#i also have yet to finish the last 6 chapters of book 3 so the replay isn’t done yet despite me putting off ending it for so long
I love being insane and rambling/loredumping for over an hour in a voice note about a niche thing in the lore/world of my nonexistent book that will probably never come up and is probably not important to the story at all that I know of because I haven't really started writing it yet besides two chapters and some snippets that were like a few years ago because I cannot be bothered to do research for a different WIP that is not even past the basic stages (the real inciting incident hasn't even happened) bc it's not a current priority before finishing the first draft that I have been working on for the last four years or the first draft of the other WIP I've been working on since the year two thousand and sixteen.
#just writer things#truly hate my brain sometimes like why am I getting trivia for a book I have barely written like 2#20K* words for like I haven't even opened the doc for it in like 8 months and I haven't actually added anything for over 2 years now so.#I don't even have any particular plans to get to it until I at least finish the 2 WIPs I'm working on rn—#which includes one I've been writing the first draft for since 2018 and a basically done first draft of a WIP from like 2016#both are missing the 3rd act bc I suck at writing cliamxes + my writing style for either books isn't suited for that so it'll take a while#like the 2016 one is at 120K words and literally only needs 1 more chapter and an epilogue so maybe like 20K more words.#there's supposed to be a big climactic battle which intersects the stories of approximately 25 named characters until the actual climax#which is another battle but more small scale but also more epic bc it's personal and magical#and I've literally already written the second battle but the buildup to the first fight is hard and so is the actual battle#then there's the WIP that's haunted me for the last 4ish years which is at 160K of an expected 200-220K and is entirely missing the 3rd act#like I have some stuff written and I did plan a structure for a bunch of the main plot stuff bc the book takes place over a strict timeline#but like the actual climax is mostly missing like I have the ending written. the ending is fully done.#I've had it written and planned for a WHILE bc it's supposed to lead into a future story and it has to happen this way#but idk how to get there just yet with a cast of almost 50 named characters to keep track of and 6 'main' plots although it's really 3#like it's a lot to balance bc I prefer writing with larger casts and just getting things done is so hard#bc I physically can't do 'write later' to stuff bc those are some of the most important interactions to me and idk how characters act if—#I don't have those written precisely. it's sort of a story about the effects of the mundane. I literally can't 'write details later' this.#and in the middle of this nightmare — a 4 month writing drought — my brain in like 'here's a bunch of shit about a third story'#god sometimes I simply hate my brain#anyway yeah lol#truly just writer things#owad#anyway guess this is me sort of pivoting back to vomiting about writing on this blog#writbelr#writblr#james rambles#James yells in the tags
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casharlow · 10 months
sorry for stalking but your endless summer screenshots are making me want to replay it SO bad that series had no right being as good as it was 😭 -bladesoflightandshadow
that’s my goal 😎 the more people i can get playing and talking about endless summer in the year 2023 the better. don’t even think. just do it. replay. it’s ok it won’t leave you emotionally devastated about the lack of a happy ending for everyone no matter what you choose. it’s totally ok don’t even think about it haha it’s just a silly little island adventure with found family such fun times.
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four-loose-screws · 3 months
Blog Update 2024.3.13
I started my new job last week, and they are being super nice, training me up nice and slowly. I'm currently using the time to catch up on FE2 - I got a week behind when I finished up my last job.
I'm also reorienting myself on my exact FE novelization translation schedule through 2024 - 2025, as well as my basic schedule for 2026-2030.
I thought I might as well share my thoughts so far!
Here's the long-term plan, as detailed as I currently have it:
2nd half 2024 - September 2025: Alternating FE2 Book 2 and FE6.
September 2025 - December 2025: A secret non-FE novel translation project!
1st half 2026: FE1 (1 book.)
2nd half 2026, all of 2027, 1st half 2028: FE3. (4 books)
2nd half 2028 - all of 2029: Tearring Saga (3 books)
2030: Berwick Saga (2 books)
The 2nd novelizations of the games that have them, as well as the game books (choose-your-own-adventures), have yet to be scheduled. But will be 2031 and beyond, as is easy to deduce!
As I have mentioned previously, I am alternating FE2 Book 2 and FE6, because FE2 was written at a higher, denser reading level than the other FE novelizations I have tackled so far; whereas FE6 is at an easier reading level for me. This system allows me to take much-needed breaks from FE2, without slowing down my overall translations output. The upload schedule will be chapter-by-chapter. (1 chapter of FE6, then 1 chapter of FE2, then 1 chapter of FE6, etc.)
I'm taking a break from FE in the last quarter of 2025 because FE6 is very awkward in length. At 381 pages, it is far too long to squish into 6 months, but also too short to drag out over 1 year. I also don't have any other FE books that are short enough to be reasonably translated in 3-4 months. And I would hate to break this "always start a new book in January and July" momentum that I have going.
So, I decided to pull something short and sweet from the other video game franchises I have on my novelization shelf. It was written for children, at a 3-4th grade reading level to be exact, so even at its 200 page length, it should be easily doable in 3 1/2 months.
I do have other video game franchises near and dear to my heart other than FE (shocking, I know), so I do want to show at least one of them some love sometime. And this seemed like a good opportunity to do so, without taking too long of a break from FE!
As for getting caught up on asks, and starting to reconsider non-novel translations, I'm going to put thought into that after I get caught up on the missed week of FE2.
Thanks for sticking with me through the IRL crazy!!
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sowoozoo-7 · 1 year
Love, Lust & Litigation | Ch 1
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Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader x Namjoon
Genre: lawyer!AU, coworkers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut
Rating: M (18+) whole fic, this chapter PG-13 (for language lol)
Warnings: some swearing in this chapter, nothing explicit
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Unfortunately, you have developed a massive crush on your new boss. Even more unfortunately, your equally attractive coworker is also harboring massive crush on your boss. AKA Jungkook and reader both pine for big, sexy brain Namjoon. 
A/N: Phew! Here she is! The first chapter of my first fic. This has been slowly chewing away at my brain for the last few months, and I finally decided to say fuck it and write it. I don't know anything about law or lawyers other than what I've seen from movies and read in books so I'm sure I've gotten something wrong, but whatever, it's my own alternate made up universe.
Anyway, I’m new to all this — longtime reader, first-time poster — so I’d love feedback if you have any! Hope you like it ~
mlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | interlude | ch 6
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Two hours into your new job at Bang and Associates, and you’ve already made a fool of yourself.
The first couple of hours went smoothly. Check-in with HR was all standard forms, waivers, and NDAs, and the view from your new office is killer. 
Though your new boss and the other associate on the litigation team are at court for the morning, you get to meet two of the paralegals on your team, Jimin Park and Hoseok Jung. They look like they just stepped out of a menswear ad, in their fitted suits and slicked back hair. You'd normally be wary of office workers who look a little too put together, but you get the sense that they’re going to be good coworkers from the few minutes you spend talking to them, both good-natured and quick to share a laugh. 
It’s when they’re giving you a tour of the office that your heel slips on a set of marble stairs and you find yourself briefly experiencing flight. You decide flying is overrated when you land on your ass and bounce down several steps. One of your shoes takes its own trip and lands a few yards away. You sit on the steps, frozen for a minute, with your bare foot just out there for the world to see. 
“Oh my god,” says Hoseok as he rushes down to the step where you landed. “Are you alright?” 
You’re quiet for a moment while you deliberate whether or not you’re going to cry. It’s inevitable that you’ll cry in front of your coworkers one day, but looking around, you see everyone else in the atrium glancing over at the absolute idiot who fell down the stairs on her first day. 
Not the day to cry, you decide. First impressions and all that. At least you wore a pantsuit today and not a dress.
“I think I’m okay,” you say with a rueful smile. “Just a bruised ego.”
Jimin retrieves your shoe and hands it to you with a sparkle of laughter in his eyes. “Another one bites the dust." It’s not malicious, you don’t think.
“He means that you’re not the first to slip down the stairs,” says Hoseok. “We think the janitors are polishing them extra to get back at all the asshole lawyers.” 
You limp for the rest of the office tour. 
You get sent to the courthouse after finishing the brief admin in the office to shadow your new boss, the firm’s superstar. 
Namjoon Kim is mesmerizing.
You have heard of his reputation — how could you not? Top of his class with a winning streak unmatched in the industry — but you have yet to see him in action. 
He lives up to his reputation. 
You sit at the back of the courtroom, trying not to put too much weight on your bruised ass, watching as he delivers his closing statement.
His voice is deep and measured, drawing everyone to the edge of their seat to hear every twist to the argument he’s crafting. You pity the opposition. They went first with their closing statement and now they’re squirming in their seats as Namjoon takes down every argument, point by point. The jury hangs on to his every world. 
Maybe it’s the way he carries himself, with a quiet confidence and authority, maybe it’s that he’s built like a tree and looks like a dream in his pinstripe suit. Whatever it is, you get the feeling that working under a beautiful genius is going to be some kind of Dantean torture. 
“Thank you, Your Honor.” 
You blink, realizing it’s over, and you watch as he goes to sit. Silence hangs in the court room in the brief second it takes the courtroom to snap out of their Namjoon-induced daze. The room shuffles as everyone shifts back in their seats. The closing formalities continue, with the judge sending the jury to deliberations. 
“Court is adjourned.” 
The room rumbles with a flurry of activity as everyone goes to exit. You hurry to catch Namjoon — you want to introduce yourself to your new boss as soon as possible — but you get lost in the shuffle of people filing out. By the time you catch up to him outside, he’s giving a press interview on the steps of the courthouse. 
You wait on the outskirts of the small crowd that’s gathered. Deja-vu hits as you watch the reporters lean in to hang on to his every word. He takes the questions with grace, and even a little humor, and smiles at a joke one of the reporters makes. 
Dear lord. He has dimples.
“Spectacular, isn’t he?” 
A young man stands next to you, smirking as if he knows how much you’re fangirling over your new boss. You recognize him as the second attorney at the defendant’s counsel table. The remaining member of the litigation team. 
If you weren’t so preoccupied with Namjoon, you’d be mooning over this man instead. His just-messy-enough-to-show-he-doesn’t-care hair frames his face in waves. An eyebrow piercing and a lip piercing glint in the late morning sun. Tattoos decorate the back of one of his hands. He would look like a punk kid up to no good, but you can the tell the suit he’s wearing costs more than your monthly rent. Jesus. Is everyone in the office just a walking GQ campaign?
“Excuse me?” 
“Namjoon,” he says with a smile that changes his expression entirely, from a little rakish to boyish in its delight. “I call it the Namjoon Effect. No one’s immune. I think it’s the dimples.” He puts out his hand to shake yours. “Jungkook Jeon. I’m th—“
“The other associate on the litigation team. I know.” You shake his hand and introduce yourself. “Looking forward to working with you.” 
“Ah, I thought it was you. Jimin texted me to look out for you today.” 
The impromptu press conference breaks up and Namjoon ushers his client down the stairs. 
“Come on, I’ll introduce you,” says Jungkook, flying down the steps. You follow at a slower pace, the twinge in your hip reminding you of your fall earlier that day. Still, you try to strike a confident stride in your heels. First impressions and all. 
Namjoon pats the roof of the private car he has bundled his client into and straightens as Jungkook claps him on the shoulder. 
“I thought we weren’t going to talk about any type of evidence to the press.” 
Namjoon raises an eyebrow. “The PR team said that. I didn’t agree to anything. Besides, it’s the same evidence we presented at the trial, just in a different light. Even if we have a less-than-favorable verdict, we’ll still have the public on our side.” 
Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Why do you even bring me with you?” He sees you and gestures you over. “Namjoon, may I present your latest lackey.” 
“I resent that,” you say, mock-frowning and pointing a finger at Jungkook. “But you’re not wrong.”
You introduce yourself to Namjoon and shake his hand. It’s warm and firm. You hope yours isn’t cold and clammy. “Pleasure to be working with you.” 
“Pleasure’s all mine. I’ve heard great things from your former boss,” he says with a smile. There go the dimples again. He glances at his watch. “Shall we discuss our caseload over lunch?” 
You feel a little thrill at being included in the “our.” Bang and Associates have a reputation for working on some of the most high-profile cases in the city and you’re ready to dig your greedy little fingers into the cases. 
“Cat’s Pajamas?” asks Jungkook. He doesn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll drive.”
Namjoon sighs as Jungkook turns to walk towards the garage. “He always weasels his way into lunches. I swear he’s a never-ending pit,” he says with a note of fondness for the younger man. 
Cat’s Pajamas is an airy bistro just a few blocks away from the offices. There’s a sizable lunchtime crowd, filled with self-important business people taking their clients out to lunch. Jimin and Hoseok meet your group at the restaurant. 
You wince at you sit down, rubbing at the side of your hip. The bruise you expected from the fall is developing faster than you thought. 
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asks. 
He and Jungkook look at you with concern.
You wave them off. “Just a bruise.” 
Jimin shakes his head. “The marble stairs have claimed their newest victim.” 
“Ah,” says Jungkook with a knowing nod. “I almost broke my wrist when I fell down those stairs a couple months ago. It’s practically a rite of passage at Bang and Associates at this point.”
“Looks like you’re already part of the team,” says Namjoon, lifting his water glass in a toast.
The rest of the day passes quickly.
You return to your office to find a stack of documents already on your desk, with a sticky note from Hoseok on top. Welcome to the team!!!! it says, with a big looping smiley face next to it.
You slip out of your heels and bring your legs up under you as you settle into your desk, a routine study position that has followed you from college through to your professional life. There’s nothing you like more than finding your way in the maze of paperwork and laying out your trail in court. You lose yourself in the legalese, getting familiar with an ongoing case that Namjoon mentioned over lunch. 
Jungkook pulls you into his office when you’re returning from the bathroom to strategize about the case. His office is exactly the same as yours, with enough space for two guest chairs, a large desk and a set of bookshelves crammed with leather-bound law books. And, your inner petty competitor is pleased to see, the view is also almost exactly the same. Of course, he has a slight advantage because he’s worked here longer, but you have the same job title, the same office. You’re almost on even footing. You’ve noticed a competitive streak in him, and you’re excited to play against it. It’s only going to make you a better lawyer. 
The “quick chat” turns into an hour-long discussion and you decide by the time you leave his office that you’ll head home at normal close of business hours. You’ll be staying late anyway as your caseload grows. 
You’re surprised to find a brown paper bag on your desk, one of the simple gift bags you can find at the drug store. Inside, you find a get well soon card with a cartoon of a man on a hospital bed in a full-body cast with a thermometer coming out of his mouth and an ice pack on his head. Inside, it reads: 
Even though your welcome to Bang and Associates was a painful one, I’m very happy to have you on the team and I look forward to working with you. Now you know to avoid the stairs :) 
Inside the bag you find a bruise balm and a travel size pack of ibuprofen. Warmth spreads through you, pleased at the gift. There’s another layer to that warmth, a feeling that you don’t want to examine too closely, because he’s your boss, and you suspect (no, you know) it's inappropriate to feel that towards your boss. 
Later that night, though, as you’re applying the balm to the colorful bruise on your hip, you can’t help but think of his dimpled smile.
“You’re babying me.” 
You’ve won your first case for Bang and Associates. Your client, a rich young widow who married an older man for love, was the sole inheritor to his massive fortune. His children, some older than the widow, were upset that they got nothing in the will. As you worked with the client, you got the sense that she was genuinely sad about her late husband’s passing. Not that it made any difference. She was a paying client, and you had to represent her regardless, but it made rooting for her easier.
“I thought it was for sure a trick case and that there would be something to trip me up in the prenup, but it was so straightforward.” You’re in the elevator with Namjoon heading up to the office. He was present at the trial, to keep an eye on you to make sure you lived up to the promise of your initial interview.
He shrugs. “It’s nice to start off with a win. You’d be surprised with how many people don’t prepare or get wrapped up in how things should be and completely flounder.” He pats your shoulder as the elevator dings open. “You did good today. Good prep, good execution.” 
He nods a goodbye and heads to his office without looking back. You head to yours at a slower clip, your shoulder burning where he touched you. You feel warm overall anyway, knowing you did a good job, but the praise still feels good. A little too good, maybe. 
Over the next month, the cases get harder and harder, and you have to pull out the most obscure references from your time in law school. You start spending more and more time at the office, racking up insane amounts of billable hours. You have a permanent cup of coffee at your desk and you change into your fuzzy slippers you brought from home to give your feet a break from heels whenever a new case file lands on your desk for review. 
At least you’re not the only one pulling crazy hours. The rest of the litigation team often stays late. You fall in quickly with the guys, cracking jokes over the Nespresso machine you all hover around. They were wary of you at first, an unknown entity coming into the equation, but you proved worth after the second night you stayed late and cracked the key piece of a case buried in ancient tax laws. They treated you to drinks at the local watering hole afterward. The biggest reward though, was getting a small dimpled smile and a thumbs up from Namjoon before he called it a night.
It helps that your boss stays late with the rest of the team. Every time you come to him with a tricky case, without fail, he gives brilliant insight or a nudge in the right direction, giving you advice on where to look for the answer.  And when he goes to his fancy client dinners, he’ll always bring something back to the office when he inevitably stops by the office on his way home. You can’t say no to a good takeaway creme brûlée. 
One Friday afternoon, Namjoon pulls everyone into a meeting a half hour before close of business. “It’s been a tough few weeks. You’re all going home at five today.” He holds up a hand when the team starts to protest. “I’m going to be at Silver Spoon for happy hour. Drinks are on me. You don’t have to come, but you can’t stay here.” 
“I have too much work to do,” Jimin says with a pout. 
“I’m firing you if you don’t leave at five on the dot.” The good-natured threat falls easily from Namjoon’s lips. “That goes for all of you. Wrap up what you need to.” 
You spend the rest of the time cataloguing what you need to finish Monday morning. Usually you’d work Saturdays too, but with the promise of an early weekend, you decide everything can wait until open of business Monday. Well. Maybe you’ll work on that memo from home over the weekend, but everything else on your to-do list can wait. 
You join Jungkook and Hoseok at the elevator bank three minutes before the hour. 
“Think he’s gonna make it?” asks Hoseok with a laugh.
You check your watch. “Two minutes left. He’ll make it right at five.” 
“He’ll be two minutes over,” says Jungkook.
“I think five over,” says Hoseok. 
“Loser buys the nachos,” you say. They both shake on it.
Jimin runs into the elevator bank just as the clock ticks over to five. You pump your fist in victory while the other two groan. 
Jimin leans over to catch his breath. “I thought I wasn’t going to make it.” 
He straightens just as Namjoon rounds the corner from his office.
“Glad I’m not losing any of the team today.”
“And I get two sets of nachos,” you say, getting into the elevator behind the rest and pressing the button for the ground floor.
“Hobi gets the nachos. I’ll get the wings,” says Jungkook.
Jimin looks back and forth between you two, a confused pout on his face. “What did I miss?”
Silver Spoon is all leather and dark wood. Namjoon leads the way to a large booth in the back, waving to the bartender behind the gleaming wooden bar. 
“You know everyone,” comments Jungkook as you all pile into the booth. It ends up with Namjoon in the middle, you and Jungkook flanking him, Hoseok next to you, and Jimin next to Jungkook. 
“I’ve been working in this area a long time. It pays to get to know the people working at your favorite haunts.” 
Namjoon drinks whiskey, neat. Junkook orders a pint of the house craft beer. Hoseok has a glass of red wine, and Jimin has a double straight vodka. You get an elderflower spritz, light and refreshing in the unusually hot fall afternoon. 
The conversation deteriorates to work talk, as it usually does among coworkers. The nachos and wings follow the drinks, and everyone digs in. They’re good, just the right amount of elevated to make the price worth it, but not so fancy that the bar food is unrecognizable. 
Silver Spoon fills up as the finance bros and hedge fund managers who work in the area trickle in. You recognize a few former coworkers, and you raise your glass to them in a toast when they wave hello, but you don’t attempt to engage further. You don’t care to reconnect with them. The cutthroat, backstabbing environment at your last firm is what made you leave in the first place. Bang and Associates hires ambitious lawyers, but fosters a workplace that manages to keep the ones that are ambitions without the cattiness, encouraging a collaborative work environment over individual hotshot lawyers. You're settling into your new workplace just fine, thank you.
Namjoon gets a call shortly after the third round of drinks, and Jungkook and Jimin shimmy out of the booth to let him out so he can take the call in private. 
Hoseok picks up where the conversation left off, brainstorming where to start to research a tricky case. Jimin interrupts him before he can get a full sentence out.
“Uuuugh,” he says, dragging his hands down his cheeks. “Can we talk about anything but work?” 
“Please,” you say. 
Jimin looks at you with a mischievous grin and pops his chin onto his hand. He calls your name in a singsongy voice. “Are you seeing anyone?” 
You snort into your drink. “Do I look like I have time for a relationship?” 
“It’s amazing what you can get up to in our limited free time if you have some determination,” mutters Hoseok with a sidelong glance at Jimin. 
“Jimin is slowly working his way through the office,” explains Jungkook.
Jimin crosses his heart with his finger and holds a hand up. “All above-board with HR, of course.” 
“Doesn’t mean you haven’t left behind a trail of broken hearts,” says Hoseok. 
“They all knew what they were getting into when they consented to the relationship.” 
“Or lack thereof,” says Jungkook with a snort. 
Jimin turns to look at him, eyebrow raised. “Speaking of lack of relationships, still hung up on Namjoon?” 
Jungkook turns an impressive shade of red. “Stop, I’m not—“
“Ever since he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, he’s had this massive crush on Namjoon,” Jimin tells you.
“Shut up!” 
“We all see how you look at him,” says Hoseok, not unkindly. “Stars in your eyes when you think he’s not looking.”
So you hadn’t been imagining that. 
Jungkook’s only response is to chug the rest of his pint. 
“I don’t blame you,” you say, then freeze as three heads whip around to look at you. “What?” you ask, voice squeaky.
“Not you too,” groans Jimin. 
“What?” You hope the heat creeping up your face isn’t noticeable in the low bar lighting. “I have eyes. He’s attractive. You can’t deny that.” 
“And smart,” says Jungkook morosely. 
“And kind and he’s a good leader. I’m surprised you guys aren’t also harboring secret crushes,” you say, as if they’re the idiots for not having a massive crush on their boss. In reality, it’s terrifying to say these things out loud, everything you’ve been thinking over the past month you’ve been working at Bang and Associates. 
“Unfortunately, I’m straight,” says Hoseok. 
“And disgustingly in love with his fiancée,” sneers Jimin. “It’s actually sickening to see them together. She’s super pretty and an amazing dancer — you’ll see at the holiday party— and you really want to hate her but she’s also really nice on top of all that.” He takes the rest of his drink in one shot without a wince. You’d think he was sober if you hadn’t seen him down his vodka doubles like they were water. “And I’m not straight, but I know a lost cause when I see one. Namjoon’s practically married to his work. There are other men and women still waiting to be added to my bedpost.” He waggles his eyebrows in an exaggerated imitation of a leery cartoon character. 
“You’re disgusting, you know that?” 
“Thought I don’t know about Namjoon.” Jimin continues like he didn’t hear Jungkook’s comment. “I don’t think he’s married, because I’ve never seen a ring, and I’ve never seen him flirting or taking anyone home after drinks. No dates to company parties.” 
“Maybe he’s asexual,” says Hoseok. 
“That would be a shame because I bet he’s got a big d—“
Jungkook interrupts Jimin with an elbow to his side. He sits up straight, and you follow his line of sight to see Namjoon coming back to the table. They move out of the booth to give him his spot back in the middle. 
“Sorry about that. What are we talking about?” asks Namjoon as he settles in, just an inch closer than he had been sitting before. The intoxicating spicy smell of sandalwood that you’ve come to associate with Namjoon fills your nose and you suppress the urge to take a deep breath. 
You and Jungkook exchange guilty glances over the table. Jimin heaves a dramatic sigh, thankfully drawing Namjoon’s attention away from you two. 
“We were just bemoaning our single status. Not Hoseok, of course.”
“I’d be surprised if you all have time to date, what with the hours we’ve been pulling.” 
“How do you balance it all? Work, a social life, dating?” The question falls from your lips and you wish you could shove it back in your mouth. Jungkook kicks you from the other side of the table, and Jimin looks impressed that you actually asked the question. 
Namjoon lets out a hollow laugh. “I’m the wrong person to ask.” 
You exchange glances with Jungkook again. Does this mean he’s single? 
Before anyone can ask a follow-up question, a group of lawyers from the (mostly) friendly competition approach the table to make small talk. You want to shoo them away like pigeons so you can continue the conversation, but you busy yourself with your drink instead. 
Your coworkers disperse soon after, with Hoseok slipping away to go home first, red-faced and quiet. Namjoon talks to a group of his law school classmates by the bar. 
As the evening progresses, it’s painfully obvious to you now that Jungkook is mooning over Namjoon. You’d had your suspicions before, but after the conversation from earlier, the not-so-subtle glances make you cringe a little. You hope you’re not that obvious too. 
Not that Namjoon’s presence stops him from chatting up sone of the women who join your table. They work in the advertising firm a few floors below you, and you’ve gotten friendly with them over the past few weeks. The petite woman with the swishy blonde hair touches him a little more than necessary. 
You and Jimin exchange looks when you both clock her hand on Jungkook’s bicep for the third time in as many minutes. 
Jungkook and the blonde head out together not too long after. Good for him, you think, not getting so hung up on Nmajoon that he can’t focus on a different pretty face for the night.
When it’s just you and Jimin left at the booth, he leans in a little close. “What do you say you and me head out?” 
You laugh in his face. “I’m not going to sleep with you, Jimin.” 
He takes it in stride, and stands with a wink. “If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” 
He blows you a kiss before zeroing in on one of the finance bros who’s been looking over at your table for the past hour. He won’t know what hit him once Jimin is done with him. 
You don’t bother trying to pull someone at the bar, choosing instead to slip away without any fanfare. Though you’re no stranger to one-night stands, you’re looking forward to sleeping in and you can’t be bothered with the logistics of a hookup. Tonight, you have a date with your bed, and your bed only. 
The air has a bite to it as you step out of the bar, and you pull your coat around you as you hurry to the curb to your Uber. You settle into the back of the car as the driver pulls out into traffic. 
You can’t help but feel kinship with Jungkook, what with both of you lusting after the same ill-advised man. The city lights blur by and you let your eyes unfocus.
You wonder what would happen if you were the last three people left in the world. Would he go for you or Jungkook? In your buzzed state of mind, you think you really wouldn't mind sharing.
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©sowoozoo-7 2023
Please do not copy or repost. I do not crosspost anywhere else.
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bridja02 · 5 months
Dedicating yet another blogpost to @cherrynojutsu's Like Gold:
It's been awhile since I've been on Tumblr, wow. The last time I reviewed Like Gold was, oh my god, three years ago?! Time flies.
As I took a break from reading this fic, waiting for more chapters to accumulate, as one does, and also because of life and studying... I decided to reread it last week, as I realized the latest chapter Cherry released was 19! My review was at chapter 6!
And oh boy, what have I missed! I have to admit I feel terrible for not reading for so long! T.T
First things first, I have to compliment Cherry's writing style, and how much it has improved since the last time! As she began the fic in June of 2021, and I'm not saying at all that her writing used to be bad, just that now it's absolute perfection! Here's a visual representation of my feelings while reading the first time:
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The same gif used as for the first review - but the feelings were the same this time around too. The first couple of chapters of SasuSaku's blooming relationship was the cutest, from the tenative first kisses to the lingering touches ♥
However, the emotional rollercoaster that ensued after the story progresseed - oh my god. Here's another visual representation, this time showing my emotions just after I finished chapter 19:
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(tears because of Sasuke's inner turmoil and trauma, and the blushing because of Sasuke's-😳 )
Once again mentioning my initial review, I SPECULATED the turn that this fic will take with Sasuke's mental health, and oh- the turn was so sudden and sharp that it sent me tumbling down the road. I feel so sorry for the poor boy, he deserves nothing but happiness, and I need him SO BADLY to talk to someone about it.
I knew the fic was going to be a huge slowburn (which was right up my alley) but at some point I thought to myself this has been so sweet and innocent for so long, with their sweet pecks and hugs and lunches and book clubs, will the author really have the means of turning this into something more? I was proven wrong after reading the scene on Sakura's balcony, and wintessing their first makeout sesh. I realized, Cherry will be going places. Had no more doubts after that.
I have no energy to describe anything I felt for the couch scene in chapter 19, as I am not quite done processing what I just read... (The blushing on my cheeks still hasn't passed).🥵
However, I wish to appreaciate the authors ability to indulge on the topics of mental health disorders and character analysis. It's soo hard to read Sasuke struggling like that, and believe me I've read my fair share on SS fics, but I've never seen someone delve this deeply into Sasuke's character and mental state. Cherry I don't know what your major is, but hats off to your skills! You must be really empathetic to be able to write this so well, and I truly admire you for it ♥
I'm so happy to see Sasuke finally trying to do something about it - the jasmine, the old district, his cuts and oh the letters break my heart into million pieces! I can't imagine how Sakura must feel when she finds out what Sasuke has been keeping to himself and suffering silently, even though she urged him never to suffer alone. Oh my, I CAN SMELL THE ANGST COMING. Am I bad person because I can't wait for it?
I love the authors humor, transfering onto Sasuke's witty one and also the other characters. I love the subtle details and descriptions this fic has to offer - from the descriptions of mugs, books they read, the teas they drink. It's too sweet. You can truly feel the authors soul through their work!
The chapter when Sasuke was sick was so lovely, but I have to admit that the bed scene and counting heartbeats has to be the sweetest, lovliest thing I have read in awhile! <3
I am so excited for the future chapters now that so many things unfolded, Sasuke's state has probably never been worse so I really need him to start healing T.T Sakura is so sweet and supprotive, hopefully Sasuke will help her too by urging her to work less. Also excited for the smut.
Thank you so much Cherry for sharing your work with us, I am eternally grateful! I will be looking forward to the future chapters!
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pisupsala · 2 years
One for The History Books [Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw] | Complete | Index
[Summary] You are an archivist at the Pentagon, sent on assignment to TOPGUN to catalog and report on a top secret mission. In the days under the Californian sun, a certain naval aviator puts your once orderly life in a tailspin that you might never recover from.
[Pairing] Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!oc
[Warnings] Mature content: swearing, (explicit) smut. 18+ only.
[Chapter 1]Don't Take The Bait [Chapter 2]Threading Water [Chapter 3]Strain [Chapter 4]Anchor [Chapter 5]Drown Me [Chapter 6]Adrift [Chapter 7]Reeling [Chapter 8]Surface Tension [Chapter 9]Breaking for Air [Chapter 10]Cresting [Chapter 11]Ripples [Chapter 12]Low Tide [Chapter 13]High Tide [Chapter 14]Becalmed [Chapter 15]Taking on Water [Chapter 16]Waterlogged [Chapter 17]Sinking [Chapter 18]Capsizing [Chapter 19]Rock Bottom [Chapter 20]Reaching the Shallows [Chapter 21]Landfall [Epilogue] [Side Stories/One Shots] Where Else Would I Be? Summary | He's been gone for so long.
Any Way The Wind Blows Summary | There’s a sudden shift in the mood.
Wish You Were Here | part 1 | part 2 Summary | Some things you’d rather not face alone.
[Final Update 22.02] With Wish You Were Here part 2 out, the story is really really over now. Lots of people stuck with me and the story since June last year, and I'm super grateful for that. When I write, I try not to look too much at how many notes something gets because I want to enjoy writing and write what I enjoy. And I'm only glad if you like it too. Every note I get is one person more than I thought would read it. So when I saw the index had over something over 500 notes, I got a little choked up tbh. Now it's time to say goodbye to these two idiots, and I'm probably going to have a little cry over that. But I hope to see you again in the next story <3 [Update 22.10]So, lmao at myself for nearly writing triple the chapters that I thought I would. I ended up adding additional plots lines and kept coming up with things I wanted to write about. So now I know how the story will end + I have an epilogue in mind. So I will stop stuffing it with other storylines that I hadn't introduced yet, and any new scenes I want to explore I will start writing as one-shots or side stories. Also I have almost 200 followers! [Update 31.08]Yeah, that was an unplanned "hiatus" to take care of some real life situations. Good news, it's all sorted, and I'm still committed to finishing this story. Thanks for all the comments and support I got in the last ... 8 weeks? I really hope this story will be worth the wait! [note] I decided it was a good moment to start collating all chapters of One for The History Books in a masterlist. I usually update the index in all chapters separately, but as I'm working on chapter 6 now, it's getting a bit much. I want to thank everyone who is reading my story and leaving comments. It seriously makes my day <3 Looking back at some chapters, I feel they would benefit from some stricter editing — I'm planning to finish the story in its current form, and will probably edit more strenuously when I repost on AO3. Thank you for sticking with the story, it means a lot to me!
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honey-dew-woo · 2 years
Top Gun Second Gen | Chapter Six
Enjoy! <3 Also, if you're reading this please give me your opinion / comment or reply your opinion on this.
Masterlist | Chapter Five | Chapter Seven
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I groaned as I rolled over in bed, shutting my eyes tight in hopes it would stop the blaring beeping of my alarm clock. Rolling over, I noticed that the sun was beginning to rise just outside. A neon red '6:00' was read against the black screen of the clock on the night stand, as I managed to press the button allowing for silence.
Contemplating my decisions, I began to walk through the house and to the kitchen. The house was cold, and dark where the sun's rays had not yet penetrated the house windows. It was clear that Bradley was still asleep, and honestly I most likely would be too. But today was my suspension day, and I know I was supposed to take it to 'think about what I did wrong' and 'improve'.
Truth be told, I don't think I did anything wrong. Sure, violence was wrong blah blah blah, but Jake needed to be knocked down a few levels. I rubbed the remaining sleepiness from my eyes before opening the fridge to grab the bacon and eggs. I had decided to pay Bradley back for when he cooked breakfast, doing the same for him.
It wasn't long after I had finished the bacon, and was now working on the eggs, that the brunet male had woken up. I heard him stir around the house, but thought nothing of it until I had placed the eggs onto a plate. "Oooh, bacon." I heard him say, as I felt his chest against my back, his arm sliding around my side as he grabbed at the red piece of meat.
Blood rushing to my face, I chose that it would be best to focus on the plates of food before me. "Morning." I smiled, turning around before patting him on his chest, taking my plate of food and going over to the living room to sit before the television on the couch.
"So, what are your plans for your big day off?" Bradley asked, sinking himself into the large armchair. I mocked offense, pulling the fork that was once holding scrambled eggs out of my mouth, placing my hand on my chest in my mockery.
I swallowed the food in my mouth before responding. "Lieutenant Bradshaw." I gasped, "How dare you insinuate that I am taking my suspension as a day off. I'll have you know I am taking it very seriously." I insisted, before laughing as he looked at me with a 'yeah right' face.
"I'm gonna have a beach day with Penny. I called her last night. Help around the bar a little and then chill on the beach." I spoke seriously, after finishing off my breakfast. I eyed Bradley suspiciously, a grin on his face as if there was some joke I wasn't aware of.  "What?"
"Oh nothing." he trailed off, finishing his breakfast and bringing the plate to the kitchen. I stood up, following him with my own plate and placing it in the sink. "Right then." He nodded at me, smiling to which I could only return.
"Alright Lieutenant Bradshaw, don't go crashing your plane without me." I grinned, cheekily.
"No ma'am, I wouldn't dream of it." He winked, walking out the door.
It wasn't long after that I followed Bradley out the door, headed to the Hard Deck bar. And after a few hours of good old stock and inventory with Penny, it was her and I on the beach. The nice crashing waves, the hot sun matched against the cool lemonade, my eyes fluttering between paperback pages, the football hurling towards my face- wait.
"What the-" I spoke, diving out of my chair, my book abandoned to the grainy sand beneath me. The brown leather ball fell behind me, as Penny looked spooked herself, clutching her book to her chest, eyes wide.
"Sorry Rebel!" I heard Hangman's voice call out. My brows furrowed, looking to the shoreline to see the Top Gun crew, and Bradley's stupidly smug grin at me. I narrowed my eyes beneath the sunglasses that ultimately hid my gaze.
"You alright there?" Maverick's voice rang out, the ball collected underneath his arm as he offered a hand to me on the floor. I swear I could see Penny staring at him out of the corner of my eyes.
I took my dad's hand, and pulled myself up from the sand. Brushing the sand off, I then crossed my arms, looking at him angrily. "You play beach football, on the one day I'm suspended?" I asked, angrily.
His grin only widened as I could stare at him with mock anger and shock. "Sorry sweetheart." My dad smiled, patting my shoulder before going back to the beach. I shook my head, pulling my forgotten about book out of the sand. Shaking the sand out, I huffed before returning to the lounge chair next to Penny.
Placing my book in front of me, I looked over the book to see my fellow pilots playing beach football. My face hidden behind my book as I smirked at Bradley, who had just scored a touchdown and was mocking Hangman after chest bumping with Payback.
Maverick had left the game a few moments before, opting to sit next on the other side of Penny. I jumped when I realized there was a shadow casting over the three of us. We all looked over to see Admiral Simpson. "Captain Mitchell."
I gulped, watching the two. "Admiral Simpson."
"Care to explain what we're doing out here on the beach?"
"You told me to make a team, Admiral. That's what I'm doing." Dad returned, staring back at his team, beer in hand.
"Lieutenant Mitchell." I jumped again, still holding my book as I looked nervously over at the Admiral, my eyes still hiding behind my sunglasses.
"Sir?" I asked.
"There a reason you're not playing with your team? And maybe why your book is upside down?" He asked, arms folded as he too, alongside dad looked out the sea.
Shit. I flipped my book over, then placed it down onto my thigh. "I'm suspended, after yesterday, Sir." I explained, also looking to view the sea and pilots playing football.
"You're suspended from flying for the day, Lieutenant. Not team bonding. Go get out there and teach one of them how to actually throw a football." Simpson mocked, before walking off.
A growing grin formed on my face, as I looked over to Penny and dad almost for approval. They both nodded, and I placed my sunglasses and book in my chair, rushing over to the pilots after kicking off my sandals.
Cheers were heard from the team as I laughed, grabbing the football from Coyote before Hondo could whistle to start the next round.
"Alright Mitchell, games on." I heard Hangman beside me as I smiled and shook my head. The whistle blew shortly after, and we were off. I sidestepped Payback, who was running at me before throwing the ball to Phoenix.
Natasha had a good run with Hangman on her tail, and I ran as fast as I could- in jean shorts, atleast- to the madeup endzone. "Phoenix!" I yelled, jumping up.
Her reflexes were fast, the ball now hurling towards me. But I was ready this time, catching the ball mid air. The whistle from Hondo signalling the score resulted in cheers, but my joy was short lived as I saw Bradley lunge towards me.
His arms connected with my waist, and I soon felt my back hit the somehow hard and wet sand. Letting out a graon as I opened my eyes, looking up at Rooster.
I could only offer a grin, as Bradley quirked an eyebrow at me. His arms on either side of me, pinning me to the ground. His biceps glistening from the sun and sweat highlighted his dog tags that dangled near my face.
Not sure if it was the beers or the moderate heat exhaustion to give me a boost of confidence, but something did. "Y'know, usually when you pin girls down like this you buy 'em a few drinks first."
He raised both of his eyebrows at this, his aviators that would usually cover whatever mischevious look he had in his eyes long abandoned. A smirk took over his place before he replied, "I think I've bought you more than enough drinks by now," he paused, as his breath caught on my face, him lowering his head closer to mine before whispering, "And usually girls who are pinned underneath me are wearing less clothes." He winked, grabbing football from my hand and jogging back to the group for another round.
I sat up, blood rushing to my face again before yelling out at him again, "Asshole!"
"You're just mad you got tackled!" Fanboy's voice rang off as I stood up.
"Come say that to my face, Fanboy!" I teased, a smile evident on my face as we all got ready to startup again. And we did that, over and over. We played the game until the sun set and Penny practically kicked us off the beach, insisting we all go home.
(i'm doing whoever comments on the last post as a taglist, that way it's just easier [and hopefully smaller] sorry! hope you all understand<3
@starkleila @tynabyna @1lellykins @evans-dejong @hobbit-historian @ben-hothauser @sarahstar11 @mads-weasley @roosterismyfav @specialbrewbutterbeer @renababy-17 @n3ssm0nique @star-bink @latenightmiraclesss @theforgottenmcrmy @inkblots-and-polkadots @redpool
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Chopra Household: Chapter 6, Part 3
Bedtime is a whole routine when you have three young daughters and want like a billion more.
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CW: Light dash of spice
If Viola is attempting to say something it will be in brackets, otherwise you can assume it's just trying out sounds Savannah aka Honeybee Mercedes aka Little Ladybug Viola aka Green Bean
While the twins babble to each other Cassandra and Rahul get a minute to chat in hushed voices.
Cassandra: Forget the pancakes, something else in this room looks good enough to eat big guy
Rahul: *chuckles and winks* Later, we’ve got to get these ones sorted. But you are also looking very tasty Mrs Chopra. So maybe we’ll both have some private dining later
Cassandra: *laughs* I do hope so
Rahul: Do you want to do night shift with Viola or should I
Cassandra: *through food* How tired are you? Because I can stay up several hours yet but you look fatigued
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Rahul: I’m never going to be too fatigued to woohoo with you
Cassandra: *sighs* I know the feeling
Rahul: But since you asked I am feeling a bit drained
Cassandra: *smiles* Knew it!
Rahul: My wife is always right
Cassandra: A good life motto
Rahul: After we put the twins to bed I’ll nap then after you get Viola to sleep wake me up and we can… have dessert. After that I can keep an ear out for Viola
Cassandra: Deal *smiles* I love you big guy
Rahul: I love you right back my darling
Cassandra: And I love your pixel parts
For a while they eat in silence, each planning what could happen later.
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Savannah: Mama! Papa! I all done
Rahul: Yes I can see that
Savannah: Mama lift me free?
Cassandra: *finishes bite* Here I come
Mercedes: Papa take me potty
Rahul: Manners?
Mercedes: *sighs* Peas papa
Cassandra: How about you honeybee
Savannah: Potty please mama
Rahul: Okay girls, Viola is sleeping so keep quiet. *sternly* I mean it, no funny business
Twins: *quietly* yes papa
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Rahul: You’re both getting so big, you’ll be out of diapers soon
Savannah: We be potty trained?
Cassandra: You’re so close honeybee
Mercedes: Yay! Mama, papa, I not have oops
Rahul: Good job
Cassandra scoops her up and gives her an extra snuggle while Savannah finishes off.
Mercedes: Mama?
Cassandra: Yes little ladybug
Mercedes: Can I have story time?
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Cassandra: What book shall we do tonight
Savannah: I pick
Mercedes: I pick! You pick last
Savannah: No you pick last
Cassandra: How about the Princess and the Pea? You both like that one
Rahul gets Savannah tucked in while Cassandra sits on the edge of Mercedes’ bed to read the story with the alternate ending Casandra wrote when she was a teen.
Cassandra: At this news the princess jumps up from the table spilling her breakfast and startling the king and queen. “You deliberately made me have a rough night sleep after I came seeking shelter in the rain? All to find someone delicate enough to marry your son?” The king and queen said-
All: It was the only way!
Cassandra: The princess turned to the prince, horrified and said-
All: You are no prince!
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Cassandra: The princess continued “I may be delicate but I have a brain and self worth. I will not be your trophy.” The princess left the castle leaving the royals in stunned silence and made it back to her own castle. There she happily slept on her mattresses and no vegetables appeared in it as her people loved her. The prince-
All: Never ever wed!
Cassandra: And the princess was not known for being kept awake by a pea, but by her kindness and compassion for everyone in her kingdom
At the story’s conclusion Cassandra kisses both of her girls goodnight and heads to find Viola who has been napping in the high chair.
Cassandra: Wake up green bean, it’s time to try some food. Let’s see how you feel about applesauce huh
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Cassandra scoops a small bit on the spoon and moves it close to Viola’s face so she can see it. Viola looks puzzled and sniffs at it.
Rahul: *tiredly* Come on Viola, you can try it
Cassandra: Big guy will you please go nap before you pass out
Rahul: I just want to see her try it *yawns* it’s her first baby food
Cassandra: Okay green bean, open wide
She smears some of the applesauce over Viola’s lips making the infant stick her tongue out. Cassandra sneaks some into her mouth and Viola holds it there, unsure of what to do with this not milk offering.
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After a small swallow she is still unsure about it. Cassandra keeps trying to feed her hoping she will make up her mind one way or the other. Viola makes up her mind alright. She decides that squishing the food that falls out of her mouth is actually the most fun thing. Cassandra beings making some aeroplane noises to accompany the bobbing spoon and Viola begins to understand when to open her mouth, baby steps.
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Cassandra: How was that then my little green bean? Did you like it
Viola: do da fru fru (I don’t know yet)
Cassandra: Well we tried. We’ll try some more tomorrow maybe. How about some milk huh? Nice warm milk
Viola: I aaa (my favourite)
After drinking her full Viola gets burped. Cassandra is delighted when just bubbles come out. The twins spat up a lot after feeding but Viola hardly ever does. It’s fascinating for Cassandra to see how early her children are individuals with their own personalities. Hopefully once Viola becomes a toddler the house won’t be without an infant for long.
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Cassandra carries Viola into the nursery and notices she’s seeming agitated. She’s fidgeting and has started breathing much faster than normal.
Cassandra: What’s wrong green bean
Viola: ca na doo (the rain is scary)
Outside is getting pelted with heavy summer rain. In the nursery the sound of rain on the main roof is enhanced by the noise of rain hitting the glass roofs covering the porch and patch of yard. Viola peeks over Cassandra’s shoulder fearfully and nuzzles her nose into her mama for safety.
Cassandra: Is the rain a bit loud Viola? I suppose it is rather heavy tonight. Would you like to hear a song about it
Cassandra holds Viola close and rubs her back while singing itsy bitsy spider. Her mind travels back to hearing her mother sing it to her and Alexander when the storms made it seem like the mansion would wash away. After a while Viola’s breathing slows down and returns to normal.
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Cassandra: There there now, see Viola, rain is nothing to be afraid of
Cassandra places her infant down on the changing table and begins a diaper change. Not long into it Viola lets loose and pee spurts everywhere! Cassandra doesn’t enjoy being coated but she is happy to see Viola now chuckling away and kicking her little legs. After wiping down herself and the infant Cassandra carries Viola to her crib.
Cassandra: I know you seem to soothe yourself but mama will put a lullaby on to help since the rain is so loud
Viola sticks her foot in her mouth in response.
Cassandra: I love you Viola. Have good dreams and be kind to your papa if you wake in the night okay
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Back in her room Cassandra cheekily wakes Rahul up with some tickling.
Rahul: Hello to you to
Cassandra: Are you feeling more rested now *kisses*
Rahul: I don’t know. I look at you and my heart races. Did you get Viola down alright
Cassandra: She was a bit worried about the rain *kisses* but a song calmed her down
Rahul: Will you sing me a song
Cassandra lies next to him and runs her hand along his cheek as she thinks about how best to respond.
Cassandra: I thought you knew, I have a symphony of sounds that is just for you
Rahul: Luckily your symphony invites audience participation
Cassandra: Just yours and mine big guy
Rahul pulls her close and after a deep kiss the two head under the covers. When they’re done for the night a moment of peace descends over the property as every living thing sleeps.
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ros3ybabe · 2 months
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Daily Check-in: April 17, 2024 🎀
today was a decent day up until the end, when I got upset and emotional over some things and ended up crying again. I swear, I've cried the last 6 out of 7 nights, and I'm so tired of it. here's to hoping things finally get better soon because this emotional stuff is seriously affecting my productivity, motivation, and discipline.
🩷 What I Accomplished:
studied chapter 6 of Latin American Spanish on Busuu
listened to 3 podcast episodes in Spanish
completed and submitted my lab report and pre lab quiz, also did my pre lab notebook prep
went to my last chem lab for the semester
went to chem lecture
had a meeting with the Dietetic director to map out some classes for the upcoming semesters
washed dishes
attempted a phone call with my boyfriend for the first time in a week (relationship issues + long distance × love ÷ dating for 2 years = an emotional rollercoaster, and lots of frustration)
washed laundry, did not put away yet
scheduled a therapy session for tomorrow morning
completed a 7 minute pilates abs workout from Madeliene Abeid
completed the 11 minute wake up yoga from Yoga with Adriene
started to do the 5 min daily stretch from Pamela Reif but my dad called me so I didn't finish it
downloaded a pdf of a Spanish textbook
rescheduled my italki lesson because I need to study for chem
scheduled 2 study rooms to study for chem with my chem lab partner
completed the pre class assignment for chemistry
walked ~8k steps
🩷 Good Things That Happened:
saw my dad this morning, who then took me to the campus library a bit early (I love getting to see my dad, I don't get to see him too often since he lives on the opposite side of town)
passed my lab report and pre class assignment
finished my chem lab super fast
had pizza rolls for dinner (I needed something quick and simple cause I've been tired)
got more practice with the chemistry lecture content
woke up esrly enough to do my morning routine
did a complete night routine, including skincare (-didn't read tho, couldn't decide on a book )
more good things happened, I just honestly can't remember them right now. but today was not a bad day.
💗 Stuff For Thursday:
psyc doc appointment
therapy appointment
supplemental chemistry class hours
make sure I'm caught up on homework
apply to/write essays for some scholarship applications
check hours worked if possible to determine next week's paycheck
study Spanish!!! dedicate a good chunk of time to it
do my morning and night routine as best as possible
Thursday is definitely going to be an interesting day, thats for sure. I don't feel as tho I'll have as much to do, but I'm going to find things to do, like studying my Spanish, etc.
til next time lovelies 🩷
ps. check out my depop shop <3
💕 Song of The Day -
Le Sserafim - Antifragile
this has been a long time fave of mine
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knotwerk · 27 days
holy shit i fucking love editing. (remind me i said that in two weeks.) 
i’m working on the proper hydration series finale aka PH6. i finished writing the first draft on 4/6/24, clocking in at 85k words. and then i sat on it for a few days before rereading it, did an extremely cursory once-over edit, and sent it off to my first reader & og beta @demolitionwoman-blog (CHEERS!!!). she started working on the beta, and by the time she hit chapter 3, she made the observation that the next step in the editing process for this might not be a typical beta read, but a structure/development read, and maybe a reverse outline would be a good next step. 
and i was like, i have never heard of a reverse outline. like, i have never heard of most things, really; i just started writing fiction in fucking august 2022 and am having a FUCKING BALL learning by doing. so i googled reverse outline, read the top three hits lol, and was like OH FUCK YES. 
because i do not Outline-outline when i write. all respect to those who do!!!!!, but i just Can Not. i have tried, and i get both daunted and bored, and that combo is like fucking kryptonite to my brain. for a longer piece (or a piece that doesn’t just burst out of my fingertips in response to a gifset or bts drop or tweet or gc comment 😅), i do make a sort of vibes outline. like, i open a fresh doc and splort down all the themey ideas i’m able to put words to at that point, and i make notes on whatever beats have already formed in my head, but it’s loose and sketchy at best. and then i write and see what happens as the story unfolds, and i go back to that notes doc to sort of talk to myself about it, to update the vibe outline as i get further in my draft, etc. 
but PH6 is the longest & most complex thing i’ve written yet, so by the time i got to the end of the first draft—by the time i’d put the whole story into words—i was like, oh my god, what is this. like, has this done the thing i wanted to do, per my vibe outline, and also, what did it actually do, and is it legible (whatever that means; like far be it from me to tell the reader what they should get out of something, but, generally speaking, is it cohesive.). now that i have told the story, like… what the fuck is the story about please, and does it "work." 
so i “finished” my reverse outline yesterday and omfg it’s helping so much and it’s SO EXCITING!!!! LIKE, THIS IS HELPING ME WRAP MY MIND AROUND THE THING I DID, SO I AM BETTER ABLE TO SEE WHAT I AM TRYING TO DO!!!! AND I CAN WORK WITH THAT!!!!!
it’s like i had a bunch of kittens scrambling around in my brain and while i was writing i was like 'oh i love these kittens so much, and i really hope this story herds these kittens effectively so they slow down just enough that people can really see their cute little faces (including me, i am people)' and then i finished the first draft and was like 'ahhh did the story herd the kittens??? i can't tell, they're still moving too fast in my brain' and then the reverse outline showed up and was like I COME BEARING TUNA AND FIFTEEN CARDBOARD BOXES and now i can see the kittens better. 
and then! i slept on it last night, and this morning my brain was like, “oh, here, why don’t i just efficiently articulate the vibes and arrange them in a tidy visual diagram that reveals how they all flow through the story for you?” WHEE!!
and then i got so excited that i had to put it down and write all this instead of working on it further 
(this, which could probably use its own reverse outline lmao)
like, i’m reading Mary Ruefle’s Madness, Rack, and Honey, which is a book of collected lectures that i cannot stop screaming about and that slaps so hard i keep having to throw it across the room, and just the other day i read, in the chapter “On Secrets,” 
I used to think I wrote because there was something I wanted to say. Then I thought, “I will continue to write because I have not yet said what I wanted to say”; but I know now I continue to write because I have not yet heard what I have been listening to.
and i think the reverse outline is helping me hear it a little better, and that is fucking exciting.
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irisinthemoon · 1 year
Until I Found You, Pt. 4
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[Pt. 1], [Pt. 2], [Pt. 3], [Pt. 4], [Pt. 5], [Pt. 6]
Warning: F!Reader, Spoilers to the Masquerade events, a few curse words, fluff, reader having slight anxiety
Characters: Rollo, Eliott (oc), Jules (oc), Malleus (Mentioned), Grim (mentioned), Yuu (mentioned)
Summery: After your discussion with Rollo, you go back to your routine along with the task you offered to help in. As you finalize the last invitation, talk about the week long festival pops up, making you realize your feelings for a certain third year may be more than just simple friendship.
Info of some of the subjects talked about in this chapter: As I had mentioned in the first chapter, I will be adjusting the whole masquerade event so it first with the story line I am planning. For starters, the masquerade is an event held for an entire week which will end in a ball. This week long event is held around the time winter break ends, basically all six boys will have already went through their overblots, except Malleus.
“The letter was very well written, all I did was check for grammar and spelling. But other than that, you did well.”
You beamed at the praise Rollo gave you. It had been three days since you talked things through and settled in an understanding. The aftermath had been rather calm as the Headmage understood your request and began looking into families that may be able to take you in along with helping you form an identity. He even allowed you to continue your studies at NBC, much to your surprise and delight.
“That’s good! I had to re-write it multiple times. I even searched up how to speak to fae royalty as reference.” Jules chucked from the corner of your room. He was settled in your work table as he typed away in his computer, inputting the last bookings for the guest you finished yesterday. “Knowing you, you also probably searched for how they spoke to royalty.” Eliott laughs and you scoff, feeling a little embarrassed. 
Rollo simply huffs in amusement as he hands you another piece of golden thread, to which you thank him. Placing the needle in-between your lips, you rolled your eyes at the antics of your friends. It was Friday and since most of the preparations were done for the Masquerade happening on Monday, Eliott and Jules decided to spend their free time in your dorm room. 
Rollo had come along to let you know that the invitation you wrote had been approved and that it would be sent tomorrow. “I gotta say though, you managed to finish the other two Masquerade costumes in two days yet you still are working on the one for Prince Malleus.” Added Eliott, who was sitting on your bed with his book open. You huff and gestured for Rollo to pass you one of the green gems in your work table next to Jules’s laptop. “The only reason I managed to finish the other two so soon was because they were easier to make and dressing them in over the top costumes wouldn’t fit their aesthetics.”
With full concentration, you began sowing the green gemstone right where the chest is located. “For Grim, I decided on a pair of boots, a hat, a cape, a traditional black mask, and last but not least a black belt. All of those may seem simple but they bring out his cuteness.” Doing a small knot, you cut off the golden thread with the scissors the white haired boy offered you.
“And for Yuu, I did a set of dark blue pants that fit around the Renaissance era back in my world along with a shirt to match and a cape that would match Grim’s cape. As for the boots and mask, they all bring out his charms. The hat is meant to add an air of mysteriousness to him much like how Grim’s own costume is meant to portray his cuteness.” 
Stepping back, you allowed yourself to get a full view of the costume. Majority of the outfit was done, the more complex designs were done in gold thread that you used the sewing machine Rollo brought for you so as to not struggle much. The boots accompanying the outfit were also done and ready to go. 
“Rollo, can you pass me the cape I have hanging in my closet please?” He hums, and goes to your closet. Tilting your head to the side, you busied yourself with fixing the clothes on the mannequin, straightening any wrinkles that may appear. “Here you go [name].” 
Giving him a smile and a small thanks, you gently took the coat off his hands and placed it over the mannequin’s shoulders. Clasping the golden chains onto the golden collar, you made sure none of it was tangled. Fixing the black feathers in the shoulders and spreading the cape flawlessly on the back, you did some last minute adjustments before allowing yourself to step back. 
“Would you look at that?” Jules let out a low whistle as his red eyes admired the almost finished Masquerade costume. “Wow girl, you managed to outdo yourself! I don’t think even the Fashion club would have been able to pull this off.” Eliott added as he examined every angle of the costume. You laughed, pride swelling in your chest. “I am lucky enough to have managed to do this much in only three days, well four if you count that one time I pulled an all nighter to finish the pants.”
Rollo stayed quiet, his eyes scanning the outfit with sharp interest. He circled the mannequin in the middle of your room, like an inspector checking for any flaws. You watched him carefully, eyes focused on his face in order to see if his poker expression changes. 
“Well done.” Then, stepping next to you, Rollo grabs your hand and inspects your bandaged fingers with a small grimace. You smile, even more happy with the result of your hard work. “Don’t worry about my fingers. I mostly used the sewing machine for the harder parts. The only time I used my fingers was when I needed to add last minute details.” Rollo gives you an unamused expression. 
But he didn’t let go of your hand, and instead, tangled your fingers together. Smiling, you squeeze his hand and turn to face your masterpiece. “All I need to do is finish the hat which will be the hardest part but I will be done with it before the day of the ball.”
“Then take a break, you spend most of your day shut in this room trying to finish.” Said Rollo, eyes eyeing you with fondness. “Rich coming from you, I can hardly pull you out of your dark cave to get more sun.” You said back, a small smirk on your face. Eliott snorts, flipping another page in his book. “True, but you'd be surprised how often he has been outside this past week. Even more than you do on a daily basis.”
Jules hums in agreement, the typing of his boardkeys echoing in your room. “Even taking up a hobby in gardening.” At this, you turn to face Rollo. “Is that true?” You asked. Rollo covers his face with his purple handkerchief, but you could see his ears turn pink. “I decided to take up a destresser as you call it, when I need to distract myself from my duties.” 
“Aww, how cute of you president!” And just like that, all hell broke loose. Eliott began teasing Rollo, his book long forgotten. Jules was trying to (and failing) to hold in his laughter. You joined in, poking Rollo’s chest as you giggled. In the safety of your room, the four of you could let loose. Rollo didn’t have to keep his image of a perfect student, Eliott would let his wild side out, Jules could laugh out loud without being scolded, and you could join in the fun.  
It hadn’t always been like this, and from what you knew, Rollo hadn’t even been close to Jules and Eliott until recently. Some of the students said it was because you put them together, others said it was because they finally had a reason to actually be around each other with no school work or duties behind them. Either way, you didn’t care. 
As long as you could see your friends happy and healthy, it was enough for you. 
Folding the paper gently and with great care, you then placed it in the envelope and handed it to Rollo so he could seal it with the school’s official seal. The fire from the fireplace illuminated the room, casting a warm glow into the table both of you were sitting at. After spending most of your afternoon in your room discussing plans for the Masquerade along with your friends offering some tips for the costume you were making, the four of you decided to go your own way and finish any remaining work you had.
Jules went to give the full report to the Headmage regarding the room bookings for the guest while Eliott made sure that the supplies ordered for every guest had arrived and placed where they were meant to be. You on the other hand decided to take a break from sowing and accompanied Rollo to the student council office to help him finish off any last paper work. 
“Can’t believe I managed to write a letter for royalty. Man, that would make an excellent addition to my resume.” You said with a small laugh. Rollo simply shakes his head in mock agitation, a little smile on his lips. Placing the now finished letter on the table to allow the wax to cool down, he turned to look at you.  
“Are you going to participate in the opening ceremony to welcome our guest?” He asks, green eyes on your figure. “Yes, since I am part of the Equestrian club, I will be doing a small show as the closing ceremony with a few of my clubmates.”
On top of helping Rollo with his duties, you had to also take care of yours regarding the Masquerade. Every student in NBC was required to participate one way or another in the festivities being held in the city. Whether it was welcoming guests, helping the traffic of people, selling food, or helping with the ball preparations, everyone had a part to play. 
The ones in charge of the entertainment were those of the fine arts clubs but once in a while a sports team will join in. It just so happened that this year was the Equestrian Club’s turn to participate in the entertainment. 
Lucky you, you managed to form a great bond with your horse, a beautiful black stallion by the name of Snowflake. “I remember when you first joined the club, you hardly knew how to mount a horse.” Rollo hums in amusement of the memory. You roll your eyes, expression soft. “Yeah, well all the other clubs didn’t appeal to me and while fashion is something I am interested in, it isn’t something I saw myself do for all three years here.”
Plus, the main reason you had wanted to join the club was because of Rollo. But you would never admit that, lord knows Eliott would never let you live it down. 
“And plus, I was interested in horse riding and the poster for the club clearly stated that they could teach me if I had zero experience.” Still, it was a little embarrassing being watched by Rollo as you tried to mount a horse only to fail miserably. Rollo chuckles, shaking his head. “You were lucky that Snowflake took a quick liking to you, only the Great seven would have known what would have happened to you if he decided to take you down.”
“In my defense, no one had warned me about Snowflake’s rather temperamental moods.”
“I gave you instructions to wait while I fetch the stable boy.”
The room became silent except for the crackling of the fire. 
“Ok, I might have not paid as much attention to your words as I needed to. But! There was no warning sign indicating that Snowflake was not ready to have a rider.”
“There was a clear warning sign on his stable door written in bold red letters.”
Once again, the room became quiet. 
With a huff you surrender. “Fine, I ignored all the warning signs! But who could blame me! I was amazed by Snowflake’s beauty!” It had been the first time you had seen a horse up close, especially one so beautiful. You wanted to see if it was easy riding one like in TV shows and movies. Clearly, it hadn’t as you couldn’t even mount him without falling. 
“And you made it look so easy to climb one.” You added a pointed look towards Rollo. “I had formed a bond with Snowball since my first year. And even if I don’t ride her as often, she still remains the same.” Snowball is the name of Rollo’s horse. A black, beautiful and elegant mare who also happened to be Snowflake's sister.  
“Yeah, yeah, brag all you want Mr. President.” Laughing, you stretched your limbs, a satisfying pop was heard after. “Man, all those preparations for the Masquerade are tiring. Especially the performance I have to do with Snowflake.”
Snowflake had been hard to tame for the most part, he was stubborn and seemed to have a personality of his own. It had been hard trying to get him to understand most of the tricks but you made it work after two months of working with him. Still, he was rather shy when it came to performing in front of people, which was why when it came to performances you would ride Snowball with Rollo’s permission.
But this time you decided not to, you wanted to give Snowflake a chance. Even if getting him used to performing for a crowd was hard, you managed to get him out of his stage fright little by little by having other students observe while you practiced. 
“How far along are you with the performance? I heard from the club president that you will be performing with a group first then by yourself.” Rollo said as he stood up from his chair and began preparing some tea on the small portable stove. You sigh and lean back into your chair. “It’s been nerve wracking if I’m being honest. I am used to having peoples’ eyes on me but doing something I enjoy while being watched is another thing.”
You could handle being judged on your so-called other talents, but this one was something you loved to do other than fashion. You wanted to show everyone in the city an amazing performance, one that will make your school proud to have you as a student. 
“You will do well, I have seen you do both of your performances and they are flawless. Much better than when you first started, that is for sure.” He said as he placed a steaming cup of tea in front of you. You said a small thanks and took a sip after blowing on it. Then paused and turned to look at him. “Were you there to watch me practice those few times?”
You didn’t recall if Rollo ever showed up to your practices since they always started around the time he needed to go to the student council after school meetings. Maybe he managed to get a peek on his way to the Bell Tower? 
“Eliott took several videos and sent them to me. I have to say [name], I never thought I would see someone fall and land on their legs like a scared cat after attempting the first part of the routine.”
You felt your face burning in embarrassment, “That was one time!” You placed the cup of tea down while trying to cover your face with your hands. “I didn’t think you would see that!”
“Well you can thank Eliott, he is the one who sends me the videos.”
“Of course it was Eliott,” Gritting your teeth, you grumble in misery. Can’t believe Eliott would betray your trust like that, especially when he knew about your crush on Rollo. At that, you paused your pity party, eyes widened in shock. 
“If it makes you feel better, he also sent me the ones where you perform excellently and without an issue.” His voice sounded like it was underwater. You still had your mind stuck on the fact that you just realized now that you had a crush on Rollo. Was that why Eliott always teased you about spending time alone with the third year? Or why he would make an effort to make sure Rollo and you ended up alone in the same room?
The blush on your face turned even hotter, you were sure your ears had turned a bright shade of red. There was no way you had feelings for Rollo other than friendship, right? But then, why did you get so flustered when he praised you? Eliott and Jules always do it and yet you never got like that with them. 
How about the times Rollo would accompany you early in the morning and late at night for a walk before going your own ways? You honestly thought that little flip your heart did was because you got to hang out with him as friends.
And those moments where he would teach you how to ride your horse, he pressed behind you as he taught you how to handle the reins. The way his chest was pressed on your back, his voice deep and low in your ear as he leaned his chin towards your shoulder. Or how his cool skin would touch your clammy one whenever you got nervous. 
“Are you alright [name]?” 
Looking at him, you gazed into his piercing green eyes and yep, you were definitely a goner. Because how could anyone not fall for those beautiful eyes of his? Gulping, you gave him a shaky smile, “Guess I will have to kick Eliott’s ass next time I see him.”
Raising a pale eyebrow, Rollo just shakes his head in exasperation. “Language, truly, what am I going to do with the both of you?” He asked, but there was not an ounce of annoyance in his tone or face. Simple joy that was barely visible in his face if you looked hard enough. Giggling, you nod, a tender smile on your lips as you gazed at the boy who had managed to capture your heart in such a short amount of time. 
88 notes · View notes
mare-sanguis · 7 months
Notes on "Ambidextrous Angle" here
Notes on "Lady Justice" here
Notes on the Flowers in ep.8 here
Notes on the colors in ep.10 here
Lets talk numerology
As episode 11 will be rescheduled to next week (and while this is quite a bummer), it also gave me a chance to delve deeper into the numbers (+ combinations) present on the plates of the car of No. 3 and KMC.
Its really fascinating and fitting (personality wise) what I found out after a long and deep dive into all of it.
Here we go
Meaning of the numbers
The history/mythology behind each of them (note: I cannot include each mythology or can expand on them)
Korean numerology meaning of the numbers
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
Number plate of the parcel driver
Lets dive into the topic!
Lets start with the number combinations present on the plate of No.3's car
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Also called an angel number, 31 represents new beginnings, fresh opportunities, creativity, positivity, motivation and progress. It helps to let go of old habits, to move forwards.
When this number appears in someones life, the angels are telling them that new beginnings are on the way. They want people to trust themselves and the universe to make the necessary changes to achieve their goals.
It also signifies the need for open communication, honest and trust (especially with a partner)
Yet another angel number, 67 exist to represent spiritual awakening, fulfilling purpose and shows the "right path"
It is also associated with new beginnings, fresh starts and new opportunities. If someone is looking for a change in their life, the number 67 may be a sign that they should make some changes. (It is a powerful combination of 6 and 7, more on these numbers later)
In the bible, 67 has a significant meaning as well, It appears on multiple occasions:
1. The Apostle Paul conducts his final and fifth missionary journey between 63 to 67 A.D. His journey begins in Rome after the Roman Empire acquits him of the charges against him and he is freed. He then sails to Crete and travels to Nicopolis where he will write the books of 1. Timothy and Titus. In 67 A.D., while in prison, Paul writes his final and fourteenth book called 2. Timothy. It is a heartfelt letter to his best friend and fellow evangelist Timothy. It offered both encouragement and a warning that his martyrdom was fast approaching. »But as for you, be vigilant in all things, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist; fully carry out your ministry. For I (Paul) am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept the faith (2Timothy 4:5 - 7)« 67 A.D. will prove to be the last full year of Paul's life. Nero, who had recently begun the first state sponsored persecution of Christians, shows no mercy to Paul the Roman citizen. He condemns him to death by beheading in 68 A.D. just before he himself commits suicide on June 9.
2. The twelve Minor Prophets (Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah, and Zephaniah) have a total number of 67 chapters.
3. Psalm 67, credited to King David, is a song praising God that expresses his desire that the whole world come to understand the salvation the Eternal offers to all humans. »May God be gracious to us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us. Selah. So that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations . . . Let the people praise You, O God; let all the people praise You (verses 1 - 2, 5).«
Here we have yet another angel number. This time, it helps to manifestin dreams, signifies positive energy and development and just like 67, its to be associated with enlightenment and spiritual awakening. It also symbolizes the imminent endings and terminations of some events in ones life.
In numerology, a 3 is associated with harmoney, wisdom, understanding, joy, abundance, success and good fortune. It is also associated with Jupiter (both the god and the planet)
It also appears in the bible on multiple occasions:
1. Number 3 is mentioned 467 times in God's word. It derives its symbolism from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge, there was the three righteous "fathers" of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 2. Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. He was placed on the cross at the 3rd hour of the day (9 a.m.) and died at the 9th hour. There were 3 hours of darkness that covered the land while Jesus was suffering on the cross from the 6th hour to the 9th hour. Christ was dead for three full days and nights. 3. In Christianity, there exists the "threefold office" which states that Christ performs the functions of prophet, priest, and king.
In Norse Mythology it also holds significance
1. Prior to Ragnarök, there will be three hard winters without an intervening summer. These winters are called "Fimbulwinter" (meaning awful, migthy winter in old norse)- these winters mean no summer in between, but filled with snow, bitter frost and icy storms. (There is speculation that climate change, which began in Scandinavia at the end of the Nordic Bronze Age, gave rise to the legend of the Fimbulwinter.) 2. Odin endured three hardships upon the World Tree in his quest for the runes: he hanged himself, wounded himself with a spear, and suffered from hunger and thirst. 3. Bor had three sons: Odin (father god in norse mythology associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet), Vili and  Vé. All three sons are the creators of the world.
In greek mythology it too makes its appearance through the 3 sons of Cronos (god of time)
1. Zeus (god of sky and thunder) known for: turning his first wife into a fly which he then ate, cursing Sisyphus to push a giant boulder up a hill forever, chaining prometheus to a rock so an eagle could eat his liver, consistently being unfaithful to his wife (Hera), confining Tantalus in the underworld out of pure reach of nourishment, turning into a cloud to seduce Io, tricking Pandora into opening the box and ultimately turning herself into the burden of humanity, wiping out humankind, binding Ixion to an eternally burning wheel, forcing Atlas to hold the world on his shoulders, raping Callisto (whom he then turned into a bear) as well as Antiope and Alcmene (and many other female gods) 2. Poseidon (god of sea, storms, earthquakes and horses) known for: fighting in the troja war where he created such a huge earthquake it nearly destroyed the underworld, raping Athena and Demeter (and many more) 3. Hades (god of the underworld and the dead) known for kidnapping Persephone and tricking her into marrying him
(The roman equivalents are Saturn, Jupiter, Neptun and Pluto)
Other religions also reference the number 3
The Wiccan Rule of Three. The Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother, Crone (the three fates) The Slavic god Triglav has three heads. There were three primary gods in Babylonia mythology (Anu, Bel, Ea) Three aspects to the Egyptian sun god (Khepri, Re, Atum)
And it represents the male principles
The number 3 is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales (three wishes, three guesses, three little pigs, three bears, three billy goats gruff). Plato saw 3 as being symbolic of the triangle, the simplest spatial shape, and considered the world to have been built from triangles.
In German folklore a paper triangle with a cross in each corner and a prayer in the middle was thought to act as protection against gout, as well as protecting a cradle from witches.
Three black animals were often sacrificed when attempting to conjure up demons. On the other hand, a three-coloured cat was a protective spirit. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth (1606–07) there are three witches, and their spell begins, “Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed,” reflecting such superstitions.
Also, 3 is the dimension of the smallest magic square in which every row, column, and diagonal sums to 15
We continue with the number combination on the plate of KMC's car
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Again, another angel number. It signifies good luck and faith.
21 means to enter a time of abundance. For those who have been dealing with a time of transition or facing difficulties, seeing this number can be a positive sign that soon this period will be behind you, and you can take the lessons of the past and put them to good use in your bright and beautiful future. This number has a special meaning - one connected to comfort, protection, and positive energy, helping you enter the next chapter of your life path.
In the bible, 21 is present as well
1. It represents great wickedness of rebellion and sin. After the people left Egyptian bondage, they had twenty-one major rebellious events as they wandered the wilderness. 2. The book of Judges and the gospel of John contain 21 chapter 3. The book of Hebrews contains materials from twetnty-one Old Testament books 4. In 2. Timothy the apostel Paul writes of 21 sins which show the exceeding wickedness of self and sin. He begins chapter 3 with a warning; "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will…" he then proceeds to list the sind humans will indulge in: 1) selfishly love themselves 2) Love money 3) Bragging 4) Be proud of themselves 5) Blaspheme 6) Disregard and disobe their parents 7) Not be thankful for what they have 8) Reject being holy 9) Will not have natural affection 10) Will be uncompromising 11) Falsely accuse others 12) Lack of any self-control 13) Will be fierce 14) Hate anyone who does good 15) Betray others 16) Will act hardheaded 17) Will have exalted, selfish views 18) Lovers of pleasure 19) Reject loving god 20) Will seem superficially to be godly 21) Deny God's power
The number of nothingness. freedom and no limitations. It is also often referred to as the void, as it represents potential and choice. It most likely means that positive change is on the way
In Chinse numerology on the other hand it takes on a quite positive meaning (beginning of all things (and is generally considered a good number, because it sounds like 良 (pinyin: liáng), which means 'good'.
The number of completion, although not a final ending. 9 means "near the final destination", and represents fulfillment of one cycle so you can prelare to initiate the next one as well as ebb and flow.
Again, another important number in the bible
It represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit. These fruits are faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, joy, kindness, long suffering, love, peace and self-control
And it also appears in Norse Mythology
1. The universe is divided into nine worlds which are all connected by the world tree "Yggdrasil". 2. The number is also associated with Odin, as that is how many days he hung from the world tree Yggdrasil before attaining knowledge of the runes » Odin's self-sacrifice: But he wanted to know everything and gain wisdom and knowledge of things hidden from him (runes). This was a desire that drove him to sacrifice himself. He sacrificed his eye in Mimir's well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide.«
As well as in Greek Mythology
1. There exist nine Muses in Greek mythology named: - Calliope (epic poetry) - Clio (history) - Erato (erotic poetry) - Euterpe (lyric poetry) - Melpomene (tragedy) - Polyhymnia (song) - Terpsichore (dance) - Thalia (comedy) - Urania (astronomy). 2. The River Styx, across which souls were ferried to the underworld, is described as having nine twists. 3. It takes nine days (for an anvil) to fall from heaven to earth, and nine more to fall from earth to Tartarus (place of punishment in the underworld) 4. Leto (goddess of motherhood and protectress of the young) labored for nine days and nine nights for Apollo, according to the Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo.
The number 9 also often represents pain or sadness. The 16th-century Catholic theologian Peter Bungus pointed out that the Ninth Psalm predicts the coming of the Antichrist. In Islamic cosmology the universe is made from nine spheres—the traditional eight of Ptolemy, plus a ninth added by the Arab astronomer Thābit ibn Qurrah about 900 CE to explain the precession of the equinoxes.
In Anglo-Saxon cultures 9 crops up frequently. The early inhabitants of Wales used nine steps to measure distance in legal contexts; for example, a dog that has bitten someone can be killed if it is nine steps away from its owner’s house, and nine people assaulting one constituted a genuine attack.
In German law the ownership of land terminated after the ninth generation. Many folk sayings involve the number 9. A stitch in time saves nine. Cloud nine is the ultimate in happiness. A cat has nine lives.
And of course, yet another angel number and associated with luck, success, wealth, clarity, thought, love and creativity. The number also shows to focus your attention on your goals and continue to work hard to achieve them. It is a powerful combination of the number 6 and 7 (more on these numbers below)
In numerology, the number represents teamwork, service, love, friendship, patience, personal growth, learning, emotional balance, partnership, acceptance, peace, bonding and mutual interests.
It again shows up in Christianity as an important number as it represent Adam (the failure, sinner and destructor) and Jesus (the sucess), Lilith (Adams first wife) and Eva (Adams second wife)
The number 2 symbolizes many of the basic dualities: me/you, male/female, yes/no, alive/dead, left/right, yin/yang, and so on. Dualities are common in human approaches to the world, probably because of our preference for two-valued logic—yet another duality, true/false. Although 2 was female to the Pythagoreans (Members of a religious-philosophical and politically active school, the Pythagoras of Samos in the 20s of the 6th century BC), other numerological schemes viewed it as male.
In Agrippa von Nettesheim’s De occulta philosophia (1533; “On the Philosophy of the Occult”), 2 is the symbol for man, sex, and evil. One reason that some have associated 2 with evil is that the biblical book of Genesis does not use the formula “and it was good” when referring to the second day of Creation.
Some religions are dualistic, with two gods in place of the one God of monotheism. Examples include Zoroastrianism, where Ahura Mazdā (the god of light and goodness) battles with Ahriman (the god of darkness and evil).
The number 2 is often associated with negatives, as in the words duplicity and two-faced. Northwest Coast Indians required the parents of twins to observe various taboos because they believed that supernatural powers would bring the wishes of twins to fruition.
It is also symbolic of the female principles
This part will include number 1, 6 and 7
This number represents confidence, movement, newness, creation, birth of all things, origin of the universe, opportunity, to turn circumstances into anything we wish, control of future, independence, goal oriented, innovative, forceful, risky, doubtful, power and action in numerology.
Not surprisingly, the number 1 is generally treated as a symbol of unity.
The Pythagoreans did not consider 1 to be a number at all because number means plurality and 1 is singular. However, they considered it to be the source of all numbers because adding many 1s together can create any other (positive whole) number. In their system, where odd numbers were male and even numbers female, the number 1 was neither; instead, it changed each to the other. If 1 is added to an even number, it becomes odd; similarly, if 1 is added to an odd number, it becomes even.
In the faiths of Islamic, Jewish and Christian cultures the number 1 is associated with the unity of God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians the number was associated with the Philosopher's Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.
The number 1 is also associated with the following deities:
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love
Apollo, the Greek God of Beauty and Truth
Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Hunt
Vesta, the Roman Hearth Goddess
Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility
Pangu, the Chinese God who seperated earth and heaven
The number 1 is associated with the colors red, crimson, scarlet and cherry. Gemstones associated with the number 1 are ruby and garnet. Flowers associated with the number are red roses and red carnations.
Common superstitions about the number one are:
  Break one egg and you will break a leg
  It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper
  Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.
  People with one hand are psychic.
  A one-eyed person is a witch.
  Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.
  Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.
  If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life.
 It is unlucky to get married August 1st or January 1st.
The number of domestic happiness, stability, harmony and blessing.
In Christianity, it holds a significance
1. It appears as the number of six days of Creation in Genesis, with God resting on the seventh day. The structure of the Creation parallels the sum 1 + 2 + 3: on day 1 light is created; on days 2 and 3 heaven and earth appear; finally, on days 4, 5, and 6 all living creatures are created. 2. The number 6 and its meaning are related to man and human weakness, the evils of the devil and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on day six of creation week. Men are appointed 6 days to labor and then they are commanded to rest on the seventh day (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). 3. A Hebrew slave had to serve 6 years before he could be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus 4. The bringing together of triple six is the mark of the end time Beast power of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce without God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.
In Greek Mythology, number 6 represents
The goddess Venus (Goddess of love)
Hermes (God of Commerce)
Athena (Goddess of wisdom)
In Roman Mythology it represents Bacchus (God of Winemaking and Fertility
Some common supersitions about the number 6 are:
Its unlucky to purposely turn the number 6 upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed
If you find a rose with six petals it means you will be lucky in love
If you find a pansy petal with six colors on it, it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornados
It is unlucky to get married on October 6th or November 6th
In numerology, this number is associated with war, protection, eternal life and pefection
The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believe the number 7 represents the seven levels of hell.
It is Hebrew tradition to mourn, or sit Shivah, for a period of 7 days.
Deities associated with the number 7 include Frigga (Norse goddess of marriage, life, motherhood and heaven) Minerva (the Roman Goddess of Intelligence and Wisdom) and Mithras (Sun God in Zoroastrian lore)
The number 7 is associated with the colors violet, purple and plum. 7's gemstone is amethyst.
Flowers associated with 7 are irises and deep purple roses.
Some common superstitions about the number 7 are:
 If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven then you will have a particularly lucky life.
 Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.
If you sing before 7 am then you will cry before 11 am.
Wrapping her husband's belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile.  The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers.
If you wash your hair on the 7th day of the month you will have trouble with the law.
 It is unlucky to get married April 7th or December 7th.
If you dream about the number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate.
Interesting thing about number 321
It represents creativity, joy, harmony, balance and moving forward
Korean supersititions on number 3:
This number also occurs several times in Korean mythology.
One of the key figures in Korean mythology is Hwanung. When Hwanung descended from heaven to earth, he had three seals and was accompanied by 3,000 followers. Also, Hwanung owned three powers: wind, rain, and clouds. Furthermore, according to the myth explaining how the first human appeared on Korean land, a bear stayed in the cave for three weeks. After that time, Hwanung transformed the bear into a beautiful woman.
Korean superstitions on number 9:
Apart from “4”, people in Korea are wary of “9”. When people reach an age ending in 9, for example, 29, 39, and so on, some of them begin to worry. They believe that this particular year will be difficult and misfortunes or failures may occur.
This attitude towards the number is due to the fact that after 9 comes 0. As a result, it is interpreted as the end of the old, and new beginnings from scratch which many people have anxiety about. There is a risk of choosing the wrong path at such an important time, some may even postpone significant events, such as weddings, to a later date.
Interesting fact about KSJs house number (177)
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Seeing angel number 77 indicates divine support, and spiritual growth, and calls for a time of self-discovery and freedom.
Aligned with the soul’s purpose
Indicates psychic experiences and heightened spiritual awareness
Represents healing, spiritualism, and psychic abilities
Ruled by the planet Saturn, indicating challenges ahead
In a twin flame context, 77 signals a transition from rocky times to positive changes
Numerologically, 77 signifies freedom, introspection, adventure, and heightened spiritual awareness
Angel number 77 love reading is all about strong, healthy relationships. It advises caution in giving your heart too quickly
Seeing 77 meany to take risks, listen to the inner self and to follow dreams
While the number 77 rarely occurs in the Bible, far more common is the appearance of double 7's, some of which have a special meaning.
Noah wanted to determine the status of the water after the great flood. He sent out a raven and later a dove from the ark (Genesis 8:7 - 8). The dove returned without any symbol of life. Seven days later, he resent the dove. This time it returned with an olive leaf, proving that the waters had almost completely subsided although the ground was likely still water logged. He waited yet another seven days (double 7 or 77) and sent the dove yet again. This time, it did not return, which meant that the ground was dry enough for many kinds of animals.«
In mythology, number 77 is oftentimes symbolic of destruction (gilgamesh epos, which is similar to the noahs ark story)
Moreover, it indicates a time of inner reflection and self-discovery
An angle number and a powerful reminder that when we stay true to ourselves, use our creativity, and trust our intuition, anything is possible. It's a sign that we are on the right path and have the courage to pursue our passions and make positive changes in our lives.
It serves as reminder that it is up to us to go after what we want in life. We may be feeling scared, or like we are not good enough.
It will often show up when the reason we arent acting is fear and doubt. Perhaps we fear failure, or doubt that we truly have the ability to achieve something. It could even be that we don’t really think we deserve the things that we want- tells us that these are just symptoms of low self-esteem, and that we need to work on loving ourselves.
It also points to our intuition, and its power to help guide us through life. It is also our intuition that will let us know whether seeing the number 177 is a sign from the Angels.
The number is also always a call to action. It will often show up when we are in a state of indecision or fear which is stopping us from doing the things that we need to do. The number often shows up to help us overcome our fear of moving forward.
The same nudge that causes us to notice the number will prick our intuition and let us know that there is something special about this number.
It serves as a reminder that even when we are doing nothing, we are not standing still, as everything around us is moving, changing our relative position. This means that the main difference between action and inaction, is that when we act, we choose our destination, while when we stay in one place, our destination is chosen for us by other forces.
The numbr we get to see on the plate of the parcel driver are 2583
As we already covered 2 and 3, lets focus on 5, 8, 25 and 83
This number is associated with the ruling planet mercury. It is considered to be a numbr to represent freedom and adventure. It represents "a need of variety of exciting experiences to feel fulfilled"- therefore it masters in changes, adapting to situations and experimentations as well.
Deities associated with the number 5
Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Ecstatic Revelation
Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love, Sex and War
Mars the Roman God of War
Thor the Norse God of Thunder.
In the bible, number symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans. 
In numerology, number 8 is to represent victory, prosperity and overcoming. It heps to lift up personal power and to energize it. As a powerful presence, it also means hidden power, shared resources and deterination.
Deities associated with the number 8 are
Mercury, the Roman God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves
Gaia, the Greek Goddess of earth (mother earth)
Hera, the Greek goddes of marriage, family, childbirth and women
In the bible the number 8 represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true "born again" event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.
Number 83 is a number to represent greath strength combined with love, gentleness and sensitivity. Its there to give great love for the world and a desire to heal and restore peace and order
This number is yet again an angel number. It is to represent exchnge of ideas and new beginnings.
In the contrary, some people believe that its an unlucky number because it can represent chaos and destruction.
Number 25 is all about change, progress, challenges and two sides
Represent the Universal Word of God, according to Abellio.
According to saint Augustin, the number 25 represents the Law.
Represent the multiplication of creatures which overlap on the double world of the spirit and the matter, according to R. Allendy: "it is the life graduating on all plans and evolving by the opposite polarity game"
In the Bible the number 25 represents "grace upon grace." It is composed of 20 (meaning redemption) and five (grace) or grace multiplied (5 x 5).
And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us (and we ourselves beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten with the Father), full of grace and truth . . . And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:14, 16 - 17, HBFV).
In mesopotamian mythology Ningal, the goddess of dream divination, vision, and interpretatio is associated with the number 25
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huntingorbits · 4 months
Review: The Door to Witchcraft, by Tonya Brown
I just finished reading this book earlier this year, and thought I'd write a review on it. This is also going to help me determine how I want to review other texts going forward. So without further ado, let's get started.
I highly recommend this book for both beginners and more experienced witches who are looking to expand their practices or gain additional resources. Brown takes a practical approach and breaks things down beautifully in a way that's easy to understand and follow. (Such as steps to creating a spell, steps to spellcasting, etc.) The second half is spells that may take a different approach to what we're used to seeing in other books, which in and of itself is very useful.
What's Inside (Contents)
PART I: Witchcraft and Practical Magic
1. Understanding Witchcraft 2. Core Beliefs and Values 3. How to Tap into Your Powers 4. How to Practice Witchcraft
PART II: Spells (Begins on page 87)
5. Love 6. Health and Healing (in Yourself and Others) 7. Career 8. Friends and Family Matters 9. Spiritual Work 10. Protection
Glossary Resources References Index
Part I: Witchcraft and Practical Magic spans 86 pages and includes a lot of information.
"Understanding Witchcraft" is your fairly standard introductory chapter, addressing questions such as, "What is Witchcraft?" and, "Are you a Witch?", before diving into a brief history of witchcraft.
"Core Beliefs and Values" is a high-level tour of the most common tenets of witchcraft among witches of all varieties, not just Wiccans.
"How to Tap into Your Powers" and "How to Practice Witchcraft" are more instructional than educational, but Brown includes a lot of education in those chapters nonetheless, including a handy breakdown of the structures of rituals and spells, sabbats, and some basic correspondences.
Part II: Spells is approximately 90 pages in length (some pages are just illustrations). Brown prefaces these pages with a few notes, including:
"Some of these spells may not align with the stereotype of spellcasting that you've seen in the media. They may seem too simple or they may seem too complicated. I implore you to come to these spells with an open mind..." (pg.89)
The spells that follow offer a variety of complexities, though most of them take less than half an hour to cast.
Provided Resources & References
Following the Spells section of the book is 3 pages of Glossary, 2 pages of Resources that appear to be reading recommendations, and 3 pages of References - titles cited or referenced throughout the book. Going over these materials, the book appears to have been written using carefully curated resources, which is very encouraging.
About the Author
From Amazon:
TONYA A. BROWN is a current resident of Florida, where she is the editor-in-chief of Witch Way Magazine as well as writer and host of the podcast The Witch Daily Show.* Tonya is a Lenormand reader, medium, and magical guide for other witches.
*Formerly The Daily Witch.
Her other titles include Evolution of a Witch: 150 Journal Prompts for Witches; (Witch Way's Book of) 100 Love Spells; a children's book titled Tutty Learns About Witches; and The Hectic Witch's Planner (currently only for 2022 and 2023).
I'm already a fan of both her magazine and podcast (which I started listening to last year), though I have yet to check out her other works. It's encouraging to see a witch-positive children's book in the lineup, though.
As for the podcast, Brown does briefly recommend Lilith as a goddess that could be followed in the "Badass Goddesses" episode on January 17, 2023. This is, of course, problematic, but I haven't listened to each episode since then to see if she has recanted that statement or revised her perspective on the subject.
My Overall Review
I really enjoyed reading this book. Though it was designed as an introduction to witchcraft, I learned several new things and gained resources I didn't have before. The breakdown of spell structure is especially appealing to me, as at the time of this writing, I've just started writing my own spells.
The language Brown uses is conversational and easy to follow, using accessible vocabulary and staying on track through each subject. I greatly appreciated this aspect because we've all read enough books that meander and tangent into unrelated thoughts and information. We don't see that with Brown; her writing stays on task and only "wanders" to provide necessary context.
Additionally, where she makes claims or presents facts, she always cites her sources in a way that isn't distracting. It was quite refreshing to see in an area of study where sources are often an afterthought.
Final Word: I will definitely be keeping this on my bookshelf and I look forward to seeing more from Brown in the future. I do sincerely hope she'll be more thoughtful on the subject of Lilith in her podcast going forward, as well.
Thank you for staying with me throughout this review. I hope it helps you to make an informed decision if you've been pondering this title.
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May 2024 Reading Stats
The Calender
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🍉🍉Before I start this calendar I want to start a disclaimer and remind people about what's happening in 🍉🍉 Country and that Disney and Marvel should be held accountable. Therefore I will not be recommending The Disney Novel or Marvel Comic. Disney and Marvel need to divest from Is**el for me to fully recommended and show them physically on camera. Please buy Marvel and Disney books second hand if you must have them.🍉🍉
What a month it has been, with how much I've read this month I'm definitely dubbing it the gay month. June should really be the Gay Month but it sadly won't be so I'm glad I made May that month. Starting with the beginning of the month. My reading pattern is that my last read of the month will very clearly dip into the next one but it doesn't bother me. Pageboy was very easy to finish and whilst I got everyone's criticisms I thought they were exaggerated. It's a really good Trans Memoir but not the best. This Arab Is Queer is something I had for my Readalong for Palestine I'm doing and although no one took part I go alot out of this collection and it was a 5 star all the way. Only took 2 days to finish in May and I'm happy about that.
After finishing the 8th Doctor Adventures first season, I decided to dip into the main range and listen to the first too and they were pretty great in my book. The Sirens Of Time was easy to listen to whilst I did an oc sketch and it felt very much like the Classic Who version of Day Of The Doctor. 5,6 and 7 had amazing chemistry together so even though it's the very first audio your bound to gain some laughs. Phantasmagoria is probably one of the best Mark Gatiss content I have consumed and it was very spooky. It was supernatural with that ever loving Doctor Who sci-fi charm that you know and love. Will definitely pop in to more of the main range in the future. I'm only listening to 8s for now.
Cabin At The End Of The World, loved the book but towards the end I didn't enjoy it as much. Let's just say I hate ambiguity, I also hated the audiobook narrator so I had to read along in a quicker speed which was quite the challenge. So as a result it was quicker than my usual 300 + page reads. Welcome To St Hell was another one of my most anticipated reads and it highly delivered. It took a measly Ten Days which was an achievement itself as without chapters it was hard to split up my read as I'm certainly not the finish in one day type of reader. Still though for my first graphic novel it was very very good.
My side reads for this month exactly were very different. One was terrible for its last very transphobic and ableist story and the other was a very educational jam-packed nonfiction about the situation in Palestine and how simple it is thanks to brainwashing. In the end as good as the other two stories were Happs gave me massive brain rot. Fnaf fans are way too forgiving to Scott. On Palestine was great forever to the point I want to give it to my friend to help him understand the situation. I was able to get through it quickly and absorb alot. It was a good recommendation.
Finally my reads tipping into June. Yep no not until Marvel and Disney divest. I feel okay talking about Star Wars cos alot of authors are anti-israel and anti-zionist. If Daniel José Older gets fired I'm going to be done with them too. J.Elle is a really good writer though and I'm definitely gonna look at more of her books.
June's Stats
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Wow just wow. May's stats were like a lightning bolt. I did a lot of reading this month and I expect stats like this will be ever so common in the glorious summer stats. So let's break these chunky stats down.
I read 8 books including 6 physical books/graphic novels and 2 Big Finish audios. That's just chock a block impressive and I'm very proud of myself as that's my highest number yet. As pages that too was my highest yet with 1,477 pages which is 489 pages up from last May. Interesting I also only read 3 books in May last year. So this is a very positive sign at how my reading journey is evolving. And of course my highest hours stats with 3.6 hours logged. I dipped into longer big finish audios this month so it makes a lot of sense.
Up next Genres. When I said this was a very gay month I mean it. I read many genres this month; LGTBQIA+, Science Fiction, Memoir, Horror, Young Adult, Thriller, Politics, History, Graphic Novel and Essays but coming on top with a whopping 4 reads was LGTBQIA+. It makes sense I have a lot of lgtbq+ representation on my tbr and this just happens to be a lucky month where I've gotten through quite a few. It also for the first time topped Science Fiction which is not an easy feet to do trust me. In joint second place with only 2 reads was Science Fiction, Horror and Memoir. I'm so glad that I was finally able to get to have a reading month with more diversity in genre. Let's see what June brings.
Mainly reads is still the same for now. I love my adventurous, dark and mysterious books as well as my medium paced books that are under 300 pages.
Again for moods for the first time in forever Reflective comes at top. The moods this month Reflective, Dark, Informative, Mysterious, Funny, Emotional, Adventurous, Tense And Inspiring. As a result of reading a lot of nonfiction this month I was finally able to tip away from my usual adventurous mood. All the nonfiction reads I had were very indeed thought provoking and reflective. In joint second place was emotional and dark which ie expected as I love books that hit me hard in the heart.
Star ratings were all over the place this month it was a very mixed bag month some amazing, some average, some terrible. My overall star rating for the month was 4.22 a minor improvement from May last year where the average rating was 4.17. There's always next May to get the average score up as long as I pick good books. We had two five star reads in This Arab Is Queer and Welcome To St Hell which was well deserved in my opinion. For the first time ever two 4.75 star novels in Phantasmagoria and On Palestine they were close to being 5 star but not quite there for me. Again two four stars in Pageboy and The Sirens Of Time. One 3.75 star thanks to the icky ending and rushed past and of course one 2.5 star novel that deserves the rating. It'll be interesting to see how June's stats compare against this.
May's Reads/Listens
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A jam packed reading month indeed. This Arab Is Queer was an incredible Anthology that heavily educated me and sheeded any internalised bigotry over queer arab folk. It was also a very thought provoking and powerful collection of essays it really helped reshaped alot of the views I've had. The Sirens Of Time was a delightful timey whimey multi-doctor story that basically is the classic who version of Day Of The Doctor. Peter Davison, Colin Baker And Sylvester had amazing chemistry, I definitely want to look into more of the main range now.
Pageboy was definitely overhated it did not deserve all the hate and disappointment in my opinion. Its really not that bad at all. I think people are just fustrated about the non linear and him talking about his experiences prior to his transition but I felt like it was a hundred percent nesscary. Trans experiences aren't linear and Elliot did his absolute best trying to show that in his memoir. Phantasmagoria was a really good Big Finish listen and I heavily enjoyed it. Its one of my favourite project of Mark Gatiss's that I have ever seen, he's an absolutely fantastic writer, I don't care what people say I love his stories. This was a really cool supernatural story with Five and Turlough, the twists were generally shocking and it was a fun ride. Highly recommend giving Phantasmagoria a listen if you haven't done.
The Cabin At The End Of The World was better than the movie until a heavy tragic ending that differed from the movie and absorbed the bury your gays trope like a bubble. I love how Wen's povs were actually written in the style of a six year old girl. It was disturbing yess but made this story way too bury your gays trope than it already is. Might be controversial but that's my whole opinion. I also felt like the message contradicted itself is it about the desperation of religions cults or it a positive normalising gay families and about how gay love it powerful enough to save the work. On Palestine is the best book tok recommendation that I have ever been given. I wanted to fully understand the g-side happening in Palestine and all three authors summed it up perfectly. It was also interesting to learn about Propaganda and how its seeded into Israeli youth from a young age. It also heavily talks about the US and other countries and why they ally with Israel, its not what you may think. Props to Noam, Ilam and Frank for their hard work and important discussions.
Finally Happs and Welcome To St Hell. One of these two is 💩 and the other is 10/10. Yeah it's not Happs. What were Scott and team thinking, I know it might not have been intentional but Transphobia is Transphobia regardless wether or not intentional. It made me feel violated and sick and spoil my enjoyment of the other two stories in the collection. It was horror but not in a good way. Welcome To St Hell was my first graphic novel and it slapped. This was another one of my impulse purchases and I'm so glad I did indeed buy it. Terfs tried to review bomb it but I don't give a flying f** about their opinion. The Art was beautiful and I loved that Lewis didn't primarily feed into the Trans trauma trope and tell a sad story. Also The panels where he narrated and talked to his past self had me in tears of laughter cos as a semi masc Nonbinary person I found it so relatable. It's also really educational. A five star that I highly recommend.
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A very very good reading month and it might not be a big deal to everyone else but I'm really proud of myself for what I've achieved, I literally think since I first got back into reading its an absolute record for me. Maybe it's a sign I should go out more but honestly I'm not fussed and couldn't care any less.
Big Finish for the future we're tipping into The Charley Arc as I want to listen to more 8 and one 12 and 11 multi Doctor short trip. Crazy thing is though with my audhd brain I already have next years listens planned. Expect a lot and I mean a lot of Big Finish reviews that might just be paced from Storygraph but who cares.
My next five reads as of this blog are Race To Crashpoint Tower, Jamie, A Test Of Courage, War Of The Worlds and Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain. Very excited to see how the rest of the year goes and I'm absolutely loving the lovely templates I've got from @LEEBEE_READS. So much more to come and I really love looking back and reflecting on my reader tastes.
Have a happy Pride Month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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juteanworld · 8 months
October 3, 2023
Good afternoon, Tumblrini!
Blessed be your internet connections, for mine certainly was not last night, leading to me thinking the app had swallowed my post three times whole. Procrastination and distractions made me only get things done after midnight, when I no longer held the favor of the invisible internet iguanas.
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Worked in a greenhouse!
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And planted small seedlings into pots!
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Every pot had its own Plant Pass on the side, to make identifying the plant and tracing it's origin easier.
Due to procrastination and distractions I didn't get around to writing or reading last night again, this time I will try to at least procrastinate with them. 😄 Better would probably to block time for it, e.g. at 6 PM.
• Continuing with previous goals
• Reading 10 pages in a fiction and 10 in a non-fiction book
This should be the easiest goal and yet I keep putting it off as if I'm not ready yet, treating it like a solemn ceremonial ritual that I have to be in the perfect mindset for 😅
Planning to continue with Bid Time Return, set at the beginning of the 20th century, with the protagonist a British girl relocating from India, where she had been on many adventurous trips with her father, to Great Britain, where she inherited a large house, shares in a mine and meets the rest of her family who isn't very enamored with her free spirit and Buddhist tendencies, including an inclination to believe in reincarnation.
Found it in a thrift store in this small town I now live in and was amazed, so surprised, that it has descriptions of Tibetan culture and trips through Tibet 120 about years ago. It's been an inspiration for my worldbuilding and stories. But first I have to finish the idea that won the poll (and chronologically comes first anyway)
• Finish other homework (tulip research)
Don't know how I forgot about this, or why I put it off?
• Revise blog post entries of @taimemaailm and add at least one new entry
Using at least one of the new photos I took would be great!
• 15-minute writing sprint
I was amazed at how many votes I got on the last post – 15, not counting mine! On my first such post here no less.
A clear, absolute majority voted for option 1, another LGBT+ crime story based on my personal experiences and feelings, this time also set in one of my homelands, northern Germany.
While I had voted for another option, I will take the hint and work on option 1. It's something I actually started at the beginning of last year, it being the sequel of my first LGBT+-centric crime story, but then stopped working on last summer because I felt stuck. Time to get back to it. It had a lot of potential and early feedback was promising.
Perhaps I should post the first chapter on here, or a new writing-only sideblog?
• Add more worldbuilding documentation from my @ystel and @tropical-saa blogs to the wiki
• More worldbuilding in my desktop wiki
Until later, everyone!
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A Moment's Surprise--Chapter 14
Whether it’s called an accident or the fates of the universe, you and Calum find yourselves taking on the next level of your relationship: parenthood.
Reader (Gender Neutral) X Calum. Multi-chapter Series.
Series Note: Across this series, pregnancy is discussed thoroughly. While I have made this series specifically a reader insert and have done my best to avoid coding for cis women, I am taking this moment to acknowledge that this content may not be suitable for every reader. I want to acknowledge even if I’ve been careful some things (like uteri) are still mentioned and if that causes you discomfort please DO NOT read this. You may keep scrolling (as there is a read more) / skip this series as necessary.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Epilogue
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Joy returns to the living room, refilled glasses in her hand. In the months that she’s stayed with you, the two of you have obtained a ritual. While the weekdays can feel like a whirlwind, you two still try to build a space in the evenings that are a bit slower. And over the last five months, you and Joy make an evening ritual of watching at least one episode of a show together. A Korean romantic drama currently holds your two attention and while sometimes the antics felt overdramatic, the laughs were more than welcomed. The weekends, when they are not filled with errands, are dedicated to either a maximum of three episodes or a couple movies. It’s nice to have a space for just the two of you to bond. 
This weekend is no exception. You and Joy have agreed to finish out the season as there are only two episodes left. Between the first and second episode, there is a small snack break. And you need it. The last week or so a background feeling of being uncomfortable had settled. Though you had managed to continue on with your daily life and tasks, today just seems to be the day that the feeling cannot be ignored. The break had given you a chance to get up, as a struggle that it was, and walk around. But now that you were settling back in for the last episode of the show, you had a feeling that the sort of discomfort should be something that you vocalized more. 
Your due date was still two weeks out. And even though you’d told Calum it was just an estimate, you still used it as a sort of benchmark. Two weeks wasn’t terribly early, but you didn’t want to believe anything would happen just yet. There was still time. “You’re sure you’re okay?” Joy asks, watching you readjust yet again in your spot on the couch. 
You nod. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
She holds her gaze on you for a moment longer. Your brows seem to be wrinkled just ever so slightly at the middle of your forehead and they’ve been that way for the last couple hours as well. She didn’t want to suspect anything was wrong, but Joy also knows that the thing can’t dismiss is her own gut. “Let me know if that changes, alright?”
“Of course,” you return, “you know that.” You hit play and the show’s introduction and theme song cues up around you. 
It’s silly. It’s ridiculous. But as much as you felt like not yourself in the last few weeks of your pregnancy, the reality of giving birth and becoming a parent frightened you. What if you fucked it all up? What if you weren’t cut out to be a parent? All the books and sessions couldn’t truly override the fear that creeps up. What if it all fell apart on you before you even had the chance to feel like you had it together in the first place?The episode doesn’t even settle into your brain as it goes. You’re too caught up in the spiral of your thoughts. And like a pinch, your stomach hints at a twinge of pain. 
“It’s okay, just breathe, dear.”
You know it’s Joy. Her touch is soft and reassuring. But your own heart races in your ears. Your blood thumps against your veins, jumping at your neck. Could it all really happen right now?
“Just breathe,” Joy softly commands. 
You take in a breath, letting it slide in through your nostrils and when you exhale you let it all slip out over your tongue and lips. It feels easy enough but the seconds continue and the pain doesn’t exactly stop. You repeat the action, inhaling and exhaling. 
“That’s it,” Joy praises. She waits for the confirmation that the contraction has passed before she moves towards the coffee table. Her fingers are steady as she dials Calum’s number. The phone rings and rings and rings in her ears. The voicemail picks up and Joy leaves a brief message, knowing that she will call back again. The next call is to your doula. This time the phone connects and Joy talks calmly. You listen in on the evenness to her voice, the accent that colors her words and it’s a small wave of peace. 
Calum’s phone rings from the right of Michael. It’s the second time it’s rang in the last five minutes. He halfway wonders if he should answer it, knowing he never has previously. But everyone knows Calum’s been on edge. Since the baby shower, getting him to settle longer than ten minutes before he’s checking his phone has been hard if he’s out without you. Michael understands it the most.  Calum just doesn’t want to miss anything, he wants to be there after having been away for so much of your pregnancy. 
Before Michael can settle his internal debate, the door to the room opens and Michael looks up to see Calum returning from the restroom. “Your phone’s rang twice since you left, mate,” Michael states, lifting the device up off the table.
 Though it is a weekend, and the guys agreed not to let the band interfere too much with personal time off, the weekend was the only time Calum left okay enough to leave you, since he knew his mum would be there with you. So the guys worked around it for the time being. In all honesty, it hadn’t mattered at all until it came to vocal sessions which were mostly done individually with the group session sprinkled in and right now. Today only needed to be a couple hours long to review the tour plans, the set, lightning and ensure that everyone was squared away for the Oceania dates starting up. 
Calum nods as he takes his phone. “Thanks.”
He sees the two missed calls and voicemail from his mother. And in that moment, Calum’s barely thinking about the meeting still left. He calls his mother back, head swiveling to see where he set down his keys. They’d been in his pockets but he took them out he remembers at one point in the day. “Mum?” Calum states once he hears the split second of the call connecting. There’s a shaky edge to his voice that even rattles his own ears. 
“Hi, love. Did you get my voicemail?”
Calum shakes his head. “No, no, I-I just called back when I saw you called twice. Is everything alright?”
Ashton gives a small whistle after noticing the panic swivel of Calum’s head. Calum snaps his head up in the direction and his keys come arching through the air at him from the gentle toss Ashton gives them. His mother’s voice floats in through the phone even and calm. “How fast can you get home?”
“I can leave now. What’s going on?”
“I don’t want your blood pressure to go through the roof,” she teases. “But thank your stars.”
“Are they in labor?” Calum asks aloud, tucking his phone between his shoulder to keep it pressed to his ear. He pats his back pocket and he’s still got his wallet where he left it. Calum’s fingertips feel like they are buzzing. The entire room snaps to Calum. They’d been listening in a polite way. Where one looks away and tries to actively tune out the conversation. But the word ‘labor’ causes everyone to tune into what Calum’s saying. 
“Yes, son, it’s still early on. So we’ve got some time. I’m finalizing the hospital bag.” The moment his mother finishes the sentence Calum’s turning on his heel back towards the door. “The doula’s on her way. Things are okay on this end.”
“I’m on my way,” he answers. 
“Drive safe, Calum. They’re going to be okay. I’ve got them. Promise.”
The buzzing crept up his arms, and his head started to swim. Panic. Calum knows the signs of the fear flooding his body. Recently the signs and the fear have plagued him more consistently than before. But the promise, the sincere weight of his mother’s words to ease the fear she knows is consuming him, puts a pause on the building fear. “Thanks, Mum. I’ll be home soon.”
“Of course. See you when you get here.”
The call ends and Calum slips the phone into his back pocket, fingers finding the keys and fob to his car as his feet cross over the threshold. The hallway suddenly feels endless, but Calum keeps putting one foot in front of the other. 
“We’re getting baby Hood or what?” The voice echoes and Calum pauses to look back. All three of the boys are spilling out of the room. Ashton paused two steps from the door and Michael and Luke crowd around him. “Is it really happening?” Ashton asks. His smile breaks out across his face bright and wide. All of them hold wide grins on their faces. 
The sight makes Calum smile too. A bit more of the fear is pushed down, his head feels less like he’s swimming. “It’s really happening,” Calum answers, his voice carries down too. 
“Oh my god!” Michael screeches. He bolts down the hall and collides into Calum’s chest. “Tell them we’ll be there once you give us the all clear,” his voice is soft as he speaks. 
Calum returns the embrace, tight, but quick. Hands pat backs and the slap is a slight echo up each of their chests. “You guys will be one of the first to know. Promise.”
The two men separate and Michael gently shoves Calum along. “Go, man, go! You have a baby to meet!”
“I’m going, I’m going,” Calum laughs in return. He takes a step down towards the exit doors. 
“You’re not going fast enough,” Michael huffs. “Run! Go!”
In a light jog, Calum carries his body down the hallway, throwing one last wave back at his friends. “Love you guys!”
“Love you too!” The trio choruses back. 
Where Calum’s drive home, longer than he would ever want thanks to traffic, is a mixture of frustration and excitement, the second Calum steps into the house he is relieved to only seem calm. You are pacing, the distinct heavy sigh of your sustained breathing cuts through the low volume of the TV. But there’s very little panic. A couple bags are nestled next to the door and Calum’s attention snaps down to the Duke closing in around his feet. Calum watches as Duke walks over to him, big eyes staring up at him and then looking over to you. 
“I know,” Calum states to Duke. “That's why I’m here, big guy. I got ‘em, okay? Promise.” Calum’s careful as he approaches you, one not wanting to startle you and two because even though everything in him wants to comfort you, he knows there are somethings he will just never be able to understand. 
“Baby, I’m here, okay? What do you need from me?” he asks gently. He’s half aware  that getting the bags into the car is probably a priority. He hasn’t spotted his mother yet, but all he really wants and cares to focus on is you. 
You complete the lap across the living room to him and rest your head on his shoulder. “They’re not too bad right now-the contractions. I just, I’m scared now too.”
He hums, dropping his head a little to rest against yours. “It’s okay to be scared. Fear in some ways means progress.”
You nod again. “Pacing helps for now.”
“Let me get the bags into the car and we can pace, okay?”
“I’ve got the bags,” his mother states. He’s not sure when she came up or where she came from. He only nods and keeps his attention on you. He doesn’t even worry something might be missing from the bags. There's a checklist for the checklists and Calum knows Joy won’t let the two of you falter at this moment, not in the slightest. Calum sways as you sway. He breathes as you breathe and having the mirror keeps you focused. Though there’s the twinge of fear that creeps up, you keep focused. 
You can put together the drive. After three more laps in the living room, Joy and Calum are able to get you into the car. The neighborhood passes, the highway opens up. You are staring at the back of the cars in front of you, focusing on the license plate numbers as Calum talks next to you. You know you’re responding because you’re laughing. You know you’re aware because you remember how Joy kissed your forehead and promised she’d be there at the birthing center soon to meet you two and her first grandbaby after she got Duke settled. You know you’re aware because even you poke fun at how Calum raced to get home but couldn’t at least snag one of the boys to get Duke like they had agreed to do, though you know the agreement really was that the boys would alternate on who would check up on Duke while the three of you were away.  
But no amount of breathing and reading off licenses and laughter really prepares you for the moment when you’re actively squatting, Calum’s arms hooked through your armpits to hold your weight and your back is up against his chest and you’re swearing you’ve never sweated so much in your entire life. Because even as the contraction does subside, though the relief won’t really be long, you know just on the other side of this is actually rearing a child. It’s actually real. And how can it all be real in the thick fog of sweat, and groans, and breathing? How could it all be real?
“I’m here, okay? I’m here,” Calum whispers into your ear. “You’re doing so well, love. You know that?”
Another contraction seizes your response, the gratitude replaced yet again with your breathing to ride through the pain. Calum’s chest expands against your back and you follow it to take the inhale. When his chest decompresses, you follow that lead to exhale. You can’t tell if he’s saying anything else at the moment, but you can feel the gentle brush of his lips against the shell of your ear. 
The squeeze releases its grip from around you. Your head falls back just a bit and Calum doesn’t fight it. He lifts his head to accommodate you and then presses a kiss to your cheek. Now around your tongue aren’t the words thank you, because when you look at Calum you can see even the worry on his one face. “So, how was your day?” you ask in a tease.
Calum laughs, shaking his head. “You don’t get to ask me that. Not right now.”
“Oh why not?” you return. Your grin is brief, mostly because you can feel part of the fatigue trying to settle too thickly on you. 
“You’re literally giving birth. I don’t think anything else matters.”
“Huh, could’ve fooled me.” You’d want to give a shrug, but you can’t, not with the lock Calum has under your arms. But you still try anyway. His smile replaces some of the worry lines. It makes your chest ease up a little at the sight. 
The water is warm and you’re grateful for the small respite as you settle down into it. Time doesn’t really matter but you think how the hours must be crawling by for everyone else. Here though time feels like a foreign concept. Who cares how many hours? Who cares how many days? Who’s counting the seconds? There is only just now. The wall of the pool is thick enough that you do find it steady to recline into, but Calum settles behind you. It’s a comfort, you know he’s close, to hear his voice soothing at the part of your brain still attuned to him. Not that you’ve tuned everything out, you’re just zeroing in. 
The drops and aches and contractions are all alerting you. You want to make sure you can hear it, the call from your body that once you start pushing there will be no stopping. You are zeroed in. You’re thankful that Calum is here and that your doula’s helping and you catch the nurses that pop in to cheer you on, but you are zeroing in. You don’t want to miss it. And you’re not sure you ever would. 
What feels like a fleeting thought becomes a screeching reality. There’s Calum in your ear, softly encouraging you. There’s water lapping around you. There are grunts of exertion and without hesitation, you reach down knowing the head’s beyond crowned. You’d think it’d be harder and it is hard work; it is taking nearly every ounce of consciousness to remember to push but not to go too hard, but there’s something natural about it too. To catch his head and as another push sends him out you gently guide his body up. 
And there is the very real thing in your arms. There are tears stinging behind your eyes and you can’t tell what’s sweat from what’s tears on your face. Not that it matters how separate the two are, because there is the very real thing in your arms. 
“Amiri, look at you,” you coo. A rush of pride fills you, and the laughter turns up into a victorious cry from your lips. Amiri is the very real thing. There’s no room for fear. You love him--instantly, deeply, and fully you love the tiny baby boy in your arms. 
“He’s so small,” Calum laughs from behind you. His hands hover like he wants to touch, but he’s too scared. And then with a rush of braveness, Calum runs his fingers gently over the top of his son’s head. “Hi, Pumpkin.”
“Welcome to the otherside,” your doula says softly. 
You watch Calum cradle Amiri to his chest. Amiri’s tiny hands rest near the silver fern tattoo on Calum’s bare chest and from your vantage point, it’s almost like Amiri’s holding the plant. You know the truth, that Calum is utterly obsessed and you are too, but mostly tired. Calum smiles up at you. “I’m whipped. Like I knew it was a high chance before, but god, he’s perfect.”
“You say that because you’ve yet to change a diaper,” you tease. 
“Even his shits will be perfect.” A small tuft of laughter creeps up your chest. You gently run your fingers along Amiri’s back. He hardly stirs at the action, but you don’t mind it. “Thank you,” Calum whispers. 
“You don’t have to thank me,” you state. 
“I do. What you did wasn’t easy and no little task and I so appreciate it. For our little boy. I can’t--” Calum pauses hearing his own voice choke around the words. “I really can’t thank you enough.”
Pressing a kiss to Calum’s lips, you only pull back enough to glance down to Amiri again. “I know, love. I know. I’d do it again for him.”
“So a second child could definitely be on the horizon.”
You laugh besides yourself but nod. “Yes, but you’ll have to be prepared for the second round of, ‘Will you still love me if I shit myself in delivery?’” you state. 
“You didn’t this time,” Calum counters. “And you know I would.”
“Guess I’ll have to get pregnant again to see if you’re really man about your word.”
Calum’s grin is still a tad watery from his tears, but it’s just as bright as before. “Don’t give me any ideas."
Tagging: @busstop @wiiildflowerrr @wonderlandiswhereitsatyo @icelily13 @fandomfoodiedancer @markaylafruitcup @one-sweet-gubler @carma-fanficaddict @sunflowercalum @rosie-posie08
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