#how to stop dog barking at visitors
doghowto · 4 months
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Nervous Dog Barking at Visitors: How to Stop + Help! [Guide]
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mint-8 · 12 days
Platonic Yandere Pet × GN! Reader
Disclaimer: Please, do not read this as romantic or sexual. Having those sorts of relationships or feelings towards real animals are signs of mental illness (zoophilia), and I implore that you get some sort of therapy if you have such emotions towards animals or your own pets. Read this as purely platonic love.
- While it's true that we can't know for sure what our pets think of us, we can imagine how far their love for their owners would go if it was ever tested, especially if their previous homes weren't the best.
Platonic Yandere Dog
- Yandere Dog who you adopted as a rescue. They came from an abusive household and were extremely afraid of humans, whimpering in fear when a person got too close and with low energy all day long.
- Yandere Dog that, when they realized that all the treats, toys, and soft beds were proof of your love for them, finally let their true colors out.
- Yandere Dog whose tail wags a mile a minute every time you pet them or give them kisses, guaranteed they'll lick your entire face as a thank you! Who cuddles in your bed every night, eats alongside you in every meal, and who never tries to run away. They will always stay close to you and would never dare to hurt their owner!
- Yandere Dog who wants to play and receive affection 24/7, and sort of understands that you can't always give them love because you are "busy" or something like that. It's ok! They can stay sit next to you on the floor or the couch or bed until you are done!
- Yandere Dog who waits dutifully in front of your home's door for your arrival! Who also tends to growl and bark at anyone else that isn't you, but they wouldn't dare to bit them, oh God no! Well, maybe if they try anything suspicious.
- Yandere Dog who would, with no hesitation, maul a person or animal into a bloody death if they ever sense they are trying to hurt you! They would never forgive themselves if they allowed their precious human to get hurt by an enemy! They would rather die than let that happen!
Platonic Yandere Cat
- Yandere Cat who you found abandoned in a street near your home. They were dirty and clearly hurt and/or sick.
- Yandere Cat who was taken directly to the nearest veterinarian and who you decided to adopt to save the little kitten from death.
- Yandere Cat who doesn't fully trust this human. They were abandoned by their previous owners as soon as they stopped being "cute", why wouldn't you be any different from them?
- Yandere Cat who will hiss and scratch you every time you get close, and who always keeps a distance during the first months of living with you. But even with their aggression, you persevered and continued to buy them the best food, toys, and softest beds you could find.
- Yandere Cat who mellows down over time and finally allow you to pet them! Not for long, though, for they will only grace you with their presence for a few seconds and then run away.
- Yandere Cat who, at last, realizes that you, their owner, truly love them and wish to protect them no matter what. After this realization, they immediately become extremely cuddly, seating and sleeping in your lap, purring every time you scratch behind their ears and licking your face as a reward for giving them kisses!
- Yandere Cat who walks all around your house because they own it and makes sure to kill any pests that they can find while you're out! They are an apex predator, after all! They must teach those bugs who is the boss in this household!
- Yandere Cat who mews at you to get your attention when you are busy and, if they don't get it, will eventually break something so you give them some cuddles. They might be an attention seeker, but are a total cuddle bug as well! Always sleeping alongside you in bed every night!
- Yandere Cat who judges every visitor that dare to enter their realm and who hisses and scratches them if they ever get too close.
- Yandere Cat who is well aware they aren't the strongest, but are willing to risk their lives in order to protect yours! The kind and sweet human who saved them from a life in the streets, and who gave them a new chance in life!
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ozzgin · 7 months
Yandere! Edward Scissorhands x Reader
On her quest to make at least one sale for the day, Avon lady Peg cautiously steps into the eerie mansion of a known inventor. She soon learns that it has long been devoid of life, with the exception of Edward, a synthetic human creation left unfinished. She returns to the bright suburbs accompanied by the poor young man, earning the curious stares of the bystanders. Among the colorful houses, however, Edward spots a gloomy dwelling that the neighbors seem to avoid. Who is the mysterious occupant?
Winner of the Halloween Poll! A short gothic romance in the style of Tim Burton, where two outsiders find solace in each other.
[Horror Masterlist]
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The light yellow car slows down as it reaches the driveway and the engine stops. Peg makes her way out and hurries over to the passenger side, keys dangling between her fingers. She helps Edward out once she sees him awkwardly shuffling in the seat, unsure of his next step.
"You'll love it here. I just know it."
The woman hastily closes the door behind the tall, peculiar visitor. She places a gentle hand on his back and guides him down the asphalted path. 
Edward's gaze briefly wanders further into the street. The houses are slithering along neatly, their vivid colors somewhat tiring to his unaccustomed eyes. Yet one of them sticks out. Strangely enough, it reminds him of home. A rusty iron fence surrounds the property, and patches of lush, unkempt vegetation creep through the bars. The walls are dark and crooked and the black tiled roof casts a shadow over the entire abode.  
"Who lives there?" The question escapes his lips almost unconsciously. 
Peg follows his gaze, eager to introduce the area to him. Once she settles on the source of his inquiry, her smile falters for a second.
"Oh, my. That's, well..." she lets out a forced laugh and encourages him to continue walking. "I'm glad you're already so curious, Edward dear. You'll get to know everyone soon, don't worry about it."
One more push and the guest has securely entered the house. As she prepares to twist the knob into a lock, she peeks out for the last time, surveying the surroundings with mild worry. A neighbor is walking their dog, whistling in the distance. As they approach the mysterious building, the animal begins to bark and the owner scurries to the other side of the street. 
"He's so...strange!" one housewife exclaims, sipping on her lemonade.
Joyce is biting the temple tips of her sunglasses as she carefully inspects the dark haired man, currently using his sharp, spear fingers as barbecue skewers. She's batting her long eyelashes, entranced. She does like her men on the enigmatic side. In fact, she might just have a word with him. She folds the sunglasses and hangs them by the collar of her low-cut blouse. Of course, she doesn't forget her famous ambrosia salad as she departs from the rest of the fidgeting women. 
"Ed, darling. You must try out my signature dish!" she daintily holds up a spoon and attempts to feed the pale newcomer. 
He cautiously opens his mouth, unsure of how else to respond to the gesture. He tries to find Peg within the crowd, hoping she'll give him a new task away from this uncomfortably touchy person. And as luck would have it, his savior has come to the rescue. Peg doesn't hesitate to pull Edward away, cheerfully mumbling a domestic excuse. 
Once freed from the shackles of awkward social interactions, the man tiptoes his way out of the yard and down the street. He doesn't like the constant murmur of people talking. He doesn't understand the jokes, the loud laughs, the complicit slaps on the back. He feels as if he's on the other side of a glass window, separated from an audience demanding cooperation despite him only being able to discern muffled, discontinued meaning. 
None of this was mentioned in the Etiquette book. Or perhaps it has always been there, and the Inventor never got to the specific chapter. Died lamentably before he could explain how one navigates neighborhood BBQ parties.
Edward's step is clumsy and he doesn't have a particular direction in mind. In his scattered daze he nearly trips over something and turns around apologetically. You're sitting on the ground, resting against the fence. The book you were reading is now thrown aside, as you're too busy massaging the ankle that just got kicked by the sudden intruder. You look up, ready to scold the responsible airhead, but your eyes stop on an eccentric feature that catches your attention. 
"What happened to your hands?"
You're a little embarrassed by your unexpected, tactless curiosity. The man seems entirely unfazed, however.
"They weren't finished. I'm incomplete."
"Hmm. Isn't everyone?" 
Edward considers the question and recalls the people he's met so far. Peg and her husband. Joyce. The children. 
"But they don't look unfinished. They have all the body parts."
You chuckle slightly at the literal observation. 
"Well, you can't check them on the inside, can you? Most people have missing parts. Or broken ones."
"Where would you get it fixed, then?" Edward is startled by this new discovery. 
"You learn to fix it yourself. Otherwise it just stays like that, maybe forever."
He lifts his hands and stares at them. Is he going to be like this forever, too? He hasn't pondered the concept of time much before Peg had found him. Yet now, 'forever' feels unsettling. 
"Do your hands bother you that much?"
Edward doesn't know how to reply. He wishes he could resemble everyone else, that much is true. Then people wouldn't stare. And they wouldn't be afraid. As he mulls over the right words, he suddenly becomes aware of his surroundings. It's the house he noticed earlier, when he first arrived here. Which means...
He examines the person before him. They, too, look complete. So why?
"Why does everyone avoid this place?" He remembers the gathering he just left. "You weren't at the neighborhood party either. I thought all neighbors will show up."
"I was never invited."
You shrug.
"You're also not currently attending, are you? Otherwise you wouldn't be here."
"I took a break. It's too loud. Can I sit here?"
Before you can answer, he drops himself next to you with a thud. His fingers swish together as he adjusts his posture. 
"Oh, sorry, I forgot. What is your name? I'm Edward."
"Uhh... (Y/N)." You mutter, taken aback by his direct approach. What an odd fellow, you think to yourself.
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." As he scans your features again, he feels compelled to add, "You look rather pretty."
A faint blush takes over your face and you twirl your hair in an attempt to hide it. Is he mocking you? You genuinely can't read his intentions. 
"You don't look too bad yourself, Edward. I think the hands add to your charm." You eventually find the confidence to blurt it out, quickly following up with a laugh.
His heart tightens and he almost forgets about his hazardous extremities, having to stop himself from touching his now throbbing chest. He's never malfunctioned before. It doesn't feel like anything is wrong, either. Your comment, for some reason, made him very happy. 
(Y/N). Looking back to everything that happened, he's glad. Maybe he should thank Joyce next time he sees her. He wouldn't have met you otherwise. 
As the sun begins to set, you remind Edward that it's impolite to leave a party for too long. He protests, stating he prefers your company. As flattered as you are, you rephrase it as Peg being worried about his sudden disappearance and he feels bad enough to agree on his early retirement. On the condition he can hang out with you again. Once you guarantee a reunion, he makes his way back home. 
As he lays on Kim's bizarrely fluid mattress, tucked into the layered pastel sheets, Edward is overwhelmed by a strange, unfamiliar warmth. A wide, childish smile is plastered on his face and won't go away. Each time he closes his eyes to fall asleep, he pictures the encounter. (Y/N). It's a nice name, isn't it? He finds it particularly charming. He whispers it out loud in the dark room, as if making sure it's real. Reminding himself you're real. 
He can't properly explain it. It's the same thick window that stands between him and the world, but you're next to him. An outsider. A rejection. The idea that someone else out there shares his struggle has cleansed him of any longing for acceptance. Why bother with a sea of foreign, smudged faces? Peg becomes Joyce, and Joyce fades into Marge, and they all become a generic crowd of smiling pleasantries. It's a funny thing, being among humans. Once he left his old mansion behind, he realized how truly alone he had been. Still, being surrounded by people he could not comprehend made him feel even more lonely. That is the tragedy; sitting at the grand table, empty handed, unseen, unheard. Misunderstood. No one's fault, really. It just happens. But every now and then, if fate so allows, one might just find another starved attendant. With the same glint in their eyes, of someone not belonging. 
Oh, he can't wait to see you again.
It's unusually noisy outside for a late evening and you can't help but glance out the window. That's when you notice the roaring crowd, trampling in a hysterical march of unknown purpose. You have a bad feeling about it. The horned moon leers down at you like a bad omen and you quickly throw a jacket on, sprinting into the street. 
"What's this all about?" you shyly ask the nearest group. 
"Witch!" Esmeralda scowls at you with a pointing finger. 
Peg notices the commotion and runs towards you, completely disregarding the prophetic warnings of the woman. 
"Oh, (Y/N). It's Edward. They..." she sighs, frustrated. "I know I don't have the right to ask you this, but you're his friend. Could you please make sure he's alright?" Her voice is pleading and regretful. 
You nod without saying anything else. Before you turn to leave, you swiftly gesture to Esmeralda, raising your index fingers up and mimicking a devilish look. She gasps and throws her hands together in prayer.
It had to be done. 
Meanwhile, Edward has reached his old mansion and just now stopped in the entrance hall, panting anxiously. He feels nauseous and helpless. It's not that he's being chased by the enraged members of the neighborhood that alarms him. He cannot stand the possibility of not being in your presence ever again. How frightful, how agonizing! He claws at a nearby column in turmoil. 
It can't be, it won't happen. He'll tear his way through the masses if he has to. Oh, what a terrible thought. His Inventor would roll in the grave if he knew the violent ruminations that plague him right now. But if he has no other choice...Would he go as far as taking someone's life if it was for your sake? Well, technically speaking, his sake, really. He wants to see you. He needs to.
Panic slowly creeps through his body. The thoughts are piling up in an erratic hum and he can't find his focus again. He paces back and forth, attempting to recollect himself, but there's an urgency that drowns him in cold sweat. 
The ringing stops. A switch has been flipped and he snaps his head in the direction of the voice. It's you. Completely spellbound, he extends his hand to touch your face, verifying whether you might be an illusion of his feverish desires instead. The blade pierces your skin, leaving a bright red trail behind. 
"I'm so sorry-" he cries out, realizing his act. 
You softly lower his hand with a reassuring smile. 
"It's just a small cut. Don't worry about it. I think we have more important matters at hand, won't you agree?" you joke as you nudge your head towards the window. 
"I spoke to the police officer on the way here, so we shouldn't have any surprise guests." 
You remove your jacket and throw it over some dusty furniture before climbing up the stairs. Halfway through you briefly stop and urge Edward to join you. He simply nods.
When the issue is settled and everything has been said and done, will you return to your miserable exile? Won't the neighbors become suspicious if you're frequently seen sneaking up the hill? Perhaps even the utmost secrecy won't prolong the visits much. 
And then what?
As he considers the potential scenarios, he becomes increasingly impatient. The joy of your return has been tainted by the impending doom of abandonment. He wishes you'd just stay with him here, forever. 
Once the conclusion has been reached, he lets out a quiet apology. Maybe to you, maybe to the beloved Inventor, maybe even to himself. He inserts a finger into the entrance lock and silently twists it. 
You must forgive him. Or at least try to understand him. He just loves you too much, (Y/N). Is it truly such a hideous crime? To want to keep you safe? If so, he will live with the guilt. But not without you. 
You're home. 
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ssaeri · 1 year
for your eyes only
☆ tags: elliott x gn!reader, elliott and farmer are married, he writes love poems for his spouse and is told to monetize them, oh boy is he not happy about that ☆
You pat your pig's backside encouragingly and coo as it digs its snout into the ground, unearthing yet another truffle that you add to your basket. Can't believe you were worried about this one being the runt of its litter—it's quickly proving to be one of the fastest learners, taking to truffle hunting like a duck to water. It'll do just fine with the rest of the adult pigs.
Taking care of the farm by yourself has always been a gargantuan task, but as the years go by, everything grows bigger—the coops, the barns, the ponds, the crops, the expectations—and exhaustion wears you down to the bone. You sigh and push to your feet, ready to head into the nearest coop to collect more eggs. Collect animal products, drop them into churning machines, harvest and sell. It feels like the cycle never ends. Against your neck, the small mermaid's pendant slides on its chain, another reminder of your absent husband. An extra pair of helping hands made the daily work light; you wonder if it's selfish to ask him to stay home more often.
"I know, I know," you say to your angry chickens once you open the door. You miss your husband, but these girls like to remind you that they miss him more. "He'll be home soon. Bear with me, okay?"
After giving each of them pats on the head, a motion they accept with reluctance, you dig around the hay for eggs. The large chicken and dinosaur eggs are easy to spot, but for the delicate duck eggs, you prod every corner with your fingers until you come across something warm and smooth. You push away your hens as they peck at your hands. The ducks are fine with you. The chickens, however...how in the world did Elliott win them over?
Outside, your dog barks. A single warning to the intruder before the tone shifts into excitement. Someone familiar, then. Maybe Marnie is stopping by to give you some hay like she mentioned last night. With winter approaching, any addition to your reserves is appreciated, and you're already wiping your hands on your overalls to greet her.
"Hey, Marnie! I'm just in here—"
You stop in your tracks when the visitor raises his head, though he's not exactly a visitor. Elliott smiles as you draw close, ignoring the horde of chickens now lining the fence for his attention. Their wings flap, clucking loudly as they hit each other.
"Good morning, my love," he says over the noise, as if it really is the start to a normal day. His thumb reaches out to rub at a dirt smudge on your cheek. "Have you eaten yet?"
"Just some leftovers and coffee," you reply, dazed. Your husband tends to have that effect, and after two weeks apart, you feel it more than ever. You lean into his touch, comforting against your wind-blown skin. "I thought you were coming home tomorrow?"
"I decided to come back early. The office didn't need me today, anyway."
"You should've messaged me! I would've picked you up at the train station," you say. Behind him sits his traveling suitcase, the wheels speckled with mud from being dragged through the road. He steps in front of it. "Why don't you go get unpacked? I'll be done soon."
He leans his elbows onto the fence, tilting his head until his fiery hair spills over one shoulder. "You're rather quick to dismiss my presence. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you're unhappy to see me," he says, though his words hold no accusation. It's merely a way to boost his ego when you reassure him. After all, you practically radiate by his side. "Would you like me to help?"
You glance at the dress shoes, the slacks, the spotless cardigan that he's already shrugging off to reveal a clean pressed button-down. Not exactly farm-friendly attire. "No, I'll be alright by myself."
"I could go change really quickly," he offers in a suspicious rush.
You search his expression then, and underneath the joy of being back, there's...something. You squint, unable to make it out. Sure, he must've missed you, but this feels like it runs deeper than that. When you give him a nod, he hurries towards the house, your dog chasing and barking at his heels. True to his word, he's back in minutes.
The chickens are much more cooperative now, and you roll your eyes at how they parade around your husband. They even hop around the coop, showing him where they've hidden their eggs from your intrusive searching.
"Thank you, dearies," he says to the hens. You swear they swoon.
"A real heart breaker," you deadpan. "Have you told them you're married?"
He chuckles, taking your hand as you move into the barns next door. While you lay out new hay on the feeding bench, he unhooks the stools and milk pails and sets them on either side of the door. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago he barely knew how to approach your animals, let alone help you with the chores.
He whistles lowly, and the first cow trudges to his station, ready to be milked. You get settled at your own station. One of the newer goats skids to the front of the line, eager to be let outside. It's not quiet in the barn—it never is, not with twelve grown animals waiting for their turn—but when you call Elliott's name, he looks at you. His ponytail needs to be retied.
"So why'd you come home early?" The young adult goats don't have much milk, just enough for a small container. You pat its hind leg, and it runs into the crisp autumn air with an excited bleat.
"I missed the atmosphere of our farm. The fresh air of the valley is good for my creative soul, unlike the bustle of Zuzu City."
You only raise your eyebrows, and he sighs from your all-knowing gaze.
"You read me a little too well, my love."
"I sure hope so, after all this time together. Did something happen at the office?"
Since the release of his last collection of short stories, he's been invited to the city more often for author-related events. This latest stint, running a series of writing workshops in partnership with Zuzu University and the local community, was organized by his agent in hopes of bigger opportunities. Maybe even a guest lecturer contract, they've said on more than one occasion, though Elliott refuses to be apart from you for too long.
Elliott gives another sigh. "Something like that. I just...it was admittedly negligence on my part. I was in the middle of writing you another letter when someone required my presence down the hall. I thought that it'd be a quick matter, so I didn't clear my desk. But apparently one of the secretaries came looking for me while I was out."
"Did they read...?" You wrinkle your nose, knowing how private Elliott is about his unpolished work. He's even more private about what he writes for your eyes only. "I'm sure they were embarrassed."
"That's what bothers me the most! She had the audacity to bring it up in front of everyone when we had a meeting, even quoted a few lines—"
The cow groans as he moves particularly rough. He gives it an apologetic scratch under the chin.
"So for the past two days, everyone has been trying to talk me into releasing a collection of love poems, which I would have no issues with if it didn't stem from such a personal...I mean, the poems were addressed to my muse, and when I explained that it was you, they said that was even better. Something about how the romance will really sell." He frowns. "I like being able to support myself—contribute to our funds, you know—with my writing, but it's not...a commodity. I'm allowed to make art for the sake of making art."
His forehead is furrowed, and you would reach out to ease the frustration if your hands weren't busy.
"What's your plan now?"
He scoffs. "There's no plan regarding that. I completely refuse. It's quite insulting, in fact, the idea that I'd put my love on display for a paycheck."
It's relieving, you have to admit. Even after getting a taste of success, your husband remains the same person you said your vows to. The same romantic who holds you in such high esteem. There's so many emotions—namely affection—swirling in your chest, but you're not the writer so all you manage is a simple Okay.
"Okay," you say again for good measure, but he must understand you because his expression smooths. "So what do you want for lunch?"
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
Lost and Found ♧ | 3.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. Ashford Graham)
《A/N》: FINALLY THE LAST PART!! I really like how this one turned out. You can definitely tell that my writing has improved if you look at the first parts lol. I do plan on remastering parts 1 & 2 just to clean every up a little! Enjoy <3
~ Fi 🐝
《Warnings》: mild panic attack, PTSD, mentions of Raccoon City, R and Leon being huge fucking geeks/nerds (I love them) LADY the bernese mountain doggy <33 + Dot, the convenience store cashier.
《Word count》: 5.9k
Part 1 ♧ Part 2 ♧ Part 3 ♧
This series is a quick read with only a little over 10k words in total :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The little bar hangout you had with Leon lifted your spirits beyond expectations. It had felt so good to see him again, not within your stressful line of work or distant and painful memories, but in normal surroundings, just like it used to be.
Despite the high emotional tension that lingered after you'd returned his police badge to him, the night lightened the heavy weight that rested on your soul, making it that much easier to get out of bed in the morning.
You'd now left your little apartment on more occasions, not only when you had to. When taking Lady out for her walks, you'd stop by a local Cafe and enjoy a warm drink or frequent the little antique shop that had always caught your eye. It felt like a fresh breath of air, a new start to a life you didn't think you'd be capable of having.
It's not like everything was magically fixed, not even Leon had such power, but things were better. And right now, better was more than enough for you. Certain things changed in your living space as well.
You'd open a curtain or two, and finally put up the new mirror you bought. Even things as little as letting the sun into your living room had improved your overall well being.
And there was someone that was ecstatic that you were doing better. Lady had really been your lifeline the past few years. She gave you a reason to keep going, to not give up and maybe even let the small flame of hope in your heart burn without extinguishing it immediately. She was your best friend, really, always keeping you company and distracting you if you ever got lost in your head.
She'd always be there if you woke up from a bad nightmare, by your side in the blink of an eye. Lady would whine and nudge at you with her nose or lick your cheeks that were tear stained from yet another excruciating replay of that night. She'd cuddle close to you and lay her head on your chest, something that helped you steady your frantic breaths.
In return, you did everything in your power to make her life as best as you could. She deserved that and so much more in your eyes. Dogs really were a blessing.
"I don't know when he's getting here, Deedee. I'm sorry." You cooed at your wiggly pup. She'd pace around the living room and sit in front of your door with her beloved stuffie tucked between her teeth. Lady looked back at you with big eyes and whined, though the wagging of her tail never stopped.
"C'mere. Come on." You softly called for her, patting the spot next to you on the couch. Lady trotted over, the quiet 'pat pat' of her paws on the floor accompanying her until she reached you and jumped onto the sofa. She laid her head in your lap and looked up at you expectantly.
"You're excited, huh? S'not often we get visitors. We'll just have to wait a little bit longer, okay-"
You were cut off by the sound of your doorbell. Lady perked up and let out a hearty bark before she was sprinting to the door.
"Alright, alright, calm down, sweet girl." You chuckled, leaving your cozy spot on the couch and taking a peak through the peephole. A smile etched onto your face when you spotted that familiar head of blonde hair and those lovely blue eyes. He was swaying slightly, hands in his pockets. He looked quite nervous. It cut into your heart just a little, knowing that the comfortable atmosphere that you two had around you was gone after everything that had happened.
To an extent, you were basically strangers, and you needed to start from scratch, building a new friendship. Both of you have changed, to no surprise, so what was, will never be again, though you were certain that you still fit together like you used to. Or at least that was what the ever growing sprout of hope inside you told you.
"Leon." You smiled gently when you opened the door, being met with a kind smile of his own.
"Hi." He replied softly, pulling you into a hug. You melted into eachother, craving that familiar and comfortable touch. "I missed you." He mumbled, followed by a relieved sigh.
"I missed you too, blondie," you giggled softly,
"has work been hard on you lately?"
Leon chuckled as he pulled away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"How do you always know?" You gave him a nonchalant shrug with a small grin before stepping aside, beckoning him into your home. Lady was sitting by your feet with her tongue out and a wagging tail, waiting to finally meet this guest you'd been talking about for weeks. There was a smile on his face as he stepped onto your doormat and knelt down, holding his hand out for your pup to sniff.
"Hi there, Lady. I'm Leon." He spoke softly as you watched in awe, your heart beating faster at his gentleness. Leon's gentleness was nothing new to you, but you've missed it after Raccoon City. You craved it, that soft and warm tone that never failed to make any worries fade away.
Seeing him being so soft with your dog was a bittersweet sting in your chest when you realized you wanted him to be that gentle with you again. Lady nudge her wet nose against his palm a few times before the wagging of her tail picked up, gentle drumming against your leg, before she surged forward and whined, excitedly sticking her face wherever she could.
Leon shifted his weight backwards a little so Lady wouldn't tackle him and he laughed and cooed at her, petting her face and scratching behind her ears.
"Such a sweet girl, huh? Who's a good girl? You've been keeping her safe and happy for me?" He leaned in closer for the last phrase, as if telling her a secret and he chuckled when he was met with a series of barks and huffs.
"She's absolutely infatuated with you." You smirked, your arms crossing in front of your chest. 'And so am I' you tried not to entertain the thought for too long, but every refusal you made about loving Leon, really loving Leon, slowly drifted away, letting your shoulders slightly slack and just feel the warmth of your love for him in your heart.
So what if you were in love with him? It wasn't hard to fall for him, but instead of tripping and stumbling forward a little, you fell off the highest mountain peak and landed straight on your face. But who could blame you, with that cute smile, those ocean blue eyes and a heart so pure it hurt. You'd think about it more later, maybe talk to Ashley about it, too. Right now, you wanted to keep the promise you made in the bar and enjoy an evening with your best friend. A measly attempt to feel normal again. To forget all the things you've seen, to feel whole again.
There always was a lingering darkness that shuddered through you, and it only seemed to be bearable when you were with Leon. You imagined what it would be like to live with him and Lady, to share a bed and wake up every morning with him, with that lingering cloud of gloom getting smaller day by day.
The sound of Leon's voice slammed that drawer of dreams and fantasies shut and snapped you back into the moment. He softly called your name, a worried crease between his brows. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, I just kinda... space out sometimes." You chuckled awkwardly. He cracked a small smile. "I get that. You're not alone." He said quietly, placing a firm hand on your shoulder while his other was scratching your pup's head.
Lady was whining quietly, her stuffed toy hanging from her mouth, upset at the lack of attention she was getting from Leon.
"Neither are you." You spoke gently, but with a sincere firmness. Leon's hand slid down your arm until it reached the faint scar on your forearm. He took your arm into his hands and drew circles into the skin surrounding your scar.
The gesture made the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably and you cursed them in your mind for making your cheeks heat up.
"How's your arm, hm?"
"It's good, all healed. It doesn't hurt, it's just... hard to look at some days." You gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Scars make you a survivor. You made it out of that shithole with your life, and that's one hell of a thing to do."
"I hope you talk that kindly to yourself, too."
Leon's head tipped forward slightly, exhaling sharply before swinging one of his arms over your shoulders.
"I don't know about you but I'm starving. And if I remember correctly, I was promised cuddles." He grinned, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
"I don't have much in the fridge but we can go to the convenience store right around the corner, they have decent hot dogs."
Lady perked up and barked at the mention of hot dogs.
"Hot dogs it is, then." Leon grinned, petting Lady again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The walk to the little convenience store was quiet and pleasant, making casual small talk about your daily life and any hobbies that you'd both spend time on outside of work. Lady was happily walking on her leash between you and Leon, him being on the side closer to the road, of course.
He insisted, and there was no arguing with him. Not that you wanted to, but he couldn't know that, so you feigned push back until you 'relented' with a sigh, and you walked on with Leon having a triumphant smirk on his face.
Lady was excitedly looking around at all the colorful light up signs and street lamps. You never took her out this late, you never felt safe enough to do so, but with Leon by your side you've never felt safer.
There was a quiet splat sound as you stepped through a puddle, courtesy of a downpour earlier in the day.
You could spot the familiar sign of the store further down the street when Leon spoke up.
"What movie did you pick?" A small grin crept onto your face at his question.
"You know how you're such a big fan of the Lord of the Rings hexalogy?"
"Yeah..." his furrowed brows and the hesitancy in his voice almost made you chuckle.
"And you know how they made the books into movies a couple of years ago?"
"Wait, don't tell me-"
"Well," you interrupted him as his eyes widened, "I happen to have the entire trilogy at home. Extended editions. I figured we could watch the first one." You smiled, watching the light in his eyes grow.
"Are you serious?" He chuckled breathlessly.
"God, you're the best best friend."
"Right back at you, Lee."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The little bell attached to the top of the door frame jingled as you stepped inside, Leon and Lady in tow. Leon's eyes fell on the short, elderly woman that was seated behind the counter, glasses on the tip of her nose with a pencil in hand, seemingly solving a crossword puzzle or perhaps Sodoku.
She wore a pink cardigan, and there were a few rollers hidden in her short silver curls. She glared over the top of her glasses at the ring of the bell, but her forming scowl was replaced by a bright smile when she spotted your kind face. Leon smiled just a little at the observation.
Apparently, you had the habit of carving yourself a spot in others' hearts no matter how cold or grumpy they were.
"Why, hello, dear! It's so nice to see you. You've brought Lady, too, I presume?" She chuckled, being met with a proud bark from your dog.
The woman slightly stretched upwards to take a look at your pup that was hidden behind the counter and she wiggled her manicured hand in Lady's direction, a form of greeting, before she rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a treat. Lady tapped her paws on the linoleum floor excitedly, waiting for her to throw the treat. She did with a soft giggle, clapping when Lady caught it.
"Good to see you, too, Dot." You smiled, scratching Lady's cheek.
"And who's this, hm?" She gave you a smirk before letting her gaze run over Leon,
"have you finally got yourself a boyfriend? Oh, I thought the day would never come!" She sighed excitedly.
"Rude." You grumbled underneath your breath. Before you could answer her, Leon took the reigns of the conversation.
"I'm Leon, her best friend. Nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile, holding out his hand for Dot to shake. She glared suspiciously at his hand but decided to take it in the end.
"Best friend, huh? How come I've never seen you before? God help me if I find out you're only pretending to be her friend so you can take her to bed and break her heart like the rest of your generation-" she pointed a finger at Leon accusingly, stretching forward as much as she could, though never reaching for enough to jab at his chest.
"Dot, Dot!" You scolded with a small chuckled, taking her wrist and tugging it back at her side.
"He's not like that, I promise." You said gently, watching as Dot still glared at Leon.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I have no intention of ever breaking her heart." He chuckled, placing a hand over his heart.
Dot sank back into her chair.
"Good." She said firmly.
"We lost touch a couple of years ago due to some... unfortunate circumstances in the town we lived in," Leon glanced at you briefly, "but we recently found eachother again on a work trip."
He explained, watching as Dot's judgemental facade slowly crumbled.
"Oh, alright. I suppose you do look like a nice boy." She relented with a sigh, making Leon grin.
"Quite handsome, too." She pondered before turning in your direction, "it's a shame he isn't your boyfriend, you know."
"What? You can't be alone forever. You've known him a longtime. Most boys are either pretty or decent, not both. He's the exception, it seems. Are you just going to waste that?"
You sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of your nose. You knew very well that Leon was smiling bashfully with a blush on his cheeks. He never knew how to deal with compliments.
"Dot. We've been over this so many times. And can you please not talk about him like he isn't here??" You whisper-yelled the last part, feeling a heat crawl up your spine when Leon chuckled.
"Fine, don't take my advice then." She brushed you off, turning to Leon.
"Maybe you should take her to bed-"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You waved Dot goodbye, stepping into the cool chill of the night with some snacks you'd bought in your bag and the only thing warming your hands being that delectable looking hot dog.
You sat down on a nearby bench, Lady sitting patiently at your feet while you fed her a couple bits of the sausage.
"These are pretty good for convenience store hot dogs." Leon's voice came muffled from beside you, when you turned your head you broke into laughter seeing him basically inhale that hot dog.
"What? I'm hungry." He defended himself, still muffled and obstructed as he chewed on the bun. You took another bite of your hot dog and chuckled as Leon licked his fingers.
Your laughter was contagious to Leon, he couldn't help when the familiar rumble of laughter surged through his chest.
You sat giggling and laughing on that bench for a while, no real reason or purpose for your laughter other than the person beside you, a feeling the both of you had longed for for as long as you can remember.
The laughing didn't stop on your way home, watching fondly as Leon continously threw a stick for Lady who darted off before returning with said stick. The empty streets echoed of excited barks and heartfelt laughter.
And that carefree feeling that made you breath without a heavy weight on your chest was something you wanted to cling on for as long as you could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon's eyes were glued to your TV as he attentively watched as the scenes of The Fellowship of the Ring ran across the screen.
The bright and lovely beginning of the movie with all the green hills and the Hobbithole made tears of joy sit on his lashline as he talked about how surreal it was to see the world he'd read of and imagined so many times before. Lady was asleep with her head in Leon's lap while he gently petted her, like it was second nature to him, his other arm resting on the back of the couch.
You watched as the colorful light of the movie ran over the handsome features of his profile.
Your mind drifted to a multitude of different scenarios. What if he was your boyfriend? Is that something he'd want? Is that something you'd want? That answer came to you quicker than you'd like to admit. You wouldn't mind if you were dating. No, you wanted to date him. You wondered, what if he had similar thoughts about you? Or were you just as foolish as the last times and end up having to pick the shards of your heart off the ground?
But how nice it would be.
Your own little life with Lady and Leon, your own little family. Your heart yearned for it, you could feel that aching pull in your chest. Before you knew it, the credits were rolling and you snapped out of your somewhat embarrassing daydreams.
You rested your chin on his shoulder.
"So, what did you think?" You asked softly. Leon smiled before trying to start a sentence a couple of times but failing.
"I... it was incredible. S'like my childhood came to life. I mean, it did every time I read the books, but... this is different. Thank you." He said quietly, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Anything for you."
It slipped out before you could stop it. But instead of taking it back in a scramble of haphazardly formulated excuses, you let it linger.
You let it linger between the two of you, reveling in the warmth of it. Leon's arm slowly slipped from the back of the couch, settling heavy on your shoulders.
You let out a quiet sighed and subconsciously shuffled yourself closer to him to the point where your noses were almost brushing against one another.
"I'm so glad that I have you. Life's only been getting better since you came back into my life, it's like... all the color returned." He whispered, drawing circles into the back of your neck, sending both a searing hot feeling and a chill up your spine.
You could feel his warm breath on your face, and his blue eyes had never shone this bright.
You inched closer with half lidded eyes, enveloped and dazed by his embrace, his touch, his warmth.
Your lips brushed for a mere second before a loud bark from Lady snapped the both of you out of it, and you scrambled away from each other. You were pressed to the other end of the couch with burning cheeks as you kept your gaze away from Leon.
Lady whine and tilted her head, nudging her toy closer to Leon.
"You... you want to play?" He asked gently, a hint of disappointment tarnishing his tone. He got his confirmation with yet another bark and a wagging tail.
"M'sorry, but it's late. I should.." he cleared his throat and briefly glanced at you, making you whip your head away, "I should go home."
Lady whimpered sadly but Leon just gave her a few consolation pets before he got up from the couch.
You followed behind him, being the good host you were, seeing him out the door. The tension that hung in the air was thick and uncomfortable. Instead of the usual warm hug, you opted for an awkward wave. And with a stumbled promise of calling you in the coming days, Leon was out the door.
When you heard the click of the lock, you slid down onto the floor, back pressed against the door as you groaned, laying your face in your hands.
Your cheeks were a raging inferno by this point, and your pounding heart didn't exactly help either. There were so many things going on in your head at once. It felt like your brain was about to explode.
You wanted to cry and yell in frustration for having such a perfect moment ruined, but there was slight relief because were you ready for a change that big? Were you ready to never have your newly built friendship with Leon be the same again? All these unanswered questions were making your head spin.
You felt Lady's wet nose nudge at your hands and you pulled your head back, letting it fall back against the door with a soft thump. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"I love you, DeeDee, but what the hell was that?" You glanced at her, your voice being laced with nothing but defeat.
Your pup laid down beside you and looked at you apologetically and let out a soft whine. You cracked a small, soft smile and stroked her head.
"It's okay. I guess. I don't know. I need to sleep on it." You said quietly, followed by a sigh.
You retreated to your bedroom, tossing and turning. You spent most of the night staring at your ceiling or watching Lady take gentle breaths beside you.
Sleep didn't come easily to you that night. Though, you were lucky sleep came to you at all.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon let his head hit the steering wheel of his car with a sigh. He was finally so close to expressing his feelings for you without having to actually say it when it was all ripped away from him.
"Lady is lucky she's cute." He mumbled, starting the car and driving off to his home.
The growing frustration in his chest didn't go away as he drove on, to his dismay. He laid awake all night, staring at the empty side of his bed, imagining what it would be like if you were there.
If his bed wouldn't feel so cold anymore, despite his thick blanket.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to kiss you, to love you. Leon was certain you'd died that day. He remembered his cracked voice after screaming for you until he was dragged away.
The emtpiness in his heart when it sunk in that he had failed to save you and would now have to live with the overwhelming guilt of your loss.
The day you two crossed paths in that Spanish village, Leon swore to himself that he would do anything in his power to never feel like that again. He wouldn't lose you this time. Not again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"I don't know what to do! It was so awkward." You sighed frustratedly, pulling at your hair.
"You guys almost kissed! A kiss is a two-sided thing. Usually. He's totally into you, too." Ashley beamed through the phone.
Your contact with Leon had been kept to a minimum these past few weeks. You didn't know how to even start a conversion now.
It was just that embarrassing and awkward almost-kiss moment running on loop in your mind whenever you thought of him.
"I just... I don't know. He might be? I mean, I want him to be... but I've been wrong before and I don't think I could handle getting my heart broken by him." You spoke, albeit somewhat dazed as you seemed to be lost in your thoughts.
"I think you should talk to him. I know it's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's only gonna get worse if you two keep avoiding each other like this." Ashley said softly, making you sigh and drag a hand down your face.
Not talking to Leon was eating you from the inside. You'd missed him terribly, but the thought of having to look him in the eyes after that incident made your skin crawl.
You looked outside of your window, the moonlit streets littered with bright neon signs reminded you of that you spent with him and Lady.
If talking to him meant you would experience something like that again and feel that intoxicating euphoria that was freedom and peace all over, you'd swallow your nerves and the twisting churn in your stomach and do it.
"I suppose.. you're right. It feels different now, you know? I guess now that I look back I've been in love with him for a while. Saying it out loud just... makes it real." You laughed half-heartedly, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Lady was laying by your feet as you petted her absent-mindedly.
"It'll all work out, I promise! You gotta have more faith in yourself. You're a real catch." She giggled, making you crack a lopsided smile.
"Thanks, Ash. I'll... I'll talk to him. Soon. I'm... really tired right now, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Keep me updated!"
"I will, Bye-Bye." You chuckled.
"Talk soon!"
You let out a heavy sigh when the noise of the ended phone call hit your ears.
"What a mess, huh?" You asked Lady, smiling slightly when she gave you an affirmative huff.
Your thoughts were running wild, but you were exhausted. So, despite your brain screaming at you, you eventually fell asleep, a weird dread settling in your stomach as your eyes shut.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your limbs felt leaden, your mind slowly waking up but your body refusing to as tears nipped at your lashline. Your muscles ached and quiet sobs slipped past your lips as the horrific pictures of that night ran behind your eyelids like a movie on a screen.
The blanket that would usually soothe your anxiety with its weight suddenly felt too heavy, all too much like the rubble you were buried under after the building collapsed on top of you. You could feel the sharp edges of concrete and rebar digging and cutting into your skin all over again. Your throat felt dry, just like when you breathed in all the dust and debris back then.
Your sobs grew louder, and they turned into pathetic wails as the memories continued to flood your mind. Still, your legs and arms refused to move, your breaths turning shallow as panic set in. All you could do was lay there like a wounded animal, trapped in the literal nightmare that were your memories.
Your door opened slightly, and Lady came rushing in, alarmed by your cries. She jumped up onto the bed and licked at your cheeks before nudging your arm with her nose. Your fingers twitched, and you gathered all your strength before you reached over to your nightstand and felt for your phone, all while Lady whimpered beside you.
You sagged back onto the bed once you've had a steady grasp on your cell. With trembling fingers, you clumsily tapped at the screen, hoping you'd somehow call Leon. Lady laid her head on your chest, hoping to help steady your breathing.
Sobs tore through you when that familiar pain in your chest set in, the one you felt when you thought Leon had you left you behind. You were angry and hurt, ready to chew him out the second you'd find him in all this mess.
But once you got out and ran from all the resident evil, and all you found was his bloodied badge, your anger evaporated and all that was left was the heart wrenching pain of having lost your best friend.
You grew frustrated with yourself when your numb fingers refused to his the right button, but eventually you managed to click on Leon's contact and your panic was soothed just a tiny bit when you hit the call button.
You cried through the rings of the phone, mentally begging for him to pick up. It was the middle of the night. You were all alone, but you hoped he'd pick up.
You felt like you were dying, the pain in your chest, the heaviness in your limbs, the lack of oxygen caused by your hurried breaths making you light headed.
"Please, please, please..." You sobbed, your hands shaking. A particular unpleasant wail left your throat when it went straight to his voice-mail. Lady softly barked at you, beckoning you to try again.
You could see the worry when you glanced down into ber big brown eyes. You tried again, feeling exhausted as all the crying and fast breathing sucked the strength from you. This time, he picked up at the first ring, making you sob in relief.
"It's the middle of the night, what- hey, hey, what's going on, are you okay?" His voice made the ache in your chest lessen, and you could even muster up the tiniest smile.
"L-Leon...'" You forced out between sobs and hiccups.
"What happened? Where are you?" He asked firmly, a rustling sound in the background.
"N-need you... please.."
"I'm coming, okay? Just breathe for me." There was worry and panic in his voice, but he kept it soft and soothing for you to help you calm down. You slightly nodded your head.
"Yeah, y-yeah, okay-" your trembling hand accidentally hit the red button, ending the called. Your arm gave out and your phone fell onto your bed, just out of reach.
The crying had drained more of your energy than you thought and you weeped as your phone lit up again and again, Leon calling you. You watched for what felt like forever as he called you continously and all you could do was watch with no strength left to move.
Lady whimpered and pushed your phone closer to you, but you couldn't even lift your finger to pick up.
You've never felt so helpless and pathetic in your life.
So, you continued sobbing as the memories still wouldn't stop as you waited for Leon, feeling a pouding headache setting in already.
Finally, after what felt like some excruciating hours to you, you heard your front door click. You thanked all of the gods above that you'd exchanged spare keys with Leon. Lady jumped off the bed and barked, running towards the front door.
"Where is she?" Leon heaved urgently, following your dog who pulled at his sleeve, leading him to you. His heart shattered at the sight of you. Red and puffy eyes with heavy bags under them, cracked lips, and a heaving chest.
Your complexion looked all wrong, as if you were sick, and to be honest, you did look like you were about to pass out any second.
He rushed to your side, pulling you close to him and slowly rubbing circles on your chest to help you get more air into your lungs.
Leon's jacket was shrugged off, same with his boots and he climbed in next to you and sat you upright. You felt so weak, like your bones were made of jelly, so you awkwardly slumped against him.
"What's going on with you?" He asked softy, gently wiping away your tears.
"Nightmare.. Raccoon City..." Your sobbing picked back up when you uttered the name of your once beloved city, and Leon swallowed thickly.
"I-I thought that you-you left me again.." You wailed, grabbing onto his shirt. Leon pulled you closer with tears glistening in his eyes and a deep ache in his heart.
"I never left you... I would've never ever left you. They made me, dragged me away, and I couldn't... I couldn't go back for you." His voice cracked halfway through, and you gently shifted your head back to look at him.
The heart broken look in his blue eyes almost made your own shatter. You pulled yourself up and into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. His arms tightened around you as he buried his face in your neck, rubbing between your shoulder blades to help you breathe deeper.
You cried in each other's arms, mourning the loss of the normal life you had before the incident and the pain of having been apart for 6 years. Lady watched from the foot of the bed, visibly relaxing as your sobs lessened. You pulled back and took his face in your hands, wiping his tears away. Leon melted into your touch, and the crease between his brows softened ever so slightly. You sniffled and took a deep breath.
"I love you. And not like a best friend. I'm in love with you, Leon Kennedy." His eyes shot open at your words and his jaw slacked slightly.
"I've loved you for so long it hurts. I was terrified, so I never said anything but when I thought I lost you I regretted never telling you. I love you so much." You sighed, stroking his cheek.
If you had any tears left to cry, you would be a mess right now. Or at least, more of a mess than you already were
"I just... you're the only one who... who can make it better, you know? Make it hurt less."
Leon's shocked eyes softened, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. You searched for anyhing; hatred, disgust, joy, reciprocation, anything.
"A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same but-"
You were cut off by Leon connecting your lips in a kiss so soft it made a tear roll down your cheek as you leaned into him. Cupping the back of your neck, he gently pulled you in closer in and sighed against your lips.
"I love you too. I never stopped, even when I thought you were gone. You... you make it hurt less, too." He spoke softly, a lopsided grin on his face. You chuckled softly and hugged him again, burning the feeling of his touch into your mind. Leon rested his forehead against yours and stole a few soft pecks from you.
"Will you stay?" You asked in a whisper, suddenly being hit with a wave of sleepiness.
"I'll always stay. Always, I promise." He said softly, kissing the tip of your nose. You smiled hazily and slowly slid down the headboard, dragging Leon with you under the covers. You realxed into his embrace, your face nuzzled against his chest as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Lady, who had watched the whole thing with a slowly wagging tail, crawled up the bed between the two of you and nudged her nose against Leon's cheek repeatedly. He giggled, albeit with an exhausted undertone.
"I guess you finally have a Dad, DeeDee." You said quietly, earning a small huff from your pup and one last kiss from Leon along with an amused chuckle before you drifted off to pleasant dreams for the first time in years. He soothed your mind and kept all the bad memories away.
Your love acting like a shield, protecting you from nightmares. You'd been wandering in the dark for years, searching for all the pieces of yourself that you lost that night.
You were lost once, but with Leon, you were found again.
More Leon works here 💫
I have a lil something planned for 500 followers (we're almost there it's crazy!!) And it may involve my obsession with Victorian England, Bloodborne and AC Syndicate 👀
《Tag list》: (lmk if you wanna be added) @vampkennedy @k-fallingstar @dmitriene @valkyrurx
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juvenillia · 7 months
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 12: wait
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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photo credits go to very talented @ave661
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a/n: I am German so putting something of my native language in here feels so cool, really need to write more for König (when this series is over)
also I think it's quite funny how I believed that I'd never be able to write a full on fic and now we're here - thank you for sticking with me and story
CW/TW: mentions of loss, death, injuries, petnames, jealousy, guilt, angst, hurt/comfort, violence
wordcount: 2.9k
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The last days felt unbearable for everyone. Shortly after they arrived at the improvised base full of tents, the medics did everything to stabilize your state of condition. Ghost did literally bark at anyone who came too close to you, who didn't look like a specialist in medic care. As soon as your condition got a bit better, they flew you over the hq to initiate the needed surgery. Ghost leashed out as he got told that he wasn't allowed on the transport next to you. He had promised you and himself to not leave your side. But they had to wait to be brought to the base while you were long gone and on your way to the OR. Kyle and Johnny had to do their best to calm him. It was a hard mission, especially when they were on the edge as well.
Simon paced around the room the three men were meant to stay in. He couldn't stand still until he was able to see you again. Some nurse explained him, in a serious and nearly threatening tone, that he wasn't allowed around the infirmary before he didn't get his emotions under control. This was new for him, emotions were never something hard to handle, but you changed that. The guilt, fear, longing, desire, regret, anger, sadness. The list was long, but his nerves couldn't carry them. You made the border between Ghost and Simon melt. It made his hands tremble and his heart ache.
Nobody in this room dared to speak while waiting for news, not even Johnny tried to ease the mood. To occupied with what ifs. You only were part of this team for a short period of time, but it felt different. It felt like you were always a part of them.
Hours passed by without knowing anything. It ate them up. Johnny sat on a chair, watching Simon pace around the room. Not daring to approach him even the furthest. The only thing that was a distraction for a short time was a call with Price. Explaining the situation, they found themselves in. Kyle did the talking, while Johnny and Simon weren't able to. "Yes, sir. You're on speaker now.", he placed the phone on the table. Simon got closer, his feet tapping the ground nonstop, fidgeting with your blue box in his pocket. He didn't dare to let go. Johnny still seated at the table as well as Kyle, letting his leg bounce up and down. Desperately pushing his sweaty palms on his thighs, trying to steady them down. "Boys, listen. Skadi has been through worse. Way worse. She's gonna make it. I know what you're feeling, what you're thinking, but don't. It is no one's fault. You did what had to be done, and she'll be okay. Trust her and the medics.", Price voice was as calm and soft as ever. Johnny's leg stopped bouncing and even Simon lost a bit tension between his shoulder blades. They trusted you, still they were scared.
It took another hour before a young-looking soldier came to knock at their door. Ghost was opening it within seconds, staring at the small Private in front of him. Waiting wasn't something he was good at, not when it came to you. "Speak!", he ordered harshly, no need to mention that the poor guy was scared to bits. Kyle shoved Simon gently to the side, what earned him a deep growl. "Ignore the scary dog.", he exhaled nervous and looked as soft as possible to the young boy, who nodded hesitant. "Here to inform you, that Sergeant Quinn has made it through the surgery without any complications. She's been brought to room 317 for further medical treatment. She’s still unconscious, but visitors are allowed." Johnny nodded. "Thanks, dismissed."
Before Kyle and Johnny could even say something, Ghost started running through the hallways up to the infirmary. Ignoring any glances and shouting around him. His steps were fast and determined. His grip still tight around the blue box. "Lt!" Johnny had problems to keep up with him while Kyle didn't even try. He knew it was pointless. Simon only had one thing on his mind, seeing you. Making sure that he didn't lose you. Just when he stood in front of the door separating him from his desire, he stopped. Fear raising in his stomach, fear of the sight that would expect him inside. Johnny was the one placing a gentle hand on his arm. "C'mon, Lt.", he gently pushed the door open, and the three men entered. It was a casual hospital room. Bright whites around you, a common sickbed every one of them had seen plenty of times. What they didn't expect was the huge figure already seated at your side. Simon fists clenched. The fear replaced with fury. Who dared to take his place next to you? He wanted to yell at him, throw him out of the room. It was supposed to be his seat. The male shortly looked at them, before turning to your unconscious figure. "Your mates are here, Spatzl." [German equivalent to dovie, but with dialect], his voice was calm as he held your hand. "Who are you?", Ghost hissed while his jaw nearly locked in tension. He let go of the box in his pocket, too scared he would break it. He couldn't even focus on you. The stranger looked at them again and they were greeted with a faceless image. The loose mask covering everything besides those clear blue eyes. "Easy, big boy. I'm not your enemy.", he said calm with a chuckle. His eyes shut. Did he smile, did he yawn. Ghost couldn't tell. That's how people must feel approaching himself all the time. It was Johnny who stepped forward, cautious. "Yer the one that saved our bonnie.", Soap exclaimed a bit guarded. He heard his voice before, over the comms and the thick German accent was undeniable. "Gonna leave you to it, for now. See you later, mein Engel."[my angel], his bare and huge hand caressed your cheek before standing up. Johnny did swallow a lump, as he noticed how tall the man in front of them was. Ghost had his fists still clenched, and it got worse with every second. "And to answer your question. I'm König. When you're friends with her, than we should get along. But don't step the line.", he stated softly while slightly tilting his head down. His blue eyes met the dark ones of Ghost. A tension was created, laying thick in the air and everyone could feel it, you could cut it with a knife. They stared down each other. Their brows furrowed before König left the room with a satisfied giggle.
And it only got worse. Anytime Simon would pay you a visit, he would already be there. Seated at your bed, your hand in his. He wanted to shove him out of the room, tear him apart that he finally would stay away from you. He acted like he was someone really special. It made him sick. Even Johnny stopped the teasing and joking comments in Ghost's presence, he knew that Simon was at the edge of his limits. Why did this guy couldn't leave you alone? Johnny had to force Ghost to go to the base's gym with them. To blow off some steam, and anytime he threw his fists against the punchbag, he did image that it would be him. The thorn in his side.
Simon wasn't allowed to stay nonstop in your room while you were still unconscious, he only had a few hours per day to spent them in your presence and those few he had to share with Kyle, Johnny, and damn König. It pissed him off, the way that man was always there and pretending you were his property. Who did he think he is?!
He never said something though. Only throwing him death glares and hoping he would leave after some time. Kyle explained later that he was a colonel of KorTac, and they should better not try to pick a fight with him. Price left a note about it. The 141 and KorTac weren’t actually friends, so they should keep it at bay. That wouldn't end well for no parties. So, Ghost suppressed the urge to smash his head against the wall and tearing that ugly mask down that face. Anytime they were in a room together it was Lieutenant Ghost that stood next to your bed. Cold, distant, work brain on, but as soon as the Austrian left the room - what he gladly did to grant the 141 some peace -  Simon moved to your side. Taking your hands in his gloved ones, not averting his gaze from you. Not even for second. He didn't dare to look away, scared to miss something. A muffled groan, a twitch of your eyes or fingers. Anything that told him you were here with him. He didn't doubt that you weren't strong enough to recover, but Simon hated the waiting. He usually was patient, but not for you to wake up again. Even if the nurses told him that your conditions got better day by day, it wasn't enough for him. He needed you to open your eyes, to look at him again. To see him. To smile at him. He wanted to hear your voice again. Witnessing your laughter because of Johnny's stories. Listening of the joking arguments you and Kyle shared. Hearing you say his name again. God knows how much he wanted to hear that again. He needed it. He craved it. But he would wait, it was worth to wait for it. He knew it.
It was on the fifths day when he snapped. Johnny sat next to you at one side of the bed, while Simon on the other. Kyle next to the Scot, half asleep. Johnny told a story; he already had told you. Maybe he hoped that you'd wake up and scold him for telling the same story over and over again. Simon didn't care. His eyes lingered on you. Your usual stubbornness and strength smoothed out. Replaced with a weakness, a fragile figure he needed to protect at all costs. He stared at your face, your arms. Recognizing and memorizing every scar, dimple, freckle. Everything that made your face unique. He noticed a deep scar at your throat and some burned flesh at your right upper arm, it seemed bigger than the small spot that wasn't covered through the clothes they gave you. He took everything in and burned it in his brain. Scared that he could forget a small detail. You never talked about how you got the scars. That's something both of you wouldn't share. Stories too deep, too painful, but Simon hoped that one day, he could fight the urge to hide it. He wanted to share his story with you, he wanted you to see him as the person he was behind the mask. Behind Ghost. He made a promise to himself, that if you would let him, he wanted to tell you everything. Step by step. One thing at the right time. You already told him so much about yourself, now should be his turn.
Just in that moment the door opened, and the giant walked into the room. Simon immediately switched mentally, and Ghost let go of your hand. Staring at him through the mask. Why did he always had to interrupt your - his - peace. "Hallöchen.", [hi there], he chimed while moving to your side. Johnny stopped his story and looked at you, and then at Ghost. "Don't ya have more important things to do, colonel", he exhaled sharply while his eyes didn't move away from König's statue. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't handle how he regarded everything as a matter of course. "More important than meine Liebe, no I don't think so." [my love], he chuckled while looking down at you. His hands slowly making his way up to yours again. "Bloody ‘ell, stop touching her the whole time.", Ghost hissed. He didn't know in what relationship you two were, but he remembered that you had never mentioned him. You talked a lot about Randy and never ever about some jerk called König. Also, he did remember that one time when he tried to get his hand closer to yours, on the patio during one of your shared smokes, that you immediately pulled back and he retreated. He can't imagine that you would enjoy those hands all over you the whole time.
"Excuse me?", König stopped his movement and looked down at Ghost. "Ya heard me. Stop it." - "I told you don't step a line, big boy." König moved over where Ghost was seated and the later stood up. "Yer invadin' her space, 'nd stop callin' me that.", he snarled back. His accent grew thicker on his tongue as his anger rose. Staring in each other’s eyes while arguing about the situation. Johnny tried to calm both down, trying to talk them out, but the discussion only became more heated. Hissing, snarling at each other, mocking the opposite. Johnny was scared they could start a fist fight any second. "You don't even know her like I do." König's usual smooth tone completely gone and with that statement Ghost's patience was gone. He took a grip on the first thing reachable, his collar. "Enough!", it was Kyle who stood up now. His voice determined and rough. "Skadi needs rest, if you want to scream at each other like little kids do, do that somewhere else!", he looked furious at them and König nodded slowly, looking down at you. Ghost pulled his hands slowly back. "He's right. I'll come back later.", König left the room and let Ghost back who now had an argument with Soap.
Not so heated, no screaming at each other but still serious. Kyle shook his head while sitting down again. "We're their guests, I can't stand him either. Total arsehole. But for her sake, we need to pull ourselves together." - "I know.", Ghost knew all of that, but he couldn't bare it anymore. He couldn't work with that anymore. "Simon. If he hadn't been there...", Johnny's voice snapped him - Simon - back to the reality. It was rare that he used his first name, therefore it had quite an effect on him and the context even more. "Ya do not have to remind me." Simon's voice was calmer again, filled with guilt. His head hung low; his eyes pinned to his hands that nearly started a war. "Could you both shut up!", Kyle exhaled again, not daring to look at the two across form the bed. His eyes were pinned on you. "I can't understand what she's saying!"
With that both of them stopped immediately and turned their whole attention onto you. Your eyes were open only the slightest and your lips moved slowly, but no words escaped them. "Water, get her some water.", Johnny moved to get something to drink and a nurse while you tried the hardest to speak. Simon was too stunned, just starring at you, while Kyle took the word, "Calm down. We're all here. Don't push it too far. We're not going anywhere. " You hardly nodded in response and closed your eyes once more. Everything hurt, but seeing them around you, hearing their voices, it washed away some sorrows. You tried to move but were abruptly stopped by the jolting pain that came from your side. You wanted to take a grip on the wound that hurt, but the thing was, everything hurt. Even breathing sent jolts of pain through your body. Your mind was hazy, and you couldn’t remember a thing.  Simon stared down at you, completely overwhelmed about all the things he felt.
"Take it easy, Sergeant." A medic entered your room and shooed the men out of it.
From this moment, everything became easier. Especially for Simon. You woke up, you looked at him. You were okay. Still, you had a long way ahead, you slept almost all day. Giving your body the rest that was essential, but now that you were conscious, Simon could stay longer in your room. He sat by your side the whole time, not even daring to leave the room in case you needed something. In case you needed him, and oh lord he wished that you to need him. He placed the blue box next to you. In case you woke up and he couldn't be by your side. That you found something familiar next to you. Something that could provide you with some comfort. There were only short periods of time when you were awake, and in those you had to fight the immense pain, before your body was too exhausted and gave in, bringing you to sleep again. You still couldn’t move, speaking was hard. Simon would be by your side, telling you sweet nothings, little praises you couldn't even hear. Your head was still so hazy. But besides all the circumstances it felt like peace. Not even König could interrupt this now. To Simon's luck he was called in for an operation, that way he could spend the whole day at your side. Not Ghost.
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taglist: open just lmk
@yyiikes @saffronimagines @originaldeerhottub @illuminwtesz @killergoddess97 @kaelaiscool @spiritndrain
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imawh0r3-86 · 1 year
Patching Up Mafia!Eddie After a Deal goes south
It is our lovely Evie AKA @funsonmunson-again’s birthday week! I believe I chose prompt number 13!
warnings: mentions of gun and knife violence, referral to blood, I think like two curse words, mentions of sex, my terrible writing.
You don’t know what’s going on. All you know is that it’s too late for this shit. It’s nearly 3 am and Eddie hasn’t come home. 3 am and you’re restless, having made your 3rd cup of coffee (Honestly it was sugar. Not a caffeine rush.). 3 am and the dogs haven’t stopped following you around, sensing your worry. Cerberus, the newest addition, is whimpering and you’ve tripped over him too many times to count or care.
You’re sure you’ve worn a hole in the kitchen floor with how many times you’ve paced it. A new wave of exhaustion hits you as you cradle your warm mug and you go to sit on the couch across the room, drawing your legs close to your chest. Cerberus comes to sit on your lap and Vecna rests his long nose on your knee.
You can’t stop thinking of all that might have happened to keep Eddie away. What if he’s hurt? Caught? You try not to think about any other implication of that, but of course sitting here, in his house, pictures of he and you in the most strategic places so no visitors could see, his dogs at your feet just trying to understand what was wrong, that plan obviously failed. Your face crumpled and hot tears streamed down your makeup-from-the-morning-before covered cheeks, your cat coming out of one of her many hiding places to curl up on your shoulders. You cry until your tears run dry, mourning what you don’t even know. Then the drowse overtaking you with the warmth of the animals and the hot drink running through you.
You sleep for what felt like 5 minutes, being woken up by the dogs barking and gravel crunching in the driveway, you keep your eyes shut, still trying to comprehend where you are, you hear the door open and close, the alarm beeping loudly before the code is punched in and the door locks.
“Hey boys, sorry I messed up your sleep schedule huh?” You hear his voice, whispering into the still light kitchen. You sit up and see the blood drops trailing along as Eddie walks around, opening cabinets in the kitchen and breaking the seal on a new bottle of bourbon. He’s not noticed you yet.
Diablo is the first to decide that it’s just dad and that you’re still better and saunters back over, nails clicking on the hardwood floor. “Ed?” you called quietly. You see him jump in surprise, instinctively reaching for his piece before noticing it’s you, his broad frame drooping noticeably as he walks over to you, stripping his harness and leg holsters, all the heavy weaponry dropping to the floor, spooking the cat.
You stand, an emotionless look spread on your face, tears of joy filling your eyes just to know he’s alive, standing in front of you, regardless of how hurt he is.
You open your arms and Eddie all but melts, curling his body over yours and wincing as he bent to nuzzle his face in your neck.
“You didn’t have to wait up for me Princess.” He mumbles right into your ear, you can hear his ragged breath under the skin of his tattooed chest.
You pull away from him in surprise, he winces at that too.
“Really? You think I’m not gonna wait up for you when you said you would be home 4. Hours. Ago.” You cross your arms and glare at him.
“Baby’m sorry it’s a new gang, they’re big and it’s- it doesn’t matter baby. Can we please go to sleep now?” He sounds so tired, his voice cracking from overuse.
This causes your gaze and heart to soften and you lead him upstairs.
You crawl into bed expecting him to just throw off his clothes and crawl in with you. But he doesn’t. He looks winded from the simple walk up the stairs, running his hand through his hair before undoing the velcro of his bulletproof vest and peeling it off, face crumpling in pain as he pulls it over his head and starts to unbutton his shirt.
He walks into the bathroom, Cerberus following him and nosing at his hand. Eddie sighs and rubs the puppy’s neck, his collar jangling.
You realize then just now exhausted Eddie must be, it’s how rigid his stance is, that makes you get up and stand next to him as he looks himself in the large mirror, peeling his shirt off to reveal a dark bruise on the side of his abdomen, a bullet shaped crater straight in the middle. He raised his arm and jabbed at it with a finger and hissed loudly.
“Fuckin HELL.” Ed bounced on his heels at the jutting pain.
“Baby that’s what you DON’T do are you tryin’ to hurt yourself more than you already are? What did you do, get shot??” You stepped closer to him and turned his body your way. You see several of the same bruises across his chest and a makeshift bandage made of blue surgical towel on his shoulder.
“Can you not tell by the bullet shaped divots?” He said unenthusiastically, staring down at you with unshed tears of exhaustion and pain in his calf-brown eyes.
|“Oh don’t be such a baby, you’ve had worse.” You feel comfortable enough to joke now that you know you’re boyfriend is not dead in an alleyway with coke in his pocket.
“Kitten, you couldn’t even take the judo flip I gave you yesterday.” Eddie gives you a pointed look while you bend over to get the first aid kit out of the cabinet. He makes no secret of ogling your ass in your PJ shorts, not even taking his eyes off of your hips and the way the tight fabric cups you in just the right place, in your looney tunes shorts mind you, when you turn around.
“Really? You must not be that hurt if you can still stare.” You put your hand on your hip with the kit in the other, eyes narrowed.
"C'mon baby, it's here that's hurt not my eyes!" He gestured down with his bruised hand. You roll your eyes and sit on the counter, beckoning him over to you.
"Kitten, you're really asking for it right now-" He starts with a chuckle, but is cut off by the light pop to his mouth, made by your hand.
"You're the patient. I'm the master." You use the latter word very suggestively and he definitely notices, what with the sudden huff he makes as he comes to stand in between your legs.
You push him back so you can see to pull the makeshift bandage off, revealing a rather gnarly-looking stab wound that had mostly patched itself over already. You look at him with sad eyes, because you can't imagine how much all of these bruises and knicks on his pretty porcelain body must ache and what he went through to get them all.
"What happened?" You say quietly while rubbing an alcohol wipe on the wound before putting a real bandage on it.
"Don't worry about it baby, alright?" He hisses when you poke at one of the bruises. "And leave those alone I'm begging you." Eddie cups your face and shakes it while he says this, his pretty face pleading.
You press a kiss to his nose and drop your hands.
"I can't do anything about those, so I guess you have to let them do their thing." You run your hand down his head to the hair tie holding in his tangled mane, pulling it loose and rubbing his roots.
He nods and steps back so you can get down and follow him to bed.
As you snuggle under the covers, you can't help but be grateful. Grateful for Eddie, for these killing-machine dogs that you love so much laying at the foot of your bed, for the ball of a white cat staring at you in the dark from the highest shelf in the room, for everything.
You and Eddie don't fall into your regular snuggling situation, since spooning would hurt, so you settle for throwing your leg over his and facing him, running your hands over his cheekbone as his breath evens into relaxation but not quite sleep.
"Ed?" You whisper, nearly straight into his ear.
He grumbles in response, his heavy eyelids barely fluttering.
"Please don't do that again.." You give a few butterfly kisses to the junction between his jaw and neck.
"I promise, honey." Eddie scoots a little closer to you, further wrapping his thick arms around what he can reach with the position.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Kitten."
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anonymocha · 2 months
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Bonne Nuit • Voyager x Medicine Pocket
“Bon voyage, they told her before she left… When I met her, I wished her sweet dreams with this piece.”
Synopsis — Voyager comforts the weary and insomniac Medicine Pocket with a secret lullaby she composed for her first earth friends.
Words — 2.3K including the bonus scene.
CWs — References to animal space programs.
A/N — Pure fluff!!! + In this fic, it is suggested that they already have an established relationship. It could be interpreted as romantic or not. Up to the reader, really. Also it contains my headcanon that Medpoc is a dog caretaker.
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Last night wasn't a good night for the young researcher.
Enduring a tedious three-hour youth meeting at Laplace was bad enough, but it was followed by a private lecture filled with the same complaints they heard for years, endlessly repeated for a whole hour. Frustrated thoughts swirled in their mind — Decrepit old rats who fail to understand their work should just shut the fuck up, they think. The only thing preventing them from barking back was sheer exhaustion. The fatigue had caught up with them, otherwise they may have bitten someone, really.
The complaints themselves weren't the issue; The real problem lies in how they just wasted their damn time. They could have returned to the suitcase and done their own thing much earlier if only they hadn't been forced to endure the droning of old-timers. By the time they attempted to rest, they were too weary to sleep, resigning themselves to working on obligatory papers through the night... Yet achieving almost nothing by morning. The sense of frustration lingered - more precious time wasted.
…Perhaps it's a call to sleep. Or at least, they should try.
Medicine Pocket stifled a yawn as they wandered through the corridors of the suitcase. The early hour ensured that the halls were deserted, providing a rare moment of solitude. Despite the lack of activity, they still sought out a secluded corner where they could be undisturbed for a while.
As they made mindless beelines around the suitcase's main building, they couldn't help but catch a faint sound. To be precise, music. A very familiar tune played with a very familiar instrument. The violin. Accompanied by the sound of… pups? Wait, they recognize those barks! Those are their pups!!!
Medicine Pocket followed the sounds. Their exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as curiosity piqued their interest. As they rounded a corner, they were met with… Quite the sight.
Dappled sunlight poured through the windows, casting a soft glow upon the scene unfolding before the young researcher's eyes. There on the floor, in an isolated corner of the suitcase, sat Voyager, her slender frame illuminated by the morning light as she delicately wielded her violin. Beside her, their puppies frolicked and danced to the sweet strains of her music, their tails wagging with unabashed joy.
Her eyes were closed, a serene smile gracing her lips as she lost herself in the piece. Her glimmering hair would catch the sunlight in a subtle gleam of colors and bloom, akin to a celestial halo. The alien visitor was playing Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”, a quite popular classical piece but fitting for this moment. With the beagles frolicking playfully around her. They would catch her giggling when one of the puppies tried to climb onto her lap. Cute…
As they stood there, silently observing, one of the pups perked up when it caught eye of them. It immediately rushed to their feet, its tail wagging furiously as it bounded toward Medicine Pocket with unrestrained excitement. The others followed suit, their playful barks filling the air as they said hi to their beloved caretaker.
Caught off guard by the sudden attention, Medicine Pocket crouched down to greet their furry companions, a tired smile tugging at the corners of their lips. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily upon them, the attention of their beloved pups filled them with a sense of warmth and comfort.
Voyager stopped playing, a gasp escaping her lips as she opened her eyes, her gentle gaze locking onto the newcomer with a mixture of surprise and delight. The music faded into silence as she watched them interact with their puppies, a smile of awe tugging at her lips. Voyager’s violin and bow vanished into thin air before she greeted Medicine Pocket with her usual cheerful wave, accompanied by a giggle. A truly pleasant sound.
They’re showered by the puppies’ licks and pawing but they manage to return her greeting with a weary but genuine grin.
Noticing their tiredness, she gestured at her own lap, patting them. They know what it meant, they’ve been here before. She’s offering them comfort as she did many times before. Despite her silence, Voyager is incredibly caring and observant. Not to mention a great listener, and an even better secret keeper. She’s the only one they could trust to stay by their side through the most risky and taboo self-experiments. The only one allowed to see that side of theirs. And the only one to hold their hand through it all. Especially since she revealed glimpses of her nature several times too. They know what lies under the mask of this ‘girl’. And they adore her for that.
That said, they are close enough to her to lay their head on her lap.
With one pup held closely to their chest, another also on Voyager’s lap right next to their head, and the others scattered around them, they sighed contentedly. She smiled at them as she gazed down, a smile they’d seen many times, a smile that never fails to ease them. The soothing floral fragrance of her uniform and hair, added by the scent of the sun and freshly washed dogs, was a great change in comparison to Laplace’s clinical, chemical, and antiseptic-riddled atmosphere.
Delicate fingers traced their scalp as Voyager carefully untucked the scissors from their hair, causing their locks to fall loose. She set it aside before returning to pat them. Her other hand lingers on the pup snuggling on their torso, also patting the little guy. Their gloved hand would join her, caressing the pup’s back. It barked with soft glee at the attention.
“Mmh… You took care of the puppies while I was away, didn’t you?… I didn’t ask you to. But thank you. Daisy smells great for once,” they finally spoke out, their voice thick with gratitude and fatigue.
She nodded, giggling again. Her other hand, the one that had been patting them, suddenly moved towards their face, gently caressing their cheek. A gesture that is a bit surprising. Medicine Pocket blinked at the sudden change of pace. Her hand was so smooth and warm. It was a good kind of surprise.
Their eyes closed, leaning to the touch. They sighed once again, their lips tugging into a soft smile. “I hate everyone at Laplace. I missed my friends. I missed you, too. I kind of wished we could go on an outing this morning but I… Urgh… I’m so fucking tired. I can’t sleep either… It’s just… Damn it.”
Voyager listened attentively as always. She gave their cheek another pat before moving to the top of their head, gently stroking their messy locks. A gentle signal to ‘go on’. One they understood since they confided in her countless times before.
They chuckled and obliged. “I had to endure those damn old people yapping about the same shit again. It was a waste of time. I could have been doing other things. I could have finished my projects, you know? It was so damn annoying. I wanted to leave but… They kept me there because they told me it’s good for me. They’re probably jealous of me, right? I can bet that it is. Hah! They wished they have my guts to do the things I do. They would still say things like age doesn’t matter, but continue to think they know better than me. It pisses me off… They also made me do some papers. What’s the point of research papers really? The results are right there! I…” they continued to ramble on.
The alien visitor simply sat there and listened. Her hands still moved in soothing, repetitive motions. The puppies have also joined in the soothing, providing comfort in their own ways, like snuggling and nuzzling. They can feel their own breathing calming, the tension in their body loosening. They didn't realize it earlier. Their rambling was a way for them to let go of their pent-up frustrations, allowing their mind to settle down and their body to relax.
A long pause fell over them. A sigh escaped their lips. They then looked up at her and said, “...I'm sorry. I was rambling. I think… I really need to sleep.”
“Ah!” Voyager’s eyes widened as if a lightbulb flashed in her head.
“Hm?” Medicine Pocket looked at her curiously.
She smiled at them, materializing her violin and bow in her hands. Before they could say anything, she spoke. Her voice was barely above a whisper. Yet it was loud and clear enough for them to hear.
“I think… I want to share a new secret with you,” she began.
Her words surprised them. She never initiated any topic of conversation before. It's always them who start talking about themselves and the things they did. It's a bit jarring, but not unwelcome.
Their eyes remained fixed on her.
She moved the bow in one slow stroke, eliciting a gentle long note from her violin.
She continued, "I made it… For one of my first earth friends while I was in orbit. And I… I think she slept very well… So I kept playing it for the next 49 friends who came after her before I touched ground with earth…” Her voice was soft, and her eyes were cast somewhere far far away as if she was reminiscing a fond memory.
She motioned the bow in the opposite direction, playing a lighter note. “I haven’t played it for a long… Long time. But I want you to hear it… Perhaps… It can help you sleep, too.”
They have a hunch on who these 50 friends are; The pups sent to space in the 50s and 60s by the humans. They expected Voyager to know about them, but to actually make contact with them? And play a song for them? They were surprised and a little touched. It is a beautiful thought. And somewhat… Comforting. Is that why she adores puppies very much?
“Do I deserve to hear it?” they asked her. She merely responded with a soft chuckle, continuing to play.
Her playing is delicate and slow. They could see her eyes close, the smile on her lips growing. A peaceful look on her face. The melody is gentle and relaxing, reminding them of moonlight and stars. The puppies seemed to have noticed, as their tails began wagging more slowly, their soft barks quieting.
Medicine Pocket let out a long, contented sigh, their eyes fluttering shut as they settled against her lap. They didn’t mind the puppies snuggling and settling around their body.
They listened quietly.
The lullaby sounded like a gentle goodbye. Goodbye to the tiredness. Goodbye to the weariness. Goodbye to the frustration. Goodbye to the pain. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye. It was a gentle lullaby of farewell, and a gentle hello of tomorrow. A lullaby that said: "It's okay now. A sweet dream is waiting for you. Rest, dear friend." Behind the sense of departure, there’s also a hint of yearning for home. Or perhaps, a welcome.
The soothing melody wrapped around them like a blanket. It was as if they were drifting away in the middle of a starry sky. Slowly, ever so slowly, they could finally sleep.
Their breathing steadied, and the last thing they heard before drifting to slumber was a faint, reassuring whisper.
“…Bonne nuit.”
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Bonus Scene
“Erm… Ugh…”
Medicine Pocket wobbled their way out of the room they slept in. It was already afternoon, so the morning sun they departed with had turned into the warm saturated hues of a sunset by the time they woke up. Voyager and the pups were nowhere to be seen when they awoke, and she must have moved them to the couch with a blanket draped over them (woah she’s pretty strong… But alas, they’re a lanky person).
They reached the lobby. It was quite lively. There’s the girl scout and the girl with a red hood helping that one bunny girl in the kitchen, the TV girl presenting some sort of slideshow about cooking grilled cheese with Lilya’s plane to the pilot herself who looked intrigued, the infamously spooky twins playing cards with the photographer spirit and Necrologist (she’s losing), and so on… Some greeted them, some didn’t.
With the blanket held close to their chest, they kept looking out for the alien with blue hair. They couldn’t find her inside, so they went to the wilderness.
Unsurprisingly, they almost immediately found sitting at the picnic spot, taking a rest from walking their dogs. When she noticed them, she immediately smiled warmly and waved at them. The dogs responded in kind to their presence too, trying to run to them while barking happily, but held fast by the leashes held firm by Voyager’s hand.
Their face lit up, and they briskly made their way to her. “Hey!!! Hi!!! I slept well!!!” they declared with newfound energy. The puppies started to climb up their leg the moment they were in range.
She giggled. She seemed to have noticed the change in their energy level. They could see her shoulders move as she silently laughed.
They sat next to her and let the puppies pile onto them.
After they petted the puppies, they snuggled up to her. She leaned onto their shoulder. A gesture they reciprocated, resting their cheek on her head. They felt her body warmth, along with the faint smell of the sun and her flowery perfume as the usual. They smiled, sighing in relief.
She picked up a box near her lap, and opened it to reveal their favorite — Plain white bread with a little butter on it as a treat. She offered one to them, which they bit and ripped with their shark-like teeth like, well, a dog of course. It was soft, buttery, and still warm. Their favorite. What bliss. She fed some to the pups, too. The puppies certainly wolfed it down, making an endearing mess all over the mat, blanket, and their laps. The two could only laugh it off.
After that, they will be the one to walk the dogs. And then perhaps go back to whatever work they have going on. But now, that doesn’t matter. They’re in good company. This mysterious, lovely, alien darling, and the many many lively pups.
It was a good morning… Afternoon, I mean. Godspeed to their sleeping schedule.
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missvelvetsstuff · 3 months
Just a Number
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky at a party and the attraction is more than either one of them wants to resist.
Notes: Since most stories are younger readers I felt like having a more mature reader could be a nice change of pace. Especially since I'm creeping up on senior discounts and want to believe Bucky could fall in love with someone like me.
I try to keep my readers description vague but, as always, she's female, tall and this one is obviously 40+
Chapter 11
After Val left, Y/N went in to speak to Pepper about her unexpected visitor. Pepper shared her concerns about this strange woman showing up out of nowhere and they spent the rest of the afternoon researching and compiling information on Val. Her jet set upbringing, parents murder, her relationship with Nick Fury and alliances with a number of bad guys painted a murky picture of someone who was obviously high up in the intelligence communities pecking order. Pepper gave her some tips and tech for dealing with that crowd.
When Y/N and Dawn made it home the first thing that Y/N did after greeting Olivia and the dogs was take an electronic device and check the rooms until it started beeping around the dinner table. She looked all over it and found a small electronic device stuck to the underside, which she crushed under her heel then dropped into the dogs water bowl. She set the bowl on the kitchen counter and did the same thing a few times when she found other devices.
When she was sure they had all been found and destroyed Y/N sat down on the couch and slumped into the cushions. Dawn made them all drinks, then she and Olivia sat and waited for Y/N to explain what was happening.
Y/N took a long drink before sitting back up and looking at her sisters.
"I had a surprise visitor at work today, I think you've met her" she looked at Olivia who didn't know what to say so Y/N went on "Contessa Valentina Allegra deFontaine or "call me Val" stopped by the office to let me know how she thinks I'm really good for James and should encourage him to accept her offer so she can keep my family safe."
Dawn let out a string of expletives before asking "Who the Hell does she think she is? Coming in and threatening our family. I have half a mind to-"
Y/N tried to calm her "Sissy, calm down. There's a reason I searched for bugs before talking about her. Pepper and I have spent the afternoon looking into this woman and she is high up in the intelligence community with some interesting history. Not the type we can just bury in the woods."
Dawn was seething "I'm just tired of being fucked with by outsiders. What is this project she wants him involved with."
Y/N shrugged "She never told me but seemed awfully sure I could influence him into accepting her offer. Based on what Pepper and I found on her, I don't think it's something James will want to be involved in.
If I ever even see him again, which is doubtful, I would never push him towards anything he wasn't comfortable with. On the off chance that we do see him again we won't be mentioning any threats against us, regardless of who she is. I won't have him doing something because he thinks he has to protect me."
She looked at them both with a question in her eyes and Dawn nodded, always having her sisters back.
Olivia looked sacred and couldn't offer the same promise "But, Y/N what if she-"
Y/N held her hand up "No matter what, Olivia. We must stand united, as a family. Always."
Olivia looked at her and nodded meekly.
Y/N smiled softly "I know it's scary but we can't let her bully us."
A few days later, on Saturday night, Y/N was woken up by someone pounding on the front door, her puppy bolting out of the bed and barking his way to the door.
"Loki! LOKI! Sit!" He promptly sat but she could still hear him growling softly and patted his head.
She looked thru the peephole and gasped, not believing her eyes, standing shocked for a minute before she opened the door. "James?"
Bucky felt his knees weaken when he saw her, mussed hair, sleepy eyes full of confusion....he had never seen anything so beautiful. Suddenly all the words he had wanted to say to her were caught in his throat and he was at a loss, unable to do anything but stare at her longingly.
He felt something touching his hand and his heart sped up, thinking it was her reaching for him but the cold, wet nose pushing against his hand shocked him out of his daze and he looked down to see the dog licking his hand.
He looked back up at Y/N and she giggled "Loki. That's enough."
She gave Bucky a small smile and opened the door "You've been cleared by security if you want to come in."
As he entered, Dawn wielding a baseball bat, and her dog were stumbling down the stairs.
Dawn stopped at the bottom of the stairs to assess the situation but her dog went to check out the new person.
"Thor! Get back here, don't go kissing on the intruder." She snapped in annoyance.
Bucky looked at the dogs at his feet and couldn't help but laugh "Loki and Thor? Holy shit!"
Dawn shook her head and looked at Y/N with an eyebrow raised, questioning. Y/N nodded and Dawn headed back up the stairs "Thor! Bed!"
Her dog whining, looked at his brother and reluctantly followed her up the stairs.
Once Bucky stopped laughing and closed the door he felt her staring at him and he lost his words again.
He reached for her and sighed sadly when she pulled back "Y/N, doll, I'm so sorry for showing up in the middle of the night but we just landed at JFK and I couldn't wait any longer to see you, it's been so long and everything is such a mess and I-  I can go if you want."
She shook her head and looked at him tiredly "Well I'm awake now. Come in and have a seat. You want some coffee or something?"
Bucky shook his head "No, thanks. I'm alright." He stared at his hands before taking a deep breath and stammered
"I, fuck I uh I don't know where to start I feel like I haven't seen you in ages and so much has happened."
He looked up at her hopefully. "I want you to know I never wanted her. I mean, those pictures. I didn't want her. She kept flirting with me and I told her no a hundred times but I didn't, I mean I guess I did something but she drugged me and I never wanted her. I don't even remember anything. You could even ask Sam and Captain America can't lie, you know." He gave her a small smile that she returned, making him feel warm inside.
Y/N listened as he rambled nervously, her heart fluttering at how hard he tried to convince her but her brain was more skeptical. "She drugged you? How does that work on a super soldier? You told me you can't even get drunk except on Asgardian liquor so how?"
He shrugged "I don't know specifics but she must have given me a strong enough dose, way more than a regular person would need to knock them out. We were drinking shots playing some crazy card game and then I woke up naked, next to her. I don't want to sound paranoid or like I'm making excuses but I think John was in on it with her because they were fucking around the rest of the trip-"
A gasp caught both of their attention and they turned to see Olivia, eyes wide, filling with tears and with a hand over her mouth. "Who wh who was John messing around with?" She was barely able to spit it out.
Bucky looked to Y/N helplessly, deducing that the strange woman must be John's wife Olivia.
Y/N gave him an apologetic look and hurried to Olivia's side as the sobs started coming.
Dawn appeared like out of nowhere and put an arm around Olivia's shoulder then nodded her head towards Bucky, wordlessly telling Y/N she had Olivia before leading her back to her room with Thor.
Bucky shook his head when Y/N returned to him "Shit, I'm so sorry. That's his wife Olivia isn't it? I I didn't-"
She shook her head "Of course you didn't, you couldn't have. She received a letter that Johnny was MIA over a month ago and has been staying here ever since. They haven't had any kids yet and he won't let her get a job or any pets so would have been home alone all this time. She's been helping train the puppies and has dinner ready most nites when we get home."
Bucky carefully reached for her hands, scared she would pull away again, and sighed in relief when she didn't.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, doll. I've really missed you."
He slowly pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N let him pull her into him and felt her eyes filling with tears as she hid her face in his chest, fighting to hold them back, fighting to hold back all of the emotions she had been dealing with since the last time they were together but the sobs beat her and he squeezed her tighter and rubbed her back, burying his face in her hair.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I never meant to be gone so long and I'm sorry that you got those pictures and I'm just sorry."
Y/N nodded and sniffled, trying to wipe the tears on his shoulder "I know, it's ok. I mean not ok but it wasn't your fault."
Bucky looked in her eyes and even tired, red and full of tears they were the prettiest eyes on the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
"I can't promise there won't be any more long absences but I can promise no one will ever catch my eye or my heart like you have."
Y/N giggled "Yeah, I met another one of your other girls while you were gone."
Bucky was confused "Other girls? I don't have anyone but you. Who did you meet, exactly?"
Y/N nodded "Yeah, I guess that's not fair. She didn't really seem like your type and had a very long name but insisted I call her Val."
Bucky stiffened "Val was here? What did she want?"
"Not here she stopped by Stark Tower to meet me. She made sure that I knew that she knew every single detail about me and my family before telling me that I should encourage you to accept her offer but wouldn't tell me what it was. So I didn't make any promises. Pepper and I looked her up, she's pretty high up on the intelligence community tree which makes me wonder how much she can be trusted to follow through on anything she promises."
Y/N paused to let him tell her about his interactions with Val but he was quiet too long for her liking so she pushed. "You've obviously met her so tell me, what's her deal? What does she want from you?"
Bucky looked at her for a moment, considering how much he should tell her since he didn't want to endanger her or her family but realized that Val visiting indicated Y/N was already in danger, no matter what he did.
He sighed and ran his hand through his hair
"She works for, or maybe with, General Ross and they are making plans for if he becomes president. I say if but she seemed pretty confident he will win."
Y/N nodded to encourage him to continue "They are putting together a team, like the Avengers but all with, I think she said troubled, pasts. Me, John and she mentioned people from the red room where Natasha, I mean Black Widow was trained. Val strongly encouraged me to work things out with you, said you would help keep me grounded. I just don't know if I want to get into a team under a man who pushed the Sokovia Accords and has threatened to send me to the raft more times than I can count. I mean, can I really trust either of them? And do I want to weigh you down with a partner who has to be away risking his life?"
Bucky paused to catch his breath "To make matters worse she didn't really give me a choice. I can join their team or they'll get my pardon revoked and I spend the rest of my life in the raft."
Y/N looked at him confused and she was so adorable he wanted to kiss her but restrained himself and explained
"The Raft is a top secret ultra high security prison created for enhanced individuals that's located somewhere in the North Atlantic. It is underwater unless someone is coming or going but prisoners don't leave."
He saw her brow furrow and her face grew red, she started shaking
"What?! That's no fucking choice, they can't do that to you. We need to tell someone. Can't let that little bitch make you join their team. Why, I have a good mind to-"
Bucky rubbed her back "Calm down doll. Unfortunately they can. If it happens, then he is president and a traitorous assassin vs a highly decorated general slash president, isn't a fight I can win."
Y/N whined "But Jamie, you can't-"
He shushed her "Hey, sweetheart. It'll be ok. I'll be ok. You're the one I'm worried about."
"Why? What's she going to do to me? I'm no good in a fight so she doesn't need me for her team." Her nerves twitched, hoping Bucky wouldn't realize she hadn't told him everything.
He heard her heart speed up and saw the small drops of perspiration on her forehead "Y/N honey, did Val say anything else when you spoke to her? Are you sure there wasn't anything else? She didn't threaten you did she?"
She jumped a little "Threaten me? What do you mean? Like she would kill me or something? I don't know what you mean."
He saw her pupils dilate and how she wouldn't look him in the eyes. "Baby" he said softly while stroking her back "I need you to tell me everything. If we're going to try to make this work we need to be honest with each other."
His hand moved some hair out of her eyes and held her chin gently until she looked back at him and quickly away
"It's nothing" she mumbled something else he couldn't understand.
Bucky sighed "Ok well I guess that's my answer. Take care of yourself doll. I'll get out of your hair." And started to pull away.
Y/N couldn't bear the thought of him leaving again "Wait. Jamie."
He kissed her on the forehead "Look doll, it's alright you can tell me anything."
She looked away and mumbled again.
"Y/N" he gently scolded
"Fine. She said if we were together and you took her offer that she would make sure my family stayed safe, like we'd get hurt if you didn't. I didn't want to put more shit on your shoulders that's all."
Buckys eyes flashed anger "I'll have to talk to her about that. Threatening the people I care about is a deal breaker."
He caressed her cheek with his flesh hand "I don't know if I want to put any trust in Val or Ross but I do believe they would lock me up and never think twice about it and if I'm locked up then I'm not with you and I really want to be with you."
Y/N looked at him, searching for any trace of uncertainty in his stormy blue eyes but there was none. "Good. I want to be with you too."
Bucky grinned at her "You're sure? Cuz once you're mine, you'll never get rid of me. I'll follow you to the ends of the galaxy."
"Isn't that supposed to be ends of the earth?" She questioned with a giggle.
Bucky shook his head "Not with some of the friends I have."
He looked at her for a moment before pulling her close and kissing her. The kisses started soft and gentle until she let him in and Bucky groaned at her taste, she felt the rumble in his chest to the tips of her toes and whined at the rush of wetness in her panties.
Bucky kissed down her neck mumbling against her skin "so sweet, never get enough of you doll"
He stopped suddenly and sniffed when she whined and growled "dammit baby, you smell so fucking good" before kissing her hard holding her with his hand on the back of her neck. He moaned as she ran her fingers through his hair, pulling gently.
When he had to pull away to catch his breath he looked at her guilty and pulled away "Fuck, I'm sorry. That's not taking it slow, I just missed you so much and I-"
Y/N looked at him with lust darkened eyes "Shut up and carry me to my room, Sarge."
Buckys breath caught "Anything you want doll, is yours."
Chapter 12
@supraveng @cjand10 @440mxs-wife @kandis-mom @dtba-grey81 @calwitch @ozwriterchick
31 notes · View notes
When I’m Sober
Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Summary - A welcome sight greets you after a drunken night and God did you hope you remember when you’re sober.
Notes - My first fic! Let me know what you all think and if you’d like a part 2!
4.9k Words
On days of drinking and partying, I didn’t carry my keys or phone. And as I stumbled in the alley behind my apartment, I thought of how a great friend of mine gets in and settled to use the window. 
“Why aren’t we using the door?” Doctor Reynolds asks, stumbling behind me as I climb up the emergency stairs and ladder to get to my window. 
I faintly remember telling him a few times that I was okay leaving the club and going home, but he insisted on taking me home. And as I drunkenly hailed a taxi down, he kept an arm latched around my waist. He was also being very handsy and more comfortable with me the more I drank. And maybe if it was a different time, I would appreciate his dreaminess and attention.
But I had my eye on someone else. 
“Shh! You’re gonna wake up my neighbors!” I exclaim, squinting my eyes in seeing a faint glow of light coming from my window. 
My thoughts racing, I was climbing up the stairs faster now. I could hear Doctor Reynolds asking again why we were going through the window, but I wasn’t going to tell him. It was my secret. 
Mine and Spiderman’s secret. And Spiderdog’s secret since he was my roommate. 
As I get to my window, I see my one and only favorite pet waiting for me at the window. He wore his crochet spider mask and with the glow from inside, he reminded me of an angel. In the back of my head, I remember the window only being opened a smidge. A fourth of the window was opened, and Spiderdog took it as his chance to stick his head out as I approached. 
“Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? You are! Spider-dog’s the best boy!” I cooed as I crouched down and blew kisses at my best boy. He happily barks and wags his tail at me. 
When he catches sight of Doctor Reynolds who crouched next to me, his barks of joy become snarls as he tries to bite at his hand. I hold onto his neck as Doctor Reynolds stumbles back, falling against the railing. 
“I forgot your dog doesn’t like me,” He says, trying to nervously laugh it off. 
“He’s just protective,” I hummed, opening the window a bit more so I could crawl through. Looking at the kitchen, I see a faint shadow moving around and my mood instantly lightens even more. 
“So sorry, but you’re gonna have to sleep somewhere else, Doctor Reynolds. Come on, Spiderdog,” I gleefully say, as my dog stops his barking to tuck himself under my arm which was already pulling the window down. 
Doctor Renolds steps forward to try and slide the window back open, but I had already latched it shut. His hand starts to bang on the glass and Spiderdog resumes his hateful barking and snarling against the glass. 
“Y/n! You can’t leave me out here! You said we were going to hoo-”
“I never invited you to stay! Bye, Doctor Reynolds!” I chirp, pulling the blinds down and waving goodbye to him. 
The banging ceases, and I could hear him say a select few curse words. Moments later, the rattling of the stairs is heard. 
I pull up at my dress and run my fingers through my hair, happy about seeing my visitor. Spiderdog leaves my side and goes to the kitchen just as the light turns on. 
I hear quiet footsteps before I see him. 
I could say that my heart was racing due to the thrill of seeing my roommate who was just as happy to see me as I him, but the thought of my favorite superhero in the whole wide world always made my heart flutter. It had been about a week since he last came here with a wound that needed stitching, and I had missed him. 
“Busy night?” He asks as I try to smoothly stand up and walk to the kitchen where he was. Spiderdog was at his side, his tail hitting the floor frantically as he stared up at his idol.  
Behind him, I see a box of pizza and breadsticks which wasn’t there when I left earlier. A sliver of me felt bad for going out to drink and party while he was probably waiting here for hours, but the majority of me really loved the tequila I was drinking earlier tonight. 
“Is that pizza? I love pizza! Did you know it was Michelle’s birthday yesterday? She wanted to go to the club and get drinks tonight. I couldn’t leave her hanging,” I chatter, my eyes momentarily flicking back to his tall figure. He was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and for a second my mind wandered to the thought of his muscular arms holding me close at night. 
Too busy ogling at the box of pizza, I didn’t notice the blanket that Spiderdog normally drags around with him was on the floor right in front of me. My heels get caught in it, and I lose my footing. A small scream leaves my mouth at the feeling of falling. But then it stops. 
I open my eyes to see the red spider emblem directly in my line of sight. Spidey had caught me and had me wrapped in his arms. Oh what a feeling. 
I free out one hand and try to pinch his cheek as I laugh. “My knight in shining spidey armor,”
“Jesus, y/n. How much did you have to drink? He asks, swatting my hand away. I scrunch my nose as I slip out of his warm hold and go to the pizza box, feeling a slight sway in my steps.
“Just like…half a bottle of tequila. Did you miss me?” I ask, a weak attempt to change the topic. I sit up on the counter and watch as he walks into the light of the kitchen. He wore his mask, but I could imagine his eyes watching my every move. 
Spidey wasn’t very vocal. He was always watching, and on rare occasions, would chip in his two cents. I had learned to pick up signals based off how he moved. When he was stiff and almost robotic with his movements, something usually bothered him. He rarely talked about it, and I never pushed him on it. When he was completely out of it, he’d mention a Peter or a Gwen or the universe, but I usually didn’t pry. Sometimes when he was here and slept on the couch after my demands of him staying the night due to his injuries, I could see the tension leave his body. He visibly relaxed and wasn’t as guarded. His voice was lighter, and he was even funny with his own jokes. I’d sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to see him fast asleep, Spiderdog tucked into his side. 
“I came to check up on you. Last time…I saw you, you were drunk out of your mind crying in the shower with your clothes on.”
The memory of my parents coming into my place and calling me a disgrace to the family name while forbidding me from ever contacting them or any of my siblings temporarily sobered up my mind. I stuff my face with a slice of pizza before I started to uncontrollably sob in front of Spidey. 
“I’m okay. Just had a little too much to drink that night. Are you going to get a slice?” I open the box and grab a slice to hold over Spiderdog who was waiting on me to include him in this late night dinner party. I leave the box open and scoot the box and myself closer to the edge of the counter, so he could sit next to me. 
Likely figuring that he wouldn’t get anymore info out of me, he lets the conversation die and grabs a slice of pizza before sitting next to me. His thigh presses against mine, and I let out a hum of content as his mask from his chin up to the tip of his nose disappears. 
I never saw much of his face other than part of his nose and the bottom half of his face. But I always daydreamed of what he looked like under the mask. I imagined dark brown eyes that were always reserved, guarding the weight of the universe behind them. Every once in a while, I pictured them as brightening up when he was happy. But that wasn’t very often.
“Did you find more info on that guy with the purple mask? The one that left that gnarly scar on your shoulder?” I asked, leaning my head against his shoulder. 
“No. It’s like the city swallowed him whole. All leads have been a dead end,” he grumbles, taking a large bite of his slice. 
“Loser,” I whisper, momentarily forgetting that I was talking to Nueva York’s greatest hero and not someone who lost on a lottery ticket. 
“What was that?” he snaps, pushing me off his shoulder. I about fall over the pizza box as my crust goes flying for Spiderdog to chase after it, but he was kind enough to wrap an arm around my left shoulder, pulling me back into his side.
“You know what would make this pity party better?” I suddenly chirp, looking up and lightly slapping his cheek. He swats away at my hand. 
“Don’t say tequila.”
“Tequila!” I squeak, jumping off the counter and going to the pantry to fish out my favorite bottle. 
“No, no, you’ve already had your fill. Don’t drink any of that.”
I had barely unscrewed the bottle and had a drop touch my tongue when the bottle disappeared from my hand. Literally. I turned to look over at Spidey who had webbed the bottle to him where he now stood by the kitchen sink, draining my bottle. 
“You’re being a buzzkill! Next time you’re at my window I’m not gonna help you!” 
“Trust me, pretty girl, I’ll live without you patching me up. I’m a fast healer,” He cooly says, raising a hand to keep me from reaching my precious bottle until not a single drop was left. He threw the bottle into the trash and grabbed a glass of water, shoving it into my hands before I could protest.
“Don’t call me pretty girl when you’re wasting my alcohol. It makes it less hard for me to want to hit you,” I snapped before drinking the water, not realizing how thirsty I was. 
“I only say it cause you’re drunk, and you won’t remember me calling you that in the morning,” He murmurs as he puts a hand against my cheek, his thumb stroking my face.
Oh how I wished I was drunk and a complete amnesic the day after when it came to drinking tequila. 
“I’ll remember it,” I hiccuped, really hoping that tonight would be different and I’d remember in the morning. 
And then that got me thinking. He had visited me the day my parents came and said I was a complete drunk crying in the shower. I didn’t remember that. I don’t even remember seeing him that day. I had seen him the day before because I demanded that he come back to look at a nasty cut he had on his back. 
Had I told him something embarrassing? Did I tell him of the crush I had? Had he called me pretty girl before?
Were the feelings mutual?
“Alright, time for bed. You’ve got that hazy look in your eye when you’re on the verge of collapsing,” He says, breaking me out of my overthinking spell. He grabs my shoulder to turn me around and starts to walk me to my bedroom. 
“You said you were here when I was drunk in the shower? I ask, falling onto the couch instead. The couch was the perfect place to crash right now. 
“I was. You refused to get out,” He replies, sitting on my coffee table and grabbing at my leg. 
I completely forget how to breathe as the gloves on his hands disappear and his bare fingers touch my calf. They gently slide down before settling on my ankle. He carefully slips my heel off and tosses it by the food. He does the same with my other heel, but instead of letting go, his fingers run back up my leg and settle behind my knee. 
Oh dear God, please let me remember this in the morning. 
“Did I…say anything? You know, possibly something self-incriminating like-”
“Like what, y/n?” His other hand grabs my other leg, fingers splaying behind my knee and I feel my eyes widen as he pulls me forward. 
I was pulled to the edge of the couch, but with feeling as if I was going to fall off, I grabbed at his thighs to catch myself. He leans forward, and his lips are mere inches away from my own. It was as if I was drinking again, and my mind fogged up again. I glanced down at his lips, and it was at the time that I wished he would take his mask off completely so I could see his eyes. 
“Just…like…like…you’re making it very hard for me to think straight,” I whisper, my hand squeezing at his massive thigh, my gaze flickering to where his eyes would be. I feel myself inching closer, wanting to feel his lips over mine. I could have been imagining it, but I thought I could see his face inching closer as well.
“I don’t think you mentioned that last time. You did confess to not sharing a ham sandwich with Spiderdog when you promised him you would,” he chuckles, his hands slipping away from me as he sits further back on the table. 
Before I could outright ask him if I told him I liked him, I excused myself to the bathroom, mumbling about needing to wash my face before bed. As I closed the bathroom door, I shouted that he was free to go home now that he saw I was alive and okay. Spiderdog was in the shower already asleep with his faint snores. It was his favorite place to sleep in as he was wrapped in his blanket. I had half a mind to wake him up, so I could talk to him about my silly crush and the tension I swear I was feeling between the masked vigilante and I. 
And as I removed my makeup, I began to question if I was imagining it or not.  
Was Spidey normally this touchy? Of course he wasn’t. The man typically kept at least five feet of distance between us and only got close to me when I needed to clean a wound or stitch something up. 
How many times had he touched me tonight? One, two, three, four…ten, Ten times! That surely meant something. 
He also called me pretty girl. I giggle to myself thinking of how cute that was. His usual pet name for me consisted of my full name, despite giving him a list of nicknames I was called in the past. 
He also bought me pizza and came to check up on me. He even waited for me to come home!
These last few times he had visited me, I had also noticed he was nicer. He had lost some of that stiffness in him and even threw a joke out every once in a while. It was also his first time actually waiting for me. In the past, he’d just leave notes whenever he’d visit and I wasn’t there. 
I was not imagining it. 
I should do it tonight. I should tell him I like him and hope he says he likes me back. 
And if he doesn’t…I’ll probably move out of Nueva York and hope we never see each other again because I’d absolutely die of pure embarrassment. But I wasn’t imagining it. He would say he likes me back. 
Wait. I told him he could leave. And now that I thought of it, I didn’t hear any noise coming from outside the bathroom. It was dead silent besides the snores coming from Spiderdog. 
I could just tell him tomorrow. No biggie. 
The alcohol was still running in my veins, making me think I was invincible and wouldn’t chicken out in telling him how I felt. I was invincible. Anyone who knew me thought I was amazing. Besides my family of course, but that's besides the point. I was a great person, and anyone would be lucky to have me.
In brushing my teeth and braiding my hair, I was consumed by the thoughts of how great of a person I was. Scenarios of myself being a hero in the hospital and saving countless lives playing in my head, boosting my ego more than I needed it to. 
I was so lost in my head that I was laughing to myself imagining my supervisor who absolutely despises me groveling at my feet, begging me to share my vast knowledge with him despite only being a new grad nurse. 
“Oh how the tables have turned,” I giggle as I leave the bathroom, ready to go to bed and think of these scenarios until I fall asleep. 
A sharp inhale made me freeze mid-step. I slowly turned my head, and hoped it was a ghost. 
No. It was Spiderman, still in my apartment. 
“I thought you left,” I immediately say, putting an arm across my chest and the other around my waist as a poor attempt to cover myself up. 
“What are you wearing?” He bites out, taking a step towards me but stopping himself near the couch. 
I blink twice and look down, smiling at my choice of underwear as I remember why I bought the dark blue lacy bralette and matching panties in the first place. I snapped one of the crisscross straps that was over my chest.
“Isn’t it cute? I chirp, forgetting why I was covering up in the first place. I do a small spin and nearly topple over in the process. “I bought it last week. The color reminded me of your suit.”
I looked back up at him, and he had gotten closer. So much closer. I could reach my hand out and touch his chest if I wanted. And then my hands look at his hands, and he has the blanket I lay on the couch. 
“It’s cold. Cover up, or you’re gonna get sick,” He gruffly replies, stepping closer to wrap the blanket around my shoulders. 
Having him so close, I remembered what I was going to do. I was going to tell him how I felt!
“Spidey, I have something to tell you!” I blurt out, trying to shrug out of the blanket he had wrapped around me. His hands are still on my shoulders, refusing to let me out of the cover. 
I could do this. I could do this. I could absolutely do this. 
“Y/n I have to go. Something came up downtown, and I have to-”
No, no, no! If I didn’t say it now, I wouldn’t say it ever. But the words wouldn’t come out as he continued to tell me he had to leave. This was my only chance. It was now or never. 
But I don’t say anything. I take a step forward, stand on my toes and grab his neck to crash his lips onto mine. 
He doesn’t reciprocate the kiss. He is absolutely frozen in place.
I overstepped. I wasn’t just stupid, but I was delusional too. 
I just ruined our friendship. 
I move back, my brain filled with panic now. Tequila was a bitch, and I am forever going to swear her off for the rest of my life. 
“I shouldn’t have- I’m so-”
The blanket falls onto the ground and his arms wrap around my waist, crushing me to his chest as he kisses me. My arms go around his neck as I press against him, feeling his heart wildly hammering in his chest. 
It’s messy. Sloppy. We’re both starved of touch from each other. 
My lips part, and he takes full advantage to slide his tongue inside. I let out a moan, and he
crashes us into the wall behind us, one of his hands leaving my waist to brace us against the wall. I hear a picture frame fall onto the ground and shatter, but I quite frankly could not give a damn. I angle my head to deepen the kiss as I run my nails down the front of his suit. 
I wanted to touch him. Not the suit. But his skin. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him bare as I was. 
I feel him pull away from me, and I break the kiss to whimper out in protest. But they grab hold of my thighs to lift me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him back to me, but he dodges. He plants sloppy kisses down my jaw and the side of my neck, sucking and biting a trail. I was very aware of every part of his body that touched me, and I felt like I was on fire. Each kiss that went down my neck set me on fire. Every cell in my body buzzed with excitement and when his fangs grazed against my collarbone, I felt like I was in a state of euphoria. 
“You bought this,” he snaps the strap of my bra with his finger, “because it matched my suit. Were you ever going to show me or was it going to be your little secret?”
“I also have it in red if you want to see it,” I gasped, completely drunk off the feel of him. 
“Dios, me vas a matar (God, you’re going to kill me),” he groans, biting my shoulder making me cry out. 
“Tu me vas a matar (You’re going to kill me),” I murmur, pushing against his shoulders so I can see him. His hold on me slackens, likely thinking I wanted him to stop. But I lean forward and bite at his lip.
He lets out a husky groan and I feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. I loved it when men moaned. 
“You’re better than the taste of tequila,” I say. 
That causes him to freeze. 
“You’re drunk. You’re not thinking straight,” He sighs, his grip loosening on me again. 
Oh, no. Why did I say that? Oh yeah. Because I was drunk and had no filter. 
But right now, with the feeling of him so close to me and knowing that he wanted me just as much as I wanted him, I was completely sober. 
“I’m fine. I have a clear head,” I protest as my hand presses against his chest. 
“I want you sober. No alcohol in your system. No chance of you regretting anything.”
That was actually very sweet, and I’d be kicking my feet and squealing if I read that in a book. 
I grab at his face to force him to look at me. “Do you think I’d regret anything with you?” 
He doesn’t respond. 
I press a quick kiss to his lips before wrapping my arms around him to pull him into a hug, my lips right by his ear. 
“Since I’ve met you, I dream about you. I dream about what you look like under that mask. I dream about what it’d feel like to be under you, hearing your moans in my ear. I dream about having you here other than when you’re hurt. Why do you think I always leave the window open even when it rains? Even when I’m not home. Me gusta tenerte aquí. (I like having you here) I like you, Spidey. Me encantas. (I’m crazy about you)”
To add to the cherry on top, I bite on his earlobe before looking back at him. His hands squeeze my thighs, and I feel him press closer against me.  
“I love it when you speak Spanish. It drives me insane hearing you talk,” He groans, pressing a kiss against my forehead. I unwrap my legs around his waist, and he sets me down, his hands running up my thighs to my waist before completely stepping away from me. 
“I scream better in Spanish, but since you’re such a gentleman, you’re not gonna hear it tonight. Maybe I’ll get lucky with you in my dreams,” I dreamily sigh, already walking to my bedroom. I add an extra little sway to my hips and turn my head to see Spidey looking exactly where I wanted him to. 
“You’re making it hard to say no to you and keep to it.”
“Red is more my color. I expect a more…animalistic response when I wear the red set for you,” I reply, sliding my bra strap down as I stand at the doorway to my room. I bite my lip as I innocently stare at him. 
“Y/n,” He warns. But he was already walking towards me as I moved deeper into my room. He stops himself at the doorway, following my every movement. 
Damn his gentleman behavior. 
“Open invitation to the other half of my bed. I promise no funny business until I’m sober. Only rule is I want the suit off. Mask too,” I say as I slip under the covers and pat the pillow to the right of me. 
I prop myself up on my elbows and watch him. He had turned off the lights in the living room and kitchen, but the red neon sign across the street that peaked through my blinds gave me enough light to see his silhouette.
Part of me had expected him to say no and tell me he’d leave me to sleep on my own, per his gentleman behavior. The other part had hoped he’d say yes. I’d absolutely not keep my hands to myself and would probably use him as a pillow, but that’s as far as I’d go. 
He steps farther into the room, closing my bedroom door. 
There’s a faint light on his body as his suit comes off. The red light allows me faintly see the hard contours of his body. A body I’d seen countless times bleeding on my couch as I helped him. A body that I was dying to get a taste of. 
Then the light appears on his face, and I hold my breath in anticipation as he climbs into bed with me. 
With no mask. 
I am absolutely giddy at the thought of him without a mask as I turn to face him. I was tempted to lean over him to turn on the lamp to see what he looks like. To see what those eyes that I had dreamed about looked like. 
Almost as if reading my mind, he grabs my hand and brings it up to his face. I touched soft thick hair that I had half a mind to pull as I kissed him senseless. But no funny business. 
My fingers graze down his eyebrows, thick and slightly furrowed. They went over his closed eyes, and I felt long curled eyelashes. Prominent cheekbones. Sharp jaw. A prominent nose with a slight bump in the middle of it. Full lips. Smooth skin. 
“What color are your eyes?” I ask, scooting closer towards him I felt our thighs touch. 
He stays silent before answering my question. 
“They were brown at first, and then after everything that happened…they became red,”
I sit and tower over him. I hold his face in my hands, trying to get a look at these alleged red eyes. I’m right up against his face and squint my eyes, but I see no color. 
“You’re not gonna see anything right now,” he chuckles, and I roll my eyes. 
I lay back down but still face him, my fingers now skimming across his broad chest. I feel the goosebumps rise on his skin before he catches my hand, lacing our fingers together. 
“Fine. I’ll just wait until tomorrow.”
With a slight pull, Spidey rolls me partially on top of him. My head rests against his chest as he rests my hand near his shoulder. He then grabs my thigh and hooks my leg over his, leaving his right hand near the curve of my butt. His left arm wraps around me and his fingers gently tease my arm. 
“You’re not being a gentleman if that hand on my butt moves any further,” I murmur, hearing the faint beat of his heart. 
“You’ll sleep better, trust me,” he says, placing a kiss on the top of my head as he lightly slaps my butt. I slap at his chest, and he vibrates with a low chuckle. 
“Whatever. Goodnight, Spidey,” I say, the steady beat of his heart already making my eyelids feel heavy with sleep. 
“Goodnight, y/n.”
I’m not sure if it was only a few minutes or if I had already been asleep, but a sudden thought pops up into my groggy mind. I had to tell him before I forgot. 
“I forgot to mention earlier that I want you to fuck my brains out when I’m sober.”
“Jesus, y/n. You’re half asleep thinking about that,” Spidey mumbles, his breath fanning my face. A tired laugh escapes me as I snuggle deeper into his side. 
And then I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or not, but I could hear him calling my name.
“What?” I ask, moving my head slightly to peer up at him. 
“Miguel, my name. So you can scream it out in Spanish when I fuck your brains out, and you’re sober.”
“Mm, Miguel,” I murmur, already falling back asleep.
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acceleracers-baby · 3 months
The Metal Maniacs & Their Dog.
I might expound on this more later, but I just had a thought. What if one day while the Metal Maniacs were searching the junkyard for parts, they found a dog amongst the piles of “trash?”
Monkey was on his third set of bumpers this month. He had the worst luck when it came to his car. Usually, after a fender bender, he’d reshape the metal to the frame and call it a day, but lately the damage had been so bad that he couldn’t just brush it off as ‘adding character.’
That’s why he was at the junkyard. Well… that and Porkchop had been pestering him about getting some spare spark plugs for Old Smokey.
He was about elbow deep in a pile of trashed parts when he felt something poke at his back. He’d been tossing things behind him to make more room for his digging, so at first he thought it was something that had just slid back down the pile. But then it happened again…and again.
With a sigh, Monkey pulled his arms out from the pile and turned around to see who was bothering him. The who actually turned out to be a rather large and mangy looking dog. A Rottweiler with no tags and a comically large piece of metal hanging out of his mouth. Big enough to be Monkey’s new bumper actually.
The mechanic brushed his hands off on his shirt, which was also covered in grime from digging through heaps of garbage for the last two hours, and kneeled down next to the dog.
“Uh…nice dog?” Monkey called to it, uneasiness clear in his voice as he beckoned the mutt closer. “…drop it?” Another less than confident command, but the dog followed it without hesitation, barking in satisfaction as it did.
Monkey carefully picked up the near perfect bumper and walked it over to his car. The replacement bumper had been the last thing he’d been looking for so all he needed to do now was load up his finds and leave. There was only one problem. When Monkey popped his trunk and tossed the bumper in, the dog followed it.
“Hey!” Monkey exclaimed. “Get out!”
The dog did not. Instead, he paced around for a second or two, before plopping down and resting his head on the bumper. He did not seem interested in leaving. Not even when Money tried to coax him out with some left over chicken bones he’d had from lunch.
For a while, Monkey stared at the open trunk with the dog lying happily inside. With a groan, he reached up and closed the hatch and walked around to the drivers side door.
“Tork’s gonna kill me. How am I going to explain this? Hey guys- this dog brought me a bumper and then wouldn’t leave me alone, so let’s give a warm welcome to the newest member of the Metal Maniacs??” Monkey was grumbling. He did that when he was nervous. He didn’t stop grumbling until he reached the garage where the Maniacs hung out. Of course, everyone was there when he pulled up.
As soon as he popped the trunk, the dog came happily bounding out and began exploring the garage, sniffing everything in sight, including the people.
“What the hell, Monkey?!” Wylde was the first to say something about their uninvited visitor, despite kneeling down to pet the dog. The dog immediately lunged to lick at his face, and Monkey though for sure that Wylde would try and throw the mutt off of him, but despite his tense words, the driver looked like he was fighting back a smile.
“He hopped in and wouldn’t get out!” Monkey tried to explain, but by the looks of it, Wylde wasn’t listening anymore.
That was when Porkchop and Taro began to meander over to see what all the commotion was about.
“You brought back a dog?” Taro questioned, his eyes flicking between the hound and Monkey for a moment. He looked unimpressed, but all things considered, that was how Taro usually looked.
“I didn’t mean to he just-” Monkey was interrupted by Porkchop as the big guy leaned down next to Wylde and was the dog’s next victim. The mutt jumped up and put his paws on Porkchop’s shoulders before viciously licking him all over his face.
Porkchop bellowed with laughter as he tried to move his face away to speak.
“He reminds me of Baby.” Porkchop said through fits of laughter. Baby was Porkchop’s childhood guard dog, and now that Monkey was really looking at him, he did sort of resemble the pictures Porkchop had shown him.
“Huh, yeah. I guess he does.” Monkey agreed quietly.
Everyone was so caught up with the dog that they almost missed Tork finally approaching the group. He didn’t look too happy, but like Taro, that was par for the course.
“Thought we’d agreed about not taking in anymore strays.” His voice rang out through the garage as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the mutt. The dog was still having the time of his life, alternating between Wylde and Porkchop. “Get rid of it.” He said, fixing Monkey with a look that had the mechanic shrinking in his boots.
“I’ve tried. He just won’t leave!” Monkey tried to explain, but then, against all odds, Wylde jumped in to help.
“Maybe he doesn’t have anywhere else to go.” Just like I didn’t. He wouldn’t say it. Even if he laid awake at night thinking about how having the Metal Maniacs had likely saved his life. How Tork taking him in when his own brother’s actions, or rather inactions, had landed him behind bars for two years, had comforted him more than he’d ever let on. He was a stray once too. One that bit. They’d let him stay.
“I said no.” Tork reiterated, frowning down at Wylde. Wylde frowned right back until Porkchop spoke up.
“He’d make a good guard dog.” He looked scary enough to spook anyone dumb enough to steal from the Metal Mainacs. Plus it would be like having a free alarm system that you could play fetch with.
“I’ll help train it. Besides we were all strays once.” Taro chimed in, but Tork stayed silent. You could hear a pin drop if it weren’t for the dogs loud, excited panting.
Their leader pursed his lips as he surveyed the group. His strays. His people.
With a frown and a sigh he rolled his eyes and finally relented.
“Fine, but the first time that dog barks while I’m tryna sleep, it’s back to the junkyard, understood?” Tork said sternly, but the dog’s tail stayed firmly wagging behind him.
They ended up naming him Bumper, for obvious reasons. He fit in well with the group. He was protective, sweet, and made a good heated blanket when winter rolled around. He even grew on Tork eventually.
By the end of his first year with the Maniacs, Taro had him fully trained to help out around the garage. Needed something that wasn’t within arms reach? Just ask Bumper to fetch it. People parking too close to their cars at a meet? Bumpers got it covered with a few vicious sounding barks and growls. He even helps Porkchop through storms, curling up next to the big guy whenever he hears one rolling in.
In fact, he helps out all the Metal Maniacs when it comes to their mental health. All in all, Bumper ends up being a great addition to their gang of strays.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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rubykgrant · 2 months
can we see your pitbull 🥺🥺🥺
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Here he is! (I had to wait for somebody to visit who actually has a phone that takes pictures). His name is Zeya (sounds like "Isiah" without the I). I also call him "My precious, pitiful, pretty-ful pitbull"~ He's about 13 now, but we got him right before he turned 2. He lived with my step-brother's family, but they were moving to a place where they couldn't keep pets, so we took him in, and feel in love with him~ He was raised around a baby and a toddler, so he's very friendly and tolerant with little kids and other small animals. If you play with him, and he accidentally bumps you too hard or something, as soon as he hears "Ow", he stops, and shows you his belly as an apology.
We also found kittens that a stray cat had under the house, and we still have one (she's about 10), and they love each other. Sometimes the kitty steals his bed, and he doesn't do anything about, he just lays on the floor (so I pick her up like a pizza and plop her into her own kitty-bed. she just keeps purring). They both know the word "walk", and will stay with me when I take them outside, or stroll through the woods behind the house. He knows a lot of other words too, including "bath". I tease him sometimes, asking- "Do you want a BATH? What if I give you a BATH?", and he does this wiggle-worm routine to tell me NO... but if I take his collar off, he knows it is real (and he still comes a long for the bath, he's just all slow about it. he LOVES when we're done, because then I towel him off, and he's SO HAPPY). The kitty watches every time, fascinated and uncertain why he gets this strange "water ritual" haha.
He loves having his collar; he treats it like a grand honor. When he get him a new one, he gets all EXCITED, doing his little tap-dance as he waits for it. He have his license on it, and also some old keys (that don't go to anything), so we can hear the jingle noise as he runs around (if I let him out at night to pee, and call for him, I can hear the keys jingle before I even see him, so I know he's listening and is coming back).
He has a very specific little "howling" sound he makes, where he goes- "AWOOO-woo-woo-woo-wooooooo!", which is his way to communicate- "I am very happy! Be happy with me!", and it makes us laugh, so he knows we're happy too. He also does a specific thing when he wants to let people know- "I have bone! Don't try to take it from me!" when he wants you to actually get it and throw it; he brings the bone over in his mouth, and makes this muffled warble noise (I've heard him actually bark like normal with a stick or bone in his mouth, so I know this noise is on purpose). I play "where's your bone?" by asking him to go get one of his chew bones, and after he brings it to me, I hide it somewhere in the house. He remembers the "usual" hiding places and checks those first, but will eventually sniff-out the new hiding spot. Sometimes the kitty will be up on the couch or a chair while he looks, and when he walks by, she baps at him with her paws.
He takes his job as Guard Dog very seriously, so if he thinks something Bad is Outside, he wants to bark and go chase it. In general, we don't really care if there are raccoons or whatever out there, and just tell him to hush (he has no sense of self-preservation if he thinks he is "defending" us, and we would rather he NOT get his face scratched up by some wild critter). While he likes to let everybody know "This is MY property!", once he gets done barking, he loves having visitors and making friends. We doesn't need to walk on a leash at the house, but I've trained him to walk with me at my pace when I take him other places, and he understands usual commands like sit/stay (plus all the tricks like shake/speak/etc), and for vet visits I've taught "Hold still" and "Let me see" so he's very good at being looked-over. People have marveled at how "polite" he is when he gently takes a treat from their hands.
He's such a sweet boy, with so many funny little habits and quirks. He loves attention, and while he usually has a lot of excited energy, he's very cute when he's all calm... a few times, I have let him cuddle with me on the couch, and when he falls asleep, he has dreams that make him twitch and yip (which is VERY funny to feel when the dog is sprawled across your chest and tummy). Oh, he also knows the word "medicine", which applies to anything he either has to take (like a pill), or the whole process of disinfecting a scratch/getting bandaged (he doesn't understand what it all means, but he trusts me to take care of him, and knows I must be trying to help). We're making sure he has a nice long, happy life! We love him so much~
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puppyexpressions · 8 months
How Curb Bad Dog Behaviors
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Despite our best efforts, dogs can exhibit plenty of unwanted behaviors, from jumping on people to countersurfing for food. Any dog, whether they’re puppies or adults, may develop bad habits. Your dog wants to understand what you want them to do. It will take time and patience to make your goals clear and guide them away from bad dog behavior. Here are some strategies to help you curb unwanted behaviors.
Strategies for Success
Training Is Key
Teaching your dog to sit, come, or lie down may not seem related to behavioral problems, but it is. Positive reward-based training teaches your dog that good things happen when they do what you ask, strengthens your bond, and provides mental stimulation that will help tire them out, making them less likely to misbehave. Try introducing a new command each week and continue to practice the old ones. A great way to get started is by consulting a qualified dog trainer.
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Exercise Helps Release Energy
A tired dog is a good dog. If you’re gone 12 hours a day, and your dog’s walk consists of a quick dash into the backyard, your dog might not be getting enough exercise. They may channel extra energy into bad behavior for dogs, like chewing shoes or dragging you on the leash.
Puppies generally have more energy than adult dogs and require more exercise. Also, your dog’s breed influences the level of physical activity they need. If you have questions about how much exercise your dog needs, talk to your vet.
Prevent Them From Learning Bad Behaviors
It’s important to puppy-proof your house. This includes putting away shoes and toys and picking houseplants up off the floor. Supervise the puppy, even in your fenced-in yard, so they don’t even start to engage in bad dog behavior. It’s easier to prevent them from learning bad habits than it is to correct bad dog behavior.
Reward Desired Behaviors
If your dog is lying quietly instead of jumping or barking, praise and pet them. If your dog walks on a leash beside you, tell them what a good dog they are. If you tell your dog what you want them to do instead of what you don’t want them to do, they’ll understand better (for example, saying “sit” rather than “don’t jump,” or “heel” rather than “don’t pull”).
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Consistency Makes a Difference
It’s a good idea to have everyone follow the same rules when it comes to setting standards for dog behavior. If you don’t feed the dog from the table but someone else slips them treats, the dog will learn to beg at the table. If you ignore your dog when they jump on you but others pet them when they do, they’ll continue jumping on people.
Tips to Deal With Bad Dog Behavior
First, greet your dog calmly, so you’re not getting them overly excited. If they try to jump on you, stand like a statue or turn your back. Since dogs jump up to get attention, refusing to give them attention is the best way to discourage jumping.
If you’ve taught your dog to sit, ask for them to perform that behavior, since a sitting dog can’t jump. Once they’re calmly sitting, get down on your dog’s level and give him the attention they want. Eventually, the dog should sit without being asked.
To prevent them from jumping on visitors, try putting your dog in their crate or keep them on leash until they calm down. You can block off access to others with a dog gate or guide your dog to go somewhere else with a “place” command.
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Chewing is a necessary and normal behavior for dogs, especially when they’re teething. The most effective way to save your possessions from destruction is to keep them out of your dog’s reach. Instead, offer your dog edible chews or chew toys that are appropriate for their age and size.
Make sure to give your dog plenty of exercise and provide them with lots of mental stimulation. Also, teach them  the “leave it” command in case they somehow get hold of something they shouldn’t have.
Once rewarded, countersurfing may take a long time to stop. Try to avoid feeding your dog scraps from the counter when you’re preparing food or cleaning up.
When you’re preparing food, you can put your dog in their crate. You can also teach them to stay in one spot (away from the food) with the ���place” command. Another helpful command is “leave it,” in case the dog does grab a bite of food.
Pulling on the Leash
When you’re out for a walk, try not to pull your dog, since they’ll instinctively pull right back. Instead, reinforce walking nicely on the leash by providing praise, marking the good behavior with a dog training clicker, or offering a dog treat.
If your dog pulls on the leash, you can stop walking. You can also redirect by quickly reversing and calling them back to your side. Try to be consistent in your behaviors, not letting your dog pull you (and making sure anyone else walking them won’t let them pull).
At first, try practicing in a place where there aren’t many distractions. It’s important that your dog learns to pay attention to you, no matter how exciting the environment is.
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Barking can quickly become a nuisance. So how do you stop a bad dog behavior like excessive barking? Teach a “quiet” or “enough” command. Then, as soon as your dog starts to bark, you calmly say that command.
Eventually, your dog should stop barking and come to you, and you can praise them or give them a treat. It’s important to stay calm during this process. If you get excited, your dog will likely think there’s something work barking about.
Consider why your dog might be barking. Are they bored? Do they need more exercise? Are they afraid of other dogs and people, meaning they might need more socialization? If there is an underlying cause, you can begin to address it. If you know your dog is barking at you for attention, try to avoid giving them that attention until they quiet down.
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staticl0ve · 1 year
Home - DBH Connor/AFAB!reader
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Pairings: Connor/AFAB Reader (no pronouns used) Rating: Mature/Explicit/NSFW 18+ Link (AO3): Home (oneshot) Words: 4.9k Warnings: Established relationships (married), no gendered pronouns, oral sex (both receiving), mutual masturbation, PnV sex, very mild cock warming Summary: It’s Valentines! The day of being smothered in affection, cards, flowers. A day to be wined and dined. However, you’re on the other side of the globe. That doesn’t stop him from finding ways to enjoy your company. Although, you’ve got a little surprise for him. Notes: After writing a sad, sad fic, I present to you, a happy fluff one haha. Inspired by Dream (Shawn amended).
Since the winter storms had eased, parks have begun to draw more and more visitors as the days warmed up. Snow melted into watery pools. Birds lined the power lines and barren trees were beginning to show signs of fresh leaves.  
With his eyes shut, Connor was basking in the glow of the sun. From sound alone, he could piece together all that was occurring around him. Someone was selling hotdogs, their jovial advertising occasionally reminding him of the low, low price of their goods. From what he gathered, the preserved meat wrapped in carbohydrates attracted quite a crowd.
Children squealed and giggled as they rushed past his seat on a park bench, followed by the distressed scolding of exhausted parents. Joggers added to the commotion, their padding feet startling his canine companion. A blue leash was wrapped around his hand, the firm material tugging slightly at his synthetic skin. Sitting up, he reached below his knee to scratch the ears of an excited Saint Bernard.
“Sumo,” he chuckled. “It’s okay boy.”
The dog whined in response and let out a playful bark.
Connor relaxed back onto the bench, turning his attention away from Sumo. Across the park’s lake was a familiar duo on their second lap around the water. Hank’s grayed hair billowed around his face he walked. A hilariously large smile pinned his cheeks in a permanent state of glee, making him appear like a smitten fool. Beside him, a woman named Rose matched his pace, wrapping a patterned shawl tightly around her frame. It was clear she was laughing at something Hank had said, his cheeks tinged bright red and growing redder when her hand met his arm.
They met sometime after the android revolution and found they shared a passion for android rights. One interest of hers was owning a small farm. While Hank did not have a green thumb, he enjoyed the tranquility of the sun rising over leafy crops. He also had the great fortune of trying the produce in her cooking. After having taken a long break from dating, the older gentleman was likely excited because today was their first Valentines.
Connor’s jaw clicked, LED flashing gold for a second. Ah. That was why he was asked to dogsit for the afternoon.
A sigh emptied from his chest. Irritatingly, as the android began scanning the park, he realized there were an awful lot of couples enjoying the lovely weather on a particularly romantic weekend. He nervously toyed with a ring on his left hand as he wondered how you were fairing on your work trip. One month was probably a record time for the longest either of you had gone without the other.
Seeking a distraction, Connor started scrolling through his notifications. Grids in blue lines flickered across his view of the park. His distress was apparent enough to warrant a soothing hand lick from Sumo, the dog moving to rest his fuzzy face on Connor’s lap.
“Thanks, boy.”
He let out another sigh. His inbox remained unchanged since the last message he received.
Love you.
Two simple words taunted him, reminding him of the physical distance between you. It didn’t help matters that your call last night ended abruptly.
“So,” you began with apprehension dripping in your voice. “There’s a chance I might be away a little longer than expected. The team really thinks one more meeting will get this deal closed. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I swear if they try this again…I’m…”
You were losing steam, clearly too tired to think of anything clever, finishing your sentence by hanging your head back. Connor took longer than normal to respond, the android cycling through a series of phrases that would downplay his disappointment. Deciding that he couldn’t trust himself, he settled on vague.
“I see.”
He may have forgotten he was on a video call, the downward shift in his features spelling out his mood.
“Connor,” you breathed out, sinking back into your hotel bed. Sunlight filtered through thin curtains. A breeze picked up from an open window, casting intricate shadows over your cheeks, lips and nose. Your eyelids were half open, either from the brightness or from an exhaustion he couldn’t quite place. He worried briefly if you slept well, if your accommodations were enough. As you nestled between blankets, he could make out the flimsy strap of your shirt slipping past your shoulder. A twang struck his chest. Your lips parting brought his attention back to your face. “This sucks for me, too.”
“I know,” he replied, sounding deflated. “I miss you.”
You rolled from your back to your side, finding a new angle for your phone. The tone of your voice changed, dipping into more sultry notes. “What do you miss?”
Oh, he wasn’t made yesterday. He grinned as his fingers plucked away shirt buttons.
“Your taste,” he answered, wetting his lips. His boldness took you by surprise, a small moan crackling through the call.
Across the globe from where you were situated, it was night in Detroit where he was sitting at the end of your shared bed. The room was left untouched, a time capsule of when you were last there: your brush carelessly tossed onto the bed along with clothes and accessories that didn’t make the cut. Without you around, it was easy for him to slip back into his old habits and avoid sleep. Stasis wasn’t a daily requirement for machines and it certainly did not take all night to reset caches and organize his expanding matrixes.
“How much time do you have?” he asked. His shirt had joined your pile of abandoned clothes and he was making quick work on his pants.
Your gaze was drawn to some distant corner, likely checking on a virtual calendar. “An hour or two…I think.” 
His regulator pump stuttered when you glanced back at him, the heat of your full attention causing him mild discomfort in his remaining boxer briefs.
You bit your lip playfully. “What did you have in mind?”
“Will you lie back for me?” Obediently, you did as he asked, propping up your phone on a pillow to maximize the angle. He groaned softly once he realized you were bare from the waist down. Your thighs fell open slowly, the light catching onto your wet folds. “rA9, do you have any idea what you do to me?”
He heard your giggle as he worked to rid himself of his last article of clothing. “Will you show me how much you’ve missed me?” he requested.
You made a show of it, dragging your hands slowly from your clothed chest, rolling each nipple until they hardened. A bright glint caught his eye, his gaze following a ring on your hand. He had one that matched it, a white gold band that was cool on his heating skin. It bumped along his length as his hands leisurely stroked up and down. He adjusted his audio output to maximize the obscene squelch of damp skin, smirking when he caught your reaction to it.
“You look so good like this,” he whispered. “Laid out for me to see.”
“C-Con…” Your whimper made his grip tighten.
Funny enough, this was the first time he’d ever done this, a thrill running through his systems. He was beginning to see the appeal as he watched you push a finger past your folds.
“I miss…” you muffled a moan as your other hand began rubbing circles over your clit. It took significant effort to speak, the sentence pinching off with a gasp. “I miss f-feeling you in my throat.”
Connor made a choked noise as he painted a pretty picture of his tongue curled deep in you. How you’d squirm if he accompanied the feeling with his length slipping down your throat. He imagined a game of who could make the other fall apart sooner. It would be a little unfair, the android was more than capable of delivering filth with his tongue preoccupied by highjacking speakers or simply using his audio unit to speak.
“You look stunning. Would you like to see what I see?”
He made good on his promise one day by commandeering the television to broadcast a memory he had of you on your knees, made you watch as he licked into you. This was a stark contrast to the man who nearly stumbled over—as he was standing still, mind you—from asking you out.
“Do you like dogs?”
“Yeah, they’re pretty cute.”
“Would you like to walk one? I mean, walk me—walk with me and a dog?”
Embarrassment was putting it lightly, he was mortified for not relying more heavily on the suggestions offered by his social modules. Your enthusiastic smile doused his panic.
“I’d love to.”
It took many dates, but he worked through his nerves and gave you a peek of the deviant hunter that still lurked beneath his sweet, tender exterior. All it took was stumbling through the darkness of your apartment, his hands following your waist and one messy collision of lips to unlock the man you knew today.
“Y-yes, love?”
“Wish you were h-here,” you said between moans.
He was about to respond when an alert from Detroit Police Department took up half his sight. “Sorry. I—” he trailed off, focused on writing up a reply. The sight of you knuckle deep in yourself had set him completely off track tonight. “I forgot I was on call.”
“Wait, I thought you weren’t doing night shifts anymore? Something about fair labor and giving androids reasonable shifts?”
“Correct, however, overtime is still optional and I have been waiting for some forensics results.”
Talking about homicide was the nail in the coffin of your phone sex session. Your throat cleared and you sat back up in your bed with a worried look. “Is it the case you’ve been stuck on?”
“It is…” Connor sounded distracted, his eyes panning over text you couldn’t see.
“Should we…”
He apologized again. “Rain check?”
“Mhmm. Don’t work all night.” You kept your tone light, but he could detect the disappointment from your gaze drifting lower.
“I’ll try not to. Have a good day, my love.”
“Night, Connor.”
Come morning, he sent you a message, optimistic that he’d be hearing from you again. Hours passed and his notifications remained unchanged. Before he knew it, it was time to take Sumo out for a walk. An afternoon at the park had boosted his mood and while Rose was kind enough to extend an invitation to spend his evening with them, Connor knew better than to intrude on their date night.
“Are you sure, dear?” she insisted. The older couple shared a quick glance. “We’d be happy to have you.”
Her head tilted at him, shoulders slouching with her hands clasped together. The extra attention made Connor’s cheeks flush. Somehow, despite lacking a childhood, Rose managed to transcend synthetic experiences, making him feel as small as a child standing between two doting parents. It didn’t help that Hank’s palm rocked his shoulders with a few rough shakes.
“We wouldn’t mind the company, son.”
Connor shook his head, making extra effort to hide the golden hue of his indicator. “Thank you for the offer, but I have plans.”
A lie, but the two did not push.
After a full day of slobbery kisses from Sumo, a shower was the first thing on Connor’s mind. As soon as he stepped out, hair still dripping, he found himself gravitating to his side of the bed. There, he laid staring into space, still restless from last night. You had been difficult to reach and he assumed it was related to your recent uptick in workload.
His head was turned, cheek pressed into a pillow as he stared over at your side. Raising his arm, he moved to stroke his fingers along the cool material. When he brought it closer, he couldn’t resist taking a deep inhale. Your scent flooded his sensors, triggering an array of fond memories, like the one before you left. His software began constructing the scene. It was like he was there again, with his face nuzzled between the curve of your neck and jaw, his ticklish breath eliciting a small laugh from you.
“Morning,” he said softly.
“What time is it?” you replied with a jolt at the end of the question. The first thing on your mind was not missing your flight.
“We have time.” A plastic hand slipped between your thighs, quickly finding its target. He wondered what you dreamed about as his fingers slipped through your folds with ease.
“You’re going to…ah…make me late.”
Back in reality, Connor was beginning to feel foolish for bothering with undergarments. An obvious bulge strained against soft cotton and he wasted little time in slipping the elastic band lower to free himself. His fingers stroked the swollen head of his cock, wetting his hand with his own slick as he relived the memory of plunging his fingers into your wet heat.
He moaned into your pillow while wrapping his hand around his length, pumping his hips into his fist like a beast in a rut. The holographic creation of you arched into his chest, joining his moans with gasps of your own.
Connor continued watching the replay—his favorite part—when he replaced his fingers with his cock. Your face was pressed into the pillow, body twisted to present your hips to him.
“I thought you were worried about the time?” he teased as the flat of his palm followed your curves.
You responded with a glare, lining yourself up to him. Before he had a chance to react, you sunk him down to the hilt.
“A-ah…!” he gasped.
“Then you better hurry,” you answered with a wink.
When his hand wasn’t enough, he pulled additional sensory data from his memory, groaning loudly into the room as he felt the tightness of your muscles. He just about lost it when you moaned his name, pleading for him to go faster. His teeth bit into his lower lip as his legs tensed, toes curling into sheets. What little control he had of his limbs left him as he chased his end with frantic thrusts. He had lost sight of his constructed fantasy, eyes clamping shut as electricity shot up and down his spine.
“F-fuck…fuck…” he whimpered, thankfully remembering to not spill all over the sheets.
As his software anomalies began to recover and static no longer dominated his vision, he slumped back onto his side of the bed with his eyes fixed onto the ceiling. He was still the perfect storm of unsatisfied with his limbs simultaneously buzzing for action and his heart not much fuller. Perhaps a bit of stasis would do him some good.
His lashes fluttered and the moonlit ceiling faded into darkness.
It used to be a running joke that androids dreamed of electric sheep. After the revolution, when Connor attempted stasis, what he saw made his thirium grow cold. An empty virtual garden greeted him, lit up by one spotlight like a theatrical stage in an abandoned warehouse. But there was no Amanda and no snow waiting to freeze his metal limbs. When he willed for it to all disappear, he was rewarded with an empty gray box as his new surroundings. It was then that he realized he could change the garden.
Some days he made it his workspace so he could walk through crime scenes and solve cases while his processes recalibrated in the background. Tonight, his imaginations were fixated on you. For the most part his dreams were innocent, filled with reliving his favorite memories or ones he wanted to experience. Such as him lying in bed with your arm draped over his waist and your lips pressed against his neck.
You might say something like: “Surprise, I’m back.”
Strangely, the pressure and heat on his arm felt more tangible than it should have been. His head shifted, peering down at your virtual form as you repeated yourself.
“I’m back. Wake up, love.”
He missed this, your voice spoken without the support of cell towers or the subtle breath between words that no microphone could capture. Bits and pieces of reality filtered through his dreamworld. Warm fingers trended down his arm and he was receptive to your touch, his skin flickering between flesh and plastic tones. He felt your hand entangle with his until your wedding bands lined up, clicking together as if magnetized.
“Did you have a nice dream? I’ve never had this much trouble waking you,” you chuckled.
“Well,” he responded with the corner of his mouth curling. “This is a major improvement.”
“Is that so?”
The hand holding yours slipped out to grip your wrist and tugged. Immediately, you froze, managing to stop his momentum by placing a palm down onto the mattress. 
“Wait, wait. I’m still wearing the clothes I traveled in!” you cried out.
“That is a solvable problem, my love.”
He sat up, brown eyes gleaming and face pulled in a smile that seemed too pure and sweet, too brimming with joy to match the frenzied, desperate movement of his hands working to shed your clothes. A palm dragged across the expanse of your rib cage, synthetic fingers digging lines into skin. You tried to be an active participant by squirming out of the cotton T-shirt. As he pulled it over your head, it stuck momentarily and you had to share a laugh at human clumsiness interfering with machine efficiency. He breathed out a sigh once you were freed.
You gently stroked his cheek. “So…what were you dreaming about?”
“You,” Connor said with his chin resting above your abdomen. He moved to work on your jeans, laying one kiss below your belly button, his nose nuzzling close before laying more scattered kisses lower.
“Was I doing anything in your dream?” 
Your fingers met soft strands of brown hair, enjoying how they separated and slipped out of your grasp. You watched him ghost his fingers across the edge of the denim waistband, suddenly more patient than he was earlier. His tongue tapped your skin, distracting you from his fingers unbuttoning and unzipping. The light on his head spun as he processed data beyond your comprehension. Whatever Connor discovered left him moaning into your skin.
Large palms dug between fabric and the backs of your thighs, pushing it down. As you stepped out of the pile of clothes, he pulled you by the waist, dragging your hips down with him. You were higher up on the bed than you expected, parting your thighs around his shoulders. He watched you intensely between his lashes, using his hands to coax your hips closer to his face.
“You were lying here…with me.” His voice was rough and mixed with audio interference.
“That’s it?” you teased. “Just us, cuddling?”
Connor wasn’t listening anymore, or more, he was too focused on something else entirely, his sight set on the apex of your thighs. His grip slipped down to keep you still as he peppered light kisses up your inner thigh. You felt his lips travel higher, his teeth faintly tracing your skin. The faintest pressure was applied to your entrance, his tongue barely licking your folds. Connor was a man on a self imposed mission, pushing his tongue forward to swirl the nerves above. He shouldn’t have chuckled at your desperate whine, the former deviant hunter enjoying the grip he had on his catch of the day.
Could you blame him? Seconds of delay was a lifetime to a machine, now imagine a month of time to make him unhinged.
“Can I at least turn around?” you asked. “I promise it’ll be—” Connor’s lips wrapped around your clit, tongue curling in waves. “—good!”
Pulling at his hair did not persuade the android, his brow arching defiantly from between your thighs. Instead, he followed the force of your warning tug, pushing his face closer and dipping his tongue to lick at your clenching muscles. Your pleas fell on deaf ears and you shuddered in his grip. He could almost feel you tipping over the edge before he released you, lying back to flash you a broad, guilt-free grin.
“Alright, now you can move.”
You mumbled vague, teasing threats as you shuffled over to face away from him, your eyes set on his neglected cock. Leaning over to support your weight on your elbows, you brought your hands around his length and his hips excitedly followed. You were slow, using both thumbs to tease his tip, smearing his slick over the angry red flesh.
“S-sweetheart,” he choked out.
“Don’t sweetheart me,” you teased. “Not when you were being evil a second ago.”
Hearing you talk about it only encouraged him, his tongue giving your clit a quick flick.
“Can you blame me?”
“Mmm…Yes!” Determined to not be distracted by Connor, your mouth hovered over him, tongue peeking out in anticipation.
What came out of his audio unit was barely human as you unexpectedly swallowed as much of him as you could. It stung a little, your throat stretching to accommodate his size, but it was worth it to feel him squirm. You used everything you had at your disposal, your fingers, stroking and squeezing when your mouth pulled off him, your tongue curling around the hot and heavy shape of him, and your moan, which served to tighten your throat in the sweetest torture.
A torrent of software anomalies cut through the darkness behind his closed eyes but it did not deter him from maneuvering his fingers to stroke your tensing walls, nor did it ruin his focus as his tongue flicked your clit at inhuman speeds. The RK800 indulged—basked in your presence. If there was anything Connor enjoyed the most, it was seeing you come apart, to feel you writhe in his grasp, to flooding your senses like you did to his.
Your shoulders tensed, skin feeling impossibly hot and tight as his fingers continued to summon a spark that climbed up your spine. It built up, until there was nowhere left for it to go except explode in fizzes that consumed your nerves. His name was a muffled cry in your throat, one that triggered his own end.
You heard him curse as he lapped once more into your pulsing core, followed by a string of words that you couldn’t hear over the ringing in your ears. You did hear his chuckle, felt him rest his damp cheek on your thigh.
“Are you still with me?”
By some small mercy, you hadn’t choked on him as he was still in your mouth. Releasing him with a wet pop, you replied, “No. I’m pretty sure you just killed me.”
He laughed while you managed to untangle from him to turn and face him, returning to straddle his thighs. He joined you in an upright position and you met his gaze, followed the subtle twitch of his irises as he focused on your blissed out smile. Perhaps it was the culmination of distance, time, or the stresses of work and finally…coming home, a weight was simultaneously lifted as a new one settled in your chest. Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to finally enjoy his welcoming embrace.
“I couldn’t wait to get back to you,” you whispered in the dark.
He stroked your sweat slick skin, tracing the gentle curve of your back.
“Did you know, I was afraid to go into stasis when you were away?”
“What?” You sat up straighter in the bed, knees falling further apart. Connor shifted strategically, brushing your core with his tip. “What do you mean?”
“I had a theory it would only make me miss you more.”
“When I woke, you were here so…” He leaned in, finally getting the kiss he’d been yearning for. You could feel the upward tug of his lips, the sugary, tooth rotting affection he so desperately wanted to convey. “Now I’m going to be sorely disappointed if this isn’t always the end result.”
“Ooo, maybe this is still a—”
Connor interrupted your playful remark, capturing your lips with the gentle push of his hand around the back of your neck. You still hovered over him and he whimpered into the kiss when you circled your hips. He broke away first, slowly, as if to say he wasn’t going anywhere, the heat of his exhaust still warm and close on your skin.
A blue light shimmered from his fingertips down to his elbows, revealing the intricate panels of his synthetic muscles. His palms buzzed faintly around your cheeks. Warm honeyed eyes, tinted with an electric blue hue held yours captive.
“I love you,” he said, voice low and quiet.
You captured one of his hands with yours, repeating his words with as much devotion as you could. “I love you too, Connor.”
Together, in sync, you sank onto him as he rose up to push into you. Wrapping his arms tightly around your back, his fingers kneaded your skin as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Your arms fit over his shoulders, cradling his face. He prepared you more than enough, sliding in with ease until you sat comfortably on his lap.
“I’ll never get enough of this,” he half slurred on your collarbones as he licked and sucked the flesh. “Of you.”
You dipped your head, meeting his dazed eyes. “You have me. You’ll always have me.”
Your words stoked a new fire in him as he began to bounce you over his lap. When his mouth began searching for yours, he laid sloppy kisses up your jaw until he claimed your lips. He licked into your mouth like he couldn’t get enough of being a part of you, driving the point further home with deep, slow thrusts. When he pulled you off his lap, he kept you stretched open, only to slide back at an angle that had you clawing his neck and shoulders. Pressed this close, his pelvis rubbed against your clit and you were certain you wouldn’t last. 
The thought went out the window when he freed his hand to slip between your bodies. It would be a cramped and uncomfortable position for a man, but his joints could tolerate odd angles. His fingers alternated between slow sweeping strokes and quick circles. He could tell when you were close, extended your pleasure for both of your sakes with his well timed fingers.
A sensation of being build up and up, like an elevator that seemed to go on indefinitely tugged at the edges of your mind. It was worse than waiting for a beat that promised to drop.
If his soft grunts and moans were anything to go by, the RK800 was thoroughly enjoying himself. His nose was on your neck and he could feel your heart pounding through thin skin.
“Almost there. You’re doing so…” he moaned, feeling your muscles begin to spasm. “S-so, well.”
He pulled you flush into his lap, burying himself as deep as he could go, striking the last frazzled nerve you had left. It wasn’t nearly as intense as your first one but it contained a closeness that the other one did not. Connor slowed the movement of his thrusts and you felt him fill and stiffen before a wash of warmth trickled into you. You both rode out each others highs for a few more moments, stroking each others backs lovingly and him, lovesick as he was, had a grin spreading from ear to ear.
When you both settled down a bit, he made movements to gently lift you. Your legs clamped tight, dissuading him.
“W-wait. Can we…stay together? Like this?” you asked.
Even though your suggestion made him twitch from within you, he nodded, knowing you both desired a different kind of intimacy. He wiped a stray bead of sweat off your brow. “Of course.”
Your thighs ached in protest as your body decided your knees didn’t make good weight bearing cushions.
“Maybe we can try lying down?”
He leaned backwards, guiding you down with him, careful to not disturb how you were both still connected. You relaxed and laid your head on his chest.
“What happened to your extra meeting?” he asked, tone light and curious.
“Uhh…I kinda told them I had a family emergency.”
“Sweetheart,” he replied, slightly worried, not about the family emergency, it was obvious enough that you had lied to get back to him sooner.
“They’ll be fine without me. They signed when I landed in Detroit so…”
Connor made a poor attempt at a chiding scoff but couldn’t mask his smile. You pivoted your hips to distract him, and it did, briefly.
“I do not condone your actions…”
“But…?” you probed.
“I am glad to have you home.”
You hummed something back to him. It mostly sounded like gibberish even to his sharp ears. When he glanced down at you, he found your eyes shut, breathing even. Eventually, your body would protest for sleeping in such a strange position. He’d slip you off of him to your side of the bed, clean you off with a warm towel and tuck you both back into bed.
As for now…
His arm draped over your back and the other pulled the covers up. Connor laid a gentle peck on your forehead, caught the slight lift in your lips and couldn’t help but lay one more kiss down. He let out a deep sigh, content to shut his eyes and join you in a short slumber. 
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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mj-102009 · 5 months
Mistakes of the Past ((Ex) Thor x Oc)
“She’s…here?” Steve asked, getting out of Tony’s car.
He nodded. “She bought this land four years ago.”
They walked along a gravel path until they reached a metal gate, it was long worn and just barely holding on. 
“Let me just-” Tony started, getting ready to blast the lock.
Steve cut him off by tearing through the chains and throwing it out of the way. “Come on.”
Tony blinked at him before jogging to catch up.
“You’re sure this is the right place?” Steve asked. “Seems pretty…empty.”
As they walked over the hill a green and lush field came into view. The two stopped and gasped at the pristine white house that resided at the end of the plain.
“I’m pretty confident.”
They made it to the smooth cement driveway, an ATV and side-by-side parked next to a side door, on the grass was a green truck with a few bumper stickers. 
“Soooooo,” Tony trailed off, staring at the dark oak door. “How are we doing this?”
“Just ring the doorbell?” Steve said like it was obvious.
Tony rolled his eyes. “Because I’m sure she gets tons of visitors out here, and I’m sure she won’t be overjoyed to see us. Have you ever been cursed by her? I have, I could only talk in rhymes for a week.”
They’re heads bolted up at the dog barking, a fully grown German Shepherd whipped around the corner and began to howl and bark at the two men.
“MILA SHUT UP!” A voice roared from inside the house.
The dog didn’t stop, instead getting closer. Footsteps from behind the door. “Mila is swear if there’s another squirrel I’m going to fiaya ra.”
Her voice was as accented as it was back then, Steve and Tony both looked at the door while watching the angry dog. The dog was quickly forgotten as the door whipped open and an angry pale face came out.
“Mila wha-”
Adele froze in her place staring at the two men. “Oh,” She dropped the door handle and stood straight. “Hi.”
She wore casual clothing far unlike her old attire, instead it was replaced by a dark blue hoodie with faded words of Stark Industries in bold letters along with a pair of light gray shorts. 
Mila continued to yap in the background, Adele looked at her sharply and snapped her hand. “Mila, get in here.”
The dog dropped her head and lumbered inside. 
After she stepped back and opened the door. “It’s hot as fuck outside, come in.”
The main room was wide open with shining oak lining the walls, there was a TV hanging up on the wall with leather couches and arm chairs, along the walls were numerous deer antlers and heads mounted. 
“Did you build this?” S asked.
She shrugged. “I’ve had time.”
Tony ran his hand along the wall, looking at the craftsmanship, while Jarvis surveyed the area. “Morgan would tear this place apart.”
“Morgan?” Adele said, returning behind the counter to a small pot of boiling water. 
Tony’s face seemed to light up. “Pepper and I’s daughter.”
She smiled warmly. “Congrates.”
“Sir, a rapidly approaching figure behind you.”
Tony whipped around and looked around. “Wha-”
He was cut off with a grunt and a tiny fist hit his midsection. “GET AWAY FROM MY ATHLA!”
Adele threw her head back and laughed and Tony genuinely struggled against the little girl. “That’s enough Alix.”
The little girl with blonde hair and shining blue eyes stopped and blinked up at him before scampering off to her mother. “Did I do good?”
The little girl was around four, maybe five, she had her father’s eyes and sharp features but her hair and ears belonged to her mother.
Adele smiled and lifted her up. “Very well indeed,” She turned off the stove and turned to the two gaping men. “This is Tony and Steve.”
Her eyes narrowed, she turned to her mother and whispered quietly, Adele nodded and Alix turned to them with bright eyes. “You know my papa?”
The men melted, Steve met Adele’s eyes from behind her head. “I think so Kiddo.”
She wiggled around and her mother set her down to look at them. “Was he cool as momma?”
Tony wrinkled his nose at the thought of him now. “Not nearly,” He knelt down beside the girl. “What’s your name?”
“Alixandra,” She mumbled, she looked up at him. “I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“I’ll be alright, Hun.”
“Dinner’s ready baby,” Adele said, putting a bit of noodles with white sauce on a bowl. “Floor or table?”
The little girl perked up. “Floor!”
“Careful,” She warned, handing the plate over.
Once she had bounded over and the beginning of Paw Patrol started. Tony looked at her. “Ady.”
“Want food?” She asked, reaching up for more plates. “No trouble, Alix won’t eat the leftovers so-”
“Does he know?” Steve interrupted quietly.
She got quiet and looked at the top of her daughter's head. Very softly and full of sorrow she whispered. “No.”
Tony covered his mouth with his hand and looked at her with wide eyes. “Oh God.”
She shut her own eyes and nodded. “I know.”
“How long?” 
“I found out a year after the blip,” She said, swiping a hand down her face. “Just before he went…you know. I got mad at all the drinking n’ shit, he told me if I hated it that much I could leave at free will,” she sighed. “I understood that he’d be in no place to raise a baby, so I ran here.”
They stared at her. “Have you talked to each other?”
“You didn’t hear the way he spoke to me,” She said sadly. “Like I was an ant under his boot, I couldn’t stand the sight of him.”
Tony snorted. “Neither could we when we found him.”
She barked a laugh. “That bad?”
 “We brought him to the compound,” Steve told her, grinning. “Drank for an hour, spent the last five days crying over his missing wife.”
“Tell the bastard I refuse to see him until he gets his act together,” She scoffed, the men became uncomfortable. “What?”
Tony cleared his throat. “Ady he thinks you died.”
Adele’s eyebrows raised. “He could not be farther from wrong.”
“And you don’t want to see him under any circumstance?” Steve asked fidgeting, Tony gave him a ‘wtf’ look.
She squinted at him. “Not if I can help it,” Her eyes turned panicked real quick. “He’s not here is he,” She looked at Alix who was giggling at the TV.
“No no no,” Tony said, waving his hand. “It’s just…we have a plan, you know, to bring everyone back.”
The elf turned quiet looking at her daughter and pursing her lips. “You need my help.”
“We need all the help we can get,” Steve corrected. “You know more than anyone about the Aether.”
She sneered and waved her hand, a floating hologram of the infinity stone in question appeared in front of them. “That vile thing was the undoing of my civilization, it’s a goddamn living vessel of evil,” Alix looked behind her in fright, Adele dropped her magic and waved at her daughter. 
Alix gave her a confused look and got ready to stand up, her mother shook her head and she plopped back down. As much as Adele would hate to admit it, she wanted her daughter to see the best of this universe and with the blip it wouldn’t happen.
Steve sighed. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you, especially with a kid but-”
She sighed and dropped her head into her hands. “Faja.”
Tony smirked at her swear. “Pepper can watch the kid.”
Adele sat up and glared at the two. “I hate you two.”
“Hey Pepper,” Adele said smiling at the red haired woman, she gasped and sobbed running to hug her.
“Adele! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my..”
The sat for a while and embraced each other, Tony with Alix and Steve with a few suitcases, awkwardly stood there. “Hey there woman I married!” Tony exclaimed prying her away from Adele. “Missed you too!”
Pepper glared at him. “Did you get milk while you were out?”
She brushed past him and looked at Steve, again her hand fluttered to her face and she gasped. “Is that-”
The little girl snored again, tucked against Steve’s neck drool falling on his shirt. Adele smiled fondly at her. “This is Alix.”
She took him from Steve and into her own arms, Pepper’s eyes filled with unshed tears and she looked at the toddler. “Is she Thor’s?”
Adele smiled thinly and nodded, Pepper’s look of pity was enough to make her think of less than pleasant memories. “Yes.”
Tony went into the cabin and opened his arms. “Maguna!”
“Dadda,” She said. “Can I have a popsicle?”
He dropped his arms and turned to an amused Adele. “Does yours do this? I put you in your mother, show some respect.”
“Yes or no?” Morgan pressed, she finally looked behind her and her eyes lit up at the sight of Steve. “UNCLE STEVIE,” She bolted up and forgot about the popsicle, Steve set down the bags and scooped the kid into his arms. “What are you doing here?” Finally she set eyes on Adele who was wiping off Alix’s face. “Who this.”
Tony took her from Steve and walked over to Adele. “This is Legolas.”
Adele laughed softly. “Hello Mrs. Stark.”
Morgan watched her. “Who are you?”
“I just told you-”
Adele shushed Tony, getting a laugh out of the little girl. “My name is Adele.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “Your voice is funny.”
Tony put her down. “She’s an alien, can you show her to the guest room?”
She skipped up the stairs and waited for Adele. “We don’t get visitors a lot, actually sometimes Happy comes. But he doesn’t count. Oh! And Momma’s friend Sarah comes with Josh, but he’s seven and doesn’t like playing with me. Is your daughter five like me? I want more friends, dadda had a lot of friends. In the avengers, were you in the avengers?” She continued to ramble until Alix was laid down and they were walking down stairs. “-You have pretty hair, I wish mine was like yours. My dad likes to braid my hair but I don’t like it.”
Tony smiles as they come into the living room. “Maguna.”
“Are you really an-” She looked at her dad. “What.”
“What?” he mocks. “Bedtime, go with Mom.”
She gasps and clutches Adele’s leg. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”
Pepper shushes her quickly and picks her up. “C’mon stinky.”
The kid whines and cries all the way up, the three of them sigh and Adele slumps into an armchair. “Oh gods.”
Tony yawns and cracks his neck. “Alright no rest yet, game plan time.”
Sitting around a round table they look at a model of the time machine. “And you’re at 100 percent?”
Adele looked down at her hands. “It’s in my blood, Tony, I’ll be fine.”
“Just double checking.”
Steve pushed off the table. “Then it’s settled, we leave tomorrow.”
“I love you,” Adele said, looking intensely into her daughter’s eyes. “I’ll be gone for a few days, you’ll be here with Aunt Pepper and Morgan.”
She sniffled and rubbed the tears out of her eyes. “Where goin’?”
Her mother smiled sadly. “You remember the stories I told you of?”
Alix gasped and grabbed her mom’s cheeks. “Goin’ see papa? Tell him I love him”
Steve’s eyes turned down and Tony rubbed Adele’s back. The woman shakily kissed her daughter’s forehead and sighed. “I love you Aldalacka.”
“Love you too Athla.”
Adele kept her eyes outside, watching the trees roll by as she got farther from her child.
“She’ll be fine, momma bear,” Steve said looking at her in the rearview.
She chuckled and looked at him. “I know that, just nervous.”
They rolled up to the white building, her eyebrows shot to the car roof and she whistled. “You know I think I liked the tower more.”
Tony laughed. “Well you damn Asguardians kept breaking the roof.”
They strode into the building, Tony and Steve in their usual attire, Adele wore a pair of black leggings and a dark green t-shirt. She had a duffel bag slung over her shoulder and her pale hair was braided loosely from the top of her scalp down to her waist. 
“Someone wanna explain the spaceship?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Stark?”
Tony threw his hands up. “Blame the raccoon.”
“The…what?” She paused a few steps from the doors.
“You’ll see,” Steve said, holding the door.
She walked in hesitantly and followed Tony to an elevator. “How many people are here?”
Steve winced. “I’m not sure people is the right word.”
The elevator opened to a board room. 
Tony stomped in, Steve and Adele following behind. “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?” He yelled.
Slowly she took in the sight before her, The Hulk and a raccoon were leaning over a table looking at a blueprint locked in a screaming match. In chairs, half asleep, was Rhodey and Natasha, Clint was standing beside a door on his phone like this was a regular occurrence, a blue chick was performing live operation to her wrist with a screwdriver, another average looking man was looking at everything in wonder.
She looked around the room slowly before looking at Steve with a quizzical expression, he shrugged, she frowned and crossed her arms.
“Tony,” The hulk sighed, Adele’s jaw dropped. “Finally someone competent.”
“Should the jump point be at 7.5 or 14.5?” He asked.
Tony glanced down at the papers. “7.5.”
The raccoon jumped up and clapped his hands with a whoop. “HAH.”
Hulk sighed and erased a note. “Okay then.”
Meanwhile Adele stood blubbering like a fish, Steve walked forward and dragged her with him. “Team, this is Adele, some of you may know her,” Nat, Clint, Rhodey, and Hulk all looked up at her. “Some of you may not,” The raccoon was looking at her ears with dollar signs in his eyes, the average looking man had an awestruck look on his face, the blue lady couldn’t care less. “She’s an elf as you may be able to tell and knows first hand information about the Aether.”
“How much for the ears?” The raccoon asked with a smirk.
She looked at him curiously. “How much to get you to shut up?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Adele?” Natasha said, walking up to her. “Jesus Chirst where have you been?”
She smiled sadly. “Long story.”
Hulk stood up and gave her a bear hug. “Ady!”
Adele squeaked and released a burst of energy from her palm to push him back. “Bruce?!?!?”
He rubbed his neck bashfully and nodded. “Long story.”
She swore in elvish and gave him up and down. “I can tell.”
Clint came up to her next. “Come to collect Gandum Style?”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “Who?”
His face turned surprised. “Thor? You know that god you married?”
“Oh shit,” She mumbled. “Forgot about that.”
Natasha gave her a worried look. “What happened these past years.”
She had opened her mouth to talk about Alix.
A broken whisper came from behind her. “Adele?”
She tensed and slowly turned, for a moment she could say a word, because holy fucking shit this guy needed a day at the gym. “What the fuck.”
His eyes filled with tears. “I-” He stopped and reached for her.
She flinched aggressively and smacked his hand away. “Gakape ke faja raefe kam io (Get the fuck away from me),” She spat. “I don’t want to catch whatever this is.”
If Adele had been in a calm state of mind maybe she wouldn’t be speaking like this. For a moment the heartbroken and longing look of this man's face cleared the clouds. Then she remembered how he treated her after she offered to help every time he was down.
Thor dropped his hand and looked down at his grubby clothes. “I’m not ill.”
“Look at yourself,” She snarled. “Disgusting,” Steve grabbed her forearm and pulled her back before it could get worse. Not before her last words, they jarred him straight to his core. “Io Aldalacka fra losana re reminre (My Alixandra loves you even if she doesn’t know you).”
As she walked away he whispered. “Who is Alixandra?”
Tony sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Jarvis remind me to throw away all of my beer.”
“Will do, sir.”
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bisummers · 9 months
my dog died.
processing under the cut.
You were such an annoying little bitch. Truly a devil’s spawn. I remember our first xmas together. You were so cute and so little and yet somehow you managed to get up on my bed and destroy every one of my presents. I was so mad and i loved you so much. So it goes.
My stepdad tried to train you as a guard dog and botched it horribly. I couldn’t stop him; i also didn’t know any better. You would bark at anyone that didn’t live in the house. It was a compulsion, you couldn’t stop yourself. You would bark and bark and bark until the person left or you lost your voice. It got so bad we couldn’t have visitors anymore. We were so much alike. I too couldn’t shut up. Could never say the right thing. I didn’t mean harm, but i held so much wrong in me I didn’t know how to control. So we barked. So it goes.
A couple years ago you stopped barking as much. You were getting older, losing your senses, couldn’t quite tell when someone new was home. My mom was ecstatic. I knew it was the beginning of the end. I started grieving you the moment you stopped barking entirely. You were still there, but you weren’t the noisy bocona i knew. Time was taking its toll. I started dreaming you died violent deaths. I would cry in my sleep and scare the shit out of Ricardo. So it goes.
It was time. You were in so much pain. There was nothing we could do to make it better. We did what we had to. We did what we had to do. We did what we had to do. It should be a relief. It’s not. It feels like a beast is clawing at my muscles and my lungs, gnawing at my ribs, trying to eat my heart out and steal all the love i have for you. Well, it can’t have it. It will fester and rot inside me until i join you. Hopefully something good grows from my decay.
So it goes.
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