#mikoshiba siblings
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Ayo I’m watching Free and I just met Albert and oh my god-
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eleanorenchanted · 2 years
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Swim teams this man is captain of whether they’ll admit it or not:
Harvard Medical School
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I justo want them to smooch each other (•ө•)♡
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I dont know if theres an actual name for the ship
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originalaccountname · 2 months
I was watching Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun with my littlest sibling and they loved Mikoshiba (the red-haired one), so when the next episode came in I enthusiastically said my favourite characters were coming up, which were Kashima (the prince) and Hori (the short guy), I did have to silently go through the 5 stages of grief as I realized what kind of character dynamic they represented
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mercheswan · 7 months
Free! x Percy Jackson
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I had trouble with some of them. I didn’t know in which cabin should I put them. In the end this is what I decided:
Makoto it’s Demeter because he is green. And he likes to nurture little swimmers, so I guess plants too.
Kaede it’s Ares. No doubt about that.
Hiyori and Rei make a cute pair of stepbrothers as children of Athena. It’s suits them a lot I think. Bookworms both of them, and good strategists.
Another cute pair of stepbrothers: Asahi and Nao. Nao got Apollo’s healing powers. Asahi reminds me of Apollo when he was turned into a mortal in TOA.
Ayumu a huntress of Artemis. Gou and Isuzu are not meant to be huntress, although they are both badasses, cause they love muscles way too much.
Shizuru, I don’t know much about him, but he gives me Hephaestus vibes.
Nagisa with the power of “-Chan” it’s a child of Aphrodite. His Chan powers are his charmspeak.
The Mikoshiba siblings are hyperactive and peculiar, therefore I shall give them Hermes. Romio it’s their little stepbrother, he was born abroad and clearly has foreigner blood, so, I give him the God of Travel as a father.
Kisumi equals entertainment. No better dad for him than Dionysius.
Sousuke got Nike, Goddess of Victory. Secure Victory for my bae.
And Ai got Eros. Because of the p*rn magazine in his room in that little OVA where Rin was tidying up their bedroom. He looks like Cupid too.
On the other hand, I was very sure about the Big Three:
Zeus: Rin
Poseidon: Haru. Obviously🐬💧
Hades: Ikuya. He is so emo in season three and the fact that he almost died two times…
Natsuya knows that as a son of one of the Big Three, he is powerful, but he wants to escape from his more than probable spinous future and that’s why he travels so much and kinda “abandons” Ikuya.
Special crossover with Magnus Chase and descendant of Odin: Albert Volandel
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dailybigbro · 1 year
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Todays Big Bro is Seijuro Mikoshiba from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club! He loves his little siblings!!
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phd-mum · 1 year
I love the Free! franchise and what KyoAni did with it over the years...
I have a serious issue with their technical timeline. Let's take a closer look at the use of technical gadgets in Free!:
Season 1 aired in 2013. Smartphones were already a thing, but the boys mainly use flip phones to communicate. Google Maps or other applications for navigation were also available (Google Maps stated 2005), but in episode 11, Makoto uses a map to navigate them to their hotel. All of this indicates that season 1 is set in the late 2000s or 2013 at the latest.
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The final stroke 1 and 2 take place about 3 years later = somewhat around 2016 or sooner. The technology seems to be from the 2020s: Group video chats of the Mikoshiba siblings, smartphones with pictures and funny edits (the SouMako photos), etc.
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My point is not that this would not have been possible in 2016. But it feels weird that this whole group of teenagers went from flip phones and maps to smartphones and funny photo edits in 3 years. Usually, at least some of them would still sit there with their old phone, sending texts, saving money to afford something better.
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writingpaperghost · 1 year
Without You (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4: What Happened to the Siblings?
“Maybe that’s where your heart went,” Hana laughed, “All beating in the stamp or something.”
Piping in, Makoto added, “To be fair, I also feel this weird heartbeat when I transform,”
Humming, Karizaki notes, “Tamaki reported feeling the same thing when he tested the belt. It’s likely they’re connected.”
Hana, still not particularly keen on him and a bit annoyed at him butting into their conversation sends a glare Karizaki’s way. “So the heart did go into the stamp is what you’re saying?” She says it with far less belief than the words alone would imply.
“Possibly!” Karizaki chirped, “we can’t say for sure yet.”
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43371954/chapters/109897281
Hana fidgeted as Makoto brought her through the halls of Fenix’s base, pulling at her jacket sleeves. Even though a lot of the members of Fenix had surely seen Tamaki, she still felt a bit strange about leaving her fuzz and antennas open to be easily seen, so she’d elected to do what she could to hide and disguise them.
They were heading to the medical wing, both to see Tamaki, and because there were some tests and checkups that one of the doctors wanted to do. Which wasn’t strange in and of itself, it was more strange as to the reasoning why it was happening at all.
Because apparently, Tamaki didn’t have a heart, and if he didn’t it wasn’t likely she or Makoto did either.
For obvious reasons of not causing their parents worry – especially Yukimi, who was still in the hospital, Makoto had only told Hana about this development. Already, questions were whirling through her mind and surely Makoto and Tamaki shared them. How were they still alive, without a heart? How long had their hearts been missing? If it wasn’t all of them, then why Tamaki? What did any of this mean?
They reach the room Tamaki was staying in, where a doctor, presumably Dr. Mikoshiba, was. She was in the middle of seemingly scolding Tamaki, “Now don’t go getting poisoned again,”
Which prompted Hana to ask, “What’s this about Tamaki getting poisoned?”
“Ah, Makoto, Hana.” Dr. Mikoshiba smiled, “Yes, you see, when Tamaki here was fighting Jeanne yesterday, he also fell victim to some of her venom. Nothing too serious, but it will certainly have slowed down his recovery from using the Vistamp.”
Tamaki frowned, “I honestly don’t remember much of it, it’s all really blurry.”
“Well, there wasn’t a whole lot, so I doubt your missing much,” Makoto said.
Hana rolled her eyes, placing a hand on her hip, “Right, so what do we need to be here for, anyway?” She knew, broadly speaking, but Makoto didn’t seem to have much by the way of details, either. “I’m suppose to meet my friend later.”
“Yes, let’s get started on all that,” Dr. Mikoshiba began, “I’d like to get x-rays of the two of you, as well as run some tests to see if the lack of heart might affect you negatively in any way.”
Just as Dr. Mikoshiba started making preparations, the door opens again, “Hey! You’re not going to start without me, are you?”
Makoto startled, while Hana found herself with a kunai in her hand. Then, Makoto sighed, looking over at the man, “Mr. Karizaki…” Oh, this was that science guy, Karizaki. He looked… about as strange as Tamaki made him sound like he was. Hana raised the hand that held her kunai, debating on trying to threaten him out of the room. “Hana, put the kunai down.”
She complied, but not without a pout.
Karizaki regarded her with interest, “So you’re Hana, huh?”
He moved a tad too close to her for comfort, so she raised her kunai again, “Get any closer to me and I’ll stab you.”
“Hana!” Makoto grabbed her wrist and pulled it down, “Stop trying to threaten Mr. Karizaki!” She rolled her eyes, letting her kunai disappear and pulling her wrist free of Makoto’s grasp.
Moving away from Karizaki and towards Tamaki, Hana huffed, poking Tamaki’s cheek, “So like, what was it like?”
Tamaki seemed confused by her question. “What was what like?”
“Using that stamp thingy,” Hana clarified, “I mean, it’s got you stuck on ‘resting’ and god knows something has to be bad for you to actually listen to that.” She can’t help but recall when Tamaki had gotten his ears and had insisted on going to work anyway. Even though everyone told him it was stupid, he was too stubborn not to.
Looking away, Tamaki sighed, “I don’t know. It hurt, I guess. Burned – but not like an actual burn. It burned inside me. There was this… pounding – like a heartbeat…”
“Maybe that’s where your heart went,” Hana laughed, “All beating in the stamp or something.”
Piping in, Makoto added, “To be fair, I also feel this weird heartbeat when I transform,”
Humming, Karizaki notes, “Tamaki reported feeling the same thing when he tested the belt. It’s likely they’re connected.”
Hana, still not particularly keen on him and a bit annoyed at him butting into their conversation sends a glare Karizaki’s way. “So the heart did go into the stamp is what you’re saying?” She says it with far less belief than the words alone would imply.
“Possibly!” Karizaki chirped, “we can’t say for sure yet.”
“You didn’t need to actually answer that question.” She got the feeling that Karizaki was going to make this whole thing feel like it was twice as long. Hopefully she could tune him out quick enough, else this would be terribly hard for her to bare.
To think, she could be hanging out with Hikaru right now – or getting to see Sakura sooner.
Hiromi decides he should probably check in on the Akemi and the Igarashi siblings – especially since it sounds like George had gone to watch, which meant that there was a good chance he’d somehow manage to overwhelm Hana. Besides, he wanted to check up on Tamaki, now that he was probably awake, or at least would be soon.
When he opens the door, he’s greeted to a not terribly strange sight. Hana was standing in front of Akemi, a smile on her face as she showed Akemi her kunai. Tamaki was still in bed, talking with Makoto about something while George hovered a distance from Hana.
Then George got a little too close and a kunai whizzed past his head and into the wall, startling all. Hana looked over towards George and, in a too sweet voice, said, “Oops, it slipped out of my hand.”
George, it seemed, was smart enough to take a hint and backs up, while Makoto sighed. The action on Hana’s part surprised Hiromi, though, given she seemed mostly like a sweet girl, save for her propensity to try to wrestle Tamaki – something about wanting to beat him in a spar finally. Then again, George was also, well, George, and might have made her uncomfortable.
Judging by the glare she was currently giving George, he suspects that’s the case.
Tamaki is the first to notice Hiromi’s presence, “Captain Kadota,” hearing his words, Makoto looks over and Hana spins to face him, waving with a smile, far more genuine than the one she gave George.
“Making progress, Akemi?”
Akemi rolled her eyes but gave him a smile, “Well, these three are less of a handful than you and Daiji, that’s for sure.” She takes a drink of her coffee, “But we’ve found some things.”
With a slightly too excited tone, George added, “As expected, all three lack hearts – though I’m still curious as to how that happened and what effects it might have on them.”
“Right now, we’re in the process of seeing if it’s having any negative effects on them,” Akemi said, then turned towards the trio, “Which reminds me, do any of you have any ideas as to how this happened.”
The three think for a moment, Hiromi can see the gears turning in their minds. Then Makoto answered, “Maybe the scar we each have?”
“Scar?” George frowned.
“Yeah,” Tamaki nodded, “It showed up at the same time as my ears and Hana’s antenna, this scar we each have, around where our heart is- should be.”
Thoughtful, Hana tapped her finger against her cheek, “To be fair, Papa has a scar pretty similar, doesn’t he?”
Seemingly surprised at the observation, Makoto hesitated for a moment before agreeing, “Yeah, he does, always had, as long as we’ve known him.”
“Which is, admittedly, only a few years,” Tamaki added.
At that, George frowned, “Only a few years?”
“We’re adopted,” Makoto raised an eyebrow, likely wondering whether or not George was aware of that. “And that was… officially three years ago or so, but we crashed there for several months before that.”
“But that’s not really important, the scars only showed up a year ago, give or take.” Hana said. Akemi was writing some notes down, while George listened to the trio in interest. “But other than the scars… I think that’s all we have?” Hana glanced over at Tamaki and Makoto, who nodded.
Daiji isn’t sure what to make of the sight unfolding when he goes to check on the Igarashis and Hiromi. Not that he’d really been expecting the sight, but it caught him particularly off guard.
Makoto was wrestling with a woman, who must have been Hana, attempting to pull a slightly glowy red kunai out of her hand. Behind Makoto was George, who was watching with primarily interest, but with a little concern thrown in. Though Makoto had the height advantage against Hana, Hana appeared to have just about every other advantage, including the willingness to knock Makoto off his feet.
Well, Daiji can understand why Sakura had such an adoration for Hana, she was one of the exact types of people that he and Ikki figured she’d pursue, if she ever did. Though Hana was certainly a sudden fascination, it suddenly made a lot more sense.
The moment Hana was freed from Makoto, she turned her attention to George. Makoto grabs her wrist again, and then the kunai goes flying in Daiji’s direction. Thankfully, Daiji managed to move out of the way, causing the kunai to land in the wall, before disappearing entirely.
“Wow,” the voice that occupied his mind with him, Kagerou, spoke. “I like her style.”
A silence falls over the room, Tamaki hiding his face in embarrassment, Hiromi sighing, Makoto looking a bit shocked, and Hana, who looked only slightly remorseful.
Breaking the silence, Makoto sighed, “Hana, please stop trying to stab Mr. Karizaki, you’re going to stab someone else instead.”
“Well maybe he should stop being so- so- weird!” Hana huffed, gesturing towards George, he seemed amused by all of this, “I mean, seriously!” It seems Hana’s tolerance for George’s general personality was clearly lower than her brothers’.
Tamaki gave Daiji a pleading look and mouthed an apology. Daiji had to do all he could to contain his laughter. After all, he had to keep up some appearance of professionalism, especially with Tamaki present.
Still barely containing his mirth, Daiji said, “Karizaki, it might be best you keep your distance from Ms. Hana.”
George had the audacity to pout, “She’s the one trying to stab me,” he pointed out, “why aren’t you telling her not to stab me?”
“Because I have no real authority over her, and I get the impression she wouldn’t listen to me anyway?” Daiji offered, “Really, I’m just asking you to have some self-preservation.”
“I wish that I could stab him,” Kagerou’s voice sounded as though he was pouting. Daiji ignored him.
In response, George huffed and sat in one of the chairs in the room. Hana had a smug look on her face, appearing proud of managing to, in some way, defeat George. Makoto, once more, sighed, gently tugging Hana back over towards Tamaki.
“Normally,” Tamaki began, sheepish, “She’s a bit better behaved-“
“I am perfectly well behaved,” Hana insisted, “When people are weird, you have to deal with them.”
Rolling his eyes, Tamaki shot back, “Have you considered not ‘dealing with them’ using violence?”
Stretching, unbothered by Tamaki’s words, Hana responded, “Why would I do that? That seems far less effective.”
“Because picking fights with our bullies in high school was so effective,” said Tamaki, dryly.
“They were just dumb, or masochists.” she shrugged, “Besides, if you weren’t going stand up for yourself, someone had to.”
His next words were spoken with a rising tone of agitation, “I didn’t need you to ‘stand up’ for me. And I still don’t.”
She rolled her eyes, “Sure,” she didn’t sound like she believed him at all.
As amusing as watching the siblings was – and Daiji had to admire Hana’s fire, even if he’d admit it’s a bit much – Daiji had other reasons for coming to check on them. He turned his attention towards Akemi, approaching her. “How long will Tamaki need to rest?”
“A few days, at least,” Akemi answered, “the venom extended his stay longer than it would have been if it were just from him using the Vistamp.”
That meant they’d be relying solely on Makoto for any Deadman attacks during that period. As his second fight as Olteca had shown, while Makoto could defeat a Deadman, so long as it wasn’t one of the generals, he would exhausted by the fight. And if it was one of the generals, he wouldn’t stand a chance, even if they went easy on him.
“That’s… unfortunate.” Hopefully Tamaki is too distracted to hear the conversation, otherwise he’d stubbornly try to get out of bed the next time there was an attack. He’d probably try to do that anyway.
Then George sidles in, apparently not quite so interested in the conversation the siblings were having than he was in Daiji and Akemi’s. “You know… I’ve just about finished the next Driver.”
Daiji sighed, “That’s great, Karizaki, but with Tamaki stuck resting, that doesn’t do us much good.” He can hear that Tamaki has stopped talking – he’s likely began to listen in, now that Karizaki was involved in the conversation.
The smile on George’s face feels a bit off. A mix of smug and excited, “Ah, but Tamaki and Makoto aren’t the only ones who can use the Driver.”
It’s then that Daiji realizes what George is implying. “You want to ask Ms. Hana…?”
“No way!” Tamaki shouts, then is clearly startled by his own volume, adding more quietly, “You’re not involving Hana in this.”
Hana blinked, “Involving me in what?”
George, still smiling that stupid smile, walks a bit closer to the trio, though still keeping a distance. “Well, I have another Driver finished, the three of you are the only ones who can use them, and your brother is currently out of commission…”
Makoto then seems to understand what George meant, “No, I’m going to agree with Tamaki here, there’s no need to get Hana involved.”
“Hey, I can help,” Hana crossed her arms, lips twisting into a frown, “You two don’t just get to decide for me.”
“Hana, it’s dangerous,” Tamaki protested, “You shouldn’t have to worry about it.”
Her frown somehow deepens – it reminds Daiji of telling Sakura she can’t do something. A terrible idea, in the long run. Then, Hana said, “You two have gotten involved in all this – and besides, you all are already worried since the Deadmans saw me, what does it matter now?”
It seemed Makoto sensed Hana’s growing ire, as he raised his hands placatingly, and said in a careful tone, “Which is exactly why we don’t want you any closer to the danger.”
“I can take care of myself!” The grip on her hand on her arm tightened, while the other balled even more tightly into a fist. “You don’t have to treat me like I’m made of glass.”
Hiromi stands, approaching the trio, “Hold on, you three, there’s no need to get all worked up about this…”
“Hiromi’s right,” Daiji finally added, “it’s possible that the Deadmans won’t even attack while Tamaki is still resting. Even then, we still have Makoto, only if he proves not to be enough will we consider asking Ms. Hana for help.”
None of the siblings seemed terribly satisfied with the answer. Makoto seemed the most accepting of it, while Tamaki seemed the most annoyed. Hana just rolled her eyes and dug her phone out of her pocket, turning her focus to that.
With disappointment, Kagerou sighed, “Aw… I want to see her fight, properly.”
By the time that Dr. Mikoshiba was finally finishing up, it was early in the afternoon, the occupants of the room returning to being Makoto, Tamaki, Hana, George, and Dr. Mikoshiba. Hana appeared relieved when Dr. Mikoshiba announced they were done and would have to wait for some results before anything further. It was easy to see that Hana had become bored in the last couple hours they’d been there, mostly on her phone, appearing to text someone – most likely Hikaru, but perhaps that new friend of her.
Both Makoto and Hana go to bid Tamaki farewell when George finally piped up, “Oh, by the way, there’s some questions I’d like to ask about your family.”
“Questions?” Makoto asked, “Why? Mama and Papa don’t have much to do with us – at least, whatever it was that happened to us.”
“Humor me,” George said, “I found this article about Happy Spa and a fire…?”
Tamaki rolled his eyes, answering, “Yeah, like, eighteen years ago.”
“Mama and Papa don’t talk about it much,” Hana added, “we don’t really blame them.”
Makoto figured he might as well tell George the main reason why they didn’t blame their parents for not liking to talk about it much. “After the fire, while they were staying in a hotel, their children were kidnapped, the oldest was four, the middle two, and the youngest only a few months old.”
At that, George got a remorseful expression, it seemed even he could sense the absolute tragedy of the situation. “Ah…”
It had taken the three a long time to ask about the shrine in the Igarashi home. They had, of course, their suspicions, given the pictures of the children and the items that had clearly once belonged to them. Maybe that was why Yukimi and Genta were so willing to take the three in, their ages weren’t exactly right, but they might have reminded the two of their lost children.
And… the trio didn’t exactly mind, maybe their presence could bring someone some comfort or happiness. That’s what they thought, at first. Now… Makoto wasn’t sure how Tamaki or Hana felt on the matter, if they really had opinions at all, now, but Makoto knew how he felt. He didn’t mind being a stand in for their eldest, or any of their children – it was better to feel wanted than like even one of his parents once again hated him. Yet sometimes… he hated to admit it, but he sometimes felt like a stand in was all he was. In theory, he knew it was his mind being terrible to him, but that feeling was hard to shake once it came around.
With that question of George’s answered, they make their way home.
“Hana!” Sakura waved the moment she saw Hana, a smile on her face.
Hana had only started meeting Sakura on her own, without Hikaru, the past couple days – it seemed Sakura had an incredibly flexible schedule. That or she was just very eager to get to see Hana. Regardless, Hana didn’t mind, she liked being able to see Sakura so much. There was just something so amazingly wonderful about her, something Hana couldn’t quite place.
Or maybe that was just her crush talking.
“Sakura,” Hana smiled back, hurrying over. She wanted to push the various conversation that had occurred earlier at Fenix’s base to the back of her mind. Sakura was a wonderful spot to put her focus on. “Wow, you always dress so nicely.”
At that, Sakura laughed a little, “I suppose I do – though you always look so beautiful yourself.”
Rolling her eyes playfully, Hana said back, “You always say something like that.”
“Because it’s true.”
“If you say so…”
Sakura takes her hand, “Come on, I know this place with really good ice cream.” She begins to lead Hana.
Even once they arrive, Sakura doesn’t let go of Hana’s hand until she pays for the ice cream – and even then, it’s only for a moment and she quickly retakes it. Despite Hana’s best efforts, she’s certain there’s a blush on her face. She doesn’t mind holding Sakura’s hand, as a matter of fact it filled her with such a strange feeling and she suspects that, if she still had a heart, it would be racing.
Her blush doesn’t evade Sakura’s notice for long. “Oh, Hana… are you alright? Your face is all red…”
“I’m fine!” She answered quickly, “I just- um- not used to someone… holding my hand… for this long…”
That seemed to bring Sakura’s attention to her own actions. She gave a small laugh and released Hana’s hand, “I’m sorry, I suppose I wasn’t paying attention to how long I was holding on.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine, it was just…” Hana struggled to find the right word. Something that wouldn’t give away her ever-growing crush, but also wouldn’t be too wrong and make Sakura hate her. “different than what I was used to.”
Almost hesitantly, Sakura inquired, “Different in a good way? Or a bad way?”
Giving her a smile, Hana answered, “Different in a good way.”
Evil sits down beside Jeanne on the couch, “You know, Hana Igarashi… she seems rather infuriated by the way her brothers coddle her.” He said.
A curious smile came to Jeanne’s lips, “Is that so?”
“As far as I could see.”
“Then I think I have a plan, a wonderful plan.”
He sighed, “Of course you do, and that’s why I told you.”
“Soon,” Jeanne smiled, a true and genuine happy smile, “My dear bee will finally be at my side once and for all.”
With no other word spoken, Evil stood and left.
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Thinking once again about the Mikoshiba siblings 💕 how I adore them
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
90%?! Woah :0
Who're the mains if I may ask?
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tbh, i don't think anyone can keep me away from haru, natsuya, ikuya and rin...
but as for people i DON'T simp for, probably just most of the proper side characters and also the mikoshiba siblings tbh, i'm sorry y'all-
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asotin · 2 years
mikorin :)
this dweeb
beloved, you aren't competing against kashima. there was never a competition. kashima is u/sain bolt (censored for the sports fans not looking for weeb content), and you, my friend, are the kid who gets hit in the face at dodgeball even though the other kid was aiming at your gut. but i believe in you. shoot for the stars, mikoshiba! even if you miss, you'll land among sakura's attempts at confessing to nozaki
speaking of confessing: what are those pickup lines? you're going to eat those girls up like they're sheep? one day you'll be a grown up and flirt with another grown up, and they'll laugh you right back into nozaki's closet with all your figurines
everyone calls you mikorin because you're cute. your lines are too hard to follow through on because you know darn well you're the one who should be getting picked up. stop saying shit you're too embarrassed to live with. accept that you need to be petted and adored. it's okay. you deserve it
but my boy. my precious, blushing boy. how have you not figured out that the girl you're flirting with is a dude who just likes martial arts? he isn't being subtle. there's mediocre social skills, and there's whatever this is
however, i'll give you props for making gay fanfic of your video game bff. as a shy teen boy (who's ostensibly only into girls) that probably wasn't very easy to run with, even with god's most precious dipshit at your side
and it's good that you're putting your nerdy otaku skills to use translating for your friends' younger siblings
sorry the other half of your pair didn't get animated and you're alone in the couples' shots, but it's very funny, so thank you for being the awkward third wheel to three sets of your friends
send me a character and i'll lovingly make fun of them
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ryuseishi · 4 years
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tattsunsan · 6 years
ES ep. 2
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DF Ep. 9
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Imagine a Mikoshiba family reunion
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ice-bares · 6 years
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shadowonaqua · 6 years
The Power of Mackerel (Free! Dive to the Future - Episode 9 )
Yo, I’m back! So I know the title of this post may seem odd, but I have a reason for this! Before we jump in, however...We have some new people to meet! Let’s go! Time for my rambling all of my inner thoughts on the latest piece of the story.
(A little note, however. There is more in this episode with Asahi, Ikuya, Hiyori, and Makoto (Makoto’s sweetness is amplified at least a million times here. If he doesn’t become the #1 choice for imaginary husband for y’all, I don’t know who else can), but what I’m about to touch on is content that made even a transition episode such as this one that much more powerful for me.)
(Also, I’m in love with the image below. My heart cried in happiness.)
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Now I’m ready.
So at the start of the episode, we finally get to meet two unknown characters who showed up in the intro song to every episode and whose identities we did not know at all until today. But, the first character gave me some heartwarming feels (and brought back some comical nostalgia too).
Meet the newest Mikoshiba member, Isuzu Mikoshiba!
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She is not only a female swimmer, but also a passionate gamer and a leader. I did not see this coming, but I am glad that they placed a seemingly strong-willed female character into the series. After seeing her, I wish that they introduced her earlier in the series (especially because she is the first female swimmer that we have been personally introduced to during the entire franchise), but I am excited to see just how good she is. Plus, she noticed Haru’s triceps as well! Perhaps... she’ll be Gou’s new best friend? I won’t be surprised if that happens... After all, both of her brothers like the young lady!
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(And Haru’s imagining all three Mikoshiba siblings laughing in their usual Mikoshiba manner... I feel you, Haru).
I do look forward to seeing what role she plays in the rest of this season, especially because we do not really see her do much aside from ask Haru whether he can compete with her (and I bet Isuzu and Momo bond over their older brother locking them with his arm and most (probably) putting them through a hell-of-a swimming training, haha).
However, the first time we meet Isuzu is also the first time we meet this super blonde, purple-eyed tall guy: Albert Wahlander.
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This gigantic foreigner creams Isuzu in gaming, which at first didn’t leave much of an impact on me until he is in the water. On that topic, during this entire episode, I loved that there were multiple clues floating around that suggested his prowess. Some were explained to us through the other characters in the series, and others seemed more symbolic. So, let’s list the ones that weren’t blatantly mentioned by the rest of the cast, because why not?
1) He goes for mackerel as his meal.
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Alright, so now you see where my title came from, eh? Well, Haru, being the now smiley version of himself, helps out a lost Albert when it comes to ordering food. More specifically, mackerel, since the tall guy seems to want to eat it. And, this new character is so darn cute with his usage of chopsticks that I was wondering for a moment what his role was in the episode/series. But, back to this topic at hand, he and Haru begin to form a bond through their both eating mackerel (despite their massive language barrier, which really wasn’t a barrier since they oddly understood each other. This made me smile, so much.)
2) He is good with his hands.
He not only uses his finger dexterity to beat Isuzu in gaming, but also learns how to handle chopsticks in seconds after first not knowing how to pick things up with them. And Haru, being the sweet boy/young man he is, goes to get a spoon and fork for the guy, but then is amazed that the tall, blonde foreigner dude would master chopsticks in one go? This makes me think back to when Haru was carving a massive amount of Iwatobi-chans in high school, haha.
3) He floats around in the water like Haru does, but he is ahead of Haru.
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So this is where things became interesting for me. During the episode, we find out that Haru is one of three Hidaka University Swim Team members to enter the strengthening camp in preparation for the All-Japan Meet (in addition to the older Mikoshiba and Isana Kiryuu). In the middle of swimming, Haru sees Albert swimming next to him, and then we flash to the two of them floating underwater like Haru did for the last three seasons.
But, Albert is ahead of Haru the entire time.
Why does this mean anything? For the entire franchise, we have never seen anyone swim ahead of Haru. This makes sense, because Haru was known for his affinity and love for the water, unclouded from the influences of competitions, friendly rivalries, and societal expectations. More commonly, we saw Haru’s friends follow behind and try their darnedest to reach his level. Haru is the hero that his friends needed during troublesome, lonesome, and confusing times, and Haru is also a source of strength for young men like Rin, Ikuya, and Makoto to strive for their goals. To do this, Haru has to be ahead of them in the water.
Now that we see this difference with Albert’s appearance, even if you haven’t watched the episode and read this post first instead, you may be able to infer what happens when Albert, Haru, and other swimmers at the camp have a friendly 200m freestyle race against each other.
And this is where our latest cliffhanger begins.
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We don’t know how Haru reacts to this loss, as it is the first time that someone out swam him by so many bodies that I won’t even try to count. I mean, the guy was out of the water by the time Haru reached the wall . Knowing Haru, he might react in one of two ways. 
One, he may be devastated. After all, freestyle is his forte, and for his entire life he has been known as a prodigy in this specific stroke. It is okay if Haru lost the IM in the last episode; after all, he does not regularly compete in backstroke, breaststroke, or butterfly, and Ikuya has more experience in this specific event than Haru does anyway. But, when it comes to freestyle, the only characters we have seen who are on-par with Haru are Rin, Ikuya, and maybe Asahi, but nobody has surpassed Haru to this degree. As such, no wonder everyone in the pool is shocked by this revelation, including Makoto, who ran in just as this scene unfolded. Losing to this extent for the first time his life can be upsetting and frustrating at the same time, and I wonder whether Haru will express such a natural human response.
Two, if Haru is as positive as Asahi is, then Haru may see Albert as someone to look up to and strive for. Although this is less likely, purely because the human psyche does not always work this way, I sincerely hope that this is the way he reacts to his loss. For all of Haru’s life, he has had companions, rivals, and supporters who have been by his side, but never has he had someone to directly look up to. In particular with swimming, Haru has been in his own world this entire time. Why? He is the only one of his friends who has an innately keen relationship with water, and it is Haru’s affinity with water that Albert picks up on immediately after swimming/floating together. 
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Haru has never had anyone float so freely with him in the water until now (we could potentially count the pool scene with Makoto in the High Speed! movie, but that was part of their reconciliation. This scene, however, is purely one of connection). Also, the fact that Albert sees swimming as fun is refreshing and an epiphany, both for Haru and for us as viewers. It not only implies that Albert may have just as strong as an affinity with water as Haru does, but also that Albert’s love for water may surpass that of Haru. Should this be the case, then Haru may be forced once again to confront his own beliefs with regards to his love for swimming, his skills, and his ability to swim on the global stage.
I wish the best for Haru. After all, Ryuuji (who we find out is an Iwatobi High School Swim Team alum, thanks to Gou’s amazing muscle-identifying skills) has mentioned before the Haru still a ways to go with regards to improving, and Albert may be the key to unlocking that potential. Plus, Albert honestly seems like a nice person, so I hope that he and Haru can get along. The fact that Haru still has that much room for growth, maturity, and progression, both literally in his swimming and figuratively in his own life, is what truly kept my attention with the latest episode of “Free!” and is allowing me look past some of the other flaws with this season. And, I hope that this tidbit is enough to keep you guys interested in the series and in the boys’ story as well.
(Albert, despite his size, reminds me of a little boy. Perhaps his personality truly is that of one, since he seems to be drawn to old arcade games and finds everything fun. He even whines like a boy when the waitress rips the meal ticket >.<, which is just so endearing and makes me want to hug him)
So, now that this ramble has finished, I’ll add these cute little GIFs because I internally squeal whenever I see a baby, and my heart beats faster every time I see a man playing with one:
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(And Nitori... way to give us a total plot-twister this episode! Rin was thrown for a shock there, I’m sure.)
(I can’t wait for the next episode! But honestly, the event I’m looking forward to the most is the 100m free at the All-Japan Meet since it’s going to have so many of the characters we love in it. Anyone else with me on this one?)
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Ep. 9
Should be called Plot Twist, tbh.
I really liked how Haru pictured the Mikoshiba siblings in his mind, it's so accurate 😆😆
I really liked the Mikoshiba sis!
That new swimmer was also really cool and he seemed friendly, I'm so glad Haru helped him when Albert looked so confused, I really liked him, although I have mixed feelings because he represents a new kind of difficulty for my son. But I'm glad it's all about the swimming experience rather than giving Haru more angst, plus the fact that Albert was very friendly and nice towards Haru (I wonder if they could comunicate just fine tho, Haru spoke to him in japanese and Al answered in english, I'd like to think they at least understand each other atm)
All in all...just let my child be happy with his friends and focus on his career!
And THE two plot twists of the century:
●Mihail is Nitori's uncle 😆
● Ryuji the one who trained Haru for the IM is actually the PKH Azuma from the Iwatobi HS secret weapon to get a ton of members 😂
Like whaaaaat! Not even I could have thought about such a thing lol!
Did not see that one coming... ok just to end this rant...
Natsuya making his return to the pro swimming world and smashing everyone!! You go my boy!! 💙
And lemme just add...that "I'm back, Haru" from Rin...oh boiiiiiiiii ❤
(; (; (;
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