#how DARE you let this movie bomb
shiningstarr15 · 7 months
I have a LOT to say about it and I’m gonna make an official review post probably tomorrow.
But I will say for now, The Marvels is now one of my comfort movies, and Carol Danvers is a comfort character that just made the top 5 ❤️😍🎤🐱👑☀️
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Secretly Mine
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Summary: Spencer and Reader have been seeing each other for a while without the team's knowledge
Category: Fluff
Couple: Spencer/BAU Fem!Reader
Content warnings: None
Word count: 1.5k
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Eight months have passed since your arrival at the BAU. You’re an integral part of the team. Hotch has been sure to let you know. You’ve stood out with your eye for detail at certain crime scenes, outshining even some of the team’s more seasoned members. Luckily, the academy’s rumors about the Quantico team’s bond have rang true time and time again, so competition and jealousy never became an issue. It only made them respect you and even open up to you.
One person who has particularly opened up to you is the genius of the group, Spencer Reid. The secret you learned: he’s a gentle kisser. Almost childishly chaste, but nothing seemed more fitting for his personality. What was surprising was the setting of your first kiss.
New York City police invited the team to investigate the terrorist cell killing random people across the city. Their attacks grew more volatile by the time you all arrived, placing bombs on government vehicles. One of these bombs hurt Hotch, and SSA Joyner did not survive the same blast. The results could have been worse, considering.
Your team faced the problem of uncertainty regarding who (if anyone) had been injured at that moment. Spencer was with Rossi at the police station while the rest of you were on the ground. That damn terrorist organization interfered with signals and transmissions all the time, and this was no different. You, by your luck, were the most difficult to get in contact with, despite being safe at Federal Plaza. You met with the team when it was safe to do so and all targeted areas were cleared. Most of you sighed in relief. Garcia even held your face, as if to make sure you were real, alive and, breathing.
Spencer held your face too, but not in the same way. You both took refuge by the water cooler, surprisingly where no one was present in a once-crowded New York City police station. You talked about what happened, Hotch’s current condition, and how long to expect these nerves to last. Your nerves didn’t settle, though, when Spencer’s knuckles brushed your cheek as he said, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You didn’t blame these nerves, though, when you leaned into the touch, looking up at him with a smile. “I’m glad you’re okay, too.”
Spencer was cute, obviously, but workplace relationships are highly unprofessional and even a liability, if the case they just survived wasn’t enough proof of that. You’d think (well, you knew actually) Spencer of all people would know this. He knows everything. When you had a case in Baltimore involving the Ravens, he told you their name came from Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous poem. Then he explained the detailed theories surrounding his untimely death. Spencer believes it has something to do with cooping, whatever that means, you dared not to ask. There’s nothing he doesn’t consider.
So, Spencer must have considered all the odds of professional behavior in that moment by the water cooler since his lips delicately brushed yours. It was barely a kiss at first, until he leaned in for another, to where you could feel the warmth of his mouth and felt that he could do with some lip exfoliant. The last part you didn’t care about because it was practically over before it began. Neither of you said anything about it. Instead, you stayed there for a while, not touching or talking. Then Morgan told the team to pack up and get ready to go home.
Throughout the past month, you and Spencer have shared many kissing sessions. Not at work, though, because you both still have some sense. Kissing Spencer, though, tends to not leave you with much sense. His gentleness is not a front. His touches are tender and he’s never pushed you beyond your limits. It’s a good thing then that he’s a gentleman, so he earned kisses through dinners, movies, and day trips. It was something to look forward to in between grueling cases.
And it wasn’t even off work when Spencer would bring joy to you. There was a case recently in North Carolina that shook you more than you cared to admit. You didn’t want to mention what specifically, as it’s something you haven’t spoken about in a long time, but the team picked up on it quickly. They checked on you and even asked if you needed to sit out. You powered through and came to a satisfactory (for lack of a better word) conclusion. Afterward, Spencer invited you to ice cream. It was a welcoming change of scenery, despite the ice cream place being called Jack the Dipper. It was hilariously fitting, so it really wasn’t an issue. Spencer didn’t ask about what happened or what made you feel so disturbed. Throughout the night, he just made sure to ask if you were okay.
You haven’t been okay for a while. Not because of that case, but because it’s been three months now and you are still running around with Spencer without the team’s knowledge. The team might feel cheated (and Hotch might be pissed) because they are not aware of this information, but the uneasiness of all this was starting to settle in. The fear, the worry that this might just be all for nothing. Outside of the office, he shows that he cares. He knows things about you that you haven't revealed in some time. And apparently he has done the same. Bruises from harsh kisses around your bodies linger under work clothes from a weekend in, and the team has been none the wiser. And you’re not sure if you’re as okay with it as you thought you were.
The team went out to the bar on a Thursday, celebrating a government holiday the night before (i.e. a three-day weekend). The team took shots, bet money, threw darts, and Emily ended up with the most by closing. You would’ve coughed up more cash throughout the night if you were confident in your bets.
Spencer barely looked at you. Didn’t brush your hand or even stand near you for too long, like you had the plague or whatever Poe died from. It didn’t help the feeling in your core, and neither did the walk home. Morgan drove Garcia home, Hotch with Rossi, and J.J. with Emily. And of course, Spencer with you. When J.J. drove away after boasting about avoiding a ticket on an expired meter, Spencer didn’t hesitate to reach for your hand. It was nice, and as the weather grew colder, it was a welcomed warmth. But how could it not feel at least a little sour?
His apartment wasn’t far from here, so you walked. Your hands were laced the entire time, but he didn’t breathe a word and you couldn’t tell if that should make you feel better or worse.
It wasn’t until you climbed the steps to his door that he asked, “Are you staying the night?”
You swallowed. Unlike Emily, Garcia, and Rossi, you were on the side of tipsy rather than in dire need of a toilet to bury your head into. “Sure.” You said. “If you want me to.”
“Yeah,” He said, fiddling with his key and lock. “Of course I want you to.”
He finally opens the door and turns on the living room light. You barely had time to put your purse down before his lips were on yours. They were still chapped like the first time, except you could forgive that because of the growing cold outside. His hands hold your waist, they creep to your back. You couldn’t help but lean in, away from the door he pressed you into. It was when Spencer moaned in your mouth that you broke away. Catching your breath, you try putting together a sentence. But breathing is difficult right now for both of you. Spencer’s eyes are lazy and his breath still lingers with a scent of the mint gum he spit out when he showed up to the bar.
“I’m sorry,” he says, and you think it’s the start to an actual apology. “I was trying to stay patient.” He kisses you again, softly. And you kiss him back still. He moans again. “I want you.”
You swallow again. Your throat is so dry. “Spencer, I—”
“I want to tell them.” He interrupts.
You blink, it quickens as you take in the words. “What?”
His hands cup your face. He brushes the messy bangs from your forehead. “I want to tell them. About this. About us. I just…” He trails off. That is not something you’re used to seeing. “I want more time with you.”
As Spencer’s words sank in, you felt a mix of apprehension and longing, wondering just what could go wrong. A lot, in fact. But you have to believe he’s being honest. Why wouldn’t he be?
And with a soft smile, you reached for his hand and met his gaze. “I want that too,” you said, feeling the weight of it finally being lifted off your chest. “I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“I know. And I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you about it earlier. I was being selfish.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“But I would. Because it’s true. But that changes now.” The look on his face, the fully sober look on his face. He’s all in. “I will tell them you’re my girlfriend.”
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citrustan · 6 months
slipping through my fingers [1] (myg)
title: will i ever see you again?
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pairing: min yoongi x reader genre: dilf!yoongi, exes and co-parents au, angst!, fluff, smut summary: yoongi usually has an explanation for everything. why can't he talk you through this? warnings: [it is important that you read the prologue before this]
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It takes you a good five minutes to gather yourself. Yoongi doesn't dare to disturb you.
Still leaned against the wall, you take a few steady breaths.
You don't know why but you don't cry.
The news of him dating another person is enough for you to have an intense breakdown, let alone marrying someone.
This will forever serve as a reminder that you weren't enough for Yoongi.
You kind of just want to go straight to bed. Pretend this never happened. Just deal with it later.
After your break-up, a big part of you always thought you'd end up getting back together. And that no matter how long it takes, Yoongi would be your endgame. He was it for you.
Over the past year, your contact with Yoongi had reduced. He was always busy when you called. Always working.
But now that you think about it, it was you who assumed that he was working. He never claimed he was.
For all you know, he could've been dating.
Pfft. 'Could have.'
He most definitely was.
And he didn't tell you. Not even your friends told you about it.
You don't know what's worse.
You're pushing yourself away from going into a dark place. Where you begin to wonder.
The only question that refuses to budge is: What does she have that you don't?
In all honesty, you wish he never told you. You don't want to know what type of a person his future wife is. You do not want to know if they'd have children together. You do not care if they buy a house together, or if they already have one. You don't want to know.
And you don't want to think about what it'd do to Nao.
When you begin to truly register the possible consequences of Yoongi's marriage, you feel anger. It spreads through your veins in a millisecond.
Had Nao already met this woman? You doubt that because she never told you about it.
Would it be confusing for her to understand what's going on?
Is that woman going to be parenting your child too? You violently shook your head. You won't allow that.
You are her only mother.
The pressure in your chest only deepens the more you think about this.
Yoongi has stolen your peace.
How are you to move on from this? And you hadn't even confronted half of the thoughts you're having. The anger never subsides.
He's going to send you right back to therapy.
"_____?" Yoongi comes looking for you.
You cannot afford to lose your composure in front of him. You don't want to give him more reasons to be grateful for your break-up.
You had to step away for just a bit longer, "I'll be right back."
You were about to turn and hide in your room when you feel Yoongi yanking your arm back.
With a surprised yelp, you pull it back just as forceful.
"Talk to me." Yoongi pleaded with his eyes.
"I...-" You trail off. The words were caught in your throat. I don't want to see you again, ever.
This was such a disaster.
How does one move on from this?
"_____. I'm sorry." He tried again.
Yoongi had it all planned. He was going to sit you down and ease it in on you.
Instead, he chickened out and ended up dropping a bomb on you out of nowhere.
He's usually the more composed one out of the two of you, and he screwed it up.
You sigh, "I don't know why you're apologizing."
After a moment, you swiftly walk away from Yoongi and peek into the living room.
Nao's attention is still on the movie.
"Has she met Nao?"
Yoongi shook his head profusely, "I wanted your permission first."
At this you're confused.
Unable to separate your emotions, you sarcastically laugh. "My permission to let your daughter meet her father's future wife?"
It's like a bell ringing in your mind. Your laugh transitions into a bit of a manic one, "What if I told you no? What happens then?"
Yoongi kept his calm, "Then she won't meet her now." You scoff.
Immediately, you give in, having no interest in continuing this conversation. "Then do whatever you want. She's your daughter too. I can't make decisions for you."
You start to walk away from him when he stops you, "_____. Let's just... talk."
“I don’t want to.” You sternly announce.
This would be a lot easier to handle this if he just got mad at you. It’d be easy to hate him if he were being unreasonable. In all honesty, even then you’d probably never be able to truly hate him.
“_____, I’m sorry,” Yoongi softly brings your attention to him. His eyes were directed towards your feet.
It doesn’t phase you. His blanket apology for whatever happened doesn’t make up for anything.
You want to ask him what he was apologising for. But you don’t really want to go there. Not in front of Nao.
You cannot subject her to this instability anymore than you already have.
“Ask your daughter if she wants to meet your wife,” you spat, “Not me.”
Yoongi knew you were angry. He also knew exactly why. Still, he can’t bring himself to talk you through it. It’s too soon. He needs to let it simmer.
As much as you don’t want him to think (know) that you’re just bitter for very obvious reasons, that ship has already sailed.
You don’t think you can do a whole lot to salvage it. Might as well ride it out for now.
With the risk of sounding pathetic, you turn your body towards him. “How come you’re marrying someone else?”
Yoongi’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he sighs deeply.
“_____...” He coos, “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
There's a pause, a moment where the air seems heavy.
The noises from the TV sound muffled. Time slows down for you to hold yourself together.
“I don’t want you to ever doubt yourself, _____.”
That’s not under his control. Hell, you yourself can’t help it.
“I don’t,” you lie.
“I want you to know that it wasn’t an easy decision. I just… She broke me. I don’t know how but I changed.”
That’s what you get for respecting his boundaries.
This is a slap in your face. He better not be saying what you think he is.
“She convinced you?” You question him pointedly.
So, you could’ve ‘broken’ him too? So much for not being an overzealous girlfriend slash baby mother.
“No! I just changed my mind about-“
You wouldn’t let him finish, “No.”
“No?” Yoongi was starting to get a little agitated.
“I… don’t want to know.”
“Okay. That’s okay. Let’s talk tomorrow,” Yoongi agreed.
The two of you take a little break from the almost heated conversation you just had.
“I’ll finish up in the kitchen. Are Mimi’s bags packed?”
“Yeah, just need to get her toothbrush after she’s done.”
Your ex-boyfriend’s nickname for your daughter was Mimi, and you preferred Nao. Nao prefers Nao too but she’d never break her daddy’s heart like that.
He gives your arm a subtle squeeze as he moves past you to get back to the kitchen.
You head to Nao’s room to get her bag as she excitedly follows you in.
Turning to her, you tilt your head towards her, “Did you turn the TV off?”  
“Yes! And I unplugged the wire.”
“Good girl.” You give her a genuine smile.
You don’t know what your future is going to look like with Yoongi’s wife in the picture. What if Nao doesn’t like her? What if she doesn’t like Nao?
Your heart drops at the thought of them having a kid. What if she pushes Yoongi to leave you and Nao?
No, he’d never. You’ve got to give him more credit than that.
Is she pregnant? Is that why he wants to marry her?
You were pregnant too.
You already know you’re going to kick Taehyung’s ass for not warning you about this new woman in Yoongi’s life.
“MOMMY.” Nao’s scream brings you back.
“I’m sorry! Mama’s here. W-” - “Daddy’s calling.”
Okay. Deep breaths.
“Go on ahead, I’ll bring you your bag.” You then instruct her to brush her teeth at her dad’s.
Nao hugs your waist, burying her head into your side. It tickles a little.
Then, she runs off to find her father.
Soon, you follow her and drop her bag by the door.
Yoongi reappears from the kitchen, drying his hands with a paper towel. He stops in front of you and waits as Nao jams her feet into her pink Crocs.
Seemingly in deep thought, you stand by them. You don’t want to end tonight on a weird note. Even though you’re hurting, you can’t let him see it. For so long, you just assumed you’d find your way back to each other even though you never actively put effort into it.
Now, it seems downright outlandish.
Your next moves are not to save face but an attempt to actually move forward.
“Yoongi!” You call out to him as if he were miles away.
A little startled, he raises a brow at you in question.
“You should introduce them.” You nod, mostly to yourself.
At this, his expression changes. It’s softer and… almost aching.
“And congrats.” You added shyly. “You deserve to be happy.”
Your vision began to blur.
You gulp and smile. Yoongi knows the smile. He begins to extend his arms, inching towards you, as if he were about to embrace you.
“Mommy.” Nao winks, blows you a kiss, and runs out of the apartment, breaking whatever moment the two of you just had. You scrunch your brows at the now-empty doorway.
Yoongi scoffs in amazement.
“You should go,” you urge him out of the door, not allowing him to respond to you. “Now. Bye.”
Yoongi simply allows you to push him out, still a little stunned by the two of you.
“Make sure she does her math homework!” You get the last word in as you slam the door in his face.
Had your daughter not distracted you, you don’t know what you’d have done.
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₊˚.🎧 ✩。 underwater by red velvet ₊˚.🎧 ✩。
note: these song recommendations go great w the story!! u should give it a listen :*
thank u for all the love and attention you've given to this little project 😍
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primaviva · 10 months
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PAIRINGS: gwen, miles (42!), hobie, pav, and miguel x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS: astv characters and their s/o going to see barbie.
WARNING/NOTES: matching outfits, the mention of o-o-oppenheimer 🤢🤮, barbie photo ops, miguel being a mamón
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i hate to say it so… but she wanted to watch oppenheimer first.
she sent you a text talking about sum “babe let’s see oppenheimer it looks good 🥰” and then you sent her a voice memo of gun shots from your gun sound simulator app and she understood she was wrong.
gwen thinks father of the atomic
it’s not like she didn’t wanna see barbie but she was like… it’s barbie
“babe cmon! you can’t tell me oppenheimer doesn’t look cool. what is barbie even about? is she gonna go on an adventure to find that old rubber high heel the little girl that owns her lost those many years ago? oooo so interesting.”
“do not mock me gwendolyn.”
you showed her the trailer as gwen showed you the oppenheimer trailer
in the end you both lost.
yeah… oppenheimer is a glorification a historical event that people don’t touch on the affects it had and rather the men behind it
and yeah… barbie having an existential crisis on what it means to be a woman and her place in the world sounded like it had potential
“i mean, yeah the trailer is kinda fire,” you admitted, weak in defeat.
gwen crossed her arms with a smirk of victory. “see! i told you that it looked cool,” she rubbed in your face before changing her expression, “but… barbie also sounds like it’s gonna be good. who says we can’t do both?”
you guys do barbieheimer.
and since you both were already gonna indulge in the internet craze… of course you played into it
gwen dressed in all black in this tux and even got the hat to match
you on the other hand wore all pink in tribute to barbie
she was FAWNING over you.
the cute outfit? the accessories? you in general?
you also couldn’t lie with how attractive gwen looked in a blazer I MEANNNN
she wore a bunch of rings on her hands and had a tie and all but she made it looser and looser until she just took it off and shoved it in her pocket before y’all left because it was annoying the shit out of her
“oh my you look so dapper,” you complimented, fighting back laughs from your choice of wording.
you watched as she smoothed down the blazer, shocked that she even had that in her closet. it was weird seeing her dressed like that and you couldn’t help but try to not look. it would be a bad night if she caught you peeking because yeah, you know she’s fine, but do you want her knowing that? to use that against you as leverage? hell. no.
gwen let out a laugh as she striked a pose, hands on her hips moving the sides of the blazer behind her to show off black waistcoat top. “really? you flatter me. aren’t you the bees knees yourself, babe.”
you cringed. hard.
her attempt at 1940 slang was where you drew the line and her shit eating grin didn’t help.
“gwen… dare i say gwendolyn again.”
she smirked. “yes, sugar lips?”
“i hate you.”
gwen was clearly feeling herself
you were too
and trust there was a photoshoot. and trust that it was gwen’s idea even if it was mostly her taking photos of you and her hyping you up crazy
“you’re gonna be the prettiest there babe. nobody can top my girl! not even barbie-”
“don’t be corny with me please…”
you guys decided to watch oppenheimer first and then end on a happy note with barbie
throughout oppenheimer you could see… even FEEL gwen’s eyes staring at the side of your head
she was just making sure you at least enjoyed the movie because it would break her soul if she forced you to watch something you didn’t like
you guys ended up loving it, especially the bomb scene
then you guys watched barbie…
it was a lot of laughing but the moment the movie started taking its turn bro gwen was fighting tears
and at the end of it? BALLING HER EYES OUT
if you are crying you both are just looking at each other in utter shock at the movie but also doing a really poor job at hugging each other
if you aren’t crying your eyes out with her you are comforting her while kinda laughing at her because she thought it was just gonna be some pink glam movie
it wasn’t.
“t-the message… this is so embarrassing i can’t stop crying what the fuck,” she cried into her palms which made her sound really funny as it was muffled by her skin.
you just held her close and you guys talked about the movies
especially like talking about the symbolism in barbie and how it touched on women suffering from the system and standards they are forced to live up to like it really hit gwen especially because the hate she got for how she acted in astv and how nobody was coming at the males that did the same or even worse than her
she sends you tiktok edits of gloria x barbie and says “us❤️”
overall, it was a 10/10 experience y’all went out to eat after in your cute outfits n all
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you asked him and miles was down IMMEDIATELY
he was another that thought oppenheimer looked good but he didn’t really mention going to the movie with you and the same thing for barbie
miles just thought they was both cool lookin
so you asked him.
“miles, baby, i have a very important question to ask you… one that may very well determine the outcome of this relationship.”
you spoke stern and serious, and almost vague.
"yeah, what's up? something wrong?" miles asks, slightly concerned, running his fingers through his curls and looking up at you.
“will you watch the barbie movie with me?” you pleaded with your hands, “pleaseee!”
miles eyes go wide, a smile spreading across his face.
"yes! i'm so down! i'll even be your ken if you wanna be my barbie. you know i'm a sucker for anything barbie."
you laughed, moving over to sit in his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. “my ken, huh? i like the idea of that.”
“i mean, what else would i be? i’m here to serve you,” he spoke with a slight blush painted on his cheeks. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“we should do those matching couple outfits for barbie,” you suggested, “wouldn’t we look so cute?”
"matching outfits?" he asks thoughtfully. "y’know what, i think i know the perfect idea for our couple's look, babe."
miles had this glow to him as you literally saw a light bulb go off in his head.
“oh really, you have an idea?” you questioned, furrowing your brows at the speed of whatever little brain storm was going on in his head. “is it boricua barbie? because not gonna lie, i’d love to see you in a dress.”
"hmm, you wanna see me in a pink, ruffly dress?" miles teases you, smiling at the idea. "why didn't you tell me you were into cute boys in feminine outfits sooner, babe? cus’ i’d dress up for you whenever you want."
“you play too much,” choked out through the giggles as you shoved his shoulder. "hey now, i look amazing in a dress," he laughs. "but i do have an idea that includes both matching barbie costumes and me being your ken, if you're up for it."
miles smiles sweetly at you, his expression turning a little mischievous. “if you have an idea, please do tell,” you said in a sultry voice.
"i want to do what barbie and ken did in that one movie, where ken turns out to actually have superpowers too," miles explains excitedly. "but instead of us being the same superhero, like we both have super strength or super speed, we could be superheroes who complement each other."
you laughed im disbelief. ‘no way’ you thought, knowing exactly what he was thinking of.
he takes your hand, placing the other one on your cheeks and staring deeply into your eyes as he smiles at you. "what do you think?" miles whispers, leaning down toward you.
“you wanna be barbie and ken… from barbie princess power,” you recited slowly, a grin stretching across your face. “of course the one who is a superhero vigilante says this.”
miles' smile widens. "yes, princess power! that's exactly what i was talkin’ about," he says. "and come on, don't underestimate the barbie movies. most of them are really good, dare i say cinematic masterpieces!”
you mouthed an ‘okay’ as you rolled your eyes.
"if i'm your ken, you have to be my barbie," he says, moving his hands onto your waist and moving you up his lap. "the most iconic couple in the barbie universe, right here."
y’all outfits looked so funny but cute… like in a diy that didn’t go wrong typa way
and if you think for a minute mamita rio let y’all go without them facebook mom photos you’re sadly mistaken
"sonríe pa la foto!" rio yelled as the flash coming from her phone was almost blinding.
“mami, por favor-”
miles begging was not gonna get him anywhere with his mom.
“dios mío, you both look so cute,” rio gushed.
“señora morales…you’re too kind!”
miles dad gave you both the typical “y’all better not get into no trouble” parent speech and then you both was off
when i say he was fangirling over the barbie themed cups and popcorn… i mean it
he was taking photos of everything
the whole movie his mouth was wide open in awe
miles was actually so furious at ken he looked absolutely lost and physically upset watching that white piece of plastic run a muck in barbieland
yes, he cried at the end… and at the middle… and a little at the start
at first he was just amazed with the cinematography
but then when they got to the real world? just seeing through the movies lens and it’s take on how modern society treats women based on the parallel barbie world like he felt so unreal
at the end, he was acting like those guys on tiktok that was treating the women in they lives like absolute QUEENS walking out the theater because of the perspective they got watching the movie
not that he didn’t treat you like that before, don’t get him wrong, it’s just that he felt the need like a bunch of other guys after watching the movie to apologizes for the system men have created
it was a little funny, especially because it has nothing to do with him and men doing this type of stuff is a little corny coming from the privilege of the gender, but you appreciated it nonetheless
if you cried during the movie tho? he is bear hugging you crazy and not letting go even after the barbie world credits end
you guys leave the theater holding hands and talking about the film and he is geeking out over all the symbolism and stuff this man watches titanic you know he’s a secret film bro
“i’m so sorry mi amor, that us men have failed our women-”
and there miles went, on a nonstop rant about how you are his queen and how much he loves the women in his life.
you ended up sleeping over at his place
with the door open of course… you know rio is watching.
he had so much fun with you tonight and you could tell by the way he slept with a big smile displayed on his face.
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you asked him and he was happily accepting before you even got the question fully out.
“pav!” you called out from behind him, pulling him in from the neck for a hug. “hey, i wanna ask you something. do you wanna-”
“wait… what? pav i didn’t even say anything yet? what if i’m about to say something completely criminal?” you asked in a teasing tone.
“hehe, yeah maybe i’m a little too excited to see you. what is it, love?”
his eyes looked at you so bright and full of love, it was almost distracting.
“can we go see the barbie movie? we can even wear all pink and match…”
you were gonna say more, but you didn’t have to.
pav was immediately saying yes to everything
until the fear sunk in…
"wait, but I don't have anything pink to wear!" pavitr exclaimed, sounding slightly distressed. "does that mean you won't go with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and giving you a teasing smile.
he knows you’d never do such a thing.
"you know, i don't usually dress in pink, but for you i'll make an exception!"
you suggested you both go shopping like a little couples date
it was chaotic to say the least… but just as fun !!
he was acting like a model with everything he put on and it got even worse when you let him look at the stuff you were putting on
absolutely whipped.
“my girlfriend is gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!”
you thanked him again, and again, and again.
“pav, do you think you are india’s next top model? because you are not gaytari,” you teased for him not finding an outfit yet, landing a peck on his cheek as he giggled in response.
"i'II look my best for the movie," he added with a wink. "are you sure you can handle all this style?"
all you could do was roll your eyes.
y’all were almost late to the movie because of bro
but you weren’t.
for the movie he was similar to miles and just in awe
in the beginning he was rooting for ken because he thought he was just being a good service boyfriend
you can imagine pavitr heartbreak when he started talking about the patriarchy
man is anger sobbing
words cannot describe the physical anger he feels seeing ken talk to barbie in such a manner he was stunned at the switch up
he also loved all of ruth’s parts, thinks she carried the whole movie
was physically leaning backwards at the sad scenes just taking it all in
pavitr LOVED the movie
came out the theater a changed man.
“my amazing, sweetest, most caring girlfriend…the prettiest of all mumbattan,” he spoke as he got down on one leg.
‘oh boy’ you thought, preparing yourself.
“i promise you, i would never ever treat you like how ken did barbie. you are a breathtaking woman and deserve the world-”
there goes another speech.
he walked you home like a true gentleman he smoking that ken pack and y’all talked about your favorite parts
pavitr overall had a really good time with you and enjoyed the message of the movie
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hobie is not and i repeat NOT watching that atomic bomb glorification story
but a movie about the patriarchy and double standard against women that hurts both genders based on the system men built through a satire film that is actually very political and has a message? yeah he’s going
when you told him tho not gonna lie he was gonna clown you
“barbie? like that lil white girl… you sure you wanna go watch that, luv?”
once you told him about the plot and showed him the trailer bro was READY to go
the set up of barbie world being a parallel to modern society was music to his ears
“really? i didn’t really expect allat comin’ from that bird. ight then, i’ll go. now i'm kinda curious.”
yes, he dresses up with you.
hobie is a punk icon… you know gender does not define him and he doesn’t care about breaking the “rules” of fashion of bit
so what does he dress as?
erika from rock n royals barbie.
guitar included.
you? well it’s a couple costume YOU'RE GONNA BE HIS COURTNEY
it’s not like you guys wore an exact replica of the outfits it was just heavily inspired fits
y’all looked cute as hell tho trust
“hobie, i can feel you staring,” you told him as you fixed up your makeup in your mirror.
it was true, you could feel him staring at you. heavy.
you looked to the side of your mirror and indeed saw him eyeing your figure with a soft smirk as he leaned against your bed frame. “what, not allowed to look at my girl now? since when?”
he was teasing and he knew it was making you flustered just by how your face was heating up.
his outfit isn’t too far out of bounds of what we would normally wear, but you couldn’t lie and say that the new colors didn’t fit him. the purple and the blue accents of his outfit, the leather jacket, the black eyeshadow with glitter that he surprisingly let you do, just everything about him looked so good.
hobie walked up behind you and put his hands on your hips, guiding your body closer to his as he watched your hands freeze applying your lip liner.
“don’t stop cus’ of me,” he spoke sheepishly.
you continued and shortly after finished up. his eyes still stared silently at you, admiring your beauty. “looking again, hobie? y’know i hope you pay attention to this movie…”
“i am,” he admitted with no shame, “you’re the prettiest gal i’ve seen. not gonna deny that.”
he pressed a slow, open mouth kiss on your shoulder as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. his breath was warm against your chilled skin.
“shall we get goin’ now?”
he payed attention to the movie but he couldn’t help wrapping a arm around your shoulder and making little comments in your ear
hobie got quiet tho towards the middle because he genuinely got invested once her feet turned flat and barbie met the ceo
but once the movie started getting deep… BOYY the look on this mans face he was stunned, appalled, baffled, gobsmacked even at ken
and then the speech about women? lawd.
he didn’t cry at all during the final sequence and if anything i think he was confused…
“wait that’s the lady from before that was makin tea, innit?”
“yes hobie.”
“holdup, where the granny go? what’s with the white void?”
don’t get it twisted tho he understood the film and thought it was beautifully done
y’all talked about all the topics afterwards and let’s just say bro hates kens and is angry that nobody told them shit
“are they mad? they must be cus’ no way after everything that happened they just gon forgive the man for being a raging misogynist… they had the girls wearing maid costumes and not one apology was heard man that’s insane!”
hobie smoking that ken pack
he enjoyed the movie but what made him enjoy it was doing it with you <33
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you know you had to ask him.
bro was not considering anything that would take him away from his work or distract him because he feels he doesn’t have time for that
and the crazy thing is that miguel knows about the hype about the movie and the whole barbie core pink mania
but of course he gonna act like he don’t and got better things to do.
“do you wanna see the barbie movie with me?”
those the words that stopped the gears turning in his head.
“excuse me?” miguel asked, looking up from his report with furrowed brows as his forehead already began to crease.
you wanted to dwell on the fact that he is getting annoyed before you even got to explain yourself, but you pushed it to the back of your mind. no, you couldn’t let him get push you away this time.
“you heard me, miguel. c’mon, the movie with margot robbie! and did i mention barbie? one of the most popular dolls? don’t act stupid,” you told him, walking over and wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him close from behind as he sat. “you don’t think it would be fun?”
he pinches the bridge of his nose, knowing what you’re about to get him into.
“mi vida…” you hear him sigh, quietly in almost a cut-it-out type of tone. he moves his head to the side and you can practically feel the confusion behind the glare. “you’re joking.”
you move one of your hands to your heart. “miguel!” you gasped playful, “this is a serious matter. why would i even joke about watching a movie with you?”
“because there's no way you're being serious. you don't go looking for me to see a barbie movie. especially one you know i'll refuse,” he replies, his voice stern.
"Is this some sort of elaborate humiliation attempt?"
"... you're serious, aren't you? what's in it for me? i mean, it's a barbie movie."
you explain to him the premise and he still acts like this whole thing is stupid and you have no business trying to see this movie with him
but he can’t lie, he’s intrigued.
he kinda wants to see it.
and he’s trying his best to hide it.
"okay… what time?" he asked, defeated.
“really, my begging actually worked? thank god because i already brought two tickets and it would’ve been sad showing up alone,” you confessed.
“you bought them? already?” he repeated, caught off guard by how ready you were. “and what time are they for?"
“fine, fine. but i'm holding you to your word. If it turns out this is some kind of elaborate scheme, you'll be hearing about it."
he’s so suspicious for no reason
now when it came to outfits… yeah you know miguel owns no pink whatsoever
you didn’t even know he knew about the pink craze or even wanted to play into it until he let it slip
"what am i supposed to wear then? i don't own anything pink.”
“it’s fine we’ll go shoppin- wait who said anything about pink outfits to you?”
you started making fun of him but then he threatened to take back saying he was going with you and told you that you’d be sitting in a theater all by yourself
but then you brought up again how he was ready to wear pink for you and he had a little slip up
"n-no? i mean, I could… if i’m gonna go see this thing with you and it your way, might as well commit right?”
his facade was slipping, this was golden. “so you will wear pink?”
the mischievous look on your face made him annoyed but he knew what he was getting into.
“i said i could, not that i’m going to. don’t get your hopes up chiquita."
he did end up wearing pink
little said he know you were plotting something against him
it started off nice… simple.
it was white pants with a pink button up
you told him for a “pop of color” he should wear a green blazer
sound familiar? because you were planning a scheme YOU DRESSED HIM AS SUGAR DADDY KEN
it was for shits and giggles
he had no idea until it was all paid for and safe to tell him before miguel made you fix his outfit
he’s ore than a little surprised, and not really sure how to react. miguel takes a look at the outfit, and does his best to try and hold back a chuckle.
"this... is a joke. there's no way you're serious about me wearing this, is there?”
“put. it. on.”
he does a low sighs and take the outfit from you. "fine, only because it's you."
it didn’t take him long to finish in the changing room, and when he stepped out you were enchanted by the sight.
yes. indeed you were very happy.
he was paying for everything of course like the sugar daddy he doesn’t know he is
he had his arms crossed, sat down legs spread, watching you change into different pink outfits and rating telling you how he thought you looked
you’d do little spins for miguel
“muy bella.” “you look gorgeous.” “i like that one, fits you nicely.”
you ended up leaving and going to the movie and while on your way there decided to tell him about his little outfit.
“you wanna know a secret, miggy?” you ask him with a grin.
he raises a brown at you, “i feel like you're gonna tell me regardless, so i'm gonna say yes.”
you say nothing, you just pull up a photo of sugar daddy ken and show it to him.
as his eyes flicker to the screen, you see the light amusement fade away from his expression as it turns to one of genuine confusion and horror. miguel’s hand moves subconsciously to the green blazer, as the fear sets in that he recognizes exactly what the outfit is referring to. “you didn’t…”
“but i did.”
“you. you are a bad person.”
truth be told, he really liked the movie
miguel just really liked the message like it made it him think of all the women that were and are in his life like you and all the other girls he’s wronged before you iykyk
but it also made him sad because it reminded him of gabriella
just thinking about all the muñequitas she use to play with before it happens
all the dress up games they use to play, when he pretended to be whatever doll he picked for her to play pretend scenarios with her dream house
it also made him sad to think of the strong, independent woman she wouldn’t become if it wasn’t for him
he didn’t tear up, no not at all.
but by the empty look on his face you could tell just how he was feeling
you put a hand over his as the audience laughed at the screen. “miguel, you okay? you know we can leave if that’s what you want.”
he just turned, put his hand over yours and gave it a squeeze. “no, no… i’m fine. don't worry.”
you guys had a good time and you swore you could see a small smile stretch across his face during some moments
he genuinely wanted to talk about the movie with you for hours but the man does have to sleep at some point
“hey, i just wanted to thank you for uh… convincing me to see a barbie movie. yeah, it sounded ridiculous and thought you were trying to find some way to mess with me for my attention. but, i really did enjoy spending time with you. just felt compelled to tell you that is all.”
miguel holds his heavy responsibility of the universe on his shoulders and is filled with grief
he doesn’t do this with the intent to tell people how to live their lives, but to try and protect what he couldn’t
so yeah, he’s glad you could give him some relief from the day
A/N: hey guys… i feel it’s been a minute but this took so long and it’s my first time writing for all of them beside gwen so im scared it’s gonna sound like shit so ??? i hope y’all enjoyed tho 🫶 BARBIE WAS SO GOOD
© 2023 primaviva — artist credits: zvdohu
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astralis-ortus · 26 days
weighted blankets and projector
✱ a bang chan headcanon
— as long as you're happy, then chan is happy too.
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w.count → 0.6k genre → fluff. very soft fluff. warning → none! a.n → originally wanted this to be a single post with streetlights and warm nights, but the fluff would be out of control (and i got too delirious to actually continue writing lol) sooo here's the second part! ⋆ see masterlist
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although chan loves adventures, he also doesn’t mind spending your date nights inside.
foods and games would be the most important factor chan takes into consideration. your pool of dinner choices might be a little more limited when you’re bound to a certain location, but that’s what his little games are for.
you’re feeling like having some fried chicken? of course he’ll get them for you, but make sure you win the rounds of truth or dare or you might not be able to get even a single bite of those golden goodness (who are you kidding—he’ll definitely cave once you put on your puppy eyes, just like how seungmin taught you). hot pot night? no worries, his uno cards will help you two determine whether your dinner of the night follows his mild tastebuds or your daring ones. chan will get your every dinner requests, and put a fun twist on them just to see your smile.
when all the food is gone, chan would then pull out the weighted blanket he bought and kept especially for your date nights, all under the pretense of ‘i heard it’s good for you’ (when in actuality, he just needed wanted a tiny extra help in keeping you glued to his side).
what you’ll be doing from then on is a free arena—there are days where you’d just talk for hours on end, laughing at whatever silly things each other would say. on other days, you’d spin a wheel and let fate choose which of your all time favorite movies will you be rewatching that night (which, oddly enough, mostly fell to either the deadpool series or a few ghibli movies). there are also days where both of you decided to just melt next to each other while doing your own thing—chan with his laptop, while you, on the other hand, finishes the book you’ve been dying to read all throughout the week.
just as you’re about to feel drowsy after all fully digesting your dinner, chan would then draw a warm bath for you to relax in, bath bombs and all. he’d always tell you to take your time when you’re having your bath; he needed the extra time to pick out your set of matching pajamas set (yes, he wears one too), as well as setting up the candles and the new galaxy light projector he just bought a couple days ago. you once told him it looked pretty, and being the good boyfriend and devoted astrophile he is, of course he remembered it.
if your bath was chan’s way of taking care of you, then you doing his skin and hair care routine is your way of taking care of chan. you always treasure every opportunities you have to be so up close with him, taking note of his features while he’s surrendered under your gentle touch. you’d note every single speck of his freckles, every stray curls on his forehead, every faint smile lines he had etched over the years on the surface of his skin, which only grew in definition after he met you.
and you fall in love again.
maybe a little bit harder,
maybe a lot deeper.
now all warm and cuddled up under the layer of comfy duvet, you finally snuggled close to chan, allowing his body heat to entirely encapsulate you. the echo of his heartbeat is loud and clear, turning you all blush and giggly while sleep gently knocks on your eyelids. chan would say a couple things—noting how nice your new shampoo smelled, or how soft the layer of pajama is over your skin, but when he noticed your absence of reply, his smile would soften as he watches your sleeping face. chan would place a kiss on your forehead and held you tighter, wishing that even in his dream, the only person he would see is you.
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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hanibalistic · 11 months
genre | fluff, faint angst / reader is gn
synopsis | miles found you fainted in an alleyway one day, except you died two years ago.
word count | 8175
warning | briefe violence / use of spanish phrases translated from the internet :( let me know if i'm wrong about anything! / everything i know about e-42 miles morales is from the movie / this part deviates from the movie 
parts | one, two, three, four
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There were four things you learned from what happened at the bank. 
One, Gwen's finishing touches to your glitch-prevention bracelet saved the essential parts of your body—neck down and hip up—from getting injured. Upon detecting the incoming air pressure released from the explosions, which the bracelet mistook as the effect of a glitch, it surrounded your torso with a protective shield that would have covered you fully if the blasts did not cause it to malfunction.
Two, the loyalty Rio has for her son was extraordinary. After Miles called her out to the back alley of the hospital building, she did not hesitate a second to sneak you into a vacant room and take from the hospital the medical supplies needed to treat you as best as she could. She did not ask any questions. It was one look on Miles’s anxious face, and she was on her feet, taking charge. Because of the safety measures Gwen placed in your bracelet, you did not sustain any fatal wounds, making it much easier for Rio to help you. The only problem you encountered was pain, a lot of it.
Three, Miles has done terrible things. He was the prowler, whatever that meant. The explosions were one of the significant steps in a bank heist that he, Uncle Aaron, and Gwen took up as a side project. Most of the time, they work on lucrative commissions offered by the likes of Kingpin, whoever that was. Kidnapping, assault, and even murder were not irregular to him. He confessed that he had killed someone before, and you asked him to stop it at that.
Four, after shutting yourself out from everyone, except for letting Rio bring you food occasionally, you realized you couldn’t care less about what Miles has done.
The thought haunted you, leaving you in an endless debate with yourself. How dare you let go of your conscience? How dare you treat a criminal with kindness? How dare you look a killer in the eyes and see someone different than their dirty past? To say you were distraught would be an understatement, as the accusations your mind kept throwing at yourself were the least troublesome hurdle to jump through. The most teeth-rotting matter was that you were guilty. You avoided seeing Miles because you knew once you did, the outrageous truth would hit you harder than the bomb blasts did. The fact that you still looked at him with love.
“Can I sit next to you?”
“Yeah–yeah. For sure.” 
You climbed on his bed and sat cross-legged next to him. Miles sucked in a breath when you touched knees, and suddenly, all his senses were focused on that particular contact spot. You picked at your fingers sheepishly, feeling rather silly about your week-long silent treatment. But you needed it for self-reflection and to come to terms with your conclusion. Miles waited for you to speak. He didn’t know if this was only a spur of the moment, and he wasn’t willing to take any risks that might chase you out of his room. 
“I thought about what you told me at the hospital,” you started, rubbing your hands. 
“I’m so sorry about what happened,” he said, turning his head ever-so-slightly to gauge your reaction. “I would never hurt you on purpose, [Name]. I really had no idea you were there.”
“I know,” you nodded with a faint smile, “I forgave you the night it happened.”
You felt he didn’t accept your forgiveness and supposed that was only natural. If you were in his shoes, the mental gymnastics you would do to keep yourself occupied with blam could rival his. The only thing that could get him to treat himself kinder would be time, specifically having you pass through it with him. Licking your lower lip, you rubbed your nose and hummed a soft, audible grin. He turned fully to you then, feeling less anxious.
“Miles, I don’t judge you for what you did or what you plan to do,” you said, your head mildly gesturing in emphasis. Concentrating in deep thoughts, you rubbed your eyes, sniffed comfortably, and faced him with a knowing upside-down smile. “Be it you have a reason or not, I don’t think I will ever–how do I say this? I don’t think I will distance myself from you, ever.”
He felt breathless, but it came from the incongruence between his mind and heart rather than the supposed relief that you accepted him. He was too accustomed to anticipating horrific reactions that he forgot people could be open-minded. You were not supposed to be okay with what he did. You couldn’t be okay with what he did!
“[Name],” he heaved out with an uncontrollable shake of his head, “my hands are bloody.”
You looked down at where he rested them on his lap. Were they? Miles’s hands may be bloody, but they were also a multitude of other things. They are a mother’s secret financial support; they peel the skin off fruits, stroke your hair when you cry to sleep and dance across your love handles in a ticklish haze. You reached out tentatively to hold them, finally realizing he was trembling. Was he scared? You didn’t react to it. His hands fit cozily in yours, as they always have, and suddenly, Miles didn’t fear the atrocity they were capable of. You broke him down, mellowed him out, rinsed him off all he’s ashamed of, and he—
“Mine will cover the stains for you.” You held up your interwind hands with a tight-lipped smile. “See? Can’t even see your palms anymore.”
—loves you, in a frightening way that it seemed like you felt the same way too. 
“[Name],” he hushed, his head dipping in exhaustion. “I’m not gonna stop berating myself.”
He wouldn’t, and it would hurt you less than it would hurt him.
You let go of his hands and watched him desperately scramble for you. It was a heartbreaking sight, even for a split second, to see his longing ragged out like an unwatered plant reaching for the faintest taste of rain. Getting your arms out and open, you refolded your legs into kneeling to pull him into a proper hug. Miles gritted his teeth to silence the screeching voices as he returned the hug immediately. When he closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of your neck, feeling the usual crank of it because your neck was sensitive and ticklish, he began to calm down.
Feeling you pat his back, he supposed this was all anything should feel like. Love—a word capable of expressing an emotion of its terrifying caliber. What else could it be? True love is the inability to abandon, in the same way Miles waited for you even after you died, and you refused to let go of his cold-blooded hands made warm by holding yours. 
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I would never hurt you on purpose.”
“I know.” You nodded with a sudden thoughtful hum. “Hey, you know what you can do to make it up to me?”
Miles perked up slightly and pulled away. He raised a brow when he saw the bashful smile on your face. You’ve got an idea, and he might not like it.
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The pressure in your stomach dropped whenever Miles was pulled back to the ground by gravity. Not a second after reaching the floor, he was up in the air again, his boots allowing him to reach a much greater height and distance when he jumped. As the chilling air hit your face and hair, you realized Miles was right to bundle you up after he finally agreed to take you on a stroll high up in the air. 
When you raised the idea to him, his reaction was as he suspected: he did not like it. Or, well, he did not understand it.
You had told him about the faint memory of a floaty feeling the day of the bank accident, which, after he told you about him being the prowler, you could deduce had come from him taking an unconventional shortcut to the hospital. He made the mistake of admitting that he was hopping from roof to roof to get you there because the next thing you asked was for him to do it again, but this time you would be conscious of experiencing it. 
Perhaps he has possessed the convenience his prowler suit gave him for too long. He couldn’t understand being fascinated with the ability to be in the air. You briefly mentioned Spiderman and his interesting web-shooting function as an argument to get Miles to understand you, but how could he? He wasn’t even sure if Spiderman was real! Still, he caved into your wish, grabbed the boots he kept hidden in his closet because he refused to go anywhere with the risk of bumping into him for now, and brought you on a rooftop stroll. 
What was originally a safety hazard forcing his claws to wrap steel tight around your body soon shifted into something of ease. His heart grew in size at how much fun you were having, and for once, he reverted to the boy he was the first time he experienced the thrill this well-made suit gave him. He kept his eyes forward to map a path across the buildings, his claws helping him move closer to the sky. He heard your uncontrollable laughter, he wished he could see your eyes light up brighter than the moon above, and he envied the wind that brushed your face and hair. 
This was a good idea. This may be the single best thing he has done.
“Where are we going?” you whispered, tightening your arms around his neck.
“You’ll see. Hold on tight.”
Miles kicked his feet against the brick wall to hoist himself a good distance upward before forcing his claws through the concrete. He pressed the hand on the low of your back into his body, keeping you steady in one arm. You couldn’t bear to look around at the height you were stuck in, but the arm strength Miles has to support two weights while climbing up a tall building with one arm was surprising and, dare you say, attractive. 
The skyscraper was a place Miles hadn’t visited since ‘your’ death. Being here with you now did not make him feel better. He was careful where he stood on the edge of the highest point of the building; he wanted you to look over the bright borough.  
“Oh, no way! You brought me to the skyscraper?” you exclaimed, looking up at him. “You always said no when I wanted to come here.”
“I got reasons,” he huffed out quietly. Upon your silence, he peered down from the night view and saw you staring at him expectantly. He barely rolled his eyes in defeat. “You died here. You fell.”
The high-pitched hum you let out was comedically timed. Rigidly turning your head to face out, you could only imagine the exact height of this skyscraper as you could not see below the horizon. No wonder he didn’t let you on the ground—this would be one hell of a fall if history repeats itself. Miles chuckled lowly when you curled your arms tighter around his neck and slumped your weight further into him. You echoed his chuckle.
“Well,” you muttered, “definitely not letting go of you anytime sooner.”
“I’m not gonna either,” he said.
A sudden gust of wind blew at your face. You leaned closer to his neck for warmth, your eyes squinting at the building lights. It was too late into the night for the borough to remain bustling as in the morning, but the illumination from apartments, stores, and other high buildings made an equally homey view. The silence was enjoyable, too; just the open air and the inner sound of you counting your breath. 
“Was it embarrassing?” you asked suddenly, your voice hoarse.
“What is?”
“Me falling? I don’t know–“ your body shifted upward, forcing Miles to adjust to your new position–“did I look weird when falling? Did you see me fall? Did anyone see me fall–oh my god, were the police here?”
“I’m sorry. Where is this coming from?” he asked with a confused deadpan. “What are you even saying? None of that matters?”
“It actually does matter because I feel–“ you sucked in a deep breath dramatically–“I don’t like having too much attention on me, and if the police came, I feel that would be very awkward.”
“You trippin’.” He rolled his eyes.  
“What? That’s very valid!” You knocked your fist on the back of his shoulder. “Did I look weird when I landed? Did you see it? Did my brain splatter–“ You quieted down with an opened mouth when he flashed you a pointed look, but several suppressed giggles periodically left your lips as you moved your hands from his neck to cup his face. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to put that thought in your head! Don’t think about that!”
Miles’s eyes softened. He wanted to kiss the laugh lines around your mouth. “I wasn’t thinking about that.”
You breathed out the last of your giggles and then stared at him. He was thinking about you even with you here—you knew, you knew very well. Your fingers grew timid at his stare, but they refused to leave the curve of his face. They could only ghost across his skin in freckled spots, treating him with the care he has given you. Miles barely leaned into your touch. He tested the water first, afraid that you would pull away at his immediate engagement, and he fully pressed his palm to your hand when you kept it where it was. 
You brought his face to yours. “Hey!” you whispered with a soft grin when your nose touched. 
“Hey,” he returned. He was soft. You’ve made him soft, made him a messenger of affection. “Your hands are cold.”
“I know.”
You pursed your lips at the feeling of his nose scraping past the bridge of yours. He was leaning closer, inviting you to something more intimidating than standing on the edge of a skyscraper. 
“Miles.” your voice was hushed. “Miles, I’m shy. Can you kiss me first?”
He leaned forward to kiss you after dropping a relieved sigh. You closed your eyes at the sheer force of his desperation, your hands mustering up the courage to grip his face tighter and bring him to you. The taste of your lips cascaded over his conscience. You hit him, like a ton of bricks, like the feeling of flesh wrapped around a blade, like being in the center of a firework explosion. It was a feeling he would trade anything for; one could ask him for a lifetime in return for a second of your lips on his. 
“Woah! Did you forget you’re on the run, Miles?”
“Oh, jeez! Mayday, don’t look!”
You two broke away immediately at the uninvited voices. Miles puffed air into his cheeks with an eye roll, not even attempting to hide how irritated he was at the interruption. Still heaving from the kiss, your brows furrowed when you came face to face with four outrageously different-sized figures, all dressed in a variation of a Spider suit, with a literal toddler wearing a Spiderman mask too small for her head. 
“Who…?” you started slowly. “Spidermen…? Spiderman’s sidekicks?”
“Now that’s just disrespectful,” the one with spikes on his head commented.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you muttered in response.  
“Who are you guys?” Miles asked defensively as he took a few steps back. He held you closer to him, his knees barely buckling in preparation to run. 
“How could you forget your mentor, Miles?” The man took off his mask and opened his arms as an introduction. “It’s me! Peter!”
“Oh my god, it’s Spiderman.” You slapped Miles’s chest to be let down on the ground, but he refused. Although his hair color changed, and he looked relatively scruffier than you remembered on the news, those features could not be mistaken. That was the face of the superhero you grew up seeing. “I thought you died. It was all over the news!”
“How could I be standing here if I died?”
“You know him?” Miles questioned. “I don’t know him.”
“Apparently not?” you mumbled. “Maybe he faked his death somehow?”
“Wait, what about me? You remember me! It’s Pavitr? We fought together! You saved my girlfriend’s dad, Inspector Singh?” He pointed over to his friends, his hair bouncing lusciously. “With Gwen and Hobie?”
“Gwen?” you and Mils exclaimed in unison. Her eyes widened at the sudden collective attention.
“Dude, what are you wearing?”
“Gwen, you’re a Spiderman–err, woman?”
“Okay, you’re seriously playing up the Spiderman jokes?” Miles deadpanned as he arched his neck to look at you.
You pulled a face before swinging your arms to gesture at five newcomers. “They’re literally here. Spiders, all of them!”
“I’ve never seen spiders stand on two feet.”
“Clearly, you haven’t seen a lot.” 
Miles sniffed with distaste. “Right. I’m gonna listen to someone with spikes on their head.”
“Miles!” you exclaimed with a harsh pinch to his cheek, then you turned to apologize. “I’m sorry. I think they look super cool.”
Taking a step forward, Gwen promptly eliminated the ongoing conversation by taking off her mask to reveal herself to you both. You tilted your head. She looked nothing like the Gwen you knew, and from her furrowed brows and darting eyes, she knew too. After a prolonged stare between you and Miles, the puzzles in her head piecing together, her relieved sigh was barely noticeable as realization hit her. She turned to her team with a shake of her head.
“This isn’t the Miles we’re looking for,” she said. “This is Miles from this Earth.”
“I knew that already,” Hobie smirked, hands in his pockets. “With the braids and all.”
Pavitr gasped with widening eyes. He pressed a hand to his chin and nodded. “Oh wow, I didn’t even register that. You look good, Miles!”
You punched Miles’s chest when he kept a brooding silence. He scoffed, smacked his teeth in dismay, then slurred out, “Thanks.”
“Okay, wait! Hold on, hold on!” Peter yelled without having gathered his thoughts. He shifted the weight of his legs, leaning on one hip, and pinched the bridge of his nose as a monotonous thinking noise churched out of his throat in a flat line. “But how? Our watch told us he was here. It gave us the signal that someone from Earth-1610 is here.”
“Someone is,” Gwen said. She turned around slowly, a look of uncertainty, then she pointed at you. “It’s them.”
None of them explicitly explained what they were talking about, but using your experiences and the confusing context clues, you could easily decipher the problem's gist. Something was happening on a multi-universal level. You didn’t know what exactly, but this felt to be a problem regarding that.  
“Gwen, I know you thought you explained the issue but you didn’t,” Peter muttered. He whipped his body around to you and held both hands in the air in a chopping motion. “Are you a Spiderman?”
“Not you, big guy. You!”
“Oh, me?” You pointed at yourself for clarification and shook your head. “No, but there is one where I came from. Technically there are two, but the original one died, and he looked almost exactly like you! Just different hair color and… ski–never mind.”
“First of all, I had a feeling you were gonna call me fat. I’m not. I just look like a dad now, which I am. I have to clarify, okay? This is all dad weight, and this cutie-pie is my daughter, Mayday!” Peter said as he gestured toward himself and at Mayday. Then, he burst into a fit of confused noises. “Second, where you came from?” he repeated after you incredulously, paused for a brief moment, and then turned to Gwen, his eyes rolling. “Okay, yeah. I think I know what you’re talking about.”
“Psst… what are they talking about?” Pavitr whispered from the side, unknowingly having inched closer toward Hobie, who leaned down to his height for an explanation.
“That lad is Miles’s lookalike from this Earth. The one he’s clutching to him like a madman is from our Miles’s Earth, which is bonkers 'cause how did they even get here?”
“They’re not from here?” Pavitr widened his eyes. “That’s not good!”
“How so?” Hobie stood up straight.
“Oh, you know, with Miguel and everything,” Pavitr said as he twiddled his thumbs. “Actually, maybe not! I’m sure Miguel isn’t that obsessed about all of this.”
Just after his voice dropped, a portal emerged from behind where Miles stood. The second he noticed the faint glow flashing over his shadow, he jumped away to stand with the newcomers he was still wrecking his brain to familiarize himself with. You stared at the portal with wide eyes. Not once in your life have you seen technology like this, and when you glanced over at the others, you could see a certain dread on their face that peaked your heart rate. What got a bunch of Spider-people so agitated? It must be a real threat.
“Won’t you look at that,” Miguel appeared from the portal, his eyes looking as dead as usual. Following behind him were Jessica and Ben. “The whole gang is here.”
"How did you even find us?" Peter exclaimed in annoyance.
"Your watch, obviously." Miguel pointed at Peter's chest. "Your daughter took it.”
Peter gasped as he looked down at Mayday. He didn't notice it before, but sitting loosely around her wrist was the watch Miguel gave him that he took off before Gwen came to find him. He squeezed his eyes shut—shame on him for letting the same thing happen twice, even though neither was technically his fault.
Hobie breathed out a chuckle at Mayday before he elbowed Pavitr. “Do whatever you want, but I’m telling ya, you got to watch out for the things you say. You’re gonna jinx up the whole place like this.” Bringing his leg up so he could march over to Miles and stand behind him, he bent forward until his face was within Miles's earshot. "I suggest you run home now."
"What? Why?" Miles whispered, stepping away from the proximity. His attention shifted when Peter's obnoxious voice rang through the air.
"Jesus, Miguel! What do you want now?"
"The same thing you all want," Miguel said as he rubbed his wrist. He snapped his head over at Miles, who gulped when his gaze averted to look at you. He stared for a bit too long. "People who are not supposed to be here."
You. That man was talking about you. Miles didn't know what business he had. If anything, he thought himself a much bigger threat. But Miguel was looking at you when he spoke, so it must be.
He bolted the second he made that conclusion. He would deal with it if he later discovered he had come to the wrong one. For now, with the warning from a man whose words he could barely understand and a bunch of context clues he haphazardly strung together on the fly, he was unwilling to take any risk that would make him lose you. Wrapping his arms around your body to hold you into a hug rather than a carry, he instructed you to hang tight and took a few bold steps backward to the skyscraper edge so he could drop off its height.
"Wait, hold on, Miguel!" Peter shot his arm out to squeeze Miguel's shoulder when he saw that Miles would be followed. "You're after the wr–"
"Peter!" Gwen shot out a web aimed at Peter's back and immediately pulled him away from Miguel, preventing the man from telling the truth. Taking the slipping chance, the three slipped past in pursuit of you and Miles.
"What are you doing?" Peter asked incredulously, his eyes following the fading backs of his once colleagues.
Pavitr and Hobie approached them to catch up on their conversation. 
"Let Miguel chase him," she said sternly, her eyes fixated on Peter. "It works in our favor that he is occupied with the wrong Miles. It buys us some time to find our Miles."
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but no thoughts leaked out. Gwen's logic was sweet and sound. It would make everything so much easier for them if Miguel was temporarily out of the picture. But there was a pierce he felt, through his supposed moral compass, not at the blatant lie of omission he has to tell but at the fact that he would willingly send a grown man after two children, one of whom was just an ordinary civilian.
"Gwen, I don't feel like that's the right thing to do," he sighed.
"Maybe we can try to help both of them?" Pavitr suggested. "We can find Miles as fast as we can and then help the other Miles."
"They won't last," Peter said. "I don't know if that Miles has superpowers, but he's definitely not like us. I don't think their friend is capable of anything, either. Miguel will get to them before we can be done."
"You're saying if we want to help, we ought to do it now," Hobie sniffed.
"That's what I just said."
"I know. I was just repeatin' it."
"We can't afford to be distracted!" Gwen argued, her tone releasing from being firm to a pathetic, exasperated plead. "Don't forget, you're the one who exposed Miles's location in the first place. And now you've exposed ours!"
"Woah–Gwendy, calm down," Hobie said with a light pat on her shoulder. He spun to face Peter, humming at his distraught expression, then turned to meet in a general direction. "We're wasting an awful lotta time arguing about nothing. How about we get a move on, yeah? Pavitr's plan might work if we go now.”
"Yeah! I agree!" Pavitr clapped in agreement. “We just need to go in quick and come out even quicker!" 
“That made no sense,” Peter mumbled. 
“Maybe not to you.” Hobie shrugged.
“Focus, you guys!” Gwen hollered over the wind, catching everyone’s attention. She pursed her lips, her mind filled with a singular goal: save Miles Morales. “I’m going regardless of what you say," she said as she stepped to the edge of the skyscraper. Before she tipped over, she added, "I'm gonna save my Miles."
"Dramatic," Hobie chuckled with big strides forward, seemingly to follow after Gwen. "Better catch up, lads." He clicked his tongue confidently and mocked a salute as he fell off the edge. 
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Miles was on the run. You already knew, but that fact punched you in the guts with even more velocity when you realized how quickly your surroundings were passing through. He was no longer holding you in an embrace-like position. After he made it down the skyscraper, Miles hoisted your upper body over his shoulder with his arms circled around your waist so he could better run at his regular speed, which you learned was abnormally fast, much different than the speed he picked when he was strolling around the area. 
Closing up behind you was a man in a Spider suit furiously galloping on all fours. You didn't even know they ran like that. You thought all Spider-people swung with their webs. Running like this may be faster than swinging around. Or perhaps the man's sheer will to catch the two of you amped up his speed. The only reason why Miles was able to periodically distance from Miguel was that he knew this Brooklyn like the back of his palm; all the detours and shortcuts were mapped in his brain, and he knew how to properly mix and match their usage. 
"Miles, he's crazy," you whispered, clutching his shoulders. "He's running like a wolf."
"Tu puta madre–" he spared a glance back and widened his eyes–"why is he chasing us? What did we even do?" 
Hopping off a building and into an alleyway, Miles slipped to the side and hid behind a wall. He pressed his back against the concrete wall to hide behind the shadow. 
The more he ran, the more he saw how it only delayed the consequence of getting caught. He could run home as suggested, but bringing trouble directly to his mother wasn’t ideal. On top of that, it may expose his prowler identity, which was the last thing he wanted. He could keep running, but eventually, he would get tired. He wouldn’t overestimate his ability to escape; a man that size running on all fours has the kind of stamina he could not rival. He had to fight with gimmicks to win, and his first option was to hide.
Taking the time to reposition you on his shoulder, apologizing with amusement when you shivered at his hands gliding past your hips to your waist, Miles carefully placed you back on the ground. When your feet hit the ground, he reached for the crown of your head, squeezing your head and trailing both hands down to your face. He pushed your face together, forcing you to pucker your lips. This was supposed to be a fun night. He felt terrible that this was how things led to. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, smoothing his thumbs over your cheeks. “Are you okay?”
For the time being, you felt like you could be. His hands were warm, and his touch even warmer. 
“I’m sorry. This is my fault.” You smiled bitterly once he let go of your face. “He’s here for me, but I don’t know why.”
You haven’t done anything. Even arriving on this Earth was not a purposeful doing. You made no significant changes to this Brooklyn; even if you tried to, you would not have succeeded. You regularly lived as you would have in the universe you came from; staying at home, doing house chores, learning how to cook, getting groceries, watching movies, maintaining a good friendship, and falling in love. None of those were criminal activities! You have done nothing remarkable for a random Spiderman to get so upset with you!
“Be honest, [Name],” Miles started, touching your shoulders. He took a deep breath before squinting. “Are you secretly a world-class criminal?”
“If jumping universes is a crime, then–“ You hummed thoughtfully before shaking your head in disagreement. “Yeah, no. I’d just be a regular criminal because I only jumped once, and it’s by accident, too.”
“Actually, I never asked, but how did you get here?”
You suppressed a burst of laughter. “Are we seriously gonna talk about this now?”
“My bad,” he held his hands up in mock surrender, “is now a bad time?”
“A super bad–“ You screamed when a figure abruptly slid upside down beside you. Instinctively, the hand initially reaching for Miles’s face deflected from its path to punch the intruder in the face.
Ben swung slightly on his web, a curse pushed out of his mouth at the impact of your fist. He hadn’t registered you to be a big enough threat that he failed to block your sudden attack. If it had been Miles’s gloved claws swinging at him, he likely would have reacted. Miles smirked, almost feeling a sense of pride at the sheer strength of your punch. While you profusely apologized for doing something you didn’t mean to do, he grabbed your hand and ran down the alleyway. Mid-way through, he tugged harshly at your arm to bring you in front of him so he could scoop you up as he picked up his speed.
“I can actually run pretty fast,” you complained lightheartedly.
“For sure, baby,” he mused, his feet screeching for an abrupt right turn when he heard Ben’s voice calling after you both. 
However, just as he turned a corner, he was met with the wheel end of a motorcycle. Miles raised a hand up to grip the spinning tire. Before he could dig his claws through the material and pop it, he felt himself being pushed back by the heavy force, so he, tensing his arm muscles, attempted to deter the bike's path before the millisecond of him getting thrown back. His back hit a brick wall, knocking his senses everywhere for a brief moment as he haphazardly reached to cover your head. When he looked up, he was only met with the yellow shades of a woman in red. He huffed; if there was any indication that these people were getting fed up, it would be hitting him with a motorcycle.
“Jessica. You caught them!” Ben exclaimed as he emerged from the shadow, a hand massaging his chin that was pulled into a sneer. His voice was weirdly raspy as if he was playing up a character. “That stupid kid punched me. How dare they.”
“You showed up out of nowhere!” you retorted with an accusing finger pointed at him. “Also, shouldn’t you be able to block my punch? You’re Spiderman! You can’t block a punch from a teenager?”
“This kid is talking back to me. I feel a little distraught. I don’t know how to talk to children.”
“Shut up, Ben.” Jessica waved her hand before she turned to you both. She observed as Miles hopped back to his feet and glared at her. You looked less menacing, but your furrowed brows spoke caution and ready disobedience. She sighed. Another pair of moody teenagers. Miguel would not be happy about this. “Look, we don’t have time for this. You need to go back to where you belong.”
You pursed your lips in dismay and shook your head. Miles pushed you toward him when you circled your arms around his neck, and you slightly averted your gaze from the woman to avoid confrontation. Jessica squinted her eyes at the way you two held each other, a sudden inkling developing that she desperately wished to be wrong—you fell in love with someone from a different universe. She already felt bad enough about what had to be done to Gwen. There was no wrong in sticking to what she believed in. It was just unfortunate that she had to treat teenagers mercilessly to do so.
“You two can write letters to each other,” she said after gathering her thoughts and reverting to professionalism. Her job was to return all anomalies to their world, not limited to villains. Getting off her motorcycle, she slowly walked over to Miles, who didn’t get the sense of running away because of her regular speed. When she was within an arm’s length, she grabbed your arm. “We’re leaving.”
“No!” you refused and tried to shove her off, but she was persistent. 
“Dude, stop!” Miles attempted to step out of reach.
“Dude?” Jessica repeated with wide eyes. “Your mama taught you no manners?”
“His mom is great!” you exclaimed as you snatched your arm away from her grip. Your irritated eyes turned into a glare.
Miles nodded. “Yeah, she doesn’t throw a motorcycle at people’s faces.”
“Okay, I’ve had it.” Jessica laughed in disbelief. “I was trying to be nice, but that’s out the window now.”
Deciding to ignore her harsh tugs at your arm, you resorted to making sure you never let go of Miles instead. You intertwined your fingers that met at a point of his neck and buried your face to his shoulders, tuning out the world. Fear lingered in your chest like a haunting ghost, and it dimmed somewhat when you zeroed in on the feeling of Miles’s grip on your body. You were still here. He was still with you, holding onto you with a death grip. And you thought this might resolve itself eventually. Maybe these people would let you go if you two struggled enough together. Or perhaps it wouldn’t end well, but at least you held on as best as possible. At least you tried.
“Miles Morales.” Everyone paused to look behind Jessica’s shoulder. Miguel stood tall and alarmingly brutal just a few feet away. His dead eyes shifted from the boy to you, and he tipped his head into a brief greeting. “And you.”
Jessica took a deep breath; the real threat finally showed up. She released her hand from your arm and turned to face Miguel. There was something she wanted to say, not to deter Miguel from his plan to take you back to your Earth, but rather a few trying words to prevent him from executing any more brutality, especially when you were as harmless as a dove. The last thing Miguel should have on his conscience was inflicting injuries on a regular civilian. It would be good for him in the long run. Before she could open her mouth to speak, though, Miles buckled his knees and jumped up high. He was making a run for it again, but before his feet even touched the top of the wall separating the streets, his body barely turning away from anyone, a red string caught onto your wrist and snapped you out of his arms.
He caught onto your ankles, engaging in a tug-of-war with Miguel that did nothing but put a strain on your limbs. Clicking his tongue, he gave one final hard tug at your feet before letting you go. You screamed, your body swinging toward Miguel at full speed while Miles, fully utilizing his boots, ran to sneak up behind the man and shoved him forward so Miguel would collide with your flinging body. Letting Miguel stumble in confusion and, out of instinct, reaching his arms out to catch you from a hard fall, Miles jumped forward and did the job for him. He secured you in his arms, wasting no time to bolt away. But Miguel was phenomenally quick to regain his senses, and his eyes glowed a bright red once he realized how difficult Miles was being.
He leaped forward, fangs and claws out to grab Miles by the back of his neck. As he swung the boy around, you dropped to the floor and knocked your forehead against the dirt. Miguel slammed Miles into the closest wall, denting the red bricks. He squeezes the poor boy's neck, not entirely cutting the air out of his system but suffocating just enough to make Miles feel outrageously uncomfortable.
"Ay, would you stop that, big man? You're gonna kill the kid!"
White webs shot out and attached to each of Miguel's wrists. He could recognize that godforsaken voice anywhere—Hobie Brown. Noticing the webs on his wrists, he groaned lowly in irritation. He might just snap (if he hasn't already, this madman) if he has to come across one more obstacle. Not allowing Hobie a second to pull him away, Miguel squeezed Miles's neck tighter to pull him out of the dented wall and threw him across the alleyway to the other side. The collision collapsed a hole through the bricks, creating an unnecessary ruckus.
"Now you've gone and done it," Hobie muttered, looking at the destruction. 
Your jaw dropped anxiously. You could faintly see Miles under the debris, showing no signs of getting up. He couldn't have died. Not only would that become a personal problem, you simply refused to believe a childhood superhero figure would kill someone you know and love. Scrambling to your feet with quickened breath, you took a weak step forward, his name hanging quietly at the tip of your tongue. When he didn't respond still, you tried to run towards him only to be pulled back at your wrist.
You looked behind your shoulder to find Miguel facing away from you. His grip on your wrist was firm, almost bone-breaking, to serve a warning. The same portal you saw him arrive in opened up, creating a gust of unnatural wind, and he was pulling you toward it. You attempted to break away, but he was much stronger. Nobody around seemed to be able to help you, not even Punk-looking Spiderman, so the only thing left to do was to hyperventilate for sympathy. This felt like an impending doom, where doom was actually just a few steps away on the other side of a portal. 
"Wait, please don't do this. I don't want to go home. I want to stay here!" you cried, a migraine developing from how you kept turning back and forth to look at Miguel and Miles. "Why are you doing this to me? Please stop, please!"
Sympathy rested in the hands of those who couldn't help. Miguel was as stoic as a rock to your pleads, and you somehow expected him to be. It was just heartbreaking to be proven right how difficult things could get. You kept sucking in deep breaths and forgetting to release them, causing your chest to expand awkwardly. You didn't know what to do, but you've got to try something! Anything! 
"Wait–I haven't said it! I haven't–" a deep breath–"I haven't said goodbye! I haven't said I love you! Let me say goodbye, and I promise–" another deep breath–"I promise I'll leave with you. Please. I promise, I cross my heart."
Miguel paused, and that mere action took everyone aback. He pursed his lips, a flicker of remorseful nostalgia showing in his eyes as he recalled the sudden death of his daughter. You didn't remind him of himself, but your wish was similar to what he would have asked for if he ever could re-experience the tragedy—he would want to say goodbye. He would like to tell his daughter he loved her. Heaving a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose. At least you were cooperative; he felt he could be kinder in this case.
"Do not try anything stupid."
Once Miguel released your hand, you ran and fell on your knees next to Miles. Pushing the debris off his body, you scooped him onto your lap and caressed his face. Sniffing away a tearful voice, your voice ended croaking anyway when you called his name, "Miles?"
He opened his eyes meekly to see doubles. It took him a good minute to concentrate on your face, and he smirked when he did. The first instinct to take you and run away was defeated by a pained back and exhausted legs. He would not overestimate his ability, even through immense desperation. He wouldn’t get both of you far enough to not get served something worse. This appeared to be it.
”Mi cariño. Hey."
You laughed; you still had no idea what that meant. Miles refused to tell you, and he also got his mom in on it. But you figured it was a term of endearment. Miles took off his gloves to hold your hand, pressing your palm to his face as he stared at you. Somehow, he couldn't muster up the courage to cry despite the continuous drops in his chest. It could be a pride issue, or he didn't want you to see him suffer in your last minute together. Last for now, at least.
"You're going to leave me," he acknowledged.
"Not on purpose," you replied.
“I know,” he hummed. “You love me too much to do that.”
He had thought about it before. There must be people you were dying to go back to in your world. Not a classmate, no. Not even a friend. But a parent, perhaps? Family members? A pet, certainly? There has to be something waiting for you back in your home. There was no method for you to jump universes yet, but Miles figured if you were raging to go home, it would show. The fact that you blended into his life so casually and permanently, to a point where you memorized his schedules and knew where little trinkets were located in his apartment, told him you chose him over the life you used to have. Every day you woke up, you preferred a life with him in it rather than what you had before.
“You do love me, right?” Miles asked for assurance, his brows furrowing. “I didn’t hallucinate that.”
You squeezed his cheeks—gentle palms over bloodied skin, gentle palms over gentle skin. No more violence, not more crimes. He was but a boy you loved. He doubts your affection, and you would go home with him burned in the back of your head, finding his touch trapped beneath your flesh once stripped naked. From a universe away, Miles was all you would remember. Smiling, you peppered kisses over his brows, his eyes, his nose, and finally his mouth. When you pressed your forehead against his, you scrunched your nose and nodded. 
“I do love you, Miles.”
“Yay, score.” He chuckled, then his voice quieted down to a low hum only meant for you to hear. “I love you too, okay? Aqui y allá, mi corazón es tuyo.”
“Time to go, kid!”
You smacked your lips and puffed an exhale. Running your knuckles down the side of Miles’s face, you nodded to yourself as an encouragement to get on your feet. Your feet budged, then your knees, but instead of standing up, you only shrunk your body closer toward Miles. You willed your voice to say a farewell, but it couldn’t under the threat that this goodbye would be your absolute last one, so you cried instead. Fat tears silently rolled down your chin, caught on your tongue, and forced you to choke on them.
Jessica rubbed her eyes as soon as her voice dropped. She shouldn’t have let Miguel talk her into breaking the moment. Instead of moving, you only leaned your body down and pressed Miles to your chest, hugging him. A passive protest, perhaps. You were not directly struggling but weren’t listening to them, either. She eyed Miguel when he sighed in defeat. He wondered which one was worse—chasing a rebellious kid with Spiderman powers or this. This one sure made him feel like the bad guy if anything. 
He reached for a portable trap box and threw it toward you without hesitation. Before it could reach you, though, a web shot out and pulled it backward, causing the gadget hit Miguel in the face.
“You need to reconsider your morals,” Hobie said in a scolding tone as he walked up from behind everyone. “Trapping a kid in a box. Are you mental?”
He has been watching everything unfold from the shadows, and clearly, he realized the differences in how he saw you and how the other three saw you. Your lack of cooperation was a sign of rebellion, which could be considered so to a certain degree. But Hobie knew to consider other factors; he looked at the bigger picture. There was nothing you could do here, literally. One web shoot and you’d be caught, and you probably already knew that. Your so-called sign of rebellion was less chosen and more forced by the hands of emotional turmoil. You were about to be separated from the boy you were in love with. It would make sense that you were physically unable to be the person to walk away.  
If you were going to leave Miles Morales, you must be taken and nothing else. You stood by not leaving him intentionally. Miguel was going to do that for you, but Hobie decided to take a much gentler approach. Trapping you in a box when you’ve done nothing wrong was, as he said, fucking mental. 
“Don’t struggle, yeah? It makes me uncomfortable,” Hobie muttered as he reached for your waist and pulled you up. He slapped his hands on your shoulders dramatically and turned you around. “The portal is gonna feel doozy. You might vomit. If you feel like you’ll vomit, do it when we arrive at HQ. Preferably all over the floor. Just splatter it around like a sprinkler.”
“Huh…?” You did a double-take at what he said. “That’s disgusting.”
“Vomiting? Yeah. Vomiting on an establishment?” He hummed and tilted his head. “Debatable.”
“I’m sorry, but I really am having a hard time understanding you, Spiderman,” you said, your sobs increasing because you thought Hobie might take it as an insult. 
“Why are you apologizing? You haven’t said anything you shouldn’t,” he said, the panic in his voice unnoticeable. “Also, call me Hobie, not Spiderman.”
“I’m sorry,” you squeezed your eyes as if to produce more tears, “I know that’s your name. I just didn’t use it because we’re not close.”
“Don’t be silly,” Hobie mused, a hand slipping from the top of your head as a makeshift pat. “I’m more friends with you than those three over there.”
You let the faintest giggle of disbelief escape your lips and turned back to Miles. Hobie continued to pull you away from the floor and toward the portal, not taking a moment’s rest. You didn’t struggle against him; eventually, your hand slipped from Miles’s.
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dddevilsadvocate · 1 year
1. and now I’m covered in you
Leviathan x gn!AFAB!reader
a/n: here it is folks! the first chapter of the longest fic I’ve ever written. literally. 12 pages and counting. after the overwhelmingly horny positive reception on this post, I decided to split what I currently have into instalments and release them periodically as I edit them. there is no schedule lol I have ADHD and am also very not good at this 🥲
CW: self-indulgent smut (unprotected vaginal sex, dry humping, fingering), loss of virginity
midnight had struck well over 2 hours ago. RAD’s 8am start crept closer and closer, like a cat upon a mouse. like a threat. and though you were in bed, covered in blankets and surrounded by pillows, basking in the warmth of the body pressed against you, sleep could not reach you. there was no room for it.
the third eldest’s allocated “you” time - an entire 24 hours with you all to himself! - had started right as the new day did. at 0:03, you’d snuck into his room, where he’d been waiting like a lovesick puppy to show you what he’d done. he’d chosen a great movie for you two to watch; some niche title from his surprisingly robust comedic horror collection, apparently a Devildom cult classic. he’d even gone through all the trouble to have it projected onto his ceiling so you could easily see it from the comfort of his bed - which he’d rearranged into the perfect cuddle nook. snacks he’d fought to keep safe from Beel were laid out like a buffet. the lights of his tank were set to your favourite colour, casting a hazy glow over the space. 
everything had started innocently enough. you’d pressed your lips to his cheek, complimenting his efforts. he’d rushed to start the movie and practically dove into his tub, finally able to wrap his arms around you and rest his head atop yours. his chest rose and fell against you as he laughed at every slapstick gag, mandarin eyes sparkling when he realised you were laughing too. you don’t quite remember how he’d ended up under you, with his hands on your waist and your tongue between his lips, but you weren’t going to complain.
Levi had always been cautious of intimacy. he rarely went further than where he was with you right now, and even such familiar territory made him nervous. you feel the heat of the blush on his face as if you’re leaning over a fire. your kisses are sloppy, and his are desperate. his hands don’t dare stray from their places above your hips, but the lust he’s holding them back from sparks from his fingertips. he wants to let them roam. he wants to let then roam more than anyth-
a sudden, violent rise in the movie’s volume comes like a bomb over your senses. you push yourself up from the demon, a scream tearing from your throat. Levi is just as startled; his eyes are wider than you’ve ever seen them as they study the room for the threat.
“AAAH WHAT THE HELL WAS TH- oh. th-the movie.” groaning, his head falls back against the pillow. “I completely forgot about that part… and that it was still playing…”
though your heart continues to pound against your sternum, you giggle. “my god.” running your fingers through his fringe brings his attention back to you. “we should probably turn that off and get some sleep now.”
you reach for the projector’s remote and click it off. but as you go to slide off the demon, his fingers suddenly dig into you. your shirt separates his skin from yours, but you swear you can feel the ridges of his fingerprints. his grip is somehow full of panic, like he’s worried you’ll float away. “w-wait! wait. can… c-can we keep going?”
you smile. you can survive tomorrow’s classes with no sleep if it comes to that. and if you’re honest with yourself, sleeping wouldn’t be nearly as fun as continuing. “of course we-”
“can we go further? maybe?” despite threatening to, Levi’s voice does not waver. his eyes - golden and indigo like the most vibrant of sunsets - dart between yours from beneath furrowed brows. 
the shock of the question does not strike you as hard as his confidence does. your relationship with Levi had never been consummated in the traditional sense, but he wasn’t a stranger to the concept. the rock of your hips always left him a babbling mess. your hands brought him such pleasure he only lasted a minute the first time. and your mouth? god, it was like he was addicted. you’d never heard him - or anyone, for that matter - make such noise while actively trying not to. and yet, as much as he enjoyed the acts as they were happening, asking for them activated his fight or flight. red-cheeked and stuttering, until you saved him with your overwhelming perfection.
you figured he’d get to this question at some point, but you never thought he’d ask it in one smooth go.
“you… want to go further?” you arch an eyebrow. “how much further?”
Levi’s gaze darts to the door. you made sure to lock it behind you at his request, but now he seems worried a brotherly ear or two might be pressed against the other side. he stares for a moment before glancing back at you, unable to meet your eyes this time. he studies your lips, your chest, your shoulders, before his voice drops to a whisper: “a-all the way?”
you open your mouth to respond, but the response doesn’t come. nothing you think of seems appropriate in reply. if you say yes, you’d be the first being to have ever done so. Levi had never even asked anyone before - a confession Asmo had once drunkenly given on the otaku’s behalf. the amount of courage it must have taken to verbalise the question, to venture so far from his comfort zone… your heart swells. the poor demon must be scared shitless.
you don’t even entertain the idea of refusal. of all the centuries he’s had to ask this question, he’s asked you. he wants you.
finally, you cup his cheek in your hand. “I’d love to.” his eyes return to yours, staring wide and glossy over crimson cheeks.
“r-r-really?!” his voice squeaks. his expression is pure disbelief, like he was expecting you to echo his signature ‘disgusting reclusive weirdo’ tirade and flee back to your own room. when you smile again, leaning forwards so your forehead is pressed against his, he inhales sharply and tightens his grip on your waist.
“I’d be honoured, Levi.” your lips brush over his brow, his cheek, his nose. “I’ll take good care of you. I promise. just let me know if you want me to stop at any point, okay?”
(read the next part here)
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
The surreal thing about the Titan submersible: unless someone pulls off a miraculous last-minute rescue, when we all wake up tomorrow, those five men will be dead.
I mean, assuming they haven't already hyperventilated the last of their oxygen or imploded in a hull failure event.
It's currently June 22nd, 1:48 AM, MDT. If they're still alive, they will not be within the next...what, three hours? Give or take. And it would take hours to get the sub to the surface if it were found miles underwater, so if it's at the bottom of the sea, that really gives the rescuers...I don't know, like, maybe an hour to pull off the impossible?
These men are about to cross the event horizon.
When the banging sounds were first reported, it blew my fucking mind. I'd been certain that they were dead already, or that if they weren't, they would be soon. Without question. Then came this bizarre, impossible glimmer of hope. And I thought, if those sounds really were occurring at thirty-minute intervals, if it really was the Titan passengers, then maybe—maybe—they had a chance.
But they just...don't. Let's be realistic: they're about to die. We know this. We know for a fact that their time is about to run out.
And I know people are angry about the Missing White Woman Syndrome feel of it all. It would make for such on-the-nose satire. Five wealthy men have the world on pins and needles; where was that energy when hundreds of refugees drowned off the coast of Greece a week ago?
It frustrates me that I'm so invested in the Titan sub. It's like the entire incident was orchestrated for the sole purpose of grabbing attention (of course I don't believe that's the case). The very premise of the sub is tauntingly ridiculous—so very blatantly an expensive suicide. I saw someone compare it to an Onion article, and it IS.
The shitty video game controller, the ominous waiver, Stockton Rush's portentous comments (hell, even his name), the toilet sat right in front of that tiny dollhouse window. The absurd price tag paired with a history of failed dives and an OceanGate employee fired and sued years ago for raising safety concerns.
God, it's so dumb. It's so so fucking dumb. In real life, what we'd call "foreshadowing" is really just actions→consequences. But still. Still. It reads like sitcom writers setting the dominos for a season finale, tirelessly working to maximize memeability so we can all point and laugh with our popcorn.
The sheer pointless, brainless, wasteful extravagance of it all makes it easy to forget how horrific and tragic the ordeal really is. It grants us some strange permission to rubberneck.
And, well, who wouldn't want to rubberneck? The drama. Horror movie levels of repulsion. Any fear you can imagine—the dark, the cold, the ocean, suffocation, confined spaces, death—all wrapped into one perfect, cinematic nightmare. It's a black comedy: dumbassery punished by a fate we don't, shouldn't, wish even on billionaires.
Then, of course, there is the deadline. Pun not intended.
That, I think, is what's really gripped us. The limited oxygen supply is a countdown, a ticking time bomb. Ten minutes left in the movie—can the protagonist pull off a daring escape in time?
God, I know I sound like one of those crisis actor conspiracy theorists, but you couldn't manufacture a more gripping story if you tried. That hard figure we've seen in every news article: 96 hours. Ninety-six hours to save the day.
Can you see the Netflix docudrama now? The cuts to a black screen with the remaining number of hours emblazoned in the center? "If we don't find that sub tonight, those men are dead," some intrepid rescuer says...a split second of grave silence...then the scene goes black, except for a line of heavyweight white text that reads, in all caps, "SIX HOURS REMAINING." Next we'll see a heart-wrenchingly candid conversation between the passengers, for character development.
You know Channel 5 is airing a documentary about the Titan in the UK tomorrow. Tonight, actually, since I guess it's technically Thursday morning. The countdown was so hard-set, ITN calculated the exact hour at which they could broadcast their production. The perfect moment for them to capitalize on that post-curtains melancholy we all get at the end of a movie.
It's crass, but fascinating, too. Is ITN going to acknowledge their production timeline by leaving the documentary's ending ambiguous, a choice which will ring bittersweet when aired in the aftermath of the inevitable deaths? Will they scramble to concoct an ending in those mere hours after the passengers asphyxiate? Have they already made two endings: one in case of a miracle, and one in case of a tragedy? Any answer is soulless.
But all of this is soulless. The Titan is our gladiator fight, our bread and circuses. Still, I can't stop staring, because I cannot wrap my head around it. It's 3:30 AM now. Within hours, they will be dead, sure as an execution.
Few news stories come with such a grim deadline. Almost always it's a nail-biting rescue whose twists and turns we follow until some hitherto-unpredictable endpoint; or a sprawling clusterfuck of tragedy trailed by aftermath upon aftermath; or a search for a missing person that eventually meanders into a quiet presumption of death.
The certainty blows my mind—the finality of it, the tragedy of it, is incomprehensible. It doesn't feel real. Why do I care so much? Those men were dead from the start (if not literally, then certainly figuratively). Why do I keep reading about it, posting about it? Why can't I stop watching the car wreck smolder? What am I doing still standing in the street?
I hate that I fell prey to the submarine story like everyone else with an internet connection. But whatever deity may or may not exist got bored, I guess, and crafted the dramedy-action-horror hybrid of the year. Even wove in little cliffhangers (the banging! On the sonobuoys! There's still time!) to string us along like a damn HBO producer.
It gets me, man.
It's 4:00 AM, MDT. I guess it's really over, huh? I know 96 hours was never an exact deadline, but let's not be idealistic here.
I hope it was quick. I hope they imploded in a single terrible instant.
I hope the next sunken boat of six hundred refugees wins as much attention as the Titan did.
I hope Netflix doesn't make that docudrama with the black screen and the all-caps line of heavyweight white text.
I hope we sleep. I hope I sleep. I hope we all can sleep.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 10 months
Imagine the platonic yanderes of Marvel with a bby who has power (a mutation, a gift from some magical artifact, enchanted jewelry, blessed/cursed, etc.) and has self esteem issues. This bby builds up everyone around them, compliment their style, telling them whenever they made a good decision, telling them that they appreciate them, calling them awesome/amazing/awe-inspiring, giving them nicknames, all the works... and then the platonic yandere/s find our their bby doesn't think they themself are all that great... It would make then stop short, confused. What do you mean, "not good enough?" Is their bby blind? They will ask their bby that, flabbergasted. And when their bby responds how they don't think they are all that great, how their power doesn't seem very useful, they struggle sometimes to appear put together for them, how they worry they aren't enough...
The platonic yandere/s tell them to please be quiet. Their bby is on the verge of tears, afraid that they are about to be waved off or ostracized... only to be told they are actually the team morale. That no one can compare to them. That the bby is someone who makes the platonic yandere/s feel worth it, let's them feel like they matter, who has given them love and attention even when they are at their worst, yet their bby never complains or yells at them or judges them for their flaws... if anything, their bby is one of the few reasons, the most important one, that keeps them going. What would they do without their love, their encouragement, their kind nature and their sweet words and warm laugh? And the platonic yans make sure that their bby knows how loved they are. After all, no one could ever dare to replace them.
• The ❤Avengers💙 bby is being hugged by the entire group. Family movie nights become a thing, as well as bonding activities like pillow forts, baking and cooking together, and reminding each other that they are on their side no matter what, rain or shine or Hydra. And if someone said something hurtful or back-handed to you, it looks like that person is about to be visited by an entire team of angry Avengers... it really isn't wise to be hateful towards their bby. Not if you don't want the Hulk, the God of Thunder, a spy, or a millionaire with enough money and machinery, to come knocking at their door. Looks like someone might be knocking at Heaven's door...
• 💙The X-Men💛 bby is getting reassured by everyone. No matter what their mutation is, their bby is an important team member, and is loved for how they help bring them all together. The team is most definitely having a few nights cuddled together in a blanket-covered dog pile, each person tangled together, with their bby at the center. They will make sure their bby is loved on, and whoever made them feel self-doubt is dealt with. And if that person/s is visited by one miffed off Wolverine, or mentally screwed with by Jean Grey or the Professor or any other telepath/mind-reader/mind-controller, well, what their bby doesn't know won't hurt them... same can't be said for whoever hurts their bby.
• 💚Guardians Of The Galaxy💜 bby is going to be told how wrong they are. That they are a LOVELY person, thank you very much, and that while they are right most of the time, this time they are wrong. They will remind their bby that they are an AWESOME, kick-*ss Guardian, who also hasn't tried to kill any of them before! The Guardians will recount (with jabs at each other) how their bby helped save the day (and how everyone else was a dumb*ss). They will fight whatever put the thought in their bby's head that they weren't good enough or worthy. (Yes. They would fight a child, a god, an entire alien planet, even a computer, if it said something that made you feel bad about yourself. And expect the team to also cheer you up with your own special gift. Be it a space gun, a bomb, your favorite dessert, or your own cassette tape dedicated to you, you are getting a gift).
These are just some of the platonic yandere Marvel groups. Not to mention the characters I've taken interest in, or the ones yet to be mentioned.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Like A Movie
“ Hiya! I absolutely adore your lockwood x reader fics. They are so good! I was wondering if you would write some Lockwood x reader fluff where the reader loves the rain and so when they have a quiet moment on day Lockwood takes her outside to dance in the rain and then they share their first kiss. That would be amazing, thank you! ”
a/n: @nessa-stark your wish is my command!! hope I've done it justice <3
warnings: none gn reader
Outside, rain lashes down onto the pavements in thick sheets, drowning out the sound of the kettle boiling in the kitchen, or George's strange shuffling around in his room - probably some sort of yoga, though you dare not go and check. The sky is a deep grey, and it's hard to see anything out of the living room window with all of the raindrops on the window. Instead of people watching, you opt to follow the falling droplets, racing down the clear glass to reach the windowsill.
There's something about rainy days that calms you. Maybe it's the sound, or the comfort of sitting inside, dry and warm, as the weather takes its toll on the world beyond.
The living room door creaks, and you glance over at it. Lockwood walks in, holding two steaming mugs, and grins at you. At the sight, a shiver runs down your spine, and you smile, pulling yourself away from the window to gratefully take one of the mugs from him.
"I remembered the honey this time," he says as he sits on his armchair. "Didn't want a repeat of last time."
Rolling your eyes, you sit on the sofa, propping your feet up beside you. "Don't be dramatic. I still drank it."
"You looked like you wanted to cry," he says.
"Did not. You, Anthony Lockwood, love to exaggerate."
He only laughs, turning his attention to the magazine you set out on the table for him this morning after picking it up on your shopping trip. It's funny how enthralled he becomes by them, totally oblivious to the world around him. You could set the sofa on fire, and he'd still be busy reading about how Rotwell has released a new prototype, or Penelope Fittes hosting another party.
You sit content just admiring him for a minute. His hair falls onto his forehead, still slightly damp from when he'd nipped out to Satchel's earlier to stock up on more salt bombs and such, and his cheeks are rosy from the heat in the living room. In one hand, he holds the handle of his mug, perched on the arm of his chair, while the other holds the magazine. He reads it as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Rather than his usual shirt and tie, he's dressed more casually today, wearing his rarely-seen hoodie and T-shirt combo. It suits him.
"Let's go outside."
Surprisingly, Lockwood looks up from his magazine. "What?"
"You heard me. Let's go outside."
"It's chucking it down," he says, frowning. "We'd get soaked immediately."
Leaning over the sofa's arm, you pluck your shoes off the ground, haphazardly thrown there after your shopping trip this morning, and tug them on. You scamper into the hall, tossing Lockwood's into the lounge, looking at him expectantly.
For a moment, he just sits and stares at you, one blink away from being bug-eyed, but he eventually relents.
"If I get a cold, I expect you to look after me."
You grin. "Colds aren't caused by rain, actually. Now, come on!"
The kitchen is cold and, when you throw open the back door, you're struck with a blast of freezing air that chills you to the bone. You've left your jacket but, regardless, you step out into the rain.
Immediately, you become drenched. The rain is heavier than it looked through the window, but you don't mind. Each drop feels like heaven.
Lockwood stands in the doorway, clutching his jacket tightly around his body. "You're insane, you know that, right?"
You spin in the rain, laughing. "Absolutely. It's why you hired me. You needed someone to make you feel less crazy."
Your jumper clings to your skin, and your hair is plastered against your face and neck. Water fills your shoes. The long, uncut grass grazes your legs, soaking your jeans even further.
"Get out here," you say with a laugh, running over to Lockwood.
Before he can protest, you grab his warm hands and tug him out of the door. His head ducks slightly when the rain hits him, but, despite it all, he's grinning widely.
Lifting his arm above you, you twirl beneath it, hair whipping out behind you as you do so. The rain drips over your face, lashes against your back, and your skin is covered in goosebumps, but you barely feel the cold. Lockwood's laugh is enough to keep you warm.
As cheesy as it is, he keeps moving to let you twirl, or shuffles along with you in some kind of dance to only the sound of rain and distant cars speeding through puddles. It feels like a movie, a rom-com musical where the love interests dance in the rain, but if people were to look upon this, they'd see nothing more than two teenagers who have lost their minds. Two teenagers that definitely aren't love interests.
If your story were a movie, it would be the one with unrequited love. The one where the girl pines after the guy, no matter how hard she tries not to. A movie full of secret glances and little gifts, longing looks and eventual heartbreak. Well, that's how you've always seen it, and you've been given little reason to believe otherwise.
Lockwood can charm anything that moves with nothing but a smile and some pretty words. It's in his nature. He charmed you long ago, caught you in a net of emotions that you can never escape. No matter how many magazines you buy him, or how long you sit, admiring him, hoping he'll notice, he doesn't seem to realise. Not that it's his fault. He's the most oblivious guy you've ever met.
You don't mind too much. Having him as your friend is better than not having him at all, and you're content. Every day is spent with him in some regard, and that's more than you could ever ask for. You get to hear his little sarcastic remarks, the sound of his laugh when someone is being an idiot, see his enchanting smile. Nothing in this world would be tempting enough for you to give the privilege of seeing and hearing those things up.
Once more, Lockwood lifts his arm for you to spin, but you stumble, catching your foot on a rock hidden in the long lengths of the grass. Before you can even come close to falling, his arms close around you, holding you close to his chest.
He's impossibly warm, skin practically steaming in the chill of the back garden, and it's a warmth you can already feel yourself melting into.
Your eyes meet, and you're captivated. His eyes are dark, but they shimmer in the bleak outside with emotions - happiness, and something else, something hidden just so. You can feel his breath on your cheek, faces closer than they should be, but neither of you makes a move.
"Falling for me now, huh?" he says, but his voice is quieter than you would've expected.
Swallowing, you say, "That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said. Never do it again."
He smiles down at you, and your heart skips a beat. "If you say so."
Even still, you stand, held close to his body. His apparent reluctance to move has butterflies swarming in your stomach.
"I -" The words get caught in your throat. You're too busy studying his face - the way his eyes flicker over your face, how his lips quirk up in a softer rendition of his infamous grin, how his hair, plastered to his forehead, catches his eyelashes.
"Can I kiss you?"
The words catch you completely off guard and, for a moment, you need to confirm that you're not actually dreaming. But, no, the rain feels real, the chill feels real, his hands, carefully holding one of your arms and your back, are real.
It takes a minute, but you nod, unable to speak.
He smiles, moving a hand from your arm up to your cheek, holding you gently. Raindrops cover his eyelashes, glittering like little crystals.
Ever so slowly, he leans forward, and you meet him halfway, eyes fluttering shut.
Maybe your life is a rom-com. Dancing and then kissing in the rain, something you never thought you'd do, nevertheless with the guy you've been pining after for months. Sparks fly when his lips touch yours, and fireworks explode in your mind as your brain and heart throw a celebration. His lips taste like slightly too bitter tea, and they're chapped from the cold, but it's something you find you quite like. His hoodie, soaked beneath your hands, is soft, and you clutch it tightly, filled to the brim with emotions you can barely contain.
It feels like years before you part, breathing softly and gazing at each other, looking like idiots in the heavy rain. Lockwood is grinning like a madman, and you're probably no better, although you're likely bright red.
"What was that for?" you ask, and your voice comes out as little more than a whisper.
"Something I've wanted to do for a while," he murmurs, glancing down at your lips. "Is that allowed?"
"Kiss me again, and I'll let you know."
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honeybcj · 2 months
hi han!! i loved your bartylily fic sm so for the sleepover i need to know what are your top bartylily hcs?
hi renn :) truly, thank you so much for the love on my bartylily fic. it means the world to me! as for the hcs, here are a few of mine:
— in school they didn’t really get along all that well because barty never really tried when it came to his grades, but lily worked double time to make sure she succeeded. overall, there was just a lot of jealousy she experienced because barty could do whatever the fuck he wanted and still pass with top marks. slight bit of academic rivalry even though barty couldn’t care any less about whether or not he passes.
— as seen in cherry bomb! i am convinced barty was the first person that introduced her to smoking and it played out exactly that way: sitting in his lap and both of them shotgunning the rest of the joint. dare i say, in the later days of their relationship, sometimes it’s lily taking the hit first and passing it to barty. it’s not much of a secret, but barty loves it.
— surprisingly very tactile people. they’re Those people. always holding hands, or barty has an arm around lily’s waist, or they’re kissing, or lily is sitting in his lap (yet again) etc and everyone just has to get used to it because barty is Possessive, but lily loves it because she’s finally seen as the person she wants to be. barty just gets it.
— barty has a lipstick print tattoo on his neck and it’s lily’s lips. he gets it in red ink.
— lily lets barty give her a stick and poke tattoo and somehow she winds up with a little heart with a “B” in the middle of it just above her hipbone. she pretends to hate it, but really, she loves it and even makes a point to show it off whenever she can. she’ll purposefully wear shirts that ride up just enough to let it poke out.
nsfw below the cut:
— going hand in hand with the last one, barty is an absolute sucker for lily in baby tees. because, at the end of the day, barty is a tits kind of guy, and he’s obsessed.
— they fuck. often. and literally anywhere. at first lily was really shy about it, worried that they’d get caught until she realized just how much it turned on barty and how good it made her feel when barty would devote every ounce of himself to making sure it is good. like they’ve done it in changing rooms, the movie theater, the back alleyway behind a bar, in the restroom of a local diner, on a balcony, literally everywhere you can think, they’ve probably fucked there.
— lily adores receiving praise and equally enjoys degrading barty. it’s a match made in heaven, truly. barty eats it up every time.
— and i’m convinced at some point barty ends up with a collar and a leash, and lily is not afraid to drag him around the house until he’s practically drooling for it
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cursedcatchild · 4 months
I'm so excited about the new series!
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I saw someone who wrote down what they would like to see in it and I was all like: I wanna do that too!🤩
So here it is, feel free to comment your own ideas if you want to! 😇
Finally having decent canon ships: Like TMNT 2012 tried and failed so hard. I swear Ramona was the only non disastrous one. Honestly I loved Leorai until someone decided to blow up the sweet home Alabama bomb right in the fans face. 🤯The rest of the ships were scandalous. And  ROTTMNT didn’t even dare to try and give us ships.😑 Like if I really want, then I might pressure my imagination to see some Kendratello or April+Raph, but nothing is canon. I think this time we deserve some shipper food people! ( So far it goes well, I kinda like the awkward crush Leo has on April. It feels real. Also I am looking forward to some Rasey.😏)
Canon LGBTQ+ turtles (or at least one):  Come on people, this is the 21th century it’s good d*mn time for some queer turtles.🏳️‍🌈 I mean ROTTMNT kinda gave us some gay Leo hints ( I swear if that guy is not gay then gay people are not even real😂), but nothing confirmed. Also what do you think which turtle should be queer? I personally vote for Raph or Donnie.😏
Cynthia Ultron being really evil: Like please let her be an actual threat!😈
Serious villains: Please, no more goofy villains like in Rise! 🥺There can be some, but I firmly believe that the mainly unserious bad guys caused ROTTMNT’s downfall. 😭No way it wouldn’t get a season 3, if the series would start off with something like the Shredder fight or the movie. (And truth to be told, I nearly dropped the show at the beginning, because it felt like it was aimed for a way younger audience with all that goofiness.)
Mutant Racism: This is the first time the turtles are out in public, they go to school and stuff. But even though they are accepted everything can’t be peachy, right? I want the tasty conflict of not all humans accepting them. Like, it would be illogical that there not a single rick b*tch in school that is disgusted by reptiles, or a bully that just found a too good reason now, to bully . Or are some kids straight up afraid of them? There must be people that are still unsure if this is not the ““ alien’s” master plan to take over the world.” ( Although that won’t go peachy, cause you try and pick a fight with ninja turtles.) 
Donnie being the biggest weeb of cartoon history: That’s self explanatory, also I wanna see him on a BTS concert. ( Boy deserves it!😇)
Purple Dragons are a High School Tech club: I just fell in love with the concept in ROTTMNT and because it would fit nicely into the new series in my opinion. ( since I guess we're gonna be in school a lot.)
Loads and loads of  fighting in school:  The boys deserve an audience.😂 Also I wanna see how the principal is gonna react to turtles destroying the school.😱
New human friends: They are bound to have some since they are going to school, right?
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
I just saw @saltinestyle’s 20 day post about how people bash the Jedi for being unemotional assholes
To me it’s just another inclination of how much society’s intelligence going down the drain
Because if they were portrayed emotional in another alternate reality the fandom would bash the Jedi for being too emotional and sensitive
You can’t win with these individuals
So I’ve got to ask what is your take on this
I’ve known you have backed Jedi on several points from their beliefs to their response to anakin’s and subsequently Palpatine’s actions
What is your take and argument to the people who would just as likely bash Jedi for Being too sensitive and emotional?
I honestly feel like this is all just another example of- “no matter what, people who hate the Jedi are going to find some way to demonize them.”
The thing is, the Jedi are emotional---we see them express their emotions, both in the movies and TCW. We see them express happiness, sadness, annoyance, anger, fear, worry, etc.
So when people say- “the Jedi are cold/unemotional” -they’re just straight up lying, because we see otherwise. They’re just not overly emotional, they don’t lash out because of their emotions or let their emotions control them---which is what people take as proof of them being “unemotional,” despite the fact that what they practice is very emotionally healthy.
Ignoring that, though, and going back to your question.
Again, no matter what, people who want to hate the Jedi will find some way to demonize them and read their actions in bad faith.
They fight in the war? They’re war-mongering hypocrites who took control of a slave army, therefore becoming slavers themselves.
They don’t fight in the war? They’re just self-righteous assholes that left the galaxy to rot while they sat back in their ivory tower, doing nothing while the clones suffered and died at the hands of people like Tarkin.
They listen to the Senate? They’re just the Senate’s lap dogs, how dare they follow the orders of the corrupt Senate when they could just do things without any backing---consequences be damned!
They don’t listen to the Senate? They’re out of control and need to be kept in check, how dare they just take things into their own hands without answering to any authority other than their own!
They control their emotions? They’re a bunch of cold emotionless jackasses who look down on things like love and empathy, and punish those who care about those around them.
They’re more emotional? They’re a bunch of irresponsible morons who shouldn’t be in charge of anything because they’re too emotional- “what if they end up bombing (nuking) Serreno (Russia) because they get emotional (their period)?”
(The argument people use against female presidents comes to mind and it’s how I think people would treat the Jedi if they were more visibly emotional than we see)
It's all just a no-win situation for the Jedi, where they're bad if they do one thing and bad if they do anything else as well---there's just no way to convince anti-Jedi people that the Jedi are good, because they'll just read whatever the Jedi do in bad faith and find some way to view it as a bad thing.
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liminalpebble · 9 months
Loki request: Loki and reader getting mani-pedis together.
Hello my dear @eleniblue! Thank you for the prompt. This is wayyyy outside of my usual style, but was a really great challenge so I hope you enjoy it.
CW: No smut, just one f-bomb, I think. Surprisingly wholesome considering what I usually write. But let's say Minors DNI to cover my ass.
Word count: 800 (lil shortie)
Very soft and bisexual Loki x gender neutral reader (just friendship, deeper feels if you squint), soooo fluffy
Wrapped Around Your Finger
“NO, Loki...no way,” you said between swigs from your water bottle. You'd been training in the Avengers' gym with him all morning, and now, a sweating, exhausted, hungry mess, you weren't in any mood for your fellow Avenger's antics.
It wasn't fair that what was an intensive, back-breaking regimen prescribed by the Black Widow herself was simply a walk in the park for his Asgardian body...and what a fucking body it was. But, as you had a thousand times before, you pushed the thought away.
“Darling....why not? Be a bit of a hedonist with me. Why must you insist on being so responsible and stoic?”
You gave him a warning glare and replied, “Because you only give me those sad puppy eyes and call me 'darling' when you're about to get me into trouble.”
He came closer to you, towering over you, but grinning that Cheshire cat grin that always disarmed you. He leaned down and purred into your ear with a mischeivous whisper, “Come on. Let's have a bit of fun, eh?”
That was the final straw. You knew you were wrapped around his lovely pale finger, with its shiny black nail.
“This...this is new,” you said gingerly, sinking your feet into the warm bath (which admittedly, felt amazing) and slid back into the comfortable leather chair. “I've never had a manicure or pedicure before,” you admitted.
“How could you not! It's so delightfulll,” he said drawing the last word out in a low purr. “Truly, since I've taken up residence on Midgard, this has been one of my favorite discoveries.” He sighed wistfully, eyes wondering around to take in the tastefully decorated high-end salon. “After losing my royal status it scratches a rather delicious itch to have someone waiting on me hand and foot in a luxurious setting.”
You rolled your eyes. “Have you always been such a diva?”
“Well, yes.” he said, without a hint of shame, surprised that you would even ask.
You giggled as the smiling technician began working a tickling pumice stone over the soles of your feet, and Loki chuckled along with you. He reached over and held your hand, meeting your eyes, and saying with surprising sincerity, “It really is good to hear you laugh again.”
Grinning you said, “Well, I have to admit. This is sort of fun, but it feels weird to be...well...waited on. Some of us aren't royalty.”
“Well, for now you can feel like you are. I knew you'd warm up to it,” he said just as two more technicians came over to begin on your hands. The one working on Loki's nails took up a friendly chat with him. He was clearly a regular.
After a bit, he looked thoughtfully back to you. “I wanted to do this for you as a gesture of gratitude. Of all of our colleagues, you've been the only one who listens to me and accepts me willingly, rather than out of begrudging necessity. Dare I say, you rather like being around me?” he said with peaked eyebrows and a bit of fragile hope in his voice.
“I do,” you replied, meeting his eyes. “I like our lunch dates, and how you drag me shopping, or to the movies. You even make training more tolerable. You get me out of my comfort zone.”
He scoffed. “My dear, we both know you can't be left to your own devices when it comes to fashion. You'd probably live in those...what are they called...'sweatpants'? How many novel experiences would you forgo if not for my encouragement?” he said, as he raised his long lovely hand and inspected his now perfectly shellac-ed nails. They gleamed like black patent leather with a layer of twinkling emerald glitter and gold flake; a striking contrast to his porcelain skin.
You gave him a knowing smirk. “You're fishing for compliments, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Indeed I am, poppet,” he confirmed, again, without an ounce of embarrassment.
“Your nails look spectacular,” you said, knowing he wanted more. And he gave you a disappointed look, hungry for more approval.
“And I am very glad to have your friendship. In fact, I might even say you're my best friend. The misfits of the team need to stick together, right?”
“Indeed they do,” he agreed with a regal nod. “And darling...”
“I am also very fond of you,” he said, those big pale aquamarine eyes glimmered with confusing, exciting implication as they met yours.
Then he pulled back, smiling in faux-innocence, saying lightly, “Now...all finished. To brunch. Shall we?” and offered you his arm.
@queen-paladin @littlespaceyelf @goblingirlsarah @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @sweetsigyn @peaches1958 @muddyorbs @gigglingtiggerv2 @peacefulpianist @coldnique @holdmytesseract@infinitystoner @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @glitchquakee @ladyofthestayingpower @marcotheflychair @sarahscribbles @sailorholly @tripleyeeet @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @icytrickster17 @chokeanddagger @joyful-enchantress
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eoieopda · 1 year
all right babe, i wanna hear bts as roommates cause i'm curious 👀
OOOH. love this. this speaks to the very specific brain rot i have about domestic, day-to-day bangtan.
namjoon — he’s very likable, so you can’t get mad, but good god is he noisy. like, dropping shampoo bottles in the shower (aka bombs) during the MULTIPLE daily showers he takes; talking through movies with his thots/predictions/trivia; the snoring; the banging of cabinets and pots/pans when he tries his best to pull his weight in the kitchen. however, he never forgets your birthday and reminds you about things he correctly assumes you’ll forget about (appointments — how does he even know about them??)
seokjin — you barely see him because he’s holed up in his room, gaming into the wee hours of the morning, but you can sure as shit hear him yelling :’) he’s the “i made myself a snack, so i’m bringing you one” type, always making sure you take breaks when you’re busy because he knows he’s bad at that himself. he’ll fix broken shit in your apartment (oppa/hyung will do it!) but don’t you dare ask him to trap a spider (oppa/hyung would rather die!)
yoongi — i’m sorry, but he’s gotta be a god tier roommate. he keeps to himself for the most part, but he’ll quietly drop into your space when he craves human contact. like, you’re at your desk doing whatever, and he’s just sitting on your bed, vibing. he’s got major nesting energy, too, so he’s collecting carefully chosen decor + putting furniture together himself. he lets you help to some extent because he wants to teach you, but he realizes this was a Dangerous Move and banishes you to watch from a safe distance.
hoseok — he’s the renaissance man of roommates because he’s an 1) in-home hype man, 2) a cleaning fairy, and 3) a social butterfly. he forcibly removes you from your room when you’re becoming too solitary and ensures that you always have the option of plans — if and when you want to utilize them. had a bad day? not anymore, bitch!! it’s time to laugh until you pee!! just not on the floor he just mopped, okay? ✨💕
jimin — he’s the one your friends/family are most excited to see when they visit you. OMG IT’S JIMIN — oh, and you’re also here :’) you’ve given up on being the hottest gworl in the apartment because you know it’ll always be him. and of course your closet and/or skin care are now communal, whether you were aware of it or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ has simply the best “tough love” advice, the best house parties, the best vibes. and you KNOW he’s the one (1) person who shows up to your shit, whatever that may be (career-related awards banquets, recreational volleyball tourneys, etc.)
taehyung — you literally never know where he is or what he’s up to, but his dog is cute, so there’s that!! he forgot to mention that he’s going to paris/barcelona/the moon until he facetimes you from some insane party to let you know that he forgot to put out the candle he lit in his room several days ago. but when he is home, there are no dull moments. he does end up in your bed most nights, though it stopped surprising you when you wake up to find him strapped around you like a human backpack.
jungkook — he’s made you fully nocturnal with his late night noraebangs and galaxy lights. you don’t remember the last time you saw the sun. what is daytime? 🤔 who is it for? NOT Y’ALL. there isn’t a single executive function functioning between the two of you, but at least your laundry is always done :’)
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redfeathersproawsome · 4 months
Mk 1 character lines with my OC Jamie..
1) "lights , camera, action!-"
"Look kiddo this ain't that type of movie"
2) "Shit! Please don't tell Bi-Han.. he'll kill me"
" I agree he almost killed me "
1) "Hey! Um I'm just taking a break."
" You can take a break when you're dead"
2) "Cut me some slack, I'm trying.."
" Stop slacking or leave the Lin kuei"
3) "Ow! Hey I wasn't ready!"
"Always be on guard you fool "
Lu kang:
1) "Dad?"
" Umm..I..."
2) "Can you make Grandmaster less of a dick?"
"I'm sorry I can't change one's emotions"
1) "So..you use your powers to bathe orr"
" What?! You dare insult me earthrealmer!"
2) "So I was thinking the bomb ass pool party-"
" I will make sure you'll drown "
Omni man:
1) "Are you my dad?"
"Please leave me alone orphan child"
2) "Ready to get schooled?"
"Ha! This won't take long "
Kuai Liang:
1) "I wasn't sneaking out, I swear!"
"Bi-Han or myself won't tolerate your behavior"
2) "Please train me."
"Only if you take it seriously "
1) "What's up, emperor of smoke?"
"Finally someone who got my title right "
2) "..I got the good cush if you wanna join."
"I..um ...how good is it ?"
General Shou:
1) "You scare me..heh.."
"Good let that fear drive you! "
2)"Join your army? Master Bi-han terrifies me enough.
"your far too weak boy!"
1) "Dude why? Why did you sigh me up, I won't last in his army."
"In no time I'll shape you up into a real man!"
2) "Your dad terrifies me.."
"He's my general not my dad!! "
1) "I welcome the chaos!"
"Good then we might have something in common"
2) "Wanna back flip onto a table? I'll pay."
"What I'm not some party trick!!"
Kung Lao:
1) "bills on me!"
"Damn right cause I'll win!"
2) "Drive? I can't drive, I'm 17"
"Better start learning then kiddo"
1) "Kung Lou did it!"
"Ugh..I should've known..."
2) "Erm.. I'm sorry?"
"You could've hurt yourself being reckless"
1) "ooh, ooh! Can you teach me how to spit acid, or shape shift!"
"No..the last person I taught used me "
2) "Aw! Who's a good lizard! Wanna treat?"
"Is that a compliment or a insult earthrealmer"
1) "Can you be my dad?"
"My Tarkot will change you "
2) "Tarkat or not, your still family to me."
"That makes brings me joy earthrealmer "
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