#girls had to leave so that they could get home before their parents realized they're missing
babygirlsteddie · 2 years
thinking about steve and eddie having really fucking kinky sex but then eddie taking such good care of steve afterwards and steve is overwhelmed because he's not used to being taken care of and he's crying but insisting that he's fine and he doesn't know why he's crying or how to stop it and eddie just holds him so gently and tells steve that he's got him
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 months
bluetooth j.t.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: A little suggestive if you squint
Word Count: 1.2k words
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You don't know how you allowed yourself to get manipulated into being a girlboss and moving out of your childhood home to live in your own apartment. While it was nice to have your own privacy and decorate your home however you liked, you realized just how many privileges you lost now that you weren't in the care of your parents.
There was no one there to make sure you woke up on time in the few cases where you slept through your alarm, no one that you could call on your way back from work to ask to switch on the water heater so you could take a steamy shower immediately.
You didn't have your mother's homecooked meals and you didn't have your father to pick you up snacks from the grocery store.
And one of the biggest thorns in your side was the reason you were dreading the entire day. Car maintenance. The auto shop was one of the most daunting places in your life as a girl who knew nothing about cars. Never once had you regretted not learning how to take care of your car or even the procedure required when you eventually take your car down to the auto shop.
But now standing in the hot and dusty garage, you were seriously rethinking your life choices. You should've scheduled these things for when your dad was visiting so you could ask him to take it instead. Or, even better, you should've gotten a boyfriend.
You were complaining in your head, dragging your feet about having to be here in the first place and whined about handing your car keys, with a bunch of adorable keychains attached to some rando.
But when Jason Todd, 6'2 man with biceps that were larger than your own head and a body that looked like he was shaped out of marble by Michelangelo himself walked out with a form for you to fill out, you were all too happy to be there.
Perhaps you'd be leaving here with a boyfriend after all.
"I have to admit, I don't really know much about cars so please don't scam me."
Jason chuckled, a deep, hoarse laugh that made you a little weak in the knees honestly and the boy-crazed fraction of your brain began to imagine how he would sound as soon as he woke up next to you, after a night of—
"A bit of advice, you probably don't want to let scammers know that you have no idea what they're talking about."
You giggled, scolding yourself mentally for finding that funny.
'Come on, (Y/N), pull yourself together it wasn't even that funny. His face is just great delivery.'
"Or I could keep coming here and have you check my car, since you're so trustworthy." You mused, sparing him a teasing smile.
Jason was completely picking up what you were putting down, giving you a coy smile of his own before responding, "Or perhaps this is just a tactic to get you to keep coming back."
You narrowed your eyes playfully, "Devious."
Looking back at his little clipboard, a thin metal rod of some kind tucked behind his ear instead of a pen, Jason asked, "When was the last time you got your car checked out? If your battery and brake pad was replaced recently, we could probably skip that and just do a routine check to make sure everything's running smoothly."
You winced, "I couldn't tell you, honestly. My dad usually handles this kinda stuff for me, I'm still kind of a new lamb when it comes to taking care of my car."
Jason raised his eyes from the clipboard for a second, "Your boyfriend can't do this kinda stuff for you instead?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
He perked up immediately and you ducked your head to hide your smile, "I'm sure you probably have a record of it in your glovebox or something. Most places keep a little sticker with the date of your last service under the dash. I'll check it out for you, do you have somewhere to be, or do you have a couple minutes so I can make sure?"
You shook your head, shrugging your shoulders with a carefree smile, "It's my day off so I'm free as a bird."
He grinned, "Noted. Just give me a second."
You watched his back receding as he walked toward your car, shoulders looking like they could span the entire ocean and it was only when he was sat in the car and had turned on the engine did you whip out your phone at lightspeed.
"Ohmygosh Julie, I think I just met my future husband. Holy shit. He's so cute—gorgeous actually. He's working on my car right now and God, those arms, wow. And those eyes? God, I feel blessed just by looking at his face." The end of your message was interrupted by another mechanic running the engine.
You waited patiently for the sound of the engine to die before replaying the voice message so you could re-record the part that got cut off. Only you couldn't hear a thing.
Confused, you increased the volume, taking a sip from your coffee to soothe the inhumane squeal that you had let out while sending Julie the voice message. Once again you heard nothing.
You bit your lip at this, swiping down at the corner of your phone at access your control center and realizing the reason you couldn't hear anything was because it was connected to the Bluetooth on your car.
You whipped around in horror only to find Jason smirking at you from the front seat of your car. If the world were fair, you'd be struck down with lightning right then and there. Or, since you were at an auto shop, a sentient car might run you over.
Alas, you continued to stand there in horror, completely unharmed no matter how badly you wished to be reduced to a puddle on the ground.
You called him your future husband. The ground should've swallowed you then and there. Instead, you just stood there in complete mortification and embarrassment while you stared at his amused expression.
Something startled him out of his gaze for a second and he pointed at your console, making a gesture like he was taking a call. Confused, you glanced at your phone.
'Incoming call: Julie'
Ah, saved by the bell.
"How much do I owe you?" You asked, quickly popping open your purse to fish out your credit card. You had stretched out the conversation with Julie as long as possible, begging her not to hang up and only interrupting her tangent when Jason finally came up to you, saying that your car was good to go.
"It's on the house." He gave you a charming grin, leaning an arm against the counter, "Can't have my future wife paying for anything, can I?"
Your cheeks flared red, still holding out your card for him to take, "O-Oh, I couldn't, really."
"If you insist, then you can always repay me with dinner. Today's your day off, right? Think you can pencil me in for 7?"
A shy smile grew on your face, your body so warm you had to resist fanning your burning cheeks, "Sounds like a plan."
Forever Taglist:
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How did you handle it?
1st part here
A/N: Didn't expect the number of likes on the first part, thank you so much 😭
Also, I know now who does Paige's braids now. I saw her on tiktok.
Warning/s: Read at your own risk
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Following Ice's most recent live stream, Y/N's phone is constantly vibrating, and her Instagram feed is overflowing with follow requests and mentions. She didn't leave her apartment on the weekends after hearing from her teammates about their near-brawl on Friday night. She was trying to blow off some steam at the time, but she lost her cool and almost got into it. Azzi gave them a good earful, and Geno had more to say. Y/N apologized to her teammates, explaining that she was acting out of character at the time.
She felt a little better and forgot about her parents' divorce for a while. Not until her father texted her that he will be at her game next week. Dad is always the one who comes to her games; mom is too busy and cannot make time.
Frustrated, Y/N drops the dumbels.
"Yo! "KK, give me back my phone!" KK is running for her life, clutching Paiges' phone. Paige, on the other hand, looks terrified as if her life depends on with whatever is contained within her phone.
"Whaaaat! Dude, I just caught you stalking---asfghgjjhkjlhlk!" Paige caught up with KK and placed her palm on her mouth.
"Shut up!" She took her phone.
KK sounds like a dying goat now, with Paige's hands still on her mouth. Paige lets go of her and KK gasped for air.
"Shit, Hah! I just did not saw you do that P!" KK is shaking her head, laughing.
"I swear K, if you open your mouth I'll make sure that you will nev---" KK immediately zipped her mouth.
"You got it P! Your 'lil secret is safe." KK gave her a mischievous wink.
These two are as mischievous as ever.
Shaking her head, Y/N slips off her sweat-soaked muscle top, revealing only her sports bra. She could see Paige and KK's jaws drop from her peripheral vision. She turned towards them.
"What? "You guys have some saliva here." Y/N pointed to the side of her lip. The two appear to have come to their senses and instantly pretend to do something. Weird. It's as if they're seeing each other for the first time, taking off their clothes. Y/N twisted her hair into a sloppy knot and resumed lifting. She was halfway through lifting when Nika slapped her bum.
"Babe, I need you to braid my hair. Do you have a sec?"
She nodded to Nika and followed her. They walk past the others who were working out, and Y/N couldn't help but notice Paige and the way her biceps and deltoids popped while doing that damn pull up. Get a grip, Miller; you see your teammate doing this on a regular basis. Y/N reprimanded herself.
"So is mine eye enthralled by thy shape," Nika recited dramatically.
Nika came out laughing after noticing Y/N glancing at Paige.
"Don't worry, babe; she gets it a lot. And... Damn, did you just realized she's fine? You have to keep up; you have a home court advantage here." Nika winked. Y/N gave Nika a puzzled glance. It's not that she likes Paige; she just admires the muscles. That is it.
"I don't know what you're talking about, babe." Y/N said making Nika snort.
"Okay, alright. I'm blind, I can't see, must be my poor eyesight."
Y/N endured Nika's teasing while doing her hair; she doesn't want to appear defensive, so she allows her friend and pretends that Nika Muhl seeing her looking at Paige Bueckers didn't affect her.
"Thank you, Baby. "I love the braids." Nika blew her a kiss before they returned to their routines.
Paige glanced around cautiously before scrolling through her phone. She couldn't afford to repeat the same mistake that had led to her being caught by KK. She wasn't stalking, though; the algorithm following Ice's live had led her to Y/N's tagged photos and edits on Instagram. It was kind of annoying that Y/N was now known for being the "pretty girl" from the team instead of for her talent as a player. Paige had witnessed firsthand how great Y/N was during her time at Stanford. If it weren't for her MCL injury during her second year, she would have been neck and neck with Nika's stats in the last 2022-2023 conference.
"Girly, you are still not done? Man you are really living up to be a stalker ." KK tried to glance at Paige's phone, Paige was quick to hide it.
"I am not!" Paige responded defensively.
"Of course, why stalk when you can see her every day. Home court advantage." KK playfully raised her brows and gestured towards where Y/N is, shooting 3 point shots. Yeah, Paige mused to herself. Paige knows she's got the home court advantage, always playing on familiar turf. Y/N, on the other hand, is a social media ghost, her posts as rare as a shooting star, reserved only for strategic brand alliances. Just like she guards the offensive players on the court, she protects her privacy with the same intensity, keeping her personal life shrouded in mystery.
"You are not gonna like this." KK's gasp breaks the silence, drawing Paige's attention as she leans in, sharing her latest sports article discovery. With rapt interest, they both delve into the words, their silent communion speaking volumes as they absorb every line, lost in the world of sports unfolding before them.
Sports Agent Katherine Taylor-Miller Entangled in New Romance Amidst Divorce
In a whirlwind of events, sports agent Katherine Taylor-Miller finds herself at the center of media attention following news of her divorce from husband Craig Miller. The prominent figure in the sports world, best known for representing basketball star Breanna Stewart, is reportedly embarking on a new romance with Los Angeles' top firm lawyer, Drew Ross.
While Taylor-Miller has remained tight-lipped about the circulating photos online, indicating her involvement with Ross, sources close to the situation confirm that the divorce proceedings are well underway. The couple, who share a daughter, aged 22, are navigating this transition as their family dynamic shifts.
Adding a layer of complexity to the situation, their daughter, a talented athlete in her own right, has been making waves on the collegiate basketball scene. Initially playing for Stanford University during her freshman and sophomore years, she has recently transferred to the University of Connecticut for her junior year, following in the footsteps of her mother's client, Breanna Stewart.
The unfolding saga has captivated both sports enthusiasts and gossip followers alike, as speculation mounts about the implications for Taylor-Miller's career and personal life. As the situation continues to develop, all eyes remain on the high-profile sports agent and her newfound path forward.
Paige's confusion bubbles to the surface in her question. "Wait, so... that is Y/N's mom?"
KK nods solemnly. "Yep. Didn't expect that."
Paige's brow furrows as she scans the article again. "That article is nasty. It was unnecessary to mention, Y/N."
The two exchange a knowing glance before their gaze shifts towards Y/N, who remains blissfully unaware of the storm brewing in the tabloids.
KK weighs the options for a moment before nodding resolutely. "Very. She's not gonna like it. Do we tell her?" KK's gaze seeks approval from Paige, who meets it with a shake of her head, silently acknowledging the delicate situation and opting to shield Y/N from unnecessary distress for now. "She'll find out sooner."
KK lets out a low whistle, her disbelief evident in her tone. "Unbelievable. I never thought her mom is Katherine Taylor. That woman was a badass, but yeah, whoever wrote this has some unpaid rent due." Paige nods in agreement, a hint of frustration tainting her expression as they both recognize the injustice of the situation.
The sudden thud startles both Paige and KK. Their heads snap towards the source of the sound, only to find Y/N on the bench-side taking a water break, her hand suspended and her phone on the floor.
"That's what we're talking about."
Y/N absentmindedly follows her teammates to Subway after they decided to grab some lunch there. Despite the buzz of camaraderie around her, she's lost in her own thoughts, savoring the simple pleasure of a break from today's events. Just as she starts to believe her day couldn't get any better, her world is rocked by the unwelcome intrusion of her parents' divorce being publicized.
Her heart sinks as she grapples with the sudden exposure of her family's private turmoil. Y/N has always been fiercely protective of her personal life, preferring to keep it shielded from prying eyes. The earlier article had already crossed a line, but this latest development feels like a betrayal of trust, a violation of the boundaries she holds sacred. She can't help but feel a surge of anger and frustration at the unnecessary intrusion into her family's affairs, a bitterness that threatens to overshadow the sweetness of her teammates' company.
Y/N finds a glimmer of solace in the silent solidarity of her teammates. As they gather around the table at Subway, not a single word is spoken about the tumultuous news that has shaken her world.
In that moment, Y/N feels a profound gratitude wash over her, a deep appreciation for their unspoken understanding and respect for her boundaries.
"The salad won't eat itself," snapped Paige, jolting Y/N from her deep thoughts. Y/N mechanically took a fork, but her salad remained untouched.
"Eat up, Miller. You need your energy." Paige commandeered the fork and began mixing the salad for Y/N.
"How did you handle it?" Y/N's voice trembled with vulnerability, causing Paige to pause mid-stir.
Paige didn't respond immediately, her mind racing to grasp the depth of Y/N's question. It didn't take long for the realization to sink in—it was about the divorce.
"When your parents divorced? How did you handle it?" Y/N's eyes glistened with unshed tears, a vulnerability she hadn't intended to reveal. Paige felt a pang of empathy twist in her gut. Y/N's question caught her off guard.
"Nevermind," Y/N murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she wiped away the threatening tears. Determinedly, she finally began to eat her salad, hoping to distract herself from the emotional turmoil of the day.
As she savored each bite, Y/N made a conscious effort to push aside the weight of her parents' divorce. Her phone buzzed incessantly with texts and calls, but she only mustered the strength to respond to her dad via text. All she wanted was for their divorce to be finalized so they could all move forward with their lives.
Her thoughts drifted to the inevitable changes ahead. Her mom and dad would each go their separate ways, free to pursue new relationships if they so chose. While the idea of their family no longer being whole was a painful one, Y/N knew it was time to accept reality.
Above all, she yearned for one simple request: no more articles portraying her solely as her mother's daughter. She was determined to forge her own path, to carve out her own identity separate from her family's legacy.
"You okay, babe?" Nika asked Y/N, slinging her arm around her shoulders. Y/N responded with her most convincing smile. "I'm fine," she assured Nika, though the skepticism lingered in her friend's nod. "Just so you know, we're here for you, okay?" Nika offered a comforting hug. "Thanks, babe."
As they strolled back to the university after lunch, Nika, Azzi, and Aaliyah had already forged ahead for their afternoon classes, while Paige had disappeared into god knows where. Y/N's afternoon lay open; no classes to attend. She pondered whether to take a stroll around her apartment's neighborhood or indulge in a swim in the pool.
Waving goodbye to her teammates as they reached the university's parking lot, she contemplated driving back home.
Sighing, Y/N parked her car and headed towards her apartment, only to be surprised by a waiting Paige Bueckers holding a pint of Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge ice cream.
"Paige, don't you have a class or something?" Y/N asked, noticing Paige still in her training attire: a UConn Huskies hoodie, basketball jersey shorts, socks, and slides.
Paige handed her the pint without saying anything.
"You asked me how I handled my parents' divorce," Paige shrugged.
"W-well forget it. I didn't mean to ---"
"It was hard. I thought we were a happy family, that they had vows, through thick and thin, for better or worse type of shit. I was angry, wondering what could possibly make them decide they weren't meant for each other. They had me for Christ's sake. It hurt to think that one day they'd meet someone new and start over, and what about me if that happens?" Paige took a deep breath before continuing.
"The good thing is, I was able to understand that it's better to have that divorce than to pretend they're still happy. I saw how happy my father is with his new family, happier than he was with my mother... All I'm trying to say is, whatever you feel in your current situation is valid—all the thoughts running in your head, the what-ifs, they're all valid. You'll come to terms with it soon, just give yourself time to feel it. And don't forget, you have us. It sucks to be a divorce child if you don't have siblings. It's okay, Miller. You can mope, you can lash out, feel it all the way."
Y/N burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, surprising Paige, especially considering they were in a parking lot. Y/N didn't know why the floodgates had opened—was it the news of her parents' divorce? The stress of the article? Or perhaps simply the ice cream? Regardless, she found herself releasing all the pent-up emotions.
"Christ, Miller. I didn't expect you to break down right here," Paige panicked, attempting to pacify her, though Y/N continued crying loudly.
Paige gently grabbed her hand, and together they walked towards Y/N's apartment, Y/N still sobbing loudly.
"People will think I made you cry." Paige said shaking her head.
They entered Y/N's apartment, with Paige leading the way as Y/N was too preoccupied at the moment. Paige settled Y/N on her couch and opened the ice cream she had brought. Y/N accepted it and took a spoonful, still teary-eyed.
Paige looked at her friend in disbelief, finding her oddly cute in this vulnerable state, with red, glistening eyes and puffy cheeks from crying.
They sat in silence, letting the ice cream provide comfort. It worked, as Y/N's tears eventually ceased.
"Thank you, Bueckers. I needed that cry and... the ice cream. How can I ever pay you back?" Y/N leaned her head on Paige's shoulder, grateful it was Paige who knew her favorite ice cream flavor.
Paige pretended to ponder the question. "You don't have to. Just get back to being yourself," she said, gently ruffling Y/N's hair. Y/N sighed in contentment.
"I mean it, though. Thank you for being here. I was resigned to being miserable today," Y/N said, her voice filled with gratitude. They exchanged glances, and Paige found herself momentarily lost in Y/N's mesmerizing eyes. There was something about them that drew her in. She quickly looked away, not wanting to get too carried away and do something she shouldn't.
"Yeah, it's nothing. Get yourself together, Miller," Paige replied, more to herself than to Y/N, feeling her ears grow warm.
"Are you okay? You seem... red?" Y/N asked, noticing Paige's flushed cheeks.
"Not as red as you are. You look ugly when you cry, Y/N," Paige remarked, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/N stiffened at the comment. This was the first time she had heard Paige address her by her first name. The surprise on Y/N's face caused Paige's brows to furrow.
"What?" Paige asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Nothing, you've never called me by my name before. Or maybe you did, I just didn't hear you," Y/N shrugged, trying to downplay it. She didn't want to make Paige feel awkward.
"I just don't know what to feel hearing it from you. It sounds different," Y/N admitted.
Paige choked on her response, caught off guard by Y/N's vulnerability. This woman will be the death of her one day. -----------------
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brighteuphony · 3 months
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Got a bunch of Sasuke-centric asks, so here we are!
Sakura has some complicated feelings about Sasuke.
In my AU, Sakura was born to civilian parents who didn't really want her to become shinobi, even though that had been her dream for as long as she could remember- and it was no secret in the Haruno household that they were hoping she'd drop out, or at the very most, be career genin.
So Sakura never really had anyone to believe in her and had to go into the academy (late!) as a civilian-born, meaning she was automatically behind in development (and status) compared to the clan kids. (I headcanon that until the Academy, Sakura didn't ever spar with anyone, versus clan kids who had probably learned how to wield kunai before they knew how to walk).
So Sakura worked hard and did her absolute best to get the barest minimum that clan kids were afforded by default. Unfortunately, her best, without the resources/opportunities, just wasn't good enough. And Sakura knew it. Academically, she was brilliant, but that's not enough to be a good shinobi. And somewhere deep down, Sakura (at the very least Inner Sakura) knew it.
It's why I headcanon that she developed such a violent temper. People who are secure in themselves don't have such explosive, uncontrolled outbursts- it's why she picked on people like Naruto, who was probably the only person below her in the pecking order (maybe Tenten? But they're equals I guess). It's why she's so quick to anger and usually has those responses OUT of combat- it's because that's the only place her violence is actually effective.
It's also why she's such a teacher's pet- she needs validation from others to try and fill the gaping void.
So when Sasuke appeared on the radar, and everyone wanted him, so did Sakura. Because if she got him, she would do something that no one else- clan-privileged and better- could do. In fact, she staked most of her identity (her hair, her diet, her clothing) on it.
None of this was conscious. She really did have a crush on Sasuke, but the seed of it was born from a very misguided desire to prove herself on an even playing field.
After all, she didn't have a clan upbringing/resources to teach her how to find self-worth and actualization through her skills (she went home, and her civilian parents praised her for things that absolutely didn't matter in shinobi reality, amazement that she could throw a kunai! how good her grades were! and how cool it was that she could jump high!)
(and Kakashi absolutely didn't help, lol), so she defaulted to what she knew- which was being a regular girl with a regular crush.
Now, as an ~adult, she's come to the painful realization that her love for Sasuke was just a goalpost. Ironically, she set her sights on someone who would inadvertently feed into all of those insecurities, and because Sakura didn't love/believe in herself, she accepted Sasuke's abuse.
She also understands that she ran into the Chidori/Rasengan deathmatch of her own stupidity, but she just can't forgive Sasuke for leaving. For never owning up. 'Cause that's just coward behavior..
Basically, Sasuke's cruelty was just a reflection of her own self-loathing, and unfortunately, Sakura just wallowed in denial and ended up paying a hefty-ass price.
So if she ever sees Sasuke again? Honestly, she doesn't know whether she wants justice or revenge. It's complicated.
Whew- that was a text dump....
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the interest and asks! I'm so happy we can all share Naruto rotbrain together.
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punkshort · 7 months
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18+ account - minors do not interact warnings/tags included on each individual work.
No use of Y/N in anything.
I'm open to requests but it might take a few weeks.
Thank you for reading ❤️
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The Way We Were [complete] : You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. When the outbreak happens, you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Look What We've Become [sequel to TWWW - complete] : You are tasked with taking a young girl back to her family while trying to salvage your relationship with Joel after certain events cause the biggest strain either of you have ever had to face.
I'll Be Home For Christmas [complete, but on-going updates] Having just caught your fiancé cheating on you, you decide to come back home from the big city to Austin for the month of December to try to figure out your next step. You had no idea you would be getting more than you bargained for with the handsome single dad who built your parents' house.
Somewhere to Run [complete] : You move to a small town in the middle of Texas to escape your past and start over. You don't expect to fall for the town's handsome sheriff.
I Know Who You Are [complete]: A fall on patrol causes you to lose your long term memory, forgetting the identities of your friends and loved ones. You have to learn all over again how to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, and you learn things about yourself along the way.
Roommates [in progress]: Your roommate, Maria, introduces you to her boyfriend's brother. You hit it off immediately, but when you find out the true nature of his profession, you both decide to remain just friends. But once the four of you eventually move in together, things get... complicated.
Evergreen [coming soon]: Two unlikely strangers meet and bond over a shared trauma. But what happens when the lines unexpectedly blur and they're both overcome with guilt? Will they allow themselves to love again, or will they choose to drown in their grief?
I hate when you're right : After a heated argument with Joel, you finally convince him to leave Jackson so you could explore a store for new clothes, and what happens could change your life forever.
Have A Good Night: Every week like clockwork, the same devastatingly handsome man comes into the grocery store where you work to buy flowers. It's not until he asks you out when you realize the flowers aren't for his wife or girlfriend.
Night Shift: It was a relatively quiet night in the emergency room until a handsome contractor gets admitted and adds some excitement to your life.
Hard to Handle [coming soon]: One year after Joel cheats on you and gets someone else pregnant, you run into him for the first time.
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Hitman [on-going]: Fresh on the heels of a breakup, you move into a new apartment in a shady part of town. When a mysterious man breaks in, insisting he knew the prior tenant and needs to recover something left behind, you get caught up in a whirlwind of danger and attraction.
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[coming soon]
credit to @saradika-graphics for the dividers
Headers were made on canva by myself
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Could I request a reader who has an espathra. Espathra is from Reader's grandma who used to be a model and singer. Espathra is walks like a diva but is an absolute sweetheart. Reader joined the academy as a student and told the trio (Arven, Nemona and Penny) the reason why I joined the academy was because I never liked those private schools as I was always bored and hated dealing with the others as the students tend to annoy reader or be mean.
Tbh when he first saw your Espathra strutting down the streets of Mesagoza, he rolled his eyes.
He's well aware of how sassy and aggressive wild ones can be, but he assumes that even those tamed by trainers aren't any different (and sometimes a Pokémon's personality can rub off on them, too).
Once he gets to really know you both, though, he quickly realizes how friendly your Espathra is around people--even Mabosstiff.
Ofc they're still sassy, although they don't have a single mean bone in their body and don't try to reach across the table to steal his sandwich ingredients.
During lunch, you share how they once belonged to your grandma--who used to be a famous model and singer until she retired, deciding to leave her treasured partner in your care.
Arven never watched much TV growing up, so he never saw her performances. He just shrugs and says "that's kinda cool, little buddy."
But he grows concerned when a random kid intrudes on your picnic, asking about your grandma and wanting to pet the Espathra.
Suddenly the psychic type makes them shut up by immobilizing them on the spot....as he sits there wondering why tf you allowed them to do that.
You explain that's exactly why you transferred schools--specifically from a private one in another region to the Academy here in Paldea.
The students there kept bugging you, asking for your grandma's autograph and getting angry when you refused to take something they wanted her to sign or deliver fan mail as though you're some messenger Noctowl.
In short, they only ever talked to you if they wanted to contact her...and that made you feel quite bored and lonely, never gaining any real friends.
Luckily, Arven was already your friend long before he knew any of this.
He can definitely empathize with people constantly bothering him because of his connection to his "famous" parents.
Not only has she obsessively watched the gym leaders' battles on TV, she also followed each of their social media accounts for years.
And on Tulip's page, she discovers that both her and your grandma did a collab for a new makeup brand inspired by their Espathras.
At the time, she didn't know you at all, but after hearing your last name and seeing your main partner Pokémon--she pulls you aside after class, eyes sparkling.
"So [y/n]..you're related to THE-?"
"Yes." You brush her hand off your shoulder, already knowing where this was going. "If you want an autograph, go to her retirement home and ask for her. I'm not your messenger."
You storm off, your Espathra giving Nemona a soft apologetic look, before they follow you, hair swishing gracefully.
However being the stubborn girl that she is....she eventually catches up to you, huffing and puffing and apologizing endlessly.
All she wanted was a simple battle with your Espathra (she almost called it your grandma's Espathra but quickly corrected herself--something you appreciated her doing).
It takes you by surprise, but you listen to her wishes and end up defeating her final Pokémon with a brilliant Lumina Crash that lit up the night sky.
After the battle's won, you explain that her attitude when you first met reminded you of the kids who bothered you back at your old school--which became the reason you transferred to Paldea to begin with.
You found her annoying.
Now? She was slightly less annoying since she genuinely wanted to befriend you, and not because you're related to a retired celebrity.
Team Star's had their fair share of feisty Flittles invading their outposts, always having to chase them out or risk being attacked just for gathering berries for their Pokémon.
Arceus forbid an outbreak of Flittle ever happened...
Because of that, Penny's always been skeptical around that evolution line, convinced that most Espathras are hostile.
The ones down in Area Zero's caverns especially made her nervous.
However, yours is a special case as they showed no aggression towards her, Arven, or Nemona.
You really owe it all to your grandma, mentioning how your Espathra used to be her partner in concerts and modeling for magazines.
They enjoyed being by her side and were content with retiring to Paldea after she ended her career on a high note.
She always talked about how they've adored singing since they were a little Flittle, and that they inspired her to keep going whenever she felt overwhelmed by the paparazzi and self-doubt.
How you wish you had her confidence at the private school you used to attend...but it became too much to handle after so many kids annoyed you simply because you're related to her.
You begged to be transferred out of there--for your sanity and for Espathra's, too.
After telling Penny all these stories, she definitely sees a different side to the Flittle line now, realizing that maybe not all of them are aggressive sassy berry thieves.
But when a grunt comes over (only overhearing that you're related to somebody they used to watch on TV all the time), Espathra just immobilizes them on the spot.
It frightens Penny, but the ostrich just smiles calmly at her.
You laugh and pet their beak, reassuring her it's nothing to be scared of--that kid simply won't remember ever asking you for your grandma's autograph.
From there on, she sends a message to all of Team Star not to make the same mistake that grunt did.
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AITA for pretending to be sick in order to skip school even though I'm making my parents worried?
(I'm submitting this on a Monday. fuck Mondays btw.)
I (15M) am the only child of both of my parents (42F, 44M) and even though I love them and they love me, I feel like they don't really get me. since I was like 12 or so I started getting bullied by my classmates bc, essentially, I have "childish" interests (I like Adventure Time and video-games. my classmates need to realize we're technically still kids, but nooo they're not teenagers they're "Young Adults" and "Too Cool" to like anything remotely childish) and whenever I've tried to tell my parents that I'm experiencing bullying, they somehow end up thinking that I just don't want to go to school bc I'm lazy. I know being a parent is probably not easy but. what the fuck.
from my own experience I've noticed male and female bullies use different methods - guys hit me and use brute force against me while girls say hurtful things to me. one of the guys who bullies me, let's call him DH which stands for Dickhead (15M), is also extremely popular for some reason. he's very tall, very strong and he always uses that against me (I'm almost as tall as DH but I'm just lanky). he bullies anyone who is "beneath him" lol everybody bow down to the king of the fucking world.
today DH was making a scene at recess bc his girlfriend (15F) was wearing a skirt that was too short according to him. he was so mad at her that people were starting to form a circle around them. since DH is so popular people really respect his gf but they clearly respect him more bc today no one tried to help her. I don't respect DH, because he's a dickhead, so I stepped in and said something like "c'mon man what the hell, there's no need to humiliate your girlfriend like this, leave her alone". DH was pissed. he heatedly said that just because no girl will ever want to date me, that doesn't give me the right to tell other guys how to handle their relationships and their girlfriends. he got rlly mad and clearly he wanted to hit me so I ran like hell and proceeded to hide from him for the rest of recess. I felt like a little bitch tbh. DH always makes me feel like a little bitch.
before classes started again his gf found me and talked to me for like 5 minutes. she said I don't know DH like she does and that he's actually a really good boyfriend (HA, sure) and that I would be more liked and popular if I wanted to be, but it's "not normal" that I watch Adventure Time at 15. she also told me that DH intends to beat the shit out of me tomorrow. he said he'll "kill me" and ngl he has the physical strength to do so. this made me shit my fucking pants so today as soon as I got home I decided to pretend I was sick since I can be pretty good at acting. I told my parents I had a headache, I started fake-coughing, I said I felt really tired. I even managed to look pale on purpose by thinking of how fucking scared I was of DH and what he might do to me, and I raised the temperature of the thermometer by rubbing it against the fabric of my sweatshirt.
apparently I was so convincing that my parents agreed to let me skip class tomorrow and they even said I can skip it for the rest of the week if I don't improve (tbh I think I won't "improve" if you know what I mean) and I could see they were worried. this is the reason why I feel like an asshole. at the end of the day I'm making my parents worried, I'm lying about my health and I feel kinda guilty. but I'm too scared, and if I tell them the truth they'll just tell me to "man up" or they'll think once again that I'm just too lazy to want to attend school.
anyway. Adventure Time rocks 🤘🏻
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peachhcs · 27 days
Celly propt 7 where Sammy wears Will jersey for the first time as a couple at BC or could be done in the USA era when Will realizes he has felling for Sammy
in his jersey | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
the pining continues between samy and will during the wonder years when she wears his jersey to his ntdp game
1.7k words
i got a bit carried away when writing this lmao. i know this is a celly request, but i also feel like this ask fits into samy and will's wonder years category. writing their pining is soo cutie because they're so oblivious to one another. also posting another fic bc i feel bad leaving y'all dry for a couple days😭
700 celly masterlist | au masterlist
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samy pulled the baseball cap further down her head as she sunk into the bleachers beside will's parents. she sported her friend's number across her back, trying to ignore the glaring looks from the other girls three rows down. they were regulars at the home games only because they had crushes on each of the players—specifically will. when samy walked into the rink wearing will's number across her back daggers were instantly shot. those girls were definitely not happy seeing samy wear her friend's number.
she tried ignoring them knowing they were just jealous she knew will specifically. she'd be happy to befriend them, but after months of just glaring, it was obvious they didn't wanna be samy's friend. instead, she sat with her parents and kept her attention on the boys down on the ice doing their warmups.
her eyes glued themselves to her best friend wearing the number 2 which was the same number spread across her back along with his last name. he skated around the ice with gabe and ryan, the three of them doing their warmups together like always. she loved seeing the three of them down there together, smiles painted on each of their lips being able to play the sport they loved together. 
it was also a bit of nostalgia knowing their last games playing for the ntdp were coming close. spring was right around the corner which also meant u18 worlds and after that the boys were completely done with the program. something about all of that felt bittersweet for the boys and samy. 
what would she do without them bugging her either in ann arbor or plymouth every weekend? will finally found her gaze when he looked towards the stands. the smile never left his lips as he waved. it was pretty known by now that he always waved at samy first before shifting his attention to his parents beside her. the blonde skated towards the glass and nodded his head to the right, an indication that he wanted samy down at the open entrance. 
while getting up, the youngest hughes directed a smirk in those other girls' direction. she knew she was about to piss all of them off when they watched her and will interact on the floor. what samy didn't know was that will saw the entire thing. 
he knew those girls liked him and were most definitely jealous of samy. he knew getting her in his jersey would shut them right up and finally get off his back by sending a clear message that he liked his best friend! (of course, samy had no idea though). 
"they're gonna bully my dms if you keep that up," the blonde lifted his helmet as he skated right up to the door where samy waited. 
the girl's entire face flushed in embarrassment, "you saw that?" she grimaced. 
"yeah, i did. it was endearing though. seeing you brag in their faces that you're mine," sometimes will's confidence grew a little too much and he said things without thinking. his own face flushed after realizing he said that. 
"i'm yours, huh?" samy raised her eyebrow. 
"shut up, you know what i mean," but she didn't. she didn't really get what will meant and how badly he wanted to really call her his. 
his stupid feelings were only getting worse and seeing her in his jersey with his all-time favorite number wasn't helping. however, his chest swelled with pride and a feeling of possessiveness knowing that everyone in the arena would see his name plastered across her back. 
"you look good in my jersey, by the way," will pulled at the material that basically swallowed up samy's small frame. 
"i still wonder how you convinced me to wear this," the brunette teased a bit, but secretly she loved it. 
her stupid feelings were only growing stronger and when will begged her to wear his jersey to his game the other day samy nearly confessed right there. even though it was fun watching her best friend beg her for something, she would've worn it regardless. 
"i'm pretty convincing," the boy shrugged smugly. samy rolled her eyes, but the smile on her lips betrayed her trying to act unfazed. 
"good luck tonight, will. you guys are gonna do great," she reached up to place a gentle kiss to his cheek because 1. she always did that and 2. she wanted to make those girls even more jealous than they were. who cared if they went and bullied her and will's dms later. 
"thanks, hughesy. see you after the game?" it was a miracle she didn't notice will's heart eyes. 
"you know where to find me," they said their goodbyes before will's coach came after him for not warming up. 
the game revved up to 5-3 with the ntdp boys on the winning side. samy was on her feet as she cheered on her best friends flying across the ice. the trio worked so well together, speaking wordlessly with one another as they trusted each other and passed the puck around the opposing team. it was almost like a dream watching those boys play and that feeling of bittersweet crept back into samy's mind. 
u18s and then the nhl draft in a few months meaning all of them joining the professional world. it was a day that seemed so far away when they were younger and was now just months away. 
"let's go will!" samy yelled down as the forward made his third goal of the night bringing the score to 6-3. 
the crowd erupted in cheers. the brunette smiled seeing will do his celly with ryan and gabe. immediately, the boy's gaze spun around to find samy's in the stands. they found one another pretty quickly and will pointed up at her, the happiness glowing across his features. his gesture earned a small blush across her cheeks while her parents and will's sent the girl knowing looks because of course they knew their kids liked one another before they even knew. 
once the game finished, samy waited around near the locker room for will to emerge. she usually leaned against the wall scrolling through her phone until the boy came running out. tonight was no different. twenty minutes after the game ended, the blonde was rushing out of the locker room in a happy daze. his curls were hardly even dry as he scooped samy into his arms, spinning her around so her feet weren't even on the ground. 
"so proud of you, will. you played so good," the girl gushed into his shoulder. 
"you always make me play well," his flirting earned another blush on samy's face.  
"shoulda known this was why will pushed everyone out of the way to shower first," ryan teased as he came out a moment later with gabe. 
the boys snickered with one another, but will didn't find it amusing. "shut up," he mumbled. 
"good to see ya, hughes. thanks for coming," ryan collected samy into his own hug. 
"duh, like i'd ever miss a game. you guys played so well," she pinched their cheeks which annoyed the hell out of them, but they let her do it anyway. 
"how much did smitty pay you to wear his jersey?" gabe continued with the chirping. 
all of them but will shared a laugh. he was not finding their remarks as amusing as he usually would tonight, "jesus, do you guys ever shut up?" 
"just a bit of begging and he convinced me," samy squeezed will's arm.
"begging? like hands and knees?" ryan hollered. poor will was now red in the face and wanted to rip his friends' heads off before they said anything more stupid. 
"just like that," samy didn't help. 
"don't we have to meet our parents. i thought they wanted to go out to dinner," will cut in before someone said anything else. 
"right, they're in the lobby," the brunette grabbed ahold of will's arm as they walked together to find their parents. 
after hugging his parents, the two families headed out to find something to eat. will climbed into samy's car since she drove herself up knowing the blonde would most definitely convince her to come back to his house for awhile which then resulted in her sleeping over. good thing it was saturday night and neither of them had practice tomorrow. 
"what am i gonna do when you're a hundred miles away in the fall?" will's gaze fell on samy's even though she was focusing on her parents' car in front of them as they followed them to the restaurant. 
"tough question. probably die," samy teased a little. 
"probably, yeah. i don't think i've ever really played a game without you there," the blonde admitted. she found his gaze for a second. the whole idea of graduating and going to college was a thought swirling around both of their minds lately. 
"i'll be there in spirit watching you through my laptop." 
"not the same, but i guess it'll have to do," will sighed a bit. 
"you know boston's gonna be really lucky to have you. you're a legacy," she poked his arm that was dangerously close to hers on the center console, but it wasn't like either of them were gonna move their arms away. 
"you are too, you know. by association," will smiled. 
"i think quinn and luke nearly fainted when i made it official i was going to michigan," the brunette hummed. 
"michigan definitely gained a good one. you're gonna kill it on the field." 
she met the boy's still lingering gaze. the two shared a loving smile still so oblivious to each other's feelings. they were so obvious, yet both of them didn't see it no matter what anyone said or did. 
the drunk makeouts didn't count because they were drunk, right? the lingering touches was just a friend thing, right? the constant teasing from both of their friends was stupid because none of them knew what they were talking about, right?
wrong. so, so wrong. 
samy did in fact end up back at will's house after dinner. the two curled up on the couch with the tv playing a movie, but neither of them were really paying attention because all they could think about was one another and who would finally have enough courage to confess their feelings. 
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the-starlit-authoress · 2 months
Chance Part Two
Part One
Taking care of a baby, as it turns out, is not easy. Villain has absolutely no clue what they're doing.
Their recent search history is full of things like "How to change a diaper" "What do you feed babies" and "How to stop your cat from hissing at a baby"
That last one was probably a less universal parenthood experience, but Villain's snooty cat was not particularly happy with the new team member.
Another thing that Villain had learned within the following day after bringing the child home, was that they probably should have checked the baby's gender before picking a name. But that was less important, Chance could be a girl's name if Villain said so. Social rules weren't really their thing anyway.
Over the next few days, Villain acquired all manner of baby things. And also a lot of parenting books.
After several days of doing nothing but trying to figure out how to care for an infant, Villain realized they had to get back to doing villain things. But they couldn't exactly leave the child alone all day while they were out fighting heroes...
A day later, Vigilante stood in Villain's living room looking very unimpressed. "Where did you even get that."
"Her name is Chance and I found her in the wreckage after fighting hero last week."
"And you kept it because...?"
"Because despite what the news thinks I'm not a monster." Villain huffed. "Now are you going to watch your new niece while I make an appearance for the heroes or not."
"You must be desperate if you're going to trust me with a child."
Villain shot their younger sibling a look. "Is that a yes?"
Vigilante sighed. "Unfortunately."
"Great!" Villain passed Chance to Vigilante and started gathering a few things. "I'll only be gone a few hours. She'll probably nap for most of that time anyway."
Vigilante soon found themself standing alone in Villain's house reluctantly holding a bright eyed baby.
Villain's cat was on the other side of the room, glaring daggers at the child.
Vigilante raised an eyebrow at the animal. "Don't look at me like that. I'm on your side in this."
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ssadumba55 · 11 months
The Gang Dealing with a New Traumatized Toy! Reader
Request: headcanons for Toy Story, specifically platonic separate headcanons for Woody, Jessie, Buzz and If you can then also Bo Beep with a 13 y/o toy gender neutral reader that comes to Andy's room pretty traumatized from their last home. (because they've spent their live in a home with abusive parents towards the child that owned them) They tend to flinch at almost everything and is very scared of yelling and/or loud noises, but somehow feels safe when they're with Woody/Jessie/Buzz/Bo and doesn't want to leave their side because they feel protected and at home when they're with them?
tw mentions of ab//se, both physical and verbal
General Headcanons for What Happened Before You End up In Andy's room
It had been a long road to get to Andy's room in the first place. Back at your old owner's house, you'd been a gift to the sweet little girl, Lucy, from her mother.
It was one of those rare moments when she had actually been happy. From the moment you were unpackaged and she held you, you knew you loved her more than anything else in the world.
Late nights were spent hidden under beds or in closets, being clutched to her chest. Any loud noise made the two of you flinch. It was your job to be the protector, so you tried your best. But there's only so much a toy can do
The other few toys strewn in the room appreciated your efforts though, they had been in torment far longer than you
The best times for Lucy was when she went to school, because there she was away from her parents and their harsh words and even harsher hands
Everyday you waited eagerly by the window for her to come home. You didn't get the same luxurious daily escape, but you were grateful she did.
One day, she never did come home. A stranger in a vehicle pulled up and came in the house. She talked to Mom and Dad, told them that your little girl could never come here again. Something about bruises found at school...
You never saw her again. It took a while, but eventually Mom and Dad gave all the toys, including you to a thrift store. You sat on the shelf grateful that your little girl got out but sad you couldn't go with her
"Mom! Oh! Mom! Look!" A little boy lifted you from your shelf with all the gentleness and reverence only a kid could show a treasured toy. He excitedly held you up
"That's just the one you've been looking for!" A woman smiled, ruffling her boys hair affectionately. You felt sick. You knew what happened to kids behind closed doors but your face did not move
That day, you became Andy's toy. He rushed home, scrawling his name on the bottom of your foot carefully
You were still waiting for the other shoe to drop
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Woody is a natural protector, so it isn't farfetched that you immediately latched onto him when you first arrive in Andy's room
Even though you appear much younger then the rest of the toys in your new home, it’s obvious to all of them that you’ve been through much more. The most obvious sign being the little flinches you have when loud noises happen
It's Woody's job to ensure the safety of all the toys in the room, including you
He doesn't mind that you're basically his shadow at all, if you're on your own at any point he may even offer you to come along with him
Sometimes, you like to hide in the closet or under the bed. It's quiet. It reminds you of safety. Woody always makes time in his busy schedule to join you. He never asks why you do it, he just joins you to make sure you're okay
Some of the other toys can be a little mean without realizing it, he always makes sure to set them straight when he hears someone talking about you, it's not your fault you are the way you are
One day, you work up the nerve to tell him what happened with your old kid. And he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. Promises that as long as you're in Andy's room you'll never have to worry about that again
He calls you his little deputy, and if you're feeling particularly down he may even let you wear his hat
Seriously, he adores you and you adore him just as much! He is such a softie, even though he tries to pretend he isn't. If you want or need anything he will get/do it for you.
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Jessie is a traumatized toy, so she knows another traumatized toy when she sees one. She will definitely latch onto you before you can latch onto her
When she finds out your trigger is loud noises/yelling, she tries her best to keep her voice down (which is hard because she likes to be loud), she knows what it's like to have to suffer through something that makes you feel that way and she doesn't want you to have to feel that way
If yelling or loud noises are unavoidable, then she will find a safe quiet spot or offer her comfort. Holding your hand, an arm around your shoulders, whatever you need.
She will absolutely let you tag along with whatever she does, she might even teach you how to do some things.
And to comfort you, make you feel less alone, she'll tell you about Emily. When you're comfortable, you tell her about Lucy. And the two of you commiserate in old owners together, even if it's not exactly the same
If there's ever a situation where you need to be in a tight space or a box, you always offer the same comfort back to her because she does so much for you.
She will never make fun of you or push you out of your comfort zone if you don't want to be, she'll just be there cheering you on when you do feel like making progress.
And she's a hugger, so hugs will always be given. She loves having you around more than anything and would do anything to make sure you feel safe in Andy's room.
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Buzz isn't dumb, but he can be a little clueless so when you first start following him around everywhere/clinging to him, he might be more than a little confused.
He might even find it a little annoying or weird, but overtime (and potentially with his friends' help) he will definitely realize that you do it because you feel safe around him
Despite knowing he's a toy now, being your safety net will fill him with a sense of pride and duty, knowing that he's fulfilling his destiny as a space ranger
He makes you a little helmet, not only so you can be like him but so you can use it to muffle/tune out loud sounds that you don't like or that scare you
And he'll make up space stories to calm you down if you happen to freak out a little or get super anxious.
The journey to recovery is a long one, but he wants to make sure you're comfortable and safe during it.
He will also hype you up and remind you how strong you are, especially in moments when you feel like everything is too much. He believes in you and he's proud of you for coming such a long way.
If you eventually feel comfortable telling him why you're upset, the idea of parents like that would keep him up at night. He had no idea people like that could even exist, having always been Andy's toy.
He reminds you all the time that they can't hurt you ever again and that you're safe now
Bo Peep
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She will adore you and feel so honoured that you feel safe around her, even though it isn't a huge surprise, after all she is a nursery lamp. It's her job to stand watch and make children feel safe.
Her soft voice and gentle demeanor are definitely what draws you to her, she never yells and as a result you feel safest with her because of that
If other toys are yelling or things become too overwhelming, she'll take you far from it and count sheep with you until you feel better
She will sing lullabies to you too if you ask her too, she doesn't mind being a comforting figure for you.
When she finds out the reason you're upset and guarded, all she'll want is to protect you. To shield you from everyone and everything that has ever hurt you and to make you feel better.
She never lets you out of her sight, the two of you spend long amounts of time together, talking or playing with her sheep. You love how calm she is compared to everyone else in the room.
She always seems to know something is wrong, before you actually say anything is wrong. It's like she can read your mind.
And if nightmares are a problem, she'll stay up with you all night just to make sure you always have someone to support you/in your corner.
She knows you need time to heal and she's grateful you decided to include her in that journey
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
Harry takes in stray kids
I've been on a harry potter kick... as y'all may have seen >>' HPMA has lit that fire again.. plus stress of work making writing hard so I've felt guilty looking at dpxdc content right now. ANYWHOO I has a funny idea. It is drarry. Harry and Draco have an established relationship already. (Non epilogue compliant.) Draco at home enjoying his book, already upset as time has come for Harry to disappear for months on in as he is now the DADA professor. Its still summer but Harry is doing some work before school to give muggleborn kids their letters and explain the magical world. So imagine Draco's utter shock when Harry comes home with a kid. "First day on the job and you kidnapped a child?!" "I did not kidnap a child." two more pop out from behind the oldest one. "Three of them?! THREE OF THEM? POTTER!" (Harry becomes potter whenever Draco stressing out/mad)
So Harry ended up walking in on an abusive household and may have let his temper flare. Inflated the parent and took the kids with him. To protect them... only to realize immediately how much he fucked up. Draco stressing out because of what could happen. Harry lost what to do but doesn't want to let the kids go back to that kind of home. Draco ends up shoving Harry into the fireplace and forcing him to floo over to Hermione to hurry up and fix this with the ministry before it spreads into a bigger problem. Then Draco takes himself and the children to Molly to help keep the authorities away until Harry can get things settled, and to help learn how to take care of three children.. Stressing out because he never had to care for someone other then himself and lately harry. Imagine one is a toddler, the middle child is a girl who thinks all these witches and wizards are going to save them. (Which they are trying but its a lot harder then waving a wand) And then the eldest who has serious trust issues and trying to get their siblings and leave before they're forced into worse situation. The oldest claiming constantly that they can take care of his siblings. They don't need adult help, which Draco makes perfect come backs for. Anyway I think it'd be a cute and kind of funny situation though stressful. Because I imagine Draco is worried. If they were all magical then there wouldn't be a problem. But they only know one is. And so muggle authorities have to be involved too. Draco also doesn't want to get attach to the kids despite already carrying the toddler on his hip and baking biscuits with the girl before he even known them for 24 hrs. He knows that only Harry has a chance to gain custody. (and is 100% certain that is his goal, damn his savior complex) He's not even sure he would be allowed to be near them again after all said in done, just because of the stupid mark on his arm. Oh he prays Potter hurry up and mirror him. He hates not knowing. And the kids desperately needed some light in their life. Thank goodness for the Molly or Draco feels like he be drowning. Also imagine Draco hitting Harry with a wash cloth repeatedly, when he talking about the absurd situation Harry got them in. (like just a funny gag.. using it to shoo him into action)
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notmorbid · 2 months
the hike.
dialogue prompts from the hike: a novel by drew magary.
this is a dream. this is not a physically possible situation.
it would take nothing to kill you. an infected mosquito could do it.
i had to see you one more time.
you haven't aged a day. literally.
any beer is good beer.
my favorite part of the party is when the party is over.
i wish i hadn't fucked up with you.
guys always get too serious too quickly, and they never realize it until it's too late.
sometimes the moment gets away from you, and that's it.
i need to use your phone.
i feel safest here, in my home.
i didn't forget my promise to you.
are you really not coming with me?
i'm getting used to disappointment.
i have to know now, regardless of how terrible it is.
i can't go back in there alone.
did i eat a bad mushroom or something?
how'd you get that scar?
people always say they're sorry. it does nothing for me.
well, fuck him. is that a better reaction?
it's okay. you don't have to say anything.
if you can't sail, you better be good at swimming.
you're not dead. that's pretty impressive.
i don't have to explain anything to you.
i'd shut my eyes tight, if i were you.
the last part of any journey is always the longest.
it's not much farther, i swear. you're doing really well.
look at you. you're as cute as a button.
tell me about them. your family.
it's okay to be glad it's all over. that you can finally move on with your life.
you need to make me a promise, you whiny baby.
don't give up, no matter how long it takes. no matter what it takes for you to keep going. promise me you won't stop.
you're assuming there's a reason behind all of this.
that's completely unrealistic, anatomically speaking.
i need to be in a constant state of awareness.
even if you think i'm sleeping, i'm not. i'm saving my energy.
fighting is the most exhausting thing in the world.
i don't know what they do in there, and i don't want to know.
where did you come from? who are your parents?
when you're happy, you don't question how that came to be.
horses are for rich girls and old men.
i would wear pajamas to a funeral.
just come here for a second. let me hug you.
i have doubts every second, but all i can do is move forward.
you won't always be alone. you'll have company.
you can adjust to anything if you're willing to live on.
stay where you are and hold on, because i will come back.
that happened, didn't it?
if i die, you can eat me. it's alright. but you can't start eating me before i'm dead.
don't joke about that. bad ideas always start out as bad jokes.
just because god loves you doesn't mean he can save you from suffering.
we have homes so that we can leave them.
i'm not quite dead yet.
mathematics are the language of the devil.
it's not a prayer if you don't mean it.
the world changes, but people act the way people always do.
what i want hasn't mattered for a long time now.
i don't want to be around long enough to disappoint you.
it's love. love doesn't require an explanation.
the only reason i'm still alive is out of sheer habit.
half the people who survive don't know how or why they did it. i know i don't.
you can get away with anything if you just say you did it with honor.
i've gotten good at being alone again.
you're like a bad yearbook photo come to life.
wisdom is so terribly overrated.
you can't go back. you know too much now.
i'll stay here forever with you, if that's how much time you need.
everyone needs to have something inside them that no one else can have.
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evewasheretoday · 9 months
Heathers But They're Childhood Friends With Veronica - Headcanons!
For starters, Veronica met each of the Heathers only when they just started to get to know each other.
Betty was and were still Veronica's bestest best friend at the time.
Mac and Chandler knew each other since they were 7-8.
When Chandler's parents threw a formal party and Mac's parents (way before they eventually divorced) attended for business purposes.
Duke and Chandler were 9-10 years old when they met each other.
They met each other when they ended up as classmates in grade 4 but only actually got to know each other personally because they were seatmates.
Duke was still friends with Martha but eventually as time passed, they couldn't really be called as friends anymore because Duke hung out with Chandler and Mac more.
Veronica and Chandler met each other in the school's restroom.
When Chandler was in a hair pulling fight with two girls from her class who were trash talking her and Duke.
At first, Veronica was holding Chandler back from hurting the other two in the restroom with them until one of the two girls decided to play unfair and slap Chandler with her free hand.
Veronica didn't know what went over her head at that moment but before she even knew it, she punched the girl who slapped Chandler.
Before things could get a bit out of hand, a teacher came in and gave them detention.
What happened over detention? Veronica and Chandler bonded a bit before Chandler's dad would eventually come to school and turn the tables around at the two girls trash talking her & Duke.
Mac and Duke met each other through Chandler.
They didn't get along with each other very well at first because Duke felt a bit insecure when they hung out.
But after some time Duke thought about being friends with Mac, they eventually started to get along.
It happened when Duke was reading a book she was so invested in and Mac got curious about it.
Needless to say, Duke went on a long ramble about the book and Mac listened to her happily.
Mac met Veronica when she tried running away from home after her parents divorced.
She met Veronica when she was trying to climb a tree. Why was the brunette trying to climb a tree? To prove a few stupid kids in her class that it was possible. She even had a camcorder with her and asked Mac if she could record her climbing the tree at the time.
Did it leave a long lasting first impression on Mac? It definitely did because Mac couldn't stop thinking about Veronica ever since then. Thoughts like “will I see her again?” kept running through her mind.
Duke and Veronica met each other in the school's library.
When Veronica was searching for a good new book to read and Duke, way too invested in the book she was reading, bumped into her.
Their first meeting was awkward but it quickly became comfortable for both of them when Veronica mentioned she wanted a new book to read.
Ever since that, they always talked to each other when they saw the other in the library or just anywhere else in the school.
Mac too- She was a bit surprised Veronica went to the same school as them because she's never seen her around before.
The four of them becoming close friends with each other happened so naturally. They just made small talk to each other from time to time and before any of them could even realize it, they were walking home each day after school ended.
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soopersara · 5 months
I brought this up on Discord a while ago, but I finally realized why the conflict between Katara and Toph in "The Chase" bothers me so much (aside from the fact that I'm an oldest daughter too, and as as such, I'm physically incapable of seeing Katara as the bad guy for asking Toph to contribute):
Toph's motivations in the episode are very clearly stated. She wants to carry her own weight because she's sick of being perceived as weak. Which is great! I honestly love that as a motivation. It fits her character extremely well.
But then why, if Toph wants to prove herself and show the world that she isn't helpless, is her solution to that problem... not helping anyone? I mean, Katara (very politely, at first) implies that she wants Toph to help out around camp. Katara very obviously doesn't see Toph as helpless, otherwise why would she be asking Toph to contribute to the chores? And yet Toph lashes out because, according to her later conversation with Iroh, "please help us with chores" came across to her as "you're incapable of doing things on your own."
Okay. Sorry, but I'm not buying that chain of logic. If I'm supposed to believe Toph as the smart, insightful character that she is in most of the other episodes, I'm gonna need her motives and actions to match up a little better here.
So working with the pieces the show gives us, I can see two relatively simple fixes:
Keep the inciting incident for the conflict between Toph and Katara (or the Gaang as a whole - why does Katara have to be singled out?), but change Toph's motivations to match.
Keep Toph's motivations the same, but change the inciting incident for the conflict.
The first option is... less appealing, IMO, because while I can absolutely see a reason why Toph might refuse to contribute to the group, the most obvious reason for it is just... Toph being a spoiled rich girl. Which isn't an unrealistic trait for a girl with her background (honestly, that's 100% the way I read her in "The Chase" to begin with), but a) "spoiled brat" isn't an appealing personality trait, and the writers definitely wanted Toph to be appealing character, and b) I'm not sure that that's the type of conflict that could plausibility be wrapped up in a single 23-ish minute episode. Which isn't to say that it's impossible, but it's definitely outside of what I could personally pull off as a writer. If the conflicts introduced in "The Chase" had been allowed to play a more lasting part in the story, though, by all means! It could be very interesting to lean into the realistic but less-appealing personality traits that Toph might have picked up from her privileged childhood as long as the story was given the time and space it needed.
The second option is probably the way I would go for an easy-ish fix. Toph's parents treated her like she was made of glass, so it makes sense that she would have issues with others doing things for her after she leaves home. So maybe instead of getting angry when Katara asks for help, Toph settles in to eat her own dinner, but the others cook enough food for four and expect her to eat with them. Maybe Toph hasn't made her earth tent yet, and the others use a spare tarp to set up a makeshift tent for her. Maybe Toph comes back to camp after an earthbending lesson to find half of her clothes missing because it's laundry day, and the others didn't think to mention it to her before gathering up ALL the dirty clothes. Whatever the specifics may be, the Gaang is doing their normal chores around camp, and the fact that they're helping Toph without asking first gets on her nerves. She gets shouty about it, the Gaang doesn't really get what the issue is at first, she storms off, meets Iroh, has the canon chat about accepting help, returns to the group, talks things over with them, and all is resolved.
With this option, there's obviously a line to walk with how much help the Gaang gives Toph vs how much help she gives them—the reconciliation afterward wouldn't work out very well if the Gaang came off as ableist, but realistically, I don't think that's a difficult line to walk. And bonus points for this scenario, because while the original plot (unfairly) singles Katara out as the uptight nag of the group for uh... wanting to make sure they got shit done without doing EVERYTHING herself, this scenario would allow her to... y'know. Be the one who wants to get shit done around camp without the story painting her as unreasonable for it.
Obviously, these aren't the only ways I can imagine "The Chase" being improved, but introducing much more complexity would probably involve changing the WHOLE episode, and I don't have the time or the brainpower to deal with that idea right now 😂 I've just always been annoyed by how hard "The Chase" tries to pit Katara and Toph against each other. I know they would realistically butt heads about certain things because they're two very different people with two very different personalities, but THAT SHOULDN'T MEAN THAT KATARA HAS TO BE PAINTED AS A NAG WHILE TOPH GETS AWAY WITH LAZY WRITING BECAUSE "LOL, RESPONSIBILITY IS LAME."
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Whats the phillipine's most famous cryptid?
Alright so before we start let me reiterate that the creatures that get passed off as Filipino mythology are still living beliefs for many people, especially those that live away from the big cities. These are not mere scary stories to them, but real threats that you must take seriously, and specialists that deal with the supernatural are very much still a thing.
So the most famous creature would probably be the aswang, but what an aswang actually is depends on who you ask. They could be were-beasts, undead, evil sorcerors/witches, etc depending on the province, and it's come to be almost an umbrella term for monsters that don't already have a name. Every time someone strays too close to the woods and goes missing? Aswang attack. Wikipedia will tell you that stories of the aswang are mostly popular in the South of the Philippines, but my dad's family comes from the North and they're just as well-known there. Ask a grandfather or grandmother whose family came from Ilocos, and there's a decent chance they can tell you stories of how someone the family knew was taken by an aswang because they didn't hurry home when the sun was going down, or how they themselves had a close call when they ignored their parents' warnings about what was out there. When we would visit my grandmother's home province, she would tell me very seriously that if the night is too dark, I should never leave the indoors even if we're at a hotel at the beach, you could never tell how daring a monster might be.
The CIA even actually used the belief in aswang stories to crush a local communist guerilla movement called the Hukbalahap, where they would kidnap Huks and drain their blood then leave their corpses for their comrades to find, terrifying the people and killing public support for the movement.
I think the funniest story that I personally know though is technically not an aswang attack, but shares a lot of the same elements with the monster stories that involve dark magic. It's also particularly interesting because it was told to me by a mentor from the gamedev industry and who was not a superstitious person.
When I was a kid I already knew that no matter what, I wanted to work in video games. My friend and I would attend all the local dev meetups and talks and seminars trying to learn as much as we could about the industry before getting out foot in the door, and one of the developers we befriended was a very experienced artist with some international successes under his belt already. He's now working at a big name European studio, but before that he shared with us the story about his own dangerous encounter.
It started when my friend asked for advice on love, like many young adults would to a cool, older mentor. Rather than give wise sayings about patience and communication or whatever, he said "When they invite you over to your house, keep your eyes open in case they try to eat you."
See when he was our age he was dating this art scene girl who kept telling him that she was dangerous and a practitioner of curses, which he had brushed off as being a quirky art thing and kept seeing her despite her warnings. One time, the girl invited him over to her house saying she was going to eat him, and my mentor, thinking it was his lucky day, walked right in, went into her room, and then stood there when she pulled out a knife and suddenly declared that actually, she was possessed by an evil spirit and was going to kill and eat him now.
Despite the now very clear sign that eating him did not mean anything sexy, he said he was okay with this. She attacked him with the knife and only then did he finally realize that maybe he was not okay with this, but at that point she was making inhuman sounds and was also overpowering him with absurd strength. It's been years since I heard the story so I don't remember how exactly he survived. If I remember correctly, the girl's mom burst into the room and said that this happens often, then promptly pulled the girl off of him and began exorcising her on the spot while the girl began screeching, and the mom insisted while struggling that my mentor and her daughter shouldn't see each other anymore and so he escaped from that house, never to go back.
He ended that story there, insisting it was completely true and that he had already told this story to his peers in the gamedev industry (he actually did) while my friend and I stared at him completely dumbfounded.
"What the fuck" I said, "Why did you keep going when she clearly said she was cursed and was also going to eat you for real?"
To which my mentor just shrugged his shoulders and said "I mean, she was so hot. I just thought it would be okay anyway."
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wibta if I exposed my friend to her conservative parents?
that title sounds horrid but I have some level of reasoning. sorry, this is kind of long.
my friend (19f) and I (19X) met when we were seven years old. we went to the same Christian elementary school, then she stayed when I left for middle school and on. when I went upstate for college, she stayed at home to attend a small local college.
without getting into too much, this is a girl I care about deeply, someone I considered my ride or die for years.
when I realized I was asexual and bi, she was one of the first people I told, and she received me with open arms. when I began to id as nonbinary, I didn't tell her for several months. it felt odd, after knowing each other so long. it wasn't personal. I didn't tell many of my longtime friends, just bottled it till college.
she was the last person I hung out with before leaving for freshman year. I went to show her something on discord, and she saw my bio, where i have my preferred name and the fact that I just use any pronouns. she quizzed me on what exactly that was about, and all seemed well when we parted ways.
but that was the last time I saw her, almost a full year ago. I tried to reach out to her several times when I was home when my cat died, fall break, Thanksgiving break, and winter break. each time, she declined saying she had to work, and promised me "next time".
she does live about 45 minutes away from me, so I was willing to believe it, until she declined an e-invite for my yearly Christmas party that I'd purposefully scheduled around her work times.
i would have been willing to reschedule it if she'd answered any of my texts, but she never initiated conversations and took a long time to text back, if at all.
i didn't text her again till February, her birthday, and she didn't respond to that at all. I laid off again, and didn't text her for several months, until my birthday recently. I guess I just wanted to make it clear that if she hadn't meant to ghost me I wasn't upset, and she could pick things back up if she wanted. naive, i know.
she responded this time, saying basically that I wasn't the kind of person she wanted in her life anymore, and that I was "taking the queer thing too far" by, specifically, being nonbinary. she told me to leave her alone, and do it for good, because she was willing to spill to my parents about my gender.
my parents have a history of physical and emotional abuse, they're boomers and have the views to match. they made my life miserable when I was outed to them as bi (unrelated to my friend), and I don't have the cover of it being a 14 year old's phase now. this would be worse.
this is where I might be TA. my friend's parents, while not having been abusive before, are still controlling and every bit as conservative. maybe more.
and while my friend is straight and cis, her and her bf have been having sex for about a year now, and she's also been to a good number of parties and gotten drunk multiple times. it's a legitimate possibility that they would disown her if they found out about this.
I don't want to squeal if I don't have to. but I wanted to intimidate her into keeping quiet, and I am willing to tell her parents if she tells mine. I think.
so, wibta if I exposed her in retaliation? (or aita for threatening her with it?)
tldr: my longtime friend more or less ghosted me after finding out I'm nonbinary. we both have dirt on each other and she threatened to tell my parents about it, so I reminded her that I have just as much on her that I could spill too.
What are these acronyms?
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