#grace is literally frothing at the mouth
grace122 · 1 year
checking in to paint an image of dream fucking you from behind, slow but so deep, and when the pleasure becomes too much to handle and you attempt to pull away, he puts his entire weight on the back of your body so that you now are completely stuck between the mattress and his body, perhaps he even puts his bicep around your neck.
“sshh shh baby, ah-ah no running from it.” “cmon now, relax baby, let me in, theeere we go”
holy fucking SHIT ANON, this is literally so hot good lordddd😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫(the “let me in” and “ah-ah no running from it” is driving me INSANEEE😵‍💫😵‍💫)
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Is it 4am and should I be asleep? Yes. Am I instead just reading the asks sent to people about you and being highly concerned yet amused by that anon who's spewing all the hate? Also yes. Like seriously, it's actually kinda sad that they're trying so hard to hate on you by grasping at literal straws and making up lies to back up their stories. Like, babe, at least make it believable by first doing some research and getting your facts straight 💀
Don't let the haters get you down, boo (not that you are. I'm cackling at your replies to the situation lmao.) Continue giving grown ass men black eyes as the anon says you do and own that tag of yours. And do it with the grace of the queen you are 👏
this whole situation is just so funny to me the fact that majority of these asks have to be coming from grown ass adults KILLS me like can you go worry abt your bills or something 💀
I hope they’re mad as HELL in their little discord server lmao, no way ppl actually thought spewing bs hate abt me would get a rise out of me… IM THE BIGGEST HATER YOU CANT OUTDO THE DOER ‼️
tbh I’m really not surprised by this type of behavior at all, considering the spooky place that Tumblr has always been theres always gonna be snakes lurking somewhere and theres really nothing you can do abt it, and I know that just reading hateful things can make some people super uncomfortable which is why its always been my go to response to make humor out of literally everything bc at the end of the day shit really is just that fucking funny 💀💀 like I ADORE YOU GUYS for defending me, but it really does take a lot to get under my skin
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I think Dasein and the wizard are such great foils to each other, it's nuts. During Wallaru, I think Dasein mirrors a lot of what the wizard feels. All the wizard has done is help and help other people, but in the end, they get painted as a bad guy, and for things that aren't their fault. Or were doing the actual right thing. Everyone rejects them, and first saw them as this glorious thing that has graced the Spiral, but their view of them has now shifted into a danger of the Spiral.
Dasein and wizard the only ones that truly get in each other. Dasein used to be Nothing, and he can't go back to that now. The wizard is from Earth, and they can't go back to it now. The fact that Veg says that they knew better, but Dasein didn't can also be applied to the wizard.
They are literally young enough to be called "kid" or just "young" still expected to save everyone, and everyone is frothing at the mouth for when they couldn't help or slip up. They didn't know any better. While there will be trial, their past doesn't define them. And they can still move forward.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
noctyx 2.0 is real and every second you aren't running they're getting closer
but a very lovely message inspired me to write down my thoughts anyways so here, i'll post what i expected/predicted first, then reactions to the actual outfits under the cut
dude i knew in my heart sonny was wearing a baseball cap with that smooth ass head but in my SOUL i was hoping for, get this, a biker helmet and matching motorcyclist-themed fit. that would be sooooo sick. with a leather jacket (toggle?) and ripped jeans and everything. oh, about how one shoulder is a little higher than the other? i thought he did that thing where you take the jacket entirely off, but sling it around your shoulder
uki mamaaaaa... i thought the little chain was a drop earring ngl. and that he had a hair bow for the ponytail, and one of those classy, flouncy blouses. ever since the first few weeks of noctyx where uki solidified himself as a graceful, elegant kind of guy i've been rooting for a classy fit and i really felt that energy with this silhouette, though to be honest, i did imagine the blouse to be really ruffled like a pirate shirt
i am proud to say i didn't buy fulgur's silhouette for a second. nah-uh dude you can't fool me, the ms paint guy. i recognize a round brush when i see one and i damn well recognized a round brush when i saw it. plus when i zoomed in and saw all those little gaps? nah dude. i'm also mad proud to say that i knew before he posted the real silhouette that it was to obscure longer hair, but it definitely wasn't a 404 fit. his hair would be longer and more unkempt if it was. but aside from that i had no clue what to expect lol
and speaking of zero clues, alban.. literally had no idea of what to think. no idea where to start, either, because his silhouette was so versatile. i remember thinking that following the theme where luxiem 2.0 is based on their pasts, then it would make sense if noctyx 2.0 followed a theme of their future endeavors/more detailed outfits based on their occupations, right? the only details i really gleaned were the straps on his shoulders, and honestly i thought it was a bulletproof vest, or some kinda techwear gear
actual outfit reactions under the cut
so a funny side story while the outfit relay was running, i was at a concert. it was a small lil' outdoor bar type venue full of sweaty bodies packed like sardines, thrashing around to trip hop and noise rap until 1 am and everyone's toes turned black from getting stepped on. there were like four different artists performing before the headliner i was looking forward to the most, and when sonny's relay was going on, the first band had just finished, this noisy distorted group playing along to a rapper shouting along, something a guillotine-by-death-grips enjoyer would froth at the mouth for. once they left the stage and i checked twitter to see the livetweets i was just thinking "this is what he [taichou] would've wanted"
anyways. it was hilarious because the second i clocked sonny's new hair i called him a wet ass dog. it's true. he looks like he crawled out of a dunk tank AAAAAHAHAHAHA it's growing on me, though. the links on his cap are adorble, i love that and the negi. and the water bottle! omizu, those little references with the acessories were easily my favorite part! the fit is really simple so those little details really made it shine, including the quilted texture on the shoes, and the shadow over his eyes when he wears the hat… you know… it’s a good outfit… but it’s just… i can’t help but feel
(also obligatory disclaimer that i’ve only found the time to watch sonny’s stream entirely, and i’m 7 min into uki’s, so let me know if i missed some context. i’m a clips champion at heart.)
i knew uki would be beautiful but i loooove how effortlessly beautiful he is in this one. it's giving me vibes like you impulsively decided to turn up at his door and then spent the rest of the day just comfortably hanging out all chill and calm. his slippers are so adorbs i know how he integrated the stargazers into the fit just like that, and his hair is so pretty when it’s long! he really is uki mama now! and the color is lighter, so i have two headcanons: either it’s dyed and slowly fading out… or he’s so old he’s graying LMAOOOOOO
fuuchan turning up to the outfit reveal no tease no prelude just apple is easily the most on-brand fuuchan thing i’ve seen. happy father’s day to fuuchan and his pink shirt, i SWEAR every dad worth his salt has a pink shirt in that same exact color. megane fuu is so important! i’m so glad this is a thing now it suits his fit and his personality so well! love the legatus motif on the shoes and the buckle too
i guess i’m not really allowed to say i was pleasantly surprised by alban since i didn’t have any expectations. but i was pleasantly surprised! he’s so darling! and all his toggles go so hard! he’s very boy next door, i love the little ripped jean details especially on his jeans! and it’s very versatile, especially when you consider his 1.0 too. he’s so cute. i’m so glad we embraced the konbini thing it’s so important
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tordsbeloved · 2 years
How about headcanons with Tori and Matilda (Ellsworld) with a s/o who cosplays?
Tori/Matilda x reader who likes to cosplay
tory can step on my istg if i was near them my gay ass would fold so easy and fast'
#1 Supporter!!
Tori is in love with the idea of her beautiful s/o cosplaying
she loves all the fandom cosplays you do
you have a tik tok account for your cosplays and you bet tori is in the comments looking at rude comments going off
and she fights the people who go "OUR s/o" or even "is your s/o single?"
tamara comments every once in a while to tease tori
they argue for such a long time
you need help
She even does your hair for you
And if you need a prop she's trying her hardest to make sure is absolutely perfect for you!
she goes to cons with you making sure your safe and no one is harassing you
if they do, holy shit a red storm is coming straight for them.
at most she would wear an cropped anime shirt
she would request some of her anime characters she thinks you would look amazing as
she's frothing at the mouth if you do agree to her request
she makes out with you when you dress up as her recommendations
Hypes you up!! LMAO
when you brought up why not have the both of you cosplay at a con she was excited about the idea!!
but she kinda seemed so insecure about it
you ofc reassured her.
when you bot
Ahh the beauty and grace herself
she is literally so beautiful
you told her that your gonna be in you room just making stuff for fun
why you didn't tell her you did cosplay?
idk bro you tell me
well she went to her room with a missing hair curler and she didnt know where it went
she did know you both shared said object and went to go ask you
she walked into you room to ask if you knew where her hair curler was at and walked in on you hosting a live stream for how you style the wigs for you cosplays
she had a blank look on her face
she was literally so confused as she closed the door
you just looked at her as she closed the door and looked back at the camera and laughed
she then burst in all giddy and excited
the comments on the live where just laughing or "LMAOO"
everyone loved her bro
who wouldn't.
she then was sat down by you and you started to explain why you do this and its just for fun and not for Halloween
she still didn't get it but she did support you in this hobby
she honestly first thought that it was a thing in the LGBTQ+ community she wasn't aware of LMAO
months go by with her knowing and she ends up going live with you, and your fans love her
they say ya'll are 100% couple goals
she help you style the wigs and sometimes asks for her bestie tori to help with props and hair
you both went and she just ended up following you and the group
you both had a blast with the group
people asking for picture with you
asking how you made such a good cosplay
you where so tired on the way home, literally walking in almost dead
but when you both got home she was more than happy to help you out of it
when you both where finished and ready for bed
she kissed you while cuddling into you before saying how cut you hobby is and how much she thinks your so cute
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
The end of the year is near! Give a shoutout to your favorite blogs and tag them to spread positivity before the year ends!
oh my god can i just slap half of byler tumblr onto here? probably not which is Dumb bc there are so many wonderful people in this community whom i am sending all my love and virtual hugs and tissues to (sorry i made you cry this year).
anyways umm category 5 emotional event incoming:
@astrobei my suni astrobei, my dear beloved, sweet unofficial little sister. you are so talented. so smart. so funny. so kind. and just one of the best people to grace this website. i love how grounded you are, how you make people feel so at ease to talk to you, how humble you are for being one of The Byler Writers Ever, how everybody just is so drawn to you because you are genuine and kind and supportive always. the byler community is so lucky to have you in it, but more importantly (sorry guys this is about me <3), i'm lucky to have you in my life bc you're amazing!!! ilysm!!!!
@wiseatom thea wiseatom, my sweet thea mouse with her bindle oh my GOD, where do i even begin? thea, truly you are one of the absolute best people here, and there is something to be said about how much you love your friends and how caring and gracious and wonderful you are. not to mention you might just be the funniest person i know, like pls i cannot count how many times you've made me laugh. also. i am still NOT OVER i'm caught up in you and i am frothing at the mouth waiting for exes fic because i know it's gonna wreck me in the best way possible, and i just think you're the bestest person ever that's it! <3 ily!!!!
@bookinit02 HAVENNNNNNNNNN. oh my god, you were one of my first friends here, and i remember being so so like nervous and thinking "i hope she doesn't think i'm weird or like bothering her by talking to her!" but i am SO GLAD we became friends because you are just literally one of my dearest friends here, and even if we don't talk super often, i am so so grateful for you and for how funny and kind and thoughtful you are!!! your fics kill me every time. shed scene you will always be famous. duffer brothers get out of the way, just let haven bookinit write the damn show already.
@messrsbyler nic? aka my personal pain in the ass? the demon on my shoulder? ugh god if i say anything nice about you, i feel like i'm going to be sentencing myself to 7 more years in hell with you. can't believe god decided "let's ruin the world and send andi into it," then got bored and said, "let's ruin it some more and send nic into it" a few days later. ok fine i'm done being not nice, stg don't make me regret this. nic, your brain holy shit. the way you understand characters (MIKE) and think of things to share with this community? dear god we're all suffering (in the best way) for it. not to mention i guess you're a nice friend. supportive and stuff. really nice. funny even if you annoy me. stuff like that. can't believe we decided to go feral over atla and now we're stuck in hell together.
@livsmessydoodles LIV LIV LIV MY SUNSHINE SWEET BELOVED LIV!!!!! oh my god, you are the best. literally so talented and so kind and so funny and so encouraging and also just so badass? like ok i'm not on twt anymore (rip to that hellhole) but the way you would so easily fire back at those people who tried to attack you asg jdle l HELP? but then like. you are also just the sweetest and friendliest person ever, and i??? i'm obsessed with you. your art makes me so emotional, and i cry ok. also thanks for putting up with me kicking your door down with sad byler thoughts. love you so so much.
@kidovna bhavna. ok. words cannot describe how much i adore you. you are literally one of the most talented people i have ever met in my life, so much so that i gush to my irl friends and family about your artwork and how cool i think you are. but more than that, you are truly just one of the most encouraging and most humble and one of the kindest people in our little byler fandom! i love how i constantly see you cheering others on and how i see you working with others and putting things together that make the community so excited (spider-will my beloved, thank you and every person who made this possible). your art never fails to make me smile and feel things, and i am sooooo lucky and grateful i get to call you my dear friend!
@elekinetic this is my official petition to put ella elekinetic in charge of stranger things 5. because hello. screenwriting. holy shit? holy shit. holyyyyy shit. ella, you are truly one of the most talented people i know, and usually, i read incredibly quickly because that's my default, but when i read your scripts i always take them so slow. i am like holding my breath in anticipation, feeling every single emotion, and i swear to you it's like i'm watching the show. and then on top of that you're just? one of the nicest people ever? literally i'm obsessed with you. thanks for coming to my tedtalk on why ella is the best.
@strangeswift abby abby abby abby!!!!! my stranger things x taylor swift partner in crime, you are THE BEST. god one of the highlights of the last few weeks of this year has been getting to know you because you're just such a joy to be around and to talk to. you have THE BEST takes on byler and on taylor swift, and i love how unabashedly nerdy i can be about this with you. also, i constantly see you on the tag just encouraging other people within this community, and look, i think that's really just such a special thing and is a testament to what an amazing person you are.
@toystoryfan TOY OH MY GOD. petition to make toy The Byler of the year please? because there is nobody i see lifting people up, making people smile, and brightening others' days like toy does. you are one of the most thoughtful and kind people i know. there is just a warmth and positivity to you that is SO wonderful, and it never fails to make me smile. i am hereby naming you sunshine incarnate and naming myself sunshine protector bc if anyone ever is mean to you, i'll end them.
@eightieslesbian MADDYYYYYYY. okay maddy, literally like i said with abby, one of the highlights of the last couple weeks of this year has been getting to chat with you and getting to know you!!! you are literally one of the sweetest people ever and also HELLO GIFSETS? THE GIFSET MAKER? OKAY. YEAH. THE COOLEST. plus our love for merlin has been resurrected (unlike arthur pendragon oof), and i love that for us. you always brighten my day whenever i see you around the tag, and i'm SO GLAD WE'RE FRIENDS <3
@smoosnoom MOON!!!!! a byler god among humans. the quality of fics that you put out is just absolutely outstanding? like i swear you don't miss, and i so appreciate how much thought and love and intention you put into your writing!!! literally top tier writing. and on top of that, you're incredibly sweet and so positive, so big win for the byler community that we have moon in it!!
@rotisserie5107 RORI!!!!!! rori oh my god, it's you and toy i swear. first off, you never fail to make me giggle when i see your tags or your comments because i swear you have the funniest commentary. rori comments are some of my favorite comments. i love how easygoing and friendly and funny you are and how easily you just vibe with everyone here? you're also SUCH an incredibly supportive and kind person, which makes this fandom an even better place. i return to work this week and i will be listening to ethel cain soon, so i will return to you with thoughts and feelings. 🫡
@wibble-wobbegong WIBBLE. ok i'm glad this ask came around bc i have been meaning to just stumble over into your asks and say this, but i'll do it here. wibble, first off, you're SO incredibly smart and do SUCH a wonderful job at analyzing the show and all its nuances. like bless you and your ministry. but second off, more than that (and not that the show and the fandom isn't important, but look there's also more to life than stranger things lmao), i can say without a doubt that you are truly one of the kindest people in the byler community. you always come across as so humble and so welcoming and so kind, which i think is often lacking (because it is the internet lmao), so it's always such a breath of fresh air to see you on my dash! also legit one of the funniest people ever ok?!!
god okay. that was so many people, and i could go on and on and on (and i have half a mind to just reblog this and add more people to it) because there are so so so so many people not on this list that i could gush about... but i'm hungry and probably need to go eat something since i skipped dinner last night. so that's it, thanks for making my 2022 brighter!!!
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(Disclaimer that these are all only my opinions)
I imagined Philip as looking more like Philza Minecraft, to be completely honest. So tell me why they made him kinda..???
THEY FUCKED UP HIS CHARACTERIZATION (imo). In the book, he’s just a victim of what he was born into as well. He’s rigid & kinda a dick because it was what he was taught to be to survive, the movie completely took that away, giving him literally two scenes.
I feel as though they were afraid to criticize the British monarchy too hard, which is why they gave the king the good grace they did (plus other changes done, I don’t think they included the cliticization of the British Museum stealing all those artifacts either)
Frothing at the mouth over the fact they not only took away Luna, but completely got rid of the fucking sex abuse scandal in favor of a jealousy plot. Explodes you with my mind.
Going back to my point above that one, I feel they might not have wanted to add that seeing how many Richards are out there. Can’t fan too many flames, huh?
They also gave Bea way less screen time, & took away the whole “Powder Princess” thing, I think the way they talked about their dad passing & how it effects the family was kind of cheap.
AND they fucked up Henry’s moms characterization. She just straight up wasn’t in it, only mentioned, & in a negative light. Again, they really didn’t give the dad passing the attention it deserved.
The beginning went by pretty damn fast. But in all fairness for that & I suppose a lot of points, the movies already two hours long with all that missing, so I suppose I can give some leniency on some of these points.
June obviously wasn’t there either, but it at least doesn’t feel like anybody’s missing. I guess they managed the Nora & June merge well. THEY DID NOT MANAGE THE LIAM & LUNA MERGE WELL.
Seriously fuck them for taking away Luna & subsequently his character arc
Do love all the terms of endearment Henry uses, honestly don’t remember if that’s in the book or not.
Can we circle back around to how attractive Philip is. Sorry who said that.
I like the way they handled the cake scene better, definitely feels more realistic.
Admittedly also kinda happy the Henry magazine photo thing wasn’t added, kind of made me cringe reading about it lmao
Is there a copy right reason they couldn’t include Henry being a Star Wars fan? If they just simply choose not to then I am Disappointed.
Really liked how they did the phone calls, with them appearing in front & them as though they’re in the same room, together. Great touch.
Edit to add this bullet point because it’s really important to me. Alex says he’s bisexual, Henry says he’s gay. Ellen asks if Alex is gay, fluid, bi, pan. Ellen references transgender people. They talk about the LGBT+ community. They say all these words, they don’t whisper them, or talk around them. They say them loud & clear as day. Idk, this just makes me really happy because of how often you’ll see people talk around these words like they’re bad or dirty words (yes I’m aware this is a movie where they have gay sex multiple times on screen but it’s still important to me shut up)
It was alright. I don’t regret watching it. It was entertaining, but admittedly not the type of movie I’d usually watch, so I think other people could enjoy it way more then I did. But I definitely still enjoyed it despite all my criticisms.
Definitely not as good as the book, but not bad at all. I’d say it’s absolutely worth the watch.
I’m sure you can also find posts that can better articulate why this movie is so groundbreaking & important as well, which is something I didn’t particularly touch on in this post.
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noyzinerd · 5 months
Im so mad about the casualty in which the last scene unfolds like what the fuck? The sheriff giving his wife’s car keys to eli and the speech? Like it’s the easiest thing in the world is absolute nonsense, the amount of implications of that scene ALONE break my heart but their relationship in the entire movie is grandson and grandpa coded as fuck
From a meta standpoint, it's absolutely wild and completely bonkers to throw that whole random scene in out of left field. Like, what are you doing, Jeff? What the fuck is this? Why is this scene here of all places? What is your game here?!
But from a shipping standpoint, ignoring literally everything else in that piece of trash, that's honestly the only saving grace that lives rent-free in my head. Like, of course the sheriff would hand down his wife's Jeep to Eli. That's his grandson (everyone shut the fuck up on this, he is, fight me). It wouldn't be any hardship at all. The ease of just handing off the Jeep and saying "Yeah, your dad probably had a thing for my son", although infuriating in this physical plane where my brain and frothing mouth exist, does create an atmosphere in my fanfic devouring maw where this is just another one of those mornings at Grandpa's, talking over breakfast about the facts of life, about how "Their comes a time in a man's life" and somehow tying it to a metaphor about fishing.
IRL, the scene screams rushed and tossed in there to plant one last Sterek flag for...reasons? But in that same breath, it's also beautiful in the life it makes you imagine these characters live. It's awful and gorgeous. It's terrible and breathtaking. It's fucking Schrodinger's Sterek heritage post.
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arcanescribbles · 2 years
Dearest scribs, this may be a little long, but I hope that okay lol.
Okay so…I’ve been following you for QUITE some time, and I’m very accustomed to being a little shadow gremlin, I’ve never interacted much so this is very new, very scary…BUT! I just, I’ve been trying to…work up the moxy? The courage, to, even if just anonymously, let creators that I utterly adore, know how much I adore them! So it’s your turn!
I gotta say scribs, scribby, scriddly a diddly, your art is…..*swoons* one of my FAVORITES!! Im an artist as well, self taught of course, I doodle for my own personal amusement, for my own love and deep fascination with humans, their faces and emotions, and just everything, but I’ve been drawing since I can remember! But I’ve been…well, I struggle lol, I think we all do on here, but yes, depression be a serious dedicated companion to me. And I’ve been struggling with drawing, and honestly, just doing anything, for years now. However, the arcane community, and all the writings and arts and doodles…have kept me afloat insanely so, I say all this so hopefully my words will have some hefty meaning when I try to explain how….gorgeous your art is.
Oh how to describe this well….first of all, you are utterly a treasure, your personality seems so sweet and precious, and I know you worry about comparing yourself, your art, the (utterly wonderful and divine, and a guilty pleasure of mine as well don’t worry) self insertions, but let me just say, your art is one of those kinds that captures such…humanity, in it. Oh scribs it’s so beautiful! The lines are always so frail, so tender and delicate…there’s such warmth, simple magic, simple wonder and fascination at things simply being what they are! Hands and necks and fingers, so graceful and gorgeous, cause that’s what they actually are! But people so often forget that, and can’t see it! Eyes and jawlines and noses….gosh my juice….literally my soul. But there’s such reverence in your art, admiration for all of these beautiful things.
And the way you draw Viktor is….*frothing at the mouth* DIVINE. You draw him so sweetly, so full of love and life, such elegance and emotion in the entirety of his form! There’s such love and respect for the human body and soul in your work, I can literally see it, there’s LOVE there, and it’s so beautiful!! You make me wanna pick up my pencil and doodle so much! Because I do the same thing, just a fascination with all that makes up a person, their face and lines and angles and edges, it’s all so wonderful really. I could go on and on but this is pretty long, I’m very sorry lol!! I hope you’re doing alright! And I hope you know how much you and your art is loved!!
Hehehehehehe ANON….
ANON I KEPT THIS ASK WITH ME FOR A SOLID MONTH?! More than a month?!! Can I just say THANK YOU? Can I just say that this freaking comment made me so happy like, tbh I just wanted to hoard it all to myself and read it every couple of days.
I’m so so grateful that you reached out to me, and that my art means something to you! But I’m grateful for YOU because it’s messages like this that make all the harder days so worth it. I’m grateful that you keep up with my art and I’m extra grateful that you took time to write such a kind and lovely message.
Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love. It means everything to me. Seriously. And if you ever want to message me please don’t feel shy!! I appreciate you so much!! And thank you for working up the courage to write such a beautiful, thoughtful message. Sending you ALL my love 🥰
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shinydixon · 1 year
I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY HE HAD A GREAT TIME THEN WITH HIS FRIENDS vanquinnn wanted to start drama must be frothing at the mouth now and what the hell kind of toxic masculinity is happening here? joe knows wes since they were kids. they do everything together. there's also a girl in their group. joe has mentioned ex girlfriends, was literally with one whe he got the eddie role. he's been seen on dates and is active on raya. he openly flirted with two interviewers, one of them being the spanish one which was the cutest thing joe is single. he is a single man having a good time. he'll go on dates and then hang out with his friends because that's what people who are chronically online do. oh oh oh also when he doesn't bring wes HE BRINGS HIS DAD so what the the hell anon? if he's seen with a woman, he's fucking her if he's seen with his best, he's fucking him if he's seen with grace, he's fucking her if he's seen with jaime, he's fucking him if he's on a date it's OMG NO HOW COULD HE MY BROKEN HEART fucking stop! the day he decides to introduce a partner we'll know, until then leave him alone, holy shit. (also i bring my best friend of 20 years everywhere with me. i literaly won a ticket to a fancy naughty hotel and i brought her so we could spend the weekend on a jacuzzi and drinking wine. i know that's a step further from what joe does to wes but it's in the same line. true friendship is harder than steel, man.)
I love you
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grace122 · 1 year
more Sam and Punz thots. DP with them would be heavenly. oh. my. god. i’d die. Sam in your pussy, Punz in your ass ahhh.
You’re laying down, chest to chest with Sam with his cock filling your pussy while Punz is stretching your ass open.
“Oh look at you, taking two fingers so well.” Punz praises as he scissors the two lubed fingers slowly. You moaned at the praise and feeling, clenching on the fingers and Sam’s dick. “Shit sugar, I’m gonna cum if you keep squeezing me so sweetly.” Sam says as his hand rubs your back soothingly. “Feels good.” You mumble back. “Just wait until I get my cock in your tight little ass.” Punz growled in your ear making you whimper.
With lots of lube and patience Punz got you worked up to four of his thick fingers and you were barely keeping it together.
“Please, I need it so bad, please, wanna feel you both fill me up.” You whine as you rock back against Punz’s fingers.
“Shh sweet girl, we’re gonna make you feel so good don’t you worry.” Punz coos as he removed his fingers and made sure you were properly lubed. “Okay baby, you ready?” Punz asked, his hand rubbing your hip. “Yes, please fill me.” You said and Punz pushes in. You all groan collectively as Punz fills your ass.
“Oh my god, I can feel you through her walls.” Sam moans, head thrown back as he pants. “Fuck you’re so tight. How you doing baby?” You whimpered out a somewhat coherent reply.
Neither of the men moved letting you adjust and try to relax. “You want us to start moving sugar?” Sam asks and you nod. “Verbal, baby.” “Yes Sammy.” “Good girl.” And with that, Punz and Sam began to thrust in and out of you.
In seconds you were on cloud nine. Feeling so full and hazy as both men thrust into you senseless while they muttered praises to you.
“‘M gonna, ahh- cum.” You whimper as you shook. Sam’s arms wrapped around you and held you securely on top of him.
“Let go for us baby, you’ve been so good, such a good girl.” Punz coos while his thumbs rubbed your hips as he fucked into you.
“Cum on our cocks sugar. We’ve gotcha.” Sam cooed and in a few seconds you were seeing stars. Both men fucked into you until they came, groaning together when they pumped you full of their cum. -🐛
holy fuck this is literally godly, i am literally SCREAMING
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maraudersftw · 3 years
Claudia — this prompt!!!!!!! 💕✨
1. Two characters haven’t seen each other for a while, one keeps rambling about something insignificant and the other one kisses them because “Shut up you’re rambling just kiss me.”
Omg, M, so excited to receive this from you! 😂💜 And I had a blast writing it, so obviously it got long (1.5k words). Thanks for the prompt. Hope you enjoy!
Glittering Darkness
The Butterbeer is a slide of warm froth down his throat, easing up frozen insides brought on by the biting January cold. He smiles, grin stupid on face, hazel eyes bright behind glasses, and listens to Sirius yammer on about Quidditch and teams and players—
“The Canons don’t stand a fucking chance this season, mate,” Sirius repeats for the thousandth time that week, to the audience of Remus’s rolling eyes, Peter’s enraptured gaze and James’s dazed attention. “I have my bet on the Arrows. I mean, have you seen Crossby’s performance lately? Not missed a single bloody snitch so far in. That’s gotta be some kind of record, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it? Oi, Prongs!” he snaps, brows instantly furrowed at not receiving James’s immediate response, no matter that Peter’s vehement nodding probably dislodges the boy’s neck. “Someone throw a Confundus at you? That’s a dumb expression on your face, if I’ve seen one.”
James sighs, leans back, embraces the lovely chatter of his peers around The Three Broomsticks. “I’m just having a good day.”
The boys are instantly suspicious, each choosing to express such emotion with a varying degree of subtlety.
“How come?” Sirius asks, sounding almost put off at not being privy to the answer already.
“Well, I get to spend such a lovely afternoon with you lads. What more could I want?”
“To get laid,” says Sirius, a phrase that is followed immediately by Peter’s loud snort of laughter.
“By a very specific person,” Remus can’t help but add, amusement quirking his mouth in that typical way of his.
“Nonsense,” he waves off, another gulp of Butterbeer tossed back. “I’m perfectly content.”
“Okay, I take it back. It has to be a cheering charm,” Sirius ponders solemnly, just as a group of familiar Gryffindors enters The Three Broomsticks, huddling together as they brush off snow from thick robes and gloves.
Such a sight is by no means a rarity, given that the pub has already been crawling with Hogwarts students since the start of day. But James’s eyes are quick to lock onto a very specific person, a flash of red hair, pink cheeks, bright, bright laughter. No one around him seems to notice the tectonic plates shifting under their feet, nor the way that colour splashes, vibrant and sudden, painting the world afresh. No, they carry on with their conversations and snark as if air hasn’t suddenly become easier to draw in, as if her mere presence hasn’t literally lit up the room. He supposes, after a second of reflection, that she’s indeed his personal cheering charm.
Lily nods to the girls—Mary, Dorcas, Marlene—and points to a booth somewhere at the back. He can’t be arsed to check the exact location; not when it means taking his eyes off a much better alternative. But instead of moving away with them as they take their seats, Lily, curiously enough, breaks off from the group, face blank, easy grace and gait as she meanders off to the loo. Her eyes don’t travel to him, not once.
And yet, James spots that minuscule quirk of lips right before she disappears from view.
Very well then.
He’s instantly on his feet, wooden chair scraping back with a loud groan, cutting off Remus mid-speculation as to the reason behind James’s jolly disposition. Three heads turn to him; curious, amused, perhaps even a little concerned.
“Um, you okay, mate?”
“Brilliant,” James replies, feels a thrum of excitement shiver through him, and wonders if it’s openly visible. “Perfectly brilliant. I just need to take a leak.”
“Well, alright, Mr Potter, you’re excused.” Remus laughs.
He takes the time to roll his eyes, but not the effort to dim his smile. It’s probable he looks like a complete loon on a sugar rush, but James truly has never cared about anything less. “Yeah, yeah, have your chuckles, Mr Moony. We’ll see who’s laughing by the end of the day.”
“I genuinely have no idea what you mean, and you sound completely unthreatening with that ridiculous beaming going on.”
James scoffs, walks away from another bout of laughter. “Fuck off.”
The hallway leading to the loos remains mercifully empty; luck that he doesn’t take for granted thanks to the crowd spilling inside the pub. With a quick manoeuvre honed over years of efficient marauding, he pulls out a shrunken invisibility cloak from his robes, enlarges it to its normal size, and disappears beneath the silvery material, feeling its strange softness like a second skin. And then he flattens himself against the wall, scooting around until he’s strategically placed within an alcove near the entrance to the girls’ lavatory—far away enough to give a wide berth to anyone he doesn’t want to alert, but near enough for an encounter with his target.
His target, who he presumes is not nearly as unsuspecting as she’d let on.
It takes only about ten seconds or so before he sees the swish of her robes, witnesses the easy smile on her face as Lily rounds the corner, nose teased red from cold, freckles scattered like stars, and finds the walls of his chest tighten like concrete slabs at the sight.
In a flash of movement, he’s got a hand wrapped around her wrist, sliding to her waist, yanking her firmly against his body without so much as a whispered greeting. Lily’s impulsive screech of surprise dies down the instant the cloak falls over her head, enveloping them both. The tension of her muscles melts away beneath his fingertips, and she’s quick to plant her hands on his chest, brush indelicately closer, space shrinking enough that he tastes the mint on her breath when she speaks.
“Rather indecent of you to accost me like this, Potter.”
He bends down, appreciates the excited gleam in the green of her eyes. His thumb finds her nape, massages gently. “I had something very important to discuss with you.”
“Mm,” Lily purrs. “That’s better. How may I help you?”
“You see,” he starts, chokes slightly when she grinds against him purposefully. “You see, I was just leaving the castle this morning, ready for a lovely outing with my mates, when a witch who looked remarkably like you all but shoved me into a broom closet, declared her undying love for me, and then snogged me into oblivion. And well, you’ve got to understand what that sort of thing does to a bloke’s mental state.”
“Huh,” she remarks, lets her upper lip slide over his bottom one, nothing but a ghost of touch. “I don’t know much about undying love proclamations, but do go on about this snogging into oblivion business, please.”
James drops his head, sucks on the pulse that jumps beneath the skin of her neck. “Oblivion. Abyss. A whole lot of glittering darkness,” he confesses. “And since this witch resembled you—”
“Remarkably,” she moans, soft.
“Remarkably, of course—I thought it only proper to inform you of such an occurrence, y’know, for reputation’s sake. You’ve got that Head Girl image to maintain. Can’t have imposters of you running around making out with the Head Boy. Doesn’t look too good, to be honest. And I’m saying this purely out of selflessness, of course. If, on the other hand, you were to shed some light on this act and admit to...I don’t know...a lack of an imposter, it would mean a whole other thing—”
Lily slams him back against the wall, hand shoving his chest, mouth dangerously close to his. “Shut up, you’re rambling.” She smirks. “Just kiss me.”
And almost as if unable to sustain any patience to allow him to follow the directive, her lips crush over his in a kiss that somehow burns through his every molecule, scorching the very skin he wears, rivalling even the best kiss he’s ever had in his life, which was, incidentally, shared with the same person naught but two hours ago. Lily’s hand curls over his collar, twisting the fabric, giving her purchase to devour him alive. He reciprocates with a tightening grip on her waist, tilting her jaw, slipping his tongue inside to brush over the warm wetness of hers. A mad rush of breath, of gliding mouths and hands and softly uttered moans passes between them, the air under the cloak sweltering despite the cold outside.
Eventually, James wrenches himself away long enough to get the word out; her name. “Lily.”
“Mm,” she manages, lips on his cheek.
“I’m going to need you to spell it out for me.”
The breathless sincerity of his tone gives her pause, and she pulls back, eyes dark and confused. “What?”
“Do you,” he swallows past the cowardice, the thump of his heart. “Is this happening for real? You actually want...me?”
A beat passes, a long one, and Lily stares and stares and stares. Eventually, a smile spills, and he’s reminded of that abyss; glittering endlessly. “Yeah, James. I want you. Wholly. Fully.” She kisses him again, trails the honey on his lips. “I’m just letting you enjoy this outing with the boys, because once we’re back at the castle…”
She’s trailed off, left him to articulate thoughts. “What then?”
Lily grins, glint of teeth so cruelly delicious that it steals his breath, especially when accompanied by the roll of her hips. “I’ll let you fill in the blank.”
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
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feat. Kuroo Tetsuro
As requested by @forgetou (hope you love it bb!)
Previously: Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
‘So I hear you’re going to fill in for Hinata next match?’ 
Your head whips around. A growl builds up in your throat. 
You’d recognise that sleaze ball voice anywhere - Kuroo Tetsuro, Slytherin prefect, top student in potions and more importantly, the scumbag keeper that formulated a strategy (alongside Oikawa, that brat - but that’s besides the point) to completely break down the Gryffindor chaser trio of Hinata, Lev and Yamamoto when Iwaizumi was out for an injury the last Quidditch match. 
If you weren’t playing against them, you’d admit that the Slytherin strategy was perfect. Suna and Daishou caged Hinata in with non-stop bludger head shots, and the Miya twins flew literal circles around Lev - still a beginner, so you’ll cut him some slack, so much that the two idiots collided when Kuroo feinted forward and they thought they finally had a chance to score. 
So now you have to step into Hinata’s position for the match next weekend.
You like Quidditch well enough, but you don’t have an overwhelming passion for it the way Hinata or Oikawa or Atsumu or heck, even Yaku does - monsters, the lot of them. You play it for fun, you enjoy being a reserve member, and you’d never expected that you’d have to play in an actual match with Iwaizumi, Lev, Hinata and Yamamoto all playing chaser already. 
You’re scared - and you hate feeling this way, especially a Gryffindor like you, so you snarl and hiss and kick your feet when Yaku drags you away from Kuroo, the demon keeper scolding you not to ‘cause a scene in the Great Hall - seriously, what are you five?’, though Lev and Yamamoto cheers you on. 
‘Come on, let’s make a bet on our match next weekend’, Kuroo calls after you, and you flail hard in Yaku’s arms enough that Yaku loses not just his balance, but his grip on you. 
‘Sure’, you shout defiantly, not caring that the pair of you have attracted an audience. You can see the entire Slytherin team five steps away, matching Cheshire grins on all of their faces. Your blood boils and you’re ready to accept the terms of whatever stupid bet this rooster head proposes. 
Kuroo’s grin widens. ‘I bet you can’t even get five goals past me.’ 
‘I bet you I can’, you retort, even as your heart sinks. Kuroo isn’t quite as good as Yaku, but he’s devious and brilliant at feints and you’re not even a starter on the Gryffindor team. But you’ve dug yourself into a hole, and you’re determined to commit to your position, damnit, so you keep your voice steady as you ask for his terms. 
‘If I win, you’ll have to go on a date with me the next weekend’. He waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively, eyes crinkling at its corners in amusement as you mouth an outraged ‘what the hell?’ and Yaku starts shouting bloody murder himself. 
You gather yourself and resist Yaku’s attempts at pulling you away. ‘And if I win, what do I get?’ 
Kuroo laughs airily. ‘I highly doubt that, but name your price, sweetheart’. 
You think of the most embarrassing thing you could possibly inflict on this smug bastard, your eyes landing on the ridiculous mop of hair on his head and it’s your turn to grin, sharp and full of edges. 
‘Fine. If I win, you’ll shave your head’. 
Kuroo sticks his hand out to you and you take it. You feel like you’ve just made a deal with the devil himself. 
Iwaizumi nags you to bits when Yaku tells him of the entire debacle, the Gryffindor keeper throwing himself dramatically across the locker room bench, complaining that he’s done being a damn babysitter to this lot of idiots without any sense of self preservation. 
‘You’re gonna need a whole lot of training in that case’, Iwaizumi tells you grimly, and you sigh, because you know it’s not going to do any good. 
And you’re right, because even though you’ve spent the entire week training and running drills in snow and sleet and rain, it’s not enough. You barely get three goals against Kuroo in the match, let alone five - and to be fair, one of them was when you literally threw Lev against him when the referee wasn’t looking, so you resign yourself to his mocking looks when the whistle blows, marking the end of the match where Oikawa outsmarts Kageyama to grab the snitch out of the air first. You feel a kinship with the captured snitch, the pathetic fluttering of its wings so much like your futile attempts to win the damn bet. 
Kuroo smirks at you knowingly when you refuse to take his hand at the end of the game. ‘I guess I’ll be seeing you next weekend?’ he asks, eyes glinting as you huff and fold your arms across your chest. 
‘Fine, I guess’, you answer with a distinct lack of grace. You don’t notice when his smirk turns into a genuine smile. 
The Gryffindor boys crowd around you, groaning in disappointment when you tell them no they’re not allowed to follow you around Hogsmeade, even if you’re on a date with Kuroo Tetsuro - and no, Lev, a disguise is not going to work, your height and ridiculous hair makes you far too conspicuous for that! 
‘I’ll beat him up if he does anything’, Iwaizumi threatens, and you roll your eyes at his overprotective streak. 
‘I’ll be fine’, you reply, shrugging off Yaku’s attempts at giving you ridiculous magic artifacts intended to ward off wandering hands. Kuroo Tetsuro may be insufferable and smug and a general pain in the butt, but he’s not an absolute piece of shit - plus, you’re handy with your wands in duels so you’re certain you can handle anything he throws at you. 
You don’t even bother putting on a lick of makeup when you prepare to meet him. He magicks an enchanted paper plane to land on your desk during potions to tell you that he’ll pick you up from Gryffindor tower at three o’clock sharp, and he’s leaning against the pillar with feline grace as you tumble out of the portrait hole, your teammates shooting him deadly glares as he sweeps you off with his palm warm against the small of your back. 
‘Want to grab a drink first?’ he asks, with a surprising amount of concern when your nose turns pink in the cold. 
You nod hesitantly, expecting him to drag you into the pink and white monstrosity that is Madam Puddifoots to complete your humiliation, but he doesn’t - holding the door open to the Three Broomsticks, ushering you into the corner booth, ordering a pint of butterbeer for you. 
‘My team’s not here, don’t worry’, he says, laughing when you glance around the pub, eyes narrowed for any signs of that odious Oikawa or the bothersome Miya twins - or worse, snarky Suna and devious Daishou, but Kuroo isn’t lying, none of them are around to witness the indignity of your date with one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Do you drag unwilling girls into pubs often?’ you snark, tapping your fingers on the table irritably. 
‘Nah, only you’, he answers easily, smirk widening with mirth when you wrinkle your nose at him. ‘Come on, lighten up a bit - we might as well get to know each other since we’re going to be spending the whole afternoon together.’
‘Fine’, you say sourly, brightening only when the bartender brings your drinks. ‘Why don’t you tell me about yourself’. 
 And so even though you’ve been classmates with Kuroo for years, you learn for the first time that he’s not intending to be a professional Quidditch player when he graduates next year, even though you admit he’s a talented keeper in his own right. 
‘Really? You’re giving up Quidditch?’
‘Yeah - I have it all thought out I’m going to study potions further and figure out how to revolutionise the potions industry - d’you know the muggles have a pharmaceuticals industry that’s like our potions industry, only hugely profitable?’ 
It’s so typical of a Slytherin that you can’t help but snort. 
But then he disarms you with funny stories of himself growing up. You learn that his parents separated when he was only five, and as a result, he stayed mostly with his grandparents growing up. You learn that he was lonely and shy and awkward - really? you? you choke on your butterbeer incredulously  - at least until he moved next door to Kenma from Ravenclaw. 
‘I introduced him to Quidditch, and he’s a natural at coming up with strategies’, he says proudly, proceeding to chatter fondly of quiet, unsociable Kenma, who you can tell is his little brother in all but name and blood.
You tell him about growing up with three older brothers - all Gryffindors, just like you. He listens to your stories about breaking your arm when you stole your eldest brother’s broom, chuckles at your recounting of the pranks you pull on your teammates to remind them that you may be a girl, but you can take of yourself just fine - because Iwaizumi and Yaku tend to take their protective side a tad too far sometimes.  
It’s so pleasant that you forget that your date is the result of a bet, and you don’t even think twice about raising a napkin to gently wipe the froth from butterbeer off the corner of Kuroo’s mouth - it comes with the territory of being teammates with messy eaters like Hinata and Kageyama - until he freezes in shock. 
‘I’m sorry!’ you blurt out, mortified. But instead of teasing you for your forwardness, Kuroo turns bright red and gapes at you. He must think you’re an idiot. ‘Um - d’you want to check out Honeydukes before they close?’ you ask, in a desperate attempt to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.
That jolts Kuroo out of his daze. Thankfully, any awkwardness vanishes when he slides out of his seat to steal the bill from you. You complain because he refuses point blank to split the bill with you, and he even playfully keeps his hands above his head to avoid your attempts at pressing coins into his hands until you reach the candy store. 
You watch in amusement as he loads his basket with chocolates and sweets for his team. He gets dark chocolate for Miya Osamu, and white chocolate for his twin Atsumu - at this point, I’m convinced they’re just determined to like the opposite of what the other prefers just to be contrary, he laughingly tells you. He gets creamy nougats for Oikawa - I should stop by the bread store to get him mlik bread, but his fangirls spoil him enough so I shan’t, he says. Ice mice for Suna to prank the twins with, tooth flossing stringmints for Daishou - he needs to clean his fangs, he jokes, and a whole bunch of chocolate frogs to be used as bribes for Kenma to go to bed on time. 
It’s lovely and warm in the store. You have a good time tossing fizzing frisbees behind the storekeeper’s back at Kuroo, dodging as he tries to drop jellybeans down your shirt. At the checkout counter, you protest again when he slyly tells the cashier that he’ll pay for your purchases on top of his, and he doesn’t even let you carry your own chocolates as you’re walking back to the castle. 
‘I’m perfectly capable of carrying a bag of chocolates by myself’, you huff, annoyed that yet another boy is treating you as though you’re made of glass. 
‘I believe you’ Kuroo replies emphatically, pressing his hand to his chest with  dramatic flair. ‘But I’m also a kind and considerate soul, because someone forgot to bring her gloves, and I’m going to need to save your hands if you actually want a shot at trying to get more goals past me next time’. 
You scowl. ‘Fine’, but you relent grudgingly. You didn’t even know he noticed that your hands are numb and cold. You’ve just never enjoyed the cold, and to make matters worse, it’s snowing. A chilly wind picks up, and you sneeze thrice in quick succession. 
‘Can’t wait to get back indoors, or can’t wait for the date to be over?’, he comments as you pick up your pace, trudging through the cold wet snow. You open your mouth to retort, but your jaw drops when he tugs you to a stop, tucking his cloak securely over your shoulders. His body heat and the faint scent of cinnamon and butterbeer still lingers in the fabric and you can’t help but wrap his cloak tighter around yourself.  
‘There’, he says, satisfied. ‘Better?’  
You nod, not trusting yourself to respond. 
He walks you all the way back to Gryffindor tower and when you try to return his cloak, to your surprise, he refuses to take it back. 
‘Keep it for our next date’, he tells you cheekily, laughing when your eyes widen and you choke on your breath. 
‘I don’t recall hearing you ask for a second date’, you reply archly when your body finally stops its attempts at expelling your lungs from your chest. 
‘Well, I am now’, he replies. 
You look at him. Though the smirk he wears on his lips is unwavering, you can see a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. And though you’d never think you’d ever say it, but the afternoon was a pleasure, and Kuroo was a lovely date. 
You - you like him, this adorable dork of a boy who’s both charming and confident yet awkward and uncertain at the same time. He’s caring and funny and ambitious and there are so many facets of him that you’ve only discovered today - and if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re curious enough to want to delve deeper into the enigma that is one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Fine’, you mumble, the tips of your ears turning pink. This time it’s definitely not from the cold. 
‘Yeah?’ he asks, quietly, uncertainly. 
‘Yeah’, you reply softly, casting your gaze down to the floor, suddenly shy. You don’t notice him take a step forward, startling as he gently tilts your chin up to face him. Your first instinct is to snap at him for coming so close, but he’s too quick for you to even react, leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead, tenderly tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. 
‘Next week then’, he says, with a wide smile before sweeping off, leaving you standing in the middle of the corridor, mouth open in shock. 
The portrait door swings open. 
‘Did he curse you? DO WE NEED TO DEFEND YOUR HONOUR?’ 
You bury your burning face in your hands. Your teammates are not going to take this well. 
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i-am-a-passenger · 4 years
Ngl One One not even knowing the Apex exists is so goddamn funny... Like...
One One, never having seen these unhinged people before in his life:
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memryse · 2 years
I have no idea if it's fine to send in another duo or not but I am a clown because Wolfduo was sitting right in front of my face the whole time. Wolfduo for the bingo thingy?
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context for other people: wolfduo is what kegan and i have been calling joel and grian ever since last life because we are never ever normal about them and talk about them lots so they deserved a duo name (based on joel being known for his wolf army in 3L and grian doing the same in LL). i think it’s tragic that this name never caught on personally. wolfduo supremacy
Can you tell what i like about wolfduo. Can you tell i really just want them to be unhinged and kill people and get away with it and that’s it that’s the fic. they’re hilarious and stupid and their hands are forever stained red with the blood of their enemies. i am NOT normal about them actually i want them to make each other worse and worse and worse and . In conclusion: wolfduo
LIKE they have so much tragedy in how their bond in LL came about. grian’s literal fall from grace and befriending his murderer because there’s no one else left for him to ally with and he’s just so lonely. and joel is even more lonely, having been the sole red for so long. and together they most definitely do become worse, they’re in it for nobody but themselves, they’re both ruthless killers. i like the them :)
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from Grace) Jungkookx OC ( Complete)
Chapter 1
[ Read the rest here : Chapter 8 ( Final)  
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other. 
Sweat dotted the edge of my hairline and I felt like my entire body was on fire. I was wet, so fucking wet and the sound of him ramming into me, over and over again was absolutely obscene in the quiet of the bedroom. I was on my back, a thin black tie cutting off my vision and all I could feel was the steady staccato of his dick pounding into me. 
“Oh fuck.. Fuck...Just like that Jungkook fuck....” 
I could barely recognize my own voice. Wrecked and ruined, breathy and almost a whine. 
My shoulders ached from being stretched up, wrists almost numb from the handcuffs that held my body up to the head board. I felt like my shoulders were gonna pop out and I panted, fuming at him internally because he’d done it on purpose, locked the handcuffs a rung higher than usual which meant that I wasn’t lying comfortably on the bed as usual . 
“Look at you.... look so fucking filthy like this angel....” He smirked down at me, fingers like a vice around my waist holding me up and almost off the bed as he pounded into me, each thrust carrying the entire weight of his muscled body. It hurt so bad it felt good. My thighs ached from where they stayed wrapped around his slim waist. 
“Fuck...don’t stop...” I felt my head fall back, the ache in my back intensifying. I was so close....so fucking close, I could feel the heat as it built up, licking its way up my spine,  The angle was perfect, his cock had a slight curve to it when he was fully hard and that just meant that he managed to hit my sweet spot every time he pistoned in. 
And God we’d been at this for so long now... almost a whole damn hour and my senses were frayed, my body so sensitive and wrung out that all I wanted to do was cum. 
So, of course Jungkook being the supreme asshole that he was, chose that moment to stop moving completely. 
My heart jumped to my throat in panic, my body lifting off the bed, chasing friction and his hold on my waist tightened, so much that I was sure he had bruised me. 
“Hmm.... Don’t think you’re in any position to be telling me what to do, baby....” He drawled, voice husky in a way that made my ache worse.
“What- no..wait you fucking asshole ...” I screamed knowing what was coming and refusing to accept it. Fuck i hated him... Fuck Fuck....
He gripped my waist and slid forward again , but instead of sliding in he slotted his cock between my thighs, pulling my legs together so he could fuck into the gap and yes, it was really fucking hot but I was so close....I needed him inside me ......
“Please....Jungkook please don’t...” I begged, dignity forgotten because I was not a fan of delayed gratification. 
“Shush shush.....What’d I say about taking what I give you.....and to be fucking honest, I’m not sure you really like my dick all that much...” He said, sounding thoughtful and my head swam in confusing. What the fuck was he even on about?
“What? Are you kidding me? I let you fuck me almost every damn night why would you-”
“So why’d you go have dinner with Namjoon hyung?” He pinched my nipples', both at the same time, twisting and pulling till I whines, eyes watering enough to soak the silk of his tie. 
“What -- That’s... We’re not fucking dating....I can have dinner with who I want....” I snarled in disbelief, tugging fruitlessly on the handcuffs. Why the fuck had I agreed to this?? 
“Not after cancelling on me, you can’t... And certainly not with my brother, angel..” Jungkook snarled right back and I flinched when I felt his hand come down near my face. For one horrifying moment I thought he was going to slap me but what he did was rip the blindfold off me. Momentarily still blinded, I blinked till he came into focus and felt that familiar and unwelcome swooping sense of attraction. 
Jeon Jungkook with his long midnight hair and ivory skin. Doe eyes that carried entire galaxies in them and those soft, thin lips that smirked at the drop of a hat. 
 Fuck him... Fuck him for being so fucking attractive that my heart stopped every time I saw him. 
He was staring at me and the raging anger on his face really shouldn’t make me wetter but it did. I wanted to sob as my entire body clenched, aching empty and desperate to be filled again. 
“You sent me a fucking dick pic... “ I whined in despair. “ You were literally in the office when I was at dinner with him , how the fuck was I supposed to know you wanted to see me....!!!?” 
Jungkook reached down and began stroking himself and I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 
“Jungkook....” I warned, feeling the desperation morph into genuine anger now.
“I wanted you to suck me off in my office. Isn’t that part of what my dad pays you for?” He drawled and I felt fury bloom. Jungkook knew just the right words to say, whether he wanted to turn me on or make me feel murderous....  
He scooted forward , straddling my chest and I bucked hard, trying to throw him off but it was fucking impossible. I flinched when he slipped a palm under my head, gripping my hair and yanking my head up till his cock pressed up against my lips.
“You owe me a blow job, princess.....gonna open up?” He gripped my hair harder and the pain made me keen. 
“If you stick your dick in my mouth I will bite it off....” I growled, resisting the urge to thrash because it only made my scalp hurt more. He laughed at that and I stared at him, the pink of his dick right on my lips and for a moment I almost had a pavlovian response to it. Almost opened my mouth and took the hard delicious length of it into my warm mouth. 
Shaking my head just enough to dislodge the head off my lips, I glared at him , my stomach clenching as he stared down at me, wicked dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction and pretty red lips parted in that sexy infuriating smirk of his. He gripped himself harder, groaning as his eyes rolled back a bit at the stimulation. I stared at how his long fingers wrapped around his length , the way he was so shameless in chasing his pleasure. His thumb traced the head, finger dipping lightly into his slit and he moaned, almost shuddering at the sensation. I wanted nothing more to touch myself, at least relieve some of the excruciating pressure between my legs but Jungkook had planned this, had put me in handcuffs fully intending to leave me high and dry . 
I stared at him and he glanced back, his face momentarily open in pleasure, lips spit slicked and parted and tongue poking out as he let out a breathy, ‘ fuck’ and i knew he was close. 
He always looked like a fallen angel when he was close to his orgasm. Fucking beautiful son of a bitch.
But no matter how gorgeous he was, Jeon Jungkook was an incorrigible jerk and I knew exactly what he was gonna do,.
I pursed my lips shut and turned my head away when he came , snarling when the hot wetness coated my face. Jungkook always came like a fucking hose and I could feel globs of it cling to my face, even my fucking eyelashes. 
When I turned back , snarling and ready to unload on him, he was already crawling away, but not before scooping up the last of his release on his fingers and reaching down to grip my cheeks with enough force to get my mouth open.
I whimpered when he stuck his finger in, the familiar taste of his cum only making my body thrum in desperation. I hated him. Hated him so fucking much. 
“Taste good, baby?” He drawled softly, chasing his fingers with his tongue and licking into my mouth, swirling his cum all over my tongue with his. 
“My filthy little slut...” He whispered against my lips, voice tinged with so much feigned fondness that I nearly bit his lip. 
“Take the handcuffs off, you fucker.” I growled, watching as he slipped on his boxer brief and his jeans. I fully intended to grab the vibrator on my desk and get myself off the minute he let me out of the handcuffs. 
And next time.... 
oh, boy next time Jungkook was going to be on his knees begging me to let him cum.... 
He was sweaty and looked like a mess but he never stayed around long enough to even take a shower. Now that I knew I wasn’t getting fucked my attraction for him was gone, replaced by homicidal fury. 
“Hmm.... I’ll think about it.” He shrugged, reaching for the white button down on the floor.
My eyes nearly bugged out.
“What the fuck do you mean you’ll think about it?” I snarled. 
“Your sister told me she’ll be dropping by at around five today..... I’ll leave the key on the dining tanle. She’ll help you out...” He grinned at me wide and I felt my heart drop through my throat. 
I spluttered as he dangled the key tauntingly , whistling as he moved to the door. 
“Do I even want to know?” My sister stared at me in honest disgust and I knew I must’ve looked a sight , with dried cum all over my face. But i was barely listening to her. I knew exactly what I had to do....Knew exactly what I could do to have Jeon Jungkook frothing at the mouth. 
“Areum? Are you listening..?” She called out when I raced to the bathroom. I quickly turned on the hot water , grabbing a washcloth to scrub at my face. Jungkook was going to regret this. 
When I finished taking a shower, scrubbing myself clean and stepped back out, my sister was airing out the room.
“Mom has been talking about setting you up with people and here you are , whoring around with that Jeon brat....” She rolled her eyes at me but I ignored her, moving to the closet with my lingerie.
My mother had high hopes for me. After blowing through my dad’s entire legacy with her fancy clothes and expensive bags, she was now panicking. She wanted me to marry big and granted, Jeon Jungkook came from a filthy rich family but he was still the prodigal son and his father made it plenty clear that unless he danced to the older man’s tune, he would be out without a penny to his name.  
But that was none of my business. I wasn’t going to marry the dude. I didn’t even  like  him. 
All i really cared about was getting him back for leaving me unsatisfied today. 
 I grabbed the most scandalous piece I had, black and completely sheer. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination and I felt saliva pooling at the back of my throat just thinking about how Jungkook would react to this. The first time I had worn it, he had held me up against the wall and fucked me senseless.  
“Why are you here anyway?” I asked my sister as she began picking up the different pieces of clothing scattered all over the room, dropping them in the laundry basket on her hip. 
“Can’t I just come check on my beautiful baby sister? “ She smiled and I rolled my eyes . 
Hana was the perfect daughter in every way. She was a professional artist, married to the gorgeously successful surgeon, Dr. Kim Seokjin who happened to own the largest hospital in the country. 
And it was hard to hate her because she had endless patience for my shenanigans'. Because to be honest, this wasn’t the first time she had walked in on me lying debauched, courtesy Jeon fucking Jungkook. 
Which brought me to my current mission. 
“Okay. I’m fine. I’m actually on my way out so you can either crash here for a while or you can leave...” i waved dismissively, running to the bathroom to slip the dress on.
I rang the door bell again, feeling my body thrum with impatience. Why the fuck wasn’t he answering the damned door? I was wearing simple summer dress. The fastest thing I could take off. 
“Areum?” Namjoon’s surprised face barely registered on my face. He was in his sweatpants with a glass bowl filled with chips and he looked completely thrown by my presence. 
 I shouldered past him, moving to stand in the middle of the living room. 
“Is everything okay? What’s wro-”
I grabbed the hem of the dress pulling it over my head and tossing it away on the couch. 
Namjoon dropped the bowl and if it weren't for the ridiculously thick fur rug underneath us, the thing would have shattered to a million pieces. 
His eyes were wide in disbelief, mouth slack in shock as he stared at me and i could actually see his dick swelling in hi sweatpants as I stood in the completely see through babydoll. 
“Where’s the bedroom?” 
‘Fuck, yeah...that feels so fucking good...” Namjoon growled , gripping my waist as I rode him, his thick cock stretching me out so good that I moaned in relief. Stupid fucking Jeon Jungkook.... Namjoon wasn’t bad per se but he didn’t know the nuances of what I liked. Jungkook had this sinful way of rolling his hips up into mine when I rode him and it always made me see stars. But no matter....this wasn’t the main reason I was here. 
“Don’t cum... I want you to come on my face .” I whispered softly and Namjoon shuddered, grip on my waist tightening.
“Fuck..yeah,.yeah,.,.,okay,,.,anything you say.,...” He stuttered.
I reached down to rub my clit because I wanted to cum too and I sighed in sweet blessed relief as my orgasm washed over me, my walls clenching around Namjoon as I rode it out. 
“Fuck, I’m close...” Namjoon whispered and i clambered off him to kneel between his legs.
“Take a picture.” I grabbed my phone and turned on the camera , pressing it into his hands. 
“Wh- What?” His pacing faltered and I didn’t let him think too much , lest he change his mind...
“I want a picture of me choking on your cock , Joon oppa.... A picture with you painting my face with cum..please...please...” I blinked up at him through my wet lashes and I could almost see his mind disintegrating at the visual. 
“ Shit okay.... okay...”
I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking quickly and taking him in deep, my mind swimming with glee as he clicked away. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming...” Namjoon began and I pulled away, opening my mouth, sticking my tongue out just as he came , making sure I stared straight into the camera as the first few spurts hit me, right across my tongue. I stuck a finger in my mouth, making a show of sucking it and Namjoon groaned, clicking away more pictures.
“Fuck...tell me I can get these pictures...” He moaned and I laughed, crawling up to kiss him. 
“Sure baby.” 
I called Jungkook first, simply to give him a chance to redeem himself. 
The thing with Namjoon was impulsive and  while i didn’t regret it per se , i didn’t want to drag Namjoon into this without just cause. 
“what the fuck do you want?” Jungkook’s annoyed voice made my hackles rise.
“A fucking apology for starters.” I snarled into the phone. The fucking audacity!!!
“Listen , I’m on the way to Sana’s place.... So I don’t have time for your toddler tantrums. I’m hanging up”
And he actually hung up. 
I stared at the phone, shaking in disbelief.
I quickly flipped through the photos I’d taken , trying to find the one that would make him furious enough to ditch his fuck for the night. Sana? Who the fuck was she anyway>?
I picked the one that was most obscene, you could see my sheer bodice, my nipples and the curve of my breasts, Namjoon’s cock resting against my tongue, spurts of his cum over my tongue and my cheek bones and the highlight- my eyes staring right at the camera in defiance. 
Nothing riled Jungkook up more than defiance. 
I opened snapchat , sending him the pic. 
I stared at the caption in satisfaction. 
 Your brother tasted better. 
I relaxed against the pillows, glancing at the clock over the door. It was a little past eleven but knowing Jungkook.... he’d be here within the hour. He had a key to my apartment so I locked the bedroom instead. 
“Kim Areum!!!!!!!!” Jungkook’s voice rang through the apartment rousing me from my nap. I blinked groggily and stared at the mirror.
11.25 PM.
I felt a smile creep into my face. A new record. 
The door into my bedroom shook on its hinges as he knocked on it. Hard. I moved to stand close to the door , reveling in the fact that Jungkook was on the other side, likely losing his everloving shit . 
“I’m too tired, Jungkook...your brother really put me through the wringer...” I whined piteously and the knocking stopped.
“Open the motherfucking door, Areum or I’m gonna fuck you so hard its gonna  put you in a fucking wheelchair .....” He growled. 
I smiled. 
“Good night Jungkook. Oh and you better leave soon...my sister is sleeping in the guest bedroom.” 
Ignoring his frustrated snarl , I turned the lights off.
Kim Areum- 1.
Jeon Jungkook -0 
 Author’s note : I was just really inspired by that pic of pic of Jungkook in the see through shirt. Lemme know what you thought :-* 
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