#he wants to join the platonic pentagram
allastoredeer · 2 months
I love the Platonic Pentagram!
Sounds like the start of a fun joke. Four Overlords and the King of Hell walk into a hotel...
Vox would literally die. LMAO. Bro took 4 Ls at once and cannot comprehend what their dynamic is.
Frankly, neither can Alastor, but he's pleased with the results none-the-less. Just a lovely group marriage of mutual companionship. Living the dream.
They'd all probably get together regularly for tea and card games.
Alastor is having a good time. He's got his fellow oldie Zestial, his bestie Rosie, his coworker Carmilla who he's not especially close with, but she doesn't tolerate other peoples shit and he respects that, and his banter buddy Lucifer who he constantly throws hands with. It's just a fun time all around.
He is living his best afterlife.
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deadghosy · 4 months
can i have a headcanon for lucifer morningstar with elder sister! reader? I am just in desperate need for family stuff. Like elder sister! reader is nto weak and as powerful as lucifer (maybe a tiny bit stronger since th eboth of them are archangel).
Like elder sister!reader decided to follow her younger brother lucifer to hell by becoming a fallen angel too because she is very worried for him. (even knowing the punishment are brutal and harsh but she does not care) I would love if you make the dynamic between the two where reader is the more sterner, fiercer and scary one (like maybe she used to be a commander of an angel army before) and then lucifer is just a little guy who loves ducks (he can beat ass too lol) thanks for reading and i will appreciate a lot if you start writing my ideas! take care!
Prompt: You are the elder sister of Lucifer Morningstar who couldn’t help but fall down for your young brother.
Warning:: Episode 8 mentions
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Your brother, Lucifer Morningstar fell because of his “differences” being called a “trouble maker.” And simply having different ideas. You were different from your former younger brother as you were stern and serious at all times. But when Lucifer went to court and got sent to his own creation. Your eyes widen with fear and shocked.
You didn’t want to question things at the moment. But as hours, days, weeks, months, and then a few years pass. You couldn’t help but had enough as you started to question Sera and her rules. You didn’t believe in this type of punishment your younger brother had. But you guessed it was enough to the point you fell too.
You live with Lucifer as he was happy to see you were alive and well. Immediately when you came by his palace with your wings spout out that looked like his. He was ecstatic. He jumped into your arms with silly smile. He always loved being in your arms as he was scared how you would think of him when he fell. But you?! He was confused.
He asked you as you told him what happened and Lucifer felt his heart melt seeing his older sister care for him that much. And he started to cry while you sigh with a smile not surprised at this. You gave him a napkin which he gladly took letting you in his home which is now your home.
After he calmed down he told you how he has a daughter but an ex wife. You raised a brow as he explains his relationship with Lilith. You guess it must brought him to depression as his eye were having bags. So you cheered him up with a few fireworks which made his eyes light up as if he was a child again.
You became the 2nd ruler of hell as you were the commander back in heaven. But not any more.
Lucifer tried to tell you how he tried to give “his” people freedom and they ruined it, but you didn’t care as you put a hand out signaling him to stop. Lucifer listened looking down.
“I do not care. They shall not use freedom this way. But don’t worry young brother.” You patted his shoulder. “I won’t be harsh.”
And indeed you weren’t harsh but you were strict around some of pentagram city. Sinners understand the assignment immediately and there were less crimes around.
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You know that meme where a person and standing there calmly and the other person is going crazy and bouncing around?
Yeah that’s you and Lucifer…cause he was being hyper fixated about his ducks to you as you just stood there and smile softly.
That soft mother like smile of yours made Lucifer feel like home as he explains more to you.
Hell, when he would miss you he would make a small opera where you had joined him in hell and how you would fix him dinner or breakfast when he came home. Just like a normal human family.
If you were getting messed with, Lucifer is full on demon mode as you held him back by his white coat with a sigh. He knows you can protect yourself but damn. He sure can throw a mean punch at assholes.
You guys do hobbies together, like he would make ducks and you would do [hobby]. It was always a calm day
I headcannon Lucifer to follow behind you like a lost duckling while you walk around the palace doing your job. You’re taller than him obviously cause you are powerful. It’s an adorable sight though.
When Charlie heard that she had an aunt, and you were in hell too! She was amazed with stars in her eyes as she wanted to meet you immediately.
And so you did. You showed up at the hotel with an angelic smile as Alastor narrowed his eyes at you but still kept a smile. You hug Charlie as she hugged you back while jumping. Charlie starts to rant about her dreams and it made you realized how much she is Lucifer’s daughter as you smile down at her.
But then she tells you how the angels are going to attack the hotel and that made you sigh as you held a dark gaze.
You have just met your niece and no one shall harm her and her dreams.
It was basically giving, “I have just met Charlie and I would kill someone for her!”😭
So when the battle started unnoticed by you. Lucifer notified you about what’s happening as your eyes widen quickly with a flash. A red mist makes Lucifer coughs covering his nose. He had forgotten how quick you were at times.
As you fly down with heavy wings, Adam and lute over a force field. You let out a breath happy to see that the hotel was fine. Until Adam broke it as your eyes widen. You swoop in killing the Exorcists left and right.
As you kill Lucifer pops up seeing Adam tormenting his daughter, bringing out his protectiveness. He saved Charlie only for Adam to get up and berate them. You fly down gracefully holding a cold look.
“Woah, didn’t know sweet tits had fallen like her loser bro-”
Before he could say anything, a heavenly glowing light beams through him as Adam gasps on the floor holding his chest. Everything went silent as people were shocked at the one shot.
“That’s my sister, AND your aunt!” Lucifer says elbowing Charlie gently with a smug smile as Charlie is jaw dropped at how you can one shot someone.
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Hopefully you liked it <33
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cryptidghostgirl · 3 months
Alastor x Reader Master List
My Alastor list is getting crazy long so I am giving it it's own post just so my big Hazbin Hotel Master List doesn't get too confusing.
Other Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
List of Things I Won't Write
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Series are marked in purple
Requests are marked in pink
Suggestive are marked in orange
NSFW are marked in red
Make You Wish Master List -> Y/n has known Alastor since she first ended up in Hell. When he disappeared? She thought her life was over. Seven years have passed since then and slowly but surely, the 1950s housewife turned murderer has made a life for herself, full of good decisions and some bad ones. What will happen when Alastor turns back up again, sending the world as she has made it into chaos once again?
What Can I Do For You (Alastor x Reader) → What if the deal Alastor made that is controlling his power was with Y/n?
Understand (Dark!Alastor x Exorcist!Reader) → Y/n has been using the exterminations as a way to try and search for the soul of her earthly husband for years. What happens when she actually succeeds in finding him?
→ Caged Bird (Dark!Alastor x Exorcist!Reader) -> Reader wakes up in Alastor's room at the Hotel after the events of Understand.
Wrath (Alastor x Overlord!Spouse!Reader) → Y/n’s anger in finding that after seven years, their husband has returned to Pentagram City and decided not to tell them.
Unrequited (Alastor x Reader) → It is too late for him to change things now. It doesn't matter what else has happened, that he's gotten to know her, seen her light. Some broken things can never be fixed. 'You came' 'you called' but make it sad.
→ Unrequited Pt. 2 -> Reader steps in when Alastor is attacking Husk.
→ Unrequited Pt. 3 -> Alastor refuses to let Y/n be present for the battle against Heaven and will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if she hates him for it.
Fuel and the Fire (Alastor x Wife!Partner-in-Crime!Reader) → Alastor and Y/n have a deal with Lilith where until a soul is redeemed at Charlie’s hotel, Y/n is under her control. Alastor will do whatever it takes to get his wife back, but that doesn’t mean he won't get a little sad a lonely along the way.
Loving You (Alastor x Gn!Reader) → Valentine's day special :) The story of how Alastor and Y/n realized they had feelings for one another.
Sweet (Alastor x Chubby!Reader) → Hurt//comfort. A random demon insults the reader and Alastor comes to comfort her, later dealing with the demon in a typically Alastor way of handling such a crime.
Cover Up (Human!Alastor x Human!Reader) → Fake dating trope. Y/n and Alastor met when they tried to kill one another, how could they not end up at least a little bit in love?
-> Cover Up pt. 2
→ Cover Up pt. 3
Till Death Do Us Part (Alastor x Mad Scientist!Reader) → Y/n just wants to watch the world burn. Being married was a boon at first but later, rather inconvenient. When she died, she did everything she could to avoid her husband and continue her work but fate had other plans.
→ Till Death Do Us Part pt. 2
→ Till Death do us Part pt. 3
Prepare for Battle (Platonic!Alastor x Platonic!Cat Demon!Reader) → Alastor and Y/n have been engaged in a prank battle for decades. What happens when just a few days after Alastor reappears in the Pride ring, Y/n joins him at the Hazbin Hotel?
Rhapsody Master List → Gn!Reader. Alastor and Y/n have been taking down the overlords of Hell together for years but Y/n has had a secret and Alastor knows it. They each go their separate ways because of this but what happens when years later their paths intersect once again. Loosely inspired by Raine and Eda in The Owl House.
The Guilt (Alastor x Reader) → Y/n was the one person he never meant to kill, but Alastor didn't have a choice. Years later, much to his surprise, they run into one another in the depths of Pentagram City.
Pretty Bunny (Alastor x Chubby!Rabbit Demon!Reader) → Alastor catches Angel and Y/n getting ready for a night out and stops Y/n from going. Hurt/comfort.
I Myself am Strange and Unusual (Alastor x Living!Addams family!Reader x Lucifer) → Y/n is bored and summons some demons. 
The Love (Alastor x Reader) → Alastor is drunk and Charlie asks him if he has ever been in love.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader) → History repeats itself in odd and uninvited ways. Life cycles on even in death.
→ Day Lilies (Alastor x Blizzard demon!Reader x Angel!OC)
Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy (Alastor x Reader) → It wasn't love. Alastor didn't feel love, not anymore. He'd lost that part of himself the day he died so it couldn't be love, could it?
→ Humanity's Most Favored Fantasy pt. 2
Mishap of Magic (Alastor x Chubby!Rabbit Demon!Reader) → Alastor’s magic backfires and Y/n is there to help. Who would have guessed that a situation such as this would give him the last push he needed to tell her how he felt? 
Destruction//Creation (Vox x Alastor's Ex!Reader x Alastor) → Alastor refuses to let the past die and Y/n would rather pretend it never existed.
The Thing (Alastor x Gn!Reader) → Alastor meets his shadow.
Masquerade (Alastor x Angel!Exorcist!Reader) → Y/n is sent to the Hazbin Hotel as a spy.
Downfall (Alastor x Chubby!Rabbit Demon!Reader) → Y/n see’s Alastor talking to Rosie and thinks she is what he wants in a woman. Little does she know, he was meeting with Rosie to ask for advice on how to talk to Y/n.
What it Means to be a Person (Alastor x Cyborg!Reader) → Y/n gave an arm and a leg to the fight against the exterminators and feels she has lost her humanity by the bionic replacements Lucifer and Charlie gifted her in return. Alastor reminds her that not all is lost, she can still dance, after all.
Spicy Sienna and Berry Naughty (Alastor x Chubby!Gn!Reader!) → Alastor likes the fact that Y/n has begun matching their lipstick to their nail polish -- loves it, in fact. What he doesn’t like is that other people have started noticing. (this one is a bit… weird so I am marking it as suggestive.)
Burn (Human!Alastor x Human!Gn!Reader) → What happens when Alastor spots his ideal target, Mimzy’s newest hired talent? What happens when they evade his capture? What happens when, slowly, he begins to realize -- Alastor doesn’t want to kill them? At least, not anymore.
Drawing Down the Moon (Alastor x Ancient Roman!Witch!Reader) → Alastor reencounters an old friend.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could write an Angel Dust x reader (platonic). Where the reader is sad and just lying in their bedroom. And Angel Dust tries to give their friend some comfort and tries to make them feel better. Like maybe he does their makeup, they both dress up and go out into the city. And maybe Cherri Bomb joins them💗
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Title: Here, Always
Pairing: Angel Dust x reader (Platonic)
Word Count: ~2,716
In which Angel Dust comforts the reader after a hard day with a makeover and a fun night out.
A/N: Thank you for the request!! Not proofread, Pure fluff. Hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: cursing, ooc Angel Dust maybe, not too many descriptors about visual appearance just so everyone can have their own image
Pentagram City wasn’t exactly known for the kindness of its residence. Nor was it known for its tranquility or leisurely pace. It was, however, a fantastic place to be if you wanted your energy and your very willpower to be drained in only an afternoon.
You sighed against your pillow, ignoring the sensible voice in your head that told you to get up and out of bed. You had been lying there for hours, after all.
Unfortunately, a louder voice in your head continued to comfort and coddle you, reassuring you that it was okay for you to remain in bed until you felt whole again.
You liked that voice.
So you burrowed deeper into your blankets, allowing them to obscure you from view and block out the rest of the world in a last ditch attempt to pretend that you had some semblance of control over your life.
Oh, well. At least you were comfortable.
Your door opened with a bang. You shot upright.
“Heya, toots,” Angel Dust greeted as he stepped inside your room. “Charlie wants us to…” he trailed off when he saw your face. “Whatsa matta?”
You blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”
His eyes roamed over your disheveled hair, your wrinkled clothes, and your unmade bed. “Nothin’, you just look a little…” he looked back up at your face. “Tired, is all.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What are you trying to say?”
Angel held up two hands in surrender, though his eyes kept scrutinizing your appearance. “Ya look like someone put you in a blenda and left the remains on ya bed,” he said bluntly.
You rolled your eyes and flopped back down on your bed, turning away from the spider demon. He was one of your closest friends here in Hell, sure, but that didn’t mean you wanted to stand up to take his insults.
You listened as his light footsteps approached you, but refused to face him even when your bed dipped to signify his presence. 
A gentle hand began running its fingers through your hair. “Hey,” Angel said, his voice much softer than it had been mere moments ago. “Talk ta me. Whatsa matta?”
You wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch and lift yourself up so that your friend could give you one of his all consuming bear hugs. But you still couldn’t bring yourself to move any more than necessary.
“I don’t know,” you admitted quietly. “It’s just been a rough week. I’m tired, that’s all.”
Angel Dust chuckled softly. “Yeah, I get that. Trust me, I do.”
“I know,” you said, closing your eyes once again. “I wish I could kill that stupid moth for you.”
Your friend’s laugh grew louder, much to your content. “I know ya do,” Angel said, his hand still stroking your hair. “Thanks.”
You hummed in acknowledgment.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company in a way that you were so rarely able to do with the continuous angelic threats and Charlie’s new ideas for redemption.
Suddenly, Angel’s hand stilled. “Ya know what always makes me feel betta on a night like this?” He didn’t wait for a response. “Goin’ out for the night.”
Your eyes remained closed. “We shouldn’t get drunk, Angel, it’s against Charlie’s ‘redemption pathway’.”
You yelped as Angel gave you a light swat on the arm. “I didn’t mean it like that. We just gotta getcha dressed up and pretty, and the two of us can hit the town and have some fun without worrying about our fucked up lives.”
Truthfully, you were intrigued. You had heard stories about Angel and Cherri Bomb’s midnight outings before his stay at the hotel, but you’d never been able to experience one for yourself. Not because you and Angel weren’t close, of course, but because nights out like that meant risking everything that you had been working for here at the hotel.
You cracked open one eye. “No drinking or drugs?”
“None,” Angel promised. “Unless you’re feelin’ especially rowdy.”
You ignored him. “No killing?”
“Not unless it’s self defense,” Angel vowed.
You opened your other eye. “Just us?”
The grin in Angel’s voice was evident. “Just you and me, doll face. Not Charlie, not Husk, not anyone else. Just us. Come on, it’ll be fun.”
You sat up slowly, propping yourself up against your headboard and glancing over at Angel Dust as you tried and failed to hide your growing excitement.
The two of you hadn’t had a chance to spend time together without one of the other members of the hotel since a year ago, when Lute had come back down to threaten Charlie and everything that she had built now that Adam was gone. Ever since then, all of you had been extra cautious. All except Alastor, of course, but that was to be expected. 
The last time you had spent any time alone with Angel, the two of you had stayed up all night trading stories, both good and bad, about your lives here in Hell and your lives Before. Ever since then, the two of you had been both inseparable and insufferable. You’d even been Angel’s wingwoman when he had asked Husk on their first date.
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. “That could be fun,” you admitted.
Angel’s smile matched your own as he jumped up from your bed. “‘Course it does. Come on, we’ve gotta get you ready.”
Your smile dropped as you suddenly remembered your haphazard appearance. “I’m sure I can find something to wear-”
“Uh-uh,” Angel interrupted, shaking his head in disagreement. “If we’re goin’ out, we’re gonna do it right. Meet me in my room and I’ll see what I can do.”
You watched as he walked out confidently, throwing you a wink before he disappeared from your sight. You huffed out a laugh and buried your face in your hands. 
The two of you would probably get in heaps of trouble with Charlie later, but if you got to experience one of Angel Dust’s famous night outs, it was going to be worth it.
You smiled as Angel Dust carefully ran a comb through your hair. You hummed mindlessly as he worked, his attention focused on getting his work done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
He had already dressed you in an outfit made to draw attention, and transformed your face with a bit of foundation, eye shadow, and blush. The only thing left was your hair, which Angel was being surprisingly gentle with.
You closed your eyes as you silently enjoyed the feeling of the comb running through the strands of your hair again and again. It reminded you of Before.
After a few moments, you opened your eyes again, looking into Angel’s vanity mirror. “I’m not questioning your skills at all, but you’ve been brushing my hair for a while now,” you said with a grin.
Angel met your eyes in the mirror, a sly smile growing on his face. “You looked like you were enjoying it, sugar. Who am I to take away that pleasure?”
Your smile softened. “I was enjoying it, actually. Thanks.”
The demon winked at you before placing the comb down and getting to work on styling your hair. 
“So, where are we going?” you asked, trying to contain your eagerness. “We can go to a club without drinking, can’t we?”
Angel snickered. “Don’t get too excited, toots. If we’re gonna behave tonight, we’re gonna have to avoid some of my regular places.”
“You’ve basically been everywhere in Hell,” you countered. “I’m not worried. We’ll still have a good time.”
Angel stepped back, two hands on his hips as he admired his finished work. “You bet your ass we will. Now get up so we can get this party-”
The door to the bedroom flew open. You and Angel whirled around to face the newcomer as Cherri Bomb sauntered in without a care in the world.
“What’s up, bitches?” she called out as she entered. “I heard we were throwing a party.”
You recovered quickly, grinning back as you stood with your arms outstretched. “Hey, Cherri,” you greeted as you gave her a quick hug.
Angel Dust was close behind, wrapping his arms around his friend before releasing her and slinging an arm over her shoulders. “You heard right,” he said as he pulled her further into the room. “We’re gonna have an all out, hard core-” 
You cleared your throat.
Angel stuck a finger in the air and plastered a false innocent smile on his face. “And responsible night around town.” 
“Hell yeah! I’m in,” Cherri said before looking over at you. “Angel and I know all the best spots in this dump. Get your arse up and let’s get moving!”
“Wait, wait, hold on,” Angel said as he moved away from Cherri. “We were just gonna go out for a few drinks and some dancin’. Nothin’ too big. It was gonna be our night, ya’ know?” He hesitated before gesturing over to you. “Just the two of us.”
A stab of guilt tore through your chest as Cherri’s smile dropped. She was quick to hide it, though, pasting another grin on her face before waving her hand in indifference. “Whateva. Who needs you lot anyway? I’ll have my own night out and let you two know what you missed out on.”
As she turned away, you noticed the guilty grimace on Angel’s face. 
You wanted nothing more than a day to spend time with one of your closest friends, but you knew that neither one of you would be able to enjoy your night with feelings of regret eating away at you. Besides, Cherri was another sinner who had always had your back and understood your past trauma. Why wouldn’t you want to share your night with her?
“Wait,” you called out before she could reach the door.
Both Cherri and Angel turned to face you.
You shrugged and gave a small smile. “The more the merrier, right? I bet three of us could cause a lot more trouble than just the two of us.”
Cherri’s smile grew. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, bitches.”
Angel shot you a grateful look before clapping his hands together, a devious smirk growing on his face. “Alrighty then. Let’s get this party started.”
“How did you even know we were going out?” you asked Cherri Bomb as your small group staggered out of a bar. Your third bar of the night.
It probably hadn’t been the best idea to allow Cherri to create tonight’s itinerary, given the fact that you and Angel were two of the hotel’s best chances to prove that redemption was possible. You couldn’t say that you had ended the night with any regrets, though.
Cherri shrugged at your question and shot you a quick grin. “I always know when there's a party goin’ on. It’s like my special skill.” Her smile sharpened. “Well, besides being able to hold my liquor better than you lot.”
Angel shot her a wink as he draped an arm over your shoulder, gently leading your group back to the hotel. “Whateva’ ya say, babes. You comin’ back to the hotel with us?”
Cherri snorted and held her hands up as she backed away from you. “Back with Princess Redemption? Nah thanks, I’ve still got a few shots left in me. You two have fun, though.”
“Will do,” you said as Angel began leading you away.
“And let me know when the next party is,” Cherri shouted after you.
“We will,” Angel called back as he walked.
You looked up at him with a slight frown. “Are we in a rush? I feel like we’re rushing.”
Angel glanced down at you with a raised eyebrow. “What’dya ya talkin’ about?”
You looked back over your shoulder as Cherri disappeared into another building. “I don’t know. We’ve only been out a few hours, and we’ve only been to a few clubs. I thought-”
“You thought we were gonna go bat-shit crazy and ruin our progress?” Angel interrupted with a smirk on his face.
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I didn’t think we’d go that crazy. But I just thought…I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d want to spend more time with Cherri.”
Angel smiled. “You kiddin’? I love spendin’ time with her.”
“Then why did we leave so soon?”
Angel glanced down at you fondly, using his other hand to grasp one of yours so that you were walking hand in hand. “I meant what I said, toots. This is our day, you ‘n me. Sure, hangin’ out with Cherri’s great, but I don’t want you tryin’ to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle.”
You snorted, swinging your hands between you as you walked. “Happiness is me in my bed, Ange, not in a bar.”
Angel pulled you closer, his arm still around your shoulders. “Fair enough,” he said smoothly as he led the two of you back to the hotel.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence for a moment. Demons turned to stare, of course, and some stopped to take pictures. You were walking with the Angel Dust, after all. But even with the extra attention, the two of you felt a sense of peace that had grown almost foreign to you both.
“Did it help?” Angel asked suddenly, looking down at you as you neared the hotel doors.
You glanced up at him. “Tonight, you mean?”
Angel nodded, his expression apprehensive. “I know you ain’t like me and Cherri. You like havin’ some fun, sure, but…'' he looked away. “I know your limits are different. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
You smiled gratefully, squeezing his hand. “I’m fine,” you said softly.
And you were. It wasn’t getting out of the hotel that had helped, or even spending a few hours with someone with as positive a vibe as Cherri. It was the fact that your friends were so willing to help you, and the fact that you had finally been able to spend time with the first person in Hell to make you feel safe again.
“I’m glad,” Angel said as you walked through the doors of the hotel.
He led you straight to the stairs with a quick wave and a wink to Husk at the bar.
You laughed as he pulled you along. “Where are we going?”
“Ain’t it obvious?” he asked, a mischievous grin on his face. “The day ain’t ova yet. We’ve got one more thing left on the list.”
You snuggled deeper into the thick blanket surrounding you on Angel’s bed, scratching Fat Fuggets behind the ears as Angel Dust got comfortable beside you.
“What’d I tell ya’?” Angel asked as he propped his head on his hand. “Perfect end to a perfect night.”
You grinned and nodded, watching as Nuggs walked over to Angel and cuddled him.
Angel embraced his pig, petting him lightly as his eyes roamed over your face in mild concern. “You wanna talk about it?” he asked softly.
You averted your gaze. “Talk about what?”
Angel didn’t respond, his gaze heavy as he raised a silent eyebrow.
You sighed and looked back at him. “I love the hotel,” you said quietly. “It’s great. Really, it is. But sometimes-” you took a breath and closed your eyes. “Sometimes, everything’s just a lot. You know?”
You opened your eyes when you felt a warm hand on your cheek. Angel was smiling down at you, his eyes warm. “Yeah. I get it,” he said with a small shrug. “But ‘ey.” He winked. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
You laughed, moving closer and allowing Angel to wrap his arms around you and Nuggs. “And you’re the best,” you offered.
“Hells yeah, I am,” Angel murmured as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Get some rest, babes. I’ll be here.”
And so, you slept. You slept more peacefully than you had slept in a long, long time. 
And when you woke, true to his promise, Angel Dust was right beside you.
He gave you a soft smile. “I told ya’,” he said, careful not to wake Fat Nuggets. “I’m here.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Hi so I would like very much to request a platonic fic for Alastor with an early teen reader, but hear me out on this pls The reader is a demon that has (much like Alastor) similar trates to an animal even though they don't look that much anthromorphic, and the reader's form is a 'sea wasp jellyfish' because even though the reader just recently died she is hella powerfull and has the power to take down almost any infernal being if she wanted. +bonus points ; if the reader is an arson and chaotic teenager!
omgg. a hazbin hotel ask after like... idk how long. I AM SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— a dance of chaos and charm
alastor x early teen! reader (platonic)
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in the twisted depths of hell, a bustling realm of sin and debauchery, an unlikely encounter was about to take place. alastor, the dapper and enigmatic sinner demon, found himself intrigued by your arrival. with a form resembling that of a sea wasp jellyfish, you emanated a raw power that sent shivers through the hearts of even the most hardened infernal beings.
one fateful evening, as the crimson skies bathed hell in their eerie glow, alastor spotted you causing chaos in the streets of pentagram city. your mischievous smile and fiery eyes gleamed with a fervor for destruction.
alastor, his beige-colored skin contrasting against his vibrant red attire, caught sight of your devilish display. his transatlantic accent carried a hint of curiosity as he approached you, his gaze intense. "well, well, what have we here? a tempestuous spirit with the power to unsettle even the most hardened souls. what mischief do you seek, young demon?"
you twirled playfully, tendrils swirling with delight. "oh, i'm just here to cause a little chaos, make things interesting. this place's a playground, isn't it? care to join me, mr. radio man?"
alastor's smile was laced with caution, his eyes narrowed. "be warned, child, my patience for youthful antics is limited. but perhaps a little company amidst the place wouldn't hurt."
with a gesture, alastor conjured a vibrant spectacle of swirling flames, casting an ethereal glow over the streets. he extended a gloved hand, an invitation to join him in the dance of chaos. "let us weave a tapestry of mischief together, but mind you, i won't take responsibility for any accidents that may befall you."
your translucent form shimmered with excitement as you accepted his invitation, tendrils interweaving with his outstretched hand. "no worries, alastor! let's set this city ablaze and watch it burn. just don't try to boss me around, okay?"
and so, an unlikely bond formed amidst the crackling flames. as you reveled in the intoxicating dance of destruction, alastor couldn't help but be captivated by your wild spirit and raw power. the discordant symphony of laughter and chaos echoed through the hellish streets, creating an aesthetic spectacle like no other.
between bouts of mayhem, alastor observed your unrestrained energy, a mixture of admiration and caution in his gaze. "tell me, young demon, what drives your insatiable thirst for chaos? is it the thrill, the liberation, or something deeper?"
you bobbed and weaved, tendrils pulsating with a playful rhythm. "oh, alastor, it's all about freedom! breaking the rules, defying expectations, and watching everything crumble under the weight of our mischief. it's fun, like riding the wildest rollercoaster in hell!"
alastor chuckled, his radio-like voice permeating the air. "a devilish ride, indeed. but remember, child, power lies not only in destruction but in the art of control. chaos is a double-edged sword. use it wisely."
while the streets of pentagram city teemed with demonic life, you lived a solitary existence, preferring the freedom of the streets rather than the confines of a conventional dwelling. you had chosen to live alone, reveling in the chaos that surrounded you, free to roam wherever your wild whims led you.
alastor, with his impeccable attire and penchant for structure, couldn't fathom your desire for such independence. yet, he respected your choice and would drop in unannounced, like a fleeting shadow in the night, to share moments of mischief and conversation.
one moonlit evening, as the city streets lay empty, you perched atop a crumbling building, your gelatinous form pulsating with an otherworldly glow. the flames danced in your tendrils, reflecting the mischievous spark in your eyes. it was during these quiet moments that you contemplated your unconventional existence.
alastor materialized beside you, his presence subtle yet commanding. "why, my young friend, do you choose to roam these streets alone? surely there are safer and more comfortable places for a demon such as yourself."
you turned to face him, tendrils swaying lazily in the night breeze. "safety and comfort aren't part of my vocabulary, alastor. i thrive in the chaos, the unpredictability of the streets. it's where i find my freedom and inspiration."
alastor's smile was tinged with concern, his voice gentle. "but the dangers, my dear. there are other demons lurking in the shadows, waiting to exploit your vulnerabilities."
you chuckled, the sound a whimsical melody amidst the darkness. "oh, i can handle myself, alastor. don't you worry about me. besides, it's not like i'm defenseless. remember, i have the power to take down almost any infernal being if I wanted to."
alastor's brows furrowed slightly, a mixture of awe and caution in his eyes. "a formidable power, indeed. but remember, strength alone won't shield you from the perils that lie in wait. the world can be a treacherous place, especially for those who wander alone."
your gelatinous form bobbed with an air of nonchalance. "i appreciate your concern, mr. radio man, but i'm not one to shy away from a little danger. besides, having you drop by every now and then adds a touch of excitement to my chaotic existence."
alastor's smile grew, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "ah, the thrill of the unexpected. i must admit, your presence adds a certain spark to the dreary routine of my own existence. who am i to deny you the exhilaration of the streets?"
your gelatinous body shimmered with vibrant colors, undulating with a grace that defied the hellish world. the contrast between your whimsical form and alastor's dapper elegance made your companionship all the more striking.
alastor, ever the observant demon, marveled at your extraordinary presence. "truly, my dear, you possess an allure that bewitches the eyes. your form... untamed chaos, leaves me enthralled."
you giggled, tendrils swirling with mischievous delight. "it's true, isn't it? we might look weird, but it makes us look cool! who needs acceptance when you can be a mesmerizing thing?"
alastor chuckled, his radio-like voice resonating with warmth. "indeed, my young friend."
in a place where conformity reigned, your presence served as a reminder that beauty, friendship, and chaos could coexist in perfect harmony. as your bond deepened, the streets of pentagram city became not only your playground but also a stage upon which your vibrant personalities and extraordinary forms could shine.
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gaylotusthatexists · 4 years
For the sanders sides prompt, could you do demonic/ ghostly possession? Any characters are good!
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red eyes and dark shadows
fandom: sanders sides
pairing: dukexiety (could be read as romantic or platonic)
prompt: demonic/ghostly possession 
trigger warnings: blood mention, murder mention 
word count: 2232
a/n: this is written for the @badthingshappenbingo​! actually it’s been a concept i’ve been meaning to explore for a while so! thanks for requesting it haha, had a lot of fun with this
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Virgil asked, ducking beneath a plank of wood as he followed Remus into the abandoned house, sat just on the edge of their village.
Remus smirked. "Of course it's a good idea!"
"I dunno," Virgil murmured, glancing around at the house. It was dusty, and dark, and had a horrible smell, like somebody had died in here and their corpse was still rotting somewhere close by. Somebody probably had died in here, given the police tape outside the building, remnants of a long since abandoned case, and the fact that nobody had lived here for decades. God, somebody had probably been murdered in here. "This place doesn't seem very safe."
"Eh, I come in here all the time," Remus said, beginning to walk up the stairs.
Virgil cautiously followed, cringing as the stairs made a creaking sound when he stepped on them, feeling as though they were this close to breaking. He breathed in and out to compose himself, before continuing his journey, trying not to think about how these stairs could give in, resulting in him falling to his certain doom. He told himself over and over that, if Remus had come here so often, then it must be safe, right? Remus was still very much alive, at all. Although, it did concern Virgil that Remus had come here before, frequently - what was he even doing here all the time?
Probably trying to summon something. Just like he was attempting to do now. God, how had Virgil managed to get himself roped into this? He loved Remus, he really did, but... he didn't particularly like his way of doing things. Definitely wasn't a fan of the chaos Remus always seemed to cause. Mundane chaos, of course - Virgil thought, at least - but it seemed as though something much worse was about to happen. Virgil couldn't shake the feeling away, couldn't silence his brain screaming as him to run, to abandon Remus and let him do the whole 'demon summoning' thing.
Although, Virgil had to admit that the whole 'demon summoning' thing did intrigue him, sorta. Like, logically he knew that demons weren't real, and at most all this would be is chanting, being disappointed, then probably being arrested by the police for trespassing. But, of course, part of him did believe in demons and the supernatural and ghosts and everything - mostly the part in his brain that conjured up demons at night so he couldn't get to sleep because if he closed his eyes the demon sitting in the corner of his room would most certainly murder him, but there was also a part of his brain that couldn't help but think that the existence of demons would be so fucking cool.
"You still have the book, right?" Remus asked, stopping at the top of the stairs.
Virgil took off his backpack and opened it, taking out a large, old book, the pages yellowing and delicate. His friend Logan had lent it to him, without Virgil explaining his intended use - trust Logan to own some ancient demon summoning book.
"Nice," Remus said with a grin, opening the door into another room, seemingly falling apart. The roof had a giant hole in the corner, allowing the moonlight to flood in, and also allowing birds to fly into the room. Remus ran into the room, scaring away the birds, then turned back to Virgil. "You can read it, right?"
"I mean, it's all in latin," Virgil said, slowly stepping into the room and joining Remus. "I can try."
"Good, you're reading then," Remus decided.
In the centre of the room, Remus had drawn a pentagram with some sort of bright red substance - paint, probably, but Virgil had his doubts. He'd also set candles around the pentagram, which he began to light with a lighter. Part of Virgil wanted to take the lighter away for fear that Remus may end up burning the house down - it was built entirely from wood, this entire place was a fire hazard - but didn't want to risk getting burnt himself. Besides, Remus must have known what he was doing, right?
"Where'd you get all this red paint from?" Virgil asked, finding the silence as Remus set everything up to be rather awkward.
"I never said it was paint."
Virgil blinked. "Oh. Uh. What is it then?"
"Blood, obviously," Remus said.
Virgil wanted to assume that Remus meant fake blood, but part of him was convinced otherwise. "Blood?" he repeated. He wasn't sure if he really wanted to dig any further.
"If we're gonna summon a demon, we might as well do it properly," Remus said, lighting the final candle and standing on the opposite side of the pentagram to Virgil.
Virgil breathed in. "Yeah, uh, about that... have you thought about what's gonna happen when - I mean, if we manage to summon a demon?"
Remus nodded. "I've been fantasising about this for years," he said, an excited glint in his eyes.
Virgil tried his best not to be alarmed at that. "Alright, uh..."
"The demon should stay trapped inside the pentagram," Remus continued. "After that, uh, we have a demon."
"Okay..." That didn't sound like much of a plan, but Virgil decided to give Remus the benefit of the doubt. This would be fine. Demons weren't real, anyway, it wasn't as if anything bad would happen.
"Read, then," Remus instructed.
Virgil opened the book, beginning to flick through the pages. "Uh, what page?"
Remus shrugged. "Any will be fine, I think."
Virgil stopped at a random page and read the words, not entirely sure if the pronunciation was right but it was worth a shot. Part of him hoped that he was reading it wrong, because then on the off chance that demons were indeed real, there was less of a chance of him successfully summoning one.
The pentagram at his feet began to glow. For a moment, Virgil stopped reading, a little shaken. That... He must have been imagining that, right?
"Carry on!" Remus shouted.
Virgil cleared his throat, then continued to read. He felt the wind pick up around him, blowing through his hair and causing a few of the candles to flicker out. He figured that was probably just a coincidence, even though that day hadn't been particularly windy - in fact, it has been a pretty warm, summery day. But it must have been a coincidence - half the roof was missing, it made sense.
But then the candles relit themselves and the pentagram began to glow again. Virgil had reached the end of the page. He glanced up from the book, noticing a shadow beginning to form inside the pentagram, a cloud of darkness slowly rising. Virgil dropped the book on the floor in shock, cringing at first at the sudden crash but thinking afterwards that maybe that was good, maybe that would stop whatever was going on. Maybe the dark figure standing in the pentagram, an almost humanoid being, shifting on the spot and changing form every two seconds, would go away.
Remus grinned. "We did it!" he exclaimed, excitedly.
Virgil stopped back. "Uh, what- what exactly did we do?"
"We summoned a demon!" Remus said, bouncing up and down on the spot. "We actually did it, Virge!"
Virgil tried his very best to remain calm, but couldn't stop his arms from shaking. "Wh-What do we do now?" They couldn't just keep this demon around, could they? Christ, the demon could kill them at any second. How had they even done this?
Remus hummed, standing still for a moment. "Huh. I don't know. I didn't actually think we'd get this far."
Virgil's eyes widened and he leaped back again, backing up towards the wall. The book was on fire. Shit. Fuck - the whole room was built out of wood, this-
"Remus, we really should-"
Remus fell to the floor. The shadow had disappeared. But the fire didn't appear to be calming down any time soon. Virgil rushed over towards Remus and hoisted him up, leaning his body against his own. Remus was unconscious - great, just great. They had to get out of here, before they both burnt alive. Virgil attempted to carry Remus out the room and down the stairs, moving slowly underneath Remus' weight but escaping from the fire nonetheless.
But before they made it out, Remus' eyes opened, and his body heated up, forcing Virgil to let go at the sudden heat against his skin. Remus rose a few feet into the air, his eyes glowing red. That... That wasn't natural, was it? That shouldn't be happening.
"Remus, we really should-"
Remus shot down towards Virgil, grabbing his arm and digging his fingernails into his skin, causing Virgil to cringe from the pain. He still couldn't stop shaking. At any moment, he figured he'd probably start crying. He tried to repress that.
Remus wasn't looking like himself, not at all. Well, the red eyes probably said enough, and the fact that he was hovering in the air, his hair floating around him. But he also had black marks beginning to appear on his skin, drawing in over his face. He grinned, and Virgil noticed that his teeth were now pointed - not teeth, fangs.
Virgil tried to move, tried to run away, but he was frozen in place. He tried to call for help, but no words came out. This... This wasn't good. Fuck - he knew this had been a bad idea. He'd told Remus over and over again that this was a bad idea, and yet here he was, probably about to be killed by Remus, or... or by whatever had taken over Remus' body.
This wasn't Remus. This... This was the shadow demon, wasn't it? It must have taken over Remus' body. That was... Well, it wasn't exactly a logical explanation, but it was the only one that made sense. Remus was fucking possessed by a fucking demon. Brilliant.
Darkness escaped from Remus' mouth, heading closer to Virgil himself. Virgil held his breath and back away as much as he could. Just before the shadow reached his skin, he finally found the strength to pull himself away from Remus and dart out the door, tripping over as he ran out into the front garden onto the cold, hard concrete.
He scrambled to his back, trying to sit up and look at the building. The top floor was completely on fire now, and the house seemed close to collapsing. Maybe... Maybe that would be good - it would get rid of the demon, at least, but... Remus was still in there. He may have turned into a demon or whatever, but... it was still Remus. Virgil's best friend. If the building collapsed, then Remus would die as well.
Well, not anymore. Remus - no, the demon came flying out the house, straight towards Virgil still laying on the ground. He tried to back away, but Remus grabbed his shirt, pulling him up and holding him in place. Virgil really was crying now - perfect. The building behind them collapsed, a raging fire still burning. Virgil could hear sirens in the distance, so perhaps somebody had already seen the fire and alerted the emergency services. But, in all honesty, Virgil had more important things to be worrying about than the burning house, like the fact that an actual demon was about to murder him.
"Remus," he said, one more time, "you-"
And Virgil fell to the floor, a sharp pain soaring through his spine upon contact with the concrete. He looked back up at Remus, who's eyes had stopped glowing red now, thank God. His face was right above Virgil's, their noses almost touching, and that's when Virgil realised that Remus had fell on top of him, his hands resting either side of Virgil's body. He looked... confused. Scared.
Virgil shuffled out from under Remus, getting up into his feet, and helping Remus up afterwards. He glanced behind Remus, seeing that shadow demon again, escaping into the sky. It was gone. They were... They were safe.
Virgil threw his arms around Remus, but Remus pushed him back, moving away from him.
"Remus," Virgil breathed. "You're..."
Remus brought a hand up to his arm, rubbing it gently. "I'm sorry. That- That was a bad idea."
"Yeah, no shit," Virgil said without thinking, immediately regretting it as he saw Remus flinch. "I- I mean... We should get out of here."
Remus was shaking. Actually shaking. Virgil had never known Remus to be so afraid of anything, afraid of himself.
"Y'know, fire and all," Virgil said, gesturing to the fire behind them, illuminating the night. Virgil stepped towards Remus, gently taking his hand. "Also, pretty sure the cops are coming. So, y'know, we should probably scram."
"I could have killed you," Remus said, quietly.
Virgil didn't quite know how to respond to that, so instead he just dragged Remus away from the scene, quickly picking up speed and running back towards his own house. Remus followed, but stayed quiet.
Before Virgil got home, he stopped, going to sit down on a bench on the side of the street. He pulled Remus close to him, hugging him tight. Remus' face was wet with tears, and the shaking had only gotten worse.
"No more summoning demons, yeah?" Virgil asked.
Remus chuckled lightly, but it came out as more of a sob. "Yeah. Agreed."
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thethirstisoutthere · 7 years
Paper Clip Post-Ep fic for @txf-fic-chicks challenge Rating: PG angst/fluff. Length: just under 2000 words Summary: Scully cleans Melissa’s apartment, with Mulder’s help. Spoilers: Paper Clip, allusions to season 4 & 7 Author: Me, @thethirstisoutthere, who hasn’t posted a fic on tumblr ever. Thanks to @kateyes224 for saying “why don’t you write a fic, Mel?”
Scully stood alone in Melissa's home, packing up the remnants of her sister's short life. It had been two weeks since the funeral, and Scully still couldn't believe that her free-spirited sister had been buried in D.C. The city didn't suit Melissa at all, but Scully knew why she had returned to it. After years of being on the road, hopping from boyfriend to girlfriend to job to city to religion to diet and everything in between, Melissa wanted to be with her family — to be close to her mother and her only sister. Scully wiped a tear from her eye, grateful that Melissa had spent her last few years in this staid, studio apartment in Georgetown. As Scully pulled another book from the shelves, she wondered if Melissa had known (she was so intuitive, after all) that her time on this planet would be short. But it was too morbid a thought, so Scully shook it aside.
It was the only way that Scully could get through her grief: she compartmentalized her feelings in the same way as she was left to organize Melissa's things. She made piles: to throw away, to donate, to keep. Scully had made the choice to forgive herself for her sister's death, to focus on the good memories and not the bullet that was meant for her. It was the only way she could go on living, and it was what Melissa would have wanted, anyway. She would have given Scully all of the bohemian advice in the known universe to calm her nerves.
Take deep breaths. Think positive thoughts. Choose joy.
Would she ever feel joy again?
It felt... impossible.
Scully slid into the dark place. The book fell from her hand. She collapsed to her knees. And wept.
Scully didn't know how long she had been lying on the floor of Melissa's apartment when she heard the knock at the door. The gentle rapping woke her and she felt a flush of embarrassment. She unravelled from her fetal position, dug her palms into the handwoven rug, and slowly, painfully, began to push herself up to stand.
Why did every simple movement feel like such a struggle?
As she rolled up vertebrae by vertebrae, Scully heard another knock. "Just a minute."
"It's only me. Take your time."
Had she mentioned to him that she would be at Melissa's? Maybe, in a haze... but she didn't expect him to join her. She walked to the door and unlocked it to reveal his half-smiling face.
Her partner.
She looked at him and felt something that she hadn't felt in a long time. She couldn't pinpoint the feeling. Was it relief? She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but whatever the surge of emotion, she managed to suppress it.
Mulder held two coffees in a takeaway container in one hand, a bag of pastries in the other.
"I thought you could probably use a boost." He entered the small, sunlit apartment, walked to the round dining table, and set down the coffee and food. "Croissant?"
"Not hungry. I'll take a coffee, though. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
Scully crossed over to him and lifted the coffee to her lips. They stood across from each other at the table, sipped their drinks, and said nothing. They could have taken a seat at the table, but they didn't. Because Scully knew that if she sat with Mulder, she'd fall apart. And Mulder sensed it, ever in tune with her needs.
After a few minutes, Mulder started to pace around Melissa's apartment, taking it in. The crystals, the plants, the dreamcatchers. The bead curtain separating her bed from the open floor plan. Books on yoga, witchcraft, Hinduism. Melissa's Reiki certification, in a frame hanging askew on the wall.
Mulder noticed the piles. "So... you got a system?"
"Yeah. Garbage. Donate. Keep," Scully pointed.
Mulder pulled a book from the cardboard box next to the shelves. "Ahh... Spiritual Astrology. I guess it's safe for me to assume that this is getting donated?"
"You would be correct."
"Scully, you're a Pisces, right? Aren't they interested in escaping reality?"
"How else could I have worked on The X-Files for so long?"
"Ha. Touché. And here I was thinking that the only thing keeping you around was my winning personality."
Scully shot Mulder a slight smile, and felt a lightness for the first time in an eternity. It surprised her, how having Mulder in the apartment brought levity to the whole situation.
"You know," Mulder said, "I'm about as open-minded as they come, but some of the books on these shelves are making me feel like a skeptic. This must be what it feels like to be around me most of the time, huh?"
"Most of the time," Scully grinned.
"It's good to know you haven't lost your sense of humour."
"Mulder, thank you."
"For what?"
"Being here." Scully felt her voice crack and stopped herself just short of crying.
Mulder sensed a need to keep the mood light. "Well, these books aren't going to donate themselves. Do you want me to just pack 'em?"
"Sure, go ahead. I can start working on the dishes. I think some of them belonged to my grandmother — my mom might want them."
"How is your mom?"
"She..." Scully took a breath before continuing, "she still has a hard time being here. So... that's why I'm flying solo. Bill is shipping out to Japan on Thursday and Charlie is... being Charlie."
Ahh, the mysterious, estranged brother. Mulder knew that their relationship was a touchy subject and felt it best not to press.
"Hey Scully - do you think the Salvation Army will even accept this book or do they draw the line at the Occult?" He held up a black book with a pentagram on the cover.
"Someone will take them, just not me."
"You sure you don't want any of these books? Imagine how good they'd look sitting next to your medical textbooks."
"Mulder - "
"Crystal Enlightenment next to Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine? Gives me chills!"
"They'd revoke my licence."
"It would certainly scare off any potential mates."
"Oh, yes," Scully rolled her eyes, "for my revolving door of suitors. You do realize that you're the only man that's entered my home in the last four years?"
Mulder smiled. He was happy to hear it. But he wouldn't tell her that. Not yet.
"You know, Melvin Frohike is also single and very interested," he said instead.
"Mulder - this china may be an heirloom but don't think I won't throw it at you."
Mulder chuckled. He continued to pack the books from the shelves into boxes, while Scully worked away in the kitchen cupboards.
They spent the rest of the day sorting Melissa's things, mostly in silence. Mulder checked in with Scully occasionally, but only when he was unsure of where to place something. Having Mulder around kept Scully from retreating into her grief, and she was thankful for it. Hours had passed and they had accomplished more together than Scully had on her own in a week. This is what their partnership was like —  easy, safe, comfortable. They complemented each other, worked well together, even in the darkest times.
Scully stood in the tiny bathroom, packing up toiletries. Never one to waste, she resolved to take whatever she could use at home, but drew the line at crystal deodorant. At least Melissa's soaps were nice.
The bathroom door was wide open, giving Scully full view of Mulder across the apartment. He was standing in the light of the bay window, carefully placing small potted plants in milk crates. Focused on the task, his eyes were clear and sharp and earnest. Scully felt a pang in her heart as she watched this soulful man. He had become such a fixture in her life over the last three years. Her thoughts turned back to Melissa, and how she was really the only member of Scully's family who supported her decision to join the FBI.
It wasn't about the work, Melissa had said, but about the people she'd meet.
"I can sense these things, Dana. You're being drawn from medicine for a higher purpose, and it's not just because you'll be fulfilled by the work. You're destined to meet someone very special at the bureau. They're going to change your entire life."
At the time, Scully rolled her eyes — she was used to Melissa's unsolicited psychic readings and didn't give them much weight.
But looking at Mulder across the apartment, Scully knew that her sister had been right. Her relationship with Mulder, though platonic, was the deepest she had ever experienced with another person. Maybe it would turn romantic someday — but for now, Scully was content to simply have Mulder be the constant in her life.
And Melissa really liked him. That counted for something.
"Hey Scully - check this out!" Mulder reached behind the pot of a large philodendron and lifted a small Buddha statue. "What do you think he's doing back here?"
Scully placed the last of Melissa's toiletries in the small cardboard box and walked over to meet Mulder at the bay window.
"Was your sister Buddhist?" he asked.
"I think she believed in a lot of things."
"Hmm. It's weird that she'd have it stashed behind a plant. You'd think it be on display somewhere. I'm not super familiar with Buddhism but I'm pretty certain that you're supposed to keep the statue elevated."
Scully raised her eyebrow.
"You know, for maximum protection."
"Well... maybe you were supposed to find him, Mulder. I think you should keep it."
"You don't want it?"
"I'd feel like I'd be living a lie having it in my house, and there's no way anyone else in my family would take it. Besides, I think Melissa would want you to have something of hers. To thank you. For being here. For me."
Mulder didn't feel like arguing with a grieving woman, least of all Scully.
"I think it's kismet, Mulder."
"Since when do you believe in fate?"
Scully shrugged. "I just have a feeling that the Buddha is meant for you."
They shared a smile.
"Scully, do you feel like eating now? We're making good progress. I say we call it a day, grab some dinner, and pick everything up tomorrow. You in? I'm buying."
"Sure. But take the Buddha now so it doesn't get mixed up with everything else."
"I'm not leaving without him. You Buddha believe it, Scully!"
"Shut up, Mulder."
They grabbed their coats, walked out the door, and decided on pizza.
Melissa's Buddha statue sat in Mulder's car for the next few weeks. When Mulder re-discovered him during a routine car clean-up, he felt guilty for having abandoned him. He gingerly pulled the statue out of the trunk and carried him home. Not being a practicing Buddhist, Mulder felt weird about having the statue on display, but he still wanted to keep it as a memento — of Melissa, of Scully, of everything they'd been through together. The only square inch of his apartment that wasn't obvious (but still respectful, he thought) was underneath the fish tank. He made sure the statue was elevated, and faced him east. Mulder admired the Buddha's peaceful countenance in the warm green glow of the aquarium for a moment, but then he went to sleep and forgot about it.
It was there that Melissa's Buddha statue stayed for many years, out of sight and out of mind, but nonetheless keeping a watchful gaze on the comings and goings of Fox Mulder. He was there when Mulder faked his own death, and when Teena Mulder took her own life. And he was there on that fateful night when two lost and beautiful souls finally joined, consummating their relationship.
And from that moment, Mulder and Scully's lives changed forever. They were soulmates — just as Melissa Scully had predicted.
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