#gotg analysis
aliasrocket · 11 months
So I know I’m supposed to be on break and all but Billie just released a new song for the barbie movie and you CANNOT TELL ME ITS NOT ROCKET IN THE SLIGHTEST BECAUSE IT IS ROCKET IN EVERY WAY
Don’t even @ me rn (Im kidding @ me with all ur love for him bc Im crying) HERE’S SOME LYRICS THAT FEEL SO HIM
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From before Rocket’s actual brain was replaced he knew by not really having that conscience because he was just meant to be an animal AGHHH
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LITERALLY. Rocket was just an experiment H.E. ‘paid for’ and worked on for the sake of ‘science’ even though it was clearly just for his own enjoyment instead of having any sort of significance in his research. Rocket is not real because there is no sentient raccoon that exists BUT him.
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This is self explanatory. He doesn’t know how to feel because he wasn’t taught it. He wasn’t even meant to learn it but now he has to deal with everything despite not having asked to have this conscience and have these feelings.
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This could apply to Groot or even Quill when they were first fighting—despite the companionship Groot gave him in prison and all their adventures together before the guardians, he doesn’t want to share his struggles with them because that’s not what he’s made for. Groot didn’t become friends with Rocket to help him with his issues but to escape prisons together. Rocket believes all connections to people he’s made since the incident with H.E. were purely transactional.
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Rocket in vol. 3 when he finally faces H.E. and his past, and finally makes peace with the fact that he can’t change what’s been done to him but he’s blessed with people around him that have shown him that they’ll be his family for life. He forgot to be happy because with the way he was made, the way he was meant to exist was how he was supposed to be happy, but that was taken from him, and he recognizes that despite that being ripped out of his hands, it is still something he can achieve.
Rocket is still made for happiness, no matter what has and will happen to him.
That’s all I just wanted you guys to cry with me.
(expect to see fanfic abt this and Rocket if my writer’s block is cured.)
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connecting-the-stars · 10 months
Okay, so this time it’s Florence + the Machines breakdown with Rocket Raccoon.
So ofc, as I’ve been writing my process has me listening to songs that have inspired me or what naturally seems to fit alongside the work.
While Mirror My Malady (Groot and Rocket Backsotry) had been put on pause for the moment, still I found myself relating songs back to Rocket and his turbulent story.
“Third Eye” by Florence and the machines has struck me through my heart and has pinned down how I feel about where Rocket’s self accepting arc will flow to.
View between Villages series will take rocket from his first meeting with Groot at a point in his life where everything, anyone is valuable as long as they have a use while he battles his burdening survivors guilt, to ending towards allowing himself to admit he loves his second found family despite his fear of losing them and accepting a journey outside of his grief. From selfish and merciless thief struggling with the belief he’s the reason his first family died, to walking without the weight on his shoulders knowing that his second family loves him without reservations and becomes a loyal caretaker of Groot Jr.
His journey is interwoven by this lyric:
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Rocket fully believes that he doesn’t deserve the generosity and care that Groot offers willingly. When Gamora, Drax, Quill, and Jr Groot display their loyalty, selflessness, and care for him, he instinctively pulls back, believing - knowing that they all could end up the same way as Floor, Teefs, and Lylla. It’s self preservation.
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Over the course of the stories, and his arc he is forced to confront the unwavering love his second family has for him. Although, he back tracks and causes a rift between himself and the guardians, he eventually realizes that he can allow himself to care for them in return. (Mantis is very helpful, although he won’t say it.)
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As Rocket learns to accept love and grow beyond his grief and guilt he recognizes how he isolated himself from the world, from the vast universe at his doorstep. Wether it was aliens ten times his size or creatures smaller than himself, he would refuse to allow himself to consider anyone a friend, a companion. His pain had taken root into his heart and hollowed it out, but with the trustworthy company of Sr. Groot and later on the Guardians, his chest doesn’t harbor the same blistering ache.
Rocket becomes more than he ever believed he could be, instead of a waste of space failed experiment, he falls into a group of outcasts as damaged and as insane as he is. Wether its Gamora bashing her fist into a canon wall to save both herself and Rocket, or Drax tumbling out of the Milano in a attempt to rescue Rocket, all of the Guardians love one another so much. Rocket grows into the reluctant hero that saves those not strong enough on their own, not big enough to take on a handful of warriors, like how he used to spend his days anticipating the next thing that would go wrong - who would steal his loved ones out from under him, he protects those past versions of himself now in the present by helping others.
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lazlolullaby · 1 year
Peter Quill and his mask analysis
So the mask represents Star Lord; the cool space hero that Peter Quill, squishy sad human wants to be perceived as. And he lives up to it!!! (Sometimes)
1st movie, 1st time we see Peter Quill as an adult he has his Star Lord mask on. Then he gets indoors, takes it off, and dances his way to the Power Stone. That shows off his duality - the space faring Ravager vs the goofy human.
The other time in the movie where the mask is relevant is when they're outside Knowhere and he rescues Gamora. He literally gives himself up to Yondu, not sure if he's going to make it, but trying to save Gamora. He gives up the Star Lord persona in an act of actual Heroism!
Then in Vol 2 he uses the mask for the opening fight and the final fight. In the final fight against Ego, it's important to note that he refuses immortality. And his mask breaks.
In Infinity War, he does have the mask again. Might have been a spare from the Eclector/Benetar. I'm not sure about Thor: Love and Thunder for the brief screen time he had.
I don't really recall him ever mentioning Star Lord in Vol 3, just his importance on being a Guardian. And the mask is gone again without comment. James Gunn did reveal that "he left it in a desk drawer in Knowhere" but...I'm positive that it's him writing around it.
It feels like a deliberate writing choice to not have the mask in Vol 3. That he wants Quill to be vulnerable, to be without his persona, to be human.
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elsaqueenofstress · 1 year
thinking about how quill used music as his only reminder of his mother, to the point that he would risk his own life to save it and keep part of her alive, and how we're introduced to him as the one who dances while everyone around him rolls their eyes, and how he raises baby groot to be the first of the team to dance as openly and joyfully as him, and how this groot is the first one to dance during the last scene, and how rocket – who hums tunelessly while he works until he's building stereos to play tunes while fighting until his favorite song is "come and get your love" – joins him without any self-consciousness, and how quill left rocket his zune and team leadership but the first gift he ever gave him was a name for what he was: raccoon, and how drax overcomes his stubborn adherence to never dancing because what matters more to him than being a stoic destroyer is being a father, who makes the hundreds of children that look up to him laugh with delight, and who gets to watch mantis (whose innocence reminded him of his daughter) set off into the world with her own purpose the way his own child never got to, and how nebula dances along with them, no longer holding herself to the second-best status that thanos forced on her, instead at home as a leader who can fight with her family without having to compete with them, and how she stills talks to gamora, who is able to accept that she once meant the world to the guardians, once spoke their language and joined in their hugs and was part of their fun, but that she doesn't owe it to them to join in the dance and be that same person, and returns to the adoptive family that she feels at home with, and the lyric "leave all your love and your longing behind / you can't carry it with you if you want to survive," and how in order to go forward the guardians can't all stay together, but how that doesn't mean they aren't still a team and a family because how do you truly leave the people who have dragged you, doubting and kicking and screaming, toward comfort and security and happiness? for the hottest, slowest, laziest days to end, the ones where you lost best friends and spouses and children and siblings and years of your life and memories with someone, the ones where you run from your past and pretend you were never in pain, never loved anyone, you have to let that hope catch up with you (“happiness hit her / like a bullet in the back”). anyway i think this was a pretty good series like this post if you also had a laugh or two over cosmo the space dog's telekinetic hijinks!!
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tamtamho · 1 year
[spoiler] About Rocket's body
Just watched GOTG 1's interview and here's what Gunn said about Rocket's design:
"What if they broke his sternum and streched it out? Because raccoon doesn't really have a chest (like human's)"
And it makes me think about what HE did to Raccoon's bone structure.
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Raccoon shoulders are curved to their chest so they can walk quadrupedally, but rocket walking on his two legs require his shoulders to be straightened out (hence the metals). They need to change his C-shaped spine into S-shape like humans, change the length of his arms... and deconstruct his pelvis entirely. Like. Entirely.
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Because there's no way that raccoon pelvis can make him walk like a human. Also look at that body. My man looks like a gymnast with narrow waist and everything. While regular raccoons are just. A ball of floof.
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Not to mention the brain surgeries he needs to go through.
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With him able to lift big ass firearms with tiny hands, they must've replace his bones or muscles into something stronger.
Whatever HE did, feels less like trying to make "something perfect" and more like a child assembling and reassembling his toys because he can.
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rakruined · 1 year
Why the Naming clip for GotG 3 breaks my heart
Okay, so for starters, this is bizarrely adorable, and that's what's so fucked up about it. Here we have these uplifts, these innocent animals forcibly turned into sentient beings with cybernetic implants and prosthetics through incredibly painful experiments, but they aren't depressed. They aren't afraid. They're hopeful.
They're talking about this perfect world that their "sire" is going to take them to, and how when they get there they'll need real names. They're complimenting each others' choice in name and even laughing with Floor about their very straightforward pick. Just listen to Rocket talk about how he's going to fly away with all his friends and name himself after that dream. He has hope.
But the Rocket we meet in the first movie has none. Which means something worse happens between this moment and his escape.
@madness-on-the-milano @rogertaylorswift @robbiezommbie @grootiez @woozletania @arborescentarecaceae
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ohfugecannada · 1 year
In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 (2023) the song playing in the bat Humanimal family’s home when the guardians arrive is Koinu no Carnival by EHAMIC, a song that notably features the vocals of the vocaliod Hatsune Miku. Now, this song choice might seem extremely strange and jarring, given how much it clashes with the rest of the Awesome Mix songs of the film and the setting of Counter Earth being an alien planet where it would seemingly make no sense. However, one important detail to consider is that, during his monologue to main characters Peter Quill and Groot, main villain the High Evolutionary explains how he visited earth long ago. He found it a flawed world filled with strife, violence, bigotry and war, yet found their art, including their music, to be some of the greatest in the galaxy. Hence, he sought to create a version of earth and its dominant species with only its greatest attributes. This means that the real reason why a Hatsune Miku song plays on Counter Earth is because, at one point, The High Evolutionary discovered the discography of Hatsune Miku and knew it had to be the key component to his utopian society. In this essay, we w
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nerdby · 11 months
Random but I have a theory that GotG vol 3 is a critique of Christianity and the Christian God. Like there are obvious parallels between the ending and the story of Noah's arc, and Counter-Earth seems like it could be symbolic of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. And the High Evolutionary behaves exactly like Christian God. Would that make Adam Warlock Satan/Lucifer, the fallen angel????
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sociopath-analysis · 1 year
Sociopath Profile: MCU High Evolutionary
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From the 2023 film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Played by Chukwudi Iwuji
Iwuji outright described the High Evolutionary as sociopathic and narcissistic. And after watching the film, he was not wrong. As Rocket's creator, he shows an absolute indifference to the suffering he causes all for the sake of advancing his goal of a perfect universe.
His ego being completely off the charts is something that is abundantly clear whenever there is something that challenges it. He's so peeved at the idea that Rocket was able to fix the problem with Batch 90 that the High Evolutionary couldn't that he went on a massive tantrum about it while failing to reconcile the idea that someone was smarter than him. Not to mention the fact that he does everything he can to create what he thinks is the perfect society. Any opposition he receives will be met with extreme anger.
"There is no god! That's why I stepped in!"
In conjunction with that, it provides him with an extreme pettiness problem as well. The High Evolutionary will do everything he can to make sure that people know that he is the smartest and most important person in the room. About fixing the aggression issue, he looks like he's having a severe panic attack because someone figured out something he couldn't.
And I think we can be upfront with him having a complete lack of empathy for those around him. He doesn't care about the horrific experiments he puts creatures through in order to make them perfect in his eyes. He has razed entire civilizations because they didn't live up to his standards without a shred of remorse and will dispose of entire batches of test subjects when they aren't useful anymore. Not to mention that insubordination can be met with lethal behavior. He kills Lila in front of Rocket after knowing he would attempt to escape and his reaction to Rocket's sorrowful cries is to mock him for it out of annoyance.
It's all for his selfish idea of what he wants out of his experiments. He won't listen to anyone when they tell him that what he is doing is ludicrous. Especially when his obsession with capturing Rocket becomes to his detriment. The most telling thing is that he doesn't care about the well-being of his tests when they don't live up to his standards. His experiments serve no benefit to anyone other than him. Of all the things he does, none of it has any true purpose.
"You didn't wanna make things perfect... you just hated things the way they are." - Rocket
He does know to appear cordial when he wants. When he was showing Rocket Counter-Earth, he actually came off like a loving parent and not the heartless butcher that he is. When discussing things with Star-Lord for the first time, he is calm and polite to him even when Peter becomes increasingly hostile about it. He's also extremely nonchalant about the fact neither Rocket nor his friends will be on Counter-Earth.
And despite his status as a scientist (allegedly), he has a surprising lack of emotional control. He is prone to fits of rage when he doesn't get what he wants and that can result in some horrific acts of violence. It also causes some impulsivity when things go too far out of his control. His attempts to capture Rocket to the detriment of his ship and his resources show he doesn't exactly have the best skills for long-term planning.
MCU Sociopath List
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leresq · 1 year
Rocket Raccoon Character Analysis
As I explore the character of Rocket Raccoon and reflect upon my own experiences, I find intriguing connections that resonate with my identity. Rocket Raccoon is a complex character who, despite being a talking raccoon, struggles with various challenges that resonate so perfectly to me, it feels as if he was made specifically for me.
Rocket's portrayal as a social outcast strikes a chord with me, but there’s something more than that. I often find myself feeling disconnected from the people around me, struggling to fit into societal norms and expectations. Rocket's alienation from society serves as a reflection of my own experiences as a social outcast. However, it isn’t just that I don’t fit in because I don’t want to, it’s because I have been told to mould myself into something I am not from birth. Rocket wasn't born, he was made. He didn't get to choose how people would perceive him, that choice was made for him. Rocket is constantly shown in media to be broken or scarred, and that this is something that should evoke pity out of the audience. In the MCU movie Guardians of the Galaxy we see a scene where Rocket's back is exposed, showing metal bits embedded into his skin, probably to hold him together. This isn't a modification Rocket chose for himself, his cruel creator chose it for him. I, as a transgender person, experience this every single day. I am stuck in a body I didn’t choose for myself.
Rocket is verbally abused constantly since the very moment we meet him. He is called creepy, beast, weird, and many many other names meant to degrade him. Even his friends constantly call him these things. Even if people don’t tell me these things, I can see it. In the language I am referred to in, in the ways people look at me, just like the way Chris Pratt’s character looks at Rocket’s ‘disfigured’ back. I am not natural. I am not normal. This is not something I can change, to even try to ignore it is a death sentence, it’s to kill a part of me and walk around with the shrapnel stabbing at me. I am forced to be who I am in a world that considers the very idea disgusting, or to turn myself inside out trying not to be that way.
Rocket struggles to accept compliments and praise, and he returns any attempt at them from others with insults or brushing it off. I, too, find it difficult to receive praise and often downplay or dismiss compliments directed at me. Rocket's tendency to deflect compliments mirrors my own challenges in acknowledging that others do care for me. It’s much easier, more romantic at least, to live in a world where absolutely nobody accepts me. It is not very easy to come to terms with the fact that there are not only people unlike the system I am stuck in, but that those people are finite. I don’t want to accept that these people are real, because if I do it simply shows that I have vulnerability, I have something that can be taken away from me. Rocket pushes people away for what he considers the safety of himself and the safety of others. He tends to disregard his own emotions and consider them irrelevant if it means that others might be inconvenienced, as I often do. Rocket’s desire for connection despite not knowing how to attain it aligns with my own yearning for meaningful relationships. We both long for connections that go beyond surface-level interactions, but often struggle to navigate the complexities of building and maintaining those connections.
If Rocket's journey is to have a happy ending, everything that is crucial to society, both fictional and in the real world, would have to be torn down. That’s what I admire about Rocket. He will never be accepted, he will never be normal, and yet he keeps going, he keeps fighting and walking and flying. And it’s the fact that he does that, not just why, that makes him such a personal character to me.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
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I LOVE future/alternate reality concepts that hit that uncanny valley sweet spot. Anyone can design a planet with wild hijinks, but it takes skill to come up with something that's close to our reality but not quite right, like you're genuinely peering into another dimension. You're seeing something that you're never meant to see.
I realize that Wall-E takes place in our universe, but Buy n Large gives me similar vibes. I wish I could walk around in that abandoned store. Additionally, that billboard from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is legitimately one of my favorite things in the MCU. It's close to the billboards on Earth, but it's not...right? Not just the creatures, but the language and weird food on the advertisement.
This is why Interdimensional Cable 2 is one of my favorite Rick and Morty episodes. Rixty Minutes is mostly unfunny improv, but Interdimensional Cable 2 is weird and trippy but just close enough to our reality that I actually feel like I'm watching TV from alternate universes.
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Lil' Bits is one of my favorites. It's obviously cartoony, but the restaurant looks real, and the surreal music in the background is a little eerie. I also love The Adventures of Stealy. It's bizarre but not that far from the weird game shows we have on Earth.
Most of that episode is a surreal stream-of-consciousness experience. I wish I could watch it for the first time again. That was one of the moments where I thought--yeah, I'm hooked on this show.
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aliasrocket · 10 months
His thighs/calves are pretty thicc/muscled, I wonder if that built up to kind of compensate for how much work his body has to put into staying upright. That also allows him to jump to crazy heights
Yes!! Precisely! While we don’t know if it is H.E’s doing or Rocket’s (or both), I do have a post of someone reblogging an older ask of mine that has some pretty insightful info on this!
“Rocket is MUCH stronger than he should be at that size.  His X-rays show metal bracing along his bones.  Either said bracing includes servos to augment his strength - TV Tropes says you can hear whirring at times in GOTG1 as he moves, but I’ve never noticed it - or they gave him some sort of super-soldier serum.  He can jump at least 20 feet from a standing start and use weapons far too large for his frame.  He’s probably stronger than a fit, adult human male despite weighing only maybe 40 pounds, because he beat a man senseless with his fists despite not having much mass to back up the punches. As a result, while we don’t usually see him do it, he can leap around like Spider-Man.  That sort of strength in a light little body makes him very agile.”
— @woozletania (Thank you so much for reblogging with this info, it was very helpful!)
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connecting-the-stars · 8 months
Me: I can like things a normal amount.
In fact has 7 different tabs open about the same topic, across several social medias, and has 3 inspired playlists.
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artist-issues · 1 year
”So you don’t like the Live Action Remakes! Why do you keep talking so much about something you’re not even going to watch?”
“So what if it’s changing stuff, just don’t watch it.”
“Quit complaining. If you don’t like it, nobody’s forcing you to watch it.”
First off:
I’m not super eager to talk about something I hate. I’m super eager to talk about something I love. Comparing and contrasting the original Disney Animated Classics with their Live Action Remakes is just a vehicle for me to talk about what made the originals so great.
In school they ask you to write “compare and contrast” essays because those essays help you understand the subject you’re comparing better. In stories, foil characters are just walking talking compare and contrast essays. Comparison and contrast is how we see.
It feels like everybody hates New MCU or Live Action Remakes (unless they’re not really talking about the movies, they’re talking about their favorite actor or skin color representation. Then they love the Live Action Remakes and MCU.)
But very few people are talking about WHY they hate New MCU or Live Action Remakes or other Hollywood crap.
So then it just feels like you have those who complain and those who blindly adore a name brand.
And if those are the only two types of attention that these films are going to get, then it makes me feel like we never understood or appreciated what was great about the films that made those name brands good in the first place. And if we didn’t, no wonder the studios lost sight of the Secret Sauce (good filmmaking) too. We’re their audience. If all we can say is “Yay, a black Little Mermaid! Boo, no more Robert Downey Jr.” then those are the only things they’re going to consider, too.
So let’s answer the question WHY. If you love movies, think and talk about WHY. If you hate movies, think and talk about WHY. Otherwise, filmmakers won’t think or create movies about those things either.
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sleepynegress · 2 years
Jessica Clemons w/ her theory on Nebula's Guardians' Christmas Special Gift
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body language (and some other stuff) analysis: peter quill and rocket raccoon (roquill focused)
I am not a body language expert this is my theory based on body language research and studying the characters don't @ me.
We're doing this by movies folks!
Rocket Raccoon and Peter Quill mirror each other constantly throughout the first film, constantly.
If Peter holds his hip, Rocket holds his, as soon as Peter relaxes his pose (both arms by his side), Rocket relaxes his.
Mirroring is a sign of attraction and I think it all started in the Kyln.
In the beginning, when they're in the Kyln, after getting sprayed with that goo, and Rocket walks in naked, his pose is very guarded and self-conscious because he's in a vulnerable position, (his shoulders rounded, his ears flicked slightly forward, and his eyes shifty while avoiding anyone's gaze, he adopts that pose many times, each time with Peter being mentioned or Peter being there, I'll get into that later) Peter, although curious, he...says...nothing. He doesn't take advantage of Rockets vulnerable state, he doesn't make fun of him, he doesn't pity him, he stays silent. That was the beginning of Rocket's affinity for him. That was the beginning of his little crush/like/appreciation/attraction.
(this scene always stood out to me for Rocket's posture and Peter's reaction to Rocket's scars and cybernetic enhancements. The 'unspoken things' passing between them.)
He starts to be aware of Peter's movements, and engaging in contact
- people say, 'hey why are Peter's hold ups explored, his hold ups with dating/being attracted to a raccoon (although rocket ain't a regular raccoon, he's person, a him, he's as much an animal as human beings are) and not Rocket's hold ups with dating a humie well here's this: he engages, multiple times, with Peter with touch. He initiates touch multiple times. He just doesn't really appreciate when someone else initiates touch. I honestly don't think rocket even thinks about it as humie vs raccoon. I think he more of thinks of it as his insecurities vs the world.
But Peter didn't mind his insecurities. So, he's aware of Peter's whereabouts, instantly scurries to follow him, puts a hand on his thigh, and whispers 'Quill', which is really a plea for not going further. He doesn't stop him, he asks him.
AND EVEN THEN!! they're mirroring each other. Or Rocket, more specifically, is mirroring Peter.
Eyes! Peter always, always, looks for Rocket and when Rocket does or says something, he looks for Peter, first.
The first person in trouble they both look for is each other, to make sure they're safe.
Peter immediately, after Rocket crashed his plane into Ronan, checked on him.
They're usually standing near or next to each other, with open arms and open torso. The only time Rocket closes this is when he's doing his, insecurities vs the world or vs the group, thing, or he's coming to a decision or he feels too vulnerable, or he's trying to be....firm....on his decision, so he'll cross his arms , look away, hunch his shoulders.
Peter actually sorta adopts the same pose when he's embarrassed, holding his arms closer together, messing with his fingers, looking away, hunching his shoulders.
Peter often ducks his head to meet Rocket's eyes, nobody else really does that, Rocket usually has to look up, and will swivel his head to pay attention to what Rocket says.
Interest ^ he's actively interested.
Rocket is invested in Peter, in the background often times, he's looking at Peter and observing what is going on
Rocket's super observant. He's even more observant with Peter. His ears twitch and his head tilts a little.
Interest ^ actively interested.
Anyways, overall, in the first movie, Rocket is a lot more touchy and close to Peter and Peter calls Rocket his friend two seconds after knowing him. Peter immediately sees him. There's a click! here.
This is what I like to call...a slight attraction, a small crush, on Rockets part. Peter? Peter thinks Rocket is interesting, he's his friend, c'mon, but Gamora? Gamora is the pretty girl that can kill him. He's already got a lot on his plate. He's already got someone.
There's an unspoken thing alright but it's not just the one you're focused on, buddy.
-my words to Peter ^
Mirroring, looking, choosing, interest. Tilted towards one another or paralleled, don't even get me started on the goddamn music! (That's for another time)
In GOTG VOL 2, all of that changes.
VOL 1 , Attraction
VOL 2, Love
Immediately, there's more of a rift between them.
It is so palpable. It's dense. There is an air between them, with Rocket in the beginning sorta trying to make Peter feel better about the high priestess being a not very nice lady and winking at Quill but it not being received well, and Peter not really joking too much with Rocket. Rocket pulling away. It's a very tense air. There is tension.
This movie, Rocket focuses on interacting with baby Groot, Gamora, Drax. He, unlike in the first movie, hardly ever interacts with Peter unless it's to tease him or to defend him (in the beginning of Vol. 2)
There's a noticeable pushing away.
And, unlike the first movie, there is little to none mirroring. There isn't any mirroring but there is a lot more, from Rocket's part, self conscious posing and guarded expression while Peter is still dynamic.
Possibly because Rocket is a little more closed off and he's compensating because he's not used to Rocket pulling away like he is, especially from Peter and on some level Peter doesn't know how to cope with that so it's making Peter agitated as well, and well
Rocket doesn't like to be open, vulnerable like that. He doesn't. So he's pushing Peter away.
And the reason why? The reason why he hunches his shoulders, his ears hang forward, and he avoids eye contact? The very things he does when he's feeling vulnerable? Is because he loves Peter and is trying to cover it up.
He loves him. What happened last time he loved someone dearly? What happened?? So he pushes them away so they don't get hurt because he blames himself for the hurt that's happened in the past.
He pushes Peter away.
He only ever adopts that body language in the movie when Peter is brought up or he is talking to Peter, and the only reason why he didn't act that way when getting the music together or whenever talking to the high priestess is because he was 1. Focusing on something else, and 2. He was defending Peter, he had his arms crossed in front of him in a defensive, guarded posture, his feet shifted slightly, and his chest puffed, because what the priestess said about Peter pissed him off.
(he is imperfect, his friends of past were imperfect, he's been dealing with this shit his whole life, he's mad, and trying to make Quill feel better. It doesn't work, the rift deepens, yadda yadda.)
When Yondu brings up Peter while they're waiting for baby Groot to grab the fin, Rocket does his vulnerable pose, whenever Peter leaves and tells him, 'are you trying to make everybody hate you?', he does that pose, and besides that he also does the pose when he's trying to get dressed in the Kyln, after getting sprayed down.
Another positioning aspect I noticed, is that, throughout vol 1 and vol 2, Rocket is in between Gamora and Peter. Consistently in between Gamora and Peter. The only time this ceases is after Yondu makes Rocket acknowledge he's in love with Peter ('for what? for honour? for love?' Rocket looking at Yondu with a heart broken expression of surprise because he saw through him, because he knows.) And Rocket and Peter mend their breaking chain by Rocket apologizing in his own way ('and he stole batteries he didn't need?' 'of course not.'). Because they needed to mend that broken chain, because Rocket needed to know that he felt the way he felt and accepted that and moved on with acceptance because Peter likes/loves Gamora. Peter doesn't feel that way about him. And so, after their relationship is mended, and Rocket realizes this, he literally and metaphorically moves out of the way of their relationship.
Only after Peter and Rocket's relationship is mended does Peter enter a relationship with Gamora.
Because! Peter and Rocket has always been the most important relationship in the group. Everything would go out of tilt if they had a rocky relationship. (heh puns)
Anyways. 2nd Vol. Love, and 1st vol. Attraction.
More Things I noticed:
Rocket's resting position is his arms crossed, and feet neutral, posture neutral. He crosses his arms often, but depending on the look on his face and the things goin on, changes why he's crossing them, and Peter's resting position is both his hands on his hips, sorta like he's about to put his fingers in his pockets. Both Peter and Rocket talk with their hands.
Whenever Pete is pissed, he brings his arms closer to his body and balls his fingers into fists. He, much like Rocket, goes from 0 to 100. Especially when it involves those he loves.
Whenever Rocket is pissed he spreads his feet evenly for more balance and brandishes his claws and shows his teeth (unless he has his guns, or he's drunk, then it's slightly different as with Peter.)
Whenever Mantis went to pet Rocket the first time, he was listening and barely snapped at her fingers with his teeth. He heard Drax joking, is my theory. He coulda snapped her fingers clean off. He didn't.
Peter has open body language most of the time, his arms open, and his feet apart, he becomes more closed off and tense when he's angry (body language right) and he becomes more deflated when he's embarrassed (shoulders hunched, eyes downcast, twiddling with fingers/thumbs, not as talkative)
Peter checks on Rocket more than he does anyone else when they are fighting (except baby Groot, he checks on baby Groot a lot, everyone does, he's baby Groot). Not out of lack of trust or doubt of capability but out of worry and care. When he was fighting Ego, he didn't look for Yondu during the fight, until after Yondu was already getting crushed, but multiple times, he looked for Rocket.
Whenever they landed in the area they needed to to connect the bomb to Egos core, Peter slid over Rocket and landed at his feet and Rocket smirked at him. (It was a soft, sorta fond smirk, not the devious smirk he usually does.)
This was a lot of information. I hope this made sense. I got distracted 60 times. I lost count and recounted. That's probably not an accurate number. Please leave questions in the notes for me to answer if you have any, and I will do GOTG VOL 3 after I have it so I can rewatch it as many times as I need.
Thank you, Rocket loves Peter, and Peter loves Rocket (although he doesn't really realize it in GOTG VOL 1 and 2. I think he knows there's a fondness maybe but it's not a conscious thing.)
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
I love gamora, please, she's amazing. This is not hating them, it's literally just a rocket and quill post.
@cheeburgah99 @wisefoxluminary
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