#hq fluffvember
nillabeam · 4 years
synopsis: the day doesn’t go like either of you expected it to, but the way it ends was worth the wait
warnings: fluff!!! tiny sprinkles of angst, but basically all fluff, some suggestive themes, it’s very mild!! reader is a 3rd year & captain of karasuno’s girls volleyball team!! kuroo is in college so slight age gap!
characters: kuroo tetsurou
a/n: this idea has been living rent free in my head for weeks now and i finally had the time to write it out!! please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes and i hope you enjoy :)))  
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this isn’t how he imagined his day would go.
he just wanted to enjoy his day off, college was wearing him out and he was looking forward to this. he had planned it out perfectly. he’d watch you play-no, he’d watch you win, then he’d take you out for dinner, and hopefully, if he played his cards right he’d finally get to tell you how he felt. maybe even get to kiss you for the first time.
unfortunately, that’s not exactly how it plays out.
he wasn’t expecting his ex to be there, he also wasn’t expecting her to tease him the way she did. in hindsight he probably could’ve rejected her a little less dramatically. instead he had one palm pressed on the wall beside her, the other fiddling with the collar of her jacket, leaned in close as he whispered out his rejection.
“kuroo!” his name rang in his ears, he swallowed hard before looking over his shoulder. there you were, on the other side of the hall, expression fierce, focused, he could see how tightly you were gripping the strap on your bag. he took a step back, he was facing you now, your eyes dart to the girl behind him, she was wearing a cat-like grin, obviously amused by your irritation. “it isn’t what it looks like,” he finally explains, the words come out thick, his throat suddenly dry.
the ex-girlfriend peeks around him, “are you sure? because it sure looks like something,” she muses, gaze flickering between you and kuroo. he purses his lips but doesn’t acknowledge her. “it doesn’t matter,” you speak up, “don’t come to the match,” you finish, and he almost flinches at your tone. without another word and with a final hard glance you continue on toward the court.
“looks like you messed up testu, too bad, she was cute,” his ex mocks, pretending to pout. he says nothing, instead heading down the hall towards the exit, she watches him leave, satisfied with her work.
he should leave, respect your wishes. should give you some space to cool off. but he stays. he has enough respect not to watch your match, so he waits outside the gymnasium. he knows it can take a while, if you win the first match you’ll play a second right after, but still, he waits. he spends the next couple hours, deciding what to say, how to apologize. a sudden influx of spectators leave the gym grabs his attention, he tries not to appear too desperate as he searches the crowd for that familiar black and orange uniform.
“karasuno sure had me worried for a second there,” one of the spectators sighs in relief, “yeah their number one was relentless today, i’m surprised she can still walk after all that jumping around,” the other responds. a swell of pride builds up in his chest, they were talking about you, the feeling is soon replaced with guilt. god, he wishes he could have been there. it takes a few more minutes that feel like hours before you and your team step out of the gym. you all look so happy. he feels a bit nostalgic watching you and your team joke and laugh, ready to celebrate your win.
the good mood sours immediately when one of your teammates spots him. “hey! isn’t that the guy? didn’t y/n tell you to get lost?!” she starts to walk towards him shrugging her bag from her shoulder. you catch her though, still kuroo puts his hands up in surrender. “it’s alright, don’t work yourself up, he’s not worth it,” you say easily and the girls on your team simultaneously glare at him, he can feel the hair on his neck stand up.
you finally convince your team to head to the bus without you, that you’d only be a minute. once they leave you walk over to him, expression blank, making it hard for him to read how you were feeling. “i heard it was close,” he says breaking the silence, “it was but we won both so we’re playing again next weekend,” you explain, unbothered. 
“i’m glad! i wish i could have seen you play-” you interject before he can finish, “i don’t have time for things like this, it’s distracting and i owe it to my team to have a level head, whatever game you’re playing-“ he waves his hands in defense, “i’m not playing games i swear, it was bad judgment on my part, i have no excuse but i swear it didn’t mean anything!” he assures you, a hand moving to rub the back of his neck, his nerves making it difficult to stay still.
your brows furrow, you cross your arms, “i don’t know what you’re still doing here,” your reply is short, tone icy. “i wanted to give you something,” he says and begins to fish through his coat pockets, he finally pulls out a small keychain. “it’s a cat-” you say, and he chuckles a bit, “it’s a lucky cat, i wanted to give it to you before the match, it’s supposed to bring you good luck,” he explains, it’s almost cute how sincere he’s being. “even if i’m not welcome at your games, i want you to have it,” he adds, extending it out for you to take. you squint at him, hesitant, but you eventually take it, admiring the small details as you turn it over in your hand. “you shouldn’t have waited, you should have just gone home,” you mumble, shoving the keychain in your jacket pocket.
“i have to go-” you sigh, heading towards the bus, he ca feel his chest tightening up with panic, he takes a few steps forward.
 “i’m sorry!” he blurts out, you stop walking but don’t face him. “the girl in the hall-” he can feel his throat tighten, he forces the words out anyway. “-we dated for a while, she was on nekoma’s girls team-” you cut him off, “i know, we’ve met before-i’ve played against her,” you explain, voice laced with irritation.
he takes a step forward, “she never invited me to watch her matches, not once, so when you asked me to come i-” you can hear him swallow hard, “-i was happy! i wanted to see you play, not just because you look so good in that uniform!” you spin around to face him, cheeks stained red, lips pursed.
he offers an apologetic smile, “that’s just a bonus.” he adds, and you open your mouth to scold him. “i wanted to see you lead your team, i wanted to how cool you are under pressure, how good your digs are, if your spike is as impressive as everyone says it is,” he shoves his hands into his pockets, his expression turns serious. “i know i messed that up, but i-” he hesitates and you can see his cheeks warm up, “i wanted to say-” he clears his throat a bit, “geez this is harder than i thought-” he mumbles to himself, pulling at his coat collar, “-i wanted to tell you-“ you take a few hard steps towards him, “just spit it out!” you snap, but you can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
“i like you!” he finally admits, “like romantically-” he tacks on and you huff “yeah i put that together!” you interject, but he continues, “-i’ve had these feelings for a while now, and i was planning on telling you today, sorry it had to be like this,” he finishes, his gaze drifts to the floor, disappointment heavy on his features. there’s a brief silence. “kuroo-” you say gently, he meets your gaze, “-next weekend, if you aren’t busy, do you want to come watch me play?” he perks up, the grin on his face nearly makes your heart melt. “you mean it?!” he asks, clearly overly excited. “sure,” you reply, a small smile graces your lips.
a teammate calls out to you from the bus, you wave back at them. “i should go-” you start heading in the direction of the bus but you stop, “-i almost forgot,” you say turning back around, he offers you a puzzled look but before he can speak you’re tugging him by his coat collar, your lips meet and he groans into your mouth. you can hear the mixture of excited screams and confused yelling pour from your teammates on the bus.
it’s not a long kiss and by the time his hands find your face you’re pulling away from him. “i meant to give you that earlier,” you punctuate with a wink, a sly smirk on your face, his hands try and grip your jacket as you move away, “w-wait you can’t just leave me like this, not after that!” he calls but you’re already waving goodbye, “i’ll see you next weekend!” you yell, and he can’t keep the smirk off of his face, chuckling to himself as he waves back.
the chime of his phone snaps him out of his homework induced daze, he smiles when he see’s it’s a message from you.
you’re still coming tomorrow, right?
he types out his reply,
you know i wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see you warm up in those shorts ;)
he anxiously taps his pencil against his textbook as he waits for your response, the image of you stretching before the match suddenly making it much harder to concentrate on his work.
then you better get there early!
he chuckles under his breath, his phone buzzes in his hands as you send another message, a photo this time. he opens it eagerly, he’s greeted by a picture of you, eyebrows furrowed, your tongue out, two fingers held up to form a peace sign. he snorts at how cute you are, even when you make an ugly face. he reads the attached message,
this little guy better not let me down >:P
he scans the picture again, this time he notices the keychain dangling from your finger, a small lucky cat, black and red. his heart wells up with pride.
goodnight now princess, big day tomorrow and you need your beauty rest <3
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veenxys · 3 years
「Bokuto falling in love with you」
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bokuto always thought you were beautiful, but after a while he began to see the beauty inside you - the most beautiful of all; he slowly starts to fall in love with more than just your looks, like the way your eyes fill with so much passion and life when you talk about something you love, or the way you spend so much time clumsily baking a cake just to brighten your friend’s day, or even the way you smile at him…god, he's so lost.
he really enjoys teasing you, but in a good-natured way; pinches your cheeks and ruffles your hair; steals the last piece of chips from you, only to buy you a whole new bag afterwards.
he looks at you a lot. sometimes without knowing and sometimes with knowledge, because he just can't help it, it's like you attract him in an inexplicable way; and there's a certain kind of warmth and purity in his eyes, like he says 'I'm so lost in you, and I honestly don't want to find myself anymore'. but sometimes there is also a feeling of sadness in his eyes as if he senses that he is picking up on feelings for someone who may not feel the same; that you could break his heart into pieces and he would allow it. and when you ask him why he's looking at you like that, he smiles, his eyes softening before saying, "you know why",
he protects and cares for you in little ways; he puts his arm in front of you or protects you with his body in crowded places. when it rains suddenly, he covers your head with his jacket or borrows his umbrella. he offers to accompany you to your home, car or bus station at night. when he takes you home, he waits until you are at his house before he leaves. his hand hovers over your face to shield his eyes from the sun when it gets too sunny. he's too eager to let you wear your sweatshirt or jacket when you show the slightest sign of cold. he also always takes some extra snacks in case you forget yours.
he subtly makes it clear that he only has his eyes for you; when others are talking about people they think are beautiful and their ideas types, he never joins the conversation, and if you're there, he looks at you very often. if someone asks him to describe his ideal type, his mind immediately goes to you as he describes your qualities and characteristics. in a room full of people, he always wonders where you are as his eyes look around, the passionate smile on his face when you look at him from across the room, in a matter of seconds he's coming to you to hug you.
he never misses an opportunity to make you laugh; whenever he tells a joke, you are the first person he looks at, because he wants to see your reaction, to see you laugh; warmth and a tinge of redness spreading across his cheeks when you meet his gaze in the midst of your laugh. casually whispers little in-jokes in your ear when you're in places with a lot of people. makes funny faces at you in public and smiles fondly when you make a funny expression. "I love your laugh. I love it so much", he lets you know randomly one day.
he invites you everywhere and just wants excuses to be around you; "so it's at a <specific time and place>, you know, just in case you change your mind and want to join us." or “my birthday party this saturday; you will be there, right? " he says with a beam of light and a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he stands in front of you. wherever he is, he always chooses the seat next to yours, even though there are so many empty seats.
he asks you to do small favours for him. he doesn’t even think much of it; he’s just naturally drawn to you. you’re the first person he thinks of and wants to go to if he needs or wants something. and they’re usually very little favours like asking you to choose a colour for a new shirt that he’s buying or borrowing your pen when he forgets to bring one — even if others offer him, he politely refuses because it’s yours that he wants.
he becomes softer and more indulgent. he willingly puts up with your teasings and sass without retaliating much. if you pay just a bit of attention, you’ll see the little lingering smile on his face at your witty remarks. others find it equally frustrating and nauseatingly cute how unabashedly biased he is towards you; they’re all trying to convince him to follow them to a new restaurant and minho puts up a good fight, saying no but the moment they mention you’ll be there, he immediately says “okay, what time?”
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briswriting · 4 years
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『 aquarium date where you finally admit your love to each other 』
pairing: kuroo tetsurou x gn!reader genre: fluff wc: 1541 fluffvember masterlist
a/n: yay day one of fluffvember is finally here!! good job jojo on guessing correctly ahaha anyway i hope you guys enjoy this sorry its not proofread ahhh but i hope its cute and fluffy enough to start out fluffvember :D
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Nerves always seemed to wreck through your body whenever you were around Kuroo. Sure the two of you have been seeing each other for a few months, having been on a handful of dates when your busy schedules allowed it, and becoming official only a week ago, but that never seemed to calm you down.
His mere presence made your heart flutter and your mind race. The stupid grin on your face never fading when he was with you because he made you happy, the happiest you’ve ever been.  
It wasn’t until the night he asked you to be his officially, after he had dropped you back off at your place, did you realize that you were in love. In love with Kuroo Tetsurou, the guy in your class that you had become acquainted with when he had asked to borrow the first part of your notes after showing up ten minutes late and settling into the empty seat beside you. The same guy who was obnoxiously loud when saying goodbye to his friends before entering the lecture hall, yet the one who had been able to catch your eye the first week of classes.
You loved him and as your mind drifted to sleep that night, you hoped that one day he’d feel the same way.
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Kuroo knew at that moment, when the two of you first spoke to each other in hushed whispers in your shared lecture, that he wanted to get to know you better. And so he did.
His unofficial assigned seat was so longer the exact middle seat in row five after that day, but the seat next to you, the cutie who had caught his eye on the first day of class.
He liked to thank fate for letting him be late that one day and thanked it again for causing one of the only available seats left in the room to be the one by your side, giving him the perfect opportunity to talk to you finally.
The night he finally made the two of you official, he knew he was in love but was too scared to tell you those three words, hoping that one day he’d gather the courage to tell you and that you’d hopefully feel the same way.
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The local aquarium was reasonably crowded for a Saturday as the two of you entered the building after scanning your tickets at the entryway. Kuroo’s hand instantly moving to entwine with yours, mumbling something about not wanting to lose you in the crowd full of adults and their wandering children.
Squeezing his hand slightly before flashing a smile at him, you quickly pull him over to the large directory board to plan out where you wanted to go first.
His eyes scan over your face as your own eyes check the map of the aquarium, eyebrows slightly furrowed together as you mumbled to yourself about where you wanted to go first.
“Let’s go see the otters first! No wait, let’s go to the tide pool and touch the animals there! Or we can-”
“Woah woah woah slow your roll there,” he interrupts you, a grin growing on his face. “We’ve got all day to get to see everything. Don’t think too hard; you’re going to fry your cute little brain.”
“Rude,” you mumble, a pout on your lips as you glance up at him. “If my brain is little, then what about yours? I did better on that last exam than you.”
He lets out a loud laugh that definitely catches people’s attention when you poke your tongue out at him like a child, reaching up with his free hand to poke at your cheek before retorting back. “You did better by one point! And I swear that one point was biased. Our TA definitely has the hots for you!”
“He does not!”
“Does too! Oh, Y/N! You’re so wonderful and amazing. How has your day been? Let me completely ignore the totally smoking hot dude holding your hand when you walk into class together!” His voice changing to mimic that of the teacher assistant in your lecture, causing you to burst out into laughter at his antics.
“Oh, shut up! He doesn’t even sound like that! He’s just nice, unlike you! Besides, I’ve only got the hots for one person, and that person is you.” Winking at him teasingly before turning around and pulling on his hand, leading him to the closest exhibit. “Now come on, let’s go explore this aquarium!”
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Kuroo enjoyed observing the ways your eyes light up as the two of you walked around the aquarium hand in hand. Your attention solely on the aquatic animals and not him, not that he was complaining.
He enjoyed the sparkle of pure joy and the wide smile that tugged on your lips. The giddiness and excitement in your voice as you pointed something out in the tank with a show of your hands made his fondness for you grow.
Today is the day, he thinks, the day I tell Y/N that I love them.
He’s not sure what finally gives him the courage to tell you the three words. Maybe it’s the way you smile so brightly at him while your excited or the way he grows a little envious thinking of you smiling that way for someone else. All he knows is that he wants to tell you how he truly feels.
And as the two of you approach the aquarium tunnel, what will soon be his favorite place on Earth, he knows that right now is the perfect timing to tell you. Underneath the dark blue lights of the tanks as fish and other aquatic creatures swim above your heads and all around you. He observes you as your dazzling eyes look up to watch a whale pay no mind and glide over the two of you.
Maybe it was fate helping him out again, but Kuroo was thankful that the tunnel was empty, just the two of you there standing hand in hand.
“Hey, did you know I can speak whale?” He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounds you.
“We’re in public! If you’re going to do what I’m thinking of, I will leave your ass here,” you point out, free hand on your hip as you raise your eyebrows at him, waiting for his next move.
“You wouldn’t.” Flashing you a cheeky smile before looking away and towards the whale that just swam by. “hELlOOooOOO tHErE mR WHaLE.”
“You’re so embarrassing. I’m glad no one else is in here; otherwise, they’d get horrible secondhand embarrassment.”
Even with your complaints, Kuroo quickly notices that your smile is the biggest it’s been all day as you try to stifle your laughter. Whether it’s laughing with him or at him, he doesn’t really care because the sound of your giggles is like music to his ears, and he prides himself in being the reason behind it.
As the two of you calm down from your laughing fit, you notice the whale making its way back over to the two of you, a loud noise coming from the large mammal. Your eyes widening as you look over at Kuroo; his own eyes are wide with disbelief.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you actually talked to it,” you whisper as you watch the whale swim over the top of your heads once again.
And as it passes and swims away, the both of you are sent into another fit of laughter.
“I really did that! I told you I spoke whale!”
“You’re such a dork! But I guess you can actually speak whale,” you giggle, taking a moment to finally catch your breath.
“What did I tell you? I’m amazing!” He boasts proudly, letting go of your hand for the first time that day to instead wrap his arms around you from behind, his chin nestling itself onto your shoulder as the two of you watch the whale swim away.
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,” you tease back. Quickly regretting your words as he keeps you trapped in his arms and prods his fingers into your sides, laughing as you struggle to try and squirm out of his grasp.
And as you wiggle around in his arms to avoid anymore poking fingers, he can’t help to think that the overwhelming joy he feels whenever he’s around you is love. You’re the one for him, the one he loves with his whole heart. He knows this with everything in him.
“I love you.”
His voice is so soft, barely even a whisper in your ear. You’re sure you imagined it, but when you turn around in his arms and look into his eyes, you know you didn’t imagine hearing the three words you’ve been wanting to tell him.
You’re breathless as you stare into his eyes, eyes filled to the brim with love for you as your own show him that you felt the same way. Leaning up to press a delicate kiss to his lips, the soft form of intimacy, revealing the overwhelming love you shared for each other while you embraced each other under the sea.
“I love you more.”
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
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⤷ Day 4: Atsumu Miya + friends to lovers
Synopsis: you’re in love with your roommate and best friend, Atsumu Miya... and maybe he feels the same way too
Word Count: 839
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Fluffvember Masterlist
When you decided to move in with the idiot Miya Twin, you knew your life would be full of messy nights and unintentional babysitting.
But you didn’t expect the nights where he would fall asleep next to you while watching a movie, his face the gentlest of expressions. You also didn’t expect the days where he would return home from practice only to have picked you up some mochi despite his exhaustion. Perhaps that is why you had fallen in love with the idiot Miya Twin, because he always was more than that.
So even as you were picking up his sweaty jersey off the living room floor of your shared apartment, you couldn’t help but grin at the surrealness of it all.
Your best friend was currently playing one of the biggest matches of the season and you had chosen not to go despite his desperate pleas because you had to study for a huge exam coming up.
You could envision your setter’s determined face as he set the ball to Hinata with perfect timing because of all the previous games you’ve been to in the past.
After cleaning up Atsumu’s mess and tidying up your own bedroom, you check your phone to see 7:00pm reflecting off the screen. Atsumu should’ve been done by now but knowing him, his team won and they were going out for drinks. You heaved a sigh and prepared yourself for drunk Atsumu, the worst of them all.
Another hour passed before the door creaked open and a sloppy looking Atsumu wobbled in only to meet your stern face with a cup of water in hand. His face lifted into a dopey smile and moved to embrace you before you placed a hand in front of his chest, halting him in an open-armed position.
“Water first,” you said, your voice demanding and full of control and he obliges, taking the cup of water from your hand and gulping it down with ease.
But this Atsumu wasn’t like the other wild and irresponsible drunk Atsumus you’ve faced. This one was gentler, calmer, and a bit subtler with his advances.
You snap out of your daze and make your way to the kitchen to make him a sandwich to soak up the alcohol. You’re rummaging through the fridge when you feel a familiar hand on your waist. You’re yelping as you turn around to face a strange looking Atsumu in front of you.
Atsumu pins his hands on either sides of your head, trapping you in your spot between him and the now closed fridge.
“Do you like me?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing and you almost think he’s being serious.
Instead, you’re lightly pushing against his chest and smiling nervously, “ok lover boy, you can kabedon me another time.”
But Atsumu stays firm, refusing to let you go until you’ve answered his question.
“I’m being serious—“
“You’re drunk…”
“But these feelings are real!” Atsumu blurts out.
You’re not sure what to say as you search his eyes for any sign of insincerity. When you can’t find a trace of it, you drop your hands and let him continue.
“Fuck all the hiding. You think I haven’t noticed all the times you’ve cleaned up my messes or made me dinner when I couldn’t even pick myself up from practice. Or even the times you cheered me on at matches regardless of how busy you were…” he trails on, “and it killed me that you didn’t come see me win today.”
You didn’t realize how hard it had become to breathe until he finished his rant. Atsumu has never been this transparent with you in his life. Sure, he’s told you things here and there, being his best friend and all, but this was something entirely different.
“And what if I said yes, I do like you?” You ask in barely a whisper.
“Then I’d never let you go,” he responds in the same volume and you know he’s about to pass out, which he does.
You lug his 6’2, 177lb body onto the nearby couch with whatever strength you could muster (and it took you awhile yes, but you got there) and laid a blanket over him.
He really does look so innocent and adorable when he’s asleep and you couldn’t help but think about his words tonight. You know this boy like the back of your hand and you know that the way he acted tonight was genuine.
You kneel down to level with him and plant a kiss on his forehead, “guess what tsumu? I do love you. Sweet dreams.”
BONUS: you awoke to a very cocky Atsumu boasting about how he remembered the whole thing and that it was all part of his meticulous plan to get you to confess… and it worked! You roll your eyes as he proceeds with a diabolical laugh and trudge out of bed to make breakfast. What you wouldn’t do to shut this boy up. Good thing you love him and yes, he loves you too.
Fluffvember Taglist: @kenmakodzu @millie-mint @mrs-kuroojinguji @m0omo0 @hajibee @todoroki-vivian @galaxyvixen-blog @haiikyuuns @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @stargirlara @sachirou-senpai @celamoon @macchiatoast @cowbeboppy @astrxrism @avis-writeshq @tsanimefic @katsushimaa @bbakougo @luvkeigo @e-wwis @fee-btheweeb @a-bakuhoe @patricia-ceballos @imnothere-butiam @emsvegetables @animatedarchives @cherrycolaxo @blushingbaka @churochuu @bulba-baby @abuliawrites @kacchansmc @yuueisteria @findityourselffsworld @shibayamasbae @tamaguchi @archivednikes @tpwkatsumu @haiikyuuns @zoamour @madskaay @thesecondapplepienation @doodleniella @xx-tiny-dinosaur-xx @deephasoceanmagic @tetsujime @trippiekay @waitforitillwritemywayout @kellesvt
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devikyuu · 3 years
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DAY 1 - 🅕🅞🅡🅔🅗🅔🅐🅓 🅚🅘🅢🅢🅔🅢 (Drabble) - Iwaizumi Hajime
DAY 3 -  🅦🅗🅘🅢🅟🅔🅡🅢 (Drabble) - Kozume Kenma
DAY 5 -  🅘🅝🅓🅘🅡🅔🅒🅣 🅚🅘🅢🅢 (Drabble) - Kita Shinsuke
DAY 7 -  🅚🅘🅢🅢 🅞🅝 🅣🅗🅔 🅗🅐🅝🅓 (Drabble) - Kita Shinsuke
DAY 9 -  🅣🅔🅡🅜🅢 🅞🅕 🅔🅝🅓🅔🅐🅡🅜🅔🅝🅣 (Drabble) - Matsukawa Issei
DAY 11 -  🅡🅘🅝🅖🅢 (Drabble) - Miya Osamu
DAY 13 -  🅐🅡🅖🅤🅜🅔🅝🅣 (Drabble) - Miya Atsumu
DAY 15 -  🅕🅘🅝🅓🅘🅝🅖 🅐 🅟🅔🅣 (Drabble) - Matsukawa Issei
DAY 17 -  🅕🅛🅞🅦🅔🅡🅢 (Drabble) - Kuroo Tetsurou
DAY 19 -  🅛🅞🅝🅔🅛🅘🅝🅔🅢🅢 (Drabble) - Suna Rintarou
DAY 21 -  🅑🅡🅔🅐🅚🅕🅐🅢🅣 🅘🅝 🅑🅔🅓 (Drabble) - Akaashi Keiji
DAY 23 -  🅑🅛🅤🅢🅗🅘🅝🅖 (Drabble) - Kozume Kenma
DAY 25 -  🅒🅤🅓🅓🅛🅔🅢 (Drabble) - Suna Rintarou
DAY 27 - 🅖🅐🅜🅔 (Drabble) - Kozume Kenma
DAY 29 -  🅑🅔🅐🅡 🅗🅤🅖 (Drabble) - Bokuto Koutarou
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azucanela · 4 years
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A/N: hehe
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Tsukishima’s distracted, he’d told Y/N that he would return soon— an annoyed sign escaping him as he begrudgingly rose from his seat in the library to go over to the group of boys that had been waving at him, beckoning him over to them. Y/N recognized them, they were from his volleyball team, she knew that much. As annoyed as he looked, Y/N had a feeling Tsukishima was enjoying his time with them more than he let on.
There’s a small smile on her face as she watches him from a distance, he’s gently smacked the shoulder of orange haired boy, resulting in the taller one making exaggerative movements of shock. 
Suddenly there’s a ping from across from her, causing Y/N to whip her head over to see what had caused the noise. Only to see that Tsukishima’s phone had lit up, a few messages popping up onto the screen. 
Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion, hand extending across the table to grab the phone and pull it over so she could see better. Though, it didn’t really matter as she was soon just as distracted as Tsukishima was when she sees his lock screen.
Staring right back at her was an image of her own face, beaming, she stood beside Tsukishima, who’s arm rested on top of her head lazily. Despite the smile that had been on her face, the picture also depicted Y/N’s attempts to remove the tall boy’s arm from her head. She could remember the day the picture had been taken, though she didn’t know anyone had managed to snap a photo.
Warmth spreads across her cheeks as she hears Tsukishima tell his friends goodbye, causing her to shove the phone back across the table in panic, eyes darting away in an attempt to hide any evidence that she’d seen something. A small part of Y/N feels honored that Tsukishima has such a public display of affection. It’s almost out of character, and there’s no doubt in her mind that if she pointed it out, the lock screen would change almost instantly.
So, as the boy returns to sit beside her, flipping the textbook open, Y/N finds herself trying to contain the smile that desperately wants to appear on her face as she realizes that Tsukishima Kei does in fact, care.
“What’s with that stupid look on your face?”
Y/N is pulled from her thoughts when Tsukishima speaks, nearly jumping in her seat as she meets his eyes, a smile finally finding it’s way onto her face as she replies, “nothing.”
He scoffs in reply, rolling his eyes as he shifts in his seat to face her. “What did you do?”
Y/N fakes an offended look as she brings a hand to her chest, “what makes you think I did something? That kinda hurts Tsukki.” A small laugh escapes her as she watches him give her a dull look, before returning his gaze to the homework, leading her to simply say, “I’m just happy.”
Absentmindedly, he begins to tap the pencil he’d just picked up against the table, eyes scanning the next passage of the textbook as he asks, “and why is that?”
“Because I’m with you, Kei.”
At these words, the tapping of his pencil ceases. Tsukishima freezes up almost entirely, though his eyes remain glued to the textbook as his mouth gapes open momentarily. He quickly regains his composure, clearing his throat and sitting up in his seat, still evading Y/N’s gaze. The girl in question smirks as she watches him become flustered, satisfied with his reaction as she replies, “is that so?”
Y/N hums in reply, returning her attention back to her own textbook as she replies, “yes, yes it is.” 
Tsukishima is grateful her eyes are no longer on him as he feels his cheeks warm, inhaling sharply as he asks, “what, you have a crush on me or something?”
“Perhaps.” Comes her reply, a smile on her face. 
This would be a long day. A long, long day. But a good one, Tsukishima quickly decides. Definitely, a good one. 
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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prompt: cravings (prompts are by @jojosmilktea)
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word count: 1,021 words | themes: f!reader. domestic fluff!!!!! sweet samu:). pain from period cramps
tags: @kacchanori @chickynn @todominica @sparkleswritings @brinthie @patricia-ceballos @giyuus-wife @bitchtrynafck @astrxrism @animatedarchives @deephasoceanmagic @strawberrysalwa @kawaiinishii @moonlightaangel @mrs-kuroojinguji @meliorist-midoriya
rv: if you look more closely this doesn’t really circle around cravings but we all know we crave when we have period so just keep that in mind jxjsjsnnd so sorry this came out late! i had to alarm so early because our wifi just stopped working last night and i figured it might work early in the morning:) ugh why is it like this here in ph
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✒︎ here for you
it hurts. it hurts so freaking much.
"you don't seem alright."
looking up at osamu with a pained expression, he gazes down at you, hesitant and unmoving.
"i’m not, obviously, ‘samu.” you scoffed, not even bothering to be nice—not that it was exactly the easiest thing to do especially your body has been betraying you to do so.
it’s that time of the month. yes, congratulations, you’re thankfully on time, but there’s really no time to celebrate since now you’re experiencing the most dreaded period cramps.
osamu crouches in front of you, his brows furrowed, his eyes briefly narrowing by a tinge as he glances down with a blank expression at your grip below your stomach.
last time you checked, he was there, and by the time you got distracted by the pain on your lower region, he was gone. you didn't bother on it any further as you grabbed a huge pillow from behind you, clutching it tight to your body, curling yourself as much as possible on the covers of the bed.
scrolling through your phone, you found yourself lost into what you've been seeing on your screen; chatting up, or just merely looking through people's posts. anything is basically enough just to make you distracted. and then, just when you were laughing in something your friend said in one of their replies, osamu's form appears in front of you again, standing by the side of the bed while looking down at you with those same eyes.
you instantly brought down your phone as osamu slips on the bed, his hand raising to your head, brushing off the hair by your face and neck, eventually softly caressing your strands. even if you were under his nonchalant gaze and unemotional expression that's seemingly always on his facade, you relaxed under his touch. although, it does make you recall of how different he was with his brother, atsumu, who seems to be far expressive than osamu.
still, you wouldn’t deny that this is actually one of the things you love about him, because no matter how osamu doesn’t seem to affected with your emotions physically, you know it’s not true.
“i made some tonkotsu ramen, do you think you can stand up?”
your eyes lit up at his words and instantly recognized it when you took a whiff of the scent coming from him and the bedroom door that was slid ajar—the same scent of a delicious ramen that was one of your favorites.
“i can’t,” you pouted up at him, teasing him and trying to see what he’ll do. however at the same time, you were just too lazy to even sit up.
he ponders, you could tell. and within seconds, he has you on his arms, placing you close to his chest as he carried you to the kitchen. if he was struggling, you couldn’t notice it.
your eyes widened and you felt heat travel to your cheeks, squeaking and struggling a bit at first before accepting your situation and relish upon the unusual moment.
it actually hadn’t been long since you and osamu had been together, and you admit you still question yourself how and why you had gotten together. sometimes at night, you overthink of them and still had them by the back of your mind whenever you see others gush over him, or when they send glares of spite your way.
sometimes, those moments were just unavoidable.
you were sooner pulled away from your thoughts when osamu gently places you on the comforts of the sofa, grasping onto one of the pillows and handing them to you, sliding them between your arms.
“i’ll just get your portion, wait a bit.” he mutters before leaving to head onto the kitchen where you could see him grab a bowl and utensils, moving through your apartment as if it was his. well, you couldn’t really blame him for he had been there countless of times.
but it did make you think of how much you didn’t want to let this go—him, by your kitchen, preparing food for you, taking care of you.
at the same time, you didn’t want to let him go.
you weren’t planning to.
“you’re deep in thought again.” he was now in front of you, holding out a bowl full of hot ramen. you were about to take it from him when he pulls it away from you carefully, saying, “i’m going to feed you.”
you blinked simultaneously as you let his words process in your mind, only sinking in when he takes a portion of the noodle with the chopsticks for him to blow its heat away and soon move it next to your lips.
your mouth opened for you to take whatever he gives you and you ate in silence, your body welcoming in the warmth of the ramen. you could still feel that throb by your lower region nonetheless, but it was slowly decreasing and easing up, making you somewhat much more relaxed than earlier.
“how was it?” he eventually asks halfway through the feeding and you look up at him to see him with the same nonchalant eyes. though with just his actions, you can fully testify that he had already proved himself against all the anxiety that lies beneath your thoughts, fighting them with all his might.
you couldn’t help but respond with a bright smile, an enthusiastic nod, and, “it was good. thanks so much, ‘samu.”
he then shakes his head and prepares for another bite, a mutter leaving his lips nonchalantly.
“you know i’m always here for you, right?”
your heart warmed up just at the same time that he beckons you to come close for him to feed you. your lips pursed momentarily as you held in your flustered state, seeing a different light through his statement.
surely by now, there’s a difference in the amount of pain that you could feel, because your mind was suddenly filled with osamu, no matter how slightly embarrassing that sounded.
you can’t blame yourself. since now, this feeling, this moment, it feels peaceful. everything felt at place. everything was alright.
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karasuno-chaos · 4 years
Choosing His Tie (Osamu x Reader)
I feel like Osamu is one of those people that doesn’t dress up often, but when he does, he only serves quality looks.👔  -Giz
Word Count:  1,470
Fluffvember masterlist
“Y/N!” your husband shouts from the bedroom.
“What?” you holler back, not moving from your position on the couch watching Vine compilations.
“Come here!”
“I want your opinion!”
You sigh but pause the current video.  Osamu doesn’t ask for your opinion very often.  He’s pretty decisive, and even when you tell him what you think, he usually sticks with his own opinion.  If he’s proactively seeking your input, he’s a bit desperate.  You haul yourself off of the couch and head to the bedroom.
“What is it?” you ask, leaning in the doorway.  He’s standing in front of the dresser mirror wearing a black suit with a white button-up.  The jacket is unbuttoned, and he’s popped the collar on his shirt.  You take a moment to admire how he looks.  Osamu is much more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans or sweatpants, but his natural confidence makes him look effortlessly suave in the simple black suit.  You’d insisted he get it tailored to fit his figure, and you’re so glad you did when the effect is so beautiful.
“Stop ogling,” he says, glancing at your reflection.  While his twin is quite obviously an attention hog, Osamu enjoys getting attention, too, especially from you.  The fact that he isn’t allowing you to stare means something is bothering him.
“I’ll try to keep it under control,” you say with a teasing smirk.  “If you didn’t call me over to flaunt your looks, what do you need?”
“Help me pick a tie.”
“Seriously?”  You pretend to complain.  “I was in the middle of a really funny video.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to pull you away from such an important activity.  It’s not like I’m trying to prepare to meet with the bank to secure a loan so we can open another branch of our restaurant chain.”
His words are a bit harsh, but you’re used to his bluntness.  You also know how much this next step in his business means to him.  With the additional brand exposure from sponsoring volleyball events, there’s been a significant increase in sales at every Onigiri Miya location.  Eager to ride the wave of steady popularity, Osamu’s decided now is the perfect time to extend that success to the nation’s capital.  He has his eye on a location near the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, but to move forward with his plan, he needs another loan from the bank.
“It’s just a tie, Samu,” you say soothingly.  “It won’t make or break their decision.”
“You don’t know that.”
You frown.  Your husband is stubborn, but he also doesn’t bother with trivialities unless he’s being intentionally petty.  A tie shouldn’t worry him this much.
“Are you feeling okay?” you ask, walking to him and placing the back of your hand on his forehead.  He looks annoyed for a second, but you move your hand to his cheek and he sighs.  Osamu closes his eyes, allowing your touch to temporarily soothe his mind.
“I’m fine,” he promises.  When he opens his eyes, they’re serious but not manic.  You think he’s a little more focused, which means he’s better prepared to get the job done.
“Good,” you say, dropping your hand.  “For a moment, I definitely thought you were freaking out, which would have been totally uncool.”
“Huh?”  His eyes narrow in a challenge.  You do love to push his buttons, but only because you can take the heat.
“You’ve had this meeting how many times now?”
“Twice I guess.”
“Exactly,” you hum, turning your attention to the pile of ties he’s laid out on the dresser.  You begin selecting options and draping them over his shoulders to see how they look with his outfit.  “You’ve already opened two very successful locations and paid back those loans in good time with good faith.  You’ve given the bank no reason to doubt your reliability.  You’re a solid investment.  The way I see it, this meeting’s more of a formality than anything.  You’ve got this in the bag.”
“Do you know how impractical you sound?  Thank goodness I’m in charge of our business,” he sighs.
“Yes of course dear.  I’ll just stick to our branding and menu design and visual advertising and picking out your ties.  Unless you can do that last one yourself now?”
Osamu rolls his eyes, neither apologizing nor thanking you.  A less secure person would never survive his hot and cold nature, but you know him well enough to see how much he appreciates you.  It’s why you’re such good partners in both business and life.
You also know that the back and forth banter is helping him to focus.  You’ve heard numerous stories about the rambunctious exchanges he and his twin would have before volleyball games.  Somehow the snide remarks and sense of competition make him perform better, and you’re happy to rile him up a bit if it helps.
“Okay, I’ve got it down to three options,” you announce.  “First up-”
“No,” your husband says immediately, pulling a frown from your lips.
“Come on,” you whine.  “This is my favorite.”
“It’s childish.”
���It’s whimsical and fun,” you counter.  “Just look at the happy little onigiri!”
He looks at the tie with the cartoon food dancing across a deep blue background.  It had been a joke gift from Atsumu a few years ago, but you love it so he wears it sometimes.  Today, however, won’t be one of those days.
“No,” he insists.  “I need them to take me seriously.”
“Buzzkill.”  You put the tie on the dresser and grab the other options.  “Okay boring businessman, which one screams ‘give me money’ more?”
One tie is an eye-catching abstract swirl of greens and blues.  The other is a shimmery silver with a subtle pattern that catches the light.  You have a favorite, but you want to let him choose.
After a moment of contemplation, he picks the silver one and starts putting it on without a word.  You were secretly rooting for that one.  The silver brings out some of the lighter grey in his eyes, and it looks really sharp paired with that suit.
You put away his other ties while he finishes primping.  He has plenty of time before the meeting, but you know he’ll arrive at the bank early and take a few minutes to look over his business plan again.  After hanging up the last tie, you turn to watch him.  Now that his outfit is complete, he seems much more at ease, as he should be.  You have no doubt he is ready for this meeting.
“You’re ogling again,” he says.
“I can’t help it,” you reply with a grin.  You wrap your arms around his waist, and he smirks at you.  “You look like a billion yen.”
“Let’s hope so.”  He kisses the top of your head and rubs your back.  It’s the most thanks you’re likely to get from him, but you don’t mind.  You feel his appreciation in the way he holds you.
“Need me for anything else?” you ask, looking up at him.
“The rest of my life,” he says smoothly.
“Only if you make dinner tonight.”
Osamu quirks an eyebrow.
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“Really?  I feel like dinner is a small price to pay for my eternal love and support,” you hum.  “You should definitely accept before I rethink the terms of this contract.”
“It’s a deal.”  He smiles as he kisses you.
“Good negotiation.  Now go do it again with the bank people.”
“And what are you going to do?” he asks as he follows you out of the bedroom.
“I was in the middle of a really funny video, remember?  And I have a few more queued up after that.”
“Sounds thrilling.”
“You know me.  I live a life of adrenaline and excitement.”
“Just as long as you don’t waste your time at work like this.”
“Feed me a good dinner tonight and I promise to be on my game all day tomorrow.”
“There you go negotiating again.  Maybe I should send you to this meeting instead.”
“No way, not after you got all dressed up for it.  You can’t deprive the world of this rare sighting of Suave Businessman Samu.”  You straighten his tie when you reach the front door.  “You’re going to kill it, okay?  Like service ace, blockout, wicked spike kill it.”
“Volleyball metaphors?  That’s so three years ago.”
“Whatever.”  You capture his lips in a quick kiss.  “See you later.”
His goodbye isn’t overly heartfelt, but it’s perfectly him.  Osamu grins at you before he leaves, and you get a second to admire this confident, well-dressed man that you’ve married before you’re staring at the back of the door.  You sigh and settle onto the couch to distract yourself with videos until he’s back to tell you how it went.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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♡   f l u f f v e m b e r   2 0 2 0   ♡ 
♡  week one  —  kageyama tobio   |   long-distance relationship
♡  summary  —   getting into a relationship with kageyama was close to impossible, that you knew. nevertheless, that didn’t stop you from developing feelings for him and eventually becoming more than friends. he was constantly training and didn’t have a lot of time to spend by your side, but once kageyama found himself remembering your laugh on his way home, he decided to do whatever it took to make the relationship work.
♡  playlist
the moon song   -   beabadoobee & oscar lang home   -   bruno major blueberry eyes   -   max & suga
♡  masterlist  ♡
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Every morning, Kageyama wakes up at the same hour. He puts on his running shoes, grabs his phone, keys and earphones and hits the streets. It’s been his routine since he started playing volleyball. While he ran, Kageyama preferred to keep his mind focused in his steps, the weight he was putting on his heels and toes, his heart rhythm and his mind replaying the sets he had done the day before. He didn’t see running as something he did before he trained, but as part of the training itself. Kageyama was very adamant against listening to music or a podcast during his morning runs. 
Everything changed after he met you.
Kageyama puts on his earphones and goes through his mail inbox. Like most days, he sees your name on his most recent unopened email. He downloads the audio attachment and presses play before shoving his phone back to his pocket.
“Good morning Tobio!”
His lip twitches upward.
“So, you must be sleeping right now. Which sucks! Because I just got home from work. Yes, I got safe, don’t worry. Mika and her boyfriend dropped me at my place right now. Remember Mika, my coworker? Yeah. Hey boyfriend always picks her up when we have shifts until one in the morning and they drive me home. I’m kind of tired right now.”
Kageyama hears a long yawn on your side, followed by a thud that he imagines it’s you laying on your bed.
“Let me put on some music,” you say, and a few seconds later he listens to a tune he thinks he’s heard before. “Today’s classes were just okay. I got a grade back but it wasn’t what I expected.”
“But, what can you do?” Kageyama mouths along with your voice.
“Work was also okay. Mika and I spent most of the night talking, she had had a small fight with her boyfriend and asked me for advice. It wasn’t really a big thing, you see…”
The next few minutes, Kageyama listens to you ramble about your friend and her boyfriend, but he has to admit he is paying more attention to your voice than what you were saying. He imagines himself watching you talk and the expressions he had seen you make the first time he had seen you. The tip of your tongue sticking out between your teeth after you laughed at something you shouldn’t have laughed about, the slight pout on your lips as you talked about something you didn’t like or the attentive way your eyes fixated on him while he talked about volleyball.
“Anyway, I know you don’t really care about this,” you say. “But it’s really nice to imagine you listening to me talk during your morning runs. Is it already cold there? I hope you put something on if it is. Not trying to tell you what to do. I know you, more than anyone, take your health very seriously, but I guess I can’t help but worry,” you chuckle. You stay quiet for a moment, and Kageyama basks in the comfort your silence provides.
His mind goes back to those Sunday nights when he’s watching past games on his laptop while he’s face timing with you. You are usually taking a cup of coffee, trying to forget you’ve only slept five hours after getting home from your shift at the bar. You know he has to get to bed in a couple of hours so he can get enough rest for this Monday practice, so you treasure those small moments when the time difference and both your busy schedules let you share a moment. Kageyama’s eyes are fixated on his laptop and you take the opportunity to revise some of your lessons, most of the time finding out there was a paper due next week you had forgotten about.
Every once in a while you take a look at your phone and see Kageyama’s dark eyes glued to his laptop. You bury your nose on the Schweiden Adlers hoodie he sent you last month and even if your boyfriend’s smell has almost completely worn off, you still find comfort in wearing his clothes.
When Kageyama comes back to his house to get ready for training, your voice is no longer in his ears. You always made sure not to surpass the usual time he spends running. He takes a look at the dual clock on his phone and realizes you must be still in class, so he refrains from sending a text and hops on the shower.
The fourteen hour difference between the both of you had seemed like a wall impossible to climb. Not only that but his intense training schedule plus your uni classes and your part time job also took most of your energy and it was a rare occurrence that you could sit in front of a computer at the same time.
But the connection was something he had never experienced before. He had been invited to a foreign university overseas for a tournament. The day before it started, the team had gone to the campus to get to know the facilities, and after they were done, Kageyama had left them to buy something to drink from a vending machine. Not being able to find any, he asked for directions and took the elevator to the cafeteria, not noticing someone carrying a couple of books under their arms standing next to him.
Now it seemed almost fate to remember how the elevator malfunctioned and he had to spend the next two hours with you. After pressing the Emergency button and being told it would be a while, you introduced yourself with a smile. He wasn’t really enthusiastic about getting to know each other but it all changed after he mentioned he was there because of a volleyball tournament. Kageyama can still remember your eyes widening and the questions that followed, all centered about his true passion. A few minutes later, you were sitting on the floor of the elevator, while he explained in broken English every position in volleyball and what they were supposed to do. Even though you hadn’t played any sports seriously outside of school, the fact this guy was talented enough to get invited overseas to play had spiked your attention, and you asked question after question so you could understand more about volleyball.
“So the setter is basically the key player, right?” you had asked, while he scribbled on the notebook you had lent him so he could explain.
Kageyama tried not to smile. He really did.
After you asked him about the tournament schedule and wrote down the name of his team, you promised you would do your best to make it to the game. Kageyama had never really cared about people coming to his games to watch but, once he had won the first game as was leaving the court, his eyes unexpectedly met yours and he saw you waving at him for the bleachers with a smile. He nodded at you and as he disappeared through the gym door he thought maybe someone going to see his games wasn’t so bad.
One week later, Kageyama’s team had won the tournament, and since you had asked for his number while waiting inside the elevator, you offered to buy him something from the cafeteria after the final match. This time, he took the time to listen to you ramble about your career, and how enthusiastic you were about it. He didn’t understand most of the things you talked about, most of your words sounding foreign and new to him. But the one detail he did recognize at first glance was the way your pupils dilated while you spoke. Your hands moved faster than usual as you tried to explain, and you even used the salt shaker on the table as a prop to help you out. The glimmer in your eyes was the same nature as the burn he used to feel in his chest whenever he talked about volleyball. You promised to stay in contact and gave him a small but tight hug when it was his time to leave. He hoped you didn’t notice the pink tint on his cheeks before you went away.
Your love confession came two months after he was back in Japan, followed by the longest and hardest conversation the two of you had ever had. He explained his strict training schedule and you talked about your university increasing the hardness of the classes you took and how little time you had left. A long silence filled the room, and you realized maybe you should have kept the confession to yourself. It was never going to work. There were too many impediments so maybe it would have been better to push down whatever you felt. In the end, you two weren’t supposed to meet and--
“I’d like to try it.”
You can still remember the blush on his cheeks and furrowed eyebrows after blurting out those words. You smiled brightly at him and nodded, enthusiastically.
“I’d like to try too.”
It had been one year and six months since then. To find someone who not only understood his crazy schedule but was passionate about their own work felt surreal to Kageyama. Your plan was to finish your career in your home country and then move to Japan. You had been auditing the Japanese classes at your uni and taking a part time job to be able to support yourself as you settled in a new country. All of those changes meant less time to be able to talk with Kageyama as much as you did before. He assured you he understood, even if he would never admit out loud he missed you as well.
The situation prompted you to find other ways to feel close to him, hence why Kageyama woke up almost every day with a new audio file from you. You went from talking about your day to making him listen to music and even took the chance to practice your japanese. His English listening skills had also gotten better in the past year, all thanks to talking with you and how you would slow down your pace and repeat yourself if he ever needed to. While you recorded your audios after work, he usually recorded his after practice while he walked home from practice. Even if he was always a little worried about the length, you always made sure to send him messages about how happy you were to hear his voice while you ate your lunch or walked to your job after your classes.
Kageyama finishes his shower and comes back to his room. He gets ready in less than ten minutes in silence, knowing he doesn’t have any time to spare if he wants to get to the practice in time. Winter break is a month away, and he wants to give his best before he’s forced to step away for a couple of weeks. He has never liked holidays stepping in his routine, but he knows there was nothing he could do but endure and wait for his training to resume.
Before he leaves, Kageyama checks his phone again and opens the newest email.
Congratulations! Your flight booking is confirmed.
Okay, maybe he is looking forward to winter break after all.
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lofitowns · 4 years
pairing. kenma kozume x gn! reader
wc. 1.0k
summary. in which you get roped into spin the bottle, but it doesn’t end like you hoped (fluffvember 5/15)
an. there’s angst for like two seconds. it’s not too bad, but it ends up fluffy, don’t worry. but i feel so awkward writing people making out 💀
    + taglist is in the comments
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    As Nekoma’s manager, you felt it was your duty to look after the boys. And that’s why you were at this party with them, at least that’s what you were telling yourself. You were simply there to make sure no one did something too stupid.
    It totally wasn’t because you wanted to hang out with Kenma.
    When Kuroo told you he was coming with him, you had agreed almost instantly to go along. It wasn’t like him to go out with the team, so you wanted to take advantage of it.
    You don’t know whose idea it was to play spin the bottle, and you didn’t know how Kuroo convinced you to join in. And it confused you, even more, to see Kenma joining the two of you. Your jaw almost dropped at the sight of him sitting on your right.
    A flicker of hope bubbled in your stomach. Even if it was a bit farfetched, now you had a chance to kiss someone that you liked.
    The game went on for a few rounds until the bottle finally made it’s way to you. You chewed the insides of your cheeks in anticipation as you flicked your wrist to spin it.
    The few seconds it took to stop were agonizing. There were a few people in the circle you didn’t want it to land on; you didn’t like the look in their eyes. There were a few people you wouldn’t mind, of course, but-
    Oh. Oh.
    The bottle slowed to a stop, nose pointing at the boy next to you. What were the odds?
    Your eyes flickered from the bottle to Kenma and back. You shuffled in your seat, turning to face him. He still wasn’t looking at you, focused completely on the bottle. You cleared your throat and nudged his side, which seemed to startle him. His wide eyes met yours, and you sent him a patient smile.
    “Can I kiss you?” You whispered, leaning in, while your heart pounded. You didn’t think this was how your first kiss with Kenma would happen, but you weren’t complaining.
    Too bad it didn’t happen because he leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
    And that was when you felt your heart sink. Of course, he wouldn’t want to kiss you, how stupid could you be?
    You let out a laugh to try and hide the pained look on your face. There was a beat of awkward silence before the bottle moved on to the next person. It took a few rounds, but the embarrassment got the best of you, so you excused yourself from the game.
    Making your way through the house, you slipped into the bathroom to try and compose yourself. Your cheeks were still burning; you felt like you were on fire.
    You closed and locked the door before wetting your hands with cold water and pressing them against your face. You knew you shouldn’t take it personally; it was Kenma, but your crush on the boy wasn’t helping you in any way.
    After taking a few deep breaths, you opened the door. This led you to come face to face with the last person you wanted to see right now.
    Kenma wasn’t looking at you; instead, his eyes were focused on the floor. He mumbled something you couldn’t understand before grabbing your wrist and tugging you down the hallway.
    You voiced your protest but followed him none the less. He ended up pulling you into a room that looked like an office. He stood in front of you again as you watched him with furrowed brows.
    “What is it, Kenma?”
    He let out a puff of air and turned his eyes to look you in the face.
    “I want a redo.”
    This confused you farther, “What? A redo of what?”
    Stepping forward, he set a hand on your cheek, the same cheek he has kissed earlier. His thumb rubbed along your cheekbone while he contemplated what to say. The heat under your skin that had just cooled down fired right back up.
    “The kiss.”
    Your eyes widened at his words, “Wait, are you serious?”
    He nodded, studying your face intently. His eyes felt piercing, and you felt it getting harder to breathe.
    With your consent, Kenma leaned over and pressed his lips against yours. You felt a spark ignite in the pit of your stomach. You settled one hand on his shoulder, and one hand threaded through his hair.
    You felt a light nip at your bottom lip as you moved until your back hit a wall. You let out a gasp, which he took advantage of, slipping his tongue in your mouth. Your fingers gripped his hair, tugging on the strands and massaging his scalp. He moved his hand to grip your waist, pulling you flush against his body. The neediness in his movements was clear to see as your lips melded together.
    You parted after a few moments, breaths coming out in pants. He leaned in and rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
    “I’m sorry,” His breath fanned across your face, “I just didn’t want to do that in front of everyone.”
    You hit his shoulder playfully as a breathy laugh fell from your lips, “I wasn’t really expecting that. Especially from you of all people. But I forgive you.”
    Kenma nuzzled his nose against yours before speaking, “I... I really like you, (y/n). Kuroo told me that you were coming to this party, so I came too. And he told me to play the game since you were. But I didn’t want our first kiss to be just because of a game.”
    A smile graced your face as you looked at him, “I like you too, Kenma. I only came because Kuroo said you were coming. I’m glad I did, though.” You separated, except for Kenma intertwining your fingers.
    “Do you want to get out of here?” He questioned with a soft tone, eyes falling to the ground.  
    “Don’t get all shy on me now,” You laughed. “But, yeah. Let’s go.”
    On your way out the door, you didn’t notice Kuroo giving Kenma a wide grin with two thumbs up.
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    thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
Spring Beginnings
Summary: On a beautiful spring evening, Kuroo confesses his feelings for you. Are you willing to dive into new beginnings with him?
Notes: Next to Tsukishima, Kuroo is probably my other favorite character to write for. There’ll be another fic for his bday so stay tuned and check out my Masterlist. 
Kuroo  x manager!reader
genre: fluff (1.1k)
“I’m not ready to go home just yet.” says Kuroo, halting just before the end of the park.
“Same, but the team has had a long day.”  you sigh in explanation, “They’ve had lots of drills and conditioning so they need their rest, y’know.”
After dissuading Yamamoto to forgo his nightly jog, you wave to the lowerclassmen who are headed to the station. Being the team manager for Nekoma’s Volleyball club meant an automatic invite to all their team outings, even to the ones with the alumni. Tonight’s meet-up was Kuroo, Kai and Yaku. The team hit up Ueno Park to see the sakura in full bloom after their Saturday training.
Lately, you’ve been very busy with schoolwork and the team. It’s nice to get away from your responsibilities. You haven’t seen Kuroo in a while. After he graduated last spring, you were worried that you would grow apart but the texting and Nekoma meet-ups proved that he is still the same Kuroo Tetsuro you know and love.
“Do you wanna walk around? I’m heading to the nearby river. They light up the entire street with lanterns so it’s pretty during the night.” he suggests, “We can wander, just the two of us like we always do.”
You’re quick to agree. Whenever you two felt like the night had ended too early, you could always count on Kuroo to explore Tokyo with you. These walks was your favorite part about spending time with him.
He leads you into a bridge over a stream, completely lit by pink lanterns under the shade of cherry blossom trees. The street is aglow as the sakura petals gently cascades.
“Beautiful isn’t it?” he gestures. You gasp in amazement.
Your smile reaches your ears.  It feels like a scene from a movie. You have seen many springs filled with sakura, but this tops them all. You’re both quiet as you walk upstream.
“Do you come here often?” you ask, your eyes fixated on the lanterns.
“Not anymore. I used to pass by here when I was in elementary though”. he shakes his head, “Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here.” you say in a hush, still at lost at how gorgeous the street is. It’s times like this that you feel like you are dating Kuroo.
“I really like it when we walk around like this…” Kuroo stops. He leans with his back against the bridge. You sit on a bench not too far from him.
“Yeah, me too! Spring is great for this kind of loitering isn’t it?” you chuckle. He stands so close to you, you feel the heat of his body.
Kuroo mumbles, “I mean we should spend more time like this.”
“What? You have more spots like this?” you’re not totally sure you heard him right.
“Yes and no. I meant more time alone with you…” he stutters. There was no going around you, he has to be more direct.
“Would you go out with me if I asked?” He clears his throat, “I wish we didn’t have to escape the rest of the team to be able to spend time…alone.”
Kuroo is usually outwardly cool and confident, but as the question slips from his mouth, his heart is beating a hundred miles per second. He can almost feel himself sweat with anxiety despite the cool spring night.
“I’ve been wanting to ask out for a while now and I’ve been putting it off because I didn’t want to affect the team dynamic or put pressure on you to accept because I was technically still your captain.” he explains, kicking loose stones on the ground.
You’re a little stunned. It takes you a while to reply, “Kuroo, I…really do like you, but I…”
Your head is swirling. Did you really hear him correctly? But just as you want to throw yourself at him, your anxiety kicks in. You’re sort of overwhelmed with school and your managerial duties as is. You’d have to specifically carve out time for him. Could you really handle that?
Reality dawns on you. Your mouth suddenly feels parched and your facial expression changes. Kuroo’s face immediately starts to fall.
“I’m not sure it’s smart that we date. You’re in college and I’m…finishing up my last year in Nekoma. We’re in a lot of transitions right now…” you carefully choose your words, “We don’t have everyday like we used to.”
You see hurt crawl into his eyes. You had your entrance exams to study for and Kuroo is the latest recruit for his university’s varsity team. Surely he understands, right?
“Besides, there are a lot of girls in college. I’m sure you’d want to explore that.” You add and quickly look away. Your face feels hot after admitting your biggest insecurity.
Kuroo was tall, good-looking, smart and athletic. It would be easy for him to get a girl. Why would he want someone still in high school?
“You know I only have eyes for you.” He catches you off guard. Despite the intense anxiety pounding in your chest, you want to swoon.
You recover quickly, “I’m not really sure if it’s gonna work. Could you have handled a relationship in your last year?” you sigh doubtfully. A gust of wind blows by.
He pauses for a moment before his reply.
“I don’t know.” he admits.
You walk the remaining stretch of the road in silence.
A million thoughts race through your head. Could you not try? Your favorite team captain just confessed to you and you turned him down. You want to give in, but part of you fear what may happen if you aren’t able to balance Kuroo with your load. You make up your mind to stick to your guns. The consequences outweigh the risk.
“Let’s just walk home,” you pull up your coat when you hit the end of the street.
When you arrive at the train station, Kuroo audibly sighs. This is obviously not the outcome he is hoping for.
In a last attempt, he turns to you, “We don’t have to figure it all out right now, you know? Even if it does feel scary.”
The busy shuffling of commuters fills the silence between the two of you. Tokyo is the city for the restless.
“I just don’t want things to fail. Not with you.” you  blurt out. You’re taken by surprise and his face softens.
“We won’t always have a lot of time for each other and that’s ok,” he nods, “but it’s a lot better than just giving up before it begins. We’ll figure it out. I’ve waited this long. I’ll do everything I can to make this work.”
A smile forms on your lips and you tentatively nod. Spring is the best time for new beginnings.
“I want to make this work too.”
Taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan @kaizumi 
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nillabeam · 4 years
FLUFFVEMBER TWO: fake dating  
synopsis: tsukki agrees to be your fake boyfriend, how he ends up your actual boyfriend still baffles him 
warnings: fluff!! a little bit of language, some mild spiciness at the end, it gets a bit suggestive but nothing too crazy!! tsukki being a brat but also not a brat, probably bad grammar! forgive me! third year tsukki and reader! 
characters: tsukishima kei 
a/n: hi this little silly idea that nobody asked for has been in my head for a while now, i just can’t help how much i like this big dumb jerk!! >:( anyway hope you enjoy it!! <33 thanks for reading!! <33
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“stop looking at me like that—just answer the question,” you mumble, your gaze settling on the floor, focused on a small scuff on the front of your right shoe.
“let me see if i heard you correctly: you want me to be your fake boyfriend for a week?” he asks, a smirk painted devilishly on his features.
you kick your foot into the ground, a nervous tick really, you shove your hands deep into your coat pockets. “not the whole week, just the weekend,” you correct him, cheeks still tinted pink, lips still pouting.
“i know it’s a weird thing to ask, you don’t have to say yes, i can ask kageyama-“ you start to add but he is quick to interupt, the mere mention of the setters name igniting his unrelenting will to beat him at everything and anything, including this.
“alright, if you’re this desperate, i’ll do it.”
you look at him, eyes widening in surprise, then narrowing in irritation, he was half right but he didn’t have to rub it in.
“thank you,” you grumble through gritted teeth.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t quite catch that, one more time,” he mocks, leaning down slightly, his hand cupping his ear.
“thank you!” you yell, he doesn’t even flinch, instead he chuckles.
he ruffles your hair a bit too aggressively to be sweet, “see you this weekend,” he says with a curt wave, you try to straighten out your hair, scowling at him until he’s out of sight.
the weekend arrives much too quickly for your liking. the train ride to your dad’s house in the city is long but thankfully tsukki was there to keep you absolutely no company at all, instead opting to wear his headphones the whole entire time. only taking them off when you’re tugging on his coat sleeve, mouthing something, trying to get his attention.
“did you say something?” he asks, and you stare at him, an irritated smile graces your lips.
“this is our stop,” you repeat, a little too loudly, he stands up, slinging his bag over his shoulder, shooting you a disapproving glance. “no need you yell, i’m standing right next to you.”
you follow him off the train and the first part of the walk is silent. which doesn’t help your nerves. your gripping the strap of your bag so tightly your knuckles are white, brows knitting together tightly, lips pressed into a hard line. tsukki does his best to ignore it but your anxious energy was starting to annoy him.
“so do you want to tell me why we’re doing this?” he says, you whip your head up to look at him and he meets your gaze with an easy glance. your features have softened, mouth falling open in surprise, he feels his chest tighten, his stomach flutters and he hates how easily you effect him. even if he’s an absolute professional when it comes to hiding it.
you take a moment to mull over his question, worry claiming your pretty features once again. “i may have told my dad i had a boyfriend and he may have invited you, my fake boyfriend, over for the weekend to get to know you better or whatever,” you explain quickly, shrugging hard at the end, “i think he suspected i was lying to him, and i am, but that’s why it’s up to us to convince him,” you finish puncuating the explanation with a defeated laugh.
“sounds perfectly reasonable,” tsukki replies easily, a familiar sarcastic edge to his tone, he almost smiles at you, but he doesn’t have to you can tell he’s trying his best to help you. the thought alone is enough to make you smile.
“it’s just around the corner,” you say walking ahead. after a few more minutes and the two of you arrive at the apartment complex, it’s bigger than tsukki expected and you have to take an elevator just to get there. eventually you reach the apartment, you take a sharp breath, trying to steel your nerves before knocking on the door.
a woman opens it, tsukki notes her age, she’s younger than he thought your mother would be, she seems excited enough to see you. the woman lunges forward and latches onto you, hugging you tightly.
“y/n!” you don’t really have the chance to hug back before she’s pulling away, a smile plastered on her features. her gaze shifts to tsukki, he notes the way she seems shocked by his height. “you must be the boyfriend y/n has told us so much about!”
he can’t help the smug smirk that finds his lips, he bows politely, “tsukishima kei,” he introduces himself and you almost laugh at how well he’s behaving. “it’s a pleasure to meet you i’m l/n emiko! but call me emi!” she takes a step back to wave you both inside. “please come in, come in!”
you step in first, tsukki right behind you, emi shuts the door behind all of you and ushers you both to follow her, “let me show you where you can put your things,” you and tsukki share a confused glance, but you follow her down the hall, “tsukki you can keep your things in our guest room but i hope you don’t mind sleeping in the living room, since y/n will be sleeping here,” emi explains.
“he can sleep here!” you interject, “i can sleep on the couch,” he looks down at you clicking his tongue, “how sweet! always thinking of me,” he muses, pretending to be touched, “but as your boyfriend i insist you take the guest bedroom,” he guides you into the room by the small of your back, and you do your best not to make a face.
“what a gentleman!” emi remarks, clasping her hand to her chest. a ding from the kitchen catches her attention, “oh! i have dinner going so i’ll let you two get settled in,” and with that she hurries out to the kitchen.
“you’re overselling it already,” you comment, setting your bag onto the floor and tossing yourself onto the mattress rubbing your face into the comforter. tsukki forces out a laugh, “i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he sets his own bag down next to yours before sitting on the foot of the bed.
you roll over onto your back, a heavy sigh falls from your lips, “i don’t know if this is going to work, what if we can’t convince them?” you mumble, tsukki straightens his glasses. 
“convincing them won’t be an issue,” he replies cooly, standing up.
you let out a huff of a laugh, “you sound so sure,” you reply absently, you close your eyes, wondering why in the hell you every thought you could pull this off. the sudden shift of weight forces you to open your eyes. tsukishima is crawling on top of you, he presses his knee between your legs, your first reaction is to sit up but he pins your down by your wrists without much effort. 
“w-w-what are you doing?” you stammer out.
“convincing them,” he says quietly, but his tone is matter-of-fact. he leans down, his lips graze the soft skin on your neck, you turn your head away in embarrassment. you open your mouth to object but a shocked squeek alerts you to emi’s presence in the doorway. you both turn to look at her, tsukishima moves away from you, and you sit up immediately.
emi looks almosts as embarrassed as you do, “p-please try and be respectful in your father’s home,” she says, you can tell she’s trying to be stern but she just looks flustered. tsukki offers another polite bow, “my apologies ma’am, it won’t happen again,” he sounds sincere enough, and emi seems satisfied with it.
“a-alright, good, thank you, i know what it’s like to be young and in love so i won’t tell your father about this but p-promise you’ll be more responsible in the future!” she says with a small huff, “we promise don’t we, y/n?” he says looking down at you. you spring up from the bed, bowing in shame, “we promise! sorry! thank you for understanding!”
she nods, satisfied, “your father will be home soon and dinner is almost ready!” she adds before heading back to the kitchen.
you land a stiff jab to tsukishima’s arm, he flinches, moving to get away from another angry jab. “you bastard, what was that??” you yell, in the quietest way possible. “i told you what i was doing,” he replies, smirk already present on his face. “she seemed pretty convinced,” he adds and you bury your face in your hands, groaning.
you both make your way to the kitchen, and tsukki keeps emi entertained until your father finally walks through the door. emi is quick to greet him, tsukki notices the way your lips perse ever so slightly when she kisses your father. “you must be tsukishima,” he father greets, tsukki manages his most polite greeting yet, “pleasure to finally meet you, sir,”
“isn’t he tall?” emi muses, squeezing her husbands arm eagerly. “he really is, y/n told us you were but she wasn’t specific,” he agrees and emi chimes back in, “how tall are you tsukishima?”
tsukki glances over at you, you look mortified and he thinks it’s absolutely adorable how embarrassed you are. “193cm, the last time i measured,” he says cooly and emi gasps.
the next few hours is spent eatting dinner with your parents, somehow convincing them that you two are a legitimate couple and trying your best to answer all their questions. when did you meet? how long have you been seeing each other? not to mention the way your dad was prying into tsukki’s personal life, asking his long term plans, what university he was planning on attending, what he was going to school for.
to your surprise tsukki handled every question with a grace you didn’t know he possessed, he seemed so unbothered, it looked easy, honestly you were having a harder time keeping up the act than he was.
eventually your dad noticed the time, “it’s quite late, we should get to bed now, honey,” he said with a yawn, “it was nice to have dinner like this,” emi says dreamily, “a real treat,” she sighs happily. tsukki notices the way your gaze falls to the floor.
“well we better get this old man to bed,” emi teases, and you and your dad both make the same face, lips persed, brows furrowed, tsukki covers his mouth with the back of his hand, he manages to keep himself from laughing.
you wish them a goodnight and there’s a thick silence between you and tsukki. “time for bed?” he offers and you shake your head, “i’m not tired,” you take a second to pause, “d-do you want to watch a movie or something?” you finally suggest. tsukki takes his glasses off to clean them on his shirt, “fine but i get to decide what we watch.”
by the time you’re done changing into your pj’s, an oversized hoodie and some sleep shorts, and make your way back to the living room, tsukki is already on the couch, dressed in his own sleep clothes, a white t-shirt, grey sweatpants. you fumble with the hem of your hoodie, he looks up from the tv screen to watch you fidget.
“stop doing that, you’re making me anxious,” he pats the seat beside him. you let out a sharp huff before marching over to the couch, you sink into the seat beside him. he spends a few minutes deciding what to watch, with you sulking beside him. he finally decides on a horror film, nothing too crazy, something cheezy enough for you both to make fun of. something to make you sleepy.
“is emi your step-mom?” tsukishima’s voice snaps you out of your daze, and you stiffen at the sudden question. “yeah, my dad married her a few years ago,” your answer is flat.
“you don’t like her?” he presses and you sit up a little, leaning into the arm rest, “it’s fine, she’s fine, she’s just-” you trail off, eyes glazing over, he can tell you’re overthinking, maybe a little overwhelmed.
the flick of the lightswitch and the sudden brightness has you both squinting in the direction of the light source. “sorry! just grabbing a glass of water!” emi apologies moving to fill an empty glass. “what are you watchin’?” her gaze shifts to the tv, “something scary?”
“yeah, but it’s not really that scary though,” you reply absently and tsukki scoops you up into his arms, “how cute you are trying to act tough,” you tense up and emi giggles, “it’s okay i’ll keep you safe,” he teases and emi giggles even more, “don’t stay up too late!” she adds before turning off the light and heading back to her bedroom.
you try and break free from tsukki’s vice grip, “stop teasing me,” you complain, and his grip loosens a bit. “you were the one so worried about convincing them,” he reminds you. you feel the blood rush to your face, painting your cheeks red. 
“you’re confusing me,” you whisper, he barely hears it.
he stiffens a little and you look up at him, “what did you say?” he questions, his gaze is intense, and it makes you nervous. “nothing, i didn’t say anything,” you lie, his grip loosens even more, but he doesn’t stop staring. “you said something, don’t act cute just say it,” he insists, there’s a familiar irritated edge to his tone.
“i said..” you trail off, distracted by the soft glow of the tv on his face, which was so very close to your own, you bite your lip, your gaze flickering between his lips and his intense amber eyes. “i said—stop teasing me,” you mumble, leaning forward to place a chaste kiss against his lips.
he looks genuinely stunned for a second, you furrow your brows, worried that you made a mistake, “you’re confusi—mfph—!” you can’t finish your explanation, his lips are on yours, a few short seconds later he’s pulling away. you both share a look, the tension between the two of you thick enough to cut with a knife. he leans in again, hesitating briefly before his lips capture yours in a surprisingly desperate kiss.
his hands are just as eager as they move to pull you closer, your hands find either side of his face, deepening the kiss.
he’s big. you already knew that, but the way he’s kissing you, his body pressed against yours makes it impossible to stay upright. it only takes a few seconds before your back is pressed against the couch his slender fingers ghosting under the hem of your hoodie, his lips moving to your jaw, peppering kisses down the length of your neck. he pulls away for a moment, he takes off his glasses, setting them on the coffee table beside the couch.
his hands slide over your thighs, squeezing when he reaches the hem of your shorts, he slides them apart, settling into the space between them. you wrap your legs around his waist, his lips meet yours, it’s greedy the way he kisses you, possessive even, the way his large hand is firm on your jaw, keeping you right where he wants you. “tsukki—“ you groan into his mouth, he rocks his hips against you, the stiffness in his sweats suddenly very apparent.
“w-wait!” you stammer out and he pulls away quickly, 
“what?” he questions, a little out of breath. you cover your mouth to keep from laughing, “what?” he repeats, his tone stiffening.
“you’re so hard,” you manage between stifled laughter. he freezes, you can see him blush even in the dark room, “of course i’m hard you idiot,” he says covering his eyes with one hand.
“wait—are we actually dating now?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your tone. he eyes you suspiciously, “what happens if i say yes?”
you bite your lip, a smirk finds your features, “well, i guess you’ll just have to find out.” 
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lnarizakis · 4 years
fluffvember 2020 | evening.
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[ 11:11 pm ] — miya osamu 
“ah, it’s 11:11. what’re you gonna wish for?” osamu asks you. he knows you to be the superstitious type, always falling for those silly little sayings that are passed through gullibility and whispers in the ear. 
neither you nor osamu is sure why exactly atsumu invited the former second-years for a “team reunion,” when it hardly seemed like one at all—ginjima was away for personal reasons and suna was caught up with training. though, you have to say it was a nice reunion with the miya twins, even if it brought a rekindling in your heart for the man you once loved (you didn’t want to admit you still harbored feelings for osamu).
now he’s walking you home from the restaurant, and as the two of you are walking, you look up at the night sky, which still shines brightly albeit the neighborhood street lamps that buzz with the little flies all around them. there’s a light snowfall around you two, and as osamu puts his phone away to check the time, he breathes out warm air that releases a cloud from his mouth. you gaze at him, whose hands are in his pockets and his cheeks are still pink from the cold. a smile creeps up on your face as you bring your head down. 
“... maybe i’ll wish for someone to love this december,” you mumble. it was too quiet for him to make out what you said, but he’s definitely heard you as he turns to you with a confused expression. his eyebrow quirks up, but his poker-face mouth still remains. you’re warm, and you feel just as you did back in high school when your feelings for osamu were so ardent your eyes were set ablaze every time he walked into the room. 
“hm? say that louder. i didn’t hear that,” osamu teases you, lightly jabbing your side. you laugh, swatting his hand away. still, you shake your head no, telling him that one shouldn’t reveal their wish, or else it wouldn’t come true. “oh well, it’s already 11:12, anyway.”
the both of you fall quiet. you then reach your home, where osamu is to depart from you. he admits he’s a little afraid of letting go, especially after seeing you for the first time since your high school graduation. he stays planted in the snow, staring longingly at you. he looks as if he has something to say, and you give him a nod, silently telling him he can let out whatever he has to say. 
“do you…” he wants to keep in touch. “do you want to come ‘round my store for a bit some time next week?”
you think he wants to keep in touch. you reach for the phone shoved in the pocket of your jacket. you give it to him, telling him, “you must have a new number. let me know whenever the slow time is and i’ll come by. we can catch up then.”
he punches in his new number, almost with fervor, and upon giving your phone back to you, he tells you, “i’m looking forward to seeing you.” there’s a smile on his face that seems brighter than you remember, and you don’t think it’s because of the dim street lights. 
you suppose it’s the 11:11 wish working.
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
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⤷ Day 2: Osamu Miya + Messy Baking
Synopsis: in which the foodie half of the Miya Twins show you how to really get it on in the kitchen
Word Count: 390
You don’t remember the last time Osamu messed up a recipe, but granted it was 3am… and you didn’t have a recipe. Your best friend and boyfriend, the self-proclaimed King of the Kitchen, was flailing around with flour in his hair and butter on his nose. You couldn’t help but chuckle at Osamu’s disarrayed state as you moved to help him remove the burnt floppy looking cinnamon rolls out of the oven.
“You know Samu- I mean King of the Kitchen,” you jabbed, “we could’ve saved a lot more time if you lowered that pride of yours.”
He glares at you before returning to the mess. You’re humming to yourself, trying to get a stain off the counters before you feel yourself being lifted off the ground by a familiar pair of arms.
“SAMU!!” you shriek as your boyfriend hoists you up over his shoulders and places you on the counter, wedging himself between your legs.
The situation was getting a little frisky and you wiggle your eyebrows at him suspiciously, wrapping your arms around his neck. But before things could go any further, Osamu surprises you by smearing the leftover batter on your face.
He bursts out laughing and makes his escape as you take your time getting off the counter. “I bet you didn’t see that one coming,” he says with the bowl of batter in his arms.
When you finally catch up, you’re leaping at him, leaving him no choice but to drop the bowl and reach out to catch you leading to the both of you falling backwards and hitting the floor in breathless giggles.
“You’re so pretty when you laugh,” he starts, tracing the outline of your face with his fingers.
“And you’re such a dork when you say these things,” you finish before pecking him on the nose.
The two of you turn your heads to the sound of a door opening and a yellow-headed twin walking out with an empty bucket of ice cream.
“Oh my gawd it’s 3am get a room,” he says, rolling his eyes and making gagging noises before retreating to his room once again.
Ok so maybe the cinnamon rolls didn’t turn out the greatest, but as the two of you shared stories and laughed while munching on those failures, you felt more at home than you’ve ever been.
Fluffvember Taglist: @kenmakodzu @millie-mint @mrs-kuroojinguji @m0omo0 @hajibee @todoroki-vivian @galaxyvixen-blog @haiikyuuns @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @stargirlara @sachirou-senpai @celamoon @macchiatoast @cowbeboppy @astrxrism @avis-writeshq @tsanimefic @katsushimaa @bbakougo @icytodorokis @luvkeigo @e-wwis @fee-btheweeb @a-bakuhoe @patricia-ceballos @imnothere-butiam @emsvegetables @animatedarchives @cherrycolaxo @blushingbaka @churochuu @bulba-baby @abuliawrites @kacchansmc @yuueisteria @findityourselffsworld @shibayamasbae @tamaguchi @archivednikes @tpwkatsumu @haiikyuuns @sakusa-simp @madskaay @thesecondapplepienation @doodleniella @xx-tiny-dinosaur-xx @deephasoceanmagic
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Akaashi x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1370 Synopsis: You can’t help but feel drawn to the cute customer who keeps coming in during your shifts.
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It was a quiet day at the shop when he came in. Soft hair dripping from the rain, glasses fogged up. But you didn’t notice that at first, not until he approached the front desk where you were stationed.
“The Phantom Tollbooth?” he asked, eyeing the blue book whose pages you were tumbling through.
“It’s a childhood favorite of mind,” you said, still not looking up. Setting the book down, you typed a few things into the front desk’s computer. “Can I help you find something today?”
“Yes, I ordered a few books and I received an email saying they were in. They should be under the name Akaashi Keiji.”
You typed the name into the computer’s system and waited for it to load. “Sorry it’s taking so long. This thing’s really old.” You rubbed the side of the chunky computer.
The man nodded and made a noise out of understanding.
You hated interactions like this, when the computer was taking a very long time and there was just a moment of awkward silence between you and the customer in front of you. And all you want to do is pick your book up and continue reading but you can’t because that would be rude to the customer. So instead you pretended to scroll along the web page as if you were looking for something in particular.
The customer fiddled with the cap on a stray pen left on the front desk. He grabbed one of the free bookmarks you keep next to the computer and stuck it in his bag.
“All right,” you said when the computer had finally loaded. “Let’s see. It looks like your books came in this morning. I’ll grab them from the back.” You left your spot and the front desk and went to the back room where book orders and other supplies sat on shelves wrapped in brown paper and twine. You grabbed the one labeled “Akaashi K.” and ran back to your waiting customer. “Here you go.”
As you sat them on the counter, he thumbed around the package, feeling to make sure all three books were snug inside.
“That’ll be 4200 yen,” you said, finally looking up at your customer for the first time. And at that moment, you couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter.
“I’m sorry, did I say something funny?” He looked puzzled and quite frankly annoyed.
“No,” you giggled. “I’m sorry I know I’m being mean. It’s just, you’re soaking wet and you’re getting water everywhere.”
Puzzled, he turned around and saw the trail of rain drops he had led into the store. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize–”
“No no it’s fine,” you cut him off. “As long as the books stay dry you’re all right.”
He nodded and looked down at his soaked through sneakers. “Thank you. Um, here’s my card.”
You took his debit card and swiped it through the machine. “You’re all set.” You handed him back his card and his receipt which he gladly folded and stuck in his wallet. “Have a good day and, um, stay dry.” You couldn’t help but let out a fleeting giggle as you watched him walk out the door and back into the pouring rain.
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It was dry out, and even sunny, at the start of your shift the next day. Although cool wind blew past you and the only thing you had to keep your hands from falling off was the latte you had just ordered from the coffee house next door.
“I’m here,” you called to your fellow coworkers as you made your grand entrance through the front door.
“Thank god.” Hanamaki, one of the coworkers you favor least, took off his uniform apron and balled it up. “Enjoy your hell duty.”
You would not consider this job to be hellish in the slightest. You loved the smell of the decaying glue holding the books, old and new, together. It was such a peaceful environment which you were happy spending hours upon hours in.
The door of the shop opened, and the twinkling of the jingle bells tied to the handle pulled your attention to the front door.
Kicking the soles of his shoes against the store’s welcome mat was the customer you had met yesterday, the one who had left his trail of rain water leading right to the front desk.
“Don’t tell me you finished all three books already,” you said, astonished by his presence so soon after your first encounter.
“No,” he said, running a hand through his fluffy hair. “Just the first one. The other two are gifts for friends.”
You nodded in response. “Well what can I help you find?”
“Just browsing,” he dismissed. And with that, he disappeared into the isles stacked floor to ceiling with non-fiction, gothic literature, YA novellas and so much more. He emerged twenty minutes later with a small stack of books.
“Find what you were looking for?” You set down your half drunk latte and began scanning each book, smiling at some of the titles you recognized.
“It’s a dangerous place in there,” he admitted. “Never thought I’d come out with this many books.”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “I’ve spent way too much money here, even with my discount.” You finished ringing him up. “Anything else I can do for you?”
He shook his head and handed you his card. “Actually, there is something you can do for me,” he said as you handed him the small paper bag with the store’s logo printed on the side. “Could I by chance get your number?”
You froze and eyed the man in front of you. He wore a black and white flannel shirt and tight dark jeans that seemed to outline his figure in indescribable ways. He looked at you patiently with a nonchalant expression that told you he would be fine with either a yes or no answer. “Why?”
“Well, you seem to have good tastes in books,” he started. There was a brief pause before he met your gaze and continued speaking. “Also, I think you are very pretty and my stubborn roommate thinks that I should be dating more.”
You felt a bit light headed. This seemingly perfect stranger, someone you have barely had a full conversation with, was being so bold with his words. You wanted to speak but you couldn’t find the words. The seconds hand on the clock behind you ticked at an abnormally slow pace. The bell jingled but you didn’t look away from the man and the way he rubbed the pad of his thumb back and forth between his fingers.
“I’m sorry,” he broke the silence. “That was incredibly rude of me. I don’t even know your name.” He bowed his head down and turned around, ready to leave and possibly never come back.
“It’s (Y/n),” you sputtered. You finally took a big long breath as he turned around again. “And I’m assuming you’re Akaashi?” you asked, remembering the name on the order he picked up during your shift yesterday.
“That’s right.” He walked back over to the front desk. “So you’re (Y/n), your favorite book from childhood is The Phantom Tollbooth, and from the sweater you are wearing I can assume you’re a student?”
You looked down at the sweater with your school’s name and logo on the chest. “That’s right,” you chuckled. “And you’re Akaashi, I’m guessing you love reading more than anything in the world and you’re bold enough to ask a stranger for their number.”
You found the blush dusting his cheeks to be adorable, and your smirk lifted up until your face began to hurt. “I guess I am,” he mumbled.
“Well good.” You folded your hands in each other and rested your chin on them. “Because I’m not confident enough to do so.” You grabbed a pen from the cup holder to your side and wrote your number on a post-it.
“Thank you,” he said when you slid it towards him. “I’ll text you.”
You watched as he bid farewell, turned around and left. This seemingly perfect stranger who had asked such a bold question. The butterflies in your stomach would never seem to calm down.
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azucanela · 4 years
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00. Happy November, I hope everyone has a lovely month! 
Here is the prompt list for Fluffvember, it’s my first time participating and I’m excited, so I hope you all are as well. Feel free to join a taglist through my taglist form or simply through the askbox. Though these may be subject to change, I think this is the final prompt list! This is essentially a compilation of shorter fluff writings for the month because I didn’t focus on word count for the sake of completing this in a timely fashion. 
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01. Mornings — Kageyama Tobio
02. Sunrise — Sokka
03. Breakfast — Iwaizumi Hajime
04. Coffee Runs — Akaashi Keiji
05. Stormy Nights — Keigo Takami
06. Flower Picking — Bakugou Katsuki
07. Dancing — Shouto Todoroki
08. Studying — Tsuksihima Kei
09. Daydreams — Oikawa Tooru
10. Safety — Kirishima Ejirou
11. Sunlight — Shinsou Hitoshi
12. Phone — Tsukishima Kei
13. Movie Date — Denki Kaminari
14. Love Letters — Korra
15. Friends — Zuko
16. Foes — Dabi
17. Painting — Sokka
18. Picnic — Sugawara Koushi
19. Calls — Kuroo Tetsuro
20. Moonlight — Tamaki Amajiki
21. Danger — Zuko
22. Nightmare — Korra
23. Musuems — Midoriya Izuku
24. Music — Bakugou Katsuki
25. Stargazing — Sokka
26. Snowy Days — Bokuto Koutaro
27. Tea Time — Ushijima Wakatoshi
28. Baking — Bolin
29. Sunset — Mako
30. Nights — Zuko
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feel free to use this prompt list just credit me <3
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