#his stomach hair is driving me insane im so in love with him
wormy-business · 1 year
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New transition goals just dropped
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literaila · 1 month
Gojo having a baby girl is literally driving me insane like how is that man a father HES THE BABY 😭
this is so true.
i know that man is pouting for the baby’s first year at least because, well, simply put—she’s taking all of his attention.
she’s the one who gets to sleep on you every day and night, she’s the one you’re making silly noises at, and she’s the one who you’re cooing over when satoru is standing there being as cute as he can possibly be!
is it so wrong to be jealous of his own daughter?
and yeah yeah, whatever. he knows that she’s a baby and she needs more codling than a (so called) adult man does, but still. he made her, shouldn’t she be on his side?
so he sits in the rocking chair while you put her in her crib, being careful not to wrap her too tight in the blankets. he’s watching you smile at her and basically fawn over a lump of flesh (yes, she is adorable, but that’s not the point).
seriously, she can’t even speak to you. she can’t tell you how beautifully you’re adapting to your newborn lifestyle, or how pretty you look with spit up on your shirt.
guess who can though? satoru.
not that you care, apparently.
so if he’s crossing his arms and frowning while he watches you be perfect for someone else, sue him.
“are you pouting again?”
“i’m not pouting.”
you finally look over to satoru, tilting your head. “you’ve got wrinkles from frowning so much.”
“what? no i don’t.”
you smile at him and walk over, immediately easing into the hands that wrap around your waist. even this close, satoru is still look at you begrudgingly. resentfully.
“are you seriously jealous of your own daughter?”
“i didn’t realize that you’d completely forget about me once she was born.”
“i haven’t—“
“am i just a pretty face to you? something nice to look at when you come home?”
you scoff. “okay, first of all, if anyone has a pretty face around here, it’s her—“
“this is what i’m talking about—“
“and second of all, yes. we’ve talked about this. you’re just my eye candy.”
he frowns. “your eye candy deserves more attention.”
“my eye candy is being awfully needy.”
“your eye candy misses you.”
you smile again, leaning against him. satoru tightens his hands around you, nuzzling his face into your stomach. you run a hand through his hair. “i miss you too”
“no you don’t,” he mumbles into your shirt.”
“i do!” you laugh, pulling on his hair so he’ll look at you. “but as long as you’re right here with me, i’m okay.”
“you’re just okay?” he asks, despairingly.
“having you here is enough for me, satoru.”
he groans, falling back into your skin.
you coo at him softly, giving him a makeshift hug.
“you’ve got a new baby,” he whispers, “i’m outdated.”
you snort. “you’ve always been outdated.”
satoru lifts his head up, pouting once again. “that’s mean.”
“sorry, baby,” you whisper, kissing his forehead. “i’ll check my schedule, see if i can pencil you in somewhere.”
“i think im free in about… mmm, three to six months.”
he groans again.
“hey,” you whisper, trailing a finger down his perfect face.
“i love you.”
he meets your eyes, and his lips twitch, knowing and just as fond. “are you sure?”
“are you jealous?” you retort.
he sighs. “i guess i can’t really blame you. she is cute.”
you turn in his arms, looking towards the crib once again. “isn’t she?”
and maybe satoru is a little bit jealous. but he’ll get over it. because, honestly, the tiny bundle in that crib is going to grow up—but he’ll always be your baby.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 2 months
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summary - you spent the whole day waiting to see your boyfriend and when you do it was worth the wait
warnings - super fluffyyyy, kissing, use of y/n, suggestive????
sitting in class i couldnt wait to see chris. we have been dating for over 8 months now and i could not be any happier with our relationship. except for when we were apart. all day i just wanted to see him, kiss him, hug him and just be with him. i go to uni while him and his brothers pursue their wildly successful youtube channel and we somehow met at an LA party. ever since then i never wanted to be away from him. but uni classes are extremely time consuming so usually i just spend nights with him when i can.
today was one of those nights and i was physically jittery just waiting to see him later. just imagining ordering dinner watching a movie and sharing some time together was more than enough motivation for me to speed the hell out of class when we were dismissed around 8pm. i went to my dorm, showered, packed, and put on a tank top, sweatpants and head out the door.
the drive feels a million minutes too long as i finally get to his house which he shares with his triplet brothers and i eagerly grab my sleepover bag and my laptop from my bag seat and sprint towards the front door. knocking and impatiently waiting for an answer and im greeted by nick, “oh hey y/n, didnt know you were coming tonight i thought you had that huge assignment due.” he welcomes me in. “i decided i would just work on it here, just wanted to see chris you know.” i smile, “you guys are so in love it actually drives me insane.” he jokingly scoffs and rolls his eyes. i laugh and walk in taking my shoes off and walking downstairs to his room.
i walk in and dont see him but hear the shower running, internally thanking myself for showering beforehand cause all i wanted to do was just be with my boyfriend. his room is awfully cold so i just put my stuff down and engulf myself with his duvet. getting comfy and slightly dozing off as i wait for him.
i faintly hear the bathroom door open and hear him walk towards the bed but dont feel a dip in the mattress, “chris!” i exclaim getting up and moving towards the edge of his bed and hug his torso laying my head on his stomach. “hi my girl.” he chuckles placing a hand on the back of my head. i feel drops of water from his wet hair and hear him sigh, “long day?” i ask.
“yeah but its ok im glad you decided to do your paper here i was missing you.” he says and i look up at him. he bends down and places a kiss on my lips before lifting me up and placing my on the floor. “what do you want to eat im so hungry.” he asks, “honestly ill eat anything lets ask your brothers what they want.” i suggest. he nods and leads me out of the room upstairs
we all decide on ordering for an italian place and we all end up getting alfredo.
“im gonna go brush my teeth babe.” i say getting up from the dinner table and placing my plate in the dishwasher. chris nods at me as he continues to talk to his brothers and i make my way down to his bathroom.
taking out the toothbrush i leave at his house and brush them and use mouth wash. i wash my face and put on my skincare getting ready for bed and see chris starring at me from the door way. i smile at him and he walks over placing a kiss to my cheek before grabbing his tooth brush.
i prop myself up on the counter and just watch him as he does so, admiring his every move. i never knew that i could be so infatuated by someone that i enjoy watching them do something so simple such as brushing their teeth. “wanna go put on our show?” he spits out the toothpaste in his mouth. i smile and nod at him and hop off the counter walking towards the bed and grabbing the remote. turning on the episode and pausing it waiting for chris.
i get up when i see him walk back in to the room and hold my arms out at him. he smiles and wraps his arms under mine and we lay down. my head is on his chest and our legs and tangled under the covers. i sigh contentedly against him and he looks down, “whats wrong?”
“absolutely nothing.” i smile nuzzling my head closer to him, “i missed you so much today, i couldnt wait for class to be over so i could see you.”
“i missed you today too.” he smiles and i lift my head up to kiss him. he flips us over so he laying on top of me now and places kisses all over my face, neck, collar and then rests his head down in the crook of my neck. “are you done yet?” i chuckle and i feel him nod.
thanks for reading xx
taglist: @sleepysturnss @blahbel668 @alorsxsturn @w4nnabeurs @junnniiieee07 @waydasims @matthewloverr @bitchydragonparadise @matthewsturnioloswifey @iloveneilperry @stunza @realuvrrr @sturnsjtop @canthelpit0 @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturnssmuts @emlovesthesturniolos @demisthings05
a/n: wrote this immediately after i had this exact dream so if its ass blame my sleepy state!!!
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mushiewrites · 2 months
(I'm about to kill you here Mushie) I just realized, no one has ever written about this position. Let's use snf as an example (for Sap's thunder thighs)
Sapnap chilling on the couch until George decides to be annoying and sits between his legs on the floor, constantly jostling his comfortable position, talking through the whole movie, tugging his leg hair. Sapnap eventually just leans forward and snatches George’s tiny wrists, pulls them out so he's T posing in a way and sets his legs over his biceps. When he releases George’s wrists, the weight of his legs pressing his keeps his arms pinned out, he can't even reach past his thighs with his bent elbows. Sapnap just takes out his annoyance slowly and methodically, working all of George’s tickle spots in just the way he knows how, to drive George crazy, even worse for him is he's so close to grabbing him but he can only brush his fingers against his wrists
first off. i am so so sooooo sorry im so late on this (i know you dont care but IM SORRY ANYWAY)
second. i adore the trope of a lee almost being able to stop the ler, but stopping just short of it. it's so incredibly cruel for absolutely no reason. its perfect
….anyway, lets get into it
we all know how much of a little shit george is - he's a natural brat, he just cant help it! its not his fault he was born like this! but regardless, there are people who take it better than others. dream and sapnap being the perfect example. i mean, dont get me wrong; dream absolutely gets annoyed by george, but hes just so fond of him that he normally just lets it slide
but sapnap? absolutely not.
the day he learns how ticklish george is is the best day of sapnap's life. he uses it for everything; to get george to give in to whatever sapnap wants, to cheer george up when hes grumpy, to punish george when hes annoying. and boy is george annoying
so its no surprise (even though it always is to george somehow) when sapnap suddenly growls out a quiet "that's it" from between his clenched teeth before grabbing george's wrists, pulling them quickly out to the sides against the couch cushions behind him. sapnap throws his thighs quickly over george's arms, successfully trapping his arms and his body in place from where hes sat between sapnap's legs on the floor
george is immediately pleading, never having been in this vulnerable of a position before and finding it incredibly flustering. sapnap can tell, and he plays it up. he pokes his pointer fingers under each of george's arms once, making him yelp and try to yank his arms down. but sapnap's weight keeps him practically immobile from his waist up, trapped between and under the strong thighs of his friend
sapnap would coo at him, reaching a hand up to ruffle his hair as george let's his head fall back into sapnap's lap to look up to him. his boba eyes are glassy and wide, clearly full of nerves and excitement at the compromising position hes found himself in. sapnap would laugh, loving how much of a mess george was already before slowly drawing circles in the middle of his underarms, sending him into hysterics
he digs into each and every rib, making sure to take his time to really dig between them. he makes sure that george feels every single tiny spark of ticklish energy as intensely as he can, and george swears fireworks are exploding under his skin. his eyes are wet, and whenever george flings his head back to laugh sapnap can see the trails of wetness down his cheeks from the tears. sapnap flutters his fingers over george's stomach, making sure to press gently at the lower tummy a couple of times to make george buck his hips up into the air....it's much easier for sapnap to latch onto them this way :D
eventually sapnap makes his way back up under george's arms, and it's then he remembers just how sensitive his triceps are. so he drags his nails there experimentally. just a tiny scratch on the soft skin of george's right tricep. the reaction is insane. george screams like someone is killing him before breaking out into the most ridiculous high pitched cackles sapnap has ever heard. his cheeks are bright red and he’s pleading every chance he can.
unfortunately, it goes without being acknowledged
sapnap switches to lightly dragging his fingers over both triceps, and george enters a whole different level of hysteria. george is frantic, bending his arms as much as he can. his fingers are outstretched and lightly brushing against sapnap's knuckles, but never reaching far enough to grab them to stop the tickling. it's a never ending loop of torture, and being so close to successfully putting an end to it makes everything ten times worse. sapnap uses both hands on one of george's triceps and his laugh goes silent, signaling to sapnap that it's time to stop
of course sapnap slides down onto the floor with george, cuddling into him and hugging him tight. george continues giggling deliriously, still feeling an overflow of ghost tickles all throughout his body. he whines and complains to sapnap that it's not fair, that he hates him, but george stays glued to sapnap's side the rest of the night, just absolutely floaty and giggly and completely satisfied
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trickstarbrave · 4 months
hi im insane still so i wrote smth up
its not rly proof read. sorry abt that.
this is from @mulberrycafe's fic fool's prayer. i just have evil!voryn on the brain REAL bad.
Nerevar blinked. He was no longer in his office, but outside in a courtyard. It was…. Peaceful. The rushing anxiety of being in his office was being washed away by fluffy white clouds passing by. It wasn’t cloudy or with an ash storm blowing, as it usually was in Morrowind, especially after Red Mountain’s eruption. A few birds could be heard in the distance too, adding to the soft, peaceful atmosphere. 
Nerevar wanted to relax. He was tired. So very, very tired. Tired of running the country and fighting the council every step of the way. Tired of trying to make life better for his people and being blocked. Every time he wanted to try and do something good, there was endless squabbling. Distractions came up instead, as the houses fought with each other, refusing to put aside old rivalries for everyone’s benefit. It was like pulling teeth trying to get anything done--and when he did lose his temper, the councilmen pointing at him and blaming him. 
“It’s your fault Red Mountain erupted, when you destroyed the tribunal’s rule.” Some would blame. “Why haven’t the Good Daedra resolved it then? If there is mercy from them, they would have solved the problem. We could go back to VVardenfell. We could be a great nation again. But instead we continue to beg for scraps at the altar of gods. The Good Three have made their point clear: we are to suffer the trials. Therefore, everyone suffers with us. It’s naivety to presume we can help them with stupid acts of charity.”
He had no energy anymore. His limbs felt too heavy to move. Vivec said he admired Nerevar’s ability to always be optimistic and hopeful, but Nerevar was beginning to run out of steam. 
Things were easier, in the days of Resdayn; they had a common enemy to unite against, after all. The Great Houses could set their squabbling and infighting aside long enough to drive the nords out, and then welcomed the prosperity Nerevar brought afterwards as they rebuilt the nation. 
“Neht,” Nerevar heard Voryn call for him, and he refused to turn. 
He knew what this was. Another attempt to win him over. Another attempt to crack his resolve. Nerevar didn’t know how much more of this he could take. He didn’t know how many times he could drive him away. Nerevar hated how Voryn was starting to, in some twisted way, make sense. And even more importantly, Nerevar hated having to hurt the man he loved over and over, even if it was for the good of everyone. 
Arms wrapped around him again, a cold chill, as always. “You won't even look at me now?” Voryn asked, nuzzling into his hair from behind. 
“I’m tired of these games, Voryn.” Nerevar tried desperately to keep his voice level and firm. “I’m not changing my answer.” Voryn gave a dark, deep chuckle, the type of tone Nerevar adored. 
He was afraid if he turned around, he would crack. He was terrified if he looked at the face of his beloved, his resolve would crumble and he’d throw his arms around Voryn, kissing him for all he was worth.
“I’m not playing a game.” Voryn whispered softly in his ear, breath tickling the sensitive skin and making his ear twitch. “I want to give you everything you have ever wanted, Nerevar.”
“No, you--”
“I want to give you a peaceful country.” Voryn cut him off, continuing with that slow, deep voice in his ear, rubbing circles on his stomach. “I want to stop those councilors from using you… Because I love you.”
“This isn’t love!” Nerevar stressed, his hands shaking fists at his side as he actively fought the desire to sink into the embrace. 
“Yes, it is.” Voryn whispered again, sharper in his ear. “The love I have had for you for thousands of years.” Nerevar shut his eyes tightly now. “And I know you love this country, Neht. I’ve known all this time. That’s why I love it too. That’s why I want to help you.”
“This isn’t helping me.” Nerevar grit, fighting the urge to scream or sob.
“I want to give you so much more than just a peaceful country too, Nerevar.” That soothing voice was trying to melt the tension off his body, but Nerevar refused to relax. If he did, it would be over, he reminded himself. He couldn’t be weak in front of Voryn with what Voryn was capable of. “I want to soothe all your worries, love and support you in the way you deserve…”
Nerevar refused to respond. He couldn’t find the words--not when Voryn sounded so soft and sweet in his ear, whispering like a gentle lover. It was the same tone of voice he used to soothe all of Nerevar’s injuries in the past, the same tone when he reassured and comforted Nerevar, and the same tone he used when they would make love. 
“Ayem hardly even took care of you back then,” Voryn continued, now bringing one hand up to rub his shoulder soothingly. “But she at least helped you govern. Helped keep people in line.” Nerevar shivered slightly as he felt teeth graze his ear ever so slightly. “I can help you with that. I can keep the council in line… All as you will it, my beloved.” 
He knew it was a lie. A sweet, sweet lie. If it was Nerevar’s will, he wouldn’t have hurt the Good Daedra. If it were his will, Voryn would have stopped by now. If it was his will…
“I can even give you what she refused.” Voryn smirked against his skin now. “Love, devotion…” Voryn pressed a kiss behind his ear, watching it twitch again. “... And even a family.” 
Nerevar’s eyes shot open at that, his heart racing in his chest, only to find himself no longer in the courtyard, but inside the temple. It was in a well decorated room, quite, a tranquil warmth radiating throughout the whole room that tugged on his heartstrings. 
In front of him was a traditional chimeri hammock for infants, a little bundle inside it. Nerevar found himself unable to blink, his body all but screaming at him to move. His whole body shook and his legs felt weak, his heart beating even faster in his chest. 
“Don’t you want this?” Voryn asked, his voice soft and pleading now, almost saddened. “I can give you the family you wanted, Neht…” Nerevar’s hands unclenched as his hands yearned to reach out. “A beautiful family, as large or as small as you wish… Raised with love and care, in a country that is finally full of peace and prosperity…” His eyes remained fixated on the small bundle, slowly beginning to move. 
“Why don’t you hold our son?” Voryn asked him, and Nerevar found himself unable to stop his feet from moving, bringing him closer and closer as the infant began wiggling around and fussing in earnest, having woken up from his nap. 
In his arms, they felt even more real: alive and the perfect weight in his arms, filling him with warmth. Soft black waves were on his head, as he blinked up at Nerevar with large, blue eyes and giggled, reaching for him. Tears rolled down Nerevar’s cheeks as he leaned down to nuzzle against the baby, overwhelmed.
Nerevar wanted this. He wanted it so badly it felt like his chest was being ripped out. He wanted a family with the man he loved. He wanted children of his own. He wanted to just be selfish for once, and have something all to himself. 
When he was king in the past, he was denied being a father, despite how much he had always wanted to be. His marriage with Ayem, while politically beneficial, was strained in most of the personal aspects. Almalexia had her own lovers and concubines to tend to her, and saw little purpose in sleeping with Nerevar, even to produce a child. Even the Indoril council said they didn’t want to bother with having a child, not when they could pick a better heir that suited their political goals. Instead he was always just told to find someone else to have a child with if he wanted to be a parent that badly.
But he knew that wasn’t possible. He was king, yes, but he wasn’t of noble blood; he lacked the political power to fully protect them. Nerevar refused to selfishly have a child he knew he couldn’t protect and let them get hurt or killed just to spite him by some political enemies. 
And yet… That wish never truly died. That desire never went away. It was always there, in the back of his mind, gnawing at his psyche. He was tired of being king only to create more problems and enemies for himself. He was tired of fighting off assassins and attackers. He was tired of going to bed alone. He was tired of giving everything he had for nothing in return. 
And then the weight in his arms was gone, as Nerevar found himself not in a nursery but instead in complete blackness instead.
“No…” Nerevar begged, tears still rolling down his cheeks. It felt like his heart was being ripped out and crushed. It had been so real--Nerevar could still feel the phantom warmth in his arms, hear the sound of laughter. “Voryn, please--!” His arms instead curled up around him, trying in vain to comfort himself and failing as he openly sobbed. 
“Shh…” Voryn whispered, stroking his hair from behind. “Why don’t I give you time to think about my offer instead?” Voryn asked. Typically, Voryn was pushy in these dreams, trying desperately to make Nerevar give in. Now that he was falling apart in front of him, he seemed to be taking a different approach. 
Nerevar didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. Not when he was still grieving. Not when he was crying and sobbing, wishing more than anything that such a sweet dream was real. 
“Nerevar!” Nerevar’s eyes shot open again, tears still running down his cheeks, to see a Vivec staring down at him rather than the piercing red eyes of Voryn as he half expected. “Nerevar,” Vivec, seeing as he had finally woken him up, wiped the tears from his face. “It’s alright…” He murmured, trying desperately to soothe him.
Nerevar, his emotions still raw, wrapped his arms around Vivec and sobbed once more. 
He didn’t know if Vivec knew why he was crying. Nerevar was too ashamed to say, and too hurt to give a coherent answer even if he wanted to. 
He didn’t know how much more he could take of this, even as Vivec held him close, rubbing his back in slow circles, trying to comfort him. 
His heart was breaking.
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piastristimtams · 1 year
stay still pt2 — xavier thorpe x reader
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summary: xavier loses the poe cup and takes his frustrations out on you.
warnings: smut!! unprotected sex, afab reader, choking, dom! xavier, cussing (ofc), degradation + praise. possible grammar/spelling mistakes but i tried looking out for them
a/n: first time writing smut and posting it publicly im scared shitless but o well
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“xavi, you did great nonetheless, you tried baby.” you mumbled. you were sat on his bed as he wiped his jester makeup off, huffing as he slammed the cotton pad on the desk.
“you shouldnt’ve teased me the way you did before the tournament. fuck, all i could think about was using you. you drive me fucking insane y/n, do you know that?” he ranted, running his hands through his hair. 
“and maybe i can make you feel better, how’s that sound, hm?” you said, getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck. you trailed your hand down to his prominent bulge, palming it. he threw his head back, sighing. 
“hm, you want more?” you asked tauntingly. saying that set a switch off in him, as he roughly grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him, kissing you. he pulled away, pushing you onto his bed, stripping you of your clothes. you were left in your underwear, looking up into his lust-filled eyes. 
“this seems kind of unfair, yeah?” you said, as he then took his clothes off, throwing them on the ground. he unclasped your bra, tossing it somewhere and kissed down your stomach.
“you’re okay with this, right?” he asked, making sure you were comfortable with what’s about to happen. you mumbled a “mhm” out as he dragged your panties down, exposing your bare cunt. 
“so pretty for me, aren’t you? ‘m gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to think. that’s what you get for teasing me earlier.” he said, pumping himself before he rubbed his tip on your slick folds.
“fuck xavi, please, please just put it in me.” you whined, aching for more.
“how bad do you want it? huh?” he questioned, continuing to tease you.
“please, xavi. please. i’m begging you.” you cried. he pushed himself inside of you slowly, filling you perfectly and bottoming out inside you as you let out a loud moan. 
“oh fuck, xavier. move, please.” you begged, looking up at him. 
“look at you, you can barely take my cock can you?” he said, thrusting slowly, watching you squirm under him. your cunt fluttered around him, as he let out a breathy groan, speeding up. your moans got louder and so did his groans, as he wrapped his hands around your throat, applying light pressure. you let out choked moans, moving your hand to rub your clit. 
“fuck, you’re such a good cockslut aren’t you?” he said, his thrusts getting harder as you clenched around him.
“yes, yes xavier fuck yes,” you cried, tears brimming with tears. “you fill me up so good baby,” you said through whimpers.
“c’mon sweetheart be a good slut and cum for me, yeah?” he smiled.
“xavi i’m so close, ‘m so so close please keep going.” you moaned, letting out pathetic whimpers.
“fuck, i know— fuck,” he sighed as you clenched around him, eyes shut tightly as he let you ride out your orgasm.
he pulled out, pumping himself and releasing on your stomach, letting out a groan. he hovered on top of you, looking at you lovingly. he cupped your face and gently placed his lips on top of yours, tucking stray strands of your hair behind your ear.
“i love you, i’m sorry if i went too hard on you.” he said, letting out a small chuckle.
“it’s okay. i liked it.” you said, smiling.
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veryberryjelly · 6 days
hii!! i’d like to request a spaghetti with the outer banks crew! congrats btw <333
i’m egyptian with brown curly hair and big brown eyes! i’m a straight girl and i’d say i have a strong frame.
i’m an extremely impulsive person, meaning i tend to act and speak before i even think about it which gets me in trouble a lot 😭 but i do think im smarter than most people take me for so im able to handle myself! i’m INSANELY competitive and im a terrible loser. i love jiu jitsu, track, and swimming although i stopped a bit ago :)
i’m definitely a physical touch type of person, i’ve got to be clinging on at all times. i hate to be the one to initiate it though since i struggle with showing that vulnerable side of myself. i tend to cram those feelings inside and put up a tough and loud front. but negativity aside, im an extremely energetic person who lives for thrill!
thank you!’ 💗💗💗
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
i ship you with ...
jj maybank !!!
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impulsive, clingy, tough.
girl, you and jj are MADE for eachother !!
if you say something impulsively he is there to back you up !
you want to cling onto him all day he is down for it.
laying on the beach together ; he's got his arm over your stomach
on a late night drive ; his hand is on your thigh
cooking in the kitchen ; his chest is to your back and his arms are wrapped around you.
u said u were competitive - i imagine game night gets aggressive.
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munsonology · 1 year
Rockstar!eddie and baywatch!reader pleeeaassee. Do whatever you want, just give us crazy insanely smuttyyy ❤️‍🔥😏🫠🍆💦🍑
Rockstar!eddie and baywatch!reader are in my top 3 of eddie's right now!!!!
i love giving readers names, it makes me feel more connected. i named baywatch!reader Darla!
Mitch assigned you to the quietest zone on the beach. since it was revealed you'd been dating corroded coffin frontman Eddie munson the beach had been taken over by fans and paparazzi. rescues for the team had been even more dangerous than it usually is. Photographers would put themselves in harms way to get a picture of Eddie Munson's lover, even better if she's saving a life. You'd beg to differ seeing most of the published pics on the tabloid stands were of your uniform stuck in your ass. How convenient they would publish you had hauled a 150 lb man from the ocean.
You understood why Mitch made the decision, but you couldn't help but feel you were being punished. You watched the waves roll in and out. the most action you'd had all day was helping free a turtle from a fish net.
"Is that my little starla Darla?" you hear from below the tower. you look down to see Eddie waving at you. he held up a picnic basket and a blanket. "can you have a little early dinner?"
"I don't know..." you sigh.
"Come on! you only have an hour left."
"if someone sees--"
"there's no one out here, baby."
you look down at him over your ray bans. he looked so good. his hair was loose around his shoulders, the buttons of his black shirt undone, letting his tattoos and the chains around his neck peak through. you always gave in too easily when he looked like this.
you waved for him to come up to the tower. if you were caught you'd hear from mitch later. Eddie approached you with a deep kiss. his hands squeezed your ass.
"what about dinner?" you asked as his lips moved down your neck. you felt his already hard cock against your stomach.
"don't worry about it, baby. I have a feast planned."
he backed you into the tower, closing the door behind him. the way his eyes darkened sent shivers down your spine and throb to your cunt. you felt your legs hit the cot and sat down. your legs seem to open on their own.
eddie dropped to his knees in front of you. his ring covered fingers lightly trailed from your ankle to your inner thighs. with a lick of his lips he moved the crotch of your swimsuit to the side.
"fuck," he mumbled. if he could live between your sweet thighs he'd move right in. he'd never leave. the only thing better than your clit between his teeth was sinking his cock in your cunt.
Eddie leaned forward and spit right on your pussy. you moaned as he rubbed the slick around.
"bon appetit," you tease.
eddie dives into your cunt. his tongue is hot and thick on your clit, curling and sucking you like a straw.
"fuck! eddie!" your hands run through his curls. you pull the hair at the crown of his scalp. he let's out a moan that vibrates around your pussy.
three of his fingers work you open, reaching your gspot in record time. the large skull ring pressed against your button.
"d'ya like that baby?" he groans.
"yes! please, i'm close." you plead. Eddie lifts his head from your cunt to your lips. he kisses you hard, the taste of your pussy smeared between you.
he chuckles hearing the squelch of your cunt. fuck, you were always so wet for him. he loved how easy it was for you to soak the sheets in his bedroom. "can i cum?" your voice breathy, on the cusp of ecstasy. the bullying of your gspot drives you wild.
with a cry of his name, you release, soaking the cot beneath you and eddie. "fuck, my little super soaker," he teases. trembling from your orgasm, eddie rubs your thighs and places a kiss on your clit.
"i love you, baby," he whispers.
"i love you too rockstar."
IM GONNNA EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
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heartz4wonnie · 1 year
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jay x reader
authors note- thank you for all the support on my two part “cafe boy” series!! i’m a new writer so all of this is so crazy. love you all!! <33
genre- fluff, established relationship, jay taking care of a very sick and stuffy y/n, one use of the word “shit”
honestly, you were dying without jay. sweating and sore, you wondered how you even got into this condition. but then it hit you.
“jay this is so corny.” you laughed as your smiling boyfriend dragged you out into the rain. “come onnn y/n live a little” you fake a disgusted face “okay, jay you’re really sounding like a hallmark movie right now.” despite your resistance and warnings that one of you could end up sick, you were pulled into the pouring outdoors and into jays arms. you weren’t going to lie. as ‘corny’ as it was, you felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach as jay tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ears. “you’re so pretty y/n”
now, normally you would call jay. you just knew his soup and warmth and overall presence would make you feel so much better. but you knew your boyfriend. if you called him this time, he would be overwhelmed with guilt. you knew he would feel terrible that you were sick because of him and you felt awful thinking about it. so you decided you could survive on your own.
~ having dozed off in bed, you were awoken by the suddenly ringing of your phone. your head immediately started to pound and you struggled to open your eyes as you felt around for your phone. “hello..?” you managed to get out. “love? hey! ..are you okay?” shit. it was jay. “um..” you quickly cleared your throat (which was insanely painful due to the pain in your throat) “im doing just fine, what’s up jay?” there was a few seconds of silence on the other end. “i don’t think you’re okay y/n. you’re sick aren’t you. please be honest.” you heart swelled at his concern but you knew that if you went one more second without him, you’d pass out.
“ok fine. i’m a little sick. ..can you come over?” “of course my love, i’ll be there in a bit.” a little relieved, you told him to drive safe and hung up the phone. resting your head on your pillow you prayed jay wouldn’t blame himself when he got to you.
a knock sounded on your front door and you gathered the little amount of energy you had left to open it. you knew it was jay. as the door opens jay rushes in and examines your figure. “oh my god y/n, you said you were ‘a little sick’ this doesn’t look like a little to me.” jay takes a step forward to rest his forehead against yours holding you close. you bask in the moment before he pulls away. “y/n my love you’re burning up.”
“jay it’s okay really. i just want you here with me.” jay frowns and picks you up, carrying you back to bed and gently placing you down, pulling the blanket up to your chin. “you got sick because of me didn’t you.” he says, as he seats himself on the edge of your bed, stroking your hair. there it was, you thought. this is what you were afraid of. “i’m sorry y/n, you warned me. i just wanted to create a special memory for the bo-“ you placed your hand on his, “it’s ok love. we were both out there. im just happy i’m the one who’s sick and not you.”
jay stares at you for a moment before leaning down and kissing your forehead, then your nose, then your cheeks. he mumbled tiny apologies and i love you's in between kisses that scattered all around your face, the last one landing on your lips. “rest ok? i’m gonna go make you soup.”
you pulled his wrist as he turned to leave. “don’t go. please stay.” jay lets out a gentle smile. “you need to eat my love.” you shook your head “i’m not hungry. i just want you to stay.” and so he did. jay took off his jean jacket and placed it on your chair before climbing into bed with you and placing his arm around you, allowing you to turn on your side and hug his waist.
breathing in his comforting scent you slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling more and more safe as the seconds passed by. before you fell into your slumber, you felt jays lips on the top of your head, kissing your hair as he whispers “get well soon angel.”
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saotoru · 6 months
dude my size difference kink goes CRAZY with re4 leon. he's so broad and tall and i just know that you would feel so tiny next to him, ESPECIALLY if he had you pinned against a wall, towering over you <3 and he can just scoop you up and toss you around with no problem. throwing you on the couch, holding you up against the wall, forcing you into different positions like you weigh nothing
but his hands especially??? DRIVE ME INSANE. his hands are huge, they'd spread across your entire stomach, pinky on one hip and thumb on the other. he'd be able to hold you down with just one hand while he fucks you ruthlessly. his other hand is running through his hair while he grins down at you or gripping your throat, of course <3
and i mean, goes without saying, his cock is huge. and he loves to just lay it against your lower stomach to show you how deep it's gonna go, just to see the fear in your glazed-over and needy eyes. he'll reassure you, "i know you can take it baby, i'll make it fit" while he grinds against your clit before just sliiiiiding in sooooo slow, letting you feel every inch. "oh, i know, it's so big in your little body. stretching you out so much, i know. shhh, it's okay, just keep taking it" while you wince and whine as he splits you in half 🩷🩷🩷🩷
(transmasc anon btw hey there 👋 i should probably take an anon title at this point lmao)
hi hi nonnie :3 UGH YOURE SO REAL & especially being short (5’2) im so shamelessly obsessed with being smaller than my faves and leon is no exception <33
this is so scrummy and sub!leon with a size kink would be so :((((( being the one to reassure him that it’ll fit <3 he looks so nervous when he lays his thick cock on top of your tummy, all heavy and hard and leaking. it looks so big compared to you–reaches all the way to your belly button. leon’s about to protest, say he doesn’t want to hurt you, but when you palm him, over the top of him–he can’t find the words to tell you to stop. he twitches against you, even more so when you tell i want you– you’re perfect. it’ll fit, i promise sweet boy. ugh and when he makes your tummy bulge !!!🥺 mouth hanging open and drooling, putting an equally big hand over your tummy and asking is that me? it feels so good when he presses down on himself and now he’s addicted to stuffing you full all the time </3 coughs sobs and throws up ORRRR spoon fucking w him :( his chest is so broad against your back, the weight of his arm around your neck and his thick cock being kept warm inside you makes it sooo hard to breathe because you’re just so full of him :((( sleepy slow lazy thrusts because he’s too tired to try n make you cum he just wants to feel you close ugh mmmmm <//3
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exclusivecolette · 3 months
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(sorry for how long, i’ve been busy and thinking about how i want this to go… This is HELLA short and rushed sorryyyy. )
(if you aren’t blonde or don’t apply to the features, you can just put your own features in. i just put my features because i didn’t really know what else.)
summary: a girl starts to fall in love with a boy in class. But, her abusive parents are extremely strict (ignoring the fact she’s even old enough to drive.) And what is she gonna do when she realizes, he isn’t just some crush
TW: smoking, mentions of ed (slightly), sex, and there is cussing.
I woke up on top of him. what the fuck?
One of his hands were on my lower back and the other holding my hand. Our legs were intertwined. I start getting off, slowly. I successfully get off and go to the bathroom. I do skincare, brush my teeth and hair, and change into a comfy outfit. His hoodie and lounge shorts that looked good with the hoodie.
I went downstairs and noticed it was a little messy and picked it all. Matt still isn’t up? I go back upstairs and he was laying his stomach with his head facing the opposite direction where i couldn’t see. I crawl over to him “matt” i say quietly. no response. I lay on top of him, my head on his shoulder. “mattttt” i say louder. “mh?” he mumbled and my stomach twirled.
“get up” i giggle scratching his shoulder a bit. “one sec” he mumble again. “you better get up” i get off him and stand up. “i’m hungry” i walk out.
i was fully awake, the second i felt her get on top of me. She has no idea what she’s doing to me. She driving me insane.
It had been ten minutes since i woke up matt. “matt!” i yell up the stairs “i’m coming! i’m doing my hair real quick” he yelled back. He came down stairs. no wonder it took 10 minutes. his hair looks so hot, perfect in between my finge- “come on” he waved me to him smirking, i was staring.
He opened my car door then went over to his and got in. “how are your brothers” i ask curiously. “probably fine why?” he said finally looking at me now that he was fully pulled out. “just wondering- speaking of i need to call charlie” i pull out my phone.
“hey are you good?” i ask
“yeah are you?”
“yeah im great”
“is matt still there?”
“how’d you know he’s here”
matt looked at me
“come on, it was obvious he was going over there”
“what charlie and yes” i laugh
“are you guys like-.” he paused like i knew what he was trying to say.
“are we what?” i ask confused and matt snapped his head like he knew what he was saying. I furrow my eyes at him and shrug.
“like ya know… like doing it?” he whispered the last part.
“no charlie what” i say loudly and saw matt smile. He knew what charlie was saying just from my responses.
“i just had to ask” he said loudly back.
“you didn’t have to ask- y’know i actually gotta go so bye charlie i love you and will see you later” i say and quickly hang up.
“he asked if we were having sex?” matt asked as we pulled into drive thru. “yeah” i say in disbelief. wouldn’t mind it though…- ill stop. Matt just laughed.
we bursted out laughing as we got out of the car when we realized we’d ate all the food we’d bought on the way home. We step inside and when we sit on the couch, we both let out a sigh. “i’m so glad your here. i wasnt eating much before” my panting started to slow and i just avoid eye contact “and i wasn’t happy, there’s things i almost did-“ my voice cracked “like what?” he asked confused. “doesn’t matter” i look over to him smiling. “i’m glad i’m here too” almost slipped up again.
He had that effect on me. When i was with him words just spilled out like the control to stop them was taken from me.
“what do you wanna do” i bring my knees to my chest. “i definitely brought weed.” he said quietly. “wanna smoke?” he asked. A smirk grew on my face. He went up to grab, so i went outside and sat on the back porch. He finally came down and sat next to me. He taught me how to roll it up and lit it. We passed it back and forth while talking.
The high had kicked in quickly for y/n. She was spinning in the grass while matt just sat there looking at the sky when he wasn’t admiring y/n. She ran back over to him and sat down next to him laughing and panting. She looked over to me. “you’re so beautiful” she said. “i should be saying that to you, you’re genuinely the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen” her eyes rolled.
She looked back to him. His hand grabbed her waist and she turned to face her body to him. She leaned in, their lips finally met. Her hand went to his hair. Her body slowly start to get guided onto him as he leaned back. His back pressed against the hard wood of the porch. Her body pressed against his. His pants starts tighten-
“my head hurts” she sat up. She slowly got up. He slowly followed as she made her way into the kitchen from the slide doors. She reached in the cabinet, she grabbed a bottle. “do you have pain relievers?” he asked filling a glass with water. She didn’t say anything while she opened the bottle of advil. Her hand lifted the pills into her mouth, his hand smacked it out of her hand “y/n!” he said.
Her body jumped back away from him, small pills spilled on the floor. She looked terrified, as she held her smacked hand. “i’m sorry- you just-“ he bent down and started picked a few up. Tears filled her pink eyes as she stepped away from him.
It wasn’t his fault, he was saving her. You can’t take advil with a concussion.
But she was too high to know that. “i’m sorry” he repeated reach to her, she flinched when he reached for her. He was hurt, she was looking at him in way.
In the way she looks at her parents.
“y/n i’m sorry- just- i just” she walked away from him and up the stairs. He followed after her. He caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder. She against flinched, tears rain down her face. “hey just go to sleep okay” he slowly walked her to the bed and laid her down, she didn’t say anything, or even look at him.
When she was laid down she quickly fell asleep and he left the room.
Her eyes fluttered up as she looked around me. For someone. When he wasn’t there she started to remember. She scared him, the look on his face as she looked at him and backed away. She slowly got up hoping matt would be downstairs waiting.
She got down the stairs slowly looking around. She looked around, he was no where. Finally, she goes over to the couch-
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dr4cking · 3 years
draco malfoy x reader | smut | (no plot just smut)
It was in the common room, draco and y/n was sitting with their friends hanging out like usual, y/n sat on draco's lap cuddled up to him while still talking and laughing with their friends, when suddenly she rolled her hips hard on accident while trying to contain her laughter when blaise was telling them a really funny joke. she didnt realized it but draco behind her already stiffened and trying hard not to moan when she keeps moving on his lap still laughing at blaise. that is until pansy walked in with a bag of candies and snacks in her hands and placed it in front of their friends. y/n stand up wanting to get something, draco let out a relief breath because if she sits longer in his lap, she will realized he had a boner it would be embarassing.
to his luck, y/n now sit beside pansy but it didnt help his horny ass as he watched her putting a lollipop into her mouth and sucking it deliciously, making his mind go wild as he imagined how would it feels to have her mouth sucking his dick. he shakes his head throwing off the wild imagination of his best friend since they were still in diapers. but the more he stare at her the more he cant control himself, he get up quickly covering his boner with his oversized tshirt.
"guys, i gotta head to bed, im really sleepy, see y'all tomorrow" draco runs to his room while y/n stared at him in confusion, she knows him too well, he doesnt go to bed at this time.
when draco finally arrived at his room, he closed the door and immediately go to his bathroom and sits on the closed toilet, pulling down his sweatpants and boxer, kicking them off onto the floor, his hard dick slapped up to his stomach, he hissed and begin to stroking himself. his mind instantly drift to the girl who made him do this, his thoughts of her sucking the lollipop earlier popped out in his mind, he lets out a moan imagining it was his dick that she sucked off. his breath got stuck on his throat and he fastened his pace while his thumb teasing the tip of his cock, collecting the precum and use it as a lube.
"fuck y/n" draco moaned louder at the thought of y/n on her knees, looking up at him with her innocent eyes, smirking to him while running her hand on his length, stroking it up and down before putting it into her mouth.
sweats started to running on draco's face while he brought his hand to his mouth to spit on it and use it as a lube to his cock. the thoughts of y/n having him inside her mouth and bobbing her head up and down, sucking him deeper until it touched the back of her throat causing her to gagged, looking up to him with her eyes watering, saliva dripping off her mouth, making him moaning louder and going faster.
on the other side, y/n was now walking to draco's room, she opened the door and raised her eyebrows in confusion when she didnt see draco in his room, until she hears a faint moans coming from the bathroom, her hand covered her mouth realizing what is happening, but what shocking her more that the curiousity got into her making her walking to where the sounds were coming. she stands straightly at the door of draco's bathroom that he doesnt bothered to closed, not be able to move but just watching the scene in front of her, she feels the wetness down there starting to grow when she heard her name repeatedly coming from the boy in front of her and just looking at how hot his face looks right now.
"fuck- im so close, y/n, please" draco screamed her name loudly as he feels his cock twitched on his hand.
but as he was about to come, his eyes suddenly opened and looking at the door and his heart dropped to his stomach as he realized the girl that has been on his mind standing alive at the door of his bathroom, jaw dropped, mouth hung open and eyes widening, looking at what he did right now. her cheeks is tinted red.
"draco?" y/n called out his name as she looking at draco who's still froze, his face full of panicked.
"holy shit, y/n! im sorry! i- i didnt- i was just- i was just- merlin! you werent supposed to see this" draco seems lost at his words trying to explained the whole situation to y/n while covering his part, looking down, scared at what her reaction.
to his surprise, y/n walked in to the bathroom, locking it and approaching him. she stood in front of him making him looking up at her and widening his eyes as he watched her stripped down her clothes showing him her body.
"oh draco, you're definitely not sleeping, baby" y/n smirking and dropped to her knees, spreading his legs so she gets the full view of him, draco's breath got stuck as he feels her hands running on his thighs and her lips kissing them softly.
"y/n are you sure about this? you dont have t-" draco's words got cut off by y/n placing her finger on his lips indicating him to shut his mouth.
"let me help you, draco" y/n grabbed his cock and pump it a few times before putting it inside her mouth. draco let out a groan when her lips touched his tip. she decided to tease it, give it a little blow, and kiss it softly. draco was getting impatient and grip her hair shoving his cock fully inside her mouth making her moan at the sudden contact. he throw his head in pleasure as y/n started to bobbed up and down, her nose touching the base as she keeps going down, sucking deeper.
"fuck just like that, baby" y/n keep sucking him harder and faster, she pulled away to catch her breath for a second and back again, she lick a straight line on his cock and putting it back on her mouth, her hand playing with his balls squeezing it softly, she swirls her tongue sucking him deeper, deep-throating him until she gagged, the vibration triggering draco to cum hard in her mouth, shooting his thick cum inside her, its so much that it started to drip out of her mouth, draco moaned as she swallowed all his cum and wipe the cum that dripped down on her chin with her finger, licking it clean with a 'pop'.
y/n stand up and straddling draco who is still sitting on the toilet. she grabbed his cock and pump it twice before pushing it inside her tight hole. they groaned at the feeling of each other. draco grabbed her jaw and kissed her passionately, their tongue move in sync swallowing each other faces. y/n pulled away and started to kiss his earlobe and jaw then sucking hard on his neck marking him, sending butterflies to his stomach while still rolling her hips on his cock. she pulled away, moaning his name and throw her head in pleasure as his cock keep hitting her spot. draco's lips instantly attached to her neck marking her too. his hand found its way to her neck and squeezed it tightly, choking her. his lips move down to her nipple, sucking hard and biting softly making her aching her back. his other hand gripping her hips helping her bouncing faster on his cock.
"fuck baby, you're so fucking tight" draco's hands holding up her thighs lifting her a bit and started to thrust upwards into her faster and harder making them both a moaning mess. y/n rest her head on his neck, her nails clawed at his back as she feels she's close. draco keep pounding hard into her biting her shoulder lightly as he feels his cock twitched inside her.
"d- draco im so close" y/n moaned and now looking up at him pressing her forehead to him keeping the eye contact.
"me too baby, lets do it together" and with final thrust, they came together, hard, screaming each other names loudly, both panting. draco grabbed her face and kissed her with so much love, muttering a 'thank you' and praising her before pulling away. they both stand up, staring at each other in disbelief and laughing together.
"i love seeing you with my cum dripping off your thighs, y/n" draco smirked while grabbing the tissue to clean her up.
"oh shut up dray! i cant believe i just fucked my best friend" y/n let out a small chuckles while giving him soft kisses on his face.
"you know i've been wanting to do that since forever, y/n. you're driving me insane but in a good way, i've fallen for you since years ago." draco said as they both walked out of the bathroom and lay her down gently on his bed before joining.
"trust me draco, me too." draco pulled her body into his, hugging her tightly, kissing her again showing her how much he loves her.
"be mine, darling? let me take you on a date tomorrow." draco said as he pulled away and caressing her cheek softly.
"i'‘ve always been yours, draco" with the last kiss, they both fall asleep cuddling to each other.
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renaisaibaam · 3 years
zhongli / female reader smut fic
degrading, dirty talking
idk how to tag lol
vvvv vulgar i am ashamed
"fuck, zhongli—" you moaned pathetically as you felt his cock slide into you in a slow, gentle pace that absolutely drived you insane, your breath shallow yet heavy, with your back pressed against the cold, wooden surface of your shared apartment's dining table. your boyfriend had just come home from a job hunt, and was expecting a call from one of the places he had visited, so to pass some time, he had decided to have his dinner almost immediately upon his arrival, his dinner being you, in the table instead of the bedroom, and with how im using this analogy to describe him just eating you out for his meal, its rather appropriate to have it in the dining room in this context.
his hands were underneath your thighs that were dripping with hot sweat, keeping them hoisted up as his hips moved slowly and steadily, whines leaving your lips from the fucking tease he was being. a scowl crosses his face, and he bends down to sink his teeth on the soft flesh of the underside of your thigh, not caring when you let out a pained yelp. he knew you liked the pain, anyways.
"arent you being a greedy little slut right now? do you want me to ruin you that bad?" he pulls out of your dripping cunt until only the tip of his cock is in, and without any warning, slams it back in until he's ball deep inside you, your back arching when you feel his cock hit the deepest parts of you. your hands move up to claw on his toned, almost rock hard arms, leaving red marks in your wake as tears filled the corner of your eyes from the pleasure of the sudden movement that he kept repeating without giving you time to even catch your own breath.
"didn't i teach you how to fucking wait? just how deprived are you from cock, when you've just had it last night?" he growls into your skin before rutting into your cunt in a rough pace, the unanticipated action making you scream his name in ecstacy. you were already in cloud nine by this point- zhongli filled you up so good; so well to where you wouldnt even think of anything else but him and his cock. he messed you up in the best ways possible, and you knew you could never go back once you had a taste of him.
you could hear the belt around his pants clinking to the pace of his thrusts inside you, and the cold metal slamming against the back of your thigh added to the many sensations you were feeling, considering he didnt even bother taking off his own clothes except for his coat and blazer while he stripped you off of everything, with the exception of his favorite sweater that you had worn, seeing how much of his scent lingered in the cozy, soft fabric of it. he loved seeing you in his clothes, but the hem of the sweater, however, was already up to your neck to expose your chest that had been bouncing to the rhythm of his hips. the cold air made your nipples hard, but you barely cared.
he bends down, cups your right breast with one hand, and swirls his tongue flat around your hardened bud, his other hand keeping your legs up in place. your hands that were adorned with sweater paws reached up to stroke his hair, and he looked up with a smile, moving towards you to lock your lips together in a heated kiss that held an overflowing amount of passion for each other. well, it was like that until a sudden ring of someone's phone interrupted your kiss with zhongli.
he pulls away with a string of saliva connecting you and him, and he grabs the ringing phone from his pocket, checking the number and immediately answering it, not pulling away from you as he spoke.
"hello?" he asks with his usual deep and calming voice, as if he hadn't been fucking you into oblivion just a few seconds ago. he puts the phone on loud speaker, and listens to the caller's voice closely.
"hi! this is from the wangsheng funeral parlor. do you mind if we conduct the interview over the phone so you dont have to come over? we're pretty busy at the moment with the influx of interviews." what a cockblock, you thought. just as you were about to pull away, zhongli stands up straight and grabs your hips with one hand, keeping you in place as he turned off the loud speaker and held the phone to his ear, speaking in the most professional voice that shook your core when it reached your ears.
"sure, i dont mind. lets proceed immediately."
you looked up at him with a face expecting him to release you, as he was slowly pulling away until he was out, but you let out a loud yelp when he suddenly slams back in to stuff you full of his cock, the rhythm of his thrusts still steady and deep despite the talking he was doing over the phone.
you couldnt believe it. zhongli was fucking you in the dining table as he had his motherfucking job interview. what would happen if this shit went wrong? you clawed at his arms to grab his attention and make him stop, but he just stared down at you, and was silent for what felt like eternity, before he gave a hard slap to the side of your exposed thigh, his thrusts only getting faster each time you resisted.
you were trying your best not to let out any sounds, but the way his cock was hitting on the spots that made you feel the best was sending you to euphoria. he made you feel so good almost without effort, and this situation in general just turned you on. what if the person on the phone could hear the sounds you made? what if they could hear just how much sounds your cunt was making from how much it had been dripping for him, and only him?
you could have sworn you had came twice or even more, and yet his interview hasnt ended despite you already meeting your release multiple times. and even when you did, he didnt stop for one bit. he had no plans to, anyways. as he spoke about what might be best for the company as an answer to the question, he leans down to mark the skin around your collarbone with a bite, sucking it as if he were to excrete something sweet if he did it hard enough.
you feel something different yet familiar bubbling up your abdomen, and you knew you were about to reach your orgasm again, and since you couldnt take any more of it, you mouth to zhongli to stop, or at least slow down, desperation in your expression. his bright eyes, which seemed to darken, stared down on you as still fucking spoke with annoyance dripping in his voice as he answers, "i think we can negotiate my salary based on my skills and the value i bring to the company."
this was enough to tell you that the interviewer asked a stupid question, and that he was pissed about it, yet remained cool headed despite it. and to take the frustration out, he places the phone between his ear and shoulder, grabs your legs and hoists you up even higher than what you were usually used to, and plunges his cock even deeper into you to the point where you can see his tip poking out from your stomach, the new and foreign feeling making you clench around his cock to which he lets out a low, and deep grunt at.
with only a look towards you as your single warning, he slams down into your tight cunt, the sudden pleasure coursing through your veins in a rush that leaves you feeling lightheaded. you cover your mouth with your hands and scream through the fabric of his sweater, feeling yourself reach your high and release for who knows how many times you did ever since the damned call, your hands shaking from the immense sensation and pleasure zhongli had brought you tonight.
all that had happened, and yet he didnt even fucking stop.
you were an overstimulated mess, and as a last resort, you whine loudly to try and grab his attention for who knows how many times, wanting this to be over already. you couldnt stand holding back your voice, and you knew itd do more harm if they had heard you. but zhongli wasnt having any of it.
he places you back down on the table with him still inside you, grabs his phone with his left hand to hold it up to his ear, and uses his right hand to wrap it around your throat, squeezing the sides in a way he knows you love so much. you gasp when you feel his huge, rough hand around you, and as if that wasnt enough, his hips slam back into you, driving you into a quiet, drooling mess. your eyes rolled back, and amidst the silence, your body shook violently to try and get him off of you, your hole unable to handle any more of the overstimulation he drove you into.
you feel your mind going blank and hazy from the emotions and feelings you had been experiencing. the fear of being caught, the excitement of trying not to get caught, the pleasure of his cock filling you up to the brim, the overstimulation and high of your recent orgasm, and the lack of oxygen is throwing you into an overwhelmed state, and yet here you were, living for it.
your hips shake, and you squirt into his cock, feeling your own release dripping down your legs as you made a mess on the floor and on zhongli's skin. you feel your legs give in and drop to his sides, looking up at him as he continued speaking as if you werent even there. but even if he was acting that way, his lust filled eyes stared at you hungrily, his tongue swiping his lips in a manner that you'd think was purposely trying to rile you up.
"okay, i understand. i'll come in tomorrow, so please take care of me." and with that, he ends the call, and growls lowly, placing the phone beside you. he lifts up your legs, and leans in until your face is just centimeters away from you, a low growl emitting fron him as he spoke.
"just how much did you cum in under 20 minutes? did you enjoy it knowing we could get caught?" his hips rocks itself into you deeply, and stays in that position, your hips shaking. you could feel him fill you up to where your abdomen felt full of him and only him, and you looked up at him, whining at his words.
"fucking whore. you even made a mess on me. did it feel that good, doll?" he opens his mouth and crashes his lips on to yours, quickly moving down to bite the skin around the side of your throat where his hands once were, leaving marks on both sides. he moves up to whisper on your ear, his voice making you tremble as you felt his hot breath whispering such dirty words that you knew he was going to fulfill. guess you were staying at home tomorrow.
"ill make sure you cum all over my cock more tonight, so be a good girl and take me in well. are we clear?"
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free-pool-trash · 3 years
lip gloss - peter maximoff
Request: Hello! I absouletly love your writing❤️❤️ I was wondering if I could ask for something steamy with Peter Maximoff. I’m not sure how steamy you feel comfortable writing for, but if you do smut can peter have a praising kink and be kinda cocky. If you doing write smut can I request a make out session with WandaVision Peter, like Pete and reader are the only ones home and things get spicy on the kitchen counter. Thank you so much for writing!!
hi anon!!!! Thank you so much 🥺❤️ can i just say i love both of these concepts and i absolutely think that peter has a the biggest praise kink but due to the fact that im a fat ✨virgin✨ im gonna do the second option for now!!! I’ll work on the other one and see how it goes though 👀👀👀
word count: 1.2K
warnings; this is a lil steamy but it’s not quite smut, making out, insinuations of sexy times <3
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WestView was your typical suburban town. Quiet, uneventful and perfectly boring. That was, until he arrived.
Pietro-or Peter- Maximoff. He was the exact opposite of the town he’d just strolled into. The boy was loud, fast paced and oh so very exciting.
His sister, Wanda, was a good friend of yours. You’d known her since you literally couldn’t remember when and when Peter showed up, the pair of you clicked instantly, fitting together like two puzzle pieces. Almost as if some celestial force had put the pair of you together on purpose.
It was a fairly standard Tuesday night in the Maximoff household. Wanda and Vision were out for their weekly date night, leaving yourself and Peter, as he insisted he preferred to be called, to babysit the twins.
The two young boys absolutely adored their uncle, he never ceased to impress them with his speed and childlike behaviour, but that wasn’t to say that the speedster could outdo you though.
You’d been babysitting the boys since they’d seemingly manifested out of nowhere and they loved you, it’d become a competition between you and Peter to see who Billy and Tommy preferred at any given moment.
But with competition came a lot of tension. There was nothing you enjoyed more than pushing Peter’s buttons and in his eyes there was nothing sweeter than watching your jaw clench after he got on your very last nerve.
At the moment the four of you were snuggled up in the living room watching a movie on the fuzzy square screen, boxy TV set. Tommy sat on the floor, close to the TV while yourself, Peter and Billy were cozy on the sofa. Billy had snuggled into your side, his head resting against your stomach and his little eyes becoming droopy as the movie drew to a close. Peter sat on the other side of his nephew, his arm resting on the back of the couch and his eyes set on you and the shyer twin. You looked so domestic, your eyes trained on the tv while your arms held the young boy securely against you. Peter didn’t know why but he felt a slight pang of jealousy toward Billy in that moment, god what he’d give to have your arms wrapped around him.
The cogs in Peter’s head turned slowly as an idea formed in his head, a sly grin making its way to his lips. Casually, he dropped his arm from the back of the couch and let it rest against your shoulders. The grin only broadened when you turned to look at him, your eyebrow raised, your own lips formed into an almost knowing smirk. You were driving him insane. Without so much as a word, you turned your attention back to the tv, completely ignoring the fact that the speedster had begun tracing shapes against your arm. He was driving you crazy but you’d never let him know that, disregarding the fluttering feeling in your stomach when his fingers walked up and down the skin of your arm.
Thankfully, the movie ended after a few more minutes and Peter had taken on the grewling task of putting the twins to bed while you cleaned up in the kitchen. You were wiping down the kitchen island when Peter walked in, leaning his body against the counter opposite, his signature cheeky look adorning his face.
“I think Billys got a crush on you. Looks like I’ve got some competition.” He told you somewhat airly, his mind too focused on the way your body was leaning over the counter as you moved the cloth against the counter top and he contemplated what it would be like to be pressed up behind you in that moment.
The small giggle that left your lips shook him from his thoughts that were growing dirtier by the second, “What? Is someone getting a little jealous?” You asked teasingly, jutting your lip out into a pout. His eyes watched you intently as you made your way around the kitchen island, when you were within arms reach of Peter you hopped up on the counter, admittedly enjoying how utterly zoned in on you his eyes were.
“Cat got your tongue, Maximoff?” You prodded when he remained silent. At your words he stepped forward and placed his hands on both of your knees, gently pushing them apart and stepping into the space he just created between your legs. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying your best to ignore the heat that was rising within you when his hands slid from your knees, all the way up your thighs until they finally settled on gripping your hips.
With a wicked grin your let your arms slide around his neck, pulling him flush against you, Peter let out a heavy groan that had your stomach doing flips. The man in question ghosted his lips against your jaw, slowly dragging them up painfully slowly, only stopping once they were hovering against your ear.
“You’ve been driving me crazy, y’know that?” As soon as the words passed his lips, his attention had returned to your jaw. He was placing wet, open mouth kisses along your jaw, moving smoothly to your neck as he simultaneously pulled you closer by the hips, his crotch pressing against yours as you let out a quiet moan.
Moving your hands to his silver hair you gave the strands a soft tug, pulling another groan from his lips and forcing him to look you in the eye. His usually gentle eyes were darkened with lust and the way he gazed at you made the hair at the back of your neck stand and your stomach to drop with anticipation. “Kiss me.” You demanded, staring at him with the same lustful gaze he was giving you.
Peter practically lunged at you then, his lips crashing against yours for a bruising kiss, his tongue quickly finding its way into your mouth and you let of a slight gasp of approval when his hands squeezed your ass, the speedster pulling your legs to wrap around his waist as he kissed you desperately.
You couldn’t help but whine when he suddenly pulled away, his hands running up and down your sides adoringly as he took in your flushed cheeks and disheveled hair. “You’re gorgeous.” He stated, so sure of himself that it caused a bright smile to pull across your swollen lips.
“So are you,” You giggled back, brushing your thumb against his bottom lip and turning it to show him the lip gloss that had transferred onto him during the searing kiss you just shared, “This colour looks pretty on you, Pete.” You teased, shooting him a wink as he raised an eyebrow at you, pulling you impossibly closer as he whispered his next words as if he just knew they’d have you crumbling at his feet.
“How about when Wanda gets back… you and I head back to your place and see how pretty that lip gloss of yours would look smeared all over somewhere other than my lips?” His eyebrows moved suggestively and his lips formed a shit eating grin when your mouth fell slack at his suggestion.
All you knew was that Wanda couldn’t get home soon enough.
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kkusuka · 3 years
omg can you do pt.2 for “little toxic things </3” where the reader gets tired of there actions and tries to break up with them?? or something along the lines where they simply just ignore them. thank you!!! whenever you can!! <33
pt.1 <3
TW: atsumu’s talks about having an eating disorder for a bit, it also talks about growing out of an eating disorder!!!!
a similar asks : Can you make part 2, where they regret it and s/o and dead or like something really angsty? Btw. I really like your writing style.
I love your writing and I hope you are doing well! No rush or pressure or anything whatsoever, but maybe a pt. 2 to the toxic hc (the one with sakusa, suna, oikawa and atsumu) where the reader breaks up with them or something and how they react. Honestly it’s up to you what the ending is but I just wonder how they would react lol. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love your writing and I hope you are doing well! No rush or pressure or anything whatsoever, but maybe a pt. 2 to the toxic hc (the one with sakusa, suna, oikawa and atsumu) where the reader breaks up with them or something and how they react. Honestly it’s up to you what the ending is but I just wonder how they would react lol. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
i know this was supposed to be headcannons but something came over me and i just wrote mini fics for it. 
why did this get kinda long?
sometimes time gets away from him. the moment he woke up he knew how important this day was, and as much as he liked to pretend he wasn’t, he knew he was on very thin ice with you. he was going to make it better. hw had the perfect plan, al he had to do was get through practice on time and he’d be set! but, sometimes time gets away from him, and he’s too busy to check his phone when his serve is getting shaky. 
you believed him when he said he’d be there, but deep down you somehow knew that it was going to be like every other time. after thirty minutes you gave him a call, people started to look at you. at one hour you ordered the most expensive bottle of wine, and shot him more than a few texts. at two hours you ordered food and gave up on trying to contact him, the point was lost. when you finished your meal at 2 1/2 hours you came to the conclusion he wasn’t coming and he had failed to prove that he could keep a promise. 
it was 9:45 when he finally checked his phone. teo hours and thirty minutes after he was supposed to meet you at the restaurant. he wasted no time, not even for a shower, and made it to the restaurant in record time. as he was walking in you were walking out. 
“y/n please listn! i’m-” 
“i’m over it Tooru, i love you, i really do but i can’t keep going through this. i’ll be cheering for you even if you can’t see me.” 
“please, please we-we can fix this-” 
“there’s nothing to fix, i’ll get my stuff and be out by tomorrow.” 
everything was numb now, when had you become so important to him? you were his entire life and he took complete advantage of all that you did for him. he was so blinded by his ambition that he had forgotten about the person who helped him get where he was. and deep in his heart he knew that there wouldn’t be anyone else, and some how he was going to get you back. hopefully you still loved him enough to et him try. 
it was simple, he no longer had feelings for you. and he’d rather not go through the hassle of sitting down and talking it through with you. if you loved home so much than you would understand that he had to leave. but now as he sits in his half empty apartment that the two of you once shared, he isn’t to sure he made the right decision. 
he sees you everywhere now, it drives him insane. when he walks around the grocery store he sees the snacks you would always beg him to buy. or when he was getting a new cologne and the first smell that hit him was the perfume you would always wear. and on the plane back to Tokyo that only thing that calmed him was the photo of the two of you that he just happens to “forget” to take out of his wallet. 
maybe he should call you, and hopefully you would give him a chance to make it right. 
103 lb. that wasn’t good enough, the girl on the poster that Suna gave Atsumu for his birthday was 98 lb. why wasn’t it working? you worked out everyday, ate 400 calories at best, what was going so wrong? Atsumu didn’t seem to even notice what you were doing and that hurt just a bit more than an aching stomach. what he did notice was the way your hair matted down and got thinner. and the way your skin lost it’s glow. and how the bags under your eyes never seemed to go away. 
and he didn't spare you these observations, or how all he girls you saw at that mall didn’t look like that. 
after five month you were diagnosed with an eating disorder, and that was the final straw to your relationship. it was like the skies had parted and you had truly seen what was going on. two hours later you had your best friend pack all of your stuff and you left the apartment. you could no longer kill yourself for this relationship, if atsumu wanted all the the girls in the Ads, than he can have them. 
9 months and two relapses later you were finally free form the plague Atsumu had induced on you. you had gotten rid of anything that reminded you of the boy. you went as far as getting a new phone number. you had finally found peace with yourself and your body and no one was going to take that away from you. but clearly getting rid of photo’s of the man wont get rid of the real one. and you’re faced with the harsh reality when you run into him at an engagement party. 
he had a year and a half you realize what he had done. and he had, Atsumu was disgusted with how he acted, but never tried to contact you. he knew you didn't want to talk to him and i would just make it worse if he tried. he never truly realized what his words had done to you. 
“i’m sorry Miya, i-i can’t talk right now” 
he understood, he did. but that didn't make it hurt any less. watching you walk out of his life for the second time hurt even more than the first. at east he didn't see you leave the first time. maybe one day you wont hate him enough so he can tell you how sorry he was. 
two weeks of complete silence was the last straw of your already rocky relationship with the middle blocker. sending him one more useless text you decided you had, had enough. you weren’t going to fight for this relationship if wasn't going to meet you in the middle. it took you about 30 minutes to get all of the clothes that you had borrowed from him, and put them in a bag. it took you another ten minutes to make it to his house. and one minute to get to his door. 
when he opened the door to you, he isn’t going to lie he was annoyed and didn't want to see you. wasn’t the unanswered messages enough? couldn’t you take a hint. 
“y/n im not in the mood-”
“you don’t need to be in the mood, here’s your shit. you can go ignore someone else for two weeks. 
in some sick way suna missed all of your messages, he knew he had no right to be thinking of them. but its 3:26 am and al he can think about is you. some of the sweatshirts still smelled like you but by now the perfume had dissipated. no matter how many photos of you he had, they didn't do how beautiful you were justice. if he was just a bit less prideful he would be at your door, sleep forgotten, and beg for you back. but for no he’ll just have to deal with the void of emotions lingering in his chest. 
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keimisan · 3 years
MAL 1K EVENT 1K EVENT 1K EVENT SOTRUE!! can i pls request fluff + i can just watch u dance all night / and you would never let me down (crush by duckwrth) + i'm an ambivert,, very lazy,, i have a few close friends but i know a lot of people ifykwim? i get along with people well but that doesn't mean i like them. i can be condescending and blunt LOL but i mean well,, and if i were to be shipwrecked i'd like. idk write SAVE US on the beach and then nap. wouldn't get thaaat flustered bc im with the supposed loml but it would be a nice distraction ,, an animal i like would defo be cats (basic but yes) ,, i don't mind a lot of affection, makes me feel nice <3 this is such a smart event wtf
HGCGJBH pls you're so funny i laughed reading this.
pairing: chifuyu matsuno x gn!reader
wc: 574
a/n: well, I don't really like how I presented it, I feel like it could've been way better, not my best actually. but I tried T.T (repost because tags didn't work i hate tumblr)
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I headcanon that chifuyu has a whole crush on you, and shares the same brain cell as you. we already know his type because boy likes his baji-san a lot, so he'd probably be really infatuated with you as well. Not to mention, cats!! you'd write save me on the sand and boy will take out a money reciept from his pocket, write save us with coal and stuff it into a glass bottle, then drop it in the sea.
and yes you'll have your long drive date with him and peke j. enjoy.
my initial thought was draken because you really need a responsible s/o because pls don't nap like that on an island. but I'm not generous sooooo ;)
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a kitschy series of rock music blasts from your speakers at full volume; the lyrics are incoherent and majority just words and letters within screams and insane electric guitar music. but somehow, it plunges straight into your vampire heart like a wooden stake and has you jumping on the bed with enthusiasm, rather uninvitingly.
but honestly, you’re too immersed into yourself and too unruffled to care.
so you don’t really notice the blonde haired boy on the other side of your window, clutching onto his stomach with the ugliest laugh he could muster. that is until the song halts and the speakers blast your similarly flamboyant ringtone instead, notifying you of a call.
chifuyu peers at you from the other building, holding his phone close to his ear as he stifles another batch of chortle. he speaks right when you stomp down the bed and pick up, “peke j was terrified so i came to see.”
he watches you instantly pivot towards your window, “there’s something called privacy dude,” you utter.
“and there’s something called curtains.”
chifuyu takes amusement in watching your face contort into one of hilarity, and despite your apparent annoyance with the boy, his eyes shine just like always, just like he’s totally in love with you.
“do i really have to hide myself from you,” you deadpan, allowing him to chuckle for the umpteenth time.
“chill out, it’s a great source of entertainment.”
you end up abandoning the cruel mien of scowls and snickers, smirking at him with perpetual triumph instead, “your life would he so dull without me huh? who else is going to dance this beautifully?”
chifuyu struggles to maintain an expressionless face, with a few tickles of laughter bubbling at the end of his stomach because absolutely, no one else is going to dance so gracefully on incomprehensible music at the crack of night, “— absolutely no one. not everyone has a talent of breaking their limbs this professionally.”
your face takes a one eighty degrees turn, eternal annoyance taking a leap on your lips yet again. you menacingly walk towards him, summoning a squint of your eyes, “go read your manga.”
although you knew that he wasn’t being serious, your figure still sneaks out and begins walking towards the bed, without shutting the window or pulling the curtains. chifuyu takes this as a chance and straightens up, “hey!” he yells.
your head turns back and you stare at him with utter boredom. but it’s a different kind of feeling when chifuyu doesn’t smile with mischief, instead there’s a genuine spark of allure in his eyes. and then he leans on his window sill, “i could watch you dance all night and,”
“you’d never let me down.”
there came his stupid stupid grin that never failed to melt your resolve.
and your stupid stupid smile that never failed to skip that one beat of his heart.
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tagging: @sxlver-sweet @isuuki @smilingnekos @sscarchiyo+ taglist info on my navi
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