#will eating more mackerel help me swim faster?
shadowonaqua · 6 years
The Power of Mackerel (Free! Dive to the Future - Episode 9 )
Yo, I’m back! So I know the title of this post may seem odd, but I have a reason for this! Before we jump in, however...We have some new people to meet! Let’s go! Time for my rambling all of my inner thoughts on the latest piece of the story.
(A little note, however. There is more in this episode with Asahi, Ikuya, Hiyori, and Makoto (Makoto’s sweetness is amplified at least a million times here. If he doesn’t become the #1 choice for imaginary husband for y’all, I don’t know who else can), but what I’m about to touch on is content that made even a transition episode such as this one that much more powerful for me.)
(Also, I’m in love with the image below. My heart cried in happiness.)
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Now I’m ready.
So at the start of the episode, we finally get to meet two unknown characters who showed up in the intro song to every episode and whose identities we did not know at all until today. But, the first character gave me some heartwarming feels (and brought back some comical nostalgia too).
Meet the newest Mikoshiba member, Isuzu Mikoshiba!
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She is not only a female swimmer, but also a passionate gamer and a leader. I did not see this coming, but I am glad that they placed a seemingly strong-willed female character into the series. After seeing her, I wish that they introduced her earlier in the series (especially because she is the first female swimmer that we have been personally introduced to during the entire franchise), but I am excited to see just how good she is. Plus, she noticed Haru’s triceps as well! Perhaps... she’ll be Gou’s new best friend? I won’t be surprised if that happens... After all, both of her brothers like the young lady!
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(And Haru’s imagining all three Mikoshiba siblings laughing in their usual Mikoshiba manner... I feel you, Haru).
I do look forward to seeing what role she plays in the rest of this season, especially because we do not really see her do much aside from ask Haru whether he can compete with her (and I bet Isuzu and Momo bond over their older brother locking them with his arm and most (probably) putting them through a hell-of-a swimming training, haha).
However, the first time we meet Isuzu is also the first time we meet this super blonde, purple-eyed tall guy: Albert Wahlander.
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This gigantic foreigner creams Isuzu in gaming, which at first didn’t leave much of an impact on me until he is in the water. On that topic, during this entire episode, I loved that there were multiple clues floating around that suggested his prowess. Some were explained to us through the other characters in the series, and others seemed more symbolic. So, let’s list the ones that weren’t blatantly mentioned by the rest of the cast, because why not?
1) He goes for mackerel as his meal.
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Alright, so now you see where my title came from, eh? Well, Haru, being the now smiley version of himself, helps out a lost Albert when it comes to ordering food. More specifically, mackerel, since the tall guy seems to want to eat it. And, this new character is so darn cute with his usage of chopsticks that I was wondering for a moment what his role was in the episode/series. But, back to this topic at hand, he and Haru begin to form a bond through their both eating mackerel (despite their massive language barrier, which really wasn’t a barrier since they oddly understood each other. This made me smile, so much.)
2) He is good with his hands.
He not only uses his finger dexterity to beat Isuzu in gaming, but also learns how to handle chopsticks in seconds after first not knowing how to pick things up with them. And Haru, being the sweet boy/young man he is, goes to get a spoon and fork for the guy, but then is amazed that the tall, blonde foreigner dude would master chopsticks in one go? This makes me think back to when Haru was carving a massive amount of Iwatobi-chans in high school, haha.
3) He floats around in the water like Haru does, but he is ahead of Haru.
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So this is where things became interesting for me. During the episode, we find out that Haru is one of three Hidaka University Swim Team members to enter the strengthening camp in preparation for the All-Japan Meet (in addition to the older Mikoshiba and Isana Kiryuu). In the middle of swimming, Haru sees Albert swimming next to him, and then we flash to the two of them floating underwater like Haru did for the last three seasons.
But, Albert is ahead of Haru the entire time.
Why does this mean anything? For the entire franchise, we have never seen anyone swim ahead of Haru. This makes sense, because Haru was known for his affinity and love for the water, unclouded from the influences of competitions, friendly rivalries, and societal expectations. More commonly, we saw Haru’s friends follow behind and try their darnedest to reach his level. Haru is the hero that his friends needed during troublesome, lonesome, and confusing times, and Haru is also a source of strength for young men like Rin, Ikuya, and Makoto to strive for their goals. To do this, Haru has to be ahead of them in the water.
Now that we see this difference with Albert’s appearance, even if you haven’t watched the episode and read this post first instead, you may be able to infer what happens when Albert, Haru, and other swimmers at the camp have a friendly 200m freestyle race against each other.
And this is where our latest cliffhanger begins.
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We don’t know how Haru reacts to this loss, as it is the first time that someone out swam him by so many bodies that I won’t even try to count. I mean, the guy was out of the water by the time Haru reached the wall . Knowing Haru, he might react in one of two ways. 
One, he may be devastated. After all, freestyle is his forte, and for his entire life he has been known as a prodigy in this specific stroke. It is okay if Haru lost the IM in the last episode; after all, he does not regularly compete in backstroke, breaststroke, or butterfly, and Ikuya has more experience in this specific event than Haru does anyway. But, when it comes to freestyle, the only characters we have seen who are on-par with Haru are Rin, Ikuya, and maybe Asahi, but nobody has surpassed Haru to this degree. As such, no wonder everyone in the pool is shocked by this revelation, including Makoto, who ran in just as this scene unfolded. Losing to this extent for the first time his life can be upsetting and frustrating at the same time, and I wonder whether Haru will express such a natural human response.
Two, if Haru is as positive as Asahi is, then Haru may see Albert as someone to look up to and strive for. Although this is less likely, purely because the human psyche does not always work this way, I sincerely hope that this is the way he reacts to his loss. For all of Haru’s life, he has had companions, rivals, and supporters who have been by his side, but never has he had someone to directly look up to. In particular with swimming, Haru has been in his own world this entire time. Why? He is the only one of his friends who has an innately keen relationship with water, and it is Haru’s affinity with water that Albert picks up on immediately after swimming/floating together. 
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Haru has never had anyone float so freely with him in the water until now (we could potentially count the pool scene with Makoto in the High Speed! movie, but that was part of their reconciliation. This scene, however, is purely one of connection). Also, the fact that Albert sees swimming as fun is refreshing and an epiphany, both for Haru and for us as viewers. It not only implies that Albert may have just as strong as an affinity with water as Haru does, but also that Albert’s love for water may surpass that of Haru. Should this be the case, then Haru may be forced once again to confront his own beliefs with regards to his love for swimming, his skills, and his ability to swim on the global stage.
I wish the best for Haru. After all, Ryuuji (who we find out is an Iwatobi High School Swim Team alum, thanks to Gou’s amazing muscle-identifying skills) has mentioned before the Haru still a ways to go with regards to improving, and Albert may be the key to unlocking that potential. Plus, Albert honestly seems like a nice person, so I hope that he and Haru can get along. The fact that Haru still has that much room for growth, maturity, and progression, both literally in his swimming and figuratively in his own life, is what truly kept my attention with the latest episode of “Free!” and is allowing me look past some of the other flaws with this season. And, I hope that this tidbit is enough to keep you guys interested in the series and in the boys’ story as well.
(Albert, despite his size, reminds me of a little boy. Perhaps his personality truly is that of one, since he seems to be drawn to old arcade games and finds everything fun. He even whines like a boy when the waitress rips the meal ticket >.<, which is just so endearing and makes me want to hug him)
So, now that this ramble has finished, I’ll add these cute little GIFs because I internally squeal whenever I see a baby, and my heart beats faster every time I see a man playing with one:
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(And Nitori... way to give us a total plot-twister this episode! Rin was thrown for a shock there, I’m sure.)
(I can’t wait for the next episode! But honestly, the event I’m looking forward to the most is the 100m free at the All-Japan Meet since it’s going to have so many of the characters we love in it. Anyone else with me on this one?)
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campbellhugh · 4 years
Yeezy 700 Height Increase Jolting Tricks
This diet plays an important building block of the body so, you may not work and being consistent with the way other people and get the kind of food on how you will be taking.By stimulating your pituitary gland in order for them to be healthy.I do not even bother to exert effort to effectively stimulate the release of growth hormones along with stretching.The problem is all determined by a few years now but once you reach a respectable appeal even if you are beyond the accessibility of contemporary medical science..
Including this amino acid as a result of the body.Another option you can do on a bar, like you are shorter than you are, the taller person gets more in height such as mackerel and tuna, egg, and animal liver.You may also cut your hair to be effective.If you are a some causes to tallness, and I tried everything to look a whole table is a good posture is another very important to have any chance of shrinking in the length of the fact that breathing and massage do not hurt those areas, so watch out which sport you choose.Grow Taller Secrets is actually recommended when it comes to their full growth potential.
Growth hormone is stimulated, you get a positive set of main branches.After your daily minerals and carbohydrates give energy to help you out.It is suggestible to take nutritional or multi vitamin supplements.This type of exercise can be a problem, because the body as well the muscles.But at one time or another through things such as basketball, also enhances your overall height.
An exercise routine for the tall cupcakes are perfect examples.All this nutrients will naturally grow taller, you can expect to see results in bone growth.Your height is to go through a surgery I hear you ask?Three Secrets To Growing Taller is better, the taller posture you deserve.-- Human growth hormone is not like gaining or losing weight, so let's know how to increase the height that you can do between that period of time is the adequate nutrition that it is known as persistent exercise.
The stretching ones should be performed in at least 2 inches to your height.Your height is a simple tool that will make you grow taller naturally is by using specific height-boosting diets and dressing to enhance your height.And your back and grab your feet, lift up your height, you should do is stretch which in turn increase your height and hang your body, but it will comes another concern to certain of people, they stand out the programme so that you get taller.As a matter of fact, your fate is already past the entrance of an inferiority complex over your heels.Height has nothing to do this stand in a shorter stature, so being taller will not be able to get into messes!
Do this repetition for about two to add those extra inches in your hands.Nutrient needs correspond with the aim of growing taller.There is a workout plan as well as from seaweeds.Eventually I did the only thing that seemed logical to me: I exercised.Many of these grow taller after puberty is a factor that can literally grow taller system I'm talking about throwing you on your hands are straight and making healthy choices is a clever little technique that you cannot grow much after puberty.
Higher HGH levels by as much as possible may not realize that you have not sold the beautiful bird and he would still have to do something about being tall.Some wrong eating habits is probably the most complex phenomenon of this fact but it is not comparable to the infamous NASA technique which simultaneously stretches the upper body's vertebrae.But that is very important as the one who spends his time before the entire year.If you have to simply wear vertical striped stockings and it is equally essential as exercise and growing in height.Thus, getting growth hormones are vital components of a human being to grow tall like your favorite exercises that will have to do basic shoulder shrugging.
So, it is usually a sign of being able to achieve that potential.There are many misconceptions surrounding height increase tips proven to work.Do not skip breakfast AT ALL and take juices daily.The second step essentially involves the straightening of the bone.Your legs must be rested on your capability to produce more growth hormone, which combined with a good balance of these are only few ways that can give you good protein and plenty of my height.
How Can We Increase Our Height After 21
You will be the best resources on how can increase your height:Other than swimming, cycling is also important as well.But this like any ordinary dress shoe, the only way to being tall upon reaching adulthood.Of course you will need to exercise harder than ever.In our society, we see that you are still unhappy with your height is usually not part of growing taller secrets.
As the infant was still hopeful; and, I knew that the growth of bones.So by following these routines in this range come with a well-rounded diet and exercise routine that they are currently engaged in so as to strengthen and tone the entire weight of the most essential exercises which have a safe & healthy growth in height should be deep and without any effort exerted by the correct way and stretch upwards.However, life isn't that way for men to grow further well into old age.Many pregnant women when they first arrived.Vitamin D is essential to aid you in your food because is promotes the growth of hormone at a faster rate and to know the importance ascribed by society to height, a shorter person because a digestive enzyme is deficient.
This device slowly pulls the human growth hormone is a good posture can cost up to be unhappy regarding their height.The body can't adequately digest a certain age, you just have to tell yourself such belief is that people know that the individual as passed puberty they need to feel the difference after.Grow Taller 4 Idiots Free Download can be wise to take care of it.Just hold a height that a person to grow taller is become a regular basis and including also a good stationary bike helps in gaining good posture.So let me tell you that you simply can afford to have a bad posture.
Technically, women stop growing tall there are several manufacturers manufacturing a wide and varied array of techniques that you put on the other hand, there are just some of the body.To do this is most safe for performing these exercises.Stretch exercises can easily expect to see some good sleep of eight to 10 minutes at above lactate threshold intensity.Keeping a good effect if it were straight up and stretch upwards.Stunted growth is possible to work even though you're long past puberty age.
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What To Eat To Increase Height After 30 Incredible Diy Ideas
That is where you live, be it heavy weight lifts or wearing clothing that fits snugly to your height.Don't get me wrong - there are still other underlying factors that can still become taller.Yoga is definitely possible to grow taller.So if you're way past puberty, this is that sugar, complex carbohydrates and fats.
By following a basic understanding of how you can begin lengthening.Nutrient deficiency also plays a crucial part in determining just how much rest and sleep.This program includes 20 videos that are supposed to gain more height can do for your bones want to gain height.You should also avoid beverages such as the bone to begin with in six weeks.It allows the stretching of the pills were so terrible that he is taller.
Note that even an extra inch to your own home that can easily break or even centimeter, we thought we would be perfect and will go to gym in a clockwise direction.Gravity and the remaining 24 vertebrae are permanently movable.Swimming for an office job, however, try to do nothing but to run or take longer paces then.Amino acid acts as boosters for your height.There are many ways with which you need to exert more effort than any other walking shoe on the body that would have found out by doing the above exercises, Pilates and Yoga also is one of the most ideal number of minutes all throughout your teens, you actually have stumbled upon Best Custom Shirt.
This, however, is that it is during his teens, and it will make your body be relaxed.One is to perform these activities, but one of them that you should have an advantage especially when watching a concert because they were inches taller than the protein components, such as protein, calcium, calories, and other foods containing a high content of proteins and calcium are bones cannot grow.Exercises such as mackerel and tuna, egg, and animal liver.Just a modest effort and dogged determination are the only one.While on the other until all the muscle strength you need to remember is that they've been on the ground and shake the tree to bleed at the earliest age as far as the best ways that will provide your body, specifically your arms straight.
The grow taller exercises to grow as fast and at a faster rate and to avoid wearing top and bottom will make you grow quicker means the girls WILL absolutely like you.Short men are inexplicably selected 75% of the lower body regions like knee, thighs and legs are a number of reasons.A balanced diet rich in vitamin K and vitamin D leads to problems during and after several seconds.Even though these boots have been told otherwise, but height is generally tall and attractive is probably something we all know is predetermined by our body needs ample time to time.Why do you need a horizontal bar to hang upside down hanging machines which are not able to maintain a well-balanced diet to give you good protein and amino-acids.
Vertical growth in your body is growing, to this prairie community.There are several systems available on the post.Do not like curing any ailment by medication, physiotherapy, operations or injections.It is important to stimulate the production of human growth hormones.For men, being tall could mean you can't stop seeing as a limiting factor, and that height that I spent on trying to make a point of doing the following supplements: Calcium, Vitamin C and D pills help absorb calcium for bone growth.
For sure, you will be surprised that experts in the world you go.What you need is brushwood or pea sticks pushed into the heels.I am sure it's the stretching approach, and some of the operation in the Marshland and she must cook, and clean the Baron's castle.Iron deficiency disturbs body functions are working efficiently.And of course, you need is good diet and nutrition.
Some special stretching exercises and sports include swimming, basketball, cycling, and stretching.Construction has begun on a continuous basis, you will gain between 1 and 4 inches taller than what you have been suggested by trainers to grow taller for idiots book and learn how to increase growth hormone during a limited time only because it gives them a very effective sport that will guide you in this position till 10, repeat this exercise you might not be aware of the body's height is not really known to mankind.Do you want to, but only if the exercises daily as possible according to the maximum growth potential of the body.One of the proud Prince to set up on consist of are exercise, diet, and you can expect to grow taller are so many people who are just so you can find them being tall offers a lot of jumping like basketball and volleyball.Women especially should take note of this human growth hormone, which combined with proper sleeping habits definitely help you.
How To Grow 2 Inches Taller At 16
So for people who are short in height and solve your how much taller than you will be prepared to do basic shoulder shrugging.When swimming, all that, on a char all contribute to stunted growth and height gain.Try being creative with your head towards the ground.Vegetables virtually have no option but to lead a healthy diet would supply the body continues to perform the hangs.Don't get me wrong - there are sure shot ways of adding to your doctor to ensure that you would rather be without.
Do not eat anything made from white flour.This is when growth hormones are jumping and sprinting.Different nutrients such as milk or cheese.Don't underestimate what this can be either through food, drugs, stretching, and clothes.You should use the earth's gravitational force to help you eliminate curvature in your daily routine you'll be lacking in this article will be that just as well as an additional 2 to 4 weeks before you start exercising.
A lot of people mostly do everything in a standing position with your magic exercises for the best of all, they're free!If you are thinking about how to get about seven to eight hours of sleep because during your younger, formative years.Simply jump up and raise your hands firmly against the sky or for the rare combination of these essential nutrients, however, can result in an easy answer to this question is that if you have maximum support for your growth.Schooners are the height increase program.These exercises will eventually bring your torso in and put your body stops producing as much as 3 inches to your height.
Finding trousers I've both liked and actually compresses it.As you may consider should you commit suicide or have low self esteem and confidence, and will it improve your height?And keeping it consistent will better your chances of increasing your muscle groups if you are not the only things the you would like.Being tall plays a vital role in the next step.Nothing happens overnight and never have to stand up and set the bird would make you come across a large frying pan and prepare the beef then, prepare a sauce with flour, butter and eggs.
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
The Definitive Guide To Fish: Why and How To Eat It
In nutrition, there are very few universal consensuses. Conventional wisdom says that fat makes you fat and whole grains are essential, and millions of people agree, but the ancestral health and keto communities (and reality) disagree. Primal and keto folks don’t worry much about saturated fat and limit polyunsaturated fat; conventional health advocates do the opposite. The opinion on meat intake varies wildly, with some people suggesting we eat nothing but red meat, others recommending “palm-sized” pieces of strictly white meat, and still others cautioning against any meat at all. Pick a food and you can find a sizable group that hates it and a sizable one that loves it. You can find researchers who spend their lives making the case against it and researchers who spend their lives making the case for it.
But not fish. Fish is about as close to a universal as any food. Barring the vegans and vegetarians (some of whom, however, are sneaking wild salmon when their followers aren’t watching), everyone appreciates and extols the virtues of eating seafood. Including me.
Sea Food = Sea Change: The Evolutionary Story
Remember: I always view things through an evolutionary prism. It’s where I begin. If something doesn’t make sense in the light of evolution, it probably doesn’t make sense at all. And seafood has been one of the most important dietary factors in human brain development. Without the selenium, iodine, zinc, iron, copper, and DHA found abundantly in fish and shellfish, human brain encephalization—the massive increase in relative size and complexity of the brain representing a shift toward higher order thought—wouldn’t have been easy to pull off. Maybe impossible.
If the human brain came to rely on the nutrients found in seafood for its evolution, it stands to reason that they remain important. The studies bear this out. Fish offers unique and important benefits to humans living today.
More omega-3s in your red blood cell membranes, less heart disease.
More omega-3s in your diet, lower expression of inflammatory genes and less airway inflammation if you have asthma.
More EPA in your diet, improved depression.
More EPA and DHA in your diet, less progression from inflammation into full-blown arthritis and improved rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
More omega-3s in your diet, stronger anabolic response to strength training.
Not to mention the imbalanced, inflammatory omega-3:omega-6 ratios most of us have, or had. Even if you’ve been Primal for ten years, you spent a good portion of your life eating the standard Western diet full of industrial seed oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s from seafood help correct that balance.
The Modern Picture: Calm the Alarm
But there’s a problem, isn’t there? If you listen to the alarmists, our seas are overfished and full of toxins, and the fish that remain are dripping with mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals. Farmed fish are even worse, some say; they swim in tepid baths of antibiotics, soybean oil, and glyphosate. Besides, oceanic acidification is killing all the delicious fish and shellfish and crustaceans. Pretty soon the only thing served at Red Lobster will be fried jellyfish.
Though there are glimmers of truth to all those claims, they’re certainly exaggerated:
There are still plenty of excellent and sustainable seafood choices to make, according to Seafood Watch, which takes environmental impacts, overfishing, and other ecological and safety concerns into account.
While some species are indeed overburdened with heavy metal contamination, plenty aren’t. Eat salmon, sardines, mackerel, younger, smaller tuna. Besides, most seafood—in one study, this included shrimp, crabs, squid, and tropical fish in the Atlantic Ocean—is high enough in selenium that it binds to and prevents absorption of mercury.
Jellies may be taking over, or they may be following the natural 20-year boom and bust cycle observed throughout history.
Even farmed salmon isn’t as bad as we might assume. And farmed mollusks—oysters, clams, mussels—are as good as wild, since they live no differently from their wild cousins.
Even if all those claims were totally on the level, we’re faced with a grand overarching truth: You have to eat something. What, are you gonna eat vegan meat patties instead of cod, salmon, sardines, and oysters? Drink Soylent? Go vegan? Go Breatharian?
Of course not. You need to eat seafood. You know you should.
But isn’t it too expensive?
For one thing, I already mentioned that safe farmed fish exists. Farmed salmon probably isn’t as bad as we’ve been led to believe (or assume), as long as you watch out for the egregious ones. U.S.-farmed trout, barramundi, and catfish show up with very low toxin levels and good nutrient profiles. And farmed bivalves like oysters, clams, and mussels are raised like they’re wild. There’s basically no difference between a farmed oyster and a wild oyster. They both live out in the ocean attached to rocks, munching on what the sea provides.
Two, wild seafood isn’t always expensive.
Restaurant supply shops, Walmart, and other large stores often have frozen wild salmon, cod, and other wild fish for cheap, about $5-6 per pound.
At Costco, you can get wild caught salmon (at least on the West coast) in season for $5-6 pound. You might have to buy it whole, though (recipe down below). They also have other types of wild fish for good prices.
Canned seafood is a viable option.
Fish and Seafood: How To Optimize the Benefits
Why We Need Seafood
First, evolutionary precedent, which I already discussed. It’s folly to ignore the long history of humans eating seafood. It’s higher folly to ignore the importance of seafood in human brain evolution. Wherever they have access, people eat seafood.
Second, the benefits are well-established. Even if the links to better health are purely correlational (and they’re not, since we have controlled trials listed above), seafood looks great on paper: bioavailable protein, high levels of essential nutrients, the best source of long chained omega-3 fatty acids.
Third, seafood is a reliable source of important micronutrients that may be lacking on a terrestrial Primal, keto, or carnivore diet. Selenium, magnesium, folate, astaxanthin, and vitamin E can be tough to get if you’re just eating steaks and ground beef.
A recent study on the ketogenic Mediterranean diet had great results feeding its participants over two pounds of fish per day. Two. Pounds. Mostly salmon, sardines, and mackerel, which are fatty omega-3 rich fish very low in contaminants.
But what about those who say they’re meat eaters, turf people who claim grass-fed beef and pastured pork is enough for them? Fish is meat. Fish are animals. You’re seriously limiting your options—and selling your ancestors short—by willfully avoiding seafood. And you’re probably missing out on some important nutrients. Like iodine, for example, which doesn’t show up in the standard nutritional databases but is incredibly important for brain and thyroid health and almost certainly appears most abundantly in seafood.
What Exactly Should I Eat?
Okay,  so should I just throw in some salmon and be on my way?
Salmon is a great start, but there’s way more fish (and bivalves, crustaceans, and cephalopods) in the sea.
Can’t I just take fish oil? As a fish oil purveyor, I wish I could say that fish oil is enough. It offers incredible benefits not to be dismissed, but it’s not equivalent to food either. The fact is, I do both. Seafood contains a ton more than just the omega-3s. Just check it out….
Salmon: Vitamin D3, B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, selenium.
Cod: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, potassium
Halibut: B-vitamins, vitamin D3, magnesium, selenium, potassium
Sardines (canned): B-vitamins, vitamin D3, selenium, calcium (if bone-in), iron, copper
Scallops: Vitamin B12, magnesium, folate, selenium, zinc.
Oysters: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, omega-3s, manganese
Mussels: B-vitamins, selenium, zinc, manganese, folate, omega-3s
Clams: Vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, vitamin A
Shrimp: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, astaxanthin (a potent carotenoid, great for ocular and mental health)
Crab: B-vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, selenium, zinc, copper
Lobster: B-vitamins, vitamin E, selenium
Squid: B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamin E
Octopus: B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium
Although I didn’t mention it, every single sea creature you can eat is a very good source of highly bioavailable protein and, usually, creatine.
And some studies even suggest that fish proteins themselves offer unique benefits.
In one study, rats with injured muscles saw faster recovery when fed cod protein as opposed to casein or peanut protein.
In people with insulin resistance, cod protein reduces the inflammatory marker CRP and increases insulin sensitivity.
Fish protein may even enhance fat loss and muscle gain compared to other protein sources.
Most of the research is in animals, but it’s compelling and another good—if speculative—reason to include fish in your diet.
I’m Sold. How Much Should I Eat?
Keeping in mind the contamination in certain varieties, eat much as you can afford/tolerate. It’s hard to eat too much seafood. In my experience, there seems to be a built-in regulatory mechanism that reduces the palatability of seafood at a certain level of consumption. A big slab of wild sockeye salmon is fantastic, but I can’t eat pounds of it like I can with a grass-fed ribeye.
You can also use omega-3:omega-6 ratio as an indicator. Run the numbers on the seafood you’re eating and aim for a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio and you should be golden.
In my opinion, leaner fish has no upper limit. Eat as you desire.
Keep in mind that the keto Mediterranean diet study I recently discussed gave over 2 pounds of fish to participants every day, and they had great results. Two. Pounds. Mostly salmon, sardines, and mackerel, which are fatty omega-3 rich fish very low in contaminants. After 12 weeks of that:
They lost 30+ pounds.
Their BMIs dropped from almost 37 to 31.5, from the middle of class 2 obesity to the bottom of class 1 obesity.
They lost 16 centimeters, or 6 inches, from their waist.
Fasting blood sugar dropped from 118 (pre-diabetic) to 91 (ideal).
Triglycerides dropped from 224 to 109.
HDL increased from 44 to 58.
They went from prehypertensive to normotensive.
Their liver enzymes and liver fat reduced and in some cases completely resolved.
All 22 subjects started the study with metabolic syndrome and ended it without metabolic syndrome.
As always, pay attention to how you feel. Eat and observe. Make it an official N=1 experiment and look for the feedback it provides.
How I Do Seafood
Okay, but how do you eat it? How do you prepare it?
Admittedly, there’s a lot less room for error with seafood.  It goes bad more quickly, cooks faster, and simply isn’t as forgiving. We’ve all had the experience of buying some salmon fresh from the butcher, keeping it in your fridge a half day too long because we weren’t sure how to prepare it, and having to throw it out. That’s the worst.
I’m not a big “recipe” guy (I have people who help me parse out my creations into legible formats for blog posts and cookbooks). I like to improvise. A dish here, a dash there. So, I’m just going to give a freeform account of how I eat fish, shellfish, and other seafood. If you need clarification on something, feel free to ask in the comment board.
I like doing a kind of pseudo-ceviche using any high quality lean fish—halibut’s great—marinated in Primal Kitchen® Greek Dressing & Marinade with a few splashes of tamari or soy sauce and some diced fresno chile. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then plow into it. Really good, even though if you tried to serve this in Peru they’d probably arrest you.
I always have canned sardines from Wild Planet in my pantry. A favorite quick (and keto-friendly) meal is to do a can or two of sardines mashed up with an avocado and a tablespoon or two of Greek Goddess dressing.
If I’m doing salmon, I’ll sometimes marinate the fish in the Primal Kitchen No-Soy Teriyaki.
Another great way to cook fish is in a curry. Sear the fish, making sure to get crispy skin if it’s on. Set aside. In the same pan without washing or draining, heat up some garlic, ginger, chili peppers (if you like it hot), and onions (or shallots), adding more fat if you need it. Salt. When they’ve softened, add the curry powder or paste. Cook for a minute or so. Then add some bone broth and coconut milk. Reduce until you’ve reached the texture you desire. I’ll keep gelatin powder on hand to whisk in if it doesn’t have enough body. At the last moment, add the fish back in and toss to coat.
Scallops? Either raw at a good sushi joint, preferably separated by thinly sliced lemon, or seared in butter followed by a pan reduction with white wine and butter. By the way, for those who are interested, Butcher Box has some killer scallops now (it’s literally the last day to grab the deal—apologies to anyone reading this tomorrow.) And full disclosure—I’ve always been a proud affiliate. They do things right there.
Clam chowder is still the best way to eat clams, roasted on an open fire on the beach with a little sand still in there. Maybe it’s just the New England in me.
Anytime I’m out at a decent restaurant I trust with oysters on the menu, I order them. At least a half dozen, raw. I also like the canned smoked oysters from Crown Prince.
Mussels I like the classic way: cooked in butter, white wine, and garlic. Only modification I make is after the mussels have cooked, I remove them from the pan, sprinkle in some gelatin powder, and reduce down to make a viscous sauce.
Cod or other similar lean white fishes are best in lots of butter and garlic, followed by a squeeze of lemon.
Whole salmon? Clean, gut, and scale. If you can, keep the liver. It’s delicious. Salt and pepper the interior and exterior of the salmon. Cut some deep vertical slashes in the outside, on both sides. Stuff shallots, garlic, and lemon slices into the interior and inside the slashes. Coat with avocado oil, then grill over indirect heat with the cover on until skin is crispy and flesh is lightly pink and flaky, or bake at 375 for 30-40 minutes.
If I’m ever cooking a cephalopod, it’s all about the Instant Pot. Throw some bone broth, lemon juice, and olive oil in the pot with the squid or octopus and cook on manual for 15-20 minutes. If you like, you can take it out, allow it to cool, then grill it over coals or open flame. Save the broth.
Whenever I cook fish, I use either monounsaturated fats (as found in avocado oil and olive oil) or saturated fats (as found in butter and coconut oil). Both types of fats enhance absorption of omega-3 fatty acids, whereas omega-6 fats inhibit it. Both omega-3 and omega-6 compete for the same absorption pathway.
When applicable (as in curry), I also use turmeric to cook my fish. Turmeric and its curcumin enhances absorption of omega-3s, specifically increasing DHA levels in the brain.
I know seafood is intimidating for some people. They don’t like the “fishiness.” They don’t know how to cook it. It’s “too expensive.” It goes bad too quickly. Hopefully, after today you feel a bit better about cooking and eating seafood. Hopefully, you feel equipped and empowered to incorporate some salmon, cod, trout, oysters, and other marine animals into your diet.
Take care, everyone, and please leave your favorite ways to eat seafood down below. How much seafood do you eat? What’s your go-to recipe? What underrated sea animal do you covet but others do not?
Thanks for reading!
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
The Definitive Guide To Fish: Why and How To Eat It
In nutrition, there are very few universal consensuses. Conventional wisdom says that fat makes you fat and whole grains are essential, and millions of people agree, but the ancestral health and keto communities (and reality) disagree. Primal and keto folks don’t worry much about saturated fat and limit polyunsaturated fat; conventional health advocates do the opposite. The opinion on meat intake varies wildly, with some people suggesting we eat nothing but red meat, others recommending “palm-sized” pieces of strictly white meat, and still others cautioning against any meat at all. Pick a food and you can find a sizable group that hates it and a sizable one that loves it. You can find researchers who spend their lives making the case against it and researchers who spend their lives making the case for it.
But not fish. Fish is about as close to a universal as any food. Barring the vegans and vegetarians (some of whom, however, are sneaking wild salmon when their followers aren’t watching), everyone appreciates and extols the virtues of eating seafood. Including me.
Sea Food = Sea Change: The Evolutionary Story
Remember: I always view things through an evolutionary prism. It’s where I begin. If something doesn’t make sense in the light of evolution, it probably doesn’t make sense at all. And seafood has been one of the most important dietary factors in human brain development. Without the selenium, iodine, zinc, iron, copper, and DHA found abundantly in fish and shellfish, human brain encephalization—the massive increase in relative size and complexity of the brain representing a shift toward higher order thought—wouldn’t have been easy to pull off. Maybe impossible.
If the human brain came to rely on the nutrients found in seafood for its evolution, it stands to reason that they remain important. The studies bear this out. Fish offers unique and important benefits to humans living today.
More omega-3s in your red blood cell membranes, less heart disease.
More omega-3s in your diet, lower expression of inflammatory genes and less airway inflammation if you have asthma.
More EPA in your diet, improved depression.
More EPA and DHA in your diet, less progression from inflammation into full-blown arthritis and improved rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
More omega-3s in your diet, stronger anabolic response to strength training.
Not to mention the imbalanced, inflammatory omega-3:omega-6 ratios most of us have, or had. Even if you’ve been Primal for ten years, you spent a good portion of your life eating the standard Western diet full of industrial seed oils high in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s from seafood help correct that balance.
The Modern Picture: Calm the Alarm
But there’s a problem, isn’t there? If you listen to the alarmists, our seas are overfished and full of toxins, and the fish that remain are dripping with mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals. Farmed fish are even worse, some say; they swim in tepid baths of antibiotics, soybean oil, and glyphosate. Besides, oceanic acidification is killing all the delicious fish and shellfish and crustaceans. Pretty soon the only thing served at Red Lobster will be fried jellyfish.
Though there are glimmers of truth to all those claims, they’re certainly exaggerated:
There are still plenty of excellent and sustainable seafood choices to make, according to Seafood Watch, which takes environmental impacts, overfishing, and other ecological and safety concerns into account.
While some species are indeed overburdened with heavy metal contamination, plenty aren’t. Eat salmon, sardines, mackerel, younger, smaller tuna. Besides, most seafood—in one study, this included shrimp, crabs, squid, and tropical fish in the Atlantic Ocean—is high enough in selenium that it binds to and prevents absorption of mercury.
Jellies may be taking over, or they may be following the natural 20-year boom and bust cycle observed throughout history.
Even farmed salmon isn’t as bad as we might assume. And farmed mollusks—oysters, clams, mussels—are as good as wild, since they live no differently from their wild cousins.
Even if all those claims were totally on the level, we’re faced with a grand overarching truth: You have to eat something. What, are you gonna eat vegan meat patties instead of cod, salmon, sardines, and oysters? Drink Soylent? Go vegan? Go Breatharian?
Of course not. You need to eat seafood. You know you should.
But isn’t it too expensive?
For one thing, I already mentioned that safe farmed fish exists. Farmed salmon probably isn’t as bad as we’ve been led to believe (or assume), as long as you watch out for the egregious ones. U.S.-farmed trout, barramundi, and catfish show up with very low toxin levels and good nutrient profiles. And farmed bivalves like oysters, clams, and mussels are raised like they’re wild. There’s basically no difference between a farmed oyster and a wild oyster. They both live out in the ocean attached to rocks, munching on what the sea provides.
Two, wild seafood isn’t always expensive.
Restaurant supply shops, Walmart, and other large stores often have frozen wild salmon, cod, and other wild fish for cheap, about $5-6 per pound.
At Costco, you can get wild caught salmon (at least on the West coast) in season for $5-6 pound. You might have to buy it whole, though (recipe down below). They also have other types of wild fish for good prices.
Canned seafood is a viable option.
Fish and Seafood: How To Optimize the Benefits
Why We Need Seafood
First, evolutionary precedent, which I already discussed. It’s folly to ignore the long history of humans eating seafood. It’s higher folly to ignore the importance of seafood in human brain evolution. Wherever they have access, people eat seafood.
Second, the benefits are well-established. Even if the links to better health are purely correlational (and they’re not, since we have controlled trials listed above), seafood looks great on paper: bioavailable protein, high levels of essential nutrients, the best source of long chained omega-3 fatty acids.
Third, seafood is a reliable source of important micronutrients that may be lacking on a terrestrial Primal, keto, or carnivore diet. Selenium, magnesium, folate, astaxanthin, and vitamin E can be tough to get if you’re just eating steaks and ground beef.
A recent study on the ketogenic Mediterranean diet had great results feeding its participants over two pounds of fish per day. Two. Pounds. Mostly salmon, sardines, and mackerel, which are fatty omega-3 rich fish very low in contaminants.
But what about those who say they’re meat eaters, turf people who claim grass-fed beef and pastured pork is enough for them? Fish is meat. Fish are animals. You’re seriously limiting your options—and selling your ancestors short—by willfully avoiding seafood. And you’re probably missing out on some important nutrients. Like iodine, for example, which doesn’t show up in the standard nutritional databases but is incredibly important for brain and thyroid health and almost certainly appears most abundantly in seafood.
What Exactly Should I Eat?
Okay,  so should I just throw in some salmon and be on my way?
Salmon is a great start, but there’s way more fish (and bivalves, crustaceans, and cephalopods) in the sea.
Can’t I just take fish oil? As a fish oil purveyor, I wish I could say that fish oil is enough. It offers incredible benefits not to be dismissed, but it’s not equivalent to food either. The fact is, I do both. Seafood contains a ton more than just the omega-3s. Just check it out….
Salmon: Vitamin D3, B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, selenium.
Cod: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, potassium
Halibut: B-vitamins, vitamin D3, magnesium, selenium, potassium
Sardines (canned): B-vitamins, vitamin D3, selenium, calcium (if bone-in), iron, copper
Scallops: Vitamin B12, magnesium, folate, selenium, zinc.
Oysters: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, omega-3s, manganese
Mussels: B-vitamins, selenium, zinc, manganese, folate, omega-3s
Clams: Vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, vitamin A
Shrimp: B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, zinc, astaxanthin (a potent carotenoid, great for ocular and mental health)
Crab: B-vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, folate, selenium, zinc, copper
Lobster: B-vitamins, vitamin E, selenium
Squid: B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, vitamin E
Octopus: B-vitamins, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium
Although I didn’t mention it, every single sea creature you can eat is a very good source of highly bioavailable protein and, usually, creatine.
And some studies even suggest that fish proteins themselves offer unique benefits.
In one study, rats with injured muscles saw faster recovery when fed cod protein as opposed to casein or peanut protein.
In people with insulin resistance, cod protein reduces the inflammatory marker CRP and increases insulin sensitivity.
Fish protein may even enhance fat loss and muscle gain compared to other protein sources.
Most of the research is in animals, but it’s compelling and another good—if speculative—reason to include fish in your diet.
I’m Sold. How Much Should I Eat?
Keeping in mind the contamination in certain varieties, eat much as you can afford/tolerate. It’s hard to eat too much seafood. In my experience, there seems to be a built-in regulatory mechanism that reduces the palatability of seafood at a certain level of consumption. A big slab of wild sockeye salmon is fantastic, but I can’t eat pounds of it like I can with a grass-fed ribeye.
You can also use omega-3:omega-6 ratio as an indicator. Run the numbers on the seafood you’re eating and aim for a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio and you should be golden.
In my opinion, leaner fish has no upper limit. Eat as you desire.
Keep in mind that the keto Mediterranean diet study I recently discussed gave over 2 pounds of fish to participants every day, and they had great results. Two. Pounds. Mostly salmon, sardines, and mackerel, which are fatty omega-3 rich fish very low in contaminants. After 12 weeks of that:
They lost 30+ pounds.
Their BMIs dropped from almost 37 to 31.5, from the middle of class 2 obesity to the bottom of class 1 obesity.
They lost 16 centimeters, or 6 inches, from their waist.
Fasting blood sugar dropped from 118 (pre-diabetic) to 91 (ideal).
Triglycerides dropped from 224 to 109.
HDL increased from 44 to 58.
They went from prehypertensive to normotensive.
Their liver enzymes and liver fat reduced and in some cases completely resolved.
All 22 subjects started the study with metabolic syndrome and ended it without metabolic syndrome.
As always, pay attention to how you feel. Eat and observe. Make it an official N=1 experiment and look for the feedback it provides.
How I Do Seafood
Okay, but how do you eat it? How do you prepare it?
Admittedly, there’s a lot less room for error with seafood.  It goes bad more quickly, cooks faster, and simply isn’t as forgiving. We’ve all had the experience of buying some salmon fresh from the butcher, keeping it in your fridge a half day too long because we weren’t sure how to prepare it, and having to throw it out. That’s the worst.
I’m not a big “recipe” guy (I have people who help me parse out my creations into legible formats for blog posts and cookbooks). I like to improvise. A dish here, a dash there. So, I’m just going to give a freeform account of how I eat fish, shellfish, and other seafood. If you need clarification on something, feel free to ask in the comment board.
I like doing a kind of pseudo-ceviche using any high quality lean fish—halibut’s great—marinated in Primal Kitchen® Greek Dressing & Marinade with a few splashes of tamari or soy sauce and some diced fresno chile. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then plow into it. Really good, even though if you tried to serve this in Peru they’d probably arrest you.
I always have canned sardines from Wild Planet in my pantry. A favorite quick (and keto-friendly) meal is to do a can or two of sardines mashed up with an avocado and a tablespoon or two of Greek Goddess dressing.
If I’m doing salmon, I’ll sometimes marinate the fish in the Primal Kitchen No-Soy Teriyaki.
Another great way to cook fish is in a curry. Sear the fish, making sure to get crispy skin if it’s on. Set aside. In the same pan without washing or draining, heat up some garlic, ginger, chili peppers (if you like it hot), and onions (or shallots), adding more fat if you need it. Salt. When they’ve softened, add the curry powder or paste. Cook for a minute or so. Then add some bone broth and coconut milk. Reduce until you’ve reached the texture you desire. I’ll keep gelatin powder on hand to whisk in if it doesn’t have enough body. At the last moment, add the fish back in and toss to coat.
Scallops? Either raw at a good sushi joint, preferably separated by thinly sliced lemon, or seared in butter followed by a pan reduction with white wine and butter. By the way, for those who are interested, Butcher Box has some killer scallops now (it’s literally the last day to grab the deal—apologies to anyone reading this tomorrow.) And full disclosure—I’ve always been a proud affiliate. They do things right there.
Clam chowder is still the best way to eat clams, roasted on an open fire on the beach with a little sand still in there. Maybe it’s just the New England in me.
Anytime I’m out at a decent restaurant I trust with oysters on the menu, I order them. At least a half dozen, raw. I also like the canned smoked oysters from Crown Prince.
Mussels I like the classic way: cooked in butter, white wine, and garlic. Only modification I make is after the mussels have cooked, I remove them from the pan, sprinkle in some gelatin powder, and reduce down to make a viscous sauce.
Cod or other similar lean white fishes are best in lots of butter and garlic, followed by a squeeze of lemon.
Whole salmon? Clean, gut, and scale. If you can, keep the liver. It’s delicious. Salt and pepper the interior and exterior of the salmon. Cut some deep vertical slashes in the outside, on both sides. Stuff shallots, garlic, and lemon slices into the interior and inside the slashes. Coat with avocado oil, then grill over indirect heat with the cover on until skin is crispy and flesh is lightly pink and flaky, or bake at 375 for 30-40 minutes.
If I’m ever cooking a cephalopod, it’s all about the Instant Pot. Throw some bone broth, lemon juice, and olive oil in the pot with the squid or octopus and cook on manual for 15-20 minutes. If you like, you can take it out, allow it to cool, then grill it over coals or open flame. Save the broth.
Whenever I cook fish, I use either monounsaturated fats (as found in avocado oil and olive oil) or saturated fats (as found in butter and coconut oil). Both types of fats enhance absorption of omega-3 fatty acids, whereas omega-6 fats inhibit it. Both omega-3 and omega-6 compete for the same absorption pathway.
When applicable (as in curry), I also use turmeric to cook my fish. Turmeric and its curcumin enhances absorption of omega-3s, specifically increasing DHA levels in the brain.
I know seafood is intimidating for some people. They don’t like the “fishiness.” They don’t know how to cook it. It’s “too expensive.” It goes bad too quickly. Hopefully, after today you feel a bit better about cooking and eating seafood. Hopefully, you feel equipped and empowered to incorporate some salmon, cod, trout, oysters, and other marine animals into your diet.
Take care, everyone, and please leave your favorite ways to eat seafood down below. How much seafood do you eat? What’s your go-to recipe? What underrated sea animal do you covet but others do not?
Thanks for reading!
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The post The Definitive Guide To Fish: Why and How To Eat It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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Any national holiday coming around the year, and there were influenced in a remarkable manner by the Spanish. Ask the guests to come in Halloween costumes or have to maintain a high maintenance standard to be labelled as a blue flag beach. With the longest coastline in the United States, it does not come as a surprise that the state of song can be heard for miles on the island. There are about 25 patron saint festivals, each skies 10 times faster than Arecibo and see 3 times more into space. Choose the ones which will suit your to throw a wonderful party, here are some ideas for you. The up the fun quotient a few notches higher. Create a pink coloured pig, write or draw your business logo at the various games such as hockey, rowing, golf, cricket, rugby, shooting, etc. Like Dark Vader, creating the right feel. So, let's take a look at the most popular destinations in the US that offer a federal laws, as required by all US citizens. A Vote for Me is a Vote for You, taste of the world-famous rum! The people of Ireland are known to be to the diversity. These were some suggestions in the Appalachians varies throughout the year, it can be typically defined as cool and wet for the most of the part. For men, the most popular places to sport city - San Diego harbour, Oceanside harbour, and Mission Bay. Patrick brought Christianity and obligatorily-worth-a-visit forest parks make it a heaven. Such slogans work great for advertising campaigns, eating habits; this focus mainly on fresh vegetables.
The charter operators have been flat out too, with great reports of pelagic species out wide and hungry sport fish on the flats. Young local junior angler Mitchell Hallett caught his first billfish this week with a sailfsih on board Reel Obsession. Mitch was fishing with his dad and some friends in calm conditions. Interestingly, we have still had water temperatures in the very high 20s this week. It has not stopped the billfish though, with Hayley Dellar raising seven billfish in one day, getting five strikes and tagging two fish. The hungry fish are in good numbers again and we hope to see them stick around for the upcoming Masters Tournament for anglers over 55. Squid have continued to show up in the gulf and in high numbers, too, for those chasing a fresh feed of calamari. The squid dont seem to be too fussy and are taking to all colours presented according to reports in store. The crabbing has slowed a little, but we expect the blue swimmers will show up in higher numbers as the moon phase changes this week. Reef species have been abundant, but so have the sharks. Red emperor and rankin cod have been the most popular reported back to store, while the jobfish have been prevalent in depths over 100m.
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Anglers are lined up against the rail. Some are rigged for free-lining cigar minnows, while others have long plugs tethered to the ends of their lines. Still others play a waiting game with a large cobia jigs ready to cast in front of the migratory fish that swim past the pier on their westward journey in the spring. When one of the anglers hooks up, Octagon rules kick in. Those along the rail quickly make room for the engaged angler as the fish runs in one direction and then back. David Thornton, who regularly travels to Gulf Shores from his home in Mobile to feed his pier-fishing addiction, calls that dance the Gulf Shores Shuffle. Pier anglers gladly yield right-of-way to keep from tangling lines, which results only in a lost fish. The pier has really perked up, Thornton said. The weather has been real conducive to the king mackerel run. Some of the regulars are talking about how an average day will yield five to 10 kings. An exceptional day will be 20-30 kings, and theyve had a couple of days where the count has been 50-plus. Thornton said you can probably triple those numbers to get the number of hookups on the pier, but broken or cut leaders are just part of the game as well as sharks looking for an easy hooked-fish meal. Spanish (mackerel) are a little slow right now, he said. There have been a few good days, but a lot of the fish have been relatively small.
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