#he’s like a more interesting Sheldon from bbt
highqueen-feyre · 2 years
I don’t know if there’s discourse on which Hawthorne brother is superior, but the answer is Xander. I love this weird little dude.
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High functional autism
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Warnings: Slight bullying
Requested: @frzntrx
Request: Edward X High functioning Autistic (used to be called Asperger's) reader who loves reading and writing stories??? :) It's nice to see representation in media (Sheldon Cooper from BBT kinda puts people off, but other stuff like the Book "The Kiss Quotient" are more relatable!)
Out of all the classes you were enrolled in, you favored creative writing and debate most out of all others.
Study could be considered as another favorite, as you could take advantage of the time to either read or think of an idea for your short stories. You were a very talkative person as well, and sadly, that had lost you a few friends while others grew tired of you. That included the teachers, and teachers are supposed to be like your given ultimate protection from the mean kids at school.
You would speak almost non stop, the only friend that stood by your side was Bella Swan, she never once considered judging you just because of your diagnosis of High Functioning Autism. She was one of the few who didn’t and who could oversee that and be friends with you anyways. After Bella, Edward Cullen soon follows and he seemed to have taken quite an interest in you, and Bella couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous as she had always thought of him as handsome and wanted nothing more then to be with Edward. But at the same time, she couldn’t intervene because she just wanted happiness for the both of you. Just like Bella, Edward had felt as though he needed to protect you after learning of your diagnosis.
The thing was you were handing in your assignment for creative writing and after getting the best score out of everyone else, that’s where the teasing had started. Some even gave you the nickname, teacher’s pet and you couldn’t lie that it was hurtful. Bella nor Edward stepped into your defense because you haven’t said a single word about the hell you’ve been enduring through the school hallways of Forks High School. When they did find out, it was when they discovered you in the ladies room, quietly sobbing in case anyone walked by. Edward had a look of wordy, he couldn’t go in the ladies room without being seen, so Bella did and started talking to you, wanting to figure out what was wrong. Admittedly, you had wanted to be left alone at first when you were found, but Bella wasn’t having any of it as she remains there until you’re ready to tell her what’s going on.
It took a few moments to gather your thoughts before spilling the beans completely about your school life, the teasing and bullying along with everything that’s been going on. Bella was not too happy of course that you hadn’t report this to her or Edward and what set her off was the showing of your grade from creative writing course and when she reads over it, she was now really upset about this, so much so that you were beginning to feel bad about telling the actual truth, than you started apologizing.
Bella stops talking your ear off once she heard the apology.
“Are you serious? This is why you’ve been teased? What the hell is wrong with people?!”
“I’m sorry..” you say quietly, Bella than looks your way.
“Don’t be, it’s not you. It’s them and it always will be them. You’re very strong and capable of extraordinary things, things that had given you something most people don’t have, you were one of the few lucky ones. It makes you quite unique, I love your short stories and the way you pick a book to read to me and Edward on the lawn during lunch hour. You may be a talker, but there’s no need to worry when it comes to talking to me. Don’t listen to them, okay? They just don’t know the real you.”
You slowly nod in agreement while taking her outstretched hand to pull you to your feet and follow back out behind her.
It was almost startling to see that Edward was waiting for you.
“What’s going on?” He asks.
“Nothing now, everything is okay.” Bella lies.
“Nothing now, I just had a bad day is all. Everything is fine now.” You say, backing Bella up on her lie.
Later on that night, something would happen to make everything change.
You had followed Bella to town along with two of her new friends as they were there to pick out dresses for the prom. You weren’t paying any attention until Jessica had mentioned your name, confronting you about it.
“Are you even listening,(Y/n)?”
It was a little embarrassing, because you didn’t have a book with you to read and you didn’t want to find yourself talking so much to the point these people would walk away like the rest have done in the past.
Jessica and Angela had no idea of your diagnosis, and they were a bit impatient with you. Looking up at them, you see Jessica in a beautiful lavender dress and you sincerely thought it looked head over heels beautiful on her. All it really was incredibly stunning, so much so that she shouldn’t have to try on anymore dresses.
“Of course! I love that one on you, it’s very pretty.”
“If there’s something else you’d rather be doing, you’re welcome to leave and meet us back at the restaurant for dinner as planned.” Jessica says.
“Will do. Um.. there’s actually a book I’d like to go and pick up from a nearby store.”
“Want me to come with?” Bella offers.
“No, I’ll be fine.”
After walking out of the store, you started making your way back to the restaurant, and part of that route goes through a sketchy dark alley that didn’t quite feel safe to walk through. Even if you weren’t alone, it gave anyone and eerie feeling not to go through it.
You were going to bravely continue in the alley, until you saw some creepy homeless dudes messing around with a pack or two of beers in hand. On instinct, you quickly turn to go the other way, or at least, you tried to from the sketchy men. The red flags started showing when they spot you before getting over closer to you, making unwanted advances towards you. With your diagnosis, it was often difficult for you to fight alone, but you wouldn’t give these disgusting homeless men the satisfaction in becoming vulnerable to them, you wanted to fight back and that’s exactly what you were going to do. After the first advanced had taken place, you were more furious than you were at all scared.
“Don’t touch me!” You snap, trying to back away.
The men started surrounding you, making remarks.
“Where do you think you’re going? Come with us, we’ll show you a good time!”
That’s when you got scared and really tried to fight them off. What saved your life was the sound of tires screeching as an unrecognizable car pulled up with Edward existing it.
He demands you to get in the car, which you do.
“Get in the car.” Edward orders firmly as he walks over to the men.
You watch from the passenger’s seat as Edward scared them off with a death glare that read, “If you hurt her, you will have to deal with me.” It was impressive to say the least, though Edward scared them off by dominating the situation, he climbed back in the car furious and nearly ran over one of the men who laid a unwanted hand on you.
Edward quickly sped off, right on out of there with you safe and sound. That was a night neither of you would ever forget. The situation was like a roller coaster and you wanted nothing more than to forget about it, but you would always be grateful for Edward getting there in the nick of time. After the incident, you used part of the scenarios in your short stories and had given them to Edward to read. He loved the effort you had in writing, and wanted you to write some more sometime while sitting on the lawn with both Bella and himself during lunch hour and read to them.
You read them aloud the book you had bought from that very store. Living with high functional autism was not always difficult, best friends made it not seem so difficult. In your case, you had two best friends that you were closest to, and everyone knew it. Those friends were Edward and Bella, they were always there for you.
That was all that matters, you no longer didn’t care what others thought.
Tags: @frzntrx
NOTE: I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting this and I hope I did it up to your expectations! Feel free to send in another request! ❤️
Requests: open
• Carlisle Cullen
• Edward Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Emmet Cullen
• Riley Biers
• Benjamin
• Vladimir
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Cullen
• Bella Swan
• Aro
• Caius
• Alec
• Jane
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homestuckrichard · 1 year
Analysis of 04e01s BBT
This episode is interesting because of one thing in particular. I forgot that we see Sheldon's family so early on, what happened!? I really thought it was an invention of later seasons and…. huh… Young Sheldon and here suddenly we see his mother who gives really a lot of information about their family.
Aside from that little thing this episode is extremely mid. The jokes are mid (except for the final scene, this one is okay), the characters are mid, literally even Howard doesn't piss me off that much.
And the worst thing is that Sheldon is out of character. Yes, I believe he could offend his boss if he thought he was stupid and the fact that he would listen to his mom, but the part with the sudden interest, the conversations with Penny and Leonard absolutely don't fit with how he would behave. Like, I get that the idea is that he acts weird when he has nothing to do but I miss the stress of change, the loss of a job. Also more than egg research or sewing, I would expect him to try to make a death ray to kill his supervisor.
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lemonz-and-limez · 4 years
The Amends Consideration
A/N: @ailurophilia72 if you ask, you shall receive.
This one is a heavy one, I'm not going to lie. Saw this prompt on tumblr and it got my brain going I just couldn't get it out of my head. Death has reared its ugly head in my life again and that kind of fueled a lot of this story. I am in a lot of pain right now and I needed it out. This story was the product.
I know in Young Sheldon, George is portrayed a lot differently than what is let on in Big Bang. I tried to go for the way he was described in BBT, a darker version definitely compared to what we see in YS. Just for full disclosure.
Prompt: Sheldon gets sad when he realizes his dad will never get to meet his child
Sheldon didn't know what to think as he pulled his mother's unexpected package out of the mailbox. Mary hadn't mentioned anything about sending him something, so the contents of the small box in his hand was a mystery.
He sorted through the rest of the mail on the elevator ride back up to his and Amy's shared apartment. Bills, adds, a couple of congratulations cards for the upcoming birth of their son. But nothing interested him more than the nondescript box he cradled under his arm.
As the elevator doors dinged open, Sheldon paid no mind to the obvious chatter coming from 4A. Penny and Bernadette had teamed up to throw Amy a baby shower, which his wife wanted but never had time to plan. With her two friends already being mothers themselves, they decided it would be easier to take the responsibility into their own hands. Of course, that meant Amy would probably be gone most of the day, knowing how those ladies like to chat. Sheldon didn't mind though, he never cared if he was on his own.
He had planned on getting some work done that he had neglected during the week. No day like Saturday to get things done, after all. However, the second he stepped back into his apartment, he threw everything from the mailbox except his mother's package onto the kitchen counter.
Sitting down on the teal couch, Sheldon inspected the parcel on the coffee table in front of him. "Alright, let's find out what you are," Sheldon whispered to no one, taking out his tiny pocket knife and carefully cutting the tape. The box opened from the side, so he spilled the contents out before him. There was a loud clunk as something heavy, and plastic hit the table. A couple other things fell out with it, one of which was a note from his mother.
Found this while cleaning out the garage. Figured it was something you should have. Forgive me for watching it without you, but I needed to know what was on the tape.
Please watch it, baby. He would have wanted you to see it.
Love, Mom
Sheldon set the note back down on the table and picked up the item that had caused the most ruckus on its way out of the box. A VHS tape. Probably the last thing Sheldon expected his mother to send. Upon further inspection, Sheldon found his father's handwriting scrawled across the label.
Make Amends – For Sheldon
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sheldon sighed heavily. A part of him didn't even want to give this tape the time of day. His father had been dead a long time; there was no need to dig up dirt from twenty-six years ago. But his curiosity couldn't help but wonder what his father could possibly have said to him on this tape.
According to her note, Mary had watched it already. Should he just call her and just have her tell him what was on it?
No. Sheldon was mature enough to watch this recording without calling his Mommy for assistance.
He moved quickly around the small living space and in front of the television. After the "football game tape over" incident last year, Sheldon invested in a used VHS player. Amy had teased him about it for weeks, but he couldn't possibly tell her the real reason he got it. Not to watch old movies from his childhood, which he did so Amy couldn't call his bluff, but to listen to his father's voice again when he started to forget what it sounded like.
With a few expert moves, Sheldon had the video playing in no time. Cradling the remote in his hands, back on the couch now, he leaned forward with rapt attention.
George Cooper was already in view, adjusting the camera on whatever he had it perched on. Which, according to the date, also on the label, was in 1994.
It was only a couple of seconds before his father had settled into the chair of his old office at Sheldon's old high school. From the looks of things, it seemed dark, like it was late in the evening. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to think about it too much because the dead man started talking. Literally.
"Hello, Sheldon," George sighed. "I don't know when this video is going to find you or how you're going to take it, but this needs to be said, Son. I have to say this to you. Especially to you."
His father paused for a moment as if to compose himself. The moisture in his eyes told Sheldon enough.
"I'm in a twelve-step program, Sheldon. For my drinkin'. And before you think of it, no, your mother is not forcing me into it. I am going on my own free will, but I am doing it for her. I love your mom, Sheldon, I know you probably don't believe that, but I do."
Another pause.
"Step nine of this program is to make amends with people I have harmed. And a part of me knows you will never fully forgive me, but of all the people I need to apologize to, you're at the top of the list, Sheldon. Not just because of what you have seen, or the things I have said to you drunk, but because of my shortcomings as a father."
"I always had this idea of what a man should be. The typical, all things masculine, into sports, rootin' for the Dallas Cowboy's kinda stuff. But you never did fit that role, did ya, son?"
Sheldon watched his father smile at his question. There wasn't malice in his eyes like he was angry, but instead, he seemed almost proud of him.
"Georgie was always the one who liked to go outside and play catch with me, and go fishin', and do all of the things 'typical boys like to do'. You never had an interest in any of that, and because of it, I never treated you as I should. As a father should. Unconditional love no matter what your child does or likes. I tried to change you at any chance I could get, and that wasn't fair to you. I should have embraced your intelligence. I should have bought you that science kit you wanted instead of that dirt bike. I should have been the father you deserved, Sheldon, because you did. You are amazing, son, and I am so insanely proud to be your father."
Sheldon wasn't expecting this. He didn't think his father was capable of saying such heartfelt words about him. His father could sing praises about Georgie's accomplishments all day long, few as they may have been. But even though Sheldon never heard George say he was proud while he was alive, hearing the words said over tape struck a chord within him.
Before the man on the screen could start talking again, Sheldon pressed pause. At the beginning of the video, he had expected George to discuss the unfortunate affair that Sheldon had unfortunately born witness to. After all, that was his most blatant faux pas. But his dad had dug deeper, past the surface, past the infidelity. He looked for the root problem of his relationship with his son. Sheldon's father was a man much like himself, never liked to outwardly display emotions often, but when he did, they were sincere. So, for the great George Cooper to open up like this, to a camera albeit, meant a great deal to him.
It had been a long time since Sheldon had thought of his dad the way he was at the moment. Like the man who raised him, who helped shape who he was today, and not the man who simply cheated on his mother. That was the title he had held in Sheldon's eyes for a long time. There had been a few cracks here and there. Like he and Amy's wedding or the night they watched the pep talk George gave the football team in the locker room. But those moments were fleeting. Gone as quickly as they came.
Perhaps it was because Sheldon had yet to hear the contents of this tape. The fact that he never made amends with his father before he died had forever tainted his perspective of him. Sheldon couldn't be sure.
All he knew was that he suddenly felt much more at peace in regards to his dad. But in place of Sheldon's bitterness and anger towards him was a tug of grief in his gut that he hadn't felt for years. The twisting knot of pain that permeated throughout his entire body.
His dad in the video, had said he was proud of him. Insanely proud of him. And yet, he didn't even live long enough to see half of his greatest accomplishments. He never got to see him with a Ph.D., win a Nobel, and countless other awards. He didn't get to meet Sheldon's friends, never got to meet Amy. His father's absence was felt heavily at their wedding.
And now, as Sheldon was on the cusp of becoming a father himself, he wouldn't get to meet his grandson.
Even from his seated position on the couch, Sheldon doubled over from the crippling feeling that came with that thought. Missy had expressed similar views when she gave birth to her first child, but Sheldon hadn't expected that feeling to be so intense. So utterly heartbreaking.
Sheldon wouldn't get to see both of his parents cradling his newborn. His son wouldn't be able to enjoy two grandfathers. Or learn football from his Texan Pop-Pop and be forced to root for the Cowboys no matter how bad their record was.
His son would never meet the formidable George Cooper.
The dry sob that escaped his mouth surprised him. But then came another one, and again, and again, until his face was no longer dry. Sheldon could hardly remember the last time he had cried like this over his father. He had done it once in the twenty-six almost twenty-seven years his father had been dead. The day he found out his father passed away when he was alone in his dorm room miles away from home. But he was fourteen then, barely able to understand the true concept of death. Sure, he knew the science behind it, but not the emotions. Not the grief.
Still, the tears he shed in his living room were not unlike those he had shed in his dorm room. Alone, vulnerable, miles away from Texas. But one key element was different; he now could fully understand the scope of what his father being gone meant. How it impacted the lives of his family. How it changed what his son's childhood would look like.
Sheldon was now beginning to dread the day he would have to explain to his son why he only had one grandfather while everyone else at school had two. Hopefully, Amy's dad lived long enough so he wouldn't have to explain to his kid why he had none.
With his elbows rested on his knees and his fingers interlaced behind his head, he let his body feel the emotion running through it. He didn't try to surpass it as he had for years. But that just made it all the more intense.
His head snapped up at the sound of Amy's voice. His heavily pregnant wife stood in the open doorway to their apartment, staring at him with concern.
Amy glanced at the TV for a moment. "What's wrong?" She asked, slowly walking the short distance to the couch.
Sheldon frantically wiped at his face, trying to make himself look more presentable. As if that mattered to Amy. "This came in the mail today." He held up the empty box his mother sent. "Mom was cleaning out the garage when she found this tape of my dad. She wanted me to have it," his voice cracked with the last few words as he threw the cardboard back onto the table.
Amy, now sitting next to him, rubbed his back soothingly. "Well, what was on it?"
"It's nothing, just my Dad explaining he was in a twelve-step program, and he wanted to make amends with me."
"So, why the tears?"
His face scrunched up again. "I don't… it just… it just hit me that our son will never be able to meet him," he sobbed. Sheldon gestured with his hands and tried to speak, but the words caught in his throat. "I-I-I don't know that j-just hurt more than I-I expected it t-to," he eventually stuttered.
Amy sniffled beside him, which made Sheldon finally look back up at her. She gave him a sad smile as she continued to rub his hunched back. "What was on the video that made you realize that?"
"I thought he was going to apologize for the affair, the one I walked in on. Instead, it was for his mistakes as a father. How he never seemed as proud of me as he did with Georgie. I didn't think my dad was capable of digging below the surface, but he did. He found the true problem with our relationship, and he wanted to make up for it." Sheldon picked up the remote and rewound the tape a little. "I mean, I have never seen my father talk about me this way. Look."
He pressed play.
"I should have been the father you deserved, Sheldon, because you did. You are amazing, son, and I am so insanely proud to be your father."
The video stopped again.
"If he was proud of me then, how would he feel about me now? Just the fact that I found you… he would have been over the moon. I'm sure of it. But now we're about to have a son, and he won't be here for it? I just…" Sheldon trailed off, not knowing quite how to word what he was feeling.
But Amy nodded in understanding. "Above all else, you wish he were here for our son," she stated, not asked.
"Yes. Despite all of my father's faults, he did care about his family. He would've gone down protecting us, probably, if a heart attack hadn't claimed him first. In light of all of my professional accomplishments, this is what would have meant the most to him."
Sheldon glanced down at his wife's stomach, where their son was visibly wiggling around. He smiled fondly at the sight but swallowed thickly at the emotion that rose with it. In a few short weeks, he would be holding that baby, their families would be surrounding them. Rejoicing with them.
But George Cooper wouldn't be there.
Suddenly, Amy's hand was no longer on his back but on his knee. "Sheldon," she beckoned him to look at her. "There's nothing I could say that would make this any easier for you, but might I suggest something?"
He nodded.
She laid her free hand on her stomach. "What do you think about making the baby's middle name George?"
"What?" He gawked. "I thought you wanted it to be William. You know, for Darcy."
She stared at him long and hard for a moment and then patted his leg. "I did, but I already got Elliot; let me give you this one."
Sheldon shook his head. "No," he said firmly. "You're doing all the hard work; you should get to decide two of the names. Seeing as how you don't want to hyphenate his last name."
Amy grimaced suddenly and held a hand to her side, her face scrunched up in pain. And suddenly, Sheldon was on high alert. "What's wrong? Are you having contractions?"
"No." She waved her hand at him. "Just got kicked pretty hard, that's all." He opened his mouth to point out her hard work again but she stopped him. "Look, Sheldon, I am really not upset about our kids only being Coopers. Seriously. I want to do this for you. I want his middle name to be George."
"Are you one hundred percent sure? You don't just feel sorry for me because my dad is dead and you think this will cheer me up?"
It sounded stupid coming out of his own mouth. Sheldon could only imagine what it sounded like to Amy.
"Sweetheart," she endeared. "Our son's middle name should be special, not the name of a fictional character. We only decided on William because we couldn't think of anything else. Neither one of us suggested George for some reason. I have no emotional attachments to the name William, but I do to the name George. We both do."
Sheldon took her hand in his own. "You're sure about this?"
"Absolutely. Besides, don't you think Elliot George Cooper sounds better than Elliot William Cooper?"
"William did lack a certain panache, didn't it?" Sheldon smirked, finally coming around after more convincing than it should have.
Amy laughed at that, but her face went serious again rather quickly. "I'm sorry you miss your dad, Sheldon. I would have loved to meet him."
"And he would have loved to meet you."
Sheldon looked back at the TV, his father's paused face, still staring back at him. He really did look like his father. His mother had always said so, but he never believed her. Now an adult, it was like looking into a mirror. He really was his mini-me.
If Elliot got Sheldon's eyes, then he would really have George's eyes. Sheldon only had them because of his father. Suddenly, he selfishly understood Amy's hope for their children to have his eyes.
"What are you thinking about?" Amy asked, pulling him from his reverie.
"It's just uncanny how similar my father and I look. I guess now I'm just being selfish in hoping our son looks like me." Sheldon looked over and was met with Amy's blank expression. "Not that I don't want him to look like you," he quickly tried to cover himself.
Amy giggled and motioned for him to stop. "I wasn't thinking that. I know what you meant. Your dad may no longer be alive, but he lives on through his children and their children. Not to sound overly sappy."
"Too late," he joked. "I know I am being overly sentimental right now because I'm thinking about my dad. But seeing his face again, hearing his voice, I guess I'm just trying to hold onto whatever I can of him."
"That's grief, honey," Amy said softly.
Sheldon nodded, acknowledging the truth and the harsh reality behind those words. "I know, and I haven't allowed myself to feel that for a long time."
They sat in relative silence for a moment, the gentle whirring of the VHS player the only sound filling the air. There was still more on the tape; George certainly had more to say. Sheldon was sure of it. He thought for a moment, then turned to his wife and asked, "do you want to watch the rest of the tape with me?"
He nodded slightly.
"I do."
George Cooper's voice sounded once more in a matter of seconds.
"Sheldon, I know you are going to do great things one day. I have known that since… well… forever. I know you're going to find amazing people to surround yourself with who will love you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated."
"I know you will make countless accomplishments academically, more than you have already."
"I know you will fall in love with someone someday who will make your heart soar."
Sheldon and Amy smiled at each other, squeezing each other's hand slightly. Check.
"I know you will have exceptional, amazing children one day because you and I both know you are too exceptional to not do so."
Almost check.
"I know you're going to live a full life, Sheldon. Because you have such a drive for greatness, and I know you have my stubbornness, so, you will settle for nothing less."
George leaned forward, on his desk Sheldon was assuming.
"I know I have a lot of making up to do, and I hope someday you will accept this apology. I know you have a kind heart, Sheldon; I have seen it with my own eyes. I will understand if you can't, I have failed you as a father thus far, but I hope that someday you will extend that kindness towards me. I cannot wait to see you grow up, do all the things I know you want to do. Hopefully, I'll be around to see you accomplish most of them."
Sheldon should have finished the video before he started crying earlier. The fact that this was taped less than a year before his father passed away did not escape him. Nor did that make his pain any easier.
He figured, at least now he had Amy by his side.
"I hope that when this video finds you, you will listen and not throw it away. Even if that's what I probably deserve. I'm going to try sending these tapes out soon, so call me if you see this. Just let me know you've watched it. If that's all you can do for now, I'll understand; I've got a lot of things to work on."
His father smiled fondly at the camera. Not the forced one that Sheldon could always remember from his childhood but a genuine, real smile. It was also his smile.
"I love you, Sheldon. Talk to you soon."
The video stopped and began to rewind to the beginning. Amy was rubbing at his back again, soothing him as tears once again fell from his eyes. But Sheldon was still too transfixed on the screen. He whispered it so quietly, he doubted Amy would be able to hear it. Which would be fine. It was one of the few things not meant for her ears anyway.
"I love you too, dad."
A/N: Well that ended darker than I usually end this. This story ended up being surprisingly personal to me for a lot of reasons, and since I am dab smack in the middle of grief it just didn't feel right to have some uber sappy happy ending, because that's not genuine. That's not real. It's bittersweet at the least I hope.
Thank you so much for reading, especially right now, it means the world to me.
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lizzexx · 4 years
I was recently watching BBT because it’s on HBOMax and I got to the episode where the gang wonders what their life would be like without Sheldon. Can you give any little hint on how Claire’s life would be different if she never met Sheldon?
I think Claire’s life would be very different than we see in the story without Sheldon there. I’m assuming, if Sheldon doesn’t exist then neither does Missy (being twins and all), so she never would have found a friend in Missy and then in Sheldon. A big part of Claire’s success in life, through school and eventually a job teaching, was Sheldon’s support. He took her under his wing, so to speak, and held her to a high standard that no one else did. When she struggled financially, he helped her out. When she applied for jobs, he was always a top recommendation. Without him in her life, I imagine she wouldn’t have done as well in school or possibly felt motivated or like she had the potential to do well. Her brother was not very bright and I feel her family would have just treated her the same, Sheldon was the one who really saw potential and encouraged it. She wouldn’t have done well in school or even entertained the thought of higher education, she might have ended up having a string of part time jobs or two full time jobs to make ends meet. It may be cliche, but I could very easily see her working in a diner as a waitress or something along those lines. The guys, I think, their lives wouldn’t be much different, except that Bernadette and Penny probably wouldn’t have gotten interested in Howard or Leonard (since a bit of Penny being with Leonard involved Sheldon’s meddling, and Bernadette only appeared thanks to Penny knowing her), Penny and Bernadette’s lives would have gone on as normal with Penny still trying for acting jobs and Bernadette working on her PhD, Amy would have not had as many friends as she came to have, but she would have lived her life as always. Being influenced by Sheldon from such a young age would mean Claire’s entire life would be different, compared to the guys/girls whose would only change from the point they met him :( We’ll definitely see it play out more in that chapter, Claire’s thoughts on it and even the guys/girls realization of what her life would be and how much Sheldon helped make her who she is today ;)
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almondbiscotti · 4 years
Stuff I’ve Watched this CB
Sorry, really got a lot. I’ve ranked them from most recommended to least recommended. And separated movies from series. And have included some shows I’m planning to watch! 
Kim’s Convenience S4 I LOVE APPA. Was a bit appalled I didn’t know S4 was out on Netflix because it’s one of my favourite shows on Netflix. It’s REALLY GOOD. So many laugh out loud moments, the characters are WONDERFULLY fleshed out and the chemistry between the actors is through the roof. Story telling is also amazeballs. 10/10 would recommend.
Dirty Money S1&2  10/10 would recommend! I really liked Dirty Money because I learned so so so so much from the show! I do think the producers had no intention of being unbiased and presenting a neutral stance on the “villains” because I wanted to punch every single “villain” every damn episode. If you’re looking for objectivity and “both sides of the story”, I don’t think this show is for you. But that said, everything presented is factual so I did learn a lot. Supplemented with additional reading post show, I felt like a whole new world was opened to me. :) 
Only issue I had was how damn ridiculous it was that whenever a horde of zombies were running towards our protagonists, they’d just stand there and do their typical Korean AISSSSSHEEEEBYEFUCK stance for like a full 17342154 minutes while the music and tension builds and the zombie horde comes closer and closer and closer and THEN they finally decide to run. Eh friend, what siah. Also, I concluded from watching Kingdom that if there ever was a Zombie apocalypse, I’m completely and utterly FUCKED. But I live in ridiculously hot Singapore surrounded by water... so I guess I’ll be alright? 9.5/10 
Derry Girls S1-2 Irish Catholic School Girls, I’M SOLD. I mean, come on. How can I not LOVE this show? It’s HILARIOUS. And having spent 10 years in an all girl catholic school, Derry Girls really really resonated with me. The characters are laugh out loud hilarious, and all really likeable! The only issue I had with it is that the characters don’t really grow very much over the course of 2 seasons. So season 1 first episode vs season 2 final episode, it won’t matter even if you watched it backwards.
Because the seasons are very short, only 6 episodes per season and there are only 2 seasons so far, it doesn’t matter very much. For now. But I reckon if they had like 7 seasons, it’s going to get VERY repetitive. But at the moment, ISSA GREAT! 9/10
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency S1 8 Episodes of ABSOLUTE CRACK. It’s based off something Douglas Adams wrote so I wouldn’t expect anything less. Acting isn’t great but the storytelling is riveting. If you enjoy Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (the book), it’s very likely you’d enjoy this. It can get quite frustrating sometimes though because it’s so ridiculous so if you’re looking for a detective series based on solid logic, look somewhere else. But if you just want some fun and silliness mixed with some smart, this is wonderful. 8/10 
Never Have I Ever S1 I had a lot of trouble liking the main character but on retrospect, it might be because the character doesn’t even like herself that much to begin with. Had quite a few laugh out loud moments and the Asian family moments were very relatable.  THE MOTHER. THE MOTHER IS EVERYTHING. She’s my favourite, I would watch an entire series with just her. The main problem with Never Have I Ever (in my opinion) is that it tried to do a lot of things to prove the same point. So it does get a bit frustrating after a while. By the 3rd episode, I’m just like GET ON WITH IT I GET IT. I GET THAT FAMILY IS MOST IMPORTANT, I GET THAT SHE’S NOT GRIEVING HER FATHER. So... it can get a little cliche and repetitive. To me la. But still funny, still good. :)  8/10 
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S1-4 The opening track really really grows on you. UNBREAKABLE! They’re alive, damn it! IT’S A MIRACLE! Created by Tina Fey, this show is silly and full of fun.
I really liked S1-3. It’s a very light-hearted show that makes you feel really good watching it because it’s just so positive and optimistic. S4 got a bit too ridiculous for me and the characters started doing some really weird shit that is a bit too incredulous (it was never a logical show based too much on reality to begin with but S4 was really a bit much). But if you like shows like The Good Place, I reckon you’d like Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. 8/10
The Circle USA Can’t remember why Housemate and I started on this but it was actually not bad! I think it’s because the OG characters were really likeable! JOEY! JOEY IS A PRECIOUS PUPPY THAT NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. It’s not very intellectual and I was never too invested in any of the characters or relationships. BUT! great if you don’t want to think too much and just watch some mindless TV that isn’t absolute trash. (TOO HOT TO HANDLE I’M LOOKING AT YOU.)  7/10 
Tiger King S1 SIEOW ONE THIS SHOW. It’s an absolute MINDFUCK. I started with many questions, I finished with A BILLION more. I don’t even know how to describe or explain this show. IT’S MADNESS. There are big cats, gay husbands who turn out not to be gay, tiger queen who allegedly killed her husband and fed him to her tigers, crazy dude who tried to pay some other dude 5k (i think? or 3k? seriously it’s crazy) to kill tiger queen, big guns and expired meat and pizzas?!?!! Yah, Mindfuck. CRAZY/10
Cable Girls S1-4  Season 1 and 2 were BEAUTIFUL. The characters have so much depth, the acting is impeccable, the costumes are AMAZING, the cinematography is inspiring, the story telling was riveting. Then season 3 and season 4 happened and... I will pretend the show ended in S2. -_- Character development took a major hit from season 3 onwards. But I would still recommend Cable Girls because the acting, the acting is AMAZING. 10/10 for s1&2. 5/10 for 3&4.
Money Heist S4 Was quite hyped for this and was really quite let down. The beauty of Money Heist has always been structure in chaos, elegance in the mess. S4 was very frustrating because it didn’t have that. I felt like they were trying very hard to make you think the heist team was going to fail and started to fill in weird impossible things to ensure the plot was still able to proceed. Did not enjoy S4 as much as I thought I would. :(  But if you have invested in the previous seasons, you know you’re gonna watch it even if it’s absolute crap anyway. 6/10
The Letter For The King S1 Ep 1&2 Premise was quite interesting, trailer was interesting enough. But DEAR GOD WAS IT SLOW. And also, literally ALL the characters were unlikeable! I don’t understand why anyone would make a show with entirely unlikeable characters. I couldn’t get past the 2nd episode but I went ahead to read a few reviews and recaps. Yeah, was a good idea to stop at episode 2. Would not recommend. 2/10
Game Night  Rachel McAdams is QUEEN. A really loltastic film. Is a really good post dinner wind down to end the day film. And particularly because I can relate to how competitive our main couple was. :) Some parts don’t add up and there are a few times I think the story becomes a bit too much for itself, trying to layer upon layer of twists, but still a good fun movie! :) 7.5/10 
The Half of It Heartwarming. :) Enjoyed it because i think the main protagonist is very likeable. And she’s so... plain and relatable. I hate to say this though but... I found the whole movie quite forgettable. Like, it didn’t feel very deep to me though it did touch on quite a few intense and deep topics of first love, family, self acceptance etc. But it’s just doesn’t reverberate through every cell of my being. The whole movie is just so gentle and because it is so mild, it becomes forgettable. Acting is good, character development is okay I guess. But generally... just mediocre to me. But not bad. I just wished it wasn’t so... light and airy. I wish it made me cry. 7/10
Cabin in the Woods Housemate wanted to watch it because it’s horror-esque. I was okay with it cos it’s horror comedy. And also Chris Hemsworth. :D Was quite loltastic. Though SPOILER ALERT Chris Hemsworth’s character dies a bit too early for my liking. I really liked the over the top inclusion of various different monsters near the end. Was fun trying to identify them. Fun movie! Not very scary but quite a bit of gore that’s peppered with lots of humour to make it okay. 7/10
Extraction LOTS OF CHRIS HEMSWORTH. But plot wise... hmm... Housemate enjoyed it because he said the fight scenes and the things our extractor does are very real and is what a trained professional would do in the high pressure situations he finds himself in. They probably had a great consultant to keep things realistic.  I didn’t enjoy it as much because I felt that our hero was... too powerful and the bad guy was too bad. Almost caricature-ish. Difficult to have character development like that. But hey, I didn’t watch it for depth, I watched it for Chris Hemsworth’s face so... very much satisfied. :) 7/10 
Other Stuff I’m Planning to Watch 
After Life S2 I liked S1 so... just a continuation I guess. Typical English humour. Also, I watched S1 dealing with a death of a friend so the show does have some sentimental meaning for me.
Hollywood S1 New show seems promising! There are blacks, gays, sex, extortion, glitzy costumes, glamour and really blonde blondes. Also the guy who plays Sheldon Cooper in BBT. High hopes, I have high hopes! 
Whoa fuck, I really watch a lot of Netflix. 
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shego1142 · 5 years
Random thought that’s been on my mind and I just wanted to write it out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯:
I know you all may be tired about me talking about Big Bang Theory (my newly rekindled special interest)
But I wanted to mention something I’ve been thinking/feeling for quite a while that stands a myriad of different shows
And that’s that I get kind of... cagey, when someone says “Sheldon Cooper is bad Autistic representation”
Because? What does that mean?
I mean, I’m Autistic and I relate to him.
More so than I have ever related to a large majority of autistic coded characters before.
I mean, yes he does have some stereotypical special interests (Trains and Flags)
But so do I (Lists and “Taking Things Apart”)
And yea he’s often shown as insensitive to the non-Autistic viewers but personally I think that’s the fault of said viewer, something I might address later in this post
But my point is, I’ve been seeing this... form of thought policing going on somewhat rampantly...
People saying things like
“Lilo is “bad” autistic representation because she punched and bit Myrtle”
“Rick Sanchez is “bad” autistic representation because he’s reckless and drunk and does drugs and is a jerk”
“Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz is “bad” Autistic representation because she has humans as a special interest and kept them in a zoo and was part of a war”
“Julia from Sesame Street is “bad” autistic representation because she’s non-verbal, which is a “hurtful stereotype” etc (I don’t know much about Julia I’ve just seen this sentiment)”
“Ed from eene, ‘Derpy’ from mlp, Greg House from House MD, Sherlock from every adaptation of Sherlock ever, etc,etc”
And... that line of thinking is making me very uneasy.
I mean I am 1000% an advocate for Autistic peeps, obviously.
But this rhetoric seems more anti-Autistic than it does anything else.
Like... certain so called stereotypes are really just characteristics.
I bite like Lilo when I have a meltdown. I wish I didn’t but I do.
And I’ll never be able to stop biting during meltdowns and I’ll never stop having meltdowns.
I’m often reckless, like Rick, and I suffer with depression, irritability and self worth issues like he does too, and I don’t always manage those feelings in the best way, even if I try.
And like Pink Diamond I have “inappropriate” special interests that I’ll probably always have, and no amount of screaming that they’re “wrong” will make them stop being a special interest.
And, again, like Sheldon, I’m often seen as insensitive. I often hurt people who mean a lot to me without meaning to and without understanding how or why they’re hurt.
Personally I agree with the fact that many of the characters mentioned above have some issues within their shows regarding representation
But I don’t think the issue is the characters themselves
And I think it’s a little odd to say so.
Because it feels like a lot of peeps on here are pushing for only the “least offensive to non-Autistic” representation.
And that is really othering. From a community that needs above all else to be united.
There was a really good episode of The Big Bang Theory that I watched a while ago, where Sheldon and Penny were doing that “quiz that’s meant to make you fall in love”
And Sheldon got to talk about his struggles with certain things, the way he often doesn’t understand people and all.
And in turn Penny focused on making things more comfortable for him, even bringing up the fact that she knows eye-contact is difficult for him, and they didn’t have to do that part if he didn’t want to.
And he said “it’s easier with people I’m comfortable around”
Which is true to my experience as well.
And I think that’s wonderful representation.
In fact, the main issue I have with all but two of those shows that I mentioned is that they never come out and say “Hey this character is Autistic!!”
If they’d said that in BBT and had Sheldon advocate for himself, it would have turned into the best show ever for me personally.
Same for Lilo, and House, and Ed, and Derpy, and so many autistic coded characters.
I think that not talking about or acknowledging the characters being autistic is what should be considered the issue.
Not the whole “hurtful stereotypical” behaviour thing that so many people are talking about lately.
Because I feel like that is saying “having stereotypical behaviour is bad”
And that’s not good.
I have issues of course with how many of said characters are treated (Sheldon most of all but I’m biased) on the show by other characters
And that can be spoken about! I’m not discouraging that idea at all!
But I really really dislike people saying that an autistic coded character isn’t valid because they’re “too stereotypical” or because they’re “not perfect”
I’m stereotypical and imperfect, and that’s the type of representation I want to see, honestly.
Idk it’s just been on my mind because of a few hundred or so posts I’ve seen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thagaste-blog · 4 years
Big Bang Theory
Got to the middle of season 1 of Big Bang Theory (BBT), first broadcasted in September 2007 - almost 13 years ago. I remember 2007 because I began teaching that year. Watched some of BBT a few years later, probably when our daughter was in her early teens. She's (mostly) grown up now and I'm returning to BBT not much wiser. The show always appealed to me because a theoretical physicist, Sheldon Cooper, is at its center, surrounded by other physicists - Leonard is an experimenter, Howard is an actual rocket scientist, Raj is an astrophysicist. I identified mostly with Sheldon, though I never got into String Theory myself. To introduce myself to new classes, I often simply said: think of me as Sheldon Cooper - including the tics and all. I was alluding not just to the scientific background, but also to some of Sheldon's eccentricities and to his autism. The latter was a gross exaggeration. I am not autistic at all. However, I am much more introverted than I appear to most people.
What's interesting to me now about BBT is its educational aspect, which cannot be denied. Even though there isn't any actual teaching going on, the show still instructs and is never inaccurate. I am not talking about video games or comic books here, but about physics. A lot of name dropping is going on, in fact rarely more than that: a technical term is used as part of a joke, and it is more often than not defined by humor. Indirectly but still on point. Example: In the last show that I saw just now, Sheldon goes to a costume party dressed as "Doppler effect". Since nobody except his nerdy friends know what that is, he has to explain. This happens once with words - after that, the explanation is only given as a phenomenon: Sheldon voices the characteristic Doppler shift, the "change of pitch heard when a vehicle sounding a horn approaches and recedes from an observer." The quote is from the Wikipedia entry (one of the undisputed articles) on the Doppler effect. I learnt this stuff way back and to be sure that my memory and the show are accurate, I had to look it up. The point being that I did in fact look it up. The Doppler effect is likely to be a part of high school physics, but many other scientific facts are not. In this way, the show fertilizes the growth of knowledge.
One may ask how important lingo - knowing terms - is for real science. The answer is: very important. If you know too few terms, learning anything new becomes a slow, sad nightmare. If you know just enough terms well enough, you can slowly build a scaffolding of terminology to climb higher and higher on the tree of knowledge. I'm perhaps getting lost in metaphor here, but I think the point is valid: learning requires some scaffolding, and in the natural sciences, new knowledge is usually built on top of an existing, fairly solid foundation.
At this point, I can erect scaffolding very fast around many different concepts and fields of inquiry. This makes it possible for me to cover a lot of ground in a short time. The ground is not shaking when I pass through, but it gives me pleasure nevertheless, to be able to go through three or four different disciplines in one day. The price I pay is the price I paid ever since I started learning at all: I'm never quite sure if what I'm doing and how I'm doing it is the best way. Usually, my choices are gratified in hindsight, i.e. I rarely learn anything that I cannot use. This is partly so because I am a teacher of a topic that itself touches many disciplines and cares little about their origin, more about their applicability to real world problems.
Usually, I don't give myself time to think but this month, I have time to contemplate, pick things up and drop other things. I notice that I (still) don't need a guide, but rather, that I am my own guide. Am I the best guide there is? Probably not, but just as I've never been able to work efficiently with others, or delegate work to them (I am ok having work delegated to me, though I grumble), I have never been able to accept proper guidance either - except from dead people through their writings (or from virtual people perhaps).
I wonder if I will ever change but I don't think so. On one hand, the number of available guides is dwindling, on the other hand, I am probably set in my ways. To change I would have to really see a benefit.
In any case, thanks Sheldon for being there for me when I need you.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Young Sheldon: 10 Inconsistencies Compared to Big Bang Theory
Young Sheldon, now heading into its third season, is a spin-off/prequel to the popular CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, showing the childhood life of one of the main characters, Sheldon Cooper, played by Jim Parsons. Odd, eccentric, socially awkward, and brilliant, if viewers were curious to find out what a young Sheldon might look like, this show, set in the late’80s/early ‘90s, delivers with a fabulously believable performance by Iain Armitage.
RELATED: The Big Bang Theory: 20 Things About Sheldon That Make No Sense 
The stories and casting are, for the most part, perfect, right down to Laurie Metcalf’s real-life daughter Zoe Perry playing the younger version of her as Sheldon’s mother Mary, perfect casting for Missy, his twin sister (who was seen in her adult form in an early-season episode), and even appearances by Sheldon’s childhood idol Professor Proton, a la CRT TV. That said, there are some glaring inconsistencies.
10 Sheldon Said His Dad Was A Raging Alcoholic
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Sure, Sheldon’s dad George clearly loved his beer. He was usually seen having one, maybe two every night; sometimes three on Fridays. While this is a lot of beer, it doesn’t really make him an alcoholic. To a young Sheldon’s eyes, it might have seemed that his father drank a lot. So perhaps it isn’t an inconsistency insomuch as it is a young boy’s perception being carried over to his adult life.
This was even proven, to some degree, when Sheldon unearthed an old VHS tape of his father giving a pep talk during an episode of The Big Bang Theory and realized with the help of Amy that sometimes things can be “observer-relative.” Who knows, maybe the drinking got worse over time, and we’ve yet to see it. But either way, it seems like Sheldon’s dad was a man who drank a lot of beer, but didn’t really have a problem with alcohol, per se.
9 Sheldon Claimed To Be Bullied A Lot
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We’ve seen glimpses of how Sheldon was picked on at school, but it seems as though he mainly kept to himself and wasn’t really tormented and bullied as much as he describes later to his friends in The Big Bang Theory.
Maybe there are things we don’t see in the series, and there’s still more story to tell.  But from what has been depicted thus far, while Sheldon didn’t really have many friends, most of the high schoolers just gave him weird looks and rolled eyes. His biggest bully was the dimwitted neighbor Billy Sparks and the little girl who’s bullying seemed to stop as soon as it began.
8 He Said He Didn’t Have Any Friends
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Tam surely must be hurt to know that Sheldon told all of his friends in adulthood that he didn’t have any friends when he was younger. Meanwhile, it seems like he and Tam hung out every day, eating together, studying in the library, and sometimes even getting together after school.
A grown-up Tam did appear on The Big Bang Theory, showing that Sheldon sort of blocked out their friendship after getting upset that Tam moved away. So this could explain that inconsistency.
RELATED: Young Sheldon: 10 The Big Bang Theory Easter Eggs You Missed 
7 Sheldon’s Parents Seem All Good
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While Sheldon often discussed how his parents’ marriage imploded, with his father’s cheating and staying out all night, we haven’t seen anything of the sort yet on the show. Sure, they don’t exactly have the perfect marriage; they have their arguments. But, for the most part, his father George seems like a doting, hard-working father.
So did things go terribly wrong at some point and it simply hasn’t happened yet on Young Sheldon? Or did Sheldon really not perceive his childhood accurately? We’ll have to wait and see. But if it’s the former, we might be in for a really dark season this year.
6 Where Is The House on Blocks?
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In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon mentions one time that his mother had to return home to Texas because their house was slipping off the blocks again, which would imply that they lived in a trailer park. They clearly live in a lovely home in Young Sheldon, so when exactly did they move to this type of home on blocks?
It could have been after Sheldon’s father died, which is when he was 14 or 15. Or maybe it was after George lost his job. Perhaps this means the Young Sheldon story will take a bad turn at some point this upcoming season, and the family will lose their home. Or maybe Mary and Sheldon didn’t mean the comment literally. Also, their actual house could possibly be “on blocks,” a cheaper method of building a foundation versus poured concrete.
5 Meemaw Seems Very Different
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Sure, during her one appearance on The Big Bang Theory, Meemaw, played by June Squibb, was a hit, hilariously ragging on Amy. But there was no resemblance between her and the Meemaw in Young Sheldon, played by Annie Potts, both in appearance and attitude. Though she did present as the true Meemaw when adult Sheldon poured her a whiskey instead of wine and declared “I made it just how you like it – a lot in a glass.”
It’s possible that Meemaw became old-fashioned and stern as she aged, but people don’t usually change so drastically, especially strong-willed, free-thinking women like Meemaw. But we find it hard to believe that Meemaw shifted so rapidly from the wild and unconventional grandmother she was 20+ years prior to the wholesome woman she appeared to be in the present day.
RELATED: The Worst Thing Each Main Character From The Big Bang Theory Has Done 
4 Where Is Pop Pop?
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Speaking of Meemaw, where is Sheldon’s grandfather, Pop Pop? In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon credits his grandfather for getting him into science before he passed away. On Young Sheldon, it has presumably been about four years since the grandfather died, which would mean Sheldon was five years old when he passed away.
Sure, five is probably old enough to start developing an interest in particular hobbies, so it’s quite possible that someone as intellectually advanced as Sheldon got the science bug from that age. But he never really talks about his grandfather in Young Sheldon, nor about him being an inspiration. You’d think we’d hear more about the character, but perhaps Sheldon had buried his feelings about Pop Pop deep down by that point.
3 Sheldon’s Dad Was Leonard’s Bully
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OK, so this isn’t entirely true, but eagle-eyed fans noticed as soon as Young Sheldon was released that the actor who plays George, Sheldon's father, is the same who played Jimmy, Leonard’s high school bully, in an episode of The Big Bang Theory.  In season five, Jimmy, played by Lance Barber, reaches out to Leonard, and Leonard finally has the chance to stand up to him.
Meanwhile, Barber returned to the BBT family to play George, and fans noticed. Sure, it was only a small role way back then. But for the sake of believability, it’s something you can’t unsee once you know.
2 How To Win Friends and Influence People
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In an episode of Young Sheldon, the librarian hands Sheldon the self-help book called How to Win Friends and Influence People, which he then goes on to read and attempts to follow in an effort to, well, win friends and influence people. His tactics don’t quite work.
So where does the inconsistency lie? In The Big Bang Theory, decades later, an adult Sheldon comes across a mention of Dale Carnegie and this book and he seems unfamiliar with it. For someone with an eidetic memory, this isn’t something he would forget.
1 The Triple Knock
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It could be a compulsion that didn’t strike Sheldon until much later in life, perhaps triggered by the breakdown of his parents’ marriage or the death of his father. But we notice that while young Sheldon shares some of the same OCD-like behaviors as adult Sheldon, such as being a germaphobe, one habit is missing: the signature triple knock on doors. We see adult Sheldon always do it when crossing the hallway to see Penny (saying her name three times in between as well). But a young Sheldon never does it.
That being said, there are actually inconsistencies within The Big Bang Theory as well when it comes to this one, as there have been times when Sheldon doesn’t do it.
NEXT: Big Bang Theory: 10 Biggest Twists & Reveals, Ranked 
source https://screenrant.com/young-sheldon-inconsistencies/
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