#he likes predictability in a sense. thats why i think he was the one who eventually popped the question
4ggravation · 2 months
💍 Tighnari for the doodle game por favor
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i hc that cyno first tried proposing at like, the single least romantic time (forest patrol in this case) and tighnari immediately shut him tf down, partly because he didn't want such a display at such a time, and partly because he wanted to be the one to propose instead.
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princessbrunette · 3 months
just thinkin about pope n innocent!reader,,, and her calling him daddy while he has her on her lap stuffing her w his fingers :( just thinking…
also, could i please be 📝 anon? :) i loovee ur writing
pope liked to reward good behaviour. he found positive reinforcement worked well with you, and was happy to use that to his advantage as it kept the two of you content.
if you were to make a good suggestion to the pogues, you were rewarded with something small and quiet as acknowledgement to your deed, like a kiss on the temple or a reassuring smile and nod. if you were to go out of your way to do something kind or helpful, like bringing him food when he’d forgotten to eat — or sewing up his shirt that got ripped on a pogue mission, you’d be rewarded with copious praise and affection, calling you his ‘good girl’ which seemed to be your favourite, melting like putty in his hands each and every time.
now these were things he did naturally, for nothing in return, purely because he wanted to. but it didn’t go unnoticed that the sweeter he was on his girl, the softer and more vulnerable you’d become — stripping you down to your most true self. he wanted you, wanted all of you— so he’d keep going, keep praising to work you out. you were popes favourite thing to study.
when you’d been consistently well behaved through the entire day, even when odds were against you — he’d often help you unwind with your favourite type of reward, having you on his lap with his long skilful fingers deep inside.
“i know, i know. how’s it feel when it rub you like this, hm? can you talk to me?” he used his softest tone on you, not the voice he uses to sark at jj or argue against john b’s outrageous plans. he was his softest, most relaxed with you — and he loved that you brought that out of him.
“i—i like it, m’gonna cum soon.” you wail but it’s muffled into the smooth skin of his shoulder muscle, the plane that had been bearing all of your pleased tears and sounds.
“thats good, bambie. gonna keep rubbing that pretty clit just like this okay?” he lilts his voice gently, tilting his head when you don’t respond, too focused on breathing out heavy breaths against him. he noses at your cheek, craning down to try and get your eyes on him. “okay?” he repeats and you screw your eyes shut, nodding.
“‘kay, daddy.” you release with a held breath. he’s kind of glad your eyes were shut, because it catches him off guard for a second, blinking down at you as he continues to work his fingers inside you, thumb resting over your button.
he couldn’t say he was surprised that you were into that kind of thing, infact — jj had in a way predicted it in once when the two of them were out on the boat fishing. something along the lines of “nah dude she’s real sweet. i see why you like ‘er. got the whole innocent, ‘daddy please fuck me’ thing goin’ on, ‘ya know?” now at the time, pope had been too preoccupied with scolding jj over being vulgar about his girl to entertain the conversation, but now it was coming back to him and he realised he was right.
it definitely made sense. bad relationship with your own father which had wound you up in his arms— someone calm, nurturing, enforces gentle rules and guidance, teaches you new stuff. even away at college before he met you he was a magnet to a certain demographic of girl, one who needed a gentle demeanour and occasional firm hand.
he wracks his brain for what to say as he drops a long kiss to your forehead, blinking rapidly as thoughts fire off. he wants to please you, wants to be that for you— and for once he hadn’t done his ample research beforehand to really support you through it. he decides on something simple, trying it out.
“daddies right here, let it go for me, pretty girl.” he’s more of a natural than he realised, and as if he flipped some sort of switch— you gasp, clutching onto him hard as he feels you gush around his fingers in a water-fall like consistency.
you slur a bunch of nonsense against his skin as he shushes you kindly, ears pricking up and heat rising to his face and cock each time the word ‘daddy’ comes out muffled against his shoulder. if daddy was what you needed, daddy was what you’d get. he better get studying.
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
crowley conspiracy connoiseur i wanna confirm smth, is it true that Crowley NEVER ever used his magic??
Like without the aid of a magical item (e.g the part where he drank a transformation potion on prologue to turn into a ghost to test Grim and Yuu, thats not exactly HIS magic) I dont think he ever did?? Like even just a simple teleportation spell he never casted anything--- but he has knowledge about magic thats for sure--
but back to the question— he never ever casted a single magic in lore right??? Cuz I think its bcs his magic heavily relies on the Dark Mirror, thats why when theres an overblot hes not doing anything like fight it himself despite being the headmaster-- instead he uses the magic of students-- because he cant do anything magical without that Dark Mirror??
Or maybe his magic is really just prophetic, which is completely useless in combat/power kajsja
am gonna die if he actually used magic but i just forgot 💀💀💀
Finally, someone who addresses me by my proper title!!! 💞🤪 /j
Just like Crowley, the answer to this very good question is annoyingly complicated 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Because it’s YES and…No???
The thing is, in the Twisted Wonderland game, he never uses magic, so you are correct! The Dark Mirror, the Potion, the Ghost Camera, and that magic Hammer thing for the guest room: all of these are magic items that Crowley has used. Even in the Savanaclaw chapter where he teaches Ace, Deuce, and Grim about blot, he summons the three Ramshackle ghosts to battle them to create blot. He has never been in a battle in-game, which is very sus. It’s even lampshaded in the prologue, when Crowley says to catch the runaway Grim at the entrance ceremony, Leona says “why don’t you do it yourself?”
But here’s where it gets complicated: In both the manga and the novel, he DOES use magic- but on a very minor scale.
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He demonstrates fire magic with the tip of one claw, saying how imagination is vital to casting magic
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And in the Heartslabyul manga AND the novel when Riddle overblots, he actually casts a barrier to protect the students from the debris. (Tee hee he was lowkey kinda cool for this)
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And finally, in the novel he seems to magically give Grim the magestone collar.
This inconsistency makes me weirdly grumpy lmao, because isn’t it strange how there are no rumors about the Headmage’s “strong magical power!” Or something? You’d think that the headmage of a prestigious academy would have those types of rumors surrounding him, but he doesn’t. However, I am consoled by the fact that nearly all the magic Crowley has used in outside-game stuff (minus the little fire) is all PASSIVE/DEFENSIVE magic.
Barriers, summoning items. Not the most aggressive type of magic, right? So I think you’re right that Crowley may not have strong attack-type magic, which makes sense if he’s inspired by Maleficent’s raven. Diablo supports Maleficent; he’s not the one shooting lightning at everybody! In Idia’s Night Raven Quest, Crowley is definitely the defense/support type 🤪 Perhaps he really can’t do anything with the Overblots because he can’t attack with magic well.
It’s also become a running gag that Crowley “appears” in front of people literally whenever. I don’t think it’s teleportation magic- but a transformation. He seem to turn into a raven/crow in the opening animation several times, so maybe he doesn’t even need teleportation magic? He can just turn into a tiny bird, very inconspicuous, and turn back into his human form to catch people off guard. And if he is Levan, who was the left-hand war general, he would have a significant amount of physical strength and fighting prowess. Hmmm…
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Now that you mention it though, I realize NRC actually has a lot of connection with things that DONT use magic 🤔 Pomefiore with poisons and curses, Ignihyde with machines, Savanaclaw and sports, Octanivelle and intellect, and Scarabia with astrology?!? Interesting how the stars can be used for predictions 👀 I wished it was mentioned in-game tho…Anyway, Diasomnia is this one weird case where the students there are literally just good at magic 😭 SUS?!?!?
Oops this got very long 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Didn’t mean to use your ask to create another theory 🤣 I hope this helps, because I literally cannot think of a single instance where he uses his own magic in-game??? Which is very sus and idk if the novel and manga count for this…thanks for the ask, it was super interesting! 👀
Edit: As of Crowley’s card that dropped months after this ask was written, Crowley displays much more magic than what was written here!
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pacifymebby · 1 year
could you possibly do the peaky lads where their s/o who seems “out-there” to others (not weird like crazy and loud) as in doesn’t fully understand social cues, might speak before thinking, not understanding or realizing the vibe of a conversation in time/at all, but ultimately being good-intentioned and tries hard to act “right”? (essentially maybe being someone on the spectrum and if this sounds personal that’s bc it is lol) ty for ur consideration :) 🤍🤍
Okay so, i have adhd and suspected but not diagnosed autism so i based a lot of this on my own experiences but also just wanted to say thank u for the ask i love this its v v cool.
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🌿Is probably taken back by it at first, his whole thing is being able to predict how other people behave and respond and when he can't do that with you he finds it throws him
🌿 At first... Once he knows he can't ever account for how you'll respond to him or how you'll feel about a situation he stops trying to control things or predict things and kind of realises he just has to be himself, no frills, no tricks, just plain old Tommy
🌿 Theres a moment the first time you meet, where he's talking to you, probably warning you away from the part of the city youre in, trying to put on the dangerous man act, when it becomes apparent that although youre listening to him (he thinks you're listening to him anyway?) your mind is clearly wandering and before he's finished speaking you cut him off with "Well i have to come here... Thats my favourite bakery," you point over his shoulder and he's a little stunned...
"Excuse me?" he looks at you in confusion, wants to ask why you can't just go to a different bakery but senses that if he does you might actually answer him...
🌿He realises pretty early on that any sense of danger you have is outweighed by your own stubborness/ routine. You're going to keep walking past the betting shop to get to your bakery whether he likes it or not, so he can either adjust and make time in his busy schedule to acompany you to the bakery, or he can let you get on with it.
🌿 So you get to see a side of him that he doesn't usually show anyone anymore. Things start out awkward but quickly become very natural once Tommy lets go of his need to control every element of his life.
🌿So other people don't really understand what you've done or how you've done it, but they notice the change in Tommy when youre around and they say that youve done him a lot of good. They think you're really good for him.
🌿 You're nervous to meet his family because you are aware that sometimes other people dont understand you, in a society of rules and set manners, you often come across as rude or a little odd... But Tommy would reassure you, probably by pointing out that youre about to enter a family full of "witches, psychics and murderous thugs" (joking of course) so how can anybody possibly say that you're the odd one...
🌿And when you meet his family he's watching you the whole time, trying to make sure he notices if you get overwhelmed or if you feel uncomfortable.
🌿 When youre nervous your habit of ramblimg very quickly can get worse and when he notices this happening he gives your hand a squeeze and makes sure hes following the conversation so he can answer when youre done... You have a tendency to leave people in stunned silence and he doesnt want you to be embarrassed
🌿 In the same vein, when you miss social cues, don't realise someones made a joke, don't realise you're being spoken to and need to answer, Tommy will gently, subtly nudge you in the right direction or just start to answer for you so that you know you can speak.
🌿 Also if its an important meeting or social event thats happening in which you will be on public display he will go through every step of the evening with you telling you what you should say when you greet certain people, when you should shake hands ect ect. He will explain different peoples personalities and mannerisms too, "When you meet him he'll probably try to charm you, he tells lots of terrible jokes, none of them will be funny but when he laughs you should laugh too, don't worry if you don't understand the joke, they're usually so bad no one else does either..." he will make sure you feel prepared to navigate the evening!!
🌿If anyone makes any sarcastic comments in front of you, theres a chance they will go over your head, but tommy will pick up on it and put whoever said it in their place. Hes probably more protective of you and feels he has to shield you from everyone who doesn't understand you
🌿 There are definitely times when he's been in the middle of a very tense conversation with one of his brothers or in the middle of a family meeting when the vibe is "tense" and you've not really picked up on the seriousness of a conversation, so have asked what to anyone else would be deemed a trivial question... John might smirk, Arthur probably frowns and can't hide his confusion... But tommy would just answer your question plain and simple.
🌿And the rest of the family would be able to tell from the look he gave them not to say a word.
🌿 When someone is flirting with you and you dont realise (because idk about you but unless someone is straight up "do you wanna fuck" i will not notice at all, and if they say something too obvious then i just think its a joke) Tommy will just quietly tell you, he'll be a mixture of proud and possesive, "you do realise what that man wants from you don't you angel?" "What?" "You..." "Oh, well... Thats unfortunate for him i guess?..."
🌿Ultimately the gist of this is that its amusing for everyone else seeing how Tommy has to relax and accept a loss of control when he's around you... And he is forced to open up, umwind and be less uptight because of you too. You definitely bring out the good in him.
🐻 Alfie is exceptionally endeared to you, he thinks its cute when he catches you looking lost in conversation, he just wants to put an arm around you, take you under his wing.
🐻 The first time he met you, when he introduced himself to you and you didn't quite catch what he'd said so instead of asking you just hesitated, looking back at him waiting for him to say something else... He pretty much decided from then on that he was going to keep you around, he'd have a protective attitude towards you even if really you don't need protecting.
🐻 He would try to teach you a little about the streets of Camden, try to teach you some street smarts... Because he doesnt like the thought of you out there on your own... But if you weren't a quick learner he wouldn't mind. He'd be very patient with you, and honestly he probably enjoys being that person you look to for help in any situation.
🐻 He will also try to help you prepare for any social events which might be intimidating for you, giving you all the gossip and intel to help you behave accordingly with each person... Unfortunately he will let his own opinions get in the way, he'll refer to a person by his own personal insults "fat boy" or "mummys boy" little nicknames he gives to each person, which you may once or twice have been known to accidently blurt out upon an introduction.
🐻 He likes to catch your eye across a room and feel like he's your protector when he walks over, stands just behind you and picks up the conversation for you.
🐻 He can talk for England can Alfie and i think the first time you interrupt him, mid-sentence this excited smile on your face because you know exactly what he's talking about!
🐻 He'd be amazed the first time you cut him off like that but i think afterawhile, as he got used to it, he'd enjoy it, the two of you would have such long conversations cutting in on one another, talking about ten different things at once
🐻 Hes lowkey impressed by your ability to understand him and follow his train of thought when he's talking complete shit.
🐻 You're the only person who is allowed to interrupt him.
🐻 Ollie is lowkey jealous that you get away with all of your mishaps because he doesnt.
🐻 Alfie doesn't see any problem with the way you are, if other people say you seem odd or "out there" he just shrugs and says "wellllll i like 'em..."
🐻 More than that, Alfie actually enjoys the fact that you often misstep in conversation with others... He likes to see the looks of confusion on other people's faces when you say or do something they aren't expecting. He absolutely won't help them when you catch them off guard with a question they weren't expecting.
🐻 "Well? The little lady asked you a question... Didn't she..."
🐻 He would constantly be battling internally with whether to let you help him with business or not... On the one hand you'd be excellent at unnerving his opponents without even trying... But on the other hand you are so precious to him and he wouldn't want you anywhere near those kinds of people. Especially when you sometimes don't pick up on the vibe of the conversation, you might not realise if you were being threatened...
🐻 One thing he does find amusing but does spark his over protective and possesive nature, is that you never, NEVER notice when someone is flirting with you... You will giggle along, smile and be your friendly self with someone who is really pushing their luck... And alfie will stand there silently furious but also finding it incredibly funny that this man is trying so hard to charm you, is thinking that its working, but it actually isnt at all.
🐻 He'll cough, take your hand in his and raise your palm to his lips as a way of gently showing you his affection and passive aggressively showing the other man that you're taken.
🍂 Arthur strikes me as spectrumy himself to be honest so i think the two of you would either get along incredibly well, having these fast conversations only the two of you can understand, or you'd constantly be misunderstanding eachother and getting confused.
🍂 I think he'd find it funny when you behave unexpectedly in front of Tommy, the fact that you really try to be "good" and polite in front of him but still end up mistepping because you don't pick up on the subtext of the conversation...
🍂 Arthur would find that both adorable and reassuring since he often doesnt pick up on those things either.
🍂 Honestly i think you would understand eachother better than anyone else understands either of you. You'd be able to have such easy conversations about the important stuff because neither of you would cut corners or pussy foot around difficult things... Youd just tell eachother everything exactly how it is/feels to you and then you'd have clarity that isn't there in your relationships with others
🍂 I think your inability to match up to societies expectations would marry up well to his "reject/underdog/outcast" thing too. You're both trying your best to be what other people expect you to be but you're both "failing" and through no fault of your own.
🍂 You would be eachothers salvation and sanctuary from a confusing and frustrating world. Instead of feeling like "whats wrong with me?" you'd come to the conclusion that the real question is "what the fucks wrong with everybody else? Why are we the only sane ones?"
🍂 He would be fiercly loyal and protective of you, if other people like his brothers ever made out like you had "a screw loose" or you were a bit "slow" Arthur would defend you with his whole chest (and fists depending on who said what where)
🍂 When he can tell that you're really struggling to follow a conversation he'll speak for both of you, whether he understands the whole vibe of the conversation or not.
🍂 When you are feeling overwhelmed he'll hold your hand in his lap and give it a tight squeeze
🍂 He fucking hates it when people flirt with you and you dont realise. Sometimes he gets frustrated with you but most of the time his anger is directed at the men.
🌼 Adhd king amirite <3
🌼 Who is actually interrupting who here? What are you even talking about anymore?
🌼 You and john would definitely be thick as theives, almost telepathic because you just get eachother in that way that only two neurodivergents can?
🌼 You'd balance eachother out as well, you'd be the laid back half to his excited child chaos.
🌼 Every time you "fucked up" in conversation this man would have your back, doubling down on whatever you said, always taking your side. He'd be fiercly loyal to you and you to him.
🌼 I think he'd make it even harder to concentrate on conversations though, you would be trying hard to listen in a family meeting and John would be whispering to you, knowing he finds it easy to distract you... So if you're missing the vibe of serious conversations its not your fault, its just you have the class clown sitting next to you and you're his favourite person so
🌼 I think you and John would struggle at first when it comes to emotional conversations. You know that bit in Wednesday when her love interest says "You're giving me all these signals Wednesday..." and like, as far as she's concerned she hasnt been giving any signals at all. I feel like at first thats how it would be... He'd be making it obvious how much he likes you... Cheesy flirting, real teenage boy flirting and you'd just think it was a joke IF you noticed it at all
🌼 And one day he'd just be like "y/n what the fucks going on here do you like me or not?"
🌼 "Well of course i like you John, i wouldnt spend all this time with you if i didn't like you..."
🌼 "You know i dont mean it like that y/n..."
🌼 "Like what?"
🌼 Basically you just being kind of clueless that he likes you and him just desperately trying to make it more and more obvious... But then when he finally cracks and says it to you plain and simple, you answer him plain and simple and he feels like a fool for not just talking to you...
🌼 And then when you are together it would be this learning curve for him, that he can't just say serious things in a jokey way because you won't know hes really being serious.
🌼 He has to learn to be a bit less childish sometimes... Only sometimes... Other times you behave like children together much to everybody elses frustration.
🌼 Together you for sure spell trouble and he is definitely ecstatic every time you cut Tommy off or ask him an unexpected question.
🌼 Finds it funny when you don't realise other people are hitting on you, but he does worry it will get you into trouble, that you'll mistake someone being sleazy with you for someone being friendly, so he keeps a close eye on you when youre out, even when youre not out with him
🍀 He's definitely been into you for way longer than you realise... He's been trying to give you signals for so long but they're all so subtle that you don't pick up on them at all
🍀 You're always referring to him as your best friend. You once told someone he was "like a brother" to you.
🍀 He's constantly suffering real teenage angst and yearning for you
🍀 Until one day you blurt it out in conversation and take him by surprise...
🍀 "I said something really stupid and I'm sorry Bonnie!" you'd say in the middle of his sentence about something totally different. Youd be awkward about it, fiddling with your shirt or hair, "I didn't mean to say you were like my brother... You're not that at all actually... Actually i think you're..." he'd be able to see that you are struggling with it but
🍀 He doesnt want to push you or talk over you so he just has to wait it out...
🍀 "think I'm what dove?" he'd be hopeful but not wanting to get his hopes up, because he's used to how unpredictable you can be sometimes, he knows you might not be about to say what he wants you to
🍀 "Actually i think... I really um.. You know..." he'd chuckle at that, biting back a smile as he plays with your fingers, definitely would enjoy teasing you when you steuggle for words/to say the right thing.
🍀 When you finally tell him he'd be so happy, he wouldnt even care that it had taken so long, he'd just be glad you finally understood eachothers feelings.
🍀 He'd be very supportive of you, he'd never let you feel embarrassed or guilty/ashamed if you felt like you'd messed up in conversation
🍀 Similar to Tommy hed make jokes at his family's expense like "You're worried you're the odd one here? Really little dove?"
🍀 Always telling you you're perfect and that he loves you, you're never going to feel like you're not good enough
🍀 Will defend you from any teasing that may come your way
🍀When youre watching him fight you don't hold back when you shout encouragement. You don't really understand when hes throwing the fight unless he spells it out to you first, so sometimes you won't realise and you'll be be shouting at him to "hit back, why aren't you fucking hitting him bon?"
🍀So he learns to warn you and tell you exactly how a fight is supposed to go before it starts. He's lowkey worried youll get him caught!
🍀Bonnie laughs it off when other people flirt with you because "well good luck to em i say, took you bloody years to notice me didn't it," but he does make a point of holding your hand in public, kissing you in public.
🍀 His favourite thing is that the idea of "manners" doesn't hold you back a lot of the time, if the other boys are being cheeky to you you wont hesitate to put them in their place and its always cutting and brutal, more so because you often don't intend for it to be.
🐀Doesn't have the trouble of you not realising he likes you because he is actually straight up with you from the very beginning. "I think me and you would make a good couple what do you say y/n..." "I don't know you..." "Well thats what a dates for... What do you say? I'll pick you up at 7?"
🐀Because hes so straightforward with you, you understand eachother quickly and you are able to trust him very quickly too.
🐀You'd never be confused about where you stand with Isaiah because he always says things simple and truthful and doesn't try to hide or sweeten things for you
🐀Still it takes him by surprise one day when he tries to, he's talking about a job he has to do for tommy, and he's not saying it but you know its dangerous... You turn to him cutting him off mid sentence, "so he wants you to kill them for him? How are you going to do it?"
🐀The way you offer up advice on killing them/disposing of the body so he won't get caught... You just want to make sure he doesn't get caught so that he will be safe, you don't really realise how removed and heartless you sound... When he points it out he says it with an affectionate smirk but you just shrug
🐀"well i just don't want you to get hurt... If i can help you to be safe why wouldn't i? How is that heartless?" he'd be forced to accept that youre right actually, its hardly heartless to care about him.
🐀He would be over protective of you around the others, if other peaky boys looked at you for too long, or tried to tease you, flirting with you and then snickering about the fact you don't seem to realise that they are... Isaiah would put them in their place immediately, wouldn't hesitste to hit them around the back of the head with his cap, shaking his head at them and talking down to them about how they behave like fucking children
🐀When you're worried about messing up in front of people he will be encouraging but in a "so what?" kind of way. He has had to spend his whole life fighting to be respected in the wake of a society that looks down on him for who he is, and his attitude to that is "fuck em" thats what he'll say to you.
🐀"But Isaiah what if i do something wrong and they think I'm..." "who gives a fuck what they think of you love, if you spend your whole life worrying about what the likes of them think about you you'll never be happy, they'll never welcome you with open arms so fuck em... You're fuckin perfect right, a fuckin star... Fuck em... "
🐀Expect lots of these angsty little pep talks.
☘️ Cares about you alot and can empathise with your embarrassment when you realise you've messed up in conversation by speaking too soon or saying something that isn't exactly relevent at the wrong time... He feels like he can feel it for you
☘️ And his response to this is to try and make sure this happens as little as possible... He doesnt want to make you feel bad about it because he knows you try your best and you just can't help it... But he also hates to see you embarrassed or being laughed at by others so he tries his best to help you get by in social situations
☘️He will write out step by step notes on conversing with certain people (like his cousin tommy who intimidates you) and if you're nervous about something like a job interview or just meeting someone important, then he will let you practice and rehearse the conversation with you too
☘️ He's very supportive in this way, and he'll never leave you to fend for yourself in any situation he doesn't 100% know you'll be accepted in
☘️ He will leave you on your own with Pol though, because he knows she will accept you for everything you are.
☘️ He does get frustrated sometimes when you cut him off but only when he's trying to talk to you about something serious (like your own personal safety) he's constantly reminding you to concentrate or listen to him
☘️ However when you're just talking about things together he likes to let you cut him off and start rambling about something, he loves how your face lights up when something interests you, or how you concentrate when you're explaining a new idea to someone. He could listen to you talk for hours and hours.
☘️ And when you are feeling confident in a social situation michael enjoys being a silent spectator just sitting back and watching you thrive. If you get worried afterwards that you missed the vibe of the conversation or you talked too much he'll shake his head "darlin you were the most interesting person at the table, if you ask me they should have only let you speak, we could all have enjoyed listening to you even longer..."
☘️ He warns his family in advance, and warns tommy especially because he wants tommy to be patient with you and will not tolerate anyone snapping at you or humiliating you.
☘️Really i think, michael was raised in a loving but judgemental family until he found his real mum, i think those prejudices would sometimes sneak up on him, so perhaps at first he would be concious of your differences, however he also knows that those exact prejudices are what meant he was taken from him real mum, they're hnjust and they target good people...so rather than hold those prejudices himself he would be extra concious of protecting you from other people who might hold them
☘️ He won't let anyone say a bad word about you ever, sometimes you'll actually have to be the one to say "calm down michael, he was just joking..."
I hope you like these and that they were what you were wanting, they've taken me a long time because i wanted to get them right i guess!!!
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wackytheorist · 4 months
What if the QSMP quiz on day 3 of the puzzle was like an interview in disguise and how Mr. Bunny was chosen. Maybe they got the potential investor role since thats the highest one you can get and it makes sense since Mr. Bunny replaced the duck(I forgot their name). Further proof being that day 3s cipher is "bunny".
Now we can only get potential investor if we score forty points, and to score forty points you need to select the answer that is worth four points on every question, which is more specific then the other roles(not including D-rank worker) because the OTHER ROLES have a range. Also an interesting detail is that some 4 point choices... don't seem that much of a deal
SO using the options that are worth 4 points, we can theorize on Mr. Bunny's personality.
Q1: DIAMOND BLOCK(4points) According to the narrator, Mr. Bunny knows a thing or two about Money, and assuming he's the same person who left those messages on the lore images and established capitalism.... yeah I think it makes sense. In Qsmp, diamonds are like money.
Q2: DARK OAK PLANKS(4 POINTS) I've always wondered... why wasn't black stone bricks or even the quartz options not 4 points.... well lets look think a bit... Quartz is a signature of the federation, Blackstone bricks is the Color pallet of the resistance/rebellion. Dirt is... dirt. So the only option that doesn't really correlate make sense is dark oak plank. The room that the islanders passed out in does use dark oak planks....
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Q3: Create a trapped maze that leads to the entrance to confuse unwanted visitors.(4 POINTS)- Now we don't know much about Mr. Bunny, or how this corelates to his personality. But using this, we can make a prediction that MR. Bunny's headquarters would be hard to find.
Q4: Build a gigantic mansion just for them, treat them like royalty!(4 POINTS) We know Mr. Bunny is here for the money, he also owns a business separate to federation(know this because of day 2s lore Image). Most corrupt money hungry business owners are often, A: Corrupt because Poor, Business is flopping or B: Corrupt because Business is succeeding hence greedy. We can think Mr. Bunny is B because of this answer.
Q5: PAINTING(4 POINTS): I cannot think of a lore reason, maybe they just prefer paintings or maybe there is a lore reason that we haven't discovered yet....
Q6 RED COUCH(4 POINTS) ALL (except day 5) of the lore images have a red/black gradient background. examples below. We can assume red is a correct that represents Mr. Bunny.
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Q7: GOLD(4 POINTS) Again, like the first question, Mr. Bunny LOVES Money. Although this question asks to choose a thing to collect, and the answers are things you can collect from the federation: Furniture, Classified info, Rocks. Mr. "gold digger" Bunny here only for the money.
Q8: I answer their questions at the door and they leave, the rest of my day is uneventful.(4 POINTS) The question is about what you would do when Cucurucho visits... I don't think there is much lore in this but(again going to use the money point but so does the lore images) he DOESN'T CARE about Cucurucho much.... you know what he DOES care about.
Q9:A beautiful flower garden, carefully tended to!(4 POINTS) I dont know the implications in lore and the personality for Mr. Bunny . Maybe he can afford it and maybe this can be related to how beautiful the shops look. But we don't have enough evidence to call it a theory.
Q10: Once I get what I want from them, I kill them. When the investigators come, I serve them a wonderful meaty stew. There is no evidence(4 POINTS) This answer perfectly represents how Mr. Bunny thinks of the federation.... he is using them like meat bag for money, and once he has enough, we can think that he'll try to take over....
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watcherwatts · 1 year
something i fucking adore about puppet history, or at least this season of it, is how predictable (not the right word but i cant think of a better one right now) it is. not in the sense of like "ohh cmon we all knew that was gonna happen boooo" but in the sense of "oh my god i was right ! i knew that was gonna happen !" like, for example, from the beginning of this season, i knew that the professor was a hologram, i instantly theorized about the idea that hea a hologram and the box is his power source. and when i found out i was right ? i was ecstatic. i was so fucking excited that i was right. and thats what i love about this show. the fact that you are able to pick up on all these little hints and clues, all the little breadcrumbs and foreshadowing. we are given all these little things to pick apart and sink our teeth into. the fact that you are able to build theories upon them and even have your theories be correct, but even if you are wrong, or slightly wrong, its still all worth it. every episode leaves you on your toes, needing the ticking of time to go faster so you can get your grubby little hands on the latest episode. we are all putting together pieces of some grander, and probably way more surprising puzzle, and its so fucking beautiful. its so fun, and exciting, and just..god i love it.
plus, this ties into a huge reason why i love shane madej so much. why he is such an inspiration to me, especially creatively. because who else is going to do something like this ? who else is going to craft an entire multi-season puppet show about a puppet teaching insane events in history, with trivia segments for ryan bergara and whoever that episodes guest is to compete for the title of history master, that in-show puppet shows, and a musical number, where the host of the show, the professor, ends up being sent back in time and immediately eaten by a dinosaur because ryan bergara made a deal with the devil and a genie because he was sick of loosing every episode, he then realizes what a mistake he made and during the professors funeral, where it is revealed that all the puppets were turned into puppets because of the professors weird time shit and are now in some kind of limbo where theyve also created a hologram of the professor, so he kinda wishes that he never made the deal, so the weird limbo hologram professor gets sent to the now and does the show as a disguise for the fact that he wants to become fully corporeal by skinning ryan bergara and wearing him like a meat suit and successfully? (we were left on a cliffhanger) does so, MEANWHILE, back during the crustaceous period, the dinosaur that ate the professor gives birth to him, the egg hatches and now the professor is part dinosaur and has a t-rex mom and pterodactyl/pterosaur dad who love him very much, however its the fucking crustaceous period so guess whats heading the way of that sweet little family. AND THERES STILL AN ENTIRE EPISODE LEFT. who else could even do something like this? think back to the hotdaga. what started out as a silly little hotdog on a skateboard turning into a fully fleshed out story with musical numbers. he even combed through every unsolved voice over file to compile clips to create an entire fucking song using ryans voice. this is where shane excels, his creativity truly shines. he is a mad genius, a fantastic artist. shane is and always has been a storyteller, and i am so fucking proud of how far hes come. i am so happy that he is truly able to delve into his passions and create.
puppet history is such a genuinely well crafted story, a work of art, and i am so excited to see the finale of this season. thank you to everyone that has put their efforts, their hearts, and their souls into this show. thank you @wearewatcher.
i love you.
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thrandilf · 1 year
Been thinking about Aaravos as usual and sensing his story may very well be a tragedy just because. From his point of view,
Dragon Prince is about breaking cycles and starting anew, but Aaravos has no chance of that. He’s witnessed every horrible thing in history from the destruction of Elarion to the present, and judging by his ability to predict the ways of the Sunfire Elves, nothing has really changed. Like, yes in S4 things are changing, and there are people who want to put themselves out there and mend things, but Aaravos doesn’t see that. Even if he did it may be too little too late
All he knows is centuries of injustices and it’s been compounded over 300 years of solitary confinement. Remembering. Rethinking. Over and over with no new information. He’s had no closure for anything he’s ever seen (although he does appreciate Avizandum being taken out, though it doesn’t change anything for him) and I think that the prospect of vengeance is all thats kept him from completely losing it
I think his original plan was to pit the dragons against each other. To him, they had all proven to be unreasonable, arrogant, and cruel. They could have killed each other over the struggle for power. Given the tempers of some of them, it wouldn’t have been that hard to just let the conflict spiral. Aaravos would appear innocent, still beloved, a natural choice for the next leader of Xadia in light of the tragic end of the dragons. Aaravos wants to be worshipped, Aaravos thinks he knows best, and this would be a way to do it without ever getting his hands dirty. To him, this would benefit everyone if he ran the world based off his ideals
Queen Aditi ruined this plan by stepping in and finding a peaceful solution the dragons would accept, so Aaravos took her out.
I should make it clear that yes, I do think that this makes him a villain/at best an anti-hero (and he’s my favorite character so I’m not here to bash) but now we’re faced with the Now What once he’s set free and like.
I don’t think he has a choice but to continue his conquest. If he can’t take the world by sitting innocently in the shadows, brute force it is. Even if he could heal, could forgive, could want to move on, could surrender and just ask “what can I do as long as it’s anything other than sitting in solitary” no one would let him. He’s keeping the cycle spinning because he’s so deep in it that he’s dragging anyone else he possibly can in with him, and if they listen to him as Claudia does, his accounts of history aren’t wrong.
Aaravos was imprisoned with the intention of letting him eventually die in there, sealed away forever. It’s the world’s most drawn out execution, and this is the way it was done because no one had the ability to directly confront him. He did terrible things which broke people’s trust in him forever. He’s been punished for them, but is there any end to it? How many years should have been enough? Is killing him the only answer? But he can’t be expected to just lay down his life after what he already feels was an unjust punishment.
Once he’s free, there’s nothing he could say or do to convince the elves and dragons that he just wants to live in peace, if he wished. There’s no way to be trustworthy or to redeem himself. He’s not allowed a change of heart even if he wanted it. He’s been branded an evil person and condemned until he dies. What else is he supposed to do but live it, or go into hiding? Why would he shut himself away when he thinks he’s right and thinks it’s up to him to fix the world?
It’s like when Claudia brought Viren back and Viren wanted to spend the rest of his days in peace, and she wouldn’t let him. She won’t let go.
Both Viren and Aaravos are so deeply intwined in this that even if they wanted to, they couldn’t get out (although Viren has more hope to than Aaravos does) It would be up to them to accept imprisonments/execution/ect if society agrees that what they’ve done is unforgivable, and so Viren is seeking Aaravos out of survival, and Aaravos will do whatever it is he’s been planning for years because it’s all he has left, and so despite the protagonist’s efforts to make peace, it’s not gonna happen
The change in the way Queen Janai handles justice makes me wonder if there is future hope/atonement for either of them. Perhaps they could be given a chance to help with building a better world. Perhaps they would be given a chance to break the cycle of violence. Perhaps they could do something productive with their gifts and fix things. It’s an interesting thought
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Ok, so i watched the finale, it was pretty predictable but enjoyable. But during the after cred scene, it really just solidified how aimless these characters are, Willow truly became just 'strong athlete' who serves as Hunters arm candy. She doesnt seem to give a shit about plants anymore ig? shes just 'buff' now.
Gus went straight back to 'guy who likes humans who has a group to celebrate said interest'. Amity is just... making abominations? i guess? Hunter is making palismen, which seems shoved in because caleb apparently carved.
Luz is... magic. yeah thats it. Eda is a headteacher, which feels widely out of place, but whatever. King Is. Other characters are rebuilding? i just- it feels like these characters have nowhere else to go because they just had no personal goals outside of very basic shit.
With amphibia, sasha became a child therapist, anne became a biologist who specialised in amphibians, marcy became a game designer. These are all goals that reflect their journey.
Now I want to start by saying that endings are hard and that character endings can be even harder than that. If you do a time skip epilogue, you have to somehow be able to show that all the characters are happy, successful and moving on in a way that makes sense and is narratively satisfying. You also usually have VERY little time to do this with because it's purposefully meant to be fluffy and sweet and disconnected from the rest in a way that isn't going to fit with the core of the show. The problem is that part of why this is hard is because characters are meant to be complex and their endings should reflect on the themes of the piece as well. Marcy's creativity and wonder about things blooming into a webcomic (I believe it's a webcomic and not games at least, though games works too) is great because she found a healthy way to share those passions with others and make connections through them. Anne's whole arc was learning to find the wonder in others and the strange world she was in and so her aquarium job is dead on the money. Sasha had to learn the hard way how to stop being controlling, angry and manipulative and passing those lessons on is far deeper and useful to others than anything her cheerleader base would have made you expect. It also makes it so when the show states the theme of the piece, about separation being a chance to grow and what you'll find coming back together is all the stronger, it hits SO. FUCKING. HARD. And comparing that to TOH... Well, we got effectively six character endings from what I've seen, seven if you count Lilith but hers is just more of what she was already doing as her job in the series, just now with a harpy form so I don't. Only six are meant to be any sort of final cap on their character/lives. And I'm just going to say this outright: They're not all bad. So from best to worst, with the name at the start of each in bold in case you don't care about someone, let's talk about: Hunter Amity Eda Willow Gus Luz Hunter: It's good. It's genuinely pretty damn good. That's not a joke or a setup or anything either. If Hunter's arc was about rejecting Belos to any extent, then this is a GREAT finish, even without Flapjack. After all, the part of the Isles that Belos himself most directly destroyed through his consumption, greed and wrath was the palistrom trees and palismen. Having it be that Hunter is now helping restore those elements is incredibly potent. Of course, there's also the obvious connection of Hunter and Flapjack but arguably the bird had more to do with his arc than any one character so him influencing Hunter's future just makes sense. I think it also just fits well with Hunter's character though. Watching out for people trying to steal palistrom wood uses his old soldier training but now in a constructive way, he's obviously not a very social person so the isolation is probably nice to him to get away from things and the boy has a LOT mentally to deal with. Working on regular wood while thinking about all of that is going to be a good place to release those anxieties and tensions in a good, creative manner. And for themes of identity, I think it's fine too. While Flapjack was Caleb's palisman, I don't think we ever get it confirmed that Caleb himself carved for a living or the like. That makes this genuinely something Hunter is doing himself and not because of someone else. That includes if he's doing it somewhat for Flapjack because honoring a friend is a very personal thing and very different from copying the dead. And again, frankly, the job feels very right for Hunter because it plays into his strengths rather than his weaknesses and gives him the peace he needs. No notes. Good job show. You got one. Amity: Okay, that's a little mean because Amity's is... Fine. It finally gives a point to her and her father's arc that you can't argue with through "X led to nothing" like angst about her father or the abomaton problem. There is a through line to this, especially with her abomatons. It makes narrative sense and functions.
...Except how much have those things actually mattered to her and in how long? She still rejected her father's hug in Reaching Out and didn't ask Em and Ed about him so their relationship by the end of the show still wasn't good. Escaping Expulsion explicitly said Amity was letting her grades slip so she's been at least distracted from magic for over a season at this point. Yes they claim her hair is abomination styled but it's WAY too light colored for that frankly, making it look way more pink than any sort of purple. Worse yet is that Amity's arc, besides becoming Luz's girlfriend, can be generously claimed as having a theme of becoming her own person instead of what others want of her. This technically works but clashes some by her still following in one of her parent's footsteps. She just swapped from her mother's dream to her father's passions. Now Alador never pushed her to copy him, he was neglectful after all so that would have been hard, so it still works. It is still theoretically a form of abominations that is characterized in the show by being about passion rather than simply performance with Odalia pushing the need for it to be commercial, something Amity theoretically won't care about. Frankly though, with how much her arc tries to push her caring about others, her reading to kids, there even being from what I've seen a sweet moment between her and the Collector... Why not make her a teacher or a caretaker of some sort? That's harder to portray than abomination mechanic but it fits as an ultimate capstone for going from someone who only cared about personal position, being the best and would throw away lives for her goals to someone who rejected all of that. To someone who spent their life now lifting others up and her knowledge empowered her to do that better than she otherwise could have. So Amity gets like a B. It works narratively and for the character but there's some improvement that could be done.
Eda: Oh look, a job that is going to make her absolutely miserable! That is my first thought hearing that she's a headmaster. After all, being the lead administrator is NOT the same as being a teacher. The paperwork alone is going to make her wish she was dead, much like when Tsunade became Hokage in Naruto. But that's not really what you're supposed to be thinking with it. It's supposed to be the ultimate extension of both Momma Eda in her students being her kids but also the fulfillment of Eda going from reluctant mentor to full on teacher. Which... If there were more than two episodes of the series where Eda was actually even attempting to be a mentor to Luz, that might actually mean more and that is EASILY the stronger thread being pulled here. You have to make the students into a more abstract concept for the Momma Eda theme to really fit here. What could you have done with her? I don't entirely know but I would probably have said enjoying retirement with Raine. Living a life finally at peace and without a need to hustle and bustle to fight against the curse or the system. She could have the freedom she always wanted without having to fear for her life. Having her partner by her side also makes it so you know she has family, something she spent so much of her life without. So essentially it's an ending that works from a more meta perspective but when you actually consider the events of the show and the character, it's questionable how much it fits or how 'happy' an ending it will be for her, especially when it ties her down so hard.
Willow: Okay, being fair here, from a setup perspective this actually works better than Eda's ending. Her strength is much of what defined her character, magically and physically, and she decided personally to want to go into sports in S2. Her becoming an athlete fits on both of those levels. For a character who is mostly a plot device, that's not bad.
Except it really doesn't play into anything about how she began and her resentment towards the name Half a Witch. It also has nothing to do with her plants. These elements that the show tried to claim had her seething resentment, that dominated her childhood, are ENTIRELY gone from her ending instead of reclaimed in any way. It's frustrating because it really paints that early stuff as pointless and genuinely just for Amity's sake, not Willow's and that's not great when the athletic stuff always felt tacked onto me in S2 just to give her SOMETHING to do with Hunter.
It also just continues pushing this feeling to me that despite setting up and wanting Willow to be the shy, plant girl archtype at times, S1 especially wanting her to just be willing to wilt away, SOMEONE on the writing team hates that archtype. Just wanted to surgically remove every last scrap of that from her character, regardless of if she was given the time to justify it or the like. That was frankly more okay to me with the shy element than the plant element seeing as she feels BORN to do plant magic by the fact that she was a master practically from the first time we see her use it without no training.
But here's the real reason it's below Eda: I hate her design. It's mostly fine but it's also UNFINISHED. She has one kneepad and ONE SOCK. You can make excuses for one of those but not the fucking sock and it drives me up a wall. I also don't like that the reformed Isles would still have a character like Willow having spikes on parts of her uniform for sports. Get rid of those and imply things have become gentler show. It's not like you've ever cared about keeping the Isles' identity intact before.
Gus: Here is where we go from "It functions but is maybe not good if you think about it" to "You're being way more honest than you're meaning to be show." After all, we have that cyclical aspect of Eda where Gus is returning to the start of the show but there is NO thought put into this.
If there was, if the show was willing to show that Gus had become wiser and more considerate, he wouldn't be studying humans. Not on the Isles. After all, how is he even going to do it on the Isles? Studying Luz? That feels weirdly like being friends with Bigfoot while saying you still need to find Sasquatch and prove the legends are true. Dude, maybe stop being... weird about this race you know exists properly now. It's kind of uncomfortable.
It's not even a hard thing to fix: Say he's here to see Luz off before going through the portal door with one of those glamour stones to cover his ears. He needs to go learn anthropology and the political sciences of our world in order to prepare to be a proper ambassador. That actually might have been neat.
But, you know, that would have taken any thought or care with Gus and we're lucky he was even remembered in the finale frankly. It's a flat failure though and really highlights how Gus hasn't grown and is still mostly a joke to the writers.
So then the question is... If Gus is this bad, can it really get worse with
Luz: *breathes in slowly*
*breathes out slowly*
I've been pretending to grade some of these and if that's the case, I don't even accept Luz's ending. I tell the student that they ignored what the assignment was and just copy and pasted the first paragraph of their wikipedia entry and tried to hand that in as their answer to how the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE SHOW ENDS IT. Because that is exactly the vibe of this ending.
Luz didn't grow and she sure as shit didn't learn anything. Remember: Her theme for her character arc, the worst decision to me creatively, is the fantasy she wants to live versus the consequences of that fantasy. It doesn't even matter how bad that theme is ever handled in the show because this is theoretically the largest, explicit theme of the story outside of personal expression being all that matters.
And Luz literally ends the series chasing the same dream she had at the start.
I... I don't even entirely know how to respond to that. The show, which is a kid's show remember, legitimately said that her running away from her problems to play out one of her fantasy books was such a good choice, it should be the thing she does for the REST OF HER LIFE. That it is the final, definitive note for the character that Luz the Human is going to be Luz the Witch.
And you know what? If Luz's journey to being a witch actually meant anything in the show, this might have literally any justification. If during the course of the show she had genuinely learned a lot as a person over the course of becoming a witch, if magic itself had so many rules as to require you to be a functional human being in order to use it, it MIGHT work. It's not great but it might work. Except... Remember back when I was talking about Eda? About how Eda spends two episodes teaching Luz and that's it?
Remember: Luz is like 90% why the Selkidamus is beat while on the boat. By the beginning of S2, and explicitly with Escaping Expulsion, she is already closing in on the ceiling of her powers. She already outshines most other witches to the point where the Emperor is the only person to give her a real challenge combat wise so long as the series is actually remembering to let her cast spells. Half of her glyphs aren't even tried to be connected to anything but instead, as she puts it, are found from other witch's spells randomly. They're just... There and no one else noticed somehow.
And this is what you want to say her character was leading up to? A profession that in the human realm has no transferable skills because she can't just be spinning Stringbean all the time without it being obvious and glyphs don't work in the human realm. It's actually worse in the Boiling Isles because unless she's going to get employed as a glyph master or something, she still needs a job. Everyone has magic there after all and anyone can use glyph magic with ease. You don't even need to be confident in it. Thank you Gus and Looking Glass Ruins.
It is bizarrely revealing how little thought and care was put into Luz and the themes of the show with this being how it ends. It is just, top to bottom, a failure. The only way it functions is fans of the show being happy she's chasing her dreams into eternity. You cannot think about it for even a second without some sort of question coming up.
And what else would she do? Easy. I've been saying she should have become a counselor or a therapist literally even before S2. That was just the obvious way for her to grow to me. She learns that you need to balance reality and fantasy, your passions with the demands of the world and takes up a job that lets her help kids like her find happiness and a place in their world. Either world. It would imply she understands childhood fantasies are just that, it would highlight her empathy and understanding of others and also is an amazing culmination of the theme of Fantasy versus Reality.
And instead the show's response was probably as far from caring about any of those things as you can possibly get. I don't understand it and it blows my fucking mind.
But I mean... if you want to finally drop the pretenses and just admit that your show is nothing but basic, escapist fantasy... I guess there really isn't a better ending than this, is there? =======
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fangxin-guoshi · 8 months
The Uchiha actually didn't hold very much power within the village during fugaku's leadership
I've seen some arguments talking Abt how the Uchiha weren't actually oppressed because their clan exclusively ran the police force. While they were in a position of supposed authority, they didn't actually hold very much power within the village.
There's a scene (in Itachi's past arc, somewhere around ep 453-455?? Idk) where the clan heads are in a meeting with the elders concerning the aftermath of the nine tails attack. When danzo proposes the Uchiha to be moved on the outskirts of the village, fugaku says the Uchiha won't be able to effectively act in an emergency. Danzo basically says "that's what the anbu is for blah blah".
Ok. So what's the purpose of the police force if the anbu are the ones who will respond in emergencies? Also, add on the fact that the anbu are ranked higher than the police force, so they can't even arrest an anbu without a warrant. Btw I know the anbu are essentially the cia (as in they handle international conflicts rather than domestic ones within the village), but they still partake in handling emergencies within it as well, so their duties overlap a little with the police force.
The apparent purpose of the police force is to resolve domestic and minor incidents in the village, which I would argue is a waste of their power (considering they're one of the most powerful clans in the village). However, the actual purpose was to ostracize the Uchiha. Why else would the police force be exclusive to only the Uchiha? I'll give tobs the benefit of the doubt and say he really did have good intentions with creating the police force (even tho it's canon tobirama is prejudiced toward the Uchiha but oh well), but that doesn't change the result of the uchiha being ostracized. Ik he had no way of predicting the circumstances so don't come at me tobirama simps (jk you guys are great)
It's heavily implied that the village doesn't trust the Uchiha in serious cases (nine tails attack), so they stick them with simple tasks and monitor them on cameras (bc thats how you show a clan you trust them ig...). While launching a plan to overthrow the government is probably not the best way to deal with your grievances over the position your clan is in, that doesn't make the Uchiha entirely wrong for it (tho that's up for your personal interpretation). I personally think that it makes sense and they're justified in their way of thinking. They're Shinobi, it's not like every problem can be solved diplomatically.
Kinda got sidetracked but basically I'm saying the Uchiha didn't hold as much power as anti Uchiha lads think they did. Honestly this post was just based on a different post I saw that talked Abt how the Uchiha had a monopoly on village authority and I disagreed so I wrote an essay lol.
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sukifoof · 1 year
Can you elaborate on your interpretation of Flowey's ability to SAVE as a metaphor for trauma?
hi meant to answer this when u first sent it But things were busy and i also have So Many Thoughts SO prepare for my flowey rambling!! i might go a little more into depth about grief and the specific kind of grief flowey has so just be cautious if thats triggering at all
anyway the thing that stands out about saving to me most is that it's linked to control. the person saving has the choice to go back, or repeat everything however many times they like, or just move on and let things play out. flowey himself mentions he knows that power, that was the power we were trying to stop-- when given that sense of control people are bound to uhhh Not Have A Great Time! and it really reminds me of what ptsd and survivors guilt is like to deal with; the idea that somehow you could have stopped it or that only if you did this certain thing you could have saved someone or yourself so much trouble. flowey's ability to sa ve is grown from this belief that if only he made the right choice everything would have been fine, and a need for control for when he might have to make such a decision again in the future
he even says himself that he could have stopped whenever! just let everything go on. but he can't, at least he can't emotionally take something like that. flowey can't move on because of his need for control and stability in a world where he's trapped himself. it's like... a lot of times people who are in a bad state of mind subconsciously don't want to get better, because they're used to feeling the way they are. it's scary to move on and change because sometimes feeling so sad all the time feels like it Must be You, and then who are you if you're happy? there's also flowey's guilt, where he's probably questioning if he even has the right to be happy if chara is gone. especially when he clearly blames himself for what happened to chara. so he'd rather sit here in a world where he's in control and bored because at least he knows what's coming. people are predictable, but it offers him some weird stability
the other thing that really gets me about his ability to save is that he can only go back to waking up as a flower. at this point, chara is already gone, and he can't go back to being "asriel". it feels like... no matter how much he thinks about chara, who they were and their death and his inability to keep them from dying and how they filled their water to the top of the glass, he can't go back. he can reset everything all he wants, but he can't go back to before chara died. and adding onto that, wanting to return ends up idolizing chara in his brain. who knows if he even still thinks of them as they actually were. it's part of the reason why no one feels real to him. he has this distinct disconnect with himself and others because he needs to be in control and know everything, while with chara he felt they were "special". that they're the only one that could possibly understand.
and it makes sense that he feels that way! the only person who experienced his trauma was chara. he has an emotional wall up because the underground can't truly understand what he's feeling. no one feels real to him both because of this emotional wall but also because he's convinced himself that he's in control, that he knows exactly how things are going to go. he has this superiority and inferiority to others and a terrible savior complex because of his trauma, and it shows itself in his ability to save. it's like... he feels so trapped and out of control that he's desperately trying to hold onto any sense of control he can get but he doesn't realize how much his refusal to let go and heal is hurting him.
gonna talk about grief when it comes to suicide specifically here so WATCH OUT!!!! okay i have warned u all i am going to talk about it now. feel free to leave if it may be triggering i am begging u to not put urself through triggering bullshit <3
anyway i think the fact that chara took themself out and asriel felt like he couldn't tell anyone because this was for the sake of freeing everyone is really. that's the nail in the coffin. the heart of his control issues. i feel it might be a bit difficult to understand if someone hasn't gone through that grief themselves, but when someone you've known and loved has told you of a plan to get rid of themselves for the sake of everyone else, it leaves you feeling helpless. after all, if someone plans to do it, they will do it. you can't control that no matter how much you might want to. the fact that he lived through that-- that he couldn't stop chara, that he couldn't save anyone not even himself, that he might have made the wrong choice-- that's the thing that's eating at him. he constantly talks about how If Only Someone Made The Right Choice Everything Could Have Been Prevented. he's taken up chara's death unto himself. if only he did the right thing, then maybe chara would be here. but that's not how it works. chara was their own person, but asriel doesn't know how to be his own person.
that's why him saying he doesn't regret his choice anymore after so much time is so important!! it's him finally accepting that he needs to let go of chara and start living for himself. so his ability to save and finally letting go of his ability to save is so important to his trauma and cycle of self hatred. that's why he begs us to let frisk go. he knows what it's like to live through that cycle. the ability to save can be a metaphor for plenty of things but i think with flowey specifically it's an incredibly well written way of establishing what trauma feels like and the need to be in control after feeling so out of control of everything during the event. i hope that my deranged rambling makes any amount of sense cuz i think about this so very much
flowey is such an important character to me cuz he's really helped me analyze my own process of thinking while dealing with that kind of grief and it's kinda helped me come to terms with what happened. i love flowey sooo very much i really hope we get to see him more in the newsletter stuff cuz i neeeeed to see him being happy and living his life after his trauma i love the fact that he has a ribbon from papyrus cuz hes finally living for himself and his friendships and i am GOING to CRY !!!!
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💫A goofy AHHH review💫
hey guys it's ya boi Rusty here again!! and I'm here to review:
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Yes yes, I can hear y'all now saying "but it's made for kids" "bro why are u watching this" 🤓☝
Stop right there, bud. ✋
This show is pretty good so far, all things considered! I decided to watch it for the nostalgia (and for mah boi Smee ofc!)!! I watched this show a little bit when I was younger, so I remember it fairly well. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it isn't cringe! (Well, some parts are a little iffy but we'll get to that in a minute.) It's actually tolerable and even made me laugh at some parts!
💫The songs💫
The songs aren't that good, in fact their kinda cringe. (But ofc I gotta go easy on this show cuz yes, it is intended for little kids with no brain cells.) At the end of every episode (wich usually consists of two episodes ranging from 15 minutes long each, making up the 30 minute mark.) There's these two ideots called Sharky and Bones who sing a song, and it's cringe. The lyrics arent funny, and their singing isn't even that good. I get that the humer is supposed to have zero brain cells, but come on guys. U gotta try a bit harder than that. The background music for the episodes is ok, nothing I would casually listen to though.
💫The characters💫
We have a few new characters to add to the Peter Pan universe by the names of Jake, Cubby (WHY ARE THEIR TWO CUBBYS?!), Izzy, Skully, Sharky and Bones. (And Captain Hook and Mr. Smee of course!!) The character designs are good, they work well for everyone, except Hook. Hook just looks weird in this art style honestly. And at first I didn't like Smee's design in this, but it grew on me. (The og is still better though!) In fact, he might even look kinda cute! :D
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The voice acting for them is great too!! Its very expressive and something you wouldn't normally get from a kids show. The new voice actors for Smee and Hook almost sound IDENTICAL to the og's! There are some minor differences, but nothing to really make me get annoyed at. The animation is smooth and fluid too! I can tell that they used computer Riggs, but it's barely even noticeable! Which from what I heard, computer Riggs are pretty hard to do. So thats honestly impressive!
💫The insecurities of Jake and The Neverland Pirates💫
First off, I wanna talk about how Smee is portrayed. In the og movie, he's supposed to be a bumbling ideot (but a lovable ideot imo!). In this series, he seems to have a few brain cells, which I dislike. They didn't stay true to his character! Neither did they with Hook. He isn't that goofy anymore, neither is he evil, but he's in between. I can't really describe it, but something is off with his personality.
Like I said before, the music isn't very good, and neither is the pacing of each episode. It's inconsistent and feels too slow at times. The plot points for each episode are predictable too. The kids find something to play with, and Hook wants whatever it is and steals it and they take it back etc etc. The dabloons make no sense either! They collect dabloons each episode for their chest, but why?! What does it accomplish?! Maybe Im not smart enough to understand but that makes no sense to me. It's repetitive too, but not to the point where u want to shove a gun into the side of your head and call it quits. Like I said, it's tollerable! It does feel like Micky Mouse Clubhouse though (I HATE MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE.), but with Peter pan 💀
I like this show, and I think it's cute! It has potential!! Maybe just get rid of the repetitiveness and the cringe songs and it could be good! I reccomend this is you want the nostalgia from your chilhood (well technically I'm still a kid but whatever LOL)!!
That's my thoughts on this show! I haven't finished the first season yet, but maybe my views will change, but well see. But when they do, I'll keep u posted!! Thanks for reading this and I hope you have a spectacular day/night!!! I love you :D❤❤
(Oh yeah one last thing I gotta note is that Smee actually referred to Hook as "your greatness" 🤨 idk man..)
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figureone · 6 months
All my posts about Henry aged like fine wine but I was digging through some just now and found this one and decided to share it again. This is an analysis on Henry's childhood / the flashback scenes from the lab and Nancy's vision that I was tagged in.
In regard to the post you tagged me in: I am actually am gonna probably be boring and predictable here and say I don’t think it means Henry’s hiding anything at least not about his mother and while you know I came out here with the whole "Virginia’s cheating" thing and believe that is canon and MIGHT be addressed somehow next season, yeah I don’t think those scenes relate to anything about Virginia – they’re all about HENRY himself. I think we were meant see that basically Henry started getting… Really weird during his time in the Creel house. Like concerningly weird, like there is way more going on here than we know weird. ( If that makes sense. ) I think the scenes in question are suppose to show us that for whatever reason Henry was collecting up spiders and scurrying his little ass up to the attic where he kept a weird little shine to them and this has significance. Loving spiders is one thing, but this entire set up and the things Henry says about them is suppose to clue us into other things going on that we cant be told or explicitly shown at this time.
For me its suppose to highlight his unusual behaviors and how he didn’t go into that house acting that weird. Not in the normal realms of just an autistic kid who really likes spiders but the ‘abnormal’-weird STARTED in that house.
Also side note, I think Henry’s weird and secretive about this not just for the fact this is just weird in general but he probably doesn’t want his parents to know that he’s chilling out with about 5 jars of black widow spiders and thats something hes doing - going around collecting these spiders and keeping them. Those are dangerous, I’d probably stop my kid from jarring them up and playing with them too and I don't think adult Henry could fully explain everything to Eleven in the scene with them. ( Maybe he didn’t even know how to explain it himself, which is kind of what I think. )
This also kinda goes back to the scene in Victors memory for me and why Victor's flashbacks are directly paralleled with Nancy's Vecna vision here. We get the intentional impression that Henry was pretty much instantly “affected” by the house. Victor notes Henry “knew something was wrong.” Thats how he described Henry’s behaviors shortly after they moved in which tells me that Henry either TOLD THEM something was wrong or he behaved differently shortly after getting to the house and this seems to line up because we are shown this.
We’re shown when the Creels first arrived at the house everyone seems pretty happy, this looks and feels totally normal, a family excited to arrive at their awesome new home. When they’re shown walking in the front door for the first time everyone is looking pretty pleased and in awe but suddenly Henry starts looking troubled. The scene with little Henry and the weird thing with the lights in Victor’s memory seems to take place not long after this ( maybe a day or two ? ) because in the background we can see Henry is sitting surrounded by a bunch of boxes. This is presumably the belongings of the family because they were still in the process of unpacking. Now this is probably all headcanon but I’m mentioning it anyway because it seems like Victor also got pretty suss of the house pretty quick because he took the time to explain HENRY perceived something was wrong and he noticed that.
We do also know from canon it was VICTOR that took it upon himself to get a literal priest to exercise the house. I feel like thats a big thing to do, keeping in mind that this is the 50s, people would be AFRAID of looking "insane" and moreover the Creel's ONLY lived in the house for ONE MONTH max. ( So it seems like Victor was the only one that wanted to heed whatever Henry told them or just took the time to actually acknowledge his sons discomfort and think that was important, while I feel like Virginia probably shut it down as nothing and interpreted it all as just Henry trying to ruin things for them particularly before the “visions” start and those don’t start until way closer to the murders. And even then, it seems like Virginia didn't want to blame anyone except Henry and Henry does explain she literally hated him. — Personally I think this all kinda mirrors season 2 in a way when Will was infected by the MF and he very quickly started acting odd but he had a mother who actually cared, took notice, and tried to help in a better way than deciding to throw her kid in the looney bin and blame him for everything bc fuck him. )
We also saw Victor noting the attic stair door open and feeling compelled to go up there but during this time there is no trace of Henry up there, its just a bunch of old stuff that I PERSONALLY don’t think even belonged to Victor and his family. I think a majority of the shit up there was left there from whoever lived there before because we know they didn’t live there long enough for everything to be looking that dusty and old, and there's just some weird things up there like a pram and a piano. ( Again, they only lived in the house for a month and canon does tell us this. )
So we can probably assume due to Henry’s lack of appearance up here at this time Victor’s inspection of the attic was fairly close to the time the Creels moved in, maybe after the first weird light scene with Henry. But, anyway, for some reason Victor got the weird idea to go up to that particular spot and look around. He was compelled to do this which is very odd. He also – for some reason – mentions that the “demon” he could “feel” had cursed not JUST their house but the entire town. Its odd that he chose to mention the entire town. Where did he get this info ? Why would this be said if it wasn’t meant to clue us into something more than we could currently be shown in these scenes or maybe in this season itself ? Its 100% foreshadowing something because we already know theres a special connection with Hawkins and the UD.
It wouldn’t be hard to imagine that Henry, a “sensitive boy” who was able to develop such incredible psychic powers, specifically from his time in that house, was also drawn to the attic and whatever was up there – whatever feeling, whatever essence – whatever it was that was a little beyond Victor's normal perception, wasn’t beyond Henry’s. What we’re shown is Henry starts spending a LOT OF time alone up in that weird, cold, dusty, dark attic. Which he preserves. He does nothing to make it more comfortable for himself. The only thing he adds to it is the weird spider shrine and we’re basically shown him building it. Thats what those scenes are actually about. There is a light in the attic, we know that from Victors flash back. But Henry wont even utilize that to spend time up there drawing. He uses the dim light of candles instead. Theres a reason for this and you probably know where I’m going with this already because its me but we already know of something that can manifest itself as “a feeling” and that likes the dark, likes the cold and likes “to hide”.
What Vecna shows Nancy was the “progression of how Henry’s behavior’s began to change.” From “normal” boy, to boy who notices something weird, to boy who is “consumed” by whatever this weirdness is. ( Presumably because his parents, or his mother in particular rather, didn’t listen to him or dismissed his feelings or behaviors as just him being weird when this particular weirdness only started in that house. ) Nancy’s “visions” of young Henry start with Henry curiously walking around the house, like he’s looking for something, like something is luring him even, and indeed, Nancy starts to notice the lights flickering again when Henry is walking around curiously ( Again, this is framed like Henry isn’t the one flickering the lights, he isn't tapped into his powers yet, but he might be 'looking’ for whatever is causing the lights to flicker. It calls back to season one where Holly is following the weird acting lights in the Byers house and is led to the Demogorgon. )
Then Nancy turns and sees into the bathroom and is shown a vision of little Henry finding the spiders in the vent. Over top of this we have Adult Henry saying he “Found a new sense of purpose” ( Like this is very weird- like what does he mean ? Worshipping spiders ? Why does he think its his purpose to be worshipping spiders suddenly ? Also note Henry’s clothes have changed again so this is a different day from the day Henry was 'looking’ for something and the lights were flickering around the house. Which means the lights did this weird flicking thing a lot. ) This then cuts again to little Henry running past behind Nancy which startles her. We’re being shown another day here again, another vision. Henry’s wearing a different outfit and he has a jar in his hand, he seems to be heading up to the attic. This is also where he starts relating spiders to GODS and also note we’re then shown adult Henry as he’s explaining this and I don't know how else to explain his expression other than with the “ I've seen some shit ” meme like:
64.media.tumblr.com You ok Henry ? Nope. Hes not. Hes not ok. A lot of this fandom's breakdown of Henry's monologue scene is BIZZARE and doesn't reflect whats actually going on at all. They talk about Henry being emotionless and calculated when the reality is he's shown as the complete opposite of emotionless and calculated. Hes shown as haunted and distressed. He's very emotional. He even seems to look like his eyes are clouding with tears when he talks about his parents and how they weren't the good people they pretended to be.
Henry's clearly recounting something terrible he experienced that he doesn't completely know HOW to explain and worse he's pretty much been systematically gaslighted into believing somehow this was all HIS fault. Straight into the following scene little Henry’s now shown with a fully built spider shrine, complete with candles. He’s drawing the spiders. This is a different day again. Then we go back to adult Henry and the weird king just keeps giving. He says “The human world” specifically and ok… Maybe we can think he’s talking about the human world vs the animal world but he isn’t just talking about spiders as animals. He’s actually not talking about spiders as animals at all. Hes talking about them literally as gods. Then he switches from being kind of haunted and freaked out to some sort of look of realization, and then he switches again to something thats kind of cold and dark and it frightens Eleven. This is when he starts talking about humans as pests, “disrupting” the harmony of the god-like apex predator’s and their feeding- But imo- its not actual spiders he’s talking about here, not the way we know them.
Henry is a smart guy, he likes spiders, and I bet he knows a lot about them, and he knows spiders are animals, not gods, and they’re not the only "predatory animal” on earth yet he only speaks about spiders specifically in this way because he’s began to view them as an avatar of something divine. There is a reason the spiders are shown whenever Victor talks about the "evil force" hiding in the house. The spiders are displayed as analogs to this. The scene swaps again, we’re at a different day in Henrys childhood now. ( We’re literally going through a slightly condensed version of the month in the house from Henrys pov. ) His clothes have changed again. He’s standing in front of the grandfather clock. Back to adult Henry he starts to express his own anger with the “human world” from his own expereinces with his ostracization from it. But he’s angry, he’s now ranting, his voice even becomes distorted, and naturally Eleven starts to get more scared. But he calms down as he starts to approach her. He continues to explain, even though its obvious he's becoming more and more emotionally distraught. His hand is raised, kind of gesturing to his head and its trembling, his voice starts to tremble too and this is while he's explaining that he couldn’t pretend to fit in with everyone.
Now we’re then back to the scene with little Henry focusing on the clock briefly, then we’re back to adult Henry who has started to clam down. He starts to become placid again. Note - at no point do I think Henry was trying to scare Eleven at all, in fact it seems that being in her presence is what clams him not because he’s manipulating her but because her being there, telling this to her - someone who he thinks is just like him - is comforting to him. Like he's finally able to express something in some way that he might not have been able to do before – or maybe he might have never been able to talk about this in the presence of someone he thinks would understand and believe him. My personal take is both.
He’s looking at Eleven with some sort of affection here and then we cut back to Little Henry who shows us he’s harnessed his telekinesis, he’s moving the hands on the clock with his mind. This is first time Henry is able to manifest his powers imo and I think thats the significance of this particular scene. ( Which probably confirms Henry was never the one making the lights blink when they first moved in and the lights were blinking in the EXACT way we have seen them do in the show when something from the UD is trying to make contact ) And adult Henry is now more optimistically explaining he didn’t have to be trapped in the cruel oppressive system he couldn’t fit within. He could change it because somehow he developed these powers. This makes him feel like he can be the master of his own destiny- this is when he says he wanted to be “A predator, but for good.”
And then we’re back to Nancy and the rabbit. Its another day again. Henry’s gradually learning how to use these powers. The rabbit is trapped in a snare, its doing the rabbit death squeal as it struggles against the snare; the kinda bad cgi rabbit is dying, going into shock ( and I know this because rabbits have been in my family since I was a baby. This rabbit was in shock and was gonna die whether Henry touched it or not so the fandom take on Henry and the rabbit annoys me so bad. ) Henry decides to use it to practise his powers which adult Henry is explaining to Eleven that “as he practised” he realized he could do more than he even imagined he could do. As the days continue, Henry quickly learns he can literally read people’s minds. So Henry explains that he explored his parents minds and this is where he grows contempt for them because he begins to become horribly aware of exactly how much of a lie their “happy family” – that he was always the black sheep within – was and how unfair and hypocritical toward him they have really been. Which adult Henry is very upset again about thinking back on it.
Nancy runs back inside to the living room and sees Victor and the baby burning to drive home Henry’s point about the “terrible things” his parents have done, with this being the representation of Victor’s ultimate “bad thing” in Henry’s perception. We’re also shown little Henry sitting in front of his spider shrine in the attic and using his powers to show his father this particular vision that Nancy is witnessing – again this is a different day to the day Henry killed the rabbit, and both Henry and Victor are wearing different clothes to the directly following scene which is another day again, where Henry explains that his mother hated him.
This moves directly to Nancy walking into the dining room of the house and being shown Virginia, sitting at the dinner table with Henry and Alice and over top of this Henry explains Virginia’s plan to get rid of him, to lock him away by giving him to Dr Brenner to be “fixed”. This is the terrible thing we’re “shown” that Virginia has done, this was the straw that broke the camels back for Henry, to Henry this is Virginia's worst action. ( Which is valid like imagine the betrayal of finding out that your mother hated you to start but add that to the fact she also and wants to condemn you to a psychiatric facility and the known horrors of them even in that time period. )
And this is when Henry explains he had no choice but to “break free” leading directly to the death of Alice and Virginia. Then we get the scene with Brenner having strapped little Henry to the chair and tattooing him, much to Henry’s pain and discomfort, and with Henry telling Eleven he was glad she was born and all the rest of that.
But all those scenes are connected and important to each other. Its a progression of time during Henry’s childhood and the build up of events in the Creel house surrounding Henry’s strange thoughts / behaviors and developing powers in particular during the month, which are important and imo, its meant to clue us into the fact something WEIRD did in fact actually happen at the Creel house and that there was something else going on with Henry, something even more than he is able to tell us – but it seems he’d like to tell us he just couldn’t because he either didn’t know to explain it any better than what he did when he was speaking to Eleven, or maybe he just didn’t know how to explain it better to ELEVEN in particular, given how young she was.
But even Vecna wants to tell us something. He wants to show us something, even, and he chose Nancy for this which was the entire point of Nancy’s encounter with him. “Now that you have seen where I have been, I would very much like to show you were I'm going”. This is all connected and theres a lot more we have left to see. ( The lab, maybe some more stuff about Alice, the upside down, etc ) We’re gonna find out exactly what was going on with Henry and how / why Vecna is what he is and I can almost promise its going to be a whole lot more than some supremely uncreative, basic shit like “hes just evil and always has been” because they completely misread and falsely represent all these scenes and this character in a way I have literally not experienced in any other fandom.
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dappersautismcreature · 5 months
Hey Gray, regarding your post about the Feds workers, it reminds me of how the Federation was seen before the introduction of workers and how most people see the rebellion now. They were hated for what they did to the islanders and seen as these big entities that were easy to just point with your finger at as a whole. The introduction of workers and the way the fandom, and now the qsmp, has made them to be these poor nice people that are not like the Federation they are just forced to work for it and are absolved from any "bad thing" that might be related to the Federation. (And I'm guessing it'd be the same if we knew people from the rebellion outside of the players) Idk it irks me a little
I would love to know what you think of that thought, and if you have a contrary opinion, because you make things more clear with your words kkkkk
yeah oh boy i can talk about the rebellion.
cause listen, i predicted that both the feds and the eventually discovered rebellion would step into the gray area for morality longgg ago (like idk june or july) because thats how it works in these type of stories, you cannot rely on either team to have your best interests in mind.
the fed clearly cares about the kids, the rebellion (esp at the start) clearly less so, both organizations keep important information from most of the islanders, both are bad, both are good.
i do think people need to keep in mind, in the meta sense, how the federation works in terms of marketing. the soft funny coworker dynamics are clearly surface level, and are shown to us for a reason. they are soft bears for a reason. hell they are even voiceless for a reason. see those themes, and see them as they are, a sort of opposite trope, its a trick, a character trick, to make them appealing to lower your guard. its supposed to add to unease, not make you fall head over heel for a violent bear.
similar with the lack of funds. boo hoo, no moneys, tell me why I should care. I still see them as the powerhouse here, as intimidating, because I know that there are levels above cucurucho that we are NOT seeing. remember that general guy? the one who wanted cucu gone? yeah, thats a cue, to me, in stories like these, that there is an even higher power.
and of course this is similar (of sorts) for the rebellion. they are the underdogs, the underfunded as well, the ones who are finally fighting back. but, well, i am more inclined to like a rebellion, a revolution.
if anyone has watched Andor, there's a character in it, a major player for the rebels against the empire, who has accepted the fact that he will step into that gray arrea, that he will make bad choices, hurt people, for the purpose of furthering the cause.
its not helpful to weigh costs, before the rebellion is even finished. to count how many killed in the fight, before you can see how many are saved from the federation. i would say wait, look critically upon the rebellion, but keep looking at the feds, keep watching.
if i had to choose, id side with the rebellion, because I feel as though their cause is better than that of the feds, solely based on the mission of the organization. but if you wish to bring morality into it, the comparing of eyes, the wrongs of each party, idk, you'd have a rough time.
stay hating the feds, is basically what i will always say. down with any government, but of course im basically a communist. just dont fall for the squishy fluffy bears.
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vividaway · 11 months
mini analysis on the finale
yall im not even gonna lie..........i liked the season 5 finale. the concept that these are teenagers who have been beaten and worn down to a crisp to the point of multiple mental breakdowns from both marinette and adrien.........like of course marinette didn’t tell adrien. she’s a literal child, and she loves him, and honestly? its really not her PLACE to tell him. emilie knows about gabriels involvement with the miraculous. nathalie knows about EVERYTHING. there are multiple ADULTS who can step in and talk to him about this, and they chose not to. multiple people have said it: of COURSE adrien deserve to know, and i will be very upset if they never write in him finding out. but it also seems excessively cruel to do that to adrien. as far as adrien is aware, his dad was trying. he thinks his dad is a man chiseled away by depression and grief, who turned towards his works to cope with the loss. he believes there was a turning point where his father started to try. he allowed him to go to school, to make new friends and go to their house, allowed him to quit, started to show up to school events, and finally started to show him affection. adrien is none the wiser on WHY, and it feels extremely cruel to take away what little happy moments he had left with his father. what is the bare minimum to us, is literally EVERYTHING to adrien, and to me, that does mean something. to me, seeing gabriel sacrifice himself for adrien and his wife-- means EVERYTHING. it is what differentiates an evil, unrecoverable person, from a dynamic character who was never meant to be a good person. we were never meant to like gabriel. he’s the villain! but that doesn’t mean we aren’t supposed to be sympathetic to certain aspects of his journey.  i really do think his character was written well. gabriel is a bad, unredeemable man, who did one good action. i personally can’t look at gabriel from season one and say, “he shouldve sacrificed his life in place of his wives life sooner”, it feels wrong. gabriel from season 1 was EXTREMELY different from gabriel from season 5. we see him change (for the worse) over the course of five seasons. 
and the thing about how gabriel is written is like, its realistic. gabriel isnt just a cartoon villain from some kids show, he show’s patterns of real life villains as well. the manipulation, the lying, the guilt tripping, the abuse-- all of it. and thats why, i understand why some people are pissed he got redeemed. but for me, i see the build up. lila has the photographs from gabriels house, and she knews he was monarch. on top of this, it seems like she’s the successor to the butterfly miraculous. people know what he did, and its not just the people on the good side. i don’t see gabriel staying a sympathetic figure for much longer. but all this being said, i dont think it was the worst. the pacing was great, and the animation was top tier for me. theres so many episodes where i can predict whats going to happen next, but i couldn’t with this one. some thing about it just felt....special. like if you showed alyssa from 2016 the finale, i could literally die. no need to show a peasant child, just showing Season One Era fans what happened and how it looks and we’d just. die. everything about it 10x better than we couldve imagined. the writing, the animation, the pacing, the score, the dialogue, the way the world has expanded and been built up and how often we’re interacting with “background characters”.  for once, it felt like i was watching a real show, with a plot that made sense, and wasnt a dumpster fire. but...from reading the #MLBS5Spoilers tag....yall do NOT agree with my sentiments! and thats okay! 
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
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Heads up I haven’t seen any leaks or researched anything so this probably won’t be accurate pshkssbks (also no spoilers, just trailer references!)
First off, Ep3: The Solitary Clone??? Who??? I’ve seen some people theorizing that this could be Crosshair which would be SO EXCITING LIKE PLEASE!!! I WANT TO SEE HIMMMM. It could also be Rex, Cody, or Wolffe which would be great too (It better not mean Echo is leaving because omg I WOULD SOB NO)
Ep4: Faster To me this seems like it’s probably where we see Tech pod racing, I mean it just makes sense right? I think it’s either that or the Batch has to physically work faster due to the Empire finding out they’re still alive or something.
Ep5: Entombed omg fear. What is that. What does that MEAN. Please tell me it’s just like a semi-filler episode where some of them get trapped in a cave or something normal please let it be something normal and not absolutely devastating mr filoni please 🫠🫠🫠
Ep6: Tribe This one could be really cute!! I feel like this is either referring to the Batch, some actually tribe they meet, or maybe Rex’s group?? Idk, but it seems pretty tame to me :)
Ep7: The Clone Conspiracy and Ep8: Truth and Consequences no. no stop THATS SO MEAN. THATS JUST CRUEL OMG. I feel like this is a direct connection to the Fives arc in TCW and THERE BETTER BE A NAME DROP PLEASE but also IM SO SCARED. On one hand it’s two episodes so yayyy!! But on the other, this really seems like it either has to do with the chips and Fives or some big secret/misunderstanding that might cause some serious tension within the Batch.
Ep9: The Crossing I mean come on. There’s no way this isn’t a play with Crosshairs name, why would this be the title if it’s not. I’m thinking this could be where Crosshair comes back (please), or maybe just Hunter and the Batch finally dealing with the fact that he left in the first place. Or maybe Crosshair is forced to work together with them again for a bit somehow? Or they just cross a big chasm or something and Crosshair is there. Could just be that.
Ep10: Retrieval ITS CROSSHAIR RIGHT. THEY’RE RETRIEVING CROSSHAIR THATS WHO IT IS RIGHT PLEASE I’M BEGGING. I think it’s either that or the Batch goes on some typical retrieval mission and along the way either rescues one of the Batch members from danger or maybe some other person (gungi?)
Ep11: Metamorphosis This could refer to so many things, but I think it might be the whole batch or just one member having a sort of revelation like:
If it’s the whole batch, maybe they’ll change and decide to join the fight against the Empire together
Omega: this could be her learning more about the world and maybe pushing back against Hunter to decide things for herself or disagree with what he wants to do
Cody?: I feel like this could be him breaking free of the control chip, maybe turning on/leaving the empire
It could also be Hunter finally deciding to have the batch join the rebellion, or Crosshair coming back (pleASE), or Echo leaving to join the rebellion alone (NO)
Ep12: The Outpost This one comes out the day before my birthday WOOO!!! My first thought here was Rishi Station, but honestly that connection is pretty unlikely. It could be Rex’s base or maybe the building we saw Cody walking up to in the trailer?
Ep13: Pabu what. is that a guy or…
Ep14: Tipping Point oh this could be so many things. It could be Cody and Crosshair fighting and one of them choosing a side, it could be one of them dying (omg no) making the others more determined to fight the empire, it could be Crosshair coming back (PLS), it could be Echo deciding to leave and join Rex with the rebellion (DONT), it could literally be so many things. In any case, it’s clearly the lead up to/start of the big end conflict, so it’s safe to assume something serious is going down and I’m scared.
Ep15: The Summit and Ep16: Plan 99 Honestly, I have no clue. Big conflict, some crazy Bad Batch plan, my only hope is that it requires Crosshair meaning we get him back by then? Hopefully it’s not like a last resort kind of plan meaning bad things are going to happen but I mean this is star wars, I can only expect pain.
Anyway, that was so long I seriously doubt anyone will read all this but if you have any other predictions I’d love to hear them! I always think these are so fun :)
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demadogs · 1 year
Predictions on Will still being connected to Vecna will play out next season?
OOOOO!! i have a big prediction related to this that ive talked about before but i dont think enough people have appreciated how good it is. its not entirely how will is affected but how what happens to will will affect other characters.
so i dont think will is gonna be vecna’d the way max was. wills connected to him in a way no one else is so its gotta be bigger than last season. i think they might go back to the s2 super spy concept and have will be able to see or feel in some way what vecnas plan is. then vecna might realize what hes doing and something more similar to what happened to max will happen to him where he will be able to actually feel like hes in the same room as vecna and have a conversation with him.
i think vecna will threaten will here and say that he has to watch out and he will torture him when he least expects it and in ways that he wont see coming (obviously said no more spooky wording than that).
and THAT i think is what will lead to MIKE getting vecna’d. i think vecna’s method of torturing will is to torture mike.
mike has to be vecna’d. it just makes too much sense for it not to happen. max said it happens to people who have something thats haunting them. mike has insane internalized homophobia, way more than will i would argue, and i think he has so much guilt from the fact that hes still dating el even though he knows he does not and cannot actually love her romantically (theyd still be dating when hes vecna’d i am NOT a mlvn breaks up in the first episode truther).
i think the whole party and especially jonathan and joyce will be so concerned about will that no one will pay attention to the signs mike is showing. everyone will think wills at the most risk of danger so he’ll never be left alone, he’ll always be monitored and made sure by everyone that he’s safe but mike will be the one they need to look out for.
mike will be vecna’d the same way max was. nobody saw it coming they just suddenly realized mike wasnt responding and his eyes were all wrong. they all start to freak out but especially will. nancy is in denial. she says to will “no no why would it be mike youre the one we needed to look out for he said he was gonna torture you” and wills heart sinks and he realizes “i think this is how hes doing it”.
i wont go into detail on mikes vecna’d shebang here bc thats the answer to a different question but if anyone asks id be so down to talk more about that. i do have a post about mike but its his entire s5 arc and its embarrassingly long so if you just want me to talk about the vecna part i got you.
but yeah i think wills connection to vecna will directly cause MIKES encounter with vecna.
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