lieselotte-sky · 2 years
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This reminds me Going Postal :3
(Chceme zpět naše písmena means We want our letters back.)
Tohle mi připomíná knihu Zas[rl]aná pošta
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nardiservice · 2 months
Bytte av gammalt staket i Vellinge
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Staket Vellinge - Bytte av gammalt staket i Vellinge. Vi tackar kunden för förtroendet! Vi vill gärna dela med oss av en video från ännu en nöjd kund som har fått följande utfört av oss på Nardi Service AB. Kontakta oss om ni behöver hjälp med att bygga staket, trädäck/altan i Vellinge. Tel: 0704 30 25 41 Read the full article
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deviika · 23 days
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Marya Hornbacher // Maya Angelou
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elkedageenfotovanluus · 6 months
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zoooo leuk, maar toch niet gekocht
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nokzeit · 8 months
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perabl · 10 months
En dag med många ärenden
Idag blev det en heldag i Malmö. Först mitt trettionioende besök på Elisabetkliniken. Funkar trots allt rätt bra nu. Har kanske börjat vänja mig, men å andra sidan hjälper det lite att försöka låta tankarna glida in på aktuella skrivprojekt. Stundvis kan man glömma bort, eller åtminstone förtränga att det gör lite ont. Efter detta passade det som vanligt utmärkt med en fika på favoritstället St…
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podcastgemist · 1 year
#157 - JACK&JOZEF - Klussen houdt nooit op
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suzimiya · 1 year
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Hornbach + negative Hornbach * Text to Image API | DeepAI #text2img #Gabby
#stablediffusion #craiyon-V3 #dalle #dalleMini #lookingglassai
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Hornbach + negative Hornbach * Text to Image API | DeepAI #text2img #Gabby
#stablediffusion #craiyon-V3 #dalle #dalleMini #lookingglassai
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thinkmanythingsofit · 2 years
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Real advert in a real newspaper.
It says: Our letters are gone. Have you seen or heard anything? Let us know at [email]
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llovelymoonn · 10 months
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ellen bass poetry of presence: an anthology of mindfulness poems: "the thing is" \\ marya hornbacher waiting (via @weltenwellen) \\ tory dent collected poems: "us"
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nardiservice · 1 year
Altan i Malmö och Sydvästra Skåne - Vi bygger din drömaltan!
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Altan Malmö - Vi hjälper dig gärna att utforska möjligheterna att bygga din drömaltan, allt ifrån funktion till materialval. Vi hjälper privatpersoner, fastighetsägare, bostadsrättsföreningar och företag med tillbyggnationer av altaner, soldäck, terrasser, pergolas och uteplatser i Malmö samt Sydvästra Skåne. Kontakta oss för mer information.
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Read the full article
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sinligh · 2 years
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In the name of healing I bite chunks of myself daily, spit them out in my hand with the intention to wash it away later
Eventually, i end up over analyzing them, like everything else in my life
grafts of all the causes I’m still here, glued together by my mother’s fears
be the Alpha female, she said. “feed on your most beloved, a cup of the moon’s blood every night before bed for you to run alone forever, run wild, never slip”
I Shower myself with self-loathing, lick my own wounds close Keep me sane, keep me safe
loneliness to me is just another insecurity that is dangling from my prefrontal cortex, dangling right in front of my eyes… for me to see the world through it.
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I spend hours looking at the bloody chunks in my hand, thinking where did i go wrong ? how much can I hold on to this heartache ?
I've been running around it all my life, running around red lines, red lines circle me, i run in circles around myself I’m all that I’ve ever knew, yet, I only know myself in fading
A distant memory, a deja vu…
All I really know, is that the only stable in my life is the fact that I exist, and that it’s a temporary state.
jamais vu.
will the lines fade if i eat what i bit off of myself again ? if i chew and chew and chew… If i teach myself to stomach it will i be whole again?
is holding on to those pieces enough to satisfy my desire to be held ?
Or does it make me a feral rogue ?
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Schizophrenic delusions ticking in my head…
Sometimes I wonder if it’s my fault that I’m this alone…
then again I wasn’t the one feeding myself all the insecurities as a young child.
I wasn’t the one playing pretend.
It was never my fault, my mother thought faking happiness is the way to protect me, it was never my fault father wasn’t interested in the details, as long as I was his perfect girl…
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Now, I can’t hold on to anything the way i hold on to the lunatic turmoil that makes me sway and laugh on my own personal misery.
Call it history.
Hide behind defensive humor, get my inner demons drunk on caffeine, mistake that high for happiness cause mama did too…
And wait for caffeine withdrawal to wake us up, both of us…
I’ve never been hangover, but I imagine this is how it’ll feel
The aura ? The migraine?
The urge to throw myself up to be reborn clean.
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•Quotes: Olivia Laing/Heather Havrilesky/ Olivia Laing/ Marya Hornbacher/Anaïs Nin/Camille Norton/ Alice Oseman/ eduardo C. Corral/anne carson/ Joanne Harris/ Hannah Green/Hannah Green/Lisel Mueller
•Original context: sinligh
•Art reference:
1. Sasha Hartslief, Late Night Shower, 2021. 2. Getting Up by Vincent Giarrano. 3.illustration by Owen Gent. 4. The Lovers on the Bridge, 1991. 5. "Beverly Edmier 1967' Keith Edmier, 1998
•song recommendation:
P.s: the whole album is a masterpiece ! Give it a try, thank me later.
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elkedageenfotovanluus · 6 months
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goed meehelpen
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nokzeit · 1 year
Sportschützenverein Hornbach ehrt treue Mitglieder
Die geehrten Schützen beim Sportschützenverein Hornbach zusammen mit Oberschützenmeister Alois Weismann und Ortsvorsteher Wolfgang Stich. (Foto: sch) Hornbach. (sch) Die Ehrung langjähriger verdienter Schützen stand neben den Tätigkeitsberichten im Mittelpunkt der Jahreshauptversammlung des Sportschützenvereins. „Wir danken den Geehrten für die Treue zum Sportschützenverein Hornbach“, lobte…
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perabl · 1 year
En biltur till Malmö, och nästan som vanligt på plats i god tid, eftersom jag föredrar att ha lite marginaler att ta av ifall det skulle hända något oförutsett på vägen. Så hade det faktiskt kunnat bli idag, då en taxichaufför i filen bredvid tydligen var mer engagerad i sin mobil, eller nåt, än i körningen. Som väl var hörde han när jag tutade så det blev ingen tillskrynklad bilplåt, då han i…
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perfectquote · 6 days
And yet you are all that you have, so you must be enough. There is no other way.
Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia
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