#haru loves mackerel and so do i
partrin · 10 months
rinharu taking a selfie (i don't think this was ever animated.. was it? i can't remember)
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ngawww haru's widdol peace sign hehe my baby
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ichxraaa · 5 months
the little things ft. nanase haruka
⤷ sometimes haru can´t help but wonder f you wud be better with someone else, someone... less boring.
⊱♥︎ is the free! fandom as dead as a ghost town? probably, do i care? not at all, i have been watching the last season and this little thing came up, i have many feelings about haruka nanase.
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Haruka wouldn’t necessarily call himself boring, but if put side by side with his friends he could. He doesn’t have Asahi’s boldness, or Nagisa’s bubbliness, or Kisumi’s way of making anyone feel welcome, much less Rin’s ease to break the ice stating that even while having a girl’s name he is a boy, and of course he is far from having Makoto’s wit to start a conversation with any topic. 
And after the first awkward stage of your relationship breaks, the one from the first 3 months give or take he begins to worry about it in a way he simply didn’t care about before. 
He finds it odd, new. The past year he has been so confused and then hesitant to take your friendship from just that to a relationship that he never really thought how things would be once you were together. 
And it’s been bothering ever since he accidentally heard a conversation you had with a friend last week when he went to pick you up from the library. 
“…But seriously, what do you two even talk about?” She laughs, and you laugh with her. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say more than three words together”.
“You just haven’t been lucky then, but don’t worry about me, Haru is plenty interesting even when he is quiet”.
And your answer eases him, and yet he can’t help but be bugged about it in an intrusive way that shows up even when he is trying to eat. 
Right now you’re lying next to him. Your feet are on his lap and his are next to your hips. Sitting on opposing sides of the couch you’re both reading. He can see you’re really focused by the way your brows have furrowed. 
Is this really what you’d like to be doing right now? It is Friday night and even if he has practice tomorrow morning, you don’t. 
“Do you wanna do something else tonight?”
“Mmm?” Your eyes lift from the page with a curious look headed his way. There’s always something in the way you look at him, so openly and intensely yet kind and soft that has him nearly blushing.
“I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go out or something…”
You smile, hand reaching for his calves and softly massaging the hard muscle. “Not really, do you want to go out?”.
“Not really”.
You laugh and put your book down on the floor while snuggling into the armrest. He inadvertently moves to give you room to accommodate yourself.
“Do you wanna watch a bad movie and order take out?” You ask.
Haru smiles, softly and  nearly missable from the untrained eye. 
Sometimes Haru worries you’re gonna get bored of him, he frequently quotes his grandma as a source of wisdom, he eats nearly the same stuff every day and he is obsessed with water. 
If only he knew those same particularities are such a big part of why you fell in love so quickly, why you went to bed dreaming of the day where you would be bold enough to tell him how you felt. Except he had beat you to it.
Sometimes he worries you’re gonna get bored of him, but fortunately right now his biggest concern is what kind of mackerel dish he’s gonna get for dinner.
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sapphiresflame · 2 months
do you believe haru is autistic coded or just shy?
Yees, I've definitely always thought that Haru is autistic coded. He has shown signs since Season 1.
For example, Haru has trouble expressing himself both with facial expressions and words (Makoto does that for him most of the time), so he's pretty silent. But when he *does* speak, he's pretty blunt! He has shown that he's not really agreeable to touch, like when he's hugged he doesn't return it or he looks unamused when people use his shoulder as armrest, and of course, when people break his routine. Also, he has quite the obsessions like swimming, generally water, mackerel and mascots.
I can maybe think of one of these habits that he has changed in later seasons, but the rest? They're still there, Haru is still Haru, and we love him (but Rin even more so).
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temporaerthaervaerk · 2 months
Reasons why I headcannon Haru from Free! as autistic (some aren't diagnostic criteria but I'm autistic and I relate, so bite me):
He only eats fish (mackerel) ("You like mackerel too much" is a running gag)
He loves water because of the way it feels (sensory seeking)
He's the only one who sees a difference in his swimtrunks (he likes some better because the way they feel/they fit differently) (hyper sensitive sense)
His special interests are swimming and mackerel
When trying to convince others to swim, he mimics the way he thinks you should do it (with no regard to social cues) (masking)
Limited facial expressions (unless it's about swimming)
He doesn't care about swimming time, records and winning
He has a set routine
"I only swim free."
Is often seen providing support by sitting quietly beside people // or engaging in a conversation with his back turned to the group.
Tendency to give entities human feelings ("Maybe the water hates him" // "I thought I should ask water about matter that involves the water.")
Appears blunt but cares deeply (asks outright if people are okay /// "we're not going to discuss it (about something another character finds uncomfortable)" // gives things freely to children)
Takes his promises very seriously
"He's actually looking at the camera for once."
"Knowing Haru he probably doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now."
Trying to understand his feelings through thinking // struggling to name feelings
He never uses his phone // doesn’t bring it with him // "Haru usually doesn’t carry his phone around with him."
He remembers small things about his friends and then gifts really meaningful gifts
When he knows how he feels he shares his feelings openly and without shame (and with an abundance of eye contact used to drive home his sincerity)
He notices people when they're sad // really perceptive // notices differences in behaviour (pattern recognision)
"You're supposed to smile for pictures." // "Haru is always smiling on the inside."
My man does not care about social norms (is always ready for a dip, no matter where he has to strip).
"I don't care about winning," (i love this boy)
"You're too easily impressed, Haru-chan." (Once again, I love him)
As kids Haru sometimes wouldn’t talk, and instead Mokoto would "translate" how he felt (i almost cried 😭)
"You're so cold," (i hate this)
He litterally just went to Australia because Rin asked him to without knowing the language + without doing any planning just trusting Rin– and then felt panicked when he thought Rin left him (... I once went to Italy with a girl because she said she wanted to and I didn’t get that it was meant to be a joke... until we were already in Italy and she told me she it was a joke but she was glad I took it seriously. She planned everything and I just followed along because I trusted her. Rin also said he didn’t expect Haru to agree, so yeah. I don't know)
"It was my first fight (with him)" (relatable dude)
"Hey, c'mon. You could look a little happier... But I guess that reaction is typical Haru." (Seeing someone for the first time in a long time)
"That’s really impressive," Haru says. "Hey," someone else says. "You're supposed to laugh at that!" (Once again, relatable dude. I don't get the joke either)
"What did you talk about?" *Haru answers truthfully* *the other person makes noises of disbelief*
I love him
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: Helloooo can I request Lubbock, Ikuya and Haru reacting to their S/O who doesn't laugh much usually, laughing for the first time in front of them (like a huge, uncontrollable fit of laughter) please? :)
➳ character/s: lubbock, kirishima ikuya, nanase haruka
➳ warnings: swearing (haru), laughing at the boys (ikuya, haru)
➳ notes: we love our underrated boys and kinda emotionally constipated boys :))
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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that was his face the first time he heard you laugh
quickly followed by >.<
normally he's the one full of laughter and you stare blankly
but this time it's his turn to stare as you clutched your stomach while laying on the floor laughing to yourself like a hyena
and as much as he'd love to take in your laughing state
you were contagious
and hearing you laugh made him laugh too
so thus he joins you on the floor shortly after
while also being bright red because how cute??
you never laugh and this is truly a sight to behold
he'll keep this memory tucked away for the rest of his life
honestly same
the most you get is like, a lil chuckle
n even that is a little bit rare
and normally you have quite the poker face
so he wasn't expecting you to burst out laughing at him dressed for this fair you guys attended with the gang
he didn't expect it to be at his expense either but he'll allow it
because this is truly a sight to behold
and this is probably the longest anyone has ever seen ikuya smile
and the first time anyone has seen you laugh
ikuya does wish it was only for him though
he wanted to be special ;v;
your laughter is for him and him only >:((
honestly same pt. 2
except you can't get a chuckle
you just get ._.
but this is the one time you got a genuine :))
like ikuya, he wishes you weren't laughing AT him but he'll sacrifice his dignity for the rare sound of your amusement
"don't laugh at me."
"i'm sorry, it's just the way you pouted when they said they didn't do mackerel-"
you managed to silently giggle to yourself in the restaurant but the moment you got home it was all over
the only way to get haru to laugh is to aggressively tickle him
but he'll do a dry laugh when he gets to see you cackle on the bed
rolling around like a madman
but seriously, who the fuck doesn't do mackerel-
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makoandharu · 4 months
You've had a lot of haru with the tachibana in-laws hc, fo you have any makoto with the nanase in-laws hc?
yes but also it depends on what mood i am. Like am i in a "Nanase's are actually nice and not neglectful and Haru doesn't have abandonment issues bc of them" mood?
then, when Mama Tachibana was pregnant with the twins she was so incredibly fatigued that Makoto basically lived at the Nanase's for like half the year. Makoto would join them for every outing, big or small, he would go shopping with them and get to pick out his own cereal and favourite snacks and fruits, he was always allowed to have an input on what to have for dinner (if Haru was being extra grumpy then Mama Nanase and Makoto would just share a look before Makoto would say that he wants mackerel, bc they both know Makoto doesn't actually but that if they don't, then they're both have to deal with Haru's crankiness.) He joins them for big trips, of which there are many, the first time he visits the aquarium is with the Nanases, his first trip to an amusement part is with them; once during those 6 months they go to visit family in Osaka and Makoto joins them, bc ofc he does, he's family.
Papa Nanase is the reason Makoto can do maths. Whenever they come back to visit Haru, they always bring a present back for Makoto too.
When they're off to uni, I like to think about Mama Nanase teasing him about never having to worry about Haru back in Iwatobi bc she knew Haru-chan had his Mako-chan. Makoto would blush so deep, and she'd laugh at him. She'd tell him the only reason she could make such a difficult decision of leaving her son behind was bc she entrusted Haru to the one person who worried for him the way she did.
When MH are enganged, Haru says he wants to take Makoto's last name, but Makoto would feel super bad about it (bc Haru's an only child etc) but Papa Nanase would assure him that they're completely ok with it bc not only has Haru always been a Tachibana, but they're not "losing" anything when they're getting the best son in law imaginable. Makoto wears Papa Nanase's wedding tie to his own as the "something borrowed".
but when I'm in a bitter mood I just need Makoto to be resentful. He'd never say anything bad about them in front of Haru, bc Haru never has anything bad to say. But even that passing comment in s2 when Makoto asks when his parents will come home and Haru says at the end of summer, and Makoto responds with "your parents are such free spirits" i need that to be a snide remark that Makoto can't hold back. I need him to be petty. Because they're Haru's parents, Haru who's precious and deserves every ounce of love a person has to offer, Haru who is kind and independent and doesn't like to make a big deal of things when it comes to himself. Haru, who's looked after Makoto all his life, but never had anyone to look after him. Any comment about not needing to worry about Haru bc he was "in good hands with the Tachibanas" would not be met with kindness from Makoto. Yes, the Tachibanas love Haru like their own, but they should've loved him as such WITH the love of his own parents. The Tachibanas shouldn't have been a replacement. Makoto would be calm when tearing them apart, never raising his voice, never getting rude or disrespectful, but he'd be thorough, and absolutely make them face their sins.
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confusedpandabear · 7 months
Were there any canon harugou moments that are close to your heart or all of them are headcanons?
Ok so there are literal CRUMBS when it comes to canon HaruGou content but I could still probably write a 17-page thesis on what they are and why I love them. In short, however, my fave moments are:
Reunited for the first time since middle school in Haru's living room and Gou is just eating up Haru's muscles (first guy she does so with, therefore her first love in my eyes).
Haru remembering that she liked being called 'Kou' instead of 'Gou' hngggg (this is where I OTP'd HARD).
His SMOL SMILE when he hears that Gou's joining the club so that they'd be enough members to make it an official team ahhhhh.
'Why do you swim, Haruka-senpai?' MY HEART.
Their general 1-2-1 talks in seasons one and two, when they discuss swimming/Rin/futures. They are comfortable enough and trust each other to talk about these things with one another!!
When they?? Went to the?? Shrine together??? Just the two of them??? To get their fortunes??? WHILE THE OTHERS WAITED OUTSIDE?? GAH.
That super cute moment when Haru's all distracted by some mascot thing and Gou is tugging his jacket from behind trying to get him to listen to her, I DIED BECAUSE THEY WERE TOUCHING.
OK really grasping at straws here but that time Haru looked at her in her yukata for like 0.5 seconds literally birthed a thousand fics in my mind.
Gou makes him mackerel flavoured chocolate for Valentines Day LIKE WHO DOES THAT.
That one drama CD when Rin thinks Gou is dating someone and immediately assumes that it's Haru. Not any of the other guys. His first thought was Haru.
There's probably more but that's my top 10 lol.
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Sleep Talking- Rinharu
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Recovery date: January 18th, 2020
Description: They’re having a sleepover and one of them finds out the other sleep talks. They starting asking them questions and find out they like them.
Notes: This entry was recovered in conjunction with an unnamed researcher from a partnered lab, we thank them for their contributions.
Word count: 405
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When Rin had asked Haru if he could stay at his place over the break, Haru said yes. It wasn’t often that Rin could come home from Australia with swim practice, and school. And since Gou and his mom were in Iwatobi (he’d be going in a few days), he asked Haru if he could crash with him in Tokyo. Haru was a little lonely since Mokoto had gone back to Iwatobi as soon as the break started, so seeing Rin would be nice (not that he’d say it aloud).
The ride from the airport had been mostly silent, Rin would sometimes talk about Australia, but they enjoyed the silence. Pulling up to his apartment Rin had laughed. 
“There’s no water nearby,” he’d said.
“There’s a bathtub.” 
“Of course, my mistake.”
After bringing Rin’s stuff upstairs, Haru had gone to make dinner while Rin took a shower. When Rin came out, Haru refused to admit that he had stared at him while he shuffled through his bags.  When Rin caught him staring, because Haru isn’t nearly as sneaky as he thinks, he told him dinner was almost ready. Rin knew that wasn’t why he was staring but he shrugged and went to change anyway.
Rin had told Haru all about his swim training and school over dinner, and Haru tried. Although Haru’s contributions were usually nods, and maybe a short one or two word answer. Topics ranged from school, to swimming, to friends, and by the end they were debating whether sharks or dolphins were better. Haru won that one somehow, but Rin won the debate on what type of music was the best.
After dinner, Rin helped haru with the dishes before Haru went to take a bath. After Haru didn’t come out for almost and hour (Rin knew he took long baths but the water had to be cold by now) he went to check on him. And if he was being honest, he wasn’t surprised to find Haru asleep. He was however surprised when he heard Haru mumbling to himself, in all the years he’d known Haru, he never realized he the boy sleep talked.
Sitting down Rin mumbled, “Geez, what's up with this?”
He was not expecting Haru to answer, ”The water’s nice.”
Rin’s eyes widened slightly, and he looked back up at Haru to see if he had woken up. But he was still sound asleep, so Rin tried something.
“Hey Haru,” he asked, “What's your favorite animal?”
He mumbled a bit before saying, "Sharks.”
Rin laughed, “I thought you like dolphins.”
Haru groaned and rolled over towards Rin, still fast asleep, ” Sharks remind me of Rin, and I love Rin.”
Rin was surprised, not just by the confession but by the bluntness, That’s Haru for you he thought. Before he could overthink this, his hand slipped into the water and he yelped. Haru woke up from the noise, He looks adorable when he’s half asleep. 
“What’re you doing here?” Haru asked standing up.
“You were taking a while, I had to make sure you didn’t drown,” Rin teased.
“The water wouldn’t hurt me.”
Rin sighed, “You’re crazy, you know that?”
Haru shrugged and Rin followed him out of the bathroom to the bedroom where they had set up two futons on the floor. Just like a sleepover, Rin had said. Laying down in silence, Rin tried to sleep. But, Haru’s sleepy confession was bothering him.
“Hey Haru,” he asked breaking the silence.
“Do-Do you wanna get lunch tomorrow?”
Haru opened his eyes and turned to face Rin.
“Haru…” he trailed off, Here goes nothing, “I’m asking you on a date.”
Haru sayed nothing and rolled over, Rin wanted to cry, until, “There’s a place with good Mackerel, it’s by a store that sells good swimsuits. We can go there.”
“Ya,” Rin said smiling, “ That sound good.”
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arileartist · 2 months
After a heated argument hcs with Haruka Nanase
Haru:... Fine…Do as you please…
Y/n: Oh I will!! You are so stubborn Haru!! Why can't you trust me just once?!
Y/n:(exhales sharply)
Haru: y/n…I don't want you to be hurt…
Y/n: My gosh haru you don't need to be so overprotective about me!! I won't do anything stupid you know right?! I'm just going with my friends!! Nothing wrong with that!
Haru: But... It's a nightclub....let me come with you….
Y/n: NO!! I'm not going to be babied by you Haru! (Sighs) I get that you're worried about me, but I'll be fine! Besides, it'll be very awkward with you there! I'm going to hang out with my friends, if you come I'll have to keep looking after you as well!
Haru: (hurt)…. Okay…. You can go... But... Text me...
(You walk off to your friend's party, much against Haru's will as you think he's being way too overprotective towards you. You have fun and blast the evening with your close friends and mates, dancing the evening and binging on snacks, drinks, all the typical stuff that people your age tend to be into. After a few hours, you return home, completely forgotten about your fight with Haru.)
Y/n:Haruuuuu I'm homee!
Y/n: hm? Is he not here?
(You keep your bags and head inside)
Y/n: Haru? Are you here?
(You spot him being fast asleep on his bed)
Y/n: Haru? Are you asleep?
(He pulls you towards him in the bed. You notice his eyes are drenched)
Y/n:Haru?? What happened?? Are you crying???
Haru: (pulls away, wiping his eyes) it's nothing….
Y/n: It's nothing? my foot! You're crying!! What happened?
Haru: ... I must've had a dream...
Y/n: (laughs) who cries over dreams? Well.. Whatever, I'm still a little hungry so I'll just go make something for myself.
Haru:... Should I make...?
Y/n: nah I got it lol
(Y/n leaves the living room, Haru still on the sofa trying to compose himself)
(As Y/n is in the kitchen, you remember something, and a click goes off in your head)
Y/n: wait...I was really harsh with him earlier....(quickly goes to the living room to find Haru quietly scrolling through his phone, looking at your Instagram stories)
Y/n: Haru? Does it have something to do with what I said earlier...?
Haru: (gets up and starts walking off) I told you it's nothing….
Y/n: Haru! (Grabbing his arm and pulling him into a kiss) dummy…. I'm really sorry….I shouldn't have yelled at you…
Haru: no…. It was my fault…I was too overbearing…
Y/n: no, mine.
Haru: not yours.
Y/n: okay it's both our faults. How about that?
Haru: ….fine…
Y/n: hehehe! Now c'mon, I feel like having your signature mackerel for a snack~
Haru:...really? (Glances towards the kitchen)
Y/n: (winks) can I add some of my own flavours into it?
(Setting the ingredients for preparing a late midnight meal)
Haru: no.
Y/n: nvm then🥲
Haru: add on yours…
Y/n: I love you…
Haru: ….
(Shifts both the fishes towards you as if saying “add your favourites on both”)
(Haru is often very stoic, but you know the way to his heart. Just like a proud mermaid, you'd have to be careful with this one~)
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inocciduos · 6 months
Stop Being Denial, Haru. [Haru x Gou]
—Haru would never admit he has a crush on Gou.
Haru always wondered,
Why his eyes never stopped staring — at the silhouette of the young girl, her small body, which he could seemingly grasp, hug and kiss so easily.
No, the last was too much.
But Haru would always wonder.
What was so special about Matsuoka Gou?
She was beautiful, indeed.
Always smiling, obviously.
Cheerful, she had a positive aura like the sun in the morningy.
But was that a reason for Haru to secretly stare at her all the time? Sometimes, he was grateful to be able to hide his feelings behind that flat, emotionless expression. Gou would never notice if Haru's cheeks blushed slightly when the girl accidentally touched his hand, nor would she know if Haru's lips parted slightly when she complimented his triceps.
Gou wouldn't know, she was probably too dense.
Yes, that's a good thing. Haru didn't want others to know his feelings either, especially Gou.
Of course, no one should have realized that he secretly harboured a slight interest in Gou. It seemed he had underestimated the world too much — more precisely his childhood best friend, Tachibana Makoto. "You seem to be paying a lot of attention to Gou lately, Haru." Haru didn't know how his best friend knew when he was so sure he had hidden that slight interest well. It seemed that nice guys were hard to fool.
There was no way Haru would admit it.
"She's our manager as well as our friend, is it wrong if I pay attention to her?" Haru replied in an indifferent tone, he ate his mackerel calmly. Makoto smiled faintly like a mother who had just found out her son was lying. "You clenched your fists when Nagisa hugged her."
"Nagisa should learn about people's personal space."
"You gave Rei a sharp look when he complimented Gou's ponytail pretty."
"His compliments sounded perverted."
Makoto laughed. "Well, if you don't like her I guess it wouldn't hurt if I asked her out, right Haru?"
Haru bit his chopsticks hard. Makoto laughed innocently.
Fuck, he just walked into his trap.
Haru was silent, though he found it a little annoying to hear Makoto laughing innocently when Haru was a little embarrassed about being caught. Makoto stopped laughing, it seemed that he noticed Haru who was silent like a statue, his soft eyes looked at Haru, but Haru chose to look away. "So, you like her Haru?" Makoto asked, just to be sure.
Haru was silent, for about a few minutes before answering. "A little."
A little, you mean a lot, isn't it? Makoto thought to himself in confusion, it was so hard to get Haru to tell him honestly how he felt.
"You should ask her out then."
Haru was silent, again. "No way, I'm graduating next year." His answer sounded a little hesitant, there was an implied sadness with anxiety. "But, are you really okay with leaving it at that? Is it okay for her to date someone else and not you?" Makoto seemed so determined to convince Haru to declare his love for Gou, of course he wanted to but it wasn't easy.
But, the thought of Gou dating someone else and he just looking on, wondering if things would be different if he was more honest was much harder to accept and annoying, yet he found it irritating too.
Haru placed his chopsticks on top of his lunch box. "I'll take her out for a walk this week."
"Good luck, Haru." Makoto smiled, he secretly proud that his best friend can be more honest and at least trying confessing his feelings.
Well, anyway Haru could win that swimming race and getting the first place, why not try to win Matsuoka Gou's heart too?
Well, of course. Haru forgot his biggest obstacle.
"What are you doing in front of my house and asking about my sister, Haru?"
Gou's big brother, Matsuoka Rin, a psycho siscon.
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caffernnn · 2 years
thinking of little things that haru does on a daily basis that make makoto's heart go pitter patter and think "how did i get so lucky"
like on the way home he sees haru feeding a stray cat and sheltering it from the rain. or he sees haru interact with asahi's baby newphew at marron and imagines haru as a dad. Or how he always invites makoto over after his part time job and cooks for him bc "since I'm already cooking for myself it's no problem" but he knows he just worries about makoto not eating right. or how he helps makoto study and go through his title cards before a big test. or how he sometimes wants to talk to ren and ran when he sees makoto facetiming them. or how haru always seems to take mental note whenever they go to a store and makoto stares at something for longer than 5 seconds and bam! a week later there's a chocolate cake waiting by makoto's porch. or how haru takes care of his plushies like they're real (he's got 3. A dolphin, and orca and a mackerel). Seeing haru wearing his shirts. Seeing haru steal his shirts. Overall makoto has never been so in love
One of the things I love exploring with makoharu is how their closeness allows them to declare their love and care beyond (or sometimes without) words all the freakin time. They look after each other with a thoughtfulness that has become second nature, and it manifests in this beautiful life where both Makoto and Haru end up melting anytime there’s a moment of stillness to revel in what they’ve built together. It’s funny watching how flustered they get when put on the spot to put it all into words, as if these small moments haven’t been practically screaming this whole time.
This also extends into how they interact with the world — they genuinely adore each other because they see how the other injects kindness into so much of what they do. Makoto loves watching all the ways Haru cares for his friends, silently saying “I can’t always give you the right words, but here’s my time, here’s my craft, here’s my heart laid bare and beating more than I’d like to admit.” Haru loves watching Makoto’s mind move faster than he can fathom, all while smiling freely and trying to offer support and encouragement to others however he can. The makoharu dynamic is the epitome of best friends who can’t help but be each other’s biggest fans as well. They are each other’s pride and joy!!!!
What’s so great is that for all of these candid moments and actions Makoto covets with fondness, Haru probably has a collection of memories just as large and just as fond. The sentimentality of it all feels too big and embarrassing/overwhelming at times, but in those private moments where they feel safe to soak it all in? HOO BOY
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partrin · 10 months
"is that natto?" rin asks, wrinkling his nose as he watches the other man rip the seal of a small, white plastic container open.
haru just stares at him, blindly reaching for his chopsticks. he tears open several tiny packets that had come with his food and empties them into the container, mixing everything like he's some sort of witch making a love potion in a cauldron. rin tries to tune out the squelching noises it makes and fights the urge to gag.
"don't ask questions you know the answers to," haru chides. "living in australia for a few years doesn't suddenly make you any less japanese."
"no need to get defensive, haru. i was only asking."
the squelching stops. haru lifts his chopsticks and makes a quiet little satisfied hum as his eyes follow the sticky string that stretches between the mixture and the tip of his chopsticks. he brings it to his mouth and tastes it, makes tiny, content smacking noises with his lips before sliding the container across the table.
"it's good," he says. "do you want some? i didn't buy you any."
rin grimaces. "no thank you. i'm not exactly a fan of natto, if you couldn't already tell by now."
haru shrugs, pulling the container back towards him. "it's good," he says again, digging into his meal. "you just don't know how to appreciate good food."
"one could argue that it's an acquired taste, but what do i know? i eat regular food. you're a weirdo who likes weird things."
haru gives him a pointed look. rin takes this as an opportunity to drive his point home.
"you eat mackerel with toast. you're like, the epitome of a weirdo when it comes to food. or liking weird food. and you never eat a balanced meal. you probably have like, i don't know, fish oil running through your veins."
"i don't remember inviting my dietitian to dinner," haru scoffs before taking another small bite of his fermented beans. "and if i'm a weirdo, then that just makes you even weirder."
rin glares at him as if to dare him to elaborate. haru, however, continues chewing on his food, effectively avoiding the need to remind rin that he had chosen to date him. rin hears him anyway. being with haru sharpens the skill of being able to listen even when no words are spoken.
"fine," rin caves, rolling his eyes. "i'll have one bite. just the one."
he pretends he doesn't see the dignified smirk that stretches haru's lips thin as he unceremoniously pushes a large scoop of natto into rin's mildly welcoming mouth.
he also pretends he doesn't drop by a konbini on his way home later to buy two containers of natto, one for haru and one for himself, for when haru decides to grace his apartment with his presence in the weeks to come. maybe having an acquired taste isn't so bad.
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shadowi8 · 2 years
Nagisa had the great idea of having a meeting with everyone where they drink and make a Power Point presentation on a subject that they master without studying it, any subject; this happened thanks to some posts on internet.
Some agreed to participate, because it would be fun and so on, like Natsuya, who was always ready to drink, and others preferred to be spectators, like Nao, who would be taking care of everyone.
They had their presentations ready before the event and the point was to talk about whatever they wanted with the alcohol in their system, making it funny by going off topic, slurring words, etc.
The situation was fun, as long as no one threw up or ended up unconscious on the floor. Although Haruka had a simple presentation ready, when he got a little drunk, he asked for a laptop to change some things on it. So, while the others presented their PPs, between laughs and silly comments, Haruka made a new presentation, from scratch. They asked him if he was ready, if they could see how he was doing, but he insisted that they'll see it when they had to see it.
Haruka took so long that everyone had already finished their PPs. Once he was satisfied with what he did, he connected the laptop to the television, which was where the presentations were projected, and stood up so sure and proud of himself that the place fell silent.
He extended an arm to emphasize his PP, as if it were the best work of his life. The first slide quotes "The reasons why I love Makoto"
Makoto blushed to the ears while Nagisa got excited, Rin looked at him in complete disbelief, Hiyori felt that he understood Haruka perfectly, wondering why he didn't think of making a presentation about Ikuya, etc.
"Reason number one…" Haruka changed the slide.
Each slide had a reason. At first they were some simple things, then they became reasons so corny that Rin was on the verge of tears.
"You have mentioned Makoto's smile like ten times, Haru" Asahi commented after a while.
"I will mention it as many times as necessary. Let's continue. Reason twenty-four…"
Haruka spoke so adoringly, so proudly, that it made it hard for others to get mad at him. When was he going to finish? For a moment they thought he was going to give a presentation about water, mackerel or marine life.
"Haru" Rin interrupted him at one point, just as confused as the rest. "You've been saying things like Makoto is careless, clumsy, forgetful…"
"Uh-huh. And?"
"Those are flaws" Ikuya added.
"Uh-huh. I ask again. And?"
"Well, is just…"
"Even his flaws are reasons why I love him. Anyway, reason 35, his smile..."
Everything was going well until the reasons began to rise in tone.
"Reason forty-three, his huge tits"
"Haru!" Makoto squealed in embarrassment as Nagisa and Natsuya burst out laughing.
"They're soft as clouds. Reason forty-four, his thick thighs. I could be between them forever and let him choke me with them, just like…"
The presentation ended when Makoto stumbled out of his seat to reach Haruka who he covered his mouth with one hand. Between pulling and shoving, Haruka managed to change the slide that read "His strong arms". Makoto wanted to hide under a stone.
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shadowonaqua · 6 years
The Power of Mackerel (Free! Dive to the Future - Episode 9 )
Yo, I’m back! So I know the title of this post may seem odd, but I have a reason for this! Before we jump in, however...We have some new people to meet! Let’s go! Time for my rambling all of my inner thoughts on the latest piece of the story.
(A little note, however. There is more in this episode with Asahi, Ikuya, Hiyori, and Makoto (Makoto’s sweetness is amplified at least a million times here. If he doesn’t become the #1 choice for imaginary husband for y’all, I don’t know who else can), but what I’m about to touch on is content that made even a transition episode such as this one that much more powerful for me.)
(Also, I’m in love with the image below. My heart cried in happiness.)
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Now I’m ready.
So at the start of the episode, we finally get to meet two unknown characters who showed up in the intro song to every episode and whose identities we did not know at all until today. But, the first character gave me some heartwarming feels (and brought back some comical nostalgia too).
Meet the newest Mikoshiba member, Isuzu Mikoshiba!
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She is not only a female swimmer, but also a passionate gamer and a leader. I did not see this coming, but I am glad that they placed a seemingly strong-willed female character into the series. After seeing her, I wish that they introduced her earlier in the series (especially because she is the first female swimmer that we have been personally introduced to during the entire franchise), but I am excited to see just how good she is. Plus, she noticed Haru’s triceps as well! Perhaps... she’ll be Gou’s new best friend? I won’t be surprised if that happens... After all, both of her brothers like the young lady!
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(And Haru’s imagining all three Mikoshiba siblings laughing in their usual Mikoshiba manner... I feel you, Haru).
I do look forward to seeing what role she plays in the rest of this season, especially because we do not really see her do much aside from ask Haru whether he can compete with her (and I bet Isuzu and Momo bond over their older brother locking them with his arm and most (probably) putting them through a hell-of-a swimming training, haha).
However, the first time we meet Isuzu is also the first time we meet this super blonde, purple-eyed tall guy: Albert Wahlander.
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This gigantic foreigner creams Isuzu in gaming, which at first didn’t leave much of an impact on me until he is in the water. On that topic, during this entire episode, I loved that there were multiple clues floating around that suggested his prowess. Some were explained to us through the other characters in the series, and others seemed more symbolic. So, let’s list the ones that weren’t blatantly mentioned by the rest of the cast, because why not?
1) He goes for mackerel as his meal.
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Alright, so now you see where my title came from, eh? Well, Haru, being the now smiley version of himself, helps out a lost Albert when it comes to ordering food. More specifically, mackerel, since the tall guy seems to want to eat it. And, this new character is so darn cute with his usage of chopsticks that I was wondering for a moment what his role was in the episode/series. But, back to this topic at hand, he and Haru begin to form a bond through their both eating mackerel (despite their massive language barrier, which really wasn’t a barrier since they oddly understood each other. This made me smile, so much.)
2) He is good with his hands.
He not only uses his finger dexterity to beat Isuzu in gaming, but also learns how to handle chopsticks in seconds after first not knowing how to pick things up with them. And Haru, being the sweet boy/young man he is, goes to get a spoon and fork for the guy, but then is amazed that the tall, blonde foreigner dude would master chopsticks in one go? This makes me think back to when Haru was carving a massive amount of Iwatobi-chans in high school, haha.
3) He floats around in the water like Haru does, but he is ahead of Haru.
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So this is where things became interesting for me. During the episode, we find out that Haru is one of three Hidaka University Swim Team members to enter the strengthening camp in preparation for the All-Japan Meet (in addition to the older Mikoshiba and Isana Kiryuu). In the middle of swimming, Haru sees Albert swimming next to him, and then we flash to the two of them floating underwater like Haru did for the last three seasons.
But, Albert is ahead of Haru the entire time.
Why does this mean anything? For the entire franchise, we have never seen anyone swim ahead of Haru. This makes sense, because Haru was known for his affinity and love for the water, unclouded from the influences of competitions, friendly rivalries, and societal expectations. More commonly, we saw Haru’s friends follow behind and try their darnedest to reach his level. Haru is the hero that his friends needed during troublesome, lonesome, and confusing times, and Haru is also a source of strength for young men like Rin, Ikuya, and Makoto to strive for their goals. To do this, Haru has to be ahead of them in the water.
Now that we see this difference with Albert’s appearance, even if you haven’t watched the episode and read this post first instead, you may be able to infer what happens when Albert, Haru, and other swimmers at the camp have a friendly 200m freestyle race against each other.
And this is where our latest cliffhanger begins.
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We don’t know how Haru reacts to this loss, as it is the first time that someone out swam him by so many bodies that I won’t even try to count. I mean, the guy was out of the water by the time Haru reached the wall . Knowing Haru, he might react in one of two ways. 
One, he may be devastated. After all, freestyle is his forte, and for his entire life he has been known as a prodigy in this specific stroke. It is okay if Haru lost the IM in the last episode; after all, he does not regularly compete in backstroke, breaststroke, or butterfly, and Ikuya has more experience in this specific event than Haru does anyway. But, when it comes to freestyle, the only characters we have seen who are on-par with Haru are Rin, Ikuya, and maybe Asahi, but nobody has surpassed Haru to this degree. As such, no wonder everyone in the pool is shocked by this revelation, including Makoto, who ran in just as this scene unfolded. Losing to this extent for the first time his life can be upsetting and frustrating at the same time, and I wonder whether Haru will express such a natural human response.
Two, if Haru is as positive as Asahi is, then Haru may see Albert as someone to look up to and strive for. Although this is less likely, purely because the human psyche does not always work this way, I sincerely hope that this is the way he reacts to his loss. For all of Haru’s life, he has had companions, rivals, and supporters who have been by his side, but never has he had someone to directly look up to. In particular with swimming, Haru has been in his own world this entire time. Why? He is the only one of his friends who has an innately keen relationship with water, and it is Haru’s affinity with water that Albert picks up on immediately after swimming/floating together. 
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Haru has never had anyone float so freely with him in the water until now (we could potentially count the pool scene with Makoto in the High Speed! movie, but that was part of their reconciliation. This scene, however, is purely one of connection). Also, the fact that Albert sees swimming as fun is refreshing and an epiphany, both for Haru and for us as viewers. It not only implies that Albert may have just as strong as an affinity with water as Haru does, but also that Albert’s love for water may surpass that of Haru. Should this be the case, then Haru may be forced once again to confront his own beliefs with regards to his love for swimming, his skills, and his ability to swim on the global stage.
I wish the best for Haru. After all, Ryuuji (who we find out is an Iwatobi High School Swim Team alum, thanks to Gou’s amazing muscle-identifying skills) has mentioned before the Haru still a ways to go with regards to improving, and Albert may be the key to unlocking that potential. Plus, Albert honestly seems like a nice person, so I hope that he and Haru can get along. The fact that Haru still has that much room for growth, maturity, and progression, both literally in his swimming and figuratively in his own life, is what truly kept my attention with the latest episode of “Free!” and is allowing me look past some of the other flaws with this season. And, I hope that this tidbit is enough to keep you guys interested in the series and in the boys’ story as well.
(Albert, despite his size, reminds me of a little boy. Perhaps his personality truly is that of one, since he seems to be drawn to old arcade games and finds everything fun. He even whines like a boy when the waitress rips the meal ticket >.<, which is just so endearing and makes me want to hug him)
So, now that this ramble has finished, I’ll add these cute little GIFs because I internally squeal whenever I see a baby, and my heart beats faster every time I see a man playing with one:
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(And Nitori... way to give us a total plot-twister this episode! Rin was thrown for a shock there, I’m sure.)
(I can’t wait for the next episode! But honestly, the event I’m looking forward to the most is the 100m free at the All-Japan Meet since it’s going to have so many of the characters we love in it. Anyone else with me on this one?)
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tommybaholland · 3 years
when their s/o is trying to adopt a pet
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featuring: haruka, makoto, and rin
somewhat self-indulgent as i am currently enjoying time with my new favorite boy <3 enjoy! 
he never grew up with any animals in the house 
so he didn’t really understand why this was so important to you
you had to put your dog down recently and that ended up being a very emotional and hard event for you
that dog grew up with you and it’s sad that they can’t live as long as humans
it was harsh but haru always saw it as just an animal and he had never really thought about the bond a person can have with one
however, he felt sympathetic towards your loss and didn’t like seeing you so down
not even the mackerel dish he made that you both loved could cheer you up :’(
at this point he didn’t really care about anything else except seeing your smile again
one day he decided to take you out somewhere but wouldn’t say where
planned dates had never really been his thing so this was a nice surprise for you
you end up going to several animal lounges in the area where you played with dogs and cats and even some rabbits
and it did put a smile back on your face again which made him smile as well
in fact, playing with the animals made him realize that they all deserve someone to love them just like you deserved his love
at the end of that day, he tells you his intentions
“i know you haven’t been feeling very good lately and i’m sorry if i neglected that. i thought going out and petting some animals would help and if there was one you liked, you should adopt them and i want to help take care of it with you.”
he’s not the most romantic but this was definitely one of those moments where you could cry tears of joy over how much you love him
you thank him with a loving kiss on the cheek and tell him about all the animals you liked
he even has a small list of his own :’)
he’s only owned fish as pets 
he feels like he’d be no help when trying to take care of a furry land animal
but he wasn’t opposed to looking at adopting a dog or cat that needed a home with you 
he can be a little afraid of dogs, especially large ones 
he really likes the cats that hang around outside his house 
going to the animal shelter with you, he gets a little anxious with all the barking dogs around 
so he enjoys looking at the cats more
there was one shelter where the volunteers often let the cats out of their cage to interact and play with people 
he really enjoyed this and a lot of the cats seemed to like him as well
there was just one in particular that he was weary of 
you brought his attention to the cat in question, whom you seemed interested in 
of course, being his sweet self, he tried to be polite about his dismay
“um, babe? you know that’s a black cat, right? they carry bad luck” 
you loved your soft and kind-hearted boyfriend but he could be too superstitious sometimes
you tell him that black cats need a home just as much as the others 
he couldn’t argue with that and agreed to apply for that cat 
you ended up adopting the black cat and when it came time to go pick him up from the shelter, makoto observed how the volunteers reacted
“this is a great cat you picked. i’ll miss him so much.”
he seemed like he was well-loved and you seemed happy with your choice as well 
at the end of that day, your happiness was all that he cared about 
and the cat ended up being very sweet and loved to snuggle 
but that didn’t stop makoto from petting him while saying, “nice kitty. please don’t curse me. good boy.” 
he was so upset when you told him about losing both your cat and your dog in a such a short time span 
he helped to comfort you from it but definitely cried over it later when you didn’t see 
he didn’t know what he would do if steve died suddenly 
afterward, you were determined to adopt your own cat for the first time
he was so proud of you and was eager to help 
he went to the shelter with you to look at the animals and find out more about adopting 
when he asked you what kind of animal you wanted, you told him you were thinking about a cat but you’d also want something that actually likes him
“don’t worry about me, babe. you can get whatever you want as long as you love it”
little did you know, the adoption process required a lot of patience
every cat you had applied for was adopted before you even got to meet the cat
at one point you had to wait a week for one cat only to hear that she had been adopted too
it seemed like a never ending cycle and you were starting to feel a little discouraged by it all, ready to give up, and wait for kitten season in the next couple of months
luckily, you had a wonderful boyfriend by your side who was positive that you would fine the perfect furry friend
“we’ll find one, sweetheart. you’re gonna find one that you love and then you’ll know why the others didn’t work out”
a few days later, he proved to be right
you were invited to adopt a cat that you loved and he loved you just as much
you were confident that he would love rin as well
but of course, that was wishful thinking
you thought that he just liked you more
until rin began giving him extra treats during the day and the cat was like putty in his hands
that eventually backfired on him, though, because now the cat wakes him up to be fed super early and that was a huge problem on his days off from swimming
the cat got his way every time only because rin knew as soon as the glutton was fed and happy, he could get right back in bed and snuggle with you
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it’s wild card night! be free! the swimmers are ready and set for requests..
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thatanimewriter · 6 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑   -   𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 / 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.
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❝ 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. ❞  ── 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘨𝘯. 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
unfortunate weather prevented nanase haruka from swimming. thankfully, it provided him with something to do instead of sitting in the tub for hours, counting down the days until spring.
──  𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵
𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 + 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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"do you like this place because it does mackerel, haru?"
it was a fair question, really, but the blue-eyed boy couldn't help but feel a little bit attacked for his love of mackerel. he was tempted to make a sarcastic comment, but figured that since he was the one who suggested to go somewhere he should probably be polite.
"it's ok if it is, everyone has their preferences. at the very least, it makes it easy to decide on something to eat. you saw me at the other place, the owner knows my order without me saying anything. no need to be embarrassed," you said with a small smile before skimming over the menu again. when the waiter took your orders, your attention returned to the boy sitting across from you.
"what?" he asked, noticing the prolonged eye contact that made him slightly uncomfortable.
"nothing, just that you have a really pretty eye colour. it's fitting that you're a swimmer, because they're just like the ocean," you responded casually. haru thought he had a fever originally, but he knew he didn't. forcing himself to maintain eye contact, he looked into your eyes, trying to find some resemblance of the colour in your life, but figured instead of embarrassing himself, he wouldn't try too hard.
"uh, thanks..." the moment he said it, he realised it wasn't much better than trying to compliment you back, but it was too late to take it back and he had to deal with the consequences of his own actions. which was nothing other than his own shame.
"not used to compliments?"
"not really..."
"yeah, fair enough, i'm not really either. it's weird to be praised and you know they don't actually care about you as a person, just your talent. well, i don't know if you have that as a swimmer, but i certainly get that as a figure skater since it's not something everyone can do," you stated, looking down at the table as you remembered the flock of small-time journalists trying to make money out of you after your first win at a big competition. realising you'd been rambling a little bit, she snapped back to reality. "sorry, i was going on a tangent."
"don't apologise, we need to talk about something over dinner, don't we?"
at his blunt response, you smiled. he wasn't one for talking and both of you knew it, but a month after meeting for the first time, you could tell he was trying and to you, that meant everything. "yeah, i guess. so, who was the guy who stopped us on the way here?"
"a guy from my swim club. he's a first-year," haru explained. "he used to do track, but nagisa dragged him to the swimming club because we were 1 member short of becoming an official club."
"at least it worked out in the end, right?" for the first time since you met, haru cracked a smile, even if it was small. unfortunately for him, it didn't go unnoticed. "hey, is that a smile i see?"
"haru, we're friends now, you can smile around me," you teased, leaning over to poke his cheek. "come on, it was cute." grabbing your hand and gently pulling it away from his face, he turned to look out the window, hoping the dark sky would counteract the red that spread across his cheeks. and then he realised what you'd said.
"friends?" he asked, shyly looking back at you.
"well, yeah. it's awkward asking, so we just are." getting confirmation that they were friends and that he wouldn't have to go through the confusing stage of friendship where you aren't sure if you are friends or just friendly was enough to bring another smile onto haru's face. "food's here, so get excited, you finally have your mackerel."
when your dinner was placed in front of you, you looked at your meals, then at each others. though he didn't show it, you knew haru was looking forward to eating. you couldn't lie, even though you hadn't gotten much practice in, you were also quite hungry.
"bless this janked ankle."
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