#honestly I'm not sure anymore and the idea is sickening
cowboy-like-moony · 1 year
I just want to know if taylor would still be fine with dating that man if he had called ice spice a b*tch because we all know how she feels about men calling her that, but I honestly think the way he talked about ice spice was just as bad (and a lot of the things he said in general are wayyy worse) so would she care if her boyfriend called some other woman a b*tch? I'm just curious
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srslyspiderman · 11 months
mk so i had this FREAKY dream about Webster(spidersona) and Miguel. but the thing is Webster and Miles are pretty similar in comparison since Webster is just me.. and im similar to Miles,, so... yeah!! so im thinking.. how about i take this as an opportunity to right a freaky ass fic or smth based off that? well ur opinion doesn't matter bc HERE WE GO!!! In 1st person bc it's the only way I can write. :')
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— — — woah, the mans a vamp?! — — —
I had always wanted to be apart of the Spider-Society, I always loved the idea of being.. "official" and that place was my one-way ticket to that. Being an "official Spider-Man".. what a dream! I was on my way to Miguel's office-like place and honestly the walk wasn't so bad, I had already gotten my own watch.. well wristband; this way I wouldn't glitch out and die or.. something like that! Once I got there he was lowering himself down on a platform of some sort but he didn't say a word, it was pure silence the entire time.. I had to break it, I had to say SOMETHING.
"So..how's it going big guy? You're awfully quiet," I started, he didn't have anything to say he was just tapping on some holograms doing some lame junk that I couldn't care for so I continued talking "I was thinking... I could be apart of the Spider-Society! I'm pretty helpful in my universe and I think I could be preeeettttyy useful here too!" I don't remember what I said after but I just couldn't stop blabbing at the mouth and I'm sure he said something but I couldnt hear him over how excited I was, I was so lost in my own words I hadn't heard a single word he said to me. He talks to low anyway so..not my fault! However, I guess that made him think I was ignoring him.. which didn't make him the happiest of people. Before I knew it he lunged at me and was pressing me against a wall, he arm pressing against my throat.
"COULD YOU STOP TALKING? YOU'RE VOICE IS SO SICKENING TO LISTEN TO. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?" his fangs retracted which honestly scared me, but IM SPIDERMAN. I'd be okay and bounce back up again, those dumb fangs couldn't possibly do a numher on me. Either way.. he couldn't hurt someone who's important, right?
"Hey man, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings I just thought maybe I could help-" He didn't like the fact I kept mentioning helping him, I could tell by the way he was just.. LOOKING at me. Like he wanted to kill me.
"Look kid, I don't need your help. I don't need any of the spider-people here but I can't wipe them all out because people all across the multiverse would drop like flies. Trust me, if I could I would've done it a while ago." Honestly I thought he was playing the role of a tough guy so I wanted to lighten the mood.
"Come onnn, why so sour? You and me could be a team! Check this out; Miguel O'Hairy-Legs and his amazingly charming side-kick, Webster! I could be like your kid, it'd-" He lifted me up into the air for just a moment and slammed me down onto the ground. I think I felt the floor break underneath me. I let out a groan and looked up at him.
"You aren't MY kid. You're just a random kid who just so happened to get some fucking powers, and you'll NEVER be anything more than that. A KID IN A SPIDER COSTUME. A FANBOY PLAYING DRESS-UP." I could see the spit coming out of his mouth, it was disgusting but it was all I could focus on with the amount of pain that was flowing through me from when he slammed me down. "Look, you're gonna go back home and live your life. And you won't be seeing anyone again, no Hobie. No Gwen. Not even Miles. You got it?"
"psh, who's gonna stop me? You're too busy cooped up in your office doing your lame work. You're just like a dad but.. without a k-" I think that's what really got to him, well, I know that's what got to him since before I could even finish my sentence I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My eyes widened as I lifted my hand up slowly but I felt a grip tighten around my wrist and lower it down with force. Miguel wasn't infront of me anymore.. he was to my side, biting down on my neck. The room was quiet like before, the silence that was so unbarable to sit through returned it also seemed to be dimming around me as I tried to push him off me but it didn't matter at that point, my entire body weakened and then everything just went black.
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domestic-iliad · 2 years
Hello, It's your secret santa!
If you've got any Angbang headcanons I'd love to hear them!
Hi, so sorry for the late reply I read this, got distracted, thought I responded, and then realized I didn't. Whoops! But yeah, here's a very disjointed list of random headcanons I have about them! Because honestly I have no idea where to start because I have many feelings about them (too many, probably)
First, "The Seduction of Mairon" as it were was 100% mutal. Honestly this is kind of the big headcanon the kind of sets my groundwork for them lmao. I kind of see their relationship especially in the early stages as built on actually agreeing on multiple things- specifically that they actually share similiar opinions on how the world should be- and after a while of this it's actually more of Mairon who was like "I want in- get me away from Aule and we can work together on this. I'll help you organize your plans, and whatever else you require from me, in exchane for freedom and making whatever I want" and at that point Melkor was already very much romantically attracted to Mairon so like why would he ever say no.
Melkor honestly tries to put on a very uncaring and scary act- he kind of shuts down his emotions because he feels like that's what earns him the most respect/fear- but honestly that goes completely out the window with Mairon. If Melkor is worried about ANYTHING Mairon is the first to know (unless he feels it would wear on Mairon too much- I do love throwing in the occasional angst of "why didn't you tell me this" if Melkor ever keeps a secret). This generally gets worse in my mind after Melkor's hands get burned by the silmarils and after things start to go downhill- where Melkor is almost always around Mairon telling him about his worries as long as Mairon is around.
On that note the only person ever allowed to touch Melkor's hands after they're burnt is also Mairon.
Honestly like 90% of my headcanons boil down to "these two fools love each other to the same intesity of Morticia and Gomez Addams and I'm sure there's some orcs and balrogs that find the constant display of PDA sickening"
Both of their love languages consist of physical touch and lots of conversation or a 180 of simply existing in the same room like cats but not talking at all.
They would 100% do anything for each other, no questions asked. The exception is if it was obviously the most stupid/reckless idea ever but at the same time if they could offer a genuine explanation they're both very likely to do it anyway (though Marion will plan out how to the reckless idea - Melkor will 100% just rush out and do it).
And one last on because I'm running out of off-the-top-of-my-head headcanons: Mairon 100% withdraws if he feels like he failed Melkor in anyway. It's definately not out of fear- Melkor would never hurt Mairon and Mairon knows that without a shadow of a doubt- but he prides himself on being Melkor's equal and anything that makes him feel like he's not matching that crushes him. Unforuntately he is also a perfectionist so sometimes this happens over small things- even if the rest of what he was doin was a success but one things went worse than he expected. Luckily Melkor is good at getting him out of this, normally by just dragging him out of whatever room he's decided he just lives in now and sharing new plans until things are back to normal.
If you need anymore/want headcanons for anything specific I promise I won't forget to respond next time. ;n;
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jjungkooksthighs · 1 year
Go ahead, omega. Perhaps one of them could fuck some sense into you better than I can.
Eww please, why would you put that thought in my head? And why would you of all people, alpha, even think of that? Does it not infuriate you, make you shiver in disgust, anymore? I was merely playing with you, alpha. I don't want anybody else but you to, ehm, behave with me in ways that you do, alpha. You're the only one for me. Surely you must know that? I'm yours. Forever.
Doesn't mean I won't tease you though.😏 That is part of the package, part of me.
The thought is revolting. I cannot fathom someone else, let alone one of those bastards, defiling you under their touch. It sickens me, really.
You just have been rather difficult lately, and so I wanted to see what you would do if I told you that. Honestly, I wanted to see exactly what I see right now, which is your own avid distaste and immediate rejection of the very idea.
Those are not the words of someone that is not loyal to her alpha. And surely, my love, you are nothing if not that.
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replaceablestupid · 8 months
Writing something because I want to tell someone and I know non of my friends will care about it as much as they say they do so why not just talk about it to the void.
I'm a dumbass, the biggest dumbass there is. Why you might ask, because I saw a pattern and didn't listen to it and keep on getting hurt. Everyone I dated has broken up with me and moved on so fast it feels as though they stopped loving me for awhile. The funny thing is that some of them did say that, said they wanted to break up with me earlier but felt too bad. Wow thanks for that information, that curse evil sickening information, that I gave my heart and soul to someone who didn't care, that my love made them feel bad, that there wasn't going to be any good from this anymore. Thanks for that information, and thanks for telling me after the fact too.
You might be wondering why does this keep on happening? There has to be a reason? And I think I do know why, maybe, hopefully, actually hopefully not. You see I'm someone that loves cheering up others, loves caring for others, loves making sure others are safe. Those people attract those that feel lonely, lost, that have no idea what to do, they love "you make me feel like I matter," "you know just how to calm me down," "you always know what to do when it's so stressful." And god sue me but I love hearing those words, love hearing that someone feels like I'm making their life better. Is that wrong? Please tell me, is it so wrong to love hearing that I make someone's life better, that just me being next to them makes everything easier, that they now have hope thanks to me. And it's not like I make them relay on me, I give them actual techniques to calm them down, to think about their stress more calmly, people in their life they should be honest with and reach out to. I don't cage them to me, I try my best to show them the way out. But then why, why, why every time they feel better about life and themselves they stop loving me, why in under a month they'll find someone else to love, and why do they want to keep being "friends," why why why why why why.
Is it wrong for me to love? Is that it? I'll never find true love? All my friends have people they plan on staying for a long time if not forever with, and their relationship is nice and healthy. So what? Does that mean I have the role of being the cool uncle? The family friend you can always relay on? The person you've seen since childhood who you know you can be honest with bc you don't see them that much anyway? Is that who I'll become? My role in life? I don't want that, is that so wrong, I don't want that, please tell me that's not so wrong, I just want my own happy relationship I don't want to be the one that's alone in the family.
Honestly I wish my heart would burn, die, please die. I don't want this, I wish I never felt this. "It's better to have love and been hurt than to never love at all," unless you learn your life will never have love, you got to taste the sweetness nectares of life, and then told by life that's not for you? God that's a hell, so I guess I'm in hell. I'm in hell because I tried love and did it too good, my partners felt too happy with me they stop, my partners grew too much to be a better person they saw they can do better, I'm nothing but compost and my partners are the prettiest flowers, they get to be love by the world and everyone else while I slowly fade to the dirt, and it's hell because for a few seconds in their lives while they are a seed and I'm just freshly added to the ground, we are equals hard to tell where to separate the both of us but sooner or later you can, and the flowers bloom and the compost vanish, this is hell.
I'm in hell, covered by the prettiest flowers, they use my body to grow and I'm not allowed to touch, I'm not allow to love, but when they were seeded on me I had a chance to, but they grow so big and away I can no longer, none grow with me to make me feel better, none grow so I can taste the sweetness of love again, I'm in hell, a hell that only a dumbass can be put in.
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strangerquinns · 2 years
Can I get the gaze prompt with Dylan please?
send in a "potentially romantic" prompt
[ GAZE ]: sender stares longingly at receiver when they think they aren't looking.
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After looking yourself over in the mirror, making sure not even a hair was out of place, you moved to leave your room. The clink of your heels against the hardwood floors sounded through the apartment and drew Dylan's attention away from the tv in front of him, and instead, towards the hallway, you emerged from. He felt his chest tighten as his eyes slowly scanned over your body.
"Wow..." He whispered softly.
The dress you were wearing fit you perfectly and caressed your body in the right places. A smile came across your face as you looked over yourself and looked back towards Dylan. You moved closer to grab your coat from the chair beside the sofa.
"Think he's gonna like it?" Your voice was shaky and he could tell that you were nervous.
Tonight you were heading out on a date for the first time with a guy from your morning English class. You were so nervous and felt like you were gonna throw up. To say it had been a long time since you'd been out on a date would be an understatement.
Dylan stayed on the couch not even looking at the show he was watching anymore. His eyes were on you as you walked around the small apartment that you two shared. You were too caught up to even notice the longing look that Dylan was sending you.
Dylan thought when you came up with the idea of you two being roommates during college he thought it would be a good idea. You two have been friends for years, and honestly, there wasn't anyone else he'd rather live with. But it didn't help when he's in love with you. And now Dylan had to sit back and watch you leave to be with another guy.
"He'd be crazy not to," Dylan spoke
When you looked towards him suddenly the nerves went away. His eyes held something that you'd never seen before and couldn't quite place. But before a word could leave your painted lips the sound of the apartment buzzer cut through the room. You jumped slightly before taking a deep breath and walking over to press down on it.
"I'll be right down," You turned around back to Dylan, "Wish me luck?"
"You're not gonna need it, truly. Go and have fun."
Dylan stood up from the couch and walked towards you. His arms wrapped around your waist and held you before stepping back. Dylan opened the door before you slipped out and headed towards the elevator. Dylan stood there and watched you, his body sagging against the aged door frame. The moment the doors opened you stepped through and turned around to face him. Your hand came up and gave a small wave as the doors began to close.
The sickening feeling that hit Dylan's gut was enough to make him feel nauseous. He walked back inside, closed the door, and headed towards the fridge to grab a beer. As the hours passed he tried to distract his mind. But what Dylan wasn't expecting was seeing you walk back through the door only two hours later. His dark brows pulled together in confusion as you came back.
"What are you doing home already?" Dylan asked
You sighed heavily and moved to take a seat beside him on the couch. Sitting down heavily before grabbing the beer bottle from his hands and taking a drink.
"Date was a dud," You sighed "I swear I'd rather watch paint dry. All he did was talk about himself and didn't even ask a thing about me. Then at the end was expecting me to come home with him." You scoffed, "Like that was gonna happen."
Dylan frowned, "I'm sorry."
You shrugged and looked down towards your lap after giving the bottle back to Dylan. "Weirdly I'm not even upset. I think deep down I didn't want to go and was nervous that I'd end up liking him."
"Why wouldn't you wanna like him?"
You bit down on your lower lip, feeling Dylan's eyes on the side of your head, as you fidget with your hands.
"No reason," You whispered as you slowly looked back towards him. This time Dylan didn't turn his gaze away as you looked back at him.
The two of you stared at one another for a few moments, time feeling like it was slowing down for a moment. Dylan's eyes move down to your lips before going back to your eyes. He moved in a little closer with hesitance as his eyes moved back to your lips. Dylan spoke your name softly as his head bent down towards yours.
"Just kiss me, Dylan." You whispered as your hand reached up to the back of his neck to pull him down towards you more.
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retro-memo · 3 years
Prompts - fever+fainting
Me: *double checks the prompt list* Well, I'll give you points for going off the list but who am I to deny your request.
Anyways, sorry if the story is a bit sloppy. I wanted to write this off quickly in my break and didn't have much time left.
Peter's throat itched. 
It had been all day. Which might because he may/may not have patrolled out in the middle of a heavy rainstorm when his suit’s heater was damaged.
Not exactly his smartest idea but Peter had planned on telling Mr. Stark it had malfunctioned… it just slipped his mind.
Until now. When his face felt hot enough to cook eggs on it. Peter also knew May had forbidden him from leaving bed until she got back from work and he honestly planned to listen to her. 
He wanted nothing more than to just lay down in his bed and be unconscious for the rest of the day. 
Unfortunately, aliens didn't care if he had a fever.
"Peter, I advise against continuing. Your temperature is breaching 102. If you don't retreat, I'll be forced to contact Mr. Stark." 
"I'm fine, Karen!" Peter webbed up three of the aliens to the wall, grimacing at feeling the parched, grinding quality of his mouth when he spoke as if someone had sand papered his tongue. "I promise I'll head home as soon as we're done here!" 
Peter, internally, groaned at Karen's voice in his ear. Yes, he knew his temperature was on the wack and felt ready to paint the sidewalk with what he had for supper but Spider-Man wasn’t going to be grounded because Peter Parker had the common cold. 
"Peter, that's not recommended —" 
"Karen." Peter stressed and he took a really good look at the battlefield. All the aliens were almost dead or down. There was no way he was backing out now. "If I don't leave in five minutes, you can call Mr. Stark okay?" 
She didn't answer. 
"Please?" Even if he could still feel her hesitance, Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when she finally let up. "Alright but if your vitals don't level out, I'll be forced to contact Mr. Stark." 
Peter grinned. "Thanks, Karen! You're the best!" 
With that Peter swung off again, and despite hurtling through the air in such a steep arc to another building, he managed to hold on to whatever remained of last night's dinner despite the nausea making his guts swivel around with a torrent of fluids that most definitely should not be moving around. 
He should've known his luck was going to run out eventually. 
They were dealing with the last one of aliens when it happened. It was the biggest but Peter was relieved either way. He didn’t think his stomach could handle anymore of this torture and he was pretty sure Karen was seconds away from tattling on him to Mr. Stark.
“Alright, Underoos, let’s wrap this up!” Mr. Stark ducked the meaty arm of the alien while War Machine flew in, trying to distract its attention away from Peter.
The plan was simple. All he had to do was web it up while Rhodey and Mr. Stark distracted it and the task was easy enough.
“Ai, ai, Mr. Stark!” Peter gave a fake salute, trying to not notice the way his hand shook. It was fine. He could help take this alien out and it would be all over.
Nothing could go wrong.
He lifted his wrist, planning to shoot a web from where he was perched on the wall opposite to the alien's building.
What Peter didn't expect was dark spots rapidly taking overtake his main-field of vision. "Wha—?"
Okay. No doing that.
Blinking, Peter shook his head trying to clear them away, immediately regretting it when his stomach gave a sickening lurch up his throat.
"Peter, your vitals are starting to concern me."
"Karen?" Peter couldn't think straight, as if a burning heat was wrapped around his body like an incredibly stuffy, very unwelcome blanket. Was the world starting to spin?  He couldn't tell.
Was someone saying his name? There certainly was a voice but it sounded muffled through everything and Peter whimpered as his head throbbed painfully. Were his ears supposed to be whistling? Wasn’t he holding onto something a few seconds ago?
Peter didn't register the voice yelling out to him, only hearing his name at that moment because why was the wind passing by him so fast?
Was he swinging? Or falling? 
'May's gonna kill me.' Peter thought as he was plunged into a dark abyss, the last of his consciousness leaving him. His body nothing more than dead-weight in the air.
Peter didn't see the Iron Man suit that saved him seconds away from hitting the pavement.
Winter, you're so lucky.
I was legit two sentences away from writing this as a Major Character Death. Two sentences.
I wanted to write this as a MCD but decided at the last moment to give mercy and wrote that ending instead.
Also, if anyone is wondering about when their prompt is gonna be done, well, it's gonna be a few more days. Hopefully. Maybe.
You know one can't be certain of these things.
Anyways, to anyone else reading this, if you're interested in me writing more stuff like this, just check out the Iron dad and Spiderson Prompt List I made and don't be afraid to send me some more:)
You're just probably gonna have to wait a while for me to write it. I'm currently binging The Chosen and loving every moment.
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playgrlbunny · 3 years
miss me w that "i still care for you" bullshit please honestly it's sickening w the way you talked to me. and i honestly don't know why sofia doesn't fuck w me anymore i genuinely didn't do anything wrong to her, she got stuck in her own head and thought it was okay to go hangout w my ex after she said you were terrible, after she said you weren't even all that, after she said you're goofy and weird, but yanno you have fun w that. and find out what? you didn't find out shit. you are STILL stuck in hs on that hs bullshit the three of you are and i added sabrina back so me her and sofia could all hangout but she never responded to me once, i tried texting her and she never replied once. it made me sad but i realized he you look like a fucking FOOL hanging out w someone like that. and whats even more disgusting is the fact that you are so warped that you think that i'd give my sexual abuser the time of day again. that goes to show how truly toxic you are the fact that you don't believe in the victims or hey maybe it's just me but trust me i won't be hearing from chip anytime soon i made sure that dude stays the fuck away from me. the fact that you would rather listen to two people who have no idea what's going on in my life, two people who wanna watch me fail rather than coming to me and speaking to me like an actual human being blows my mind but i'm not surprised. was i good to you? no. did i EVER, EVER cheat on you?? not fucking once. in fact me and sofia had a conversation about that and she even agreed that i would never do something like that to you when i had my suspicions YOU were cheating but i'm sure she didn't say that. and don't fucking bring up my fucking friend majestic has shown and proven her loyalty to me she would fucking never pull the shit that sofia pulled to me. sofia did me fucking dirty and she showed HER true colors so go ahead and have her lmao she's all yours. what blows my mind is the fact that you had the audacity to say you ever loved me...? but i didn't..? i admit, i didn't treat you right during my mental period. i wasn't taking my meds, i didn't want to and i admit that i was toxic, i didn't treat you tenderly and with the love that i should have. i was too warped in my own shit that i pushed you away and made you feel hard to love which isn't true at all. you have a gentle heart, but i don't think you ever loved me with it. i think you had an obsession with me. i think it was obsession rather than love. because if you're telling me i never loved you bc of the way i treated you then i guess i can say the same for you. you don't love someone and then talk to them the way you talked to me, you don't treat someone the way you treated me, you don't say you wanna see them spiral, that's honestly so disgusting to say to someone. the fact that you wanna see me do bad so badly...it's honestly concerning. i have good people in my life, i'm doin really good so i'm sorry, you won't see me spiral. the difference between you and i is i hear shit about you all the time, but instead i don't say nasty shit to you, i don't wish you the worst, i don't wanna see your downfall. i wish things ended differently i wish they weren't so messy but honestly what happened pushed me and gave me the motivation to become better. and i am doing better. i go to the gym w my cousin, i meditate, i take my meds, i go to therapy. so i'm sorry. but you'll never see me spiral.
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heyheyheyhaikyu · 3 years
twenty four - nickname
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⚠︎︎𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝⚠︎︎
Kuroo had stayed awake through the night, unable to find sleep as he restlessly imagined how the day ahead would go. How will he react? Does he even feel the same? Questions towered in his mind as he laid awake.
The sun was already beginning to rise by the time sleep finally found its way to him. The few hours he slept in the morning he managed was enough to get him energized and ready to take on the day.
A message dinged on his phone and woke him from his light sleep.
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He shook his head with a chuckle, putting his phone down. After a nice shower, he got dressed and headed out to the park. Kenma and Lev already happened to be there setting up a few things.
“Oh, you guys are already here?” Kuroo said as he slid into his secret area.
“I figured you weren't going to be able to sleep last night, so I thought maybe we should get an early start for you,” Kenma said without looking up from what he was doing.
“Honestly, how do you know me so well?” Kuroo sighed and shock his head with a smile.
“Well, it's not like we’ve been friends since we were little kids or anything,” Kenma said sarcastically.
Kuroo rolled his eyes and lightly shoved Kenmas shoulder. “Oh yeah, definitely not.”
“Well, what's your vision, big man?” Lev asked as he slapped Kuroo on the back.
“I feel like its lame, but here.” He showed the two a few photos to get the idea across.
They worked for a few hours, putting lights up, getting blankets and pillows laid down and just getting everything put together like Kuroo had imagined.
“Wow, it's really coming together guys!” Kuroo said excitedly.
“Do you know when Bokuto and Tsukishima are supposed to get here?” Lev asked.
Just as that was said, the two poked their heads in. “What was that about us?” Bokuto asked with a bright smile as he walked over and slung his arm around Kuroos shoulder.
“Nothing interesting, but that’s kinda hard to do about you anyway.” Kuroo nudged with a teasing smile.
“Ah- I'll have you know I'm the most interesting one of us here,” Bo said with a huff and crossed his arms.
“Sure you are.”
Everyone laughed and shook their heads at the twos banter while Bo just rolled his eyes and ignored Kuroo for a few minutes until he forgot about the incident.
It all seemed to be going smoothly. Bo and Tsuki brought a screen and projector to add to the setup. Everything looked perfect and just how Kuroo had imagined.
Since everything was ready to go, the group decided to go get a small meal together. The walk was nice and refreshing. It was nice to be able to really talk to Bo and Tsuki, catching up on everything going on in their lives.
As they were all sitting in the small café, a familiar face walked through the door. Lev and Tsuki were the two that saw him and they tried to discreetly hide and not be seen.
“What are you two doing? You look insane,” Kuroo said with a confused look.
“A wild y/n just walked through the door.”
“Oh shit- umm... just stay calm and try to act normal. Maybe he won't see us and just leave?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to work.”
Ah, a nice refreshing boba and a sandwich sound so good right now. The past few days have been weird to say the least. Everyone had been just sort of weird...? Honestly, I don’t know what Kuroo has planned, but I can only assume it’ll be... something.
I ordered my drink and sandwich on auto pilot, lost in my head. Once I got my order, I turned to look for an empty table I could yoink.
Across the room sat all of my friends in the corner booth. My head spun with confusion and hurt. What are they all doing here? Why wasn't I invited?
Bo had been avoiding me all day and wouldn’t even talk to me at practice this morning. What if this thing Kuroo wanted to talk to me about was the fact that they all hate me now and don’t what to be friends with me any- No, stop thinking like that, y/n. Just go over there and ask them. It's not that hard of an issue to figure out.
I shrugged off my thoughts from a second ago and walked to the corner they were in. “Hey guys, what are you all doing here?” I shot them a confused smile as I leaned against Kuroo and looked at him, trying not to think too hard about why I hadn't been invited.
“O-oh! Hi y/n,” Kuroo stuttered out. It was clear he was nervous about something.
“Uh hi?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “Am I intruding on something?”
“No, not at all!” Bo yelled excitedly, making us all flinch.
“Well in that case do you mind if I join you guys? But if you were getting ready to leave or anything, no need to feel pressured. You guys are obviously up to something.”
“Nono, we just got here a few minutes ago. Please feel free to sit,” he said patting his lap with a smirk plastered onto his pretty face.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him over, sitting on the end next to him. “In your dreams, kitten.” The nickname slipped passed my lips with ease and before I even knew what I had said, everyone was looking at the two of us like:  
I glanced up at them after taking a bite of my sandwich. “What’s with the staring, geez. If you guys need me to leave your little secret meeting I can, but just stop looking at me like that,” I said as my forehead crinkled in confusion. I glanced at Kuroo to see him blushing a crimson red.
I thought back over the last minute, trying to pinpoint what happened. Realization struck and I burst out laughing. “Oh, this is about your nickname,” I snickered. “I didn’t even realize I said it, but I also thought I had said it around all of you guys already.” I looked out them and we all laughed.
From there forward, it was smooth sailing. Conversation flowed smoothly and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
I glanced down at my watch and sighed. “Hate to leave you guys so soon, but I have a couple meetings I have to call into from home.” I frowned and started to stand up. “Oh hey, Kuroo, so this “surprise” at the park tonight. What time are you thinking? I'm afraid I won't be free for quite a while with these status report meetings. It might be late before I can meet up. Is that okay?”
“Oh yeah, that’s perfect actually. Just call or text me when you’re on your way.” He smiled and gave my hand a little squeeze before I stood up.
I smiled back at him and ruffled his hair as I said my goodbyes and headed out.
Geez, it's been a long day already and I bet it's only going to get worse. I sighed and walked home. The sky was bright, without a single cloud accenting the vibrant shade of blue.
Everyone seemed to relax more once y/n left. The relentless teasing about his nickname and interactions with y/n made him blush a bright red once again.
“You’re so soft for him- it's kinda sickening honestly,” Kenma complained.
“Y/n almost never gives me head pats anymore,” Bo whined.
“Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that you won't have any trouble sealing the deal tonight,” Tsuki said.
“Who really knows? Y/n is an affectionate person and it's hard to really pinpoint what he thinks about you. He’s too good at hiding his emotions towards people,” Bo said as he sipped his drink.
“I’ll never know if I don’t ask, right?” Kuroo said with a smile as he stood up and started cleaning up the table.
“I agree. I'm only saying don’t assume anything too fast or you’ll just end up getting yourself hurt.”
Kuroo nods and after getting everything cleaned up, the group heads out and goes to the store before splitting up and heading in their separate directions.
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masterlist || next || previous
☞ Fateful encounters happen all the time. When you find yourself after a bad breakup getting pressured by friends into making an online dating profile, you give in and do it. The fateful encounter to come wasn’t quite what you were expecting though.
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A/N: this took a while, but oh well- hopefully it’s not horrible. The party really begins next update😌
taglist: @kookie-doughs @sparklylandflaplawyer @azztronut @channiechanchan @choke-medazai @420-uwu @afire24
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cerberus253 · 4 years
Okay so like I know that this question I'm about to ask is a bit triggering to some, but how would Drago cope with being cheated on?
My knee-jerk answer: Punishment to the cheater, death by fire to the opposition; If you mess with a dragon, ya get burned.
Real Talk: A bit of a tricky question because, up until now, I’ve been answering with the assumption of the s/o Drago is in love with to be the right person for him. One of the “qualities“ for this “right person“ would have to be romantic loyalty because someone who is there for him emotionally is what he NEEDS (whether he knows it or not is up for debate).
Anyhow, coping mechanisms would surely be unhinged physical violence to whoever and whatever gets in his way; people and things smashed and burned until there’s nothing left, mainly towards the person the s/o cheated on him with. He would not want to talk to anyone, see anyone, nor even be in the general area of others. Pure destruction, is what Drago would do, but that’s just what everyone sees.
If you want to know what else I think might happen that may seem out of character but makes sense because he’s a unique individual with thoughts and feelings just like everyone else, read further:
This may just be me romanticizing (in the traditional sense) Drago, but because this situation is more of a heart-to-heart pain and not the usual pride pain, he might have “sad spells.“ What I mean is, although he would still be furious, his energy will deplete, he’ll collapse on the ground, and just... wallow in pain, by himself, in an isolated area. His body will grow tired, but his heart and mind would still be active. Along with that sickening and heavy feeling one gets in the heart after such a devastating blow, his mind would be racing in trying to find ways to blame the s/o, the opposition, and/or anything and everything besides himself, but every so often he would think for a split second that he did something wrong. He WANTS to blame everyone else, but deep down he believes he was the screw up. He’s a screw up to his dad, he’s a screw up to the Ice Crew, he’s a screw up to the whole demon race, and now he’s a screw up to the only person he ever felt normal and accepted by without needing to prove himself towards (ouch; I wanna hug him now, the poor baby green bean ;^;).
Let’s note on the real juicy bit: Crying. To get to the point, I don’t think Drago would ever cry unless something really really, absolutely terrible happened, like, oh I don’t know, he fell in love with someone who loved him for who he was, not for what he is, what his title is, nor how much power he held, and he opened his magma encrusted heart to expose a soft tenderness that would normally get himself killed in demon culture, but this person did the opposite and cared for it, nurtured it, and showed that his flaws are not weaknesses... and then that said person was like, “Yeah, nevermind; you mean nothing to me“ and just stabs him and his vulnerability like a serial killer’s paradise.
Drago has built a strong enough defense against shedding tears because, well, demon’s don’t cry; they make others cry. But, like I said, I think he might cave, at least ever so slightly, from this heartbreak. He would try so damn hard not to cry; he’d push this ultimate feeling of defeat back so much it would give him physical pain, like headaches, chest and really overall body pain, and difficulty with summoning his fire (I say this about his fire because all this suffering depleted his energy to even muster it up, let alone the pure feeling of sorrow, which is the opposite of the feelings flame is suppose to encourage and originate from).
When he does finally tear up and cry [ever so slightly], well ... I honestly have no idea how to describe it in words. Like, this very moment in his life is so foreign and traumatizing that it could have long lasting effects on him mentally and probably physically (because I believe he is part human and we all know how terrifying the human mind can be). He’d close himself off even more, he’d hate himself and everything around him even more than it just being a “demon thing,“ and he’d be more miserable to the point his misery is obvious and not just speculation on something hidden. Hell, he’d get so traumatized his demeanor would change from this active, fiery hotdog to this lukewarm, soggy slice of bread. I guess basically his soul will shatter because of how detrimental this betrayal and ultimate first breakup would be, is what I’m saying.
This reminds me of how his character slightly changed from his debut episode in Season 4 to his normalcy in Season 5. At first, he was happy and enjoying his life, being loyal to his father and carrying himself with such good posture and movement. Then in Season 5, he gave up on his dad for selfish reasons and began walking around hunched over like a skulking animal in addition to his more not-so-graceful-but-once-was style of fighting and jumping around everywhere. Then again, I might just be over speculating and the real reason he changed that way was because of just to give him more character.
Bonus descriptions that I was going to put in, but I felt I had no need to, but I still want to put it in for reasons:
However, theoretically if this “right“ person were to cheat on him, he would be absolutely devastated and heartbroken. Like, words cannot describe how I think he would feel because of how much of a deep, personal, traumatizing laceration to his heart it would give him.
Being IN LOVE with someone, especially if the lover is extremely protective about their emotions and (unconsciously) terrified of the damage it could do to themselves, and having the lovee absolutely annihilate that vulnerability... Honestly, only pictures could really express the magnitude of the fury of emotions going on inside.
The picture I imagine is of an all black canvas with an exploding, frenzied fire coming fourth from the middle and scratching towards the edges of said canvas. At the origin point of that eruption is a small drawing of a person, on their knees, head in their hands, and their face to the floor, all the while they scream; they scream so much so loudly their throat tears and blood spurts out, but they don’t stop because all this emotion-- all this torment, is too much to bear in silence.
With the addition of Drago, that picture probably would come to reality; just, an explosion of fire from the emotional intensity and NOT the “physical strength“ side (to which he gathers his flame powers up from normally). Because it stems from his out of control human feelings mixed with the power of a demon (and a dragon, no less), it would be a flame of chaos that would annihilate the surrounding diameter.
I’m not saying all this stuff in a, “oh imagine this!“ I’m saying this as in legitimate thoughts and theories on how something so absolutely mentally and emotionally shattering would have effects on someone like him. He has no control over his emotions to begin with and this experience is just going to make him worse. Or I’m just (over)romanticizing things in the traditional sense
For a different relationship bonus, if he were just casually in a romantic relationship with infatuation or for power, he would not react that drastically. Yes, he would be angry and personally hurt, but because of how the relationship is set up and functions, and he probably goes through this stuff on a normal basis, it would not be as scarring. Drago would most likely be the one to dump the individual because said person isn’t worth his time anymore and already expressed their lack of use for his own  He’ll never forgive, never forget, but he may be convinced back in if they prove their worth and loyalty enough.
Like I said in the QnA that started all this Drago Chat days ago, you have opened a can of chatty worms
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elkfeast · 5 years
It was instinct honestly and the Princess barely recalls acting; she saw the glint of metal and next thing she knew her body lurched in front of him to guard the demon. Guard the one that's always been guarding her. Surely he could have fended for himself or perhaps the spear would have done him in as she stares down at the spear embedded within her abdomen. Knees buckle as she falls, blinking. She doesn't feel pain. "...I'm sorry," she mumbles. "I disobeyed." So tired is she. "I love you..."
tw: violence + gore !
    stop the Inferno Train all by yourself as it speeds through the railway at unimaginable speeds and you’re legendary. with your skill and influence, catch the attention of Hell’s crown and they’ll appoint you as head of the PUNISHMENT DISTRICT. but fail to protect your pupil and you don’t need anybody to say a word as you brand yourself a failure. mouth agape as blood covers his features and arms turn numb to the weight that falls against his body, forcing him to stumble over and catch the remaining angel’s spear against the palm of his hand. the feathered fiend lock their eyes with his as his smile falters and their’s begin to form in a sickening display of fortuitous success.
    God is good. God is merciful. words of the forgotten church echoing in his mind as memories of chanting the very verses in a white dress and long red hair hugging accentuated features cause his lips to quiver with unadulterated loathing. a good girl can only take so much cruelty when the world causes her nothing but pain. ‘ take the gun ’ papa says and he tells her to shoot ; makes a soldier out of her. when love causes her heartache she forgets the man and looks after her family. when war takes her brother away she follows in his footsteps and when she returns to walk through the Ticker Tape parade all she can think of is that she has become a shell of the person she had once was. she’s a nobody ; a sinner ; a killer. from the beginning she’d had always been bound to go to Hell, nevertheless, the Happy Hotel was something she never thought she would be… possessive about. care is a rare thing within the Radio Demon but over time the idea of it —- something he’d lost along with his humanity has began sprouting within him in ways he had never imagined.
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    something ignited in his veins. a fury so strong that those who would try to stomp out the fire in his eyes will be engulfed by flames before they have a chance at escape. claws strike fast, digging into white linen and silver armour. the iron burns but he digs and twists and watches in satisfaction as the angel’s face, now threatening to put their entire weight over the deer contorts in horror. the holy being’s knees buckle as Alastor tears that heart right out of their chest, damaging ribcage and muscle and crushes the beating thing in his grasp prior to shoving it into the angel’s mouth and down their throat. pristine fangs may attempt to bite down on the elk’s arm but the radio host takes the jaw next and tears it off its bony hinges, discarding the disgusting thing by his feet. his shadows make quick work of feathered wings as its twisted and torn of, thrown over his shoulders as he catches a glimpse of them flapping about desperately in his peripheral. the rest is ruthless evisceration as he strips the angel of its skin and crushes their bones beneath his heels.
    and when it’s all over he rushes over to his sunshine and rainbows now pale and convulsing as she dies on the concrete made up of angel feathers and blood. there’s no hesitation as he takes the girl in his arms, and brushes the blonde hair away from her sweat filled face and crying eyes. god, oh god. ❛ i’m here. ❜ he manages to croak out over a tight throat, assessing the damage. brows weaving together as crimson hues fill with tears. chapped lips quivering. shoulders shaking.
    ❛ i’m right here. ❜ pathetic. whimper. nothing matters anymore. appearances don’t hold up in situations like this. this is why he never wanted to get attached. this is why he preferred no company but his own and the shadows that have become a part of him over the decades. another dying love withering away in his arms as he survives and they leave. they always leave.
    ❛ charlotte, ❜ he whispers, rocking back and forth as he held her. ❛ my sweet charlotte. i’m right here. ❜ for he would forever wander the Nine Circles alone, but he would never abandon her in her time of need… even if it were the last.
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ignisgayentia · 7 years
I see that you've blocked me on Twitter. You know, I don't want to be an asshole, I have every intention to send u a DM before I unfollow u, but then I saw ur post that u are now "TERRIFIED". Of me. I thought we used to be friends, and I actually unfollowed u not bc I disrespected ur opinion, but bc I do, and I don't wanna get upset seeing ur tweets. Which is what you're allowed to do, too, and I respect you. But I'm honestly really hurt by how you handled this, Ari. I thought we were friends.
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u deleted ur blog
i wanted to stay in touch, not knowing much abt u, so we followed each other on twitter
out of nowhere u UNFOLLOWED me first on twitter, and i hAD NO FUCKING IDEA WHY
I GO TO UR TWITTER and find out that u basically think americans are privileged and have NO oppression
there is like an ENTIRE thread of u talking shit about me saying that i, or any americans whatsoever, don’t experience oppression and that i’m too privileged
like?? wtf is this tweet:
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u calling me immature for blocking someone who has no idea what america is like and telling me that sexism, racism, and/or oppression doesn’t exist in america just because it doesn’t exist in the same way that u experience it (which i never denied) and having an OPPRESSION WAR that i never even fucken started with anyone, let alone u
instead of u coming to me about it i have to read all this horror story bullshit on ur twitter.. u really can’t expect to be friends with someone if u can’t stand to read my tweets or my point of view of anything bc i’m a ‘privileged american’. u don’t support BLM or antifa bc it doesn’t “benefit u” so u have no idea what happens to the unprivileged here but u pretend u do bc u read stuff on the news abt america… Like. i don’t pretend to know what it’s like to live in ur country but u get to pretend to know everything about my experiences in mine?
ANYWAY HERE’s SOME MORE GOD AWFUL TWEETS u wrote about me while u call me “immature”
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this one is my fav bit of irony:
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 and my “political” tweets were about supporting women who come forward against r*pists and shit and u have the nerve to call it ~political opinions u dont wanna see?
u respect my opinions? u care about me? u wanna be friends with me? BITCH WHERE
u “don’t wanna be an asshole” ALRIGHT… sure was it petty to make a post abt u? sure was.. didn’t think u’d see it, didn’t think we’d ever interact again nor were we friends.. u don’t support me or believe in what i go thru is valid bc im an american, that’s not friendship.. 
in ALL SERIOUSNESS, if u have read this far: don’t ever tell someone that they’ve never experienced oppression. don’t ever dismiss the struggle of lives u have no comprehension of understanding. yes, america has privileges that most countries do not. this does not mean that oppression does not exist. an hour away from me, 49 lgbt people were gunned down in a senseless act of homophobia and terrorism. sure, we can get married - but we have to fear for our lives ANY time we want to step outside and live normal lives. this is not simply erased in america. black people and black children are GUNNED down by law enforcement at almost a DAILY rate in america due to systematic racism. those people are afraid to step out of their homes on the daily, but sure - ~slavery and jim crow laws aren’t in effect anymore. trans ppl are murdered almost DAILY here - but sure, technically it’s not illegal for them to wear binders or step outside (as u put, not me). i’m not an idiot; i’m fully aware of how much worse other countries can and do have when it comes to minority groups struggles and struggles in general. but pretending america doesn’t have flaws or struggles simply because we’re america is ignorant, sickening, and honestly hurtful. as people who experience oppression, whether it every day things or in violent deadly ways - we have to support one another, we have to uplift one another and give voice to struggles happening everywhere, even if u think u have it “worse”. change doesn’t happen when one cannot see outside their own way of thinking or footsteps. people are dying. HERE, too. grow the FUCK up.
oh, and ur little “fake rape culture dystopia” comment was absolutely disgusting. as a rape victim at the age of 9-10, by someone i TRUSTED. having to save my best friend from rape - TWICE by OUR (former) best friend. having to walk with her to the bathroom just to pray they won’t target more than one person. someone i knew of at college was drugged, raped, murdered - and they didn’t find the body for YEARS. no one is pretending other countries don’t have it worse, but pretending it doesn’t exist here is absolutely NASTY. 
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dknc3 · 7 years
if you're still taking propts--“I'm tired of being your secret.”--any pairing you like, but ideally something I like :D
And . . . as part of my renewed effort to honestly clear my inbox, here’s a prompt fic for the lovely Celia from FIVE MONTHS AGO!! (I really am terrible at getting things written!)
It’s Arya x Gendry, modern AU, btw.
“I’m tired of being your secret.”
“What?” Arya was still breathing hard, staring at Gendry as if he’d lost his mind which he probably had. After all, no sane man would stop making out with the most amazing girl in the world to talk about something he knew she didn’t want to hear.
Sighing deeply, he sat up, disentangling himself from her arms and trying very hard not to look at her perfect breasts. She worried they were too small, but they were perfect--they fit just right beneath his hands and . . . “I can’t keep doing this, Arya!” he said, shaking his head somewhat violently in an effort to clear it of thoughts about his hands on her breasts.
She made no move to cover them, of course. Instead, she just lay there on the sofa with her shirt undone and her bra pushed up nearly to her neck smirking at him. “Yes, you can. I have reason to know that you can do this . . . and other things . . . much, much longer.”
“Dammit, Arya, that’s not what I mean and you know it!” He stood up and walked across the room. “God, I knew better than to bring it up,” he mumbled, not looking at her.
“Bring what up? Gendry, what are you talking about? We were having such a good time!”
She wasn’t teasing him anymore. She sounded honestly confused, which he supposed shouldn’t hurt him but it did. He turned around to find her sitting up on the sofa with her shirt still gaping open, but at least her bra was back in place. She stared up at him with those big grey eyes he so easily got lost in. “A good time,” he repeated. “Is that what we are to each other? I mean, is that all we are?”
At that, she was off the couch and standing before him with her hands on his chest in scarcely more than an instant. “Of course not! You know that, Gendry. You have to know that!”
“Do I?” he asked her, pushing her away gently. “How do I know that?”
“Oh, come on,” she drawled, nearly purring as she moved right back up against him. “Don’t I show you how I feel every time we’re together?” She smiled up at him and reached one small graceful hand up toward his face.
“No, Arya. No, you don’t,” he said simply, catching her hand in his. “You show me you like to fuck me. I mean you really like to fuck me. I know that well enough. Gods know I like to fuck you, too, but if that’s all this is, I need you to tell me now, because I care about you. I want . . . I want . . . the whole thing, Arya, and if you’re just here for a fuck buddy, I need to know so I can figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do.”
She looked hurt, and he hated that. But as much as he wanted to simply put his arms around her and tell her to please be happy, he knew he’d put this conversation off long enough.
“I can’t believe you’re even saying this to me,” she said. Her lower lip trembled causing her to look, for once, as much younger than him as she actually was. “Gendry, I’ve never been with anyone but you. You know that! I don’t want this with . . . with anybody! I just want . . . Gendry, why are you acting like this?”
“I’m tired of being your secret,” he said again, and he could see by her face that this time she’d heard him clearly.
“Gendry, that’s not fair. It’s just that . . .”
“It’s just that your family expects you to be with someone like you--as in private school scholar, not grease monkey. They’ll have a problem with the age difference. They won’t let you see me anymore. They’ll be awful to me.” He rattled through some of the things she’d told him over the years of their friendship--a friendship which had slowly become so much more.
“Yes!” she said emphatically. “Yes! That’s exactly it!”
“But it’s all bullshit,” he said. “And I think you know it.”
“What?” she asked, dumbfounded.
“Arya, I know your family now. Have you forgotten that?”
“They don’t know that you and I . . .”
“No, they don’t. Because you refuse to tell them. Gods, I was scared to death of your family forever because of the things you said about them, but when Robb brought his car to the garage, he was just a normal guy. A better than average guy, actually. He had no qualms about striking up a friendship with a mechanic, Arya”
“Well, that’s Robb,” she protested. “And he . . .”
“Doesn’t know we’re together. Yeah. And he’s probably gonna be pissed about that. I would be. If I had a little sister and she was dating one of my friends without either of them telling me. But he’ll get over being pissed off eventually. He KNOWS both of us. Once he forgives us for sneaking around, he’ll be okay with us.”
“Robb is hardly my entire family,” she said darkly. “And don’t you dare throw Jon at me because we both know I’m not talking about him.”
“You’re talking about your parents.”
She bit her lip in that adorable way of hers, and he softened his voice. He knew she was legitimately afraid that Ned and Catelyn Stark would disapprove. For a self-professed rebel, Arya cared a great deal about her parents’ opinion of her, even if she wouldn’t admit that even under torture.
“They like me, Arya. Neither one of them has ever been anything but nice to me.” He held up his hand to silence her protest before she could make it. “I know. I know. It’s one thing to accept a bastard who wrenches cars to pay for food and rent as Robb’s friend and another entirely to accept that guy as your boyfriend. I get that. But look at Sansa!”
“Sansa is a perfect princess who can do no wrong!” Arya exclaimed in the simultaneously contemptuous and envious voice reserved for complaints about her sister.
Sometimes Gendry was glad he didn’t have any siblings--well, none that knew he existed anyway. Arya’s relationship with her sister was one of the most confusing and complicated things he’d ever encountered. “Sansa is dating an ex-con, Arya,” he said very slowly. “And no, Lord and Lady Stark are NOT happy about that.” She snorted the way she always did when he gave her family titles. “But your father hasn’t hit him and your mother hasn’t poisoned his food. No doubt they’re hoping Sansa will get over this Clegane fellow sooner rather than later, but in the mean time they haven’t disowned her. And while their obvious disapproval is probably no fun for him, he’s holding up okay as far as I can see.”
“She’s not gonna get over him,” Arya said softly. “He treats her a hell of a lot better than any of her rich boyfriends ever did.”
“And your parents see that!” Gendry said with satisfied expression, pleased that she had walked right into it. “That, my sweet girl, is the reason he isn’t dead yet. And if they can give him the benefit of the doubt, they’ll do the same for me. I mean, they at least know me!”
Arya looked unconvinced. 
“And they love you,” he added. “Anybody can see that both of them completely adore all of you precious Stark babies. It’s kind of sickening, really.” Actually, it was wonderful. Gendry hadn’t believed such families existed until he’d met the Starks, but he loved teasing Arya about her family.
“Doesn’t mean they’ll be happy about this,” she mumbled.
“No, it doesn’t. And they probably won’t be. Not until we prove to them that they should be.” He grinned at her. “I’m as tough as Clegane, my lady. I can take as much parental disapproval as the royal couple wish to dish out.”
“Don’t call me that,” she pouted. “Or them.” She sighed. “You really want to tell them about us?”
“I do.”
“And you really think they’ll be okay about it?”
“Not at first. But I’m reasonably sure they won’t kill me, and they definitely won’t kill you. And I intend to always make you happy, Arya. Once they see that, they’ll come around. That’s all they really want, you know. For you to be happy. And safe. And to have a good life.” He put his hands on her arms and looked directly into those grey eyes. She wasn’t even twenty yet, but she was most definitely not a child. “That’s what I intend to give you, if you let me.”
“No,” she said. “That’s what we’re going to give to each other, you big bull.”
He smiled at her. “I like that idea very much.”
This time, he didn’t stop her when she reached up to pull his face down toward hers for a kiss. After a long moment, she pulled her lips from his just far enough to whisper, “Okay. We’ll tell my parents about us.”
“Wonderful.” He reached down and squeezed her firm bottom. “We can wait until tomorrow if you like. I mean, no need to call them right this minute or anything.” 
She giggled and kissed him again, and he began slowly moving her toward the bedroom of his apartment, tugging at the bra once more, this time seeking to remove it rather than simply push it up out of the way.
She reached behind her and unclasped the bra herself. Then she grabbed wickedly. “So . . . you want to come clean with my parents, right?”
“Indeed, my lady. I want to officially be your boyfriend, Arya.”
“So . . .” she said, drawing the word out as she deftly undid the belt of his jeans. “What do you think they’ll say when we tell them we’ve been doing this since I was seventeen, good sir?”
Gendry’s jaw dropped. “We are not telling them that!”
“But you said . . .”
“I said I didn’t want to be your secret. I never said I had a death wish!”
Arya’s laughter filled the little bedroom, and he allowed her to fill up all of his senses then. She’d never be one for dramatic professions of love, but he knew her as well as he loved her. And her willingness to stand up in front of her parents and call him hers would be the strongest declaration of love he could ask for.
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purging-foxfire · 7 years
prompt: aku uses rashoumon as a blanket for him and Atsushi (I'm such trash for this hc but I've never actually gotten around to writing this??? omg)
@umihoshi: Aftermatch talk after beating Francis/Atsushi encouraging Akutagawa about facing Dazai, and Akutagawa telling him it’s not only Dazai he’s interested in
@ghastlygrim-ancientraven: Having a picnic
Notes: I tried to write everything more or less in this one story… It turned out well, I guess?
Warning: Akutagawa is kinda ooc? Like this whole story, actually.
This is awkward.The thought passed through his mind, the moment he realized that he was alone with Akutagawa Ryuunosuke.Atsushi wasn’t sure what to do. Every time the two met, fights would erupt and both would punch the living daylights out of each other. But recently… things have changed.The fight against Guild’s leader was won and everything was fine, right? No, absolutely not.After all the mess, and the nights spend doing paperwork, Atsushi decided to get something little to eat. It was in the middle of the night, and Atsushi was sure the little store not far away from his apartment was still open. So, he happily walked there only to bump into Akutagawa. Literally.For a moment he bared himself for an attack, but oddly enough nothing happened and as he looked at Akutagawa’s face, he realized that the other wasn’t staring at him, but to the side. Then he walked away, still ignoring Atsushi’s presence.And that was the moment, Atsushi realized that things have changed.Normally he wouldn’t have minded that much. He could life with it. Or at least he could have, if Dazai Osamu and his stupid ideas didn’t exist. For some reason that bastard decided that Akutagawa and he would make a perfect team.Shin Soukoku.And that’s why he invited Akutagawa to a picnic on the weekend. It was a stupid and complete idiotic idea, that much was clear.But nonetheless, they needed to talk things through, because maybe the words said in their fight against Fitzgerald were too much.Too much truth.
—He still didn’t know why exactly Akutagawa accepted, but it worked well for him, so who was he to complain? Maybe Akutagawa came the same conclusion - that they needed to talk.Or maybe this all was a fucked up dream.Though every thought he had vanished, the moment Akutagawa came into his sight, holding a dish. He had manners and Atsushi could appreciate that.Smiling brightly like always, Atsushi waved his hand before pointing to the fabric on the ground, where a basket and a bag were placed.“Sit down if you want to,” he said, still smiling as he observed the other.The mafioso nodded before taking place, and placing the dish besides his basket. Atsushi sat on the opposite of him, still wondering why he thought a picnic would be a good idea. Or why the other even came without killing him on the spot.Maybe he wanted to gather information on Atsushi, and indirectly the agency. Maybe he was forced by the boss because of “partner-bonding time”. Heck, maybe this was a perfect planned assassination. Or maybe…… Maybe Akutagawa also realized they needed to talk, if they wanted Shin Soukoku to work.“Thank you for coming,” he mumbled, as he opened the basket and laid most of it’s contents.“Thank you… for inviting me.” Came the quick reply.Atsushi was happy, that he wasn’t the only one finding the whole situation awkward and ridiculous.Time passed and while they were definitely eating and enjoying the scenery, they still didn’t talk. Atsushi couldn’t handle it anymore, so he gulped before deciding to speak up.“I-I meant it,” he said, his voice stuttering, but filled with honesty.Akutagawa looked up and for a moment he wondered if he would lash out. He didn’t. Instead he furrowed his eyebrows, clearly questioning what Atsushi meant.Atsushi breathed in and out, before speaking up.“The time a-as we fought against Fitzgerald and I… told you that Dazai-san already acknowledged you.”Dear God, if he kills me after this, please make sure that Dazai suffers. A lot.Suddenly, he understood Kunikida and his wish to strangle Dazai. Weren’t it for that bastard of a mentor, he wouldn’t be sitting with the guy that tried to kill him almost everyday in a park, having a picnic and having an awkward… whatever this was.Akutagawa opened his mouth and Atsushi feared the worst.“… Didn’t I tell you not to linger in the past?”What?“Because, ma- no, Nakajima, you’re talking about something that happened weeks ago and is already cleared.”Wait… What?!Apparently his shock must have been obvious, because suddenly Akutagawa smirked and Atsushi wasn’t sure anymore, what was going on.“He acknowledged me. Weeks ago. It’s over.”Akutagawa might have smirked while saying those words, but Atsushi still saw it in his eyes.It’s over.Akutagawa was lost, without a propose.Suddenly, Atsushi understood what his mentor really tried to do with the Shin Soukoku thing and for once he wasn’t sure what to think about it.Atsushi looked at the other for some seconds, before he spoke up. “Want to go on a walk with me?”A nod was the answer.—After that they packed their things and were walking around the park. The sun started to set down, but Atsushi knew neither of them was ready to go home and maybe it was better so.Dazai did acknowledge Akutagawa, that’s for sure. But… was that all Akutagawa wanted? The mafioso talked about his former mentor as was he his everything (there was something bitter settling in Atsushi at the thought, but he ignored it).Maybe… maybe he wanted more.“Akutagawa… are you sure it’s okay? You surly want more from Dazai-san than acknowledgement.”It was silent for a moment and Atsushi feared that he fucked up for sure, but then a sigh escaped Akutagawa’s mouth and dark grey eyes bored into his. He was smirking even more than before.“You don’t really get it, Nakajima… take your time.”And then he felt slender fingers caressing through his hair. A moment later the mafia member spoke up.“Are you coming?”He never knew Akutagawa’s touch could be so gentle.—The weeks were long enough for him to think.To think about what happened, to think about Dazai’s praise which he sought for years and to think… about the man-tiger’s words.Akutagawa felt oddly empty now where he had what he wanted. And suddenly he realized, that maybe it didn’t matter.Dazai acknowledged him and it didn’t matter. It’s absurd. Instead he wondered about the man-tiger’s words. There was something strong about them, tearing at everything he believed.And before he knew it, suddenly they were Shin Soukoku. It was… fine. Atsushi and he worked well together, even with the silence.But it was all because of Dazai. Not because of them, but because of Dazai. Somehow it sickened him.So, when the man-tiger invited him to a picnic, he was surprised. Nonetheless, he decided to go and he was… satisfied. It was nice, although the awkward silence was still there.Until Atsushi spoke up.And then Akutagawa realized, that Atsushi still couldn’t get over everything and he wondered what held the other back. He was sure he would find out in time. And he did.The moment Atsushi asked him, if he wished more out of Dazai. It almost made him laugh, because honestly, there was nothing more that Dazai couldpossible give him.Nothing that held any importance to him. In a way it was cruel of him. Now where he had his acknowledgement everything other was unimportant.“Let’s sit down there!”Atsushi pointed to a bank, smiling happily and Akutagawa nodded. The night had long ago arrived and a river of stars could be seen in the sky.The boy besides him admired their beauty… whilst Akutagawa admired his. The white hair was shining sliver through the light of the moon and his eyes were glowing in a golden shine. He wasn’t sure if that was the effect of the boy’s ability or not.Then Akutagawa noticed how the other shivered, so he slowly turned Rashomon into a soft blanket, which dropped down onto their shoulders, enveloping them in it’s warmth. It made him feel safe and secure.“T-thank you.”Akutagawa only hummed as an answer.Time passed and he realized that Atsushi fell asleep, his head resting on Akutagawa’s shoulder. His eyes softened at the sight.Until his eyes widened and his heart stopped for a moment.Oh…, now he understood.Closing his eyes and leaning his head against Atsushi’s, he smirked at sensation of the boy’s hair stroking his right cheek.It was once again all about acknowledgement.I’ll wait for you to acknowledge me, he thought, holding onto Atsushi’s left hand with his right. As more than partners.
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