#hes actually Not Chill At All he just looks like that.
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Werebear!bouncer who recognises you and always greets you with a respectful nod whenever you and your friends come to the club he works for. He doesn't know you have a crush on him and that you hang around that place just to get a glimpse of him every weekend despite living on the other side of the city.
Werebear!bouncer who looks so tough and serious, like someone who wouldn't think twice to leave you bleeding on the floor if you were to mess with him, but whose stern look seems to soften whenever his eyes meets yours.
Werebear!bouncer who one night sees you getting harassed by a group of douchebags and instantly intervenes, kicking them out of the club, refraining from actually kicking their asses just to not lose his job and risk to not see you again. He makes sure you're alright, his eyes lingering on your curves as he checks your body for any kind of scratch or fluid they might have left on you.
Werebear!bouncer who goes back to his spot by the entrance once you assure him that you're fine, although he tries to keep an eye on you the whole night while he works. He seems to notice how uncomfortable you look as you try to enjoy the music and the dancing, also wondering where your friends are and why you came to the club all alone.
Werebear!bouncer who wishes he could leave his spot to keep you company and possibly make you smile again, that bright and warm smile that makes his chest flutter every damn time.
Werebear!bouncer who gets ready to leave work early in the morning, leaving his spot by the entrance for a minute to retrieve his stuff only to come back to close the place and find you there standing by the doors all alone and chilled.
Werebear!bouncer who asks you why you're not at home yet and fails to pick up on your lie when you tell him that you're too scared to get to the bus station with those douchebags possibly still lingering around.
Werebear!bouncer who places his leather jacket on your bare shoulders and offers to give you a ride back home, insisting on it when you try to decline with a sheepish giggle.
Part. 1
🪷. You can leave me a tip on ko-fi if you want to support me
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thewertsearch · 2 days
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Damn. Well, it's not like you actually needed it to fly. Hope you made a note of its code!
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I love that WV is just chilling with John now, as he meanders around the Battlefield. The Vagabond is a bit of a wanderer too, so they make a good pair.
AG: Your guardians are not here! EB: oh… EB: dang it! EB: do you know where they are? AG: Yes, they are in another castle. Don't worry, you'll find them later.
Sorry, John. According to gaming tradition, you'll need to explore seven different castles to find what you're looking for.
AG: John, are you mad at me? EB: um… no?
He genuinely isn't, is he?
If any of the other kids learned of Vriska's role in their session's downfall, they'd be ready to throw down - but for John, it's no biggie. He's practically forgotten about it already.
Nothing really fazes this kid, from life-threatening situations to startling family revelations. At least, nothing appears to faze him - but he can't no-sell the game's trials forever. Maybe he's just putting them all in the Vault.
AG: Then what's the matter? EB: i guess i just miss my dad. i was hoping he would be here, but apparently i won't see him for another few hours or whatever? […] AG: I still find it a little hard to understand the sentimentality you attach to these adult humans. […] EB: i guess you just have to think of them the way you think of your lusus..ses? Lusi? […] AG: Except I never liked mine that much. ::::\ AG: Even after I prototyped her, things were pretty chilly 8etween us! I spent most of my adventure avoiding her. Haha.
Fuck, I've never really thought about that. Vriska was stuck with Spidermom for the entire game - and now she could abuse her verbally, too.
That’s... incredibly shitty, actually. Most Sburb Players get to leave their oppressors behind, but Vriska’s became her guide.
EB: why would i be mad at you, vriska? AG: 8ecause I tricked you into getting killed!!!!!!!! EB: oh. right. EB: i… actually almost forgot about that! AG: Would it help if I said I was sorry?
Something very strange is happening to Vriska, here.
She’s killed before – countless times – and she’s never shown anything close to this level of remorse. Sure, she tried to make things up to Aradia, but that never got very far. Vriska just wanted to 'fix' things with her apology gift, and didn't seem to care about Aradia's own feelings. It was too self-centered to be a true apology.
For the first time ever, Vriska's not making an apology all about her, and she isn't ruining it with the insults that are normally so ubiquitous among the trolls. I think it's the first time she's apologized and meant it, and it might signal the beginnings of an actual change.
Among her many crimes, Vriska’s 'murder' of John is relatively mild - but I think it's hitting her much, much harder than the others. She's so worried about ruining things with him that she's apologizing like a human.
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Annabeth slammed the door angrily behind them so Percy couldn't get out and escape, like he had been doing the past few days.
Grover shot Annabeth a look to tell her to chill and stared down Percy calmly, as if he was a scared animal on edge. "Percy, you need to communicate with us. If there is no communication in a relationsh--"
"Okay, we all know your cheesy talk, Grover," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. Her eyes scrutinised Percy.
"You haven't talked to us ever since graduation day. I've been trying to talk to you about job applications, apartment renting but you've just been in your room all the time" Annabeth declared. "What is up with you?"
"I-I-" Percy stammered.
Annabeth's eyes grew angrier with frustration. Her voice raised. "Do you just not want to work? Do you not want to move in with me and Grover? If you're not telling me what's happening..."
Percy blurted out. "I've been working on writing a book!" He paused. "A series, actually. But I didn't want to tell you guys because I didn't want to be made fun of. But, yeah. I'm writing a series. And it's coming out really good"
Grover and Annabeth's jaw dropped. After a minute of silence, Grover slowly asked. "What is it about?"
"It's called Percy Jackson and the Olympians"
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ariseur · 3 days
How do you think Arthur Morgan would react to a reader who has a great connection with animals? The reader knows how to calm animals, from horses to pigs and chickens, she also ensures that the animals have a good food and she will always be seen with a cat or a dog in her arms.
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animal whisperer 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
arthur morgan x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
this request was sooo cute!! sorry it took me a little while to complete it, i’ve been working on like fifteen different drafts at once !! 💗
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
mentions of animals ( dogs, cats, horses ), mentions of arthur getting bucked off of his horse 😭, intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!!
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ let me start this off by saying that i think arthur would literally adore you and your presence. like, he already thinks you’re such a beautiful lady and that you’re amazing within your own, but seeing you so domestic with animals does something to him.
❥ arthur’s lived a hard life, he’s calloused and struggles with letting himself enjoy some of the nicer moments in life alone. but when he finds you, it feels like all of the toughness that everybody sees melts away. all he wants is you, and now that’s he’s experienced the feeling of you, he never wants to let that go
❥ if you have a more curt and blunt nature to yourself, but you just melt around animals? oh, man— he’ll do anything to see that side of you. whenever it slips out and he sees you care so much for the horses or actually supply them with hay bales and proper necessities, his eyes will always follow you curiously
❥ and even if you’re a super sweet and outwardly kind person, he’ll still adore you!! he thinks it’s cute how you care so much for animals even if he wont say it to you, he has a fondness for animals too— except it’s more so updating his compendium and hunting them rather than taking them under his wing and feeding them 😭
❥ if you have a dog, he will love that baby to death let me tell you. doesn’t matter if they’re mangy or a mutt or even purebred, he will love them regardless. if we’re going based off what dogs you can get in rdo, i think he’d get along with a chill bigger dog— but even if your dog was energetic or more on guard like a chesapeake bay retriever or a labrador retriever, he will still adore them. i can just imagine arthur with a little guard dog by his side walking through camp as it follows him everywhere. having a dog will probably make him remember his old dog copper as he tells you tales of his journeys with him at night while rubbing your dog behind the ear as it lays its head on his lap.
❥ arthur’s not really a cat person but he won’t mind if you have one!! cats are very independent and he understands that so he’ll give them their space until one day they just like.. drape themselves over his lap and he has no idea what to do. he feels bad if he stands up but like.. he doesn’t know what else to do 😭
❥ and while i’m writing this i’m thinking of how in the game, micah would literally kick the crap out of cain in rdr2 and would scold him for no reason :(((. let me just say that arthur would literally not stand for that ( and yes i only write for high honor arthur, but i feel like regardless of his honor he wouldn’t be okay with it either way ). also why am i imagining micah getting bit or scratched and arthur just like laughing at him— like even him and your animal share a look because do you see this utter buffoonery? micah’s more of an animal than anyone if we’re being honest
❥ if you don’t like seeing him hunt or watching him skin animals, then he’ll suggest you turn away or he’ll point out something in the distance ( probably another cute animal prancing around or something ), and if it’s something small like a rabbit or a bird then it’ll be done in no time and he’ll redirect your attention back to him, jumping back on his horse and saying you guys should continue on with your journey
❥ if you need him to stop by to get any necessities or food for the animals at camp, he’ll stop by on his way back and get them the proper things they need. if you thank him, he’ll just brush it off and say it’s no problem— ( he was like two counties away but he’d gladly go back if you needed him to do so ).
❥ in summary, i feel like arthur would do really great with a partner with pets or a love for animals in general. he doesn’t get the fascination too much but he’ll support you nonetheless, as long as you don’t get hurt trying to pet something that looks cute when it’s not lmfao.
❥ holy crap i need jelp whyisa rthjrorhajgan so fne
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
“shh.. calm down, boy.” with your hands held out cautiously, you slowly approached ARTHUR’s bucking horse— the tennessee walker’s chestnut coat glimmering in the sun as it shone on its back. its alarmed neighs filled the air with only the distant rushing of water to accompany it, along with arthur’s huffs behind you as he caught his breath.
“‘s alright.” you cooed at the horse, waiting until its breaths slowed down slightly before you moved closer. your arms slowly extended out to reach his snout, his eyes widened and looking everywhere but you. you softly shushed as you halted your movements. your hand hovered over the white of his proboscis before finally placing a gentle hand on its nose, feeling its heavy breathing upon your arm.
“i still dont— fff.. get how you.. do ‘at.” arthur wheezed, bent over with his knees supporting him as he placed firm hands on them. he let out a breathy laugh, tipping his head up so you could catch a glimpse of his eyes under the brim of his hat. “i dunno what he even gotten spooked over.” he shook his head, watching as you pulled out a small carrot from your pocket and carefully fed it to his horse who munched on it in delight.
you didn’t pay him a glance as you were enveloped in the tenessee walker instead, smiling as you replied, “probably just somethin’ in the grass.”
“fair ‘nuff.” he shrugged, brushing himself off before placing a hand on his back while he winced. arthur sucked some air between clenched teeth as he struggled to stand upright. “think he got somethin’ in my back, too.” with a string of muttered curses, he hunched over once again.
your head turned this time, still focused on giving small pats to the horse’s nose as you tilted your head. brows furrowed, you asked, “need me to get you something from outta town?”
“naw, ‘s fine—“
“arthur, i was heading out that way already,” you pointed a thumb behind you— leading his vision to your horse stationary in the distance, tapping its hooves against the ground as it waited. he looked back at you as you held a gentle smile on your face and continued, “i don’t mind stoppin’ for something.”
arthur sighed, his fingers still kneading his lower back as he let out an occasional groan.
he let the silence take hold on the situation for a second, contemplating his options. letting his fingers twist and grab at the grass beneath him— his eyes flickered between the two horses, and then finally back to you. realizing it wouldn’t make a difference and you’d probably get it anyway, he waved a dismissive hand around and finally nodded his head.
“yeah, sure.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @maskedteaser
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petew21-blog · 22 hours
The Strangest things
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Billy and Steve haven't really started on a good note to be honest. Billy was your typical bully dominating the entire school, especially the younger students like Mike and the gang. But most of all his sister, Max. She had it the worst. Maybe it was his childhood trauma, maybe just his shirt personality. But Billy truly enjoyed tormenting people. Even his family. He didn't like to have Max as part of his family just cause his father said so. He wanted his normal family back, his own mother. It wasn't possible though, his mother died so many years ago and there was nothing normal about his family even back then. His family was always secretly abusive, it was just well hidden inside before his mother passed away.
While trying to set up his new alpha rule over Hopkins High School, he found out that this school already had it's own tormentor. Why was he the popular one? He had a stupid haircut, didn't even torment people. Why was he so popular? His plan was simple now. Get rid of him and take over the school. That way he could have power again. Cause that's the way people leade, with fear. And then people will follow like sheep
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He decided to crush him during the basketball practice. People watched, but that wasn't enough. He had to humiliate him somehow. Maybe ruining his reputation would get him out of the way. But how could Billy make Steve seem like a criminal? There must be a way. Billy had to go over some methods he thought he might never use. Maybe drugging him would be enough.
He got some pills from a dealer, some oddly mixed stuff. There was actually one druh that you could crush into powder and it would absorb through the cornea of the eye. Wild stuff
"Where would he be the most unprotected? Hah, the showers." The scene drugged Steve would cause in the locker rooms might just be enough to make his reputation die out and making Billy the King of the school.
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He got into the showers while Steve was washing his hair. "HEYYYY Hairy Harrington, the rumours didn't lie after all"
"What do you want Billy?"
"How dare you just ask me without calling me 'Sir', huh?"
"Look sir Billy, nobody cares about you, you're a nobody and it will stay that way, cause nobody cares about this high school bullshit anymore. So be chill ok?"
"We'll see about that"
As Billy blew the powder into Steve's face and watched him suffer, he also turned off the water to make it harder for him to wash it out.
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"This is gonna be fun, Harrington"
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What Billy didn't know was that the drug dealer harvested the drug from one of the entrances to the Upside down. And now the powder left on his fingers was making microscopic roots into his nervous system. The roots hated the light and warm water. Steve now unkownigly turned on the cold water on both of them. This closed the circuit and the roots now communicated. Not only the roots, Billy and Steve too. And both of them now found each other on the other side of the shower.
The roots wanted more, they wanted to grow deep inside of their bodies. But they couldn't let their hosts know about their presence. Tapping slightly into their brain, activating some receptors to make them both horny.
Billy, now inside of Steve's body, felt his dick pulsating. But he didn't see anything. His eyes were full of soap. So he splashed some water into his eyes. As he looked down not only he saw Harrington's hairy chest, but he also saw his own body on his knees aprroaching his dick to suck it.
Normally Billy wasn't gay, but this was something else. Something was making him hornier than ever. Wanting to fuck his own body. That something wanted him to let go and control him. But his new body was stronger. He won't be controlled by something else. If he would fuck Steve Harrington in his own body, making Steve his little bitch, it would be on his terms.
He took his own body by the neck and pushed him againts the shower. Choking him really hard. The look of Billy's face controled by Steve, clearly showed that it was full of lust, but Billy realised, that this something else that tried to control him and failed, now succeded inside of his body, with Steve Harrington as his passenger.
Maybe it way time to make a slight change of plans. Maybe embarassing Steve wasn't the only way to become the King of this school. Maybe being Steve Harrington and tormenting everyone would be much easier now. But that would mean he had to embarass his own body. No, that would mean he would embarass Steve, not himself. And on the other hand, he would now have a new family without his abusive father, without Max.
He forced his grip to let go and now took his old dick into his hand. Crushing it. Steve was looking at him with lust and desire.
"Say you're my bitch!"
"I'm your little bitch"
"Suck my dick you little bitch!"
Steve got on his knees and took the throbbing dick into his mouth. Taking it whole. That massive monster. But Steve's mind was during him to do more. To do everything to make them both cum. He never wanted to make someone cum so hard. Not even himself.
Billy was pushing more and more. Feeling the pain it caused to Steve, but he didn't care. He was making Steve his bitch and his bitch was deep throating him like a pro.
"I'll cum your face, you little bitch"
"Please cum on me, Sir. I am your little bitch"
Just this sentence could make everyone pour out streams of cum for hours. The cum now all over Billy's old face was enough to make Steve cum and out of being dominated by his own body, he did.
Both of them came in the showers. But only one of them won
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Billy felt as the other entity died inside of him. As he won over his new body back, fully.
That unfortunately can't be said about Steve in Billy's. The roots now formed a copy of his nervous system, controlling everything he did.
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Billy observed as a mischievous smirk appeared on his old face. Towering over him now and grabbing him by the neck.
"Stop this Harrington, or I'll beat you up" Billy said as he fought back.
But there was no use. His old body now possessed some new strength. He couldn't fight back.
They got to the upside down portal, which Billy obviously didn't know. Steve just smiled at him and said:"Enjoy the torment, STEVE" as he threw him there. The portal closed behind him
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Billy got up and looked around
"Where the hell am I? Why is everything so dark? It looks like where I was, but also not"
"And what the hell is that thing heading towards me. Jesus Harrington, where did you send me?"
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"Hey! I... I'm Billy. Steve Harrington sent me here. He said you need someone to tutor you math. I'm the best guy for it."
"Ahhh, yeah my grades haven't been really up to code recently, but I do know the important stuff. Besides, I can already tell you're gonna be a great student. But before I enter I must warn you. I do like to do more... practical knowledge rather than theory." Steve said with Billy's charming smile. The idea that BIlly is somewhere in the Upside down fighting for his life, didn't even cross his mind. He only felt his dick hardening
He was happy now.
And so was Vecna in the Upside down. He was now going to set up an army. And have some fun too on the way, controlling Billy's body
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bite me (part 2)- matt sturniolo
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part one, part 2
summary- matt has always hated your guts, but everything changes when he wakes up and finds out your his mate.
contains- vampire!matt x reader, enemies to lovers, smut (not in this part), themes of death, dark themes, high school au! (18 yrs old)
your pov:
i woke up with a massive headache, my chest heaving. the first thing i think of is matt.
what the fuck, why is he on my mind on a saturday morning.
i shudder at my own actions and throw my covers over my head as a phantom chill runs down my spine.“cant stay in bed forever” i sigh to myself, while throwing the covers off my body almost immediately after putting them back on. I march to my closet and change into my favorite running shorts. as soon as i step foot out of my house, i start to jog, the melodic tempo lulling me out of my morning funk. my peace is disrupted tho because out the corner of my eye, i see my neighbor walk out his house into his driveway. his eyes bore into mine before they rake up and down my body. my heart beat picks up slightly, and it’s not from the exercise.
my neighbor, kit, has been weirdly obsessed with me ever since he and his girlfriend broke up. about a week ago, i caught him snooping around our house at night, trying to get a peek into my room. after that i’ve been trying to avoid crossing paths, and i wasn’t planning on crossing them today. its fine, hes probably taking out the trash, i think, desperately trying to reassure myself. i speed up from a light jog to a full on sprint because i know that once hes out my sight, i will feel more comfortable. i sigh in relief when i round the corner to the next street in my subdivision, happy that i got away from him.
slap slap slap
his feet pound against the ground as he sprints to catch up with me. i whirl around once i hear the footsteps, and lock eyes with him. the accidental eye contact was enough to spur him to go even faster than his long legs were taking him before. my heart to drops and i turn back around, running on pure adrenaline and fear.
“Y/n, stop running and come talk to me!” kit yells angrily but i’m running far too hard to form a proper sentence. even if i wanted to respond to him i wouldn’t have the breath to do so.
“STOP PLAYING HARD TO GET. YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME Y/N. COME HERE AND ADMIT IT” he screams even louder. my head starts to pound and my mind reels trying to come up with a plan. i can’t run forever. i gather the little breath i have in me to muster up a scream in hopes someone will come help me, only for the air to be knocked out of me. i ran straight into something, no,
“get. the fuck. away from her.” the mystery man growls.
kit takes one look at him and slowly backs away in fear. “who the hell are you?” out of curiosity, i look up to see who i’ve run into and freeze.
no it can’t be. it looks just like him but his eyes are dark red, and dark black veins swirl under his pale skin like they have a mind of their own. “who are you?” i cringe as i repeat the same question kit did moments before, both our tones lacking a single ounce of courage. fear was all consuming as we stared at the monster in front us.
“you know who i am, y/n. get behind me. now. im gonna deal with him” he says gruffly while looking behind me at kit. kit whimpers at the sight of matts deadly stare.
i ignore what matt says, opting to look him up and down instead in a manner that screams “what the fuck is wrong with you”. but then, i try to think rationally for a moment, this is still matt after all. he may not like me but hes not gonna hurt me. right?
“what happened to you, matt?”i question breathlessly.
“you.” matt deadpans in a voice much deeper than his normal one, taking a step closer to me. he reaches his hand out to grab me. to take me.
“y/n get away from him!!” kit interjects and pulls me too him in hopes of trying to help me get away from matt. and for once, i’m actually glad kits here.
wrong move.
matt is in front of me in a flash. he snarles as he pushes kit with bone crushing force. his body goes flying, hitting a pole a couple of yards away with a loud thud, knocked out on impact. i shriek, terror filling my veins. as if sensing my strong distress, matt turns to me slowly. his arms out in front of him, in what is supposed to be a peaceful gesture.
hard to be comforting when your veins are as dark as your tattoos.
“y/n, we need to talk” the stranger, deeper version of matts voice says.
why can’t i move. im frozen in time as he takes slow steps towards me.
“you need to come with me, y/n.” he breathes out, his dark red eyes wide and crazed. he takes another step closer. my legs feel like jelly but i finally manage to take one step back. whatever matt is, it can’t be human. humans can’t throw each other several yards. their veins aren’t as black as midnight, and their eyes sure as hell don’t change to a deep red on command. so what does he, no, it, want from me.
“w- why do i need to come with you? ”
“because you’re mine” he growls, finally deciding to close the gap between us, faster than my eyes can process. he bends down and run his nose along the hot spot on my neck. he inhales deeply and moans in relief his black veins disappearing. i scream and try to push him off but its useless. he grabs my arm in a vice grip and pure horror spreads through my body for what feels like the 100th time today. i try to let out another scream but no sound comes out. my vision clouds and my head is spinning. then everything is black.
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johnwickb1tsch · 1 day
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Vino Veritas - Part VII
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. NSFW. Angst. Grump/sunshine trope. Loosely based on the movie but I'm not that smart. Or bitter. 😆 chapter map.
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VII. Everything’s On Fire And It’s Perfectly Fine
You cannot exactly claim the next few weeks go well for you. 
You do a lot of cliché sunset beach walking, heavy sighing, and general wallowing in self pity.
You’re simply miserable, without him, and the feeling does not fade with time. 
Usually you are pretty content with your stupid little existence. Yet now, you feel like something is genuinely missing that you need. There’s a Frank-shaped hole in your heart–and you are bleeding out. 
It’s so bad that your regulars notice the change in your demeanor, when they come in to browse. They ask what’s wrong, and all you can do is shrug and make a lame excuse. It’s just not professional, to tell your customers that you're dying inside.
Anytime you try to coax yourself into just moving on, trying someone else, anything else…the thought dies a bitter death on a sword sharpened to a killing edge on the memory of that hilariously acerbic, utterly singular, wonderful grouch of a man. He hated everything, but for what felt like just a fleeting moment…he’d liked you. It certainly doesn’t help either, that he’s the only man you’ve ever felt comfortable enough with to really connect with on a carnal level. There was no putting on a show for Frank. No possibility of lying to him. He saw through everything, and that man just had your number in a way that you fear you’ll never encounter again. 
You’d be a liar, if you said you didn’t consider driving up to J.D. Power with that boombox. You even looked it up on Google maps. One hour, forty-five minutes, up the coast, if traffic was good. Of course in L.A. traffic was never good.
You would have braved it anyway.
Except, it turns out you are a total coward, and you know that if he rejected you, you really would want to die.
Then, you start to think you’re actually losing your mind, when you keep thinking you see him around. On the beach, a stranger in the distance is his very doppelganger. Then in town, you think you see him around a corner. By the time you rush down the block to look, he’s gone. 
You try to exorcize him by sketching his face from memory instead, at your tablet on the easel by the window that faces the ocean, up in your live-in studio above the store. It soothes you and agitates you all at once. You wonder what he thought, when he realized you slipped your possum shirt in his bag, in the airport when he wasn’t looking.
On a slow day due to rain, you decide to retreat back upstairs to your nest. The gray skies match your mood, and it won’t be the first time you’ve curled up and let the day go by, watching the relentlessly breaking waves.
Of course, just as you get settled in with a soft blanket, you hear the bell above the door downstairs chime. Usually the promise of a new customer fills you with a thrill of excitement, even after all these years, but today…you half regret not turning the OPEN sign in the window.
You check yourself briefly in the mirror, deem yourself half-passable, which is as good as it gets these days. Your hair is wild, and your eyes are sad. At least your clothes are clean, your time-worn ruffled sundress and oversized cardigan against the chill coming off the waves. You make your way down the stairs–and you almost eat shit on a cluster of colorful rocks left right in the middle of the runner. You catch yourself with a few choice words, gripping the bannister white-knuckled.
How the fuck did those get there?
Then you realize they’re similar to the ones you sell in your shop–but not exact.
You examine them, realizing that the one closest to your foot has a word engraved on it in curly slanted script: Fuck.
You look more closely at the other rocks in their now somewhat jumbled order. “I Miss Fuck You?” you read to yourself aloud, puzzled.
“You have got to be the clumsiest person I’ve ever met.”
Startled, you look up, scanning what you thought was an empty shop. But then you see him attempting to conceal his obscenely tall form behind an art card rack. It’s ridiculous–and your heart does its best imitation of a supernova.
“You asshole!”
He frowns, but has no time to deliver a scathing retort, because you have leapt the remaining stairs and bound the short space to throw yourself into his arms–or more truthfully, just at him. An onlooker might have testified assault over ardor, in your frenzied tackle, as you throw your arms around his neck. He catches you with a surprised, “Oomph,” solid as a wall. You take heart in that his grip is just as desperate as yours. He still tries to get in that riposte, but you head him off again with your mouth on his.
You actually feel the tension leave his body, as you kiss him, and he kisses you, practically picking you up with his arms like iron bands around your waist.
“That’s your big gesture?” you finally demand. “Booby trapping my stairs with profane rocks?”
He honest to god growls at you, and it thrills you to your now curling toes. “It was supposed to say Fuck I miss you, but you had to ruin it.”
“Sorry I almost died?”
Then he is smiling down at you with that glitter in his dark eyes, and you are simply overcome with emotion, your fingers curling in the lapels of his jacket. “I fucking missed you too,” you admit, unable to stop yourself from tugging on him for emphasis.
He is breathing through his nose as he looks down at you, his expression somewhere between affection and constipation. It dawns on you that it’s more than a little likely he was terrified up until two seconds ago, and you soften even more for him, reaching up to stroke his beard. He leans into your hand, closing his eyes, and you know this is it for you. You are done for, and there is no further hope for your sanity. 
“Come upstairs,” you say, pulling on his lapels back in the direction from whence you came. You’re not sure how it’s possible for those midnight black eyes to darken more as he looks down at you, but he follows you without a word with his hand in yours. You flip the Open sign on the door as you pass by, turning the deadbolt without breaking stride. 
You have something important to do. 
Between kisses he looks around your second-floor apartment, smiling to himself with that judgy amusement in his eyes. It’s an open space, and there’s no hiding anything really, from your brightly clothed bed to the living area with its mismatched seating draped in bright fabrics, to your little studio space by the window to the miniscule nook of the blue-painted kitchen cabinetry.
“What?” you ask, poking him in the ribs, certain he’s going to make fun of you for your hippy-dippy boho decor. 
“Nothing,” he grunts, smiling against your mouth, assisting you in pushing his jacket from his shoulders. You’re tempted to throw it across the room, but you behave yourself and drape it nicely over the back of a chair. 
“Let me guess. ‘It looks like Pier 1 vomited in here.’” 
He snorts with laughter. “You said it, not me.” 
With a feral little growl you push him to sit on your bed. He’s so tall it just puts you eye to eye, and you cannot stop yourself from crawling into his lap. He gathers you closer greedily, his big hands engulfing your backside. God how you missed this man, and the way you fit together.
“Honestly? It’s exactly what I pictured,” he tells you gently, that tenderness in his dark eyes that utterly melts your last brain cells.     
“Does that mean…you’ve been thinking about me?”
He makes that strangled huff of a sound that passes for laughter, steeped with self-deprecation. “Yeah. You could say that.”
For a long few moments you just look at each other, caught up in the unlikely miracle that you’re here, together, once more. 
You really had believed you would never see him again. You’d believed it to the bone, and now this feels more than a little surreal. 
You consider what to do. Do you play the game, and try not to let on how absolutely bat-fuck insane you’ve been, without him? Would it be unseemly, to clamor with all your affection worn proudly on your sleeve, now that this man has dared to give you a second chance? As you look at him now, moved to the bottom of your soul that he swallowed his pride and his fear to appear at your door–you are done with games. You’re not going to hold a piece of yourself back, just in case. If this man breaks your heart again–at least you’ll know you gave it your all. 
“I’ve really missed you,” you tell him again, cupping his bearded cheeks in your hands, holding him lightly. 
He flinches at that, his eyes narrowing as for once, it seems like he is at a loss for a reply. He did good with the rock schtick, but saying it out loud in actual words from his mouth seems to present a problem for him. With his truth stuck on his tongue, he settles for pulling you into his embrace, burying his face in the bend of your neck with his arms wrapped tightly around you, like you might disappear if he lets go. And then his lips are on your neck, and his big hands are dragging down your ribcage to your hips, and you feel the circuits in your brain spark and melt for this man’s touch. 
You’d be a liar, if you said you hadn’t put yourself to sleep more than a few times, thinking about him with your hand in your panties and his name on your lips like a prayer. Straddling his lap now with his warm palms smoothing up your thighs, underneath your skirts to cup your ass–you are a one-woman stick of dynamite ready to explode. The way he squeezes your flesh with a groan from deep in his throat–you are soaked through your panties, your empty pussy clenching to the point of pain. 
Maybe it would be better, in the long run, to sit and talk this out a little bit before jumping into bed. Your libido, however, seems to find this rational suggestion from your higher brain utterly laughable.  
The pure longing this man calls up from within you–it really should be illegal, and you almost wish it only had to do with the fact that he’s the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. That would be simpler. Safer, somehow. Less painful, maybe, if and when it all goes to shit. But you know it’s too late to pretend. Where your body goes with this man, your heart follows, skipping blithely off to its doom. 
This is fine, you think, as he lowers you onto your back, his delicious weight pressing you down into your soft bed as he claims your mouth with his. 
Everything’s on fire, and it’s perfectly fine. 
“Y/n…” He sits up on his elbows, looking down at you with that haunted, totally lost expression again. You reach up to run your fingers through the silken waves of his hair. It’s obvious there’s something he wants to say, but the words keep sticking on his tongue. 
“It’s ok, Frank,” you try to assure him. Like allowing him to lay on top of you in your bed isn’t indication enough of your happiness with his presence. 
“I can’t say I didn’t hope this would go this way. But I’m not such a narcissist as to think it’s the only way it should have gone. I absolutely deserve a kick in the balls for the way I treated you.”
You raise an eyebrow to this, trying not to laugh at the mental image. “I hate to tell you,” you inform him, twining your leg with his. The bulge pressing against your center practically makes your mouth water. “But that’s not the plan I have for your balls.”
“Very kind of you. I’m serious though.”
“Me too. Believe it or not…” You brush his hair behind his ear. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
You realize this might be a foreign concept to him.
“Y/n…” He closes his eyes momentarily, maybe because you are petting him, and maybe because this is all too much.  “Aren’t you angry at all?”
You think on it. Really think on it, rather than give some off the cuff answer that maybe isn’t exactly true. “No,” you finally answer, and you mean it. “I’m just…relieved. I really thought I’d never see you again, and I was too chicken to go after you. I was afraid you’d say mean things to me and turn me away.” You blink back the moisture that gathers in the corners of your eyes.
“I probably would have,” he admits with a frown, more for himself than you, you’re beginning to realize. His eyes widen as he looks down at you, his long fingers stroking the hair at your temples. “I’m a fucking menace, y/n. I…if we do this, I’m going to hurt you.” The realization at saying it out loud really seems to drive it home for him. He bows his head to rest on your chest, as though ashamed of something he hasn’t even done yet. “Fuck.” 
He shifts as though he means to extricate himself from you, abandon you, again. You thwart him at least for the moment by wrapping your legs around his waist, pulling him back to you. You know if you have a real wrestling match, this man who is twice your size is so going to win, but maybe, just maybe, he’ll listen to you for another five seconds. 
“Please don’t leave me over something that hasn’t even happened yet.” You know you sound more than a little pathetic–but you also know if he walks out the door again like this it will destroy you. 
“Y/n…” He growls your name, and the sound does unmentionable things to your insides. “You’re so sweet and pretty and talented, and you deserve good things in your life.” It seems more than a little surreal to you, that this man, who sees the world exactly for what it is and pulls no punches, puts you of all people on a pedestal. That tingling electric feeling is coursing through your limbs again, to your very bones. It’s the most alive you’ve felt in a long while. 
“Excellent,” you inform him brightly. “I’ll start with having you.” 
“You’re not listening to me.”
“You’re not listening to me. We’ll take it day by day,” you think out loud, stroking his cheek with the blade of your thumb. “And if you hurt my feelings, you’ll say you’re sorry, and I’ll forgive you. And hopefully you’ll have the same patience for me, because fuck knows I’m no picnic either.”
With a sigh that comes from the depths of his soul Frank rests his head on your chest, finally relaxing a little. 
“You have so much hope,” he grumbles at your breast, like he’s annoyed about it.
“Only as of fifteen minutes ago, I assure you,” you tell him honestly, running your fingers through his hair. You can’t seem to stop yourself.
He makes that animalistic sound in the back of his throat, snarling at all the doubts and contingencies running at breakneck speed through his over-analytical brain. His next words come so quietly you almost miss them. 
“I think I need you.”
A long breath made of pure relief escapes you,  and you keep running your fingers through his hair. “You’ve got me.”
“That easily?”
You snort. “You call this easy?”
“I don’t even know anymore. I feel like I’m losing my goddamn mind.” 
You don’t get a chance to make some pithy reply, because suddenly his mouth is on yours again, and your ability to produce coherent thought evaporates into a red cloud of desire. Somehow between kisses and urgent, fumbling fingers you manage to divest each other of your various garments, until the world is right again, with your bare skin against his, and his cock buried deep in your needy little cunt. Frank makes love to you while looking into your very soul, and you know that thing you told him what feels like a lifetime ago was absolutely true:   
What’s it like to fall in love? 
It’s like going insane. 
What you didn’t know to add at the time, is how absolutely wonderful it is. 
When you wake from your post-coital snooze you panic a little when you don’t feel him right beside you, shooting up in bed. Did he decide he’d made a mistake after all and flee the scene?
But then you realize he is sitting by the window, in the comfy chair in front of your easel with a blanket wrapped around his otherwise nude form. He is staring at your tablet, where you have sketched his face umpteen times in your miserable longing. You freeze at seeing him sitting there, certain he will make fun of you for being a lovesick little fool. 
Instead, he could have pushed you over with a feather, when he just shoots you a soft smile. “You’re very good,” he says quietly, as though afraid of breaking the sacred hush of the room. You’d be a liar, if you said your best work hasn’t always been fueled by longing of some kind. If you were a happy and content individual, you’re not sure you’d create anything of merit at all. 
“Thank you.” 
Then he smirks at you, picking up a pencil. “I’ll draw you,” he says cheekily, making a show of measuring your angles with the instrument, putting down bold marks. “Voila. My masterpiece.” 
You slide out from the covers to join him in the chair, snuggling into the warm curve of his large body behind you. When you look at what he drew you burst out in laughter, hiding in the dip of his neck. It’s a stick figure…with two emphatically drawn circles in the chest area. “Oh my god. Frank…” 
“You don’t recognize my raw artistic talent?” he teases, resting his chin on top of your head. 
“I see you’re not into the graphic design side of marketing at JD Power.”
He snorts at that. “What do you mean? I’m putting this on our next campaign.” 
You are chuckling so deeply it hurts in your core. This man. This man brings you such joy, and you’ve been withering without him. It’s not good–but it’s true. 
“Great. When they fire you, you can come shack up with me.” 
It’s a relief when he snorts at your joke–you didn’t mean to invite him to move in with you within the first few hours of seeing him again, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He even holds you a little tighter, which plays unfair havoc with your insides.
“Present.” From the angle of his head, you’re guessing he’s looking out the window, at the ocean. It’s a pretty killer view–if you hadn’t inherited this place from a great aunt, you never could have afforded it. You nearly die of a heart attack every year when the property tax bill comes. 
“What…made you change your mind?”
He grumbles behind you. You feel it more than hear it, with his chest pressed to your back. Maybe you shouldn’t have brought it up just yet, but god. You need to know, as a matter of keeping your sanity.
“I realized…that every time I walked through the lobby of my office building, I was hoping to see you there, ready to terrorize us all with Peter Gabriel playing at ear-splitting volumes.”
“Oh Frank…” 
“Then for a week or so I resented you for not being there, for not coming after me even though I pushed you away in no uncertain terms.” 
You listen to him speak, quietly tucked under his chin. You would never guess from the level of his tone, but you can feel the thundering of his heart against your back, feel it in the slight way his grip tightens on you. Maybe it’s ridiculous, but your eyes blur with tears, that wonderfully uncomfortable electric feeling coursing all the way to your fingertips. 
“Then I realized that was pretty fucked up, to be mad at you for respecting my wishes, even though it clearly hurt you to do so. So…here I am. I am…a goddamn mess, y/n. I’m a grouchy old man, and I still don’t understand why you seem to like me, but if you do…?”
You think on how those three little words, here I am, actually involved this no-nonsense man remembering that ridiculous little conversation you’d had ages ago, dreaming up the scheme with the rocks, hunting them down or ordering them custom engraved online, and driving all this way in the rain having no idea if you would actually be happy to see him or if you would tell him to go to hell. 
You don’t think it’s just blind optimism, that makes you think he’s not half as broken as he thinks he is. You’re smart enough not to call him sensitive to his face, but he has just been kicked one too many times by people near him who go through life with a lot less thought about how their actions affect those around them. He’s hardened himself as a matter of survival–and that you understand all too well. 
“I do like you, Frank. I really, really, do.” You punctuate each word with a kiss until your mouth is pressed to his, and the grumble of his approval vibrates on a wavelength through your body, to the depths of your very soul. 
“And,” he adds with a wry note, just in case things were getting too sappy, “Your rat shirt is starting to smell more like me than you now. It needs a recharge.” 
This does make you giggle. “What have you been doing with my possum shirt, Frank?”
“You probably don’t want to know,” he answers with that rogue glitter in his dark eyes that curls your toes. 
You scoff–and wonder how many grains of truth are hiding in the lie. The thought of Frank snuggling your shirt at night wishing it was you…you really might melt into a puddle.  
“I still have your black t-shirt under my pillow,” you confess in the spirit of solidarity. 
He looks down at you with a raised brow, amused. “I wondered where that went. You sneaky little thief.” Suddenly he is standing with you in his arms, carrying you towards the bed again. He drops you on the foot of the bed, and you have no zero time to regroup before he is on you, pressing open mouthed kisses to the insides of your thighs, up to eat your pussy like he means to devour you. 
“Fuck!” you gasp, writhing against him holding you down as he wrecks you with his tongue. “How are you even better at that than I remember?”
He withdraws with a long hard lick that makes you see stars. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot,” he admits, manhandling you to the edge of the bed with those big hands on your hips, plunging inside you with a groan that lifts every little hair on your body, fucking into you like you belong to him. 
And maybe, you do.
“And how is this sweet little snatch even tighter than what I remember?” he pants back, trembling with the effort to keep his thrusts slow and deep, like he knows exactly what you need to climb that shining peak–you are running up that mountain with his beautiful manhood teeming inside you.  
“I’ve been working out…” you answer with a laugh that comes out half moan, so happy you could die as he lowers his weight down on you, cupping your head in his hands, his long fingers in your hair. 
“I’m not sure I know what that means…” he answers, losing himself with his eyes closed as he bottoms out against your cervix, catching your mouth in a sloppy kiss that makes you clench and pulse around him. 
“Just say thank you.” You don’t know how you have the courage to tease this man, while he’s inside you. But you feel like your heart is made of pure sunshine in that moment, and nothing bad can touch either of you. 
“I’m trying to,” he chuckles, having just as much fun trading pithy remarks during this intimate moment as you, his thumb sneaking between you to rub your aching button to the rhythm of his body moving inside yours. You’re going to cum, to know it in your bones, but even if you weren’t this perfect handful of seconds of connection with Frank would be purest bliss. Those three dangerous words are dancing on the tip of your tongue, and you bite yourself until you taste blood to keep them in. 
I love you. 
You’ll tell him soon enough. 
The pleasure of your orgasm blindsides you like a truck t-boning you in a four-way stop–it’s as mental as it is physical, this absolute, all consuming rapture for having this man in your arms again, in your body, in your life, if you dare to believe it. 
Frank is not far behind you, moaning into the bend of your neck as he cums, filling you to the brim with his hips locked against yours. In the aftermath he sighs something softly into your hair, something utterly inaudible over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears and your heavy breathing. 
It’s something short though. Something three syllables. 
“What?” you whisper, sweeping the hair from his face with a trembling hand. 
 “Nothing,” he answers, pulling back with a sleepy smile. He shifts to the side and drags over the comforter, wrapping you up in his arms and the cloud-soft blanket. “You know,” he says sleepily, “I was miserable for so long, I think I forgot what happiness feels like. So thanks for scaring the shit out of me, I guess.”
“Anytime,” you chortle, snuggled under his chin. 
Everything is on fire…and maybe it will be perfectly fine. 
Epilogue coming soon...
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morganski-19 · 11 hours
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 14
part 1, prev part
Dustin walks down the halls of the school. Just trying to get to his next class without anyone noticing. Watching as the eyes of his classmates follow him, waiting for him to do something. It was the same for the other Hellfire members, the same for Mike and Lucas. For Will and El as they were transferred back into the school.
Everyone wanted to know what they did, but no one really wanted them there. They were freaks. outcasts. Blind followers of the devil or whatever shit they believed. None of it was true, but they didn��t care. No one could tell them what was true even if they wanted to.
All he could do was take it and act like it didn’t bother him. He was an outcast before all this started. That was obvious. But he could still pretend that there were other people out there that might want to be his friend. Might actually like him.
Now he’s left with the fact that the only people that do are sitting at this lunch table with him. Shoved in the corner so no one has to think about them. While the insults are thrown around as words or balls of paper. Eddie’s wanted signs still plastered around the school. A new one taped to his locker each morning.
Didn’t matter that he was innocent. Didn’t matter that Hopper held a fucking press conference to make sure the town knew it. Once an opinion is formed, it’s not so easily broken. Eddie’s had opinions made about him his whole life. He couldn’t even catch a break in almost death.
In his nightmare, Dustin pictures Eddie’s name carved into a gravestone. Overshadowed with words sprayed over the engraving. Branding his final resting place with his burned legacy.
Forever a freak, never a hero.
“How’s Eddie doing?” Jeff asks across the table. They haven’t gone to see Eddie since the first week.
Dustin said it didn’t bother him, but it did. They gave him up, put Eddie in danger. Now their stuck in a puddle of their own guilt that they can’t find a way out of. Eddie was struggling to live, and they couldn’t even try to come and visit him more than once. And they were his best friends.
“He’s doing better,” Lucas supplies. Making Dustin bite his tongue.
They don’t deserve to know it.
“That’s good,” Gareth says while stabbing his food. The guilt still ripe in his eyes. He can’t even look at Dustin. Knowing that he didn’t just give Eddie up, he gave Dustin up too. “The band hasn’t been the same without him.”
“You’ve been practicing without him,” Dustin spits.
The table freezes. Everyone looking at Dustin. Either with surprise or pleas to let it go. Lucas especially.
None of them understand. None of them were there. It was just Dustin and Eddie on that trailer. It was Dustin that Eddie chose to risk his life for. They aren’t burdened by that. None of them know what it’s like to be burdened by that.
“Yeah, we have,” Jeff slowly answers. “We have a gig coming up, can’t just cancel it.”
“So, you’re just going to play it without Eddie then?” Dustin can hear the anger in his voice. Watches as it makes them flinch.
“It’s not like we want to,” Grant adds. Not helping. “He just . . . wouldn’t want us to cancel it.”
Dustin bites his cheek so hard it’s threatening to break skin. “But he would want you to betray him?”
Gareth stumbles to find his words. “You weren’t there. Jason wasn’t going to let up if we didn’t tell him-.”
“You could have lied,” Dustin yells. Noticing how the cafeteria quiets for a moment before rumble of voices resume. “You didn’t have to single me out. Tell me Eddie would have wanted that.”
He didn’t give them the chance to. He slings his backpack onto his back so hard it slams into him. Picking up his lunch tray and dumping what’s left in the trash. Slamming it into the pile before walking out into the empty hall. Not caring if he gets detention.
The door opens again behind him.
“Dustin,” Lucas calls out to him. Jogging slightly to catch up.
“I’m don’t need this right now.” Dustin continues walking down the hall.
Lucas gets in front of him, making him stop. “I get that you’re angry,” he tries to reason, “but that doesn’t mean you can just lash out at anyone you feel like.”
“So you think what they did was ok? I don’t have a right to be mad at them for stabbing both Eddie and me in the back?”
Dustin got over being angry at Lucas fast. Knowing that with his lie, he saved them all some time. Was only with the guys on the basketball team because of pressure. The rest didn’t have that excuse.
“No, I don’t think it was ok. But you weren’t there when Jason jumped them. He had Gareth on the ground with his fists ready. What was he supposed to do?”
The anger inside him is rising again. “Not put a target on my back,” he echoes through the hallway. “He put all of us in danger just because he couldn’t think of a lie. I’ve thought of a thousand lies in the middle of danger. It’s not that hard.”
“And Gareth’s not you. He’s not used to this stuff like we are.”
Maybe he’s not. But still, if Dustin was completely new to this, pinned down by someone much larger than him and given a choice, he would never choose to betray his friend. Without a doubt in his mind.
“Are you really that mad they’re still practicing,” Lucas asks when Dusting stops talking. “Life doesn’t stop just because people we love are in the hospital.”
Lucas finally found the right nerve.
“He almost died, Lucas. Life almost stopped for him.”
“I know. But that doesn’t mean-.”
Dustin cuts him off. “He died right in front of me. Do you know what that feels like? Holding someone as they die, being helpless to it.”
“I do,” Lucas cries. A thin line of tears forming in his eyes. “Max died for a few seconds before waking up again. The only reason she’s here is because El restarted her heart.”
Dustin suddenly feels horrible. “You didn’t tell me that.”
“Of course, I didn’t.” Lucas crosses his arms. “You were so focused on Eddie, and I knew it was killing you inside. I thought it would have been easier for you if you didn’t know the full story.”
“I’m sorry,” Dusting whispers. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. You just seemed to be taking it better than I was.”
Lucas takes a deep breath. “Max is blind. She’ll never see me again, not in the way she used to. I miss the color if her eyes.” He blinks away tears with another breath. “One of my friends is still in a coma, my sister is terrified, and I had a gun held to my head. Does that sound like I’m ok?”
Dustin shakes his head, feeling sheepish. “No, it doesn’t.”
“We’re all going through something, Dustin. It’s better if we stay together than force each other apart.”
He can’t find any reason to disagree with him. Dustin takes a few steps towards Lucas, the anger completely dissipated. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Lucas nods, smacking Dustin’s shoulder. “I am too.”
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
@here4thetrama, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @jaytriesstuff, @cryptid-system, @manda-panda-monium,
@resident-gay-bitch, @anaibis, @xxsutherlandxx, @forevermineliv, @mugloversonly,
@gregre369, @n0-1-important, @different-tale-student, @spectrum-spectre, @tartarusknight,
@devondespresso, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @cheertain, @anti-ozzie, @autumncrocusandladybug,
@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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apomaro-mellow · 2 days
Family Planning 4
Part 3
There's a severe lack of hijinks in this chapter but I'm hoping to fix that in the next part.
Steve was caught off guard when he heard a call pull up in the morning and it was Tommy, with Carol in tow. They never picked him up, preferring Steve’s car. His dad looked over his newspaper questioningly and Steve had no choice but to go outside. Now that he thought about it, he and Eddie hadn’t made plans to go to school together today. He had just assumed, but even then he wasn’t sure why.
“Hey, what’re you guys doing here?”, Steve asked as he walked out.
“You know why Harrington, get in”, Tommy said.
He did and Tommy didn’t even wait for the door to close before asking him about yesterday. Carol interjected with her own questions. They were his friends, so he didn’t mind answering but just like his parents they couldn’t wrap their heads around Steve going through with it on his own. Clearly it was all Eddie’s influence.
“I get that he’s an alpha, but you can’t let some knot-head like that lead you around”, Carol said.
“And you know that’s all he wants right? To get that knot in”, Tommy snickered. “And he gets to pretend he’s your alpha with a pup? I bet that freak humped his pillow last night, thinking of it.”
“Eugh, gross. I do NOT want to think about Munson’s junk”, Carol said.
“Can you guys cool it? I’m the one that’s actually gotta work with him for the project”, Steve said from the backseat. Not only was it offputting, but it didn’t seem fair to Eddie. Besides the odd fashion choices and weird club, he was a nice guy.
His friends did in fact cool it, at least until they got to school and Eddie was spotted waiting by the front entrance. Without a word to either Tommy or Carol, Steve went over to him. They had to get their new sack of flour. Ms. Engels gave them what could only be called a glare and Steve had the decency to feel a little bad, but not much.
“I’ll take the little rugrat for the first couple of periods”, Eddie offered. “If you want, we can meet up at lunch to do the paperwork.”
“Sounds great”, Steve said without even thinking.
He honestly did forget about it until lunch came. And by then, he already had his tray in his hands, Tommy on one side and Carol ahead of them, going to their usual table. Steve set his tray down just as Eddie came up to them.
“Hey, you ready?”
“What’s he doing here?”, Carol sneered.
“Shit, I forgot”, Steve said. “Yeah, we can just do it here.”
Eddie’s eyes slid to the two betas who looked like they wanted to toss him in the trash. His flight response was kicking up but he knew Carol wasn’t a scrapper and Hagan wouldn’t do anything so long as he stayed on Steve’s good side. So when Steve sat down, he scooted over and Eddie slid on next to him.
“Alright first thing’s first, baby’s name. How do you feel about Gertrude?”, Eddie grinned.
Steve’s nose scrunched. “She’s not someone’s grandma. And who said it’s a girl?”
“Do you have a preference for sex?”, Eddie asked.
“Gag me”, Carol muttered under her breath.
“Hey!”, Steve scolded. “Like it or not, he’s the sire of my pup and will be until the deadline of this project. You two need to get over yourselves.” If Eddie was going to be around more, Steve wasn’t going to let those comments continue to fly. 
Carol forked her food aggressively and Tommy just rolled his eyes. “Chill out man, didn’t know you were taking it seriously.”
Steve turned to Eddie. “What about Hannah?”
“I’m partial to Isabelle myself.”
It took them about halfway through lunch to settle on Kimberly Farrah Lisbeth Odette Ursa Rebecca Munson. It was a mouthful of a name, but it all fit on the line. And Steve allowed Eddie full freedom with her middle name since he got her first name. Her last name being Munson was the traditional route. Omegas usually gave up their name when they got married.
“Hey Eddie, are you gonna spend your whole lunch here?”
Steve looked up to see one of the members of that club. Hellfire. He wasn’t entirely sure what they got up to, played some kind of game. But they were looking at Steve and his friends warily. Steve looked to the table where the rest of them were and they shared the same expressions. 
“Ummm”, Eddie turned to Steve, like he was asking permission.
“We’ve got her name and all that stuff”, Steve said. “We can figure out trade off times later.” They just had to get the papers to Engels before the end of the day. He also offered to take the flour for the rest of the day since Eddie had it in the morning.
“Well then, I guess my business is done”, Eddie said, pushing away from the table. “Goodbye little Kimmy.” He actually kissed the top of the flour sack and then walked away.
“Dude, are you actually trying this year?”
“I plan on walking that stage come spring Gare-bear”, Eddie clapped his friend’s shoulder. And if he had to do so with a bag of food on his hip, so be it.
When the end of the day came, Eddie reconnected with Steve just as he was about to walk out the doors. The moment he did, they both noticed the principal eyeing them by the exit. Eddie frowned.
“You don’t need to hover. We’re actually not doing the helicopter parent thing.”
“We said we’d stay out of trouble”, Steve said.
“Forgive me if I don’t have total confidence in the both of you. Mr. Munson especially.”
Eddie put his arm around Steve’s shoulders. “We’re gonna be the model family. Just watch! We’re gonna do so good, Steve’ll be knocked up by spring!”
Steve’s face got red and it felt like the whole hallway stopped in its tracks. Steve let out a sigh, head hung in mortification as Eddie realized everyone in a two mile radius probably heard what he just said.
“Bad timing?”
“Is there good timing?”, Steve asked. Deciding to commit, he took the sack of flour out of his bookbag and put it on his hip like a real pup. “Well sir, if you’ll excuse us.” 
He started walking and Eddie had no choice but to follow his lead unless he wanted to separate. Eddie’s van was easy to locate and it was only when they got to it did they move apart.
“Thanks for not leaving me high and dry. Sooo, how are we gonna do the trade offs?”
“I think what we did today was fine”, Steve said. Handing the baby off between breaks, giving each of them a few hours free. “Which means you get our little bundle tonight since I had her all afternoon.”
“Cool. Do you uh, need a ride or?”
Steve thought about this morning, how he’d expected Eddie to come without really communicating so. “Uhhh-”
Eddie gasped. “Steve! It’s horrible!” He opened up the passenger door to his van. “I don’t have a carseat!”
“Which means you’ll have to hold dear Kimberly while I drive!”
Steve looked around as Eddie made a spectacle of himself. Principal Woolsley was still watching from the door. Didn’t he have a life? With a sigh, Steve got in and buckled up with their pretend pup. As they drove off, the principal was joined by a custodian who gave a chuckle.
“Ain’t that project meant to discourage procreation?”
Their routine worked pretty well. Right down to who drove them each day. Whoever had the baby for the evening would be picked up in the morning. It felt like an even balance of duties. Steve admitted to himself being a little apprehensive of coming to the trailer park for the first time, but when Eddie got in, Wayne smiled at them from the door and Eddie even bid good morning to the old lady who had glared at Steve when he drove up.
Steve’s parents never came out to wave to Eddie, even when he came right to the door and knocked. Eddie didn’t come to their lunch table again, the trade usually happening either before they got to the cafeteria or after lunch was over. Tommy and Carol stopped their snide remarks about Eddie but they didn’t start singing his praises either. Which was fine.
As for the report, Steve just left the sack on his bedroom desk while he was at home. If Eddie was doing any different, he didn’t let on. But while in school, he was a doting father, calling the sack pet names and kissing it, hamming it up whenever Engels or Woolsley were in sight. 
All in all it was going well and that February deadline got closer and closer. But as Steve was crossing today off his calendar, he noticed a problem. He was about to be short on time and Eddie wasn’t going to like the reason why when he told him tomorrow.
Basketball season started soon.
Part 5 coming soon
@marklee-blackmore @aol19 @im-really-annoying @ellietheasexylibrarian @queenie-ofthe-void
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grimmtells · 3 days
So what does Pomni and the rest of the Circus think of Arlekin?
✦ Boy oh boy, here we go !
Pomni | She finds Arlekin kinda creepy and unsettling, tbh. The whole "always smiling" thing is just weird- and it's really not like he's the nicest to her either. When she arrived, he called her his "pathetic, colourful little Pierrot" and has just been bullying her ever since. So, all in all, not a fan. He's not her least favourite, but he's certainly second lowest on the list.
Ragatha | Genuinely likes Arlekin ! (well, not an achievement, she'd rather like everybody... But hey, Jax can't do it , unlike him !) It's all in the fact that he's not as consistently shitty as Jax is. He has his... "nice" moments, where his assholery is on cool down, you could say. And Ragatha really likes him during those, so his other more mischievous moments get... a pass, somewhat. She'll scold him for it still. Plus, during Caine's adventures, he gets actually legitimately involved if he likes it, and if he doesn't, he'll just stand back and watch if anything fun happens, which means that unlike Jax, he won't actively sabotage things and get all murder hobo-ey, and she really REALLY appreciates that.
Caine | How could he not like this positively amusing fella ! Arlekin is almost NEVER mean to Caine, simply because he often tries to influence what the next adventure could be, and being nice to the ringmaster is paramount for good results. Caine also hardly sees any of Arlekin's more jerk-y behaviours as bad, it's the same as parents thinking boys pulling on girls' hair means they like them. "PLUS HE ACTUALLY LIKES THE CIRCUS ! HES HUMAN AND HE LIKES THE CIRCUS, YES !!!! AND HE'S CHOSEN HIS OWN NAME TOO, OH MY GOD !!!" - Caine
Jax | Depends on the day, sometimes you'd think they're best friends or just chill with one another, on other days you'd think they're mortal enemies. Comes down to their behaviour, if they're not bullying someone else, they're bullying each other. Not to mention Arlekin often blames Jax for pranks the former pulled, and it always works. Jax will mostly tell you "Two-face" is an "annoying, primadonna a--hat", but rarely he might say he's funny enough to hang with.
Gangle | Is not always fine with Arlekin. Not exactly when he teases or reads her diary that she tries to hide in a different spot every time (never works), but he's had a few occasions where he sounded genuinely ?? nice to her ??? Like when he saw her art and told her it looked "passable enough that she should continue". She thinks he's just too prideful to give a more genuine compliment on it, but it stuck with her still. She likes to show him what she draws.
Zooble | Not a fan really. Kinda finds Arlekin a bit cringe with his whole shtick. But oh well, he can do what he wants, so long as he's not bothering them, they won't care. Sadly he does bother them a lot, like the others, so they mostly see him in a negative light. Y'know, why would you be annoying in a place like this where life is already miserable ? They can be alright with him SOMETIMES, when the guy decides he's gonna be decent for a change. S'not often but Zooble tends to take what they can get in this hellhole.
Kinger | Used to be very annoyed at Arlekin, would scold him and tell him he should stop bullying others. But then he got a bit cuckoo, and all of this kind of stopped. He still doesn't like it by any means, but often he's just not all there enough to understand what's happening, so sometimes he says Arlekin got better over time, to which the jester simply responds he got worse over time.
Bubble | Jester man. Looks edible. Like half marshmallow and half roasted marshmallow.
(ack, another long one my bad 💀)
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 11 hours
SORRY - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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“Here are your winners and the new WWE undisputed tag team champions! Jimmy and Jey, THE USOS!” Dominique spoke into the mic, with a smile on her face. The smile quickly dropped from her face as Jon stormed over to her and pulled her with him, out of the time keeper's area and into the crowd towards the backstage area.
“Jon.. What are you doing?” She asked as she stumbled after him, trying to keep up with his long strides. She was confused, because he was definitely going off script. He was supposed to be out there attacking Randy and Riddle with his brother and cousin.
Jon didn't respond, his jaw clenched as he continued to pull her along. “Hey, what the fuck!” She yelled at him when he pushed her into The Bloodline’s empty locker room, causing her to stumble in her heels. “What is your problem!?"
“You fucking Randy?! Huh! Is that why you won’t forgive me!” Dominique snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“And what if I am? You were definitely gonna fuck that girl last night , oh and don’t get me started on the fact that you spent the night with Trinity.” 
“Don’t fuckin’ play with me Dominque.” He gruffed out as he stalked towards her, backing her into the wall. 
“Ain't nobody playin’ with you. If you can do it, so can I.” She shrugged, not backing down as she stared into his eyes. Jon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew she was testing his patience and it was working. Jon opened his eyes, his jaw clenched as he struggled to keep his composure.
“Imma ask you one last time.” He muttered as he opened his eyes to look at her. “Are you fuckin’ Orton?"
Dominique rolled her eyes. “No, I'm not like you Jon, I would never cheat on the person I love.” Jon's expression darkened at Dominique's response. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Jon sucked his teeth just as Joe and Josh walked through the doors. Jon ignored them though, keeping his glare on Dominique. “Stop with that bullshit Dominique. I aint cheat on you and I never will.” 
“What bullshit Jonathan?!” She yelled.  “I have caught you up in TWO bitches faces and you got the nerve to be acting like this because what? Randy was comforting me!” 
“He don’t need to comfort you Dom! Thats my fuckin’ job!” Josh decided to step in between them. 
“Aye, y’all chill out.” He said placing his hand on Jon’s chest, pushing him back from Dominique. 
“I’m chill.” Dominique said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “It’s him, he needs to chill.”  Joe snorted, then held his hands up defensively as she turned her glare to him. 
“Y’all are perfect for eachother,” He muttered as he walked into the bathroom to take a shower. 
“We been together for four fucking years and I’ve never even thought about another woman. I fuck up one time and you won’t let it go. I’m sorry Dominique” He stressed, trying to grab her hands but she swatted him away. Josh shook his head at them and walked out the room to call his wife, he was happy as hell he wasn’t Jon right now. 
“Jonathan, it’s not just one tiny little fuck up. You let that woman into your  space. You let her think that she actually had a chance with you.”  Dominique tried to stop her tears from falling, but she was hurt and angry and looking at his face wasn’t making her feel any better. “And then, you spent the night with your ex? You didn’t come to me, you didn’t try to talk to me, you went to her and I'm supposed to just forgive you?” 
Jon stood there frozen as he watched the tears fall down her face, his heart heavy with the weight of Dominique’s pain that he caused. This was the second time in the four years they had been together that he had made her cry; the first being when he proposed in Paris. 
“If I can take it all back I would Dominique.” Dominique sniffled and wiped her tears away. 
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.” She muttered as Joe walked out the bathroom. “We have a flight to catch, are y’all ready?” Without waiting for a response she walked out of the locker room and towards the writers room to grab her bags. 
Jon watched her walk away as a feeling of hopelessness washed over him. Their relationship was hanging on by a thread and he feared that with every passing moment, that thread was growing thinner and thinner. But he also knew that he couldn't force Dominique to forgive him, couldn't demand her love in return for his apologies.
“Sis, you okay?” Josh asked her as she walked past him. 
“No,” She shrugged, sending him a soft smile. “But I will be.” 
“I know Jon’s my twin, but I'm here for you, aight?” She nodded. 
“Thank you Josh.” 
Back in the locker room Jon groaned and plopped down on the steel chair. “You know I don’t like to get in y’all relationship business.” Joe started, walking closer to his cousin. “But Dominique is the one for you. I mean after you broke up with Trinity and brought Dom around, everyone and I mean everyone was skeptical about y’all relationship. But shit the whole family loves her now. Y’all gotta fix this,” 
"I know, Joe," Jonathan admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I messed up, big time. I don't know how to fix things with her."
Joe placed a reassuring hand on Jonathan's shoulder, offering him a sympathetic smile. "You just gotta show her, man.”
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“Hey” Ishana said as Dom walked in. “You look rough.” Dominique rolled her eyes. 
“I feel rough.” She muttered, walking over and grabbing her luggage. 
“Jon again huh?” Dom nodded and let out a sigh. “So y’all still beefing?” 
“Yes, he seems to think that he can just say sorry and everything will go back to normal.”
“Have you expressed how you feel though? About the whole situation, why you don’t wanna get married?” Dominique sighed and rolled her eyes. 
“Ishana, I don't wanna talk about my problems with Jon right now.” 
Ishana ignored her, “Communication is key, Dom. he’s taking accountability and you need to too.” Dom scoffed but Ishana held her hand up to silence her. “Okay I get it the girl kissed him and yes, he went to Trinity this morning  but to be honest you were looking for a way out of the engagement anyway.”  Dominique's eyes widened. Ishana's words hung in the air, heavy with truth and accusation. Dominique felt a mix of shock and anger rising within her, her mind racing to process what she had just heard. 
“You’re joking right? Now is not the time to be funny.” Dominique said glaring at Ishana. “No, I wasn’t tryna find a way out of my engagement. I wanted to get married to Jon, just not right away.”
Ishana rolled her eyes. 
“Bullshit. Ever since yall got engaged you’ve been picking fights with him and as your best friend it’s time I spoke up and told you about yourself. Yes he fucked up by letting that girl into his personal space but he’s been trying to talk to you, trying to apologize to you but you blocked him, how can he make things right if you’re closing off all communication with him?"
“You’re supposed to be on my side!” 
Ishana shook her head, not believing how stubborn her best friend was being. “There is no sides, Dom. I want you and Jon to be happy. And in order for that to happen, you need to grow up. Not all marriages end in divorce.” Ishana said, grabbing her pocket book and walking out the room. Dominique stared at the closed door in shock. What the fuck was that?!
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Heyyyy... long time no see 😭🫣
I was having second thoughts about this story but talking to @paigereeder i got a second wind and was able to finish this chapter!
Hopefully you guys won't have to wait as long for the next chapter.
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
🏷️: @empressdede @abadbitchblogs @wrestlingprincess80 @harmshake @cyberdejos2
@almondmilkdeinker11 @girlwhogaf @alyyaanna @paigereeder @amandairene88
@skyesthebomb @yana3sworld @mindairy @hllokttysoprtty @christinabae
@tbmotw @rantfandombloggg @jeyusosgirl @southerngirl41 @wooahmiri
@theninthwonder @saintaquarius @raya-hunter01 @rebelrel0987 @feelinuceyy
@qveenmikaelson @black-yn @mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni
@zillasvilla @thatone-girly @xmonetsworld @li-da-savage @kill-the-artiste
@reci1996 @that-one-anxious-mango @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @trashbin-nie @adoreesun
@meggylynnloves @shayaaaaaaa
@tableofthehead @lovelyhunnys @wwelovergirl @meannaim
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faithfulren · 3 hours
rainy day
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you and izuku get caught in the rain and take shelter together, leading to intimate conversations.
the school day had ended, and you found yourself walking home with izuku midoriya, as you often did. the sky had been clear all day, so neither of you had thought to bring an umbrella. however, as luck would have it, dark clouds rolled in quickly, and before you knew it, raindrops began to fall.
"uh-oh," you murmured, looking up at the sky. "i think we’re in for a downpour."
izuku glanced up, his eyes wide with concern. "we should find some shelter," he suggested, already scanning the area. he spotted a small, empty bus stop a little ways ahead and pointed it out. "over there!"
you both sprinted toward the bus stop, laughing as the rain started to pour more heavily. by the time you reached the shelter, you were both thoroughly soaked, your clothes clinging to your skin and water dripping from your hair.
"well, this is quite the adventure," you said, trying to wring out your shirt. izuku chuckled, running a hand through his wet hair.
"yeah, i guess we should have checked the weather forecast," he replied, shaking his head slightly.
the bus stop was small, and you found yourselves standing close together to stay under the shelter’s limited cover. despite the chilly rain, you felt a warmth spread through you as you stood next to izuku, his presence comforting and reassuring.
"do you think it’ll stop soon?" you asked, glancing at the rain falling in heavy sheets around you.
izuku shrugged, his green eyes thoughtful. "it might take a while. but at least we’re not getting any wetter."
you both fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the rhythmic patter of the rain. the world outside the shelter seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your little cocoon of safety.
"you know," izuku said softly, breaking the silence, "i actually like the rain. it’s kind of calming."
you turned to look at him, surprised. "really? i always thought it was kind of inconvenient. but I guess it does have a peaceful quality to it."
izuku smiled, his eyes meeting yours. "yeah. and it gives us moments like this, where we can just… be together."
your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. you'd always admired izuku’s kindness and determination, and moments like this made you realize just how much he meant to you.
"yeah," you agreed, your voice soft. "i like moments like this too."
izuku’s smile grew, and he looked down, his cheeks tinged with a faint pink. "i'm glad," he said quietly. "i… i really enjoy spending time with you."
you felt a flutter in your chest, the sincerity in his voice making your heart race. "i enjoy spending time with you too, izuku."
he looked up at you, his eyes shining with a mix of hope and nervousness. "you do?"
you nodded, stepping a little closer. "yeah, i do. you’re always so kind and supportive. you make me feel… special."
izuku’s eyes widened, and he swallowed hard. "you’re special to me too," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "i… i’ve liked you for a while now."
your breath caught in your throat at his confession, and you felt your heart swell with emotion. "izuku, i've liked you too," you said, your voice trembling with honesty. "i was just afraid to tell you."
a look of relief and joy spread across izuku’s face, and he took your hand in his, his grip warm and reassuring despite the chill of the rain. "i’m so glad you told me," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
you smiled, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment wash over you. "me too."
as the rain continued to fall around you, you stood there, hand in hand, sharing a moment of intimate connection. the world outside might have been cold and wet, but in that small bus stop, you found warmth and comfort in each other, knowing that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.
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back2bluesidex · 13 hours
Seven Minutes - KNJ (18+)
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Pairing: Namjoon X Reader
Theme: Major Angst, implied smut, fluff if you squint, Time-traveler Namjoon (?)
Wordcount: 1.1k+
Summary: Namjoon goes around the world in a day in just seven minutes.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, cock riding, creampie (it's a no no), death, very angsty, time travelling but not really. NSFW!!
Minors are not allowed in this blog!!
A/N: I don't know what is this honestly. I managed to incorporate rpwp tracks in the story but I hope you guys don't cry. let me know how it is if you want <3
Masterlist | Patreon
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The first trail of winter is evident under the soft glow of sun. 
Leaves are starting to turn brown, there is a chill in the early morning air, the last remnants of fog are still clinging to the dust. 
But Namjoon can’t feel a thing, neither the chill nor the foggy air. He is not from this world or timeline after all. 
Namjoon sees himself, the younger version, standing at the bus stop waiting for the vehicle to arrive so he can leave for his first class. 
He used to be so sorted out even in his early twenties but that faded with time. 
And then he sees you, the younger version of you. 
Rushing past him you reach where the younger Namjoon is standing currently. 
You look the same - just so beautiful. 
It is the moment that younger Namjoon fell for you. 
It is the moment everything started. 
When he peeks he sees his younger self stealing glances at you. He smiles at the dumbfoundedness of the younger boy, who is very clearly taken aback with your beauty. 
It was the very moment he fell for you. 
But right now he feels like he has been the wrong person in the right place. 
Only if it were someone else, you probably would have been happier than he had ever managed to make you. 
Everything surrounding Namjoon morphes into black and gradually the scene changes. 
Now he finds himself standing inside a wedding hall.
The wedding hall, where he got tied with you. 
There are familiar faces everywhere, some of the faces he missed seeing, some of the faces he hated seeing, and some he never saw properly in the first place. 
Then his eyes fell on your figure.
You look so divine, so gorgeous that he could start crying right away. 
Your gloved hands are held by another younger version of himself, the one that claimed to be your groom. 
He watches as you two take vows one by one, promising for a forever that he failed to keep.
And then the kiss. 
Namjoon recalls he felt like heaven at that moment. 
You felt like heaven to him.  
Just as before, everything starts morphing into a blackhole again. The scene changes and now he is standing inside your shared bedroom. 
The first thing he sees is the sunkissed smooth skin of your naked back, then his eyes drift down towards your hip. His younger self is clutching onto your waist as if his life depends on it. 
The grunts and moans are mixing with the already tensed air and making things even worse. 
He watches you ride the other him, your tits bouncing with every move you make. 
You have always rode him like a pro, making him go nuts. 
You release, triggering his own climax. He spills into you shamelessly.
“I- I love you so much” his younger self confesses to his freshly wedded wife, you. 
“I love you too, Joon.” you reply ardently. 
The scene changes with another rush of black. 
This time he travels to a much recent time, only two years prior to his own timeline. 
You two are now married for five years already. 
The promises of loving each other have started crumbling down under the weight of busy schedules, unspoken truths and the monotonous routine of everyday life. 
The love his younger self confessed of has turned into a habit. 
He sees you waiting. You are sitting on the couch, staring towards the condo door as if you haven't seen him for years. 
Namjoon wishes you could actually see the current version of himself, who is also desperate to reach out to you now. 
But he knows it’s impossible. He doesn’t belong to this timeline. 
The door opens. Another version of himself walks in, clearly tried and irritated. 
“You’re late again.” your voice comes out thinner than the night-time air. 
Younger Namjoon doesn’t give you a single nod and heads straight towards the bedroom. 
He stands there, watching you as tear drops fall from your eyes one by one, roll down on your cheeks and soon turn into a downpour of heavy emotions. 
Namjoon cries too, even when he can’t feel his own tears. He cries with you nonetheless. 
This is the moment, he realized, he became lost for the rest of his lifetime. 
This time the black is mixed with a little white, making things gray. 
When the next scene appears, he finds himself, younger only by a year, sitting at his desk with his head leaned back and eyes closed. 
You stand before him, crying, sobbing, almost begging. 
The scene breaks his heart. But his younger self had been impressively heartless at that time. 
“What do you mean you fell out of love?” you manage to speak in between the sobs. 
“I said what I feel, Y/N. I need a break.” His younger self adds matter-of-fact-ly. 
He hates it.
How could he be so blind? How could he not see what he was doing to you? How the hell did he manage to be such an asshole? 
You break down at his words. 
Namjoon turns his back at the scene. If he stays in this timeline for a second more, he will lose it. 
And as if granting his prayers, the scene changes. The black nothingness gets even lighter this time. 
Is this a sign of approaching the end of seven minutes? 
This time he finds himself alone, the same one as himself, just a few hours prior. 
He is sitting at an overpriced bar, clutching a whisky in his one hand, clutching his phone to his ear with another. 
He is calling you. 
“Come back to me, Y/N. come back to me.” he murmurs into the call. 
If he remembers correctly, you cut the call as soon as he completed his sentence. You were unwilling to let him break you more, which he understands - appreciates. 
Settings morph into a grayish black for one last time. And now he is back where he is supposed to be. 
Namjoon’s soul stands beside the hospital bed, where his dead body is lying cold. 
You are sitting right beside him, crying your eyes out. 
Crying as if your heart has been ripped off and your blood is flowing ceaselessly. 
Research says the human brain stays active for seven minutes after death to replay memories. 
Is it a coincidence that he started his seven minutes with you and ended it with you? 
Probably not because you have been his world, his most precious gain in life. 
Even though he had caused you so much pain, you never truly left. 
And see… you are here to mourn for his unfortunate, premature death. 
Spending his last seven minutes with you is equivalent to going around the world in a day to him. 
And this way Namjoon can bid you goodbye properly, even when you will never get to know about it. 
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @chimmisbae @i-have-no-life-charlie
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da1e3e · 2 days
˚✿˖°𝑲𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚⋆˚✿˖°
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| ⋆ Sypnosis: You were chiling in your humble home, when it comes time for your cat to take her daily stroll through the neighborhood. Not long after, It started raining. After an hour- almost two, you hear your cat mewing at the door. You open the door to not just find your wet kitten, but a wet gentleman as well.
| ⋆ Inspired by the Enha Kitten Video here ⤑ ✧˖°ʚ 🐈 ɞ✧
| ⋆ Pairing: Non!Idol Jungwon x Reader
| ⋆ Genre - Fluff!
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
⋆ Just coming from a relaxing morning shower, you dress in comfy house clothes, putting on your favorite scented lotion. rubbing your work tension away with it, you finish up and head to the living room. Your candles were also lit, a vanilla and coconut essence roaming through your place, lighting up it’s homey aura. You sat on your comfy sofa enjoying the scents, begining to read a book. Finally, You were on vacation leave, so there was no work for you for the next week. No kids, no guy to stress you out- Life was going amazing for you.
Just as you began another chapter, you feel a small body cuddling your feet. Feeling soft, mellow, fur You look down to see Willow, your fur baby mewing, letting you know it was time to let her out. Usually around a certain time in the day, you let her out to explore. You didn’t want to deprive her by making her stay in the house all day, and besides- she only wondered around the neighborhood. You smile, placing soft strokes on her, picking her up and carrying her to the door. You set her down, opening your screen door for her. “Just Don’t be too long okay, Willow?- I heard that it’s going to be raining today.” You speak, hoping your fur baby would understand. She then gave a purr of assurance, rubbing her soft ears on your ankles. With one last circle around you, she was gone, sprinting around the corner. You close your screen door, locking it and going back to finally begin that chapter.
After a bit, you notice it started to rain like the news predicted. And it wasn’t just raining, it was pouring down. You didn’t seem to mind it at first, but then it started thundering causing you to lose your focus on the book every now and then. Eventually, you decided to crack the door close a bit, also taking a break from reading. You sigh, checking your phone to see what time it was. It was currently 4pm, being an hour since Willow left. You walked to the door once again, hoping Willow would be right there when you got there, but to your suprise, she wasn’t. Before you began to worry, you also reminded yourself that this wasn’t the first time she was late. You just had to give her another hour and a half. That cat would survive in a tornado if she got sucked in, she’s a strong girl, you dismissed. You decided to clean, since you had the relaxing sound of rain to keep you motivated.
After cleaning, it was time for you to begin preperations for dinner. You turn some music on to get you into the zone, sliding through the billions of songs you had. You slide your head phones, sinking in the jams you knew and loved. You cut up some cabbage, placing it in a pot along with some enoki mushrooms. You then begin to cut up some meat, when you start to slowly hear quiet mews. “What the hell…” You slide your headphones off, wondering if you were crazy or you actually heard mews. The mews then got louder, as well as a the sound of a person whispering. You slide the lid of the pot back over it, putting your headpones on the counter. Slowly creeping towards the door, you feel your heart start to race. You didn’t know what to put of the sounds you just heard. “Willow?” you call, slowly opening the door. You open the door to see Willow… purring the arms of… a man. “Hello! I’m sorry to show up like this but…I believe this is your cat. She was uh… chilling with me and my friends and refused to leave so I figured I’d just bring her back.” He gives a nervous smile, holding your sopping Willow out to be collected. You look up at the sky, then at the two, seeing water falling off of them as if they were like rocks underneath a waterfall. Not even worried about him being a total stranger, your motherly instincts kick in. It was raining- no pouring down and he was kind enough to bring Willow back. “Come in quickly!” you demand, opening the door for both of them. At first the male hesitated, but he figured it would be harmless. Plus he walked, so if left he was just gonna get even wetter.
“I’ll get some clothes out for you to get changed, just give me one second-” You stress, rushing to your room to find the male some clothes. You knew if he didn’t get out of those clothes, he was going to get sick. “Oh please- you don’t have to—” He starts, but then You cut him off, shouting from the hallway. “Just shush okay! I don’t want you getting sick- you at least need to stay until the rain stops.” The male then shuts his lips, accepting his fate. You dig through your closet, finding the perfect plain white t-shirt, along with some oversized pajama pants that were gifted to you, but were too big. You then make your way back into the living room, handing him the clothes. “Here, you can use these—” You begin, but get interupted by his sudden movements. He grabs your hand, holding it for a brief moment, his eyes fixated on you. “Thank you.” He chimes, looking at you with puppy eyes. For a moment, you get mesmerized, not realizing how charming he was until now. You had been more worried about getting him in the house, then actually paying attention to him. “Y-your welcome, I mean it’s the least I can do for you b-bringing Willow back. But Uh- the bathroom is down the hall on your right!” You almost squeak from being flustered. He then smiles, making his way to the shower.
You go back to making dinner, unfortunetely being unable to get his puppy face out your head. You slap your cheeks, sighing hoping it would help you calm down. “Let it go y/n!” you mumble to yourself, knowing damn well you simply just couldn’t. He was good looking AND adorable. Double kill. You look to a Willow that was now dry- sitting on the counter. “This is all your fault! I told you not to stay out too late!” You point at her, playfully scolding her. She then rubs her face on your finger, giving you sweet mews. You melt into her sweet touch. “mew~” She responded, not a single care about your situation. You sigh, giving her light pets on her chin.
Once everything was done for dinner, you put everything on low that way it would stay warm. As you were feeding Willow, you finally hear the bathroom door open. Looking up, you were met with a tall, semi- muscular male. His hair was dripping onto the tee as he was trying to dry it with the towel, as well as the tee leaving a bit of his abdomen showing from the his arm was flexed up. Was it you, or was he REALLY good looking…You didn’t notice how much you were staring, until he was directly in front you. “I’ll put my wet clothes outside so they don’t mess your floors up, is that okay?” He spoke with a honeyed tone, finally snapping you out of your gaze. “y-yeah! that’s perfectly fine.” You jump up, averting your eyes from him. What were you? like 14- staring at him like a horny teenager. You scolded yourself in your head, hoping he didn’t notice. “When you come back, I have a fresh bowl of home made noodles for you.” You announce, making your way into the kitchen. You begin making his noodles, giving him the best pieces of everything. You even gave him one of your finest bowls. One thing about you was, you were very considerate and charasmatic. You would give somone the clothes off of your back if you had to. You then place the bowl on your island, placing the chopsticks in nicely.
The male then comes back, sitting at the island, looking down into the bowl. He fell into silence, until he finally look up. “I just realized I didn’t properly introduce myself— I’m Yang Jungwon, I live a couple houses down.” he chimed, bowing his head. “That’s right- I apology, nice to meet you Mr. Yang, I’m y/n.” You coo, bowing back with courtesy. You then begin fixing yourself your bowl of noodles, somehow feeling a pair of eyes burning through your back. Sending chills through your body, you turn around to shake the feeling, seeing a flustered Jungwon looking away as soon as your gaze lands on him. You grin, “your not slick, I seen you.” “what?” The male acts confused, slurping up a handful of noodles. You chuckle at first, but then your mom mode activates once again. “Slow down— I don’t need you choking.” You scold, your face now becoming serious. Grabbing your bowl of noodles, you place them on the island, across from the male, begining to eat. You were starving, you and Willow usually ate together, so you’ve been busy waiting for her. Silence then falls upon you both, leaving you with nothing but the sound of pure rain, and slight thunder. “You know, as long as i’ve lived here, in this neighborhood- I have never seen anyone come or go into this house.” The male admited, breaking the silence. “Yeah, probably cause I’m always at work…” You sigh, knowing that was definitely the reason. That left you to think,You never got any days off foreal. You were hard working, and very independent. But i mean you had a house to pay for, as well as a cat to care for. So really, you were doing just as the rest of society was enslaved to do. Realizing this, your smile fades slighty. Jungwon notices, starting to feel a bit bad himself. While he did work too- he still made having time for friends and family a priority. “Ahh, it’s understandable. you rather be hard working kitten lady than to be a hardly working kitten lady.” You look at a humurous winking Jungwon. You chuckle, regaining your soft smile. You could tell he tried to make you feel better. For someone you just met, you couldn’t help but feel so happy to just have him there.
After you both ate, talking the rest of the day away- the rain finally stopped. Something you almost wished would never happen. It was nearly pm, as you both didn’t realize how much time went by. You were both laughing and talking as if you guys had been friends forever. For once in a long time, you actually enjoyed yourself. And you hated to admit, but you began to admire how much of a smooth talker he was. “You should definitely come hear us sometime, yeah?” He insisted, looking at you with his famous puppy eyes. “I definitely will.” You agree, with a promising tone. You both then lock eyes for a brief moment, making your heart begin to race. You quickly look away, feeling your blood rush to your cheeks. You shyly clear your throat, letting a nervous chuckle leave your lips. A smile appears on the males face, him finally getting up. “Well, It’s time for me to be on my way. I really appreciate you taking me in, despite not knowing me.” The male coos, sounding a bit sad to be leaving. He began flatening his once ruffled up shirt, waiting for you to also get up. “Of course, I really appreciate you bringing Willow home.” You replied, also a bit sad that it was time for him to go. You and Willow both walk him to the door, your eyes never leaving his form. “Be safe okay— Oh and wait!” You ran back into the kitchen, grabbing a pen. You grab his hand, begining to write your number on it. “Call me if you ever need anything- and don’t be afraid to stop by okay.” You chime, smiling. You could tell he was surpirsed by your offer, but deep down inside, it was exactly what he wanted. He then he smiled, nodding. He then walked through the door, picking up his moist clothes, begining to amble down your pathway. Your eyes never left him, until he made a quick pause by your mailbox, turning around. “I’ll see you soon, Kitten Lady.” He whispers, giving his final smile and wave.
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typicalopposite · 15 hours
In the middle of writing the fic for Tommy’s POV of the clipboard proposal, and dear god this thing is spiraling into a monster.
Because now I’m thinking… Maddie and Eddie are the first people Buck comes out to… and they are also the first people Tommy spills his plans to propose to.
And Maddie gasps and clutches at her heart and gives Tommy those weepy doe eyes Evan uses all the time like a weapon against him— except hers are so much more intense… So much so Tommy feels like he can feel what she’s feeling… and it’s freaking him out a little. “Oh my god,” she cries and throws her arms around him, to which Tommy sighs in relief (as if he ever thought she would disapprove) and melts into the embrace.
“Well it’s a good thing Jee already calls you Uncle Tommy,” she teases. “Welcome to the family!”
“He has to say yes first.” And the look Maddie gives him makes him laugh out loud.
Telling Eddie, for some reason, was scarier. Perhaps because to tell Eddie was also to tell Chris, and that kid is very opinionated— and his opinion means the world to Evan. Tommy can only hope he is as chill about his Buck being permanently tied down to someone as he was at the idea of them just dating.
It shouldn’t matter; it should change things; it terrifies him nonetheless.
He takes them out for dinner to tell them. After a couple beers (and a couple root beer floats for Chris) he still hasn’t brought up the proposal. Eddie finishes his beer, and pushes the bottle towards the other empty ones in the middle of the table. “Well this has been an uneventful meal,” he says. Tommy looks up at him and furrows his brows.
“Wha— uhm… I’m s- sorry…?”
“You don’t have to look so worried, Tommy…” Chris says, with an exasperated— definitely over exaggerated— sigh. “We are fine with you marrying Buck.”
“Yeah, what he said.” Eddie laughs.
Tommy feels a million pounds lighter. He isn’t sure what he was even worried about in the first place.
I literally had no intention for this to become… well THIS but here we are let’s hope I can turn them all into fics before they are actually canonically married 🥴
One | Two | Three | Three.2 | Three.3 |AO3
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the-l00ker · 1 day
(to clarify I mean this from a writing perspective. Like I don't think the writers necessarily, originally intended for Stolas to be racist and when you break it down I think they were going for him being more classist but at face value he seems racist.
Put together, and at face value he's racist. Breaking it down and from a narrative point, it seems he was supposed to be classist. WHICH IS STILL A BAD not defending the man in that front
Genuinely don't think they intend for Stolas to be a completely racist person/didn't intend for old (season 1) Stolas to be racist, but when you look at it all put together he's definitely got SOME racist energy.
But they definitely doubled down in season 2 on "old Stolas was racist bc of the people he grew up with"
But I'm just breaking down why I DON'T THINK THEY ORIGINALLY WANTED IT TO BE THAT WAY and it wasn't really an error, it was more of a one-track mind approach)
Someone on twitter said that Stolas is racist
(from a writing perspective/break down perspective)
He has been conditioned into being classist. Stella's the racist one-
When lil Stolas was meeting Blitzo for the first time, and he bows to him, paimon says something along the lines of "don't bow, he bows to us idiot" before smacking him over the head
Paimon implies ( and outright says) that he should bow to him because he's not worth it, because they're better then them. Richer. Power. Just "better"
However Stolas, continues to treat them like equals even when they're playing. He doesn't look down on Blitzo for being an Imp. But Stolas doesn't acknowledge that they have different lives because Stolas is rich.
He just assumes Blitzo could read, has a education and wants to learn but changes his tune when Blitzo awkwardly stares at him and suggest something else.
In the future right after the whole "omg you slept with someone" happens to Stella.
Stella says "You slept with an Imp in our fucking bed!" now today isn't a discussion of how much of a narcissistic bitch Stella is so we'll leave it out there to chill
(and if you don't see it, imagine saying "I can't believe you slept with a person of colour!" that's basically what Stella said)
Stolas doesn't even acknowledge it, saying he didn't have enough time to get a Motel. Stolas doesn't say anything about Blitzo being "just an Imp" he just talks like he's sleeping with anyone.
You could literally change Blitzo name for anyone else and I'd still work.
But here's the thing, Blitzo is one that see Stolas as a bit of a racist because he thinks Stolas was the one who bought him for a day or so.
Like he thinks Stolas bought him. But it wasn't Stolas. It was Paimon, he bought him so that he won't have to deal with Stolas being upset. Stolas didn't even have a choice in the matter so it wasn't his fault.
But here's how he's UNINTENTIONALLY classist.
Literally the entire relationship and dynamics-
Stolas technically bought the IMP services TWICE, once in the trailer/pilot and another in the Loo-Loo Land episode.
Stolas rented Blitzo team out for the day, because Stolas was paying him to do so. He practically bought Blitzo's time.
He looked down on Millie and Moxxie because he really only intented to buy out Blitzo time and not there's. He didn't need protection as we can see at the episodes end, he just bought Blitzo's time for entertainment. FOR ENTERTAINMENT
Stolas initially thought that he was entitled to Blitzo's time because he bought out THE WHOLE BUSINESS SERVICE FOR ONE DAY.
And at the beginning of the Stolas literally says "We're rich and we're hot, people want our money and our bodies" HE'S IMPLIES THAT HE'S SUPERIOR TO EVERYONE ELSE NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE IMPS OR HELL-BORN DEMONS
And in the Harvest Moon episode Blitzo defends Stolas because Stolas is literally the secondary breadwinner with in his business. If Stolas dies then Octiva gets the book and then Blitzo doesn't have it, so they can't make money anymore.
Stolas again is in someway shovelling money to stay in someone's life, taking advantage of the fact that Blitzo NEEDS HIM.
But in the episode Truth Speaker, that's when Stolas changes his mindset (all be it, off screen) he realizes when Blitzo is endangered but he can't just throw money at problems and actually has to do something to keep him safe.
This is the first time that he is not thrown money at a problem and it worked.
Moving on in the story Stolas has some on screen and off screen character development, in which the power dynamics and throwing money as every single problem isn't right anymore and it was never right.
Because before then he'd been practically throwing money in the face a not-so-successful-at-the-time Blitzo just for his company.
That was some level of autonomy in that relationship but it was mostly him just throwing money and buying him out and buying his time.
It Highlights the absolute wealth difference between the two characters.
Before the episode Truth Seeker, Stolas was indeed a classist character it may have not been as obvious as some other characters but he was a bit classist at the least.
Before the episode Truth Seekers, Stolas saw Blitzo as somewhat below him, because he could just afford to buy him out. But after realising that he was indeed a person and could be hurt, I believe after that episode is when he actually begun to care.
Ozzie's was the eventual big push for him to get better. It was obvious that Stolas WAS embarrassed to be with Blitzo. And not because he was an Imp like Ozzie implied because Stolas could have just clapped back with "AND TF ABT U BITCH?? HUH?"
No, it's because Ozzie made the Association that since he was with an Imp, then that equals poor, which equals embarrassment, which equates to him asking why did you throw away your marriage for someone who is poor?
Because I don't think Ozzie would have been racist, on stage, infront of other Imps and his Imp boyfriend.
After this episode we can see that he has a change of heart and a change in which he views things. After this episode he realizes that Blitzo's feelings could no longer be bought because he'd made him genuinely upset and there was no amount of money you could throw on that 🔥dumpster fire 🔥to make it okay
By that point the business was already successful so it was no longer a matter of money.
After this Stolas has some off screen development it seems. Better himself as a person and truly beginning to see equals but as a consequence he had to acknowledge over pain and the sheer power he had in the relationship.
That's when in the episode Oops, Stolas decides to get Big Boss Ozzie-mozzie Crystal to try and end this constant power dynamic and classism that was in their relationship.
I'm in the episode we can Stolas helping out his "equal" when it came down to Fizz. He didn't just turn around and go "well he's an Imp, icky not helping him. I'll come back later"
He sat there through the entire thing helping Ozzie out, not out of obligation. He literally could have left but didn't because he didn't see Fizz as Ozzie's problem, he now saw Fizz as a genuine person.
And the set up to this was great because Ozzie would have had to sign away alot of money to get Fizz out of trouble, and its a nod back at when old him would have probably just threw money at this problem but instead of that he advises his "equal" to NOT throw money at the problem and instead read the entire contract to make sure that everything goes well.
this act alone not only let Fizz and Blitzo work shit out but also showed the viewer that he had changed for the better, and he was going through character development to not be a dick
And now we're at Full Moon and at this rate Stolas has already had all the necessary character development off-screen to no longer be as classist as he was before, and it's a bit disappointed that this was in highlighted a bit before but you gotta read through the line sometimes
Stolas now sees them as equals. But he hadn't shown Blitzo that. Blitzo is still scared of Stolas and his influence and status and money, last Blitzo check he'd had to spend time looking for Stolas daughter so that he won't be as mad and he won't banned him from the book.
An honestly if he had it his way Blitzo probably never would have went to the human realm to help look for his daughter.
But at that rate it was out of sheer obligation-
And as much as the episode tries to play it off as a gag, Blitzo still has to drop everything to help him out, YES because he does care but also out of fear of losing his only source of income.
So for Stolas to rock up in Full Moon and be like, "I see you as an equal and I love you" WOULD HAVE FUCKED BLITZO SHIT UP
He'd only been inadvertently put down by Stolas not because that was Stolas intention but because that's what is actions gave off in terms of vibes.
And that's why in the Helluva universe Stolas is unintentionally a classist character, to which he didn't know about it UNTIL IT WAS TOO FUCKING LATE-
No I will not be taking question. Yes this took me 30 minutes to write because of my inability to spell. Shush!
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