#harassment of the media
coochiequeens · 2 years
Trigger warning: discusses the sexual assault and murder of a child
A social media account harassing, impersonating, and threatening women critical of gender ideology appears to belong to a trans-identified male convicted of the brutal torture and murder of a 13-year-old child.
On October 24, Reduxx reported that Synthia China Blast had been discharged from his parole with the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision on July 30, quietly marking the end of his sentence and release conditions.
Blast, born Luis Morales, was sentenced in 1996 for the horrific murder of 13-year-old Ebony Nicole Williams. Blast, along with his boyfriend Carlos Franco, were sentenced to 25 years for the crime, one that had both sexist and racist motivations.
Blast and Franco, members of the Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang, targeted the young girl less than 24 hours after she had run away from home. Williams taken to an apartment in Hunts Point where she was held captive.
According to case investigators at the time, Blast and Franco tortured the young girl before stabbing her repeatedly. Realizing she was still alive after having been slashed by Blast, Franco then stomped on the child’s neck until it was broken. Prior to being killed, Blast had reportedly sexually assaulted the girl.
Following her death, Blast and Franco packed the girl’s naked body into a box and dumped it near the Sheridan Expressway. Finally, they doused the box in gasoline, and set it ablaze. A passenger on a nearby train saw the flames and called 911. Blast and Franco were apprehended shortly after the body was retrieved by police.
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During the trial, Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said of the crime: “The suffering that this poor child went through is beyond belief and puts this crime in the category of monstrous and barbarous.”
Despite pleading innocence in court and to media in later interviews, Blast had reportedly “bragged” about committing the crime to friends, some of whom would later testify against him on this basis. 
While a rape conviction was never pursued, as the girl’s body had been too severely mutilated for authorities to collect a DNA sample, Blast and Franco both received 25-to-life for the murder of Williams.
One week after the publication of the Reduxx article reporting on Blast’s discharge from parole, Reduxx received an email from an account infuriated that the piece had mentioned the allegations that Blast had raped Williams. The email was sent from an address beginning with the number ‘4300.’
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The same day, a Twitter account surfaced with the handle @Code4300, impersonating Reduxx Editor-in-Chief Anna Slatz, using her photo and Reduxx branding. 
While posting highly disturbing, sexualized comments on Slatz, the account began following women’s rights advocates on Twitter in a clear effort to get their attention.
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While posing as Slatz, the @Code4300 account claimed to be in a relationship with a trans-identifying male and called for a boycott against, and the banning of, Reduxx. The owner of the account also made several references to Blast and asserting his innocence, using both the female pseudonym and his birth name, Luis Morales.
The account also threatened Slatz, and claimed to have her home address. Within 24 hours, it began cycling through impersonating other female contributors and supporters of Reduxx, using their names and profile photos to post disturbing content. 
Shortly after, @Code4300 was linked to an Instagram account similarly utilizing the ‘4300’ moniker — one which was quickly discovered to belong to Synthia China Blast.
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On Instagram, Blast posted about being in a women’s shelter in 2020, which would have been shortly after he was paroled. Around that same time, he advertised a bed available in his apartment for rent, requesting only “men into trans women or women into trans women” apply.
While using the @Code4300 moniker on Twitter, Blast had engaged in repeated calls for violence against women, and in particular women who are critical of the notion that men can become women. 
“TERFs are not only anti-trans they are also anti-men. We must eradicate them before their diseases spread to our young children,” read the account’s description, which has since been changed, along with the username and profile photo. 
Since being exposed as running the account on Twitter, Blast has continued to assert his innocence of the crimes he was convicted of — a trend that follows his previous claims to media that he was wrongfully accused. 
In addition to calling for violence against women, the author made statements suggesting he believes that trans-identifying males are superior to women.
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Prior to engaging in the targeted harassment of Reduxxstaff and women associated with the publication, @Code4300 claimed to be in favor of “abolishing prisons,” and celebrated both the shooting of a police officer and the stabbing of a Corrections Officer at Rikers Island.
In the following days, a second Twitter account claiming to be Blast was created using the name HuntingTERFs.
“For the record, my name is Synthia China Blast and I was wrongfully convicted of murder,” reads one post from November 10.
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The second account also boasted that another convictionwould see Blast placed in a women’s prison. “If I’m ever again arrested, I go with the females now. No more men’s prison for me,” @KillingTime1235 wrote.
The account appears primarily dedicated to posting screenshots of female-committed crimes, with the intention of proving that “cis women are extremely violent and dangerous.”
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In 2014, prominent transgender actor Laverne Cox appeared in a now-deleted promotional video produced by a trans activist prison reform lobbying organization, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP). 
In the video, Cox stated his support for the SRLP and the organization’s Prisoner Advisory Committee (PAC). He then read a letter from Blast which appealed to viewers’ sympathies and described his situation while incarcerated as a “denial of basic human rights.”
Cox later distanced himself from Blast after learning more details about the crimes he was convicted for.
In 2019, one year after Blast was first paroled, he appeared in a video posted to the SRLP’s official Facebook page, and was described as a Political Action Committee member and intern.
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I came from being in a jail cell to learning about SRLP and its mission, who Sylvia Rivera, as a person, actually was, and … about Marsha P. Johnson, and I was definitely hooked into this movement,” Blast said.
“We all have a voice. And we live in a time, today, where that voice is finally being heard. We haven’t reached that milestone yet. We are all screaming together, and now they are finally listening,” Blast says, then promoting the SRLP as a center which can help transgender people change their names and legal identity. 
“Whenever I find a transgender person, I ask them: Do you know about the Sylvia Rivera Law Project?”
Reduxx previously revealed another trans-identifying male convict who was specifically selected by the SRLP to participate in trans advocacy and prison reform campaigning. Xena Grandichelli, born Jeffrey Willsea, is a convicted child sex offender who has performed community outreach services for the SRLP. In 1994, Grandichelli pleaded guilty to 11 counts of sexual abuse involving a 3 year-old girl.
Grandichelli partnered with the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) and was designated as a Movement Building Teammember. In a 2015 letter posted to the SRLP website, Grandichelli described how team members from the organization actively worked to recruit him while he was still incarcerated for sexually abusing a child.
Despite providing advocacy for convicted child abusers, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project receives the financial support of several notable institutions and figures, including the Stonewall Community Foundation and the trans-identifying medical and pharmaceutical millionaire Martine Rothblatt. 
Blast is not the only trans-identified murderer who has been utilizing social media to threaten women critical of gender ideology. 
In 2021, it was discovered that Swedish murdererMagdala Johansson had been targeting Twitter accounts who had posted details about his grisly crime.
Johansson, born Kristoffer, was convicted in 2013 of the brutal murder of his ex-girlfriend, 20-year-old Vatchareeya Bangsuan. Johansson stabbed Bangsuan to death before dismembering her and scattering her body parts in a nearby forested area. Some sources have also reported that Johansson masturbated over Bangsuan’s mutilated corpse, spreading his semen on her body parts.
Johansson was ultimately sentenced to 14 years, which was overturned on appeal to 10. He served just 6 years before being released in 2020.
Much like Blast, on Twitter and Instagram, Johansson called himself a “TERF Hunter,” and made misogynistic posts about women critical of gender ideology, sometimes while showing off his gun collection.
By Genevieve Gluck Genevieve is the Co-Founder of Reduxx, and the outlet's Chief Investigative Journalist with a focused interest in pornography, sexual predators, and fetish subcultures. She is the creator of the podcast Women's Voices, which features news commentary and interviews regarding women's rights.
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let-them-fight · 6 months
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can we stop doing this trope
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bioethicists · 5 months
this is going to sound simplistic + i promise you it's not: stop following people whose entire schtick is being cruel or fighting with others online. even if the ppl deserve it! even if it's not a ~problematic~ cruelty! even if you agree with all of that blog's opinions!
it's one thing if someone snaps back when provoked or posts the occasional "get a load of this guy". nobody needs to play up respectability for people who haven't given them respect in return. but if someone's online identity centers around being needlessly mean for laughs + they're constantly seeking out socially acceptable, easy targets for petty cruelty, that's a red flag. there's a huge difference between not taking shit/cracking a joke + mocking others as your several-hours-a-day hobby.
especially if, when they are inevitably in the wrong + mocking someone mercilessly to their 50k followers over something petty goes south (shocking!), they become extremely defensive or block everyone or play the victim or dismiss it as "well, how was i supposed to know they were autistic? i'm autistic + i don't meow in public" or whatever.
this isn't a "well i knew all along" post bcuz nobody should be shamed for being in the dark about something like this but many of the popular bloggers who have later been exposed for serious harassment or abuse should not have shocked us. if someone's blog is 90% shit like "you should light yourself on fire because you watch x anime" or "look at this so-called lesbian bitch + her ugly fucking boyfriend at a kink convention- it's giving drowned rats", should it really shock you that they are also being cruel or abusive in less internet-acceptable ways? if they've already shown you that they get a such a thrill out of being vicious that they do it daily + are regularly rewarded with thousands of followers?
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prokopetz · 2 months
The dismissive attitude toward a certain stripe of "fandom discourse" is getting more and more irksome to be me because it completely – and, I suspect, wilfully – elides how transparently targeted a lot of this shit is. Sure, anonymously swanning into somebody's inbox like "it's pretty sus that you don't have a pinned post preemptively denouncing the hypothetical wrongdoing I imagine your mutuals might commit in the future" is ridiculous on its face, but pay close attention to who gets hit with the lion's share of this shit. It's a calculated harassment tactic aimed at specific visible minorities – mostly trans women this time around, though it's varied in the past – that explicitly relies on the absurdity of what it's proposing to escape serious criticism.
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fcb-mv33 · 3 months
Isn’t it just so funny to see the treatment of Ollie from other drivers compared to how they treated Max at 17 years of age…like some of these older drivers literally bullied a 17-18 year old constantly in the media, let him be made into the bad guy and for what..
Nice to see Max refuses to take their cowardly way and support young drivers😌
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Yoel Roth, PhD used to be in charge of the trust and safety team at Twitter. This is a must-read article to better understand how the far right is attacking anyone who wants to guard against disinformation being shared on social media. Consequently, the link above is a gift 🎁 link, so anyone can read the entire article, even if they do not subscribe to the NY Times.
Below are some excerpts:
When I worked at Twitter, I led the team that placed a fact-checking label on one of Donald Trump’s tweets for the first time. Following the violence of Jan. 6, I helped make the call to ban his account from Twitter altogether. Nothing prepared me for what would happen next. Backed by fans on social media, Mr. Trump publicly attacked me. Two years later, following his acquisition of Twitter and after I resigned my role as the company’s head of trust and safety, Elon Musk added fuel to the fire. I’ve lived with armed guards outside my home and have had to upend my family, go into hiding for months and repeatedly move. This isn’t a story I relish revisiting. But I’ve learned that what happened to me wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t just personal vindictiveness or “cancel culture.” It was a strategy — one that affects not just targeted individuals like me, but all of us, as it is rapidly changing what we see online. Private individuals — from academic researchers to employees of tech companies — are increasingly the targets of lawsuits, congressional hearings and vicious online attacks. These efforts, staged largely by the right, are having their desired effect: Universities are cutting back on efforts to quantify abusive and misleading information spreading online. Social media companies are shying away from making the kind of difficult decisions my team did when we intervened against Mr. Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. Platforms had finally begun taking these risks seriously only after the 2016 election. Now, faced with the prospect of disproportionate attacks on their employees, companies seem increasingly reluctant to make controversial decisions, letting misinformation and abuse fester in order to avoid provoking public retaliation.
I encourage you to use the gift link above and read the entire article. It is worth your time.
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spartanlocke · 4 months
every time i say tumblr staff (and tumblr itself let's be real) made social media worse by never punishing harassment, allowing people to get comfortable pushing cancel and callout culture so they could harass and dehumanize anyone (especially minorities) they want without ever having to worry about consequences, an attitude they brought with them to other websites like tiktok and twitter after the 2018 porn ban....
This is what I'm talking about. tumblr staff doesn't give a shit if you're stalked and harassed, but if you're a trans woman posting selfies? instant ban.
tumblr staff has NEVER done anything to protect its users, but now they're actively participating in doing the harm.
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essefryu · 8 months
To people panicking about Douglas Mackinnon's departure from Good Omens:
Try to relax. Inhale, exhale.
Does it mean that s3 is cancelled? No, it doesn't. Shows switching directors between (or even during) seasons is a pretty common thing. Sure, whoever steps in might have a somewhat different approach. It would be kinda sad if they end up doing a worse job than Douglas, but remember that Neil is still there to make sure things don't go too wrong. Also, while Douglas undoubtedly did great at the first two seasons, who said the new director is gonna be worse?
And even if for some reason every director on Earth turns out to be unavailable to work on s3, or Amazon decides to be silly and not approve it, Neil had already said previously that he will release s3 as a book in case it can't be done as a show. He also said that he already has the ending written in case something happens to him personally, so we are pretty much doomed to know how the story ends. Agnes Nutter would be proud.
This franchise survived Terry Pratchett's death, for someone's sake. It can survive switching a director. A healthy level of concern regarding the direction it takes is understandable, but I really don't think Armageddon is upon us for real this time.
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Shout out to @broosepayne for Tim Drake behavior
Also omg these take so long. Sorry it is late. Also I thought I finished a whole one and then forgot to save and almost had a mental breakdown.
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laniemae · 8 months
The sexualisation of Mikoto, stalking, and how the fandom is repeating this.
CW: Stalking, sexual harassment, fanservice, murder
I’ve been thinking a lot about Double’s thumbnail, and especially the stalking theory. And if you think about it a lot basically everything fits up and that his victim was likely his stalker. Although a lot about what happened I never really have seen discussion on the why or how it’s been happening, so I just want to give my thoughts and theories on this all before Double.
The fanservice in MeMe:
The fanservice in MeMe has always felt really off to me. Milgram never has any fanservice-y stuff, minus Yuno in Tear Drop, but it’s only just her revealing outfit and nothing to do with strange camera angles or whatnot, and it’s very important to her character. For me and what I’ve think the consensus in the fandom has been, is it’s nothing more than that. That the fanservice is only there to appeal to thirsty fans or whatever. But I’ve been thinking a lot, and with the music videos extracted from prisoners minds, everything has a meaning in one way or the other. So for the creators to just throw a bunch of fanservice scenes in MeMe with no meaning apart from just plain fanservice feels really counter intuitive to the whole point of the MVs. And especially how this has never happened before makes it really strange to me. And with this idea in mind and going back to the stalking theory I mentioned earlier, I think it’s disgustingly clear what has happened to Mikoto.
Mikoto being watched:
I think what’s going on is that Mikoto was stalked for sexual reasons. The constant scenes of him in embarrassing moments (taking of his shirt, having a shower, having a bath) is what the stalker has been seeing and this subconsciously put itself into MeMe from Mikoto’s POV. Camera imagery in MeMe is very prevalent, from at the beginning him grabbing the camera and at the end him picking it up and punching it. I think this is supposed to represent him realising he’s being stalked and trying to hunt down who’s been doing it, and the destruction of the camera at the end to represent him killing the person. 
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Also around the middle of the song, we see security cam footage of him entering his apartment and crying on his couch, with Mikoto hyperventilating and gasping in the background. I feel like with everything I’ve said before this scene makes it extremely clear, that someone put up a bunch of camera around his house to catch him in those moments, if we’re taking that scene literally.
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Then it cuts to him laughing at the screen in darkness, and the aforementioned fanservice scene right after this sequence of events really makes things scary to what was happening in his house. And also like I said before about the hyperventilating during this scene. I could mean multiple things such as him having a panic attack, being actually attacked or worse.
And the imagery of being watched doesn’t stop at just the camera stuff. At the beginning of MeMe in the scene at the train station, the camera moves around from behind a wall to reveal Mikoto sitting there holding a bat, like someone is watching him directly. To further back this up there’s a vignette around the edge of the camera and wee see it blink, like from a POV shot. And after the blink Mikoto disappears, and then we see him outside swinging a bat at the POV (just want to note this is outside and is probably in a different place than the train station, but I don’t know what to make of that right now, and how also the vignette I pointed out before isn’t present here). Then it cuts back to the scene in the train station, now with Mikoto holding a bat and walking towards someone on the ground, attacking them. Noticeably the vignette is still here in this scene, so the person Mikoto was attacking likely wasn’t his stalker, perhaps he just thought they were.
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Wait I suddenly just got a theory from this. I just mentioned how the vignette in the scene I just mentioned likely means that Mikoto attacked someone else and the stalker was watching on. Me and basically everyone else has assumed that guy was his victim, but then what about the stalker? I’ve always strongly believed that Mikoto only killed one person but now I’m just starting to doubt that. If MeMe is to be taken in chronological order in this part, he probably killed that guy then realised that he was continuing being stalked. And as I said at the beginning of my analysis I mentioned that Mikoto punching the camera at the end could be representative of him killing the stalker and ending it (also to mention he gets the death card right before hand). And I didn’t think of it when I wrote that but what if he did actually kill multiple people in an attempt to kill his stalker. Hmm.
And going back to what I was talking about before, he probably entered his apartment afterwards and switched to Bluekoto after it was assumed everything was safe now. (Just saying I’m using Mikoto interchangeably to refer to all of the alters as it’s not clear who’s doing what, but this takes the theory of that blue was the murderer and not the other/s into account, because there’s a part of me that feels it wasn’t him attacking those people as red/green has a strong desire to protect blue and hide him from the traumatic events taking place).
I feel like I’ve gone way off track with what I’ve been saying here because while writing this I just keep noticing more and more stuff to write down and I just thought of someone thing again.
Every time it appears that Mikoto killed someone (the train scene, the garbage scene although the bag doesn’t look like a human body just saying), it cuts to a fanservice-y scene right after, maybe implying that the person he killed wasn’t the stalker, and he’s still being watched afterwards. Although this makes the bath scene kinda out of place as it doesn’t take place after a murder I think, and someone mentioned it was before the shower scene which kinda debunks this but I just wanted to mention this because why not.
Mikoto’s mindscape in MeMe:
Another thing I’ve been thinking about a lot is every character’s “mindscapes” as I call them. Yuno has an empty pink void with a tower, Fuuta has a fantasy land, Mahiru has a room inside a birdcage ect. And all of these places represent an aspect of their characters. Yuno’s representing her feelings of emptiness, Fuuta feeling that everything he’s doing is for justice and that he’s a cool hero, Mahiru being trapped and sheltered in an ideal concept of love and stuff like that. I’m going to make a theory on this in the future as it’s very interesting to me but Mikoto’s mindscape is always something that’s confused me.
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Mikoto’s mindscape is a parallel of his apartment. Down to the couches, tables and everything, but lacking the bookcase and tv being buried in the water for whatever reason.
(Also I just noticed but there’s a blue thing behind the couch that Mikoto laid his head down on before which could be a bed or whatever. But in the mindscape and this other shot we don’t see it???)
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(Actually maybe we do if we squint, oh well)
Okay, okay back to what I was actually going to say. The furniture from the apartment appearing in the mindscape makes sense, but what about everything else? The broken, tiled walls, the mirror, how everything is covered in a thin layer of water, the clear blue sky. There’s a bunch of this stuff I could analyse in my future post about mindscapes but I’ll just say the stuff that relates to what I was talking about earlier. But to say it right now, I think all that other stuff is supposed to be the bathroom we see him in.
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Notice here the tiles are exactly the same, and we even see the same mirror he looks at himself in, in real life then Mikoto in the mindscape.
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Also to point out how the Mikoto we see looking into the mirror here is wearing a sleeve and likely in the mindscape and as someone mentioned, since the ahoge is backwards it’s likely a reflection. Although it’s strange that it has the same green filter both ways.
After this we see bluekoto (presumably) fall backwards into the water. And another strange thing I noticed is that this mirror is behind the couch, but when he falls down the couch is tipped over.
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Don’t know what it make of this but again I’m just constantly pointing stuff out I notice as writing this.
So basically I think the mindscape is a mix of the living room and the bathroom. The furniture from the living room and the water, mirror and tiles from the bathroom. But this makes things confusing, why the bathroom? Why would Mikoto project imagery of his bathroom into his own mindscape? This brings me to what I was saying before. The walls in the mindscape are completely collapsed, providing no closure or privacy to this “room”. The sky is also out, so his mindscape feels very exposed. And what I said earlier about my staking theory. It’s likely that someone placed cameras up in/around his bathroom to record him naked, a complete breach of privacy and that’s why this mindscape is so exposed and has elements from there. Even in this world that he created, he still doesn’t feel safe at all.
The audience and the repeating of Mikoto’s trauma:
Basically to sum it up from what I’ve said. Mikoto was being stalked and sexualised by someone. Cameras were placed up around his house to record him in embarrassing situations and he figured out, and attempted to kill the stalker.
But here’s one thing, that story we likely see in MeMe is happening again. But with the audience.
When MeMe came out everyone went ballistic. Lots of people were very surprised in how violent it was, how compared to the calm preview we saw it instantly started off with death metal and destroyed every idea we had about him, and kept switching between being calm and violent. But what I want to walk about right now is the reaction to the fanservice.
As we all know, when MeMe released a horde of thirsty tiktokers came over and started absolutely obsessing over Mikoto and all the fanservice scenes we see. Things got so out of control that people tried to vote him innocent just because he was hot and even jackalope bought this up. But thinking about this, it’s getting dangerously close to what I think happened in his story. Being filmed in embarrassing moments without consent, and having people obsess and sexualise you for that. The music videos are representative of the prisoner’s minds, and in no way would have Mikoto known how he was shown naked and shirtless for a huge chunk of MeMe. Same as him being stalked and recorded in his story if I’m right.
The fandom here is doing exactly what his perpetrator did to him down to a T. It’s almost like what happened with Amane when people tried to reverse her brainwashing by showing her tough love by not forgiving her, exactly like what the cult did to her to try and make her obey them more. This thing is happening to Mikoto as well as Amane and repeating their traumas. And also to mention how Mikoto has DID which is a result of repeated childhood abuse so it’s likely this has been happening to him alot and just can’t escape from this reality. And for the alters to take in all the trauma and leave the host blissfully unaware of everything’s that’s happening.
This brings into account how the guilty prisoners can hear the voices of the audience judging them. Fuuta completely broke down as he was constantly harassed with strange voices judging him and denying his actions. And he’s mentioned a lot of times how he can’t stand this feeling of being watched and this manifests through the eyes in Backdraft. And with Mikoto from everything I’ve been saying before it’s very likely he has trauma from this. And now feeling like he’s being watched and hearing the voices of the audience, who we know constantly sexualises him. It’s likely he’ll have to relive his trauma once again that he thought he finally escaped…
Conclusion / TL;DR
To sum this whole theory up I believe that fanservice in MeMe actually has importance besides just fanservice. And it’s likely Mikoto was being stalked by someone and recorded in those situations, and he ended up hunting the person down and killing them. And now because of the audience’s constant thirsting over him and how the guilty prisoners can hear everything we say about them, Mikoto will have to relive his suffering again.
Other things I’d like to briefly mention but didn’t have any space to put in, Is how since Mikoto rides a bike instead of a train to work as he said but we see lots of train imagery. And I think what happened is that he was probably being harassed on the train and switched to going to work alone. And the thumbnail in Double we see him looking depressed, on a train surrounded by destroyed mannequins.
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dumbledorathexplora · 3 months
Don’t get me wrong I don’t give a flying shit about the royal family (royal parasites) and a lot of non British people would be surprised to know that majority of people here in the UK don’t actually care about them or even know why they still exist, but now that it’s been revealed that Kate Middleton hasn’t been around due to a cancer diagnosis..something she was forced to tell the public thanks to people and the media literally bullying her non stop. I really hope people fuck off and leave her alone? Maybe take a break from making brain dead memes?
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alwaysbewoke · 15 days
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sbrown82 · 3 months
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carronpatrick · 8 months
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Haven't found this here yet, so I wanted to share it with some links for education.
Found it from-
Twitter post by OmarSShakir
IG Post by visualizing_palestine
Created by-
AAANY (Arab American Association of New York)
Gaza Is Palestine
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ash-rigby · 3 months
If you're a fan of a piece of media and hold the belief that in exchange for consuming a creator's work, that they owe you for it and should readily alter their vision to align with headcanons, fan theories, ships, or what have you to "give the fans what they want", then I am coming to your home to install an adult-sized baby gate on your bedroom door because you clearly need it. Entitlement isn't cute.
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gourde · 2 years
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Mike Pollock whacking a wasp nest with a stick (2022, colourized)
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