#repost cuz tumblr on bs as usual
Javicia lovers... Tagging Wildmoore for reasons
Has anyone seen Javicia in the youtube series that she did titled “Nine Months After?” I binged it the other day. I’m so obsessed with her lately. I love looking at her old projects and being like this BISH IS A STAR. And now she’s starring on Batwoman. It’s the chasing our dreams for me. Her face, her presence, her raw natural acting abilities that come across as so earnest, and her charisma really just shine in ANY role that she is given. She’s always a stand out. I’ve also been watching her in God Friended Me, and maybe I’m bias but anytime she was on the screen I was captivated and I was like why does she only have 10 lines. I’m so proud of her that she broke into the CW and I hope they hold onto her. I NEED Batwoman to get seasons. She also could play a young Angela Bassett and I need that in my life sometime down the road. Anyways, the purpose of this post was really to share how amazing Javicia is in Nine Months After. I found it because I wanted to see Javicia’s kissing and sex scenes since Ryan had NONE. Am I a creeper for this? But I watch her kissing and love scenes in this and I pretend that the guy in it is Sophie.
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I see his tongue in her mouth. Lucky ass dude. Can Sophie and Ryan please get this type of kiss. LESBIAN JESUS DO YOU HEAR MY CRY.
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Also it has absolutely gorgeous shoots of Javicia covered in blue lighting and looking at the camera like this.
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Ok ... more kissing
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Is it too much to ask for Sophie and Ryan to get scenes like this?
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JUST WATCH THIS AND IMAGINE SOPHIE AND RYAN. Prayer circle for Ryan to get this type of action. They let Ruby go in on Batwoman with the ladies in bed. I will not rest if the level of lesbian sex does not match what it did in season 1 of Batwoman. Javicia looks like a good ass kisser and we already have seen that Meagan is a good ass kisser. I need those good ass kissers to start kissing each other. Is that too much to ask? I’m a good person.
Oh then this look that she gave at the end of the series sent me, BECAUSE GIVE US FACE.
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acceleratep · 7 years
Entry 4/5
Missed a entry yesterday. That's my bad, got kinda distracted with er hw. Haha, lies I did my hw super quick. The real issue is YouTube, I think I might be addicted. Not addicted, but extremely attached. I had finally gotten over daiky YouTube marathons. Jumping from video to video for hours. I had gotten it to every other day or at best once a week or something like that. But it's back in my life, I love it. Er, I'm gonna try to make this double entry double the length but I will have to estimate and my guesswork is kinda bad so it may end up only 1/4 longer than normal. Then again, I did entry 3 and it was real short. Oh well, this might stop soon or in an hour. Who knows, if you read all of this. Uh, you have no life and should watch YouTube or something. My entries are just me rambling, you can watch someone else rambling. I'll send a link or few if you DM me. So, decided to do this a bit early today as I was bored and suddenly thought of doing this. Er, oh yea. I wanna do a nsfw blog or something, will be mainly reposts of stuff I find. I find some good stuff, I know people. Jk, I lurk around on redddit, other Tumblrs, and er other places people post nsfw pics.
*Whispers* Candid, ok not anymore but I got so much messed up and good stuff there. It's anonymous too.
Haha, unintended advertising. I swear I didn't get paid or anything. Who am I kidding? Who would sponsee or pay some dumbass writing his journal entries on tumblr. Who even does that kinda stupid stuff. Oh yeah me, address me as stupid from now on. That's a joke, but seriously call me whatever you want. Idgaf, so anyone up for nsfw blog? I might a survey/vote thing in the future about that. Look forward to it I suppose, don't get your hopes up. Cuz I will shoot them down and tear their wings out and rip out their hope. Yeah, graphic images are ok if they are in text form. Not insulting innocent people tho, that's never ok. Hey, it actually turned out kinda long, haha like my stick. By stick I mean ruler, my ruler is of course very long.
Tldr: Didn't do a entry yesterday so this is a double entry of the usual bs I post. Bye
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