#he's afraid of creepy crawlies and hes not afraid to admit it and that is very sexy
ronkeyroo · 2 years
When you just wanted to have a good time with your werewolf husband:
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edupunkn00b · 8 months
Where the Air Is Sweet, Chapter 13
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Photo by Rachel Martin via Unsplash
Prev - Ch. 13 - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 871 - Rated: G - CW: fluff! (and storybooks) :D
Patton and Logan read together. The story sparks a question from Logan. -
“‘Isn’t it odd,’” Patton read aloud from the book his students—well, his students and their parents—had given him for Teacher Appreciation Day. “‘We can only see our outsides but nearly everything happens on the inside.’”
Logan softened in his hold and hummed, the vibrations dancing out from the middle of his back and against Patton’s chest and arms. They sat curled together on their new loveseat, celebrating its arrival with stories and cuddles. With Patton’s arms curled around his middle, Logan held the book, the simple text and illustrations captivating them both.
They’d originally planned to each read their own books. Logan was working through The Four Agreements, but he’d looked up with each of Patton’s tiny gasps and coos at the lovely storybook. Finally, his curiosity had burned too brightly to contain and he’d sheepishly asked Patton to start again from the beginning.
That had been well over an hour ago. The soft story of a lonely little boy, his new cake-obsessed mole friend, and a promised fox and horse had kept their attention as the night grew dark.
“‘“Imagine how we would be if we were less afraid,” said the boy.’” Patton continued, then waited for Logan to turn the page.
Instead of turning, though, Logan held the book with one hand and brushed his fingertips over Patton’s knuckles. “What do you think we would be like if we were less afraid, Pat?”
“I wouldn’t need a nightlight,” he chuckled gently, then rested his cheek against the top of Logan’s head. His hair was warm and soft, and lightly tickled Patton's cheek in the most delightful way.
Logan’s heartbeat thudded against Patton’s forearm but he didn’t speak.
“That’s not really what you meant though, huh, Lo?” Patton murmured.
“No,” he whispered. His heart raced in the quiet room until Patton imagined he could hear it. Logan sucked in a sharp breath and slowly let it out, the warmth radiating over Patton’s hands. “I’m not afraid of the dark or spiders”—he tilted his head to smile at him—”Creepy crawly death dealers. But… I do get scared. There are… there are many things that frighten me.”
The muscles in Patton’s arms flexed as he held Logan just a little tighter, pretending for a moment he could banish all of his dearest friend’s fears through the strength of flesh and bone and will alone. “What are you afraid of, Lo?”
“I…” He set down the book, carefully marking the page with the little card the children had signed. “I was afraid to ask you about this loveseat,” he finally said, tracing the weave of the upholstery.
“I’m glad you conquered your fear,” Patton smiled. “I really like being able to sit with you like this.”
“As do I,” Logan admitted in a tiny whisper. “I…” His heartbeat shot back up and he glanced at their bedroom door.
“Lo,” Patton began, very gently. “There’s no wrong answer to this, I promise, but…” Logan shifted in his arms, not pulling away, but turning until he was nearly cradled against his chest. “Is there something else you want but you’re afraid to ask for?”
His answer was a nod. And a bright red flush across his cheeks.
Patton pressed one small kiss into his hair and waited. When Logan still didn’t speak, Patton kissed the top of his head again. “I promise you, Lo… The absolute worst thing I might say is no.”
“I can imagine a great deal worse than a simple ‘no,’” Logan whispered. “In fact, ‘no’ feels like the most I can hope for.”
“You can never get what you don’t ask for,” Patton replied. “I care about you far too much to say anything worse than ‘no.’” Big, dark eyes looked up at him and from this angle, Patton caught a glint of the silver at Logan's collarbone. He tapped gently at the metal. “I might surprise you again.”
Lithe, warm fingers covered Patton’s and something shifted behind Logan’s eyes. He smiled at last, the worry melting from his face. “Promise?” he asked.
“Promise,” Patton said, nodding solemnly.
“If I were fearless,” he began, eyes downcast as though a small part of him was still very much afraid of Patton’s expression. “If I were fearless,” he tried again, “I would ask if you wanted to share a bed.”
The words came out in such a rush, it took Patton a moment to be sure he even understood the question. In his silence, Logan kept his eyes trained down, stiff in Patton's arms. “Do you mean every night?” Patton asked. Despite Logan’s obvious discomfort, he couldn’t help the smile growing on his face. “Not just when I have a nightmare?”
Still looking down, Logan nodded slowly. “While I would never wish distress or a disturbed night of sleep for you, I… I miss it when…” His voice cracked and he sniffled. Despite Patton's assurances, Logan's fear over Patton's response poured off of him in waves, squeezing his heart.
“Oh, Lo…” Patton lifted his chin and smiled when he finally looked up. “My bed feels awfully lonely without you in it, Lo. I'd love to share it with you.”
“Really?” Logan asked, eyes grown misty above a tiny, shaky smile.
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Pizza Tower headcanons: Fear
Lets see what the main cast of Pizza Tower is afraid of, hehehe...
Peppino - What's Peppino afraid of? What ISN'T Peppino afraid of?! There's your shorter answer! This grown ass man gets scared away from sleeping from an owl sitting by the window at night. This man developed delusions of fake war PTSD because he accidentally watched a violent war film as a kid one time. He has many, many fears and they all get ridiculous to the point nobody knows whether it's funny or disturbing.
Gustavo - Despite growing up in the forest, Gustavo is afraid of creepy crawlies. Especially caterpillars. He'd never admit this, but he developed that specific fear after he accidentally baked a caterpillar into a pizza and only discovered it after he took a bite out of it.
Mr. Stick - Ever since an embarrassing incident in school, Mr. Stick has had this odd paranoia about being naked in public. To help with this, he specifically wears clothes that leave no risk of accidental slippage or exposure.
Pepperman - Pepperman does NOT like birds. And he doesn't know if the feeling is mutual or if they REALLY like him, as he seems to keep finding himself being chased by them. So really, it's no wonder he hates birds so much.
The Vigilante - He has probably the most understandable fear if you know why: Water. Too much water is not good for Cheeseslimes. Staying in the rain too long will make him melt. Going into a pool would kill him unless he gets fished out quickly. Interestingly, he's notably more freaked out than even other Cheeseslimes, though.
The Noise - This guy refuses to go to any horror movie night or campfire storytelling because of his biggest fear: Ghosts. It all began when he got his first camera and caught a glimpse of a mysterious shadow on film. The Vigilante (who knows ghosts aren't all that bad) has been trying to bring him to the New Western District to help him conquer his fear, but he adamantly refuses to go.
Noisette - She's always hated going to circuses, though not because of the clowns. Because since this is an exaggerated cartooonish world where ethics don't really matter, circus animals are still widely accepted and she's terrified of large animals. And no, she won't tell us why. We're not even sure if she knows why herself.
Fake Peppino - Poor Fake Peppino hasn't had good experience with cats. They're more afraid of him than he is of them, but unfortunately they respond to their fear by attacking the poor confused Peppino clone, making him afraid of them in turn.
Brick and Pizzahead both fear nothing. In Brick's case, he's too stupid to tell if something's supposed to be scary, and in Pizzahead's case, he's incapable of taking anything seriously.
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niigata-division · 7 months
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Happy Halloween from Valor Guard (+ Yaeka & Sara)
Seiji - Gomez Addams
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“Goddammit, the Rookie scared half the department today with his costume. You’d think a bunch of trained police officers wouldn't find it scary, but I’ll admit the Rookie went all out with it. If I didn't have nerves of steal I’d be creeped out as well. Now then, I promised Yaeka I’d take her trick or treating for the first time, so take this treat and Happy Halloween.”
You received a treat!
Blood Truffles. Milk chocolate truffles filled with an ooey-gooey bloody center that bursts inside your mouth that moment you bite down on it.
Lyall - Boogeyman
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“Boo! Fu fu fu~, you're not afraid of the dark, are you? Awww, look at you being so cute wide-eyed like that. I can sense your fear from here, and it would be quite delicious to feed on, my dear. Just thinking about it is getting me hungry. Hahaha!  Thankfully, for you, you're not the person I want to feed on tonight. There's an adorable little idol putting in a show, and I want to see how scared I can get her. So here, have this.”
You received a treat!
Witch’s Crystals. Sugar crystals that come in several flavors such as grape, strawberry, orange, and black cherry. Eat one for protection against the monster that lies in the shadows. 
Ayumu - Tuxedo Mask
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“Sara is finally old enough to go trick or treating, so I took the night off to take her around. This costume doesn't quite cut it out for me. It reminds me too much of the suits I had to wear to galas when I was younger. At least it matches Sara’s costume. Ah, the things you do for your children, right? Before I go take these and be safe! Ah! Sara, please don't run off without me!”
You received a treat!
Choco Roses. Small pieces of chocolate in the shape of roses. They come in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate. However, it's best not to throw these roses at your enemies. 
Bonus! Yaeka - Wednesday Addams
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“Hi! Happy Halloween! Papa promised me he’d take me trick or treating, but he says he has to check my candy first because some people can put nasty tricks instead of treats. Oh, right! Papa said I could give my own treats out!”
You received a treat!
Gummy Spiders. Creepy crawly spider gummies that ooze a dark green liquid when bitten into. It's a treat for those fascinated by the macabre. 
Bonus! Sara - Usagi Tsukino
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“Happy Halloween! Daddy says he’s going to take me trick or treating today! *giggles* I’m even wearing a matching costume with Daddy, too! I’m so excited! We’re even going to see Miss Shisuta, too! Oh! This is for you! Bye-bye!”
You received a treat!
Strawberry Sugar Moons. Soft and chewy candies in the shape of pink crescents and coated in sugar. Perfect for anyone punishing in the name of the moon! 
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epic-and-kitty · 1 year
little pet headcanons for Revv and Grim
• Grim fuckin loves bugs. And spiders. Any creepy crawly she can't get enough of. She has several bigger bugs as pets as well as a small colony of "cleaner" bugs for her bone collecting hobby. Her favorite is Tina, a tarantula that she found on a Squidbeak mission and snuck back into her apartment. (Tina is named after her first pet spider, that her family...did not appreciate...)
• Revv hates bugs. Hate might actually be too strong a word, but they just make his skin crawl and seeing a spider as big as Tina made him nearly faint the first time. Unfortunately for him, Tina seems super enamored by him and will crawl all over on him if she's out of her enclosure. Thankfully Grim is well aware of Revv's distaste of bugs and will scoop Tina up anytime she gets too close. (Revv refuses to admit to Grim's face that he's afraid of her pets, but it doesn't take a genius to take him hiding behind the couch at being asked if he thinks Tina is cute as evidence that as much as he says yes that he's not the biggest fan)
• Revv is actually in charge of feeding Grim's bugs if she's away from her place for awhile. Revv is just the only one she trusts to take care of them, mostly because even if he dislikes them he has still not tried to swat or squish them like others she knows have. Being on occasional feeding duty has helped him be less afraid and squimish of bugs as a whole (but still,please don't make him hold the scorpion, he is positive he will faint if it comes near him)
• Revv wants an aquatic iguana as a pet. He knows it's extremely impractical but he just loves lizards so much and he's seen videos of them online and they're so damn cool! Grim doesn't really mind the idea of a smaller lizard, but she knows he doesn't have the room for an iguana enclosure ethier with his roommate situation with 4 or when he moves in with her, so she's trying to get him to compromise with a smaller lizard.
• Her effort goes to waste as Pearl just buys one for him for his birthday and gets it a full on zoo quality enclosure for it on her massive estate. (He was super cute when he wouldn't stop hugging it tho...)
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justmanic03 · 3 months
Amethyst - Chapter Twenty-four
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm slightly scared about going to Opaquia..." Mackenzie commented, his eyebrows knitted.
"Pfft... scared of what? Spiders?" Lisa teased, waving her fingers around to emulate creepy crawlies.
"Can you stop mocking my arachnophobia, Lisa? The joke is getting kind of old," He sighed in response.
"Well I kinda get why he's scared, I mean, Opaquia is literally the place where the greatest Champion in history fell to an unknown force." I interjected. My stomach was in knots at the thought of going to the obviously-cursed deserted black city.
"I'm not scared at all! You guys need to toughen up if you want to be the next Champions!" Lisa teased, skipping forward to emphasise her boldness. Mackenzie and I exchanged looks of concern.
We both shared the same really bad feeling about the quest we were about to embark upon.
Upon returning to where the flying taxi was waiting for us, I saw Crystal was waiting next to the Corviknight, petting its wings. She stepped forward when she noticed me. Whilst Lisa and Mackenzie proceeded to climb into the flying taxi, I waited, face-to-face with the region's esteemed Chairwoman.
"Clyde told me... you know everything about Flossi," she said quietly, a hint of shakiness in her voice.
I nodded. "I understand why you had to do it, but why keep everyone in Taldourse in the dark?"
"You make a good point. Clyde and Seraphina kept urging me to make an official statement about Flossi's removal from power, but... that would've scared everyone."
"How?" I inquired.
Crystal paused, scanning her surroundings, almost as if she were making sure no mysterious force was listening in. "Flossi is... extremely powerful. Even more powerful than Kossi was. He admitted that, himself, when he was alive. He was constantly singing her praises..."
The chairwoman proceeded to sniff as she recalled how much Champion Kossi adored his wife. "He'd be truly devastated to know the terrible things she did following his death,"
"Terrible things...?" I crossed my arms.
Crystal proceeded to step closer to me. "Y/N... even though I have yet to face you in battle, I truly believe that you're the strongest and most promising trainer Taldourse has to offer. Therefore, I shall entrust you with this story..."
~ Flashback~
"We had nothing to do with your husband's death, Flossi. Why would we murder our own Champion?" Louis asked.
"Well, I can think of a multitude of reasons, actually! Jealousy being one!" Flossi clapped back furiously.
"That's nonsense and you know it." Crystal interjected. "We adored Kossi, the whole region did!"
The Champion then proceeded to roll her eyes, which were heavily stained by tears of grief. "You loved him so much that you decided to MURDER HIM!"
"I'm trying to comprehend how you could even arrive at this absurd conclusion, Flossi. We weren't anywhere near the Opaquia gym when it happened, and you know that," Seraphina said softly, as the calmest person in the room.
"So what?! You could've hired someone else to do it and feign it as a Pokemon battle! Regardless, not a single other person in Taldourse has a motive!"
The Elite Four all proceeded to exchange looks with one another. No matter what any of them said, it was worthless. She just wouldn't listen. She was steadfast in her belief that they were the ones responsible for her husband's death.
"Flossi... I know you're grieving..." Crystal began. "But... you're being completely irrational."
"Exactly what a murderer would say. Stop with the gaslighting already, and just admit the truth!" Flossi raged.
"We all promise you that if there was anything we could've done to save Kossi, we would've done it! We had nothing to do with his death!" Clyde cried out. He looked to his left, both Louis and Seraphina had tears in their eyes.
"Flossi... it pains me so much that it has come to this but... I'm afraid you can't go on like this, as Champion." Crystal spoke up. She was shaking, clearly heartbroken that she had to make this tough decision.
Flossi turned around to face her, squinting. "Wait... what?!"
Clyde was the next to speak up. "You've been running around the place, stealing and spreading lies about us, telling people that we murdered Kossi! As those that govern this region, we all agree that we can't permit that."
Flossi then turned her head to look at Seraphina, whose tears were streaming down her face by this point. "I'm sorry, Flossi, I'm so so sorry... about Kossi, about everything, but, I'm afraid you're not fit to be Champion anymore. You're grieving, and you're lashing out, and that's completely understandable, but... the safety of our beloved nation must be Paramount."
"Typical. First you take away my husband, now you're taking away my livelihood. I always knew you were a ruthless bunch. Must be in the genes considering all your families were corrupt as hell." Flossi snapped.
"That was uncalled for!" Seraphina yelled.
Flossi then turned to the youngest member of the Elite Four. "Louis?"
"I'm afraid I agree with the decision to revoke your championship." He said quickly, to avoid breaking down.
The room was then enveloped in silence. Flossi turned away, digesting the devastating blow she had been dealt, before rising to her feet. She kept her face stiff, in desperate attempt to hide her pain and vulnerability to the heartbroken Elite Four. "Whatever..." she mumbled. "I'm not going to sit here and grovel to a bunch of murderers. You can take away my title in writing if you wish. But know this: Kossi and I will ALWAYS be the Champions of Taldourse. I'm the most powerful trainer in the region. And you can never take THAT away from me."
"Even so, you must return the crowns to us." Crystal instructed.
"Get lost." Flossi spat back in anger. "Kossi was the only person in the world to have EVER loved me! That Crown is the only thing I have left to remember him by. You murderers will NEVER, EVER take that away from me! I'm not giving you anything, you've already taken everything away from me."
"You can live your whole life believing that we killed your husband, but that doesn't make it true." Clyde spoke up.
Flossi disregarded this comment, and instead raised a finger, pointing directly at the Elite Four. "This is NOT over. I'm getting out of this hellhole for now. But I will get justice for my love someday. Kossi's death WILL be avenged."
"We are truly sorry it has come to this..." Louis began, yet was cut off again by the disgraced Champion.
"You make me sick to my stomach. I'm going to destroy you all."
And with that, she disappeared...
*End of Flashback*
After this conversation, I felt decidedly less comfortable with the whole mission. I stepped away from Crystal, and she appeared to pick up on my change in demeanour, nodding understandingly.
"It's not up to me which side you choose to believe... after all, it will remain a case of "he said she said" indefinitely,"
I nodded, turning to make my way into the flying taxi where Lisa and Mackenzie were waiting.
"Unless..." Crystal continued, causing me to snap my head back around.
"Unless someone somehow finds the real perpetrator behind Kossi's death."
As I began my ascent up into the flying taxi, the Chairwoman uttered her quietest words yet,
"Please be careful..."
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sk1nnyjeans · 1 year
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he's a fucking idiot. but we already know that. he's definitely not book smart and his grades in school were nothing to brag about. he just barely got by. but he has a lot of knowledge in the things that interest him.
he is completely self taught in music. he never went to a teacher or had lessons , he just learned everything he knows from ear or by watching. which means he doesn't know how to read sheet music , and at this point , he's too afraid to ask. he does eventually begin to teach himself the basics of music theory , and he can play most string instruments.
he loves creepy crawlies ! especially invertebrates and reptiles. he has a brazilian black tarantula , a milk snake , and an asian forest scorpion. his enclosures are the most colorful parts of his room with a lot of bright green plants , and he has a wall dedicated to insect taxidermy.
unsurprisingly , horror is his favorite genre of film. but he especially loves the old black and white ones , and he has a huge soft spot for the universal monsters. bride of frankenstein and creature from the black lagoon make him emotional every time. ( something something , the monster and gill man are his favorites , he relates to and sympathizes with them the most etc etc etc. ) but he'll totally play it off if he's watching them with someone else. he'll always try to tune in to the local tv station that plays classic horror on the weekend.
he smells like cigarettes and hairspray at almost all times.
he got his hoodie from the g/ravity falls equivalent to hot topic ( we're just going to continue referring to it as hot topic because i can't remember what they named it ) in seventh grade and he still has it ! he doesn't wear it as often anymore because it's very old and basically falling apart. but he'll bring it out of retirement when the weather feels right for it. if someone got him the exact same one but new , he'd get very emotional because it's so sentimental to him and he misses wearing it without risking it unraveling if the wrong thread got pulled.
he can't cook. but he can use a microwave most of the time.
he did most of his own piercings himself ( or with the help of a friend ) and they somehow never rejected or got infected. his "spider bites" were done himself in ninth grade , he began the process of stretching his ears himself in tenth grade , his double helix was done by a friend in tenth grade , and his nostril was done by a friend when he was eighteen. his eyebrow was later done professionally in his twenties.
what we've seen in canon is that robbie hates admitting that he wears makeup for his band , most likely because he knows he would get ( and has been ) shamed for it. but he does eventually find his confidence. a little bit while he was still in school , but most of it came around the time he graduated. and he definitely wore it for graduation as a final fuck you to his peers. now he literally couldn't care less and it's just as common to see him wearing smudged out eyeliner and eyeshadow as it is to see him completely bare faced. who cares ? plus , it really compliments his blue eyes.
believe it or not , his parents are always very supportive of him and everything he does. no , they didn't like the piercings and tattoos , and they don't even particularly care for a lot of the music he makes. but they're always in his corner. he always hated that they were such cheery people ( given being in the funeral business ) as a teen , but he grew to appreciate their optimism the older he got.
he doesn't trust just anyone with his hair because he likes it a very certain way , which leaves him to be the one cutting it most of the time.
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subbypeterparker · 2 years
Bad Case of the....Spiders?
[main masterlist]
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summary: reader has arachnophobia, and peter makes fun of comforts her
a/n: first tasm!peter fic! i’m just gonna admit it here that he is my favourite spider-man...sorry
Now, you weren’t exactly afraid of spiders. Who wouldn’t love things that had four times as many eyes and legs as humans. Totally not creepy.
Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend happened to be a crime-fighting spider who loved to make fun of you.
“Can you hurry your ass up, please? I’m bored.” Peter’s sitting on the floor, looking up at you ok his bed.
“Aww, thank you for thinking of me as a way to not be bored,” you flash him a sarcastic smile, and he sends one back.
“Haha,” his humourless voice dies down when you flash him a glare.
Pouting slightly, he stands up and sits behind you, leaning his chin on your shoulder.
“What’cha doin’?”
“I’m working, love.” You press a kiss to his cheek, and feel it heat up.
With your thumb you remove the lipgloss that got smeared on his face, and hold his face close to yours. He looks at you with puppy dog eyes, and you can’t resist but lean in to finally kiss him.
His hands wrap around your waist and he pulls you closer to him. It’s a bit of an odd angle, but all you care about is the soft lips of the boy in front of you.
Peter sighs happily into the kiss, and tries to sit to straddle your lap, but ends up somehow kneeing you in the jaw, and you break away laughing.
“What the fuck, Peter!” your sides hurt from laughing as he cups your face, kissing whatever square inch of it he can. “You trying to kiss me, or send me to the hospital?”
“Well actually I’m trying to take out your teeth. Free surgery!”
You roll over on your back, holding your stomach as you look up at the ceiling.
And there it is. A gross creepy crawly, right there on the ceiling above you.
“Ahh, fuck there’s a spider!” you roll off the bed, falling onto the floor and back away, making sure to make sure the spider has not moved.
Peter looks up the tiny spider on the ceiling, then at you.
“I-Y/n, you cannot seriously be afraid of spiders, can you?”
“Of course I am! They’re so creepy!”
He stands up and walks towards you, “Ok, ouch. I’m gonna pretend like that’s not hurtful.”
“Oh come on Pete, they have way too many arms and legs and eyes and they’re hairy all over, they’re gross!”
“Oowww!” he puts his hands over his head like you’ve hurt him. “So you think I’m gross?”
“So you have eight legs and eyes? No, exactly.”
“I’m hairy all over though!”
“Pete, I’ve seen you naked. No you’re not.”
“Look, can you please just get a cup and newspaper, and like throw it out the window? Please?”
As much as Peter loves making fun of you, he knows you’re genuinely scared of spiders, and agrees to put the spider outside.
You and Peter gather outside the window as you watch the spider scamper away.
“Goodbye Frank! You will be missed!” Peter does a dramatic bow, and looks at you. “What?”
“You named it Frank?”
You turn to head back to your work on the bed, and Peter follows, still lovingly making fun of you.
“Can’t believe the girl dating Spider-Man is afraid of spiders.”
“Hey, that’s not fair! Spiders are gross little creatures, and you’re an average looking human. You’re better.”
“Average?!?! I’m above average!”
“You would be if you didn’t make fun of me,” you send him a pointed look.
“Fine. I love you, love Frank, love you more,” he presses a kiss to your lips as you laugh against his.
“Hmm, I think I’m gonna miss Frank,” you say as Peter sits down next to you.
“Can’t believe you’re afraid of something that’s less than 1 cm big,” he laughs to himself.
“Ok, one more word, and you’re going to join Frank on the streets!”
*cue Peter’s gasp*
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
Hi, I was just wondering if you have any headcanons for Blue Exorcist?
I'm not sure why, but my mind went entirely blank when I saw this ask xD I've managed to mostly rally my brain cells back together and come up with a few for the exwires and a few general ones :) Rin
ADHD and Dyslexia. (Are those really still head canons or are they considered canon at this point?)
Really sensitive to textures and gets easily distracted and upset if he’s wearing scratchy things.
Loves cuddling. Platonic or romantic is fine. He just likes cuddling.
He has one of Shirou’s rosaries and keeps it with him at all times.
Always chewing on things. Pencils, pens, food, gum, fingernails, sticks, sleeves, anything he can get hold of.
Run’s warmer than most people but is always cold.
Bi. Boy is very bi and still realizing it about himself.
Never really gets sick, even before the demon thing. When he does he’s very quiet about it and tries to hide it until he can’t.
Likes shopping, and doesn’t really care what he’s shopping for. Anything is fun.
Loves kids and is really good with them. Wants some whenever he gets older.
Always cold (it’s the depression.)
Loves sweets and never allows himself them.
Thinks slapstick is one of the greatest forms of comedy.
Adores puns and is quick to think of them.
Addicted to caffeine.
Knows Latin
Chose to get the Doctor Meister because Rin’s optimistic belief in him made him want to be a doctor.
Shadow demons terrified him as a child, and it still makes him afraid of the dark even though he’ll never admit it.
Anal about having his books/manga in a certain order and gets really annoyed if they’re moved.
Needs glasses and hates them so he bought himself contacts the minute he could.
He gets the migraine from his mother and they’re always aggravated by skipping meals. He carries protein bars around to help avoid missing meals.
Likes to draw/paint to relieve stress and keep himself loose for drawing magical circles. He likes to sketch his classmates and would be mortified if they ever saw his stuff.
Enjoys Japanese operas and has a few entirely memorized.
Gay and very private about it.
I think I have curry as his favorite food in every fic I write, lol. He strikes me as the type to feel guilty about loving something so unhealthy, and rarely allows himself the treat.
Doesn’t care for coffee at all but is addicted to green tea.
Crabby as hell if he has to stay up past his bedtime.
His prayer beads were gifted to him by his father when he was a child and just learning how to chant.
Has a hard time falling asleep without listening to chants.
Introvert and protective of his alone time. If he chooses to give it up for you, you’re important.
The official bug removed. He has no fear of creepy-crawlies and has been tasked with getting rid of them since he was a kid because Renzou gets loud when there are bugs around.
Prefers reading nonfiction to anything else.
Hates getting up early but makes himself do it anyway.
Has gotten in trouble on numerous occasions for feeding stray cats around the temple.
Thank to Rynoa’s fantastic work, I now headcanon him as disliking especially sweet things. He only eats sweets because he thinks girls likes them.
He’s extremely good at figuring out escape routes and always locates the obvious and not obvious exits whenever he goes someplace. Never know when you’re gonna need to escape.
Was scared of Yamantaka when he was little and still doesn’t fully know what to make of him.
He’s seen demons all his life and has always considered Bon and Konekomaru naive to dedicate their lives to fighting them without any real idea what they’re like.
Smart and tries very hard to hide it.
Extrovert but shy.
I also think she’s a demisexual.
She’s seen demons all her life, but they never scared her. She’s always assumed they were friendly unless proven otherwise.
She will prune any plant she’s near. It’s just a habit at this point.
She’ll poke around house plants and check their leaves and soil to make sure they’re happy.
Ride or die friend. She will tease/mock you relentlessly and tear anyone apart who dares to do the same.
She knows how to knit and likes to make little dolls. She’s extremely bashful about gifting them.
She adores colorful gel pens and glitter pens.
General head canons
Mephisto has the sky at True Cross rigged so the stars are visible.
Lewin is connected to Section 13, but not a full clone. I think he was a test subject as a child.
Kuro chases mice away from the dorms when he’s not hanging with Rin.
I head canon Takara is controlled entirely by the demon and in a sort of sleep paralysis state, very occasionally waking from it before the demon sends him back to sleep.
Demons sleep with their eyes partly open (Rin included) so they can keep mildly alert even while they’re asleep.
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hailing-stars · 2 years
fred the tarantula 
“I’m not thrilled about sharing my apartment with a tarantula, but what can I do?” asked Happy, with a note of panic, suggesting his question wasn’t completely hypothetical. “May likes him. She thinks it’s cute Peter wants to have a spider brother.”
“Hap, what?”
“Pete can talk to him,” said Happy, scratching his head. “I walked past his bedroom once and he was up in his web hammock with the spider. They were making clicking noises at each other.”
Peter Parker is a ruthless prankster.
Tony sat on his front porch, on his favorite chair, and watched as Happy Hogan drove his SUV up the driveway and parked.
Tony had been waiting, not so patiently Pepper liked to point out, for the Parker-Hogan household to arrive all week, ever since May had called him up and asked if it were alright if they stayed the weekend.
As if he’d ever object to having anyone of them over. As if he’d ever object to having any company, ever.
It turned out that retired life was lonely once children left for kindergarten, and wives had companies to run. Many times, Tony considered making a new family of robots out in the garage, though Pepper encouraged him to go and get a pet instead.
“Gerald doesn’t count,” she had told him. “He’s mean, and antisocial.”
“My spirit animal.”
She had rolled her eyes. “You spend too much time talking to Peter and his friends.”
“Impossible,” he’d said. “The fos squad keeps me young.”
Tony tried not to act too excited while the family exited the vehicle and started collecting their bags. Tried, but failed.
He wandered down and greeted them in the driveway, immediately regretting it when he got there just in time to watch Peter pull a glass cage out from the backseat of the car. A giant, furry spider was locked inside.
“What the fuck is that?”
Peter grinned and shoved that creature in his face. “This is Fred.”
“Nope,” said Tony. “Absolutely not. You can’t bring that thing into my home.”
“Aww,” said May. “Don’t be that way, Tony. Fred can’t help it if he looks a little scary.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, May, but Fred is a tarantula.”
May laughed at him, shaking her head, as if it were silly to be freaked out by a literal, hairy, creepy crawly, and walked past him, trekking up the path with her bags on her shoulder. Peter gave him an annoying little smirk, following his aunt, keeping the spider locked firmly under his arm.
“Hogan,” said Tony, as the Parkers disappeared into the lake house. “What the hell?”
Happy shut the door to the SUV. His face glistened with sweat, and the longer Tony stared at him, the more he noticed how pale he appeared to be, how easily terrified he looked.
“What?” he asked Tony, though his tense body language betrayed him. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh I don’t know,” said Tony. “Let’s start with Peter’s new freaky friend.”
Happy blinked at him and shouldered his duffel bag.
“That teenage terror is living with you now, Hap, it’s your job to make sure he doesn’t do something completely idiotic like bring an actual monster home as a pet.”  
“Tarantulas are seriously misunderstood creatures, Tony,” said Happy, in a rehearsed, unconvincing tone. He sounded like a man being held hostage. “I like Fred.”
“You hate spiders.”
“I like this one.”
Tony stared at him. He knew his friend. He knew Happy Hogan was the one person alive who was more afraid of spiders than he was, so the Hagrid act wasn’t cutting it.
“When I first told you about Peter you made me swear he didn’t secretly have eight legs and fangs. You called him unnatural and creepy.”
“Ok, fine, fine,” said Happy. His eyes darted up to look at the front porch, and when he saw that Peter and May were inside, out of hearing range, he admitted. “That thing scares the living crap out of me, are you happy?”
“No. You’re Happy,” said Tony. He was a father. He had a right and responsibility to crack dad jokes, which Happy ignored.
“I’m not thrilled about sharing my apartment with a tarantula, but what can I do?” asked Happy, with a note of panic, suggesting his question wasn’t completely hypothetical. “May likes him. She thinks it’s cute Peter wants to have a spider brother.”  
“Hap, what?”
“Pete can talk to him,” said Happy, scratching his head. “I walked past his bedroom once and he was up in his web hammock with the spider. They were making clicking noises at each other.”
Tony erupted with laughter, while Happy glared at him.
“I can’t believe you –“ started Tony. He caught his breath. “He’s messing with you, Hap. You really let that little shit pull that one over on you?”
“…he can’t really speak to spiders?”
“Happy, come on,” said Tony. “This is a literal Hallmark movie. Troubled teen pranks the step-parent.”
“I’m gonna kill that kid,” grumbled Happy, still mopping sweat from his forehead. “I haven’t had a decent night’s rest since he brought Fred home. I’ve been having nightmares about that thing crawling on me in my sleep.”
Tony laughed some more at his friend’s expense, and Happy grumbled some more under his breath.
“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the kid,” he assured his friend, and together, they walked up the path leading to the front porch. “With teenagers it’s all about threats and blackmail.”
Tony waited until the house grew quiet, until May and Pepper had retreated to the back porch with glasses of wine, to have his conversation with Peter. Happy was downstairs in the finally fully furnished guest basement catching up on his beauty sleep, leaving Tony with the perfect opportunity to interrogate the spiderling.
Peter was already dressed and comfortable in his pajamas, and he looked entirely too cozy laid out on the couch, with two fluffy pillows stacked under his head and his leg slanted upwards, his foot resting on top of the couch. A goofy grin was plastered across his face, lit up by the glow of his cellphone.
No response.
Tony rolled his eyes and snatched the phone away from the teenager.
“So much for the Peter Tingle,” said Tony. He made a big show out of slipping Peter’s cellphone into his pocket, as if he were claiming a trophy that Peter had lost.
“Told you not to call it that,” said Peter. “And it doesn’t work for annoying old men stealing phones. Only works with people who are actually dangerous.”
“Ouch,” said Tony, dripping with sarcasm. “You wound me, kid, I’m plenty dangerous.”
“Can you please just tell me what your problem is so I can text MJ back?” asked Peter, with a whine so petulant Tony considered smacking him on the head with a throw pillow.
“Sure,” said Tony. “As soon as you apologize to Happy for terrorizing him all week with a tarantula.”
Peter grinned and sat up. “Oh yeah? Terrorized?”
“Happy happens to be deathly afraid of spiders, Pete, it isn’t funny.” Tony had tried to keep a straight face, but his mouth had twitched, his facial features betraying him.
“You’re literally smiling right now,” said Peter. “And I resent you thinking my spider brother is just a joke to get at Happy. He’s part of the family. Even Happy said so.”
“Uh huh, under extreme duress.”
“You’re the only person who has a problem with Fred, Mr. Stark,” said Peter. “The rest of the family loves him.”
Unfortunately, the words Peter had said were true. Pepper and Morgan had spent the evening marveling at the tarantula through the glass of his cage, and asking Peter questions about him, while Tony and Happy observed from a safe distance and wondered if they were the only normal people around.
“Peter, be serious, what’s the deal with the spider?”
“I am serious. He’s my brother.”
“Kid,” said Tony, in the biggest get-real voice he could muster. He stared him down, but Peter remained intent on playing innocent with his big, brown doe eyes. “Eventually you’re going to be too old for the clueless act to work.”
“I am actually clueless, though. A lot of times it isn’t an act.”
“Mr. Stark.”
“Tell me the truth about Fred,” he told him, “or I’ll start sending baby pictures out to all your little friends.”
Peter crossed his arms and sunk back into the couch cushions. “May’s already shown Ned and MJ my baby pictures.”
“Oh, okay, I’ll have to send them to Flash then,” said Tony. “It’s only fair. You three are always leaving him out, this way he feels included –“
“-Okay, okay fine,” said Peter. “Fred isn’t really my spider. I’m pet sitting for Flash.”
“Why does Flash have a pet tarantula?” asked Tony. He has a very vivid memory of Flash flipping out at a Decathlon meet when he saw a centipede crawling around on the wall.
Peter shrugged. “Says he wants to feel closer to Spider-Man.”
That Tony could believe.
“And you told Happy he was your pet because…”
“-It was really funny,” he told him, then broke into a smile. “Should’ve seen his face. He thinks I can talk to him.”
“That’s horrible,” said Tony, while grinning, and fighting back another round of laughter. He didn’t know why he even pretended. He wasn’t fooling Peter. “You are a menace. That angry podcaster is right. You belong in prison.”
“It was funny, though,” said Peter, still grinning obnoxiously.
“Why the sudden interest in terrorizing Happy? I thought you were okay with him and your aunt being together.”
“I am,” he said, with a small shrug. “But it’s my job now, you know, as a step-son, can’t really let Happy off easy, Mr. Stark, that’s boring.”
“Yep,” said Tony. “You’ll definitely have to apologize.”
Tony lifted his hand to stop him. “Just think of it as my job as a mentor. Wouldn’t want to be thought of as boring.”
“No, just as lame.”
Tony hit Peter with a pillow. “Guess you won’t be getting back your phone, then.”
“Mr. Starkkkkkkk.”
He stared at the kid, waiting for him to catch on.
“You’re not gonna give it back until I apologize.”
“Oh, what do you know? You’re a genius after all.”
Tony was dreaming when he first felt it, a tickling sensation tapping across his face, and he smiled, because he imagined it was Pepper finally joining him in bed, kissing him. It wasn’t until it continued, and he was pulled further out from his sleep, that dread pooled in his stomach. Pepper’s lips weren’t that hairy.
His eyes snapped open in terror.
Fred was on his face.
Tony screamed, high-pitched and loud. He fought with his comforter until he rolled out of bed and onto the floor. He hit the carpet with a thud, and with some relief. There wasn’t anything on him anymore, but he still couldn’t stick around and let Fred crawl all over him a second time.
He darted out of his bedroom, stopping at the door, but only after hearing maniacal laughter.
He flipped his lights on, and that was when his extreme fear turned into an embarrassing rage. Morgan’s stuffed beaver hung from a sting. Peter Parker was stuck to the ceiling, just above the bed, holding the end, and Morgan sat in the armchair by the window, giggling too much to breathe properly.
“You kids are evil,” said Tony, wagging a finger up at Peter, who only grinned at him in response. “And not funny. You could’ve given me a heart attack.”
Peter flipped down from the ceiling and landed on his feet. The disgusting showoff.
“No way,” he said. “Your hearts too strong to be taken out by a stuffed beaver. And you owe me just a little more credit. Do you really think I’m such an irresponsible person that I’d let Fred roam free? In a house that’s hostile towards spiders?”
“Yeah, uh huh, keep it up, and you’ll see true hostility,” said Tony, giving him a playful shove. “And how much this house truly hates spiders.”
“Daddy’s lying, Peter, he gets so lonely when you don’t visit,” Morgan pipes up. She has reclaimed her stuffed, and she’s untying the string.
“I think Mr. Beaver needs a timeout, Morgunna,” said Tony. “He’s up way past bedtime.”
“Peter says bedtime is more of a suggestion than a rule.”
“Oh yeah?” asked Tony. “Then it’ll be Peter’s fault when you get put in timeout.”
“Alright, fine,” said Morgan, sighing heavily. “I’m going to bed, I’m going to bed.”
“Why does my home turn into chaos whenever you’re around?”
Peter smiled, and shrugged, and even though Tony had nearly been scared to death, he realized Morgan was right. He did get lonely whenever the Parker-Hogans go awhile without visiting, so he did the only logical thing. He spent the rest of his night plotting ways to entice them over more often.
It wasn’t until breakfast the next morning that Tony handed Peter back his phone.
He waited until after Peter apologizes to Happy, and took some heat from May for his lies and his pranks.
“Really May,” said Happy. “It isn’t a big deal. No harm, no foul.”
“See Happy knows how to take a joke,” said Peter.
“Yeah, of course I do, and besides, Peter can’t help it. A boy acting out in his situation is completely normal, you see Tony gave me this book –“
“-what?” Peter cut in, glaring at Tony.
Tony lifted the cereal box, and moved it strategically, hiding his smile behind it.
“It’s fine, Pete,” said Happy. “Nothing a little bonding time won’t fix.”
“… bonding time?” asked Peter, with a definite crack in his voice.
“Oh yeah, I think we’ll go on a trip. How do you feel about camping? The great outdoors? We’ll leave all our electronics, even our phones, behind. It’ll be fun.”
“That does sound like fun,” said May.
“Uh, um, I don’t know,” Peter stammered. “I’m really busy with homework and stuff.”
“I think you can afford to take some time off school, Pete, after everything you’ve been through,” said May. “A family trip sounds lovely.”
“Great,” said Happy. “I’ve also signed us up to chaperone Peter’s next fieldtrip, and his senior prom.”
Happy looked directly at Peter and said, “the book says I need to be more involved.”
Tony scooted the cereal box over and saw with great satisfaction that Peter looked thoroughly stressed.
“I will miss Fred, though,” said May. “When he goes back to live with Flash.”
“We all learned a lot from him,” said Happy. “Didn’t we, Peter?”
Tony sat on his porch, a mug of his favorite coffee in one hand, and watched Morgan play fetch with Rascal. The German Shepard puppy ran like a fawn learning to walk, all awkward limbs and tripping over air, but Tony had to admit it, it was adorable, and he was happy Pepper put the idea in his head for him to get a pet.  
Rascal kept him company during the day.
He gave Gerald a new mortal enemy, effectively distracting him from eating all the plants in the garden, and he grew less hostile towards Tony and Pepper as a result.
Rascal was also responsible for Peter dropping by more often on the weekends. Tony didn’t mind it took a puppy to entice his family to visit, he was just happy Rascal only had four legs.
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Trust Fall
Warnings: Description of a panic attack
Venti x GN!Reader
2k Words
Venti helps you get over your fear of heights.
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Things started out alright. You were at Angel’s Share with some friends, relaxing after a long day of work. “Jean works us to the bone. And I can’t even be mad at her! She does so much too,” you groan. Kaeya and Amber nod in agreement.
“I know how you feel,” Amber sighs. “Sometimes I really wish I could be mad about it but we’re so short on hands that she just can’t help it.”
“I’d almost blame Grand Master Varka, but he’s just too likable,” Kaeya commiserates. You all simultaneously take a good, long sip of your drinks.
“Wow, you guys look awful,” someone behind you comments. Amber glances over her shoulder.
“Oh, hi Venti,” she replies. “Sorry, we didn’t see you there.” You turn in your seat to see your boyfriend, Venti standing there. It looks like he’d just finished performing for other patrons and was ready to get some drinks himself.
He slid into the seat next to you and waved to Diluc, who was managing the bar himself tonight. “Dandelion wine, please,” he called out excitedly. Diluc rolled his eyes but slid a drink over to him and walked to the other end of the bar to serve other customers. Venti hummed in delight as he took a swig of his wine.
“You sure like dandelion wine a lot, huh Venti,” Amber remarked.
“Of course I do, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he proclaimed with a smile.
“And here I thought your partner here was the best thing that ever happened to you,” Kaeya mused loudly.
“Them too,” Venti agreed. “Both of them have a special place in my heart. I love them a whooooole lot!” You hid your face in your hands and groaned, hoping no one noticed your ears turning red.
“You know, if you’re doing that much maybe you should take some time later to relax and have fun,” Venti observed.
“Maybe we could go gliding together or something.” Amber considered it, but then noted, “That wouldn’t really work, with your partner being afraid of heights and all.” You pulled your head out of your hands to glare at her.
Thankfully Kaeya seemed to be too busy flirting with someone to have heard what Amber had said. Convincing him to keep it a secret would have been much harder. Glancing at Venti you noticed him looking at you, thoughtful and concerned. He’d definitely heard and you were definitely not ready to deal with that right now.
“Amber, I thought we agreed not to talk about that,” you whispered not-so-quietly.
“Oops,” Amber said sheepishly. “I forgot you were keeping that a secret.”
“It’s fine,” you sighed. “They know now so there’s nothing we can do about it. Just keep your mouth shut about it from now on please.”
She nodded vigorously. “I promise,” she assured you.
Kaeya seemed to have completely forgotten about you, chatting with yet another group, this time half-way across the bar. With your friends gone you took another sip of your drink and turned your attention back to Venti. He still looked contemplative, and it was starting to make you nervous.
Amber finished off her drink with a gulp. “Well, I’d best be heading home now,” she admitted. “I have to get up bright and early tomorrow.”
“Alright, sleep well then,” you wished her. “And get home safe.” She responded with a big smile and a ‘thank you’, and headed home.
“What’s on your mind, Venti?” You asked nervously.
“Are you really afraid of heights?” He asked.
“Well, kind of,” you confessed. “It’s honestly more like a fear of falling, to be honest. I’ve noticed that I rather enjoy the view when I’m confident I won’t fall.” He nods in understanding.
“And I guess gliders don’t really look all that trustworthy,” he ponders out loud. You nod sheepishly.
You consider your options, but keep coming back to how he seemed to have a longing look in his eye when he mentioned wanting to go gliding with you. He really did want to go. And he’d done a lot of things for you that he hadn’t really wanted to do. Maybe you could give this a try. Just for him.
“Well, do you think you could trust me?” He asks. You send him a funny look.
“Of course I trust you, you’re my boyfriend.” You explain exasperatedly.
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head, “that’s not what I meant. I meant to ask if you would trust me to not let you fall.”
“Why do you ask?” You inquire nervously.
“Well, I would like to go gliding together sometime and I was thinking maybe I could help you feel better about doing it. Y’know, since I have an anemo vision and all. I could help keep you from falling."
“Alright,” you sighed. “I’ll give it a try.” The smile he gave you in response was almost enough to make it worth it all on its own.
“Thank you,” he exclaimed as he reached over to drag you into a hug. “I promise you won’t regret it!”
You regretted this already. Venti chattered excitedly as the two of you made your way up to the place he’d decided to glide from. Apparently it wasn’t as high up as some other places, according to him, and you were really grateful for how considerate he was being, but you still felt really, really nervous.
There weren’t just butterflies in your stomach, there were all sorts of other creepy crawlies that sent a shiver down your spine as you thought about what was going to happen soon. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you continued to follow Venti up the slope. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears as you tried to not look over the edge to your left.
You made it to the spot much too soon in your humble opinion. Daring a glance over the ledge, you could feel yourself pale as you saw how small the trees looked. Without realizing it you started to breathe faster, slipping into hyperventilation with panic seeping into your bones and suddenly you couldn’t breathe. Visions of every way this could possibly go wrong flashed through your mind.
A hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality. Venti had maneuvered you into a seated position and was gently humming a tune that you recognized to be one of your favorites. “Hey, come here, it’s alright,” he murmured softly. Shuttering, you tucked yourself closer to his side and closed your eyes. Focusing on your breathing you started to calm down. In, one two three. Out, one two three. In, one two three. Out, one two three.
When you had finally calmed down you chanced a glance at Venti, ashamed of your sudden reaction. Would he be angry? Maybe frustrated? Upset that you weren’t trying hard enough to do something he wanted to do? But when you actually met his eyes you saw nothing other than pure concern and worry.
“Are you okay if I hug you?” He cautiously asked. “I really want to help in any way I can but I know that sometimes people don't want to be hugged and need space and I don’t want to make things worse for you-” You cut him off by pulling him into a hug yourself. He carefully, slowly wrapped his arms around you and gently held you- not so tight as to make you feel trapped but not as loose as to make you think he didn’t want to hug you.
Pulling away quickly, you wiped the tears from your eyes. “No, no,” you exclaimed, “if you want to do this then I want to do this. Besides, I’ll have to face my fear sometime. And what better time to do it than when I have someone I trust there to catch me if something goes wrong.” A watery smile makes its way onto your face, your tears not quite ready to leave yet.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered to him. “I know you really wanted to do this and I’ve messed it all up.” Your eyes were moist. You blinked. And you could feel tears start to roll down your cheeks.
“Shhh,” he whispered, “there’s nothing to apologize for. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, I love you and want you to be happy. And if that means we don’t go gliding together, that’s okay.”
“How, uh, how exactly do I hold this again?” You inquire sheepishly. Venti quietly laughs a little, stands up, and walks over to you. He gently adjusts your hold and explains how to use the glider for what’s probably the twentieth time. Holding tightly to the glider you walk a little closer to the edge.
“Are you sure? You really, really don’t have to,” he said as he wiped some tears from your eyes.
“I’m sure,” you stated, determined to give this a try. For him.
“Alright,” he said softly, “just let me know when you’re ready.” You nod, take a deep breath, and stand up. Picking up your glider you turn it over in your hands.
Backing up some first, you started running and, closing your eyes first, you jump off the edge. “Open your eyes if you can,” Venti called to you. “The view is half the fun!” Then you heard him whoop as he jumped off the ledge to follow you, his glider already out and ready to catch him. You cautiously open one eye, then the other, as you choose to trust Venti and admire the view.
“Alright,” you start a little shakily. “How is this going to work?”
“Well, first you run to the edge and jump off the edge,” Venti describes. “Then you hold onto the glider until you reach the ground. I’ll make sure the wind doesn’t bother you.” You nod, determined to do this.
Just like Venti promised, no winds blew you off course. With his help and your trust in him, you somehow felt safe knowing that he could and would catch you if you fell. Because of this you were able to actually enjoy the view. He was right, it was beautiful and a lot of fun to see it grow as you gently glided towards it.
Eventually, and much too soon for your liking, you touched down to the ground. You fell to your knees and thanked Barbatos for your safety and for your amazing boyfriend. Even though you had been able to trust Venti, you felt yourself shaking from both remaining fear and the adrenaline running through your veins. You could feel more than hear Venti touching down behind you and jogging over to you.
“Are you okay? What did you think?” He asked carefully. You looked up at him and smiled.
“I think,” you said slowly, “that we’ll have a lot more gliding dates in the future.” He beamed and pulled you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I’m glad,” he whispered, “I’m really glad that you trusted me enough to give this a try. And I’m glad that you enjoyed it too.”
You grin and pull away again, this time completely. You laugh as he pouts at you, before picking up your glider and running back towards the slope. “Ready to go again? I bet I can make it back up first!” You tease him. His pout turns into a grin as he grabs his glider and chases after you. And that’s how the two of you spend the rest of the day.
You smile and pull back a bit to kiss him on the cheek and smile up at him. “Thank you for helping me overcome my fear, Venti. You’re the best partner ever.”
He blushes, pulls you back into the hug, and whispers in your ear, “No, thank you. You’re truly the best thing that’s ever happened to me, dandelion wine doesn’t hold a candle to all you mean to me. Thank you so much for being my partner.”
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Thunder boomed over head and with blinding flash of lightening, the lights suddenly cut out. Roman let out an alarmed shriek then quickly clamped his hand over his mouth.
"Roman?" Thomas reached out in the dark for the Side that had been sitting next to him. He found a shoulder and squeezed it. "It's alright. Hang on, let me-" a light appeared suddenly in his hands "-there we go. You alright?"
The Prince of Creativity nodded, gripping fistfuls of his pants legs, and focusing on his breathing. "I'm fine," he answered tightly.
"Easy," Thomas soothed, rubbing circles between his shoulders. "Let's head upstairs and get the flashlight, okay? We can just settle in for the night. Alright?" He waited for Roman then came to his feet and offered a hand.
Roman stood stiffly and tried not to gripped Thomas's hand too tightly.
Getting upstairs was easy enough with the flashlight on the phone to guide them, and it took almost no time to find the flashlight which Thomas promptly clicked on and handed to Roman.
"Doin' alright?"
Roman gripped the flashlight to his chest and nodded.
"Let's go sit down on the bed, alright?" He slipped around Roman's shoulder and gently herded him toward the bed. Thomas sat down first then tugged Roman down with him. "C'mon, buddy."
Roman gave in and slumped languidly against his Whole, still holding the flashlight loosely in his hand.
"We're safe," Thomas promised, tucking an arm around Roman. "It's okay."
"I'm sorry," Roman answered almost inaudibly.
"Hey, no. It's okay, Roman. Really. I mean...I can't say that I fully understand it, since, y'know I'm not actually afraid of the dark, so I don't quite understand how you, but I'm not. But I don't need to right now. Right now I just want you to know that you're safe. We're safe, Roman."
"I know," came the empty answer.
Thomas let out a small sigh. He was learning to pick up on Roman's vague and empty agreements. "What's on your mind, bud?"
"I don't know if I should say..."
"I wanna hear from you, Roman."
The Prince let out an uncertain sigh. "Are you actually not afraid of the dark, or have you just...convinced yourself you're not?"
"That's a good question," Thomas admitted. "I'm not gonna test that right now, though, because I don't wanna turn off the light and upset you more. You might be right though. I mean you and Patton both get freaked with...the...creepy crawly death dealers like I do. I mean, I'm definitely more cautious in the dark, more uncertain. So maybe it's just...that since it's not as strong of a fear, or not an actual phobia it doesn't affect us the same way. Do you know if anyone else gets freaked out like this?"
Roman mentally flinched at the description of his behavior, but just shrugged. "Patt has a nightlight, but I think that's just so he doesn't trip."
Thomas hummed thoughtfully and rested his cheek on Roman's head as he lightly thumbed his arm. "I mean, I guess it doesn't matter why exactly. It upsets you, that's what I need to know. Well. That and how to help."
"You are helping. This helps." Roman risked inching just a bit forward and Thomas smiled pulling him closer still and kissed the top of his head.
Roman hesitated before wiggling down under the covers, and snuggling his way under Thomas's chin. He let out a small sigh as the blanket was pulled up around his chin and strong arms wrapped around him. He let his eyes drift closed, letting the tension in his body melt away as a hand lightly run up and down his spine.
"I won't let you go then. Here. Let's put this-" he gently tugged the flashlight from Roman and set it on the nightstand. "We'll keep it on," he promised. "I just want to lie down. C'mon, you can use me for a pillow."
"I gotcha, Princey," Thomas promised in a whisper. "I'll keep you safe. You can sleep now."
And just like that Roman drifted off.
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jaepies · 3 years
𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙣 - haikyuu!!
oikawa x fem!reader
mafia au
chapter 3 : a storm is brewing
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
the bell rang.
your heart thumped so loudly, you thought that your fellow peers would stop and stare; they never did. your next destination lay within a few metres within your peripheral vision.
if only you were able to will your rock of feet to move.
the thought of what could be laying behind the simple push of the stone-cold bars was enough to keep your eager body at bay. a storm threatening to grow and brew within your numb body. the storm twisting your insides, making you feel sick to the stomach.
there were two ways to go about this;
either to run as far as physically possible from this place, change your name and your identity. completely reinvent yourself along with that, marry yourself off to some wealthy businessman who could make you forget about that one time you were ever to close to becoming involved with the likes of the gangster crowd. if you could even call it a crowd; it was more like an angry mob of men whose intentions were fuelled by rage and hatred-
the timider and probably more rational optional was to just simply oblige to the request of the captain. however, you were afraid of the consequences that came with treading the blood-stained steps of the gymnasium in disguise.
once you walked into the sports hall, there was no going. it would not be as easy as clicking a reverse button on a computer or taking a rubber to erase the mistakes made in an essay. in life, you are accountable for your actions and sadly life would make you feel the after-effects of whatever path you took. the higher beings, those who wielded the power of a double-edged sword would make sure of it.
in no way was there a win-win option. no side could win at the same time and any path you took ended up with you in a dangerous position with a high probability of death.
neither routes were preferable.
one was just as damaging as the other and risked you and your life which you wished to live to its fullest even this there was no chance of this occurring. you could not win, the eventual path you choose to take always ends with you in a dangerous environment and a high probability of death.
the thought of death made you turn a ghostly pale like your soul left your carcass. it was one of those things where uneasiness crept into you, felt as though millions of creepy crawlies had been released onto you when you were not looking. you tried shaking them all off but death and its eventuality stuck with you, the crawlies were persistent in clinging onto you.
the concrete of the steps lay there. untouched and as beige as they always have been. yesterday, they seemed so normal; now they held a considerable heftiness and would lead you to a whole world. one that did not deem attractive, if you had the option you would love to forget about its existence.
taking one step at a time without sending your body into overdrive, the gymnasium became closer. each breath seemed louder than the last and suddenly you were hyper-aware of the world surrounding you.
almost like you were seeing it and taking it in for the last time.
before you knew it, the bright beams of light were blinding you.
unconsciously you rose your hand in an attempt to shield yourself, protecting your already dithering eyesight from the electromagnetic waves being projected. through the cracks of your fingers, twelve sets of piercing eyes were staring at you as if you were a deer caught in headlights.
the familiar brown-haired boy started to take strides towards you as the unwanted stares became more noticeable,
"took you a while to get here. you couldn't have gotten lost?"
oikawa realised that you may have felt discomfort, understandably so. this was a gang after all and any normal human would most likely be petrified. you seemed reasonably calm but what he did not know was that on the inside there was a hurricane and you were being tossed like a salad.
"m-my teacher let me out late. what sort of incompetent human do you take me for, i do have a sense of direction."
you did not want to admit to having second thoughts, in fear of how they might react and things they could do to you. you tried holding a strong front and show no signs of nervousness even though it seemed like everyone could see right through you.
"good, that's what i like to hear. for a minute i thought you had bailed on us. now that would have been disastrous."
"what would have happened if i didn't?"
feeling relieved that you had in fact chose to come, you could not help but question.
"nothing too much. we would have had to track you down and you would have most likely paid the price for disobeying us."
the nonchalance in his voice put you off.
"well uh, i came so no need for punishment."
you laughed uneasily, staying rooted in your place despite oikawa trying to push you to the rest of the team.
until he stopped trying.
"if you are a good girl then there is no need for punishment,"
you could hear a hint of flirtation in his voice followed by a roar of laughter. red rose to your cheeks at the innuendo. please could the sweet lord make you deaf?
"shittykawa please stop being a try-hard and please bring (y/n) over here otherwise i will not hesitate to personally come and give you a well-deserved slap."
a rather raspy and deep voice had entered the chat and you could not help but notice that the owner of the voice had some rather beefy arms. you were not drooling ;)
"iwa-chan you wound me, i was simply making her feel at ease."
you felt the large hands of the captain wrap around your petite arm and pull you into the huddle of males who had been in conversation before your disturbance of an arrival.
you remained mute as you were unsure as to what to say. it did not seem to matter as quickly oikawa filled the silence.
"everyone, we have a manager for the first time! many may know her, it is (y/n). however, we can have introductions later as we have an important deal at hand."
oikawa paused in order to gain the whole team's attention before continuing with his debrief,
you had never heard speak so seriously, a smile nearly made its way onto your stoic face before catching yourself as you realised that this was no time for smiles.
"many of you may have heard the news that the fallen crows of karasuno have started to rise again. they were once quite a powerful gang with many connections, they even had close ties with our own school however they slowly started to lose out on deals. before we knew it, they lost their power. this no longer seems to be the case and they seem to be stronger than before"
the member who oikawa called 'iwa-chan' then took over from oikawa and started to speak with everyone's attention, including yours, intact.
"we are going to be taking advantage of our history with them by proceeding with a transaction of important goods. this will ensure an alliance with them which will be useful in the long run. they are in the same prefecture as us and we need some protection against other rival gangs. oikawa and i will oversee the transaction as we are acquainted with the leader of Karasuno. mad dog will be taken as the lookout as well as back up and few of you will be taken to secure the school and prevent any outsiders from disrupting this transaction."
discussion brushed across the team at the announcement of the plan, many seemed to be in favour of it however there was a sense of anxiety. there was not much information on karasuno so no one knew how reliable or trustworthy they were. the gang was going into this transaction blindly.
"sorry to interrupt but what is my role in this?"
you did not want to impose and frankly, you were afraid to speak however you needed to know what you were getting into so you could mentally prepare.
oikawa gave an unsettling smirk before answering,
"why, you are going to be doing the most important job of all. you will be entering their gymnasium alone and handing over the parcel to karasuno themselves."
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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antwine69 · 4 years
hi! would you be able to do female!reader x beej where he finds out she has a major praise kink? (she likes being praised) i don’t have any preference between hcs or a fic! i love your work!
Of course, friend!
Also thank you!! :'))
Female Reader!
⚠️Warnings: Smut and Cursing!! It's labelled Nsft for a reason!⚠️
You whined as Beetlejuice bit your shoulder, thrusting into you harder. He was growling and groaning, nearly animalistic as he pursued his own pleasure. This had all just started with a little light-hearted teasing, you making a little remark, mabye pushing him up against a wall and leaning in close and whispering in his ear, and mabye you even let your hands wander a little before pulling away. You know, all in good fun. It wasn't your fault he got all hot and bothered by it. Before you knew it, you were in this situation. Well, you weren't complaining.
You let out an extra loud moan as Beetlejuice hit that special spot inside you that drove you wild, him lifting himself from the crook of your neck, grinning at you. ``You liked that, huh?`` he teased, his voice gruff and breathy. He angled himself and hit the same spot again, you starting to feel warmth deep within you. ``God, your doing so good for me, Babes`` The demon groaned above you, you starting to feel the warmth pool faster. Your expression looked almost shocked, your body tensing up a bit as a rush of pleasure and light happiness flowed through you.
Beetlejuice seemed to pick up on how your body was reacting, because he gave a smirk, letting one of his hands caress your body. ``And you're so beautiful, with all your curves and- fuck- the way you look at me when I fuck you`` he spoke, occasionally being cut off by his own moans and groans. You brought him closer with your legs, pushing him more into you as you felt yourself growing closer. Beetlejuice licked a stripe up your stomach and in-between your breasts, lightly biting your neck.
``Beej, shit- I'm gonna-`` he cut you off and just nodded, lifting himself to thrust into you harder. ``You are such a good Girl, such a good Girl for me`` Right when he said that you came, him coming right after, your body tensing up before releasing all tension. When you started sleeping with Beetlejuice you were afraid because he didn't seem to pull out, as one would rightfully be if any man came inside, but you had eventually learned that Beetlejuice was functionally sterile when it came to humans, and couldn't impregnate them. Ghosts couldn't make babies. Why would they need them anyway? If they were old enough they probably had kids already and was just waiting around for them to die. And, baby and child ghosts were a thing, so there had to be some sort of ghost adoption service? Like, a lot of kids die and- Wow, morbid. Reel it in, You.
Beetlejuice flopped down beside you, breathing just as heavily as you were. You looked over at him with half-lidded eyes, giving a smile. ``So, Praise. That's new for you, or?`` he asked, you just making a sort of "eehhh" noise, shrugging.
``I've thought about it a lot, but I've never actually gotten it from someone or actually asked for it.`` you admitted. ``This is the first time somebody has done it to me so... Congrats?`` you added, laughing. Beetlejuice just rolled his eyes, bringing you closer and kissing you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, relaxing into his touch. Eventually, you pulled apart, you snuggling up to his chest. He gave the top of your head a peck, chuckling.
``I am so going to use this stuff against ya, Babes``
I hope that's alright!! I have been active much, because my involvement and interest in the fandom and Beetlejuice sort of died down :(( But, I'm still in it, so there will be updates! They just- might be a bit slow hhh-
Anyways! Stay safe and cool and clean! Remember to wash your hands!! I'll see you creepy crawlies in the Neitherworld! Peace!
202 notes · View notes
The Diviners Series’ s EVIE AND SAM STORY :
They aren’t just another hate to love ya couple, there is much much more than that. They are friends. They have bond. They develop through the series. They trust each other. - Here it goes. I was putting these best parts from them for the last few days and FINALLY- can spread this into the world.  THIS COUPLE. IT COUPLE. SAM LLOYD AND EVIE O’NEILL:
“ I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on earth.”
“ Yes! Yes, Sam Lloyd. I will marry you!”
 “ “ I can’t say I blame you for taking in the view. I’ve been looking for a while.”- “Do I know you?”- “Not yet. But I hope to remedy that.” He stuck out a hand.” Sam Lloyd.”- “ Miss Evangeline O’Neill of the Zenith O’Neills.”- “ The Zenith O’Neills? Now I feel underdressed. Let me just get my dinner jacket.”- “ Well, it was nice to meet you, Mr. Lloyd, but I’d better--“Sam.” He picked up her case so quickly she didn’t even see his hand move. “ Let me carry that for you.”- “Really. I can-”She made a swipe for her case but he held it up.- “ I insist. My mother would skin me for being so unchivalrous.”- “ Well.. just as far as the door, then.”- “Where ya headed?”- “My, you ask a lot of questions.”- “ Let me guess: You’re a Ziegfeld girl?” Evie shook her head. “Model? Actress? Princess? You’re too pretty to be just anybody.”- “Are you on the level?”- “ Me? I’m so on the level I can’t get off it.”-- “ If you must know, I’ve come to join a convent.”- “Seems a waste to me. Pretty girl like you.”- “Serving our lord is never a waste.”- “Oh, sure. Of course, they saw now that we’ve got Freud and the motorcar, God is dead.”- “He’s not dead; just very tired.” The corners of his mouth twitched in amusement, and Evie felt the warmth bubble up again. He thought her clever, this Sam Lloyd with his knowing grin. (…….) “ All right, then. You with your keen observations- what, exactly, do you find special about me?”- “ There’s just something about you,” he said without saying anything at all, which disappointed her. Sam rested his hand on the wall above her head, leaning closer. Evie’s stomach fluttered. It wasn’t that she didn’t know her way around the fellas, but this was a New  York City fella. She didn’t want to make a scene and come off a complete rube. She was a girl who could take care of herself. Besides, if her parents heard about this, they’d yank her straight back to Ohio. Instead, Evie looped under the handsome Sam Lloyd’s arm and snatched her valise back. - “I’m afraid I have to go now. I believe I see, the, um, top nun going into the ladies’ lounge.” - “Top nun? Do you mean the Mother Superior?”- “And how! Sister… Sister, um..”- “Sister Benito Mussolini Fascisti?”- “Exactly!”- Sam Lloyd smirked. “Benito Mussolini is a prime minister of Italy. And a fascist.”- “I knew that.” Evie said, her cheeks flushing.- “Of course you did.”- “Well..” Evie stood uncertainly for a few seconds. She stuck out her hand for a shake. With a smirk, Sam Lloyd drew her to him and kissed her hard on the mouth. She heard the shoe-shine men chuckling as she pulled away, red-faced and disoriented. Should she slap him? He deserved a slap. But was that what sophisticated Manhattan moderns did? Or did they shrug it off like an old joke they were too tired to laugh at? - “You can’t blame a fella for kissing the prettiest girl in New York, can you, sister?” Sam’s grin was anything but apologetic. Evie brought up her knee quickly and decisively, and he dropped to the floor like a grain sack.- “You can’t blame a girl for her quick reflexes now, can you, pal?” She turned and hurried toward the exit.- In a pained voice, Sam Lloyd called after her: “Best of luck to the nuns.  The good sister of St. Mary’s don’t know what they’re in for!”- Evie wiped the kiss from her mouth with the back of her hand and pushed her way out onto Eighth  Avenue. “”
“ That son of a...”
“ Don’t kiss strange men in Penn Station.”
 “ “ Watch the Queen Of Hearts, folks. She’s the money card. Now, sir, sir- yes, you. Would you care to wager a guess. There’s no charge for this first round. Just to show you it’s an honest game I’m running.”- Evie turned the box over, upsetting the cards and the money. “Remember me, Casanova?”- It took Sam a minute, but then he smiled. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite nun. How’s the Mother Superior, Sister?”- “Don’t you ‘sister’ me. You stole my money.”- “Who, me? Do I look like a thief?”- “And how!”- “Doll, I’m sorry you got fleeced, but it wasn’t me.”- “ If you don’t want me to call a cop over here right this second and tell him you just tried to take advantage of me, you will give me my twenty dollars.”- “Now, sister, you wouldn’t--”-  “I pos-i-tute-ly would! Do you know the Museum of American Folklore, Superstition, and the Occult?”- “Yeah, I know it, but---”- “You can’t find me there. You’d better bring me my twenty bucks if you know what’s good for you.”- “Or what?” Evie spied Sam’s jacket draped across a fire hydrant. She wiped it and slipped her arms through the sleeves. “Give that back!” Sam growled.- “Twenty bucks and it’s all yours. The museum. See you son-ski!” Laughing , Evie ran down the block.””
 “ “What is it?” Jericho asked.- “I thought I saw someone watching us. I must’ve been mistaken.”- “It’s been a very long day. I wouldn’t be surprised if your eyes played tricks on you.”- “I suppose you’re right.” Evie said, but she had the nagging feeling she’s seen Sam Lloyd, of all the people. She had a vague impression of him leaning against a tree in that overconfident posture that annoyed her so. But Jericho was right- there was no one there now, only the lamppost and the park.””
“She’d seen him. Just for a second, but it was enough. What was it about that girl that made him lose his street smarts?”
“ This whole affair could’ve been avoided if he’d used his skill on Evie O’Neill back at Penn Station. But for some reason, he’d wanted her to see him. He’d wanted to talk to her. And when the time came, he’d wanted to kiss her as much as he’d wanted her money. That had been his undoing. Now here he was in the Museum of the Creepy Crawlies, searching in the dim light for his jacket.”
“ “Well, well, well. I suppose you’ve got my twenty bucks.” Jericho glanced from Evie to Sam and back again.- “Do you two know each other?”- “Actually, I’ve come to see Mr. William Fitzgerald. Is he here?” Sam craned his neck.- “Dr. Fitzgerald. And what business do you have with my uncle?”- “ Your.. your uncle? You don’t say! Now, isn’t that a coincidence.” ” (…)- “ He’s a cheat, a liar, a thief, a liar-”- “You said it already.” Sam noted.- “Well, I’m saying it again! This is the son of a bitch who stole my twenty dollars in Penn Station!” (…) - “Now. Did you, in fact, steal her twenty dollars? Answer carefully, young man.”- For the first time, Sam appeared nervous, raking a hand through his hair and inching just a bit closer to the door. “Well, sir, a great man once said, ‘Subjectivity is truth; truth is subjectivity’. “- “Kierkegaard,” Will said, surprised. His tone softened. “Still. Facts are facts.”- Sam looked down at his shoes.” I’m sorry. I was planning on paying her back when I saw that fella at the pawnbroker’s and gave him my last dime to get that knife back. I thought maybe it could be a peace offering.”- “Oh, dry up,” Evie muttered. “ He probably stole it himself.” “
“ “Admit it- you liked that kiss.”- “You owe me twenty dollars.”- “Cash or check?” He said cheekily. Even the dullest Ohio girls knew that bit of lingo: Kiss now or kiss later?- “ Bank’s closed, pal.”- Sam nodded. “Check, then.” Whistling, he headed for the library doors. Evie followed him up the wide, curving staircase that led to the museum’s second floor. “Can I help you, sister?”- “I’m making sure you don’t leave with half the museum.”- “Just have to iron my shoelaces,” he said, nodding towards the men’s room at the top of the stairs. When he reached the men’s room door, Evie stood outside, her arms folded across her chest. “Honestly, I’d invite you in, but I’ve managed to avoid getting arrested for pretty theft. I’d hate to go to the Tombs for perversion.”- “Whatever it takes to get you out of my uncle’s museum. I’ll wait.”- “Suit yourself, doll.””
“ “Do you think you can manage to not steal anything while I’m gone?”- “ The only thing I’m trying to steal is your heart, doll.” Sam smirked-  “ You’re not that talented a thief, Sam Lloyd.” “
“ “Psst!” Sam hissed at Evie from the doorway of an office.- “Sam! What are you doing?”- “Same thing you are. Snooping around.”- “You were supposed to stay with Jericho!”- “You should know by now, doll, that I never do what I’m supposed to do.”- “Never mind that. Did you find anything?”- “Not yet. I’ll look here. You look over there.” “
“ “ And then I said to him, ‘The pleasure was all yours.’ I said it just like that, too. I had the last word.” Evie said, recounting Sam Lloyd’s first visit to the museum.- “Sure ya did.” Theta laughed. “You shouldn’t let that Sam fella get under your skin.”- “Did I say he was under my skin?”- “No. I can see you’ve really let it go, Evil.” Theta said, and Henry smirked.- “It’s over. Finished. The bum’s rush to him ,”Evie said, brushing away the wind for effect.- “Good, because we’re here. And I’m pretty sure that password isn’t Sam or Lloyd.””
“ “What’s eating you?”- “Theta, take my purse. It’s got twenty bucks in it. You might need it to bail me out.”- “For the last time, what is it?”- “Sam Lloyd.” “
“ “Let’s dance.”- “With you? Just so you know, I left my money with Theta for safekeeping.””
“ “.. That Ida was a real tomato who was not hitting on all sixes..”- “ Beg you pardon?” Will said.- “ She was pretty gullible.” Sam explained.- “Because she started spending all her clams on seances with Mary and John. Anyway, the chin music was--”- “ The what?” Will asked.- “Gossip.” Sam said. “
“ “Sam! Sam Lloyd! I need you!”- “I knew you’d come around.”- “Take a shower, pal. I need you to help me into the Tombs.””
“ “ You have a steady fella?”- “ No fella can hold me for long.”- “That a challenge?”- “No. A statement of fact.”- “We’ll see.”- “You still owe me twenty bucks.”- “ You’re a lot more like me than you think, Evie O’Neill.”- “Ha!”- “What I meant to say is, you like me a lot more than you think.”- “Keep driving, Lloyd.””
“ “Bomb and revolution? Not my style. I’ve got my own mission.”- “What mission is that? Leading girls astray with stolen gems?”- “You ever hear of something called Project Buffalo?”- “Can’t say that I have.”- “Well, if you look for any information on it, you won’t find it. It was a secret government operation during the war.”- “Then how do you know about it?”- “My mother went to work on it. She took some kind of test--”- “A test? What..?”  (….)- “I’m going to find her. So now you know about me. What about you? How’d you end up with your uncle?”- “ I killed a man for insulting my honor.”- “Naturally. And?”- “And.. I robbed a five-and-dime. I can never have enough paste bracelets.”- “Who can? And?”- “And.. I accused the town golden boy of knocking up a chambermaid.”- “For fun?” (..) - “You’re on to me, Lloyd. I’m afraid I’ll have to kill you now. Be a honey and sit still while I strangle you.” Evie reached playfully for his throat and Sam jerked the wheel, making the car swerve and Evie scream.- “I’ll go quietly, sister,” Sam said, correcting their course. “Just don’t wreck us.” “
“ “Sorry. It’s just that… you’re not what I thought.”- “ That’s right. I’m a real sideshow act. How about it, Jericho? Would you like me to tell you your secrets? All the little lies you keep hidden from the world?”- “No!” Jericho jerked his hand away from Evie’s so quickly that he nearly lost his balance. Tears stung at the corners of Evie’s eyes and a lump rose in her throat. She wasn’t about to cry here, and so she ran from the library and shut herself in the bathroom.- “Nice work, Frederick,” Sam grumbled and went after her. Sam sat on the floor outside the bathroom door, hoping Evie could hear him. “Doll, I don’t care if you can read every secret I’ve got. I don’t even care if you keep me sitting outside this john all night. Well, my legs would care, but don’t mind them- they like to complain…. There is nothing wrong with you. I just want you to know that.” Silence. “Take your time, doll. You know where to find me. I’ll keep your seat worm.”- In the bathroom, Evie leaned her head against the door. “Thank you,” she whispered, though Sam was no longer there to hear it.”
“ “I’ll tell him it was my idea,” Sam said.- “Swell. I’ll tell him it was your idea, too.” Evie said.”
“ “ So her daughter kept up the taxes on Knowles’ End? Why?”- “That’s exactly what I said. See? We think alike.”- “ Will you come down from there, please? You’re making me dizzy.” Evie stopped the ladder abruptly and Sam leaped down.- “Aw, doll. You say the sweetest things.”- “Sam, I’m warning you. You might be the next victim.””
“ “What good is it to have this power and not use it?”- “ I salute your spunk, but I question your sanity,” Sam said.”
“ “Will, make her stop,” Jericho cautioned.- “ I’m with Frederick the Giant,” Sam chimed it. Will hesitated.- “ Just another moment. We’re close.”- Sam didn’t wait. “Hey, doll? Time to come up for air. Can you hear me?”- “I said just a moment!” Will snapped.”
“ Sam watched the two of them from the sidelines. Something had happened up in Brethren beyond their finding the pendant and escaping from the new faithful. And Sam didn’t like it.”
“ “ Wait a moment- what note? What are you talking about?”- “Can you tell me how evidence from a murder victim got into your museum?”- “I don’t know,” Will said softly. “I swear I don’t, Terrence.”- “And I suppose you don’t know how your cigarette lighter ended up at a murder scene, either?”- “ I- I lost it recently, and..”- “It was found at Mary White Blodgett’s house.”- “I took the shoe buckle,” Sam blurred out. “Found I out at the seaport and thought I could make a quick buck off it. There are creepy chumps who pay for that stuff.”- “Sam, don’t.” Evie warned.- He gave her a wan smile. “It’s okay, doll. Let’s call it even on that twenty bucks.” “
“ “Hiya, ladies,”- “Sam! Let go!”- “Seems like a bad idea.”- “I’m still amazed they let you out of the Tombs.”- “Chalk it up to my charm, sister. I did manage to make off with some handcuffs, though.” His smile suggested something naughty and Evie rolled her eyes. “Just wanted to let you know I’ll be gone for a few days,” he told her.- “I’ll wear a black veil and cry all night.” Theta and Mabel giggled and looked away.- “You’ll miss me. I know you will, sister.” He gave her one of those wolfish grins.- “Hey!” the conductor called. “ Get down from there!”- “Sam, you’re going to get in trouble!”- “Aw, baby, I thought you loved trouble.”- “Will you get down before you kill yourself?”- “Broken up about my well- being?”- “Get. Down.”- Sam leaped from the trolley, nearly upending a woman pushing a pram. “Sorry, ma’am.” He brushed his hands clean and shouted after them, “ One day, Evie O’Neill, you’re gonna fall head over heals for me!” - “ Don’t hold your breath!” Evie shouted back. Sam mimed an arrow through the heart and fell down. Evie laughed in spite of herself. “ Idiot.” - Theta eyebrows inched up. “That boy’s got it bad for you, Evil.”- Evie rolled her eyes. “Don’t kid yourself. It has nothing to do with me. That boy only wants what he can’t have.”- “Don’t we all?” “
           “ ..Pardon me, I.. Sam Lloyd.”- “Hiya, Baby Vamp. Miss me?” (..) - “Good-bye, Sam.”- “Aww, c’mon, doll. Let’s let bygones be bygones. Did I get mad when you told them I was… how’d ya put it again?”- “A liar, a cheat, and the sort of scum the other pond scum try to swim away from?”- “That was it. Great to see you again, Sheba. Say, why don’t we find some little corner and catch up over a sloe gin fizz?” “
“ “ See, the trouble with Nietzsche, besides his being a real killjoy, is that he thinks like a spoiled seven-year-old who doesn’t want to share his sandbox toys--” -  “Sam! Sam over here!” Evie blurted.- “ Well, if is isn’t the Queen of Sheba. Just the girl I’m looking for. Did Freddy tell you the news about our Diviners exhibit? I was thinking that--” - Evie threw her arms around Sam’s neck. “Sam, there you are! You’re late. Oh, but I don’t mind. How handsome you look!”- Sam’s brow furrowed. “Forgive me, Miss. I thought you were Evie O’Neill. Clearly I’ve mistaken you for someone else.”- Evie laughed too hard. “Oh, you! Always the comedian.” She slipped her arm through Sam’s, giving him a small pinch as she did. “Now, I’m late to the Whoopee Club, and I need you to escort me, won’t you? So long, Mabasie, darling! Let’s do this again soon!” Evie nodded at Jericho. “Lovely to see you again, Jericho.” (..) Outside the Bennington, Evie slipped free of Sam’s arm. “ On a second thought, it’s too chilly for a walk, and it looks like rain. I’d better grab a taxi here.”- Sam smirked. “What? And interrupt our cozy, heartfelt reunion?”- “Yes, I’m all broken up about it, too. But I’m sure I’ll recover.”- “ You remember the day we met in Penn Station?”- “ When you stole my twenty dollars? How could I forget?”- “ You told me then that you weren’t an actress. I think you pulled my leg on that one.”- “ I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Sam Lloyd.”- “ I’m sure you do. Don’t worry-- I won’t blow your cover. But I need something from you in return.”- “Have you given up petty theft in favor of blackmail now?”- “ This isn’t for me. It’s for your uncle. He’s gonna lose the museum, Evie, if we don’t pull a rabbit out of hat.” ”
“ Sam put his arm around Evie as she signed an autograph. “ Doesn’t she have beautiful penmanship?”- T. S. Woodhouse smirked. “Say, you two look cozy there. Anything the Daily News readers should know about? There were those rumors a few months ago that the two of you were an item.”- “No. We are not.” Evie said firmly.- “Now, that’s a fine way to talk to your fiancé, Lamb Chop!”- “Fiancé?” Woodhouse raised an eyebrow.- “He’s kidding on the square.” Evie said. - Sam gave her his best lovelorn look. “Why, I’ve been crazy about this kid since the day I first saw her in Penn Station.”- “Sam-” Evie warned through a tight smile.- “But who wouldn’t be? Just look at that face! “He pinched Evie’s cheek. She stepped down hard on his foot. (..) - “The Sweetheart Seer’s got a sweetheart?” a man joked.- “No, he’s not-”- “Now, honey blossom. Let’s not hide our love. Not anymore.”- “I’d like to hide my fist inside your gut,” Evie whispered low near his ear.- “ Miss! Your taxi!”- Sam practically pushed Evie into the backseat of the waiting automobile. “ You run along, sweetheart! Can’t have my little radio star catching a cold.”- “They’ll be dragging the river for your body tomorrow, Sam Lloyd.”- “Did she just say they’d drag the river for your body?” T. S. Woodhouse asked, his pencil poised above his open notebook. Sam sighed like a man deeply in love.- “She did, the little bearcat. It’s the only defense that poor, helpless  girl’s got against the animal pull of our love. Uh, you can quote me on that.”- “ Animal… pull… of our…. Love..” Woodhouse was still scribbling..”
“ “.. Sam out as often as possible. Every night if you can. Now that Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald are in Europe, Americans are hungry for a modern couple to take their place. You two are it.” Evie burst into uncontrollable, nervous laughter. “Is something the matter, Miss O’Neill?”- “Everything’s jake.” Evie said in a somewhat strangled voice. “Could I make a telephone call, please?” “
“ “ Well, if it isn’t the future Mrs. Lloyd.”- “Daaarling. I’ve missed you.”- Then was a brief pause on the other end, then: “Uh- oh.”- “Hahahahahahaha. Oh, you! Darling, I simply must see you. Shatt we say luncheon at noon? The Algonquin?”- Another pause. “ Are you feeling okay, Sheba?”- “Now, don’t be late, dearest. We have so much to discuss, and you know that every moment away from you is like a torture. Adieu!” Evie hung up before Sam could say another word. “
“ “Is that so? Tell me why I shouldn’t fess up to the news boys.”- “Do you know how many calls the radio station got today about us? One thousand!”- “A.. thousand?”- “One-oh-oh-oh, brother. And they’re still calling! Mr. Phillips wants to put me on two nights a week. This is going to make me famous. More famous. You, too, I suppose.”- “I bet I’d be good at being famous.”- “How lucky for us all. The point is, if you tell them it was just a joke now, I’ll look like a joke, too. Nobody wants to back a joke. Makes people grumpy. There’s only one solution, I’m afraid. We’ve got to play out this hand for a bit.”- “Yeah? What do I get out of this deal, Baby Vamp?”- “I agree not to kill you,” Evie said around a mouthful of bread. She twirled the butter knife between her fingers.- “Your terms are generous.” “
“ Sam leaned forward and took both of Evie’s hands in his. He stared into her eyes as if she were the only woman in the world. Like a traitor, Evie’s stomach gave a slight hiccup. “ Help me with Project Buffalo and the Diviners exhibit. And I promise I’ll sell this romance so hard Valentino couldn’t’ve done better.” “ (..) “ Four weeks, huh?”- “Four weeks.”- “Done. We’ll have to make the chumps believe it. Moonlight strolls. Staring into each other’s eyes. Sharing the same straw in our egg cream. Dreadful pet names.”- “ Not Lamb Chop,” Evie protested. “That’s hideous.”- “You got it, Pork Chop.”- “ I will murder you in your sleep.”- Sam grinned. “Does that mean you’re sleeping beside me?”- “Not on your life, Lloyd.” Evie smirked. ” The act’s only good when the cameras are flashing.”- “ Well, then, guess I’d better make this look good now.” Sam kissed the back of Evie’s hand.”
“ “Hey, what’s that?” Sam came and stood beside Jericho.- “If I had to guess, I’d say probably none of your business,” Jericho said, glancing down at the page.- “ That’s my favourite kind of business...” “
“ T. S. Woodhouse’s pencil hovered over his notepad. “I’m sure we’re all dying to know how you two lovebirds first met.”- “Well-”Evie started.- “It was a moonlit night,” Sam interrupted. “A full moon, as I recall. Just the prettiest September moon you ever saw. I’d lost my dog-”- “Sparky.”- “Right. I was calling. ‘Here, boy, here, Sparky!”- “It was the most heartbreaking sound you ever heard,” Evie said. “I wanted to cry just hearing it. I still want to cry when I hear Sam’s voice.” Sam raised an eyebrow at Evie’s jibe. She smiled back. The smile was a challenge.” Go on, darling. Tell them the rest.” (..) “ Not that Sam minded what I looked like. He was just so surprised to be talking to a real girl. Girl don’t usually talk to you, do they, dear? Poor baby just never had a bit of luck with the female species. Why, it was almost as if dames were repulsed by you, weren’t they, darling? Didn’t you tell me they’d shrink from your touch?”- “ But you could see the good deep in my heart, couldn’t you, Pork Chop?”- “ Yes. I had to look with magnifying glass, but there it was.”- “ What does this have to do with a missing dog?” someone shouted. “
“  “ Dear little tiny man. You’re just five feet, three inches of pure joy. My own lucky leprechaun.”- Sam glowered. “I’m five-foot-ten.”- “ Are you?” Evie said in astonishment. “ Well, now, let’s see. I’m five-foot-two..” She swooped a hand across her head to Sam’s neck, putting Sam’s claim to the test. The crowd roared.- “Five- foot- nine.” Sam’s smile was strained.- “ Love these two. Put them on the radio together. They’d be funnier than Sam ‘n’ Henry, “ the reporter said.- “ Now, now, only one of us is on the radio. Isn’t that right, darling?” Evie said. She cut her eyes at Sam in warning.- “True.” Sam said. “Only one of us has enough hot air for two nights a week.” “
“ “There’s something defective about your objects, Sam. It’s just like when I tried to read the postcard in your jacket-”-  “You what? First you take my jacket, then you read my postcard? Why, you little--”- “ I was curious!”- “ That was my private property, sister!”- “YOU STOLE MY TWENTY DOLLARS!” “
“ Evie narrowed her eyes. “ I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on earth.”- “If I were the last man on earth it’d be because you drove the other poor suckers to early graves. Read.” “
“ “ I don’t see why I had to come.”- “Because you’re my darling fiancée. Everybody loves the Sweetheart Seer! Oh, and one more thing- if she asks, you’re converting to Judaism.”- “What? Sam!”- “Don’t worry. Everything’s jake, Baby Vamp. Just follow my led.”- “If that supposed to be reassuring, it’s not.” “
“ “You’re the elephant’s eyebrows, doll.”- “Someone has to look after you, Sam Lloyd.””
“ The truth was, he was enjoying their cooked-up romance a little too much. Whenever Evie looked at him from across whatever room they were working, he got a feeling in his stomach like they were sharing the most delicious secret. It was fun and exciting- the two of them against the world. He dreaded the countdown to the end of it. Was it too much to hope that he could change her mind along the way?”
“ “ What did you do, future Mrs. Lloyd?”- “ Good things come to those who wait.”- “That a promise?””
“ Sam had spent time traveling with a circus, but being with Evie was its own circus, a real trapeze act. He wanted to do something grand and ridiculous to prove himself to her- like go to Belmont and bet all his money on a horse. Hell, he wanted to buy her the damned horse and name it for her. It was stupid to let a girl get under his skin this way. But he didn’t feel like stopping it. “ What is it? Is there something on my face?”- “ Yeah. There’s a face on your face. It just so happens to be a really nice face.” “
“ “ Those shoes looks dangerous. Better take’ em off first.”-  “I love these shoes more than you, Sam.””
“ “That was close.”- “Yeah. Yeah, it was.” Neither of them moved. His hand still cupped her wrist gently.- “I- I suppose we can go now.” Evie said.- “Suppose so. “Sam answered. “”
“ “ You were supposed to meet me at the show, Sam! I’ve spent the last two hours worried that you were bleeding to death in a ditch,” Evie continued. “Now that I know you’re okay, I just want you to be bleeding to death in a ditch.”- “Aww, Lamb Chop, you missed me.”- “That’s what you just heard?”- “What can I say? I’m an optimist.”- “ The world is full of dead optimists. Sam, Sam, Sam!”- “ That’s me. Say, how much of that coffin varnish have you had, Sheba?” “
“ “Hey! What’s the big idea?”- “I’m saving you from yourself.”- “I don’t need any saving. What I needed was that drink. You didn’t even save me the olive.”- “ Okay. That’s fair. Abso-tive-ly fair. Let’s say the tables were turned. If I were about to walk off a cliff, what would you do?”- Evie pursed her lips. “ Push?”- “I don’t believe that.”- “You would on the way down.” “
“ “You wouldn’t believe the awful stuff I find out about people.”- “Why don’t you tell them the truth?”- “The truth doesn’t sell soap. Keep it light and happy and entertaining. Give ‘em hope, kid! “- “But that makes you no better than those phony con men on Forty- second Street. You’re the real McCoy, Sheba. You don’t need to fake it.”- Evie sat up, glaring. “I did not come to this party to hear a lecture from you, Sam Lloyd. You steal people’s wallets. Don’t act like you’re better than I am.”- “Me? Sure, I’m a thief and a con. But not you, kid. Unfortunately, you care. I know you.”- “No you don’t,” Evie said, lying back again. “You just think you do because you’re my pretend fiancé. But nobody really knows anybody. We’re all just a bunch of Pears soap ads walking around clean and neat, ready to wash away to silvers.”- “What’s real, then?”- “I dunno, anymore, Sam. I really don’t.” “
“ “Thanks anyway, kid.”- “I refuse to be beaten!”- “Nah, it’s jake, doll. I’ll… I’ll take you back to the party--”- “Sam! Stay! Good boy… Listen, Sam: Do you still have that photograph from Anna Polot.. Pala.. Anna Anna?”- “It’s just a picture of me with my mother.”- “I know. But it’s worth a try, isn’t it?”- “That’s my girl.”- “I am not your girl.” “
“ “ I got you. It’s okay. Did you get anything, doll?”- “You were at a table, and Rotke was asking if you could guess at the cards in her hand. But you couldn’t. I don’t understand. Why was she testing you?””
“ “ A castle castle?”- “No, Sam. A sand castle. Yes, of course, a castle castle. But here’s the strange part: I’ve seen this particular castle before, in my dreams.”- “And were you married to a handsome prince in that dream? Was there a scepter and a throne?”- “Ha, ha. Haaa. But I have seen it in my dreams. At least, I think I have. Or one like it.”- “Someday, I’m gonna buy you a castle, future Mrs. Lloyd.”- “ I don’t know what to think when you’re not horrible. It’s very confusing.” Evie slurred. Impulsively, she kissed Sam, then laid her head on his shoulder again. (..) “The room’s gone fuzzy. Does it look fuzzy to you, Sam?”- “I think one of us is drunk, Lamb Chop.”- “Must be the room.”- “It’s not the room.” (..)  “I’d imagined this evening going a whole lot differently,” Sam grunted as he tucked Evie in. Her mouth was open and a tiny snores escaped. “You are not a delicate sleeper, kid.” Sam planted a kiss on the pop of  Evie’s messy head. “Sweet dreams, Sheba.” “
“ “ You told him about Project Buffalo?”- “I- I.. it isn’t what you think, Sam.” (..)- “How could you do that? I told you : No reporters. You promised to keep it a secret between you and me, Evie. I trusted you.”- “Sam, could we talk about this later? I’ll explain everything, but.. People are watching.”- “Oh, sure. I see. Wouldn’t want to disappoint your adoring public… Well, I don’t care anymore, Evie. I’ve had enough. You know what? Maybe I’ll just blow this whole thing wide open. Tell you the truth, I’m tired of going to parties every night, anyway. I’m tired of playing your pretend fiancé. Tired of you. Just tired.”- “Sam.. please.”- “Come one. Let’s get this over with.”
“ “Sam? I said, are you excited about the wedding?”- “What fella wouldn’t be?” Sam said, looking away.”
“ “The time.. the time is now,” the soldier whispered fervently as he reached into his pocket for a revolver. All eyes were on Evie, who lifted her arm in a wave, blowing kisses to the crowd. The soldier raised the gun. It shook in his hand. “The time is now,” he moaned. Evie’s smile was still bright as she turned in the soldier’s direction. Her eyes saw the gun in his hand and couldn’t quite make sense of it, as if he might be holding a fish or an albatross. Sam was quicker. Time slowed and sharpened at once. Blood thrummed in his ears, blocking out the gasps of the stunned crowd. These people receded in Sam’s mind. There was only Evie, the man, and the gun. Sam wasn’t close enough to tackle the man before he could get a shot off. There was no time to think it through. Sam pushed Evie aside and thrust his hand toward the man with the gun.- “Don’t see me,” he growled. He poured every ounce of will into that one movement. Sam felt as if he’d been struck by a tuning fork. His body trembled from the effort. His knees buckled, but Sam held on. “Don’t. See. Me.” The soldier’s haunted eyes emptied of all consciousness, like a sleepwalker’s. Sam lunged forward and pried the revolver from the man’s grime- coated fingers. Several people closest to the man with the gun had also gone slack, heads cocked toward the sky, lost in some private reverie. But the rest of the sizable crowd watched it all. (..) Murmurs became shouts. People raced forward from everywhere at once.- “What’s happening? What is it?”- “Sam Lloyd is what happened! He saved Evie O’Neill’s life!”- “He’s a Diviner, too!”- “ He’s a Diviner! A Diviner! A Diviner!”- “Their Love is Diviner and Diviner!”- “Come on, Sam, put your arm around her!”- Evie had never seen Sam like this. Bewildered. Frightened. A little lost. (..) she understood this much: Sam had one it for her. He’s risked his life to save hers. Evie slipped her arm through his, anchoring him. No one could see her gently easing the tension from his fist. No one else could see her fingers gripping his, keeping him close. (..) Beside Evie, Sam trembled.- “I’ve got you.” Evie said. She reached over and wrapped his arm around her waist, letting him hold on to her as if she were a buoy. This pleased the people, who cheered and clapped and whistled. She could feel Sam’s pulse thumping.- “ He was going to shoot you,” he whispered, dazed. “I had to stop him.” (…) - “Leave him alone!”- “C’mon, Evie. Your fella is big news.”- “ He’s not your story right now!” ”
“ The note read, simply, “Roof. Now.” (..) - “There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere.”- “Congratulations. You found me. How’s the party?”- “Oh, you know. Lots of hot air and silver gravy boats. Aren’t you cold?”- “Yes.”- “Do you want to go inside?”- “No.”- “Are you al right?”- “Sure.”- “Are you lying?” (..) “Why didn’t you tell me before, when you knew about me?”- “I needed it to be a secret until I found my mother.”- “But now it’s not a secret any longer.”- “No. I reckon it’s not.”- “ Why did you do that today?”- “You’re honestly asking me that?” Sam looked at Evie, and suddenly, she knew. Don’t see me was more than Sam’s Diviner power; it was his entire worldview. It was how he’d gotten along in life, keeping hidden, only letting people see what he wanted them to see. His whole life was a sleight of hand. And he’d risked it all. For her. - “I.. thank you for saving my life. I’m so sorry about what I said to Woody. I promise I thought I was helping you, Sam.” “
“Sam.” He turned his face to her. His mouth- why had she never noticed how perfect his mouth was? Impulsively, she kissed him once on those perfect lips and stood back, waiting. His expression was unreadable, and Evie’s stomach fluttered. He shook his hand.- “Evie. Don’t.”- “Why not? Because girls shouldn’t kiss first? Am I supposed to look up at you through fluttering lashes, all phony innocence, and wait for you to feel moved? I burned that rule book a while ago, Sam.”- “I don’t care about that. Just.. please don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it.”- “I mean it right now.”- “That’s always your answer, isn’t it? Don’t think about tomorrow.”- “Now is the only thing you can count on, Sam. It’s all we really get.”
“ “Happy Diviner New Year, I guess.” Evie said, a little breathless. - “To hell with it,” Sam said and wrapped Evie in his arms, kissing her fiercely.”
“ Her mind was on Sam. Theirs was supposed to be a pretend romance, nothing more. But then Sam had saved her life and she’d kissed him. She’d wanted to kiss him- that much was clear. (..) The deal with Sam was supposed to make Evie’s life easier. Instead, she was more confused than ever. “
“ “What’s the big idea, Sam? Why were you so rude to my friends?”- “ Those are not your friends. Your real friends are wondering where you are. Did you forget?” Evie’s blank expression told him that she had. “The Diviners exhibit party at the museum. It’s tonight. You’re the guest of honor.”- Evie bit her lip and rubbed at her forehead. “Honestly, Sam. I can’t tonight.”- “Why? You sick?” Sam pressed his lips to Evie’s forehead, and Evie’s stomach fluttered.- “No. But I.. it was a bad show, Sam. Very bad.”- “You’ll have a better show next time.”- “No. You don’t understand.”- “I understand that you promised, Evie.”- “I know. I know I did. And I’m sorry. Truly, I am. But I- I can’t.” (..) “You want me to go back to that museum? To talk about ghosts? You weren’t there in that house with that… that thing. You don’t know how it was! Ask Jericho. He knows. He understands what it was like.” (..) “ When I stand still, I see all of it. So I don’t stay still, and I certainly don’t go looking for more. And every night before bed, I pray for those pictures to go out of my head. When the prayers don’t work, I ask the gin to do it.”- “I’m sorry I’m not Jericho.” Sam said coolly.- “I’m sorry for everything.”- “That include last night?” Evie didn’t answer. (..) The comment about Jericho had hurt. Badly. He tried to swallow it down. “ Evie,” He said, taking gentle hold of her hand. “ The party can’t go on forever.” - Evie looked up at Sam, defiant but slightly pleading, too. Her voice was nearly a whisper. “ Why not?” She pulled her hand free of Sam’s grasp, and he let her go, watching as she ran headlong toward the hedonistic throng.”
“ Sam sat up. “I’m trying to understand all this--”- “Don’t strain,” Jericho muttered.” “
“ “Go home, Evie. We got enough trouble here.”- “Unhand me, fiancé!”- “I am not your fiancé. It was a publicity stunt, remember?”- “Right.” Evie said, nearly swallowing the word.- “Your engagement isn’t real?”- Jericho said.- “ I can assure you that the feelings Sam Sergei Lloyd Lubovitch has for any girl are nothin’ but an act.” “
“ “ I should come with you,” Jericho protested. “I’m bigger.”- “ Yeah. I know. I got eyes.” Sam sniped. “But if something goes really south with Ling and Henry, we need somebody who could drag them off to the showers. Or fight whatever comes in here.”- “I don’t like it.” Jericho said.- “I don’t like any of this, pal!” Sam yelled. “If you got a better idea, let me know.” Jericho didn’t have a better idea, but he resented being stuck at the museum instead of where the action was. That was always his role, and he was tired of it.- “Fine,” he grumbled.” “
“ “Sam. I don’t know what’s happening.”- “How drunk are you?”- “No. I mean.. I mean ‘bout any of this. About the dead and John Hobbes. Will. Rotke. Those cards we found. Project Buffalo. I need to tell you something, Sam. It’s about tonight and what happened at the show.”- Sam gestured to the dark  underground, his flashlight beam bouncing off the metal and earth. “You want to have this conversation now? Here?”- “Shhh, listen. This fella brought a comb for me to read. Sam, it was James’s comb,” Evie said, heeping one hand on his back to steady herself.” (..) “ I don’t know, Sam. I don’t know anything anymore. Like you and me, for instance.”- “There is no you and me. You made that pretty clear tonight. Listen, you asked me to play a part, and I did. From now on, I travel solo.”- “Now who’s lying? You forget. I read your personal effects. I know you.”- “You know bupkes.”- “I’ve seen you. The true you. I’ve held your secrets in my hands. You’re scared, Sam. You’re pretend you’re not, but you are. Just like the rest of us.” (…) He hated that Evie had unsettled him like this. That was the trouble with letting people in- once you’d taken off the armor, it was hard to put it back on. (..) “ You steal whatever you like and never think about what it costs anyone,” Evie said, eyes brimming with tears.- “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I got no defenses against girl tears.”- “You can’t have my tears, Sam Lloyd. I revoke them. But don’t go tellin’ me what I know. ‘Cause you don’t know.”- “I don’t even know what we’re arguing about anymore.” “
“ “Oh, for Pete’s sake.” Theta tugged the gloves free. - “Why couldn’t I have been a dream walker? Why’d it have to be object reading?”- “Come on, Sheba. You can do this.” Sam nudged her. (..) - “A ship. I’m on a ship.” Evie said. She gagged. “Seasick.”- “You okay?” Sam’s voice. - “You care.” Evie murmured.- “What?” Sam said.- “Nothing.” Evie mumbled. “ “
“ “Here,” Sam said, handing Evie the skull. “You can carry that. Merry Christmas. “- Evie’s mouth twisted in revulsion. “You’ve ruined the joy of the season for me forever.” “
“ “What kinda prayer do you say to get rid of a ghost?” Theta asked.- “I surely don’t know. But I expect a prayer of any kind is better than none.”( Memphis)- All of them bowed their heads except for Sam. “Sam?” Evie nudged him with an elbow.- “ Trust me: If God exists, he’ll know I’m faking it.” “
“ “Sam!” Sam said, hugging himself. “You’re welcome. Don’t mention it.” “
“ “Sam, I think we should tell them what we’ve found.”- “Nothing doing.”- “Either you do it or I will.”- “This is twice you’ve done this to me. Remind me never to tell you a secret again.”- “It’s not your secret anymore.”- “Fine.” “
               “  “ So what’s keeping this door open? How did it get left open? And why are these ghosts so powerful?” Ling pressed.- “We don’t know!” Evie, Sam and Henry said as one.” “
“ “ Oh, don’t worry- I’ll help you. But I’m not giving up my show. Nothin’ doing. Same old Uncle Will. Only looking out for himself.”- “ You’re one to talk, kid.” Sam snapped.- “ Says the thief.” Jericho said.- Sam smirked. “Pal, I’ve never pretended I wasn’t looking out for myself. And anyway, you should be happy now that coast is clear.” He jerked his head in Evie’s direction. Too late, he caught Mabel’s pained expression. Nice going, Lloyd. Great work. “Applesauce,” he muttered, feeling like a real heel. “ “
“ “ Well, if it isn’t the former future Mrs. Sam Lloyd.”- “Don’t start with me, Sam. Oh, and I see the Herald ran with your story last week.” With one gloved hand, Evie blocked out an imaginary headline in the air. “ ‘Wedding Not in the Cards for Sweetheart Seer and Hero- Diviner Sam Lloyd’ Hero- Diviner.” Evie rolled her eyes. “And how come you got a first and a last name?”- “What can I say? I lead a charmed life. Look, that’s all water under the bridge. We’ve got bigger fish to fry. Bigger than you and me. Can we agree on that?”- “ That depends. Will you be speaking in clichés on the primrose path of our glorious future?”- “Evie.”- “ Yes. Fine…. Say, why didn’t you needle Uncle Will and Sister Walker for more answers about Project Buffalo? They know more than they’re telling us.”- “ Exactly! You play much poker?”- “Not really.”-  “I can tell. We got us a poker game here.” “
“ “ Remember my informant on Project Buffalo?”- “ Your creepy man?”- “The same. Fella named Ben Arnold. This was sent to me at the museum, no return address.” Sam handed Evie a small, back- pages newspaper mention of a mysterious death. “He was found dead on an ash heap in Queens. He’s been strangled with piano wire.”- Exasperated, Evie handed the article back. “There’s no need for me to read it if you’re just going to narrate the whole thing, Sam.”- “ Okay. We gonna have this fight now?”- Evie kept her eyes straight ahead.“ What fight? I’m not fighting.”- “You’re the one who wanted that meshuga phony romance for publicity,” Sam reminded her. “ I’m just a fella who had the decency to end it.”- Evie stopped so fast Sam had to back up. “Decency? Decency? Says the fella out every night with a different girl! ‘Jilted Sam Lloyd Finds Comfort with Chorus Girls! Hard-Hearted Hannah Evie O’Neill Breaks Hero’s Heart.’ What a lot of hooey!”- Sam leaned against the light post like owned it. “ What do you care? It’s not like you want me, right?”- Evie drew in a sharp breath. “I- I.. don’t care!” she said with a toss of her head. “But it’s embarrassing. And you get to be ‘ poor Sam’ while I’m ‘fickle Evie.’ “ -  “Give the papers another few weeks, and they’ll flip the story to ‘ Poor Evie, Cad Sam.’ What am I supposed to do, sit at home and fog up the bathroom mirror with lonely sighs?”- “ Gee, can you do that? That’s a swell trick.” Evie said sarcastically. “What is it? Why are you making that face?”-  “ Incredible. You actually worked up a little angry spot in the corner of your mouth right there...”- Evie batted Sam’s finger away. “Good. It’ll make it easier for me to digest you.” “
“ “ Truce?”- “Truce. Should we tell the others that we’re still looking into Project Buffalo?”- “ Not till we find out what’s on those cards. For now, it’s our secret.”- “ And Woody’s.”- “ T. S. Woodhouse. How could I forget you told that rat reporter about Project Buffalo? Fine. Let the bum see what he can find. But that’s on you. I’m not paying him.”- “Fine.” “
“ “ Well, this had been fun. I’m headed that way. Plenty of pockets to pick this time of evening.”- “ Then I’m going the other way. Toward civilization.”- “ Always a pleasure, Lamb Chop.”- “Just remember, Sam Lubovitch Lloyd!”- “What?”- “You still owe me twenty bucks!” “
“ “Say, how come Memphis and Isaiah call you Sister?”- “ We know her. She was friends with our mama. She lives near us.” Isaiah said.- Sam tried out his most charming smile on Sister Walker. “So can I call you Sister, too?” - “You may call me Miss Walker.” “
“ If Evie read an object when Sam was near, she was somehow able to reach much deeper into the object’s past. “It’s almost as if your don’t see me routine has the opposite effect on my reading, Sam.”- “ I’ll send you a bill.” He joked.- “ I’ll deduct twenty clams.” “
“ “ Evie, since Sam seems to affect your reading ability, let’s see if you have any sway over his powers. Come sit close to him, if you would, please.” Sister Walker said. (..) She liked the way he smelled, like spicy aftershave and something else, something she could only describe as Sam. Sam squinted at her.- “You jake? You look funny.”- “I’m fine. Just.. don’t steal anything from me.”- “Here goes. Don’t see me.” Theta blinked and Sam’s shoulders sagged. She could see him losing confidence.- “Try again. Go all out.”- “You sure?” Sam said quietly.- “Yeah. Think about putting me right to sleep.”- “ Sam’s good at that.” Evie grumbled.” “
“ “Sam? Sam!”- “You’re already tried that little stunt, Evie.” She could hear Sam’s voice, but she couldn’t see him. (..) Other than Evie herself, only Memphis and Sister Walker were alert.- “I’m not pulling your leg, Sam. Honest!” Evie put out a hand and yelped when she touched something solid. He was right next to her. “Sam. You’re invisible!”- “I am?” (..)- “Twenty- two seconds,” Sister Walker said, clearly excited. “That’s how long you were invisible.”- “ Five seconds. That’s how long it’s gonna take me to give you a black eye.” Evie said.- Ling blinked. “Wh- what happened?”- “Sam went invisible. Unfortunately, he came back.” Evie told her.- Ling opened her notebook, excited. “Where- where did you go when you  disappeared? Do you feel strange in any way?”- “Sam is strange in every way.” Jericho said. (…) - “ Why doesn’t  Sam’s power affect you, Miss Walker?” Evie asked.- “Training. I suspect Memphis’s healing powers make him immune. As for you, Evie, it would appear that you and Sam share a special bond.”- “Swell.” “
“ “ Kinda funny when you think about it.”- “What’s that?” Will asked.- “ Me and Isaiah. Evie. Memphis. Ling. Henry. And-” Sam quickly stopped himself from saying Theta. “Us. We got a Jew, two Negroes, a half-Chinese-half-Irish girl. Coupla Catholics. Sounds  like the start of some really awful joke the stuffed shirts would tell behind closed doors.”- “What’s your point?” Ling asked.- “Well, people like to say we’re not true Americans, whatever that means. But we’re the ones with these powers.” Sam shrugged. “It’s just kinda funny is all.” He caught Sister Walker throwing a meaningful glance Will’s way. It was quick but noticeable.”
“ What about Sam?.. (..) And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t still carry a torch for him. Was it normal to have a crush in two boys at the same time?”
“ “ Mabel! Say, this is a nice surprise.”- “ Sam, could you steal me a movie camera?”- “ That is, without a doubt , the most interesting question I’ve been asked today. And considering the day involved talk about ghosts and the end of the world, that’s saying something.” “
“ “ Spooky spirit sketches.” Sam grumbled.- “ Nice alliteration.” Memphis said.- “Nice what?”- “ Alliteration. It’s when you repeat the same consonant  in phrase.”- “Huh. I was hoping it was something dirty.”- “Ignore him, Memphis.” Jericho said with a roll of his eyes. “We all do.” “
“ “ If I have to look through one more of these, I’m throwing myself off that balcony.” he moaned.- “Let me know if you need help,” Jericho said as he calmly restored Sam’s discarded book to its rightful place on the shelves. Memphis laughed. Those two. They were like squabbling brothers. Their arguments were better than going to the pictures.” “
“ The professor used to decorate for Christmas? That may be the most surprising thing I’ve learned today.”
“ You don’t get it, do you? You have the strongest  power, Memphis.”
“ “Do you think I’m selfish?”- Sam laughed. “ Is that a trick question?””
“ “.. Oh, I see. It only counts if everybody knows about it. Don’t you get enough attention?”… “ I’m an odd fella, but I know I’m an odd fella. What I can’t figure out is why you gotta make yourself crackers trying to be somebody you can’t ever be instead of just letting yourself be the one and only Evie O’Neill.” ”
“ Every time I go somewhere with you, Sam, I’m sure it’ll be the end of me. And my shoes.”
“ “Don’t see me.” The man went slack. Sam reached into his pocket and took out a chunk of cash.- “Sam!” Evie said, looking over her shoulder. “What are you doing?”- “We might need extra money for information.”- “That’s terrible!”- “Yeah? Say, when did you develop a conscience?”- “ About the time I started reading people’s secrets for a living,” Evie said, but she was laughing. “And I hate having a conscience. Very inconvenient.”- Sam unfolded the man’s money, lifted a twenty, and put the rest back in the man’s pocket. “Happy now, Sheba?”- Evie pursed her lips and looked toward the ship’s ceiling. “That depends. Are you sore about it, Sam?”- “Yes.”- She looped her arm through his. “Then I’m happy.”- Sam burst into laughter. “Okay, Lamb Chop. You win.” “
“ That was what he couldn’t tell her- that the end of their fake romance was really about saving himself. He’d gone goofy for her, and if she broke his heart, that would be the end of the best friendship he’d ever had. He couldn’t risk that.”
“ “Holy moly! You always drive that fast?”- “Slow is for chumps.”- “ Well, I’d like to be a live chump. Take it easy, will ya?” “
“ “ You kept those and I’m the bad guy?”- “ Sam, you steal from people all the time.”( Jericho)- “ Just like Robin Hood.”- “He gave to the poor.”- “So… I’m poor.”
“ “Okay if I fill Sam in?” Evie said.- “You’ll have to. Otherwise , he’ll never shut up.”( Jericho.”) “
“ “ Fours are unlucky. The word for four sounds like the word for death.” Ling said.- Sam looked from Ling to Jericho and back. “You know what? I’m gonna call you two the spooky twins.” “
“ “Evie and I broke in” Sam said.- “ Did anyone see you breaking in?”- “No. Why?”- Will let out of a deep breath. “Because .. because that was government office and you could be arrested.”- “ Still waiting for that answer.” Sam demanded.- “Yes, we all are.” Evie chimed in. “
“ Will paled. “Why didn’t you tell me?”- Sam snorted. “Why didn’t I tell you? Oh. That’s rich. You’re the ones who’ve been keeping secrets about us from us and telling us to trust you!” “
“ “Sam?” Evie asked.- “ Yeah, okay. I’m in. But for us.” Sam said.
“ “ The unwanted dead? I sure hope they stay put while we’re here.” Sam whispered to Evie.- “ Gotta hand it to you, Sheba, you sure know how to have fun.” Woody said, and popped his chewing gum. “
“ “ Baby Vamp, with your moxie and my good looks..”Sam spread his arms wide.- “So we’re half-doomed is what you’re telling me. Well. I suppose you can always just..” Evie wiggled her fingers.- “What, dry my nail varnish? Pretend I’m a bird? Play an imaginary piano?” Sam said.- “No! Do your don’t see me trick.”- “How come yours is a ‘gift’ and mine is a ‘trick’? I’m insulted.”- “Just make yourself useful, Sam.”- Woody laughed. “ Shame you two called off your engagement. You’re a perfect couple.” “
“ “ Hold still. I want to get a picture, Evie, lean it, will ya? “Woody urged, taking a long-snouted accordion camera from his reporter’s bag.- “ To the man who tried to kill her?” Sam said. ” Nothing doing.” ”
“ “I can’t believe we actually got thrown out of an asylum.” Sam said.- “ I prefer ‘firmly escorted from the premises’.” “
“ “ I’ll think of something.” Evie said.-” Yes, you will.  And that’s what I’m afraid of.” “
“ That’s how you behave like a human.” Evie whispered to Sam. “ Takes notes so you can remember.” “
“ “Stole it off Molly,” Sam said. “It’s the key to his room.”- “ So that’s why you were cozying up to her.”- “ That, and she’s a real tomato.”-  “Once again, Sam, I don’t know if I want to kiss or kill you.”- “ Better kiss me, then, to make sure.” Sam said, and winked.- “Come on, Romeo.” “
“ Dammit, Evie! Stay here. Lock yourself in. I’ll get her.” Sam said, and gave chase.”
“ “ They want me to be sorry ‘bout how I done Father Hanlon, but I ain’t. He shouldn’t tried to take Jimmy for ice cream.”-  “ Yeah? Why’s that?”- “I didn’t want him to do to Jimmy what he done to me.”( Conor)- “ What did Father Hanlon do to you?”- “He tol’ me nobody would believe me. His words against mine.” ( ..) - The full horror of it rose up from Sam’s stomach. “So, you tried to stop him from hurting anybody else?.. I understand. You’re not wicked, kid. Somebody is, but it ain’t you.” “
“ Me not want to be with you?  Are you kidding?”
“ I’m in an asylum. Being chase by ghosts. Evie is kissing me. He didn’t know which of those seemed the most far-fetched. “
“ “Kiss us, kiss us!” the ghosts demanded.- “Sorry. I only date one at a time.”
“ Yeah. You’re gonna hate me for this but.. “And with that, Sam pushed her out of the window. Sam heard her land with an “Oof” followed by angry “Saaam!”- “She’s okay,” Sam said, nodding. “You’re next.” “
“ Evie yanked him to safety by the edge of his shirt ripping it. “ Thanks. You owe me a shirt,” Sam said.- “ You owe me twenty dollars.””
“ We can sort this out later. Right now we gotta figure out how to get these ghosts to go away.” Sam said. “Who’s got ideas? “ No one spoke. “Don’t all jump in at once. Form an orderly line.”
“ “ Here you are: The thief. The fire starter. The object reader. The dream walkers. The clairvoyant. And the healer. Do you know who I am?”- “ The man in the stovepipe hat.” Evie whispered, frightened.- “I prefer the King Of Crows. After all, why be a man when you can be a king?” “
“ “ Let us play a game to see if you worthy of my largesse.”- “We’re not playing anything with you.” Said Sam.”
“ See, that’s your generation all over- you muck up everything and then expect us to fix your messes.” Sam growled.”
“ Sam ran after Evie, calling her name. She sank to her knees on the museum’s damp yard. Sam scooped her up and held her to him. “ Hey, hey, hey. Sheba. I’ve got you. I’ve got you. Listen, you and me and the others. We’ll see this thing through. All right? C’mon, Baby Vamp. Shake your head if you hear me.” (…) Sam cupped her face gently. “You. Me. All of us. No matter what.” Finally, Evie allowed a small nod, whether of agreement or defeat, Sam couldn’t be sure. But it was a start. He helped her to her feet. The others were in the yard now.”
“ Swell. We’re the only Diviners ghost service in town without a meeting place.” Sam said.”
“ “.. and me.. I mean I know you were possessed. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have… you know. And with such… enthusiasm.”- Evie blushed. “Right. I- I wasn’t in control.”- “Yeah. Just.. ghosts.”- “Ghosts.”- “Thought so.” Sam managed a weak smile. “Well, there’s still a little time left in this miserable night, and I know a speakeasy on Fifty- second where the dames are happy to see you at this hour.”- “Yes, wouldn’t want to disappoint your harem.”- “You know.. Never mind.” “
“ “ Sam, I don’t think you should go anywhere by yourself.”- “ Yeah? You offering to be my bodyguard, Lamb Chop? Gee, that’ll be kinda awkward on my dates, won’t it?”- “Fine. Get pinched by those creepy Shadow Men. See if I care.” (..) - “A what?”- “A noodge. A little prodding. I’m getting antsy here.”- “Fine. I’ll send him an urgent letter.. Noodge? Is that a real world?”- “ It’s Yiddish. Like… Ikh hob dikh lib.”- Evie narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “What does that mean?”- Sam smiled. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you.”
“ He opened the door and hold out the rose. “Welcome.”- “Aww, Freddy, you shouldn’t have, “Sam said, taking the rose and threading it through the buttonhole of his coat. “This is so sudden! I don’t know what to say. Oh, okay. You’ve won me over, you big brute. The answer is yes.” With that, Sam jumped into Jericho’s arms.”
“ “ So this is where the party is. Sorry I missed it,” Sam said, barging through the doors. He gave Evie and Jericho a long sideways glance. Then he walked around the room as if studying it.”- “ Are you casing the joint, Sam?” Evie asked, annoyed by his interruption.- “ No. I’m having déjà vu.” Sam folded his arms and squinted at the meticulous of paintings of pinch-mouthed men.- “ Again?” Henry quipped, coming into the room along with Ling.- “Because you were here before,” Evie said. “I remember it from reading, your mother’s photograph. This is where she brought you when you were little. “ “
“ Evie sneaked out, closing the door quietly behind her. When she turned around, she yelped in surprise. Sam was a few feet away, leaning against the wall, his arms folded across his chest. “You startled me” she said.- Sam wasn’t his usual good-time, smirking self. In fact, he looked as if someone had run over his dog. “What is it about that guy?”- “ I don’t know what you mean.”- “ Come on, Evie. Don’t con a con man.” “
“ Maybe you’re the one who’s miserable. You’re certainly conceited.”- “At least I know how to make a girl laugh.”- “ And put her hair out.”- “You know, some girls like that hair- pulling.”- “Then remind me to shave my head bald.”- “Wait! Just answer me this: Does he make you happy?”- “If you must know, he makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the room.”- “That’s not the same thing.”- Why was he doing this to her? “Are you one of this fellas who only likes a girl if another fella wants her? Maybe you should ask yourself that question. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to dress for dinner.” She said moving past him.- Sam reached out and held her hand softly. “Evie..”- For just a minute, she was reminded of their fake romance. Except that the expression on his face seemed very real. Was it real? Was anything with Sam real?” “
“ “What do we do now?” Henry asked.- “ Nothing, that’s what.” Sam said, sinking down onto one of the beds. “We can’t read these cards, we can’t find any other Diviners. We can’t know about ourselves and what they did to us. And I can’t use that information to find my mother.” Sam buried his head in his hands. “Could you.. not look at me right now? Thanks.”-  Evie had never seen Sam like this. He was usually the one finding a way forward. It was a little scary to see him at such a loss. She reached for the mangled card.- Sam glanced up. “What are you doing?”- “ I’m going to try to read it.” Evie said, sitting beside Sam on the bed.- “You already told us you can’t read it.” Ling said.- “I couldn’t before. I still might not be able to do it. But we might. We already know that together we can strengthen one another’s energy and skills. With all of us working together, I might be able to break through.”- “You’ll be sick.”- Sam warned.- “So I’ll be sick.”- “Are you sure, doll? “ “
“ Sam” Evie whispered. “Can you help me see better?” Sam’s hand was on her shoulder. She could feel him. And then, all at once, she broke through layers of old memories to Rotke Wasserman. Rotke knew what was on the cards!”
“ I’ll help you to your room, doll.” Sam said, jumping up before Jericho could. It was petty on his part. He didn’t regret it.”
“ Wait a minute, he thought. I can. It was a risk. He wasn’t sure how much time he’d have. But Sam loved risks. He was a gambler, through and through. He grinned. “Why the hell not?”- “Don’t see me.” He said, cloaking himself. Hey, Jericho, he thought with a snort. I can do something you can’t do, pal. And then he let himself into the room. “
“ “When that son of a bitch wakes up, I’m gonna punch his lights out.”- “No, you’re not. That won’t solve anything.”- “It might.”- “ It won’t. And I’m perfectly all right.”- “Bushwa, you are! You’re still shaking.” Sam said.” Excuse my language.” “
“ “ She’s not going anywhere with you, pal. Not without the rest of us.”- “ I can speak for myself, Sam.””
“ “You.. you talked to my mother?” For all the reasons Sam had disliked Jericho, this one hurt the most. Why would she speak to these other fellas- like Jericho, of all people- and not to her own son.” “
“  He’d been thinking of Evie. Why couldn’t he just let go? Sam didn’t open up to many people. But there was something about Evie that drew him out and made him vulnerable. Sam had been up in an aeroplane with Barnstormin’ Belle. He’d flown on the trapeze and walked a wire with the circus. Most people thought that was bravery. But nothing was braver than letting somebody really know you, warts and all. Nothing was braver than trying to love and be loved.”
“ And Evie realized that Sam had been right- no matter how much she tried to make herself fit, eventually, the real, smart-mouthed Evie would come bursting out of the confining party cake with all of her opinions and wounds on display.”
“ “I need you to trust me on something.” Memphis said.- “Okay, pal.” Sam said. “You’re scaring me, but okay.” “
“ “You’re telling me not to lose hope because there are pirate pictures?”- “I’m trying here, Baby Vamp. When you’re facing evil, a good pirate picture doesn’t hurt.”- “What else?”- “ Nah. I’ve told you already.”- “Oh, please. Just one more.”- “Just one more, huh?”- “ Yeah. But make it a really good one.”- “A good one.”- “ Yes.”- “Okay.” Sam’s heart thudded against his ribs. He was dizzy. “Then how about this.” And with that, he leaned forward and kissed her. Evie put a hand to her lips and stared at Sam. “Um. You might say something here. Or slap me. Hoping it’s not that, though.” Sam joked, and swallowed hard.- “How do I know that’s real?” Evie said after she’d caught her breath.- “Let me prove it.” Sam kissed her again, longer this time. And for the first time that night, Evie did feel loved. Sam wasn’t telling her to act more like a “good girl.” he didn’t want her to be anybody but who she was. Why had she tortured herself by not letting him in?- “I’m still not convinced. You.. you might have to make your case more strongly.”- Sam’s grin was wolfish, but inside he was balloons and champagne, a full goddamn birthday party. “Sure thing, Lamb Chop.”- Evie put a finger to Sam’s lips and frowned. “ I believe I have made my feelings about that name plain.”- Sam licked up the length of her finger, drawing a grasp from here. “What can I say? I’m a naughty boy.”- “How naughty?”- “ Would you like to find out?”- Evie knew she could come back with a quip, but everything felt too real right now. She needed to be real with someone. “I would. But I’m afraid of what I’ll find out. I just need something that doesn’t feel like a lie.”- “Okay.” Sam swallowed hard, took a deep breath. “ Then here it is: All the times I say, ‘Don’t see me’? With you, I wish I had an opposite power: See me. See me, Evie. See all of me. There’s a fella who loves you right here. I’m not perfect. I’m handful. But you know what? So are you. There. Not sugarcoating it.”- “But.. what if I love you and you go away?“ Evie said, almost a whisper. - “ Sheba, I’m sitting across from you right now. Don’t you see that I’m not going anywhere?” And she knew he was being honest. There was such fear In the world. But love was everywhere if you looked. It was the best thing about humans. That they could stare into the abyss and still open up their hearts. A spit in the eye to fear. ”
“ “Wha-what’s the matter?”- “You’re not possessed by ghosts this time, are you?”- “Sam, honestly!”- “ Just checking.”- Evie kissed her way up the salty sweetness of his throat, to his ear, which she nibbled very softly, then whispered, “I am the Forgotten, forgotten no more.”- “Holy moly!” Sam jumped an Evie’s fell back against the pillow in a fit of laughter.- “Oh, Sam, your face!”- “Not amusing, Sheba.” Sam chided, but he was laughing, too.” “
“ Evie lifted Sam’s undershirt over his head and kissed the scar near his collarbone. “ Aerialist accident in the big tent.” Sam explained.- “ Mmm. Tell me later.” “
“ And then, suddenly, the whole night was too much. She was afraid. It was silly, wasn’t it? She’d been ruined by Jake Marlowe and Sarah Snow. They’d faced a street full of ghosts, and she was afraid of this, this joining of bodies, this step toward love? Her cynicism was leaving her. She was opening herself up to something more. It was somehow the scariest thing in the whole world. “ Could we.. could we just lie next to each other?” Evie said, eyes brimming with tears. “Just for a little while?”- “You’re killing me, Sheba.”- “Please? I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”- Sam lifted her chin. “ Hey. Don’t be sorry. It’s okay.” With that, he flipped onto his back and stared at the ceiling with great concentration. - “What are you doing?” Evie asked.- “Thinking of the least sexual thing I can imagine. Ghost bubbes. They’re making ghost borscht and talking about their bowel troubles. Jeepers. I might never make love again. This is traumatic.”- Evie burst out laughing. Then: “Sam. I changed my mind.”- “About..?”- “You know.” She reached under the covers and touched him, biting her lip at the surprise of what she felt.- Sam gasped. “You sure?” His voice was soft and a little breathy. Evie nodded. “You’re sure-sure?”- “Sh-shut up and k-kiss me, Sam.” “
“ He scribbled a quick note- gotta run an important errand. I’ll be back by ten. He wrote I love you, then scribbled it out. Too soon? Too soon. Instead, he addressed the note to “ Lamb Chop.” She’d be so annoyed. Grinning, he grabbed his fisherman’s cap and coat. “I love you,” he whispered quietly. “ Ikh hob dikh lib.” He kissed Evie’s head. She rustled in her sleep, turning away. “Fine. I see how it is. I just wasted my best Yiddish on you, “ Sam joked to himself. He loved her. Was in love with her. Had always loved her. And it seemed that she loved him too. It was funny how the world could change on a dime like that. One minute, you were some poor chump pining after a girl you thought didn’t feel the same way about you, and the next, you were lying together, arms entwined, chest to chest, so close you could feel her heartbeat under her soft skin. You were looking into her eyes and seeing your whole future written there.”
“ He had friends. He had a home in them. And Evie was home, too.”
“He’ll tell Evie everything. Let her know that he loved her. Let her know how much he loved her.”
“ Help me. Can’t you see this isn’t right? But the people liked the answer the men in dark suits had supplied; it absolved them of any responsibility, and they moved on with their busy lives. “
“ In her hotel room, Evie paced, stopping only when she realized she was acting just like Will. Where was Sam? He’d promised to be there by ten, and it was now nearly ten thirty.”
“ Lefty told Evie about the men who’d come and taken Sam away in the brown sedan. By the time he’d finished, Evie was more frightened than ever. She gave Lefty a dollar and asked him to keep what he knew quiet for his own protection. Sam’s hat sat in her hands. She could feel it wanting to whisper its messages to her. “ Show me where you are, Sam.” “
“My dear Mr. Phillips. You can’t fire me. I quit.”
“ I’m going to find Sam. Those Shadow Men took him. I know it. And I’m going to follow every clue until I hunt him down and get him back.”
            “ No! He is pos-i-tutely not dead! Besides, if anybody is going to have the pleasure of murdering Sam Lloyd, it ought to be me.”- Theta chuckled and shook her head. “You two. I don’t know whether to hope you get married or hope you never do.” “
“ “ Wait just a minute- when did this happen? Who arranged it?” Ling asked.- “Jericho and I did.” Evie said.- “Without asking the rest of us? Who died and made you boss?”- “My uncle Will.” Evie said through her teeth.” “
“ We have to save Sam. I won’t let him to be fed to that awful thing.”
“ My kingdom for a toothbrush, and some aspirin.”
“ “ Where the hell am I?”- “ Hello, Sam. Or do you prefer Sergei?”- “I’d prefer that you let me out of here.”
“ It had been ten years since he’d last seen her. Ten years since she’d kissed him good-bye and gone to work on Project Buffalo. She seemed smaller to him now that he was older. “Mama?”- “Sergei!” (..) There were more words, all in their native Russian: Are you hurt? Nyet. I love you. I love you, too, Mama. And: You got so big! Which made Sam laugh despite the circumstances, because mothers were mothers no matter what. He hadn’t been wrong. She was alive. All this time, alive. And these were the sons-of-bitches who’d destroyed their family, who’d kept them apart and lied about it, telling Sam’s father that Miriam had died of influenza back in 1918.- “Take her outta those chains.”- “I’m afraid I can’t do that… (..) “ Sam had never felt such blinding rage. He’d always wondered what would happen if he came face-to-face with the men who’d taken his mother. Wondered if he was capable of murder. Now he knew that he was.” “
“ “Easy, chump.”- “Who are you calling a chump?”- “Did I say chump? I meant champ. I get my vowels mixed up.” (..) Sergei. Be careful.- I do what I like, he thought, unsure if his mother could hear it.- Don’t be a pisher.- Yep. She could hear him.” “
“ “Mr. Adams. That was unnecessary.” Jake Marlowe said. - “Yeah. Make him say he’s sorry.” Sam goaded.- “ I’m sure he is.” Jake said with paternal disinterest.- Sam glared at Adams, who mouthed, I’m not sorry.” “
“ “Safe from what?” Sam repeated.”
“ Hey. Hey! Leave my mother alone! Okay, now? Now I’m mad. You made me mad. You listening to me, Mr. Heebie- Jeebies Adams and your friend, Jokes Jefferson? When I got up out of this chair, you will be sorry. Very sorry. I’m not kidding. You don’t want to fool around with me. I’m really, really mad.”
“ Fine for me or fine for the chair?… No, you don’t understand. I hate needles. A lot. I-”
“ He wanted out of his body. “ Please,” he whispered. “Please, don’t.” “
“ Split. Evie was just out of reach, and he was screaming at her to stop, to come back. Why? Sam wanted to follow that future to see where it led because it frightened him.”
“ You can also close doors. I’m just saying, some door are very good closed.”
“ “Evie. Nice hat.” Jericho said crisply.- “Thank you. I’m rather fond of it. And the person it belongs to.” “
“ We are. But first we’re going to rescue Sam.”
“ “ Can you hear me?”- “Yes. I’m Evie. I’m Sam’s friend. We’re trying to find him. We’re here to rescue him.”- “ It is hard for me with so much iron. They hold him below. Third door on right. You must go quickly.” “
“ “Sam?” she whispered into the darkened room.- “ Evie? Is that you?” Sam’s weak voice nearly wrecked Evie’s heart. He sounded sick. Broken. (..) His eyes were glassy, haunted. “Evie?”- “Sam! Oh Sam!” Evie ran over and unlatched the restraints, freeing him. She scooped him up in her arms. He fell against her chest, limp.- “ Baby Vamp, is that really you?”- “It’s really me. “ Evie said and kissed him gently on the lips. He stared into her eyes.- “Why do you look like a hobo?”- “I’ll explain later. Did he hurt you?”- “ Will you kiss me some more if I say yes?”- “I will kiss you as much as you like.” And with that, Evie kissed Sam deeply.- “Ew.” Isaiah said, embarrassed. He looked to Theta, who rolled her eyes.- “ Give ‘em a minute, kid.”  Sam pulled away. His shoulders shook, and it took Evie a second to realize that he was crying.- “Oh, Sam, Sam.” Evie threw her arms around him again.- “ I’m afraid this isn’t real,” he said between hiccupping sobs. “I’m afraid in a minute I’ll wake up and I’ll be here but you won’t be.”- “I’m here, Sam, and I promise I will never leave you again.” She wiped his cheeks with her scarf. He looked so sad and bruised by life it nearly killed her.- Sam cupped Evie’s face between his dry palms. “You’re real.”- “Yes.”- “ You’re here with me now.”- “ You bet-ski.” (…) - “Theta.” Sam said in wonder. He held both of her hands.- “Missed you, too, you little criminal.”- “Hi, Sam.” Isaiah waved.- “Hey, kid. You got taller.” “
“ “ Lamb Chop, what’s your plan getting out of here?”- “We don’t have a plan.” Isaiah said.- “We’re.. improvising!” Evie added.- “Oh, shit.” Sam said and buried his face in his hands.- “ Sam Lloyd, don’t make me regret coming to rescue you!”- “I’m just saying: A plan. A plan is helpful.”- “We didn’t have time to make a plan. Every bounty hunter and federal agent is out looking for us right now. We drove straight here from New York.”- “Will is dead. And Sister Walker got arrested for treason.” Isaiah said.- “Jake Marlowe declared the Diviners Public Enemy Number One at Sarah Snow’s memorial. There’s a bounty on our heads.”- “ And there’s a girl in Nebraska, another Diviner. That’s where we headed. To Bountiful.” Isaiah added. “ And I don’t know where Memphis is.”- “We got separated in Times Square.” Theta said. Sam’s eyes widened.- “So as you can see, we’ve been rather busy.” Evie said, how amazing how quickly her feelings for Sam could slip from wild love to extreme annoyance and back again. She hadn’t quite made it back again. (..) “Do you think you can walk?”- “ Yeah.” Sam said, wincing as he scooted to the edge of the bed. Evie helped him into his shoes. He grinned. “ Hey. My hat.”- Evie took it from her head and placed it on his. And just like that it was wild love again.” “
“ I’m sorry, Baby Vamp.” Sam laced his fingers with hers. “ I promise we’ll figure it out. We’ll save your brother and my ma.”
“ “Baby Doll’s right. I say it’s time we run away and join the circus.”- “ Oh, Sam, be serious.” Evie grumbled.- “I am serious!”- “Sam! Please.” “
“ “Can I pet the tiger?”( Isaiah)- “Sure you can. I wouldn’t recommend it, though.”
“ “ Look at you! Why, you’re a man now!”( Zarilda)- “Yeah. I suppose I am.” Sam said proudly.- Evie rolled her eyes. “Oh, brother.”
“ “ Sam, are you sure you should be doing that? After all you’ve been through?”- “Everything’s jake, Baby Vamp.” “
“ Evie held her breath as Sam straightened into a perfect handstand balancing atop Hasan’s palms, raised high above his head, and held that position longer than she thought possible. Then, with a perfect grace, Sam flipped backward in a somersault and landed on his feet. “Like riding a bicycle.” Sam said.- Theta applauded. “That was the berries, Sam! And here I thought I was the elephant’s eyebrows’ cause I can top-dance.”- “You are the elephant’s eyebrows, Theta.” Sam said.- “What about me?” Evie asked, throwing her arms around Sam’s neck.- “You’re the full elephant.”- Evie wrinkled her nose. “That was a compliment?”- “And how.” ”
“ “Where’d ya pick her up, Sam?”- “Would you believe a museum of the occult?” ”
“ “A… clown?”- “Best way I can think of to disappear.”- “It had to be clowns.” (..) Sam grinned and elbowed Theta, who tried not to laugh. - “How ‘bout that? Your outside finally matches your insides, Baby Doll.” Sam said.” - “This is pos-i-tutely the worst moment of my life.” “
“ Aw, I think you’re just about the cutest clown I’ve ever known.”
“ “Zenith. I’d almost rather have the Shadow Men take me.”- Sam got quiet. “Don’t say that.”- “Sam.. Sam! Oh, Sam. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.” She threw her arms around his neck and covered his face with kisses.- “Say. I like the way you apologize.”- “Don’t get used to it.” Evie said with a laugh. “I’m very rarely wrong, don’t you know. Oh, Sam. Won’t you tell me what’s eating you?” “
“ There had been a future without her. And that had frightened him the most. But how could he tell her that?”
“ “Would you mind apologizing to me again?”- “I am sorry, Sam.”- “ See, I don’t believe you’re sorry.”- “How about now?”- “The question is how sorry?” He wanted to hold her all day and all night.- “Very, very sorry.” “
“ He didn’t want her go. Ever. “Wait! You gonna apologize for that comment about Hattie?” Sam pointed to his lips. Evie grinned and kept walking.- “Not on your life, Sam Lloyd. You still owe me twenty clams.” Sam watched her go, fighting the urge to run after her and beg her to stay with him all night.”
“ “I’ve had worse.”- “Wish I’d known that before I kissed you.” “
“ The people watched the circus and Evie watched the people. Can’t you see? She thought. You are the whole circus.”
“ “How did he.. look?”- “Not.. good.”- “Well. That was very descriptive, Miss Knight. Thank You.” ( Evie, Theta) “
“ “ I wanted you to know that I’m not criminal. I.. I wanted you to know that you were a good mother, and that.. I love You.”- “Well, I appreciate that.”- The disappointment stung. Deep down, Evie had known her mother was who she was. She was never  going to sweep Evie into a warm, motherly hug and tell her daughter that she loved her no matter what. But knowing that didn’t stop Evie from wanting that elusive affection. Hoping for it. This time. (..) There were bare spots on the wall, and Evie realized that those were the places where the pictures of her had once been displayed. They were all gone. She had been erased from the family story. --- Evie cried the whole way back to the circus camp. (…) - “Aw, c’mon, Pork Chop. I was only teasing. Hey, Baby Vamp?” Evie did not break stride. The circus went blurry. She blinked but it only happened again. She didn’t know where she was going. The fields were loud with barkers enticing folks into tents. All these people. Did any of them feel truly loved?- “ Baby Vamp?” Sam had caught up to her outside the empty elephant cage. “Aw, Sheba. You’re crying.”- “You’re very observant.” She shot back, and then she couldn’t stop herself from sobbing. Sam pulled her to him and wrapped her in a hug.- “It’s okay, Doll. It’s okay.” He murmured and kissed the top of her head.- “What’s the matter?” Theta’s voice.- Evie was still crying and so didn’t know what Sam whispered to Theta over the top of her head. She only knew that now there were two sets of arms around her, holding her close, holding her up. She only knew that she had family after all.” “
“ Theta pulled Evie back to safety. The ghost pointed a bony finger at Evie. “You’ll be sorry. You’ll be sorry.”- “You’re the one who’ll be sorry.” Sam barked. He joined hands with Theta and Evie.” “
“ “ Hey. I hope I didn’t wake you. I had the strangest dream..”- “ A map. Gideon, Kansas. Mabel?” Evie asked.- “Okay. We might be spending too much time together.” Sam said.”
“ “I. Won’ t. Give. Up.” Evie whispered.”
“ Stop cellar. Sam Poor Sam. Lifting her up so all she could see was smoke and sky.”
“ Sam was frantic. “Memphis. Tell me you can heal her, pal. Please, please, tell me you can.” (..) Sam fell to his knees. There were tears in his eyes. “Memphis, I’m begging you.” (..) “What are you talking about? She’s dying!” Sam shouted.” “
“ You gotta get better, okay, Lamb Chop? I still owe you twenty clams. The Evie O’Neill I know would never let me go away with that.”
“ Sam wanted to stay all night by Evie’s bedside, but Mrs. Olson insisted it wasn’t proper for a young man to spend that night in a young lady’s room.”
“ “What’s the matter with your voice?”- “ Nothing. Just, I ate some bread and, uh, it.. it scratched my throat is all.”- “You sounded like you were gonna cry.”- “No. Naw. I don’t cry, kid.”- Sarah Beth bristled. “I keep telling you! I’m not a kid. I’m a lady.”- “Sure. Of course you are. Thank you for sitting with Evie. I’ll take over now, my lady.” “
“ Hey. Hey, Baby Vamp. It’s Sam. You remember me? The fella who’s goofy for you? I was just thinking about the first time I saw you in Penn Station. You were looking at yourself in the shop window, making sure your hat was on straight. I could see your reflection. You weren’t sure if you looked like a city girl or some rube from Ohio. My first thought seeing you.. well, my first thought was, That there is a bona fide mark, Sam Lloyd. Gonna level with you, Baby Vamp. Street smarts you did not yet have. But watching you bite your kisser and fix your hat, I thought, Why does a tomato like that doubt herself? Even then, I knew you were like the Fourth of July inside a person. And then I stole twenty bucks from you like a lousy bum. But that twenty bucks brought me back to you, so maybe I’m also a real smart bum.” Gently, Sa, brushed a curl back from Evie’s cool forehead. He was relived that at least she was no longer feverish. “ I know I got a reputation as a cake-eater and a con. I can’t keep you in pearls, and the only joint I can afford is a hash house. I never wanted my name in lights the way you did. Me? You know I operate like a shell game, don’t see me and all that jazz. But if that’s what you wanted, well, by golly, I’d be in the front row, cheering you on.” Sam cleared his throat, but his voice stayed thick. “I’m cheering you on right now, Baby Doll. I’m in that front row telling you you can do this, you can get stronger and stronger, and then you’re gonna rise up outta that bed and show us all that Evie O’Neill more. You got to, okay, honey? Because I can face just about anything the King  Of Crows throws at us. But I can’t do it without you. Ikh hob dikh lib. I love you, Evie. I love you. “
“ “How long have I..”- “Three days.” Ling said.- “.. eight hours and forty-two minutes.” Sam finished. Sam was there, kneeling beside her. How happy she was to see him. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days.” “
“ Sam leaned against the porch railing and grinned at Evie. “I heard the prettiest girl in the world was sitting on this porch in Nebraska.”- Henry batted his lashes. “Oh, gee. Thanks, Sam.”- Evie laughed. “I look pos-i-tutely a fright, Sam.” “
“ “A few more days, okay? I won’t almost lose you twice.” Sam said with such love that Evie was too undone to argue.- “ All right, Sam. You win. A few more days.” “
“ “I invented trouble. I know how it works. But hold on a minute. I want privacy for this next part anyhow.” Sam held Evie’s hand. “Don’t see us.” (..) He rolled a tractor nut between his grease- strained fingers. “Even seen one of these?”- Evie glanced at it. “Sure. In a picture of the crown jewels once.”- “Ha!” Sam laughed.- “What is it?”- “It’s a nut.”- “ A.. nut?”- “ Yeah. See, it, ah, it slips over a bolt like.. say, hold out your finger for a second, I’ll show you.” - Evie gave Sam a dubious look and put out her hand. “Sam Lloyd, don’t you get that struck on my finger!”- “Don’t worry. Plenty of grease on it.” Sam said. He slipped it easily on her ring finger. It was too big. “Like that.”- “And what does this nut do?”- “It joins two things together. And that makes things work. In union. Like, you know. A marriage.” Sam kept turning the nut around Evie’s finger slowly.- “Well. Now I know all about how nuts and bolts work. I’m practically an expert.” Evie want to remove the nut, and Sam covered her hand with his.- “ Don’t take it off just yet, will ya?”- “Sam?”- It seemed to Sam that he had never in his entire life been as nervous as he was just now. Or as sure. “Evie O’Neill, would you marry me?”-  Evie raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t we play these roles already? A few months ago?”- “ That was pretend. I mean on the level. Evie O’Neill, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Lamb Chop?”- Evie could scarcely catch her breath. “If you’re pulling my leg, Sam Lloyd, I swear on all things holy..” But this face didn’t have even a trace of a smirk. Evie beamed. “Well, I’m telling you right now that you’ll have to find me a better ring. I am pos-i-tutely not wearing this one.”- “Does that mean….? “- Evie laughed and threw her arms around Sam’s neck. “ Yes! Yes, Sam Lloyd. I will marry you!”- “Hot dog!” Sam lifted Evie up and twirled her around.- “ Ow!” She said and grabbed her side. “War wound.” - “ Sorry, Baby Vamp.” He said, putting her down gently. (…) “Listen, I’ll need to keep that twenty dollars I stole from you. For the ring.”- “Sam!” Evie rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh, who cares?” She said and kissed him again.” “
“ “I can do it.” Evie said, wincing from the pain in her side.- “Lamb Chop. We just got engaged. I won’t lose you.” Sam said.” “
“ “Jericho. I’m sorry. I should have told you before..”- “ Yes. Probably. Congratulations, by the way.”- “ Thank you. I don’t suppose you could be happy for me, could you?”- “I’m not not-happy for you…. I will always regret what happened.. what I did.. at Hopeful Harbor.”- “I know. Your sweetheart-”- “Guadalupe.” Jericho said and smiled.- “Guadalupe.” Evie repeated. How was it possible to feel relief, happiness, and jealousy all in one go? “Do you love her?”- Jericho blushed.” I’d prefer to keep that to myself.”- “Right. Of course. Pos-i-tutely. Say, do you remember that Ferris wheel ride up in Brethren?”- “ Yes. It was a great view from up there.”- “Yes. A truly spectacular view.”- “Really clear night, as I recall.”- “ Yes. Lots of stars.”- “ A very.. nice evening. Well, before we were chased by a murderous religious cult and nearly killed.” Evie laughed and Jericho laughed and there they were again, all the things that kept them tethered still firmly between them. But perhaps the tethering had grown looser.- “If Sam’s right and they are all those other universes out there, perhaps in one, you and I have settled down with a pack of smart, unruly children.”- Jericho only smiled. He looked out at the unbroken line of rural Nebraska.” This is the only universe I really know anything about, Evie. And you are marrying Sam. And I have a sweetheart named Lupe. And we have a mighty big fight ahead of us, something more important than this.” He took a deep breath. “You and I weren’t meant to be.”- “ Except as friends?” Evie asked hopefully.- Jericho shook his head, gave a little laugh. And then he smiled at her. A real smile. He struck out his hand. “Sure.” Evie gave it a solid shake. It felt like a prelude to good-bye, somehow. Like putting away old things to make room for new.” “
“ But Evie knew: Something truly terrifying had happened to Sarah Beth Olson.”
“ “Who was it who went with me to rescue Sam?”- “ Me.”- “ That’s right. And now I’m going to help you. That’s how it works.”- “How what works?”-  Evie kissed Theta on the cheek. “This crackers little thing called friendship.” “
“ “ Here. Let’s stand in a circle.”- “If nothing else, we’ve really mastered facing one another in the round.” Sam said. Evie kicked him.” “
“ “I’m scared” Evie hadn’t meant to say it. It just crept out.- “ You’re telling the truth.” Ling said.- “Is that so unusual?”- “ Yes. You don’t always trust us.” “
“ They were part of one another. It was beyond telepathy; they were transcendence. They could feel one another’s heartbeats. It was as if they lived in one another’s skins. Jericho’s fingers wanted to move across the piano keys of Henry’s memory and the face of a beautiful boy in New Orleans. Theta’s anger and fear swirled inside Sam, but so did her joy at singing and dancing. Evie was Memphis on Lenox Avenue, a poem half-formed in his heart. Ling was Isaiah saying, “Listen. Listen!” while people talked around him, over him, ignoring him. Memphis felt a nagging pain in his legs and then a beauty of physics making sense as he became Ling and she him and they were all one being. Jericho could touch Theta’s firepower, borrow it, make it his. Isaiah reached into his brother’s healing with a mischievous joy- so that’s how it is! Somehow, they had gotten past shame and pride and fear to vulnerability. They weren’t just combining powers, they were connecting. Anticipating one another’s moves. Beating with one heart. It was like the most beautiful voice surrounding them, looping through them, promising that no one is ever alone because aloneness does not exist. All are connected.”
“ “I read her dolls. I know I shouldn’t have, but I had a bad feeling.”- “ Spare us the monologue. Skip to the end.” Theta said.” “
“”Where did Isaiah’s body go?” Henry asked quietly.- “Pal, I don’t know. I don’t know anything about what’s happening right now.” Sam said under his breath.” “
“ “My h-healing power f-for Isaiah.” Memphis said.- “Oh, that’s just terrific. That’s swell.” Sam said, angry.- Theta glared. “Stop it, Sam.”- “What are we supposed to do now? How are we supposed to heal the breach without a healer?”- “ He just lost his brother!” Theta shouted.“ “
“ “ If it comes to it, we can use our powers.” Sam said, reaching for Evie’s hand. She, in turn, reached for Henry’s.”
“ “What’s wrong with Memphis?” Marlowe asked.- “ He’s sick. So we shouldn’t do this.” Evie said.- “What’s the matter with him?”- “ Grief.”- “The loss of Isaiah is unfortunate. But we’ll still be able to carry on without him. The serum and the modifications I’ve made to the Eye should see to that.”- “You’re a real son-of-a-bitch.” Sam said.” (..)- “ I’ve had to make terrible sacrifices for progress.” Marlowe answered.- Henry clucked sympathetically. “I, too, hate it when my tea gets cold while I’m plotting destruction. Such a sacrifice.”-  Marlowe stared at Henry. “How would you like it if the whole world knew about you and those degenerate clubs you haunt in Greenwich Village?”- “ How would you like it if I used you for kindling?” Theta shot back.- “Your village didn’t like it much.” Mr. Jefferson interjected with a snort.- Evie jumped up from her seat and kicked Jefferson in the shins, hard. “That’s for Theta.” She kicked him again, higher up. “And.. and.. that’s for Theta, too.”- “You still got a good kick on you, Baby Vamp.” Sam said admiringly.- “Thanks, Evil.” Theta said.- “You and me.” Evie said back to her. “If they come for one of us, they come for all of us.”- “How sentimental.” Jefferson said in a strained voice. He’d gotten back to his feet with murder in his eyes. He moved toward Evie. Marlowe held him back with his hand.- “Your department can take over once we’ve secured the land of the dead.”- Jefferson eyes Evie. “You’re mine.”-  And Evie mouthed back a phrase for which she was certain her mother would still wash her mouth out with soap. Beside her, Sam grinned. “Oh, Baby Vamp. Let’s get married tomorrow. Promise?”- Evie softened. “ Promise.”
“ “I told you we’ve taken every precaution.” Marlowe, smug as usual.- “ In addition to being a lousy fella, you’re also a goddamned idiot.” Sam said. “
“Sam complained. “It hurt. A lot. I did not enjoy it. I would just like some recognition of my troubles.”- “ I will make you a swell little medal if we survive.” Evie said with a generous roll of her eyes.-  Sam nodded approvingly. “I like medals. I accept.”- “Evie. I don’t suppose you still have that feather Isaiah gave you?” Henry asked.- “It’s in my pocket. Why?”- “ I don’t know. But Ling often needs an object to find the dead in a dream.”- “ It might lead us to the King Of Crows.” Evie said, thinking aloud.- Henry gave a wan smile. “See? We don’t even need to be hooked up to that big gold spider for all of us to be on the trolley.” “
“ “Here they come. Look innocent.” - “ Good luck with that, Sam Lloyd.” - “Baby Vamp?” Sam was looking at her with such affection it nearly broke her. “ Ikh hob dikh lib.”- “ I love you, too, Sam.” Evie whispered.” “
“ “ Are you sure you’d like to destroy such a magnificent machine?” The King Of Crows said.- “ Let me think.” Sam posed with his finger across his lips, as if pondering a deep dilemma. He dropped the pose and thumbed his nose at the King Of Crows. “ Yeah. I’m sure.”- “Let’s go.” Evie said.” “
“ “ I’m going to help, James, even if it means I’ll be trapped here.” Evie said.- “Whither thou goest, I will go.” Sam said, taking Evie’s hand. Evie kissed Sam’s cheek.- “ Leave it to you to quote Shakespeare at a time like this.” - Sam looked to Memphis. “Don’t tell her.” “
“ Sam? Where’s Sam? Sam. Where are you?”
“ Anybody seen Sam?”
“Sam? Sam Lloyd? Please, please, please answer me-”- “I’m here, Lamb Chop.”- Tears sprang to Evie’s eyes. “Sam?”- “Didn’t I promise you I’d be here?”-  Evie ran the best she could, and it seemed to her that their kiss would be the kiss she would remember for the rest of her days. “I was afraid I’d lost you.”-  Sam brushed his lips softly across her forehead and nuzzled her neck. “You’d never let me die when I owed you twenty bucks.”- “Sam?”- “ Let me guess- shut up?”- “No. No, talk to me. Keep talking to me.”- “There’ll be time.” he said and kissed her again.- “We did it.” Evie whispered.- “Little Fox!” Miriam called. She limped toward Sam. Freed from the Eye, she held her son tightly for the first time in nearly a decade. Evie stepped back, but Miriam pulled her close. “ So you are the one my Sergei loves?” She said.- “Ma.” Sam said, embarrassed.” “
“ “So. When is the big day?”- “As soon as she’ll let me.” Sam said and kissed Evie’s hand, and it made Evie so happy she was afraid her happiness was a bird that might fly away.” “
“ Mrs. Sam Lloyd, Evie thought. And then, Evie Lloyd. And then, Mrs. Evie O’Neill Lloyd, like British royalty. It would look very dignified on her calling cards. She’d mail a bunch of them back to the girls in Zenith. The pettiness of this warmed her.- “What are you smiling about?” Sam asked.- “Oh, nothing.”- “Now I’m worried.” “
“ “So, uh, how are your powers?” Sam whispered.- Memphis shook his head slowly. “Just a little left. Enough to fix your bruise, maybe.”- “I said Don’t see me to a fella the other day and he looked right at me and said, ‘What do you mean, don’t see you?’ I guess my pickpocketing days are truly behind me.” Sam said.- “ I picked up this saltshaker, and do you know what it told me?” Evie said.- Ling swallowed a bit of sandwich. “What?”- Evie put the shaker back down.” Pos-i-tutely nothing.” No more dream walking. No bursting into flames. No ghosts.- “I don’t see so much anymore. Just little things here and there.” Isaiah said with a shrug. (..) The powers that Project Buffalo had forced on them were fading away. What remained was all they had been through together. They could still feel one another, still sense one another’s moods and hurts. What remained was friendship. Was remained was love. It was, they knew, their greatest power.” “
“ “Do you know what he’s saying?” Evie asked her friends.- “Beats me. I don’t speak German.” Theta said.- The Diviners kept their eyes on the Goldbergs, who, in turn, watched the radio as if it needed watching, as if it might become a monster they could not stop. (..) And though she didn’t know German, it made her uneasy all the same. She sensed the fury underneath it. Seeds of evil. Growing. Metastasizing. The chant repeated several times, and she began to pick out the words being shouted over and over again. “Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler. Heil Hitler.” “
               THE DIVINERS SERIES:
1.       The Diviners (2012)
2.       Lair Of Dreams (2015)
3.       Before The Devil Breaks You (2017)
4.       The King Of Crows (2020)
26 notes · View notes
swaps55 · 4 years
Sam Shepard
Full Name: Sam Powell Shepard. His middle name is his mother’s maiden name. He hates his middle name (he and his mother are not on very good terms).
Gender and Sexuality: Male, very demi aro/ace. He tried sex with men and women when he was younger out of sheer curiosity, got nothing out of it, and proceeded to basically forget about sex entirely. He’s baffled at the idea of being in a relationship until Kaidan comes along. If you were to ask him about his sexuality he’d get a deer in headlights look and just point at Kaidan, because outside of him Sam has no fucking idea what he’s into.
Pronouns: He/him
Ethnicity/Species: I admit. I haven’t given much thought to where his parents are from, and probably won’t, because part of what makes him fun is that he doesn’t have roots. Earth is very unfamiliar, even alien to him. Oh, and he’s human.
Birthplace and Birthdate: Arcturus Station, April 11, 2154
Guilty Pleasures: The dumber the joke, the funnier he thinks it is. He loves media and entertainment that doesn’t make him think. He does enough thinking in his real life - he wants his escapism to be superficial and fun. He would love the 22nd century equivalent of MST3K.
Phobias: As a spacer, he’s really weirded out by nature. Especially bugs. Especially anything remotely resembling a silverfish. That’s too many fucking legs. Put him in combat armor and he doesn’t even notice bugs, but take him out of the combat armor and he’ll lose it at the sight of a creepy crawly.
After Alchera, he develops a severe phobia of extra vehicular activity. Which he finds frustrating, because he doesn’t remember the explosion. Last thing he remembers is pulling Joker out of his chair.
What They Would Be Famous For: To the general public, being the Savior of the Galaxy. To his crew, he’s famous for making the Galaxy’s Worst Cup of Coffee.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Illegally carrying a firearm, illegally discharging a firearm, assault, breaking and entering, harboring an illegal AI, mutiny, insubordination, making really shitty coffee. The list is…long.
OC You Ship Them With: Just Kaidan.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I’d love to say one of my ‘Yang marines, but honestly Aslany worships him, Pendergrass facilitates his insanity, and Beaudoin is too easy going to be bothered by whatever batshit thing Sam does next. But Kaidan is always on the verge of murdering him during combat.
When Sam served on the ‘Yang, his team would regularly borrow an M-29 Grizzly that was property of the Madrid, the lead cruiser in the ‘Yang’s flotilla. The chief tech in charge of that Grizzly, a gentleman by the name of Gamba Msipa, hates Sam’s guts.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: There’s a turian buddy cop comedy Garrus showed him that he’s obsessed with. As for books, when he actually has time to read he prefers popcorn fiction that allows him to turn his brain off. But if you tell anyone he’s read Forbidden Ops, Tali’s favorite human romance series, he’ll kill you.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: He doesn’t care much for military movies or books, because he spends so much time picking apart everything they get wrong that he doesn’t enjoy it. Exception: body count movies that do not take themselves seriously.
Talents and/or Powers: He’s one of those bastards who is infuriatingly comfortable in his own skin. He’s also a charismatic motherfucker when he wants to be. He can talk to you like he’s known you his entire life, but it’s a ploy to trick you into getting you to talk about yourself so a) you’re not asking about Sam and b) he can compile a mental dossier on your strengths and weaknesses.
But while he is very good at this, as an extroverted introvert it’s generally not something he can sustain for long periods of time. To get him through it he’s most likely imagining all the different ways he could kill you with whatever is within his line of sight.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He’ll burn down the sky for the people he cares about. If you can get past The Butcher of Torfan, and get past the Commander Shepard mantle, you’ll find a guy who has a thousand-watt grin, is a lot funnier than you’d expect, will consume media he’s not into just because someone he cares about enjoys it, and, provided you’re the cuddling type, is a champion snuggler (spoiler: Kaidan is the cuddling type).
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He does not know how to be still for five fucking seconds, and he has this stare that’s a lot like a directed energy weapon. If you’re in his crosshairs, it’s not something you will enjoy. Even worse is when he looks through you instead of at you, because your very existence is inconsequential. Also, he will never let anyone else drive.  
How They Change: After Torfan, Sam was closed off, defensive, angry, and deadest against getting close with any of his crew. When you’re in a position to send people to their death, he figures it’s better not to know who they are. Problem is, that made him an asshole. His time on the ‘Yang helps him recognize how important to foster trust with your team and have something to fight for. He loosens up a lot by the time he sets foot on the Normandy.
…how he changes after Alchera is a whole other thing.
Why You Love Them: I fucking love Sam. He’s an enigma to everyone around him – pinning down what’s really Sam vs. what’s The Butcher of Torfan and the Savior of the Galaxy is a really complex task – he wears so many different personas based on what’s needed from him at the time. I love how badly he longs to just be Sam, but gives that up to be what others need him to be. Deep down he cares so deeply for the people around him at tremendous cost to himself. I love how important it is that he do what needs to be done without losing his soul. I love how afraid he is of becoming Saren. I love how genuinely funny he is, and how much he likes to laugh. Despite everything he’s been through, there’s a sense of optimism and hope you can’t shake out of him.  
I really love Sam.
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