#hmm i want to tag this post so i can find it on my blog later but also i’m scared of Them finding me
dontheckinswear · 1 month
i’m getting real close to blocking the jiang cheng character tag bc every single Discourse™ post i see about him is a bad take. does not matter which side of the argument op is on, their take is always bad and i’m going insane seeing them when mdzs posts pop up.
but also if i block the tag i won’t know what they’re saying in there and i have this burning self destructive curiosity to see what’s happening…
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fragmentedblade · 10 months
I've been reading about xiangqi a bit and now I'm even more obsessed with that one video of Jing Yuan
#Obsessed with the fact they made a point of him not leaving the palace#Anyway I was rewatching this because I still find very amusing that you can see when he steals that piece from the board#Which is something that makes I think more sense considering the ways in which you can check and win in this game#It seems pretty fun actually I think I'll try. Maybe with this being different this time I'll be able to convince someone to play with me#No one wants to indulge me when it comes to chess and I don't like playing online#Hmm actually this game seems less unpleasant to play non physically based on aesthetics#With chess I always have to take out a physical board and it's sort of annoying. The pocket chess I carry around is not much better#Yes I think I'll give xiangqi a try. And look for good books about it and its evolution. I hope I find something#It's always so hard to find things worth reading about topics like these. Like with fencing. Still unsure about what I got about that#After rewatching the video again I have half a mind to make gifs to keep track of his moves. I just really find it very amusing#I love how the move and what is happening in the rest of the video work with what we see him do in the actual game#Personality wise yes but strategically#I think I actually rambled about this in a post a few days ago? Oh wait that was in my main blog I think#I don't know why I make sideblogs if I end up reblogging the posts in the main after all. I always do the same thing#I'll stop now but oh I am really so so fond of him. I think I could talk for hours haha#I talk too much#Jing Yuan#Right now it doesn't seem to appear in the general tag for me but I'll check in a bit again#I really don't know how to organise my rambles anymore with this feature#I miss the five tags thing#Now no matter how much I talk it seems the general tag will always find my posts
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ne-nene-ne · 1 year
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♡ How to gain the dragon's affection ♡
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-> things you can do to make this handsome fae weak in the knees
malleus x reader (fluff!)
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Wear or carry the things he's gifted you!
Whether it's a necklace, bracelet, or even a mini gargoyle statue, have it on you! Malleus will beam with pride when he sees it on your person. I feel like he's a bit of a possessive person, so he'd love seeing you dressed in the things that he, himself has chosen and gifted you.
Indulge him in his passion for exploring ruins and his love for gargoyles!
If you show even the tiniest bit of interest in gargoyles or ruin exploring, you will see Malleus' eyes light up immediately and he will begin talking about it for hours. Please allow him to do so. Not many share his passion or are interested in these types of things (if at all), please listen to him ramble on. Heck, join the Gargoyle Studies Club! Give this dude some company because he's pretty much the only member there. 😭 And look, he's aware that not everyone is interested in the same things he is, but if you at least put in the effort to listen and try to understand, he'd be a happy fae
Include him in your activities!
We already know how much of a complex he has towards being invited/uninvited, so if you constantly make it a point to include him in whatever you're doing, he will feel loved. I don't think he'd be picky about what kind of activity you'd be doing. He'd be open-minded to whatever it is. In fact, he'd try to find possible ways to make it easier on you if it's a difficult task. If it's an artsy/creative activity, like painting, there's a chance he'll either be pretty good at it at first try, or he'll end up making a bit of a mess. I also don't think he'd mind much of this either, even if he did end up looking silly. He would laugh it off heartily and probably be like, "How interesting...!" He's curious about your ways and is very much willing to learn. His adoration for you will just increase if you try to teach him
Help him raise his tamagotchi!
He absolutely loves his Roaring Drago and so if you offer to help him "raise" it or offer to watch over it whenever he's busy, he'll fall more in love with you. Not only will he feel closer to you as you both nurture the little creature, he might even begin to see a future with you and your own little ones (if you ever had that in mind) and oh, how he knows how much he'd love that life dearly if it was spent with you.
Share that full-sized cake with him!
This one is oddly specific but as seen in his profile, Malleus dislikes full-sized cakes because he tried eating one entirely by himself 😅 (ofc he wouldn't feel great afterwards). You might be met with a resistant attitude or sour face from him (out of instinct) when you bring out that whole cake, but show him that it isn't as bad as he thinks when he shares it with someone. Maybe he'll like it! And if he doesn't, well then you guys can smear the leftovers on each other's faces and have a bit of fun!
This poor boy has just been left out on a lot. Make him feel welcomed, wanted, and loved and he will adore you forever 🥺❤️
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a/n: not really proofread tbh but it was a fun one! I might just turn this into a series and do the same for other twst charas. I'm thinking of Azul or Leona next, hmm
And OKAY so I originally posted this on @lyneira (my brand new writing blog) but my posts on there aren't showing up in the tags yet so I guess I'll still be posting some of my writing here until tumblr allows them to be seen 😭 somebody pls interact with my new blog so that tumblr doesn't think I'm a bot 😔
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
22 asks, Happy new years!! :DD🎉🎉
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:DD That's Kwazii! Thank you! I'm so glad you like my redesigns for all of them! :}}}
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Yesn't! Kwazii isn't Calico Jack's son- he's his grandson- but Kwazii is part Calico, part orange tabby! :}}
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Why thank you! :DD
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Well Bibi cant say no to some cookies! XXDD
(Also thank you! I'm glad you like him! :}}} )
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Although I don't know exactly how she would lose her AU.. Grillby and River lost their au becuase of a choice being undone. Think of it like this,
I was thinking that Grillby and Rivers timelines were the result of a humans (likely a Frisk's) decision. Then a reset was done and that decisions was changed. The thing that created that branching timeline was undone. Effectively erasing the timeline and everyone in it..
Because Frisk is the one with the resetting power.. how can her timeline be erased? If she's the one undoing things? The timeline just follows her path.. And since I don't want any of those world destroying sans' around, Like Error and nightmare.. I'm still thinking of ways that she could be left stranded.. :/
All of this said, its a little more complicated then that but that's a simple way to put it-
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Because my AU had already been fully re-written before the DLC came out. And she wasn't written into it :/ nor do I want to add her- she is a lore screw up n' a half- XDD
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Oh? You made a comic? :00 Neat! :DD
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The 1-ups grew out of what now-
(Also thank you! :DD And although I didn't intend for the 1-UPs to grow out of bodies.. it is an interesting/terrifying thought! :D
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Thank you so much! :DD As for facts about my little OCs.. hmm.. trying to remember <XD
Well I know that Bibi's favorite flavor of cake is Vanilla, (same dude)..
And uhh.....
..huh, my memory isn't doing me many favors today. That's about all I can remember- <XDD so sorry!
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Also thank you! :DD I'm glad it does! :}}
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XD No, I would just knock his hat off if I did
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Also! I think you're talking about this comic I made!(?) If so, you can find all the stuff about them under the "deltarune" tag on my blog :00
As for Bibi and my other critters, I'm glad you like them! You can find all of their stuff under either "bibi" or "factual fam" ..Man I really need to make a master post for them-
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No no, I just Googled "marsh rabbit" and drew what I saw :0
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Yes exactly! I believe that's the idea! :00
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XD Whelp Caine is dead-
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD
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Aww! Luigi was getting anxious while training with the ice power so Mario got some fire power and gave him a hug 🥺💖
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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sweetstench · 1 year
answering a bunch of questions
i get lots of asks but i'm bad at responding to them, so here's a big post where i answer all of em in a row. sorry if i missed any
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thank you! honestly voice acting for my videos has helped me a lot over the years; I find it a lot easier to experiment with my voice in character, when it’s detached from my own ego. re: publicly transitioning, i can only speak from my own experience, but i’ve found it just takes a lot of baby steps to get where you want to be. it’s awkward at first but i much prefer to be awkwardly me rather than someone i’m not. i believe in you!
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thanks, that's very considerate! yeah i'm sweetstench on youtube, tiktok, and twitter, and i'm sweet.stench on ig because someone else got it. i'll add the links to my blog header at some point, i hardly know how to use this website
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i'm carter amelia davis, and i don't make creepy videos, all of my videos are nice :)
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NO!!! that is not ok
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hmm i live in minneapolis, that must have been my philly doppelganger
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cool, i'm glad i did a good job tagging that one. someone actually requested the “parasite” tag for that one so i added it. it seems like people really want to define their own experiences on here and i respect that. tagging my posts kinda makes it so I can’t post “in character,” but i also don’t want people to be uncomfortable. my goal with the gore and body horror shit is to be nasty, so i can’t fault people for finding it nasty, haha. just trying to do my best
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thanks, it's been a good one. i had some good tamales
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this is so sweet of you to say! means a lot, truly <3
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i have to imagine this was sent with good intentions but it feels like a well-crafted neg, haha. anyway peace n luv xoxo
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i'm pleased to hear that i’m giving off leaking gas pipe woman vibes. Very cunty
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not sure how to engage with this one , never had someone hit on me anonymously.. you correctly clocked me as a lesbo tho, haha
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nope, can't dwell on my past work. gotta keep moving forward!
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you must be cutie-melon to the fullest extent!
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i looked it up, this is some freaky stuff! thanx for recommend
~~~ General Nice Comments Section ~~~
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~~~ These Are All Appreciated, Thank U ~~~
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i hereby grant swagheartwerewolf permission to fuck, in general. they are no longer banned from making love. that is my decree.
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lorei-writes · 3 days
You seem genuinely nice in your curiosity, so I thought I'd share my thoughts. Maybe this is not the right approach to how to go about interacting on tumblr, but if I notice that there's a blog that I've interacted with somewhat frequently (whether it be liking/reblogging their posts, sending requests when requests are open, etc) and then I notice that interaction is one-sided (either they don't follow me back, they never ever like or reblog my posts and I see them interacting with many others in fandom so I know they are active), I dunno, but I get the feeling they don't like me or my posts, maybe I post too many spoilers, maybe I flood the tags and my posts are annoying or some other third unknown option - and then it snowballs and I worry I'm annoying others with my comments or reblogs or whatever. And I slow my interaction with others out of fear of not being liked or just plain shyness. And sometimes I have unfollowed them. Because, again, I dunno, but I feel like if they don't want to interact with me, perhaps I should not interact with them? When those posts come across my feed because reblogged by a mutual, I will sometimes read/look at if a suitor I like, but when I see who the op is, I become hesitant with interacting, and end up not interacting at all.
I know, devil's advocate - what if this blogger who didn't interact with me has never seen my blog or any of my posts. That might fly in Genshin or HSR fandoms, but not Ikemen. I think by now most everyone knows each other around here (at least those who have been posting for a while and post regularly/frequently). And I'm not the only one who has experienced this...
Thank you for listening to my rambling.
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Hmm... I must admit, Anon, what you've said has left me somewhat conflicted. I can agree that reaching out to a person repeatedly and the effort not being reciprocated can be disheartening. I do think that in this situation it is reasonable to adjust either your expectations ("I know they may not say anything back, but I did enjoy their work regardless, so I will share it." // no expectations of friendship, interacting with posts for the sake of posts alone) or the amount you give out ("I want to have some relationship with this person and they do not reciprocate, therefore I will decrease the amount of effort I put into this." // expectations of friendship, interactions as means of building relationships).
I can tell you that I do not know of a blogger who hasn't appreciated familiar faces in their notification. (Which isn't to devalue your experience. Maybe you met an outlier, maybe this person simply couldn't show it due to their personal circumstances, maybe they thought they showed it and a mismatch in terms of expectations occurred). I can tell you they shouldn't be taken for granted. But I also can tell you that, in some cases, which I do not know whether they are relevant to you, it is simply impossible to give back to everybody.
My experience is what I know best, so allow me to use that as an example. There's over a thousand people following this blog. I do not know all of you. More than this, I do not know all of the creators in the Ikemen Fandom. When I was primarily into Sen, I had no idea who was creating for Pri and was rather surprised to find out that some of those people were considered "big", as I went entirely without ever seeing their names. Even now that I have been invested into Pri for a year, I still find people I have never heard about before... And I still meet people who have no clue who I am or what I do. Likewise, Villains is a fog for me... As I would suspect the "old fandom" may be for you. So, I don't agree with the "most everyone knows each other around here (at least those who have been posting for a while and post regularly/frequently)" statement.
That aside, sometimes it is unfortunate, but it is simply impossible to give back to everybody. And it does suck. Just, hm... I suppose I'd like you to see me now, as it's something I've been struggling with and had to make my peace about? There is only one me. If "just" a hundred of people appear at any given time, or "just" fifty, it is still more than I can reasonably handle. My friendships with people who moved fandoms haven't dissolved and there are only so many relationships I can support. Reliably replying to everything here? I try. But I know I generally can't give back as much as I've received, or at least not in a personal enough manner. It is just too much for a single me. Due to my health issues I am chronically online -- what about people who have more robust offline lives?
Again, I do not know whether that is relevant for your case. It is only that I think it isn't you, as in it isn't about you being a certain way. The situation may just be a result of those mundane circumstances surrounding us. For me personally, a lot of luck is required to expand my circles in a meaningful manner. Of course, it still does suck in the end! Just maybe in a slightly different flavour.
Thank you for listening to my rambles and best of luck <3
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subskz · 6 months
how did you manage to grow your blog so big? people follow me, but it seems like no one wants to send any requests. and i am slowly running out of ideas what to write next :/
hmm it can definitely feel a bit stagnant at first! i'm not sure if you made your blog recently, but sometimes really all it takes is a bit of time and things will progress naturally. i've been writing for 3+ yrs if you count the time before i deactivated my old blog, so it took a lil while for ppl to start coming forward and interacting (and even now, it's really a certain handful of ppl who pop in regularly hehe)
i'm sorry to hear that you feel like you’re losing steam ㅠ the way i started out this blog was by posting some writing i had done that wasn’t requested, putting it in the tags so that ppl could find it, and making sure it was said on my blog that requests were open if anyone wanted to send one! sometimes ppl are a bit shy, so being friendly always helps so that they feel comfy enough to come forward and send smth! if ppl are nervous to send a request, maybe you could try posting polls w different options of what to write next so you can get an idea of what your followers might be interested in! and that might also encourage them to be more interactive and send in a request of their own too 😸 for the issue of coming up w new ideas, you might find it useful to look at writing prompts that provide a short premise to bounce off of, or even just a single line of dialogue that can inspire a fic idea!
my best advice is really to just keep at it as long as you find enjoyment in it and make sure you’re doing/writing what you like, bc that’s the most important part! consistency also definitely helps, but overall i think it’s key to have fun w it and not force yourself, and eventually you’ll grow before u know it!
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itstokkii · 7 days
Hey, I just want to talk to you about a few things in regard to Turkfra's post. I think you should really be more careful about what/who you're insinuating is racist especially because there really was nothing racist about that post or the way she's shipping them. TurkFra is very obviously an enjoyer of France being GNC and even a Transwoman(no matter the ship and just enjoys that characterization clearly), and insinuating that she's only doing that to ship France with Turkey (which isn't even part of MENA so I'm not sure why you're referring to him as if he is?) can sound a tad transphobic if not racist in itself imo. I mean, she wasn't hypermasculinizing him at all. She was just saying that she finds him hot and never mentioned ethnicity. TurkFra also has had "Minors DNI" on her blog for a while(think she still does?), and it is clearly a more adult-oriented space, so I'm not really sure why you were on her blog to begin with… I know you don't mean any harm with this but I think you should take a few seconds before jumping to conclusions about other people like this.
"Turkey (which isnt even a part of MENA so idk why youre referring to him as if he is)"
"Why would you look at her stuff she says Minors dni"
hmm ok interesting. so then tell me why she wouldn't tag appropriately since I could clearly see those posts on the turkey tag. But I guess because she said the magic word open sesa- i mean minors dni her racism is excusable! checkmate liberal 😎😎
"She wasn't hypermasculinating him at all" dang OK then so I guess this was a fever dream?
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dw babe I know enough abt my people being seen as hypermasculine mongols/arabs and about my place being a ~mysterious Agrabah place~ to the Russians to Spot the Orientalism ! no lecturing from anon required ❤️
my whole point being that it's bad to have a feminine france (whether france is a feminine man or a transwoman), alongside a hyper masculinized turkey, brown man(where turkey is explicitly being fetishized for his masculinity and dominance), not to have a feminine france. anyways super white to dodge people calling you out for being weird about brown men dominating subby femme white men only to instead accuse them of being transphobic
bonus fraturk moodboard if you stick to the end ❤️
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hobistyles · 1 year
Forbidden Love (Part Two)
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings/Tags: Cussing, cheating (please don't ever do this), flashbacks, slight smut (but not descriptive), Tae is an asshole, y/n is annoying. *I want to remind everyone that this writing involves infidelity and can make several people uncomfortable, which is never my intention! Please do not read if it makes you uncomfortable*
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
A/N: Sorry, it took me a while to post this since I've been super busy. Part three is already in the works, and hopefully posted soon! Thank you to everyone who has been patient! Also, a big thank you for supporting and following my blog!
“Listen, you either go talk to him and end things now or he’ll find out everything that we’ve been doing behind his back! I’m tired of this back and forth with you, Y/N! I’ve given you multiple chances to go talk to him!”
“Taehyung…please don’t do this to me! You know how hard it is. I just can’t bring myself to do it!” Tears form down your face, feeling anxious about the whole thing. You knew this was wrong and you couldn’t ever forgive yourself for cheating on a guy like Jungkook. Cheating was never taught to you, in fact, you never agreed with it. It was just something that happened out of nowhere. It was worse knowing how Jungkook was towards you. He adored you, treated you like an absolute queen, spoiled you, gave you everything and more than you could ever ask for. That’s why it broke your heart that you were doing this and you never understood why, but you just couldn’t stop. Taehyung was like a drug to you.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Taehyung puts his finger on your chin, pulling your head up to face him. “It’s too late to cry, princess. You weren’t crying when all of this had started…or when I had you screaming my name for hours.”
“Fuck you! I’m not telling Jungkook anything. I don’t want to be with you anymore, Tae. I can’t do this to him!”
Taehyung swallows harshly. He bawls his fist up and slams it against the wall next to you, making you jump.
“I…I don’t love you.” You look deeply into his eyes.
Before you can add anything else, he stops you mid way. “You don’t mean it. I know what we both feel.”
“Alright, just know that this is what you asked for!” He walks away, furious that you couldn’t build the courage to leave his best friend. He slams the door shut and you immediately start to panic. Is he going to tell him? You rush towards the door, but no signs of Taehyung in the hallway. You want to go after him, but maybe it’s the best for him to let Jungkook know. You were ready to face the consequences of your actions and you just hoped that your boyfriend would forgive you. No, that’s not what you wanted. You didn’t want to lose him, so you were going to make sure that Jungkook would never find out. Even if that meant going back and forth with Taehyung.
“The spark isn’t there and I feel him so distant. It makes me feel like he doesn’t care about me anymore.” Tears stream down your face as you look into Taehyung’s eyes. All he could do was feel sympathy. He didn’t like seeing you so vulnerable—so destroyed. Throughout the years of being with Jungkook, it made you build a strong relationship with Taehyung. However, when your relationship with Jungkook was starting to fall off, Taehyung was your shoulder to cry on.
“What if he has someone else?” You cry, pouring yourself another glass of wine.
“He’s not, and hey! You’re on your third bottle Y/N. Drinking is not good for you and it’s not going to solve anything!”
“I don’t care! Tonight it will and as my best friend, you should have a glass with me. You’ve only had a couple.”
“I’ve had enough Y/N…I’m feeling it right now as we speak.”
You look over at Taehyung as he slumps himself on your couch. Eyes closed, hair messy, cheeks flustered by the alcohol he had consumed.
“T…are you even listening to me?”
“Hmm? I am, I am, I’m up,” he chuckles as he looks into your eyes.
Your gaze falls on his plump, perfectly shaped lips. “I just. I just want to be loved Taehyung.” You whisper as you slowly lean closer to him. “It’s been a while since Jungkook has made me feel that way. I want to be able to know I’m desired by my man.” You didn’t give Taehyung a chance to speak as your lips crash into his. You quickly pull away, realizing your mistake.
“Taehyung! I—I’m sorr-” He cuts you off mid sentence and pulls your face to his, kissing you passionately. Before you know it, Taehyung is in between your legs pumping himself in and out of you. Each thrust was full of love, affection, something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Baby? You alright?” Jungkook laughs as he waved his hand in front of your face before pulling you closer to him. The two of you cuddled in the couch.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Babe, have you spoken to Taehyung?”
“Not recently, he’s been busy or so he says. I think he may have someone he’s seeing. He talks about her all the time with the rest of the hyungs. But, what’s the sudden question for?”
You shrug, “No reason at all, just—” your words are cut off by a quiet knock at the door. “I’ll get it,” you smile at Jungkook as he releases his grip on you. You turn the knob and there he was…Kim Taehyung. “W-what are you doing here?”
“Is Jungkook here? I need to talk to him,”
“No,” you put your hands on his chest, trying to stop him from coming inside.
“I’m telling him everything we’ve done and you’re packing your shit and coming with me!”
“Be quiet, please!” You cover his mouth, “Jungkook is inside! Look, listen…if you leave, I’ll go see you right now!” There was nothing that came to mind to stop Taehyung from causing a scene, so that was the only thing that you could come up with.
“You promise?” He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close to him.
You nod, causing him to sigh.
“Give me a kiss, Y/N.”
“I—I can’t…not right now.”
“Fine,” he grips your jaw to face him, “but you’re going to spend the night with me,” and with that, he walked away.
Shivers ran down your spine, thinking of how could you possibly tell Jungkook that you were leaving for the night. How you were abandoning him to be with another man, that man being his best friend. All the lies made your adrenaline ruin through your veins. Another reason why you couldn’t leave Taehyung alone.
“Kook…” You whisper.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Something came up and I need to go. Don’t wait up on me, I probably won’t come back till tomorrow morning.”
“What? Who was that? Why do you have to go so suddenly? Please don’t leave me. It’s been hard to take off from work so we can spend time together, Y/N.”
“I know, I know, but my friend really needs me. She had this big fight with her boyfriend and she just needs my support. I promise as soon as she calms down, I’ll come back and we can spend the night together. Does that sound good?” You kiss his lips, trying to bring him some sort of comfort.
“Yeah, just come back, please.” He smiles and kisses your hand, letting you go.
It took everything in you not to fall apart in front of him. His words stabbed your heart a million times. Was it possible that maybe you were in love with Taehyung that you were willing to break Jungkook’s heart? You grab your keys, trying to keep yourself together in front of your boyfriend. The car starts, tears rolling down your face as you drive to go see Taehyung once again. You couldn’t wait to be in his arms, smell him, touch him…so many thoughts came to your head, but one thing you were certain of was that you wanted to be with your lover tonight.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
I'm pretty new to this area (my profile lies; I did create this account about 10 years ago when LiveJournal was dying but totally forgot about it until I accidentally logged in to create an account to ask for wangxian fic LOL) so how can I go back and check out older ITMF posts on my phone? The endless scroll and lack of bookmarks are making it hard to keep track.
Or are they ultimately collecting in the comp posts and I don't need to trawl for all the recs? (Because when I read an ITMF I suddenly am also ITMFing for that ask as well, and a plethora of recs lurk out of my reach...)
I'm actually unsure? I know we have a link in the directory for itmf posts but I don't know how you can check out older itmf without endlessly scrolling?
Hmm. Sorry, I have no idea.
- Mod C
gentil-minou said: I've been able to use the search function on the blog with some success, but because of tumblr's iffy search system it's not very good. My advice if you have an itmf, send an ask for it! A lot of the requests get repeated and there's always new fics added to fill them up!
the-marathon-continues-nip said: the blog does not tag each iitmf post with a unique identifier (I don't think) but if you search on this blog for iitmf and have the date options turned on to see when they were posted, you can get more posts. I think that may be better on desktop than mobile
also FWIW don't feel like you will miss out because eventually we all get around go reccing fandom fave fics and then you can see people's bookmarks and authors bookmarks and go from there, I promise you will get to the ones you want and find new ones along the way!
theladypeartree said: Bottom line is, you can't on mobile, unless it's in the browser :/ that's just how it is with Tumblr sometimes 😕🤷🏽‍♀️
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Psych anon (I love that I can make a play on words and make it look like psychic lmao, that was such a terrible joke, I'm so sorry).
First, I'm loving that people ask for my input and I'm always here to provide it. Don't be shy, if anyone (including you mod) wants to ask questions or ask me to analyze their behavior I'm here for it.
Anyways, I wish I had a longer video than that one, but with this tiny clip here are a few things that I noticed (please know this is the first time I've seen T with his gf so yeah, I'm going to risk and make an assessment solely on that which isn't something I'd normally do but considering everything I'm going to make exceptions). In this particular case, he's somewhat distant physically from his gf but also seems amused by her antics. However, he was paying more attention at the camera than he was paying attention to her. Maybe it was because of the fact that he knew he was being filmed, but only he and her seem to acknowledge it's existence. I can't make too many assumptions with just this small clip, but I did find that interesting because let's say we compare his interactions with R during interviews. Whenever she's doing something he might fund amusing/sweet/interesting his body language will engage with her and its almost like he forgets he's being recorded so there's that.
Now, let's talk R and J. I had to watch it a few times and I'm still unsure where Rachel's eyes were focusing on. I can't tell if she was looking at some point behind T's gf, if she was looking at J, or somewhere else, but J appears to be as he always seems to be whenever he's with her, not really quite there. Again, R is apparently looking at him while he's drinking and not even paying attention to her. I'm not going as far as saying he's uncomfortable, but he's not fully present in the moment either which seems to be a recurring theme whenever we see him with R.
As for R, she does this little movement of kind of leaning her had back and her eyes follow the same movement. It's almost imperceptible and I had to watch it a couple of times to notice it. Maybe she was trying to get comfortable, maybe her back was bothering her, but tbh it almost looks like she's subconsciously "leaning in" to see what T is doing.
Just right after she does this thing with her mouth that I can't find the word for in English given it's my second language that it MIGHT be a signed of annoyance and frustration, note that I said might. And right after that it's the first time we see her eyes drifting away from that general direction (that's is the one thing I'm still not sure about in when it comes to her pattern of behavior and why she might've done).
I'm so sorry I'm annoying anyone with the amount of words lmao.
LOL @ at the terrible joke, please, Psych.
You’re famous on this blog, people have been summoning you here :)
I wonder who filmed this? It seems like a friend of theirs because they tagged her in the post. Maybe a wrap up party for the film since it was in Berlin too? If it’s their friend then that’s why only T and his gf acknowledge the camera?
Guess T invited his gf to hang out with some of the cast. Hmm.
But yeah, she winks at the camera and then turns to see what T is doing but he keeps his focus on the camera and not her. They have some distance between them too.
To me, R is looking at what T is doing while purposely ignoring the camera and looks amused by T’s face maybe? J, per usual, is clueless and zoned out lol.
Is it just me or does the party have a weird vibe to it? Could be that everyone is drunk and tired lol but everyone is in their own world.
Do you have a guess as to why J follows T’s gf but R doesn’t? They’ve met a couple of times now. Here and for Halloween (they dressed as Scooby Dog)
And you’re not annoying at all, I appreciate long posts!!!! :D
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.4
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Today we have  @whump-in-the-closet to tell us all about his experience with whump!
So good to have you here! Do you want to start with a fun fact or two?
The name’s Troy, I will be an adult and attending uni in just a few months. I love the colour green, and I really love making fictional people suffer beyond measure! Besides that, I like to read and procrastinate on my homework. I’m a huge Voltron nerd by the way. Will talk for hours about Lance! 
Ok! Let’s start with the obvious, what does whump mean to you?
People in any sort of pain. Psychological, emotional, physical, doesn’t matter as long as they’re in some sort of misery!
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
Scrolling through the whump tag on tumblr, I would use various prompts in my personal writing. Then I found a whump story that got me entirely hooked and I made an account so I could get updated when it posted.
That’s really neat! Has anything changed about the way you view whump since that first story?
Hmm…well whenever I first started scrolling through the whump side of tumblr, I saw a lot of posts saying something along the lines of “no lady whump and no minor whump” so I kind of made my account with the mindset I wasn’t supposed to write about that kind of stuff. Good news is that I came across some blogs which showed me that not liking lady and minor whump is personal taste only. And so I’ve found that I personally enjoy reading and writing lady/ minor whump in the same way any other character would be whumped. 
Yeah, it can feel like we all write the same things but there really are no rules! Do you have some specific favourite whump tropes? 
Nonhuman whumpee! Dehumanization! Voice cracking from disuse! Stoic whumpee finally breaking down! Magic used as a torture method! Violence!! Breaking bones are also *chefs kiss*!
And a favourite piece you've written? 
For Raising Chaos, I really like this piece I wrote it recently and not only is it a crucial plot point, but there’s a lot of despair and emotional knife-work. Fun! 
Outside of that series, I really like this because I really like white room torture! And again there’s a lot of dependence on the characters slipping grasp of reality to get the point across and I’m kind of proud of how it turned out.
These are so awesome! Who doesn’t love some emotional knife work? Do you have a regular or specific writing routine?
I like having a cup of tea or coffee with me when I write, but I don’t really have a writing schedule. Whenever I get hit with an idea (an image, an emotion, a scrap of dialogue) I’m running to the laptop to type it out before I forget. Usually it’s only a paragraph or so, but if I have the aforementioned tea, I can sometimes get out a page or two before my brain dies.
Do you find your writing strengths vary?
Writing what a character is feeling rather than what they’re physically going through is something that I enjoy writing. The words flow better for me, especially if the character is in pain— writing how the thoughts break off, the internal panic, etc. I get to use italics and it’s great. 
On the other side of the aisle, I hate writing descriptions in the physical sense. Descriptions of people? Can’t do it. Descriptions of terrains and settings? Really can’t do it. 
So in summary, I Iike writing emotions and internal dialogue, and I find writing setting and other physical aspects boring.
Nice! Is there anything specific you’re currently working on?
I have a fantasy WIP I’m supposedly working on, but right now I am more interested in finding all of my main characters’ breaking points. I’ve written like three or four scenes in the past few days that probably won’t be posted on my blog or anything, but they have been amazingly whumpy!
From what you’ve told us, it sounds like you really know your stuff! Is there any advice you’d like to share?
Don’t compare your writing to other people! Mates, one of the biggest things I’ve learned in my short years is that writing isn’t a competition. You don’t need to be better than the next guy. And sure, maybe in a few years or even a few weeks, you’ll look back and wonder what possessed you to write what you did, but look at how much you’ve accomplished! You wrote that 50k story no one’s going to read except your closest friends, and you had a blast doing it! Your friends enjoyed it! Someone’s life was momentarily cheered up because of your writing. And yeah, that someone can be you.
Finally, spread a bit of love! Let’s shout out some whump blogs!
There are so many awesome people on here! I’m sure I'm missing a couple names but here goes… 
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast (villain whump, cannibalism, gore, absolutely awesome ocs!) 
@another-whump-sideblog (pet whump, dehumanization, masterful 2nd person pov) 
@verkja (fantasy whump, has a series I binge read in like two days, in awe of his writing skills) 
@whump-queen (number one whump demon, his writing prompts give me so much inspiration, so much emotional whump)
Any parting words?
Don’t be afraid to have fun mates!
Thanks for stopping by, @whump-in-the-closet!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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w3bpunk · 1 year
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Hmm ok. So I'm going to comment on this, not because I feel like defending staff. But because misinformation is the enemy of improvement, and posts like this dont give an accurate impression of what is actually happening behind the scenes. I don't expect OP to listen to me because they've made their stance clear, but I think this is useful to write for my own blog and recording-keeping. The sanitization of the internet and data privacy are topics I think about frequently, and that's what I started this blog for.
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Let's start with OP's tags. I want to talk about the original December 2018 porn ban that occurred when Yahoo owned Tumblr. These are screenshots from Wikipedia.
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I find it hard to believe that Yahoo would have any reason to believe that what they were doing would be popular or profitable. It is true that if they were unable to stay in the app store they would also lose money since it's a fair guess most of Tumblr's users rely on the app. But this was so very clearly not the big bucks move, because let's be honest-- adult content is very profitable. It is just so easy to get hit by legal trouble if you want to do it safely. Here's a quote from the CEO of Automattic.
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What I want to zero in on here is the fact that identity verification is mentioned as a necessity factor. For me, that is a frightening thing to propose. I don't especially want to be sending that information online, because data breaches can ruin your life. Now, what I don't understand is Tumblr users wanting sex workers to be permitted on here freely, while also decrying the data collection of Tumblr Live (more on that later) and not understanding that these two viewpoints are not really compatible.
Some might even call it hypocritical, which is ironic because there are people in the tags in this original post calling staff hypocritical for "allowing" Tumblr Live to show things that violate the TOS like this. Well that's the thing. This is "allowed" just as much as the porn bots are, which is to say that staff does not have the resources to spend labor hours on this problem because they are not making a profit and cannot cover it all.
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I really wonder about people who say things like this. Do you want this website to function like you believe it should or not? Blaming staff for this is more or less equivalent to blaming waitstaff at a restaurant for being slow being they're understaffed. And the irony is here that Automattic is not understaffing Tumblr because they refuse to pay their employees. It is because they are currently operating at a deficit.
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These are excerpts from a more comprehensive post by Tumblr's COO. If you want to read the full post, it is reblogged before this one.
In short-- you want to talk about profits? Yahoo lost so much money they had to sell. Tumblr's current parent company isn't profiting off of it either. Imagining Tumblr as money-hungry is about as accurate as saying needing money for your own labor at work is money-hungry. If you care about Tumblr existing at all, Automattic is probably the best candidate for the job based on them running WordPress. And WordPress is FOSS.
If you're unfamiliar with what that means, it means that WordPress' source code is available for the community to view and make suggestions for, and the service is free. This is how Linux's community functions. It is a huge deal if you want any chance at defesting corporations like Meta or Google or Microsoft. You can see Automattic feels a type of way about it from their company values (automattic.com/creed). Not to say I give them my full and open trust, but that I look at it with cautious optimism, and we need more people to value what FOSS does for us.
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Lastly, let's talk about these comment tags from a reblog on the original post. I already briefly touched on the idea of data privacy, but what data does Tumblr Live collect from users?
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The answer is that Tumblr Live collects age, username, and IP location. They also have a policy where you do not need to show your face for age verification purposes. That's IP location, and not GPS location like some apps use. Therefore, if you use a VPN, all Tumblr Live would have to identify you is your username and your age. I cannot stress how much nonsense it is to put this on the same tier as say, Discord. Discord is about to start scraping user messages in order to train chatbots. That is so many times worse because the data being collectived is much more sensitive. You, as a conscious user of the internet, need to make a distinction between what is actually sensitive data and what isn't. Not just stopping at "this service collects data" and seeing red. This is actually important in order to articulate what is and isn't okay for corporations to do with your data. One more thing-- the contractor being used for Tumblr Live is actually European themselves. They're based in Germany, who have always been more stringent about private data than the US.
Okay. I think that's enough. Unlike OP, my ask box is open for conversation about this. This wasn't written to be a dick, but because I wanted to do my due diligence here. My citations aren't perfect but if you would like me to extrapolate about something with a source, I will.
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wylde-lore · 6 months
Cosmic Indifference - a Murder Drones AU
Let's start things off by taking a step back. We are stuck in a hole beneath the ice and stone. It's boring here. Let's see the sights this planet has to offer.
...Hmm, strange. Did Uzi and her crew get smaller? Well, it's probably nothing to worry about.
Let's take another step back. Copper 9 implies that it's the 9th planet in this system. What are the others like? Do they have Drones? Are they plagued by Disassembly Drones and Solver infections?
Ok, the main cast is definitely smaller now. As if they're... becoming insignificant the farther back we go. But we can't stop now.
Another step back. The Copper system is but a singular solar system among untold trillions, and each and every one has its own stories. The traumas our favorite Drones face are so small from up here.
But what if we went even further? Now we are among not just the universe, but the multiverse. What manner of cosmic beings - gods, even - are out here? How do they perceive the Solver? Is it a great threat to them? Or is it a mere blip in the grand scheme of things? Uzi, N, V, J, Tessa, Khan, Nori, Yeva, Cyn, they are all mere specks of dust from up here, floating adrift in an unfeeling and uncaring universe. And, when you think about it, that's what they are; clumps of cosmic stardust created and given sentience by other dust clumps.
This world is indifferent to the plights of mortals. The gods do not care for the Drones, if they even know they're there. They are wrapped up in grander things. But what are these grander things? By studying the multiverse and the cosmic beings that govern its rules, what can we learn?
What happens when we embrace the Eldritch Truth?
Hihihi! <3 I hope you liked my little intro.
I'm Mod Andy (no that is not my real name) and I've created this blog to share an AU of mine - one that focuses less on the local setting of the show and more on the greater universe that it lives in.
I got a LOT of special interests and my silly little Autism brain won't let me make this AU without cross-contaminating the AU with other stuff that fascinate me, so watch out for stuff like crossovers with other things I like, magic, modern fantasy in general, body horror, lovecraftian horror, eldritch horror, cosmic horror, and good old fashioned existentialism.
In case you can't tell I REALLY like horror. If that's not your cup of tea, I can respect that. I also recommend you start running as far away from me as you can, and as fast as you can.
Now, because I'm not a monster, probably, I will tag my post with the necessary trigger warnings if needed. If I missed a warning on a post, please don't be afraid to let me know.
Oh, and one more thing before I let you go! You can actually find this AU alive and active over on my RP blog, @ask-wylde-and-co. There's also @storytime-with-dr-wylde if you want lore in a story format, and for ooc stuff you can check out my main, @how-and-why-do-i-know-this!
That should be everything for now. I'll see you all later in your nightmares! <3
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes
I was tagged by the lovely @angelasscribbles, I'm copying and pasting just so it won't be such a long post, but you can find her answers here.
Rules: Use this (https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator) generator to generate a quote for your characters and share as many as you like! I tagged as many people as I had quoted, but you can tag however many you want to!
Ethan x Kaycee
Kaycee: Come on, Ethan, do it for our friendship. You can't put a price on that... Ethan: Yes, I can, dear. Fifty dollars.
Tobias x Casey
Tobias: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Casey: The dishes. Tobias: Wh- Casey: They’ve been there for 4 days, and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them, and I have asked you to do so several times.
More below and they are AMAZING! I got out of control lol You have to do this!
Ethan x Kaycee x Tobias
Tobias: It smells like henway in here. Ethan: Kaycee: Ethan. Kaycee, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here? Ethan: *sigh* Ethan: What's a henway? Tobias: OH, ABOUT TEN POUNDS!
Tobias x Casey x Ethan
Ethan: Coca-Cola can remove rust from metal; imagine what it’s doing to your body. Tobias: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot. Ethan: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Casey: Hmm... I've been drinking soda, and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Ethan x Tobias
Tobias: I sort of did something, and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. Ethan: And you came to me?
Ethan x Harper x Tobias
Tobias: You really believe in Ethan? Harper: Luckily, he believes in himself enough for the both of us.
Tobias x Vivian
Vivian: Guess what I'm about to get! Tobias: On my nerves.
Eli x Zoe (WTD)
Zoe, putting their hands over Eli's eyes: Guess who! Eli: It's either Zoe or the cold, clammy hands of death. Zoe, putting their hands away: It's Zoe! Eli: Dammit.
Eli x Troy (WTD)
Eli: So I have made the decision to trust you. Troy: A horrible decision, really.
Eli x Zoe x Troy (WTD)
Zoe: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins? Eli: Can't relate. Troy: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
Tagging some folks I think will like this, but anyone can do this!
@jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @storyofmychoices @genevievemd @potionsprefect @a-crepusculo @lucy-268 @mydemonsdrivealimo @doriopenheart @missameliep @burnsoslow @inlocusmads @aallotarenunelma @openheartforeverinmyheart @mysticalgalaxysstuff @peonyblossom @annfg8 @ofmischiefandmedicine @lilyoffandoms @peonierose @trappedinfanfiction @icecoffee90 @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @takeharryandgo @crazy-loca-blog @queencarb @dr-colossal-pita
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Congrats on the 8 Hundo!! Your writing's been a joy to read ^ ^! can we get a prompt 6 with Amber? Love that funky fire bunny archer
“I remember practising how to ask you out in front of the mirror”
Characters: Amber x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
This post is part of my 800 Follower event, if you'd like to read more post belonging to the event, you can find them under the tag #JustASimp'sSimpingEvent on my blog
a/n: I can't put in words how much I love Amber. She was definitely one of my favourite characters in the beginning and I love her as much as I hate Hoyoverse for making her gameplay so… eugh. I could probably build her and have a decent time, but I could also just place her into my teapot to farm friendship levels… hmm.
I didn’t write for Amber in some time, so if she’s a bit ooc, then I’m very sorry. But I think this should be at least decent
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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You’d often run into Amber doing her work for the knights of Favonius, be it patrolling the areas around Mondstadt or accidentally nearly giving you a heart-attack by suddenly appearing in the tree next to you, looking out for potential threats. Whenever you did, the two of you would talk for as long as the outrider could without remembering that she was on duty at the moment.
You quickly found yourself admiring the way she managed to talk to complete strangers as if they had been friends for years, remembering how frantically you went through all your memories the first time the two of you spoke, trying to remember if you two knew each other in your childhood and you just forgot who exactly she was, only to find out later that you had actually never met.
Like most days you found yourself in the middle of the woods, searching for mushrooms, berries, and all kinds of other, possible ingredients for lunch. Sure, you could have just bought them in the market square of Mondstadt and be done with, making your job much easier, but where’d be the fun in that? Just as you picked up another mushroom that would be perfect for chicken-mushroom-skewer and where about to put it in your basket, you heard someone call out your name, causing your head to instantly turn in the direction the sound was coming from.
“Oh, Amber, I didn’t expect to run into you here of all places. Are you on duty again?”, you asked once she was near enough to hear you, your lips curved into a welcoming smile. Seeing Amber while foraging in the woods wasn’t exactly a rare sight, she was an outrider after all… well, the outrider, to be more precise. What caught you off-guard was her shaking her head in response.
“Well, it makes sense that you’d assume that, after all I usually am. But no, not today. I saw you walk into the forest alone and thought I might as well keep you some company, you know, to make sure that you wouldn’t get hurt by wild boars or wolfs”, Amber responded with a wide, shining smile before striking a proud pose.
“Wow, what a responsible knight you are, sacrificing your own free time to make sure your fellow citizens don’t get harmed”, you stated jokingly, causing the outrider to play along and nod while humming in approval.
It didn’t take the two of you to start your usual routine again, talking about all kinds of stuff, from what happened the past few days, to what you were going to cook with your found ingredients, and even just a few funny stories, causing the two of you to end up as nothing but laughing messes. When you finally calmed down, you suddenly felt the atmosphere get a bit more serious, causing you to glance to Amber to see what she was up to, only to find her check her surroundings before turning back to you.
“Hey, would you mind if I asked you something?”, she eventually asked, her somewhat more serious tone still managing to catch you off-guard. Nevertheless, you quickly answered her question, telling her she could ask you whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, only for Amber to bombard you with both questions and information, her fast talking making it hard to understand everything. Whenever you managed to decipher one sentence, she had already thrown three more your way.
“Wait, Amber… slow down, please”, you eventually cut her off, your head starting to hurt from all the attempts to understand her ramble. “I can’t understand half of what you were saying”, you eventually added, putting down your basket and using your hands to massage your temples.
“I’m sorry, I remember practising how to ask you out in front of the mirror, but it seems like I didn’t account the effect of being nervous”, she apologised, causing you to immediately wave your hand in dismissal.
“No problem, I’m also not good with dealing with nervou-”, you were about to answer, only to stop yourself in the middle of the sentence. “Wait… Ask me out?”, you repeated, not being sure if you heard her right.
“Yes, I thought that I could show you how to build a baron bunny—the non-explosive kind of, course—or just go out to eat something at Good Hunter, if that’s what you’d like more”, she explained, unintentionally making your brain stop for a couple of seconds, causing you to blankly stare at her for a few seconds, making the outrider start to worry.
“Like… as friends?”, you found yourself once again asking, wanting to make absolutely sure you didn’t misunderstand her. Amber was a kind and outgoing person, one whose way of speaking made even total strangers wonder if they really didn’t knew her and weren’t actually best friends, so her asking you out as friends didn’t seem too farfetched.
“No…”, she answered, only to quickly add something, while flaying her arms in front of her “Well, if you’d like to be just friends instead that would be totally fine too. I wouldn’t want to force you into something you didn’t want.”
You stood there in silence for a couple of seconds, trying to comprehend what she had just said, only to quickly stutter out an answer when you noticed the look of worry on her face, “O-oh sure. Sorry, I was just t-trying to make sure I didn’t misunderstand anything.”
Amber’s face immediately lit up, her smile bigger than any you had ever seen before. “Great! Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”, she asked, only for you to nod in response. “Then how about I’ll show you then how to build yourself a plushie as amazing as baron bunny?”, she suggested, smiling even brighter when you accepted her proposal, before saying her good-byes and waltzing-off, waving you until you could no longer see her, leaving both of you excited for the next day.
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