#headache and eye pain treatment
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sarvodayahospital · 2 months
Causes of Facial Pain
Watch this video by Dr. Yawar Shoaib Ali Associate Director - Neurosurgery, as he shares his valuable insights on Causes of Facial Pains.  To book an appointment, call 1800 313 1414 or visit https://www.sarvodayahospital.com/specialities/neurosciences
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Headaches behind eyes can be debilitating, affecting daily activities and productivity. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is essential for effective management and relief.
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dutybcrne · 11 months
            Part of why Kaeya has no qualms about rushing headfirst into danger and why he is so disinclined to go see a Vision-wielding healer has to do with his nature as Khaenri’ahn. While the traces of the curse bestowed upon his lineage is not as advanced as that of others, thanks in part due to his father, he still feels constant and sharper flares of pain because of it, especially whenever he delves closer/further in Abyss-infested areas and the longer he lingers near/around them. Especially whenever he uses his own Vision and/or has the effects of one imbued upon him.
            For this reason, most sensations people would find agonizing tend to be something Kaeya actively seeks out, finding typical ones do not register to him so easily. If he can find something that really smarts compared to what the curse makes him feel, that he can focus on instead of it, he can have some twisted semblance of coping and controlling his pain, in his mind. Especially if he can find ways to get it treated and actually feel the relief of such.
#//Uhh; have this#hc; kaeya#//Part of why he drinks a lot is do to this as well–given; it numbs him nicely#//The downside to that though is in feeling that temporary relief of said numbing; he will tend to go well past his limits in that regard#//And end up in a more relaxed state than he'd ever anticipate or intend to#//Mans can and will take torture without batting much of an eye; has even goaded treasure hoarders to do worse at times#//But that's usually when he goes hunting for metaphorical wasp nests to kick bc shit got Bad or he was in a shit mood to begin with#//10/10 prefers getting battered and knocked around than getting drunk on the worst of days; finds it much more efficient and cathartic#//His pain threshold has gotten so screwed up; even his own comrades are a bit freaked out by it; times they get to see it pushed#//The worst of his pain is centered around his eye; the rest thrumming throughout his nerves#//Usually feels a pulsing headache above all else; some days wakes up and his body feels alight along with a freakin' migraine#//Will he still force himself to get up and work? Ofc. even if he still ends up late bc of it; bc waking like that is No easy feat#//He's just lucky Jean trusts in his efficiency to cut him some slack (& bc she & Lisa worry and send Noelle with snacks & tea to help )#//(Not that it'd help too much; but he does appreciate the sentiment when he starts suspecting why they did)#//Never visits the Angel's Share on the worst days; he will Not risk Diluc or Rosaria seeing him like that#//Not if he can help it; he even has emergency booze hidden in various places he can crawl off to including his office and his apartment#//Only someone who knows him well would be able to tell how bad things are–he is That intent to ensure no one else knows#//Esp since most folks would suggest he go to the Church for treatment#//He would never cancel on a day with Klee; even at his worst–though he might end up taking a few days off to recover#//Which he LOATHES; doing; but if it means spending time with Klee; he'll take it. And take his work home with him jic
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keplercryptids · 2 years
here's your regular reminder that if you consistently, regularly get headaches, you are almost certainly having migraines, not regular headaches.
MOST recurrent headaches are migraine headaches.
"migraine" does not mean "extremely painful headache." it is a type and source of pain, not a degree of pain. migraines can also include some or all of the following: fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, visual auras, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, cognitive impairment, etc. these symptoms can be mild or severe and it may actually be difficult to determine if you have them. (who wants a bright light in their eyes during a headache?? i thought that's just how headaches were lmao.)
this is important because while aspirin, NSAIDs like ibuprofren, and other over-the-counter pain meds can effectively alleviate migraine pain, getting diagnosed with migraines allows for a wider range of treatments and preventatives.
it's also important because, in my opinion, your average general practice doctor is not equipped to diagnose you with chronic migraine. don't go to one expecting them to. a neurologist with migraine specialty is a better option, although a regular doctor can still be useful if they listen to you lol.
my life would be miserable and unmanageable without sumatriptan. and i never would have gotten a prescription for sumatriptan if i hadn't gone to my GP and said, "i have migraines and want to try migraine medicine," even though at the time i wasn't 100% sure that was true.
if you have chronic headaches, they're almost certainly migraines. if no one has said that to you before, let me be the first. start treating your migraines.
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mebis-art-dump · 4 months
Kingdom Pathologia, part 1: Fungal Plague
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Also known as "Traveler's Cushion" or Glutton's Wart", it shows a distinctive fungal growth in the affected's body.
Most common in merchants and wanderers that frequent the route through Fungal Wastes; most times caused by frequent inhaling of the region's fumes and spores, but eating undercooked wild mushrooms will also cause this ailment.
Besides the shrumal growth, other symptoms include:
- Nausea
- Headache
- Mild lethargy
- Dissociation
- Hallucinations
- Mild fever
- A strong drive to dive into bodies of water or acid, or to reach the highest point in sight
(At some point they also claim to hear voices)
The usual treatment is cautious removal of the growths; this is a delicate, painful procedure as one must be certain to remove all the roots as well.
However, if it has reached the head, often coming out of the eyes, it is considered a lost cause.
In most cases, faint traces of the roots end up remaining, causing the illness to resurge or for different diseases to appear.
It is not unusual to see overgrown bodies on the edges of the route.
It is said the Mantis Tribe has ointments and beverages effective in fighting off this plague, but getting your hold on such trades is difficult. And costly.
Only the nobles could afford such thing.
Next chapter: Crystal Poisoning
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mistydeyes · 10 months
a sick day visit
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summary: You prided yourself on not getting sick. Even as a child, you bragged about your perfect attendance. However, the day has finally come and you’re in bed with a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. Noting your absence, the 141 decides to pay you a visit.
pairing: 141 x pharmacist!Reader
if you want to read some other interactions with our lovely pharmacist -> pharmacist!reader tag
warnings: swearing, medical terminology/descriptions of illness
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Healthcare professionals never get sick. They just don't. That's why when you woke up with a sore throat, swollen and painful lymph nodes, and a headache, you silently cursed everything in the universe. The last few days you were more tired than usual but nothing out of the ordinary. You were supposed to report to the pharmacy at 07:00 hours but you knew you weren't going to make it there. You groggily grabbed your phone and made a few phone calls. Eventually, after an hour, you were able to get one of your civilian pharmacist colleagues to fill in for you. "Thanks, Dr. Stewart, I already notified security and the techs that you'll be coming in today," you hoarsely croaked out and hung up the phone.
Once everything was in order, you put a plain shirt and pants on and bundled yourself in a blanket. You knew that you should go visit the doctor to find out what was wrong. You brushed your teeth to have a semblance of normalcy but to put it politely, you looked like hell. Before you left, you made sure to find a medical mask, just in case whatever you had was contagious. You slipped on some shoes and exited your quarters to the medical wing.
As you walked, you ignored the bewildered looks of the soldiers as they passed. Some gave you a quick, "Good morning, Captain," and you weakly gave them a wave. Eventually, you could see Captain Price emerge from an adjoining hallway and he locked eyes with you. "Captain L/N, heard you were missing from the pharmacy today," he said and you moved to the side of the hallway to allow others to walk. "Hi John, just feeling under the weather, should be back tomorrow," you said softly. You could see the pity in his eyes as you used your elbow to cough. "Just let me know if you need anything, I'll personally have the 141 deliver anything," he said kindly and allowed you to continue to the doctor.
Despite being a pharmacist, you hated going to the doctor. Something about the sterility of the environment made you uneasy. "Ah Captain, funny seeing you here," the doctor commented as she entered. You smiled, she was one of your better friends in this department and you relaxed upon seeing her. "Definitely don't want to under these circumstances," you replied and she motioned for you to take off your mask so she could begin examining you. As soon as you opened your mouth, you could tell she knew what was wrong with you.
"What is it?" you asked and she dialed a number on the medical wing's phone. "Oh love, I think you have mononucleosis. I'm going to run some blood work and have a test done but it's pretty certain," she spoke and you were surprised. "Isn't that only spread through direct contact or saliva?" you asked. It was a silly question as mononucleosis was also known as the kissing disease but you wanted extra confirmation. "It can be or it can be spread by sharing utensils or drinks," she said and you internally facepalmed. You silently regretted going out for drinks with your techs and trying everyone's drinks. "It usually takes about 1-2 months to show symptoms," she continued, "there is no treatment, only rest, liquids, and paracetamol."
After two hours of waiting for your results with the phlebotomist, your doctor's suspicions were confirmed. "Sorry Captain," the phlebotomist said and sent you back to your room with a bottle of paracetamol and some Liquid IV. As you changed into pajamas, you made sure to notify your staff of your diagnosis and promised you'd be back at work as soon as your fever broke. Having nothing else to do, you settled back into bed and grabbed a book for the long days of recovery ahead.
You were almost finished with your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Coming," you called and put an Army sweatshirt on before opening it. At the door were four men who you immediately recognized as the 141. You almost laughed when you saw them all wearing matching balaclavas with a skeleton painted on them. Better safe than sorry, I guess. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked as you held the door partially open. "Heard our favorite pharmacist was sick so we brought you some things," Gaz smiled at you and you noticed a small bag of goodies in Soap's hands. "What you got anyways?" Soap asked as he handed you the bag. "Don't laugh but I have mono," you said and everyone took a step back. "I promise I'm not contagious but no kissing and sharing drinks for me for a little while," you joked and you could see everyone take a deep breath. You invited them inside your room to continue the conversation.
As they walked into your room they admired the decor. Unlike some other officers, the base was your permanent housing arrangement. You decided to make it as much of a home as possible. This included bringing in carpets for the cold tile floors, a bookshelf filled with pharmacy textbooks and novels in various languages, and other little trinkets. You even had a few pictures of your favorite people including your proud parents. You sat on the bed and the men cozied themselves on the carpet and your small loveseat. You allowed everyone a moment to settle as you could see them eye your decor. Everyone seemed to find something that peaked their interest. Simon studied your posters of famous art pieces, Gaz tried to figure out the locations of the postcards from your uni pharmacy friends, and Soap was intensely looking at the colorful pillows that adorned your bed. "Quite a setup you have here," Price commented as he thumbed through your Russian copy of Wuthering Heights. "Might as well make this place a home," you smiled and pulled a blanket around yourself.
"Do you know how you got it?" Ghost spoke up suddenly. "Well it might have been my fault but it was probably when I took my techs to a pub off-base," you sheepishly answered. "It was stupid but we all thought it would be a great idea to share drinks," you continued. "I thought it was the kissing disease," Gaz commented as you finished your story. You laughed lightly before responding. "That's one of the easiest ways to get it but anything with saliva contact spreads it," you began, "Plus there's no significant other I would have to worry about, Sergeant" Suspiciously, they all smiled and you couldn't understand why they were so invested in your love life.
"Anyways how have you been?" you asked and Price was the first one to speak up. "Back again for a while but we still miss your patient care in the pharmacy," he replied and everyone nodded their heads in response. "Your friend doesn't know what they're doin," Soap pitched in, "he just gives us our prescriptions without even a hello." Your smile faltered slightly, you were upset to hear this is how he treated your patients. "I'll be back soon, I promise," you responded. After a lull of silence, you yawned as today's events had tired you out. "You should open the bag," Ghost mentioned and you suddenly remembered the gift they put together.
You grabbed the small brown bag that sat next to you and poured its contents out on your duvet. Inside, they had put some snacks from the vending machine, bags of tea, and a crudely drawn picture of what looked like the members of the 141. "Oh thank you all," you gasped and went to pick up the drawing. "Why this though?" you asked and saw four figures carrying a comically sized pill bottle to what looked like you with a mask and blanket. "What I thought it was funny," Soap said defensively and you smiled. "I'll be sure to frame this one," you said before setting it back down. Despite being cold-hearted soldiers, they did some nice things sometimes. Eventually after some more light conversation, they could tell you needed some rest and saw themselves out. "Thanks again for stopping by," you called as they exited. "Anytime," Price said before he closed your room's door.
As they walked down the hall, you could hear their conversation through the thin wall. "You see that picture of them from uni?" you heard Gaz ask. "Ye the one next to the bookshelf, right?" Soap responded. "Didn't know that wearing a bathing suit with a pharmacy coat was part of the uniform," you heard Gaz say and your eyes shot to the aforementioned photo. You stood there, two other friends from pharmacy school, on the beaches of Cornwall only wearing a bathing suit and your white coat. Next time you invite someone over, you'll be sure to hide that photo.
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mirohlayo · 5 months
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including mclaren, ferrari, mercedes + verstappen, ricciardo & gasly
・WARNING : mention of period/cramp, fluff
・NOTE : i didn't wrote it in fem reader so this is for anyone who is menstruating
!! english is not my first language !!
he would be the most caring and understanding boyfriend. he knows how painful your period cramps are and he hates seeing you suffer like this. so he does his best to help you, either by buying you your favorite snacks or putting a hot water bottle on your stomach. hums in your ear sweet words like "everything is okay" to boost up your mood. lots of kisses on your forehead to keep your energy. also he'll plan in advance your others periods to make sure he'll be ready to take care of you when they'll come back.
poor boy would be completely lost at first. he doesn't really know what to do, he starts panicking because he doesn't know how to ease your pain. so he would call his sisters to get help and advices. he'll do everything they told him to do : buying you extra snacks, making hot tea and any warm drinks, start a stock of painkillers. he joins you in bed, tucking you close to his body and cuddle you with tons of kisses here and there. he would also gently massages your tummy because he thinks it ease the pain. literally became the sweetest boyfriend.
he doesn't think twice before running over the store to buy you your survival kit. i know for sure he would blush really hard when the cashier scans the pads right in front of him. but then run back again to your apartment to check on you. he won't leave your side, he's stuck with you until your periods end. he'll always ask you if you're fine, if you need anything, if you want something. when your only answer was "you" he'll get so shy but happily cuddles you, pressing some kisses on your poor tummy. he just hopes pain would disappear because he doesn't want to see you suffer.
like when you're sick, he knows how to deal with your periods. princess treatment on top. he would cook your favorite food and put your favorite movie on the tv. he keeps an eye on you from the kitchen and if he hears you growl from pain he's already next to you in a second. also prepares you a hot bath to relax your stomach from cramps. he'll put all his being and all his efforts to make sure your periods are a little less painful. he won't rest for a whole week, and of course he doesn't forget to fill you with so much love, like with soft kisses on your cheeks.
literally the softest boy ever. he hates when you're on your periods because it looks like you're going to die. he perfectly knows what to give you. all you need to do is to rest on the bed and the rest he takes care of. he's just so caring, so sweet and gentle with you. he would constantly rub your stomach, sometimes pressing a hot water bottle on it. he'll also play with your hair, just do anything to distract you from the pain. he makes sure your full attention is on him and not on your cramps. and if so, he'll curse the cramps because they make his poor baby suffer.
he would 50% knows how to handle it and 50% messes up. like of course he's aware of your cramps and how much it is painful. but he's thinking about one million ways to help you to go through it that he ends up getting headaches. he would do literally anything he thinks is good for you. some things work and some just worsen the pain. and he'll panic about it, stress fills his body. but you reassure him, and after you told him what he needed to do, everything was finally okay. he becomes so much caring, and he's so gentle with his touches. he'll learn about it and you can count on him to make you feel better, thanks to his cuddles.
periods ? he always forget them, but don't worry he's always ready to help you and to take care of you. he gives you extra comfort and extra treats. tea, snacks, hot things to soothe the pain. if you crave something he'll literally search it everywhere for you. his lover needs the best treatment during periods. but i feel like he would be curious about it, and while you're laying on the bed he'll ask you about periods and how painful it is. just to understand better in order to be the perfect caring boyfriend for your next periods.
what is even periods ? first time you told him you were on your periods he didn't get it. but then he saw your painful face and he knew something was wrong. when it's your first day he always stresses, he doesn't know how to act anymore. like completely lost. but he quickly put himself together and manage to take care of you. he's for sure joking about it sometimes, like teasing you gently just to put a smile on your face. but he knows how painful it is and so he always ends up in your arms, his head on your tummy as he sleeps and strokes your waist. he hopes this ease your cramps.
he transforms into a strict boyfriend. because he wants you to rest for your whole periods time. he asks you every minutes if you're good and if you need anything. you just keep saying that you're all okay but still he's not completely relaxed. if you sigh softly he's already overthinking about it, thinking something is wrong. so to calm him, he would pull you into his arms, your head on his chest. kisses the top of your head and rubbing your stomach with one hand. he'll end up sleeping with you too, and dream about how long your periods will be, because he can't hold seeing you suffer from it.
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shadesoflsk · 7 months
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pairing: vendetta!leon x fem!reader.
summary: Leon and you have been divorced for a year now. It’s been one hell of a year between his missions and his new lover: alcohol. He thinks he’s doing just fine, after all you’re the one who’s missing out — or so he thinks. It’s until he has fallen ill that he realizes how lonely he is.
warnings: Kinda angsty, arguments, hurt/comfort, Leon is a bit mean but he gets better, mentions of being sick, vomiting wounds, scars, implied happy ending.
word count: 4k (dear god)
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Ragged breaths filled Leon’s dark room as he gasped for air. It all started with a simple headache which he ignored since it was just that, a headache. It wasn’t supposed to develop into something more because he is Leon S. Kennedy he just can’t fall ill. However, the way he stumbled into a wall was a sign of how sick he actually was. 
He cursed the wall, as if it was the one who got into Leon’s way. He felt weak, physically and emotionally. Physically because the pain he was feeling was almost unbearable. Besides the scars that adorned his back and abdomen he felt as if his insides were being split open — he blamed himself — not his missions, not the alcohol. He’s being weak, he’s being a crying baby, he’s being everything he despises in someone. 
And emotionally because he feels like shit. The alcohol has taken a toll on him. Before the divorce he used to drink now and then. Just on special occasions when his darling and him would go on dates. He loved wine — it made him feel so fancy and classy. He used to be like that. Now he’s just the shell of a man. But he doesn’t blame himself for that, he blames you. 
He knew he was being irrational, you did nothing but support him on every step he made. After both of you said “I do” you promised you would go through hell just to make him happy, you promised you would stick with him in good and bad, in sickness and in health. But no one prepared you for the time where he would push you away. You cried, begged and pleaded. You knew Leon had an habit of pushing away people he loved — but you were his wife, the woman he promised to love until the day where his blonde hair turned into a white color, where his stride would be replaced by a limping and unsteady walk proof of the years he has on his back. Yet, after 3 years he decided he had enough. 
“Enough of what?” You bawled with tears filling your eyes as Leon decided to turn on his back and avoid eye contact with you. You clenched your fists — you were never the violent type yet you wanted to hit a wall by the way Leon was throwing away 3 years of marriage. But no matter how much you tried, your question was responded with a dead silence. 
Why was Leon remembering all of this? Simple: because he realized how fucking lonely he was. Back when the two of you were married he used to pretend he was fine. “Baby, you have been coughing since morning.” you often said as you noticed how red Leon was from holding another cough. With a giggle, you would press your hand against his forehead. “A fever,” you added with a worried tone in your voice. Leon only scoffed, waving his hand in a dismissively way as if you were being dramatic. Yet, he never refused your treatments. For a few days you pampered your husband in a way only he knew. You dragged him to bed, made him swallow the pills he hated because they tasted funny. But you also were a nurturing lover — laying on bed next to him even when he protested that you were going to get sick too. “That just means you will have to take care of me,” you retorted with a warm laugh spooning him the way he loves it. Yes, the big and scary man loved being the smaller spoon.
With shaky hands he reached his cellphone. He knew it was a mistake on his part. He was breaking the promise he made to himself. He felt stupid, no, he was stupid. Pushing away the person he loved the most just for the “sake” of protecting you? Yeah, he was. But he wasn’t perfect, God how he wanted to feel like that yet he was flawed, weak and helpless without his rock, without his sunshine. But moreover, he felt selfish. After a year of being away and not even contacting you and suddenly wishing to hear your voice but to specially, see you. But if he was going to be selfish, he was going to be the most selfish person you’ve ever known.
Nonetheless, when he squinted his eyes in order to see the screen of his cellphone, he hesitated for a moment. As the light illuminated his features, bloodshot eyes, dark eyebags and dried tears around his cheeks he wondered what the hell he was going to say to you. “Hey this is your husb- no sorry your ex husband,” he couldn't say that for the love of God! 
By the time he gathered the courage to type your phone number, his head was almost exploding with pain. He pressed the call button as his forehead met with the cold countertop. Seeking something cold enough to cool down his increasing fever. 
The first few seconds were the most anxious moments he has experienced. He was being dramatic, of course. But the thought of hearing your voice, of hearing that sweet and tender melody of yours which made him melt almost instantly. He blamed the fever, of course. He's just calling because he needs help, nothing more.
“Hello?” You said through the other line, voice full of drowsiness and sleepiness since Leon didn't even notice what time it was when he called. He almost drops his phone when he hears your response — what is he supposed to say? As he's deep in thought, unaware of the fact that he has left you without a reply you spoke again “Hey listen. If you're drunk don't call me I don't want t–” 
“I'm not drunk…” Leon responded with a groan as another throbbing pain stabbed his head. He sounded similar as to when he's drunk, that he won't deny. 
“I don't believe that for a second.” Your voice was laced with exhaustion but now it wasn't due to the lack of sleep, it was because of him. No matter how much you try to forget him it seems that he comes back when you're getting better, when you think you're already getting over him.
It was pathetic, really. You didn't believe in soulmates yet you found yourself thinking if both of you were some kind of star crossed lovers. Right person wrong time type of relationship. But you reminded yourself that real life doesn't work like that. Some people just aren't lucky.
“I'm telling you the damn truth!” Leon's voice echoed through his empty living room leaving him speechless by the sudden outburst. He dug his fingernails into his palm as if distracting himself from the pain in his body and the fact that he just fucking screamed at his ex wife. He was met with dead silence and for a moment he thought he blew up the only opportunity he had to talk to you, but he could hear you, the faintest sound of your breathing made him aware that you haven't hung up. At least not yet.
“Look… I'm sorry.” His voice switched up from his sharp tone to a gentler and softer one. He was ashamed of himself but right now he wasn't in the right state of mind. His speech was slurred, proof of how bad the fever was affecting his body. “I–I'm not feeling well… physically well.” Leon's words stumbled into one another as he was explaining his situation. 
And that simple sentence was everything you needed to hear. Leon wouldn't just call you to tell you he's sick. You know him more than everyone else, you know him more than he knows himself. If only your inner voice could stop ringing alarms in your head; the rational part of yourself told you that you shouldn't go. He was your ex husband for a reason. He has all the money in the world to hire a highly-qualified nurse. But no nurse knows him like you do, at least that's what the emotional part of yourself keeps telling you.
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Besides the droplets falling against the windows, the ride to Leon's apartment was silent. The guilty feeling overwhelmed you as you made sure not to break any traffic law in your little trip. It took you barely a second to get your car keys as soon as you heard Leon throwing up in the middle of the phone call. A slurred waterfall of sorry sorry sorry were the last things you heard as you hopped on your car.
The ride was easy, knocking on his door was the real war here. It took you fifteen minutes to drive there and now you're having second thoughts. “Fucking hell…” you mutter under your breath as your fist knocks against the wooden door. You knock twice, as you usually did when you came back from work. When someone welcomed you with a big smile on his face. A minute passed and you got no response. You almost turned on your heel when the door suddenly opened. The scene developing in front of you made your heart ache. 
There he was – the man who once was the most important person in your life. Your missing piece, your other half. But now he was merely a percentage of what he used to be. His once smooth face was replaced by rough features that seemed only to show more as a growing stubble adorned his face. His once blond hair was now a dark shade of brown – you knew he hasn't had the best year of his life but Jesus he looks awful. Yet you can't help but feel how you still feel so much love for this same man.
For Leon, this is another story. His dizziness only seems to get worse by the second as he tries his best to keep balance. His eyes traveled from your eyes to your legs – not in a sexual way but as if trying to see if you had changed. But you haven't. And how dare you? Why haven't you changed? Leon's world has turned upside down since the divorce and you're here, looking like your old self. Again, he was being irrational and stupid. 
“Hey…” you gathered to say with an unsure voice. No one prepares you to face your ex husband. Especially when the simple sight of him makes you feel both like shit and in love. Loving him was like that. 
“You…” his raspy voice came out as a groan as his eyes remained locked on yours. You remember his baby blue eyes – full of love when he kept praising you. for the tiniest things. Now they're slightly hollow and with lack of life. “Please, come in.” Leon widens the door, gesturing for you to enter. It all felt so foreign, the last time you were alone with him was so different from this.
“Now do me a favor and shut up please! Your damn voice irritates me.” you remember how his voice had no traces of love and tenderness. He spat venom right in front of you, no matter how much your face contorted into a crying expression. You always took pride in standing up for yourself and being a fairly independent woman who takes no shit from anyone. However, your values seemed to crash as soon as the fights started. It all began with Leon drinking more and more. And as his addictions started, so did his insults.
You tried fixing him, really. A savior complex you may say. Nonetheless, loving him was never enough. And eventually, Leon made you a bitter person too. That was expected, really. You can't bend a branch without snapping it in half. 
Now, your plans for the night didn't include taking care of a sick Leon. As soon as you entered his apartment, he basically stumbled on his feet. You were quick to catch him – almost falling to the floor because no matter how rough he looked he was still 80% muscles. 
“Sorry…” he whispers as he tries to lean on your shoulder for support. As soon as his forehead touches your skin, you wince in discomfort.
“Leon, you're burning.” you state the obvious as you manage to make him sit on the couch. Your first thought was bringing him to bed but it would be difficult since your ex husband can't even stand up correctly. “How long have you felt like this?”
Leon groans in pain as he tries to remember. Everything is foggy but in his slurred speech, he answers you. “This morning… just a headache and then…this.” 
You sighed, not sure about what to do. You glanced at Leon who sprawled on the couch. Sweat beads fell from his forehead until they stopped on the junction of his neck and shoulder. You see something metallic shimmering in the dim light – you pay no mind for now.
“I'm going to damp a towel… you stay here,” you explained before excusing yourself and walked to the bathroom. There, the emotions came like a waterfall. Gripping the sink with your hands, tears fall from your face as soon as you are alone. You weren't strong enough for this, you weren't built for this. He used to call you sunshine because you were like the warmest sunlights bathing him. But he broke you until you were merely a cloudy and moody day. 
You remember every little thing, every memory and every wish that you shared with Leon. Your mind was playing dirty tricks on you – your worst enemy being yourself. You often wondered what life had in storage for you, as simple as it sounded you longed for simplicity, Leon did too. Wedding rings echoed through your foggy mind as it drifted back to the moment you first saw him standing at the altar. 
Neither of you were religious people, yet you decided to do a more symbolic type of wedding. You remember saying your vows and him saying his – he didn't keep his promises, though. As soon as his oh so called sins started to weigh heavily on his mind, he decided to take it all on you. 
“I don't know why I married you.” “You're so naive, you don't even know what the hell is happening outside of these four walls. Don't you?” Those phrases kept repeating in your consciousness as you damp the towel, quiet sobs escaping your lips as you tried your best to be silent. 
Eventually, you stepped out of the bathroom. Holding a damp towel with a bowl of water. Eyes locked on the floor to see anything but the sight of your ex husband quietly snoring and mumbling nonsenses. The fever was so high his body ultimately collapsed. 
You sat down next to him, brushing away some of his hair that was covering his sticky forehead. He looked peaceful, safely passed out in his dreams. You knew he was safe even though he was burning to the touch. Because as long as you're here, you will look after him. No matter how much he broke you.
You place the damp fabric over his forehead – a sigh of relief left his lips even when he was unconscious or so you thought. The dark filled room brought some sense of comfort to the both of you. Your hand on the fabric attempted to leave its place as Leon remained still yet as soon as you pulled your hand away, a weak but decisive grip caught your wrist.
Your eyes widen when you notice Leon grabbing your wrist oh so delicately. His breath was still ragged, proof of how much his weakened state has affected him. You wanted to break away from his grip, to pull away from him and tell him not to touch. You really wanted to. But did you do it? No. Instead, you decided to let him be. He’s had his fair share of battles throughout his life. His to carry and his to blame and to be blamed. You weren’t going to take away a simple touch. 
“Sorry…” He mumbles, his eyes trying his hardest to open yet he was still met with darkness surrounding him. The effect of medicine and booze was a cocktail and perfect recipe for almost killing him. But as he seeks forgiveness, you can’t help but wonder if there’s something else behind that word.
Was he saying sorry for suddenly grabbing your wrist as a puppy who doesn’t want his owner to leave him? Or was it for everything they had to go through? You don’t know and you don’t even want to know. Because if it’s the latter, you can’t know for certain if you’ll be strong enough to not crumble.
“It’s okay.” you responded back, an empty attempt at reassuring him. He was no fool, he was stupid for many things he has done. But he wasn’t so self absorbed as to not notice how nothing was okay. 
“No, It’s not okay…” Leon grumbled. “Look I’m really sorry for–” 
“For what, Leon?” You finally snapped, voice nearly breaking at the sight of Leon apologizing. “For leaving me alone without answers and wondering what the hell I did wrong?” Previous emotions dawned upon you as your lips trembled. At least the darkness will hide your tears. 
“For making me feel as if I was a failure in the relationship? For making me feel dumb since I couldn’t understand what you were going through? Guess what, Leon. You were right, I didn’t since you never told me shit!” He remained silent through your outburst which wasn’t really one. In his eyes, you were right – as much as he tried to keep blaming you, he couldn’t. As much as he tried thinking that he was the one who was better without you, reality came back and hit him like a truck. He wasn’t. He was miserable without his sunshine, without the person he trusted the most, without the wife he chose to spend the rest of his life with and promised to give her the life both of them wanted.
“Yes.” Leon stated, it seems that his previous weakened state faded away as your rambling continued. “Yes, for all the shit and fucked up things I made you go through. You never deserved it. You never deserved the way I treated you…” Leon’s eyes, as much to his own dismay, start to water. “You didn’t deserve throwing away 3 years of your life marrying a failure of a man such as myself –.” 
You didn't add anything else for the time being. Ironically enough, your hand stayed glued to the damp towel the whole time they argued. 
“Why…?” you asked the million dollar question. Why did Leon leave you? Why did you have to divorce? You could have faced everything, you had all the love in the world, as pathetic as it sounds. 
“Because I was fucking scared.” Leon exhales, his lips trembling a bit from his own fever. He closes his eyes trying to drown in the cool and refreshing sensation the wet fabric provided. “I–I lost so many people throughout my life… And I know that isn't an excuse but it can help you to – to understand my shitty behavior.”
Leon's necklace once again shimmered with the weak source of light that his living room had. He had his head thrown back, relying on your treatments to feel better. To feel something.
“I knew… that I could live without you knowing that you were alive. But I couldn't even fathom the idea of living without you because you died.” Leon finally let go of his own inhibitions and ego. And he sobbed like a baby. His whole body hurt like hell but his mind was aching even more with past memories of him pushing you away. 
Leon's face reflected everything he had to go through. Since that gruesome night of September until his whole unit dying in front of him. The internal battles he had to face all by himself because he indeed pushed away the only person who would sit down and comfort him after a difficult mission.
“There isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss you. I miss your morning face. I miss the way you would always ask me if I wanted dinner. I miss the way you looked at me as if I was the only man you could ever love.”
Leon was going to continue talking, but a coughing fit came into him as he tried his best to hold it back – he turned red, as he used to do back then when they were married. It brought you a soft smile seeing him trying not to interrupt his speech.
As Leon kept on denying himself to take a breath since it would lead to more cough coming out. Unconsciously you brought your free hand to his cheek. Your thumb grazing over one specific scar that he got ages ago. 
“Let's go to sleep, Leon.” you whisper as Leon finally exhaled. His own fatigue betrays his own desires to continue talking. He had so many things to say, so many sorrys to ask. So many kisses to give. Nonetheless, he silently curses his eyes as they close on their own.
Forgiveness doesn't come easily, especially after a year of grief and pain. You can't expect a kiss to make it all better but you can try. Both of you could see the light in this dark situation and let it shine upon you. 
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Morning comes and neither of you know how you ended up cuddling one another. That's a lie, though. You know that as soon as Leon's words came out of lips, his drowsiness did too. Heavy eyelids followed by yawns were proof of how much comfort he was feeling at the moment and he found a perfect excuse to be clingy. He was sick, after all. He could blame it on that.
You were the first one to wake up. Back's aching as hell while you groan in slight discomfort. But as soon as you try moving, a heavy weight on you stops you from doing anything else. Leon's whole body was on top of you. Sucking the air out of your lungs as his strong arms keep you trapped in his warm embrace.
You ponder between the options, dying between his arms while he keeps hugging you like his life depends on it or wake him up and tell him to move. The first one doesn't sound so bad.
However, life has other plans for you as Leon starts waking up. Groggy and disoriented, his eyes flutter open taking in his surroundings. That's when he sees you, practically under his weight as he uses you like a teddy bear. 
Leon's head slightly rose from the comfort he had found against your neck. His bloodshot eyes have turned back into his usual baby blue ones. 
“Morning…” you greeted as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As if neither of you have slept together like a married couple. There are many things unsaid and they definitely needed to talk. But it can wait. For now, they just want to be in their little makeshift nest.
“Feeling better?” you asked with the softest of the smiles. Your hand pressed against his growing stubble. It traveled down to his neck as something metallic brushes your finger. With a soft tug, you discovered his own wedding band dangling from a silver chain. 
And you knew from that moment that your heart would always long for him.
“Never been better.” There he goes again, a glimpse of the Leon you've always known. A smug and flirty smile yet full of undivided love. You knew it wouldn't be easy. It won't be easy. 
But the way Leon smiles at you and by the way his lips seem to move on their own accord, make you want to try. It pushes you to help him again. Not changing him because as much as it hurts you – his pain is something he can't just let go. It's part of his identity. But he's the most stubborn man you've ever known. From his ashes, he would grow to be the best agent, the partner and the best husband the world has known. A second chance in life.
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anantaru · 2 years
୨୧ genshin favorite sex troupes feat. cyno : zhongli : childe : kazuha : al-haitham : tighnari : diluc : scaramouche x fem! reader
୨୧ WARNINGS: nsfw : 'teacher student' troupe : sex pollen
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you loathed cyno, more than anything, despised his being and how he held himself, truly despicable. He didn‘t just think he was better than you, he was full on convinced it‘s the truth and nothing but the truth. It was always him against you, there wasn‘t a way for the both of you to suddenly get along, the differences were outweighing the positive aspects greatly. The only time he‘d actually manage to make you feel good instead of giving you a headache, was when he had you splayed out on the bed, the look on his face almost belittling when he gasped out upon pushing himself in.
the burning and throbbing sensation in between your thighs had you feeling dizzy, slightly disgusted that you were actually getting fucked by the guy you considered your rival, the only person you made it your duty to beat, more so show them that you were clearly better. In a vague, or slight, attempt to control your erratic uneven breathing, you decided to dig your head into his neck, closing your eyes as he continued to work his hips on you. "already tired, are we?" your heart dropped at his words, rolling your eyes when you bit down on his soft flesh, hearing a clear yelp escaping cyno‘s throat. "how rude you are."
you‘re not sorry, you don‘t need to be nor do you have to be sorry, general mahamatra cyno was an asshole, your rival and the person you will triumph over in the future. It didn‘t matter that he was currently fucking you and admittedly, he did a disgustingly great job at it, working wonders on you and punctuating all the sweet spots you had. How was it possible for him to have you figured out this soon? it wasn‘t fair, truly.
you glanced at the male hovering over you, his hips circling and grinding themselves on you whenever he‘d be completely sheathed in your glistering cunt, carelessly snapping himself into your warmth without giving a damn about your pleasure, just to piss you off even more. Cyno enjoyed it, that was clear, maybe a little bit too much, he thinks to himself, if he ever beats you again as your self proclaimed rival, he‘ll make sure to demand the same treatment as today.
zhongli, who you considered your lovely teacher, so patient and soft with you, helping you learn all kinds of new things regarding history or various stories around teyvat, anything he put his mind to focus on would ultimately fall to your ears, taking everything he explained to you in great detail. Naturally, those aspects would apply to the certain predicament you were currently in as well, with your body in between his thighs, stroking his erected cock in your hand and licking your lips in anticipation, practically tasting him on your tongue already. "you gotta show me how, zhongli." your lips were curved up into a tiny pout, eyes glazed with lust while seductively fluttering your lashes at him, holding his filthy gaze.
"i have to show you how to pleasure me? very well then." his reply was warming up your heart and cheeks, it felt firm, as he took his stiff cock in his hand to line himself up with your mouth, giving it a few lazy strokes right in front of you, "push your tongue out, i‘ll go easy first." he showed you his signature smile, his hardness was heavy on your wet muscle yet you took him in completely, inch by inch, easy, so eager as you were breathing through your nose with his tip prodding against your throat.
your lips were in pain from the stretch, straining from being split open like that, the unfamiliar feeling making your head feel heavy and dizzy. "you're a natural at this." he cooed at you, helping you bob yourself up and down his impressive length while drawing soft circles on your head, "watch out for your teeth." he was patient with you, as always, zhongli took control of the situation with you having nothing to worry about.
you dragged your tongue around his shaft, without knowing nor having a clue on what to do with it in the first place. Zhongli threw his head back at your sloppy unexperienced sucking, the grip on your head was tightening as he began to apply pressure to it, gradually increasing the speed you were going for. Your nails dug into his thighs, disheveling his dress pants and slightly scratching him through the garment as he hissed out, the pain going straight to his aching groin.
you let out a dirty choke, gurgling while being stuffed full every time zhongli would thrust his hips up roughly, your throat involuntarily flexing around his tip. Your expression was lewd, dirty, with your face being an utter mess, spit was trailing down the corners of your lips and hanging around your chin, pooling down the floor as you hollowed your cheeks to slurp and gather it in your mouth again.
zhongli's thrusts stuttered, becoming uneven and needier, his climax was breaking free from its tight grip as he finally spilled himself in your throat, white ribbons of cum warming your insides up as you moaned around him. The vibrations you gave made it hard for him to control his body any longer, pushing your head down until he completely released his salty and slightly bitter seed in you.
you coughed out at the fullness, dragging your tongue on the white liquid, "keep it in." he watched you, demanded it from you, placing his thumb on your messy swollen lips with you simply obliging to his every command, never going behind his words, "swallow." soft and slow, his words were like fine honeydew as he rubbed his thumb over your mouth before you do as he said, thickly swallowing down all his load, your brows scrunching together from the new taste as you blinked away the warm tears that welled up in your eyes, "good."
childe and you understood each other, greatly, he knew he could count on you whenever he was hard, needy and not to mention, aware of the fact that his hand wouldn‘t satisfy him tonight. He didn't expect nor needed anything different, like emotional feelings from you. In his opinion, letting you take part in his life with his emotions on full display for you would be far more difficult, not needed, leaning towards your current relationship which was rather just continuing to stay intimate with each other, nothing more nothing less. You‘d always be well reserved, being strict about it, setting the boundries that were necessary to be set in order for the both of you to keep on doing what you were doing.
ajax closed his eyes to enjoy the moment as much as possible, your face was buried in his neck as you bounced your hips into him, sighing as you felt his arms tightly close shut around your waist, keeping you there with his cock roughly dragging against your puffy walls. He groaned heavily in his chest, refraining himself from moaning out once more. His eyes were half lidded when he watched you put on a pretty show for him with your hips that were desperately circling and prancing on his erected cock, milking him for all he‘s worth. You continued to trail wet kisses on his skin, first featherlight, barely there, before applying more pressure and your tongue, licking all the way down to his collarbone before teasingly biting down to get a reaction out of him.
"i could fuck you all day." he admitted to you, bluntly, his hips bucking up roughly to meet yours and taste his climax as the sounds of skin sensually slapping against skin became louder, clearer, with the room turning hotter than before, sweat developing on your skin that was inbedded on you. Childe adored how your breasts were bouncing up to the rhythm of his thrusts, your nipples erected and sensitive, more so how desperately you tried to ride him with your legs beginning to strain and hurt, watching him with your eyes half open, his musky scent that was mixed together with the feeling of sex setting your blood on fire. He truly loved this, treasured it, how your friendship had nothing more than simplicity and intimacy.
kazuha was your best friend, your platonic soulmate, that’s what you always kept telling yourself. He knew you better than anyone else, sometimes it even surprised you on how good he just so happened to know you, always having something up his sleeve to make you laugh or cheer up if you were having a bad day. Most importantly though, he was there for you, during good and bad times, never leaving your side and so were you, never leaving him whenever he needed you the most. 
you understood, friendships like yours were one of a kind, cursing yourself whenever you’d get unwelcomed thoughts that were going beyond that, more so were clearly crossing the line, concluding that you indeed had fallen for your best friend. But there he was now, on top of you, holding your gaze with each arm resting next to your head, his body was slightly cold in comparison to the growing heat in between your legs. Unbeknownst to you, kazuha shared your idea, with your relationship developing into something deeper, more meaningful, him handling you like the most fragile being in existence. "i can't believe we're doing this." he's smiling, admitting that fact to you embarrassingly, his eyes half open as the passion greatly welled up in him.
kazuha traced his tongue over your neck before hitting your collarbone, flattening his wet muscle on you and licking all the way down you belly, the feeling left you slightly ticklish. "i want to make you feel good, forever." he repeated himself, more times, lust had taken over him by storm as you rested your hands on his head, awkwardly digging your fingers into his scalp for support.
"it was always you." kazuha brushed his thumb across your cunt, mumbling his words, feeling the moisture pool out from your hole as he spread your lips, flicking his tongue in between your puffy folds. He adjusted himself in a more comfortable angle now, sucking on your glistering skin with his chin beginning to get coated in your slick. Kazuha had to show you that he truly meant it, that this wasn‘t a reaction of being frustrated, needy, but the outcome of a friendship that developed into something more.
you always wondered if kaveh‘s roommate was on the market, still without a partner and interested in pursuing something in that direction. Al-haitham was someone you put your eyes on for various reasons, the first one being his undeniable handsome demeanor, you couldn‘t resist it. Second, but not too far off the first place, would be his attitude he somehow reinforced harder when he talked to kaveh, the slight glimpse of his arrogance had you interested, intrigued.
if only your best friend knew about what would happen if he kept inviting you to their home, with him suddenly falling asleep and you still very much being wide awake, next to his room with al-haitham on top of you. Your body was shaking in uncontrollable sobs and shudders, he was big and heavy in you and you barely had time to adjust yourself to his girth. Al-haitham was ruthless, starving, your cries muffling tiny hiccups whenever he‘d snap himself into you, hard. "you think you can take it a bit longer?" the question was granted, you were definitely struggling right now but the sweet mix of pain and pleasure was more than enough to keep going in your eyes.
you nodded frantically, arching your spine off the mattress before getting fucked back into it, the soft pillows were engulfing your burning body as you cried out with al-haitham being quick to shut you up. "be quiet, you don‘t want him to hear us, do you?" you found the strength to pull his hand off your lips, a tiny 'sorry' leaving you as you chew down on the softness of your cheeks to prevent yourself to become noisier than you already were.
your body trembled in his arms, it felt sore, your eyes gushed up with tears from being fucked so good, so hard, not to mention from the tiny amount of uncomfortable pain you felt from biting down on your cheeks so viciously. In the end, you wouldn‘t tell your best friend you fucked his roommate, it would only make kaveh never invite you to his home again and that would be one hell of a big problem on its own.
there were plenty of pros and cons about being tighnari's assistant, most of the times he was pretty cautious with what he’d bring home to further investigate on. However, when he‘d find something interesting, something he never saw before and intrigued him, he couldn‘t help himself but take it with him, without actually making sure if it was save or not. In this scenario, it wasn‘t, the plant that he found sprouting on a tiny hill was letting go of soft, barely visible pollen that tickled your nose, eyes and made your mind hazy, afterwards even going so far as to turn your body hot, so hot you could feel yourself become aroused, the warm sensation building up in between your legs with tighnari feeling the same way.
you both couldn‘t particularly stop fondling with each other, it was as if someone got a hold of your body and decided to manually control your every move. Yet it also felt incredible, the feeling unrecognizable, you couldn‘t remember the last time you felt so free and fulfilled, aside from needy with tighnari's face buried in between your legs. You were leaking, it was almost embarrassing, the inside of your thighs stained with perspiration and your filthy essence, his tongue lapping it all up with his cock in full view, angry and red, swollen and wanting to be sheathed in you so badly.
he‘s rutting his cock into his fist while the other one held you down upon pulling away. Tighnari first, brushed your slick off his chin with the back of his hand before looping his arms around your knees, drawing you towards him. His eyes were drownsy with his pupils widened as he disposed of his pants— that were previously hanging around his knees, completely.
tighnari tapped his swollen cock on your glistering folds but wasn‘t in for the teasing tonight, his erection was beginning to seriously pain him, as if he had to fuck you right now or he‘d literally get dizzy from the ache in between his legs. He‘s pushing himself past the tight hole with your arms encircling him almost immediately, dragging his stiff member into you with his eyes rolling back as the tension in his lower region didn’t necessarily fade away but it made it a lot more bearable now.
it was late at night with the room becoming eerie, the air in it thick, your bodies were barely able to be spotted in the darkened room, your hands fondling with each other as diluc nibbled on your warm neck with his hands squeezing the soft flesh of your ass. You barely knew him, at all, you of course, had heard of him but you have never gotten the chance to actually meet diluc in person. It wasn‘t when you finally saw him at a late hour in the little bar you so happened to be with your friends that night.
what started as harmless talking and a few beverages, soon developed into a making out session that ended in his room, on top of his bed with him fisting his cock in front of your messy hole— about to fuck you into the mattress. You didn‘t deem it necessary to know much about him, diluc had this charm in his voice whenever he talked, it somehow soothed your brain when you listened to him. You admitted to yourself that you felt anxiety and something else which was flooding though your veins, was it maybe impatience or the longing for his touch?
in concentration, diluc pulled his lower lip in between his white teeth, hissing through his clenched jaw as he pushed himself past the tightness of your cunt, cramming himself to the hilt. He elicitied multiple whimpers from your throat as he pressed himself forward, his body flushed on top of yours with his lips searching your own.
your tongue was prodding against his mouth, asking for entrance, then circling it around his own when you began to taste the residue of sweet drinks you both had consumed earlier. For some reason, the intimacy you experienced right now— with a complete stranger, was much more intense than any other times with partners you knew and actually talked to frequently. The thought about never seeing diluc again and then maybe meeting him one day, acting as if nothing happened, as if he didn‘t fuck you silly in his bed, late at night, with nothing but sheer lust in his eyes.
"i'll fucking kill you after this, you know that, right?" scaramouche spat out with his teeth pushed together, the feeling of your hand wrapped around his stiff cock was filling his mind with a complete haze of feelings and thoughts he couldn't process, nor was he particularly interested in figuring them out right now, "doesn't look like it." your response was cold, fierce, the wry smirk on your lips more than evident as you leaned closer to him, your mouth hovering over his swollen tip. "shut up and get to it already." he clearly wasn‘t having it, roughly placing his hand on the back of your hand before applying pressure, your plump lips hitting his cock right away. His rosy tip was coated with a generous amount of pre cum, a faint line connecting you to his member upon pulling away.
you prodded your tongue out, teasingly circling your wet muscle over his slit to gather the oozed out seed on your taste buds, the salty substance melting with your spit when you finally took his tip in your mouth, nibbling on it. You hollowed your cheeks, swallowing his essence as you felt it coat your throat before continuing to take him inch by inch— easy and taking your time, until having him buried and twitching in your warm mouth.
"fuck, faster." his words emanated as a shaky whisper, a soft plea, but as always, scaramouche made it sound like a direct command, arrogantly disgusting. You closed your eyes, breathing through your nose as you bobbed your head up and down his length, flattening your tongue on him so his cock would always be fully coated in your spit, taking a precaution that you wouldn‘t end up hurting him. The hardness of him was exhilarating, heavy, not to mention how he'd twitch in your mouth after a particularly rough suck from you.
scaramouche rested his hand on the back of your neck while the other one was right above his mouth, shivering and gasping with his head tilted to the left, taking in the beautiful sight in front of him— with him never actually admitting that he found you beautiful, or was fond of you. "who knew you could actually be something else other than annoying and a pain in the ass." he threw those words at you with a wide sadistic smirk, rolling his hips forward to meet your mouth. His muscles were tense and feeling as if someone lit them on fire, the burning sensation in between his legs was gradually building up further.
your lips trembled around his shaft, his bossy behavior was certainly turning you on— pressing your thighs together as you picked up on your rhythm, the squelching noises becoming louder and clearer to be heard as he tossed his head back, arching his spine into you. Scaramouche suppressed a whimper as he abruptly climaxed in your mouth, without a warning, pulling you against his cock and releasing his thick seed in you with letting it run down your throat— much to his enjoyment once seeing you struggle to take his load. You pulled away after he emptied himself in you. While full of him, the warmness made you shiver and got your head feeling heavy when you decided to swallow it all with his gaze still on you, his eyes growing wider when he witnessed it, involuntarily forgetting the threats he threw at you earlier.
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do not! share, copy or repost my work. ✎ ©ANANTARU 2022
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munsons-hellfire · 3 months
Forever Together 2 | Ploy!Bat Boys
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SUMMARY: You struggle to come to terms with the battle against Hybern. But Feyre’s pregnancy looms over everyone. And while everyone is worried about her and the babe with wings your mates are worried about you and the state you’ve been left in.
PAIRINGS: Bat Boys x Reader
CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of trauma, mentions of war, mentions of death, lying, the inner circle, cliff hanger
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This post is out a little late, mainly because I couldn't post it while I was at work as I did not have my laptop. It's looking like this is turning into a series if I can't get everything finished in part 3. I really don't want to rush it so it might be turning into a series. If you wish to be tagged in the next part let me know in the comments.
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Feyre is pregnant. You were happy for her and Ryder, you knew they deserved it after all the trouble they’d gone through just to be with each other. Since the war had ended you and your mates had not yet accepted the bond fully. Cassian and Azriel were on missions and you and Rhysand were working hard with the other High Lords to come to an agreement on the treaty. Right now that was the least of your concerns.
You were curled up on Rhysand’s lap, your head rested on his chest while his arms were draped around your body. Cassian and Azriel had found it hard to keep their eyes off their mates. It had been hard to separate you from Rhy’s side as of late. Though the High Lord wasn’t complaining. Everyone was in the room in your home that Rhys had built after the war. It was nice to be able to come home to the three males. Feyre and Ryder had a home built right next to yours.
Right now they were discussing whether they should tell Lucien about his true heritage. You didn’t agree with them in the slightest, and their reasoning for not wanting to tell him was starting to anger you. You knew you were pushing it down the bond, you knew that Rhys, Cass, and Az could feel everything you were sending them. It wasn’t fair to Lucien to be kept in the dark about who his father really was.
You felt differently towards this whole conversation, you wanted to know what it was like to truly have a brother. And Lucien was your brother, he was your half-brother; but still he was blood nonetheless. And you knew he deserved to know. You had disliked how they all had treated him in the aftermath of what Hybern had done to Nesta and Elain. You knew he wasn’t in the right, but he didn’t deserve the treatment he was getting.
You felt an unbearable headache coming on, you’d have to stop at Madja to see if she’d have anything for the pain, and maybe you’d get a sleeping tonic to hopefully allow you to at least get one peaceful sleep without nightmares. The constant arguing was starting to get on your nerves. Finally you had enough and stood up from Rhy’s lap. You already missed his warmth and wanted to crawl back into his lap.
”Are you ok, love?” Azriel questioned, his brow lifted as he leaned forward in his seat next to Cassian. His hazel eyes were glued to you. There was a trace of worry in his features.
”This isn’t right.” You mumbled, walking to the center of the room. You wrapped your arms around your body as all eyes were now on you. “I don’t think this should be kept from him.”
”Y/N, Lucien is in the human lands, one secret won’t hurt him.” Rhy’s soft voice swam through your pointed ears. Shock fell upon your features as you stared at your mate.
”No, I won’t have it.” You glared at him, at the male who had made you his High Lady.
”Why? Why are you so eager to tell that male?” Amren asked, her eyes blazing brightly as she stared at you.
”Because he deserves to know his father.” You paused, closing your mouth. You were trying so hard to hold back the tears but waves were crashing into you like you weren’t made of stone. “Because I deserve a brother who loves me, and doesn’t treat me like shit, one who didn’t get my mother killed. I deserve better than those Illyrian bastards I was forced to call brothers. Most importantly, Lucien deserves a family who loves him for him and not who he sided with.”
The hurt was evident in your voice as you spoke to them. You couldn’t stand it anymore. All their eyes on you. Taking a deep breath in to calm yourself, then you released it. Turning away from them you quickly walked out of the room heading to your shared room with Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel. All of whom had exchanged a concerned look with each other.
”I think it’s best if we come back to this matter on a later day.” Rhys said, as he stood from his chair and walked out of the living room heading down the hallway. Cassian and Azriel would see to it that everyone left and then they’d join you and Rhys.
When you made it to the bedroom you collapsed into the bed and pulled the covers over your head. You didn’t understand why this was something that needed to be discussed. Lucien deserved to know that Helion was his father, that you were his half-sister. You deserved so much and so did he. You pressed your eyes closed tightly when you heard the door open. You weren’t in the mood to talk to any of them tonight, not while the emotions were still fresh in your mind.
You felt Rhys press his body into you, his arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you and the cover closer to him. His chin rested on top of your hair, slowly you started to remove the cover from the top half of your body. Just as Cassian and Azriel walked into the room. You felt the bed dip again. Cassian was on the other side of you and Azriel was behind Rhys.
Since coming home from the war you had curled up next to Rhys at night, while Cassian and Azriel would often switch which side of the bed they slept on. Rhy’s violet eyes found yours, he pulled his hand up and rested it on your cheek.
“Do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you darling?” Rhys asked, his voice so soft. You shook your head, Rhys’ hand moving with your movement.
“Not tonight, I-I can’t.” Your lips were trembling as more fresh tears fell down your face.
“We’ll talk about it when you're ready sweetheart.” Cassian was the next to speak, he nudged his head into your neck and breathed in your sweet scent.
“Get some sleep, love.” Azriel was the next to speak. You once again found yourself nodding your head. It was difficult to come up with the words right now. You snuggled up between your three mates and eventually sleep found you but it wasn’t a dreamless sleep like you’d hoped for.
They were surrounding you, there was nowhere to go. And you’d be forced with only one option, kill them. They were now a fading memory, fighting on the losing side. You were covered in blood, your hair was caked with that blood and dirt. Your fingers tightened around your sword, knuckles turning white from the grip. Rhys had reached out to you via mind informing you that Cassian had been injured.
“Well… look at you.” The male whom you thought was your father spoke to you. “You think you’re tough and strong now.” He wasn’t your father, Helion was. Though the other males were still your half-brothers.
“I have nothing to prove to you.” Your voice was venomous as the words dripped from your lips. The  male glanced at your brothers. A hideous laugh escaped his mouth, then he lifted his blade in the air and ran towards you. Your brothers stood still, while your own blade came in contact with the male’s sword.
Grunts escaped from you as you fought him off. Your power was itching to break free. It tingles inside you. You ignored it just as the sword cut your shoulder. A wince escaped you and the males laughed loudly, but that was enough for you to lose all control you had left. Suddenly you blacked out, when you  came to you were on your knees. Sword next to you as you breathed heavily. They were no more.
But then everything changed, you were in front of your mates. Sad looks crossed their faces. They were kneeling on the ground. Two Hybern soldiers held onto you. Hybern himself stood behind your mates.
“Such a pity you had to be mated to these three batards.” Hybern’s words slammed into you, constricting your lungs.
“No, please. Don’t touch them.” You cried out.
But the words didn’t matter. It didn’t matter how much you begged him. You felt your heart stop when you no longer felt them through the bond.
“No! No!” You pulled yourself out of the bed, running to the bathroom and hurling the contents of your dinner up. You calmed slightly when you felt their welcoming presence. A few of Az’s shadows curled around your body helping you cool down. Sweat covered you entirely, you could feel their concern through the bond. But you knew they could feel your fear.
“What was it, love?” Azriel’s voice was close to your ears. Cassian had his hands wrapped around your hair keeping it from falling into your face while you continued to hurl up the rest of your dinner. Rhys and Az placed a hand on you, both rubbing soothing circles on your back. Since returning from the war there had been a lot of nights like this. But Ryder was the only one who truly knew about your nightmares.
“Bad dream.” You whispered when the hurling finally stopped.
“Please tell us what you saw.” Cassian was the one to speak this time. But you couldn’t speak it into existence.
“Show me darling, only if you can.” Rhys said, speaking in your mind. So you lowered your shield and allowed Rhysand to see what you had dreamed tonight. It had been the same, but this was the first night you had dreamt a nightmare where your mates died. “Can I show Cass and Az?”
“Yes.” You replied back.
You moved to the floor, the shadows that had left their master followed you and continued to glide around your body. You kept your eyes closed, Rhys picked you up from the bathroom floor and carried you back to the bed. Azriel and Cassian followed behind you and him. It was quiet, you assumed that the males were talking to each other, trying to figure out what to do. How to handle your trauma. These nightmares were constant, never ending. You never caught a break, always losing sleep because of the nightmares.
The four of you settled into the bed in the same position you’d been in before you’d woken up. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, tears starting to fall from your eyes.
“There is nothing to apologize for, love.” Azriel whispered, he had his chin resting on Rhysand’s shoulder, and his hazel eyes were on you. His shadows moved around until they eventually covered the four of you. They were protecting you and your mates.
“It’s okay to feel this way. You have gone through so much, and you will get through this.” Cassian nuzzled his head into your neck, he moved his hand to rest on your waist and gently began to move his finger in a circle, a motion he knew calmed you down.
“You almost lost Cassian, you and Az both. You all experienced my death, and I can never take back what I did. I truly am sorry for putting you three through that. I’m here now, and I’m not leaving any of you again.” Rhys made the declaration clear to his mates. “I love you all equally, and I promise we will get through this together. We’ll help you with your nightmares.”
You nodded in understanding “I wish I didn't kill them. I hate that they are responsible for my mother’s death, but I regret killing them.” You paused trying to think of what to say next, you knew that they’d seen it. How you had acted in the nightmare when you killed them was exactly what had happened and even after all these months after the war it still haunted you.
“You did what you had to.” Azriel said.
“I blacked out. I panicked. I didn’t think I could do that, I didn’t even mean to kill them. It just happened and I know that’s probably not an excuse but that’s what happened. Next thing I knew Helion was in front of me and then Rhys was gone and I couldn’t feel him.”
Rhys tightened his arms around you, it still felt like a dream. It still felt like Rhys and Cass weren’t here and it was just you, and Azriel, and his shadows. Since you had lost your wings nothing was falling into place the way you thought it would and right now it really didn’t seem real.
“It’s real, Cass and I are real.” His smooth voice ran through your ears. You only gave a brief nod. Sleep was starting to fall over you again. But you didn’t know how long you would get before the nightmares returned.
The sun shined brightly in your shared room. But you were quickly disappointed when you discovered none of your mates were in the bed with you. Throwing the covers off your body you stood to quickly change into comfortable clothes rather than going for a dress. Being the High Lady of the Night Court was the least of your worries right now. You opened the door and started to traverse down the hallway, voices were coming from the living room.
You could hear Rhys talking, though you were unsure of who he was talking to. Slowly you came to a stop and listened in on the conversation. You could tell that Cass and Az were in the room as well. You assumed judging by the hushed whispers that everyone else was included in the conversation but you. Which only meant one thing, they were discussing Lucien without you.
“Y/N is going to be beyond angry when she finds out that we voted without her.” It was Feyre’s voice that you hear break through Rhys’s comment.
“I know, but right now I don’t think it’s a great idea for Lucien to know. Y/N needs time to process the events of the war and she needs time to focus on the powers that she received from Helion. Lucien would be an added distraction on top of all of that.” Rhysand said.
They were going to keep this from you. A secret. One of many you assumed. You didn’t want to hear anymore of this. You stepped around the corner and looked at everyone in the room. Rhysand had his back to you.
“You voted not to tell him?” The hurt was evident in your voice. Cassian and Azriel were quick to stand up as Rhysand turned towards you. A look of shock on his face, clearly he had not expected you to be awake. “I woke up to an empty bed, one without my mates. So I came searching only to discover that you thought it was best that I didn’t have an added distraction. What in your right mind thought that was best for me? He’s my brother, he deserves to know.” The anger flared in your body and it was evident in the way that your power had started to show.
The light illuminates your body, some have to look away. “I thought it was best! Y/N. Cass and Az didn’t have a say in the matter.”
You shook your head. “I can’t believe you, Rhys. This is a new low even for you. Keeping that from him and Helion would only damage my relationship with both males. Did you even stop to think about that, about what might happen if they found out, if they found out that I lied to them.”
“No. That’s not fair. Not fair to them and not fair to me.”
Before he could get another word in you winnowed away. It was the only thing you’d really learned to get the hang of after discovering what powers you’d received from your father. A door opened, before anything came out of your mouth you collapsed into the arms of the male that is your brother.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Lucien questioned, eyes on you.
“You’re my brother.” The shock was so clear on his face, but you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
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lazycats-stuff · 10 days
Ra's Al Ghul kidnapping reader, a son of Bruce, because he 'finds him interesting'. Obviously the reader is put off, but after some time and some really kind treatment from Ra's, reader kinda finds him sweet, at this point Bruce's comes to rescue reader and stomp on Ra's skul, but the reader convinces him to not kill Ra's, and Ra's and reader kinda develop a relationship, but the reader is still a bit 'you didn't have to kidnap me, but I guess you are just different but don't think I'll let this go, we'll do this how i want it to go'
Hell yeah. Oh Bruce is ready to kill someone. Hehe... I love it. Also, can't find and gifs of Ra's so a repeat of one of the former ones. Also, I'm done with school until my exams begin! A weekend off... Ah... Sounds like heaven.
Summary: (Y/N) gets kidnapped by Ra's. (Y/N) is confused and scared.
Warnings: kidnapping, Ra's tries to make (Y/N) like him, Ra's is sweet to (Y/N)...
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(Y/N)'s eyes opened, head pounding like someone wacked him with a hammer. So he was either drugged or really got hit in the head with a hammer. Also, why does the bed feel far too comfortable for a... Why is the bed so damn soft comfortable?
(Y/N) sat up in bed, hissing from the headache as he looked around the room, nearly getting a stroke. The room was lavish. I mean, more than lavish. Whoever kidnapped him is rich, but not just rich, filthy rich.
The room was just marble and gold. This person had money to burn. Not to mention, everything is more spacious... This person was a shit ton of money to burn. (Y/N) closed his eyes as he tried to remember what has happed before this.
He was walking to his car from the college building... And then... A full on blackout. Well, that is not good... How much time has even passed? A day? A few hours?
More importantly, does Bruce know he's missing?! (Y/N) was never a vigilante. He knew self defense, but this is something... (Y/N) laid back down from the headache. He huffed as he laid back down on the bed, the bed warm and comforting. And soft... Is this silk?
Not even Bruce has that much money to burn.
(Y/N) sat up when he heard the door opening, eyes widening at the sight of Ra's Al Ghul entering a room, with... Water and some sort of rectangular box? What the hell?
" Ah, I see you are awake. Is your headache bad? " Ra's asked as he closed the door behind him.
" What in the actual fuck?! " (Y/N) yelled, wincing as he made his headache worse. " You old bastard. " (Y/N) added, making Ra's chuckle as he approached the bed, sitting on the edge of it, observing (Y/N).
" Nothing I didn't hear before. Now, do take these pain meds. " Ra's said as he presented a box. Now, (Y/N) was suspicious beyond belief.
" And how do I know they weren't tempered with? " (Y/N) asked as he took the box, checking it carefully.
" I give you my word that the pills weren't tempered with. Now, take two. They'll help you with the pain and you'll sleep it off. " Ra's said as he watched (Y/N), who was now hesitantly opening the box. Ra's watched in silence as (Y/N) took the pills, downing them with the water from the bottle.
" Now, just lie down and sleep it off. You'll feel better once you wake up in the morning. " Ra's said as he made (Y/N) lie down, making sure to tuck him in.
(Y/N) watched in silence and more so in shock. Why in God's name is Ra's so gentle? This has to be a manipulation. A tactic. Lower down your guard and then, when you least expect it, bam! You get hit where it hurts the most and then they catch you off guard and you are killed.
(Y/N) just needed to stay alive long enough for Bruce to find him. That's it. (Y/N) wanted nothing more then Bruce to find him. His room sounded nice. (Y/N) felt more and more drowsy as the seconds passed, under the eye of Ra's al Ghul.
" Just relax. Don't fight it. " Ra's whispered as he dimmed the lights to make it more bearable to sleep in. And the headache was slightly better. Then, Ra's came back and checked to see if (Y/N) is properly tucked into bed.
And (Y/N) couldn't fight the pills, no matter how hard he tried. His eyes closed, body finally happy to rest again, but this time with no pain. Ra's stayed for a couple of more minutes, watching (Y/N) as he slept, hand gently reaching to caress (Y/N)'s cheeks. So soft, Ra's thought as he enjoyed the fact that (Y/N) was finally here, with him.
Ra's couldn't wait any longer if he tried. Now there was a sense of contentment as (Y/N) was on his base, with him. Yes, he did follow (Y/N), but he wasn't a normal stalker. Well, he isn't a stalker. He simply found (Y/N) interesting.
And Ra's has every right to explore that curiosity. And Bruce and his wrath? Well, he can and will deal with that later. Ra's stood up silently going to the door, giving one last glance at (Y/N)'s sleeping form, before leaving, closing the door behind him, locking it too, just in case that (Y/N) decides to leave the room.
Sure, his assassins will stop him, but still, never enough caution. And the base is in the middle of an ocean so escaping... Well, Ra's was confident that (Y/N) wouldn't escape. No way he could anyway. Ra's smiled to himself as he walked to his office, knowing that (Y/N) will be out for a while, which in turn meant that he could get back to his work.
(Y/N) woke up the next day, in no pain and actually more rested then before. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he explored the room. He needed to find a way out of here. Like, now. He started with the doors that looked like balcony doors. He saw water and nothing but the blue water and sky.
That bastard.
(Y/N) decided to abandon that route and just went to the other doors in the room. He opened the door and entered the biggest bathroom he has ever seen. A bath, a shower... Marble and gold yet again. (Y/N) looked around, curiosity taking over. And sure, he can try to be more careful, but if Ra's was to torture him...
He wouldn't do it in this lavish room. He wouldn't get blood on the marble... Maybe he would and he would just replace it, considering the amount of money he has to burn. (Y/N) sighed as he looked himself in the mirror. He didn't look like pure shit. He looked somewhat normal, as if he wasn't kidnapped.
(Y/N) closed the door behind himself and then doing the normal morning business in the bathroom. He quickly pissed and flushed the water behind him. He washed his hands and then he washed his face with water, just to wake himself up a little bit more.
He sighed as he went back into the room, however, he nearly jumped out of his skin when Ra's was just sitting on the edge of the bed, legs crossed elegantly. His eyes seemed to soften when he saw (Y/N).
" I see that you are awake. How is your head? " Ra's asked softly and (Y/N) was now caught off guard. Completely.
" It's great. No pain. " (Y/N) said hesitantly, eyes narrowing in suspicion. Now, something is way fucking off. Ra's al Ghul, this soft with the son of his enemy?
He is going to get tortured soon. Just thrown into a dungeon and broken...
" Why in God's name are you so... So... I can't even say soft because you and soft don't go together. " (Y/N) said, making sure to not move an inch. He needs as much space as possible.
Ra's chuckled at the statement. Soft and Ra's al Ghul don't go together, that much was right.
" I'm soft because of you. I kidnapped you here because I thought you were interesting. And maybe there are some feelings involved too. " Ra's admitted, watching as (Y/N) became speechless. (Y/N) was trying to respond, but couldn't say anything. His mouth was opening and closing.
No sound came out.
" What? Ra's al Ghul and feelings? Damian was wrong. You are capable of feeling something. But I'm pretty damn sure that all of this is just a ploy to get me to lower my guard down and then bam! I'm in a dingy cell. And tortured. " (Y/N) said crossing his arms as he leaned on the wall.
Ra's laughed. (Y/N)'s eyes widened both at the sound and the scene.
Ra's al Ghul laughing? Pigs must be flying outside.
" What's so funny? You are a ruthless man. I've heard things you've done. "
Ra's stopped, eyes still soft. " I have a soft spot for you. I won't torture you. You have my word that nothing bad will happen to you for as long as you behave. " Ra's explained as he stood up, eyes still soft and still trained on (Y/N).
" If I didn't know you and your honesty, I would've called bullshit. " (Y/N) muttered and Ra's chuckled.
" I do speak the truth and more so, I would never lie to you. Are you hungry? It's been a while since you ate. " Ra's asked, watching as (Y/N) tilted his head, clearly still suspicious about Ra's and his treatment.
" I could eat something... As long as you don't lace it with something." (Y/N) mumbled and Ra's chuckled.
" I won't lace your food with anything. You have my word. " Ra's promised softly, offering (Y/N) a smile in return. " What would you like? " Ra's asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" What is it that Americans like to eat? Pancakes? Bacon? Anything heavy? " Ra's teased and (Y/N) was shocked yet again. Ra's al Ghul teasing?
" I like something light. Some granola, yogurt and fruit is my go to. " (Y/N) explained and Ra's nodded, pretending he didn't know that already.
" Come with me. I would like to share breakfast with you. " Ra's said as he opened the door for (Y/N), stepping outside to allow (Y/N) to get out first.
(Y/N) huffed at the fact, but stepped out anyway. Ra's smirked from behind him, gently leading (Y/N) to Ra's room and then through the said room to get to a beautiful terrace with a beautiful view of of the ocean and the sky...
" Please, do sit. " Ra's said, pointing at a chair to his right, before sitting down on the chair to the left. (Y/N) sat down, getting comfortable as he took in the fresh air, a salty smell in the air.
" No fresh air in Gotham I see? " Ra's said, turning to one of his guards, giving him an order in Arabic. The guard left and (Y/N) closed his eyes for a moment.
" Not really. " (Y/N) said. Even though he lived far enough to not be affected by the polluted air, he still couldn't get fresh air. But this? This is amazing.
" Glad to see you relaxed. " Ra's said and (Y/N) snorted.
" I'm not relaxed. I'm not trusting you as far as I can throw you. " (Y/N) said as he opened his eyes again, glancing at Ra's, who had an amused smirk on his face.
" I gave you my word that I won't do anything to you. As long as you behave of course. "
(Y/N) scoffed, but stopping when he heard the guard come back with food. He put the tray on the table between them. (Y/N) took a look into the bowl that was facing him. Granola, yogurt and some fruit...
" Your go to breakfast. I listened, you see. " Ra's said as he started eating his breakfast.
(Y/N) eyed the food suspiciously, but still ate it none the less. He was hungry and food sounded great at the moment.
" Later, I want to show you around the premises. I have a library in my office, filled with some literature classics that I'm sure you will like. " Ra's said and (Y/N) raised his brow.
How did he knew that? He does like classics the most, but he likes all genres.
" I won't question how you know that. I don't think I'll like that answer. " (Y/N) said and Ra's smirked.
" It's better that way. "
It's been a few weeks and (Y/N) has never been so confused in his entire life. Ra's was nice and gentle to him. (Y/N) was loosing his mind slowly. But in the entire process, (Y/N) was developing feelings for him too.
If it weren't for the assassin part, Ra's would be a man of his dreams. Gentle, attentive, handsome... (Y/N) thought about Stockholm syndrome. Immediately. But for a few weeks... They can't develop that fast can they?
(Y/N) was sleeping in his room, tired from the heat of the day. He was sleeping peacefully, but woke up when he heard a crash. His heart was beating fast as he sat up, throwing the blanket off of him. What the hell was going on?
He stepped out of the room, looking for Ra's. He may know self defense, but he doesn't have experience in this thing.
" RA'S! " He heard a deep yell and he recognized it immediately. It was Bruce's... Oh God, Bruce will break the code. (Y/N) ran to the office, stopping at the doorway.
" Dad! " (Y/N) yelled and both stopped fighting. Bruce turned his head, eyes widening at the sight of his son. Not hurt... Nothing...
" (Y/N)? " Bruce said quietly, clearly not believing his eyes. He quickly walked over, checking over his son, then hugging him tightly. " My son... " Bruce breathed out, happy to see his sons alive.
" (Y/N), go to the roof to the Batplane, I have some unfinished business with Ra's. " Bruce said, turning to Ra's and (Y/N) knew that look.
Bruce was pushed over the edge. And he is ready to kill.
" No! Don't kill him! " (Y/N) said as he grabbed Bruce's arm, trying to stop him.
" He hurt you! More so, he kidnapped my only son who isn't a vigilante! That won't go unpunished! " Bruce said, ready to lunge at Ra's.
" He didn't hurt me! Please dad! " (Y/N) begged, clinging onto Bruce, stopping him with his weight.
" He didn't? "
" He treated me gently! I wasn't hurt! " (Y/N) said and Bruce's head whipped to look at him in shock. " Don't kill him dad. Please. " (Y/N) pleaded again and Bruce relaxed a little bit.
" Are you being honest with me? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) nodded.
Bruce sighed quietly as he held his son tightly to him. (Y/N) turned his head to look at Ra's. " As for you Ra's... " (Y/N) started, not sure how to proceed.
Ra's waited patiently for (Y/N) to finish what he was going to say.
" You didn't really have to kidnap me, but since we have developed something, I want to see where this goes. Sure, you may be different, but don't think I'll forget this. This relationship will go on as I please. " (Y/N) declared and Bruce felt nothing but pride for his boy.
" As you wish beloved. We will do it at your pace. " Ra's said and Bruce glared at him.
" Damian won't be happy. " Bruce noted.
" Damian will be happy to finally have some sort of payback. " (Y/N) retorted and Bruce chuckled.
" Well, either way, it's time to go home. Your brothers are worried. " Bruce said, leading (Y/N) out.
" Bye Ra's. " (Y/N) said as he was led out of the room and Ra's smirked.
" Bye (Y/N). See you soon. " Ra's said and Bruce nearly decked Ra's for even saying that. But he had more important matter right now.
And that's getting his son home.
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A headache behind the left eyebrow can be uncomfortable and may have various causes. Here are some steps you can take to treat it:
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winters-dream · 9 months
Human!hero x Vampire!villain
The cell was cold, chilling Hero to the bone as they pushed the heavy door open. Its hinges groaned loudly as it swung open, revealing a dark room still of any life. Dead silence filled the small cell, Hero’s own breathing rang loudly in their ears. A flicker of doubt ran through their head, wondering if they had broken into the wrong cell until they made out an odd shape tucked into the corner’s shadows. A shape that looked suspiciously like Villain.
They took a few tentative steps forward, their eyes slowly adjusting to the dark as they took in the scene in front of them. Villain sat propped up against the wall, scars shining brightly against their paled skin, obviously caused by silver since they have yet to heal. Their  own blood stained their skin, streaks of it painting the floor in various directions. An alarming amount of blood, enough for Villain to die if they were human. 
Their chest heaved up and down feverishly despite not needing to breathe. Their eyes stayed shut as the hero approached them. Hero didn’t know if that was a good sign. 
“Back again?” croaked the villain. Their voice was light despite the obvious pain laced within it. Their whole demeanor screamed calmed and laid back despite the absolute horror scene that has been made of them. “Didn’t break me enough to your liking the last time?”
Hero stood frozen. They didn’t know what to say or how to approach the villain. Their carefree facade did little to convince Hero they were okay. They could see the tension in their jawline, the  caution of every breath they took, the grimace that wanted to creep onto their face. They could have fooled anyone else, but Hero knew them too well.
“The silent treatment, huh?” said the villain. “That’s okay, the sound of your voice makes my ears bleed. I can go without the headache.”
“Villain,” Hero called.
Villain’s eyes shot open at the sound of their voice, a mixture of shock and relief danced over their features. 
“Hero,” they breathed. “What are you doing here?”
Hero stepped forward, crouching down in front of the villain, their hands finding the shackles that kept Villain chained to the ground. They were thick and heavy, each link the size of Hero’s wrists. They dug dangerously into the villain’s own wrists, threatening to cut into the skin.
“I’m breaking you out of here,” said Hero. They gave the chains an experimental tug, letting go with a wince at the pained hiss that left Villain’s mouth.
“My knight in shining armor?” asked Villain. “That’s sweet.” 
They noticed the light blush that dusted over the Hero’s cheeks, visible to them even in the dark. A groan slipped past their lips as the hero continued to feel around the chains. “But it’ll be safer for you if you leave. You know better than I do how unpredictable your precious Superhero is.”
Hero tightened their grip on the chains, opting for trying to pull them out of the floor. “That’s all the more reason why I need to get you out of here before you die.”
“Awe, you care,” cooed Villain, a small smirk made its way to their face. They let out a series of fleeting gasps as Hero pulled on the chains once again. 
They gripped onto Hero’s arm, to prevent them from pulling again. Their soft skin, warm to the touch and thrumming with life. Their pulse beating rapidly below Villain’s thumb, their blood running through their veins. Their sweet scent filtering through their nose. Villain bit their lip, aching for a bite. 
"When's the last time you fed? How long?" asked Hero. And Villain didn't know the answer, couldn't even tell Hero how long Superhero has had them here. The days, weeks, months, all blurred together in an endless cycle with no clear beginning or end. 
Hero huffed a sigh, displeased with the lack of response. They shuffled closer to Villain, hands tugging at the collar of their own shirt which earned a light chuckle from Villain. 
“What are you doing?” they asked.
“What does it look like I’m doing? Come here and drink my blood.”
Hero shuffled closer, a leg tossed over one of the villain’s. The scene almost looked strangely intimate, if it weren’t for the blood that surrounded them and the deathly look on the Villain’s face. Hero wasn’t sure how long Villain had left to live, but they were certain that they were the criminal’s only hope right now.
“Hero, I’m starving,” said Villain. “If you let me drink your blood, I’ll likely kill you.”
Despite their words, they pulled Hero closer, their chains rattling loudly against the floor. They inhaled deeply, the hero’s intoxicating scent flooding their senses. It was heavenly, Villain’s favorite scent.
Hero couldn’t help the small scoff that climbed up their throat. “Since when did you care whether I live or die? Given your reputation of hunting heroes, I expected you to kill me years ago.”
Villain tilted their head to the side, their signature smirk returning to their face. “You’re an unexpected exception. But don’t worry, your last breath won’t be today. I’ll be gentle when I drink from you.”
Their hands traveled down Hero’s back, slowly making their way to their butt, but Hero was quick to divert. They pulled their hands away and pushed them against the ground with a shake of their head.
“I’m only offering you my blood.”
Villain never lost their smirk as they shook their head as well. “Of course.”
They leaned forward, wasting no time to find the hero’s pulse and sink their fangs into their neck. They heard the hero’s pained gasp, but made no move to let up. Hero’s blood was warm, fresh, heavenly on Villain’s tongue. It sated a hunger so deep within the villain, they never knew a sweeter relief. It took every little ounce of inner strength the villain had left within them to not drain Hero dry right now. They took gulp after gulp, finally taking one last drag of the hero’s blood before letting go with guttural sigh. 
They slumped back against the wall of their cell, a smile spread over their lips as they felt the blood do its work and heal what was wrong with them. Their energy renewed, their wounds closing up, their mind clearing and senses more acute. They were forever grateful to the hero and their delicious blood they graciously offered them. 
Their chains rattled, a weak tug at their wrists. They opened their eyes to find the hero weakly pulling at the chains keeping Villain glued to the floor. Their efforts made Villain laugh as they replaced the crime fighter's hands with their own, breaking the shackles off their wrists with ease. They let out a relieved hiss, rubbing their wrists as feeling slowly returned to their hands. They glanced at Hero once more, giving the side of their face a light pat and stood up.
“You did well, Hero.”
Hero could only nod as the villain pulled them along into a stand, their footing uneasy as they swayed. “Let’s get out of here.”
“And just where do you think that is?”
Hero whipped their head around, Superhero standing in the open doorway with their arms crossed over their chest. Hero stood still, like a deer caught the headlights. They’ve been caught. Freeing the enemy. Superhero met them with a disappointed look. 
“Hero, what are you doing?” 
The sound of Superhero’s voice snapped Hero into action as they quickly moved to stand in front of the villain to shield them. A huge wave of dizziness ran over them, their vision coming in and out of focus as they moved. But they stayed their ground, refusing to leave Villain’s side. They noticed the superhero’s eyes dancing over their body, focusing on their labored breathing, their tired eyes, the obvious puncture wounds on the side of their neck, the blood drying around the edges.
“Hero, are you out of your mind?” demanded Superhero. “Feeding that demon? Giving it your blood?”
“They were starving,” defended the hero. “You locked them up and waited for them to die from starvation. That violates our code of conduct, I should report you—”
“Report me? I’m doing the world a favor, keeping that thing locked up.” Superhero placed their hands on their hips, fingers brushing over the stake they had tucked into their belt. They gave Villain a look filled with a mixture of disgust and fear before scolding the hero once more. 
“It’s a demon, a bloodsucking parasite who will stop at nothing to drink away the entire world’s population,” they said. “Demons like this one are always hungry. And you willingly gave it your blood. It knows what you taste like now and will cling to you like a leech. It won’t stop until it’s taken every last drop of blood from your body.”
“If you want to survive at all, you need to kill it now.” Superhero tossed their stake at Hero, Hero catching it clumsily as the large amount of blood Villain took from them delayed their reaction time. They simply looked at the silver weapon before meeting Superhero’s eyes. 
“I’m not killing Villain,” they said. “I’m not like you, I don’t kill people.”
Superhero scoffed, loudly and dramatically. “Listen to you, that demon has you wrapped around its finger. Its charming words and pretty face has you throwing away the very core of your beliefs. It’s not human, it’s not people. Killing it is what’s good for the world.”
Hero’s chest was heavy with disgust at their superior’s constant insistence of calling Villain an ‘it’. They were talking circles around each other. It almost felt like Superhero was a parent scolding a stubborn child, Hero refused to let Superhero win this argument.
“I’m not killing them.”
“You make a poor excuse of a vampire hunter then,” said Superhero. “If you’re so quick to defend the very reason we even need heroes in the first place. Need I remind you, this monster has killed countless humans. Countless heroes. You shouldn't feel sympathy for them, and definitely shouldn't spare their life.” 
Hero simply shook their head, reiterating that they don’t kill people and call it heroism. Superhero’s face slowly morphed from one of disappointment to fear the more they stared each other down. 
“Hero, you’re making a mistake,” they said. Their voice wavered as they spoke, their eyes locked onto the villain with a fearful gaze. “Villain is not someone you should be protecting.”
Superhero took a step forward, their arm outstretched for the hero. But Villain was faster. At a speed higher than Hero could follow with their eyes, Villain had moved to stand between the two heroes with Hero’s stake in their hand. A blink of an eye was all it took and Superhero was on the ground, Hero’s stake plunged deep into their neck.
Hero, too stunned to speak, stared at Villain as they turned back to face them, a wicked grin plastered on the criminal’s face. They pulled Hero close to them with ease, securing their arms tightly around their waist. 
“I really must thank you, Hero,” said the villain. “Superhero was no easy feat. They’ve been on my list for years now.”
It began to click together. “This was all just a plan to kill Superhero?” asked Hero.
“Of course,” Villain’s hand came up to lightly caress Hero’s face, a shock going down their spine from the tender touch. “And you played your part out perfectly.”
“Played my part?” Hero asked. Villain nodded, their face so close to Hero’s, their breath fanned over their face. “You knew I would come save you.”
“Was counting on it. We make a pretty good team, you and I.” Something in Villain’s eyes changed, an idea coming to them. A wonderful idea that left Villain feeling almost giddy at the prospect.
“Why don’t we do just that? Become a team. We can reign terror on the world together, kill heroes together. We’ll be the Bonnie and Clyde of the twenty-first century. Only more dangerous. And more powerful.”
Hero glanced between the villain’s hopeful gaze to the dead superhero on the ground. The superhero they inadvertently helped Villain kill. Bile rose at the back of their throat at Villain’s plan, what they were asking. They wanted Hero to turn their back on the very core of their being. Do evil instead of fight it. 
They glanced at the villain once more, mouth opened to speak. But before they could usher out a single syllable, they lost consciousness, the exhaustion from blood loss finally catching up to them.
Villain grinned.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Chapter 4: But It's Cries Were Unheard
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WARNING: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Depictions of toxic relationships (I do not condone nor encourage them), verbal abuse, mentions of mental disorders, character background, character study, mentions of abortion, comfort towards the end.
Summary: Honest talks either make it or break it.
A/N: A little nervous for this chapter jsksj. Hope you enjoy ❤️. Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated ✨
Chapter Song:
Running away wasn't something you did, it wasn't in you to suddenly turn into the direction you had come and run away leaving an unforgiving mayhem behind you, yet something in your body told that if you remained in the same space as them, something terrible and ominous would happen.
The first warning was your body, forcing you to fold over and empty your stomach in the nearest trash bin you could find, the slap your cheek received was the final hue-and-cry. You didn't look back, Dana's cries and angry words were too much to digest.
You really wanted to believe at least something good had happened from all this piping hot mess. You refused to believe that she would take him back, that she was a masochist, and although as excruciatingly painful it all surely was for her, you had freed her from someone that didn't deserve her. You had set her free from Miguel.
Someone that underservingly just like you, were dragged to this messed up triangle that spun so hard, it had turned into a tornado of lies and half truths.
Get rid of it
How could he?
His words had brought to light so many memories you had tried so so hard to bury, only for them to crawl back to the surface, as heartrending as ever in your mind and your beating organ that threatened to stop at any second if you didn't get the keys to unlock your car and leave.
An imaginary monster breathed in your neck, salivating at the anxiousness brewing within yourself, ready to pounce on you with full force in the shape of a panic attack, despite your car being away from the war zone. Your little heaven, where you had still control pulled you out, injured, maybe crippled from the shards of the hearts broken and left forsaken by a man that did nothing but burn everything in his wake.
Your was pulled out, smashed against the floor, stomped on and then doused in gasoline while all you could do was seeing his beloved fiancé, have her own receiving the same treatment.
You left. It was clear that none of them wanted you around. None of them could stand the sight of you. Dana specially. unknowingly, you had dragged her into the light, yanking away the blindfold Miguel had masterfully crafted over the years. Needless to say he wasn't appreciating that little stunt from you.
And he definitely wasn't enjoying one bit having all his lies finally exposed to the four winds. If you could go back to that night, knowing what you knew now, you wouldn't have even assisted to begin with, but that meant another woman would've been left at his mercy.
Apparently life had chosen you as the sacrificial lamb, and with a creature growing in your guts, you had accepted the role, unwillingly bestowed upon you.
Your fingers had dialed the only number you kept in your emergency list. MJ while in traffic. It wasn't a nice nor understandable talk since you were all over the place, hyperventilating and weeping in your little car despite the lights turning bright green some seconds ago, provoking the cars tailing at you to honk angrily, as if their noise would make it away.
Would make it all go away, but in opposite, it just gave you a major headache, rising your nauseas again.
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"Dana, mi amor-"
"Mi amor?!" Her angry yelling enervated Miguel's docile demeanor, "Don't you dare to call me that."
"We can work this out, just listen-"
"No, Miguel. I won't listen, I won't and I don't want to!"
"Can you stop behaving-"
"Like a what?! A crazy bitch?, say it!"
A little twitch in Miguel's eyes was the only response Dana got in return. In other times, that was the signal for them to just remove their clothes and raw eachother silly until one of them were either spent, which was usually her, after two rounds.
Miguel's hand tried to reach for Dana's arm but she quickly recoiled, as if he had burned her skin with a bright lit coal. Now, she wanted everything but to be touched by him, or even talked to. Nothing believable came out the pretty lips she once used to bite and kiss at her whims. But there was nothing but disgust blossoming in the more she stared at them.
His crooked teeth contained after the  meaty pair of muscles that covered them, they moved but Dana paid no attention.
"Dana! Puta madre, Escúchame!" (Listen to me!)
"No! You listen to me, you... pathetic excuse of a man."
A little growl rumbled on his chest, but his now ex fiancé didn't budge.
"Careful with your words"
"Or what? What were you thinking?!"
"I wasn't! Ok? I wasn't fucking thinking-"
"Of course you weren't. Your dick was thinking for you"
"It was a-"
"I swear If you say that it was an accident-"
"It wasn't. I was angry at you."
"And just cause you were angry you had to go and fuck someone else?! Even worse get her pregnant?! Are you stupid?"
"Clearly you're not-"
"Understanding? Oh poor Miguel got so angry that he fucked someone else. What did you expect to get?! A million dollars to grow inside?! Man the fuck up!"
Miguel rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose a bit too hard, but the pain grounded him. Anchored him to his rational line of thinking.
"You got someone else pregnant, Miguel."
"She'll get rid of it, I know-"
Dana had to take some steps back. Not only what he just said made her queasy and uneasy, no, it wasn't the words alone, it was the mood and tinge he used to pronounce them.
"How... how can you call your child an it? It's a baby! Not something you can get rid of!"
"I don't wanna be a father, she doesn't wants it either. What is the most logical thing to do?"
"Manning up and take responsibility for your actions."
"Oh, qué la chingada... No, Dana. Why would make the... baby or whatever to suffer unnecessarily?"
"Suffer from what? For having a terrible father?"
"You know why."
"You're so so phony. Oh my goodness, and to think I was going to marry you."
"No, no no. Dana, hermosa. Look, we can still get-"
Another slap.
"Listen to yourself, not only you want your baby's mother to abort it, you were... you were about to pay her..."
Her voice broke, and Miguel gulped. The both pushed and pulled, but Dana was the strong one in this occasion. He was losing the tug of war game, big time.
"You cheated on me cause I wasn't... I couldn't give you a child, didn't you? Is that it?!"
"No... I was stupid."
"Pretty fucking stupid. Give me the apartment keys."
"Don't be ridiculous. That's my apartment too."
"Oh, no. Not anymore. Remember the pre-nup?"
His shoulders once more rose. Tension taking a hold of his barely noticeable shaky body.
"Remember when you said you'd never cheat and even dare me to add that? Well, thanks for the idea, Miguel."
His nose flared angrily, the first columns that supported him crumbled. But no matter, he had his own and it was better and more roomy than the current one he shared with her.
He tossed the keys in her hands
" You know... what actually hurts the most about it besides knowing you cheated?"
Dana hiccuped and wiped her eyes. Her hair bobbed softly as she wiped her eyes.
"That... You were about to pay her to get rid of your child. When... I had been trying so hard to give you one. Someone else is making you a father. And... its  not me, Miguel."
Another wave of fresh tears rolled down her flushed in anger cheeks. In another time, she'd melt into his touch, bask in the warmth and comfort he, in his own way provided. But now, she didn't want him. Repulse bloomed in every pore of her being whenever he insisted on touching her.
"We can fix this, I know. Give her some time to think about it-"
"Think about what, Miguel? She's obviously scared! I'd...I'd give anything to be her right now."
Miguel grunted, derision as expected and slicked his hair back.
"What? An underpaid receptionist?"
"No, you... heartless dick! A mother to be! And probably a single mother now..."
Silence made it's way towards both, permeating the ambience, but Dana broke it with a deep and blasé sigh.
"You have one week to get your stuff out."
"That's not enough time-"
"Funny for you to still think I care. You better start tonight then."
"Aren't you forgetting something?"
Dana pulled the ring out and tossed it at his face. The metal band bounced on his chest to then fall to the ground. Miguel kneeled to pick it up and rub off the dirt on it.
"If you don't tell Gabriel about it, I will."
"I don't need supervision."
"Are you sure about that?"
Miguel's eyes turned icy towards her, but he turned around with a huff to finally toss everything inside his car.
"You better take responsibility for that child."
Dana chided, angry and hurt as she was, she also tried to appeal to the human and logical side of him.
"Or what?, You're telling my mother?"
"You're so full of shit, man the fuck up for once and own your mistakes."
"For all I know that thing wouldn't be mine. She could be lying!"
He was now the junkie hooked on denial, but another slap didn't shake him, just made him angrier.
"Yet you were willing to pay a stranger to get an abortion. I heard enough to know it's your mess. It's not a thing, it's a child!."
"Are you done?"
"Act all though shit if you want, but you know I am right. And I know how much you hate when I'm right. Tell me something."
Her eyes met his, and a chill ran down her spine upon finding nothing but coldness in them.
"Was it worth it? Cheating on me and keeping me in the shadows for almost three months?"
"No. It wasn't."
"Then why? Why you did it?"
He'd be a bigger liar if he came up with an honest answer, cause in truth he didn't know. He gave into his intrusive thoughts, simple as that. Yet, oh such a mess was born from it.
"I... I always knew that sooner or later you'd cheat on me. I'm not perfect by any means, but... you... Not wanting to do anything with your own child? That's..."
"Enough. Move it. I gotta go."
"As ironic as things are? Mark my words when I tell you, you'll beg to have a spot in that child's life."
"Dana, move."
"And when you do? All you'll get in return is the same treatment. And God, I hope you do."
"Muévete de una pinche vez!" (Move the fuck away)
She didn't trembled nor waned her bravado because of him yelling. She was used to his outbursts.
"One week."
"Fucking heard you already."
His car's door was slammed, Dana had to step back, to watch him drive away. The new reality he left her drowning in was crushing her, yet she knew that one way or another life had given her the answer to the question that often assaulted her mind in those little moments of self introspection she had after a long day.
Is Miguel the one for me?
No. Not anymore. She wasn't even sure before the elephant had popped in the room, yet, she had clung onto him so hard that letting go was still one the most difficult things she had ever done. The usual part of her had the urge to call him, and talk things through, like they always did. But this time was different.
Damned her if she called him back. She wouldn't endanger the little dignity that remained in her. Besides, her own problems were just delivered. She now had to explain her family why she was single again, she'd spare him the gruesome details, a last proof of her undeserving love for him.
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How could he had been so stupid? He knew he had to change the condom, he knew he had to stop for a minute and pull a new one. Seconds he had decided to ignore were now knocking on his door, in the shape of something so horrific that reminded him of his past, his roots and everything that he rendered to his family.
But his own saying had no room when Dana had laid his cards pretty much clearly before him, and so had you. Had you taken the check?
Of course you did, if you wouldn't need it, the paper piece would've be on the floor. Hopefully you'll use it to wipe that little mistake away. He refused to perpetuate his story. He wanted a child. Of course he did. But not like this. Not in the same fucked up way he was conceived.
He had vaguely explained Dana his past, but omitted that crucial part he was sure would have served as an empathy source in her reasoning for this situation.
He didn't want to admit that her curse had unnerved him. Dana and her omen had stirred something he kept locked away for so long he thought it long dead.
Nothing mattered anymore. He went to a nearby store to get some boxes, the sooner he'd pack and leave, the least chances would be to see and explain Dana's family about the whys about his sudden leaving. And to his luck, they loved him.
They thought Dana had won the loterry with him.
The least he wanted right now was to face his problems, or them talking back to him. Feelings and emotions too raw on him to allow them run rampant.
His lies were out, exposed, with no other way for them to hide. The deed was done and so was his bed. For now, he partially fixed it. Putting the bedsheets ontop. Cause if he was gonna lay in it, he'd do it comfortable enough to do so.
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MJ gave your shoulders a gentle rub, before serving you a warm cup of chamomile tea with a bit of honey.
The ride back home from the clinic had been quiet, none of you dared to say a peep. MJ knew that you were too shaken to be functional enough. Too affected to articulate something, and still, she didn't ebb you to speak. She sat across you, giving your hand a gentle rub.
Minutes ticked by, the little tic tac of The clock made your own thoughts to pace to it's rhythm despite the racing and jumbled tempo inside your head. And when silence felt too deep and stretched, you spoke.
"Ever... felt like you've done something you thought right for the wrong reasons?"
"You did what you though was right, sweetie."
MJ looked at you with a softened and judgement devoid gaze.
"I... I couldn't do it, MJ. I thought that... I was able to. But I chickened out last second."
"Do you wanna share with me the why?"
"That's the thing! That I don't know!"
A shake of your head cut short a little broken whimper, while you pushed some strands of hair away from your somber face.
"I know it was the right thing to do! Even Miguel is right, but I couldn't!"
The knot in your throat tightened, making a sob to die suffocated. MJ squeezed your hand tighter.
"I'm sure you must hate me. "
"Why would you think that?"
Her face went from a frown to then morph into a surprised grimace
"Cause... I wanted to abort when I knew your struggles to-*
Your name was chided in such a soft yet firm way it had your eyes glossing once more. The kind of voice she'd use to discipline Mayday, full of love yet not taking any shit.
"You truly can't be serious right now. Sweetie, my pregnancy has nothing to do with yours. You owe me nothing. You owe those who struggle, nothing. Don't blame yourself, ok?"
"But I-"
"But nothing. You have the right to choose. You can still choose."
"The thing is... I don't know what to do."
"And it's perfectly normal to feel lost."
"I ran away cause... I didn't want to be like my mother. And that's a selfish-"
"Babe." MJ pursed her lips in a saddened smile, "Whetever reason you didn't do it, it's fine. You're not selfish or alike your mother for wanting an abortion."
"When Miguel told me to get rid of it... I... I got so many of my memories with her back. I wanted to cry and... scream."
"Then cry and scream, let it all out, sweetheart. And after you've done so, choose again."
"I can't, MJ. I... felt like my mother when I was about to enter that room. She was always... telling Dylan to get rid of me once her pills were over."
You sniffed and the redhead you had for a best friend passed you a handkerchief, which you used to wipe your eyes and tears, right away.
" It didn't help that Dylan hid them, and I was the only one to blame. I... I am the least adequate person to have a baby, but I'm too much of a coward to abort."
MJ pushed the tea closer to you, it had grown a bit less warm, but she listened.
"And... I feel like a monster to wish that sometimes my body would act like the silent killer and take it all away. But I know it doesn't works like that."
"Whatever you choose, I'll be there. If you want to reschedule your appointment at the clinic, I'll help you out after it's done."
Your eyes finally broke down at her next words.
"But If you want to give them for adoption, I'll help into looking for the right people. And, if you change your mind later about it all, I ask before anyone else to be the godmother."
"God, you're... you're such an angel MJ."
Hot and fat tears soaked the flimsy piece of fabric.
"Hell, even if you need some economic help-"
"Oh no no... No. I... I can't take that from you when you're already doing so much for me."
"I don't think Miguel is willing to help out."
"I don't need him. I've done it on my own for the past couple of months and I've done so great, didn't I?"
"Will you use the check?"
"And have another reason for him to be around me? No. I tossed it to the trash after tearing it apart. Kind of regret not giving it to someone in need."
"What If he tries to, you know, go the legal way?"
"Then he'll only prove he's a shitty parent."
"Just... It's so damn hard for me to wrap my head around it, you know? How could you just ask to get rid of something?"
"That's just who he is. I don't want anything to do with him."
"So... you're... carrying the pregnancy to a term?"
"Yeah." You sighed and looked at her, "I'll give the baby for adoption."
MJ nodded.
"You still have a couple of weeks to reschedule, you know? You don't have to force yourself to do this."
"I know. But I'm not forcing myself. I... I choose to do this because I refuse to just be like her."
"You're not your mother."
Those simple murmurs had your throat knotting impossibly tight.
"I know it's selfish to... use a child like that. Just to prove yourself something else. But I am unable to abort. I can't... I just can't. I'll feel even worst if I do."
"I'll look into adoption programs we can discuss later, ok?"
You could only nod.
"It's alright. Everything is gonna be alright."
"I gotta find a better job though. My current salary isn't enough to cover up future expenses and my insurance plan is gonna be ridiculously expensive."
"Want me to help you in that too?"
"Are you sure?"
"Obviously. You hate being pitied on, understandably so, yet, we gotta be realistic in some stuff."
"I'm not ashamed to ask the government for help."
"I know. But what if Miguel actually has a bit of conscience left and tries to help?"
"No. I don't want anything coming from him, I rather overwork myself than to ask him for shit. He'll throw it at my face. He thought I wanted money to keep myself shut!"
"Didn't Alchemax offers maternity insurance or something like that?"
"It does but... It's only for a little time. And I'm not sure to keep working in that place, knowing I can see them anytime or... something could happen to me."
"I still can't believe that woman hit you."
"She had the right to do so. But I'm also scared of her. He's such a manipulator that he could bait her into taking him back."
"I don't know about that. She seems like the kind of woman that takes so much for so long until she decides it's enough."
"Pretty sure having your fiance knock up a stranger is enough."
"Focus on you, ok? You already did your part in telling them both. What they decide to do, is up to them."
MJ wasn't wrong. It was up to them. If Dana was to take a grudge, you'd bear it. You were brave enough to spill it all to her, even if that earned a slap from her. But now she was free.
And Miguel...
Another deep sigh.
You'd pretend he didn't exist, just like he had been playing for the last months. The more you thought about the clinic and the business you were about to perform, made you unnerved.
You didn't want to go back, even if your life depended on it, you'd refuse. In all the categorical and brazen truth, you weren't able to abort cause it didn't feel right.
Although MJ told you weren't your mother, that's how exactly you felt while being before the pristine white walls of the surgery room.
It brought back one of the many coldhearted memories you had from your messed up childhood. Social services were regulars in the doorstep of the paltry looking and shabby located apartment. Post partum psychosis had your mother in and out of the psychiatric ward, a distant relative took care of you in the meantime.
Joy lasted for almost five years, until her schizoaffective disorder acted up, often endangering you. Until one day you were sure she was taking your life away, with her own hands.
With a blink of an eye, you removed your attention back to MJ whose eyes had turned in a deep concerned stare at your sudden shut off.
"I'll put the baby for adoption."
"Alright. I'll help you."
There was no hesitation in your voice, yet the little heart growing inside beat harder, borderline excited to have an extended stay inside.
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@miss-taura @serpentstarr @randomnobody187  @8xbygirl   @del-ightfulling @iytatsworld @moonzuzuu @huehuehuehuehehe @ryk-mt @deputy-videogamer @sizeablysized @katitakenway @stealyourblorbos @beingdeluluisthesolulu @death-moth-art @obsessedwithromance @crybabiix @taeecups @tremendouswolfsaladranch @cherrycosmos392 @sbrn0905 @xylianasblog   @elgatofx @eepiebeepie @vonev @tatatida @freehentai @scaryplanetdestroyer @minalovesyoubabes @emeloyy @migueloharastruelove @jdbxws @m4dyy @nyxzoldyck6 @fruitychae @francesca-the-1st @siidmm @ana-paulinathe-arts @artyanimi @damhanallagorm @aockskcw @lauraolar14 @what-is-your-wish @oharasfilipinawife @jellyboob @ittybxttykxttytxtty @tian-monique
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darin-nidk · 2 months
1 / (Takes place before Ch. 1) Interruption.
Bugambilia. | Lucifer &. Eve!Reader
Content: wounded Alastor, somewhat descriptive mentions of injuries, curse words, unhealthy business relationship.
Sorry! The signal is a bit static-y. Try again later, my lovelies.
"I thought our agreement had an explicit clause that we would not, in fact, cross paths, dear", Alastor spoke through gritted teeth, that ever forced smile present on his visage though it didn't fool (Y/N) or anyone with basic observation skills — his deer-ears were resting on top of his head, leaning back in a clearly annoyed and distrustful manner. After all, who would have a kind relationship with the one who owned their soul? No one in their right mind, for sure.
Perhaps, amicable at best but for such a prideful demon with that big title of Radio Demon, quite feared across the seven rings of Hell through rumours alone...
Nonetheless, Alastor had growled in a threatening (warning) manner as he studied (Y/N)'s movements, their closeness evidently unwelcomed. On the other hand, (Y/N) was unfaced as they were already used to his moodswings and little childish tantrums; kneeling before him and studying his bloody and vulnerable self on the ground, the animalistic growl that served as a warning was easily dismissed by them — however, they simply hummed in acknowledgement at his petty behavior.
Soon enough, (Y/N)'s hand was hovering over his bleeding torso, a faint glow coming from their palm and this caused the radio demon's eyes to widen, for a guttural growl to form in the back of his throat to express agony — an ever so sudden action from him as he leaned forward to take a bite of their shoulder, causing (Y/N) to yelp, curse under their breath and bite their lower lip until it bled from the pain that those sharp teeth of Alastor were causing.
(Y/N) kept ongoing with the treatment despite the pain they were currently experimenting, yet they shut their eyes tightly and took a deep breath before exhaling heavily. The reason (Y/N) had a large disposal of souls wasn't just because they kept their part of the deal, but because they were a good contractor and made sure (or try) to keep a majority of the souls they owned physically intact, in-shape and healthy. "I hope you haven't forgotten, you old-fashioned prick, that we are soulbound — I am the source of your powers, that's why you can't find a way out of our contract". The pain caused by his bite was overwhelming, (Y/N) was certain that his teeth had not only teared muscle tissue, but reached deeper to the bone. Their blood staining their clothing, an orange color soaking the fabric, their blood wasn't golden or yellow akin to angels nor red like humans or demons — an hybrid, an outcast. Part of them hoped Lilith bled the same color but she was perfect (they weren't) so she most likely bled a pretty golden.
Once all wounds had been healed (read: reversed to what it once was hence why it was a painful progress to undergo), Alastor quit bitting their shoulder and grabbed the torn cloth that (Y/N) offered to wipe his mouth, disgust clear on his face. His smile wasn't wide but it was eternally present albeit recluctantly. "Your blood is disgusting as ever, let me tell you", a jab at (Y/N)'s insecure self, but they didn't show it. He knew best. "And yes, thank you for the unnecessary reminder of regretful choices—".
"Alastor", a warning tone accompanied by a tearful glare, right hand gripping their bloody shoulder as they composed themselves as best as they could, holding back tears from the raw pain. (Y/N) couldn't heal themselves, so they'd bleed for now. A headache incoming, vision somewhat blurry yet they wouldn't die because of this (they never did). "I don't mind returning your soul as long as you don't mind losing everything that our deal gave you — your powers that were on pair to Adam's, powers that only failed you because you acted cocky. Your reputation, the souls you can hold hostage because I still allow you to—".
Static noise that played in the background had turned louder, unbearably so. The ringing in (Y/N)'s ears was overwhelming, causing the headache to worsen, it was as painful as a migraine now — fuck, shit, the corner of their vision had black edges. That fucker, his bite was worse than they anticipated. (Y/N) knees buckled, falling forward as they lost their balance thanks to the loss of blood and yet they never hit the ground, instead, Alastor acted quick and held them, carefully so despite the hatered he felt at being reminded of his inferior position in this deal with (Y/N) and the repulsive and unwanted physical contact. "You piece of... shit".
Losing consciousness from the bloodloss and the stress this situation was causing them, (Y/N) went limp and their full body weight was being supported by the radio demon's figure. "Mn, not quite, dear", Alastor replied in a mocking tone yet he couldn't have his benefactor and owner of his soul to die without losing a majority of what he worked for — sighing, a glance at his shadow, a wordless command and it disappeared before emerging again with the objects that Alastor had asked for. Once he had the alcohol, bandages, needle and thread at his disposal, Alastor removed his coat and placed (Y/N) atop, rolled his sleeves upwards and got to work, stitching up the most infuriating being for him.
Salutations! The Hazbin Hotel is being rebuilt, apologies for the delay.
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