#i actually like Bastien
hotchocolatelovesyou · 7 months
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tinytveit · 2 years
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stormblood -
yet there remains something so very familiar about this city of colors and bright lights - a memory lingering on the far reaches of her mind, just out of reach, but close enough to a light a match. it haunts her every time she walks through these streets, her head a mess of current events, the resistance left behind in ala mhigo, the bereft people of doma - and yet here she sits. staring up at the city piled high above her, the unrelenting feeling of deja vu flowing through her veins.
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littlegal100 · 2 years
You know, for the times I played Bastien's route. I never tried pursuing Pieto while still being on good terms with Bastien. Let me see what happens-
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akuneko-tls · 1 month
The dynamics between the butlers 🌹
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Lucas & Nac
Lucas: “Morning~”
Nac: “Aah, please wait!”
Bad with mornings
He messes up a lot when getting ready without fully waking up, so Nac fixes it for him
When he stays up late doing research, he messes up twice as much
Even if his eyes are open, it's still hard to tell if he has woken up or not
Actually he's always waking up in a bad mood, so to hide it, he wakes up earlier than anyone else
Always dressed perfectly
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Lucas & Lono
Lucas: “Pain, pain, go away~”
Lono: “S-sorry…”
Scary when angry
If someone gets hurt because they're being reckless, they'll receive more painful treatment than usual
He's bad (is scared) with Lucas
He's aware whenever he's being reckless, so he'll really regret it later
Lono is Lucas's regular patient
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Flure & Lono
Lono: “I told you, you definitely can eat it with this seasoning!”
Flure: “Bell peppers… no way…”
He can't shut up when it comes to food
He often has Flure helping him in the kitchen
Hates vegetables
Lono is close in age with him and easy to talk to, so he can openly show his dissatisfaction
Normally he's quite rude to Lono
Lono's cooking is delicious, so he's grateful to him
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Lato & Flure
Lato: “See, isn't it fun?”
Flure: “Put me down now!”
No interest whatsoever towards other people and all living beings…
Flure and Miyaji (+the lord) are the only ones he has interest in
Extremely high physical prowess and he can't control it
Playfully bothering Flure, thinking it would make him happy, but always ends up making him angry
He's annoyed that Lato treats him like a little brother (But he doesn't hate it)
He's proud of himself for taking care of the bothersome dangerous person that is Lato
He's usually scolding him despite Lato is older than him
Lato doesn't listen to other people, but if Flure's the one saying it, he complies
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Bastien & Lono
Two guys who usually disagrees/fights a lot
Bastien: “I want…”
Harbors one-sided rivalry with Bastien who is skilled in swordsmanship
Surprisingly, Lono is the more reliable one
Drawn to things he likes, he often gets lost
He often doesn't pay attention to what Lono says, but when Berrien says something, both of them follow
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Berrien & Bastien
Berrien: “Uwaaa…”
Bastien isn't particularly close with Berrien, but he does listen to what he says
Due to his affection for living things, he avoids senseless killing
Berrien is terrified of bugs
Rather than hiding this weakness, he openly seeks help from other butlers
Considering that everyone helps him out, he thinks that 'They're all good kids.”
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Lamli & Ammon
Lamli: “Rose-kun, hear me out ♪”
Ammon: “Yes, yes, I've had enough hearing about it~ Also, won't you stop with the Rose-kun?”
He's thinking on what to do to handle this situation
He loves Lucas and the lord
Ammon is one of the few people who listens to him gushing
He has a habit of quickly assigning nicknames to others
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Ammon & Boschi
He lets his guard down when with someone he can be open to
He nonchalantly sleeps a lot
He has the smoothest hair out of all the butlers
He takes care of Boschi's daily life, who is wounded
But, sometimes he messes around because he can (and then gets scolded badly)
It's Ammon's duty to wake Boschi up (he makes herbal tea to wake him up)
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Boschi & Haures
Usually they don't get along well
They recognize each other's strength, so they lean on each other's backs in battle
Boschi: “That was such a crappy move”
Haures: “Shut up. Focus on eliminating the enemies”
He doesn't want to acknowledge Haures's strength, so he fights while cursing
Strong sense of rivalry with Haures
When dealing with Boschi, he's a little more foul-mouthed than usual
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crowlipso · 1 year
I had a question tho before joining Hogwarts do you think Agatha dated someone before she started dating Sebastian?
If you think so who do you think? What do you think they would look like and why did they break up?
Can't call it "dating" it's actually a childhood friend/crush
His name is Bastien Roff, and he is a muggle who lived in Agatha's neighbourhood in Wandsworth. The Crowley family, including Agatha, lives among muggles. Although Agatha has many cousins, she prefers to play with muggle children
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To fit in with the other kids, Agatha disguised herself as a boy and went by the name "Alex". Unfortunately, the other children found her strange due to her unusual white hair and magenta eyes and began to bully her. Bastien came to her rescue, even though they didn't know each other at the time, and they were both bullied and beaten together
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*Bastien when puberty hits him hard*
From that day on, they became friends. Bastien always knew Agatha was a girl and took action to protect her that day because of this knowledge. He also helped keep her gender a secret from the other children. Despite their differences, Bastien found Agatha to be charismatic, fearless, and independent, while he was shy, subtle, and gentlemanly
Agatha also had feelings for Bastien, but her stubbornness prevented her from admitting it. They were too young to pursue a romantic relationship at the time. However, when Agatha's magical abilities emerged, and she received her letter to attend Hogwarts, she went to say goodbye to Bastien. He then confessed his feelings to her, but Agatha laughed it off and gave him a pat on the shoulder before leaving. This encounter was the last time they saw each other in their youth.
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magnolia-sunrise · 2 months
happy wolfgang wednesday oh thank god for wolfgang wednesday !! this week has been a bit rough (understatement) and ive been mostly 1. gaming 2. touching grass 3. revising the short comic script
i started thumbnailing it yesterday and i can already feel it will be a bit of a longer project to get it all done how i'd like to. and i have to convince myself you will all care about the lore of Wolf and Bastien meeting abt 6 yrs prior to the actual plotline and it will soooo be worth it to work on this thing (i mean it will be, its already been fun to just write but AHH. self conscious...) my secondary motivation is that the comic with the most dialogue ive done so far is the medieval vampire AU and i simply cannot let that stand, i need their canon versions to talk more 😭
anyway have yall been listening to anything new lately? reading/watching something youd like to recommend? im all 👀
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hermannsthumb · 6 months
omg could we see #62 from the winter prompts list?
62. you’re my college roommate’s sibling/best friend and you’ve come to visit for a week since you’re done school but unlike some people, I have three more finals to study for so kindly fuck off
from winter writing prompts here
stuck on some of my other wips so i'm digging back through my old unfilled winter prompts!! from. well. 2018. can you believe i've been writing fic this long. insane.
enjoy some dumb (sort of?) college boys newmann! I decided to cheat with the prompt a little (a lot) so I could work it to be conceivably not an AU but instead set pre-canon, though I realize it techhhhnically screws around with the newt/herm penpal backstory just a tiny little bit....
To be honest Newt’s probably paying more for year-round university housing then he would be in rent at an actual apartment at this point, but details like that get a little screwy when you start college significantly before your eighteenth birthday and grow up on campus. His dorm holds more sentimental value than his childhood home at this point. I mean, it technically is his childhood home. Newt did try the spring of his twenty-first birthday to finally move out, but he spent exactly two minutes poking through a Cambridge housing group on Facebook before it made him want to die and he gave up. At least this way he doesn't have to buy new furniture.
He has enough good will left with administration despite all the shit he's pulled to leverage certain things like that in his favor, and he struck a deal to keep his dorm in exchange for letting campus housing utilize it as an actual dorm from time to time. (Which is to say, Newt is kind of broke and needs to save money from his stipend every now and then for, you know, groceries, so he can grit his teeth and deal with a roommate when the time comes.)
His roommate at the moment is a German exchange student (maybe one or two years younger than Newt) who’s currently enrolled in a year-long study abroad program to mess around with electrical engineering—interesting enough guy with just enough neuroses and weird family issues to make Newt feel like the most well-adjusted twentysomething in the world. It's a great ego boost.
Anyway, it’s convenient. There are like three Dunks of varying quality to choose from at any given moment, and Newt only has to walk ten minutes max to any lecture hall to give class. This is especially nice on stupidly cold and snowy days like today where even a ten minute walk feels like too much.
The door to Newt’s dorm is slightly ajar when he finally gets home. In normal circumstances this would make Newt pause and think for a few seconds before stomping inside—rules of horror movies or whatever—because if his roommate is anything, it’s particular with things like that. Shoes off at the door, dishes left in the sink on a firm one-day-max limit, doors very much locked when they leave to protect all their super important possessions from being stolen, like the refurbished Playstation 2 Newt got off eBay or the Brita filter Newt also got off eBay. Very luxurious stuff.
But Newt’s cold and hungry, so he stomps inside anyway. He does kick his boots off, though—just because some people decided to stop following the dorm rules doesn’t mean Newt will—and makes sure to click the door shut behind him carefully. “Hey, dude, you home?” he calls down the hallway. Nothing. His roommate, Bastien, is usually in class at this time of the day, but finals have turned their schedules upside down, so who knows. He wiggles out of his winter coat and hangs it next to an unfamiliar green parka on the wall hooks (maybe Bastien went on a shopping spree?) and tries a second time. “Uh, you know you left the door open?”
Newt's glasses are splattered with melted snow, and he dries them on the hem of his sweater as he fumbles with the door to their room—and is more than a little surprised when he sees the blurry shape of Bastien sitting primly on the edge of his bed, smoothing out his clothing like he’s just woken up from a nap. His bed as in Newt’s bed. Newt startles backwards. “Oh,” he says. “Um. Hey?” Has he fucked up? Are they having a roommate talk about something? …Preceded by Bastien inexplicably taking a nap in his bed?
He pushes his glasses back on. The dark-haired blur on his bed comes into focus, and though the sharp angles, bad haircut, and vaguely sickly pale flush are reminiscent of Newt’s roommate, everything else about him is different, from the brown eyes to the wide frown. It’s a Gottlieb, no question, but which one Newt’s not sure. He knows there are at least three more of them, a concept which has always struck fear into Newt’s heart each time Bastien alludes to having siblings. “Hello,” the guy on Newt’s bed says. He nods. Very proper. “You’re Newton.”
“…Yeah?” Newt says.
The mysterious Gottlieb is kind of hot, which is the worst part. The whole stern professor look he’s rocking—big glasses, knit sweatervest, slightly too-big loafers—is doing him plenty of favors. Normal circumstances, Newt thinks again, coming home to a hot nerd lounging in your bed? It might almost make him believe in a higher power. It’s taking a significant amount of effort to not start flirting. Then again, he is in Newt's bed, and has been clearly been sleeping in Newt's bed, which feels like a flirtation in and of itself.
“Hermann Gottlieb,” the professor-dude says. He gets to his feet with the aid of a cane, which he’d hooked on one of Newt’s bedposts and offers a hand out to Newt like they’re both eighty years old. Mildly bewildered, Newt takes it. He's treated to a firm handshake. “I assume my brother told you to expect me? I let myself in. I hope that’s not too rude of me, but it was rather cold out.”
“Uh,” Newt says again. He’s a lot more…British than Newt expected. Very posh BBC-miniseries about posh English people with large country estates. Especially compared to Bastien, whose first language is clearly German and is very much not British—it’s just not exactly what Newt was expecting. “I mean—he didn’t totally tell me you were coming. Or, at all.” Hermann drops his hand. “I guess he could’ve mentioned it and I just forgot.” This is probably what happened. Newt’s been a little busy lately.
He decides to address the elephant in the room next, the bed thing, and determine if it was a deliberate choice or not. Maybe Bastien has made Newt out to be so irresistible in whatever he’s reported back to the Gottlieb family that Hermann decided to try his luck. This is definitely not the case, but Newt can pretend. “You’re on my bed,” he continues, and points across the room. “Bastien’s is that one.”
“Oh,” Hermann says. He looks mortified in a properly stiff-lipped way and almost trips over himself to cross the tiny dorm room, and for a split second Newt sees a different Hermann behind the dress shoes and exaggerated formalities: an awkward twentysomething probably barely older than Newt playing dress-up to be taken seriously. The belt he’s cinched to the last notch around the oversized waist of his tweed pants is stiff and cracked in places. Bastien mentioned once that one of his brothers is a math whiz who’s followed an accelerated academic path not entirely unlike Newt’s, and Newt suddenly has a strong hunch he’s looking right at him. “I’m—I’m very sorry. I didn’t realize. My flight only just got in, and the time zones—I was a bit tired.”
“No worries, man,” Newt says. He tosses his tote bag onto the Hermann-sized indentation in his bedspread and kicks his docs off one at a time, while across the room Hermann twists the handle of his cane between his hands. “You want some coffee or something? Bastien is usually out until late on Thursdays, so it might just be us for a while, sorry.” He pulls the sweatshirt he’d slung on his desk chair that morning down over his head and straightens out his glasses.
The offer for coffee is a somewhat-pitying lifeline Newt is decent enough to throw out, which he has a feeling both of them understand. Hermann seizes it desperately. “Coffee would be nice,” he says.
He trails after Newt into the kitchen. Apartment-style or not, it’s still a campus dorm, and the kitchen space is cozy at best and cramped at worst. Hermann plasters himself against a row of cabinets in a heroic effort to stay out of Newt’s way as Newt dumps some coffee grounds and water into his cheap pot and digs two mugs out of the cupboard. They avoid making eye contact at all costs while it percolates. “We have, like,” Newt gestures vaguely at the doorway, “a couch? If you wanted to sit? And not stand here?”
“I don’t mind,” Hermann says.
Newt kind of minds, but whatever, he can deal. He pours soy milk into one mug in preparation and offers some to Hermann, who shakes his head. The coffee drips slowly into the pot. Newt thinks about the stack of ungraded finals tucked into a binder in his tote bag, the other stack waiting on his desk, and the final final he still has to proofread and send off to Copytech for, like, seventy copies by tomorrow. “So, Hermann,” Newt says, and tries to think of a polite way to ask why exactly are you in my apartment during finals week? Does the guy not also have finals in England or wherever? “Are you just visiting your bro for fun, or…?”
Hermann’s face twists with a sour expression. “For a week,” he says. “Not all that willingly. I’m in town for a conference and I won’t have my hotel room until tomorrow morning. Bastien offered to let me use his couch for the night.” He adds hesitantly, “I’m due to give a presentation on Tuesday.”
A lecture: almost definitely the math whiz, then, unless overachieving is a family trait. Newt will circle back to that later. He’s not exactly a math expert, but you kinda can’t really pick up that many STEM doctorates without having at least a basic (or, you know, decently advanced) understanding of, uh, everything about math, and he’s keen to hear what Hermann plans to lecture on. “I’ll try to stay out of your hair,” Hermann adds quickly. “I know you’re busy with final exams and whatnot.”
“Ugh, no kidding,” Newt says. The coffee finally finishes with a few rattling huffs, and Newt carefully pours it into their mugs and shoves the less-chipped one over to Hermann. “I still have another left to go,” he continues. “I got stuck with three whole sections this semester, it sucks. I think they just wanted to get back at me for—well, um, I caused a minor fire in the lab last year and they had to evacuate a few buildings, and I put it out right away because I'm the king of lab safety, but whatever, everyone lost their shit anyway. It’s going to take me forever to grade everything.”
Hermann frowns at him, and Newt wonders exactly how much Bastien has shared about his American roommate—or in this case how little. “Not a student,” he explains. “Dr. Geiszler, technically, but do not call me that. I managed to convince the biology department head to convince student life to let me keep living on campus after I—well, I guess I technically graduated undergrad a while ago. After I wrapped up my first PhD?”
“Ah,” Hermann says, and the edges of his sharp cheekbones going the faintest shade of pink. “I’d assumed—Bastien didn’t mention that, is all.” His eyes flick over Newt twice, scrutinizing him and lingering on his oversized hoodie, a DIY screen-print job bearing the latest logo for Newt’s band that he tried valiantly to sell at their last show. “First PhD? Exactly how old are you?”
“Twenty-two,” Newt says. “I skipped a grade. Or ten. Would not recommend it. Anyway, Hermann, you’re some sort of super-genius, right? You were doing calculus in your crib or something?”
If Newt’s right about which brother Hermann is, that means—compared to the rest of his family—Bastien has alluded to Hermann’s existence in all but name three whole times. By familial standards Newt can only assume that means they’re practically BFFs and probably send each other birthday cards every year. If possible Hermann might be even more reserved than Bastien, though, and it’s making Newt want very badly to prod him a little more just to see what happens. Get him to poke his head out of his shell or something. “That’s pretty impressive, you know,” he adds.
Hermann flushes pink for real this time, obviously pleased with the compliment, and Newt’s equally pleased to see him hold his head a little higher. They’re getting somewhere. “It’s not precisely that dramatic,” Hermann says. “But, yes, er—I started university at a rather young age. Comparatively. Before that, my father sent me abroad when I was eight for my schooling. I’d shown a knack, I suppose, for mathematics, and…”
Abroad—Newt guesses that explains the different accent. Not unlike Newt himself. He wonders if Hermann’s family ribs him for the lapses in his German the way Newt’s family does (America is rotting your brain, Newt!), though maybe somewhat less gently. “And?”
“I’ll finish my doctorate in the spring,” Hermann finishes, with a small smile.
“Dr. Gottlieb,” Newt says. “Nice. I like the sound of that.”
Hermann suddenly spills a large amount of coffee down the front of his sweater. He doesn’t seem to notice, though his ears (which stick out just a little) do go red, so Newt doesn’t say anything.
It’s unfortunate how cute Hermann is. Newt briefly debates the ethics of hitting on your roommate’s hot British brother and whether or not it breaches some sort of sacred roommate code. On the one hand, Hermann is only here for a week, so it’s not like they can get up to too much, and Bastien himself will be packing everything back up for Germany in like, six months tops when his study abroad program ends in the spring anyway. And besides, it’s not like Newt and Bastien are tight or anything like that. On the other hand—I mean, that would be weird, right? You can’t just hit on your roommate’s hot British brother, especially not when he's sleeping on your couch for the night.
Newt has over a hundred final exams to grade, and a suitcase to pack for his own trip (albeit one that’s a maybe-thirty minute ride on the commuter rail) out to his dad’s for the break. He kinda wants to hit on Hermann.
He’s going to hit on Hermann.
“Sooooo,” he begins, “you got any plans, or—?”
And it’s then that Hermann’s cell phone begins to buzz in his pocket. “Ah,” Hermann says. “One moment—apologies.” He pulls out a battered flip phone that looks like it’s been passed down from at least two other people and squints at the screen. “My brother,” he explains, “at last. He’s finishing up at the library and wants to meet for dinner.”
“Oh, right,” Newt says. “Of course. Duh.”
Hermann closes his phone slowly and hazards a small, but considering, glance at Newt, and Newt has a fleeting suspicion he’s not the only one weighing the pros and cons of risky flirting. He might just be flattering himself, though. “…Would you like to join us?” Hermann says. “I’m sure Bastien wouldn’t mind. It might be…” He works his jaw a few times. It’s incredibly cute. He’s clean-shaven in a way Newt hasn’t managed to be since he turned seventeen (the Geiszlerian curse of thick facial hair whether you want it or not), and it makes him look even more like a weird kid trying very hard to be an adult. “Fun.”
It's a bad idea. Hermann’s only here for a week, and he’ll clearly be busy with his conference and his big talk and all that, and then they’ll be back on opposite sides of the Atlantic probably forever—Newt would just be setting himself up for heartbreak. And six months of awkwardly dodging his roommate, which is possibly worse. Ugh. Being responsible sucks. “I shouldn’t,” he finally sighs. “I have to finish—”
“—your finals. Of course,” Hermann says. “Yes, of course, I’m sorry. I forgot. I’ll let you be.” He sets his mug on the counter by the sink. “Thank you for the coffee.”
“Sure, dude,” Newt says.
Hermann works his jaw again, chewing at his lower lip, and then says so quickly Newt almost misses it “If you’re around next Tuesday, perhaps you would like to see my talk?”
Newt tries very hard to be chill. “Yeah, totally,” he says. “That would be awesome. I think I can make it.”
Hermann nods solemnly. “Excellent. I’ll ask Bastien to give you the details later.”
He finally begins to dot at the coffee stain on his sweater with a handkerchief he pulls from a different pocket, and Newt squeezes past him to rinse their mugs out. (No dishes in the sink overnight.) His elbow brushes against Hermann’s as he dries them with a dishtowel. Hermann makes no effort to move away from him, and this close he smells like stale cigarette smoke. Newt can imagine him standing out in the rain in a dreary English landscape somewhere, maybe in the oversized coat he saw hanging by the door, scowling and crushing cigarette filters beneath his cane.
There’s something strangely magnetic about Hermann.
“Hey, listen,” Newt says. He dries his hands off on his pants. Hermann looks at him, abandoning his efforts to clean himself up. “You wanna swap emails or anything…? Maybe we could talk. Collaborate on, uh, something.” He has absolutely zero idea of Hermann’s subfield so he doesn’t know exactly what they’ll collaborate on just yet, but he’ll think of something. Make some notes during the Tuesday lecture. Newt has three PhDs and counting, he can come up with an excuse to talk to a cute boy, okay, he’s not twelve. He’d ask for Hermann’s number like a normal human being if he could dream of affording the international texting rate.
Hermann gives him another stiff nod and the shadow of a smile, which Newt hopes means an enthusiastic yes, Newt, I’d love to be your penpal!, so Newt fishes a pad of paper and a pencil out from the kitchen junk drawer and they take turns printing their emails out as neatly as possible. Hermann folds the slip of paper with Newt’s in half and slips it into his top pocket. “It was very good to meet you, Dr. Geiszler,” Hermann says, and he offers Newt a parting handshake.
What the hell, Newt thinks, and takes it.
It takes ten months and a split in reality at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean for Hermann to get around to emailing Newt. Newt expects they’ll have a lot to collaborate on in the near future.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
OC In Fifteen Tag!
Thanks for the Tag, @kaylinalexanderbooks!
I'll go with some lines from Kyran Mavven (Of Starlight and Beasts), Raiden (Jade Ruins), and Sam Delaways (Enchanted Illusions)!
Kyran Mavven
"Ugh, you've got to be kidding me." *death glares at Masen from across the tavern with the wrath of a thousand suns.* [Masen sees him, and strides up to him for the whole tavern to see, speaking with an angry smirk "Hello, brother."]
"If I get to blow something up then... yes. The answer is yes. And it will always be yes."
[To Bastien] "... You're not as wretched as I'd expected, for an Eclipsed soldier, that is. You're... pretty okay." [Cue awkward pat on the shoulder before walking off]
"I haven't worked on a team for a while now. I wasn't expecting my next experience with this to be with this little bunch of dimwits, but I'll take what I can get."
"They're trying to kill us, aren't they." [Corah chuckles awkwardly drily, clearly lying "No, not at all! What made you come up with that?"] "First, most people we meet since you came around are actively trying to kill us. Secondly, and most evident - they've literally just stabbed you!
+ Bonus: "If you touch my glasses or my goggles again I will bite you."
6. "Because I know how to put up a show - why do you think my fights in the arena have such a crowded audience? - while you almost stumbled yourself to death twice since we first met. By yourself. That's why I'm in charge of the distraction, and you're in charge of all the rest."
7. "Hold on just a minute! I'm far too glorious to trudge through that muck, oh, no way in the Hells! We're figuring out another way around this or I swear to the Spirits that will leave you behind -" [Gets thrown in the bog regardless, mid-tantrum]
8. "So we're working with the Daggerfangs now? Literal assassins and thugs?" Raiden looks between Solei and Nevan with a bitter laugh "Oh, okay! Here go my hopes at living past 25 then. But carry on, enlighten me with your plans."
9. "Just because I like to annoy you doesn't mean you're not my friend, Solei. Now, can you not be such a killjoy and just let me help you, or is that too difficult for your 'high royalness'?"
10. "Oh, it's not me you've gotta worried about. I'm all tied up!" He smiles, holding up his tied wrists with a near-hysteric laugh and a dangerous tone "You pissed off Jinn - you're more fucked than I could ever make you be. And I suggest you run off now, 'cause she's coming up behind you at a really remarkable speed."
Sam Delaways
11. "That's a good idea alright. If you two intend on being dead in a week that is!"
12. "...Yeah, this city ain't for the faint of heart - you gotta fight through it, or else it will consume you, and that never has a good ending."
13. "You don't say? Here I was thinking the whole 'drenched in blood and viscera, glowing pitch black eyes' was just a style choice of his - of course, I knew he was a necromancer! I just didn't know he was that necromancer, that bit is new."
14. "The constabulary here are more corrupt than the crooks. If you walk up to them with that bunch of evidence against the Mayor, I guarantee ya that you two will be the ones walking out of that station with cuffs and a noose waiting for you in the docks. We need 'ta make an actual plan to go about this."
15. "I want chocolate cake." [Harriet and Augustus turn to him, baffled, given that this is the wreckage of one of their most recent escapades gone wrong. Augustus speaks up "You do know that we almost died just now -"] "That's precisely why I want that cake. Now, shut up, and lemme just enjoy this ride for a while, fancypants, I got a headache."
Tagging (gently, no pressure): @lassiesandiego, @clairelsonao3, @little-peril-stories, @rickie-the-storyteller, @crowandmoonwriting, @sam-gladee, @writernopall, @oh-no-another-ideaa, @hrmkingizzy, @jasperygrace, @tabswrites, @littleladymab, @starlit-hopes-and-dreamss, @tabswrites @i-can-even-burn-salad, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and @blind-the-winds
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deb-1106 · 1 year
Choices Flash Fic week 31
Hey all!!  ❤️ 
Because we've both been out of the game so long, and have really missed writing, my good friend (she was actually my very FIRST friend on this hellsite 😋❤️) @walkerismychoice and I have decided to motivate each other by writing together using our LI's and MC's from different choices books.  I'll be using Drake Walker and my MC, Ava Matheson from TRR, and Maggie will be using Bryce Lahela and her MC, Charlie Hawkins from Open Heart.  
This story will hopefully be the first of a weekly series of one-shots using @choicesflashfics prompts.
We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! ❤️
Prompt 3  — “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Pairings: Drake x Ava, Bryce x Charlie
Rating: M
TW: Gun Violence
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“Little Blossom?”
Ava’s eyes flew open.  
She was momentarily disoriented, caught somewhere between a memory and a nightmare. But as her eyes focused and she took in the institutional green walls and naugahyde seating of a hospital waiting room, the crushing reality of the evening’s events came flooding back.
Ava! Get down!”
Drake’s warning was the last thing she heard before his body slammed into hers, knocking her to the ground.  She screamed as a bomb exploded nearby, raining chunks of rubble down all around them as the acrid smell of gunfire burned her nostrils.
“Drake?” She cried, “Drake, we have to get out of here!
He didn’t move.
“Drake!“  Ava began to panic as she felt the warm, sticky dampness of his blood seep into her ballgown. She reached out to press her hand to his cheek and his eyelids fluttered open for just a moment.  He gave her a small smile. 
“I love you, Matheson.” He mumbled faintly as his eyes closed once again.
“NO!  Drake, wake up!  Please, baby.  I need you to wake up!”  She tried to wiggle out from underneath him, but the weight of his body was too much for her.
HELP!” She screamed, praying that her cries were loud enough to be heard over the chaos around them,  “PLEASE! … SOMEBODY HELP US!”
After what felt like an eternity, she felt Drake’s weight lifted from her body.  She immediately scrambled to her knees crawling on all fours to where he lay prone on the ballroom floor, his suit soaked with blood.
“Oh my God!” She gasped, “Drake!”
Bastien was kneeling over him, both hands pressed over a wound in Drake's shoulder as he barked out orders. “I NEED A MEDIC AND AN UNMARKED CAR…NOW!”
“Bastien! What’s going on?”  Tears streamed down Ava’s face as she grabbed Drake’s hand, alarmed by how cold it felt.
“Terrorist attack.  Drake took a bullet.”
Ava looked to Bastien for reassurance, “But…he’s going to be okay, right?”  
He wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Bastien! Tell me he’s going to be okay.” She begged, “Please!”
He finally looked up, and the expression on his face made Ava’s blood run cold.
“The wound is close to his heart and he’s lost a lot of blood.” Bastien’s voice was somber, “If we can get him to the hospital quickly, he might have a chance.”
“Might?” Ava pressed a hand over her mouth and felt her stomach lurch. 
No!  This can’t be happening.  We were finally going to start our lives together. I can’t lose him now.
Maxwell knelt down beside the chair Ava had finally collapsed into after pacing the hospital corridors for hours.  He placed his hand over hers and squeezed gently.  “There’s a nurse here who wants to talk to you.” 
Heart hammering in her chest, Ava jumped to her feet, ignoring the pain of her own injuries as she anxiously faced the young nurse standing in the doorway.
“Is he okay?” She asked, “Is he out of surgery?  Can I see him?”
The nurse smiled kindly, the rapid-fire questions not phasing her in the least.
“Mr. Walker is still in surgery…” 
When Ava’s face crumpled, the nurse crossed the room to place a comforting hand on her arm, “But he has one of our top surgeons working on him, so rest assured, he’s in the best possible hands.”  She smiled warmly, “In fact, Dr. Lehela wanted me to let you know that Mr. Walker is out of the woods.  The bullet has been removed and they’re just cleaning out the remaining debris.  There was some concern about bone fragments splintering off and causing damage to the surrounding heart tissue, but that doesn't appear to have been the case.”
Ava felt her legs go weak with relief.
“Oh, Thank God.”
She felt Maxwell’s arms encircle her and sank wearily into his comforting embrace.
“See, Blossom.” He said, encouragingly, “I told you he was going to be okay. It’ll take more than a tiny little bullet to take him out.”
Ava nodded and squeezed Max’s hand without breaking eye contact with the nurse.
“How much longer do you think it’ll be before I can see him?”
“Once he’s out of surgery, he’ll go to recovery." She replied with a comforting smile.  "It’s hard to say how long he’ll be there, as everyone comes out of anesthesia differently, but a conservative estimate would be another hour or two.  Then he’ll be settled into a room and can receive visitors.”
Ava nodded and swiped at the tears which were once again sliding down her cheeks.  But this time, they were tears of relief.
“Thank you.”
The nurse smiled.  “Of course.  I’ll come get you when I have his room assignment.”  
Ava thanked her again.
Drake was going to be okay.  Liam had been unharmed in the attack and Bastien and Kiara came away with only minor injuries.  Somehow they’d all survived.
Suddenly Ava’s stomach growled…LOUDLY.
Maxwell laughed.  “Okay, now that we know Drake is okay…it’s time to take care of YOU.”
Ava began to protest but Maxwell was already propelling her toward the door. “No more excuses!  You need food, or at the very least some coffee, or you’ll find yourself in a hospital bed of your own.  Now MOVE!” 
Maxwell was wearing his stubborn expression, so Ava knew resistance was futile.
She let him lead her down to the Cafeteria. “I’ll go back up to the waiting room and let you know immediately if I hear anything from the doctors.”
“Thank you.” Ava replied weekly before walking through the cafeteria doors and meandering aimlessly towards the various food offerings.
Charlie checked the time on her Apple watch. Wow, a whole 30 minutes for lunch today, she thought. Typically she was lucky to get half of that. Nobody ever told her the life of a hospital internist would be glamorous, but she still hadn’t been prepared for how tired and hungry she’d be so much of the time. Although they bill residency as a training program for your selected specialty, Charlie swore it was also meant to be a boot camp that only the strong survived. Only one more year and she’d have some semblance of a normal schedule as an attending physician.
“Coffee. Must have coffee first.” Charlie mumbled to herself, taking in the aroma of freshly brewed beans as she marched towards the machines only to be stopped in her tracks by someone hovering in front of them. Charlie went left, but then the woman went left. Then she tried to go right, but the woman shuffled to the right. Her patience running thin, Charlie spoke up. “Excuse me, could I sneak in here?”
“I’m sorry.” The woman spun to face her, and Charlie’s irritation melted away. The woman looked sad and tired for sure, but that was not an uncommon sight for visitors of the hospital cafeteria. There was something about her that drew Charlie in and made her want to comfort the woman. Maybe it was the fact that Charlie could see a little bit of herself in her - definitely not the flawless deep olive skin tone and dark hair, wildly contrasting with Charlie’s strawberry blonde locks and accompanying creamy white skin, but they appeared about the same age, and there was just something there that made them alike. Although Charlie was not prone to striking up friendships with hospital visitors, something told Charlie this was a connection she should make.
“Let me buy you a coffee.” Charlie offered.
The woman looked Charlie up and down, seemingly noting Charlie’s white coat and ID badge. “No, that’s okay. You can just go first. I have no idea what I want.”
“Please, I insist. Free coffee is one of the few perks I get for devoting my life to this place.” They both laughed and Charlie saw the first little spark of life return to the woman’s eyes.
Charlie grabbed two prepackaged sandwiches to go with the coffees and brought them over to the woman who had already seated herself at a cafeteria table.
"Thank you so much…" she glanced at the ID badge again, "....Dr. Hawkins. "I was too much of a wreck to even pick out something to eat. I'm sure you're busy, but would you care to join me?" 
Again, it wasn't typical of Charlie to hang out with random hospital guests, but she knew this woman needed a friend right now, and maybe that feeling was mutual. "Sure, I still have about 20 more minutes." Charlie sat down. "But you can call me Charlie."
"Well thank you again, Charlie, I'm Ava."
"Nice to meet you, Ava." Charlie hesitated for a moment before asking, "If it's not too forward, do you want to talk about your loved one here that's got you so worried?... Only if you want to talk about it."
Ava's facial expression grew somber once again. She took a deep breath before letting everything spill out - getting invited to Cordonia on a whim to compete for the future King's heart, fate stepping in when she fell for his best friend Drake instead, and all the political drama and everything leading up to the events that brought her to this particular hospital cafeteria. Despite the tears streaming down Ava’s face, the air about her felt a little bit lighter.
"I'm sorry." Charlie squeezed Ava’s hand from across the table. "This must be so scary for you, but Edenbrook is a great hospital. I'm sure Drake is in great hands. Do you know who his surgeon is? I probably know them or at least know of them.”
Ava pursed her lips in concentration. “Dr, La-....hala? I think it’s something like that.”
Charlie smirked. “Young, kind of surfer boy-esque, and cocky as all hell because he knows how good-looking he is?”
Ava laughed nervously. “Yeah, that sounds like him. Please tell me he’s also a good surgeon.”
“Dr. Lahela can be kind of cocky bastard at times, but I love him. And yes, he’s a great surgeon, and I’m not just saying that because I’m biased.”
“Wait…” Ava seemed to be putting the pieces together. “You like love, love him? Are you two-”
“Yes, Bryce is my boyfriend. I might not have been so complimentary about his other characteristics otherwise.”
They both devolved into laughter until Ava spoke up again. “I like your sense of humor. Sounds like you need it to put up with him, just like me with my….Drake.” Ava quiets for a moment and then asks, “So I take it you two met here at Edenbrook?”
“Well, that’s a funny story.��� Charlie wondered if she really wanted to get into this with a relative stranger, but Ava had already shared so much and could probably use the distraction anyway. “We actually met at a strip club, and believe it or not, Bryce was a stripper.”
Ava’s eyes opened wide. “Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Charlie inhaled deeply. “Okay, I don’t have a ton of time left on my break, so I’ll give you the condensed version. My med school friends dragged me out to a strip club to celebrate after we graduated. I was in a funk because I’d been recently dumped by the douchebag I thought I was going to marry and to top it off, I was set to be in my awful cousin’s weeklong wedding extravaganza and was in no mood to be questioned about the whereabouts of my plus one. Said friends paid for a private lap dance for me. In my drunken state, I got the bright idea to hire the stripper to be my fake boyfriend for the wedding. Somewhere along the way, fake boyfriend turned into real love interest. I learned he wasn’t just a stripper but had worked his way through med school and was about to hang up his banana hammocks to start his residency. As fate would have it, we’d both matched at Edenbrook and two years later, here we are.”
“Woah. And I thought mine and Drake’s relationship had an unconventional start.” Ava peeked down at her phone on the table. “I’m definitely going to need the feature-length presentation of this story another time, but my friend Maxwell just texted that Drake’s out of surgery!”
“That’s great news!” Charlie got up with Ava and walked out to the elevators with her. “I’ll walk you back up there since I’m headed that way.
Little did either of them know that this chance meeting would be the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
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chuchuminn · 22 days
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just realized its been really really long since i posted (so sorry for being rlly lazy some stuff happened)
new content!!!!!
what if aruji sama was a DEMON??
smth ive been thinking abt!
im gonna come up with smth like whtever
name = ELENORA STEINE (nora, but none are her real name *its actually ____*
age = VERY OLD.
height = might be crazy... 6'2
facts abt nora:
- very bad memory (no she wont remember where her fork from dining went after going to the bathroom but its ok bc shes a grandma /j)
- came from germany (has a slight german accent wowzers)
- doesnt rlly like sweet but likes sweet if theyre not too sweet...??
- though rlly follows the main story of living in the modern world she just moved in recently 😔
- physically, magically, and mentally capable of murdering someone (any weapon works they should just be dead)
- if shes angry at you kill her or youre the one killed!!! waa waa waa. waa waa waa waa.
buh buh backstory!!! before butlers stuff
Back when DEMONS, HUMANS, and ANGELS still thrived..
"Is there really such a thing as a war anyway? That would never happen."
Nora says, looking at her two best friends, Kium (ANGEL) and Leon (HUMAN).
"Maybe! Theres a chance, y'know?"
Leon says in a cheerful tone, as Kium speaks up.
"I guess there's a chance as well."
"Anyway, aren't you hungry? We've been sitting in this tavern for a while."
All three nod and go get some food.
Rings the sound of crashes and falling debris, scattering on what was once called the Human territory. Nora, Kium, and Leon were all called back to their own races. One thing was sure. It was war. Noone knew why but the lords of all three races. The three friends were all worried for each other.
They were all on the battlefield as well.
The sound of swords clashing rang in Nora's ears. Whooshing of magic from demonic mages and angelic powers fly around.
"Oh, curses.. Why do I have to be doing this..- Leon..?!"
Nora sees Leon, collapsed on the ground. He's.. dead. Someone killed him.
"....Isn't this normal, though? Everyone would die someday."
*Kium says, facing Nora. He has tears running down his face, and he points a spear at you.*
"I have to do this, Nora. I'm so sorry.."
*He tried plunging his spear in Nora's body, but she managed to stop him in time, holding the blade. It couldn't be stopped anyway. Bound to be. She threw the double edged spear at Kium, killing him.*
"It's normal.. Right? Normal. Totally normal.."
*Nora fell down om her knees, and sobbed for a while. She returned back after war was over, and spent life until the modern world.*
butlers stuff abt NORA time!! (the story was rushed i am sorry)
☆ would love to learn her favorite snacks for tea time!!
☆ when shes sick (its possible ok.) he gives her Tea. (tea tea tea tea im like tea tea ooh just like tea tea ooh)
☆ he will make every single food she wants no matter the time because when shes rlly hungry she walks around to eat something that is probably edible for demons but not for humans
☆ knows all her favorite foods (hmm, let me guess.. nora's fav food is... Meat)
☆ woodcarves her favorite things for her (maybe not a whole house but yeah) mistakenly sleeps in her room if he ever changes her bed (beds, right?)
☆ she teaches him sometimes for fighting stuff but again shes old. her bones are becoming nonexistent. every step you hear some cracking (/j)
☆ tries his very very best to cook for her (spoiler: it lit the kitchen on fire)
☆ decorated the garden with a lot of stuff because nora said she likes them at a really random time (eg: haures, i like ___.)
☆ reads books with nora then nora starts telling him about what happened during the old times when demons and angels had coexisted
☆ sometimes lifts weights with her because she got a bit bored of standing around (wants her muscles a lot)
☆ nora asked him to put a giant pating in her room and it went on the ceiling but nora is happy because its still there (its kinda scary)
☆ flower arranging with boschi time every weekend even though nora gets headaches from them
☆ when nora saw THAT scene (spoiler warning: the whip thing) she felt pretty bad for him and wanted to explode his mom
☆ constantly reminds nora not to touch the roses even though it won't hurt that much because he still doesn't want to see her hurt
☆ scolds her because she doesn't yap when shes bored but actually runs around and ends up getting hurt
☆ wine lovers (theyre drunkards but nora has more tolerance than lucas because she had drinking competitions before)
☆ one time nora ate a red mushroom because of hunger and became as silly as lamli
☆ lamli likes playing with frogs but nora would like to dissect them because its interesting
☆ nora doesnt understand nac and doesnt know why (his way of words make her brain become water)
☆ scolds her a lot for drinking lots of alcohol because he normally finds her throwing up
☆ doctor also, so... also scolds her with lucas for getting hurt a lot (only thing they can agree on)
☆ nora ate his cooking once after drinking the day before and started vomiting a lot (new rule: never let nora eat spicy after drinking)
☆ braids her hair but it kinda became a big mess but its fine because nora fell asleep
☆ other than miyaji and flure nora is the only one he likes + nora isnt very scared of him just thinks hes silly
☆ designed a lot of noras clothes because she really doesnt have that many
☆ nora tried sewing clothes with him once and it turned out pretty good but she stabbed herself a ton
☆ sparred with her once, stopped because she had a stomach ache in the middle (he will try again)
☆ talks abt his kids a lot to her and she listens while drinking green tea
☆ kinda stalks her and has all her information in his notebook
sorry abt less content for villa butlers bc im not rlly familiar with them 😗
planning on making a new au sooner or later when i have time
thankz so much for reading all this pooks
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akuneko-tls · 6 months
Weapon Review part 1(?)
Warning: will describe what weapons do
Let's review how well the weapons fare against angels and what they're gonna do with it. By your local akuneko brainrot patient (me). The bonus points aren't really counted.
The types of weapon listed here are unofficial and merely what I think they are.
I'm pretty sure the weapons aren't scaled in actual size in the pictures because Lucas's scythe definitely looks bigger in-game and Lato's daggers aren't that big.
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Daggers/Combat knives
I was searching for materials regarding why daggers over swords for research purposes, but then I remembered Lato uses daggers too. Daggers are so cool.
It's lighter than swords and should increase his agility
And it has holes, holes on blades to reduce weight (usually) so further increase in agility
It's perfect for stabbing and easy to carry
Maybe he can throw it because he has multiple. Requires mad skills tho
The hilt makes it look like a trench knife (maybe it is, idk)
It mainly stabs. Too short for fatally slashing (different story if he wanna torture or something) What he gonna do, stabs angels eyes? Actually do angels have the same vitals as humans? Then he can just stab their hearts
Generally lower damage and shorter range than swords
I wish the blades were serrated to make it cooler (+ easier to tear off limbs)
7/10 +3 from being cool
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Double-bladed polearm
Looks graceful to me. Polearms aren't for throwing because they're longer and heavier than spears.
With blades like that I think Berrien can use it for stabbing, except with more force because of the momentum
Looks like it can slash too but I don't think it's effective. It may be a quick attack but it needs space to do a rotation. Maybe it'll do well when surrounded by angels and that's when double blades come into action, he only needs half of the rotation, maybe less if there are many angels but not enough damage Imo
It definitely has long range
The long shaft can drive away things, defend, and maybe for bludgeoning too just like what a metal pipe would do *insert falling pipe mp3 here*
Hard to use in a cramped space
Double blades like that is actually quite heavy, and he should be rotating/thrusting that around
Actually would get Berrien in big trouble if an angel closing in
8/10 it's good. I like how he stores it under his bed
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Double Ax/Labrys
Practically, the point of Double Ax is so that the blades can have different degrees of sharpness. Lumberjacks can use one side for felling and the other for limbing. But Fennesz isn't a lumberjack so you know whose limbs,
Definitely dishes out big damage
Labrys is a symbol of power, it should looks intimidating, it sure does but I don't think angels can feel intimidated (if they feel anything at all)
There is a lot Fennesz can do with it, it's primarily for chopping/hacking but it can also do thrusting, hooking, slashing, and so on. For maximum damage he can do an overhead strike... No wait I just realized this Labrys has longer shaft than usual
Increased reach I guess
It's heavy, no matter how strong Fennesz is, it might drain his stamina
Create openings especially when gaining momentum
He'll get in big trouble too if an angel closing in
7/10 DPS enough ig, +3 for being pretty and loosely looking like a butterfly
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Look at that extra-broad broadsword. I wonder which one is heavier between this and the double ax
Big damage but with speed, Bastien is known for his insane speed
What else does it do other than damage…? It looks very cool I guess, like a shounen protag or Guts or Cloud
Just like usual sword it's good for stabbing, thrusting, slashing, piercing, etc but because it's wide it can be used for shield too maybe
Despite the speed he still leaves openings and results in plot-points. What a deadly weapon
5/10 too deadly +2 for shounen
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Thorned/barbed whip
What was Ammon thinking when choosing this? It's less of a killing weapon and more like a torture device. Looks very aesthetic tho since it resembles a rose
Can make the opponent bleed profusely. Can angels actually die from blood loss? (Do they even have blood…?)
Long range, and can keep angels from getting closer
It's noisy so it can intimidate & scare things away. Again, if they can even be scared at all
Fictionally it can be used to tangle, trip, or holding enemies in place ala Indiana Jones with his bullwhip (requires mad skills)
It barely does any fatal damage
Difficult to control/aim
With it barbed, it's more likely to cause accidental self-injury. Or injures companions. Unless he's really really skilled… Well, I sure hope he doesn't train often. *Insert uncanny mr incredible png*
Then again it would be difficult to not harm any companions in a cramped place
It can't do any slashing, thrusting, hooking, or literally other type of attack, it mostly whips
Also would get in trouble if an angel closing in
4/10 it's cool but impractical, +3 for being pretty
You know what, I know way too little about angels or maybe I just don't remember
Maybe to be continued in part 2
I started writing this for no reason so yeah why not post it.
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mmandarin · 1 year
Butler's shy face, first floor butlers
Note: This was a wip from like years ago HAHAH but I wanted to finish it so here it is! also I'm not a writer but writing once in awhile is fun. OH and happy birthday dear bastien♡
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Lono was making breakfast for you. He prepared a hot soup and provided freshly baked bread to go with it. Simple but just right for satisfying your stomach. "Please enjoy your meal . Tell me if you want more if you do!" Before he returned to the kitchen, you chose to give him a compliment.
"Lono, you never failed to impress me with your cooking skills, I always look forward to eating your cooking, and Ah! This early morning I saw you in town with some kids; interestingly, I had no idea you were also adept at dealing with kids. My, aren't you just the perfect candidate for a husband?" While making an effort to ignore the heat on your own cheeks, you told him while grinning. He would, however, make a nice husband despite the teasing. Just like his pastries, this gentleman is incredibly sweet.
"He he, Thank you master, Iー" He went still. Blinked once, twice. Not long after, his eyes widened and he covered his mouth. "H-Husband?! I-I'm notーI don't-?!" Lono stuttered like a broken record. His face was as red as the roses outside, if someone walked in they would think he is one of them.
"Hehe, your face is all red~."
"Master, please stop with the teasing!"
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Berrien's shout could be heard from the corridor. You dashed quickly to where Berrien was to check what was happening. You slammed the door and saw Berrien crouching in the corner of the room. Not far from him, on the floor there was a big insect. "Ah…" you never thought that berrien would scream at an insect but hey, I guess you learned something new about him. "Aaa…" it seems that Berrien wanted to say something but he was still in shock.
You grabbed a newspaper and rolled it up. You stood a good distance from it and pointed your newspaper to it so it could climb up, and then you headed to the window to shake off the insect. "And It's free. Berrien it's ok now!" Berrien got out of his crouching position, fixed his posture and cleared his throat. "Please forgive me for....yelling so loudly. The insect caught me off guard. I hope I didn't disrupt your work…again, my apologies..," He said slowly."In general, I'm not very good with insects... So I appreciate your assistance." With a timid smile, he said.
"No worries, I was just wandering around so don't sweat it, and I don't mind helping you Berrien." And besides, you got to see him flustered like this so it was worth it.
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Bastien just finished his regular workout and it's now high noon; the warm sun kisses portions of his skin while the shade he's resting in cools his body. He was ready to fall asleep when a slight stir from the nearby bush jolted him awake. Crouching cautiously to the bush, trying not to disturb whatever was hidden there. Another rustle, but this time a kitten sprung from it. Bastien let out an audible gasp when he saw the small fluff ball.
The kitten cries out for the male's attention. Bastien's heart practically melted when he saw the kitten; he has a thing for fluffy creatures. He couldn't help but pat and rub his face against the kitten's fluff as he scooped it into his arms. This certainly feels satisfying after a hard day of training. He was about to fall asleep again due of the comfort, but then–
"Bastien?" You were astonished to see Bastien here, let alone the adorable scenario he was in. "Aww how cute..." you exclaimed. Bastien tensed at what you said; it's not every day that your lord catches you in a vulnerable position like this. "N-no, master, this is just-" his cheeks turning redder by the second, and you couldn't help but smile at how adorable he is. You approached him and said, "Actually, I was looking for that kitten. The mama has been looking for her around Ammon's Garden, so I'm actually delighted to have found her with you."
"Ah I see, master, you can take her with you if you want." He replied. You nodded, but suddenly an idea popped up. In an attempt to tease Bastien, you lifted the tiny cat and pressed the kitten's face up against his. "?!"
"Thanks, Bastien." You smile widely. Bastien is now a much more flustered mess, let's just say that.
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magnolia-sunrise · 26 days
HAPPY WOLFGANG WEDNESDAY!! who, out of ur characters, would have funky & weird earrings? does anyone not have pierced ears?
(idk i wanted to come up w a question to ask but blanked lmao)
heeehe hii happy wolfgang wednesday !! happy to hear from you again <3
i dont know why but this question compeled me to draw some small sketches so thanks for the bug in my head! i will start with Wolfgang as an honorary mention, who does not necessarily wear any super funky earrings but they are a fan of a dangly earring here and there when the outfit calls for it
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Élise also is a fan of a big earring but they are very into the punky dyke style and with it like chonkier expander earrings and a shit ton of piercings.
one character who im actually yet to design who starts to wear funky big earrings is Serhiy (he/she) i have mentioned him before in context of having dated Wolfgang at one point in the past. she's an android who desperately wants to transition but doesn't have the funds nor shady connections like Wolf to do it physically. he has a soft face and shaved head, and likes to wear long loose sweaters and long skirts. just a very soft person. she actually starts designing and making her own earrings (necklaces and bracelets too), often just sticking whatever cute object possible into his lobes
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for unpierced characters, actually Thorne does not have ear piercings, just a couple on her face. and Matteo (Bastien's boyfriend) has no piercings of any kind! he's kinda scared of needles and is the kind of person to think piercings make a person look trashy
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
Riley x Liam: A One Night in Cordonia follow-up/one-shot
Series: One Night in Cordonia, a @choicesprompts
Round Robin Event.
Fandom: TRR
Pairings: Riley x Liam
Word Count: 1,664
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none
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“Have a seat please, Miss Brooks,” Bastien waved the American beauty through the palace security offices' conference room door.
In addition to himself and his second in charge, Mara Levidis, the younger prince had requested to join the interview. He had no idea why.
Riley looked around the room nervously until her eyes fell on Liam, then her face broke out in a heart-stopping smile.
At least it stopped Liam’s heart. He couldn’t speak for anyone else in the room. He admitted to himself that he was only there for his own selfish purposes. This woman did things to him that no other woman did, and he had to know if she truly liked him or if the strip tease had been nothing more than the result of the shagging smog.
“Liam, so nice to see you again,” She took the seat he jumped up and pulled out for her, “I’m not sure why I’m here though.”
“We just have a few questions for you,” he told her gently.
Bastien took his seat across the table from Riley, Mara to his left, and Liam at the head of the table to his right. He sat a small recording device in the middle of the table, pushed play, and began. “Miss Brooks, my name is Bastien Lykel, I’m a colonel in the Royal Guard, this is Lieutenant Colonel Mara Levidis and Prince Liam Rys. We’re here today to ask you a few questions about the night of the Beaumont bash.”
“Oh….sure,” she glanced at Liam in confusion before moving her gaze back to the colonel, “But I already gave a statement the morning after the bash.”
“You did,” Liam assured her then reminded Bastien, “She did!”
“Yes, be that as it may, that statement covered what happened that night specifically…”
Riley’s eyes shot to Liam’s, pink blooming across her cheeks before she dropped her eyes to her lap.
“…what we really need to know is the nature of your relationship with Anton Severus.”
She lifted her eyes in confusion, “I’m sorry…who?”
Mara flipped a photo across the table, “I believe you know him as Justin Brown, your press secretary.”
“Oh yes, I know Justin! But…did you just say his real name is Anton something or other? What’s going on?”
“This man was the mastermind behind the toxin that was deployed that night. What do you know about that?”
“What? Nothing!” She shook her head vigorously in denial, “This must be some kind of a mistake! Justin isn’t a terrorist! He’s a nerdy PR specialist who likes karaoke and Firefly reruns!”
“Yes, well,” Mara pulled the photo back, “That’s what he wanted you to think.”
“Where were you when the gas went off?” Bastien demanded.
“She was with me!” Liam cut in before she could answer.
“With you?” Bastien turned to Liam in astonishment, “Doing what?”
“Well…” It was Liam’s turn to pinken, “We were…that is….I mean, she…um…”
Bastien’s face slowly morphed from stern to shocked, “Oh! I get it, sir, no need for further explanation!”
“Right, well, as you know the assailants were all wearing gas masks and entered the premises after the gas was deployed. Neither of those things is true of Riley, so she couldn’t have been involved. Anton used her to get closer to the nobility, that’s it.”
Bastien wasn’t completely satisfied, “I have a few more questions.”
“Like what?” Liam demanded.
Directing his question to Riley, Bastien asked, “How did you meet Anton?”
“He approached me actually,” Riley answered, “He offered his services at a discount.”
“And why would he do that?”
“He said he was a fan.”
“Right. What do you do again?”
Riley cut her eyes at him. He knew damn good and well who she was and what she did. The whole fucking world knew. “I’m a fashion model, actress, singer, songwriter, and photographer.”              
“And you needed a PR specialist for what reason?”
She brought a hand up to cover her eyes as she heaved a deep sigh. Again, he knew damn well why. It was the same reason she was in Cordonia in the first place. She had come to this God-forsaken postage stamp-sized country that no one had ever heard of precisely because of that reason. “Because I was involved in a sex scandal and needed to rehabilitate my image.”
She truly hadn’t known the man was recording their escapades. Or that he was married. Or a U.S. senator. But the world refused to believe any of that, painting her instead as a home-wrecking, gold-digging whore. Which was exactly how his wife had seen it when she found the video and used it in her divorce proceedings. Someone with access to the files must have recognized her and realized how much the tabloids would pay for it and so the video had been leaked.  
She had fled to the tiny Mediterranean country of Cordonia in hopes of staying out of the limelight until the next scandal made the public forget about hers.
Justin had offered a way for her to seize and control the narrative. He’d had a whole plan. One that she now realized was probably a load of bullshit designed to trick her out of her money and into opening the door to the aristocracy for him.
Riley herself hadn’t been a suitor for Leo’s attention or affections, she had merely joined the social season as a guest and friend of Maxwell Beaumont, whom she had met several times while vacationing along the French Riviera. They had bonded over their similar taste in men. Like the handsome young prince that was currently making her blood sing through her veins.
“I think this line of questioning is over,” Liam asserted, “She had nothing to do with it and she doesn’t know anything about Anton’s true identity or intentions.”
“Fine,” Bastien pushed away from the table, “But if you think of anything….anything at all, please let us know.”
“I will.” Riley watched as Bastien and Mara exited the room.
“Would you like some water?” Liam asked, already on his feet, pouring her a glass.
“Thank you,” her cheeks heated as her gaze dropped to the tabletop.
“I’m sorry if they were a little…harsh,” he apologized as he retook his seat, “It’s their job.”
“No, it’s okay, I get it,” she lifted the glass to her mouth and took a long sip as she tried to figure out why the prince was still in the room with her if the interview was over.
“Riley,” Liam shifted in his chair as he formulated his next words carefully, “May I ask you a question?”
“Of course,” she finally lifted her eyes to his and was completely taken aback to see the same nervousness and uncertainty she felt reflected in him. “What is it?”
“Ah….I hope this isn’t too forward of me, but I was hoping you could answer a question for me about that night.”
Riley went rigid in her seat fighting the urge to bury her face in her hands, “What about it?”
“The…um…dance you did…”
She dropped her gaze again, her face burning with emotion. She wanted to fall through the floor. She could barely muster up a whisper as she willed herself to stay calm, “What about it?”
“Was it just because of the gas or…”
“Oh!” she wished the floor would open up and swallow her, “I never would have done such a thing if not for the gas!” He knew about the sex tape. The entire world knew about it. Did he think she just took her clothes off for anyone? She wanted to disappear.
“Right, of course not,” disappointment pinged through him. He struggled not to show it, but she saw it.
“Wait…were you hoping that I was the kind of girl that would do something like that in public?”
Liam froze, eyes wide as he studied her face, “No…not in public….”
“So, you were hoping that I’d do it in private?” her mind whirled to catch up then understanding dawned, “for you?”
Mortification rushed over him as he tried to salvage the situation, “I’m so sorry! It was an inappropriate question! Of course, it was because of the gas! You’re not interested in me! I should have never-“
“Liam!” She leaned over and laid a gentle hand on his arm. A soft smile played on her lips, “I am interested in you! I meant that I would never have done a strip tease in front of the entire court if it hadn’t been for the gas. But the person I chose to do it for? That was one hundred percent me!”
The smile that broke out across his face was so brilliant that it could have lit the entire country, “Really?”
“I cannot express how gratifying it is to hear that! Would you care to join me for dinner tonight?”
“You’re not bothered by the scandal? My reputation doesn’t concern you?”
“No. First of all, I believe you that you were lied to and recorded without your consent. Secondly, even if you had willingly been recorded, what you do with your body is your business. I notice the only one being shamed is you, not the man in question. Huge double standard if you ask me.”
She rewarded him with a smile of her own, “That’s very enlightened of you.”
“I’m very enlightened! So? Dinner?”
“Absolutely! I would love to join you for dinner!”
“Excellent!” Liam stood and helped her out of her chair. Offering her his arm, he asked, “We have some time to kill before dinner. Would you care for a tour of the palace?”
“I would like that very much!” Riley took his arm with a coy grin, “Will your personal quarters be included in this tour?” She felt satisfaction curl through her at the way he flushed to the very tips of his ears.
Maybe accepting Maxwell’s invitation and fleeing her own country hadn’t been the catastrophe she originally thought.
Cordonia was starting to grow on her.
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fruitymocha · 1 year
A Cottagecore Picnic with The Butlers Part 1: First Floor Edition
That time when the First Floor butlers took you on a cottagecore picnic
Featuring: Berrien Cliane, Bastien Kelly, Lono Fontaine (separate) x gn!Reader (you/your pronouns) (can be read as platonic, romantic, whatever you want)
Warnings: none :)
A/N: oh my goodness FINALLY, something Akuneko related! I had this idea for a while, but debated on whether I should actually use it for Akuneko or some other fandom, but I figured “this is a good topic to start with for them” so here we are. I was supposed to post this forever ago but lost motivation/passion for this for months. But now I’ve come back to the fandom with a fresh dedication (and also I have the game on my phone now, despite not knowing very much Japanese). But anyway, without further ado:
Let me restore your memory…
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Is he making the food and drinks for the picnic? Of course he is! He can’t have the Master doing work, silly!
Obviously, you’d feel a little guilty for not doing anything (or at least I would-) so maybe you secretly made madeleines and snuck them into the basket because you know he loves them
I’m 99.999% sure Berrien planned everything weeks in advance, from the menu to the location, maybe even the specific outfits to wear (though he probably consulted Flure for that last part)
Obviously, this means that Berrien has the perfect spot for the two of you as well as the time
He brought bug spray, sunscreen, lip balm, the works! Also, he brought an umbrella just in case it rains. Can’t have the Master getting soaked to the bone and getting sick, right?
I can see him choosing a lovely open space with green grass as the location, and you’re absolutely under a giant tree for the purpose of staying in the shade (bonus points if there’s a body of water close by, like a river or lake)
You’re going there maybe a little too early for lunch (you arrive at 11:30 sharp because punctuality), but you start eating at around noon so it’s fine
Oh, and like the title says, this is a cottagecore picnic. It’s not cottagecore if there are no flowers, so you get your favorite flowers because you’re the Master and you deserve flowers.
Also, that means your outfits are very light colored and give off that fresh spring vibe
And perhaps you did a thing behind Berrien’s back again and decided to wear something that matches his outfit’s colors, even though he’s technically lower in social standing, but you cannot be stopped (and matching outfits does seem like a proper thing to do when it’s just the two of you and you’re in public)
So besides the madeleines you made as an attempt to contribute, what are you having on that picnic?
For savory food, he’s got various types of finger sandwiches, he’s got a charcuterie board (you know, those assortments of cheese and cured meats, probably with crackers too) unless you’re vegetarian/vegan, a platter of some assorted fruit slices and berries, and the “main” thing is two baguette sandwiches (if you follow a diet just imagine what’s in it is okay for you to eat)
For the drink of choice, he obviously brought his own tea blends as well as some classic teas for you, because this is Berrien we’re talking about here
Are we sure this is a picnic and not just a tea party on the ground?
Anyways, now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for: dessert
Berrien packed some fruit tartlets, some with strawberries, some with blueberries, some with kiwi, and some were just mixed fruit
And then of course he’d notice the madeleines as he’s unpacking everything, which leads to you awkwardly explaining how you felt bad for not doing anything to help so you made them to try and contribute
Which leads to a mini spiel about your position and how you not doing anything while the butlers do everything is what’s supposed to happen
But he’ll let it slide this once since you went through all the trouble and you had him in mind when you made the madeleines
Let’s just pretend you’re decent at baking here, and say the madeleines were pretty good
Good times for all :)
Except the fact that there are leftovers, and then you two stare at each other like “we’re gonna have to bring all of this back to the manor…”
But it’s fine, you’ll just eat the leftovers for dinner (even if some obscure etiquette book says it’s weird for nobles to do that or something)
So you pack up the leftovers and just sit and chat for a while after
Maybe if you’re up for it you even take a little stroll in the park
But obviously with the town’s canonically negative sentiments towards you and the butlers, you really can’t stay too long, so soon enough you have to go back to the manor
It’s okay though, you had the time of your life and you’d definitely want to do something like this again
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Let’s be honest, it’s going to take a lot of convincing before he actually agrees for you to plan this cottagecore picnic
I mean really, he has the skills and attitude of a proper knight, of course your safety is top priority
But let’s say you use your brain and convince him by saying if he chooses a secluded spot and stays with you the whole time, it’s very unlikely you’ll be hurt
And if he brings up the Angel problem, just promise you’ll bring the book and tell him he’ll be coming along to protect you
In that case, he’ll say he’s coming with only for the sake of your safety, and it’s not exactly a lie, it’s just not the whole truth
To assume he’s not curious about this picnic of yours would be naïve. Of course he wants to see what kinds of food you bring (and maybe taste test a little)
So obviously you tried to make food behind his back but he caught you so he made you sit back down and tried his hand at it
It wasn’t too bad of an experience, actually, since he’s helped Lono in the kitchen before
There were no sweets made, but the menu was satisfying nonetheless
The location was atop a grassy hill where you could oversee the village nearby, and occasionally there were some clumps of weeds and wildflowers around.
You two got there at around 11:00 am, and planned to only be there for about an hour and a half
On the menu, there was meat stew (if you’re vegetarian/vegan, then it’s only for Bastien), crackers and hummus, multigrain bread, vegan herb quiche, and lemon tea
Being the Master you are though, you snuck behind his back and made yourself some apple hand pies
It’s still spring, so obviously you wanna wear something nice, and I think in this case Bastien will wear mid tone blues or greens
Meanwhile you’d probably wear whatever, since it never occurred to Bastien that you might want to coordinate outfits
There were no leftovers. None. I can guarantee it at least on Bastien’s end
He’ll never say it out loud, but he appreciated this quiet little picnic, and with some convincing, he may consider doing it again at some point
Needless to say, it was a success :)
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Absolutely on board
He immediately starts planning the menu, and of course since he makes the food, it’s guaranteed to be bomb af
Of course you also tried to help but you weren’t even able to sneak behind his back and make stuff this time
He’s real serious about not having you lift a finger
As long as you promise to bring the book just in case of angels, he’s all for it
He probably chose a more wooded area so as not to risk any passersby finding you two (for safety reasons obviously)
You two went out at noon and brought basics like sunscreen, bug spray, and extra water, setting up in a small clearing in the woods
At some point Lono probably picks some wildflowers and gives them to you, which is such a sweet gesture
Are your outfits matching? Not at first glance, but the color palette is similar enough that you could make the argument
For the food, Lono decided to get real serious about it and made French onion soup, veggie pot pie, a vegetable focaccia, wild garlic pasta, and a mixed berry galette
As for the drinks, he brought white tea and violet lemonade
Obviously you being you, you gotta compliment the chef
And naturally Lono is happy about it, even if he does say it’s just part of the job
Another case of leftovers but instead of letting it go to waste, Muu gets to try some of it
Of course you aren’t allowed the leftovers because health reasons (I hear that leftovers, especially ones you have to reheat, aren’t the best for you)
But anyway you had a great time out there and Lono would be glad to go again if he also didn’t have to worry about making more food than normal
A lovely ending to a lovely event with these First Floor Butlers
~memory restored~
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fadingreveries · 3 months
The Royal Romance, Bk1 Ch1: Once Upon a Time (Pt. 5)
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Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Story Summary: In this novel-style retelling of TRR, beloved scenes with original commentary from the Choices stories including your favourite group of royals and friends will be expanded upon. Contains extended commentary and scenes from the original story, in-depth descriptions of bonus scenes, and premium choices and outfits.
Chapter Synopsis: Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia as Riley competes for the Crown Prince! Will she accept his proposal, or will someone else win her heart?
Word Count: 1.8k
Disclaimer: All rights to original commentary, scenes, and characters from The Royal Romance series reserved to Choices and Pixelberry Studios. No copyright infringement intended.
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Liam and Drake caught up to the rest of the group where they stood under a lamppost on the sidewalk. Liam couldn’t help but look up at the skyscrapers. He had never seen buildings taller than the palace in Cordonia before. At the corner of the street, Riley fiddled with her phone. 
“So how far is the walk?” Liam questioned, wanting to know where else their adventure was leading them. 
“We’re not walking there actually. It’s pretty far away. I called a car on my way out of work, so it should be here in a second,” Riley explained, before glancing back down at her phone again. 
“Wait, you can afford to have a car on retainer?” Maxwell asked, before he caught himself. He cleared his throat with a little frown. “I mean, obviously. I also have one too. Because Beaumonts always travel in style.”
Luckily, Riley didn’t notice his odd answer and instead giggled. “Um, okay. It’s a rideshare, so not really mine.”
“A what?” Maxwell blinked in confusion. 
“A ‘rideshare’? You know, like a cab? Do they not have those where you’re from?” Riley explained. Maybe these guys had never even heard of shared transportation before or maybe they had never ridden a taxi before. 
Nodding, Maxwell replied, “Oh, of course they do… but it’s not like any of us would have any reason to use them.”
“Why’s that?” Riley questioned, curious.
Maxwell’s eyes widened. Bertrand was right. He really needed to watch what he was saying sometimes. He started stammering, “Oh! Uh… because we’re… um…”
Before Drake could tackle Maxwell to shut him up, Liam cut in with an excuse, “Because… we normally use our own cars like normal folk do.”
“Yeah! I drive it!” Maxwell added, feeling grateful for Liam’s quick thinking. Then he made the decision to add on, “No wait! We all have separate cars that each of us use.”
“And know how to drive,” Liam stated, trying to keep himself from blowing their cover. 
“Smooth,” Drake mumbled, giving them both another deadpan look of his. 
Thankfully, a large, black SUV pulled up to the curb next to the group. Since Riley was distracted flagging it down and opening the door, Liam and Maxwell collectively breathed out their own sighs of relief.
“Our carriage awaits,” Riley remarked, gesturing to the car. 
“Woohoo! A car!” Maxwell excitedly cried out, the only words that came out for how much he looked forward to a rideshare in America. 
Tariq, on the other hand, was pleased to see something that felt more like home. “Luxury leather!”
Liam looked over the SUV with a nod of approval, smiling. “It does look rather spacious.”
“Wait, wait, wait! We can’t do this!” Drake interjected, as everyone in the group turned to take in his frazzled expression. “We don’t know the driver! Liam can’t take a ride from a stranger!”
“Oh, why not?” Riley froze in her spot, worried that something was wrong. 
Drake flashed her a smile that was probably meant to be reassuring but came across as mildly unhinged. He grabbed Liam’s arm, hauling him back and whispering urgently, “Bastien will murder me if you get into an unsecure vehicle with an unknown driver!”
Riley hesitantly got out of the car, concerned. “Um. Well if you guys don’t want to take a rideshare, then that leaves the bus.”
After a few moments at the bus stop, a bus stopped in front of the group. The bus driver opened the bus doors and waved the party inside. “Bus 2015. Going downtown!”
“Ooh, there’s a conductor! Do we need tickets?” Maxwell asked, enthralled by the idea of taking a bus like the common folk did. 
Drake shook his head, correcting him, “You’re thinking of a train.”
“Well, you still need to pay…” Riley stated matter-of-factly with a grin. 
This made Maxwell frown, as he halfheartedly said, “Ooh, ‘paying’...”
The bus driver informed them, “You can just tap your credit card on the reader to buy a SingleRider ticket!”
“My which on the what now?” Maxwell instantly replied, suddenly looking alarmed as he went through his pockets. 
“Allow me, Maxwell,” Liam answered, flashing a friendly smile to the driver. “Five passengers please. Do you have change for a hundred?”
The driver paused in her seat, looking confused. “Dollars? No.”
“Oh,” Liam simply said. Then he gave the one-hundred dollar bill to her with his smile back on his face. “Then keep the extra!”
Riley, Liam, and his friends walked past the bus driver who looked very happy to let them board. They sat down on the blue cloth seats of the bus before the bus started up again and drove down the busy streets. 
“I’m sorry, we don’t get out much,” Drake apologized to Riley, trying to excuse his friends’ peculiar behaviour. 
“I’m starting to gather that…” Riley responded, thinking to herself before giving them all a friendly grin. “But it’s certainly been an adventure so far.”
At the destination, the bus dropped them off at the nearby beach ten minutes away from the bustle and rustle of the city. Everyone piled out of the limo at the beach, and the guys headed off towards the ocean. 
“We should build a bonfire,” Drake suggested, glad to be somewhere more refreshing and less stuffy compared to the crowds they had been surrounded by all day. 
At this comment, Tariq eyed Drake scavenging for dry wood and frowned. “I’m not doing manual labour.”
“Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to. What I meant was, I’ll go build a bonfire,” Drake corrected himself, resuming his search. 
Maxwell, on the other hand, was ecstatic with the new location of the bachelor party. He hollered out, “This place is awesome! Skinny dipping!”
“Keep your pants on, Maxwell,” Tariq pleaded, not wanting to see anything resembling undergarments or worse, underneath them. 
The sky had turned a deep indigo colour with streaks of pink and purple from the sun finishing its descent across the horizon. There were white clouds painted across the sky, shining in the reflection of the ocean’s dark blue and turquoise waters which lapped onto the shores of golden sand. 
“Thank you for bringing us here. I can tell the guys are enjoying themselves already,” Liam thanked Riley, as he admired his friends exploring the undiscovered gem of a beach. 
Riley thoughtfully observed Liam beside her, before commenting, “I bet you’re used to putting everyone else first.”
“And why would you say that?” Liam questioned, turning to look at her with an air of curiosity. Other than his most trusted friends, no one had ever paid attention to him outside of how he brought pride to Cordonia. 
“I can tell. I’m good at reading people…” Riley simply said. She focused her attention on Liam, wondering how he felt at the moment with the new change of scenery. “Now forget about your friends. What about you? Do you like it here?”
Smiling to himself, Liam quietly murmured, “I love it.” It was nothing but the truth. Here, he felt as if he could hear himself think more clearly. He relished the light breeze in the air and the sound of the waves lapping gently onto the shores. 
“It’s my secret spot, so I’m really trusting you,” Riley mentioned, bumping her shoulder against Liam’s. It was a spot she frequented when she wanted a moment to herself to breathe and temporarily put down the weight on her shoulders on the ground. It seemed like Liam needed that as well. 
This fact touched Liam’s heart, as he smiled at her with a sense of gratefulness. “I’ll do my best to be worthy of that trust. Though there’s just one problem… How am I supposed to buy you that drink?”
Jokingly, Riley tapped her finger on her chin as if deep in thought. Then she told Liam, “You’ll think of something. Or maybe you’ll just keep owing me.”
“Fair enough,” Liam agreed. Riley was witty and charming, he had to give her that. “So what should we do?”
“We should… climb up the cliff!” Riley excitedly suggested, pointing to the small hill near the shore. 
Liam’s mouth hung open, as he asked in surprise, “Way up there?”
“Try to keep up!” Riley teased, as she made for a running start with Liam trailing close behind her and laughing in amusement. 
Finding handholds and places for her feet, Riley quickly scaled the cliff face. Once she reached the top, Riley panted, trying to catch her breath as she grinned. “Did it.”
She turned around, extending a hand down and helping Liam up to join her. Gratefully, Liam took her hand and soon found himself facing Riley. Time seemed to stand still as the two gazed into each other’s eyes, which shined brighter directly underneath the soft light from the moon and in the other's presence. 
“Thanks,” Liam responded, a little flustered as he dusted his hands off on his pants. 
Up here with only the two of them, Liam allowed himself to truly observe Riley. He saw her eyes twinkle with excitement as she took in the simple beauty of nature around them. He noticed her wavy black hair bend in the wind, as she brushed a few strands away from her face. 
But when Riley turned her head to face him, Liam knew this wasn’t a silly little crush anymore. Her look gave him butterflies in his stomach but a warm sense of comfort coursing throughout his entire body. He didn’t even know it was possible. 
And maybe, he realized, she was the one he was missing all his life. 
Riley smiled, looking out at the breathtaking view of the shores, the ocean, and the sky around them. “What do you think?”
“Huh?” Liam said in confusion, snapping himself out of his daydream. 
“The view. Worth the climb, right?” Riley asked once more, before craning her neck back up at the stars above them. 
“Oh, definitely,” Liam agreed, the warm smile never faltering on his face. 
For a moment, they both looked out, watching the moonlight play on the waves below as the wind moved through the clouds. From where they were, they felt closer to the stars which shone brilliantly in the sky. Then Riley shivered, which Liam immediately took note of. 
“Cold?” Liam frowned, taking note of the hair on her arms stood up in goosebumps. 
“Maybe just a little…” Riley admitted, giving him a shy look as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“I see that the guys got the bonfire going. Let’s head back down and warm up…” Liam suggested, as he made his way down the hill and helped Riley down.
~ ~ ~
Click here for the TRR retelling series masterlist for more chapters! 🏰
Tag list: @kingliam2019 @princess-geek @karahalloway @twinkleallnight @tinkie1973 @tessa-liam
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