#i am sure the thought of washing the dishes in my sink at home shouldn't make me fully want to cry And Yet
graysongraysoff · 8 months
i actually for real did a lot today can i please go home now
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beembeem · 3 months
Could you write Keith shadis (aot modern au) coming home to housewife y/n?💞
YESSS fictional men that need therapy are my favorite!
Y/n leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for the potatoes to cook. She was scrolling through her phone when she got a text from her husband "I'll be home in a bit. Do you need anything from the store?" Y/n smiled and texted back."Nope! But I'm happy that you're thinking of me! Love you! :) " After y/n pressed 'send', the timer went off, and she turned off the boiling potatoes and went back to preparing dinner.
Twenty minutes had passed, and y/n set two plates of food on the table and got out two cups. Before she could get a drink from out of the fridge, the front door opened and shut, and Keith walked into the kitchen. "Ah, Keith! You're just in time, I just finished making dinner" y/n said with a smile "smells good, I'm not sure what grime I have on me so I'm going to wash up a bit first" he explained before exiting the kitchen. Y/n heard shower water running and sat patiently at the table.
After a good five minutes, the shower turned off. Two minutes later, Keith stepped into the kitchen in comfortable green sweatpants and a loose Grey shirt. " You waited for me? The food's probably cold now. Dont wait for me next time just eat" He said in a stern voice before sitting at the table "I wanted to eat with you" y/n said "I-it wouldn't have felt right eating dinner without you" y/n frowned and stared at the kitchens tile floor and Keith's heart sank when he realized the venom in his voice"I'm sorry y/n I shouldn't have talked to you in that tone, I just don't want you going hungry, alright?" "i know you're only like this because you care." y/n smiled at him before remembering the dishes on the table. " The food is probably cold by now. I'll heat it up for you!" Y/n grabbed Keith's plate and put it in the microwave. When the microwave chimed, she took out Keith's plate and then heated her own plate. When both plates of food were reheated, she sat them down on the table before pulling out her chair and starting her meal. "How was your day?" Y/n asked, taking a bite out of a carrot slices "stressful" keith sighed."Some kid fell off a swing and got a concussion then tried to walk it off like he was fine," he said, rolling his eyes at the thought. "What about you? Do you have anything today?" He asked before taking a bite of the mashed potatoes."I just ran a few errands, went to the store, and got a few things for lunch, the usual." Keith pulled a tired smile. " Nice, I'm off tomorrow. Maybe we could go out?" Keith asked."I'd love to! You've been so busy with work that there hasn't been any time for just us. " y/n sighed, trying to remember the last time they had a proper date. "I'll be sure to make tomorrow's date memorable" he said with a smirk before standing up to put his plate in the sink "I'll do the dishes tonight" he said already rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, "thanks! I'll get us something to drink!"
Y/n opened the refrigerator door and laughed a bit "keith I forgot to ask you to get juice!"
(Please remember that I am a beginner writer! )
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
Little Blue Hears Update - Chapter 27
Happy Tuesday Turtle Doves!
Whew! It's been a hot minute.
BUT here's the update that has me reeling!!!
Everything is coming together, making this one of my favorite and SHOCKING chapters 🙌😍
I hope you all enjoy it!
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Reblogs only, please!
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Little Blue Hearts cover art by the lovely @leosgirl82
Nothing but Trouble
It's a weird-ass night, man.
We're supposed to be out on patrol but nobody's brain is in the game.
I thought I was the only one with my shit together, but boy was I wrong.
~Earlier after dinner~
Leo and I are in the kitchen alone. He's helping me clean up from dinner. I'm really concerned about everyone's mental and emotional state at the moment, you know because Liv will be here soon.
"Hey, Leo," I say, bringing some dirty dishes to where he's stationed at the sink.
"Yeah Mikey?" He responds, not looking up from his pan scrubbing.
"I was just thinking… maybe we should call off patrol for the night…" I say, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
He stops washing a bowl and looks at me, confused, "Why would I call off patrol?" He asks.
"Well, you know, Liv is coming… And everyone seems to be kind of giddy and anxious. I just thought maybe it would be better if we stayed home with Sensei and did some guided meditation," I suggest.
"As nice as that sounds Mikey, I think it will be good for us to get out and get some fresh air. Knock some heads together. Get some of that pent-up energy out. Ya know?" He responds, going back to his dishwashing.
"Yeah…" I say, putting the rest of the soup into the fridge that holds the leftovers and pre-made meals for Dad.
"You know," he says, "I think maybe we should ask Dad to do some guided meditation with us. Just, after patrol though," he says, turning to look at me. "I think that's a really great idea, Mikey."
I smile at my big brother, "Thanks, Leo!"
~Back to the weirdness~
So it's like three am -ish- and we've been scouting the city looking for trouble…
-hehe… we're looking for trouble…
Anyways, there's nothing. There's no crime. We're all out here in the shit-ass rain with no asses to beat, and my brothers are all super tense and bickering like a bunch of cranky old bitties who just lost at Bingo.
Honestly, I just want to be at home, snuggling with my girlfriend in bed. But she's working. 
And we're out here, busy running the shit show right now.
"It's almost time to get Ashley," says Donnie in a pissy voice.
"Let's head to the hospital rooftop and wait for her," says Leo with an aggravated sigh.
"Think we can stop by her apartment on the way there, so I can use her bathroom?" Asks Raph.
They all turn and look at me.
"Yea, of course, man! She leaves her window unlocked for us in case of emergencies," I tell them.
I text Ashley to let her know we're stopping to use her bathroom, and then we're headed that way. I put my phone away without waiting for a response, so I can catch up with the Golden Girls. 
As we land on top of her apartment complex, we see the same asshat that gave me the scar that night I met Ashley. He's climbing up her fire escape, to the window we needed to get into.
"What the fuck?" I say, angrily, under my breath, as I watch him popping off the screen for the window.
"What's going on?" Leo asks, coming to the edge of the roof, looking down at what I'm seeing.
"Where the hell does he think he's going?" Says Raph, as he and Donnie join me and Leo.
Leo steps away from the ledge and motions for us to fall in.
"Alright, me and Raph will hop down after he's in the apartment," says Leo. "Donnie, do you think you and Mikey can sneak into the building to make sure he doesn't try to get out the door?"
"Uh, yeah. It shouldn't be a problem," says Donnie. "Ashley's neighbor is still overseas, so no one else is on that floor right now."
I turn around and look back over the edge to watch this piece of scum, who is now opening my girlfriend's window, chuckling triumphantly to himself. I see the moonlight shine off of something in his hand - presumably a knife.
Oh, you mother fucker.
I don't think. I just jump down onto the fire escape landing and push the asshole into her apartment through the now opened window. He falls forward onto the floor in front of her futon with a shocked grunt.
"Mikey, no!" I hear Leo yell down to me. 
But it's too late.
I pick him up off the floor by his collar and put him on his feet, turning him around so he's looking at me.
He can see me fully, thanks to the moonlight that's spilling in through the front window. His eyes go wide, "YOU?!!"
"What's the matter? Thought you killed me?" I ask with a sadistic smile making its way across my face.
He points his knife at me, and I smack his hand with one of my chucks, causing the knife to drop to the floor and spin somewhere under the kitchen counter. He looks at me with big eyes and I huff, "So… Let me ask you," I say, glaring at him. "What exactly were you planning on doing to my girlfriend, had you found her in here, I dunno… Asleep?" I ask. "You looking to finish what you started?" I growl, and grab him by the throat, squeezing until he's pulling at my hand and gasping for air.
"Mikey!" I hear Donnie from behind me, but barely. My mind is on one thing, and one thing only.
Killing this asshole.
"Mike, let him go," I hear Leo say, as he places his hand gently on my shoulder.
"He shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets," I say through gritted teeth, the man in my grip now passed out.
"And he won't," says Leo calmly. "We'll make sure the cops get him and put him away. Ashley should be able to pick him out in a line-up. Come on. He's not worth it. And she's not gonna want this for you. Let him go."
I know he's right. 
Slowly, I let go of Ashley's attacker, and he drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes, his face bright red and lips blue from me choking off his air supply.
Donnie runs over to check his vitals and assures us he's still alive.
I've calmed down by the time we drag his sorry ass out of Ashley's apartment, and leave him tied up in the alley where I first 'met' him. Donnie notifies the cops and we head to the hospital for my Angel.
Halfway to the hospital, I realize I've lost my radio.
"Uhh… Anyone happen to pick up my radio anywhere, after the shuffle?" I announce with a cringe.
Leo gives me an exasperated look, "We'll talk when we get there," he says.
As we land on top of the hospital parking structure, our phones all buzz simultaneously.
Everyone takes their phones out and reads the message Ashley sent in group chat, informing us that Liv will be picking her up, so there was no need for us to come to the hospital.
I look around at my brothers and they all nod in silent acknowledgment. 
I turn, taking a deep breath of the cool early morning air. Looking over the city, I can see the sun starting to peek over the city's horizon.
It's really pretty.
*Smack* "What the hell was that?! "Raph asks, assaulting the back of my head. "What were you thinking? Do you know what would've happened if your little stunt didn't go well?!" 
"Ow, man! There's no need to hit me! Geez..." I say, just as I thought everything had calmed down from the night's events.
"He's right," says Leo. "We don't stray from the plan unless everyone knows about it. You could've been seriously injured. Or killed."
"But I waaasn't..." I point out, spinning in a circle to show my body, still fully intact.
"That's not the point!" Reprimands Donnie, "Not only that, but you lost your radio in the process! What if someone finds it before we do?! There's technology in our radios that will raise some serious questions!" He exclaims, his hands going to his head in distress.
"Calm down. We'll get it back," Leo says to Donnie before turning back to me. "Look. Just because you have a girlfriend now..."
"The world's most beautiful and kind female to ever be put on this Earth!" I say, trying to lighten the mood.
Leo rolls his eyes and smirks, "Chill, and listen. Just because you have a girlfriend now doesn't all of a sudden make you invincible. And you don't have anything to prove. I'm sure she doesn't want to have to patch you up..."
We hear what sounds like a kicked stone, rolling across the parking lot, and it's really close to where we're standing. 
"What was that?" Raph whispers, spinning in the direction of the noise.
"I don't know," says Leo, "but we need to get out of here. We have a big night ahead of us, according to his girlfriend," he says, pointing to me.
With that, we hurry back to the lair before there's too much sunlight and we're seen.
Little Blue Hearts Master list HERE
@leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @drowninghell @chicchanmooshy @roxosupreme @mysticboombox @nittleboo @post-apocalyptic-daydream @xanadu-702 @xanadu702 @pheradream15 @mistyroselove @ashleighclark98 @jurikyu-blog @sewerninno @tmntspidergirl @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @raphslovemuffin80 @brightlotusmoon
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱 - 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none!
sorry for the delay on this update. haven’t been feeling well these past two days.
listen to the music masterlist
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The repeated buzzing of your phone and the sound of your alarm shoved you out of a comfortable sleep. You had been dreaming about pleasant things before being pulled back into your reality. With your dream forgotten, you grumpily reached out to your sheet-covered phone, fumbling around to untangle the cord from the blankets. Upon its pickup, the bright screen flashed in your face and when your eyes adjusted to the exposure, they widened at what they saw.
Hitch's old contact was displayed in a notification banner from two hours before. "Having fun with your girlfriend?" you mumbled the text aloud. "For your information, I am." You glared at the words onscreen as if Hitch could see you through them. You thought it'd be best not to give her the attention she wanted from you. Irritably, you cleared the notification and tossed your phone on the mattress as you got up and stretched.
You fixed your hair and rubbed the sleep from your eyes before leaving your room with a sour look on your face. However, everything seemed to get a little better when you arrived in the kitchen, seeing your friends laughing together at the island like nothing happened between them.
Mikasa looked so different than the last time you saw her and you couldn't shake it. It wasn't a bad thing. You always thought she was beautiful. Her features had matured and she had a different presence, resulting in a different reaction from you. You could barely look her in the eyes without feeling flustered.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Jean jeered, startling you from your thoughts. Eren snickered as he handed you a cup of coffee.
He lowered his head to whisper in your ear. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." You nearly dropped your mug from his teasing jest.
"I see you still aren't a morning person." Mikasa smiled at you and you felt butterflies begin to rise in your stomach.
You nervously cleared your throat and pulled out the stool next to hers. "I like your hair."
Her eyes shifted to the strands that fell near the front of her face. Color bloomed on her cheeks. "Thank you. It was just in the way when it was long," she said quietly.
Armin approached the kitchen island with his phone in between his shoulder and his ear and his lips pressed into a thin line. He slid a bowl of cereal over to you. You thanked him and he just nodded with a smile before going back to whisper shouting suspiciously into the phone. They went to the other room, leaving you with your bandmates and Mikasa.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Eren pick up his phone and start typing furiously. Jean peeked over his shoulder and grinned. "Reiner? What's he up to?"
The name caught your attention and you looked up from your cereal curiously. "He wants us to go out with everyone again," Eren informed, everyone meaning a bunch of people you went to high school with and somehow ended up friends with all of them.
"Does he know I'm back?" Mikasa asked.
Jean shrugged. "We didn't tell him. Y/n told Sasha and Connie, though."
"Yeah, they're the only ones who know. In our friend group, I mean. We had to tell Hannes since he's the band manager and if you just showed up it'd probably give the poor guy a heart attack. It could be a nice surprise if we don't tell the group and just show up with her, though." Eren schemed.
"That would be so funny! Can you imagine the look on their faces when they see her?" In an attempt to imitate his friends, Jean made eccentric hand gestures and expressions.
"How would we get her in without telling them? If Reiner's planning, he'll need to know who's going to make a reservation," you asked logically, eyebrows furrowing.
Eren's face contorted into a thoughtful expression. He paused for a moment. "I've got it! We just say Y/n is bringing a plus one she wants them to meet," he said casually.
Jean took a large bite of his toast and pointed at Eren. "Sometimes you can be smart," he said with a mouthful of food. Eren looked both disgusted and offended.
You raised an eyebrow. "Why do I have to be the one bringing somebody?"
"It might give them hope of you not staying single forever." Eren gave you a stupid smile while you narrowed your eyes at him.
"I could find someone if I wanted to. You shouldn't be talking. It's not like you've ever been in a relationship," you chided back. He scowled.
"You never know, I might just fuck Floch out of spite." He glared. You laughed in surprise.
"Floch? Really? Even you could do better than that pinwheel." When he heard your insult, Jean snorted into his coffee and accidentally spilled some on his shirt.
"Damn, now I have to wash this shirt again." He groaned and rolled his eyes. Eren let out a boisterous laugh at his misfortune.
"That's what you get for laughing, hoe!"
"Oh, have a little sympathy, Jaeger," he grumbled while Mikasa grabbed a handful of napkins for him.
"Who's Floch?" Mikasa asked with befuddlement.
You whistled. "A real piece of work, that's what he is. He just doesn't stop flirting with me whenever I visit Connie at his job even though I've made it clear I'm not interested."
A sour look etched her features for a split second before she looked down at her empty plate. "Oh."
You frowned and glanced at Jean who was desperately trying to keep his shirt from staining. Eren was still trying to catch his breath as he went back to texting who you assumed was Reiner. Your suspicions were proven correct when he happily announced that everything was set for the dinner taking place that Friday night. Two days away.
He practically skipped into the hallway being followed by an aggravated Jean. You continued eating your breakfast while Mikasa got up started cleaning her dishes. Carefully, you eyed the way she slipped past you and wondered if you should say anything to her. You swiveled around in your seat and asked the question you were sure everyone was wondering.
"Where did you go when you left?"
Mikasa lifted her head and glanced over her shoulder at you. "I told the guys all about it while you were asleep so I'll explain it to you too." You nodded intently as she shifted her body to lean against the sink.
"At first I was just traveling around to see where I fit best. I ended up back in college for a year but none of it felt right, you know? What I love doing is playing in the band with all of you. I wasn't having as good of a time as I would here. I tried convincing myself I wanted to do school but it wasn't working out. I did a lot of thinking and noticed I was only running away from my problems and the people I loved. That's when I decided to come home."
You exhaled softly. Her brief explanation assured you that she wasn't going to leave again. "So you're coming back to the band?"
She looked off and shrugged again. "Hopefully I will. A lot has probably changed with you guys since I left. I haven't performed in a long time. I also haven't been involved with paparazzi for a while, either. It'll be hard getting used to that. Glad to see Hannes still puts up with you all."
You grinned. "Yeah, I don't know how he does it. Especially with Eren's dramatics. That's goood to hear, though. I missed you a lot."
She smiled at you genuinely. "I missed you too. Don't tell the others, but I probably missed you more." She winked and bit her lower lip. You flushed and laughed lightly.
"That's a relief. I was worried it'd be the other way around," you joked. You were glad conversations with her felt much more natural than you had expected. But, then again, this was Mikasa. Everything felt natural with her.
She reached out and fiddled with the ends of your hair, a gesture she used to do often with you. You hadn't seen her do it in a long time and you could feel the heat rushing to your face once again.
"It'll be pretty strange seeing me around so much again, won't it?" Her gray eyes were trained on yours as she continued to mindlessly play with your hair.
"I suppose it will be. I'll just have to get used to it."
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posted: 8/30/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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imaginethe-dragons · 3 years
Boy With Luv (2)
summary: While maintaining your corporate office job at Kim Publishing House, you also have to try and balance your professional life with your love life. Can you keep both separated or will they collide?
pairing: eventual jeon jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, eventual smut, coworkers to lovers
warnings: this part gets a bit steamy, make out themes. nothing extreme, but lmk if I missed anything!
word count: 5.4k
part: 2
pronouns: she/her
part 1 here
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As soon as your alarm sounded, you tapped the off button so fast. It's the weekend, so you are not getting up at the ass crack of dawn. You shifted onto your other side, feeling the warmth of someone else.
Did Joon have a nightmare and sneak in? You thought to yourself. He had done it before so you wouldn't be shocked. Though, when you realized who it was, memories of last night immediately flooding your mind. It was your 'Work Husband', as Namjoon referred to him.
The alarm hadn't disturbed Jungkook, but you were wide awake now. His arms were still wrapped around you, but you carefully removed yourself from his hold in order to go to the kitchen. You reached for the Advil in the medicine cabinet and tapped two of the pills into your hand. You grabbed a bottled water and went back to your room. Jungkook was sitting up, looking around your room.
"Noona? How'd I get here?" He asked you, voice a little hoarse due to the alcohol he consumed. You laughed lightly, handing him the water and medicine, which he took gratefully.
"You called me from Hobi's party and then you crashed here," you told him. His eyes widen and he checked to see if he was still dressed. He leaned his head back, eyes fluttering shut, and released a sigh of what you concluded to be relief.
"H-how bad was I?" He asked you, his tone was letting you know he was nervous.
"You came on to me a few times, but then I told you if you didn't stop, you could sleep on the couch," you answered, walking to your closet.
"Like how?" He asked further. You could tell he was walking on eggshells because he had no idea if you were upset with him in any way because of his drunken actions.
"You told me I was pretty, grabbed my ass, grabbed my thigh, then tried to have sex once we got home," you answered him. He groaned in response. He lifted the comforter over his head to 'hide'. You giggled at his childish actions, making him peek at you.
"I'm sorry, I should have called someone else," he told you. You picked out a sweatshirt as the apartment had gotten colder since last night. You took off Namjoon's shirt and replaced it with the hoodie.
"It's alright, Koo. I told you that if you felt the same today, we could talk about it," you shrugged, walking to your dresser. You put your jewelry back on, opting to leave your rings off.
"This isn't how I wanted to tell you, I hope you know that," he said after a moment had passed. You nodded in understanding.
"I'm gonna go make breakfast, would you like to stay?" You asked.
"Is Namjoon going to mind?" He asked, still nervous.
"No, he was just worried last night because he was half asleep when I told him I had to pick you up," you answered, leaving the bedroom to the kitchen. Namjoon was up and making coffee.
"Good morning," he smiled when he noticed your presence next to him.
"Morning," you responded quietly. You opened the cabinet and pulled out the box of pancake mix before going to the fridge and grabbing some bacon.
"Did he leave yet?" Joon asked, handing you your own cup of coffee.
"No, he's staying for breakfast," you answered as you both moved around the kitchen in sync as you prepared breakfast.
"Good morning," Namjoon said and you looked behind you. Jungkook had emerged from your room. Namjoon placed his hand on the small of your back as he walked behind you to get plates.
"Good morning," Jungkook responded coldly.
"JK, there's milk or orange juice in the fridge, grab whatever you want," you told him as you flipped a pancake.
"Thanks, noona," he told you.
"So, what'd you do with the condom," Namjoon asked.
"Joon! What the hell," you hissed. He laughed at how defensive you got.
"So that translates to you put in in your nightstand and didn't have sex?" He asked, making you roll your eyes.
"He was drunk, I wasn't going to do anything," you explained. You both finished breakfast and brought a plate of pancakes and a plate of bacon to the kitchen table.
"This smells amazing," Jungkook said, smiling at you.
"We've had a lot of trial and error before we got a routine down," Namjoon laughed, remembering the many times the smoke alarms had gone off.
"Okay, I'm starving," you chuckled, putting three pancakes on your plate. You drowned them in syrup before you dug in. You hadn't had anything since you had gone out to eat with Jimin yesterday.
"I made an appointment to go to the shelter today," Namjoon told you.
"Oh, cool. Did you look at any of the other hybrids?" You asked.
"I looked on the website and they have so many dog hybrids. I thought they only had a few, but wow was I wrong," he told you.
"You're getting a hybrid?" Jungkook asked.
"I am, it's not something we're doing together," Namjoon told him. There was a sudden knock at the door and you got up to answer it. It was a man in a suit holding an envelope.
"Miss Y/l/n?" He asked.
"Yes?" You asked, very confused. He thrusted the envelope in your direction. You grabbed it and the man hurried off. You shut the door as you walked back in the kitchen, pulling a letter opener from the junk drawer.
"Who was it?" Namjoon asked you. You shrugged as you sliced the envelope open. It was the invitation to the annual fund raising gala that the Kim Publishing House holds every year on the last Friday of March.
"It's my invitation to the fundraising gala," you told them, examining the expensive looking paper.
"Who did you get paired with?" Jungkook asked. Each person who worked in your department got paired with an executive at your sister company, Min Press.
"Min Yoongi," you groaned. He was the son of the owner of Min Press and he was known as a fuck boy, a fact the media never lets anyone forget.
"Shit, if you've got it that bad, I'm dreading to see who I'm stuck with," Jungkook groaned as well.
"What about a date?" Joon asked. Jungkook chuckled at his naivety, but you shook your head. That was how Jungkook was able to tell that Namjoon was being serious.
"You can't take a date to this gala. We get paired up with someone from Min Press to keep them in business with us. All of our focus is on this one person. And y/n drew the short stick," Jungkook explained while you were cursing Seokjin at the moment. Your phone began ringing and you picked it up. It was Jin's caller ID. You opened the message. Your thumbs flew across the screen, responding to all of Jin's messages.
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Jungkook's blood began to boil. Min Yoongi was a slimy son of a bitch and he couldn't stand the thought of any one's hands on you except for his own. But he bit his tongue, not wanting to cause a scene.
"What's the theme, Noona?" he asked you, drawing your attention away from the invitation.
"Masquerade," you answered, putting the invitation on the fridge with a magnet. You put your plate and fork in the dishwasher and sat back down, resting your head on your hands.
"Depending on my partner, I can cut in whenever you need it," Jungkook suggested. You shook your head, knowing that could result in a write up.
"No, it's fine. I'll just have to put up with it," you told him.
"I have to get ready for the shelter, do you want to come with me?" Namjoon asked as he cleared his and Jungkook's plates from the table.
"I'll stay here and get the apartment cleaned up," you told him. He nodded and went to his room to get dressed.
"I guess that means I'll go then," Jungkook said, starting to get up.
"You can stay. We still have some things to talk about," you told him as you started to wash any dishes that were in the sink.
"Okay, I'm out. I'll text you when I'm on my way home," Namjoon said, completely dressed and ready to go.
"Be careful!" You called after him as the door shut.
"Noona, why do you live with him?" Jungkook asked once he was sure Namjoon had gone. You looked up from the dishes and leaned your head to the side in thought. You were searching for the right way to explain it.
"After Hoseok and I broke up, I couldn't live with him but I wasn't ready to live on my own. Jimin offered to let me stay at his place, but I didn't want to just stay for free. Joon agreed to go in 50/50 on an apartment with me," you explained as you began dusting all of the wall décor.
"Does he like me?" he asked you, making you turn to look at him.
"Namjoon? Koo, he calls you my work husband, he just doesn't show it to your face," you giggled, but you noticed the way Jungkook visibly relaxed at what you had told him.
"Your work husband, huh?" He asked, curiosity weaved in his words.
"Yeah," you hummed as you continued to do a deep clean of the house.
"What makes him say that?" Jungkook asked, suddenly behind you. He was wrapping his arms around your waist. You jumped at the sudden close proximity.
"He says it because whenever he comes into the office we're attached at the hip. He always says you followed me around like a lost puppy," you answered.
"That was because you're so addictive," he mumbled, drawing circles into your skin. You shivered at his touch.
"Koo, we shouldn't," you told him, trying to unwrap his arms from around your waist.
"If you want to stop say no. But please, let me do this," he whispered, pulling your hair over one of your shoulders as he kissed the newly exposed skin.
"At least take me to dinner first," you giggled at the way his hair tickled your neck. It had always been hypersensitive. He smiled against your skin.
"I can do that. Where do you want to go?" He asked. He was kissing his way up your neck now. You leaned your head away from him, exposing more of your skin to him.
"You choose, I'm up for anything," you answered him. He nipped at your ear, causing you to stiffen in his arms.
"Sorry, do you not like that?" He asked you, concern making its way into his expression.
"Just sensitive," you answered him. He continued pressing light kisses here and there. You relaxed in his arms once again.
"There's a new sushi restaurant that opened up, let's go there," he suggested, pulling you closer to him.
"Okay, sounds good," you agreed, beginning to rock back and forth in his arms.
"Let's go tonight," he continued, moving with you.
"I don't have anything to wear," you said, knowing you had plenty of date night outfits, but most of them were from your relationship with Hoseok.
"What about that red dress you wore for Valentine's day?" He asked. You had bought the dress with Hoseok and wore it to one of his parties.
"No, I don't want to wear something that he touched," you whispered. Jungkook didn't even need you to say your ex's name to know what you meant.
"Come on," he said, grabbing your hand and leading you to your bedroom. He gestured for you to sit on the bed and you did so as he walked over to your closet, opening the door. He found your section of date night clothes.
"What are you doing?" You asked him. He just went through all the different dresses you had. His hands seemed to stop on any dress that stuck out to him.
"Which one of these have not seen out of this apartment?" He asked, holding up three dresses. One was a black dress you had worn clubbing with Jimin a couple times. The second was a red dress that you had bought for a party that Jungkook threw a month or two ago, but you had the flu so you ended up staying in. The third was a white dress from when you graduated from university.
"Black one I went clubbing in, second one never got worn, third one is from graduation," you told him.
"Who went clubbing?" He asked. If it was just your girlfriends, then he was willing to let it go.
"Jimin," you responded and he immediately hung the dress up as if it was burning him to the touch.
"Definitely not that," he laughed.
"I knew you would say that," you smiled. He held up the red dress.
"What was this one supposed to be for?" He asked, silently wishing that it hadn't been for someone else.
"I bought it for that party you threw, but I got sick and had to stay in," you answered him and he let out a low whistle.
"Were you trying to kill me?" He laughed as he laid it down on the bed. Your face was on fire as blood rushed to your cheeks at how quickly he was able to figure you out.
"No, I had just broken up with Hobi and I wanted to look good," you explained, not giving him the whole truth.
"For who?" He questioned you further. You didn't want to admit that he was right, so you tried to come up with something to satisfy his questions.
"Myself," you sassed him. Your phone beeped and you looked at it.
"Hey, pay attention to me, Princess," Jungkook told you. You snapped your head to look at him with the sudden use of a pet name. He smirked at how you had reacted. You managed to text Joon back before turning your attention back to Jungkook.
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"Namjoon is on his way home, I have to get dressed and straighten up everything," you told him, scrambling off of the bed.
"I'll take care of the cleaning, you get ready," he told you. You both sprung into action. You traded your sleep shorts for some ripped mom jeans, and your sweatshirt was traded for a more cheerful sweater. You hurried to make your hair decent and brushed your teeth.
"How's it going?" You called as you made your bed.
"I was able to vacuum and dust!" He responded. Wow he worked fast, you thought.
"Can you make Namjoon's bed and put his laundry basket in the laundry closet?" You asked him. You put on your rings and some fluffy socks to protect your feet against the hardwood floor.
"Y/n, we're home!" You heard Namjoon call. You walked out into the living room, and before you knew it, you were tackled by an unfamiliar figure.
"Taehyung," Namjoon exclaimed. The boy scrambled to get off of you. The hybrid wrapped his tail around his legs, his eyes glued to the floor.
"I'm sorry, you just smell so sweet and I couldn't help myself!" He whimpered.
"It's okay, let's just not make it a habit," you told the hybrid. He had golden ears that flopped over his brown hair and a long shaggy tail.
"Noona, all done," Jungkook said, out of breath.
"I thought you said you lived with just her," Taehyung said to Namjoon.
"That's her..." Namjoon started to say, looking at you.
"Complicated. He's my complicated," you answered. Jungkook nodded in agreement, knowing that it was too soon for labels.
"Well, Y/n, this is Taehyung. He is a golden retriever hybrid," Namjoon told you, as if you hadn't read that on the website the night before.
"It's nice to meet you," you smiled.
"Likewise," he smiled, his tail starting to wag.
"Tae, why don't you do a little exploring," Joon told the younger boy. He walked in the direction of his and Namjoon's room, leaving the three of you alone. "Since when was this complicated?"
"When you left, we started talking. We're going out tonight," you told him. His focus sapped to Jungkook.
"If you don't treat her right, I swear you'll be a eunuch," Namjoon growled. Jungkook began rapidly nodding, moving to hide behind you.
"You should go now," you told Jungkook. He nodded in agreement.
"I'll come pick you up at seven, and I'll bring Namjoon's clothes back washed," he told you, hurrying out of the door once he had everything.
"He's gone?" Taehyung asked, emerging from the bedroom.
"Yes, he is," Namjoon sighed in relief.
"I'm sorry for tackling you," Taehyung said again.
"It's fine. You said something about my scent. What does it smell like?" You asked him. He sat on the couch and thought, taking deep breaths every now and again. You sat next to him to make him feel comfortable.
"Like orchids, irises, and honey," he answered you.
"Orchids mean love, fertility, and elegance. Irises mean wisdom, hope, trust and valor. Honey means sweetness and prosperity," you said, recalling many flower dictionaries and online resources you had read.
"They all smell so pretty when mixed together," he told you.
"Thank you, Tae," you smiled.
"How about we go get the room set up," Namjoon offered and Taehyung jumped up to follow him. You went back to your room and stared at the dress on your bed. You chewed on your fingernail, thinking about if this was the right thing to do. It felt wrong, but things came so easily with Jungkook. You just had to keep your love life separated from your wok life.
"Church and state," you whispered, quoting an episode of Grey's Anatomy you had seen. Essentially, keeping the love life at home and the work life at work. You hung the dress up before moving to sit on the middle of your bed.
"Hey," Namjoon said, pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to look at him. He was leaning against your doorframe with a small smile on his face.
"Hi. How's Tae settling in?" You asked.
"He's doing good. He's taking a shower, so I figured I'd come see how you're doing," he told you, sitting on the edge of your bed. You looked at him questioningly.
"I'm fine, why are you checking on me?" You asked, twisting your ring that was on your right hand. He raised his eyebrows at the action, making you roll your eyes.
"This is your first first date since Hoseok and I can tell that your mind is going a mile a minute," he answered, shrugging his shoulders. You huffed, but pat the spot next to you and he moved closer.
"I'm nervous. I just don't want this to end badly and then not have Jungkook in my life at all. He's been such a good friend at the office, I don't know what I would do without him there," you admitted. Namjoon knew that you weren't seeking his comfort, so he allowed your words to hang in the air.
"If you think about it, your relationship won't change that much. The only new thing will be intimacy," Joon said after a few minutes.
"It's still scary," you mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder. He chuckled at you, making you smile in return.
"That's what you said about Hoseok. You'll be fine, Y/n. Jungkook likes you a lot. He would be an idiot if he let you slip through his fingers," Joon said in earnest. Your ears turned red at his words.
"That's what you said about Hobi," you laughed, remembering having this same conversation roughly a year ago.
"No, I said he'd be stupid if he fucked up your relationship," Joon laughed, making you smile.
The conversation had happened before you moved out of your apartment from college. You were sitting with your legs crossed on your bed while Joon occupied your desk chair. You had been freaking out about the date all day and Namjoon took it upon himself to calm you down since your roommate didn't seem to be bothered. He talked you down for two hours before you successfully took a deep breath and began to get ready.
He soothed all of your anxieties up until the moment Hoseok had knocked on your door. He was the one who made you answer the door and the one who put the calla lilies Hoseok bought you in a vase. You vividly remember the two thumbs up he gave you as he shoved you out of the apartment, stumbling into Hobi because of your high heels. That was something that the two had teased you about for weeks.
"It'll be fine. It's not gonna be much different," you repeated Namjoon's words back to yourself. He gave you a nod of encouragement. You took a deep breath, letting the words sink in.
"It will," he assured you. Footsteps sounded throughout the hallway and before you knew it Taehyung opened the door slightly.
"Are you okay? Your scent changed," he asked you with big doe eyes.
"I'm fine now, Tae. Thank you for your concern," you smiled at him. A boxy smile took over his features and his tail began to wag.
"Can we do something fun tonight? Like to get to know each other?" Taehyung asked the both of you. You felt bad that you agreed to go out with Jungkook on the same day Namjoon brought Tae home, but it wouldn't be fair to Jungkook.
"I have a date tonight, but I promise we can go do something tomorrow, just you and me," you told him. He looked at Joon, searching for approval.
"If you want to go, I'm okay with it," he chuckled and Taehyung jumped onto the bed to hug you both. Everyone erupted into laughter. This was such a simple moment with you and the boys, but whatever you were feeling right this instance, you knew you never want to let go of it.
"Do you guys want to help me pick out a dress? I'm not wearing the one he picked out," you asked, knowing that it was a party dress and not a date dress.
"Can we hyung? Please, please, please?" Tae begged so hard, he might as well have been down on his knees.
"Let's go," he agreed and the three of you hurried to put shoes on. You made sure to grab your wallet and keys before walking out of the apartment door.
"Who's driving?" Tae asked as you approached your car. You laughed but Namjoon just rolled his eyes.
"I always drive because Joon doesn't have his license," you answered Taehyung. He smiled and giggled at what you told him.
"Whatever, let's just get going," Joon huffed as he sat down and buckled his seatbelt. You drove to the mall closest to you and Joon's apartment and parked right outside a fancy department store.
"Does Tae have a collar?" You asked Namjoon quietly, knowing that Tae could still hear you. Right on cue, he whimpered at the word.
"Tae, it's only while we're in the store. Laws are extremely strict regarding hybrids in public. I'm not asking you to do it at home. It's honestly for your safety," you assured him, looking at him through the rearview mirror.
"We got one, I let him pick everything out," Namjoon answered you, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the silver chain with a small oval tag on it. It looked more like military dog tags than a hybrid's collar.
"It's subtle. Great taste, Tae," you smiled as he put it around his neck. When he was done the three of you got out of the car and went into the store. Taehyung kept extremely close to you. Something about how your scent was calming to him.
"Miss Y/n, so good to see you again. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Hana, the store's manager, greeted you. You frequented this store every time you had an event to go to and you needed an outfit.
"I'm going on a date tonight to that new sushi place that opened up and I don't have any fresh date clothes," you answered her. She nodded in understanding.
"Well, we just got our spring collection in, come take a look," she smiled, pulling you to the racks nearby. Taehyung eagerly followed you while Joon kept a little bit of distance, watching you.
"What color scheme are we going for?" Hana asked as she pointed out some of her personal favorites.
"He likes me in red," you answered and she smirked because who doesn't like you in red. It was the color that has always made you confident in your own skin.
"Okay, well here we have a nice dinner party styled dress. It's not too flirty but not too innocent either," she told you, pulling a dress off of the rack and handing it to you. You came in here so often that she knows your sizes like the back of her own hand.
"This is going in the maybe pile," you smiled. Hana nodded and handed you a few other dresses from every color possible.
"Y/n please let me hold something," Taehyung whined as your arms became full. You giggled but handed him a few dresses which he took happily.
"Hana, thank you for your help once again. I'll come find you when I decide," you smiled and she nodded. She went back to fixing displays as you led the boys to the fitting rooms.
"Okay, you two wait right here. I'll come out and show you when I get one on," you told the two as the sat on a vacant bench, a few feet away from where another guy was surrounded by shopping bags. You took the dresses from Taehyung and hung them up in the small space and shut the door.
"She makes you come with her too?" You heard the other guy laugh.
"No, we wanted to come," Namjoon answered, clearing his throat. You could sense the tension as you slipped on the first dress. It was a white dress, but you knew it would end up some other color after dinner. You were always the one to spill something on your dress.
"Joon, can one of you zip me up?" You asked, opening the door just a bit. Namjoon shot up and opened the door so he could come in.
"You know this dress will end up trashed by the time you come home," he chuckled as you pulled your hair out of the way. His hand ghosted over the zipper for a second, but before you could ask what he was doing, he pulled it up.
"I know, but I have to try on everything Hana hands me. It's an unspoken rule," you told him. You opened the door to walk out to the bigger mirror outside of the rooms.
"Y/n! You look so pretty in white," Taehyung smiled. It was a boxy smile and that made you smile. Namjoon took his seat once again as they both watched you in the mirror.
"Thanks, Tae. But white and I do not mix," you laughed, ruffling his hair as you walked back into your room. As you shut the door, both boys were engrossed in their phones and you just smiled. Little do you know what they were doing.
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"How about this one?" You asked, opening the door to reveal you in the red dress Hana had first handed to you. Both Namjoon and Taehyung had their eyes fixed on you, jaws practically on the floor.
"I don't think you need to try on any others," Taehyung answered you, regaining his composure much quicker than Joon. Taehyung elbowed Namjoon, who fake coughed in response.
"Yeah, you look stunning," he answered. You smiled before admiring yourself in the mirror.
"Thank you, boys. I agree," you nodded, turning to go back into the room, changing back into your clothes. You hung the red dress back on its hanger before putting the rest on the rack for the clothes meant to be put back.
"Can we go get something to eat?" Taehyung asked but Joon just laughed at him.
"You have so much to learn. Starting with the fact that Y/n doesn't go to just one store. Especially before a date," Joon answered, patting Taehyung on the shoulder.
You dragged those poor boys all around the mall. From Sephora to Pandora to a small shoe store. You only had a bag from each store, but Taehyung was stressing that you were carrying too much so you gave him one to make him satisfied. You picked up a new red lipstick to match with the dress, you bought two rings that you had been looking at for a while now, and you picked up some red sandals for tonight.
"Okay, are we done?" Namjoon asked, leaning against Taehyung as you walk towards them from Barnes & Noble with two bags in hand.
"Please let me carry some more," Taehyung whined once again and you handed him the bag from Sephora. You smiled at the dissatisfied look he gave you.
"We're done, I wanted to pick up a couple of books I edited for the bookshelf," you told the two as you both went to the car.
"Anything I'll enjoy?" Joon asked as he opened the passenger door, but Taehyung hopped in before Joon had a chance.
"Compiled short stories and rewrites of Grimm Brothers' fairytales," you answered him, putting your bags in the backseat. You had spent a couple hours in the mall, and it had shocked you when the time on your phone read 6:15.
"Shit, we gotta go now," you exclaimed, hurriedly turning the engine over and driving hurriedly back to your apartment. You grabbed as many bags as you could before Taehyung started begging to help. You led the way to the elevator, which thankfully was quicker than you had anticipated.
"He's picking you up at 7?" Namjoon asked as he unlocked the door. You all stumbled through the doorway, Tae following you to your room with his three bags.
"Yeah, and it's already 6:30!" You exclaimed, stripping until you were in the shower, hurrying to wash your hair, face, and everywhere else.
"Here's the dress, undies, and a bra. Everything is seamless, don't worry. Get dressed and I'll blow dry your hair while you do your make up," Namjoon told you. He had walked into the bathroom as soon as he heard the water shut off.
He had learned how to do your hair the weekend you were sick and supposed to go to Jungkook's party. The reason being is that you had been complaining that you felt gross, but barely had the strength to take a shower. Namjoon had ran you a bubble bath, washed your hair, and then offered to blow dry it as you talked him through it.
"Thank you, Joon. You're a life saver," you smiled, quickly getting dressed as he turned around.
"Finished?" He asked when he heard you digging in your make up bag.
"Yeah, hair dryer is already plugged in," you told him. He began to gently brush your hair as you started to apply some light make up. Nothing too dramatic, given that it's a first date. Namjoon was drying your hair in bigger sections than he usually would, given that Jungkook's supposed to be here in ten minutes.
That's when you heard it. The loud knocks that could be heard over the hair dryer. Taehyung busted into the bathroom as Namjoon worked harder with the dryer. He looked between the two of you, obviously in distress of some sort.
"He's hear, do I let him in?" Taehyung asked the both of you. Jungkook was early, so he could wait until 7 like he had promised. Namjoon was close to done.
"No, he can wait. I'm not ready yet. Thank you Tae," you added, spraying some sweet perfume on your wrists, rubbing some on your neck.
"Okay, you're good to go," Joon smiled, turning off the dryer. You turned around and smiled at him.
"You're such a life saver, you know that?" You told him and Namjoon didn't even tried to hide the blush on his face, but nodded. You leaned onto your tip toes before pecking his cheek in thanks, walking into the foyer. Suddenly frozen in place.
        Ding Dong.
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Thank you guys so much for reading! I’ve been working on this chapter ever since I published chapter 1! If you want to be on the tag list, ask questions, or have suggestions, my ask box and my messages are open!
tag list: @religious-pizza-roll, @fangirl125reader
21 notes · View notes
sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
All That Glitters || Jose "Sad Eyes" Guzman
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: Jose will be used in the form of Sad Eyes' name, as far as I know his actual name hasn't been revealed in the show. I tried my best to correct any mistakes I could find. I am not a native Spanish speaker, translations will be at the bottom. If there are any mistakes, please let me know. Thanks! 
Pairing(s): Sad Eyes x Reader ▪︎ OC x Reader (past relationship)
Summary: A family get-together turns into an emotional rollercoaster. 
Warnings: angsty, fluff, language, mentions of cheating, talks of death, unsupportive mother and stepfather
Word Count: 2419
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Nana Helen and Papa Victor were absolutely adored by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Not only adored but highly respected.
Therefore introducing a significant other to them was a big deal. It was something only done if you saw yourself with that person in the long run. 
And (Y/N) saw a future with Jose. 
Sure, she had other relationships before he came along but they didn't reach this step. The furthest they ever got was her parents and siblings. So, when her relationship developed a connection she had never experienced, she knew it was only right to introduce him to the people who meant the world to her. 
From her spot in the kitchen, she looked into the living room and smiled as he sat with her nana on the couch. The old woman had pulled out the photo albums, pointing to each picture and telling the story behind it. Her papa in the armchair in the corner beside them.
Her nieces and nephews were spread across the floor in front of the t.v, immersed in the world that was Despicable Me. 
She could hear the laughter of her younger cousins upstairs. Not a doubt in her mind that they were doing Tik Tok videos. Her siblings were probably with them, she concluded, if the sound of a slap and a shout of her brother's name was anything to go by. 
The uncles and a few of her boy cousins were sitting in the backyard, sipping on beers and talking about Mike Tyson coming out of retirement. She was sure Jose would join them after talking with her grandparents. 
Which left her in the kitchen and dining room area with her mother, aunts and girl cousins. 
"You shouldn't have brought him." 
With a heavy sigh, she turned around and faced her mother, "not this again." She walked over to the sink to wash her hands before helping to chop up the vegetables for the salad. "He's my boyfriend."
Pauline looked at her daughter, "he's a gang member, (Y/N)."
She dumped the cut up vegetables into a salad bowl, "Ash, make yourself useful." She held out the bowl and large wooden fork and spoon. The girl in question stood up, with a huff pocketing her phone, and grabbed the outstretched items. 
When (Y/N) introduced Jose to her mother, Frank (she refused to call the man her mother married a month after the death of her father, dad), her brothers Samuel and Anthony, she didn't hide the fact he was a Santo. Although they lived a couple towns over, it wasn't hard to know the gang that ran (protected, she corrected) Freeridge. 
But, she didn't care. 
He was known as Sad Eyes, the feared right-hand man of the gang leader Spooky, in the streets. If there were issues he was sent to deal with them. He was also known as Jose, a momma's boy with a big heart and an appetite to match. He'd go to the ends of the Earth to make sure his family was taken care of. 
(Y/N) accepted both sides of him. 
But, most of all she loved both sides of him. 
Without another word, she walked into the living room and plopped herself next to her man. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 
"Everything okay, mi alma?" 
She nodded, "yeah, don't worry about it." 
Helen beamed at the interaction, "oooh." She looked at her husband, "Vic look at our grandbaby." 
"I see her." He replied with a chuckle, "and she looks as happy as she was when she got that twenty dollars from the tooth fairy. Maybe even happier." 
(Y/N) buried her face into the crook of Jose's neck, causing a round of laughter from the three.
When the call for everybody to come to the dining room, (Y/N) and Jose got up off the couch. Jose helped Helen up, to which she patted his hand as a thank you. Victor waved him off when he tried to offer his hand, choosing to use his walking stick instead. They walked to where the food was, (Y/N) stayed behind to gather the little ones together.
"Lucas and Bryson," she called out to the eight year olds, they were the oldest of the bunch, "go upstairs and tell them it's time to eat." 
They nodded and sprinted to the staircase.
She picked up Melody, the three year old, who had fallen asleep on the ground, told the rest of the kids to get going and switched off the t.v. She followed them and handed Mel off to her dad, her cousin Micah. He thanked her and she walked over to Jose, taking his hand in hers. 
"Thank you all for coming." Helen looked at her family, all managing to squeeze into the dining room and kitchen, "Jose, thank you for being here." 
Jose smiled at her, "thank you for having me." 
(Y/N) couldn't help but grin at him, which got a few teasing words from the cousins. She laughed along with them, just happy that her grandma had accepted him. 
Victor spoke up, "yes, we're thankful for family," his eyes scanned over to Jose, "we're also thankful to have found someone who loves our (Y/N) very much. So, Jose, thank you… you don't know how much it truly means to see her happy." 
He responded with a nod, (Y/N) grinning wider if that was even possible. She was extremely elated, she just received the stamp of approval from her favourite people. 
"Te amo," she whispered. 
He bent down and pecked her lips, "Te amo." 
Victor led the family in prayer, before they dished out their meals. 
Loud chatter between the cousins occurred as they tried to decide what to grab, parents telling their children to get some salad and the grandparents making sure there was enough food for everyone. 
Before (Y/N) could grab herself and Jose a plate, the doorbell rang. 
Pauline rushed towards the front door. (Y/N), just like everybody else, was confused as the entire family had already been accounted for. That didn't stop them from wanting to see who it was though. 
When Pauline stepped back into the view of everyone with her ex boyfriend, Colby, by her side (Y/N) thought she might lose it. 
Thankfully, before she could say anything Samuel spoke up.
"What the fuck?" 
Pauline glared in his direction, "watch your mouth." 
Helen and Victor were confused with his behaviour, because Samuel knew better than to cuss in their home. 
"Samuel, listen to your mother." Helen reprimanded, "you know I don't like cussing." 
"Sorry, nana." He apologised, "but it's fucked up that mum would bring (Y/N)'s ex boyfriend to a family get-together while she's here with her current boyfriend." 
Anthony piped up, "straight up, disrespectful." 
Everyone looked back and forth between (Y/N) and the newcomer. 
(Y/N) glanced over at Jose, noticing his clenched jaw, she rubbed her thumb over his hand and stood on her toes to peck his cheek. 
He knew Pauline didn't like him, but he didn't think she'd pull something like this. Unfortunately for her, he and (Y/N) were solid. 
Colby held his hands up, "I didn't come here to cause any drama." His eyes focused on (Y/N), "I just want to talk to (Y/N)." 
She took a deep breath, "nana and papa, I'm sorry." She looked back at Colby, "fuck no," looking over at her mum, "fuck you," and then at Frank, "and fuck you, too 'cause I know you had something to do with it." tugging on Jose's hand, she moved through the kitchen, "we're leaving."
As they passed through the kitchen, living room and through the front door, (Y/N) ranting along the way.
"What the fuck was she thinking? That Colby would show up and I'd dump you to be with him," she threw her hands in the air, "no fucking way! As soon as I caught him cheating, it was a wrap."
They looked back over at the house, the (L/N) family plus one scrambling out of the door. They stayed on the porch except for Pauline, Frank, Colby, Helen and Victor who marched towards them. They both straightened up, waiting for what was to come. 
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)!" screeched Pauline, "what's wrong with you." 
"Me? What's wrong with you? Why would you bring Colby here? What the fuck was going through your head to make you think that this was a good idea?" 
"He's better than -" 
She shook her head, "He's a fucking piece of shit "
"(Y/N), your mum was just -" 
"Shut up, Frank." She hissed, "nobody asked for your input." 
"Don't talk to him like that." 
"I can talk to him however the fuck I want." 
Pauline growled, "this is ridiculous," she turned to her parents, "he's in a gang! A c-criminal! You do know that right?" 
"Wow, (Y/N)... really?" Colby smirked.
(Y/N) glared at him, "why the fuck are you still here? Seriously, fuck off." 
"I want to -" 
"Yeah, I know what you want but you aren't getting anything from me." She cut him off, "so go away."
When he stepped towards her, Jose immediately jumped in front of her, blocking him from getting closer, "back up." 
Colby laughed, "what? You wanna fight?"
"Back up," he repeated, "last warning." 
Helen and Victor carefully watched the exchange, they already approved of Jose, even before Pauline exclaimed he was in a gang - they already knew. He told them himself and while it did make them uncomfortable, their opinion about him didn't change. If anything, they respected him for coming clean in the first place.
Out of all the grandchildren, (Y/N) spent the most time with them. 
They watched her grow from a curious child to a reserved teenager. She isolated herself when her father died and it worried them to no end. But they allowed her to grieve in whatever way she wanted. And as she grew into the woman she was today, their worries about her finding somebody worthy of her attention had vanished upon meeting Jose.
They couldn't have wished for a better person for their grandbaby to be with.
"Okay, boys that's enough." Victor spoke up, "Colton -"
" - whatever your name is, move away from my granddaughter or else I'll have to deal with you," he exclaimed. 
Colby moved back to stand with Pauline and Frank, whereas Jose stood beside (Y/N). 
"(Y/N) and Jose, please come back inside." Helen gestured towards the house, "please?"
"It's fine, nana." (Y/N) replied. "We're just gonna head off, I… I'm, uh… I'm sorry for causing -"
She shook her head, "sweetpea, don't apologise." Her eyes wandered over to her daughter, "it's your mother who should be apologising." 
"Did you not hear me when I said she's with a criminal?" exclaimed Pauline. 
"As long as my grandbaby is happy, I'm happy." Helen replied, "well, I better get you both a to-go plate." 
Before (Y/N) could protest, she was walking away with Victor by her side. She laughed when her cousins scrambled over each other to move out of the way. Her laughter was cut short by Frank.
"Are you sure you want to be with Jose? Like, really sure? Have you met his family? Do you see yourself -" 
"Please, shut up." (Y/N) responded, "just shut up." 
"I'm not going to repeat myself, (Y/N)." Pauline threatened. 
She shrugged her shoulders, "then don't." Her eyes narrowed, "I'm sick of your bullshit. Get it through your head and accept that Jose and I are together." 
"Why? When I know you can do better."
(Y/N) scoffed, "really?"
"Yes! I'm your mother which -"
"Which means shit, absolute shit." She responded, "I'm done with you, Pauline. I-I can't keep going back and forth with you."
"What does that mean?" 
"I'm tired of feeling like I'm not good enough." 
"Okay, when have I ever -" 
"When I twisted my ankle in soccer, you told me it was because I wasn't made for it. When I joined the writing club in high school, you told me it was stupid. When I chose to become an elementary school teacher, you told me that I should've become a doctor or a nurse instead." She listed, her jaw clenched, "there's other shit you've done, but I'm too upset to think about them. The main theme of it all is this - nothing I've ever done and probably will do is good enough, in your eyes." 
During this time the grandparents had resurfaced onto the scene. Jose accepted the tupperware with thanks and placed it in the car. He stepped aside and watched the scene unfold. He knew (Y/N)'s relationship with her mother was rocky, so he knew that she needed to get some things off her chest.
Pauline scoffed, "quit being dramatic, (Y/N)." 
She took a deep breath, tears blurring her vision which she rubbed away. "See, that right there is another issue in itself. Whenever I express my feelings, you blow them off! A-and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of your bullshit, it ends now!" 
"Stop the theatrics." 
"I don't want anything to do with you," she affirmed.
(Y/N) walked around her to reach her grandparents but was stopped by Colby, "move of my way." 
"Please, just hear -" 
"My girl says move, you move." Jose asserted, eyes blazing. 
Colby, finally admitting defeat, moved aside.
She kissed both of their cheeks and pulled them into a hug, "thank you for accepting Jose, it means a lot."
"He loves our grandbaby." Helen exclaimed, "a done deal," 
Victor held out his hand to Jose, "you take care of her." 
"With my life," Jose replied, giving him a firm shake.
With a promise to come back and visit, the pair walked back over to the car. Jose held her door open, (Y/N) pecked his cheek and got in. When he reached the drivers' side they buckled up.
But of course, Pauline couldn't let them leave without saying something.
"You're choosing him over this family?" 
"I'm choosing to be happy," (Y/N) corrected, leaning her head out the window, "I love you crazies, I'll keep in touch." 
And with the shouts of goodbyes from her family, Jose pulled onto the open road. 
With a bright smile, Jose's hand in hers and the low hum of the radio, (Y/N) felt at peace.
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
Spanish Translation(s):
Mi alma - my soul
Te amo - I love you
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
In Case You Didn't Know
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(Based off In Case You Didn't Know by Brett Young)
Summary: Shawn's so in love with you, but he doesn't know how to say it.
A/n: this is all over the place, theres time jumps and flashbacks and no real distinction between them, so yeah. I actually really like this song and I might end up writing some more stories based off songs, so let me know if you want that.
Requested: no
Warnings: just fluff
I can't count the times / I almost said what's on my mind / but I didn't
She's sleeping soundly on the couch, head laying on the arm rest, blanket up to her shoulders. She's absolutely beautiful, I think to myself. Her hair falls messily in her face, lips parted with a soft snore, and even though she's covered, I know her arms are wrapped around her middle in an attempt to keep warm in this arctic apartment of mine. I make a mental note to turn on the heater after I take her up to bed. She couldn’t even make it through half of the movie before her eyes became heavy, and if I was interested in watching the movie, I wouldn’t have even noticed, but I was watching her the whole time. It’s the first time I’ve been able to see her this way, completely exhausted from studying for her exams, hair a mess, face bare and slightly red and blotchy from stress crying.
I want so badly to wake her sleeping figure and tell her to just quit, come on the road with me for the second leg of tour. I’ll take care of everything; I’ll take care of her. Anything she wants, it’s hers, no questions asked. But I can’t tell her that. Because no matter how stressed she is now, I know it doesn’t change how incandescently happy she is when she talks about her favorite class, her favorite professor. The way she talks about all the things she’s going to change when she finishes school.
Just the other day / wrote down all the things I’d say / but I couldn’t / I just couldn’t
Being with her only a few months, eight to be exact, I keep finding myself refraining from telling her how I feel. And I know that being on tour for six out of the eight months we’ve been together is definitely taking a toll on her, and me too. I’m never here when she needs me, and to see her the way she is right now, I know that I can’t keep these feelings from her much longer.
Because if she’s crying over a test that she’s about to take when I am here, I’m scared to know what she cries about when I’m not. Does she cry about me? About me not being here? When I left before, she held in the tears - so did I - but we’d only been together a month. Maybe she didn’t want to seem too attached. I know I didn’t, but Brian knows how much leaving her put me in this week long funk. I called and texted her constantly until I realized that doing that only made it even harder to be away from her. So I calmed a bit, not by choice, but by necessity.
Seeing her sleeping so peacefully, now curled in my sheets, hugging my pillow, I can’t help but smile. I could write a million songs just about this moments alone, and that’s exactly what I go back to the living room to do. To write yet another song about the girl in my bed, hoping and praying that she’ll still be there come daybreak.
Baby I know that you’ve been wondering / mmm, so here goes nothing / in case you didn’t know / baby I’m crazy ‘bout you
Sheets of paper litter the top of the piano, the coffee table, literally any surface that was once clear isn't now. I'm scribbling out a new lyric, and start strumming the melody that's been stuck in my head since she fell asleep next to me.
My mind is a jumbled mess. She has me feeling every possible emotion and I can't convey it in just one song. So every new idea gets written down and I hope I'll find a place for it in another song later. I'm going crazy, my mind working faster than my hand can write, and the song doesn't sound right with the guitar riff, but then it doesn't sound right with the piano. It's all wrong. None of it is good enough for her and I need it to be good enough.
And I would be lying if I said that I could live this life without you / even though / I don't tell you all the time / You had my heart a long, long time ago / in case you didn't know
I know it hasn't even been a year and I sound like a love sick puppy. And that if you ask anyone that doesn't know me personally, they'd say that this relationship is all for show. That I'm doing it for the publicity. That she's getting paid. None of it's true.
She's everything I have ever wanted. Ever needed. And its so hard for me to think back to even just nine months ago. I wonder how I did anything before her. How did I cope with my anxiety when she wasn't there coaxing me through it, lulling me back to reality and not the fucked up place my mind always wandered to?
If I can't think back to nine months ago, before she became my everything, how am I supposed to look forward and not see her in every possible situation that I could be put it?
The way you look tonight / that second glass of wine / that did it, mmm
Dinner at her apartment is everything. Except she won't let me actually cook. She's scared I'll burn the building down. Which, to be fair, could very well happen. So I'm only allowed to cut things, and of course pour her wine. She's stirring the rice while I sit at the little bar area, head resting in my hand while I stare lovingly at her. Her cheeks are slightly pink from both the heat from the stove and from the glass of red she's sipping from.
"You're staring," she says softly, and looks over at me.
I clear my throat and look down at my half empty glass, "Sorry. Can't help it. You're just so pretty."
She looked down at her outfit, and squinted skeptically at me. "Jeans and a two-sizes-too-big flannel? Oh yeah, I'm sure I look real cute," she replies sarcastically, with a disbelieving eye roll.
"You do," I say, matter-of-factly. "With you hair pulled up like that," I gesture to pony tail that was currently falling because she didn't wrap the rubber band around enough. "And your eyes just being as beautiful and bright as ever. How could I not stare at you forever?"
This causes her to become even more red, if that's possible, and I pull out my phone, swiftly snapping a picture of her because she is just so pretty and I want to see her like this forever.
"Stop it!" She whines, turning away from me.
"But you look so cute," I say, turning my phone around so she can see the vibrant blush on her cheeks.
She just shakes her head and takes another sip. I can't help but watch the way her lips curve around the lip of the glass, and my whole body tingles at the promise of those lips touching mine later.
There was something 'bout that kiss/ girl it did me in / got me thinking / I've been thinking
I pull her body close to mine when she puts the dishes in the sink. "Thank you for tonight," I mumble into her shoulder.
She hums and her hands cover mine on her stomach. "You're welcome bub. So glad you could make some time for a meal this week. I was starting to think you didn't eat," she says teasingly.
I manage a small apology, pressing my lips to the soft skin of her collar bone. I know I've been literally everywhere but with her this week and it's been killing me. But even just a night like this was enough to make me forget about all my stress up to this point.
She turns her head to face me and plays with my currently overfluffy curls. "I adore you, my little rockstar," she whispered into my hair.
I look up at her with a sleepy smile and hooded eyes. I only have a second to react before her lips press to mine in a soft, passionate kiss. And all I can think is that I could stay this way for the rest of my life and never get tired of the feel of her lips.
One of those things that I've been feeling / mmm, it's time you hear 'em
I'm still watching her as we wash the dishes together. She's washing, I'm drying. It's the simplest of systems, but it's also so domesticated and it makes me sad knowing that I can't give her that domestic life one day. Husband a d kids, nice suburban home to come to every night. I'm traveling too often to give her that simple life that she so desperately deserves, even though she's told me before that she doesn't care about that.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks after washing the last plate, handing it to me. I smile sheepishly at the way she's leaning against the counter, one leg crossed in front of the other, hands playing with the neck of her shirt.
I finish drying the plate before I speak. I place the towel I was holding on the counter and reach for her hands. "Can I tell you something, pumpkin?"
You've got all of me / I belong to you / yeah you're my everything / in case you didn't know
"Anything," she squeezes my hands reassuringly.
I can't look into her eyes, so I stare at our linked hands and sigh contently at the feel of her small, soft, cold hands in my large, calloused, hot hands. I don't know why telling her this is so hard for me, it shouldn't be. I write about love all the time.
But I've never felt it. Not like this. Not when my heart feels like it's literally about to burst out of my chest when she smiles at me. Not when I can't help but stumble on my way to her because I'm staring so hard that I trip over my own feet. Not when an interviewer asks me what my favorite thing about going home is and my immediate thought is her. She's my home. Whether we live together or not. She's it. She's my everything and that's fucking terrifying. I never thought I would become this dependent on someone else.
"Bub, what's going on inside that beautiful head of yours?" She asks, breaking me from my own thoughts, trying to catch my eye.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat and finally meet her intense gaze. If I had to decipher what that look meant, I'd say she was looking at me the same way I look at her. With that endless amount of love, lust, compassion, and adoration that my expression hopefully conveys. Why she chose me of all the people to be with, I'll never know. But she did. So I say it.
"I love you," I finally manage to say, but it's so low I don't even know if she heard me.
She doesn't respond for a while and I'm searching her face for any sign that it'll give me, saying that I crossed a line, that we weren't ready. But just as I'm opening my mouth to apologize, her lips cover mine, tongue slipping effortlessly into my mouth. And I hold her body tight against me, so tight I don't think she can breathe properly, but she makes no move to leave my arms and I have no intention of letting her go. So I hold her while we kiss under the harsh light of her kitchen and I let out a low whimper when she goes to ultimately pull away.
"Say it again," she begs.
And I do, kissing her cheek. "I love you." Her nose, "I love you." Her forehead, "I love you." And finally, once again. Her lips. "I love you."
She sighs, eyes fluttering shut while her fingers trace my jaw and then the curves of my mouth, my nose. "I love you, too." She kisses both of my eyelids before she says it again. "I love you so much."
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @anamariel2301 @bbellbagel @turtoix @tomshufflepuff @ivegotparticulartaste
I've literally been writing this since February and it's not even the way I wanted it 🤷‍♀️ but I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. A little fluff to counteract with the angst I gave y'all on Wednesday.
Like, reblog, and leave feedback!! 💙
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chocolatemin · 5 years
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Amber's POV
We set foot onto the forest without any fear lingering in my body as Hwanwoong guided the way. The forest is dark but the moon is shining brightly even if it is in waxing cresent form only. The sound of the crickets, our quiet footsteps and humming of the owls are making the atmosphere calm and serene. However, there are two things we still need to overcome— sleepiness and exhaustion. Too bad I wasn't able to fully see the beauty of this forest since we arrived at night.
Once we arrived at his house, I immediately dropped Hwanwoong off on the couch in his living room. He looked really tired and worn out.
"Amber, can you prepare a cup of water on the kitchen while I get something on the room?"
"Of course." He pointed to the cabinet near the kitchen sink, signaling that the cups and other dinnerwares are inside it. I went to the kitchen to do the task he asked me. Hwanwoong's house is not that large but the interior looks like a mansion, it is spacious and has two to three rooms. Maybe he isn't living alone. I carefully put down the cup of water on the dining table and sat down to one of the chairs while waiting for Hwanwoong.
"Amber, I think you should stay the night. It's too late, besides, we've been walking for almost a day. You should rest too." Hwanwoong came back with a pair of clothes on his hand. I noticed that he had also changed his clothes into comfortables ones for sleeping. I wanted to argue but before I can speak, a yawn is making its way out so I quickly covered my face and tilted my head down. Hwanwoong chuckled at the sight.
"Hah, sure it was funny." I shook my head and he rolled his eyes, "Pfft, you can't object anymore, I've seen the proof."
"Can't argue with that." I smiled at him as he stepped closer and offered the clothes while I threw him a confused look, "Oh, you're wondering why I have these. I have a sister, an older one, who visits me everytime the spring comes. She's with my mom, so sometimes I visit them too. I don't know if these will fit you since she's taller than you, and oh, I forgot to mention that she likes to pick the herbs I've had a hard time growing."
"She must be cool then!" I accepted the clothes with a wide smile. "You actually have a similarity with her!" He smiled back and lightly chuckled, "Really? What is it?" I asked with hopeful eyes.
"You're both annoying." He said mockingly in which I dramatically put my hand on my chest and pretended to be shocked and hurt earning a disgusted look from him. "How dare you-" "Whatever, get changed already, that is the bathroom." He rolled his eyes to the direction where the bathroom is and I just replied with a nod.
"Amber, come here." My ears perked up as Hwanwoong spoke loudly from the basement, mixing peculiar liquids from glass bottles, herbs in which I wasn't familiar with into a cauldron and stirring it non-stop, "You're wounded right? Drink this and it will heal your wounds overnight." I got up from my seat on the top of the stairs and descended the stairs.
"Hwanwoong, will you tell me what are you really?"
"Even if I tell you, you wouldn't understand... I'm sorry."
"Was it really that complicated?"
"Yes, just think of me as a kind and friendly wanderer with a bit magic." I chuckled at the way he spoke, it seemed like he was sure yet awkward at the same time, "I see. It's okay that you didn't tell me what exactly are you since you introduced yourself cutely."
"Oh, sorry. I mean the way you introduced yourself was adorable."
"Oh, so that's what it means. Thanks for the new knowledge." He looked amazed by it, and he looked really cute! I want to pinch his cheeks. He's very much unlike my brother, my brother isn't cute and very annoying at times. What was his name again?
"My pleasure." I smiled and slightly bowed to him which made the both of us laugh. He transferred the viscous liquid into a tea cup. "Let's wait for it to cool a bit before you drink it."
"What about you? Your cuts are deeper and bigger than mine."
"Don't worry about me, it will heal by itself overnight. It's just that I was very weak so I wouldn't be able to use my magic."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, and you should go to bed immediately after you drink this. Alright? I'll tell you the things I know tomorrow, so you can return to your home too. No buts!" I sighed before nodding. I slowly drank the liquid and it tasted like strawberry milk. I finished the cup before I head to the room Hwanwoong told me to stay the night and left him by the basement. As soon as I plopped myself comfortably, everything went black.
» T I M E «
Hwanwoong's POV
I am afraid to tell her what I really am. Humans aren't supposed to know that healers exist. It's written in the laws and it is forbidden. If I tell her that I am one of them, either, she shall forget everything and a spell will restrict us from meeting each other again or she'll lose her sight and be a healer like me, which I can't afford to risk anything. It has been a long time since I made friends. I don't want to lose another one.
What a terrible life.
I sighed. Oh and I shouldn't forget that Amber's looking for the way back to her home. She'll be leaving me soon. I hope to meet her someday again.
"I'm sorry, Amber. After you saved my life, I wasn't able to heal your wounds using my magic," I quitely said to myself, after all that blood I lost, I wouldn't be able to use my healing abilities, "that is all I can do for now." I shook my head along with the sad and guilty feeling lingering my heart.
I cleaned up the kitchen in the underground floor before going to my room. I washed my hands and dried them slowly as I think of the friends I used to have. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the bathroom's window, I saw my sister's cat along with a letter tied on his neck.
Why? What do you want now?
I opened the window and took the letter before patting the cat's head and sending him off. I opened the letter and it reads:
"Woongie!! Don't forget to bring the herbs mother has asked you when you come tomorrow, alright? See you!
Right, I had forgotten already. I chuckled to myself and went to bed, putting the letter in the nightstand.
"Good night to me!"
» T I M E «
Amber's POV
Series of knocks on the door awakened me from my deep slumber. The morning came quickly than I expected. I tried recalling the happenings last night, oh right, I drank the liquid that tastes like strawberry milk and immediately fell asleep as soon as I got here. I went to the bathroom to fix myself and change into my clothes again. I left the night dress neatly folded onto the table in the bathroom.
I exited the bathroom and found Hwanwoong setting the bowls on tne table. He smiled at me when he saw me got out of the bathroom and I returned the gesture, "Good morning, Woong! What are we having for breakfast?" He poured the soup in the bowl carefully and spoke, "Hwanwoong's secret dish soup! It's very healthy and delicious. Come, let's eat!"
"Hwanwoong, what is it you're going to tell me? The one you said last night."
"Oh, the gateway to Hell. Sure!" Hwanwoong smiled to me wickedly as if he's going to chop my head off causing me to shiver and stood up from my seat shocked. "What are you saying gateway to Hell?!"
"I thought I told you last night?" He took a step towards me and just like a reflex, I took a step back.
"You didn't say anything about gateway to hell!"
Hwanwoong bursted into laughter after I panicked, "What are you laughing at?" I glared at him which caused him to laugh again. "Your face looks so funny, you should have seen it!" I sighed and shook my head.
"I thought you're going insane, I was about to hit your head, just so you know." I smiled at him but he just rolled his eyes, "Whatever, Amber." He chuckled but I kept a straight face. "See what I did there?"
"Yes, so please don't do it again." He again laughed at my comment before speaking, "Okay, enough of laughing. So, I was speaking about the gateway but not the one's for hell. There's this tree called "The Gate of Memor", it is somewhere here in the forest." I nodded and he continued, "my grandma used to bring me with her there when I was young every morning. She was always picking flowers and uses it as an ingredient to elix- you know, like drink I gave you last night."
"I see, I bet it was fun."
"Indeed, it was."
"What about that gate? How am I going to enter a tree?"
"I've heard that the keeper will take you to the other side of the gate. But– the keeper only appears at the time between daylight and darkness– the twilight. If you manage to catch him, he'll take you but if not, then wait for the next day. That is all." I looked at him confused but he just shrugged, "I'm puzzled just like you, I haven't actually seen the keeper. Whether it is an animal, a witch, a hybrid, a ghost or what. But I think that it is real."
"Then maybe, you could guide me to where that tree is?"
"Anything for you, Madame." He slightly bowed and we both laughed at his actions. Being with Hwanwoong is never boring, he sure knows how to make a person laugh. However, I cannot stay here for too long, I need to prepare the things I need to bring and make sure that Hwanwoong wouldn't notice that I left something for him once we are ready to leave.
"My deepest gratitudes to you and your kindness, peasant." I took his hand and shook it while he looked shock pretended to look hurt. Ha! After all those teasing, I finally made my revenge.
"Wow, Amber, I can't believe you. Is that actually how you thank the person who let you stay the night, made you breakfast and now, will help you go home?"
"Well, I just made my revenge after you made fun of me. It is now equal." We both laughed and he replied, "You really should have seen your face earlier! It was and will always be amusing." I sighed in defeat, knowing I wouldn't win in a teasing fight with him.
"You won, but I think I need to get ready."
"Thank you for the acknowledgement and yes, I think so too. I also need to get ready, I will be heading to my sister's after I send you on your way."
"Alright, let's start moving, I do not want your sister to wait for a long time."
"It's okay, I'll be staying at theirs tonight. It won't hurt her to wait a bit." We smiled at each other before heading to our rooms to prepare. This is now my chance to find my way back home. I'm more willing to risk anything, but I think I'm going to miss the friends I made here...
[A/N: We're at the end of this short series... the next chapter will be the epilogue! thank you for reading! xoxo]
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