#hot 7’ bat gardener
drag-on-my-balls-z · 2 months
Babe, wake up! Antra thirst trap dropped- 🥴
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paradiseismine · 3 months
Twice as wet - Mike Wheeler x reader
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Part 1/2.
Pairing: Mike Wheeler x f!reader
Warnings: slight NSFW, but tasteful I swear ok bye
It was a hot summer’s day, but not as hot as you. Your hair was shinier than ever and your smile was to die for, after all. Your confidence in your body had increased in the last year or so, and ever since you moved to Hawkins a month ago, it had sky rocketed, for some reason. You had just turned 18 and were ready to meet some cute guys.
Just not today.
Your mom had hired some neighbourhood kid to mow the lawn, and told you to stay home all afternoon to pay him afterwards, since she would be out to run some errands. So you sat on your couch, bored in a bikini and a pair of your shortest shorts, unable to jump in the backyard pool until that damn boy’s arrival.
At 1 p.m. sharp, your doorbell rang. You walked to the door and opened it gently.
- Uh, hello, are-are you y/n? - The boy asked, his head slightly tilted down so he would look you in the eyes. Man, was he TALL.
- Hi, that’s me - you smiled sweetly, trying to remember his name - and you’re… Michael, right? My mom told me to wait for you.
- Yes, that’s right… You can call me Mike, though - he scratched the back of his neck with his left hand, licking his lips.
That really got your attention. You examined his face for a second. His perfect jet black hair, his fair skin, plump red lips, delicate little freckles… Ugh. He’s so beautiful. Your lips cracked open as you wanted to say something, but nothing came out of your mouth. It was nearly a trance.
- So uh, should I get started on the lawn? - he grinned, shyly.
- Oh, yes - you said, as your eyes shot wide open, breaking that trance. - Sure. Come, I’ll show you where everything is.
You showed him around the garden and the garage: where the lawn mower was, how it worked and the area he needed to mow: your front yard first, and then the backyard, just around the pool. You tried to keep your cool and be normal about it, hoping he hadn’t noticed your staring when he arrived.
But he did. Mike Wheeler had been 18 for a few months right now, and he couldn’t believe such a pretty girl would check him out like that. He also tried to keep his cool, of course. He needed those summer jobs to afford a new guitar, and wouldn’t risk doing anything to displease you.
After the front yard was done, Mike circled around the house and got to the backyard - just to see you sunbathing near the pool.
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thought, as you got up and turned around, giving him a good look of your figure. What he wasn’t expecting, though, is that you jumped in the water a few seconds later.
As you emerged from the water, your hair darker and your eyes slightly squinted because of the sun, he couldn’t help but also notice all the little water droplets that were dripping from your face to your chest.
He was definitely checking you out. Ugh, thank God, you thought. Finally a cute boy I can obsess over. Because of course, you wouldn’t obsess over anyone who wasn’t obsessed with you too. As the work was all done, he put the lawn mower back on its place and walked over to you.
- Thank you so much, darling - you said, batting your eyelashes at him, your legs dangling from the edge of the pool. - There’s a red envelope on the fridge with your payment. I guess you could grab it later…
- Later? - he said, confused.
- Yes, after a little swim with me… in here - you said, smiling as if you had just offered him a drink of water.
Mike chuckled. He was definitely taking a sip.
- I mean… c-can I? - he asked, just in case.
- Of course, i got plenty of towels you could dry off with later… my mom won’t mind, she’s not coming back home until, at least, 7 p.m… What do you say?
Mike smiled at you as he yanked his shirt from the back of his neck. Just that single movement already made your insides twitch. Oh, that boy was in for a treat.
As he took off his pants and sneakers, you simply watched, no longer worrying about getting caught staring at him. He sat down next to you on the edge of the pool, his cheeks a bit red. Maybe from the sun, maybe from shyness.
You leaned in to kiss him, there was no point in waiting. He kissed you back softly, his hands grabbing your waist gently, as if he was afraid to scare you off. You were so pretty, he couldn’t believe it. Your right hand reached for his face, caressing it lightly, as you held his arm with your left hand and slowly guided him to actually enter the pool, so you would both stand up in it. Now your bodies were touching, and you hoped he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as you grabbed a fistful of his perfect hair and scratched his back with your nails, now fully making out with him.
He reached for your thighs and brought you up to his waist, intensifying your lust. You wrapped your legs around him, holding yourself in place, as his hands slowly left your butt after a few good grips. You had never been so grateful for that pool.
Mike Wheeler had the biggest boner of his life. His underwear was white and now completely wet, plus he had a hard-on - great. What if you were offended by it? Was that uncalled for? Those questions left his brain the second your soft hand reached down under the water.
Damn, that boy was packing some heat down there. He jumped out of his skin with your touch, at first, but melted into it a second later.
- I know you’re kissing me in the pool just to get me twice as wet - you said, chuckling, as your foreheads were touching. - But maybe we should continue this on dry land.
- Sure, whatever you want, princess - he said, enchanted by you.
- Whatever I want, huh? - you put your arms around his neck, tilting your head to the side. - That’s good to hear. I might take advantage of this later, though.
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Fire in My Heart pt 2
for @milfjuulpod who asked for a second part :)
Summary: You and Melissa host a barbecue where the crew officially meets you for the first time. Melissa is nervous, to say the least.
Part 1
WC: ~4.1k
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Her friends from work are coming over today for a barbecue. They’ve all been here before. The only differences this time around are that they know you exist now, and you’ll be there. But even before, they’ve been here. It was always owned by the two of you. So when Melissa wakes up that morning in a panic, you really don’t understand why.
“Babe,” you whine as she tries to roll out of bed. You pull her back to your chest. “C’mon. I wanna lay here with you.”
“We’re having guests today,” she says as she tries to fight out of your arms. “We have things we have to prep.”
“You did most of your food prep last night,” you remind her as you kiss her neck gently. You nip at her again before she can say anything.
“We have to clean the house,” she tells you, matter of factly. Then she lets out a small groan at your affections. 
“The house is spotless,” you mumble into her skin. “Mel, your friends have been here before. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is,” she whines. “They’re meeting you for the first time, and I want it to go perfectly.”
“Since when do you care what anybody at work thinks besides Barbara?” you chuckle softly.
“In case you forgot, Barb is coming,” your girlfriend tells you. “And I do weirdly care what they think.”
“And I’m sure it will be just fine,” you try to assure her.
“It’s never too early to start,” she tries to argue.
You look over at the clock on your bedside table. “Honey, it’s… 7:15 in the morning. They aren’t coming until three. C’mon. Just lay here with me. I’m tired, and I want to spend time with you before things get crazy.”
“Twenty minutes,” she tells you sternly as she stops trying to wiggle away from you. You grin as you hold her close. She stretches to press a gentle kiss to your cheek with a grin. 
You manage to fall back asleep, and when you wake up again, Melissa isn’t curled up with you anymore. You roll your eyes and slip on a pair of shorts before heading downstairs to see what she could possibly be up to at… 8:27 in the morning. You’re somewhat shocked she didn’t wake you after the promised twenty minutes had passed, but you’re grateful for the extra hour of sleep.
With a yawn, you enter the kitchen. You can tell she already made breakfast, and there’s a pot of coffee calling your name.
“Mel?” you call out.
“In the yard!” you hear her voice float in from the screen door. “Your breakfast is in the microwave waiting for you!”
You grab your things with a tired smile on your face before heading outside and sitting at the table. The redhead is currently on her hands and knees pulling out weeds from the potted plants the two of you keep.
“Babe, take a break and come sit with me for breakfast,” you sigh as you let the hot steam rise from your coffee into your face.
“I’m weeding,” she sighs.
“No one is going to- well, Gregory might, if what you have to say about his gardening is true,” you shake your head. “But come on, Mel. It’s only 8:30, and they won’t be here for another six and a half hours. I think you can spare ten minutes to sit with me while I eat.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” she rolls her eyes as she stands and dusts herself off. She goes inside to grab her own coffee before sitting next to you.
“Oh, c’mon, hon,” you try to pull her into your lap.
“Y/N, I’m covered in dirt right now,” she tells you as she bats your hand away from her body.
“I’ll shower,” you snort and pull her all the way into your lap. She huffs playfully but gets comfortable on top of you, kissing your hair. 
“So, what’s on the agenda today, my love?” you ask as you take a bite of your breakfast. You know she wants today to go perfectly, and you really don’t feel like dealing with a Melissa Schemmenti meltdown before her friends come over.
She smiles at you before rattling off the list of things she wants to accomplish before they come over.
“I can handle the living room if you want to handle the kitchen,” you offer. It’ll help the two of you cross things off your list faster, and you won’t be in her way while she’s finishing her food preparations and setting everything out. “When I’m finished that, I’ll clean the grill and run out to grab some more propa-”
“I already got it,” your girlfriend says sweetly. “It’s in the trunk of my car. You just gotta bring it around back. I also picked up some more beers and seltzers. The only thing you might have to pick up is another bag of ice to put in the cooler for the drinks.”
“Anything for you,” you tell her as you kiss her shoulder. You notice how tense she is. “Honey, it’s gonna be fine. We really don’t even have all that much to prep today, so we can take our time, yeah?”
“I’m just nervous,” she admits to you. “I want this all to go perfectly.”
“It’ll go just fine, Mel,” you promise her as you finish up the last of your french toast. You pat her back. “Alright, up. If we’re going to get you to calm down by the time your friends get here, we have things to do.”
You finish cleaning up the living room by 10:30. You’ve cleaned the grill and put in the new tank of propane by 11:15. The beers and seltzers that your girlfriend bought are sitting in the mudroom waiting to be taken outside by 11:25. The cooler is sitting right next to it.
“Babe?” you wander into the kitchen, twirling your keys around your finger. She’s standing at the island trying to set up the charcuterie board she’s insisting on making. You snake your arms around her waist and set your chin on her shoulder. “How many people are we having over? Because damn did you buy a lot of drinks.”
She shrugs as she continues to set different meats on her serving board. 
“Well, they’re all inside,” you relay to her. “I’m off to go grab the ice to put in the cooler. Do you need anything else? Or maybe want to take a break and come with me?”
“Can you pick up another thing of brie?” she asks you. “And maybe some chocolate covered almonds?”
“I can do that,” you chuckle. “Anything else? Maybe some Xanax?” you tease.
“Hey,” she pouts.
“Brie and chocolate almonds,” you repeat to her. You silently make a note to also pick up a bouquet of flowers for her. “Got it.”
“Thank you, hon,” she sighs quietly. She pauses for just a second to press a quick kiss to your lips. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” you laugh as you give her one more gentle squeeze and peck her cheek. With a playful toss of your hair, you release her and head out to the store.
When you return, you quickly dump the ice into the cooler and arrange an assortment of drinks into the container. You make sure to take two out of the pack to take in with the cheese, almonds, and flowers. 
“Mel?” You call as you walk into the house.
“Outside! Backyard!” you hear her voice float into the house.
“I’m putting the brie and almonds on the counter,” you tell her as you set them down. You make your way outside with the flowers and drinks, and she’s currently rearranging the chairs. “Hon.”
“What? I’m making sure that the seats are- some are in the shade and some are in the sun,” she tells you as she continues fussing over them. She has yet to look over at you holding her favorite flowers.
“Melissa,” you sigh. You set down the drinks you brought out and take her by the shoulders. “Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. People can move the chairs as the sun moves.” You kiss her gently and hand her the flowers. 
“You got me flowers?” she asks softly.
“I did,” you tell her. “I thought they might help calm you down… I also brought beer.” You jut your chin out in the direction of the drinks.
“You’re too good to me,” she shakes her head.
“That ain’t true,” you roll your eyes. “I’m treating you the way you deserve.”
You let her go and crack open her beer for her before taking a sip. It’s an IPA, and god… she laughs at the face you make. You hand it to her with disgust.
“Why do you always take a sip when you know you’re going to hate it?” She asks as she brings the bottle to her lips.
“I like sharing with my girlfriend, but Jesus Christ does that stuff taste like dirt,” you quickly open your own seltzer to get rid of the nasty taste in your mouth. You sigh in content. “So much better.”
She takes your can and takes a small sip of it. “Eh.” She puts both drinks down on the table and starts fussing over the chairs again.
“Honey,” you sigh. “I think everything looks fine. Why don’t we go inside, finish up the charcuterie board, put your flowers in a vase, and then… I don’t know about you, but I need a shower.” You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively. She smacks your shoulder playfully but nods.
After a longer shower than anticipated… the two of you get dressed and ready for your guests.
“Help me set the sides out?” she asks softly, and you can tell she’s getting more and more nervous again.
You frown at the way she’s balling up her denim over-shirt in her hands. You nod. Usually, you let her do it because she’s rather meticulous about it, but she’s asking for your help, and you’ll do anything to make her life easier for her. You let her instruct you on where to put things and what spoons to put where and- “Hon! Don’t put the plates on the edge of the table, or Janine will knock ‘em all over the floor!” 
“Sorry, babe,” you apologize. She’ll say she’s sorry for snapping on you over something so stupid later, but right now she’s stressed and you’ll just let her be. It’s for the best that you just let her so her thing. You put the plates exactly where she wants them.
“Just let me do it,” she finally snaps and snatches the cups from you. “Jesus.”
“Mel,” you look at her with furrowed brows.
“Sorry, sorry,” she sighs. “I’m just-”
“Stressed,” you finish for her. “I know. But it’s all gonna be fine. Everything looks gorgeous, including you. Now, I’ll let you handle this while I grab the cooler from the mudroom and take it outside, but you need to take a deep breath and try to reset, or you’re going to lose it.”
You head into the room over to grab the cooler before she can say another word. You take it outside and grab another seltzer for yourself and a beer for her.
“I grabbed you another,” you tell her as you head for the bottle opener hung on the fridge. You take yet another sip of her drink, fully knowing you’re going to hate it, before passing it to her and looping an arm around her waist.
“I’m so nervous,” she admits to you as she leans into your embrace and takes a rather big swig of her beer. 
“It’ll all be fine,” you promise her. You kiss her head, and the doorbell rings.
It’s Barbara who is first to arrive, and you can see the way Melissa relaxes when her work wife comes in with a big grin, a bottle of wine, and immediately goes to give you a hug. 
“Barbara, this is-” Melissa goes to introduce the two of you.
“The woman who has so graciously allowed me to keep burning my candles at the school,” the kindergarten teacher grins. “Oh, thank you so much, honey.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” you say quietly as you hug her back. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” Barbara chuckles as she pulls back from you to give Melissa a quick embrace. “But this one and all her secrets.”
“Y/N was never a secret of mine,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “Youse never asked, so I never had the opportunity to tell.”
The veteran teacher hums. “Where can I put this?” she gestures to the bottle of wine still in hand. 
Your girlfriend ushers her friend into the kitchen and dining room, showing her the spread proudly. You stay in the living room and fiddle with the television to try to put on some music to have in the background. They’ve just opened the wine and have barely started to chat about the chaos of the day before when the doorbell rings.
“Mel? Do you want me to get it?”
“Yeah, hon,” your girlfriend calls back. “That’d be great, thanks! Did you want a glass of wine?”
“I’m alright, but thank you,” you tell her as you go to the door. On your front stoop is Janine, Gregory, Jacob, and Mr. Johnson. You take a deep breath before opening the door with a smile. 
“Hey, come on-”
“Y/N!” Janine grins. “It’s so nice to meet you! Well, actually meet you because we technically met at the fire safety meeting that you had to hold, but you know what I-” Your girlfriend was right. Her coworker does talk a lot.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Janine,” you tell her. You nod in the others’ directions as well, also saying their names.
“Oh, you know all of our names already!” Jacob says, and he looks pleasantly surprised. 
“Mel talks about you guys every night when I get home from the station.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “Of course I know who you all are.”
“Even me?” Mr. Johnson asks from the back.
“Yeah, Mr. J. Even you,” you chuckle, and the janitor looks mildly impressed. 
“Well, come in. Barbara is here already. There’s drinks outside in the cooler, there’s some stuff to snack on out in the kitchen, and I’ll probably get the grill going around four.” You usher them in, closing the door behind the last of them, before heading into the dining room yourself. 
“Melissa!” Janine and Jacob exclaim at the same time as they lay eyes on the charcuterie board.
“Yeah?” the redhead raises a brow.
“This looks exquisite!” the history teacher grins. “I didn’t know you could do stuff like this!”
“I ain’t just cheesesteaks, wings, and beer like youse all think I am,” your girlfriend deadpans. “I got some class.”
“It looks amazing!” Janine tags on.
“Thanks, kid,” Melissa smiles. “So, I’m sure Y/N already told you, but there’s drinks outside, there’s snacks in here, and you can hang in or out. It don’t matter.”
Everybody heads outside to pick out a drink, and you take the opportunity to pull your girlfriend in close. “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“I know,” she says softly. “But you know how I get.”
“I know,” you tell her. “Just know I got you.”
Your fingers intertwine as the two of you follow your guests out to the small little backyard you have. She lets you go so you can pull a chair up next to her, and the second you’re sitting down, her hand is resting gently on your knee. 
“So… I wish we could say we’ve heard all about you,” Barbara chuckles. “But we know your name and that your the chief of the fire station.”
“That’s me,” you chuckle. They all lean forward for more information. “What do you want to know?”
“Guys, don’t grill her,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “She’s a private person like me.”
“I’ll answer,” you squeeze her hand gently. “What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” Jacob says immediately.
You sigh. “I was born in Philly, I grew up in Philly and wanted to be a firefighter. Always thought my redheaded teachers were hot… ended up meeting Mel at the bar, rest is history.”
“She said the two of you have been seeing each other for three years?” Barbara asks. You nod. “And you’ve been living together for the last year and a half?” You nod again.
“So you know she’s hit that,” Ava says loudly as she walks into your backyard. 
“Ava!” Melissa whips around and glares at the principal.
“You know I’m right,” the woman shrugs as she closes your gate. At the exasperated look everyone is giving her, she rolls her eyes. “Don’t act like you weren’t thinking about it.”
“Hello, Ava,” you chuckle and smile in her general direction.
“Don’t flirt with me,” she tells you, making a face. “I don’t need Melissa threatening to kick my ass and all that.”
“I won’t threaten,” the redhead says quickly. “I just would do.”
“I wasn’t flirting,” you laugh and squeeze your girlfriend’s knee. “I only got eyes for my girl. Redheads, man. Redheads.”
“If you show up to school on Monday with red hair,” Melissa points a finger at her boss. “Don’t think I won’t kick you ass.”
You settle yourself at the grill, away from all of your girlfriend’s coworkers. You need a few minutes to yourself. They’re a sweet bunch, but you’re beginning to understand why Melissa is only super close with Barb. You get why she comes home exhausted, claiming that if you thought the kids had a lot of energy… Janine and Jacob were another story. 
Those two are currently dominating the conversation talking about god knows what when you feel someone wrap an arm around your waist. You turn, and of course it’s Melissa.
“Hey, baby,” you say softly, kissing her head as you flip a few burgers.
“You doing okay?” she asks softly, and she hands you a new seltzer. You nod as you flip a piece of chicken. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you promise her. 
“What do you think?”
“I think I’m going to have to take a twenty four hour nap when they leave, but they’re a sweet bunch. They really care about you,” you tell her.
The Abbott group has nothing but great things to say about the meal the two of you put together.
“Have you guys considered a catering business?” Gregory asks. “I even like this,” he says as he eats his plain chicken.
“Seriously,” Mr. Johnson says. “Between the two of you…”
“Maybe in another ten years,” you chuckle. “She’ll retire, I’ll step down from the station, and we can start a business. What d’you think?” You look at your girlfriend.
She has an almost unreadable face for a minute before she breaks out into the biggest grin. “In ten years.” She nods.
The clan ends up staying longer than you expect. You even pull out the small firepit the two of you keep in the mudroom. By the end of the night, you’re a little tipsy, and Melissa’s had more than a few IPAs. You’re sitting in her lap, an arm slung around her neck as she has a steady hand resting on your hip.
The two of you have yet to leave each other’s sides, really- neither of you have even broken the seal. But finally, Melissa has to give in.
“Be nice,” she tells them sternly as she pats your hip. You let her up and take her seat. She sends threatening glares to each of your guests before heading into the bathroom.
“So…” Barb drawls out once her friend is out of earshot. “Three years?”
“Three years,” you confirm. “Hopefully many more.”
“Why her?” Ava asks. “You could have anyone.”
“Melissa is home,” you say simply. “She has been since our second date. I’ve known since our second date, she’s it.”
“Oh?” Jacob leans forward and prompts you to continue.
“I suppose I should clarify: our first date was impromptu at the bar. She got stood up, I was there after a… rather rough shift, and I don’t know why because I never do this, but I worked up the courage to hit on her. We closed down the bar, and our second date was three days later- when my schedule allowed me to see her again. We had dinner here, and I-“ you sigh happily. “She was just… more than I could ever expect in a woman. I knew I couldn’t let her go.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Janine can barely contain the squeal that leaves her body.
“She’s my person, you know?” you ask, like a lovesick puppy.
“That’s how I feel about my husband,” the kindergarten teacher says softly, a smile on her lips. 
You lean forward to make sure the redhead isn’t coming or around the corner before glancing at Barb. You take a deep breath. “I got a ring.”
“You what?” the veteran teacher gasps.
“I got a ring hiding at the fire station,” you admit. “I’m gonna ask her soon, but I wanted to meet you all before she just showed up with a ring outta the blue and engaged.”
“That is so sweet!” Janine grins and she grips Jacob’s hand. “You have our approval!”
“I wasn’t really looking for it,” you tell her gently, but she doesn’t care.
Melissa returns, and she sees the way that everyone in her friend group is looking at you- like they approve of you.
“Dammit, Y/N,” she breathes out as she sits down in your lap. “What’d you tell them.”
“That you’re my girl,” you say honestly. “That you’re home. Stuff you already know.”
“Oh, god. You didn’t tell them anything else?” she asks, nervous you exposed her soft side.
“No, hon,” you assure her. “All from my brain, none from yours.”
“Well,” Barbara sighs. “I suppose it’s getting late, and Gerald is expecting me home tonight. But, it was absolutely lovely to get to official meet and know you a bit better, Y/N.”
“I guess we should all start heading out,” Gregory says when he catches the yawn you try to fight away. He takes Janine’s hand in his own.
“Don’t be a stranger,” the custodian says as he stands from his chair.
“Your tasty ass is welcome anytime at Abbott,” Ava winks at you. She then raises her hands defensively. “Melissa, I’m joking!” 
“Alright, get out, all of you,” the redhead shakes her head playfully. “I’ll see youse all on Monday.”
Once her friends are gone, you help your girlfriend clean up the place- as much as you can with the exhaustion setting in. Really, all you do is put out the fire and then help put a few of the dishes into the dishwasher and put away the last of the food.
“We can finish this all tomorrow,” Melissa tells you as she wraps her arms around you.
“It’s okay,” you mumble. “I know you don’t like waking up to a dirty house.”
“You’re tired, I’m tired,” she sighs into your shoulder. “We can clean up the rest tomorrow.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh as you start to practically drag the two of you in the direction of your bedroom.
The two of you prepare for bed, and before you know it, you’re laying half on top of her.
“So, you actually liked them?” the teacher asks you.
You hum. “Sweet group. Told you you had nothing to worry about.”
“I know, but I-”
Talk more tomorrow,” you whisper. “Tired, Lissa.”
That’s how she knows you’re beat- you only call her Lissa when you’re utterly exhausted.
“Okay, babe,” she chuckles quietly. She presses a gentle kiss to your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you mumble, already on your way to a deep sleep.
Meeting the Abbott crew hadn’t been that bad- it was fun, even. You knew from the second everyone had walked in, they approved of you. Because you make their favorite feisty teacher happy. But you’re absolutely drained, and you fall asleep against your girlfriend, ready to continue on with this life that the two of you had built together- without hiding. Soon hopefully, she wouldn’t have to introduce you as her girlfriend of three years, but instead as her fiancee. 
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in May 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Farzana's Spite - Felix Graves 🧡 Archangels of Funk - Andrea Hairston 💛 How It Works Out - Myriam Lacroix 💚 Queer History A to Z - Robin Stevenson, Vivian Rosas 💙 Queerceañera - Alex Crespo 💜 Second Night Stand - Karelia Stetz-Waters, Fay Stetz-Waters ❤️ You Can Call Me Cooper - Cali Kitsu 🧡 Gooseberry - Robin Gow 💛 Grand Slam Romance - Ollie Hicks, Emma Oosterhous 💙The Witches of Silverlake - Simon Curtis, Stephanie Son 💜 Drawn to the Enemy - Barbara Winkes 🌈 The Truth of Our Past - Heather Leighson
❤️ Infaust - T.D. Cloud, Ambi Sun 🧡 Garner for Gold - Catherine Labadie 💛 The Z Word - Lindsay King-Miller 💚 Snake Charming - Genevieve McCluer 💙 The 7-10 Split - Karmen Lee 💜 Loving Jemima - Sienna Waters ❤️ The Potion Gardener - Arden Powell 🧡 A Swift and Sudden Exit - Nico Vincenty 💛 The Worst Ronin - Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Faith Schaffer 💙 Murray Out of Water -Taylor Tracy 💜 The Guncle Abroad - Steven Rowley 🌈 The Weight of What Was - Pip Landers-Letts
❤️ The Amazing Alpha Tau Pledge Project - Lisa Henry, Sarah Honey 🧡 I Met Death & Sex Through My Friend, Tom Meuley - Thom Vernon 💛 Malicia - Steven dos Santos 💚 The Sins on Their Bones - Laura R. Samotin 💙 SLUTS: Anthology - Michelle Tea 💜 You Should Be So Lucky - Cat Sebastian ❤️ Death's Country - R.M. Romero 🧡 Cinema Love - Jiaming Tang 💛 The Brides of High Hill - Nghi Vo 💙 Emma - Jenna Kent 💜 Wish We Were There - Lionel Hart 🌈 A Troublemaker in Her Eyes - Genta Sebastian
❤️ I Make Envy on Your Disco - Eric Schnall 🧡 Lavash at First Sight - Taleen Voskuni 💛 Queer Power Couples - Hannah Murphy Winter, Billie Winter 💚 In Repair - A.L. Graziadei 💙 A Heart Divided - Angie Williams 💜 Long After We Are Gone - Terah Shelton Harris ❤️ The Queen of Steeplechase Park - David Ciminello 🧡 Lunar Boy - Jes Wibowo, Cin Wibowo 💛 Hot Boy Summer - Joe Jiménez 💙 Sunhead - Alex Assan 💜 The Summer Love Strategy - Ray Stoeve 🌈 Into the Mouth of the Wolf - Erin Gough
❤️ The Girl in Question - Tess Sharpe 🧡 The Lost Erwain - Mariah Stillbrook 💛 Starfire - Naomi Hughes 💚 Adrift - Sam Ledel 💙 Shanghai Murder - Jessie Chandler 💜 April May June July - Alison B. Hart ❤️ A Bone in His Teeth - Kellen Graves 🧡 Cabin Fever - Tagan Shepard 💛 Don't Be a Drag - Skye Quinlan 💙 The Ride of Her Life - Jennifer Dugan 💜 The Redemption of Daya Keane - Gia Gordon 🌈 Nearlywed - Nicolas DiDomizio
❤️ The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 🧡 The End of Time - Trudie Skies 💛 Silent Ones - Melissa Polk 💚 Prime Time Travelers - Neil Laird 💙 My Darling Dreadful Thing - Johanna van Veen 💜 The Honey Witch - Sydney J. Shields ❤️ Spitting Gold - Carmella Lowkis 🧡 Last Chance - Claire Highton-Stevenson 💛 Road Home - Rex Ogle 💙 Only for Convenience - Shannon O'Connor 💜 Linus and Etta Could Use a Win - Caroline Huntoon 🌈 Finding Molly Parsons - Alyson Root
❤️ Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding - Maia Kobabe, Dr. Sarah Peitzmeier 🧡 See You Next Month - Jamey Moody 💛 Until You Say My Name - Tatum Schroeder 💚 Disembark - Jen Currin 💙 True Love and Other Impossible Odds - Christina Li 💜 Flyboy - Kasey LeBlanc ❤️ Thirsty - Jas Hammonds 🧡 Hands Off - N. Slater 💛 Flooded Secrets - Claudie Arseneault 💙 The Deer and the Dragon - Piper C.J. 💜 To Be Loved - Frank G. Anderson 🌈 Snowblooded - Emma Sterner-Radley
❤️ Blood Remains - Cathy Pegau 🧡 Blood on the Tide - Katee Robert 💛 We Were the Universe - Kimberly King Parsons 💚 Loyalty - E.J. Noyes 💙 Spirits and Sirens - Kelly Fireside 💜 Clean Kill - Anne Laughlin ❤️ The Worst Perfect Moment - Shivaun Plozza 🧡 Oye - Melissa Mogollon 💛 Here for the Wrong Reasons - Annabel Paulsen, Lydia Wang 💙 Exhibit - R.O. Kwon 💜 Experienced - Kate Young 🌈 Parenting with Pride - Heather Hester
❤️ Road to Ruin - Hana Lee 🧡 Meet Me in Berlin - Samantha L. Valentine 💛 The Advice Columnist - Cade Haddock Strong 💚 where lost & hopeless things go - Bryony Rosehurst 💙 Pit Stop - Ellis Mae 💜 The Switchboard - Christina K. Glover ❤️ In the Shallows - Tanya Byrne 🧡 Have You Seen This Girl - Nita Tyndall 💛 Another First Chance - Robbie Couch 💙 The Only Light Left Burning - Erik J. Brown 💜 Keepers of the Stones and Stars - Michael Barakiva 🌈 A Little Kissing Between Friends - Chencia C. Higgins
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 2 months
The Containment Diaries: Entry 8
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Pairing: Virologist!Bob Floyd x Reader AND Aviator!Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Gore, Warfare, Apocalypse Themes, Smut, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Alcohol, Breakdowns, General Sexual Themes, Military Inaccuracies, Science and Medical Inaccuracies, I think that’s it?
- Entry 7 Here -
18+ Only Beyond This Point
You floated for days, aimlessly guided by the wind in whichever direction it chose.
You were dehydrated, sunburnt and starving. You hardly even had the energy to lift your head from Bradley’s torso, his hand had barely moved from its place on your stomach in the last 24 hours.
Bob stirred under your arm as he coughed, his throat as dry as straw. He and Bradley had originally huddled their bodies around yours on the first night, as the cold sea air penetrated your wet clothes. They hadn’t moved much since, exhaustion quickly making any movement painful.
You thought you were hallucinating when you first heard it. But the sound disappeared as quickly as it came and you didn’t even bother opening your heavy eyes.
Then you heard it again, unmistakeable this time.
You pried an eyelid open and saw a seagull swoop overhead. Then the noise again; water breaking against land. Waves.
You shot up and Bob and Bradley startled at the sudden movement as the life raft wobbled.
You looked ahead and then twisted your torso as far around as you could.
“Beach.” You croaked, your voice not ready to come out of hibernation. The words made you cough.
“Beach!” You tried again, it came out better this time, and both men sat up as fast as they could and looked in the direction you were pointing.
You were maybe 5 meters from shore, a small desolate beach with shrubs and trees cutting anything further from view, but you didn’t care, you just wanted land.
Your rolled out of the raft and splashed into the shallow water, forcing your legs to work, you dragged yourself to shore.
Bradley and Bob followed, and the three of you collapsed on the beach, panting as if you had just run a marathon.
You stared up at the blue sky as the harsh sun beamed down at you, uncharacteristically hot for this time of year.
You began to laugh, you weren’t sure why, but you began to laugh uncontrollably up at the sky until a tear trickled out of your eye, barely any moisture in your body left to make it.
Bob looked at you with a shocked, confused expression, but as Bradley began to laugh too, Bob couldn’t hold his back, and three of you lay in the sand, giggling.
Eventually once the fit of hysteria had passed, you forced yourself to sit up and look around.
Taking in your new surroundings, you noticed a building poking out behind the tall bushes.
“Hey.” You tapped Bob on the chest, and pointed, “There’s a house, or something, should we go take a look?”
He sat up and turned. “Might be infected in there.” He mumbled.
“I don’t think we have a choice, it’s that or we die from dehydration.” Bradley stated, standing on wobbly legs. You stood and joined him before Bob decided Bradley was right, and you walked through the bush, pushing thickets out of your way as you did.
You made it through and found yourself on a small residential street, kids bikes and soccer balls abandoned in neat little front gardens, clean white and blue bungalows lining the street.
“I think we might be in San Diego.” Bradley mumbled.
You walked over to the closest house, quickly crossing the lawn to the front porch, Bradley running after you.
“Woah woah, wait!” He grabbed your arm, spinning you around. “You can’t just go up and knock, we don’t know what’s happened here.”
You sighed, “Bradley what else are we gonna do?”
He thought for a moment, and then Bob walked over with a baseball bat and held it up to him.
“We now have a weapon.” He shrugged, and Bradley sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, he snatched the bat from Bob and walked towards the door.
“Stay behind me.” He instructed, and knocked on the door. Holding the bat tightly he waited, and waited, but nothing came.
He turned back and nodded to you and Bob, then pushed the door open.
Bob placed a gentle hand on your lower back as he walked with you to the door.
The first thing you noticed as you walked into the dark little bungalow was the smell. You flicked the light switch to get a better idea of what you were dealing with, but the power was out, and you imagined the smell was the fridges contents.
You found the kitchen and tried to turn on the tap while Bob and Brad searched the house.
You cursed as no water come out of the tap, and you looked around the kitchen for any liquids you could drink.
After coming up empty, you decided to brave the fridge, and you pinched your nose. Opening the fridge, you were hit with the smell of rotting food which made you gag, but you did find a bottle of Gatorade. You snatched it and closed the fridge quickly. Opening the bottle, you took a couple of big swigs and closed it again, the rest would be for Bob and Bradley, they were bigger and would need it more.
You walked towards the hallway, when you heard Bob curse, followed by coughing.
You ran to the room you thought you heard him in and found Bob covering his nose with his shirt, as he coughed and gagged.
The smell hit you even harder than when you first walked in, a fresh wave of decay and the sound of flies took over your senses.
“Fuck.” You coughed, mirroring Bobs action of covering your face.
In the bedroom were two corpses, both had died sprawled out on the floor. From what was left of them, it looked like they might have died literally tearing one another apart, or something else surely had.
“Oh, shit.” Bradley gagged as he joined you at the doorway, “Let’s get out of here.”
You walked quickly out of the bungalow and took in a deep breath of fresh air, thankful to be outside again.
“Here.” You held out the Gatorade as you doubled over again, one hand on your knee as you tried to push back the nausea.
“You first.” Bradley instructed.
You shook your head, “I’ve already had some. Drink.”
Bradley nodded and took a big swig, and then another, before handing the rest to Bob to finish off.
It was warm but tasted better than anything they had ever drank.
“We need to find somewhere we can hunker down, find some food, water.” Bob said, scanning the empty street.
“Yeah no shit, Dr Obvious.” Bradley mumbled under his breath.
“Excuse me?” Bob straightened and turned to face him.
“I said no shit. Doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.” Bradley said louder this time, glaring at Bob and throwing his hands up.
Bob was about to retort but you held a hand up to his chest and looked into his eyes.
“Don’t, please.” Was all you needed to say for his eyes to soften, and he nodded.
Bradley scoffed and began walking down the quiet street. You sighed and rolled your eyes as you followed with Bob in tow.
You walked for a while and checked house after house. Anything without broken windows would be fine, but so far every house you’d checked had either a corpse or two, or had been so badly ransacked already that they wouldn’t be suitable as a semi long term hideout.
You had yet to run into anyone living, which was a relief to you, but you also thought it was strange for a city this big.
Eventually you came across an apartment block. It wasn’t huge but it was tidy and clean outside. You walked up the short flight of stairs to the second story, opting to forego any ground floor apartments as they were too easy access for any infected, and began checking the apartments one by one. All seemed relatively ok, but one in particular had a balcony, and was tidier than the others, which helped you make your decision, simple home comforts helping soothe your mind and frayed nerves.
There were two bedrooms, one bathroom and a large couch in the living room which had a small kitchenette attached. It was airy enough to not feel stuffy, and as a huge bonus, you found a small generator in the bedroom closet which had a full tank of petrol, and 6 bottles of water in the fridge.
You raided the cupboards and drawers and managed to find a pack of batteries, a sewing kit, and a radio. You put it all to one side as you were sure you’d need it later.
“I’ll take the couch.” Bradley offered as he passed you the bottle of water the three of you were sharing.
“Are you sure?” You asked, taking a sip and handing the bottle to Bob.
Bradley nodded and walked over to the balcony. He opened the sliding doors and the crisp sea air filtered into the apartment. He leant against the railings silently.
You sighed, “I’ll be right back.” You said quietly to Bob, who nodded in understanding.
You walked out to the balcony and closed the sliding door behind you, joining Bradley in leaning against the railings.
You were quiet for a long moment as you looked out at the sea, you suddenly felt sticky and itchy where the salt water has dried to your skin for the last few days.
“What’s going on?” You asked suddenly, looking over to Bradley.
He didn’t look back at you. “Nothing.” He mumbled.
“That’s not true. Please talk to me?”
A long silence followed, and then Bradley sighed.
“It didn’t bother me… until I met him. I thought it would be okay because he’s just some nerdy scientist - no offence-“
“None taken.”
“But… he’s sort of a hunk, Rue. Now I feel like I don’t stand much of a chance with you, next to Dr Hotstuff over there.” He gestured back inside.
You tried to stifle the laugh, but it came out suddenly and unexpectedly. Bradley straightened and looked at you, confused.
“I’m sorry Bradley, I just never thought you were the jealous type. Do you even realise how beautiful you are?” You asked him, soft eyes searching his.
Bradley shuffled uncomfortably under the weight of your stare. “Does he know about us?”
You nodded, “Yeah he knows everything.”
Bradley stepped forward slowly, and took your hand. “That’s good, because I’ve been dying to do this since I jumped of the ship.” He pulled you closer and then cupped your jaw with one hand, stooping down to capture your lips in a delicate kiss. You softened into him and slid a hand up his chest, he tasted salty but still like Bradley, and you moaned into the kiss.
You could feel Bobs eyes on you, so you pulled away. Bradley sighed but when you looked back up at him he was smiling this time.
“I’m gonna go check the other apartments for food, I’ll be back in a little bit.” You said, and you excused yourself. When you got back inside, Bob was nowhere to be found.
After about an hour of searching, you managed to find a half empty bag of spaghetti, a full bag of macaroni, 4 cans of tomatoes, 2 cans of black beans, a bag of dried red lentils, and several bags of herbs and spices that had not yet been opened. You felt this was sufficient to make at least a few meals from, even if you were feeding two huge, muscular men.
You worried about Bob as you walked back to the apartment, Bradley had made a start on lighting a few candles as the sky began to darken, and had set out blankets for himself on the couch.
You set out the food and ran Bradley through what you thought you could make, with limited use of the generator and stove, and you could hear his stomach grumble loudly.
The door opened and Bob shuffled in, panting. He dropped two large 5litre canisters of water at his feet, his muscles bulging under his t-shirt. You flushed bright red.
“Bradley could you help me with the others?”
“The others?” He mumbled but ultimately followed Bob out the door. You dragged the two canisters inside to the kitchen and a few moments later Bob and Bradley shuffled back, in each with another two canisters.
“Oh my god, Bob, where did you find these?” You laughed, elated.
“There’s a store down the street, I guess the owners were smart enough to stock up, but they were long gone.” He chuckled.
You were so happy that you walked over and jumped into his arms, placing a quick peck on his lips as you jumped back down and began dragging the bottles to the kitchen.
Bob cleared his throat with a grin, “Uh, yeah… so anyway I thought we could use one to clean ourselves up, and the rest for cookin’ and drinkin’, flushing the toilet, that sorta thing.” He shrugged like it was no biggie. But it was in fact a massive biggie.
You squealed at the prospect of getting the sticky, salty sweat off of your skin and hair. You felt so dry yet at the same time so damp.
“Rue, why don’t you go first, we’ll go after you.” Bob nodded, and helped you carry a canister to the bathroom. He closed the bath plug and emptied the canister inside.
While you were alone for that brief moment, you quickly grabbed Bobs t-shirt and pulled him into you, giving him a few chaste kisses, which he returned eagerly, his hands on your waist.
He sighed as he pressed his forehead to yours. “I didn’t realise Bradley was… well, I didn’t realise he looked like that.” He mumbled. You sighed, kissing him again.
“Yeah well he’s jealous of you too. Called you Dr Hotstuff, so…”
Bob chuckled, kissing your nose.
“Ok, I’ll leave you to it, Rue.” And he excused himself from the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
You signed and grabbed a towel from the shelf, placing it neatly on the toilet seat, then discarded your crispy clothes and lowered yourself into the cold water.
You gasped a little until you got used to the temperature, and then got to work scrubbing yourself down, lathering the lovely lavender scented soap bar all over.
You found a small amount of apple shampoo left in the bottle, so you filled it with water and gave it a good shake, you were sure the boys would want to use it too, and once you were done washing your hair, face and body, you climbed out, your skin feeling fresh and tingly.
You dried off and wrapped the towel around you tightly, and rubbed some toothpaste on your teeth with your finger before rinsing. You then left the bathroom in search of some fresh clothing.
You must have left the bathroom more quietly than you’d thought, as you heard the boys talking in hushed voices, unaware you were stood in the hall just around the corner.
“Look I’m not willing to share anymore. I’m developing some really strong feelings for her.” Bradley mumbled.
“So am I!” Bob whispered loudly.
“Shhh!” Bradley hissed.
“Look, I’ve known her longer and Rue wouldn’t want to be forced to choose. We need to let her come to that decision on her own. She’s not doing this to be selfish, she clearly wants us both the same amount or she would have cut it off with one of us by now.” Bob reasoned.
“I don’t care. I don’t take kindly to sharing.” Bradley spat.
Bob scoffed, “An only child I take it?”
You didn’t hear a response, but you imagined Bradley rolling his eyes, and you quickly walked to the bedroom you had called dibs on.
You sat down on the bed for a moment, you suddenly felt insanely guilty for doing this to them. You didn’t want to string either along, but you couldn’t choose between them. It was impossible to differentiate your feelings for the two.
You loved Bob for his intelligence, his consideration, his bright eyes and his sense of authority when the moment called for it.
You loved Bradley for his mental and physical strength, his pride for what he saw as his, that dazzling smile and how soft he could be when needed.
There was no one or the other.
You decided as painful as it would be, that you had to cut them both off. It was the only fair way around the situation.
You got up off the bed and searched the wardrobes for something to wear. You could tell by the clothing that whoever had lived here was likely an old couple, as you could only find dated floral dresses on her side, any pants and jeans belonging to the husband were far too big for you, so you eventually settled on a pretty black floral tea dress and a pair of sandals while your trainers dried out.
You brushed your hair for the first time in days and found a bottle of lotion, which you smeared all over your sunburnt skin. The floral scent made you feel fresh, but your stomach was now in knots over the decision you’d had to make.
Walking out to the lounge you found Bradley stripping down into his underwear and shaking out his sandy clothes on the balcony, you stared at his glistening physique in the last few rays of the sunset for a moment and forced yourself to look away. Bob was in the kitchen trying to figure out how to get the generator going so he could make a start on dinner.
“Hey.” You said softly as you walked up to him, you leaned against the counter top as he turned to smile at you.
“You look and smell incredible.” He chuckled, moving to kiss you. You held a hand up to his chest gently, stopping him from coming any closer.
Your heart broke at the look he gave you.
“Are you choosing him?” He asked you sadly.
You shook your head, “No. I’m… I’m choosing neither. I overheard you two speaking and what I’m doing isn’t fair, but I also can’t choose, so I’m taking a break to clear my head.”
Bob searched your eyes for any indication that you still wanted to be with him, and when he saw the tears brimming on your waterline, he believed you that this was the hardest decision for you.
He nodded slowly, and pulled you in for a hug instead. You sniffed the tears away as you squeezed him, your lavender and apple scent filling his nostrils almost teasingly.
Bradley walked back inside and cleared his throat, you pulled away and wiped your eyes, and his face softened.
“Rue, what’s wrong?” He asked quickly closing the gap between you and taking both of your hands in his. Bob excused himself to get undressed on the balcony as Bradley had done.
“I uhm… I can’t choose between you and Bob, so I’m taking a step back.” You murmured sadly. You found it extremely difficult to look into his golden eyes at that moment.
“But Rue, that’s not gonna fix anything, then we’ll all be miserable.” He chuckled sadly, trying to get you to look at him. “Hey…”
You eventually did look up at him, his expression kind and his crows feat prominent on his slightly pink face, the sun having brought out his scars.
You stroked his handsome face and gave him a weak smile. “I know, but it’s the only fair choice.” You pulled away and turned to wipe your eyes again.
“Rue, I’m sorry if we made you feel bad in any way. I’m just a jealous guy. I’d rather share you than not have you at all.” He said as he came up behind you, his hands wrapping gently around your stomach, his nose nuzzling below your ear as he kissed your neck.
You wanted so badly to just give in, but you knew it wasn’t right. You pulled away gently and turned to look at him again, “I can’t Bradley, I just need some time.” You stated, tears springing to your eyes again. “I’m gonna take a walk. I’ll be back in a little while.”
You left the apartment quickly before Bradley could argue, and let out a heavy sigh and a shaky breath.
You decided to go in search of the store Bob had found to see what else was salvageable, and hopefully by the time you came back the boys would have come to terms with your decision, even if you hadn’t yet.
- Entry 9 Here -
I don’t have a Taglist for this series but will be updating my Masterlist as I go! 💛
Likes and reblogs welcome and super appreciated!
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boldlyvoid · 23 days
Where There is Love, There is Life | Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Choice | for @elriel-month 2024
Summary: Elain trains, Azriel Gossips, and Lucien learns the truth.
Warnings: made up Daglan lore, mentions of HOFAS, history of bonds, Helion and Lucien talk
Word Count: 6k | Masterlist
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Sitting in Helion’s personal library once again, there is a sheet of paper, an ink well and pen, and a stack of books almost as tall as Elain. And that’s just what Helion has deemed important for todays lesson. The walls are covered in books, well, 3 of them are. The fourth is dedicated to a chalkboard adorned with thoughts, theories and numbers she doesn’t yet understand. 
“Now that we’ve gone over astrology, did you happen to get all the birthdays of your inner circle?” Helion asks, pushing the pen and paper towards her. 
“I thought we were doing numerology today?” Elain asks, realizing she never brought the sheet of paper with the dates on it. 
“We are,” he smiles. Today’s one of the rare hot days in spring, so her eyes dart from his smile to his big muscled arm that he has on show. The shirt he’s wearing can barely be considered a shirt at this point; it just covers his nipples and stomach… but she’s not complaining. 
“Then why—
“Everyone has a life path number, which you get by adding up the numbers of one birth month and day,” he continues. “The easiest way to learn how to calculate the number is through repetition. So, start with your own and then your sisters; we can move on to the bat boys in a moment.” 
The term makes her smile. She straightens her back, grabs the pen, and starts to write. “My birthday is May 16th.” 
“It is?” He lights up. “Well, we’ll have to throw you a party, then!” 
“Oh, no, no, it’s okay,” she waves him off. “I might go home for the day.” 
He nods, “Or we could invite your court here? There is a beautiful plot of land my Pegasus frequents. It’s lush with flowers and fruit trees; I think it would be the perfect spot to celebrate you.” 
She blushes; it sounds magnificent. “If it’s not too much—
“It would never be too much,” he assures her. “Now, May is already a single number. You’ll have to add 1 and 6 together…” 
“So 5 plus 7,” she starts to write. “My number is 12.” 
“It can also be simplified down to 3,” he smiles. “Out of everyone I’ve ever met, you radiate 3 more than I’ve ever thought possible.” 
He pulls a book from the pile, flips through some pages and slides it in front of her. “See here; people with life path number 3 are creative spirits driven by their infinite imagination. Which is why the cauldron must’ve gifted you with sight. It knew you could see the wildest visions and still decode them.” 
She continues to read the pages, absorbing the knowledge— some of it does sound like her. Like not being able to pick a singular hobby but rather jumping back and forth between everything she enjoys. She would go crazy without baking, gardening and cross-stitching. An independent, free spirit, she’s not restrained by others' expectations of her. Yet, she also loves being around people. Having friends outside of her sisters for the first time has truly changed her life. She felt so lost without Nuala and Cerridwen; she misses them so much right now. She’ll have to ensure they come for her birthday and not lift a finger the whole day! They deserve a break.
“Anything sticking out?” Helion asks. 
She nods, “a few things… I’m definitely unable to stay organized. Ask Feyre; my greenhouse is a mess on a good day.” 
“Speaking of the High Lady, what is her birthday?” 
“December 21st,” she starts to write it down. “December is 12, so that becomes 3… the 21st also becomes 3, so her number is 6.” 
“Exactly,” Helion beams. “Were you this good in school, too?” 
“All 7 years that I was able to go,” she says with a sigh. “I learned what was important, my mother said that once I was married I’d only need to focus on keeping a house together. She said I’d never need advanced math.” 
Helion presses his lips together awkwardly, “Well, at least this math isn’t hard.” 
She simply flips the pages, finding the information on the meaning of 6… which is exactly how she would describe her sister. She starts to laugh at it; it’s way too accurate. 
“As a child and young adult, responsibility was always there on your 6 Life Path, but you may have rebelled against it,” she reads. “You will learn a lot about parenting in this life time. But you are also here to create, to learn that creativity has many forms, and is not confined only to creating a biological family.”
Helion smiles. “She did make a son as beautiful as her paintings.” 
“That she did,” Elain sighs, chest full of pride. 
The 6 Life Path teaches you that you are primarily accountable to yourself, that family members and relatives do not own each other, and that love thrives when it is able to flow freely in all directions.
She’s always loved her sisters and always will… however loving them became a lot easier when they weren’t all sharing a bed. Knowing Feyre is on the other side of her massive mansion of a home, knowing she could just walk to her when she needs her, that’s a blessing. Knowing Nesta is just a quick trip to the House of Wind, living her best life with people who love her, that’s all she’s ever wanted for Nesta. 
Being apart somehow brought them closer together. 
“Nesta is April 13th,” she says, starting to write once again. “4 and 4 is 8… she has an 8-pointed star on her back.”
Helion’s eyes widen, “like the lost sword Gwydion.” 
She nods, not allowing her face to change at all. It sure was still lost… it’s totally not in Nesta’s possession.
She turns back a page, finding it interesting that she and her sisters are so close in number and yet such polar opposites of each other. That’s life, though. 
“The path of Empowerment,” she reads, filled with pride, once more… it fades when she starts to read and it gets too real. 
The 8 Life Path signifies a lifetime of investing in yourself and overcoming judgments that stand between you and your strong ambitions. Modern numerology often diminishes 8’s meaning with an almost exclusive focus on material and financial matters. Yes, 8 is the number of power on the physical plain, but it is also the number of true understanding and balance, without which personal power is superficial and material gain is easily lost.
“I love her,” she whispers, trying not to cry. “She struggles in silence and lets it eat at her until that hunger needs to bite at someone else.” 
Helion nods along, “But it’s all about balance. While she may be in her head, thinking she deserves or doesn’t deserve certain aspects of her life… she’s powerful. Not too selfish, she’s able to use her hurt and her experiences to connect. She networks and organizes, and she’s convincing. I heard about her little dance with Eris last year. I saw how she captivated the high lords during the war and managed to change even Berons mind. The bad comes with the good, making her a perfect 8.”
Elain nods along, finding her smile once more. “She is… everything.” 
“Believe me, I know,” he teases. Still hitting on her no matter how long she’s been mated. “Now, do you remember the others?” 
“I believe so… they’re on my desk in my room,” she shares. 
“I’ll have someone bring them to us,” he assures, waving in a servant. 
She writes down Azriel’s. January 27th. An Aquarius, and after her lesson the other day, nothing fits better for him. He lives in his head, thinks outside the box, and has a deep sense of justice. He's an easygoing loner, and he’s an air sign. It’s no wonder he loves to fly. One of a kind with beautiful eyes, they say what they think with great eloquence… that’s her Az. 
His life path number, however, is 1. 
“Ah… of course,” Helion says as he reads over her shoulder. “One typically takes care of themselves, stand on their own two feet and always get what they want.” 
She smirks, blushing again. “He does.” 
Once again, on his page of the book, she reads everything… but it’s not right. “He’s not self-centred or insensitive?” 
“With you,” Helion reminds her. “At work, when he’s the spymaster, the shadowsinger… he has to put himself first; he has to not care because bringing feelings into an interrogation will backfire on him.” 
“I guess,” she continues to read. 
But because 1 is the first number, being at the top – being first – is your natural place. You will gain the maximum satisfaction from this energy when, instead of using it to compete, you use its pioneering vibrations to carve new roads in areas that interest you the most.
“He is the best at what he does,” she can agree with that. “Oh, and it says concentration is one of the splendid gifts a number 1 has. When he’s been given a command, he’s always so focused on getting the job done.” 
“No wonder you’re so happy,” Helion nudges her. 
She shoves him back. “Yes, and It says here: Practice the art of leadership by welcoming and encouraging your ‘following’, while confidently maintaining your position as originator and leader. Others soon realize that you will not be tricked into anything that goes against your grain or best interests.”
“That’s your man,” Helion agrees. Standing from his seat, he meets the servant at the door and takes her note. “The most powerful High Lord was born on the Eve of Samhain… when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. When magic is at its height.” 
“So his number would be…. October is 10, so that’s a 1, and 31 becomes 4, so he’s a 5,” she says with glee. “He and Feyre are just a number apart.” 
“5s are an interesting breed,” Helion hesitates, sitting back down beside her, he takes a deep breath. “They’re intense, both emotionally and sexually. Their body, mind and emotions are equipped to easily adapt to change… However, they either flourish with the change or are overwhelmed by it. 5s are able to change their inner attitudes and outer appearances to suit different circumstances” 
“That’s my brother-in-law,” Elain laughs. 
The book states: 5 is an active and unpredictable path. It is so filled with sudden and unusual events and opportunities that you sometimes become confused by it or afraid of it. Once in a while, these 5s do let go, or the 5 current becomes so strong that they are swept away into some kind of drama, only to miss the excitement of it all because they believe they are simply out of control. The freedom of 5 starts with a burning desire to live life as fully, freely, and openly as possible and to experience variety, excitement and adventure. And, of course, these desires can only come from within. Refusing to let go of what is safe and familiar so that you can discover alternatives is a large part of what causes a mistake to be repeated. And most 5s do seem to repeat the same old mistakes, often without realizing it. Admitting to your mistakes can be a battle in itself. Accept that mistakes are inevitable in your life because that is how 5s learn and prosper.
“I’m going to need a scribe to copy this for him,” Elain teases. “He could learn a thing or two.” 
Helion smirks, crossing his arms as he sits back in his chair. “Have you ever been on the wrong end of one of his decisions?” 
“Just last week,” she shares. “He thought it was okay to tell Az to stay away from me so he could keep a good connection with Lucien and the Human Queen, Vassa. Not taking into account that fact that I may want say in my future.” 
Helion nods slowly, “Sounds like Rhysand.” 
She lets it roll off her shoulders, “I settled it. He’s learning, albeit slowly, but he’s learning how to deal with the Archeron sisters.” 
“How does Cassian deal with you all? Being a Cancer and all,” he pushes the paper towards her. 
“July 9th…” she reads aloud. “That would be 7 and 9, so 16 becomes 7.” 
“Perfectionists, prone to secrecy, but as they get older, that need to protect themselves goes away,” Helion explains. “Knowing Cassian as long as I have, he had a hard time trusting people to be as good as he was; he did work while with his legion because he knew that he would be the one to get shit done right.” 
“And now he’s accepted that the rest of us are there to help him and he’s not alone,” Elain smiles softly. “What else?” She asks as she flips in the book. 
“Deep thinker, a cleaver planner… he’s the orchestrator. It’s why he leads armies and he will go down in history as the best warrior since Enalius.” 
She finds a passage that is so Cassian, she sits up straighter as she reads it: Your intuition enables you to sense and feel your way through life. Positive results will follow when you learn to rely on the combined voice of your thoughts and feelings. While others sit perplexed by a problem, you can produce the right answer, instinctively, in one intuitive flash. And once you have the solution, your intuition will take you inward and backward to show you how you arrived at it.
Helion nods along. “Numerology is one of my favourite aspects of divination. Numbers are everywhere, you’ll start noticing them more and more now that you’ve learned this.” 
“How so?” 
“You’ll notice that you look at the clock at specific times every day, without real reason. You’ll notice things come in packs of 3 or 8 or 12. You might even have numbers in your dreams…. And in visions, speaking of which, have you had any since you’ve been here?” 
She shakes her head, “No, I haven’t had one in a few weeks. They only come to me when they want to.” 
He hums, “okay… Tomorrow, I wanted to do some hydromancy, but I think it’s time we look more into clairvoyance and clairaudience. Both are extrasensory perception; the mother or the cauldron or whatever you believe in either whisper the future into your ears or show you glimpses of the future.” 
“I have had both,” she assures. “During the war, I had no idea what was happening and while I kept seeing the firebird who ended up being Vassa, the ravens were first whispered to me. I kept hearing ‘the ravens are coming’ and it confused me so much.” 
Helion starts looking around at all his personal books, reading the titles, but he cannot find what he wants. “I’m going to have a book delivered to your room tonight,” he explains. “You don’t have to read it all. However, it will be a good introduction to what we will be discussing soon.” 
She nods, “are you sure we should have a large lesson tomorrow, given that Lucien is coming?” 
His eyes widen, as if he forgot that was happening. “What if we meet here at dawn? You can join me for my meditation to get in the zone for the day and I’ll have breakfast dropped off here so we can begin early.” 
She nods, “I would like that.” 
Azriel’s shadows are like a second skin to him after 500 years. He almost doesn’t notice when they come and go, not until they’re whispering secrets and warnings to him. It takes a while for him to realize that his shadows disappear around Elain. They can find her, they can follow her if he asks, yet when she’s close, they leave. He’s not sure if it’s for privacy or because they know he’s completely safe with her… out of everyone in the world, Elain is the only person he’s truly safe with. 
When he returns to the day court, his shadows simply say that she’s in the library and dissipate. 
He heads to the main library, the first of many in the day court, the closest to the palace. Inside, he can’t scent her over the smell of old books… yet there is a hint of Ash. His shadows come rushing back, worried for him after everything he’s been through in the last few years. He’s been hit with more ash arrows and faebane in the last 3 years than he has in his whole life, which is saying something. 
He follows the smell, a hand on the truth teller as he approaches an alcove. He knows the female sitting at the table, at least from what he can see of her over the stacks of books: Nuan, the Alchemist from the Dawn Court. He knew she’d be here; she had been here all week, researching the Ash family to see all that it could do to the Fae. 
He clears his throat, alerting her to his presence and making her jump in her seat slightly. “Oh, hello, Lord Azriel.” 
He grimaces, shaking his hands, “Please, it’s just Azriel.” 
“Azriel,” she settles with a smile. “Is there something I can help you with?” 
He shakes his head, “I was looking for Elain, I think I have the wrong library.” 
“Ah,” she smiles, having guessed that the high lady’s sister and the spymaster were together. “Well, since you’re here, I have a question.” 
He approaches her, standing beside her work table, “What can I do for you?” 
“I’ve come across a book on the Daglan, the history of the start of Prythian and old folklore,” she explains. “Do you know anything about how they were conquered?”
Az takes a deep breath and assesses if he should tell her. Rhys would be pissed… not as pissed as when Nesta gave Bryce the mask, but still pissed. If answers come from this, however, he might not stay mad for long. 
So Az takes a seat. 
“Where do I even start,” he can’t help but laugh. 
He started when Bryce arrives, explaining their trip to the prison and the history they uncovered. Theia and her daughters, the Daglan, the portals to other worlds… how they concurred worlds and were overthrown only twice and finally destroyed by the portal-jumping half-fae who stole his dagger. He explains how the Daglan corrupted the cauldron and created the monsters now locked in the prison in the night court…. And how the same portals they used to jump worlds brought in the beasts that hunt in The Middle. Beings like the kelpie, the weaver and whatever Amren was before the war. Even Koshcei. 
“Cauldron almighty…” she swears, jaw dropped as her eyes wander, thinking a mile a minute in her mind. “Do you know how they corrupted the cauldron?” 
He shakes his head, “not fully. The original 8 Asteri— that is the Daglan’s true name. They pooled their power together and imbued it into the cauldron… they made the dread trove as well as Gwydion and Truth Teller.”
“Did you learn how to fix it?” Nuan asks, begging for answers just as he did that day he learned all this. “Learn why they did it?”
“No, I did, however, allow one of my shadows to go with Bryce to Midgard. The Asteri, when they were here, there was a tithe to absorb a percentage of our power; in Midgard, they created a parasite to infest the water and stifle their magic until they came of age. The coming of age ceremony was called the drop, once they partook they gave a portion of their power to the Asteri and their powers were unlocked. They were not as powerful as they could be, but they were just enough to live a long, long life. Those who didn’t partake faded away into nothing with age, like a human would.”
“And Bryce defeated them?” 
He nods, “She almost died in the process… which is another way the daglan took power. The power they took in the drop was called first light, the power they take after death is called second light. Once they took it, they didn’t get to go to the forever resting place some believe is out there. They became nothing.” 
Nuan slumps in her seat. Rubbing her hand over her face. “This is so much bigger than a family of trees…” 
Az laughs, “believe me, it was a lot to take in when it was happening. Now, we’re left with the knowledge and no way to fix the cauldron. We don’t even know in what ways they corrupted it; what they changed.” 
“The cauldron holds water,” Nuan reminds him. “They might’ve gotten the idea for the parasite from what ever they did to the cauldron.” 
He hums, thinking about it. “Are you coming to dinner tonight in the great hall?” 
She nods, “why?”
“Elain might be able to tell you about what the water in the cauldron was like,” he explains. “Seeing as she was the first one dunked into it, and she was blessed by it…” 
“Unlike the other sister who stole from it,” Nuan knows. The whole of Prythian knew that the oldest Archeon sister was to be feared for what she did that day. They just don’t know she gave the power back.
“Would I be allowed to see the cauldron?” She asks. 
He takes a deep breath, thinking it over. “Rhys and Feyre will be here in a few days, they, and Helion, can discuss if it’s a safe option for you.” 
She nods, agreeing. “I appreciate the help today. I um… I figured out something, I think it’s something you and Lady Archeron would like to know.” 
“Go on,” he pulls in even closer, anxious to know what she’s uncovered in her days of research. 
“While Ash wood can kill us, the blooming leaves of the Ash tree can be used as a tea. The Daglan did awful, horrific experiments on the fae, all of which were recorded… ingesting the leaves doesn’t maim the drinker. Instead, it gifts them with dreams of their one true love. The Daglan put a stop to the tea the moment they found out what it could do, and now I’m guessing it’s because they corrupted the cauldron to change how bonds work. The dreams would show a true love match; the cauldron now wants powerful offspring because the Dagaln fed from them for so long.” 
It all hits Azriel like a brick wall. “So if I take the tea…” 
“You’ll know the truth,” Nuan smiles. “So will Lady Archeron.” 
Feyre and Rhys arrive with Lucien right at noon, greeted by Elain and Helion in the golden courtyard. Helion’s hand is on Elain’s back, and she glances at him, noticing he’s holding his breath while staring at his son. Taking in all his features, noticing all the parts that are himself and what parts are Lucien's mother…, his heart breaks when he sees the scar on his face, knowing there are more scars he keeps inside. 
“Welcome!” Elain takes over for him, breaking away from Helion to meet with him. “Lucien, it’s nice to see you.” 
Surprisingly, she opens her arms and brings him in for a hug. 
He’s a bit shocked, but accepts. Holding her close, smelling Azriel on her. He pulls back with concern on his face, “Did the shadowsinger fly you in?” 
She shakes her head, “he’s been staying here during my training, assuring I stay safe after what happened with the cauldron the last time I started looking for answers.”
It's not a lie, just not the whole truth, either. 
“In your bed?” He chuckles, “I was wondering when you’d finally get together.” 
“You wouldn’t be upset about it?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t own you; you’re free to make your own choices. I’ve been alive for over 300 years; you haven’t. I’d like to see you make your own choices and mistakes and find happiness.” 
She pulls him in for another hug. " Oh, Lucien, thank you! I expected you to want to follow the cauldron's orders.”
Lucien soaks in the hug, eyes closed as he holds her. “This is the one time I’m not going to blindly follow someone's orders. I’ve learned my lesson.”  
“It’s also why we’re here,” Rhysand says from behind them. “We’ve learned quite a few things about the cauldron, things that you should be made aware of.” 
“The uh, the dining room is all set up for lunch if you’d care to join me in there for this meeting,” Helion finally speaks. “It’s lovely to have you here, Lucien.” 
He reaches out his hand for Helion, “Thank you for inviting me. I’ve always loved visiting the day court.” 
They all agreed it’s completely up to Helion when he tells Lucien; if he ever tells him. This meeting is about the information Nuan found in her research, how to find one's true love and what the Daglan did to mating bonds. 
They gather around the dining table and fill their plates with sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables with dips, cheeses and meats. Its a wonderful spread that his kitchen staff makes on the regular. Elain is going to have to start incorporating these into her own meal rotation at home. 
“What is it you wish to tell me,” Lucien asks between bites. 
Rhysand looks to Elain and then Helion, “Who would like to explain?” 
“I can,” Elain assures, putting down her sandwich and taking a sip of her bubbly wine first before continuing. “Last spring, we had an unexpected visitor in the Night Court. She jumped from her world to ours thanks to the Harp— the 4th forgotten item from the dread trove.”
Lucien's eyes widened. “Is world jumping real? I thought it was a myth?” 
Elain sighs, “It’s very real. You need specific items to do it the right way. However, Bryce was brought here to learn more about her heritage. She was the original Queen Theia’s long-lost ancestor… it turns out that Theia killed Fionn, took the trove and opened a portal to another world that the Daglan had overtaken after they were kicked from our world. There, Theia confirmed that the Daglan, now the Asteri, are just power-hungry monsters who feed off our power. When they were here, they used the cauldron to create deadly weapons, horrible monsters they could hunt for sport, and they corrupted the cauldron to ensure that mate bread more powerful beings they could feed off of.” 
“Holy shit,” Lucien can’t believe it. 
“Nuan, who fixed your eye,” Elain continues, waiting for Luciens mind to catch up, he nods. “She has been doing research for us. The wood of the ash tree is deadly for us, however the Ash tree is a cousin of the olive tree…” 
She picks up an olive with her fork and eats it, “how can one thing kill us and the other be so delicious?” 
“That is a fascinating question,” Feyre says under her breath. 
“Nuan discovered that the Daglan discovered a tea that would allow for the taker to dream of their one true love and those who were able to could then Scry to find them,” she continues with a large smile. “Before the Daglan corrupted the bonds, all mates were assigned together for the purpose of true and happy love. They outlawed the tea because they didn’t want true love bonds anymore, they only wanted powerful offspring.” 
“Are you saying we aren’t a true love bond?” Lucien clues in, shoulders slumping. “I mean, I knew it wasn’t a strong love, I just didn’t expect it to not be true love.” 
Elain shakes her head, feeling sorry for having to break the news to him, “no, the Daglan would collect a tithe from us, taking 10% of our power that we willingly gave to them each year. They wanted a way to still take 10%, they just wanted a stronger 10% so they corrupted the cauldron to make mates who would produce powerful offspring that would satiate them.” 
“Like my parents and Tamlin’s,” Rhysand adds. “They did not love each other; they have just been born through the generations to continue to make powerful children, even after the Daglan left.” 
“How do we fix it?” Lucien asks. 
“We’re still working on that,” Helion jumps in. “Elain is still learning all that she can do with her power so we can attain more answers.”
“So far, I’ve learned basic divination, meditation and relaxation, tarot, astrology, and my favourite has been numerology,” she beams at him. “When is your birthday?” 
“Um, October 3rd,” he shares. “My mother tried to have all of us in the autumn.”
Helion stares at his plate, moving around his side salad and not saying anything. 
“So that would make you a life path number 4,” Elain explains. “Life path number 4’s spend most of their life looking for their true identity. You find accomplishment through hard work. You have great self-discipline. 4 teaches the value of determination, effort, simplicity, and dependability.”
He nods along, slowly taking it all in. “That… that sounds right. What would someone born on January 1st be?”
“A 2,” Elain answers without missing a beat, making Helion smile. 
“She is the best student I’ve ever had,” he compliments, staring right at Feyre. “I don’t want to give her back.” 
“I’ll come visit you,” Elain assures him. 
“What does 2 mean?” Lucien wonders, something like urgency on his tone.
“Um,” she looks to Helion for a bit of support. He nods his head slightly, reminding her that she’s got this. “the energy of 2 does not seek to control but to achieve balance. Those born on the 2 Life Path have the potential to lead the way for humanity through their refined powers of persuasion, their ability to inspire on an emotional level, and most importantly, their desire to bring equality and peace to this planet.”
Lucien blushes slightly, looking down at his plate. “She is going to change the world.” 
“Who?” Feyre asks, sitting up straighter. Happy for her friend.
“Vassa,” Lucien beams. “Don’t tell her, but I’m— I think I’m falling in love with her.” 
Elain places her hand on her heart, “This is wonderful news, Lucien!” 
“Thank you. I’m excited to take this tea now, to see if my true love match is her… even if it isn’t, even if it was Jesminda, I still want to be with Vassa.” 
“We’re still looking into her curse,” Helion assures him. “I’ll do anything I can to help you get to keep her.” 
“Thank you, Helion,” Lucien smiles. 
They look so similar it blows Elain’s mind. How does he not see it? It should be like looking in a mirror for him. 
“The teas will be delivered to our rooms tonight,” Elain assures. “We are all taking it. Some has even been sent back to Nesta and Cassian to check. Morrigan and Amren are taking it as well.” 
“What does this mean for you two?” Lucien asks Feyre and Rhys. 
They look at each other and smile. Rhys is quick to hold her hand above the table, “we know the truth. This love we have between us in unbreakable.” 
“I personally believe that the reason why mating has become so hard. People were shocked to find out that all 3 of us were mated so soon after becoming fae. It’s unheard of for a whole family to find a mate.” Feyre adds. “The Cauldron picked up to help it. I think the cauldron misses when it was dedicated to giving out love and life to these lands.” 
“So we bring it back,” Helion announces, holding up his glass. “No matter what it takes, we bring true love back to Prythian.” 
Everyone raises their glasses in response, dedicated to the task at hand. 
That night she sits in bed beside Azriel, a mug of steaming tea in both of their hands. “Are you sure?” She asks. 
“I want to know… even if it’s not you; even if I’m meant for no one, I want to know and love you anyway,” Azriel assures. 
“And if we do dream of each other?” 
Azriel’s eyes soften; he’s more beautiful than ever before. “Then we’ll know why we’ve wanted one another so badly.” 
“Do you think this tea will make us tired or just aid in our dreams when we do fall asleep?” She asks. 
A knowing smirk grows on his face, “Why?” 
She takes another sip and places her almost empty cup on her night table; Azriel follows her lead and does the same. She quickly straddles his hips, hands on his shoulders, “because I would like to remind you just how badly I’ve wanted you all this time.” 
Elain and Azriel are the last to arrive at the breakfast table the nest morning. Hand in hand, matching smiles plastered to their faces. 
They dreamt of each other last night. 
Feyre is sitting in Rhys’ lap, being hand-fed cantaloupe while Lucien laughs. Helion shakes his head with a smile. "Well, I take it you had good dreams?” the golden High Lord asks.
Elain nods, “We had the same dream… us and our daughter playing in the grass behind our home on the Sidra.” 
Feyre places a hand to her heart, “the same girl you’ve seen before?” 
“You’ve seen her before?” Azriel can’t believe it. 
Elain nods, “We adopt her from Illyria, seeing as I can’t have babies for us.” 
Azriel kisses her head, “we’ll create the family we deserve.” 
They take a seat side by side, across from Lucien, “So, what did you dream of?” 
“Fire,” Lucien explains, smile building. “Blinding, bright fire that took over all my senses.” 
“Your firebird,” Feyre swoons. 
He nods, overjoyed with love in his eyes, “My firebird… Helion, who did you see?” 
He takes a deep breath, thinking it over. “I saw my mate… Seraphina.” 
“That’s my… mother’s—“ Lucien blinks in understanding. “What?” 
Helion simply nods. “I met her a year before she was betrothed to Beron. We met again during the great war, and… we had a love affair that lasted over a hundred years. Beron never knew, not until the end, when she became pregnant.” 
Lucien's mechanical eye closes in on Helion, studying him. “You’re… my father?” 
Helion nods. “I didn’t know. Not until last week.” 
“Does my— does Beron know?” 
Helion shrugs, “I’m not certain. However, his level of cruelty to you, from what I’ve heard, could be explained by knowing you’re not his blood.” 
“Then where does—
“Your mother was sold to your father to ensure that the fire in her veins passed on to all his children. He wanted the strongest brood and would do anything to get it.” 
“Why didn’t you do anything about it? Why didn’t you challenge him?” Lucien begs, “You know he hurts her, and you do nothing?” 
“What do you do?” Helion challenges him right back. “Beron is not a man I would like to mess with unless absolutely necessary. Your mother asked me not to intervene. She asked me to let nature take its course, and she said when the time was right when he died, she could come back to me.” 
Lucien just shakes his head, “I wish he would die tomorrow.” 
“We all do,” Rhys murmurs, reminding the men that there are others in the room, still. 
Lucien calms, shaking his head as it all settles around him. “So I’m… I’m heir to the day court?” 
Helion nods, “you are… I’ve heard your fire is bright, almost white. That you can winnow and you run like the wind. I wonder if there’s more light to you, if when you become truly happy... if you’ll glow like myself and Feyre do.” 
“I’ve…. I’ve glowed,” Lucien admits. “I thought it was… I’m not sure what it was.” 
Clearly lying, he doesn’t seem comfortable enough to share. 
“How about we leave you two,” Elain announces, standing with her plate now filled with food. “My chambers have a sitting room; we can move there. Let them bond.” 
“Fantastic idea,” feyre is quick to her feet, feeling just as awkward as everyone else. “I’d love to hear more about your dreams.” 
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libraryofmoths · 11 months
Moth of the Week
Southern Flannel Moth
Megalopyge opercularis
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The southern flannel moth is a part of the family Megalopygidae, the family of flannel moths or crinkled flannel moths. It was described by Sir James Edward Smith in 1797. They get the name “flannel moth” from being covered in setae, hair like bristles that give them a fuzzy, soft look.
Description Adult moths have round, hairy bodies ranging in coloration from cream at the bottom to yellow or light brown at the head. It’s legs are the same brown as the body with black feet. The forewings fade from a darker brown to cream with black/dark brown at the top edge or “costal margin.” The outer margin is white and the middle of the forewings have white patterning. The hindwings are fully cream or have a similar gradient. The antennae of females are thin and white, while males have feathery yellow antennae. Males and females may have differing coloration. Females are larger than males.
The caterpillars are known for their long stinging hairs and their unusual amount of prolegs. Flannel moth caterpillars have 7 pairs of prolegs, while all other butterfly and moth caterpillars have 5 or fewer.
Average wingspan: 30 mm (≈1.18 in)
Diet and Habitat This species live on oak, elm, and wild plum as well as many garden plants such as roses and ivy. Adult moths do not feed.
It’s distributed across the eastern United States/Gulf Coast. They range from New Jersey to Florida and west to Arkansas and Texas. It is common in Florida but reaches its greatest abundance in Texas. They can reach further south to Mexico and Central America. They are commonly found in wooded areas like deciduous forests but can also be found in urban and suburban gardens.
Mating This moths has 2 generations per year, one in the summer and one in the fall. Late larvae may overwinter in their cocoon and emerge in late spring. Females usually mate the night of they leave their cocoons and lay their eggs during the first two nights following mating. Eggs are laid in single or double curved rows and occasionally in patches on foliage or small twigs and are covered with hair from the under side of the female to protect them. Eggs hatch in six to eight days.
Predators Observations of this moth’s predators is lacking, but there are a few reports of lacewing feeding on their eggs and a lizard eating a later instar. It is assumed they are preyed on by other common predators of moths like birds, bats, praying mantises, lady beetles, and ants. At least four species of tachinid flies and two species of ichneumonid wasp have been reported to parasitize the flannel moth larva. The caterpillar protects itself with long venomous spines. When touched they cause severe skin irritation, described as like a broken bone or blunt-force trauma, or even white hot. The reaction tends to spread:
“The reactions are sometimes localized to the affected area, but are often very severe, radiating up a limb and causing burning, swelling, nausea, headache, abdominal distress, rashes, blisters, and sometimes chest pain, numbness, or difficulty breathing. Sweating from the welts or hives at the site of the sting is not unusual.”
Fun Fact The caterpillars are covered in long setae, making it resemble a tiny Persian cat, which is where it is assumed the name "puss" comes from. Some of the many names for the larva include: puss caterpillar, asp, Italian asp, fire caterpillar, woolly slug, opossum bug, puss moth, tree asp, and asp caterpillar.
(Source: Wikipedia; IFAS Extension, University of Florida; Missouri Department of Conservation; AZ Animals)
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emyluwinter · 11 months
Small spoilers of Chapter 7 for those who haven't read / haven't heard / don't want to spoiler themselves.
Mentions - war crimes, blood, forbidden spells.
If according to Lilia - Levan… (My brain gives him the name Elias, because Elias Levan sounds very cool. In addition, I read somewhere that the meaning of the name implies prophecies and nobility)
…missing in action. And if he suffered the fate of the Raven from the cartoon Sleeping Beauty…
Where is the guarantee that people of that time could not sell "Statue" to someone's castle or mansion, for a garden at the very least? Imagine how simple this solution is, no one would think to look for a fairy diplomat in one of the old possessions of some nobility.
Unsurprisingly, Lilia has not been able to find him so far.
Because in fact, the body will not decompose and will not age with time. But the question arises whether the "stone" itself will be destroyed or the material in which the victim was turned.
I think this petrification spell may be one of the "forbidden spells" or dark magic included in the Ministry of Magic's dangerous list.
What if…..Will Levan…. be found by chance by Yuu or Malleus?
Let San dream a little about a happy ending for one dragon and a bat.
This could be a teleportation error. - Pretty super-level high-ranking magic with a bunch of complexity elements. Or a combination of circumstances that Yuu attracts like a magnet.
If it is a dark spell or has the character of a "curse" - (the irony of the Unique Magic of Malleus here can reach a new level of breaking through all ceilings). Then it is quite possible that certain conditions will also need to be met for withdrawal.
It may well be…blood human without magic.
It would even be logical from the caster's point of view - a person with magic cast this curse / spell, but a person WITHOUT magic can remove it because Fairies are higher than people in the status of magic. There is not much magic among people. And those who would not be afraid of fairies among ordinary people are even less.
Something like an equivalent fee and a question of sacrifice/trust. Also! Blood can work as a catalyst or cause a chain reaction - blood is organic, and stone is the opposite.
From a plot point of view, Levana will be very interesting. A fae who has lost so much time and who needs to do a lot of work to fit back into a society that has changed since his time (not much because of the closed territory of the valley and the life expectancy of the fae)
In addition, Levan can "technically" replace Lilia, as the right hand that he was for Malleus' mother - Mallenoa. And a diplomat to finally establish ties with other states and people. Finally, to reconsider the entire form of ties and, in general, rule over the valley.
Perhaps there will be some discord between father and son, feelings of resentment and loss, with public pressure from the aristocracy or nobility.
But agree it would be a very good "solid ground" for the royal family. Levan has some practical experience in managing the Thorn Valley. And has a "peaceful approach" of a diplomat. Malleus was raised to eventually sit on the throne, he doesn't have much practical experience. In addition, he is interested in different sides and different views. His curiosity is indicated in many personal histories of the cards. The fact that he is interested in how Deuce fixed his tamagocchi, how the Country of Hot Sands has changed and how far people have been able to move without having as much magic and a long life as a fairy. And let's be honest, he needs a sober look from the outside so as not to act on his feelings. Both Levan and Lilia know very well how to deal with the character of Draconia. ahahah
For Lilia, this is the fulfillment of a long-standing promise / klytva for childhood friends. For Malleus, this is an invaluable support that he could only find. The current Queen can finally retire peacefully.
A moment of comicality. I think Levan would be pleasantly surprised if Yuu were similar to him in character. "Ah, this young child of a human reminds me of my youth…when I tried to reason with the princess that climbing onto the roof in the middle of the night to set off fireworks out of boredom and wake up the whole valley with it was a very bad idea…"
"He almost destroyed the city once when he was invited, to deprive magic, does it count?"
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princessasmosprincess · 10 months
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Here is another member of Lisette and Kallios' household.
Adamas, he/him, Demon of Gluttony. He has bull horns that curve forward and large bat wings with a wingspan of 13 ft./about 4 m. to support his large stature while flying.
Adamas fought in the war between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm many millennia ago but he didn't stay on in the military because it wasn't his thing. He is a distant relative of Kallios but so far removed that he's not considered nobility. Adamas was hired as a Man-of-All-Work a few thousand years after Kallios became the head of the family, to take care of outside jobs on the estate like tending to the horses, the gardens, and the landscape, and making repairs around the house and doing heavy lifting, he's also Kallios' driver. He does basically anything Hazel couldn't sustainably manage with her own magic.
He is older than Kallios but younger than Hazel by several thousand years. Because he's so old, he has pretty good control over his gluttony.
Adamas is very friendly, laid back, and easy to get along with, although his size is imposing, especially in his demon form so some find him difficult to approach. Kids are drawn to him which is hilarious considering he's such a huge demon man, this has even happened in the few times he's gone to the Human World. He is fiercely loyal but not afraid to speak up when he feels something is wrong.
Working at Hazel's side for centuries, he got to see behind her often stern mask, and he fell in love with her. Her delicious cooking was a bonus. He wanted to court her but she immediately rejected him, so he kept trying but every time he asked her she would refuse. It wasn't because she didn't like him, on the contrary, he'd made his way into her heart too and she found him extremely attractive, but she wanted to keep their relationship professional. After countless dreamy sighs from across the breakfast table that Hazel tried and failed to ignore (in addition to how Adamas had begun strategically working shirtless to show off his impressive physique whenever he knew Hazel would be nearby) Kallios had enough and told them to work out their feelings by whatever means necessary, giving the two of them a final push to begin courting. Their first date went great (they couldn't keep their hands off each other) and they got married only a few decades after that, quick by demon standards.
Get to Know My OC questions:
1. Demonus is his favorite but he also loves coffee.
2. Favorite flavor: Spicy followed by sweet but he pretty much likes everything.
3. His favorite food is anything Hazel cooks.
4. He doesn't have one favorite meal, he likes all of them.
5. He doesn't really dislike any foods.
6. He can tolerate the spiciest foods.
7. Favorite animal: foxes
8. Adamas sleeps hot so he wears boxers to bed and nothing else.
9. He's always been a side sleeper and now he's firmly the big spoon.
10. He's a morning person.
11. He's a pretty light sleeper so it's good that Hazel doesn't move around that much in her sleep.
12. On a rainy day he'll make indoor repairs and follow Hazel around like a puppy.
13. He loves the smell of Hazel's cooking, followed by the scent of a summer garden.
14. I don't think he wears fragrance most of the time, but he smells masculine and like whatever he was working on.
15. He likes baths the best.
16. He can make simple things like sandwiches but he's just a passable cook.
17. He likes summer and fall for their harvests.
18. He likes any holiday that's celebrated with a feast.
19. He's really thoughtful so I think he'd be pretty good at giving gifts but he also likes receiving them.
20. Adamas is 6'6/198 cm
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swordofazrael1992 · 2 months
Jpv 2, 7, 14, 27!! Shatterstar 1, 20, 23, 28 >:) go autism on me!!!!!
okay okay so
jpv 2) probably after reading sword of azrael '92. i had a mutual who was posting a lot of jpv stuff and i had previously read tynion's writing of her in tec 2016, and then my lcs had a trade collecting soa 92 + the first seven issues of azrael '95 so i went "fuck it" and bought it. i can't remember if i read what was available of watters' stuff at the time before or after soa 92 but that was definitely where i started to really love jp/az and it's stuck with me (as you can tell by the url)
jpv 7) FOREVER AND EVER the "perhaps this azrael does both" quote from sword of azrael (1992) #3. technically it is alfred talking ABOUT jp/az in response to nomoz saying that azrael punishes, and doesn't/shouldn't think. and then there's also the soa '92 #4 of azrael straight up telling nomoz "no" when nomoz says they need to leave, because azrael only avenges, not rescue. either way i think those are really interesting and have Stuck With Me
jpv 14) i know i'm an soa 92 type boy but....this one is definitely a hard one and i don't think soa is in my top two choices. i'd have to say his no man's land arc, i'm a huge fan of it and his dynamics with other bat charas (esp babs and cass!). my second choice pick would probably be soa '22--i just love it so much and it's so beautiful. so while soa '92 might be my favorite, i don't think it's his absolute best. but it's top 3 for sure
jpv 27) the most fun, for me particularly? i think castiel from supernatural. i have no idea what the fuck would go down, but it would be entertaining. other than that, probably vash or knives (or livio/razlo) from trimax specifically, or sister lilith from warrior nun. lets just get all those religious imagery bitches in a room together and see what goes down
star 1) so i THINK my first impression of star was in young avengers: children's crusade, WAY back when i first started reading comics. like young avengers '05 was my first comic, and ya:cc my second. i think i just looked at him and rictor on panel together and, knowing nothing about them, was like okay yeah they are DEFINITELy gay. i probably thought he was a little weirdo (affectionate) but i didn't become a fan of him and rictor for another year or two i think
star 20) star is the only person in the world who actually MEANS it when he says "i listen to a little of everything" about his music taste. he really genuinely listens to everything, and everyone who knows him HATES when he's on aux because listening to his playlists gives them whiplash. seriously, he goes from mid 1800s orchestral music to hyperpop to 90s hip hop to 00s top 40 to 1960s bluegrass to music you're not even sure is from this dimension and that you're pretty sure is from some future timeline. star sees no problem with it, though. also i think he takes really long showers and uses up ALL of the hot water + has a really extensive hair/skin routine. so you go into the bathroom of his and ric's apartment and you see the shower and sink counter practically overflowing with all these extravagant and fancy products and then in the corner there are like 4 or 5 things that belong to rictor and it's just shampoo/conditioner/body wash/other essentials
star 23) i want him to live happily ever after with ric in a cozy house with weekly therapy appointments and dinner with his parents every month + an actually good/existent relationship with them where they aren't just kinda coworkers and maybe a dog or a couple cats and a garden in the backyard and a giant tv in the living room and a good relationship with life and maybe a couple college degrees or maybe he just learns so much about the things that interest him and everything else without feeling the need to have a degree to show for it and andand. but i don't think that will ever happen because marvel hates me personally
star 28) stabbing himself in the stomach that one time. and the other time. and the next time.
and being his own grandfather. that was really unnecessary of him
(+ i know you didn't ask but songs i've been associating with them recently:
jp/az -
star -
w/ jp/az's being about how they are pretty impulsive and need to get from point a to point b as fast as possible and star's being about the entire "raised as an arena slave to fight to the death for other's entertainment" thing. also on second thought i might put nothing lasts forever on my shatterstar playlist)
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thanksforthedinosaur · 10 months
august 2023
1. annie dirusso - hybrid 2. olivia barton - i don't do anything 3. shy martin - late night thoughts 4. tiny habits - hemenway 5. savana santos - messy 6. wallice - prepaid wireless 7. alix page - automatic 8. livia o - please don't hope for somebody better 9. leanna firestone - special 10. abby holliday - better by now 11. annika bennett - scared of getting what i want 12. lauren spencer smith - hey 13. grace gardner - acrobatics 14. julie byrne - portrait of a clear day 15. matilda mann - in plain sight 16. holly humberstone - room service 17. leith ross - too much time in my house alone 18. tessa violet - kitchen song 19. tommy lefroy - worst case kid 20. illuminati hotties - truck 21. emily vaughn - god complex 22. oston - hot 23. chloe george - runaway blue 24. tiffi - hoodie 25. madisenxoxo - mothership 26. sody - frozen lake 27. lyn lapid - poster boy 28. flowerovlove - coffee shop 29. forrest nolan - miss misery 30. sara kays - fireflies 31. ggwendolyn - my year of rest & relaxation 32. fizz - close one 33. deb never - say 34. palehound - eye on the bat 35. pynkie - plz 36. girlhouse - you don't think about me 37. dee holt - sober 38. king mala - sunny side up 39. syd b - focus 40. lauren sanderson - amen 41. hailey knox - charismatic 42. marian carmel - fabric of reality 43. moon tang - water comes out of my eyes 44. cassie marin - cup! 45. flo - 3 of us 46. alayna - who am i now 47. niko rubio - un millón de besos 48. cloudy june - you problem 49. maude latour - no rush 50. claud - a good thing 51. salem ilese - strongly worded letter 52. sorry - screaming in the rain again 53. jades goudreault - you're a star kid 54. maisie peters - you’re just a boy (and i’m kinda the man) 55. lølø - hot girls in hell 56. peach prc - favourite person 57. superfan - for you 58. tilly louise - baggy t-shirt 59. hannah cole - big bite 60. claire rosinkranz - screw time 61. spill tab - fetišh 62. suzie true - dumb 63. sundial - liar 64. meet me @ the altar - give it up 65. carr - dirty shoes 66. liza anne - rainbow sweater 67. sophia bel - 2am (and i did it again) 68. mimi webb - house on fire 69. helvetia - sideways 70. sedona - domino 71. jeromes dream - reminders to parallel 72. glass bones - pine overcoat 73. tsosis - snake eat tail 74. ivri - infinitesimal 75. 大原ゆい子 - ムスビメ 76. oohyo - teddy bear returns (summer edition) 77. minsu - buddy 78. youra - (throat) 79. hanbee - cushion 80. 김수영 kim suyoung - stumble 81. choi jungyoon - instant lover! 82. yebit - avec 83. hathaw9y - eclipse 84. shinee - gravity 85. layzi - idk 86. qveen herby - marie antoinette 87. almondmilkhunni - anxiety 88. jamila woods - tiny garden 89. madge - buttonss 90. poppy - knockoff 91. lizzo - pink 92. khalid - silver platter 93. tiffany day - should i be ok? 94. gabby's world - just for you to hear 95. patchymate - care 96. juliet ivy - lug 97. carol ades - free 98. tinashe - talk to me nice 99. reddish blu - humble me 100. vagabon - do your worst 101. kito - sticky 102. pinkpantheress - turn your phone off 103. charli xcx - speed drive 104. billie eilish - what was i made for? https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1f3MH87NHIo6qJU4zdztU4?si=77919b43299a4a62
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secretly-of-course · 11 months
Thank you so much @angelcloves for tagging me in this writing game!
1. What motivates you to write?
I’m plagued by visions that won’t leave me alone until I get them out somehow 😣
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of; if not, share a line from someone else's work that you love (just make sure to give credit
I don’t think I have a favorite line in particular, but I have always liked how I wrote Katya’s recruitment into the BATs scene:
Katya blinked at the group in front of her, trying to process what she had just heard. “You guys want me to join your gang?” she asked incredulously.
“It's not a gang!” Amber scoffed.
“It's a revolution,” Derwin explained.
“We're here to help people,” Raine added.
Katya still stared at the trio. The idea of helping others for the sake of helping was foreign to her. Her whole life she'd never known anyone to help a stranger while expecting nothing in return—well, that was until she met the human. Her question to her echoed in her head.
Why are you helping us?
Because us weirdos have to stick together!
She thought over what they had said to her. Katya sincerely loved bard magic, but she'd be lying if she said she never missed practicing other types of magic as she had done as a child. She still remembered how she'd nearly cried the first time she tried to magically grow a vegetable garden before realizing she couldn't. She also thought about the two times she'd been arrested, and about her neighboring cell mates.
Us weirdos have to stick together! And NOBODY should be punished for who they are!
Eyeballs Georg wasn't hurting anybody by eating his own eyeballs, and even though Tiny Nose’s theories were strange, she wasn't harming anyone either. Why should the Emperor, let alone the Titan, care about a couple of obscure demons? Why should the Titan care if she practiced the ancient art of fan fiction!? Why should anyone care!? The BATs were right, the system was unfair.
“I'm in.”
3. Which OC makes you smile when you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I don’t really make OCs unless I absolutely have to, not really my thing 😅
4. 4. Which process of writing do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy planning + writing the dialogue the most
5. Which part of writing do you think you're best at? (Stroke your own ego, it's okay)
I just said I enjoyed dialogue lol but I do think I’m pretty good at it! Sometimes I’m funny :P
6. What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
Like Charlotte I’m also just treating writeblr as my mutuals but I would say when hype one another up on our writing 💪
7. A writing tool/device that helps you with writing (i.e. text-to-speech, a program, etc...)
I always make outlines. Always.
8. A piece of world-building that you like in your own story (it could be the magic system, a particular place, a law, etc...)
A fun snack/street food I came up with for the Boiling Isles, furnasi horn, which are cooked in the boiling sea (inspired by a real life place that uses hot springs to cook certain foods!)
9. What piece of advice would you give to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
If we’re talking short term issues like you aren’t sure how to make this plot point work, I say take a break. Go outside, take a walk, have a snack, etc. Coming back to it if with fresh eyes usually helps.
10. Tag some people whose work you love/ have been your biggest supporters
Tagging @mistyfoxxy @woorenergy @disco-girl @animationadventures + anyone else who wants to!
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Horde Clones and Food
So, I am thinking about the various food headcanons we have for the clones in their post-Prime life. There tends to be a fandom-consensus that in the Galactic Horde, they just eat/drink/get pumped into them the "nutrient-rich amniotic fluid" that Wrong Hordak talked about. People seem to think that Hordak did something similar with his own cobbed-together Etherian version or that he ate ration bars and didn't afford himself any pleasures with food. Lots of fans like the idea of Entrapta introducing him to food. Lots of fans like the idea of introducing clones in general to food. I've seen comics ( @edge-lorde 's ) that have them as non-eating, just remaining on the fluid. I saw a cute one by another fan about Entrapta wanting to trick Hordak into trying a lemon so she could see him make cute sour faces (with a possible twist mentioned of him liking lemons). I like feeding him fruit, especially mangoes, in my fanfictions. Some fans seem to think they need something gentle and flavorless in order to get used to food. A lot of people think "all the sweet fruits! They're like fruit-bats!" I am currently wondering... what if spacebats like things that are...surprising? Right now, I happen to be eating some nuclear snacks. I visited a hot-sauce store yesterday that had all kinds of hot sauces, rubs and various things. I walked away with some cayenne-garlic mustard and a bag of crispy fried garlic cloves doused in dry seasoning that has ghost peppers, reaper peppers, 7-pot peppers and a slight dash of pure capsicum. In other words, I was too brave for my own good, but these things are fairly addictive - I mean, they're crunchy fried garlic! And the spices go well with them even though I am torturing myself. (No, I did not buy a bottle of the pure capsicum that people must sign a waiver for. I'm a fool who doesn't carefully read snack-bags and will otherwise test limits, but not that much of a massochist. I know THAT is beyond me). So, of course, I'm wondering if Horde-clones, a species everyone expects needs some very gentle easing into food and every Etherian who adopts them tries to start them on bland stuff... And then a bunch of them discover a batch of chili-peppers. Like, the hottest peppers, the kind that the lizard-dragon folk eat, the kind that people cultivate specifically for 7-pot stews / a little goes a long way and/or for pranks and challenges.... and they're just going to town on them! Imagine Wrong Hordak munching reaper-peppers like they were popcorn. Fits in with the "fruit-bat" thing. They are fruit. In this vein, I vaguely remember long ago and far away on my older / dead blog that there came up a discussion of Horde-clones being able to eat plants that are toxic to humans and I wrote a ficlet where the Alliance is freaking in the Bright Moon Gardens because Hordak has joined them for peace-talks and they just saw him eat some Etherian equivalent of nightshade berries and Bow's all "Oh, no, you're going to die!" and Hordak shrugs and is all "So? I was eating these in the garden yesterday. They're delicious." Wish I could find that story, but you know how hard it is to find things with dead blogs.
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 years
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapters 1 and 20
Chapter 1: Intro/Separated Teams are working
Separated Teams/Groups/Gangs - Team/Group/Gang has working
- Fred and Daphne are TV Shows
- Velma has her own bookstore
- Shaggy and Scooby are working with Airport Security Guards, they are found wheel of cheese and they go to the customs storage room with full of foods. Boss is shocked and discovered that they have ate all foods, but Boss fired them for eating contraband
Chapter 2: Mystery Inc Gang meets Mystery Ideas Gang, Mystery Skulls Gang and others
Chapter 3: Ghost is here/Breaks after Mystery Solved in food stores/Meeting with mystery young ladies who have their work with their mistresses talking to them that not far from the location, close to the location used to ferry
Chapter 4: They are with Lena, Mima is following going to Ferry/Meeting two ferrymen, Jacques and Vincent
Chapter 5: Arrived at the bayou and going to the Mansions/Dogs to chasing Kitsunes in Dogs forms and Cats of Mistresses, Simone and Icy are shocked and surprised that their own Dogs are here
- Cats are owners of Simone
- Kitsunes in Dogs are owners of Icy
Chapter 6: They are trying to eat the hot peppers/Discovered that the spirit of the pirate writing wall says "Get Out" and "Beware"
Chapter 7: They are found the Ghost of the Pirate in the video camera clip tape rewind/Shaggy and Scooby get foods and drinks are put on the picnic basket/Discovered hidden words on wallpaper in the kitchen
Chapter 8: Dogs are chasing Kitsunes in Dogs and Cats and Owners tried searching for their own pets Dogs/Kitsunes are lost in the forest woods/They with their Dogs are discovered dogged in Skeleton Ghost of the Pirate and fleeing to gangs have what happened going on
Chapter 9: They go to find the Skeleton Ghost of the Pirate/They are staying in the night dark
Chapter 10: Two Ladies are going to the rooms are staying/Discovered another Ghost of a Civil War soldier in the mirror
Chapter 11: Dinner room and they are going outside foods and drinks/Diving going to the forest woods in foods and drinks
Chapter 12: They are discovered that more Zombies/Rest of the gang going to search for friends/They is found friends and one of the gang tried to unmasked the zombie are real/They are fleeing from their lives
Chapter 13: They are discovered that rag dolls are looks like they are the same rag dolls/They are fleeing from a cave that has bats/Rest of the gang going to return to the Mansion has no powers lights have a blackout
Chapter 14: They are found hidden down the staircase and found in the basement/They are shocked and surprised that They are true nature and colours are Werekitsunes and Werecats
Chapter 15: Werecats and Werekitsunes are telling them that they have their stories in the past 300 of the 18th century/Werecreatures are killing the pirates and unsuspecting people are dead in the century/Rest of the gang are shocked and surprised that Zombies are tried to warn them from Werecats and Werekitsunes have their victims
Chapter 16: The rest of the gang with their own pets are tried to escape from the Zombies and two Ferrymen have true nature and they have transformed into Werecat and Werekitsune and they are trying to grab them from tried fleeing/Zombies stop Werecat and Werekitsune from free them and their own pets have to escape from Werecat and Werekitsune and keep running away from them
Chapter 17: Werecats and Werekitsunes are tried to drain them and the Rest of the gang with their own pets are kicked out of way and rag dolls fall to the floor, rag dolls bit next to close to fire from real the gang, and gardeners/Werecats and Werekitsunes are fully transformed/Rest of gang with their own pets kicks off the rag dolls are close to fire and melt/Rest of gang with their own pets are fleeing from Zombies are going to the basement and kicks off the rag dolls from fire, they are safe to try to free themselves
Chapter 18: Werecats and Werekitsunes are caught rest of the gang with their own pets, Zombies grabbed Werecats and Werekitsunes are threw them and Zombies/Zombie holding them in frightened/One of the gang says Good Guys
Chapter 19: They are fleeing and exit/Two ferrymen attacked them to try to free/Werecats and Werekitsunes are draining them/Rest of the gang with rag dolls are same Werecats and Werekitsunes/Werecats and Werekitsunes have died from Midnight Harvest pass end/Werecats and Werekitsunes have died and dust, Zombies are freed spirits, souls in rest in peace and one of ghost civil soldier says "Thank you"
Chapter 20: The rest of the gang is discovered that police have not found the cases, Gardeners are Detectives and undercover investigating the island/They are leaving the island with their own luggages and packages, rest of the gang with their own pets are picked peppers to a basket of peppers and getting back to ferry/Dogs are noticed that Cats and Kitsunes in Dogs forms have their own owners have died and homeless and become loved adopted family
- Dogs are very horrified and fearful in frightened and freaking out
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my msa ocs sonas and new msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and my new msa x Scooby-Doo ocs sonas
All belongs to her msa ocs sonas and new msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and my new msa x Scooby-Doo ocs sonas
Scooby-Doo belongs to WB (Warner Bros) Animated Movies
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brinemcallister · 3 months
Another little party game to serve as icebreakers.  Here is one I answered. This or That Questions 1. Playlists or podcasts? Podcasts 2. Shoes or slippers? Slippers 3. Pork or beef?  Beef 4. Swimming pool or beach?  Beach 5. Celery or Carrots?  Celery (even though have an allergy) 6. Cats or dogs?  Both but lean more toward cats 7. Spring or autumn?  Autumn all the way 8. Cinnamon or paprika?  Paprika 9. Cash or cards? Cards 10. Chocolate chip cookies or Fig Newtons?  Chocolate Chip Cookies 11. Soda or juice? Soda 12. Forest or desert?  Forests 13. Text or call? Text 14. New furniture or new car?  Furniture 15. Full color or black/white?  Color 16. Driver or passenger? Passenger 17. Laptop or desktop? Desktop 18. Comedy or Horror? Horror 19. Water or milk?  Water 20. Take out or dine out? Take out 21. Movies or TV shows?  TV shows 22. iOS or Android?  Android 23. Breakfast sausage or bacon? Bacon 24. Rain or snow?  Rain 25. Fame or fortune?  Fortune 26. Blue eyes or brown eyes?  Brown eyes 27. Curly fries or straight fries?  Curly fries 28. Typing or handwriting?  Both.. But mainly type 29. Cheetos or Doritos?  Cheetos.. Like both but sucker for Cheetos 30. Arboretum or garden?  Garden 31. Breakfast or dinner? Dinner 32.  Weekdays or weekends?  Weekends 33. Pizza or pasta?  Pasta 34. Friends or family?  Friends with exception my kiddo 35. Costumes or masks?  Masks 36. Coke or Pepsi?  Coke 37. Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? Milk chocolate 38. Singing or dancing?  Dancing 39. Facebook or Instagram?  Instagram 40. Books or movies?  Books 41. Dress or skirt?  Skirt 42. Dishes or vacuum?  Dishes 43. Vacation near home or travel abroad?  Vacation near home but would like to travel abroad 44. Suitcase or backpack?  Suitcase 45. Too much sleep or little sleep?  Little sleep 46. Drama or Fantasy?  Fantasy 47. Glitter or glow in the dark?  Glitter 48. Hot chocolate or coffee?  Hot chocolate 49. House or apartment?  Live in apt but want a house 50. Unicorn or dragon?  Dragon 51. Bats or rats?  Bats 52. Board games or card games?  Board gamed 53. Comb or brush? Brush 54. Ice cream or cake?  Ice cream 55. Movie date or dinner date?  Dinner date 56. Socks or bare feet?  Bare feet 57. Paint or sketch?  Both but love sketching 58. Tater tots or fries?  Tater tots 59. To give or to receive?  Give.. But love receiving too 60. Hamburgers or hotdogs?  Hamburgers 61. Introvert or extrovert?  Introvert 62. PlayStation or Xbox?  PlayStation 63. Brownies or cupcakes?  Brownies 64. Video games or party?  Video games 65. Discord or twitch?  Discord 66. Coffee or tea?  Tea 67. Pudding or Jello?  Pudding 68. Altoids or Tic-tac?  Tic-tac 69. Vintage or new?  Vintage 70. Popsicles or ice cream bars?  Ice cream bars 71. Hike or nap?  Nap 72. Wings or ribs?  Wings 73. Buffet or fancy dinner?  Buffet.. Salad bars are the bomb 74. Pretzels or peanuts?  Pretzels 75. Cheesy or chili?  Cheesy 76. Cable or satellite?  Cable 77. Sunrise or sunset?  Sunset 78. Night or day?  Night 79. Pop or reggae?  Pop 80. Captain America or Ironman?  Ironman 81. Casual or formal?  Casual 82. With make-up or without make-up? Mainly no make-up 83. Escape room or dance party?  Escape room 84. Blinds or drapes?  Drapes 85. Impressionism or abstract?  Impressionism 86. Tall or short?  I like tall 87. River or lake?  River 88. Single player or multiplayer?  Single player 89. Leaves or puddles?  Leaves 90. Music festival or art festival?  Both.  But can’t stand for a long time. 91. Massage or manicure?  Massage 92. Piano or guitar?  Piano 93. Yacht or sailboat?  Sailboat 94. Highway or back roads?  Back roads 95. Tattoo or piercings?  Tattoo 96. Chrome or Safari?  Chrome 97. Gold or silver?  Silver 98. Long or short hair?  Short hair on partners but medium length for me 99. Angels or vampires?  Vampires 100. Sun or moon?  Moon 101. Stripes or dots?  Stripes 102. Thai food or bbq? ...
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brandonwayneb · 9 months
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Activé Duty SS War Safety Mona Lisa 007 Amish Lizzy 1. Séance 2. Wendys 3. Olive Garden 4. Taco Bell 5. s ss sv ssS vvV 6. cvs 7. Switzerland Wicken Harley Quinn Switzerland ssS vvV sv sv sv sv sv sv sv Asian Chainsaw Pussy Indian Forehead Dick Irish Heart Fire Spanish Squirt Squirt Arabia Knight May sssvvv sssvvv sssvvv Cats, Snakes, Bats sv ss war We Will Win War code "rainbow scissors" "hot words" HOWEVER say WOW JEHOVAH say WOW JAVA Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew Lizzy Lizzy Lizzy War War War Sims Sims Sims War War War Adam's Family Pumpkin Spice Kings Pray to Arabia Lizzy Hebrew Arabia LORD FUCKING SHIVA
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