#he said that he was good so reassuringly. i don't even think he's lying to me. lmfao
larsnicklas · 16 days
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you put your body on the line there in the final minutes. how is the hand? it's fine. 😄 it's okay. 😁 i'm good.
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marsspeedway · 3 months
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I think Tumblr likes the COLLEGE AU and I love the AUs…. THEN GABRIEL PLAYS THE VIOLIN (the original idea) AND THE KEYBOARD WHY NOT.
The fanfic was inspired by: https://www.tumblr.com/themachine/742337025681850368/happy-friends-day-everybody
If you are willing to read 2725 words of a work in progress about Gabriel and V1 here it is: *English is not my first language so sorry if there are mistakes, this is mostly translated with an online translator and some corrections by me.
Gabriel really didn't expect to find some dusty old belongings when he returned to his parents' house for a small family dinner with his mother, his two older brothers and a few other relatives he's not very close to. He didn't expect to find Michael so excited when his mother pointed out that he was in the attic, nor did he expect Michael to have taken most of the items out of the boxes when he got there.
The items were scattered on the floor, a few other boxes and the small folding table they kept there. Most of it was his father's stuff, junk or trash he doesn't care about but knows his mother doesn't have the heart to throw away; not when it's the last memories she has of his father before he disappeared.
Gabriel remembers him: a tall, elegant man, extremely strict and whom he had very little time to be around. Even his brothers, who should have known him better, don't know much about him either.
Now, standing here in the dusty air caused by Michael snooping and rummaging through boxes, Gabriel looks around. The attic is not small although neither is his house so he finds it normal. They keep huge amounts of antiques from his grandparents and even great-grandparents or older ancestors that he has only heard stories about. For example: an old desk that belonged to a writer in his family, one of those huge clocks that he remembers they had for a long time in their living room and that he still remembers jumping out of fright every time it rang, Raphael's old drum set is also lying around dismantled and of course Michael's cello in a corner next to the drums on the floor.
Gabriel looks at them and clearly remembers that these things didn't go there, these used to be in a deeper part of the attic.
"What are you looking at Gabe?"
The young man turned his head when he detected his brother's voice and silently motioned with his head towards the instruments. The man walked over, standing next to Gabriel to look at what he was referring to.
"Ah those old things? Well, I thought I'd take my cello to practice again and Raphael wanted his drums too." Michael explained as he folded his arms and then hummed softly, Gabriel raised an eyebrow under his helmet without turning to look at him. "Just in case you want to know…" Michael said slowly, moving closer to Gabriel to slip an arm around his neck and leaning his weight on him.
This couldn't be good.
"Your keyboard and violin are in the back…" GOD DAMN- "I don't mean you should use them, you know…I was just reminding you in case you want them back or want to do something with them." Michael had to have felt him tense up and he definitely did; the way he gently bumped the sides of their heads together with the slight click of the metal of their helmets touching, the way he stroked his back reassuringly, the way he let him go when he felt Gabriel stir.
"You can get rid of them, you don't have to keep them." The older man reminded him by giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder before releasing him completely. "If you want them go ahead, they're in the back on the left… Call me if you need help with anything, yes?" Michael said as he walked away with Gabriel giving him a simple thumbs up in affirmation mode and drawing a chuckle from Michael as he gently shook his head. Sometimes he wondered where his brother had picked up such quiet habits.
When Gabriel watched Michael disappear down the stairs he turned around, hesitating for a second whether to actually go further into the attic but after a few seconds he decided to do so, sighing and spreading his wings to illuminate the area.
The further he goes in he can see more and more boxes, some sealed with tape and others just closed, others possibly opened by Michael and resting on or at the foot of some rotting furniture.
After poking around a bit Gabriel manages to get to the bottom, catching a somewhat large object that is covered by a dark tarp.
Gabriel swallows.
He reaches over, reaching down to drag the heavy tarp off the object's surface and drop it to the ground, revealing what's underneath: his old keyboard.
Okay, one of two… Where's the other one? Gabriel scans the area with his eyes, settling his attention on an old chair where, on the seat, rests a case now whitish thanks to the accumulated dust. Gabriel reaches over, running a hand over it in an attempt to clean it up a bit though it only spreads it further and decides to leave it alone, picking it up and taking it with him to where the keyboard is.
Gabriel used to love these things, don't get him wrong, but now that he remembers their existence and knows that Michael also knows they are here he doesn't hesitate to have his brother tell his mother about his rediscovery and his plans with his old cello. Gabriel's mother is a bit… intense when it comes to music or dance or waltz or whatever it is she likes.
She had made her 3 children practice ballet, she had rehearsed them for the fancy parties that were organized among the rich families in an attempt to make them gentlemen who knew how to waltz well with the damsels, she had put them in an orchestra and also a choir and of course she had made them attend church. It had been fun for a while; when they could play together and have fun or when they practiced anything whenever. But when Michael and Raphael began to have more duties and obligations they began to drift away; leaving Gabriel alone to face it all.
He danced, played, sang, attended mass every Sunday and was a good student until he too could quit like his brothers.
He remembers the moment when his mother informed him that he could stop his extracurricular activities, he remembers how he simply covered his keyboard and put away his violin for the last time one day and never played them again. He knows the same thing happened to his bible now lying somewhere in the bedroom he shares with V1, abandoned when he stumbled upon the blue machine that slowly pulled him away from the path of God his family had instilled in him to follow.
Ah… V1.
Well, now he no doubt knows someone who will be interested in the instruments. He doesn't plan to give them to them, he still loves them and wants to try them again but surely he can lend them to them if they ask for them. Taking them to them sounds like a good idea since besides cheering up the machine he has for a roommate he can practice and try to de-rust a bit before the recital he is sure his mother will force convince them to do.
Gabriel made a mental note to take them with him tomorrow morning when he went back to his dorm, maybe carrying them there won't be so comfortable but it will certainly be worth it to see V1, his friend, happy.
The dinner went well, honestly much better than he expected and he was happy with that. Especially since he managed to avoid all the questions about the church he attended, his schedule or if he had already conquered a lady. Of course he had! But it's different to ask that question than to ask if a lady had conquered him, because certainly hadn't. Not when there was a cerulean machine waiting for him in his apartment… FRIENLY- THEY'RE HIS FRIENDS. HE JUST LIKED THEM.
Anyway… It was good. Certainly much better than the last family dinner they had at Christmas. Gabriel never wants to see Michael angry again, that much is clear to him.
He doesn't remember why they had started fighting because, honestly, he hadn't been paying attention. Gabriel was more interested in eating or thinking about what he would do when he got back to his bedroom, thinking about the gift he had bought for V1 that was now hiding in his closet: a replica gun from a game that V1 had been looking for for some time now and that Gabriel had found in perfect condition at a garage sale. Even packaged and with its 4 coins! With the 'Marksman' in his possession V1 almost completed their collection.
Gabriel felt a little proud to have found it. It's old, he knows that, and he also knows that V1 would love it.
He was so deep in thought at the time that he didn't even notice when the voices around him began to raise and only noticed when a bump on the table made him jump in place and nearly spill the spoonful of mashed potato that was going straight into his mouth.
Ah… Another family situation. Nothing new for the times.
Whatever, the point is that this dinner was better than Christmas. And if you'd like to know: yes, V1 absolutely loved the gift. And Gabriel received a new microphone that he had been wanting to buy for a long time: now he could better record his little audios and attempts at home podcasts.
To commemorate the gift V1 opened it carefully, not wanting to damage anything in the slightest because: 1, it was a collector's item and 2, it was a gift from Gabriel. Instead the microphone was lightly tested, saving the real test for later when V1 received an audio from Gabriel that DEFINITELY tested the capabilities of the device.
V1 saved the audio.
Even if it was a silly audio of Gabriel basically mumbling into the microphone in a seductive, gravelly voice that he would kick their ass if they left a mess in the apartment again.
V1 saved the audio.
And now there was Gabriel, walking across campus in the direction of his shared residence hall with a keyboard under his arm and a violin case in his other hand along with his backpack on his back. It was less uncomfortable than he thought it would be although being a 6 foot tall, heavily muscled guy he doubted he would have much trouble with lifting that amount of weight.
When he found himself in front of the door he thought about knocking and waiting to see if the machine was home in the hope that they would open it for him but when he distinguished the sound of an electric guitar on the other side he considered that it would be better not to disturb them in one of their practices.
He fumbled to pass the violin case to his other hand and used the now free one to rummage in his pants pocket for his keys, snapping them into the lock when he found them and turning it to open the lock. The door opened and he was glad when the old hinge didn't squeak knowing that V1 had oiled it as he had asked.
He walked in closing the door behind him and finding his living room in a much better state than he thought it would be. The cushions were a bit of a mess but other than that everything was in its place: the small coffee table was clean with nothing on it, the bookshelves were still tidy, the couches weren't out of place and there was no junk around.
It was a relief.
The familiar sound of the electric guitar quieted for a moment and left him in total silence as he placed the keyboard on the larger couch and on it he laid the violin case, then as he took off his backpack Gabriel gave a nod and at the same time the guitar restarted loudly as Gabriel knew it would. The angel could easily imagine V1 doing the same as him only in a more passionate way and lost in the frenzy of the song: more intense and violent.
He took off his coat, leaving it hanging on the coat rack in the entryway as he made his way down the hallway humming the guitar melody before catching one of the lyrics and singing it quietly.
Rock hadn't been something he'd listened to much growing up, much less metal but he'd certainly grown fond of it since V1 started showing them to him and unconsciously, or consciously, they had become two of his favorite genres. He would deny it with V1, feigning annoyance when the machine would put music on the speakers or when they played a song he knew but they would quickly catch Gabriel humming softly or bobbing his head to the music but would say nothing about it. They would let it happen and enjoy the company in the moment.
At the end of the hallway was the bathroom and before that were the two rooms of the apartment: one facing the other. The doors matched and Gabriel remembers how more than once they both tried to leave at the same time without being aware of each other's presence and how they bumped into each other. At first they were annoyed, really only Gabriel was, but slowly as their friendship grew they both took it more gracefully; like a little attunement.
They learned each other's schedules so it didn't happen so often. Gabriel gets up first thing, at 5am to shower and take his time in the bathroom, at 5:30 the bathroom is free for V1 to use at 6am when they wake up and when they leave breakfast is prepared and ready on the table: blood and whatever Gabriel is going to eat. At 6:30 the dishes are clean and they both share the bathroom to finish getting ready: V1 wipes the unabsorbed or dried blood off the plating and Gabriel does whatever it is that angels do under that helmet of his. V1 still doesn't understand it, they just know it's like washing his mouth or brushing his teeth or something… Oh, and that Gabriel doesn't take off his helmet… Just like he doesn't take it off to eat.
Peeking through V1's half-open doorframe Gabriel watches them from behind, strumming the strings of their guitar with fervor and excitement as they nod their head before the song ends and thus they too must hit their last note.
The angel leans back against the door and watches fondly as the machine sucks in air and listens as the fans spin in the sudden silence, the machine's chest rises and falls in pseudo breaths in an attempt to keep their components cool after the intense movement and Gabriel laughs softly as he claps his hands, making the machine turn their head in his direction.
"Good job there, that sounds great!" Gabriel complimented as he walked into the room, V1 turning fully around to sign a 'thank you'.
"How was your weekend?" Gabriel asked approaching the robot who already knew his intentions since they saw him walking towards them slightly opening his arms.
"Pretty good. We practiced a lot and made progress on a few songs. How about you?" V1 signed before opening their arms and accepting Gabriel between them, letting themselves be squeezed by the strong angel in front of them.
"I'm glad you had a good time." Gabriel murmured sweetly, slouching down and resting his chin on the machine's shoulder. "A good family dinner, you know how they usually are…" Gabriel whispered soothingly, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the affection and feel of the metal of V1's arms around him.
"I also have something to show you." Gabriel hummed, pulling away and placing his hands on V1's shoulders. At the man's words the robot perked up, pulling away from him to bounce in place with excitement and curiosity, drawing a chuckle from Gabriel.
"Come, follow me." He said, sliding his hand down his companion's arm and taking their hand before leading them out of the room. V1 didn't complain, this had been something Gabriel had been doing unconsciously for the past few weeks and V1 found it harmless, almost cute if not charming.
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ravenelyx · 1 year
WIP list
Sebastian Sallow
More Than a Friend (angst, perceived unrequited love, emotional infidelity, fluff, sexual tension, eventual smut, drunken kissing - adding this only to avoid spoilers) - ON-GOING
"Are you going to stay? We're having so much fun!" Sebastian struggled to turn around in her arms, and maybe he should have just stayed where he was, for his own sake if not for his heart's. The girl's smile widened once she realised she could lay her dizzy head on his shoulder, and she slid even closer into his arms. Burning leads to melting. And that's exactly what Sebastian's body did, once he was sure hers would catch him. "You're warm," came her voice, muffled in his chest, his own head hung low against hers in a gentle embrace. A smile pulled at his lips when her scent filled his lungs, and he tightened his arms ever-so-slightly around her smaller frame. "Are you cold?" he quietly asked, brushing his lips against the conch of her ear and making her giggle. "Not anymore."
Homely (insecurities, body issues, body worship, smut)
"I know, right?" said Bulstrode. "D'you reckon she'd give me a chance?" Avery snickered. "Not if I ask her first!" That did it for Sebastian. His eyes widened, his heart thumping in his chest as he heard the boys talk about asking her out. They thought she was pretty. They liked her. His lips trembled as he looked down at his body again, his quivering hands once more coming to touch his stomach. He felt even more ridiculous about having thought he might have a chance — he wasn't handsome, he wasn't sculpted, he wasn't enough.
Quid Pro Quo (crack fic, body swap, fluff, sexual tension, suggestive)
From the very first time she had set foot into that school, rare were the instances she had been certain of anything. With the exception of one. She would never drink a concoction made by Garreth Weasley. A few apples from a sketchy house hidden in a corner in Hogsmeade? Perfectly edible, if not a bit chalky. A glass of Firewhiskey lying around in a Scriptorium that hasn't been opened for thousands of years? Only a little sour. A soupçon of whatever Garreth had conceived while watching Poppy Sweeting accidentally drop a string of her hair that caught up in her hands into her cauldron while adding Newt spleens to her Everlasting Elixir? She would get a stomach pump for less.
Love is not quantifiable, and therefore not finite (fluff, angst if you squint, falling in love/friends to lovers)
The girl sighed, dejected. She had always had a good relationship with the librarian, given her thirst for knowledge and love for reading. It wasn't rare for the woman to let her stay just a little more than necessary, or allow her to borrow more books than it was practice — but now it seemed Madam Scribner had forgotten about the real Anne just like everyone else, and all that was left was the newly-cured Ann Sallow, who only deserves pity and commiseration.
Arranged Heartbreak (angst, hurt/comfort, courting) - COMPLETED
"You're special, you know that? Thank you, Sebastian. Only..." She pulled away to look at him. "Don't even think about doing something drastic should it ever come to that point, like marrying me or something. Your freedom is yours." "M-marry you?" he stuttered, the idea slowly forming in his mind at her words. Could that… Would that be a solution? "I didn't even think about it... why would... Is... is that what you want? I don't want... I just want to do what makes you happy." She smiled reassuringly. "I don't want that, Sebastian. I want to do things the... wizarding way, if so to speak." She sighed. "I want to keep being your friend, to know you properly, to maybe… fall in love."
Best Served Cold (cheating, angst, emotional manipulation and abuse, psychological harassment, smut, dub/con)
"Give me one reason to get over this." She said coldly, staring down at him. "I…" His voice broke. Because the truth was: he didn't have any. He wasn't worthy of another chance, he didn't deserve it. But he was a selfish bastard. And he needed her. He only realised it too late. "I just…" He looked at her, eyes wide and glistening with unspilled feelings. And then, his judgement was gone. "I'll do anything you want." He declared, clearly not weighing his words properly. Because that was a dangerous thing to say. Especially to her. And he should have known better after all these years.
Sonnet XI (smut, semi-public, pwp analogue)
"Advanced Transfiguration." He read the title of the book she was holding with a smug smile. "I would say 'impressive', but you certainly don't deserve that type of credit." "What are you staring at?" She sighed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his presence. "The book in your hands," he replied. "I don't expect someone like yourself to understand, but that is a complicated and extremely difficult field of study with applications beyond most wizards' comprehension." Now she couldn't stop herself. And her eye sockets hurt. "And tell me," she said sarcastically, "what exactly, in your opinion, is so difficult about this book to someone like me?" "It takes years to develop the precision and subtlety of touch required for Transfiguration. Your simple mind can't comprehend the complexity of the spellcrafts required." He shrugged. "You know, just because you use a lot of words, it doesn't mean your speech makes any sense."
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talaok · 2 years
Steve can’t know (Chapter VII)
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Summary: Steve is your overly-protective older brother that is very opposed to you frequenting the wrong crowd, and especially to you dating Eddie Munson. Still, when you meet each other one day at lunch,it seems there is very little he can do to stop the inevitable.
Chapter summary: everything goes to shit (I don't know who even reads these tbh, and this is the best summary I can make)
Content warning: none
Chapter I  Chapter II  Chapter III  Chapter IV   Chapter V     Chapter VI    Chapter VII   Chapter VIII
The sun was shining on your face as you woke up. You slowly opened your eyes and yawned softly. It took you a moment to realize, but Eddie was right there beside you, with his left arm lazily lying on your stomach as he breathed slowly, clearly deep in his sleep. You smiled, as flashbacks of last night ran through your head. Everything felt so surreal. You were laying in bed with Eddie Muson, the bad boy of the school, the criminal, the outcast, the drug dealer, and still,  you felt happier than ever. How was this possible? You were a good student, from a nice family and your brother was the most popular person at school while he was... we all know what he was. You were polar opposites, you weren't supposed to be together. You should have been dating one of the basketball players while he was supposed to be fucking a different girl every night. Instead, there he was, in your bed, sleeping like a baby. You had no idea how this had happened, but however that was, you were grateful for it.
"Good morning sleepyhead" you whispered to Eddie's ear. He groaned opening his eyes to look at you. He smiled as he saw you, and he leaned closer to you, kissing you briefly, before quickly leaning back, you saw his features change,as worry took over. "Shit, sorry. I fell asleep" he said, his voice raspy. You smiled at him, reassuringly "It's fine Eddie" you mumbled before going back to kissing him, not being satisfied with the previous one. You felt him ease up as he kissed you back, this time more passionately. You granted his tongue access to your mouth as you started to explore his chest with your hand, wanting to feel him even closer. he propped his right elbow on the bed while he grabbed the back of your head with his other hand, tugging your hair to kiss you more deeply. With one swift move, he was on top of you, touching all of you, starting from your neck down to your ass. You moaned softly as he started kissing your neck while his hands found your breasts under your shirt. "How can you be this pretty" he whispered placing a kiss on your neck, just below your ear" when you have just woken up?" he asked, starting to suck that same spot. A giggle escaped your mouth and you brought a hand up to the back of his head, running your hands through his hair. You felt one of his hands traveling down towards your panties and you bit your lip, bracing yourself for what you knew was coming.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" You froze. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE DOING TO HER?" Eddie got off of you. You turned your head towards the door, Steve was staring at Eddie looking like he was about to kill him with one hand still on the doorknob. "Steve-" you tried explaining to calm him down "I'll deal with you later,"  he said not even looking at you, "But right now, I need you to get out of my sister's bed so I can kick your ass" he threatened, his eyes never leaving Eddie. "Look, man, I can explain" Eddie said, getting up while looking for his clothes that were somewhere on the floor "I'm sorry alright?" He said, putting on his pants,"I really am, but this isn't what you think, ok?" He put on his shirt and got his shoes " I actually like her" he said, looking at you briefly before going back to steve, who looked even angrier than before. You could see him making a fist with his hand so strongly that his knuckles were turning white. You could feel a lump in your throat "Steve, please-" you pleaded, your voice breaking. "get out" Steve said sternly, pointing at the door. Eddie did as told, looking at you with a reassuring look before getting out, followed by Steve. There was silence, you couldn't hear anything besides your heart pounding and your breathing getting faster. You just wanted to cover yourself with your blanket and cry, but you had to see what was going on. You put on your shorts and ran down the stairs. Just as you opened the front door you saw Steve punching Eddie, making him fall to the ground. You ran towards them, at this point not able to contain your tears anymore. "You touch her one more time," Steve said, stepping closer to him"You even look at her one more time" he leaned closer to his face "and I swear to god, Munson. I will kill you" he said through gritted teeth, grabbing him by his shirt, ready to punch him again. You stopped him, desperately trying to pull his arm back. Steve looked at you "Please" you almost whispered. He let go " go away" he said, looking at him. Eddie got up and looked at you with a sorry look " I'm sorry" he said quietly before turning around and going away.
You knew it was a bad idea to go to school but you needed to take your mind off of everything that happened that morning. You didn't have the strength to do anything, after seeing him walking away you locked yourself in the bathroom and started to sob uncontrollably. Steve had knocked on the door but you hadn't answered, how could you have? He made the only good thing that had ever happened to you escape, and now you felt empty, like nothing made sense because he wasn't there anymore and he was never gonna be again. You had cried and cried and cried until you thought there was no water left in your body to even shed a single more tear. You had gotten up and put on some jeans you found on the chair in front of your desk. You had taken your bag and put on your shoes and left the house, deciding to walk to school. You had heard Steve call for you, but you couldn't do it, you knew that the moment you would have looked at him you would have started to sob again, so you continued walking, pretending to be someone else for a while, someone whose life was good, someone who was happy, someone who was just walking to school, worried about their math test. And so now here you were, taking a test while all you could think about was the way Eddie had looked at you while saying that he was sorry. Sorry for what? That was the question. was he sorry that Steve had found out? Was he sorry for even pursuing you? Was he sorry for sneaking into your room? Was he sorry for not making Steve understand? Or was he sorry because Steve was right? that he was using you and that he was just having fun. What was he sorry for? The bell rang You had finished the test in the first twenty minutes, somehow all that studying yesterday had worked and you hadn't needed an actual functioning brain to fill in the exam.
You had lunch now but you didn't want to see Steve so you made your way to your usual spot behind the bleachers.
You would have been lying if you said that you hadn't hoped at least a bit that Eddie would be there waiting for you, ready to tell you that everything was gonna be all right and that this morning had just been a bad dream. But he wasn't there, there was nothing there. it was empty, just like you. You sat down and started looking at a spot in the distance, there was a flower in the grass, you could see it from there, just existing, all he had to do was stay in the sun and he was gonna be all right, what a nice life that must be, you thought, getting a cigarette from your backpack and lighting it, what a peaceful existence, you kept thinking, taking a drag.
You were in bed, staring at the ceiling when you heard a knock at your door. You already knew who it was and for all the effort you had put in avoiding him the whole day, you knew there was nothing you could have done now. "Come in" you said, your voice almost a whisper Steve opened the door and looked at you, but after seeing that you weren't doing the same he sat on your bed. "Y/N," he said, trying to get your attention. You kept looking up, fearing that the moment you would have looked at him you would have broken down "Y/N, I know you are mad, and I know you are sad, but-" he stopped a moment, trying to find the right words  "but he isn't what you think he is" you could feel his eyes on you "He-he has a reputation,y'know? And I know you think you can change him, but you can't. No one can, guys like that don't change." he put his hand on your calf "He uses girls, he only wants sex and I know you think that I'm the bad guy now, but I did it for you Y/N, I did it for you because I don't want you to get hurt ok?" silence filled the room as you tried not to cry and he tried to get something out of you, even a gesture would have been enough, he just wanted to know that you understood why he did what he did, and the worst part is that you did, you understood, you understood where he was coming from, that he was tryng to protect you, but you also understood that he was wrong, Eddie wasn't like that, and even if he was, he wasn't like that with you. But you knew how pathetic you would have sounded if you had tried explaining that to him, so you stayed there, motionless, saying nothing. "Y/N please talk to me, please, tell me anything" you felt the hurt in his voice "Go away" And so he did.
Steve had just gotten out of the stall. He walked up to the sinks to wash his hands as he felt someone's eyes on him. He turned his head to the right and immediately saw whose eyes those were. Eddie Munson, the same guy who had fucked his little sister, that same guy who he had just punched yesterday, that same guy was right there looking at him while leaning on the wall behind him, looking like the calmest person in the world. I'm gonna fucking kill this guy, he thought But just before he was about to do so Eddie opened his mouth. "We need to talk"
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gtlurker · 1 month
Chapter four of inhuman, were back to isabella's perspective, enjoy!
Chapter four.
I'm sitting on the dashboard of Ronan's car with a burger three times the size of my own body sitting in front of me.
It's the first time I've smelled something so good in so long, and it won't taste as good as I've spent the last ten years imagining. “You want me to cut that up for you?” Ronan asks while his mouth is stuffed full of half chewed food.
I've been living in a cage for the last ten years and have only been fed literal slop and I have better manners than this ghost man. I shake my head no, and look back at the burger in front of me. I pull off two pieces of the bun and rip off small pieces of the meat, lettuce and cheese to make a mini burger for myself. My hands are covered in grease and sauce, but I can deal with it after I eat.
The first bite tastes freedom, and the second solidifies that hope. After I finish the first mini burger, I waste no time ripping off more pieces to make another one,
and another, and another. By the time I realize that I can't eat another bite, there's a good chunk of the burger missing. I'm embarrassed to admit I'm a little proud of how much I was able to eat.
I look back over to the two towering people who have already finished their food, anxiety begins to pool in my stomach when I realize neither of them have said anything about Damien since we were in the lab. I was promised that Damien would be waiting for me, and it's just these two in the car.
The boy to the left of Ronan looks quite a bit younger than him, with fluffy brown hair he stuffed under his hood and a birthmark almost in the shape of a heart on his jaw. I don't like him. He hasn't sat still once in the entire car drive, and won't stop looking at me. I look back at the dark haired ghost man, he has a scar over his lip, and I think he might be wearing a bit of lip gloss.
I don't not like him.
His hands were pretty soft and warm. When it looks like the younger of the two is about to speak, I start before him. “Where's damien?” I ask quickly, and I wipe a bit of the grease off my hands and onto the thread bare dress I still have from the lab.
“He's in Italy, he’ll be back in-” he cuts himself off when his phone dings. He quickly digs his phone out of his pocket. He raises his eyebrows and looks up at me. “Next week, actually.” more dread pools in the pit of my stomach, and I clench the ends of my dress in my tight fists. “How do I know you're not lying?”
I ask, not looking up at either of them. As much s i try to hide it, I'm scared. If they're lying and actually are working with the people from the lab, there would be no one to blame but myself for believing them. This could all just be a test to see how I react to feeling hope, and then having it all taken away. “Two reasons.” Ronan starts, and he takes a sip of his unnaturally orange drink.
“One, our entire paycheck rides on whether or not you're safe, and two, you're the seventh kid weave rescued from these labs. You can ask the other six how even though we don't look very untrustworthy, were the most safe persons-”
“People.” The boy next to Ronan corrects him. “People, you'll ever meet. We can even call your brother so you know it's really him.” he says reassuringly, but i don't feel the least bit reassured. In fact, I feel an even higher sense of dread.
There's more labs like the one I was in, there's more people like me. How many more are there? Who are these two?
I shift my attention back to the younger boy,
Than to ronan.
Than to the giant pile of guns that took me a concerningly long time to realize were back there.
What. the. Fuck. I scoot back a bit and look between the two of them once more, before pointing at the pile of guns again. “What, what are all the guns for?” I ask, as I scoot back a bit more.
“Oh! Those are just in case there were people in the lab with you.” the boy whose name I really need to figure out says as he quickly throws his hoodie over them, most likely to hide them from my line of sight. “We're kinda like assassins but without the killing people part” Ronan gives him a skeptical look, his brows furrowed and his mouth slightly opened. “Except we do kill people.” Ronan adds on, and my eyes go wide with not exactly surprise, but more confusion that he would admit to a stranger that they kill people.
“Oh right, yeah, so we're kinda just assassins.” I'm guessing I'm not doing the best job at hiding my anxiety about being in a car with two murders fifty times my size with absolutely no escape route, from how Rowan's expression shifts to a reassuring and almost embarrassed look. “But we won't murder you, of course.” Rowan adds with a smile.
And that is possibly the least reassuring anyone has ever been while trying to tell someone they won't be murdered. But it's also not the dying part I'm worried about, since I myself cannot die. Its the torture i'm more scared off. If they are planning to get rid of me, the ways in which they could do so are horrifying.
They could bury me in a wooden box underground, and I'm too pathetically small to even be heard. Or maybe they would lock me in a steel chest and drop me into the ocean. Or maybe they'll just lock me up in a room to rot away.
What if all they told me about them being trustworthy and about my brother was a lie.
“Isa, why are you crying?”
Ronan's voice cuts through the never ending possibilities still screaming in the back of my head, and I'm suddenly all too aware of how close his hand is to me, his whole hand is twice the size of my entire body and is two seconds away from encasing me in its grasp.
Fight or flight kicks in and I make a run for it, “hey! Wait! Don't run-” running towards the rolled down car window. When I turn my head to see if his hand is still following me, I see that it's gone completely.
Confusion joins the overwhelming mix of emotions in my head, but it's immediately replaced by shock when the hand comes crashing down in front of me, blocking my only exit. My heart pounds against my ribcage and tears prick the corner of my eyes.
A familiar ringing sound fills my ears as I make a sharp turn to run the direction I came from. This attempt proves to be futile as well when i second hand lands in front of me on that side too. Fear grips my heart and all I can think about is the pain that's coming when the two hands start to move in on me from both left and right.
I brace myself for the crushing pain that will be my punishment for trying to run. I curl in on myself uncomfortably with Ronan's ring still loosely fitting on my waist digging into my chest. The promise that he made to me with this ring on must've meant nothing to him even though it meant the world to me. He scoops me into his hands and before I can even register any of the pain I begin to struggle.
No matter how pointless it is I struggle against his hold, if he's going to try and hurt me i will not make it easy. I wonder if it's possible for the addranile to block out all of the pain, or if he hasn't started to hurt me yet.
“oh mon Dieu- Isabelle! Calm down! I am not hurting you!”
Ronan says, but i don't listen, i don't believe his lies and i continue to struggle in his hand. He closes his hands around me so that I'm cupped between his hands in almost complete darkness, small bits of light peek through the gaps in his fingers and I freeze.
I stop for a moment and realize that he is being gentle, his movements are a bit clumsy, but he's not hurting me at all. I'm still shaking a bit but I'm not actively fighting against him anymore.
“I am really starting to run out of ways to express that we don't want to hurt you.” he says with a sigh, though his voice is a bit muffled through the flesh wall between us, i can hear his sincerity. I copy his sigh, “please. . . put me down. . . please.”
I say in a tone so quiet it almost counts as a whisper. To my almost surprise, he listens. Ronan sets me gently down in the cup holder beside him. It's only then that I notice the boy next to us with a mortified expression. He looks at me, then looks at ronan.
“Dude, you did not just grab her like that!?” Ronan gives him a quizzical expression. “She's fine with it, right isa?” I quickly shake my head no, agreeing that I am not okay with being grabbed like this.
“Oh, I'll stop doing that then.” he starts up the car again and i flinch, neither of them notice though and they start driving the car. I hug myself, and try not to think about the danger I could be in.
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an episode rewrite fic by mushroom
Nymph was the first to gate home when the attack started.
Daniel had picked her up and ran to the gate before Jack could even think to ask him. after dialing and sending an IDC, he put her down and held her by her shoulders to make her look at him.
"I have to stay and help, go to General Hammond and tell him to expect refugees. can you remember that word?" he said forcibly.
"ref-u-gees." she repeated, nodding.
"good girl. now go!"
she ran through the stargate, nearly tripping on the other side.
"General Hammond!! we need ref-oo-gees!!" she called out, pointing back to the open gate behind her.
"are you saying to expect refugees?" Hammond clarified. "what happened out there?"
Nymph panted as she floated down the ramp, trying to gather her words. "big ships made the dirt go up in big clouds and all the people got hurt!"
up in the command center, Walter looked over at the general.
"I think she's saying that SG-1 and the Nasyans were attacked, probably by the goa'uld." Walter translated.
Hammond nodded and leaned into the microphone. "Nymph, come up here and we'll make sure that everyone gets back safely."
Nymph nodded, and made her way up to the command center as Hammond called for medical and security teams to the gate room.
~ • ~ • ~
on the other side of the gate, SG-1 was rushing to get people through the wormhole as the death gliders bombed from above. Sam stopped to try and save a man who was lying on the ground, when he pulled her close and she felt a sting at the back of her throat. she pushed the man away, wiping the blood from her mouth.
"Carter! you alright?" Jack stopped next to her, concerned. she nodded and let him pull her to her feet.
"I tried to do CPR, but he was already dead. he bit his tongue." she said, her tone monotonous in shock. Jack nodded sorrowfully. he supported so much of her weight he was practically dragging Sam back to the gate.
"I think that's everyone," Jack shouted up after walking through, turning back to watch the wormhole fizzle out. Nymph went down to greet SG-1, but stopped just short of hugging Sam.
she felt off, and the little girl couldn't figure out why.
"what's wrong with Sam?" Nymph asked, keeping a slight distance between them.
"I just need to get her to Doc Fraiser and she'll be fine, ok kiddo?" Jack smiled reassuringly, and helped her get to the infirmary. Nymph side-eyed them, but didn't argue.
"what is wrong, Nymph?" Teal'c asked, standing beside her.
"Sam feels different." she answered. "Jack said she got hurt, and she'll get better, but I don't think that's it."
Daniel walked up next to them. "don't worry, Nymph, I'm sure she's ok."
Nymph was not convinced.
~ • ~ • ~
"can you open wide for me?" Dr. Fraiser asked, and Sam opened her mouth as she was told.
"hm, there seems to be a raw spot at the back of your throat, there. have you been feeling alright?"
"yeah, just tired." Sam answered, distracted.
"alright. otherwise, you seem fine, so just take it easy for a couple days." Janet turned to throw out her gloves. "Cassie's been asking for you. she said you haven't visited her in a while."
Sam blinked, seeming to forget who Janet was referring to. "right, Cassie. sorry, I've just been so busy lately."
"well, I'm bringing her to the hospital with me tomorrow when I go to check on the Nasyans. you can visit with her then if you'd like."
"sure will."
~ • ~ • ~
Sam apologized for being late as she took her seat at the mission briefing. Hammond accepted her apology with a nod as Daniel continued with what he was saying.
"the goa'uld attacked without warning. Nasyans are- were a peaceful people. they were happy to sign a treaty with us, and the gliders were attacking before we even saw the mothership."
"it's not normal for the goa'ulds to attack a peaceful people for no reason, is it?" Hammond interjected.
"in the past, there was usually some reason for an attack," Daniel answered. "for instance, if a civilization was advancing in technology to the point of becoming a threat. however, with the Nasyans, that's not the case."
"maybe they found out we were there." Jack asked, genuinely wondering.
"well, how would they know?" Daniel argued. "more importantly, why would this particular goa'uld care?"
"spite." Jack suggested. "we've been a kink in their chain for over a year now, they probably don't like us too much."
"I have seen the goa'uld wipe out entire civilizations for no reason, simply because it gave them pleasure." Teal'c added.
"so what, Nasya was just next on the list?" Daniel wondered. "a part of me wishes it were that simple, but I don't want to underestimate them."
"maybe their reasons were just not made apparent to you, Teal'c. after all, you are just a Jaffa." Sam said coldly. everyone turned to look at this uncharacteristic outburst, and she shifted awkwardly in her seat.
"all- all I meant was Apophis wouldn't necessarily explain everything to Teal'c, even if he was first prime." she backpeddled. "would he?"
"that is true," Teal'c agreed, still wary.
"I agree with Sam, I think we should give the goa'uld more credit as a society so we don't risk underestimating them." Daniel said, eyes darting back to her a few times.
"the better you understand the enemy, the better prepared you are for conflict." Sam recited. Jack gave her a sideways glance, but Daniel just agreed and looked to General Hammond.
"what's the status of the Nasyan survivors?" the general asked.
"we rescued 237 people. the critically injured and overflow our infirmary couldn't handle are at the Air Force Academy Hospital, and the others are awaiting relocation." Daniel answered.
Hammond nodded. "proceed."
"sir, I think we should figure out WHY Nasya became a goa'uld target." Daniel argued.
"I agree, but right now relocation is top priority. I already assigned the new SG teams to help coordinate your efforts. dismissed." the general stood up and walked out of the room. Jack started to neaten a stack of papers enough to carry as the others filed out until he was alone with Sam.
"oh, Carter. Nymph was kind of worried about you earlier, you might want to check on her and let her know you're ok."
Sam gave him a look he couldn't quite place, and slapped him on the arm. "she's just a kid, sir. she was probably freaked out by all the injured Nasyans around."
she walked away, leaving Jack confused and uneasy.
~ • ~ • ~
that night, Jack was the one to tuck Nymph into her bed in the base quarters.
"did you find out what's wrong with Sam?" she asked, concerned.
"well, Fraiser says there's nothing wrong with her, but she's been acting weird." Jack told her. "I think she just needs rest, she's been working too hard."
"yeah, that must be it." Nymph mumbled. she knew it was something else, but she didn't know how to explain it and she was worried she wouldn't be believed. Jack picked up on her uncertainty, though.
"Nymph, if you know something, you need to tell me, ok?" he said, firmly but without seeming upset. she paused, fidgeting with her blankets.
"she just feels different." she mumbled. "like that's Not Sam. but I don't think she's mean! she seems more scared than mean."
Jack looked at the little girl. "you're sure you're not picking up any meanness?"
Nymph shook her head. "no meanness. but Not Sam doesn't want to be here, I think."
"what makes you think that?"
"I dunno." she shrugged, and let out a yawn. Jack ruffled her hair and walked out of the room, pausing at the door for a moment to look at her settle into the bed. stuffed animals took more room on it than the kid did, and simple drawings covered the concrete walls like a wallpaper of memories. Sam had drawn most of those with her, laughing and getting paint everywhere.
whoever this Not Sam was, he was going to get his Sam back.
~ • ~ • ~
with Dr. Fraiser unable to find anything wrong with her the previous day, Sam was able to go to the hospital to see Cassie. the young teen ran to Sam excitedly, then stopped right before giving her a hug. the naquadah in her blood alerted her to a presence she never wanted to feel again, and Sam's eyes flashed as she made sure Cassie wouldn't say anything that would break her cover.
Jack recieved a concerned phone call from Dr. Fraiser that made him run to the hospital.
when he got there, Janet told him that Cassie had locked herself in the office, refusing to let anyone but the colonel inside.
"Cassandra? Cassie, sweetie, Colonel O'Neill is here. can you open the door?" Janet asked sweetly. there was a pattering of little feet, the click of a lock, and the door opened. Cassie locked the door again as soon as Jack had walked inside, and walked back to where she had been curled up against the wall.
Jack knew something had to be going on with Sam to have both children with supernatural abilities react to her in this manner, and slid down to Cassie's level.
"the doc said something happened when Sam came to visit, but you wouldn't tell her what." he said, more to the room than the child. "wanna tell me what that's all about?"
"she said she'd kill me if I tell." Cassie whispered into her knees.
"Oh, I don't think Sam would ever hurt you."
"she would, because its not Sam." Cassie looked up and met the colonel's eyes. "it's a goa'uld."
Jack looked at Cassie in shock. it didn't make sense - Carter, a goa'uld? Nymph’s words rang in his head.
she seems more scared than mean.
that assessment didn't track with what he knew of those snake-heads. they're all evil parasites with god complexes, and this one apparently threatened one of the people Sam was closest to. but Nymph had never been wrong.
he called General Hammond to set a trap.
~ • ~ • ~
Sam walked up to the ramp as the stargate spun around, seemingly itching to go anywhere but there. the gate slowed to a stop without dialing a planet, and Jack walked into the gateroom.
"sorry, kids. we're staying here for right now." he said, grinning nonchalantly.
"NO!" Sam screeched, running up the ramp. her eyes flashed, and her voice deepened and echoed. "you must let me through the stargate!"
Daniel flinched, and Teal'c took a defensive stance. Jack reached his hand out to stop him.
"you know, I wasn't entirely sure you weren't who you were claiming to be, but both Nymph and Cassie told me otherwise." he called up to her. "what do you want with Sam Carter?"
"Samantha Carter was an accident. if you let me through the stargate, I will return her to you unharmed once I find a suitable host."
"now, how are we supposed to trust you?" Jack asked, slowly walking towards her. the marines in the gateroom all had weapons pointed at her - luckily, Jack had anticipated enough to replace the lethal bullets with tranq darts. he wasn't going to let Sam get hurt over this if he could prevent it.
apparently, Not Sam didn't have the same hesitation. she reached into her vest pocket, grabbed a grenade, and pulled the pin.
"if you do not let me through the stargate, I will drop this and destroy you all." she called out, holding the primed grenade high.
"you'd die too, though," Daniel piped up, probably not as nervous as he should've been.
"if you don't let me leave, I am already dead." she stated, anxiety leaching off her in palpable waves.
"what do you mean? who are you?" Jack asked her. she stood a little straighter.
"I am the Tok'ra Jolinar of Malkshur. and I'm being hunted by an ashrak, so if you do not allow me passage through the stargate you will assure my death."
Jack turned to Teal'c.
"an ashrak is a goa'uld assassin, and I have heard tales of the Tok'ra." Teal'c said. "a rebel alliance of goa'uld against the system lords."
"I am not a goa'uld!" Jolinar yelled, her hold on the grenade wavering. Jack instinctively held up his hands.
"alright, not a goa'uld. can you put away the grenade so we can talk like civilized adults?" he asked her. she nodded, and lowered her arm. Jack jogged over to her and took the grenade, grabbing the pin off the floor and replacing it [according to google You Can't Do That but thats what happened in canon and i dont know how else to handle that].
"there, that's better." Jack said. "now, we each have problems. you have an assassin after you, and we want Major Carter back. how 'bout we help each other?"
Jolinar glared at him. "how do you suggest we do that?"
"we could set a trap for this- what did you call it?" Jack looked over at Daniel.
"ashrak, thank you. we claim we have you captured in one of our holding cells, and when he comes to kill ya, we jump him. once your little problem is solved, we allow you to go through the gate to get a new host in good faith and you send Carter back to us safe and sound. how's that sound?" he ended it with a little smile, and Jolinar thought it over.
"it's... acceptable." she relented, and allowed a duo of marines to lead her to the holding cells. Jack watched them leave with a heavy sadness that he had hoped wasn't evident to anyone else. but it was.
"we'll get her back, Jack. promise." Daniel mumbled, a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Jack just silently patted Daniel's hand. the general walked over to the two of them.
"I got a call from Dr. Fraiser. apparently, one of the very badly burned Nasyans has disappeared, and one of the doctors was bandaged and drugged in his place. I'm assuming that he is this... ashrak?" Hammond informed Jack.
"well, we better hurry to get this plan in place." Jack said. "I'm not going to let this guy hurt Carter, especially if these Tok'ra could be potential allies in our fight against the goa'uld."
Jolinar paced in the cell, waiting for the ashrak to fall for the bait. the minutes ticked by far too slowly for her liking.
a commotion outside the room alerted her that he had arrived. a tall man opened the door and walked over the unconscious bodies of the two decoy guards, grinning deviously as he approached the bars.
"Jolinar, by decree of the system lords, you will die with dishonour by the power of the harakash." he growled, almost reciting the decree as he raised his hand with a device attached to it that was sparking ominously.
"hear this." Jolinar declared, both out of self-honour and in a bid to stall for time. "the days of the system lords are numbered. tell them I died with hope. my death will only feed the fire of the Tok'ra that burns strong."
the ashrak thrust his hand forward, a beam of energy giving her a stabbing headache. but before he could seriously harm her, several marines burst into the room and tackled the man to the ground. Jolinar stumbled backwards in the cell, but she was mostly unharmed. Jack ran into the room, looking at her with concerned eyes.
"you have upheld your end of the bargain." Jolinar nodded. "if you allow me to leave and find a host, I will return your Major Carter to you."
Jack nodded. "I think we can work something out."
~ • ~ • ~
Jack held his breath everytime the gate opened an incoming wormhole for a week before the computer recieved Sam's IDC. he and Nymph ran down to the gate room, Daniel and Teal'c meeting them at the bottom of the ramp. Sam stepped through onto the ramp, and almost lost her footing as the wormhole closed behind her. when Nymph felt the familiar aura of her Sam Carter, she ran into her arms.
"it's you again!" the little girl cried out in excitement.
"of course it's me, silly girlie!" Sam returned her hug, her voice strained but still her own. Jack smiled and threw his arms around the both of them.
"so, I take it soft foods for a little while?" he joked.
"probably best," Sam smiled. "it's good to be back, though."
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primevein · 8 months
The Prime of His Youth: Book IV: Fire's Master: Ch04: Wrath of the Prime
Japheth Prime lifted his right hand up to his ear as he patched himself into the PA, "This is Japheth Prime, all combatants to the cargo bay for a war council."
* * *
Japheth walked into the Ion's cargo bay with Arcee and the twins, Carron already waiting there. Stormwright was the first to follow, followed by Dust Up, Jumpstream, Rust Dust, and Pyra Magna.
"So?" Pyra Magna asked, "What are we going to do? Something underground?"
"Who here knows anything about Moonbase Beta?" Japheth asked, and silence followed. "Who here knows anything about Airachnid?" Again, no reply. He turned to the corridor, "Ciel?" he asked, and she stepped in, followed by Siernia and Roxana. "Ciel will make sure you go over the records. We'll reconvene in a milicycle."
* * *
Japheth and Arcee sat on their bed. "Did you want to talk about it?"
"You know how afraid I am?.." Arcee nearly shook as she asked.
"I know." he said warmly, reassuringly. She curled up, pressing as much of herself against him as she could.
"I also know we have to do this." Arcee replied. "But, you might get a chance to unleash your rage?"
"Apparently, when combined, they can control gravity."
"They can what?" Arcee asked.
"Control gravity. Apparently every combiner has a gift, and their's is gravity."
"How much?" Arcee asked.
"Enough to fly, which given their mass is incredible."
"So?" Arcee asked, "They could pin her with gravity, and we could?.."
"Capture her." Japheth said, and it felt Arcee's entire body shake with fear. "If we can capture her, we have to." he stated.
"Her?" Arcee harshly, fearfully asked.
Japheth let out a great sigh, steeling himself to speak, "Has she killed more than Shockwave?" Horrid, visceral silence followed. "More than Starscream?" he asked. This one wasn't felt as harshly, but they knew he had killed more, at least directly.
It took sometime for Arcee to finally recover enough to speak, "And how do you plan to?.."
"Her spider legs are cybernetic." Japheth stated, and thought he could feel the air being pulled out of her lungs. "From the records of The Forged."
"How do I find it hard to believe he actually caught her?" Arcee finally asked.
"Because he didn't." Japheth said, and paused as they both felt the statement. "She volunteered. He was experimenting with Insecticons."
Another harsh, heady, horrifying moment passed, "And why didn't you tell me?.."
"Uh... heh - heh - heh..." he said, and let out a colossal sigh, "The answer is actually really simple." Another pause passed.
"And that is?.." Arcee asked.
"I couldn't think of a good time." Japheth said, and another heady pause followed.
"You know what?" Arcee asked, "Yeah. Is there a reason we're lying in bed?" Arcee asked.
"Make it easier to take?" Japheth asked.
"Why are we still in bed?" she asked.
"I figured you might want to?.." he asked, and trailed off as she sat up to her knees, looking down at him.
"How about if I want to work off some stress?" Arcee asked.
"And... I'm going to say no?" Japheth asked.
* * *
Japheth walked into the cargo bay, a head taller than everyone else. "So, we know everyone is on the same page. Our primary target is Airachnid, an absolutely deadly opponent, whom I want to defeat with zero casualties. She is surrounded by an army of Terrorcons, many of whom are Elder Insecticons."
"You just say whatever the slag you want, don't you?" Pyra Magna neutrally asked.
"He has a tendancy to do that." Arcee stated, "But, even if it seems impossible, he wouldn't unless he thought we could do it."
"And we also don't have a landing boat." Japheth stated.
"And you didn't want to maybe wait until we get one?" Dust Up asked.
"Oh, slag-yeah." Rust Dust eagerly said, quickly striking her tiny fists together.
"We are waiting for the Phthia." Japheth stated, "And I want this done before they return. Hopefully the calculations will be done right after."
"What calculations?" Jumpstream asked.
"We can do this." Pyra Magna stated.
Rust Dust and Jumpstream turned towards her and developed an intense, committed look.
"I know you can fly, but can you reach escape velocity?" Japheth asked.
"From a moon?" Skyburst said as she walked around him.
"Of course." Stormclash said, following her sister.
"How accurately could the Ion support you?" Japheth asked.
"You would have to aim at the moon." Rust Dust said, proudly looking up at him. "Given the moon's rotation, you have a quarter cycle."
"And?" Japheth asked.
"If we're fighting, to a chord." Rust Dust proudly added.
"You'd probably need someone to be forward observer, and..." he said, and looked a Stormwright. She seemed surprised at first, and then proudly stood to attention and saluted.
Japheth looked over the Rust Maidens, "Again, I want zero casualties. If it doesn't work, I want you to evacuate immediately. We can always return with a larger force." He then looked at Stormwright, "You are NEVER to get within contact range."
"My Prime!" she proudly exclaimed.
* * *
Japheth Prime stood on the roof with Arcee and Carron. Beside them was Stormwright and the six Rust Maidens. "Remember," Japheth voiced, "to take out a Terrorcon, you have to destroy their spark chambre. Stormwright will have the Ion's cannons target major groups at least a chord away. That's the most we can do." he said, and paused a moment, "From here. Proceed at your own time."
The six Rust Maidens watched the relative movements of the ship and the moon, until the time was right and they jumped. They transformed and combined in the air, and plummetted ever quicker towards the moon. When they were 90% of the way to the surface, a gravity field appeared above Victoria. It pulled her away from the moon, slowing down her fall. She landed firmly on the land, and looked about as the Terrorcons shambled towards her. A simple look showed them following a serpentine path up a hill, which was likely where Airachnid would be.
Four energon explosions happened along the path, with one behind her and three in front. She drew her great sword, and leaned forward before dashing towards the top. The gravity umbrella appeared above her as she leapt off the ground, and flew through the air, completely unpowered. It had been Exacycles since she had felt like this. Her cause was just and righteous, the battlefield covered by worthy enemies. Another four shots rang down from above and exploded around her. HE was watching from on high, and as His Rage, she would not be found wanting. She landed at a higher point on the serpentine path. She ducked down, and swung her sword, taking out the spark chambre of half a dozen Terrorcon Vehicons. She activated her gravity umbrella again as she leapt into the air, causing those around her to float and founder. Another barrage landed. Again, three ahead with one behind. Another landing. Another couple of swipes, and a dozen Terrorcon Insecticon elders fallen. Another gravity umbrella, another leap, and another barrage. The difference was that this time there was two behind her.
That worried her, though she did not have the time to think it over. She could not, would not falter now.
Japheth's look turned from interest to concern. The scarce attacks, and scarce barrages did not seem to be doing as much damage as they had hoped.
"You're worried?" Arcee asked, and Carron immediately looked concerned, uncertain, afraid. Stormwright made another pass, and another barrage was fired, this time with 3 behind and one ahead, in an attempt to slow the hordes rushing at Victoria.
Japheth took a step forward. Arcee took a step to join him. He took another, and Arcee looked back, "Watch our back." she said. Japheth leapt off of the Ion, Arcee joining her. Carron hesitated for a moment, and then another, until she could steel herself. She was sworn to him, and could not be if she could not follow him. She leapt off of the hull towards the moon. She transformed in the air, falling after him. She gently flapped her wings, testing to see if she felt air. Before she felt air, she felt the gravity of the moon seem to diminish. She stopped flapping, completely unsure of what was happening. "He's amazing." Arcee simply said, as if that was enough.
If Carron was going to be his scout, she guessed it would have to be. When she came back to her senses she felt air against her wings. She started fluttering them, finding her balance. She could move again. She felt joy, as if her feet were on the ground, but in the end, she could not fly anywhere, as Japheth and Arcee continued to plummet. But the important thing was that she could move, and this made the whole thing seem less insane.
"Carron!" he shouted, and she shook for a moment before regaining her balance, "Could you push us a bit to the right?" he asked.
Carron flew over, and gently pushed him, and then did the same to Arcee. The two fell down, but were not really accelerating. It was then she realized she had almost no weight. Japheth landed on the path, bolter in his left hand, sword in his right. His sword roared as he swung it, taking out the spark chambre of an Insecticon Elder ahead of him with each swipe. He fired a couple of burst from his bolter back down the path behind him. Three struck spark chambres. They exploded, causing them to collapse. The other bolts exploded, creating gaping wounds that did not bleed. Arcee landed with her back to his back, her longshot blasters pointed out. She fired one, and then other, in a slow alternation. Each shot struck a spark chambre, but for her the shots weren't powerful enough to always break them. Still, the Terrocons fell, Vehicons behind them, Insecticons ahead of them.
Victoria landed on the precipice. She reached down with her left hand, and the gravity of the world returned. She created her own gravity field below them, pinning Airachnid to the ground. Her spider legs twitched, trying to move, as Victoria stomped on her. And then again, and again, and again. She released the gravity field as Airachnid could barely move, barely twitching. Her body broken, her Energon spilling.
Victoria broke apart. Pyra Magna held her stream blaster, and pointed it at Airachnid's head. Rust Dust struck her with a shock prod, causing the body to twitch as much as it feebly could. The twins transformed their hands into buzz-saws, and cut off Airachnid's spider legs, each cutting off two at a time. Dust Up flipped her over and applied the transformation-inhibiting cuffs to her. The only thing Airachnid could do was let out a feeble noise. The Rust Maidens then turned dowh the path. Skyburst fired missiles from her wings as the stream from Pyra Magna's blaster cut through a couple of chest plates. The missiles flew up, landing in a stream down the path.
Carron fluttered over. "My master!" she exclaimed.
"Reform!" Pyra Magna shouted, and they transformed back into Victoria. She picked up Airachnid with one hand. They felt the gravity of the world once again ease as she leapt towards Japheth, using her gravity umbrella to lift her upwards. She landed. Japheth and Arcee hugged each other, allowing Victoria to pick them up. She activated her gravity umbrella far stronger than before and leapt from the moon. Carron flew up behind them, able to make incredible progress due to the lack of gravity. Once Japheth left the world's atmosphere, the gravity seemed to return to normal. Victoria flew up beside the Ion and matched speed. She gently threw the pair towards the Ion, whom then gravitized into a landing. Victoria then simply let Airachnid go. She drifted beside the ship, as the ship drifted away from the world.
"Master, this is Roxana. These readings don't make any sense. She should not have enough Energon to be alive."
"Dark Energon." Sirenia said to her.
"I've brought up all of the information we have on it." Arcelia said from behind her.
"Will she survive out here?" Japheth asked.
"I honestly don't know what's keeping her alive." Roxana earnestly replied.
"Should we get her an Energon infusion?" Japheth asked.
"I'll..." Roxana hurriedly said.
"No." Japheth said, "I'll do." He then turned to Carron, whom was gravitized behind him. "Thank you." he said to her.
"And what about us?" Victoria asked, drifting between the ship and Airachnid.
"You are no longer my rage." Japheth said, and she felt like her spark chambre was going to break, "You are my wrath. You fought too cooly, too precisely, too perfectly."
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dddomenstarstwst · 3 years
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Was listening to I LOVE YOU by EXID and somehow got inspired, so here's some fluff with Mammon (yeah i will write about other bros and side characters, just let me have my soft greedy boy moments)
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: not really warnings but oh well, confession, a bit of insecurities of Mammon, overall just soft and fluffy
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It was just a common day in the devildom. Though, can you really call it a day if it's always dark here? Eh, whatever. You sat in your room, scrolling through Devilgram. It was quiet. Too quiet. Not a good sign, considering you were in pacts with 7 chaotic demons and any of them could marche right into your room at any moment.
And that was what exactly happened next. Without a knock or any word at all, Mammon stormed through the door. His head was hanging low, white hair covering half his face. That was concerning, because Mammon is always loud and looking for some trouble.
Yet, this time he was quiet. The demon sat on the edge of your bed, back turned to you. He didn't spare you a single glance, didn't say anything. He just sat there.
"Mammon?" you asked, almost whispering, but loud enough for him to hear. He flinched at the sound of his name, shoulders shaking a bit. You place a hand on his back, seeking for his attention. "Mammon, did something–"
"D'ya think I'm a scumbag, too?" his sudden question shocked you. What on Earth is he talking about? And what made him like this? Or who made him like this? You knew the answer. His brothers always put him down, call him degrading names, not acknowledge him at all. "Do you think I'm annoying? A lowlife, useless, worthless, a waste of space, an–"
"Hey, whoa, no, no, no, no!" you gently held his face to make him look at you. He was crying. Barely holding tears from falling. You were so mad. Not at him. At his brothers, at yourself, at everybody else. But not at him. "Mammon, I never said you are... Any of this. I don't think so, never did, never will. I think you're so much more than just your sin, you are kind, genuine, smart. You are so amazing, sometimes I think i'm not enough. I'm so glad you were my first, you can't even imagine!"
He looked confused, concerned. Do you really think of him so highly? You don't think he's a scumbag? Huh? "don't. I know you're lying..." no, you just said all that to make him feel better. Just so that you won't have to deal with him in this state.
"I'm not. And you know it, too. I really do think you're amazing. All those things that i said about you - they made me fall for you. Hard." you looked him in the eyes, while holding his hands. He blushed at your sudden confession.
"I-I– Y-you what?! Haha, nice joke!" he laughed nervously, but when he realized you're not laughing, moreover looking even more seriously than before, he stopped. "Oh. So you weren't joking."
"I know it was sudden, but that's the way I feel towards you. Nothing will change it. None of your brothers share such special bond with me like you do."
"Yeah, I don't believe they do." he said shyly, looking away. You squeezed his hands reassuringly. "I... I have, too, fallen for you. You were always there to support me, to stand up for me, to praise my work, even if I did nothing special. You always know what I need. Even now. I needed it. All of it. Thank you, MC"
"You're welcome, Mammon."
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
i don't know if you getting requests but can you write something like the reader (a slytherin if it makes a difference but don't really matter) gets jealous about Draco with Pansy and give him the silent treatment, at some point he lose his patience and fuck the brattyness out of her
pairing: draco malfoy x reader 
warning(s): 18+, dom!draco, orgasm control/denial, edging, choking, degradation
word count: 1.7k
a/n: as a self proclaimed brat, this will be my fantasy of the week. this one goes out to all my bratty draco lovers - enjoy!
“What the fuck is your issue Y/N?” Draco asked, storming into your room. 
The day had been a never ending saga of you giving Draco the silent treatment and him growing increasingly more frustrated with you. But really, it wasn’t your fault. It was his own. 
It started last night at the party. Draco, your fucking boyfriend, decided it would be a wise choice to spend his night hanging out with Pansy instead of you. Sure, you were having a good time with Theo and Daphne, but he was more than welcome to join. What he wasn’t welcome to do was schmooze with his ex-girlfriend where everyone could see. 
And then it continued at breakfast. And although he took his normal spot at the table beside you, he kept whispering in hushed tones with Pansy all throughout. 
So you decided to give him the silent treatment all day, much to your friends dismay. 
But now here he was, in your room, boiling with anger, and he expecting you to talk. 
Not going to happen. 
You simply looked back down at the book you had been flipping through to kill time, not even sparing him a second glance. 
“What the fuck am I missing? Because the last time I checked I didn’t do anything to warrant you acting like a fucking brat,” he said, walking quickly through your room to stop at the end of your bed, leaning against the footrest. 
You only looked up at him and raised a brow, internally applauding yourself when you saw how utterly confused he looked.
“I’ll give you one last chance before I take matters into my own hands, and you’re not going to like that. So. What. Is. The. Issue?” He asked slowly, emphasizing every word. 
You had to give it to him. If it had been anyone but you, his little display would have been intimidating. If it had been anyone but you, they would have spilled all of their secrets right then. But you saw right through the act. And honestly, you were quite intrigued by what he meant by ‘taking matters into his own hands.’ 
So once again, you said nothing, just turned back to your book and ignored him. 
You weren’t even sure how he got over to you so quickly and silently, but the next thing you knew the book was getting thrown across the room and you were getting flipped onto your stomach, your legs dangling off the side of the bed. 
“I gave you so many chances today, Y/N,” he said, a faux sympathy in his voice that was dangerous and arousing all at once. “But if you’re going to be a brat, you’ll get fucked like one.” 
With that, his hands were ripping your pants and underwear down your legs in one go just before you heard the noise of his belt coming off. You were growing wetter by the second, completely caught off guard by his behavior, a fact he was all too aware of due to the fact that you were displayed in front of him. 
“And you’re already fucking soaked,” he commented, a finger coming up to run through your slit. “A bratty little whore. Is this what you wanted? Wanted to get punished like a little slut?” He asked, but you both knew he wasn’t getting a response. 
His finger left only to be replaced by the tip of his cock, which shocked you at first. Normally, no matter what mood he was in, he’d make sure you were stretched enough to take him painlessly. Clearly, that care had flown out the window today. He did say you were going to get fucked like a brat after all. 
You did your best to relax your body as he pushed inside of you, his cock filling and stretching you more than it ever had before. But your efforts were futile, a whine coming from your throat as he continued to fuck into you without letting you adjust. 
“Aww, does it hurt?” He asked, mockingly. “Maybe you should have thought about that before acting like a dumb fucking brat all day.” 
He fucked you harshly, not holding back a single bit. You did your best to stay quiet just to toy with him some more, but his efforts didn’t go unappreciated. A few moans had slipped through, only egging him on. But the moment he pounded against your g-spot, you completely lost it. 
“Draco, please,” you gasped, needing him to do that a million more times and then some. 
“So she fucking speaks,” he said harshly, coming down to drape his chest along your back, his face aligned with yours. His thrusts never faltered as one hand left your hip and creeped around your neck, pressing down just enough to make you dizzy. “You love getting fucked like this, don’t you? Love when I treat you like a fucking whore?” 
“Yes,” you hissed out, trying to control your breathing even as he fucked all the air out of your body. 
“Well that’s lovely because you’re not cumming until you tell me what the fuck is wrong,” he told you, not even out of breath. 
Your heart jolted at his words, not wanting to give up the act yet. But you desperately wanted to cum. He was pushing you closer and closer with every thrust, so you knew you’d have to make a choice soon. 
“I don’t want to tell you,” you argued, but even you knew it sounded pathetic at this point. 
You heard him scoff behind you, but your words only made his double down, practically forcing you to the brink of an orgasm. 
“That’s not going to work. Tell me,” he said, his grip tightening threateningly on your neck. 
When you didn’t even make a sound, he completely stopped moving inside of you, planning on waiting you out until you calmed down. You let out a whine and tried to fuck yourself back onto him, but his hand on your hip immediately forced you back down on to the bed, your plan now useless. 
And you knew you were fucked now. He was in full control of your entire body and the entire situation, leaving you no other option but to tell him. 
“There’s such an easy fix to this, Y/N. You tell me why you’ve been acting like this all day and you get to cum. Don’t think I won’t leave you aching,” he told you, his hips beginning to roll into yours again slowly. 
“You’re a dick,” you bit out, enraged that he had you trapped. But you couldn’t deny his plan was utterly fucking genuis. The man knew what he was doing. 
“And you’re a brat. I wouldn’t have to be like this with you otherwise.” 
That only made you roll your eyes, but it didn’t stop the moan from leaving your lips as the tip of his cock moved directly over your g-spot over and over again, bringing you right back to the brink. 
“Tell me,” he demanded, squeezing your throat before loosening up, the raspiness in his voice letting you know he was close to his own orgasm. Not that that would stop him from torturing you. He’d edge himself for hours if it meant getting what he wanted out of you. 
So you gave in. 
“You were flirting with Pansy all last night and this morning,” you gasped out in one breath, hoping he knew you were being truthful. 
“We’ll talk about that later,” he said, giving up the mean dom act and staying true to his promise of letting you cum. 
The hand that had been on your hip snuck in between your body and the bed, going directly for your clit. The second his hand was on you, you let out a loud moan and felt your walls constrict around his cock. He barely had to move his finger until you were cumming around him with a scream, him following you right over the edge. 
You both laid breathless for a moment, his body still draped over yours, as you both silently came back to reality. He rearranged you easily until you were lying back on the pillows before coming down to lay beside you, facing you on his side. 
“Is that really what all that was about today? You were jealous of Pansy?” He asked, his voice soft now, as he brushed some hair out of your face. 
“Yeah,” you said, too tired to defend yourself. 
“Darling, you do realize how ridiculous that is, right? One - you shouldn’t be jealous of anyone. You’re it for me. And two - there was nothing to even be jealous about,” he told you reassuringly, making you feel a bit better but you still had a bone to pick. 
“What do you mean there was nothing to be jealous about? You were with her practically all of last night and this morning at breakfast the two of you were whispering and I was right there,” you said, growing more defensive the longer this conversation went on. 
He sighed but looked at you carefully, deciding if he wanted to say what he had to say. He must have seen something because finally, he opened his mouth to explain himself. 
“It was meant to be a surprise, but she was helping me plan something for you. Her father knows a guy who owns a hotel in London and I was thinking about getting us out of here for a weekend,” he explained and suddenly you felt so foolish for the whole thing. 
“Oh,” was all you had to say, no longer willing to make eye contact with him. 
“See how easy this could have been fixed if you just told me what was wrong when I first asked?” He asked, and you could hear the smirk in his voice before you even looked up to see it. 
“I guess,” you agreed with a shrug, not warning to admit total defeat. 
“But no, my girl had to go and act like a brat just to drive me fucking crazy,” he said with a chuckle, pulling you into his chest with ease. 
“It’s fun being a brat sometimes. I got great sex out of it,” you finally said, your eyes twinkling with mischief when you looked back up at him. 
“What am I going to do with you?” He asked, rolling his eyes, before connecting his lips to yours. 
Little did he know, you had a lot of suggestions for what he could do with you next time.
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moistmailman · 3 years
SCP AU part 2
*Jaune is pushed into a room with a bag over his face before the door shuts on him*
Jaune, slightly muffled: H-HEY! I SAID LET ME GO DAMNIT! *cautiously reaches for bag and touches it before ripping it off*
Jaune, immediately turning to the door and banging on it: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU GUYS BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT IS THIS?! *continue banging*
Pyrrha: I can hear you.
*Jaune squeaks loudly before getting in a karate stance while turning to see a tall redhead girl around his age with vivid green eyes sitting on a bed*
Jaune, internally: What the fuck?! How long has she been here?!
Pyrrha, awkwardly waving: Hello.
Jaune, awkwardly waving back: Uh..hi.
*an awkward silence fall on the two, with the blonde slightly blushing and the redhead staring at him with interest*
Jaune, internally: Holy shit, she’s pretty. My god, she absolutely stunning. She has got to be the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my li— Wait Wait, Jauney-Boy, you're getting side tracked. What the fuck is going on in here, and why did those guys put me in a room with a very hot girl with really long and smooth legs— GAH, HORMONES THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!
Pyrrha: *giggles while slightly blushing*
Jaune, terrified:......w-was I t-talking out loud?
Pyrrha: Hmm? Oh no. *smiles teasingly* Why? What were you thinking about?
Jaune, voice cracking: N-nothing. Nothing at— *clears throat* H-hey, I’m Jaune.
Pyrrha, smiling: Pyrrha, charmed.
Jaune, internally: Wow, even her name is pretty.
Pyrrha: *snickers cutely*
*Jaune looks around to see what she’s snickering at to see nothing*
Jaune, shrugging it off: So uhm....they tricked you with the social experiment, huh?
*Pyrrha thinks for a moment, before a coy smile gets plastered on her lips*
Pyrrha: Yeah, you can say something like that.
Jaune: Damn. Who the hell are these people, and you have any idea what they even want from us?
Pyrrha, shaking her head: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jaune, sighing: Great. Isn’t today just wonderful. Should’ve known that offer was too good to be true. *slide his back against the wall until he’s sitting* Teach me not to read documents people tell me to sign.
Cinder, sighing: Wow, great plan, Roman. We are learning things about her so fast.
Roman: This takes patience, Cinder.
Cinder, frustrated: The boy haven’t even said anything to her for the past 5 minutes! He’s just sitting his ass on the floor. The boy is socially handicapped!
Roman: That’s not my fault! You're the one who pick him!
Cinder: Well you were the one to make this stupid plan in the first place! How will the boy even ask her about her powers in the first place if he doesn't even know that he needs to ask?!
Roman: Geez, I don't know! How did I know about you being an only child?
Cinder: Be—
Roman: Because I asked you as a curious person who wants to know about my friend! Now believe it or but if I got under the assumption that you started reading my mind, you bet your ass I would ask you about it, especially if I was trapped in a small room with you!
Cinder: But why would SCP-312 answer the question if she knows what we're trying to—
Roman, urgently: Hush! Something's happening!
Jaune: *has been moving uncomfortably on the floor for the past 5 minutes*
Pyrrha, scooting in her bed: Hey, you wanna sit next to me? The floor looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jaune: Really? You're alright with that?
Pyrrha, smiling warmly: Of course. The bed's large enough. *Pat beside her* Here.
Jaune, slightly blushing: O-oh, Uh, sure then. Thanks.
*Jaune walks over to the bed before sitting down, his cheeks crimsoning*
Pyrrha: There, is that better?
Jaune: Y-yeah. T-thanks.
Pyrrha: Youre welcome:
*Once again the room fall to silence as the boy looks everywhere but at the very attractive girl he's shoulder to shoulder with*
Jaune, internally: God, what's wrong with me?! I just got kidnnapped yet I'm more worried about this super hot girl sitting next to me! I can barely form coherent sentences around her! Damn, my hands are all sweaty too! She's so close! I can feel her body warmth! Just calm down, Jauney. Calm down already. Take a deep breath, and try to strike up a conversation with her. This silence is deafening.
Jaune, taking a deep breath: So, what—
Pyrrha: *Facing Jaune with a warm smile*
Jaune, voice wavering: —y-y-your.......*turns away in embarrassment*
Jaune, internally: For god sake! I can’t get used to that smile! It’s like beautiful personified. God damnit. I need to keep a conversation going, at least until those guys come back! Okay think! What did mom tell me about talking to girls?
A memory starts playing inside Jaune’s head with his mother’s voice: Remember Sweetie, women love wedding rings, but they love babies more.
Jaune, internally:.....is...is that it?! Really?! That’s literally the only advice my mother has ever given more for girls. How the hell is baby propaganda supposed to help me in this situation?! What kinda— okay, calm down. I have another parent. What did dad tell me?
Another memory starts playing in Jaune’s head, this time with his father’s voice: Son, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to make your mother fall for me. I am not the man you should be asking. You’ll probably have a better shot asking the stars that question.
Jaune, internally:.........I’m going to die alone, aren’t I? My parents managed to make the opposite sex so completely alien to me, despite me having 7 sisters! What he actual fuck?! This is an absolute disaster! This can’t get any worst!
*Jaune then remembers one crucial detail of the predicament he’s in*
*Suddenly Jaune’s nerves instantly drop and a calm aura surrounds him, almost like it just completely disappeared and got replace with an warm and inviting energy*
Jaune, confused: Huh?
*The weight on Jaune’s hand then became evident, as he looked down and found Pyrrha’s hand gently lying on his, almost reassuringly*
Jaune, slightly blushing:.........
Pyrrha, in soothing tone: So, tell me about yourself.
Jaune, no longer feeling nervous for a reason he doesn’t know why:...........well, I just graduated from college.
Cinder, frantically: WRITE THAT DOEN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Roman, equally as frantic: I AM! I AM!
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"You're All Wet"
Sam "Ace" Rothstein x Reader
Um, I made the decision to call him Ace in this fic, not entirely sure why! Reader and Ace knew each other before he went to Las Vegas and Reader stops in to visit, enjoy!!!
TW: implied smut, cheating, mentions of gang activity
Word Count: 1.7k
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Just like any other night at The Tangiers, Ace Rothstein stalks the casino floor, like a predator waiting to pounce at the sight of a cheater in his beloved establishment. As his eyes scan the crowd, carefully watching everyone's body language for anything odd, there's a hitch when he swears he sees someone familiar. His eyes quickly double back and they land on you. In that moment, he feels like he's travelled back to the past and in another world simultaneously.
"(Y/N)?" he blinks in disbelief, "(Y/N), is that you?" He hasn't seen you in years! That face is all too familiar to him, but that body? Well... Let's just say you've grown up a bit.
"I gotta say, you're not looking so sharp right now, Ace, not with that dumbfounded look on your face," you giggle, holding your arms out for a hug, "You look like you've seen a ghost or something!"
He holds you tightly to him, nuzzling into the crook of your neck for a moment before pulling back and getting a better look at your face, "God... I feel like I have! Fuck, where are my manners, how have you been, darlin'?"
As you catch up, wandering away from the pits to somewhere more private, Ace finds his mind wandering back to old times in the Midwest, to when he knew you best. You're Remo Gaggi's only niece; you grew up with nothing but guys around you, guys who are all involved in the family business, so it only made sense that you were so interested in it too. But it was different with you, Gaggi wanted you to wait until you were an adult before getting into anything, so by the time you were allowed to know anything, you took it seriously because you knew you had something to prove being the only girl in the business.
Ace always admired how you came out swinging the minute you turned 18, ready to prove all your cousins and uncles wrong about you. But he really didn't get to see too much of it, before him and Nicky got sent to Las Vegas.
He even remembers their going away party, everyone getting together one last time before moving to the desert to make the bosses more cash than they could dream of. He remembers how you started to tear-up telling him goodbye, but you had a lot of pride and didn't want any of the guys to see you cry. However, you did cry when you finally got a moment alone with him, and Ace wiped your tears, promising you'd see each other again. And now, here you are in, halfway across the country, making sure that promise is kept.
"Where are ya stayin' tonight, doll?"
"Oh, just at some plaza hotel or something," you shrug.
"By yourself?" Sam inquires.
"Yeah, I'm grown now, ya know!"
"Oh no, no, that won't do. A girl like you shouldn't stay by herself in a city like this," he takes your hand across the table your both seated at, "Come stay with me."
"Ace, I don't wanna be a burden..."
"You're not a burden. I'm so happy to see you, it'd be an honor to have you in my home." His grip on your hand tightens reassuringly.
"You sure your wife will be okay with it?" It was the only defense you have left.
"My wife, eh?" He looks left then right slyly, "You know who pays for the place, right? I'll have a guest over if I like."
• • •
The next few days felt like old times but in a whole new place, a much richer and more luxurious place. Your first morning at Sam's house, you woke up early from jet lag, so you took the liberty of making breakfast for everyone. To which you were met with a "You didnt have to do that," when Ace caught you, but it was followed up by him hugging you from behind and laying his head on you, practically sleeping while standing up.
Of course, you hung out with Nicky too! They showed you all around their new stomping grounds out west. However, you can tell that Ace is making an effort to get alone time with you; you'd always had a special bond back home. Hell, you cried over the man when he left! You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss that closeness.
One night, as you're having a relaxing bubble bath in Ace's luxurious guest bathroom, you ponder on how much longer you should stay in Vegas. You bought a one way ticket because you weren't sure how things would go and you didn't want to be stuck here if things got hairy, but now... You feel like you want to stay for a while, but you don't want to take advantage of your friend's kindness either.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the doorknob wiggling before Ace lets himself in. "What? So you just walk in on girls in the bathroom now? I guess with all these Vegas dancers throwin' themselves at you, you must think you're hot shit or something."
"Oh, hush," he cracks a smile, strolling across the tiled floor before sitting down on the toilet lid.
As he sits back and looks you over, your head and bare shoulders being the only thing exposed, you taunt, "Like the view?"
He lightly snorts and shakes his head at you, "You look good, but I just wanted to spend some time with you before the wife gets home. God knows when that'll be." He rolls his eyes at the thought of his wife.
"You don't think it'll look suspicious, uh, hanging out with me while I'm in the bath?"
His eyes wander as if he's deep in thought, then he shrugs and returns his attention to you. "What did you do today?"
"Nothing too crazy. You and Nicky have had me so busy that I just went out for a mani-pedi," you relax back against the wall of the tub.
"Ooh, let me see," he says, leaning forward towards you. You slide a hand and a foot out from under the mountain of bubbles and hook them on the edge of the tub.
He inspects them before taking his hand in yours and holding it closer to him, "Very pretty, I like the color," he says quietly, then he presses a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"Thank you," you giggle at him.
He returns your chuckle and places a few more kisses to the back of your hand and wrist.
"Ace, what are you doing?!" You squeal!
He simply let's out a hum and continues kissing up your arm, his kisses slowly turning from funny to passionate as he passes your elbow. Ace scoots away from his seat on the toilet and kneels beside your bath, lips never leaving your arm.
You feel that fire creeping up in your belly as he rounds your shoulder, lips and tongue working the soft skin of your clavicle. Your other hand rises up out of the bath water, and you cup the back of the man's head.
Feeling a bit of hesitation, Ace slowly moves his lips towards your neck, receiving a small but pleased exhale from you. As your eyes flutter closed, you tilt your head back, giving him access to your sensitive skin. He suckles and nibbles there for what feels like eternity but also only a second, eliciting a series of breathy moans from your lips.
After placing a few kisses to the spot, he pulls away from you slightly, just enough to see your face. You stare at each other in a haze, familiar eyes locked onto yours, and his better judgement leaves him as he graces his lips across yours. Your lips dance with one another's, eyelashes brushing the other's face, in such a soft gentle moment, before he claims your mouth with his. Your emotions are on high from the passionate kiss, until you remember this isn't old times and this man before you is no longer yours to take.
Your lips part from his, "Sam..." It's just above a whisper.
The use of his first name makes the severity of the situation hang in the air like wind chimes waiting for a breeze, the sound of silence deafening to your ear drums. You'd only ever called him that once before, also in a serious moment: a moment when your confession of your feelings for him hung on the tip of your tongue, but you didn't want him to carry that weight to Vegas with him.
His eyes glance over your visage, that beautiful face filled with worry. You should never feel anything but happiness, Ace thinks to himself. The rough pad of his thumb gently strokes your cheek, while the rest of his fingers nestle just behind your ear. Your eyes are cast down, trying not to look at him, so you don't see it coming when he leans forward and kisses you again.
Your lips move together once again, and your hands find his shoulders, gripping onto him as if he might slip away. You sit up on your knees in the bathtub, and immediately Ace's arms are around your waist, pulling your soaking wet body close to his. His hands tangle in your damp locks, and he fumbles around before throwing a leg over the wall of the bath tub and sliding into the water with you. He settles down onto his knees and pulls you across his lap, never breaking your kiss.
Your fingertips comb through his hair, as your making out slows to a halt. Gently cupping his cheek, you take a look at him, "You're all wet," you state quietly.
Slowly, this elicits laughter from both of you. You both stay like that for a moment before he takes you in his arms and lifts you from your bath, carefully stepping out and leaving a hefty trail of water leading right to the guest bedroom where you've been staying.
That night as he makes love to you with his clothes piled in a wet heap on the floor all around the bed, the only thing on his mind is you. He's waited what feels like a lifetime to have you, so nothing would keep him from you, not even the sound of his wife coming home somewhere between rounds 3 and 4.
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Up In the Air (Joe x Reader)
(surprise gift for you guys on Joe's birthday ^_^ I started this almost exactly a year ago, and it's finally done! Someone pointed out that I slightly hinted at the plot of this in my last fic post... you caught me.)
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Words: 4,028
Prompt: Spring, 1983. Joe has an opportunity in his sights, but as luck would have it, it does not go his way (or does it...?)
"God, it was so embarrassing!" Joe put his palms over his eyes as he whined to Sav. The singer was flat on his back in the middle of their bed, and Sav's back was against the wall opposite him. The bassist had his arms crossed in exasperation.
They were back in a fresh, new hotel room after another flight to another city. They'd been settled in for a while, and- as far as you knew- Joe was physically well. Emotionally, however...
"What are the odds that things were placed so perfectly for me today, and then-?!" he swatted the air above him, "That happens? 'Just my luck!"
Sav didn't consider it as dire of a situation as Joe did. In fact, he seemed rather entertained than sympathetic.
"That was out of your control, mate."
"I know it was, but-" he sat up, "Y/n was right there! How was I supposed to keep it together?!"
"If it were anyone else other than her, you still would've had to keep it together, you know," Sav tilted his head down, but had his eyes looking up.
"Well, you're no help," Joe grumbled, crossing his arms back at the bassist and flopping back down onto the mattress.
"There's nothing to help you with!" Sav took a seat at the foot of the bed, "It's not my fault you got-"
Joe sat up again in a snap, warning with a pointed finger, "Don't say it."
"I was just gonna say that I had nothing to do with you being-"
"Don't say it!" Joe pleaded again.
"Joe, it's not that big of a deal that you-"
"Alright, fine!" Sav threw up both hands, shaking his head and narrowly fighting off a laugh, "I won't say it!"
A loud sigh came from Joe, his head hanging now. The heat of embarrassment refused to leave his face.
"...do you think she's still hung up on it, too?" his voice went quiet, and his tone adopted a sad air.
Sav raised his hand, rubbed his fingers together, and patted Joe's ankle reassuringly.
"It's hard to say no," he admitted, "I know I wouldn't have liked to be in either of your shoes today."
~(5 hours earlier)~
A hand took a grip on your right forearm without warning. It snapped you from the hypnotic, musical trance you'd been in for most of the flight. Having been placed next to the singer for the first time on an airplane, you knew it was his action without a doubt. You looked down and sure enough, Joe's hand was there- holding onto you just a bit too tightly.
Your free hand took off your headphones and you asked him, "Everything alright?"
The singer wasn't focused on you, or anything, it seemed. "Unfocused" was probably the best word you could think of to describe him. His head was slightly tilted downwards, but his eyes were fixed on the back of the chair in front of him. Despite that, it appeared as if he couldn't see it no matter how hard he tried.
You gathered this impression from a split second of looking at him, but as soon as he heard your question, Joe's hold on you was instantly released. His own trance was snapped as well.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry. I thought you were the armrest..."
"You were holding on pretty tight," you pointed out, "Something wrong?"
That same look on his face was back again; unfocused. His hand slowly found its way back to the armrest- now that he knew it wasn't your arm. You saw his hand shaking before he gripped it tightly.
"You don't look so good," you noted, adopting a frown.
He hesitated slightly before going very quiet, his face suddenly appearing pallid.
"Fuck..." Joe cursed himself, "I fucked up, I fucked up..."
You pressed again, "Joe... tell me what's wrong..."
He lied to you in a halting voice when a new blush seemed to form on his face, "Um... it's nothing much. There's just- something I haven't told you, and I should've mentioned it before we got on board. But I..."
He fell quiet.
"Yeah...?" you urged him to go on.
"I get... seasick- airsick... sometimes. Not every time, but... every now and then I do- and..."
He visibly swallowed, his breath trembling when he slowly shut his eyes.
Your eyebrows went up, alarmed, "And you're not feeling so good?"
"No, no, no...!" his inner voice screamed.
"Not really, but I'm fine, don't worry about me. It just happens."
His efforts to shrink the overall worry didn't work, as you instantly knew that if things went south, you were the only nearby acquaintance of his who could help him. You were also trapped with him for 2 more hours until you landed, so you would've had to help him if need be.
"Oh god- are you gonna be sick?" your hand raised up slightly to reach for a sick bag.
"No! No, I'm more dizzy than anything..."
"Well, take this-" you handed him a sick bag, "-and just try not to focus on your surroundings. And if you can't hold it down... well just keep it in the bag and away from me, okay?"
"...okay," he exhaled and took it from you, desperately hoping it wouldn't come to that. For fuck's sake, he was already embarrassed enough. He felt like a child. Even worse; he felt like your child.
Joe shut his eyes again and rested his head back on his seat. His whole body looked drained of energy, and you saw sweat forming on his forehead. It was obvious to you he was trying to make himself appear more okay than he was.
"I can do this," Joe nearly said aloud, "I can get through this without her knowing."
Unfortunately, for him, you already knew.
"The poor guy," you were thinking with sympathy, "Never knew he could look so ill."
You asked, "You've been feeling bad for a while, haven't you?"
"...what?" he squinted under his eyelids, lying to you again, "No, not really. Why, can you tell?"
"I don't wanna sound rude... but yeah, you kind of look like hell."
Joe quietly whined at your declaration.
"I know that look, Elliott- I've been in this position before."
The man next to you was intrigued by what you implied. He was suddenly beginning to think that maybe his situation wasn't as embarrassing as it appeared.
His eyes opened, "Wait, have you ever-?"
"Oh- no, I never get sick on planes, but you're not the first case I've ever seen."
"Great. This means she's stronger than me."
You held up your bottle, "You want some water? Maybe settle your stomach a little?"
Joe felt his stomach turn at the mention of liquid and shook his head, "No, I'll be fine..."
It was another lie, but you decided maybe it was best you just let him be. Perhaps he wasn't that bad.
Joe, on the other hand, was fighting the sickness with all the strength he could muster- hoping you wouldn't see it.
"Don't mess this up," he was telling himself, "She's right there. Keep it together and don't balls it up...!"
Going with your plan, you let him be, and put your headphones back on.
He took a deep breath, "Fuck, if only the seatbelt lock wasn't on... then at least I could hide in the bathroom..."
The Leppard waited in terrified silence for his ailment to subside. With the current turbulence, it was impossible. Every shudder and bump made him want to heave until there was nothing left in his stomach. Worst of all, there was no where he could run to; he was trapped.
Oddly enough, before the sickness hit him, he was actually excited to be trapped there.
It was no secret among the band members that Joe quickly developed a crush on you. What started out as a feeling of preferring you over anyone else in the crew soon turned into a reach for romance. There was no time for him to make a move in the midst of the tour, though, which left him to suffer in his teenage desire alone.
When he heard he would be seated next to you on the next flight, he instantly knew it was an opportunity he couldn't afford to waste. This was the first time he'd sat directly by you on a plane, after all. It was a brilliant time to make a move and bond together. He'd been nervous ever since he sat down, but he never got the chance to make a flirt or decent conversation before his body betrayed him. Yes, it was an optimistic opportunity, but now Joe wished it'd been anywhere except up in the air.
The stress of the situation only made him feel worse- but he wouldn't accept the fact that he was about to lose this divine opening.
Not 4 minutes of your music went by when the plane shook yet again. When it did, you thought you saw Joe suddenly move from the corner of your eye. When your head turned, you saw his fist pressed against his mouth, an arm around his stomach, and a green tint over his pallid face.
"Woah, you alright?" you took your headphones off again.
Joe only nodded, closing his eyes to reassure you (but also to reprimand himself under the surface).
"No, no no!! Stop being sick for fuck's sake! You won't have a chance with her!!"
"I'm good, I'm good," he swallowed again, wiping sweat off his bangs, "Go back to your music."
"Don't lie to me, Joe. You look terrible-! Are you sure you don't need anything?"
"I'm really not that bad, Y/n. Just a little... motion sickness..." his breathing became labored, and he angled his body as far to his right as he could. He began to fidget with something as he swallowed, "Ohh..."
The cabin teetering around him somehow made things even worse.
"Honey, I don't think it's just a little," your concern was peaked, and a hand was hovering over his arm, "You look like you're about to throw up or pass out, so how about we get you some club soda and you can rest, okay? If you want to, you can even-"
Joe was turned completely away from you, and had suddenly lurched forward to vomit into the sick bag you'd given him earlier. You knew that any hope of him holding back his condition was impossible now.
You'd initially flinched at his retching; cringing and holding your breath. Only a second passed until you remembered your duty; you were the only friend nearby.
"Uh oh-" sympathetically, you sighed and reached out to him, your hands holding his hair back, "That's not good..."
"I feel so humiliated... I was just- so deathly sick! I threw up twice, Sav- twice! And she was right next to me! I feel awful that she had to put up with it...! I feel like that's on me. She probably thinks I'm disgusting; she probably sees me as this huge fucking pansy who can't keep his lunch down while flying..."
"Mate, getting sick on flights isn't a personality trait, and I'm pretty sure Y/N knows that, too."
Joe, who was laying down again, scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"...I think this situation isn't all that bad, really," Sav shrugged, his voice going up in pitch to take on a suggestive tone.
"What on earth makes you say that?"
"It's quite obvious! I just think you were-" he adopted Joe's voice and air quotes, "-'so deathly sick' that you didn't even realize exactly what was happening...!"
"Really? How so?"
"Oh, don't even get me started, Joe."
*** Joe was laying against you now, exhausted from the physical labor forced on his stomach and throat. He was still pale and shivering, but finally willing to accept your advice and remedies. You'd ordered him some club soda (and some mints from your purse), and suggested he take a rest.
This left you where you were now. He had a hand on his stomach, and another one under your hand to calm him.
To say the least, it felt like having a nice, heavy blanket partially draped on you. You couldn't help but think it was at least a little funny. To most people, they'd be absolutely repulsed by a man with a weak stomach sleeping on them during a flight. You couldn't blame them, as Joe could still hurl at any given moment. However, the instinct to care for him overpowered any repulsion you may have had. To you, Joe was like a sick puppy, and you were the one who found him first. You knew he needed you in that moment, and you were okay with it. It was a nice feeling, to say the least.
Joe moved his head against you in his weary and mostly-asleep state of consciousness. A soft grumble vibrated from his sore throat.
Amid those circumstances that would normally gross you out, you managed to smile at him. That, and you gently squeezed his hand to reassure him that he was safe.
That pale, clammy version of the singer you were trapped with wasn't the form of himself he put on display to just anyone. This was a whole new side of him that you knew he never intended you to see; he was helpless. Joe had given in and finally let himself be helpless around you. You found it was rather sweet, and even somehow softening your heart.
It almost felt like a strange honor that not many people had the privilege of possessing, given that Joe tried so hard to hide it from you.
Him desperately vying to avoid your concern was typical for any one of the guys. Naturally, none of them wanted to appear vulnerable around you, but Joe seemed so hell-bent on keeping up his charade of feeling fine. You wondered what reasons he had for his strict act. Perhaps it was the intimate public setting that drove him to conceal his motion sickness at all costs. Maybe it was in order to save himself from certain embarrassment; you really didn't know.
Whatever reason he had, it didn't dwell in your mind for long. All you knew was that even with a half-dead, cold-sweated Joe on your shoulder, your heart was fluttering in a way that was even more inexplicable than his behavior.
*** "First of all," Sav held up a sassy finger at Joe, "She was the one who suggested she hold your hand, plus she held your hair back, plus she let you sleep on her shoulder and tried to make you feel better. Sounds rather tender, if you ask me. Tenderly intimate."
"I'll tell you what was 'intimate'-" Joe's grumpiness was still prominent, "-her watchin' me regurgitate my fuckin guts from 10 inches away!"
"But those were all girlfriend duties!" Sav bounced in his seat, trying to get the point across.
Joe finally fell silent. He sat up, and Sav could see the blush in his cheeks.
"...girlfriend duties?" he nearly whispered to the bassist.
"I'm right and you know it. Tell me those weren't girlfriend-ly actions! She got affectionate with you!"
Joe let his sight fall, then rise back up after a brief moment of pondering.
"She did, didn't she..."
"She definitely did."
Sav was smirking at him now.
Joe asked him again, "You really think she did...?"
"There's not a doubt in my mind."
"Oh-" Joe made a swatting motion and shook his head. He looked diagonally down at the floor, "She probably would've been affectionate to any one of us in that situation..."
Sav laughed out loud at his friend's comment. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he was back at home, gossiping in Joe's childhood bedroom during a sleepover.
"Mate, when I had food poisoning last month, she didn't wanna get near me! But today, she was touchin' you and strokin' you and whatnot! Now that I mention it, I saw her smile while you were sleeping and holding her hand! Believe me, she wanted to help you. It was like she had an excuse to get close to you, just like you saw the flight as an excuse to get close to her."
Resting his case, Sav crossed his arms, tongue in his cheek.
They both remained quiet while Joe sat in thought. The pieces slowly began to fit together in his head, forming a train of thought he could somewhat follow.
"Suppose you are right; what do you suppose I do about it now?"
Sav could tell his argument was a success. His work there was done.
"That's entirely up to you."
*** You hadn't been awake that long, and were still pretty groggy when dawn began to break the next day. The unfortunate sensation of jet lag was beginning to catch up with you at that time, too. It didn't matter, because it was all part of the business. Your day would begin soon enough, jet lag or not.
After rubbing your eyes and throwing on your robe, you drew back the curtains and peered out at the misty morning. Thinking the hypnotic trance might wake you up more, you began to stare. Just as quickly, your eyes began to flutter shut again. Right before they did, however, there came a gentle knock at your door.
Blinking yourself back awake, you brought yourself to answer the call.
Initially, you found no one outside your room via the door's peephole. However, when you opened the door to search for anyone nearby, there came an unexpected surprise.
Rather than a person standing before you, a colorful bouquet of flowers lay on your doorstep. Of course, it was strange, but it also left you quickly growing bashful. You just hoped it wasn't one of your guy friends playing an early morning joke on you. Even so, your mind would be too cloudy to process that.
Looking around with sleepy confusion and flattery, you crouched down and picked up the bright bundle. You shuffled your fingers through the top of the arrangement to try and find a label or card that would give away the sender's identity. Eventually, you found the exact clue you were looking for; in the form of a small note.
The fresh, awakening scent of the blossoms wafted around you as you made out the handwriting.
"I'm so sorry I almost threw up on you on the plane! 🙁 -Joe"
It couldn't have been any more straightforward if it'd been put up on a neon sign. You chuckled out loud in the empty hallway and peered around to find a trace of the man in question.
Instantly, you found his eyes peeking from around the corner a few yards away. A guilty smile on his lips made him look so shy- in contrast to his average demeanor.
"This was really unnecessary, you know," the bundle was waved teasingly at him.
"I felt it was necessary," Joe's body slowly appeared more from behind the corner, "Considering you had no choice but to put up with disgusting ol' me."
Leaning on your door's frame, your eyes followed him while he strolled forward and leaned his shoulder on the wall in front of you. You both wore humorous smiles aimed at each other. If you could think any more clearly, you'd recognize this as flirting. Maybe it was- but it seemed oddly natural in that moment.
"Despite what you may think," your eyebrows lifted as you raised the bouquet up to your chin, "You weren't as gross as you expect. That, and you weren't any trouble."
"I just feel icky about the whole thing," he scrunched up his face and shrugged in disgust, "I promise it won't happen again- if I'm seated next to you."
"Don't worry about it, Joe. You just had a bad flight; everyone's got them from time to time."
"Not you, apparently."
Joe's smile turned rather bashful when he diverted his eye contact elsewhere. He silently chuckled with a hint of embarrassment. When you'd reassured him, he all of a sudden realized what Sav was trying to make him see. There was something in your eyes and your smile and your voice that just spoke to Joe; something that hit him and made him realize you wanted to be in the position you were in the day before.
You wanted to be affectionate with him.
Out of his daze, Joe spoke up after a brief hesitation, "So- um, I know it's early... but it's the perfect time for breakfast, so would you wanna go downstairs and get something to eat?"
"You mean with disgusting ol' you?"
"Don't worry-" his face almost went red at the cheeks, and his dimple appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You don't have to think about me keeping it down this time."
Your arm holding the flowers dropped down to your side as you broke up into giggles.
"I'm not worried- in fact, I'd love to go."
You couldn't be certain, but you swore you saw Joe's face actually go red that time.
"Cool! Cool. Did you wanna get dressed or-?"
"Well, you don't seem to be dressed either, so why should I?" you reached back into your room to place the bouquet inside. When you shut the door, you joined the singer, "Let's hit it before Mike and Mal take all the good pastries."
Joe showed his teeth in his grin when you came to his side and began walking.
"If they're all taken, I'll steal one for you- considering I owe you a favor after what you did for me yesterday."
"What did I do?"
The answer was simple, but Joe didn't know how to say it without implying his feelings for you.
"You nursed me back to heath- or at least tried to..."
"I told you not to worry about it..."
"Alright, alright, I'll try not to."
"I'll tell you something, Elliott," you giggled as you both got inside the lift, "You've got a strange way of flirting."
Heat rushed to Joe's cheeks, and more threatened to join them at the thought of you noticing.
"Oh yeah?" he laughed.
"You hope I won't notice every tiny effort, yet you keep doing tiny things to make me notice. Even if we're, for example- up in the air..."
"Oh, god..." just like that, Joe thought he'd be the first person on earth to die of embarrassment. He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fuck- please don't tell me I was that obvious..."
"Calm down, don't make yourself sick again," you laughed and patted his back, "If it makes you feel any better... I did notice what you were trying to do on the flight. And- um... it worked. So..."
You stood on your toes, and lightly planted a kiss on his cheek, "Let's just say- you don't have to be sick if you want to hold my hand next time."
Joe's hand lowered from his face, and he quickly flashed a bashful glance at you before darting his eyes away.
The elevator doors opened, the smell of coffee seeping everywhere. Instead of walking out, Joe reached out to you.
"You said I didn't have to be sick next time, and I'm quite well now..."
A bashful smile of your own made an appearance as you took his hand like you did the previous day. When you did, Joe giggled to himself.
You glanced over, "What?"
With a pause, Joe rolled in his lips, then looked right at you, "Oh nothing. Just- if you get sick on the next flight, I guess we'll be even, then."
"So, you're gonna sit with me on the next flight, then?" you raised an eyebrow.
"If it means getting even with you, then yes."
"And if it doesn't mean getting even with me?"
"Well," Joe said, smiling widely, "Then the answer is still yes."
That answer was more than enough for you.
Strolling out together, hand-in-hand, you and Joe made your way towards the breakfast counter. In the corner of your vision, you noticed him snagging a pastry off of Mike and Mal's table when he passed by.
The end
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sicjimin · 3 years
🧱 Blossoming Room 🧱
— alternate universe story 🌌
A.N : hello, here we go with the part 2 ~ actually I picked this from my old emeto prompts. You must have known which one. But i hope you like this :]
TW : emeto, mpreg
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Yoongi has been feeling happy these past months, and he's elated because happy dad means happy baby too right? It's not grand things that make him happy, let's just say he has been enjoying his pregnancy .. quite much.
To be frank, pregnancy still sucks, and now with him reaching 6 months, actually everything just sucks more. It's getting hard for him to even tie his shoes or just pick something from the ground because of his bump. He got frequent backache and how his feet were swollen. And not to mention his mood swings. But he still managed to not be miserable and feeding his baby with serotonin is because of his neighbors.
Yes. Park Jimin.
He makes everything easier. Maybe he should thanks to the landlord for this thin wall, because ever since that day Jimin helping him with his horrible morning sickness ... he just had been there.
It started slow, sometimes the younger would put his tea in a bottle, along with ginger pops in front of his door. He would sniffle and grunts all the way from the bathroom after throwing up his breakfast because someone ring the bell. Then he would find that plastic bag complete with a little note, a simple thing like, "I hope this will help" or "I hope the baby won't be too hard to you today:) " or as strong like, "I hope this could lessen your nausea, for now, i will come over later! :D"
And Yoongi would be lying if he says the attention didn't make him blush.
Now they have progressed so far. The younger would come over at least three times a week just to hang out, cuddling Yoongi when he feels needy, massaging his back after a tiring day doing works or just simple things like bringing his craving on their movie night.
Jimin just— like a fresh air to him. He could change his bad day being a grumpy pregnant male into a happy one just by being in his space. Like today.
—Today starts for Yoongi on the wrong foot.
His mood has draped to 95% the moment he woke up with familiar nausea. He groans into his pillow, his right hand automatically graze over his bump, hoping that the baby would stop making havoc in there.
He parted his lips, as he trying to count his breathe. Still hanging on a hope that this might only be a fluke, that he didn't have to throw up his dinner right now.
No Yoongi you're not gonna throw up you're not gonna throw up you're not gonna throw up you're not gonna—
A gush shooting up his throat as his stomach clenched. He threw his hand over his mouth. He felt another stronger wave of nausea hit him right after that. His hands were grabbing the sheets tightly and pulling them as hard as he could, but it can only do so much as the urge to vomit just become stronger and stronger.
At the time his stomach hitched again, Yoongi give up. Succumbing to overwhelming nausea as he scrambles from the comfort of his bed and runs to the bathroom.
He almost cry when he didn't make it to the toilet. When his stomach decided to lurch and throw up all of his dinners on the tiles of his bedroom floor. He gasps when vomit stops pouring from his mouth. The sight of his dinner morphs into a beige puddle under his feet just sending him into another round of heave. A bigger stream of vomit than before splattering against the tiles beneath him. The sounds of retching coming from him are loud against the silent room.
'"Uurrrkk-", he retches again , his body bending further almost touching the floor as vomit is falling down to it. Yoongi tries to pull himself up but his hands are slick and his whole body trembling. He feels weak, and tired from all of the vomiting that took place. It hurts his back to move so much. So he stayed there until his stomach stop sending his dinner up and leave him dry heaving. Yoongi tries to catch his breath, he's panting heavily as he looks up to the ceiling, tears streaming down his eyes.
He cries some more, holding onto his stomach. He feels disgusted. Disgusted because of vomiting, making a mess that he also need to clean up after this, and how some of his vomit even splashing to his feet. He lets out a quiet sob, wiping away his tears.
He hears a knock on the door.
He doesn't answer, he knows who it is. He knows that it's Jimin. But he didn't have it in him to answer, not when he still have vomit all over his feet and mouth, with tears stained cheeks and snot dripping from his nose.
Jimin knocked again.
"Yoongi hyung, are you okay?" He heard the younger say, worry clear in his voice. Yoongi let out an unsteady exhale through his nose, his head bowed. "Yeah i'm okay", he croaked out, half yelling so the younger can hear him.
" I bring you breakfast, can i come in?", the younger asks. Yoongi sniffled. "Just let yourself in", he yells again as he tries to move his body from his earlier position. He needs to clean up.
" Hyung—", Jimin cheerily says as he walked in but it morphs into a gasp when he sees the older state, "Oh gosh, hyung are you okay? Did you just vomiting?"
Yoongi breaks.
"I'm sorry this is so gross ..", he cries out, as he rubs his eyes furiously. Jimin puts the breakfast on the bed, and walks over to where Yoongi stands.
He gulped as he see a big puddle of vomit on the floor.
" Hey hey, it's okay hyung. You're not feeling well", Jimin says softly, rubbing Yoongi's shoulders.
Yoongi sighs, looking at the younger. Jimin was looking worriedly at him, but there was nothing Yoongi can do. He was beyond embarrassed.
"Are you feeling better or do you still feel like throwing up?", Jimin asks as he guided the older to the bathroom. He helps Yoongi sit down on one of the stools in the shower tub.
The elder shakes his head, " I feel better"
"Okay then, get a shower hyung, i will clean the bedroom", Jimin says while putting his hand on the elder's shoulder reassuringly.
" No no no", Yoongi quickly said as he grabbed onto the other's wrist. " Let me clean that, oh gosh, that's gross i can't make you clean up my vomit like that", he says frantically.
" Oh no, hyung, please just take a shower", Jimin says. " You don't look good and you'll definitely puke more if you do this", Jimin says softly and gently rubbing circles with his thumb on Yoongi's wrist. " Just please let me clean, okay? I can do this", he smiles.
Yoongi looked at the younger for few seconds. And eventually nodded "Fine".
Jimin smiled brightly and nodded. " Okay"
🧱 🧱 🧱
"Do you still want to decorate the room?", Jimin asks, resting his head on his arms as he looks at the older that munching tangerines he brought.
" Yes? Isn't that why you come today?"
Jimin scoffs, stealing one of the tangerines that Yoongi had peeled, gaining a glare from the latter, "Ooh you only want me when you need something", Jimin says dramatically, " Ouch, i'm hurt hyung"
Yoongi rolls his eyes as he chuckles. " Yes, yes, whatever"
They both sit in silence while munching.
" So what should i do first?", Jimin asked, nibbling on one of the tangerine slices.
"I think we can divide the job, i can paint and you can build the crib?", Yoongi said.
" Wait, we? You're gonna do it too?", Jimin asked, raising a brow.
"Of course? This is my baby room?", Yoongi answers in confusion. " Well yeah..", Jimin starts, " But you're pregnant hyung. Isn't it will be tiring for you?"
Yoongi chuckled as he shakes his head, "It's fine Jiminie, i want to do it. I won't push too hard"
" Okay then, what should we start with?", Jimin says as they walked to the said room.
🧱 🧱 🧱
Yoongi's mood draped by 70% in only 20 minutes after they started. They have been in complete silence as Jimin is too busy flipping the manual books and Yoongi has been busy with rolling the roller to cover the wall with baby blue colors.
The smell of paint starts to make him nauseous. And his hand, his back, start to hurts.
Yoongi set his roller down and stood there leaning against the wall. "I'm getting dizzy...", he says, rubbing his temples. Jimin immediately looks up. His eyes widening in surprise as he stares at Yoongi's face. " Are you okay..?, Jimin asks worriedly, walking over to Yoongi.
Yoongi swallows. "The paint making me nauseous", he groans, rubbing his hand over his bump. " Can we switch? I will build the crib"
"You sure? You can go rest hyung, I will continue this", Jimin hesitate.
" Noo..", Yoongi pouts, "I can't let you do all of this alone. It's fine, i can build the crib instead"
"—Please", Yoongi begs.
He watches as Jimin huffs "Alright but if you're not okay then you go rest, okay?
Jimin nods and goes to the abandoned roller, picking up where Yoongi left off. The two continue with their conversation while they work. They talk about everything. Jimin's colleagues, the old lady downstairs that always greets them in the morning with her cats, and even Yoongi's friends antics.
All this little conversation successfully distracts him from the earlier urge to vomit. But of course, it only could do much, as Jimin goes on and now almost half of the wall has been covered in paints. The smell of it starts filling the whole room.
Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut and tried his best to ignore the smell and how it makes his insides churn.
"and how dare she gave me the wrong report hyung! if i didn't check it back i would have got scolded by other departments!", Jimin rants, but it all went like a static buzz in Yoongi's head.
All he could think is how he want to puke so bad. How his breakfast want to—
Before he know it, his stomach churned, sending the contents of his stomach inside his mouth in a violent fit. He quickly clamped his hand and burst running from the room. Throwing himself over the sink as he vomited. His pancake earlier splattering all over the sink.
He gasps, before another stream pouring out from his throat, and his stomach churning painfully with every wave of his sickness.
" Uurrrkk-"
"Hyung!", he heard Jimin scream and pitters patters of his foot running towards him, " Oh gosh, are you alright!? Shit", he hears Jimin mutters before he felt the younger's hands on his back, rubbing his spine soothingly.
Yoongi let out a shaky breath as he feels someone rubbing his back. Tears prickle his eyes from embarrassment.
"Stupid paint- uurrrkk", Yoongi chokes out in between heaves. Jimin hushed him softly.
After what seemed like a very long time of puking, Yoongi finally stopped, panting heavily from the pain that still lingered deep in his stomach. He slowly lifted his head from the sink.
" Are you feeling better?", Jimin asks carefully, placing a hand on the elders' forehead. He lets out a small whine.
" A bit", Yoongi whispers as he closes his eyes.
Jimin smiles sadly at him, "Told you, you should've sat pretty and let me do the job", he chuckles.
" No no, i'm fine. give me a second and let's continue", Yoongi sniffles.
"Are you sure hyung?", Jimin asks again.
Yoongi sighs. "Yes, i'm ok now"
"Okay then", he says, before moving away, trailing from behind back to their work. " Gosh you're so stubborn hyung"
"Shut up"
Jimin chuckles as he back to paint. And so is Yoongi.
More than an hour later, they finished it, with Yoongi has become grumpy as the latter keep needing to running back and forth to throw up as the smell still affecting his stomach badly. Until Jimin had it done and bring the trashcan for him to throw up, placed it near the older sits, as Yoongi was still too stubborn to let go of the nursery.
"I'm so tired", Yoongi grunts. " Please tell me why do i decide to do it from the scratch not calling some people and pay them", he rumbles. Pout prominent on his lips as he fanning himself from sweats.
"Of course you're tired. You're more like doing a marathon, running back and forth from the kitchen to throw up and back again", Jimin sighs in sympathy as he walks back to the elder and plops next to him on the couch, handing him a glass of water that Yoongi accepts gratefully.
"Here. Drink," he said.
" Thanks Jiminie", Yoongi says after drinking half of the glass.
"Usually it only took me 15 minutes to build something", Yoongi mumbles after swallowing the last of the water, taking another sip of it before placing it on the table.
"Yeah, that's when you're not pregnant and not throwing up every 15 minutes", Jimin teases, " But you did a great job hyung. It looks pretty good", he adds, tone softened by the end.
Yoongi smiles, cheeks turning slightly red. "Thank you"
"You can brag to your baby later when they were born", he mumbles, "Oh? Have you know the gender?", Jimin says, changing the topic.
Yoongi shakes his head, " I haven't. Although i thought i might have a guess, I haven't known the gender yet either", he replies, " I guess it will just be a surprise"
"Are you excited?", Jimin asks as he eyeing the older that now fondly rubbing his bump. He was still quite pale and still looking very weak. Today must be tiring for him.
" I am", Yoongi says softly, smiling, but for some reason it didn't reach his eyes. Jimin bites his lips, straightening his spine. "Hyung .."
Did he asks a wrong question?
Yoongi chuckles, facing the ceiling as he prevents the tears that filling his orbs to not fall.
But of course he fails.
"I just .. sometimes i wish i didn't have to go through this alone, you know? like, I should have been decorating that room with my husband. Not .. no offense Jiminie .. but not with my neighbor's next door. I should have been excited maybe for the next control to know my baby gender but...", he huffs, wiping his cheeks that already dampen with tears, chuckling again, " Gosh, how many times i have been crying today. Stupid hormones", he breathes shakily. "I'm sorry you saw me as a mess, again"
Jimin reaches for the other's shoulder, caressing it soothingly. "I'm sorry for asking that hyung .."
Yoongi turns to look at his boyfriend, "No no, it's fine. Really..", he insists. He looks so small. So small, his cheeks puffing up when he inhales too deeply as his eyes water again, " And you don't need to be sorry...you can ask me anything... I know you've been dying to know, right? shoot it"
Jimin bites his lips, "No .. you've been sad enough today. The baby must—"
"He didn't want it", Yoongi cuts his words. Jimin gasps quietly.
" What?"
"My partners .. no, my ex-partners. He didn't want it", Yoongi chuckles bitterly, fiddling with Jimin's sleeves. Jimin frowns.
" Why wouldn't he want it?"
"Because it would ruin his perfect heir's image. This is not even our apartment. I bought it on my own so I can get out from his house and not owe him anything", Yoongi answers bitterly. "He even said that i manipulate him, saying that i might sleep around and want to trap him for his money or something"
Yoongi chuckles when he sees Jimin's hand tighten into a fist. "Calm down Jimin-ah, i'm over it"
Jimin calms down, brushing his blonde locks with his fingers. "I'm glad hyung. That asshole won't even get a chance to ruin your life further", he grits out. " Call me if he ever trying to get back to your life i will kick him out. What an ass-"
"No foul words! The baby, Jimin", Yoongi slaps him lightly as he chuckles. "Thanks Jimin. For caring", Yoongi says, "You make everything more bearable, you know"
And as expected Jimin brightens up, face becoming a little pink. But he tries to hide it with a scoff as he pushes his hair off his face. "Dont get sappy on me hyung"
"I should thank the landlord to make the walls not thick enough", Yoongi grins, enjoying how the blush on Jimin's cheeks getting darker.
"Whatever", Jimin huffed, pushing Yoongi playfully on his chest before getting up. "Do you want icecream? You have been vomiting a lot and building the nursery must be tiring for you"
Yoongi laughs, "the baby says they want a vanilla one!"
Is it the ice cream or is it Jimin, all Yoongi knows is his mood has been increased by 100% now.
Jimin plops back to the couch, handing him one of the spoons before he digs in. "A heir, hm?", Jimin hums as he scoop the icecream, " If i were you i would have robbed him first"
Yoongi chokes on his icecream, "Jimin!"
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mimisempai · 3 years
Let us heal together on the path of forgiveness
That evening when he was going to spend a romantic night in a restaurant with Mobius, Loki did not expect to meet two old acquaintances...
23th day of my 30 Days of Domestic Fluff. - 23: Double date
List here : X
1076 words - Rating G
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Tony was sipping his glass of wine in front of Steve when suddenly he almost spilled it in shock at what he saw over Steve's shoulder.
He put his glass back down and rubbed his eyes, cleaning his glasses to be sure of what he was seeing.
Steve snapped his fingers in front of him several times to get his attention and called out to him several times.
"Tony! Sweetheart! Are you with me?"
Tony leaned over to Steve and whispered, "Don't turn around just yet, but I think Loki is here..."
"What? Loki?!"
"Shhh!" Tony put his hand over his mouth, but it was too late, the god had looked up at them, and a horrified expression was painted on his face as he leaned toward the gray-haired man in front of him.
Then Tony saw the man in question get up and walk toward them. He didn't look threatening, but as a precaution Tony had his hand ready to activate his suit if necessary.
The gray-haired man walked toward them with his hands in surrender to show that he had no intention of harming them.
He stopped in front of their table and spoke before the stunned eyes of Tony and Steve.
"Good evening, my name is Mobiu M. Mobius and I am an agent working for the TVA."
Steve interrupted him, "TVA , You mean the Time Variant Authority?"
Mobius nodded, "That's right. I work for the head office of the organization you dealt with in the debriefing after the snap. Obviously, that's Loki with me there, but this is not-"
With a gesture he calmed the two men who wanted to stand up, "Please let me finish."
"But as I was saying, this is not the Loki you know, or rather, it's not completely him. Remember when you did your time travel to New York and the tesseract disappeared? It's that Loki, that Loki that disappeared with it and..."
An hour later, Mobius left the two men dumbfounded at their table as he went to join an anxious Loki on his own.
Mobius leaned over to him, kissed him gently on the forehead before sitting back down and saying softly, "It's okay sweetheart."
He intertwined his fingers with Loki's on the table and told him about the conversation he had just had with Tony and Steve.
"And you're sure, they won't do anything?"
Mobius nodded, then answered softly, "they just invited us to share a coffee, I think to assess the situation for themselves."
"And you said yes?" asked Loki, wary.
"I said I'd talk to you about it first, which is what I'm doing." replied Mobius in a soothing tone, squeezing Loki's hand.
"What do you think?" queried Loki.
"You're free to say no, but don't you think it would be a good way to get some closure on New York, sort of?"
Loki drained his glass in one gulp to give himself composure and said in a low voice, "It's okay, but you stay with me, all right?"
Mobius leaned over and kissed him reassuringly then said, "Together, all time, always."
Then he turned and nodded toward Tony and Steve's table to let them know it was okay.
A little later, they all met over coffee, and after an awkward silence they began to talk. Loki suspected that he surely owed it to Mobius that the discussion went much better than expected, he also knew that it would take more than a coffee to change things, but it was a start and thanks to Mobius, whose hand on his back had not left him during the whole discussion, he started to believe once again that things and people could really change.
That's how, a few months later, he found himself on a beach sipping a cocktail with Tony while Mobius and Steve raced each other on jet skis.
"Thanks, for doing this Tony."
Tony turned to him, and looked at him with a surprised look over his sunglasses, "For doing what?"
"For enabling this." Loki pointed to their lovers who looked like they were having fun on their jetski and continued, "This is one of Mobius' biggest dreams, and I didn't really know how to make it happen, because even with all the magic in the world, the technical details were a bit complicated. So thank you."
Tony clinked his cocktail glass against Loki's, "You're welcome. Steve had never experienced it either, so we killed two birds with one stone, and what is better than making our men happy, right?" he winked before taking a sip of his cocktail and lying back in his lounge chair enjoying the sight of his lover.
Loki, seeing that Steve and Mobius were getting closer to the jetty, got up and walked towards Mobius, a towel in his hand. He crossed Steve who was walking faster.
"He's super happy you know." the tall blond man told him with a wink before continuing on his way.
When he got to Mobius, what struck Loki the most was how happy his lover looked. He felt a little pride in knowing that he had contributed to it.
He put the towel around Mobius' neck and pulled him to capture his lips before wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in his neck, breathing in the smell of sun and salt.
"So? Is it like your imagination?" he asked with a muffled voice.
Mobius kissed the top of Loki's head and smiled against his hair as he replied, "Perfect my love, thank you."
Loki stepped back a little and replied, "It's mostly Tony you have to thank."
Mobius shook his head, took his hand and they began walking towards the other two men.
"I know it was your idea Loki, you asked Tony and you did it for me."
He stopped to take Loki's face in his hands and kissed him tenderly.
"I love you.'
Steve kissed Tony before sitting down next to him on another lounge chair. They watched as the two men walked toward them.
Tony chuckled, "Sometimes our lives are really surreal, with everything that's been going on, but oddly enough, on a day like today, I feel like everything is in its place you know, like..."
Steve took Tony's hand, kissed it and held it in his own.
As he watched Loki and Mobius embrace each other before heading back to them, he continued Tony's line, "… like all's well that ends well." _________
30 Days of Domestic Fluff - Lokius
Next day : 24- Shopping (For Fun)   As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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nashibirne · 3 years
Painkiller - 8
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Here we go...the next part of Painkiller's waiting for you. I have to admit I've had kind of a writer's block lately and so this was hard work but eventually I made it and I hope you like it. And please believe me, their well-deserved happy ending is just around the corner, they need just a little more time...two chapters I guess.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Ella) Summary: double date / dinner for four, englightening conversations and foiled plans Read previous parts here: Nashi's Masterlist Warnings: RPF (!), that's it... Unbeta'ed! English is not my mothertongue, so expect wrong spelling and bad grammar Credits: Pics for the moodboard taken from Pinterest, Face claim Kelly: Pamela Reif Disclaimer: I don't know Henry Cavill, this is all fictional and wishful thinking taglist: (let me know if you want to be added or removed) @lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @willkatfanfromasia @hell1129-blog @mis-lil-red @agniavateira @kebabgirl67 @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo @madbaddic7ed @artandotherdelights
"That was delicious, Ella." Kelly gave her a smile while she leaned back in her chair. 
"Thank you, Kelly." 
"You really have to give me the recipe for the lasagna and especially for that mousse au chocolat."
Henry raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You can cook?"
Ella shared a glance with Jackson and she knew they were thinking the same. If Henry didn't know such basic things about Kelly it seemed they were really just starting to get to know each other. 
"Um,yes...well...a little."
"Yeah, we could cook together tomorrow, babe. Have a cosy day in bed and a homemade meal." She beamed at him and Henry gave her a forced smile. Ella was sure he was suppressing the need to roll his eyes, his facial expression gave it away to her.
"We'll see, Kell."
There was an awkward pause and Henry appeared to be somehow annoyed and not for the first time. During dinner Kelly was getting more and more handsy with him and it was obvious that Henry felt bad about it. Ella was getting the impression that he absolutely wasn't madly in love with Kelly and this was not only a great satisfaction but also a big relief and it made her even more determined to find out what Kelly was up to.
Jackson cleared his throat. "Henry, wanna see my Alfa? It's a 1961 Giulietta Sprint Speciale, quite rare."
"Oh yeah, sure." Henry got up and Kelly was about to do the same when Ella stopped her with a smile on her lips.
"Why don't we stay and have a little chat Kelly? Just the two of us without the guys?"
Kelly hesitated but then she agreed.
"Yeah. Why not."
When Jax and Henry closed the door behind them, Ella gave Kelly challenging look.
"So what?" Kelly crossed her arms.
"Do I really have to ask? Or are you just gonna tell me how you made this happen? Looking back, your words spoken in the restrooms of Gianni's sound like a prediction."
Kelly pouted but eventually she started to speak.
"It's like I said back then. He's a good catch and I want him..."
"As your sugar daddy?" Ella raised an eyebrow, Kelly shrugged.
"Sugar daddy, boyfriend… where's the difference? Listen, Ella, if I'd known that you, his female best friend, are his date from back then I wouldn't be here tonight. I'm not looking for trouble…"
"But you are in trouble when you're trying to take advantage of my friend."
"Friend." Kelly snorted.
"Yes, friend. A close friend, a dear friend and  you're playing with him but he's not a toy."
"I like to play and usually I'm the toy." She giggled.
Ella rolled her eyes and looked at Kelly darkly. "How did you get his number in the first place?"
"If you really have to know, Gianni, the owner of...well...Gianni's...he is my ex. He's the impotent bore I told you about. He threw me out and told me to go to hell a few weeks ago after he caught me with my trousers down with one of his waiters." Kelly explained. "I remembered Henry, to be honest I had the hots for him since I saw him at the restaurant with you and you said you and him were just friends...so after Gianni broke up with me I looked up his number in the guest register, and then I called him…"
"Pretending you dialled the wrong number."
"I could hardly tell him that I stole it from what's known as the most discreet restaurant in London"
"Right. And then you started dating?"
Kelly looked at Ella with a thoughtful frown. "Are you gonna tell him all this?"
"Would you admit it's true?"
"Of course not."
"See. I'd love to tell him but I'm quite sure you would manage to make me look like a crazy, jealous bitch…"
"Oh, I would. You can be sure of that…" Kelly gave her a wicked smile.
"I just want to know what you're up to. I don't want Henry to get hurt…" Ella faked a smile.  She wanted to yell at her so badly, she wanted to force her to tell Henry the truth but she knew she had to play it nice to make her open up.
"Well, it was just booty calls at first. We just met for casual sex. Henry, he didn't want more, because he, well...nevermind. Anyway, after that pap pictures the situation has changed a little and now he's willing to give it a try. So yes, now we're dating."
"Those pics. How did that happen?"
Kelly grinned. "Let's just say a friend of mine was at the right place at the right time…"
Ella gasped. This bitch really knew how to play the game.
"Don't worry about your dear Henry, Ella." Kelly's voice was full of sarcasm now. "I like him, he's a nice and funny guy. Sure, he's a boomer and a little boring but he's great in the sheets and he's gonna learn to appreciate the mutual benefits of our relationship."
The noise of the key in the front door interrupted them. Kelly leaned in to whisper one last thing into Ella's ear. "Oh, and in case you wonder...he is really big, I mean like...really." Kelly grinned before turning away.
Ella was so incredibly frustrated when Jax and Henry entered her apartment again, she had a hard time pretending to be alright for the rest of the night. There were so many questions left, so many things she didn't understand, it drove her nuts. She decided to keep her mouth shut to prevent herself from saying something stupid and of course Henry noticed it.
"Are you okay?" He placed his hand on her arm, giving it a gentle stroke and looked at her with a frown. "You are so quiet."
Ella took his hand, giving it a quick squeeze that Henry returned with a smile. 
"I'm fine." She nodded reassuringly and enjoyed the little triumph that he got handsy with her instead of Kelly. Actually it was absolutely typical for him, he was a very tactile person, not only with Ella but with his friends in general. So it was even more surprising that he didn't like to be in close contact with his date. "I'm just a little tired. I had a tough week." She avoided looking him in the eyes. 
"Yeah, me too." Henry's lips curved up into a lopsided grin and he gave her a wink that made her heart skip a beat.
An hour later Henry and Kelly were gone and Ella and Jax were doing the dishes after Ella had put her best friend in the picture about the things Kelly had told her.
"She's lying. They're not really dating." Jax said, doing the drying up.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean they're not really a thing. Henry kinda said it when we were outside."
"Kinda? Could you be a little more precise." Ella looked at her friend with big eyes.
"Well, I asked him if they're planning on going insta-official or something with their relationship and he denied it very insistently, pointing out that they are totally not in a relationship. And I was like, yeah, but you guys are dating and he was like...not really."
"Oh wow...and?"
"And I asked what he meant and Henry said that it actually was just a sex thing -so that much is true- but after the pics in the yellow press Kelly's the one who now wants to date and he told me he's unsure if this is the right thing to do. He said he has second thoughts because it feels wrong and when I asked him why, he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and said I think you know why, Jax, you know who's on my mind."
Ella now stared at him, mouth agape. "What did you answer?"
"I said that I very likely do know and then your neighbour Walter came and joined us and the conversation was over."
"Yeah." They both stayed silent for a moment. "Elsie, you know that you are the reason he doesn't want to date Kelly, don't you?" Jackson turned to her with knitted brows.
"We don't know that. Not for sure."
"Yes and we never will if you don't do something. Jesus, woman...you are this close to losing your perfect match to some creepy gold digger...will you really just stand there with your hands in your pockets and do nothing at all?"
"What can I do?" Her frustration was palpable.
"Just tell him how you feel, that you're in love with him."
Ella let out a snort. "That's not so easy."
"No, it's not, but there's no easy way out of this mess."
"Yeah." Ella took a deep breath.
"So what's the plan? You're gonna ask him to meet you tomorrow so you can tell him?"
"I can't. I have to unpack a ton of parcels with new books tomorrow. The store is a mess and it has to be tidy on Monday morning." Jax raised his eyebrows sceptically. "Really, I'm not using this as an excuse." Ella sighed with frustration.
"Okay, actually that's perfect. Ask Henry to help you and then you can declare your love for him…"
"I don't know…"
"Elsie, I'm not gonna let you chicken out of this. Pull yourself together and get the guy for fuck's sake."
Ella couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay. I'm going to call him first thing tomorrow morning. Fine?"
While Ella and Jax were drawing up a battle plan, Kelly and Henry were on their way back  to Chelsea where Kelly lived and trouble was brewing.
"Why did you have to be so distant?" Kelly asked accusingly. "You made it look like you wouldn't want to touch me."
"Yes, because I don't like it if you're all over me in front of my friends. It's rude and inappropriate. I mean, you're not my girlfriend or something it wasn't even a real date..." Henry snapped.
"Oh...really? You have touched me quite a lot in the last weeks for not being your girlfriend."
"That was different and you know it."
"Yeah, because your beloved Ella wasn't around when you fucked me. At least not physically. I bet you thought of her when you were balls deep inside of me."
"Don't even start, Kelly. I won't let you talk about Ella that way. No disrespect, okay?" His voice was tense and it was obvious that he was trying to restrain himself.
"No, of course you won't." Kelly looked out of the window with a pout. For several minutes none of them said a word but then she turned to him.
"Listen, Henry, I'm sorry. I know what she means to you and I understand that you want to keep this...us...low-key, but it's kinda hard for me when you treat me like you don't even want to be in the same room with me. Please tell me if I did something wrong and I'm never gonna do it again."
"You did nothing wrong. I just don't want to be so touchy-feely when Ella's around."
"Okay, baby, and I just want to make you happy. Happier than she ever could. I don't care about your job, your fame or your lifestyle. I like you just the way you are..." She let her hand run over his thigh, brushing it lightly over his crotch. Henry looked at her with a blank expression.
"She doesn't want you, Henry. You know that.  But I do." She purred, starting to massage his dick through his jeans and Henry couldn't help but moan and get hard under her touch.
"Kelly...I don't think I can give you what you're looking for…"
"Oh, I'm sure you can, babe. Just let me take care of you and make you forget about Ella."
The next morning Henry awoke with a jolt when his phone started to ring. He grabbed it and went to the bathroom, Kelly was lying in her bed fast asleep. He hadn't planned to spend the night with her but she had been very convincing and he had to admit the sex had worked wonders. He had been able to let off some steam and to finally get a good night's sleep. He was surprised to see that it was his agent calling. 8 am on sunday morning, this had to be urgent.
A few minutes later Henry put on his clothes before he sat down beside Kelly. He carefully placed a hand on her shoulder and started to shake her gently.
"Kelly, I have to go." 
She groaned and turned on her back, eyes still closed. "Why.." she asked sleepily.
"Nothing to worry about, just business. I'll call you later to explain."
"Okay." She yawned and patted his cheek. "Love you babe."
Henry's body stiffened. That wasn't what he wanted to hear. Not from her.
"Bye." He got up and left in a hurry, feeling like shit. This was all so terribly wrong, he wondered if it could get any worse. It was good that a little break was lying ahead of him.
Two hours later at the other end of the city, Ella took a deep breath before she called Henry. The plan was simple: call him, ask him if he was willing to help her, wait for a good opportunity and tell him about her feelings and the truth about Kelly. She was determined to make a clean sweep of this whole mess and to lay it all on the line. 
"Good morning." Henry's deep voice greeted her friendly.
"Morning, Henry. I hope I'm not interrupting something."
"No, absolutely not. It's good to hear your voice." 
He made her blush, even on the phone and she rolled her eyes at herself with a smile.
"I'm glad to hear that." She chuckled. "Listen, Hen, I wanted to ask you a favour. I have so much work to do at the shop today and I really need a helping hand, so I was wondering if you would want to help me. It's just clearing away some new books...but with you I would be much faster and we can spend some time together and talk…" Ella cleared her throat.
"Oh, Ella, I'd love to but unfortunately I can't. I have to go to L.A. I'm just packing my stuff and gonna head to the airport in an hour. I'm so sorry."
"No, don't be. It has to be important if you have to go at such short notice."
"It is. My agent called me this morning. The appointments were originally planned for next month but they were rescheduled to next week. We're gonna talk to some of the studio bosses about upcoming projects and such."
"That's great, Henry. I know you've waited for this opportunity quite a while now." She was genuinely happy for him and it made him love her even more.
"Yeah, now I just have to convince the right people to include me in the right projects." He sighed and Ella knew that under his superman surface Henry was insecure and full of self-doubt often.
"You're gonna blow them away, Henry. You're such a great actor and such a wonderful person. Everybody loves you."
Suddenly there was an awkward silence.
"Everybody?" He asked softly.
Ella was at a loss of words. It was absolutely out of the question to confess her feelings for him on the phone only hours before he had to leave the country for who knows how long. 
"Sure." She said with a strange undertone that was almost giving her away. Change the subject!  "Is Kelly going with you?"
Henry let out an amused snort. "Of course not. It's a business trip. And she's not, well...my girlfriend or something. I...I said this to Jax already, we're not even really dating, it's just…"
Henry took a deep breath. "Exactly."
"Are you sure she knows that?"
"No, I'm not. She should, because that's what I keep telling her but she's somehow deaf to that sort of thing. Maybe it's a good thing we take a break now."
"How long will you be gone?"
"I'm not sure. Two weeks maybe."
"So you will be back for my birthday?" 
"I hope so."
"So do I. I'd hate to spend it without you but if you can't make it, we can easily take a rain check and celebrate when you're back."
"A party for just the two of us? Sounds even better than joining your actual party." Ella was able to hear the smirk on his pretty lips. 
"Oh shut up." Ella laughed out loud. She lowered her voice then, sounding serious all of the sudden. "I'm going to miss you, Henry. A lot. Just come back soon safe and sound, okay?"
"I will. As soon as possible and in one piece. I promise, baby."
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ceapa-mica · 2 years
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{cross-posted on ao3}   {masterlist}
←previous chapter   next chapter →
pairing: Din Djarin x Original Female Character
warnings: angst
words: 4990
summary: Elora and Mando travel to Kijimi to pick up one of Atina's brothers. That's where they run into problems.
a/n: Guess who's back... back again...
Yes, it's me with a brand new chapter - my present for y'all on my birthday! 💝
I hope you enjoy.
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"Why won't you travel to Nar Shaddaa with me?!"
Mando groaned. "I've told you twice now that you can't just go and get your mother out of some labor camp."
"But you're a Mandalorian! Can't you just blow all the security up or something?"
"An army of Mandalorians could. But just the two of us wouldn't remotely get close to getting her out, even with our combined skill set."
"We have to give it a try!"
"I'm not planning to die a warrior's death on that karking smuggler moon!"
Elora crossed her arms. "Then I'll go alone!"
Mando stood up and grabbed her shoulders firmly. "No you won't! I won't… let you go to your certain death!"
"It appears I can manipulate the minds of other sentient beings!"
Mando cocked his head and loosened his grip. Elora sighed and told him everything. From the strange manipulation she was capable of, the heights and distances she could jump, and the voice of a stranger in her head.
 "The first time I heard it was when I was unconscious on Tatooine."
 "You were unconscious on Tatooine?"
 Elora realized her mistake. She had never told him about the Tusken Raider incident and the hooded stranger.
 "It's a long story, Mando. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."
 "Listen mesh'la, hearing voices is never a good thing. We should look for a healer as soon as we land on Kijimi."
 "So you think I'm mentally ill?"
Mando shrugged. "We'll go see a healer to get this checked, just in case." He put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.
 "This voice sounded so real, what if this is some Jedi thing?"
 "We don't know for sure."
 Elora scoffed. "I am not crazy!"
 "I never said you were."
 Their bickering was interrupted by Grogu who squealed for attention.
 Elora and Mando stared at each other. He was the first one to look away and walked past her.
 "Where are you going?" Elora asked.
 "Taking a nap. You keep the kid busy, he has missed you a lot."
Grogu raised his long ears and smiled when Elora looked at him. She crouched down to be on his eye level and stroked his ear. Meanwhile Mando was lying down in his sleeping nook trying to get some shut eye, to no avail. After thirty minutes he sat up and pulled his helmet off, rubbing his eyes. Why wouldn't these thoughts leave his head? He grabbed his datapad and looked at the drawing Elora did of herself with his own eyes.
She is even more beautiful than I thought.
He clenched his jaw and tossed the datapad aside.
She can sense my emotions. I have to keep my thoughts at bay. Dank farrik! This woman really bewitched my mind.
Grogu couldn't get enough of the shiny silver sphere. It floated through the cockpit, the boy clearly enjoying the view. Elora was sulking and shared her frustration with the kid.
 "I don't understand why he refuses to help me, or at least take me to Nar Shaddaa. I could manipulate the guards to lead me to her."
The child looked up from the silver sphere in his tiny hands and cocked his head, sensing Elora's frustration, sadness and anger. He didn't know how to help her, so he held out the sphere for her to take, thinking if it comforted him it would comfort Elora as well.
"You're too sweet, Grogu." She forced a smile on her face and took the sphere which was slobbery since the child liked to drool and chew on it.
"Patoo." He put his hands on her arm and sent positive feelings her way.
Elora bit the inside of her cheek to suppress her tears but failed.
"I thought she was dead, my sweet bean. I thought all my life that…" a loud sob escaped her. Grogu's ears drooped at noticing her tears. He climbed into her lap and cuddled her belly, continuing to send comforting feelings to her through the Force.
"Why- why did I never sense she's alive? I should have- I should have known…" she hiccuped, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I need to get her out of there." Elora sighed and leaned back in her seat, holding the child. A few minutes later they were both asleep, tears drying on her cheeks.
When Mando returned to the cockpit and found Elora and Grogu peacefully napping together he felt a strange feeling in his stomach - as if hundreds of butterflies fluttered inside him.
What the hell is wrong with me?
An indescribable need to care for her bloomed in his chest. When he had seen how hurt she had been earlier, when he had told her he wouldn't travel to Nar Shaddaa, it had felt like somebody stabbed his heart with an invisible dagger. Above all else he wanted to see Grogu and Elora happy and at peace, just as they were now.
He went to grab a blanket and put it over her sleeping figure after he'd taken the child out of her hold. He sat down and let Grogu sleep in his arms. Whatever they had played while he had been trying to get some rest, it sure had made the kid tired. Mando looked at the nav computer. Only three hours left until Kijimi. He wasn't particularly looking forward to playing taxi service for some stranger, but he needed the credits.
 When Elora woke up she felt warmth. This blanket was definitely not hers. She had last seen it on Mando's cot.
 "Good, you're awake."
 Elora rolled her eyes when Mando spoke, still sulking.
 "Hey, we'll get these two jobs done. I promise you, afterwards we will think of a plan to free your mother."
 "What if it's too late then? I don't know what exactly a labor camp is, but it doesn't sound good."
 "It's a prison where the prisoners have to do hard physical labor. I gotta tell you… the chance she's still alive with the amount of labor they have to do… is slim to none."
"You don't know my mother! You know nothing you hear me?! She carried me out of a burning spaceship to safety! You have no idea! You don't know what it's like losing everything!" Elora raised her voice throughout the sentence. "You know bantha shit, Mandalorian!"
He didn't take her outburst lightly. He stood up and approached her in quick heavy steps.
"You think I don't know what it's like?" He grabbed her arms roughly, voice firm. "I got news for you, I do very well know what it's like losing my family! You're not the only one who's suffered an enormous loss! It's just that I know for sure that my parents are dead and they will never return." His voice broke at the last words and his breath was slightly shaking. He realized how much he had raised his voice, so he took a deep breath and continued more calmly. "I want to help you. I will help you. But you have to prepare for the worst possible outcome. Usually people last a few weeks up to a few months in a labor camp before they perish. That's a fact."
Elora shook her head, crying all over again. "No I- Sorry about your family, Mando… but my mother can't be dead. No, she has to be alive somewhere."
 His grip loosened. "I hope so.”
They looked at each other for what felt like an eternity, calming down, unspoken hurt between them.
 "Where's the kid?" Elora asked eventually.
 "Put him in his hammock. You were using the Force again, weren't you?"
 "He did."
Mando nodded and wanted to return to the pilot seat when Elora grabbed his pauldron.
 "Hey… that voice I've heard… It gave me instructions on how to use the Force on enemies without killing them - and it worked. I have a good feeling about this and wanna try to contact it. However this works... It only ever sounded in my ear when I was in a dangerous situation."
Mando tensed. "Be careful as long as we don't know what's going on inside that head of yours."
"All I'm saying is it worked. Without this voice I would either be on a New Republic prisoner transport by now, or be a murderer on the run. I am neither and we're safe."
Mando sat down in the pilot seat with a relaxed posture.
"You think it could be a Jedi thing?"
Elora nodded. "I'm pretty sure it is. I can feel it in every fiber of my being. But why now? This voice is new and yet strangely familiar. I spent my life in the safety of a sandcrawler. Ever since I left Arvala-7 things are getting weirder and weirder."
 "Your Force powers seem to develop. It can be a good or a bad thing."
 "Why can't things remain the way they are? I don't like changes."
 "Changes are life itself, they don't always have to be bad. Leaving your tribe and living on board my ship for example."
 "It's a welcome change, but not necessarily a good one."
 "How so?"
 "Oh um… I don't wanna sound ungrateful at all, it's just… I'm sleeping on two crates in your cargo hold. On the sandcrawler I had my own bed."
 Mando considered her request. "A mattress… With the money we make off these jobs I'm gonna buy you one, you have my word. Is there anything else that would help you accommodate?"
 "Hmm you can call me Your Highness. My father's our tribe's chief, so that kinda makes me royalty."
 "You serious?"
Elora snorted and fell back into her seat with laughter. Mando felt heat rise in his chest at the sound of it.
"You actually believed that, I- Stars Mando, no of course not. My tribe looks up to my parents, but we don't use titles like Alderaanian royalty for fuck’s sake. How are you so funny without actually being funny? Thank you, Mando."
 "For what…?"
 Elora looked at him with sincerity. "For being my friend."
 "When did our temporary alliance become friendship?"
 "When you accepted me back on board earlier. I'm no longer just a contact who's indebted to you." she clarified.
Everything in Mando's head told him to keep her at distance, to tell her that he preferred the previous term and didn't regard her as a friend. But he ignored his brain and did what his heart told him to. "We're friends then." he said, and it felt so      right     to both of them.
After Mando mentioned that Kijimi was a cold mountainous world, Elora couldn't sit still in excitement.
"You mean there will be snow? I heard stories of cold worlds. Is snow like cold sand?"
Mando chuckled. "It's frozen water and crunches under your boots when you walk through it."
 "That sounds interesting!"
 "You don't have warm enough clothes. We'll have to buy you some first."
When the Razor Crest left hyperspace a cloudy white and grey planet came into view. The coordinates led them to a valley where most snow had already melted away.
 "Must be springtime." Mando muttered and at the starport of a small town which looked like it was buzzing with life.
 They agreed to leave Arfour on board since they only went to pick someone up, buy some warm clothes and visit a medic.
 As soon as Elora set foot outside she shivered. "You didn't tell me it would be that cold!"
Mando walked past her looking around the perimeter. Grogu sat in his pram wrapped in a small extra blanket, cooing in delight.
 "Let's go." Mando looked to Elora who didn't listen as she had discovered some leftover snow, stepping curiously through the white-greyish mass.
 "It's all mushy, not crunchy."
Mando sighed. "Because it's slowly melting. Come on, let's buy you a warm jacket."
 She followed Mando into the town.
 It was nicely decorated and the people really seemed to celebrate some kind of local holiday.
 Street vendors were selling various delicacies, a beautiful scent lingered in the air. Grogu became restless in his pram, looking at all the food with an excited face.
 As they went past a stall that was selling sticks with chunks of meat and topatoe pieces stacked on them, Grogu whined and reached out with his little arms.
 "You have already eaten." Mando said.
 "Y'know, I haven't eaten yet…" Elora remarked.
"We buy clothes for you first, then go to the medic, and afterwards we go looking for the inn where this Jek Lawquane is supposed to be residing."
 "If it's such a short stay, why do we buy winter clothing for me?"
 "In case another job will take us to a cold planet." Mando stated the obvious.
 "When we go to free my mother I'm gonna stay with her for a while." she said suddenly.
He was aware that this would be the case. Their ways would separate yet again. He wanted Elora to find her mother and be happy, and though he tried not to think about it, he wished he could be a part of her life even when her mission was complete. After all, Grogu needed her. Mando knew things would become complicated once they found her mother alive.
The people on Kijimi were used to the cold and the heavy rain. Their world had shaped them into rough people who valued handy work. The valley where the little mining town was nestled into the mountain was separated in two halves by a small river with a strong current during the season. Despite the gloomy weather the people were in festive spirits. The wooden town houses looked cozy even in the rain. There were citizens of many different races, many of them wore rather casual and practical clothing, but especially the women wore either festive looking braids or colorful ribbons around their lekku.
A small store at the corner of a crossroad was exhibiting seasonal clothing in the window front. When Elora, followed by Mando, entered the store she noticed the scent of leather and fur in the air.
"I'm not gonna wear some poor creature's skin." she huffed and looked around.
Two Twi'lek ladies were sitting at the back of the store drinking some sort of tea which smelled almost too sweet for Elora's nose.
 "What about this? I know it's nerf leather but-"
 "I will not under any circumstance wear another creature's skin!" Elora snapped.
 "You already wear leather pouches." Mando gestured at her bottom.
 "I didn't buy them!"
 Mando shook his head and sighed, not wanting to start another petty argument.
 "Can I help you?" One of the Twi'lek ladies approached them with a smile on her face Elora recognized was fake.
 "I'm looking for a warm jacket, maybe some warmer pants too. Nothing that consists of a dead creature's skin or fur." she clarified.
 "Gloves and some sort of head cover will come in handy as well." Mando added.
 "I think we have exactly what you're looking for." She went to the back of the shop and returned minutes later with a brown jacket with an inner layer of soft thick fabric and an outer layer of faux leather.
 "It's yours, for 800 credits." the Twi'lek offered.
Elora looked at the piece, felt the texture and even sniffed it. She pulled her brows together. "I don't wanna know what chemicals this fabric was drenched in. I get better quality items in my homeworld for less if you know where to look." She threw the jacket back into the Twi'lek's arms who looked embarrassed to say the least.
Mando stepped forward. "We're well paying customers. I expect you to offer her only the best, do you understand?"
"Y-yes, of course, sir. My apologies." the lady stammered and retreated to the back.
Meanwhile Elora found a light brown coat. The fabric was soft and didn't smell suspicious.
 She showed it to Mando who shrugged. "Try it on."
 It suited her just fine and she liked what she saw in the mirror.
 "It's not my Jawa robes, but it'll do."
They left the store half an hour later with a bag in Elora's hand and the coat on her body, the thick fabric keeping her warm.
 A small med center was located just down the road. At the front desk a young Mirialan lady greeted them.
 "Welcome! How can I help you?"
Elora searched for the right words. "I- I was in a stressful situation lately and… I heard a male voice inside my head. It gave me useful advice and felt so… real."
"This is a case for a psychiatrist. We do not have one here on Kijimi, but Doctor Meejero will list your symptoms and decide what to do. Please sit down in the waiting room and fill out those forms in the meantime. She held out a datapad and a stylus.
Elora looked at the neat Aurebesh sentences in front of her and bit her lip. She felt like she had to throw up. Mando noticed in her posture that something was very wrong.
 "You ok?" He rested one hand at the small of her back.
They went into the empty waiting room and took a seat, Grogu remained in his pram as he was taking a nap.
 "It takes me longer to read Aurebesh. They probably want me to fill this out as soon as possible." Elora stammered, not looking him in the eye.
 He put a reassuring hand on her arm. "Don't worry, let me help you with that."
Why is he so touchy lately?
 "You don't have to."
 "Please, I want to help."
Elora gave in and sighed, handing him the datapad. She watched him read and write. He was doing what she should have learned as a kid… if she had been raised by humans or basically anyone but Jawas.
 "What vaccines did you get?" Mando asked.
 "Vaccines? What exactly is a vaccine?"
 Mando almost let the stylus fall in surprise.
 "You never got vaccinated?"
 "I've never met a medic either. What are medics like?"
 "Let me ask you something first. How have you survived until now?"
 Elora shrugged. "Pure luck?"
Mando shook his head. "You get vaccinated. Today." Then he looked at the napping child. "And so will he." Mando rarely sounded so determined. He continued scribbling on the datapad.
 "Do you have an implant?"
 "What? No? These breasts are real."
 Mando pretended her words didn't affect him when, in fact, they did.
 He cleared his throat. "I'm talking about birth control. Men and women get implants to avoid getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant."
 Elora shook her head. "Never heard of it. Is this necessary?"
 "Do you want offspring in the next few years?"
 "It would need the right man and a permanent home. Since I have neither, I think yes, an implant is necessary."
 Mando filled out the rest and handed her the stylus for a final signature she did twice, one written in Aurebesh, the other in Jawa.
 "Will you stay with me? I can sense many people in the past felt bad when they were in this room. It's a sinking feeling in the Force. Doesn't feel good."
 "If you insist."
 Doctor Meejero was a Rodian with a lot of patience. He sat there drinking his caf while listening to Elora.
 "So this voice tells you what to do. To inflict violence upon others?"
 "Just this once. The other time it told me to wake up because I was in danger."
 "Does it scare you?"
Elora thought back to the warm tone this voice had. It had felt so warm and familiar in a strange way.
 "No, I'm rather intrigued than scared. I just wanna know what this is."
 "Do you see things other people tell you aren't there?"
 "No, not at all. I'm feeling good."
 The Rodian thought before he spoke.
"It could just be your thoughts. You said you're force sensitive. I'm no expert when it comes to that. But if you're feeling well there's no reason to do anything against it. The moment this voice orders you to do cruel things or you get anxiety along with it, you should talk to a certified psychiatrist. I know a good one on Chandrila if you-"
 "I will, but for now this won't be necessary."
 "Ok and you want to get vaccinated and get an implant? We can do that."
 "The kid needs to get vaxxed too." Mando reminded him.
 "Sure, I let a med droid vaccinate the child and tell your wife all you need to know about the implant."
 Mando blushed under his helmet. "She is not my wife! And I don't want a med droid near the kid!"
 "My apologies. I'm afraid it will cost you extra if you don't want the med droid's assistance."
 "That's fine." Mando agreed.
Elora didn't understand his disdain towards droids. It wouldn't be her credits going to waste, so she didn't say anything. It was one prick with a small needle. Elora didn't even flinch, but after what happened to Grogu on Nevarro the kid threw a tantrum. Mando had to hold him tight as he squirmed in his arms, and Elora had to send calming feelings to him through the Force. It wasn't exactly helpful, eventually it took only three seconds. Grogu started crying, he tried to wriggle out of Mando's grip, even bit into his hand. Mando felt it through his leather glove.
"Shhh shh it's over, sweet bean. You did great. So brave." Elora cooed and took Grogu into her arms where he buried his face in the crook of her neck.
The implant was a little more painful. Elora winced when it was planted under her skin, Mando took her hand and squeezed it.
 "It's done. Wasn't so bad, was it?"
 "Do you have one?" she asked.
 "I- uh yes, it just expired years ago. In my line of work it's hard to trust anybody but yourself, y'know, so I never had use for another one."
Elora definitely had felt better before but didn't let it show. After all there were still quite a few things left on their to-do list. Their next stop was the local inn where their temporary passenger was supposed to be waiting for them. As expected the inn was crowded. Elora was surprised there was no fighting over an empty seat yet.
 The innkeeper, an older woman, looked      stressed    , beads of sweat running down her forehead.
 "Hello, we're looking for-"
 "I have no rooms left, ok! As you can see this place is packed!" the woman interrupted her.
 "Actually we're looking for one of your guests." Elora responded.
 "Look, I don't have time for two bounty hunters and… a baby? Try your luck somewhere else."
 She turned their back towards them and talked to another guest of hers.
Elora and Mando looked at each other, then he tapped the innkeeper on the shoulder and offered her a few credits.
 "What the…?"
"I wanna buy information. We're looking for a guest of yours - Jek Lawquane. Do you know where we can find him?"
She hesitated, then took the credits.
"If you're looking for that Twi'lek, he left yesterday. He's still renting a room here though."
 "Do you know where he went?"
The lady shrugged. "I don't ask my guests about their business on Kijimi. Feel free to ask around though, as long as you don't bother my guests."
 Elora cocked her head. "What's going on in this town anyway?"
 "It's been four years this week since Kijimi was freed from the Empire's occupation. Us locals wear our traditional clothes with pride during this time." she explained.
Mando and Elora asked around, but none of the patrons knew the guy they were supposed to pick up. They all strictly stayed out of each other's business. It wasn't the friendliest planet anyway. Sketchy figures around street corners were a common sight.
 "Guess I should tell Atina we're running late."
 Elora went to a less quiet corner and commed her.
 "What happened?" Atina asked right away.
 "He's not at the inn and nobody knows where he could be. All we know is he left yesterday."
 "He's meeting with a smuggler. I don't know where, but you could ask where the next smuggler lair is located."
 "Thanks for the info." Elora hung up and went back to the innkeeper.
"Look girl, I'm really busy right now. According to rumors there's a smuggler lair in the cave behind that waterfall. I must ask you to leave now, we have no spare room at the moment and your Mandalorian makes my guests uncomfortable with his presence."
 At least they got the information they required. They couldn’t leave the overcrowded inn quick enough.
The waterfall was an hour walk away from the town's outskirts. Mando insisted they should go immediately so they would be back before nightfall. They just followed the river upstream. The wet ground caked their boots in mud and Grogu's pram was closed so it wouldn't rain into it.
"I knew this wouldn't become a simple pickup." Mando muttered under his breath. "We should hurry. Don't wanna leave that droid alone on my ship longer than necessary."
 Elora rolled her eyes. "You still don't trust Arfour."
 "He may listen to you, but he electrocuted me. Kriffing droid…"
 "What's it with you and droids? Why do you hate them so much? They're useful little helpers when programmed correctly."
Mando remained silent for a while before he answered. "It was during the Clone War. My settlement was attacked by Seperatist battle droids. I- I remember seeing my neighbors getting shot and buildings caving in while my parents carried me to safety. They…didn't make it."
"Yeah you mentioned that they passed away. I have no words for how sorry I am. But you can trust Arfour, he's nothing like those battle droids."
 "You're not the one who programmed him."
 "I can take a look at his programming if it makes you feel safer." she offered.
 "Thank you."
 A whine came from the pram. Grogu was becoming impatient.
 "He's tired of sitting in there. Maybe we could-"
 "Do you want him to get sick?"
 "I could carry him inside my coat for a while."
Mando didn't say anything, so she took the kid and held him against her chest, covered by the thick fabric of her coat and his little blanket.
The thundering noise of the waterfall drowned out every sound, every voice.
 "Be careful, those rocks are slippery to walk on!" Mando warned her, but she didn't notice a word he was already yelling at her. So he just went and grabbed her arm. The sensors in his helmet pointed out washed out tracks on the ground which led right behind the wall of water. Elora put Grogu back in his pram and closed it to keep him safe from the noise. She covered her ears with her hands as well. They walked into the darkness behind the water. Mando turned on a flashlight on his helmet for a better view. The sound should become quieter the further they went but there was still the thundering sound of flowing water in the air.
Eventually they reached a large rapid stream of water which looked incredibly deep. A gorge was completely filled with water. Here and there smaller waterfalls added to the amount.
 "The snow is melting!" Mando shouted over the noise.
Elora had a strange feeling in her gut. She sensed something. Someone. She followed her feelings and went a few meters further.
 "Stay here! This is dangerous!"
"I know! I'm not a child, Mando! Look! Do you see that?!" She pointed at a rock in the currents where a silhouette was holding on for their dear life.
Mando pointed his flashlight at it and his sensors told him that this person was still alive, yet hypothermic.
"My whipcord could do more harm than good and pull them into the currents or worse, me along with them."
 "I'll do it. I've done it before so I can do it again."
 "Are you sure?"
Elora clenched her teeth and nodded.
Just like you told me, inner voice of mine.
 She held out her hand and sensed the weak Force signature of the person in need.
There was no fear, just the desire to help. She felt the shift in the air and let the Force flow to the person's aid. The barely conscious person didn't realize when they floated through the air above the dangerous current and gently landed on the other side. Elora let out the breath she had been holding the entire time.
 "Great job!"
The person was a young Twi'lek man who had to be their missing passenger. But first they had to get out of there. Mando carried him and noticed the many bruises left by Elora's Force grip beginning to form as soon as they were outside and walking back into the valley in the remaining daylight.
Still better than getting squashed like a spoiled jogan fruit.
Mando thought about what they had seen inside that cave. As soon as Jek Lawquane regained consciousness he needed to talk to him. The amount of water which flowed so rapidly through the gorge worried him. What if the water level would rise and the gorge would overflow? The river flowing through the town was already full to the brim.
They had a good view of the town on their way back into the valley. Mando noticed one thing - as soon as that river couldn't take any more water a catastrophe would happen. This town wasn’t built for the amount of water threatening to break out of the mountain. Everybody in this town was in great danger from what they had seen, and nobody either seemed to know or seemed to care. They had to warn the townspeople immediately!
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Mando'a translation: mesh'la = beautiful
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Remember, Din would want you to get vaccinated. I don't wanna lose any of you guys to Covid! 🥺
Elora getting an implant can only mean one thing, right? Yes, they're gonna fall in love soon. Still, it's a slow burn story. And they're both idiots when it comes to their feelings, so it takes some time. 😁
a/n: A lot happened in this chapter and it's a build up for the next exciting chapter to come on December 25th.
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