#hansa family
powerofadyingsun · 2 years
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In adventures in digital art, my beloved Hansa.
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astaldis · 4 months
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Summary: A year has passed since the events at Stygga Castle and Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri remember their fallen friends.
Warning: Sad, but with a fluffy ending!
For the Witcher Whump Week prompts: 1 there was so much blood, 2 hallucinations & mindfuck, 3 betrayal, 4 it still hurts, 5 I'm fine!, 6 thorns / missing, 7 sacrifice
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply, Category: Gen
Relationship: Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer of Vengerberg
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Jaskier | Dandelion, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, unexpected reunion, Sad with a Happy Ending, Eventual Fluff, Found Family, Best Friends, POV Geralt of Rivia, Spoilers for The Lady of the Lake, canonical character deaths (in the past), also mention of some un-canonical character deaths (in the past), emotional whump
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52905151
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
me an tha besties suffering penance, earning an expiation of guilt. a baptism of fire. passing through fire, which burns, but also purges. paying off our debts by running up debts with each other. and you bet we are eating fish soup together too
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elbiotipo · 3 months
I'm always criticizing eurocentric fantasy worldbuilding, but one thing I think it's underused are city-states and trade republics and leagues. Not that they don't exist, but they're often in the background, the fantasy genre is so focused on monarchies and dynasties and noble drama, while those systems have so much room for intrigue and stuff without getting into "who's the TRUE heir of the super magical monarch" (yes, I know they had aristocratic families that ruled almost as monarchs, but trust me, Medici drama is another beast from regular feudal stuff)
Venice with its stupidly complex election system and their eternal rivals in Genoa, Florence home of the Rennaissance, the Hanseatic League, and lesser known examples like Novgorod, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Taifa of Córdoba, the Consolat de Mar (technically not a republic but kind of an Iberian Hansa) and if we go farther back, the leagues of city states of antiquity... you know what, I'm bored of feudalism. Next time I do a fantasy setting, it will all be city states and republics. Fuck feudalism.
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Take Me Home Tonight
Summary: You run into a familiar face while working. (Bucky Barnes)
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, fingering, dry humping, flirting.
Note: look, we didn't expect Applebee's to inspire one fic, but now it's done two fics. Shit. We are deranged.
Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Please also reblog because it’s a lot longer than I intended.
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You hug the menus to your chest as you approach the booth of four newly sat in your section. As you do, you stutter step, unsure if your eyes are seeing clearly. You know that hair, the subtle wave of brown with strands of silver woven in. You step up and give a smile to the men.
“Good evening,” you place a menu in front of each of them; the burly blonde comedically crowded into the corner beside the man with dark hair and darker eyes, the blonde you vaguely recognise from his acquaintance with the most familiar face at the table, “Mr. Barnes.”
“Oh, hi,” he sits up and sets the drink menu back at the centre of the table, “uh,” he gives you a peculiar look, “I thought you worked down at the Denny’s.”
“Used to. Just got hired here,” you chime, “uh, so, are you all ready to go with your drink orders?”
“You mind?” The blond with the short hair nudges him.
“Yeah, go ahead, I’m still thinking,” he sits back.
“Heineken,” the man orders with a tweak of his eyebrow.
“Seems you don’t carry Hansa so I’ll have a jolly rancher cocktail,” the big blond intones. You almost laugh, thinking of him with the bright blue drink with a gummy worm for garnish.
“Shirley Temple for me,” the other says, “designated driver.”
“Oh, of course,” you note each order in your head, “and you, Mr. Barnes?”
“Mr. Barnes,” the man across from him goads.
“Bucky,” Mr. Barnes corrects you, “uh, I’ll take a Corona.”
“Alright, Heineken, jolly rancher, Shirley Temple, Corona,” you list off, “I’ll be back with your drinks and to take your order.”
“Thanks,” Bucky smiles.
“Yeah, thanks, doll,” the blonde at his shoulder winks. You don’t miss the elbow he receives from his seat partner.
You go to the bar and put in the order. You do a round to check in on your other tables, grabbing a few napkins at request and clearing plates. When the drinks are set out neatly on a tray, you carry them to the booth and dole them out.
“So, are we starting with an appetizer?” You ask.
“We’ll do some nachos,” the man across from Bucky says, “thanks, sweetie.”
“Beef, chicken, or veggie?”
“Chicken,” he answers.
“Hey, I know you,” the blond drapes his arm over the side of the booth, “you’re the neighbour girl.”
“Steve,” Bucky reproaches under his breath.
“What? It was killing me. I just couldn’t place the face.”
Bucky utters your name, almost reluctant to do so, “I’m just out with buddies,” he explains, “buncha old men catching up;” he jabs his thumb towards the man beside him, “Steve, Thor,” he points to the other blonde then to the man across from him, “Sam.”
“Sounds like fun,” you chirp, “well, I’ll go get those nachos. Are we planning on entrees?”
“We’ll just share the chips,” Bucky assures.
Sam leans back and pats his chest, “heartburn.”
You humour him with a smile and nod before spinning away. You flit off and head for the kitchen. It’s strange seeing Mr. Barnes– Bucky outside the neighbourhood. He’s always just been next door. Odder even seeing him without his family. Well, you guess he deserves the break. Every time you see him, he’s on his way somewhere.
The night wears on. Your shifts always pass quickly as you’re kept afoot by patrons and managers alike. Several times you find yourself visiting Bucky’s table to top up drinks and they grow rowdy as the game comes on the big screen. 
You’re almost amused as you’ve never seen your neighbour like this. He’s always so stern and standoffish. A small wave as he mows the lawn or a ‘morning’ as you pass by him unlocking his car. Even your father claimed he was the most serious man he’d ever met.
“Sweetheart,” Sam smiles at you as clear the empties, “can we get our check? I gotta get them out of here before they break something.”
“Sure thing,” you say as you stack the tray with bottles and glasses, “separate or together?”
“Together. I’ll have to chase them down for the difference,” Sam answers.
As you take the clear Corona bottle from in front of Bucky, he rests his chin in his hand and watches you. Your eyes meet his and your cheeks round even more. He’s definitely drunk.
“Hi,” he babbles.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes,” you return.
“I told you, it’s Bucky,” he grins.
“Bucky,” you repeat, “you want some water?”
He sits up and drags his elbow off the table, “I guess I should…”
“For all of them,” Sam says from your other side, “please.”
“Alright, check and waters.”
You almost click your heels before you sweep off on your mission. It’s almost closing time and the place is sparse. A few stragglers along the bar but no more hectic families of screaming toddlers breaking crayons and tossing napkins.
You go to the till and print out the bill and grab a handheld from the charger. You place both on your cleared tray and fill three glasses of water. You carry them back to your last table and gently set the condensating drinks before each diner. Sam takes the bill as he holds his card between two fingers.
“You go to school?” Steve’s voice startles you before you can summon small talk.
“Uh, yeah, second year,” you answer him.
“I thought so,” he says, “college girls…”
“Shut up, Rogers,” Bucky grumbles, putting his hand up to block out Steve, “ignore him. He’s trashed.”
“Speak for yourself,” Steve swats his hand down and receives a swipe back. 
The men slap at each others’ hands as Thor stands and leans over, his size deterring the men as he shoves their arms apart, “enough. Or I’ll drag you out like stray cats.”
You try not to show your discomfort as Sam hands you back the machine and it loudly prints his receipt. You offer him a copy but he insists you go and enjoy your night. You bid them all the same and set off to clear the last of your tables.
Your coworkers start their own closing tasks and the music turns off as closing time hits. You glance up, everyone’s gone. You go back to the booth and gather up the mostly untouched glasses of water and wipe it down. With your tables done, you turn in your apron and go to get your cut of the tips. Your tally comes up higher than you expect thanks to the table of middle-aged men.
You head out the back door and round to the front of the shining marquee. You’ll uber home since your mom is out of town. As you step up on the little pavement lip in front of the restaurant, a figure stands from their perch on the ground. You don’t recognise Bucky until he says your name.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” You ask as you lower your phone.
“Ah, well, me and Steve…” he rubs his neck and chuckles, “I’m waiting on a cab but none have passed by.” He shrugs, “plus, I figured we’re headed in the same direction…”
“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess,” you say, “I was just ordering an uber. Kinda don’t like taking them alone so late at night anyway.”
“Great,” he slurs, “uh, sorry about tonight. My friends are… a lot.”
“It’s fine, you were having a good time,” you select a ride and black out your phone. “Just make sure you drink lots of water.”
“Hmm,” he hums, “you’re so nice… I’ll be fine, you know? I can take care of myself.”
“I know, I just… I hate hangovers.”
“Oh? Didn’t take you for a drinker?”
“Well, don’t tell mom but once in a while.”
“My lips are sealed,” he surprises you as he reaches to squeeze your shoulder. “And I’ve never broken a promise to a pretty girl.”
You want to laugh. He’s tipsy and it’s kind of cute. The glare of headlights flash over you and he drops his arm away from you. The uber approaches and you check the plate, pointing Bucky in ahead of you. 
He sidles over the seat and yawns as you climb in next to him. The driver confirms your destination as you let yourself relax against the seat. The tension of your shift slowly drifts away.
Bucky slowly slides until he’s leaning against you, “I’ll pay you back for the ride,” he grumbles as he rests his head on your shoulder. 
The tension seeps back into you but you try not to overthink it. He’s just your neighbour, a friendly neighbourhood dad, a bit discombobulated from his night out. He probably doesn’t get many of those.
“Been a long time since I went home with a girl like you,” he chuckles.
You laugh, a nervous tickle in your throat as his weight bears down on you. You can smell a hint of citrus from his hair. Hopefully he’ll forget this all by the morning.
You’re quiet as the driver continues on. By the time you get to your street, you’re sure Bucky’s fallen asleep. You’re worried about getting him back to his place. As you get close to your house, you point the driver to the house right beside your own. That’ll be easier.
To your surprise, Bucky sits up and lets out a sleepy grumble. You thank the driver as your neighbour grabs onto your hand and tugs you towards his side as he opens the door. You let him and he clings to you as the uber leaves you in the shadow of the Barnes’ abode.
“Let’s go to bed,” he pulls you towards the walkway.
“Bucky,” you utter, “uh, Mr. Barnes?”
Is he that drunk? He must not realise you’re not his wife. You look around. You don’t see her car. That explains his little boys’ night. She’s probably visiting family again so he’s all alone.
“Hey,” you laugh unevenly as he drags you up onto the porch. He’s very strong. “Mr. Barnes, it’s me.”
He stops and sways. He squints at you and feels his pockets, jangling his keys through the fabric. He steadies himself and grins. His eyes hold yours, drowning you in pools of oceanic blue.
“I know,” he says soberly, “it’s you.”
You stare at him in confusion, blinking as he slides his hand into his pocket. You glance over your shoulder at the dark siding of your parents’ house. You face him again as he pulls his keys out but drops them between his shoes. You put your phone in your purse and shift the bag to rest on your hip.
“I should– oop,” you look down, “Mr. Barnes,” you bends to grab the keys, “alright, I’ll just get you inside and head home.” You stand up and hold up his keys, “which one?”
He points to the square gold one and you shove it into the slot. You push the door inward and gesture him ahead of you. He shuffles over the threshold, tripping before barely catching himself on the frame. You follow him in and look around cautiously. You’ve never been inside.
“Let’s get you to the couch, Mr. Barnes,” you grab his arm as he wobbles, “you just need to sleep this off–”
You tug on his arm but he doesn’t budge. Once more, all unsteadiness fades and he’s suddenly immovably still. He turns his head slowly and puts his hand over yours.
“I told you,” he faces you as he guides your hand up his arm, “it’s Bucky.”
“Um, alright, uh–”
He backs you up and you collide with the door, the impact forcing it shut. You gulp and press yourself against the inside as he pens you in, clutching your hand to his shoulder. The beer on his breath mingles with the citrusy scent that cloys from him.
“Mr. Barnes, what–”
“Shhh,” his hand slips from your and he grips your chin, “it’s okay–”
He smothers your protest with a kiss. You’re too stunned to do more than flatten yourself against the door. His grip makes your jaw ache as his other hand crawls up your thigh. You squirm and push against his shoulder with a whine.
He doesn’t relent. He pushes his foot between yours, edging them apart as he picks your fly open. You curl your fingers, jabbing your nails into him. He growls but doesn’t stop.
You turn your head, forcing your mouth away from his.
“Mr. Barnes… Bucky, please–”
He hushes you again as his hand falls from chin to throat. He squeezes, crushing out any hope of screaming for help. He nuzzles into the side of your neck, his nose tickling the line of your jaw. You whimper as his hand delves beneath the cotton of your panties.
His fingertips brush along your trimmed vee of hair and he swirls the short curls with a purr. He extends his middle finger, feeling along your folds and dipping between. He flicks his finger back and forth, exploring you until he finds your clit. He rolls his finger, stoking a heat beneath his touch.
You wriggle and trail your hand down his arm, gripping his wrist as you fight him. You’re too weak. You croak through your tight throat as you try to fight the swirling tide building with the friction of his roughened fingertip. This can’t be happening.
He’s drunk. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s not like this.
A million thoughts race with as many sensations. You stand on your toes as your muscles knots and the tension coils in your core. You shouldn’t feel like this. This is wrong. This isn’t real. Your eyes roll back and you hide behind your eyelids.
His finger glides as you slicken against him. He quickens his pace, toying with you as he breathes against your neck, puffing damply as his hand remains firm on you. He keeps you pinned as he goads your body on, fueling a fire you’ve never lit before.
You squeak as you twitch without permission. You succumb to the brewing storm, blown away in the whirlwind as your mind is stifled by your body. You gulp and gasp, your hand slipping down to his chest as your other falls away from his arm.
“You’re so sexy,” he purrs as he lets you go.
You brace yourself against the door, breathless and paralysed as you watch him raise his hand. He presses his fingertips to his mouth and you see the glisten on them. He pushes them inside and sucks them clean with a growl.
“And so sweet, baby,” he steps forward, crowding you again.
The afterglow has you helpless. He feels along your side as his other hand wanders down your leg. He pulls your knee up and brings himself flush to you. He bends his knees as he presses his crotch into yours. You murmur at the hot weight between you. 
He curls his arm around your neck and your head lolls back. He bows to kiss you, devouring you as he slowly rocks his hip. A fiery heat builds between the layers of fabric, the friction of your seam rubs you through the damp cotton of your panties.
He gasps into your mouth as his pace quickens. The door shifts and squeaks with his motion as he pounds you into it, hips pumping as his bulge pokes through his jeans rigidly. Your head droops to the side and his wet lips smear over your cheek. He bites into your ear lobe and snarls.
Another tickle flares and you moan. A small burst that has you just as senseless. Your delight leaks onto your panties, spreading to the edges.
“Mmmmm,” he hums and releases the pinch of his bite, “fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me go– right in my–” he chokes as his fingertips sink into the bottom of your thigh and he pulls your leg higher, “jeans–”
He shakes and lets out a long rattle, sprinkled with deep groans and soft mewls. He leans into you completely and shudders, stilling at last. He sinks down with you, bringing you to straddle him as his knees meet the floor.
You heave and lift your head, gaping at him as his eyelids droop sleepily. He smiles, the expression crinkling around his eyes. He leans in and kisses you again, nibbling on your lower lip before pulling away.
“I won’t tell your mom about that either, kitten.”
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ladyannemarie5 · 10 months
Okay. So, I was finally able to sit down and properly watch The Witcher Vol. 2.
Things we learned/confirmed about our bard in Vol. 2:
He thinks there's nothing under Radovid's mask.
Chose his family over his love.
He knows all the smuggling routes in Oxenfurt thanks to his work as the Sandpiper.
Even though Radovid broke his heart, he wanted to help him to run away
His singing is so beautiful that it makes the dryads cry
Milva, welcome to Jaskier's harem (The Hansa is becoming more and more real).
Geralt's best friend
Sings love songs in elder (for Geralt obviously)
Ciri considers him 100% her family
He doesn't know that Radovid was more than willing to leave his position as prince to go after him (my heart can't take this)
He doesn't know that he is no longer the crush of the prince of Redania but now he is the crush of the King of Redania
Frivolity as a coping mechanism (because of course he'd write at least 3 songs and an epic poem about Geralt's death).
He sits and stands next to a wounded Geralt (just as in the fanfics *cry*).
He holds Geralt's hand when he's hurt and Geralt leans on him (as in the fanfics).
Knows the ingredients of Witcher potions (Maybe Vesemir himself taught him *father-in-law-son-in-law moment* or maybe Geralt himself taught him *husbands moment*)
He's the emotional support bard for EVERYONE (Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri and even Dara) but who the hell is my baby's emotional support?
He writes his songs seeing Geralt being Witcher (as in the fanfics :3).
He doesn't know that Rience is dead
Geralt is his personal bodyguard who will brutally kill whoever touches his bard (once again, just as in the fanfics \^^/)
Jaskier knows that the brooch is important to Geralt and possibly knows about Renfri.
Geralt even trusts him with his sword
He finally has a fucking horse, and it better be named Pegasus.
And once again, Joey Batey is the love of my life.
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racefortheironthrone · 2 months
A Guildsman Goes Forth to War, Inciting Event and Main Characters
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Inciting Event:
The city of Brugghe is one of the largest and richest in all of Europe. It is a center of vertically- and horizontally-integrated textile production in wool, cotton, linen, and silk, and the people wear their reputation on their richly-dyed, patterned, and embroidered backs. As the northernmost of the cloth fairs that stretch all the way from Gallia to the southernmost reaches of the ancient Kingdom of Lotharingia), and the confluence of the North Sea and the Rhine, Brugghe is a natural entrepôt between the merchants of the Hansa and the commercial republics of the Lega, and thus one of the leading financial centers on the Continent.
A bustling cosmopolis of two hundred thousand souls, with a lively Foreign Quarter representing merchants and bankers from Portugal and the Basques to a half-dozen Lega republics to representatives of the Sublime Porte. In Brugghe, even the poorest and least educated rural migrants are bilingual (even if they insist on speaking only Gallician or Imperial), a respectable burgher is expected to speak at least four, and a man is considered educated only if he speaks six. A center of the printing trade (and thanks to its dyeing industry, a lively art scene), it is an unusually literate city, only more so thanks to the recently-established University.
For the last thirty years, the city has been ruled by the tolerant but firm hand of Baron Froederick van Zonder Vrees, although for the last ten the day-to-day governance has been conducted in his name by his significantly younger wife due to a long and lingering illness that has forced the Baron to a sickbed and (accoridng to reports) to his deathbed. Although by all reports a loving and capable partnership, the Baron and Baronness are childless. If the Baron should pass, what shall become of Brugghe?
Main Characters:
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Margrit van Zonder Vrees (née Marguerite de Corbenic), Baronness of Brugghe
The daughter of a noble family from Brittany (with extended ties to Cornwall and south Wales) with a strong Gentry heritage of elfkind, Margrit (or Marguerite, depending on whether she's speaking in Gallician or Imperial) was sent to the Burgundian court following a romantic indescretion in her youth, where she became one of the court beauties and a poetess beside, reknowned for the strength of her Glamour and wit alike.
At the age of twenty, she was married to the significantly older Froederick van Zonder Vrees as part of diplomatic efforts to maintain Gallician/Imperial harmony in the Low Countries. Despite the age gap between the two, Froederick came to respect his bride's surprisingly well-educated mind and supported her patronage of the newly-founded University and the city's cultural industries, while Margrit came to admire her husband's commitment to light-handed and tolerant governance that had seen Brugghe reach heights of prosperity that it had not seen since the collapse of the Flemish revolt.
When Froederick began to fall ill, Margrit smoothly gained influence within the Baronial Council of State that governed the city until she became the Regent in all but name. At the outset of A Guildsman Goes Forth to War, Marguerite's dilemma is that she has no child to pass the title to upon her husband's death - and due to the complicated mix of family intermarriages, there will be claimants from both the Kingdom of Gallia and the Sacrum Imperium.
[Need to find a good picture]
Ludovico "Malasangue," Captain-General of the Bonafortuna Mercenary and Insurance Company, graduate of the University of Padua, and guildsman of the Arte dei Giudici e Notai of Florentia.
The younger son of the Bilancia banking family, Ludovico was the subject of considerable scandal, for from birth it was quite clear that he was Gentry-born of some rare and unknown lineage, while neither his mother nor his father had any such connexions. A brawler of violent temper, Ludovico was packed off to Padua by his decidely chilly and aloof father to avoid embarrassment - and to ensure that he would have a career that would avoid any interference with his older (some would say "legitimate") brother's inheritance of the family business.
The curriculum at the great university of the hills seemed to calm the intemperate youth and Ludo proved to be quite adept at both the Old Learning of the trivium et quadrivium, the New Learning of the studia humanitatis, and his chosen degree in Law. It was widely expected that, upon his graduation and return to the city of his birth, he would take up a respectable and conventional career in the leading Arti Maggiori. Thus, it came as something of a surprise when instead Ludovico and some of his university friends announced the formation of a new kind of mercenary company.
The Bonafortuna Mercenary and Insurance Company would be made up not of impoverished noblemen and ambitious peasants, but entirely of urban guildsmen recruited from among the Lega. In times of peace, the Company would make its income from providing a comprehensive suite of services from messenger and parcel post to commercial and residential insurance to private security, to individual and municipal clients alike - with significant discounts for joint customers of the condottieri side of the business.
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bourbon-the-huckster · 3 months
anyway this is now a Grandpa Yermak stan account and here's why:
he's been living with the heartbreak of losing his wife and son when the bombs fell
he only stayed working for Hansa because he was afraid for the safety of his daughter, his last surviving family member, until she died of TB
continues working out of hopelessness, he has nowhere to go and nobody to turn to...
... until this one weird ranger who's supposed to be shot dead crawls up from under a manhole cover, in search of his wife, and suddenly there is hope
latches on to the smallest chance to change the status quo, to atone for how long he's been unwillingly complicit in Hansa's mass-murders
risks his life to help these two rangers whom he's only just met, because you know damn well that if anyone from Hansa caught him he'd be shot
he didn't have to do this! he could've let Artyom out of the room you start in, wished him luck, and stayed put! but he didn't!
becomes a vital and beloved (look at how sweet he is to Nastya!) part of the Aurora crew, the only reason the ol' gal keeps running
and, in a weird sort of way, finally gets to live-out his pre-war dream of travelling the railroads of Russia
in conclusion: i love this old man, i want to give him soup and listen to him tell all the stories he's definitely accumilated over the years :)
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ad15124 · 8 months
ok so update:
1. I'm friends with all my flatmates atp
2. I'm kind of the silly/funny one, sabko hansa kar khoon badhati hoon
3. college is...fun? but college lectures are not. they're so tremendously boring lord
4. I'm behind on work. college officially started literally 2 weeks ago and I'm behind on work ;-;;
5. I feel like everyone sees me as a baccha. kinda means they're comfortable around me so that's ok ig
6. no romantic anything yet (not even a crush. kinda sad tbh)
7. drank alcohol. 4% ka ek pint energy drink + vodka but oh well
8. went clubbing + to bars. overrated imo, but the walk back and staying awake till the morning just talking once we're at the accom is a lot of fun
9. talked to family talked to friends feeling happy
10. homesickness hits worse when alone, so surround yourself w people
yeahhhh thazzit, peace ✌️
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andordean · 6 days
11, 16, 25, 32 for the new Author's ask (you find it pinned atop my tumblr) because I am curious.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
CIRI. Because she decided to invade my brain and forced me to write her a path she would be happier on, because she got me into writing, because she's mostly ignored by the fandom for reasons unknown*.
Pairings: a few years back when I was more active in the fandom, I would read any pairing with her (except for familial, and Mistle), and I discovered some amazing writers in the process. Now, I mostly read Ciri/Cahir if there's anything new at all published, because spoons are low.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I'm likely to devour any hansa lives AU (a favourite), because all of them deserve better.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
A dictionary to check whether the word I'm planning to use means what I think it means. 😂
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read?
Around 5k, I'm struggling nowadays with reading fic, low energy that I'm trying to direct to offline things.
Thanks @valandhirwriter ! 💜
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panur · 8 months
Radovid Joins the Hansa
At the Radskier discord we are Goncharov-ing what Radovid-joins-the-hansa (aka: Hansovid) AU would be like and here's some of the ideas shared so far:
the exact details on HOW this happens are not set in stone (Did Radovid escape before Vizimir got offed, leaving Pip and Siggi without a convenient spare? After? More importantly, does he have the annuity??), but some headcanons are:
Art major nerd perk, Radovid knows a lot about slightly more practical things, like art, history and architecture and sometimes weird law facts that he personally found interesting
barding- under Jaskier's tutelage, Radovid's playing has improved dramatically, which is great because unlike jaskier who is kind of recognizable, Radovid can more easily go into towns as a perfectly average, unremarkable bard, making getting items/information while keeping anonymity (they usually pair him up w Regis for safety reasons)
Very good at looking dumb and pretty and quite pathetic which makes people underestimate him more
Courtly training so he's polite and educated… and good at remembering faces and names.
THE ONE NORMAL PERSON IN THIS GROUP. Radovid often ends up being the most sensible/practical person in a situation simply by process of elimination. Radovid will read a potion saying 'drink me' and...not do it. He'll see spoopy shit and walk the fuck out. He's the guy who asks who's on the other side before opening to sus knocking.
he's very bad at athletic stuff and takes awhile to build stamina, but at least this time everyone's got horses and boots so it balances out
Radovid is not good at self defense BUT does have some concept of swordsmanship/archery… from like like 20 years ago. He is, however, decided not to be a burden and not to get left behind. He's especially invested in protecting Jaskier- who Radovid is horrified to find- is even more useless than he himself is (bitch you live like this??).; Because Radovid has common sense and self preservation instincts, things jaskier is mostly lacking).
he eventually starts getting lessons from Cahir and Milva when time permits, and healing stuff from Regis. He's got excellent memory and attention to detail, but remains average at swordsmanship/archery.
he is, however, fairly good with a crossbow (no the wrist ones from TW3, the bigger ones ).
he also gets a cute ponytail/braid and smiles more! (original art by naumaxia-art)
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Still too weaksauce for the path?
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we've named him 'Faro', after a type of Cintran beer
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He's a Polish Tatra Sheepdog and was acquired by the group when Geralt was handling a monster infestation. Unfortunately neither the puppo's owners, nor his sheep were spared, but puppo not only survived, but saved Jask and Radovid and became extremely protective of them.
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I imagine the acquisition goes something like:
Geralt: absolutely not. Radovid: I'm calling for a vote! Milva: You. You're calling for a vote? Radovid: why not? is this not a democracy? Radovid: I'm of course voting to keep him. Jaskier: I second the vote to keep the very handsome boy! Angoulême: come on Geralt, we'd never have found where the Barghest were coming from without him, AND he saved your bard from walking straight into it. Jaskier: yes Geralt, he saved your bard! Geralt: fine, then I vote no. Milva: I'm not taking care of any more mutts than I have to Radovid: he's clearly purebred! Cahir: still no. Geralt: see? We are done here Angoulême: *the little shit* nunca hasn't voted yet. Geralt: *sigh* Regis, can you please tell them so we can leave? Regis: Geralt: Regis. Geralt: Regis, no Regis: *trying not to smile like he's entirely charmed* … well, he is a very handsome boy.
In the end Regis suggest they at least try to get him to civilization so he can be adopted by a good family, but in the week it takes to get to it, Faro proves himself the MVP, not only will it defend the weakest party members, but it's a vert smart dog who will deter wolves/and will bodily shepherd jaskier away from dangerous areas/items as needed.
the one and only drawback is that Jaskier and Radovid can no longer have obnoxiously loud sex since Faro gets stressed thinking they're getting hurt and will try to intervene, effectively cockblocking them.
Finally Geralt gets some (relative) #blessedsilence
Geralt: *hugging the dog* I'm so sorry i ever doubted you
feel free to add to this!
#it's free real estate prompt just tag me so i can read
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astaldis · 7 months
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Chapters: 1/1      Words: 1,111 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cahir Mawr Dryffyn aep Ceallach & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Geralt of Rivia & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy Characters: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher), Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Additional Tags: Nightmares, Dreams and Nightmares, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, REGIS IS THE BEST, Regis saves the night, The Hansa | Geralt's Company (The Witcher), The Hanza, some sexual content, Non-con Elements, Spooky, the magical effect of herbal tea, warmth, Friendship, Enemies to Friends, Post-The Witcher (TV) Season 3, spooky smubbles
Summary: "Kiss me!" she orders, her emerald green eyes gleaming with lust. However, it is not lust of the kind you would expect when you are told to kiss the girl - no, the princess. It is blood-lust her eyes are shimmering with ...
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51356254
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Quick worldbuilding hack, if you want to make a coherent political system for your fantasy world:
Basically, between the fall of Rome and early modern times, in Europe* most political organization wasn't actually kingdoms ruled by One True King like it's usual in fantasy, but something like this:
Feudalism: here, the center of power was not the nation (there was little concept of such thing) or the state, and not even the King, but the landowners (from kings to dukes to counts...) and their network of vassalages to each other. There were no "countries" but rather hereditary titles, and the people who held them. There was little of a true state besides what individual rulers did; they didn't even have formal armies as such, but rather the vassals who provided them, they and could have multiple allegiances. Examples are of course the Holy Roman Empire (neither holy, etc. etc.) France (note that the 100 Years War was a dispute about titles rather than France vs. England), Spain (actually a bunch of kingdoms and crowns rather than a country), etc...
"Empires": A state where a central goverment exerts power over other territories and peoples. These are rather familiar to us, because a formal state exists here, and the ruler is more powerful and often does have a standing arming and administration instead of relying on vassals. Here, there is a bureacracy and a claim to rule a territory, and while they might have vassals and prominent artistocratic families (everyone did) their administration was state-based, not allegiance based. The Roman Empire is the most imperial empire, as well as its cringefail successor the Byzantine Empire, but note that the great Islamic empires also had this kind of administration, with governors appointed and confirmed by the imperial court.
City-States: Basically a powerful city (though they were often the size of small towns, still, very rich) ruled by a local aristocracy, sometimes hereditary, sometimes elected from a few families or guilds, or a mix of both, and in some cases ruled by religious authorities. These could be independent or organized in alliances, but were often vassals of more powerful goverments such as above. Cities are in many way the building brick of larger states; of note, in the Ancient Mediterranean before Rome conquered it all, leagues of city-states were the main powers. Medieval and Early Modern independent city states were the Italian city states of course, and a famous league was the Hansa (many of its members themselves vassals of other powers)
Tribes and Clans: Every culture is different with this, but basically here the centre of power is the relationships between families and kinship. If this sounds familiar to Feudalism, you've been paying attention; Feudalism is what happened when the Roman empire and administration fell, and it was replaced by landowners and their ties of vassalage and allegiances.
Now, besides the history lesson, why is this important? Because there are reasons why rulers had their power, and you should know that.
A king never ruled alone. He was only the head of nobles tied by vassallage (feudalism), or the head of a inherited state bureaucracy and army ("empire"). If you killed the king, another one would rise from the prominent families. Often by bloody civil wars or conquest yes, but the system overall would stay. A king did not reign by its own power or virtue, but because the system itself supported him, and of course, he maintained the system.
A new king who wants to replace the bad old king (a common fantasy storyline) needs to also deal with the allegiances of all its vassals (who would probably rather kill him and take the throne themselves) or build a bureaucracy and an army, supremely expensive endeavors in those times, which took decades if not centuries to build. In fact, the Byzantines and the Arabs inherited most of their state aparatus, in one way or the other, from the Romans.
This is also why these systems lasted so long, too. The appearance of modern republics and other systems of goverment needed the coordination of people and revolutions that did not just kill the king, but also replace it with something else, and for that you need literacy, economic changes, an empowered populace... But that's for another time.
I hope this is fucking helpful because I don't want to spell allegiance ever again.
*I would love to do more about goverments outside Europe, especially Precolombine American ones like the redistrubitionist state-based economy of the Incas, or the Mesoamerican city-states. But that's for another time.
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ae-azile · 2 months
Azile's OC Round Up, Part 3 - Progression OCs.
Since I am actively updating this story, I decided to make the list of my prominent Progression OCs. I will likely add Fern and Milan to part 4.
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Introduced in: Chapter 1 of Progression
Age: 36
Profession: Major Family Bodyguard
Characteristics: hardworking, morally ambiguous, loving brother, quick to feel resentment
Importance: Chay's first sexual partner.
Origin: Ex-cop, orphan. Became a bodyguard to bail his troubled younger brother out of jail. Became enamored by Chay's growing confidence, abilities, and muscles. Despite their age gap and first time being sudden, they slept together a few more times. Chay declined the offer to go out on a date, then slept with Vice's roommate not too long after. This was a problem because Vice has been in a FWB situation with his roommate for a while, so he felt betrayed by both of them.
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Introduced in: Chapter 9 of Progression
Age: 26
Profession: Major Family Bodyguard
Characteristics: Loyal, quiet, friendly, relatively strong moral compass despite job
Importance: Chay's previous sexual partner, the only one he considers a friend.
Origin: Has very little family outside of the compound. Comes from foster care. Took the job for stability and a place to live, stayed for the friendships. Would have been open to dating Chay, but okay with being friends too. They work out together and sometimes have semi-heartfelt conversations. Honestly a pretty good guy.
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Introduced in: Chapter 7 of Progression
Age: 33
Profession: Psychotherapist
Characteristics: Patient, understanding, trustworthy, calm, professional
Importance: Kim's therapist, and she has actually made some strides with him.
Origin: Lane is the older cousin of Tay. She is his mother's sister's daughter. While her immediate family is not directly involved with the mafia, she grew up close enough to Tay to know some of the traumas that occurred. Kinn already knew her and was on good terms with her due to Tay, so he reached out after it became clear Kim needed extensive treatment in order to feel better. Kim genuinely likes her, and would probably not be able to switch to a new therapist easily, or possibly at all.
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Introduced: In Progression, Tankhun mentions visiting her in Chapter 20, and she is introduced in Chapter 22 officially. Versions of her character are also mentioned/included in The Masks Series, Lay Me Down to Sleep, and I Do (Not Understand What's Going On).
Age: 34
Profession: Litigation Paralegal
Characteristics: Kind, ambitious, maternal, excellent multitasker
Importance: Arm's older sister
Origin: Malai as a general character was first introduced in 5, 3, 1, and On, which is a novel length prequel to Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel told solely from Arm's POV. In that, she lives with her younger sisters and is characterized as a hardworking sisterly/motherly figure due to rescuing Arm and the girls from the human trafficking situation they were all in. In this universe, she is more career oriented, but still a motherly figure at heart. She adopted her foster siblings after becoming of age from a really abusive and traumatic household. Arm is six years younger than Malai, but the next oldest and the only boy in their family. He often feels a need to make up for her sacrifices, but she makes them happily. A year before Progression, she had a close friend pass away, leaving behind twin toddler girls. While she balanced the motherly/sisterly role with Arm, Hansa, Nalin, and Preeda, she sees Tida and Priya as her daughters now. She doesn't have much interest in marriage or romance. A history of abuse partially plays into this, but it just isn't her thing. She likes being independent in that regard.
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Introduced: Chapter 22 of Progression, but versions of her character are also mentioned/included in The Masks Series, Lay Me Down to Sleep, and I Do (Not Understand What's Going On).
Age: 26
Profession: Horticulturist/Florist
Characteristics: Quiet, Non-judgmental, cautious, kind, carries a lot of trauma, but has been doing better
Importance: Arm's younger sister, Pol's love interest.
Origin: Roughly 18 months younger than Arm, Hansa was the person he was closest to growing up. In both this story and in 5, 3, 1, and On (although she had it even harder in 531). But in Progression, they grew up in an extremely abusive home where they were all traumatized, but the foster father took a particular interest in Hansa. Arm is protective of all of his sisters, but particularly her. She has been hurt a lot and struggled with her mental health when she was in her late teens to early twenties, but found solace in gardening and watching things bloom. She wants to find love, but the last time she tried went horribly. Other than Arm, she struggles with feeling comfortable around men. She was surprised to find Pol so friendly, fun, and approachable. Now that Arm and Tankhun are together and reach out more to spend time as a group, they often bring Pol. She actually looks forward to seeing him.
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Introduced in: Chapter 22 of Progression, but versions of her character are also mentioned/included in The Masks Series, Lay Me Down to Sleep, and I Do (Not Understand What's Going On).
Age: 20
Profession: Robotics Major, student librarian at university library
Characteristics: Highly intelligent, quick witted, smooth, tech-savvy, a romantic deep down.
Importance: Arm's younger sister, Macau's love interest.
Origin: Basically a mini female Arm, but more charismatic. Her main interests lie in further integrating and advancing robotics when it comes to the medical field and to help those living with disabilities live more freely and comfortably in their day to day lives. While she works hard and is a top student at her university, she is occasionally known to have fun. She did meet Macau at a party and had a night with him that felt magical. Is he an idiot for dropping his phone into a grate? Yes. Did she hold a grudge so she wouldn't feel sadness and rejection? Yes. But that's cleared up now, and they have been talking multiple times a day since her brother's party. She doesn't know if Arm will be thrilled about her potentially dating his boyfriend's cousin, and she loves and looks up to her older brother so much. But she likes Macau, so...🤷🏻‍♀️
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Introduced in: Chapter 22 of Progression, but versions of her character are also mentioned/included in The Masks Series, Lay Me Down to Sleep, and I Do (Not Understand What's Going On).
Age: 18 going on 19
Profession: Gap year. Looking into colleges, having fun until then.
Characteristics: confident, flirtatious, indecisive, attention seeking, challenging, family-oriented.
Importance: Arm's youngest sister
Origin: The youngest of Arm's foster siblings. Despite being the youngest when removed from their abusive situation, she witnessed a lot, which has caused certain rebellions, impulses, and avoidances in her. Her family worries, but keeps communication open. This helps, because she feels free and happy to talk with her siblings and share things with them. Came out as a lesbian at 15 and never looked back. Wishes Arm were more flamboyant and obvious in his own gay-leaning tendencies, so she's glad he's dating Tankhun, who is fabulous.
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fangirleaconmigo · 11 months
Today, I made a prayer candle with @honeylemontrashcat ‘s book Dandelion art sticker. Come look how great it turned out, folks!
1) Took out the sticker (and it’s gorgeous.)
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2) Then I got a dollar store vela.
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3) stuck it on, Aaand there he is.
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He has taken his place as the slutty uncle next to the witcher family. I have a cross-stitch of Yen, Geralt, and Ciri based on @astrolunos art. (I was gifted the cross stitch during the fandom craft swap) I also have another astrolunos piece of the hansa to the right.
I should actually do a witcher tour video of my house bc I have so much fanart.
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witcherwheeloftheyear · 5 months
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Yule Masterpost
all the works posted for the Yule event of Witcher Wheel of the Year
Apricity by Flakeblood
Trevor spends his first winter at Kaer Morhen. Though the weather is cold, the keep is far warmer than he'd hoped for.
An Overdue Gathering by Hyrulehearts1123, Sageclover61
After avoiding the subject for several years, Lambert is finally ready to introduce his husband to his family. If only he didn't feel like it was such a bad idea.
Jaskier's Jolly Yule Jumble by Molanna
Another festive event is coming up in Toussaint and Jaskier has the perfect idea for how to celebrate it with his Hansa. He only needs to convince Geralt and the others that his idea for their Yule party will be fun, lots of fun.
WWOTY Yule Prompt Fill by roughentumble
Set vaguely after Dandelion gets kidnapped by Rience. Hung strappado waiting for his captor to show his face, Dandelion has time to think-- and worry…
A Kind of Magic by bookscorpion
Eskel had a wild suspicion where Geralt was headed, but he was far from sure. The only thing he knew was that Geralt was not headed to some wine tasting with Count Whatshisname. Geralt has a secret, and Eskel wants to know
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