#hence. confusion
adriancatrin · 3 months
i think zhao is the best thing in natla. like there’s a lot of stuff in there that i really like but a lot of it is tied up with complicated feelings or worry about the future of the show. but zhao? he’s just rock solid from start to finish. what an amazing adaptation of his character, with an even more amazing performance on top to sell it
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the-meme-monarch · 6 months
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every now and then i remember that i can draw literally whatever i want actually. what if darkners was poey mon.
scc are eeveelutions bc eevee is my favorite pokemon and scc are my favorite deltarune characters. and sweet being an umbreon worked out surprisingly well I think. feel free to tell me what pokemon everyone else should’ve been instead though
*long while later edit: a part two if you will
if you ship scc go away👍
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tunisian · 1 year
what colleen hoover did to literature is what rupi kaur did to poetry
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kingscourthouse · 1 year
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Okay, okay I get it-
Everybody say thank you @beethubs for telling me off for the skirt /lh
He has a skirt now, Sakura Etho
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unnierzmovedo-o · 9 months
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happy bday to the best AHiT character ft blurry image of me feeding my bow kid plushie birthday cake!
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asparklethatisblue · 6 months
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Hodge is a little confused but he has the spirit
Introducing the Fitzier Shotgun Wedding Cinematic Universe, cause @aurpiment made me have brainworms
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oodlenoodleroodle · 9 months
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(translation in alt)
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
“How was it large enough to fit in one direction but too narrow in the other…??” Well, it's easy! As was demonstrated by Prof. Shadoko in his Shadok Logic (or Logique des Passoires), you only need for the circumference of the hole that the PVC surrounds to be both larger in one direction and smaller in the other than Pirlouit's leg. Hope that helps.
I love you for randomly bringing up Shadok logic! I actually dug up my old Shadok VHS tapes a few years ago and added English subtitles to a bunch of episodes, so my English-speaking kid cousins could discover the series...
For people who don't know this monument of French culture, the Shadoks is an absurdist anti-educational children's programme about bird-shaped aliens whose logic is too evolved to be understood by mere humans.
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darkxsoulzyx · 1 year
(Aka me just smashing my two AUs together briefly for a bit HAHAHA None of this is canon (probably))
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rotbtd-edits · 5 months
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Happy new year!💖Right now I'm resting a bit after two weeks of traveling, so I thought I could use that time to just chat~
Do you have any questions regarding my Rotbtd series so far, or overall about Rotbtd universe and the four? Or just thoughts, ideas and comments, I love hearing about those as well<3 Fire them away at me; my ask box's open, or you can reply to this post as well! :)
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
How do you differentiate between dragons that have the water element and those that have the fire element? I assume that Ao Guang's family would technically be dragons that can use only water. And according to jttw, dragons can control the weather (clouds, water, etc.). However, how do you know which dragons can control fire? Or can be assumed that all dragons can handle these two elements? Or a sea dragon that controls water couldn't control fire?
I guess I would ask you what makes you think dragons can control fire? I know that European dragons that it’s a common connection to their folklore, but Chinese dragons are connected to water such as rivers, oceans, and rain. I don’t think I’ve seen Chinese dragons that control fire if it wasn’t connected to the weather in some way.
Like I'm sure there are but I guess I don't understand what makes you think that dragons would have a fire element instead of a water element. Can you give an example from maybe like a story or something? I've read a lot of chinese tales but certainly not ALL so it would be cool to see how other tales could show dragons in a different light.
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shrimp1y · 2 years
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yknow like in cartoons when they hit their head and there's like a halo of wobbly stars to show they are concussed
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ddarker-dreams · 6 months
I need chrollo and hwr reader to kidnap me ill be a great long term, long distance, low commitment, casual girlfriend/darling <33
out of all the yan spider duos, they'd somehow be the most and least cursed??
anya is very attentive without having any ulterior motives, but because chrollo's planted that expectation in your mind, it takes a while to discern that. initially, she'll come off as the most unapproachable. chrollo actively seeks you out, uses non-threatening body language, and excels at getting you to lower your guard. you'll build an immunity to this eventually, but it won't ever go away completely. he has this way of making the most surreal situations feel normal and like there's nothing wrong. this comfort he offers proves tantalizing. you know it's a fantasy, yet sometimes, one's imagination is preferable to reality.
then there's anya. she's not adept at manipulation and doesn't care for it either. she thinks all that scheming is a waste of time. if she has something to say to you, she'll say it, and that's that. she does see how chrollo's method produces short-term results, she just chooses to plan for the future. sure, you might look horrified when you ask what happened to the men that were falling you and she replies that she killed them, but that's a minor detail. honesty and communication are important.
("have you ever considered it's possible to be too honest?"
anastasia stills, weighing your words in her mind. you almost dread the response. chrollo gives non sequiturs whereas she offers unnecessary details.
"if i'm being honest, then no, i haven't."
her face remains impassive throughout the sentence's entirety.
"that was a joke."
"... was it though?"
"yes. allow me to explain—)
no matter what, you're fighting for your sanity when exposed to them for too long. hazardous material would pose less of a risk.
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phantasmaltrain · 18 days
holy shit i finally finished this fic
felt nice to write something just to. write
not a long chaptered fic or series, just smth to get the brainworms out
or read below if you’d like !
word count — 1,410
summary —
ingo is home.
after all this time, he is home.
and yet, he cannot seem to settle.
( after a week of being back in unova, ingo takes a walk to clear his head. )
“in quantum mechanics, schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, of quantum superposition. in the thought experiment, a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box, as a result of its fate being linked to a random event that may or may not occur.”
nimbasa winters were never too chilly. while snow did coat the ground clean over in powdery sheets of white, the towering buildings were often enough to keep the wind from cutting through everything like a frigid knife. with the evening sun casting soft rays of pinks and peach through the gaps of steel lined skyscrapers, a certain recently returned subway boss found it appropriate timing for a walk.
. . in the last week, being back home, everything felt like an emotional blur, parts of his mind still foggy beyond recognition. a tide, tugging him by the ankles and threatening to knock him over, only to drown him in the wallowing feelings of his own heart.
but he stood resolute, anyway. that’s why he decided he needed some space, just for a little bit.
he had been practically housebound since his return; doctors, historians, worried family and friends. it was overwhelming, to his still recovering head.
ingo almost winced aloud at emmet’s strained expression when he had mentioned his request for some alone time, as if his brother was already paranoid he would disappear once again. and he had full right to be.
but there was too much lying heavy on his chest, things his brother could not fix, no matter how hard he tried, and he needed out.
just for an hour at best, he would be alright. the younger brother’s expression only crinkled further in worry at how quiet and subdued his voice came out, tinges of a sinnohan accent bleeding into each word.
it was his brother, sure, but he just sounded so . . unfamiliar.
time was a funny thing.
to emmet, he had been gone a few months at best.
to ingo?
years had blurred past, in hisui, and emmet hated to recognize his brother was trodding along on a track he could not follow, as much as he wanted to.
and so he sighs, buries down all his fussing, and asks if he would be at least willing to bring eelektross with him. something about him needing a walk.
( emmet did frequently take his pokemon outside on off days, but ingo could tell by his face- that careworn smile, practically etched in, that worry was practically chewing him from the inside out, and that doing this for him would ease his worries even to the smallest amount. )
he says “ no, ” flatly, walking out the door. he doesn’t come back.
he quietly complies, making a soft clicking noise with his tongue to beckon the eel like beast, currently sprawled in it’s seven feet of glory across the sofa, over.
he practically clicks back, sauntering over and curling himself over ingo’s shoulder as if he were a pirate’s chatot.
emmet watches the interaction for a few moments, an eyebrow raised.
“ i was not aware you spoke pokemon. ”
“ not really. . just a bit of an old trick that usually works. ”
hours of listening to the persistent chattering of sneasel kits had certainly let him pick up a few things, but he wouldn’t say he understood it. not fluently, at least. a brief understanding of what growls and warbles meant “food,” and which ones meant “hi,” but that was all.
after a few moments of shared, awkward silence, he reaches for the doorknob, a soft “ bye. ” leaving his mouth before the door shuts behind him.
almost instantly, the ground splits beneath him in yet another wormhole. he feels the fluffy snow against his back. he’s there again.
the soft snow crunches underfoot. chandelure saunters ahead of him with a ghostly chime of enthusiasm, practically beaming with a marbled purple-blue blaze illuminating the snow beneath her. eelektross stays curled around his neck, almost in a guard dog like fashion.
the weight is too heavy. the eel practically crushes his windpipe, and he collapses on his own doorstep.
he wasn’t really sure where he wanted to go. slowly trudging forward with a soft hum, he seemed to study the way he walked; how softly each footstep fell, how he had yet to fully correct that awful posture of his, now.
he felt like parts of him were missing.
chipped away fragments, that had yet to return.
he shatters like a piece of glass, collapsing to the ground with a cry. those missing pieces were vital, after all.
clearing his throat and fixing his posture upright, he begins to walk in an attempt at a confident stride. gradually, he falls into a steady rhythm; right foot, left foot. right foot, left foot.
noisy prey. an alpha zoroark easily takes advantage of the man’s loud footsteps, lunging for the throat.
. . walking like this in the middle of the highlands was a one way ticket to either being mauled, falling off a cliff, or simply being called a fool.
but this wasn’t the highlands.
or the icelands.
or hisui.
he was safe, to trod on as confidently as he liked.
and this felt right, in some way, so he continued to do so as he made his way down the street.
both pokemon in tow seemed to cheer him on; eelektross’ cheerful crackling practically right in his ear, chandelure emitting a chorus of enthusiastic hums and cries, bright flames flickering in the gradually dimming daylight.
despite their encouragement, as if coaxing on a baby to walk for the first time, a sense of nervousness seemed to crawl up his shoulder.
this was home, what he had been yearning for all this time, and yet it felt . .
it had been no more than a few minutes and he already found himself falling still, staring at his shoes and standing like a trembling stantler deerling on the snow laden sidewalk.
he turns around right back home. it’s too much. would emmet be disappointed in him for chickening out?
he allows himself the pause, despite the deep set frustration beginning to stir.
this was what he had been missing all this time! this was what he wanted back!
so why
why in arceus’ name was this so difficult?
as if sensing his brewing irritation, chandelure attempts to worm her way under one arm, as if demanding to be held.
( she personally could care less at this moment. it was more about distracting the silver haired man from whatever was plaguing him, that of which turned his soul so bitter. )
surprised, at first, ingo stifles a snort under his breath.
shifting his arms ever so slightly, he finds a more comfortable posture; eelektross still half curled around his shoulders, and chandelure now gently nestled in his grasp. swirls of purple and blue spectral flames curl around his arms as if to comfort, slowly burning their ways through flesh and bone the tension and worry bubbling beneath his skin.
temporarily, for now, but it was the best she could do.
and with that, he continued to walk.
a horrible idea. had hisui taught him nothing?
tentatively; cautiously, even, but slowly gaining back his stride.
( when ingo later returned home and accounted his little journey, which he considered quite eventful, emmet suggested chandelure receive some support training if the bustling city had begun to make him anxious since his return. )
( he responded that he’d put it on the backburner of his head. )
( while emmet usually groaned and swatted at him for adopting elesa’s awful puns, he just grinned. )
( he was just happy ingo was home. )
( he never made it home. what are you talking about? )
( of course he did. )
( the theory of schrödinger’s cat only lasted as long as the box was closed. )
but this box was open.
and ingo treyne is missing
never to return home
trapped in the distortion world
not real at all
now a zorua
in alola enjoying a nice vacation
to be executed at noon
really feeling like he could go for an ice cream right now, actually
to be contained at once
a threat to the fabric of time and space
a loser
a god
he is alive.
and when he comes home, he does not mind being met with a tight embrace in the doorway from his brother.
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semi-sketchy · 6 months
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Metropolis is one of the prettiest Sonic stages
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
Actually my Hannibal AU got me thinking about a canon Matsulawlight AU where instead of drawing L in towards himself Light meets Matsuda earlier and decides to frame him as Kira :) Bullshittery abounds ✨
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