feminiel · 2 months
Reading has been a HUGE part on my healing process. I can't express enough how much it was needed and helpful. I have been on this journey mostly on my own, and reading has been my number one source of help. I would have never imagined reading so much in my life.
Each book I read felt like a guided choice. I highly believe that it was not random. Intuition can guide you to books that you need to read! I highly recommend following your intuitive guidance when deciding which book to read. It works wonders. You will surprise yourself and learn to listen to your intuition more often!
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theeofficialhabibi · 1 year
There are 12 Laws of the universe 🌌
The Law of Divine Oneness.
highlights the interconnectedness of all things
The Law of Vibration.
The higher the vibration, the longer lasting the effects are
The Law of Correspondence.
This law states that patterns repeat throughout the universe, and on a personal level, our reality is a mirror of what's happening inside us at that moment
The Law of Attraction.
argues that positive thoughts and actions reap positive rewards and vice versa for negative ones.
The Law of Inspired Action.
states that you must take real, actionable, inspired steps in order to achieve your goals and allow your dreams to manifest in your life.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.
States that energy (the nonphysical level of life) is always moving into physical form. Thoughts are energy, therefore any idea or image that is held in the mind and properly nourished must inevitably move into your 3D reality / physical reality
The Law of Cause and Effect.
states all action in the universe produce reactions and will return to you, the source, no matter what.
The Law of Compensation.
Is another restatement of the law of sowing and reaping. It says that
You will always be compensated for the efforts and for your contribution, however it is, however much or however little.
And once you combine these with your understanding of who God is, it shall all work in your favor. Amen
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nai-was-here · 3 months
While working on my mental health so I’ve realized I have neglected my spirituality. I want to reconnect, but I don’t really know how. I’m trying to find guidance on that. I’m optimistic that I’ll find my way back or find something brand new.
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idigitizellp21 · 7 months
Career Counselling in adulthood
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Career counseling in adulthood is a valuable resource that helps individuals navigate their professional paths at various stages of life. Unlike traditional career guidance for students, adult career counseling focuses on the unique challenges and opportunities that come with maturity and experience.
Here are some key points to consider while you opt for career counselling in adulthood:
Reassessing Goals: Many adults find themselves at a crossroads, wanting to explore new career paths or reevaluate their existing ones. Career counseling assists in clarifying personal and professional goals.
Skill Enhancement: As technology and industries evolve, adult career counseling can identify opportunities for skill development or retraining to stay competitive in the job market.
Transition Support: Whether shifting careers or returning to work after a break, career counselors can offer guidance on making smooth transitions, including resume building and interview preparation.
Work-Life Balance: Adults often have more responsibilities, like family and financial commitments. Career counselors help clients strike a balance between work and personal life.
Networking and Job Search: Building a professional network and conducting effective job searches become essential in adulthood. Career counselors can provide guidance on these aspects.
Self-Exploration: Many adults are at a stage where they reflect on their values, interests, and strengths. Career counseling helps in self-discovery, aligning personal values with career choices.
Overcoming Obstacles: Addressing issues like burnout, workplace stress, or job dissatisfaction is crucial. Career counselors assist in overcoming these challenges and finding solutions.
Financial Planning: Adult career counseling often includes financial planning to meet long-term goals, such as retirement or investing in further education.
Evolving Industries: Understanding industry trends and shifts is essential for career longevity. Counselors can provide insights into industries that are growing or changing.
Ageism: Addressing potential age-related discrimination in the job market is another important aspect of adult career counseling.
A quick wrap up:
In summary, career counseling in adulthood serves as a compass for individuals navigating the complexities of their professional lives. It offers support, guidance, and a structured approach to making informed career decisions and achieving personal and financial fulfillment.
– Urveez Kakalia.
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raintides · 7 months
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halsin's cozy bear hugs
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ao3-crack · 9 months
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spiritualseeker777 · 10 months
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juls-art · 5 months
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A Nat 1 is a Nat 1, but it's the thought that counts~
[expend a thieves tools] give him a lil kiss and roll again bbu
(っ˘з(QQ ) ♡
Kofi | Patreon    
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sufjeringstevens · 4 months
As someone who in highschool was told “you are clearly smart, so it is truly infuriating as your teacher that you have never turned in a single assignment.” This fantasy high season feels targeted.
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euphorictruths · 1 year
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feminiel · 1 month
Desires are feelings of divine guidance from our higher self. They come from the divine source. It wants to guide us to what our soul aspires to reach for its evolution.
I think many of our challenges happened because many of us didn't learned how to get what we desire. Instead, people around us discourage us in various ways from pursuing them, or they create blockages that prevent us from feeling and living our heart's desires. Not to mention that all sorts of traumas happen to all of us.
We end up making the wrong choices and decisions.
I think one of the big reasons for this is because of our wounded feminine nature. Our desires are part of our feminine energy. It's the energy of what we truly love, what's in the heart. It's the emotional energy of pleasure, joy, happiness. Desires are what connect us to our core self and higher self. I believe that desires are feelings that are highly in tune with the essence of our spiritual nature.
Everything mentioned above is about working on and healing divine feminine energy; addressing blockages within our heart, with our core self, our emotions of happiness and the connection to our spirituality.
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aluhnim · 6 months
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
I love love love when trans women* give advice to trans men* about """manly""" things and when trans men* return that kindness with advice about """womanly""" things. I love the intracommunity commitment to supporting each other <<3
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idigitizellp21 · 11 months
Why Invest In Career Counseling?
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Surveys have shown that up to 85 percent of students feel unequipped to make informed career decisions (Wheebox, 2018). Moreover, approximately 50 percent of the workforce are unhappy or feel disengaged in their current jobs (Gallup, 2022).
The statistics have shown an increasing trend, particularly in the post-pandemic times. These staggering numbers reinforce the idea that effective career guidance and counseling can serve as a backbone for higher employability given the unpredictable job world, and a burst of new career options.
Craving your own career path can be a daunting task. However, meeting a career counselor can be valuable in navigating through this phase by exploring the myriad options and making realistic decisions. These can be on a 1:1 or group basis and in educational or occupational contexts (Brown, 2021; Lent et al. 1994).
Career counseling has a rich history and has evolved from simply matching people to their job, typically males to the present form which addresses broader career development, readiness to cope and adjust and change or switch careers. While it goes by several names such as vocational guidance, it is conceptualized as a professional intervention to support the client’s journey of career, work or learning (Savickas, 2019). It is no longer thought of as an entry point into a job or educational field but a dynamic process which is reviewed at different points of the person’s life and how it fits with their larger narrative of life (Heppner & Heppner, 2004).
Typically career counseling encompasses the following stages (Osipow, 1982):
Interpretation: Feedback is given on the assessment results
Discussion: Respond to the information presented
Generation: Explore diverse possibilities
Synthesis: Selection of most suitable option
Career counseling is associated with a variety of benefits for the individual, economy and society. Davidson & Gilbert (1993) argued that career can form an integral part of personal identity as well. Right from your childhood, a person is questioned about their achievements and performance. Hence, this can be fundamental to their wellbeing and sense of worth. Moreover, with the growing strength of women in the workforce, understanding how careers are becoming a part of their identity is important as well.
It has been deliberated that career counseling can promote learning and engagement and thereby, lead to spillover on one’s own wellbeing. These benefits can especially be enhanced when mapped with a person’s values, abilities, interests and give the person meaning (Robertson, 2013). In fact, studies looking into the effectiveness of such interventions have shown that people with guidance can perform up to 80% better than the control group who received no intervention. Congruence of interests, abilities and personality can lead to better job success, satisfaction, self-esteem and performance. These desirable outcomes can catalyze life satisfaction and larger economic and societal parameters such as social equity, labor market functioning, economic growth and living standards (Hooley & Dodd, 2015; Keshf & Khanum, 2021). On the flip side, poor correspondence between a person and their work environment can lead to burnout and poor work adjustment (Hansen & Stoever, 2004).
Thus, it may be concluded that maximum compatibility between the individual’s resources, aspirations and their real time skills, experience and backgrounds can be powerful in making choices that maximize wellbeing (Junior, n.d).
Let’s put our heads together. It’s OK to NOT be OK! You are not alone. Serenity — Your Wellbeing Studio offers top-notch counseling services as they personalize every individual’s journey to a healthy life utilizing an array of strategies.
Schedule an appointment right away!
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go-see-a-starwar · 2 months
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RIP Ani 💀 [links: obi - ani - dala]
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mp100days · 2 years
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058 - small mob
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