#groomers office
thevintagevaultllc · 1 year
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killbaned · 5 months
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rufus when he knows what "nails done" in a sentence means and i keep talking about it and it keeps not happening
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emiko-matsui · 23 hours
brennan lee mulligan: bobby dawn is a southern televangelist for a bigoted religion who's gonna teach religion at a school with kids who work from tons of different denominations where he's gonna hold borderline sermons in class, triggering deep religious trauma from students, take away aid that's been given to neurodivergent students, fail students on personal grounds, and ignore a teenager breaking down crying in his office over something he did
us: wow he's the worst. he literally can't get any worse
brennan lee mulligan, about to reveal that he's also a groomer: hohoho
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Conservatives are fringe outliers - and leftists could learn from them
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The Republican Party, a coalition between Big Business farmers and turkeys who’ll vote for Christmas (Red Scare obsessed cowards, apocalyptic white nationalists, religious fanatics, etc) has fallen to its bizarre, violent, noisy radical wing, who are obsessed with policies that are completely irrelevant to the majority of Americans.
As Oliver Willis writes, the views of the radical right — which are also the policies of the GOP — are wildly out of step with the US political view:
The press likes to frame American politics as “narrowly divided,” but the reality is that Republicans’ electoral victories are due to voter suppression and antimajoritarian institutions (the Senate and Electoral College, etc), not popularity. Democrats consistently outperform the GOP in national races. Dems won majorities in 1992/6, and beat the GOP in 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020. The only presidential race the GOP won on popular votes since 1988 was 2004, when GW Bush eked out a plurality (not a majority).
But, as Willis says, Dems “act like it is 1984 and that they are outliers in a nation of Reagan voters,” echoing a stilted media narrative. The GOP’s platform just isn’t popular. Take the groomer panic: 71% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage. The people losing their shit about queer people are a strange, tiny minority.
Every one of the GOP’s tentpole issues is wildly unpopular: expanding access to assault rifles, banning immigration, lowering taxes on the rich, cutting social programs, forcing pregnant people to bear unwanted children, etc. This is true all the way up to the GOP’s coalescing support for Trump as their 2024 candidate. Trump has lost every popular vote he’s ever stood for, and owes his term in the Oval Office to the antimajoritarian Electoral College system, gerrymandering, and massive voter suppression.
Willis correctly points out that Dem leaders are basically “normal” center-right politicians, not radicals. And, unlike their GOP counterparts, politicians like Clinton, Obama and Biden don’t hide their disdain for the radical wing of their party. Even never-Trumper Republicans are afraid of their base. Romney declared himself “severely conservative” and McCain “put scare quotes around ‘health of the mother’ provisions for abortion rights.”
The GOP fringe imposes incredible discipline on their leaders. Take all the nonsense about “woke capitalism”: on the one hand, it’s absurd to call union-busting, tax-dodging, worker-screwing companies “woke” (even if they sell Pride flags for a couple of weeks every year).
But on the other hand? The GOP leadership have actually declared war on the biggest corporations in America, to the point that the WSJ says that “Republicans and Big Business broke up”:
But America is a two-party system and there are plenty of people who’ll pull the lever for any Republican. This means that when the GOP comes under the control of its swivel-eyed loon wing, the swivel-eyed loons wield power far beyond the number of people who agree with them.
There’s an important lesson there for Dems, whose establishment is volubly proud of its independence from its voters. The Biden administration is a weirdly perfect illustration of this “independence.” The Biden admin is a kind of referee, doling out policies and appointments to its competing wings, without any coherence or consistency.
That’s how you get incredible appointments like Lina Khan at the FTC and Jonathan Kanter at the DoJ Antitrust Division and Rohit Chopra at the Consumer Finance Protection Bureat — the progressive wing of the party bargained for these key appointments and then played their cards very well, getting incredible, hard-charging, hyper-competent fighters in those roles.
Likewise, Jared Bernstein, finally confirmed as Council of Economic Advisers chair after an interminable wrangle:
And Julie Su, acting labor secretary, who just delivered a six-year contract to west coast dockworkers with 8–10% raises in the first year, paid retroactively for the year they worked without a contract:
But the Biden admin’s unwillingness to side with one wing of the party also produces catastrophic failures, like the martyrdom of Gigi Sohn, who was subjected to years of vicious personal attacks while awaiting confirmation to the FCC, undefended by the Biden admin, left to twist in the wind until she gave it up as a bad job:
It’s how we get key roles filled by do-nothing seatwarmers like Pete Buttigieg, who has the same sweeping powers that Lina Khan is wielding so deftly at the FTC, but who lacks either the will or the skill to wield those same powers at the Department of Transport:
By refusing to stand for anything except a fair division of powers among different Democratic Party blocs, the Biden admin ends up undercutting itself. Take right to repair, a centerpiece of the administration’s agenda, subject of a historic executive order and FTC regulation:
Right to Repair fights have been carried out at the state level for years, with the biggest victory coming in Massachusetts, where an automotive R2R ballot initiative won overwhelming support in 2020:
But despite the massive support for automotive right to repair in the Bay State, Big Car has managed to delay the implementation of the new law for years, tying up the state in expensive, time-consuming litigation:
But eventually, even the most expensive delaying tactic fails. Car manufacturers were set to come under the state right to repair rule this month, but they got a last minute reprieve, from Biden’s own National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, who sent urgent letters to every major car manufacturer, telling them to ignore the Massachusetts repair law:
The NHTSA repeats the car lobby’s own scare stories about “cybersecurity” that they blitzed to Massachusetts voters in the runup to the ballot initiative:
The idea that cybersecurity is best maintained by letting powerful corporations gouge you on service and parts is belied by independent experts, like SecuRepairs, who do important work countering the FUD thrown off by the industry (and parroted by Biden’s NHTSA):
Independent security experts are clear that letting owners of high-tech devices decide who fixes them, what software they run, etc, makes us safer:
But here we are: the Biden admin is sabotaging the Biden admin, because the Biden admin isn’t an administration, it’s a system for ensuring proportional representation of different parts of the Democratic Party coalition.
This isn’t just bad for policy, it’s bad politics, too. It presumes that if some Democratic voters want pizza, and others want hamburgers, that you can please everyone by serving up pizzaburgers. No one wants a pizzaburger:
The failure to deliver a coherent, muscular vision for a climate-ready, anti-Gilded Age America has left the Democrats vulnerable. Because while the radical proposals of the GOP fringe may not enjoy much support, there are large majorities of Americans who have lost faith in the status quo and are totally uninterested in the Pizzaburger Party.
Nowhere is this better explained than in Naomi Klein’s superb long-form article on RFK Jr’s presidential bid in The Guardian:
Don’t get me wrong, RFK Jr is a Very Bad Politician, for all the reasons that Klein lays out. He’s an anti-vaxxer, a conspiracist, and his support for ending American military aggression, defending human rights, and addressing the climate emergency is laughably thin.
But as Klein points out, RFK Jr is not peddling pizzaburgers. He is tapping into a legitimate rage:
a great many voters are hurting and rightfully angry: about powerful corporations controlling their democracy and profiting off disease and poverty. About endless wars draining national coffers and maiming their kids. About stagnating wages and soaring costs. This is the world — inflamed on every level — that the two-party duopoly has knowingly created.
RFK Jr is campaigning against “the corrupt merger between state and corporate power,” against drug monopolies setting our national health agenda, and polluters capturing environmental regulators.
As Klein says, despite RFK Jr’s willing to say the unsayable, and tap into the yearning among the majority of American voters for something different, he’s not running a campaign rooted in finally telling the American public “the truth.” Rather, “public discourse filled with unsayable and unspeakable subjects is fertile territory for all manner of hucksters positioning themselves as uniquely courageous truth tellers.”
We’ve been here before. Remember Trump campaigning against a “rigged system” and promising to “make America great again?” Remember Clinton’s rejoinder that “America was already great?” It’s hard to imagine a worse response to legitimate outrage — over corporate capture, declining wages and living conditions; and spiraling health, education and shelter costs.
Sure, it was obvious that Trump was a beneficiary of the rigged system, and that he would rig it further, but at least he admitted it was rigged, not “already great.”
The Democratic Party is not in thrall to labor unions, or racial equality activists, or people who care about gender justice or the climate emergency. Unlike the GOP, the Dem establishment has figured out how to keep a grip on power within their own party — at the expense of exercising power in America, even when they hold office.
But unlike culture war nonsense, shared prosperity, fairness, care, and sound environmental policies are very popular in America. Some people have been poisoned against politics altogether and sunk into nihilism, while others have been duped into thinking that America can’t afford to look after its people.
In this regard, winning the American electorate is a macrocosm for the way labor activists win union majorities in the workplaces they organize. In her memoir A Collective Bargain, Jane McAlevey describes how union organizers contend with everything that progressive politicians must overcome. A union drive takes place in the teeth of unfair laws, on a tilted playing field that allows bosses to gerrymander some workers’ votes and suppress others’ altogether. These bosses have far more resources than the workers, and they spend millions on disinformation campaigns, forcing workers to attend long propaganda sessions on pain of dismissal.
But despite all this, labor organizers win union elections and strike votes, and they do so with stupendous majorities — 95% or higher. This is how the most important labor victories of our day were won: the 2019 LA teachers’ strike won everything. Not just higher wages, but consellors in schools, mandatory greenspace for every school in LA, an end to ICE shakedowns of immigrant parents at the school-gate, and immigration law help for students and their families. What’s more, the teachers used their unity, their connection to the community, and their numbers to get out the vote in the next election, winning the marginal seats that delivered 2020’s Democratic Congressional majority.
As I wrote in my review of MacAlevey’s book:
For McAlevey, saving America is just a scaled up version of the union organizer’s day-job. First, we fix the corrupt union, firing its sellout leaders and replacing them with fighters. Then, we organize supermajorities, person-to-person, in a methodical, organized fashion. Then we win votes, using those supermajorities to overpower the dirty tricks that rig the elections against us. Then we stay activated, because winning the vote is just the start of the fight.
It’s a far cry from the Democratic Party consultant’s “data-driven” microtargeting strategy based on eking out tiny, fragile majorities with Facebook ads. That’s a strategy that fails in the face of even a small and disorganized voter-suppression campaign — it it’s doomed in today’s all-out assault on fair elections.
What’s more, the consultants’ microtargeting strategy treats people as if the only thing they have to contribute is casting a ballot every couple years. A sleeping electorate will never win the fights that matter — the fight to save our planet, and to abolish billionaires.
If only the Democratic Party was as scared of its base as the Republicans are of their own.
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: The title page of Richard Hofstadter's 'Paranoid Style in American Politics' from the November, 1964 issue of Harper's Magazine. A John Birch Society pin reading 'This is REPUBLIC not a DEMOCRACY: let's keep it that way' sits atop the page, obscuring the introductory paragraph.]
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pink-devolve · 2 months
RadQueer Blocklist
This is a long list of every radqueer account I could find under the basic RQ tags. If there’s an account that’s not on this list, please message me with the account name and I will add it.
Not every account on here is inherently extremely harmful. If a person called themself radqueer, I added them to the list. Some of this is based on opinion, like if a person says they’re anti-contact but is doing things the show otherwise, I tagged them as pro contact. And if a person doesn’t identify as trans-race/trans-disabled but is being a bigot, I tagged them as such.
Don’t harass anyone on this list. And for legal reasons, if I’m labeling someone as predatory, that is just an accusation.
List under cut
‼️- Predatory
🛑- Pro-C
⚠️- Trans-abuser
🔱- Trans-abused
☢️- Trans-disabled
🚫- Trans-race
❎- Rq, other
- Kangalpuppy, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Radmutt, pro-c for everything, says minors, animals, and d3ad ppl can consent ‼️🛑
- Mommytransid, 25/yo dating a minor ‼️🛑⚠️
- Sootdazai, claims to abuse and “program” its partners. Claims to have r4p3d one of his partners ‼️🛑⚠️🔱🚫
- Here-4-vibez, pro-r4p3, pro-c, transCSA, claims to have “plural obsessive disorder” ‼️🛑⚠️🔱
- Arsynnotarson, pro-c zoo, makes posts about dating animals, transabused ‼️🛑🔱
- Hobiesbrokenguitar, pro-c zoo, trans-race ‼️🛑🚫
- Office-vampire, trans-abuser, talks about jacking off to trauma narratives, adult and asked young teenagers to send their trauma narratives ‼️🛑⚠️
- Shotamania, pro-c MAP, trans-abuser/harmful, says “they’re pro everything” ‼️🛑⚠️
- 88-arachnids-grip-88, threatened to send SH pics to someone in order to try and manipulate them, told someone how to kts, threatened to kill animals, “trans-groomer” ‼️🛑⚠️
- Lobotomizuki, dating Ciel, claims to be trans-abuser, trans-disabled, trans-r4p1st 🛑🔱☢️
- Paraluvs, transabused, posts self harm art on their page, pro-c, minor in kink 🛑🔱
- Predqueer, pro-c, complains about not knowing what programming is while talking about transramcoa. Coins terms🛑🔱
- Val-loves-rqs, trans-ramcoa/abused, pro-c 🛑🔱
- Radicalclues, trans-disabled, trans-race, trans-abused, adult para account that interacts with young teen para accounts, “”mirrored-contact”” 🛑🚫🔱☣️
- Deer-mageikan, pro-c 🛑
- Cakechaser, pro-contact, says all furries are zoos, compares being transgender to being transrace, trans-abused(asks people to abuse them) 🛑🔱🚫
- Transillusionisms, trans-abused/er, trans-ramcoa, pro-romantic contact zoo 🛑⚠️🔱
- Foliage-446, transdisabled, minor owned para acc, xeno-satanist🛑☢️
- Deucey-deuce, pro-c, trans-abused/er 🛑⚠️🔱
- Transhcdid, trans-abused/er, pro-c, claims transramcoa terms. Makes extremely offensive flags for said terms(like graphics depicting abuse) Transdisabled 🛑⚠️🔱☢️
- Jamesbuchananbarness, transn@z1, doesn’t state contact stance⚠️🚫☢️
- Ziziscampsite, trans-n@z1, has n@z1-fan art as their pfp, says they were a n@z1 in a past life ⚠️☢️🚫
- Bloodydelusional, trans-disabled, transabused/er, says they will coin anything and have no DNI ☢️⚠️🔱
- h0lyl0l1, transtbmc /other abuse, transdisabled, transrace, transabuser ⚠️🔱☢️🚫
- Toxicpilled, transabuser, transabused, trans-slave ⚠️🔱🚫
- Radumbrella, minor owned para acc, trans-race, trans-drugaddict, trans-cannibal, transabused ⚠️🔞🔱🚫☢️
Transramcoa, identifies as trans-ramcoa and creates terms centered around ramcoa. Usually the flags are extremely offensive, trans-race, trans-disabled ⚠️🚫🔱☢️
- Wwwjunocom, trans-disabled, trans-abusive, trans-sch001-sh00t3r ☢️⚠️
- Leyleypsychotic, “”fult””(faux cult) leader, trans-abused, trans-disabled ⚠️🔱☢️
- Transdhampir, trans-disabled, trans-abuser, trans-abused, coins RQ terms ⚠️☢️🔱
- Doctors-littlehelper, trans-harmed, trans-harmful ⚠️🔱
- Wocatana2, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Narcissistic-gremlin, co-owner of RQ server, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Toxic-debris, coins trans-abuse/r terms 🔱⚠️
- Alastor-my-love, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Luci-st4r, trans-abused, trans-abuser ⚠️🔱
- Abuserprince, says they’re complex-contact, trans-abuser ⚠️
- Rqplushie, “”fult”” leader, minor ran para acc, trans-race ⚠️🚫
- Dreamingchu2, trans-abused, trans-abuser, trans-plural, trans-race, trans-disabled (it goes on but I got lazy)⚠️🔱🚫☢️
- Trulycupid, racist, created a term called “winter-punk”, not trans-race afaik but they get the emoji 🚫
- Radiumqueer, claims gender=sex and therefore trans-race is just as valid as transgender 🚫
- Thatparablog, transrace 🚫
- Wadeystabs, trans-race, RQ 🚫
- Astrolective, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Uwameshi, says being trans-race ””phobic”” is the same thing as being transphobic 🚫
- Mistymeow69, RQ, trans-race 🚫
- Anothertransidblog, trans-race 🚫
- Transrace, “trans-race activism blog” 🚫
- Tr4nsr4c14lj4p4n3s3g1rl, trans-race 🚫
- Transidveronica, trans-race 🚫
- 4ndr0m3da, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- Forgedesires, trans-disabled, trans-race ☢️🚫
- The-catwithin, trans-native, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Plushie-ina-big-sweater, trans-race, trans-disabled ☢️🚫
- Sqrmsh, trans-race and transdisabled ☢️🚫
- Brainlessspuppy, trans-disabled, coins terms ☢️
- Lucifer-radqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Loatheticbeast, transplural ☢️
- Hearts4romeii, transplural, talks graphically about how she wants to khs ☢️
- Littlemelonberry, trans-addict, supportive of abusive identities ☢️
- Iotaisradqueer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Radicalnpdisms, RQ, trans-disabled ☢️
- Thecodakkeeffectt, coins medically-unrecognized-disorders ☢️
- Radqueer-fanboy, transplural ☢️
- Emopack, trans-autistic ☢️
- Radqueerstars, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toxic-exes, trans-disabled ☢️
- Haventhing, trans-severesh, uses flags that have drawings of SH and blades ☢️
- Needygirlonline, trans-disabled, trans-plural ☢️
- Transx-mogai-cafe, coins terms, trans-disabled ☢️
- Lolinawinii, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transabled-archive, archives all “trans-abled” terms ☢️
- Snowlovesyourq, trans-autistic ☢️
- Transagestuffuwu, trans-disabled, cross-tags ☢️
- Gay-we1rdo, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transpluralunite, trans-plural, trans-disabled ☢️
- Toransuneko, trans-disabled ☢️
- Arctic-fox-queer, trans-disabled ☢️
- Maned-wolfe, trans-disabled ☢️
- Transshells, trans-disabled, term coiner ☢️
- Dyspunktional-raven, gets mad when people say autistic instead of cis-autistic(etc) ☢️
- E4t-fl3sh, trans-disabled, trans-autistic ☢️
- Wuskie-woof-meom, trans-disabled ☢️
- Cloudytransx, trans-didfaker(?), trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Francislikeseverybeing, trans-disabled, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱☢️
- Adxmmu88xy, trans-autistic, trans-plural, trans-ch1lds3xw0rk3r 🔱☢️
- Radicallysoup, trans-ramcoa, trans-disabled, interacts with and reblogs posts made by predatory/abusive people, trans-plural🔱☢️
- Ur-local-goldfish, transabused, transdisabled, alt account of gorgeous-rq-girlies🔱☢️
- Transharmed, trans abused, term coiner, trans-disabled 🔱☢️
- Transharmedbutsillier, transharmed alt acc, posts nsfw trans-harmed stuff 🔱☢️
- Dwlliennwurse, uses a typing quirk without translations, coins terms, trans-abused, trans-autistic 🔱☢️
- Npdblythe, trans-hcdid 🔱☢️
- Rq-selfship-fun, trans-abused 🔱
- Radqueerdogboy, trans-abused 🔱
- Fish-of-fanqia, trans-abused, claims to be in a “”fult””(faux-cult) 🔱
- Rqcrimeboyz, trans-abused, RQ 🔱
- A-system-in-a-system, trans-abused, trans-ramcoa 🔱
- Radicalbunny, trans-abused, uses several transid labels for extreme abuse, uses stutter quirk without translations 🔱
- R4dqu33r-g1nny-w34sl3y, trans-abused, trans-programmed 🔱
- Maxrqstuff, trans-hcdid 🔱
- Voidformed, coins trans-harmed terms 🔱
- Catsang, transramcoa 🔱
Selfsanguinamory, catsangs alt acc 🔱
- Vivziequeer, talks about wanting to be used by people, RQ 🔱
- Wortha-prettypenny, coins radqueer labels ❎
- Colorsof-therainbow, wortha-prettypenny’s other acc ❎
- Xxbl00d-st4rxx, RQ, has requested that people send them trauma-dumps for fetish reasons ❎
- Radqueer-takes, just posts pro rad-queer discourse ❎
- Berrytasticdeer, RQ ❎
- Pricklymuffinzzzzz, RQ ❎
- Randobitchyasscoiningshite, RQ ❎
- Digitallyadored, RQ ❎
- Gorgeous-rq-girlies, RQ coining blog ❎
- Cr1ng3yl0z3r, RQ ❎
- Gnarpcotics, RQ ❎
- Waitercore, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-empire, blog for a radqueer discord server ❎
- Blissfuloverdose7, RQ ❎
- Varii-corvid, coins terms ❎
- Minecraftenthusiast2882, coins terms ❎
- Rotnik-tmblr, RQ ❎
- Incestoophilia, wrote an article on incest called “keeping it in the family” 31 y/o that consistently interacts with young teenagers ❎
- Rq-boxes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerfluff, RQ ❎
- Wayofthefunkmaster, RQ ❎
- Weirdness-is-good, wayofthefunkmasters alt acc ❎
- Thedigitalwave, compares antis to transphobes, RQ ❎
- Radqueerpfps, makes flag pfps ❎
- Rq-term-search, RQ ❎
- Gluestrawbz, coins terms ❎
- Animal-creature, RQ ❎
- Sleepyeepyvoidcat, uses paid ads to promote their account(I got one on my dashboard), RQ ❎
- Dexxxma, RQ, partner of radicalclues ❎
- Sincerestkisses, RQ ❎
- Little—beetle, RQ ❎
- Qu33rjude, RQ ❎
- Russetfur1128, RQ ❎
- Rinlencoins, coining account ❎
- Jesterrq, RQ ❎
- Honeydew-wecantwo, RQ ❎
- Hunter-fox, coins RQ terms ❎
- Gamezee420, RQ ❎
- Cherishyne, RQ ❎
- R0tsm4z3, RQ ❎
- Morachivist, coins trans-race terms, refuses to say their contact stance ❎
- Hellelaplace, RQ ❎
- Luckas-rockz, RQ ❎
- Rqheadcanons, headcanons characters as harmful labels ❎
- Curiouscattohours, RQ ❎
- Rainbowfam, RQ ❎
- Acidic-nebula-raincloud, RQ ❎
- Satanlovesradqueers, term coiner ❎
- Peppermint-bloodshed92, coins terms ❎
- Spookrq, RQ ❎
- Radqueer-headspace, makes RQ content and coins terms, “”complex-contact”” ❎
- Gearbox-dollhouse, calls themself a yandere, RQ ❎
- Gearbox-dolls, alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Bloodydollies, nsfw RQ alt account for gearbox-dollhouse ❎
- Anyolovez, RQ ❎
- Pastel-golden, RQ ❎
- Transthehorrors, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Lostbhappy, owner of RQ discord server ❎
- Rqmoodboards, RQ ❎
- Alexidentitiescoiningblog, coins terms ❎
- Radicaalkirby, RQ ❎
- Rosiesdelights, coins terms, RQ ❎
- Userboxmachine, makes RQ userboxes ❎
- Yourlocaledgysnake, RQ ❎
- Ur-transx-favs, creates RQ headcanons ❎
- Radqueerstim, makes RQ stim boards ❎
- Freaksboards, RQ stimboard acc ❎
- Internalcondom, RQ ❎
- Antirq-blocklist, RQ ❎
- Yourfaveis-transid-coded, transid head canons ❎
- Transstimland, makes RQ stimboards ❎
- Princesse-du-rose, RQ ❎
- Fungus-ID, RQ, term coiner ❎
- Theradroom, RQ confessionals ❎
- Adamssafeheaven, RQ ❎
If you notice a mistake, dm me and I’ll fix it. And again if there is someone not on here that needs to be added, please dm me. Better yet, write a brief description of them and add the emojis.
Ik they’re probably going to throw a fit about this and out themselves. So I’ll update the list in a few days.
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blood-grove · 3 months
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His Kid (Pup?)
dog!price + human! child reader (gender neutral pronouns)
tws; fluff , fluffy , fluff , minor injury :( , i would say language barriers but lets just say you both can understand each other. no use of y/n sumamry; prices rambles about you! eventually realizing that hes a sucker for you and your his kid now.
Gods if you didn't stop fucking running off when they took this..what'd they'd call themselves? Human a couple of weeks ago he didn't expect to have a basically oversized puppy keeping all of the unit on there toes.
We couldnt really tell if there were old for there species we guess not it took a look for them to learn boundaries especially when we first encountered them they said they were 12 years old it was clear then that 'human' years were different from ours they clearly weren't some old greying dog.
There so damn touchy, Honestly weren't they raised with any manners? Putting there hands in our faces , tugging tails , pulling off my damn hat. They learned there lesson with the random touching when they tried to..'pet' Simon, I know he didn't mean to bite them I could instantly see the flash of guilt in his eyes when he nipped them purely out of how much they had gotten him riled up they've been avoiding him now as of recent but I'm sure the human just needs time the humans skin was fragile the nip was enough to cause it to bleed a candy and bandage later they were fine. I've recently spotted them and Ghost together the human drawing mumbling and rambling on about something as Simon just watched I couldn't help but grin slightly at the sight, They had there calm moments the slow days around the base I could hear them making those weird noises that they do..'giggling?' it sounded more like a little piglet squealing when them and Soap would be running around base. Oh right them and Soap truly a pair together whether that's a good thing or not its still to be decided thought it was sure Soap was the perfect dog to help them tucker out enough for a nap, Honestly out of all of us I'm pretty sure Soap is reason for most of there scratches and bruises somethings in the earlier weeks forgetting that there not a adult dog despite being around the size of one they were easily knocked over plus easily scratched with Soaps claws accidentally grated against them.
Pretty sure I've been recently been hearing Soap filing down his nails(finally bloody fuckin' hell I was half convinced I'd have to force him to the groomers) to a manageable level which is a wine in my book no more hearing the damn bastard slip and slid on the smooth floor. The pup is great around Gaz a healthy medium between Soap and Ghost you could easily find them both laying around even with Pup laying on Gaz's stomach as he rambled on about something Gaz seemed to be alright with the petting we all eventually assumed that was how the human showed affection but of course there's still boundaries between us so they human learned to ask before petting us. I'm not to fond of petting but sometimes the human will come in my office and just sit there either watching him work or looking around the office just something about them is so..I don't even know the word they eventually one day laid against me I didn't know really what to do so I just stayed still eventually laying down letting them cuddle closer. There're pretty damn cute. Shit. I just sighed as I gently pulled them closer as I went back to finishing up the report..I hoped we'd keep em' for bit longer.
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Dude. That's not narcissism. That's typical bigot propaganda.
Every "groomer" accusation against LGBT people is a confession.
Every "lazy freeloader" accusation from rich people against poor people is a confession.
Every "violent" accusation from police officers and their supporters against protesters is a confession.
Also, this is an attempt to make narcissists a defenseless target. All anyone has to do is intentionally trigger a narcissist until they snap then claim that the narcissist was the abusive one.
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dombottom · 7 months
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I sat running through what I was gonna say in my mind. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I had to end it. I was getting sloppy, I was an addict. I just had to stop. I heard my office door click as he unlocked it. He had keys (another bad decision). He walked in. Jesus. He was a walking renaissance painting. He was as volatile and temperamental as Caravaggio too. Years ago as when I’d started as his mentor pretty early on I knew I’d never be able to say no to him. The second he figured it out too, I was finished. He started peeling off his shirt without a word. I fought every urge to fall on my knees and worship him. “We need to talk, we can’t do this anymore. It’s not ok. I take full responsibility for it.” I said nervously. He turned his head, he stared at me with no expression. I’d known him long enough to know that look meant he was furious. He started taking slow steps toward me. A mountain lion locked on its prey. Temptation got the better of me and I started looking him up and down. The black hair, his the shining black eyes, the puckish features, his compact but strong build, all wrapped in his glowing olive skin. He truly was an angel, but then again, so was Lucifer. “Who the fuck do think you’re talking to?” he said angrily. Him being angry at me scared me while making my dick start to swell. “It’s not that I don’t love you, it’s just wrong. I never should have let it happen, people are going to say I’m a groomer or something, and I’ve got a hus—” he reared his arm back and slapped me full force. My fallen angel had a temper. It’s what landed him in my program to begin with. My cheek stung and my eye teared. I was instantly rock hard. “Please we can’t.” I begged. Something crossed his face, his eyes glittered with malice. “Okay. Fine, never again.” He said with a smirk. I felt the pit of my stomach drop. Hearing him say it hurt more than I thought it would. “Okay.” I replied trying to steel my nerves. He slowly started lifting his arm exposing his armpit. “Jesus Christ, please don’t do that.” I said. “What, are you worried? We’re not going to do anything. You want it to stop.” He said. My little devil. The scent hit me, he never wore deodorant or perfume. His natural scent was salty, earthy, and sweet. But his pits… he produced a potent and addictive musk. It’d been getting stronger by the year. Without question I was a slave to his scent. It hit me, all I could do was whimper. Standing an arm’s length away I could smell him, my eyes were rolling back. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m begging for us to stop,” I whined. “It’s weird because you said all that stupid shit, but I’m pretty sure what you were begging for was a little- sniff” he said. “Dante. Please. No. I really can’t it’s so wrong.” I said. “I stopped listening after Dante please,” he said. He quickly undid my pants, I didn’t try to stop him. My dick cartoonishly sprang out at full attention. I was done for. He grabbed it in his iron grip squeezing as hard as he could. I yelped and folded forward, he was waiting with his pit open, my face smashed right into the damp sweaty hair. “Don’t you EVER try a fucking stunt like this again!” He growled. I groaned unable to speak between the pain of his grip and the ecstasy of his scent. “SAY IT!” He yelled. “I’ll never do it again Dante-Dante-Dante please you’re hurting me.” I begged. He gave a final harder squeeze before he let go. I collapsed back into my chair. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I got in my head I love you so much please baby I shouldn’t have said anything,” I said completely crumbling. The thought of being away from him made me want to burn the world. I’m sure he knew. He took off his pants and shoes, a concert of rich musky smells filled my office. He straddled me. I could feel the stickiness and heat as he started to push his hole down on me. His eyes staring somewhere deeper down than anyone could reach. “Oh my god, I fucking love you” I whispered. He gave me another slap. Followed by a kiss. He leaned in and whispered in my ear as he pushed all the way down, “That’s right…I am a god.”
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
It's so frustrating to see people purposefully misunderstand transandrophobia/transmisandry and then very confidently talk disparagingly about the people who talk about their experiences of it and then blatantly ignore everyone going "hey yeah no that's not what that means"
Like. Devon price trying to frame it like people who talk about transandrophobia are doing so firstly because they're just ignorant misogynistic babies who want to be oppressed so bad and also to try and drive a wedge between transmascs and transfemmes is so fucking disingenuous I don't even know where to start.
We're literally just trying to talk about the experiences transmasculine people have and the institutional problems specific to us? Why is this such a fucking problem?
Its painfully obvious that the people who make these posts do not ever actually engage with the discussion of anti-transmasculinity & the wider transunitist-feminist theories. Its embarassingly obvious in this case because Devon tried to make this sick gotcha, by bringing up one of the most common topics of conversation in our spaces.
And then there's the whole "TMRAs don't realize most of what they deal with is misogyny!" take, which I've seen in other places as well. Which imo comes from the idea that people who discuss transmisandry are literally just the trans version of MRAs. & the MRA idea of "misandry" is just a reversal of their idea of feminist theory- so they use it to describe "actually society is based around women's needs and desires and it targets (cis) men and we actually live in a matriarchy!" While the transunitist concept of misandry/antimasculism is "patriarchal beliefs about men/masculinity & the roles they are expected to fulfill, used both generally to reinforce patriarcharal control and specifically to target marginalized men/perceived-masculine people." I coined antimasculism specifically to provide an alternate to misandry for those who are uncomfortable with it because of the MRA associations.
& like. whether or not you agree that these are useful words, its obvious that the transunitist idea of misandry/antimasculism is very different to the MRA one. But to know that you'd have to actually, like, read the things we write & take seriously to our theories on the patriarchy. And not just trust Tumblr Callout For Evil Trans People #3245853723 that said we don't think misogyny exists.
Also tbh I think a bigger part of this issue (transmascs who are anti-transunitist) is that its a symptom of anti-transmasculine erasure. If you don't personally experience, assault, demonization, or accusations of being a predator for being a trans man, and no one you know has either, then... you certainly aren't gonna hear about those issues from wider society. And even if you have, you might not recognize what happened as anti-transmasculine, or tell yourself it must be only a fraction of what trans women go through. & again, they don't fucking read anything we post. That's why I feel like its so important to point out & remember incidents of anti-transmasculinity (like what I do w the AoVaTP). Because its so easy to buy the "people don't violate trans men the same way" until you've read about (tw for somewhat graphic anti-transmasculine violence)
trans men getting their faces cut off, beaten with a chain, thrown out of men and women's bathrooms, hit over the head with a cooler, having their shelter at a refugee camp firebombed, having hot coffee poured in their eyes while being called a "he-she", institutionalized & tortured for not showing "proper gender behaviors" as a child, having their family burn their documents to keep them from getting a job, forced to jump from a 2nd-story window and left to die, being harassed by Fox News for being a "groomer" until their school got bomb threats, held captive and tortured for two years, found dead with their genitals stabbed, assaulted by a police officer for "lesbian activity", called "tranny" a lot, and so many rapes and so many suicides, and this is just some of the shit that I have collected for that archive.
But yeah. We're just whining about silly representation nonsense.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Today was a day. 
Last week I had a doctor’s appointment the same day I left town and I had my monthly ADHD psych appointment today, after which I went to run all the errands I didn’t do this weekend because I was traveling. I hit the dispensary, pharmacy, grocery store, bank, and building office (for a package), all in the space of about an hour. 
Arriving home, contemplating the universe in the elevator as one does, I thought about how my good Quaker Starbuck ancestors would have been horrified and envious of the contents of my backpack: weed, Adderall, red wine, cash money, frozen pizza, and salacious novels. It’s a party in a pack, that’s for sure. 
(There was a tiny fluffy dog with a teddy-bear groomer’s cut in the dispensary while I was there. Her name was Spike.) 
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virginburial · 10 months
.·:*¨༺    a little death.    ♱   chad meeks-martin   ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you have a pretty intense night terror alternatively, in which you, a friend of the core four, is stuck at a slumber party, where Chad comforts you after having a nightmare
SHIP: afab!reader x chad meeks-martin WARNINGS: explicit content (minors stay out), unprotected p n v, praise kink, sub!reader, soft dom!chad, choking/gagging, reader jealous as fuck towards Tara, ethan/chad rivalry?? for your attention, "i kIsS tHe sCaRs On hEr SkIn!1!1!!1! XD" type shit, chad is coochie drunk (and a heavy dirty talker), random storytelling/porn with a plot. fluff if you squint. TW FOR: mentions of murder, character death, grief, recovery/healing, ptsd related topics, body image.
SONG: a little death by the neighbourhood.
A/N: hello hotties!! i told myself "this is going to be a short one it's pretty to-the-point" but then i forgot who the fuck i was and realized i don't know chill and wrote 6K words of this. typical me behavior. this is for my shawties you love some emotional intimacy <3 chad is the actual loml, i'm shocked i'm writing for him now when i should've done this more last year lol REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!    
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you woke up to your scream. 
It was Halloween weekend, and the news had just broke about the two murdered college students, and their film professor. You, a Woodsboro native knew exactly what this meant. You weren't just any Woodsboro native; you were directly involved with the recent Ghostface massacre of 2022. You had lived in Woodsboro for only a short fraction of your life, yet what happened there impacted everything you do now. 
You had moved from the south; Georgia-Florida-Alabama-ish. You met your current friends in your eighth grade year; coincidentally, the year one of your friends, Tara, had an issue where her sister ran from home. you enjoyed your little life there until it was viciously torn from you by your best friend and her psycho-groomer boyfriend-who you always had a bad feeling about. you were dating Wes at the time of his death, and after he went, so did all of your patience for the slasher genre. fuck the box office, fuck the critics, fuck the movie. 
when things had finally settled down, you and your newfound family decided to make the ambitious move to new york.  you were stuck being undeclared though as you slowly figured out what you want to get out of your experience at Blackmore. which all leads to now; October 30th, and the boogeyman you only saw in your dreams or in old photos of amber, was now prowling Manhattan for the survivors and fresh meat; ridiculous and fucked, that's what that is. your new friends; Ethan, Quinn, and Anika barely knew the drill. but you did. you've played this game before, unaware you were playing; now your focus could not be shaken.
Sam had suggested a fucked-up slumber party of sorts; "if we all stay together then he won't attack." "or we could be feeding him an all-you-can-eat buffet." Mindy croaks after Sam. Regardless, you knew that it was probably for the best everyone stayed together, especially the new ones. you had your suspicions about Ethan, who seemed to have taken a liking to you. the average sweet nerdy boy who's a bit corny, it all seemed a little too familiar. he would still try to get you to talk to him, stare you down, you could've sworn he stole something out of one of your drawers some time ago while looking for the restroom. you would never admit this out loud, because everyone is always so fucking uptight, but you never really cared about how he objectified you. you liked the attention. 
but he gave off joe goldberg energy, and you were more of a steve harrington girl.
it beats having to look at your long-term crush, Chad, who was falling for Tara. you always felt like the silver lining of both of your partners dying would be that he would finally look at you; but just like Wes when she first got attacked, Chad's eyes were on Tara. fucking Tara. nothing wrong with her, she was your friend. maybe you just needed to stop crushing on and dating boys who would all rather fuck Tara Carpenter than give you the light of day. but then again, you don't even think you're ready for romance to reappear in your life. last year you were manipulated, stalked, and stabbed; Tinder sex would be a nightmare. so there goes that pipe dream. 
you were sleeping in Tara's room with Quinn, Mindy, and Anika, while Chad and Ethan slept in the living room and Sam slept in Quinn's room; which was closer to everyone. It took everyone until midnight to get ready for bed, then Tara's music was too loud, and then Mindy and Anika started getting frisky which caused Tara to yell out "ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!" which led to Quinn screaming and laughing, which caused Ethan and Chad to rush in like knights ready to save the damsels, who were just making out. so Anika and Mindy were banished (by Chad) to Sam's room. you made a mental note to remind Sam to wash her sheets. 
you knew, despite the horrible situation that was starting to arise, that right now felt like any other night with your friends, and that it might be the last time things will ever be this way. so what had you screaming the way you are now? if not, a horrific night terror you had about how everything went down last year: the look in Richie's eyes piercing you through the mask as he violently stabs you, leaving gashes as you screamed out for the one person who can't even rescue you; Wes. this happened three hours after the last person went to sleep, making it 3 am. 
the thing with you that the others don't understand is that you had frequent nightmares about what happened. it's nearly a nightly occurrence and every night it's something different; Mindy's under the mask, Amber, Tara, Chad, Ethan, Sam, Anika, the Bodega guy, the guy who played Billy in Stab one, fucking Gale Weathers.  It keeps you up half the night, flashing your phone flashlight in the corner of your dorm and waking your dormmate. you used to sleep with a hunting knife; stuffing it under your pillow and holding it under there. you also have several cans of bear mace; you were Wes's girlfriend after all. you inherited all of his self-defense tools. 
the only one who understands is Sam. You can't believe the situation that's been happening between her and Tara; you would've killed to have an older sister who cares about you like Sam. Of course, your ID starts talking and tells you that Tara is just ungrateful to have a supportive family and Chad's attention and not want it. It fills you with envy. Sam gets it. Sam gets you. Sam tells you to try tea or get a medical marijuana card like she did, or try Zoloft like Mindy is doing. Mindy sarcastically suggests substance abuse. 
you scream, having it rip through the still silence that filled the apartment. with a flip of a light switch, the big overhead light shines over the scene of you; hyperventilating and pacing around as Tara rubs her eyes. The boys, with Mindy, rush into the room on queue as Quinn stands up from the bed. "hey! hey y/n!" she tries to get your attention, anything to break you free from the sobbing mess you were starting to become.  Tara decides to do the worst possible thing and start shaking you, she seems almost confused and pissed off as to why you woke her up. "y/n! look at me-" Tara tries to get your attention. "hey! Tara, that's not helping-" "-y/n, girl, what's wrong?" Quinn talked over Ethan.  
then, finally, Sam chimes in and pushes past everyone; shooting Tara a worried look as she slowly wraps her arms around you. you slowly sink in Sam's arms and sob as she softly pats your back. "another one?" she asked, and you nod, unable to speak as you take a harsh gasp and slowly breath out, trying not to sob more than you already have. you hated being so emotional in front of your friends, you hated being emotional in general. 
"wait so there was no one in here?" Ethan chirps.
Sam shakes her head. "no." she huffs out. "no no, just a night terror...I had one like this the other night. she'll be okay-" "-like hell she is, Samantha! I mean, look at her! she's shaking like a chihuahua!" Mindy blurts out. "I'm gonna make you tea, y/n," she announced as she went to the kitchen. Sam sighs, you could almost feel another brick weigh Sam down with the way she carried herself, then Tara spoke up. "Sorry I shook you, I...I panicked," she admits, which you knew was the truth. 
you sigh softly, your face beet red, blinking away the last of your tears. "it's f-fine-" "-it's really not, I mean, do you shake someone when they're having a seizure?" Tara lightly jokes, earning a small laugh as you sniffle. 
Sam speaks up. "I think one of us should stay here with y/n, at least until she falls back asleep. I would but I am very tired." 
"I don't mind-" "-i'll do it," Chad and Ethan said in unison, which ended with Ethan's side-eyeing Chad. then Chad spoke up again. "I can bore her with one of my old football stories, plus i've known her for years." if only you could read Ethan's mind, even when the look on his face said it all. Sam looks down at you, getting your nod of approval before glancing back at Chad. "yeah, that sounds good." 
Chad, who had come in charging with a chunky remote controller, just passed it to Ethan as he went back into the living room to grab his pillow. Sam rubbed her eye. "the girls can move to my room-" "-yikes." Mindy jingles as she came in with a mug. "I might've been sleeping there, with Anika, if you know what I-" Sam's face falls flat. "-you better be fucking joking, Mindy." she deadpans
"It's not like you're using that new mattress at its full capacity."
"okay gross." Chad gags, clutching his pillow and throwing it on the mattress. by then, Tara and Quinn already moved into Sam's room, probably collapsing at the door and sleeping on the floor as Mindy handed you the warm tea. She gives you a look that makes your stomach flip, it was almost sympathetic. almost like Mindy herself knows how it feels to be woken up like that. Mindy retreats to the room before Sam can say anything else. she sighs. "now I have an excuse to go to Target, and burn those sheets." she turns to you. "you sure you're gonna be fine here, with Chad?" she asks, Ethan, peering right behind her.
"Yeah, thanks, Sam," you tell her as she walks out, leaving just you, Chad, and Ethan. Ethan just purses his lips and gives you a weak smile before shutting the door and the lights off. you sit back down on the bed, grab the mug of tea, and sipped it sweetly, feeling the hot liquid run down your throat as Chad turns on the lamp. The room was cold, dimly lit with autumn new york air hitting your skin from the window next to you, the one Quinn cracked open. 
Chad groans softly as he flops on the messy bed. he's surprised anyone is even getting a wink of sleep tonight, especially you, with how stiff and cold you got the moment everyone left. he stares at you for a second, unable to say anything before blurting out. "...do you wanna watch a movie on my phone? it can be a funny one." he offers. "I have We Are The Millers downloaded." but you just retract even more. why? why can you just shut off whatever's stopping you from opening up? maybe it was the stark realization you never really trusted anyone, ever. 
you stayed silent, unsure of what to do; he wouldn't have offered if he didn't care a little. plus, it was only until you fell asleep. he was not going to stay with you the entire night. you turn to him, biting the inside of your cheek as you sip more of the tea. "no thanks, i've already seen it." you say. he isn't like Ethan; Ethan would just start leading the conversation with questions like 'Oh so what's a movie you haven't seen?' and whatever movie you think of off the top of your head will be the one that'll play. Chad just kind of stops after that; less of a nuisance but you were sure he wasn't at his full power since he hasn't really slept. because Chad can be annoying. 
"you know you hit the floor, right?"
you furrow your eyebrows. "what?"
"you fell off your bed, that's what woke you up. it was very loud, and woke me up," he says as he scoots over to you, sitting right next to you. "I'm a light sleeper now, it's a recent development. it's not all that fun...Tara said you were murmuring in your sleep too before you hit the ground." your face burns with embarrassment. "...how often does that happen?" he curiously asked. 
"What is to you?"
"just looking out for you. y'know, since the masked killer that tried killing us last year is trying to kill us again." his voice dripped with sarcasm. you scoff. of course. "...it happens a lot, maybe one of two times a week? it used to be every night." 
"I guess that explains your caffeine addiction."
you chuckle weakly. "thanks doctor dudebro." 
"I'm just saying, I wish you would've told one of us you were having nightmares..." he voices. "you know, Mindy used to have really bad nightmares. She would call me almost every night around the same time, just screaming and hyperventilating. it feels pretty real at the moment. then you wake up and it's not real." he mumbles towards the end. looking down a bit. you study the expression on his face, you knew Chad was more than some meathead jock, he gave you butterflies, and he seemed to be the healthiest among the survivors. he looks at you. "I'm on like 75 milligrams of Zoloft at all times so...I know what it's like, I've had my fair share of Richie-Amber adjacent nightmares," he confesses. 
your stomach churns from what comes out of his mouth. "is that why you agreed to stay here? to talk me into talking about what happened and get medicated-" you jumped.  Chad shakes his head. "no no, I'm not here to tell you what to do, or how to heal,  It's just...hard seeing you this way." you know exactly what he means, so you dropped the stubborn act. "I know none of us are really dealing with it, but now it's happening again...and I don't want to get hurt again. I don't..." he processes what he's about to say before expressing it; "...I don't want any of us to get hurt again."
"...do you think about her?" you blurt out. "liv, I mean." 
Chad freezes. you almost start to feel bad about bringing her up before he responds with. "most days." he croaks out softly. "sometimes I think if I would've just done what she wanted and went upstairs with her, things would be different." he fiddles with his fingers. "but then again, probably in the worst way, right? I don't know what I would've done if...if it was Mindy. or you." he flashes you a frail smile. "I think about her every time I hear a Paramore song, or when I see orange is the new black on Netflix or pink box dye. I hate the smell of that sugar cookie body mist that Quinn uses, it's the same one Liv had. She wanted to study 'abnormal psychology', she would've loved it up here...what about you? Do you think about Wes?"
"every night." your voice slightly breaks. "his Spotify account is still up, all the music he neatly organized into playlists for us is still on there, just collecting dust," you mumble, then, you feel pressure slowly lift off your chest as you continued to talk about him. "I deleted Spotify, though. can't be on there without seeing something he made for me or seeing his face, and Instagram too. His dad gave me a box of his things at the funeral and I brought it with me here, I can't look at it for very long without crying," you confess. "...can I be honest?"
"This is probably the most honest you'll ever get me, so shoot."
You let out a sigh, feeling your heart drop to your stomach as you stared into his eyes. "things in my life were already starting to go downhill before everything, and now...it never will feel the same, you know? I will never get over this, i'll just have to learn how to live with it when it's already happening again." Chad watches you, seeing your eyes sorrowly hang as the words spilled from you. he hates seeing you like this. you used to be so full of life, animated, and passionate; now you were just a shell. he softly bumps his shoulder next to you and gives you a reassuring smile. "...you're not alone." his voice softly spoke. "it feels lonely, but you're not alone." 
you finish the tea, setting it on the nightstand before Chad speaks up again. "what makes you say that, though?" he perks up. "that things were starting to go downhill?" he asks, maybe genuinely curious. you bite the inside of your cheek. "I had this feeling that Wes was in love with Tara. I thought I was just going crazy but after Ghostface attacked her, and I saw the way he looked at her, I knew I couldn't keep denying it anymore. I just wanted him to look at me the way he looked at her, everyone looks at her like that, but now he can't because Amber wanted to cosplay Stu Macher." you spat, your condescending tone dripping in anger. "...i've just been filled with jealousy ever since, mostly towards Tara, sometimes at Quinn...the whole situation made me feel...ugly."
Chad scoffs a little, and you immediately get defensive, but the better half of you knows Chad is not going to judge you. "you? jealous of Tara?! Tara Carpenter? The same Tara in this apartment?!" he seems almost appalled. "y/n...Tara Carpenter is a mess." he exposes. "Tara shows up to class drunk. Tara got her driver's license suspended. Tara's mom dropped her after her dad and Sam left already. Tara almost died three times!! Wes was crazy for you, he loved you-it annoyed the shit out of me really but he did. Tara might be pretty but she isn't you...I know what you're trying to say, but the last person you should be jealous of is Tara." Chad rambles. silence falls on the both of you for a second as you process what he told you; he's right. Tara has some horrible luck, you needed to stop comparing yourself to her. 
"...if it makes you feel better, I get jealous of Ethan."
well, that was a shock. "huh?!"
Chad chuckles softly. "yeah, I do, I get jealous of Ethan sometimes." you can notice him getting a bit flustered. "he-he's just lucky, you know? he didn't experience what we did, so he can walk alone at night and go to bars without feeling like he's being watched...he isn't active, which annoys me so much." he raises his hands in defense. "I know I know, it's not my life, but when he does tag along and goes to the gym with me, he can work out a lot longer than I can. he can wear whatever he wants. he can take his shirt off and no one will stare at him or ask questions. he doesn't have chronic pain. he can go and date whoever he wants and not feel bad about his body, or feel bad that he's cheating on his dead girlfriend...little shit like that makes me jealous," he admits, pressing his tongue against his cheek. "my injuries from last year were so severe that I can't even play my favorite sport anymore, and Ethan just gets to sit around and play World of Warcraft with his perfect nervous system." his words stung. 
you couldn't think of anything to say, because he was right; it's not fair, none of this is fucking fair. suddenly, you can't help but slide your hand over to his, squeezing it softly. Chad studies you for a second, his brown eyes scanning how beautiful your features looked in the dark, you couldn't help but notice how clammy his hands were starting to get, he opens his mouth to say something, then he stops himself before saying something else; "...can I show you?" he asks. 
you glance over at him, seeing how close to you he already was. you could feel your cheeks heating up as your eyebrows slightly raised from his request. you were shocked that he trusted you. "you...wanna show me? you won't even show Mindy-" "-Mindy can never take anything seriously, y/n. She's gonna call me Tony the Tiger if I show her." that made you chuckle, considering one of the scars that you had also looked like animal print; or you romanticized it to the point where it reminded you of a zebra stripe. so you nod. "yeah...yeah you can show me."
Chad, noticeably nervous, sighs before lifting his shirt slightly, revealing not one, not two, or three, but four or more deep scars that dented his already chiseled chest. your face flushes, blood traveling to your cheeks as you examine his body, how his skin was still healing, how deep the valley of his abs truly was. your throat goes dry, almost like you can't process the amount of pain Chad might be going through or what he went through when he got those scars. It's almost like he sees you contemplating on what to say; if there was anything you can say to make him feel better. your lips slowly part as you lean in closer. 
"you can touch it." Chad chimes. 
you look up at him for approval, even though he told you that you could. shakily, your hand slowly grazes down his chest, your fingers running down the canyons of his chest, reminding yourself that this was the case for you too, both physically and mentally scarred. you could feel Chad's breath hitch softly, and you stop. "did I hurt you or-?" "-no, no you didn't hurt me..." he says softly, his pupils growing in size as he watches you feel him. you know the room was not well-lit but you knew he could see you blushing. before you know it, Chad's hands slowly creep over to your hips, pulling you closer in the most unsubtle way. "may I?" he asks.
you were flustered, and all the blood that ran to your cheeks ran down to your core, feeling your heartbeat slowly revive itself down there as Chad's big hands rested themselves on your lower back. you squeezed your thighs together; you've wanted this for so long, you wanted Chad's attention since sophomore year, so you nod your head. Chad smiles softly at you before lifting your shirt slightly and exposing the scar on your stomach. you blushed from the tension and the embarrassment. you could feel Chad's hot breath on your neck as his fingers slowly graze your curves, just softly skimming past the waistband of your pajamas as he looks into your eyes. "...did I mention that I get jealous of the way Ethan looks at you?... Same reason I was so annoyed with Wes-"
the desperation of having Chad's hands on you drives you over the edge as you crash your lips into Chad's, feeling how chapped they were as you relax into the kiss. you did this for your inner teenager, who's probably doing summersaults because you're finally kissing Chad Meeks-Martin. before you knew it, Chad eagerly kisses you back, one of his hands squeezing your waist as the kiss grew more and more passionate. you weren't expecting this, but thinking back at it now, you should've seen this coming. you pull away from the kiss, realizing that your hands involuntarily wrapped themselves around his neck, and your faces were just a few inches apart. "well shit..." Chad mumbles as you notice his cheeks turning a dark shade of red. 
he then grabs your chin delicately and kisses you softly, making sure you were present as his hands drop to your hips. the last person you were with like this was Wes, and you knew Chad was in the same boat with Liv. you pull away, seeing his lips chase after yours as you placed his hand on his chest. "Chad...should we be doing this?" he stares into you, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he gnaws on it, unsure of what to say. "I would like to..." he said softly, pulling you closer. "We should make some new memories..." he huskily whispers before attaching his lips to your neck. your breath hitches as you grab onto him, and once he does that, you realized you wanted nothing more than to fuck Chad. "w-we should." you respond.
Chad manhandles you, again, pushing you back up against the mattress, grabbing your neck and jaw as he leaves open-mouthed kisses, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as a soft gasp leaves you. he hovers on top of you, his breath getting heavier with each kiss before pulling away from your neck entirely. the look he gives you is full of passion. "besides, can't watch you squeeze your thighs like that and expect me not to want you..." he mumbles softly. your heart feels like it's on crack at this point, your stomach cramming with anxiety and lust as you kissed him roughly. 
his lips felt so right on yours like they were always supposed to be there. he quickly gets in between your legs and reattaches his lips to your collarbone, his hands sliding down to your hips as you press them up against his growing bulge. a small moan escaped passed his lips as you grab his face and bring him back to your neck. every touch fills you with passion, your moans getting increasingly louder before Chad completely pulls away. "shhh." he chuckles softly, grabbing your jaw and making you look at him, squeezing your cheeks a little. "our friends are right outside, don't wanna wake them, right angel?" god he's so fucking fine. "no matter how cute you sound."
Chad delicately pulled your shirt off, revealing your tits, since you pulled your bra off before climbing into bed. his eyes could not peel away from them, as hard as he tried to focus on anything else. he gently flicked his tongue around the bud off your left tit, then slowly slides his tongue down your stomach, over your scar, and down to your abdomen. your face soured up from how different it felt having Chad kiss and suck and lick down your stomach. he leans up and kisses you. "your body is so beautiful, you know that?" he mumbles softly against your ear, and you respond by nodding, because deep down you always knew, just never affirmed. 
Chad's hands slowly found themselves sliding off your silk pajama shorts, which might've been driving him crazy all night. he slowly reveals your panties, basic cotton white boyshorts with a wet stain conveniently down the middle. he pulls you to the edge of the bed, standing up as he gets a better look. he smirks at the sight of it, you could see his mouth nearly watering as his left hand softly grazes your clothed core. his class ring hitting your sensitive nub as your hips gently jerk to the sensation of it. then, his hand softly slaps it, a soft, wet squelch coming out of you as your body jolts again. you whine as he starts to speak; "fuck...poor angel, must be very desperate, huh?" he taunts. 
you can barely think of what to say, already so desperate to feel him that you just lazily nodded your head. he grabs your face. "cmon, use your words." he says gently. it makes you feel so weak in the knees as his free hand softly caresses your cunt. "when was the last time you came, angel? you're so sensitive..." he uses his thumb to rub your throbbing clit in circles, still waiting for you to answer. "l-long ago..." and you weren't lying. it's hard to focus on yourself and your needs when you're constantly in survival mode, and it's harder to make yourself cum when the last person who did got brutally murdered. Chad gets it, considering how flaccid his anti-depressants made him. seeing you in this position, though, finally gives him the hard-on he's been waiting for. "let's fix that." 
He slowly slips two fingers into you, watching your back arch as he quickly covers your mouth, his hand taking up half of his face as he thrusts them slowly in you. he sees your body slowly adjusting to his fingers as your muffled moans pushed pass the cracks of his knuckles. his class ring hits your clit with a certain rhythm, making you twitch as you hold onto his wrist. "fuck" you mumble in Chad's hand as he starts to recklessly pound his fingers into you. his actions were so rough but his words were so sweet, causing your brain to almost malfunction; "taking my fingers so fucking well." he pants softly. 
your faint moans turned into muffled screams when Chad stuffs a third finger in there, curling them and thrusting them deeper and deeper into your aching hole. his hand clamping harder around your mouth as your screams got louder and higher. he looked so determined to push you over the edge, it's almost like he wants you to cum all over his fingers. 
your eyes flutter as his thumb grazes over your clit. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. you wish you had the entire apartment to yourself so you can scream and moan and do Chad on the dining table. for now, you're settling with him shutting you up with his knuckles deep in your hole. you can't help but feel your walls tighten around his fingers. he drags his fingers out and glances up at you, seeing how flustered and aroused you were as he slowly pulled off your panties, shushing you gently and moving his hand away from your mouth. "open wide angel." he hums before stuffing them in there.  
you could taste how tart you were, saliva staining the panties as he slowly slides his finger down your folds, using his free hand to whip his cock out. You faintly groaned out in frustration. you haven't felt this good in so long, your skin hot to the touch as your fingernails dug themselves into his shoulder blades. your eyes pleading as they found themselves staring at his cock; you knew Chad was pretty big, Liv might've ranted a little bit about how she was 'sore' from the first time she did it with him. you weren't expecting him to be so thick either. you could see his cock tremble, his tip already soaked in precum as it glistens in the dim lighting, the lamp hitting it just right as he smirks at you. "come on, angel, show me how bad you need it." he coos softly, brushing your hair behind your ear.
you rest yourself on your elbows, staring down at that Alaskan bull worm Chad calls a penis as you imagine yourself getting nearly split in half by him. how badly your hole was begging for any kind of contact as Chad's muscular arm wraps itself around your thigh. you could see his hand slowly pump his cock as he waited for your answer, maybe you propped up the way you were could get the job done for him. you whine and try to squeeze your thighs again before he forces them open, prying them apart like a Venus flytrap as he slowly inserts himself.  His tip slowly sinking into you "o..oh-f-fuck..." he groans softly, his voice getting even huskier as he pulls down on your hips. "your cunt sucks me up so well, angel...you're s-so tight." he mutters.
he slowly starts lunging his hips against yours, sweat gleaming from his forehead as he admires your reaction to every thrust, seeing your eyebrows furrow, your mouth falls open, your eyes fluttering, all of it just drives Chad insane. "such a pretty girl..." he nearly growls as he throws one of your legs over his shoulder; it's almost like he wanted to pace himself so he wouldn't get lost in the pleasure she was giving him; but it seemed nearly impossible as his pace increases. 
your muffled moans got louder and louder, causing Chad's strong hand to wrap around your neck and squeeze it softly, your moans becoming inaudible as he starts to brutally fuck you into the mattress. you thought this whole exchange would trigger something primal in you, freak you out too much that you end up running out of the room, but it was quite the opposite. Chad leans down. "your pretty moans are gonna wake t-them up, angel." he warns her again, his tone was so sweet though, it made you melt. "how do you t-think everyone's gonna f-feel when they see you getting fucked out-mhm-like the doll you are-?" he groaned out softly, his teeth grazing your ear and tugging on it. 
pleasure began to overwhelm you, your moans and whimpers turning into gasps and yelps as Chad clapped the hand he choked you with over your mouth, again. "f-fuck baby...you w-wanna be my angel, don't you?" he mumbles softly as your body started to jolt with pleasure, you could feel the panties hit the back of your throat, the essence of your juices left stuck on your tongue as your nails scratched up Chad's back. he then answers his own question. "I know you do, sweet girl...fuck, you hear how good you're taking me?" he praises. 
your own pleasure starts to build up as your back arches, and you can't help but cry out from how good it made you feel, it almost made you regret waiting so long before making a move on Chad, or anyone else really. Chad's dirty ramblings keep you on edge: "My cock fits so perfectly inside of you a-angel...wanna be buried in you like t-this all the time-mhmfuck-" his whispers start to turn into strained statements, the sound of skin slapping echoing inside the room, if anyone else was awake in the apartment, they probably would have already noticed the intense fucking happening in that room. 
the tip of his cock starts punching your g-spot like a boxer and his punching bag, you can't contain your muffled moans getting any louder; which causes Chad to cover your mouth for a third and final time. you could feel his cock seize inside of you as Chad's own groans start filling up the room. you were almost worried that Sam or Ethan were going to charge in here and see Chad balls deep inside of you. the pleasure starts to overwhelm you as your thighs shake uncontrollably, your hot breath wafting back into your face as Chad groans out quietly. "y-you need my cum, baby? mhm? that'll g-get you sleeping-" he manages to get out before feeling your juices gush out of you; realizing you had cum all over his cock, your body jerking in response as your eyes fluttered close.
involuntarily, Chad's cock squirms before you felt the thick ropes of his cum spill inside of you. you watched as his tense body finally relaxes into your touch, his heavy breaths and soft groans hitting your neck. seeing him slowly pull out and realizing he forgot to grab a condom from his wallet or check if Tara had some, oh well, it's not like he's gonna get murdered on the way to the pharmacy and back. he notices how limp you've become as he moves his hand away and pulls the panties out of your mouth. you can't help but notice how charming his smile was. he was glad he can catch you at this moment, all worn out and lazy but perfectly content, and finally dozing off to sleep. Chad gives you a lazy, soft kiss before you finally fell asleep.
the next morning, Chad and Mindy had run out to get breakfast; you were the last one to wake up, which Quinn noted as a good thing: "It means you finally caught up to your sleep schedule." which couldn't be further from the truth. you couldn't help but think about just a few hours prior, how good it all felt, how he basically fucked all the nervous energy out of you; feeling zen before the wave of reality hits you. The news was on, still talking about the new local Ghostface killings. you weren't sure if the slumber party kept you safer from the attacks or put you right in the middle of them, all you knew was that you had Chad as a bodyguard now. and when Chad finally comes back with several bags of Dunkin' breakfast sandwiches, he gave the only sprinkled donut he ordered to you. 
buy me a coffee ૮⸝⸝> ̫ >⸝ ა
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sprout-fics · 1 year
Okay so now that I'm watching COD
Who do you think would be most likely to adopt a dog? Who would be the cool dog uncle that rolls up, lavishes dog in attention and goodies, and somehow always slithers out of being actually responsible?
Okay okay so hear me out
The 141 with Dogs
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
The only one I can think of who would actually go out and adopt a dog
I'm thinking a Boxer, maybe a Labrador
Loves his dog so much
The kind of dude to post his dog all over social media, makes TikToks of him and his pupper playing fetch, doing tricks, being adorable and goofy together
Gets said dog as a puppy
Posts the obligatory 'Say hi to Rover' with this floopy eared, dewy eyed pup that is almost as cute as he is with his big, pleased, warm smile
This dog is the goofiest, silliest little bean, and very smart too
Gaz has him extremely well trained as a result
Knows commands like 'Play dead' or 'Hide' or 'Go seek'
This dog gets into trouble though
Steal's Price's cigar cutter more than once and hides it under the man's couch
Has the captain looking for the blasted thing for over half an hour, practically tearing apart his office in the process
10/10 Good boy
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Captain John Price
Dog uncle through and through
Would never get a dog himself
Or if he did it would be more a guard dog instead of a pet kinda situation
Tries to state he's not into pets in general
Caught in 4K sneaking someone else's dog snacks off the counter
Does not like tiny, yippy dogs, they just make him irritated and annoyed
"If you wanted something small but loud, get a bloody grenade."
Much prefers big dogs
Again, very gruff about it, tries to say he doesn't have time for dogs or animals
Yet if you leave him alone in a room with one you'll come back to find him talking in soft, low tones, smushing that pupper's face while it's tail wags gently
Gaz has a picture of his dog sleeping on Price's lap in Price's office while the captain sleeps. He'll never ever show it to anyone out of respect for Price's little façade, but also because he's a little afraid Price might get his revenge somehow
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Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish
Also a dog uncle
But the best dog uncle
Doesn't want the actual responsibility of a dog, but will happily spoil his friend's dogs absolutely rotten
Brings them a new toy every time he visits
Does the 'Who's a good boy? Who's the bestest boy?' routine
Absolutely notorious for encouraging bad habits
Seriously. He becomes a menace with other people's dogs
Always happy to dog sit or run your dog to the groomer/vet if need be
Has a weakness for big dogs as well, but also likes smaller dogs as long a they aren't aggressive
Can do puppy eyes just as well as any loppy eared little pup
Spends way too much money on dog that aren't his
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Refused any pets until he met his current dog
He's lost too much to open his heart like that, especially for an animal that won't live as long as he will
Things change when he finds himself suddenly taking care of his current dog
He's on base when they bring in a K-9/Bomb sniffer unit injured in action, just happens to be there when they do
They're ready to give up on the poor thing, sadly preparing it for anathesia
"Wait." He says suddenly, looking down at the table where this dog is, and somehow seeing himself.
"I'll take him."
And he does. Tends to said dog, does everything he can to get him back on his feet, to eat again, to walk again
Slowly learning the paces of life, the same way he had to once
They take care of each other
Just as Simon helped this dog learn to live again, this dog helps Simon in return
Licks his face when he tosses from nightmares, turns on the light switch, rests his head in Simon's lap and stares up at him like he's the only thing that exists in the whole world
It's a quiet, protective dog, one that is wholly and entirely dedicated to Simon, and for him Simon would do anything, would kill someone if he needed to
John Wick style
Slowly, Simon's heart starts opening up again, and once, when the mask is off in front of the 141, with him holding his dog's head in his hands, they see his eyes soft, melt into something that looks shockingly like tenderness
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batboyblog · 11 months
"My Name is Harvey Milk and I'm Here To Recruit You!"
If you don't know Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office, to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. To this day Harvey remains the most famous queer person elected to office maybe in the world. His short and tumultuous time in office was dominated by the fight for gay rights. In the late 1970s there was a huge backlash against the rise of gay rights spearheaded by a group called "Save Our Children". Across the country they organized elections to revoke local gay rights ordinances in Miami, Saint Paul, Wichita and Eugene in the summer and fall of 1977. In 1978 a California state Senator John Briggs brought forward a citizens referendum, Proposition 6, which would ban gay people and supporters of gay rights from being teachers any where in the state of California. The last year of Harvey's life was consumed with the struggle against Briggs who he debated across the state. In the end the Briggs Initiative was defeated 58-41% with Harvey's home of San Francisco turning out over 70% against. The national anti-gay fever broke and "Save Our Children" never recovered.
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Harvey opened every speech he ever gave with "My name is Harvey Milk, and I'm here to recruit you" In the 1970s rather than accusing gay people of "grooming" children (an idea that didn't exist then) they were accused of "recruiting" them. "Recruiting our children to the homosexual lifestyle". So Harvey used it as a joke but also a battle cry
Today it feels like every day there's more bad news. Across the country state legislatures are trying to ban trans health care for minors and even adults. Local school boards are banning books about LGBT people (and others). States are trying to ban drag. violence and the threat of violence are trying to stop companies from doing Pride and attacking Queer events. The internet is flooded with "groomer" attacks on our humanity. There are days it does feel like the 1970s all over again.
BUT! we won then, and there are many lessons we can take from Harvey and his struggle and use to win the fight against the current wave of hate plunging American in darkness. Harvey's been gone a very long time so... My name is Max and I'm here to recruit you, here are some things I want everyone to do.
Are you an American citizen 18 years of age or older? Are you registered to vote? if the answer is no, register to fucking vote bitch, here check out what you need. If you want registered, click the link any ways and double check. If you're 16 or 17 years old good news more than half the states in America allow you to "preregister" so you're all signed up and become a registered vote right on your 18th birthday. Whats more ask every vaguely left of center person in your life, everyone who supports LGBT rights, if they're registered to vote and if any one says "no" bug the shit out of them till that changes.
But more than just registering to vote you have to go and vote, yes every election. Right now across America conservative queerphobes are using local elections that get little to no attention and are often very low turn out to take over and push wildly extreme and hateful agendas. Local school boards across America are banning books that have LGBT characters or themes. They pushing policies that refuse students the right to their correct names and pronouns. They want to require schools to out students to their parents against their wishes. Check Vote411 or ballotpedia to find what elections are happening around you.
Candidates on a local level, school board, town/city council, county government, even up to state Rep and state Senate candidates are almost always very responsive to questions. Email everyone running and ask them where they stand, you will get answers I PROMISE you will get answers. Its the easiest thing to do and everyone who has the right to vote in this country should do it, vote in every election.
"But I live in a super blue area my vote doesn't matter" SHUT UP! SHUT UP! even if every local election is Democratic it can be more progressive, ask local candidates what they're gonna do to push LGBT rights forward. Will your local school board push teaching LGBT history? respect trans students pronouns? will your local library board host a drag queen story hour and put together programs for pride? ask! push them! let local candidates know!
"but I live in a super red area my vote doesn't count" BULLSHIT! where ever you are there's a local election that can swing to the non-shitty side if people show up, you can be the difference in a school board election. No matter what stand up and be counted.
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are.
Since the earliest days of the movement in the 1950s and 1960s before Stonewall, through Harvey Milk's time in the 1970s through to right now, the most powerful tool we have is to come out. It is easy to hate the homosexual, the transgender as an abstraction, as a stereotype as an unrefuted lie. It is so much harder to hate a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, your lawyer, your doctor, the mailman, your 8th grade English teacher. In 1978 Harvey said:
"Unless you have dialogue, unless you open the walls of dialogue, you can never reach to change people's opinion. In those two weeks, more good and bad, but more about the word homosexual and gay was written than probably in the history of mankind. Once you have dialogue starting, you know you can break down prejudice. In 1977 we saw a dialogue start."
Thats what they're scared of, thats why they're freaking out in Target, why they're trying to shut down Drag Queen story hours and take away the books. Ignorance and hate lives in darkness and dies in the light. In 1978 gay men and lesbians went door to door in California and introduced themselves to strangers to explain the harm Briggs would do to them. They vote for us 3 to 1 if they know they know one of us.
It shouldn't be like this, it should be when you're ready when you have all the words, but they're coming for us all so come out come out wherever you are. If you know your parents will love you but you've been holding off because it's scary or stressful, nows the moment. If you're a grown ass adult who lives on your own and don't need mom and dad's money to pay your rent, tell them, no matter how much it hurts, call them on the phone, write them a letter if you have to. Does your family know but they asked you not to tell grandma, grandma, great-aunt Marge because they're old or whatever, or your aunt and uncle who are born again Christians. Listen if they still vote they could be hurting you and if they really love you they shouldn't want to do that, tell them! tell them who you really are, and it might be the work of years to bring that person around, but you never know till you try it.
Are there family members you have who know and love you but you know they're conservative and still vote Republican and you've been avoiding talking to them about it because it's awkward? Stop avoiding it, explain it to them, explain that it's not "just politics" explain to your loved ones that they ARE hurting you. If they don't hear it the first time, don't stop, if they love you they shouldn't hurt you.
Come Out at Work, Come out at your bowling league, come out to that friend of a friend you see sometimes, wear a pin, rainbow shoes, a shirt in public, tell your co-workers, your clients, your Church, your Synagogue. Wear that rainbow pin, that pronoun t-shirt, put a sticker on your car, your bag, your phone. If it's safe for you to be out in a space, claim it, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE.
Go To Pride This Year.
Conservatives are trying harder than any time in my lifetime to shut down Pride. Florida and Tennessee have passed laws that will limit pride events. Terrorists are threatening and attacking brands that are doing Pride themed events and products. These events and products go back at least 20 years but the violence of attacks against them is really new. So the only answer is to GO TO PRIDE. I don't care if crowds are not your thing, I don't care if its 97 degrees out the day your city does it, I don't care if your local pride is small and embarrassing, I don't care you might see that one ex, I DON'T CARE. If you physically can go to a pride event this June DO IT. If you're scared to be seen, wear a mask, go in drag, put make or body pant over your tattoos whatever you need to do. If we want to have Pride again next year in many areas this year needs to be a show of force. If you've never been and you never go again this is the year, do it, go, find the Pride event closest to you and do it.
Get Involved Whore!
So far I've offered you pretty easy asks for things you can do, voting, coming out, going to Pride. Now comes the harder ones, get involved. In 1978 gay men and lesbians knocked on doors and told voters across the state of California how an anti-gay measure would affect them personally. If they had the nerve less than 10 years after Stonewall to go to strangers houses and come out to them, I believe you can do it too. Get out there, knock doors, make phone calls, mail postcards, wave signs. Talk to Voters from anywhere, find your local Democratic Party, check out LGBT Democrats in your state, check out groups like the HRC and PFLAG
if you've got money give to HRC, give to GLAD, Give to The National Center for Lesbian Rights all 3 of whom have been the tip of the spear fighting the insane anti-LGBT laws coming out of the states.
If you don't have money, check out The Victory Fund thats supports LGBT candidates and find one close to you and sign up to help. Can't find anyone? try Run for Something that supports young progressives. If you live in a Blue area of a blue state, you can check the Sister District Project which links up volunteers with swingy districts across the country. Swing Left does much the same on a more federal level
crazy right wing extremists can count on organized support from Churches and far right groups. You, yes you, talking to you Glenn! HAVE TO be the support network, the volunteer base for LGBT candidates and their allies and supporters. You have to HAVE to get out there, give if you have money, knock on doors, call, text, write letters go to a protest, sit at a booth, register people to vote, hand out literature, WHATEVER whatever. You can do it, please give at least one weekend over the next two years to a political campaign, be it a local school board candidate, town council, working for the Democrats or volunteering through the HRC or a progressive group, the people who want to destroy you are out working to win elections, you have to be too.
Fucking Run, why not?
This is the last thing, the hardest thing and the thing I don't expect everyone to do. Run, yes really, run for office, yes you, yes I mean it. If the crazed insane conservative who thinks Hillary Clinton drinks child blood out of kids like a juice box is qualified for School Board to ban all the books with queer people or black folks, you are MORE than qualified. I don't care if you're a high school drop out with face tats, you're more qualified than these people, so do it, if you've ever thought of it, do it. Frustratingly dozens of dozens of offices across this country are filled every day but uncontested elections only one person signed up, hell that person can be you why not? Look into it Last year 41% of the seats in the Florida Legislature went uncontested, 37% of the seats in Texas, 53% in Tennessee, 58% in South Carolina. It's not for everyone, but if you've ever wanted to, ever thought about it, take this as your sign, do it. Do you have a friend who's so smart, cool, involved and just better than you in every way and you think they should run the world? Nominate them, give them a push to run
I think Harvey put the importance of electing queer people better than I ever could so
Somewhere in Des Moines or San Antonio, there’s a young gay person who all of a sudden realizes that she or he is gay. Knows that if the parents find out, they’ll be tossed out of the house. The classmates will taunt the child and the Anita Bryants and John Briggs’ are doing their bit on TV, and that child had several options. Staying in a closet, suicide, and then one day that child might open a paper, and it says “Homosexual elected in San Francisco,” and there are two new options. An option is to go to California or stay in San Antonio and fight. Two days after I was elected, I got a phone call, and the voice was quite young. It was from Altoona, Pennsylvania, and the person said, “Thanks.” And you’ve got to elect gay people so that that young child and the thousands upon thousands like that child know that there’s hope for a better world. There’s hope for a better tomorrow. Without hope, not only gays, but those Blacks, and the Asians, and disabled, and seniors. The us’s. The us’s without hope, the us’s give up. I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you, and you, and you have got to give them hope. Thank you very much.
If you read all this thanks, I can't make anyone do anything of course, but whatever you choose to do, I'll be out there knocking doors. I wish I did not live in such dark times but as Gandalf The Gray said "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” 
Finally to all my Queer brothers, sisters, and siblings, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you. I love you. With all my heart, I love you.
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wisewolfprince · 2 years
Wizarding World ➵ Nsfw Alphabet
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ʚ character ɞ harry james potter x nb!reader
ʚ warnings ɞ mentions of sex and sexual preferences, breeding, unprotected sex, use of sex toys, masturbation, etc.
ʚ notes ɞ this was surprisingly really fun to write! my inbox is open to anyone who would like to request specific characters or nsfw prompts. i'll be writing nsfw alphabets for most of the HP characters eventually. reblogs/favourites are greatly appreciated <33 (all characters written are 18+!!)
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A = Aftercare (What happens after sex?)
Harry LOVES to cuddle with you after sex, he absolutely craves the skin on skin contact and doesn't care in the slightest if you're both sweaty or half asleep already. He'll place gentle kisses on your skin wherever he can touch and murmur how great you were into your ear just to put your mind at ease.
B = Bodyparts (Their favourite part of you)
Harry absolutely adores your thighs. He's definitely a thigh fucker. It doesn't matter how big or small your thighs are, he'll grab them whenever he gets the chance. He loves laying his head on your thighs, sometimes even going as far as biting/marking them when he's between your thighs. Overall he's just completely infatuated with your thighs!
C = Cum (And anything to do with it)
He tends to try and avoid being messy most of the time BUT sometimes he just can't help himself when you're so willing to let him fill you up or even cum all over you. He loves watching you swallow and lick up his cum after he orgasms, it turns him on so much just to think about it. He may not look like it but he has A LOT of cum to share so be aware of the potential mess it could make.
D = Desires (What sexual fantasies do they have?)
I wouldn't say that Harry is the kinkiest person ever but he certainly has a few fantasies he'd like to try with you someday. He's particularly fond of the idea of fucking you on/over his desk at work, the risk of being caught by anyone walking past his office would drive him crazy in the best way possible and it's one of those "I shouldn't be doing this but it feels so good" type of scenarios. You should definitely visit him at work more often.
E = Experience (Do they know what they're doing?)
Harry isn't as experienced as you'd expect the "chosen one" to be — sure, he's practically the most famous person in the wizarding world but he's quite traditional and often misunderstands flirting for friendliness. I'd say he probably only slept with 1-3 people prior to meeting you but he makes sure to communicate with you and loves learning what you like and dislike, he takes personal pride in making you orgasm.
F = Favourite Position (What do they like?)
He's definitely a missionary type of guy. He loves the intimacy that comes with it and he especially loves being able to see your reaction to his thrusts not to mention how easier it is to kiss you this way. As I've mentioned before, he CRAVES skin on skin even after sex so this is certainly a win-win for him. Even if he's just grinding against you or getting you off, he loves being on top of you while he does it.
G = Goofy (How serious are they during sex?)
Harry tends to take sex a little more seriously than others but that doesn't mean he can't have a laugh once in a while. Sometimes he'll find himself giggling if you two accidentally bump foreheads with each other or if one of you makes a particularly amusing or unusual noise. He'd never laugh at anything you could consider to be embarrassing but he loves the little moments where you both pause to giggle at each other when something amusing does happen in the moment. Not taking yourselves too seriously is what truly makes sex all the more enjoyable.
H = Hair (How groomed are they?)
Harry isn't much of a groomer because it's virtually impossible to constantly manage his hair growth, even with the help of magical potions. He's quite hairy in the 'downstairs department' and has a quite impressive snail-trail but he does make efforts to keep himself clean and manageable for you. In addition to this, he doesn't have any qualms about your hair growth either and tends to enjoy the more natural look anyway, as long as you're comfortable w/ it.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they during sex?)
Harry can be very romantic during sex when he needs to be, sometimes it can feel clinical if you're both busy and don't have time to put in anymore effort but he always tries to go out of his way to make an impression on you. He goes all out during holidays like valentines day or your birthday, decorating the room with candles and rose petals, setting up a warm bubble bath that you both can share and enjoy yourselves in. Sometimes he'll involve different foods like whipped cream, chocolate sauce, different fruits to eat off each other but his biggest romantic gesture is his praise. He loves telling you how good you feel, how proud he is of you and how well you're doing, etc. Anything to make you feel good.
J = Jacking Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
It depends on the week he's having to be honest and also if you're available to help him with his needs. If the week has been difficult and or stressful, he tends to masturbate between 2/3 times a week. That seems to be his average, but it can fluctuate.
K = Kinks (Things they get sexual pleasure from)
As I've mentioned before, Harry isn't the kinkiest of people but he does have his fair share of quirks. His most riskiest kink would have to be breeding, it just drives him crazy to think of filling you up with his cum, watching it drip out and getting a rush from the lack of protection, even if it can't result in pregnancy. He also loves the risk of being caught, although he tends to be quite conservative sometimes he gets the chance to have sex with you at an inappropriate time, again the idea of someone catching the two of you in the heat of the moment drives him crazy in the best way.
L = Location (How adventurous are they?)
Harry isn't very adventurous when it comes to sex but sometimes, if the moment allows, he can be quite spontaneous. The riskiest place he'd fuck you is at his office, or in the bathroom at a friends house. The idea of having to be secretive and quick to avoid being caught is something that turns him on greatly.
M = Motivation (How high is their sex drive?)
I'd say that Harry has a moderate level sex drive, he wouldn't say no if you were to ask (unless it's at an inappropriate time or he's exhausted) but he also wouldn't be upset if neither of you had sex for a week or two, or even longer depending on the circumstances. It depends on how you're both feeling.
N = No (What are things they wouldn't do?)
Harry wouldn't do things that could seriously hurt either of you, in his eyes no amount of pleasure is worth risking your lives and safety. I'd say things that could restrict your breathing, cause scars/pain/blood as well as things that involve dubious-consent are all no-no's for him. He doesn't like hurting you or being hurt either.
O = Oral (What are their preferences?)
Harry wouldn't say no to receiving but he'd have some worries about giving, as long as you're communicating with him and being vocal about what feels good and what doesn't then he'll feel a lot better. When he's in the mood for it — he's REALLY in the mood for it, he'll slurp and lick and swirl his tongue all day long. Sometimes he'll use his hands if you're needing more stimulation but most of the time his tongue is good enough to use. He also loves when you go down on him, he likes the feeling of being deep-throated but he wouldn't force you to do it if you're not comfortable.
P = Pace (Do they prefer to be fast or slow?)
Harry prefers to use a slower and deeper pace but he isn't afraid to go faster or harder when you ask for it — sometimes in the heat of the moment he uses his initiative to decide what would be best, but he'll often ask you how you want it. "want me to go faster, baby?" etc. He tends to try and be as gentle as possible.
Q = Quickies (Do they do this and if so how often?)
Harry enjoys quickies but only when he's in the mood to do something a little more riskier. For example, if you're at his office or in the bathroom, he'd take pleasure in having a quickie with you to see how fast he can make you cum without getting caught and vice versa. He can get quite competitive sometimes.
R = Risks (Are they up for experimentation?)
As I've mentioned before, he does like a bit of risk when it comes to sex but not all the time. He's definitely up for experimenting with you but there are things he will be unwilling to try. He would ask you about your boundaries beforehand and make sure to respect your decisions as you should with his own. I think he'd be interested in trying different positions, different methods of dirty-talking and even trying out a few different toys.
S = Stanima (How long can they last?)
Harry tends to finish between 5-15 minutes, his average would likely be around 5-7 minutes depending on the circumstances. If you're both trying to be quick for whatever reason you have then it's likely to last between 3-5 minutes. If you're both trying to last longer then it can reach upwards of 30 minutes to an hour (although most of this would be spent on foreplay and exploring each other)
T = Toys (Do they use them and if so what are they?)
Harry would be open to using toys like vibrators, dildos (although nothing too big), he'd also be open to using some kind of wrist restraint like handcuffs or rope if he knew how to loosen or remove them. He'd also enjoy the use of a blindfold on special occasions.
U = Unfair (Do they tease or do they like to be teased?)
Harry isn't much of a teaser unless he's feeling particularly mischievous. He does get whiny and easily frustrated when you tease him, and he enjoys being teased over teasing you. His favourite kind of tease which he often inflicts upon himself is watching you change your clothes around him. He finds it hard to resist touching you when you're hardly wearing anything around him. If he wants to make himself last longer in bed, he tends to pull out before he can cum, which usually results in the two of you being teased/edged in the process.
V = Volume (How vocal are they during sex?)
Harry isn't the loudest when it comes to sex but he does get more vocal if he's in the privacy of his own home, he'll moan and whine if you encourage him but he loves to hear your voice and often doesn't want to intterupt your moans or words in the moment.
W = Wild Card (Random Nsfw Headcanon)
Harry definitely has a second favourite position which would be doggy-style. In this position he can absolutely lose control of himself, clinging onto your waist and hips whilst he feverishly pounds into you from behind. He wants to be as close to you as possible, even in this position, so he often ends up hunching over to hold you from behind, moaning and whimpering into your ear and occasionally biting/marking your back and shoulders.
X = X-Ray (What do they like to wear?)
Harry tends to wear loose fitting boxers instead of tight fitting ones, however during sex he likes to wear little to nothing unless he needs you so bad he can't be bothered to take off his clothes.
Y = Yearning (How long can they go without sex?)
Harry can go weeks without sex, months even if there's a reason why you can't participate. Although he enjoys having sex with you, if you're unable to participate and explain why (if he doesn't already know) then he'll respect your decision. If neither of you have sex for extended periods of time, he'll just masturbate.
Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Harry tends to fall asleep quicker if the two of you are able to cuddle after sex but it doesn't drain him completely. Sometimes he'll stay awake to talk to you, or if it happens during the day he'll take a nap if it's absolutely necessary. But generally speaking he can stay awake after sex for hours depending on the circumstances.
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During the Obama years, some of the Republican Party’s leading finance wing bosses started playing with fire. The Koch Brothers poured a fortune into the creation of the Tea Party, a hardline group that made it clear that the would rather lose elections than lose the culture war. They primaried career GOP politicians and replaced them with swivel-eyed loons (and normie politicians who were willing to vote like swivel-eyed loons).
These hardliners changed the conservative coalition’s balance of power. By making it clear that they would rather see Democrats in office than Republicans who reneged on their culture war promises, they put the fear of (an evangelical) God into their leaders.The Tea Party marked a turning point for the US conservative movement and then conservative movements around the world.
Hardline conservative policies — total abortion bans, groomer panics, institutionalized racism, historical revisionism, support for white nationalist — are not popular.
Ideas like universal medical care, expanded transit, humane immigration policies and infrastructure spending enjoy commanding majority support among both Republicans and Democrats.But the hardliners threw the steering-wheel out the window. They’ve made it clear to GOP party bosses that they would rather lose elections than lose the culture war.
- The Right's Hardliners Would Rather Lose Elections Than Culture Wars: and the finance wing knows it
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biribaa · 1 year
Why nobody is talking about Outrage hes prob the best AI ever mf literally beat up racists, sexists, groomers and every type of toxic people in the internet plus hes babygirl shaped
I mean just look at this fella. I bet if you like Edgar u will enjoy this folk a lot.
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