#hes the baby of the family and everyone is super protective of him
sinquisition · 1 year
I love how many people do the thing where you have one save with a mage trevelyan and then one with a rogue/warrior trevelyan and you play them as siblings... it's like a fun built-in au to play with.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 8 months
Bruh emotional support ghost kid? Well thats what they are calling him
Suicide cases in gothem are about to fucking plummet boiz cause this one weird blue eyes, black haired boy is now heading to your location.
How does he know where to be? Having a bad day and are all alone? No the fuck your not cause don’t turn around now but theres some shiny blue eyes coming at you from that dark ally. Oh shit hes here to drop some information about you and your lost loved ones that he should know. Oh god the closure. How could you have been afraid on this sweet, creepy, boy who just helped you find your way.
Meanwhile Danny is chillin in Gothem cause the GIW hate it there (none of they equipment actually functions in Gothem so it’s either super haunted or actually not haunted at all). Then all of a sudden he gets approached by a random ghost begging for his help because their sweet baby girl is about to do something horrible. Oops now all the ghosts are following their most loved ones around just to make sure they are there to rush to Danny for help when all else fails. Now hes getting to fulfil his protection obsession double time because one hes helping protect people from themselves and two hes protecting everyone in Gothem by stopping people from becoming villains for revenge. Plus he gets to see first hand how hes making a difference because all those people he saved are sending him some good vibes from all across Gothem.
Thank god he followed Jazz around so much to slightly absorb some of her phycology knowledge over the years. Plus it was actually pretty interesting so she gave him her old text books. Shes also helping him deal with the rare events where he can’t save someone. Just a moment too late or he stops them but they later succeeded in the hospital. Neither are his fault. Now only if he could convince his core of that.
Anyway why Gothem you ask? Amity Park would have been just as good tbh but imagine Batmans face when he finally gets to be face to face with the emotional support ghost boy. Why is he here? Bruce is fine. Batman is fine. Hes not gonna do anything crazy. It’s just a hard time of year. Around their death always gives him grief. But hes an adult and can manage it.
“You know they are so proud of you.” The boy states. As if it’s clear as day, even though it’s Gothem and never a clear day. Batman blinks at him, stunned for a moment. “What?” This boy can’t possibly know that. No one will ever know that, Bruce can only hope. “They see their home, full of such life. That big house that felt so empty, so cold, to them as well for years. Then you filled it with Family and Love like they had always wanted for you. They are so proud of what you have turned it into. Somewhere full of life and warmth.” A small smile graces his face as finally “you have made your parents so proud” and its all he can do to contain himself. Emotions are running high and sue him because he really did need to hear that ok. The boy suddenly looks to Bruces right with a confused face “aren’t all basements like that though?” Before Bruce can even get a word in hes gone. Just vanished before his eyes.
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alhaithamsproperty · 11 months
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| i have no idea where he came from, but i know i love the hp fandom so much cuz like damn thanks now i got another comfort character
Theo Nott x Reader
+ his friends x reader <3
some of these are angsty bc let’s be real, a relationship with him wouldn’t be a happy sailing all the time
🐍 theo mr. possessive nott — he’s not very talkative, not very outgoing, not very showing, until someone tries to lay a hand on you
“i fucking hate it when he looks at you,” he says every time someone looks at you. he lost a lot as a child, he’s over-protective and overly needy when it comes to you, because finally he has a person he feels love towards — he doesn’t want to lose you too.
so someone even thinking about becoming close to you? no.
🐍 gets into fights a lot… like a lot
🐍 doesn’t know how to handle his anger so he’d often take it out on you (ends in either unfortunate fights or fortunate make outs, or both)
🐍 either rly chill or rly angry
🐍 he loves his friends, wouldn’t ever say it out loud, of course, but he’d die for them, or kill for them, they are his family — super happy you get along with them well <3
🐍 sometimes a bit too well — you and mattheo could tease him for the entire day and say stupid shit and jokes and he’d grow extremely annoyed over it (he loves you both)
🐍 mattheo being super protective over you whenever theo’s not there, he’s like a brother to you
🐍 trusts his friends around you buuut will kiss you every now and then just to remind everyone 🙄
🐍 the train ride to school at the beginning of the year goes like this; theo, mattheo, blaise, draco, enzo and you, but the cabin’s only made for four people, so it’s you on theos lap and enzo squeezed between mattheo and draco because you all refuse to separate… you all listen to dracos complains the whole time
🐍 you and him couldn’t care less about dracos fights with potter and his friend group; theo genuinely does not give a fuck and finds it a waste of time, and you don’t mind the potter group that much so you just don’t participate and often disappear to spend some time together in the forest
🐍 both of you see thestrals and come to deep forest spots to just sit in the grass and watch them
🐍 he notices a lot of things — notices when you are cold and will give you his jacket, scarf or his school robe, he notices it when you go quiet, and just makes sure he’s there with you until you are okay again, he notices when someone makes you uncomfortable and he’ll make sure to make their day a living hell, notices when you like something, when you mind something, when you sound happy or really sad, usually knows what to do to help you
🐍 neither of you is a fan of parties and it usually ends bad if you end up going; theo gets too wasted OR gets himself into another fight, and you don’t handle big groups of people well
🐍 he doesn’t actually enjoy parties at all, he just goes for his friends and status… and you just go for him
🐍 blaise being the hero and distracting you with jokes and his witty remarks so that you wouldn’t focus on the big loud crowd and the fact that theo disappeared somewhere (enzo is clueless and tries to drag you to dance with him — blaise almost punching that guy bc he’s just so dumb)
🐍 theo having the audacity to get mad at you after he returns with a bloody nose and a split lip and seeing you laugh at blaises jokes
“yeah whatever, spend the night with him for all i care”
🐍 you end up crying, he ends up finding you after like five minutes after he said that bc the guilt was eating him alive (also he didn’t want you to spend the night with blaise and he did, in fact, care)
🐍 jealous makeout that night and later on just laying in bed, while you both stare at the ceiling and play with eachothers fingers and hands, and explaining to him how him leaving you alone in a big crowd made you feel anxious and how blaise actually helped a lot, and him agreeing on not going to parties any time soon
🐍 already called you “my girl” “mine” “my baby” a lot but uses it a lot more after that party, especially during heated moments
🐍 might sound ironic but he gives off extremely calm energy when you get to know him, that guy that gets into fights and has bruised knuckles all the time and gives everyone a death glare, is the calmest person you’ve met when you are alone with him
🐍 he likes books — reading together is a big quality time and comfort for him <3
🐍 book shopping dates where he’ll get you the books you want
“oh, i’ve read this, it’s a classic in muggles world,”
“oh,” you keep reading the back of the book for a while, “it sounds interesting,”
he smiles and just takes it from your hands to get it for you, and does this every single time you look at a book or talk about a book
🐍 staying up late in the slytherin common room reading and talking and listening to the fireplace
🐍 he likes to lay on your chest
🐍 you like to wrap your arms around him, and he loves it when you do that, makes him feel safe
🐍 tired studying sessions where you both go “screw it” and lay in bed, cuddle, make out and play with some silly spells like letting your patronus run around (the only happy memories he uses are with you and his friends)
🐍 sneaking off at night just bc it’s thrilling to make out in dark halls full of ghosts
🐍 getting caught and losing house points only to do it again the next night
🐍 astronomy tower dates sound cool at first but everyone goes to astronomy tower to have dates, so eventually you find your own secret spots
🐍 he’s horny 24/7, it had to be said
🐍 doesn’t know how to talk about his emotions so he’ll either show it by being affectionate physically or by protecting you all the time
🐍 will just grab you and start kissing you passionately whenever he feels like it
🐍 you missed so many classes because of him… but oh well
🐍 definitely has a thing for risky makeouts, the danger of getting caught and getting in trouble turns him on
🐍 does that thing where he’ll put a hand on the table corner just so you wouldn’t accidentally hit yourself
🐍 stands in front of you whenever there’s a bigger group of people (especially after what you told him after that one party, he just does it subconciously now)
🐍 mattheo knows too and they’ll just both shield you with their bodies
🐍 switching ties together <3 it doesn’t matter, the student ties are all the same but it’s the feeling that counts
🐍 wearing his scarf as well
🐍 stroking your thigh in class, during dinner, lunch and breakfast in the great hall, mf will sometimes leave a little peck on your neck and have no shame
🐍 doesn’t care about other people, at all, he’s careless when it comes to anyone beside his few friends or you, makes you feel special <3
🐍 he has a lot of mental breakdowns, especially from all the death eater stuff, and won’t allow you to comfort him (eventually he will, but it’s hard for both of you — takes him ages to open up to you)
🐍 yeah, death eater bf — it’s not always easy
he even tried to push you away when it came down to it, but he just couldn’t, so now he tries to keep you away from all these things as much as he can
🐍 he’s good at potions, helps you out a ton
🐍 “hey nott, pair with me?” cuz they all know he’ll save their asses in potions assignments
🐍 “nah I’m with y/n” automatically 🥰🥰
🐍 again, library dates sound cool until you realise everyone goes to study dates in the library, so you’ll end up borrowing books and studying in your room together, undisturbed
🐍 with that being said, there’s usually not much studying…
🐍 “hey, uh— about yule ball,”
“yeah i don’t really care,” he’d mumble while reading a book.
“oh...” your voice would drop. his eyes would look up and study your expression. he’d end up asking about suits and which one to get later that day.
🐍 yule ball actually being a lot of fun <3
🐍 idk but like matching all black outfits to yule ball with his friend group >>>>>
🐍 he’d eventually get bored of the event and drag you out to the quidditch stadion to sit on his lap in the cold night and make out. he’d mumble how perfect you look and how lucky he is, and he’d make sure you feel good (skilled fingers bf)
🐍 ron tried to flirt with you once and he broke his nose
🐍 a guy from ravenclaw tried to flirt with you once and he broke his whole face
🐍 neutral on PDA — he doesn’t see the appeal but he also doesn’t care about others so if he feels like kissing and touching you, he’ll kiss and touch you
🐍 you’re not like him, if someone tries to flirt with him, you don’t go around breaking peoples faces and yelling, rather you shut off and drown in anxiety, he notices so he keeps his role of the “mean guy thats friends with other mean guys” and straight up tells the girl to fuck off (holds your hand right after and shows a bit more PDA that day)
🐍 he doesn’t smile much, which only makes his smile prettier. you love it when you make him smile or chuckle
🐍 holding eachothers hands a lot — it’s just a reminder that you are both there, whether it’s in class, during lunch, watching quidditch, walking down the hall, he likes to feel you are there with him
🐍 his friends just call him nott and people that he’s not close with call him theodore, so you calling him just theo feels somewhat special, and it makes him feel warm inside
🐍 does a thing where he’ll stare at you calmly and make you blush and go “whatt?!” and he’ll just chuckle and say “nothing, my girl’s just pretty”
🐍 all six of you hanging out around the castle or the forbidden forest at night and him squeezing your hip or leg whenever it’s really dark so others wouldn’t see
you teasing him back by pretending something scared you and hugging him real close and ‘accidentally’ brushing your body against his
you both end up frustrated as fuck
🐍 doesn’t say i love you often but when he does he really means it
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i love him sm it’s not even funny anymore.
also do ya’ll think lorenzo knows he’s now completely out of nowhere a face of some random slytherin character? 😭 like that thought of him finding out is just funny to me idk
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Can you please do a charles one where the reader and charles along with his family is having summer vacation and paparazzi is bothering them way too much and charles protecting her but as well as he can't keep his hands to himself always touching and kissing the reader and his family mainly Arthur and Pascale teasing him
A/N: We already know that Charles is protective of his people when it comes to the paps, so I have a wonderful idea for this
Being on vacation with the Leclerc family was your favorite part about summer break. You loved traveling with them as Arthur and Pascale loved teasing the middle child Charles, who grumbles and pouts at everything, like now.
"Charles, she's a person. Not a pillow, get off her." Charles grumbles as Mama Leclerc smacks her son with a pillow. Charles was laying in your lap while you all enjoyed the ocean, just swimming and having a nice lunch.
Charles was always touching you; he couldn't help it. He needed to be touching you so way and loved kissing you as well. This was something that Pascale and Arthur had no problem teasing you for. Sitting up, Charles frowns seeing a boat with a man and a very obvious camera.
"Y/n, promise me to be careful." You look up from your book, smiling. "Of course, I'm just reading." "I know, but someone is watching us. I don't want them to take advantage." Charles always worried about you. Especially when not too long ago you had taken your bikini top off.
You remained blissfully unaware of the cameras snapping photos, but they never saw anything too revealing as Charles was in front of you and then hugged you. It only caused a stir because others were on the boat and people called you horrible names. Ever since then, Charles has been super protective of you when it comes to the cameras.
Charles kissing your cheek. "Awwwwww," His eyes narrow hearing his mother and brother coo at the two of you. You giggle, as Charles can't help but place an arm around your shoulders. "Kill me now." He grumbles, irrupting more laughter from you.
"There's a lot of them." He turns to see the way you seem to shrink in on yourself. The flashing lights almost blinding even from the car. Being back in Italy, meant that the media was in full force, as they aren't allowed in Monaco. "I know, baby. I can drive to the back if you prefer." Kissing your locked hands.
"No, no," You take another deep breath trying to calm yourself. "You have fans here as well, I can do this." Charles parks the car, quickly getting out and to your door. Except he gets bombarded that he can't even open the door.
"HEY!" Everyone goes still, Charles having never yelled at the media or fans before. "I'm trying to open her door, and if any of you push or shove no one get's an autograph or picture." Everyone steps back, Charles helping you out of the car.
"I'll be back." He tells everyone, you pressed tight to his chest as he escorts you into the building. "Stay here, stay safe. I love you." Charles kisses you and goes back out into the sea of people
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skyahri · 2 months
Children |Naruto Men X fem!Reader| HC
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Characters: Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake, and Madara Uchiha.
Summary: How many kids they have and how they are with them.
Warnings: Fem reader. Mentions of pregnancy. Mentions of kids.
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Naruto Uzumaki
You already knew Naruto had been dreaming of a family for a long time, so when you got your first positive test, you knew it'd go over well.
He was ecstatic to say the least.
He'd coddle you all throughout the pregnancy and as you healed.
Fatherhood was a dream come true. Nothing could make him happier than his little girl.
Except for the second kid.
And the third.
And fourth.
And at that point, you only stopped reproducing because a fifth kid had quickly become your worst nightmare.
All of his offspring, three girls and a boy, had gotten his energy. You chased everyone around the house every single day, and it was exhausting.
Of course, he helped out when he wasn't busy being hokage, but still.
Four was enough... for you.
Sasuke Uchiha
He'd never really put much thought into how many kids he wanted.
Yeah, he wanted to restore his clan, but he kinda forgot that meant HE had to restore his clan.
Your first child, a daughter, was nearing two years old when you'd gotten pregnant once more.
This sparked a conversation about exactly how big of a family he wanted.
Your first child was an angel, really. Calm, quiet, smart, brave, and so much more. If like would be like this, he'd have a hundred.
But damn that second kid was a 180°. If it weren't for the dark hair and eyes, he would swear he was Naruto's son, not his. So much energy.
After that, he'd decided two was more than enough.
He's content with his tight-knit family. (More so content with the idea of less chaos).
Shikamaru Nara
Definition of one and done.
The pregnancy was planned, and he loves his son, but he was perfectly content with how things were.
He checked in with you every now and then to make sure you were content with only one kid, but you assured him every time that he was more than enough.
Besides, only one kid meant that you could give all of your time and energy to him and his needs without worry.
Kakashi Hatake
One and done as well.
Initially, he never wanted kids, but you were already pregnant despite careful measures, so there wasn't much to be done.
A few months later, a little silver haired girl is born.
The second he saw her it was love at first sight.
He loves his daughter. She's literally his whole entire world, and he spoils her absolutely rotten.
He's super protective. Not really a surprise, but it's definitely worth a mention.
Madara Uchiha
It was normal for people on his clan to have a lot of kids. It was the only way to guarantee a future generation due to the war.
When the time came for him and his wife to start thinking about children, he suddenly realized he didn't have to have a billion children.
The war was over and there was peace, so surely there was no need?
It was a mutual decision to have just one child, so that's what you planned on.
Until you suddenly had twins; two boys.
There goes that idea.
Maybe it was his bodies way of telling him he needed more. Uchiha breeding and what-not.
A while later, you had the urge for another baby, and after a long discussion, he agreed it's what he wanted as well.
But again, you had twins, and again, it was two boys.
He called it quits after that. Fuck whatever hyper fertility nonsense you had going on.
He cares deeply for his sons, but he doesn't want to live in a world where he could potentially have yet another pair of babies to look after.
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angelbaby-fics · 3 months
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where he is the older bro and very protective about his little sis and they go to the avenger tower but she is in babyspace and non-verbal and he won't let anyone near her and is like "nooooo she to tiny you make her owie" and when someone else than their caregivers try to pick her up he Hit the person and get punished by daddies
Baby's Bodyguard
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Word Count: 800
A/N: This is such a sweet idea!!!! I love big bro Peter & there's gonna be a lot more of him coming in the future I think 💕 Also nobody yell at me but I haven't actually watched Hawkeye & I don't know anything about Kate imsosorry enjoy!! 💕
Joining the Rogers-Barnes family as their precious and littlest baby was the greatest thing that happened to everyone involved, but nobody took on a greater pride than your big bubba Peter. Steve and Bucky had been worried at first that he wouldn’t take it well, no longer being an only child and the absolute center of their attention. To their surprised delight, however, Peter took on his new older sibling responsibilities with a soldier’s pride. 
Any time you were out on an errand or playing in the park, Peter took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on you, even though your daddies were more than capable. Whenever you weren’t in your daddies’ arms, you were holding Peter’s hand. At the playground, he’d go down the slide first to make sure it wasn’t too fast, and then wait at the bottom to catch you as you followed. When you ordered food in a restaurant, Peter always took the first bite to make sure it was safe. Well, maybe that one wasn’t as much about protection as it was getting an extra bite, but still. At parties and playdates it was a little easier for him to get distracted, but he always made sure you were within earshot.
That’s how you found yourself now, in one of the common rooms of the sprawling Avengers compound, stacking blocks into a castle while Peter half paid attention to Wanda’s game of pretend on the other side of the room, his focus divided between her and you. Steve was standing around the snack table talking to Bruce and Tony, while Bucky and Sam cracked open a couple of beers on the balcony. It wasn’t a party so much as a lively get-together, team members and family only. 
It also happened to be Kate’s first party with the gang. Kate had been kind to you the few times you had met her, engaged with you in your pretend games and played hide and seek around the compound with you and your friends, but you didn’t trust her all the way yet. She was new here, she didn’t know that the only ones you allowed to carry you were your daddies. When Tony announced that dinner was ready, she was the closest to you, so she picked you up to carry you into the dining room with everyone. She meant well, she handled you gently, but that meant nothing to you at this moment. 
Peter’s spidey senses noticed it first, the sharp intake of your breath as you started to wail. Poor Kate didn’t realize what was happening as everything unfolded. A sticky web splatted into the back of her shirt as Peter ran over to the two of you. 
“No! You put baby down!!” He shouted, smacking the side of Kate’s arm like a cat batting a toy; not enough to hurt her.
Kate let go of you as you flung yourself into Peter’s arms, now sobbing from both the fright of being picked up by a new person and the commotion that had followed it. Peter barely had time to comfort you when a strong voice rang out over the noise. 
“Hey!” Steve shouted, not needing to say anything else to get everyone in the room silent and staring at him. Even you had stopped crying when you saw your daddy enter the room. Peter immediately spoke out in your defense. 
“She was scaring baby!” He cried out, pointing an accusatory finger at Kate.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t! I was just bringing her to dinner!” Kate defended herself, desperately hoping the super soldier would understand. It wasn’t Steve she was worried about, though; Bucky was glaring at her with ice cold eyes. 
Steve placed a calming hand on his husband’s shoulder, calming him instantly.
“Alright, everybody calm down,” Steve said, his face softening as he turned to meet your eyes. “Are you hurt, babydoll?”
You shook your head, reaching out for your daddy’s arms. 
“I promise,” Kate said, “all I did was pick her up!” “I believe you.” Steve nodded. “She just doesn’t like getting picked up by anybody but her family. It's okay, you didn’t know yet.” Kate smiled, grateful for the forgiveness. Your tears had dried, your breathing had calmed, and your tummy had started to rumble. Steve gave you a kiss on the head, and with the chaos settled, everyone began to shuffle off to the dining room. Peter mingled in amongst them until he felt a cold hand on the back of his shirt. 
“Uh uh, not so fast kiddo,” Bucky warned, pulling the youngster aside. “I saw you hit Kate. That’s not nice and you know it.”
Peter looked down at his sneakers. “I’m sorry Baba,” he said dejectedly.
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Kate. Bucky let Peter go, following him into the kitchen before adding: “and no dessert tonight!”
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tarjapearce · 17 days
can we get something about reader having a kid before she met Miguel. her ex was treating her poorly while she was pregnant and after she gave birth, having her to clean the house and take care of their newborn cause the ex was too lazy and verbally abusive? After knowing Miguel for awhile, reader becomes preggo and she’s super scared that she’ll be neglected, but Miguel’s with her the whole time. or a happy ending of your choice🫣
Yee ✨
Parallels and Opposites
Landlord! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
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WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Verbal abuse, manipulation toxic relationships dynamics, controlling behavior, gaslight, mild graphic depictions of domestic violence, hurt, struggles, fluff towards the end. No proofread.
Summary: Miguel shows you what true love and family means.
If someone asked you, what would be your biggest regret, a simple name would come to mind. Samuel 'Sam' Lawson.
The man that with his sweet words and lies had stolen you out of the comfortableness and stability of your home. A man that had seduced you right after you finished college and spoke about how you'd be his perfect little housewife.
Someone that played a perfect house angel role and had convinced your parents to live with him a couple of days after the graduation ceremony. Someone that without a doubt, would've teached Judas his own lying game since it proved effective on you and everyone around you.
Samuel was loving, always filling you with gifts and smiles, always making sure you knew his heart was yours, and always making sure you wouldn't have to worry for things such as money. You were happy.
So happy that ignored the micro-aggressions that hid between the loving noise. Beyond happy that you grown used to his presence, even when he didn't need to be there and ignored your few friend's warnings of his controlling and possessive behavior.
They were just jealous that they didn't have someone like him. Right?
It was normal for your loved one to pull you apart from those friendships that deemed toxic, right?
"They're always criticizing us, babe. They're just jealous I take care of you the way they wished their simpleton partners would. You don't need people like that in our lives."
And little by little your friend's circle decreased considerably, but Sam was always there. Ever loving and supporting. Even when in his outbursts he always made sure to say it was all for your good, because he loved you. That everything he did was for you, like it's always been.
He loved you so damn much that it hurt and his relief was beer, staying outside home until late, or fucking you till your body begged for a break.
Life was generous and good, so good you had gotten pregnant. Sam was ecstatic. You finally were carrying his child. And it was enough to make you his fiancé.
"We ain't married yet, but til death do us apart, honey." He'd say, peppering your face in kisses.
There was nothing to fear. All those seedlings of doubts your friends had put, were sapped away, He loved you.
Until he found out you were having a baby girl.
His loving and protective facade begun slowly chipping away.
The beer's stench stuck on his body and breath most of the times Sam was awake. His bad mood was always rampant, making every little thing an inconvenience that didn't help your crumbling relationship.
A few dishes rested comfortably on the sink? He'd scream and to calm him down, you'd rush to clean it all up. His snacks crumbs were in his favorite seat? God forbid to Sam see them cause it was another round of cruel jokes.
"Maybe if you weren't that fat to clean, this place wouldn't look this bad."
It was his bad humor. You thought at first. You knew he had a bad temper, but you were too busy falling inlove to actually notice it seeping through the cracks. You were too busy loving him that ignored the liquid anger pooling at your feet. Slowly filling the four walls you inhabited.
He'll change.
You clung to that thought alone, hoping that this phase was only temporary. That he'd go back to the same man you met. The same mn that got you breakfast in bed and took you to dance the many times you wanted.
Not this man that hurt your mind with whatever nonsense about your body he thought and his mouth spilled. Or hit the walls, instead of hitting you because he loved you.
He loves me.
"Where's my fucking dinner?"
He's just having a bad time with the medical expenses. That's all.
"You fucking stay here all day long doing shit, instead of keeping it all together while I work my ass off to get your fatass whims."
"I clean and cook, Sam." your mouth mumbled and it was enough for him to be invading your space, his taller frame cornering you against the shiny counter you always cleaned up.
"The fuck did you say?"
You gulped. The words replaying in your mind but unable to come out of your mouth. He seemed pleased on the smell of your fear.
"Wouldn't it the least you could do to your hard working husband, hmm?"
You didn't want to admit that these sudden hot and cold games confused you to no end. But they fed your hope of bringing him back.
"I'm sorry." You hushed and he caressed your chin a bit roughly, making you look at him.
"I know. I know pregnancy is hard on you, but your babygirl is not an excuse to not tend your husband's need, honey. You gotta do better. For me."
You nodded while he kissed your forehead and you got away to serve him his dinner.
"We can't have any more mishaps, can we?"
"I'll do it better, ok?"
He squeezed you against him, satisfied you'd acknowledged your mistakes.
"Good girl."
As the pregnancy went on, so did Sam's moods wings. One minute he had all the hots for you, and when he was done, having his fun, he'd go back to his cold and rude self.
Any little mistake on your end was the perfect excuse for him to throw his harbored venom your way. If he didn't attack the apparent laziness, he'd go for how weak and pathetic you were only cause the baby.
And the more he pressed, the more you got tired of only nodding with a head down. And when you talked back, he only laughed and blamed your hormones for being such a drama queen.
You amused him, and your fight response even better. Yelling became the new thing in the Lawson's home. And each made sure to have a proper turn.
Until little Lily was born.
Things grew obnoxiously quiet for Sam as you were too focused on Lily to indulge his outbursts.
At least he was gentleman enough to keep it quiet, for a bit. But Sam needed that hatred, that yelling and anger to fuel him. So he found a new way to make sure you engaged into his baiting.
He'd make noise on purpose, waking you both and Lily, keeping you exhausted and at the verge of tears. You even begged him once to let you sleep, you couldn't allow another accident due to you being beyond tired.
The bag under your eyes were heavier, weight fluctuated, but even so, Lily remained your priority. And that pissed him to no end.
That in and out continued, stretching for a long long time, everyone around you kept warming you, but you always managed to spin the conversation around. Tired was always something that described you. Your parents grew concerned and the few friends that remained on your side only supported you and Lily
Sam always had an excuse to skip family reunions. But everyone knew that it was a matter of time things to go sour.
And when your final wake up call arrived, it was like a blindfold had been removed from you.
It wasn't the argue this time, neither the beat down he awaited for so long to deliver you, despite your protest and pleas for him to stop hitting you, but the fact Sam was targeting Lily as the new victim of his rage out of control. Only cause you refused sex to him.
Because of her, you never wanted to fuck with him like the old times, you were never in the mood for anything since she arrived. Would it all be better if she was gone?
His mind reasoned.
But before any more tragedies could happen in the day, the vase he always complained about silenced him as it crashed on his nape, knocking him out.
And it was enough time for you to pack up whatever thing you felt necessary, grabbed your two year old crying toddler, and ran away. Ran into the freedom of the night away from Sam's suffocating claws.
No bruise or pain in your body mattered. No scream or insult engraved in your brain by his commanding and absolute voice did. Sam didn't matter anymore.
"We'll be fine, sweetheart." A reassure to you and your toddler.
After sojourning through different shelters and housing programs and financial aids, you finally managed to land a proper job that eventually managed you to afford a car. As long as it was functional, in good conditions, and safe wise for Lily, you couldn't care less about the model.
Your baby was three now, and finally you had managed to get a lease in a place in the middle of Nueva York's city. Perfect to reach Lily's school and your work. Life was making sure to reward your suffering with a fresh start.
The new landlord, however was everything you expected a landlord to be. Quiet, reserved, perpetually busy, grumpy at times but surprisingly, gentle and careful with the kids in the building.
Thanks to Lily, and her need of running away in random moments for you to play with her, you had ran into his apartment, your baby giggled as she stumbled upon a curious and surprised looking Miguel in the doorway.
"My goodness, I'm so sorry! Lily, darling come! This is not playtime."
Miguel chuckled softly as your daughter hid behind him.
"I think your mother is right, princesita. Go to her."
"But she is no fun!" Lily pouted, "And she's always busy and tired to play with me."
Your cheeks flustered and your eyes blinked, truly not expecting for her to vent your personal occurrences, but also hurting for the tinge of disappointment in her voice.
Miguel picked her up, and your heart leaped nervously, ready to take the harsh and judging words for not being able to properly take care of your child, like everyone.
But they never came.
"I know it must be frustrating for you to not having mommy to play with you, corazón, but running into places like that is wrong. And quite dangerous. Something could happen to you, and mommy would be extremely sad and upset."
Lily nodded apologizing, as he delivered her back to you.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. O'Hara. It won't happen again."
"Don't worry about it. They're children."
"Say sorry to Mr. O'Hara for running without his permission into his home."
Your baby girl apologized, and after him reassuring it was fine, that she only needed to be careful, you returned to your apartment.
Miguel O'Hara or Mr. O'Hara for the other tenants, seemed a regular man, always up to something in the building and making sure everyone lived in perfect conditions. A place that most in the neighborhood wanted to live in.
Not only because of him and his gorgeous looks, but the actual quality of life the building had, despite being an old one.
If the sink was dripping, he made sure to see it as soon as possible. You found out that plumbing, wall repairing and other appliances were in his repertoire of knowledge, he was a multitasking man, that always waved your little girl of they met in the hall, no matter how busy he was.
The 'Hi, Mr. O'Hara!' echoed every morning through the halls along his 'Good morning, princesita.' and every evening when you returned from work and picking up Lily.
But besides your toddler interacting with him, there wasn't much reason for you to approach him. Matters of the heart were too recent and fragile to approach. Your heart had so much to do to glue back the pieces Samuel had made sure to break.
And he was always busy. Always with his head into something. Life however had these little moments that conceded you a hint of what ifs and what not.
Like Miguel helping you with the grocery bags that gave you trouble, Him making sure everything in your apartment worked properly, fixing a tire from your car and sharing a bit of his food, something that Lily rambled once to him. She told him about you praising the smell of his food from across the hall, and next thing you know, is him delivering a bowl of freshly made Tinga in your hands.
"Made a bit too much of it." He mumbled with a coy smile after greeting Lily with a smile.
He was good with the other kids, but with Lily he interacted the most. The other kids just greeted him and kept it to themselves.
Food sharing however, was only the start of something neither were aware of it brewing.
It all started with you, retrieving the favor with some baked goods, a flan. Something your daughter saw him eating a couple of times along a pack of coffee. He was always smelling like that fancy colombian package with extra roast. And a little Thank you note.
He replied with an envelope full of coupons from the supemarket on things you'd need, along a 'Saw these in my mail, I think they're more useful to you."
Cause in truth, what other concerns a single and childless man like him could have?
He realized you were a single mom cause of Lily. He noticed how she never mentioned her dad.
"Mommy doesn't like talking about him."
The girl said and it was enough for him to understand.
A couple of days later, you'd have him in the kitchen sink, looking through the pipes of the dishwasher. As it refused to work.
Miguel was patient, and explained what was wrong and pulled out a couple of toys in pieces that obstructed the blades.
Your cheeks were burning from the embarrassment, but he wasn't mad. He wasn't angry at your toddler for behaving like a child. Unlike Sam, that yelled whenever Lily cried.
"Don't you worry about it. It happens way too often than you think."
"Still, sorry, There's times when I just wanna come home and crash on bed. Work is a bit stressful and I just wanna do my best for her."
"Hey, relax." His hand caressed your arm gently, a brief yet soothing gesture that had your heart running leaps in your chest, "She's lucky to have you as a mom."
"You think? I felt terrible when she said I didn't have any time to play with her."
"She's too young to understand all what you must do for her, preciosa. Don't rack your brain about it."
"Thank you, Miguel." His words had been like a balm to your aching soul. None had actually had the decency to acknowledge everything you did for your kid, as they were all too busy judging. But not Miguel.
He cleared his throat and rubbed his neck nervously.
"I... I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place and have some dinner?"
He gulped on your surprise, "It's alright if you don't. I think... fuck. I think that was too soon." He swallowed again, tensing.
You chuckled, "It's alright. I'll bring the dessert. And Lily if that's okay."
"It's perfect" He breathed, relieved, "She needs to keep me updated in this story on the beetle she saw in her classroom."
You laughed and his heart shuddered at the sound.
"Seems we both need an update on it."
"And it flew! It was buzzing and then landed on a flower outside."
"No way! Look at that, you fought the beetle! "
"Mommy says they help the flowers to grow. But everyone was scared and I fought it off!"
"Good job, princesa." Miguel chuckled as he served Lily her plate of food while you cut the flan in pieces.
The not so-date was fun and offered you a new perspective on eachother. And so the many others you had.
But life had been in a weird mood that pressed enough just to remind you, the dangers out there.
You had just came from a true date with Miguel as Lily was with her grandma. You really never lost contact with your parents, and when you grew quiet, they were concerned. But now that everything was going as smoothly as it could, the weekend visits were a must to make up for all the missing time.
You took the elevator first, to change into something more, sultry to match the night overall's mood. The soft caresses and lingering looks between Miguel and you were undeniable. And rightfully so, he had earned that spot into your heart, and what a better way to reward him with something you both died for to enjoy?
As you grabbed your keys and opened the door, a rough calloused hand grabbed you by your hair.
"Well, well.. Long time no see honey."
He pushed you in, but you budged, moving away from him yet his firm grip tightened.
"Let me go!"
Samuel had found you, after years of looking on his own. His beer breath wasn't news, yet the stench of it all made you retch and move away.
He slammed you against the wall and hovered over your trembling form.
"Where's Lily?!" he grabbed you by the collar of your dress and you spat his face.
"Fuck you!" A punch landed on your cheekbone, sending you to the floor, stunned.
"Do you know how long it took me to find you?! Where the fuck is my daughter!?"
He sat on your hips to ground you as his fist hovered over your face. No harm came however.
Strong and tanned hands pulled the paler guy away from you, like a ragdoll, growling as Miguel squashed him against the floor.
Samuel was no match for him, but the last thing you needed was more violence. Despite the anger consuming him, Miguel tossed Samuel off the stairs, earning him a pained groan from the man.
Your ex laid on the floor, unable to get up as Miguel dialed the police. Within matters of minutes, Samuel had been taken care of and took away.
You on the other hand, cried in Miguel's arms. Shaking and sobbing as the landlord himself tended your wounds, apprehension in his face.
How dared that man to touch you?, How dared that man to even think about hurting his own child? He was thankful Lily wasn't around, or Migue truly didn't know what he would be capable of.
You had explained everything to him. How it all started with Samuel, how everything changed and how you had to escape him in order to save Lily from a certain death.
To your little surprise, Sam had been escaping the law for a few years now. But that chapter in your life was now closed and tossed forever to a vault underground and threw the key somewhere you couldn't care less at the moment, nor later or ever.
"You're safe now, corazón." He cradled you against his chest, promising not a single harm would come to you now.
The two parallel lines in the pregnancy test finally showed up, announcing the start of a new life within you.
Moving in with Miguel in his apartment, was only one of the many perks that came in hand when dating him.
Your heart finally had the chance of opening and receive and give all that love you always dreamed of receiving again.
Miguel didn't lie, Miguel didn't treat you good because he wanted something out of you, he praised you whenever your efforts came to fruition, and was always pampering Lily, to the point of her calling him by accident dad a couple of times.
But he liked it. He loved the sound of that title in your daughter's life. Miguel was everything that was good in this world. Sure, he had a temper, but never lashed out on you or Lily. He never yelled or screamed, or bait you into a fighting game.
And it terrified you at first. You were so used to chaos that anything like calm and conflict resolution was something you had to learn if you wanted him to be at your side.
Therapy always worked and it helped you to improve all those pestering thoughts Samuel had planted on your mind.
Miguel had taken his sweet time into proving that you no longer had to fear for your life and Lily's. That you no longer had to scream to have your voice listened or that you had to fight in order to have something done.
You didn't have to be on survival and flight or fight mode.
And when you delivered the news to him? He showered your face in affection, praised you for making him the happiest man ever. Even thanked you for making one of his dreams come true.
And when you found out another girl was on the way, you braced for impact.
At first, a deep part you thought that Miguel would act exactly like Samuel, and as much as it hurt you to think that way, some pains never truly left. They just remained dormant and buried away.
But again, nothing but love came your way. Miguel rambled to no end about the baby's room color, how Lily would be an amazing big sister and how she was also thrilled to have a sister.
He was excited. Not yelling. Miguel complimented your body changes and kissed your baby bump in every chance he had, not calling you a lazy fat ass.
He'd cook for you and even going to the extent of visiting the convenience store at wee hours of the night to have your cravings met, not telling you to shut the fuck up an let him sleep.
Miguel didn't allow you to stand too much time once your last trimester hit. He took charge of your home and kept it clean and comfortable for you, not insulting, yelling and accusing you for being exhausted and putting up excuses to have the house clean and his dinner ready.
Miguel was gentle and always praised you. He spent those times when you needed him buried into you, worshipping your body with such care and love before, during and after he was done pleasing you, not fucking the daylights out of you and leaving you to clean after yourself the mess he created, not caring at all if you were sore.
The sole idea of hitting you, terrified him, he confessed once, not amused him. Miguel didn't get off by taunting you with slurs like Sam did. He didn't had fun into competing for who screamed more before your voices gave out, like Sam did.
He accompanied you to every single doctor appointment and even bought you vitamins and supplements, not complained all the way home on how expensive everything was and how much you owed him for the appointment and medicines. If he bought you any.
Thank heavens Lily came perfectly healthy thanks to the vitamins your parents gave you.
And he definitely didn't hit you, dehumanized you and treated you poorly, like Samuel did.
You felt ashamed for even daring to do such comparison, but it was unavoidable. Not when everything you had know was chaos and this man offered you a complete opposite spectrum of a love you always dreamed off.
And when Gabriella was born, yours and his dream was finally complete. You got true and untampered love, and he got a family on his own, ready to show you the true meaning of such word.
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callme-holly · 4 months
Can you do dating Dallas winston headcannons 🙏🙏🙏
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - oh, dallas winston, my troubled baby <33 literally none of this is proof-read so if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes please ignore them!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 641 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - brief mentions of fighting
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it definitely takes a lot of time for him to open up to you. He loves you and that honestly scares him.
He's been hurt in the past too, so don't expect him to admit his feelings for you straight away.
He's not a big fan of showing affection in public. He'll sling an arm over your shoulder, sure, or keep one hand in your back pocket at all times to show everyone you're his, but he's got a reputation to uphold.
He's super protective of you. You've got someone who's messing with you? No worries, doll, Dallas will sort them out for you.
He doesn’t say it often but you know he cares about you and he’ll show it through little things such as giving you his jacket when you get cold or standing up for you when needed.
Arguments happen fairly often between you two and, while it's usually over something small and petty, Dallas will never be the first to apologise. He's far too stubborn for that.
In private I think he'd be pretty clingy. Not to the point where it's suffocating (*cough* sodapop *cough*) but he just likes to be around you.
He'll hold your waist and kiss your neck whilst you're doing stuff, constantly trying to distract you from whatever it is that you're doing.
He's touched starved and honestly afraid that you’ll leave him although he’ll never admit it out loud.
He gets jealous very very easily. If he sees you talking to another guy, no matter who it is, he feels threatened and is watching over you like a hawk. If he feels the conversation is going on too long, he will step in and put an end to it whether you like it or not.
If you spot something in a store that you like, expect Dallas to disappear for a few moments before returning with said items in hand. He’ll shove it into your arms, waving off your thanks with a small “It’s nothing, doll.”
Does he pay for it? Hell, no. But nobody needs to know that.
Date nights between you two are often spent either driving about Tulsa in Buck's thunderbird or sneaking into the drive-in to watch whatever crappy movie is playing.
He takes his time introducing you to the guys and when he does, it’s a pretty big deal for him. They’re pretty much the only family he’s got and it’s important that you all get along.
Sometimes Johnny will tag along on your guys’ dates. It’s not really something you get a choice in for wherever Dallas is, Johnny won’t be far behind. But he’s no trouble really. He’s more than happy to hang back and stay quiet, as long as he can see you guys and you’re there to keep him safe.
After fights or rumbles, Dallas likes to lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair. He'll deny it until the day he dies if anybody ever questions it but you know, deep down, he loves it.
Speaking of rumbles... you're his go-to after he gets hurt. he trusts you to patch him up and take care of him. Sure, he'll complain when you try to clean the cuts but eventually, he'll sit still and let you work.
He’s probably not huge on cuddling, but when you both spend the night together or if he’s tired and beyond the point of caring, he’ll let you lie on his chest while he smokes, his free arms draped lazing across your waist.
When he gets hauled in by the cops, expect a call from him begging asking you semi-politely for you to come pick him up.
Your parents will probably disapprove of him but he couldn't care less.
He’ll probably end up sneaking into your room most nights, but, hey, no complaints, right?
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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kenananamin · 8 months
I LOVED your girl dad nanami hcs. This isn't a request but I was wondering like, imagine (I whole heartedly agree he's a girl dad) reader and nanami they had three sons. Don't get me wrong. Nanami LOVES his boys so much. And all of them are such gentlemen. He's raising them so good. Exact copies of him in manners and in looks some ways. The eldest son has his blonde hair, the middle son has his eyes and the youngest one has his highschool emo hair. BUT (now to the fun part) Reader is pregnant again and this time it's a girl.!!!!!! How would he react? And the boys too. Secretly they've also been wanting a little sister (that's so cute 😭)
Now, how do you think Nanami would react? I think he would cry, like legit he would. He's always wanted a baby girl. This is like a dream come true for him. And and the baby girl after being born looks exactly like him, hair, eyes, nose EVERYTHING.
While the boys take more after Nanami regarding their personality, meaning they're mature for their age and very well mannered. But his baby girl takes after reader's playful nature and is just so so precious and sweet. Of course she has good manners too. But she's like everyone's princess in the family.
Her brothers love her and are protective of her. And she's just so playful and adorable that no one can get mad even if she pulls a prank or messes something up at home.
It's like, even when Nanami tries to scold her (he never would) or discipline her, she would just giggle and and grab his arms and legs and just hold onto it (IM LITERALLY.. THIS IS TOO SWEET) A heavy sigh escapes Nanami and he smiles knowing his daughter has him wrapped around her fingers and he can never ever even try to talk to her in a stern manner. She's just so innocent.
Sorry sorry this was so Long 😭 even if you don't reply to it, I hope you enjoyed reading this at least.
i'm so happy you liked my girl dad nanami hcs!! thank you for reading it! 😭 and honestly while writing it, i was thinking of the exact opposite too, boy dad nanami but he finally gets his little princess at the end 🥹
so here are my hcs for nanami as a boy dad while secretly hoping the next one is a girl, and the boys praying their next sibling is a girl
is excited to have a boy as their first born, he thinks about the things he will teach him and how nanami plans to show his son how to treat women RIGHT
tells you that he's got this covered and his fiery passionate eyes tell you he indeed does got it
decorates the baby's room with old action figures and comic books/manga from his childhood
rewatches his old cartoons and shows to make sure they're appropriate for his son to watch with him
tells everyone how he has your eyes and his hair and lowkey brags that it's the prettiest combination
is excited to buy mini sneakers and baseball caps but stops with the shoes bc baby outgrows them in 0.2 seconds
likes to carry his son like a football bc it makes him giggle his heart out and nanami knows you're looking at his bicep 👀
is ECSTATIC when you're pregnant again and immediately wants to know the gender. he's excited for his son to have a partner in crime and is happy you saved all the things your first son used (nanami is very very pro-hand me downs and wants to see those tiny sneakers used again)
tells his son to kiss your tummy throughout your pregnancy bc he wants them to be super close from the beginning
on that note, nanami kisses and hugs his boys all the time to start to show them they can be a tough guy and like hugs and kisses just like daddy and not be embarrassed about any of it
is brought to tears almost every time he passes by the baby's room and the eldest is holding the baby's hand through the crib railings telling him "i love you baby"
likes seeing the eldest's patience when the baby is learning how to share and rewards the eldest with ice cream and tickles
tells his boys to open every door for mommy and hold it open if there's someone behind them
plays a little rough with the boys when they're play wrestling but they're all scolded by mommy when someone ends up crying (nanami was poked in the eye by a tiny finger and the boys thought they made their daddy cry)
buys his boys barbies so they can create a realistic fantasy world when they play. the eldest eventually puts the barbies in charge most of the time
nervous when you're taking the next pregnancy test and quietly hopes it's a girl. the eldest wants a girl too and the soon-to-be middle child just thinks it's another regular thursday aka he does not care yet lol
sighs when the doctor says it's another boy, he's happy bc they have everything they would need for another boy but he really was hoping for a girl since this might be their last child
last boy ends up being the blend of both kids, patient and quiet, but can be excited and loud if he's really into something
dedicates special quiet time w the boys to teach them to listen and appreciate quiet activities
takes his boys out to play sports every weekend to give mommy a break from so many boys and chants random phrases with them in the car
make his boys help with dinner, clean-up, and laundry bc he wants them to appreciate everything that's done for them
tells the boys to come into the room while you get ready for date night so they can see everything you do from deciding what to wear to hair to makeup, etc etc. this is when the boys get a front row seat to seeing how much dad appreciates and loves mom
then pulls them into the closet to show them everything he does to get ready bc a man needs to put in just as much effort
has coffee dates w his boys where he'll get his tea or black coffee and the boys will get a lemonade and their cake pops and they can drive around
hugs and kisses each one of his boys when he gets home which in turn makes the boys get used to being affectionate with each other
buys his boys flowers when he takes you yours. he wants to be the first one to ever them their flowers. this leads to the boys going outside to bring back a flower, dandelion, leaf, or rock to their dad. dad now has a collection of random things in his spot of the garden
weekly sit-down w the boys to talk about emotions to teach them how to put their feelings into words
does not explicitly tell his sons to kneel for women but his sons see how dad always kneels for you if you're sitting somewhere low (CUE TO EP 12 W NOBARA AND NITTA, THIS IS CANON)
is in shock when the boys come in for an intervention-like meeting asking why they don't have a sister yet and when they can get one
is impressed with how the eldest pulls him aside and shows him the plan to have a younger sister now so that he can have enough time w her before he leaves for college (eldest is not older than like 10 lmao but he's a planner just like dad)
shows you the plan and is in love with how everyone wants a girl
is very happy to keep trying 🫣😮‍💨
all the boys go w you to get the letter w the gender of the baby and start to plan a big gender reveal bc they all have a "feeling"
all start to cry uncontrollably when the inside of the gender reveal closet is full of pink clothes, blankets, and toys. someone's on the floor (eldest), someone is running laps around everything and everyone (middle), someone is carefully touching your tummy (nanami) and another is asking if they can name her like their favorite anime character (youngest)
all start reading and researching how to raise a girl and are visibly stressed yet excited
nanami starts creating lists of cute clothes and can stay up all night imagining a giggling little girl on his shoulders
cries if he's by himself and in his feelings bc he's so overwhelmingly happy w his life and kids, feels like the luckiest man
goes to lowe's to get paint to prepare his princess's room and the boys are in overalls and ready to paint when he gets home
imagines a little girl joining their coffee dates and the boys giving her their mud pies and holding her hand everywhere they go
sees the most beautiful little girl and is blinded by the love his kids have for each other
will pass by the baby's room in the middle of the night to see all 3 boys sleeping on the floor right next to her crib. grabs his pillow and joins his boys on the floor
buys a new baby kangaroo for the boys to decorate and carries their princess EVERYWHERE
has to break up arguments the boys start to have over who gets to push the stroller this time
the boys dress her up in their old sneakers and baseball caps
all wear tutus and tiaras while they patiently wait for her to pour them their cup of tea during tea time
the two youngest boys teach her how to get someone in a headlock to defend herself and nanami and eldest have to step in
eldest then secretly teaches her men's weak spots and plans to take her to a self defense class eventually
babygirl is always giggling and is so playful, her and mommy have got these boys wrapped around their fingers
nanami is always swaying whenever he’s standing still bc babygirl attaches herself to his leg and he swings her back and forth for as long as he’s standing straight. making a sandwich? swinging the baby on his leg. brushing teeth? swinging the baby on his leg. working on his standing desk? swinging the baby on his leg.
the bros get defensive if someone tries to scold her but they’ll pull her aside themselves and tell her why it was wrong. nanami stands outside the door and listens to them
nanami still asks his boys to go out and at least two suggestions from the boys include the little princess
nanami and boys for sure stare at mommy and princess in awe at random times
they all know the girls have the deciding vote and they run the whole house. and they love it 😌
nanami is so girl dad coded BUT he would be the best dad in general. he for sure needs a little girl somewhere in the mix but he’d win the fatherhood award for sure
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spiceofvy · 6 months
heey i love everything you write and ive been trying to come up with the courage to request this scenario:
scenario/reaction to their s/o fem9th member!reader playing the pepero game with other member or maybe be challenged to play w/ a guy from another group?
i just love the idea of them being jealous on camera and not being able to act cool at all
SKZ - Jealous SKZ on a show
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a/n: thank you so much for reqeuesting!!! please don't be nervous about sending me asks, i swear i'm nice :,) i was also really wanting to write some 9th member!reader for some time, so i was really excited to write this!
cws: fem!9th member!reader, reader is the maknae, fluff, some jaelousy, non toxic jealousy, reader having to do the pepero challenge with a stranger, mentions of sexism (Jeongin)
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Chan: So we all know that livestream where he was super mad at staff right? That is him at this moment. He is so angry. He is such a protective leader and this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. It started when your stylist put you into a way to short dress. Which hem you've been pulling down the whole time. And this game is the end of his patience. He won't intervene during the show, but afterwards he will do everything he can to make sure that all of SKZ never has to do something like this again. He feels terrible that it even got so far, and apologizes profusely to you later.
Minho: No. This is not happening. He won't let this happen. After the MC read out the challenge he just starts laughing obnoxiously loud and fake. Making everyone around him give him weird looks. "No but what is the task?" He asks and when the MC repeats it he interrupts them and asks that question again. He does that until everyone is uncomfortable enough to just skip the challenge. He will get a huge lecture from the manager later but he doesn't care. Climbs into your bed at night holding you tightly.
Changbin: He gets so whiny. Making a huge scene. "No! Not our poor innocent y/n!" He is super dramatic and hugs you tightly. He turns all the attention from you and your challenge to himself until everyone forgot about it. Afterward, he gets cuddly, clinging to you the whole time, grumbling about the MC and the stupid game. Wants some praise for protecting his baby so well, and keeping her away from weird dudes.
Hyunjin: Side eye. He is judging the MC. He is judging the member of the other group. He is judging the crew. He is judging his manager who let you do this. He coughs loudly when you play the game, making the other guy flinch, breaking the cookie early, preventing him from getting too close to you. Afterward, he is cuddly, touching you through the rest of the show. Scaring anyone off from making you do anything weird for the rest of the show.
Jisung: He also gets whiny. And pouty. And loud. "We can't have our Maknae's Innocence be tainted! Someone protect heeeeeeeer!" He makes such a big scene, including: fake crying, clinging to you, and holding you back from getting to your seat. Does this until the only thing that goes viral is him being a baby instead of you almost kissing some random dude. Will cuddle you afterwards. No matter if in public or not. Maybe if he is really anxious that day this could also lead to him getting a bit insecure. Please hold him that night, he needs it.
Felix: He is not a jealous person. He's fine with you hugging Seungmin, or even falling asleep cuddling Jisung. He loves how close the group is with each other, you are a big family. But he despises how this guy is suddenly getting close to you. Especially with all those cameras on you filming your interaction. Offers to do the challenge instead of you. Everyone thinks he is joking but he is so not. The video low key goes viral, so many edits afterward. But he takes all the scandalous articles, if that is what it means for you to be comfortable.
Seungmin: He is such a bitch. Not to you but the other guy. When you pull away he loudly declares "He must have really bad breath when y/n pulls away this early". He makes everyone on set laugh about that guy. Behind the scenes, he gives him dirty looks. He is more jealous than he would like to let on. He is also very clingy afterward. Unusually clingy actually. This will start some sort of scandal but he doesn't care, for him this was all worth it.
Jeongin: Won't react openly. Just smiles along and buries his fingers in his clothes. Trying to hide his anger. Stares at the game making sure that the other guy won't get too close to you. Won't be very reactive during the rest of the show, just a little bit more touchy with you. He will be so mad after it though, making a huge deal of the fact that "they only made her do it because she is the only girl. That's so sexist." Which is very right actually. He is super protective from now on, letting no stranger get too close to you. Huge cuddle session later in bed, holding you super tight, still bothered about the situation.
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mommypieck · 1 year
⌗︙・jjk accidently getting you pregnant⸜⸜・
"oopsy daisy."
there are honestly two ways it could do. either gojo is gonna go out for milk or he's gonna stay. he probably starts laughing when you tell him that you are pregnant. "well guess my swimmers were fast enough." don't worry, he's gonna spoil you rotten. he's the type of guy who talks to your belly nonstop... and you have to whack him over the head everytime he says something inappropriate. he is also gonna buy you stupid family shirts.
it takes him couple of minutes to register what you just said... and he's gonna start panicking when it finally clicks. this is the only time in his life he realizes that there's no way he's gonna be able to take care of a baby. but when you decided to keep it, he's more than excited to become a dad. i can see him telling everyone that he's a dad even tho you haven't shitted the kid out yet.
even tho you didn't plan the kid, geto did. he's excited to have your kid more than anyone. you were surprised when you found out that geto already set up a nursery. because what if. he always has a hand on your belly and he spoils you rotten. im sure that he's gonna propose now that you're pregnant. also he's super excited to call you mommy (and not in sexual way).
he is freaking out but he's open to any option. for him your opinion is crucial. he's gonna ask you if you want to abort it and if you said no, he respects your opinion. although he's really scared of taking care of your kid, mainly because of how his dad treated him. he's alsoca lot more protective now and he is determined to give your children everything.
pretty similar to megumi. he gives you all the space to decide yourself but he gives you his opinion when you ask. he's open to have a kid so if you decided to keep it, it's not a problem for him. i feel like he would start searching for maternity things as soon as you announce your pregnancy. also expect a lot of expensive stuff for the nursery.
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neonghostlights · 7 months
i have a request !
popular cheerleader reader comes back after summer break sporting a small baby bump. it’s eddies. theyve been in a secret relationship, drama ensues!
This is cute! I changed it around just a bit but I still hope you like it!!
Warnings: Sunshine!Mom!Reader x Dad!Eddie, Food/Eating, Pregnancy, Nausea and Vomiting (Morning sickness), Cravings, Protective Eddie, everyone’s in their early to mid 20's.
Wordcount: 1.8k
It was the summer after college and everyone was leaving. 
Not permanently, thankfully. 
It was a weird feeling to have the little family you had built over the years break apart and go their separate ways, even if it was only for a few months. 
It was like a coming of age moment in a movie. You were adults. College educated adults that were having one last piece of freedom before settling down at boring jobs you would work at for the next forty something years before you had to retire.
Nancy and Jonathan were going back to the small California town that his mom, Hopper, sister and brother were located. They would spend the whole summer there before their new jobs as a journalist and photographer at a New York newspaper. 
Steve was going to Washington state for some training before he started his new cushy business job. He was excited and nervous of course but hiding it behind a suave exterior. He bought some fancy new cologne to go with his new suits and you had a feeling that he wouldn’t be coming home alone at the end of the summer. 
Chrissy and Robin would be spending the summer in Florida at one of Chrissy's cousins' beach houses. Robin was terrified to meet Chrissy’s family but soon got over it when Chrissy reminded her of the days they would spend in the sand with the cool ocean breeze kissing their skins. 
That left you and Eddie. The two polar opposites of your group of friends. 
Eddie was rough edges, spicy cologne and wild hair from head banging while playing his guitar. 
You were soft skin from your vanilla lotion, sweet lips from your strawberry lipgloss and a lover of fluffy pillows that look like clouds. 
You were sensitive, easy to tear up at the wrong tone of voice. Eddie was the opposite, using brash words and sticking his finger up to anyone he thought had done him wrong. 
It wasn’t like you and Eddie hated each other. You just weren’t super close. He was kind to you, never mean. And there were times he would speak up for you at restaurants when they got your order wrong and you were too anxious to complain. 
And there was the time he punched a guy in the face at the bar for putting his hands on you without your permission. 
But those were things you thought came from being in the same friend group. You stood up for each other. 
You knew without your mutual friends around that you and Eddie would have no reason to see each other over the summer. It would be like you two were strangers for a few months before the people you loved came home and gave you a reason to be around each other again. 
You hadn’t had any jobs lined up or anything exciting to do over the summer. The job search local to Hawkins had come up dry. You dreaded the thought of having to move far away just to put your degree to use and to make enough to pay the bills. 
Steve was the last to leave. You and Eddie stood at Steve’s doorstep, waving at him as you saw him pull away in the cab to go to the airport. 
There was a brief and awkward silence when the tail lights disappeared around the corner. The last thread holding you and Eddie together stretching and stretching until it broke right in front of your eyes. 
You turned to give him an awkward smile and wave before climbing down the cement steps of Steve’s home and heading towards your car. You thought about maybe curling up on the couch to watch a romantic comedy that would make you laugh and cry simultaneously. 
A good laugh/cry was good for the soul. 
When you hit the last step you heard Eddie clear his throat behind you before calling your name. 
“Do you wanna go get some pizza?” He asked you, hands shoved in his pockets as rocked back and forth awkwardly. 
You nodded, a small smiling gracing your face as you stared up at him. 
Maybe you wouldn’t have to spend the summer alone after all. 
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You fixed your skirt and then fixed it again. 
“Relax,” Eddie muttered in your ear as he came up behind you, pulling you against him. 
“Do you think they’re gonna be mad?” You asked again for the twentieth time that day. 
“No,” Eddie answered again, also for the twentieth time that day. 
Everyone’s return to Hawkins happened to land on the same weekend. You were excited to see your friends again after so long apart and to hear about everything they did. 
You were so excited t4o get your secret off your chest. The weight of it was crushing you and you weren’t sure you could keep breathing if you didn’t let it off your chest. 
Eddie was cool and calm as usual, the only sign of his stress being his chewed down nails. You had wrapped some bandaids around the ones that bled earlier. 
Nancy and Jonathan showed up to your apartment first with some cool photos they took while hiking in California. There were some of the pretty sunset and also some of Jonathan lying on a rock when he got tired halfway through and threatened to crawl back down. 
Chrissy and Robin showed up next, smelling like coconut and happiness. Robin gushed over the bonding she did with her girlfriend's family while Chrissy stared up at her in awe. The both of them looked even more in love than they were when they left. 
Steve showed up last, dressed in his suit. He apologized for showing up late, blaming a last minute meaning that was part of his training. 
The slight blush on his face and lipstick on his color had you thinking that it wasn’t the training that made him late. 
You didn’t want to embarrass him so you didn’t point it out. 
Robin didn’t catch the memo though, teasing him gently before pulling him in for a big hug. 
You didn’t have anything big planned in your small apartment. Eddie had ordered some pizzas which you were excited for. You had been craving the cheese and pepperonis so bad that your mouth had watered all day at the thought of finally sitting down to eat. 
The first one to notice something was off was Robin. She sat in the middle of your couch with Steve on one side of her and Chrissy on the other. 
You hadn’t done anything particularly incriminating except for getting up and making an excuse when Eddie sat too close to you. He shot you a look that told you to chill out as you fumbled to the other side of the room, faking an interest in Jonathan's new camera. 
You caught the way Robin’s eyes danced between you and Eddie, probably putting together pieces of a story that you were thinking of the best time to tell. 
You shied away from her accusing eyes until Eddie went to go get the pizza from the delivery driver at the door. 
You offered to help him, following him to the entryway that didn’t shield you from your friends' gazes as much as you thought it would. 
“I can help,” you offered, holding out your hands to take some of the weight off of Eddie. 
“It’s too heavy, baby,” Eddie said as he brushed a kiss across your temple as he walked into the living room. 
You sighed. It was hard having to keep your distance from him after three months of always being alone together. You had gotten into a routine of soft kisses and music playing as you made breakfast together. He had practically moved into your apartment at this point. 
You were both aware that you were moving fast but it was the way the circumstances lined up for the two of you. 
You sat on the floor next to Eddie, ready to dig into the pizza you had been dreaming about. Eddie smiled at you knowingly, he knew how much you had wanted this. 
He fussed over you before you ate, making sure you had a pillow to sit on and a blanket covering your lap so you wouldn’t get cold. 
You were both so caught up in your little love that you didn’t realize the hush that fell over the group as they took in what was happening. 
Steve broke the silence leaning over to open the pizza box as it sat on top of the coffee table. You did a little shimmy, excited for the food. 
That was, until the smell hit you. 
It hit your stomach, nothing like how you imagined all day. You felt the cold sweat break out on your forehead and you realized what was about to happen. 
“Excuse me!” You yelled into your hand as you crawled over Eddie and ran into your hallway bathroom. 
You heard Eddie curse and get up to chase after you as you made it to the toilet just in time to retch. 
The morning sickness had been awful and you thought since you had been craving the pizza you’d actually be able to keep it down this time. 
“You’re okay,” Eddie assured you as he crouched beside you, wiping a wet cloth against your face. The room still spun as you closed your eyes and leaned against him. 
“We gotta figure out a way to get some food in you,” Eddie worried, chewing at some of his poor nails. 
You reached up, pulling his hand out of his mouth. 
“Doctor said this is normal. I’ll be able to eat eventually,” you told him as you pushed up, some of the dizziness easing and your senses clearing. 
“Give your mom a break, kid,” Eddie whispered towards your stomach. You weren’t showing yet but Eddie made it a point to talk to your baby daily. He wanted to make sure his baby knew his dads voice. 
You thought it was adorable. 
“You’re pregnant?!” You heard Steve practically yell from the bathroom doorway, a glass of water held in his hands. 
The rest of the group crowded behind him, staring at you and Eddie sitting on the floor with wide eyes. 
“Surprise!” Eddie said in an enthusiastic voice. 
You thought you were gonna be sick again. This wasn’t how you wanted to tell them. You wanted to break the news to them gently that while they were away you and Eddie had fallen completely in love. 
You hadn’t meant to get pregnant so soon into your relationship but you wouldn’t do anything to change it. 
You held your breath, tensing up as they all continued to stare at you. Only letting out a breath in relief when you heard the loud voices of them arguing over who was going to be the favorite aunt or uncle. 
“I told you it would be okay,” Eddie mumbled into your neck as he pulled you close. 
You pressed a kiss to his lips, ignoring the fact that you were both still sitting in front of the toilet. 
“I love you, but you need to brush your teeth,” Eddie said to you, making you laugh and roll your eyes at the same time.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
joey tribbiani x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: hope you guys enjoy this, i had a lot of fun writing it and i love joey so much <3💌🍒
dating joey would include…
ok so he met you at central perk
you were another victim of “how you doin?” obviously 
he finally introduced you to the group after you’d been dating a little while
they all thought you were just another one of his two-week relationships
but he’s been dating you for months now and they all got to know you really well
he calls you “the one”
his entire family knows everything about you
insists on buying you a drink every time you go to the coffee shop  
(even if he has to borrow money from chandler to do so)
he tells everyone how you’re so smart and he doesn’t know what he would do without you 
‘(y/n) is great. i mean, she taught me  what rectify meant. i always just thought it was another way of saying as—’
you and the girls become besties of course
rachel loves going shopping with you 
(and joey loves tagging along to try to watch you try stuff on)
and monica cooks for you
(and joey begs her for ‘just a little bit, (y/n) can’t eat all that!’)
phoebe gives you free massages 
and chandler loves you too 
like sometimes you’ll wake up before joey when you’re staying at their apartment and you and chandler will just talk
he caught you guys once though and he still hasn’t let you live it down
ross let’s you hold ben
joey loves just waking up next to you
unless you’ve knocked hugsy off the bed
and he’ll make sure he doesn’t wake you up as he covers you with the blankets and goes to make you breakfast
you and joey have movie marathons and during scary movies he insists on holding you close “in case you get scared”
but really it’s cause he’s terrified
he would actually do anything for you 
when you guys go out to dinner he even lets you share his desert 
‘alright fine, just don’t take a big bite!’
loves it when you run your fingers through his hair 
he once tried to cook you your favorite food for your birthday and almost burned his apartment down
you help him read lines all the time to practice for upcoming auditions
and he always picks ones with romantic scenes just for an excuse to kiss you 
‘and it says here dr. drake is supposed to kiss mr. roberts? hey, i don’t know, i don’t write these things.’
he is so gentle it’s adorable 
you guys cuddle all the time
calls you baby occasionally 
he’s a flirt
but he also gets super jealous and protective of you if someone hits on you
he always makes you smile when you’re having a bad day
he loves you so much and you guys are just so happy together <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope all my friends fans enjoyed this!! i love joey so much so i had to write these little headcanons. definitely thinking about doing this for other friends characters. hope you enjoyed ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🩰🪩
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toji-girl · 2 months
ok so I'm going through something and writing helps me process it.
tags: female reader + angst + lost friendship + Toji is super protective and doesn't like seeing you sad or anything
Your eyes scanned the same lines repeatedly, trying to make sense of the turnaround of the conversation with your friend. The above message you sent was nothing but kind and mature-like.
Her message was nothing but filled with malice when she pointed out all your wrong doings for no reason, it took you back as you tried to process her words as you dialed Toji's number feeling tears burn.
As soon as he heard the first sniffle he was grabbing his car keys from off his desk. "Baby? What's wrong? Talk to me." Toji urged you gently not giving anyone at his work any sort of notice that was he leaving to come home to you.
Before anything else, you came first in his life.
As you explained the situation and read the messages out loud you couldn't help but feel the pain manifest into something physical that took on an ache deep inside your gut as you replayed the words.
On the other side of the phone, there was silence. "Toji? Baby?"
"I'm here. Let me call you back actually." With that, the line clicked dead followed by a slew of texts that rolled in a few minutes after.
It was from your friend who ended the relationship without much warning, after twenty years you lost the one person you thought understood you so well besides Toji and your family. She was the only one in your life like that and now you had no girlfriends of the sort.
You blinked away the tears that streamed down your face as you curled more into the couch when Toji called you again. "Did you call her? What did you say to her!?" You asked him hearing him grunt.
"Ain't no one goin' to talk to my wife that way, I told her she needs to apologize and watch her mouth is all, I won't let anyone disrespect you," Toji replied with a shrug as he pulled into the driveway.
As soon as you heard the click of the front door you pushed yourself off the couch and hurried over to Toji wrapping your arms around him and sobbing into his chest. "You really did that?" You asked softly.
You knew he would and always will.
Ever since getting together with him, he's always been your protector against everyone, even when you tried to tear yourself down. He wouldn't let that happen, not with him around anyway.
Toji guided you to the couch where he sat down and pulled you onto his lap letting you get comfortable before wrapping both arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
"I did, and she tried to come at me sideways so I told her to shove it basically without actually saying it because I know you still love her with that big soft heart of yours." He murmured letting you nuzzle your face closer into his neck inhaling his scent.
More tears streamed down your cheeks as you hugged him tighter, even if words could express how thankful you are to have him there would never be enough to describe it.
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lexilovestom · 2 months
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— in which: You brought your 2 year old daughter to her first Tokio Hotel concert to see her dad perform on stage. And Tom and the band are so happy to have her in the crowd!
⌞ contains: fluff fluff fluff!! (this is actually so freaking adorable), 2010 Tom ⌝
— The daughter's name will be Nala since Tom said in his podcast that if he ever had a daughter he would have named her Nala like in the Lion King movie! 🥹
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— Y/n's pov:
Today I'm bringing Tom and I's daughter to her first Tokio Hotel concert! I've always wanted to see her reaction to her dad playing guitar, and now that I believe she's old enough it's the perfect time!
Tom doesn't know I'm bringing her, only Bill. He thinks that I will be at the VIP tent watching the concert with some family members and other VIPs, but nope! I have our little girl with me!
I can't wait to see his reaction because he's always told me from the day she was born that he can't wait to play for her in the crowd and put extra effort in his solos for her.
So here we are now. It's almost 8:00pm, definitely past my baby's bedtime, but the show is about to start. I'm holding Nala on my left side as I walk in the stadium with a bunch of security guards. Fans turn around and greet us with a bunch of cheering, and some even got near the VIP tent to talk to me and hold her hand. They're all so sweet, I'm so glad they support Tom and I's relationship.
"Baby are you ready? daddy's gonna stand on that stage in a couple minutes!" I say to my daughter before the lights dim down and everyone starts cheering super loud. Nala smiles and nods quickly, before I remember I should probably put her ear protecting headphones on since she's still very sensitive and loud sounds like these can damage her hearing. "Baby let's put these on okay? you look so cute!!" I say as I pick her up again.
"Dada?" she points to the stage ahead of us, "yes! dada will get on there in a matter of seconds!" I don't even get to finish my sentence that the music starts playing and the boys get on stage. I gasp and point forward "Nala look!! there's dada!" I watch her smile grow wider and wider and it's melting my heart, "dada!!!". She's such a daddy's girl and seeing her light up at the sight of her father almost makes me tear up. She's so in love with him.
Tom is fully concentrated on playing the guitar, he almost never looks up from it when the concert is just starting since he still has to warm up and relieve the tension. Nala is pretty much dancing in my arms and it's making me giggle so much, she's so cute. "Uncle Billy!" she looks over, "yes! uncle Billy is also there! and so are uncle Georg and uncle Gustav!" she starts waving at them, but sadly no one is looking in our direction just yet.
Some time passes and Tom finally looks up at us, I see his eyes widen and his jaw fall to the floor at the sight of his daughter. "Nala look! dada is looking at us! wave!!" she quickly turns her head, "papa!!!" she starts waving with both her little hands as she also kicks her feet in my grasp, making me laugh as I wave too. Tom smiles brightly, waves back and mouths a small 'hi baby', which I told her about.
Halfway through the concert the boys are playing Pain Of Love, Nala has her arms wrapped around my neck and her head against mine. She's definitely getting tired. It's almost time for Tom's solo and I can tell that he's putting all his heart and soul in making this his best one yet. I tap Nala on the shoulder, "baby look! papa's going to play the guitar by himself now!" she shoots up with a smile and Tom gives us one last glance to make sure we're looking before playing the most magical solo ever. You can hear the dedication, passion and desire to play this to his daughter and it's making Nala's eyes twinkle with lust.
It eventually comes to an end, and as Tom looks at us fully satisfied with a smile, I tickle Nala's belly teasingly "Did you hear that!? that was so cool! wasn't it? dada played it for you!!" she just giggles and curls herself in a little ball from my touch on her stomach. I look up to give Tom a reassuring and proud smile that speaks more than a hundred words. He just smiles back and nods his head before turning back. He got the message.
It's almost the end of the show, the boys have now moved on the acoustic set, Bill saw Nala and waved at her too. They sit down on stools in the middle on the stage as Bill thanks all the fans for coming here tonight, Tom keeps looking and waving at us with a warm smile as Nala sends him kisses.
"I also wanted to take a moment to say hi to our special little spectator of the evening, my sweet niece that is in the crowd with us tonight!" Bill says as the crowd turns to us and cheers loudly.
I shoot up, "Nala look! they're waving at you say hi! hiii!!!" I say. "Hiii!!!!!" Nala smiles as the crowd aw's in unison and the boys all wave back to her.
"It's her first concert and Tom can't stop looking in that particular direction as you can tell!" Bill adds as everyone laughs.
"Aww she's tired..well, should we play just a couple more songs before Nala drifts to sleep?" the crowd cheers again as their attention is back to the band, and the concert eventually comes to an end.
Nala slept on my shoulder for the last 20 minutes, but woke up just in time to say bye to her dad on stage and get out of the VIP tent. We make our way backstage with two security guards, before we see Tom standing alone at the foot of the stage, waiting for us surrounded by wires and lights everywhere. I gasp "Baby look who's there!!", "papa!!!" I slowly put her down as she runs towards her dad who bent down to hug her tight. "Hey princess! I missed you!! did you see me on stage?"
"Yeah!" Nala gets a little shy as Tom chuckles and picks her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and places her head in between it as he has one arm behind her back while kissing her cheek multiple times, making her giggle. "Did you like it?!" Tom asks again as she lets out a soft 'mhm'.
I slowly make my way towards them. Tom looks up at me with a smile, "heeeyy!" he kisses me, "hey!! she was so happy to see you on the big stage and you were so incredible wow!"
"Had any doubts?" he smirks as I scoff jokingly and lightly smack his arm, "of course not! I could tell how much this meant to you, and she loved it isn't that right?!" I turn my attention to Nala as I tickle her belly again. Tom looks at her and then back at me, mouthing a light 'thank you'.
"Where's my favorite baby?!" we turn around to see Bill running towards us with his arms out, completely sweaty, followed by Georg and Gustav who had towels around their necks. "Here she is!" Tom hands him Nala. "Uncle Bill uncle Bill!!!"
"Yes! uncle Bill is here!! hi little princess I missed youuu!!!" Bill holds her close and spins a couple times. "Did you enjoy the show? it was lovely having you in the crowd tonight!"
"Yes!" she giggles as we all aw in unison and laugh. "Hi uncle Georg! Hi uncle Gustav!" Nala looks ahead, "hi cutie!" Georg says while caressing her cheek as he's followed by Gustav's "hey pretty girl!"
Nala turns to look at me and Tom who had his right arm around my shoulders, "mama I'm sleepy" she holds her arms out as Tom quickly goes to pick her up. "Aaw you're sleepy? let's go then, let's have night night." I say as I too caress her soft cheek. Her little curls bouncing up at the slightest touch of them, her small Tokio Hotel denim jacket that matches her jeans and pink shoes, her red little lips...gosh this child is adorable and definitely Tom's twin.
"Let's go home baby come on" Tom giggles softly as Nala drifts to sleep on his shoulder in the same position as before. We say bye to everyone and head our way home. It was an amazing and very sweet night. I'm so glad my baby could see her dad perform, and I'm so proud of Tom for putting all his heart and soul in making her proud of him. She truly means the world to him and nothing could ever change that.
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I hope you guys liked this! it's my first image and even if I'm not very good at writing these things yet, I had a fun time and I hope you did too! make sure to send image requests! I would love to put my spin on your ideas 💕 byee! ♡
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Mi pequeña ingeniero (My Little Engineer)
Pairing: Sergio Perez x Engineer!Reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Smut, Crash, Angst, Fluff, protective Sergio, daddy kink (leave me alone), disgusting media, age gap (about 10 years), supportive Red Bull, relationship insecurities
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hi!!! I absolutely adored the lance one and I was wondering if you could write smth similar with checo where the reader is the head mechanical engineer at red bull and Hannah’s (their strategy engineer) friend? You can choose if it is pure fluff or smth fluffy with a hint of smut :)) but basically just checo being a proud boyfriend™️ and everyone loving them after being a bit suspicious cuz like reader is super smart and loyal and kind and that’s abt it💓 (p.s. could you make reader abt 19-22? I wanna see some drama in the headlines 🤭) I just wanted to add that I love your writing and I will definitely be requesting more young!fem!engineer!reader because you just capture my ideas really well (and feed my delulu’s) 🫶🏻
Words: 3.8K
A/N: Thank you so much to the anon who let me bug them with messages about what’d they’d like and if I did something a certain way! I hope you love it
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"Hannah...Why was I hired?" The question was interesting, but the head strategic engineer could understand it. 
You were the youngest on the team. At 20, you were on your way to being the head engineer of Red Bull, even putting Newey at risk for his job. Christian was one of your biggest supporters. Even if he sometimes stuck his foot in his mouth about females in F1, you were the future of Red Bull, and everyone could see it. When news broke of you joining the team at just 17, you were a high achiever who wanted to prove yourself to the world and your family. 
The news ran that you would work for Max, but you put your foot down. You'd work with both drivers and would treat them equally. Watching multiple drivers in the 2nd seater was stressful for you. Having to continually change the drivers, Red Bull finally found their second driver, Sergio Perez. 
The Mexican was, at first, weary of you as he, too, heard you only worked with Max, but after spending 3 whole damn days with you, that opinion changed fast. Sergio respected you and didn't look down on you for your age; it amazed him that you have achieved so much at 20. Max and Sergio worked well together, there was the normal fighting between teammates, and you enjoyed seeing Sergio give Max a run for his money. 
"You're the best at what you do. Besides, you're the only one Checo really listens to." Hannah shrugs as Sergio only makes things easy for the baby engineer. 
You huff at the accusation because he did not make things easy for you. There have been plenty of arguments and yelling between you over the car and what needs to be fixed. Sergio was one to make you work for it, but it also wasn't too hard, but recently, he's been making your life hell. 
"Whatever, I've got to go, Hannah. I'll see you later." You pack up your papers and walk away, heading down the quiet hallway to your office. 
Halfway to your office, you feel arms wrap around you, a scream ripped out of your throat, but it's muffled by a hand. Thrashing around, you stop when you feel warm lips on your neck and that familiar Spanish accent. 
"It's me, azúcar," Sergio whispers, instantly relaxing in his arms. 
"Fuck, Sergio." You sigh, leaning into him as you try to calm your racing heart as the Mexican chuckles, still leaving soft kisses on your neck. 
"You weren't answering my texts. Is there a reason?" He asks, pulling you deeper into the corner so no one would see you both. 
You think about your answer, trying to remember what you were doing when he texted you. You were with Max, going over new ways to get the full power out of the car. Checking your phone, you realized you couldn't answer Sergio while next to Max, so you ignored it. 
"I was with Max. I couldn't answer my phone." You whisper as someone walks past, unaware of the secret couple hiding. 
Sergio stops kissing your neck, his arms tightening around your stomach, almost wincing at the grip as he hums. 
"Azúcar, aún deberías responder cuando te envíe un mensaje de texto. No me importa quién sabe. Eres mía," (Sugar, you should still answer when I text you. I don't care who knows. You're mine) He growls and you whine learning spainsh but no where near to understand what he just said. 
"Checo, I'm learning Spanish. But I don't understand." You huff, making Sergio's grip soften and turn you around, seeing your pout. 
He chuckles and pulls your chin close by his thumb and forefinger, kissing your pout away. 
You pull away, nervous that someone could see you making Sergio sigh, but he understands your reservations. 
"Not here, Sergio." You whisper, hands trailing down his neck, making the older man shiver before standing straight and kissing your cheek. 
"Are you ashamed? Because I'm older?" He can't help but ask. He wasn't the one to hide the relationship. He wanted to show you off for a while, but you deemed it inappropriate. 
"Ser-" You sigh and step away from him, getting your thoughts together before answering. 
"You're a Red Bull driver, Mexico's famed F1 driver, and you're older than me. People would disapprove of me dating you." Sergio wants to laugh, but he understands. The media wouldn't be kind to you. He's seen what fans have done to Kika and Pierre and refused to put you in that position. 
"A la mierda lo que piensa la gente, tú eres quien quiero." (Fuck what people think, you're who I want) He spits, and you understand that one dropping your head and pulling away from his hold, completely already missing his warmth. 
"I have to go. I have a meeting." You pull yourself together and go to leave, but Sergio pulls you into him again and kisses you deeply. You can't help but lose yourself in the kiss, dropping your files as you tug him closer by his hair. 
Kissing him was an addiction. Taking your breath away and leaving you spinning whenever you pull away from him. He was a drug and an addictive one at that. Pulling away, he pulls your bottom lip with his teeth and sucks on it slightly, and let's go. He can't help the low chuckle as he watches your dazed face and how you blink, trying to bring yourself to reality. 
"Cheating." You whisper as Sergio walks past before slapping your ass, making the fog in your brain clear, almost hitting his back. 
He rushes off, leaving you all hot and bothered, knowing you'd be thinking about the kiss for the entire meeting. It was true. You sat there thinking about him for the rest of the day. Thankfully you could go home early after the meeting. Except you don't go home, you go straight to his place. 
You knew he'd be home late, but you still wanted to fix him something to eat, maybe leave right after so he wouldn't have to be worried about setting something after such a long day. You slide the key into the door, walk into his apartment, slide your shoes off, and paddle into the kitchen. Sergio had been homesick recently, and you have been learning more and more about his culture and came across a recipe from Guadalajara called torta ahogada and settled on fixing that for him.
Pulling into his parking spot, he rubs his eyes before looking next to him and seeing your car in the place next to his. The slight smile on his face grows, feeling new energy at you being here. He makes his way quickly up to his place and slowly enters but stops smelling the familiar food of home. 
Seeing you in the kitchen, he drops his bag, but you jump, almost slicing your finger with the knife. Turning, you see Sergio staring at you in awe. You usually didn't cook for him as you tended to get home late. 
"You're cooking?" He asks, taking off his baseball hat and setting it on the counter. 
"Yes. I thought you'd be back later. I was going to leave it here for you." Putting the knife down, you were just finishing having plated the meal. 
"You weren't going to stay? Just make food and then leave?" Anger bubbling in his chest at the fact you refused to stay the night to worry that people would find out. 
"Yes..." You whisper, watching Sergio approach and cage you between him and the counter. 
He reaches down, hands grab your ass, lifts you onto the counter, and squeezes your hips. 
"This is your place too. I want you here when I come home. Your paperwork spread out everywhere, lotions and anything else you want plastered around my place. But, what I want more than anything is being able to spread you wide and bury myself in you." Sergio whispers, peppering kisses over your chest, hands slipping down your pants. 
"Checo....you need to eat." You gasp at the cold tile on your skin as he slowly works your pants off, staring at you. 
"I am about to eat." He whispers, breaking the last of your strength as you lunge forward, capturing him in a heated kiss, having you moan into him. 
Sergio pulls the rest of your pants down and off before hooking his thumbs in the sides of your panties. 
"Can I?" He asks, making you blush at how he always asks permission before touching you. 
"Yes." You nod, too, making him smile and getting down on his knees, pressing open-mouth kisses on your thighs. 
Sergio looks up at you, face flushed and skin warm as your hips arch whenever Sergio moves closer. He smiles, knowing you have no idea that you did it without thinking. Hands gripping the counter when Sergio's hands grab your waist and yank you forward, kissing at the arch of your hips right next to your pussy. 
"Sergio....please." You whimper, hating that he wasn't touching you where you craved him most. 
"Why should I?" He asks, nose brushing you, making your hips jerk up, wanting some friction, but you get nothing as his hands grip you tight, making sure you barely move.
"You like to hide us, but I'm tired of it. No more hiding." He growls, licking his lips, trying to control himself from making a mess of you. 
"I could lose my job, Sergio. I could lose you." The last sentence is barely a whisper, but it has the man stopping and looking up at you. The vulnerability is crystal clear in those gorgeous eyes of yours. The ones that have his heart stop when they land on him. 
"You won't lose me, baby. Never." He whispers, watching his words sink in, your body relaxing and legs spread wider, feeling more at ease. 
Sergio leans forward and licks a strip up you, head falling back, your fingers tangle in his hair just to play with his hair as he ate you. He moves his tongue slowly but attaches his lips to your clit, sucking it before putting your legs on his shoulders and hands on your ass, pulling you into him. 
Taking his time was his favorite thing; he loved how he'd bring you to the brink of your orgasm slowly and how you'd fall apart on his tongue in such a calm and gentle way. His nose rests right against your clit, so whenever you move, his nose sends pleasure through you. 
"Checo." You whisper, looking down at him as his eyes bore into your own; he pulls away, lips shiny. 
"That's not my name, gatito." Your blush returns, biting your lip. It was an accident when you first called him it. During the honeymoon phase, either talking or fucking, he'd gotten you to such a point that calling him just slipped out, but it felt like heaven on your tongue and music to his ears when he was buried in you, basking in the Mexican sun. 
"Daddy...please." You whine, Sergio smirking and closing his eyes as he turns you into mush. 
"Fuck..." You groan, his tongue entering you before pulling away and attaching his lisp to your clit. "M...M close Daddy, please...please." Sergio hums making you shiver from the feeling before Sergio hits that sweet spot, and you moan as he watches you fall apart on his mouth. 
Pulling away, he stands up and catches you as you slump forward in his arms, exhausted from the orgasm. 
"Come on, let's take a bath." He whispers, but you nod, not fully aware yet of what's going on. You come too when you feel the warm water on your skin and Sergio sliding in behind you, wrapping his arms around you. 
"I'm not ashamed of you." Sergio hums as you rest your head on his shoulder, turning your head so your lips are right on his jugular. 
"I know that, baby." He mummers wet hand, pushing back your hair. 
"They'll judge you...and say horrible things about you dating someone so much younger. I don't want that." Voicing your fears, Sergio takes them in, thinking about how he should respond. 
"Don't worry. It's my job to protect you, not the other way around." He kisses you gently, but you turn around and straddle him grabbing his face and making him look at you. His eyes raking over your body before settling on your eyes, falling in love with you all over you again. 
"You're my driver. I'm your engineer. It's my job to protect you, so don't tell me it's not my job, Sergio. It is." You tell him, voice stern, in the way you use when you're both at work together. 
A smile spreads across his face making you roll your eyes, pecking his lips, and climb out of the tub, water dripping down your body, his eyes fucking you. 
"Coming to bed, Mr. Perez?" You ask, walking into the bedroom as he ducks under the water and comes back up, his hair slicked back as he walks into the bedroom. Damn happy this was how your first night over was going. 
"Be careful." You whisper, headset resting around your neck, watching Sergio get dressed. 
"Gatita, I'm going to be okay." (Kitten) He smiles, knowing you were worried about them crashing. 
"Yeah, Y/n, we're going to be fine." Max's voice has both of you whipping around to face the Dutchman as he smiles brightly at the two of you. "Hurry up, we're about to start, so kiss, and let's get a move on," Max remarks, and Sergio stands up straight, his face hardening, getting ready to tell Max to shove it. 
"Are you going to tell?" The fear in your voice has both RedBull drivers staring at you, Max's smile slipping away, realizing you were terrified. 
"No, I was just messing with you both; I'm sorry." He reassures you, seeing Sergio calm down when you relax. 
"I've got to go." You step further away from Sergio as he tries to stop you, but his fingers brush your arm as you rush out of the driver's room. 
"God dammit, Max! Can you ever keep your fucking mouth shut?" Sergio snaps at the Dutchman, who nods, walking out so he doesn't anger Sergio anymore. 
"Woah, hey, careful, Y/n." Hannah grabs your arms, stopping you as you take a deep breath to calm yourself. 
"Sorry. Let's go before we're late." You move out of her hold as you hear Sergio call for you and move fast, ducking to the pit wall and sitting on your chair, the cameras panning to you automatically. 
Hannah follows and sits next to you, both of you pulling on your headphones, looking behind you, seeing Sergio staring at you and holding up the rock and roll sign. But you knew better; he told you he loved you in sign language, a way to talk without people knowing. 
Turning around, you watch the cars file out and get started on the track. 5 deep breaths to settle your nerves as you hear the loud ticking and the engines roar to life as they take off. Watching the screens, you see Max has a great start, but Sergio's is slightly off, and you automatically check that everything is okay. 
Everything comes back normal. Hannah talked to Max and then Sergio, giving them what strategy to do and letting her know if they needed to change. The race continues until lap 42, where everything goes to hell. 
You look up seeing Sergio's car collide with Geroge's. They were battling over P2 and slammed into a corner, and you can't help but freeze seeing Sergio's car flip and roll over multiple times and hit the barrier. 
Seezing up, you don't think twice before hitting his button to speak to him. 
"Checo? You okay?" You release the button waiting for the answer, but you get nothing. 
"Checo? Hit a button or something to let me know you're okay?" You watch the screen seeing the camera zoom in, and you see no movement. 
"Sergio, please answer." You beg softly, everyone waiting with batted breath. 
"Cariño!" You cry into the mic, just wanting to hear his voice, a click, anything to tell you he is alive. 
Christian and Hannah share a look and move to pull you off the pit wall, but they know damn well it'd be a fight to remove you. The rest of the cars file on the pit lane as marshals move quick to the car, but you close your eyes, unable to see them drag him out unmoving. 
"Y/n." Hannah gasped, holding your arm, making your eyes fly open and see Sergio climbing out of the car with tense movement. 
"Oh god." Sobbing behind your mouth, you unplug yourself from the pit wall and run to the medics, Hannah behind you.  
The doors fly open as you are about to run into them, pulling Sergio in, the doctors and nurses surrounding him. Max flies right behind you and moves, holding you still as you lunge for him. 
"Let me go." You sob, wanting to hold Sergio, but Max keeps his grip tight. 
"Stop. They're helping him. You'll just get in the way." Max whispers, your voice of reason as Hannah holds you tight, trying to keep you together as you watch Sergio get checked out. 
"He has to go to the hospital, but you can talk to him before he goes." You only let the person finish after bursting into the room. 
"Te amo. I love you." You rush out, leaning over him as he opens his eyes slowly, but winces from the pounding in his head. 
"Te amo." He whispers, feeling the tears hit his face. He wants nothing more than to hold you, but even talking hurts. 
"Y/n, he's got to go, and we have a job," Hannah whispers, pulling you back as you hold his hand kissing it multiple times. 
"Te amo." You whisper one last time as you watch the nurses load Sergio into the ambulance.  
Sergio came home after a week in the hospital with a fractured wrist that was healing nicely, and you shut down Sergio coming back to race just yet, letting Daniel race the next 3 races. 
"My radio was disconnected." You turn around, looking at Sergio lying on the bed, watching the crash, wanting to see what went wrong. 
"I know." You move into the bedroom and climb on the bed, careful so you don't hurt him, still sore from the crash. 
"Your radio calls to me went viral; people know now." You roll your eyes, seeing the goofy smile covering his face, but you are still weary of talking about the absolute terror that took over you that day. 
"I don't care anymore. I'm just glad you're here." Moving, you lay your head on his stomach, his uninjured hand petting your hair as you curl up more into him. 
"Good." You smile as you drift off to Sergio's heartbeat and fingers in your hair. 
Sergio was back to racing, and the media was in full force. Thankfully, you could arrive before the press, but Sergio wouldn't be coming till later, and this was the first time since the wreck that the two of you had been apart. 
Looking over some data, you look at one of the screens and freeze when you see a camera in your face and a reporter walking up to you. 
"Ms. L/N? I'm shocked you still have a job, especially after sleeping with one of the Red Bull drivers." Groaning, you turn to face one of the problematic journalists in the paddock, you wanted to avoid them, but the universe wasn't in your favor today.  
"Go away. You don't even have access to be in the garage." You reply cooly, not wanting to lose your temper in front of a camera. 
"I'm just asking if that's how you got your job. Riding dick?" After several deep breaths, you remind yourself not to respond. 
"It's sad that people work so hard to get where you are, and you're up for that promotion at such a young age. Guess if you're good at sucking di-" The journalist's voice stops when someone grabs them and slams them against the wall. 
The music stops, and no one moves as your eyes widen, seeing a very pissed-off Sergio pinning the person into the wall. 
"The fuck did you just say to her?" Sergio stares at the person wanting to bash his head in but controls his anger slightly. 
"I-" "Actually, don't answer that. How fucking dare you say that shit to her. She didn't get this job; what was it you said? Riding dick? She worked her damn ass off to get where she is, and you want to stir shit by saying she got it that way? I know what the media is saying about me. I'm fucking her to get the better care or strategy or whatever. I could care less what anyone says about me, but it becomes personal when you involve her in those disgusting rumors. Stay the fuck away from her, and keep her name out of your mouth." Sergio pulls the person off the wall and throws them out of the garage. 
"Get back to work!" Sergio snaps the music coming back on as he turns to you and drags you away into a private corner. 
"Sergio." Hearing your voice, he stops and pushes into a wall, gently covering your body with his own. 
"You're terrific, and you got this job on your own. I don't care what they're saying about me, okay? The work you've done here....fuck, it's the reason I love you, how driven and motivated you are to do good for this team. I'll defend to the end, please, please ignore them." He begs as you look away from him, those dark thoughts creeping in, but you know it isn't true, but it still hurts. 
"Hey. Look at me." He lifts your chin, making you look at him. 
"I know that none of it is true, but...." He sighs, putting pressure on you by leaning on you, knowing pressure calmed you down. 
"Kitten, I know. But, I'll defend you till the end. If they say something wrong to you, I'll slap them with a lawsuit." The laugh breaks free from you, making Sergio chuckle at his stupid lawsuit line. 
"Thank you, but I got this job on my own. Though I like doing those things to you, my brain got me here, not giving it." You tease, making Sergio laugh loudly before kissing you. 
"Hey guys, let's go," Hannah yells, the both of you pulling away the whole garage watching, but they're all smiling as you move to the pit wall. You pass Christian and Helmut. 
"Told you. You owe me 30 bucks." Christian smirks, making Helmut groan. 
"Dammit." You laugh but stop seeing the camera on you. You turn around, giving Sergio your sign.
I love you 
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