#hi sophie i hope it's ok to tag you
d-vx · 4 months
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CORAL ISLAND (1/?) — Giants Village
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ribcageteeth · 2 years
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@aceofvase tagged me, hooray!
Ghostface (Billy Loomis/Stu Macher) (Scream)
Atem/Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
Eowyn (Lord of the Rings)
Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island)
Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)
Ash Williams (The Evil Dead)
Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Simon the Ice King (Adventure Time)
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III (Critical Role)
Griffith (Berserk)
I don’t know what that says about me, but I’m sure it’s a lot. I’ll tag @theonyxranger @krispykrememossnuts @primrosey and @spooksohana, but no pressure.
#june did some explanations so i’m gonna do that too!#1: ok so when I was a little kid i had a nightmare that there was a monster trying to break down the door to my room and it was terrifying#BUT when the door broke it was Ghostface on the other side and it immediately took me out of it. i was like ‘oh. that’s just Ghostface.’#‘He isn’t scary he just falls down a lot and makes does silly voices on the phone. That’s not a monster that’s my friend Ghostface’#and ever since then he’s been my friend Ghostface#2: Atem is my ultimate comfort character. something about being the other half of a pair and learning who you are through your friends#3: we love a bad bitch who breaks a prophecy by loophole. I love that she’s a regular person and she manages through sheer determination#4: speaking of being Just Some Guy. Guybrush is the smartest idiot i know and i love that#5: big green husband love of my life ( ꈍᴗꈍ) but also Scary Man Takes Care Of Kid is a trope I love#6: hes a genius he’s a war criminal he’s a scoundrel he’s a hero he has one braincell and a chainsaw hand what more do you want. he’s trans#7: book Sophie has one of my favorite magical powers: it works because you say it works#she also takes absolutely no shit and keeps the curse up herself because she likes the freedom of being old#8: look i have a lot of feelings about the Ice King and they’re way too complicated to leave in the tags of this post#9: finally a toxic revenge narrative that doesn’t condemn the revenge and it’s so early on that the rest of his arc is just healing#10: look. what do you want me to say. i can’t defend that one. horrible awful nasty garbage man. i love him so much. i hope he dies.#tag game
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Jukebox reviews part 25! For context, see my post “A Project”     under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Turn the Page
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1/4/2014                                       mc ff
Oh, this one is ... *chef's kiss.* It's WONDERFUL. The idea of photography capturing a moment so well... of losing yourself in a photo like that... and then when Olivia steps in it's just perfect timing. I have to wonder how long she was there, watching, picking her moment. I can't do this story justice in words, just ... go read it. Seriously. It's *good.* (Ok, ok, maybe I'm slightly biased by having some lovely photos from a play session with a partner that I treasure, but still.) 10/10 spirals 
 Back and Forth (Jukebox)
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5/30/2015                                     mc mf fd
Yeah, I'm just not grooving with stories that straight up ignore someone trying to say no tonight. This is fine if you like a hypnotist pushing past attempts to say no, but I just can't with it right now. *shrug* 
 Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend
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6/6/2015                                       mc mf ff fd
Whelp, now we see what a malfunctioning Girl(tm) can do. It's a good thing that the Girls(tm) have a solid QC team that handles in-the-field problems. I do hope Adele enjoys having her own Girl(tm), since it sure seems like she's destined to have one now. It's a good view into the world of the Girls(tm), and I really enjoyed it! 9/10 spirals 
 Fadin’ In and Fadin’ Out
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6/13/2015                                     mc mf md
I don't like drugs as a method of control, personally, so this one is a pretty strong miss for me - between the drugs and the very obvious non-con, it just isn't my taste. But if you like drugs as a method of control, you might like this one pretty well. The change in how she thinks because of the drug and the brainwashing is well done, as far as I care, too. 5/10 spirals 
 Everybody Wants To Rule the World
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6/20/2015                                     mc mf ff md fd cb
Oh, this one is just FUN, and silly, and wonderful. Also, the title reminds me of a quip from a Thunderbolts comic: "Rule the world? Who wants to do that much WORK?!" (or something to that effect, anyway.) Seeing the clash of personalities and styles on display here, how they never think to *coordinate,* is just... it FEELS like a comic book in the best of ways. Which I suppose is the goal, given the setting. And seeing inside Adventure Girl's head here? It's lovely. 9/10 spirals 
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6/27/2015                                     mc mf md
Hey, now, Aaron, that's hardly proper care of an antique magnifying glass! That aside, this is a clever story; I wish we knew *how* he came to have this power over her; is it a spell? A powerful hypnotic trigger? something else? Clearly it's attached to the word "Naturally," that much is obvious, but what's the mechanism!? Inquiring minds want to know! This is a well done story, if it leaves me asking questions, and the control flows smoothly. 8/10 spirals. 
 One Thing Leads to Another
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7/4/2015                                       mc ff
That's either extremely well targeted, or Carol gets lucky every time she tries that trick. Because it'd only take one sex-repulsed ace gal to get Carol in trouble for sexual harassment. That said, the control in this one is so smooth I got halfway through before realizing there *was* any - and that takes doing when I'm reading a story I know has mind control in it! I'm not sure I entirely *like* this story, but it's got good heat. I just ... don't enjoy how Carol steamrolls Sophie the way she does. 7/10 spirals 
 Back Where You Belong
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7/11/2015                                     mc ff
Ooooh, this is fun, the way the pressure to remember something she believes she couldn't have remembered leads to the cognitive dissonance that pushes her into trance.... very cleverly done! Babbling out mantras, mindlessly reinforcing her programming... all top notch. I don't have a ton to say about this one other than I enjoyed it, it was Very Good. 9/10 spirals 
 Smoke From an Old Flame
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7/18/2015                                     mc ff
... this one is NOT FAIR for many, MANY reasons. Like the (extended) sex scene is fine, lots of hypnosis mixed in making it fine for me, but me being me that isn't the highlight of this story. No, no, the highlight is just how we're introduced to Dawn, to her sheer presence and charisma and control. She's a force of nature to Amy, that's so clear, and ... well. Jukebox, that introduction made me think *immediately* of a redheaded lass I love so very much, so thank you for that. Even if that strong association made me do a double-take at the use of "Mistress Dawn" - my brain kept editing it to "Miss Dawn" for *reasons*. And the moment going to the parking ramp, with the "Follow."? ;lkhadsghkl;adsgfhkl;adsghkl;agdshkl;gadshkladsgfhkl;adsghkl;adsghkl; That's A MOMENT. But this story is so good, and it feels like it could be real, in all the little ways.I hope that this is a start of them either having a solid long-distance relationship, or one of them moving to live with the other, because gosh they make such a sweet couple. And clearly they have all the chemistry in the world 10/10 spirals 
 The Quiet Type
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8/1/2015                                       mc ff
I wish we knew what Emily was saying at any point, here. I get why we don't; it is, after all, a story from a third-person limited narrative PoV, so we only get to know what Brandy knows, but like... not seeing how the control is flexed does take some of the heat away for me. But it's still a really good view inside Brandy's head as she rationalizes her behaviour to Emily's prompting. And the end result feels nicely inevitable for Brandy. 7/10 spirals
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winterfireice · 1 year
Chapter 3 of Just Coffee Hearts is out now!!
not tagging people today because I'm tired
“I just don't understand how you two ended up at an abandoned water park in the first place,” Amy tells Dex. We’re all working this Saturday, and it’s a slow day so we're pretty much just hanging out, and talking, not worrying about much,
“We got lost,” Keefe shrugs casually, Keefe isn't working today but is here nonetheless and sharing some random story from last summer when he and Dex went camping. I’m still not sure how they got to the water park and they won’t tell me so I've pretty much given up on finding out.
I hear the door open and look up, my legs nearly falling out from underneath me seeing Biana walk through the door, her mouth breaks into a smile when she sees me and I can feel my cheeks get warm,
“How are you already blushing?” my cousin whispers,
“Shut up please,” I respond quickly before Biana can get to the counter and can hear all my so-called friends laughing quietly,
“Hi, um what can I get you today, I should mention were having a sale on our blueberry muffins,” I say to her finding words much easier than the last time we spoke,
“A latte please and a blueberry muffin I guess,” she laughs “Oh, and a chocolate chip muffin too, please, thank you,” she seems nervous and it makes her even cuter,
“Coming right up,” 
Biana’s phone rings and she steps outside to answer it while Amy says “Ok Sophie you make her coffee and Dex you get her muffin,” 
“And what will you be doing?” Keefe asks,
Amy looks around for a second, “I will get her the other muffin,” she says confidently,
I turn to start making Biana’s latte deciding to add a little foam art of a heart on top,
“Oh that's cute,” Keefe says looking over my shoulder “You should write your number on the side,”
“Oh, you totally should!” Amy says almost squealing,
“I'm not going to do that,” 
“Why not?” Dex asks, “You clearly seem to like her, I mean you practically melt when you see her so why don't you make a move?”
“Ok that's a pretty good point hand me that sharpie,” I say 
“Hey sorry about that one of my brothers called me and I didn’t want to miss it,” Biana says coming back in,
“No worries I get it, my older sister is at college so I try not to miss any of her calls either,” I say to her while handing her the latte and bag of muffins,
“My brother is in college too,” she says and looks down seeing her coffee, “Oh this is super cute, I love it! I hope it wasn't too much trouble.” 
“Thanks, and don't worry it's just a coffee heart, I've known how to do them for a while it’s a plus of having parents that own a coffee shop,” I say light heartily,
“Your parents own this place?” Biana asks,
“Yeah they opened it a little after they graduated from college and used to live in the apartment upstairs”
“Very cool,” Biana smiles and pauses for a moment looking down at my name tag, “Sophie, that's a nice name,” 
“Thanks, I've had it all my life”. Dear god, why did I decide to say that, Biana chuckles and looks back down at her coffee “Is this your phone number?” 
“Yes, it is,” I say hoping she doesn't feel like I overstepped,
“I will make sure to call you, Sophie,” Biana says and I smile, we stand there for a moment before she turns to leave. The moment I see the door close I sink to the floor not knowing what to do next,
“I'm not going to lie that went much better than I thought it would, I so thought you would make a fool out of yourself but you were surprisingly put together,” Biana says sitting down next to me,
“Really because I feel like a disaster,” I say into my hands,
“You are a disaster but that was already known knowledge so don't worry about it,” Keefe picks up a cookie and brushes off some crumbs onto the floor before taking a bite,
“You know you have to pay for that right?” I ask him, he responds by reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few dollars, and putting them on the counter before finishing his snack,
“Anyway Amy’s right-” Dex starts to say but I interrupt “Hey”
“Not the part where she was insulting you I mean the part about it going well,” 
I hear two sets of footsteps behind me and am about to stand up before I recognize the shoes,
“Um, quick question, why is one of my daughters sitting on the floor like she just completely flunked a school project and why is one of my other daughters looking like she's enjoying it?” my mom says,
“Sophie talked to a girl then promptly shutdown and Amy is either revaling in her sister’s embarrassment or genuinely excited for Sophie because the girl said she would call Sophie,” Keefe tells my parents,
“Oh that makes sense, wait you don't work today why are you here?” Grady asks
“I'm always here, plus it's still too cold to start surfing,” Keefe states,
“Oh, that reminds me one of your surfboards is still upstairs with some wax, in case your looking for it,” my mom tells him,
“Thanks, I’ve been wondering where it was, I can bring it back over to my place in a few days if that's okay,”
“Of course, your stuff can stay up there for as long as needed,”
Keefe’s face breaks into a smile and I stand up wiping dust off my jeans, 
“Alright well you kids should get going, your shifts are over and you guys should have lives outside of this building,” my dad tells us,
“Hey do either of you have notes from Ms. Talle’s class?” Dex asks,
“I think I have some over on Sophie’s desk but I'm not sure if they're very clear,” Keefe responds rifling through a few pieces of paper, the three of us are on my bed doing homework and studying while Amy goes to Jensi’s,
“How are these not clear they’re better than ninety percent of mine, this is one of the benefits of having two best friends that are at the top of our grade,” Dex says after finding the right one of Keefe’s notebook,
“That is why you hang out with us, for our notes,” I laugh and look to my phone, 
“She probably hasn't texted yet because she’s busy,” Keefe says,
“Or she doesn't want to appear to forward so is waiting a few hours, don't stress about it,” Dex adds on,
“I'm not thinking about Biana,” I say a bit too defensively,
“That was the fifth time you've checked your phone in half an hour what else could you possibly be waiting for?” my cousin continues,
“The end of the world,” I state, when a beep interrupts my thoughts I grab my phone in record time that probably just proves my friend's point, 
“Hi it's Biana from the Calla’s I guess I just wanted to say hi, so hi”
“She texted me!” my voice is definitely higher than it normally is,
“We told you she would, are you going to text her back?” Keefe asks,
“I don't know, I mean she waited a few hours before texting me should I do the same thing? Or did she wait because her phone died or something and is now waiting for me to respond like I was waiting for her, but what if I respond too quickly and she finds it weird,” 
“Please stop spiraling it's stressing me out, and respond to her whenever you want because either you are the only person in this world who can worry like you do or this girl is worrying just like you and when you two go on a date you can laugh at yourselves,” Dex says still looking down at his textbooks, he has listened to about five years worth of my anxiety and knows when I really need comfort this not being one of those times apparently,
“I say text her you’re available now so use your free time,” Keefe says, he is basically sitting the opposite way as Dex, sitting on his knees with his hands excitingly tapping on them, his homework completely abandoned,
“But what if-” I start,
“Stop what if-ing, text the girl you can’t stop thinking about,” Dex interrupts while moving our books to the side realizing we're not going to be getting any more work done.
“Fine,”  there’s annoyance in my voice even though I’m happy someone is convincing me to do it,
“Here it is, already unlocked and all ready to go,” Keefe hands me my phone,
“What should I say?” I ask them,
“I don't know, I have had very few crushes in my life,” Dex says,
“Oh I have no clue what to say to girls, and for guys, I'm not the one who usually starts conversations,” Keefe adds looking between us,
“So between the three of us, we have little to no experience when it comes to flirting?” I say,
“Exactly,” Dex tells me,
“Hey, didn’t you ask out Marella though?” Keefe asks,
“Not exactly, we were partnered in a science class and somehow a study session turned into a date,” 
“Wow we're great at this,” My cousin says sarcastically,
“Definitely, we’re the best choice for dating advice, so just tell her that you have been thinking about her or something, it's probably not as complicated as were acting,” Keefe tells me,
“Yeah your probably right,” I say,
“Hey, when are you coming back with the mac and cheese?” Keefe shouts from upstairs, i’m cooking a quick dinner while my parents are out on a date and Dex and Keefe decided to stay the night while Amy is at Jensi’s.
“Almost done,” I respond leaning out through the doorway, I pull out my phone drafting up another text for Biana, finally just sending a simple response of 
Hey Biana really happy you texted me,
Before putting away my phone trying not to stress about it while balancing three bowls of Mac and Cheese. Walking up the stairs I feel a vibration from my back pocket and smile to myself, maybe she really is just excited about this as I am.
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f1nalboys · 1 year
Peacemaker Season 1 Episode 2 Live Post
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(just my live reactions to the episode as it goes)
-HOPING FOR MORE ADRIAN love the pacing so far a lot happens without it being overwhelming!! very excited to see where the plot goes :3
ALSO if u want to mute this tag to avoid my love posts then black list b reacts live <3
-“you can’t see me jerk off through that thing can you” ITS IN HIS SKILLFNWKDNWKND
-i love eagley
-i like the intro but i will be skipping it it’s too long
-ok so i knew the butterflies were gonna be something fucked up
-“where the fuck are my SOCKS”
-him having to sit down to put his socks on JFKSKND
-i love her
-“almost hit that bitch” JFKWKFJEJ
-OK eagley bringing the possum over to the thing was to make it the reason behind the explosion 😭😭😭 giggles
-leota loves her little dog emerson :3
-“i think he just likes looking smart” JFNWKFJJD
-his stupid ass ringtone
-peacemaker feeding eagley chips
-him holding a bloody knife CMONNNN
-him flirting w this guys wife
-peacemaker watching them fight like 😳
-the baby waving at him :3
-him breaking his bones again
-where’s adrian i. want. adrian.
-this man is fucking himself up fr 😭
-oh :/
-it’s emilia whatever
-SORRY I LOVE HER I DO i jsut need adrian
-eagley :3
-“you can’t house train an eagle dude, not without stealing its soul”
-leota getting everyone else hyped!!! my beloved
-james or whatever his name is changed christopher’s finger prints to his dads 😈
-oh so that didn’t work very well
-“am i supposed to text you when i’m taking a shit???” “I WOULDVE AOORECIATED IT” JFNOWNCKWND SHUT UPPPP
-“and now i feel like you’re mad at me” and “don’t use the i word man” are such stupid but funny lines 😭😭
-i like the lady cop whats her name
-sophie song <3
-“YOU EVER BEEN SHOT AT? :D” “……………..…no :(“ JFKOSNDIW
-christopher and james r besties but also worsties
-if emilia accuses leota of doing shit one more time… like YEAH she is feeding info to waller BUT FUCK YOU
-“i trust her the most because eagley likes her :D” “he tried to bite me” “yeah but not as hard as he tries to bite everyone else”
-“john didn’t do it” “thank you!” “he’s too big of a pussy to betray us” “alright :(“ JFKWNDJ THE CONVOS R SO FUNNYYY
-“I DONT EVEN LIKE WHEN MY BALLS ARE IN SOMEBODYS MOUTH OKAY? it gives me the wrong type of chills and all i can think about is how long it’s been since i’ve gotten checked for testicular cancer” PNFKWNDKWNDJ
-this thing isn’t even my thoughts anymore it’s just me quoting the funny lines
-he left the dossier of his assasination target in the apartment of the girl he fucjed and murn was like “u left it in the apartment of some girl who blew u?” and he goes “SHES NOT SOME RANDO WHO BLEW ME MAN, we fully fucked”
-nah peacemaker is right they haven’t told him shit like y’all sometimes a little info is necessary
-“am i a fucking dick vampire now” HE MAKES ME SO SICKWJDOWJJD
-“when we’re u gonna tell us there were witnesses?” “i did kidnap a couple for a minute :/“
-his trailer sucks like the color scheme is awful
-he’s a records guy :3
-WHERES ADRIAN. i’m starting to get pissed i want my man 🗣️🗣️
-he’s just like me
-his costume is sexy
-sorry the whole interaction w these two abt louis c k 😭😭
-adrian’s voice 😵‍💫😵‍💫
-“can you maybe teach em to me :3” OHHHHHHH IM FUCKED HES SO BABY GIRL I WANT GIM SO BAD
-leota <3
-“r u trying to fucking bribe us?” “no!!” “oh i was hoping u we’re trying to bribe us” “yes yes i am bribing u :D”
-adrian wanting to clean his place up :(
-he’s so silly asking where everything goes
-i always found the “adult character not knowing what a sex toy is” thing weird bc ur telling me adrian hasn’t gotten pussy before???
-ADRIAN USES POCKET PUSSIES OK???? it’s my canon that scene didn’t happen or it did and it was funny in a different way bc that man uses one and goes Hard.
-anyways sorry. got distracted.
-“YOU THINK THEYD LET ME OUT OF PRISON TO DELIVER FUCKING MAIL” “idk it was the first government job i could think of” adrian said support the post office <3
-not the graffiti artist kills 😭😭
-“well it does 😂🤣” SHUT UP ADRIAJFOWNDJS he’s so :3
-besties for life!!!
-also yes fuck u auggie i’m glad ur getting arrested
-wait sorry guys the cop….larry….. hes uhm. yeah. sorry
-SORRY. he’s just
-ok moving on
-leota sending her wife away :(((
-she knows it’s dangerous for her wife to be there :((
-adrian doesn’t like weed whatever
-sorry adrian mmmgmmgmgmdnsd
-that’s a cool thing
-hehe his dads in prison <3 i hope he dies and then also christopher doesn’t visit him
-his racist piece of shit dad DIE DIE DIE
-racist fucks
-they have him at a place where he’s a liter nazi god???????
-i’m pissed
-her asking to keep peacemakers mugshot girl stand up pls 😭😭
ADRIANNNN!!! i love him <3 i am excited to see how they deal w his superiority stuff + his ‘moral’ compass when it comes to killing all criminals!
i’m expecting the plot of christopher’s dad being the white dragon to matter bc if it’s just thrown in i’ll be ? very weirded out but i’m assuming that a major thing lol
leota <333 everyone needs to be nice to her rn!!!! idc if she’s a mole, she’s my WIFE! i like her and emilia together like bonding and stuff :3 also i rlly love james i think him being called sue beard is funny
excited to see where this goes but i’m going to bed so i shall finish the next 6 episodes tomorrow probably :3 we’ll maybe not tomorrow bc i’m supposed to hang w my friend? so we shall see!!!!
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fandomfoodiedancer · 1 year
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I posted 11,817 times in 2022
That's 3,171 more posts than 2021!
165 posts created (1%)
11,652 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 82 of my posts in 2022
#help - 6 posts
#sanremo - 4 posts
#eliot spencer x reader - 4 posts
#leverage fanfic - 3 posts
#nate macauley - 3 posts
#stress - 3 posts
#eliot spencer - 3 posts
#ok - 3 posts
#eliot x reader - 3 posts
#nate macauley x reader - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#i havent been able to call my father daddy in years even though ive wanted to as it makes me feel awful
My Top Posts in 2022:
Silent Tears
Summary: Eliot sees your break down and helps you through it.
Warning: self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, all round depression and sadness.
a/n: this is dark, hits a bit close to home, but it’s good to vent and I hope others can find comfort in this Eliot fic! <3
Sitting on the lounge, you put your earphones in, tuning out the yelling as Sophie, Nate, Hardison and Parker played Monopoly whilst Eliot was cooking something for dinner. You stared at the laptop screen in front of you, typing hazily your thoughts onto an old document you'd had for years, like a personal diary that you only updated when you wanted to or needed to vent. But it wasn't enough. Needing air, you tried to look calm as you walked past everyone, making your way through the small house you'd rented for a holiday until you reached the backyard. Under the stars is the only place you truly felt safe. The only place you could breathe fresh air and allow yourself to feel. Emotions washed over you and before you knew it you were crying. Sobbing. Suffocating.
No sound left your mouth, as silent tears fell, fogging up your view of the sky. For a few seconds the world looked crystal clear before the tear rolled down your cheeks. Anger at the world for being so cruel to you and your family, for treating you like the butt of its jokes. Hatred aimed at yourself. Hurt from your past and the insults your mind hurled at you. Grief and fear for the future. Everything rippled through you, until soon all that was left were the tears.
Left numb as the last tears fell, a strange calm washed over you as you looked at the stars, feeling like Orion was soothing your soul, trying to heal the parts of you that you believed to be broken, smoothing the edges until they were soft enough to feel love again. The guitar of your music played through the earphones, speaking to emotions, offering small pieces of hope with the warm night air blowing the stars around.
“Hey sweetheart, I noticed you've been gone for a bit. Thought you might like to come and help me with dinner? I'm planning on making dessert too, but it'll take both of us to manage that and watch dinner” Eliot's voice was soft, concern lacing the small undertones of his question.
“Yeah, yeah I'll be right in.” Hearing his footsteps leave, you wiped your eyes, prepping yourself to go back inside and help with dinner.
You loved to cook. Had since you were little. You weren't good at it to start with, learning the hard way that potatoes were flammable, but you slowly got there. Now cooking felt safe, it was something to be creative with, to share with the ones you loved, and if you put enough into it, it could be art. That was one of the reasons you loved cooking with Eliot so much. He understood your love for food, and you understood his. However you always let him do most of the cooking, as dancing was your true passion, cooking was his. It was beautiful and fun to watch him in the kitchen, get all grumpy when it didn't work, but the small grin and faint chuckle when something was perfect made your heart flutter.
“Alright chef, what are we making?”
“Well, I've got the satay on the stove, the rice is half way through cooking and we need to get the vegetables in the oven. If we get creative, we can make an easy lemon meringue pie before dinner is finished being made.” The look of excitement in his eyes warmed your heart, helping to forget about the wave of depression that had hit you earlier.
Soon enough Eliot had assigned you different things until you fell into a comfortable dance of rotating between checking the different parts cooking for dinner, peeling and cutting the vegtables and making the lemon curd and the pie shell, leaving the meringue for last. Soon enough, all that was left was the stirring and to make the meringue. You were so busy that you didn't have a second thought when you rolled your sleeves up.
“Hardison! Man, I need you to stir this satay every two mintues. The oven and rice cooker will turn off in a few and just leave 'em” You looked at Eliot confused. He never let anyone else touch his kitchen, you were lucky he let you in when he found out you loved cooking too.
“Yeah, sure man, is everything good?” Hardison seemed as confused as you.
“Yeah, yeah, just gonna get some air for a minute” Signalling for you to follow him, Eliot swept out of the kitchen, into the backyard where you had been less than an hour ago.
The stars were still beautiful, as was the weather, but a nervous feeling set into your bones as Eliot looked at you for a minute with his arms crossed, staring at you concerned. For a split second his eyes glanced down at your arms. You knew he saw them. Eliot has been exposed to every kind of wound, and with such an eye for observation, you knew he understood what they were. No need to lie to him or blame your cat. He knew. Tears pricked at your eyes. Softening his stance, Eliot pulled you to him in a tight hug. You broke the silence first.
“It's fucking bullshit Eliot. All of it. It's so much crap I can't breathe” Unsure of when the tears had started to fall, you tried to keep from panicking as he stroked your hair to calm you down. You stood like that in his arms until you lost track of time, until your breathing settled, until the tears stopped and you could hear his strong and steady heart beat past your own.
“C'mon. Tell me what's going on.” Tugging you to the ground, Eliot sat down, pulling you onto his lap so he could hold you some more.
“No, Eliot, I'm too heavy to sit on your lap” It killed you to say.
“Pffft, no you're not. Sophie's luggage weighs more than you.” You giggled, not doubting that for a second, but you couldn't help but let your face fall when you remembered what you were talking about.
“Is that it sweetheart? Not feeling good about yourself?” His probing tone was so gentle that you spilt everything you'd been keeping in for years.
“Not just that. I mean, yeah, it's a good bit of it. I've hated myself since I was little. I've always been the bigger one out of my sisters and me. I know that most of it's muscle, and my friends just say I'm curvy, but I hate it. I feel like a fucking blimp, and being short too makes me stumpy. I've tried everything, dieting, vomiting, not eating, over working out and healthy methods. Nothing works, I never change. I hate it. And I hate how things are with my family. My sisters have always taken all the attention, as the angel and demon whilst I'm invisible. The only time I'm not invisible is when they need me to do all the housework, the cooking and cleaning and all the rest of the shit. I try to open up to my mum. I try to explain how I feel inside and every time I try, she just tells me I need to lose weight. I need to cut out sugar, eat less calories, count everything. She never says it to my sisters. Only me. It fucking hurts. Especially when every day my brain insults me, about how I look, how I'm useless, how I can never do anything right, how I'm a fuck up and a waste of space. I mean, the world must be punishing me as my dad got sick, badly, recently. I'm npt even good enough to save him from that. But for some fucking reason, despite it all, I don't have the guts to end it. Even though my family life is fucked up and manipulative. Even though I'm this fucking thing. Even though the world clearly doesn't want me anymore. I just want it all to stop.” You don't know when the tears started, but you watched as the droplets fell onto your trackies. No point in trying ro look good when you know no one wants you, especially Eliot. At least that's what you thought.
“I know the feeling. Maybe not the feeling of hating my reflection that bad, but I know the feeling of worthlessness. Of hopelessness. Of never seeing a light at the end of a tunnel and when you think you do, it's a fucking train. But there is life after survival. It doesn't feel like it, but there is. Now, I won't pretend I know or understand what it's like for you, but know I'm here sweetheart. What we got, in there, those four idiots playing board games, that's our family now. This is your home. Your place to let it all out. You don't need to hide from us to cry, or cut into yourself to get the emotions out because you feel you don't have another option. Tell us. We're here for you. I'm here for you. Can I ask why?”
You didn't even need to ask what he was refering to.
“I'm not sure. The first time I did I was angry. A dull, throbbing anger and sorrow that I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. So I dragged my broken nail down my arm until it left a mark. Then I did it again. I guess it's about control. I can't control my life. I can't control what happens at home, or work or even at dance classes. But I can control myself. I can make sure that I don't hurt anyone, even if they deserve it, I can make sure not to yell or snap or hit anyone or anything, by taking it out on myself instead. So yeah, I guess it's about control. Or maybe that I feel I deserve it. Maybe it's that the sting reflects how I feel, so my feelings and tears seem vaild, or maybe it's because it distracts me, shuts the voices up in my mind, or maybe it's because I'm just addicted to the sting. I remembered wanting someone to notice at first, hoping they could see my pain and help me, but now I don't want to burden anyone”
After a moment of silent nodding Eliot spoke up.
“I'm not going to force you to stop. I'm not going to make you promise not to. I know how it can be. How addictive. Me and my fists.... well there's a reason they're red and raw most days and it ain't because someone needed my help. I know the draw of the sting. But please stop darlin', I don't wanna see you hurt, I don't want you to have lasting scars from a pain that isn't permanent. More than that, I wouldn't.. I can't let anything happen to you, y/n. I care too damn much to let anything take you from us.”
“How do you know my pain's not permanent? I've felt like this since I was twelve. Hated my body since I was eight. I don't even see how it's bad for me anymore”
“I wish... I wish you could see what you mean to me. Who you are and how amazing it is to be around you. Did you know my cooking always turns out better when you're in the kitchen? Even when you're not doing anything, just sitting on the counter babbling to me, you make it better. And did you know that Parker actually sleeps more peacefully since you gave her that stuffed animal and that Hardison gets the biggest smile on his face when you ask about his video games, even though you don't seem to really understand them? Did you know that Sophie sees you like her daughter and that Nate drinks less when you're around? You make things better and you're completely unaware of it. And I sleep better when you're around. I find that I can breathe more. This team are the only people in the world that I can open up to, you especially. As for your looks. Excuse me for saying and I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but damn. The way you look. Beautiful. Stunning. Divine. There aren't enough words in the English language, or any other language for that matter, that can describe how beautiful you are, inside and out. You don't need to be skinny to be beautiful, and honey you are gorgeous as you are. That being said, don't think for a minute that you're too big. To me, you're the most beautiful woman in the world.”
See the full post
30 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
The Proposal Job
summary: your brother Quinn finds out that Eliot has proposed to you, in a less than ideal situation.
Warning: a little bit of soft smut in the first bit, then angst.
a/n: @being-worthy I'm so sorry this took me so long, I hope you like it!
The rain poured, hard waves of water crashing onto the window above your bed, but the sounds were hardly noticeable to you. The sounds of skin on skin mixed with the groans escaping Eliot's sinful lips had you creating cries of your own. As his lips captured yours in a searing kiss, your spirit started to rise as the tension in your lower stomach got tighter and tighter, clenching around him as his rhythm started to falter. So close yet so far when the door burst open, the doorknob making a dent in the wall as you're big brother came running into the room. So fast it was a blur, Quinn ripped Eliot from you, throwing him to the ground.
“I'll give you ten seconds to put some boxers on so you can have a bit of dignity whilst I beat your sorry arse” The rage on Quinn's face was undeniable, as was the amusement on Eliot's.
“Bring it on”
For fucks sake. Men and their egos. Throwing on a dressing gown, you stomped over to the brutes, hoping to stop the fight. One hand on each man's chest as Eliot slipped the boxers on, you turned to face your brother, hoping to explain yourself.
“Qui-” In the time it took you to get half his name out, he had already seen the glimmer of the diamond on your ring finger. This wouldn't be good.
In seconds he was aiming for you, throwing fists, nearly landing kicks as you all but dodged away from him, hoping this would at least stop him from attacking Eliot. As the disbelief fell from Eliot that he was no longer the target, he grabbed Quinn, pinning him against the wall, maintaining a tight grip as the anger from Quinn stayed targeted on you.
“Y/n. I... he... why?” The anger slipped into betrayal “You're my sister! We've only ever had each other and we promised – you fucking promised – that we would tell each other everything! Then you go and get fucking engaged to this arsehole without even mentioning it to me?! And you Mr. Big Time Thug, couldn't even be bothered to fucking ask for a blessing, which, no, by the way, you will not get!”
The room stood still for a moment as Quinn tried to collect himself, but you spoke first.
“Quinn, you are my brother and I love you. I have never, and will never lie to you. The only reason I didn't tell you about Eliot was I thought you would kill him, and now that he's proposed to me – which was only tonight so you don't need to sulk about that – I was planning on telling you in the morning.” All fight had left Quinn as Eliot slowly backed away from him. You squished in between the hitters to hug your brother.
“Does he make you happy?” His voice was softer than Eliot ever thought possible. But he knows you have a way with empathy.
“More than anyone else in the world. I love him, every time I see him he makes me smile. With him, I never feel insecure, only loved as much as I love him” Nodding his head, Quinn's soft eyes turned cold as he stared Eliot down.
“Do you love her? Do you promise to never leave her or hurt her? Because no amount of threats right now will do justice to what I will put you through if not” Daggers were being sent laced in venom with every word that left Quinn's mouth.
“I do. I know that I don't deserve her, but I will do everything in my power to make her happy Quinn, please, I know this isn't easy in our profession, but I'm begging you to believe me, to trust me.”
Seemingly happy with his answer, Quinn nodded and pulled away from your grip, headed towards the door. Stopping in the doorway, he turned to add a final thought.
“Just so you know, I expect to be a taste tester for everything on the wedding menu. And to have a vote in the floral arrangement.” With those parting words, he left the room as Eliot closed the door again.
“Well. That went better than expected” You smiled as you hooked your arms around Eliot's shoulders eager to finish what you had started.
“Yeah, you're telling me” holding onto your waist, he kissed you softly as you backed up onto the bed.
39 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
It’s Always the Quiet Ones
summary: When on a con with Eliot a few secrets are shared
warnings: fighting, smut
a/n: posted at 2 am for me, sorry it’s unedited. :)
You shifted in bed, nervous about how the con would go down. The mark had several henchmen, and this con wouldn't happen without a fight. You knew Eliot would be safe, he always is, but you couldn't stand the idea of him getting hurt. But him finding out about you seemed worse. Throwing back the covers, you shuffled into your flannel pyjama pants and bunny slippers, taking comfort in the softness before grabbing your book and heading downstairs and across the hall to Nate's living room.
After becoming a family with the leverage team, and once Hardison bought the building of the Boston pub, you had moved into an apartment that connected with Nate's. An apartment that you also shared with Eliot and Hardison, whilst Parker had a room if she wanted it, but usually chose to sleep in her warehouse. It was fun sharing an apartment with your closest friends, but made you extra nervous at times as you hoped Eliot wouldn't find out how you felt about him.
Curling up on the lounge, you opened your book, immersing yourself in its world, losing all your stresses. Faint footsteps cam closer to your seat, but you only bothered to look up when a shoulder brushed yours.
“What're you doing up so late sweetheart?” Eliot's voice was gravelly, as if you had woken him up when you turned the kettle on for a cup of peppermint tea.
“I just couldn't sleep” There was something about Eliot that made you open up to him, even when you usually wouldn't. “I'm worried about the con tomorrow. I know this guy won't go down without a fight and I know he has dozens of people working for him. I just don't want you to get hurt”
Wrapping his arm around you, Eliot sighed, warmed by how much you cared but also wanting to laugh. He had been through so much, a few goons wouldn't be the end of him.
“Y/n, I'll be alright, it's my job. Yes I throw the punches, but I know how to take them too. I'll be fine, don't worry about me”
Snuggling into him, you nodded and tried to think of something to say until you softly fell asleep on him, leaving Eliot to pick up your book and take a chance reading it for himself.
You were cornered by thugs. Eliot was beside you, but there were about fifteen of them, slowly walking closer to you both. When the con started to turn bad and the mark got suspicious, Eliot needed help with the distraction. Clearly it had worked too well. Taking in a deep breath, you released a part of you that you had kept secret, held in the back of your mind in hopes of forgetting it, forgetting where it came from and why it was there. Searching through the goons, you found him. The typical thug, tall, body builder type muscles that aren't too useful and next to nothing behind his eyes. Yep, this was the guy to knock down first. Consider it a warm up. Get fucked bitches. With that you felt your past self slip onto you like a warm worn through coat. As you stalked towards your prey, you saw his eyes flash with uncertainty. Now was the time to hit. Eliot must've seen it in another thugs eyes, throwing the first punch.
Hooking your arm around the closest guys neck, you pulled him down, forcing him to bend his legs, where you climbed onto his knee then shoulder, throwing yourself towards your prey as you hit his temple with your elbow on impact, quickly catching your own landing. One was already down, thirteen left thanks to Eliot. The fight went fast and you used every bit of knowledge you knew. Go for the soft point to distract, then hit them hard where it counts. A kick to the nuts and a knee to the forehead. Catch their punch, twist their arm, use their momentum to swing yourself onto their shoulders black widow style and cut off their air way until they pass out. Kick behind the knee and fan kick to the head. Most of your fighting used your legs, as you had more muscle there than in your arms. Soon enough there were a pile of thugs at both of your feet as Eliot stared at you. Unsure what to tell him, you called an ambulance for the unconscious men, hoping you hadn't given them concussions or brain damage. You'd never had to fight that hard, or knock many people out so you hoped they were alright. They may have been 'baddies' but they didn't deserve a hard life or to die. 
“You should've seen her man!” Eliot practically yelled at Hardison as everyone drove back to Nate's apartment in Lucille. Apparently you'd left an impression on him, as he told the team in almost exaggerated detail how the pair of you fought together.
“Are you for real? Little miss loves-reading-and-fluffy-blankets, who cries at romantic comedies-”
“That's because some of them are really beautiful and you know it!” You cut in needing to defend yourself, but Hardison continued.
“-can hold her own in a fight. You know, I've got to watch this footage. Gimme a sec” If it wasn't for Nate driving you feel Hardison would have pulled over to check. Within seconds the security camera footage showed everyone but Nate how you fought.
“Damn girl! Maybe you should be teaching Eliot” This made Parker snicker as he slapped Hardison's shoulder in agreement. Were you really that good? Apparently so considering the sound affects Parker and Eliot were making as they re-watched the footage.
The soft sound of Notting Hill filled the living room as you and Eliot swapped ice packs for the different bruises.
“Do you, um, do you think of me any differently now that you know I can fight?” This is what made you nervous. Would he care? Would he ask about your past?
“Honestly? No. You're still you. You're funny and smart and cheesy, you still love making history puns and laugh at your own bad jokes. So, you might've been through some stuff to know how to fight like that but I don't see you any different. At least, not in a bad way” A small smirk made you curious.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean, come on. You're already one of the most beautiful women on the planet, but watching you fight. Damn. That was hot of hell.”
“You're only saying that because your on your fourth beer of the night”
“Nah, I've thought it for awhile, I just needed a bit of liquid courage to say it”
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56 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Guys. Guys, what if I write one of us is lying fanfic? Specifically Nate Macaulay?
65 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Treat You Better
summary: you're falling for Nate, but believe he likes Bronwyn instead
warning: yelling at home? Tiny bit of angst?
A/n: I am so so sorry this took me so long to write @mangardel​! I haven't edited it yet sorry, so please let me know if it's ok!
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More yelling. That's how it always was. You turned the horror movie in front of you up, half listening to it, half listening to Nate.
“Fuck, it was so funny when Bronwyn first saw this movie, she couldn't even watch it! Apparently she doesn't appreciate a good jump scare”
“Haha, I mean they can be scary though” You gave a response, but your heart sank further. You'd been friends with Nate for years, he was there for you when shit went down, and you were there for him when he had to deal with it all too. But lately you'd been feeling the distance between you grow, making your heart hurt as you realized he didn't love you back. For ages you'd felt he was in love with Bronwyn, and the more he talks about her, the more you felt you had no chance.Why bother calling him when he want's nothing to do with you?
“You've been silent for a while, where'd your sarcastic commentary go?” The teasing in his voice reassured you, but still you felt distant. But it was better to have him as a friend than not at all. You commented throughout the movie until you eventually ended the call to sleep. Maybe tomorrow would be better.
“This fucking sucks Rojas!”
“What do you mean?” Nate didn't bother saying hello, just barged into the conversation with Bronwyn as they waited for the rest of the so called murder club to arrive.
“It's y/n, she's driving me fucking nuts! You're a girl-”
“-so tell me, why does she seem so on and off. It's like, we're best friends, then the next day she won't even answer my calls? I don't get her.”
“Well, have you spoken to her about how you feel?”
“huh, good one. Why ruin the thing we have? It's obvious she isn't into me” With a loud snort, Bronwyn fell off her seat.
“Are you kidding me? She's falling for you! Not even, she's already fallen! Are you so oblivious?”
“Oh shit. Really?”
“Yes dumbass!”
Another night, another fight. You'd called Nate to watch a movie with you, hoping for some distraction from the noises in your house, but he never answered. Sighing, you turned on your laptop, settling on the first sad looking romance movie you could find, only to hear your phone chime.
I'm out the front on my bike. Sneak out.
You fought yourself internally. Why meet him if he couldn't even answer a call? But also, anything had to be better than being alone right now.
As you snuck up the drive way, he tossed you his helmet. Clearly he was trying to get you out of there fast. Shit, he must've heard the yelling, you thought as he started the drive. After a while, he pulled into a small park.
“You always wanted to go to a park at night right?” You laughed at the memory of telling him, as he offered you his hand before pulling you toward the swings. Rolling your eyes, you took the swing to the left, taking the earbud he silently held out to you. The first few beats of the song filled your ears.
“I want you to listen to these lyrics ok? Really listen to them” You hadn't ever heard Nate so serious about a song, but still you listened closely, even though you knew all the words. By the second verse, Nate had caught your eyes, as if he was singing the song to you.
I'll stop time for you
the second you say you'd like me to
I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing
baby just to wake up with you
See the full post
119 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nulltune · 2 years
😳😳 if ur still accepting!!! with any of my muses 🥺🙏
send 😳 4 me 2 gush abt our muses!
i am.... snail but liSTEN HERE SOPHIE THERE IS NEVER EVER A TIME LIMIT FOR MY MEMES and for u especially okok 🥰🥰💖 i'm gonna go with some of the muses we haven't talked abt from your primaries from your multi here! just some rapid fire lynny thoughts hehehe 👀✨️ (and i hope u won't mind me tagging ur multi hereee 😳 @jiingweii hi 😳)
havria: OH SHE IS SO SWEETTT i think they're both the types to choose kindness even in a literal War and 🥺 oo sophie i'm grabbing u by the ankle (LOVINGLY...) bc i wanna know more abt xu feng wants too!! seeing her hobbies section rlly made me go 👀👀 bc call me simple but i am a sucker for charas bonding over lil activities.... music and origami in particular are rlly hakunocore (i hc her as a pianist, if they have that in genshin sgjdbs and the concept of origami is just,, Hakunocore! she's not the best at it tho <3) but i also wanna see em do painting or embroidery because hakuno would be pretty bad at thatt so ig she wants to teach hakuno or be frustrated by hakuno-- feel free! i just think it'd be neat idk idk!!
semiramis: THE WAY HER AND HAKUNO TO ME IS LIKE- queen ✨️ and.... some girl. sgkfhwd sorry hakunooo but pls!! it's interesting bc i see that semi views herself as superior to others as a ruler while hakuno's the opposite! sees herself as inferior to othera due to a variety of issues </3 another thing that i think is really neat abt them is how i'm 100% associating semi with black and hakuno with white but honestly...... they are both a widdle morally ambiguous! also has a lot of baggage with their pasts which i am 👀👀 at the prospect of them unpacking it maybeee ! hakuno's a huge history buff and fr is like an encyclopedia for history and myths so i think she's know of semi's life which i rlly wanna know how semi would feel abt tbh 😳
signora: HER BACKSTORY RLLY INTRIGUES ME TBH and hakuno's the naturally curious sort so 👀 she'd want to know about signora methinks.. YOU CAN KEEP HER IN THE DARK ABT IT FOR AS LONG AS U WANT THOO i feel like any positive relationship they could have would def be a slowburn! (hakuno's extremely patient tho, i will warn u that ✨️) idk why but i rlly wanna see em being forced into an alliance of some sort ngl 😳 i read from her wiki that she willingly cast aside and forgot her past tho so i think it'd be sooo interesting for her to interact with an amnesiac hakuno! hakuno was really really troubled over it so i personally think it'd be neat to see how signora would react to that too :thonk:
arlecchino: i barely know anything abt her but hNRRGH HI MISS MA'AM YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL AND COOL AND HHH?????? from that one fatui trailer she said "we don't want to make the children cry" so like. i'm sorry but i wanna see her forced into babysitting looking after some kiddos with hakuno. hakuno tries her best but she can be so awkward and i just think it'd be a fun scenario to throw em into ngl 😳✨️ again i baaarely know anything abt her bUT I WANT TO. consider this me being all grabby hands for more info abt ur arlecchino sophie (as well as any muse u feel like talking abt tbh!) i'm so ready to love her-
dehya: WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS ON HER HEAD ARE THEY ANIMAL EARS BC IF THEY ARE THEN HAKUNO "ANIMAL LUVR" KISHINAMI IS GOING TO STARE SO RESPECTFULLY- ok! i'm stuck in inazuma jail tbh and my genshin knowledge is lacking 😩 but i heard that she's very dedicated to her job? sooo what if she helps guide/escort hakuno thru sumeru..... i'm thinking a protector/protected kinda dynamic... at the start especially because hakuno's pretty lost in all this yknow! also in a place like sumeru i feel like she'd be so especially out of place because for all how logical and rational her thinking is, hakuno's veery emotionally-driven and always follows her heart in the end <3
al haitham: me talking about how emotional hakuno is and then googling al haitham and then seeing that he operates purely by rationality-- 😮😮😃😃✨️✨️✨️ I LOVE THAT ACTUALLYYYY hakuno can honestly be so frustrating because again, she Knows what's the rational thing do.. she just doesn't! she's always purposely giving herself the short end of the stick and honestly just being so damn selfless and self destructive,,, so i feel like he could maybe give her a reality check..??? idk but i think they're kind like opposites in that aspect so it'd be interesting to see how they'd interact ! i think forcing them to work together for something could be pretty fun too hohoo maybe they'll butt heads at times, maybe they won't, who knows 💃💃
raiden shogun: liSTENNN a huge part of hakuno's character is how,, impermanent it is (moon girls Do Not have a long lifespan!) and a lot of why she is the way she is the way she is is because of she's aware of her own mortality. the two of em could really have that immortal and mortal kinda dynamic i think! that said, i feel like there's some similarities between them..... hakuno can def see parts of herself in the shogun i think and would definitely try to bond or help her discover more of herself because of that! she does a liddol projecting... also this is a little silly idea but i hc hakuno to be scared of thunder so like. GSJCHSJD I NEED TO SEE THE GOD OF THUNDER REACT TO THIS INFORMATION???
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vendettaparker · 3 years
You Say the Whole World’s Ending (Honey, It Already Did) [P.P]
Summary: Peter mourns his greatest loss.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Character death, angst, typos, throwing up
a/n: hi! i’m genuinely so sorry for how sad this is lol. i had to write this idea down before i forgot it. that one bo burnam song really got me :( here it is if you want to hear it! hope you enjoy and as always reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! ok. back to my hiatus :)
“Today, the world mourns the loss of one of the most innovative teens in existence,” The news reported stated with tears in her eyes, “Last night, (Y/N) Stark was found dead after going missing for three months. The cause of death has not yet been disclosed and her family asks for privacy during this time of grieving. The world shares in this pain, and I believe I speak for all of us when I say, (Y/N), you will be missed.”
The clouds muddled over the compound, creating a darkness that sheathed over the building while the rain pittered over the roof and windows. As cliche as it was, Pepper and Tony provided black umbrella to all the guests at the graveyard. Together they huddled over the casket with their umbrellas, attempting to keep the rain off of the perfect mahogany the best they could.
Morgan clung to her mothers leg and scratched at her neck, uncomfortable in the pearls she was forced in, too young to understand what she had just lost. Tony kept his arm around Pepper, trying to hold on to what family he had left, begging whatever god was out there to give him respite from his pain.
Pepper gripped her umbrella with an iron fist, recalling when she first met you. Small and shy as you were, you quickly warmed up to her as she showed you to your room.
“Is this her?” Pepper asked as you cowered behind Tony’s leg, a small backpack hung loosely on your shoulders.
“Yeah,” Tony nodded with a proud smile, “this is (Y/N).” Tony bent down, motioning for Pepper to join him as she greeted you with a warm smile. “This is Pepper, (Y/N),” Tony placed a hand on your shoulders, “she’ll help watch you when I’m away.”
You nodded and held your hand out to her. Pepper grasped it in her perfectly manicured fingers and held it tightly, “I think we’ll be good friends,” she smiled, giving your fingers a sweet kiss.
Pepper not only lost her daughter; she lost her best friend as well.
Peter couldn’t even go. May begged him to go, trying to pull him out of the rut he’d been in for the last three months. She did the best she could, but deep down she knew. She knew all too well the pain of losing your soulmate, and as young and naive as Peter was, he still managed to find that in you.
Peter felt hopeless. He had held out hope for months, thinking that by some miracle you;d get to come home. That you’d walk through the door and run up to him, pulling him into your warmth and smashing your soft lips onto his. Every night he dreamed of you. Your laugh and your jokes. The way you scrunched your nose when he said something stupid, but then laughed along with him. The way you’d ruffle his hair as he laid in with his head nuzzled in your chest. The way you’d rush into school so fast, you nearly knocked him over when you found him. Those dreams, or more so, memories kept him going. And now he had nothing.
He was stuck in a world without you. And at a certain point, he wondered if it was even worth living in. He was wrong. He used to think that good things happened to good people, but he was wrong. You were as good as it got and you still ended up in the ground.
“Peter,” Sam said from the other side of the call, “you gotta come to the compound.” He hung up before Peter could even get a word in, but when he arrived at the building, he understood why.
Sam met him at the door, tears crusted around his dark eyes, and the look he gave Peter evoked immediate dread.
Peter could hear Pepper’s screaming sobs from inside. The cries of all the Avengers filtered through his ears into his head like nails on a chalkboard. And as unsettling as it was, he knew.
Sam guided him through to the medbay, and part of him secretly hoped he was wrong. It wasn’t until he held your cold hand in his overly warm ones that it hit him. And then the screaming started.
“No,” Peter murmured as the tears began dancing around in his vision, “no, no, no.” Peter shook his head, “I-It’s not her.” He said, but it was more of a terrible wish he put out into the universe, “please, it’s not—no. She’s strong—stronger than that, she wouldn’t—I-I don’t understand.”
Peter whipped his head around and the whole team could see the tears uncontrollably flowing out of his eyes as he heaved. The hyperventilating, mixed with the cries of everyone else in the room was making him nauseous. Before he could properly process what was going on he was running to the window, throwing it open and spewing brown goo out into the yard.
Happy ran over and rubbed his back and shoulder, “It’s okay, Pete. Come on now, breathe.”
Peter screamed and heaved out sobs as more brown chucks spilled from his lips. When he was done, he collapsed into Happy and the large man wrapped his arms around Peter’s shaking frame.
“I–It’s not true,” Peter begged, “Happy—” he pleaded, only to be shushed.
“I know,” Happy cried, “I know it’s hard, Peter. But you have to calm down.”
Tony, having just lost his daughter, saw Peter’s breakdown and left the room. Pepper by his side, drawing her cries out in his t-shirt.
“H-How can I?” Peter wailed, “I want her back, I want her back! (Y/N)!” Peter crawled out of Happy’s embrace, up the bed that held your limp frame. He tugged on the sheet that Bruce had put over your head, ripping it to expose your beautiful face.
“No,” Peter cried, sloppily running his hands over your face, “no, (Y/N).” Peter rubbed his thumbs under your eyes and held his cheek against yours, only feeling the icy prick of your skin on his, “come on, please get up, please. I-I had so many things to tell you. I had s-so much left to—I—I never got to marry you, (Y/N), please. Please d-don’t leave.”
Every watery plea was only met with a painful silence on your end. The only sounds to accompany the dreadful silence were the wails coming from the boy’s mouth.
And now he was here, sitting alone in his room, on the same bed you used to cuddle him in. If he tried really hard, if he focused enough he could still smell the lavender shampoo you used. It was such a little comfort, but it was all he had.
May accompanied Happy to the funeral, letting him rest his head on her as the tears flowed from his eyes.
“She was so special,” Happy recalled with a sniffle, “so special.”
“Yeah,” May whispered, swallowing her own sob, “in more ways than one.” She placed her yellow rose on the casket, blowing a little kiss to it with a small prayer, thank you. Thank you for being Peter’s love.
✧tags & moots✧ @ptersmj @princessofguineapigs @peterbenjiparker @cherrytholland @itsapeterthing @justapurrcat @thirstiestpotato @kelieah @iovebug  @waitimcomingtoo  @rosyparkers  @parkers-gal @allegra-writes @starktonyx  @celestialholland  @hollandcrush  @londonspidey @blissfulparker @spidernerdsblog @spidey-sophie @spideyspeaches @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology @andilovetowrite @sinisterspidey @asonofpeter @westcoastcigar @arlo-sanders @love-peterparker @boiolay @letssee2468  @white-wolf1940 @fandom-life-12 @hollandsdream @annathesillyfriend @lovelybarnes @miseryholland @wierdteenagenerd @duskholland @hollandprkr @lauras-collection @arvinsescape @hollandsrecs @worldoftom
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savoies · 3 years
rating things my boyfriend has said during sex - nolan patrick.
summary: rating things nolan has told you during sex.
word count: 1k.
warnings: borderline smut, mentions of smut, bad words, mentions of alcohol.(remember protection and consent)
a/n: here it is, thank you to everyone who voted! hope you guys like it.
taglist: ​(click link or send in ask) ​ @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa ​ @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs @sidscrosbyy
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
1. That's my girl.
Made me feel good.
Lowkey made me feel like a dog for a sec but we overlooked that.
Nolan had just gotten home from a game,  a winning game for that matter. One in which he made the overtime goal in. Meaning only one thing. Rewarding him for his goal. It wasn't a written rule you guys had just something that casually reoccurred over time. Just him coming back from a winning high and one thing always led to another.
Your moans filled the small Philadelphia apartment as Nolan thrusted into you. Both of you quickly about to reach your high.
"Nolan im about to..."  You said as kept on riding him.
"Let go baby." He said as he looked at you and the current view in front of him.
You finally reaching your orgasm and letting go as the feeling of your high overtook you.
"That's my girl." Nolan said as both of you laid next to each other both slowly drifting off to sleep.
2. Did you put bread on the grocery list?
Ruined the mood.
Did remind me about the bread though.
You and Nolan were very handsy all day. Much preferring to stay in then go out but Travis had invited you over for lunch with him and Karly so instead of taking care of how you were feeling you had to result to waiting which you and Nolan did not much prefer.
Quickly getting home and kissing once you got into your living room. Dropping articles of clothing as both of you went to the bedroom.
You kissing Nolan and tugging at his hair as grunts and moans filled your bedroom.
You quickly trying to remove his pants.
"Wait." Nolan said through heavy breaths.
"What." You dragged out kind of getting desperate.
"Did you put bread on the grocery list?" He asked as he stopped kissing you.
"Wait, are you serious? You stopped this for that?" You questioned as you got up and put your shirt on.
"Where are you going?" He asked as you stepped out of the room."
"I'm going to add bread to the grocery list."
"Ok good cause i need my ham and cheese sandwiches." He said as you rolled your eyes at his comment.
3. I swear im gonna marry you one day.
Filled my stomach in butterflies.
If he keeps on saying it i'm gonna give this man anything and everything. 
You and Nolan had just gotten back from your friend's wedding. Both having to wear stuffy outfits and quickly trying to get out of them as fast as possible.
"You know i think it'll be more fun if i take off your dress." He said as he stood across the room and looked at you with a smirk.
"Oh really." You said as you walked over to him. Him quickly but softly pushing you against the bed.
Him teasing you as he removed your dress slowly.
"God, I swear I'm gonna marry you one day." He said as he looked at you admiring you. 
Placing a condom on his length as he entered you and you buried your face into his neck.
That day the sex was soft and loving, Nolan picturing what it would be like for you to walk down the aisle to him.
4. Only I get to make you feel this way.
Made me wet
You and Nolan had just gotten back from celebrating a win with the boys. Them deciding that it was a good idea to go to the bar a few minutes away from the wells fargo center.
You sat on one of the bar stools as you talked to Sophie (Phil's girlfriend) and Nolan and the others stood on the far side of the bar.
When some random dude approached you as she left to go to the bathroom.
"What is a pretty lady like you doing at the bar all alone." He asked with a slight slur to his words.
"What thats the best flirting skill you got up your sleeve?" You asked, letting out a small laugh at his attempt to get in your pants.
Nolan quickly watching the situation go down. He wasn't quite happy that there was a guy making you laugh and that he was so close to you. As soon as the guy placed his calloused hand on your thigh Nolan walked over.
"Come on Y/N we're heading home." He said.
"Aww come on dude let her have some fun." 
"My girlfriend doesn't want to have fun with you." He said as he sized up to him and you grabbed his hand and walked out. You knew you were in for it when you got home seeing the way his knuckles turned white as he held down on the steering wheel.
Quickly getting home as he walked into your guys room expecting you to follow.
Quickly and roughly removing your clothes.
As he looked at you and said "only i get to make you feel this way." He said as he lined up at your entrance and thrusted into you. You knew you were definitely going to be sore tomorrow morning.
5. boobies *blows raspberries*
Kinda odd but fun.
Hey if he's a boob guy he's a boob guy.
Nolan and you had just gotten back from a date. Having had a few drinks and being a bit tipsy. Both being quite funny people after two or three drinks. 
Walking hand in hand back to your apartment just enjoying each other's presence.
"Babe can we make out?" Nolan asked as he sat on the couch. 
"Sure why not." You said loving the feeling of his warm lips on yours.
Both kissing softly as he worked his way down to nip at your neck. He removed your shirt as his cold skin raised goosebumps on yours.
"Boobies." He said as he blew raspberries into your boobs.
You laughed as he then looked up at you and placed one more kiss on your lips.
"You are so weird you know that." 
"Yeah but you love it."  And honestly yeah you did. You loved Nolan and your events in the bedroom because it was always different, and fun, and exciting.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
OK MY ELECTRICITY WENT BUT IM HERE WITH MY LIVE BLOG. Im also wearing a tiara i found during cleaning at 2 38 am...
You see, that’s how Lexi functioned. Unlike Selena who had a weekly planner with her name doodled on it, Lexi didn’t like having a schedule. She would decide what she wanted to do when she wanted it.
lexi why are you in pain
what what what
whats happening
im freaking out
There were six of them. Each handle in one colour of the pride flag.
these demons can talk as well.
that's what bothers me the most
CLARY STFU YOU KNOW DAMN WELL YOU FOUGHT A WAR AT 15. I know she's worried for valid reasons but im losing it right now.
calm its ok its gonna be ok
georgia collecting the ichor-
i love her so much
Lexi didn’t think it was possible, but the sight somehow made her gayer than before.
me every time i look at amy or rosa from b99
“Of course you are not dying!” Lexi said severely. “Neither one of us is allowed to die before we finish binging Game of Thrones.”
with the major character death tag right there
dont make me think of georgia getting sick
The bar was extremely low for shadowhunters.
yes it is
did i just sob "my child" ?
maybe i did
im so proud of him
wait but in tid sophie was over the age of ascention too
“Life is too short for bad blood,”
yeah. yeah it is
i still really like camilla
He could go to Mexico right now. His heart wanted to do it. His body screamed at him to do it.
It wasn’t the distance that was the problem. He had two warlocks at home. He had a bike. He had money to buy a plane ticket.
It wasn’t the distance at all. Rafael would walk to Mexico for her if necessary.
i screamed so loud here i was grateful for the closed door
“Y’all really be acting as if portals are like a bag of Cheetos!” Max pointed out seriously. “It ain’t $2.50, bro! Do you have any idea the energy it takes to make a portal? What people actually pay for it? I can’t be making portals for free. I don’t get a salary from the Clave like you do. This is how I make a living!”
“I was going to say you should go stay at the institute with David,” Rafael said. “But you are right. You are not a baby. You can stay here on your-”
“On second thoughts,” Max interrupted with a grin. “I’m still a fetus in warlock years so I will go the institute.”
my throat hurts
“All thanks to the amazing Isabelle Lightwood,” Jaime replied. “I think I am a little in love with her.”
“Who isn’t?” Rafael chuckled.
we all are in love with isabelle lightwood
no no no
where's anjali
where is she
dont fuck with me right now
why does diego look like a mess
“Diego,” the woman rasped. “She is coughing up blood again.”
it's chapter 1
stop making me cry
if anyone gives izzy shit for this i'll kill them
“Jace, if you want to a baby so much then grow your own damn uterus,” Isabelle snapped.
After Georgia’s birth, they had promised each other that they would always choose the children first. If it ever came to a point, as it often did in their lives, where they had to choose between themselves and the children – they had promised each other to save the children.
dude theres a major character death here
Jace thought for a moment and then grinned at her. “No uterus. No opinion.”
“Selena has trained you well,”
selena my smart feminist child
“Do you really need those?” Alec asked, pointing at the glasses.
“No,” Jace replied. “But Clary thinks I look hot with glasses.”
“You two are ridiculous,” Alec shook his head.
Jace turned around. “Really? And your beard is for character building, is it?”
there's no use lying alec we all know why it's really there
she cant die
my throat hurts from all the shouting
“Can I get a cinnamon latte with extra cream and two sugars please?” Alec asked.
Jace raised an eyebrow.
“Magnus had a long day at the Spiral Labyrinth,” Alec explained.
“Can’t he just magic his drink?”
“Well, yes,” Alec replied. “But I like buying it for him. It’s called being a good husband.”
aww that's so sweet
“I’m saying no one can do better than David,” Jace huffed. “He is precious.”
“If you are going to be this way, things are going to be very awkward at their wedding,” Jace muttered.
“They are not getting married, Jace!”
“Do you not want them to???”
“They are nineteen!!”
“Doesn’t mean we are not allowed to think about it,” Jace pointed out. “If they get married, we will be family!”
“We are already family!” Alec all but yelled.
“Yeah, but we will be even closer!” Jace sighed happily.
“You are my parabatai!” Alec said incredulously. “My soul is literally tied to yours! How closer do you want to get?”
wait how old is michael
"Oh my god,” Jace gasped. “Three out of three! I win!”
“It’s not a competition, Jace!” Alec rolled his eyes.
“It is and I won,” Jace grinned. “You’re welcome, LGBTQ+ community.”
“Can we talk about something else?” Izzy demanded. “We are not those parents who only ever talk about their children.”
Alec cleared his throat. “Right. Of course.”
“Yeah, we have lives of our own,” Jace nodded seriously.
They drove quietly for a while before they started discussing about their children’s love lives again right up until Jace pulled over at Jade Wolf.
of course...
Lily’s face was pale – paler than usual.
lily what's wrong
please lily
lily is close to her
of course
“Then we burn all the angels,” Lily growled.
Jace walked in that moment, sipping from his latte. “I bought donuts, y’all!”
A chuckle escaped Magnus. “Jonathan. Your timing is impeccable.”
"Is everything okay?” Jace asked, looking troubled.
“No,” Maia replied. “But at least we have donuts.”
at least they have donuts
“I love you,” he mouthed, and Alec’s heart was okay for a moment.
They had put on their clothes
they grow up so fast...
im crying
dont please
she was poisoned
oh my god
Rafael drank like a dozen a day.
understandable have a good day
Im squeezing the life out of Emma (my emotional support stuffed cat) right now
the first time i heard the source was angelic my very first incstinct was seelie. I didn't wanna share it because of how absurd it sounded. but it doesn't anymore.
charlotte was poisoned by a seelie unintentionally which cost her her child
I'm losing my mind oh my god... I am so scared. Please Anjali and Isabelle please they cant...no i dont wanna think like that. tryna take deep breaths. ok. it's gonna be ok. maybe.
see ya friday!
Now I want to write lbaf while wearing a tiara. Hmmmm. I'll look for one online.
See you Friday! Also hope you had a good birthday!!!
And send pics of Emma!!!!!!!
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 1.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2k
A/N: ahhhh so this is my first series that I’m posting here! I’ve went for the fwb!au but I will do a mob one soon too. It will be full of angst, smut, friendship, love, heartbreak, absolutely everything. I hope that you all will like it, and I would appreciate it if you comment, reblog or send a feedback!🥰
Also my tag list is open for the series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing
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It was a Friday night and that meant party all night.
Well not for you.
You weren’t a party girl. Sure you went here and there on some frat parties with your friends, but every Friday? Hell no.
The Friday nights were reserved for a book and a cup of tea.
You were a shy one, you kept your circle small. Tom, Harry, Anna and Amelia.
You were a big bookworm, and hopeless romantic. A great duo for sure.
Sometimes you felt like an ugly duckling. Amelia and Anna were gorgeous and appealing brunettes, just like other college girls, but with a great personality. They were a whole package if you asked me.
You would say that you were an average looking girl. Nothing to special.
You just wanted a guy that would love you for who you are on the inside, not outside.
Too much books, I know.
“Maybe it’s time to head to bed.” You said to yourself, after you caught yourself overthinking, again.
“Jesus Christ.” You sighed, the doorbell waking you up.
It was 20 minutes past midnight, and you were now worried who is at the door at this time.
“Again?” You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late, but I really needed a break.” Tom spoke, running his palm through his messy hair and massaging his scalp.
You motioned him to the living room, styling your hair that was sticking out everywhere, as much as possible.
“Great, I look like a zombie.” You murmured to yourself as you went to the couch where Tom was seated.
“Want anything to drink or something else?”
“Yeah…something strong?” He said, pushing his back flat on the couch.
“You know that I only have wine here.”
“It will do the job.”
“So..will you tell me what is tonight’s reason for your visit?” Your figure sat next to Tom’s, enjoying a late glass of wine as well.
“She saw me with Stassie today, so she went bonkers.”
Ah. Typical Tom.
Well let’s go back to the start shall we?
If you were honest, there was a lot, but still nothing to tell that wasn’t familiar to everyone.
Tom. Your typical frat boy.
Hot guy, astonishing body, soft curly brown hair followed with the dark brown eyes that had every girl drooling. His charming smile that he flashed to every single girl, covered up his conceited behaviour. Although he was a very charismatic person, he was a bit big-headed.
Did I say a bit? I meant a lot.
Parties were his scene. Tom loved the attention he got from the people almost immediately when he would enter the party place. Girls were basically throwing themselves on him, waiting for him to acknowledge them.
Tom was aware of the effect he had on the ladies, and he sure took advantage of that.
Every weekend there was a new one in his sheets.
He didn’t do feelings, some girls knew, some didn’t. So the morning after he would throw them out of his room half naked, all shattered and with the disgusting feeling that they were used.
He had a reputation, after all he was the most wanted boy out here, everyone’s dream was to become something to him.
Unfortunately no one had succeeded.
Did Tom say she a minute ago? Oh yes.
She was Sophie. And no, she wasn’t his girlfriend, but she sure didn’t think that way.
Sophie was your classic example of a girl that doesn’t understand the word no.
She was one of Tom’s flings, a beautiful, but fake girl. They got together at her 20th birthday party, it was just a one time drunk sex. Tom waited for her to feel asleep after a long session, so he could just go home and get at least a little amount of sleep.
However the next day at college, Sophie was like a limpet.
She didn’t let him breathe, even though Tom explained how he worked.
To be rejected or not interested in her was a unknown term for Sophie.
“Look, we shared a night, had sex and that’s all. It’s how I roll sweetie okay?” He desperately tried to get her off of his back.
“Tommy, I know how you do things, but you can’t lie about the chemistry. We just need to be together. And the sex is amazing.”
And that’s how it started.
Tom was loud and clear, not just with her, but with his friends and other ladies that she isn’t his girl, and never will be.
He really hoped that Sophie would let him be after a while, and she really did, but Tom just couldn’t keep it in his pants.
The Spring party.
Everyone got shit-faced, Tom was super turned on by a sweet brunette that clearly wasn’t interested in his lame flirting.
Sophie came in for a refill in the kitchen, but she was a godsend for Tom at that moment.
“Soph, sweetie mind if I get you a drink?”
“Thought you were clear about your feelings for me Tommy?” She answered, playing with the end of her dress.
“Yeah, yeah..How about I get you that drink, and we could catch up on things, ya know like old times?” He crossed his arms on purpose, flexing his biceps.
“I knew you would come back.” Sophie laughed, wrapping her slim arms around him.
It happened again. And Tom left like the last time, but once again Sophie didn’t get the message.
It became much more harder for him to avoid her, she was all over the place. She ruined his possible hookups, tried to meet his friends, brothers. It was getting on his last nerve, and even though he said that he doesn’t do relationships, she didn’t give up.
Sophie just wanted to be in the spotlight, and Tom was a great opportunity.
“Dear God. I told you that this lifestyle of yours would cost you. You should’ve refrain yourself for one night. Now you have a fake and crazy girl on your back, and no freedom as well.” You said, secretly eyeing him, he was hot you couldn’t lie.
“Thanks for not helping Y/N. Fucking hell I just want her to disappear, she is hundred percent crazy!”
“Why don’t you for once think rationally. Call her, take her for a coffee, tea whatever, sit down. Talk. Like normal people, tell her how things are, use your magic. But be nice and direct, she needs to get it in her head.” You tried your best to help him, after all he was your best friend and crush since preschool.
Stupid choice I know.
“I think so, but I wouldn’t be surprised that she spreads the news that I took her on a ‘date’, not a ‘can you please fuck off’ coffee.” Tom spoke clearly annoyed, filling up his empty glass.
He was tipsy already, and so were you. The wine absolutely did the job.
You were now nervous, your heart thumping against your ribs, the silence wasn’t an issue between the two of you, but tonight something was different.
“Why are you laughing?” You questioned, looking at Tom.
“Nothing darling, just remembered the day at elementary school.”
“Oh God. Which one?”
“You know, when you almost punched Elizabeth when she said I gave her a flower, and that I’m her best friend now.” He looked at you smiling like a child.
“Hey! You couldn’t blame me I loved you, you were my bestie I thought you betrayed me!” You stated, turning your body to his.
“Oh loved?” He grabbed his chest, trying to look hurt, but failing after a loud laugh escaped from his lips.
Your hand slapped his chest playfully, as an answer.
“This wine is crazy, I’m definitely going to consume it more.” He spoke.
“Well you for sure will if Sophie freaks out again.”
“New bottle?” You asked, standing up, your legs wobbly from the alcohol that was running in your system.
“Sure, it’s a long night after all.”
You tried to be as relaxed as you could be, but Tom’s presence tonight didn’t let you be.
Tom was also tense, the wine messed with his mind, he didn’t got laid for days, and the silky white shorts of yours didn’t help him at all.
You were in front of him, opening a bottle, but he just couldn’t control himself. His eyes were glued on your slim legs and tits.
He knew that under those hoodies that you wear on a daily basis was an incredible body.
Tom finded you attractive, absolutely stunning. He thought about you on his bed, whining for him, he really did wanted to have sex with you, but he couldn’t. You were his best friend and Tom didn’t want to hurt you.
But fucking hell. Tonight you were making him go nuts.
“I’m worn out.” You said exhaling the air.
“Live a little Y/N. Your nose is 24/7 in those books, give yourself a break, don’t be so boring.”
“Me boring? Oh excuse me that I don’t have such a dynamic life as yours.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hell yes you are, when was the last time you had sex?”
“What?!” Your cheeks were burning, and you couldn’t believe he asked you that. Sure you two had conversations about sex, but only about his sex life, and by that I mean who he slept with not how and where.
“You heard me, c’mon we’re friends you can tell me everything.”
Stupid Tom.
“Yes we are, but I would love to keep the informations about my sex life to myself.”
“So you’re a virgin?”
“TOM!” You almost chocked on the wine.
“Well?” He smirked, feeling how you got more and more shy from the conversation. God he wanted to fuck you so bad.
“No I’m not a virgin!”
“Then you can tell me when was the last time hm?”
“I don’t remember ok?! Jesus, the last time was probably the week before me and Noah broke up.” Your voice almost a whisper, realising that you were presumably too boring.
Tom just whistled the ‘wow that’s tooo long’ whistle, earning an annoying look from you.
“If it helps you I didn’t bang a girl for like a week, maybe more?” His answer turning into a question.
“Yeah, that helped me a lot, thanks Thomas.”
“Always here to help you.”
You once again slapped him playfully, but with the arm where your glass of wine was, spilling the beverage on his shirt and sweatpants.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m drunk, I-shit.” Yes, you were absolutely drunk, because the sober Y/N wouldn’t try to dry Tom’s crotch with her hands.
Tom’s eyes opened widely. The feeling of your palm rubbing his now hard dick, speeded up his breathing.
Your knees were on the couch, and your body extremely close to his. You still didn’t have a clue what you were doing.
“If you’re gonna clean me up like this, I might spill some of this by myself darling.” He groaned, raising the glass in the air.
That was enough to send your mind to reality.
“OH GOD. I’m so sorry, oh my God this is so embarrassing right now.” You tried to sit back down, but Tom’s hands stopped you.
Before you could fall on the purple carpet in your living room, his grip brought you into his chest.
Your hands were on his thorax, his arms on your lower back.
“Shit, am I on his lap right now?! What the fuck is happening?” You thought inside your head. What a great situation to be in.
“You’re making me so hard now Y/N.”
You were speechless. This wasn’t happening.
“I think it’s a big shame that you don’t have any kind of relief after a long day.” He whispered in your ear, breathing in the sweet scent of your shampoo.
“Tom.” Your mind was hazy, you tried your best to resist this, but holy shit you wanted this since forever.
“How about I suggest something to you darling?”
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years
HI I apologize if this is out of nowhere or weird and obviously u ofc do not need 2 reply to this if u would prefer not to but I saw ur post and the tags and i wanted to tell u regarding the me deleting the original post thing: don’t sweat it.!!!!! i got a little self conscious but ultimately that was just a Me thing ……… I’m vry glad u took the time to read it in the first place and I genuinely appreciate the feedback and 100% understand where ur coming from regarding the foster dad Felix thing because I know that trend has been done to death LOLL but anyways just know i didn’t take it personally or anything . I hope u have a nice day ok ^_^ . Also irrelevant side note even though we do have diff interpretations of soph the way u think about her is what made me start to luv her so much since like back in August so erm thank u for making me realize she is the most interesting character hands down
Not weird at all!!! In fact im overjoyed reading this. I'm glad it wasn't me who scared you off there.
And that second bit about sophie actually means so so much for me to hear! I love thinking about and talking about her and it means so much to me that i can help other people understand what i find so compelling about her. I should really start putting my thoughts about her on my blog again instead of keeping them regulated to private discord servers lol ;;
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Smokey Skies and Pretty Fires
This took like a whole ass month my dudes
There was no prompt, just some good ol self indulgent marelinh :) (that started as a joke but-)
About: Marella x Linh, vigilante arsonist/fire fighter au
Word count: ~4,250
Tag list: @cadence-talle @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @clearlykeefitz @percabetn @vibing-in-the-void-deactivated2 @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42​ @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @appalyneinstitute1 @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e @mistythegirlfluxmess @we-have-no-bananas-today @we-wont-dissapear 
Warnings: corrupt governments, fire, swearing
Linh bent down, examining the ash that covered the ground.
Some of the structure still remained, but very little of it. This was intentional, and the perp knew what they were doing.
The long string of arson incidents on government buildings was getting to be too much. At first, Linh didn't mind much. No one was ever hurt, the files inside were saved and released to the public, no fire ever spread to other buildings. But as a fire investigator and, due to her hydrokinesis, a firefighter it was getting kind of annoying. She had better things to do with her time.
She felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Hey Song, come over here for a minute."
It was her boss. She, obviously, followed.
"Chief Zaldo."
They nodded.
"I have a special assignment for you. We've gotten word that the arsonist may be attacking the courthouse next. We need you to scope out the place and put out the fire."
"Not stop the fire?"
"No. These people, or this person, might be dangerous. Just put it out, don't engage. Try to catch their face."
Linh nodded. She...wasn't great at taking orders, but she could try.
"Do you know when this is happening?"
"Three days. We hope to get more details soon."
"Who's your source?"
"Confidential information. Now go back out there, the folks will get suspicious soon."
"They don't know?"
"You ask a lot of questions, Song,"
"I have the right. Are...are you sure something bad won't happen, Chief?"
Zaldo sighed.
"No. No, I'm not."
Linh sat in the parking lot of the building next to the courthouse in the most nondescript car she could obtain.
... That being her own. The higher ups didn't exactly give her department the most funds. That went straight to the police sector. She stared at the news on her phone as reports came in of a protest across town. If she wasn't stuck in a stuffy government provided position she'd be down there with them.
She looked out the window once again. So far there were no signs of the arsonists yet.
She sipped on her mostly milk coffee. This seemed like it was going to be a long night.
At nearly three a.m. Linh awoke to a warm glow outside her car.
Her orders from the Chief Had been forgotten completely. Without hesitation, she sprung from her seat and looked around frantically for the culprit.
There. A small figure was running away from the blaze. Linh chased.
"Hey! Kid! Get back here!"
The figure kept running. She couldn't blame them. She would too.
Luckily she was significantly taller than the person and caught up quick. It was probably very ill-advised, but she tackled them to the ground.
So much for "do not engage."
In the light of the still raging fire she saw that the apparent arsonist was a girl. She was about Linh's age with blonde hair and pretty eyes and-
Linh shook off her brief moment of lesbian brain fog.
"Who are you and why are you here?"
"I could ask you the same." the blonde girl looked in her eyes with a challenge.
"Only one of us was just caught in the act. You're going to jail."
"Am I?"
In one swift movement the girl shifted so she was on top of the pin.
"Welp, I'm going to head out now. Good luck with that fire."
She got up. Linh was still frozen in place as she ran away.
She turned around mid run and paused.
"Oh, the name's Marella. Not Mare, not Ella, no nicknames. Make sure you tell the papers that."
With a wink she was gone.
Linh sat in the Chief's office, twiddling her thumbs until they got there.
She had put out the fire that night. In fact, a lot of the structure of the courthouse was saved. When she came into work the next day she was welcomed with a warm applause.
When they walked into the room, she stood respectfully. Before she could greet them, they started talking.
"Song, how'd it go? Did you get any info?"
"Um...no, no I didn't. They must've run the other way."
"Dammit. That's okay. The fire's out, that's what matters. The cops can do the rest."
"Yeah, I guess." Linh couldn't meet their eyes.
Marella looked over the morning paper with disappointment.
"What's up?" Sophie said as she peered over her shoulder.
"They didn't even mention the fire, I made it extra dramatic and everything."
"Oof, guess we have to try again."
"Ugh." Marella flicked her wrist and set the paper to flame, it turned to ash as it hit the floor, "I'm so tired of these assholes. Peaceful protests don't work, aggressive protests don't work. These council bitches are stubborn. Our requests are reasonable, but nooooooo. Can't even let us have a real say in who controls everything."
Sophie hummed noncommittally.
"Like I said, we have to try again. Fill the skies with smoke, they have to notice eventually. Just like Forkle always tells us. Oh, and it's your turn to empty the dishwasher today by the way, Biana said she would put them all in your bed if you forget again,"
Marella waved her off, returning to her black coffee.
The next day, Marella went through the same motions as usual. She had leaked where she would be lighting up again, the first time was a risk but if all their cops were like the last she'd be perfectly fine.
And if it was the same cop...more than perfectly fine.
As she hauled the boxes of files out of the city hall she noticed a particular car sitting in the parking lot.
Guess she would see her favorite officer today.
Soon after the blaze started building, the woman got out of her car. Marella didn't run away this time, rather walked towards her.
"Lovely night isn't it?'
"You again."
"The one and only." Marella turned to her blaze. "Strangely beautiful, don't you think?"
"Yeah... I mean no- I mean-" The woman sighed. "Why are you doing this?"
Marella shrugged. "Well, it's simple. Peaceful protests seem useless at the moment so we're taking a more hands-on approach."
"No, why are you doing this? Not this...group, if there is one, why are you risking your freedom for this?"
"What freedom?"
Marella walked to her car. As she drove away she saw a large wave come from the fire hydrant, putting out the building in one go.
As Linh walked into the office, Zaldo already sat at their desk.
"Song, did you find anything this time?"
"No, I didn't, I'm sorry."
They sighed, putting their face in their hands.
"Song, I'm giving you one more chance. You're clearly determined, and to me the stealth angle seems best. But if this fails? We're going to the police,"
"Yes, Chief."
With a nod they gave permission for her to leave. She stood in the hallway for a moment, knowing what she had to do next but not knowing if she had the courage to do it.
Linh stood at the house's front door. She had chased down arsonists and saved kids from blazing fires and yet this was still the scariest thing she'd ever done.
She rang the doorbell. Maybe he wasn't home. Maybe she wouldn't have to do this.
The door opened.
In front of her stood the grown-up form of the teenage boy she had left Tam as. He still had his trademark silver bangs, apparently he hadn't cut his hair very much since they were kids. She had gotten rid of the silver long ago, dyed hair doesn't go over too well in the corporate world and her shoulder-length bob was much more practical than her long hair.
"Long time no see," Tam's voice had an annoyed sound to it. "Came here to tell me 'Tam! You shouldn't mess around with that Black Swan stuff! They might be dangerous!' Again?"
Tam's impression of her voice was crude, unfortunately that was a direct quote from the last time they had talked right before their falling out. He always could hold a grudge.
"Well, um, actually, uhh... I mean sort of,"
Tam sighed.
"You know what? Whatever,"
He brought her into a tight hug.
"Come in, lecture me as much as you want, I'm not risking another 8 years without talking to the only family I have left,"
"I'm sorry about that, by the way," She said, crossing through the door and sitting on the couch.
"It's ok, you tried to make contact, I was being the asshole."
"I love you, asshole,"
"I love you more, dumbass. Now, go ahead and get your lecture started while I make us some coffee."
"Look, that arson stuff that's going on. Is that...you guys?"
He stopped mid coffee ground scoop.
"Considering you're with the government, it doesn't seem wise for me to confirm or deny,"
"Tam, I'm trying to help I swear. I just wanted to say that if it is then you should stop, I can only buy time for so long before the police are brought in,"
He put his hand on the counter, back still facing her.
"Are you threatening to call the cops? Well, we're not going to stop. It's not our fault that after years of our society abusing you, you decided to help it,"
"Tam I-"
"No. We've fought too long for what we want and you've worked too hard to make everyone forget you had a twin. I think it's best if you leave, Linh. Fitz is going to be home soon and he's heard too much to be fond of you."
"My boyfriend. Should be husband by now but your dear councillors aren't letting that happen any time soon."
"Tam, please, it's not like that I-"
"Please go. Right now. You know where to find me."
Linh nearly said something else, she wanted to argue, wanted to make sure she wouldn't lose her brother again.
Instead, she left without another word.
Linh stood outside the back of the new makeshift city hall (which was just an old fire department building repurposed) anxiously tapping her foot, waiting for Marella.
Soon enough a car pulled up and the petite woman got out of her car.
"Heya! You're waiting for me this time, that's new. What changed?"
Linh sighed.
"Look, you have to cut this stuff out. I- the police-"
"I don't care about the police. Lock me up, you have me right here officer,"
She extended her wrists straight out, offering to be handcuffed.
"I'm not a cop,"
"Really? Are you just an excitable citizen then? I thought you were just absolute shit at your job,"
Linh cracked a small smile but repressed it quickly.
"I'm a fire investigator...okay technically I'm just a firefighter but they needed more people,"
Marella cocked her head to the left.
"So none of this is even part of your job? You get paid more right?"
"Well no but-"
The girl opposite of Linh doubled over in laughter.
"Oh gosh lady you're just as bad off as the rest of us! No wonder you haven't done anything to stop us. Speaking of, scoot over, I have a fire to start,"
"No. Like I was trying to say you have to knock this off. They were trying to be stealthy but since I haven't given them any information they're sending in the cops if I don't get anything this time."
"You're trying to save my ass?"
Linh felt her face start to burn.
"Well um..."
"What's your name Miss Not-Even-A-Fire-Investigator?"
Linh sighed.
"It's Linh. Linh Song."
"Song? Like..." She trailed off, thinking for a moment. "No fucking way. You're the sister Tam always talks about. You know, putting me in cuffs won't do any harm to your brother, I'm no snitch."
"Tam has made it very clear he doesn't want my protection,"
"Why are you doing this then? You're risking your job, your...everything really,"
"I don't know,"
There was a tense silence. Marella stared her down, it was like she could see right through her into her soul.
"Linh, let me into the building,"
Linh didn't know why she moved. She didn't think she ever would know.
But she watched wordlessly as the files were taken out, loaded into a car, and then Marella walked a decent way from the building and tossed a ball of fire.
The building went up quick. It felt wrong to just stand there but...the fire was very pretty.
Soon enough Marella joined her in watching the blaze. They were wordless for a good while.
"We should get out of here soon. Someone's bound to notice the smoke," Linh was starting to get anxious.
"We? You don't have to wait for me, Linh. You have your own car,"
"Yes, I know,"
They were silent for another minute.
"Tam talks about how much he misses you, like a lot. Normally when he's drunk but still. He'd um... I think he'd like it if you um..."
Linh thought. And then she thought some more. What did she have to lose? She didn't have friends, or family, she went home every day to a mediocre apartment she could barely afford. She was underpaid and overworked.
"I want to join you,"
"You know, you said it yourself, you're risking your freedom,"
"What freedom?"
Marella smiled.
"Well, in that case, go home and get your things packed up. Meet me at the diner on 5th street tomorrow at noon. You might want to quit your job, we don't need a missing persons case on our hands."
"Be honest, is this a bad idea?"
"It depends how much you have going for you, but considering you're willing to run off to an undisclosed location with an arsonist I'm guessing you don't have much to lose. No offense," Marella looked panicked at what she said.
"None taken. Don't worry, I'm on my own. No wife and children or anything."
A siren wailed a few blocks away.
Marella smiled again. Wow, her smile was beautiful.
"Welp, see you tomorrow,"
Linh watched her walk away, a dorky grin on her face the whole time, before realizing she should probably get out of there before the police caught up.
The next day, Linh stood in the parking lot of the small diner. The only things with her a small backpack and a crate with Princess Purryfins, her murcat, inside. She didn't even take her car, rather walking the whole way.
Soon enough, a familiar car pulled up next to her and Marella got out.
"Is that it?" Marella pointed to her bag.
"Yep, like I said, no wife and kids or anything,"
"Yes but most people have, I don't know, clothes?"
"Swiftly changing the subject, I have a couple questions,"
"Since I'm not working anymore, how...exactly will I stay, y'know, alive and fed?"
Marella laughed. Linh knew that even if her answer was 'you won't, we live in the woods and you're our next dinner' Linh would still follow her if she was promised she'd hear that laugh again.
"Well, frankly I shouldn't be saying this in a public space, but we have allies in high places. They fund us,"
Linh nodded as if she understood fully.
"Any other questions?"
"None worth asking,"
"Cool, ready to go?"
Linh nodded again, tongue-tied from anxiety.
Nearly an hour later, they pulled up to a building in a rural part of the county. It seemed cozy enough, plenty land to be a farm though there were no animals. A small pond out to the side of a cabin that had clearly been added onto to make significantly larger.
As they walked up to the door, Marella pulled out an odd key with a swan insignia painted on the grip.
"Here is your new home for...as long as you choose to stay. You can always go out and get your own house if you want, but only paid with cash and no renting. We have to stay off the grid as much as possible,"
Linh just nodded again.
"You've been quiet," Marella pointed out.
"Yeah I'm just...it's been a lot,"
"I know, I'm sorry, you can still turn back,"
Linh shook her head.
"No, I'm committed now. I already sent the letter quitting my job,"
Marella gave her a sympathetic look.
"Alright, your room is down the hall, third to the left. I'll be upstairs if you need me. We're having a meeting tonight over dinner, then you can see everyone,"
Linh smiled politely, but started tearing up when she was left to find her room. What was she doing? Getting involved with an illegal organization against the government.
Ah the extents she would go to for a pretty girl. And nice. And funny. And smart.
Ugh. Cute girls would be the death of her.
Marella tapped her fingers on the table, waiting impatiently for the meeting to start.
Most people were there and she had introduced Linh to them.
Well, everyone but Tam and Fitz, who weren't there yet like the late-ass bastards they were.
Marella sat right next to the very quiet Linh, she seemed completely resigned about the whole ordeal. It had to be a very strange day for her.
Forkle stood up at the head of the table, tapping a glass with his dinner knife as if to get everyone's attention, even though the room was mostly silent.
"Good evening everybody! Today we have been joined by the lovely Ms. Song. Unfortunately we have not been blessed by the appearance of her brother as is usual of him."
Marella and the rest of her colleagues chuckled, Linh didn't.
As if on a timer, the door opened.
"Well speak of the devil," Forkle said, turning around to peer at the men in the doorway.
Tam's eyes went wide at the sight of Linh. He quickly ran over and scooped her into a hug.
Their conversation was quite long and very quiet, even for someone right next to them. All Marella caught was "I promise I won't leave again, I love you asshole," Linh came away with a slight sparkle of tears in her eyes.
After they broke apart, Forkle continued.
"Okay, now that we're done with that sweet moment, it's time for the boring stuff. It'd come to our realization that we can't continue on as we have been. We need something new to grab their attention. Anyone have a suggestion?"
The table was silent.
"Ms. Song? Perhaps you're more diligent than these kids,"
"We're very much adults, thank you very much," Keefe piped up.
"Mr. Sencen, when was the last time you changed the oil in your car?'
Forkle sighed, and after a moment Linh started talking.
"I was thinking...all this fire stuff probably isn't great for the environment and stuff. And, well, water should work just as well. But, I mean, I don't want to impose-"
Squall cut in. "Ms. Song that's a great idea, we can cause just as much destruction with less harm and throw them off,"
Everyone around the room nodded their agreements and Marella nudged Linh's arm.
"See? You're fitting in already, nothing to worry about,"'
Linh smiled.
Linh sat at the edge of the pond, making small ripples in the water and looking at the fish. A toad croaked in the distance.
She didn't know if she was supposed to be out here, or if there were any rules at all. It didn't seem so, of all the people she'd met so far they treated this base like their home.
She felt a tap on her shoulder that made her nearly jump out of her skin. When she turned around she was expecting Tam or someone on their 'Collective' or whatever. Turns out, it was just Marella. She sat next to Linh on the bank.
"Told ya' everything would go fine,"
"You told nothing of the sort,"
"I was thinking it,"
Linh chuckled. "Yeah, it was fine,"
"So, what's your first impression of the gang?"
"Sophie and Dex seem nice, I'm a bit concerned for Keefe's car's health, I don't think Fitz likes me very much..."
"They can take some getting used to,"
"Mhm," Linh mumbled before they fell back into silence.
"So..." Marella said after a while. "Do you think you'll stay? Here at the base I mean,"
"For a bit. I don't exactly have an apartment anymore and this is way better than the one I had anyway. Just until I can get back on my feet by myself,"
"You can really stay as long as you'd like. Most people have their own homes but quite a few stay here. Sophie, Biana, and I do, at least,"
"Then maybe I'll stay a while,"
"I'd like that,"
Linh felt Marella's body heat get a lot hotter just then. She couldn't quite see in the moonlight but she guessed she was...blushing?
"I um... I was thinking um...that...um," Marella seemed to continue to heat, Linh was concerned she was going to catch fire. "I was thinking that maybe we could um...go out sometime? I- I mean as a date, o-or as friends if you don't-"
"I'd love to,"
Marella sighed in relief. "I didn't expect that to go well, honestly,"
Linh laughed. "Well, how does tomorrow at 8 sound? We can go to that pottery place on 2nd street, I think they mostly do kid's birthdays but that's never stopped me before,"
"Sounds great, it's a date,"
"It's a date,"
Linh almost just got up but hesitated for a moment. She quickly pecked Marella on the cheek before going back to the house as fast as possible. She almost thought she saw the light of a fire in the corner of her eye.
The beep-like news theme comes on followed by the announcer.
"Tonight on the 7 o'clock nightly news with Jennifer Watson"
The woman on T.V. straightens her papers.
"The two silvered-hair bandits known as the "Trouble Twins" by the public are still escaping the police's grasp. They have flooded two government buildings this week and don't seem to be intending to stop any time soon. They claim all they want is to have a proper negotiation with our lawmakers. Will the council respond to these vigilantes? Or will they continue to let our buildings be destroyed? And coming up next, this video of Bobo the panda has the internet going wild-"
Marella turned off the T.V. and slouched further on the couch. She bit into her apple, unamused.
"Babe, you have to be patient. We're getting closer, Councilor Oralie said she was going to introduce the idea of negotiation, it'll be ok,"
Linh's words helped but Marella was still unsure.
Linh sat back on the couch and nudged her.
"There's nothing to worry about, c'mon, give me a smile,"
Marella couldn't help but grin at the dork she called her girlfriend.
"There it is! Dinner will be ready in like...5 minutes so," Linh took away Marella's apple, "Then we can go meet up with Tam to fuck up the Tribunal Hall,"
"Sounds like a lovely night,"
Linh laughed.
"I love you, you know that?"
"We do say it to each other quite often,"
"Yes but I don't know," Linh looked down at her lap. "It's been almost a year and... I guess I thought I'd regret joining you guys at some point but I never have,"
"Well, I am quite charming,"
"She says, as she slowly slides off the couch,"
Indeed, Marella was now halfway to the floor. Linh just laughed.
"Order in the court!" Councilor Emery slammed down the gavel.
Bronte rolled his eyes. Ever since they decided to cut the telepathic communications (Emery's migraines were getting bad) he had been using that stupid thing.
"Today the council will be voting on one thing, are we willing to listen to the Black Swan's pleas? Or do we attempt to wrangle them?"
Everyone around the room scratched on their piece of paper with the old-fashioned and unwieldy fountain pens. Bronte already knew what his vote would be, he had many conversations with the Forkle brothers in the past, now down to one. It was an easy decision.
Once all the votes were in the box, Emery started counting. He sighed.
"And, with a close vote of 7 to 5, we will be attempting to negotiate with the vigilante group," He pounded the gavel again. "Meeting adjourned,"
Oralie gave Bronte a thumbs up from across the room. He rolled his eyes again, but fondly this time.
The gavel was loud, Linh didn't like it, her anxiety was high enough that day, the stimulation of it all was too much.
Marella gently held her hand under the table.
"Order in the court!"
Sure, "court", not like they were sitting in the community center because they hadn't managed to rebuild the actual places of court yet, not at all.
"Today we have gathered to discuss many things. First, on the agenda is discussing giving citizens the right to vote as a democracy. Then, the details of a possible police reform and redistribution of funds. Finally, on what the current legal definition of marriage is, and the possibility of changing that."
Tam caught Linh's eye from across the room, he nodded at her.
Now, the real fight began.
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pixie88 · 3 years
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Chapter 11 - Together - Adam & Ellie.
A/N: This chapter is from both M!MC & F!MC POV. I cried at this chapter, you would think for someone who’s given birth 4 times I shouldn’t have to Google what labour is like but my only “normal” labour was over 10 years ago now and the other 3 have been very very fast labours. It is a fast forward chapter sorry but I like doing this series like this but this is also why I haven’t added a DOB because of the fast forward timeline haha. I hope you like it! 😘
If you like it let me know or if you don’t still tell me why I won’t be offended!
I am only tagging those who have asked to be tagged in this series from now on as I don’t want to annoying people with tags. So Let me know if you would like to be tagged and if I missed anyone sorry just let  me know! 
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Word count: 1803
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Fluffy fluff, Mild NSFW & adult language.
Pairings: Adam x Ellie.
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15 Weeks later.
"You can do this Ellie"
Tears are streaming down her face "I can't! It hurts..AHHHHHH!"
"Ellie, look at me, you can do this just breathe. You got this beautiful"
She takes deep breaths on the gas and air, "Now Ellie, I just need to check if we are there yet so after this contraction I'll see how we are doing" April the midwife tells her.
(Her water broke at half 7 this morning just as I got up for work. The contractions started lunch time. It's 2 days until Charlie's due date. I wish I could take the pain away)
I move out the way for April "Has that one gone?" she nods.
"Right, let's have a look" the midwife checks Ellie over "Well, good news you've hit 10 centimeters"
"Another one is com.....Ahhhh!"
I take her hand "Right, now Ellie. I need you to put all your energy into pushing. With your next contraction can you give me a small gentle push. Put your chin to your chest as you push"
She pants while she waits for the next contraction, it isn't long before it's here. Instead of screaming Ellie puts all her effort into pushing "Ellie, that is brilliant! Remember to breathe, small, gentle pushes"
Her grip on my hand tightens, she gasps "That one has gone. How much longer until he's here"
"I think with a few more pushes we'll have the head"
I kiss her knuckles "You're doing amazing beautiful"
"What? Even though I'm nearly breaking your hand?" she smiles.
"Break it! Squeeze as hard as you can if that's what you need"
"Here com..."
"That's it! That's it Ellie, small pushes. I can see the head"April tells her.
A few more pushes later "That's the head out Ellie" She started panting "Next contraction and he'll be here!"
"Oh god here it..." she starts pushing again.
"Here he is" April looks up at the clock "8:05 PM"
"Ellie, You did it, he's here!!" I well up.
"Would you like skin to skin contact?" Ellie nods tears streaming down her face as April places him against her chest under her hospital grown.
"Adam, he's here. He's really here!"
I kiss her forehead "He is!! I'm so proud of you beautiful"
"Would Daddy like to cut the cord?"
"Yeah, I'll give it ago" lifting the grown she turns Charlie (He's so tiny! He's sucking his fingers. He's gorgeous)
"Right, just cut here" the scissors cut through the cord.
Ellie's smiling at me, my heart has never felt so full.
A little while later, after Ellie delivers the afterbirth, vitamin K, stitches, April places Charlie on the weighing scales "Lets see how much you weigh you little beaut.....7lbs 7oz. Now let's give you daddy, so he can dress you, then is mummy breast feeding?"
"I think I'm going to do a bit of both?"
"Great while daddy is getting him dressed why don't you grab a shower or bath and I'll grab you a hot drink and some toast"
Later we are taken up to the neonatal unit where, I get up onto the bed with her, I pull her to me, kiss the top of her head "Ellie, Thank you" I whisper.
She looks up at me, she looks absolutely shattered "Thank you? For what?" she whispers back.
"For giving me a baby. Making me a dad"
She lets out small laugh "I think you'll find you gave me him first. So, thank you!"
I laugh, "True, but you grew him and did the hardest part"
"And I couldn't have done it without you! Adam, we're parents!!"
We both drift off.
1:38 AM
I hear Charlie stirring I pick him up out of the cot bed, I look over to Ellie who is still asleep.
"Hey little man, we need to be quiet. Mummy needs her rest" not wanting to wake her, I give Charlie a bottle, burp him and change his nappy.
Luckily April helped me do it downstairs "Right, we need to remember, we wipe what we see. That's what she told us, isn't it?" after I've changed him, place him on my chest he soon asleep again, I place him in his cot again.
4:23 AM
"Such a good boy! Well done!" I hear Ellie whisper. I wake to see her breastfeeding Charlie, she spots me "Hey, go back to sleep. We have this don't we!"
"I didn't hear him stir"
She smiles "I got up to use the toilet when I came back, he was just starting to wake. His nappy isn't full. It's weird!"
I laugh, sit up to kiss her cheek "Weird!" I pull out my phone.
*9 New Messages*
The first one is from Mum.
11:47 PM
[Oh, Adam he's beautiful. My first grandchild 😍 Congratulations to you both and well done to that superstar daughter inlaw. We are at the airport our flight leaves in 20 minutes. We'll see you when you all get home. Well done Adam! We are proud of you both. We love you x]
The next is from Mel.
11:48 PM
[Congratulations!! He is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait for cuddles with my new grandson 🥰 Well done both of you. Saving that photo as my screen saver. I can't believe I'm a nanna. Thank you so much for sending that. Tell Ellie I've been shopping for you guys all packed and put away. See you guys soon 😊]
11:49 PM
[Well done El's and well done Adam....do you have an x-ray booked to make sure she hasn't broken any bones in your hand! Haha. Seriously I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations. My nephew is going to be a little heart breaker that's for sure. Can't wait to meet him]
11:50 PM
[How much does he look like you as a baby Adam. He's beautiful. Congratulations mummy and daddy and well done mummy! I saw Mel at yours earlier so I popped in a lasagna in the fridge for you both. You just need to heat it in the oven. I've also done a few batch meals and stuck them in the freezer, there is chilli which Mel got a couple of packets of that ping rice for. There is also bolognese in there you will have to cook the spaghetti and there's a few other bits all labelled for you. So no need cook for a while. Xxx]
There is a few more from other friends.
"Are you ready beautiful?"
I look up at him "This is it! We get to go home"
"As a family of 3" he places a soft kiss on my lips.
I go to pick up my bag "Don't even think about it Ellie," I hear Adam over my shoulder, I roll my eyes.
"OK, hulk but you can't carry Charlie in his car seat and this bag"
He takes it off me "I can! Now let's get you two home"
We walk down to the car Adam clips Charlie's seat onto the Isofix, I get into the passengers seat.
20 Minutes later we pull up to the house once inside Adam ushers me upstairs to have a bath. I hear Charlie and my breast start to leak "Adam! I'll be down in a second" I quickly brush my hair and head down.
In the living room Adam is on the sofa with Charlie, he passes him over, but Charlie doesn't want to latch on. "Here I got one of the formula ready made bottles out for him" Adam hands me a bottle.
I look at the coffee table and spot them, there are flowers and chocolates on the table. "Who's that from?"
I look at him confused "have a look," he smirks.
He picks up the card out of the flowers. The front of the card reads BEAUTIFUL!
"They are from you!" I melt.
"I got Lisa to make them up for me and Nan to bring them round early this morning"
"They are beautiful! Thank you"
He leans in, his lips brush against mine "No! Thank you!" Adam kisses the top of Charlies head "I love his smell"
"New baby smell"
"I had a text from Mum and your mum they wanted to come round today, but I've told them maybe it best to leave it until tomorrow"
"Give us a chance to settle in first" I smile.
"Yeah, that and I wanted my little family to myself a little while longer" he grins.
The next day
Mum, Tom, Nina, Al and Elaine are over for lunch.
Elaine made a platter of sandwiches and snacky bits, "He has your nose Ellie" Nina is cuddling Charlie.
"I hope his eyes change to Adams" Adam squeezes my hand.
"They can change up to a year old" mum says.
"How did he sleep last night?" Tom asks.
"He only woke once!"
I hear a low chuckle coming from Adam, I turn, and he's smiling "Twice actually"
"He did? Why didn't you wake me?"
He smiles, "You looked so peace sleeping. Plus that's what I'm here for"
"Adam & Ellie, your dad and I got something for Charlie. Al go and grab it" Al gets up and walks to the hallway before bringing in a big box.
"I know you have a cot and a moses basket but Sophie's daughter had one for her little boy and swears by it"
"What is it?" Adam asks.
"Next to you crib"
"Oh, wow thank you both" I smile.
4 Weeks later I've finished Charlies night feed and put him back down.
I slip back into bed Adams arms come around me, pulling me tight against him "Did someone have a naughty dream?" I whisper as I feel his hard member against the curves of my arse.
"Maybe...its torture not doing anything about it"
I laugh "Just because we can't do that doesn't mean I can't do anything!"
I feel his body tease up "What?" he whispers against my neck.
I turn to face him "There are other ways I can help you scratch a certain itch" I start kissing his neck and push him onto his back.
I trail down his chest until I reach his inner thigh "Ellie, you don't have to"
I smile against him "I want to," I pull down his boxer springing him free, he gasps as I wet the tip.
"Shhh! You'll wake Charlie!"
The next morning "Ellie, your mum is here!" Adam calls up from downstairs.
"OK, I'll be down in a bit" I make my way downstairs, Adam is at the bottom.
"She in the living room cuddling up to Charlie. Are you excited?"
"Aww, bless her! Super excited!" I smile.
"I find it funny you own a bridal shop but you're going to another to get your wedding dress!"
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 12.
@lem-20​ @aussieez​ @khoicesbyk​ @shewillreadyou​ @txemrn​ @irisofpurple​
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Javicia lovers... Tagging Wildmoore for reasons
Has anyone seen Javicia in the youtube series that she did titled “Nine Months After?” I binged it the other day. I’m so obsessed with her lately. I love looking at her old projects and being like this BISH IS A STAR. And now she’s starring on Batwoman. It’s the chasing our dreams for me. Her face, her presence, her raw natural acting abilities that come across as so earnest, and her charisma really just shine in ANY role that she is given. She’s always a stand out. I’ve also been watching her in God Friended Me, and maybe I’m bias but anytime she was on the screen I was captivated and I was like why does she only have 10 lines. I’m so proud of her that she broke into the CW and I hope they hold onto her. I NEED Batwoman to get seasons. She also could play a young Angela Bassett and I need that in my life sometime down the road. Anyways, the purpose of this post was really to share how amazing Javicia is in Nine Months After. I found it because I wanted to see Javicia’s kissing and sex scenes since Ryan had NONE. Am I a creeper for this? But I watch her kissing and love scenes in this and I pretend that the guy in it is Sophie.
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I see his tongue in her mouth. Lucky ass dude. Can Sophie and Ryan please get this type of kiss. LESBIAN JESUS DO YOU HEAR MY CRY.
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Also it has absolutely gorgeous shoots of Javicia covered in blue lighting and looking at the camera like this.
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Ok ... more kissing
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Is it too much to ask for Sophie and Ryan to get scenes like this?
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JUST WATCH THIS AND IMAGINE SOPHIE AND RYAN. Prayer circle for Ryan to get this type of action. They let Ruby go in on Batwoman with the ladies in bed. I will not rest if the level of lesbian sex does not match what it did in season 1 of Batwoman. Javicia looks like a good ass kisser and we already have seen that Meagan is a good ass kisser. I need those good ass kissers to start kissing each other. Is that too much to ask? I’m a good person.
Oh then this look that she gave at the end of the series sent me, BECAUSE GIVE US FACE.
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greymattermaelstrom · 4 years
What she said
This has been a difficult post to prepare. After much thought, I wish to share some very interesting information. Some know from my recent post, I went to Ozlander in Melbourne, Australia on March 14 & 15, 2020, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Richard and Sophie. As a premium ticket holder, I enjoyed lunch with them on both days. They would individually spend 5 minutes or so at each table and rotate through the tables to meet the fans. At the event introduction on Day One, we were asked to respect Richard and Sophie by not asking questions of a personal nature, which naturally, everyone understood. Therefore, I wasn’t going to ask anything about Sam, Cait, or even Tony. So, I was more than surprised when Sophie briefly mentioned Cait’s wedding!
  Sophie visited our table and we talked about a number of things. It was Sophie’s first trip to Australia; Caitriona had been here and had told Sophie how nice it was. Someone asked Sophie, 'You went to Caitriona’s wedding, didn’t you?'
  'Yeah, Caitriona’s husband is a lovely guy.' (Did she just say that, I thought?)
  I asked Sophie, 'You and Sam were the only cast members that went?'
  And she replied, 'No, Tobias was there as well.' Interesting.
  Sophie then added she took the photo of Sam in the Dunhill suit (remarkable weekend).
  'The background had to be photoshopped as we couldn’t give away the location. It got onto social media and Caitriona wasn’t that pleased about it,' Sophie said a little ruefully. (Sam had posted the photo on IG. The right-side background looks very photoshopped.)
  During a photo session on Day Two, I asked Sophie, 'Did Caitriona marry Tony?' with the emphasis on the word Tony.
 'Yeah,' she said with a smile.
 'Really?' I asked.
 'Yes. Really,' Sophie said.
 Then I said, 'Well she doesn’t say his name and hasn’t released any photos so...'
 'I don’t know...,' Sophie said pleasantly enough. Wow!! Being so busy and so involved with OL for so long, I don’t think she fully appreciated how all the Tait secrecy is being perceived in the fandom.
Okay, a photo or some sort of evidence or it didn't happen. This info from Sophie was really unexpected. What sort of proof would be acceptable and not immediately suspected anyway? Nevertheless, I believe I have the evidence I need to satisfy myself. Someone else who was at the same Day One table, has confirmed to me in writing (I contacted her a week or so after the event) she heard Sophie say all this as well. I don’t think my acquaintance follows the ins and outs of the SC/Tait drama. I don’t think most of the people at Ozlander did from conversations I had and the general talk I heard. So, my witness doesn’t have a vested interest in The Narrative and, I believe, just gave a purely objective confirmation.
If I had heard Sophie say Cait married Sam, you would probably believe it, put this info in the receipt warehouse, and any evidence would be a bonus. I have been wanting truth no matter what it is. I’ll just deal with it. While it’s greatly disappointing, I do wish Cait and Sam happiness in life whomever they find it with.
I discovered OL 18 months ago and have only been active on Tumblr for 8 months. So, I am still a newb of sorts. Some might say a naïve babe in the woods with not much to lose. However, I’ve met some wonderful people on this side of the fence and I will probably lose friendships and reputation, be unfollowed and blocked, receive a lot of vitriol, be called a troll working for (fill in the blank), etc., due to this heresy. So, my info does come at a price for me. I understand I have not experienced years of surviving on this side of the fence, enduring the delusional tag and the attacks and insults from antis, NST, TPTB, Shamuso, and even some from Sam and Cait, and being thrown under the bus when convenient. I get, in principle, some shippers will close ranks and support any higher-profile shippers who don’t believe me. I anticipate this will be the response. One way to discredit information is to discredit the person presenting it, and I assume this tactic will be employed as well.
So why am I putting my head on the chopping block? Notoriety? Hardly. Well, as I said, I want intel even if it conflicts with what I hope for. I believe people can ship the way they want (within reason) and as KDS infamously said, believe what you want. I don’t wish to convince anybody, nor get into a slanging match with anyone. It would be pointless really. I feel obligated out of principle to reveal the info and not hide it no matter how controversial and inconvenient that might be. I understand some may not think it a good time in the fandom right now to deal with this but I didn’t want the info dating too much before putting it on the table. I understand and I am sorry. But is there an optimal time to hear this?
People like I, who want to know what is going on or had suspicions, and are prepared to accept this information, will welcome it. They have had enough of the mess that is happening right now in The Narrative as well. Also, I don't wish to be intimidated into keeping contrary evidence hidden just because it doesn’t suit the manifesto. And I apologise in advance to high-profile shippers who will probably be inundated with comments and asks. I accept there will be jealousy involved. Why did a newb get this intel? Believe me, I wish it didn’t happen to me; I really wish it was someone else. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
For the record, yes, I’m Australian living in Australia. I understand some people’s problem with that. Why does so much narrative controversy emanate from this place? I don’t know. I wish I knew. We often call it the lucky country (for various reasons). Do we appear have more luck than the Irish?!
However, and unfortunately, this does not provide closure for me. I accept the Tait wedding. I do have problems with the Tait marriage, sorry to say. I don’t know why games are being played. Cait still doesn’t call her husband Tony, there were no wedding or engagement photos made public, and no confirmation from her PR team when wedding articles hit the magazines. It seems like secrecy, not privacy. Why so secret? We continue to see gaslighting, innuendo, and an intentional vagueness, to keep us all engaged it seems?! And Hawaiigate is certainly a head scratcher at best.
So, in summing up, the four things I learnt about the wedding are:
1. The wedding happened.
2. Cait married Tony.
3. Tobias was there.
4. Sam posted Sophie’s remarkable Dunhill manipulated photo on IG and Cait wasn’t too happy about it.
Most shippers won’t like my saying Tait is real and most antis won’t like my saying Sam and Cait continue to play games. But that’s ok. I knew this going in. I just think it is important for the info to be put out there. I don’t wish to appear foolish, talking about a fake wedding, now that I know Cait married Tony. I think there must be other intel such as this out there. Perhaps the time is right for others to make their intel known.
I believe the four things Sophie said about the wedding. I do not have any further intel to share, nor do I have any further theories on what is happening with Sam, Cait, or Tony that haven’t been discussed on Tumblr already. With this in mind, I’m prepared to answer every constructive and civil comment I may receive on this post, including any DMs. If you wish, please look through my blog to see what I have posted. You will find it aligns with this side's thinking. You may see some names that do not. Please consider the message, not the messenger. And please, it would be appreciated if you would do some homework before making any comment. Thank you for your time in reading this long and very difficult post. I imagine, many will take some time to process it.
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