediamix.com/2020/03/28/migratory-slash-fandoms-focus/ ) But there were many missed opportunities to introduce/bring back characters of color. I wish they'd done more with Cassie, but I also sort of worry they would have messed up pretty badly. Also, considering all the various and sundry villains of the show, I'm not upset about getting complex, layered ones like Gordon (one of my fave antagonists) and Billie, but considering the overall shortage of characters of color, it does throw the balance off. The optics are not good. All in all, I don't think the show is overtly racist, but then, many things that are not overtly racist can still contribute to white supremacist culture. It could easily have done better in this regard.
--sexism: The way I feel about Sam, Dean, Crowley, and Cass all being guys is is similar to how I feel about them all being white. I like Jack, but there's a perfect example of a missed opportunity to add a core character who wasn't a white dude. That said, there are a good number of really great, dynamic recurring female characters. From my understanding, part of the reason some early ones (Bela, Jo) didn't stick around was actually because fandom hated them? Which is dumb. Idk. Anyway, I think the 'female characters always die' argument is sort of moot because everyone dies on supernatural. Jody and Donna are rare exceptions to that rule. Honestly one of the things that interests me about supernatural is how it comments on/plays with/challenges notions of masculinity, so if I wanted a show about women I would just go elsewhere. So, ditto to what I said above: I don't think the show is overtly sexist, but many things that are not overtly sexist can still contribute to patriarchal culture and misogyny (by not interrogating the dominant culture). I just think that overall, the show /mostly/ avoids truly harmful narratives and matches up with what I expect of media from its era. Could always do better, but it's not the worst.
--homophobia: Tbh, I feel like the show is surprisingly non-homophobic. There are canon gay characters with very sympathetic treatment and multidimensional characterization. I don't think it's homophobic in and of itself to have two straight male leads. Particularly post-classic spn made obvious efforts at inclusion, but even classic spn wasn't terrible in this regard--perhaps mostly through its silence on the issue, which isn't great, but it also means the show ages better than a lot of shows from that era that went for cheap homophobic jokes (and boy, are there so so many of them). Some people argue Dean is homophobic but I honestly don't buy it. The only thing I can think of is him calling Sam gay as a teasing insult, but that just honestly doesn't bother me. It was before 2010, he's a macho dude teasing his little brother. I don't think it really reflects whatever he actually thought about gay people. I think Dean is actually a great barometer of shifting societal attitudes in this way. At that time, gay as an insult like that was still pretty common, but in the following decade it became apparent to most people why that's not cool, and I think Dean grew with that too. There's no way later-season Dean would use that insult. Anyway I could go on about Dean and the homophobia arguments but I won't lol. Overall, I think the show does better with lesbian and gay (sadly no bi or trans) rep than with the other issues above, because it manages not to perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
Wow, I know this got long, but hey, they're complex issues that deserve thoughtful answers! I'm always a fan of digging into media to look at the implications and how it reflects the culture of the time, and if you dig into spn, there's plenty that's "problematic," and it's worth discussing. But I don't usually find cause to outright criticize the show on these fronts, and partially that's a matter of managing my expectations.
Thanks for the ask!
Ask game
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liarsweapon · 3 years
“Do they have a meaning”
tbh from game knowledge we don’t know bc the game is so unbelievably vague on it and the continuity from the concept art to the game art itself and even in game continuity just isnt there
like the game art, the girls dont even all have the tattoo, only bela does, cass is filling in and dani’s is only the bottom sword, which implies it forms with age, but then in game all three are at the same level
theres a painting when you first enter the castle titled ‘three daughters’ that shows the girls all w brown hair and no forehead tattoos, and look nothing like their game counterparts, but i think the devs just didnt feel like editing it tbh bc it is actually just a real painting they used (ill look for it later n post it!!!” and then another real painting they used as inspo, a woman on a sick bed, they redid to have as daniela in a sick bed as miranda infects her with the cadou parasite, and daniela is already a ginger and already has the complete tattoo as a (maybe living) human pre infection, which could imply she was one of mirandas cult followers before she was infected and became one of alcina’s daughters. Plus the painting not having the tattoos but having their names doesnt make sense anyways since, even if it was while they were human, they didnt get their names until after their death and rebirth when Alcina watched them wake up and instantly loved them as a mother.
since the devs are working on dlc rn i wanted to wait to see if they do anything with it before doing any like confirmation headcanons or anything on what i think the tattoos represent (since the girls are labeled by the actresses and game files as witch sisters ive formed some ideas) and i know i probably could just do the headcanons now and change them later when the dlc comes out since.. its capcom, it took them like two years to release the last dlc for re7 so itll be awhile prolly before the village dlc is actually out, but canon wise their meaning is inconclusive since theres pretty much no continuity in them.
Since i really liked a lot of the village concepts capcom didnt end up using (coughs lycan chris trying to fight off the infection also ada helping ethan coUGHS) I actually wanted to go with an idea of like, Bela being the only one woth the full tattoo and fully fleshed out powers because she tries so hard, Cass is almost there but because she cares so little about everything but hunting it hinders her ability for it to fully form, and dani’s is the least fully developed (so it looks like the sisters but some of the super intricate details i can find a photo of later arent there, like some of the leaves and petals) because she’s too in her head to care about all that stuff like her sisters are.
#hc.#ima add it to the tag i didnt have yet since it counts lol#but yeah the games might be japanese horror but capcoms really into think as you go and not as much preplan anything#thats why re6 was such a bust but 7 and 8 are really good#but 8 its SO clear they didnt think a lot of things through#and reading the bts concepts and stuff you can just tell even before reading the#’we had no idea what we were gonna do w this before we cut it’ bits like they didnt know whag they were doing before they did it#which is why a lot of the time whn they tease things like the tease they have at the end of village#its like its hard to tell if its a real tease or not bc they dont ever plan ahead#25 years and they never plan ahead#im born the same year as pokemon and res evil tho so thats p cool#the girls werent even planned originally they were gonna have all the village women be#kidnapepd by cina and turned into her ‘daughters’ that stalk and lill ethan#before they went the route of just the three girls and making all the lords more likable#in fact the only lord they didnt change much was moreau#even miranda the big bad they didnt originally have as the big bad she was supposed to be a hero lmao#so its mostly like ‘well capcom just decided the designs are cool so its fair game’#it has some faintly remeniscient romanian culture tho so inkinda wanna look into romanian mythology too and see if i can use any of that#but capcom was also like ‘it resembles it but not officially there’ bc… idk tbh capcoms just capcom i guess#they didnt even confirm the holes in their head you can just see it okntheir face models and the miranda infecting daniela art#their hairstyles arent even confirmed between art and game files but logically if the infection never healed it makes the most sense for#for them at least not to have hair at the infection point int heir head which seems to be in the same area on all three#and the necklaces all of them have the same necklace except the gemstone in the center of the choked#and momma cinna doesnt wear hers but she does have a matching one but the gemstones are all red#including the vial pendent dangly thing
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felassan · 4 years
Do you think we're ever again going to hear from Hero of Ferelden or even see them on screen? I mean ik that Bioware said it is tough, because in many cases HoF is dead (ultimate sacrifice thingy) but... Leliana could be dead too, and here she is, standing proud as Inquisition's spymaster - pretty big role for a dead woman. Lyrium spirit you say... Same question about our old companions from DAO and DA2. Well, except Wynne I guess. 😅
Under a cut for length. TN spoilers under cut.
Hello, sorry, I know it is a popular wish but I don’t think we will see the HoF on-screen again :[ The HoF’s story is long-over, both in-universe and irl, and they led 2 whole games and a host of DLC. Compounding this, as you say they can be dead and BioWare have said something along the lines of how bringing them back would be tough and that it’s unlikely. It would be a lot harder to bring back the HoF compared to the lesser challenge bringing back Hawke in DAI was, due to the larger amount of base variables (3 different races as an example, no set voice) and the lack of easily-defined personality (like red or purple). In addition, even with the lower amount of variables involved, the implementation of Hawke in DAI for a large section of the fandom went down like a lead balloon. There were opinions and complaints that Hawke was OOC - for example, genuinely amazing as it was to see Hawke again, my blood mage Hawke went on nonsensical rants about hating blood mages and I was like huh? BW will have seen that sort of response and how it got a bit messy and taken it on-board. If the Inquisitor will return as an NPC like Hawke did in DAI (which is most likely out of the three previous PCs, owing to the obvious Solas connection), I imagine they already have their hands full with this. The other thing to keep in mind is that Hawke could not die in DA2. Hawke was alive in all worldstates. In quite a lot of universes, the Warden is dead. another thing is that around 2017 Laidlaw tweeted that the HoF was never going to feature in any of their products again. ofc things can change in the years since and he has left, but that was a fairly strong statement.
Hearing from them via letter or in dialogue references I think is possible, more likely and way easier to implement. Saying that, even then - the HoF’s story has been concluded and tied off. If they survived Origins, they traveled west on their quest for a cure for the calling. We can tell from romanced Leliana’s Trespasser epilogues that they have at the very least returned (I don’t see why only Lelimance Wardens would have). It’s not clear but from them I also assume that they found a cure.
I know that other main characters such as Leliana could be dead but were brought back, but I don’t see them repeating that trope for a big-name character again. After a few times it becomes over-used and cheapens the deaths that supposedly occurred. It also has the potential to get messy. How many lyrium ghost people or “surprise! this character who died in game actually survived!”s are we supposed to accept before the premise becomes silly, over-used and immersion-breaking, you know? 
About the old DAO and DA2 companions, I mean… that’s a big question, especially if you’re asking “will we see them on-screen” and “will we hear from them again” about each of them. We could easily hear from any of them from among the ones who still live, especially if they bring back receiving letters and a war table-esque type game mechanic.
Alistair, Morrigan, Leliana, Warden Loghain and Oghren have already been seen again in big ways in a subsequent game. His smaller amount of re-appearance content is a sore point for a lot of folk, but Zevran appeared again in DA2. Dog is a no. Wynne is dead. Morrigan might be brought back if they go for the “Flemythal isn’t really dead” or “Flemythal pushed her godhood through the mirror to Morrigan” or “Morrigan has advice on how to deal with this new threat” angles, or if they choose to delve into an end outcome for the person who drank from the Well. Leliana could feasibly be seen again if she’s Divine. If she’s not Divine she might appear as the Inquisition-remains’ Spymaster, although it really depends on the time that has elapsed because she’s clearly been grooming and preparing successors for that role. Whether she’s still a direct part of the “Inquisition’s generals” depends on the specific timeframe I expect.
They leaned quite hard into fleshing out and making prominent-once-again the Crows in TN. There’s a bit of potential there for Zevran to reappear, but I can’t tell how much of that is wishful thinking/reaching. The last time we saw and heard from him he didn’t exactly hold the Crows in high regards (more idle reaching/rambling on the Zevran question here, ctrl-F “Zevran”, TN spoilers at link). Sten is the Arishok in most universes. The Qunari Antaam invasion seems like it’s going to be a big plot point or at the very least a major backdrop/context to the next game. Whether we encounter him I think will depend on what’s going on with the hinted schisms in the Qun, whether it was he that ordered the Antaam to invade, etc. Some more thoughts on the Sten thing here (TN spoilers at link). It would be cool if we (well, us in a meta sense) ended up meeting him on the battlefield or something like he foretold years ago in DAO, or if we could have a meeting with him to try and propose peace or allying to try and defeat Solas or something. Shale… iirc some endings of DAO have her heading for Tevinter, but she was followed up on in Asunder, and was DLC only. I had originally thought she might be a good shout to tap, but that isn’t the case anymore since Solas is confirmed to be able to freeze even golems, and TN also makes a point of hinting at the existence of other intelligent/sentient golems.
Re: the possible return of DA2 companions I have less thoughts, and tbh I don’t really see a need in most cases. Many of them can be dead. Anders in particular can be dead, as in shanked in the back as a story decision cinematic from Hawke-dead rather than just “fought against Hawke after disagreeing with them at the end and ‘died’ at the time” (the latter could be story/gameplay segregation). Aveline has a role and steady job to do in Kirkwall. I don’t know why Prince Sebastian would leave Starkhaven and he’s been back in comics. The siblings can be dead. Bela was already back in comics and DAI. Varric’s done his time as a companion in 2 main games, although I can certainly see us getting reports/info/jobs from him, in the form of letters sent from the Viscount of Kirkwall. Merrill would be interesting to see and might be able to help us given that she’s an expert on eluvians. I would also like to hear what she thinks of the Dread Wolf being a Thing, you know? Find out where she stands on that, if it’s impacted her world view, would she support him or not, etc. Fenris has obviously been moved on the chessboard to Tevinter, putting him in the local area. I could see encountering him as the Blue Wraith in game, perhaps working for or with him a bit or getting a quest or two from him, but I don’t envision him as a DA4 companion. It’s also important to remember that the comics are not supposed to be nor designed to act as a prologue for DA4, like it’s not a direct-set-up situation (see the notes on the podcast mentioned towards the end here).
NB I love these characters! Please don’t interpret this post as not liking them.
[msg refs this post]
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mcrmadness · 3 years
I just remembered I could show you some of my die ärzte stuff from The Sims games :D I have made Bela to both TS2 and TS3, and edited him a lot on the latter but he still doesn’t look like him.
I then created Farin to TS3 but his face is too difficult for even that game, I will have to use mods for sliders in the future in order to get what I want. However, somehow TS3 still totally nails it with the thumbnails and I don’t know how it does that because in-game he looks absolutely nothing like that :DDD Here, take a look:
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Also my stupid ass for whatever reason didn’t realize to take actual screenshots but I just took photos with my phone. Actually it was because I was sending the photos to someone, but I still don’t understand why I didn’t take screenshots as well :D
More text and screenshots of my Bela sims (yes, several versions) under the cut.
Anyway, I used pose player a little as I tried to create some Bela/Farin images (which turned more into Richy/Igor or 80s B/F instead) but it was very difficult to do because I had to take all the images so that “Farin’s” face was not visible because he doesn’t look like himself, and I cry blood if I see either of them with someone else but each other. But tbh, I don’t think even that second… or was it third? version of Bela is that good either. It looked fine when I went to do some quick photoshoot, but now as I look at the screenshots… ehhhh not so much.
Anyway, here’s a little timeline of the Bela-sims - let’s start with what I created for TS2 back in 2009:
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I actually made that hair and moustache myself XDDD Or, just recolored the (base game) hair and drew the moustache in photoshop with a mouse and it sure as hell does look like that too! :DDD It was quite easy to create/recolor things like hair or facial hair for TS2 Bodyshop and because the game itself had no custom colors, that was the only option left. Or you could download CC made by other people, which I did. A lot. (The eyes and skin, for example, are CC.)
Also a proof that these images are OLD:
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The good old Windows XP! :DDD And Windows Live Messenger <3
Then in 2009 TS3 was released and I liked doing look-a-like sims and I tried creating Bela for that one too:
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This is one of the first versions - I still didn’t have any custom content because the game was so new that no one had created any yet :D I think I tried creating Farin at this point too but it just never worked out.
Okay so then we jump full 9 years forward as in 2018 I went back to CAS (Create A Sim) and edited this version of Bela a little, and tried to create the Farin you already saw above.
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Here’s two different versions - not really there yet. Something wrong with many things. Also I figured Farin’s hair was too long for that era of Bela’s hair, and I changed Bela’s hair and well, look what I did:
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So that’s what he looks like right now. I’m still not perfectly happy with him tho, I think there’s still some stuff to edit. Plus I really need to download better make up for my sims, those are game’s own but I never remember to do that. I also don’t have too much clothes downloaded so I have used game’s own clothes mainly.
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Lol something was making him sador grumpy XD (Notice the ponytail!!! This is such a perfect hair for his old version, not gonna lie! :D)
Anyway, I think I’m going to make another post with just (some of) those Bela/Farin photosession screenshots if anyone wants to see them, and just so that if anyone isn’t into shipping, they can skip those images altogether.
But before I’m done, a bonus:
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It’s a tv channel from TS3 but it always shows TS2 videos and this one just has always looked like Farin to me XD And it reminds me of Dinge von denen video :DDD
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Because I could legitimately listen to you talk about Resident Evil headcanons for hours (especially in this world you've built) - 5, 6, 17, 23, 51, and 53. Your choice on who/how many, of course, though I might suggest the humans for the food one, since the girls and Alcina have a fairly... limited, diet. Or maybe they don't in your AU. Let us know lol
Oh my God. I'm sorry this took forever for me to get to lol.
Other answers are under the cut because this was a long one.
5. What’s their most useless, weirdest, or least marketable skill?
Cassandra: (Born from another ask lol) Cassandra can juggle. Where or why she learned how is unknown, but needless to say it’s kind of a useless skill considering she’s not a circus or street performer. (Melony likes it, though)
Max: Really good at the Knife Game. They can do it without looking and it terrifies everybody. They’ve only stabbed their hand once or twice and it was because Cassandra decided to fuck with them while they did it.
Zoe: Can say the alphabet backwards. Never fails to impress the girls, or Mia and Alcina, but it's not exactly good for anything. Also great at tongue twisters.
Mia: Really good at folding fitted sheets for some reason.
Bela: Incredible at doing voices. Donna used to make her do voices for her dolls because of that but it’s since become a useless skill.
6. What are they like in the bedroom — well-rounded lover or wooden plank?
Max: Very dom. Definitely makes sure Daniela’s having a good time, but also totally shoves her head into the pillow and calls her a whore. Either a gentle lover or really kinky depending on the mood. Amazing at after care. Always provides snacks and water/blood for Daniela, and gives lots of cuddles.
Daniela: A brat, also a bit of a switch. 100% teases Max and provokes on purpose. Down for pretty much anything. Sometimes she gets to be on top. Bites. Also gives great aftercare when needed.
Melony: The most bottom of bottoms. Praise kink. Probably a slight mommy kink, too. Literally just call her a good girl or tell her she’s doing great and she’s fucking putty in your hands. Probably more wooden plank than anything. Happy as long as Cass is having a good time. Always a blushy/nervous gay mess.
Cassandra: A top, but a surprisingly soft top (at least with Mel). Double/triple checks that Melony is comfortable with what’s going on. Gives so many neck kisses and love bites. Provides lots of cuddles, kisses, and praise both during and after. Basically takes care of Mel after, too. Neither of them mind. Is mommy.
Alcina: Huge fucking bottiom, I don’t care what anybody says, but only with those she’s committed to. Also has a praise kink. Could die happy with her face between the thighs of either Zoe or Mia. Very loud. Probably purrs when they’re all cuddled up in a pile after.
Mia: Service top. Just wants her wives to feel good. Introduced Alcina to toys. Could also die happy between her wives’ thighs. Once again, aftercare on point with plenty of cuddles and telling her wives how good they were for her. 100% has teased both of them while they were trying to be productive.
Zoe: Probably kind of a brat tbh. Teases Mia back. Very well rounded lover over all. Makes sure everybody finishes and leaves satisfied. Probably brings snacks for after.
Elizabeta: Plank of wood, whether it be real life or their own fantasy. Girl is just a fucking mess when it comes to being naked around men, women, and anyone in between. Doesn’t consider herself a sub but let’s be real. They are. Just happy to be here.
17. What’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever spent money on?
Mia: Those stupid tiny plastic babies. She bought them when she still lived in Texas and has kept them with her ever since. She puts them all over the castle.
Daniela: Mothman merch. Specifically a body pillow that she keeps hidden in her closet near her little shrine.
Max: As a child, bought a creepy doll because she wanted to scare her little brothers and sisters with it. Turns out it scared her more than anything. She doesn't talk about it but she swears it was cursed and she’s been very wary of dolls ever since. (Not that she’ll admit that)
Zoe: Bought a baggy of “weed” from some kid she went to school with. Got home and realized it was not weed and she wasted fifty dollars. Lucas laughed at her, then got her in trouble with their parents anyway.
23. What’s one childhood memory they’ve never forgotten?
Melony: Very first time she kissed someone. She was 10, and it was with a boy she was trying to be friends with. It was… very awkward, she didn’t really like it, and her mom found out and got pissed. That kid never talked to her again, and the memory haunts her.
Zoe: She’ll never forget when she and Lucas were little kids still sharing a bedroom and he straight up locked her in the attic, in the dark, in the middle of the night. She was stuck up there for over five hours and was crying the whole time.
Elena: Remembers the first time her father took her hunting. He said she should learn to use a gun just in case it was ever needed. She was about 11 years old and managed to kill a rabbit. She’s fairly certain her father had never been more proud.
Mia: When her parents finally stopped using her deadname. Granted, she was like 15 or 16, so not really a childhood memory, but it’s a memory she thinks about a lot.
Max: Still remembers when the first of her younger brothers started to talk and their name was his first word. They were like… 5 at the time and they loudly claimed that they were the favourite sibling and bragged to their big brother about it. (Who then told them it was because their parents always had to yell at them, which is probably true)
Cassandra: Has a core memory of the first time she hunted and killed a man all by herself. Her mother let her eat as much of the body as she wanted, and she got to keep the skull and preserve the heart. (Weirdly enough, also when she discovered she really liked taxidermy)
51. What is their favorite thing about themselves?
Alcina: Prides herself in her smarts. And probably her physical appearance to an extent. Like she knows she dresses fabulously.
Melony: There isn’t much she likes about herself, but she will say she’s a really good baker.
Elizabeta: She knows she’s great with plants. If nothing else, she loves that for herself.
Cassandra: Her ability to find a new way to torture people. Need I say more?
Daniela: Her writing skills when it comes to fanfiction and smut.
Bela: Prides herself in her musical talents. Specifically piano.
Mia: Knows she’s great with various weapons and also knows she could probably kick Miranda’s ass if Alcina would let her try.
Zoe: Just happy she survived this long tbh. Also knows she has a great singing voice.
Elena: Honestly feels great about her hunting abilities even though she hasn’t gone hunting in a while.
53. If they could only eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would it be?
Zoe: Would eat her mama’s pot roast. She swears it was the best thing in the world even as leftovers and would kill to have it just one more time, never mind the rest of her life.
Elena: In a similar vein, would eat her papa’s chicken soup. It was always made perfectly and nothing has even come close to giving her the same kind of comfort it used to.
Mia: Said mac and cheese at first, then changed it to french fries when the thought of the texture made her skin crawl. (and also after remembering she’s lactose intolerant, and wouldn’t want to deal with the cramps every day)
Melony: Muffins. She doesn’t have a real reason she just… really likes fresh muffins. Blueberry if she has to be specific.
Max: French toast. He didn't specifically say his mom’s, but he did make a passing comment on how she always made it with cinnamon and it was always perfectly made.
And while the girls and Alcina have a pretty limited diet to survive off of, they CAN eat human food, and blood technically is a beverage so, assuming they still get to drink whatever….
Daniela: Would eat pumpkin pie filling. Just the filling, no crust.
Bela: Said shredded cheese, then immediately changed it to chocolate pudding when everyone (except Mia and Zoe, who looked very understanding) looked at her funny. She has no reason for either of these answers, they’re just her comfort foods.
Alcina: Said she would pick lemon cream cake, because it reminds of having tea with her mother.
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