#i SWEAR it is
thinkingwithportalz · 2 months
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my wheatley design!!! I hope you guys like it... Posting portal so you guys know I still like it
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epickiya722 · 8 months
I really hate the "Deku is the most annoying anime protagonist" take because a lot of the things he does that haters says is annoying is something a lot of other anime protagonists that people oh so love (regardless of genre) do!
"He just sits in the corner and cry."
Oh, please. If you're really going to call him a "crybaby" be prepared to say the same thing about 100+ other characters y'all be saying are badasses.
I also want to say that it's obvious that it be flying over heads when there's a gag scene of crying that supposed to be played for laughs compared to one that is more emotional and meaningful... WHICH AGAIN A LOT OF OTHER CHARACTERS HAVE IN THEIR STORIES!!
The fact someone even said "cry in the corner"...
This is the same Midoriya who actually was going to step out his hiding spot to rescue Bakugou, despite being petrified with fear due to All For One's presence during the Kamino Arc. The same Midoriya who took on Stain, an actual killer and then later, Lady Nagant, a trained assassin. Midoriya Izuku who faced Muscular TWICE. Midoriya who fought Overhaul MAD.
He didn't once go "Oh, woe is me, someone save me, I can't do this".
"He's too positive."
So him smiling through the face of adversity, not letting himself give up, sticking to the villains, inspiring hope to other characters who lost their way and need someone to be there is annoying?
You better not like no anime protagonist like this, period, if you find this annoying.
The crazy thing is... Midoriya doesn't even talk first, ask questions later. He will actually fight you first and then try to talk it out.
Also, let's be fucking for real here. If Midoriya wasn't a positive character, the same people would still hate him for being "too negative".
Someone in a clip even said "he's a little slow". First, that is just offensive. Second, HOW?
I swear when it comes to calling characters "annoying" or "frauds" or saying you hate them, people just be pulling reasons out their asses and sometimes, the reasons don't even make sense to the character.
I honestly think this hate just comes from people not liking the fanbase. I don't blame folks for hating the fanbase because some of you really do need to chill the hell out. But I wouldn't hate the manga and anime because of that and then spew out "hate... I mean... hot takes" like this.
Just makes it look like you didn't get past season 1 or never actually picked up one volume.
Personally, I limit myself from any fandom of the media I decided to engage myself in.
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verfound · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday: 02.11.2024
I've been slowly working on various things, but work's been a little nutty and I've also been drained and unproductive. I have a biggish fic I finally wrapped up today that I will hopefully edit soon, and I'm trying to wrap up a sprint fic for Valentine's...
"I don’t…I don’t have a Valentine, and that’s ok.”
Except it wasn’t, because Tom would have sworn Luka was her Valentine.  He knew they had had a rough patch towards the end of her last year in collège, but he had also thought they’d worked through it.  They’d gotten so much closer over the summer, and since she’d started attending the same lycée…
He had just…he had thought…well.  As the Captain would say (had said), he had thought the boy had gotten his stupid head out of his ass.  He had thought they both had.
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some-french-asshole · 6 months
Me when the character
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sillystringstar · 10 days
i love fantasy visual novels sm. like a cool fantasy book except i decide what the main character is and how they interact with others and each tiny choice i make can lead to wildly different story lines and i get to choose my backstory and how it affects my characters choices? sign me up pls.
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bridoesotherjunk · 7 months
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Fuck yeah, now this is the ad for me
functioning website
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Ready for the most *reads hand* romantic? show of the week? :') 🤝
Hey, think of this way... Sky literally has no boundaries left to be crossed! Prapai ripped them all to shreds last week. :D He can't break anything else because there's nothing left. :D That's not horrifying at all. :D But it's comforting, right? No more boundaries! No locked doors, no way to block him, no secrets, nothing at all!
Boundaries are just overrated, amiright?! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
... ow.
I mean, no, literally, I don't think they can do worse than last week but I also didn't think they could do worse than the SIM card thing and then he read his diary while he cried after breaking into his room and literally blaming Sky for writing it down so... you know...
Ugh, the way he kept pushing and pushing and Sky was literally breaking down and he didn't stop to comfort him until he said he loved him is just one of the worst things I've ever seen. Love is not about threatening someone with their deepest secrets until they do what you want.
Or at least I hope like hell it isn't.
AITA for breaking into my ex's condo, reading his private diary and then forcing him to listen as I read it outloud to him in order to get a love confession from and prove that he can never have a boundary from me again because that's romantic now?
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wilfey · 10 months
you know that whole thing about "if you have stuff to do but you're engaged in something you will not do it at the time is required" and sometimes that includes sleeping, or eating, or whatever? Because I was supposed to have lunch like, an hour ago, and I failed, and I've been scrolling for an hour
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Keigo: water is like the oldest beverage ever and somehow has no nickname. No one is ever like ‘sure could go for a cup of that clear’ or something. Huge oversight imo
Ren: sippin on that moist
Junki: ol’ splashy
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blueberryliquorice · 1 year
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my guy
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redstonedust · 1 month
i appreciate the attempts a lot of game devs are making with gender neutral character creation, and i appreciate that it's actually a very difficult task to implement that depending on the game's base code. but it's so funny to me when you hear an uproar because some game has "entirely removed the gender option from character creation!!!!!" so you go to check it out and its just like
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powdermelonkeg · 5 months
Important rules/tips I've learned as an adult that helped with anxiety
If people are mad at you, it's their responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess
If they're mad at you in secret anyways, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
If people don't like what you're doing, it's their responsibility to tell you
If they say it's fine when it's really not, they're the ones in the wrong, not you
People are allowed to be wrong about you
If they are wrong about you, wait for them to bring it up, because if you try to, you will inevitably overcorrect
Some people are committed to misunderstanding you. You will not win arguments against them. Yes, even if you explain your point of view. They do not care. Drop it
The worst thing that will happen from a first-time offense is being told not to do it again. Maybe with a replacement if you broke something
You can improve relationships and gauge willingness to talk to you by giving compliments. It's like a daily log-in bonus and nobody thinks twice about it
Most things are better after you sleep on them
Most things are better after you have a meal
Most things are better after you shower
Your brain makes up consequences that are irrational. If the worst DOES come to pass and someone acts like they do in your head, they are overreacting, and you are entitled to say "what the fuck"
If your chest hurts after you feel like you've made a social error, that's called rejection-sensitive dysphoria. It means your anxiety is so bad that it's causing you physical pain, which is a good indicator that you're overreacting. Tense yourself, hold it for 20 seconds, let it go, then find a distraction
If you're suddenly angry at someone after you feel like you made a social error, that's also rejection-sensitive dysphoria. You are going to feel annoyed about it for awhile, but being genuinely pissed off is your anxiety trying to find something to blame to take the responsibility off your shoulders, and getting scared because it can't justify itself. Deep breaths, ask yourself how much you ACTUALLY want to be angry at that person, then find a distraction
"Sour grapes" is more healthy for you than stewing. Deciding you don't like someone who's perpetually annoyed with you, won't talk to you, etc. makes letting go of anxiety over them easier
If people don't like you, they will find reasons to be annoyed with you when they otherwise wouldn't. If people do like you, they will find reasons NOT to be annoyed with you when they otherwise would. People do not ping-pong between the two
You DO have to make a conscious choice not to think about something. If you're having trouble circling back to it, say out loud that you're done thinking about it and why. Then find a distraction
When you're upset, part of you is going to want to make false bids for attention (suddenly texting differently, heavy sighs, etc. but when someone asks you about it, you tell them it's nothing). Do not listen to it. You gain nothing from it except more misery
People like to help people they care about. It makes them feel good about themselves
If you think you're insufferable for needing help, see above. Yes, really. They get a serotonin kick from it
If you think you're insufferable for mannerisms you have, you either have to consciously choose not to do them, or accept that they're part of the package that comes with you. Being apologetic about existing does nothing except make you more miserable
If you do things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it makes it easier to do them when you hate it
If you avoid things you don't like when you feel meh about it, it reinforces and magnifies how bad it feels when you hate it
Seriously. Read those last two points again. If you can make yourself make a phone call when you've got nothing to lose, you will slowly lose that panic you get when you have to make a phone call you haven't prepared for. You do have to CONSCIOUSLY take that step
Hobbies that make you care for something get rid of that nagging feeling that you're not doing enough. Go grow some rosemary
If you don't engage with your hobbies regularly, you will feel miserable, and anxiety will spike
Hobbies are things that give you a bit of happiness. They do not have to be organized or named to do that. Go be creative in something. Play with coins. Make up lists. Start a new WIP
No one cares what you look like
If people point out things they don't like about how you look unprompted, they are being rude. You are entitled to say "what the fuck"
People who like you will find you pretty to some degree. Minor things about your appearance go completely unnoticed. Literally, scars and dots and blemishes do not register to someone who likes your company
You looking at yourself in the mirror is 10x more closely than anyone is going to look at you
If you're anxious about your body type, and you're creatively inclined, make/write an oc with that same shape. Give them nice things and make other characters love them. Put them on adventures. You'll start to see yourself in the mirror more kindly
You care about wording and perfect lines/colors way more than anyone who views your work ever will
Sometimes when you're upset, you're going to feel like not eating. Do not do that. Not eating makes you more miserable
Same with things you normally enjoy. Denying yourself helps no one. You are punishing yourself for being sad. Stop it
Both of these will take conscious decision to break the habit of. Make yourself do it anyways, and it will slowly get easier
And again, to reiterate: If someone is mad at you, it is THEIR responsibility to tell you, not your responsibility to guess
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emilnikos · 5 months
I need non autistic people to realise meltdowns are a real debilitating thing that has a serious effect on your mental and physical health NOWWWWW!!! The way its been trivialized and lessened pisses me the fuck off. It's not a tantrum and it doesn't come from "being too weak-willed" it's painful and it's embarrassing AND MOST OF ALL IT'S INVOLUNTARY!! Don't claim to be an ally to autistic or disabled people and then make fun of people who have meltdowns. Literally get the hell out of my sight
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shinseifer · 1 year
"average cat owner spends 3 years in prison" factoid actualy just statistical error. average owner spends 0 years in prison. Miette's mother, who kicked her body like the football and went to jail for One Thousand Years is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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condensed-ink · 1 month
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I just want to remind everyone that it is your civic duty to jailbreak your Nintendo consoles and pirate every Nintendo property until the heat death of the universe.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 months
My brain at all times:
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