#has this info been shared before idk but i didn't know it and found it interesting
I checked out the iwtv: cast diaries, it's fun! Or at least I find it fun, it's a special version of the episode so it's the episode but throughout it, you get bts content.
In this first one it's Jacob, Sam, and Eric.
Jacob talks a bit about his approach to playing Louis, and he says that before filming the first ep he took a walk through the back lot and it was like he was possessed by Louis like he could feel his walk changing and he was feeling like Louis. It's funny cause he says he's sure people hate it when actors say stuff like that but buddy when you're doing as amazing a job as you are you're allowed to say it.
Sam shares that the poker scene from the first ep was all practical effects! The actors that were playing the hypnotized characters had opaque contact lenses put in and they had to freeze and stay frozen! Which is a cool detail but also must have been such a pain to film.
And Eric talks about how he's been a fan of Jacob's since he saw his work on GOT and how he's a great guy to work with who provided him what he needed so they could lose themselves in the scene! I find it cute that Eric is such a big fan of Jacob's, he truly is such an amazing actor worthy of every bit of praise.
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AITA for not having a talk with my fiancé?
For context:
We (both men in mid twenties) got engaged after 2 years of living together.
I found out he was going to propose before he did. (I found the ring, and he told me.) I told my friend that I didn't feel ready for this step and as I had just made a career change, I was (still am) going through so much change that I need to know that we can make it through this first. She told me I was just getting cold feet and said that engagement wasn't marriage so I should say yes and I'll work through this. I wanted to talk to her first as it's a big decision and he'd already bought the ring and was so certain and excited.
Honestly, I have changed a lot in the past year. Tbf, I've been a lot more selfish and I don't know how to fix myself. I really do love him so much. He is the best person I could ask for but I don't deserve it. He came out to a very unsupportive family because he wanted to be with me. He looked after me when I had surgery and took a mattress on the floor because we couldn't share a bed after.
He is the best, he's gotten more attractive over the years whereas I've gained a lot of weight (my own fault) and my eczema has gotten really bad despite me doing more for my skin (I mean, tbh he was always way out of my league).
I just feel like a different person to the version of me he wants to marry. I now don't think the advice I was given was right (tbf I'm the first friend to get engaged) and I know I should have talked to him about it. But now idk if it's too late and I'm scared of how he'll react.
AITA for not having talked to him yet?
(If allowed, is it too late to talk about this now.)
What are these acronyms?
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
Tea Time Anon
note: in this post i refer to tumblr user Spade-Riddles as "ttb" the whole time (her suspected old blog's nickname was ttb). wherever you see me say "ttb" i mean tumblr user Spade-Riddles.
alright, guys, i got the ok from the original tea time anon who found me and told me about how they tricked ttb into thinking they were an insider.
i'm sharing now because the damage she's done to queer people in this community is insurmountable and the idea that little baby kaylors are thinking about missing out on the show of a lifetime because they want to skip eras tour because they're sad about karlie having another baby with josh is just breaking my heart. ttb has been leading people to believe that kaylor is still together and saying her "insiders" have proved it to her and every time karlie does anything with josh all those people get upset. it's not fair for this woman to mislead people and ruin their taylor/gaylor experience by getting their hopes up that karlie and taylor are just around the corner from coming out when obviously that couldn't be further from the truth. i mean it's insanely obvious to me that karlie and taylor have long gone their separate ways and are no longer involved at all but i digress.
i held back on sharing this for a while because while ttb is kind of humorous to watch she IS dangerous and i just didn't want the heat from her. her (or her followers) have harassed, stalked, and outed multiple gaylors in retaliation for speaking out against her:
but i think it's time i get over that. i don't think they'll find my identity and even if they do whatever i'll be alright.
so long story short- someone reached out to me to tell me they were tea time anon and that they did it to see if they could get ttb to believe them as an insider source. i got the code they used to verify themselves to her and to prove to myself they weren't pulling my leg sent in a message about the coney island bridge because cara's birthday was coming up and the bridge says "happy birthday". i capitalized ISLA in the word because cara likes that name. it was a bit of a laugh but mostly i just had to send something to prove they weren't just pretending to be tea time anon.
here's some of our convo (make note of the dates):
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so those are all from april 6th and as you can see here's the anon i sent in posing as tea time anon that was posted on april 7th:
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and here's a message from the next day- tea time's reaction to it and me mentioning why i capitalized isla:
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and at some point, one of us (idk who) went back and told them yes the baby is named isla:
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so yeah... if you're reading this and you've ever thought ttb had legitimate info from her myriad of insiders from Spade to Tea Time Anon to that flag person who's sending in stuff these days now you know... she just doesn't. it's people making stuff up or fanfic-ing or trolling.
let me just say i do think all of this is childish and i don't encourage this kind of thing but sometimes childish stuff is gonna go down in fandom spaces. it's just the name of the game. i've had my childish moments and i'm not exactly proud of that, but ttb misleads and harms so many innocent people, especially so many innocent young queer people it's time someone shined the light on just how misinformed she is and provided hard proof that yes coincidences happen. just because a fake insider mentions "isla" and taylor wore isla boots or an isla ring 3 years before that doesn't mean they are legit.
i encourage everyone reading this to try and learn how to enjoy gaylor without plummeting into complete conspiracy theories. there are a lot of healthier and more realistic ways to appreciate taylor's music from a queer perspective than what they get up to over on spade-riddles.
and another reminder that ttb is dangerous. she (or her minions) harasses and outs people who disagree with her. if you're a fan of hers, please be careful. never share your identity or personal details about your life with her or her henchmen.
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viveela · 10 months
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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I'm not sure how to feel about any of this.
A while back, maybe a year or so, we found our therapists master thesis. It was out of desperately needing to know more. It feels wrong now.
I told him it felt like a boundary violation. I had asked him before more personal questions like what his cat's name and why he became a therapist.
I got the mirror instead.
I think some of us are uncomfortable with it.
We processed it today.
How uncomfortable it is for us to feel like things are so one sided.
He asked me if that is how I feel when I'm treating clients.
I said no. Because my style is different. I'm not a psychoanalyst. I'm not a blank slate. I'm dynamic and share memes on my sessions. I will disclose personal info, nothing deep, but things that make it relatable.
I'm more focused on the human relationship. It's hard for clients with any trauma to trust. Esp since the field of mental health has a lot to answer for. We, as a field, don't have a good track record for keeping clients safe, empowered, and knowledgeable about their rights.
I take this Uber seriously.
N is a traditional psychoanalyst. I give him a lot of shit for it. Well, a few of us do I think.
But we have a hard time being centered. We don't like being noticed. It makes us uncomfortable. We get uneasy in in person sessions. We freeze. We get so stuck we've lost feelings in our legs because we held them so tightly together while crossed. We don't move in sessions. It's easier on the phone.
We told him about bad past experiences with people. When we were centered in conversations. It became unsafe. So now, here we are again. Desperate to have anything to make it not about us.
I want to talk about him. I want to know more. I know that's not going to happen. He would have disclosed by now if he was going to. It's been 3 years. Maybe 3.5. All I know is where he went to school, his master thesis, and that he has a cat.
I know nothing else.
And this power dynamic feels so bad.
One of us lashed out. " you get to know all these bad, gritty, horrible, vulnerable stuff while you get to stay safe. Safe behind your mirror. It must be so safe. Knowing I get nothing from you and you get everything from me"
I'm sure this is psychoanalytic gold mine shit.
I've always wondered. Is being a therapists therapist boring? Am I a nightmare client because I know what's up, the techniques, the clinical shit? Or does that make it more fun? That I can push back in ways other people maybe can't.
I feel like a bad client. Finding his paper. I read it whenever he's away or I'm away. It's like a transitional object for me. I should probably delete it. He didn't tell me even though I asked. It's good shit. His paper. Idk. I'm fucking weird.
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joy-drops · 1 year
this mf long so don't tell me i didn't warn u
been in a rut for over a year
something something autistic burnout
idk the cause or the solution
just trying to survive each day as best i can
easier said than done when everything that brings me joy (ha) is behind a pay wall
that's capitalism baby~
found out fauna is going to the only anime convention i can attend on a reasonable budget.... but im already so broke....
I'd shell out the cash (debt) if it meant guaranteeing a spot at the meet and greet but they might not release info until too late when plane tickets are unaffordable ;_;
i wanna look forward to something because sustaining my sanity on retail therapy and getting high definitely is losing its effectiveness
brain always returns to the loneliness. i know its crippling but how much of my struggle is from that and how much is from my disability... they're both invisible which makes it hard to tell
would having a partner help that much? my gut tells me yes since ill have motivation to live if i have someone to share existence with but that feels like putting all my eggs in one basket and setting myself up for an unhealthy relationship
i like to think i won't fall down that path of toxic codependency like i have in the past tho im not crazy confident based on my track record
Which reminds me I've realized how appealing polyamory sounds to me but I'm terrible in groups I feel like I'd be overwhelmed with more than 3 (including myself) tho who knows what can happen
REGARDLESS i guess i gotta talk to people and make friends since i am incapable of socializing with the intention of dating (trust issues yippee)
i wish i had a crush at the very least. i bring this up often but i fucking miss the feeling of legitimate interest and attraction towards someone
How do I meet someone, become comfortable enough with them, and ultimately find a partnership that satisfies my insane desires???? maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse? Tackling too much at once? Something like that...
Imma be real the only reason I'm active on here is another mechanism to cope with this loneliness (akin to listening to asmr for instant happy brain juice + with the added benefit of "putting myself out there")
My strange fantasy that I'll meet people on here like I did years ago and magically hit it off
AAAAAAUGGHHHHH how did I do it back then it seemed so easy what happened to my social skills (trauma, probably)
How is it I work 2 days a week and am still drained constantly? when will I be free from sleepy bitch syndrome? it's like I've been running on fumes for the past year WHEN WILL I HAVE THE WILL TO LIVE AGAIN
i miss having someone to talk to frequently about everything
i have my besties but unfortunately knowing there's no sexual or romantic attraction there makes it hard for me to get past these barriers?? Is that weird? I wanna be able to be intimate with someone and close but for me that's intrinsically tied to sex and romance. I'm overflowing with platonic friendships to the point where I had to cut off a bunch and leave many people I care about hanging because I simply have no energy to exist anymore
I've been doing my best each day but it only gets harder
The only thing I have energy for is getting high and living inside the fantasies my brain can muster as a means to cope with how lonely I am
I dream of being hugged, of someone touching me, of being accepted for all my flaws and reassured that my existence isn't shameful. I live for the day these might become reality
Since as long far back as highschool I've yearned for intimacy
Physical intimacy specifically since the most I've done is hold hands and lil cute things like that I CRAVE SKINSHIP UNLIKE ANYTHING ELSE
Anyway if anybody made it this far hi feel free to confess ur undying love 2 me
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Are we sharing examples or transandrophobia? I want to share especially as an autistic trans man and how that intersect. Tw for like mentions of r@pe but no detail. These specific incidents actually run through my mind almost constantly. I came out for the FIRST time when I was 16: -people refused to use the name I had chosen despite me pointing out that's stupid because out cis male friend had changed his name just because he didn't like it and all I was doing was dropping one letter
-my best friend told me that if I slept with a girl who thought I was a "real" man and after she found out I was trans I would have been a rapist for consensually going down on a girl who "thought I was a real man"
-I had a random girl in my class "ask if my ex bf knew I really had a dick" when I said I was trans
-my parents said "no matter what, you'll always be our little girl"
So, I went back into the closet for the most part. I went by She/They and was always like "im not a girl" but people pretty much brushed me off and I didn't pursue transition bc I was afraid of how people would treat me. I came out AGAIN at 21, this time really putting my foot down that I AM MALE.
-My aunt started to refer to my info dumping as "mansplaining" so I stopped sharing my interests with her
-People began to actively misgender me, whereas before some people would at least try to use they as well as she, I only get called she now and never they
-I started to get harassed in public for holding my partner's hand even tho we're both trans
-People really go out of their way to gender me now. "When I was a girl" nobody ever ma'amed me. NEVER, ever.
-People like to assume I'm mentally ill for being trans or that someone must have pushed me to be trans. Their pea brains implode when I say actually I really struggled to come out in the face of everyone telling me not to and I'm trans because I realized I'd die from trying to harm myself if I didn't accept who I already am
-I got sent a lot of death threats and rape threats. A lot. Mostly online, of course, but it really took me aback the negative reaction I had from the WLW spaces I was in when I said I was leaving because, well, I'm not a woman. Crypto terfs, man.
-My uncle said to me, and I quote "Keep this trans shit away from your grandmother, she has enough to deal with" I asked him what he expected me to do when I grew facial hair and muscles and lost my tits. He didn't answer, he probably didn't care.
-My aunt, who claimed to be the most accepting, still misgenders me and acts personally offended when I tell her she's not progressive for doing the bare minimum to show me respect, and not even consistently.
-My aunt ALSO told me I was the reason SHE wasnt getting HRT for her early menopause because "T is gonna make you angry and I don't want to be around that" (T made me calmer and less likely to EXPRESS my anger, actually. I have to find different ways to let it out now bc I kinda just CANT feel angry or sad the same way anymore)
-None of my family has called me to ask me how I'm doing since i came out. They all kinda avoid talking to me, but won't say it, I've noticed though.
-My partner's mom told me she wanted me to go to therapy. I said I'd go for my PTSD as it was causing problems between her and I, she said "No, I want you to go for 'this'" Meaning, she wanted me to go to therapy for being trans. My partner got upset at this and said that absolutely would not be happening because being trans isnt a mental illness
-cis people look at me in TERROR when they misgender me, like they're waiting for me to freak out at them or physically assault them. It actually really hurts my feelings tbh, out of everything those moments sting the most. People I don't even know very well assuming the worst of me for being trans.
Idk just the pure hatred people have towards transmascs and then for people withing our own communities to act like these things don't happen on the daily and don't drive us to have among the highest suicide rates out of any other demographic... It hurts. It really hurts, I want to cry over it and then still this little voice in my head, the voice THEY put there, says to me "Boys don't cry. if you show the slightest sign that these things hurt you, they won't take you seriously"
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
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sheerioswifties · 4 years
#i ran out of tags under my last post so read those first but about my little brother#i didn't want him or especially his young wife to ever interact with Bill and Jeanette bc i know they hurt everyone they meet in one way or#another so I'd told them not to speak to them not to come to the house just talk to me my phone number has ALWAYS been the same yet i now#found out that months ago Jeanette went over to HIS- my family's- house and told them she was trying to evict us and asked for their help! !#and my! !! brother! !!!!! as stated on this restraining order a legal document on permanent record it says that he has recorded phone calls#and gave them like other personal info to use against us like so first of all beyond the horribleness of that betrayal like first of all#that violates federal wiretapping laws and the federal privacy act but I'm not sure how to begin to pursue that#beyond getting restraining orders against all them to at least stop them sharing more personal info but like also they all have businesses#with clients and i feel like their clients should know that their private personal info is not safe w these ppl but idk maybe juststay out?#but secondly they twisted the info and straight up lied like one example my brother worked with my dad before he got sick and died and my#brother was training to take up the family business 4th generation well he's such a know it all ass that he'd get into massive brawls with#my dad he would scream at him and cuss him out and it would just kill me to see that but i was powerless my family is VERY patriarchal so#like i have no say as a woman and but also my mom would verbally and emotionally abuse my dad so bad and especially when he was sick and it#was so hard bc i wanted to be close and spend as much time as possible with my dad while sick but she did things to ensure i was stuck#unable to come over and then they fuckingm the day he died. i was out at an appointment and when i got the news that the time had come i had#a panic attack so bad i passed out which my husband told them and so i wasn't there when he died and honestly i don't think i could have#handled seeing that like my bro i can see is clearly traumatized by just seeing him die well i now found out that my entire maternal family#severely JUDGES ME for not being there? !? at the moment of my dad's death? !? and they think my husband was like keeping me from it bc he#told them I'd passed out and was deep asleep and not well and like I'm sorry but dude nobody should EVER judge how anyone grieves or mourns#or handles death like that okay that's just not right but apparently they're all holding that against me i don't understand they know how#much I loved my dad. him and i were more alike it just. and his side of the family backs me up 100% the whole thing they've dealt with all#these ppl for decades they say they've been like this forever they're just awful ppl like my bro claims he's been helping and taking care of#my elderly paternal grandmother whom he also owes but denies $10000+ since he bought the house from my mom who had used my grandma's money#for the down payment she was supposed to get that back upon its sale it's her life savings but now she's too old and tired to fight it I'm#but so i just i can't believe the level of nasty my family just WHY. I've asked them even to please if they don't want to help me fine but#please at least do not actively harm me. easy enough but no they go out of their way! !!! to hurt! !! i don't get that! !!! why! !?!?!#and now it looks like several of my fam from Chicago is in town too so like WTF are they all up to also its nice they come out for this shit#to help my mom and bro abuse me but they couldn't be bothered to come out for my dad's funeral. wtf. and like i just. there's a tie in I've#mentioned before w religion and their local congregations which I've never wanted to talk about in here bc obvs I've stepped away from that#but that's why i don't have any local irl friends to call bc they're all on their side via religion and being told I'm like bad I'm shunned
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
Imagine this: Someone with a Luck quirk, aggressively applying to every lottery on the city/estate just to prove they have a quirk, and it's not coincidence
I have ideas, and I have to run with them! Sorry if this isn't what you were thinking about. If that's the case, please send me another ask Shim!! I really like the idea of a Luck quirk!Reader sharing their luck with Ochako, so it'll kinda be an x Ochako fic :D Also, unrelated, but I found my wallet!! :D
Taglist: @dynacats (idk if anyone else wanted to be permanently tagged... just lemme know somehow if you want to be put on :D)
A bit of extra info - my idea is that the reader has 2 'quirks': the one being the luck quirk, and the other being a dragon mutation, specifically wings and a tail (and fire breath, but that's not mentioned here)
Ochako Uraraka x Luck quirk!Reader
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You and Ochako have been dating for a few months now, and she was surprised when you told her you had 2 quirks. While she believed you, she also was a bit confused about how your luck quirk works. Once you thoroughly explained how it works, she loved how you almost always came to tell her whenever something related to your luck quirk happened.
The two of you usually spend your mornings before school hanging out together. You both like making your breakfast, eating, and finalizing homework assignments together before walking to school hand in hand. Ochako normally wears those smudge guard gloves, that digital artists wear to prevent their hands from making smudges on the screen, to keep you and the rest of her friends from floating away when you're not training. You two arrive right around the time that the main body of your peers do, so you both usually walk to each other's lockers before then making your way to class.
You tiredly plopped into your seat behind Bakugo, but in front of Midoriya. Normally you paid attention in class, but today was different. You decided that you could afford to nap, simply because you're several units ahead of what is currently being taught. Aizawa's voice easily provided ample background noise and you slip into a light sleep
You're not sure how long you had been napping for, but a feeling in your stomach similar to butterflies ends up snapping you straight off of your desk. In fact, you launch yourself to your feet at a speed that causes Izuku to launch backwards with a yelp. You raise your hand, immediately grabbing Aizawa's attention.
"Yes, L/N??" Comes the tired question
"MY LUCK SENSES ARE TINGLING; MAY I BE EXCUSED FOR A BIT?!?!" Cue everyone turning to stare at you because you're being a weirdo
"Sure, whatever. If you fail the test that's coming up, that's on you, not me."
You're quick to grab your wallet and rush over to the window, yanking it open. You twirl around with a flourish, tucking your wings in as you salute, and fall out of the room backwards before twisting around and quickly going around to every store possible to apply to every lottery in the district
You grin when you win nearly all the lotteries, and then collect the money (what is winning if you forget to get the winnings??). You can't help but to twirl in excitement before flying back to UA. When you get back to school, the lunch bell has just rung, and you rush off through the halls to find Ochako. When you do find her, and the rest of your friends, you slap down your winnings and your receipts as your tail practically wags.
"See, I do have a luck quirk. And you said I didn't, Denki." You exclaim, side-eyeing Kaminari as he holds his hands up in surrender. Normally, you wouldn't be as upset, but he had recently been telling a lot of jokes about you only having a dragon quirk.
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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hooterhorror · 3 years
hi!! could I have a matchup? tysm!! I’m not sure if they are all slasher mashups but I would like one of those.
My pronouns are they/them and I like women (anyone that’s not a man really but I don’t know how many nonbinary slashers there are)
Personality wise I’m very confident appearance wise, and I’m kind of… snarky I guess? A little rude at times, but I think that I’m fun to be around and like a kind person hopefully? the things I deem most important about myself… I’m not sure. I don’t actually deem my looks as an important part of myself really, I think everything else is more important. I guess I don’t have something most important but I’m quite creative so I’ll say that. I feel like other people probably perceive me as quiet and anxious or maybe mean looking as I have a bit of an RBF. I think of myself as really confident but I don’t think that’s how I actually come off.
My appearance is that I am white, I have short layered brown hair (I cut it myself recently! it was based off of Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim, I didn’t really like the movie but I liked her.), and I’m average height. I’m inspired by trad goth fashion/makeup but I only listen to a bit of actual goth music, although I’ve been getting into it a little more recently. I shaved off my eyebrows to draw them back on with eyeliner recently.
My hobbies/interests are visual art (drawing, painting, ETC), customizing clothes to fit my style, horror (I like horror comedies the most I think), I really like all kinds of music but I think I probably listen to punk/alt rock the most? Although my top artist this year is mitski but the rest of them fit into that genre lol. Most of my time is spent doing something that has to do with one of those things.
My top love language is DEFINITELY touch, although there has been debate over whether that counts as a love language or whatever but I am just. very touch starved. I also really love when I have shared interests with someone and we can talk about it together. An ideal date would maybe be staying in and watching movies together OR having a picnic in a cemetery. Cemetery picnics are veryyyy calm? I don’t know how to describe it it’s just a nice feeling.
I would like for my partner to be funny and I guess I would just like for them to genuinely like me and enjoy spending time with me. Optional things that I would enjoy would be them having a similar fashion sense to mine and being interested in the same things as me like I said before.
Cons about myself are that I tend to prioritize my own wants without thinking about how it will affect other people, or I do think about it but I do the thing anyway.
Thanks again!! It feels strange to share all of that info about myself but this seems very fun.
hi!!! ofc!! tysm for sending this in :33 I didn't know people debate on if that's a love language- it totally feel like it should be considered one, since a lot of people identify with it by now.... idk I've never paid attention to debates xp
Carrie White.
OKAY OKAY. Carrie adores you. She found herself fiddling and stumbling over her words around you, but she's always been a shy kind of girl... can you blame her? she's been bullied and harassed for so long that it's gave her perma social anxiety :// but she does manage to awkwardly compliment your eyeliner and mention your eyebrows, or lack thereof.
"I- I like your... like your makeup, and stuff... uh, your eyebrows are- different."
she has the biggest smile on her face after she was able to talk to you 😭 so proud of herself
Looks into goth culture and it's many subcultures just to be educated. She hides it all from her mom, being that she's overly religious and probably would see you as a devil... poor Carrie has probably already struggled with the concept of her being attracted to women because of her. Now she's proud of her wlw self, and kinda finds an escape from her shitty home and school life in you.
I have so say she probably was intimidated at first. I mean, who knows what other people said about you! and how you looked was certainly different, but she starts to LOVE it. and you, ofc!
loves little picnics with you, even in as such a dreary and depressing setting as a cemetery. she packed all the food herself and smiles so big when you take a bite and seem to enjoy whatever sandwich she tossed together for you. Her love language is definitely acts of service, but she isn't exactly opposed to physical touch! in fact I think she enjoys it. She just has to start out small like with hand holding and cheek kisses before full on cuddling and pecking a kiss to your lips
PLEASE do her eyeliner- or her makeup in general- don't touch her eyebrows tho, she thinks a bare forehead wouldn't suit her face like it does yours.
If you do end up doing her eyeliner, I think her poor little heart would stop for a full second as you leaned close and started to carefully apply it
she doesn't think you're selfish when you think about yourself. she envies that you don't worry about other people first, since that often plagues her mind when she's making decisions. Carrie finds herself worrying what other people would think if the breakfast she eats, sometimes. While that might be a con and get in the way of some relationships for you, she admires the ability to care for yourself first.
while her style isn't like yours, she does adopt something's and incorporate it and makes it her own. It's cute! especially cus she steals thinks like bracelets, earrings, necklaces, or maybe even a leather jacket. It's a little big on her but she LOVES that.
"Should I cut my hair? I like a style like yours."
Carrie would love to have a soft moment with you where you just listen to your music together.
she ends up being a huge mitski fan. Tears up the first time she hears "I bet on losing dogs" and washing machine heart makes her less emotional but still hits her in the heart.
"can we listen to that one again?"
has such sweet nicknames for you tbh. calls you flower, sweetie, and starling. yes, after the bird. you just remind her of it!
she would probably sneak out to see you. she loves being around u sm that she just.... has to be with you more and more.
breaks my heart to think about you being at the dance with her when everything goes down so... let's not touch on that.
just imagine laying in bed with her, facing each other, foreheads pressed against one anothers, and just looking in each other's eyes as music plays softly in the background 🥺
she adores you. that is all.
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ladycatofwinterfell · 3 years
I interpreted that Catelyn scene as if Jon didn't exist, her family would not have faced tragedy. Yes, she was blaming herself for not loving Jon but she was also indirectly blaming Jon for even existing. I also hated the part where she said her love with Ned was better than a passionate love affair in the words. As if being married off with a bridal price, passed from father to husband like an object is better than genuinely falling in love. I never liked Catelyn and it's not because she has strong opinions or because she started the war or whatever bs people hate her for I just think she's kinda...in her own head?? She lacks perspective tbh like she can't put herself in other people's shoes. Like when she tells Renly and Stannis: just get over it your brothers, I cringed because they obviously do not care about their relationship and only care about being king. They were raised differently than you Cat! I get that she's a victim of the patriarchy and she is coping so I really try to give her the benefit of the doubt but idk maybe I'm not mature enough for that. When characters like Brienne and Sansa exist, it makes Catelyn look bad (that scene in the books when Cat asks Edmure why are all the peasants here is yikes!). That being said, the fact that she has flaws makes her compelling. Also don't get me wrong, I do not think she is an awful person and I DO NOT blame her for ignoring Jon, that's all on Ned. Sometimes I think I dislike her because I kinda see myself in her. I have tried so hard to like her because her haters suck but I just can't.
It’s completely fine, anon, you don’t have to like Cat. As long as you don’t act like an ass about it you can dislike any character you want, I don’t judge you. Sometimes one simply doesn’t vibe with certain characters for different reasons. I don’t necessarily agree with you but I like that you explain your reasons instead of just going “catelyn sucks because she’s mean” as I have seen a lot people do. Also, I genuinely really like this ask as it made me think a lot, so thank you, anon.
The rest will be under the cut because I got carried away with my answer and it got a lot longer than I had initially planned
And now, before I start explaining my view on this, I want to say that I’m no expert at analyzing media or anything else. I’m a fan of the asoiaf books, and I have watched got, that’s it. These are just my views on Cat and the parts that were mentioned in this ask. If anyone disagrees or would like to come with a different perspective, feel free to do so, seeing different views on a topic is good for everyone.
I’m going to assume you mean the motherless child scene, and from that I didn’t get the feeling that she blamed Jon as she not once mentioned him negatively in that scene. He was just a poor innocent child. She repeatedly said that she herself was a terrible person though, which conveys the message that she blamed no one but herself for how the situation turned out and found herself responsible for it. In other scenes we see her acting cold towards Jon, but in this particular scene she doesn’t seem to be angry at him at all, she’s only angry with herself. This in turn makes it seem like she actually is to blame and that she should have loved him, which is wrong. She had no responsibility to take care of her husband’s illegitimate love child. Though in show canon I thought of it as her trying to find a reason for why everything that did happen happened, because she had a hard time making sense of it. She looked back at things she had done that could have been considered wrongdoings and wondered if maybe she could have prevented the deaths of her husband and (as far as she knew) children.
You also mentioned the stone by stone scene. I rewatched it now, and I can sort of see what you mean as she can be interpreted as a bit judgmental in that scene. However, her intention wasn’t to tell Robb about how her love was a supreme love, it was to try to get him to understand that an arranged marriage could turn out good. He had to marry a Frey because that was arranged for him and bad things could happen to him and his cause if he didn’t, so she tried to make him believe in that a marriage to a Frey girl he didn’t know could be a good marriage. This by explaining that her arranged marriage was good. Fine, she didn’t immediately fall in love with her husband, but she slowly came to love him over the years and that could be the cause in Robb’s marriage as well.
What we also need to remember in regards to that scene is that that’s the way marriage works in Westeros. If you’re highborn you don’t marry for love, you have a marriage arranged for you for the sake of forming an alliance between two families. That’s not better than genuinely falling in love, but that’s the way it works. In this case it’s even more important since Frey is so prickly and might pull the rug from under Robb’s feet if he feels insulted. And Cat wants her son to see that, wants him to understand that it is dangerous to break a that important alliance. She tries to get him on a safer path than the one he’s going down. But she also wants him to know that he can be happy in an arranged marriage. She tells him about her and Ned to explain that it is possible for him to learn to love his bride, so that he might reconsider his choice.
Now to a quick one. I agree, Cat didn’t start the war. She took Tyrion hostage because based on the info she had he had tried to murder her son. Tywin “war criminal” Lannister started the war by sending men to pillage and destroy the Riverlands
On the next one I’m actually inclined to agree. Catelyn is a bit in her own head. On top of that she’s very stubborn, which makes it more apparent. She tends not to see things from other perspectives than her own, that is definitely one of her flaws. It doesn’t make her a bad person, but it is a flaw, and I can see why some people would have a hard time with that particular flaw. Though she’s not always in her own head, several times we are shown that she has a nose for politics and is actually quite good at understanding other people and their wants. She has perspective on several situations, and can change her mind if things changes or doesn’t turn out as planned.
When it comes to the conflict between Renly and Stannis I really get her frustration. Yes, she had trouble understanding their conflict and found it ridiculous as she was raised and lived by the words “Family, Duty, Honor” and the mindset that family always comes first no matter what. But at that point I think most people would share her thoughts, as she was in a situation where she had started to become desperate. She wanted them to stop fighting each other and understand that they needed to fight together against the Lannisters, who were everyone’s common enemy. This with good reason, they killed her husband and as far as she knew still had both her daughters. Of course she wanted them to stop their feud and unite for the cause of defeating the Lannisters.
I’m going to agree on the next one as well. Cat lives in a patriarchal, classist society and buys into that because that’s all she knows, no one can deny that she has a classist and patriarchal mindset. That’s what she was raised by, that was what she was taught. Cat is in many senses the perfect lady by Westerosi standards. But despite believing in the patriarchal society she’s also at times thoroughly frustrated by it, as we see when she starts losing her influence as an advisor after Ned dies. It’s an interesting internal conflict, and as you said, she’s coping. You mentioned Brienne and Sansa as examples of characters that make Cat look bad in this sense. I don’t agree with that, I think these three characters cope with the patriarchal society in different ways although Brienne has a much more sympathetic way to do so in the eyes of modern readers. Cat definitely isn’t innocent of having spread those views, as she tries to make sure her children live by them, but she’s also not the devil here.
But yes, although she doesn’t call them peasants, that scene doesn’t look great. I won’t deny that either, because it’s true. All the highborn characters, yes even your fave no matter who that is, are classist. And that’s not me trying to defend Cat, that’s just the truth.
As for your ending, yes, her flaws makes her a very compelling character. It’s what makes her interesting, perfect characters are painstakingly boring. She’s not an awful person, and she’s not to blame for the situation with Jon. That one’s definitely on Ned.
You’re also right in that her haters very often suck.
Thanks for your ask, this was very interesting and I hope to see you in my inbox again in the future!
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genshins1mpact · 3 years
okay so i know i mentioned on here before that i have a bunch of dreams when i sleep and how i had that cute one with xiao & mingxiao before right?? 👀
forgot to share it sooner bc life but anyway i had a funny/cute dream with diluc the other day (i'll try to add a read more bc this got a lil long but it doesn't always work on mobile so i'll try & fix it asap if so!) but yeah this kinda turned into a whole fic of its own lol,,
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☆ the dream itself is here, under the cut! ☆
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basically, to not have to explain all the lore about my oc/self insert and all that again, the tldr of it is that i landed on teyvat similar to traveler but didn't really have anywhere to go so after gaining his trust and becoming close, diluc sort of just takes me in and lets me work at the tavern + lets me stay in a spare room at the winery. so yeah we often walk to/from work together if he's working at angel's share that day, and i guess everyone just assumes we're dating?? ...except for me, that is, who still thought he was in love with jean (bc of the whole stormterror thing).
one night, kaeya's been hanging out in the tavern all night, venti's already left or passed out or smth, and then once things close up, diluc and i get ready to head off, but apparently this is the first time kaeya's seen us head off together/in the same direction, and immediately decides to start teasing. he's all "ooh look at the two lovebirds, you've moved in together already? how'd you ask her out, i didn't know you two were a thing, congrats bro so glad she likes you back" kinda stuff and then i just start laughing and telling him to knock it off, wouldn't want jean to overhear and misunderstand. and they're both just like ......wait what? and i'm all "oh cause diluc likes jean right? i thought the were like an Unspoken Thing yknow??" and both stare at me as if i've grown like 3 heads and started doing a one-(wo)man barber shop quartet. lightbulb goes off in kaeya's head that i don't know jack shit & we're not a thing (yet) and diluc is just thinking like "i can't believe you're literally this oblivious, holy shit". hence kaeya's teasing The Sequel, where he just starts complimenting my uniform and says i look like a cute little maid or whatever and diluc is silently fuming behind me. he mutters something along the lines of "how oblivious can you possibly be?" and all but throws his coat/jacket over me to try and cover me "bc it's cold" (yeah yeah sure, jealous much? haha), then asks me how i never noticed how he felt about me. so i'm there having an earth teyvat-shattering moment of revelation that it WASN'T jean he liked, and that he didn't do all those nice things for me bc i'm friends with her, but because he liked...me????
kaeya smugly walks off with a little "you're welcome", after a his shenanigans, and i'm still trying to process things bc i'd never seen diluc that way, always assuming he'd liked someone else so i never really looked at him that way. we kind of quietly resume our walk back "home" and im clutching his jacket close to me, then we both try to speak at the same time, he tries to ask for my response/reaction and i was trying to ask for some time. he's kind of confused and almost looks hurt, but agrees to give me some time to think, since i explained the whole "not seeing him in that light" and didn't want to answer on a whim. that i didn't want to mistake gratitude for all he's done for me for affection and stuff so he was like hey good point i wouldn't want you to feel like i forced you into this, and no you're not gonna get kicked out/fired if you don't like me back, it's okay. diluc mentions having to be away for 2 weeks cause of a work trip and that i can respond then.
in the meantime, a bunch happened like a trip to liyue with aether & paimon, a whole girls' talk over tea with jean & lisa over the situation, and got my own lil serenitea pot so i potentially had the option of moving out now if i wanted to. i decided to my day off from the tavern to go out on a little adventure, just journey around and test out the teapot home and all that jazz. ran into noelle and we hung out/trained for awhile together and invited her in for for a tea break and stuff, like it was just really cute and fun. but apparently diluc came back a few days early and was freaking out when i was nowhere to be found, no one had any idea where i was, and was just really concerned something might happen to me. then noelle arrives through the gates and overhears him asking lisa stuff and goes all "oh she's over by (idk where i was maybe that bit of land between mond & liyue?) and he thanks her for the info and runs off to find me. he finds the teapot (somehow) on some rock but doesn't see me and i come back out of my lil abode bc someone outside kept saying my name and then i felt the teapot shake (he'd picked it up). cue a dramatic reunion in the rain bc when isn't it pouring and trying to kill me in teyvat in true romcom fashion i guess.
diluc is all "do you have any idea how worried i was about you? all alone out here? any of the abyss mages could have hurt you or taken you away or-" just rambles on and meanwhile im having this sort of Oh You're Back and I Think I'm Feeling Things realization (absence makes the heart grow fonder lol). so there's just this kind of strong, desperate hug moment and everything's quiet, save for the pouring rain and faroff occasional lightning strike. and i whispered something along the lines of "i think i'm in love with you" and his eyes widen before responding smth like "i think i'm in love with you too" with a fond smile, the first genuine huge smile i've ever seen on him (pls picture him like in the manga and not his in game ._. face PLS-🤣). cue another romcom cliche reunion hug + kiss scene in the rain, in which we take shelter from the rain inside the serenitea pot bc of how bad the storm kept getting.
(aether has tubby but i have chummy, kinda looks like the teapot salesman, and i usually just call her chums.) so we're greeted by chums who kind of is like staring daggers at diluc bc i showed up with a guest unannounced, drenched, and we're holding hands. she's overprotective in a very Mom Friend kind of way but she just means well. we change into some baggy share clothes i have and then i scrambled up something to eat (since we can apparently cook & forge in our lil pot i love that so much-) anyway so we decide to get some rest bc it's late and have the Oh No There Was Only One Bed conundrum until we agree to just share and sleep on opposite sides bc nbd right? i turned in my sleep and essentially was hugging his back whilst asleep, and he just turned over at some point and hugged me too, and booooiiii was this fire boy WARM, he felt like a personal heater and after all that rain, i slept like a log. diluc woke up before me cause he's used to an earlier schedule and slips out quietly to speak to chummy, asking if she knew where the supplies were cause he wanted to surprise me with breakfast (and man can he cook! goodbye kfc, hello good hunter). chummy is still kind of not vibing with him, until he apologizes for "intruding" and explains everything that's happened, to which chums kind of softens up and realizes he's sweet and just wants to do something nice, not go around raiding the house. woke up alone and went to look for the source of the smell, and kinda just clung to him, making diluc blush. don't remember too much more after the cooking thing though besides going for a stroll around my teapot layout, meeting all the pets that chill there, and kinda just having a relaxing day off together. the winery staff was probably freaking out wondering where we were, but we were just kinda in our own world (literally?), enjoying the peace before returning to all the chaos that is teyvat. cutest damn dream ❤
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
So for me and literally every larrie I know will say between the years of 2010 and 2019 L&H without a shadow of doubt were together and there are hundreds of MPs and videos on various sub topics to back up those claims right. Now I'm scrolling through my private twitter [which is all I have up right now] and this pops up.
The first ss is an ask [sent to a r*d acc who them and their followers spend all their time hating on H and trying to prove larry isn't real] that claims they saw Louis with a older man having dinner [on a date] while in Oxfordshire around Jan 2020 and the second ss is a fan who took a picture with Louis in Oxfordshire in Jan 2020 so a lot of r*ds use this as proof Louis is with some older man now and larry is [in their eyes] happily not together.
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Originally it was only really shown amongst the r*ds here on tumblr who hate H but now I'm seeing these ss on twitter and it got me thinking this doesn't make ANY sense at all. Louis being in Oxfordshire last year does but him being with a older man on a date in early 2020 doesn't. So this happened approximately January 2020 before the pandemic started. IF larry some how in 2019 broke up and Louis was with this Oxfordshire older man by early 2020 [seems like a short time to get over a 9 year relationship and get into a new one] tell me why did these following events happen AFTER the Oxfordshire sighting....
1) Louis in June 2020 wore this VINTAGE HARD TO FIND Unbro shirt that only comes in 3 colors and than in September 2020 Harry is seen wearing the same shirt a brand he never had worn before but a brand Louis as of late wears often. Why would Larry still be sharing clothes if they broke up and Louis was with a new man?
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2) Between April - June 2020 they tried SO HARD to make it seem like Harry got stuck in LA at the beginning of the pandemic and how he wasn't in London but as a Southern California resident I knew for a damn fact Harry was not in LA.
2A) Pics of Harry in a car on a sunny SoCal weather day come out but the week we got those pics all of SoCal was windy, cloudy and raining. My phone kept giving me storm alerts so those pics were not taken when they claimed
2B) Pics showing Harry in LA hiking trails when California was on full lockdown and all hiking trails were closed
2C) Around May 2020 Harry had two interviews on the same day BUT the time of these interviews was 2AM and 5AM LA PST so unless Harry is a vampire who doesn't sleep those interviews don't make sense for him to have been in LA the time works out if he was in England tho.
2D) All the LA Harry pics we got during this time he had the same hair style/cut, same beard length, same socks and shoes on, same shorts it was legit just some pics he was wearing his hat some he wasn't and some pics he had his jacket on and some pics he didn't. It's like it was one days worth of pics taken months before and than sporadically posted these pics for weeks during a time they wanted to make it seem like H was stuck in LA.
2E) Harry was in LA in Jan 2020, than he went to New York a month before lockdown started, had an interview there stating he was going back to London the following week. So when did he decide to go BACK to LA and than get stuck there instead of going home to London like he claimed? Also there was a private jet company specifically taking celebs from London who got stuck in LA bc of lockdown BACK to London so there is no way he couldn't have not gotten back to London if he was actually in LA. H was only actually in LA for less than two weeks during June than a week later we got pics of him running in London.
If Larry was broken up, Louis was with someone new then why did they lie and try so hard to prove Harry was in LA and not London at the beginning of the pandemic when he clearly wasn't?
3) One of those two interviews a dog barked in the background [Harry doesn't have a dog but we know who does] and instead of him laughing it off and saying it's his friends dog the ones he was claimed to be quarantined with in LA he freaked out and said umm idk where that dog is coming from when it was clearly in the house he was in. Of course over the next two weeks they shoved it down our throats that Louis, Eleanor and THE DOGS were all quarantined together in London.
If Larry wasn't together anymore and Louis was at that point with someone new than why did Harry freak out over a dog barking in his interview and why did they try so hard to push Louis was with Eleanor and the dogs after it happened? Why did ALL OF THIS happened if larry was no longer together?
Lastly the one who sent in the ask claiming they saw Louis on a date in Oxfordshire sent it in publicly and no one who truly has info would dare send in their info publicly. Anyone in the past who had some 👀 info they shared publicly their acc was suspicious deleted within the next few days. There's a reason all the larry receipts that make you go 😳 are anonymous some of them mention NDAS so they don't want to risk getting in trouble.
PLUS in the ask they go I was a larry BUT the minute one says that or the I'm a larry but line I stop listening. Those who have ever claimed shit like this in the past publicly saying that line were lying and doing it for clout. Example this fan on twitter last year claimed they were a larry but not anymore bc they had seen Harry and Nick together acting like a couple. Later on we all found out it was a lie mostly bc the twitter claims are from people who don't know how not to tell others in DMs they were lying. So I REALLY don't get why so many believe this one random ask when the facts speak for themselves L&H were 100% together during the time of this supposive date citing.
EDIT: @skepticalarrie made a good point to me in DMs the reciept could be true they saw Louis with some guy but why do they automatically assume it's a date it could have been work related? But looking back at the ss the ask says Dec 2019 the fan citing was Jan 2020 so still things don't fully add up and it's pretty sad how r*ds are GRASPING at any little thing to try and prove Louis isn't with Harry.
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daily-mikaze-ai · 3 years
Thank you for taking my previous Ask! I don't know about the others, but i'm dying to ask about your opinion on Ai as well 🥰 Feel free to post other ask game in the futur, it's fun :)
Thank you for asking again, I enjoyed answering both of them :D
And glad you're enjoying this as much as I am~!
### Why I like them:
Idk man it's a mystery to me. Fact is, Ai is and has always been an outlier in my usual "types" for favorite characters. He shares little in common with characteristics and qualities that I can usually find attracts me to a character. Or at least, not much that are significant enough to justify how intense the affection I had for him was.
I will say that every time I go through his route again the love meter shoots up.
### Why I don't:
SetsuAi never came home.
(No I'm serious I emptied out everything I had on it on 4 different occasions over the course of two years now I'm so salty I can out-salt the Atlantic Ocean.)
### Favorite episode:
Season 2 Episode 1. I will never get over Poison Kiss.
### Favorite season:
Season 2 for the above reason.
### Favorite song:
(Good thing it's only solos, if group songs were included.... Let's not discuss that hellscape of a battle.)
Futari no Monogram was my long time favorite, but I've gotta say Synchronism was like... Some of you might remember how, when it came out in SL you needed tickets to play it. I, uh, may or may not have restarted the game a couple times right before it ended just so I can listen to and play it again without consuming a ticket-
### Favorite outfit:
You give me Ai. And you give me canon. And you add SL on top of that. And you expect me to answer this question?
Hhhhh I'll pick 1 out of my 23 top favorite outfits and go with Shining Kingdom aftershot Ai. It's the gloves.
### Headcanon:
Mostly about Aine actually, but drawing from Ai's themes and its implications:
Headcanon that Aine doesn't, in fact, have a trauma involving the ocean despite what occured. If he did, it would have likely manifested in Ai. Additionally, the Professor and Shining would never have allowed Ai to work so closely with the ocean or related concepts if this wasn't the case. It would be counterproductive to their goal of drawing Aine back to the world.
From Ai's voice lines, I think the ocean was always a source of calmness and peace for Aine, despite it's potentially wild behavior, and that feeling resonated with Ai. The ocean was a place he loved, and a place he rested. That was why he chose it for his end.
### Unpopular opinion:
The paws ruined Pop Animal Partner Ai forever for me.
### A wish:
More rapping Ai. I found exactly one (1) synthesized version 4 years ago. And right now I can't find that one translation I read 5 years ago that included a fact about how (along with the tidbit about how he first debuted his music online with only his name, no other info) Ai knows [insert list of different forms of music]. A list that included rap. Back then I was like Ai?? Rapping????? And proceeded to scour the internet. I even tried looking for Aoi Shouta rapping but didn't find anything back then ajsjdkfk.
### An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
Major Reiji-Ai discourse tbh. When something truly bad happens with those two... it's the branch of angst I generally run the hell away from.
### 5 words to best describe them:
### My nickname for them:
Ai-chan, Ai-Ai very rarely lol.
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1. I am an INTP 5w6 female and I want to know how to meet new people, it didn't bother me before but I had a boyfriend.of 1.5years and I now miss having someone in my life, don't remember exactly what I wrote but I thought I had made a good choice and was really hopeful about that relationship and I tried hard to make it work but I couldn't deal with his bs anymore, I did for a while cause I thought he was worth it, I've been trying to build deeper relationships but didn't care before so imbehnd
2. My ex wasn't extremely manipulative but he lied and hid things from me and got angry when I complained when his stories made no sense, I left We knew each other for so long and I couldn't deal with him not apologizing for his bs and blaming me for what he was doing, I just couldn't justify the relationship even if I still loved him This lead me to believe my strategy was wrong since I thought I knew him and that he was more mature than that, no matter how high the filter this could happen..
3. It's just so disappointing, you know? That people can be such assholes after managing to present themselves as the opposite of that for so long I've never really had close friendships except for my ex, and a few friends (I guess?) I didn't care much for this before since I'm alright on my own, but I found that I really liked having someone, so I'm trying to meet new people now that I'm more or less healing, but idk how to do it, acquaintances used to fall in my lap before but not anymore
4. I'm 23 yo, about to get my degree. I do have a crush on a classmate but when I try to picture us going out it feels awkward and weird since I don't know him very well, I need to know people well before considering dating... I'm just very lost and I feel kind of behind from everyone else since I'm super inexperienced (only that one bf, and it was long distance...) and idk how to correct that at this point. I've been dressing better so people treat me better (haven't noticed, makes sense tho)
5. People do seem to like me well enough but I guess everyone already has their group of friends and is too busy to invite me places often enough that I become part of the core group, but I'm getting there, a bit (I think) I've been going everywhere I've been invited with my classmates lately but they don't really bring anyone new, I've managed to be a step up from acquaintance with a girl friend, which is nice, with older friends the same thing happens, even if we come across their friends...
6. I've always had a hard time fitting in very well, romantically I'd love to have someone at a similar experience level because I feel like I missed out on being a crucial relationship for the other person, but my ex had several gfs before and I didn't care too much then but now I do because afterwards certain things made me feel bad, but I guess I could manage anyway.I also get paranoid when I read what other bs some people manage to do like marrying someone but loving their bestfriend instead
7. I apologize for making it so long but I thought it'd be necessary to give a bit of info on myself and my thoughts, my age, what I've been trying etc I just wanna meet good people at this point in my life and want some tips on how to do that without taking extremely long only for them to be assholes anyways... I think I've managed to make some more acquaintances but I've only clicked with two girls I talk to outside of the classroom when we're not hanging out, gonna focus on them rn-----------------------
(very long response ahead)
I know this is not what you asked nor is it necessarily going to be helpful or relevant but: I would strongly rethink your type. Ti-doms and 5s are both vanishingly unlikely to drop seven asks worth of highly personal and emotionally open information in the inboxes of total strangers.
With regards to the actual question, this is really not an MBTI question (more on this at the end) and not entirely something I’d consider myself an expert on. I very much hope I am not the only person you can go to on this because I personally wouldn’t want me to be my only source of advice on this. With those caveats, see below.
I think Tumblr (and to be fair some forms of media) portray friendships and relationships as an attraction at first sight/immediate connection.
This is fucking stupid.
Because I tie everything back to my personal soapbox causes: this is why I have such disdain for the anti-small talk crowd, or people who think they’re special because they crave a deep, below-the-surface human connection. Nearly everyone wants deep connection. It’s normal and healthy. It’s also an ongoing process that nearly always involves some period of time during which you and the other potential friend are awkward acquaintances who don’t entirely understand each other and have to talk about surface-level things. You can’t speedrun intimacy.
This is particularly true in adulthood. Children do make friends more quickly, but also children are weird and fickle and a friendship can be based on little more than sharing crayons (not to knock that, plenty of great friendships started that way) while adults have a much better sense of who they are and also typically a much more narrow definition of who they want as a friend and all kinds of emotional baggage to boot.
Essentially, if you want a friendship that matches the depth of a relationship of 1.5 years it’s probably going to take close to 1.5 years to get there, and from what you said you’d known each other even longer before the romantic relationship, so add that time too. Which might not be what you want to hear, but it’s important to manage the expectation. Basically all relationships (and by this I mean romantic or platonic) start out with little connection, and you become friends through building that connection, and you can’t really rush it.
I believe in “clicking” in the sense of there being an immediate mutual interest in getting to know each other better, but speaking practically, regardless of the initial chemistry you are still basically intrigued strangers at that point. All clicking does is provide additional motivation for that process of getting to know each other. And speaking from experience, deep friendships in the long term don’t always have an initial “click”. I’ve had relationships that were initially quite intense fade away, and others slowly grow from acquaintanceship into lasting intimate friendship even if we didn’t expect it on first meeting. The myth of clicking is confirmation bias - unless there was a serious fallout, you’ll probably forget the people who you thought you clicked with if it didn’t just work out, and conversely it’s not hard to look back through the lenses of memory and nostalgia and find a single moment when a friendship or love crystalized, even though the reality is that it was merely the tipping point after considerable energy had already been invested on both sides.
In terms of practical advice, finishing up a degree is a uniquely awkward time, especially if all your classmates are in the same boat, because there’s often a mentality of “we’re all going to leave soon, let’s stick with the friendships we have.” Others in your class may not have that motivation to make a close connection, and it sucks but it’s temporary. The good news is that the larger world doesn’t feel that way. It is a bit more difficult to make friends as an adult, just because you’re not spending time with people naturally the same way as you do in school, but meetups and clubs and social organizations all exist for this reason and are explicitly there for people who want to make friends. And again, it’s going to be a slow process. I respect that it’s frustrating having to start from what feels like square one, but it’s unavoidable.
As for dating, you don’t need to do apps if you don’t want to! But you’re right. It’s going to be comparatively inefficient. Particularly if you prefer to date people you already know socially, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort going to social things and building those acquaintanceships over time and you might need to ask someone out face to face. Inexperience is fine. Everyone has to start somewhere. The tradeoff is more that you can’t screen people as well if you’re on apps, and they can be kind of impersonal but you do get to interact with many people quickly on your own terms without having to go outside and with the luxury of being able to think up witty comebacks instead of having to chat in real time.
(I do want to counter the idea that people who use apps are any less deep or anything like that. Some people are comfortable with casual hookups and some aren’t, but many people use apps to set up a date first and see if they have enough of an interest to keep things going. As with all of the above, everything has to start somewhere and if you think of the app as a way to facilitate meeting people, rather than “I must make a romantic connection with this person tonight”, and steer towards dating vs. hookup apps/make it clear you’re looking for long-term relationships, you might have more luck. The point of the first date for most people isn’t to find a partner, though sometimes that happens; it’s to find someone you enjoy enough to go on a second date with and slowly get to know).
One final thought: all this advice applies universally but I actually think considering it in the context of MBTI is more harmful than helpful, or at best misleading. For example, you say that being a 5 you take too long to check if people are safe, which whether or not you actually are a 5 also has absolutely nothing to do with being a 5, and even if you are a 5 and this is a 5 thing, you’re aware of this behavior! You can stop doing that then! MBTI is not destiny!
Regardless of type, no one automatically knows what to say in every situation, no one can read minds, and no one has discovered the secret to always being liked and never being rejected. Type can convey talent or inclination but skill requires time. Extroverts are often better with people because they have to be - they aren’t as okay with just being alone, especially when younger, so they go out and deal with people and through that process learn to make friends. But they weren’t born with it. Sites that favor introverts and/or intuitives are terrible for a lot of reasons but I find they perpetuate the ideas I disagreed with above, that friendships for introverts and intuitives must always be with people who Click and Already Get It. This is wrong and it’s limiting. Obviously don’t pursue a friendship or relationship if you don’t like the person, but don’t write someone off just because you didn’t feel a magical spark right away. That’s not being deep and sensitive - that’s being closed off to new experiences. Anything worth doing involves real-world effort and some amount of risk, and usually it involves patience and time and awkwardness and uncertainty as well.
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