#go on... ask me something
meeeeeeese · 27 days
GW2 Profession Ask Questions or something IDK
1: Why did they choose their profession?
2: Did they have a teacher? If so, who were they and were they good instructor?
3: Have they dabbled in any other professions than the one they ended up with?
4: On the scale of absolute novice to complete expert, how good are they at their chosen profession?
5: Is there anything atypical about their usage of their profession? If so, what?
6: How are they regarded by others of their profession?
Guardian 🛡️
7: What are the convictions that keep their guardian magic burning?
8: Do they focus more on healing and protecting their allies or on incinerating their enemies before they can do harm?
9: How much do they rely on their magic in combat? Could they still be effective if they were stripped of their guardian powers?
10: What’s their fighting style like? (ranged, defensive, aggressive, etc)
Warrior 🪓
7: Do they incorporate any magic into their fighting or stick to pure physical might?
8: How big is their weapon collection and which weapons do they tend to carry with them?
9: What strategies do they have to deal with casters and other such enemies that of sit out of reach of warriors?
10: In terms of raw physical might, how strong are they?
Revenant 🌫️
7: How well do they handle their legends? Have they ever lost control?
8: Can they channel any legends not shown in-game?
9: What’s their feelings on the mists? Does it feel like home to them, or is it more a fearful feeling?
10: What’s their relationship with the legends they channel, be-it cooperative or adversarial?
Engineer 💣
7: What was their first invention? Do they still use it today?
8: How would they handle being forced to operate without their array of gadgets?
9: What’s their engineering style? (for example; steampunk, magi-tech, futuristic, jade tech)
10: What’s the biggest engineering accident they’ve had?
Ranger 🏹
7: What’s their favorite pet and why?
8: What kind of terrain do they feel most at home in?
9: What type of animal do they least want to see while out in the wilderness?
10: What kind of routines do they have to take care of their pets?
Thief 🗡️
7: Do they use their skills for ‘selfish’ ends such as pick-pocketing or assassination?
8: What’s the most concerning thing they’ve ever taken out of someone’s pockets?
9: Do they use much shadow magic, or do they stick to acrobatics and trickery to outwit their opponents?
10: What’s the most impressive assassination (if they’ve ever performed one) that they’ve ever pulled off?
Elementalist 🔥
7: What’s their favorite element and why?
8: Do they prefer to camp one element, only shifting when needed, or do they shift fluidly between the elements?
9: What’s the greatest feat of spell-casting that they’ve ever achieved?
10: Does their magic tend to leave a lot of collateral damage or are they fairly precise in their casting?
Mesmer 🦋
7: On a scale of ‘none’ to ‘I’m never even in the same room I appear to be in’, how many layers of illusions do they prefer to stay hidden behind?
8: What sort of tricks do they have up their sleeve if they’re caught out without any illusions?
9: Do they ever use their magic to touch up their physical appearance, making themselves taller and such?
10: Do they like pink as a color? And if not do they ever change the color of their magic?
Necromancer 💀
7: What’s the most unethical spell they’ve ever cast, and what prompted them to use it?
8: How do they feel about the unsavory reputation attached to many necromancers?
9: Do they use minions much? If so, do they rather mass-summon disposable soldiers or handcraft sturdier creations?
10: Has their necromancy impacted their feelings on death and loss at all?
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beebfreeb · 1 month
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lazylittledragon · 9 days
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at the friday panel andrew wincott said raphael and astarion should go on holiday together and i can’t stop thinking about it
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astralpenguin · 1 year
self care is writing a fic that you’re literally the sole target audience for
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inkskinned · 9 months
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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willowser · 3 months
i think katsuki just answers his phone by barking out, "bakugou." no hello, probably doesn't even look at the caller id LOL when he hears it's you, though, i think he breathes out the tension he didn't realize was coiled in his shoulders, and says a lil, "hey," 🥺🥺
and i think when he calls you, and you answer with your sweet, "helloooo ??" he is so soft 😌 just mumbles out a quiet, "what'chu doin'?" and listens as you tell him, before saying what he needed to 😌
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maiaczy · 3 months
Terence mayhaps
What if Terence D'Arby was in the Jojolands
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Who do you guys think each of them would main in mario kart (my headcanons under the cut)
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Jodio - Shy Guy (specifically the dark blue version)
Lowkey a pro at this game. Likes to challenge himself in time trials and knows all the best cart combinations. If there is a shortcut on the track, he WILL take it (and will almost always be successful). Actually enjoys Rainbow Road (the real reason for his psychopath diagnosis).
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Dragona - Pink Gold Peach (I could see them picking Daisy too)
Just there to have a good time tbh. At least most of the time, because every now and then when they're doing particularly well their competitive streak kicks in, and trust me – once they get into it, they get REALLY into it (cross them at your own risk). Favorite track is Cheep Cheep Beach.
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Paco - Bowser
He thinks gaming is dumb and a waste of time (definitely not because he sucks at it). On the rare occasion he does get convinced to play, he keeps bumping into walls and other players (it doesn't help that he picks one of the heaviest characters in the game). Known for notoriously running into banana peels. Gaming sessions usually end in him "inviting" the other players to the gym.
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Usagi - Luigi
Relates to Luigi on a personal level for being the underappreciated helper of the group. He's actually quite good at the game. His aim is freakishly accurate and he loves to hoard items to target other players (for unknown reasons they seem to hit everyone but Dragona). Similarly to Jodio, he takes shortcuts almost every chance he gets, but unlike Jodio, it doesn't always go so well. Also probably likes Baby Park like the freak he is.
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Charmingman - Dry Bones
Used to play with Mauka a lot, so he's surprisingly good, and can get quite competitive too. Drives solely on bikes, which give him some good ol' maneuverabilty to avoid all those damn banana peels Usagi keeps throwing around. Secretly loves the music tracks and sometimes listens to them while riding his bike irl, imagining himself to be in a race. Favorite item is Boo.
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tibby-art · 7 months
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canon event for me
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hejee · 7 months
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my favorite problematic senior citizens
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rendevok · 11 months
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“Take my hand” pages 5-11
1 - day 2 - truth - 3
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
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tma sonas for my gf and I because ummmm uhhh
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corviiids · 13 days
(more persona 5 / persona 5 royal spoilers again)
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(this one has art by dotdotdotukno on twitter please view)
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compilation of specifically my obsession with ryuji and goro being terrible... friends??
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becca-e-barnes · 9 months
Ma’am, you are deviously incredible 🔥 We’re begging for an exploration of him saying “I love you” while fucking her like he doesn’t 🥹
My brain keeps picking up the storyline a few splendidly torturous hours in when her body’s completely spent & quivering & she’s a blubbering mess & that’s when he picks her up & takes his sweet time positioning her so she can limply yet eagerly watch their reflection has he finally gives her… exactly what her twitching body’s been craving. 🥵
I'm so glad you all enjoyed the thought of this as much as I did because I've been dying to expand on it 😵‍💫 (Part 1 here)
I like to imagine by that stage, he's absolutely desperate too though. He's got to feel your sweet little pussy clench and flutter around him, contracting so tight every time you cum that he swears it's going to be the end of him.
He's been too hard for too long, buried inside your body and he swears he's never felt you this wet or this hot before. It's been fucking luxurious, forcing you to cum against his fingers, feeling how your body's natural reaction is to coax him to drain his balls into you but that alone isn’t enough. He needs more than that.
He wouldn't admit it to you but he can't take any more. His balls feel like they're fizzing; overfull and beyond ready to flood your waiting, overstimulated body.
He arranges you gently, laying you on your front because he doesn't trust your trembling arms to support you. "That's it, good girl." He coos, hearing you whimper and sob pathetically because he needs to slip out of you to slide a pillow under your hips.
"You've made such a mess." He groans, taking a second to appreciate the delicious, inviting, slick little cunt he's about to indulge in. "You're dripping, sweetheart. God, I just know there's no way I'm going to be able to pull out."
His huge hands are gripping your hips and with one sharp, brutal thrust, he's back inside you and you both sob pathetically at the feeling of your bodies being joined again. This is exactly what you've needed but you don't have the words to tell him that. All you can do is whine and will your body not to cum again so soon.
"I meant. What I said earlier." He punctuates his sentence with soft groans, drawing back until he almost slips out of you before pounding back in.
He leans forward, tilting your chin up, making sure you can see the way he's fucking you in the mirror at the end of the bed.
"I love you. And I don't want you to forget that." He sounds sincere, one hand trailing up from the small of your back to right between your shoulder blades and then back down again. It feels intimate and tender but all that is forgotten by the very next thrust.
"I love you. But for now, you're just a mindless. Little. Drooling. Breedable. Cunt for me." He slows his thrusts down, determined not to cum so soon but it's going to be difficult to last until he gets the first couple of loads out of the way.
"Baby..." You whimper, feeling the tip of his cock nudge against your sweet spot, making you shake from overstimulation.
"I know sweetheart, I know. It's too much. But you're being so good for me. You're so perfect. How have no idea how you feel. So wet and warm and I can feel you fluttering around my cock. It's like you're trying to squeeze every last drop of cum out of me. Is that what you want? Because angel, I'll keep this delicious cunt stuffed full of load after load until I have nothing left to give you."
His thrusts are punishingly fast, thumping against your raised ass, half chasing his orgasm, half holding it back.
"And when I do, I'll remind you just how much I love you. And the baby I'm going to give you tonight."
With that thought, he can't stop himself from cumming, his dick twitching inside you as he shoots thick ropes of his seed right against your cervix. You're so cock-drunk you can only rut yourself millimetres back and forth but that's all you need to send yourself spiralling into another orgasm that leaves you trembling and sobbing.
"Fuck, you want that as much as I do, don't you?" He kisses the back of your neck, breathing you in while letting the euphoric rush subside. He notices he hasn't softened in the slightest despite such an intense orgasm but he knows he needs to be gentle with you for a moment before he can get any rougher.
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hotpotghosts · 1 month
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meidui · 2 months
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“It kinda feels personal.” | for @catws-anniversary ♡
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
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