#i adore them both SO much they are SO silly
gojosatorubrainrot · 3 days
Scars don't define you💫
Summary: Gojo starts to feel insecure about your love for him because of his scars
Feat: Gojo Satoru x reader
Content: fluff, mentions of Gojo vs Sukuna fight, reassuring, body insecurities, husband!Gojo x Wife!Reader. Ch 261 doesn't exist lol
Wc: 1121
Author's note: Hi!! I've never thought I will ever be doing this but here we are! Encouraged by my gojo friends in discord to continue this drabble🥰 Sorry in advanced for my poor grammar, English is not my first language 🫡
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The Shinjuku incident meant a reborn for the the strongest sorcerer, and you, his wife as well. You almost lost the love of your life by the hands of the King of Curses. At first, you thought everything was over when you saw him laying down on the floor, his lifeless body starting to be covered by the heavy snow storm that had began to fall minutes earlier.
You felt useless, after all, you were a non sorcerer, so,as a civilian, you didn't to have another choice than staying where Shoko and the others were watching the battle being broadcasted.
But its been a long time since that jumpscare and you thanked every existent God and also Shoko for bringing your reason of living back to your arms.
Satoru and you both were laying in bed together, you are running your fingers along his scarred face; each fingertips of yours feeling every single injury of his skin.
As you continue with your doing,he closes his eyes at the softness of your sweet touch, at first, he enjoys it a lot, he always loved the way you did it, always being careful as if he was a glass meant to break, but fear set up on his mind;he thought you hated his scars, that you despise them and  those marks ruined his pretty face, that you wouldn't love him anymore and, eventually, you would leave him alone as everyone did during his life, but this time, he wouldn't have a reason of living because you are his everything.
He doesn't even want to think how a life without in it would be, how alone he would feel again just like he did after Suguru's departure.
When that event occurred, when he was ordered to kill his best friend, he has never felt so useless as a sorcerer, but most of all, as a human being, so that was the reason he chose to stay alone for the rest of his days, to prevent someone from getting hurt by the mere fact of being involved with him. That was his idea until he met you at his favorite kikufuku store. He didn't believe in love at the first sight until he met you nor how does it feel to be in love until you.
you, his everything
He was afraid of losing you again, but now it was because of his appearance, he hated those scars because that meant you won't call him pretty angel or pretty face ever again. On the other hand, they were his reminder of a second opportunity, an opportunity he would take advantage of. His second chance to make things right and spend as much time as he could with you: not spending nights working or on mission trips, only with you, his home.
Now he is debating if telling you or not about his insecurity with his scarred skin, because he thinks you would laugh at this and ignore him, but call him silly for thinking that.
As he thinks about that, he sits up, preparing to get his shirt on. You can see how the mood changed, how an intimate moment filled with love and adoration became one filled with insecurities and non spoken words. He is looking for his shirt to put it on and leave the bedroom towards the balcony, so he can spare his mind off a little bit.
You wonder why he was feeling troubled and why he decided to ignore you and not talking with you as he has always done before. You are hesitant about ask him or not, you always wanted to give Satoru his space, you always respected that because after some time, he will come to you and tell you everything between thousands and thousands sorry for not telling you before.
All you can see now is his scarred back, and your intuition is screaming at you to do something so he could open himself up to you. After few seconds, an idea popped up in your mind; while satoru has his head between his hands, you approached to him slowly trying to not get noticed.
Satoru, who was lost in thoughts, suddenly felt your plump and soft lips along his scared back, giving it small pecs and smooches, replacing your lips with your small fingers tracing every single scar. He didn't understand what you were doing so he let you do so. Suddenly,he feels something he has only felt with you and you only: loved, adored, cherished, he was seen as a human, not a pretty face as he has been called few times, the strongest weapon for the jujutsu society, he was Satoru Gojo for you, your Toru.
He turned his head to where you were tracing your fingers and stared at you: you were focused and determined to make him feel alive again.
His small chuckle made you look up and meet those blue eyes you fell in love with many years ago;
"Hi sweets" he whispered without looking away" What are you doing?"
"Hi Toru" you giggled at that nickname he gave you only when you both were in an intimate moment "Nothing, just admiring your beauty" you responded never looking away from his mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Nothing about me is beautiful, princess" he said defeated. "Look at me" he pointed at his scarred skin, despising it, hating it.
"I'm looking at you, Toru. I'm always looking at you and all I see it's the prettiest, the most caring, loving man that I've ever met" you said putting his face in between your hands "I love you,Toru. If you ever think those scars will stop me from loving you, I must tell you don't me well. These scars are telling me that you are here" you give him a kiss in the tip of his pinky nose "alive, with me in our home"
After yours words, Satoru’s eyes immediately fill with tears, but before you notice, he closes his eyes to stop them and leans his head to your warm and reassuring touch, a warm feeling inside his chest arises.
He feels so grateful with you, you are his everything.You stopped caressing him at the moment he opens his eyes, blue like the ocean itself "I love you, angel" he says at the same time you started caressing the scar across his cheek.
"I love you too, Satoru and remember that you can tell me any trouble or inconvenience you are living through, okay? I'll always love you until my last breath" you said finishing the sentence with a quick kiss, which is immediately reciprocated 
With this Satoru knew that he would never feel alone again.
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delicatebarness · 3 days
cry baby | chapter eleven
Summary: “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.”
Warning: Fluff. Crying, it's Cry Baby after all.
Word Count: 1572
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A/N: I'm so so so sorry. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10
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About a week passed since the latest bar incident, and life had slowly begun to return to normal. Rumlow wasn’t embarrassed to show his face around the bar anymore and everyone stopped staring at you and whispering when you walked in. 
Tonight, you decided to head back to the bar again. The familiar establishment was filled with the usual crowds, creating a lively atmosphere. Your friends greeted you with warm smiles and hugs. 
The conversation flowed easily, yet as the night went on, you began to notice once again that everyone in your friendship group was wearing their matching ‘Avengers’ leather jackets. You hadn’t gotten one, and it always made you feel a bit left out, a pang of sadness tugged at your heart. 
Bucky was the first to notice the sudden shift in your demeanor. “Something on your mind?” he asked, his knee nudged against yours gently under the table. 
You hesitated, looking up at him. “It’s silly, really,” you paused, taking a deep breath. “But, I can’t help feeling a bit… left out, I guess.” 
He furrowed his brow, concern flickered in his eyes. “Left out? Why?” 
You glanced up toward the ceiling, trying to stop the tears from flowing, you felt foolish for even having these thoughts never mind speaking them. “It’s just… you’re wearing your jackets, and I don’t have one. At least, not my own.” 
“That’s not silly,” Bucky replied. He reached his hand under the table, rubbing his thumb over the exposed skin of your thigh. “I get it, you want it to look like you’re apart of the group, not just seen with us?” 
You met his gaze, giving him a small nod. He squeezed your thigh while sending you a smile. “Well, then. I think I have a solution.” 
Before you could respond, he stood up and shrugged the jacket off his shoulders. “Here,” he said, holding it out to you. “Now you match.” 
You shook your head, surprised by his gesture. “Bucky, I can’t take your jacket.” 
He hesitated for a short moment, disappointment flashed over his eyes before he shook his head back at you. “Consider it a loan, just until we get you one of your own.” 
You held up your pinky finger, forgetting where you both were for a moment. Your pinky promises had never happened in front of anyone else but each other. Only ever in your apartment, never in public. 
Yet, his pinky finger tangled itself with yours. “Thank you,” you said softly, accepting the jacket and draping it over your shoulders. That familiar scent envelops you, like a protective embrace. 
“Anything for you, Sweetheart,” he said, widening his smile before taking a sip of his beer. As he did, his muscles became defined by the dim light of the bar. Shadows cast over them, accentuating their contours. You found yourself gazing at his arms for a lingering moment, as though you were seeing them for the first time. 
A couple of days later, as you were getting ready for an evening at home, you heard a knock on your door. You stopped what you were doing instantly, opening the door slightly to see who it was. No one was there, yet you found a small wooden box sitting on the doormat. Intrigued, you picked it up and examined it closely. 
The box was beautifully crafted, with familiar delicate cravings adoring the cedar. You traced your fingers over the patterns. Inside the box, there was a note attached to a wrapped parcel, written in Bucky’s handwriting. 
Opening the note, you read it carefully. It simply said, “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you kept rereading the note. It was a simple message, but it meant more to you than your emotions could let you express. With a shaky breath, you unwrapped the parcel and found a soft, cozy, pastel pink cardigan neatly folded. 
As you inspect the cardigan, you notice the patches on the back, taking your breath away. 
You ran your fingers over the embroidered designs, tracing the outline of each patch: the Avengers logo, that you sketched years before, and your initials. The tears that were previously welling now spilled down your cheeks. 
With trembling hands, you reached for your phone and pressed Bucky’s name. As the call connected, his face appeared on the screen, immediately softening when he saw you. 
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” his voice filled with concern as he noticed your puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“I just…” you tried to find your words between hiccups. “I just wanted to… I wanted to thank you for the cardigan. It’s… it’s perfect.” 
Relief washed over his face, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I’m glad you like it,” he said softly. “I thought you’d feel more comfortable with a cardigan than a leather.” 
Looking at him through the screen, you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “Thank you,” you whispered, your voice catching in your throat.
You took a deep breath after the call with Bucky ended, taking the note, you made your way to the kitchen. Carefully you attached the note to the door of your fridge. It felt like an important reminder. 
Stepping back to admire the note, you wrapped the cardigan tighter around you.
A few days later, you were settling into your nightly routine, getting ready for bed, before another knock at your door. You hesitated to answer it, yet another knock came with a ‘It’s me,’ mumbling behind the door. 
Answering it, you found Bucky standing on the other side, looking worse for wear again. 
“Dare I ask?” you asked, making room for him to enter as concern filled your eyes and a small frown tugged at your lips. 
He shook his head as he made his way to his usual seat at your dining table. “Just a little scrap, nothing serious,” he replied, giving you a weak smile. 
You weren’t convinced, it was never just ‘a little scrap’ when Bucky was concerned. “Let me take a look,” you insisted as you made your way into the kitchen to fetch your first aid kit. 
As you worked on tending to his wounds, cleaning and bandaging his knuckles, his gaze froze and fixated on something behind you. “Wait, who is this?” he asked, his voice filled with confusion as he stood, making his way over to where he had looked.
You turned to see what he was looking at, you blinked feeling a rush of guilt wash over you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about?” you said, trying to play it cool as you reached out to take the tiny white kitten from his arms. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, his expression skeptical. He moved the kitten out of your reach. “Sweetheart, the cat? The cat I am very clearly holding…” he trailed off, his eyes narrowed at you. 
“There’s no cat here, Bucky,” you replied, trying to keep a straight face. And, still trying to reach the kitten.
Bucky started at you for a moment, an unreadable expression over his features. “Are you okay?” he asked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. 
You glanced around nervously, a pang of guilt rushed through you for keeping the truth from him. “I, um, I’m not allowed to have pets here, but I couldn’t say no to her…” you whispered in a rush. 
His eyes softened. “You are the sweetest thing,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “But, wait… does that mean? Little Miss Rogers… the cities Cry Baby… my Sweetheart? Are you breaking a rule?” he added with a mocking gasp and a teasing tone. 
You nodded sheepishly, a flush of heat creeping up your cheeks. “I know, I know,” you replied, avoiding his gaze. “I couldn't just leave her.” 
Bucky shook his head, “Well, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he admitted, the hand he wasn’t using to hold the kitten reaching out to cup your cheek. 
As the night began and ran into the early morning, you and Bucky found yourselves lost in conversation, the kitten purring between the pair of you on the couch. Amidst the laughter and the warmth of each other’s presence, there was a subtle shift in the air. 
Bucky tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered as he looked at you, the way your glossy eyes sparkled with excitement over any small gesture the kitten did. He couldn’t deny the surge of affection washing over him, he had an overwhelming urge to reach out and pull your face toward his. 
He wanted to hold onto this moment, but he knew he couldn’t. As painful as it was to admit to himself, he knew he had to leave. 
Bucky stood up from the couch, forcing a smile as he tried to hide the rage inside him. “It’s getting late,” he said softly, “I should probably head home.” 
Confusion and a hint of sadness flickered across your face, you assumed he would have been spending the night at your apartment, like the majority of the nights recently. “Oh, okay… I guess you’re right,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. 
As he made his way to your door, he paused a moment of hesitation before turning back to look at you. “Goodnight, Sweetheart.” 
You smiled weakly, a lump forming in your throat as you watched him leave. “Goodnight, Bucky.” 
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Sirius would always choose James over Remus. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Ignoring fanon bc canon there friendship was super deep and always had each other
he would, 100%. canon is so explicitly clear on how much sirius just adored james. james, his other half; james, his soulmate; james, the one who insulted slytherin and then didn’t so much as blink when sirius said his whole family’s been in slytherin, like it didn’t matter, like he’d already decided sirius was more than alright.
james embodies traits that sirius values: intelligence, boldness, confidence. james says things with his whole chest, doesn’t have a tendency to lie or smother things in half truths. i don’t think james would be sneaky (or be capable of being sneaky), he just doesn’t things. he’s loud and proud about his opinions, his (perhaps biased) sense of justice, his cruelty. it must’ve been refreshing to sit across from someone who said, “blimey, and I thought you were alright!” in response to something he possibly wouldn’t have liked, similarly to how it was refreshing to harry to sit across from ron—who was so normal, so quick to jump to harry’s defence, so quick to treat harry like a regular person instead of a freak or something to gawk at as soon as they got over the initial awkwardness.
james stood at sirius’ side, not behind him. james matched sirius quip for quip. he’s so explicitly fond of james, when he tells harry about him: his silly habits, his bravery, his cleverness. i think james just matched him in every which way.
and of course, sirius is fond of remus as well! remus is quick-witted and sharp too! remus is intelligent too! but remus is sneakier than james and sirius, and he’s shy, and remus looks away from things he doesn’t like when it’s his friends doing them. remus is more (understandably, seeing his position in society) fearful than both james and sirius are. remus doesn’t tell james to put his snitch away, remus doesn’t tell james that he’s seen as a bigheaded prick—sirius is the one to tell james these things, and considering how in sync harry notes sirius and james to be, james would likely be the one to tell sirius similar things. and that’s the way to sirius’ heart, i think: be honest, be bold, be confident. “you’re welcome to me when i’m being a twat, as long as i can tell you when you’re being a twat without you getting all butthurt over it.”
most importantly: remus is, during when sirius appears actively in canon, sirius’ last remaining friend. of course he’s going to stick by remus during OotP. they’re the last two marauders—they’re all they have of their ruined and long-lost, careless youth. their dynamic during the events of canon is incredibly influenced by their shared loss. this doesn’t mean that, should james miraculously come back to life during OotP and somehow be at odds with remus, sirius would choose remus’ side. even if he disagrees with james (which he would tell james. in harrowing detail. cross-referenced and peer-reviewed).
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malcontentonline · 3 days
hiii, I already adored your art from the comic of metal and hoki and married Kkgai - and to now see you put kkgai in founders time is giving me so much dopamine 💥 any chance you could elaborate on the dynamic between Madara and Gai ? :] how does he interact with the other founders ?
thank you very much for the kind words!!!
(Sorry I took so long to answer this I wanted to finish a lil comic I’ve been working on that basically contains what would have been the first meeting of madara and gai in the fic but that is going to take a fair bit longer so I hope you don’t mind me just answering with some doodles)
first up the dynamic between the founders, gai and kakashi is as follows:
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The black haired guy at the top middle is kakashi he actually is in disguise most of the story because he’s trying to be really careful and not alter the timeline too much.
This causes its own set of problems when gai after being told by kakashi to stay put and not interact with anyone (gai was not meant to join kakashi in the past and they weren’t meant to go back so far so kakashi is a bit disoriented) mistakes madara for his eternal rival and interferes with an ambush to help him escape unscathed. Madara witnesses here the 6th gate for the first time and decides to kidnap gai and keep him as a prisoner until he’s figured out what the heck gai did to spontaneously get stronger.
Gai tries to figure out the lest future changey way of escaping and finding the real kakashi while madara tries to figure out gais deal generally. Eventually gai agrees to spar with madara on the condition that madara sends people to search for his rival.
Their sparing matches are actually really interesting! Gai is exceptional at countering the sharingan but madara is a far more experienced fighter both of them are a fan of a good fight so they actually end up growing closer through these fights (this relationship development would actually have been a large part of the story)it doesn’t help that they both remind each other of their respective rivals, so they sort of fall into a closer relationship than they would naturally because they both miss them so much.
Their would likely be dashes of madagai in this story but ultimately they’re not each other’s endgame so it would only really manifest in like madaras musings about what a world where they got together might look like. As well as the occasional crisis of faith from gai where he weirdly feels like he’s cheating on kakashi despite them not actually being together till the end of the story.
So yeah hopefully that illuminates the dynamic a bit more :]
here are some silly doodles:
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libby-for-life · 1 day
What if adam got a angel like how lilith got lucifer?
How would a yandere lucifer and lilith react to finding adam talking to a angel.
Ooohhhh, a short one-shot.
Part 5 of Theirs.
TW! Mutilation
Lilith watched with a glare as she saw Adam talking to what looked like a very small angel. It almost looked like a bee. A bee that wouldn't buzz off.
Adam talked to them with a small smile on his face while Lilith just stood behind him. The bee angel called themselves Beatrice. She seemed happy to talk with the First Man.
And Lilith couldn't stand it. How dare Adam talk to anyone that wasn't her or Lucifer? Beatrice was just an insignificant bug. She wanted it gone. What really made Lilith's blood boil was how casually Beatrice touched Adam.
Oh, this bitch wanted to play? Thought she was innocent and that she could manipulate Adam? Her poor baby. He couldn't tell when someone was bad news. Well, it didn't matter. She would take care of it. For Adam.
Lilith waited under the forbidden tree impatiently. She was told by Lucifer that she should wait here and yet she had been waiting for what felt like hours. Growling to herself, She sat down in a huff. It was a good thing Adam was already asleep. Their poor baby was just so tired. Being pregnant can do that to a person.
She glanced to the right when she heard the distinct sound of wings. Lucifer was here. She grinned when she saw her lover. "Do you have her?" Lilith questioned.
Lucifer nodded. "Of course. It put up a struggle but did you ever really doubt me?" Lilith just smiled. She laughed softly and looked down at his hands.
The bee angel, or cherub as Lucifer called it, was struggling, clearly terrified.
Good. It should be. What did that thing expect to happen by touching what was theirs? Did this silly little bug think it would actually get away with it?
Lucifer was smirking as well, squeezing the thing as it cried.
"We want you to know why we're doing this." Lucifer began. "You put your hands on something you had no business touching. As an Archangel, I deem you unworthy of even stepping on Eden’s soil, much less touching the First Man."
" I don't understand!" Beatrice cried. " I just wanted to see what our Lord created!"
" Oh, you did much more than just look," Lilith said with a growl. "You dare stand before us and act like you didn't touch what was ours?"
"You're insane!" The bee yelled. "Just wait until Michael hears about this!" Poor choice of words. Lucifer hated his brother. Beatrice's stinger was pulled out from the root. She cried in pain and anguish as it left her body.
"Perhaps don't mention the archangel's brother?" Lilith suggested with a laugh. She turned to a still-seething Lucifer and said, "I say we go for the wings next."
" No, please!" The cherub begged, but it was no use. Lilith pulled the wings at an excruciating pace, biting her lip as it tore easily. They took turns pulling different body parts off, kissing each other every once in a while.
The legs were next, their ugly body parts being thrown next to them. Lucifer particularly enjoyed scooping at the eyes. Soon, the dirt was mixing with the gold blood that dripped off of them. The body was unrecognizable. Lucifer finished the cherub off by aiming his holy light at the head. The bug convulsed for a while before going limp, blood and drool leaking from its mouth.
" What do we do with the body?" Lilith asked, looking at the mutilated angel. Lucifer simply shrugged before bringing forth more holy light. He destroyed the angel's body until there was nothing left by ash. They spread the ash onto the ground, completely covering the evidence.
They wash themselves in a nearby creek before joining Adam underneath a nearby tree. Their baby was sleeping so soundly, oblivious to the carnage that just happened.
" He's so cute," Lilith said, kissing his lips softly. Adam let out a little groan but didn't wake up. "I know! Look how fat his chest has gotten. So adorable." Lucifer cooed and kissed him as well. They both snuggled up to him, satisfied that the problem was over.
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moe-broey · 1 year
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mangk0 · 25 days
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the last giants
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
I want to write some stuff for this but am actively nodding off so y'all just get an info dump before I forget it instead. (My baby loftwing being all fluffed and happy on my chest is not helping me focus lol)
Anyway! Miphlink baby!
I think it would be pretty neat if he was hard of hearing. The mix of Hylian/Zora genes mostly goes fine, but that's the one thing that just gets him. Part of it is because Zora and Hylian ears are different - Zora ears are small openings hidden under the side fins on their heads, and we all know about Hylian ears. Zora rely on different hearing sensors when underwater, hollowed out structures in their heads that allow, essentially, for echolocation. Miphlink baby is born with Hylian ears tucked behind thinner side fins, no structures for echolocation, and not the best hearing. So Link and Mipha have to sign with him most of the time, though he does hear a little better underwater since sound travels better underwater.
While Mipha's color scheme for her scales is like crystla red and creamy white, baby's color scheme is a lighter shade of red paired with Link's skin tone. He doesn't have claws, either, but he does have sharp incisors. He's got his dad's blue eyes.
As for size, when he's full grown he'll stand around the height of an adult Hylian man, so he'll be taller than his dad but short by Zora standards (I figure Mipha seems pretty short for her people's standards too - she is a teenager, of course, but like... she's shorter than Link. Girl is tiny). He's got the structural fins like any Zora, but his body proportions are those of a Hylian (longer legs, shorter torso, whereas Zora are shorter legs and longer torso).
He grows at a rate similar to Hylians - Zora age twice as slow as Hylians until they hit adulthood, and then they just... are adults for a million years. But Miphlink baby grows roughly at the rate of a Hylian, maybe a little slower, and the rest of the Domain is just floored at how fast this kid is hitting his growth milestones.
He definitely has that cute "head tail is too big for his body" thing going on that Sidon had <3
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rxttenfish · 11 days
things that make miravi what it is, for me: miranda wholeheartedly believes what aaravi says about being a video game protagonist and seeing the UI and everything.
listen, miranda's entire Bit is believing what people say to her and what they give to her. this is what gets her labelled as naive, yes, but also i think it can go the other way too, where she can very easily meet people where they're at and not be overly confrontational about what they care about.
and no one ever really seems to believe aaravi when she talks about being the hero? as in, this too is another part of the joke, that aaravi is part of a different genre that isn't the one she's actually inhabiting, so everything she says comes with a lot of tongue-in-cheek and no one else giving it a lot of weight or credence. her being the chosen hero has a lot more significance to aaravi herself than anyone else, and even in the moments where aaravi is focused on, its always centered around this being something important to her, sectioned off from the rest of the game and the rest of the characters by detachment.
but if you put the two of these together... miranda's a big proponent of fairytales. she knows about the prophesied hero, this is something that is important to her, that she already puts weight in. and aaravi says, yes, she is a prophesied hero, she's here to save people, she's here to do good, she's the one this story is about.
and i think miranda would sincerely believe her without any real stipulations or doubt. if anything, miranda would get excited! she'd become an enabler if anything, wanting to hear more, wanting to see more, wanting to see aaravi save the world, wanting to see her be the hero, be the thing of legends. she wants to know about aaravi's exploits! where has she been? what monsters has she defeated along the way? has she won a game of wits? has she found a legendary magical sword to help her along? miranda wants to see it all! she wants to hype up aaravi, because she loves this and she believes in aaravi too!
and i think that'd be good for aaravi! i think she could genuinely benefit from having someone wholeheartedly be in her corner, to play cheerleader for her, to not doubt her all the time or have to struggle to convince her of any part of it. in general i think aaravi deserves more support than she gets, that it would do her very good in feeling confident and assured in herself, in not having to struggle with perceived insecurity in so many things all the time. she is the hero! someone does believe her! someone does think she's helpful and good and protective! not to mention i think it'd benefit her to have someone to talk about all of this to, someone who isn't judging her and isn't a therapist, who she can feel safe and secure with in turn.
and i think it would do miranda good too, to have someone who appreciates her help and wants her help, who she can feel like she's helping and being good in doing so. miranda does have a tangible motivation in wanting to make her friends happy and be liked, and i think having someone who appreciates her efforts would also be good for her.
i think they both deserve to feel like they're being good and doing good! i think it'd be good for them to just have someone who unironically appreciates what they're doing and believes them when they say who they are!
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eurydicees · 5 months
i get the appeal of being a hater for sure but personally i was built to be a lover and to love things and to see the beauty and worth in everything i choose to see beauty and worth in sometimes for no other reason than that i want to see beauty and worth in them. like i don’t want to hate things for fun! why are we all so mean to each other! you do you but personally im gonna choose to unapologetically love the things i love
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scootabloom · 3 days
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AND OF COURSE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TARA :DDDD!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🎂❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🎂❤️🎊❤️🥳🎊🎊🥰🎉🎉🥳🥳🎂🎂
Anyway their last scene was so cute <333 and I'm glad Darcy apologized at the beginning too 🥰
Oh and of course the shirt was ICONIC lol xDD ❤️🥰
That truth or dare round o.o but AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH NICK CAME OUT TO THEM!!! AAHHHHH :'DDDDD!! Stop I'm so happy for him, and him and Charlie 🥰🥰🥰❤️
ISAACCCCC 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. MY POOR BOY!!! <3333 He doesn't deserve this :(((. And I mean poor James too honestly :((. They're both growing through it and neither of my babies deserve this D': 😭😭💔❤️ <33.
Also S L A Y against Harry, Charlie :DDDD!!!
And 😭😭😭💔❤️ Nick I'm sorry about your dad :((( but hey at least he's coming to dinner :D! Still though, my poor boy <333.
Anyway so many developments this episode but YEAH they're all cute and I love them all so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰 even though I'm sure there's still gotta be more issues to come lol
Also I gotta say as soon as Darcy threw up I was like "ahhh. . . so, you'll have to sleep in the same bed ;). . . crazy 😏" XDD. And hey I was RIGHT so xDD. Anyway they're adorable and I love them <333
AMAZING EPISODE as always :))
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volivolition · 3 months
sketched out a h/e coord and composure design and i like both of them :3
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transurgender · 11 months
literally everytime i look up a character to see who they were va'd by it always links back to persona 5 somehow. help me.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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Honk bonk!
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sysig · 2 years
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Coming or going, it’s a cute lad (Patreon)
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