#he's shameless and really doesn't care if people recognize him as THIS person
coulsonlives · 1 year
To the peep in my inbox here ya go, fuck it:
Tldr: an anti posts ship hate in a tag, a trans person tells them to tag it, the anti is offended and bullies them for months, and calls them a transphobe for fictional headcanons the anti also has, and calls them a number of slurs including crazy, cissy, etc, until they leave and possibly commit suicide.
The anti’s name is “Howl” and he’s @eightdoctor.
The victim is Jazz @angerissue @helicarrier.
For Howl, I looked through his blog to see if I could find anything on him, and he lives in the uk or across the pond, based on timezones, and he’s posted a lot of selfies so if you ever come across someone like this, steer fucking clear if you value your mental health. (This is readily accessible public info on his blog fwiw.) I feel sick to my stomach so I’ll just post all the shit I found.
I think it started with this,
Howl posted anti shit in a character tag:
He was obviously looking to start shit and annoy people and be a ship policer, but Angerissue pointed this out and she got so much harassment in return.
Howl literally reblogged that ship post over and over again to shit on Angerissue with new little "damning things” he got from her huge HUGE blog that she ran, like did he just sit on her blog for hours to find these tiny things or wtf?? There’s so much stuff on her blog, I can’t even begin to think how he even found what he was posting. What happened to don’t like don’t read:
After that came this:
“Haha cissy”
“White savior tendencies”
What the actual fuck?
I looked at Angerissue’s posts and things to see if I could find any white savior narrative and I found literally nothing, not even anything about race at all.
“I wish they’d died in the er actually”
He literally encouraged his posse to bully her off tumblr, a bunch of antis joined in. Someone said Angerissue blocked them and it must have meant she was a homophobe (noo, it couldn’t be because they were harassing her, no way, she must have blocked them because she’s a homophobe, these fucking wankers with no compassion). Someone said “wow she posted all that instead of just apologizing” when nobody asked for an apology or even tried to talk to her, it was all attacks!
Look at all the checkboxes this guy checks off. He calls Angerissue ableist while being ableist himself (“this person is crazy”), and while Angerissue I’m guessing is disabled because she has migraines! And lots of other things he can’t even substantiate, while he acts hateful about cis people himself and calls her a “cissy”. I’m fucking LIVID.
I guess nobody actually went to Angerissue to talk to her, they just jumped into the mob with their pitchforks.
The only KIND OF questionable thing was “female pronouns” but a lot of people make that mistake and I checked Angerissue’s blog, she had changed it?? And any thing else just seems like bad wording, I don’t see any actual transphobia, she checks out to be an actually good person and her comments on her blog even say she was open to fixing things she does wrong, I just.
All of Angerissue’s phrasing was easily explained by ignorance or just bad wording, and I know someone who gets migraines, sometimes you just fuck up your words (idr what the name for that is) so that’s a possibility too, why attribute such tiny fuckups to malice right out of the gate?!
(Don’t even get me started on Howl’s about page. He’s obviously an anti so this whole thing just reeks of a smear campaign.)
Also Howl has a headcanon of his own about Bruce Banner (the character Angerissue writes and Howls’ special interest) having internalized homophobia too, so why did he say “lol they made them a transphobe with their whole chest” about Angerissue like it was an attack on her as a person?? And say “can we bully her off the website now”?
He was shitting on Angerissue and telling people to bully her for literally the same headcanon he has! What a hypocrite.
I also found this joke post a long time back into his blog, but obviously it’s not just a joke for him, it’s something he bullied Angerissue over because he couldn’t accept her own headcanons and he even bullied her over things he had the same headcanon for (but he didn’t mention that of course, because if Angerissue was horrible for having that headcanon it would mean he was too, and he couldn’t have that could he?):
Also Howl captured a paragraph where Angerissue explained Bruce Banner’s mental illness started in his childhood then got worse when he met another character (Wanda maximoff), and right below that, even tho the EVIDENCE WAS RIGHT THERE IN THE CAPTURE, Howl accused Angerissue of making that new character cause Bruce Banner’s mental illness instead of it starting in his youth (here, under the reblog with the weird dick comment...)
This went on for months apparently.
The worst part is, Angerissue says she is nonbinary on her blog so I can’t imagine how hard this was for her, imagine being called a transphobe for a headcanon by someone who has the same headcanon.
Edit: Thanks to a comment I just learned that “cissy” is a derogatory slur made towards cis people, so by calling Angerissue “cissy” Howl was implying she wasn’t trans (or nonbinary), but cis. If that isn’t transphobic, idk what is. You can’t take identities away to bully or punish people, holy shit.
Now Angerissue seems to have not been on for months, and she made some very worrying posts about killing herself. I was talking to one of her friends which is how I found about all this, and they haven’t heard from her either, even though they’ve been in good contact for a year. Angerissue put ten years of her life into a passion character, she made gut-wrenchingly beautiful gifs and fics and made a mainstay blog for the roleplay commuity, and this is what she got. This was the kind of person she was. I hope she’s still alive but I don’t know if she is, and I’m horrified and sick and something needs to be done even if that isn’t the case.
Footnote edit 1: Confirmation directly from Jazz's blog that Howl spent at least 3 hours initially on her blog to dig around for things, then posted more things after a month, and a lot more things that prove Howl's accusations about her were false.
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silverzoomies · 2 months
Cunning Linguist
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pietro maximoff x reader smut
warnings: cunnilingus, porn with (slight) plot, blow jobs, dissociative identity disorder, dissociation, existential crisis, smut, shameless smut, halloween, canon divergence
word count: 3,990
a/n: i meant to finish this ages ago. but i always overthink shit. i rewrote this several times, and it still doesn't feel worth posting. oh well !! just meaningless filth - same old story, different clothing. i wanted to play with the concept of pietro as an alter in ralph's head. again. lol
he's a little ooc here. but i'm blaming the brain fog. i'm running on three hours of sleep every night. fuck it, we ball. also, not including a tag list because tumblr's system kinda sucks for it. sorry !!
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Pietro recalled the moment his consciousness came to light.
Agnes waved her spooky hands in his face, as though she were taunting him. She muttered incantations under her breath. The words of which Pietro didn’t recognize as English. After implanting sentimental memories in his mind - based on stories of Wanda’s childhood - she sent him off on his own. Like letting a dog loose, free to roam. 
Pietro’s mission? Find Wanda, have a gabfest or two, extract information. Or something along those lines. Pietro hadn’t paid much attention while Agnes yapped about it. Why focus on that, when the mystery of his own sentience piqued his interest instead?
He was given an easy enough job to do. No problem-o. Pietro had a talent for pestering people til’ they cracked. That’s what Agnes told him, anyway. He wasn’t too sure why she wanted him to play undercover rat. It had something to do with magic. Pietro knew that much. There was some kinda witch-on-witch rivalry in the works. But unfortunately for Agnes - and maybe fortunately for Wanda - she might have to take a raincheck on her duel of the sorceresses.  
Pietro could be a bit of a dipshit. Was he stupid? Not so much. He had brains where it counted. He could be crafty. Even sneaky. But his expert level slyness didn’t make him any less of an idiot. Pietro couldn’t refute that factoid about himself. Around Wanda, he forgot how to function like a normal person. Which he blamed on the fact that he wasn’t a normal person. Being brutally honest with himself; Pietro technically wasn’t even a person at all.
More like a conceptual incarnation of human sentience, really. Simple enough.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it, though - Pietro carried the irksome flaws of a human. Often, he acted thoughtless when he didn’t mean to. Without filtering himself first, Pietro unapologetically spoke his mind. He’d drop fourth-wall breaking quips here or there. Sometimes, his careless habits made for entertaining slip ups. Perfect for sitcom shenanigans. Other times, his blunders resulted in pain. Lotsa pain.
Halloween night, Pietro found himself whisked away by a forceful wave. Conjured by Wanda’s potent magic. The same power Agnes wanted her wiggly witch fingers on. After going aerial in a wild whoosh, Pietro got up close and friendly with some Halloween decorations. But, hey, what’re a few broken bones between pseudo siblings, eh?
Wanda sure had a helluva temper. She quickly banished Pietro from ever setting foot in her house again. Talk about a major bummer. Pietro suffered a huge loss on that front. One part because he’d have no choice but to crash with Agnes again. Ninety nine parts because he’d miss his troublemaking nephews. Those fun, lil scamps.
Tough luck, Quickie. Try and do better next time.
Honestly, he’d prefer if there wasn’t a next time.  If Agnes wanted to make small talk so bad, she could do it on her own. Calling it quits for the night, Pietro wandered off to a Westview bar. To his surprise, he found the place still in operation. And despite Pietro’s memories - vague imagery of Busch beer cans crushed under his fist - he hadn’t had a beer since his consciousness manifested. Shit. Did he even like beer? Whether he cared for it or not, a subconscious instinct drew him to it.
He assumed that instinct was none other than Ralph himself. The poor dude wanted to drown his terror in alcohol. And after all the twisted shit Agnes put Ralph through; who was Pietro to deny him one of life's simplest pleasures?
The mellow atmosphere of the bar oozed Halloween spirit. Kinda unnecessary, in retrospect. Considering Wanda never stopped by for a drink. Why bother sprucing the place up with her wispy magic, if it never saw any use?
The bartender’s clever quips reminded Pietro of Cheers. Another totally bonkers concept. Pietro had memories of watching Cheers, sure. But he couldn’t decipher if they were Ralph’s or not. For all Pietro knew, they might be a part of the ‘dead brother’ package deal. False memories, meant to give Wanda someone to relate to. Making him liable to tear down her defenses when she least expected it. 
But why did Pietro get the sense he was more of a Frasier guy anyway?
Sitting at the bar on a rickety stool, Pietro spun around to satiate his boredom. He cradled a beer, inhaling all of it in a single beat. Superspeed really did have its ups and downs. Consider quick consumption a positive. As far as negatives go…well…inebriation was completely unattainable. Sucks for Ralph. As Pietro flagged down the bartender for another beer, he tuned his ears to a radio broadcast. On a shelf amidst dollar store Halloween decor; a radio droned old fashioned tales of wicked witches. Subtle.
Outside interference interrupted the broadcast. Voices intermingled between buzzes of static. Whispering soft, but panicked mantras of 'Wanda? Wanda, are you there?' Pietro narrowed his beady eyes. His ignorance of the world outside Westview should’ve stayed intact. But whatever the reason, he knew exactly where those voices came from. Why he carried such knowledge was anyone’s guess. Maybe Agnes let too much her own insight slip into his psyche. Whoopsies. Oh well. Shrugging, Pietro flagged down the bartender for another beer. Deja vu.
Bored outta his mind, his thoughts explored elsewhere.
Pietro dreamt of something a little more down to earth. He remembered a cutie-pie neighbor new to Westview. A ‘next door’ kinda type, with a quirky sorta charm. They had no idea why they were in the city to begin with. Pietro knew these details, only because he gathered the what’s what on just about every person in town. It took him all of two seconds to do so. Zip around. Observe. Make mental notes. Report back to Agnes. Spill the deets.
Anyway, about you…
Call it a crush, loneliness, or even instinctive lust; whatever the case, Pietro thought you were cute as could be. You didn’t remember how you got to Westview, or where you even came from. One day, you woke up in town, and found yourself wearing unfamiliar clothes. Threads evocative of decades long past. But hey, it happens to the best of us. Pietro was well-acquainted with feelings of confusion and alienation. That mingled sense of being both lost, and born anew.
For crying out loud, he was the very materialization of sapient awareness itself. Agnes forbade him from that knowledge as well. But again, Pietro credited his oopsies and ding-dongs to her shoddy miracle work.
Whenever you questioned the reality around you, the world only stifled you into silence. The everyday citizens of Westview seemed so content with life as it was. Acting as if you had nothing to worry about. Wanda’s sitcom setup was nothing beyond sunshine, rainbows, and television tropes. But Pietro could see the unspoken terror hidden deep in their eyes. The truth Wanda kept hush hush.
Just thinking about it was enough to give Pietro the heebie jeebies. And if his intuition was anything to go by - it never proved him wrong yet - you had a bad feeling about Westview too. Way to go! You caught on even quicker than he did. Which was kinda nuts, if he thought about it. Wasn’t he supposed to be the fastest at everything? ‘Cuz speed was his middle name or something. Or…well, it wasn’t. But it could be. Who’s to stop him from seizing his own destiny at this point?
Pietro Speed Maximoff.
Eh, maybe not.
In Westview, you had no friends or family. And much like Pietro, on Halloween night; you found yourself at the bar. He caught your curious gaze from down the counter. You were dolled up in a scanty, witch's dress, leaving Pietro to wonder why witches were such a recurring theme in his life. Looking too much like a manchild goober, he spun around a few more times in his seat. His sneakers kicked against the stool’s railing. No matter what, he couldn’t sit still. He thought he might be embarrassing himself. But his antics appeared to make you smile even brighter.
Tilting your head, you shot him a look of familiarity.
You weren’t familiar with him, though. But there was a chance you saw him appearing and disappearing around town. During his impromptu stake outs, more than likely.
Bringing your drink to the seam of your lips, you stifled a playful giggle. It was obvious you were gawking at his costume. Arching a brow, Pietro grinned into the rim of his beer bottle. To be fair, he looked supremely ridiculous. The blue tights under his cut-off jean shorts rode up in the crotch a little too much. He dipped his head, staring at the frayed edges of his shorts. Yeah. It was clear he did the job cutting them himself. A hasty one too. Since he was too eager to pull pranks with his nephews.
Damn. Pietro missed those kids like hell already.
The dirty blond hair/ear-things atop his head bounced every time he knocked his neck back. As Pietro downed yet another beer, he lost track of how many he drank. A dribble of it plummeted into silver. Creating a sheen against the lightning bolt duct taped diagonally down his shirt. Pietro sighed and pursed his lips. 
His outfit was an all blue ensemble. Garnished with a spritz of silver here or there. Quicksilver. His hero name, apparently. Pietro knew he’d never live up to it.
A bit of friendly conversation later, and the air between the two of you shifted. Your playful look morphed into something a little wanton, the more Pietro acted in silly ways. Holy shit. Seriously? He hoped he wasn't misreading your signals. Because really, your attraction was too good to be true. If you honestly wanted him, where should he proceed from here? How much freedom had Agnes even allowed him? And furthermore - if Wanda’s happy, dream town ran on a curated schedule; what if credits rolled just as the two of you finally got handsy?
Maybe sitcom rules didn’t apply to conscious manifestations of witch hocus pocus? Wishful thinking on his part.
Outside the bar - in an alleyway too uncannily clean, like a set straight out of Hollywood - Pietro beckoned you in with kisses. Technically, he played the role of Agnes’s deadbeat husband. And if that were the case, did kissing you count as cheating? Shit…was Pietro committing adultery right now?? In the midst of macking on your sweet lips, he pressed a palm to the wall next to your head. Pietro pretended to do so for balance, as he devoured you with his mouth and tongue. 
But unbeknownst to you, he cracked an eye open. Just to double check for a wedding band.
Nothing there to prove he ever got hitched. Go figure.
You giggled coyly into his lips, letting a soft moan ease through your teeth. Bringing your hands up to the hair/ear-things on his head, you toyed with them. Your pretty voice teased him, as you played with his hair in gentle strokes of your thumbs.
“Ooooh…such a good boy, huh? Fast too.” You cooed, the same way one might praise a puppy.
Oh. Fuck yeah. To hell with sitcom tropes and bogus wives. Agnes scared the ever-loving shit out of Pietro anyway. He had no semblance of a domestic connection to her. Not that she gave much of a damn herself. With how often she threw insults his way. Agnes always used Ralph as her little punching bag, before hijacking his body for her own gain.
No wonder your simple praises got his proverbial tail wagging.
A chuckle hummed in the back of his throat, as Pietro purred into your lips, “Speed’s kinda my middle name, y’know?”
You snorted one of the dorkiest laughs he’d heard since cognisant birth. And with a sudden spark of primal urgency; Pietro felt something else spring into transcendence down below. 
Sifting through Ralph’s sidelined psyche, Pietro came to realize how much of a recluse he was. The guy never seemed to get out much. In fact, Agnes might’ve even been his first partner. If one could classify her as such. So, really, Pietro was doing him a major favor. If Ralph knew he planned on using their body for some frisky fun - on an otherwise lonely Hallow’s eve - surely, he’d give his brain roomie some thanks.
Pietro’s hands were vascular like a wired-up machine, clad in arm-warmer paws. Grabbing hard onto your curvy hips with them, he pulled you in closer. He sought the friction of your crotch against his. And after some seriously sloppy making out, Pietro dropped you an invite to his place.
Or…Agnes’s place.
Uh…or…was it technically Ralph’s? Shit, this sitcom roleplay sure gave way to some mental gymnastics.
You didn’t expect Pietro to zip you off at superspeed. Moving abruptly fast, he brought you straight to his disaster of a man cave. Laying you back on the futon, he gave you little time to adjust over the blankets. The wrinkled fabrics reeked of pot, in desperate need of a wash. You got as comfy as you could on the skunky sheets. Blinking your needy gaze up at him, you tugged his white belt, pulling the band undone. Pietro grinned lazily, colliding his swollen lips into yours. His primal instincts left him wreckless with want. 
Burying his tongue in the cavern of your mouth, he brought with him the flavor of cheap booze. As you tasted him, you moaned, shucking his dumb jorts down his hips. A sizable swelling twitched in his tights, squirming under muted blue. Your eyes bulged in their sockets, cartoonishly wide. The way you whirled your tongue across your lip gave off a vibe of animalistic hunger. As though you were eager for an all dick dinner. With Pietro as the appetizer.
And the main course. And the dessert. He hoped you'd rate him five stars.
Restaurant metaphors aside; this was the very first test of his capabilities as a lover, after all. If he couldn’t live up to his superhero name, maybe he could make a name for himself in other ways.
Pietro Speed Maximoff. Quicksilver. Cunning Linguist.
But first…he really should satiate your hunger.
One, generous tug downward, and Pietro’s - or Ralph’s - slightly above average length sprang out. Bouncing in your face in mesmerizing oscillation, his cock appeared pulsating and roused. Thick veins weaved like threads through his shaft, akin to his vascular hands. His balls bulged in his tights, his jorts hanging halfway down his thighs. Pietro took his blistering cock in hand. Aching for the kind of stimulation Ralph never got, his desire painted him so flush and ruby red. 
Since you looked so delighted at the sight before you; Pietro gave his cock a few strokes. He played with himself for your viewing pleasure. And as his firm grip tugged his shaft, the world pulled suddenly back. It was as though Pietro viewed life through a third person perspective. Metaphorical cameras fixed their lenses on the two of you, in an all too human position of closeness. 
The weight of a cock in Pietro’s hand felt both familiar, yet weirdly foreign. Combine that with the sight of another living, breathing body below him; and his nerves buzzed uncomfortably. Frenzied in such a way that matched the quick pulsing of his heart. Focusing instead on your fluttering eyes, Pietro weaned himself out of dissociation. Your hands braced his hips, thumbs circling the fabric of his tights. The gentle gesture brought chills throughout his body. Inching forward, you teased his bobbing cock with a flick of your tongue.
Wet heat grounded him in reality. Upon racing to the forefront of his own mind; Pietro’s breath hitched with a husky groan. He held your head, massaging his fingers in your soft hair. Cute mewls spilled from your lips as you flitted your eyes shut. Swirling your tongue over his cock’s puffy head, you lapped any tearful pearls of precum. His thickness sank between your plush lips, and Pietro’s own lips parted for breath.
Of all things to happen on Halloween night, getting his dick sucked wasn’t on the docket.
Not that Pietro had any reason to complain. This? Wicked awesome. Ralph was really missing out.
You drew lazily back just to lap his balls over his tights, staining fabric with slick saliva. Rolling the tip of your tongue up the underside of his dick, you giggled in that dorkish way again. Pietro’s teeth pulled his lip as he tilted his head back. His dick twitched, throbbing while the heat of your mouth embraced him fully. He moaned, smiling wide enough to show off his dimples. You pumped his cock at the base, teasing his veins with your tongue.
Pietro’s brows turned inward. You suckled his head like you longed to guzzle anything he could give. He sank his fingers deeper through your hair, holding on tightly as he rutted his hips. With each slam of his weeping tip into your throat; he hoarsely grunted. You really did try your best, just for him. Even as tears spilled down your cheeks and your lips began to swell. Plush and puffy, circling his slick length. Pietro kicked up the speed at which he rutted.
Fighting his instincts, he was cautious enough not to choke you. Or, he wanted to be cautious. He braced his hands on both sides of your tear stained face, his arm warmer paws soft against your cheeks. Sinking his dick even deeper between your lips, he accidentally went balls deep. The wet fabric of his tights smothered your chin. You sputtered on his cock, which made your throat wring him so tight. As your tongue curled, sliding under the thrum of his veins; Pietro cursed. Playful chuckles and shameful apologies fell from his lips.
Bitter heat coated your tongue in sweltering jets, thick and explosive down your throat. Pietro’s groin twisted in a blossoming surge of pleasure. And as he ruptured your esophagus with his sticky load, he found himself that much more grounded. As if such a bombastic nut somehow tethered him to reality - securing Pietro from any further derealization. 
Righteous. His first big O since Agnes blessed him with the gift of consciousness. Significantly more electrifying than any sad, jerk sesh Ralph had in the past. And since you so humbly took him like a champ - giving Pietro a most euphoric experience; he saw it fit to return the favor ASAP.
Neither Pietro - nor Ralph, it seemed - had any experience toying around with partners. But he did have a vague knowledge of how to do so. Thanks to the backlog of not-so-safe-for-work memories deep in his subconscious. Raunchy porn, mostly. Magazines. Tapes. Jesus, Ralph…why’s there so much dirty stuff in there, huh? Lots and lots of it. Pietro would have to do his own research later.
He gave you no time to prep for his oncoming nose dive. Perched on your knees, coughing and clearing your throat - you found yourself abruptly resting on your elbows. Your upper back pressed into the futon. Pietro lifted your hips, using his strength to hike your thighs over his broad shoulders. As you parted your swollen lips to protest, blinking your reddened eyes; Pietro pulled your panties to the side. He kept the soaked lace pinned under a thick thumb. Burying his lips in your cunt, he lapped up your honeyed heat.
A sudden addiction, triggered by something carnal, overtook him instantly. Pietro became hooked on your fragrant flavor, swirling your cute bud in high-speed circles. He worked your stiff clit like a microscopic joystick, flicking wet heat in a spastic whirlwind. Alternating between drawing patterns, and sucking your precious pearl hard. Pietro so easily made you squeal - even without any prior experience - until you scratched your fingernails deep into Ralph’s sheets. Kissing your cunt, he let his thirst take over, and dove deeper.
The tune of his name melting through your moans made him wish the night would last forever. A small fraction of him hoped Ralph would never take over again. If consciousness offered rewards this scrumptious, Pietro wanted to stay sentient into eternity. Not to be selfish or whatever, but he almost considered playing minion for Agnes again - if only to secure the lifespan of his psyche.
Your supple, pussy lips parted as he wormed his tongue through your slick walls. Smooth, bumpy heat squeezed the fuzzy ridges of his tongue. In milliseconds, your fluttery love gushed over his taste buds and leaked down his chin. Tears teased the edges of your eyes. You cried whines of sugary bliss. Pietro’s thumb kept your panties pinned, his other hand locked around your thigh.
He smirked into your pussy, deep chuckles burning hot on your mound. And since the position wasn’t exactly the most comfortable; he allowed you some reprieve. Pushing you past your breaking point at light speed, Pietro bashed the sopping slickness of his tongue into your clit. You trembled, shuddering through powerful waves of orgasmic intensity. White-hot flashes of light flooded your vision. Under Pietro’s zippy tongue, your sweet pussy quivered.
Totes mcgoats. If he learned anything tonight - aside from the obvious lessons in subtlety; Pietro now understood why the everyday man lost his doggone marbles over puss.
After your first release, he eased your tired body into the futon. Your back met cozy blankets, engulfed in that skunk weed scent. Before you relaxed, he edged you even longer, drawing out your pleasurable suffering. Pietro sank his fingers deep into your heat, pumping the length of them inside you. His digits curled perfectly, finding every spongy spot that made your core burst with a desire to cum again. His tongue teased your swollen nub until you grabbed at his hair. You mussed the funny looking ear things atop his head, pressing your palm into his forehead to try and push him back.
You begged him to stop. Pleading in disoriented whimpers, your noises went straight to his limp dick. A few more hot, wrathful waves of pleasure later - he finally stopped. Only after your cunt erupted in one more, wet burst. You leaked like a fountain into his lips, soaking his chin, even making a mess of his makeshift costume. More than worth it. Pietro sat up on the futon, admiring his handiwork. He wiped his mouth with one of his arm warmer paws. Your mouth fell agape as your lungs begged for air. More tears sparkled on your flushed cheeks, mirroring the twinkle of your pussy. Pretty as a rose in a rainshower.
With your sluggish arms, you gestured for Pietro to climb over you. And once he did, you pulled him into a lazy kiss without a single care. You paid no mind to the taste of your sweetness on his lips, or the scent of your musk on his chin. Sleepily blinking, you bravely asked if you could stay the night. Too tuckered out to even consider a long walk back home.
Pietro could just as easily speed you over to your place. But even at the risk of his not-wife catching him in bed with someone else - he felt too adverse to loneliness. Besides...your company brought him more delight than he ever expected of anyone. Settling into the futon, he popped on Ralph’s old TV set.
Cheers was on. Pietro snickered to himself, rolling his dark eyes.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, snuggled up against Pietro’s strong form. He’d changed clothes at some point in the night, finally foregoing the tights. Oh, and he lended you one of Ralph’s shirts too. A Grateful Dead t-shirt, of which you were very grateful. Hah, “You don’t like Cheers?”
Pietro shrugged, sipping a beer. A Busch beer. He scowled at the taste, curling his lip.
“Eh. More of a Frasier kinda guy.”
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katheriensapple · 1 day
Soo, I guess I have a TAWOG AU now
Still learning how tumblr works so i'm probably breaking like a thousand rules of tumblr etiquette or whatever. But fuck it, i'm currently obsessed with TAWOG and all its fucking terrifying lore (the void, the missing characters, Rob, etc).
I just write a fic that takes place in an AU in where Gumball (of all people) is fully aware of the nature and fate of his world and super bitter about it. I love how it gave me the opportunity to explore the mind of a borderline sociopath with a huge ego but also an abuse history and depressing thought process.
sooo, there some of thoughts about this Gumball.
Diagnosed with CD (conduct disorder) but really full blown ASPD.
He hates TV's, radios and anything that has any form of static. But is, in fact, pretty good fixing and rewiring TV's when needed, and has a huge deal of training in hardware operation. Usually the first detecting signal problems or interferences.
He's willing to sit down and watch TV with Darwin, but won't do it out of free will.
Doesn't like studying for principle, but is pretty good at hearing or detecting crucial but completly random details and memorizing them. This advanced or educated vocabulary can make people think he knows more of a subject than he really knows.
A professional bullshitter. Good at telling lies and remembering them. Can ocasionally gaslight Darwin or Penny to make them accept and tell different versions of certain events.
Biromantic with preference for boys, may be ace but too young to know.
Has a really unclear/foggy vision of gender/gender identity. Those problems are probably related to trauma but he refuse to work on them. Uses he/him pronouns in person but any pronouns on internet. He try to not think to much of it.
Has the unexplicable skill to know when he's 'acting for an episode' or when 'the cameras are on', so his behavior can vary from a moment to another without any explanation.
Sometimes he is forced to remember himself that he's the main character of a 'for children of 7 or older' cartoon and has to tune it down. His secret wish is to be on Adult Swim. He's angry at the world for take away his 'stabbing previleges' and want them back.
Physically imprudent and without any self-preservation instinct.
He's in love with Rob and has no problem admitting so, the problem is that, for him, love and hate are basically the same.
Extremely possessive with his loved ones.
Usually don't like to describe his feelings as love or, for the contrary, uses the word carelessly or even with strangers. Almost always confused about it.
Not heartless, but yes shameless and ruthless and respectless. Violent, but not always.
Little to no emotional empathy and a huge deal of cognitive empathy.
His only consistent prosocial behavior is trying to no harm his friends or family.
"Rules are no more than pretty dumb suggestions that I ocassionally follow 'cause i don't have ODD". (being ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, other disorder he just read about in a DMS-V copy he stole from his psychiatrist).
Not in treament anymore because it's pretty useless for him. He has learned to behave in a socially accepted way for most of the time.
Try to do morally good things only for Darwin's sake.
Recognizes himself as an 'unkind creature' or as evil by nature. In some ways try to keep people (specially Rob) away because he knows he will hurt them eventually if them get too close. This is the main cause of his lying and pretending.
Emotionally shallow, superficial, but sad and angry to the core. His emotional outbursts tend to be brief, intense in some way but utterly infected with a persisting layer of numbness. He recovers from them rather quickly and returns to a normal, calm state for the rest of the day.
Don't care about the 90% of people he knows. Very fond of his family and some of his friends, however.
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meret118 · 1 year
These are not serious people dedicated to good-faith oversight. They're a nihilistic carnival act run by folks who are desperate for attention. We're in for a gruesome train wreck of a congressional session.
The problem with having insurrectionists within your own caucus is that they care nothing for the party, much less the country. They looked at the last three losing elections and now feel liberated to do their worst. All the anti-McCarthy members come from deep-red districts that voted for Trump by double digits. They have nothing personally to lose by acting out their darkest political fantasies. They didn't come to Congress to do anything but wreck the place and if that means taking their own party down with it, they couldn't care less.
. . .
Let's hope that all those swing-state voters who came out in 2018, 2020 and again in 2022 will now understand that this isn't just about stopping Donald Trump, as worthy as that is. They need to make sure that Republicans are kept out of power until they demobilize this destructive faction and reinvent themselves as responsible, patriotic participants in the political process.
Calling Republican renegades "ultraconservative" doesn't cut it: This clown show is a symptom of the big F.
It's been entertaining, in a dark sort of way, watching the mainstream media try to explain what is fueling the conflict between Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the House Republicans' supposed leader, and the 20 or so members of his own caucus who are preventing him from becoming House speaker. The New York Times called the anti-McCarthy faction "ultraconservative" and the Washington Post noted that most are full-on election deniers. Not only are these euphemisms for what they actually are — a bunch of fascists — it also falsely implies that the disagreement is ideological. It's not.
McCarthy is in full agreement with the anti-democratic views of this group. He was among the 147 House Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol attack. While McCarthy was initially cranky about the violence of Jan. 6, 2021, he has done everything in his power to shield the powerful conspirators who incited it, including Donald Trump himself, from any accountability.
There's no real daylight between the foaming-at-the-mouth fascists and McCarthy, much less other GOP leaders like Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, a shameless coup booster and reborn Trump loyalist, and Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who once described himself as "David Duke without the baggage." Recognizing this, some political observers have started describing the fight as "personal," as if the anti-Kevins just don't like the guy.
But that's not plausible either, since the common factor uniting the 20 or 21 holdouts is not personality type but the fact that they come from safe seats in deep-red districts. These folks are far more worried about losing a primary to someone who runs on a more-fascist-than-thou platform than about losing to a Democrat.
. . .
So if this godawful mess is not personal or ideological, then what is it? Ultimately, it's not about Kevin McCarthy at all. It's about the Republican Party's self-conception in its exciting new fascist iteration (which was forged under Donald Trump but doesn't really have much to do with him either). Fascism needs to be understood less as an ideological movement and more as a movement devoted to the worship of power for its own sake, and also a dramatic aesthetic of constant warfare and performative purification of an ever-narrower conception of the body politic.
. . .
Fascists are a bunch of trolls who are never satisfied. They must always prove their power by ganging up on someone who's been cast as an "outsider." As the Atlantic's Adam Serwer famously observed, "The cruelty is the point." Most of the time, the targets are racial and sexual minorities, liberals or immigrants. But sometimes, that restless need to constantly bully someone manifests in purification rituals, where a once-trusted or even beloved insider is deemed an outsider who must be ritually purged. It's just Kevin McCarthy's turn in the proverbial barrel, though he almost certainly hasn't helped his cause by constantly debasing himself before the hardliners. He's marked himself as a weenie, and that just makes his tormentors enjoy watching him suffer even more.
. . .
In his "Ur-Fascism" essay, Eco laid out 14 features of fascism, which add up not to a coherent political philosophy so much as a series of antisocial impulses. It's worth reading in its entirety, but the McCarthy debacle illustrates some of Eco's most important observations: Fascism is deliberately irrational. Indeed, it makes a fetish of irrationality. It's a "cult of action for action's sake" that believes thinking before acting "is a form of emasculation." The fascist believes that "life is permanent warfare" and therefore there must always be an enemy to struggle against. That's why fascists love conspiracy theories. Their "followers must feel besieged," and since they have no real oppressors to rail against, they make up imaginary ones.
More at the link.
I would say the difference between mccarthy and the 20 voting against him is the difference between someone who's using fascism to gain power, and someone who's a true believer. One is in touch with reality, and one isn't. In practical terms there is no difference of course, because what they put out into the world is the same.
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Omg I didn't even think to look on your ao3 account lol, but honestly I don't have really any ship or trope preferences but I do absolutely love the type of fics where EraserMic adopts kids lmao
Alcohol and Good Decisions by Scotty1609
It's not a long fic, and is currently in progress, BUT this is THE cutest EraserMic fic I have read! Basically, Aizawa didn't win the Sportsfest and never made it into the UA hero course. Instead, he went Ketsubutsu Academy with Ms. Joke and is besties with her.
Fast forward several years, and he has been the guardian of 5 year old Izuku Midoriya for 3 years, and Emi tells him to take a break. He goes to a bar and meets a certain blond ... a certain blond that is nice to his son. Aizawa is love.
All for One (None for Any) by ShadeCrawler (love this author. highly recommend anything by them)
This is my current obsession. Holy Molely. This is another ongoing series (updates EXTREMELY frequently though) and is a platonic Yandere Aizawa fic. Aizawa has always been possessive over things that he considers his. His possessions. His friends. His husband. He meets Izuku at the Quirk Apprehension Test, and sees Hizashi's intelligence in those green eyes that are similar to his husband's, and sees his own stubbornness and determination in him as he breaks his finger and smiles and knows that Izuku is meant to be his son. THIS FIC IS INCREDIBLE.
The Frustrating Ordeal Of Not Being Known (Beyond A Tail And Whiskers) by Otaku6337 (another amazing author. Especially for Dadzawa)
This one is a one-shot, but it's just under 10k. Izuku is out and about when he gets hit by a quirk that turns him into a cat. Aizawa is on patrol and finds him, but doesn't recognize him. He brings the kitten back to UA to take care of him, not realizing Midoriya is missing since he was supposed to be gone for the weekend. Izuku centric, FUCKING ADORABLE
Life is Ruff, But I'm so Fur-tunate to Have Met You by Scotty1609
Kid Izuku lives across the hall from Yamada and Aizawa with his not so nice, neglectful father. The Yamazawa get a dog and needs a dog walker, which is where Izuku comes in. They get to know the kid, and the more they do, the more they want to help him and bring him into their family. Soooooo cute with sprinkles of angst. Complete 15/15 chapters
End Times by parkinglotart
After the sludge villain incident, Izuku discovers he has a quirk that allows him to see a timer that counts down to people's death, and also gives up on getting into the hero course in favor for the support course. He also starts doing analyst work online and meets Eraserhead and Dectective Tsukauchi. I ADORE this fic. It's on going, currently at 23 chapters, and is just so so so good with some Dadzawa and Shinsou and Izuku friendship
I have so many more, but this should be a good starter.
Shameless plug, I have three Dadzawa fics on AO3!
Take it to the Grave: Dadzawa to Bakugou who is sad and is determined to visit his friend.
Marks Left Behind: Dadzawa to Izuku, post Kamino Ward, notices Izuku's bruise left from his conversation with All Might on the beach.
Dial-In: On going series featuring Papa Mic and his talk show with his repeat caller, one kid Izuku
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cottonfeltgembira · 2 years
hey, i just wanted to say i love ur ocs!!! they’re super creative and make me want to know more!!! if u ever want to ramble or talk about them more (specifically about ur oc’s relationships with others) then i’m more than willing to listen and ask questions about em!!! ur creativity is awesome
AHHHHHH FANK YEWW SM ANON 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 sniffles fefeffefe my darling little ocs I care a lot about them :]
Speaking of which, would be a good time to kinda give some extra details and general info of the ones I have so far !(^o^)!
Mnemosyne Vicas
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He's essentially my medium to interact with twst's overall story since I struggle with doing sonas or self inserts (mostly due to the fact I have trouble understanding myself as a single person being a system and what not)
He's kinda the main oc if you will (。・・。) since I put a lot of thought into making him (even his name has ties to themes of memory because of the ghost camera) though his origin is pretty KH heavy, it's pretty much incomprehensible if you've never played/watched Kingdom Hearts Union Cross •́ε•̀٥
Mnemosyne ADORES Grim, he's one of the few people besides Malleus who recognizes him as a monster instead of a cat/weasel/cute animal. Although he doesn't refer to Grim as a monster, instead a beast felt more accurate for him.
I think his most interesting relationship would have to be......Jade? The entire nature of their bond is complicated at best, incomprehensible at worst.
And what started their relationship (or the very least, both Jade's fascination and infatuation with Mnems) only makes this worse. Nothing like almost amputating someone's arm to get those feelings going! Mnemosyne still feels bad for the whole thing even if it was justified (seeing as the tweels were ordered to stop Mnemosyne from winning the bet with Azul)
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No last name for now (I'll add it once I've figure it out!!) She's a secondary MC to Mnemosyne (Yuu 2? You two!!) She's actually based on the fact I've haven't really gotten to indulged in stuff like this in years ;; it's kinda odd to get back into oc x canon when the last time I've done that was maybe what? 5-6 years ago??? She's the epitome of a nerdy and dorky teenager with a heavy media based interest.
In a sense, Yuna is my love letter to all those teen girls from the early 2000's who were so lovingly shameless with the content they made for the media they loved (●^o^●) she probably has made a LOT of self insert fics (definitely a very famous x reader author on a fanfic site)
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Nyx is Yuna's best friend!! She's kinda the contrast to Yuna, being a known cosplayer on Instagram since Yuna and Nyx comes from our world.
She doesn't get involved with the twst world itself but she's incredibly important to Yuna, since she was the one who would always encourage her when she thought she couldn't do something.
She's best known for her cosplays of Azul and Jade because, though her reasoning to frequently cosplaying Azul is because of Yuna who adores him (and the fact Nyx wants nothing more than the person she loves to be happy)
Yuna and Nyx's story are heavily intertwined even though Yuna is stuck in twisted wonderland and Nyx is back home in our world.
Vicus & Arena
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I haven't gotten around to drawing them yet (still stuck in dress up game prison 💔) they're twins based on the glass slippers from Cinderella!
Vicus is named after the Latin word for quartz! Since clear quartz bares a resemblance to glass and quartz itself is used in the making of watches (a reference to the limited time Cinderella had to spend at the ball)
Arena's name comes from the Latin word for sand since it's the main component used in making glass. Her name also greatly resembles the name Aranea, which means spider (since when safety glass breaks, it creates a spider web effect inside the glass)
The twins have a very complicated family relationship, their blood father left passed, to which their mother got remarried. But then her stepfather turned out to be cheating on her with his mistress. They got divorced and compromised by separating the twins as both parents stilled loved the children so dearly. Vicus stayed with his mother while Arena was taken in by her stepfather and mistress.
To put it simply : theyre long lost twins! They were separated at age 4 and reunite as second years albeit they clash in terms of personality
Vicus goes to RSA, he's sweet, a big believer and a bit clumsy. He's always helping people and taking care of others. He doesn't seem to care much about his appearance and yet is always so well dressed (his reasoning is simple, his mother taught him to)
Arena... Well much like her family, everything about her is complicated. She attend NRC despite it being an all boys school. Why you may ask? Her stepmother's bargaining of course. Her home life wasn't bad but it wasn't exactly intimate either.
Her stepfather is never at home, always on a business trip and her stepmother whom while did love her was strict and in her mind knew what's best for her daughter. This cause Arena to grow with the mindset she has now today, "to be the best of the best, better than everyone else, better than the me before."
For obvious reasons, she's been placed in Pomefiore and greatly admires Vil. Many people mistake her admiration for romantic interest, but in truth Arena simply wants to be like Vil.
Unlike her long lost brother, Arena is snarky and at times a bit self centered. She has no time to interact with strangers and people who are lesser to her much less unworthy of her presence, only circling herself around strong and powerful figures like Vil and many of the Dorm and Vice Dorm leaders.
Knowing that, she's definitely jealous of Epel. Why choose someone who seemed so unwilling to work for Vil when she's right here?!?! She'd do ANYTHING. to be closer to Pomefiore's queen, even if it meant getting her hands dirty
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monstrsball · 2 years
more college au thoughts..... talk to me about iwasuga? how do they get together? what do they love most about each other? i'm curious abt this ship in general, i've never really thought about it before knowing you liked it
iwasuga is my number one "makes no damn sense... compels me though" rare pair and i can't even explain why i like it so much, i just... do.
side note: i meant to post this way earlier but my family wanted to play a board game right as i was about to finish it and then when i did finish it was like... 2 am so i decided to wait to post it.
anyway! here's what i was thinking of for the college au. (disclaimer: i may be projecting on suga a little here but don't worry about it)
getting together:
it's a major slowburn. because slowburn friends to lovers is like... my favorite trope. i like to suffer.
i’m not entirely sure who falls first but suga is the first one to actually realize that he has feelings for iwaizumi. it's towards the end of their first year and he fully intends to do something about it but then iwaizumi starts talking about how he's planning on studying abroad in the states his second year and he decides to wait. he tells daichi this and daichi thinks him waiting is a stupid idea and he should just go for it now but suga is like "as if i'm taking romance advice from you, daichi" and leaves it at that. he also confides in asahi but asahi doesn't try to give him advice, he just gives him that look that tells him he also disapproves with him wanting to wait. 
and then suga decides against doing anything entirely because on one of their video calls, iwaizumi talks about his meeting with utsui and his plans to intern under him after he graduates. and suga kinda assumes that means iwaizumi is planning on moving to california after he graduates... even though that's not what iwaizumi said. but honestly it's just suga looking for an excuse to chicken out because he is kind of insecure so he thinks iwaizumi is out of his league anyways. 
on iwaizumi's end, it just takes him a while to actually realize that he has feelings for suga. i dare say it may have even been him who fell first, he just didn't realize it. i don’t really know what leads him to realize (i’m thinking maybe he gets jealous of someone suga is seeing and kuroo points it out but idk) but it would probably be when he first comes back from his year abroad. when he does, he immediately confesses because i kinda feel like iwaizumi would just... go for it, you know? 
once they get together? they’re the sappiest couple ever. i feel like iwaizumi is definitely the type to be like... surprisingly clingy and affectionate with his significant other and he does not care what anyone else thinks about it (which is funny bc when other couples do it, he’s like ‘this is disgusting’). 
what they love about each other: (sappiness incoming)
for both of them, they love just how much the other person cares so much about the people in their lives. iwaizumi and suga are both incredibly caring and protective people and they would definitely recognize those same traits in other people. 
suga loves iwaizumi’s goofy side, he likes when iwaizumi geeks out over his monster movies. it’s very endearing to him. he likes that iwaizumi is kind of a momma’s boy (my own personal hc). most of all, he just loves the soft affectionate side of him that only suga seems to be able to bring out. 
as much as he acts otherwise, iwaizumi loves suga’s mischievousness, the face he makes when he’s up to something is both the scariest and cutest thing iwaizumi has ever seen. he loves how quickly he can get suga (who is usually very shameless) to blush just by calling him a pet name or being extra sappy. he also loves being able to see a different side of suga that no one else does.
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hannie-dul-set · 5 years
(thirteen times) i love you— 01
— wherein y/n (a hopeless romantic) seems to fall in love with nearly ever guy she meets. so, she writes letters for them to compensate. these letters weren’t meant for them to read, but what happens when they all end up receiving them?
01 // the day it all went down
word count: 4.3k
a/n: the first part is finally here!! heheh. be warned that this is nothing but an absolute shitfest rip HAHHAH please lmk what you thought about this part!!
part 2 will be on July 9th, 8:00 PM EST!
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The soft breeze hits your skin as you walk down the dusty pavement. Clutching your books to your chest, you let out a long breath. Yet another agonizingly long day at school, I guess.
Your pace begins to slow down the moment your temporary prison appears into your field of vision. It wasn't as if you hated school— what you hated was going through the same mundane pattern nearly every single damn day to the point that it could bring a person to the brink of insanity. If that hadn't happened before, then you surely will be the first.
"Y/N! It's good to see that you're alive!" A chipper voice (thankfully) interrupts your blaring thoughts.
You groaned, "How the fuck is that a good thing, Hyerim? If anything, my impending death might actually be what the world needs right now."
"And how exactly would your death contribute to helping the earth?" Hyerim rolled her eyes, adjusting the strap of her bag as the both of you entered the campus.
A few acquaintances greeted the both of you while you passed the corridors. "Is Jiyeon not here yet?" You questioned, brushing a stray hair behind your ear.
"Said she's gonna be late," Hyerim shrugged, "And you still haven't answered my question, missy."
With a sigh, you divert your attention towards your locker which is a few feet away from you. Your eyes narrow. What the fuck? You continue to squint at the object— or more like the person leaning against it, whom which you assumed is waiting for you for god knows whatever reason.
"Hellooo? Y/N, you okay?" a waving hand blocks your vision. You turned to your friend who's giving you a worried look.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you assured her. Hopefully. You glance back at the male who was still in the same spot as before, but this time, he seemed to have noticed you. For fucks sake, go away! Oh lord jesus, am I in trouble? You gulped and looked back to your friend.
"Hey, I gotta go. I'll see you later," you bid her goodbye, walking past her "And to answer your question— overpopulation."
You heard small 'what the fuck' from your friend before you had finally left her presence, causing small grin to form in your face. Although, your brief moment of joy was cut short once you remembered the apparent doom that was waiting for you at your locker.
You made your way towards the man. With every step you take, your heart races further and a new thought of dread plants itself in your mind.
What does he want from me?! As far as I know, I haven't done anything wrong! But why else would he be here? Wait, what if I actually did something that I don't know of? Jesus— okay, relax Y/N, it probably won't be that bad. Oh god, never mind, he doesn't look happy. You know what, my death would really, really, really sound nice right now. Maybe if i just jump—
"Oh. There you are, Y/N. I've been waiting for you for quite some time now."
Lord, please take me.
"May I know why, Seungcheol?" you look up to meet his eyes, features remaining calm in the hopes of masking the internal turmoil that's going on in your head.
It takes him a while to respond. He bites his bottom lip, eyes wandering in every direction besides you. Based on his actions, you could tell he was nervous— that didn't exactly sit well with you. Why the hell is mister student council president waiting for you, and not to mention he's nervous? The last interaction you've had with him was literally months ago. None of your thoughts seemed to line up, so all you could do was just to anxiously wait for his response.
He let out a deep breath, "Look, Y/N, I'm really flattered that you like me and—"
Your brows furrowed. What?
"—and I appreciate the fact that you think I'm handsome and all—"
The hell is he saying?
"—but you know I have a girlfriend and I really don't think she'll —"
"Seungcheol, what are you talking about?" you cut him off, your face filled with confusion.
You see him pressing his lips together. He reaches his hand into his pocket and takes out something from it.
A look of horror shrouds your face upon seeing the familiar object. Your eyes widen and you could feel your breathing starting to become erratic.
Oh my god no no no, please, for the love of god, don't tell me—
"I got your letter, Y/N," a yellow envelope appears in his hand, "I'm really sorry, I really do appreciate the sentiment but I don't think Minyoung will be happy if she sees— wait, Y/N, are you okay?"
You shake you head, hyperventilating. Your eyes still focused on the dreaded envelope in Seungcheol's hand. This can't be happening, this cannot be happening.
Seungcheol's hands meet your shoulders, "Hey, do you want me to take you to the infirmary?" he looks at you, eyes filled with worry.
"I'll— I'll be fine, y-yeah, I'm okay—"
You freeze.
"No, you're obviously not fine, Y/N. I'm taking you to the infirmary."
What if the rest has theirs?
"I— I have to go—" you shake his hands off of you and you ran off, leaving a confused and rather bewildered Seungcheol behind.
As you raced through the halls, all of the students that you came across seemed to be giving you worried glance. They probably thought you were having a breakdown— which in fact, you are (surprise.) You must've looked absolutely terrible for them to even notice. You had no idea where you were headed— anywhere where you could lose your mind without anyone seeing would be nice. You take a swift turn, but instead of moving forward, you were stopped back a rather broad and muscular chest.
"Oh damn, you alright there, Y/N?" you slowly look up and you were met by the face you someone you really didn't want to see.
"Earth to, Y/N? Have you lost the ability to speak or maybe I've just rendered you speechless?" you nearly slapped the shameless grin on the man's face, but you remained still.
"Or maybe she just doesn't want to talk to you, Gyu."
You snap your head to the direction of the voice. Your face contorting in horror upon seeing him. Any moment now, death.
Kim Mingyu and Xu Minghao. Whatever higher being there is from above must be enjoying the shit show that your life is slowly becoming into.
You let out a small shriek as you scrambled away from the both of them.
"Okay I knew she didn't like me, but that was just rude."
Quickening your pace, you dashed your way to the back of the school. It was almost time for your first class, but all you wanted to do was just to sit down, cry, and wallow yourself in self-pity.
The doors of heaven made its way into your peripheral vision and you swear you were about to burst into tears of joy. You let out a breath and a smile of relief plastered itself on your face.
But of course, your moment of bliss just had to be cut short.
You felt someone grab your arm and you let out a squeak. You'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Sorry, it's just that I read your letter and I—"
"I, uh, I can't talk right now, Seokmin. Gotta go, bye—" for the third time today, (and possibly more to come) you ran.
It seemed like the back of the school wasn't an option to have your breakdown, anymore. You continue on running until your legs brought you in front of the infirmary. Good enough, you thought to yourself.
You tried to catch your breath as you entered the room. From the corner of your eye, you could see a nurse on duty giving you a skeptical look.
"Don't worry," you heaved, "I just— I just need to rest for a bit."
Planting yourself face-down onto one of the nearby beds, you let out a scream. Why the hell is this happening? You were just about to begin sobbing until you heard the door swung open.
"Oh, Joshua. What brings you here, sweetie?"
Of course that's gonna happen. What did I fucking expect?
You silently thank the people that invented the curtains around medical beds because if it weren't for them, you'd be fucked (more than you already were.) Although, he would still be able to see you if he comes closer and you were not willing to let that happen.
So, like any other person would do, you climbed under the bed.
You could see the nurse's alarmed expression looking at your figure. You placed your index finger on your lips.
'Please, don't tell anyone that I'm in here,' you mouthed, your face brimming with desperation. She seemed to understand your message since she diverted her attention to Joshua.
"Ah, I was just wondering if you hand any pain killers? My head started to ache while I was heading to class."
"Is that so? Just give me a moment, Joshua, I'll go get them."
"Thank you."
A pair of feet appeared in front of you and your heart started to race. You placed your palm on your mouth in case you accidentally slip out a sound.
"Here you go, dear."
"Ah, thank you so much. I'll be going now, Miss Lee."
"Alright. Remember to take care of yourself, Joshua."
The pair of feet shuffle away, causing you to let out the breath that you've been holding back.
"I won't," you heard the door swing open then put immediately to a close.
Slowly, you crawl back out from your hiding spot, hitting your head in the process. But did you care? No, because thank the fucking gods— your ass is saved for now. You stood up and started fixing your clothes and hair (and your mental state, but that's far from redeemable due to today's mishaps.) The bell rang, and you heard a cough coming from behind you. Turning around, you see the nurse looking at you with an unamused expression.
"Before you loiter around any further, I'd have to tell you that you need to get back to class, sweetie," despite the endearment at the end, the tone of her voice is less than endearing; a stark contrast from when she was talking to Joshua, earlier. But then again, he wasn't acting crazy and crawling underneath furniture, so you couldn't really blame her.
You nodded, and without a word, you scurried out of the room.
A groan exited your mouth as you made your way to your first class— chemistry. There weren't much students left in the hallway since the bell had already rung, so you're free to trudge your body around like a zombie. You've reached the door to your class, but before you could open it, you paused.
You curse at yourself.
Junhui is in this class.
Silently letting out a few prayers, you finally opened the door. Two pairs of eyes immediately stared at your direction— you professor, and the devil himself, Junhui.
Jesus, it's like he has been waiting for my arrival or something (guess what: he was.)
"My apologies for being late, sir, I just came from the infirmary," you explain.
"It's fine, Y/N, just go to your seat," you professor brushed you off and you nodded, following his instructions.
The class went on agonizingly slow, but perhaps that was just you hoping for it to end quickly. But, can you really blame yourself when there's literally someone drilling holes at the back of your head the entire god damned time?
Your look at the perpetrator from a few seats behind you, and were met by his intense gaze. You let a barely audible curse slip past your lips and turned your head back to the front. Can he like, stop? You could feel the warmth spreading on your cheeks from the brief interaction. Burying your face in your arms, you could only wait for the saving sound of the bell.
As if it were an ensemble of angels singing— the bell rang.
A bunch of students immediately stood up, you being one of them. You raced towards the door before Junhui could catch up to you. You exited the classroom, but before you could let out a sweet sigh of relief, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, Y/N. Is it okay if we talk for a sec?" you paled. No, it is not okay if we talk for a sec— or ever, actually. You turned your head to face him, but before you could utter out an excuse, someone decided to interrupt.
"Sorry, Jun. But I need to borrow Y/N for a while," you thought you were finally saved, but it turns out that your savior would actually end up being your demise, as well.
Wonwoo dragged you away from Junhui without giving him a chance to respond. 
Is this some sort of sick fucking joke?
The tall male finally stopped dragging you and you both ended up in a quiet hallway. You look up at him, trying to formulate a decent excuse in your head since you already anticipated what he has to say.
"Sorry for interrupting you, but I just had to inform you to head to the clubroom after class," Wonwoo explained. "I know I could've just told you there, but you looked like you'd rather die than be that situation— whatever that was."
Huh. You thought. Hasn't he read the letter?
"Anyways, I'll be seeing you later, Y/N," he bade you farewell and left your confused self in the hallway.
You let out a heavy sigh. Thank god you we're saved just now but you know that won't last any longer. Walking at an agonizingly slow pace to your next class, you could only anticipate the next stage of torture that life has planned for you.
You made a quick stop at your locker before heading to class. Letting out a yawn, you opened it and took out everything you need. You weren’t gonna lie, this whole fiasco was starting to make you feel like a dead log . All you wanted was to sleep for ten days (and maybe cry along the way) and wake up knowing this entire thing was just a shitty dream.
You closed (read: slammed) your locker. Turning your heels, you see the presence of another person a couple of feet away from you. You groaned. Can I get a fucking break, please?
At the end of the hallway was Lee Jihoon.
You expected him to march up to you, letter in hand, and gently tell you to fuck off because he isn’t interested. But instead, the moment the male met your eyes, a flustered look crept onto his face along with a not-so-subtle red blush. You heard him mumble a low ’fuck’ before he literally ran away from you as if you had some sort of contagious disease. The tables have turned, apparently.
If you hadn’t been doing the exact same thing during the entirety of the morning, you’d be offended by his actions. You sigh, spending the next few minutes walking to your next class in silence.
Surprisingly, you weren’t late. You took a seat on the second row and waited for the class to start. An uneasy feeling started to flourish in your head. This is weird, you thought. This had been the longest time of peace that had passed before everything inevitably turns to shit again.
Just as the thought enters your mind, the door swings open, revealing none other than Boo Seungkwan.
You grumble, of course this was bound to happen. You prepared yourself for yet another uncomfortable Junhui situation to commence, but it ended up being far more worse than anticipated.
As if the universe slowed down just for this moment, Seungkwan marched towards the desk literally right beside you and, god-forbid, he sat down.
I really wish I were dead, right now.
To make things even more terrible, the male decided to strike up a conversation.
“Morning, Y/N.”
You contemplated grabbing your pen and just stabbing yourself with it, but you didn’t— that would take much too long. Instead, you ended up responding with a small ‘hi,’ which sounded more like a squeak than anything else.
Seungkwan hummed at your response and started fixing his things. You prayed, hoped, and wished that he hadn’t read the letter yet, because god you wouldn’t be able to escape this just like the previous times.
The professor started the class, and the next couple of minutes were spent with him introducing a new lesson.
You assumed your prayers have finally been answered since so far, Seungkwan hadn’t mentioned anything about the letter. You thought you could finally rest easy and focus on the class, but of course, the world decided that you haven’t suffered enough just yet.
“Psst, I was waiting for you to mention the letter you sent me, but it seems like you have zero plans so—”
“Sir, may I go to the restroom!?”
You shot up, cutting off the male beside you and catching the attention of everyone in class. You bit your bottom lip. Clearly, you didn’t think this through, but you didn’t care— you just needed to leave.
“Go ahead, Miss Y/N, and please don’t yell the next time you ask.”
In a rush, you immediately left the room. You weren’t planning on going to the bathroom— for fuck’s sake, you were going home. You didn’t think you could handle the possibility of meeting any more of the recipients of your letters. You were aware you’d have to confront them in the future, but that’s in the fucking future, right now your main agenda is just to cry.
You briskly made your way around the halls, avoiding the handful of people that were around. It was an easy task since people seemed to avoid you the moment you step into their presence. From the corner of your eye, you spot the same dreaded yellow object that had been the root of your ongoing despair. Your breath hitches, bringing you to a halt upon seeing the envelope nestling in Kwon Soonyoung’s grasp.
Taking a deep breath, you hoped to sneak past the male without him noticing you in any possible way. You inched your way past him, taking one step at a time. You were about to take a turn, successfully avoiding the giant landmine that was in the form of Soonyoung, he decided to crush your hopes by looking straight at your direction. His eyes widen, opening his mouth to say something, but you didn’t give the guy a chance—
You ran.
The effect your previous marathons might’ve finally taken a toll on your body since you weren’t running as quickly as before. Your breathing started to become short and even more labored. For the meantime, you decided to stop. You wanted to escape him, not pass out. Leaning against the wall, you pant profusely, you weren’t sure if you would be able to handle this any further— physically and mentally.
You start to move again, although at a much slower pace this time. No matter what happens, you’re going home, only by then you would be able to think about a solution to your problem.
“Y/N! Wait up!”
The blood on your face drains. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck— just fuck. You could hear his footsteps getting nearer and nearer. Adrenaline rushes through your veins and you prepare yourself to start sprinting once again.
Why the fuck is this happening to me?
You sort of wish Seungcheol was just there to reprimand you earlier rather than bringing about this shit storm. It wasn’t his fault by any means, but you couldn’t find anything or anyone else to blame. God, you may have wanted a break from your daily mundane routine but isn’t this a bit too much?
Amidst your rush, a voice brings you to a halt.
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?”
You look up to the owner of the voice, mentally spewing out a string of curses (you couldn’t say it to his face unless you wanted to be in even deeper trouble.)
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class? Why the hell are you running around the hallway?”
Jeonghan begins to scold you, although none of it seems to register in your mind. You could only focus on the sound of Soonyoung’s footsteps, who in fact is only seconds away.
“Look, Jeonghan,” you heaved, cutting him off, “I— I’m sort of in— in a situation right now,” you looked at the male in desperation, your breathing still noticeably unstable. You turn your head behind you, seeing the shadow of the male inching closer. “Fuck.”
You faced the male in front of you once again, “Sorry, Jeonghan, but I really— really have to go,” for the umpteenth time today, you ran, but it seemed like Jeonghan didn’t plan on letting you go just yet.
“What the— Y/N, I’m not done with you yet, hold on—”
Instead of one, you now have two males chasing after you. That doesn’t sound too bad if it were in aromantic context, but literally two guys— both of them being exceptionally athletic and fast— are trying to frantically catch you via a running competition. Now that sounds terrible.
Your legs were seriously about to give in— maybe this is a sign to start going to the gym. But due to some miracle (or maybe you were just really fast when desperate), you managed to put some distance between you and the two boys, but you know that wasn’t going to last long. What you need was a hiding place, but where the fuck could you possible hide?
“Yo, Y/N, over here,” you turn your head and see Vernon, who you hoped hasn’t read your letter yet— you probably wouldn’t be able to handle another guy coming for your ass.
Taking the risk, you march up to him, hoping he could help you in some way. He points at his locker and you furrowed your brows in response, how is that supposed to help you?
“Hurry, get in, I’ll tell them you ran off somewhere else,” Vernon ushered you inside the compartment. You gape at him. Were you really gonna let him lock you in his locker in order to get two guys off of your tail? To answer: yes, yes you were.
You struggled to let yourself fit, but although extremely cramped, you managed. From the holes of the locker’s door, you were able to see and hear what was going on outside. A few seconds pass, then Jeonghan and Soonyoung appeared into view.
“Vernon, have you seen Y/N around?” Jeonghan asked, his breath hitching just the slightest bit.
Vernon, for the love of god, please be on my side.
“Yeah, she ran off in that direction,” he pointed towards somewhere you couldn’t see.
“Thanks, man,” Soonyoung replied and the both of them finally disappeared.
You closed your eyes, hoping to find some semblance of peace as you wait for Vernon to release you from the confined space.
“Alright, Y/N, they’re gone,” you heard a click and the locker door creaked open, “You’re safe now.”
Getting out was as much of a struggle as getting in, but once you were fully free, you found refuge on the floor underneath you. You let out as sigh as you leaned against one of the other lockers.
“Hate to ruin your moment, Y/N but why the fuck were they chasing you?” Vernon asked, confusion present in his voice.
You decided to pull yourself up, the male helping you along the way, “It's— It’s a long story,” you managed to utter out. Vernon only looked at you, probably even more perplexed than before. You brush off all the dust and the dirt before taking your leave.
“Thanks a lot, Sol. God, you don’t know how much I owe you for that,” you breathed.
“An explanation would be appreciated,” he chuckled, “But I won’t bug you right now, you look absolutely fucked out.”
You gave him a tired smile in response, “I’ll be going now. See you around,” you wave at him then immediately made your way outside.
The sun hits your skin. You almost cried knowing you finally managed to make it out alive. A few more agonizing minutes until you could have your long awaited breakdown. Surprisingly, the guard by the gate didn’t question why you were leaving school grounds— your postwar appearance probably says everything.
While you were trudging your way home, you felt a buzz in the pocket of your skirt. Letting out a groan, you fish for your phone. A look of dread shrouds your face upon seeing the message. Just when you thought your misery was over.
[chan: y/n we having a tutoring session later right? 👀]
[you: sorry chan, i won’t make it today]
[chan: aw is that so :((( i wanted to talk to you about something
chan: tomorrow then!!!]
You let out an exasperated groan and shoved your phone back into your pocket. Whatever happens within the next few days— you’ll deal with them sooner or later (hopefully, never).
Your house comes into view and you immediately broke into a sprint. Upon reaching your front door, the tears that you’ve been holding back the entire time threaten to break out. A few more seconds, Y/N, you could make it. You opened the door, and after slamming it close, you drop to the floor.
You know you’d have more shit awaiting for you tomorrow, but as of now— you only had the energy to bawl your eyes out, drown yourself in your own misery, and hope for the best to come.
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loo-cuz · 6 years
Vminkook fics
Because people asked me to recommend some vminkook fics a few times, I’m now going to do a kilometer (I’m European don’t judge) long thread about Vminkook fics, that are mostly on archiveofourown, I may be adding stuff to it from time to time idk
(The order is not really meaningful lol)
1)Texting fics:
—->how can I get you all over my skin by iamnotkpop
kookie: im madly fucking in love with them and now theyre dating and im going to die alone and when i die my hundreds of cats are going to eat my body and no one will realise for months because no one cares
kimseokjin: ok first of all language
Loo’s note: another texting fic! Jimin and Tae come together in college and are pining over their sweet baby Guk. This story fucks genderroles but TW it deals with anxiety! Furthermore in the second part of the series Yoongi comes into the pic of the relationship!
—->Group chat: ‘Whatever this is’ by LegendsOfGalaxyDragon
Description: Jimin and Taehyung ask Jungkook out. Too awkward to ask them about the relationship in person, Kookie sets up a group chat.
This is basically a shameless vent of my love for the maknae line together, since they're all so cute with each other!
Loo’s note: a fic that is written in the texting format. It has nicely developed characters and realistic plot!
2)Usual prose:
—->and he will be loved by partytillthesundown (metalgr3ymon) for my_hope
“Uh, I – I’m looking for – spicy-flavored ramen. It’s my best friend’s favorite and I want – I have to bring it to him.”
Jeongguk is aware that he probably sounds like a bumbling idiot right now, forcing the words out and barely sounding coherent, but he couldn’t stand the worried looks Jimin and Taehyung kept giving him so he had to say something. Even then, when Taehyung is walking down the aisle trying to find the type of ramen Jeongguk is talking about, Jimin still looks worried, like he’s half-expecting Jeongguk to crumble to dust right in front of his eyes if he says the wrong thing, if he breathes the wrong way.
Jeongguk finds himself looking into Jimin’s big, beautiful brown eyes, and that’s when he remembers his mother’s words. When he knows just who, and most importantly, what are Taehyung and Jimin to him.
Loo’s note: One of my personal favourites! I’m a sucker for all soulmate au’s but this one made me all soft and sad and has reasonable and realistic plot! Pls give it a chance!
—->our burned bridges by tendershipping
Agent Jeon Jeongguk is given a cover story and assigned to guard amnesiac Kim Taehyung.
(Taehyung has nightmares most nights after he wakes, at first. He screams and cries names Jeongguk doesn’t recognize, always one in particular—Jimin.)
Loo’s note: Really angsty? Hurt me really much but the ending omg the ending made it all up! I usually don’t read agent stuff cuz most fics deal super badly with the emotions of the individuals but this one actually represents how Jimin deals with everything just going down...
—->Veins of Ivy by nightynight
For some reason, whenever Jungkook gets a cut or a scrape, a plant grows from it. He has no idea why this is, but he thinks it's better he doesn't question it. Instead, he researches and learns about his plants. He's always got his head in a book about them, and, consequently, doesn't make very many friends. There are a few exceptional people, though, that worm their way into his life, and for that he is forever grateful.
Loo’s note: Ngl this is my favourite of all time. TW though! It deals with depression and cutting but it does those topics great justice. It’s really loving and fluffy and I totally love the idea because it’s very original and creative!
—->Swamp Magic by GinForInk
Two witches lure Jungkook into their cabin in the woods.
[On going.]
Loo’s note: I usually don’t read magic centric fics but dude this is great the world is nicely developed and not completely irrational! So please give it a chance! It also makes you soft af!
—->the strange and unusual by brightlight
In life, Jimin was a perfectionist, and Taehyung was lucky. They had good lives, with a lot of personal and professional successes, even if it was stressful getting there sometimes.
In death, they are super bad at being ghosts. Leave it to them to develop feelings for a man they should have been haunting.
Loo’s note: This could have been super sad but instead it’s just fluffy and great and makes you uwu
—->Ava by abcdefghiluvyou
More than anything, Jimin wanted to be loved.He wanted to be adorned with flowers and jewels like everyone else. He wanted his mates, he wanted to belong.
But the moon didn't listen to the wishes of the cursed, and soleborns like him only wore bruises, and nothing else.
Loo’s note: This is also one of my favourites (I have to many favourites ugh). I suffered so much while reading this, my whole heart just was so against a lot of stuff happening but dude the end cured me... NSFW in the ending!
—->A family can be seven idiot boyfriends by Phelpstwinsandelftwins
Idol Group BTS are all secretly dating each other and have created the world's most chaotic group chat.
Polyamorous, shit-posting fun. Just as Jesus intended.
(Also does it count as secret if Sejin has seen too much, and GOT7 is close to figuring out what's going on? Maybe not.)
[On going.]
Loo’s note: This is an OT7 polyamorous fic and not an Vminkook centric fic, but I still love it! I love that they are just young idiotic men like men usually are so their behavior is kinda realistic! It also includes NSFW parts!
—->Little Labrador by luetisch (that’s me :))))
Taehyung just enjoyed his time alone with Soosmin
That Taehyung in puppy space au that no one asked for?
Loo’s note: lol idk what to say. Basically Tae pet regressing with their family dog.
—->Don’t loose who you are by luetisch ((me again))
Yoongi is a boy, but he's also a girl. Sometimes he's nothing of both and sometimes he's a mix of others.
Yoongi meets Hoseok, a very straight Hoseok.
[Finished but you can request further chapters.]
Loo’s note: This is Sope centric but Vminkook is a very present side ship :)
NSFW Centric Fics:
—->Maknae perks by sin4chimchim
It’s just comforting to know that the other members will just give him what he wants, whether it’s another serving of banana milk or their dicks.
Loo’s note: This is an OT7 fic again! It includes humiliation kink and a lot of other stuff so yeahhhh
—->Caught in the middle (of kinks and discoveries) by Yoongi_bear (strawberryhues)
Something about Jungkook’s dorm makes him feel warm and welcomed. But right now, as he sits in the desk chair, naked and suffocating from the smell of sex and perfume—and the sounds of squelching, moans, and whines that twist in the air—Taehyung feels nothing but on edge.
Jimin had told him—back before it began, as Jungkook haphazardly cleaned up—that there were a few rules. Rules not meant for him, but for Jungkook. All he wants, all they discussed, is watching. And maybe there’ll be a little more if he’s lucky. It's for Jimin to decide, because that’s what this is: some kind of thing where Jimin makes rules and decisions that Jungkook follows, and Taehyung gets to watch.
Loo’s note: Ugh I guess humiliation kink? Jimin is a power bottom and everyone just submitted so beautifully to him.
—->don’t wanna let you go ‘til you see the light! by infiniteandsmall
Taehyung’s stepped into the hallway, and is standing with one hip cocked and a knowing smile in the corner of his mouth. He is wearing something best described as a robe, made out of a fabric that is lavender and silky. “So are you trying to be a rhyming boy?”
“Kind of,” Jungkook says. “I want to start, like. Producing my own music for real. Recording my songs.”
“That’s awesome,” Taehyung says. He pulls a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses out of the breast pocket of his robe and settles them on his nose, unsubtly letting the front of the robe fall a little more open. Jungkook suddenly realizes that he is, physically, Very Close to Taehyung, even though he’s not sure when he stepped forward.
“If I wasn't a photography major,” Taehyung says, setting the palms of his hands on the wall and arching his back and sticking his leg out of the slit of his robe, “which I am, I would be the most extraordinary, and the hottest, saxophone player in this whole city.”
in which Jungkook's third threesome results in two boyfriends and Hoseok is in love with all his best friends.
Loo’s note: Procastinating college students cute and goals.
I can’t add anything anymore cuz there’s a text limit lmao! But enjoy those!
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